| For I saw full assuredly that our Substance is in God, and also I saw that in our sense-soul God is: for in the self-[same] point that our Soul is made sensual, in the self-[same] point is the City of God ordained to Him from without beginning; into which seat He comes, and never shall remove [from] it. For God is never out of the soul: in which He dwells blissfully without end. And this was seen in the Sixteenth Showing where it says: The place that Jesus takes in our soul, He shall never remove [from] it. And all the gifts that God may give to creatures, He has given to His Son Jesus for us: which gifts He, dwelling in us, has enclosed in Him to the time that we be waxen and grown, our soul with our body and our body with our soul, either of them taking help of other, till we be brought up to stature, as nature works. And then, in the ground of nature, with working of mercy, the Holy Ghost graciously inspires into us gifts leading to endless life. | |