| 58. When I had said this, Jonathan and his colleagues held their peace; but the people were still more irritated against them, upon their openly showing their unjust ill-will to me. When Jesus saw this change in the people, he ordered them to depart, but asked the senate to stay; for that they could not examine things of such a nature in a tumult: and as the people were crying out that they would not leave me alone, there came one and told Jesus and his friends privately, that John and his armed men were at hand: whereupon Jonathan and his colleagues, being able to contain themselves no longer, (and perhaps the providence of God hereby procuring my deliverance, for had not this been so, I had certainly been destroyed by John,) said, �O you people of Tiberias! leave off this inquiry about the twenty pieces of gold; for Josephus has not deserved to die for them; but he has deserved it by his desire of tyrannizing and by cheating the multitude of the Galileans with his speeches, in order to gain the dominion over them.� When he had said this, they presently laid hands upon me and endeavoured to kill me: but as soon as those that were with me saw what they did, they drew their swords and threatened to smite them, if they offered any violence to me. The people also took up stones and were about to throw them at Jonathan; and so they snatched me from the violence of my enemies. | |