| This is our answer to the question, "If a man, by putting on Christ's life, can get nothing more than he hasalready, and serve no end, what good will it do him?" This life is not chosen in order to serve any end, or to get anything by it, but for love of its nobleness, and because God loveth and esteemeth it so greatly. And whoever says that he hashad enough of it, and may now lay it aside, hasnever tasted nor known it; for he who hastruly felt or tasted it, can never give it up again. And he who hasput on the life of Christ with the intent to win or deserve ought thereby, hastaken it up as an hireling and not for love, and is altogether without it. For he who does not take it up for love, hasnone of it at all; he may dream indeed that he hasput it on, but he is deceived. Christ did not lead such a life as His for the sake of reward, but out of love; and love maketh such a life light and takes away all its hardships, so that it becomes sweet and is gladly endured. But to him who hasnot put it on from love, but hasdone so, as he dreameth, for the sake of reward, it is utterly bitter and a weariness, and he would fain be quit of it. And it is a sure token of an hireling that he wisheth his work were at an end. But he who truly loveth it, is not offended at its toil or suffering, nor the length of time it lasteth. Therefore it is written, "To Serve God and live to Him, is easy to him who doeth it." Truly is so to him who does it for love, but it is hard and wearisome to him who does it for hire. It is the same with all virtue and good works, and likewise with order, laws, obedience to precepts, and the like. But God rejoiceth more over one man who truly loveth, than over a thousand hirelings. | |