| And in this that I have now told was my desire in part answered, and my great difficulty some deal eased, by the lovely, gracious Showing of our good Lord. In which Showing I saw and understood most surely that in every soul that shall be saved is a Godly Will that never assented to sin, nor ever shall: which Will is so good that it may never will evil, but evermore continually it wills good; and works good in the sight of God. Therefore our Lord wills that we know this in the Faith and the belief; and especially that we have all this blessed Will whole and safe in our Lord Jesus Christ. For that same Kind that Heaven shall be filled with behoves needs, of God's rightfulness, so to have been knit and united to Him, that therein was kept a Substance which might never, nor should, be parted from Him; and that through His own Good Will in His endless foreseeing purpose. | |