| Also in this marvellous example I have teaching with me as it were the beginning of an A.B.C., whereby I have some understanding of our Lord's meaning. For the secret things of the Revelation be hid therein; notwithstanding that all the Showings are full of secret things. The sitting of the Father betokens His Godhead: that is to say, by showing of rest and peace: for in the Godhead may be no travail. And that He showed Himself as Lord, betokens His [governance] to our manhood. The standing of the Servant betokens travail; on one side, and on the left, betokens that he was not all worthy to stand fellow-right before the Lord; his starting was the Godhead, and the running was the Manhood: for the Godhead started from the Father into the Maiden's womb, falling into the taking of our Kind. And in this falling he took great sore: the sore that He took was our flesh, in which He had also swiftly feeling of deadly pains. That he stood adread before the Lord and not fellow-right, betokens that His clothing was not seemly to stand in fellow-right before the Lord, nor that might not, nor should not, be His office while He was a labourer; nor also He might not sit in rest and peace with the Lord till He had won His peace rightfully with His hard travail; and that he stood by the left side [betokeneth] that the Father left His own Son, willingly, in the Manhood to suffer all man's pains, without sparing of Him. By that his kirtle was in point to be ragged and rent, is understood the blows, the scourgings, the thorns and the nails, the drawing and the dragging, His tender flesh rending. (As I saw in some part [before] how the flesh was rent from the skull, falling in pieces until the time when the bleeding ceased, and then it began to dry again, cleaving to the bone.) And by the struggling and writhing, groaning and moaning, is understood that He might never rise almightily from the time that He was fallen into the Maiden's womb, till his body was slain and dead, He yielding the soul into the Father's hands with all Mankind for whom He was sent. | |