31. "The Spiritual Thirst, drawing us up to His Bliss" (The Thirteenth Revelation - That our Lord God wills we have great regard t...) (Revelations of Divine Love) (Julian of Norwich)

31. "The Spiritual Thirst, drawing us up to His Bliss" (The Thirteenth Revelation - That our Lord God wills we have great regard t...) (Revelations of Divine Love) (Julian of Norwich) somebody

31. "The Spiritual Thirst, drawing us up to His Bliss"

AND thus our good Lord answered to all the questions and doubts that I might make, saying full comfortably: I may make all thing well, I can make all thing well, I will make all thing well, and I shall make all thing well; and you shall see yourself that all manner of thing shall be well.

In that He says, I may, I understand [it] for the Father; and in that He says, I can, I understand [it] for the Son; and where He says, I will, I understand [it] for the Holy Ghost; and where He says, I shall, I understand [it] for the unity of the blessed Trinity: three Persons and one Truth; and where He says, You shall see yourself, I understand the oneing of all mankind that shall be saved to the blessed Trinity. And in these five words God wills we be enclosed in rest and in peace.

Thus shall the Spiritual Thirst of Christ have an end. For this is the Spiritual Thirst of Christ: the love-longing that lasts, and ever shall, till we see that sight on Doomsday. For we that shall be saved and shall be Christ's joy and His bliss, some be yet here and some be to come, and so shall some be, to that day. Therefore this is His thirst and love-longing, to have us altogether whole in Him, to His bliss, as to my sight. For we be not now as fully whole in Him as we shall be then.

For we know in our Faith, and also it was shown in all [the Revelations] that Christ Jesus is both God and man. And alongside the Godhead, He is Himself highest bliss, and was, from without beginning, and shall be, without end: which endless bliss may never be heightened nor lowered in itself. For this was plenteously seen in every Showing, and specially in the Twelfth, where He says: I am that [which] is highest. And alongside Christ's Manhood, it is known in our Faith, and also [it was] showed, that He, with the virtue of Godhead, for love, to bring us to His bliss suffered pains and passions, and died. And these be the works of Christ's Manhood wherein He rejoices; and that showed He in the Ninth Revelation, where He says: It is a joy and bliss and endless pleasing to me that ever I suffered Passion for you. And this is the bliss of Christ's works, and thus he signifies where He says in that same Showing: we be His bliss, we be His meed, we be His worship, we be His crown.

For along with that Christ is our Head, He is glorified and impassible; and along with His Body in which all His members are knit, He is not yet fully glorified nor all impassible. Therefore the same desire and thirst that He had upon the Cross (which desire, longing, and thirst, as to my sight, was in Him from without beginning) the same has He yet, and shall [have] to the time that the last soul that shall be saved is come up to His bliss.

For as truly as there is a property in God of ruth and pity, so truly there is a property in God of thirst and longing. (And of the virtue of this longing in Christ, we have to long again to Him: without which no soul comes to Heaven.) And this property of longing and thirst comes of the endless Goodness of God, even as the property of pity comes of His endless Goodness. And though longing and pity are two sundry properties, as to my sight, in this stands the point of the Spiritual Thirst: which is desire in Him as long as we be in need, drawing us up to His bliss. And all this was seen in the Showing of Compassion: for that shall cease on Doomsday.

Thus He has ruth and compassion on us, and He has longing to have us; but His wisdom and His love suffers not the end to come till the best time.