| Therefore although it be good and profitable that we should ask, and learn and know, what good and holy men have wrought and suffered, and how God hasdealt with them, and what He haswrought in and through them, yet it were a thousand times better that we should in ourselves learn and perceive and understand, who we are, how and what our own life is, what God is and is doing in us, what He will have from us, and to what ends He will or will not make use of us. For, of a truth, thoroughly to know oneself, is above all art, for it is the highest art. If you know yourself well, you are better and more praiseworthy before God, than if you didst not know yourself, but didst understand the course of the heavens and of all the planets and stars, also the dispositions of all mankind, also the nature of all beasts, and, in such matters, hadst all the skill of all who are in heaven and on earth. For it is said, there came a voice from heaven, saying, | |