The Calling of Abraham
The Calling of Abraham somebodyThe Calling of Abraham (1955-11-16) (William M. Branham Sermons)
The Calling of Abraham (1955-11-16) (William M. Branham Sermons) somebodyThe Calling of Abraham
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1 Thank you, my dear brother. That's just wonderful. Praise the Lord. Every one enjoyed that, say, "Amen." What wonderful singing these brothers has been doing for us, here at the ... our revival. And we're certainly appreciative to them, and God bless them.
I heard some fine compliments on them today. And I'm so thankful to hear that, 'cause I know both these brothers, and know they're real Christians. And we're thankful for everything.
So, we're happy to be in tonight, again, this Wednesday night, regular prayer meeting night, mid-week prayer meeting, among the churches. And we pray that those who has dismissed to come out, that God will richly bless you and give us a prayer meeting here tonight. And those who could not, and have their own services, we just pray that God will give them great prayer meeting.
2 Last night, I thought I would be sure to get out at nine-thirty, but I missed it again. So, I'm going to try again, if I can.
Now, they've give me some handkerchiefs here to pray over. I noticed on one, said, "Brother Branham, please anoint." Now, that is just fine. Now, I know many brethren anoint the handkerchiefs, which that's good. And anything that God will bless, I'm certainly for it, aren't you?
But now, I never anoint them; I just kind of use the Scripture by it. Now, in the Scripture, I don't believe they anointed the handkerchiefs, but, the Bible said, where you're getting the Scripture for it, is Acts the 19th chapter; where that they taken from the body of Paul, handkerchiefs and aprons. Wasn't nothing about anointing them. But, of course, that's all right, if they anoint them, but I don't have any anointing oil.
Acts 19:12 So that from his body were brought unto the sick handkerchiefs or aprons, and the diseases departed from them, and the evil spirits went out of them.
3 I believe in anointing the sick with oil, certainly. The Bible said so. The handkerchiefs, the way I do them, is just pray over them. And, oh, it's been such a great success. We just had such a wonderful time in praying for the handkerchiefs, and the Lord has blessed in such a marvelous way.
Now, here not long ago... Just a little testimony, I'd like to say about praying over handkerchiefs. I send out ... I've sent out---I would be afraid to say the number---thousands times thousands, and multiplied thousands around the world.
And I got a cute little letter, that come from a German translator. I have a little temporary offices in, oh, eight or ten different nations. And they get the letter and translate it and then send it to me and say what they want, and I send it back.
So, there was a... It was real cute. There was a little German woman had been in a wheelchair with arthritis for a number of years. And they had translated my book, in German. And I believe the man is right here in the meeting, that did that ... or, he was down at the Christian Businessmen's breakfast, the other morning (Thank you, sir.) and down at the Christian Businessmen's breakfast, the other morning.
James 5:14 Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord:
4 And so, she had been reading that book. And she sent to me for a handkerchief. Of course, handkerchiefs cost about ten, fifteen cents apiece, and sending out thousands a week, I can't afford to buy them, because I don't have any capital to work on; so, I just buy great spools of ribbon.
And that just reminds me: I've got to try to find some while I'm here in Los Angeles. We're just out in our country; we just bought it all up for some. And sometimes for hundreds of yards of ribbon, I just sit and pray over them and cut them off, and send them to the people.
And this little German woman, after receiving it, she took ... in the instructions we send...
And we have a prayer group all around the world. People get up sometime, two, or three o'clock in the morning, to get in that prayer group, to go to praying.
And so, she pinned the handkerchief on her underneath garment ... or, the little cloth, and she put her hand over her heart, and she said, "Now, you old devil, you get out of here." Raised up out of her wheelchair and went on about her business. Just how cute that was, sounding that way, would make us think that, but such a simple faith.
5 You know, Christian friends, that's what it is. It's so simple, it fools the people, that's all. It's not nothing ... just you have to reach up and pull down, or something. It's just as simple as that.
Now, I'll lay these here, and then you can get them afterwards. Now, we're always happy to pray for them. And each night, I'll do it. Thank you. You'll recognize this handkerchief, will you? All right.
And, now, each night if you want them prayed for, handkerchiefs; and then if you happen to fail to get one, not get one in, just send up to the office, just write me, Jeffersonville. I'm not telling you... Now, I oughtn't to have said that, I suppose, 'cause most of the time people saying, "Write me." Why, [All right, sister.] " Write me," well, they mean then, they're trying to get your address to start. But I don't have any radio programs, anything to support, so I'll just answer your letter, that'll be all, and send back the handkerchief. But now, and then if you want one, send and get it, and keep it in your Bible, if you don't have use for it now. And our Lord, just some little...
6 I think, Brother Oral Roberts... You all know, nearly all of you have heard of Brother Oral Roberts, a very dear brother, and a lovely person. His main subject is like mine, being: Jesus the same yesterday, today, and forever. His is the point of contact. And I think, just a little cloth, or something like that, just a point of contact, you know, just something to, oh, kind of stimulate your faith a little.
So now, let us bow our heads just a moment for prayer.
Now, Heavenly Father, we come to Thee, first, tonight, to offer thanksgiving for all that You've done for us, blessing us, and giving us blessings that we are not deserving. And, Father, yes, we deserve nothing. But it's through Thy righteousness of grace that Thou does bless us. And we're so thankful. We pray that You'll meet with us here tonight, in the Word, and may we have much fellowship around the Word. And then in the service, the prayer for the sick, may the Holy Spirit do the exceedingly abundantly, tonight, in some way to stimulate faith and bless the many. We just thank Thee for all Thou has done.
Looking around, tonight, here in the building and seeing that a few nights ago, three or four cots and wheelchairs sat, and only one left tonight. Father, may it be the night for that person there to be healed. Thou did deliver each one of them. And now, tonight, this woman. So, we pray that You'll grant it to her.
And now, many of Your lovely children are sick and have loved ones across the country who is sick, and they've brought to me, handkerchiefs to be blessed. Father, I thank Thee, first, for Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who makes these things possible, and for the confidence the people has, Your unprofitable servant.
Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.
7 Now, we're taught in the Bible, that they took from the body, handkerchiefs and aprons from Saint Paul. Now, Father, we realize that we're not Saint Paul, but Thou art still the same Lord Jesus, to meet the conditions of the people.
One time, Israel was all cornered off by the Red Sea and the mountains and deserts. Pharaoh's army was pushing them. And the Bible ... some writer said that God looked down through that pillar of fire, with angry eyes. There laid the Red Sea right in the path. And the Red Sea got scared and opened up. And a road went through it, and Israel passed over on dry land, going to the promised land, 'cause God had promised it.
And, Father, when these handkerchiefs are placed upon the bodies of the sick and the afflicted, may God look back again, down with angry eyes, through the blood of the Lord Jesus, at the sickness that's got these people bound, that these handkerchiefs represent. And may Satan get scared, move out. And may the victim of the sickness move to the promise of God's good health. Grant it, Father. For we send them in Jesus Christ's name, Thy Son. Amen.
Now, you can get these, right immediately after the...
Acts 19:12 So that from his body were brought unto the sick handkerchiefs or aprons, and the diseases departed from them, and the evil spirits went out of them.
8 Now, I'm going to try to go just quickly as I can, getting on the way now. And I thought maybe, tonight, we would run a little series of this subject, speaking out of the Old Testament.
Last week, we've spoke now the eight nights on the New Testament, and tonight, I thought, we'd turn over in the Old Testament and speak a while. I love the Old Testament. Don't you? I'm kind of a typologist. The Old Testament is just full of nuggets, buried down in there. And I like to go prospecting, don't you? And dig out those nuggets and polish them up. And you know what? You'll find every one of them pointing to Jesus Christ. Everything of the Old Testament was a shadow of the New Testament. And what God was to Israel then, through the law, He is to us, today, through the Lord Jesus Christ. And what a beautiful, beautiful picture!
I remember taking one book, when I used to pastor the tabernacle at my hometown; and I was a year and six months in one book, Job; one year and six months. And I know I was about five weeks with Job sitting on that ash heap. And the congregation was very nice to bear with me that long. But, a lady's patience run out. She wrote me a letter and said, "Brother Branham, when you ever going to get Job off the ash heap?" And so, she said, "We're enjoying it, but, my, you've had him there so long." But it was right ... was the climax, just of the whole book to me, that's the climax. When Elihu was talking to him, and then the Spirit of God came on him, the thunders roared, and the lightning flashed.
Job stood up and said, "I know my Redeemer liveth. And at the last days, He will stand on the earth. And though the skin worms destroys this body, yet, in my flesh, I will see God." What a beautiful thing! And the climax of it was, there wasn't a sinner left in the church. The Lord Jesus saved them every one.
Job 2:7 So went Satan forth from the presence of the LORD, and smote Job with sore boils from the sole of his foot unto his crown.
Job 2:8 And he took him a potsherd to scrape himself withal; and he sat down among the ashes.
Job 19:25 For I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth:
Job 19:26 And though after my skin worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God:
Job 32:17 I said, I will answer also my part, I also will shew mine opinion.
Job 32:18 For I am full of matter, the spirit within me constraineth me.
9 Now, we're going to start tonight in the book of Genesis. And I love this book, also. And we want to start off on the prophet Abraham, and speak a while. And now, in Genesis 12, we'll read just a portion of the Word, and then, we're going to take Abraham for the next couple nights, the Lord willing. And I'll watch my time so I won't take much time. And then bring him over to the climax, of where he sacrificed ... or, went to sacrifice his own son. And was called Jehovah-jireh, "the Lord will provide for Himself a sacrifice."
Genesis 22:14 And Abraham called the name of that place Jehovahjireh: as it is said to this day, In the mount of the LORD it shall be seen.
10 Tonight, we want to take the calling of Abraham, in Genesis 12. Read the first three verses.
And the LORD said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will show thee:
And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing:
And I will bless them that bless thee, ... curse him that curseth thee: and ... all the families of the earth shall be blessed.
May the Lord add His blessings to the reading of His Word.
Genesis 12:1 Now the LORD had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will shew thee:
Genesis 12:2 And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing:
Genesis 12:3 And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.
11 Now, quickly, and then we'll go right straight to the healing service, because thinking this: about the same little audience each night. And a few nights ago, they run in, I believe, about a bunch of wheelchairs, and cots, and they've dwindled down now to one. Praise be to God. I praise ... thank God, tonight. I'll catch the tapes a little later on, when the boys---Leo, and Gene, and them, my partners, that's here taking the recordings. And I see another group in here, also. And, if you want to know what was said to you, it's in a semiconscious, you see, and you don't realize what you---or, I don't---what I'm saying. So, just get the tape, and you can find out just exactly what I told you. And always remember just what it says, follow it up; don't be scared.
12 Oh, I got to... Just another little testimony right on the end of my heart. I was over... I just have to say it, almost. One night, they was coming along the prayer line, there was a little lady who had been suffering with stomach trouble. And the Holy Spirit told her all about her, and who she was. Somebody questioned telling people who they were. Said, "That ain't Scripture." Oh, yes, it is. Yes, it is.
When Peter came to Jesus, he said, "Thou art the son of Jonas, but thou shalt be called hereafter, Peter," which was "a little stone." Jesus knew him, knew his name, and told him what his name was.
So, anyhow, this woman, it told her... Then when it all revealed all to her, then it come out, "Thus saith the Lord, you're healed." 'Cause it turned light, and I seen the woman well, or I'd never said that. It's not me, speaking then; it's Him.
And so, she went home. She said, "Well, if I'm well," said, "I might as well go home and eat."
So, one of her friends, way down in the neighborhood, had a big lump on her neck. And the Holy Spirit spoke the same thing to her, told her she was healed. So, she went out feeling for the lump. She said, "Well, it's still there, but I was instructed, if it" said, " was the Lord speaking, it has to be gone." So, they agreed, going home that they was going to go ahead and act just like it wasn't nothing to it. So, they was well.
John 1:42 And he brought him to Jesus. And when Jesus beheld him, he said, Thou art Simon the son of Jona: thou shalt be called Cephas, which is by interpretation, A stone.
13 So, the little lady tried to eat. And oh, my, she really got sick. And then a few days, it just kept getting worse. So, she just kept on telling her family and everybody, "Thank the Lord, I'm healed." She just stayed with it. About six weeks had passed. No different; just still the same.
Well, some of the neighbors said, "Now, sister, you're bringing a reproach upon the cause." Said, "You shouldn't say those things unless they are real."
She said, "But somehow another," said, "don't look I'm any better, but," said, "just something in my heart... If a Spirit could stand there and tell a person, who I was, and all about my life, and tell me what happened that caused it; and then tell me, in the name of Jesus Christ that I was healed." Said, "Just... I can't get over it." Said, "I just believe it anyhow." So, she just kept holding on.
And one morning, the children had went to school and she was washing the dishes, and she got real hungry. A real strange feeling come over her, and she got hungry. The woman may be sitting present right now, for all I know. So she ... and hungry. She went over and she tried to eat a little piece of toast. And it was pretty good. So, she thought, Well... Usually that buttered toast made her sick---ulcered stomach. And she said, "Well, that was pretty good."
So, well, she was still hungry, so she thought she'd just have a few oats, you know, some of the children had left there. So, they hadn't eaten all their oats, so she just sat down finished up the little child's oats. Well, that felt pretty good. So, she just really had her a gastronomical jubilee. So, she just fried her a couple eggs then, drank a cup of coffee. Well, she said, "Nothing has happened." Just felt real good. Usually she'd be sick and have a headache and start vomiting. Nothing happened.
14 She waited as long as she could, about thirty, forty minutes. She couldn't hold it any longer. Down the street she went to tell her neighbor. Oh, my! She run into the house, and the neighbor was screaming top of her voice. And she said, "Say, my... Why," said, "that lump I never noticed it. It was on there yesterday, but a while ago I started to wash," and said, "the lump is gone. I felt a real funny feeling," said, "it's all gone from me."
And them little women got together, and about a week later come way, thousands of miles away to testify to the other people, that what the Holy Spirit said was true; to hold on.
Now, what happened? Here's what it was. Now, don't be kind of mixed up, friends. When God says anything, it's got to happen. When God speaks it... Now, of course, His Bible is what we're speaking of. His Scripture said that, if thou canst believe, well, all things are possible.
Mark 9:23 Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth.
15 Now, what He would speak through His servants would be secondarily. But if it's still truly the Word of God, it'll have to happen. And as being... Since I was a child, seeing visions... And God my judge, who I stand before tonight: I've never seen it one time fail, not one time. It's always perfect, because it's God.
Now, what happened? You think God has to move just in a spur of a moment, but you're wrong, see. No, no. Daniel, one time, he was a servant of the Lord. And there was an angel who followed him was sent to follow Daniel. Do you remember the story? And one time, he was praying, and the angel, after it got to him, it was, I believe about twenty-one days, or something like that, before the angel could ever get to him. You remember that story?
Daniel 10:13 But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me one and twenty days: but, lo, Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me; and I remained there with the kings of Persia.
16 Well, now, when the Angel of the Lord had pronounced this blessing, what was it? The Angel of the Lord passing through the neighborhood where He pronounced the blessing, performing the work. That was all there was to it. He was just carrying on what He had done. So, always, when God has said anything, believe it with all your heart.
17 Now, that's the background, a good background, for what we're going to talk on, for a few moments, was Abraham. Now, God, in the beginning, in the Garden of Eden, He made a covenant between Him and Adam. And Adam broke his covenant. Now, man always breaks his covenant with God, but God never breaks His covenant with man.
So, God seen what was going to happen, so He made this covenant, after the world had begin to multiply and got full of wickedness, and so forth. And they had went up into Babylon, and the first idol worship was ever spoke of, begin in Babylon. God searching out across the lands, to try to find somebody who was honest in heart, somebody He could give blessings to. And of all the people there was in the land, God, by sovereign election, chose Abraham.
How many Christians is here tonight? Let's see your hand. Well, I believe it's about a hundred percent. That's fine. A hundred percent Christians! Then I want to tell you something. It isn't very easy to say before sinners. Do you know why you're a Christian? Because God called you. You never did seek God at any time. No, sir. It's God seeking you. No man, at any time, has ever sought God. God sought man.
"No man can come to me," said Jesus, "except my Father draws him first." The very strain from the Garden of Eden. Instead of the fallen sinner, trying to find God, it was God trying to find the fallen sinner, and has been ever since.
John 6:44 No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day.
Romans 3:11 There is none that understandeth, there is none that seeketh after God.
18 God by election... Remember: You began before the world began, spiritually speaking. When He made man, male and female, in His own image, which He was a Spirit. He knew when you would come into existence.
Now, by election. Now, if you'll notice... Oh, we'd take plenty of time, but we haven't got it to give. How we could give the background on this. How the patriarchs, for instance, Abraham. Abraham is election. Don't forget this, anyhow. Abraham is God's election; Isaac, justification; Jacob, grace. Anybody would know I believe in grace; see what God did for Jacob. And Joseph, perfection. Then it run out. God showing His election in Abraham, His justification in Isaac, His grace in Jacob, and His perfection in Joseph.
Genesis 1:27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
19 So, God called Abraham, not because he was any better than anyone else, but God called Abraham, because He had elected Abraham. And He called him, and gave him his covenant unconditionally. And told him that He would save him, and told him what his destination would be; He would come to him in an old age. Already done, God was determined to save man. Man---there's nothing he can do; he's a failure to begin with. So God, by election, called and saved Abraham.
You say, "Oh, brother. If I could've only been Abraham." Now, wait! Not only Abraham, but his seed after him, also, He called and elected. Amen.
Now, my brethren, I wish, maybe, that might not agree just right, but just hold it a few minutes and watch. God, by sovereign election, called Abraham. Not because he had done anything. He had come down from the tower of Babel with his father and his mother, his wife, Sarah. And he dwelt down in the land of Shinar, lived a pretty good life, as far as I know. And he'd go out, probably in the morning and eat berries, and into the bush and kill an animal for his protein, and then blackberries, and so forth. And he lived down in Shinar, in the city of Ur, the land of Chaldean, and God, by election, called Abraham. And said, "I..." Not "If you'll do a certain thing" but "I have already done it."
God had determined to save man, even against his own will, against his nature. Man in his nature is absolutely contrary to God's will. He's a sinner, born a sinner, born in sin, shaped in iniquity, come to the world speaking lies, lost from his birth, nothing he can do about it.
Genesis 15:18 In the same day the LORD made a covenant with Abram, saying, Unto thy seed have I given this land, from the river of Egypt unto the great river, the river Euphrates:
Genesis 17:7 And I will establish my covenant between me and thee and thy seed after thee in their generations for an everlasting covenant, to be a God unto thee, and to thy seed after thee.
Psalm 51:5 Behold, I was shapen in iniquity, and in sin did my mother conceive me.
Psalm 58:3 The wicked are estranged from the womb: they go astray as soon as they be born, speaking lies.
20 Could you imagine going out here and telling a pig, say, "Now, looky here, Mr. Pig, I'm going to tell you, you're wrong." Why, you could wash him up, and put him on a tuxedo, if you wanted to. That wouldn't do no good; he'd go right back to the mud puddle and wallow again. It's his nature. He's a pig to begin with. And every man, every unregenerated person, no matter how good you try to be, how good you think you are, you are a sinner by nature, until God changes your nature. Amen.
Now, that's right. We don't like to say that. "Oh," you say, "I wear the best clothes in the neighborhood. I got the best car. I have the best..." That doesn't have one thing to do with it. If the nature is not... "I never told lies. I never..." That still hasn't got anything to do with it. It's no merits of your own, but it's the unconditional election and calling of God. And salvation is the merits of Jesus Christ, and nothing that any individual could do. God, by His love, saved man. Not what man could do. There's nothing you could do about it. You couldn't even have a nature to long for God, because you're a sinner. So, no man has sought God at any time. But God has sought man.
"No man can come to me, except my Father draws him, first. All that comes will have everlasting life, and I'll raise him up at the last day. He that heareth my words, believeth on him that sent me, hath,"---not "will have"---"hath," present tense, right now, "everlasting, eternal life, and shall not come into condemnation, but is passed from death unto life." Because you have believed, not intellectually, but from your heart.
John 5:24 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life.
John 6:44 No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day.
21 Oh, many people say, "Oh, I believe." And try to reform. Our business is not to reform; it's to preach the Gospel. We're not reformers. We should be Gospel preachers.
Abraham, as soon as God called him, He called him to separate himself. That's a strange thing, isn't it? God, as soon as He calls a man, He calls for a complete separation. You know the world wants mixers, today. People selecting their pastor, they want somebody who'll take a little sociable drink, and wear the best clothes in the country, and crack a few wild jokes, and go on like that, and be sociable with the young folks, and everything. But God said, "Separate me Paul and Barnabas." The Holy Spirit calls for total separation. Amen. Separation!
Said, "Abraham, separate yourself from your kindred." That was a big thing to do, wasn't it? "I want you to sojourn in a strange land. You've never walked this way before, but I want you to separate yourself, so you can walk with me, among a strange people, speaking a strange language. And you're to be a pilgrim, a sojourner." And here it is. Every man that's born of Christ separates himself from sin immediately. The Holy Spirit just calls you right out, a different nature.
Genesis 12:1 Now the LORD had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will shew thee:
Acts 13:2 As they ministered to the Lord, and fasted, the Holy Ghost said, Separate me Barnabas and Saul for the work whereunto I have called them.
22 Here's a lamb feeding in alfalfa; here's a pig feeding in the pen on slop. Take the nature out of a lamb and put it in the pigpen, he'll never eat no more slop, but go to eating alfalfa. But you can reform him and polish him up; he'll run right back to the pigpen again. The Bible said so, "The hog goes to its wallow." That's right.
It's got to be something God does for man; not what man does, what God does. We got too much man-made reforming today. "Sign your name. Put your name on the church book. Join a church. Bring your letter in." Oh, I ain't got nothing again' it, if the other has already took place. If you've been born again, all right. You don't care whether your letter is out here, anyhow; it's in heaven. Not written on a piece of paper, but on a lambskin, by a Lamb's blood. Hallelujah!
Notice, "Separate yourself from all your kindreds, and come over into a strange land." Sure. You used to run to night clubs, and to places you went maybe everywhere that you should not have went. And now when God calls you, He calls you to separate from that kind of a life, and walk a different life.
Do you ever remember singing the old song: "I'll take the way with the Lord's despised few. I've started in with Jesus, now, Lord, take me through."
Genesis 12:1 Now the LORD had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will shew thee:
2 Peter 2:22 But it is happened unto them according to the true proverb, The dog is turned to his own vomit again; and the sow that was washed to her wallowing in the mire.
23 I remember, when I first got saved, my mother said, "Billy, you've absolutely lost what little sense you did have." Well, I did---that's right---as far as the world was concerned. But I found something better: a new life. Why, it caused, even my father to tell me I couldn't stay home as long as I acted like that. But God gave me fathers all over the world, and mothers all over the world, friends everywhere; million times paid in this life, and eternal life in the world to come. Separation!
Then upon that, He gave Abraham a promise. Abraham was seventy-five years old when God called him. And Sarah, his wife, was sixty-five years old, which was around forty, fifty, sixty ... around forty years past menopause. And he married her according to theological history that ... or, theological history, rather, that He called him when ... or, she married when she was about seventeen years old. And he had lived with her as a wife, all these years, and now she was sixty-five, and God said, "I'm going to do something, and I've chose you, not you chose me, but I've chosen you to do this. And you're going to have a baby by Sarah, your wife," after she's sixty-five years old.
The Bible said that Abraham staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief, but was strong giving praise to God.
Genesis 12:4 So Abram departed, as the LORD had spoken unto him; and Lot went with him: and Abram was seventy and five years old when he departed out of Haran.
Genesis 17:19 And God said, Sarah thy wife shall bear thee a son indeed; and thou shalt call his name Isaac: and I will establish my covenant with him for an everlasting covenant, and with his seed after him.
Genesis 18:10 And he said, I will certainly return unto thee according to the time of life; and, lo, Sarah thy wife shall have a son. And Sarah heard it in the tent door, which was behind him.
Romans 4:20 He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong in faith, giving glory to God;
24 Now, remember, they never had the baby for twenty-five years after that. Abraham was a hundred and Sarah was ninety. But I can imagine... As soon as God told them they was going to have the baby, I'd imagine they went out and bought all the pins, and the things they had to have in them days, and got ready for it. Amen. God said so, and that settled it
Could you imagine Abraham in this day with a wife sixty-five and him seventy-five, shaking on his staff, going downtown, "Well, doctor, I want to make arrangements for you to come to my house now. We're going to have a baby, and my wife is sixty-five."
Why, they'd say, "Abraham, you're just a little bit mentally upset." And every person... Here it is; get it! Every person that walks truly after God is considered by the world, a little mentally upset. That's right. Amen. Yes.
Genesis 17:17 Then Abraham fell upon his face, and laughed, and said in his heart, Shall a child be born unto him that is an hundred years old? and shall Sarah, that is ninety years old, bear?
25 Why, could you think of an old man today, seventy-five years old, with a wife sixty-five and lived with her since she was seventeen, and no children, perfectly barren, him sterile, too? And then go out and say they're going to have a baby. And getting the baby clothes ready.
Why? No matter what it looked like in the natural, God said so. Now, excuse this, you young women and young men. I'm your brother. And notice, at the end of the first month ... or, the first few days, maybe, hear Abraham say, "Sarah, how do you feel?"
"No different."
"Well, praise God, we're going to have it, anyhow."
First month pass. "What about it, Sarah?"
"No different."
"Praise God, we're going to have it anyhow."
First year pass. "What about it, Sarah?"
"No different."
"Well, praise God, we're going to have it, anyhow."
26 And instead of getting weak, like you do, and like I do; if God don't answer right in a minute, "Well, I failed to get it." But, Abraham got stronger all the time. Knowing that longer it lasted, before the baby was born, greater miracle it was going to be.
And if you are the children of Abraham, you got the same kind of faith. Hallelujah! Don't get scared at that. Hallelujah means "praise our God."
Notice. Abraham got stronger as the days went on, he got stronger, believing---him and Sarah. Now, if God called Abraham and Abraham had that kind of faith because God called him; Abraham's children has the same kind of faith. Now, the only reason that Abraham had that faith is because God seen the quality in him, and called him and talked to him face to face.
And every person that's elected by God, comes in and gets the faith of Abraham when they have a talk face to face with God.
Now, what is Abraham's seed? Let's find out just a minute. Now, Abraham's seed was Isaac. Isaac... Through Isaac come Christ. The Bible said, "We being dead in Christ take on Abraham's seed and are heirs according to the promise." The same promise He gave Abraham, there's a promise that He gives us. If we be dead in Christ, we take on Abraham's seed, and are heirs according to the same promise. And then the same faith that was in Abraham, dwells in his children, who called those things which are not, as though they were, because God said so.
Brother, if I could just see you get that kind of a faith, tonight, there wouldn't be a feeble person among us in the next five minutes.
Galatians 3:29 And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise.
27 Abraham called those things which were not as though they were, because God said so. "How do you know, Abraham?"
"God said so."
"How can you prove it?"
"God said so."
"Why, it's against all nature."
"But God said so."
The doctor says, "You can't get well."
"But God said so."
Say, "You'll never walk again."
"But God said so." Amen.
Romans 4:17 (As it is written, I have made thee a father of many nations,) before him whom he believed, even God, who quickeneth the dead, and calleth those things which be not as though they were.
28 Mayo's told me I had three minutes to live, but God said I was going to live a long time. Here I am. I was practically blind, said my sight never would come to me again. But here I am. God said so!
29 That's the way. When God says so, see... A Christian does not calculate ... does not look at things he sees. You don't see with your eyes, anyhow. You don't. Certainly you don't see with your eyes. You look with your eyes. You see with your heart. See doesn't mean "look." See means "understand."
Jesus said to Nicodemus, "Except a man be born again he cannot see the kingdom of God." See what the right translation that is: "...cannot understand the kingdom of God." Somebody be doing something, showing you: "I just can't see it." You're looking at it, but you don't understand it. And you'll never know what the kingdom of God is until you're born again, then you'll understand what it is. You'll know what makes people happy, what makes them stand right out amidst of difficulty, and say, "It's so." Never move. They understand. God said so.
Now, I told you the other night, you got enough faith; but you've got to know how to use that faith to make yourself well, to get happiness out of life. If you're born again, everything you got need of is right in you when you're born again, because the Holy Spirit comes there, and that's all you have need of. It's the Holy Spirit; it produces the rest.
Now, notice Abraham ... or, Christians, rather---Abraham's seed. No matter what anybody else says, they believe it, anyhow.
John 3:3 Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.
30 Here sometime ago, I was talking to a fine doctor, who belonged to the same church that I belong to. And he said, "Billy, you know what? I was at your meeting." He said, "I appreciate all that was done. But," said, "let me ask you something, Billy." Said, "It isn't going to be long till you're going to be a holy roller."
And I said, "Well, what do you mean, doctor?"
He said, "Because them people are just emotional."
"Well," I said, "according to science, anything that hasn't got emotion is dead. Then if your religion hasn't got a little emotion about it, you better bury it." And he said... I said, "It's dead."
And he said, "Now, Billy."
I said, "I want to ask you something."
He said, "Don't you know those people just get excited?" Said, "You go to preaching, and they get excited. That's what makes them holler 'Amen' and cry."
31 I said, "Now, doctor, I want to ask you something. You know, they can't be nothing excite them, just sitting there normally, they can't... There has to be something excite that nerve." You just can't be walking down the alley, and if you're not scared, you're not scared. If you get scared, something excites you. Certainly, it is.
I said, "Sure, in one sense, they're excited, but what's the emotions excited about?" I said, "Just like you getting scared, something has to scare you. And something has to excite those people. And what it is, it's the Holy Spirit near them, taking the Word of God and giving them eternal life, and it is excitable." Certainly.
Notice. Christians cannot be Christians and not have faith. "And faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."
You can't see your salvation. You don't see Jesus, but, yet, you believe Him. And we call those things which were not, as though they were. And Christians look at the unseen, not what they see; what they don't see.
Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
32 Here not long ago, I was over in Canada. Great campaign with about ten, fifteen thousand people was out---Montreal. We was having a great meeting there. And I was watching, coming down the street, Mr. Baxter and I, there was a television going on there. And a guy standing on there from way over in America somewhere, strumming a guitar, one of these here cowboys, around, you know. So, strumming on a guitar.
And the fellow walked out, he said, "How do you do!"
And I said, "How do you do, sir!"
He said, "Let me sell you that set."
I said, "No, thank you, I'm just passing through here."
"Oh!" Said, "Well," said, "I can get the tax free if you want to take it back to the States with you."
I said, "No, no, thank you." I said, "I was just looking at it." I said, "That's fine. Where's that coming from?"
He said, "Way down in the United States somewhere, Detroit or somewhere."
I said, "Uh-huh!" I said, "That's very fine." And I said...
He said, "Just passing through?"
I said, "No, no, I'm here for a few days."
He said, "Oh!"
I said, "Yes, sir." I said, "I'm here for a meeting."
33 "Oh," he said, "you ain't with this Branham outfit down here, are you?"
I said, "Yes, sir."
And he said, "Oh," he said, "what do you think about that guy?"
I said, "Well, I don't know."
He said, "Well," he said, "I tell you." Said, "I think he's the biggest hypocrite I ever seen."
I said, "You really do?"
He said, "Yes, sir. I do." He said, "The first thing, he's got nothing but psychology."
I said, "Were you there last night?"
He said, "Yeah."
I said, "What about that soldier they brought up there all crippled up?"
"Oh," he said, "that soldier could have walked anyhow, if he just tried it."
"Uh-huh.", I said, "Are you a Christian?"
He said, "Oh, no!" Said, "I don't believe in none of that stuff."
I said, "Oh!"
He said, "I'm a scientist." He said, "If anything cannot be scientifically proven, it's absolutely an error."
"Oh," I said, "uh-huh!" I said, "I hate to take the other side. But," I said, "I'm going to tell you the real things are things that cannot be scientifically proven."
"Oh," he said, "you're wrong."
I said, "All right. I want to..."
He said, "If it can't be scientifically proven, it's not real."
34 I said, "Well, partner, I believe the things that's real cannot be scientifically proven. And anything that's scientifically proven, is not real, it's perishable."
And he said, "Oh," he said, "I think you're wrong."
I said, "I want to ask you something. Are you a married man?"
He said, "Sure."
"Got any children?"
I said, "You love your wife?"
He said, "Yes, sir."
I said, "What is love?" I said, "Scientifically, show me what love is. What's different about that woman than there is any other woman? What's different about them children than there is any other children? Love. And you couldn't scientifically prove love if you had to." I said, "You can't scientifically prove me that you got a mind." That's right. You can't.
35 I said, "The real things are unscientific. 'They are substance of things hoped for: faith.' Well," I said, "look at that picture there." I said, "That picture is coming right through the room." I said, "That's like it is on the television." I said, "That's the way they see them visions." I said, "It's something that comes out." And I said, "Why can't that radio see that vision?"
He said, "Well, it's not made that way."
I said, "See? God sets some in the church, prophets, some teachers, some evangelists."
He said, "Oh, nonsense. We got a sending station to send this."
I said, "We have too!" Amen.
He said, "And you believe that guy is right?"
Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
36 I said, "Yes, sir. I am that guy." I said, "I am."
He said, "You're not Reverend Branham?"
I said, "Yes, sir."
He said, "I called you a hypocrite to your face."
I said, "That's the way to do it, always. Tell me to my face, not to my back." That's right.
37 But that's it, friends, see. We have a sending station, that's heaven. We've got a receiving station, that's your heart. And when, really in your heart you accept the Word of God, it becomes positive. No matter what the rest of them is seeing, you're seeing it anyhow. "And Abraham believed God, and it was imputed unto him for righteousness."
As the years passed by, she still believed. Abraham believed. (Our time is getting away.)
In the 17th chapter... We'll pick that up just for a moment. In the 17th chapter, after he got real old (He was ninety now.), God appeared to him in different names. But He appeared to him in the 17th chapter as Almighty God: Said, "I am Almighty God." Now, really, the Hebrew word for that, is El Shaddai, meaning "the breast," or the bosom, like a woman.
He said, "You're old, Abraham. You're nearly a hundred. But my promise is still good. And I am "the breasted-God." Like the mother to her baby. When the little baby is sick and fretting, the mother takes the little baby up, no matter how sick it is, and holds it to her bosom, and the little baby nurses the mother's strength. And the baby is made well through the mother's strength.
And He said, "Abraham, you're old, you're a real old man, ninety. Sarah now is eighty, but, I am the breasted-God. Just hold on, and keep nursing my promise, and I'll bring it to pass." Hallelujah! He's still, tonight, Almighty God, the El Shaddai, the breasted One.
"He was wounded for our transgressions, with his stripes we were healed." Compound reason, the breasted One.
Isaiah 53:5 But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.
James 2:23 And the scripture was fulfilled which saith, Abraham believed God, and it was imputed unto him for righteousness: and he was called the Friend of God.
38 Then He called Abraham out to confirm this covenant to him. Abraham said, "See that I'm childless, yet, and the only heir of my house is Eliezer of Damascus." He said, "Seeing that I go without a child, and he's going to be my heir. And only thing I have is Ishmael, and that's from the handmaid, Hagar."
He said, "Well, come out here, and I will make this clear to you, Abraham. What I'm going to do for you and for your seed after you."
Now, Abraham's children, sit quiet and listen, quickly, and we'll go right straight to the point.
He took Abraham out, and Abraham made a sacrifice unto the Lord. And he killed a little heifer, and a she-goat of three years old, each one of them, and a ram. And he took a pigeon and a turtledove, and he split the heifer, and the ram, and the she-goat, apart, laid the pieces together. But the turtledove and the pigeon, he never split apart. Oh, I wish we just had time to... We'll get that tomorrow night, maybe, see.
Why he didn't split that pigeon and turtledove? Here's what it was. A turtledove, or a pigeon, was a representative ... or, it atoned for healing. God has changed His covenant from law to grace, but He never has changed healing. It has always been the same.
And he didn't divide them. And when he laid them together, and he kept the birds off of them until the sun went down. Now, listen real close. Here is how the covenant was made. Here is why today, that Jesus has risen from the dead. Here is why today, He is doing the very things you see Him doing.
Genesis 15:2 And Abram said, Lord GOD, what wilt thou give me, seeing I go childless, and the steward of my house is this Eliezer of Damascus?
Genesis 15:3 And Abram said, Behold, to me thou hast given no seed: and, lo, one born in my house is mine heir.
Genesis 15:9 And he said unto him, Take me an heifer of three years old, and a she goat of three years old, and a ram of three years old, and a turtledove, and a young pigeon.
Genesis 15:10 And he took unto him all these, and divided them in the midst, and laid each piece one against another: but the birds divided he not.
39 Now, He is showing, in a figure, to Abraham, what He was going to do for all his seed after him, which out of Abraham would come Isaac, and out of Isaac would come Christ; showing what kind of a sacrifice that he would make through Christ. [Break in tape.] When Abraham give a pre-shadow of it, when he went to the mountain to offer Isaac, and God spared Isaac, and didn't spare His own Son, because Isaac was only a shadow of Christ---packing the wood, and everything right up the same hill, as we'll get to it, later on in our lesson, in a night or two.
Well, notice what he did. Oh, it's marvelous. He kept the birds off of it until the sun went down. Notice. Then a deep sleep fell on Abraham. "First thing, Abraham, I'm just going to shut you off, to show you there's not one thing you can do about it. This is my covenant."
And it wasn't one thing, brother, that you could do about it. It isn't one thing, sister, that you done about it. It's what God did for you in Christ. Not because you was good, not because a mother was good. But what ... Christ was good, and what Christ did by calling you.
Genesis 15:11 And when the fowls came down upon the carcases, Abram drove them away.
Genesis 22:6 And Abraham took the wood of the burnt offering, and laid it upon Isaac his son; and he took the fire in his hand, and a knife; and they went both of them together.
40 Put him to sleep. Now, he hasn't got anything to do with it. So, after he went to sleep, then there come a real deep horrible darkness. What did that mean? Hell, separation. Every sinner deserves it. Separation. And then beyond that was a burning furnace, death. Separation. Hell after death, to every sinner.
But then beyond that, went a little white light. I hope you never disbelieve no more, from this hour. Abraham, asleep, and in a vision, showing that every man must come to this horrible darkness of separation, death; that every man deserves to go to hell, 'cause he's a sinner, he fell. He's the offspring of a sinner. And then, beyond that went the little white light. In other words, the same pillar of fire that followed Israel, the same Holy Spirit that's here tonight. And it went right in between each one of these sacrifices. God confirming by His grace, that some day, what He would do in Christ Jesus.
Now, to the oath. God took an oath over it. He's took an oath tonight, swore by Himself, that none other greater, to sware by, He swore by Himself, He'd keep His Word. Amen. He'll keep His promise. He didn't only say it, but He swore to it, that He'd do it.
Genesis 15:12 And when the sun was going down, a deep sleep fell upon Abram; and, lo, an horror of great darkness fell upon him.
Genesis 15:17 And it came to pass, that, when the sun went down, and it was dark, behold a smoking furnace, and a burning lamp that passed between those pieces.
Hebrews 6:13 For when God made promise to Abraham, because he could swear by no greater, he sware by himself,
41 "What are you trying to do, Brother Branham?" Get you to a place where you can see what God has done for you. That's why these things take place. God has promised to do them, and He's got to do them. In order to be God, He has to keep His promise, brethren.
Notice. In the Old... Many ways we make covenants. Here in America, when we make a covenant, why, we just go out and make an agreement and reach over and shake one another's hands, and say, "That's it, boy. Seal her! Here we are. All right." We shake on it. That's the way we make a covenant.
Down in Japan, they got a funny way of making a covenant. They go out and make their agreement, then they get a little salt and throw it on one another. That's the way they make a covenant: throwing salt on one another.
But in the time of Abraham, the way they made a covenant, the way God made a covenant, they took an animal, and split it apart. And they took a piece of paper and wrote on this piece of paper, whatever their agreement was. And they tore this piece of paper apart. And one man took one part, and the other man took the other part. And they took an oath over the dead body of this sacrifice, that if either of those broke that covenant, let them be as this dead animal, was below them. And when they come together again, to make this covenant right, these two pieces of paper had to dovetail right straight together, letter by letter, for it would be the same piece of paper.
42 Now here's what God did for us in Christ. God manifested in flesh, took His own Son up to Calvary, and there He killed His own Son on Calvary's cross to make a covenant with the human race. And when He did, He nailed Him to the cross, the dead sacrifice, it was, and pulled out of Him the Holy Spirit. "Into Thy hands I commend my Spirit." Blood running from His side, and hands and feet. And God pulled out the Spirit from Him, and shoved the body down in the grave, raised it up on the third day, and set it on His right hand, and sent the rest of the agreement back to the church, which was the same Holy Ghost that was upon Christ come upon the church.
And the only way in the world we'll even be able to make it at the day of the judgment is for that same Holy Spirit, that was upon Jesus Christ will have to dovetail, as His wife to the body. Amen. That's the covenant that God wrote to the church. He tore Christ apart, soul and body. He said to the woman, "Can you be baptized with the baptism I am baptized with?"
She said, "Yes."
He said, "And you will."
The same Holy Spirit that was upon Jesus Christ was torn out of His body to take the life out of it, to shed the blood for remission of sins, and God raised His body and set it on His own throne, on His right side and sent back the same Holy Ghost that was upon Christ, to be on the church, in a double portion.
Matthew 20:22 But Jesus answered and said, Ye know not what ye ask. Are ye able to drink of the cup that I shall drink of, and to be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with? They say unto him, We are able.
Matthew 20:23 And he saith unto them, Ye shall drink indeed of my cup, and be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with: but to sit on my right hand, and on my left, is not mine to give, but it shall be given to them for whom it is prepared of my Father.
Luke 23:46 And when Jesus had cried with a loud voice, he said, Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit: and having said thus, he gave up the ghost.
43 Friends, if you have received that Holy Spirit, you are sons and daughters of God. You are the seed of Abraham, and joint-heirs with Him in the kingdom. And the same faith that was in Abraham is in every believer, tonight. Hallelujah!
God, by His amazing grace, called you out of the slop pens of the world, and give you the Holy Ghost, not because you deserved it, but because He called you to it, unconditionally. Not because you were good, 'cause you wasn't good. Not because your mother was saved. That's all right. But you're another individual. That's right. God calls you by election.
And sinner friend, if you're here, or lukewarm church member. These things that you see going on here in the tent at nighttime, the Holy Spirit making manifest the resurrection of Jesus. It's the covenant that God said and poured it out through Christ.
"The same very same things that I do shall you also. Even more than this, for I go to my Father. A little while and the world will see me no more, yet, you shall see me, for I will be with you, even in you, to the end of the world."
I'm not excited. I'm feeling good. I feel very religious. Because, why? The Holy Spirit: It's not a guess so, it's not a maybe so, it's not probably so, it's not I'm guessing at it. But I know that Jesus Christ lives and reigns tonight, and He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. His Holy Spirit is here in the building tonight, to do the very same thing He done upon earth, if He can find the very same faith. Amen.
We'll begin here tomorrow night. Shall we pray?
Matthew 28:20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.
John 14:12 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.
John 14:19 Yet a little while, and the world seeth me no more; but ye see me: because I live, ye shall live also.
Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.
44 Our Heavenly Father, we thank Thee for Jesus. Oh, the unconditional covenant. Born, myself, a sinner, alienated, out of the commonwealth of God. And by the amazing grace, by the election of God, spoke to my poor little Irish heart one day and called. Oh, I'm so glad I heard it, Lord. I cherish it above everything, knowing that some day, this body of humiliation that we're in now, will be marred by death; all of its features, and all of its mentalities will break and go back with the brain cells. But inside of there, lives the Holy Spirit that'll come again some day, bringing forth the resurrected body, which this is the negative of: strong, healthy, young.
And today we have the earnest of that, by seeing You heal the sick and the afflicted. Your Holy Spirit here, proving without a shadow of doubt that You're still Jesus. God raised Him up from the dead, set His body on His right side, as a High Priest, making intercessions, healing the infirmities of the people, going before God daily with His blood saying, "I died for this purpose." The Holy Spirit that was upon Him here on the earth now, working through submitted hearts, performing the same thing.
God, all the questions are gone. Abraham rose and believed God. Father, if there's some here with You that's an alien, may they rise tonight and believe, God. Say, "I'm finished. This settles it. I have seen the Bible, heard it read, I've looked at it, the Holy Spirit's confirmed it. I am now a believer. From henceforth, I forsake all sin. I cleave to Christ and Him only. By His help and grace, I'll do this."
Romans 8:17 And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together.
Romans 8:34 Who is he that condemneth? It is Christ that died, yea rather, that is risen again, who is even at the right hand of God, who also maketh intercession for us.
45 While we have our heads bowed, is there one would raise your hand to God and say, "God, this is my hand. Tonight I am a believer. I promise from this night, henceforth, to serve You the rest of my days."
Will you accept Him? He'll see your hand if you'll just raise it.
God bless you, brother, for standing up, accepting the Lord Jesus as Saviour. Someone else, just ... while the church is praying. Would you just stand up? That's a good thing. I like the way you did that. Stand up to your feet, let God see you, that you're now accepting the Lord Jesus as your personal Saviour.
"And he that heareth My Word," not he that joineth My church, "but he that heareth My Word and believeth on Him that sent Me..." Will have? No. "Hath," right now, "everlasting life." Not from a mental standpoint now, from your heart, "has everlasting life and shall not come into judgment," or condemnation, "but is passed from death to life."
Will you believe? I persuade you as a Christian brother, knowing that this might be my last trip to California. My work is calling swiftly for overseas, where we can get tens of thousands saved in a week, maybe, four or five here in a night in California, or other parts of the nation. I believe our time is about finished. The handwriting is on the wall.
People are so indifferent.
If you're here without Christ, would you just stand for a moment? Maybe every one of you are Christians, born again. I hope you are.
John 5:24 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life.
46 Now, Heavenly Father, to those who stood or raised their hands, I pray, humbly that You'll heal their spirit, tonight. Grant it. May real faith come in. Not no more doubt, just wash it out by the blood of the Lord Jesus, and make them Thy loving servant. Please, Father.
And those, maybe, who did not stand, who wish they could have had enough courage to stand... But, God, we're living in an horrible day, great educated day, like it was before Noah came, a great day of science, great day of building, great day of working of materials. You said, "As it was in Noah's time, so will it be just before your time." And here we are. But, there was a message went forth in Noah's day. And Your message is going forth today, calling people to the cross.
Now, heal the sick, tonight, Father, for we commit these things into Thy hands, in Jesus' name. Amen.
The Lord bless you now. As we start calling for some sick to come up... And now, I've really only got ten minutes, but we'll run a little longer than that. Let's see!
Matthew 24:37 But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
Luke 17:26 And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man.
47 (Did you give out... Still in F? Still got F's out, prayer cards F.)
Now, these prayer cards, when you receive them... Each day they're given out fresh and new. And when you receive them... You have to come here to get it. You can't take it over to somebody else that's never heard the message, or know how to... Don't do that, 'cause you'll be stopped by it. You come get your own prayer card. You can have it, and then come.
Now, let's see, I believe... Let's call quickly, let's call from, let's see, from 80 ... 85. Let's call from 85. Anybody got prayer card F-85? Raise up your hand, right quick, see if I'm on right ground. Prayer card F-85, raise up your hand, right... Over here. All right 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, up to a 100, stand up right over here, if you will, right over here. Line up real quick. If you can, you all look around. If somebody sitting next to you, look at their prayer card. Maybe, they got one, and they don't ... can't hear or something. And maybe they can't get up.
And now, while they're lining those people up, F-80... (Where did I call from? Where did I call from? 85! 85, yeah, 85.) Prayer card 85 to 100 in F. Look at the little bitty card, got a number on the back, and it's got an F. And line up over here, if you will, quickly, as you can. We will start the prayer line right away. Now, do you love Him? Oh, isn't He wonderful? (Let's sing: Great Physician, if you give us the key.)
48 Jesus of Nazareth, coming along the road where the sick and the needy was. God speaking to Him and showing Him, people out in the audience, believing. He'd turn around and tell them, "Thy faith has healed you from the blood issue. I know who you are, you come from a certain place."
"And how did You know me?"
"I seen you when you were under the tree."
Said, "Go down yonder and throw your hook into the river, and catch the first fish. He's got a coin in his mouth; go pay the tithe and the tributes." And, oh, He's still Jesus, isn't He?
All right, let's sing one verse: The Great Physician, now. All together while they're lining them up.
The great Physician now is near,
The sympathizing Jesus;
He speaks the... (What say?)
[A man says, "87."] 87. There's one card missing, number 87. If someone with prayer card 87... It may be somebody who can't get up. Look. Somebody look at this lady sitting here. I don't know. Look like she can't get up, right here. See if she has got a prayer card. All right. Look at your neighbor. Anybody with prayer card F-87, would you raise your hand? 87, F-87. Check around and see. All right.
Matthew 9:22 But Jesus turned him about, and when he saw her, he said, Daughter, be of good comfort; thy faith hath made thee whole. And the woman was made whole from that hour.
Matthew 17:27 Notwithstanding, lest we should offend them, go thou to the sea, and cast an hook, and take up the fish that first cometh up; and when thou hast opened his mouth, thou shalt find a piece of money: that take, and give unto them for me and thee.
Mark 5:34 And he said unto her, Daughter, thy faith hath made thee whole; go in peace, and be whole of thy plague.
Luke 8:48 And he said unto her, Daughter, be of good comfort: thy faith hath made thee whole; go in peace.
John 1:47 Jesus saw Nathanael coming to him, and saith of him, Behold an Israelite indeed, in whom is no guile!
John 1:48 Nathanael saith unto him, Whence knowest thou me? Jesus answered and said unto him, Before that Philip called thee, when thou wast under the fig tree, I saw thee.
49 Now, if you're here and they don't... Well, you won't, see, tomorrow night... You had a chance tonight to get in the prayer line, then you shouldn't ask for a card again tomorrow, if you got a chance tonight. Now, come on, and get in, ever who is coming. All right. While the boys are checking around, let us have a word of prayer will you?
Heavenly Father, now, we are here to minister as ministering brethren, one to the other. And I pray Thee, dear God, that Your blessed mercy will rest upon each and every one. Help me, dear God, tonight, to pray for Your sick children who are needy. Grant it. And may every person in Divine Presence that's sick be healed. Grant it, Lord, for we ask it in Jesus' dear name, and for His sake. Amen. All right.
50 Now, I'm going to ask you something. And brethren, you watch; just don't let me stand too long. I know you have to hurry home, but, let's just start the meeting. No one responded. All right. All right. All right. They maybe stepped out. Maybe out somewhere. If they come in, why, somebody---usher---will find out, somebody; if someone comes in, maybe, bearing that card, we will put them in the line anyhow, 'cause they deserve to come. All right.
Now, I want to ask you. I, not knowing no one, as far as I know, in the building right now, but the man behind me, just the local group that's with me, the two boys. And my wife is here somewhere, but I never seen her yet tonight in here. But she's here somewhere and my little girl, my son here, and that's all. But God knows every one of you; don't you believe that?
Now, "If thou canst believe!" Just have faith. How many here that wants to be healed, that hasn't got no prayer, you won't be up here on the platform? Just raise your hand. I will just get a general idea of where you're sitting. All right. That's fine. Just looks like it's solid, everywhere.
Now, this person here, this woman ... young lady, rather, is a perfect stranger to me. I've never seen her. But God knows her. And God knows all about her. Now, if I could heal her, if she's sick... I don't know if she's sick. But, if I could heal her, and wouldn't do it, I'd be a cruel person. But, I can't heal her. And if Jesus is standing right here where I am now, neither could He heal her. He's already done it. He might try to get her to believe it. Is that right? That's right, see, 'cause the blood is already been shed, the atonement is made. He can't work against Himself, see. He can't do that. He's already did it. And you can't do it again, after He's already got it done. He has laid down the program. "I've shed My blood to make it possible." The sin question is already paid for, the healing question is already paid for. Now, if you can believe, that's it, that's all can be done.
Then in that, He sends preachers, and He sends prophets, and He sends different ones, and sets them in the church for His glory, that they might see and believe.
Mark 9:23 Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth.
51 Now, this girl, you are... We're strangers to each other are we, lady? I've never seen you in my life, I don't... You never seen me; we're total strangers. All right. If the Lord Jesus will let me know what the girl is here for, will the rest of you here, believe with all your heart that it's... You remember, Jesus said Himself, and through the nights (if there's a stranger here), that's exactly what Jesus said.
"Verily, verily, I say unto you, I can do nothing but what the Father shows Me first." Is that right? "I can do nothing in Myself. Just what the Father shows Me, that I do."
And when He went away, He said, "Now, the same thing that I done, you'll do, also. For I'll be with you, always to the end of the world. You'll do the same thing I done, until the end of the world." So that's Him.
And the Bible said, "He's raised from the dead." So if He's raised from the dead and the same yesterday, today, and forever, He's got to do the same thing, has He? Then as you ought to know, after hearing His Word, believing Him, accepting Him as personal Saviour, and here He is doing the same thing, then, there's no guess about it. It's all truth, isn't it?
Matthew 28:20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.
John 5:19 Then answered Jesus and said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do: for what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise.
John 14:12 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.
Acts 3:15 And killed the Prince of life, whom God hath raised from the dead; whereof we are witnesses.
Acts 4:10 Be it known unto you all, and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom ye crucified, whom God raised from the dead, even by him doth this man stand here before you whole.
Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.
52 Now, the young lady ... as again tonight, it's a woman to begin with. We are strange to each other. And now, sister, you know that to be true. We're strangers. But, now, you know that I don't know what you're here for. I have no idea. You're just a young lady that walked up here on the platform, and that's all. And you wouldn't necessarily had to been up here; you could have been sitting out there and had faith. But being that you're here close to me, see, I can speak to you. And if I can get you to have faith, then your own faith will make the vision operate for you, see. It's God showing you that He loves you. It isn't me, I know nothing about you; but He does.
And if you don't believe, well, then there's nothing could be done. You could stand there all night, and if you didn't believe, why, it would never ... it would never work, see, 'cause it's your faith that operates it, not mine. It's yours. God's gift, but I'm not the gift. I'm just the channel, see. That bulb in not the light, that wire is not the light, it's the current in the wire that gives the light. It's just the conductor. In this case, I'd be the conductor, see. And it takes His ... and somebody has to press the button. And you're the person that'll have to press the button. God shows the light, and He snaps It off, you'll know whether that's right or not.
53 Now, as we talk ... talking to you, sure, it's to contact your spirit; that's right. And He's near, the Holy Spirit; you're aware of that, that something is near. So am I, but it just hasn't anointed us yet, just right, to what it is. But I see the lady now, as she begins to dim out to me. I see her; she's suffering with a nervous condition. She's real upset. She has been that way for some time. She also has a ladies' condition, it's in the female glands. She's having trouble in the female glands. Those things are true, aren't they, lady?
Now, you're not from here, you've come from somewhere else, another city. I see you moving, coming this way. Someone had told you something, it was about the meeting, and you come to be prayed for. And I see the number that you left from; it's 8614 is your street number. And somebody calls you, "Betty." And your last name is Moore. That's right. Now, you can go home; you're healed. Your faith has done it, sister. The Lord bless you, my sister.
Have faith in God. Believe with all your heart.
Our Lord... We are Abraham's seed. Jesus Christ was Abraham's seed. Out of Him come... God has made us. Just have faith. Don't doubt. Believe with all your heart, and you shall receive just exactly. It's all right. She's just coming out from under it. She sat under the anointing long; that's what it was. She's just completely passed out, that's all. That's all right; she's well now, see. She's all right. She's just exhausted.
54 Now, the man standing here, sir. We are strangers to each other. We do not know each other. Only God knows us both. Is that right, sir?
Kind, sir, you were weeping there because you was real excited. With the overcoat on... The little heart trouble has been bothering you. It's over now. Just have faith.
Say, the lady sitting next to you there suffers with a trouble with her lungs, too. That is right, isn't it, lady? Now, just raise up your hand, too, sister. Now, lay your hand over on her, sir. That's it. Heavenly Father, their faith is close enough to draw the virtue of the Holy Spirit to a vision. I pray that its faith is strong enough now to make them both well, in Jesus' name. Amen.
What do you think of that, sir? Isn't He wonderful? Certainly is. You keep looking that way because you're interested in somebody, aren't you? It's your wife. That's right. You got a throat trouble. Uh-huh! This is your last night you can stay, isn't it? You have to go home. You're going to be well. You got a little habit you want to give up, too. You going to quit it? Throw the thing away and never pick them up, and go and serve God the rest of your life. Lay your hands on your wife down there; she's going to get healed too. God bless you. Pass on your road rejoicing in the name of the Lord Jesus. Amen.
Let us say, "Thanks be to the Lord God, creator of heavens and earth, author of everlasting life."
55 Come near, sister. Believe. "If thou canst believe, thou canst receive."
I do not... Lady, with the pocketbook and your hand laying on it, been having some trouble with your side. That's it. You sitting there, yes, that's right. All right. It's over now. Your faith has healed you. Amen. God bless you.
He's wonderful, isn't He? The other lady sitting there with her pocketbook in her hand, with high blood pressure, but Jesus Christ can make you well, can't He, sister? You believe it? You believe it? All right, you can be healed. That's wonderful, isn't He?
You, turned around, post, looking at me, been bothered with your eyes, haven't you, sir? Yes, yes. Sure, you have. The man next to you has too. All right. Both of you stand up and receive your sight, in the name of the Lord Jesus, and be made well.
You have faith? "If thou canst believe!" That's up to you.
Do you believe, sister? With all your heart? You're a very sick woman. You have trouble with heart trouble, for one thing. And you have trouble with your throat. And you're bothered with sinus trouble, complications like. Your age is against you on many of the things, you think. But God is for you. I want to tell you something, that you might know. You got some one you're real interested is, aren't you? It's had a stroke or something. They've been in bed for nine years. Isn't that right? Now, just go on receiving and believing with all your heart. God will confirm it.
Let us say, "Thanks be to God." "If thou canst believe!"
How do you do, lady? You speak English? Oh, very well. I'm a stranger to you. You do not know me. I do not know you. You got your baby. That's what you're interested in. If Jesus will let me know something, what you're here for, will you believe Him with all your heart?
Sister, your baby is very sick. They really don't know what's the matter with it, 'cause it's got trouble in its neck. It's a gland trouble. Swelling. That is right. You was to take that baby to the doctor---the hospital, it was---about yesterday, but you're holding off. That's very good faith for a sinner. You used to be a Catholic, wasn't you? And you quit the Catholic church. That's right. And then you started going to a Pentecostal church, but you didn't join it. You haven't been back to that church for about a year. You don't know what to do. This come upon your baby that you might serve the Lord.
Now, go, and be born again of His Spirit. I will bless the baby.
Just a moment. I seen some one else with a rosary. It's some women standing by. There they are. The young lady sitting looking at me. Lady sitting next to her is her grandmother. She's suffering with a stomach trouble. That's right, isn't it? And you suffer with headaches, troubles. Isn't that right? You're both Catholic. You believe that the Lord Jesus will save and heal right now, and make you both well? Will you believe it? Raise up your hands if you will. All right. Now, put your hand over on grandmother there.
Mark 9:23 Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth.
56 And, Father God, who made heavens and earth, all things are possible to them that believe. Remit every sin, Lord, I pray. And that you'll heal this darling little baby here, and I take the curse off of it. It's too young to have faith. May this baby live. Satan has numbered its days, but the mother has come to You, Lord Jesus, just now. And now, I curse this disease, that it will not take the baby's life, that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, will save the child. And bless those who are holding hands, below, in Jesus' name. Amen.
Now, it's all over, sister. I want to ask you something. You've never had a feeling like you have now. Isn't that right? You are also forgiven of every sin, and your baby will live. Don't fear. Go on your road. Tell mother ... or, grandmother to eat what she wants to. Your headaches ceased, sister. Your lady's trouble, it's all over. Now, just have faith and believe with all your heart. Hallelujah!
The lady, Spanish lady sitting right over there, got a chest trouble, haven't you, sister, sitting right there with her head down weeping because that God had spoke to us. He heard your prayers too, sister. God bless you. You are healed, also. Your faith has saved you.
Get some of these Spanish people in here they got faith. What's the matter with you Pentecostal people? Look at Catholics coming in with faith. They are taught to believe that what their priest says is right. You ever get one lined up right so you can see the Holy Spirit working, he'll believe everything that's said.
Mark 9:23 Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth.
57 What do you think about that, lady? Being Spanish, too. You believe it? All right. You know what has happened? Your female trouble has left you. You're healed. Go on your road rejoicing, and be made well through Jesus' name. Hallelujah!
Sister, will you believe God can heal heart trouble and make you well? Well, just go right on your road rejoicing, because He's Jehovah-jireh, that provides everything we have need of.
Do you love Him? Oh, my, there's the way to have faith. Now, it just begins to set in everywhere.
58 When I spoke to that lady, something happened, didn't it? Now, just go on your road rejoicing, thanking God, and be well, through Jesus' name. Don't doubt a bit, just believe with all your heart.
Come, sir. Now, I want to ask you something. You believe that stomach trouble is gone? Just go on your road rejoicing then, 'cause He has healed you.
Let's say, "Praise be to God."
Do you believe, sister? You'd like to go eat a big hamburger, about that big, with onions on it? Go eat it then, and be well, in the name of the Lord. That ulcered stomach that's...
My Lord can heal arthritis, just so easy. Don't you believe that? Well, just go rejoicing, and thanking God for what He's done for you.
Well, you have a lady's trouble, you're nervous and got arthritis. But just go off the platform rejoicing, saying, "Thank You, Lord."
Let's say, "Praise the Lord," every one of you. Do you believe? Thou canst receive right now, "if thou canst believe."
Mark 9:23 Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth.
59 I believe right now, the Holy Spirit wants to heal every one of you. What about it, lady? What about it, sister, brother? Do you believe it?
Right now while I've got strength and while I'm conscious of knowing what's going on. Would you want to believe right now?
Let's just pray.
Heavenly Father, I pray Thee, in Jesus' name, that You'll condemn every devil that's bound the people, and make this a great night, a great success, while Your Spirit is here moving on the people. May the Holy Ghost just now baptize every believer, and let them know that they are the seed of Abraham and are heirs of the promise. And the promise of healing is theirs.
And I now condemn Satan, that old doubting devil, and he's trying to hold the people, but he has no legal rights. Satan, Jesus Christ stripped you of every power you had, and all the power of sin that you had, at Calvary, when the blood of God's Son poured out, and gushes from His side. And the Holy Ghost was stripped from His body, and was sent back to the church, to reveal and expose you, after two thousand years. And here you are, exposed. You are a loser. Come out of the people. I adjure thee, by Jesus Christ the Son of the living God.