
Demonology somebody

Demonology (1953-11-12) (William M. Branham Sermons)

Demonology (1953-11-12) (William M. Branham Sermons) somebody


1 ... and what they'd done, and so forth. He called their names, said, "Wonder where that would be in the Scripture?"
I'll read it for you. In the first chapter of St. John, the 24th verse ... fortieth verse:
And one of the two which heard Jesus speak, and followed him, was Andrew, Simon Peter's brother.
He first findeth his own brother Simon, and said unto him, We have found the Messias, which is, being interpreted: the Christ.
And he brought him to Jesus. And when Jesus beheld him, he said, Thou art Simon the son of Jona: thou shalt be called Cephas, which is by interpretation, A stone.
Not only that, but other places, many places through the Scripture. He knows all things. He knows your name, your address, where you live, what you're doing--all about it, see. He just reveals as He will.
So, now, I wish to bring, maybe a few moments of something before you tonight. I think it's best for me to continue just to pray for the sick. So, I want to bring something to your memory that many of you, perhaps, has read. And, maybe, while we're looking at that, I want to get a Scripture here for that, too.
How many read last November's issue of Reader's Digest, that article in that about the miracle of Donny Martin where he was healed? Any of you in here ever read it? I see one lady, just ... two, three. There's many of you, I guess, read it. Well... Here it is.

John 1:40 One of the two which heard John speak, and followed him, was Andrew, Simon Peter's brother.

John 1:41 He first findeth his own brother Simon, and saith unto him, We have found the Messias, which is, being interpreted, the Christ.

John 1:42 And he brought him to Jesus. And when Jesus beheld him, he said, Thou art Simon the son of Jona: thou shalt be called Cephas, which is by interpretation, A stone.

2 I want to read in Acts 2 now, please.
Ye men of Israel, hear these words; Jesus of Nazareth, a man approved of God among you by signs, miracles, ... God did by him in the midst of you, which yourselves also know.
Him, being delivered by the determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God, ye have taken, with wicked hands and have crucified and slain:
Whom God has raised up having loosed the pains of death: because it was not possible that he should be holden of it.
David ... For David spake concerning him, I foresaw the Lord always, before my face, for he is on my right hand, that I should not be moved:
Therefore did my heart rejoice, and my tongue was glad; moreover ... my flesh shall rest in hope:
Because thou will not leave my soul in hell, neither will thou suffer thy Holy One to see corruption.

Acts 2:22 Ye men of Israel, hear these words; Jesus of Nazareth, a man approved of God among you by miracles and wonders and signs, which God did by him in the midst of you, as ye yourselves also know:

Acts 2:23 Him, being delivered by the determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God, ye have taken, and by wicked hands have crucified and slain:

Acts 2:24 Whom God hath raised up, having loosed the pains of death: because it was not possible that he should be holden of it.

Acts 2:25 For David speaketh concerning him, I foresaw the Lord always before my face, for he is on my right hand, that I should not be moved:

Acts 2:26 Therefore did my heart rejoice, and my tongue was glad; moreover also my flesh shall rest in hope:

Acts 2:27 Because thou wilt not leave my soul in hell, neither wilt thou suffer thine Holy One to see corruption.

3 Let's bow our heads just a moment.
Now, Father dear, we love You. We pray that You'll forgive us of our trespasses, and help us in this coming part of the service now, and in the healing line. Grant, oh Lord God, that Your Spirit will be so overpowering tonight, that Satan cannot hold one speck of doubt in people's hearts, but they may all believe with one accord. And may there be a great rejoicing. And may many that's sitting here, sick and afflicted, go home well. Sinners, go home saved; backsliders, go home back in fellowship with God again. Grant it, Father, for we ask it in Jesus' name. Amen.
Now, I'll try to get over here, just a little bit. If you'll excuse me, I want to watch that clock, so ... I want to start the prayer line at nine o'clock.

4 Now, in the Reader's Digest, it was a very nice article. If you haven't gotten it, just write in, and tell them you want last November's issue of Reader's Digest.
And now, while I'm saying these things, I don't want you to get worked up, and walk out. I want you to sit and listen at it through, just a few minutes, so you can see how the narrative ... how people get, and how thin-minded that people can be.
In there was a glorious article. It was well written. Now, when you get it, you find the subject, "The Miracle Of Donny Martin." I was in Costa Mesa, California, at the time when the event taken place.
And I don't like to testify about my own meetings. I'd rather somebody else would do that. Because I haven't done one thing, friends. It's what Jesus Christ has did in the meeting. It isn't me. I've always thought, in the writing of the Acts Of The Apostles... It's called "The Acts Of The Apostles." I would... To my opinion, now, the writer of the Bible--ever who put it together--the early writers, they call it "The Acts Of The Apostles." But, I think what it really is is the acts of the Holy Spirit in the apostles, is what it is, see. The apostles never acted it. It was the Holy Spirit acting in the apostles what did it, but... Call that, so we just leave it that.

5 Now, the Reader's Digest writes it like this. And, it's the most dramatic story, and heart-rendering story, that you've read in a long time, to hear how this story starts.
It was way up in Saskatchewan, Canada--almost up into the no-man's land. I had meetings up around Saskatoon, and from there, way on up into the... I forget the name of the place we had up there--had ten thousand Indians, and Eskimos in the meeting. And, oh, the place was many times bigger than this, and just packed out. They just sitting everywhere, and standing on the outside, of Eskimos and Indians that came to the meeting, and white people, at Prince Albert, Prince Albert, Saskatchewan. And so, I remember having the meeting there.
Anyhow, in there was two deaf and dumb people that had come down from over around another province, and were born deaf and dumb. And both of them were healed, and went back into their province, speaking and hearing.

6 And so, little Donny Martin, he'd set up some kind of a rare brain disease. And the people had taken him to be examined, and everywhere, and they'd give him up. They brought the boy to my service. Now, first the doctor said, "The little boy must die." Mayos, Johns Hopkins, they had him in the United States, everything give him up. There was no operation. That'd be impossible if you operated on the boy's head for that, it would kill him instantly--Mayo brothers.
Now, of course, the Reader's Digest didn't' say Mayo brothers, because Mayo would get after him for that. You have to watch what you're putting in public literature.
And so, but you can read between the lines and see what it meant--see what it said.

7 But, we have the tape recording. That's the reason, on our meetings, you see, we pick up tapes of every meeting.
Somebody comes and says, "Well, the Lord said to me certain-certain..." We'll play back over the record, and find out whether that's truth or not, see. Then we know right where we got it on the recording.
So, there was a woman come to me here sometime ago and said, "Well, the Lord said a certain woman was going to be healed right then."
I said, "Well, if He said that, that's just..."
Said, "She hasn't been healed yet."
I said, "Well, I don't know."
Brother Hall was talking to her. So, he said, "We'll play the recording."
Asked what night it was, went back and got the recording and played. Well, the Lord never said anything about it.

8 The woman come on the platform, a perfect unbeliever. She was a rich woman. This was her maid that brought her. And she persuaded her, and begged her to come. And finally she got her to the platform, like that. And the Lord told her where she'd been, and who she was, and what was the matter. And asked her why she had so much unbelief in her heart.
And she said, well, she would try to believe in it.
And it said to her, then, after it got through, I said, "The Lord bless you and heal you, my sister." She went off the platform.
I told her, I said, "The Lord bless you and heal you." But, when God speaks, and you hear Him, you know who it is speaking then. It's not the preacher, it's Him that speaks. Then that's different. What I say... Just like any other man, I wanted her to be healed, and I prayed for her, but that's all I could do. But she said the Lord said so. You watch what He's saying. Watch what He tells them. Then you'll know just what to depend on.

9 When the little boy... Now, here's the Reader's Digest--the way they wrote it. The little fellow had been brought from... They had to put him in a sled, or something, and bring him over grounds. He was twisted. His little hands was drawn down in this condition. His little legs up under him. About eight years old. His little head sitting sideways. His eyes pushed ... one, one way, and the other. Oh, it was a pitiful-looking sight. And the little fellow shook like this, and just smelled terrible.
And the poor little father... The little sled would turn over nearly when the horses packed him through the way--bringing them out. And he'd keep patting him on the moonlight night, and saying, "Don't fear, Donny, honey. We're not whipped yet." Said he knowed two people that had been healed in my meeting, and said, "If I could ever get where that man's at, God'll do something for my baby."
So they finally got to the airport--him and his wife. And they didn't have enough money for even one of them to come on the plane. They didn't have enough money to come on a train. So, they had to take just the man, and he brought the baby. And they come all the way from Saskatoon, Saskatchewan to Los Angeles, California; and went into traveler's aid for help.

10 And then, of course, watch the Reader's Digest. It said he was searching... Said, "A divine what?"--a question mark. I'd imagine what they said.
And so they said, "Never mind. This man believes that if the man prays for his baby, he'll get help. So let's see if we can get it."
And they detached the paper, put a car, and they took way down in Costa Mesa--forty-something miles down to Assembly Of God campgrounds, where they had a big school there. And I was speaking to the ministers. And they brought him in that night. And they said there was twenty-seven hundred people standing in line to be prayed for when we got there. And, of course, everybody had to required prayer card.
And I was praying for the people. Now, here's where I began to know. I seen him... He said when he stepped out of the car, and all those people standing in the prayer line, they just stepped back when they seen that poor little ragged father, that little Canadian cap on, walking with this poor little baby. And coming along... He didn't eat. He had to change him, just a like a baby--it's diapers, and everything. And he didn't eat. He didn't have time to eat. He'd just run and get a drink of water, and get him something to eat, and then go on. Oh, it was pathetic story.
And so, he kept saying, "All right, Donny, we're not whipped yet, honey. We're not whipped yet.", and just keep on like that.

11 And when the folks at the place saw--standing in that prayer line, way down through that field--when they saw this poor man coming, they just stepped aside to give him his place.
Well, when he come to the platform, Billy Paul asked him for his prayer card. Of course, he didn't have any. He said, "Sir, I didn't even know I had to have a prayer card."
Well, Billy and the ushers had orders for the people to line up. That's legitimate, and that's right. Just exactly what they should be.
And I heard him, he said, "Well that's all right." Said, "What must I do now to get a prayer card? Where must I go?"--just holding up the prayer line.
I said, "What's the matter?"
He said, "Just a man without a prayer card."
I said, "Well, just have him just step off to one side."

12 And I looked back, and I seen that baby. And something said to me, "Call him now." I never seen the baby.
So, the Reader's Digest gives the whole article of it. And I brought the little baby up, and said... Never asked a question, but looked right into the little baby's face, and said, "You bring this baby from Canada. And you come here by bus--a Greyhound bus. Traveler's Aid is helped ... and had been there about five minutes. The Traveler's Aid has helped you to get here. And the baby has been to Mayo Brothers and Johns Hopkins. It's got a rare brain disease. And there's no way for them to operate. The baby must die."
And he started screaming real loud. And I prayed for the little baby. He started crying real loud, and started off the platform. He turned around, he said, "What about my baby? Will it ever get well?"
I said, "That I don't know, sir."
And while I was speaking to him, a vision broke forth. And I said, "Yes, your baby... Three days from now, you're going to meet a woman with a brown looking (I guess you call it "coat suit." It's got a coat here, and a skirt beneath.) And she's black-headed. And she's going to tell you of some country doctor that can operate on that baby. And you won't believe it. But, that's the only hope that you have, through the mercy of God, and that operation. You let the doctor operate on the baby."

13 Well, he went off the platform crying. And well, the next day the baby seemed to be a lot better. After he was prayed for, could move his little arms. Well, he forgot all about the woman. He was going to go on that way. So, about two days after that, he was walking down the street--getting it out, so he could get in the air, you know, walking it down the street ... or, walking down the street with it in his arms, rather. And a lady said, "What's the matter with your baby, sir?"
He said, "Well, it's a brain disease." He said, "A rare brain disease."
And she said, "You know, I know a doctor that operated on a baby like that one time that was that way, and the baby is normal now."
Well, he said, "But, lady," said, "Mayo Brothers said that the..." Said, "Wait a minute. A brown coat suit, black hair." Said, "Say, lady, where's that doctor at?"
And the Reader's Digest gives the place--who he was. And they took that baby over there. And the doctor performed the operation absolutely successfully. And the baby come out of it.
And so, they had the baby around there. It got so it could run, meet its daddy, and everything. The daddy went back to plant his spring wheat, or something another. Now, here's what the Digest didn't get, see, what didn't picture. But, we have to know behind, because if you did, the hospital would bring suit against this paper. And there's where it would be a slip-up come.
Somebody left a window up one night, and throwed a draft across the baby. And the baby taken pneumonia, and lived about two days with the pneumonia. Not with the disease, with the pneumonia, killed the baby. The Reader's Digest give it. Then it goes ahead and gives a nice, good write up about the miracle was already performed, anyhow.

14 Well, about three months before that, I told you one night I was going to speak on "Demonology." And I want to speak these next few minutes on "Demonology." The next... I'm writing a book--if I can. I don't whether you'll be able to read it or not when I get it wrote--on demonology: my personal contact with demons.
Friends, they're just as real is you're real. And I see them many times when they leave right... I've seen them leave right from this platform here. I see them, some of them in shape of bats. Look like long hairs hanging on their legs. But an epileptic demon looked like a Taurus, with round legs hanging up, like that. But usually a demon of oppression seems to be more of a cloud form, like a wave. And it just makes a real funny sound, when you're in that other dimension to see the spirit.
Now, you may think that's wrong, but some of these days, you'll realize. If you could only take a spiritual looking glass, look into your soul, your doubting, you'd find out what it looks like.
And the greatest devil, and the chief of all devils is unbelief. That's the only sin there is. There's no other sin but unbelief. All these little morals and things: smoking, drinking, gambling, and committing adultery; that's just attributes. You do that because you don't believe. Unbelief is what makes you do that. If you was a believer, you wouldn't do it. That's right.

15 Now, it's just like I think the gifts of the Spirit... The gifts of the Spirit is not the Holy Ghost, it's the attributes of the Holy Ghost, see. Gifts of healing, speaking in tongues, and all those other things are attributes. It's the fruit that the tree bears, see. The tree is the main thing--the Holy Spirit. And the Holy Spirit is God, and God is love.
But the strange thing; about three magazines ... I'm not too sure. Three months before this article come out... Many of you read that article of Mrs. Pepper, that great spiritualist in New York. How many read that--Mrs. Pepper--in here? Come out about three months, in the magazine, before mine.
Well, since eighteen hundred and ninety five, the whole world's tried to stump that woman. How many Christians in here? raise your hand. Christian believers, raise your hand. From the depths of your heart, I want you to say, "Brother Branham, I am a believer." There's most of you are. All right.

16 Now, I'm speaking directly to Christians so that you can see the pro and con--the negative and positive. When anybody asks you, then you can give them an answer.
Now, everything that God has, the devil has a counterfeit. You go, and whatever you want to do; you find these old dances--that's of the devil. But God has a holy dance for the people. The Bible said so.
I was one of the greatest critics on that you ever seen till God told me what to do. I find out that Miriam danced in the Spirit. David danced when he had victory. Oh, many times... All of it was through ... was victory. It was dancing--holy dancing.

17 For instance, in the Bible, if a dreamer dreamed a dream, or a prophet prophesied, they had a plate called the "Urim Thummim" that went over the breast of Aaron. And when they went before this plate, and spoke, if them lights flashed on the plate, God would sanction it, that it was the truth. Is that right? If it didn't speak on there, then it was wrong.
Now look, the devil come around in a pattern of that--took a crystal ball, see. Everything that God has... Everything in the natural types the spiritual. I know I'm a typologist. And I believe that every natural thing types the spiritual, don't you.

18 For instance, like this. When Jesus died at Calvary, how many...? What elements came from His body? Water, blood, Spirit. Is that right? Now, any minister, or any believer knows that that's what constitutes a new birth. Is that right? That constitutes a new birth--St. John 7:5. For there are three that bear record on earth: water, blood and Spirit. When they pierced His side, water and blood came out. He said, "Into Thy hands I commend My Spirit. Those elements went from His body. And it takes those same elements to bring you to His body. That constitutes the new birth.
Now, what constitutes the natural birth? It's a mixed audience, but listen. The first thing: Water, blood, Spirit, see. Everything in the natural and spiritual all type together.
What... Get acquainted with God, and you'll see His great move in nature. You see Him in the sunsets, and the flowers, and everywhere. You can see Him all around you, because He is all around you. That gives you perfect confidence that you're in love with Him, and He's in love with you. He loves you, predestinated you, foreordained you before the world began; has brought you here, saved you, cleansed you up, and filled you with His Spirit. Oh, how could you have doubt?
See, that gives you a perfect setting of faith. When you know those things, that gives you courage. And my, you know where you're standing.

Luke 23:46 And when Jesus had cried with a loud voice, he said, Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit: and having said thus, he gave up the ghost.

1 John 5:8 And there are three that bear witness in earth, the Spirit, and the water, and the blood: and these three agree in one.

19 Now, back to our subject. This woman--they say she was just a housewife--common woman, Mrs. Pepper. You get the article. The Reader's Digest will be glad to send you one. I just have the one left, or I'd say I could give it to you. Mr. Baxter has one--one of the managers. And it wrote about ten pages in there of her. Way back, over fifty years ago, she begin to fall in trances and she would talk to the dead. Now, that's spiritualism, which is of the devil.
And then, they'd taken her to England. And she stumped the best they had in England. They taken her to Italy, everywhere, and she stumped everything they've ever put before her, because she spoke to the dead all the time. They go down in Italy, and get a man who could speak English, and bring him to England, and dress him up like an Englishman, and propose to be an Englishman. And call one of his dead friends, and he'd tell him, "Why, remember the big times we had?", and what all they went and done, and everything like that.
So, the Reader's Digest said that it was proved here not long ago that some statesman thought he'd kissed the hand of his ghostly mother in a séance meeting, but the next morning it was proved in police court that he kissed a piece of cheesecloth. Just a trick.

20 But, there is a real medium. She's of the devil. And there's a real Spirit of God, of Jesus Christ.
Now, the Bible... Jesus said that in the last days it'd be so close that it would deceive the very elect if possible. And as soon as Mrs. Pepper's article run, that's ... greatest, widest published magazine in the world.
And isn't it strange that those two articles run side by side--just a little bit apart?
Now, talk about preachers over the country who didn't know their Bible, they wrote to me by the hundreds. "All right, Brother Branham. We exactly see where you stand, now."
There you are. There's that Scripture. She's still living--over a hundred years old--in New York. Now, says the Reader's Digest, perfectly deaf, and sitting back in there. But, the scientific world takes care of her, because they've used her for a guinea pig. And then they had to say there at the bottom, "We have to say that when the people cease to exist here, they are existing somewhere else, because she calls them up. And she's been everywhere. And they've tried her for everything. She calls the spirits of the dead."
Well, you wouldn't have to do that. The Bible said so. But, it's of the devil.

Matthew 24:24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.

Mark 13:22 For false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall shew signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect.

21 Then, here the ministers fired letters into my office. The secretary packed them up by boxes full. "There you are, Brother Branham. That shows just exactly. We knowed you was a spiritualist."
So, I sat down and wrote a form letter. Now, listen closely. And here's what I told them. I said, "Brethren, if that's all you know about God, you ought to come out from behind the pulpit." That's exactly right, "If that's all you know about God, you don't need to be behind the pulpit, because Satan will just do anything to you, and you'd never know nothing about it." Why, it's a disgrace.

22 Now, let me just show you a simple thing, friends. You get the two magazines, read them yourself--both articles.
Now, the first thing that if I... If "The two spirits," Jesus said, "in the last days..." Of course them demon spirits is arising. Sure they are. They've always been here. They will be until Jesus comes. And they live right in people, and people don't know it. They give them unclean habits, and sicknesses, and diseases, and all kinds... Everything's caused by spirits.
Deafness is a spirit. Did you know that? The doctor says the nerves went dead, but what made them go dead? What made it go dead? The Bible said, "When the deaf spirit come out of the man, he could hear." Is that right? So, it's a spirit.
A cancer's a spirit. A tumor's a spirit. All those things are... Epilepsy's a spirit. Jesus rebuked the devil--the boy with epilepsy--and he fell on the ground and had the hardest fit he ever had. But, when he got over that one, he was finished with it, see.
A lot of them said, "Well, he didn't get healed. Look at him. He's got the worst spell he ever had."--but that was all of them.

Matthew 24:24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.

Mark 9:25 When Jesus saw that the people came running together, he rebuked the foul spirit, saying unto him, Thou dumb and deaf spirit, I charge thee, come out of him, and enter no more into him.

Mark 13:22 For false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall shew signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect.

23 Notice. Now, the woman... If I gave any of you men here tonight a dollar bill, and would say, "Is this...?" I give you this envelope. I'd say, "Is that a dollar bill?"
Why, you'd say, "Certainly not." The devil's too smart for that.
But Jesus said, "The two spirits would be so close together--deceive the elect, if possible." Then, if I give you a dollar bill, it'd have to look a whole lot like a real genuine dollar, or you'd recognize it right now. Is that right?
That's how the devil comes around, friends. It ain't a communist. Communistic spirit--it's an antichrist, but that ain't the antichrist Jesus spoke of. That's anything... The antichrist spirit is so religious.
Cain, as I've been telling you about, was just as religious as Abel was. And those things come right down... And they're brothers. Esau and Jacob, everything has been... The Christ and ... Judas and Jesus.
Some people only see three crosses on Golgotha. There was four. There was Jesus, and one thief, and another thief. "Cursed is he that hangeth on a tree." And Judas hung himself of a Sycamore tree. Is that right. He was on just as much cross as Jesus was--on a tree.
Now, there was the Son of God, came from heaven, returning back to heaven, taking with Him the repentant sinner. There was the son of perdition from hell, come from hell, returning back to hell, taking back the unrepented sinner. "If Thou be..." That question mark on God's Word. "If Thou be the Son of God..."
Well, this other one never tried to figure it out. He said, "Lord, remember me when Thou comest in," see.

Matthew 24:24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.

Matthew 27:5 And he cast down the pieces of silver in the temple, and departed, and went and hanged himself.

Matthew 27:40 And saying, Thou that destroyest the temple, and buildest it in three days, save thyself. If thou be the Son of God, come down from the cross.

Mark 13:22 For false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall shew signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect.

Luke 23:42 And he said unto Jesus, Lord, remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom.

Galatians 3:13 Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree:

24 Now, watch this closely, those pro and con. Now, if I gave you a dollar, if you're a smart man, the first thing you would do to that dollar, if it looks... And here, it's drawn out, looks so perfect like it. The first thing you'll do is take a hold of it, and feel it. A real dollar is not exactly paper--it's silk. It's the value in it what makes it the dollar.
Well, now, let's just take that now to these two. Take Mrs. Pepper on one side, and on the other side ... and myself for the other side, representing God. Now look, the whole article, you read it yourself, and just see how people could be that loose-minded on it. For the past fifty years, in all of her experience, there wasn't one time she mentioned God, Christ, resurrection, divine healing, anything at all. It was, everything, some kind of a frolic and nonsense that somebody done back there, a long time ago. No value to it at all. No help to nobody.
But, watch over on this side. It's constantly preaching repentance, "Come to Christ," divine healing, resurrection, second coming of Christ. The value of it proves what it is. Is that right?

25 And then another thing, if you're a little bit in doubt about the dollar yet? Take the numbers off of it, and take it back to the mint, and find out if that number on that dollar bill corresponds with the mint. If it does, there's a silver dollar waiting there for it. Is that right? Well, take her work, and take it to the Bible. And take the work that I do for the Lord, and take it to the Bible, and see which one's right. That's the mint. That's the one that proves it.
If this don't declare Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever, and she no more than the witch of Endor. It's exactly. There they both are at the mint, you don't know what they are. But, the looseness.
You say, "What about...?"
Let me just give my little expression here, just a minute. If you'll excuse me just a moment, while we're on this. I'm going to stop this just a minute, because I feel something to tell you.

26 Here's a channel, right here. I don't tell this before people. I've got a lot of secrecy in my own life, of course, between God and I. But, look here. There's a channel like this, and that's where mortals live--in here. And it's a conglomeration of gayety, and blackness, and sin. Every once in a while, you'll see a little white spot, or a light.
Jesus said, "You're a light that sits on a hill." Don't light a candle and put a bushel over it. That's Christians in this conglomeration of ... this dimension of mortals.
Well, going this way, downward, the next dimension is the souls of the unjust who die not knowing God.
The second is demons. And the third in the trinity is hell. Unjust souls, demons, and hell. There's a trinity here. When I was caught into the third heaven: the first is a ghost too--the Holy Ghost. Second, angels; third heaven itself.
Now, these mortals in this dimension here is influenced either from there, or from here.

Matthew 5:14 Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid.

27 Now, what happened to that woman, she broke through into this dimension here like the witch of Endor did. She called the spirit of Samuel.
Now, the Bible... I know many people fuss about it and say it was somebody impersonating Samuel, but the Bible said it was Samuel. And I believe it was Samuel, because God said it was in His Bible.
Now, Saul, he went to the prophet. The prophet couldn't see no vision for him. Then he asked the Lord for a dream. He wouldn't give him no dream. Then he went and spoke to the Urim and Thummim, and it wouldn't flash for him. So, he disguised himself, and crawled up to the witch of Endor, and said, "Call me the spirit of Samuel."
And she called the Spirit of Samuel. And when Samuel come up, the witch fell on her face and said, "I see gods rising up out of the earth." Is that right? "I see gods coming up out of the earth." And she was scared. Now, watch. There stood Samuel in his prophet robes. And he wasn't only just standing there, but he knew Saul. Is that right?

1 Samuel 28:11 Then said the woman, Whom shall I bring up unto thee? And he said, Bring me up Samuel.

1 Samuel 28:12 And when the woman saw Samuel, she cried with a loud voice: and the woman spake to Saul, saying, Why hast thou deceived me? for thou art Saul.

1 Samuel 28:13 And the king said unto her, Be not afraid: for what sawest thou? And the woman said unto Saul, I saw gods ascending out of the earth.

1 Samuel 28:14 And he said unto her, What form is he of? And she said, An old man cometh up; and he is covered with a mantle. And Saul perceived that it was Samuel, and he stooped with his face to the ground, and bowed himself.

28 I might slip a little bit of my Calvinistic doctrine in here right now, but I guess I'd better hold it still.
Somebody told me, said, "Saul was lost."
When a man's truly born of the Spirit of God, and remains with God, he's not lost. He can't be lost. A grain of wheat can never produce nothing but a wheat. That's right. That man backslid, that's the truth, but he wasn't lost.
Looky here. I'll prove it right here. Watch. The witch called the spirit of Samuel. And Samuel recognized Saul, and said, "Why did you come to me, seeing you become an enemy of God?"
Now, you Baptists ought to holler, "Amen" for me in a minute.
Now, "Why did...? Why have you called me seeing that you're an enemy of God?"
Now, watch. Not only was Samuel standing there, but he was still a prophet. Amen. He was still a prophet. And he said, "Tomorrow, you're going to fall in the battle, and your son will fall with you. And by this time tomorrow night, you'll be with me."
Then, if Saul was lost, so was Samuel. Is that right?

1 Samuel 28:16 Then said Samuel, Wherefore then dost thou ask of me, seeing the LORD is departed from thee, and is become thine enemy?

1 Samuel 28:19 Moreover the LORD will also deliver Israel with thee into the hand of the Philistines: and to morrow shalt thou and thy sons be with me: the LORD also shall deliver the host of Israel into the hand of the Philistines.

29 Saul never committed suicide, a Philistine killed him. Any of you Bible readers that reads it thoroughly knows that. A Philistine killed him, and David killed the Philistine for it. All right. Notice. Saul was wounded, it's true, but a Philistine killed him. And David killed him, because he said, "You have taken the life of the anointed of God." And Saul was a prophet, himself.
Now, but... Now, my good Catholic friends, don't disagree. If you disagree, it's through friendliness now, see. Now, remember, my people are Catholic, too. But now, just a minute.
Now, the Catholic church believes in the intercession or, the communion of saints--of dead people who die and go on. It's purely a form of spiritualism.
And the Protestant church, right in their own homemade Apostles' Creed (which was never no such thing found in the Bible), they say they believe in the holy Roman Catholic church. And they believe in the communion of saints, which brings Protestantism into spiritualism. Then, when they see the Spirit of God moving in a person, they want to claim him to be a devil when they're the thing theirself--confessing in their own creed.

1 Samuel 31:2 And the Philistines followed hard upon Saul and upon his sons; and the Philistines slew Jonathan, and Abinadab, and Melchishua, Saul's sons.

1 Samuel 31:3 And the battle went sore against Saul, and the archers hit him; and he was sore wounded of the archers.

1 Samuel 31:4 Then said Saul unto his armourbearer, Draw thy sword, and thrust me through therewith; lest these uncircumcised come and thrust me through, and abuse me. But his armourbearer would not; for he was sore afraid. Therefore Saul took a sword, and fell upon it.

2 Samuel 1:14 And David said unto him, How wast thou not afraid to stretch forth thine hand to destroy the LORD'S anointed?

2 Samuel 1:15 And David called one of the young men, and said, Go near, and fall upon him. And he smote him that he died.

2 Samuel 1:16 And David said unto him, Thy blood be upon thy head; for thy mouth hath testified against thee, saying, I have slain the LORD'S anointed.

30 Now this... Brother, I tell you sometimes we need to be skinned down and rubbed a little bit to see where we're standing. Don't you think so? Make right right.
Any person ... if those saints... Now, I'm not condemning Catholic saints. But look, the reason that the witch of Endor could call the spirit of Samuel, because Samuel couldn't go into the presence of God. He was in paradise. For the blood of bulls and goats would not take away sin. But since Jesus died, He divorced sin, and taken away sin. And the believer now goes into the presence of God, and he can't come back. Jesus said in Luke, when He was talking about the rich man--he can't return.
So, if you're interceding with any kind of a spirit of someone that's gone on outside of God--Christ, the only mediator between God and man--then you're in spiritualism called "religion."
Now, where is spiritualism at? So be careful what you say about the Spirit of God, see. Communing with saints is spiritualism.

Hebrews 10:4 For it is not possible that the blood of bulls and of goats should take away sins.

31 Now, notice. These souls under the altar, here, these souls, I mean... Jesus... Here I read the text a few minutes ago. David foresaw Him always before, said, "Moreover my flesh shall rest in hope, for He'll not leave my soul in hell, neither wilt thou suffer Thine Holy One to see corruption."
A better Scripture than that is found in Peter. He said, "Jesus, when He died, He went and preached to the souls that were in chains of darkness, in prison, waiting for the eternal judgment... That Jesus, when He died at Calvary, went and preached to souls--unjust souls--that repented not in the longsuffering of the days of Noah."

Psalm 16:9 Therefore my heart is glad, and my glory rejoiceth: my flesh also shall rest in hope.

Psalm 16:10 For thou wilt not leave my soul in hell; neither wilt thou suffer thine Holy One to see corruption.

1 Peter 3:19 By which also he went and preached unto the spirits in prison;

1 Peter 3:20 Which sometime were disobedient, when once the longsuffering of God waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was a preparing, wherein few, that is, eight souls were saved by water.

32 Let's get that. Here He stands on earth, the most glorious... You have to read between the lines to get the Bible a lot of times.
I think of old Job, there, when he said... He was all broke out with boils, and the people were coming and saying how ... "Why don't you to curse God and die," his wife said.
He said, "Thou speakest as a foolish woman." And there he was all broke out, sitting on a ash heap.
I preached on that for about three months one time. A woman wrote in, told me, said, "When are you going to get Job of the ash heap, Brother Branham?"
He was scraping his boils. The woman come to the door and told him he ought to curse God and die.
And he said, "Thou speakest as a foolish woman. The Lord gave and the Lord taken away. Blessed be the name of the Lord."

Job 2:8 And he took him a potsherd to scrape himself withal; and he sat down among the ashes.

Job 2:9 Then said his wife unto him, Dost thou still retain thine integrity? curse God, and die.

Job 2:10 But he said unto her, Thou speakest as one of the foolish women speaketh. What? shall we receive good at the hand of God, and shall we not receive evil? In all this did not Job sin with his lips.

33 I want you to notice. When Job died, he specified his burial. Along came Abraham... (Watch between the lines, now, you readers. This is not written right in the Word. You have to read it in between. It's hid from the eyes of the wise and prudent.) When Job died, he specified his burial ground. Along came Abraham, and when Sarah died, he bought a parcel of ground--bought it, you know how he did, with shekels of silver, near Job. And when he died, he was buried with her. Abraham begot Isaac. When Isaac died, Isaac slept with Jacob ... or, with Abraham. Abraham begot Isaac, and Isaac begot Jacob.
Jacob died down in Egypt, but he said, "Don't bury me down here." Why? "Take me back up in Palestine and bury me." Why? "Bury me with my fathers in the cave."

Genesis 23:2 And Sarah died in Kirjatharba; the same is Hebron in the land of Canaan: and Abraham came to mourn for Sarah, and to weep for her.

Genesis 25:8 Then Abraham gave up the ghost, and died in a good old age, an old man, and full of years; and was gathered to his people.

Genesis 25:9 And his sons Isaac and Ishmael buried him in the cave of Machpelah, in the field of Ephron the son of Zohar the Hittite, which is before Mamre;

Genesis 25:10 The field which Abraham purchased of the sons of Heth: there was Abraham buried, and Sarah his wife.

Genesis 47:30 But I will lie with my fathers, and thou shalt carry me out of Egypt, and bury me in their buryingplace. And he said, I will do as thou hast said.

34 Jacob begot Joseph--we know, the perfect type of Christ. Well, when Joseph was dying, he said, "Don't bury my bones down here." Why? He was a prophet. He foresaw things that the rest of them didn't see. He said, "Take me up in Palestine and bury me with my fathers."
And Moses, after four hundred years, took Joseph's bones and buried them in Palestine. I wonder why.
Job said, "I know my redeemer liveth. And at the last days, He'll stand on the earth. And though the skin worms destroys this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God, Whom I shall see for myself. Mine eyes shall behold and not another."--that God would stand on the earth, and he'd see Him.
Abraham said, "If Job's going to see Him, I'm going to be buried right with him, so I can see Him, too. I'll bury Sarah there." Bury them all there, for they know that the firstfruits of the resurrection wasn't coming out of Egypt, it was coming out of Palestine.
And that's the reason today, I say, "Have all your frolic and world you want. Those that are dead in Christ will God bring with Him in the resurrection, so bury me in Jesus Christ, for I know there's where the resurrection's coming from.
Call me what you want to--"Holy roller." Don't make any difference to me, just so I'm buried in Christ. Hid away from the world. There's where the resurrection's going to come--from the Spirit-born Christians that's dead to the things of the world. Crazy to the world, silly-acting, that's the ones that's coming in the resurrection as the Bible states. Right. Read between the lines, brother.

Genesis 49:29 And he charged them, and said unto them, I am to be gathered unto my people: bury me with my fathers in the cave that is in the field of Ephron the Hittite,

Exodus 13:19 And Moses took the bones of Joseph with him: for he had straitly sworn the children of Israel, saying, God will surely visit you; and ye shall carry up my bones away hence with you.

Job 19:25 For I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth:

Job 19:26 And though after my skin worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God:

Job 19:27 Whom I shall see for myself, and mine eyes shall behold, and not another; though my reins be consumed within me.

35 Notice. My wife writes me a letter. She said, "Dear Bill, so-and-so..."
I read what she says, then I read between the lines, because I love her, and I know what she's talking about.
Get in love with Him one time. Don't try to argue about the thing. Just get in love with Him, and He'll reveal it to you. Hide it from the theological seminaries, and reveal it to babes such as will learn.
It's proved to be the truth. You've had almost two thousand years to prove your argument, and you've failed, till two-thirds of the world has never heard of Jesus Christ yet.
Give me five hundred people born of the Spirit of God, filled with Holy Ghost and on fire for God, I'll do more for the kingdom of God in one year's time than the whole church has done in two thousand years (Right.), that'll believe in signs and wonders and miracles, and be truly... Not a make belief, but truly born of the Spirit of God. That's right.
What we need... That's God's program. All right. Just a minute, now. Let's get these things.

Matthew 11:25 At that time Jesus answered and said, I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes.

Luke 10:21 In that hour Jesus rejoiced in spirit, and said, I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes: even so, Father; for so it seemed good in thy sight.

36 When Jesus died, He was the Son of God. I believe He was the virgin-born Son of God. I believe Jehovah God overshadowed a little virgin, created a blood cell in the womb of Mary, not knowing any man. It developed, was born, was the Son of God, and Jehovah come down and dwelt in His Son. God was on earth dwelling with us in a man--His Son Jesus Christ. If you don't believe that, you're lost. That's right.
An atheist arguing with me not long ago, said, "Preacher, do you mean to tell me that woman could have a baby without knowing a man?"
I said, "Yes, sir."
Said, "It can't be. Can't be." Said, "It's against all scientific rules. Corn won't even pole, or nothing else, without a actual contact of male and female."
I said, "Is that right?" I said, "I want to ask you something. Will you admit that Mary...? Jesus had a mother."
"Yes, but it's impossible for God to be His Father." Said, "There is no such a thing as God."
"You mean the great Spirit of the great creation couldn't have created a blood cell?"
"No, there is no such a thing. She had affair with Joseph, and just a little slip-up like we have now. And they started a religion by it."
I said, "I want to ask you something then, sir. Where did the first man come from? Let him be tadpole, monkey, or whatever he was that you want to say. The first man, where did he come from and who was his pappy and mammy? According to your statement, he had to have a father and a mother, before it could be done. Then where did the first man come from? Let him be anything he wants to be." That's right.
Fifteen minutes from then, under an old pine tree where me and Brother Woods passed the other day, I led him to Christ. Amen. He couldn't answer. Certainly not. According to their statement, he had to have a beginning of both father and mother. Who was he? Who made the first one? Oh, there...
I like what Billie Sunday said about prohibition. Their argument is thinner than the broth made out of a shadow of a chicken that starved to death. Now, that's how thin it is. That's right. They just haven't got no legs at all to stand on. No, sir.
God is, and a rewarder of those who seek Him. That's right.

Hebrews 11:6 But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.

37 Now, notice. When Jesus died at Calvary, He said... Everything on earth knew that was the Son of God. God said it was His Son. He shut the heavens off. It was dark over the earth. He couldn't watch His own Son die, yet His Son given His blood for the remission of sin.
The Roman Centurion put his hand over his heart and said, "Truly that's the Son of God."
Judas Iscariot said, "I betrayed innocent blood." The earth said, "It was the Son of God." It belched out the rocks in a great earthquake when He died. Everything recognized He was the Son of God. Oh, my.
I oughtn't to start this--going to have a prayer line, but I feel real good right now.

Matthew 27:4 Saying, I have sinned in that I have betrayed the innocent blood. And they said, What is that to us? see thou to that.

Matthew 27:54 Now when the centurion, and they that were with him, watching Jesus, saw the earthquake, and those things that were done, they feared greatly, saying, Truly this was the Son of God.

Mark 15:39 And when the centurion, which stood over against him, saw that he so cried out, and gave up the ghost, he said, Truly this man was the Son of God.

38 Watch Him! Bear with me, just a minute, if you can stand some of this old-time sorghum molasses, and hickory-smoked ham.
Look. Coming down, condescending, the Son of God said, "Into Thy hands I commend My Spirit." Gave up the Ghost. And the Bible said He went and preached to the souls that were in prison. Amen.
What is it? These fellows here are where that Mrs. Pepper broke into. The souls that were in prison that repented not in the longsuffering in the...
God, in the days of Noah, when the ark was being prepared, I can see Him. Let's dramatize this.

Luke 23:46 And when Jesus had cried with a loud voice, he said, Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit: and having said thus, he gave up the ghost.

1 Peter 3:19 By which also he went and preached unto the spirits in prison;

1 Peter 3:20 Which sometime were disobedient, when once the longsuffering of God waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was a preparing, wherein few, that is, eight souls were saved by water.

39 I can see Him coming down into this first dimension of lost souls. Knock at the door, opened up the door. That wailing mass of beautiful women--wretched hags. Men--all screaming and crying, tormented. "Oh, if I could get out of here."
He knocked at the door--the door swung open. There stood the Son of the Living God in a celestial body. Said, "I am the Son of God that Enoch said would come with ten thousand of His saints. I'm the one that Noah spoke of. I'm the woman's Seed from the garden of Eden. The heavens has just testified of Me. The earth has testified of Me. Judas testified of Me. The Roman soldier testified of me. The Father testified of Me. Now you've got to know that I'm here to fulfill the Word of God." Hallelujah!
Every demon knowed He was there when He was on earth. They screamed and hollered, "We know who You are--the Holy One of God." They knew Him--even the preachers didn't. They knew who He was.
And then they screamed, "Let us out."
He said, "Why didn't you repent?" Slam went the door. On down He went, even below the demons. Down through that line of demonology, they screamed and hollered, and got back. They knowed where they went.
When He cast the demons out of the man of Gadara, they went into the swine and choked theirselves. They seen that presence of that Holy One coming, walking through there. They hid like a bunch of roaches when the lights is turned on in the summertime when they're gnawing on a apple core.
Put me in mind of some preachers, when you turn the Gospel light on, they scatter. "Don't you go over there to hear that!" Put me in the mind of a big old bunch of roaches in the summertime. In the dark, they take to nibbling though, but turn the light on one time! That's right. All right.

Mark 5:13 And forthwith Jesus gave them leave. And the unclean spirits went out, and entered into the swine: and the herd ran violently down a steep place into the sea, (they were about two thousand;) and were choked in the sea.

Luke 8:33 Then went the devils out of the man, and entered into the swine: and the herd ran violently down a steep place into the lake, and were choked.

40 The next thing He did, He come on down through that other trinity, on down into hell. I can see Him go up to the door, [Brother Branham knocks]. Satan walked to the door, said, "Oh, so You finally got here, did you?"
"Yes. I'm here."
"I thought I had You when I killed Abel. I thought I got You when I got Abel. I was sure I had You when I throwed Daniel into the lion's den. When I beheaded John, I thought I had You then. Well, when You was on the cross, I thought I had You, but finally, You've arrived."
Jesus said, "Yes. I've arrived. And I've arrived for one purpose. You have put fear and chills over the people long enough. I've come down to take over." That's right. He said, "I am the virgin-born Son of God. Oh, I've got to right Adam's sin, but My blood's still wet on the cross that paid that sin." Yes, sir. "I come down to take over. Give me the keys of death and hell."
They done give the keys of the kingdom to Peter--the church. Yes, sir.
He said, "Give Me the keys of death and hell." If you notice when He rose, He had them hanging on His side. Said, "Give Me the keys of death and hell." Reached over and grabbed Satan by the neck, throwed him down, put His foot on him. Reached over and grabbed them off, said, "You've fooled people long enough. Get back in there where you belong," hang them on His side. "I'm the boss now. My blood has been shed up there on the cross for the remission of sins, and for sickness. You can't keep them there any longer. There'll be people who'll believe Me. You can't bind them up with sickness. You can't bind them up with fear. They'll believe!" Hallelujah! The keys of death and hell.

41 Here He comes climbing out, brothers. He's coming near daylight. I can see the big morning star looking around the grave already. It's coming on the third day. Hallelujah!
The first... Wait, He's got somebody else over here in paradise. He don't forgot nobody.
Pass me not O gentle Saviour
Hear my humble cry.
Over here in paradise lay some souls--Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Sarah, and those who'd've been faithful, believing the promise of the prophets. And they're laying there, waiting, with only the blood of bulls and goats--a shadow, or type of His own blood. I can see Him go up to paradise [Brother Branham knocks.], knock on the door. Abraham opens up the door. "Who are You?"
He said, "I am the Seed of Abraham."
I can hear Daniel say, "What? That's the Stone I seen hewed out of a mountain without hands."
I can hear Ezekiel say, "I saw Him coming with such speed, to look like a cloud with dust under His feet." Oh, my!
I can hear the prophet say, "I wrestled with Him all night down there till at the river before I crossed." Hallelujah!

42 John, the different ones, recognized Him.
Said, "All right, brethren, gird up your loins. The resurrection is near. It's just about fifteen minutes before time that that grave's going to open yonder. My righteous blood has been shed yonder. You was waiting on Me under the blood of goats and bulls--which could not take you in the presence of the Father. But I've shed My blood to take it away. Now we're on our road home. Come on."
I can hear Abraham say, "Come on, Sarah."--catch her by the arm.
I can hear Abraham say, "My Lord."
He'd say, "Yes, My servant. What do you want?"
Said, "Can we make a little whistle stop in Jerusalem? I'd just like to look the old town over, the place where me Sarah roamed around so much."
"Sure. I'm going to be there forty days and nights with My disciples. I've got to give them some more lectures before they go. All right. We're going to make a little whistle stop."
About that time, the Angel of God rolled away the stone. There was an earthquake all over the earth. And the Bible said that many of the bodies of the saints that slept in Him, rose and come out of the graves in immortal bodies like His own glorious body. What?

Matthew 27:52 And the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose,

Matthew 27:53 And came out of the graves after his resurrection, and went into the holy city, and appeared unto many.

43 I can see Caiaphas, standing, saying, "What was all that noise this morning, you priest?"
Priest said, "I don't know. The only thing, there's people appearing everywhere around this city here. Some of them claim they're old saints that's resurrected."
"Well," Caiaphas said, "I don't know." Said, "Say, who is that young couple coming there?"
I think it's Sarah and Abraham walking on, say, "Look at there, honey. Remember that old place where we come down that hill yonder?"
"Yeah, I remember that. What...? Uh-oh, we're being watched."
They just vanished. Just like the kind of body He had, went right into the building through the walls. They didn't even know ... His own glorious body. They were walking here on earth, and appearing to people. Hallelujah! Yes. There's your forty days. Hallelujah!
Excuse me. No, don't excuse me. I don't mean that. No. Brother, there's nothing formal. God's without form.

44 Let me tell you something. On after forty days, His feet begin to lift from the ground one day. He said to His disciples, "Go into all the world and preach the Gospel. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved. He that believeth not shall be damned. These signs shall follow them that believe. You're going to be called 'fortuneteller.' You're going to be called 'devil.' You're going to be called everything now, but you're going to cast out devils." Amen. "Lay your hands on the sick, they shall recover."
Here He goes up. I can see Sarah and Abraham, all of them join in with Him. Oh, my. Here they go on up past the moon, the stars. Jesus at the head, the Old Testament saints behind Him, walking. Hallelujah! They come inside of the big great city yonder that's built foursquare, pearly gates. I can hear all the Old Testament saints with their great Victor walking in front of them, great conqueror. Oh, He is a mighty conqueror since He rent the veil in two.

Mark 16:15 And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.

Mark 16:16 He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.

Mark 16:17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;

Mark 16:18 They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.

45 Here He is with the Old Testament saints. I can hear them holler, "Lift up ye everlasting gates and be ye lifted up, and let the King of glory come in."
I hear the Angels say, "What was that?"
"Lift up ye everlasting gates, and be ye lifted up and let the King of glory come in."
I can hear the angels holler, "Who is this King of glory? The Lord of hosts, mighty in battle. He is the King of glory." Hallelujah!
I can see Gabriel walk out there with his chest throwed back, press the button, open come the gates. Down through the streets went Jesus, victorious, with the Old Testament saints, right down through the streets. Hallelujah! Victory! Walked right up in the presence of the Father and said, "Father, here they are. They all died in faith, looking to the time. Hallelujah!
I can hear Him say, "Well done, My Son. Climb up here, and sit on My right hand till I make all Your enemies Your footstool." Hallelujah!
Oh, I'm a half-hour late. I don't want to be that way there. He's making every enemy His footstool. All devils is under His feet. All sickness is under His feet. All sin is under His feet. And we're in Him--more than conquerors through Him that loved us.

Psalm 24:7 Lift up your heads, O ye gates; and be ye lift up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in.

Psalm 24:8 Who is this King of glory? The LORD strong and mighty, the LORD mighty in battle.

Psalm 24:9 Lift up your heads, O ye gates; even lift them up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in.

Psalm 24:10 Who is this King of glory? The LORD of hosts, he is the King of glory. Selah.

Psalm 110:1 A Psalm of David. The LORD said unto my Lord, Sit thou at my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool.

Matthew 22:44 The Lord said unto my Lord, Sit thou on my right hand, till I make thine enemies thy footstool?

Mark 12:36 For David himself said by the Holy Ghost, The LORD said to my Lord, Sit thou on my right hand, till I make thine enemies thy footstool.

Luke 20:42 And David himself saith in the book of Psalms, The Lord said unto my Lord, Sit thou on my right hand,

Luke 20:43 Till I make thine enemies thy footstool.

Hebrews 1:13 But to which of the angels said he at any time, Sit on my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool?

46 Now, when a believer dies now, he goes straight to the presence of God. John on the Isle of Patmos said, "The souls under the altar cried, 'How long, Lord, how long?'"
"Just a little longer, until they call some more 'holy rollers,' and fix them all up down there, and they suffer the same thing you did."
Then he looked over there, and he saw them coming. A great number which no man can ... a multitude which no man could number. White-robed saints, palms in their hands, waving. Said, "Who are these?"
He said, "They are they that's come out of the tribulation--the persecutions. Come up, and made their robes white in the blood of the Lamb. They're before Him day and night." I want to be numbered with them, don't you?

Revelation 6:10 And they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth?

Revelation 6:11 And white robes were given unto every one of them; and it was said unto them, that they should rest yet for a little season, until their fellowservants also and their brethren, that should be killed as they were, should be fulfilled.

Revelation 7:9 After this I beheld, and, lo, a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands;

47 I want to see Jesus, don't you?
That's what I want to do. When my earthly journey is finished, my last song, my last sermon, and this old Bible is laying closed somewhere. I looked, standing around the bed, and there stands my boy, my girls, my wife--my loved ones. I want to raise my hands and sing,
Happy day, happy day,
When Jesus washed my sins away.
He taught me how to watch and pray,
And live rejoicing everyday."
I want to slip from this old building when it gets a leak in it here. I want to drop it here,
This robe of flesh, I'll drop and rise,
And seize the everlasting prize.
And shout while passing through the air,
"Farewell, farewell, sweet hour of prayer."

48 I hope by God's grace I can stand in His presence that day, and meet you, every one, that's here tonight. And when I stand there in His great August being--in His great presence--and the presence of the angelic host standing around, who knows every thought that's in your heart. I can walk up to Him, and say, "My Lord, I did the best that I know how, with what You give me to do with. Thou did give me a divine gift as being a seer. I did all that I knowed how. I preached Your Word to the best of my knowledge. Lord, these followed." Oh, my. Why, if I can just touch His feet, maybe kiss the ground where He's walked--scoot back over. And if He'll just build me a little log cabin somewhere down there beyond you all's palace, I'll be happy.
God bless you. He's here tonight. I claim Him. He's my Lord, He's your Lord. He's my Healer, He's your Healer. And I know what I'm talking about. He's here. Will you believe Him? Let's bow our heads.
(Sister, would you come up to the piano, just a moment?)
I didn't mean to go to preaching, friends. It's just kind of hard to get out of that.

49 Our Heavenly Father, well, pardon me, Lord. You were misunderstood, why shouldn't we be misunderstood. It doesn't bother us. You told us we would be, so we are. And we're just thankful that we can bear the reproach--thankful that You give us the opportunity.
And we pray, now, that You'll bless these people. Many of them are here sick, and needy. Lord, there's nothing I know to do anymore than to present the Gospel to them--tell them what You said. And then, with Your divine gift that Thou has given, if You'll just, tonight... And if I did preach in there--do wrong--You forgive me.
And I pray that You'll send the great Angel of God that'll stand here by me, that'll help me. The great gift: angels--ministering spirits--sent from the presence of God to minister the will of God through His servants. You said, "He makes His secrets known to His prophets." His ministers are flaming fires.
And I pray that You'll bless tonight. Override all opposition. And may Your Spirit come in, lovely and sweet, and bless us all together, for we ask it in Christ's name. Amen.

50 I want you to be reverent. Do you believe, if we'd ask prayer just where you're sitting like that, God would heal every one of you? I wonder what, sometimes, the audiences think before I get started into the meeting. I know what most of you are thinking. You want a prayer line. That's what you're wanting. Now, that's the truth.
Brother Bosworth, it just won't work in my meetings. That's all there is to it. It just takes a prayer line.
Now, just as soon as I made mention of that, just to see what it was, that wall just come down, see. Everybody in here wants the prayer line--to be prayed for.
All right. (Did you give out prayer cards? What was it? U. How many? 1 to 100.) All right. We'll just have to... We can't call everybody. We just have to call them a few at a time, pray for the sick.
Now, whether God... Usually in preaching, why, it's kind of another anointing. And I want you to remember me in your prayers.
Prayer card U. Prayer card ... [Gap in the audio.]

51 Are we strangers, lady? I don't know you. You don't know me. No contact at all in the world. ["Never saw you before."] Never saw me before. All right. That's makes us perfectly total strangers. Well, now, if you are sick, then you've come here to me for help. And the help cometh from God. But, you believe me as your brother, don't you? Do you believe...? Have you ever read that little book of the story of the Angel of the Lord appearing to me? Have you ever read that? Never read it, just coming like that. Well, God will surely help you, then.
Now, if our Lord Jesus was standing here... He knows you, doesn't He? He knows everything you've ever done, and so, He could tell you. Well then, you being a stranger to me, if He, through His sovereign, holy grace will let me know something about you--like the woman at the well, or whatever He talked to--then you'd accept your healing, wouldn't you? You'd know there'd have to be some kind of a supernatural being here that's doing that, wouldn't you? You'd have to know it come from a supernatural resource.
And then, you'd know it come from supernatural, but then it'd be your attitude towards that which would determine your healing. See what I mean? Do you believe that God is still the same that He ever was? ["Yes, sir."] You believe He's the same.
Now, you have an asthmatic condition that's bothering you. And you also have a female disorder and that examination has proved, I believe he said, a cyst. Is that right? Is that true? ["True. Every word of it's true."] Well then, if every word of that is true, and me not knowing you, but seeing and hearing what that man told you, and seeing what you was at home, and so forth, it's a supernatural being. Is that right? Then I tell you by that same Spirit, if you'll accept Jesus as your Healer now, you'll go home and get well. Do you do it? God bless you, then. Let me pray.
Heavenly Father, I pray that You'll bless our sister. And may she go home and be well in commemoration of Thy great words which said, "They'll lay hands on the sick--they shall recover." I do this in Jesus Christ's name. Amen.
Now, go rejoicing happy, sister, thanking God for your healing.

Mark 16:18 They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.

52 All right. Come, sir.
Now, how many of you here the first time believes now with all your heart? Say, "I believe, Brother Branham, that Jesus Christ has raised from the dead." That's enough to prove to me right now that He's here. Will you raise your hand, say, "I believe it."? Thank you. Thank you. That's newcomers, everyone of you.
Now, the Lord bless you. Now, you understand that I'm not a healer, friends. I couldn't heal no one. If I could, I'm sure ... me sitting here looking at this woman that's paralyzed. I'd certainly go down and heal her. I know what's wrong with her. I know where her trouble is. I know this woman is the same. Both of them are paralytics. That's right. It's been for some time. And I know there's just a little shadow holds behind you there. If you could ever cross that little shadow there, you'd get up from there and walk out of the building. That's right. If you could... But I can't bring you above that shadow. Your own spirit has to lift you up like that. There it is. It's just a little... You think, "Well, I'm in such a condition, I just...", see.
Don't think that. God can heal you the same as He could heal a toothache.
[Gap in the audio.] ... step up to that. All right.

53 Excuse me, sir. I'm sorry. You're the patient, aren't you. All right.
Sometimes, in speaking like that, knowing I've got a audience before me, it makes me kind of feel that I ... the anointing. If I get too far into it, then it hurts me, you know. Then the vision begins to move, and I don't know just exactly what to do.
Now, you are a believer. I see that now--that you are a Christian. Now, because I know that, that as soon as I catch your spirit, your life seems to welcome. You're very conscious that something's near. Have you ever seen the picture of that Angel on the paper? Here we've got it. They've scientifically taken it. That's just exactly what's near.
You are a minister. You're a minister. And you're a Methodist preacher. Is that right? Your name is O'Banion. Is that right? They call you Howard, don't they? Brother Howard? That's what your name is. And you're suffering with some kind of a colon trouble in there. And it causes a rash to come on your ... some kind of breaking out. Isn't that true?
You have a wife that's had an operation some years ago, or some time, and it was a gall bladder. Is that right? It's caused a bad effect. And she has a heart asthma now. Was those things the truth, sir. ["Yes, sir."] Are they? ["Yes."] I don't know that It told you, but is it the truth? ["Yes, sir. It certainly is."] It's the truth.
All right. Something here knew that. Is that right? That's the Angel of the Lord, see. He can make you whole, my brother.
Our Heavenly Father, I pray that You'll bless our brother. Heal him, dear God. And may his troubles, whatever they are, end from tonight on, because he has come reverently, and believed on Your Son Jesus Christ--that He raised from the dead as He promised, and is living in His church tonight. God bless my brother, who I bless, in Jesus Christ's name for his healing. Amen.
God bless you, my brother. Go on your road. God be with you.

54 All right. Billy ... or, Brother Woods, this is the patient?
Are you a believer, sister? Do you believe me to be His prophet? or His preacher, or...? I catch that. It's the Spirit that says that, you see. Myself, I don't care to say that, see. But do you believe that God is here to help you? ["I do."] I could not help you no more than by a divine revelation from God, or a vision. And by doing that, why, perhaps would be able to help you.
You have many things wrong with you. You have arthritis for one thing. You have heart trouble for another thing. You have a stomach trouble for another thing. You have a kidney trouble for another thing. Is that true? ["Yes."] I seen, seems like, a doctor talking to you, or something. I couldn't see it just right. Just a moment, I want to talk to you again. There was something happened there I didn't see. I want to talk to you just a moment again, like talking to the woman...
Oh, here He is. Oh, you've got something wrong in your... Some kind of a choking in your throat. That was caused from an old bronchitis condition you had long years ... sometime ago--Is that right?--long time ago. And it's done... Are you believing now? See, more vision, it just makes it weaker on me. You accept your healing? ["Yes."]
Lord, heal her, Father. I pray that You'll be merciful to her. And may she go from here tonight and be made completely whole. I ask it in Christ's name. Amen.
God bless you, sister. Whatever it was was truth, wasn't it? It's true now, go and be healed, in Jesus Christ's name.

55 All right. Come, lady. Do you believe with all your heart? You believe that God sent me to help you?
What are you weeping for, sir, is you're crying. You want God to heal of that prostate trouble? You do? Stand up on your feet. Accept your healing now. Go home, the prostate trouble leaves you, in the name of the Lord Jesus.
Do you believe me to be His servant? With all your heart, you believe it? You've had an accident. And you've hurt ... it's your neck, and your leg. You fell through a register, or something. Isn't that right? Long time ... hurt yourself. Your trouble's laying right in your back. It's a strained nerve which is doing this here, and down there.
Was those things the truth? ["Yes."] If you would, would you let the people know? Is that the truth? ["Exactly."] Every bit of it? ["Yes."] Well, whatever He told you, that wasn't me. That was my voice, but I was somewhere else, seeing you somewhere. It seems to me--I'm not sure--but it seems to me that something happened to you. Was that right? Didn't you fall, or fall, or fell through something? ["Yes, thirteen years ago."] That was the truth. ["Yes."] Then that's God confirming that I've told the truth. And here's what's true. Jesus healed you when He died at Calvary. Do you now accept it? ["Yes."] Come here.
In confirmation of Thy Word, oh God, to fulfill what Jesus Christ Your Son said do, I lay hands upon this, my sister, who is confident that she's standing in the presence, not of her brother, but in the presence of Jehovah God. And I pray Thee, God, to bless her for her faith, and may she go and be well. In the name of Thy Son Jesus, we ask it. Amen.
God bless you, sister. Go and testify now, and let us hear what's become.

56 Come, sister.
Now, be just as reverent as you possibly can. Visions--it makes you feel such a funny feeling. My lips are feeling like they're that thick, and all over me. Now, please don't move. Sit still just a minute, be in prayer, so I can kind of get to myself, around, a little.
Are you all believing? The Lord Jesus is here confirming His Word. And I pray that you'll believe. If He can't make you believe, what's the use of me trying?
Sister, now look on me just a moment till I can just see you. Just be reverent. And I just want to talk to you, just... See, you're human being, as I am. And I must catch your spirit in order to know and to see. But you're standing for someone else. It's your mother. An elderly woman who's unable to come to the meeting. And there's something wrong in the stomach. Oh, the doctor ... it's a cancer. The woman is dying. And she asked you to come and, "Stand for me," I seen her as she said, when you left the door, for you to stand in her place. Is that truth, lady?
Our Heavenly Father, send Thy blessings to her. Whatever her request is, Lord, for healing, grant it to her as I bless this poor woman, in the name of Thy Son Jesus Christ I ask it. Amen.
God bless you, sister. Go, and be unto you just as you believe. That's just the way it'll be. God bless you.
Let's say, "Thanks be to God."

Psalm 51:5 Behold, I was shapen in iniquity, and in sin did my mother conceive me.

Psalm 58:3 The wicked are estranged from the womb: they go astray as soon as they be born, speaking lies.

57 Come, lady. Have faith. Are you believing with all your heart? All right, lady. I want you to look this way, just a moment, to me. Do you believe me to be the Lord's servant?--unworthy to say that. I'm ashamed of my life, ashamed of my being, to even claim to be His servant. But yet, through His grace, He has made me His servant. And my hands to represent... How can my hands ever represent His, seeing that my hands is unholy to represent His holy hands? But whose hands would be holy? We were all born in sin, shaped in iniquity; come to the world speaking lies.
Now, just a moment. There's a demon in the audience screaming to this woman. It's on that woman, right there. You have asthma, don't you lady? You do too, don't you?--asthmatic. All right. Stand up to your feet. That's right. Stand up, lady with the black coat on. That's right. Go home, both of you, now, and get healed. God bless you. Go in Jesus' name.
Let's say, "Praise the Lord." All right. I felt that, them demons calling one to another.

58 Now, come, lady. Believe with all your heart. You want to get over that kidney trouble, and go home, and be made well? Say, "Thank You, Lord Jesus, for healing me." ["Thank You, Lord Jesus, for healing me."]
God, bless her, and heal her, I pray, in Jesus Christ's name. Amen.
Come, lady. Wasn't it a strange thing, when I said "kidney trouble" to her? Well, you have the same. Just keep on going, and say, "Lord, I thank You for my healing." I ask it in Jesus' name. Amen.
All right. Do you believe, lady, with all your heart? Do you believe me to be His servant? [Tape skips.] Amish. And you ... very lovely. I appreciate your faith in Christ Jesus. In Fort Wayne, Indiana, many of your people were there, and healed. An Amish minister married me. Your loyalty is appreciated. And you suffer, I see, especially in a room of a evening, there's something take... Oh, yes. You're coughing real hard. It's an asthmatic condition. Is that right? Sleeping at night, you can't hardly sleep it's so bad--Isn't that right?--in a room where you have to yourself. Now, God knows that that's true. Do you believe you're going to get well, now? May I ask God to help you, sister, as you come forward?
Almighty God, creator of heavens and earth, bless this little woman who I bless in Thy name. And may she get healed from this night, and take this message to her people, that Jesus Christ is raised from the dead, and is a great healer, that heals all of her sickness. I ask this in His name. Amen.
God bless you, my little sister. Go on your road rejoicing, believing, and be healed.

59 All right. Come, lady. That's a horrible demon. It makes you dizzy and upset all the time. It's sugar diabetes, you see, but God can heal you of that. Standing here between you and I, now, is dripping like that--a white blood. Those is insulin shots, and things that has to be taken to keep it down. I pray that God will heal you. Will you accept it, now, accept your healing?
Oh, Jesus Son of God, may this poor soul come to Calvary just now, and get a blood transfusion from that holy blood there at Calvary, and never need another shot as long as she lives. Oh, I pray this blessing for her in Jesus' name. Amen.
God bless you, sister. Go rejoice now, go happy. Do you want to go back, or any way you want to go. All right.

60 Come, lady. If God will speak and say what's wrong with you, will you accept your healing? You will accept it? You promise me that. You have trouble with your ovaries, which is a female trouble, causing a discharge. Isn't that right. All right. You go right back now, and get well. Just turn right around and say, "Thank You, Lord Jesus." ["Thank You Jesus. Praise You."], or go back this way, anyway you want to go. Say, "Thank You."
Wasn't it a strange thing when I said that to her, because you suffer with the very same thing. That left you the same time hers did. God bless you. Go, and be made well.
Let's say, "Thanks be to God."
Strange thing, you had the same thing, lady. Is that right? A female disorder. Just keep on going. You've been real nervous for a while too, haven't you. Don't worry about that. That's what caused it, you see, which might cause a premature menopause, but just keep thanking God. It was ulcerated in there, but it's moved now. Go believing God and you shall get well.
Let's say, "Thanks be to God."

61 Come, believing with all your heart. Get over the diabetes, and so forth. Go home, and be made well. Do you believe God with all your heart? Believe He's going to heal you right now? Let me lay... You want me to lay hands on you. That's fine.
Lord Jesus, I pray that You'll heal her. May she go in Jesus' name, and be made well.
God bless you, sister.
All right. Come, sir, with all your heart. Of course, I see your wearing glasses, which is caused from your eyes. Anyone can see that. Maybe there's something else wrong that God will reveal to me that... People say, "Well, of course, knowing your eyes are going bad," like that. And seeing those plates on your eye. We won't speak of that, because you know of that, but perhaps maybe there's something else wrong. God will reveal it. Yes, sir.
Do you believe with all your heart? You have heart trouble, too. Is that right? All right, go ahead now. You believe? God bless you. Go and be made well in Jesus' name.

62 Come, lady. Believe with all your heart as you come. Do you believe if God could help you here...? If God would reveal to me what your trouble is, do you believe that He would make you well? ["Sure."] You believe it with all your heart. Stand still just a minute.
Yes, it's that lady sitting right there. You have stomach trouble, don't you, sister? Stomach trouble?
You had stomach trouble too, didn't you? You're both healed. Go home and eat what you want to.
The lady sitting second from you, there, has stomach trouble, too. Right down... That other lady, too, sitting down there had stomach trouble, too. Do you believe with all your heart? You believe it? It's an ulcerated condition causing peptic ulcer. You go home and eat what you want to. God bless you.
The lady sitting right between you had a rupture. Is that right, lady? You believe? Go home.
What's the matter, sir? Do you believe with all your heart? All right. You had a heart trouble, and rheumatism. You believe that God'll make you well, there. If you do, you can raise up, He'll...
You have gallbladder trouble, sitting right next there--gallbladder trouble. Isn't that right, sir? All right. You can raise up, too, and accept your healing, and go home. You can go be made well. God bless you. That's it. Go home, you're healed.
You were standing here last night trying to believe, now your faith's made you whole. God bless you. Go home, you're well, and be all right.
Let's say, "Thanks be to God."

63 Come, lady. Come, you, lady. Do you believe me to be His prophet--His servant--with all your heart? You have a hard time getting up of a morning, don't you? That arthritis bothers you so bad at morning. What if I told you it was gone, will you believe it? Go off the platform, walk like a little young lady. Go ahead and be made well in Jesus Christ's name.
Have faith in God. Oh, what the Holy Spirit could do right now.
Come, sir. You believing? If God will reveal your trouble, will you accept your healing? You have diabetes, your blood. God'll make you well. ["Praise the Lord."] Go, believe it. God bless you, brother.
Let's say, "Thank God."
Come, sir. Do you believe Him with all your heart? What made you jump when I said, "Heart trouble."? Because heart's what's bothering you. Isn't that right? Now, you can go home and be made well. If you believe with all your heart, Jesus Christ will make you well.
Father, I pray that You'll heal the man, for we know, without this, he would die soon. And I pray that You'll help him. Amen.
God bless you, my brother. God be with you.
All right. Let's say, "Thanks be to God."

64 God bless you, sister. Do you believe for the little boy. ["Yes."] Female trouble. And this little laddie here... Do you believe he'll get over it? ["Yes."] That he'll quit having them? ["Yes, sir."]-- them spells? It's epilepsy. ["Yes, sir."] You come from out of town. ["Yes, sir."] You come from a rolling country. A lot of... I'm either going to say it's Carolina, or Virginia, one. I'll say Virginia. ["Yes."] Is that right? ["Yes, sir."]
Now, this is epilepsy. I want everyone to bow your head. Bring me the baby.
Come here, son.
Now remember, this is the kind that gets away. I want every mother with your child, stand close. I'm not responsible. Remember, if anything happens... If you're a critic, this is your time to leave. Epilepsy is the one thing--caused more trouble than anything. I don't say I can. By God's help, I believe I can make it leave him. But remember, it'll be in the building. Now, bow your heads and don't raise it till you hear me say so.
Look here, son. Jesus Christ the Son of God died for you, honey, that you might be made well; that this thing might leave you. Well, if Jesus will make you well, will you serve God all your life, and serve Him, and be a young man if God lets you live? And if He calls you to preach the Gospel, you'll preach anything He wants? Will you do that?
Almighty God who brought Jesus from the grave, this devil has robbed this child here, seeing that there lays a future in his life, I believe. That's why I take the little boy here under this consideration. I ask You to be merciful to this child.
Now, thou demon that's called epilepsy, in the name of Jesus Christ the Son of God, I charge thee by the living God, come out of the boy. Leave him. Go out of this building, and torment no one else. In Jesus Christ's name, I bind thee and send thee from this child. By the authority of the vicarious suffering of Jesus the Son of God at Calvary, I ask you to go from the child.
Look here, sonny. It's off of him now, mother. It's gone. Now, just keep believing, and it won't come back no more. God bless you, honey. God bless you. Go ahead. Your trouble's ended too, sister. Go, and may God bless you.
Let's say, "Thanks be to God."
Now, raise your head. Raise your head, now. I thought is was going to show up. I believe that boy's got a future. I seen something. I couldn't make out what it was, because I'm so weak right at this time, but I thought that something showed to the boy.

65 Now, be reverent. Have faith in God. Believe Him with all your heart.
I see a little lady sitting there, praying. The spirit's hanging over her--a halo. She's got something wrong with her hip. And you're suffering with a nervous condition. You were praying that I would speak to you. Isn't that right, lady?--when you had your prayer going. Little lady in white there. Isn't that right? I seen you. All right. You're going to get well, now. You're going to be all right.
There's a poor old man sitting there with a crutch in his arm. Look this way, sir. Do you believe me...? That's all right. Do you believe me to be God's prophet? You do. All right. You've just recently had a stroke that's put you in this condition. And it must have been ... you had the same clothes on. It's been in the last day, or two, you was to visit a doctor. And the doctor's putting something over... It's on your heart. He says you got heart trouble. He shook his head, and says that you can't live but a little while. Is that the truth, sir?
I would accept Jesus Christ as my healer, stick that crutch on my shoulder, and go out of here and glorify God if I was in your place. God bless you. Get some spunk in you, like that of the old-fashioned Holy Ghost conviction, and go out. God bless you. Now, stick it on your shoulder and go on. You're healed.

66 Let's say, "Praise the Lord." Do you believe now? How many believes? Raise your hands. Now, bow your heads.
Heavenly Father, I pray Thee in the name of Thy Son Jesus, that You will cast away every unclean spirit, every devil that's in the building. May it all leave, and every one in here be perfectly made well.
Oh God, You who've stood here hour after hour, and has confirmed Your Word with signs following. How much longer will these people of this world disbelieve You, Lord. Oh God, grant that every spirit of unbelief, and every doubt will be drove away from the people, right now; and that the power of Your resurrected Son may take its place, and give strength and power. And may every person in here be healed, just now.
Lord, may the cripples walk out. May everyone that's on crutches walk out, packing their crutches over their shoulder. May the wheel-stretcher cases walk out tonight, pushing the cart before them. And may all the heart trouble go out rejoicing, healed--every one, Lord. I condemn every devil, through the suffering of Jesus Christ at Calvary, where He won the victory. I say that every devil is defeated in Jesus Christ's name. I ask for him to leave the people. Amen.
Almighty God that raised His Son from the dead, oh, make you, every one, well at this minute. Are you believing? If you are believing, stand to your feet. Throw away your crutches. Get up out of your places. And God make you, every one, well.

Demonology (1953-11-20) (William M. Branham Sermons)

Demonology (1953-11-20) (William M. Branham Sermons) somebody


1 ... Confession, that since a little boy, and when I was first converted, and when I met up with the--the people, the Full Gospel people, I've always had in my heart that there was something different. And when the Angel of the Lord met me...
And how many was in my primitive meetings when I first started? Is there anybody here was in my first meetings when I first started? How I'd take the people by the hand, you remember that? All right. And you heard me say that it would come to pass, that He told me, that it would come to pass if I'd be sincere, then I would--I would know the very secrets of the people's heart. You remember Him saying that? Now, it didn't work, it wasn't then, but He said, "It would be." Well, now that's taken place.
And He told me... I told Him, I said, "I questioned it."
And He said, "I'll be with you." Well, that's always been one consolation that I've knowed, that He was here.

2 I've often heard people say, "Brother Branham, why don't you take the initiative side. Go right out there and just take the side and rebuke the enemy." I was afraid to. Because I--I suppose, maybe, I'd, I maybe had seen something that I should not have seen.
And I do realize, friends, with all sincerity, that this is not just a--a drama, a stage show. We're in church and--and it's the--it's the power of Almighty God. And it's demon spirits are on people, it's if I tell Christians that... Now, I don't mean if...
You say, "I got the Holy Ghost, Brother Branham. I ain't got no demon."
Well now, I don't say, "demon possession," it's, "demon oppression," you see. Satan in the flesh, not Satan in the spirit. Satan in the spirit gives unclean habits and so forth, and unbelief. You might live just as pure and holy and clean, and yet, be a sinner. It's your faith that saves you. See. Many people, they're just as pure and clean, and yet, a lot cleaner, sometimes, than people who, professed Christians live. But yet, would deny the Holy Ghost, would deny every operation of the power of God; they're unbelievers, no matter, they're very religious. And the antichrist spirit is a very religious spirit, just to the mark, just as religious as it can be, the antichrist. Jesus even said, "It would deceive the very Elect, if possible, in the last day." That's true.
Now, so then it behooves you to know where you're--where you're doing, where you're standing, and what you're talking to.

3 Now, being that I've made this much confession, I'm going to tell you something I've never told publicly in a audience in my life, knowingly, unless it was under the Spirit, sometime, 'cause I do things then I don't know what I'm doing.
But on the platform many, many times, I see the spirit that leaves the person. They're in all kind of shapes. I'm fixing up a book on demonology, of what I know about it myself, in my personal dealings with demons; they're beings. They're just not just some thought, like Christian science says. It's actually a being, and you see it when it leaves the person, like a black shadow. I--I seen them, they look, some of them look like bats about that long, got long hairs hanging down. I seen them like that, and I seen them look like tortoises, and like great big spiders that weigh fifty pounds, or something, great big shadow like, and it leaves the people. Usually, that's epilepsy.
And it--it goes right over the audience. And Almighty God, Who we're preaching about, and surely, to be in the deepest of sincerity, I seen those things move over the audience. And I've seen them, sometimes, when the congregation will be just in one accord, that they'd see that thing themselves, many times. Hundreds and hundreds of people would see it move.
And therefore, it must take the very deepest of sincerity. It isn't a bluff, you can't bluff the devil at all, he won't bluff. But whenever you've really can produce the--the Blood of Jesus Christ, Satan can't stand before that. Now, that's just as true.

4 Well now, here's what I've often wondered, and thank you for bearing with me tonight to explain this. Here's what I've often wondered. Now, I notice I got a great group of ministers back here, which I'm very happy for them to be here, my brethren. And I've often wondered and seen people come to the meetings that have been through meetings, went through prayer line, then the first thing you know, they wind up, up there at the house. Some of them possessed with evil spirits. They've been through there, they been prayed for, and prayed for, and prayed for, and oil poured on their head, and prayed for, and through this prayer... But yet it hangs right on. Now, there's some reason somewhere. If...
You know that there is such a thing as Divine healing, don't you? And you know that there is no hard case with God. Why, God heal leprosy same as He would a toothache. See? It's all under the Atonement. But when... You look, in reading articles, this person was setting paralyzed; healed. Here's another one with, maybe, with a last stage of cancer, just withered away; they're made well. Then see another person, maybe with just a--a persistent headache, or something, and just been through prayer line after prayer line. There's something wrong somewhere, there's bound to be.
Now, that's where the benefit of the little, humble gift that God gave me, if I can get that person alone and quiet and before God, it'll reveal just exactly what's the matter. There's something that they haven't done, or something that they ought to have done. There's some reason for it, somewhere. But you must find that, then the patient go makes it right, they get well.

5 How many times has that happened? God only knows. Thousands of times that people who come, filled with the Holy Spirit, Sunday school teachers, and everything, and yet, way back down the line somewhere, something would happen. Here, the Holy Spirit reveals that right up, tells them just exactly what... "Why, I remember that, that's just exactly right." And away they go and make it right. That settles the sickness. See? Well, that's the reason (or the disease or affliction or whatever it is), well, that's the reason that the little gift, that God gave, comes in so wonderfully in the church.
But you go to doing that over an audience of people, well, then each individual must have that same contact, or they don't feel they're prayed for. They just don't do it. I've tried it eight years.
And you've heard me say in Owensboro, "Down in Africa, one's... I could stand here under the Spirit of God and someone setting out in there, it would discern one thing. Tell the person what was wrong or something another like that, every person would do just exactly what you told them to do. If they were laying twisted, bound up, they'd be wiggling and trying their best to get off the cot or do... And they'd keep doing it till they could do it, to get up. No defeat with them there."

6 But in America, it never did work just right. There's just... It's so much teaching in America, so many different teachings, till each one has their own idea. They'd say, "Now, my pastor said that that man was a spiritualist." Well, that settles it with you. Oh, you say, "I don't believe that now, Brother Branham." But way down, in that subconscious, it's still there. You usually move by your subconscious.
Just like a big ship going out to sea, the captain gives orders to a little man that goes down in the bowels of the ship, and oh, he don't see nothing. He just operates the way orders come from above. He don't know. He says, "Steer this way," or, "Turn this way," or, "Full speed ahead," or, "Back up." He just works according to what the man does up here.

7 Well usually, that--that's the way your subconscious works. It stirs you when up here, you're trying to think this, but way down here, there's something else moves you. Now, I know that. I've caught the patients by the thousands, on the platform, where they'll say, "Brother Branham, I believe that with all my heart. Yes, Brother Branham, I believe that."
And yet, down in there? I think, "God, if they believed it down here like they did up here, it would be different." See?
But they believe it up here, but don't down here. So, that--that won't work. This, here will overrule that 'cause subconscious will move on. You'll try to walk out with a mental conception saying, "Glory to God, I'm healed. Praise the Lord, I'm healed." And right down in here, that isn't saying so. So, finally this just rules that right away. And when symptoms arise, then you say, "Well, I just didn't get it." See?
There's where it's at. This has got to be with this. And this and this has got to be with that. See what I mean? And then healing takes place. Then you, your soul, and your mind, and all, is in cooperation with God, and the channel of God's blessing just flows right into you, and heals you. It's just got to.

8 Now, I've noticed that. And I've been very particular on what I was doing, I'd always wait. Perhaps, maybe God put that curse on... let Satan put it on. God don't put a curse on no one, but sometimes, He'll permit Satan to do it, he did on Job and many of them, you know; that, Satan puts a curse, God doesn't. God is love. But if you do something wrong, then you are just loosed to Satan for some whipping.
And then when this curse is on you, and then perhaps maybe, what if by power of attorney, that you go back and take the curse off, that God willed that it stays on there till this thing's made right? Then what about it? Then you're in trouble with God. Is that right? You're in trouble with God.

9 Like a woman come on the platform there in Durban, she walked up, great big, strong, healthy-looking woman. The Holy Spirit spoke to her, told her who she was, where she come from, what her name was, and where she had been, who her husband was; told her she had a cyst on the womb.
She said, "That's exactly right."
I said, "Prepare for death, for you're not going to live but a few minutes." In fifteen, twenty minutes time, she was a corpse. They packed her out away. See?
I never speak that when I see death around a person, I just pray for them, and go on, 'cause I don't know. But this time I seen the funeral procession taking her out, and God had already said so, so that settled it, you see. I knowed she was going to die. So she died, just, she died yet on the ground. She just walked down, set down, set there a few minutes, then pitched right over dead. Just this normal, healthy woman, little cyst on the--on the female organ, that was all was wrong with her. But she died and it just foreseen.
Now, if I'd have been the healer, I'd have healed her. I couldn't heal her, God is the One. You have to obey what He says do.

10 Then, in all of that, that's the reason. You remember Moses, who smote the rock when he was suppose to speak to it? How many remembers that story? You ministers do. He certainly got in trouble, didn't he? He didn't get to go over in the promised land. God just took him out of it, said, "No, come aside, Moses." Crawled up the hillside and there he died, the Angels took and buried him. And many other stories in the Bible, like that. So, I've tried to be very careful.
But there's one thing that I've always thought about. That God, by the power of His death at Calvary, has given to the church power to cast out evil spirits. Because Mark 16 said, "In My Name they shall cast out..." (Not, "I will"; "They will.") " In My Name they shall cast out devils." Is that right? "If they lay their hands on the sick, they shall recover."
Now, that laying hands on the sick has been one thing, I've often wondered, as I said: There's not a mother in here but knows what laying hands on the sick is. Let your little baby be sick, and you pat it and play with it a little bit, how it quietens it.

11 Did you ever have a horse that was nervous and upset or something, or, your dog? Just [Brother Branham pats to illustrate--Ed.] pat him just a little bit, put your hands on him, rub him, see. See what I mean? Now, there's a power of God by laying hands on the sick, because it's a--it's a commandment of Jesus Christ, to do so.
And last Tuesday, or, night before last, three nights ago, it's been, I suppose, when I was at Brother Vibbert's church, which I knew that was going to be the night that we was to be at Brother Vibbert's church, I think, which was Tuesday night. Brother Vibbert and I are close relation, and I thought if I was wrong, I wanted God to forgive me, and I was sure Brother Vibbert would, too. But I wanted to see a showdown one time, just a perfect showdown against Satan, for I've had some experiences without vision.

12 And I remember at Portland, Oregon, when that maniac run out on the platform, three times my size. I weighed a hundred and twenty-eight pounds. He weighed about two-sixty, seven foot tall, great huge fellow. He come across the platform swinging his arms like that, cursing me, and spitting in my face. And said, "You imposing yourself to be a man of God." Said, "I'll break every bone in that little, frail body of yours." Well, he was plenty able to do it, by humanly speaking.
And I had just led two little police to Christ. They run out to grab him. I said, "This is not a flesh and blood affair." And no more than I had said that, till Something on the inside of me lifted up. And I knew he was whipped right then, because God had--had said so.
And he come across the platform and he stopped, out, about five feet from me. And He just... [Brother Branham makes a spitting sound--Ed.] ... spit, and it just flew all over my face. He said, "You snake in the grass. You hypocrite." Said, "Stand up here..." Sixty-five hundred people seated, beside just up and down the street. He said, "I'll just break every bone in your body." And he shook his big fist and, oh, his great huge arm. His eyes begin to roll around, his teeth set together, and He--and He would...
And these police found out that he had broke a--a jawbone and a shoulder of a minister the day before and they had a search warrant to get him, or, a warrant to get him, rather, right away. He was out of an insane institution. He just didn't like preachers. He just hit them; everything.

13 So, he thought, then, he could do it, and when he run up there...
And how the Holy Spirit leading, well, I know at that moment, now, without a vision first, Something said to me, "Don't be afraid."
I, when he come to me, I thought of what that Angel said, "I'll be with you." I thought, "If You're here, which You said You'd be, then what's he? How will this uncircumcised Philistine defy the living God?"
So, he come on up towards me, and he said, "I'll break every bone in your body." And he drew back his fist.
I said, "Because you've challenged the Spirit of God, tonight you'll fall over my feet." I didn't know I said that, see, that was the Spirit talking, It done took over, then.

14 So, there was both challenges. And he run to me, he said, "I'll show you whose feet I'll fall over." And he drew back his great big fist, like that, and the audience set spellbound.
And just as he drew back his fist, I said, "Satan, come out of him."
And he threw his hands back like that, his eyes bulged way out like that, and rolled around. He threw his head back and ro-... spun around the floor, and fell on my feet, so that the police had to come roll him off my feet 'fore I could move. Right across the platform, he was perfectly just laying there.
The police said, "Is that man dead?"
I said, "No, sir."
Said, "Is he healed?"
I said, "No, sir, he worships that spirit. See? He'd bring it right back to him because he thinks he's right." I said, "He isn't healed." They rolled him over. I said, "Get him off my feet." He was cramping me, he's laying, that big man, up on my feet; I couldn't move my feet out and both of them together. And so I--I couldn't move my feet out, and they rolled him over, and I took my feet away, and went on to get...

15 And at that time, when all them demons had seen their chief man defeated: they just begin to raise up out of wheelchairs, cots, stretchers, and everything else, and walk. That was the end of the meeting. They just, everybody was healed and walked out. That was it, everything. See? Just...
Now, you see? When Satan was defeated there, the whole audience believed with one accord and went out. Now, if Satan is defeated in one case, why can't they do the same thing? See?

16 So, the other night, I said to my boy, I said, "Now, how many prayer cards did you give out?"
And all that day, I just stayed under prayer, I lived under prayer. I--I just set in the room, I wouldn't let Billy and them around me, I closed the door. I kept quoting, I said, "Angel of God came down to me and told me; when I was just a little baby, not over three minutes old; and when He hung over when I was a baby; all my life He's talked to me; He even had His picture taken on a picture." I begin to quote those things back. I said, "That night standing there when He walked to me." Not a vision, a Man, I stood there and talked to Him, just same as you would. Not imagination, the Man, I'd hear Him walking on the floor, He walked up, just as real as I am, or anybody.
And He stood and talked to me. He said, "You were sent, born in this world, to pray for sick people." He said, "If you'll be sincere, and then get the people to believe you, nothing will stand before your prayer." A
nd I said, "Well, they won't believe me, Sir." I said, "I'm a poor man and live among my people, who's poor, and I'm uneducated."
Then He begin to tell me about these things that would take place. And then He said, "I'll be with you."

17 And I thought, "There He was." And that night in the debate, when His picture was taken, where thousands of people were setting there in that big coliseum, this group here wouldn't make the choir. See? And all of them standing there, and that Baptist preacher just calling me everything in the world. I was setting up in the balcony, he didn't know I was there. Trying to make fun of Brother Bosworth, and had his picture taken shaking his finger in Brother Bosworth's face, and thing.
Brother Bosworth said, "I know Brother Branham's here if he wants to dismiss the audience."
When I came down I said, "Well, I'm not no Divine healer. I only speak of an Angel of God, who came and told me to pray for sick people." I said, "If I testify of the truth, God will testify for me. If God doesn't testify of me, then I'm wrong, I'm only testifying of myself." I said, "I'm testifying of Him and He'll testify of me."
And about that time Something went, "Whew!" Here He come, uh-hum, right down. He was testifying, about thirty thousand people looking at It. And they took the picture of It, and there It was.
And now, as scientific world begins to move into that realm, they begin to say, "That's true, that power..."
I thought, "Well, God, You--You--You told me to do this. And why can't I, while I'm in America, if they can't believe these signs, why can't You let me do something else for them?" I said, "God, I ask You tonight to help me, and vindicate, and You heard me say it before I come to the platform, I said, 'To help me.'"

18 And that night on the platform, we called up a few; in there we didn't get anything visibly that people could see. We called up another group and down along the group was a, first thing, was a boy; and his eyes had been shot out with a dynamite cap. One eye was completely gone, amputated and took out. And the other one was hit right in the middle, and all the sight bursted out of it; totally blind.
So, he walked up, I prayed for the boy as sincere as I know how to pray for anybody. And there his... I said, "Can you see, son?" And a big, bright light beaming down, like this, in his eyes. He was looking over this way to see the light, I turned his head around, I said, "This is the light."
He looked over that way, said, "I'm sorry, sir, I can't see a thing."
Well, I remember in showdowns and places. I looked back and I thought, "God, now here's a chance that I... If there's anything in my life, You take it away. If there is, I don't know nothing about it. But I know that You're standing here, and You promised this thing, and this is Your Word." In my heart, I begin to dig down to get a hold of something: Faith!
I turned again, put my hand over the boy's eye, and said, "Satan, you, who done this evil, all the sights are bursted, every nerve's killed, he's totally blind, he can't tell daylight from dark." And there he was, and I said, "I ask in the Name of Jesus Christ and command that the sight comes to the boy's eyes." I let a hold of my hand. He screamed and grabbed my hand, run off the platform looking at his hands, praising God.

19 What was it? Two women, blind in their eyes, come to the platform, both of them received their sight. Here come a deaf man, come to the platform, the hearing come to his ears. He can hear to a whisper. What was it? That give me consolation.
When I return from Africa, God willing, that's what it was all about yesterday, reason I left. I'm glad I did. I thought I should go. And then it just begin to choke me dow-...

20 ...on his poor old feet that's packed the Gospel 'fore I was born. And we knelt there, and in the Name of Jesus Christ, God rebuked that demon from his foot that was swelled like that. It's gone now, and he walked just like he always did.
The Holy Spirit said to me, "Get to the wilderness as hard as you can." I grabbed my coat and hat, and I said, "Brother Bosworth, you take the pulpit. I'm gone." And I went out and stayed there till I got in connection with God. My voice come back, normal. He's revealed to me that this, this thing going on, now, is just a little, bitty thing. You wait till we return back from Africa.
Watch what's taking place now. The church is rising, brother, the power of God, the tide is high, moving on; we're going from deeper depths and higher heights. The old-fashion, apostolic, Pentecostal power of God that once dwelled on the disciples is coming back to the disciples again. That's exactly right. And I believe that things that you've never heard about is right now in making. I just feel, tonight, like a new person, just to know that His power is here.

21 I got two more meetings to hold, one in Florida. And I heard today, that's right away now we're going to Africa. The meetings are getting set, and then when I get into that, and return back, I believe you're going to see a different meeting altogether.
And I believe the thing's: I want to get a bunch of ministers and get them together. The thing of it is, if you can get preachers moving in the Spirit of God, then you've got something going, you see, then you... They'll take it to the church and the church take it to here and from there to there. Not a new organization, but revive these that we have got, back to the Kingdom of God, back, again, to the apostolic Faith. The Lord bless you, friends. I believe we're--we're just at the verge of something.
Last night, way in the night, probably when you all were in bed, I was talking to Him. I could feel Him, He was near me. And as sure as I believe I'm standing here tonight, with this Bible before me, I believe He's going to appear visibly before me again right away, maybe 'fore I go overseas again. Oh, I trust that He will. I've got so many things to talk to Him about. And I--I--I trust that He'll appear to me, and by time I get back, I'll have a Message for you that comes straight from the Throne of God. Oh, how wonderful He is.
All right. Let's pray for the handkerchiefs now.

22 Our Heavenly Father: "What things He says, you do it," Mary, talking to the servant. And Lord, that's what our hopes is tonight, do just what You say, "Do." I pray, Father, that, as Thou has ordained in Thy Bible, and they... we're taught they taken off the body of Paul, handkerchiefs or aprons. Now, we know we're not Saint Paul, but we know that Thou art still Jesus, the One Who heals. And I ask You to heal every one that these handkerchiefs represent, all the special requests, everywhere, that Thou will heal them. Grant it, Lord, and may they get well, for Your glory. In Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.

23 In the meetings, I have found something that my poor, Irish heart is just so thrilled, I don't know what to do. I know something of the Lord now, that I didn't know a week ago. See? I know that He has a channel. "Ye are the branches." We're the one that bears the fruit, He's the Vine that furnishes the energy, but the branches bear the fruit. Is that right? "In My Name ye shall cast out devils; nothing shall harm you by no means." Is that right? Then we're wrapped in the bundle of Life of God: every believer.
It's just like when you receive the Holy Spirit, God gives you a bank book. And at the bottom of every check, it's got Jesus' Name signed on it. And anything you got need of, just fill out the check and send it in. He'll--it's good. Don't you believe that? Why? The deposit was put in the bank at Calvary. "He was wounded for our transgressions, bruised for our iniquity: the chastisement of our peace upon Him; with His stripes we were healed." Any of those redemptive blessings, that belongs to every believer; if you're scared to fill the check out, well, it'll never do you no good. If you fill it out, and then tear it off, and put it in your pocket, it'll never do no good. Just tear it off and commit it to Him. Watch what takes care. God will take care of it. Is that right?

24 Billy, I been looking for you. I thought you... I was looking for you to come up over there. What was that? W? W's and S. Well, let's call from W, then. Williams. All right. One to a hundred, each way? Well, let's call from prayer card W tonight, from, let's call from--from eighty-five to a hundred, pr-...
%#Now I believe, now I believe,
All things are possible, now I believe;
Now I believe, now I believe,
All things are possible, now I believe.

25 Our Heavenly Father, may each one of us now, pull down the shades in our hearts to the things of the world, and shut ourselves in with Thee. Say, "Lord, I'm just forgetting about my denomination, and forgetting about tomorrow, and its works and its toils. I'm just coming to You, Lord. I'm forgetting who's setting next to me, what they might say. I'm forgetting about my disease or my affliction. I'm just shutting myself in with You now. And inspire me, O Lord, help me to believe. Help me to believe all that the Scripture teaches, help me to believe all that the prophets have said, and the disciples and the apostles, Your holy men, as they were moved by the Holy Spirit. And as we're taught tonight that Your Son raised from the dead, and promised that the things that He did, should His believers do also. And we realize that He didn't claim to be a healer, He only claimed that He did just what the Father showed Him. That's all He could do. He knew what was in their mind. He perceived their thoughts. And then, Father, appear to us tonight in that reality, and we'll believe."
And help thou me, Lord, Thy servant, and anoint Thy servant; unworthy, very much, Lord. I'm thinking of night before last, couldn't even speak a whisper, I didn't know what was the matter. But just a little talk, and everything's all right now.
But God, grant, it'll be all right with every person here, tonight. I pray for them. And You, Who showed mercy to me, show mercy to them. I pray that You'll send Your Angel now, the Messenger from God, Who reveals the thoughts of God to the human heart, that Jesus Christ might be glorified. For we ask it in His Name. Amen.

26 ...-thing greater is just moving up. If our Master was standing here tonight with this suit that He gave me, what would He do? He didn't claim to be a healer. He only said, "I do just as the Father shows me." He knew what they were doing, what they had done. In our Scripture lesson, He knew where Philip was, before Nathanael called him, or, vice versa. He knew the thoughts in the woman's heart, that had five husbands. But to heal, He didn't claim to heal, only as the Father showed Him. Is that right? Saint John 5:19.
Now, if He's risen from the dead, He said, "The things that I do shall you also." Is that right? Well, then if He's risen from the dead, the power that He had there to know the secrets of their thoughts, know their hearts, know what was wrong with them, what they had done, and the reason they wasn't healed, and so forth, He could tell them. Is that right? But how many knows now, with your hand raised up, that Saint John 5: Jesus, when He passed through all those crippled and blind people, He never healed a one of them at the pool of Bethesda, went right by all them twisted and blind and halt and lame, thousands of them. And went over to a man laying on a pallet that had some kind of a trouble, maybe a prostate or something, maybe TB; he'd had it thirty-eight years, and He healed him. But if you notice, the Scripture said He knew he was laying there.

27 Now, when the Jews questioned (the 19th verse), He said, "Verily, verily." Now, you Catholic, in--in your translation, in the Douay translation, it says, "Amen, amen." And the real translation in the King James, from the original Greek, it says--it says, "Verily, verily," means, "Absolutely, absolutely, I say unto you, that the Son can do nothing in Himself, but what He sees the Father doing: that doeth the Son likewise." Is that right? Now, how many knows the Bible said that? Raise your hand. Saint John 5. Right. Now, Jesus did not do nothing until He seen the Father do it first. Is that right?
How many believes that He--that He knew their thoughts? Well then, He read their mind. Is that right?
Not one of these mind readers out here, of this devil's work. The devil has got a pattern for everything God has got. Do you believe that? If you see an old bogus dollar, you know there's a real dollar, made off of it. But watch, you don't see mind readers, and so forth, healing the sick, and preaching the coming of Christ, and getting people saved and filled with the Holy Ghost. They're out there charging you a dollar to guess a few things. That's the devil. That's exactly.

28 But God has the power, He's perfect in His. And Jesus said, "The things that I do shall you do also;" (Is that right?) " even more, or greater; for I go to my Father."
Now, here stands the... Is this the patient? Sister. All right. Excuse me. Sometimes some others stand around, I get interested in talking and I...
And everyone here knows that I've been, for the last few minutes, kind of stalling around for something, that is, I'm waiting for His Presence; for without His Presence I just... And you realize it's a little handicap tonight. If you'll notice, there's spirit there, there's spirit there, there's spirit here, there's spirit there; everywhere around me is spirits. See? Every person has a spirit. And now, watch: Here is someone praying, there is someone praying, here is someone praying, there is someone praying, there is someone praying. And then when the anointing comes down, here is pulling this way, and this way, and this way, and this way. See? And you have to bring one person to you, and get to a place to where you get your own spirit moving to where you can see here, and then you can see it single out in other places. See.
But now, I never seen this man before. I suppose we're strangers, are we, sir? I never seen you. I don't think I'd ever seen you. Well, I just come in town a few minutes ago, just to, long enough, get my clothes changed, and get over here. And so, you was just a man that they give a prayer card down here, and you was just called up here at the platform, and that's all there is to it.

29 But now, do you believe that--that the things that you've heard about in the Bible, about Jesus raising from the dead, you believe that's the truth? You do. And do you believe if He was here tonight, that, standing in here where I'm standing, and we were standing together, and He was visible...
See, He... The only hands that Christ has tonight, is our hands, only lips He has. He's setting by the Father, He sent the Holy Spirit back, the third person, the Trinity, to bear record of His being, which is God. That's God in us. And the Bible said that we become (Jesus said) we become gods, in a form; Scripture says so. See? We are gods. Because why? We are sons of God. I'm... In that way we are, because, just like, I'm a Branham because I come out of that Branham branch. And we are s-... In that way because we--we are sons of God, offsprings of God. You believe that?
I want everyone to be just as reverent as you can, now. I want you to rejoice and be happy. Well now, if you hear me say, "Keep your children near you," you be sure and do that, mother; 'cause there's two or three cases of epilepsy setting out here tonight, and that's a very dangerous thing. It'll go from one to another, just... That's the worse thing we have to contend with, is epilepsy.

30 Now, sir? Just to talk to you a minute, like Jesus did, that woman at the well. And in order to talk to her, you know, I have my own conception of that. That was, He sent the disciples away. And when He sent the disciples away to get something to eat, I believe He knew that woman was going to be there. And then, when she come, that was as much as the Father had showed Him, that He--He was to have contact with a woman. And so the woman come out, and that was the woman He had saw in a vision. He said, "Come here." And He said, "Bring me a drink."
And she said, "It's not customary for you--you Jews to ask Samaritans such."
He said, "But if you knew who you were talking to, you'd ask Me for a drink." Then He, after He talked to her awhile, He went right straight and told her her trouble. Is that right?

31 Now, you're pre-... you're conscious that something's going on. See. That's His Presence. You just look to me just a minute, as His servant, as representing Him. You are... Now, that won't hurt you. See? That won't hurt you. You've had a... I see a something, it's an accident. You've been hurt. It's in a place like a mine or something; was in a mine, you been hurt. And you got something wrong with the side of your face (is paralyzed), and your ear. Is that true? If that is, raise up your hand. Now, just a moment, there was something... Ever what It said was right. Now that was--that was my voice but it wasn't me speaking. See. Do you believe me? You want to be healed? Do you believe if I'll ask Him, you'll get well? Then come here.
O God, have mercy upon my brother, who I bless in Thy Name. And I pray, God, that You'll heal him, and make him well. O Eternal One, Author of Life, and Giver of every good gift, while this man is standing in Your Presence, forgive every sin, take away the trespasses, and may this affliction leave his body, and may he go home to his loved ones and be well and healthy all of his life. Will you grant it, Lord?
Now, Satan, upon the authority of God's Word, and upon the blessed Presence of the Holy Spirit, and a gift that was ministered by an Angel: I charge thee by Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God, come from the man, come out of him.

32 Just a moment. That was side of your face and...? Can you hear me all right out of your ear over there? You hear me all right? Hear me? Hands feel all right, your side, and everything? Take a hold of my hand, now squeeze it. Now, you believe me to be His prophet, don't you? You want to serve Him? If I'll tell you something that's ruining those nerves, will you stop it now? You have a habit you got to give up. You smoke cigarettes; you use tobaccos. Will you give it up? You stop it now? Will you give your life totally to Christ, then, seek the baptism of the Holy Ghost? Come here again.
O God, upon the confession of his sin, oh, I pray Thee to be merciful. Now, Satan, you can't hold him any longer. In the Name of Jesus Christ, come out of him. I charge thee to leave the man. Upon his confession and his expectations in Jesus Christ, he cannot be disappointed. Leave him, come out of him, in the Name of Jesus Christ.

33 Now, that's different, isn't it? Now raise your hand up, both of them, up in the air, now clap them together. There you are. Now it's all over. Now you can go off the platform rejoicing, receive the Holy Ghost, go to some good full Gospel church and receive the baptism. Amen. Let's say, "Praise the Lord." (All right, in a minute.) Let's give God praise. Different now, isn't it, sir? Amen. You're all right now, brother. What say? Yes, sir, you're all right now. You go back to your home and be rejoicing. Let's say, "Praise the Lord." Everybody say, "Praise the Lord." You Methodist, you Baptist, you Catholic, everyone say, "Praise the Lord."
See the man come up there in his condition? See him walking away straight? See the difference? One of them was praying for him; and the sin was still on him. And I wondered why he didn't get that reaction, that arm still holding down and things. I wondered, "What taken place? What was the matter?" I looked back again, I seen the man standing on a street corner smoking a cigarette, and I know that's not right in the sight of God. That's right. Knowing the things I know, and I know that couldn't be. And there, God healed him then and made him well.

34 We all ought to praise the Lord, and be thankful. You all ought to believe Jesus Christ, right now, every one of you. You Baptist ought to be thankful, you Methodist ought to be thankful, you Catholic, you Pentecostal, all of you, ought to be thankful to God, and say, "Thanks, Jesus Christ." For in the days when Communism is sweeping the land, and atheism is sweeping the land; just think: thirteen million infidels hatched out last year in the world, thirteen million infidels. And the power of God here, showing visible signs, and things, that we are correct, by believing on the Lord Jesus Christ, that He's here. It ought to make us so happy, we'd spread it everywhere tomorrow, tell the whole world about it. All right, now.

35 Yes, sir. All right, sir. Do you believe with all your heart? You believe that God is God? I see, course, you're--you're paralyzed, or your arm's bad. Now, if I could heal you, I would do it, I'd be glad to do it, but I can't do it. God can do it. You believe it? You believe He will do it? You believe if I'll ask Him to do it, that He will let you get well? You do? He will help you to get well. All right, sir. If you believe that, that's the way you'll receive it.
Now, let's just look to Him just for a moment, see what caused your trouble. Do you believe me to be His prophet? You... it's, you've had a--a brain operation for a tumor, and the tumor has been removed, and it's caused your paralyzed condition. That right? Now, if I ask Him, then you'll get well, wouldn't you? Come here.
Our Heavenly Father, the man has said that he believed he'd get well if I'd lay hands on him, and I do that; in the Name of Jesus Christ, I ask You to heal him. Amen.
Now, go, believing. Go believe with all your heart. I want... Now, don't... Now, when he gets down there, when he gets to sit down just a minute, I want to see him again, just in a few minutes. I want you, go on, son, believing with all your heart. He said, if I, he believed, if I lay hands on him, he'd get well. I believe He'll do it. I believe He'll do it yet, tonight, if he'll just believe it. Don't you? I believe He'll do it right now. All right.

36 How do you do, lady? Do you believe with all your heart? You believe everything that you see comes from God, that you see here in this meeting? Do you believe this is the Spirit of God moving? I'm just your brother, you know that. But God is your Saviour. You don't believe I'd be reading your mind, do you, lady? You don't believe that. But you believe that God could help me to know what your trouble is. I trust that He does. And I don't say that He will. I believe He will.
Your trouble is a nervous condition. You're very, very nervous. There's a lot of that in the room tonight, much nervousness. Is that true? Nervous condition. Now, if you... Now, being that that was just a common thing, of nervousness, let's ask Him something else. That's what you're wanting me to do, you want... you... there's something else you got on your mind. Now, I'm not reading your mind. God knows, there's my hand before God and my Bible here. See? You're concerned about a child. Isn't that right? And that little child has some kind of gland trouble, or something. Isn't that true? And you're not from Indiana, you come from Illinois. Isn't that right? You crossed the river getting here. Isn't that true? Now, go put your hand on your child. Both, when you... Well, she... the baby is not here, you left it home; but I want you, go home, put your hand on the child, you're both going to get well. God bless you. Go home, God heals you. God bless you, friend.

37 Now, be just as reverent as you can, now. Be thankful and grateful. Now, it's beginning to get to a place now, to where, before, if you'll just be reverent a few minutes, then we'll... we--we won't hold you long. My face gets real numb, my lips gets big, my nose, my whole face. I look, like yonder, can't see too well. And I... Was that the lady was just... Was you just up here, lady? I seen, that Light's out there. Thank you, just...

38 See, here it is. It's this lady, right here. Hmm. Uh-hum. You believe me to be His servant, lady? You... It's some kind of a kidney and bladder condition. Isn't that right? Stand up then, accept your healing, say, "Jesus Christ, I accept my healing, now." See, you don't need no card, just need to be healed. God bless you, now. Lord Jesus, I pray that You'll make her well. May she go home and be perfectly normal, I pray, in Jesus' Name. Amen. God bless you, sister.

39 It's something, isn't it, a great torture, or something, and there was something about... course, yeah, I seen something about eyes, but she was wearing... Well, there it is again. No, it's this lady, setting here, has got the eye trouble, setting right there, that lady there, with the black-looking dress on. Your eyes are going out, going bad, aren't they, lady? You believe God is going to heal you now? You do? You don't have glasses on. I was wondering. I seen the vision with a lady go-... with a, look like, a blind spirit around her, but I couldn't get them separated. You both look alike, dressed a whole lot alike. All right, you want to accept your healing? Believe that God heals you? You do? God bless you.
Lord Jesus, I pray that You'll make her well and may she go home now, and be perfectly whole, I pray, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

40 How do you do? You believe with all your heart? You do? You're... Thank you, brother, that's a good attitude. But now, I want to correct, for you. Now, from henceforth, don't have that negative; let it be positive from this, on. For, you believe you're in His Presence? It's in your throat, have a very bad throat trouble. You also, you got a growth, your neck. Isn't that right? You believe He's going to heal you now? Come here.
Lord, Who made heavens and earth, this demon's hid, visibly, from the eyes, but it's not hid from You. You know right where he is, and now he's exposed. And in the Name of Jesus Christ, I charge this choking spirit to leave this boy; may it come out of him, and may he get well, in the Name of Jesus, the Son of God. Amen.
God bless you, young man. Go now, and be well. Let's say, "Thanks be to God." Amen. All right bring...

41 See a thin woman standing in here; she's very thin, she wears glasses. She's suffering with a something, she's stiffened. It's arthritis, and she has, also, liver trouble, and her liver, and bladder trouble. Now, just a moment. I seen the lady, she's praying somewhere, it's somebody in distress, just till I find the lady, where. It keeps leading me thi-... Oh, here she is. She's... they got a purple-looking hat on with a feather in it, there. Was that your conditions, lady? Was you setting there, praying to be healed? All right, you're healed now. God bless you. You can go home. He revealed to me, what you were doing. Wasn't you asking to be healed, or something you're having, in prayer? You go home now and be made well. God bless you. Just have faith in God.

42 There He is, right there. You want to get rid of that sinusitis, setting there, lady? You were looking this way, so sincerely, praying. God bless you.
What do you think, sister? Kind of laughing. Do you want to be healed, too? Uh-huh, yes. You believe me to be God's prophet? You do? God bless you. You're from out of town, you come, no, you're from another state. You come from where there's a lot of lakes, it's a pines; it's Michigan, you come from Michigan. You have heart trouble, and you have high blood pressure. I see a young lady standing by you, with high blood pressure, a doctor is putting a thing around her arm; she's in her teenage, must be your daughter or something. Isn't that true? She's here, that's you. God bless you. All right, put your hands in one another's hand, there she is, all right, put your hands in one another's hand, let's pray.
Father, may they go home and get well, I ask for Your glory, in the Name of Your Son, Jesus. Amen. Grant it, Lord. Amen.
God bless you, now. You can both go home and be well. Let's say, "Thanks be to God." Have faith in God, only have faith, that's all I ask you to do.

43 How do you do, sister? You believe me to be His servant? You're on a mercy mission. There's someone who lives near you or in... it's your neighbor. And you're standing for this woman, and she's dying, she has cancer. Give me your handkerchief.
Lord of life, let death go from the woman. And in commemoration of Your Bible, I bless this handkerchief to be laid upon the dying person. And may death go away from her bed, and spare her, for Your glory. I ask in the Name of Your Son, Jesus. Amen.
Lay it on her, and let no one else bother till you put it on her. God bless you. [The sister talks to Brother Branham] Yes. Uh-huh. Will do. God bless you. That's all right. God bless you... Believest thou this? Be reverent. Have faith in God. Don't doubt, believe. "All things are possible to them that believe." Don't you believe that?

44 That intestinal trouble has left you, lady, colon and intestine. Setting right back there. Just believe with all your heart, you shall have just exactly that. God bless you.
You believe, lady? The lady in the... set next to Mrs. Wood, just above. It's, no, it's an elderly lady that's got a sinus, setting down there on the end with that little, checkered dress on. All right, sister, accept your healing. Yes, that's right, you had sinus, you know. God bless you.

45 Sir, I thought it was you in the chair. Keep on believing now. The Light's near you there. You know It was on you. It was standing by you there, you felt It. Don't be discouraged. You believe with all your heart?
You believe me to be His prophet, or, His servant? Prophet's just His preacher. Do you believe that? You believe that God is here to make well? I couldn't heal you, lady. I don't have no way of healing you, but God can make you well, can't He? We're strangers, aren't we?
I want to know, the people in this audience, if God will heal this woman, reveal to her, do something in the supernatural, will every one of you accept your healing then? Will every one? How many will do it? Just say, "I'm sick, I'll ac-..."
It's got, I'm just getting so weak, I can hardly stand here, you see. All right.

46 I just want to talk to you a minute. And I'm... Was there two of them women? You've, you got, your trouble is your ear. You--you've had an operation in the ear, and it's still running, it isn't doing well. You've had a struggle, haven't you? You've, you used to go to a different church than what you do now. You used to go to a Christian church. Is that right? And you were setting near something square, it's a--it's a radio, and you was listening at a minister preaching the Gospel. And in there, you went from the Christian church to a Full Gospel church, you got saved and filled. And that minister that you was listening to is Brother Vibbert, he's got a piece broke out of the side of his tooth, I see it. Is that right? Was those things the truth? Come here.
O God, Who made heavens and earth, and made all things good and well, and You were pleased with it. But Satan marred those things. But Thou has sent Thy Son to correct all those things that Satan did mar. Help our sister tonight. And Lord, hear my prayer. And as Thou has taught us in the Word, "If they lay hands on the sick, they shall recover." So I ask the evil to come out of this woman, that's hindering her. In the Name of Jesus Christ may it leave her, and may she get well. For God's glory, I ask it. Amen.
God bless you, sister. Be on your road, and you're going to be all right.

47 On the handkerchiefs, we... Come, bring them. Have I prayed for the handkerchiefs? The handkerchiefs has been prayed for.
You believe? You believe God is going to make you well? Then go eat your supper, your stomach trouble has gone from you. You can go, be made well. God bless you. Let's say, "Thanks be to God." Have faith, now, all of you.
All right, come. Bring the little lady, bring the child. Believe the asthma will leave the child, and believe it'll be all right, and He spoke it?
God bless it, in Jesus Christ's Name, may it go be made well. Amen. And, God, likewise to her, through Jesus' Name, may they both be healed. Amen.
God bless you, sister. Go believing with all your heart. I believe it's going to leave the child, both of you, and your trouble, too, is gone.
All right, come, lady. Look this way. You got a kidney trouble. Would you like to get over it? You believe you have? All right. God bless you. Just keep going right on now, and believe Him with all your heart, you shall have what you've asked for.
Do you believe with all your heart, lady? Just come. You want to dodge that operation? You believe God will take the tumor without an operation? God bless you, go in the Name of the Lord Jesus. Amen. Amen.
All right. Come, lady. Stop, where you are! Raise up your hand! Say, "I accept Jesus. My arthritis is gone." Now stomp your feet, and come across the platform, walking like a young lady. Come on, come on, you can do it, come on. God has made you well, yeah, there you are. Amen. God bless you. That's the way to go. And you go, and be made well, in Jesus Christ's Name.
Let's say, "Praise be to God." All right.

48 Here's a deaf man. Everybody bow your heads, please.
O God, Author of Life, Giver of every good gift, send Thy blessing upon this man. Now, he's unable to hear the Gospel, maybe, this deaf spirit on him. But Lord, "faith cometh by hearing," and he can't hear, so Lord, give me power now, to overcome this demon.
Thou demon leave him. In the Name of Jesus Christ, come out of him...
You hear me? You love the Lord? With all your heart? Isn't He wonderful? Praise the Lord. Say, "I love Him." You love Him with all your heart? You going to always love Him? You're well now. God bless you. Go on, and do something for God.
Let's say, "Thanks be to God."
The worst disease in the world, kills more people than anything else; but Jesus Christ is here to cure your heart trouble. You accept it?
In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ may you be made well. God bless her in Jesus Christ's Name.
As you come, believe. You do believe? Second greatest killer in the world, cancer. You accept? You believe that He heals you?
Satan, you who've bound the woman, I adjure thee by the Son of God, Jesus Christ, that you leave her, come out of her. Go! In the Name of Jesus Christ, leave the woman. Amen.
God bless you, sister. Now look, you must die according to doctor, but according to Christ you live. Who do you believe? All right. God bless you. You can have your healing now, and you're going to be well, and live a normal life.
Let's say, "Praise the Lord."

49 How many wants to be healed? Stand up. Come here, brother. You didn't get in, did you, sister? Come here. You believe? All right, your back trouble has left you. You can go off the platform, well.
Come here, Brother Bosworth.
Heavenly Father, be merciful just now. Thou knowest all things, You know the great need, You know the people here, and I don't know what more You could do, but I pray Thee to be merciful. I thank You for forgiveness, and I thank You for all these things. And I pray now, that You'll heal every person here. May the power of God be upon them, and may the same Holy Spirit that's been here on the platform, move across this audience just now, blessing each one and healing them.
And with your heads bowed, your hearts towards God...
Continue with prayer, will you, Brother Bosworth? If you will.