The First of Chronicles

The First of Chronicles somebody

NWT | The First of Chronicles 01:1-54

NWT | The First of Chronicles 01:1-54 somebody

1 Chronicles 1:1-54

The First of Chronicles 1:1-54

1  Adam,Seth,aEʹnosh,  Keʹnan,Ma·halʹa·lel,bJaʹred,c  Eʹnoch,dMe·thuʹse·lah,Laʹmech,e  Noah,fShem,g Ham, and Jaʹpheth.h  The sons of Jaʹpheth were Goʹmer, Maʹgog, Maʹda·i, Jaʹvan, Tuʹbal,i Meʹshech,j and Tiʹras.k  The sons of Goʹmer were Ashʹke·naz, Riʹphath, and To·garʹmah.l  The sons of Jaʹvan were E·liʹshah, Tarʹshish, Kitʹtim, and Roʹda·nim.  The sons of Ham were Cush,m Mizʹra·im, Put, and Caʹnaan.n  The sons of Cush were Seʹba,o Havʹi·lah, Sabʹtah, Raʹa·mah,p and Sabʹte·ca. The sons of Raʹa·mah were Sheʹba and Deʹdan.q 10  Cush became father to Nimʹrod.r He was the first to become a mighty one on the earth. 11  Mizʹra·im became father to Luʹdim,s Anʹa·mim, Le·haʹbim, Naph·tuʹhim,t 12  Path·ruʹsim,u Cas·luʹhim (from whom the Phi·lisʹtinesv came), and Caphʹto·rim.w 13  Caʹnaan became father to Siʹdon,x his firstborn, and Heth,y 14  as well as the Jebʹu·site,z the Amʹor·ite,a the Girʹga·shite,b 15  the Hiʹvite,c the Arkʹite, the Siʹnite, 16  the Arʹvad·ite,d the Zemʹa·rite, and the Haʹmath·ite. 17  The sons of Shem were Eʹlam,e Asʹshur,f Ar·pachʹshad, Lud, and Aʹram,and* Uz, Hul, Geʹther, and Mash.g 18  Ar·pachʹshad became father to Sheʹlah,h and Sheʹlah became father to Eʹber. 19  Two sons were born to Eʹber. The name of the one was Peʹleg,*i because in his lifetime the earth* was divided. The name of his brother was Jokʹtan. 20  Jokʹtan became father to Al·moʹdad, Sheʹleph, Ha·zar·maʹveth, Jeʹrah,j 21  Ha·doʹram, Uʹzal, Dikʹlah, 22  Oʹbal, A·bimʹa·el, Sheʹba, 23  Oʹphir,k Havʹi·lah,l and Joʹbab; all of these were the sons of Jokʹtan. 24  Shem,Ar·pachʹshad,Sheʹlah, 25  Eʹber,Peʹleg,mReʹu,n 26  Seʹrug,oNaʹhor,pTeʹrah,q 27  Aʹbram, that is, Abraham.r 28  The sons of Abraham were Isaacs and Ishʹma·el.t 29  These are their family origins: Ishʹma·el’s firstborn Ne·baʹioth,u then Keʹdar,v Adʹbe·el, Mibʹsam,w 30  Mishʹma, Duʹmah, Masʹsa, Haʹdad, Teʹma, 31  Jeʹtur, Naʹphish, and Kedʹe·mah. These were the sons of Ishʹma·el. 32  The sons that Ke·tuʹrah,x Abraham’s concubine, gave birth to were Zimʹran, Jokʹshan, Meʹdan, Midʹi·an,y Ishʹbak, and Shuʹah.z The sons of Jokʹshan were Sheʹba and Deʹdan.a 33  The sons of Midʹi·an were Eʹphah,b Eʹpher, Haʹnoch, A·biʹda, and El·daʹah. All of these were the sons of Ke·tuʹrah. 34  Abraham became father to Isaac.c The sons of Isaac were Eʹsaud and Israel.e 35  The sons of Eʹsau were Elʹi·phaz, Reuʹel, Jeʹush, Jaʹlam, and Korʹah.f 36  The sons of Elʹi·phaz were Teʹman,g Oʹmar, Zeʹpho, Gaʹtam, Keʹnaz, Timʹna, and Amʹa·lek.h 37  The sons of Reuʹel were Naʹhath, Zeʹrah, Shamʹmah, and Mizʹzah.i 38  The sons of Seʹirj were Loʹtan, Shoʹbal, Zibʹe·on, Aʹnah, Diʹshon, Eʹzer, and Diʹshan.k 39  The sons of Loʹtan were Hoʹri and Hoʹmam. Loʹtan’s sister was Timʹna.l 40  The sons of Shoʹbal were Alʹvan, Manʹa·hath, Eʹbal, Sheʹpho, and Oʹnam. The sons of Zibʹe·on were Aʹiah and Aʹnah.m 41  The son* of Aʹnah was Diʹshon. The sons of Diʹshon were Hemʹdan, Eshʹban, Ithʹran, and Cheʹran.n 42  The sons of Eʹzero were Bilʹhan, Zaʹa·van, and Aʹkan. The sons of Diʹshan were Uz and Aʹran.p 43  These are the kings who reigned in the land of Eʹdomq before any king reigned over the Israelites:*r Beʹla the son of Beʹor; the name of his city was Dinʹha·bah. 44  When Beʹla died, Joʹbab the son of Zeʹrah from Bozʹrahs began to reign in his place. 45  When Joʹbab died, Huʹsham from the land of the Teʹman·ites began to reign in his place. 46  When Huʹsham died, Haʹdad the son of Beʹdad, who defeated Midʹi·an in the territory* of Moʹab, began to reign in his place. The name of his city was Aʹvith. 47  When Haʹdad died, Samʹlah from Mas·reʹkah began to reign in his place. 48  When Samʹlah died, Shaʹul from Re·hoʹboth by the River began to reign in his place. 49  When Shaʹul died, Baʹal-haʹnan the son of Achʹbor began to reign in his place. 50  When Baʹal-haʹnan died, Haʹdad began to reign in his place. The name of his city was Paʹu, and the name of his wife was Me·hetʹa·bel the daughter of Maʹtred, the daughter of Meʹza·hab. 51  Then Haʹdad died. The sheikhs* of Eʹdom were Sheikh Timʹna, Sheikh Alʹvah, Sheikh Jeʹtheth,t 52  Sheikh O·hol·i·baʹmah, Sheikh Eʹlah, Sheikh Piʹnon, 53  Sheikh Keʹnaz, Sheikh Teʹman, Sheikh Mibʹzar, 54  Sheikh Magʹdi·el, Sheikh Iʹram. These were the sheikhs of Eʹdom.

NWT | The First of Chronicles 02:1-55

NWT | The First of Chronicles 02:1-55 somebody

1 Chronicles 2:1-55

The First of Chronicles 2:1-55

2  These were the sons of Israel:a Reuʹben,b Simʹe·on,c Leʹvi,d Judah,e Isʹsa·char,f Zebʹu·lun,g  Dan,h Joseph,i Benjamin,j Naphʹta·li,k Gad,l and Ashʹer.m  The sons of Judah were Er, Oʹnan, and Sheʹlah. These three were born to him from Shuʹa’s daughter, the Caʹnaan·it·ess.n But Er, Judah’s firstborn, was displeasing to Jehovah, so He put him to death.o  Taʹmar,p Judah’s daughter-in-law, bore to him Peʹrezq and Zeʹrah. Judah had five sons in all.  The sons of Peʹrez were Hezʹron and Haʹmul.r  The sons of Zeʹrah were Zimʹri, Eʹthan, Heʹman, Calʹcol, and Daʹra. There were five of them in all.  The son* of Carʹmi was Aʹchar,* who brought disaster* on Israel,s who was unfaithful with regard to what had been devoted to destruction.t  The son* of Eʹthan was Az·a·riʹah.  The sons of Hezʹron who were born to him were Je·rahʹme·el,u Ram,v and Che·luʹbai.* 10  Ram became father to Am·minʹa·dab.w Am·minʹa·dab became father to Nahʹshonx the chieftain of the descendants of Judah. 11  Nahʹshon became father to Salʹma.y Salʹma became father to Boʹaz.z 12  Boʹaz became father to Oʹbed. Oʹbed became father to Jesʹse.a 13  Jesʹse became father to his firstborn E·liʹab, A·binʹa·dabb the second, Shimʹe·a the third,c 14  Ne·thanʹel the fourth, Radʹdai the fifth, 15  Oʹzem the sixth, and Davidd the seventh. 16  Their sisters were Ze·ruʹiah and Abʹi·gail.e The sons of Ze·ruʹiah were A·bishʹai,f Joʹab,g and Asʹa·hel,h three. 17  Abʹi·gail gave birth to A·maʹsa,i and the father of A·maʹsa was Jeʹther the Ishʹma·el·ite. 18  Caʹleb* the son of Hezʹron became father to sons by his wife A·zuʹbah and by Jerʹi·oth; and these were her sons: Jeʹsher, Shoʹbab, and Arʹdon. 19  When A·zuʹbah died, Caʹleb married Ephʹrath,j and she bore Hurk to him. 20  Hur became father to Uʹri. Uʹri became father to Bezʹal·el.l 21  Afterward Hezʹron had relations with the daughter of Maʹchirm the father of Gilʹe·ad.n He married her when he was 60 years old, and she bore Seʹgub to him. 22  Seʹgub became father to Jaʹir,o who had 23 cities in the land of Gilʹe·ad.p 23  Later Geshʹurq and Syriar took Havʹvoth-jaʹirs from them, along with Keʹnatht and its dependent* towns, 60 cities. All of these were the descendants of Maʹchir the father of Gilʹe·ad. 24  After the death of Hezʹronu in Caʹleb-ephʹra·thah, A·biʹjah the wife of Hezʹron bore him Ashʹhurv the father of Te·koʹa.w 25  The sons of Je·rahʹme·el the firstborn of Hezʹron were Ram the firstborn, Buʹnah, Oʹren, Oʹzem, and A·hiʹjah. 26  Je·rahʹme·el had another wife, whose name was Atʹa·rah. She was the mother of Oʹnam. 27  The sons of Ram the firstborn of Je·rahʹme·el were Maʹaz, Jaʹmin, and Eʹker. 28  The sons of Oʹnam were Shamʹmai and Jaʹda. The sons of Shamʹmai were Naʹdab and A·biʹshur. 29  The name of A·biʹshur’s wife was Abʹi·ha·il, who bore him Ahʹban and Moʹlid. 30  The sons of Naʹdab were Seʹled and Apʹpa·im. But Seʹled died without sons. 31  The son* of Apʹpa·im was Ishʹi. And the son* of Ishʹi was Sheʹshan, and the son* of Sheʹshan, Ahʹlai. 32  The sons of Jaʹda the brother of Shamʹmai were Jeʹther and Jonʹa·than. But Jeʹther died without sons. 33  The sons of Jonʹa·than were Peʹleth and Zaʹza. These were the descendants of Je·rahʹme·el. 34  Sheʹshan had no sons, only daughters. Now Sheʹshan had an Egyptian servant whose name was Jarʹha. 35  Sheʹshan gave his daughter to be the wife of his servant Jarʹha, and she bore him Atʹtai. 36  Atʹtai became father to Nathan. Nathan became father to Zaʹbad. 37  Zaʹbad became father to Ephʹlal. Ephʹlal became father to Oʹbed. 38  Oʹbed became father to Jeʹhu. Jeʹhu became father to Az·a·riʹah. 39  Az·a·riʹah became father to Heʹlez. Heʹlez became father to El·e·aʹsah. 40  El·e·aʹsah became father to Sisʹmai. Sisʹmai became father to Shalʹlum. 41  Shalʹlum became father to Jek·a·miʹah. Jek·a·miʹah became father to E·lishʹa·ma. 42  The sons of Caʹleb*x the brother of Je·rahʹme·el were Meʹsha his firstborn, who was the father of Ziph, and the sons of Ma·reʹshah the father of Hebʹron. 43  The sons of Hebʹron were Korʹah, Tapʹpu·ah, Reʹkem, and Sheʹma. 44  Sheʹma became father to Raʹham the father of Jorʹke·am. Reʹkem became father to Shamʹmai. 45  The son of Shamʹmai was Maʹon. Maʹon was the father of Beth-zur.y 46  Caʹleb’s concubine Eʹphah gave birth to Haʹran, Moʹza, and Gaʹzez. Haʹran became father to Gaʹzez. 47  The sons of Jahʹdai were Reʹgem, Joʹtham, Geʹshan, Pelʹet, Eʹphah, and Shaʹaph. 48  Caʹleb’s concubine Maʹa·cah gave birth to Sheʹber and Tirʹha·nah. 49  In time she bore Shaʹaph the father of Mad·manʹnahz and Sheʹva the father of Mach·beʹnah and Gibʹe·a.a Caʹleb’sb daughter was Achʹsah.c 50  These were the descendants of Caʹleb. The sons of Hurd the firstborn of Ephʹra·thahe were Shoʹbal the father of Kirʹi·ath-jeʹa·rim,f 51  Salʹma the father of Bethʹle·hem,g and Haʹreph the father of Beth-gaʹder. 52  Shoʹbal the father of Kirʹi·ath-jeʹa·rim had sons: Ha·roʹeh and half of the Me·nuʹhoth. 53  The families of Kirʹi·ath-jeʹa·rim were the Ithʹrites,h the Puʹthites, the Shuʹmath·ites, and the Mishʹra·ites. It was from these that the Zorʹath·itesi and the Eshʹta·ol·itesj came. 54  The sons of Salʹma were Bethʹle·hem,k the Ne·tophʹa·thites, Atʹroth-beth-joʹab, half of the Man·a·haʹthites, and the Zorʹites. 55  The families of the scribes dwelling at Jaʹbez were the Tiʹrath·ites, the Shimʹe·ath·ites, and the Suʹcath·ites. These were the Kenʹitesl who came from Hamʹmath the father of the house of Reʹchab.m

NWT | The First of Chronicles 03:1-24

NWT | The First of Chronicles 03:1-24 somebody

1 Chronicles 3:1-24

The First of Chronicles 3:1-24

3  These were the sons of David who were born to him in Hebʹron:a the firstborn Amʹnon,b whose mother was A·hinʹo·amc of Jezʹre·el; the second, Daniel, whose mother was Abʹi·gaild the Carʹmel·ite;  the third, Abʹsa·lome the son of Maʹa·cah the daughter of Talʹmai the king of Geshʹur; the fourth, Ad·o·niʹjahf the son of Hagʹgith;  the fifth, Sheph·a·tiʹah, whose mother was A·biʹtal; and the sixth, Ithʹre·am, whose mother was David’s wife Egʹlah.  These six were born to him in Hebʹron; he reigned there for 7 years and 6 months, and for 33 years he reigned in Jerusalem.g  These were born to him in Jerusalem:h Shimʹe·a, Shoʹbab, Nathan,i and Solʹo·mon;j the mother of these four was Bath-sheʹbak the daughter of Amʹmi·el.  And nine other sons were Ibʹhar, E·lishʹa·ma, E·liphʹe·let,  Noʹgah, Neʹpheg, Ja·phiʹa,  E·lishʹa·ma, E·liʹa·da, and E·liphʹe·let.  All of these were the sons of David, besides the sons of the concubines, and Taʹmarl was their sister. 10  The son of Solʹo·mon was Re·ho·boʹam;m A·biʹjahn was his son, Aʹsao his son, Je·hoshʹa·phatp his son, 11  Je·hoʹramq his son, A·ha·ziʹahr his son, Je·hoʹashs his son, 12  Am·a·ziʹaht his son, Az·a·riʹahu his son, Joʹthamv his son, 13  Aʹhazw his son, Hez·e·kiʹahx his son, Ma·nasʹsehy his son, 14  Aʹmonz his son, Jo·siʹaha his son. 15  The sons of Jo·siʹah were the firstborn, Jo·haʹnan, the second, Je·hoiʹa·kim,b the third, Zed·e·kiʹah,c the fourth, Shalʹlum. 16  The sons of Je·hoiʹa·kim were Jec·o·niʹahd his son and Zed·e·kiʹah his son. 17  The sons of Jec·o·niʹah the prisoner were She·alʹti·el, 18  Mal·chiʹram, Pe·daiʹah, She·nazʹzar, Jek·a·miʹah, Hoshʹa·ma, and Ned·a·biʹah. 19  The sons of Pe·daiʹah were Ze·rubʹba·bele and Shimʹe·i; and the sons of Ze·rubʹba·bel were Me·shulʹlam and Han·a·niʹah (and She·loʹmith was their sister); 20  and five other sons were Ha·shuʹbah, Oʹhel, Ber·e·chiʹah, Has·a·diʹah, and Juʹshab-heʹsed. 21  And the sons of Han·a·niʹah were Pel·a·tiʹah and Je·shaʹiah; the son* of Je·shaʹiah was Re·phaʹiah; the son* of Re·phaʹiah was Arʹnan; the son* of Arʹnan was O·ba·diʹah; the son* of O·ba·diʹah was Shec·a·niʹah; 22  and the sons of Shec·a·niʹah were She·maiʹah and the sons of She·maiʹah: Hatʹtush, Iʹgal, Ba·riʹah, Ne·a·riʹah, and Shaʹphat—six in all. 23  And the sons of Ne·a·riʹah were Eli·o·eʹnai, Hiz·kiʹah, and Az·riʹkam, three. 24  And the sons of Eli·o·eʹnai were Hod·a·viʹah, E·liʹa·shib, Pe·laʹiah, Akʹkub, Jo·haʹnan, De·laʹiah, and A·naʹni, seven.

NWT | The First of Chronicles 04:1-43

NWT | The First of Chronicles 04:1-43 somebody

The First of Chronicles 4:1-43

4  The sons of Judah were Peʹrez,+ Hezʹron,+ Carʹmi, Hur,+ and Shoʹbal.+  Re·aʹiah the son of Shoʹbal became father to Jaʹhath; Jaʹhath became father to A·huʹmai and Laʹhad. These were the families of the Zorʹath·ites.+  These were the sons of the father of Eʹtam:+ Jezʹre·el, Ishʹma, and Idʹbash (and the name of their sister was Haz·ze·lel·poʹni),  and Pe·nuʹel was the father of Geʹdor, and Eʹzer was the father of Huʹshah. These were the sons of Hur,+ the firstborn of Ephʹra·thah and the father of Bethʹle·hem.+  Ashʹhur+ the father of Te·koʹa+ had two wives, Heʹlah and Naʹa·rah.  Naʹa·rah bore to him A·huzʹzam, Heʹpher, Teʹme·ni, and Ha·a·hashʹta·ri. These were the sons of Naʹa·rah.  And the sons of Heʹlah were Zeʹreth, Izʹhar, and Ethʹnan.  Koz became father to Aʹnub, Zo·beʹbah, and the families of A·harʹhel the son of Haʹrum.  Jaʹbez was more honorable than his brothers; and his mother named him Jaʹbez,* saying: “I gave birth to him in pain.” 10  Jaʹbez called on the God of Israel, saying: “O that you would bless me and enlarge my territory and let your hand be with me and preserve me from calamity, so that it may bring no harm to me!” So God brought about what he had asked for. 11  Cheʹlub the brother of Shuʹhah became father to Meʹhir, who was the father of Eshʹton. 12  Eshʹton became father to Beth-raʹpha, Pa·seʹah, and Te·hinʹnah, the father of Ir-naʹhash. These were the men of Reʹcah. 13  And the sons of Keʹnaz were Othʹni·el+ and Se·raiʹah, and the son* of Othʹni·el was Haʹthath. 14  Me·oʹno·thai became father to Ophʹrah. Se·raiʹah became father to Joʹab the father of Ge-harʹa·shim,* so called because they were craftsmen. 15  The sons of Caʹleb+ the son of Je·phunʹneh were Iʹru, Eʹlah, and Naʹam; and the son* of Eʹlah was Keʹnaz. 16  The sons of Je·halʹle·lel were Ziph, Ziʹphah, Tirʹi·a, and Asʹa·rel. 17  The sons of Ezʹrah were Jeʹther, Meʹred, Eʹpher, and Jaʹlon; she* conceived and bore Mirʹi·am, Shamʹmai, and Ishʹbah the father of Esh·te·moʹa. 18  (And his Jewish wife gave birth to Jeʹred the father of Geʹdor, Heʹber the father of Soʹco, and Je·kuʹthi·el the father of Za·noʹah.) These were the sons of Bi·thiʹah, the daughter of Pharʹaoh, whom Meʹred married. 19  The sons of Ho·diʹah’s wife, the sister of Naʹham, were the fathers of Keiʹlah the Garʹmite and Esh·te·moʹa the Ma·acʹa·thite. 20  And the sons of Shiʹmon were Amʹnon, Rinʹnah, Ben-haʹnan, and Tiʹlon. And the sons of Ishʹi were Zoʹheth and Ben-zoʹheth. 21  The sons of Sheʹlah+ the son of Judah were Er the father of Leʹcah, Laʹa·dah the father of Ma·reʹshah, and the families of the workers of fine fabric of the house of Ash·beʹa, 22  and Joʹkim, the men of Co·zeʹba, Joʹash, and Saʹraph, who became husbands of Moʹab·ite women, and Jashʹu·bi-leʹhem. These records are ancient.* 23  They were potters who lived in Ne·taʹim and Ge·deʹrah. They lived there and worked for the king. 24  The sons of Simʹe·on+ were Nemʹu·el, Jaʹmin, Jaʹrib, Zeʹrah, and Shaʹul.+ 25  Shalʹlum was his son, Mibʹsam his son, and Mishʹma his son. 26  And the sons of Mishʹma were Hamʹmu·el his son, Zacʹcur his son, Shimʹe·i his son. 27  And Shimʹe·i had 16 sons and 6 daughters; but his brothers did not have many sons, and none of their families had as many as the men of Judah had.+ 28  They lived in Beʹer-sheʹba,+ Mo·laʹdah,+ Haʹzar-shuʹal,+ 29  Bilʹhah, Eʹzem,+ Toʹlad, 30  Be·thuʹel,+ Horʹmah,+ Zikʹlag,+ 31  Beth-marʹca·both, Haʹzar-suʹsim,+ Beth-birʹi, and Shaʹa·raʹim. These were their cities until the reign of David. 32  Their settlements were Eʹtam, Aʹin, Rimʹmon, Toʹchen, and Aʹshan,+ five cities, 33  along with their settlements that were all around these cities as far as Baʹal. These were their genealogical enrollments and the places where they lived. 34  And Me·shoʹbab, Jamʹlech, Joʹshah the son of Am·a·ziʹah, 35  Joel, Jeʹhu son of Josh·i·biʹah son of Se·raiʹah son of Asʹi·el, 36  and Eli·o·eʹnai, Ja·a·koʹbah, Jesh·o·haiʹah, A·saiʹah, Adʹi·el, Je·simʹi·el, Be·naiʹah, 37  and Ziʹza son of Shiʹphi son of Alʹlon son of Je·daʹiah son of Shimʹri son of She·maiʹah; 38  these mentioned by name were the chieftains among their families, and the household of their forefathers increased in number. 39  And they went to the entrance of Geʹdor, to the east side of the valley, to look for pastures for their flocks. 40  They eventually found rich and good pastures, and the land was spacious, quiet, and undisturbed. Those who previously lived there were Hamʹites.+ 41  These whose names are listed came during the days of King Hez·e·kiʹah+ of Judah and struck down the tents of the Hamʹites and the Me·uʹnim who were there. They devoted them to destruction down to this day; and they settled in their place because there were pastures for their flocks there. 42  Some of the Simʹe·on·ites, 500 men, went to Mount Seʹir+ with Pel·a·tiʹah, Ne·a·riʹah, Re·phaʹiah, and Uzʹzi·el, the sons of Ishʹi who led them. 43  And they struck down the rest of the A·malʹek·ites+ who had escaped, and they have lived there down to this day.


The name Jabez may be related to a Hebrew word meaning “pain.”
Lit., “sons.”
Meaning “Valley of Craftsmen.”
Lit., “sons.”
Possibly referring to Bithiah in vs. 18.
Or “The sayings are of old tradition.”

Study Notes


NWT | The First of Chronicles 05:1-26

NWT | The First of Chronicles 05:1-26 somebody

1 Chronicles 5:1-26

The First of Chronicles 5:1-26

5  These are the sons of Reuʹben,a Israel’s firstborn. He was the firstborn, but because he defiled* the bed of his father,b his right as firstborn was given to the sons of Josephc the son of Israel, so he was not enrolled genealogically for the right of the firstborn.  Though Judahd was superior to his brothers and from him came the one to be the leader,e the right as firstborn belonged to Joseph.  The sons of Reuʹben the firstborn of Israel were Haʹnoch, Palʹlu, Hezʹron, and Carʹmi.f  The sons of Joel were She·maiʹah his son, Gog his son, Shimʹe·i his son,  Miʹcah his son, Re·aʹiah his son, Baʹal his son,  and Be·erʹah his son, whom King Tilʹgath-pil·neʹserg of As·syrʹi·a took into exile; he was a chieftain of the Reuʹben·ites.  His brothers by their families in the genealogical enrollment by their descendants were, as the head, Je·iʹel, Zech·a·riʹah,  and Beʹla son of Aʹzaz son of Sheʹma son of Joel, who lived in A·roʹerh and as far as Neʹbo and Baʹal-meʹon.i  To the east he settled as far as the beginning of the wilderness at the Eu·phraʹtes River,j for their livestock had become numerous in the land of Gilʹe·ad.k 10  In the days of Saul, they waged war against the Hagʹrites, who were defeated before them, so they dwelled in their tents throughout all the territory east of Gilʹe·ad. 11  Now the descendants of Gad lived next to them in the land of Baʹshan as far as Salʹe·cah.l 12  Joel was the head, Shaʹpham the second, and Jaʹnai and Shaʹphat in Baʹshan. 13  And their brothers belonging to their paternal houses were Miʹcha·el, Me·shulʹlam, Sheʹba, Joʹrai, Jaʹcan, Ziʹa, and Eʹber, seven in all. 14  These were the sons of Abʹi·ha·il son of Huʹri son of Ja·roʹah son of Gilʹe·ad son of Miʹcha·el son of Je·shishʹai son of Jahʹdo son of Buz. 15  Aʹhi son of Abʹdi·el son of Guʹni was head of their paternal house. 16  They lived in Gilʹe·ad,m in Baʹshann and its dependent* towns, and in all the pastures of Sharʹon as far as they extended. 17  They were all enrolled genealogically in the days of King Joʹthamo of Judah and in the days of King Jer·o·boʹam*p of Israel. 18  The Reuʹben·ites, the Gadʹites, and the half tribe of Ma·nasʹseh had 44,760 mighty warriors in their army who carried shields and swords and were armed with bows,* and they were trained in war. 19  They waged war against the Hagʹrites,q Jeʹtur, Naʹphish,r and Noʹdab. 20  And they were helped in fighting them, so that the Hagʹrites and all who were with them were given into their hand, for they called to God for help in the war, and he responded to their entreaty because they trusted in him.s 21  They captured their livestock—50,000 camels, 250,000 sheep, and 2,000 donkeys—as well as 100,000 people.* 22  Many had fallen slain, because the war was waged by the true God.t And they lived in their place until the time of the exile.u 23  The descendants of the half tribe of Ma·nasʹsehv lived in the land from Baʹshan to Baʹal-herʹmon and Seʹnir and Mount Herʹmon.w They were numerous. 24  These were the heads of their paternal houses: Eʹpher, Ishʹi, Eʹli·el, Azʹri·el, Jeremiah, Hod·a·viʹah, and Jahʹdi·el; they were mighty warriors, men of fame, and heads of their paternal houses. 25  But they acted unfaithfully toward the God of their forefathers and prostituted themselves to the gods of the peoples of the land,x whom God had annihilated from before them. 26  So the God of Israel stirred up the spirit of King Pul of As·syrʹi·ay (that is, King Tilʹgath-pil·neʹserz of As·syrʹi·a) so that he took into exile those of the Reuʹben·ites, the Gadʹites, and the half tribe of Ma·nasʹseh and brought them to Haʹlah, Haʹbor, Haʹra, and the river Goʹzan,a where they are until this day.

NWT | The First of Chronicles 06:1-81

NWT | The First of Chronicles 06:1-81 somebody

1 Chronicles 6:1-81

The First of Chronicles 6:1-81

6  The sons of Leʹvia were Gerʹshon, Koʹhath,b and Me·rarʹi.c  The sons of Koʹhath were Amʹram, Izʹhar,d Hebʹron, and Uzʹzi·el.e  The children* of Amʹramf were Aaron,g Moses,h and also Mirʹi·am.i And the sons of Aaron were Naʹdab, A·biʹhu,j El·e·aʹzar,k and Ithʹa·mar.l  El·e·aʹzar became father to Phinʹe·has;m Phinʹe·has became father to Ab·i·shuʹa.  Ab·i·shuʹa became father to Bukʹki; Bukʹki became father to Uzʹzi.  Uzʹzi became father to Zer·a·hiʹah; Zer·a·hiʹah became father to Me·raʹioth.  Me·raʹioth became father to Am·a·riʹah; Am·a·riʹah became father to A·hiʹtub.n  A·hiʹtub became father to Zaʹdok;o Zaʹdok became father to A·himʹa·az.p  A·himʹa·az became father to Az·a·riʹah; Az·a·riʹah became father to Jo·haʹnan. 10  Jo·haʹnan became father to Az·a·riʹah. He served as priest in the house that Solʹo·mon built in Jerusalem. 11  Az·a·riʹah became father to Am·a·riʹah; Am·a·riʹah became father to A·hiʹtub. 12  A·hiʹtub became father to Zaʹdok;q Zaʹdok became father to Shalʹlum. 13  Shalʹlum became father to Hil·kiʹah;r Hil·kiʹah became father to Az·a·riʹah. 14  Az·a·riʹah became father to Se·raiʹah;s Se·raiʹah became father to Je·hozʹa·dak.t 15  And Je·hozʹa·dak went into exile when Jehovah took Judah and Jerusalem into exile by the hand of Neb·u·chad·nezʹzar. 16  The sons of Leʹvi were Gerʹshom,* Koʹhath, and Me·rarʹi. 17  These are the names of the sons of Gerʹshom: Libʹni and Shimʹe·i.u 18  The sons of Koʹhath were Amʹram, Izʹhar, Hebʹron, and Uzʹzi·el.v 19  The sons of Me·rarʹi were Mahʹli and Muʹshi. These were the families of the Levites by their forefathers:w 20  Of Gerʹshom,x Libʹni his son, Jaʹhath his son, Zimʹmah his son, 21  Joʹah his son, Idʹdo his son, Zeʹrah his son, Je·athʹe·rai his son. 22  The sons* of Koʹhath were Am·minʹa·dab his son, Korʹahy his son, Asʹsir his son, 23  El·kaʹnah his son, E·biʹa·saphz his son, Asʹsir his son, 24  Taʹhath his son, U·riʹel his son, Uz·ziʹah his son, and Shaʹul his son. 25  The sons of El·kaʹnah were A·maʹsai and A·hiʹmoth. 26  As for El·kaʹnah, the sons of El·kaʹnah were Zoʹphai his son, Naʹhath his son, 27  E·liʹab his son, Je·roʹham his son, El·kaʹnaha his son. 28  The sons of Samuelb were Joel the firstborn and A·biʹjah the second.c 29  The sons* of Me·rarʹi were Mahʹli,d Libʹni his son, Shimʹe·i his son, Uzʹzah his son, 30  Shimʹe·a his son, Hag·giʹah his son, and A·saiʹah his son. 31  These were the ones whom David appointed to direct the singing at the house of Jehovah after the Ark came to rest there.e 32  They were responsible for the singing at the tabernacle of the tent of meeting until Solʹo·mon built the house of Jehovah in Jerusalem,f and they carried out their service as prescribed for them.g 33  These are the men who served with their sons: Of the Koʹhath·ites, Heʹmanh the singer, son of Joeli son of Samuel 34  son of El·kaʹnahj son of Je·roʹham son of Eʹli·el son of Toʹah 35  son of Zuph son of El·kaʹnah son of Maʹhath son of A·maʹsai 36  son of El·kaʹnah son of Joel son of Az·a·riʹah son of Zeph·a·niʹah 37  son of Taʹhath son of Asʹsir son of E·biʹa·saph son of Korʹah 38  son of Izʹhar son of Koʹhath son of Leʹvi son of Israel. 39  His brother Aʹsaphk stood at his right hand; Aʹsaph was son of Ber·e·chiʹah son of Shimʹe·a 40  son of Miʹcha·el son of Ba·a·seʹiah son of Mal·chiʹjah 41  son of Ethʹni son of Zeʹrah son of A·daiʹah 42  son of Eʹthan son of Zimʹmah son of Shimʹe·i 43  son of Jaʹhath son of Gerʹshom son of Leʹvi. 44  The descendants of Me·rarʹil their brothers were at the left hand; there was Eʹthanm son of Kishʹi son of Abʹdi son of Malʹluch 45  son of Hash·a·biʹah son of Am·a·ziʹah son of Hil·kiʹah 46  son of Amʹzi son of Baʹni son of Sheʹmer 47  son of Mahʹli son of Muʹshi son of Me·rarʹi son of Leʹvi. 48  Their brothers the Levites were appointed* for all the service of the tabernacle, the house of the true God.n 49  Aaron and his sonso made the sacrifices smoke on the altar of burnt offeringp and on the altar of incense,q performing the duties connected with the most holy things, to make atonement for Israel,r according to all that Moses the servant of the true God had commanded. 50  These were the descendants of Aaron:s El·e·aʹzart his son, Phinʹe·has his son, Ab·i·shuʹa his son, 51  Bukʹki his son, Uzʹzi his son, Zer·a·hiʹah his son, 52  Me·raʹioth his son, Am·a·riʹah his son, A·hiʹtubu his son, 53  Zaʹdokv his son, and A·himʹa·az his son. 54  These were their settlements by their encampments* in their territory: for the descendants of Aaron belonging to the family of the Koʹhath·ites, as the first lot fell to them, 55  they gave them Hebʹronw in the land of Judah, with its surrounding pastures. 56  But the field of the city and its settlements they gave to Caʹlebx the son of Je·phunʹneh. 57  And to the descendants of Aaron they gave the cities* of refuge,y Hebʹron,z also Libʹnaha with its pastures, Jatʹtir,b Esh·te·moʹa with its pastures,c 58  Hiʹlen with its pastures, Deʹbird with its pastures, 59  Aʹshane with its pastures, and Beth-sheʹmeshf with its pastures; 60  and from the tribe of Benjamin, Geʹbag with its pastures, Alʹe·meth with its pastures, and Anʹa·thothh with its pastures. All their cities for their families were 13 cities.i 61  To the rest of the Koʹhath·ites, there were allotted* ten cities, from the family of the tribe, from the half tribe, the half of Ma·nasʹseh.j 62  To the Gerʹshom·ites by their families they assigned 13 cities from the tribe of Isʹsa·char, the tribe of Ashʹer, the tribe of Naphʹta·li, and the tribe of Ma·nasʹseh in Baʹshan.k 63  To the Me·rarʹites by their families they assigned by lot 12 cities from the tribe of Reuʹben, the tribe of Gad, and the tribe of Zebʹu·lun.l 64  Thus the Israelites gave the Levites these cities with their pastures.m 65  Furthermore, they assigned by lot these cities from the tribe of Judah, the tribe of Simʹe·on, and the tribe of Benjamin, which are mentioned by their names. 66  Some of the Koʹhath·ite families had cities from the tribe of Eʹphra·im as their territory.n 67  They gave them the cities* of refuge, Sheʹchemo with its pastures in the mountainous region of Eʹphra·im, Geʹzerp with its pastures, 68  Jokʹme·am with its pastures, Beth-hoʹronq with its pastures, 69  Aiʹja·lonr with its pastures, and Gath-rimʹmons with its pastures; 70  and from half of the tribe of Ma·nasʹseh, Aʹner with its pastures and Bilʹe·am with its pastures, to the rest of the families of the Koʹhath·ites. 71  To the Gerʹshom·ites they assigned from the family of the half tribe of Ma·nasʹseh, Goʹlant in Baʹshan with its pastures and Ashʹta·roth with its pastures;u 72  and from the tribe of Isʹsa·char, Keʹdesh with its pastures, Dabʹe·rathv with its pastures,w 73  Raʹmoth with its pastures, and Aʹnem with its pastures; 74  and from the tribe of Ashʹer, Maʹshal with its pastures, Abʹdon with its pastures,x 75  Huʹkok with its pastures, and Reʹhoby with its pastures; 76  and from the tribe of Naphʹta·li, Keʹdeshz in Galʹi·leea with its pastures, Hamʹmon with its pastures, and Kir·i·a·thaʹim with its pastures. 77  To the rest of the Me·rarʹites they assigned from the tribe of Zebʹu·lun,b Rimʹmo·no with its pastures, Taʹbor with its pastures; 78  and in the region of the Jordan at Jerʹi·cho, to the east of the Jordan, from the tribe of Reuʹben, they were given Beʹzer in the wilderness with its pastures, Jaʹhazc with its pastures, 79  Kedʹe·mothd with its pastures, and Mephʹa·ath with its pastures; 80  and from the tribe of Gad, Raʹmoth in Gilʹe·ad with its pastures, Ma·ha·naʹime with its pastures, 81  Heshʹbonf with its pastures, and Jaʹzerg with its pastures.

NWT | The First of Chronicles 07:1-40

NWT | The First of Chronicles 07:1-40 somebody

1 Chronicles 7:1-40

The First of Chronicles 7:1-40

7  Now the sons of Isʹsa·char were Toʹla, Puʹah, Jaʹshub, and Shimʹrona—four.  And the sons of Toʹla were Uzʹzi, Re·phaʹiah, Jeʹri·el, Jahʹmai, Ibʹsam, and She·muʹel, the heads of their paternal houses. Descended from Toʹla were mighty warriors, whose number in the days of David was 22,600.  And the descendants* of Uzʹzi were Iz·ra·hiʹah and the sons of Iz·ra·hiʹah: Miʹcha·el, O·ba·diʹah, Joel, and Is·shiʹah—all five of them were chiefs.*  And with them by their descendants, according to their paternal houses, there were 36,000 soldiers in their army available for war, for they had many wives and sons.  And their brothers of all the families of Isʹsa·char were mighty warriors, 87,000 as listed in the genealogical enrollment.b  The sons of Benjaminc were Beʹla,d Beʹcher,e and Je·diʹa·elf—three.  And the sons of Beʹla were Ezʹbon, Uzʹzi, Uzʹzi·el, Jerʹi·moth, and Iʹri—five—heads of their paternal houses, mighty warriors, and 22,034 were in their genealogical enrollment.g  And the sons of Beʹcher were Ze·miʹrah, Joʹash, E·li·eʹzer, Eli·o·eʹnai, Omʹri, Jerʹe·moth, A·biʹjah, Anʹa·thoth, and Alʹe·meth—all of these were the sons of Beʹcher.  Their genealogical enrollment by their descendants as respects the heads of their paternal houses was 20,200 mighty warriors. 10  And the sons of Je·diʹa·elh were Bilʹhan and the sons of Bilʹhan: Jeʹush, Benjamin, Eʹhud, Che·naʹa·nah, Zeʹthan, Tarʹshish, and A·hishʹa·har. 11  All of these were the sons of Je·diʹa·el, according to the heads of their forefathers, 17,200 mighty warriors ready to go out to the army for war. 12  The Shupʹpim and the Hupʹpim were the sons of Ir;i the Huʹshim were the sons of Aʹher. 13  The sons of Naphʹta·lij were Jahʹzi·el, Guʹni, Jeʹzer, and Shalʹlum—descendants* of Bilʹhah.k 14  The sons of Ma·nasʹseh:l Asʹri·el, whom his Syrian concubine bore. (She bore Maʹchirm the father of Gilʹe·ad. 15  Maʹchir took a wife for Hupʹpim and for Shupʹpim, and the name of his sister was Maʹa·cah.) The name of the second was Ze·loʹphe·had,n but Ze·loʹphe·had had daughters.o 16  Maʹa·cah, Maʹchir’s wife, bore a son and named him Peʹresh; and the name of his brother was Sheʹresh; and his sons were Uʹlam and Reʹkem. 17  And the son* of Uʹlam was Beʹdan. These were the sons of Gilʹe·ad son of Maʹchir son of Ma·nasʹseh. 18  And his sister was Ham·moʹle·cheth. She gave birth to Ishʹhod, Abi-eʹzer, and Mahʹlah. 19  And the sons of She·miʹda were A·hiʹan, Sheʹchem, Likʹhi, and A·niʹam. 20  The sons of Eʹphra·imp were Shuʹthe·lah,q Beʹred his son, Taʹhath his son, E·le·aʹdah his son, Taʹhath his son, 21  Zaʹbad his son, Shuʹthe·lah his son, Eʹzer, and Eʹle·ad. The men of Gathr who were born in the land killed them because they went down to take their livestock. 22  Eʹphra·im their father carried on mourning for many days, and his brothers kept coming in to comfort him. 23  Afterward he had relations with his wife, and she became pregnant and gave birth to a son. But he named him Be·riʹah* because it was with calamity that she was in his house. 24  And his daughter was Sheʹe·rah, who built Lowers and Upper Beth-hoʹront and Uzʹzen-sheʹe·rah. 25  And there was Reʹphah his son, Reʹsheph, Teʹlah his son, Taʹhan his son, 26  Laʹdan his son, Am·miʹhud his son, E·lishʹa·ma his son, 27  Nun his son, and Joshua*u his son. 28  Their possession and their settlements were Bethʹelv and its dependent* towns, and to the east Naʹa·ran, and to the west Geʹzer and its dependent towns, and Sheʹchem and its dependent towns, as far as Ayʹyah* and its dependent towns; 29  and next to the descendants of Ma·nasʹseh, Beth-sheʹanw and its dependent towns, Taʹa·nachx and its dependent towns, Me·gidʹdoy and its dependent towns, and Dorz and its dependent towns. In these the descendants of Joseph the son of Israel lived. 30  The sons of Ashʹer were Imʹnah, Ishʹvah, Ishʹvi, and Be·riʹah,a and their sister was Seʹrah.b 31  The sons of Be·riʹah were Heʹber and Malʹchi·el, who was the father of Birʹza·ith. 32  Heʹber became father to Japhʹlet, Shoʹmer, and Hoʹtham, and to Shuʹa their sister. 33  The sons of Japhʹlet were Paʹsach, Bimʹhal, and Ashʹvath. These were the sons of Japhʹlet. 34  The sons of Sheʹmer* were Aʹhi, Rohʹgah, Je·hubʹbah, and Aʹram. 35  The sons of Heʹlem* his brother were Zoʹphah, Imʹna, Sheʹlesh, and Aʹmal. 36  The sons of Zoʹphah were Suʹah, Harʹne·pher, Shuʹal, Beʹri, Imʹrah, 37  Beʹzer, Hod, Shamʹma, Shilʹshah, Ithʹran, and Be·eʹra. 38  The sons of Jeʹther were Je·phunʹneh, Pisʹpah, and Aʹra. 39  The sons of Ulʹla were Aʹrah, Hanʹni·el, and Ri·ziʹa. 40  All of these were the sons of Ashʹer, heads of their paternal houses, select, mighty warriors, heads of the chieftains; and their number listed in the genealogical enrollmentc was 26,000 mend in the army available for war.

NWT | The First of Chronicles 08:1-40

NWT | The First of Chronicles 08:1-40 somebody

1 Chronicles 8:1-40

The First of Chronicles 8:1-40

8  Benjamina became father to Beʹlab his firstborn, Ashʹbelc the second, A·harʹah the third,  Noʹhah the fourth, and Raʹpha the fifth.  Beʹla’s sons were Adʹdar, Geʹra,d A·biʹhud,  Ab·i·shuʹa, Naʹa·man, A·hoʹah,  Geʹra, She·phuʹphan, and Huʹram.  These were the sons of Eʹhud, the heads of the paternal houses of the inhabitants of Geʹba,e who were taken into exile to Manʹa·hath:  Naʹa·man, A·hiʹjah, and Geʹra—he was the one who took them into exile and he became father to Uzʹza and A·hiʹhud.  Sha·ha·raʹim became father to children in the territory* of Moʹab after he sent them away. Huʹshim and Baʹa·ra were his wives.*  And by his wife Hoʹdesh, he became father to Joʹbab, Zibʹi·a, Meʹsha, Malʹcam, 10  Jeʹuz, Sa·chiʹa, and Mirʹmah. These were his sons, heads of the paternal houses. 11  By Huʹshim he became father to A·biʹtub and El·paʹal. 12  And the sons of El·paʹal were Eʹber, Miʹsham, Sheʹmed (who built Oʹnof and Lodg and its dependent* towns), 13  Be·riʹah, and Sheʹma. These were heads of the paternal houses of the inhabitants of Aiʹja·lon.h These drove out the inhabitants of Gath. 14  And there were A·hiʹo, Shaʹshak, Jerʹe·moth, 15  Zeb·a·diʹah, Aʹrad, Eʹder, 16  Miʹcha·el, Ishʹpah, Joʹha, the sons of Be·riʹah; 17  and Zeb·a·diʹah, Me·shulʹlam, Hizʹki, Heʹber, 18  Ishʹme·rai, Iz·liʹah, Joʹbab, the sons of El·paʹal; 19  and Jaʹkim, Zichʹri, Zabʹdi, 20  E·li·eʹnai, Zilʹle·thai, Eʹli·el, 21  A·daiʹah, Be·raʹiah, Shimʹrath, the sons of Shimʹe·i; 22  and Ishʹpan, Eʹber, Eʹli·el, 23  Abʹdon, Zichʹri, Haʹnan, 24  Han·a·niʹah, Eʹlam, An·tho·thiʹjah, 25  Iph·deʹiah, Pe·nuʹel, the sons of Shaʹshak; 26  and Shamʹshe·rai, She·ha·riʹah, Ath·a·liʹah, 27  Ja·a·re·shiʹah, E·liʹjah, Zichʹri, the sons of Je·roʹham. 28  These were heads of the paternal houses by their descendants. These headmen lived in Jerusalem. 29  The father of Gibʹe·on, Je·iʹel, lived in Gibʹe·on.i His wife’s name was Maʹa·cah.j 30  And his firstborn son was Abʹdon, followed by Zur, Kish, Baʹal, Naʹdab, 31  Geʹdor, A·hiʹo, and Zeʹcher. 32  Mikʹloth became father to Shimʹe·ah. And they all lived near their brothers in Jerusalem, along with their other brothers. 33  Nerk became father to Kish; Kish became father to Saul;l Saul became father to Jonʹa·than,m Malʹchi-shuʹa,n A·binʹa·dab,o and Esh·baʹal.*p 34  And Jonʹa·than’s son was Merʹib-baʹal.*q Merʹib-baʹal became father to Miʹcah.r 35  And the sons of Miʹcah were Piʹthon, Melʹech, Ta·reʹa, and Aʹhaz. 36  Aʹhaz became father to Je·hoʹad·dah; Je·hoʹad·dah became father to Alʹe·meth, Azʹma·veth, and Zimʹri. Zimʹri became father to Moʹza. 37  Moʹza became father to Binʹe·a, Raʹphah his son, El·e·aʹsah his son, Aʹzel his son. 38  Aʹzel had six sons, and their names were Az·riʹkam, Boʹche·ru, Ishʹma·el, She·a·riʹah, O·ba·diʹah, and Haʹnan. All of these were the sons of Aʹzel. 39  And the sons of his brother Eʹshek were Uʹlam his firstborn, Jeʹush the second, and E·liphʹe·let the third. 40  And the sons of Uʹlam were mighty warriors who could handle* the bow, and they had many sons and grandsons, numbering 150. All of these were descendants of Benjamin.

NWT | The First of Chronicles 09:1-44

NWT | The First of Chronicles 09:1-44 somebody

1 Chronicles 9:1-44

The First of Chronicles 9:1-44

9  All the Israelites were enrolled genealogically, and they are written in the Book of the Kings of Israel. And Judah was taken into exile to Babylon for its unfaithfulness.a  The first inhabitants to return to their possession in their cities were some Israelites, the priests, the Levites, and the temple servants.*b  And some of the descendants of Judah,c of Benjamin,d of Eʹphra·im, and of Ma·nasʹseh settled in Jerusalem:  Uʹthai son of Am·miʹhud son of Omʹri son of Imʹri son of Baʹni, of the descendants of Peʹreze son of Judah.  And of the Shiʹlo·nites, A·saiʹah the firstborn and his sons.  And of the sons of Zeʹrah,f Je·uʹel and 690 of their brothers.  And of the descendants of Benjamin, Salʹlu son of Me·shulʹlam son of Hod·a·viʹah son of Has·se·nuʹah,  Ib·neʹiah son of Je·roʹham, Eʹlah son of Uzʹzi son of Michʹri, and Me·shulʹlam son of Sheph·a·tiʹah son of Reuʹel son of Ib·niʹjah.  And their brothers by line of descent were 956. All these men were heads of their paternal houses.* 10  And of the priests, there were Je·daʹiah, Je·hoiʹa·rib, Jaʹchin,g 11  Az·a·riʹah son of Hil·kiʹah son of Me·shulʹlam son of Zaʹdok son of Me·raʹioth son of A·hiʹtub, a leader of the house* of the true God, 12  A·daiʹah son of Je·roʹham son of Pashʹhur son of Mal·chiʹjah, Maʹa·sai son of Adʹi·el son of Jahʹze·rah son of Me·shulʹlam son of Me·shilʹle·mith son of Imʹmer, 13  and their brothers, heads of the paternal houses, 1,760 mighty, capable men available for the service of the house of the true God. 14  And of the Levites, there were She·maiʹahh son of Hasʹshub son of Az·riʹkam son of Hash·a·biʹah from the descendants of Me·rarʹi; 15  and Bak·bakʹkar, Heʹresh, Gaʹlal, Mat·ta·niʹah son of Miʹca son of Zichʹri son of Aʹsaph, 16  O·ba·diʹah son of She·maiʹah son of Gaʹlal son of Je·duʹthun, and Ber·e·chiʹah son of Aʹsa son of El·kaʹnah, who was dwelling in the settlements of the Ne·tophʹa·thites.i 17  The gatekeepersj were Shalʹlum, Akʹkub, Talʹmon, A·hiʹman, and their brother Shalʹlum the head, 18  and until then he was at the king’s gate to the east.k These were the gatekeepers of the camps of the Levites. 19  And Shalʹlum son of Koʹre son of E·biʹa·saph son of Korʹah, and his brothers of his paternal house, the Korʹah·ites, were over the duties of the service, the doorkeepers of the tent, and their fathers had been over the camp of Jehovah as the keepers of the entryway. 20  It was Phinʹe·hasl the son of El·e·aʹzarm who had been their leader in the past; Jehovah was with him. 21  Zech·a·riʹahn the son of Me·shel·e·miʹah was the gatekeeper of the entrance of the tent of meeting. 22  All those selected as gatekeepers at the thresholds numbered 212. They were in their settlements by their genealogical enrollment.o David and Samuel the seerp appointed these to their office of trust. 23  They and their sons were over the guard service for the gates of the house of Jehovah,q the house of the tent. 24  The gatekeepers were on the four sides—east, west, north, and south.r 25  From time to time, their brothers were to come in from their settlements for seven days to serve along with them. 26  There were four chief* gatekeepers in the office of trust. They were Levites, and they were in charge of the chambers* and of the treasuries of the house of the true God.s 27  They would spend the night in their stations all around the house of the true God, for they cared for the guard service and were in charge of the key and would open up the house from morning to morning. 28  Some of them were in charge of the utensilst of the service; they would count them when they brought them in and count them when they took them out. 29  Some of them were appointed over the utensils, over all the holy utensils,u and over the fine flour,v the wine,w the oil,x the frankincense,y and the balsam oil.z 30  Some of the sons of the priests mixed the ointment of balsam oil. 31  And Mat·ti·thiʹah of the Levites, who was the firstborn of Shalʹlum the Korʹah·ite, was in the office of trust over the things baked in pans.a 32  Some of their brothers of the Koʹhath·ites were in charge of the layer bread,*b to prepare it every sabbath.c 33  These were the singers, the heads of the paternal houses of the Levites in the chambers,* those set free from other duties; for by day and by night it was their responsibility to be on duty. 34  These were the heads of the paternal houses of the Levites by their line of descent, headmen. These lived in Jerusalem. 35  The father of Gibʹe·on, Je·iʹel, lived in Gibʹe·on.d His wife’s name was Maʹa·cah. 36  And his firstborn son was Abʹdon, followed by Zur, Kish, Baʹal, Ner, Naʹdab, 37  Geʹdor, A·hiʹo, Zech·a·riʹah, and Mikʹloth. 38  Mikʹloth became father to Shimʹe·am. And they all lived near their brothers in Jerusalem, along with their other brothers. 39  Nere became father to Kish; Kish became father to Saul;f Saul became father to Jonʹa·than,g Malʹchi-shuʹa,h A·binʹa·dab,i and Esh·baʹal. 40  And Jonʹa·than’s son was Merʹib-baʹal.j Merʹib-baʹal became father to Miʹcah.k 41  And the sons of Miʹcah were Piʹthon, Melʹech, Tahrʹe·a, and Aʹhaz. 42  Aʹhaz became father to Jaʹrah; Jaʹrah became father to Alʹe·meth, Azʹma·veth, and Zimʹri. Zimʹri became father to Moʹza. 43  Moʹza became father to Binʹe·a and Re·phaʹiah his son, El·e·aʹsah his son, Aʹzel his son. 44  Aʹzel had six sons, and their names were Az·riʹkam, Boʹche·ru, Ishʹma·el, She·a·riʹah, O·ba·diʹah, and Haʹnan. These were the sons of Aʹzel.

NWT | The First of Chronicles 10:1-14

NWT | The First of Chronicles 10:1-14 somebody

1 Chronicles 10:1-14

The First of Chronicles 10:1-14

10  Now the Phi·lisʹtines were fighting against Israel. And the men of Israel fled from before the Phi·lisʹtines, and many fell slain on Mount Gil·boʹa.a  The Phi·lisʹtines kept in close range of Saul and his sons, and the Phi·lisʹtines struck down Jonʹa·than, A·binʹa·dab, and Malʹchi-shuʹa,b Saul’s sons.  The fighting grew fierce against Saul, and the archers found him, and he was wounded by the archers.c  Then Saul said to his armor-bearer: “Draw your sword and run me through with it, so that these uncircumcised men may not come and deal ruthlessly*d with me.” But his armor-bearer was unwilling, because he was very much afraid. So Saul took the sword and fell on it.e  When his armor-bearer saw that Saul was dead, he too fell on his own sword and died.  Thus Saul and his three sons died, and all those of his house died together.f  When all the people of Israel in the valley* saw that everyone had fled and that Saul and his sons had died, they began to abandon their cities and flee; the Phi·lisʹtines then came and occupied them.  The next day, when the Phi·lisʹtines came to strip the slain, they found Saul and his sons fallen on Mount Gil·boʹa.g  So they stripped him and took off his head and his armor, and they sent word throughout the land of the Phi·lisʹtines to spread the news to their idolsh and the people. 10  Then they put his armor in the house* of their god and fastened his skull to the house of Daʹgon.i 11  When all those of Jaʹbeshj in Gilʹe·ad heard about all that the Phi·lisʹtines had done to Saul,k 12  all the warriors rose up and carried off the corpse of Saul and the corpses of his sons. They brought them to Jaʹbesh and buried their bones under the big tree in Jaʹbesh,l and they fasted for seven days. 13  Thus Saul died for the unfaithfulness he had shown against Jehovah because he had not obeyed the word of Jehovah,m also for consulting a spirit mediumn 14  instead of inquiring of Jehovah. So He put him to death and turned the kingship over to David the son of Jesʹse.o

NWT | The First of Chronicles 11:1-47

NWT | The First of Chronicles 11:1-47 somebody

The First of Chronicles 11:1-47

11  In time all the Israelites gathered to David at Hebʹron+ and said: “Look! We are your own bone and flesh.*+  In times past while Saul was king, you were the one who was leading Israel on its campaigns.*+ And Jehovah your God said to you: ‘You will shepherd my people Israel, and you will become leader over my people Israel.’”+  So all the elders of Israel came to the king at Hebʹron, and David made a covenant with them in Hebʹron before Jehovah. Then they anointed David as king over Israel,+ according to Jehovah’s word through Samuel.+  Later David and all Israel set out for Jerusalem, that is, Jeʹbus,+ where the Jebʹu·sites+ were inhabiting the land.  The inhabitants of Jeʹbus taunted David: “You will never come in here!”+ However, David captured the stronghold of Zion,+ which is now the City of David.+  So David said: “Whoever is the first to strike the Jebʹu·sites will become chief* and prince.” And Joʹab+ the son of Ze·ruʹiah went up first, and he became the chief.  Then David took up residence in the stronghold. That is why they called it the City of David.  He began to build up the city all around, from the Mound* to the areas around it, and Joʹab restored the rest of the city.  Thus David became greater and greater,+ and Jehovah of armies was with him. 10  Now these are the heads of David’s mighty warriors, who gave him strong support in his kingship, together with all Israel, to make him king according to Jehovah’s word concerning Israel.+ 11  This is the list of David’s mighty warriors: Ja·shoʹbe·am+ the son of a Hachʹmon·ite, the head of the three.+ He brandished his spear over 300 slain at one time.+ 12  Next to him was El·e·aʹzar+ the son of Doʹdo the A·hoʹhite.+ He was among the three mighty warriors. 13  He was with David at Pas-damʹmim,+ where the Phi·lisʹtines had gathered together for war. Now there was a plot of land full of barley, and the people had fled because of the Phi·lisʹtines. 14  But he took his stand in the middle of the field and defended it and kept striking down the Phi·lisʹtines, so that Jehovah brought about a great victory.*+ 15  Three of the 30 headmen went down to the rock, to David at the cave of A·dulʹlam,+ while a Phi·lisʹtine army was camped in the Valley* of Rephʹa·im.+ 16  David was then in the stronghold, and a garrison of the Phi·lisʹtines was in Bethʹle·hem. 17  Then David expressed his longing: “If only I could have a drink of the water from the cistern by the gate of Bethʹle·hem!”+ 18  At that the three forced their way into the camp of the Phi·lisʹtines and drew water from the cistern by the gate of Bethʹle·hem and brought it to David; but David refused to drink it and poured it out to Jehovah. 19  He said: “It is unthinkable on my part from the standpoint of my God to do this! Should I drink the blood of these men who risked their lives?*+ For it was at the risk of their lives* that they brought it.” So he refused to drink it. These are the things that his three mighty warriors did. 20  A·bishʹai+ the brother of Joʹab+ became head of another three; he brandished his spear over 300 slain, and he had a reputation like the three.+ 21  Of the other three, he was more distinguished than two of them, and he was their chief; yet he did not attain to the rank of the first three. 22  Be·naiʹah+ the son of Je·hoiʹa·da was a courageous man* who performed many exploits in Kabʹze·el.+ He struck down the two sons of Arʹi·el of Moʹab, and he descended into a waterpit on a snowy day and killed a lion.+ 23  He also struck down an Egyptian man of extraordinary size—five cubits* tall.+ Though the Egyptian had a spear in his hand like the beam of loom workers,+ he went against him with a rod and snatched the spear away from the Egyptian’s hand and killed him with his own spear.+ 24  These things Be·naiʹah the son of Je·hoiʹa·da did, and he had a reputation like that of the three mighty warriors. 25  Although he was distinguished even more than the thirty, he did not attain to the rank of the three.+ However, David appointed him over his own bodyguard. 26  The mighty warriors of the military forces were Asʹa·hel+ the brother of Joʹab, El·haʹnan the son of Doʹdo of Bethʹle·hem,+ 27  Shamʹmoth the Haʹro·rite, Heʹlez the Pelʹo·nite, 28  Iʹra+ the son of Ikʹkesh the Te·koʹite, Abi-eʹzer+ the Anʹa·thoth·ite, 29  Sibʹbe·cai+ the Huʹshath·ite, Iʹlai the A·hoʹhite, 30  Maʹha·rai+ the Ne·tophʹa·thite, Heʹled+ the son of Baʹa·nah the Ne·tophʹa·thite, 31  Iʹthai the son of Riʹbai of Gibʹe·ah of the Benʹja·min·ites,+ Be·naiʹah the Pirʹa·thon·ite, 32  Huʹrai of the wadis* of Gaʹash,+ A·biʹel the Arʹbath·ite, 33  Azʹma·veth the Ba·haʹrum·ite, E·liʹah·ba the Sha·alʹbo·nite, 34  the sons of Haʹshem the Giʹzo·nite, Jonʹa·than the son of Shaʹgee the Harʹa·rite, 35  A·hiʹam the son of Saʹcar the Harʹa·rite, E·liʹphal the son of Ur, 36  Heʹpher the Me·cheʹrath·ite, A·hiʹjah the Pelʹo·nite, 37  Hezʹro the Carʹmel·ite, Naʹa·rai the son of Ezʹbai, 38  Joel the brother of Nathan, Mibʹhar the son of Hagʹri, 39  Zeʹlek the Amʹmon·ite, Naʹha·rai the Be·rothʹite, the armor-bearer of Joʹab the son of Ze·ruʹiah; 40  Iʹra the Ithʹrite, Gaʹreb the Ithʹrite, 41  U·riʹah+ the Hitʹtite, Zaʹbad the son of Ahʹlai, 42  Adʹi·na the son of Shiʹza the Reuʹben·ite, a head of the Reuʹben·ites, and 30 with him; 43  Haʹnan the son of Maʹa·cah, Joshʹa·phat the Mithʹnite, 44  Uz·ziʹa the Ashʹte·rath·ite, Shaʹma and Je·iʹel, the sons of Hoʹtham the A·roʹer·ite; 45  Je·diʹa·el the son of Shimʹri, and Joʹha his brother the Tiʹzite; 46  Eʹli·el the Maʹha·vite, Jerʹi·bai and Josh·a·viʹah the sons of Elʹna·am, and Ithʹmah the Moʹab·ite; 47  Eʹli·el, Oʹbed, and Ja·a·siʹel the Me·zoʹba·ite.


Or “your blood relatives.”
Lit., “the one bringing out and the one bringing in Israel.”
Lit., “head.”
Or “Millo.” A Hebrew term meaning “fill.”
Or “salvation.”
Or “Low Plain.”
Or “souls.”
Or “souls.”
Lit., “the son of a man of valor.”
His height was about 2.23 m (7.3 ft). See App. B14.

Study Notes


NWT | The First of Chronicles 12:1-40

NWT | The First of Chronicles 12:1-40 somebody

The First of Chronicles 12:1-40

12  These were the men who came to David at Zikʹlag+ while he was unable to move about freely because of Saul+ the son of Kish, and they were among the mighty warriors who supported him in battle.+  They were armed with the bow, and they could use both the right hand and the left hand+ to sling stones+ or to shoot arrows with the bow. They were of the brothers of Saul, from Benjamin.+  The head was A·hi·eʹzer, along with Joʹash, both sons of She·maʹah the Gibʹe·ath·ite;+ Jeʹzi·el and Pelʹet the sons of Azʹma·veth,+ Berʹa·cah, Jeʹhu the Anʹa·thoth·ite,  Ish·maʹiah the Gibʹe·on·ite,+ a mighty warrior among the thirty+ and over the thirty; also Jeremiah, Ja·ha·ziʹel, Jo·haʹnan, Joʹza·bad the Ge·deʹrath·ite,  E·luʹzai, Jerʹi·moth, Be·a·liʹah, Shem·a·riʹah, Sheph·a·tiʹah the Harʹi·phite,  El·kaʹnah, Is·shiʹah, Azʹar·el, Jo·eʹzer, and Ja·shoʹbe·am, the Korʹah·ites;+  and Jo·eʹlah and Zeb·a·diʹah the sons of Je·roʹham of Geʹdor.  Some of the Gadʹites went over to David’s side at the stronghold in the wilderness;+ they were mighty warriors, soldiers trained for war, standing ready with the large shield and the lance, whose faces were like those of lions and who were as swift as the gazelles on the mountains.  Eʹzer was the head, O·ba·diʹah the second, E·liʹab the third, 10  Mish·manʹnah the fourth, Jeremiah the fifth, 11  Atʹtai the sixth, Eʹli·el the seventh, 12  Jo·haʹnan the eighth, El·zaʹbad the ninth, 13  Jeremiah the tenth, Machʹban·nai the eleventh. 14  These were of the Gadʹites,+ heads of the army. The least one was equal to 100, and the greatest to 1,000.+ 15  These are the men who crossed the Jordan in the first month when it was overflowing its banks, and they chased away all those living in the lowlands, to the east and to the west. 16  Some of the men of Benjamin and Judah also came to David at his stronghold.+ 17  Then David went out before them and said to them: “If you have come to me in peace to help me, my heart will be united with you. But if it is to betray me to my adversaries when my hands have done no wrong, let the God of our forefathers see it and judge.”+ 18  Then the spirit came upon* A·maʹsai,+ the head of the thirty: “We are yours, O David, and we are with you, O son of Jesʹse.+ Peace, peace be yours, and peace to the one helping you,For your God is helping you.”+ So David received them and appointed them among the heads of the troops. 19  Some from Ma·nasʹseh also deserted to David when he came with the Phi·lisʹtines to battle against Saul; but he did not help the Phi·lisʹtines, for after consultation, the lords of the Phi·lisʹtines+ sent him away, saying: “He will desert to his lord Saul, and it will cost us our heads.”+ 20  When he went to Zikʹlag,+ these deserted to him from Ma·nasʹseh: Adʹnah, Joʹza·bad, Je·diʹa·el, Miʹcha·el, Joʹza·bad, E·liʹhu, and Zilʹle·thai, heads of the thousands of Ma·nasʹseh.+ 21  They helped David against the marauder band, because all of them were mighty, courageous men,+ and they became chiefs in the army. 22  Day after day people kept coming to David+ to help him until it was a camp as great as the camp of God.+ 23  This is the number of the heads of those armed for battle who came to David at Hebʹron+ to turn the kingship of Saul over to him according to Jehovah’s order.+ 24  The men of Judah carrying the large shield and the lance were 6,800, armed for battle. 25  Of the Simʹe·on·ites, the mighty, courageous men of the army were 7,100. 26  Of the Levites, 4,600. 27  Je·hoiʹa·da+ was the leader of the sons of Aaron,+ and with him were 3,700, 28  as well as Zaʹdok,+ a mighty and courageous young man, along with 22 chiefs from his paternal house. 29  Of the Benʹja·min·ites, the brothers of Saul,+ there were 3,000, of whom the greater number had previously been guarding the interests of the house of Saul. 30  Of the Eʹphra·im·ites, there were 20,800 mighty, courageous men of fame among their paternal houses. 31  Of the half tribe of Ma·nasʹseh, there were 18,000 who had been designated by name to come to make David king. 32  Of the tribe of Isʹsa·char, who understood the times and knew what Israel should do, there were 200 of their headmen, and all their brothers were under their command. 33  Of Zebʹu·lun, there were 50,000 who could serve in the army, drawing up in battle formation with all the weapons of war, all joining David with undivided loyalty.* 34  Of Naphʹta·li, there were 1,000 chiefs, and with them were 37,000 with the large shield and the spear. 35  Of the Danʹites, those drawing up in battle formation were 28,600. 36  And of Ashʹer, those who could serve in the army for drawing up in battle formation were 40,000. 37  From across the Jordan,+ of the Reuʹben·ites, the Gadʹites, and the half tribe of Ma·nasʹseh, there were 120,000 soldiers with all kinds of weapons of war. 38  All of these were men of war, joining together in battle line; they came with a complete heart to Hebʹron to make David king over all Israel, and also all the rest of Israel were united in wanting* to make David king.+ 39  And they remained there with David for three days, eating and drinking, for their brothers had made preparation for them. 40  Also those near them, and even those as far as Isʹsa·char, Zebʹu·lun, and Naphʹta·li, were bringing food on donkeys, camels, mules, and cattle—provisions of flour, cakes of pressed figs and raisins, wine, oil, and cattle and sheep in great quantity, for there was rejoicing in Israel.


Lit., “clothed.”
Or “all those joining David were not doublehearted.”
Lit., “were of one heart.”

Study Notes


NWT | The First of Chronicles 13:1-14

NWT | The First of Chronicles 13:1-14 somebody

The First of Chronicles 13:1-14

13  David consulted with the chiefs of the thousands and of the hundreds and with every leader.+  Then David said to all the congregation of Israel: “If it seems good to you and it is acceptable to Jehovah our God, let us send word to our remaining brothers in all regions of Israel and also to the priests and the Levites in their cities+ with pastures to come and join us.  And let us bring back the Ark+ of our God.” For they had not cared for it in the days of Saul.+  All the congregation agreed to do that, for it seemed right to all the people.  So David congregated all Israel, from the river* of Egypt as far as Leʹbo-haʹmath,*+ to bring the Ark of the true God from Kirʹi·ath-jeʹa·rim.+  David and all Israel went up to Baʹal·ah,+ to Kirʹi·ath-jeʹa·rim, which belongs to Judah, to bring up from there the Ark of the true God, Jehovah, who sits enthroned above* the cherubs,+ where his name is called on.  However, they placed the Ark of the true God on a new wagon+ and brought it from the house of A·binʹa·dab, and Uzʹzah and A·hiʹo were leading the wagon.+  David and all Israel were celebrating before the true God with all their might, accompanied by songs, harps, other stringed instruments, tambourines,+ cymbals,+ and trumpets.+  But when they came to the threshing floor of Chiʹdon, Uzʹzah thrust his hand out and grabbed hold of the Ark, for the cattle nearly upset it. 10  At that Jehovah’s anger blazed against Uzʹzah, and He struck him down because he had thrust his hand out to the Ark,+ and he died there before God.+ 11  But David became angry* because Jehovah’s wrath had broken through against Uzʹzah; and that place has been called Peʹrez-uzʹzah* down to this day. 12  So David became fearful of the true God on that day and said: “How can I bring the Ark of the true God to me?”+ 13  David did not bring the Ark to where he was in the City of David, but he had it taken to the house of Oʹbed-eʹdom the Gitʹtite. 14  The Ark of the true God was with the household of Oʹbed-eʹdom, remaining at his house for three months, and Jehovah kept blessing the household of Oʹbed-eʹdom and all he had.+


Or “from Shihor.”
Or “the entrance of Hamath.”
Or possibly, “between.”
Or “upset.”
Meaning “Breach Against Uzzah.”

Study Notes


NWT | The First of Chronicles 14:1-17

NWT | The First of Chronicles 14:1-17 somebody

The First of Chronicles 14:1-17

14  King Hiʹram+ of Tyre sent messengers to David, along with cedar timbers, stonemasons,* and woodworkers to build a house* for him.+  And David knew that Jehovah had firmly established him as king over Israel,+ for his kingship was highly exalted for the sake of His people Israel.+  David took more wives+ in Jerusalem, and David became father to more sons and daughters.+  These are the names of the children born to him in Jerusalem:+ Sham·muʹa, Shoʹbab, Nathan,+ Solʹo·mon,+  Ibʹhar, E·liʹshu·a, Elʹpe·let,  Noʹgah, Neʹpheg, Ja·phiʹa,  E·lishʹa·ma, Be·e·liʹa·da, and E·liphʹe·let.  When the Phi·lisʹtines heard that David had been anointed as king over all Israel,+ all the Phi·lisʹtines came up to search for David.+ When David heard about it, he went out against them.  Then the Phi·lisʹtines came in and kept making raids in the Valley* of Rephʹa·im.+ 10  David inquired of God, saying: “Should I go up against the Phi·lisʹtines? Will you give them into my hand?” At this Jehovah said to him: “Go up, and I will surely give them into your hand.”+ 11  So David went up to Baʹal-pe·raʹzim,+ and he struck them down there. At that David said: “The true God has broken through my enemies by my hand, like a breach made by waters.” That is why they named that place Baʹal-pe·raʹzim.* 12  The Phi·lisʹtines abandoned their gods there, and when David gave the order, these were burned in the fire.+ 13  Later the Phi·lisʹtines once again made a raid in the valley.*+ 14  David again inquired of God, but the true God said to him: “Do not go directly up after them. Instead, go around behind them, and come against them in front of the baʹca bushes.+ 15  And when you hear the sound of marching in the tops of the baʹca bushes, launch your attack, for the true God will have gone out before you to strike down the army of the Phi·lisʹtines.”+ 16  So David did just as the true God commanded him,+ and they struck down the Phi·lisʹtine army from Gibʹe·on to Geʹzer.+ 17  And David’s fame spread into all the lands, and Jehovah put the dread of him upon all the nations.+


Or “builders of walls.”
Or “palace.”
Or “Low Plain.”
Meaning “Master of Breakings Through.”
Or “low plain.”

Study Notes


NWT | The First of Chronicles 15:1-29

NWT | The First of Chronicles 15:1-29 somebody

The First of Chronicles 15:1-29

15  And he continued building houses for himself in the City of David, and he prepared a place for the Ark of the true God and pitched a tent for it.+  It was then that David said: “No one is to carry the Ark of the true God except the Levites, for Jehovah has chosen them to carry the Ark of Jehovah and to minister to him always.”+  Then David congregated all Israel at Jerusalem to bring the Ark of Jehovah up to the place that he had prepared for it.+  David gathered the descendants of Aaron+ and the Levites:+  from the Koʹhath·ites, U·riʹel the chief and 120 of his brothers;  from the Me·rarʹites, A·saiʹah+ the chief and 220 of his brothers;  from the Gerʹshom·ites, Joel+ the chief and 130 of his brothers;  from the descendants of E·li·zaʹphan,+ She·maiʹah the chief and 200 of his brothers;  from the descendants of Hebʹron, Eʹli·el the chief and 80 of his brothers; 10  from the descendants of Uzʹzi·el,+ Am·minʹa·dab the chief and 112 of his brothers. 11  Furthermore, David called the priests Zaʹdok+ and A·biʹa·thar+ and the Levites U·riʹel, A·saiʹah, Joel, She·maiʹah, Eʹli·el, and Am·minʹa·dab, 12  and he said to them: “You are the heads of the paternal houses of the Levites. Sanctify yourselves, you and your brothers, and bring the Ark of Jehovah the God of Israel up to the place that I have prepared for it. 13  Since you did not carry it the first time,+ the anger of Jehovah our God broke out against us,+ because we did not search out the proper procedure.”+ 14  So the priests and the Levites sanctified themselves to bring up the Ark of Jehovah the God of Israel. 15  Then the Levites carried the Ark of the true God on their shoulders with the poles,+ just as Moses had commanded by Jehovah’s word. 16  David then told the chiefs of the Levites to appoint their brothers the singers to sing out joyfully, accompanied by musical instruments: stringed instruments, harps,+ and cymbals.+ 17  So the Levites appointed Heʹman+ the son of Joel and, of his brothers, Aʹsaph+ the son of Ber·e·chiʹah and, of the Me·rarʹites their brothers, Eʹthan+ the son of Kush·aʹiah. 18  Together with them were their brothers of the second division,+ Zech·a·riʹah, Ben, Ja·aʹzi·el, She·mirʹa·moth, Je·hiʹel, Unʹni, E·liʹab, Be·naiʹah, Ma·a·seiʹah, Mat·ti·thiʹah, E·liphʹe·le·hu, and Mik·neʹiah and Oʹbed-eʹdom and Je·iʹel the gatekeepers. 19  The singers Heʹman,+ Aʹsaph,+ and Eʹthan were to play the copper cymbals;+ 20  and Zech·a·riʹah, Aʹzi·el, She·mirʹa·moth, Je·hiʹel, Unʹni, E·liʹab, Ma·a·seiʹah, and Be·naiʹah played stringed instruments tuned to Alʹa·moth;*+ 21  and Mat·ti·thiʹah,+ E·liphʹe·le·hu, Mik·neʹiah, Oʹbed-eʹdom, Je·iʹel, and Az·a·ziʹah played harps tuned to Shemʹi·nith,*+ to act as directors. 22  Chen·a·niʹah+ the chief of the Levites supervised the transport, for he was an expert, 23  and Ber·e·chiʹah and El·kaʹnah were gatekeepers for the Ark. 24  The priests Sheb·a·niʹah, Joshʹa·phat, Ne·thanʹel, A·maʹsai, Zech·a·riʹah, Be·naiʹah, and E·li·eʹzer loudly sounded the trumpets before the Ark of the true God,+ and Oʹbed-eʹdom and Je·hiʹah also served as gatekeepers for the Ark. 25  Then David and the elders of Israel and the chiefs of the thousands were walking along to bring the ark of the covenant of Jehovah up from the house of Oʹbed-eʹdom+ with rejoicing.+ 26  When the true God helped the Levites who were carrying the ark of the covenant of Jehovah, they sacrificed seven young bulls and seven rams.+ 27  David was dressed in a sleeveless coat of fine fabric, as were all the Levites carrying the Ark, the singers, and Chen·a·niʹah the chief of the transport and the singers; David was also wearing a linen ephʹod.+ 28  All the Israelites were bringing up the ark of the covenant of Jehovah with joyful shouting,+ with the sound of the horn, with trumpets,+ with cymbals, playing loudly on stringed instruments and harps.+ 29  But when the ark of the covenant of Jehovah came to the City of David,+ Saul’s daughter Miʹchal+ looked down through the window and saw King David skipping about and celebrating; and she began to despise him in her heart.+


Study Notes


NWT | The First of Chronicles 16:1-43

NWT | The First of Chronicles 16:1-43 somebody

The First of Chronicles 16:1-43

16  So they brought the Ark of the true God in and placed it inside the tent that David had pitched for it;+ and they presented burnt offerings and communion sacrifices before the true God.+  When David finished offering up the burnt offerings+ and the communion sacrifices,+ he blessed the people in the name of Jehovah.  Further, he distributed to all the Israelites, to each man and woman, a round loaf of bread, a date cake, and a raisin cake.  Then he appointed some of the Levites to minister before the Ark of Jehovah,+ to honor,* thank, and praise Jehovah the God of Israel.  Aʹsaph+ was the head, and second to him was Zech·a·riʹah; and Je·iʹel, She·mirʹa·moth, Je·hiʹel, Mat·ti·thiʹah, E·liʹab, Be·naiʹah, Oʹbed-eʹdom, and Je·iʹel+ played stringed instruments and harps;+ and Aʹsaph played the cymbals,+  and Be·naiʹah and Ja·ha·ziʹel the priests blew the trumpets constantly before the ark of the covenant of the true God.  It was on that day that David first contributed a song of thanks to Jehovah through Aʹsaph+ and his brothers:  “Give thanks to Jehovah,+ call on his name,Make his deeds known among the peoples!+  Sing to him, sing praises* to him,+Ponder over* all his wonderful works.+ 10  Boast about his holy name.+ Let the hearts of those seeking Jehovah rejoice.+ 11  Search for Jehovah+ and his strength. Seek his face* constantly.+ 12  Remember the wonderful works he has performed,+His miracles and the judgments he has pronounced, 13  You offspring* of Israel his servant,+You sons of Jacob, his chosen ones.+ 14  He is Jehovah our God.+ His judgments are throughout the earth.+ 15  Remember his covenant forever,The promise he made,* to a thousand generations,+ 16  The covenant he made with Abraham,+And the oath he swore to Isaac,+ 17  Which he established as a decree to Jacob+And as a lasting covenant to Israel, 18  Saying, ‘I will give you the land of Caʹnaan+As your allotted inheritance.’+ 19  This was when you were few in number,Yes, very few, and you were foreigners in the land.+ 20  They walked about from nation to nation,From one kingdom to another people.+ 21  He did not allow any man to oppress them,+But on their account he reproved kings,+ 22  Saying, ‘Do not touch my anointed ones,And to my prophets do nothing bad.’+ 23  Sing to Jehovah, all the earth! Announce his salvation day after day!+ 24  Declare his glory among the nations,His wonderful works among all the peoples. 25  For Jehovah is great and most worthy of praise. He is more awe-inspiring than all other gods.+ 26  All the gods of the peoples are worthless gods,+But Jehovah is the one who made the heavens.+ 27  In his presence are majesty* and splendor;+Strength and joy are in his dwelling place.+ 28  Give Jehovah his due, you families of the peoples,Give Jehovah his due for his glory and strength.+ 29  Give Jehovah the glory due his name;+Bring a gift and come in before him.+ Bow down to* Jehovah in holy adornment.*+ 30  Tremble before him, all the earth! The earth* is firmly established; it cannot be moved.*+ 31  Let the heavens rejoice, and let the earth be joyful;+Declare among the nations: ‘Jehovah has become King!’+ 32  Let the sea thunder and all that fills it;Let the fields and everything in them rejoice. 33  At the same time let the trees of the forest shout joyfully before Jehovah,For he is coming* to judge the earth. 34  Give thanks to Jehovah, for he is good;+His loyal love endures forever.+ 35  And say, ‘Save us, O God of our salvation,+Gather us and rescue us from the nations,So that we may give thanks to your holy name+And exult in praising you.*+ 36  May Jehovah, the God of Israel, be praisedThroughout all eternity.’”* And all the people said, “Amen!”* and they praised Jehovah. 37  Then David left Aʹsaph+ and his brothers there before the ark of the covenant of Jehovah to minister continually before the Ark,+ according to the daily routine.+ 38  Oʹbed-eʹdom and his brothers, numbering 68, and Oʹbed-eʹdom, the son of Je·duʹthun, and Hoʹsah were gatekeepers; 39  and Zaʹdok+ the priest and his fellow priests were before the tabernacle of Jehovah on the high place at Gibʹe·on+ 40  to offer up burnt offerings to Jehovah regularly on the altar of burnt offering, morning and evening, and to do all that is written in the Law of Jehovah that he commanded Israel.+ 41  With them were Heʹman and Je·duʹthun+ and the rest of the selected men who were designated by their names to thank Jehovah,+ because “his loyal love endures forever”;+ 42  and with them were Heʹman+ and Je·duʹthun to sound the trumpets, cymbals, and the instruments used to praise* the true God; and the sons of Je·duʹthun+ were at the gate. 43  Then all the people went to their homes, and David went to bless his own household.


Lit., “to remember.”
Or “make music.”
Or possibly, “Speak about.”
Or “presence.”
Or “descendants.” Lit., “seed.”
Lit., “The word he commanded.”
Or “dignity.”
Or “Worship.”
Or possibly, “because of the splendor of his holiness.”
Or “The productive land.”
Or “be shaken; be made to totter.”
Or “has come.”
Or “exult in your praise.”
Or “From eternity to eternity.”
Or “So be it!”
Or “instruments of the song of.”

Study Notes


NWT | The First of Chronicles 17:1-27

NWT | The First of Chronicles 17:1-27 somebody

The First of Chronicles 17:1-27

17  As soon as David was settled in his own house,* he said to Nathan+ the prophet: “Here I am living in a house of cedars+ while the ark of the covenant of Jehovah is under tent cloths.”+  Nathan replied to David: “Do whatever is in your heart, for the true God is with you.”  On that very night, the word of God came to Nathan, saying:  “Go and say to my servant David, ‘This is what Jehovah says: “You are not the one who will build the house for me to dwell in.+  For I have not dwelled in a house from the day I brought Israel out to this day, but I continued going from tent to tent and from one tabernacle to another.*+  During all the time that I went with all Israel, did I ever say one word to any of the judges of Israel whom I appointed to shepherd my people, saying, ‘Why did you not build a house of cedars for me?’”’  “Now say this to my servant David, ‘This is what Jehovah of armies says: “I took you from the pastures, from following the flock, to become a leader over my people Israel.+  And I will be with you wherever you go,+ and I will do away with* all your enemies from before you;+ and I will make a name for you like the name of the great men of the earth.+  I will appoint a place for my people Israel and settle them, and they will live there and not be disturbed anymore; and wicked men will not oppress them* again as they did in the past,+ 10  from the day that I appointed judges over my people Israel.+ And I will subdue all your enemies.+ Moreover, I tell you, ‘Jehovah will build a house* for you.’ 11  “‘“When your days come to an end and you go to be with your forefathers, I will raise up your offspring* after you, one of your sons,+ and I will firmly establish his kingship.+ 12  He is the one who will build a house for me,+ and I will firmly establish his throne forever.+ 13  I will become his father, and he will become my son.+ I will not remove my loyal love from him+ the way I removed it from the one who was prior to you.+ 14  I will cause him to stand in my house and in my kingship forever,+ and his throne will last forever.”’”+ 15  Nathan told David all these words and this entire vision. 16  At that King David came in and sat down before Jehovah and said: “Who am I, O Jehovah God? And what is my house that you have brought me this far?+ 17  As if this were not enough, O God, you also speak about the house of your servant down to a distant future time,+ and you have looked on me as if I were a man who should be further exalted,* O Jehovah God. 18  What more can your servant David say to you about the honor given me when you know your servant so well?+ 19  O Jehovah, for the sake of your servant and in agreement with your heart* you have done all these great things by revealing your greatness.+ 20  O Jehovah, there is no one like you,+ and there is no God except you;+ everything we have heard with our ears confirms this. 21  And what other nation on earth is like your people Israel?+ The true God went and redeemed them as his people.+ You made a name for yourself by your great and awe-inspiring deeds,+ driving out nations from before your people,+ whom you redeemed from Egypt. 22  You made your people Israel your own people for all time;+ and you, O Jehovah, became their God.+ 23  Now, O Jehovah, may the promise you have made concerning your servant and his house prove faithful for all time, and may you do just as you have promised.+ 24  May your name endure* and be exalted+ forever, so that people may say, ‘Jehovah of armies, the God of Israel, is God to Israel,’ and may the house of your servant David be firmly established before you.+ 25  For you, my God, have revealed to your servant your purpose to build him a house.* That is why your servant has the confidence to offer this prayer to you. 26  And now, O Jehovah, you are the true God, and you have promised these good things concerning your servant. 27  So may it please you to bless the house of your servant, and may it continue forever before you, for you, O Jehovah, have blessed, and it is blessed forever.”


Or “palace.”
Possibly meaning “from one tent site to another and from one dwelling place to another.”
Lit., “cut off.”
Lit., “wear them out.”
Or “dynasty.”
Lit., “seed.”
Or “a man of high station.”
Or “in harmony with your will.”
Or “prove faithful.”
Or “dynasty.”

Study Notes


NWT | The First of Chronicles 18:1-17

NWT | The First of Chronicles 18:1-17 somebody

The First of Chronicles 18:1-17

18  Some time later, David defeated the Phi·lisʹtines and subdued them and took Gath+ and its dependent* towns out of the hands of the Phi·lisʹtines.+  Then he defeated Moʹab,+ and the Moʹab·ites became David’s servants and brought tribute.+  David defeated King Had·ad·eʹzer+ of Zoʹbah+ near Haʹmath+ as he was on his way to establish his authority at the Eu·phraʹtes River.+  David captured 1,000 chariots, 7,000 horsemen, and 20,000 foot soldiers from him.+ Then David hamstrung all but 100 of the chariot horses.+  When the Syrians of Damascus came to help King Had·ad·eʹzer of Zoʹbah, David struck down 22,000 of the Syrians.+  David then established garrisons in Syria of Damascus, and the Syrians became David’s servants and brought tribute. Jehovah gave David victory* wherever he went.+  Moreover, David took the circular shields of gold from the servants of Had·ad·eʹzer and brought them to Jerusalem.  From Tibʹhath and Cun, cities of Had·ad·eʹzer, David took a great quantity of copper. With it Solʹo·mon made the copper Sea,+ the pillars, and the copper utensils.+  When King Toʹu of Haʹmath heard that David had defeated the entire army of King Had·ad·eʹzer+ of Zoʹbah,+ 10  he immediately sent his son Ha·doʹram to King David to ask about his welfare and to congratulate him because he had fought and defeated Had·ad·eʹzer (for Had·ad·eʹzer had often fought against Toʹu), and he brought all sorts of articles of gold, silver, and copper. 11  King David sanctified these to Jehovah,+ along with the silver and the gold that he had carried off from all the nations: from Eʹdom and Moʹab, from the Amʹmon·ites,+ the Phi·lisʹtines,+ and the A·malʹek·ites.+ 12  A·bishʹai+ the son of Ze·ruʹiah+ struck down 18,000 Eʹdom·ites in the Valley of Salt.+ 13  He established garrisons in Eʹdom, and all the Eʹdom·ites became David’s servants.+ Jehovah gave David victory* wherever he went.+ 14  David kept reigning over all Israel,+ and he was administering justice and righteousness for all his people.+ 15  Joʹab the son of Ze·ruʹiah was over the army,+ Je·hoshʹa·phat+ the son of A·hiʹlud was recorder, 16  Zaʹdok the son of A·hiʹtub and A·himʹe·lech the son of A·biʹa·thar were priests, and Shavʹsha was secretary. 17  Be·naiʹah the son of Je·hoiʹa·da was over the Cherʹe·thites+ and the Pelʹe·thites.+ And David’s sons were first in position next to the king.


Or “surrounding.”
Or “salvation.”
Or “salvation.”

Study Notes


NWT | The First of Chronicles 19:1-19

NWT | The First of Chronicles 19:1-19 somebody

The First of Chronicles 19:1-19

19  Later Naʹhash the king of the Amʹmon·ites died, and his son became king in his place.+  At that David said: “I will show loyal love+ toward Haʹnun the son of Naʹhash, because his father showed loyal love toward me.” So David sent messengers to offer him comfort over the loss of his father. But when David’s servants came into the land of the Amʹmon·ites+ to comfort Haʹnun,  the princes of the Amʹmon·ites said to Haʹnun: “Do you think that David is honoring your father by sending comforters to you? Is it not to make a thorough search and to overthrow you and to spy out the land that his servants have come to you?”  So Haʹnun took the servants of David and shaved them+ and cut their garments in half at their buttocks and sent them away.  When David was told about the men, he at once sent others to meet them, because the men had been deeply humiliated; and the king told them: “Stay in Jerʹi·cho+ until your beards grow back, and then return.”  In time the Amʹmon·ites saw that they had become a stench to David, so Haʹnun and the Amʹmon·ites sent 1,000 silver talents* to hire chariots and horsemen from Mes·o·po·taʹmi·a,* Aʹram-maʹa·cah, and Zoʹbah.+  Thus they hired 32,000 chariots, along with the king of Maʹa·cah and his people. Then they came and camped before Medʹe·ba.+ The Amʹmon·ites gathered together from their cities and came out for the battle.  When David heard about it, he sent Joʹab+ and the entire army, including his mightiest warriors.+  And the Amʹmon·ites went out and drew up in battle formation at the entrance of the city while the kings who had come were by themselves in the open field. 10  When Joʹab saw that the battle charges were coming against him from the front and the rear, he chose some of the best troops in Israel and drew them up in battle formation to meet the Syrians.+ 11  He put the rest of the men under the command* of his brother A·bishʹai,+ in order to draw them up in battle formation to meet the Amʹmon·ites. 12  Then he said: “If the Syrians+ become too strong for me, then you must come to my rescue; but if the Amʹmon·ites become too strong for you, I will rescue you. 13  We must be strong and courageous+ for our people and for the cities of our God, and Jehovah will do what is good in his eyes.” 14  Then Joʹab and his men advanced to meet the Syrians in battle, and they fled from before him.+ 15  When the Amʹmon·ites saw that the Syrians had fled, they also fled from his brother A·bishʹai and went into the city. After that Joʹab came to Jerusalem. 16  When the Syrians saw that they had been defeated by Israel, they sent messengers to summon the Syrians in the region of the River,*+ with Shoʹphach the chief of the army of Had·ad·eʹzer leading them.+ 17  When the report was made to David, he immediately gathered all Israel and crossed the Jordan and came to them and drew up in battle formation against them. David drew up in battle formation to meet the Syrians, and they fought against him.+ 18  But the Syrians fled from Israel; and David killed 7,000 charioteers and 40,000 foot soldiers of the Syrians, and he put Shoʹphach the chief of the army to death. 19  When the servants of Had·ad·eʹzer saw that they had been defeated by Israel,+ they promptly made peace with David and became his subjects;+ and Syria did not want to help the Amʹmon·ites anymore.


A talent equaled 34.2 kg (1,101 oz t). See App. B14.
Lit., “Aram-naharaim.”
Lit., “in the hand.”
That is, the Euphrates.

Study Notes


NWT | The First of Chronicles 20:1-8

NWT | The First of Chronicles 20:1-8 somebody

The First of Chronicles 20:1-8

20  At the start of the year,* at the time when kings go on campaigns, Joʹab+ led a military expedition and devastated the land of the Amʹmon·ites; he came and besieged Rabʹbah,+ while David stayed in Jerusalem.+ Joʹab attacked Rabʹbah and tore it down.+  Then David took the crown of Malʹcam from its head, and found that it weighed a talent* of gold, and in it there were precious stones; and it was placed on David’s head. He also took a vast amount of spoil from the city.+  And he brought out the people who were in it and put them to work+ at sawing stones and at working with sharp iron instruments and with axes. That was what David did to all the cities of the Amʹmon·ites. Finally David and all the troops returned to Jerusalem.  After this, war broke out at Geʹzer with the Phi·lisʹtines. At that time Sibʹbe·cai+ the Huʹshath·ite struck down Sipʹpai, who was a descendant of the Rephʹa·im,+ and they were subdued.  And there was war again with the Phi·lisʹtines, and El·haʹnan the son of Jaʹir struck down Lahʹmi the brother of Go·liʹath+ the Gitʹtite, whose spear had a shaft like the beam of loom workers.+  War broke out yet again at Gath,+ where there was a man of extraordinary size,+ with 6 fingers on each hand and 6 toes on each foot, 24 in all; and he too was a descendant of the Rephʹa·im.+  He kept taunting+ Israel. So Jonʹa·than the son of Shimʹe·a,+ David’s brother, struck him down.  These were descendants of the Rephʹa·im+ in Gath,+ and they fell by the hand of David and by the hand of his servants.


That is, in the spring.
About 34.2 kg (1,101 oz t). See App. B14.

Study Notes


NWT | The First of Chronicles 21:1-30

NWT | The First of Chronicles 21:1-30 somebody

The First of Chronicles 21:1-30

21  Then Satan* stood up against Israel and incited David to number Israel.+  So David said to Joʹab+ and the chiefs of the people: “Go, count Israel from Beʹer-sheʹba to Dan;+ then report to me so that I may know their number.”  But Joʹab said: “May Jehovah multiply his people 100 times! My lord the king, are not all of them already servants of my lord? Why does my lord want to do this? Why should he become a cause of guilt to Israel?”  But the king’s word prevailed over Joʹab. So Joʹab went out and traveled throughout Israel, after which he came to Jerusalem.+  Joʹab now gave to David the number of the people who were registered. All Israel amounted to 1,100,000 men armed with swords, and Judah, 470,000 men armed with swords.+  But Leʹvi and Benjamin were not registered among them,+ because the king’s word was detestable to Joʹab.+  Now this was very displeasing to the true God, so he struck Israel.  David then said to the true God: “I have sinned+ greatly by doing this. And now, please, forgive your servant’s error,+ for I have acted very foolishly.”+  Jehovah then spoke to Gad,+ David’s visionary, saying: 10  “Go and say to David, ‘This is what Jehovah says: “I am giving you three options. Choose the one that I should bring on you.”’” 11  So Gad came in to David and said to him: “This is what Jehovah says, ‘Take your pick 12  whether there should be three years of famine,+ or three months of being swept away by your adversaries while the sword of your enemies overtakes you,+ or three days of the sword of Jehovah—pestilence in the land+—with Jehovah’s angel bringing destruction+ in all the territory of Israel.’ Now consider what I should reply to the One who sent me.” 13  So David said to Gad: “It is very distressing to me. Please, let me fall into the hand of Jehovah, for his mercy is very great;+ but do not let me fall into the hand of man.”+ 14  Then Jehovah sent a pestilence+ on Israel, so that 70,000 people out of Israel fell.+ 15  Moreover, the true God sent an angel to Jerusalem to destroy it; but as he was about to do so, Jehovah saw it and felt regret* over the calamity,+ and he said to the angel bringing destruction: “It is enough!+ Now let your hand drop.” Jehovah’s angel was standing close to the threshing floor of Orʹnan+ the Jebʹu·site.+ 16  When David raised his eyes, he saw Jehovah’s angel standing between the earth and the heavens with a drawn sword+ in his hand extended toward Jerusalem. David and the elders, covered with sackcloth,+ at once threw themselves down with their faces to the ground.+ 17  David said to the true God: “Was it not I who said to number the people? I am the one who sinned, and I am the one who did wrong;+ but these sheep—what have they done? O Jehovah my God, let your hand, please, come against me and my father’s house; but do not bring this scourge on your people.”+ 18  Jehovah’s angel then told Gad+ to tell David to go up and erect an altar to Jehovah on the threshing floor of Orʹnan the Jebʹu·site.+ 19  So David went up at the word of Gad, which he had spoken in the name of Jehovah. 20  Meanwhile, Orʹnan turned around and saw the angel, and his four sons who were with him hid themselves. Now Orʹnan had been threshing wheat. 21  When David came up to him, Orʹnan looked and saw David, and he immediately went out from the threshing floor and bowed down to David with his face to the ground. 22  David said to Orʹnan: “Sell* me the site of the threshing floor, so that I may build an altar to Jehovah on it. Sell it to me for the full price, so that the scourge against the people may be halted.”+ 23  But Orʹnan said to David: “Take it as your own, and let my lord the king do what seems good to him.* Here, I am providing the cattle for burnt offerings and the threshing sledge+ for the wood and the wheat as a grain offering. I give all of it.” 24  However, King David said to Orʹnan: “No, I must buy it for the full price, because I will not take what is yours and give it to Jehovah or offer up burnt sacrifices that cost me nothing.”+ 25  So David gave Orʹnan 600 gold shekels* by weight for the site. 26  And David built an altar+ there to Jehovah and offered up burnt sacrifices and communion sacrifices, and he called on Jehovah, who now answered him with fire+ from the heavens on the altar of burnt offering. 27  Then Jehovah ordered the angel+ to return his sword to its sheath. 28  At that time, when David saw that Jehovah had answered him at the threshing floor of Orʹnan the Jebʹu·site, he continued to sacrifice there. 29  However, the tabernacle of Jehovah that Moses had made in the wilderness and the altar of burnt offering were at that time on the high place at Gibʹe·on.+ 30  But David had not been able to go before it to consult God, for he was terrified because of the sword of Jehovah’s angel.


Or possibly, “a resister.”
Or “grieved.”
Lit., “Give.”
Lit., “what is good in his eyes.”
A shekel equaled 11.4 g (0.367 oz t). See App. B14.

Study Notes


NWT | The First of Chronicles 22:1-19

NWT | The First of Chronicles 22:1-19 somebody

1 Chronicles 22:1-19

The First of Chronicles 22:1-19

22  David then said: “This is the house of Jehovah the true God, and this is an altar for burnt offering for Israel.”a  David then gave orders to bring together the foreign residentsb who were in the land of Israel, and he assigned them to be stonecutters to cut and shape stones for building the house of the true God.c  David also prepared iron in great quantity for nails for the doors of the gates and for clamps, and so much copper that it was beyond weighing,d  and also cedar timberse without number, for the Si·doʹni·ansf and the Tyrʹi·ansg brought great quantities of cedar timbers to David.  And David said: “My son Solʹo·mon is young and inexperienced,*h and the house to be built for Jehovah is to be exceedingly magnificent,i so that its fame and beautyj will be known in all lands.k Therefore, I will make preparation for him.” So David prepared materials in great quantity before his death.  Moreover, he summoned his son Solʹo·mon and instructed him to build a house for Jehovah the God of Israel.  David told his son Solʹo·mon: “As for me, it was my heart’s desire to build a house for the name of Jehovah my God.l  But Jehovah’s word came to me, saying, ‘You have shed a great deal of blood, and you have fought great wars. You will not build a house for my name,m for you have shed a great deal of blood on the earth before me.  Look! You will have a sonn who will be a man of peace,* and I will give him rest from all his enemies who surround him,o for Solʹo·mon*p will be his name and I will grant Israel peace and quiet in his days.q 10  He is the one who will build a house for my name.r He will become my son, and I will be his father.s I will firmly establish the throne of his kingship over Israel forever.’t 11  “Now, my son, may Jehovah be with you, and may you be successful and build the house of Jehovah your God, just as he has spoken concerning you.u 12  Only may Jehovah give you discretion and understandingv when he gives you authority over Israel, so that you may keep the law of Jehovah your God.w 13  Then you will be successful if you carefully observe the regulationsx and the judgments that Jehovah ordered Moses to give Israel.y Be courageous and strong. Do not be afraid or be terrified.z 14  Here I have taken great pains to prepare for Jehovah’s house 100,000 talents* of gold and 1,000,000 talents of silver and such great quantities of copper and irona that they cannot be weighed, and I have prepared timbers and stones,b but you will add to them. 15  A great number of workmen are with you—stonecutters, stonemasons,c woodworkers, and all kinds of skilled workers.d 16  The gold, silver, copper, and iron are beyond measure.e Get up and begin the work, and may Jehovah be with you.”f 17  David then ordered all the princes of Israel to help his son Solʹo·mon: 18  “Is not Jehovah your God with you, and has he not given you rest on every side? For he handed over to me the inhabitants of the land, and the land has been subdued before Jehovah and before his people. 19  Now determine with all your heart and soul* to seek Jehovah your God,g and start building the sanctuary of Jehovah the true God,h in order to bring the ark of the covenant of Jehovah and the holy utensils of the true Godi to the house built for the name of Jehovah.”j

NWT | The First of Chronicles 23:1-32

NWT | The First of Chronicles 23:1-32 somebody

1 Chronicles 23:1-32

The First of Chronicles 23:1-32

23  When David had grown old and was near the end of his life,* he made his son Solʹo·mon king over Israel.a  He then gathered all the princes of Israel, the priests,b and the Levites.c  The Levites who were 30 years old and up were numbered;d their number, their head count man by man, was 38,000.  Of these, 24,000 served as supervisors over the work of Jehovah’s house, and there were 6,000 officers and judges,e  and there were 4,000 gatekeepers,f and 4,000 gave praiseg to Jehovah on the instruments about which David said, “I made them for giving praise.”  Then David organized* them into divisionsh according to the sons of Leʹvi: Gerʹshon, Koʹhath, and Me·rarʹi.i  Of the Gerʹshon·ites were Laʹdan and Shimʹe·i.  The sons of Laʹdan were Je·hiʹel the headman, Zeʹtham, and Joel,j three.  The sons of Shimʹe·i were She·loʹmoth, Haʹzi·el, and Haʹran, three. These were the heads of the paternal houses for Laʹdan. 10  And the sons of Shimʹe·i were Jaʹhath, Ziʹna, Jeʹush, and Be·riʹah. These four were the sons of Shimʹe·i. 11  Jaʹhath was the head and Ziʹzah, the second. But since Jeʹush and Be·riʹah did not have many sons, they were counted as one paternal house with one area of responsibility. 12  The sons of Koʹhath were Amʹram, Izʹhar,k Hebʹron, and Uzʹzi·el,l four. 13  The sons of Amʹram were Aaronm and Moses.n But Aaron was permanently set aparto to sanctify the Most Holy, he and his sons, to offer sacrifices before Jehovah, to minister to him, and to pronounce blessings in his name always.p 14  As for Moses the man of the true God, his sons were named among the tribe of the Levites. 15  The sons of Moses were Gerʹshomq and E·li·eʹzer.r 16  Of the sons of Gerʹshom, Shebʹu·els was the head. 17  Of the descendants* of E·li·eʹzer, Re·ha·biʹaht was the head; E·li·eʹzer did not have other sons, but the sons of Re·ha·biʹah were very many. 18  Of the sons of Izʹhar,u She·loʹmithv was the headman. 19  The sons of Hebʹron were Je·riʹah the head, Am·a·riʹah the second, Ja·ha·ziʹel the third, and Jek·a·meʹamw the fourth. 20  The sons of Uzʹzi·elx were Miʹcah the head and Is·shiʹah the second. 21  The sons of Me·rarʹi were Mahʹli and Muʹshi.y The sons of Mahʹli were El·e·aʹzar and Kish. 22  El·e·aʹzar died, but he had no sons, only daughters. So the sons of Kish, their relatives,* took them as wives. 23  The sons of Muʹshi were Mahʹli, Eʹder, and Jerʹe·moth, three. 24  These were the sons of Leʹvi according to their paternal houses, the heads of the paternal houses, by those registered who were counted and listed by their names and who carried out the work for the service of the house of Jehovah, from 20 years old and up. 25  For David had said: “Jehovah the God of Israel has given rest to his people,z and he will reside in Jerusalem forever.a 26  Also the Levites will not have to carry the tabernacle or any of its equipment for its service.”b 27  For according to the last instructions of David, the Levites from 20 years old and up were numbered. 28  Their function was to assist the sons of Aaronc for the service of the house of Jehovah, to be in charge of the courtyards,d the dining rooms, the purification of every holy thing, and any work needed for the service of the house of the true God. 29  They assisted with the layer bread,*e the fine flour for the grain offering, the wafers of unleavened bread,f the griddle cakes, the mixed dough,g and all measures of quantity and size. 30  They were to stand morning by morningh to thank and praise Jehovah and likewise in the evening.i 31  They assisted whenever the burnt sacrifices were offered to Jehovah on the Sabbaths,j the new moons,k and during the festival seasons,l according to the number required by the rules concerning them, doing so regularly before Jehovah. 32  They also took care of their responsibilities toward the tent of meeting, toward the holy place, and toward their brothers the sons of Aaron for the service of the house of Jehovah.

NWT | The First of Chronicles 24:1-31

NWT | The First of Chronicles 24:1-31 somebody

The First of Chronicles 24:1-31

24  Now the divisions of the descendants of Aaron were these: The sons of Aaron were Naʹdab, A·biʹhu,+ El·e·aʹzar, and Ithʹa·mar.+  However, Naʹdab and A·biʹhu died before their father,+ and they did not have any sons; but El·e·aʹzar+ and Ithʹa·mar continued to serve as priests.  David, along with Zaʹdok+ from the sons of El·e·aʹzar and A·himʹe·lech from the sons of Ithʹa·mar, made divisions of them for the office of their service.  Since the sons of El·e·aʹzar had more headmen than the sons of Ithʹa·mar had, they divided them accordingly: The sons of El·e·aʹzar had 16 as heads of their paternal houses, and the sons of Ithʹa·mar had 8 as heads of their paternal houses.  Further, they divided them by lots,+ the one group along with the other, for there were chiefs of the holy place and chiefs of the true God from both the sons of El·e·aʹzar and the sons of Ithʹa·mar.  Then She·maiʹah the son of Ne·thanʹel the secretary of the Levites recorded their names before the king, the princes, Zaʹdok+ the priest, A·himʹe·lech+ the son of A·biʹa·thar,+ and the heads of the paternal houses of the priests and of the Levites, one paternal house being selected for El·e·aʹzar and one being selected for Ithʹa·mar.  The first lot came out to Je·hoiʹa·rib; the second to Je·daʹiah,  the third to Haʹrim, the fourth to Se·oʹrim,  the fifth to Mal·chiʹjah, the sixth to Mijʹa·min, 10  the seventh to Hakʹkoz, the eighth to A·biʹjah,+ 11  the ninth to Jeshʹu·a, the tenth to Shec·a·niʹah, 12  the 11th to E·liʹa·shib, the 12th to Jaʹkim, 13  the 13th to Hupʹpah, the 14th to Je·shebʹe·ab, 14  the 15th to Bilʹgah, the 16th to Imʹmer, 15  the 17th to Heʹzir, the 18th to Hapʹpiz·zez, 16  the 19th to Peth·a·hiʹah, the 20th to Je·hezʹkel, 17  the 21st to Jaʹchin, the 22nd to Gaʹmul, 18  the 23rd to De·laʹiah, the 24th to Ma·a·ziʹah. 19  These were their offices for their service+ when they would come into the house of Jehovah according to the procedure set by their forefather Aaron, just as Jehovah the God of Israel had commanded him. 20  And of the rest of the Levites: of the sons of Amʹram,+ there was Shuʹba·el;+ of the sons of Shuʹba·el, Jeh·deʹiah; 21  of Re·ha·biʹah:+ of the sons of Re·ha·biʹah, Is·shiʹah the head; 22  of the Izʹhar·ites, She·loʹmoth;+ of the sons of She·loʹmoth, Jaʹhath; 23  and of the sons of Hebʹron, Je·riʹah+ the head, Am·a·riʹah the second, Ja·ha·ziʹel the third, Jek·a·meʹam the fourth; 24  of the sons of Uzʹzi·el, Miʹcah; of the sons of Miʹcah, Shaʹmir. 25  The brother of Miʹcah was Is·shiʹah; of the sons of Is·shiʹah, Zech·a·riʹah. 26  The sons of Me·rarʹi+ were Mahʹli and Muʹshi; of the sons of Ja·a·ziʹah, Beʹno. 27  The sons of Me·rarʹi: of Ja·a·ziʹah, Beʹno, Shoʹham, Zacʹcur, and Ibʹri; 28  of Mahʹli, El·e·aʹzar, who did not have any sons;+ 29  of Kish: the sons of Kish, Je·rahʹme·el; 30  and the sons of Muʹshi were Mahʹli, Eʹder, and Jerʹi·moth. These were the sons of Leʹvi by their paternal houses. 31  And they also cast lots+ just as their brothers the sons of Aaron did in the presence of King David, Zaʹdok, A·himʹe·lech, and the heads of the paternal houses of the priests and of the Levites. Regarding the paternal houses, the head one was just as his younger brother.


Study Notes


NWT | The First of Chronicles 25:1-31

NWT | The First of Chronicles 25:1-31 somebody

The First of Chronicles 25:1-31

25  Further, David and the chiefs of the groups for the service separated some of the sons of Aʹsaph, Heʹman, and Je·duʹthun+ to serve by prophesying with the harps, the stringed instruments,+ and the cymbals.+ The list of the official men for this service was,  of the sons of Aʹsaph: Zacʹcur, Joseph, Neth·a·niʹah, and Ash·a·reʹlah, the sons of Aʹsaph under the direction of Aʹsaph, who prophesied under the direction of the king.  Of Je·duʹthun,+ the sons of Je·duʹthun: Ged·a·liʹah, Zeʹri, Je·shaʹiah, Shimʹe·i, Hash·a·biʹah, and Mat·ti·thiʹah,+ six, under the direction of their father Je·duʹthun, who prophesied with the harp, thanking and praising Jehovah.+  Of Heʹman,+ the sons of Heʹman: Buk·kiʹah, Mat·ta·niʹah, Uzʹzi·el, Shebʹu·el, Jerʹi·moth, Han·a·niʹah, Ha·naʹni, E·liʹa·thah, Gid·dalʹti, Ro·mamʹti-eʹzer, Josh·be·kashʹah, Mal·loʹthi, Hoʹthir, and Ma·haʹzi·oth.  All of these were sons of Heʹman, a visionary of the king in matters pertaining to the true God to his glory;* thus the true God gave Heʹman 14 sons and 3 daughters.  All of these were under the direction of their father for singing at the house of Jehovah, with cymbals, stringed instruments, and harps+ for the service of the house of the true God. Under the king’s direction were Aʹsaph, Je·duʹthun, and Heʹman.  The number of them and their brothers who were trained in song to Jehovah, all experts, was 288.  So they cast lots+ for their duties, the small and the great alike, the expert along with the learner.  The first lot to come out belonged to Aʹsaph for Joseph,+ the second for Ged·a·liʹah+ (he and his brothers and his sons were 12); 10  the third for Zacʹcur,+ his sons and his brothers, 12; 11  the fourth for Izʹri, his sons and his brothers, 12; 12  the fifth for Neth·a·niʹah,+ his sons and his brothers, 12; 13  the sixth for Buk·kiʹah, his sons and his brothers, 12; 14  the seventh for Jesh·a·reʹlah, his sons and his brothers, 12; 15  the eighth for Je·shaʹiah, his sons and his brothers, 12; 16  the ninth for Mat·ta·niʹah, his sons and his brothers, 12; 17  the tenth for Shimʹe·i, his sons and his brothers, 12; 18  the 11th for Azʹar·el, his sons and his brothers, 12; 19  the 12th for Hash·a·biʹah, his sons and his brothers, 12; 20  for the 13th, Shuʹba·el,+ his sons and his brothers, 12; 21  for the 14th, Mat·ti·thiʹah, his sons and his brothers, 12; 22  for the 15th, for Jerʹe·moth, his sons and his brothers, 12; 23  for the 16th, for Han·a·niʹah, his sons and his brothers, 12; 24  for the 17th, for Josh·be·kashʹah, his sons and his brothers, 12; 25  for the 18th, for Ha·naʹni, his sons and his brothers, 12; 26  for the 19th, for Mal·loʹthi, his sons and his brothers, 12; 27  for the 20th, for E·liʹa·thah, his sons and his brothers, 12; 28  for the 21st, for Hoʹthir, his sons and his brothers, 12; 29  for the 22nd, for Gid·dalʹti,+ his sons and his brothers, 12; 30  for the 23rd, for Ma·haʹzi·oth,+ his sons and his brothers, 12; 31  for the 24th, for Ro·mamʹti-eʹzer,+ his sons and his brothers, 12.


Lit., “to raise up his horn.”

Study Notes


NWT | The First of Chronicles 26:1-32

NWT | The First of Chronicles 26:1-32 somebody

1 Chronicles 26:1-32

The First of Chronicles 26:1-32

26  The divisions of gatekeepersa were as follows: of the Korʹah·ites, Me·shel·e·miʹahb the son of Koʹre of the sons of Aʹsaph.  And Me·shel·e·miʹah had sons: Zech·a·riʹah the firstborn, Je·diʹa·el the second, Zeb·a·diʹah the third, Jathʹni·el the fourth,  Eʹlam the fifth, Je·ho·haʹnan the sixth, Elʹie·ho-eʹnai the seventh.  And Oʹbed-eʹdom had sons: She·maiʹah the firstborn, Je·hozʹa·bad the second, Joʹah the third, Saʹcar the fourth, Ne·thanʹel the fifth,  Amʹmi·el the sixth, Isʹsa·char the seventh, and Pe·ulʹle·thai the eighth; for God had blessed him.  And to his son She·maiʹah, there were sons born who were rulers of their paternal house, for they were mighty, capable men.  The sons of She·maiʹah: Othʹni, Rephʹa·el, Oʹbed, and El·zaʹbad; and his brothers E·liʹhu and Sem·a·chiʹah were also capable men.  All of these were of the sons of Oʹbed-eʹdom; they and their sons and their brothers were capable men and qualified for the service, 62 belonging to Oʹbed-eʹdom.  And Me·shel·e·miʹahc had sons and brothers, 18 capable men. 10  And Hoʹsah of the sons of Me·rarʹi had sons. Shimʹri was the head, for although he was not the firstborn, his father appointed him as head, 11  Hil·kiʹah the second, Teb·a·liʹah the third, Zech·a·riʹah the fourth. All the sons and brothers of Hoʹsah were 13. 12  Of these divisions of the gatekeepers, the headmen had duties just as their brothers did, to minister at the house of Jehovah. 13  So they cast lots,d the small and the great alike by their paternal houses, for the different gates. 14  Then the lot to the east fell to Shel·e·miʹah. For Zech·a·riʹah his son, a discreet adviser, they cast the lots, and his lot came out to the north. 15  Oʹbed-eʹdom had his to the south, and his sonse were assigned the storehouses. 16  Shupʹpim and Hoʹsahf had theirs to the west, near the Shalʹlech·eth Gate by the highway that goes up, guard group corresponding to guard group; 17  there were six Levites to the east; to the north, four each day and to the south, four each day; and for the storehouses,g two by two; 18  for the portico to the west, there were four at the highwayh and two at the portico. 19  These were the divisions of the gatekeepers from the sons of the Korʹah·ites and of the Me·rarʹites. 20  As regards the Levites, A·hiʹjah was in charge of the treasuries of the house of the true God and the treasuries of the things made holy.*i 21  The sons of Laʹdan: the sons of the Gerʹshon·ite belonging to Laʹdan, the heads of the paternal houses belonging to Laʹdan the Gerʹshon·ite, Je·hiʹe·lij 22  and the sons of Je·hiʹe·li, Zeʹtham and his brother Joel. They were in charge of the treasuries of the house of Jehovah.k 23  From the Amʹram·ites, the Izʹhar·ites, the Hebʹron·ites, and the Uz·ziʹel·ites,l 24  Shebʹu·el son of Gerʹshom son of Moses was a leader in charge of the storehouses. 25  As regards his brothers, of E·li·eʹzer,m there was Re·ha·biʹahn his son, Je·shaʹiah his son, Joʹram his son, Zichʹri his son, and She·loʹmoth his son. 26  This She·loʹmoth and his brothers were in charge of all the treasuries of the things made holy,o which King David,p the heads of the paternal houses,q the chiefs of the thousands and of the hundreds, and the chiefs of the army had made holy. 27  From the warsr and from the spoil,s they had made things holy to maintain the house of Jehovah; 28  also, all that Samuel the seer,t Saul the son of Kish, Abʹneru the son of Ner, and Joʹabv the son of Ze·ruʹiahw had made holy. Whatever anyone made holy was put in the care of She·loʹmith and his brothers. 29  Of the Izʹhar·ites,x Chen·a·niʹah and his sons were assigned outside administrative duties as officers and as judgesy over Israel. 30  Of the Hebʹron·ites,z Hash·a·biʹah and his brothers, 1,700 capable men, were over the administration of Israel in the region west of the Jordan for all the work of Jehovah and for the king’s service. 31  Of the Hebʹron·ites, Je·riʹjaha was the head of the Hebʹron·ites by line of descent of their paternal house. In the 40th year of David’s kingship,b they were sought out, and mighty, capable men were found among them in Jaʹzerc in Gilʹe·ad. 32  And his brothers numbered 2,700 capable men, heads of the paternal houses. So King David assigned them over the Reuʹben·ites, the Gadʹites, and the half tribe of the Ma·nasʹsites, for every matter of the true God and matter of the king.

NWT | The First of Chronicles 27:1-34

NWT | The First of Chronicles 27:1-34 somebody

The First of Chronicles 27:1-34

27  This is the number of Israelites, the heads of the paternal houses, the chiefs of the thousands and of the hundreds,+ and their officers who ministered to the king+ in every matter of the divisions that would come in and go out month by month during all the months of the year; there were 24,000 in each division.  Over the first division of the first month was Ja·shoʹbe·am+ the son of Zabʹdi·el, and 24,000 were in his division.  Of the sons of Peʹrez,+ he was the head of all the chiefs of the groups assigned to serve during the first month.  Over the division of the second month was Doʹdai+ the A·hoʹhite+ with his division, and Mikʹloth was the leader, and 24,000 were in his division.  The chief of the third group assigned to serve during the third month was Be·naiʹah+ the son of Je·hoiʹa·da+ the chief priest, and 24,000 were in his division.  This Be·naiʹah was a mighty warrior of the thirty and in charge of the thirty, and over his division was his son Am·mizʹa·bad.  The fourth for the fourth month was Asʹa·hel,+ Joʹab’s brother,+ and his son Zeb·a·diʹah after him, and 24,000 were in his division.  The fifth chief for the fifth month was Shamʹhuth the Izʹrah·ite, and 24,000 were in his division.  The sixth for the sixth month was Iʹra+ the son of Ikʹkesh the Te·koʹite,+ and 24,000 were in his division. 10  The seventh for the seventh month was Heʹlez+ the Pelʹo·nite of the Eʹphra·im·ites, and 24,000 were in his division. 11  The eighth for the eighth month was Sibʹbe·cai+ the Huʹshath·ite of the Zeʹrah·ites,+ and 24,000 were in his division. 12  The ninth for the ninth month was Abi-eʹzer+ the Anʹa·thoth·ite+ of the Benʹja·min·ites, and 24,000 were in his division. 13  The tenth for the tenth month was Maʹha·rai+ the Ne·tophʹa·thite of the Zeʹrah·ites,+ and 24,000 were in his division. 14  The 11th for the 11th month was Be·naiʹah+ the Pirʹa·thon·ite of the sons of Eʹphra·im, and 24,000 were in his division. 15  The 12th for the 12th month was Helʹdai the Ne·tophʹa·thite, of Othʹni·el, and 24,000 were in his division. 16  These were the leaders of the tribes of Israel: Of the Reuʹben·ites, E·li·eʹzer the son of Zichʹri was leader; of the Simʹe·on·ites, Sheph·a·tiʹah the son of Maʹa·cah; 17  of Leʹvi, Hash·a·biʹah the son of Kem·uʹel; of Aaron, Zaʹdok; 18  of Judah, E·liʹhu,+ one of David’s brothers; of Isʹsa·char, Omʹri the son of Miʹcha·el; 19  of Zebʹu·lun, Ish·maʹiah the son of O·ba·diʹah; of Naphʹta·li, Jerʹi·moth the son of Azʹri·el; 20  of the Eʹphra·im·ites, Ho·sheʹa the son of Az·a·ziʹah; of the half tribe of Ma·nasʹseh, Joel the son of Pe·daiʹah; 21  of the half tribe of Ma·nasʹseh in Gilʹe·ad, Idʹdo the son of Zech·a·riʹah; of Benjamin, Ja·a·siʹel the son of Abʹner;+ 22  of Dan, Azʹar·el the son of Je·roʹham. These were the princes of the tribes of Israel. 23  David did not count those 20 years of age and under, because Jehovah had promised to make Israel as many as the stars of the heavens.+ 24  Joʹab the son of Ze·ruʹiah had started to take the count, but he did not finish; and God’s anger came against Israel* because of this,+ and the number was not entered into the account of the history of the times of King David. 25  Over the treasuries of the king+ was Azʹma·veth the son of Adʹi·el. Jonʹa·than the son of Uz·ziʹah was over the storehouses* in the fields, in the cities, in the villages, and in the towers. 26  Over the field workers who cultivated the soil was Ezʹri the son of Cheʹlub. 27  Shimʹe·i the Raʹmath·ite was over the vineyards; over the produce of the vineyards for the wine supplies was Zabʹdi the Shiphʹmite. 28  Over the olive groves and the sycamore trees+ in the She·pheʹlah+ was Baʹal-haʹnan the Ge·deʹrite; over the oil supplies was Joʹash. 29  Over the herds that grazed in Sharʹon+ was Shitʹrai the Sharʹon·ite, and Shaʹphat the son of Adʹlai was over the herds in the valley plains.* 30  Over the camels was Oʹbil the Ishʹma·el·ite; over the donkeys* was Jeh·deʹiah the Me·ronʹo·thite. 31  Over the flocks was Jaʹziz the Hagʹrite. All of these were the chiefs of King David’s property. 32  Jonʹa·than,+ David’s nephew, was an adviser, a man of understanding and a secretary, and Je·hiʹel the son of Hachʹmo·ni looked after the king’s sons.+ 33  A·hithʹo·phel+ was an adviser to the king, and Huʹshai+ the Arʹchite was the king’s friend.* 34  After A·hithʹo·phel there were Je·hoiʹa·da the son of Be·naiʹah+ and A·biʹa·thar;+ and Joʹab+ was chief of the king’s army.


Lit., “and anger was on Israel.”
Or “treasuries.”
Or “low plains.”
Lit., “female donkeys.”
Or “confidant.”

Study Notes


NWT | The First of Chronicles 28:1-21

NWT | The First of Chronicles 28:1-21 somebody

The First of Chronicles 28:1-21

28  David then congregated all the princes of Israel to Jerusalem: the princes of the tribes, the chiefs of the divisions+ ministering to the king, the chiefs of thousands and the chiefs of hundreds,+ the chiefs of all the property and livestock of the king+ and of his sons,+ together with the court officials and every mighty and capable man.+  Then King David rose to his feet and said: “Hear me, my brothers and my people. It was my heart’s desire to build a house as the resting-place for the ark of the covenant of Jehovah and as the footstool of our God,+ and I made preparations to build.+  But the true God told me, ‘You will not build a house for my name,+ for you are a man of wars, and you have shed blood.’+  However, Jehovah the God of Israel chose me out of all the house of my father to become king over Israel forever,+ for he chose Judah as leader+ and of the house of Judah, my father’s house,+ and of my father’s sons, I was the one whom he approved, to make me king over all Israel.+  And of all my sons—for Jehovah has given me many sons+—he chose my son Solʹo·mon+ to sit on the throne of the kingship of Jehovah over Israel.+  “He said to me, ‘Your son Solʹo·mon is the one who will build my house and my courtyards, for I have chosen him as my son and I will become his father.+  I will firmly establish his kingship forever+ if he resolutely observes my commandments and my judicial decisions,+ as he is now doing.’  So I say before the eyes of all Israel, Jehovah’s congregation, and in the ears of our God: Carefully observe and search for all the commandments of Jehovah your God, so that you may possess the good land+ and pass it on as a permanent inheritance to your sons after you.  “And you, Solʹo·mon my son, know the God of your father and serve him with a complete* heart+ and with a delightful* soul,* for Jehovah searches through all hearts,+ and he discerns every inclination of the thoughts.+ If you search for him, he will let himself be found by you,+ but if you leave him, he will reject you forever.+ 10  See, now, for Jehovah has chosen you to build a house as a sanctuary. Be courageous and go to work.” 11  David then gave to his son Solʹo·mon the architectural plan+ of the porch+ and of its houses, its storerooms, its roof chambers, its inner rooms, and the house of the propitiatory cover.*+ 12  He gave him the architectural plan of everything that had been conveyed to him through inspiration* for the courtyards+ of Jehovah’s house, for all the dining rooms around it, for the treasuries of the house of the true God, and for the treasuries of the things made holy;*+ 13  also for the divisions of the priests+ and of the Levites, for all the duties of the service of Jehovah’s house, and for all the utensils of the service of Jehovah’s house; 14  also for the weight of the gold, the gold for all the utensils for the different services, the weight of all the utensils of silver, and for all the utensils for the different services; 15  also the weight for the gold lampstands+ and their gold lamps, the weight of the different lampstands and their lamps, and the weight of the silver lampstands, for each lampstand and its lamps according to its use; 16  also the weight of the gold for the tables of the layer bread,*+ for each table, as well as the silver for the tables of silver, 17  for the forks, the bowls, the pitchers of pure gold, and the weight of the small gold bowls,+ for each small bowl, and the weight of the small silver bowls, for each small bowl. 18  He also gave the weight for the refined gold for the incense altar+ and for the representation of the chariot,+ namely, the cherubs+ of gold that spread their wings out and overshadow the ark of the covenant of Jehovah. 19  David said: “The hand of Jehovah was upon me, and he gave me insight to put all the details of the architectural plan+ in writing.”+ 20  Then David said to his son Solʹo·mon: “Be courageous and strong and go to work. Do not be afraid or be terrified, for Jehovah God, my God, is with you.+ He will not desert you or abandon you,+ but he will be with you until all the work for the service of Jehovah’s house is finished. 21  And here are the divisions of the priests+ and of the Levites+ for all the service of the house of the true God. You have willing, skilled workers to perform every kind of service,+ as well as the princes+ and all the people who will carry out all your instructions.”


Or “completely devoted.”
Or “willing.”
Or “house of the atonement.”
Lit., “by the spirit.”
Or “things dedicated.”
That is, the showbread.

Study Notes


NWT | The First of Chronicles 29:1-30

NWT | The First of Chronicles 29:1-30 somebody

1 Chronicles 29:1-30

The First of Chronicles 29:1-30

29  King David now said to all the congregation: “My son Solʹo·mon, the one whom God has chosen,a is young and inexperienced,*b and the work is great, for it is not a temple* for man but for Jehovah God.c  And I have spared no effort to prepare for the house of my God, providing the gold for the goldwork, the silver for the silverwork, the copper for the copperwork, the iron for the ironwork,d the timberse for the timberwork, onyx stones, and stones to be set with mortar, mosaic pebbles, every kind of precious stone, and alabaster stones in great quantity.  Moreover, because of my delight in the house of my God,f there is also my private treasureg of gold and silver that I am giving to the house of my God, in addition to all that I have prepared for the holy house,  including 3,000 talents* of gold from Oʹphirh and 7,000 talents of refined silver, for coating the walls of the houses,  the gold for the goldwork and the silver for the silverwork, and for all the work to be done by the craftsmen. Now who volunteers to come forward today with a gift in hand for Jehovah?”i  So the princes of the paternal houses, the princes of the tribes of Israel, the chiefs of thousands and of hundreds,j and the chiefs of the business of the kingk came forward voluntarily.  And they gave to the service of the house of the true God: 5,000 talents of gold, 10,000 darics,* 10,000 talents of silver, 18,000 talents of copper, and 100,000 talents of iron.  Whoever had precious stones gave them to the treasury of the house of Jehovah, under the care of Je·hiʹell the Gerʹshon·ite.m  The people rejoiced over making these voluntary offerings, for they made the voluntary offerings to Jehovah with a complete heart,n and David the king also rejoiced greatly. 10  Then David praised Jehovah before the eyes of all the congregation. David said: “May you be praised, O Jehovah the God of Israel our father, throughout all eternity.* 11  Yours, O Jehovah, are the greatnesso and the mightinessp and the beauty and the splendor and the majesty,*q for everything in the heavens and on the earth is yours.r Yours is the kingdom, O Jehovah.s You are the One exalting yourself as head over all. 12  The riches and the glory are from you,t and you rule over everything,u and in your hand there are powerv and mightiness,w and your hand is able to make greatx and to give strength to all.y 13  And now, O our God, we thank you and praise your beautiful name. 14  “And yet, who am I and who are my people that we should be in a position to make voluntary offerings like this? For everything is from you, and we have given to you what comes from your own hand. 15  For we are foreign residents in your presence and settlers, just like all our forefathers.z For our days on the earth are like a shadowa—without hope. 16  O Jehovah our God, all this wealth that we have prepared to build for you a house for your holy name is from your own hand, and it all belongs to you. 17  I well know, O my God, that you examine the heartb and that you take pleasure in integrity.*c In the uprightness* of my heart, I have voluntarily offered all these things, and I am overjoyed to see your people who are present here make voluntary offerings to you. 18  O Jehovah, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, our forefathers, keep these inclinations and thoughts in the hearts of your people forever, and direct their hearts to you.d 19  And give a complete* hearte to my son Solʹo·mon, so that he may observe your commandments,f your reminders, and your regulations and do all these things and build the temple* for which I have made preparation.”g 20  David then said to all the congregation: “Now praise Jehovah your God.” And all the congregation praised Jehovah the God of their forefathers and bowed low and prostrated themselves to Jehovah and to the king. 21  And they continued to offer sacrifices to Jehovah and to offer up burnt offeringsh to Jehovah on the following day, 1,000 young bulls, 1,000 rams, 1,000 male lambs, and their drink offerings;i they offered sacrifices in great number for all Israel.j 22  They continued eating and drinking before Jehovah on that day with great rejoicing,k and for a second time they made Solʹo·mon the son of David king and anointed him before Jehovah as leader,l and also Zaʹdok as priest.m 23  And Solʹo·mon sat on Jehovah’s thronen as king in place of David his father, and he was successful, and all the Israelites were obedient to him. 24  All the princes,o the mighty warriors,p and also all the sons of King Davidq submitted themselves to Solʹo·mon the king. 25  And Jehovah made Solʹo·mon exceedingly great before the eyes of all Israel and bestowed on him royal majesty such as no king over Israel ever had before.r 26  Thus David the son of Jesʹse reigned over all Israel, 27  and the length* of his reign over Israel was 40 years. In Hebʹron he reigned for 7 years,s and in Jerusalem he reigned for 33 years.t 28  And he died at a good old age,u satisfied with long life,* wealth, and glory; and his son Solʹo·mon became king in his place.v 29  As for the history of King David, from beginning to end, it is written among the words of Samuel the seer, Nathanw the prophet, and Gadx the visionary, 30  together with all his kingship, his mightiness, and the events of the times involving him and Israel and all the surrounding kingdoms.