Divine Love

Divine Love somebody

Divine Love (1956-08-26) (William M. Branham Sermons)

Divine Love (1956-08-26) (William M. Branham Sermons) somebody

Divine Love

1 ... as we'd just left the meeting and started over to see a woman friend of ours---Mrs. Doburn---over in Edmonton, Alberta, and was just twenty miles of the Canadian line when we got the news that my brother was dying. So, we turned right around through a snowstorm and started right back home, making us eleven days in traveling.
We got in late last evening, and up late last night, and early again this morning. So, very tired, but as soon as I got to my mother, after we got a place where we could call in again, she said, "Brother Neville has been out there." That's a real pastor, folks. That's some ... we should appreciate that.
Now, it might not... Maybe your loved ones has never come to that spot. Maybe ... but in an hour of crisis when you know that something has taken place and know that a friend will stick by you, and run out to my brother. And then when I went... Soon as I got in, and just changed clothes and took out there, who did I find in the room in prayer, but Brother Neville---out in the room there with Howard in prayer. I'm grateful for that.

2 And I'd rather say it right here at the platform (as I always said): I'd rather give you a little rosebud now, than a whole wreath after you're gone. Right now is the time to do it. And I appreciate Brother Neville. I know we all do around this church, for being a gallant pastor. Just to show him how much we appreciate him, raise your hands like this to God. Thank you. That's really something that...
I went home, and I told my wife; I said, "Honey, when I went and knocked at the door, slipped down the hall, read the chart, see really what was wrong, and went down there; and I heard something in there, and then I cracked the door. I thought it was someone talking; and had him sitting up in the bed with his Bible, both of them with their heads bowed, praying to God when I went in. Couldn't do nothing but join with them in prayer.
And also my prayer: tell God that I appreciate a real friend and a real pastor. And may Brother Neville long live in this world to serve the Lord, and I believe God'll keep him here for many, many years to serve Him, someone that gallant. It struck my heart deeper than anything I've had in a long time.

3 Now, usually now with the Sunday school class isn't dismissed yet, back in the ... children, so perhaps maybe we'll pray for the sick. I didn't make any announcement of coming in praying for the sick, but if there's any here to be prayed for, then we'll just have prayer for them.
Now, if Sister Gertie, if she will, come up play "The Great Physician" for us, and we'll ask our dear heavenly Father if He will bless those who are needy of Him today. Then we want to... All that's sick and needy just gather up around the altar.
If I'm not mistaken, is this Nellie Sanders sitting here? My, God bless you, Nellie. Twenty-five years ago and here... God bless you, Nellie. I looked over awhile ago and looked at you, and I didn't want you to think... Look and gazing at someone I sat looking back, and I thought it looked like Nellie.

4 None of you here probably remember... I guess some of you... How many of you remembers Nellie Sanders? Why, certainly, and she's one of the first comers to the tabernacle. She and my departed wife were bosom friends and sisters in Christ, and they...
She married over here, one of the volunteers of America, an officer in this move and he, our brother, has gone on to be with God leaving her with (I think) two boys, I think, some children anyhow. And some of them still in school.
And Nellie is a wandering by herself and just coming into the age of real nervous and upset. She called me when I was in Phoenix, Arizona, in a meeting, for prayer. Many things go back, Nellie, to a time when there was sawdust on the floor, and you and Hope, that Ashcock girl, and a lot of you used to be around here many years ago, twenty-five years ago. It's passing by me. We're going down the road swiftly. That's true. Well, God be with you now.

5 Those who are sick and want to come up around the altar for prayer. Our pastor and I join together in a word of prayer for you. Come right ahead. Then a little... Immediately after this a short message just to you, of the preaching service. Wish you could stay. We will dismiss the Sunday school service after the prayer for the sick, and we're... Go right into the other service, and I've got a couple of announcements to make.
This great Physician now is near,
The sympathizing Jesus,
He speaks the drooping heart to cheer,
No other name but Jesus;
Now, if we could just enter in now to a fellowship of this prayer. Healing for each other, knowing that God is here and has promised to answer.
[Brother Neville speaks to Brother Branham.] Yes, that's all right. We'll go down and pray for her, the lady sitting down, certainly. All right, Brother Neville, would you come help me? Now, if you'll be just reverent as possible. The little fellows are taking their seats, and let's pray now so that when we go down to anoint the sick and the afflicted, we're going to have faith in God to believe. Have faith that God will.

6 All of you out there in the audience that's well this morning, don't need to come around the altar. Just think now that it was God's grace that brought you here. Now, you pray for these others that are at the altar, here young and old. As our custom here at the Tabernacle, we send the pastor anointing. We pray for them, and then send the pastor anointing. I come along with him laying hands on the sick, while he anoints them. The Scripture, "Anoint the sick in oil in the name of the Lord. Lay hands on them and they shall recover." It's Scripture.
Now, all of you together as you bow your heads now, while we offer prayer together for the sick.

James 5:14 Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord:

7 Our heavenly Father, we humbly come into Thy divine presence just now in the way for the needy, the sick, those who cannot help themselves, and many of them, Father, are past doctor's aid. Nothing can be done, except Thy grace be extended to them. I pray humbly today, God, with all my heart, joining with this little church that the great Holy Spirit that's present now to verify the Word of the Lord Jesus, that said, "Wherever two or three are gathered in My name, I'll be in their midst. If they'll ask anything that's pertaining to any certain thing, shall receive it." That's Your eternal Word, Lord, that was spoke even before the foundation of the world. It's been given to us by the prophets, and by the Son of God Himself.
Now, our deep desire now, Father is for You to heal the sick, the needy that's here around the altar. I pray that You'll just give each one a special blessing of faith just now. That as we go, Your servant and myself, to anoint and lay hands upon the people, may the Holy Spirit just deep down the faith in the heart and may each one be healed. We ask in Christ's name, for His sake.

Matthew 18:20 For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.

8 Now, with your heads bowed, everybody in prayer. Pastor, now go to pray. [Gap in the audio.]
Heaven and earth are full of Thee,
Heaven and earth are praising Thee,
O Lord most High.
Our heavenly Father, we thank Thee for the Sunday school lesson now that's stirred our hearts. May we gird ourselves this morning and go from prisons of unbelief and be free. As we walk, we know the Angel of the Lord will go before us, confirming the Word of God, and free everyone of us from the prisons of fear, and sickness, and distress, and disease, and afflictions, for God has promised to. Every one that's shut up in them kind of conditions this morning, may the light of God shine in upon them just this very day and may they go from here a well person.
Thank you for the message and for your Word, for the leadership of the Holy Spirit. Grant these blessings, Father, and now be with us in the preaching service of this morning for the little short message coming up. We ask in Christ's name. Amen.

9 Now, for just a couple of moments. Those who have to go now, let's just stand while we sing a hymn, and those... "Take The Name Of Jesus With You." Those who have to go can be dismissed. Those who can stay for another thirty minutes, we'll be glad for you to stay. All right.
Take the name of Jesus with you,
Child of sorrow and of woe
Come right around and shake hands with somebody by you.
It will joy and comfort give you,
Take it, then, where'er you go.
Precious name, (precious name.) O how sweet!
Hope of earth and joy of heaven.
Amen. Be seated, and the Lord bless you all real richly, good. I just noticed we got some of the "Herald of Faith" here, the little program, little paper of Brother Joseph Boze in Chicago, a very fine brother. He always... We have to trade fellowship one with another. We have a good time every time we go to Chicago. Just with him a few nights ago again. And they're free. Just come and get you one after the service is over. It's laying down here.

10 Now, we're happy to see many of you still holding out to Christ. And now, just for a few moments of your time, I would like to speak just something because of being here with you. I'm tired. My voice is low, and I've had some big meetings. In Indianapolis was a great heavy meeting, and that night we were so happy to see hundreds walk down through that tabernacle (around ten thousand people seated) come down to give their hearts to Christ on this night. And Russell Ford and them, how they was thrilled. And the work that Brother Cadle started years ago, still going on.
You know, I'd like to have a place liken unto that some time. It's one of the greatest places I ever had seen, just how it was fixed, and there's just something about it. I guess I'm sentimental. When I see a great work that someone has started, I have a feeling for that.

11 Now, being hoarse, and we've been up in the mountain trying to get to a sick woman, a friend of ours way up in Canada. We was just ready to cross the border when I heard the news that my brother was dying and returned back, and we drove for day in and out and night in and out. We've been ten days sitting in that car. So you can imagine how I'm feeling this morning.
But I'm thankful to you all again for praying for my brother, 'cause he, looks like, is on his road to recovery again. God giving him another chance, and so I thank you, and I'm praising God for all things.
Many big decisions yet to make. A worldwide tour coming up, Africa shining me in the face; and places everywhere till I don't know which way to turn, everywhere, everywhere. And there's about at least ten or more great outstanding conferences setting right now, and each one calling to go to. I got to make some kind of decision the next twenty-four hours for the next move, so pray for me. And I need your prayers.

12 I hope shutting that fan off didn't bother you all here on the front too much for a minute. I've been exposed to so many things in my life of traveling for the Lord in all kinds of conditions, and diseases, and leprosy. And I've hugged lepers, and shook their hands, and every kind of a disease, and went into their isolation wards and camps and everything around the world nearly, and I'm not a boy any more. I guess you know that, and I'm getting up towards...
Then right here, Brother Bosworth the other day there almost ninety years old, and when I was in Indianapolis, he had a blood clot run into his heart. He had death struggles in his throat, unconscious. Mrs. Bosworth called to have prayer for him. I went over there, and we announced it, and started praying. Next day he called me up and said, "I'd like to be in a meeting with you some time." Then I feel like that here at forty-seven years old, I ought to be ashamed of myself, but I just... It's just the human part, I guess.
Oh, how valuable it is and how wonderful. Nothing like being saved, to being saved; but you don't realize, friends, I'm sure that the devil keeps that away from you as much as he can (he does for me) to realize what the value of a soul is. Did you ever just imagine what it is, and what eternity means, and how long you're going to be that way? Do you realize this is the time when you make your decision for eternity?

13 Last Sunday, a week, we had here, I believe I preached on the assurance, the power that God had promised and ordained you and called you before the foundation of the world and put your name in His book. You had nothing to do with it. God did it. Isn't that wonderful? The Lamb was slain before the foundation of the world, and why? It never happened till four thousand years later, but God when He spoke it, He had to do it, 'cause He has to keep His Word. And the same time that the Lamb was wrote down, you were wrote with Him. Our names were written in the Lamb's book of life, not the night we come to Christ, but before the foundation of the world, says the Bible. So that's the assurance, and brother touched on that this morning in this marvelous Sunday school reading.

14 Now, let's just read for a Scripture somewhere just for a little... I want... Just something that's on my heart. I just like to speak it for a few moments, and then we'll dismiss and expect the services again tonight.
And now, I got a message on my heart coming down the other day that I want, if God willing, if I'm back here next Sunday morning to bring it to the Tabernacle for the first. Just something that's on my heart of the time I went into a place to eat, and I thought, "Well, am I going crazy? What's the matter with me?" I can't stand these musics, all this here stuff that they have today, these silly women singing, "Down Out Of The Ivory Palace," and all this. I said, "It must be something wrong with me."
And the Holy Spirit said, "Oh, no. Oh, no." If you've the love of the world or the things of the world, the love of God is not even in you.
So I thought, "Well, I don't want to get adjusted then to this world. That's..." And then the Holy Spirit begin to reveal this message to me. I wouldn't have time this morning. I'm too tired, besides. Maybe the Lord willing next Sunday morning if we're still around... I've got some trips to make this week, but if I'm still around next Sunday morning, God willing. Brother Neville will announce it on his broadcast on Saturday, and we'll be in and try to bring this message. And I want you to try to bring someone. It's a Gospel message of the day, hour and season.

1 John 2:15 Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.

15 When I predicted six months ago that this was the closing year for America, and we will see whether it is according to the Gospel or not. This is the time when she's gone. It's either going up or down this year. That's right.
Now, you young children, I want you to bring you a piece of paper and write it in the flyleaf of your Bible, that when Brother Branham's done passed on perhaps, you see whether I was right or wrong. And you'll know whether the Lord still speaks or not, see.
Now, in Romans the 4th chapter, I want to read just for a portion of Word to continue on.
What shall we say then that Abraham our father ... pertaining to the flesh, hath found?
For if Abraham were justified by works, he has whereof to glory; but not before God.
For what saith the Scripture? Abraham believed God, and it was counted unto him for righteousness.
Now to him that worketh is the reward not reckoned of grace, but of debt.
But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justified the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness.
And may the Lord add His blessings to the Word.

Romans 4:1 What shall we say then that Abraham our father, as pertaining to the flesh, hath found?

Romans 4:2 For if Abraham were justified by works, he hath whereof to glory; but not before God.

Romans 4:3 For what saith the scripture? Abraham believed God, and it was counted unto him for righteousness.

Romans 4:4 Now to him that worketh is the reward not reckoned of grace, but of debt.

Romans 4:5 But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness.

16 Now, the little subject if we should call it so, that I wish to speak to you about is Divine Love, and when divine love has been projected and comes to its destination, sovereign grace takes its place, see. Now, can you think of that? Now, ponder over it so we get real close now, see. When divine love is projected and comes to its destiny, then sovereign grace takes over.
Now, it's a strange thing that how that people... The type of people and what we do in our associations... Now, we all have to face these facts: that there is people that you just love to be around; and there's people that's fine people, and you love them, but yet, there's something about the person that you just can't hardly stay around them.

17 Now, we want to talk of facts. Now, the reason that is, is because of the atmosphere that the individual himself or herself creates: because you are a miniature creator, because you're sons and daughters of God. No matter how far you've stooped in sin, you're still sons and daughters of God, because you're fallen, degenerated in your soul and mind, but God is your Creator; and in your fallen estate you are a lost, undone creation of God dominated by the devil. That's right, but still you're sons and daughters of God.
He's not willing that any of you should perish but all might come to repentance, see. And He's done everything that lays possible, for only God Himself could do this, to give the opportunities to the creatures of His to accept and to be what He wants you to be, back in your right estate again.
And no person... Now, here it is and it's pretty sharp. But no person is in their right mental status until they have accepted the Lord Jesus. That's a deep word, but that's the truth. No person is mentally right until they have accepted Christ Jesus as personal Saviour. That sounds strange, but it's the Bible. Certainly, that is true.

2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.

18 He is the one, and in your created being... Now, you'll be crazy to the world when you do that, because you have to come out of the atmosphere you're in, into this other atmosphere. When you do that, God lifts you right up from the world, and you live in a heavenly atmosphere, see. And then to the world, you're just contrary to what that is, see. And this is contrary to the world, see. Now, what you want to do is be lifted up by Christ into an atmosphere to where you are happy, peaceful, and then in there you create a situation... And now many times we in churches... This may seem strange, but if you'll just watch it... Now, this is for the church. It's for the people.
The people get one another's spirit, instead of getting the Holy Spirit. You go into a group of people, and you watch the way that a person acts, and then find people that come into that congregation, the first thing you know they act the same way. You always... You take a good woman and a bad man, and he'll either become a good man or her a bad woman. In the atmosphere that you live in, you project to your associates what you are.

19 Then what type of people ought we to be if we're a Christian? What type of an atmosphere should we live in? In a consoling, soothing, healing atmosphere we should live in, with our hearts constantly in prayer with a deep love for every person we come in contact with.
If I say this to the little churches that prayed for me for the world missions... That's my success in praying for the sick. If I can't get right down into the feeling of the sickness with the person, it usually doesn't do any good. You've got to come right down till it's just ... and you feel it yourself.

20 Here sometime ago an old Mexican man down there on the platform, when he run to the platform, much faith, he fell down, grabbed out his rosary. I told him, "It's not necessary," and through the interpreter, Brother Espinoza.
So he raised up. He put his arms around, and begin going some way. He was blind. I looked at him. I looked at them old wrinkled-up feet, probably never wore a pair of shoes in his life. I looked at my shoes, see if they'd fit him. I'd give him my shoes. He was blind. And I looked, he was a wider across the shoulders. Big man, weighed two hundred and something I guess. He couldn't have wore my coat. And as he was standing there and the gray hair, I thought of my daddy. I thought, "If daddy would've lived to be about this age, he'd've been about the same aged man as this---around sixty-five or seventy years old." And I entered into a love of that man.
Till, way that I thought, "Maybe never had a decent meal in his life, maybe he never sat down at a table in his life and in all this, and then walking around in darkness." Then something come into my heart. "God be merciful. He's a man. He's a brother." Then when that strikes, there's Something anoints. There's a creation moves around, and it's projected to this person.

21 In a few moments I heard him hollering something over my shoulder, and he was hollering, "I can see. I can see." What was it? Divine love, sympathy had been projected by the Holy Spirit into this man, and by that at the end of the road where he couldn't... Nothing could be done, and love had taken its place, and love had met love; then sovereign grace went to work, and God through sovereign grace restored the sight to the man, see.
First you have to enter into that spot. That's the way you have to do to a sinner. Many people pray for sinners. That's all right, but that's not the way to win a sinner. It's your business to win the sinner. You don't win him by praying for him. You win him by talking to him and introducing to him, Christ. That's your business. That's your duty is to win sinners by talking to them, and projecting to them the love of God through the Word of God that wins the sinner.

22 Someone say, "I never did go to church. I sure like that woman. I like that fellow." See, because you're winning them. If you stayed home and just prayed for the sinner, never went to contact him, there's very little can be done. But you've got to pray and then go. That's right. Go and do it.
Now, the projecting of this love. Here a few days ago I was listening to a testimony of a great plow manufacturer standing on the platform. Well, there sat businessmen from around the world, sitting on the platform, and this plow man. He got up. He said, "Well, I didn't know why I had to be operated on." I love the man, and he's a great follower of Brother Roberts, my friend. And so when...
He said, "When I found out that I was getting sick and having stone trouble---kidney stones... I went to eat dinner with Brother Oral," and said, "Brother Oral got up, and said, 'Now, brother, I see that you're in distress,' so he said, 'I'm going to pray for you.'"
And he said, "Well, praise the Lord. I just wanted you to say that, Brother Oral," and said, "Oral come over and put his hands on his kidneys, and said, 'I rebuke this kidney stone and to leave this man immediately.'" And said, "When he did it," said, "I got relief." And said, "Just a little while it come back again."

23 Said, "I went again to Brother Oral." And said, "He prayed again, I got relief; but every time it come back, it come worse." And he said "Then the next thing I thought of, 'If I could go down,'" he said, 'to Brother Branham and could stand before him, and the Holy Spirit would come to him, he would tell me then why that I didn't get healed when Brother Oral prayed for me.'"
So he made his way out, and he come to Louisiana. I was in services there, and I stood before him for twenty minutes. The Holy Spirit was mute, didn't say a thing. I prayed for him, and he said he felt better, and he come on down. Then he went... Getting nervous, excited. He went from place to place. Everybody, pray for him, pray for him. And he loved the Lord, but finally got to a place, he was ... shipped him off to Mayo's. Mayo's looked him over and said, "You got one chance out of one thousand of living. It's set up an infection. Your whole body's poisoned and uremic," and I forget what all. Said, "You got one chance out of one thousand."
So he said, "I took it." He said, "I prayed, 'O God, You know I love You, and I've went to all Your servants." And he took the chance, and they put him to sleep. And said, "When he woke up in the room," he said, "There's a light shining in the room, and the glory of God was all around him, and the doctors was astonished. They come in and said, 'Well, what's happened here?'"
"Why," he said, "I feel like going home." What was it? See, he'd built his hopes upon: "If anything ever happens to me, I'll go to Brother Roberts. If that fails, I'll go to Brother Branham," and yet he loved the Lord Jesus.

24 God had to let everything else fail, till laying there on his bed, even when the doctor said, "We can't do nothing." And then when divine love had come to its end, sovereign grace stepped in and took its place. It'll do it every time. If your motives are right, your alternatives are right. If you'll have divine love and believe, walk forward, doubting nothing, when it comes to look like the end of the road has come, then sovereign grace takes its place.
How I've seen it work. How I've noticed it in my own life, and not by just a theology, or not by some kind of a... somebody else's experience. I'm so glad today that I can talk from a personal experience to know that that is the truth. Why do we fear then? As long as we know the love of Christ is resting divinely in our hearts, that we've passed from death unto life, all demons out of hell hasn't got a chance to move in. Even yourself, if you'll continue in that love and faith. It's just like a little baby. You take a little baby... I'll show you so the little fellows can get it.

25 Here's Mrs. Kelly sitting here before us. When a drunken soldier, I believe it was, ran into them out there, and she was picked up for dead, nearly put her in the hospital unconscious. When everything had failed and she was out of the way, and yet with the love of God and her husband standing over her, went in there that day, and then sovereign grace was projected after divine love, and here she sits this morning, among us alive today. See, it's something that happens.
When you get to the end of your road, when you get to where you can't move, then it's time God will move in by sovereign grace the thing that you seek. You take a little kid, a little baby. They have little cramps and spasms, and they'll scream, and kick, and holler; and the first thing you know, they'll hold their breath, and you'll see a mother grab it, and pet it, and throw it up in the air, blow in its face. Let it alone. There's never been in all medical history one ever died like that. They won't die. He's just having a tantrum. He's trying to get sympathy. He's trying to get some humoring, and it's just a temper spell; and after he gets his temper spell to a place he's held his breath where he can't go no farther, then nature steps in, and he relaxes and starts breathing again. All your picking up and screaming just makes ... hollering and blowing in his face makes him worse.
That's the way it is with us when we travel from church to church, from pillar to post, from healing service to healing service. Brother, take love and start forward till you get to the end of the road. God will project by His grace, when you come to the end of the road, when love has met its fill, God's obligated to help. When you've come to your end and man's met their end, then grace takes over. It's God's nature to do so. How I've noticed it. How when I get in certain...

26 And excuse this personal testimony now for a minute. You've read the book out there that day in Portland, Oregon, when that maniac run to the platform, was going to kill me. All of you have read that perhaps from the book. What taken place? God sent me to preach the Gospel. That I was doing. Thousands of people were gathered. The streets was standing full and sixty some odd hundred in the inside and it pouring down rain and the people standing there. Their hearts were longing, hungering. That's when no one else was on the field; tinsel was on the meetings, and they'd have to pull you through crowds and everything else and police escorts to get you in.
I'd been to a room and there led two little officers to Christ over in the dressing room, two young boys on the police force in their early twenties. One of their mother's had been healed the night before, and they both bowed there, and I led them to the Lord Jesus.

27 Walking out on the platform to speak faith, all of a sudden a maniac who had hit a preacher down the street that afternoon, broke out of an institution---broke his collar bone, broke his jaw. He had a mania to kill preachers. He run in and thought, "This is my chance." Up to the platform he come, weighing about two-fifty or two-sixty, nearly six foot ten inches tall, swinging his hands back and forth. He said, "You hypocrite, you snake-in-the-grass." There it was, God's service in order, people being healed, thousands being saved and blessed, ministers inspired. This great revival just in its beginning then and start breaking forth across the world. Sitting up there, sat T. L. Osborn (Amen.), who has won tens of thousands of souls to Christ, sitting there pastoring a church with eight or ten in his congregation, watching down out of the balcony.
And that maniac run to the platform to disturb the meeting of the Lord, and he said, "You snake-in-the-grass, you hypocrite, imposing yourself as a servant of God; I'll show you tonight you're no servant of God. And I'll break ever bone in your measly little body." And he run up there and pulled back his big fist to hit me. I turned around. Preachers scattered, everything. Stood and he hocked and spit in my face. He said, "You snake-in-the-grass. I'll show you how much servant of God you are, you deceiver."

28 I never said one word. I just looked up at him, and all at once the Holy Spirit, something another... What would you think if a man spit in your face? Why, if there's any temper about you, it'd rise. Sure it would. And here come two cops out (them two cops I'd led...) with the things in their hands to beat the man down to take him off, but I couldn't let them do it. God had brought love in my heart for that mortal being.
I thought, "It's not the man. It's the devil that's got him in that condition. That man would be a normal man; He wants to love and live like other men does, but it's the devil that's got him like that." And a love begin to sway out to that man, and the first thing you know, that man dropped and fell across my feet there. When divine love had been projected, sovereign grace stepped in and took its place. It'll do it every time.

29 Here not long ago when... I might've told you this before. Last year ... year before last, it is now, I was mowing my yard there, trying to get my yard mowed down, round and round. And I had to stop and change clothes, run in and pray for somebody, come out. Well, and my yard was growed up before I ... in the back, before I could get the front mowed; it was growed up and so I...
One day I was back in the back with my old mowing machine mowing along on it, trying that little power mower. And I forgot that there was a nest of hornets in the corner there, and I rammed that mower into that. And at the back yard I had my shirt off, no shirt on. I hit that fence with that mowing machine, and with no shirt on, and a moment's time I was covered all over with hornets. You know what they are; a big nest of hornets, they'd kill you. Great big fellows just a buzzing.
Oh, I thought... First it scared me. Then all of a sudden, something begin to happen. It begin to quieten down, them hornets still buzzing around. Now, this sounds like a kid, this sounds like juvenile, but God of heaven knows whether it's truth or not, of Whom I stand.

30 Then instead of trying to fight, and beat, and smack them hornets, there was some kind of a godly love come up over me. And I thought, "Poor little fellows, you got a right to build a nest. That's the way God made for you to protect yourself, and I disturbed you, and I'm sorry that I did it. If I had it to do over again, I wouldn't disturb you. I didn't mean to do it." But I said, "I'm a servant of the Lord, and His sick children's here to be prayed for. And I got to hurry and mow this yard. Now, you little creatures of God, in the name of Jesus Christ go back to your nest. I'll not bother you."
And what was it? It was at a place where I could've been stung to death. And the love of God, a submitted heart, the projecting of love came forth, and sovereign grace taken over. What could tell those hornets? Speak, [unclear words] and every hornet took his circle in its flight and lined up like a military does its soldiers and went right straight back into their nest.
What was it? I couldn't speak to the hornets. I have no way of speaking to them. How could I keep them from stinging me? I was at the end, but I had love. God gave love to those hornets, and I spoke to them in my voice and the Holy Spirit and sovereign grace guided those hornets right back into their nest.

31 Not far down the road, an old Guernsey's there at Henryville one day; this big old bull out here killed this colored man at Burke's farm out here, killed a colored man. Almost killed that West boy the same way. They'e sold him out there on the farm. I didn't know. I was patrolling. Supposed to pack a gun; I didn't have it.
One day crossing, I thought I was going to go over there, pray for some sick person. I went across that field not thinking about that bull being in that field. And I got way out in the middle of the field, what happened? First thing you know, I was by a little clump of bushes, this big spotted bull stood, long horns like that, and he let out a roar. I knew that was that killer. I looked back. I was too far from the fence, about two hundred yards; he wasn't standing thirty or forty feet from me. There he stood, threw his horns down, let out a great big bawl. I didn't have no gun, an oak tree to get into. I couldn't go back to the fence.
I thought, "Well, this is the end. Bill Branham, here's where you meet your doom to be mauled to death, going to death out here in the field." I stood there, but all of a sudden something begin to pour down from heaven like the glory of God. Something come into my heart right there. I just loved that poor animal. It's not that poor animal. It's the devil that makes it do it.
And I only know one thing.

32 Here it is; I want you to hear it. There's only one thing that will conquer the devil. That's pure, divine love. Love will conquer everything. God so loved the world... It conquered the sin question. It conquered the sickness question. It'll conquer the difference in the church. It'll conquer everything there is unrighteous to be conquered. It'll do it, if you'll just let it do it.
Friends, when this great animal started towards me, and instead of hating that animal, Brother Mike, I loved him. And I thought, "You are God's creature. Who else could make you but God? And you were laying there peacefully, and I come on your territory with signs up all over the field. I never thought of it. I just cut off my regular territory to go over and pray for a sick man."
And there I seen that fellow coming, his head just a swaying like that, and he was making for me to kill me; and I knew it, but divine love begin to come. I thought, "Poor creature. A dumb brute don't know no better. There you lay, and I disturbed you. So now, I am God's servant. You are God's creature. In the name of Jesus Christ go back and lay down, for I'm on my road to pray for one of God's sick children. Go back and lay down."
And that bull come to me just as hard as he could. No fear. I wasn't a bit more afraid than I would be of Brother Neville sitting right here. Just the fear of holy love in my heart.

33 What did it do? It created an atmosphere. When that bull run right into that atmosphere, not over ten feet from me, he stopped and throwed his feet out. He looked right and left. So depleted with the most meekest look on his face, and turned around, and walked over and laid down in that pasture within five feet.
What is it? When divine love is projected, sovereign grace takes over at that time. That was the same God that could stop the lions from coming to Daniel, when they come with a roar, and old Daniel standing there wrapped in the love of love. The lions went over and laid down. It was peaceful. I tell you, my brother, when God can wrap you in divine love, there's peace in the valley for you then. There it is.

34 Here some time ago I was coming up from over in Dallas, Texas. I was flying by plane, coming home (We'd had a meeting over there.), and on my road, it got into a storm, and the plane was forced down at Memphis. And while I was in Memphis they put me up over there at that Peabody Hotel, oh, great swanky place. I kind of felt so out of place. I was up there that night, and stayed all night.
They called me the next morning, and said, "Reverend Branham?"
Said, "The limousine will pick you up now at exactly seven o'clock. The plane will leave at seven-thirty."
I said, "Thank you, sir." Hung up. I got up, prayed, and I thought, "Well, I got time maybe to run to a post office box. Got some mail here I answered last night." I got up and started down the street, going down the street singing:
There are people almost everywhere,
Whose hearts are all on flame
With the fire that fell on Pentecost,
That cleansed and made them clean;
Oh, it's burning now within my heart,
O glory to His name!
I'm so glad that I can say I'm one of them.

35 Going down the street with this bunch of letters in my hand, going towards the post office, I felt something strange. You know what I'm talking about, don't you? Just like everything just settled down. Oh, what a feeling. I thought, "Oh, my, isn't this wonderful?"
Now, Doc used to sing a little song, "Let Me Walk With The Heavenly Dove, Fill My Way Each Day With Love." I used to think of that and this love begin to pour out, a extra. We got love, but we need the abundance of love, the overflowing of love. You say, "Oh, I love sinners." But oh, brother, sister, do you love them well enough to go out and talk to them and woo them to Christ? See what I mean?
You say, "I love the Lord," but can you trust Him when the doctor shakes his head? Can you trust Him when everything else is gone? You need an overflowing baptism of love, divine love. When it seems like when you pray and your prayer is not answered, do you still love Him? Is there something that keeps urging you on. That's God's sovereign grace has to take over. It's got to. It's God's nature. God can't do nothing else but do that.

36 When God seen the sin of this world, and seen that man was dying without hope and could not be saved, and yet He knowed that man would love Him, it strained God, and it proved His nature. God's nature is love. God is love, and it strained God's nature until He had to provide a way of escape for those who were to escape. And He sent His Son into the world made in the likeness of sinful flesh to bear our sins and sickness at Calvary. God did it.
The love of God going out called for sovereign grace. And God never said, "If you'll do it... If you'll do this, I'll do this." God, without any conditions He sent His Son to die in your place and settle the sin question. Had nothing to do with what you think about it. God did it anyhow. Amen. Divine love puts you in strains, sovereign grace has to take its place. That's all there is, when divine love just sits at the right place.

37 Listen closely. That morning when I got out of the plane ... I got out of the hotel, started walking down the street. I was going along singing. All at once something seemed to pour down on me: a great shower of love. I thought, "Oh, if I could just only... Oh, I believe the way I feel, if I could just see somebody to pray for." That's the way you feel. When there's something in your heart pouring.
The other day... May I stop just a moment again? The other day little Sarah got sick. When we started off, oh, it was so hot, and I'd been up every night, getting about two hours sleep. Delegates from all over the different parts of the world; had to meet this one, that one, and praying, preaching three times a day---oh, wore out. I was just going, and then I got out, and I had to wait. And there was those few miles out of the city, and I was so sleepy (even early of a morning) till I had to lay down on the side of the road and sleep. Lay down a few minutes; I got up and started again. And I just couldn't hold my eyes open trying to plow on to get to this woman across a hot, burning deserts in Nebraska.
Going through there, and I thought... Oh, my, little Sarah just a heaving and a gagging. Poor little thing had been sick all night. The next morning she was so sick, we just had to stop the car; and just white in her face. And I was so tired and worn. I thought, "O God, oh, this situation is terrible. God, looky here. I can't drive. I'm so tired, and I've been out yonder with your people trying to do the best I could, and little Sarah's so sick." Well, we went...

38 And I went over there and put my hands on her. I said, "Dear heavenly Father, You give me this child. This is Yours. I only raised her." I laid my hands upon her. Something begin to move down in my heart. That ended the vomiting. She never vomited once more from that day to this.
The second day Becky started real sick like a virus and vomiting. The little thing vomit all night. Next day Meda said, "We'll get some Pepto-Bismol." Poured out a couple of spoons to give it to her. The little thing just vomited it right up. We got into the Tetons. When we hit out of that hot country starting up, she wanted to see the beautiful mountains. She couldn't do it. She was so sick.
I said, "Honey, look here, I want to take... Daddy wants to take your picture so you can see the mountain there."
She said, "Oh, daddy. I just feel like I'm dying." And so we give her another Pepto-Bismol. We offered prayer that morning.
Said, "Lord, have mercy." And oh, that didn't do no good. So got up there, and I got her out. I said, "Honey, get out in the fresh air." Cold, she had a little jacket on, snow laying around on the ground.
So I got out and she was trying to... She said, "Yes, daddy." Go... And water just come out of her little mouth. I looked at her little eyes setting back, and her mouth just as white around as it could be.
I walked over there and looked up towards the mountain. I said, "I look unto the hills from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the Lord." Till all at once, something begin to purge down in me. Oh, I wish I could have it all the time. I walked over there to the side of the car, opened the door, I said, "Looky here at daddy, honey." Oh, my, that settled the vomiting for all. Five minutes from then she was running around playing with Sarah. What is it? When divine love is projected, sovereign grace takes its place. It has to.

Psalm 121:1 A Song of degrees. I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.

Psalm 121:2 My help cometh from the LORD, which made heaven and earth.

39 Down the street that morning, walking in Memphis (back to my story). I was walking down the street in Memphis, singing to the Lord, and all at once something said, "Stop." And I stopped. All at once it said, "Turn and go back the other way." Well, that was towards the river.
I thought, "Oh, my." I walked in the park. I thought, "Well, I just... Something I just..." You know, you impress, you know, a lot of times. And a lot of times people make mistakes by following impressions instead of divine leadings. So I started on. I thought, "That was just ... that I felt." And oh, farther I got, the worse it got.
I stepped up in a little side place, looked around. There was some fishing things laying there. I thought I'd act like (people passing by) that I was looking at these fishing things. When I got ... everybody kind of left the walk, that group from where the light turns. I said, "Kind heavenly Father, what were You wanting me to do? Was that You moving on my heart? I just feel like I'm bursting on the inside." Just something pouring like.
Something said, "Turn and go back."
I said, "Where to?"
He said, "Turn and go back."

40 Don't make any difference where to, just keep on going. I turned and started walking back down the street. I walked. I looked at my watch, it still urging me. It past time. Went a little farther, past time---seven-thirty, left at. Eight o'clock. I thought, "Oh, my, my, my." I'd done got way back down where it was kind of like colored houses, a lot of little colored houses down there, way down.
And I was walking along there. The sun's way up high then, early spring, clouds all gone. I thought, "Well, I missed my... I missed my plane," but I thought, "O God, it's all right if I miss the plane, just as long as You... Where're You leading me to, Lord? I don't know where You're taking me. Where am I going?" None of my business, just keep on walking.

41 I just walked on; after awhile I looked hanging out over a gate like this, there was a typical old Aunt Jemima hanging across the gate, and her big, fat cheeks. She had a man's shirt wrapped around her head like this and tied in the back. I was walking along like that, and I got up to her, tears running down her big, fat cheeks like that. She looked over at me, said, "Good morning, parson."
And I said, "Ma'am," said, "good morning."
She kind of grinned and looked at me, tears in her eyes. I thought, "She called me 'parson.'" That's what they call a preacher in the south, you know. I said, "How did you know I was a parson?"
She said, "I knowed you was coming."
Said, "I knowed you was coming."
I said, "I don't understand, Auntie. Would you tell me?"
She said, "You know, did you ever read that story about the Shunammite woman who didn't have any children, and she asked the Lord to give her a child," and said, "and Elisha come and blessed her, and she got a child?"
I said, "Yes, ma'am. I remember that."
She said, "I's was that kind of woman." Said, "I didn't have any children, and I prayed to the Lord; and I told the Lord if He would bless me, and give me a child, then I would raise it for Him." And said, "He give me a child," and said, "I've washed over the washboard (There was a little old haunt there on the side.)" said, "I've washed over the washboard and raised this child."

42 And she said, "When he got big, parson, he taken the wrong road." And said, "he got out with the wrong company, and he's laying in here dying." And said, "The doctor man was here day before yesterday when he went unconscious and said he could never do no more for him. They give him six-o-six, silverstan, and everything else, mercury and penicillin. Nothing..." Venereal, syphilis can eat the valves out of his heart. And said, "There's nothing that can be done for him." And said, "He was laying in here dying."
And said, "Oh, Lord, I didn't want to see my baby die like that." And said, "If I could just hear him say that he was saved..." And said, "I prayed, and I prayed for two nights." Said, "This morning about three o'clock," said, "the Lord put me to sleep, kneeling on my knees." Said, "I dreamed a dream, that I saw a man come with a light suit on, wearing a little western hat sitting on the side on his head." I said, "Lord, I was the woman, but where's Your Elijah?"
Said, "Here he comes." Said, "I got right up out of that bed, and I've been standing right here ever since waiting for you."

43 That's the way I dress just exactly. Oh, brother, when divine love is projected... That mother with her baby, nearly a hundred and eighty pounds, but he's still her baby, laying dying in disgrace. No matter how disgraceful he was, it was her baby. She loved him. That's a mother's love. No matter how much disgrace he'd brought, she still loved him.
And if you can't forget your baby, no matter what done, how much more can God not forget you. He said, "Your names are engraved on the palms of my hands. A mother may forget her suckling babe, but never will I forget you." No matter what you've done, how far back you've gone, how much you've got into, God still loves you. God loves you; keep that blood moving on. Don't let it fail.

44 There she stands, she said, "And I just couldn't do it." And she said, "Parson, I dreamed a dream, and I saw you coming," and said, "when I looked down the street, and I saw that little light suit and that little hat sitting on the side of your head," said, "the Spirit said to me, 'There he is.'" She said, "Won't you come in?"
I thought, "O God." I thought, "Maybe this is where You led me to. This is the reason I was supposed to come." I didn't know. I opened up the gate, and it had a chain and a plow point on it. I don't know whether you ever seen one or not. I opened up the little old door and went in.

45 Brother, I've been in king's palaces. I've been in the richest homes there is in the world. I've been in some the multimillionaire's was worth twenty ... as much as twenty-eight million dollars. I've walked on their rugs, when it was chenille from one side to the other, when I could lay down and sleep easy on their doormat in the lovely homes, but there was not even a rug on the floor. And a little old poster iron bed sitting there; a little old blanket pulled up over this boy, and a sign on the door "God Bless Our Home."
I knowed I was in the presence of a Christian home. I knowed I was somewhere where love was made, not no pinups on the wall, not no vulgar pictures, but the Bible laying open on the little old marble top table laying there. And a big boy laying there in the bed, covers in his hand going, "Ummmmm, Ummmmm."
I thought, "Oh, my." Felt his feet; it was sticky and cold. Death was on the boy.
And he kept saying, "Oh, it's so dark. It's so dark."
And I said, "What's he talking about?"
She said, "Parson," said, "him been thinking for a lot of ... many days now, that he's out on a big sea, lost." Said, "He don't know where he's going." And said, "I was hurt in my heart." Said, "He's going away, and he's lost out on the sea, and he don't know where he's going." Said, "Parson, I've prayed. I've done everything. I've done everything. I don't want him lost, parson." And said, "That's when I was praying."

46 I said, "Auntie, what's wrong with the boy?"
She said, "It's a venereal disease. The doctor man done said he's dying, nothing more could be done." And said. "He's unconscious. He's been lost on this sea for two days." She said, "Will you pray for him?
I said, "Auntie, my name is Branham. Did you ever hear of me?"
She said, "No, sir. I don't believe I ever did, parson."
I said, "Well, I'm going to tell you a story." I said, "My ministry is praying for the sick."
She said, "It is?"
I said, "Yes," and I said ... told her about the plane coming down and everything.
She said, "Is that the truth, parson?"
I said, "Yes."
She said, "Well, I knowed He wouldn't let me down."
I said, "You offer prayer, Auntie." And she got down there, and you talk about a prayer. Oh, brother, how that old saint could get a hold of God, and there she prayed till the tears rolled out of her eyes.
I looked up and he kept going, "Ummm."
And I said, "Now, Auntie, I'll pray. You go along with me." I put my hands over on his feet; I said, "Heavenly Father, my plane's done gone as far as I know, and here this poor old mother was crying for her baby; and as far as I know, this is where You led me to. I pray that You'll be merciful to him."

47 And just about that time I heard him say, "Mammy. Ohhh, mammy."
She raised up and wiped the tears out of her eyes. She said, "Yes, honey. Mommy's baby feeling better?" Begin to pat him on the head.
He said, "Mama, it's getting light in the room. It's getting light in the room." Sovereign love ... or, divine love had been projected to the heart of God. Sovereign grace had to answer in its place.
I think of a poor mother there holding on with her prayer to God, and all this, and then what happened? God through His grace, God in His mercy would bring an airplane out of the sky and hold it on the ground to answer the prayer of that poor, ignorant, colored woman. When divine love was projected, no matter how poor she was, how black she was, how yellow she was, what else she was. When divine grace is projected, sovereign grace has to take its place. And that love of that old mother there how she cried.

48 And the boy a few... About two years after that I went down, in some train going down, I got off, and went up there to get me a hamburger. They wanted about seventy or eighty cents for it on the plane ... on the train, and I could buy it for about twenty cents in the little stand. I got off the train and started down. There was a redcap said, "Hello, Parson Branham."
I looked around, and I said, "Good morning, son."
Walked over and said, "Don't you know me?"
I said, "No. I don't believe I do."
Said, "You remember about two years ago when you come down and prayed for me and my mammy."
I said, "Are you that boy?"
Said, "Yes, sir, Parson Branham." Said, "I's not only healed, but I's saved now. I's a Christian."
Sovereign grace! Yes, sir, brother. I'm telling you; when grace... When God sees love projected, grace has to take its place.

49 A few weeks ago at my house, you remember it, many of you, well, when that old opossum, laying across there. And this young girl down here had drowned her baby. And when God gave her a baby, and she didn't want to raise it. And she wrapped it in a blanket, and throwed it out there, and drowned it in the river. I said, "That is a mother that's lower than a dog. An animal wouldn't do it." And that the sovereign love of God could be projected to an animal, how much more it can be projected to a man or a woman. That's right.
And this old mother possum making her way up that lane. You know the story, and how she come in and laid there at my steps for twenty-four hours, me not even knowing nothing about it. Brother Wood and them, sitting back there and Sister Wood with mercy for the thing, said, "Brother Branham, why do you let it suffer, and them poor little baby possums drinking that old milk from her and her laying there dead?" Said, "Why don't you kill them, Brother Branham or destroy the old mother?"
She wasn't quite dead. She was... You could punch her and you'd get a move out of her. And there she laid there all night.

50 And the next day little old Becky there, she come out. She said, "Daddy..." Next morning about daylight, she said, "What are you going to do with that opossum, daddy?" Said, "I just been thinking about it all night."
I said, "So have I, Becky." I went down in the room. I said, "Go on back and go to bed, honey. It's too early for you to get up." I sat down there in my den room, and I thought, "Well..." Begin to rub my forehead. I thought I had to do something for that old possum. I don't know what to do.
Then I heard a voice, insomuch that I wasn't even expecting it. Right there where them apples come down that morning for Brother Hall, when he was healed with cancer, there where the sick and afflicted's been healed, I was sitting in the little den room. I heard a voice say, "I sent her to you. She's laid like a lady for twenty-four hours for her time to be prayed for, and you've never said a word to Me about it."
I said, "Well, I didn't even know it." I said, "Well, You mean that You sent that possum there?" I thought, "What's the matter with me? Am I talking to myself?" I caught myself talking back to Him.

51 I walked out there and little Becky was still looking through the door. I walked over to that old possum, had dew all over her and everything else. I said, "Heavenly Father, if You sent that poor ignorant possum, if You've sent her here, somehow I've put in my heart a love for her, being a mother, that I couldn't kill her, couldn't kill her babies. And sovereign grace to teach a lesson to people, that they ought to know, has brought her here, then, God, I pray in Christ's name that You'll heal her."
And that old possum with her legs blowed full of maggots and so dragging it behind her, swelled twice the size, stood up on that leg, and picked up those babies in her pocket, walked down through there just as normal as any beast you ever seen walk, to the lane, as if to turn around and say, "Thank you, kind sir." As far as I know, to live happy with her babies today. Why? When divine love is projected, sovereign grace takes its place.

52 My brother, sister, you've only got one thing to do in your life: that's love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, with all your mind, and believe every word He said is the truth. And when you come to the end of your road, where you can't go any farther, then divine, sovereign grace will be projected. How could I talk, here laying yonder, when Mayo Brothers had give me up, sitting on the side of the porch, over there, with Brother Cox sitting by me. Wanted to know what [unclear words]. I couldn't even...

Divine Love (1957-03-05) (William M. Branham Sermons)

Divine Love (1957-03-05) (William M. Branham Sermons) somebody

Divine Love

1 As we remain standing, let's bow our heads just a moment in the presence of God. Our kind heavenly Father, it is indeed with grateful hearts that we bow in Thy presence to offer to Thee the very adoration of our hearts, to tell Thee of our appreciation of Thy love and kindness to us, and to express that we are unworthy of the blessings that Thou would bestow upon us.
And I pray Thee, heavenly Father, to be merciful to us tonight, to give unto us of Thy grace and blessings. Bless the people. Heal the sick and the needy and save the lost, for we ask it in the name of Thy beloved Son, the Lord Jesus. Amen. Be seated.

2 We are very happy to be in tonight. I'm just a little bit hoarse from over-speaking so many services and from place to place. But it always gives us a great thrill in our hearts to speak of the blessed Lord Jesus and His goodness.
And we have the rest of this week, the Lord willing. And we want to speak very definitely for the rest of the week, if God will just help me now to have a little voice, upon the coming of the Lord Jesus and the preparation of His church before the end time.
So, tonight I just want to speak to you for a short time and then pray for the sick and the needy. And one night, perhaps maybe tomorrow night or one night following, we are going to try by the help of the Lord to have one of the old-fashioned nights. I don't mean a fast line, as we call it, but a line where we can take the individuals and pray for them individually, without discernment, just pray for the people.

3 We had one of those nights not long ago up in Lima, Ohio. And oh, how the Lord did honor them prayers for the sick, and the great things that our Lord Jesus did.
Now, I am trying to get the people to believe God on a higher base than that: To accept Him without having anyone touch you. It's you touching Him. You see, if I would put my hands on you and pray for you, it seems like then you could say, "Brother Branham laid his hands on me." But that ain't the idea. I want you to be able to say, "No one touched me, but Him." That's what I want to see here. Give Him the praise.
And there's so much man-made praise today, till it's all right pitiful, isn't it? And the other night, when the little Indian child was healed coming up to the platform, no one touched him; just healed: crossed eyes; you stood and looked at it yourself. Now, that's the way I like to see it happen, just like that. That shows that no one prayed, no one did nothing, but God in His sovereign grace just healed the child. That's good. God gets the praise then, see. I like it like that.

4 Brother Sothmann, are you about to burn up down here in Phoenix, after coming from that iceberg of Canada? Brother Fred Sothmann, my Canadian manager... If someone wants to see someone who really lives up where it's cold... Don't want to embarrass you, Brother Fred, but would you just stand up a moment? Brother Fred Sothmann from Saskatchewan, Canada. The Lord bless you, Brother Fred Sothmann. He is the best fisherman in Canada, when I'm in the United States.
We're fixing to have another meeting up there right away now: comes up in May. We're going through Canada, the Lord willing, and we'll have some great times up in Canada with those fine people. Sure got a beautiful place down here though, haven't we? Yes, sir.

5 Now, I wish to read for a moment, and then try to finish up, and start the prayer line at nine o'clock. I want to read a familiar old text, which seems to be on my heart tonight, out of the 3rd chapter of Saint John and at the 16th verse, which most any child in the audience tonight, that's had any training of the Bible, could quote this text.
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
And for a subject, I would like to take a very strange one, and that is "Divine Love." The Bible says, "That God so loved the world..." Of divine love and when divine love is projected to its object, sovereign grace steps in and produces what it projected.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

6 God does things in such simple ways. I think many times that's how people lose the very meaning, is because that God does things so simple. Men are looking for some great ... some great thing to take place, when God dwells in simplicity.
When Jesus came on the earth, men were looking for the Messiah to come in great splendor. But when God sent His Son to the earth, He sent Him---not born in some royal king's family, and neither did He bring Him through some great religious order---but He visited a little peasant girl, and He chose to bring His son through that child, no more than a little teen-age girl.
Not only that, but usually when a king is born, there is great singing among the people, and there the celebrity of the world is looking ... or, that nation, for this child to be born. And there is usually a special preparation for this child. The hospital room is all decorated in pink and so forth; the very best of doctors are brought, standing by.

7 But the strange thing that God brought His Son to the earth through this little virgin. She had been riding all day on the back of a donkey. And there was no room for her at the hotel. And God so chose it that His only begotten Son was born in a stable, in a manger. How simple God does things!
That sometimes is to confuse the minds of the wise and prudent, so that babes will have a chance to know it. And if God down through the age has done thus... And many times what He does seems to be ridiculous, in the sight of the world. God can do some of the most ridiculous things, in the eyes of the world.

8 One time in the Bible when a young man by the name of Moses had been very well trained in all the strategies of the mightiest nation in the world... A great military man and had been taught with one of the best teachers that could be taught in religion: his mama. Forty years of experience, and with all of his techniques and all of his strategy, he failed to do the job. And then God took him on the back side of the desert, and there kept him for forty years.
And one day God come down in a little burning bush, and Moses knowed more about what he was to do in five minutes in the presence of God, than all of his Egyptian strategy had taught him in forty years.
All of his training never competed with that great moment in the presence of God. And God was going to deliver His children. It seemingly that He had brought the boy up to have his foot on the throne to take the great Egyptian army and liberate His people. Sensibly speaking, the way the world counts it, that would've been the way to do it; but God did it in a simple way.

9 Now, could you imagine the next day, after God had appeared to Moses, who was hiding from the Egyptians. And if you want to see something that looks ridiculous in the eyes of men, look at this sight: Here comes an old man, eighty years old, the whiskers hanging down to his waistline, a little old stick in his hand, and the hair and whiskers blowing every way, little old skinny arms beating the stick on the ground as he goes, leading a little old mule with his wife sitting a-straddle with a young one on each hip, going down to Egypt to take over. Could you imagine that?
Could you imagine someone saying, "Moses, where are you going?"
"I'm going down to Egypt to take over." That would be like a one-man invasion. But the thing of it was, he done it. No matter how simple it seemed, God was behind the program; that's the main thing.

Exodus 4:20 And Moses took his wife and his sons, and set them upon an ass, and he returned to the land of Egypt: and Moses took the rod of God in his hand.

10 Could you imagine a man standing surrounded by a thousand Philistines with armors and spears, as Samson stood and picked up the jawbone of a mule and slayed a thousand. God does things so simple.
Could you imagine a great army on one side of the hill, a great army on the other side of the hill, and the army on the opposite side of the Philistines---versus Israel---with so many more, and they had a challenger over there by the name of Goliath. He was many times bigger than any other man. And he was making his challenge. And all Israel, with all their training, was scared of him. And God choose a little old ruddy, warty-looking guy by the name of David, with a little sheepskin coat on him, and a slingshot packing in his hand, to slay that giant and take over. God uses simple things that seems ridiculous in the sight of the world; He does that to show His great power.
God did the same thing when He sent His Son to the earth. Born in a manger, come to the world with a black name to begin with, as a illegitimate child; but He produced one of the greatest shocks this world has ever had.

Judges 15:15 And he found a new jawbone of an ass, and put forth his hand, and took it, and slew a thousand men therewith.

1 Samuel 17:4 And there went out a champion out of the camp of the Philistines, named Goliath, of Gath, whose height was six cubits and a span.

1 Samuel 17:5 And he had an helmet of brass upon his head, and he was armed with a coat of mail; and the weight of the coat was five thousand shekels of brass.

1 Samuel 17:6 And he had greaves of brass upon his legs, and a target of brass between his shoulders.

1 Samuel 17:7 And the staff of his spear was like a weaver's beam; and his spear's head weighed six hundred shekels of iron: and one bearing a shield went before him.

1 Samuel 17:8 And he stood and cried unto the armies of Israel, and said unto them, Why are ye come out to set your battle in array? am not I a Philistine, and ye servants to Saul? choose you a man for you, and let him come down to me.

1 Samuel 17:9 If he be able to fight with me, and to kill me, then will we be your servants: but if I prevail against him, and kill him, then shall ye be our servants, and serve us.

11 And on the day of Pentecost God had a hundred and twenty illiterate fishermen and peasants in an upper room to inaugurate the beginning of the outpouring of the Holy Ghost, but He had them completely under control. When in the city, were men from all over the world, with great education and philosophers, teachers, theologians; but God chose a bunch of little humble fishermen. And He condemned the world and sent forth the liberation to all the world, with this bunch of little humble fishermen.
And then would it seem too great for God---in this last day, when we got all kinds of schools of theology, when we got all kinds of denominations, all kinds of religion---would it seem too great for God that He could take a bunch of humble people, just ordinary people, and once get them under His control, could He not repeat again the blessings of Pentecost? Could He not repeat again the very life that He lived on the earth?

Acts 1:15 And in those days Peter stood up in the midst of the disciples, and said, (the number of names together were about an hundred and twenty,)

Acts 2:4 And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.

12 The Bible said that "God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son." Now, God's love to the world, and God is love. And when God projected Himself to the world to save the world, there could be nothing else but sovereign grace to produce a Saviour. When God loves, something has to operate. And God so loved the world that a divine Saviour appeared; His grace provided that Saviour. It was because of His love that brought forth this Saviour.
Now, in the day that we're living and in all days, we were born to be sons and daughters of God. We are offsprings of God. And being offsprings of God, there's something about us that believes God. There's something in you that calls out for something. And today to satisfy that longing in our hearts, many times we try to satisfy it with education. We try to satisfy it with denomination. We try to satisfy it with fantastics. We try to satisfy it with one thing and another. But it will never take place until divine love in our hearts is projected to Almighty God.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

13 Then when our love goes out to His call, sovereign grace will produce what we are asking for. First it must be love. Paul said, "Though I speak with tongues of men and angels, and have not love, I am nothing. Though I have faith to move mountains, and have not love, I am nothing. Though I can do all kinds of miracles, produce all kinds of signs, and have not love, I am nothing."
That's the reason today we are trying to produce something by a denomination, by an education, by an organization, but leaving out divine love. That's the reason we're so separated, so many things wrong, so many isms going on, is because we've left the main thing that produces what we need, out: love.

1 Corinthians 13:1 Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal.

1 Corinthians 13:2 And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing.

14 Do you remember my sermon Sunday? The little main spring in the middle of the watch, times that watch to everything. And when God is love and love moves into our heart, it times every emotion and everything right with God's Bible. You don't want to show the people what a fine crystal you got, what a fine face it's got, what fine hands it's got, what fine rubies it's got, but what a wonderful timepiece it is. And the world is sick and tired of looking at great big spires, looking at fine dressed people, and looking at a bunch of isms. It wants to see the genuine love of God projected in the hearts of His people. That's what the world is looking for.
The world is dying for love; the church is dying for love. Jesus said, "Ye are the salt of the earth. But if the salt has lost its savor, it is henceforth good for nothing, but to be trod under the feet of men." And if the church has lost its divine revelation of the love of God, it becomes a mock, and a scoff, and a stumbling block to the world.

Matthew 5:13 Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men.

15 Now, there's only one thing the church has to do: If you want somebody to come to Christ, you be salty. Salt makes a thirst. You be salty and the world will get thirsty. That's right.
For, in a man, he is in one sense a miniature creator if he is a child of God, because the Spirit of God is in him, who controls him, who operates him.
And I'd like to let you in just on a few things that I know to be the truth. If I had just a little more voice, I'd like to preach on that tonight. But I'd like to let you in on some things as this: what divine love... Now listen, Paul said, "Where there's tongues, they shall cease. Where there's prophesies, it'll fail." Where there's all these signs... The antichrist can produce any sign that's in the Bible, but he cannot love. There's nothing about him to love.
Oh, you can have some kind of a false love. There is two kinds of love. There is a love which is called human love or, in the Greek word, it would be called "phileo." And in the divine love is "agapao." Agapao love is "divine love." And when divine love is in your heart, there's a difference in your life, and everybody knows it. That's right. You live like a Christian, act like a Christian, walk like a Christian; and your whole system is timed to God's Bible.

1 Corinthians 13:8 Charity never faileth: but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away.

16 Now, here some time ago... My wife, who's in the building somewhere tonight. The day had been real dull, and we'd had much of carrying on, people upstairs, downstairs everywhere else. And after I finally got everybody out along towards night, I went into the kitchen; and there stood my poor little wife with her head buried in her hands and crying. There was Sarah and Rebekah fighting on the floor, because of some blocks. Little Joseph was screaming to the top of his voice. You talk about home sweet home; there they were.
And when I come in, I put my arm around the little first lady of my home---and only one. And I said to her, "Sweetheart, what is the matter?"
And she said, "Bill, I'm just about to go crazy." She said, "These kiddies all day long haven't had a bite to eat. People standing around and around and around and different of them arguing: 'The Lord's going to take him down here. The Lord's going over here.'" Said, "Oh, it's such a confusion." Well, I seen right then there was something on, going wrong.

17 Now, if you really love God... Now, you know there's some kind of people that's real good people, only you just can't hardly stand to be around them. That's right. Why is it? They create that atmosphere. And there's some kind of people that you just love to be around. They create that atmosphere that they live in.
Now, it's a supernatural thing. Now, when the presence of the Lord comes down, it creates an atmosphere for faith. And I thought, "My Lord God, You help me."
And I said, "Sweetheart, you know what?" She's just a woman, you know, and she likes pretty dresses, and you know, and pocketbooks. And she don't get them all the time, but she likes them. So I said, "You know, I saw one of the prettiest dresses I ever saw."
She said, "You did?"
I said, "Yes, honey, I did." And I thought, "Lord God, help me now." And I laid my hand over on her little stooped shoulders. And I said, "Honey, you should see it."
She said, "Yes."
I said, "Lord, be good to me now and help me." I said, "Now, I've got to believe that You're going to do this. This is my little family, and these sick people has got them all upset, but You help me."

18 Now, you've got to create an atmosphere, and your faith will do it. They were all in the upper room with one accord, when suddenly there came from heaven as a sound of a rushing mighty wind; the atmosphere was right. It takes an atmosphere to do anything.
You know, the regular procedure to hatch chickens is to put them under the hen. But get the egg in the right atmosphere, it'll hatch anyhow. Listen, brother, if a man loves God, and the right kind of an atmosphere he could get into, it'll produce a new born babe just as certain as I am here. It's the atmosphere that counts. Let this little handful of people sitting here tonight get in the perfect atmosphere, watch what takes place. There will not be a feeble man or woman in our midst. The cripples will walk; the blind will see; the deaf will hear; the dumb will speak without prayer or anything. It's the atmosphere.
That's how twenty-five thousand was healed at one prayer in Africa. When they seen the Lord do something, it created an atmosphere, and they stepped into it. Like the pool when the waters was running right.

19 So I had my hand on her little shoulder, and I begin to try to create, in my heart. "Lord, I'm happy. There's nothing wrong with me. I love You, You know I do, and You just straighten out my little family." And after a while, I said, "Tell you what, honey, I'll show you where those dresses are. Then I'll... Let's get the kiddies a little bite of supper, and then we'll start."
And the first thing I got my apron and tied it around me, and I got to helping her and talking about something else. When she got quiet, I looked down, and Sarah and Becky had signed the peace treaty, and they were playing; and little Joseph was just a shaking his little rattle box and having a good time. You see, you've got to get in the right kind of an atmosphere.

20 Brother Lindsay: Many of you know him, the editor of the "Voice of Healing." And we've been associated together much in the past ten years of our lives. We were at Portland, Oregon, one night. And many of you has read the story of a maniac who run out to kill me on the platform. And just as this great big, almost three hundred pound giant... I weighed at that time one hundred and twenty-eight. And he was close to seven foot, great big huge arms. And he come stomping down through the building, while I was preaching on faith, before about six thousand people. Rushed up to the platform, and preachers scattered like flies. And I wondered what was the matter. I thought it might've been someone coming to bring a message to some of the ministers.
And I turned to look, and this great big giant standing there with his chest swelled out, and groaning, and his teeth set, and his eyes... He said, "You hypocrite, up there acting as a man of God." Said, "I'll break every bone in your body tonight. I'm going to knock you plumb out in the middle of that audience, to show you whether you're a man of God."

21 Little did I know that he was out of the insane institution. And I knew by his size he was very able to carry out his threats. So I looked at him. Ordinarily I would've took off with the rest of them. But you know what happened? Oh, if I could only always stay in that! Something... Instead of hating the man, I felt sorry for him.
I thought, "That man wouldn't want to hurt me. Why, he's a man like I am. And that's got to be the devil making that man do that way. So, the poor martyr..."
And he rushed up towards me, and he hawked down in his throat and spit right in my face. And see, the devil was trying to get me to shake away from that atmosphere that God was getting me in. But it didn't bother me.
I thought, "Poor fellow, he don't want to do that; and truly, he wouldn't have wanted to do it."
And he said, "I'm going to break every bone in your body." And he drew back his big fist to do so; and the strange thing was, I wasn't no more afraid than I am right now. Love casts out fear---perfect love.

22 There's where, brother, sister, our differences hangs tonight, because of love---the lack of love. I don't mean earthly love, denominational love, sexual love, but I mean divine love that makes us brothers.
Then when the man started to hit me, I heard my own lips say, "Because you have challenged the Spirit of God, tonight you'll fall over my feet."
He said, "I'll show you whose feet I'll fall over."
And he drew back his fist to hit me; and when he did, I said, "Satan, leave that man." And his eyes bulged way out, and his teeth set, his hands went up; he swing around, and fell over my feet, till the police had to roll him off of my feet. What did it? Love, the love of God.

23 I don't know how much you're going to believe this. But here about two years ago, maybe it was, I was... I got a great big ninety foot front yard, belongs to the parsonage there, and it's hard to get anybody to help you in Indiana, because everybody works. And I'd have to get out and mow the grass. And I was mowing the grass and make about two rounds and somebody'd come in, and the front would grow up before I got to the back.
So, I got around in behind the house on a hot August afternoon, and I had on a pair of overalls, the bibless type. No one was around, and it was awfully hot, and my shirt was sweaty and ripping on my back; so I just took the thing off, started mowing the yard, back in the back yard. And down through there I was going just as hard as I could, and I'd forgot that there was a big nest of hornets down at the end of the row. And I rammed this mower right into that fence before thinking, and I was covered all over with hornets. You know what they are; they can kill you. Great big fellows!

24 And now, usually I would've grabbed, and start fighting at them and running. I know this seems childish; it may seem not even sensible; but it is the truth. Instead of being afraid of those things, I thought, "Poor little creatures, I disturbed you." And instead of hating them, there was a sympathy in my heart for them. I wish I could have that all the time. If it would, I'd be a different person.
And the hornets was all around me, and I begin to think, "You know what, they are little creatures that has been created by God, and they have a right to live in their house. They have no intelligence to reason like I do, and I run this mower in there; and the only protection they have is their stinger to get me out of the way." Look at it sensible.
So, they was all around me, and I stopped. And here's the truth. You may not think that I'm very intelligent (which I'm not) after this, but this is true. I said to those little hornets; I said, "You little creatures of God, I am the servant of God, and I am in a hurry. His sick children are coming and going; and I disturbed you, and I'm sorry that I did it. Now, in the name of Jesus Christ, our Creator, go back into your house; I won't bother you anymore." And, brother, sister, when I meet you at the judgment bar, them hornets all taken single file, and flew around me, and went right straight back into the nest while I was standing there. That's right.

25 Oh, it was God. You see, but before it happened, I had to love.
I don't say this to hurt the feeling of the Mexican people who's present, for God knows that I've had some of my best meetings with the Mexican people. I shall never forget the little Spanish choir that used to try to sing "Only Believe" for me, when Brother Garcia had a church up here somewhere in Phoenix, when I first come here. I shall never forget that little familiar, "Gloria a Dios." or whatever it is, that they're saying, "Glory to God."
And I was down in Mexico a few months ago. (And by the way, my next meeting is with the Mexican people on the west coast.) And I was in Mexico. Brother Moore, Brother Brown, Brother Arganbright, and many of the brethren, we were on the platform. And my heart was breaking, where a little dead baby had been raised from the dead; laying in a mother's arms. It died at three o'clock in the evening; this was nine o'clock. It raining. And all up and down that platform, piled that high, was just great big ricks of old shawls and everything, that they wanted me to pray over.

26 And then, who coming to the platform, was a poor old, dusty-looking Mexican man. His hair was gray, and the wrinkles was deep in his face. He was barefooted, and his trousers were ragged off way up. His coat was almost gone. The gray whiskers on his face. And above all that, he was blind.
When I seen that poor old man come up to me, and I thought, "You know, he'd be just about the age of my daddy." I thought, "How cruel that fate has been to him. The man probably never had a good decent meal in his life." I put my foot up beside of his to see if my shoes would fit him; I was going to give him my shoes. I looked at his shoulders, and he was far wider than I; I was going to give him my coat. It was to small.
Then I happened to think: "I can't give him my shoes; I can't give him my coat." And how do I know that them old wrinkled hands trying to get little prayer beads out to run over a prayer bead. And I said, "Brother, that's not necessary. Put them back in your pocket." And the interpreter told him.

27 And then when he come up there... The thing had to do to help the man, you've got to enter into his own suffering with him. The only way: you just treat anything good. Just be kind to an animal and you'll win it. How much more have you got to be kind, showing brotherly love one to another.
And I talked to him, and somehow I just felt how bad the devil was. He had probably had raised a bunch of little kiddies in his day, working out there for a few pesos and eating little tortillas, maybe made out of old lettuce had been throwed away by the tourists, and the stuff that it was made of. And my heart was breaking. And then to think the devil had him staggering in black darkness. And I just couldn't do no more than that, but embrace that old wrinkled man up to my bosom. And as I looked, he couldn't understand a word I was saying.
And I said, "Heavenly Father, be merciful. Surely the devil has mistreated him, done this. He's a man that You died for."
And while I was praying, I heard someone holler, "Gloria a Dios." And I turned him around and his eyes was open. He was walking over the platform, shouting and praising God. What was it? Sympathy? Love had been... He couldn't understand, but he knowed I loved him. God knew it.

28 Many people have said about wild animals, "Aren't you afraid of them, Brother Branham?" Never. I love them.
Here sometime ago... I served seven years as a conservation officer, a game warden. And one time while I was going up to dig a little ditch to throw some water over, was going to turn some fish into a stream... We were supposed to pack a little old pistol. And when I ... going over across the field, there was a man sick over there that I knew. I was a minister at the time. And I was going over to visit this minister ... or, this man, to pray for him.
And on my road, I just pulled off this little old gun and throwed it up in the car, and locked up the door, and took out across the field, which was about three quarters of a mile. I had forgotten that in that field was a killer bull that had just killed a colored man, down at the Brook's Farm, and they had sold him to Mr. Guernsey on the pasture up there. He was a famous bull, good stock, but was a killer.

29 And I was going out across the field, singing to myself, and I come up to a little bunch of scrub timber; and all of a sudden out of that scrub timber raised this big killer bull. And he looked right at me. What was the first thing? I reached for the gun to kill him. I had no gun. I looked for the fence: about three hundred yards. He was standing about twenty or thirty yards from me. There was no trees, nowhere to go. It was, 'stand and take your death.' So, I said, "Heavenly Father, I suppose this is the end."
And I'm glad I didn't have the gun. I'd have killed the bull and then went and paid for him. But I stood to look at the animal; he backed off, snorted, threw his horns down in the dirt, switching his tail. I knew he was coming, and I stood and looked at him a moment, and something happened. Somehow or another (This may seem foolish.), but all the fear left. When love come in, fear went away.

30 And I thought the same thing as I did about the bees. I thought, "Here it is again." And I said to him, "The One that created you, I am His servant. And I'm on my way to pray for one of His children that's sick. I'm sorry I disturbed you, but in the name of Jesus Christ, go lay down and I won't bother you." And the bull shook his horns two or three times in the dirt, and here he come. I wasn't no more afraid than I am right now. Something took place.
Now, this sounds like a laugh, but it's not for that purpose. Neither is it a joke, for this sacred desk is no place for jokes and carrying on; it's a place for the Gospel. And the bull, I loved him and was sorry that I disturbed him. And he run right straight to me within about ten feet, and stopped with his feet out. And he looked to the right and to the left, looked so depleted. And he turned right around, and went over there, and laid down; and I walked within five feet of him, and he never moved a time.
What is it? It's love. And, brother, no matter how much we try to bluff, we're negative without love. That's right.

31 Many of you have heard the story of the possum. Leo and Gene, which are my tape boys, they're here. And by the way, I guess they're in a tape [unclear words] up here. They have the tapes of the meetings from everywhere. They come along and take them, and let the people have them, just a little shade over what they have to pay for it. So that the people who have tape recorders can get them, of the messages everywhere---prayer lines.
And they come up to my house one morning; they call themselves my students. And they come to my house one morning last summer, and it was about ten o'clock in the morning. And I had the evening paper, and was showing to them a lovely looking colored girl, who had done a horrible thing in the city. She had give birth to a illegitimate child; and not wanting to keep the child, she had smothered it in some blankets, and wrapped some wire around it, and had a cab driver to take her out over the Ohio River, and drop it in the river. The cab driver reported it, and the coast guard picked it up and arrested the girl.

32 And while we were sitting there on the porch, talking on this hot June morning, Mr. Wood, a friend of mine, who live next door and his wife's a veterinary, they had been over raking in the yard with an old yard rake. And I looked coming down the road, and here come a possum, crawling around the road like this. And I live the third house from the road from some woods, and I'm the only one that's got a fence around, the parsonage; others are open. And that old possum come right straight down to my gate, turned in.
Well, studying wildlife, a possum travels at night time; they're blind in the day. And so I said, "Look, coming there at that opossum, how it's rolling and tumbling. It's probably got rabies. It's been bitten by a fox or something, and has picked up rabies. I'd better stop it before it gets to the house."
And just then the milkman came up. I went out and took the old yard rake and threw over the possum. And I said, "And it's usually when you touch them, they'll do what they call, playing possum; they'll kind of lay over." But instead of that, she kept fighting to get away.

33 Well, I happened to notice then, and Leo and Gene came out, the boys here. And I noticed that the old possum's leg on the left side was swollen about three times the size, and it was broke and hanging back. And I hope I do not turn your stomach, but it was rotten; the flies had blowed it; maggots was all in it; and it was hanging sideways. And I said, "Oh, it's hurt. The dogs has broke its leg, or either a car has hit it." And I said, "It's dying." I said, "It's probably in its last struggle."
And some of the neighbors come over to look. And Mrs. Wood was one, she come up; and while I was holding the possum down, I happened to notice that... A possum and a kangaroo is the only animals that have a pocket to pack their young in. And they have a pocket, a skin that goes over the young. And they pack them, then they let it down.
So, when the old mother possum had been under this rake, she'd let her pocket down; and nine little bitty baby possums, about that long, was running around under the rake.
And I said, "Here you are, boys," to Leo and Gene. I said, "This possum is far more a lady and a mother than that woman was that drowned her baby. Its got better morals than that woman has." I said, "That woman didn't want her baby. And this old possum hasn't got maybe thirty minutes longer to live, but she will give that thirty minutes or forfeit her life to fight for those babies. That's a real mother."

34 And how these women today can have abortionate cases, and practice birth control, and everything else; and I don't understand it. Take little babies, and throw them in garbage cans, and put them on steps, drown them in rivers, and throw them in fires. It's below an animal. An animal wouldn't do that.
And while we were talking, the old possum still trying to get those young ones up. And when the little ones caught up again, she kept biting at the rake. I said, "Watch, I'm going to turn her loose. She won't go but a little piece; she's dying. That's what's a-running her; it's death," I said, "a-running her." And then when I picked up the rake, she took off towards the house dragging this foot. And she went right up to my steps by the side of a little evergreen bush, and there collapsed, and went out.
I went up to her; I shook her, and she didn't move. I said, "I guess she died." And I happened to look, and all those little baby possums were trying to nurse. And I said, "What a pity." I took the rake handle and punched the old possum; I seen that little grin like on it, it goes back on the possum. I said, "No, she's living."

35 And Mrs. Wood said, "Brother Branham, now, there's only one thing to do." She's a doctor, veterinarian. She said, "Kill the old mother. The little ones has a round mouth; they can't be raised. And then just pick up the little ones, and kill them quickly, so they won't suffer."
I said, "I just can't do it."
And she said, "Do you mean to tell me that you're going to let that mother lay there and die---in that death---and them poor little possums nurse around for about forty-eight hours and die in that condition with...? You mean you're going to do that, Brother Branham?"
I said, "Sister Wood, you're perhaps right. But I just can't do it. She's done displayed to me something that's far beyond what a lot of people has. She's a real mother." I said, "I can't kill that mother."
She said, "Well, go in and get your gun, and shoot her then, and shoot the little ones." Said, "You're a hunter."
I said, "I am a hunter, but I'm not a killer." I said, "I can't kill that mother."
And she said, "You're going to let her lay there in that hot sun." We got some water and poured over her. Look like she was gone.

36 Well, I wouldn't let them kill her. Gene and Leo left. The old possum laid there all day in that hot sun, and the more green flies all over her.
It come night, and Mr. Wood said, "Now, Billy, you've been working hard all day here, praying for the sick; I'm going to take you out a little ride. So, he took his wife and my wife and I, and we went out a little ride. And coming down a country road, I seen a little pup, somebody had dropped out on the road. And I got out and picked that little pup up. And he was so mangy and lice all over him, till my hands was covered with lice. And I was fixing me a little place to put him in my car.
And my wife said; she said, "Billy, you're not going to take that little old mangy dog?"
I said, "Sure. He's got a right to live." And we went home, prayed for him, and he got all right, washed him up, and he's a fine big collie dog now. He's got a right to live. I loved him.

37 When we got in at eleven o'clock, there laid the old possum. Brother Wood, who hunts with me, said, "Now, Billy, you know good and well, if that possum was going to move, when that sun went down, she'd have moved."
I said, "That's right."
Well, said, "Do you want me to kill her?"
I said, "No, I don't."
All night long I couldn't get that possum off my mind. The next morning early, I went out, and as I started out, little Rebekah, who I believe is going to maybe take my place someday... She seen her first vision just recently. And she's a very tender hearted little thing.
When I went out on the porch about seven o'clock (the sun was rising) to see if there was anybody out there (and there was not.), and first thing you know by my side is little Rebekah. She said, "Daddy, what about the old possum? I just dreamed of her all night."
Well, I went down there, and there laid the old possum, dew all over it, and the little ones still trying to nurse. "Aw," I said, "She's probably dead, honey."
She said, "Daddy, what you going to do with them little babies; you going to kill them?"
I said, "No, honey, I'm not." I said, "You hurry in the house; it's to early for you to get up." I said, "You go on." She had on pajamas. I said, "You go in the house, honey."

38 And I went back into the side door of the den room, and I sat down there, and begin to rub my face like this. I said, "Well, today," I said, "I guess I will have to take..."
"What about that old possum laying there?" I heard something say this. Now, you may think I'm mentally disturbed. But I heard Something speaking to me.
I said, "What about that old possum?"
And the voice said, "You used her for a text yesterday, telling what a wonderful mother she was."
I said, "That's true."
Said, "And you taught from her what a real mother..."
Said, "I sent her up to your door, and she's waited for twenty-four hours for her turn to be prayed for, and you haven't said one thing."
And I said, "Well, I didn't..." I said, "Who am I talking to?" Oh, I said, "Am I beside myself? What's happened? Who was that I was talking to?" I thought, "It must have been God." I thought, "Would God care for that animal? I'd knowed He sent people. But I remember that He even said a little sparrow can't fall to the ground without your heavenly Father knowing it. I know He spoke through a mule to a man once, and many things in the Bible."

39 I went out to the old possum, where she was laying. And I said, "Heavenly Father, You forgive me. I was so took up with things of the day, so I never understood. And if You sent that dumb animal, who did not have any soul, but was guided by instinct to come to my door to be prayed for, so she could live and raise her babies, forgive me, Lord. And I pray that in Jesus' name that You'll help her."
Brother, sister, when I meet you at the judgment, this will be ringing out. Little Becky was standing there looking down. That old mother possum raised up, picked up her nine little babies, stuck that tail right up in the air, walked right down that driveway, just as free as it could be. When she got to the end of the road, she turned around. And Becky had her arms around me, and me ... and my arms around Becky, crying. And she turned around as if to say, "Thank you, sir." And right down to the woods she went; and as far as I know, she's happy with her babies over there in that woods today.

40 When divine love is projected, and it comes to the end of its course, sovereign grace will stand in and take its place. Brother, sister, if God... That possum knowed more about divine healing than half the preachers of Phoenix knows. That's right.
She had gumption enough to follow the leading of the Spirit. And if God could send a possum by divine grace and love to protect her babies, how much more will He think of you and me tonight, if we will give Him our whole heart of love, our surrendered will, everything to Him? He will project to us. His sovereign grace will have to take place and heal, if you'll give Him that love.

41 The world is wanting to see some more of that. The world is longing for that, to see that love. You're much more than a possum. You're more than any animal. But sometimes God can deal with an animal, who can't act for itself, before He can get to a stony heart, who is on a free moral agency base, who can act according to the way you wish. Let us bow our heads, just a moment.
O God, who so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but would have eternal life... To Thee we give thanks and praise, Thou who knoweth all things. How many stories could we tell of Your great love and grace, that Thou has done for us. And we thank Thee for it.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

42 And in this audience tonight, O God, may the sinner man, boy, or woman, or girl, who has been divinely led to this place of worship tonight, let them know right now that it is Your Spirit that has led them here for no other purpose but to come and serve You.
Oh, speak to their hearts just now. And may they send forth from their heart the divine love of God in appreciation of You leading them here. And sovereign grace will send a message back, the saving message of the Lord: "Thy sins may be as scarlet; now they are white as snow." Grant it, Father, for we ask it in His name.

Isaiah 1:18 Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.

43 And while we have our heads bowed in prayer, I just wonder this, friends. While we have been speaking, or either before you come to church, or last week, or month, or year, has something been speaking to your heart?
What caused you, mister or misses, to come to the meeting tonight? It was the same God that stopped the animals in the field. It's the same One who led the old mother possum, who's done all the things that's love. God so loves you, that He's led you to a place where you could accept Him. Will you do it, upon the basis of the shed blood of His beloved Son? That God could not do nothing else, but it's... His great love constrained Him in such a way, that He could not do nothing else. Grace had to send you a Saviour.

44 And now, if your love to God will be the same way that His love was to send Jesus, your love will draw Jesus to you, and you can be saved. If you would like to accept Christ and be remembered in prayer, would you raise your hands now, anywhere on the bottom floor, would say, "By the grace of God I put up my hands and say, 'God, lead me through life and in death, like You do others, like we have been told tonight.'"? God bless you, sir. Someone else on the bottom floor, raise your hand? God bless you. Someone else, just raise your hands. Christians pray, you who are... God bless you back there in the back; I see your hand. Someone else? "I put up my hand." God bless you up there, sonny; that's good.
Up in the balcony to my left. God bless you, lady. God bless you. God bless you. Someone else? God bless you, sonny. Someone like in the balconies to the rear, would you put up your hands, say, "Brother Branham, pray for me. I want God to help me."? God bless you back there; I see your hands. And surely God does. God bless you here, sonny. God bless you, sister, certainly.

45 To the balconies to the right, put up your hand, say, "Brother Branham, pray for me. I really want Christ." God bless you, young man. God bless you up there, young fellow again. God bless you over there, young man. God bless you. All right. Someone else? Back to the rear? God bless you up there, my brother. That's good.
Anywhere in the building, someone else now before we close? God bless you, sir. Someone else? That's right; put up your... God bless you, lady. God bless you, lady. Would someone else? "I now want God to be..." God bless you, lady. God bless you, lady. God bless you too, and you. That's right.
You say, "Brother Branham, does that mean anything?" It certainly does. It means the difference between an eternal separation from God or an eternal presence of God. When you raise your hand, that means that something in you---you have power within you to break every law of science, break, move, gravitation. And something within you makes a choice and you stick up your hand. What does that do? That shows an acception of the divine love of Christ. Something in you caused you to raise your hand.
And the Bible said... God bless you, lady. Yes. God bless you back there. God bless you, sisters. Little Spanish ladies up in the balcony to the rear, I see you.

46 What is it? God so loved you, His love was so great for you, till His love projected as Saviour for you. He so loved you that He gave His only begotten Son. And here's the Holy Spirit here leading you. The Bible said, "No man can come to Me," said Jesus, "except My Father draws him first." God bless you, the Spanish lady sitting here.
"God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son." Then what do you do? Something inside you, an immortal something says, "I am speaking tonight, child of Mine."
And you put up your hand, you break every law of science. "Yes, Father, I raise my hand in recognition of Your voice. You're calling."
Jesus said, "All the Father has given Me will come to Me, and no man can take them from My hand. He that heareth My words and believeth on him that sent Me, has eternal life, and shall never come into the judgment, but has pass from death to life."

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

John 5:24 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life.

John 6:37 All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out.

John 6:44 No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day.

John 10:28 And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.

John 10:29 My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father's hand.

47 Would there be another while I comb the meeting over? Just raise your hands to Christ. God bless you there, brother. God bless you too.
All right, down on the main floor here to the left. Can we go around now and just see someone else who hasn't raised their hands? God bless you there, sir. God bless you, sir. That's good.
Balconies to the rear again, someone who hasn't raised their hand? Balconies to the left, going to comb it once more. God bless you, lady. God be with you. Someone else? All right, right down here. God bless you. God bless you, lady, up there. Down here to the main floor again, once more around to the left now. God bless you, and you, and you, and yes, and you, and you, brother. God bless you all. Yes. Someone else just think ... say this, if God speaks to your heart and say...

48 Could you think, my brethren, these little stories which are amateur, how I could tell you things that I know He's done that would startle you. In my life has been a mysterious one; that's true. People don't understand, but it's been that I loved Him.
When God seen fit to take my wife, baby, and everything I had. They never thought of my little baby when I... My wife was a corpse, and my little baby started dying, I run down into the hospital and fell down before God. I said, "God, don't take my little darling. Don't do it, Lord." And I looked in front of me, and a black sheet letting down, I knowed He was going to take her.
Then Satan spoke to me; He said, "Yonder in the morgue lays your wife, twenty-three years old. Here's your nine-month-old baby, and He's taken that. You mean you'll serve Him?"
Then I looked down; I said, "Though He slay me, yet I will serve Him." For there was something happened down here in my bosom that made a love for Him that the Bible said, "There's nothing present, neither trials or nothing can separate us from the love of God that's in Christ."
If He would send me to torment at the day of the judgment, He's still just. And if I have the mind that I have now, while I'm in hell, I'll still love Him. It's part of me. That's what it is. That's what it is to you, friend, that loves the Lord. That's what I want Him to be, a part of you---love. Now, as we bow our heads. Let us pray.

Job 13:15 Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him: but I will maintain mine own ways before him.

Romans 8:38 For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come,

Romans 8:39 Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

49 Heavenly Father, I would not know how to say how many in this audience has raised their hands to You. What are they, Father? They are Your love gifts that You're giving to Jesus, Your Son. "No man can come to Me except My Father draws him. And all that come, I will give them eternal life. And no man can pluck them from My hand." They are God's love gifts.
And, O Lord Jesus, as a minister of Yours, an unworthy and unprofitable servant, I now give You the fruit of this message. Each has raised their hands, put their name on the book of life. Thou has promised to do it, and raise them up at the last day. Now that they have accepted You, heard Your Word, and believed on You, they are born again and have eternal life.

John 6:37 All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out.

John 6:44 No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day.

John 10:28 And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.

John 10:29 My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father's hand.

50 Now, Father God, I pray that You'll baptize them with the Holy Ghost into the body of Christ, as believers. Set these young men and women into the field of service, the old and young alike. Oh, we are needing recruits for this great army. And someday You'll make Your last call, and it'll all be over.
Grant, Lord, that each one that raised their hands tonight, and many of those who could've raised their hands maybe and did not, I pray that they will be Your children, and You'll be with them through life. And someday when my voice on Your great radar screen vibrates this sermon again at the end of the world, may on that great screen You'll see their hands and know their name. Grant it, Lord. I just commit it to You, Lord, in Jesus' name we pray. Amen.
The Lord bless you, my dear friends. You know what... You've received eternal life.

51 Now, I'm going to see if Billy give out any prayer cards. If he did, we'll have pray line. And if we don't, I'm going to make the altar call. (Did you give out prayer cards? Uh-huh. What was it? H's 1 to a 100, 1 to a 100.) He give out prayer cards.
I want to ask you something. Every one that raised your hands (I don't know how long the prayer line will run.), but will you do this for the glory of God? When the service is over, I want you to walk right down here and offer a word of thanksgiving to God for calling you.
You know, that's one of the most marvelous things there is. Perhaps there'll be cancers healed, deaf or dumb, or maybe cripples walk; that'll be wonderful, but never as wonderful as what you've just received. They'll get sick again, but you've got eternal life.
I want you to come down; promise me and God ... or, God and I, rather, that you'll come down and pray at the end of service.

52 Now, how many has ever been in one of my meetings? Let's see your hands. There's many. Now, I want you to know... You're probably of all different denominations and churches. But here we don't represent any denomination; we only try to represent our blessed Lord, who you love and who your church preaches about and talks about. And we're not trying to make disciples out of anyone. We're only trying to get you to fall deeply in love with the Lord Jesus and start winning souls for Him.
Now, in the prayer line I do not claim to be a healer or have any power to heal anyone; neither do I believe that any person has power to heal, but God. I believe there never was a hospital, doctor, operation, or anything ever healed anyone. I believe that a doctor is sent on earth by God. I believe the doctors, when you break your arm, can set your arm; he cannot heal it. He can put it in place where God can heal it. A doctor can remove a tumor, or appendix, or a tooth, but who's going to heal the place where it was taken away from? That's moving an obstruction. Who's going to heal the place? Only God alone.

53 Now, if the Lord willing, we're starting tomorrow night on "God in His Word," see. And God said in His Word, "I'm the Lord who heals all your diseases."
And there never was a medicine, never was an operation, never was a divine healer, never was anyone else that ever could create and build cells, but God alone. The devil can't do it. The devil can't create. He can only pervert what God has created. It's the devil that gives you the tumor, perverts a cell, see. He cannot create a cell. He can pervert one, if he can get his life into it. But he cannot create nothing.
So I claim that God, not me... But the Bible said that God has set in the church apostles, prophets, teachers, evangelists and pastors. They're for the perfecting of the church.

Exodus 15:26 And said, If thou wilt diligently hearken to the voice of the LORD thy God, and wilt do that which is right in his sight, and wilt give ear to his commandments, and keep all his statutes, I will put none of these diseases upon thee, which I have brought upon the Egyptians: for I am the LORD that healeth thee.

Psalm 103:3 Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases;

Ephesians 4:11 And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers;

Ephesians 4:12 For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ:

54 Now, I'm not a preacher, as you know. And no one knows any better than I do that I'm not a preacher to preach. My work is to pray for God's sick children, by seeing visions. And it's the work of the Lord Jesus. Preaching is the work of the Lord Jesus---evangelist, pastors, all the work of the Lord Jesus. We have a lot of impersonators, but there's really a real one too.
Now, notice. When Jesus was here on earth, did He claim to be a healer? No, sir. He said, "It's not Me that doeth the works; it's My Father that dwelleth in Me." He said in Saint John 5:19 (Think of it: "A handful and two dozen eggs"; when you go home, read it, the whole chapter of Saint John.), " Verily, verily, I say unto you, The Son can do nothing in Himself, but what He sees the Father doing."

John 5:19 Then answered Jesus and said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do: for what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise.

John 14:10 Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me? the words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works.

55 A Jew came to Him, and He said, "Why, you're a believer. Behold this Israelite, in whom is no guile."
He said, "When did You know me, Rabbi?"
Said, "Before Philip called you, I saw you under the tree." How many knows that's true: Saint John 1? Certainly.
That Jew said, "Thou art the Son of God, the King of Israel."
He said, "Because I told you this, you believe?" Now, it was probably thirty miles around the mountain where he found him the day before, but here he was over here. He believed.
The woman at the well. He went up... He was on His road to Jericho down below Jerusalem. He had to go through Samaria, up around Samaria. He sent His disciples away. A woman of ill fame come out to get some water. She was a Samaritan, not a Jew now.
Now, remember though when He did that to the Jew, the Jew said, "That's the Messiah, the Son of God, the King of Israel."

John 4:4 And he must needs go through Samaria.

John 4:8 (For his disciples were gone away unto the city to buy meat.)

John 4:47 When he heard that Jesus was come out of Judaea into Galilee, he went unto him, and besought him that he would come down, and heal his son: for he was at the point of death.

John 4:48 Then said Jesus unto him, Except ye see signs and wonders, ye will not believe.

John 4:49 The nobleman saith unto him, Sir, come down ere my child die.

John 4:50 Jesus saith unto him, Go thy way; thy son liveth. And the man believed the word that Jesus had spoken unto him, and he went his way.

56 Now, here comes a Samaritan out, and Jesus said, "Woman, bring Me a drink."
She said, "It's not customary for you Jews to ask us Samaritans such. We have no such custom." In other words, it was a segregation, like in the south---the white and colored.
But Jesus let her know there was no difference, in the presence of God. He said, "If you knew who you were talking to, you'd ask Me for a drink." And the conversation went on at length.
Finally, Jesus found out what that woman's trouble was. The Father sent Him up there. The Father sent me here.
Now, He didn't know the woman; He'd never seen her. But He was contacting her spirit. And He said to her, when He found her trouble, said, "Go, get your husband."
She said, "I don't have any husband."
Said, "That's right. You got five, and you're living with one now that's not your husband. So, in that thou saidst right."
Watch what the woman said. Now, she was a Samaritan, seemingly a cold formal believer. She said, "Sir, I perceive that You are a prophet." She said, "We know (we Samaritans), we know when the Messiah cometh He will do that. He will tell us things to come. But," said, "who are You?"
He said, "I'm He that speaks to you."
And she run into the city. Said, "Come, see a man who told me the things that I've done. Isn't this the Messiah?" If that was the sign of the Messiah in them days, and the Bible said in Hebrews 13:8, "He's the same yesterday, today, and forever," He's got to be the same sign tonight of Messiah.

John 4:7 There cometh a woman of Samaria to draw water: Jesus saith unto her, Give me to drink.

John 4:9 Then saith the woman of Samaria unto him, How is it that thou, being a Jew, askest drink of me, which am a woman of Samaria? for the Jews have no dealings with the Samaritans.

John 4:10 Jesus answered and said unto her, If thou knewest the gift of God, and who it is that saith to thee, Give me to drink; thou wouldest have asked of him, and he would have given thee living water.

John 4:11 The woman saith unto him, Sir, thou hast nothing to draw with, and the well is deep: from whence then hast thou that living water?

John 4:12 Art thou greater than our father Jacob, which gave us the well, and drank thereof himself, and his children, and his cattle?

John 4:13 Jesus answered and said unto her, Whosoever drinketh of this water shall thirst again:

John 4:14 But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.

John 4:15 The woman saith unto him, Sir, give me this water, that I thirst not, neither come hither to draw.

John 4:16 Jesus saith unto her, Go, call thy husband, and come hither.

John 4:17 The woman answered and said, I have no husband. Jesus said unto her, Thou hast well said, I have no husband:

John 4:18 For thou hast had five husbands; and he whom thou now hast is not thy husband: in that saidst thou truly.

John 4:19 The woman saith unto him, Sir, I perceive that thou art a prophet.

John 4:25 The woman saith unto him, I know that Messias cometh, which is called Christ: when he is come, he will tell us all things.

John 4:26 Jesus saith unto her, I that speak unto thee am he.

John 4:29 Come, see a man, which told me all things that ever I did: is not this the Christ?

Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

57 We haven't room or time to talk much more. Let's believe. Father God, I now commit myself and this service to You. I have spoken at length of Thee. Speak, O God. One word from You will be more than I could speak in many lifetime. And let Thy Holy Spirit speak tonight and do those things that You promised, and all praise shall be Thine; in Christ's name we pray. Amen.
Now... What was that? H. All right we can't stand too many at a time. H number 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Just line yourself up over here now. Now, watch... Look at your neighbors and see if they got... If they can hear, look at the prayer cards and see where they're at. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, let them line. While they're coming, let's pray for these handkerchiefs.

58 Almighty God, in whom we believe and trust, let Thy mercies rain upon these handkerchiefs. Show great signs and wonders by healing the sick. I send them to the sick and the needy in the name of Thy beloved Son, the Lord Jesus, who so loved us. Amen.
Now, some of you anoint handkerchiefs, but if you'll watch the Bible... Acts 19, Paul didn't anoint them. That's all right. Anoint them, that's okay. But Paul didn't anoint handkerchiefs; they taken from his body handkerchiefs and aprons.
All right. 5 did I say? 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15. H ---H 1 to 15, let those get in line. And now, I want... While they're coming, I want you to look this way. All right. And if some of them will go down, or... I guess some of them are helping.

Acts 19:12 So that from his body were brought unto the sick handkerchiefs or aprons, and the diseases departed from them, and the evil spirits went out of them.

59 Now, I want to ask you something: If the Lord Jesus, who we have spoken of ... of His love, who loved animals, who loved people, who loves you in your sin, who loves you in your differences, who loves you in your sickness... And if the Bible says that He is the same yesterday, today, and forever, if He will come to this platform in the midst of these people and will reproduce His life by the same works that He did when He was on earth, will you all accept Him with one accord for anything you have need of? Will you do it around?
Now, you little children who have just come to Christ tonight, see whether you're serving ... or, you accepted a dead Christ or a live one. He is alive forevermore.
And now, let's see. Are they still lining? All right. All right just a minute till we see if it gets quietened down over here.

Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

60 How many doesn't have prayer cards? Let's see you raise your hands. All right. You look and live, look and... Does the Bible say... In the Bible where Jesus was going down through a group of people, and a little woman touched His garment, and He turned around and said, "Who touched Me."...
Now, we know the Palestinian garment hangs loose, and it has the underneath garment. And He couldn't have touched her physical ... or, felt her physical touch. She touched His garment and went over somewhere and stood up in the crowd. Jesus turned and said, "Who touched Me?"
Peter rebuked Him, said, "The whole crowd touched You. Why say, 'Who touched Me?'?"
Everyone of them denied it. She denied it, but Jesus was endued with a power. So, He looked around until He found what was wrong. And He found the little woman, and He said, "Thy faith has saved Thee." Is that right?
Well, is He the same yesterday, today, and forever? Does the Bible say that right now He's a High Priest that can be touched with the feeling of our infirmities? Then, you look and live. Believe Him; then let Him vindicate it.

Matthew 9:22 But Jesus turned him about, and when he saw her, he said, Daughter, be of good comfort; thy faith hath made thee whole. And the woman was made whole from that hour.

Mark 5:30 And Jesus, immediately knowing in himself that virtue had gone out of him, turned him about in the press, and said, Who touched my clothes?

Mark 5:31 And his disciples said unto him, Thou seest the multitude thronging thee, and sayest thou, Who touched me?

Mark 5:34 And he said unto her, Daughter, thy faith hath made thee whole; go in peace, and be whole of thy plague.

Luke 8:45 And Jesus said, Who touched me? When all denied, Peter and they that were with him said, Master, the multitude throng thee and press thee, and sayest thou, Who touched me?

Luke 8:48 And he said unto her, Daughter, be of good comfort: thy faith hath made thee whole; go in peace.

Hebrews 4:15 For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin.

Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

61 Now, He doesn't have any hands on earth but mine and yours. He doesn't have any eyes but mine and yours. He has no mouth but mine and yours. But He wants us to yield what we got to Him ---as a branch---and He's the vine that shoves forth the energy. The vine doesn't bear fruit, does it? The branch bears fruit. He said, "I am the vine; ye are the branches."
Now, we are to bear the fruit of His ministry until He comes. The Bible said, Jesus did, "A little while and the world will see Me no more. (That's when He physically left; they'd never know it no more; now, that's the world.) The world will see Me no more for all (it's gone.); yet ye shall see Me. ('Ye,' that's the believer.) For I'll be with You (How long?) to the end of the world." Is that right? "I'll be with you, even in you to the end of the world." Now, He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. Let us be reverent and pray.

Matthew 28:20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.

John 14:17 Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.

John 14:19 Yet a little while, and the world seeth me no more; but ye see me: because I live, ye shall live also.

John 15:5 I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.

Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

62 Now, if you will, I'm going to ask you for just a few moments (maybe say fifteen minutes), if you'll be real quiet. Now, we've heard the message. The sinners has accepted Christ. Surely we found favor with Him.
"Now, what's next, Brother Branham?" All right. It was God who led those sinners to Him all around. It's God. Now... "What do you do now, Brother Branham?" Yield myself to the Spirit. And by a divine gift, I just yield myself to His Spirit; He takes over. He does the work, not me. It's not my words that's speaking. It may be my voice, but it's His power speaking through that voice. Just like the mule, or like the prophets, or anything that God takes over. He uses it.

63 Now, here's a man. Come here, sir. Now, here stands a man tonight, and so far as I know, both of us are strangers to each other. If that's right, raise up your hand.
Now, I do not know the man. He does not know me. If I come here and said ... I put my hands on you, "Hallelujah, you're going to get well."
Now, he has a right to kind of, "Well, I hope I do," see.
But if I say, "Oh, in another six months you're needing finances. That's what you come to ask God. You got a little family that's starving, and you want finances. The day after tomorrow you're going to get them."
Well, he'd have the right to, "Well, maybe I will."
Or if he wants prayer for somebody else... "Oh, they're going to get it." Well, he'd have the right to kind of doubt that. But if the Holy Spirit will go down into his life, like He did Philip...

64 Now, the man may be a critic. He may be a infidel. He may be a Christian. I don't know. I never seen the man. But whatever he is, watch what the Holy Spirit will tell about him.
And then, if the Holy Spirit will tell him something that has been, surely he will know if that's true or not. Then if He tells him what has been, he'd have faith to believe what will be. Is that right? Then he will be the judge of that. And that would be just the same thing that Jesus did when He was here on earth.
Now look, this is a man. There was a man came to the Lord Jesus, a good man. And Jesus said, "Behold, an Israelite." Now, they all dressed alike. He could've not been an Israelite. He could've been a Greek or something else. But Jesus knowed he was an Israelite, a good honest man.
And so it kind of astonished him. He said, "When did You know me, Rabbi (or reverend, teacher)?"
He said, "Before Philip called you, when you were under the tree I saw you." What eyes, thirty miles around the mountain the day before. The first time He'd ever saw him.
And the man looked at Him and said, "Rabbi, You are the Son of God."
Jesus said, "Because I told you that..." See, that was the sign of the Messiah.

John 1:47 Jesus saw Nathanael coming to him, and saith of him, Behold an Israelite indeed, in whom is no guile!

John 1:48 Nathanael saith unto him, Whence knowest thou me? Jesus answered and said unto him, Before that Philip called thee, when thou wast under the fig tree, I saw thee.

John 1:49 Nathanael answered and saith unto him, Rabbi, thou art the Son of God; thou art the King of Israel.

John 1:50 Jesus answered and said unto him, Because I said unto thee, I saw thee under the fig tree, believest thou? thou shalt see greater things than these.

65 Now, whether He will or not, I don't know. I can't say that; that goes to God alone. But if you'll be real reverent, and we'll trust God to do it. And just think: If He does do it, why, it ought to electrify this city.
How can we sit so gross and groggy and know that the living Christ is in our midst. Shows there's something wrong. That's right. Now, be real reverent. Let me talk to the man.
Now, sir. I see you have a sign on you says, "Personal worker." All right. Now, if we do not know each other, and the Lord Jesus will tell me what you're here to ask Him... To come ask me something, wouldn't do much good, because I have... If it'd be money, I might have two or three dollars to let you have, but I'd do that if you wanted it. I'd give you everything I had, if I could help you.
But if you're wanting healing or wanting something else, might be something I couldn't do for you. But you know what you want. And if you know what you want and what you need, He's able to tell me like He told the woman at the well. Is that right? If He will do it, will you receive it? Will the audience receive it and believe?

66 Now, here's the place where I'm either found to be the truth or a lie, see---either the truth or it's a lie. And remember, it's nothing I can do within myself; it's God permitting it do be done (And all knows that.), by a divine gift. May He grant it.
Now, be just quiet. Don't move around, see. When the Spirit once takes a hold... Each one of you are spirits. You know that. If you wouldn't, you'd be dead. So it's your spirit (See?) that I catch. And when it is, if you'll just pray... Just sit still. Don't move around; just pray, and say, "God, be merciful to me." Look what He does to you tonight everywhere in the audience, people... Is that right? Way more in the audience than there is up here.
Many don't even say nothing about it till the letters pour in and things, how they go to doctors and everything, how they come; it's over, see. Just have faith; believe.

67 Now, if I could help you and wouldn't, I'd be a cruel person. But I can't help you, but God can. If God will let me know what you want from Him, then you'll believe Him, believe me to be His servant?
If the audience can still hear my voice... I see the man walking; it's in the floor. And his trouble is up in here, around his eyes or head. It's a sinus trouble. I see him rubbing up in here kind of in this way, sinusitis. And you got something wrong with your side. That's right. And you've had an operation. And that operation is the cause of your side being that way. That's right. Now, do you believe? Is that the truth? You believe? Then let's pray.
Kind heavenly Father, in the name of the Lord Jesus, I pray that Your mercies will be shed to this man by the Holy Ghost, and may he be healed through Christ's name. Amen. God bless you, brother. Over now; go rejoicing, and being happy.

68 How do you do, lady? Would I be a hypocrite to stand here before this sacred desk... If I could help you, you know I'd do it. Seeing your hair is gray, and both hands has probably done a many day's work, and here you stand tonight wanting something from God. If I could help you, I'd do it. But the only thing that I can do is preach the Word the best that I can, and then by a divine gift help you if I can.
I see you at the house or place, and you're fixing a table. And it's something about when you're eating. It's your stomach. You got stomach trouble. That's right. And then you've got a growth; that growth's in the side. That's right, isn't it? Raise your hand if that's right. Now, He who knows you, and you know I don't, do you believe that He will make you well if I will ask Him? There's something here that's got me anointed. You know that; You know that. What do you think it is? You think it's God? Well, then God said this, "These signs shall follow them that believe: if they lay hands on the sick, they shall recover." Do you believe it?
Our heavenly Father, I lay hands upon this woman and ask for her to be healed in Jesus Christ's name. Amen. Now, go believing. Don't doubt. With all your... God bless you, sister.

Mark 16:17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;

Mark 16:18 They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.

69 What do you think? Sitting there praying, aren't you? If I tell you what you're praying about, will you believe me to be God's prophet? It's about your back. That's right, isn't it? If that's right raise up your hand. All right. It's over now. You can go home and be well. Your faith touched something, didn't it? It touched Christ. Now, have faith and believe.
I challenge this audience, in the name of Christ, to look this way and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. Just look and live. Don't doubt, but have faith.
All right, little lady, being that you're sitting there praying like that, because I spoke of his back, you had back trouble too. That's right. That's right. You had sinusitis also. That's right, isn't it? You was right there praying, "Lord, let it be me tonight." Is that right? All right, you got it now. You touched Him.
See what I mean? Look and believe. The Bible said, "Look and live." You believe Him?

Numbers 21:8 And the LORD said unto Moses, Make thee a fiery serpent, and set it upon a pole: and it shall come to pass, that every one that is bitten, when he looketh upon it, shall live.

70 What do you think, sitting there with your hand back on...? You believe? You're praying to, aren't you? You believe that Jesus Christ the Son of God has sent me to do this? You do? All right. You got skin trouble, haven't you? Is that right, raise your hand. You believe you're healed? All right. Go home and be well then in Christ's name. Do you believe?
Now, lady, I guess I'm a stranger to you. I don't know you, never seen you. But God does know you. Isn't that right? Amen. [Unclear words]. All right, have faith now. If God will reveal to me what you are here for, will you believe it? Now, see, the reason that you don't... I could talk to you a long time. He'd keep telling me more, the more I talk, as much as He'd show me, see. But contacting your spirit (See), that's what brings it.
Been sick this week, haven't you? Frankly, you've been in bed all week. That's right. You've had hemorrhages. That's right. You got colitis in the bowels, haven't you? Your name is Mrs. Reynolds, isn't it? You live at 2010 Henshaw. Now, go on back up there and be over it and get well in the name of the Lord Jesus. If thou canst believe, all things are possible.

Mark 9:23 Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth.

71 All right, lady. We're strangers to each other. I don't know you, never seen you, don't know nothing about you; but there's Someone here who does know you. If He will reveal Himself, will you believe His resurrection? Now, look. You're aware that something's going on, aren't you? And you know you wouldn't feel that way because of me standing here. That light settled over you. See, that's what makes it [unclear words].
Now, you're suffering with a extreme nervous condition, which is caused by the time of life you're living. And you have something wrong in your chest, and you have something wrong in your stomach. That's right. And you have a growth on your leg, knot like. That's right. Now, do you believe me to be His prophet... I mean, His servant? That word stumbles the public. You do? Then I... Surely He'd help you.
You've got someone else you're praying for. And that's a grandchild ... granddaughter, granddaughter. And she's got a growth on the knee. And she don't live in this country. She lives in a flat country, in the eastern country. It's in Ohio. That's exactly right. Just a moment; just a moment, lady.

72 The man sitting right down here, a missionary, preacher, his wife's sitting next to him praying for a headache condition. There's something about Ohio with you. I don't know you. I've never seen you. But it's someone who's close to you that was healed in my meeting in Ohio of TB. It's a little boy, and his mother's been prayed for for the same. That's "thus saith the Lord." All right, go on your road rejoicing. You can have what you ask for, lady. God be merciful to you. Oh, do you now believe?
Now, sir, I don't know you, you know that. I don't know you, but God does know you. Let me have your hand just a moment. You got ulcers. That's right. Correctly. You believe me to be God's prophet? You would? You're doing something that's making those ulcers worse. Tobacco will ruin them, make you worse than ever. Do you believe God will take that cigarette away from you and make you...? Will you surrender that cigarette and your life to Christ, right now? You will? Then may the God of heaven take away the iniquity and heal this man in Jesus Christ's name. Amen. Go on your road rejoicing, sir. Join some real good church and make...

73 Don't move, friends. Just sit still, see. There's something happened. I seen a hospital. It's an old woman, and she's in a mental hospital. It's that woman's mother, sitting right there. She's praying for her mother in a... You believe that God will heal her? The Lord grant it to you, sister.
God can heal cancer, anything else, and make you well. You believe He can make that cancer leave you? Then I condemn it; in the name of Jesus Christ may it go from you. Amen. Have faith in God.
How you do, sir? Those wearisome coughing hours: asthmatic condition is a horrible thing. But do you believe Christ can make you well? You do? Our heavenly Father, I bless this man in the name of Jesus Christ; may he be well. Amen. God bless you, my brother. Go, and be made well.
My sister, God can heal heart trouble the same as anything else. You believe He will make you well of heart trouble, if I will ask Him? It's a nervous heart, is what it is. You have it worst when you lay down, see. I see you laying down, smothers; gas is what it really is, because push up against the heart. O God of heaven, settle the nerves of this poor little woman and make her well in Jesus' name. Amen. God bless you, sister. Have faith now.
Strange, when I said that to her, something happened to you, didn't it? It's the same thing. You both was healed at the same time. So, just go on off the platform rejoicing, saying, "Thanks be to God."

74 Come, lady. The lady coming has a black shadow following her, the shadow of death, which is cancer. You believe God will heal you, lady, and make you well? Our kind heavenly Father, as my own strength is fading away, I pray for this woman. Oh, if You could heal a possum, how much more can You make this saint well. I condemn this spirit of death on her, and ask that she lives in Jesus' name. Amen. Go happy, sister, rejoicing.
You got a stomach condition, nervous. Causes you to have dyspepsia like, the belching up of the foods and stuff that goes into your stomach. Do you believe that God will make you well? Will you accept Him now as your healer? O eternal God, in Jesus Christ's name, I condemn the devil that's harming my sister, and ask that he leave her in Christ's name. Amen.
Have faith in God. Do you believe everyone? With all your heart you believe? Oh, hour after hour this can happen. Well, what does it confirm? Jesus Christ, alive. Jesus is here.

75 What do you think of it, little lady, looking at me there with female trouble right back there in the back of the audience. Do you believe that God will make you well? You believe it with all your heart? If you believe it, all right, you can have it. The Lord bless you.
What do you think about it, the rest of you. Do you believe with all your heart? You believe God will heal you now? I tell you, friend, looky here. I'm just so weak I can hardly stand here. And the whole room just looks like having of a... I know you don't call me a fanatic; surely you don't.
If one little woman touching Him made virtue go from Him, what, if that, the Son of God, what about me a sinner, saved by grace? And what's doing these visions? Not me; it's you. It's your faith touching Him, and He's answering back. Do you understand? Do you believe He's alive? Do you believe He's here to heal you? Then, why not accept Him?

76 I wonder right here while we're standing, how many of you is convinced that the Lord Jesus is here? Raise up your hand. Now, I'm going to ask for those (Just a minute, while we stop the line a minute.) those who raised their hand, along with those who did not raise their hand, I want you to come here just a minute. While the anointing is here with me, I want you to come here. I want you to come here, just... I want to pray for you. You sinners that raised your hand, I want you to come. The sinners coming seeking salvation... I want you to come to the altar right here now. Come down out of the balconies, everyone. Will you come right now? I want you to stand here while we pray for your soul, which is far more than your physical healing. Won't you come?

77 God bless this poor old man coming on crutches. Sir, come, give your heart to Him; you can walk away without your crutches. "Seek ye first the kingdom of..."
And that Thou bidd'st me come to Thee,
O Lamb of God, I come! I come!
That's right. Come right down out of the balcony. Come right here now. You say, "Brother Branham, why do you stop the prayer line early?" Because I'm seeking the lost. That's it. I want you to come now. Move right on down. That's right, give them room back there. Come right down and stand here a minute. I want to come here and pray with you. That's it. Come right on down this way. Move yourself right down here.
........ blood was shed for me,
And that Thou bidd'st me come to Thee,
O Lamb .... I come! I come!

Matthew 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

78 All right, backslider, I'm waiting for the Holy Spirit to lead you down here.
I seen a little colored girl come down, standing here. Little red dress on, little white ribbon in her hair. There was a little girl taken captive one time. And she said to her master, "I would to God that you were over in my country. There's a prophet over there could recover you and heal you of that leprosy." How that little girl, giving testimony to her faith in the prophet, caused an immortal story to be wrote in the Bible.
Will you come just down now? Come right on, you that are needing Christ. You that have the spiritual need of Christ, won't you come? I believe there was more hands than this that went up. I want you to come right on. Won't you do it? I'm persuading you now.

79 Here sometime ago... You might've heard the little story. It was some time ago. There was a man standing in a court, being tried. And while he was being tried, he said to the judge... The judge found him guilty and said, "I sentence you to hang by your neck, until your mortal life is gone."
And the man ran up, and he said, "Judge, don't you know me?"
Said, "No, I don't."
He said, "One day when I was a little boy, I was laying in a wagon. You were a young man then, judge. Someone shot a gun down the street. The horses run away and were going to run over a big bluff. And you rushed in front of the horses, and grabbed them, and drug the hide from your feet, until you stopped those horses and saved my life." Said, "Judge, I'm that same boy. Save me again, judge."
He said, "Young man, that day I was your savior. Today I'm your judge." That might be said to you. Tonight He's your Saviour; in the morning He may be your Judge. Won't you come while we sing once more?
Just as I am, and waiting not
To rid my soul from one dark blot,
To Him, whose blood.........
[Gap in the audio.]

80 And you're here to thank God for His goodness to you. Now, we're going to bow our heads to pray, all over the building, everywhere.
Merciful Father, be kind now. And I pray for each of these who are standing here, that they may be touched by Thy divine power. I pray that You will give to them the forgiveness of all their sins. Grant it, Lord, and I know You will. You promised You would.
And we now present them to Christ, that God has called them to this altar of repentance, and they have accepted Jesus as their personal Saviour. And they're standing here as a testimony to the people, that they have accepted Christ as personal Saviour.
Now, God, I pray that You will baptize them into the body of the Lord Jesus by the baptism of the Holy Ghost. And these Your trained servants instructing who can stand here and make known to them this great revelation... I pray that they will receive the Holy Ghost this night. Grant it, Lord. Bless all who's in Divine Presence.

81 This lady standing here waiting for her healing. I lay hands on her and ask that You'll heal her in Christ's name. I ask that You'll heal each one, everybody that's here, every sick person.
Oh, Satan, you know you're going to lose the battle. Christ defeated you at Calvary. You have no power; you were stripped of everything you had. And all you are is a big bluff, and we're calling your hand on that bluff in Jesus Christ's name. Get out of this building. Come out of the people and go from here. And may the spirit of doubt and superstition leave this building, for the God of heaven who raised up His Son Christ Jesus, who is present right now to heal every sick person and to pour out the baptism of the Holy Ghost on the people... Grant it, God, in Jesus' name.

82 Now, while we have our heads bowed, everyone praying, believing... Now, you here seeking the Holy Ghost, I want you to raise up your hand. Raise up your hand if you want God to fill you with the Holy Ghost. All that wants the baptism of the Holy Ghost, raise up your hand.
Now, that I'm tired and I'm weak and weary, I'm going to ask our Brother Ballard, a Christian minister, to continue this prayer. The personal workers, lay hands on these people now. Lay your hands on them. Somebody out there that's got the Holy Ghost, lay your hands on those that's got their hands up. And now, for a great one unity, a great blast of the power of God, may you receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost and be healed in Jesus' name.