Chapter 12. That he who is about to Communicate with Christ ought to prepa... (Book 4. Exhortation to Holy Communion) (The Imitation of Christ) (a-Kempis, Thomas)

Chapter 12. That he who is about to Communicate with Christ ought to prepa... (Book 4. Exhortation to Holy Communion) (The Imitation of Christ) (a-Kempis, Thomas) somebody

Chapter 12. That he who is about to Communicate with Christ ought to prepare himself with great diligence
Par. 1.

1. The Voice of the Beloved

I am the Lover of purity, and Giver of sanctity. I seek a pure heart, and there is the place of My rest. Prepare for Me the larger upper room furnished, and I will keep the Passover at your house with my disciples. If you will that I come to you and abide with you, purge out the old leaven, and cleanse the habitation of your heart. Shut out the whole world, and all the throng of sins; sit as a sparrow alone upon the house-top, and think upon your transgressions with bitterness of your soul. For everyone that loves prepares the best and fairest place for his beloved, because hereby the affection of him that entertains his beloved is known.

Par. 2.

2. Yet know you that you can not make sufficient preparation out of the merit of any action of yours, even though you should prepare yourself for a whole year, and had nothing else in your mind. But out of My tenderness and grace alone are you permitted to draw nigh to My table; as though a beggar were called to a rich man's dinner, and had no other recompense to offer him for the benefits done to him, but to humble himself and to give him thanks. Do therefore as much as lies in you, and do it diligently, not of custom, nor of necessity, but with fear, reverence, and affection, receive the Body of your beloved Lord God, who condescends to come to you. I am He who has called you; I commanded it to be done; I will supply what is lacking to you; come and receive Me.

Par. 3.

3. When I give the grace of devotion, give thanks to your God; it is not because you are worthy, but because I had mercy on you. If you have not devotion, but rather feelest yourself dry, be instant in prayer, cease not to groan and knock; cease not until you prevail to obtain some crumb or drop of saving grace. You have need of Me, I have no need of you. Nor do you come to sanctify Me, but I come to sanctify you and make you better. You come that you may be sanctified by Me, and be united to Me; that you may receive fresh grace, and be kindled anew to amendment of life. See that you neglect not this grace, but prepare your heart with all diligence, and receive your Beloved to you.

Par. 4.

4. But you ought not only to prepare yourself for devotion before Communion, you must also keep yourself with all diligence therein after receiving the Sacrament; nor is less watchfulness needed afterwards, than devout preparation beforehand: for good watchfulness afterwards becomes in turn the best preparation for the gaining more grace. For hereby is a man made entirely indisposed to good, if he immediately return from Communion to give himself up to outward consolations. Beware of much speaking; remain in a secret place, and hold communion with your God; for you have Him whom the whole world cannot take away from you. I am He to whom you ought wholly to give yourself; so that now you may live not wholly in yourself, but in Me, free from all anxiety.

Mark xiv. 14, 15. 1 Corinthians v. 7. Psalm cii. 7.