Do you now believe?

Do you now believe? somebody

Do you now believe? (1952-08-17 Evening) (William M. Branham Sermons)

Do you now believe? (1952-08-17 Evening) (William M. Branham Sermons) somebody

Do you now believe?

1 Thank you, Brother Baxter. Good evening, friends. I'm happy to be here tonight to speak to you of our Lord Jesus Christ and His great love to you all, and what's shed abroad in our hearts today by the Holy Spirit. And now, we are very thankful for the meetings that's been this week and what our Lord has did in our... in the midst of us all, as we are all witness of His resurrected Being among us. He...
And now, as we go from here to Minneapolis to begin Tuesday, you people in around about, we'd be glad to have you at any of the meetings. As soon as God let's us, give us the right of way, we're going to back to South Africa, India, Palestine, and through that part of the country. I am soliciting your prayers tonight, for us, as we work as God's husbandmen in the vineyard of our Lord. We'd be very happy to know that you're praying for us, and I believe you will.

2 And now, I just wish while they're setting me up, the camera's up, or whatever they're fixing to do... I want to thank, take this opportunity to thank the cooperating pastors that's cooperated in this meeting, all of you, from all different churches. We thank you from the depths of our heart. May the Lord Jesus continue to bless you and give you great blessings from His throne.
And I want to thank all the ushers that had a part to do in this meeting; to all the people who gave; to those who have been so generous to us to help us, we thank you for it. And you'll have to bear us record that we do not beg for money. We just try to carry it on the basis, the way our Lord would have us do it. We thank you, and may God bless you richly for all that you have done. To the best of our knowledge, we'll give it to the outgoing of the Gospel.

3 And now, I want to thank the Kellogg people, and ever who was in, in bringing us here to this church, or to this auditorium. I say, you've been very, very nice. And I... The Lord God bless the Kellogg Company for their kindness to us. And one, a person which is always unseen, but the operator of this microphone, who sets back here nightly. I've been in many auditoriums and found people who sometimes custodians, and so forth were very critical. But the first night here, I caught the... You understand. Very fine man, I... The Lord bless you my friend. And I pray that He will be kind and near to you all. As I believe we're at--nearing the coming of our Lord Jesus, the second time in glory, to catch away His waiting Bride. And I trust tonight, that everyone here will be ready at that time. Not only that, but you will become missionaries around home, that'll go out, and help and bring others to the fold. Jesus Christ be with you all.
Now, I want to read, just a few moments now. I wish to read a Scripture here, and then at that, of course, the people are getting ready for some more pictures.

4 This is found in Luke the 4th chapter and beginning with the 38th verse.
And he arose and went out of the synagogue, and entered into Simon's house. And Simon's wife's mother had taken with a great fever; and they brought him ... they sought him for her.
And he stood over her, and rebuked the fever; and it left her: and immediately she arose and ministered unto them.
Now when the sun was set, all they that had ... sickness and divers diseases brought them unto him; and he laid his hands on every one of them, and healed them.
And devils also came out ... crying out, and saying, Thou art Christ the Son of God...
Look what a difference. The minister said, "You are a devil."
The devil said, "You are Christ the Son of God."
... And he rebuked them and suffered them not to speak: for they knew ... he was Christ.
And when it was day, he departed and went into a desert place: and the people sought him, and came to him, and stayed him, that he should not depart from them.
And he said unto them, I must preach the kingdom of God to other cities also: for therefore am I sent.
And he preached in the synagogues of Galilee.

Luke 4:38 And he arose out of the synagogue, and entered into Simon's house. And Simon's wife's mother was taken with a great fever; and they besought him for her.

Luke 4:39 And he stood over her, and rebuked the fever; and it left her: and immediately she arose and ministered unto them.

Luke 4:40 Now when the sun was setting, all they that had any sick with divers diseases brought them unto him; and he laid his hands on every one of them, and healed them.

Luke 4:41 And devils also came out of many, crying out, and saying, Thou art Christ the Son of God. And he rebuking them suffered them not to speak: for they knew that he was Christ.

Luke 4:42 And when it was day, he departed and went into a desert place: and the people sought him, and came unto him, and stayed him, that he should not depart from them.

Luke 4:43 And he said unto them, I must preach the kingdom of God to other cities also: for therefore am I sent.

Luke 4:44 And he preached in the synagogues of Galilee.

5 Over in the Book of John we have another striking instant of Jesus in the 14th chapter, and the 12th verse. He said: "The things that I do, shall you also. And greater things than this shall you do, for I go to My Father."
As Christian believers, we believe that is the truth, because Jesus Christ said so. Is that the basis you put your faith on? Jesus said.
Now, how many's here for their first time and never was in one of the meeting before, let's see your hands--never been in one of my meetings before, let's see your hands. Oh, there's many newcomers. Well, Christian friend, and you sinner friends also, the meeting may be just a little peculiar to you. I do not claim to be able to heal anyone in any manner. I have never made a claim of that way. And it's to my humble belief, that healing isn't committed to men. It was committed to Jesus Christ. And on Calvary, or in Pilate's judgment hall, He was wounded for our transgression, and He was striped for our healing, according to the Scriptures. And there's where the supreme sacrifice was paid at Calvary, and all we can do is to point people to that place.

John 14:12 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.

6 Now, in the ministry I wouldn't have time, because it's getting late to go over and explain it to you. But that you might know this: I'd just like to test out Christian faith, just in this manner, the psychic manner, just for a moment. We all know that Jesus Christ was the Son of God. I believe even sinners has some conception of that, don't you? Raised here in America where's there's so much radio and so forth... Believes that He was the Son of God. Now, whether you've accepted Him as your Saviour, I don't know. If you have, you've become a Christian. Outside of that, why, of course, you would not be.
"He that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it's sin."
Now, but Jesus Christ did not claim to heal anyone, very much to the contrary. He said, "I heal no one. And I do nothing until the Father shows Me what to do."

John 5:19 Then answered Jesus and said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do: for what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise.

James 4:17 Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin.

7 How many Christians are conscious that that's truth? That Jesus said that. Now, that is found in Saint John 5. When He passed by the pool of Bethesda, and there laid the crippled and the spastic and the twisted people, and He walked right by every one of them, yet, full of compassion, walked over to a man that had maybe, pneumonia, diabetes, or something like that, TB... And he healed that man, and knew... Watch. The Bible said, He knew he had been this way a long time, thirty-eight years. And He asked him, "Could--would you be made whole?"

John 5:2 Now there is at Jerusalem by the sheep market a pool, which is called in the Hebrew tongue Bethesda, having five porches.

John 5:3 In these lay a great multitude of impotent folk, of blind, halt, withered, waiting for the moving of the water.

John 5:4 For an angel went down at a certain season into the pool, and troubled the water: whosoever then first after the troubling of the water stepped in was made whole of whatsoever disease he had.

John 5:5 And a certain man was there, which had an infirmity thirty and eight years.

John 5:6 When Jesus saw him lie, and knew that he had been now a long time in that case, he saith unto him, Wilt thou be made whole?

8 He said, "I have no one to put me in the water, while I'm coming..." See, he could walk; he wasn't crippled, neither was he blind. He said, "While I'm coming, someone steps down before me." In other words, there was younger people there who get in, and the Angel only healed one, then returned back to the glory, and waited for another season. What that season was determined, of course, I do not know. Might've been a month; it might've been six months; but great multitudes, thousands and thousands of people waited for the moving of the water.
Now, of course, people in them days, as they would be today, they said, "That's just psychology." But many people believe that it was an Angel. The Bible said that it was an Angel. I believe it then, don't you? The Bible said it was an Angel went down and troubled the water.

John 5:4 For an angel went down at a certain season into the pool, and troubled the water: whosoever then first after the troubling of the water stepped in was made whole of whatsoever disease he had.

John 5:7 The impotent man answered him, Sir, I have no man, when the water is troubled, to put me into the pool: but while I am coming, another steppeth down before me.

9 Now, a troubled water, if anyone living near these lakes and things, knows that's a chopped water. The current going one way and the wind another, which chops the water. And probably thinking, on the being there and the ... by the sheep market, when the winds caught up a certain ways, but whether it was wind, or whatever it was, God said in His Bible that it was an Angel. I believe it.
And now, Jesus passing through there, the Son of God, full of love, full of compassion, passing by the crippled, and afflicted, and blind people; yet, He healed them many times. But passed right by and healed one man that had an infirmity, not the affliction, an infirmity for thirty-eight years.
Then the Jews questioned Him. And here's what he said, as they found the man packing his bed on the Sabbath day. And they questioned Jesus. Now, remember, Saint John 5:19 and 20. Here's what He said. Listen close now. "The Son can do not... Verily, verily I say unto you, the Son can do nothing in Himself, but what He sees the Father doing: that doeth the Son also. For whatsoever things the Father doeth, He showeth the Son, and He will show you greater things than this, that ye may marvel." Is that right?

John 5:4 For an angel went down at a certain season into the pool, and troubled the water: whosoever then first after the troubling of the water stepped in was made whole of whatsoever disease he had.

John 5:5 And a certain man was there, which had an infirmity thirty and eight years.

John 5:19 Then answered Jesus and said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do: for what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise.

John 5:20 For the Father loveth the Son, and sheweth him all things that himself doeth: and he will shew him greater works than these, that ye may marvel.

10 Then let's just stop on that Scripture, which we could take it through the Bible, through the prophets, through the ages. And there never was any person did anything without God first showing. The prophet Elijah on Mount Carmel, looked like he just went up there and got angry with the people and called down fire. Oh, no. When he got it all laid in order, he said, "Lord, I've done this at Your Word." Is that right? Everywhere, it was something God showed. And it must be perfect, for God said so.

1 Kings 18:36 And it came to pass at the time of the offering of the evening sacrifice, that Elijah the prophet came near, and said, LORD God of Abraham, Isaac, and of Israel, let it be known this day that thou art God in Israel, and that I am thy servant, and that I have done all these things at thy word.

11 Now, if Jesus done nothing, now why didn't He heal that crippled man, or the twisted man, or the lame man, or the halt man? Is because the Father had not showed him. Is that right? Do you believe that's the reason? And He only healed what the Father showed Him. Then if He said, "A little while, and the world seeth Me no more, yet you'll see Me, for I will be with you, even in you to the end of the world." Is that right?
Hebrews 13:8 said, "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever the same: same in love; same in power; same in compassion; same in works; same in signs; same in wonders. You believe that?
"Why," they say, "He died."
Yes, that's right. But He rose again, and He appeared back, the same lovely Jesus. Do you believe that?

Matthew 28:20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.

John 14:19 Yet a little while, and the world seeth me no more; but ye see me: because I live, ye shall live also.

Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

12 Now, He sits at the right hand of the Father tonight, God Almighty, to make--as a high Priest, to act in our stead (Do you believe that?) to make intercessions upon our confession. Is that right? Hebrews 3:1. "He is the high Priest of our confession." Whatever we confess that He has done... First, we have to believe it, then we confess it. He's setting before the Father to make that right. Is that true?
Now, if there's a fundamentalist here, that's as sound as I know the Scripture. All right. Then He said, "I will pray the Father, He will send you another Comforter," which was the Holy Ghost, "He will abide with you forever. He will not testify Himself, but He will testify of Me. Whatever He sees, that He will do. And He will show you things that is to come." Is that right?
Now, the world may take the Word, and [unclear words] scrum it all up in these theological seminaries, and teach this, and philosophy, and so forth, and psychology, and theory, and so forth. They might do that; but yet, one thing sure, we have the Holy Spirit as a divine Witness. And if that is truly the Holy Spirit, then it bears record of Christ, for it is Christ in Spirit form. "Yet a little while and the world seeth Me no more, but you will see Me, for I will be with you, even in you," making Him the same here on earth in Spirit form until the end of the age.
You get it now? I take my time, so it'll really soak in good. Now, let's watch. Then "By their fruits, ye shall know them."

Matthew 28:20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.

John 14:16 And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever;

John 14:19 Yet a little while, and the world seeth me no more; but ye see me: because I live, ye shall live also.

John 14:26 But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.

John 15:26 But when the Comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, even the Spirit of truth, which proceedeth from the Father, he shall testify of me:

Romans 8:34 Who is he that condemneth? It is Christ that died, yea rather, that is risen again, who is even at the right hand of God, who also maketh intercession for us.

Hebrews 3:1 Wherefore, holy brethren, partakers of the heavenly calling, consider the Apostle and High Priest of our profession, Christ Jesus;

13 Now, "If any man be in Christ, he be a new creature." Then God has set in the church different things. Now, man can testify of any thing. But until God confirms that, and says it's so, it isn't so... You've got a right to disbelieve it, until God vindicates that it's the truth, then you have no more right to disbelieve God. Is that right?
Now, it was awhile, sometime ago, I knew nothing about you people. When I was born, this Light, Angel of the Lord, which they have the picture of it, I'm sorry we don't have any, tonight. We haven't had them for some time. They're copyrighted so tight, we have to pay the same price, to get them that you would get them. Usually we just tell you where to go get them. You can ask at the desk, and they'll tell you. Where it's copyrighted yonder, the American Photographer Association has it, the FBI, the everything, all the scientist has chased it through. The very best we have, George J. Lacy... And there's his signed statement that it's the first time in all of the world's history that it could be scientifically proven that there was a supernatural Being, that same Angel of God that's right here, you see nightly, moving. There It is on pictures.
Mr. Lacy said, "The mechanical eye of this camera, Rev. Branham, won't take psychology." He said, "The Light struck the lens. And it's a leaping, flaming, emerald fire, a burning." Many times It comes right into the meeting. You can see it. thousands times thousands have seen It at a time.

2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.

14 Recently when I was baptizing on the river at Jeffersonville, when all the local newspapers packed It, two o'clock in the afternoon when I was praying, here It come right down out of the heavens, right at two o'clock in the evening, June, or in the afternoon, rather, in June, about the middle of June, hung right over where I was, and a voice from it, saying, "As John the Baptist was sent to warn the people of the first coming of Christ, so is this Message to warn the people of the second coming."
Right back up into the heavens, when people screamed, fainted. What is it? God, getting the church ready. You don't need no new doctrine. You don't need no new theories. You need real true hearts to Almighty God, to believe on God, and His Son, Christ Jesus. Have fellowship with everybody, all the Christians, by the Holy Spirit. Amen.

15 Notice. Now, those things are seen and proven. God said in Hebrews, or the... Paul, or whoever wrote the Book of Hebrews, Hebrews 11:2, said, "God testifies of His gifts." They're true.
Now, tonight, I'm waiting to see, when they finish their picture... Beg your pardon? All finished. Thank you, Brother Baxter.

Hebrews 11:4 By faith Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain, by which he obtained witness that he was righteous, God testifying of his gifts: and by it he being dead yet speaketh.

16 Just a little story now, about five, ten minutes. I know it's warm. My, but listen friends, if we not right with God, we want to get right now, see. This is the time. Look. I love you, everyone. I will be glad to... I used to say to the people, "I'd come no matter how the dark the night is," but when you get into the millions, then you can't say that. I will pray for you any time I can. God be with you. My prayers is for you. And as a Christian brother to you, I say with my heart, with a sincerity, and the warmest of Christian love... Brother just said, "They taken a love offering for me, awhile ago, that love offering, what doesn't go just for my initial food and stuff, will go right to the missionary offering.

17 We're trying to build up enough to get back in there where we had a hundred thousand conversions in six weeks, thirty thousand in one day. Think of it. Heathens, raw heathens, and Mohammedans, thirty thousand in one day. That's wonderful, isn't it? Now, you can't blame me from wanting to go back. The first time they see the power of God go out there to a heathen, that don't even know nothing about it, can't even speak his language, and maybe many interpreters standing here. They see what he is a Basutu, Songhai, or whatever it is, and they started speaking, and telling him all about his life, and where he come from, what he did and things like that. They just scream and fall on their face: God.
Paul knew years ago, it takes a miracle to convert a heathen. Jesus Christ always knowed it.
Recently when we was talking to a missionary from India, where God has told me to go to, where I will have a crowd of three hundred thousand people in one meeting... Notice, in that same man, he said, "There's only one thing Brother Branham, that'll ever stir the people of India from those Mohammedans, and idolaters and so forth, it'll take the real power of God. Where demons when they rise up, the power of God there is to let them down. Be sure you know what you're talking of.

18 How many read the book of that maniac, down there, when he ran on the platform, here at Portland, Oregon, you remember? What if It wouldn't have been there then? I'd have been a corpse. What about over here at Zion, Illinois, down here in Harlingen, Texas and the different places, where it's come face-to-face with death itself, right out in the public. There, Almighty God, set His hand down, and strike them down.
Be careful. "Touch not Mine anointed." Not me, no, my brother, that isn't it. The anointed One is the One that comes down from above. I'm from the earth, earthly. But He's from above, heavenly.
I don't think I have time for the testimony. I just want to tell you. Maybe if I try, ten minutes, if you'd watch closely, because I want to start the prayer line right away.

1 Chronicles 16:22 Saying, Touch not mine anointed, and do my prophets no harm.

Psalm 105:15 Saying, Touch not mine anointed, and do my prophets no harm.

19 Brother Baxter was near at this time; it's such a... He's setting right here, just behind the curtains. And it's a... I trust Brother Bosworth is near. And now, but however, Brother Bosworth wasn't in us, with us up there in Sweden. When I left here, I was in down in California, I mean in Florida one day, at Brother Bosworth's meeting, or his meeting where this little boy was here, that little David. He called for me to come down there; he was in trouble. And went down there, they had a little bitty tent out there, or a tent seat about two thousand people or twenty-five hundred, something like that, and a little bitty audience. And the people down there were all carrying on. And so they called and asked me if I'd come and help him.
Over in California, one time, when he was just a little lad, he was over there, and he... I had four thousand in my auditorium, he had an auditorium seat about six or seven thousand, had about two thousand in it. He said, "Brother Branham, just as a little bitty boy," said, "let's swap auditoriums." Said, "You got a crowd that would fill yours, and my crowd would just about fill yours."
And I said, "All right, we'll swap over." And I wanted to pay him.
And he said, "No, just let the difference go." Said, "We'll meet again."

20 And there when he called for me, I rushed to the little fellow. And when we was out there on the road down on the train, the Lord God spoke to me and said, "There'll be a boy, that's going to be picked up on the side of a road, dead." And described how he'd look, and the country he would be in, and everything. And I described it there, Brother Bosworth, was the first time that I met him, was right then. He heard it given out. I said, "Write it in the back of your Bible somewhere. It'll appear one of these days in this magazine."
We went on. All out through the west. Brother Baxter has hear me quote it hundreds and hundreds of times, and thousand of people wrote it in their Bible. No doubt, people right here in the auditorium, heard it, wrote, and heard of it before it come to pass. If there is, let's see your hands, while the [unclear words]. Yes, many of them are here, that probably has it written in their Bible yet, about how the boy would look, how he'd be dressed. Those things are perfect. They have to be.

21 And one day, while Brother Baxter and I, and all of us was at... We was at Helsinki. We went from there to Kuopio, and I was up on the tower a singing, up there a bunch of the Finnish people. The Lord was blessing; great things was going on. On the road down, we passed by where an accident happened, a little boy, two of them, hit by an American automobile, little thirty-five Ford that hit one of the little boys by the chin, and just whirled him across the road. The car was going sixty miles per hour, and then dodged this way. And the fender striking the little fellow, threw him over and hit against the tree, and crushed him all down like that. And he fell. And this other little boy, it hit him right in the bumper, rolled him under the car like that, and the wheel kicked him way up in the air like that. His coat flew off, and his shoes flew off, and everything, as they went up in the air, where the wheel spinning underneath there, and just spinning like this, threw the boy out into the field, where it hit him.

22 About twenty minutes later, we were there, and looked at the little fellow. Somebody picked the other little boy up; he was still breathing. And they rushed him to the hospital. And so, this other little boy was dead. They'd laid a coat over him, they went to get the father and mother. The chief man of the city, which is like, equal to our mayor here, well, he was there. And they looked around. Brother Lindsay and them got out, looked at him. They come back crying, Brother Moore, because they both had little boys here in America. I had my little Billy Paul.
I had been away from home for several weeks. I didn't want to see the little fellow. And after while, after getting him, we looked at the little fellow, and when I seen him, I knowed there was something strange about that little boy. And I said, "Ask these interpreters here, these ministers, rather, through the interpreter, Mrs. Isaacson; she may be right here in this meeting, for all I know. And I said, "Ask those ministers, if that little boy has ever been in a prayer line?"
"No, none of them knew him."

23 So then, I said, "There's something strange about the little lad." And then as I moved along, something just looked like, laid their hand here. I was excited, because the shock of seeing the little fellow dead. He was laying there, his little socks... The little boys over there, wear little bitty trousers, up like this, like they used to here, and real heavy ribbed stockings. And his little foot had went plumb through his sock, like. And his foot sticking out, his little limbs crooked up like that, his little mouth open, his eyes way back in the back of his head. And he was laying like that, and his tongue hanging out, the blood was running out of the side of his mouth. And there the little fellow lay. And his little, kind of boyish-looking hair cut, little crock... We call it down in the South, "a little crock hair cut," like the Finns, very typical.
And I looked at the little lad. And I thought, "There's something about that lad." I started to move on. And He spoke again. And I looked around again; they was fixing to take him up. They was going to try to get him out. And I happened to look, and I said, "Oh, there he is." I said, "I remember that lad." I said, "Brother Moore, look back here in the back of your Bible, and Brother Lindsay. What was wrote in there? You remember that vision I told you in America of a little boy going to be raised from the dead?"

24 I said, "Look." And they looked in the back of their Bible, and there it was, just exactly. The boy was a little poorly-dressed boy, about eight years old. Brother Bosworth you here, you remember, that night a little boy drowned down there in Florida, and they took me out to see if that was him. Brother Bosworth, if you're here, raise your hand, somewhere. If I... I'd just like to see if you're here in a vindication. Yes, there he is up there. All right. You remember it.
Now, when he, the little boy, they took me out, and I said, "That's not the little boy; he's about five years old, and black-headed. This little boy has got brown hair, real big brown eyes, set in like that." And I said, "He's going to be all mashed up." And I said, "It seems like it must've been a car accident, and then, look at this place here." I said, "This was a rocky country where rocks was lapped around one another, and great big tall evergreen trees. And there's none of that here." And that was just an irrigation ditch where the little lad was drowned down there. So when I seen this lad, I knew that was the boy. And you don't never know how you feel then.
Now, there was a boy dead, been dead for quite awhile. But the Lord, almost two years before it happened, had spoke His Word, that the boy would be there in that kind of a place, and that would be the boy. Oh, my friends, you'll never know how it feels to walk there. Then you know exactly where you're at.

25 I said, "All right." I knelt just exactly the way He showed me to kneel. And I prayed, and I said, "Heavenly Father, over in the lands of America, You showed this boy in a vision and showed what would take place. Now, I ask You to confirm the Word, that Thou has spoken."
"And death give back this boy his life." The little boy jumped up and was well, not a thing wrong with him, went on to school. Why, that shook that place, till it was, my, that night they had... [Gap in the audio.] [ unclear words] I went on down, I was so shocked. He and I had taken a walk. And that night, when I come back, they had to put guards way down underneath to get me, to get me to the place where it was at, where the meetings was.
I will never forget Brother Baxter, in moving in that night, we had prayed for quite a few. And there the Lord would speak way out there to those Laplanders, and tell them where they was at, and what they had done, and so forth like that, around through the building. They'd just scream, throw away their crutches, get up out of their chairs. They didn't want to be prayed for. They knew the Lord was there and that's all they wanted. And that's all... They was... Well, Brother Baxter, that night, after we left that place, he picked up a load of crutches, and sticks, and canes, and things, that they'd throwed up there, till he held them in his arms like this, and held them up. And Brother Baxter was standing right there, ver... uh ... witnessing this.

26 And then, I remember, that night, coming in, Brother Baxter, on the road coming in, my brother was with me. He was bringing me back and forth to the church. And so, he went in to tell Brother Baxter, I was there, and some guards taken me through, up through a little dormitory, or what... little place was. And as I was going through there, Finnish behind me, and Finns in front of me. And they were marching... And those people standing there, on the street... When I'd come down... Here's what gets me. To see the respect of a foreigner to God, and then think the irrespect of many of our American people to the Lord.

27 They say, "Holy-roller, fanatic, and divine healer," and all of that. They don't realize. That's what makes hurts me. Oh, if this America could only come back to God... We're a great civilization, but we're living on back experiences, back reputations. That's right. The termites has eat the foundation out from under us nearly. The only thing that'll ever save America, is an old-fashioned God-sent revival. I don't mean going through and shaking hands with the people. I mean being born again, and breaking up the things, and getting back in the path where we ought to be. And that I doubt, we'll ever have.
Now, notice, because that I'm not ... understand prophecy of the Bible, that isn't my line of work. I only understand as He tells me, and things, it's for a personal thing. That's the reason I have a wonderful Bible teacher here before me, who places the people and everything right on God's Word. For this is God's Word.

28 And then, anything, that's to the nations, to all people. Now, if there's anything personal to a people, then secondarily is prophets. See? Now, that's true. The gifts in the church...
But that night, going through, there was a little girl stepped out of the girls, ladies rest room, and I heard something. And I looked around... Now you mothers... And she stepped out, a little Finnish girl, her little chopped up hair where she had cut it, probably with the scissors, and she had a little skirt on, or a little skirts hanging down, rags, about that hanging from them. And she was on two crutches, and she had a big thing around her like this, and this one leg had no use at all; it hung free. And it was in a brace that run down through a shoe, and a latch was in the toe of the shoe, that come back and went over her shoulder, and hooked back here in this thing, that went around her. And then, how she walked, she'd set her two crutches out, and take her little shoulder, and throw that leg, and it would go out like that, and the steel braces would hold her, and she'd make her step. I looked at that poor little thing. I tell you: my heart just bled. And she looked at me, and her little baby blue eyes. She ducked her little head down; she thought she had done something wrong.

29 Because they had warned, coming the down street, they'd just stand there, and the people'd just raise their hands, and tears running down their cheeks, when you just pass by: representative of God.
And today, a minister come by, say, "Hey, there goes that holy-roller." That's the difference between Finland and America in respect of Jesus Christ.
All of our songs out here, is all some kind of this old jazz music and everything, screaming out. You can't even go in a restaurant and eat without that stuff going on. It's a shame. I go in one, I see it, I turn around and go out, if I can, get away from there.
No, sir. That kind of stuff leads right down to destructions. The devil is in that thing, and it'll finally pull you into it. Shun the appearance of evil. Now, you're going to think I'm a holy-roller, sure enough. But I'm telling you, brother, I'm warning you to keep away from all things that pertains to sin. That's right.

30 Now, then in there, their songs are even in minor. Everything, they trust God for everything. And the only nation that's respected us enough to pay the debt back, and even when they was in war with us, sent the check right on through, God-fearing. God be merciful to Finland. Then... He is. He is.
Then when I seen that little Finn come out like that, she bowed her little head like that. I knew she wanted to come to me. But them Finns trying to push me on. I said to them, "Just a minute." And I looked at her. And she looked up, kind of like this, to see if I'd went on. I was standing looking at her: sweet little thing of about ten years old, about a little older than my little Rebekah, back there. All crippled up...
And I found out later, she was a little war orphan; her father and mother was killed. The Russians killed her father and mother. And she was just a war orphan, straying about. And there... When she...

31 I motioned for her like that. She couldn't understand nothing I said, and I couldn't understand what she'd say. So I motioned to her. And she put her little crutches out like this. She threw her little limb like that. And I just stood still. The other two officers went up there and stopped, and looked back. But I was standing here, and the other two standing behind me. She walked right up to where I was. And I wondered what the child was going to do. She walked real close to me, about like this, and she stopped; she had her little head down. She set her little crutches out; she got a hold of my coat like that, raised it up, and kissed my coat pocket; and dropped it back down like that. And pulled, it was a very typical little Finnish... She pulled her little skirt out like that and said, "Kiitos" that means "thank you".
And I was... Looked at the little thing. I looked again. God would have to respect faith like that. Just couldn't go... And I looked, and I seen the shadow above the little girl. And I seen her going walking off, just as normal.

32 And I said, "Sweetheart, you're healed, honey. Jesus Christ has made you... And the Finns kept pushing like that; they thought I was taking too much time with the little girl, and they supposingly singing: "Only Believe," in there in the--in Finnish, and kept on.
And I thought, "O God, surely, someday she'll understand it." And I went on in. That night, after the... Oh, they'd been called several times in the prayer cards. Then I was just about ready to go. And Something said to me, "Call again."
And my, my brother got me by the coat, said, "Come on. Come on."
I said, "Just a minute. Let's call ten more peoples." So I said, "Call for prayer card number so-and-so."

33 All, just then. And I said, "Now, while you're getting ready, I'd like to have a drink." And I heard something rattle, and God in His all wise providence, the next little thing on the platform was that little girl. That was her card, she had a card in her hand, waiting. I didn't know where the little thing was. She'd got a card. Howard had give her card; after even the meeting had started, he give her the card. And there she was next, and here she come, hobbling towards me; the tears running down out of her little blue eyes like that, hobbling to me.
And I said, "Sister Isaacson, repeat my words." I said, "Sweetheart, you was the little girl was out there a few minutes ago." She nodded her head, yes.
I said, "Jesus has healed you, honey. You go over there and have someone take those braces off. You can walk, all right. You're healed. And so, while they went over, I said, "Call the next lady."

34 And Howard brought the next woman. While the Holy Spirit was speaking, the ministers were over there, unlacing these things. That leg, from childhood, from baby, infant, had absolutely been helpless, couldn't use it at all. And somebody got her these braces and things, that she was wearing (and then some charity affair), and then, when they took the braces off, here she come running across the platform with crutches and braces in her hand, screaming to the glory of God. Up-and-down the steps she went, just as hard as she could go. Jesus Christ had made her well.
Amazing grace! how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me!
I once was lost, but now I'm found,
I was blind, but now I see.
It was grace that taught my heart to fear,
It was grace my fears relieved;
How precious did that grace appear
The hour I first believed!
Through many dangers, toils and snares,
I have already come;
It was grace that brought me safe thus far,
It's grace that will take me through.

35 Our heavenly Father, we come to Thee in the name of Jesus our grace, the all-sufficient One, the provided Lamb of God, Jehovah-jireh, God's provided Sacrifice, Jehovah-rapha, God's healing. God's all-sufficient One, the mighty One, the El-Shaddai, the bosom, how we thank Thee, O God, for ever sending Him to us. We poor aliens, alienated Gentiles carried away with dumb idols, two thousand years ago were raw heathens. We Anglo-Saxon people cut off from God without mercy in the world, and now, by the death of Him, now we've been brought nigh to God, insomuch that we'll be called sons and daughters of God: grace.
It does not yet appear what we shall be in the final end, just how we'll look. But, we know we'll have a body like His, for we shall see Him as He is. Glorious body, without sin, without blemish, without temptation, made, fashioned like His own glorious body, oh, how we groan to be clothed upon.

36 And now, Lord, tonight I pray for the unsaved, and for those who just been saved, for those who are way along the road, and may, they be blessed, Father. And now, tonight as Your humble servant tries to represent Thee here in a divine gift that was given at birth, we believe, foreordained before the foundation of the world... For we understand that gifts and callings are without repentance. Not some man standing, not laying on of hands, or some error, for it always fails. But, God, when You call, You call us to repentance, and we repent, and be filled with the Holy Spirit, then it's not man's idea; it's God's grace to us. We thank Thee.
And now, bless, tonight. Stir faith. Heal the sick. We've asked You today to give us a glorious meeting, and I pray that You'll continue to bear that before You tonight, Lord, in these next few moments as we call the sick and afflicted here to pray for them. May the Holy Spirit move all over this audience tonight and heal every sick person. For we ask it in Jesus' name. Amen.
All right. The little lady at the organ, if she will... Billy where are you at? And now, everyone on praying ground, raise your hands. Everybody is in favor with God, raise your hands and say, "Praise the Lord." All right. Now, pray for me, will you, as I pray.

Romans 11:29 For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance.

37 Now, what was the... E, from what? One to fifty. All right. He give out prayer cards E awhile ago in the building. I guess they're scattered, or especially, I think he said these rows right in here, is the one's that... I seen a tag hanging down there, something reserved for the sick.
All right. Now, prayer cards E-1, 2, 3, 4, let about the first fifteen of you stand up here. That's about as many as we can stand at a time. I noticed last night, I called about twenty-five or thirty, and some of the people were so tired, they had to set down before we got in.
From E-1 to E-15, first. Check down here, ushers and so forth, among these people here, that's can't... Some of them are here in cots, and, or, stretchers and some in chairs. And now, turn your card over. Look at your neighbors card. He might be deaf, and can't hear his number called. So E-1, E-2, E-3, 4, 5, on up to fifteen line up over here to my right, if you will. All right.
Now, the rest of you, from beginning at that same number, look around to your neighbor, and see where the next fifteen's at. And now, you wait just a little bit, till I get through with these, then if we can we'll call for your number, immediately after that. Be ready for that time.

38 Now, while they're lining up, I've saved a Scripture here, to read. Listen, at the disciples speaking to Jesus in Saint John 16. The disciples said unto Him, "Lo, now speaketh Thou plainly, speaketh in no proverb." Now, listen. "Now are we sure that Thou knowest all things, and needest not that any man should ask Thee, by this we believe that Thou comest from God."
Jesus answered and said unto them, "Do you now believe? Do you now believe?"
I want to ask you as Jesus' disciples, and I am one of His disciples. You are one of His disciples. Jesus Christ the same, yesterday, today, and forever. He does the same things here today as He did when He was here. Is that right? Has He proved it to you this week? If He did, say, "Amen." Do ye now believe? Then let us give away every fear, every doubt, give over to Him, now, our hearts. Will you do that?

John 16:29 His disciples said unto him, Lo, now speakest thou plainly, and speakest no proverb.

John 16:30 Now are we sure that thou knowest all things, and needest not that any man should ask thee: by this we believe that thou camest forth from God.

John 16:31 Jesus answered them, Do ye now believe?

Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

39 God in heaven knows that there's not a person in this auditorium right now, that I see, that I recognize, or know anything in the world about. You're all perfectly strangers to me. I believe this young man here, has been here a couple nights or something. I don't believe I know the organist. I believe there's a little girl, kindly had her hair cut down the other way. I don't you. All right. I know no one along the lines there, nowhere. There maybe some people here, knows me, but God knows I can't see one person now, that I recognize, anywhere in the building, not a one of you.
They say, Mr. Bosworth's way up in the gallery there, somewhere. But I can't even see him, because it looks dark back in that way. Standing here, it looks different from you're... the light is shining on me, and that blinds it out there, till where I can see back. I can see people, but not too plain.

40 Now, if Christ is the same, which we know He is, then He can do tonight, what He done when Philip came to Him at the beginning of His ministry. Is that right? Philip said, "Could any good thing come out of Nazareth?" Or, I mean Nathanael.

John 1:46 And Nathanael said unto him, Can there any good thing come out of Nazareth? Philip saith unto him, Come and see.

41 Philip said, "Come and see."
Jesus was standing in the prayer line, as He usually did, perhaps, praying for the sick. And when Philip come along to Him, or Nathanael, Jesus looked at Nathanael coming up the prayer line, or wherever it was. He said, "Behold, an Israelite, in whom there is no guile." Is that right? Why it astonished the man. In other words, if I'd say it tonight, I said, "There's a good truthful Christian."
Why, he said, "Whence knoweth thou me, Rabbi?"
He said, "Before Philip called you, when you were under the tree, I saw you." Is that right?

John 1:46 And Nathanael said unto him, Can there any good thing come out of Nazareth? Philip saith unto him, Come and see.

John 1:47 Jesus saw Nathanael coming to him, and saith of him, Behold an Israelite indeed, in whom is no guile!

John 1:48 Nathanael saith unto him, Whence knowest thou me? Jesus answered and said unto him, Before that Philip called thee, when thou wast under the fig tree, I saw thee.

42 Now, what if Nathanael would've said, "Now, wait a minute, He's reading my mind. It's psychology, or something, or mental telepathy."
Why, the story of it would never be written. But he said, "Thou art the Christ the Son of the living God." Is that right? Are you... Have you as much as faith as--faith as Nathanael had tonight?
When the woman at the well, when He ask her, "Go bring Me a drink."
She said, "It's not customary for You Jews to ask we Samaritans." He was trying to carry a conversation with her. Said, "It's not customary for You to do that."
Then He said, "If you knew who you were speaking to, you'd ask Me for a drink. And I'd give You Water you don't come here to draw."
She said, "The well's deep."
He talked to her a little bit. Then He went right straight to her trouble. He said, "Go get your husband." Is that right? That's where her trouble was.
She said, "I have none."
Said, "No, you got five. And the one you have now is not your husband."
She said, "Sir, I perceive that You're a prophet." And she ran into the city, knowing that the age was there.
She just said, "Messiah cometh." and she run in, said, "Come see a Man who told me all I ever done."

John 1:49 Nathanael answered and saith unto him, Rabbi, thou art the Son of God; thou art the King of Israel.

John 4:7 There cometh a woman of Samaria to draw water: Jesus saith unto her, Give me to drink.

John 4:8 (For his disciples were gone away unto the city to buy meat.)

John 4:9 Then saith the woman of Samaria unto him, How is it that thou, being a Jew, askest drink of me, which am a woman of Samaria? for the Jews have no dealings with the Samaritans.

John 4:10 Jesus answered and said unto her, If thou knewest the gift of God, and who it is that saith to thee, Give me to drink; thou wouldest have asked of him, and he would have given thee living water.

John 4:11 The woman saith unto him, Sir, thou hast nothing to draw with, and the well is deep: from whence then hast thou that living water?

John 4:16 Jesus saith unto her, Go, call thy husband, and come hither.

John 4:17 The woman answered and said, I have no husband. Jesus said unto her, Thou hast well said, I have no husband:

John 4:18 For thou hast had five husbands; and he whom thou now hast is not thy husband: in that saidst thou truly.

John 4:19 The woman saith unto him, Sir, I perceive that thou art a prophet.

John 4:28 The woman then left her waterpot, and went her way into the city, and saith to the men,

John 4:29 Come, see a man, which told me all things that ever I did: is not this the Christ?

43 Well, He didn't do that, in so many words. He told her one thing. But if God could show Him what one thing was, God could show Him what all things are. Is that right?
So she said, "Isn't this the Christ?" And the men came out and brought Him in the city. God give us some more Samaritan women tonight.
They run out to find out. And when they talked to Him, they said, "There's something different, that Fellow don't talk like other men." So they knew that was the Christ

John 4:29 Come, see a man, which told me all things that ever I did: is not this the Christ?

John 4:30 Then they went out of the city, and came unto him.

44 They said, "Now, He's just talked. He's not done any miracles. But we believe that He is." Then Christ didn't do any miracles. He waited and sent Philip down there, and He let them have a big revival with Philip. Then right in the middle of the revival, God said, "Philip, come on..." The Holy... The Angel of the Lord said, "Philip, come on out here in the desert awhile. I want to talk to out here. I got one man coming down for you to see." And Philip went. Is that right? How strange.
Now, Billy bring them. Did you get all? Everything? If not, well, let's... you just.. Friends, you're just have to line up, I guess. All right.
Come, lady.
Now, now, I'm going to ask you one thing tonight, if you will. Be real reverent, real reverent. And as you are, don't stir around, unless you have... Just keep it, just a minimum if you can.
Now, I'm sure that all you Christians can appreciate... Brother Baxter, I would if you'd move up just a little closer, so you can be in prayer, if you will, feel a strain just now. All right. In there, and pray if you will. I... Brother Baxter has been with me so long, every human being... That's the reason we take people from the platform, every human being has a spirit. You can tell it, wherever it is, it's just pulling from everywhere (See?) when He comes. Now, be reverent.

Acts 8:26 And the angel of the Lord spake unto Philip, saying, Arise, and go toward the south unto the way that goeth down from Jerusalem unto Gaza, which is desert.

45 Here stands a lady. I don't suppose I know you, lady. I guess we're strangers are we? You were here last night for your first time. First meeting you was ever in of mine. She said, "She was here, her first night. She was in a little David meeting, but she was never in my meeting, and wasn't here till last night. And tonight is on the platform."
Now, the woman is perfectly a stranger to me. I never saw her in all my life. I know nothing about her. Now, God can, by His mercy, if He sends Jesus tonight to speak to that woman, Jesus can do for her, just like He done the woman at the well, or Philip. Is that right? Now, He can. God knows I cannot. But if I... If that electric light was made a light, it can't light itself. It takes the current to light it. Is that right? Well, there's a light there, a window, and it gives light too, but not that kind of light, because it wasn't made that way. You're just as much Christian as anybody else. And we're all Christians together by faith in Christ; but we had callings for certain things. God made this woman to play the piano, Brother Baxter to preach the Gospel. I was born as a seer. That kind of chokes brother. Would you pardon me, just a moment. Let me get this to you just a minute. It's just something, little wrong here somewhere. You're not getting that right.
I want to ask you a question. Look this way, just a moment now, till we get this... Let's get the meeting leveled out. How many of you...? Here.

46 How many in here ever dreamed a dream? Let's see your hands? Dreamed a dream? Well, there's at least two-thirds of you. Now, you say, "Well, they all..." No, sir, there's some people that doesn't dream at all. Is that right? Some people never dreams a dream.
Now, what is dreaming? Let's take it, in the scientific stand. We're taught that a dream is your subconscious in action. Here's your real conscious, your first conscious. And when you go to sleep here, your subconscious comes on. Now, God can deal in dreams, but it's not too accurate. He did with Joseph, and King Nebuchadnezzar, and Joseph the foster father of Jesus, and so forth. He did. And many times, if there's an interpreter of dreams, dreams are all right, if they're of God, but they're not too accurate, especially in this day.

47 Now, if we had an interpreter of dreams, it would be fine. Just like speaking with tongues, if you got an interpreter, fine. If you haven't keep still. See? Now, let everything be in order. Now, here's the first conscious. When you go to sleep here, you dream of something over here. You dream of something you done back here. Then when you come back to this conscious, you remember what you dreamed about. Is that right? Many of you in here has dreamed dreams, twenty years ago, and still remember it. Is that right?
Well, then, you actually had some part of you, some makeup was somewhere and seen something that bears yet on your mind. Is that right. That's your subconscious. Now, look. Now, a normal person dreams, because when you are here, you're subconscious, they say, is set this far from you. Now, the man that doesn't dream, say, his subconscious would be plumb back to that wall there. He sleeps so sound that he never wakes up. A noise doesn't wake him. But a person that dreams, is not altogether asleep. Did you know that? A dream only lasts a second or two. But it's just between waking up and asleep. You see? It's your subconscious in there. Now, listen close so you won't miss this.

48 Now, that man can't help because he doesn't dream. Neither can you help because you do dream. Now, look. God made you that way. Is that right? Now, what if I told you, "Dream me a dream." Could you do it? No, sir. Yet, you dream dreams. But I say, "Dream me a dream." You can't do it. The one who puts a dream upon you, has to do it. Is that right? How many understands that far, what I'm talking about? Now, let... That's right.
Now, look. Now, you begin to be germitized, as your body, in your great-grandfather, the germ begin to begin to become active. Did you know that? Why here, Levi, paid tithes when he was in the loins of Abraham, his grandfather. Is that right? See? Now, if you germitized in your great-grandfather, come out through your grandfather, down to your father, then in, and that's how you become germitized for your body.
But your spirit, your soul was made up before the foundation of the world, when God made man in His image. Now, a person that cannot dream, his subconscious is there, that's God's way of doing it. The man that does dream, his subconscious is here, he can't help it. But a seer, that's borned a seer, His subconscious is neither back there, nor here. It's right here with him. You don't go asleep. You're wide awake and see it. Now, who understands what I mean? See? It's not laying on of hands. It's not in imparting spiritual gift, as the error is going across the country today. That's wrong. If you believe me to be a prophet sent from God, hear my word: That's an error, no such a thing. Gifts and callings are without repentance. God ordains them; God has set in the church, see. All right.

Romans 11:29 For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance.

49 Then a seer is born in the world, and his whole makeup has come down here, that he does not go to sleep; he just breaks from one conscious to another, and God moves in on that conscious and shows a vision. Now, how many understands what I said and... Now there it is.
Now, see, I can't do it, God has got to break me from this, into this. I can't help because I had blue eyes. I like brown eyes, but I had blue. God give me blue eyes; I have to be satisfied with it. Whatever He makes you, that's what you are. All right.

50 Now, be reverent. And you Christian people here, tonight, know how to pray, pray for me, for this is your Lord Jesus, and my Lord Jesus, that we're trying to let the people see that He is here. And may, by His grace, He come down and vindicate that I'm telling you the truth. Will you believe it?
Now here, come here a minute, sister. Now, I don't know whether God will or not. If this woman can be told what is wrong with her, and no way at all for me knowing it, will you believe that He is the same yesterday, today, and forever? God grant it now. Longer you talk to people, of course, more is said. Just keep talking, just keeps more said.

51 Now, I want you to come here, sister. I just want to talk to you. Now, can you hear me, all over the building? You watch that, Brother Baxter, if you will. Can you hear me way up in the galleries from here? Way up there in the top in the balcony, can you? That's good. Thank you. Thank you, brother; you're doing a good job on that.
Now, all of you, even in there, be in prayer. Now, I mean in silent prayer. You can watch until I ask you to bow your head. Now, lady, I want you just to look at me, see. It's just... Because you're human; I am a human. And we both have... Well, we got to stand before God someday. We've got to give an account for our lives. And now, you have a human spirit. I have a human spirit, because God ordained it to be that way. Now, but, if there's any sickness, maybe you got something I don't know. Maybe you got cancer. Maybe you got some kind of female trouble. I don't know what it is. But whatever it is, that's a disease, which is the devil of the darkness. That's right. It's of darkness. It's not of light. Sickness is of darkness, to kill you. God is light, who brings life.

52 Now, in here, and You're conscious that Something is near, you're conscious something is going on. Now, that's the Angel of the Lord. Now, He can reveal to me, what is wrong with you, if He desires to. If He doesn't, I can't. But being... Yes. Now, now, the lady is moving right back from me, just as fast as she can go. She has... She's got something; it's some kind of headache trouble. And she's... It's something hurts her up here all the time, like a heartache, sinus, or something that's causing a headache. I see her rubbing her head. Is that right, lady? Now that, if that--if that was right, raise up your hand so the people will see.

53 Now, I never seen the lady, but I seen a lady, she holds her head like this, and she has severe pains in her head. And another thing I noticed, now the lady leaves again. You're extremely nervous, aren't you, lady? Real nervous? Uh-huh. I see you very much upset about something. Now, just... I see you when something has just... Say, don't you have a loved one in the hospital? A man, a husband, it's your husband. He's just been operated. Is that right? Isn't he a veteran, or something, in some kind of a veteran hospital? Is that right? And say, I see what's make... God bless her soul. You just lost a boy, haven't you? A boy, he was in the navy wasn't he? Drown out in... Is that true? God bless you, mother, go, your headaches has ceased. God has blessed you, and may He, as this dear, poor, little war mother, bless her in Jesus' name.

54 God be merciful. Poor little thing with her heart full. Every Christian in here, ought to give God thanks for that poor little mother. Her boy just recently died as a hero. I seen a ship go up, or something another. And I seen the mother standing above, was weeping like that, a young fellow gone.
Oh, friends, how can you disbelieve? He's here. He knows all things. You can't hide your life from Him now. The Angel of God who I speak of, is right here now. All right.

55 Come here, sir. I suppose we're strangers too. We are. Now, I couldn't heal you, sir, if I had to. Only thing I can do, is to pray to God for you. And if God would show me what was wrong with you, well, I could tell you. If He didn't, I couldn't. Of course, you know that. I'm a stranger. You're aware of that. The reason I talk you, just so the anointing gets started on swiftly, so I can get to the people. You understand. You should, you're a minister of the Gospel. Is that right?

56 I see you stand in the platform. You've had a nervous breakdown haven't you? Isn't that right? All right. Just a minute. I see someone standing near you. It's your wife. And she's ... she suffers too. And she has a gland trouble, or something. Isn't that right? Is she in the audience? Isn't she kind of a woman that's... She's got on a black hat, and she's got little flowers like in front of it? And she wears glasses, doesn't she? Go put your arm around her; lay your hand on her; both of you go home; you're going to get well in the name of the Lord Jesus.
Let's say, "Praise be to God." God's grace extended to the people... Have faith in God, and you shall see the glory of God. All right.
Bring the lady. You believe? Now, lady, if God will reveal, the Holy Spirit's here, you believe with all your heart? If God will speak what's wrong with you, you'd accept your healing right now. You have something wrong, you're--you [unclear words] cough--asthma, is that right? Is that right? If it is, raise up your hand. You accept your healing? Come near, mother.

57 Lord Jesus, seeing her poor old heart beating, knowing she wanted me to ask You, I pray that You heal her. And may she go off this platform and not suffer any more in Jesus name. Thank you. God bless you, sister. Go, believing now. All right. Is this... Is that the...
All right, come, sir. All right. You believe me to be God's servant? Of course, you're wearing glasses. Anyone would know something is wrong with your eyes. Anybody with crutch, or something another would know they were crippled. 'Course, I know there's something wrong with your eyes; you wouldn't have glasses. But I want you to talk to me just a minute, maybe there's something else wrong, that the people can't see.
Now, do you realize, sir, something is going on, don't you? You know that you're in the presence of Something that you've never been in the presence of before. Is that right, sir? Raise your hand if it is. No one can stand this near, and know that Jesus Christ isn't standing right here at this platform. And that's true. Now, you look this way, sir. That won't hurt; that's the thing that'll... Anything could ever heal you, it'll be that what you feel now. I... Yes, sir. I see you trying to get out of bed or something; there's something wrong with your back. Is that right? [Gap in the audio.]

58 Main thing I want to tell you about, when I was praying for that man, and his back being in condition it was, and at the same time, you had a strange feeling, because you suffer with arthritis, is that right? I mean you did suffer with arthritis. He healed you while you were setting in the chair. Go on your road rejoicing, and you can be made well.
All right, come. Do you believe? All your heart? What made you jump when I said, heart? You suffer with a heart trouble. Is that right? That's right. It's a... Really it isn't no gases. It's absolutely shows that it is, the examination shows that it is enlargement of the heart. Now, go on your road, and Jesus Christ make you well. You want me to pray for you, and I'm going to do it now. I wasn't reading your mind, but I know what you were thinking.

59 O God, I pray that You'll heal her. May this heart trouble cease in Jesus Christ's name. I ask it to go from her. Amen. God bless you, lady.
Now, look. Not... Just so that this audience might know; you were thinking there, of what the Angel told me, if "you will pray for the sick." See? And that... Isn't that right? Raise your hand up if that's right. See? It's not... You can call it whatever you want to, all right. God bless you. God bless you, sister. Go home, get well now.

60 You call it mind-reading if you want to; Jesus did the same thing. You believe it. He perceived their thoughts. Is that right? Well, what's mind-reading? Not that little old spirit that's setting out here on the corner here of the devil, making a mockery out of something, that's a counterfeit that the devil has; but God has the real thing. Remember that always. All right. Everyone be reverent now.
Come. Little laddie boy, God bless his little heart. You want to get over that eye trouble, do you? All right. Come here, just a moment. Our heavenly Father, I bless the little lad, and I pray that You'll heal him and make him every whit whole. I lay hands upon him. I know if You were here, You'd lay Your hands on him, and he'd get well. So in a representative way, I ask for his healing in the name of Christ the Son of God. Amen.

61 You need healing too, brother. Lord Jesus, this poor man is suffering here with this spleen, prostate, bladder. God make him well in Jesus Christ's name I pray. Amen. Go, sir. It stopped now. You can be made well.
Let's say, "Thanks be to God."
There's something the matter, Brother Baxter. See? That's the second time He's called ... pulled me around to you. Don't know what it is... Two times today, the Holy Spirit's pulled me to Brother Baxter, that was one reason I had him set there awhile ago. He was setting behind the curtain today, and when I walked in the room here to preach the Gospel, it was the Holy Spirit begin to move over the audience and healed. You know that, called the people, where they were, and what they--was the matter. Just spoke to Brother Baxter, to ... again.

62 All right, come, lady. All right. Stay near. Do you believe me to be His prophet? Look this a way then. If God will tell me what is your trouble, will you believe me to be His prophet? Wouldn't you like to get over your diabetes? Is that right? All right, if He's here, and His mercies are here... God, I pray for the blessing of God to rest upon her, and may she go be healed in Jesus name, amen. God bless you, sister. Go now. Have faith and believe. All right.
Come, sir. All right. Do you believe with all your heart? You... Well, you believe that God has sent me? I'm just representing Him, sir. You understand? There's nothing I could do to heal you; only I would know what was wrong with you. Your life and what you've done, could not be hid right now, sir. That's a divine gift. You're conscious that's something is going on. You are suffering with heart trouble. You have a heart trouble. Then you have a--you have arthritis also. Is that right? All right. Do you believe if I will pray for you now, that God will make you well? All right, come here.

63 Lord Jesus, realizing the seriousness of this case, of this poor man, I pray as I push myself against him, as Elijah laid on the child that was dead. I ask, Lord, that this heart trouble cease, his arthritis get well, his other troubles cease to be. And may the man live and serve You all the days of his life, in Jesus Christ's name, I bless him. Amen. God bless you, brother. Now, go, rejoicing, happy, and thanking God for your healing. All right.
Let's say, "Thanks be to God."
Come, sir. As you walked to me, I seen something moving. And here's what it is; you're anemia, your blood. And one thing, you're a nervous person too, not the kind that shakes and carries on, but the deep thinking kind. Is that right? You're always, as the old saying, "crossing bridges before you get to them," building up things, never happen, see. And, sir, you can't hide your life. I know you. Not... I never met you in my life, is that right? Sir? You were at the Flint Campaign. Of course, I never met you, I guess, there. Or did I? No. I never met you. All right.

64 You believe that He will heal you now? Upon the basis of that, you believe He's present. You believe that, what you feel right now, is Him? I'm not reading your mind. It's Jesus Christ standing here, that knows your life. Is that right? Come near.
Lord Jesus, have mercy on the man. May he come to Calvary tonight by faith, and may God through the mercies of Christ, heal him just now as I bless him in Jesus Christ's name.
Now, sir, as you go, go rejoicing. Go, be happy. Sing songs all day long. You're that quiet type of person, which would hurt you a little later in your life. You go on, and just start singing hymns, and rejoicing, testifying of your healing, it'll leave you. God bless you, sir. All right.

65 Come and believe. You want to get over heart trouble, sir? Raise up your hand say, "Thank God for healing for me." Now, as you go off the platform, keep that testimony, He's bound to do it, in the name of the Lord Jesus.
All right, sir, you wanted to get rid of the same thing, didn't you? Heart trouble! Just keep moving. Saying, "Praise the Lord for healing me." Praise... God bless them people, I pray.
All right. Come. Isn't it strange, you with the same thing; but and also you're a diabetic. Is that right? You want to be well? Raise up your hand, say, "Thank You, Lord." All right, go on keeping that same testimony, you've got be healed.

66 You want to get over the diabetes, lady? You do? Raise up your hand, say, "Praise the Lord." Now, turn around the other way, go off the platform, saying, "Thank You, Lord. Thank You, Lord."
How many of the rest of you want to be healed out there the same way? How many out there hasn't got a prayer card, raise your hands? Anywhere in the building, wants to be healed, I challenge you this. In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, without a prayer card, without a calling to the line, to this platform, if you'll believe, and firmly believe, I will believe that God will manifest Himself to you, out there, before we call anybody.
Do you believe it?
This lady setting here with your hands up, an elderly-like lady, pocketbook laying on your lap. Do you believe me to be His prophet? You haven't got a prayer card, I see. You believe with all your heart? Thank you. That's what the Angel said, "If you believe that it is true..."
Now, you look straight to me, a minute. You're straight in front of me. Yes. You're suffering with a nervous condition. Is that right? A mental nervousness, is that right? And it caused you great trouble, and you get real weak, don't you? And you do quite a bit of praying, trying to get over it. You were disappointed recently. Let's see when. Yes, you were disappointed in this meeting last night, if I'd have made another call, you had a prayer card last night, and didn't get one tonight. Is that right? Is that true? Then raise to your feet; Jesus Christ has healed you where you're setting. Amen. Now, go.
Have faith in God, dear people. Have faith in God.

67 That little lady setting behind her, there. Yes. Shocked you didn't it? The reason that I called you, young lady, is because that you suffer with the same thing she did. You were healed just then. You have a nervous condition. Isn't that right? No prayer card... And... Is that right? All right, no prayer card... Stand up on your feet, just minute, I'd be sure, there's so many calling there. Yes, you are healed. You had the same thing she had; yours is caused by menopause, starting through the change of life. Now, is that true?
Raise your hand, say, "Praise the Lord," then. All right, go home and be well. The elderly mother setting there, she kept crying, like, that's your husband setting next to you. You believe with all your heart? Isn't that right? You're both suffering with the same thing, hardening of the artery. Is that right? No prayer card... Raise up your hand, if you do. Raise up your hand, say, "Praise the Lord." Go home and get well then, in the name of the Lord Jesus.

68 God is here. Have faith in God. Some of you sick people in here, pray. Look this way. Now here He goes, right across this a way now. Oh, can't you see That, friend. Looks like you should. Standing right before me now is a Light, and in that light stands a woman. It's her eyes. It's settling. Here it is, right here on the end of the row, that second row setting there. The woman has something wrong with her eyes. She's setting there praying, she didn't realize that... Is that right, lady? Stand up. Jesus Christ has made you whole.
You setting next to her there, what do you think about this all? You... Are you sick? You want to be healed. Do you believe me to be God's prophet? You do? Stand up on your feet a minute. Do you believe? You should. All right, look this way. Do you believe me to be His prophet? I can't heal you, but you can't hide your life. Is that right? You are a believer of the Word.
You suffer with an ulcer in your stomach. Is that right, wave your hands. It's a peptic ulcer, which is caused from a nervous condition. Go on out, and get you a hamburger, and eat it, and go on home. Jesus Christ makes you well. God bless you. Have faith in God.

69 Little lady setting there next to him, what do you think about this all? Do you believe it to be the power of God? You do? All right, you're suffering with arthritis, aren't you? Isn't that right? Stand up on your feet. You did have it, Jesus Christ has healed you of it now. Go home and be well in the Name of the Lord Jesus.
Have faith in God.
What about you there, lady, you setting there with dark glasses on. I guess that, no, it isn't, well it is your eyes in one way. Do you believe me to be God's prophet? Do you believe with all your heart? You do? Stand up on your feet, just a minute then. Look this way.
No, you have dropsy. Is that right? If it is wave your hand back and forth this way. All right. Go home in the name of the Lord Jesus receive your healing. God bless you. That's right. What do you think? The man setting next to her, do you believe me to be God's prophet? Do you believe God will reveal to me what's wrong with you? You don't have any prayer card. All right, if you don't have any prayer card, and believe that I'm God's prophet, stand up on your feet a minute. Look this way. Yes, you're suffering. You're suffering with headaches? Is that right? Migraine headaches, it bothers you all the time; constantly pain. It's left you now, has it? Go home; you're finished with it. Jesus Christ makes you whole. Hallelujah.

70 The Almighty Jehovah God, has sent His Son Christ Jesus to manifest Himself to the people. Tell me, He's here. You believe these things to be truth?
Have faith in... Somebody way back in the back, you think it's anybody back there sick? Anywhere you may be, believe God. I'm looking at you in the back, not looking at you in the way that You think. As Peter and John said, "Look on us."
Elisha said to Jehoshaphat, "If it..." Or to Ahab's son, Jeroboam. "If it wasn't, I respected Jehoshaphat, I wouldn't even look at you." You know what I mean, Christians?
I look back there. Have faith. I see the Angel of the Lord standing in the back of the building, a Light, moving around over somebody's head. I see a woman appear right here before me; she's wearing a white blouse. She's suffering with female trouble. It settles down. It's over a woman, just about three of four rows, this way, and about three or four in this a way. A woman with a white blouse, sitting right through here, I see where It's hanging right over now. Stand up, back there, Lady, right back there, about the fourth one in. There you are, that's the truth. You had a female trouble, didn't you? You are healed, go home in the name of the Lord Jesus. You are healed?
Anywhere, Almighty God is God.
I see a little girl holding up her hands there that's sick. Have faith in God. Do you believe? Can't see... Something crossed me up on the child. Just a minute. I see a child standing before me, oh, it's a girl, but I can't see... Something happened. [A man says, "Please, no pictures while Brother Branham is praying.]

71 Just a moment. Where was I at? What happened? [A man says, "For a child over here."] What was it? ["For a child over here."] Don't do that. If the Angel of the Lord comes in a flash, in a Light, and I... Don't do that, ever who it is, I don't... I'm not calling you out, but don't do it, it shoves ... knocks the vision off of me, just a moment, attracted my attention, just...
Now, just a moment. O Lord God, Creator of heavens and earth, Author of life, send Thy blessings just now we pray, through Jesus' name.

72 Just a moment. Be in silent prayer. It's a mix up. I see two little girls; here they come. There's God's grace. Oh here, it's the little girl setting right here in front of me. She's got something wrong in her throat. It's the little girl right here. Yes. Isn't that right, lady? Say, hasn't that little girl just been operated on, or something another? Is that right? In the throat? Is that true? And don't she have something, I see something running from her ears. Is that right? And she has adenoids also. Is that right? Are you... You're the mother. Is that true? All right, raise up your hand. Put your hand on the baby, in the name of Jesus Christ, go home and be well, child.

73 Do you want to get over that sinus trouble, setting there, sir? You want to get over it? That's what you had, because I see you holding your head. Is that right? Stand up on your feet. Go home now, and get well in the name of the Lord Jesus.
Here comes that little girl again. Just a moment. Oh, here's the little girl setting right here. That little girl has something wrong with her eyes, doesn't she? Is that right? And doesn't she have something wrong with her throat too? Is that true? You're the mother of the child. And you have something wrong with your eyes. Is that right? Lay your hand over on her. What's making you feel that way? Christ the Son of God, makes you whole. Have faith in God.
The lady sitting there with diabetes, do you want to get over it, lady? You believe with all your heart that Christ will make you well? All right, sir, stand up on your feet. Get over the diabetes in the name of the Lord Jesus. Have faith in God.

74 There's somebody, I believe it's the lady setting second from you there, has some bowel trouble or something, something wrong in her intestinal. You believe with all your heart? If you do, you believe, lady? Stand up on your feet. It is a bowel trouble, colitis, with adhesions. Raise your hand like that if that's true. Go home. And Jesus Christ make you well. Hallelujah.
Sure, I see these little boys here with polio and so forth. What about the lady? You have faith? You believe?
Look this way, dad. You look to me. Have her turn this way. Do you believe me as God's prophet, lady? I can't heal you, you're laying on a stretcher. But God can reveal your life to me. You believe it? Do you believe me to be God's prophet? You've been sick. You've had something wrong in your lungs: pneumonia, had a relapse of it. Stand up on your feet. Take that wheelchair, that stretcher chair, and go on home, get well in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

75 A challenge for my Lord. Who would disbelieve Him, the Rose of Sharon, the Lily of the Valley, the Bright and Morning Star, the Alpha, Omega, He that was, Which is, and shall come, the Root and Offspring of David?
Are you ready to be healed? Do you believe? Believest thou this? Lay your hands over on one another.
Almighty God, Author of Life, Giver of every good gift, send Thy blessings, O God. Heal in the name of the Lord Jesus. And now, Father, as I stand here, the hour is getting late; my body's weak. O God, Who created heavens and earth, I'm looking for You to do this now. You promised. I believe You. I've ask You today.
I believe we receive what we ask for. Now, may the Holy Spirit move through this audience just now, and heal every person in here, Lord. May the sick be healed at this minute, in the name of Jesus Christ.
Now, Satan, I adjure thee, in the name of Christ the Son of God, come of every person in here.

76 All of you that believe that you're healed in the wheelchairs on the... Here's a lady up out of a stretcher, walking, glorifying God. Every one of you that believes, stand on your feet and accept your healing. That kidney trouble is healed. That back condition left you. The cancer is gone.
Christ, the Son of God...

Do you now believe? (1953-11-06) (William M. Branham Sermons)

Do you now believe? (1953-11-06) (William M. Branham Sermons) somebody

Do you now believe?

1 ... power of God to the people, the Gospel will never have much effect upon the people. A Mohammedan can have just as much joy and shout just as loud as a Christian does, and have just as much confirmation that he's going to Heaven as a Christian can. That's right. He believes in God, but he's deeply in error. Now what he has to see is some manifestation. Dr. Reedhead, which received the Holy Spirit in my room, he said that standing to a staunch Mohammedan, who had been educated here in America, he said, "Why don't you renounce your dead prophet and receive a resurrected Lord Jesus?"

2 He said, "Kind sir, what can your Lord Jesus do more for me than my prophet?"
"Why," he said, "He is risen from the dead, He gives us hope of eternal life."
He said, "Our Mohammed gave us the promise of eternal life too."
Said, "We have joy."
He said, "So do we." So he said, "If our Mohammed ... you've had two thousand years to prove that your Lord Jesus raised from the dead." And said, "Two thirds of the world knows nothing about it." He said, "But let our Mohammed raise from the dead, and all the world will know about it." He said, "Besides, our Mohammed never promised us things like your Lord Jesus. Your Lord Jesus promised as He raised up the things that He did, you'd do also. Now let me see you scholars produce that, and we will believe that the Lord Jesus raised from the dead."
He said, "Brother Branham, I changed the subject."
He had to. Oh, we teach it in theology, but brother, Christianity is a practice, it's a life.

John 16:27 For the Father himself loveth you, because ye have loved me, and have believed that I came out from God.

John 16:28 I came forth from the Father, and am come into the world: again, I leave the world, and go to the Father.

John 16:29 His disciples said unto him, Lo, now speakest thou plainly, and speakest no proverb.

John 16:30 Now are we sure that thou knowest all things, and needest not that any man should ask thee: by this we believe that thou camest forth from God.

John 16:31 Jesus answered them, Do ye now believe?

3 Let me read some of the words of our Lord. At the 16th chapter of Saint John, 27th verse I read:
For the Father himself loveth you, because you have loved me, and have believed that I came out from God.
I came forth from the Father, and am come again into the world: again, I leave the world, and go unto the Father.
His disciples said unto him, Lo, now speakest thou plainly, and speakest no proverb.
Now we are sure that that thou knowest all things, and needest not that any man should ask thee: by this we know thou comest forth from God.
Jesus answered them, Do you now believe?

4 Because that He knew what was going on, they recognized that His testimony was true, for God confirmed His testimony to be the truth. That's the way we believe these things, is a confirmation of truth. Now you say, "What is truth?"
"Christ is truth." And Christ confirmed in a human life makes it truth. Now I am not calling any down, because of unbelief, because it's ... I pray God forgive me of my unbelief. I'm ashamed of my faith in the presence of my audience. There's many personal dealings and face to face talks, and the experience that God has by His sovereign grace, given me. And no more faith than I have, I feel ashamed of myself. And I publicly confess it. I ought to have mountains of faith, when I'm ashamed, and therefore I can't rebuke you.

5 But the only thing that I say is, "God help us to have faith." And as we see manifestations of God's presence, increases our faith to believe in Him. For instance, how could Israel doubt God after they seen the Red Sea open up? After they seen Moses do the signs that he did. How could they doubt God? But they did, they doubted Him, and murmured in their hearts and wanted to go back.
Tomorrow, if the printer has them ready, I'm to bring down that picture, the Angel of the Lord in the pillar of fire. Scientifically taken, maybe I'll tell you the story of it tomorrow night. Someone had asked my boy if they could use them on radio program. You'd have to get them from the Douglas Studios, they're copyrighted in Washington, DC. And I have no control of them myself, I just buy them and let the people have them for what I get them for. But we'll have them tomorrow night. And I'll try to tell you the story of them if I can.

6 But what brings faith should be initially, first, the Word. "Faith cometh by hearing, hearing of the Word of God." Now besides the Word, God has set in the church gifts to manifest His presence with His people, and His attitude towards His people, that they may have faith in Him. Do you believe that, if you do, would you say, "Amen." That is Scripturally as well as I know how to place it.
Now I have no criticism to offer to anyone, or any churches. If they can have whiskey stores on every corner, and places of amusements in every city, we should have churches on every corner doing their bit for the glory of God. And we have no time to criticize them, no matter how much we may differ with them, yet we should love them and try our best to bring a unity of brotherhood among men. That has been my alternative.

Romans 10:17 So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

7 When I stood by the grave of a great man gone on, and his church came up, was a great church for a while, and then the first thing you know, it begin to cool off and all things that he once taught, looked like cast aside. And the first beginning of the ministry when Brother Roberts, Brother Jaggers, and every one of them come sat right where you're sitting tonight, saw what God was doing. Came and talked it over, we prayed together, and they went out and done great work across the nation. To whom I give God thanks and praise for each of these men. I feel like they're my children. Many of them are much older. But yet, I feel like they're my children. For by inspiration they saw what God could do, and the possibilities, and in there they won souls and souls to God everywhere. And only eternity will reveal the great results. Many people by hearing the Word believe.

8 Now the way that I have faith in God, is first by His Word. And if any vision, or any person, would speak anything that was contrary to the Word, then don't hear it. This is the fundamental foundation of all God has said to His church. And every person's faith must be built sovereignly upon the Bible. That's right.
Now God winks at our ignorance sometime, the things that we do that's not just exactly right, He gets glory out of it just the same. So, just keep still, let God go ahead, He will take care of the rest of it. But in there... Now that is the Word to the nations, to the people, to everybody. That's right.
But then if God has set in the church a divine gift, that gift is a direct word through God to the individual, something personal. If I could have a revival here for three or four months, and every night tell experiences all night long of what I've seen taking place, I wouldn't touch the edge of it. Of how that people who's been through prayer lines and so forth, and then come back. And how God would reveal to them and tell them just exactly the thing they should have done back a long time ago, or something they ought to have done, or did not do, or something. And in that, found the way to divine healing.

9 Now if there's something hanging over you, of sin, and you don't confess that, you could anoint that person, pray for them, do everything you want to do, Satan will stay right there as long as you've got unconfessed sin in your life. Or sometimes something that you haven't done, something you neglect to do. And in there God reveals it, if there's anything wrong. Then you make that right, your healing is complete.
Quickly, for a testimony, as I can hardly see the clock up there, to see what time we have. All right.
Sometime ago, like on the testimony that's written here, you read it in the book back there. I just wish to touch the high places of it just for a moment. For by the word of testimony, and the Blood of the Lamb, we overcome. And a testimony means something to people. And I say to my brothers and sisters, the citizens of Kentucky here, and the neighboring states. God in Heaven, Who has performed right in our own meetings, testimonies that would make boxes of testimonies. And anyone you read in any book or any literature that's been published by us, they are bonafide testimonies backed up by doctors and law, or it'd be illegal to publish them. I'm very careful on what I do towards the Kingdom of God because I realize that one mistake would bring more reproach than you could wipe out in a year.

10 So as Christians we must be reverent, we must be honest and everything up and above board. So everyone can examine and look in and see that Christ is the virgin born Son of God and His words are perfectly and absolutely true.
I was on my road to see Brother Bosworth in Miami, Florida, for my first time. I was passing down through Kentucky, and Tennessee here on a train. I saw a vision of a little boy, he'd been killed in an accident. Seen where he was laying. Just like this I have written here. Comes, many, many, times and tells things. And I don't live far from here, a hundred and nineteen miles. You can go to my home town and find it. One time, in all the times that it's ever told anything, that didn't come to pass just exactly the way it said, well now, you pin a sign on my back as a false prophet and I'll walk through your streets. because it's not myself, I'm a man, but He's God. And He's the One who does the saying. If I would say it, it could be a lie, because I'm subject to any mistakes, lies, anything else, like anybody else.

11 But when He says it, it's not me talking, it's Him. And when He speaks I will stand by His Word. And I know that it's true. It never fails. Watch It on the platform. Many times It'll tell the people just what's wrong with them. I'll pray for the person. But when you hear it speak out of, "Thus saith the Lord," you watch what it says, just lay your life right there because it'll be just that way.
Some times I see death at the person's door. In Africa, on one of the programs there was a lady came, big healthy looking woman, and It told her prepare for death. She only had a cyst on the ovary. I picked it up on a tape recording. Said, "Prepare for death, for it's near at the door." And in ten minutes from then, the woman was a corpse. If I'd been a healer, I'd have healed her. But I'm not the healer, I can only say what He tells me to say. That's all I know to do. It's all I can do. Why God took her, I don't know, He never told me, He just took her. I seen her funeral procession being in procession. And I knew then that she was going.

12 Now many times it turns dark around the patient. I know death's laying there. And I just say, "The Lord bless you." Or, "I pray that God will heal you." And send them on off the platform. For I don't know what it will be, because some times God could pronounce death on a person, and then their prayer could change the thing. Do you believe that? It did for Hezekiah, didn't it? When God told the prophet, "Go tell him he's going to die, and not come off his bed." He turned his face to the wall and wept bitterly. And God spared his life fifteen years after death had been pronounced by God. Prayer is the most powerful weapon was ever put in the hand of mankind. "The prayer faith shall save the sick."

2 Kings 20:1 In those days was Hezekiah sick unto death. And the prophet Isaiah the son of Amoz came to him, and said unto him, Thus saith the LORD, Set thine house in order; for thou shalt die, and not live.

2 Kings 20:2 Then he turned his face to the wall, and prayed unto the LORD, saying,

Isaiah 38:1 In those days was Hezekiah sick unto death. And Isaiah the prophet the son of Amoz came unto him, and said unto him, Thus saith the LORD, Set thine house in order: for thou shalt die, and not live.

Isaiah 38:2 Then Hezekiah turned his face toward the wall, and prayed unto the LORD,

James 5:15 And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him.

13 On the road down I told Brother Bosworth, and many of them, we was in a big tent meeting. A little boy was down there holding a tent meeting and sent for me to come down and help him. He was in an awful strain. I went down to give him two or three days. And while we were there, I made that statement, I said, "There's going to be a little boy, he's laying in the country where there's a lot of evergreens, and there's lapped over rock. And the little boy will be about eight years old. Very, dressed like I dressed when I was a little boy, little short clothes up here, and a little waist that buttoned around." I said, "Great big long stockings that come up. And his little foot was run through the sock like that, and he was all mashed up by an automobile. He had brown crock-cut hair, we call it, and big brown eyes. They were set. His little mouth was twisted over and he was about eight years old."
They wrote it down. I said, "Put it on the flyleaf of your Bible." Like I'm telling you put this on the flyleaf of your Bible. I said, "See if that doesn't happen."

14 A few days after that, Brother Bosworth, they taken me up there to a little boy had been drowned in a irrigation ditch. And the little boy's father, there was several thousand people attending the meeting, and they taken me up there. They wouldn't let the undertaker take the little fellow until I looked at him. But he was about five years old, well-dressed, black-headed, he wasn't the child at all. So I offered prayer for consolation for the father and mother, that God would help them, and the little boy was buried.
Two years later I was in Finland, I just come from... Went over, King George had sent me two cablegrams. I have them at my home, with his seal and so forth, his letters. To pray for him for this Mr. Leeman had been healed of multiple sclerosis out of Fort Wayne.

15 While on the testimony, Brother Bosworth, I don't know whether I've ever said this, the night the picture was taken down there, of the Angel of the Lord, Brother Bosworth, two days afterwards brought me a picture of Florence Nightingale. Her grandmother founded the Red Cross in England. Many of you have heard of Florence Nightingale, the mother of the Red Cross. She was in Durban, South Africa, which South Africa is British controlled, and the woman weighed approximately sixty pounds, with cancer on the duodenum, cancer of the stomach. And she sent for me to come pray for her. I had two airplane tickets then. Well, I couldn't go. Brother Bosworth brought me the picture and the telegram, and I laid it on the floor and we prayed, and I said, "Lord, if You'll heal her, I will go to Africa."

16 And I just made the prayer, went home, forgot about it. When I went in to London, the day that we arrived on the International Airport in London, on our road to the Scandinavian country and to pray for the king ... I heard them page me. And Mr. Baxter, Mr. Lindsay, many of these men that you people know, was with me. And they went in and it was the Anglican minister, they'd brought Miss Florence Nightingale from South Africa, how she knowed, less it was through the crown, I couldn't know yet. But she knew we was going to land there that day. And she come in about fifteen minutes before we did, and I couldn't even get the woman ... they couldn't get the woman out of the plane, they thought she was dead then.
I said, "Well, there's thousands of people between here and the plane. I couldn't get to it. I'm going down to Buckingham Palace, then to Westminster Abbey, and then I will be at the Picadilly Hotel, you come get me, we'll go have prayer for her."

17 And when we got up there, of course, the night passed on and I didn't get in till late. Next morning we come and we went to have prayer for Miss Nightingale, they said, "She's just living."
Christian friends, if I live to be an old man, I'll never forget the experience that was. In London, it was in April, very damp, fog everywhere. We went upstairs to the place where they packed the stretcher, near the parsonage of a big Anglican church. And in the room sat her doctor, two nurses, two or three ministers, when the campaign managers and myself walked in. And I walked over, they had a white sheet laying over her. And I said, "How do you do." And they all got up.
And I said, "Is this the patient?" And I said, "How do you do? Are you Miss Nightingale?"

18 I could see her lips moving, but friends, it looked like a corpse laying there, or skeleton. The part where your head goes together there's no flesh on her, just the skin down against the bone. And I said, "How do you do?" I reached out my hand to shake hands with her.
The nurse said, "Brother Branham, she couldn't raise her hand."
Well, she was crying, and she... The nurse got down to hear what she was saying, then she told me, she said, "She wants you to ask God to let her die." She couldn't die. And said, "Rev. Branham, she's prayed and said if ever she could get to where you was, that God would heal her."

19 Now that's faith. How could I ask God to let the woman die? Now here's her testimony in the book. I couldn't do that. So she wanted me to see her body, the nurse said. And when they pulled the sheet down off of her body... Friends, we are mixed audience, you listen to your doctor, I'm your brother. It was a disgrace to look to see how a woman could be in that... The bosom here, had sunk to her ribs and her stomach was just about that flat. And the rings was almost meeting in the ring of her hip here, the flesh. And her limbs up here wasn't but about that big around.
Now Miss Georgie Carter, which will be here tomorrow, or next day, one, from over here at Milltown, laid nine years and six months in the bed with TB, which was healed, vision. I didn't even know where the place was, and Lord sent me down there and she was healed. She was a little bitty woman, she weighed only about thirty-five pounds. But this woman was a woman almost six foot tall. And there she laid, couldn't move her hands or nothing.

20 They picked up her hands because she wanted to shake my hand. When I took a hold of her hand, it was just like that, hard. I thought, "O God, a mortal being, laying in that shape."
So I said, "Can we pray?" And all the ministers gathered. I looked at the doctor, and I said... Said, "Not a thing, Brother Branham, can be done. The malignancy has gone plumb all over her." Said, "She hasn't eaten for," I forget how many months, and they give her glucose in her veins till they collapsed, and they couldn't even give her veins. Said, "We don't know how she's living, how she breathes."

21 And I knelt down, great God of Heaven, who stands ... we stand in His presence tonight, His Word laying before me. There's a window about that high, it was up, kind of warm in the room, and I knelt to pray and I started the prayer of, "Almighty God, Creator of heavens and earth, and Author of everlasting Life," I said, "send Thy blessing into this room for this poor mortal."
And when I started to pray, a little dove come flying through the bushes and lit on the windowsill about that far from where I was praying. Well, I ... not knew a thing, when I'd only been there about twelve hours, or a little more. I thought the little dove was just a pet, you know, that was around the house. And I just continued to pray. And when I got finished praying and asked God to help her, I couldn't ask to let her die, and that He would be merciful to her. And when I... All the time I was praying, this little dove, very restless, walking up and down going, "Coo, coo, coo, coo, coo, coo." You know how little doves kind of mournfully goes, walking back and forth on the window about as wide as this little table.

22 About ten people were present to watch it. And I noticed all the ministers stopped praying, every one. When I said, "Amen," the little fellow took his flight back out to the bushes. Well, I raised up, and of course, was weeping a little, all of us. And the ministers begin to say, "Did you notice that dove?" And I started to ask if it was just a pet dove. And I had no more that I could say and knowed no more what I was going to say, but all of a sudden, something burst through and said, "Thus saith the Lord, she will live and not die." She weighs a hundred and fifty-five pounds now, in perfect health. That opened the way to Africa and started the revival.

23 In Finland, we was coming down off the mountain that day, I'd been fasting for several days. [A brother says, "Just a few weeks ago I saw a letter from that woman, she is well and helping, working hard for other folks."] Miss Florence Nightingale. Less than six months, she was well, gained her weight. I've got her picture, it's in the book. Oh, we haven't got any of those books, I'm sorry, it's called: A Prophet Visits Africa. They're out of print now, we sold several thousand of them and we just got our finance to go overseas and we haven't got the finance to put more books out, that's the reason we haven't got them. But we got the other book back here of the story of this little boy.

24 And now friends, these are not mythical stories, their addresses everything, and who you can contact and royalty, and everything, doctors and so forth, to see if it's truth. If you would doubt it you're welcome to write to the people.
Coming down off the mountain, I said to Brother Lindsay, and to Brother Moore, and many of them, I said, "Seems to me something is fixing to happen."
Said, "What is it, Brother Branham?"
I said, "I don't know."
And in the meeting that way that's the reason ... I don't want to be an isolationist, stay away from the people. But when that anointing once strikes, it isn't ... Just looks like It's near all the time. There's something, it's another world, like two worlds, you break over into this world and this world, and you stay in it too long, you hardly know just... Now when leaving the platform, when it comes on, I feel like, oh, I was up in the heavens. But when it's off of me, I feel good. But in-between those times, it seems like you're just stepping off the world. You can't walk, and you hear... I don't know how you do see. No need of me trying to explain it, you can't explain God, you've got to believe God. You can't explain it, it's by faith.

25 So coming down the highway, in Finland, a used foreign car, about five years old, would probably cost two thousand dollars or more. Gasoline is over a dollar a gallon. So you can imagine, very few cars. We had twenty-five thousand at the Messuhalli, and I think there was three cars setting outside. They walk or ride bicycles or best way they can get there.
And so when I was coming down out of Kuopio, we went up over the Iron Curtain, and coming down through Kuopio, just before we get into the city where we was to have the meeting... Well, we'd been one night already in there, or two nights, and they just taken me up to this tower where the Germans and Russians come over and bombed Finland out.

26 Well, coming down the road I noticed a great crowd of people. And an American-made thirty-five model Ford had two little boys coming home from school. The people live in the city, have their farms out, and they come back in the city. Had struck two little boys, hit one under the chin, they started, one one way and one the other. They grabbed each other's hands and the car driver lost control, and it hit one and threw him against the tree and broke his little neck in there. And the other one, it run over him, mashed him under the wheels and kicked him way up in the air and threw his coat off of him, and he fell on the grass collapsed. The doctor had been there and pronounced him dead. The other little boy they thought was still alive and another car had picked him up and took him on to the hospital, such as it was.

27 And we come up. Well, Sister Isaacson, Brother Lindsay, Brother Jack Moore, many of you know those men, and editor of: The Voice of Healing, and all them was right along to watch it. And they went over and looked at the little boy, I set in the car. Because I've got a little boy here myself, Billy Paul, was over home and it'd been months since I'd seen him, and I didn't want to look at a little dead boy at that time. So they said, Brother Lindsay come back, weeping like a baby, said, "Brother Branham, you ought to see it."
And I said, "I don't want to see it." So finally, Something told me, "Go look at the boy." And I went over to take a look at the little fellow and I looked at him, I thought, "Oh, mercy," I turned my head and started walk away. They had the coat over the baby and he couldn't move. There is a law in Finland that parents had to come there first and give orders to move the baby. And they went to the country, and I was thinking, "How that father and mother is going to feel now when they come in and that little boy laying there dead. Come from their field from working."

28 And everybody works in Finland, the women wear great big thick dresses, big boots, and everything. They don't have nice dainty clothes that we Americans have. They all... Happen to be this suit come from Finland, you can see how thick and heavy it is, that's summer, winter and all.
And so when we come down, I started to walk back, and as I walked away from the little boy, I felt Somebody put their hand on my shoulder, I looked around, I thought it was Brother Moore, or some of them. And there was nobody around me. And the hand was still laying on my shoulder. Why, I wondered how that was. Well, I happened to think that might ... I walked back towards the little boy, when I started back towards the little boy, I was going away from him, when I started back, the hand went off of my shoulder. And I said, "Could I look at that little boy again?" And Miss Isaacson asked the man who was given the guardian, the officer. And he pulled the coat back, and I looked at that little boy, and I seen that little foot run through the sock. Those little waists, panty waists we call them, you know here. I seen the little brown hair, crock cut like. I looked up, and here come a ridge running down like that of lapped rock with evergreen trees growing around. I said, "Thank You, Lord."
Oh, you'll never know how you feel. There it was. I said, "Brother Moore, come here. Brother Lindsay."
Said, "What's the matter?"

29 I said, "Turn to the flyleaf in your Bible and look at that little boy." See, just like this is written right here. I had it written, in, oh, I guess, thousands of Bibles, I was crossing United States and Canada, having people to write it down like I'm having them write this down. And see if it ... watch it come to pass.
Brother Moore said, "Let's see. A lapland where rocks are laying, evergreen trees, little socks. Why," said, "Brother Branham, that's the boy!"
I said, "That's him. There he lays."
Oh, my, when God has spoke it, all devils in hell can't stop it. God has done said so. I turned around, I said, "Now let everyone know."

30 Now they was just fixing the little boy then to put him in his car. I said, "Let everyone know to keep quiet." And the main man of the city, which was the chief man which was equivalent to the mayor here, of the city. I said, "Now everyone be reverent and just wait a minute."
And I knelt down and prayed, and asked God to confirm His Word which He had spoken. And God who is my Judge, in five minutes from then, the little boy jumped up and was running, screaming the top of his voice. Alive.

31 The other little lad ... I just haven't the time to catch that. I will tomorrow night, on what happened to the other little lad. I remember, one thing I will have time. The second night from that, I seen something sweet happen. I was going into the place, coming down the road for six city blocks, there was about thirty abreast, people standing.
In Russia you can't leave your home place where you were born over forty miles, without having a visa. Now when they say, "There's no churches in Russia," that's wrong. They got churches, they got... The communist boycott them and everything, but they still got Christians. What if you killed all the Christians out of America, you'd have no America. Same way in Russia.

32 But across the line, after that had been noised abroad through there; and I took the seal of the governor there and everything, right on the paper, standing there watching when it happened. And that swept out over the radio. And across from Russia, come those big Russian soldiers, and friends, when they crossed the line and those Finnish ministers standing there, they'd throw their arms around their neck and cry like babies.
Anything that will make a Finn put his arm around a Russian and a Russian around a Finn, will settle every war. Jesus Christ is the answer. Yes, sir. They had nothing against one another, they wept and cried and hollered, "You [unclear words] God's peace rest upon you." Russians and Finns with their arms around one another. It'll make American's and Russian's and all the world put their arms around one another. It'll make overalls and a tuxedo suit call one another brother. It'll make silk and calico sit together and say, "Sister!" It'll do it.
The blood of Jesus Christ cleanses from all sin and straightens all wrongs. Takes all prejudice out, makes new creatures, heals the sick. Amen.

1 John 1:7 But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.

33 Going down that night and those Russians, and Finns, standing there at attention, the tears running down their cheeks when they passed. Not because it was me, no sir. They had seen God moving.
And when I got into the room, there's four little Finnish soldiers, all of them, little boys had never shaved, little bitty fellows, great long coats on, walking down with their big swords out like that, to keep the people from touching you on either side, coming right down the middle of the street, we got it all in pictures, in color.

34 When I walked into the Messuhalli and started down to the right, they was walking along like that, closed the door. And they were singing already: Only Believe. Brother Baxter and them had been speaking. Twenty-five thousand people had gathered inside, and they were singing Only Believe in Finnish for me. And when I did, the girls' dormitory door opened, the ladies. And out stepped a little Finnish girl. And that poor little thing, I never felt so sorry for her. I love little kids, I just love them, I just...
I got two of my own and that's the reason I'm going after them tonight. And I just love them. I used to see them all get in and give me some of that old Finnish money, you know, and I'd get out there and buy their candy, and I'd have a string of kids a block long, following me, like that. Buying all the candy I could find everywhere, 'cause their money wasn't worth nothing here, you know. And they give me some of that money--kroners, and so forth, and I'd just buy those kids some... Little old ragged hungry looking fellows.

35 And stepping out of there come a little girl, about twelve years old, and she had two crutches under her arm. She had a big thing around her like this, as a brace. And one limb was limp and shorter than the other. She had no control of this leg. And it set in braces, and around her hip. And a big shoe on with a snap in the toe, a strap went back and went over her shoulder and hooked into this brace back here. And when she would start to walk, she'd set the crutches out, then she'd throw her little shoulder like that and that strap would pull that leg up and let it set out, and that brace, you see, leg had no control, but the brace would hold her so she could walk.

36 I looked at her standing there, little ragged looking hair, little kind of a half brown and blond hair, ragged cut, looked like it'd been chopped off with scissors. I looked her down, one little dress on, perhaps, nothing under it, her little skirt down here was just as ragged as it could be. Later, I learned she was a little Finnish war orphan. Her mother and daddy had been killed during the time of the war.
And she looked at me, and they'd give orders not to say nothing to you on the street. And she thought she had done something wrong, that child, and she dropped her little head and stood there on her little crutches, I seen her little blue eyes look up towards me again, I stopped, and the soldiers motioned, I couldn't speak a word to them, they all spoke Finnish.

37 I told them, "Just a minute." The other two soldiers walked on, they turned and looked back to see what was the matter, and I motioned to them. I looked at the child again, she looked at me. Just something told me that baby wanted to come over there. I looked at the little thing and I motioned to her, "Come here."
And she took her little crutches under her arm, and she started, pulled her little shoulder, and she come out. I just stood still. And she come right out to where I was, like that. I watched to see what the child was going to do. And she stood there with her little head down a few minutes, and I watched, dropping on the floor, little tears, dropping out of them little eyes, dropping down like that. I thought, "Poor little thing."

38 And she reached over and took a hold of my coat, pulled it up in her little hands and rubbed it, and her little hands was dirty, and she kissed my coat. She dropped the coat down, pulled out her little ragged skirt and said, "Kee-tus." That means thank you. Little skirt, very polite, said, "Kee-tus," looked up and them little baby blue eyes with tears running down. Oh, my, something swelling in my heart, I thought, "God bless you, honey."
I turned and that soldier trying to motion me on, tried to motion her back. And I looked, I seen going walking right down through the room, her walking without crutches. I knowed it would happen, I knowed God would honor that kind of faith. If I would have been the lowest hypocrite in the world, God would honor that faith in that child. I seen that child going, walking. I said, "Honey, you're healed. Jesus has made..." Of course, she couldn't hear what I was saying. She was crying, you know, and saying, "Kee-tus! Kee-tus." She thought she had done wrong, you know. And they kept pushing me on. And so Brother Baxter come to the door and wanted to come out and find where I was at.

39 And I went on in. We prayed for several sick, and you'll notice they had crutches and things piled up. They put them in big carts to haul away. And I was just fixing to leave the building, my brethren, a bunch of them had come and got me to take me off the platform. And I was just fixing to leave, when I thought, "I'm going to try a few more." I said, "I'm going to call a few more of those cards." And the Holy Spirit would move out over the audience. They'd have to get an interpreter and tell the people out there, who ... I didn't know their language, tell them where they was at, and what they were doing, what they was suffering with. And the interpreter would have to say it, and my, that just settled it all, they'd just throw down their crutches and canes and start running.
And I said, "Call a few more of the cards."

40 And when they did, by God's providence, the next one was that little girl. She had the next card number. And here she come, she was just smiling, you know, one little tooth out in front, and she was smiling, you know, trying to get to me. I said to the interpreter, I said, "Just say what I say."
She said, "All right, Brother Branham."
I said, "You're going to see something has all ready took place."
I said, "Sweetheart, you're the little girl that met me out there awhile ago." She nodded her little head as the interpreter spoke.
And I said, "Your respect to Jesus Christ, you approached in the right manner." That's a lot of times the way we Americans don't get anything, we don't come to God reverent enough. Don't you think so? We just know more about it, and so. God lives in humility and simplicity.

41 So I said, "God rewarded you, honey, He healed you out there. Now I want you to go over here and sit down and get some of the men to unbuckle these braces and things from around you, and let your little hand set on your hip, and just as they bring the brace off, let your little hand slide down your leg just as far as your leg is short." And I said, "Now, you do that over here, then show me."
And then I called the next one. And the Holy Spirit was showing in a vision, while the vision was going on, I heard her scream, here she come across the floor with her crutches in her hands and the braces over her head, screaming to the top of her voice, right up the steps she went, right down and across, up the other way. Little bare-feet just a running hard as she could go. And she's perfectly normal and well because her respect and love to Jesus Christ brought His blessings down upon her.

42 My dear Christian friends, tonight, Jesus Christ is the same in Owensboro, Kentucky, as He was in Kuopio, Finland. Won't you approach Him tonight? The Son of God, with sovereign love. Say, "Lord Jesus, I believe You, and I'm in need and I'm accepting You now as my healer." God will grant it to you. Won't you do it while we have a word of prayer.
Our Heavenly Father, we come to Thee in the name of Thy holy Son, Jesus, for we know that we have no name or nothing we could approach You in. But He has told us that whatever we ask You in His name, that You would do it. In my heart, tonight, thinking back across, about four years ago when this instance happened there in Finland, maybe, way across those icy lands tonight, that little Finnish girl may be sitting by a fire, looking at that leg that was once limp, but the Holy Spirit energized it with God's power, and now she's normal. Poor little thing, mother and father resting under the ice somewhere, their bodies. I trust their souls are with Thee.

43 I tell it, for Your glory, as the woman who busted the alabaster box and said, "Wherever the Gospel is preached this be told for a memorial." Many poor little Kentucky children are sitting here tonight, little old mothers, and dad's, brothers, and sisters, who's needy. Maybe we haven't walked just the way we should, Father, but we're asking You now to forgive us. Take away the evil from our life. We want to come to Your house someday and be welcome at the door. If there's anything wrong with us, Father, forgive us, will You? Grant tonight that many will be healed, saved, maybe unbelievers just now, say within his or her heart, "I now accept Jesus as my Saviour. From this night on, I'm going to serve Him with all my heart." May the sick man, or woman say, "I'm accepting Him as my healer." May they be healed the rest of their life.

44 And now Lord, You who sent an Angel at the birth of Your unprofitable servant, that's guided me through life and brought me thus far. I pray that You'll send Him, tonight in a special way here at the platform and may He do the work that You've ordained Him to do Lord, and may Your servant be submissive to His voice and to His will. Show great powerful visions and get glory Father. For we ask it in Jesus' name. Amen.
Billy, how many cards did you give out? Hundred? What ... R's? It's just impossible for us to get everyone here at the platform, friends. You don't know how I would like to take every sick person here tonight, just sit down and talk an hour with you, pray with you. I can't do that. I just can't do it. Time won't permit it. But I just have to... We give out everybody a prayer card that wants it, then we just call some of them up here and pray with them. Just the Holy Spirit gets moving, then It goes right on out through the audience. So it's a blessing to people out there and healing them. I want you to believe.

45 Now let's begin tonight in our prayer cards and call up a few, ten, fifteen, twenty, something. Maybe we get to five or six or them, maybe to all of them. But what I do that for, is so I can single out. Do you realize that every person in here is a spirit? And that spirit moves, and in that conglomeration until it just takes me to a place to where I can get started to seeing the vision, I have to have someone here on the platform to talk to. I don't know why, but that's just the way He does it. You say, "Brother Branham, that's psychology."
Well, Jesus took a man and led him outside the city, is that right? And Peter, James, and John, stayed with Him when the girl was dead, Jairus' daughter, and they were all in doubt and they said, oh, He said, "She's asleep."
They said, "What, we know she's dead." They laughed at Him. And he put everybody out. Is that right?
When Peter went to raise Dorcas, all the widows was weeping and everything, He put them every one out of the house. You got to get alone.

Mark 5:39 And when he was come in, he saith unto them, Why make ye this ado, and weep? the damsel is not dead, but sleepeth.

Mark 5:40 And they laughed him to scorn. But when he had put them all out, he taketh the father and the mother of the damsel, and them that were with him, and entereth in where the damsel was lying.

Mark 8:23 And he took the blind man by the hand, and led him out of the town; and when he had spit on his eyes, and put his hands upon him, he asked him if he saw ought.

Acts 9:36 Now there was at Joppa a certain disciple named Tabitha, which by interpretation is called Dorcas: this woman was full of good works and almsdeeds which she did.

Acts 9:37 And it came to pass in those days, that she was sick, and died: whom when they had washed, they laid her in an upper chamber.

Acts 9:38 And forasmuch as Lydda was nigh to Joppa, and the disciples had heard that Peter was there, they sent unto him two men, desiring him that he would not delay to come to them.

Acts 9:39 Then Peter arose and went with them. When he was come, they brought him into the upper chamber: and all the widows stood by him weeping, and shewing the coats and garments which Dorcas made, while she was with them.

Acts 9:40 But Peter put them all forth, and kneeled down, and prayed; and turning him to the body said, Tabitha, arise. And she opened her eyes: and when she saw Peter, she sat up.

46 Let's see, night before last, this is the third night, I guess, we started at one, and then last night at the last, let's start in the middle tonight, about 50. Prayer card R-50. You look at it, set your name and address on one side, on the other side it's got a letter and a number, R-50, who has prayer card R-50 raise your hand. R-51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60. Get them lined up over here, will you, on the right. Check this man here.
Now look around and see somebody, 60? How many is that? That's 50 to 60, that's ten. We've been having fifteen, let's try fifteen again tonight. Up to 65. R-60, to 65. Now we see where we're standing.

47 Now if anybody is unable to get up, let them tell somebody so they can help them, and pack them up. Or someone's deaf and can't hear, let the people look at their neighbor's, as soon as, we find out whether they're all here. I'm going to ask you as my friend, and a friend to the Lord Jesus, that you'll try to be just as reverent as you can for the next few minutes. Now there's no one in the world believes in a heart felt salvation more than I do, I believe in rejoicing, and being happy, and shouting, and praising God, I believe in all that. But when we come to Him, let's come reverently. And then when... And be reverent. And then when God heals you, then just take your liberty and thank Him, or do whatever you want to. As long as it's in order, why, it'll be all right. And we just expect a good time for the glory of God.

48 Now while they're lining up, let me ask you something just a little bit. What if Jesus was standing here tonight? Standing on the platform. "Well," you say, "Brother Branham, He'd come down and heal this one, and heal that one."
Would He? He can't do what He has already done. He would only say to you, "Why, I healed you when I died with stripes on My back for your healing at Calvary. Believest thou this?"
You'd say, "Yes, Lord, I believe it."
He'd say, "Then according to your faith, be it unto you."
Now how many knows this? That Jesus never did heal anybody, Himself. Did you know that? Let me tell you. He said, "It's not Me that doeth the work, it's My Father that dwelleth in Me, He doeth the work." Is that right? Not Me.

John 14:10 Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me? the words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works.

49 And watch when the Jews questioned Him. When He went through all that big pool of people there that was lame, blind, halt, and withered, and all kinds of conditions. And He said to the person, went to a man laying on a pallet. Just look, Saint John 5, how they was withered. Wouldn't a critic say, "Why didn't You heal all of those?" That's what they say, "If He's a divine healer, let Him heal this. If there is such a thing as divine healing, let Him heal that one."
That's what they said to Him. He passed right through all those cripples and things, Immanuel, anointed, the very God of Heaven, represented here in flesh. You believe in the Deity of Christ, all of you, don't you? He was God. He wasn't a man. The people today try to lower Him down to be a prophet. He was either God or the biggest deceiver the world ever had. A prophet's blood wouldn't do you no good. A prophet's a man. But Jesus was God. The Bible said, "That God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself." Is that right?

John 5:2 Now there is at Jerusalem by the sheep market a pool, which is called in the Hebrew tongue Bethesda, having five porches.

John 5:3 In these lay a great multitude of impotent folk, of blind, halt, withered, waiting for the moving of the water.

2 Corinthians 5:19 To wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation.

50 Watch Jesus here when they questioned Him about all these things, and the man packing his bed and so forth, that had been healed. He said, now listen, Saint John 5:19:
Verily, verily, (that's absolutely, absolutely,) I say unto you, The Son can do nothing in himself, but what he sees the Father doing: that doeth the Son likewise.
For the Father showeth the Son all things that himself doeth:
... The Father worketh ... and I worketh hitherto.
Is that right? Saint John 5:19 and 20. Now Jesus is truthful. In other words, He said He could do nothing at all, until the Father showed Him by a vision first, what to do. All that believes that Scripture raise up your hand. Saint John 5:19. That's exactly right. Then Jesus did not do one thing until the Father showed Him first in a vision, what to do.

John 5:17 But Jesus answered them, My Father worketh hitherto, and I work.

John 5:19 Then answered Jesus and said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do: for what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise.

John 5:20 For the Father loveth the Son, and sheweth him all things that himself doeth: and he will shew him greater works than these, that ye may marvel.

51 He showed Him where Philip had been under a tree praying before Nathanael found him. Is that right? Remember that? He showed the woman at the well, where she had five husbands. Is that right? But the woman who touched the hem of His garment, He didn't heal her, He said, "Thy faith has made thee whole."
Look, one time two blind men followed Him. They were blind, said, "Have mercy on us, Thou Son of David, have mercy." He went on into the room, never paid any attention to them, He had had no vision about them. So He went into the room. And while in the room, they brought the blind man. He touched their eyes, saying, "According to your faith, be it unto you." And their eyes were opened. Is that right?

Matthew 9:22 But Jesus turned him about, and when he saw her, he said, Daughter, be of good comfort; thy faith hath made thee whole. And the woman was made whole from that hour.

Matthew 9:27 And when Jesus departed thence, two blind men followed him, crying, and saying, Thou son of David, have mercy on us.

Matthew 9:28 And when he was come into the house, the blind men came to him: and Jesus saith unto them, Believe ye that I am able to do this? They said unto him, Yea, Lord.

Matthew 9:29 Then touched he their eyes, saying, According to your faith be it unto you.

Matthew 9:30 And their eyes were opened; and Jesus straitly charged them, saying, See that no man know it.

Mark 5:34 And he said unto her, Daughter, thy faith hath made thee whole; go in peace, and be whole of thy plague.

Luke 8:48 And he said unto her, Daughter, be of good comfort: thy faith hath made thee whole; go in peace.

John 1:48 Nathanael saith unto him, Whence knowest thou me? Jesus answered and said unto him, Before that Philip called thee, when thou wast under the fig tree, I saw thee.

John 4:18 For thou hast had five husbands; and he whom thou now hast is not thy husband: in that saidst thou truly.

52 Now tonight if you have faith in Christ, according to your faith, just touch His garment. Watch what happens. Your eyes come open, if you believe it, see. Have faith in God.
Now, the things, what did He say? "A little while and the world seeth Me no more." "Cosmos," world order, people. "The world seeth Me no more; yet ye shall see Me," the church, "for I will be with you, even in you, to the end of the world." Is that right?
Hebrews 13:8 "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today and forever." Then if He's risen from the dead, living among men, in His church, He'll do the same things that He did back there, He'll do it here tonight. If that's so, and He produces that tonight, then you have no right to doubt anymore, and believe Him. Is that right?

Matthew 28:20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.

John 14:19 Yet a little while, and the world seeth me no more; but ye see me: because I live, ye shall live also.

Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

53 Now if He was standing here, He could tell you what was wrong with you, tell you what you've done to cause it, or whatever the Father would show Him, He'd tell you. Otherwise, He could do nothing. And if He can do the same thing in His church tonight. Is all of them there? Everybody lined up? All right, bring them.
Now as the people come, I want reverence. Now real slowly, let's hum this song once more, just a little verse of it now if you will.
Only believe, only believe, (Everybody now.)
All things are possible, only believe;
Only believe, only believe,
All things are possible, only believe.

54 Father, we thank Thee and come into Thy presence now, send the Angel of God. Remember Daniel praying, it was several days before the Angel had directed him, could get to him. And remember Paul praying out in the ship that night when all hopes of ever being saved was gone. And he come forth and said, "Wherefore sirs, be of a good cheer. The Angel of God whose servant I am, stood by me and told me not to fear," he said, "wherefore sirs, I believe God, it'll be just as it was showed to me."
And now Lord, help me for these poor sick people that's sitting in this auditorium tonight, that they may be healed. Send His great presence and anoint Your servant for the glory of God, that the people might know that Thou art God and I am Your servant. I ask it in the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Acts 27:22 And now I exhort you to be of good cheer: for there shall be no loss of any man's life among you, but of the ship.

Acts 27:23 For there stood by me this night the angel of God, whose I am, and whom I serve,

Acts 27:24 Saying, Fear not, Paul; thou must be brought before Caesar: and, lo, God hath given thee all them that sail with thee.

Acts 27:25 Wherefore, sirs, be of good cheer: for I believe God, that it shall be even as it was told me.

55 Everybody just reverent as you can be. How do you do, sir. He has arrived after all. You believe that He's here to make you well? You know there's not a way in the world for me to know anything of you. You are a man, I'm a man, we just come together. But you're spiritually and dangerously in need. Your trouble's in the rectum. You have a growth there, fixing to operate, malignant. You come from Oklahoma. [A man speaks to Brother Branham.] There's only one hope for you, God to be merciful to you. Do you believe that God will help you? Come here.
Our Heavenly Father, we ask for divine mercy, that Thou will bless this man and will help him. He longs to live, Lord. He's traveled far. The doctors, Your servants, are doing all that they know how to do to help him. And I pray for mercy. And now Father, this demon called cancer, that's taking his life, I ask You for your glory to rebuke this horrible thing and may it leave his body. And thou demon called cancer, I adjure thee by the Son of God, who I represent here at this pulpit tonight, that you come out of the man and leave him.
All right, brother, you believe now that God will let you get well? All right, I want you to give us a testimony, or write to us, and let us know. Will you? God bless you, let's hear from you now before you leave.

56 Now a growth, just before [unclear words]. Do you know what a cancer is? In Bible times, it's a devil. There's one time where you wasn't nothing, but did you know you originated from one germ? And begin to multiply cells. And your life behind that one cell was life. And a cancer is a life, and it come on you--another life that doesn't belong, and it's multiplying cells, too. And now it's a devil, the Bible declares it to be so. And divine healing, only thing it does, it just makes the life of the thing leave and the growth goes away.
How do you do, lady. Do you believe with all your heart? I suppose we're strangers. Perhaps we've never met in life, all my life I've never seen you, I suppose we're strangers. Do you believe that God in His love and mercy has sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to make you well? And I only represent Him by this Word. Do you believe that? And you are a Christian. And you're believing tonight that God will help you if this church, with myself, will pray for you. You believe that?

57 Now the only thing that I could do as His servant, will might be able to know something in you life if He would reveal it to me, that would help you to have faith. That's what you lack. Because Christ, when He died at Calvary, He paid for your sickness. Is that right?
You can't notice it in your face, but you have a cataract bedded in your eye. Is that right? Back where you can't see it. Besides that you have something in your side, that's a growth. Is that right? Cause you to be extremely nervous. Which is, what they call fatty tumor. Do you believe God will heal you? Come here just a moment. Don't doubt, now, have faith.
Mother, I have a mother at home tonight, perhaps, about your age. If anybody was going to pray for her, she was in your fix, I'd want to be really sincere. I'll be just as sincere as I can be to ask God. And the people will, also.

58 Well, now, if that is the truth, whatever was told you, if that is the truth, then there's some supernatural way here that's knowing about... All right.. Let's bow our heads.
Heavenly Father, I ask for divine mercy for our sister. And I pray that Your mercies will be upon her. That she will be healed, grant it, Lord. May Thy Spirit move all this power of Satan that's upon her and make her well. I rebuke the evil things of her body, according to Thy Word, in the name of Thy Son, Jesus Christ. Amen. God bless you, sister. May it be gone from you. You believe it is gone? God bless you. Now that feeling, that was the life of that growth, it went from you, that cool sensation. You knew that. That's when it... Now, if you'll just keep believing, then you'll not be bothered with it anymore. God bless you. And may you... Let us hear from you.
Now be in faith. Be believing. Don't doubt.

59 Now every person in this building, at this time, should have faith in God. How many out there would like to be healed that doesn't have prayer cards, or nothing, say, "God be merciful to me, I want to be healed." Raise your hands, anywhere. Just so I could see where you're hands are. Now that's ninety percent of the audience out there, are without cards. Not to come up here, but I challenge you this way. As God's servant, if you'll look this way and pray and say, "God, I believe what the man said is the truth." God will reward you for that and will make you well. I'm only trying to represent the Lord Jesus Christ.
How do you do, lady? Excuse me, I was watching something taking place over there and I was...

60 You won't have to pray any more little white-headed lady sitting there with sinus, sitting right back there, if you just have faith now. That's what I was watching, lady. The Angel of the Lord was standing by you there. You're conscious of that, you were praying. Wasn't that right? Now God has made you well. Go and rejoice and be happy.
Perhaps, maybe you and I will talk just awhile. We're strangers, are we? I don't know nothing about you, never seen you, we're total perfect strangers. Never seen you. But God knows you. He's fed you all the days of your life, all that you ever had, He gave to you, now have faith.

61 You're a mother, aren't you? You believe me to be God's prophet? I believe that. You're a Christian, too. You have three children. And you suffer with a tumor, a thyroid tumor. Several doctors has examined you. Is that right? Is that the truth? They give you up, said if you didn't have an operation right away, you was going to die. You drove here in a car, didn't you? You come from Maysville, Kentucky. Isn't your name Drake? I seen the doctor when he pulled it out of that sheet, out of there and looked at it. And isn't your first name Mabel, or something like that? Isn't that right? Is that true, if it is raise up your hand. I never seen you in my life, but I seen that heavy-set doctor was working with you, pulling your card out of the file, just then look at it. Go on on your way and rejoice, may God make you well.
Let's say, "Thanks be to our Lord Jesus Christ." Believe now, don't doubt. Every person ought to believe now. Just have faith in God.

62 God bless you, and may the Lord Jesus grant this blessing. You are a woman which has had an operation. And the operation has been on the gall bladder and it won't heal. Is that right? If it is raise your hand. I wasn't reading your mind, it's a vision, it was showed right here. I seen the operation performed when they went in and took the gall bladder.
Our Heavenly Father, bless our sister, and may she go from here, tonight and be perfectly whole. I ask this blessing in Jesus Christ's name. Amen. God bless you, sister. It'll heal now, don't worry. If He knows what was, He surely knows what will be. Is that right? You're going to get well, so don't worry. God bless you.
Have faith in God. Everyone should believe.

63 You've been suffering with a extreme nervousness sitting there, the little lady with the black coat on, haven't you, lady? Is that right? You just get so nervous you can't hardly hold yourself together. And that's especially in the evening when the sun is setting, you get real nervous. Isn't that right? If it is hold your hand. The other day when you were looking out the window, that real gloomy feeling come over you. Isn't that the truth? Stand up, Jesus Christ has made you well now. You can go home and be well. God bless you, your faith has made you whole. Have faith in God.

64 This little lady sitting on the end with a scarf around her neck, suffers with a heart trouble too, if she could just want to, she could be made well, if she'd just have faith and believe. Lay your hand over on her, dad, there and put your hand... Man there with the yellow trousers on, put your hand over on the lady there, while we have prayer.
Our Father, we pray that You'll make her completely whole. May Thy Spirit help her. We pray in Jesus' name. Amen. God bless you.
All right, bring the lady. I see the Angel of the Lord standing right here, a circle of fire, little pillar, I see It standing right here, there's something in It. It's coming, it's a man. He has a rupture. There's the man right there, striking his head. Is that right, sir? You want to be made well of it? I seen a gray-headed man with glasses on. Stand up to your feet and accept your healing in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and be made well. May the Lord grant your healing to you, my brother.
Have faith in God.

65 Lady, we're strangers. I don't know you, do I? At Vandalia, Illinois you saw me. That's been several years ago. Remember the big campaign there? Remember the deaf and dumb boy who couldn't speak and hear was a shoe cobbler, or something or other, down there? And the next day they had the big spread in the paper about it. Made ... [A lady speaks to Brother Branham.] Yes, ma'am. I had a letter from him here not long ago. Perfectly normal yet.
You'd like to get over that stomach trouble, wouldn't you? Arthritis, also. Isn't that true? You're a nervous person, you're always upset which has caused a peptic ulcer, which causes acid in your mouth and things. Isn't that true? If that's the truth raise your hand. Now what if I tell you that Jesus Christ has healed you. Will you believe it? Well, He has. Go rejoicing, and be thankful to God, be made well. Have faith, don't doubt. Believe God.
It's your simple childlike faith that does the healing. I didn't heal the woman. Her faith rose up to a place where she could be healed. Just believe Him, that's all you have to do.

66 I pray, and there I seen Him come that way again. You dear Christian friends, it's a light, and I watch the light when it goes out. Then the light stands there, and then it just materializes and I see what's taking place, that's how I call that, I see the person. And it's God answering your prayer. Don't be suspicious, that's what the Bible said. Did Jesus Christ perceive their thoughts? Is that right? Well, if He's the same yesterday, today, and forever, have faith in Him, believe Him, God will bring it to pass.

67 All right, come, sir. What do you think about this? [A man says, "I believe it."] With all your heart? You believe that God'll heal that diabetes right now? ["Yes, sir."] You do? ["Yes, sir."] Well, God bless you. Go on your road and you won't have to have one more thing to be done about it. God be with you.
Let's say, "Thanks be to God," friends.
Bring him to me. Had a funny feeling when I said diabetes about him, didn't you? Same thing, just keep on walking, thanking God, it'll leave you. God bless you, sister, just go.
God grant this woman's healing, I pray, Father that she'll go out of this building tonight a solid, well woman for Your glory. In Jesus' name. What you wanted me to do. God bless you.
All right, come, lady. Isn't He wonderful? Who could doubt God? Someone challenge the Bible, "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, to day, and forever."

Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

68 How do you do, sister. There's just about eighty percent of that congregation got your trouble. You want me to show you? How many in this building suffers with nervous trouble? Just a nervous condition, raise up your hands. All around, everywhere, see. You everyone can be healed right now.
Almighty God, be merciful, seeing this dreary, weary, spirit hanging around this woman, and know that it would take her and put her in the insane institution, make her butt her head against the walls until she dies, if he could do it. But God, we come now believing, and know that he got lots of support here tonight. And Father, we believe that You are all the support we need. And now in the name of Jesus Christ, may this nervous demon leave this woman and every person in here. In the name of Jesus Christ, come out from those people. God bless you. Look, it's been on you quite a while. Started in the menopause. You're about over it now and you're going to be all right. Go on rejoicing, thank God. You felt you had many things wrong, but that's the main trouble.

69 Oh, how God could settle over this little audience right now and just sweep everybody out of here. You're crying, sir, I know what's wrong with you. I know you got an injured back. Is that right? But I'm waiting for Him to heal you. Anybody... I see the man's laying there cripple, anybody knows it. But you had an injury, it's hurt your back in there, and it's injured your back. I seen the vision four or five times over you, but you're afraid you can't get well. Yes, you can. Stop thinking that. When He tells me, I tell you. But I can't tell it till you tell... I've been watching you. I seen you sitting there awhile ago, I seen your injury, seen what happened. But I can't say it until He tells me. Just let your faith rise on up. I believe you're going to be all right. Just have faith in God. God will grant it. Now you got that spirit stirred, right there now.

70 Everybody reverent. Just as reverent as you can be, and be in prayer. There's a line of dark chain coming from that man to that audience. May God... Yes, it is. It's moving down on a woman. You're sitting right back in here, got a back injury, a bone injured in her back. Isn't that right, lady, sitting right back there? You was sitting there praying? You got a back injury too, in your back, haven't you? You looked up at me there... No, the lady back there, there's a chain running to you, too. Is that right? God be with you. God bless you both, and heal you.
That boy sitting right out there at the end of the row, he has something wrong with his back, too. Is that right, sir? Don't you have a stomach trouble, also, isn't that woman your neighbor? I see you looking across, to one another talking, from a fence. Is that right? God bless you both, you're healed right there. God Almighty has set [unclear words]. Amen.
Come, mister. God bless you, son. You want to get over that stomach trouble? Well, go on and eat, and God bless you.

71 That man sitting right behind that boy, is that boy's daddy. I see them go together at the same house? Isn't that right, sir? And you're sick and got a bladder trouble, is that right? Isn't that his mother sitting next to him there? You're all in one same place. And that woman has got a rupture and a heart trouble. Is that right? Lay your hands over on one another and be made well. In the name of Jesus Christ.
Why did He say to heal the sick? If you'll have faith to believe.
Come, sir. Oh, my! Diabetes, heart trouble. You want to get well? Raise up your hand, say, "Thank You, Lord, for healing me." And may the Lord Jesus heal you now and make you well. Amen.
Let's say, "Thanks be to God."

72 All right, bring the man. Bow your heads. Deaf spirit on the man. Almighty God, raised Jesus Christ from the dead, give us grace and glory and help. Bless this man who I bless in Thy name. And may the spirit of the enemy leave this man, in Jesus Christ's name I ask it. Amen. Satan, come out of him, through Jesus' name.
Hear me? Hear me now? Hear me now? You're a minister. Hear me now? Say, "Amen." [The man says, "Amen."] Now raise your head. His deaf, deafness was in this ear. I'm going to say real whisper and you say it out loud. Praise the Lord! ["Praise the Lord."] I love Jesus. ["I love Jesus."] Can you hear it? Get up close to the microphone. Now watch, I'm going to put my finger in this ear, this is the deaf ear. All right. Praise the Lord, ["Praise the Lord."] Jesus saves me. ["Jesus saves me."] You're a minister of the Gospel so you believe that, don't you? God bless you, go on your road rejoicing, you're healed. Amen.
Come, sir. I want to tell you something. You were sitting right down there a while ago, wasn't you? That asthmatic condition left you down there so just go on your road rejoicing and praising.
All right, come, sir. You want to get over the arthritis, and so forth, as you come? Just go across the platform saying, "Thank You, Jesus, for healing me." Amen. Just believe God.

73 Come, lady. Do you believe with all your heart? As you're coming. Would you like to eat again and have a good full dinner to eat like you used to? Do you believe me to be God's prophet? [A lady says, "Yes, sir."] Then I rebuke that stomach trouble in the name of Jesus Christ, that it leaves you. And Satan can't hold where God's standing. Go eat your supper and do whatever you want to, God has made you well. God bless you.
All right, come, sir. Do you now believe? Everybody believe? Do you love Him? With all your heart? Do you believe me to be God's prophet? Just not for ... I'm just a man, but He's just using this way. I see something sitting in a bottle. It's blood. There's one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen bottles of blood. You've had seventeen blood transfusions. [A man says, "That's right."] You're anemic. Is that right? And you come from another country, Arkansas. Is that right? Go home and finish... You got a blood transfusion from Calvary now which will last you. God bless you and make you well.
You believe God? Let us stand to our feet just a moment. Everywhere. Let's raise up our hands.

74 Almighty and all-sufficient Father, who brought Thy Son, Jesus Christ, to this world, and is sitting here for our example. Look at these hands holding up everywhere. I pray, Dear God, with a sincere heart, with all the strength that I have left in my mortal body, with all my heart, and it's written in the Scripture that the "effectual fervent prayer availeth much." And with all my heart I ask You, God, don't let one person leave this building tonight without being healed. If I have found grace in Your sight, and if we have found, all of us, found grace in Your sight, hear our prayers as You said, we're confessing our faults one to the other and praying one for another, that we may be healed.
O God, look down through this audience, and my body is getting so weak, I pray Father, with all my heart, that You'll grant the power of Jesus Christ to move over this audience and to serge them just now. And may Your servant, in prayer, rebuke every unclean spirit, and every devil, and every sickness, and every disease. And may this audience rise in the power of God and go forth normally well and healed, in Jesus' name...

James 5:16 Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.

Do you now believe? (1953-12-06 Evening) (William M. Branham Sermons)

Do you now believe? (1953-12-06 Evening) (William M. Branham Sermons) somebody

Do you now believe?

1 Thank you very much, Brother Bosworth. Good evening, friends. Brother Wilson, I didn't know, did you get that picture all right? If you want another one, well, you go ahead, that's all right. I'm only happy. This Brother Wilson, the first time I've seen him for some time. I wouldn't recognized him any more if Brother Bosworth hadn't called the attention. It reminds me of the days of Zion. We had real old-fashioned meeting in Zion once. I believe the brother is here a reporter for the ... several papers up there in Chicago and around Waukegan and around. Excuse me for not looking right at him. God bless you, brother.

2 Was there someone else, I had heard them say something, they wanted pictures? Well, I'm just happy you could... If the mike can stand, all right. And during the time of the services, the reason they ask about the picture now, see, the Angel of the Lord is a Light also, and I watch it where it goes, and sometimes it gets me mixed up. I believe the little lady here... And it gets me kind of mixed up, of what I ... now that's usually... You get you another one and come right back, that's all. [Gap in the audio.]
Christian friend, I say this with the sincerity of a human heart. This has been one of the smallest meetings I ever had, for this much time. But yet it's been lovely, every day of it. You've been very sweet and kind. You suffered with me and they kind of turned me lose, to speak and you stuck right through it and suffered it out, and that takes a lot of patience, I'm sure. And I'm certainly sorry that we couldn't stay just about a week or two more, so that we could really have the thought of the thing broken.

3 And many times in speaking, I sometimes say things that maybe it sounds awful, like my trying to tear people to pieces, I don't mean to do that. I just, well I just ... I'm just not very intelligent to begin with, and then when I just feel there is something He wants me to say, I just say it. I just let it go like that, so that's all I know to do. If I didn't, why soak me down and then I couldn't say nothing else. I'd just say as He says, and you just kind of put it together and pray over it and God may show you what it was meant.
Now the latch string's always on the outside of the house at my place. You know, Southerners know what that means, "Come on in." God bless you. I've often said in meetings a long time ago, when I first started, "That the night never got too dark, the rain never falls to hard, but what I would come to anybody that would call and want me to come."

4 Well, I want to say that in my heart now. But you can just about imagine what it would be around the world, see. Really, at this little service here, was just advertised right here, I suppose, and I... If I'm stretching it tonight, God forgive me, I don't mean to. But I just dread for Him to [unclear words] knowing around the world I probably know or known of, went by, around many million people. You can imagine now we have about eight offices that take letters for interpretations and brings them in. So you can just about imagine what that is.
I got four phones I can answer at my home. And my, sometimes they average, right after a big meeting somewhere, they'll average at least, right now, oh, a hundred and fifty or two hundred long distance a day, emergencies. Now that's making it low. Sometimes it runs way up more than that. But it'll practically average that. So it's pretty hard to say that you'd come anywhere when maybe when I get home there'd be a dozen airplane tickets laying there for people saying, "The Lord said for you to come over here. And the Lord said for you to come there." Well, I sure would like to go to every one of them. But I just can't be but just at one place at a time.

5 So then usually, I just take and lay them down and pray and ask our Lord what He wants me do. And then I go just where He wants me to go, or try to. If I miss it sometimes, I don't mean to. And if I displease Him, God knows in my heart, I want Him forgive me before I even move from these tracks.
And there might be a lot of things that I might do and say that you might think might be a little strange, but if I know the inside of my heart, that standing here tonight maybe there'll be people here that we will never meet no more. That's right. This many people, and elderly people, and so forth, and some sick people, that I know if I come back here a year from today, there's somebody out of this group will be gone. I may be that person, I don't know. You may be that, but there's one of us, somebody's going to be. And I must be dead in earnest, because this is our last meeting time on earth. I've got to meet up there with you. Then I've got to give an account of my life here on earth. And with the deepest of sincerity I try to be honest and faithful to Jesus Christ. And at that day that I will have not regret. For I want my title read clear at that time.

6 I prayed a long time ago, "Lord, when I come down to the River, I don't want any trouble there that morning. Cause it's going to be gloomy and dark, and I'm sure if there's any trouble I want it straightened up right now, right here now. So when I come down There, there won't be any trouble, I will have everything clear and I can cross over."
Heaven means much to me. Got loved ones there, father, loving friends by the thousands are on the other side, buddies, a wife, darling little baby, well, it just means a lot to me. And above all that, if I never see them no more, I want to see Jesus. I want to see Him, and at that day when I walk up to the gate and He looks down at me, and he says, "William Branham, you wasn't faithful enough and you're not worthy and I'm not going to let you come in."
With the depths of my heart I could say, "Yes, Lord, that's exactly the truth, I'm not worthy."

7 And if He sends me to hell, and in hell there's such a thing as having love, I will still love Jesus Christ. Cause it's become a part of my life, it's become me, and I can't help it, there's something in there makes me love Him.
And now, if I love Him, there must be a genuine Christian love for you. And if I haven't got that, then I don't love Him. For how can I say I love Him who we haven't seen, and not love those who ... His disciples and His servants? I've made this statement maybe before here, but I've often thought, "What would I do with a charger that had two drops of the literal blood of Christ in it?" How I would cherish it and walk close.

8 But tonight, I've got more in His sight than His literal blood. I've got the purchase of His blood. Then I must do all that I can to help you. In my heart I want to do it. You've been very kind, just a little handful. Expense is not too much, but they tell me all the expenses now is met. You gave a love offering to me, which from the depths of my soul, I appreciate, I'm not worthy, I didn't do nothing for a love offering, don't deserve it.
But what I will do with it, I've got three children to feed. My clothes are mostly give to me, people send me clothes and so forth. And what I have left over, out of just what I have to spend, and my expenses are very high. I send thousands and thousands of handkerchiefs around the world a week. And office expenses and that, they all have to come right out of these meetings. But I've never let anyone beg for money. If they did, I found it out, well, I didn't let them take money no more. Cause I don't believe in that. I just believe in just tell the people, "This is what we need," it's their meeting, "and I'm here to do all I can to meet the expenses." And you all have and I appreciate it.

9 And how could I take your money, which many of you, you maybe could use for your little children, of shoes and so forth, and food for the table, and spend it for something, that wouldn't be right. God hold me responsible for that. And I want to be a good steward. And I spend the money, I think the last love offering was two hundred and something dollars, and I will do the very best that I know how to spend your money that you have given me for the Kingdom of God, everything that I know how. I trust that it'll be that way on that day when we meet up there.
Now some of you give us some oranges and some grapefruit. One brother sent us a box of shells, and a little lamps and things to take home, many little things like that. My boy told me someone give him a little special offering of a check awhile ago. Sent one... Another fellow sent one in to make up the expenses. God seen every bit of that. He knows right where it... Many of you'd like to do it and you can't do it. God sees that just the same, see, He knows.

10 And the ushers and to this, the police, not the police but the sheriff, deputy sheriff, I was with he, and another man the other day, and such a fine man. Ushers, to all of you, my you've just been wonderful to me, we appreciate it. I'm saying this for Brother Bosworth and I, and my son. To Brother Dale, Vale, and I met another brother, Heights, is one of the sponsors, and all of you, you were so kind. And some of you ministers who let your congregation come, maybe you wasn't in cooperation because they never asked for it, I don't think, they just ... these two little churches. I come down here this week, probably this coming week, is right here in Birmingham, Alabama with a guarantee of fifteen thousand people the first night to come. Angeles Temple's been calling, telegramming, everything, said, "Why, we couldn't even put the people around the place."
Another great organization in there wanted to take the ros... or the bowl there, where they play football, and put it in on television, the time that I come down here. But I felt that God wanted me to come down here, see, that's why I come. I come down here to keep from going.

11 Great crowds don't attract me. What I want to know is what God wants me to do. Is to preach to one person or one million, is just the same, see. I wouldn't do any different, I'd do just the best that I could. And I feel then, that I'd be pleasing Him. So God bless you. And now, I want you to be sure that you get this just right.
Now, there are handkerchiefs, many of you are laying here. I pray over handkerchiefs by the thousands. Now if you did not get your handkerchief here, well, just send--just send and ask me for one, I will send it to you. Now I'm not saying that, there's so many a radio programs, and things today, where they're just trying to get your address, just so you can write in. God knows better then, I don't, that's not it, I don't write back to people no more then sends for them back, that's true. And I think that doing that, your own pastor needs every bit of support, your own church, that you can give, see. It isn't that, we never ask people for one penny of money through the mail or nothing. We just send it all out free and God takes care of every bit of it. And so you're always welcome.

12 Sometimes they drop a little in the paper, a stamp or something, which costs, I think our stamps usually run around two to three hundred a week for stamps alone. That's at one office, one office. We have two offices in Canada, and we have one office in Mexico, we have office in Norway, Sweden, Finland, German, two in Africa, see, all of those, every one of those. They send in... The people send to them then they translate it and send it here. Then out of here goes the handkerchiefs.
Now when you get the handkerchief, may not be a full handkerchief, because those handkerchiefs cost ten, fifteen cents apiece. I go out and get hundreds of yards of ribbon. Now you'll find a little letter in there, little form letter turned out by mimeograph machine, a telling you what to do, how to confess your sins and what to do. Now that's made up by the office, but every one of those handkerchiefs, little ... I prayed over them. When I take them and got to myself, and stand and pray and ask God.

13 Now if it was my child that was sick and I sent for a man that I had faith in to believe and he prayed a prayer of faith, I wouldn't want some office to make up a handkerchief send it to me, I'd want him to do it. That's right. And then I got to do to your child like I'd want you to do to my child. I have to do for your daddy like I want you to do for my daddy, see, my mother. And so that's the way that's done. And you're welcome any time. And now if there is times that I can be of a favor, I will be glad to do it. And I will always remember you until Jesus comes.
Now pretty soon, if God willing, I will be going into dark Africa, and from there up into India. From India into, across Jordan, from there over into Palestine. From Palestine into Luxembourg, Germany, Frankfurt, back over into London, England, way down in Africa, those dark continents. Old witchdoctors would challenge you in a moment, come by the dozen. And when you have to produce what you're talking about, no fooling there. When men come along with witches and perform all kinds of signs and enchantments like that, you've got to know the God that stood with Moses who can curse that thing and throw it away and ride over the top of it, see.

14 Now when the winds are blowing real hot, and the deserts are going bad and perspiration's running down my face and witch-doctors are challenging, millions are screaming, I will be depending on Palm Beach, Florida to be having prayer for me at that time then. God bless you. And I trust that we will meet again, every one of us, in this life. But if not in this life, I want to make an appointment with you to meet you at the Gate yonder for the.. we will enter in, where we will never have any more prayer for the sick. We will be immortal then. This inside man will be taken out, and we will be like the Lord Jesus. Until that time, God bless you is my prayer. I want to pray for these handkerchiefs before I forget it.

15 Our Heavenly Father, these handkerchiefs here, and these letters, represents poor, sick, suffering, humanity. Thou knowest every one of them and I pray that You bless them. I just hold my arms across them, Father. Thou seest all things. We're so happy to know that people has confidence in Your servant to send for these handkerchiefs. And we have confidence that You'll answer prayer. And with all trueness of faith, all we can have, we ask that You'll bless every one of them, and may the people be healed. As we Your people ask this blessing in Jesus Christ's name. Amen.

16 Several, I didn't mention, calling their names, Brother Vayle, my manager. This pianist here too, I want to thank her for her kindness and what's she's been, very nice. And to everyone of you, you've just been extremely kind and nice to me. If I miss some of you, it's not intentionally, I don't mean to do it, see.
Now, in the Gospel tonight, for our closing night, and we are by God's grace, just a little early, but I won't speak but just a moment to you, then I'm going to call the prayer line. I want to, as always, to read His Word. And now remember this, when I'm gone Jesus will still be here, see. When I'm not at your church, Christ will be there just the same. And maybe even if you get sick, you don't have to wait till somebody comes by, one of these healing campaigns, that's just only to stimulate the faith in the church. Your God saved pastor has the same authority that I, or any other man does, to pray for you. Your pastor, go to him.

17 If your pastor don't believe in praying for the sick, go to some real good Christian who does believe. And they have just as much authority as the pastor. "Confess your faults one to another and pray one for another, that they may be healed." James 5. "For the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much." So you just believe that, have faith, God will heal you. And I will be praying all the time that God will just stimulate the faith of all these godly man and will bless you all.
Now in Saint John... You say, "Brother Branham, you sure read a lot out of Saint John." It's one of my favorites. John is a book of love. And I tell you, when you ... When I see a person who loves God, I can sure trust him anywhere, any time. You know, when I leave home, I don't set down a whole big bunch of rules that Mrs. Branham should do while I'm gone. I just kiss her goodbye and say, "God bless you, honey."

James 5:16 Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.

18 I don't say, "Don't have any other husband. Don't do this or that." I know she's doesn't anyhow because she loves me. She don't tell me, "Now don't you have dates with some other girl and go out." She don't have to do that, I love her, I wouldn't do it anyhow, see. So that's it, we just love one another and trust one another. And if we have love for one another, then we have trust in one another. And if you love God you're bound to have faith in God, and have trust in God. Now that's the reason I read so much of John.

19 In the 5th chapter, and beginning with the 33rd verse. Then I have another place over here in John I wish to read. Now He says:
Ye sent unto John, and he bare witness of the truth.
But I receive not testimony from man: but these things I say unto you, that ye might be saved.
He was a bright and shining light: and ye were willing for a season to rejoice in his light.
But I have greater witness than that of John: for the works which the Father has given Me to do, to finish, the same works that I do, bear witness of me, that the Father hath sent Me.
And the Father Himself, which has sent Me, has borne witness of Me ... (Jesus speaking.)
And in Saint John 16:27:
For the Father Himself loveth you, because you have loved Me, and have believed that I come from God.
I come forth from the Father, and I am come into the world: again, I leave the world, and I go to the Father.
His disciples said unto Him, Lo, now speakest Thou plainly, and speakest no proverb.
Now we are sure that Thou knowest all things, and needest not that any man should ask Thee: by this we believe that Thou comest forth from God.
Jesus answered them, Do you now believe?
May the Lord add His blessings to His Word.

John 5:33 Ye sent unto John, and he bare witness unto the truth.

John 5:34 But I receive not testimony from man: but these things I say, that ye might be saved.

John 5:35 He was a burning and a shining light: and ye were willing for a season to rejoice in his light.

John 5:36 But I have greater witness than that of John: for the works which the Father hath given me to finish, the same works that I do, bear witness of me, that the Father hath sent me.

John 5:37 And the Father himself, which hath sent me, hath borne witness of me. Ye have neither heard his voice at any time, nor seen his shape.

John 16:28 I came forth from the Father, and am come into the world: again, I leave the world, and go to the Father.

John 16:31 Jesus answered them, Do ye now believe?

20 Jesus speaking, said, "I come from the Father. Now you went to John, he was a forceful speaker, preacher, and you were for a season, six months, glad to rejoice in that--in that light of John." But said, "I don't have testimony of man." He said, "But the very works that I do is a testimony from God that He sent Me to do it." He said, "Now you believed Him? And He loved you because you have loved Me." And that's how God loves you, when you love Jesus.
And He said, they said, "Now You're speaking plainly and not a proverb. And now we believe that You know all things." You believe He still knows all things? All right. "And by this, we believe that You come from God."
And Jesus said, "Do you now believe?"

John 5:34 But I receive not testimony from man: but these things I say, that ye might be saved.

John 5:35 He was a burning and a shining light: and ye were willing for a season to rejoice in his light.

John 5:36 But I have greater witness than that of John: for the works which the Father hath given me to finish, the same works that I do, bear witness of me, that the Father hath sent me.

John 5:37 And the Father himself, which hath sent me, hath borne witness of me. Ye have neither heard his voice at any time, nor seen his shape.

John 16:27 For the Father himself loveth you, because ye have loved me, and have believed that I came out from God.

John 16:28 I came forth from the Father, and am come into the world: again, I leave the world, and go to the Father.

John 16:29 His disciples said unto him, Lo, now speakest thou plainly, and speakest no proverb.

John 16:30 Now are we sure that thou knowest all things, and needest not that any man should ask thee: by this we believe that thou camest forth from God.

John 16:31 Jesus answered them, Do ye now believe?

21 I trust that that'll be the attitude of every person in here tonight, that you will now believe. Now not because this is the closing of our meetings. And now we leave for home right away, I believe, and I will be home, what, about a day and a half. Then I go to Chicago. And then I will be there until Sunday. And then from there I don't know just exactly when is next. Perhaps, overseas.
Now all these things that I have tried to introduce to you tonight, and through these other nights, has been that Jesus Christ that was in the days gone by, is today. And the theme of my campaigns is this: "That Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever."

Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

22 It's amazing, some days I ... Many people say, "Brother Branham, I'd like to talk to you a few minutes." I sure would love to do that. And many people kind of get maybe a little put out with me because that I don't just come to the homes of the people and talk with them, or meet them out. And some of them think that I just don't like people. But that's a mistake, friend. I love my brethren. God knows that. But I can't be a servant of man and a servant of God, see. I must be a servant of God in order to be the servant of man. So I must spend my time with Him, see, with God.
Now, if... I love to visit people. Many people comes to visit me at home, shake hands and go on. And home... You say, "Well, Brother Branham, does these visions only happen when you're in the meetings?"

23 No, they happen all the time. They been since I was a little baby. The first thing I can remember in life, was a vision. And "Gifts and callings are without repentance." When I was only six, oh, not over five or six minutes old, my mother tells me that when the old midwife, washing me as a little bitty five pound baby, and laid me on the arm of my mother, when she opened up the old door for a window we had in the little cabin, that light come in, hung there.
When I was eighteen months old, I remember the Voice speaking to me and telling me that was going to live near a city called New Albany. And I have. At the age of just a little bitty boy, I could remember Him speaking to me and telling me about a bridge that was going to span the river, how many man would lose their life on that bridge. And they wrote it down to see what it was all about. They thought I was dreaming. I was out in the yard, just something come over me and I set down. I seen it. I went and told mother, she said, "You went to sleep, honey."
I said, "No, ma'am, I never went to sleep. I stood and watched It come up out of the bushes."

24 And twenty-two years from that time, the Municipal Bridge span across the Ohio River, and the same sixteen man lost their live on it, just like it said, see. And it has always been that way. And Christian friends, to the best of my soul, I say this for God's glory, I have never seen one time but what it was just as perfect, just exactly the way It said it would be.
And many people come... You might think, "Well, Brother Branham, does just the common class of people come?" No. Multi-millionaires, doctors, everybody comes. There's been some of the best doctors that this nation has, is set in my home and I've led them to Christ. The best of doctors.

25 I have a little something on my mind, maybe it wouldn't take but a few moments to give a testimony of what I think one of the best doctors in our country. Well, this chum of mine, by the name of Dr. Sam Adair. You ever around Jeffersonville, look him up, write him a letter, find out what he thinks about this. He's a specialists, and one of the best doctors that I know of in the nation. Not because he's a chum of mine, but he's absolutely ... When it comes to a doctor, I just got plenty confidence in him as a doctor.
And here some time ago when this first happened, he called me and say, "Billy, look," said, "you know I love you like my brother." Said, "I believe I've never seen anybody any sincerer," said ... He's got it fixed if he dies before I do, I will have to preach his funeral. So, he said, "I want the last word said over me by somebody with sincerity." Said, "I may not be saved, but I--I--I want sincerity for the last words over me."

26 And I said, "Thank you, doc." And I ... "If I ever have to have a doctor to set my arm or what-more, you'll be the guy if I'm around you," because he's deeply and sincere in his work.
And he came up to my house, a great crowd of people in there, in and out, so my wife come, she said, "Dr. Adair is out there at the door."
So I said, "Well, put him over in the den room, so I can get to him."
Said, "He wants to see you privately," said, "he closed up the office." And his office is just lined and packed all the time. He runs...
So I went in to where he was, after a bit, and I said, "What's the matter, doctor?"
He was setting with his head down. And he said, "Billy, I--I come to you, buddy, for some help." Said, "I've got to have help from Almighty God." And he said, "I come to you to ask you to help me."
I said, "What is it, Dr. Adair?"
He said, "Well, Billy," said, "do you think that this city needs a clinic?"
I said, "Every city needs a clinic, doctor."
And he said, "Do you think that I'd be worthy to have that clinic?"
I said, "If there's anybody, I think you'd be."

27 And what I like about him, if he examines you, he don't know what's the matter with you, he's man enough to tell you he don't know and go to somebody who does know, not instead of feeding you full of medicines and everything like that, and just guessing at it. I like that. That's the main thing right here, in any case, you've got to find the cause before you can find the cure, always.
So, Dr. Adair, he said, "Well, I will tell you, what..."
Now as far as I know, he has got people right down in here, they may be setting right here. You may write and tell Sam. If you do, call him up, and I will pay for the phone call, if you want to. See, he's just a wonderful friend of mine. And so he lives just across from me.

28 And so he ... We was setting there and he said, "Here's what it is." He said, "I--I want to buy the old high school grounds down there to put up a clinic." He said, "You know my patients are poor people, Billy," said, "they come from out on Irish Hill out there," and said, "they come in here, they haven't got no money," said, "they need an operation," said, "I--I operate on them anyhow, do all my surgery and stuff. If they got money to pay it, okay. If they haven't, okay." That's him, see. He said, "That's the way I serve the Lord."
I said, "Well, Sam, that won't save you, but that's good," see. I said, "You've got to be borned-again, boy." I said, "That's all there is to it."
He said, "Well, God would never give me a break, a little wicked fellow like me."

29 And I said, "Yes, He will, if you just turn from your wickedness, He will sure do it." And so I said, "You're not wicked, you just got too much out front." And I said, "Down in the bottom of you, you've got a real man. But in front you make a lot of pretense. And got a lot of temper." He throw his hat off and stomp the floor a few times and holler, but he gets over that and he's all right. So he's... Just have to know to take him, so, how to take him.

30 So he's setting there and he said, "Well, Billy," he said, "I tried everywhere over the city to buy lots. And the only place that I can find is down there." He said, "And some elderly woman in Louisville bought that place and," said, "you know what?" Said, "She bought it a few weeks ago, and I offered her six hundred dollars for her bargain. And you know she won't take it." Said, "Just to be contrary." Said, "She about seventy years old and she isn't never going to use it." And said, "Why wouldn't she sell it to me for a clinic?" And said, "I want you to pray to God and ask that He will do something for her."
I said, "That's all right."
And said, but said, "Now I will tell you, I got a proposition I want to put before you before you ask Him." He said, "I know some man that likes her real well," said, "I could bribe him with about a hundred and fifty dollars and make her..."

31 I said, "Don't talk to God then, if you're going to start that bribing, don't, you can't talk to Him, no." I said, "If you want you want to talk to Him about bribing, you go do that. But if you're coming here, come with a clean heart and a pure mind," I said, "because God will never answer you no other way."
And he said, "Well," he said, "you know what I mean, Billy." Said, "I--I believe He could..."
I said, "No, if you're going to let Him do it, go ahead."
He said, "Well, I don't know whether he'd do it or not." He said, "And I need that lot."
I said, "Well, Sam, just get that off your mind now and let's have prayer, and I will see if the Lord tells me anything."
He said, "All right."

32 We... After prayer, prayed quite a little while, the house was full of people, but in the room we had it to ourself. In the prayer, I raised up, and I seen his clinic, what it was to be. And I said, "Dr. Adair, forget about that place down there."
He just told me, said, "If God will give me that clinic, I will promise Him now, that I will put a big sign up in front that if people are not able for their medicine and their operations and things, as long as I'm able to afford it, I will never charge a poor person a penny for it."
And I said, "Well, that's mighty nice, they need it." But I said, "That's just asking for the sake of the people."
So then I seen the clinic, I said, "Dr. Adair, your clinic will not be down there, for 'Thus saith the Holy Spirit,' it'll set on the corner of Maple and Wall Street, back in those big trees. It'll be made out of red brick with the cones coming down like...
He said, "Billy, many, many, things, and I've sent patients to you dying."
"That's right, and they're living yet today, by the help of God."
He said, "But Billy, that can't be." He said, "I just fought that same lot in court," he said, "for the last two months." And said, "They have to wait for twenty-five years, something in Boston is tied up," and said, "they have to wait twenty-five years before it can ever be gotten."

33 And I said, "Dr. Adair, I don't know about any twenty-five years, but God has given you that place. And your clinic will be made out of red brick."
And he said, "Well, Billy, I--I want to believe that."
I said, "Well, just go ahead and believe it then, because it's going to be that way."
And he said, "Well, it just can't, son." He said, "I tell you, it just can't be that way," said, "because it's all sealed in court, and I've even had court cases with smart lawyers on it."
I said, "But God is God," see, "He's the One who has said so."
And he said, "Well, I--I just don't see how it could."
I said, "Well, just go ahead."

34 So I went on into the room and so after... The next morning real early, the phone was ringing early and the lady answering the phone, she said, "Dr. Adair is on the phone to speak to you again, Brother Branham."
I picked that phone, I said, "Yes."
He said, "Billy," he said, "I'm freezing to death."
And I said, "Freezing to death, what's the matter?"
He said, "You know, that lot, last night they had a meeting in Boston and I've already bought the lot this morning?"
I said, "I thought one time a long time ago you said it was psychology."
He said, "Bill, I've always knowed that there was a real true and living God."

35 That's right. And now today, that's been about, oh, close to a year ago, and today the red brick clinic sets... And he was going to build it out of concrete blocks, but, and stucco, but it's made out of red brick, setting right in the same place. A lovely big medical clinic with several doctors in there going on just for the glory of God. If you're ever by Jeffersonville, just ask for Medical Center, go in and ask and ask Dr. Sam Adair and his staff if that's true. Ask him what he thinks about what the Angel of the Lord and the revelation of what It does, see, ask him. And it just shows.

36 Now, in that same time there was something happen, just a little thing. There was a little girl, a woman, that went to a Methodist church down in New Albany, Indiana. And this little lady, where her pastor was a very good friend of mine, (His name is Brother Johnson. He's in the Army now, and a chaplain.) he was in the Army, come out and he had a lovely church there. We were both raised in Kentucky, and he belonged to the ... went to the Methodist, and I belonged to the Baptist church.
And we were always very good friends, but he lived several miles below me. And he said, "Billy, if you'll just come down to my church, I won't ask you to pray for any sick person while you're home."--because I like to rest a little bit when I'm home. I almost had to be introduced to my family, that's the truth, because, see, they ... I'm never home long enough. I get home and then when I'm there, we have ne...
We've been living in this one house for seven years, no, five years, I believe, and we have never eaten one meal in that house with the blinds up. People standing around, in and around the place like that. When you slip off in a room you have to pull the blind down because they're either knocking on the window or coming in, you know how it is, like that. Wake up all hours through the night, they're laying up and down, little aisle, and up in the yard. I've seen as many as twenty and thirty automobiles at one time. Ambulance cases and everything, sitting in the drive, waiting. When I get home, day after tomorrow, they'll be there. In the hotels, out in the motels, and everywhere, sitting around waiting to be prayed for.

37 You can't turn those people down. God bless their heart, they believe. And they wouldn't, they wouldn't be staying like that. And if something can be done to help them ... What if that was my baby or somebody? And that's the reason when I'm home, I seldom get any rest, I get more rest right out like this because they just protect you from the people, you see, and you get more rest.
So, Brother Johnson said, "If you'll just come down and speak for me."
Well that night, the little Methodist church seated about five hundred people, they were standing out on the streets and they had public address outfit. And one man reached out the back window and took me by the hands and lifted me up, and that's how I got into the place, at the back, at the alley, to go into the place.

38 And that night after speaking, Brother Johnson came to me and said, "Brother Branham," said, "I want to tell you." He said, "I told you I wouldn't ask you to pray for people." And just several has accepted Christ, and all down along we had them lay their hands up towards the windows and so forth, the ones who accept Christ, there in New Albany.
And I said, "Now that's all right, what is it, brother?"
He said, "I got a Sunday school teacher here, and" said, "she's a neurotic, very lovely person, but" said, "she's... Nervousness has struck her," and said, she's been about eight years like that." And said, "She's a lovely person, would you, if you go out towards the window and down them steps, would you just lay your hands on her?"
And I said, "Sure."

39 So as I started out, went down towards the steps, and they had the little woman down at the bottom of the steps. I expected, the way he explained her, to see somebody in a straitjacket. But a lovely, nice looking, clean, little woman. Look like, standing there, about thirty years old, thirty-two, and she said, "How do you do, Brother Branham?"
I said, "Are you the patient?"
She said, "Yes."
I said, "What's the matter, sister?"
She said, "I don't know, Brother Branham."
I laid hands over on her and asked God to heal her.

40 She said, "She just couldn't, she just prayed, she couldn't get away from the place there, and she was scared to death all the time." And she said, "I've been going over to the psychiatrist and taking treatments, over there, mental treatments." And said, "It cost ten dollars a time." And said, "I go sometimes two times a week." And said, "I've been going for years, and I just get worse all the time."
And I said, "Well, God bless you, my sister, and deliver you from that, in the name of Jesus Christ."
I went on out. About three days after that, wife and I were in New Albany, and here that little lady was on the street with another woman. She was holding her hands like this, and I said, "Are you any better, sister?"
She started crying, she said, "Brother Branham, I'm even getting worse."
Well I ... a little place there called the "White House," where the ladies do their shopping. I stepped up in a little place there and asked prayer for her again.

41 So then here she come up in a couple days in a car, they brought her up, some women. And they had to hold her to keep her in the car to bring her up. She was just screaming, she said the world was going to burst with her and she was afraid. She was walking on top of the earth and it was going to sink. And oh, all kinds, you know how nervous people are. So, I had prayer for her again.

42 And she said, "Brother Branham, when you have a meeting close again, if I have to be put in a straitjacket, I want to come when that anointing is on you so I can," said, "I believe that you pray for me when the anointing was on, it would cast away that evil spirit from me."
I said, "Are you a Christian, you living above sin?"
She said, "Yes, Brother Branham, I'm a Sunday school teacher."
And I said, "Well, I pray that God will grant it."
And she got kind of be a good friend with my wife, calling her on the phone. She said, "Now if the Angel of the Lord ever comes to Brother Branham while he's at home, you call me, Sister Branham."
Well, one morning getting up after a powerful vision, well, my wife said, she said, "honey, is It still present?"
I said, "Yes."
She said, "Let me call that little woman from New Albany, will you?"
I said, "What little woman?"

43 She said, and she said, "Well, that little woman that's so awful nervous," said, "I feel so sorry for the little thing, she's got three children."
And I said, "Well, call her."
And so I went in and just a few minutes they brought her up, and I said, "Put her to herself over in the room."
And then there's a man come in from the Walnut Street Baptist church in Louisville, cancer on the liver, dying. It's been about three years ago, he's still living, no trace of cancer, just as normal as he can be. And the doctor said, "His liver just dried up or got hard or something or another," I don't know what it was, oh, he was just barely living. He's a great, strong, healthy man. Many of you people that follow from meeting to meeting will see him right in the meeting, heard him testify. And so then, I was in dealing with him and my wife come, said, "That little woman from New Albany, they got her out there in the other room."

44 So I went in to where she was, and I said, "I want to see her by myself."
So then, when the anointing is on, when go you to talking to a person, now watch, when you go to a person, that's when visions starts, you contact her spirit. Like Jesus talking to the woman at the well, He contacted her spirit, see. And then the vision takes place. And she set down there, and I said, "How you feeling?"
She said, "Brother Branham, I don't know," she said, "I'm just about to go crazy." She said, "I just don't know how I'm going to ... can't stand it any longer."
And I said, "Now I want you to try to get quiet and just look here to me just a moment, and talk."
She said, "Yes, sir. Yes, sir. I--I'm doing the best that I can Brother Branham." Like that.
Very lovely little person. And after talking to her a few moments, I seen a little black car going like that. The vision left me. I said, "Did you ever have a car accident?"
She said, "No, sir. I never did have a car accident."
I said, "There's something strange, I seen a little one seated black car a running like that."
And she said, "No, I never did have a car accident."

45 And then I went ahead talking to her, here it come again, the vision broke. And I seen her with a blond headed man, and she was riding fast in the car, and a automobile was going and a train just barely missed them. And she started screaming. I can hear her, but I was still in the vision, and she fainted and fell on the floor. And here was the vision. She was gotten married just before the war. And young girl, and her husband went overseas. And when he went overseas she started getting lonesome and she started having company with a blond headed boy. And one night being out, she broke her marriage vow and lived untrue to her husband. On the road in, the train almost struck them and killed them. And then when my wife heard her scream and so she come into the room, we got her up, she begin to scream, said, "Oh, Brother Branham, don't you tell that to nobody, don't you tell that to nobody."
I said, "There you are, sister," I said, "unconfessed sin."
She said, "But I had..."

46 She had all different people come, anoint her in oil and pray for her, stump devils and kicked devils and everything else, but he stayed right there. Now it said... And he will stay right there as long as you got that unconfessed sin.
She said, "Brother Branham, I confessed that to God."
I said, "It wasn't God you sinned against, it was your husband. You got to make that right."
She said, "Oh, break up my home."
I said, "That's all I can say, lady. There is the cause. And until you make that right, you'll never get any better. That's way back at..."
She said, "I don't even think of that."

47 I said, "No, you don't but, your subconscious is thinking of that all the time." And I said, "No, psychiatrist could pull that out of you." And I said, "You know that there's nobody in the world knows that but you and that man alone." I said, "God's Holy Spirit has revealed to you, and told you where your trouble, now you go make that right with your husband, and then you'll get well."
She said, "I can't do it, it would break up our home, Brother Branham." She started crying. Said, "Sister Branham, don't you let him tell nobody that, like that."
And I said, "Now..."
My wife said, "Well, he don't tell things like that, sister." Said, "You know, he wouldn't do that."

48 And she said, "Oh, my husband, he would--he would leave me right now." And said, "Would break up my home, what would happen to my little children?"--and so forth.
And I said, "Look, sister. First, clear yourself with God. God will take care of the rest of it."
So, she said, "Well, I just can't do it, Brother Branham."
I said, "Of course, now that's all I can do, sister. I just done what God told me do, there's your trouble." I said, "They can anoint you with oil, every five minutes through the day, for the rest of your life, it will never do you any good." I said, "They might lay their hands on you and stump and kick devils and say, 'Get out of here Satan,' but you do--you don't have to holler at him. He knows what faith is. He knows what your life is, so there's no need of you trying to bluff him. He will stay right there. And got a right to stay there. As... He knows what his rights is, what he can do and what he can't."
And she said, "Well, I just can't do it."

49 I started to walk away, she started crying. I looked back, and standing by her side stood another man, in a vision. I said, "Isn't your husband a kind of a tall man?"
"He has black hair."
"Combs it over sideways, kind of wavy."
And I said, "He's a deacon in that church."
And I said, "He's got the same rottenness to confess to you." I said, "When he landed in France..."--told about a girl with him. Then said, "Working... Doesn't he work for the Chevrolet company?"
Said, "Yes, he does."

50 And I said, "There's a lady works in there is black headed, in the office." I said, "He was in a green Chevrolet car and he was out in a lane at a certain place with that woman, she was wearing a pink dress, no more then the day before yesterday. He's got the same thing to confess."
"Why," she said, "not my husband, he's a deacon."
I said, "No wonder Brother Johnson can't get nowhere down there." I said, "Such as that in your church." That's right. That's what's a whole lots the matter with a lot of churches, too. God will never bless over sin. And I said, "You go get your..."
She said, "My husband wouldn't."
I said, "All right, that's all I know now." I said, "You go get your husband and make that thing right and you get your life straightened up, then God will be with you."
Well, I went on in to see another person. And then when I come back, Meda... She went in and called her husband on the phone and the other ladies come, and they went and met. My wife said, "You think they'll come back?"
I said, "Sure, they'll be back."

51 So it hadn't been but a little while, my wife said, "Look, coming up the steps." Here they come with their arms around one another, just a crying, the tears running down their cheeks. I opened the door.
I said, "What about it?"
He said, "Brother Branham," said, "my wife called me, and I got in the car," said, "she come confessing to me that a wrong that she had did. And then," said, "she come accused me of the same thing. And I said, 'Where you been?'"
And then," said, "It's the truth, Brother Branham." Said, "I don't know you, I've heard of you by Brother Johnson," he said, "I've never seen you, but I want to shake your hand and say, 'It's the absolutely truth, and I'm guilty and no good to be called a father of my children, or a deacon in that church. And as soon as I can get Brother Johnson, I will resign from my job.'"

52 I said, "Don't do that, just get right with God and continue with your job," see. I said, "No need of doing that."
He said, "Oh, God wouldn't forgive me."
I said, "Sure He will forgive you. Now you confess to your wife and ask her to forgive you, you all forgive one another?"
I said, "Now set down. Now is the time."
Then when I went down and said, "Heavenly Father, this demon has tormented this girl for all these years, has no legal right to hold her now. Because it's done been found and made right, now come out of her, in the name of Jesus Christ." And she's perfectly normal and well from that time on, see, see.
What is it? It goes slow, but we get the call. See what I mean? Visions. That's the reason some of you send me letters and say, "Brother Roberts will pray for five hundred while I'm praying for two." God...

53 Brother Roberts is praying for people the way God told him to do it. I'm doing the way God told me to do, see. So, it's just slow, but I want to know what I'm doing. And before I condemn a satanic spirit and so forth, I want to know first whether that's in God's legal plan. It is God's... As Brother Bosworth says, "Jesus died for everyone." That's right. Then if you're living in above that reproach and doing right, then Satan has to turn lose of you. But if there's anything back behind there, maybe something that you ought to have done, maybe you're living clean and pure; but God told you something to do and you neglected to do it, and God holds that right on you until you go back and make that thing right again. Whether it's something you should have done of should not have done. Do you see what I mean?

54 Now, but friends, with sincerity and working for the kingdom of God, yet I labor under the name of a psychologist or a fortune teller or a devil or some... But I'm only happy, I'm only glad, that I can represent Jesus Christ and He knows my heart. And He's knows that I'm no psychologist or fortune teller, I'm a Christian, your brother, trying my best for the Kingdom of God, by the power of God, to help His poor sick suffering children. And I pray to God with all my heart, soul, and mind, tonight, that you'll be one that He will help. Can we bow our heads just a moment for prayer.
Heavenly Father, it's so sweet to come to You in the name of Thy Son. And I bless tonight, as Your servant, these people. You said, "Whatever you bind on the earth, I will bind it in Heaven." Remit all of our sins tonight, Lord. I pray that You'll do it. And grant, Lord, that there will not be one person who is present now, that'll be lost in the great final day. May everyone of them be saved.

Matthew 16:19 And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.

Matthew 18:18 Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.

55 God bless the churches of this city, their pastors, their people, I pray that You'll do it. While maybe some of them don't agree just with Your great power, but yet they're Your children. Satan may have them blinded, but yet You love them, You're bearing with them. I pray that You'll just bless them. And may the day come when this little seed that's been planted down here in this city...
I come, Heavenly Father, feeling that I come doing what You told me to do. And I declared Your Son's name among the people. And I'm thankful that Your Son has a vindicated Your servant, that I have told the truth. And now the people are without excuses. And I pray God, that You'll bless everyone.

56 And now, tonight as I stand here before this lovely little audience, God bless them. And I pray that You'll bless all the people that had anything to do in this meeting. Bless this order here, this Legion Hall, or the American Legion. God, give everyone of them the baptism of the Holy Spirit. And this promoter of these fightings, wrestlings, that's here, the one who helped us get the building, God bless that man. We have a feeling in our heart that's peace and loyal for him.
Bless these dear man and women in these restaurants where we've been eating, and speaking, and testifying of the Kingdom of God to them. The service station people, and the stores, everywhere. Now get glory out of the service. We commit all to You, that You'll bless tonight. And may this be the greatest of all the nights. This is the time when the pressure is on, when the anticipation, and when the people must believe now. Now is the time. And I pray that You'll get glory. For we commit all to You, giving You alone, all the praise and the glory, in Jesus Christ's name we ask it. Amen.

57 I'm going to ask you tonight, to give me full cooperation. To be seated, and be quiet, and be reverent. And to look this way, believe with all your heart, and act just and do just exactly what He says do. Now I'm awfully tired, this is about six weeks straight. Just about as long as I've ever went since the great break that time, and I was off the field for eight months.
And I'm here ministering because it's godly love in my heart for you. That's exactly right. And I'm doing the best that I know how under the circumstance. And God be with you.
And now, after a bit, of course, the anointing gets upon me. I become in, something like subconscious, it's a dimension. Let me explain it one more time. If you go into another world, you're not in this world, you're in another world, and yet you know you're here, and yet you're somewhere else. Put yourself in that place one time tonight, just put yourself there one time tonight; like you set there and went to sleep and dreamed something and it was really real, and here it was right with you, why, it'd scare you to death, see. And now time after time, remember where it takes you to.

58 Now how many people in here ever dreamed a dream? Let's see your hands. Well, at least eighty or ninety percent of you. For some of you, it's right, some people never dreams a dream. Now what are you doing when you're dreaming? The doctors tell us and science, it's your subconscious. Is that right? Well, now, a man that dreams a dream, say here's his normal conscience, here's his subconscious. Now the people that doesn't dream a dream, their subconscious is way back there, he never gets through it, he sleeps sound. A dreamer doesn't sleep sound.
And God does deal in dreams. Do you believe that? He said... Well, He dealt with King Nebuchadnezzar, with Joseph. And it's not to accurate unless you have an interpreter. But the ... He said, "In the last days your young men would see visions, and your old man would dream dreams." Is that right? He promised that. But now that has to have an interpreter, a dream. But now that man can't help because he doesn't dream, this man he doesn't help because he dreams.

Joel 2:28 And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions:

Acts 2:17 And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams:

59 Now what if I told you people who dream dreams, dream me a dream now. Well, you couldn't do it if you had to. Dream, neither can that one help it because he doesn't dream. But now, a seer, or a prophet, his subconscious is not back there, not in here, it's right here. He doesn't go to sleep, he's standing wide awake and sees it. Now he can't help because he does that. God made him like that. No more then you can help because you dream a dream, or you that can't dream a dream. It's all in the providence of God. Don't you believe that? see.
So you can imagine now, you go in... Stand here wide awake, see something that happen forty years ago, and you're back there with that person speaking, yet knowing that you're standing on the platform, and four or five hundred people is listening to you, see. That's how it is. And then when you come out of that you feel weak, you just don't know. And after while here's another one, another one, another one, after while you get weary, you're trying to hold yourself up. And you're standing there, and then the first thing you know, you look, standing out over the people, here's that milling light.

60 Say, you people that's got that picture, I want you to go down to the ten cent store and get a little frame and put it in it. I had one of the most marvelous things. Now, I'm not... It's not mine, that belongs to the Douglas Studio. Not that I don't... Well, God forbid that I would commercialize, oh, my, never, God knows that.
But here, a woman was in the hospital and she had that picture, saying her doctor give her up, it was, I forget what was wrong with her, very serious, Hodgkin's disease I believe it was. And they had her, there's no cure for that by medicine. And they had her in the hospital, a young girl. And she was setting there, knowing that she a few days to live, and [unclear words] would break out, and the first one hits the heart it kills. The little girl was a friend of my son, went to school, and her doctor said, "It's over." They took a piece out of her throat here, to test it, and said, "Hodgkin's disease, that settles it." Said, "The first one breaks her heart, and it's broken nearly, anyhow, will be done."

61 And she was looking at that picture, not my picture, the picture of the Angel of the Lord, the pillar of fire that led the children of Israel through the wilderness. The same God, He's the same yesterday, today, and forever, isn't He? And she was looking at that, and she said, "O God, have mercy on me."
And she was laying there in that distress, a praying. And she said "That picture, seemed like that fire begin to mill in the picture." Now I don't know, I wasn't there, and I'm just taking the girl's word. And said, "That the Fire begin to mill in the picture, come out and hung over where she was." And the second day the doctor couldn't find a thing wrong with her at all. She's back in school, fixing to get married to a soldier boy now, see. So that's... Keep that! Look, believe Jesus Christ the Son of God.

62 Now, if there is a critic setting near, now, or an unbeliever, I will not be responsible for that person from here on, see, out. For be it known unto you, that unclean spirits goes out of people. They go from one to another. How many knows that? The Bible teaches it. Now how many has been in my meetings and seen it happen? Where an epilepsy leave one and just color the whole congregation up like that, that's true, see. How many has been in my meetings and seen those things happen when unclean spirits go from one to another? The Bible said, "In the mouth of two or three witness, let every word be established." It'll do it. You remember, in the Bible times it happened. It happens now. So God bless you.

Deuteronomy 19:15 One witness shall not rise up against a man for any iniquity, or for any sin, in any sin that he sinneth: at the mouth of two witnesses, or at the mouth of three witnesses, shall the matter be established.

2 Corinthians 13:1 This is the third time I am coming to you. In the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established.

63 What was the ... B? Prayer card B. I've been calling, how many? Fifteen. Let's try a few more then that tonight. Well, let's prayer card B has just been given out. And let's try to line up a whole group of them, see how many we can get. What say? How many? How much room have we got? Where does fifteen run about, along down in there? Let's try B-1, who's got B, prayer card B-1? Raise your hand. Prayer card B-1? You lady? B-2, who's got 2? 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, let them line up. Prayer card B-1 to B-10. Look at the lady here in the wheelchair, check her card. Did you have a card there, sister? You don't have one.
All right, B-1 to B-10. Now we will get some, see where they, how they line up. Now the thing of it is, if you don't ... Will you give us just a little chord, sister, on the piano, if you will. God bless you.

64 All right. Now B-10 to B-15. Oh, yes, sir, that one. B-10 to 15. B-15 to B-20. B-20 to B-25. Let's see how many that makes for a few moments. That be 1 to 25, let's see how that works. Now everyone of you that has got a prayer card, or see somebody setting near you who has a prayer card, I want you to look at them, they might be deaf. Look at these wheelchair cases and see if any of those, there's two or three wheelchairs standing here, see if they have a card that's called in that number. All right.
All right, as they line them up, let's sing once more: Only Believe, will you, everybody. You know, I love that song. When you sing that song think of me. You know, if I go before Jesus comes, they got it fixed, when they're putting my body in the ground, my friends, are going sing: Only Believe. It's called me to the platform around the world now, that marvelous song Paul Rader's. All together now, sing it to the glory of God now.
Only believe, only believe,
All things are possible, only believe;
Only believe, only believe,
(B-6 is missing.)
All things are possible, only believe.

65 Prayer card B-6, they say is missing. Somebody look, it maybe somebody who can't get up. If you got prayer card B-6 and can't get up, just raise your hand. Who has prayer card B-6? Now look, it may be somebody deaf and dumb, can't even speak or hear, has that prayer card. We don't know where they be, they just shuffle them up and hand them out to the people as they want them. So prayer card B-6, is it in the building? Hold up your hand. Now look over on the ... somebody setting next to you, check their card, it might be somebody, your friend, somebody setting to you who has it. All right.
Now, I guess I called too many at one time. I... Usually when I, when It's anointing, then I don't think of calling anyone else when It's...
Now how many who does not have a prayer card and yet you believe with all your heart that "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever," is here to heal you and you want Him to make you well tonight, raise your hand. All over the building, anywhere, don't matter who are, Methodist, Baptist, Catholic. God bless you. Thank you.

66 Now, look, I have constantly testified of Jesus Christ, is that right? Anybody knows that, that I am ... have nothing at all, I don't even have an education. I have no personality. I have nothing that I can offer to a congregation. The only thing that I have is I know Jesus Christ and the power of His resurrection. And by sovereign grace He gave me a gift to work for Him with. And I'm doing all I can to help you lovely Christians here, and also, sinners, to accept Him and believe Him for your salvation and healing. Now if I testify of God, and I'm telling the truth, now I want you to give me your attention for a few minutes. Any man can come by here and say anything he wants to. That has been the trouble now. Come by and say anything, "Oh, God does this and this. He told me this, and He give me this, that."
Now, the man, I will take his word for it, if he told me, I'd take his word until it was proved different. Now if a man says anything, that's just his word. But if God turns around and testifies that that's the truth, then you shouldn't disbelieve God. You should believe God. Is that right? Believe God.

67 Now I have testified of Jesus Christ, of His resurrection. And He said, "The things that I do shall you do also. And I will be with you to the end of the world." Is that right? And He said, "The very things that He did..."
Now what did He do? He never healed people, he didn't claim to. He said, "I can do nothing in Myself; but what I see the Father doing." Is that right? And what the Father told Him to do, that ... showed Him to do, that's what He done, see. Just exactly what God...
Then Saint John 5:24. I want you to listen closely. Jesus in Saint John, passed through the pool of Bethesda. Is that right? How many Bible readers knows that's right? And there laid great multitudes of impotent people, lame, halt, blind, withered. Is that right? Waiting for the moving of water. For an Angel come down troubled the water. The first one having faith and stepping in, got healed. And Jesus was God. And He came right through that great multitude of people to that poor paralyzed man setting there crying, blind, "Somebody help me in the pool?" Full of compassion, moved right by him.

John 5:2 Now there is at Jerusalem by the sheep market a pool, which is called in the Hebrew tongue Bethesda, having five porches.

John 5:3 In these lay a great multitude of impotent folk, of blind, halt, withered, waiting for the moving of the water.

John 5:4 For an angel went down at a certain season into the pool, and troubled the water: whosoever then first after the troubling of the water stepped in was made whole of whatsoever disease he had.

John 5:19 Then answered Jesus and said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do: for what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise.

John 14:12 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.

68 The woman with the water-head baby, the twisted, the blind, the lame, the halt, and He went right through everyone of them and never said one thing to any of them. Went over there to a man laying on a pallet that had prostate trouble, or something like that, or [unclear words] He had it thirty-eight years, it wasn't going to kill him. And He said, "Will thou be made whole?"
Now watch, the Scriptures said, "Jesus knew that he had been here." See, it was a vision. And He made him whole, walked on away and left that multitude of crippled people. Is that right? How many says that's the Scripture, say, "Amen." That's the Scripture. Exactly.
Well, now, don't you know the critics that day, said, "Why didn't He heal this one? Why don't He heal that one? Why don't He heal that one?" The same thing we get right back every day. "Heal this and I will believe it." No, you wouldn't. You'd believe without seeing it if you was a believer. Whether they're healed or not, doesn't make any... If I prayed for a thousand people, tonight and the whole thousand died tomorrow morning, tomorrow night I'd be preaching divine healing. Because God's Word said so. It ain't based on whether this or that; God said so, see. That settles it.

John 5:5 And a certain man was there, which had an infirmity thirty and eight years.

John 5:6 When Jesus saw him lie, and knew that he had been now a long time in that case, he saith unto him, Wilt thou be made whole?

John 5:9 And immediately the man was made whole, and took up his bed, and walked: and on the same day was the sabbath.

69 Now, but notice, when the Jews begin to question Him, why listen what He said now, "Verily, verily, I say unto you, the Son can do nothing in Himself," Saint John 5:19, "but what He sees the Father doing: that doeth the Son likewise." Is that right? "For the Father shows the Son what He doeth. The Father worketh, I worketh hither to." Is that Scripture? All right. That's what the Bible says.
Now if Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever, here sets a little lady setting here in a wheelchair. Oh, sure, I'd like to go down and heal that girl, wish I could. I can't do it. I couldn't. But just let Him tell me what to tell her, and watch what happens, see, watch what happens.

John 5:17 But Jesus answered them, My Father worketh hitherto, and I work.

John 5:19 Then answered Jesus and said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do: for what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise.

70 If I say, "That woman is crippled." Anybody knows that. But what's the matter with this woman here that looks sound and well? See? No mystery to me to say, "That girl's cripple," sure, you see her setting there, crippled up. Certainly she is. That's not a mystery. But what about this woman here, or that one, or that man, or this one, or that one, or this one, or over there, or somebody that isn't cripple, what about them? There's the mystery. There's the thing that God is trying to get to you, see, to show...
Now, no more than it would be, the little lady, I could tell her, talk to her a few minutes, I'd know what was wrong. She couldn't hide her life. But to heal her, of course, I couldn't.

71 When Simon came to Jesus and Jesus said, why Jesus had never seen or heard of him, He said, "Thou art Simon the son of Bar-jona of Jonas, but you shall be called Cephas, which is interpretation, "a stone." Is that right? He knew him, knew who they was.
In the audience the people begin to reason about something, He turned around, said, "Why you reason about that for?" See.
Now, He seen the woman at the well, He talked to her a little while, He said, "Go get Me a drink." Carry a conversation.
She said, "Not customary for you Jews to ask us Samaritans..."
Said, "If you know who you were talking to, you'd ask Me for a drink."
And she said, "Well, the well's deep, and You have nothing to draw with."
He said, "Go get your husband." Went right straight to her trouble.
She said, "I have no husband."
Said, "That's right, you got five."

John 1:42 And he brought him to Jesus. And when Jesus beheld him, he said, Thou art Simon the son of Jona: thou shalt be called Cephas, which is by interpretation, A stone.

John 4:7 There cometh a woman of Samaria to draw water: Jesus saith unto her, Give me to drink.

John 4:9 Then saith the woman of Samaria unto him, How is it that thou, being a Jew, askest drink of me, which am a woman of Samaria? for the Jews have no dealings with the Samaritans.

John 4:10 Jesus answered and said unto her, If thou knewest the gift of God, and who it is that saith to thee, Give me to drink; thou wouldest have asked of him, and he would have given thee living water.

John 4:11 The woman saith unto him, Sir, thou hast nothing to draw with, and the well is deep: from whence then hast thou that living water?

John 4:16 Jesus saith unto her, Go, call thy husband, and come hither.

John 4:17 The woman answered and said, I have no husband. Jesus said unto her, Thou hast well said, I have no husband:

John 4:18 For thou hast had five husbands; and he whom thou now hast is not thy husband: in that saidst thou truly.

72 She said, "Well, I perceive that You're a prophet." And away she went into the city and said, "Come see a Man who told me everything I ever done." Is that right?
Well, now, if Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever, His Spirit has rose from the ... He has, bodily, risen from the dead. And His Spirit is with us, declaring Himself in our flesh, God manifested in our flesh, won't Jesus Christ produce the same thing? If He's the same yesterday, and forever, He will.
Come, lady. Did the other person ever show? I hate to skip one by like that. Prayer card 6, prayer card 16, and 22; 6, 16, and 22, are they here, if you are raise your hand. You can't be ministered to, or brought up, we will see that you get here. Anywhere, inside or out? 6, 16, or 22. All right. God bless you now, be real reverent, and I will try, this is the last night. And now really get desperate, reach to God, say, "God, give it to me tonight, this is the time, I must have it tonight or die. I must have it tonight or perish."

John 4:19 The woman saith unto him, Sir, I perceive that thou art a prophet.

John 4:28 The woman then left her waterpot, and went her way into the city, and saith to the men,

John 4:29 Come, see a man, which told me all things that ever I did: is not this the Christ?

73 And I challenge everyone of you, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, who I take your spirit now, by His name, into my control, by the Holy Ghost. Putting every spirit here subject to me, through Jesus Christ's name, as His servant, that I might glorify the Son of God, for I yield, I testify to Him, may He testify of me.
All right, lady. I just take this so that won't get mixed up in it. Now please be reverent. Now this lady here, as far as I know, that woman I've never seen her in my life, she's a total stranger. I never seen her in all my life and know nothing of her. Now is that true, lady? Perfectly stranger. Well, if there's anything, she's a little older than I, if there's anything about her life that I should know, that God wants me to know, He by His Holy Spirit can reveal that to me right here. And if He does that, will all of you here in this building, knowing that this woman, and both of us here, under authority by God, knowing who's standing at the platform, we never met before in our lives.
But if God has raised His Son from the dead, and by a divine gift, sees visions, and by His grace, will let things be known, will all of you say, "I believe then for myself."

74 How many is here for the first time, let's see your hands, your first time. God bless you. Now, to you newcomers, if Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever, living in man's time, as He said, "I will be with you, the world will never see Me no more, but you'll see Me, for I will be with you, even in you, to the end of the world." Now, of course, I have to talk to the woman just a moment until the anointing gets started. And now brethren, you pray, tonight.
Now sister, just want to talk to you just a few moments. And God knows us both. And I don't know you, and you don't know me. We're just a man and woman met here. But I perceive that you are a believer, you are Christian, because immediately, through this, our inside part, spiritual part, contact ... you're Christian welcome. You believe me, too. Yes, you are. That's beyond a shadow of doubt. You do believe me. Now, but now, God will have to do the rest. He will have to do that of course.

Matthew 28:20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.

John 14:19 Yet a little while, and the world seeth me no more; but ye see me: because I live, ye shall live also.

75 Philip, Jesus just told him he was a believer. And he recognized Him as the Son of God right quick. But you're aware that something is going on. But that's not ... that's the Holy Spirit. You see the picture of that? That's just exactly what that feeling is upon you now. It's that ... it's the Angel of the Lord. You're ... I see a kind of going from room to room in a house. It's a--it's a nervous condition you have. You're extremely nervous. And you're facing an operation. And that operation is for a disorder inwardly, which is a female gland. Isn't that true? Now just a moment. I heard a name, your husband, is his first name Lewis, or something, somebody said, "Lewis." I ... is that right? ["That's right."] And I see your house number, it's six thirty-one and at Forty-fifth Street. ["That's right."] And it's right here at Palm Beach. ["Amen."] Is that right? ["That's right, brother."] And you're going to be well, and Jesus Christ makes you whole. God bless you, your faith saved you, lady. Now [unclear words].
Just be reverent, have faith.

76 All right, lady. I suppose you and I are perfect strangers. I do not know you, never seen you in my life, God knows that. If I did, I didn't know you if I've seen you. You don't have a prayer card, do you lady? You got asthma, haven't you. Isn't that right? I seen a vision standing here, somebody coughing, it didn't look like this woman, it looked like an elderly woman, I think. You don't have a prayer card? Stand up to your feet and accept your healing. Jesus Christ takes the asthma away from you now. You can go home and get well now. God bless you.
The vision was contrary, see. What it was, the Angel of the Lord moved here and I seen an elderly woman just a coughing real hard and trying to come over a light, or something or another, and it wasn't you. I know it wasn't, see. There's spirit all around me now, see. And everything has to move in.

77 I see a ... you... It's something on your arm, it's... No, it's a doctor. It's high blood, that's what it is, is high blood pressure. It's high blood, and got ... you just come out of bed too, you come out of bed to come here. Isn't that right? And something or another keeps moving back, back, way back, it's a hospital, or it's a been long ago you had some kind of a gall bladder, or some kind of a operation in there. And it's still bothering you. Isn't that right? [A lady speaks to Brother Branham.] You believe that you're healed now? ["Well, I don't know, I hope. I just have trouble with my stomach."] Hope, sister can't do it. If you're standing this close to God, not me, God, you believe now that you're healed? Look, I'm telling you that He... That's right, that's the way to accept it. Now It drops down on you. Amen. Go on, God be with you and give you peace. Get well now. God bless you.
Have faith, believe with all your heart. God will bring it to pass if you'll... Now don't move, just a minute.

78 How do you do, sir? I suppose you and I are strangers, are we, sir? We don't know each other, but God knows us both. You're nervous, real nervous, and then you got something wrong in the... It's a gall bladder trouble in the gall bladder. Then you have some kind of real severe headaches that's ... I see you holding, no, you had a hurt, an accident of some sort. Look like a crate or something struck you on the side of the head, long time ago. Is that right? Something happened to you then, didn't it? You were healed. God bless you. Your faith made you well, brother. You've been worried too, haven't you? You've been thinking that that would turn to cancer, but it doesn't. God bless you. Go and be and God's peace be upon you.
How do you do, sister? Do you believe with all your heart? You believe that He's here to make you well? Lady, God be with you. You're extremely nervous. And that nervous is come because of a love one, and it's a boy. And you got a message of some sort, of grief. Oh, missing in action. That's what it was. Is that right? Don't worry about that, go have a good courage, and don't take no for an answer. God be with you.
Have faith. Believe with all your heart now. Are you believing?

79 Seems like there's somebody, it's a woman, oh, yes, there she sets. It's a... You got a kidney, and the kidney is on the left side. It's bothering you. Isn't that right? A kidney trouble. Just believe with all your heart, God bless you, go home and be made well. Thanks be to God.
Do you believe, sir? You believe, with all your heart? You must believe, you have cancer. And the cancer's inside the mouth. Isn't that right? The doctor don't know what to do about that. And then you got a sick wife. Your wife is suffering from a nervous trouble, she also has a asthmatic condition, and she's a diabetic. Is that right? What your doctor just told her. Come here. And I will bless you and your wife, in the name of Jesus Christ, for your healing.
Almighty God, may Thy Spirit move now and heal this man and his loved one, in the name of Jesus Christ I ask this. Amen. God bless you. Go, and God be with you, my brother.
Have faith in God.

80 You have gall bladder trouble, don't you, lady, setting there at the end? Lady there has kidney stones, setting right there, also. Isn't that right? You was both healed right then because you're setting around that lady. There you kidney stones have left, that's right. God be with you.
That's it, if you'll just believe.
You would like to get rid of that arthritis, lady, setting right there with the ... Would you like to get over it? You were setting there praying about it. You were praying that God would have me to speak to you. Is that right? That's just exactly what you asked for. Now you got what you asked for, go and be healed, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

81 You have a hernia, sitting right back there, don't you, lady? You think God would heal you? The lady right behind you with high blood pressure. You believe God will make you well, lady? All right, stand up and accept your healing. Go home now and get well, in the name of Jesus Christ.
Have faith in God.
Do you believe, lady? You do. But you're trying to believe for somebody else, aren't you? Isn't that right? And that lady doesn't live here, but she lives in Saint Petersburg. Is that right? And she got ... had cancer on the breast. The doctor has taken one of her breasts off. She's suffering terribly. Isn't that right? Let's offer prayer for her as I hold your hand.

82 Almighty God, You who are across this nation, across this world, out through the universe, pray that Your power will come upon the woman and may she be healed and delivered in Jesus Christ's name. Amen. Not only her, but you're trouble is left, also. Now you go on your road and be happy. Say, "Thanks be to God who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ."

1 Corinthians 15:57 But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

83 You believe, sir? ["Yes, sir."] I believe that. Course you have arthritis for one thing. Isn't that right? Yes sir, you do. Another thing, you have a asthmatic condition. ["That's right."] That right? You got a boy that's got asthma too, haven't you? ["Right."] Uh-huh. You're praying about his soul, he's not close enough to God. Isn't that right? You got a grandson also, that's got asthma. Is that right? ["That's right."] All right, go lay your hands on them too, and they get well also. God be with you.
You believe when I spoke arthritis God healed you too? That's the way to do, go off the platform saying, "Thank You, Lord Jesus." Have faith.
You believe, sister? Have heart trouble, not only that, you have a tumor, female trouble. You believe that God's going to make you well? God bless you, go and God's peace be upon you and make you well.
Let's say, "Thanks be to God."
I see blood dripping right in here. It looks white, it's dripping up and down blood. It's coming from a elderly woman. She's setting right there. Right next to that soldier. She's anemia. Isn't that right, lady? You're anemia, you have to go with faith with me to Calvary for a blood transfusion to get over it. You believe that He will give it to you?

84 Almighty God in the name of Jesus Christ, may she be healed.
Little soldier brother, you've been awful faithful around here getting people drinks and things like that. You're eyes and your ears and what has been bothering you, and your nervous condition. You're going to get over that, don't fear. Go and God's peace upon you. Amen.
Would you like to go eat your supper? Get over that stomach trouble? That ulcerated in your stomach. You believe me to be God's prophet? In the name of Jesus Christ, go eat your supper and be well. Amen.
Come. You believe me sister, as God's servant? You believe that what I would say would be the truth? If I know what's wrong with you I certainly know the cure. Is that right? Jesus Christ is your cure, and female trouble is your trouble. Is that right? Now go and accept the cure and be well, in Jesus' name.

85 Come, lady. You believe me to be God's prophet? Surely, if I know what was wrong, God would let me know what's wrong, He'd let me know the cure. Jesus is the cure, and kidney trouble was your trouble. Is that right? Go and accept it, it's yours, be made well, in the name of Jesus Christ.
You believe, sir? With all your heart? You also had kidney trouble. And you got asthmatic condition. Is that right? Go and accept your healing and be made well, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Have faith.
God bless you, lady. You have one chance to live, and that chance is Jesus Christ. For there's not a medicine in the world can heal your heart trouble, but God can. Do you accept it? In the name of Jesus Christ, go and be made well.

86 Hallelujah! Don't think I'm excited, I know just exactly what I'm a doing. Now I know just exactly who is in this building now. I know it's the Son of God Who raised from the dead. All these demons couldn't fight for nothing now, everyone of them is under control. Now I challenge you to believe Him.
All right, come, lady. That's a lovely little thing you have on you there. You're suffering with a nervous trouble, cause you a lot of trouble. Isn't that right? It's left you now. Go and be made well, in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Have faith in God.

87 You want to get over that chest trouble setting right there, lady? You believe God healed you? Awhile ago when you were praying there, and you got to weeping didn't you? There's a real funny feeling come over you. Wasn't that right? That's when you were healed. I knowed you was healed, I wanted to be sure of it. God bless you now, and go and get well.
Let's say, "Thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord, Jesus Christ."
What do you think back up in the aisles, back up in this way? Somebody get to believing while the Holy Spirit is here, while He's moving with His great omnipotent power. Believe.

1 Corinthians 15:57 But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

88 Come. Having trouble, you believe God heals you of this nervousness. That nervousness which caused you to think you had heart trouble. It was nervousness that done it. It's gone from you now, in the name of Jesus Christ, go and live and serve God with all your heart.
Let's say, "Thanks be to God."
You're a mighty young woman to have arthritis. But you believe God healed you? He has, in the name of Jesus Christ. You always get what you ask for.
You want to go with that female trouble? Just believe God with all your heart and you can be made well.
Something is happening from back this a way. Oh, Christians, how long, how long? Why do you worry? What upsets you? What bothers you? Nothing can harm you. God be for you, who can be against you?

89 What do you think about it, young lady? God don't scare you, He's right by you now. You got a gland trouble, haven't you? Is that right? You believe He's going to heal you? Isn't that your mother setting there by you? You believe me to be His prophet, sister? You believe He's going to heal your daughter? You have a lot of domestic trouble too, don't you? You accept Jesus as your Mediator? You believe He's going to make you come out of that all right? You know I know what it is. So I just don't say it before the public. Lay your hand over on your girl there. God be merciful, I pray, You'll grant these things through Jesus Christ's name. Amen.
All right. This your patient? Come. Only thing you have to do is believe, have faith. Believe God with all your heart, God will grant it.

90 Oh, how I wish I could make you believe. How the Holy Spirit's crying down in my heart right now. I know you're... Just seems like something is telling me you're not getting it right, friends. Oh, believe God. Please do, I beg of you to believe Him. How He's pouring out Himself to you, just emptying Himself and emptying Himself, and you set and look. Don't look, believe. Have faith. Just because I was passing those people through the line, just tell them one thing and my strength goes from me. I can't talk to them. As long as I believe they got faith enough to be healed, why now? You was reasoning that in your mind up there. That don't do no good. I just happen to catch it, here longer you talk to anyone, more happens. What's the use of talking to the people? If they're here to believe, they'll either believe or not believe. So I can't make them believe.
If one person come on this platform and God revealed Himself as His resurrected Son, every person in here ought to on the grounds of that, believe right then. One thing like that could happen in Africa, India, or some other country, and every person in there will rise and go out whole. Every sinner will come to Christ weeping. That's right.
Excuse me, sir. I don't mean to be rude, I... My heart's pulling, you see. You believe me to be His servant? I believe that. I believe that with all my heart, that you believe that. You have a hernia. Isn't that right? Aren't you some kind of a painter or something, you do painting? You're not from this country. You're from up north, but you come down here in the winter time, in the south, to paint. You reared by a minister, your father is a minister. If I'm mistaken, the way it looks must have been a Methodist preacher. Isn't that right? It looks like there is a black streak, something bad has been in your life. Oh, yes, you've been kind of mixed up. Something has been wrong. Cold feeling, a dark spirit, something about spirits, or something about a medium, or something on that line. ["Yeah."] Isn't that right? ["That's right."] Then I see something dark happen there well, it was a blue waves moving, oh, it was a boy, or something. Didn't you loose somebody, or a son in the Navy? Is that right? You believe me to be His prophet? ["Yep!"]
Almighty God, I bless this man, in the name of Jesus Christ, and whatever his needs is, supply them, and make every evil to leave him, in the name of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Amen. God bless you my brother. Go, and may God's peace be with you.

91 Have faith in God.
What you praying about, lady? Say with the, your head down asking God. You're thinking about ... Oh, it's a--it's a little girl. A little child. It's your daughter, isn't it? She's got something wrong with her ear. It's a--it's some kind of a growth in the child's ear. Isn't that right? Yes. A fungus, it's a fungus growth in the ear. Now look, here's comes a streak. Here sets the child right here. Is that right? Is that your daughter? She has a fungus growth in her ear. She's a nervous little child. Isn't that right? Always upset and everything like that. Quieten her down, it's going to leave her. Hallelujah!
Come. You'll never go blind, you'll have your sight and be well. You believe? God bless you, I bless you in Jesus' name to receive it.
Let's say, "Thanks be to God."
Come mister, you believe with all your heart? You believe that back trouble has done left you? It has. God bless you.
Let's say, "Thanks be to God."

92 What more could our Lord Jesus do? Oh, my. I realize friends, I can't stand here much longer, all whole thing is becoming like one great big ball of light. I can't tell where, what. But with this anticipation, with this faith believing. Have faith in God. Accept it. Now, if you believe, then act on your faith. Act on your faith and God will bring it to pass. Don't you believe that? Oh, if I could just get you to break through. If you just come through that little spot there, you would get everyone to healed before I even call another person. You do it, friend. How can you doubt? When God is standing here, when God... Not your brother, I'm just a man, but your Saviour is here. A man... No one can go out of here and say... If you did you're a perfect infidel. You don't believe in God. How can you, when Jesus Christ said this would take place in the last days, and here it is right here taking place! What more would you want?
How do you do, lady? You believe me? You don't have to get out of the chair. Look at me and believe it's His prophet. Is this your last patient in the line?

93 Believe now, don't doubt. Just about eighty percent of this audience is got your trouble. You're nervous, upset. Things causing yours is the time of life, it's the menopause. Isn't that right? You have real weary feeling. Everything goes wrong. You think sometimes you've lost your mind. That's the devil telling you that. It's a lie. You're going to get well, because of your attitude toward God's gift, you come reverent.
How many people in here suffer with nervousness, raise your hand? Come on, be honest. Everyone of you can be made well right now. Just as easy as this one woman can, every one of the rest of you can. That's exactly right, everyone of you can be made whole just like this woman will be made whole.

94 Now around her is a dark cloud. Seems to be about this square, when I look at her, it's coming and going [Brother Branham blows into the microphone.] That's a demon. And as soon... How'd I know it? You can feel it pulling from out there. What is it? Everyone out there who's screaming for help. And then I feel the faith of you believers moving in, and it can be done, it can be done. And Satan's crying, "Help! Help!"
And their faith is saying, "It can be done, it can be done."
And that's the way I tell those things, see, it's through a gift of God. Well, sure, any of you just break lose your thought, God Almighty will heal every one of you. Do you believe it?

95 Come here, lady. I never seen you in my life, but that's the truth. Isn't that right? You get real nervous sometimes. You dropped something on the floor the other day, I see you go back to pick it up. Is that right? See, just as long as I look at you, It just keeps showing visions. What the use of showing visions when Christ is here, done proved His works to the people. Isn't that right? Now I'm going... Do you believe that God give me the authority to take it away from you? All right, come here and believe.
Almighty God, Who give Jesus Christ as a ransom, this poor woman here has got to go through these shadows, and standing here, with her heart all pounded up, Lord. But Thou can heal her and everyone that in here. And now, Satan, you have done evil, I command that in Jesus Christ name, that you come out of the woman. Depart from her, Satan!
Now raise your hand, say, "Praise the Lord." ["Praise the Lord."] You're healed [unclear words] Go right ahead, that's exactly right. And the rest of you are healed. Everyone of you healed. Do you believe me? Stand up and accept it then. Raise up to your feet, I challenge you to do it. You must now. Raise up your hands and give God praise, say, "Thank You, Lord for healing me."
God's virtue, that's it, that's...

Do you now believe? (1954-03-07 Evening) (William M. Branham Sermons)

Do you now believe? (1954-03-07 Evening) (William M. Branham Sermons) somebody

Do you now believe?

1 Thank you, brother. Good evening, Christian friends, and a special good evening to those ministers who stood in that salute. The Lord God bless you, my brethren. I am with you one hundred percent in this Gospel, too.
And our Brother Moore just told me some ... approximately two hundred of them in here of just Gospel preachers tonight. God bless you, my brothers and sisters. And may the Lord ever make His grace to shine upon you and give you the exceedingly abundantly above all that you could do or think, is my prayer.
This is the night when we gather together for the closing of a meeting, which is always a sad time, yet a blessful time. It's usually more healing done the last night, than there is all the rest the nights put together.

2 And when you were singing that glorious old song awhile ago, Only Believe, All Things Are Possible, Only Believe. I was thinking of that, who wrote that song---Paul Rader. How many ever knew Paul Rader? Does anybody know Paul Rader? Sure, a wonderful man.
Not long ago I was standing in the very place where he wrote the song, and it was coming in over the ether waves---of "Only Believe"---and I was thinking of Paul.
I tell you, I'm kind of a temperamental person. And when I heard that, and know that Paul Rader, perhaps, sat on that same chair when he wrote "Only Believe," and they was introducing me to the platform, oh, I just couldn't keep from crying. I just... Something just dripped down in my heart.
Paul Rader. I was thinking, when he died here in California, the remarks he made. He told a very personal friend of mine, who's a bosom chum, he said, "Brother, if I'd have sold my message of grace to the red-hot Pentecostals, instead of coming over here doing what I did, I'd been better off today." That's right. I say, "Amen" to that.

3 Just awhile ago I was talking to Brother Schuller, Jack Schuller, was having a meeting here. He said, "Brother Branham," he said, "when I come into Fort Wayne, I followed you."
I told him, I said, "Brother Jack, I never come here as your competitor; I come here as your brother."
He said, "Well, I heard what you'd been doing down there." And said, "Just shelling the wood." He said, "That's fine."
I said, "Well, Brother Schuller, my ministry's more to pray for the sick."
He said, "Stay with it, Brother Branham."
I said, "Us Pentecostal people..."
He said, "I'm Pentecostal, too." He said, "What is a Pentecostal person, Brother Branham?" Says, "It's a fellow that's a orthodox Methodist, got a whole lot of Spirit about him."
That's pretty good. Ha-ha. That's about right.

4 He said when you was in Fort Wayne, said, "As soon as I got there..." Of course some of the dry starches, you know, has something to say after my meeting.
He said, "The brethren..."---Brother Billings and them of the temple there, who was backing up my meeting where I was at---he said, "They went out there and got a girl that was a perfect maniac. She was insane, and out of the institutions. They'd put her in a house, and she'd jump through the window. She jumped through a two-story window once, out from a two-story, and fell into the yard and hurt herself. Perfectly insane, knowed nothing, or nothing, was brought to the meeting and made perfectly whole."
Said he brought that person right up to the platform and said, "Here she is, and I don't want to hear no more criticism about Brother Branham." That settled it. That was all. Well, that was all. Yes.
Brethren, there's a whole lot of them out there in those denominations with us in heart. That's right.

5 And Brother Jack Schuller is a fine man, you heard me say the first night I come here. He give me a little something, it was his own slogan, so I guess I can pass it on.
He said, "Brother Branham," said, "no doubt a lot of people talk about your divine healing, praying for the sick." He said, "They talk about me in dramatizing," said... He told me I could pass this on, so I will.
He said, not long ago somebody said, "Jack, why don't you quit all that there dramatizing, all that carrying on like that, and just preach Christ and let it go?"
He said, "Are you a fisherman?"
Said, "Yes."
Said, "What do you use for bait, t-bone steak?"
Said, "No."
Said, "What do you use?" Said, "Worms?" He said, "Do you like them?"
Said, "No."
Said, "What do you fish with them for?"
Said, "That's what the fish bite on."
He said, "That's what I thought."
Said, "Brother Branham, that's the way with your ministry. When you come to town, people expect you to pray for the sick." Said, "When I come to town, they look for the drama." Said, "Not because we want to do it, but that's our ministry." That's right. Lets stay with it till Jesus comes. That's right. Just stay right with it. Amen.

6 Now, to this meeting. I've been to Phoenix, I think, this is three or four times I've had services in Phoenix. But I say this from the depths of my heart: This has been one of the most pleasant times I've ever stayed in Phoenix. That's right.
My boy just met me... Brother Sharritt comes and gets me at night and brings me up. Billy meets me here at the door and brings me on in. And Brother, as we were coming down, we were talking, Billy met me there, and he said... I said, "Well, son, what about...?"
He had a little satchel in his hand, said, "They've give you a love offering, dad." I want to thank you.
I said, "What about the offering; is the...?" Everything is paid up clear and they had some left over to go into the missionaries. God bless your gallant souls. With the best of my knowledge, I'll do the best that I can with it to the up-building of the kingdom of God. Thank you kindly, and may God richly bless you, and repay you a hundred fold for all that you have did.

7 And then, won't be no debts left in this city, and so forth, everything will be clear. And our missionary offering, and a couple hundred dollars, or whatever it was, left over out of the other, will be placed right into the missionary offering. It'll all go for overseas work, which I know you'd be pleased with that to know that that's... And in my love offering, whatever it will be, two or three hundred dollars, when I get home, or whatever it may be, what debts I have, I'll pay it, and go right into another meeting. And what's left over of that will go right straight in the foreign missions. That's exactly the truth, and God knows that to be true. I thank every one of you.
I want to say it, a salute, to my brethren and sisters, the sponsors of this meeting, and the cooperation of these pastors who's come and put not only their presence, but their time and their heart in the meeting: You've been wonderful, my dear brothers and sisters. And if we never meet again this side the river, we'll meet at the other side.
I trust that soon I can return to Phoenix for a longer meeting. There's one thing we need here in Phoenix, is either a great, big auditorium, seats eight or ten thousand people, or bring a tent; that's the best, and then stay till its over. That's right. [Congregation applauds.] Thank you very kindly. That makes me feel doubly welcome back, and I appreciate it. I'm your friend to help you at anytime that I can.

8 Now, to the laity... We can't have a church, 'less we got the laity, you know. The pastor can't do it all; it's got to take some members in the church.
Each one of you has helped support this meeting with your finance. You have supported it with prayer. And tonight, if schedule worked out regularly... Two little women has been hid away in these eight days in the meeting, has been fasting and praying for this meeting. That's one of the reasons that it was a success. That's right. And I trust that they're here tonight. That was told to me by pretty good authority, which I believe is authentic. So I appreciate you sisters, and I appreciate you, not only them, but others who've been fasting and praying too, and backing me up with your wonderful faith in Jesus Christ.
Oh, when I stand around a group like that and that wall of faith around, you don't get scared. I can tell you that. There's something just stands right by you and makes you know that something's with you.
Then, for putting up with that old sassafras preaching of mine, it's a... I'm not much of a preacher; and you even rallied at it, so I thank you. That's a lot of grace. I appreciate you very much. I want to thank you, each and every one.

9 Now, to another: this Brother Bower here. I never knew him very well, but just by his name. He's one who called me. I heard him at the ministerial breakfast the other morning, heard him speaking for the first time. And besides a Christian, he's a diplomat. That's right. He's a fine brother.
Not only that, but I met other brothers and sisters there who are real consecrated men and women of God---the very backbone and heart of Phoenix. That's right.
Brother Schuller said to me, in three weeks, I think, that he had five hundred accept Christ. I don't know how many we've had here. So, we believe, when we both leave tonight, that Phoenix will be better off because of your all's cooperation with us in these evangelistic meetings that's been going on in Phoenix.
If Jesus would come along, there'd be at least a thousand people go in where would not have went, otherwise. So we thank the Lord. Dollars and cents could never count those souls, could they? Never, never. And God will bless us and live right on, as we have with more than we did have in the beginning. Now, the Lord be with you.

10 Another person I want to recognize here tonight, and that's my good friend John Sharritt. That's it. [Congregation applauds.] Thank you. Many of you may not know him. The little fellow that stands back has nothing to say. I didn't mean a little fellow. Them brethren's corrected me. He weighs about two-twenty. And me, call him a little fellow, could you imagine that?
Well, I mean he's just as humble as a baby, just a very fine fellow. And his dear old, gray-headed mother, and her, and his wife and his children, we salute them with a respect that only a Christian can do. Peace be unto their homes from now on. They take us right in and give us the best that can be done and... Oh, my. I just can't express how we feel about the Sharritt family. God bless them, give them long lives.

11 And many of you know John Sharritt, how he come to be what he is now, because of humility in his heart. When a minister come here and John Sharritt owned a little bitty cabin of a house, and this minister had nothing, the Lord told him to give that house to the man, all he had. And he took his wife and their clothes (the best of my knowledge, now), and left and went up somewhere; and put her in a garage, and lived up there and taking care of somebody's buildings and things up there, for the rent of the place. Working down here, and had to borrow enough money to go into business, from somebody here in town. And you know what God has done for him. And he's never got his head swelled up. He's just the same dear old Brother Sharritt he used to be a long time ago.
And I don't know... I hope he don't get angry with me for saying that. But not long ago, that man was on the streets of the city, selling apples, a nickel apiece, to take care of a widowed mother. God bless his gallant soul, and may he live long. That's right. And now he's taking care of a lot of widowed mothers. Every one that comes in, he will put them somewhere and take care of them. God bless them.

12 Now, another person I want to recognize tonight is... I don't know the man; I don't know whether he has a representative here or not. But it's this man that's got this light out here, The Blakely, I believe it's called. The man that's got that light.
I never heard of the man. I guess he knows nothing about us, but yet with that courtesy, we say, "God bless Mr. Blakely, and may his service stations ever remain." Amen. Thank you. Mr. Blakely, or your representative here, whoever it is, that's the way we all feel. If I'm ever in Arizona, I know where to buy gasoline. That's right. And I think the people feel the same way. Anybody that's got a heart to help us in this great time of crusade, we're very happy. That's not a commercial, that's not a feign, that's from pure love from my heart for the man. That's right. That's right.
There's not one thing... He never asked me to say one word. He never asked anything to be said. I just feel that way about it. That's right. And that's the way we feel about it, every one of us. Somebody who's interested in our Lord Jesus Christ, we're interested in his welfare. Is that right? 'Cause he's our brother. Now, we pray that God will bless all.

13 Now, next is for this arena here, I believe called Madison Square Garden. I've been in Madison Square Garden in New York, a little larger, but I wouldn't be any more welcome. That's right.
To the custodian. There's a man who has to stand out here at night with a flashlight. I don't know whether he has the parking here, or something. A fine gentleman. He's about the only one that I know personally that has anything to do with it. And to you who are here, the custodians, or the businessmen, or whatever it is, they see to this, we thank you from the depths of our hearts for opening up your doors. And may, when you come to the Land of glory, may Jesus Christ open up the doors for you and receive you into His kingdom, is our prayer. God bless you. If we can be a favor to any, we'll be glad to do it.

14 Now, tonight, being it's the last night, and really it's been a healing service and a great pleasure... One thing more I want to say before I leave, too. Brother Jack Moore and Brother Brown, they've been with me through thick and thin. And they're here with me tonight, and been with me through this meeting. And I just... Oh, I don't know how to say about those brothers; they're just... Well, we're just one in Christ Jesus. That's it.
And so, I'm trusting tonight now, that God will bless you. May every one of you live, and I live, to see one another again in a great meeting in Phoenix, Arizona. May God bless you. To the whites, to the Spanish, to the colored, to the Indians, to whoever it is, peace be unto you. God bless you is my prayer. Amen. [The congregation applauds.] Thank you, thank you.

15 Now, I wish to read some of our Heavenly Father's Word. And then, I'm going to ask prayer for the handkerchiefs. Many of them are here. Now... Oh, yes, I just remembered. My wife told me too, to thank the lady that made some little Indian dresses, one for each of my little girls and for the wife, too. I dressed her up in it this morning and took her picture. She's an Indian now. [The congregation laughs.] All right. Thank you kindly.
Someone sent us a cake that had on there "To the little Eskimos and Brother Branham." Thank you.
Somebody give Billy Paul two dollars to give me. Thank you. As I was leaving this afternoon, a fine young man come and said, "Brother Branham, you must take this." And laid in my hand, it was six dollars, five dollar bills and one one. God bless you, my brother. And to ... everything... If I've left out any, you forgive me. I meant to catch you all.

16 Now, in the Scriptures, found over here in the book of Acts... I want to read first, and then, found in Acts the second chapter and the 22nd verse. Now, I'm just going to read and give testimony. And tonight, I'm going to spend all my time in a prayer line, praying for the sick. I want to call just as many across the platform as I can, see what our Lord Jesus will do for us. I've been in prayer the last few hours, asking God what to do and how to do it. And I want, if God will hear my prayer, may there not be one feeble person in this building when it's left.
I wish there was some way that I could... We uses to have the old fast line where we'd caused people to crowd through. I don't know. Some of them think that's still good, but it crowds the people up, and so forth. It is a personal contact; that is right.
But if you'll just take this to note, and believe with all your heart. Now, just make it fundamentally fact, see, that what you see our Lord Jesus... It isn't a man, see.
And you're sitting amongst the cream of the crop of Christians, see. And you're right there where all the prayers are going up out there. Right there, when the Lord here moving over the people. Why, that's the very thing that does the healing, isn't it? It's the very essence of healing.

17 Now, listen here. I'm going to speak of Jesus, the Son of God. Twenty-second verse of the second chapter of Acts:
Ye men of Israel, hear these words; Jesus of Nazareth, a man approved of God among you by miracles ... wonders and signs, which God did by him in the midst of you, as ye yourselves also know:
Let me give Peter's address here to you again.
Ye men of Israel, hear these words; Jesus of Nazareth, a man approved of God ... by miracles and wonders and signs, which God did by him in the midst of you, as you also are a witness.
Who was he saying that? Jesus of Nazareth. God approved him, by what? Signs, wonders, and miracles.

Acts 2:22 Ye men of Israel, hear these words; Jesus of Nazareth, a man approved of God among you by miracles and wonders and signs, which God did by him in the midst of you, as ye yourselves also know:

18 Now, I'm going to read what Jesus said in Saint John 5 beginning with the 33rd verse.
Ye sent unto John, and he bare witness of the truth.
I want you to notice now, catch these words close in the reading of this Word. Just before this, he said in the 30th chapter, "I can..." 30th verse, rather.
I can of mine own self do nothing: as I hear, I judge: ... [See.]
All praise given to the Father. Now, he said, "You sent to John and he bare record of the truth."
But I receive not testimony from man: but these things that I say, that ye might be saved.
He was a burning and a shining light: and ye were willing for a season to rejoice in his light. [In whose light? John's light. What light he was bringing, you were willing to rejoice. Listen.]
But I have greater witness than that of John: for the works which the Father hath given unto me to finish, the same works that I do, bear witness of me, that the Father hath sent me. [God's vindication of him. Listen.]
And the Father himself, which hath sent me, hath borne witness of me.

John 5:30 I can of mine own self do nothing: as I hear, I judge: and my judgment is just; because I seek not mine own will, but the will of the Father which hath sent me.

John 5:33 Ye sent unto John, and he bare witness unto the truth.

John 5:34 But I receive not testimony from man: but these things I say, that ye might be saved.

John 5:35 He was a burning and a shining light: and ye were willing for a season to rejoice in his light.

John 5:36 But I have greater witness than that of John: for the works which the Father hath given me to finish, the same works that I do, bear witness of me, that the Father hath sent me.

John 5:37 And the Father himself, which hath sent me, hath borne witness of me. Ye have neither heard his voice at any time, nor seen his shape.

19 Now, in John the 16th chapter, I want to read some more, beginning with the 28th verse.
His disciples said unto him, Lo, now speakest thou plainly, and speakest no proverb.
[Here's where I want you to get to now.] Now we are sure that thou knowest all things, and needest not that any man should seek thee: by this we believe that thou comest forth from God.
Listen. Because Jesus knew these things, and spoke them to the people, they said, "Now, you're speaking where we can understand."

John 16:29 His disciples said unto him, Lo, now speakest thou plainly, and speakest no proverb.

John 16:30 Now are we sure that thou knowest all things, and needest not that any man should ask thee: by this we believe that thou camest forth from God.

20 He knew what the woman's sin was. He knew where the fish had a coin in its mouth. When Philip coming ... or, Nathanael, He knew where he was at under a tree, praying before Philip found him. He said, "By this..." That's no proverb. He said, "By this we believe that you come out from God."
Look at Jesus the 31st verse:
Jesus answered them, Do ye now believe?
May the Lord add His blessing to His Word.

John 16:30 Now are we sure that thou knowest all things, and needest not that any man should ask thee: by this we believe that thou camest forth from God.

John 16:31 Jesus answered them, Do ye now believe?

21 May I say this, as our Lord said it, "Do you now believe? Do you now...? The Gospel has been preached; the sick has been made well; signs and wonders of supernatural power has moved through the audience, performing things that's beyond any comprehension of the human mind. Jesus Christ proving Himself in the resurrection; the same, yesterday, today, and forever. Knowing the thoughts of the people: a seer indeed. Not only that, but souls has been saved and filled with the Holy Spirit, confirmation of the Word: all these things together, do you now believe?
Believe that He has risen from the dead, and living among us tonight, the same yesterday, today, and forever? Do you now believe that He's not a respect of person? He heals the Spanish, He heals the White, He heals the Indian. He shows visions to the Spanish, to the White, to the Indian; to those who He can speak their language, those who has another kind of language, and those who has another language.
So God is God over every person, every color, every race, every language; He's God: raised from the dead; living among us; no respect of persons, neither male or female, but all one in Christ Jesus. Oh! Isn't that lovely?

Acts 10:34 Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons:

Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

22 Here tonight, by faith I say this: By faith I believe tonight that you'll see visibly, in this audience, the moving of the same Holy Spirit that was on Jesus Christ, showing signs and wonders---without a doubt, the same Holy Spirit doing the same things.
Now, when Jesus was here on earth, He did not claim to be a healer. He didn't claim to be a great person. He said, "I... Of myself I can do nothing." Is that right? "I only do what the Father shows me to do. What I see the Father doing, that I do also." Is that right?

John 5:19 Then answered Jesus and said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do: for what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise.

23 Now, no prophet and no one, even the Lord Jesus, never, at any time, ever performed a miracle or done anything without first God showing or advising them to do it.
Look at the great prophet Elijah. Someone come not long ago, someone, and criticized me in the paper. And a man that was with me said, "Brother Branham, I'd go out there and put a curse on that paper."
I said, "Oh, Brother." Jesus said, "I never come to destroy people; I come to save people." They criticize, but that's all right; that don't hurt me. That's the best drawing card I got. That's right.
I get all that publicity free; we don't have to pay for it. For what money we'd pay for that, we take it over to the missionaries, overseas. See, that don't hurt, that's good. Everybody come out to see what all the trouble's about, then we get it free. So they just do a favor not knowing it, see.

Luke 9:56 For the Son of man is not come to destroy men's lives, but to save them. And they went to another village.

24 So he said, "We need another Elijah who had come out on Mount Carmel and said, 'Now I dare you to come out here.'"
I said, "Wait just a minute, brother."
Said, "Elijah never waited for no vision. Only thing he did is go out there and do it."
I said, "I beg your pardon, brother. You're a scholar, but you're a long ways off the track right there."
When Elijah called out there on the day at Mount Carmel, he laid those things together and walked out there, and he said, "Lord I have did all this at Your Word." Is that right? Sure, always, see. "At Your Word."

1 Kings 18:36 And it came to pass at the time of the offering of the evening sacrifice, that Elijah the prophet came near, and said, LORD God of Abraham, Isaac, and of Israel, let it be known this day that thou art God in Israel, and that I am thy servant, and that I have done all these things at thy word.

25 Jesus said, "I can do nothing of myself, but what I see the Father doing. I do the same thing He showed Me." Is that right? Saint John 5:19. Said, "The Father worketh, I worketh hitherto."
In other words, always in the supernatural. And no flesh can glory in the presence of God. So we just wait. Now, some men don't see visions. Some goes by inspiration of presentment. The Holy Spirit say to a pastor, "Move to this other church over here." Though he don't get the money, but they're in need. "I want you over there." He don't wait for a vision, because that's not his ministry. He just goes over there, and God gets as much as it being a vision. Think. All right. Others go by something else. But all together is the working of the Holy Spirit. The Lord bless you.

John 5:17 But Jesus answered them, My Father worketh hitherto, and I work.

John 5:19 Then answered Jesus and said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do: for what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise.

26 Now, look Christian, my dear little children in Christ, my lovely ones, I hate to leave you tonight. Honest, I do. I don't have to say that, but I really wish that I had a couple more weeks in Phoenix. But I just got my meetings so set; just pushing a day here and a day there, and a day ... like that.
Till I've just got to hurry, just as quick as I can get home, and start right off. I'll get in (if nothing happens) on one morning and start right off that afternoon, see, at the beginning of the very next day. So, you pray for me, will you? And, perhaps, I won't see you no more, I guess, until I come back from overseas. But, maybe it's in order, maybe, to tell that vision, I promised you I would. I've got it written here in the Bible.

27 And here's what will take place: The Angel of the Lord which come to me and told me to return to Africa. And He sat me down in Africa and showed me a greater meeting than was there at the first time.
Then while I was standing there, why, another Angel come down from the heavens. He looked like some sort of a red-like garment. But He was above me and He turned me to the East. And I seen all the African people here. The African people are sturdy, heavy built, but these were thin-like people. Looked like they had a ... like a blanket around them, and had been pulled up and stuffed down like this. And I couldn't recognize then. But, oh, they were so many more than they was of these African people.
And this Angel, above me, turned on a great big oscillating light, and begin to show back, like that. And just as far as I could see, was nothing but people, and it was up over hills and valleys, and it looked like Indians. And then when this Angel above me spoke to the Angel that's always with me, up side the big fellow, kind of dark complected, hair down to His shoulders, folded His arms, He was standing here by my side.
I heard Him tell this One standing by me and the voice was so strong that it broke me out of the vision, said, "There's three hundred thousand of those in that meeting." Mark that down for it's "Thus saith the Lord." His Word comes to pass.

28 When the archbishop of India came to my place recently and received the Baptism of the Holy Ghost---Archbishop Polara---he said, "Brother Branham, the way they're looking for you there," said, "that meant converts." Said, "I assure you, there'll be anywhere from a half- to a million people in your congregation." He said, "All India's awaiting."
And with this vision to back it up, watch what our Lord will do, see. I'm expecting a half a million converts in my journey. We go to Africa, to India, to Palestine, to Luxembourg and Frankfurt, back to London, and then back home. And then down in South ... Australia, New Zealand, and down in there. Now, perhaps, maybe I'll get to see you after I come back from overseas.

29 I want to ask you now. When the way grows dark in Africa and India... Remember, when you go to India, just believe anything. Trick workers, all kinds of things; it was the same way in Africa. Don't you think those witch doctors won't challenge you. They sure will.
But I have never seen a time when a half a dozen stand before me at one time, but what Jesus Christ, the Son of God, come in power in there. I've never been scared, never in my life, because I know He was the One who sent me. It's up to Him to take care of me. That's right, see.
And when the way's getting dark over there, I'll close my eyes and remember that through this beautiful sunshine valley of Phoenix I've got thousands of people praying for me. And I'll feel secure that your prayers are wrapping me up. And may God be with you.
If some of you have to slip off to glory before we meet again, God be with you. I'll meet you there by God's grace. At that great day where we won't be praying for the sick, or neither preaching the Gospel; we'll be shouting the praises of the Lamb. God bless you.

30 Now, I want to pray, and pray for these handkerchiefs.
Our kind Heavenly Father, as we have gathered here in this building for the farewell meeting of this campaign, O, great Jehovah God, we thank Thee for every soul that was saved. We thank Thee for every one You give the Holy Spirit to; them that renewed their vow. We thank Thee for every healing that You give to the people.
Seeing their testimonies come in by letters from the beginning of the week. After they'd went home, find out that tumors are missing, cancers have come up gone, the doctors pronounced them well. We're so thankful, Father. And may every one that's even entered the doors of the campaign, may every one of them be healed. Grant it, Lord.
And now, I pray that You'll bless us together tonight in the closing of this meeting. And may the power of the resurrection of Jesus Christ rest upon Your humble servant, that the people might take heed and know that I have told them the truth, and by this they will believe.
Bless these handkerchiefs, Father, as I lay hands upon them; needy people. Just looky here. Come, Lord Jesus, and take us out of this pest house. O, God, let Thy mercies be with these people. Some of them are Indians, perhaps, some Spanish, some white, some colored. O, God, wherever they are, whoever they are, they're Your people.
Now, I pray that You'll deliver every one of them. May Thy grace and blessings... And if I have found favor in Your sight, answer my pray, God. And I pray with the deepest of sincerity that You'll heal every person these handkerchiefs touch. Grant it, Lord. May it be done for God's glory, in the name of His Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.
And in the little mix-up: If some of them happen not get your handkerchiefs, just write to me and I'll send you one. God bless you.

31 Now, just a testimony so we can start... I want to call just as many as I can to the platform. I've got about ten minutes now, till time to call them.
Just a little testimony... If you've noticed, I haven't give one testimony since I've been here, because I've kept it all in preaching of the Word. When Mr. Baxter and the management sometime is with me, they do the preaching; and I just come in and testify.
Now, usually, when you're anointed, leaving home with that Spirit on you, when you come in and go to preaching, then the first thing you know you're in a different attitude. Now, then again, that kind of hinders the meeting a little bit, as far as that part. But yet, I've appreciated the opportunity to speak to you.

32 Now, I want to kind of give a testimony ... many thousands of testimonies. My, how, if I would stand right here for the next three weeks, in this platform, five hours a day, I could still be testifying of what I've seen our Lord Jesus do. That's right.
Incredible almost---miracles---how that God has performed such great things. Not me, now; how God has performed, see. There's no man that can perform these miracles. Jesus could not do them Himself, only as God let Him know how to do it and what to do. Now, God was in Him. God was the One who done the work. Now, notice.
But now, I want to give a little testimony, don't know what to start on. I'm kind of wondering ... passing through my mind what to say. Well, here's one. And then just a few moments, we get feel of the meeting, then we're going to call for the prayer line.
And will you, tonight, by God's help, promise me that you're going to throw every speck of faith you can right into Calvary tonight, for your healing? Do that.

33 Now, I just left Chicago a few weeks ago, and I come home. And being so tired, I could hardly get up. And at home, bless their heart, the people come... You can't turn them down after you get there. So you just ... you just have to minister as long as I'm there.
We haven't eaten one time in our house---we've been living five years---with the shades up. That's right.
My wife, I guess they introduced her tonight, here, they was going too. She's thirty-four years old and almost completely gray, as you notice. If there's any credit to be given to the Branham family, it doesn't come to me; give it to her. She's the one who's stood between me and the door, helping the people, doing all that we can. Bless her heart, mate. God give her a piece in the kingdom of God.
Only... A preacher can only realize what a preacher's wife goes through. You know it, brother. I'm so glad God give us a helpmate. Aren't you? Yes, sir.
A man that's got a good loyal wife ought to be so true and loyal to her. And she that's got a good husband ought to be the same way. Look at the world today and how it is in chaos.

34 So when we... I come home, I went out to an old friend by the name of George Wright. Down in the country where little Georgie Carter... You've heard that in the book, of course, and her testimony. The thinnest person I ever seen, and thinner than Florence Nightingale, when she was healed. But Georgie was a little woman to begin with; she only weighed about thirty-five pounds; you've heard her testimony. Laid there nine years eight months, and never moved off the bed.
And a hour from then, she was in the yard praising, leaping, shouting, giving God glory. She's my pianist in the Milltown Baptist Church at Milltown, Indiana, tonight. Never been to bed, only just to go to sleep at night, since. Had been laying there nine years and eight months, couldn't even move. Couldn't even raise her sputum cup to spit in it. Her limbs, up here at her hips, wasn't over that big around. If you'd seen that skeleton come from the bed, and go into the yard and sit down and bless the leaves. And was sitting at the organ playing Jesus, Keep Me Near The Cross, when her father come in and fainted, with a bucket of milk in his hand. Right.
In that same... She went to a church that believed the days of miracles was past. And they said if I ever entered their doors, that they'd be put out of the church; so everybody was told not to let me come in. But Jesus sent me down there and I went in. She wanted me to, and God healed her. And now the whole family is filled with the Holy Ghost. So that's different now.

35 So, I went out to Mr. Wright's, a dear old friend of mine, seventy-something years old. And my wife, being with me in the meeting, we didn't know that this condition existed. And so, when I went down there, I found him with a blood clot in the back of both of his legs. And a specialist had been out there, way out in the country where he lives, and said he only had about three or four days to live; that the blood clot was a hardening of the arteries. As soon as... The blood clot was in his joints of his knees, and as soon as that moves, it would go to his heart, it would kill him instantly. If it went to his brain, it would paralyze him. No hope at all: specialist.
Well, I happened to find that news when I went in, and he was laying there on the bed with his hand up, crying. And said, "Oh, Brother Branham, we tried to get Chicago." They sent telegrams, but I never did get them.
So I went in, fell across the old man, praying, asking God to let him live. And I stayed there that day ... about two or three days, praying for the man, every day. And I was trying to relax of a morning. I'd get up, go out, get my old shotgun, go up on the hill and see if I could scare a rabbit, and come back down, pray for him, go back out. Finally, people begin to find out I was over there. [Brother Branham coughs.] Pardon me. So I went back the next day and there's about eight or ten carloads sitting our there. So, I couldn't go up the house right at the time.

36 So then the next... My wife called and said, "Honey, I hate to call you but," said, "you're just going have to come home because a missionary to the Jews," a very fine Christian woman, she lives ... going to be in Palestine the same time that I'm over there. And she's a very noted woman. A graduate from Moody Bible in Chicago, and a fine woman. A big believer in divine healing. God has healed her, and done many things in her family. And her daughter was in the hospital, and the doctors had give her up, of some kind of a poisoning from childbirth, and she was laying, dying.
So her Baptist Hospital back in Louisville, Kentucky, which is a great hospital---I forget how many hundreds of rooms it's got in it---one of the best medical staffs there is in the nation, I suppose, at this big hospital.
Many of you are here from Louisville know where it's at, being the Broadway up there. And so, she was laying there... And James C. Robertson, a great Christian attorney, internationally known, very close friend of [unclear words] in England, which is bringing me over to England this time, like the ... like a Reader's Digest, goes all over the world.
And he went up there. And his father's one of the presidents on the staff, and they had done everything, and got every doctor they could for this woman, 'cause he is a personal friend of Mrs. Baker, also---the girl's mother.

37 So I went home, went over there. The Wright family had been crying, said, "Brother Branham..." Brother Shelby went out with me. His son, about forty years old, he said, "Brother Branham, what do you think about dad? You think he's going to die?"
I said, "Yes, Shelby. I believe your daddy's going to die."
He said, "Sir, I hate to give dad up."
His little sister come over, and said, "Brother Branham, what do you think of daddy?"
I said, "I believe he's going to die." I said, "I believe he's going home to meet the Lord."
'Course, we know Christians don't die; there's no such a Scripture in the Bible, see. Christians don't die; they just go to be with the Lord.

38 I said, "He's seventy-two years old. God promised him seventy. Now, he's seventy-two and he's been a healthy, strong man. But now his time's come. His doctors been here, and said he was dying. And the blood clot looks like is swelling on up in his body now. Perhaps... He's lived longer now than the doctor give him to live. But, I've asked God... God has never said a word to me. So, I suppose God is going to take him."
I said, "He's a Christian, ready to go. So there's nothing... He's lived his life. So, I guess God will take him." That's all I knew.
So they was crying, of course. I had a farewell prayer for him. Went on home (Thank you, brother.), went on home. And when I got home that night... Next afternoon, I went over to the Baptist Hospital. And as soon as I got over there, their ... her son-in-law ... the old mother, her son-in-law, he was a Catholic. And after marrying this girl, had changed churches and become a Protestant. And his mother's people were Catholic yet. So they sent for the priest to come and anoint the woman for death, just for consolation for the family.

39 So it happened to be: The Irish priest and I met there at the same time. I said, "Now, just a moment. I have no disregard for any man's religion, as far as I'm concerned; but let me go in first. If this brother ... or, this priest is going in there to anoint her for death, I'm going in to anoint her for life." See. I said, "We can't get this mixed up." But I said, "If you will, let me pronounce life on her first."
So they let me go in. Then when I went in there, there was a group of people standing there. She was kind of in a coma, swollen way up to her eyes, and everything. Some kind of a poisoning that comes from childbirth, that they could do nothing with---the medical science.

40 So I went in, asked to be in the room all alone with her. I stood there, I said, "Sister, do you remember me?"
And she, trying to open her eyes, she said, "Who is it?"
I said, "Brother Branham."
And she started crying, tears washing all ... swollen face. A young woman, about twenty-two.
And she said, "Oh, Brother Branham, shake my hand, shake my hand."
I said, "Now, just don't be hysterical, sister dear," see.
And I took hold of her hand. I said, "I come to ask prayer."
She said, "Oh!" And just...
I said, "Now, be quiet, be quiet." See. "Don't get all emotional. Wait till God heals you, and then get emotional."
And so, I said, "Come solid, sanely, listen to me now."

41 So, I laid hands upon her and asked our dear Lord Jesus if he would heal her. I prayed for her, walked back from the bed and was going to leave. I picked up my overcoat and hat. And when I turned around, up over that bed was that pillar of fire moving around and around.
I knew He was going to say something. Now I hadn't saw a vision for about a week or ten days, since I left the Chicago meeting. And there it was moving around.
I stood still. I seen what He said. I walked over to the bed and I said, "My dear sister, though you know your condition...?"
She said, "Yes, Brother Branham." She said, "I pray that God will show you a vision."
I said, "He has. And I have 'Thus saith the Lord.'"
I said, "In about six or eight hours they're going to put a pull motor here to try to bring you to; because you're going to go into a coma. But you're no more than going into it, just a second, till you're coming out of it."
And I said, "In the space of thirty-six hours, you're going to be home doing your work, for it's 'Thus saith the Lord.'
Brother, when God says that, I rest my head on top of God with the Spirit, at any time. It'll be just that way. I walked out, and the priest---very gentleman-like, waiting out there---he'd come out. He spoke to me again when he come out. Said, "Finished?"
I said, "Yes, sir. It's all over."
Said, "All over?" And he was talking to the doctor.
I said, "I have 'Thus saith the Lord.'"
And this lady raised up her hands and started screaming---top of her voice.
The doctor said...
I said, "The woman's going into a coma in about six hours. But, in thirty-six hours, she's going to be home, working."
The doctor put his hands in his pockets and shook his head and walked out.
Here come the boy---former Catholic--

42 -walked up to me and put his arms around me, said, "Just a minute." He said, "Brother Branham, did I hear you say 'Thus saith the Lord' in thirty-six hours my wife will be home?"
I said, "If it isn't, I'm a false prophet."
He said, "Brother Branham, my little baby had club feet. You'd prayed for her a dozen times, I guess. We had her out praying for her. And one day when we was in a room here, packed full of people, you saw a vision and said 'Thus saith the Lord in twenty-four hours your baby's feet will be straight.'"
Said, "The next morning when I went to the crib, the baby's feet was straight and has been straight ever since." That's a prayer of faith.
And he said, "If you say, 'Thus saith the Lord my wife is going home in thirty-six hours,' I'm not even going to the room. I'm going to get my hat, and go home, and clean up, and wait for her."
I said, "God bless you, my son. If that isn't true, then I'm a false prophet. Just remember that's 'Thus saith the Lord.'" Grabbed his hat and away he went.

43 And I come back out and started down the steps, and there was a fellow by the name of McDowell, McDowell Electric Company in Jeffersonville, was at the bottom of the steps. He was top man in electricity.
His mother had just been opened up at Frankfort, Kentucky, with a cancer, till they didn't even sew her up. She was sixty-one years old. They opened her up and it was just so full of malignancy, they just pulled it together and taped her, laid her back on the bed, and said she's going to die.
Brother Mack said, "Brother Bill, surely you'll go up there."---about seventy miles from home. Said, "I know you're tired, honey, but I... Oh! If you'll..."
I said, "I'll go."

44 So we got in his car and away we went. And I went up to the woman's place, had prayer for her, started out of the hospital and somebody put their hand on my shoulder. It was a little nurse and she was crying.
She said, "Preacher, I've always believed that I'd see the day when those things come back to Bible days again." Said, "First time I ever heard of it, but," said, "I believe what you ask God in there, God will do it."
I said, "Well, bless your heart, sister. What do you ask of God?"
She said, "I am not sick myself."
But I said, "What could I ask God for you?"
She said, "Nothing. But let me be a Christian like that too."
I said, "Well, God grant it to you, sister."

45 I went on out. Went on home. I got in along about five o'clock in the morning. Two carloads of people sitting before the door, just had prayer for them, went in and went to bed and slept till about nine o'clock.
And I got up and started out of the house ... started out of the room, pardon me, into the hall, leads out into another room. When I started out, I put on my bathrobe and started out. Standing in the room was a very attractive young woman. I never thought of a vision. I said, "Good morning. What are you doing in here?"
And she never said a thing. She just turned her head, said, "Mother, that's just the way I expected it."

46 And when I looked over sideways, I knowed it was a vision. There stood that gray-headed woman, sixty-one years old, with cancer---that had cancer---standing by a phone, having a conversation with her family, with some of her friends, leaning up against her kitchen cabinets at home.
I said ... looked at that, I said, "Well, that's the woman that I prayed for last night."
And just then I heard something going ... clods dropping, dropping. I looked around. I seen a willow tree, and there was great big, yellow clods of clay dropping. And I heard the Angel of the Lord speak and say, "Thus saith the Lord, the people who are laughing at Mr. Wright, he will dig their graves."
Oh my! What a feeling.

47 The next Sunday, the following Sunday, the woman was home doing her work just as normally and well as she ever could be. Staff of the whole Baptist staff there ... mean, the staff of the hospital, Good Samaritan Hospital it was in Frankfort, baffled all them how she got well. They couldn't find any of the cancer.
You know what the doctor said, when I asked him? He said, "You know, I must have been mistaken." Oh, my! "I must have been mistaken." Then some of these others must have been mistaken, or something. All right.
And Mr. Wright, I called up and I said, "I have 'Thus saith the Lord.'"
Said, "Brother Branham, he's almost paralyzed this morning."
I said, "Brother Wright will dig the grave of those who are laughing at him." I never knowed he was a grave digger, but he was. And on the second day the blood clot passed, they couldn't find a trace of it anywhere. And Mr. Wright's plowing, probably, at this time. Amen. Perfectly, normal, and well. What is it? It's the Word of God coming out of glory, made manifest among us [unclear words].

48 I spent my time to go to India, on the twenty-third of last month. Got too big a hurry. 'Course, that's the way I usually do it, and God has to slow me up some. Just being an Irishman, you know, and trying to do things, and just hurry and do it.
So then, I was going to the room to minister some people, there stood a man with a towel over his head. Looked something on the order of this lady sitting here now, with that towel across her head. He was kind of dark complected, and his nose was kind of flat in the front.
And I said, "How do you do, sir?" I thought he was one of the patients at the house.
He just raised his eyes and said, "Brother Branham, don't go overseas until September."
Why, I started to ask him. He was gone. He was vanished.
Now, what is it? It's the Word of the Lord made manifest. When those visions are perfectly true, they are sent from God. Now, compare that... To any stranger in the gate, I wish you to compare that time. Go to my home town, get my books, trace down any testimony, ask anytime if ever one time them visions fail, and how these things are.

49 And isn't that the same Lord Jesus that was with Paul out there that night on the stormy sea fourteen days and nights, no moon and stars? All hopes it'll ever be; Paul lost hope, everybody lost hope. The old ship was water-logged. And there was Paul... Look. All hope of these saved was gone, and Paul was down in the galley, perhaps, praying. And the Angel of the Lord come to him and said, "Fear not, Paul, thou must be brought before Caesar and God's give all those that sail with you."
Come back out; that little pug-nosed Jew, shaking his hands and hollering, "Be of a good cheer." Why, my, right in the midst of the storm. "For the Angel of God, whose servant I am, stood by me last night, saying, "Fear not, Paul. And I believe God," he said, "it will be just the way it was showed to me." In the vision he saw the ship wrecked up on a seashore. An old snake bit him by the hand; he just throwed him off in the fire and walked on. The Holy Ghost.
He was between two straits one time, not knowing where to go. And when he started one way, there was a man stood up and said, "Come over to Macedonia. Is that right?
If this is ... if this... Peter said on the day of Pentecost, "This is that." And if this ain't that, I'm going keep this till that comes. That's right. This is the power of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Do you love Him?

Acts 2:16 But this is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel;

Acts 7:22 And Moses was learned in all the wisdom of the Egyptians, and was mighty in words and in deeds.

Acts 7:23 And when he was full forty years old, it came into his heart to visit his brethren the children of Israel.

Acts 7:24 And seeing one of them suffer wrong, he defended him, and avenged him that was oppressed, and smote the Egyptian:

Acts 7:25 For he supposed his brethren would have understood how that God by his hand would deliver them: but they understood not.

Acts 16:9 And a vision appeared to Paul in the night; There stood a man of Macedonia, and prayed him, saying, Come over into Macedonia, and help us.

Acts 27:20 And when neither sun nor stars in many days appeared, and no small tempest lay on us, all hope that we should be saved was then taken away.

Acts 27:24 Saying, Fear not, Paul; thou must be brought before Caesar: and, lo, God hath given thee all them that sail with thee.

Acts 28:3 And when Paul had gathered a bundle of sticks, and laid them on the fire, there came a viper out of the heat, and fastened on his hand.

Acts 28:5 And he shook off the beast into the fire, and felt no harm.

50 I'm five minutes late in talking. God bless you. We will call the prayer line now, start praying for the sick. How I love to tell about His goodness.
All right. Billy Paul, wherever that he's at... I haven't talked to him this evening ... or, tonight. I don't know whether he's give out prayer cards, any more, or whether he did or didn't. All right, Billy, wherever you are, show up. All right.

51 Now, I want you to notice, that every time the Lord performs something here at the platform, He can do the same out there. Is that right? He can do the same.
Now, this here now ... this is not a faith show. It's not something that's worked up. It's the power of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God.
Just have faith and believe. And if you believe, "all things are possible to them that believe." God bless you, every one.

Mark 9:23 Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth.

52 Billy, late like that again, we'll give you your time. [Brother Branham laughs.] Oh, I was just kidding you. All right. My boy has been a great help to me. I'll say this one thing, not being because he's sitting here, but he's just in the adolescent age. God's with the boy, though. If that boy will fully surrender his heart after receiving the Holy Spirit... He has. But if he will fully surrender himself, we'd have a double prayer line running here tonight.
God's with the boy. We'll be going down the road somewhere, he'll say, "Daddy..." We'd never been on the road before. He'd say, "We're going to pass a red barn. There's two cows standing near the fence, they're white cows," something like that. We'll drive for a few miles, say, "See it, daddy?" There you are.
The other night we was coming over, he'd never been at this place before. And he said, "You know, the strange thing is, daddy?" He said, "When you come in tonight, there's going to be a certain person meet you at the door, and a certain thing." And it's just ... that's the way it was, see.
It's the Angel of the Lord, the gift of God, passing by the boy. If he'd only surrender himself to that, we'd been a double line started here, see. You pray. God grant it that will be.

53 He went overseas with me to Africa. He's going back again, the Lord willing, if the Army don't take him, in this next trip.
[Brother Branham asks, "What prayer cards did you give out, Paul? B. What?"] One to a hundred. All right. Let's begin at one then. All right. Prayer card B, that's like in beef. That's a good number ... good letter to start with tonight, isn't it? B.
Who has prayer card number 1? B, number 1. Raise up your hand. There? All right, lady. Come right down here. Number 2. B, number 2. Raise up your hand, quickly if you will. I want to get a whole crowd of people up here if I can. Number 2, who has it? Raise up your hand. Prayer card B, number 2. It's a little blue prayer card, got a number on the back of it.

54 Mother, they tell me you wasn't up here at the platform. Stand up. If you want to take this little boy, I will. Come here just a minute, honey. This is going to kill her to do this, she's so bashful, but I want her to come up here. All right. Bring the baby with you. [Congregation applauds.] This little wife, I thought she'd always... She's so bashful, so timid, I'll get her up here if I have to go pack her myself.
This is my little girl, Rebekah. This is Sarah. God bless her. The queen of my life, Mrs. Branham. Now, I call one Sugar, Mother, Honey. I got a sweet family. And I look like drawing dividends all the time, doesn't it? All right.

55 Little Rebekah here, just a word for her. Little Rebekah, eight years old, will be her birth, she saw her first vision about two weeks ago.
One night in Hammond, Indiana, she was crying when they got me out of the meeting, and I was about to pass out myself, and I said, "What's the matter, honey?"
And she said, "Daddy..." She's way back, there was several thousand people, she's up in the balcony. She said, "Daddy, some poor old woman laying on a stretcher, and you said, 'All that wants to be healed, raise up your hand.'" Said, "You couldn't see her. The crowd stood up and you couldn't see her." Her poor little heart was breaking. [Gap in the audio.]
"Well, honey, she didn't raise her hand. Jesus saw her."
She said, "But, daddy, she didn't ... you didn't see her. And she wanted you to see her."
Well, I said, "It'll be all right. Jesus will heal her."
And the next night this little fellow climbed up in that balcony, and seen the woman and started praying for her. And that same night, the Holy Spirit turned me around to the woman. And she'd been flown in there by an airplane, was paralyzed from a stroke, and God called her and healed her and made her perfectly well. And she packed her bed out of the building that night. That's right. Sat there praying.
All right, honey. Do you want to say a word? You want to say "Praise the Lord?" You want to say a word, honey, while you're standing? She's kind of backwards. I'll say for her, "We love you," don't we, honey? And we appreciate the kindness of all you people. God bless you and thank you for this, giving her praise like that. God bless you, honey. [Congregation applauds.] Thank you.

56 Prayer card... What was that now, we...? B, B-1, 1 was it? Next card is 3. You got 1, 2, 3, here. 4, who's got...? Prayer card number 3. Is this the lady? You got prayer card 3? 3, right here. All right. Number 4. Who has number 4? You, lady, coming now? 4. Who has 5? Who has prayer card 5? 6. Quickly raise up. 6. All right. 7. Prayer card 7. We try to get them one at a time, so we won't ... be sure and miss anyone. 7.
We're going to get to everyone tonight. [Gap in the audio] Number 19, 20. How many ... how we getting along? That's enough? Huh? [Someone speaks to Brother Branham] So, right here? All right. All right. When her time comes, you can pack her or whatever...
All right. Everybody be reverent. We will try to get those two, and then see if we can get some more. [Brother Branham asks someone a question.] All right. The Lord be blessed.

57 Now, if you will... Is that your card? B is in that number? B is in that number? All right, brother, maybe you call it. If not, don't pay any attention to it, you look here and live, see. You're going to get well. You believe that? You only have one hope and that's in Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Have faith. I know his trouble: tumor, see. I know what that is, but I'm just waiting. He can't grasp it right... I'm trying to watch through your faith. I have the last two or three nights.
A few nights ago you really thought it was over, didn't you? The Angel of the Lord was so close to you, just right over you anointing you. See, what it was. Your nerves has been quieter since then, too, see. That's what it was. I wanted Him for you, see. I can't take it, I have to ask, you see. And you just believe with all your heart, and the man will be able to walk out of here tonight, take his bed and go home. Amen. Just have faith ... just have faith, see. Now, don't doubt church. Just have faith. God bless you.

58 All right. Now, let's sing "Only Believe," if you will now, slowly. That's it. Thank you, sister. Thank you, sister. Say, there's two that I missed awhile ago: the musicians. God bless you both. And all the special singing; that little Spanish choir, too. "Gloria a Dios"---that's all I know in Spanish. Is that "Glory to God?" Glory to God. Glory to God for you. And the Lord bless you. All right.
Only believe. Only believe.
All things are possible, only believe.
If Jesus Christ the Son of God will come and take hold the meeting and reproduce His life and His love to you people, from this day, henceforth, you all claim Him to be your Saviour, and live for Him and love Him. Claim for your healing, and you shall receive it.

59 Now, in the name of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, I take every spirit in this room under my control for the glory of God.
Now, lady, I just want to talk to you just a little bit. I have... Well, I have no way of knowing you, but it's only God who knows you. Is that right? Now, this is... We're strangers to each other, are we? Now look, friends, this lady and I are strangers. We have never met in our life. We're perfectly strangers. And I suppose... Are you Spanish? I thought so. Si?
Now, but she speaks English. Now, we don't know one another. She was probably raised here in Arizona. Whether she was ... she might have come from Mexico. I don't know. But anyhow, we was born, perhaps, miles apart, and know not one another; never met before in our life, till right here. Now, how... What would I know about the woman? Not a thing. God knows that to be the truth, right now. But He knows everything about her. Is that right?

60 Then He ... if I've told the truth that He raised from the dead, and He said... Now, what if Jesus was standing here before the woman. Now He couldn't tell her, "I'll heal you," because He's already did that, if that's what she needs. If she needs finances, He's her finance. She needs a Saviour, He's her Saviour. Whatever she has need of, Jesus Christ can supply that need, and has supplied it.
The only He could do if He was standing here, would be tell her what her needs was, like He did the woman at the well. Here, to begin with tonight is a perfect picture of Jesus at that time at the well.
Now, not me, but Him, see. She is a Spanish woman, and I'm Irish. Quite a difference. All right. Notice, her people came from Spain, mine from Ireland. But here we are standing, two, just like Samaritans and Jews that night.

61 Now, see, if I have told the truth, that Jesus raised from the dead and promised the things that he did, we'd do also. I claim that when I was born---no religion at all. My people before me, from Ireland, 'course were Catholic. But my family had no religion at all. And the very morning when I born, three minutes old, when they opened a little old window (not the kind you have here in Phoenix, no), a little wooden door, just push it open. This pillar of fire that you see here, come right in, hung over where I was laying.
The first thing I can remember: seeing a vision, see. Nothing that I done. God just let me come on this earth to do this work for Him. I'm only doing my duty to God, see. Nothing for me; it's for you. Now, if He's standing here the same yesterday, today, and forever, He will know it.

62 Now, lady, I just want to look at you, just a moment; just speak with you, just to contact your spirit and to see what the Lord would tell me.
Of course, you know I've been stalling for something; it's the anointing of the Angel of the Lord. 'Cause if He doesn't come, then I know nothing. But when He comes, He knows all things. If He will, by His grace, let me know what's wrong with you, you will accept your healing, or whatever it is. Is that right? Here it is!
You have some kind of spells; it's epilepsy. Isn't that right? Now, just a moment. Now, here's the thing. There's something wrong with the woman. The vision's left me. There's something wrong with the woman, I know; the jerk from the audience. Now, be reverent. Now, friends, this is not playing church. Now, be reverent.
Now, just a moment, lady. I want you to look this way again. I lost what it was. There it is. You have something ... you fall with ... it's something... Oh, it's epilepsy. There it is again. That man has epilepsy, sitting right there. Isn't that right? Lay your hand over on him. Look here, lady. Look here, sir. That demon... See. Look here. I can see that with my eyes. See that black streak moving from one to the other one? That's them demons crying to one another for help. They know their time's come.

63 Look here, lady. I want to see what's going to happen. You're worried about somebody, too. Yes, she has cancer. Is that right? And don't she live near the mountains, like Superior, or something? Isn't that right? Keep your minds on God.
Almighty God, Creator of heavens and earth, I condemn this devil. You're not scared of me, but you are of Jesus Christ. You can pass... You are now standing at His representative. Come out of there, in the name of Jesus Christ. May he go and be made well, in Jesus Christ's name. God bless you.
Thanks be to God. For you'll see the glory of God.

64 You're waving your hand there, sister. You was kind enough to put your hand on that man's back for me, to pray with me. Now, you've been having colon trouble, haven't you? Isn't that right? Raise up your hand, if that's right. Now, it's left you. God bless you. You were kind to someone else. God be with you.
Believe with all your heart. Believe that Jesus Christ the Son of God is near, you shall have what you ask.
All right, Brother Brown, bring...

65 How do you do? The baby... I'm right, sweetheart. All right. All right. Dad, I want you to look at me a minute. Do you believe me to be God's servant? I believe that comes from a true heart. Yes, it's for the baby.
If I can tell you by the power of God... I couldn't heal your child, but if I could tell what's wrong with the child, would you except Jesus as the child's Healer? The baby is suffering from tumor. Is that right? It's two tumors, and they're one on each kidney. In the name of Jesus Christ the Son of God, I condemn the tumor. Let it leave the child, in Jesus' name. Amen.
Mister [unclear words] left you standing there, too, sir, see.
Let's say, "Praise be to God."

66 All right. All right, next. Paul? The next... Who is the lady that...? Look on me, sister. Do you believe me to be God's prophet? A servant, I meant to say. I don't know you, but God knows you.
If the Lord Jesus will let me know what is wrong with you, will you accept your healing? Look on me then, just a minute. Same way Peter and John passed through the gate called Beautiful and said, "Look on us."
I see a crash. You've been in an automobile accident, and it's your back. Is that right? Do you believe Jesus makes you well? All right. You can have your healing. You can go home now and be well, in the name of Jesus Christ.

Acts 3:4 And Peter, fastening his eyes upon him with John, said, Look on us.

67 Have faith. All right. Believe. Only believe, all things are possible. Pray for me, church. I'm getting weak. All right. You'll never know what that does to me.
Like I see an airplane fly through here just then. Here it is. It's for that little mother. Just... Somewhere there, got a son in the Air Force, haven't you? That's right. Stand up. You was thinking about him then, wasn't you? God healed him just then. You'll hear from him. God bless you. Go now and [unclear words].

68 We are strangers to each other, are we, lady? I don't know you, but God does know you. Do you believe me to be His prophet ... or, His, you know, to see. A prophet is a preacher, that I might ... sometimes it speaks it out like.
We are strangers to each other, aren't we? I don't think I ever seen you. But you're having some trouble, and some examination that showed ... they're looking around on the back, at the hospital or a clinic, or some kind of an x-ray thing. It's a floating kidney, a cancer, also.
I can see him now looking at the other doctor, shook his head. Isn't that true? You believe Jesus is going to make you well? Come here.
Kind Heavenly Father, as I hold my hands against her body, may she be healed. May she live, Lord, for Your glory. In Jesus Christ's name I ask it for God's glory. Amen.

69 Do you believe me, lady? The heavyset lady sitting there. Do you believe me to be God's prophet? Wouldn't you like to go home and eat a good decent supper again? Get over the stomach trouble, be made well? If you believe with all your heart, you may receive it. Do you believe it? All right. Stand up to your feet, say, "I accept it, now." And go home and be made well, healed in Jesus Christ's name. Amen.
Watch this [unclear words]. Do you believe God will heal you with that heart trouble? Sitting there with your finger across to your mouth? Do you believe with all your heart that God will heal you? You do it? Stand up to your feet and accept your healing. Yes, that's you. That's right. Stand up, Jesus Christ makes you well. Amen.
Being that you was so kind, lady, a while ago, that asthmatic condition left, also. Amen. Now you can go. God bless you, and be made well.
Let's say, "Praise be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ." Have faith in God.

70 Is this the patient? How do you do, lady. God bless you. I suppose we're strangers to one another. God alone knows us. But He does know. I don't know you and you not knowing me. So, God would...
Lady, do you believe God will heal you with that goiter, sitting there? Right back there. I see you're praying about a mother, too. Your mother's got TB, hasn't she? Isn't that right? You will accept and believe, you shall receive what you've asked for, you can believe it.
We are strangers to each other, but not before God.
Sometimes when the Spirit is moving out over the audience, I can hardly see. It's back in the dark. Christian friends, [unclear word] sitting back in there, just keep praying.
I seen a little child, it's in here somewhere that's got a heart trouble, sitting right back in there. I can't see it under the light here. But it's hanging to a child with heart trouble. You believe He's going to heal it? You accept it? Stand up to your feet. God bless you. And go home and be made well, in Jesus Christ's name.
Only believe, all things are possible. Just keeps moving out in the audience, you see.

71 I see you moving from me. You're not from this city. You've got something... I see Indians around where you're at. You are a missionary to the Indians. And you're from a place... I see where you come down, passing a sign---Parker, it's called; Parker, Arizona. And you've got a gall bladder trouble. And your varicose veins are in your legs, and liver trouble causing that acid in your mouth, and bitterness. Isn't that right?
Oh, I see you talking to a man that I know; he's a big fellow. It's George Craig from Indiana. And isn't there someone else with you, a woman? A missionary, too, that's suffering with the same thing that you had. Go lay your hands on her, 'cause you're both healed, in the name of Jesus Christ.
Have faith in God! Don't doubt. You believe? All things are possible to them that will believe.

72 You want to get over that heart trouble, lady? Believe God's going... He healed you right then. Stand up on your feet. Jesus Christ makes you whole.
Now, you're going to interpret for her? She is ... she's Spanish, of course, and she has a ... she's got a heart trouble and diabetes. Is that right? And by faith you're Catholic---Catholic. Is that right? You believe me to be God's prophet? You accept Jesus now as Healer and Saviour?
In the name of Jesus Christ, I condemn the demon that bound this woman. May he come out of her [unclear words] God be upon you and for yours.
Let us say, "Praise the Lord."

73 Good evening. You speak English? A little bit. You believe me to be God's prophet? Thank you. I'm not saying that, for I'm... He told me, "If I'd get the people to believe me." And the only way ... when I catch your spirit. You... If I've told the truth of Jesus Christ, then He will vindicate that I was telling the truth. Is that right? Now, I go to meet you.
I see a accident. You've had an accident, a car accident, and it smashed your ribs. Don't they call you "Luck" or something like that? Isn't your name Russow or Ruseau? Isn't that right? And don't you live near the mountains? You're from Superior, Arizona. Go home, be made well, in the name of Jesus Christ.

74 You want to get over that TB trouble, brother? Raise up your hands and say, "Praise the Lord. I thank You. I want to be made whole."
Do you feel [unclear words] feet, lady? Go on home rejoicing, saying, "Praise be to God."
Have faith, believe. All right. Bow your heads while this just woman receives her hearing. Almighty God, in the name of Thy Son Jesus, remove the curse of that devil that stopped her ears. Come out of her. Do you hear me, lady? Do you hear me, now? Do you hear me, now? Say, "Praise the Lord." [The sister says, "Praise the Lord"] You're healed, sister. Go off the platform rejoicing. [unclear words].
Say, "Praise the Lord."

75 Do you believe me, lady? Do you want to go eat again, get over that stomach trouble? Just say, "I accept it in Jesus' name." God bless you. Go receive it, in Jesus Christ's name.
Do you believe, lady? You want to get over that female trouble? Go accept Jesus and be made well.
Do you believe Him with all your heart? Do you want to get rid of stomach trouble, too? Go eat your supper, in the name of Jesus Christ. Be made whole.
You want to get over the back trouble? Do you, brother? Go thanking God and praising God...
The whole bunch of you can be healed. Have faith in Jesus Christ. Have faith.
Come, lady. You're young. You're nervous, upset, made a peptic ulcer in your stomach for stomach trouble. Go eat. Jesus Christ has healed you.

76 Come. You've got an abscess on the ovary, a female trouble. Jesus Christ makes you whole. Go home rejoicing and be made well, in the name of Jesus Christ.
You have a nervous condition, causes you to feel real gloomy in the afternoon. I see you again, turning away from a table. You've got a ulcer in your stomach. Is that right? You did have; you haven't now. Go home, be made well, in the name of Jesus Christ.
Do you believe me, lady? The most serious disease in the world---heart trouble you had. Go home now and be made well, in the name of Jesus Christ. Believe with all your heart.
Do you believe me, lady, as God's servant? You got a coughing condition, which makes asthmatic. Go home and believe God with all your heart, and be made well. All right.

77 Do you believe me, lady, with all your heart? You got anemia condition. Isn't that right? And you're not a Christian. You've been thinking about becoming a Christian. What about doing it right now? And God will take you to Calvary and give you a blood transfusion from His Son. Will you accept Him as your Saviour?
Almighty God, Father of life, Giver of every good gift, send Thy mercies upon this people, and may every individual in here be healed. I condemn every demon that's bound these people.
Satan, you can't hold them any longer. Come out of them, in the name of Jesus Christ.
Every one [unclear words] that believes that you're healed [unclear words] raise to your feet [unclear words].

Do you now believe? (1954-07-25) (William M. Branham Sermons)

Do you now believe? (1954-07-25) (William M. Branham Sermons) somebody

Do you now believe?

1 All things are possible, only believe;
Only believe, only believe,
All things are possible, only believe.
Shall we bow our heads just a moment. Our kind Heavenly Father, we are grateful to Thee tonight, for this great time of fellowship in Chicago with Thy people. We thank Thee above all things for the Lord Jesus Christ, who has made this possible through His sovereign grace. And we pray that You'll bless the Brother Boze, and his church, and all the churches that are cooperating with us here, all the visiting members of the body of Christ. And even to the sinner, tonight, may they be blessed and saved this night. Grant that many sick people will be healed because of the presence of our Lord Jesus. And we pray, Father, that You'll watch over all of us as we separate tonight, going to our different homes and places of duty in the harvest field here on earth.
And perhaps, before I can return to Chicago, many, many hard battles lay ahead. I pray that You'll help us, Lord. And remember me, my Father, that You'll bless me and help me to speak to Thy people the kind words of our Lord Jesus. And now, may this be a great meeting tonight because of the presence of the Lord Jesus, for we ask it in His name. Amen.

2 It would be hard for me to express my feelings and gratitude towards the Philadelphian Church, and Brother Boze, and all those who have been cooperating and helping in this meeting, and to all the laity, the members of other churches who's come in, packed the auditorium out, helped us pay the finance and all. We're so happy for that. May the Lord bless you abundantly. And I know He will. He promised that He would. And I know that He will.
And now, tonight, in the closing service, it's usually this night that the great anticipations strike the people, and there's really more healings, perhaps, on the last night than all the other nights put together, because they are pressing and trying to get into the kingdom of God. And we pray that it'll be greater than ever tonight because of the great need.

3 Now, Chicago has been on my heart for a long time. And I noticed across the countries where other great meetings in California and different parts of the country, but Chicago in the full Gospel ranks has been left out to an extent, a few churches here, struggling. And I hope that our heavenly Father in His grace, because that you've given me the welcome back, that someday will let me come to Chicago for several weeks, to stay for a great meeting here in Chicago, that the Lord will just bless. Just the time we get started, it's time to stop, go somewhere else. On the return, I don't aim to do that. I want to stay till the Lord says, "It's time to move somewhere else," and then I can catch and be with more people.
Many times, people being healed, they get out among critics. In a few days they ... when the symptoms arise, why then, they don't know what to do because the revival's over. I like to stay sometime and see it ... what it would happen. I've never done it yet, and I trust that I will be able to do it soon.

4 I thank you all. God bless you all. If I've left out anyone, I didn't mean to. Even to the stage hands, they've all been real kind; shake my hand when I come in at night and very nice and kind. God bless them and bless this school, let us have this auditorium. We just thank God for an open door yet in America, where the Gospel can be preached in the power and demonstration of the Spirit. May the Lord bless them greatly.

5 Now, there isn't time for speaking tonight. I'm just going to read the Scripture and have prayer, God willing.
Can I depend on you when in India and different parts of the world? It isn't like it is in the homelands. Here I'm sitting among friends and believers. In there, you're amongst witch doctors and all kinds of evil spirits that would... Everything that they can see in the way of the supernatural, they'll come and challenge it. And you better know what you're speaking of when you accept their challenge. Can I depend on you praying for me while I'm over, trying to take others this Gospel? Thank you, kindly. And I pray that the blessings will be with you.

6 Now, in the Scripture, the second chapter of Luke. And before I read this, though, I'd forgot to make mention of these other ministering brother. Brother Huckstra here, he's been a bosom friend of mine for years. I remember the first time I met Brother Huckstra. In Indianapolis, Indiana, there was a boy dying with polio in the iron lung. And I went into the upper room of the man's house and prayed. The Lord came down and give a vision and said what was the matter with the boy: to take him the communion, because one time he'd been refused to take the communion on account of his age. And they had no communion at this house, so I went to Brother Huckstra's, and he furnished the communion. I take it and give it to the boy in the iron lung and pronounced the blessings of God on him, and the boy's living in Indianapolis today. We thank the good Lord for His mercy for that.

7 Brother Ekberg here... Well, to my way of thinking, his singing is sublime. And how I appreciate such wonderful singing! My heart is going to Brother Ekberg, that Almighty God will deliver him from this thing that is bothering him now. I can't see a voice like that, silent, when just a young man. I believe that He will find... If we never have a prayer for him in this building, I believe that Brother Ekberg will find that he is going to be a well man. I believe it.

8 In the Gospel according to Saint Luke, I want to read about two places ... or, three, in the Scripture. The 28th verse:
... behold, there was a man in Jerusalem, whose name was Simeon; ... the same ... was just and devout, waiting for the consolation of Israel: and the Holy Ghost was upon him.
And it was revealed unto him by the Holy Ghost, that he would not see death, before he had seen the Lord's Christ.
And he came by the Spirit into the temple: and when they brought---the parents brought ... the child Jesus, to do for him after the custom of the law,
Then took he him up in his arms, and blessed God, and said,
Lord, now letteth ... thy servant depart in peace, according to thy word:
For my eyes have seen thy salvation,
This was Simeon, waiting for the consolation of the Holy Spirit which was to be given to him and to see the Christ.

Luke 2:25 And, behold, there was a man in Jerusalem, whose name was Simeon; and the same man was just and devout, waiting for the consolation of Israel: and the Holy Ghost was upon him.

Luke 2:26 And it was revealed unto him by the Holy Ghost, that he should not see death, before he had seen the Lord's Christ.

Luke 2:27 And he came by the Spirit into the temple: and when the parents brought in the child Jesus, to do for him after the custom of the law,

Luke 2:28 Then took he him up in his arms, and blessed God, and said,

Luke 2:29 Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace, according to thy word:

Luke 2:30 For mine eyes have seen thy salvation,

9 Now, also it is written over in the Acts of the Apostles, the second chapter, and the 22nd verse:
Ye men of Israel, hear these words; Jesus of Nazareth, a man approved of God among you by ... signs and wonders, and miracles, which God did by him ... as ye yourselves also know:

Acts 2:22 Ye men of Israel, hear these words; Jesus of Nazareth, a man approved of God among you by miracles and wonders and signs, which God did by him in the midst of you, as ye yourselves also know:

10 And then Jesus, in the 16th chapter of Saint John, the disciples had always wondered why He taught in a roundabout way in parables. And the 16th chapter and the 29th verse we read:
His disciples said unto him, Lo, now speakest thou plainly, and speakest no proverb.
Now we are sure that thou knowest all things, and needest not that any man should ask thee: by this we believe that thou comest forth from God.
Jesus answering them, Do you now believe?
And that's my question to the church tonight: Do you now believe Jesus the same yesterday, today and forever?

John 16:29 His disciples said unto him, Lo, now speakest thou plainly, and speakest no proverb.

John 16:30 Now are we sure that thou knowest all things, and needest not that any man should ask thee: by this we believe that thou camest forth from God.

John 16:31 Jesus answered them, Do ye now believe?

11 On earth we found Him, and has pictured Him to you through the week... This is not some church theology; it's the Scriptures that we're speaking: that our Lord Jesus Christ came to earth and was Jehovah God enveiled in flesh in order to take away sin and sickness from the earth. God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself. He said, "I came from God; I go to God. A little while and the world will see Me no more. Yet ye shall see Me, for I will be with you, even in you, to the end of the world." Now, He promised that. He promised His disciples: The things that He did, the disciples would do also, to the end of the world, even more things than He did.

Matthew 28:20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.

John 14:19 Yet a little while, and the world seeth me no more; but ye see me: because I live, ye shall live also.

John 16:28 I came forth from the Father, and am come into the world: again, I leave the world, and go to the Father.

2 Corinthians 5:19 To wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation.

12 Now, we notice what kind of a person He was. Many people has a wrong conception of Christ. They think that He was more like a totem pole or something, and people went along and touched Him and so forth and was made well. If they had faith, they was made well. But Jesus plainly was not a Fellow to boast and say, "Bring me this sick person and I will heal them." Jesus plainly said that He did nothing except His Father showed Him first what to do. We all believe He was full of mercy and compassion, do we, all of us? We believe that the very heart of God was in Him. He had mercy and compassion on the people. But let's watch and see how loving and compassionate He was.

John 5:19 Then answered Jesus and said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do: for what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise.

13 He passed through a pool called Bethesda one day. Now, there laid multitudes of impotent folk: lame, halt, blind, and withered. And here come that merciful Lord Jesus, moving right among those people, seemingly with no compassion at all. Moved by the crippled, blind, withered, halt, till He found the man laying on a pallet---a little bed, laying on the floor somewhere. And He said, "Will thou be made whole?"
He said, "I have no one to put me in the water."
He said, "Take up thy bed and go into the house."
Now, we wonder why that He'd leave all those important cases go, and go to this one and heal him, and walk away, and leave all that audience laying there. That's Saint John the fifth chapter. All Bible readers are familiar with it.

John 5:2 Now there is at Jerusalem by the sheep market a pool, which is called in the Hebrew tongue Bethesda, having five porches.

John 5:3 In these lay a great multitude of impotent folk, of blind, halt, withered, waiting for the moving of the water.

John 5:4 For an angel went down at a certain season into the pool, and troubled the water: whosoever then first after the troubling of the water stepped in was made whole of whatsoever disease he had.

John 5:5 And a certain man was there, which had an infirmity thirty and eight years.

John 5:6 When Jesus saw him lie, and knew that he had been now a long time in that case, he saith unto him, Wilt thou be made whole?

John 5:7 The impotent man answered him, Sir, I have no man, when the water is troubled, to put me into the pool: but while I am coming, another steppeth down before me.

John 5:8 Jesus saith unto him, Rise, take up thy bed, and walk.

14 Now, here's Jesus' answer concerning it, in the 19th verse. He said, "Verily, verily, I say unto you, the Son can do nothing in Himself, but what He sees the Father doing, that doeth the Son likewise. The Father worketh and I worketh hitherto." In other words, Jesus did not do anything while He was here on earth, in the way of performing signs and wonders, until He saw the Father show Him a vision on what to do. Chase back down the Bible with the prophets and find out if it wasn't the same thing. We have had the wrong slant. Even the flesh of Jesus Christ couldn't glory in the presence of God, because He said, "It's not me that doeth the works; it's My Father that dwelleth in Me, He doeth the works."

John 5:19 Then answered Jesus and said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do: for what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise.

John 14:10 Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me? the words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works.

15 And we notice Him, when He was here on earth, when His ministry begin to bloom into its very beginning, there was a man by the name of Philip got converted. He went and found his friend, Nathanael, and he said, "Come..." He found Nathanael under a tree, and he said, "Come, see who we have found: Jesus of Nazareth, the Son of Joseph."
Well, this man, being a just man, and kind of shocked him a little bit when he first thought of a change in the ministry, and he said, "Could any good thing come out of Nazareth?"
He said, "Come, see."
And when Philip was in the audience, somewhere around where Jesus was speaking, Jesus turned to him ... or, maybe he come into the prayer line, someway. Jesus said, "Behold, an Israelite, in whom there is no guile."
Now, if I'd say the same thing: "A Christian, a just person, truthful."
And it astonished him: "How'd He know I was believer?" He said, "Whence knowest Thou me, Rabbi?"
He said, "Before Philip called you, when you were under the tree, I saw you."
Now, what would be the analysis or the remarks of the modern theologians today when a remark like that would be made? They'd say, "That guy's a fortuneteller." Well, the theologians of that day said the same thing: "He's Beelzebub, the chief of the fortunetellers."
But Nathanael had a different idea. He said, "Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God"... or, "the King of Israel," rather. "Thou art Christ, the King of Israel."
And He said, "Because I told you that I saw you under the tree, do you believe? You'll see greater things than this."

Matthew 12:24 But when the Pharisees heard it, they said, This fellow doth not cast out devils, but by Beelzebub the prince of the devils.

Mark 3:22 And the scribes which came down from Jerusalem said, He hath Beelzebub, and by the prince of the devils casteth he out devils.

Luke 11:15 But some of them said, He casteth out devils through Beelzebub the chief of the devils.

John 1:45 Philip findeth Nathanael, and saith unto him, We have found him, of whom Moses in the law, and the prophets, did write, Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph.

John 1:46 And Nathanael said unto him, Can there any good thing come out of Nazareth? Philip saith unto him, Come and see.

John 1:47 Jesus saw Nathanael coming to him, and saith of him, Behold an Israelite indeed, in whom is no guile!

John 1:48 Nathanael saith unto him, Whence knowest thou me? Jesus answered and said unto him, Before that Philip called thee, when thou wast under the fig tree, I saw thee.

John 1:49 Nathanael answered and saith unto him, Rabbi, thou art the Son of God; thou art the King of Israel.

John 1:50 Jesus answered and said unto him, Because I said unto thee, I saw thee under the fig tree, believest thou? thou shalt see greater things than these.

16 And one day there was a man came up to Him; He knew his name. He said, "Your name is Simon, but you will be called Peter from henceforth.
A woman one time, pressing through the crowd, touched His garment, went way back out into the crowd, but Jesus had a way of knowing. He looked around, and He saw the woman that had the blood issue. He said, "Thy faith has saved thee." That's what He did.
We find out that the Father revealed to Him what He wanted Him to do. He submitted Himself to the Father, listened not to the world, but He done only as the Father showed Him. These things Jesus did then as Jesus of AD 33.
The Jesus of 1954 does the same thing, for He is the resurrected One. You believe He raised from the dead? He lives tonight. He isn't dead; He's living right here among us tonight. Well then, if He is the same, yesterday, today, and forever, He has the hands of the church for His, the eyes of the church for His, and He operates through the church to prove His resurrection.

Matthew 9:22 But Jesus turned him about, and when he saw her, he said, Daughter, be of good comfort; thy faith hath made thee whole. And the woman was made whole from that hour.

Mark 5:34 And he said unto her, Daughter, thy faith hath made thee whole; go in peace, and be whole of thy plague.

Luke 8:48 And he said unto her, Daughter, be of good comfort: thy faith hath made thee whole; go in peace.

John 1:42 And he brought him to Jesus. And when Jesus beheld him, he said, Thou art Simon the son of Jona: thou shalt be called Cephas, which is by interpretation, A stone.

17 Now, one little thing: There was some disciples one day, who were marveling; they loved Him. Perhaps many of the same kind here tonight, but after they had known He was dead, they were sad as they went on the road to Emmaus. And a man come out and walked along---a man dressed like other men, no different. He just looked like other men. He walked with them for awhile. He begin to speak to them. And they noticed that His speech was, kind of, made people listen to Him. And as He walked along...
And when He got them inside, the world closed out, He done something a little different than what ordinary men does; and by this, they recognized that it was the Lord Jesus. Their eyes were opened, knowing that He alone could do it this way. And they rushed back to the city from where they come, and they said, "Did not our hearts burn within us as we walked along the road."

Luke 24:32 And they said one to another, Did not our heart burn within us, while he talked with us by the way, and while he opened to us the scriptures?

18 And my sincere prayer to you, my audience tonight, and the citizens of the kingdom of heaven, I pray that our Lord Jesus Christ, as I contend that He has risen from the dead, lives in His church tonight, doing the same thing. I pray that He will do something a little different for you tonight, a little different from what the regular church you go to or something, that He will make Himself known to you, that when you leave tonight, you'll say, "Did not our hearts burn within us, for He made Himself known to us? The way He did tonight is the same way He did when in the Bible days. God grant it to each one of you. May there not be a feeble one among us when this service is over. I see two wheelchairs sitting here. And I trust that they'll be walking. And now, I trust that God will bless us the exceedingly abundantly.

Luke 24:32 And they said one to another, Did not our heart burn within us, while he talked with us by the way, and while he opened to us the scriptures?

19 Now, just one word of prayer: Father, in the name of Thy Son, the Lord Jesus, may this service be taken into Thy care, just at this time, for a special blessing. Thanking You for all has happened, and I pray that You'll now anoint Your servant and anoint this audience, every servant in here. And may God get glory out of the service, for we ask it in the name of Thy beloved Child, the Lord Jesus. Amen.
If the organ will play, please, "Abide With Me," or something on that line, and we'll have to call a few people to the platform to be prayed for. I'm asking you, my lovely audience tonight... I know you're tired standing, and I won't be long. Now, if the Lord Jesus comes tonight and reveals Himself to us in the same manner that the Bible said that He revealed Himself then, will all of you accept Jesus Christ to be the same today as He was then in the resurrection? If you will, raise your hands and just see. God bless you. Now, one hundred per cent then be behind me, praying.

20 Now, the strangers in our gates: You never been to one of the services before, I just ask you to be real reverent, be quiet, don't move around. Just be studying. There'll be many here on the platform that will have prayer cards to be prayed for. There'll be many who does not have prayer cards to be prayed for. I ask you to do the same thing the woman with the blood issue did. I ask you to do the same thing that the blind man at the gate, perhaps a city block away from Jesus when He passed; the wall to the road was quite a distance. And thousands of people gathered in there and this poor man screaming, his faith stopped Jesus. He turned around and healed the blind man.
Jesus will do the same thing for you tonight. You can touch Him with the feeling of your infirmities, for He's a High Priest of your confession, sitting there at the right hand of the Father, making intercessions upon your confession. I pray tonight that you'll be healed and saved from your sins.
All right, Billy Paul what prayer cards did you give out? [Blank place on tape.]

Mark 10:46 And they came to Jericho: and as he went out of Jericho with his disciples and a great number of people, blind Bartimaeus, the son of Timaeus, sat by the highway side begging.

Mark 10:47 And when he heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth, he began to cry out, and say, Jesus, thou son of David, have mercy on me.

Mark 10:48 And many charged him that he should hold his peace: but he cried the more a great deal, Thou son of David, have mercy on me.

Mark 10:49 And Jesus stood still, and commanded him to be called. And they call the blind man, saying unto him, Be of good comfort, rise; he calleth thee.

Mark 10:50 And he, casting away his garment, rose, and came to Jesus.

Mark 10:51 And Jesus answered and said unto him, What wilt thou that I should do unto thee? The blind man said unto him, Lord, that I might receive my sight.

Mark 10:52 And Jesus said unto him, Go thy way; thy faith hath made thee whole. And immediately he received his sight, and followed Jesus in the way.

Hebrews 4:15 For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin.

21 ... comes on radio broadcasts and things just merely to get your address to keep billing you. I don't mean that slandery, but I have no radio broadcast. I have nothing, and I just want to help you, see. So if you need a prayer cloth, just write me, and I'll send it to you if you don't get yours.
Shall we bow our heads just a moment. Now, kind heavenly Father, the great Holy Spirit, who led the children of Israel through the wilderness and crossed the Red Sea, that crossed the Jordan into the promised land, giving them all things freely, by sovereign grace of God who promised it... And before they left, He told Joshua that ... or, Moses, that this land was already given: They just had to go and possess it.
And now, we pray that You will bless these handkerchiefs. And we're taught that in the Bible they took the handkerchiefs off of the body of Paul and laid them on the sick; evil spirits when out. We know we're not Saint Paul, but we know that Thou art still Jesus. So we pray that You'll honor the prayer of this church group of believing people tonight, as we send these handkerchiefs to the sick and the needy, in the name of Your Child, Jesus Christ. Amen. God bless you, brother.

Acts 19:12 So that from his body were brought unto the sick handkerchiefs or aprons, and the diseases departed from them, and the evil spirits went out of them.

22 All right, now, I believe we called to 10, is that right? Now, let's go to... You haven't got them all yet? All right, V-1 to 10. Now, there's somebody maybe deaf [Gap in the audio.] Now, to Him who's able to keep us and bless us... I wonder if once more while the ushers are helping keep the line in position down there, if you would sing with me, "Only Believe." Instead of singing, "Only Believe," let's sing, "Lord, I Believe." All right, every one together. And I wonder while we do this, if a little testimony that we are believers, to the man that's standing next to us, every believer kind of raise up your hand like this and let's sing it together, "Lord, I believe." All right, brother.
Lord, I believe, Lord, I believe,
All things are possible, Lord, I believe;
Lord, I believe, Lord, I believe,
All things are possible, Lord I believe.

23 You're missing some? There's several of them missing. We hope that you get into the lines now, anyone... We called to how many? From 1 to 25, and if they are here, while, they are welcome to take their position in the line if they are here. Here... Did you have a prayer card, lady? You have one? All right.
Now, anyone else of...? If the ushers will find her place and... Sometimes I get the mail back again, and it says, "No one told me; I was deaf. I didn't hear." Or, "I couldn't get up and no one helped me." That's what makes it bad, you know, when they---poor people ---they, when they're called to their place.

24 Now, give me your attention now. Realizing, Christians, that positionally standing here... And if there's anyone in this building that I know, that I know of... I'm not sure; I think this is Mr. and Mrs. Peterson sitting here, and Mr. and Mrs. Stadsklev sitting here. And as far as I know that's all that I know in the building, looking around---outside of Brother Joseph, my son, and the brethren sitting here. But the Lord Jesus Christ knows every one of you, in the balcony, every one here. He knows you all. Now, if He will come tonight and manifest Himself...
Now, out there in the audience, you just start thinking this: "Lord Jesus, I'm in need. Thou art the Christ. I know You are. And Your Scripture said there would be Gospel like this preached in the last days. I believe You, and I want You to help me. You speak to Brother Branham, and tell him to just let me ... give a vindication. I haven't no prayer card, and there's no way for me to ever get up there on the platform, but I want You to speak to him, and have him to turn around, and tell me what I must do." And see if He doesn't do it. Now, you just do that and see if He doesn't do it, anywhere in the building.

25 Those without prayer cards, raise up your hands, that wants to be prayed for, raise up your hand, everywhere in the building, the balcony and ev... Well, it's just a massive... Well, you just keep believing; just believe with all your heart. Now, may the Lord Jesus bless and add to our gathering together tonight. Now, I will call the patient, if you will.
Now, do you who realize and understand, stand in my place here, once. I guess there's pretty near three thousand people, or close to it, here tonight in this auditorium. I don't know what the seating is, of what's standing and everything; there's probably that many. And you remember... Just above three thousand, Brother Joseph said.

26 Remember, friends, that in there, there's critics; in there, there's believers. And I'm here tonight as your brother, the believer, trying to represent the Lord Jesus Christ in His resurrected power. And the light's this way, and we know what it means. You pray for me.
Now, here is the lady standing here. She's the first patient. The only thing I know about, she's just a lady standing there. I have never seen her. I guess we're strangers, are we? We are strangers. Never seen her in my life. God alone knows.

27 Now, what would our Lord Jesus (to you people for your first time), what would our Lord Jesus do if He was standing here? As far... If she needs healing... I don't know what her trouble is, but if she needs healing, He would tell her, "I have already done that." When He died at Calvary, He healed every sick person in the world. Do you believe that? That's Scripture. He saved every sinner when He died at Calvary. The only thing you have to do now is to accept your salvation, your healing, from Him. As far as me healing or doing ..., I could not. It's just a gift as a seer to foresee what has been and see what will be.

28 Now, if the woman knows that I know nothing of her, and if the Lord Jesus was standing here, He would talk to her like He did the woman at the well. You notice, He said, "Bring Me a drink."
She said, "It's not customary for Jews to ask Samaritans such."
And the conversation went on, until after awhile He found where her trouble was; He caught her human spirit and saw where her trouble was. He said, "Go get your husband."
She said, "I have none."
Said, "You had five."
She said, "I perceive that You're a prophet." And she run into the city, said, "Come, see a Man that told me everything I did." He only told her one thing, but God could have showed Him all things, don't you believe that?

John 4:7 There cometh a woman of Samaria to draw water: Jesus saith unto her, Give me to drink.

John 4:9 Then saith the woman of Samaria unto him, How is it that thou, being a Jew, askest drink of me, which am a woman of Samaria? for the Jews have no dealings with the Samaritans.

John 4:16 Jesus saith unto her, Go, call thy husband, and come hither.

John 4:17 The woman answered and said, I have no husband. Jesus said unto her, Thou hast well said, I have no husband:

John 4:18 For thou hast had five husbands; and he whom thou now hast is not thy husband: in that saidst thou truly.

John 4:19 The woman saith unto him, Sir, I perceive that thou art a prophet.

John 4:25 The woman saith unto him, I know that Messias cometh, which is called Christ: when he is come, he will tell us all things.

29 Now, the woman standing here, we've never met before in life; we're just strangers. I just want to talk to you, lady. And I just want you to relax yourself and stand here. And it's a little hard, 'cause when you turn, there's people all around, and every one's a spirit. Every spirit moving in. Now, see, we don't deal with the flesh; it's spirit alone.
But if the Lord Jesus would come to me and let me know something of you, like He did in the Bible time, would you believe then that I have told the truth? Would that be Him testifying that I have told the truth? You believe that? Well, may He grant it, sister, for your glory and for whatever your desire is.

30 Now, now, the Angel of God that you see in the picture is here now. He is here now at the platform. And in the name of Jesus Christ I take this meeting in my control for the glory of God and for the proof of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
You are here for someone else. That someone else is a mother. Your mother is suffering with a mental trouble. You're bothered with the same. And you desire tonight to be healed and your mother to get well. That is true. Come here. Do you believe that Jesus Christ will bring your mother home and will grant this to you?
Our kind heavenly Father, we know that this is only the working of the demon that would harm her poor mother and would make her ill. I pray for her, that You'll heal both mother and daughter, and may they be completely delivered as I send this blessing in Jesus Christ's name. Amen. God bless you, sister. Go; don't doubt now, mother will come home.

31 All right, would you bring your patient? Be reverent, just as reverent as you can be. Do you love the Lord Jesus? How do you do, sir. Would you come just a little closer, I might speak to you? You're conscious that something is going on. That is, sir, the anointing of the Holy Spirit. You're conscious of that. You know that something is going on. And that isn't to hurt you, my brother. That is to do you good; that's to help you. And seeing we men here has met on earth. And you are a believer. Your spirit---and you believe me---Your spirit is welcome.

32 Now, that would be the same thing like our Lord Jesus said to Philip. When he come up, He knew he was a believer ... or, Nathanael, rather. Now, the next thing is, what would our Lord Jesus reveal to us tonight that would help you? Now, I trust that He will do it. And in doing so, will you believe then? You are conscious, sir, that something's going on. There's a feeling like you haven't felt before. It's an awe, sacred feeling.
I want the audience to watch the face of the patients, how tears stream to their eyes as soon as they come near. The man standing here knows that that's true. That is God's truth. Now, you can call it whatever you wish: that'll determine your destination. But I claim that it is the power of the Lord Jesus Christ that's raised from the dead.

33 You believe that, do you sir? I believe that. You are suffering, my brother... I have noticed you with an examination over the heart. You have heart trouble. You have heart trouble. And that is true. They've announced you of having heart trouble. It's a bad case of it, blocking in the heart.
And then another thing, you have a companion, a wife. And that wife is suffering and she has cancer. She has cancer. She's sitting in the audience now. Her spirit is moving in here, the pulling... That is true, that is right.
And say, you are a minister. You've preached the Gospel. And you're longing even at your age to be well to go back to preach the Gospel again. Yes, sir, that is true. And your name is Robert ... Reverend Robert L. Adkins. Is that right? Never seen you in my life. Go home, Mr. Adkins. Lay your hands on your wife. Your heart trouble has left you, and your wife will be healed. Go preach the Gospel in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. God bless you, my brother. Go rejoicing.

34 Have faith, don't doubt. Just believe that all things are possible to them that believe. Do you believe that? Have faith in God, and you shall have what you've ask for, if you just believe and have faith. That's all you need to do is to say that you are a believer and you have faith in the Lord Jesus. Now, be reverent, you shall see the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Do you believe the Lord heals you of that bladder trouble, that gall bladder trouble, sitting right down there? You believe that the Lord Jesus... You do? You may stand up on your feet. Your faith has healed you, sister. God bless you; you can go home. Jesus Christ makes you well.
You have a high blood pressure, the lady sitting right in there. Do you believe the Lord Jesus healed you? You were sitting there praying about it. Will you stand up and accept your healing? God bless you, you can go home now; your blood pressure has left you. Amen.
Your faith makes you well. Do you believe it? I want you to believe the Lord Jesus. Believe in the balcony. Are you believing up there? God bless you. Distance means nothing to the Lord Jesus. Have faith in God. His resurrected presence is here now.

35 Would you come, sir? I suppose we are strangers to each other. You're conscious that you're standing in the presence of something besides your brother. That's the Lord Jesus Christ in His resurrected power. Sir, you are a very sick man. You've been attending doctors, and they've been examining you. And I hear one tell you that you have between six months and two years to live, because you are dying with cancer. That is the truth.
Do you believe me as God's prophet ... or, His servant? Do you believe if I would ask God along with this church that you would get well? I hear someone... Your name is Glen, and your last name is Hill. And you live at 2647 Melvin Ave... Something like that... Mel---Melver or Mel--- [The patient pronounces it "Menard"] Avenue, Chicago. Is that true? Return to your home now, shouting and praising God. Satan, I condemn you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, come out of the man and make him well, through Jesus' name.

36 Brother Ekberg, put a band around your leg tonight, a string, the one that's swollen. Measure your limb. And in seventy-two hours, put the same band around it and cut off how much it's shrunk and bring it to me in California for a testimony. Amen.
Good evening. Do you believe me to be His servant? With all your heart you believe it? You suffer with a trouble that's in your chest. You have developed that. And you work in some kind of a place like a factory or something like that; you have been working. You are not from this country. You come... You're Scandinavian, Norwegian. You come over here from Norway. And you went to work in a place and has developed a lung trouble. In Norway you was a woman minister. You preached and so forth over there. I see blue waters between us and you have crossed them. That is true. [Yes.] Come near and receive the blessing of God.
O Lord God, Creator of heavens and earth, let Thy Spirit come upon this woman now, and bless her, and take this curse off of her in Jesus Christ's name. Amen. Cursed be thou, Satan. Leave the woman. Return to your ministry.

37 Sitting right there, sir... I see a vision. It's a man that's got a back trouble. And come... You're Norwegian also. And your back is bothering you, and you was hurt. And you were on water in a boat when you were hurt. When I spoke that to that woman, something happened to you. Move yourself up and down like this. Your back is healed. Go home; Jesus Christ makes you well. Have faith in God. Be reverent now; don't move.

38 Do you believe, with all your heart? Do you believe me to be His servant? You're suffering with something that's... It's a growth. And that growth is in the head, up through the nose, here. That is true. Come near. Do you believe that the Lord Jesus will take the life from that, and they'll shrink and go away? ["I do."] In the name of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, grant this blessing to the woman for God's glory. Amen. God bless you, sister. Go happy and rejoicing and be well. Do you believe with all your heart?
Come, sister.
You have a skin disease, sitting right down there at the end of that little row. You believe the Lord will heal you? The third lady sitting there has a growth. Do you believe that Jesus Christ will make you well? Stand up on your feet. God bless you. You too, colored lady, back there. Jesus has healed you both; you can go home and be well. Amen.

39 That demon... The Lord God of heaven, who created the heavens and earth, who knows all things, who made man in His own image... When the lady was healed with the skin eruption... There sits a lady right straight up here with a black dress on, sitting high in the balcony; that struck her. She's had a skin disease, sitting right up behind these posts like. Lady, with the black dress on, sitting there with that skin disease, eczema on your body, stand up. Jesus Christ healed you the same time He healed this woman here. You are healed. I see the Angel of the Lord standing above her now in a whirl of light. God bless you, my sister; your faith has saved you.

40 How do you do, sister. (Is this the patient?) Do you believe? You're up for an operation: female trouble. Do you believe the Lord Jesus will heal you from that female condition? Come here just a moment.
The kindness of our Lord Jesus, the woman knowing that You're here, moving, operating Your great power through the church, I ask that You, O God, will bless our sister, who I bless in the name of the Lord Jesus. And Satan, you have done this evil, come out of her; in the name of Jesus Christ go from the woman. Amen. Go rejoicing, and happy, and praising God for your healing. All right.

41 You also suffer with the same. You have been to some doctors. They've given you an examination. And that examination he tells you that you must have an operation. And the operation... The entire female section must be taken out. But do you believe that Jesus Christ will make you well? You've been thirsting for God. You've been hungering for a close walk. It hasn't been but just a day or two ago till you were praying for this thing. I'm not reading your mind; that's the truth. Do you believe that right now that Spirit that's on you, that's on me and on you, has healed you of this female trouble? Do you accept it right now with all your heart? Will you seek God till He pours out the Holy Spirit upon you, if He will heal you without your operation, will you do it?
Almighty God, I bless the woman in the name of Jesus Christ and curse this disease. Come out of her, in Jesus Christ's name. Amen. Go rejoicing, sister. God bless you, yes.
The Spirit of the Lord stands in this corner here. It's over a colored woman, sitting there on the end of the row. She has arthritis. All right, lady. Do you believe with all your heart now, that your faith has touched the hem of the garment of our Master? If you believe it, receive your healing and go home and be well. And the Lord Jesus bless you, is my prayer.

42 You have a heart trouble, sitting right there at the end of the row. You want God to heal you? The one right behind you there, also a rectal trouble. Do you believe that the Lord Jesus will make you well? If you do it, you may receive your healing now, and rise and be made well through Jesus Christ the Son of God. Have faith; don't doubt. Believe with all your heart and God will bring it to pass.
All right, would you come, lady? Do you believe with all your heart? Will you serve God reverently, with all your heart the rest of your life, if God will reveal to me your trouble? Satan is losing his battle. Pulls are coming from everywhere. Faith is moving; the building's becoming milky to me. This woman standing here is suffering with a tumor. That's right, lady. And there's many more out there suffering. Every person suffering with a tumor, stand on your feet right now. Every person with a tumor stand to your feet, everywhere.
Almighty God, Satan knows that his time is come. He's defeated tonight through the cross of Christ. I now adjure thee, thou demon, you're exposed; come out of these people; in the name of Jesus Christ, depart from them. Amen. Go home. All of you, be made well through Jesus Christ's name. Amen.

43 Do you believe with all your heart? It's your blood, diabetes. It would be good to get away from that old insulin and stuff, and not have to take it. How many here's suffering with diabetes, stand to your feet right now, and be healed at the same time. Here it is. This is what God's wanting to do: heal you all. Stand to your feet right now, every person with diabetes.
Almighty God, this enemy tonight is exposed here at the platform. And You who will heal this mother here can heal every one in the building. Satan, in the name of Jesus Christ, come out of every one of them. I charge thee through the Son of God to leave the people. Amen. Go rejoicing. Every one of you, go happy. Go to Calvary now by faith, get a blood transfusion up there, and come back, and never have to have no more insulin.

44 Do you believe me to be His prophet? Do you believe me as His servant, that God can reveal to me your trouble at this time? You're suffering with a female trouble. It's pretty bad too, 'cause it's an abscess; it has a drainage. It's on the left side where your pains come. It's an ovary that's abscessed. Every person in here that's got a female trouble, raise to your feet at this time for the defeat of the enemy right now, in a defeat. Thou demon, come out of every one of these women. I adjure thee, by the living God, you're exposed. Leave the women right now, through Jesus Christ's name. Amen. God bless you. Go rejoicing and being happy. Amen. This is it!

45 Do you believe me to be His servant? If God will reveal to me and expose the disease of your body... He don't want it: Satan don't want me to do that, because God is getting victory now, everywhere. I see you getting away from a table. You got stomach trouble. It's a ulcerated stomach; it's bothered you for some time. You can't eat stuff, especially greases and things. It gives you... Sometimes you think you have heart trouble; it smothers you when you lay down. It's gas in the stomach. It isn't a heart trouble; it's gas on the stomach.
Every person in here that's suffering with a stomach trouble, stand to your feet at this time for the defeat. Hallelujah! Thou demon, you've lost the battle. Come out of these people, I adjure thee, by the name of the living God, Jesus Christ. Leave them. I feel the pressure leave me. I believe every one of you is healed of your stomach trouble. Go eat your dinners tonight and be made well for God's glory.
Do you believe that Jesus Christ defeats the enemy now? He healed you when you raised up. Go on your road over there rejoicing, happy and praising God with all your heart.

46 Moving up close to me now comes a spirit of death: black, hideous. The veil is parting back. I see a woman examine... It's a cancer. It's come to take your life. Jesus Christ come to give you life. Who do you believe tonight, the Lord Jesus? Every cancer sufferer in the building stand to their feet at this time for the defeat of one of the archenemies of the human race. Would you stand to your feet? Thou demon called cancer, you might hide from the doctor, but you can't hide from God. You're exposed. Come out of these people. In the name of Jesus Christ you are defeated. Amen. Go on your road.

47 I have never noticed this before, but the pressure that you're raising in the building, when prayer is made, the pressure leaves if it's been healed. I've never seen it like this before. Pressure...
God bless you, sister. Now, in the name of Jesus Christ go and be made well. Amen. Come believing.
You were healed standing right back there just a few moments ago. Now, go eat whatever you want to; Jesus Christ makes you well.
Do you believe? All right. Looky here at me just a moment. You believe me to be His prophet? There's something strange about you. It's a... You've had arthritis. Every arthritis case in the building raise your hand ... or, if you can't, stand. Almighty God, Author of life, I now, in the name of Jesus Christ, by the legal rights of the cross, and by the anointing of the Holy Spirit that's here now, I condemn every suffering, devil of arthritis and ask it to leave this audience at this time, in Jesus Christ's name. Amen. You're defeated. It's gone. Go across the platform rejoicing. Amen. Every one that's [unclear words]. Marvelous, our Lord Jesus Christ.

48 Do you believe that that condition that left you standing there---anemic condition---do you believe it left you while you were standing there, believing at that time? In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I condemn the enemy and ask that it goes in Jesus Christ's name. Amen. Go rejoicing, sister, thanking God for His goodness and His mercy.
Heart trouble means no more to God than nothing else. Every person that's with heart trouble, stand to your feet at this time, and say, "I accept the Lord Jesus Christ as my Healer," in a glorious shout. Almighty God, I condemn the enemy of this woman's body and the enemy of everyone in here. Come out, Satan, in Jesus Christ's name.
Something strange happened at that time. Someone who was here, that's suffering with a heart trouble, that was in a wheelchair, should have raised at the time and have been healed. Someone that's bound in a wheelchair, that's crippled up by a devil of heart trouble should have raised. I didn't get the vision of the person, just who it was. It looked like a dark complected person that raised.

49 All right, bring your ... bring your patient. You believe with all your heart that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, will make you well, standing here?
O God, I condemn this enemy and ask that he goes through Jesus Christ's name. Amen. God bless you, sister, go believing with all your heart.

50 Bow your heads just a moment, will you? Reverent. Almighty God, a deaf spirit moving over this woman... It's the enemy's business to do this: cause her to be killed. But Thou art here to deliver her. Faith cometh by hearing, hearing of the Word. She cannot ... she cannot hear; how could faith come? I ask that You deliver the woman. Come out of her, Satan. I adjure thee to leave the woman; in the name of Jesus Christ, leave her.
Can you hear me? Can you hear me now? Can you hear me now? I'm just a whisper. You're healed; your nervousness is gone. Go on your road rejoicing and praising God, and you can hear.
Let's say, "Thanks be to God." You were healed when you come up through the line down there; when the heart trouble group was healed awhile ago, you was healed also. Go on your road rejoicing, thanking God and saying, "Praise be to God."

51 Would you come, lady? Do you believe with all your heart? Do you believe me to be His servant? If God will reveal to me your trouble, will you accept your healing? It's in your back. Is that right? Jesus Christ can make you whole now. Do you believe that? Father, in the name of Thy Son, the Lord Jesus, I condemn this devil that's bound this woman. You laid your hand on one that had been bound for many years and loosed her. And I do likewise tonight to this woman in Jesus Christ's name. Amen. Go on your road rejoicing, sister, and be made well for God's glory.

52 All right. You believe, sir, with all your heart?
How many in here believes right now for your healing? This would be a marvelous time for everybody to be healed. I'm going to ask you to do something.
Oh, here's the lady. Oh, sister, you should rise. You should believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. Put your hands over on her while the rest of the audience puts their hands on one another for a prayer just now.
Come, sir. You believe that Jesus Christ is here to make you well? Satan, leave the man in Jesus Christ's name.

53 There she is, up out of the ... up out of the chair. The power of God... I seen the woman in a vision going without the chair. There she is. Let's say, "Praise be to God." Afflicted, twisted, and years sitting in a wheelchair, she rises in the name of Jesus Christ. There she stands healed and well.
Every person in here wants to get healed, stand to your feet right now. Rise up out of the wheelchairs. Throw away your crutches. Almighty God, in the name of Thy Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, I condemn every devil spirit. I liberate these people through Jesus Christ's name. Satan, you're a loser; you're defeated. Come out of the people in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Do you now believe? (1955-06-10) (William M. Branham Sermons)

Do you now believe? (1955-06-10) (William M. Branham Sermons) somebody

Do you now believe?

1 Good evening, friends. Very happy to be here tonight, and to be in the service of the dear Lord Jesus Christ. How wonderful it is to be in His presence.
And now, we are... I'm very happy to know that you all are not afraid of a little rain cloud. Someone said, "Well, people won't come out tonight." Said, "There's a rain cloud coming over." That shows you're a real good Baptist, you know. You're not afraid of water. So, that's very fine.
And I hear that there was a Baptist church going to give us their place for tonight, if it did rain. If the pastor, or any of the people would be here, we certainly appreciate that. That's very nice. And may the Lord bless you, my dear brother, and the deacons, or whoever it was that was giving us that opportunity.

2 Now, tomorrow... We have two more nights; that's tomorrow night and Sunday night in the service. And I was wondering why that our Brother Arganbright has never gotten here. Wife called me a few moments ago, and he's been called to California. And he's making arrangements also, for us to leave immediately after this meeting to Zurich, Switzerland.
And now, Mr. Moore, I don't know why he hasn't gotten here. One of the brothers has just come and asked me about the ministerial breakfast, and I don't know what to say. I don't... I'd make a very poor manager. Anybody in line for the managementship out here, why... This is a... I guess Brother Moore has quit. It's quite a job, anyhow.

3 So, then we have... Want to remember these cards here tonight and the letters to be prayed for ... prayed over, rather.
Now, how many believes in praying for the sick by handkerchief? Let's see your hands. That's wonderful. That's what God commanded.
Now, I believe it was in South Africa, Brother Toms, down at Capetown, when a paper wrote up, said, "Brother Branham is a very superstitious man." They had about ... several sacks sitting along there full of mail, you know---great big, great big grass burlap sacks full of mail. [Brother says something to Brother Branham.] " Many testaments of healing," he said, "the sacks that he had there."
So, there was a... Said, "Brother Branham is very superstitious." Said, "He heals and prays over handkerchiefs for people." That shows don't read the Bible very much, isn't it?

4 Now, a lot of people, they anoint the handkerchiefs for the sick. Now, that's very fine. Anything that God will do in blessing the sick, brother, I'm right for it. But now, I don't anoint the handkerchiefs. Now, if you'll follow me real close with the Scripture, Paul didn't anoint the handkerchiefs. They just taken off of his body, it said, handkerchiefs and aprons and they were sent to the sick.
And the great God of heaven, how He has honored and blessed that effort: thousands times thousands of testimonies around the world. And we got a prayer circle starting, eastern daylight time, standard time, that ... I mean central daylight standard time, they... Around the world people are praying. Get up at midnight in the night, and so forth, around different parts of the world, and literally tens of thousands are praying one for the other at the same time.
I send out thousands of handkerchiefs, the little anointed cloths, each month from my office at Jeffersonville. And we got about ten offices overseas. So, you can imagine how many goes in a run of a month.

Acts 19:12 So that from his body were brought unto the sick handkerchiefs or aprons, and the diseases departed from them, and the evil spirits went out of them.

5 Now, we seen some of the most marvelous miracles. For instance, in Germany here recently, there was a little lady sitting all crippled up with arthritis in a chair. Poor little thing, she'd been in there many, many years. And so, as soon as she got the handkerchief was sent to her... I give instructions on how to place it on the body. She did just as it was instructed. She said, "Now, you old devil, you get out of this body." And she got right up and went walking on. Now, that's just how simple healing is, just taking God at His Word. She said, "Now, you old devil, you get out of here." And up she got and went walking on. Well, that's the way to do it.
And now, someone was telling me last night, that... The meeting's all to me is a dream, more or less than... Last night, they was talking about two or three of the wheelchair cases. I noticed the cots are vanishing away, and the wheelchairs... Some of them paralyzed, and arthritis, and so forth, healed and taken out of the wheelchairs by our Lord Jesus Christ. Isn't that marvelous? My, and some of them for years have been in there. I tell you, if you can just believe, God's got the power, if you can just believe it. That's all it takes, is your faith in Christ.

6 Now, usually, we give one night that we try to take up prayer cards. We can't get too many of them in one night, praying for them under that anointing, as I call it that. And we give one night that either the ministers all line up and get the people to come through and lay hands on them, or either we have just a prayer line, and I go down and pray, if there's not too many. Just take an individual and pray for them and pass them on, get another and another. If there's not too many, I can get them that way. And if there is a great group of them that I can't get through, usually, I pray until I know His presence is there, then just stand close and let the people pass by, laying hands on them as they pass.
Now, I may get criticism over this, but, you know, Mr. Roberts has a little thing that I always admired in teaching called "the point of contact." Somebody's got to have something that they can do, that makes a contact of their faith. Well, that's very good. That's good if you can do that. He has them touch a chair, or something, while he's praying from the platform.

7 That works all right, and especially in America. America has been taught, most of the people, of laying hands on the sick. That's a Jewish custom, and it's all right. It's the Scripture.
Now, some places in the Scripture they were commanded to go lay hands on the sick; they shall recover. Another place, they was to anoint them with oil, and the prayer of faith shall save the sick. In another place they was to cast out evil spirits, and you just see it all around. It's according to your faith, be it unto you.
And like I said the other night, Jairus said, "Come, lay Your hands on my girl, and she'll live. Well, I've heard about You. I believe You're just what You say You are, so You come lay Your hands on my girl and she'll live."
But the Roman, not so: "Just speak the word. I'm not worthy that You can come around my place. You just speak the word and my servant shall live." It's according to your faith what happens.

Matthew 8:8 The centurion answered and said, Lord, I am not worthy that thou shouldest come under my roof: but speak the word only, and my servant shall be healed.

Matthew 9:18 While he spake these things unto them, behold, there came a certain ruler, and worshipped him, saying, My daughter is even now dead: but come and lay thy hand upon her, and she shall live.

Mark 5:23 And besought him greatly, saying, My little daughter lieth at the point of death: I pray thee, come and lay thy hands on her, that she may be healed; and she shall live.

Luke 7:7 Wherefore neither thought I myself worthy to come unto thee: but say in a word, and my servant shall be healed.

James 5:14 Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord:

James 5:15 And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him.

8 Now, last night, I said that we'd give tonight and come early, so that we could pray for every one holding a prayer card, if they so desired it.
Now, to finish my story there before I get to that: Overseas, in the African campaign, as Brother Toms knows, what the people there are taught is just the supernatural. They've had the Bible over and over and over and over, and missionaries have come and gone and taught the Bible in a line of psychology and so forth. Well, they say, "Well, that's all right. We believe that. But let me see somebody who can make it manifest. Let me see something happen. If He's such a great God, let's see what He can do."
Well, in our schools we're taught the days of miracles is past and all that God was is just a history now, see. That's all. So the natives don't go for that very well.

9 But one time when you can take and actually see the supernatural powers of God moving, that settles it. They don't want prayed for. The only thing they want to do is know He's there. And you tell them what to do, and they'll do it. Just think of one time, making a prayer over an audience, twenty-five thousand healings taking place at one time. Just think of that.
And I tell you, they hauled cots, and stretchers, and beds, and everything away from there, and clubs, and sticks, and things that they'd walked on for a long time.
Now, but now, it seemingly in America, that won't work too well. It does, anyhow. The people don't get it just right, but you just mark my word, you around here, you pastors, especially. In your churches weeks after we're gone, you'll hear of women and men come up and saying, "That stomach trouble I had, I just don't have it no more."
And the lady, little lady, said, "Well, I was bothered with a female trouble; it just doesn't bother me no more," see. Right in our audience at night.

10 Now, tonight, I've been kind of dallying around, and kind of come to the platform tonight for this very purpose: just simply to stand, speak to the people, and go lay hands on them, that was all.
And so, I can tell you now, when I'm more conscious of telling you than anytime I've been in the meeting, see. There's people, before I... When I'm speaking, I see that Light hanging over people. I just can't stop and call everybody. And sometimes, just the whole place looks like just... It just strews over people everywhere. Them people are healed; they are. You can't call them. You couldn't do it; it's just going one to the other. It's Him doing it, see.
And they'll find it out sooner or later. First thing you know, they'll baby around with their condition a little while; first thing you know, it's gone. They'll be coming back, testifying to a pastor, "You know, I got over that somehow another." You just watch and see if that... If that isn't so, you'd say, "Brother Branham's a false prophet, see. You just see if that isn't so. It's right. Many of them will be... It's well now, and they just don't, perhaps, realize it. That's the truth. The blessing is on them.

11 Now, you remember, when God pronounces a blessing, it don't have to happen just in the spur of a moment. How many knows that? Listen, that's right. It could be a week later when it happens.
Here sometime ago, I was coming in the prayer line... And watch the tapes, see. Watch what He's saying to you. And in the tape, there was a little lady come along, and she had a stomach trouble. And it told her, said ... well, told her who she was and all about it. I've got the tape at home right now. And so, it told her how long she'd been suffering; she had stomach trouble, and what it was caused from. "Yes, that was right." And then a vision broke, and I seen her well, and it broke through of, "Thus saith the Lord (you know), you're healed."
Well, she went off happy about it. She said, "Yes, I'm healed."

12 There was a lady right behind her, which lived in the neighborhood, she had a big growth on the side of her throat here. She had it for a number of years. And so, as soon as it spoke to her, said the same thing: she was healed. She felt up for her knot real quick, but it was still there. Well, she went away, she said, "Well, if the man is able to tell me all about truth, what I was, surely what he told me will be, will be that way."
So she went away believing it. And it was weeks later. Oh, I guess five or six weeks later, they both come into the meeting and here was their testimony: The little lady with the stomach trouble, she thought, Well, if I'm healed, I might as well go home and eat. So, she went home and tried it, but oh, what a job she had. And the next morning she tried, and she was testifying of being healed, and, my, she just couldn't eat at all. She'd just vomit it up. She'd go eat some more, vomit again. So, she just kept on that way, and she was praising the Lord for healing her. Said, "Yes, I'm healed."
And so, the neighbors begin to talk about her, said, "Now wait. You're going to bring reproach upon the name of the Lord." Said, "You'd better be careful."
She said, "But look, I taped that tape, and it was not him said that part; it was the Lord called me forward. It was the Lord."

13 So, she kept with it. Weeks passed, and one thing ... one morning they all ... group of folks went to... The children went to school and her husband went to work. She was washing the dishes. Said she was standing there washing them dishes, and all at once a real cool feeling went over her. And said she never thought nothing.
In a few moments she got real hungry. Said she picked up a piece of buttered toast and started eating it. Said, she thought, Well, I'll vomit up in a minute. So then, she eat it, but it stayed down; she was still hungry. So, she thought, Well, I'll just try then, one of these eggs that's left over. So, she eat that; it was just fine. She said, "Well, if that's all right, I'll try a bowl of these oats." So, she eat some of the oats, and she said, "I just might as well have a gastronomical jubilee." So, she just got her a big cup of coffee and really went to town. And she was having her a good time with it.
And you know, she waited a little while, it didn't bother her, she got to feeling good, and she said, "Oh, my. I just got to go tell my neighbor."

14 About two or three hours later, she run down the street, and when she got down there at the house, somebody was screaming and a shouting. That lady said, "You know what?" Said, "This morning, I'm positive, when I was combing my hair, that knot was on my throat, and look, it's gone." Said, "It just left." And they begin to rejoice.
Now, you might wonder what it is. The presence of the supernatural, which is the Lord Jesus Christ, His Angel that stands near... Now, when I see the man, it isn't the Lord Jesus. It's a great tall man; he's way bigger than what the Christ that I seen in the vision. Christ was a very small person. But this was a big man. And when He was... And a smooth face... And when He had spoke the word, but he couldn't get to it, perhaps in time, and He passed through that neighborhood confirming what He had said, see.

15 Now, one time, Daniel of the Bible, he had an Angel followed him. And one time, he started praying, and you know, that Angel was detained for (I believe) about twenty- ... twenty-one days, wasn't it? Twenty-one days before he could even get to him, see.
Oh, when it's once settled in the heart though, that settles it forever. That's all. No matter what comes or goes, if it's ever once settled.

16 Now, I want to see how many here that believes in laying hands on the sick, so I can know how to stage my meeting, just now. How many want, people, of hands laid on, see? All right. Looks like there's going to be hands laid on then. All right, now, there's about two or three hundred here, or more, of that.
How many has prayer cards here tonight? Raise up your hands, that's here that has got holding prayer cards. Ooh, my. All right.
Well, there's only one thing that I know to do then, and that would be to call the prayer cards out and start praying for them. But being there's so many of you with those prayer cards, holding them, we want you to begin at the first of the night, we'll, let them that was up, had the first prayer cards begin first.
Do you know what I think we'll let's do? Let's just talk a little while, and pray a little bit, until the Angel of the Lord begins to move among us. And then, when that takes place, then let Him take care of the rest of it. Is that all right? Just if He will do it. Let Him do it in His way. And then, if it comes, I would rather, I believe, stand here knowing that His presence was here, than just to stand here and just have prayer for you. And I believe that, would you... I believe better, don't you think so? To know that He was here, 'cause you know what... Well, let's just ask Him now and if He'll come; we'll testify a few minutes and see what He says about it.

17 Shall we bow our heads, first, for prayer? Now, heavenly Father, laying before me here is these handkerchiefs; they're going to the sick and the afflicted. And Thou art so full of love and mercy. We just have this confidence to know, that what You say, that You will do. You're God, and You cannot lie. And Thou has give us this promise: "Whatsoever things you desire when you pray, believe you receive it, and you shall have it."
So, I'm believing with this audience of people, with all my heart, that the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ is here tonight; and that every sick person that these handkerchiefs represent shall recover.
God, if they have sinned, forgive them for it. We plead as to our brothers, and sisters, and the little children, that these shall represent. And may each of them be healed, for Jesus' sake.

Mark 11:24 Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.

18 And now, Lord God, Creator of heavens and earth, Author of everlasting life and giver of every good gift, send Thy presence upon us, Lord. And may it come to pass tonight, while these people that's sitting here, holding these prayer cards...
God, I pray that every one of them will be healed, and not only those, but every one without prayer cards tonight, that this will be a night of the greatest jubilee that we've ever had since the service has been going. May there not be a cot case, or a crippled, or a blind, or a cancer, heart trouble, or whatever it is, but may God sweep among us tonight, and just heal everything that's on the ground. Grant it, Father. May this be to Your honor and glory, for we ask it in Jesus Christ's name. Amen.

19 Now, may His blessings be added to you. Now, let's get a scripture somewhere here and read just for a moment, a little scripture found over here in Saint John the 16th chapter---and I like this---beginning at the 29th verse:
His disciples said unto him, Lo, now speakest thou plainly, and speakest no proverb.
Now we are sure that thou knowest all things, and needest not that any man should ask thee: by this we believe that thou cometh ... from God.
Jesus answering unto them, and said, Do you now believe?
What a wonderful text we have under consideration at this time.

John 16:29 His disciples said unto him, Lo, now speakest thou plainly, and speakest no proverb.

John 16:30 Now are we sure that thou knowest all things, and needest not that any man should ask thee: by this we believe that thou camest forth from God.

John 16:31 Jesus answered them, Do ye now believe?

20 Now, to every one of you that's here, I wouldn't come here, I'd rather be home tonight, with my wife and family, a million times, and know that I'd meet God in peace than to come here and know I'd have to stand before Him to be a deceiver. I don't... Anything but to be a hypocrite or a deceiver, I certainly wouldn't want to be that. No one would want to be.
And if I didn't think that I was in the will of God, I wouldn't be out here tonight. If I didn't think that the message that I had for you from the Lord Jesus Christ would do you good, I certainly would not be here.
You know it's not for popularity. I'm a person that shuns that. If it would've been, I'd have been out here in the nation, tonight under bright lights and everything else, with great television, radio programs, and everything. It would've been different. And you know, a ministry of this type would produce that. But I've shunned it, kept back from it, let my crowds be little, so you won't have to pull for money. Let the poor people have their money, and so forth. The Lord will take care of the rest of the thing if it's just known.

21 And I haven't coveted money. I don't take money. I was a Baptist preacher for several years, twelve years pastor of the Tabernacle there at Jeffersonville, and never one time took an offering in my life, never one time. I worked for a living.
I remember one night, I was going to take an offering. Now, you know how poor people get: to get to a place where you can't make ends meet. Did you ever have that ever happen to you? Yes. Where you can't make the ends meet... Then, and when I got in that shape, I said to the wife, I said, "Honey, I'm going to take up an offering tonight."
Now, they'd have done it; bless their heart there at the tabernacle, they'd have sold their homes to give to me. But I didn't make very much, and I was a game warden during the time; and I wasn't going to arrest nobody like that. I was on seven years and never made one arrest, so... But I believe I made some good fishermen. That's one thing. I'd talk to them and told them about the Lord. So, that's better. I wasn't fired; I just quit to serve the Lord.

22 So, I didn't have much money, and we had a debt coming up, and I just needed five dollars so bad. And the brethren was working then making quite a bit of money, and I just got a little bitty salary, and then commission on what I took otherwise; and I didn't make any of that, so I said, "Well, I need some money, honey. I just got to have it." I said, "I'm going to take up an offering."
She said, "I'm going to watch you do it."
Over she goes and sits down right in front of the church; I said, "Well, brethren [Brother Branham clears his throat] tonight," I said, "I kind of hate to ask you this." I said, "But I kind of hit a little tight place, and I wonder if I'd pass my hat around if I could get just a little offering tonight, personally for myself."
We had a little box on the back of the church to pay the debts and things till, "Even so much you done to the little ones, you've done it to Me."

Matthew 25:40 And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.

23 And Brother Wisehart, an old deacon, about eighty years old (he's in glory tonight), he got up and got my hat. I looked around, and there was a little old woman used to pray for me all the time, little old mother, one with a checkered apron on, you know. And I seen her reach down in this little apron and get out one of these little pocketbooks that's got a snap on the top of it, you know, unsnap it, and begin to reach down after those nickels.
Oh, I couldn't do that. No, sir. Oh, I just couldn't do it. I seen that poor little thing doing that, them little old feeble fingers reaching down after them nickels. I just couldn't do it. I'd have felt like I'd have took pie from a baby. I just couldn't do it.
And I said, "I was just a teasing you all." I said, "I didn't mean that." And the old deacon had my hat standing there, and he looked back at me; he said, "Now, what must I do?" I said, "Hang my hat up. I was just going on to you."

24 And you know, there was an old man used to come to my house by the name of Ryan. He's in glory tonight, too. Many of you remember, I guess, old Elder Ryan, with long hair. He rode an old bicycle down there and give it to me. And I went out, and took ten cents, and got to the ten cents store, and got me a can of paint, and painted it up, and sold it for five dollars, and got by anyhow. So [unclear words] that's my first time. So now, it isn't that...
No, I'm out because I believe the Lord Jesus Christ. I love Him and all of His people. And if a man can sin, like I was at one time, and I want to help him get out of there if I can. That's the truth. I want to help him to know who created him, and what he's here for. He's here to be a son of God. And I don't want to see him out there drinking and carousing around, and die, and be lost in the judgment, and I stand up there and this generation comes up and me a minister to represent this generation. Then he said, "Well, you never told me nothing about it." I want my voice to sweep everywhere, telling everybody, and pleading them to come to the Lord.

25 He gave me a gift when I was just a little boy ... when I was born. I was about two minutes old when it was first declared. And I do that with all my heart, to try to win people to God.
Now, it's not for any certain church. I don't represent any church. I believe that we're all brothers. Every man or woman, boy or girl that's borned again of the Spirit of God, regardless of what church you go to, doesn't make any difference to me. That's God. If you're my brother by Christ, if God received you in your peculiarity, and me with mine, we're brothers. That's all. So, I like that.
And I think that the time will come someday, when we'll all be that way, and recognize one another as that way. God, let me live to see the time. Anything that I love is a fellowship that the Methodists, Baptists, and Pentecostal, Church of God, Nazarene, Pilgrim Holiness, and everybody can shake hands with one another and say, "We are brothers." That's right. And our little peculiarities, God don't pay attention to that anyhow; our little petty doctrines and things, that doesn't mean anything.

26 Now, I'd just like to tell you what my secret of the greatest... What are you... How'd you like me to tell you tonight, what I think is the greatest, most powerful force there is on earth? Would you like me to tell you about it a few minutes? You might not love me so well after this, 'cause I'll just tell you though. The mightiest force there is on earth is love. That's exactly. There's nothing that will break down love. No matter what it is.
Whatever you are, or what you might've sang; you might've danced in the Spirit; you might've spoke with tongues; you might've shook the elder's hand; you might've been baptized three times, this away, backwards, face-forward, anyway you want to; but until love anchors in your heart, you're still out of God. That's right. That's right. You've got to have love, for that... The Bible said, "God is love." And God is the strong... Love is the strongest force.

1 John 4:8 He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.

1 John 4:16 And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him.

27 Now, there's two different kinds of love: there's human love, which the Greek word is a phileo love. And then agapao love is the high love, or divine love.
Now, you take like the phileo love, when we have that love, a mother for her baby will drive her right straight through a flaming fire to save that baby's life. It'll make a man, for his sweetheart, lay down his life anytime. See, what I mean? That's just human love.
And I believe somewhere in the Bible it said, "Could a mother forget her little suckling babe?" Said, "You may, but I can never forget you, for you're engraved on the palms of My hand." So, how could God ever forsake us, or anything, as long as He loves us like that?

Isaiah 49:15 Can a woman forget her sucking child, that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb? yea, they may forget, yet will I not forget thee.

Isaiah 49:16 Behold, I have graven thee upon the palms of my hands; thy walls are continually before me.

28 I tell you what you do, church members. Now, there's some member goes to your church... I know I'm talking to Protestant and Catholic, and I'm talking to Calvinist and Arminian, but that's neither pro nor con. You do this: If you want to be a real outstanding person in your church, wherever church you go to, you just fall in love with God with all your heart; and when you do that, you'll fall in love with every member of your church, and every member of everybody else's church with all your heart.
Now, you can't bluff that. Now, there's something about it that people know. If there's anything I can contribute the success of my meetings to, earthly speaking, is to know that people have a conscience to know that I truly, truly love people. I just love people. And they know that. And you could... You can't fool them on that. If you are making out, or pretending...

29 Just like Christianity, if you're pertaining to be a Christian ... just pretending, rather, to be a Christian, you'll never make a go of it. No, sir. It's absolutely got to be there. That's all. Love will do it.
I have been a great lover of wildlife. You know that. And I've noticed in animal life, if you're ... if you love animals, if you love them, you can do anything with them you want to. And if you don't love them, they know it. And if you're afraid of them, like a biting dog... If somebody said, "The dog will bite," if you're afraid of him, you're sure going to get bit, see.
Now, you're not going to fool him. You might say, "I'm not afraid of him," but that better come from somewhere besides your lips, 'cause he knows better, see. Now, if you're not afraid of him, it's different.

30 And that's what's the matter with people tonight. I want you to get this close. It's because that you're afraid you're not going to get healed is the reason you don't get healed, see. You mustn't be afraid. There's nothing to be afraid of. Jesus has already died and paid the price. We're free. You must come with that kind of an attitude.
Let me give you a little personal experiences of my own, if you'd excuse it for just a few moments longer. You say, "Brother Branham, what are you stalling about?" I'm waiting for Him. Exactly. And I'm just testifying or doing something till I know that His presence is near. And then when it does, then it'll be different. Then we'll call the prayer line. But in order to pass by here, I want to lay my hands on people when I know that the Holy Spirit is here. It might be, something just left the people.

31 And now, I have give you some little experience inside my life, especially in love. Many times at our home, the people pile in there and everything. It's a whole lot better to be in a meeting than it is to be at home, because there's people... I've seen as many as seventeen, eighteen carloads when I get up at morning, sitting up-and-down the lane where I live. And all the hotels full, and the motels full, and everybody scream and cry. You know what that means. You come in, and so weary you hardly know where you're at.
I woke up here not long ago right out in the middle of the floor, holding a pillow in my arms saying, "Only believe, brother. That's the only thing you have to do, is just believe." My wife woke me up. My, I was out in the floor, just so tore up, you know, and tired; I just couldn't go any farther. And having this pillow in my hand saying, "Now, just believe, brother. That's all you have to do," see.
And oh, I don't know. It gets pretty rough. So but, what it is, is I'm trying to do something for Him. I want to represent Him to the people.

32 And then, here sometime ago... I'll tell you a little story that you might not think was just right. I come in the room where the kitchen, and the whole house had been piled full, this room, that room, downstairs, and everywhere, and then when I was getting through, along about from early that morning... It was about five o'clock, we'd been turning everybody away. The boys at the gates and so forth, they keeping the people away.
And I went out into the kitchen; there my wife sat out there crying as hard as she could cry. Two little girls, they was sitting on the floor and fighting over their blocks, and the house all tore up---everything. Meda said, my wife said, "Billy, I am going wild." She said, "These children hasn't had a bite to eat all day long. The kitchen's standing full, the house standing full. And oh," she said... Thirty-five years old, and snow-white headed, and standing between me and the public.
And I said, "Well, honey," I said...
She said, "Oh, I just don't know what to do." And the poor little fellow, I felt sorry for her.

33 Now, let me tell you something: Each man that's born again with the Spirit of God in him is a miniature creator. Now, that might shake you a little, but that's the truth. We're in the image of God. God is a Creator. That's the reason that you can believe that God can heal a person, because God is in you, and God made this world. He just spoke it, and His Word become material. The very ground that you're sitting on is the Word of God made manifest. If He didn't, where did He get it? See, He just spoke it, and it came into existence. He believed His own Word.
And if a man's born of the Spirit of God, he's an offspring of God; and that part of God is in him, and he believes every word that God says will materialize, see. And so, that makes him part of God. The Holy Spirit in the man makes him a part of God.
And now, did you ever see people, nice people, but you just couldn't hardly stand to be around? Sure, you have. You don't have nothing against them, but you can't stand to be around them. Then you seen some person that's, oh, maybe a little old scrawny fellow, or a little old woman bent over a washtub, but you just love to be around that person. You just love them, somehow. It's the atmosphere that they've got around them, the way they live; they create an atmosphere that you like to be into. That's lovely people to be with.

34 Now, my wife sitting there, and she was crying, so I said, "Now, the only thing for me to do now, heavenly Father," in my heart, I said, "is to create a different situation here." I said, "Now, heavenly Father, I love You, and I've been ministering to Your people, and here my poor little wife is all tore up. The babies sitting there, pulling one another's hair and fighting over the blocks," and I said, "we don't want that. So, You help me, Father, and I believe You're going to do it."
So, I said, "Well, praise the Lord, honey." I said, "This has been a marvelous day." I said, "You see that kiddy walk out a while ago, and took them braces off, and walked away?
"And that man out there in the ambulance said, 'Brother Branham, just speak the word. That's all you have to do, and my child will come out of here.' And oh, a lot of faith, you know." I got talking.
She said, "Oh, honey," said, "it's so wonderful," But said, "Look at these kiddies." Said, "They haven't eaten since this morning." Said, "I couldn't even get around in the kitchen."
I said, "Oh, yeah, but that's all right. Just think when it's all over, what we're going to do then." I said, "My, when we sit down with them over there, and when they ring those golden bells some of these days, and the jubilee songs begin to sing, and there comes Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob," I said, "Just watch me shine then." And I said, "Honey, going to have you right on the arm, like that, and we're just going to walk right up those streets of gold."

35 I seen a little smile come out of the side of her face, and I thought, Thank You, Lord. Just kept on, I said, "Now, we'll get supper ready right quick." And I said, "We'll shove out right quick, and we'll go somewhere. And get in the old car and puddle around down along on the hill somewhere." I said, "We'll just have a good time."
And she started getting supper ready. Every once in a while, I would walk over. And I was praying, "Oh, Lord, now just let me create this atmosphere being happy instead of being like this." I laid my hands on her like that, and I said, "Honey, you know what?" She thought, I was just putting my hands on her to talk to her, but I was laying my hands on her in Jesus' name, see. Then, "Honey, you know what?" I said, "It's just marvelous." I said, "You know, this coming summer," I said, "we're going up into the mountains," I said, "as soon as I get a little time for vacation." I said, "I'd like to see them kids catch one of those trout. Wouldn't you like that?"
She said, "Oh, that was a lot of fun." (I said, "It's coming right along.") I said, "Yes, honey, that's just fine." ("O Lord God, please...") And I just... And the first thing you know, she was a laughing and singing. The kids had their blocks in there just a playing, having a big time.

36 See, that's the way it is. You just keep believing, create the atmosphere. Never let doubt come around you. Believe all the time. Don't accompany any of that doubt at all. No, sir. No matter what the circumstances is, push away doubt. Walk right on through it. Just refuse it. Yes, sir. Don't ... give no grounds at all. Yes.
I remember Brother Toms; I don't know whether you know this or not. But that same night I got in the car and went out on the river. We was riding around up over some big bluffs down in Indiana. It's not leveled out quite as well as Georgia is down here.

37 So we was riding around some big river bluff, and all at once, my windshield just become white. And I heard my wife say, "Bill?" And it'd been about five minutes later. And I had seen old Brother Bosworth get off of a train and was stricken down. They took him to a hospital, and the Lord said, "Pray for him right at once." And I pulled on the brakes; she said, "You don't mean you've been having a vision all this time?" Said, "You've been sitting there about ten minutes driving around a bluff a hundred feet below me, like that, and said, "And you..."
I said, "I didn't know nothing about it."
And stopped, we got out and prayed for Brother Bosworth, went home. That was on a Saturday. And on Sunday night, about the same time, just before going down to the Tabernacle... Well, the phone kept ringing, and so they was answering it, and finally said, "This is long distance." I mean, the operator out of Louisville; my home town's a small one, so exchange... The Western Union closes up about six o'clock, so they called me out of Louisville. And said, "Come to the phone." And said, "Reverend Branham, Reverend Bosworth sends a telegram from South Africa, and wants you to have prayer for him." And that was signed by Brother Yeager, over there, one of the Presidents of the big association.

38 So, I said, "Lady, could you tell me what time that ... that telegram left Africa?"
She said, "Oh, yes." And she told me when it left. And I went and got the Pan-American chart that I had, and you know what? It was just twenty-four hours from the time that Brother Bosworth started that telegram over here, the Angel of the Lord beat it here twenty-four hours, and told me to pray for Brother Bosworth. The Angel of the Lord had spoke to me. And time I could get him back on the telephone, the Lord had already healed him, and he's up and going. That's the love in contact.
Oh, brother. You talk about telephone. My, God's got that beat a million miles. The angels of the Lord are encamped about those who fear Him. And how His marvelous works...
That old man loves me; my, my, he'd lay down his life for me and I would for him. We're brothers; contact.

Psalm 34:7 The angel of the LORD encampeth round about them that fear him, and delivereth them.

39 I could stand here for hours giving testimonies like that, and how that love will work, how that love will move.
Look, one day, I remember, I was on patrol. And I was going out... Now, you may laugh at this, but that'll be between you and God. And there'd had been a big old male cow down there and killed a colored man, and they had sold him up to another farm.
Well, I had to turn some fish loose that afternoon in the conservation, some minnows in the creek, so then... And I had a sick call over across the way, and I thought I'll just walk over there and make this sick call, and pray for this sick person, then go back to my truck.
And I got out of the truck, and walked across the field, and I was going out there in some little old shrubs. I never thought about that old fellow being in there. He'd killed a colored man: very mean. And so, I got out there in the middle of the field, about three hundred yards from the fence, just some little old scrub trees around, about four or five feet high. And when I got out there, all of a sudden, up jumped that big fellow, and I recognized that was the field that he was in.

40 Now, he raised up there, and let out a big bellow like that and threw his head down. Now, this may seem strange. I'm not telling it for a joke. It's the truth. There wasn't a tree to go to. I knowed he could beat me to the fence. There was nothing to do, but die right there in the field. My gun was in the car. And there I was standing in the field.
But then, what happened then, would only happen now, and stay that way... But somehow another, instead of hating that bull, I loved him. Now, that seems strange, but I did. I loved him. I thought, Poor fellow, I disturbed him. And he looked at me like that, and I was no a more afraid that bull was going to hurt me than I am this preacher sitting here, see. There was no fear at all. I loved him. I thought, Well, I harmed him.

41 And he started coming towards me with his head down, like that, and just throwing the dirt over his back. And I just stood there, just as calm as I am right now. And he run right up, and I thought, Well, that poor fellow. I know how I'd hate to be woke up like that.
And here he come with his head down, and when he got to me, I said, "Now look, I am sorry that I disturbed you." I said, "I didn't mean to do that." And I said, "You are God's animal, and I am God's servant. And God is sending me over here, to pray for a sick woman. I'm on God's mission. Now, I'm God's servant. You don't want to hurt me. Now, in the name of Jesus Christ, you go back and lay down."
And when that bull, running right towards me just as hard as he could, he got within about five feet, he just threw out his feet and stopped. And he looked at me, like that, he looked sideways, just so depleted, and turned right back around, and went over and laid down under that tree. That's right: a killer.
You say, "That can't be." Listen, the God that lived in Daniel's days is still alive today [unclear words] be no matter what it is. Yes, sir.

42 Here, last summer it was I believe, I was out mowing my yard. And I got a big yard, and I couldn't get nobody to help me. And I'd mowed a few rounds, and somebody come in. I had to run in and take my overalls off, and put on my suit, and go in and pray for them. And then time I'd get rid of them, I'd run back out and mow a couple more rounds, and the grass was growing up in the front yard before I'd get the back one mowed, about two weeks later.
And I got in the back yard one afternoon, and I had on a pair of overalls. I'd just taken my shirt off. And I was hot, you know, and I was just mowing as hard as I could, this little old mower, and there's a little fence that runs down, and a little old box sitting there, a little old martin box for some birds I put up there for the kiddies. And a bunch of hornets had built in there. And I hit against that fence, and I was covered over in a few minutes with hornets. And me with no shirt on...

43 Well, you know what? That same thing happened. I thought, Now, I disturbed them little fellows. God knows whether this is true or not. And I said, "Now, poor little fellows," I said, "I'm sorry I disturbed you. Now, I'm God's servant, and His people comes here and I minister to them. I'm in a hurry to get this yard mowed. I'm sorry I disturbed you. Now, in the name of Jesus Christ, you little fellows run right back in your box, now, and I won't disturb you no more." And God, my living Judge, them hornets lined up, one by one, and went right straight back in that box, and never even got a sting. God still lives and reigns. Amen. That's true.

44 In the little book here called... In the "Life Experience"; you read it. By the way, we just got a few books left; and friends, we won't sell books on Sunday, we never. I don't believe... I'm not a book salesman. I buy them books at forty cents less than what I give them to you. Then I've got to... I paid for these to come from South Africa and then have someone here to sell them, and buy a truck to bring them down in. You see where I go. My. I just lose on them, but if I didn't think they'd help you, I wouldn't send them. This is the last of the prints they're out and gone. Just got a few more.
But in there you'll notice a testimony. I was in Portland, Oregon; many, many times more people in the meeting that night than here. And I was standing, preaching. And the first thing you know, I seen a great, big, huge fellow run up there, like this, with his hands just shaking like that. I thought he was... Maybe he had a telegram for someone. And all at once, when he got up there to the platform, there was about two hundred preachers standing back there on the back of the platform, and they just shrunk out of the building. And I thought, Well, what's the matter?

45 And this fellow turned around; great shoulders and stood about six foot and a half tall, and he had great big fists, great big arms on him. I weighed at that time a hundred and twenty-eight. And he must have weighed about two-fifty, or two-sixty. And he looked at me and he said, "You dirty snake in the grass, up here imposing yourself as a man of God." Said, "I'll will break every bone in that weasely little body of yours and show you what you're made out of."
Well, I thought, My! That great big fellow, he was well able to carry out his threat.
So, I turned around; there wasn't a preacher left. I looked everywhere. And I guess, if they'd have noticed, the man was a maniac out of the insane institution; and they was hunting for him, the law was. And he'd just broke a preacher's jawbone and shoulder down there, where he knocked him out in the street that afternoon.

46 And so, I just led two little police to Christ (and they were back in the building), when they were in the dressing room where they was waiting to bring me out. And I was standing there, and just as... I thought... Well, I was going to say, "Well, what's the matter with you, sir?" And just about that time that same thing happened again: the presence of the Lord. I just kept still.
He walked over towards me with them big fists drawed up, everybody sitting breathless. He said, "I'll break every bone in your body." Said, "I'll knock you plumb back over there in the middle of that floor," like that. Said, "You hypocrite. You snake in the grass." I never said a word. Looked up to him like that. He was kind of walking towards me, his teeth set together, and his eyes, like that. And I looked at him; I just never said a word.

47 Brother, you'd better know what you're talking about in them kind of times. That's right.
I thought, Lord, You're the one sent me out here. You're the One promised me. I'm depending on You.
And he come walking a little closer; he said, "Tonight, I'll break every bone in your body."
And about then, I heard something talking; it was myself. And it said, "Because that you have challenged the Spirit of God, tonight you'll fall over my feet."
He said, "I'll show you whose feet I'll fall over, you hypocrite." Walked right up to me and [Brother Branham makes a spitting noise] just spit right in my face, like that. And I just looked at him, stood there. He drawed back his big fist, like that, to hit me.
I said, "Satan, come out of the man, in the name of Jesus Christ." And he threw his hands up, and screamed; his eyes bulged way out, he turned around, around, around, and fell on the floor, and pinned my feet to the floor. The police had to come roll him off there, before he could get ... before I could move my feet.

48 Brother, that's it. The presence of Almighty God. No matter what it is, He's the Lord, and a very present help in a time of trouble. Don't be afraid. Stand on your ground. When God moves, God is God. And we'll do it, see. It's love. Don't despise; no matter what it is, even if it's your enemy, still love him anyhow, see.
And now, tonight the Lord Jesus Christ has promised us this thing: If we would believe, why, it's all things are possible. Do you believe that? "All things are possible to him that believes."

Mark 9:23 Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth.

49 Now, let us bow our heads just a moment. Our heavenly Father, I'm believing that that was You that just come over the audience just then. And I pray that You'll come near. Something said, "Stop right at this point." Not that these people would hear me, but that Thou would hear, Lord. I pray now, that You'll manifest Yourself in the great outpouring of Your Spirit here. In Jesus Christ's name, I pray. Amen.
I'm simple enough to know when enough is done. The Angel of the Lord is here. That's exactly.
Now, I want ... I want perfect reverence. I don't know what this meeting turns out to be. We never know what one ... what's going to happen. But I want you to believe with all your heart. I want you to know that His presence is here.

50 And now, in this audience here, perhaps, there's several hundred people sitting right along here---four or five hundred people, maybe more. But you're strangers to me. But His presence is here. If there'd be anybody here that would have just the least bit of doubt in their mind, I just trust that God would forgive you for it. But if you believe that His presence is here, and He can, now by His stripes, can do the same things here on earth tonight, that He did when He was here the other time... Do you believe it with all your heart?
Now, it's kind of struck me suddenly. But when He was... Is there anybody here for your first time? Let's see your hands. Anybody, just their first time? My, that's fine. We're glad to have you, but you've probably never seen me. We give this night away to something else, just to bring the people through the prayer line.

51 I want to ask you something. Let me say this from the bottom of my heart. There's no man can heal you. You know that. There's no one can heal you. Christ has already did that. It's your faith in His finished work.
Now, if this, what we've talked about, all these years, what our mothers and fathers believed, that Jesus Christ was the Son of God, that He raised from the dead, and is living among men today. And when He was here on earth, before He left, He said, "The things that I do, shall you do also." Is that right? He said that to His church. He said to them, when they questioned Him, why He didn't heal everybody, and so forth there at the pool of Bethesda, He said, "I only do what the Father shows Me to do. The Father shows me, then I do what He tells Me." In other words, "He gives Me a vision, that I do."
He stood in the audience, looked upon the people. He knowed what was wrong with them. A woman touched His garment, and went out in the audience, and He turned around and said, "Who touched Me?" And He couldn't find her. Directly, His faith ... come along till He found the woman, He said, "Your faith has made you whole."
Now, if that Jesus has raised from the dead, then He's duty-bound to His Word, to manifest the same thing. Is that right? He's got to, for His Word's sake.

Matthew 9:20 And, behold, a woman, which was diseased with an issue of blood twelve years, came behind him, and touched the hem of his garment:

Matthew 9:22 But Jesus turned him about, and when he saw her, he said, Daughter, be of good comfort; thy faith hath made thee whole. And the woman was made whole from that hour.

Mark 5:27 When she had heard of Jesus, came in the press behind, and touched his garment.

Mark 5:30 And Jesus, immediately knowing in himself that virtue had gone out of him, turned him about in the press, and said, Who touched my clothes?

Mark 5:34 And he said unto her, Daughter, thy faith hath made thee whole; go in peace, and be whole of thy plague.

Luke 8:44 Came behind him, and touched the border of his garment: and immediately her issue of blood stanched.

Luke 8:45 And Jesus said, Who touched me? When all denied, Peter and they that were with him said, Master, the multitude throng thee and press thee, and sayest thou, Who touched me?

Luke 8:48 And he said unto her, Daughter, be of good comfort: thy faith hath made thee whole; go in peace.

John 5:19 Then answered Jesus and said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do: for what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise.

John 14:12 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.

52 Now, here sometime ago, standing, talking to a real well-known minister throughout America. He said he'd been talking to a Mohammedan. And the Mohammedan had been educated here in America. And the Mohammedan said, when he went to leave and go back across the sea again, he said (to India)--- he said, "Look, sir, before you leave," said, "why don't you accept the lovely Lord Jesus as your Saviour and go back really a Christian?"
He said, "Well, kind sir," the Mohammedan said; he said, "I have a religion." Said, "I'm a Mohammedan."
He said, "Yeah," but said, "your old prophet's dead and gone, Mohammed." But said, "Why don't you accept the Lord Jesus as your Saviour?"
He said, "Well, Mohammed is my savior, sir."
He said, "Well, now, Mohammed isn't a savior."
He said, "Well, I could say the same thing about your Lord Jesus."
And he said, "Well, now, just a moment." He said, "You see, our Lord Jesus raised from the dead; your Mohammed is in the grave."
He said, "Did He?" He said, "You've had two thousand years to prove it." And said, "You haven't done it yet." He said, "Our religion is greater than yours. We're twice as many Mohammedans as there is Christians."
He said, "You all claim He rose from the dead, but did He?" Said, "How can you prove that He raised from the dead?" Said, "Look," said, "your Lord Jesus, you said, raised from the dead two thousand years ago," and said, "you've had two thousand years to prove it, and not only one-third of the world knows anything about it." That's true. The man was right. He said, "Let Mohammed raise from the dead, and the whole world would know it in twenty-four hours." Said, "What's the matter?" Now, the man had a point.

53 He said, "Well, you see, we know He raised from the dead because we believe that we're saved."
He said, "So do we." He said, "Look, sir, your Jesus wrote a Book. You call it the Bible. You read it, you believe it. He promised life after death." Said, "Our prophet, Mohammed, wrote the Koran, which is the Bible to us. We read it, believe it. He promised life after death." He said, "But look, kind sir..."
He said, "Well, we have joy."
He said, "Look, Mohammedanism can produce just as much psychology as Christianity can." Said, "We're just as happy thinking of it, as you are happy thinking of yours." Said, "We're just as happy thinking that Mohammed will raise from the dead, as you are thinking Jesus will come again." And said, "We have just as much psychology as you all have." He said, "But here, sir, if you name the subject, let me ask you something, watch where a Christian defeated." He said, "You..."