| 2. Verily You are my Beloved, the choicest among ten thousand, in whom my soul delights to dwell all the days of her life. Verily You are my Peacemaker, in Whom is perfect peace and true rest, apart from Whom is labour and sorrow and infinite misery. Verily You are a God that hide Yourself, and Your counsel is not with the wicked, but Your Word is with the humble and the simple. O how sweet, O Lord, is Your spirit, who that You might manifest Your sweetness towards Your children, do graciouslyrefresh them with the bread which is full of sweetness, which comes down from heaven. Verily there is no other nation so great, which has its gods drawing nigh to them, as You, our God, are present to all Your faithful ones, to whom for their daily solace, and for lifting up their heart to heaven, You give Yourself for their food and delight. | |