06. The Sixth Revelation - The worshipful thanking by our Lord God in which He rewards His blessed servants in Heaven.

06. The Sixth Revelation - The worshipful thanking by our Lord God in which He rewards His blessed servants in Heaven. somebody

14. "Every man shall be rewarded for his willing service and for his time." (The Sixth Revelation - The worshipful thanking by our Lord God in which He...) (Revelations of Divine Love) (Julian of Norwich)

14. "Every man shall be rewarded for his willing service and for his time." (The Sixth Revelation - The worshipful thanking by our Lord God in which He...) (Revelations of Divine Love) (Julian of Norwich) somebody

14. "Every man shall be rewarded for his willing service and for his time."

AFTER this our good Lord said: I thank you for your travail, and especially for your youth.

And in this [Showing] my understanding was lifted up into Heaven where I saw our Lord as a lord in his own house, which has called all his dearworthy servants and friends to a stately feast. Then I saw the Lord take no place in His own house, but I saw Him royally reign in His house, fulfilling it with joy and mirth, Himself endlessly to gladden and to solace His dearworthy friends, full homely and full courteously, with marvellous melody of endless love, in His own fair blessed Countenance. Which glorious Countenance of the Godhead fulfills the Heavens with joy and bliss.

God showed three degrees of bliss that every soul shall have in Heaven that willingly has served God in any degree in earth. The first is the worshipful thanks of our Lord God that he shall receive when he is delivered of pain. This thanking is so high and so worshipful that the soul thinks it fills him though there were no more. For I thought that all the pain and travail that might be suffered by all living men might not deserve the worshipful thanks that one man shall have that willingly has served God. The second is that all the blessed creatures that are in Heaven shall see that worshipful thanking, and He makes his service known to all that are in Heaven. And here this example was shown. A king, if he thank his servants, it is a great worship to them, and if he makes it known to all the realm, then is the worship greatly increased. The third is, that as new and as gladdening as it is received in that time, right so shall it last without end.

And I saw that homely and sweetly was this showed, and that the age of every man shall be [made] known in Heaven, and [he] shall be rewarded for his willing service and for his time. And specially the age of them that willingly and freely offer their youth to God, passingly is rewarded and wonderfully is thanked.

For I saw that whene'er what time a man or woman is truly turned to God, for one day's service and for his endless will he shall have all these three decrees of bliss. And the more the loving soul sees this courtesy of God, the liefer he is to serve him all the days of his life.