He fails to dissuade the Jews from revolt against Rome (Flavius Josephus Autobiography) (Flavius Josephus)

He fails to dissuade the Jews from revolt against Rome (Flavius Josephus Autobiography) (Flavius Josephus) somebody

He fails to dissuade the Jews from revolt against Rome

4. and now I perceived innovations were already begun and that there were a great many very much stirred up in hopes of a revolt from the Romans. I therefore endeavoured to put a stop to these tumultuous persons and persuaded them to change their minds; and laid before them against whom it was that they were going to fight and showed them how they were inferior to the Romans not only in martial skill, but also in good fortune; and wished them not rashly and most foolishly to bring on the dangers of most terrible misfortune upon their country, upon their families and upon themselves. and this I said with vehement exhortation, because I foresaw that the end of such a war would be most unfortunate to us. But I could not persuade them; for the madness of desperate men was quite too stubborn for me.


5. I was then afraid in case, by inculcating these things so often, I should incur their hatred and their suspicions, as if I were of our enemies' party and should run into the danger of being seized by them and slain; since they were already possessed of Antonia, which was the citadel; so I retired into the inner court of the temple. Yet did I go out of the temple again, after Manahem and the principal of the band of robbers were put to death, when I abode among the high priests and the chief of the Pharisees. But no small fear seized upon us when we saw the people in arms, while we ourselves knew not what we should do and were not able to restrain the seditious. However, as the danger was directly upon us, we pretended that we were of the same opinion with them, but only advised them to be quiet for the present and to let the enemy go away, still hoping that Gessius [Florus] would not be long ere he came and that with great forces and so put an end to these seditious proceedings.