| The Epistle to the Hebrews describes, in stirring eloquence, the cloud of witnesses from the olddispensation for the encouragement of the Christians. Why should not the greater cloud of apostles, evangelists, martyrs, confessors, fathers,reformers, and saints of every age and tongue, since the coming of Christ, beheld up for the same purpose? They werethe heroes of Christian faith and love, the living epistles of Christ, the saltof the earth, the benefactors and glory of our race; and it is impossiblerightly to study their thoughts and deeds, their lives and deaths, without being elevated, edified, comforted, and encouraged to follow their holyexample, that we at last, by the grace of God, be received into their fellowship, to spend with them a blessed eternity in the praise and enjoymentof the same God and Saviour. | |