| This is the light of which it is said: In your light we shall see light (Ps. xxxv, 10), to wit, of the divine substance; and, The city needeth not sun nor moon, for the brightness of God illuminateth it (Apoc. xxi, 23); and, No more shall there be sun to shine on you by day, nor brightness of moon to enlighten you, but the Lord shall be to you an everlasting light, and your God shall be your glory Isaias lx, 19). And because in God being and understanding are the same and He is to all the cause of understanding, He is on that account called 'light': He was the true light, that enlighteneth every man coming into this world John i, 8): God is light (1 John i, 5): Clad in light as in a garment (Ps. ciii, 2). And therefore also as well God as the angels in Holy Scripture are described in figures of fire, because of the brightness of fire. | |