| But in God there may be no wrath, as to my sight: for our good Lord endlessly has regard to His own worship and to the profit of all that shall be saved. With might and right He withstands the Reproved, the which of malice and wickedness busy them to contrive and to do against God's will. Also I saw our Lord scorn his malice and set at nought his unmight; and He wills that we do so. For this sight I laughed mightily, and that made them to laugh that were about me, and their laughing was a pleasure to me. I thought that I would that all my fellow-Christians had seen as I saw, and then would they all laugh with me. But I saw not Christ laugh. For I understood that we may laugh in comforting of ourselves and joying in God for that the devil is overcome. And when I saw Him scorn his malice, it was by leading of my understanding into our Lord: that is to say, it was an inward showing of verity, without changing of look. For, as to my sight, it is a worshipful property of God's that [He] is ever the same. | |