| AND then our Lord opened my spiritual eye and showed me my soul in midst of my heart. I saw the Soul so large as it were an endless world, and as it were a blissful kingdom. And by the conditions that I saw therein I understood that it is a worshipful City. In the midst of that City sitts our Lord Jesus, God and Man, a fair Person of large stature, highest Bishop, most majestic King, most worshipful Lord; and I saw Him clad majestically. And worshipfully He sitts in the Soul, fellow-right in peace and rest. And the Godhead rules and sustains heaven and earth and all that is, sovereign Might, sovereign Wisdom, and sovereign Goodness, [but] the place that Jesus takes in our Soul He shall never remove it, without end, as to my sight: for in us is His homliest home and His endless dwelling. | |