Soncino | Seder Nezikin (Damages)

Soncino | Seder Nezikin (Damages) Support

Socino | Seder Nezikin | Baba Kamma (First gate)

Socino | Seder Nezikin | Baba Kamma (First gate) Support

Soncino | Seder Nezikin | Baba Mezi'a (Middle Gate)

Soncino | Seder Nezikin | Baba Mezi'a (Middle Gate) Support

Soncino | Seder Nezikin | Baba Bathra (Last Gate)

Soncino | Seder Nezikin | Baba Bathra (Last Gate) Support

Soncino | Seder Nezikin | Sanhedrin (Court of Justice)

Soncino | Seder Nezikin | Sanhedrin (Court of Justice) Support

Soncino | Seder Nezikin | 'Abodah Zarah (Strange Worship)

Soncino | Seder Nezikin | 'Abodah Zarah (Strange Worship) Support
These files are not meant for "reading".  They have been split close to each chapter for use by the AI Search Agent.

Soncino | Seder Nezikin | Horayoth (Rulings)

Soncino | Seder Nezikin | Horayoth (Rulings) Support
These files are not meant for "reading".  They have been split close to each chapter for use by the AI Search Agent.

Soncino | Seder Nezikin | Shebu'oth (Oaths)

Soncino | Seder Nezikin | Shebu'oth (Oaths) Support

Soncino | Seder Nezikin | 'Eduyyoth (Testimonies)

Soncino | Seder Nezikin | 'Eduyyoth (Testimonies) Support
These files are not meant for "reading".  They have been split close to each chapter for use by the AI Search Agent.

Soncino | Seder Nezikin | Aboth (Fathers)

Soncino | Seder Nezikin | Aboth (Fathers) Support
These files are not meant for "reading".  They have been split close to each chapter for use by the AI Search Agent.