| 1. When Moses had led the Hebrews away from thence to a place called Paran, which was near to the borders of the Canaanites and a place difficult to be continued in, he gathered the people together to a congregation; and standing in the midst of them, he said, �Of the two things that God determined to bestow upon us, liberty and the possession of a Happy Country, the one of them ye already are partakers of, by the gift of God and the other you will quickly obtain; for we now have our abode near the borders of the Canaanites and nothing can hinder the acquisition of it, when we now at last are fallen upon it: I say, not only no king nor city, but neither the whole race of mankind, if they were all gathered together, could do it. Let us therefore prepare ourselves for the work, for the Canaanites will not resign up their land to us without fighting, but it must be wrested from them by great struggles in war. Let us then send spies, who may take a view of the goodness of the land and what strength it is of; but, above all things, let us be of one mind and let us honour God, who above all is our helper and assister." | |