Jesus of Tiberias stirs up rage against Josephus (Flavius Josephus Autobiography) (Flavius Josephus)

Jesus of Tiberias stirs up rage against Josephus (Flavius Josephus Autobiography) (Flavius Josephus) somebody

Jesus of Tiberias stirs up rage against Josephus

27. Now, when all Galilee was filled with this rumour, that their country was about to be betrayed by me to the Romans and when all men were exasperated against me and ready to bring me to punishment, the inhabitants of Tarichee did also themselves suppose that what the young men said was true and persuaded my guards and armed men to leave me when I was asleep and to come presently to the hippodrome, in order there to take counsel against me their commander. and when they had prevailed with them and they were gotten together, they found there a great company assembled already, who all joined in one clamour, to bring the man who was so wicked to them as to betray them, to his due punishment; and it was Jesus, the son of Sapphias, who principally set them on. He was ruler in Tiberias, a wicked man and naturally disposed to make disturbances in matters of consequence; a seditious person he was indeed and an innovator beyond everyone else. He then took the laws of Moses into his hands and came into the midst of the people and said, �fellow citizens! if you are not disposed to hate Josephus on your own account, have regard, however, to these laws of your country, which your commander-in-chief is going to betray; hate him therefore on both these accounts and bring the man who has acted thus insolently, to his deserved punishment. �


28. When he had said this and the multitude had openly applauded him for what he had said, he took some of the armed men and made haste away to the house in which I lodged, as if he would kill me immediately, while I was wholly insensible of all till this disturbance happened; and by reason of the pains I had been taking, was fallen fast asleep. But Simon, who was entrusted with the care of my body and was the only person that stayed with me and saw the violent incursion the citizens made upon me, awaked me and told me of the danger I was in and asked me to let him kill me, that I might die bravely and like a general, before my enemies came in and forced me [to kill myself], or killed me themselves. Thus did he discourse to me; but I committed the care of my life to God and made haste to go out to the multitude. Accordingly, I put on a black garment and hung my sword at my neck and went by such a different way to the hippodrome, where I thought none of my adversaries would meet me; so I appeared among them on the sudden and fell down flat on the earth and bedewed the ground with my tears: then I seemed to them all an object of compassion. and when I perceived the change that was made in the multitude, I tried to divide their opinions before the armed men should return from my house; so I granted them that I had been as wicked as they supposed me to be; but still I entreated them to let me first inform them for what use I had kept that money which arose from the plunder, and, that they might then kill me if they pleased: and upon the multitude's ordering me to speak, the armed men came upon me and when they saw me, they ran to kill me; but when the multitude bade them hold their hands, they complied and expected that as soon as I should admit to them that I kept the money for the king, it would be looked on as a confession of my treason and they should then be allowed to kill me.


29. When, therefore, silence was made by the whole multitude, I spoke thus to them: �O my countrymen! I do not refuse to die, if justice so require. However, I am desirous to tell you the truth of this matter before I die; for as I know that this city of yours [Tarichee] was a city of great hospitality and filled with many of such men as have left their own countries and are come here to be partakers of your fortune, whatever it be, I had a mind to build walls about it, out of this money, for which you are so angry with me, while yet it was to be expended in building your own walls.� Upon my saying this, the people of Taricheae and the strangers cried out, that� they gave me thanks and asked me to be of good courage,� although the Galileans and the people of Tiberias continued in their wrath against me, insomuch that there arose a tumult among them, while some threatened to kill me and some bade me not to regard them; but when I promised them that I would build them walls at Tiberias and at other cities that wanted them, they gave credit to what I promised and returned every one to his own home. So I escaped the aforementioned danger, beyond all my hopes and returned to my own house, accompanied with my friends and twenty armed men also.