Book 4. Exhortation to Holy Communion

Book 4. Exhortation to Holy Communion somebody

Chapter 01. With how great reverence Christ must be received (Book 4. Exhortation to Holy Communion) (The Imitation of Christ) (a-Kempis, Thomas)

Chapter 01. With how great reverence Christ must be received (Book 4. Exhortation to Holy Communion) (The Imitation of Christ) (a-Kempis, Thomas) somebody

Chapter 1. With how great reverence Christ must be received
Par. 1.

1. The Voice of the Disciple

These are Your words, O Christ, Eternal Truth; though not uttered at one time nor written together in one place of Scripture. Because therefore they are Your words and true, I must gratefully and faithfully receive them all. They are Yours. and You have uttered them; and they are mine also, because You did speak them for my salvation. Gladly I receive them from Your mouth, that they may be more deeply implanted in my heart. Words of such great grace arouse me, for they are full of sweetness and love; but my own sins terrify me, and my impure conscience drives me away from receiving so great mysteries. The sweetness of Your words encourages me, but the multitude of my faults presses me down.

Par. 2.

2. You command that I draw near to You with firm confidence, if I would have part with You, and that I receive the food of immortality, if I desire to obtain eternal life and glory. Come to Me, say You, all that labour and are heavy laden, and I will refresh you. Oh, sweet and lovely word in the ear of the sinner, that You, O Lord my God, do invite the poor and needy to the Communion of Your most holy body and blood. But who am I, O Lord, that I should presume to approach to You? Behold the heaven of heavens cannot contain You, and yet You say, Come ye all to Me.

Par. 3.

3. What means this most gracious condescension, this most lovely invitation? How shall I dare to come, who know no good thing of myself, whence I might be able to presume? How shall I bring You within my house, seeing that I so often have sinned in Your most loving sight? Angels and Archangels stand in awe of You, the Saints and just men fear You, and You say, Come to Me! Except You, Lord, had said it, who should believe it true? And except You had commanded, who should attempt to draw near?

Par. 4.

4. Behold, Noah, that just man, laboured for a hundred years in building the ark, that he might be saved with the few; and I, how shall I be able in one hour to prepare myself to receive the Builder of the world with reverence? Moses, Your servant, Your great and especial friend, made an ark of incorruptible wood, which also he covered with purest gold, that he might lay up in it the tables of the law, and I, a corruptible creature, shall I dare so easily to receive You, the Maker of the Law and the Giver of life? Solomon, the wisest of the kings of Israel, was seven years building his magnificent temple to the praise of Your Name, and for eight days celebrated the feast of its dedication, offered a thousand peace offerings, and solemnly brought up the Ark of the Covenant to the place prepared for it, with the sound of trumpets and great joy, and I, unhappy and poorest of mankind, how shall I bring You into my house, who scarce know how to spend half an hour in devotion? And oh that it were even one half hou worthily spent!

Par. 5.

5. O my God, how earnestly these holy men strove to please You! And alas! how little and trifling is that which I do! how short a time do I spend, when I am disposing myself to Communion. Rarely altogether collected, most rarely cleansed from all distraction. And surely in the saving presence of Your Godhead no unmeet thought ought to intrude, nor should any creature take possession of me, because it is not an Angel but the Lord of the Angels, that I am about to receive as my Guest.

Par. 6.

6. Yet there is a vast difference between the Ark of the Covenant with its relics, and Your most pure Body with its ineffable virtues, between those sacrifices of the law, which were figures of things to come, and the true sacrifice of Your Body, the completion of all the ancient sacrifices.

Par. 7.

7. Wherefore then do I not yearn more ardently after Your adorable presence? Why do I not prepare myself with greater solicitude to receive Your holy things, when those holy Patriarchs and Prophets of old, kings also and princes, with the whole people, manifested so great affection of devotion towards Your Divine Service?

Par. 8.

8. The most devout king David danced with all his might before the Ark of God, calling to mind the benefits granted to his forefathers in days past; he fashioned musical instruments of various sorts, put forth Psalms, and appointed them to be sung with joy, played also himself often on the harp, being inspired with the grace of the Holy Ghost; he taught the people of Israel to praise God with the whole heart, and with unity of voice to bless and praise Him every day. If so great devotion was then exercised, and celebration of divine praise was carried on before the Ark of the Testimony, how great reverence and devotion ought now to be shown by me and all Christian people at the ministering of the Sacrament, at receiving the most precious Body and Blood of Christ.

Par. 9.

9. Many run to diverse places to visit the memorials of departed Saints, and rejoice to hear of their deeds and to look upon the beautiful buildings of their shrines. And behold, You are present here with me, O my God, Saint of Saints, Creator of men and Lord of the Angels. Often in looking at those memorials men are moved by curiosity and novelty, and very little fruit of amendment is borne away, especially when there is so much careless trifling and so little true contrition. But here in the Sacrament of the Altar, You are present altogether, My God, the Man Christ Jesus; where also abundant fruit of eternal life is given to every one soever that receives You worthily and devoutly. But to this no levity draws, no curiosity, nor sensuality, only steadfast faith, devout hope, and sincere charity.

Par. 10.

10. O God, invisible Creator of the world, how wondrously do You work with us, how sweetly and graciously You deal with Your elect, to whom You offerest Yourself to be received in this Sacrament! For this surpasses all understanding, this specially draws the hearts of the devout and enkindles their affections. For even your true faithful ones themselves, who order their whole life to amendment, oftentimes gain from this most excellent Sacrament great grace of devotion and love of virtue.

Par. 11.

11. Oh admirable and hidden grace of the Sacrament, which only Christ's faithful ones know, but the faithless and those who serve sin cannot experience! In this Sacrament is conferred spiritual grace, and lost virtue is regained in the soul, and the beauty which was disfigured by sin returns again. So great sometimes is this grace that out of the fulness of devotion given, not only the mind but also the weak body feels that more strength is supplied to it.

Par. 12.

12. But greatly must we mourn and lament over our lukewarmness and negligence, that we are not drawn by greater affection to become partakers of Christ, in whom all the hope and the merit of those that are to be saved consist. For He Himself is our sanctification and redemption. He is the consolation of pilgrims and the eternal fruition of the Saints. Therefore it is grievously to be lamented that many so little consider this health-giving mystery, which makes heaven glad and preserves the whole world. Alas for the blindness and hardness of man's heart, that he considers not more this unspeakable gift, and even slips down through the daily use, into carelessness.

Par. 13.

13. For if this most holy Sacrament were celebrated in one place only, and were consecrated only by one priest in the whole world, with what great desire think you, would men be affected towards that place and towards such a priest of God, that they might behold the divine mysteries celebrated? But now are many men made priests and in many places the Sacrament is celebrated, that the grace and love of God towards men might the more appear, the more widely the Holy Communion is spread abroad over all the world. Thanks be to You, O good Jesus, Eternal Shepherd, who have condescended to refresh us, poor and exiled ones, with Your precious Body and Blood, and to invite us to partake these holy mysteries by the invitation from Your own mouth, saying, Come to Me, ye who labour and are heavy laden, and I will refresh you.

1 Corinthians i. 30.

Chapter 02. That the greatness and charity of God is shown to men in the ... (Book 4. Exhortation to Holy Communion) (The Imitation of Christ) (a-Kempis, Thomas)

Chapter 02. That the greatness and charity of God is shown to men in the ... (Book 4. Exhortation to Holy Communion) (The Imitation of Christ) (a-Kempis, Thomas) somebody

Chapter 2. That the greatness and charity of God is shown to men in the Sacrament
Par. 1.

1. The Voice of the Disciple

Trusting in Your goodness and great mercy, O Lord, I draw near, the sick to the Healer, the hungering and thirsting to the Fountain of life, the poverty-stricken to the King of heaven, the servant to the Lord, the creature to the Creator, the desolate to my own gentle Comforter. But whence is this to me, that You come to me? Who am I that You should offer me Yourself? How does a sinner dare to appear before You? And how do you graciouslycome to the sinner? You know Your servant, and You know that he has in him no good thing for which You should grant him this grace. I confess therefore mine own vileness, I acknowledge Your goodness, I praise Your tenderness, and I give You thanks for Your exceeding great love. For You do this for Your own sake, not for my merits, that Your goodness may be more manifest to me, Your charity more abundantly poured out upon me, and Your humility more perfectly commended to me. Therefore because this pleass You and You have commanded that thu it shall be, Your condescension pleases me also; and oh that mine iniquity hinder it not.

Par. 2.

2. O most sweet and tender Jesus, what reverence, what giving of thanks is due to You with perpetual praise for the receiving of Your sacred Body and Blood, the dignity whereof no man is found able to express. But what shall I think upon in this Communion in approaching my Lord, whom I am not able worthily to honour, and nevertheless whom I long devoutly to receive? What shall be better and more healthful meditation for me, than utter humiliation of myself before You, and exaltation of Your infinite goodness towards me? I praise You, O my God, and exalt You for evermore. I despise myself, and cast myself down before You into the deep of my vileness.

Par. 3.

3. Behold, You are the Saint of saints and I the refuse of sinners; behold, You stoopest to me who am not worthy to look upon You; behold, You come to me, You willest to be with me, You invitest me to Your feast. You willest to give me the heavenly food and bread of angels to eat; none other, in truth, than Yourself, The living bread, which did descend from heaven; and give life to the world.

Par. 4.

4. Behold, whence this love proceedeth! what manner of condescension shines forth herein. What great giving of thanks and praise is due to You for these benefits! Oh how salutary and profitable Your purpose when You did ordain this! How sweet and pleasant the feast when You did give Yourself for food! Oh how admirable is your working, O Lord, how mighty Your power, how unspeakable Your truth! For You did speak the word, and all things were made; and this is done which You have commanded.

Par. 5.

5. A thing wonderful, and worthy of faith, and surpassing all the understanding of man, that You, O Lord my God, very God and very man, give Yourself altogether to us in a little bread and wine, and are so our inexhaustible food. You, O Lord of all, who have need of nothing, have willed to dwell in us through Your Sacrament. Preserve my heart and my body undefiled, that with a joyful and pure conscience I may be able very often to [celebrate, and] receive to my perpetual health. Your mysteries, which You have consecrated and instituted both for Your own honour, and for a perpetual memorial.

Par. 6.

6. Rejoice, O my soul, and give thanks to God for so great a gift and precious consolation, left to you in this vale of tears. For so oft as you callest this mystery to mind and receivest the body of Christ, so often do you celebrate the work of your redemption, and are made partaker of all the merits of Christ. For the charity of Christ never grows less, and the greatness of His propitiation is never exhausted. Therefore, by continual renewal of your spirit, you ought to dispose yourself hereunto and to weigh the great mystery of salvation with attentive consideration. So great, new, and joyful ought it to appear to you when you come to communion, as if on this self-same day Christ for the first time were descending into the Virgin's womb and becoming man, or hanging on the cross, suffering and dying for the salvation of mankind.

John vi. 51. The words in brackets are only suitable for a priest.

Chapter 03. That it is profitable to Communicate often (Book 4. Exhortation to Holy Communion) (The Imitation of Christ) (a-Kempis, Thomas)

Chapter 03. That it is profitable to Communicate often (Book 4. Exhortation to Holy Communion) (The Imitation of Christ) (a-Kempis, Thomas) somebody

Chapter 3. That it is profitable to Communicate often
Par. 1.

1. The Voice of the Disciple

Behold I come to You, O Lord, that I may be blessed through Your gift, and be made joyful in Your holy feast which You, O God, of Your goodness have prepared for the poor. Behold in You is all that I can and ought to desire, You are my salvation and redemption, my hope and strength, my honour and glory. Therefore rejoice the soul of Your servant this day, for to You, O Lord Jesus, do I lift up my soul. I long now to receive You devoutly and reverently, I desire to bring You into my house, so that with Zacchaeus I may be counted worthy to be blessed by You and numbered among the children of Abraham. My soul has an earnest desire for Your Body, my heart longs to be united with You.

Par. 2.

2. Give me Yourself and it suffices, for besides You no consolation avails. Without You I cannot be, and without Your visitation I have no power to live. And therefore I must needs draw nigh to You often, and receive You for the healing of my soul, in case by chance I faint by the way if I be deprived of heavenly food. For so You, most merciful Jesus, preaching to the people and healing many sick, did once say, I will not send them away fasting to their own homes, in case they faint by the way. Deal therefore now to me in like manner, for You left Yourself for the consolation of the faithful in the Sacrament. For You are the sweet refreshment of the soul, and he who shall eat You worthily shall be partaker and inheritor of the eternal glory. Necessary indeed it is for me, who so often slide backwards and sin, so quickly wax cold and faint, to renew, cleanse, enkindle myself by frequent prayers and penitences and receiving of Your sacred Body and Blood in case perhaps by too long abstinence, I fall short of my holy resolutions.

Par. 3.

3. For the imaginations of man's heart are evil from his youth, and except divine medicine succour him, man slides away continually to the worse. The Holy Communion therefore draws us back from evil, and strengthens us for good. For if I now be so negligent and lukewarm when I communicate [or celebrate], how should it be with me, if I receive not this medicine, and sought not so great a help? [And though I am not every day fit nor well prepared to celebrate, I will nevertheless give diligent heed at due season, to receive the divine mysteries, and to become partaker of so great grace]. For this is the one principal consolation of a faithful soul, so long as it is absent from You in mortal body, that being continually mindful of its God, it receives its Beloved with devout spirit.

Par. 4.

4. Oh wonderful condescension of Your pity surrounding us, that You, O Lord God, Creator and Quickener of all spirits, deignest to come to a soul so poor and weak, and to appease its hunger with Your whole Deity and Humanity. Oh happy mind and blessed soul, to which is granted devoutly to receive You its Lord God, and in so receiving You to be filled with all spiritual joy! Oh how great a Lord does it entertain, how beloved a Guest does it bring in, how delightful a Companion does it receive, how faithful a Friend does it welcome, how beautiful and exalted a Spouse, above every other Beloved, does it embrace, One to be loved above all things that can be desired! Oh my most sweet Beloved, let heaven and earth and all the glory of them, be silent in Your presence; seeing whatsoever praise and beauty they have it is of Your gracious bounty; and they shall never reach to the loveliness of Your Name, Whose Wisdom is infinite.

Psalm lxviii. 10. Psalm lxxxvi. 4. Matthew xv. 32. Genesis viii. 21. Psalm cxlvii. 5.

Chapter 04. That many good gifts are bestowed upon those who Communicate dev... (Book 4. Exhortation to Holy Communion) (The Imitation of Christ) (a-Kempis, Thomas)

Chapter 04. That many good gifts are bestowed upon those who Communicate dev... (Book 4. Exhortation to Holy Communion) (The Imitation of Christ) (a-Kempis, Thomas) somebody

Chapter 4. That many good gifts are bestowed upon those who Communicate devoutly
Par. 1.

1. The Voice of the Disciple

O Lord my God, prevent You Your servant with the blessings of Your sweetness, that I may be enabled to draw near worthily and devoutly to Your glorious Sacrament. Awaken my heart towards You, and deliver me from heavy slumber. Visit me with Your salvation that I may in spirit taste Your sweetness, which plentifully lies hid in this Sacrament as in a fountain. Lighten also mine eyes to behold this so great mystery, and strengthen me that I may believe it with undoubting faith. For it is Your word, not human power; it is Your holy institution, not the invention of man. For no man is found fit in himself to receive and to understand these things, which transcend even the wisdom of the Angels. What portion then shall I, unworthy sinner, who am but dust and ashes, be able to search into and comprehend of so deep a Sacrament?

Par. 2.

2. O Lord, in the simplicity of my heart, in good and firm faith, and according to Your will, I draw nigh to You with hope and reverence, and truly believe that You are here present in the Sacrament, God and man. You willest therefore that I receive You and unite myself to You in charity. Wherefore I beseech Your mercy, and implore You to give me Your special grace, to this end, that I may be wholly dissolved and overflow with love towards You, and no more suffer any other consolation to enter into me. For this most high and most glorious Sacrament is the health of the soul and the body, the medicine of all spiritual sickness, whereby I am healed of my sins, my passions are bridled, temptations are conquered or weakened, more grace is poured into me, virtue begun is increased, faith is made firm, hope is strengthened, and charity is enkindled and enlarged.

Par. 3.

3. For in this Sacrament You have bestowed many good things and still bestowest them continually on Your elect who communicate devoutly, O my God, Lifter up of my soul, Repairer of human infirmity, and Giver of all inward consolation. For You pourest into them much consolation against all sorts of tribulation, and out of the deep of their own misery You liftest them up to the hope of Your protection, and with ever new grace, do inwardly refresh and enlighten them; so that they who felt themselves to be anxious and without affection before Communion, afterwards being refreshed with heavenly food and drink, find themselves changed for the better. And even in such wise You deal severally with Your elect, that they may truly acknowledge and clearly make proof that they have nothing whatsoever of their own, and what goodness and grace come to them from You; because being in themselves cold, hard of heart, indevout, through You they become fervent, zealous, and devout. For who is there coming humbly to he fountain of sweetness, carries not away thence at the least some little of that sweetness? Or who standing by a large fire, feels not from thence a little of its heat? And You are ever a full and overflowing fountain, a fire continually burning, and never going out.

Par. 4.

4. Wherefore if it is not suffered to me to draw from the fulness of the fountain, nor to drink to satisfying, yet will I set my lips to the mouth of the heavenly conduit, that at least I may receive a small drop to quench my thirst, that I dry not up within my heart. And if I am not yet able to be altogether heavenly and so enkindled as the Cherubim and Seraphim, yet will I endeavour to give myself to devotion, and to prepare my heart, that I may gain if it be but a little flame of the divine fire, through the humble receiving of the life-giving Sacrament. But whatsoever is wanting to me, O merciful Jesus, Most Holy Saviour, do You of Your kindness and grace supply, who have condescended to call all to You, saying, Come to me, all ye that are weary and heavy laden, and I will refresh you.

Par. 5.

5. I indeed labour in the sweat of my face, I am tormented with sorrow of heart, I am burdened with sins, I am disquieted with temptations, I am entangled and oppressed with many passions, and there is none to help me, there is none to deliver and ease me, but You, O Lord God, my Saviour, to whom I commit myself and all things that are mine, that You may preserve me and lead me to life eternal.

Par. 1.

1. Receive me to the praise and glory of Your name, who have prepared Your Body and Blood to be my meat and drink. Grant, O Lord God my Saviour, that with coming often to Your mysteries the zeal of my devotion may increase.

Chapter 05. Of the dignity of this Sacrament, and of the office of the priest (Book 4. Exhortation to Holy Communion) (The Imitation of Christ) (a-Kempis, Thomas)

Chapter 05. Of the dignity of this Sacrament, and of the office of the priest (Book 4. Exhortation to Holy Communion) (The Imitation of Christ) (a-Kempis, Thomas) somebody

Chapter 5. Of the dignity of this Sacrament, and of the office of the priest
Par. 1.

1. The Voice of the Beloved

If you had angelic purity and the holiness of holy John the Baptist, you would not be worthy to receive or to minister this Sacrament. For this is not deserved by merit of man that a man should consecrate and minister the Sacrament of Christ, and take for food the bread of Angels. Vast is the mystery, and great is the dignity of the priests, to whom is given what is not granted to Angels. For priests only, rightly ordained in the church, have the power of consecrating and celebrating the Body of Christ. The priest indeed is the minister of God, using the Word of God by God's command and institution; nevertheless God is there the principal Author and invisible Worker, that to whom all that He wills is subject, and all He commands is obedient.

Par. 2.

2. Therefore you must believe God Almighty in this most excellent Sacrament, more than your own sense or any visible sign at all. And therefore with fear and reverence is this work to be approached. Take heed therefore and see what it is of which the ministry is committed to you by the laying on of the Bishop's hand. Behold you are made a priest and are consecrated to celebrate. See now that you do it before God faithfully and devoutly at due time, and shew yourself without blame. You have not lightened your burden, but are now bound with a straiter bond of discipline, and are pledged to a higher degree of holiness. A priest ought to be adorned with all virtues and to afford to others an example of good life. His conversation must not be with the popular and common ways of men, but with Angels in Heaven or with perfect men on earth.

Par. 3.

3. A priest clad in holy garments takes Christ's place that he may pray to God with all supplication and humility for himself and for the whole people. He must always remember the Passion of Christ. He must diligently look upon Christ's footsteps and fervently endeavour himself to follow them. He must bear meekly for God whatsoever ills are brought upon him by others. He must mourn for his own sins, and for the sins committed by others, and may not grow careless of prayer and holy oblation, until he prevail to obtain grace and mercy. When the priest celebrates, he honours God, gives joy to the Angels, builds up the Church, helps the living, has communion with the departed, and makes himself a partaker of all good things.

Chapter 06. An inquiry concerning preparation for Communion (Book 4. Exhortation to Holy Communion) (The Imitation of Christ) (a-Kempis, Thomas)

Chapter 06. An inquiry concerning preparation for Communion (Book 4. Exhortation to Holy Communion) (The Imitation of Christ) (a-Kempis, Thomas) somebody

Chapter 07. Of the examination of conscience, and purpose of amendment (Book 4. Exhortation to Holy Communion) (The Imitation of Christ) (a-Kempis, Thomas)

Chapter 07. Of the examination of conscience, and purpose of amendment (Book 4. Exhortation to Holy Communion) (The Imitation of Christ) (a-Kempis, Thomas) somebody

Chapter 7. Of the examination of conscience, and purpose of amendment
Par. 1.

1. The Voice of the Beloved

Above all things the priest of God must draw nigh, with all humility of heart and supplicating reverence, with full faith and pious desire for the honour of God, to celebrate, minister, and receive this Sacrament. Diligently examine your conscience and with all your might with true contrition and humble confession cleanse and purify it, so that you may feel no burden, nor know anything which brings you remorse and impedes your free approach. Have displeasure against all your sins in general, and specially sorrow and mourn because of your daily transgressions. And if you have time, confess to God in the secret of your heart, all miseries of your own passion.

Par. 2.

2. Lament grievously and be sorry, because you are still so carnal and worldly, so unmortified from your passions, so full of the motion of concupiscence, so unguarded in your outward senses, so often entangled in many vain fancies, so much inclined to outward things, so negligent of internal; so ready to laughter and dissoluteness, so unready to weeping and contrition; so prone to ease and indulgence of the flesh, so dull to zeal and fervour; so curious to hear novelties and behold beauties, so loth to embrace things humble and despised; so desirous to have many things, so grudging in giving, so close in keeping; so inconsiderate in speaking, so reluctant to keep silence; so disorderly in manners, so inconsiderate in actions; so eager after food, so deaf towards the Word of God; so eager after rest, so slow to labour; so watchful after tales, so sleepy towards holy watchings; so eager for the end of them, so wandering in attention to them; so negligent in observing the hours of prayer, so lukewarm in celebrting, so unfruitful in communicating; so quickly distracted, so seldom quite collected with yourself; so quickly moved to anger, so ready for displeasure at others; so prone to judging, so severe at reproving; so joyful in prosperity, so weak in adversity; so often making many good resolutions and bringing them to so little effect.

Par. 3.

3. When you have confessed and bewailed these and your other shortcomings, with sorrow and sore displeasure at your own infirmity, make then a firm resolution of continual amendment of life and of progress in all that is good. Then moreover with full resignation and entire will offer yourself to the honour of My name on the altar of your heart as a perpetual whole burnt-offering, even by faithfully presenting your body and soul to Me, to the end that you may so be accounted worthy to draw near to offer this sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving to God, and to receive the Sacrament of My Body and Blood to your soul's health. For there is no oblation worthier, no satisfaction greater for the destroying of sin, than that a man offer himself to God purely and entirely with the oblation of the Body and Blood of Christ in the Holy Communion. If a man shall have done what in him lies, and shall repent him truly, then how often soever he shall draw nigh to Me for pardon and grace, As I live, says the Lord, I ave no pleasure in the death of a sinner, but rather that he should be converted, and live. All his transgressions that he has committed, they shall not be mentioned to him.

Ezekiel xviii. 22, 23.

Chapter 08. Of the oblation of Christ upon the cross, and of resignation of... (Book 4. Exhortation to Holy Communion) (The Imitation of Christ) (a-Kempis, Thomas)

Chapter 08. Of the oblation of Christ upon the cross, and of resignation of... (Book 4. Exhortation to Holy Communion) (The Imitation of Christ) (a-Kempis, Thomas) somebody

Chapter 8. Of the oblation of Christ upon the cross, and of resignation of self
Par. 1.

1. The Voice of the Beloved

As I of my own will offered myself to God the Father on the Cross for your sins with outstretched hands and naked body, so that nothing remained in Me that did not become altogether a sacrifice for the Divine propitiation; so also ought you every day to offer yourself willingly to Me for a pure and holy oblation with all your strength and affections, even to the utmost powers of your heart. What more do I require of you than you study to resign yourself altogether to Me? Whatsoever you give besides yourself, I nothing care for, for I ask not your gift, but you.

Par. 2.

2. As it would not be sufficient for you if you had all things except Me, even so whatsoever you will give Me, if you give Me not yourself, it cannot please Me. Offer yourself to Me, and give yourself altogether for God, so shall your offering be accepted. Behold I offered Myself altogether to the Father for you, I give also My whole body and blood for food, that you might remain altogether Mine and I your. But if you stand in yourself, and offer not yourself freely to My will, your offering is not perfect, neither shall the union betwixt us be complete. Therefore ought the freewill offering of yourself into the hands of God to go before all your works, if you will attain liberty and grace. For this is the cause that so few are inwardly enlightened and made free, that they know not how to deny themselves entirely. My word stands sure, Except a man forsake all, he cannot be My disciple. You therefore, if you will be My disciple, offer yourself to Me with all your affections.

Luke xiv. 33.

Chapter 09. That we ought to offer ourselves and all that is ours to God,?... (Book 4. Exhortation to Holy Communion) (The Imitation of Christ) (a-Kempis, Thomas)

Chapter 09. That we ought to offer ourselves and all that is ours to God,?... (Book 4. Exhortation to Holy Communion) (The Imitation of Christ) (a-Kempis, Thomas) somebody

Chapter 9. That we ought to offer ourselves and all that is ours to God, and to pray for all
Par. 1.

1. The Voice of the Disciple

Lord, all that is in the heaven and in the earth is Yours. I desire to offer myself up to you as a freewill offering, and to continue Yours for ever. Lord, in the uprightness of mine heart I willingly offer myself to You to-day to be Your servant for ever, in humble submission and for a sacrifice of perpetual praise. Receive me with this holy Communion of Your precious Body, which I celebrate before You this day in the presence of the Angels invisibly surrounding, that it may be for the salvation of me and of all Your people.

Par. 2.

2. Lord, I lay before You at this celebration all my sins and offences which I have committed before You and Your holy Angels, from the day whereon I was first able to sin even to this hour; that You may consume and burn them every one with the fire of Your charity, and may do away all the stains of my sins, and cleanse my conscience from all offence, and restore me to Your favour which by sinning I have lost, fully forgiving me all, and mercifully admitting me to the kiss of peace.

Par. 3.

3. What can I do concerning my sins, save humbly to confess and lament them and unceasingly to beseech Your propitiation? I beseech You, be propitious to me and hear me, when I stand before You, O my God. All my sins displease me grievously: I will never more commit them; but I grieve for them and will grieve so long as I live, steadfastly purposing to repent me truly, and to make restitution as far as I can. Forgive, O God, forgive me my sins for Your holy Name's sake; save my soul, which You have redeemed with Your precious blood. Behold I commit myself to Your mercy, I resign myself to Your hands. Deal with me according to Your loving-kindness, not according to my wickedness and iniquity.

Par. 4.

4. I offer also to You all my goodness, though it is exceedingly little and imperfect, that You may mend and sanctify it, that You may make it well pleasing and acceptable in Your sight, and ever draw it on towards perfection; and furthermore bring me safely, slothful and useless poor creature that I am, to a happy and blessed end.

Par. 5.

5. Moreover I offer to You all pious desires of the devout, necessities of parents, friends, brothers, sisters, and all who are dear to me, and of those who have done good to me, or to others for Your love; and those who have desired and besought my prayers for themselves and all belonging to them; that all may feel themselves assisted by Your grace, enriched by consolation, protected from dangers, freed from pains; and that being delivered from all evils they may joyfully give You exceeding thanks.

Par. 6.

6. I offer also to You prayers and Sacramental intercessions for those specially who have injured me in anything, made me sad, or spoken evil concerning me, or have caused me any loss or displeasure; for all those also whom I have at any time made sad, disturbed, burdened, and scandalized, by words or deeds, knowingly or ignorantly; that to all of us alike, You may equally pardon our sins and mutual offences. Take away, O Lord, from our hearts all suspicion, indignation, anger, and contention, and whatsoever is able to injure charity and diminish brotherly love. Have mercy, have mercy, Lord, on those who entreat Your mercy; give grace to the needy; and make us such that we may be worthy to enjoy Your grace, and go forward to the life eternal. Amen.

1 Chronicles xxix. 11. 1 Chronicles xxix. 17.

Chapter 10. That Holy Communion is not lightly to be omitted (Book 4. Exhortation to Holy Communion) (The Imitation of Christ) (a-Kempis, Thomas)

Chapter 10. That Holy Communion is not lightly to be omitted (Book 4. Exhortation to Holy Communion) (The Imitation of Christ) (a-Kempis, Thomas) somebody

Chapter 10. That Holy Communion is not lightly to be omitted
Par. 1.

1. The Voice of the Beloved

You must frequently betake you to the Fountain of grace and divine mercy, to the Fountain of goodness and all purity; to the end that you may obtain the healing of your passions and vices, and may be made stronger and more watchful against all temptations and wiles of the devil. The enemy, knowing what profit and exceeding strong remedy lies in the Holy Communion, strives by all means and occasions to draw back and hinder the faithful and devout, so far as he can.

Par. 2.

2. For when some set about to prepare themselves for Holy Communion, they suffer from the more evil suggestions of Satan. The very evil spirit himself (as is written in Job), comes among the sons of God that he may trouble them by his accustomed evil dealing, or make them over timid and perplexed; to the intent that he may diminish their affections, or take away their faith by his attacks, if perhaps he may prevail upon them to give up Holy Communion altogether, or to come thereto with lukewarm hearts. But his wiles and delusions must not be heeded, howsoever wicked and terrible they be; but all his delusion must be cast back upon his own head. The wretch must be despised and laughed to scorn: neither must Holy Communion be omitted because of his insults and the inward troubles which he stirs up.

Par. 3.

3. Often also too much carefulness or some anxiety or other touching confession hinders from obtaining devotion. Do you according to the counsel of wise men, and lay aside anxiety and scruple, because it hinders the grace of God and destroys devotion of mind. Because of some little vexation or trouble do not you neglect Holy Communion, but rather hasten to confess it, and forgive freely all offences committed against you. And if you have offended any man, humbly beg for pardon, and God shall freely forgive you.

Par. 4.

4. What profits it to put off for long time the confession of your sins, or to defer Holy Communion? Cleanse yourself forthwith, spit out the poison with all speed, hasten to take the remedy, and you will feel yourself better than if you did long defer it. If to-day you defer it on one account, to-morrow perchance some greater obstacle will come, and so you may be long time hindered from Communion and become more unfit. As soon as you can, shake yourself from your present heaviness and sloth, for it profits nothing to be long anxious, to go long on your way with heaviness of heart, and because of daily little obstacles to sever yourself from divine things: nay it is exceeding hurtful to defer your Communion long, for this commonly brings on great torpor. Alas! there are some, lukewarm and undisciplined, who willingly find excuses for delaying repentance, and desire to defer Holy Communion, in case they should be bound to keep stricter watch upon themselves.

Par. 5.

5. Alas! how little charity, what flagging devotion, have they who so lightly put off Holy Communion. How happy is he, how acceptable to God, who so lives, and in such purity of conscience keeps himself, that any day he could be ready and well inclined to communicate, if it were in his power, and might be done without the notice of others. If a man sometimes abstains for the sake of humility or some sound cause, he is to be commended for his reverence. But if drowsiness have taken hold of him, he ought to rouse himself and to do what in him lies; and the Lord will help his desire for the good will which he has, which God specially approves.

Par. 6.

6. But when he is hindered by sufficient cause, yet will he ever have a good will and pious intention to communicate; and so he shall not be lacking in the fruit of the Sacrament. For any devout man is able every day and every hour to draw near to spiritual communion with Christ to his soul's health and without hindrance. Nevertheless on certain days and at the appointed time he ought to receive the Body and Blood of his Redeemer with affectionate reverence, and rather to seek after the praise and honour of God, than his own comfort. For so often does he communicate mystically, and is invisibly refreshed, as he devoutly calls to mind the mystery of Christ's incarnation and His Passion, and is inflamed with the love of Him.

Par. 7.

7. He who only prepares himself when a festival is at hand or custom compels, will too often be unprepared. Blessed is he who offers himself to God for a whole burnt-offering, so often as he celebrates or communicateth! Be not too slow nor too hurried in your celebrating, but preserve the good received custom of those with whom you livest. You ought not to produce weariness and annoyance in others, but to observe the received custom, according to the institution of the elders; and to minister to the profit of others rather than to your own devotion or feeling.

Chapter 11. That the Body and Blood of Christ and the Holy Scriptures are?... (Book 4. Exhortation to Holy Communion) (The Imitation of Christ) (a-Kempis, Thomas)

Chapter 11. That the Body and Blood of Christ and the Holy Scriptures are?... (Book 4. Exhortation to Holy Communion) (The Imitation of Christ) (a-Kempis, Thomas) somebody

Chapter 11. That the Body and Blood of Christ and the Holy Scriptures are most necessary to a faithful soul
Par. 1.

1. The Voice of the Disciple

O most sweet Lord Jesus, how great is the blessedness of the devout soul that feeds with You in Your banquet, where there is set before it no other food than Yourself its only Beloved, more to be desired than all the desires of the heart? And to me it would truly be sweet to pour forth my tears in Your presence from the very bottom of my heart, and with the pious Magdalene to water Your feet with my tears. But where is this devotion? Where the abundant flowing of holy tears? Surely in Your presence and in the presence of the holy Angels my whole heart ought to burn and to weep for joy; for I have You in the Sacrament truly present, although hidden under other form.

Par. 2.

2. For in Your own Divine brightness, mine eyes could not endure to behold You, neither could the whole world stand before the splendour of the glory of Your Majesty. In this therefore You have consideration to my weakness, that You hide Yourself under the Sacrament. I truly possess and adore Him whom the Angels adore in heaven; I yet for a while by faith, but they by sight and without a veil. It is good for me to be content with the light of true faith, and to walk therein until the day of eternal brightness dawn, and the shadows of figures flee away. But when that which is perfect is come, the using of Sacraments shall cease, because the Blessed in heavenly glory have no need of Sacramental remedy. For they rejoice unceasingly in the presence of God, beholding His glory face to face, and being changed from glory to glory of the infinite God, they taste the Word of God made flesh, as He was in the beginning and remains for everlasting.

Par. 3.

3. When I think on these wondrous things, even spiritual comfort whatsoever it be becomes sore weariness to me; for so long as I see not openly my Lord in His own Glory, I count for nothing all which I behold and hear in the world. You, O God, are my witness that nothing is able to comfort me, no creature is able to give me rest, save You, O my God, whom I desire to contemplate everlastingly. But this is not possible, so long as I remain in this mortal state. Therefore ought I to set myself to great patience, and submit myself to You in every desire. For even Your Saints, O Lord, who now rejoice with You in the kingdom of heaven, waited for the coming of Your glory whilst they lived here, in faith and great glory. What they believed, that believe I; what they hoped, I hope; whither they have attained to, thither through Your grace hope I to come. I will walk meanwhile in faith, strengthened by the examples of the Saints. I will have also holy books for comfort and for a mirror of life, and above them al Your most holy Body and Blood shall be for me a special remedy and refuge.

Par. 4.

4. For two things do I feel to be exceedingly necessary to me in this life, without which this miserable life would be intolerable to me; being detained in the prison of this body, I confess that I need two things, even food and light. You have therefore given to me who am so weak, Your sacred Body and Blood, for the refreshing of my soul and body, and have set Your Word for a lantern to my feet. Without these two I could not properly live; for the Word of God is the light of my soul, and Your Sacrament the bread of life. These may also be called the two tables, placed on this side and on that, in the treasury of Your holy Church. One table is that of the Sacred Altar, bearing the holy bread, that is the precious Body and Blood of Christ; the other is the table of the Divine Law, containing holy doctrine, teaching the true faith, and leading steadfastly onwards even to that which is within the veil, where the Holy of Holies is.

Par. 5.

5. Thanks be to You, O Lord Jesus, Light of Light everlasting, for that table of holy doctrine which You has furnished to us by Your servants the Prophets and Apostles and other teachers. Thanks be to You, O Creator and Redeemer of men, who to make known Your love to the whole world has prepared a great supper, in which You have set forth for good not the typical lamb, but Your own most Holy Body and Blood; making all Your faithful ones joyful with this holy banquet and giving them to drink the cup of salvation, wherein are all the delights of Paradise, and the holy Angels do feed with us, and with yet happier sweetness.

Par. 6.

6. Oh how great and honourable is the office of the priests, to whom it is given to consecrate the Sacrament of the Lord of majesty with holy words, to bless it with the lips, to hold it in their hands, to receive it with their own mouth, and to administer it to others! Oh how clean ought those hands to be, how pure the mouth, how holy the body, how unspotted the heart of the priest, to whom so often the Author of purity enters in! From the mouth of the priest ought naught to proceed but what is holy, what is honest and profitable, because he so often receives the Sacrament of Christ.

Par. 7.

7. His eyes ought to be single and pure, seeing they are accustomed to look upon the Body of Christ; the hands should be pure and lifted towards heaven, which are accustomed to hold within them the Creator of heaven and earth. To priests is it specially said in the Law, Be ye holy, for I the Lord your God am holy.

Par. 8.

8. Assist us with Your grace, O Almighty God, that we who have taken upon us the priestly office, may be able to converse worthily and devoutly with You in all purity and good conscience. And if we are not able to have our conversation in such innocency of life as we ought, yet grant to us worthily to lament the sins which we have committed, and in the spirit of humility and full purpose of a good will, to serve You more earnestly for the future.

Cant. ii. 17. 2 Corinthians iii. 18. Psalm cxix. 105. Leviticus xix. 2.

Chapter 12. That he who is about to Communicate with Christ ought to prepa... (Book 4. Exhortation to Holy Communion) (The Imitation of Christ) (a-Kempis, Thomas)

Chapter 12. That he who is about to Communicate with Christ ought to prepa... (Book 4. Exhortation to Holy Communion) (The Imitation of Christ) (a-Kempis, Thomas) somebody

Chapter 12. That he who is about to Communicate with Christ ought to prepare himself with great diligence
Par. 1.

1. The Voice of the Beloved

I am the Lover of purity, and Giver of sanctity. I seek a pure heart, and there is the place of My rest. Prepare for Me the larger upper room furnished, and I will keep the Passover at your house with my disciples. If you will that I come to you and abide with you, purge out the old leaven, and cleanse the habitation of your heart. Shut out the whole world, and all the throng of sins; sit as a sparrow alone upon the house-top, and think upon your transgressions with bitterness of your soul. For everyone that loves prepares the best and fairest place for his beloved, because hereby the affection of him that entertains his beloved is known.

Par. 2.

2. Yet know you that you can not make sufficient preparation out of the merit of any action of yours, even though you should prepare yourself for a whole year, and had nothing else in your mind. But out of My tenderness and grace alone are you permitted to draw nigh to My table; as though a beggar were called to a rich man's dinner, and had no other recompense to offer him for the benefits done to him, but to humble himself and to give him thanks. Do therefore as much as lies in you, and do it diligently, not of custom, nor of necessity, but with fear, reverence, and affection, receive the Body of your beloved Lord God, who condescends to come to you. I am He who has called you; I commanded it to be done; I will supply what is lacking to you; come and receive Me.

Par. 3.

3. When I give the grace of devotion, give thanks to your God; it is not because you are worthy, but because I had mercy on you. If you have not devotion, but rather feelest yourself dry, be instant in prayer, cease not to groan and knock; cease not until you prevail to obtain some crumb or drop of saving grace. You have need of Me, I have no need of you. Nor do you come to sanctify Me, but I come to sanctify you and make you better. You come that you may be sanctified by Me, and be united to Me; that you may receive fresh grace, and be kindled anew to amendment of life. See that you neglect not this grace, but prepare your heart with all diligence, and receive your Beloved to you.

Par. 4.

4. But you ought not only to prepare yourself for devotion before Communion, you must also keep yourself with all diligence therein after receiving the Sacrament; nor is less watchfulness needed afterwards, than devout preparation beforehand: for good watchfulness afterwards becomes in turn the best preparation for the gaining more grace. For hereby is a man made entirely indisposed to good, if he immediately return from Communion to give himself up to outward consolations. Beware of much speaking; remain in a secret place, and hold communion with your God; for you have Him whom the whole world cannot take away from you. I am He to whom you ought wholly to give yourself; so that now you may live not wholly in yourself, but in Me, free from all anxiety.

Mark xiv. 14, 15. 1 Corinthians v. 7. Psalm cii. 7.

Chapter 13. That the devout soul ought with the whole heart to yearn after... (Book 4. Exhortation to Holy Communion) (The Imitation of Christ) (a-Kempis, Thomas)

Chapter 13. That the devout soul ought with the whole heart to yearn after... (Book 4. Exhortation to Holy Communion) (The Imitation of Christ) (a-Kempis, Thomas) somebody

Chapter 13. That the devout soul ought with the whole heart to yearn after union with Christ in the Sacrament
Par. 1.

1. The Voice of the Disciple

Who shall grant to me, O Lord, that I may find You alone, and open all my heart to You, and enjoy You as much as my soul desires; and that no man may henceforth look upon me, nor any creature move me or have respect to me, but You alone speak to me and I to You, even as beloved is wont to speak to beloved, and friend to feast with friend? For this do I pray, this do I long for, that I may be wholly united to You, and may withdraw my heart from all created things, and by means of Holy Communion and frequent celebration may learn more and more to relish heavenly and eternal things. Ah, Lord God, when shall I be entirely united and lost in You, and altogether forgetful of myself? You in me, and I in You; even so grant that we may in like manner continue together in one.

Par. 2.

2. Verily You are my Beloved, the choicest among ten thousand, in whom my soul delights to dwell all the days of her life. Verily You are my Peacemaker, in Whom is perfect peace and true rest, apart from Whom is labour and sorrow and infinite misery. Verily You are a God that hide Yourself, and Your counsel is not with the wicked, but Your Word is with the humble and the simple. O how sweet, O Lord, is Your spirit, who that You might manifest Your sweetness towards Your children, do graciouslyrefresh them with the bread which is full of sweetness, which comes down from heaven. Verily there is no other nation so great, which has its gods drawing nigh to them, as You, our God, are present to all Your faithful ones, to whom for their daily solace, and for lifting up their heart to heaven, You give Yourself for their food and delight.

Par. 3.

3. For what other nation is there so renowned as the Christian people? Or what creature is so beloved under heaven as the devout soul to which God enters in, that he may feed it with His glorious flesh? O unspeakable grace! O wonderful condescension! O immeasurable love specially bestowed upon men! But what reward shall I give to the Lord for this grace, for charity so mighty? There is nothing which I am able to present more acceptable than to give my heart altogether to God, and to join it inwardly to Him. Then all my inward parts shall rejoice, when my soul shall be perfectly united to God. Then shall He say to me, "If you will be with Me, I will be with you." And I will answer Him, "Vouchsafe, O Lord, to abide with me, I will gladly be with You; this is my whole desire, even that my heart be united to You."

John xv. 4. Cant. v. 10. Deuteronomy iv. 7.

Chapter 14. Of the fervent desire of certain devout persons to receive the?... (Book 4. Exhortation to Holy Communion) (The Imitation of Christ) (a-Kempis, Thomas)

Chapter 14. Of the fervent desire of certain devout persons to receive the?... (Book 4. Exhortation to Holy Communion) (The Imitation of Christ) (a-Kempis, Thomas) somebody

Chapter 14. Of the fervent desire of certain devout persons to receive the Body and Blood of Christ
Par. 1.

1. The Voice of the Disciple

O how great is the abundance of Your sweetness, O Lord, which You have laid up for them that fear You. When I call to mind some devout persons who draw nigh to Your Sacrament, O Lord, with the deepest devotion and affection, then very often I am confounded in myself and blush for shame, that I approach Your altar and table of Holy Communion so carelessly and coldly, that I remain so dry and without affection, that I am not wholly kindled with love before You, my God, nor so vehemently drawn and affected as many devout persons have been, who out of the very earnest desire of the Communion, and tender affection of heart, could not refrain from weeping, but as it were with mouth of heart and body alike panted inwardly after You, O God, O Fountain of Life, having no power to appease or satiate their hunger, save by receiving Your Body with all joyfulness and spiritual eagerness.

Par. 2.

2. O truly ardent faith of those, becoming a very proof of Your Sacred Presence! For they truly know their Lord in the breaking of bread, whose heart so ardently burns within them when Jesus walks with them by the way. Ah me! far from me for the most part is such love and devotion as this, such vehement love and ardour. Be merciful to me, O Jesus, good, sweet, and kind, and grant to Your poor suppliant to feel sometimes, in Holy Communion, though it be but a little, the cordial affection of Your love, that my faith may grow stronger, my hope in Your goodness increase, and my charity, once kindled within me by the tasting of the heavenly manna, may never fail.

Par. 3.

3. But Your mercy is able even to grant me the grace which I long for, and to visit me most tenderly with the spirit of fervour when the day of Your good pleasure shall come. For, although I burn not with desire so vehement as theirs who are specially devout towards You, yet, through Your grace, I have a desire after that greatly inflamed desire, praying and desiring to be made partaker with all those who so fervently love You, and to be numbered among their holy company.

Luke xxiv. 32.

Chapter 15. That the grace of devotion is acquired by humility and self-denial (Book 4. Exhortation to Holy Communion) (The Imitation of Christ) (a-Kempis, Thomas)

Chapter 15. That the grace of devotion is acquired by humility and self-denial (Book 4. Exhortation to Holy Communion) (The Imitation of Christ) (a-Kempis, Thomas) somebody

Chapter 15. That the grace of devotion is acquired by humility and self-denial
Par. 1.

1. The Voice of the Beloved

You ought to seek earnestly the grace of devotion, to ask it fervently, to wait for it patiently and faithfully, to receive it gratefully, to preserve it humbly, to work with it diligently, and to leave to God the time and manner of heavenly visitation until it come. Chiefly ought you to humble yourself when you feelest inwardly little or no devotion, yet not to be too much cast down, nor to grieve out of measure. God often gives in one short moment what He has long time denied; He sometimes gives at the end what at the beginning of prayer He has deferred to give.

Par. 2.

2. If grace were always given immediately, and were at hand at the wish, it would be hardly bearable to weak man. Wherefore the grace of devotion is to be waited for with a good hope and with humble patience. Yet impute it to yourself and to your sins when it is not given, or when it is mysteriously taken away. It is sometimes a small thing which hinders and hides grace; (if indeed that ought to be called small and not rather great, which hinders so great a good); but if you remove this, be it small or great, and perfectly overcome it, you will have what you have asked.

Par. 3.

3. For immediately that you have given yourself to God with all your heart, and have sought neither this nor that according to your own will and pleasure, but have altogether settled yourself in Him, you will find yourself united and at peace; because nothing shall give you so sweet relish and delight, as the good pleasure of the Divine will. Whosoever therefore shall have lifted up his will to God with singleness of heart, and shall have delivered himself from every inordinate love or dislike of any created thing, he will be the most fit for receiving grace, and worthy of the gift of devotion. For where the Lord finds empty vessels, there gives He His blessing. And the more perfectly a man forsakes things which cannot profit, and the more he dis to himself, the more quickly does grace come, the more plentifully does it enter in, and the higher does it lift up the free heart.

Par. 4.

4. Then shall he see, and flow together, and wonder, and his heart shall be enlarged within him, because the hand of the Lord is with him, and he has put himself wholly in His hand, even for ever. Lo, so shall the man be blessed, that seeks God with all his heart, and receives not his soul in vain. This man in receiving the Holy Eucharist obtains the great grace of Divine Union; because he has not regard to his own devotion and comfort, but, above all devotion and comfort, to the glory and honour of God.

2 Kings iv. Isaiah lx. 5.

Chapter 16. That we ought to lay open our necessities to Christ and to re... (Book 4. Exhortation to Holy Communion) (The Imitation of Christ) (a-Kempis, Thomas)

Chapter 16. That we ought to lay open our necessities to Christ and to re... (Book 4. Exhortation to Holy Communion) (The Imitation of Christ) (a-Kempis, Thomas) somebody

Chapter 16. That we ought to lay open our necessities to Christ and to require His Grace
Par. 1.

1. The Voice of the Disciple

O most sweet and loving Lord, whom now I devoutly desire to receive, You know my infirmity and the necessity which I suffer, in what evils and vices I lie; how often I am weighed down, tempted, disturbed, and defiled. I come to You for remedy, I beseech of You consolation and support. I speak to You who know all things, to whom all my secrets are open, and who alone are able perfectly to comfort and help me. You know what good thing I most stand in need of, and how poor I am in virtues.

Par. 2.

2. Behold, I stand poor and naked before You, requiring grace, and imploring mercy. Refresh the hungry suppliant, kindle my coldness with the fire of Your love, illuminate my blindness with the brightness of Your presence. Turn you all earthly things into bitterness for me, all grievous and contrary things into patience, all things worthless and created into contempt and oblivion. Lift up my heart to You in Heaven, and suffer me not to wander over the earth. Be You alone sweet to me from this day forward for ever, because You alone are my meat and drink, my love and joy, my sweetness and my whole good.

Par. 3.

3. Oh that You would altogether by Your presence, kindle, consume, and transform me into Yourself; that I may be made one spirit with You, by the grace of inward union, and the melting of earnest love! Suffer me not to go away from You hungry and dry; but deal mercifully with me, as oftentimes You have dealt wondrously with Your saints. What marvel if I should be wholly kindled from You, and in myself should utterly fail, since You are fire always burning and never failing, love purifying the heart and enlightening the understanding.

Chapter 17. Of fervent love and vehement desire of receiving Christ (Book 4. Exhortation to Holy Communion) (The Imitation of Christ) (a-Kempis, Thomas)

Chapter 17. Of fervent love and vehement desire of receiving Christ (Book 4. Exhortation to Holy Communion) (The Imitation of Christ) (a-Kempis, Thomas) somebody

Chapter 17. Of fervent love and vehement desire of receiving Christ
Par. 1.

1. The Voice of the Disciple

With the deepest devotion and fervent love, with all affection and fervour of heart, I long to receive You, O Lord, even as many Saints and devout persons have desired You in communicating, who were altogether well pleasing to You by their sanctity of life, and dwelt in all ardent devotion. O my God, Eternal Love, my whole Good, Happiness without measure, I long to receive You with the most vehement desire and becoming reverence which any Saint ever had or could have.

Par. 2.

2. And although I be unworthy to have all those feelings of devotion, yet do I offer You the whole affection of my heart, even as though I alone had all those most grateful inflamed desires. Yea, also, whatsoever things a pious mind is able to conceive and long for, all these with the deepest veneration and inward fervour do I offer and present to You. I desire to reserve nothing to myself, but freely and entirely to offer myself and all that I have to You for a sacrifice. O Lord my God, my Creator and Redeemer! with such affection, reverence, praise, and honour, with such gratitude, worthyss, and love, with such faith, hope, and purity do I desire to receive You this day, as Your most blessed Mother, the glorious Virgin Mary, received and desired You, when she humbly and devoutly answered the Angel who brought to her the glad tidings of the mystery of the Incarnation. Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it to me according to your word.

Par. 3.

3. And as Your blessed forerunner, the most excellent of Saints, John Baptist, being full of joy in Your presence, leapt while yet in the womb of his mother, for joy in the Holy Ghost; and afterwards discerning Jesus walking amongst men, humbled himself exceedingly, and said, with devout affection, The friend of the bridegroom, who stands and hears him, rejoices greatly because of the bridegroom's voice; even so I wish to be inflamed with great and holy desires, and to present myself to You with my whole heart. Whence also, on behalf of myself and of all commended to me in prayer, I offer and present to You the jubilation of all devout hearts, their ardent affections, their mental ecstasies, and supernatural illuminations and heavenly visions, with all the virtues and praises celebrated and to be celebrated by every creature in heaven and earth; to the end that by all You may worthily be praised and glorified for ever.

Par. 4.

4. Receive my prayers, O Lord my God, and my desires of giving You infinite praise and unbounded benediction, which, according to the multitude of Your unspeakable greatness, are most justly due to You. These do I give You, and desire to give every day and every moment; and with beseechings and affectionate desires I call upon all celestial spirits and all Your faithful people to join with me in rendering You thanks and praises.

Par. 5.

5. Let all peoples, nations, and tongues praise You, and magnify Your holy and sweet- sounding Name, with highest jubilations and ardent devotion. And let all who reverently and devoutly celebrate Your most high Sacrament, and receive it with full assurance of faith, be accounted worthy to find grace and mercy with You, and intercede with all supplication for me a sinner; and when they shall have attained to their wished-for devotion and joyous union with You, and shall depart full of comfort and wondrously refreshed from Your holy, heavenly table, let them graciouslybe mindful of me, for I am poor and needy.

Luke i. 38. John iii. 29.

Chapter 18. That a man should not be a curious searcher of the Sacrament,?... (Book 4. Exhortation to Holy Communion) (The Imitation of Christ) (a-Kempis, Thomas)

Chapter 18. That a man should not be a curious searcher of the Sacrament,?... (Book 4. Exhortation to Holy Communion) (The Imitation of Christ) (a-Kempis, Thomas) somebody

Chapter 18. That a man should not be a curious searcher of the Sacrament, but a humble imitator of Christ, submitting his sense to holy faith
Par. 1.

1. The Voice of the Beloved

You must take heed of curious and useless searching into this most profound Sacrament, if you will not be plunged into the abyss of doubt. He that is a searcher of Majesty shall be oppressed by the glory thereof. God is able to do more than man can understand. A pious and humble search after truth is to be allowed, when it is always ready to be taught, and striving to walk after the wholesome opinions of the fathers.

Par. 2.

2. Blessed is the simplicity which leaves alone the difficult paths of questionings, and follows the plain and firm steps of God's commandments. Many have lost devotion whilst they sought to search into deeper things. Faith is required of you, and a sincere life, not loftiness of intellect, nor deepness in the mysteries of God. If you understand not nor comprehend the things which are beneath you, how will you comprehend those which are above you? Submit yourself to God, and humble your sense to faith, and the light of knowledge shall be given you, as shall be profitable and necessary to you.

Par. 3.

3. There are some who are grievously tempted concerning faith and the Sacrament; but this is not to be imputed to themselves but rather to the enemy. Care not then for this, dispute not with your own thoughts, nor make answer to the doubts which are cast into you by the devil; but believe the words of God, believe His Saints and Prophets, and the wicked enemy shall flee from you. Often it profits much, that the servant of God endures such things. For the enemy tempts not unbelievers and sinners, because he already has secure possession of them; but he tempts and harasses the faithful and devout by various means.

Par. 4.

4. Go forward therefore with simple and undoubting faith, and draw nigh to the Sacrament with supplicating reverence. And whatsoever you are not enabled to understand, that commit without anxiety to Almighty God. God deceives you not; he is deceived who believes too much in himself. God walks with the simple, reveals Himself to the humble, gives understanding to babes, opens the sense to pure minds, and hides grace from the curious and proud. Human reason is weak and may be deceived; but true faith cannot be deceived.

Par. 5.

5. All reason and natural investigation ought to follow faith, not to precede, nor to break it. For faith and love do here especially take the highest place, and work in hidden ways in this most holy and exceeding excellent Sacrament. God who is eternal and incomprehensible, and of infinite power, does great and inscrutable things in heaven and in earth, and His wonderful works are past finding out. If the works of God were of such sort that they might easily be comprehended by human reason, they should no longer be called wonderful or unspeakable.

end of Etext: Imitation of Christ, by Thomas A Kempis