(CG 3/28). That Happiness does not consist in Honours nor in Human Glory (Book 3. God, the End of Creatures) (Summa Contra Gentiles) (Aquinas, Thomas, St.)
(CG 3/28). That Happiness does not consist in Honours nor in Human Glory (Book 3. God, the End of Creatures) (Summa Contra Gentiles) (Aquinas, Thomas, St.)somebody
(CG 3/30). That Man's Happiness does not consist in Riches
RICHES are not desired except for the sake of something else: for of themselves they do no good, but only as we use them. But the highest good is desired for its own sake, and not for the sake of something else.
2. The possession or preservation of those things cannot be the highest good, which benefit man most in being parted with. But such is the use of riches, to spend.
3. The act of liberality and munificence, the virtues that deal with money, is more praiseworthy, in that money is parted with, than that money is got. Man's happiness therefore does not consist in the possession of riches.
4. That in the gaining of which man's chief good lies must be some thing better than man. But man is better than his riches, which are things ordained to his use.
5. The highest good of man is not subject to fortune: for fortuitous events happen without effort of reason, whereas man must gain his proper end by reason. But fortune has great place in the gaining of riches.