Door to the heart
Door to the heart somebodyDoor to the heart (1958-03-02) (William M. Branham Sermons)
Door to the heart (1958-03-02) (William M. Branham Sermons) somebodyDoor to the heart
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1 Only believe, only believe,
All things are possible, only believe.
I just love that song. There's something about it, no matter how many times I sing it, or hear it sung, it just stirs me. I've heard that in so many different languages, I'd be afraid to say just how many languages. I've heard the people who didn't even know which is right and left hand---Hottentots out of the African jungles, way into India, the different religions---standing by the hundreds of thousands, singing, "Only Believe" with their hands up. Tell you, it's wonderful to see when people come together in unity, what the Lord our God can do for them.
We know that He is great. And we love Him with all of our heart.
2 And now, tonight, being the closing night of the service for this campaign... And I believe that there's another brother going to continue the campaign, Brother Cerrell? Cerullo. Brother Cerullo, excuse me.
I don't speak good English. And I never knew that so well, as till I got to England; then I knew I didn't speak English. I needed an interpreter in England worse than anywhere I was ever at. That's right. I thought I spoke English, but I didn't.
He's to continue the revival at the theater building where they've having the afternoon services.
3 I want to express our thanks to each one of you, and for your fine cooperation. This is from myself, Brother Vayle, my wife, Billy, Brother Goad, Brother Mercier, and all those who are associated in our party. We certainly thank you, friends, for everything that you have done and your sincere prayers to make it a successful meeting for the glory of God.
And I pray that God will give you the exceedingly abundantly. I pray that the revival spirit will never leave your city till Jesus comes.
4 I understand that just... I was waiting outside. Billy, my boy, come down. He said, "Not yet, daddy. They're taking up an offering for you."
Wasn't necessary to do that. I never took an offering in my life. My expenses are not too heavy. My office expense at home runs me about a hundred dollars a day. That's about what I have to have besides my campaigns. God has met that in each campaign, in each time. And I certainly thank Him, thank Him with all my heart. And I thank you.
I was just comparing that with Brother Roberts, Oral Roberts. Best of my... Last time I heard of him, he had to have seven thousand a day. Quite a difference. But you see, he has a great program: television, radio. And it takes a lot to run his program, besides an office, that (I don't know) four hundred and something in that, I think. And the least paid person, I forget what it is. It's just a whole lot of money to run that business.
5 I'm certainly thankful to the Lord, He never put all that on my shoulders, 'cause I couldn't do it. You'd have to beg, bum... When it gets like that, I'm going back home. I quit right then. I just don't do it. I've never taken an offering in my life, as I said. There's been some taken for me, each meeting. And then, if people didn't send me a little something besides what the meeting here, I'd have to fold up the first week. But I've just got a little business that the Lord has allotted me with for His... There's four in the office. There's cloths, there's stamps, about... I think it's a hundred and fifty, two hundred dollars worth of stamps alone, each week, just stamps. And some of them, overseas, sometimes it takes as much as two and three dollars to send a bundle of handkerchiefs, and so forth. And remember, around the world, and I've been in contact with over ten million people. And you can imagine what it does. We have to make every nickel count, to make ends meet. But we're happy to do that for the Lord.
I'm happy for this offering that you gave me tonight. I pray that God will bless you exceedingly abundantly. And to the best of my knowledge, I will spend it for the glory of God. And God will reward you for it, I pray, in this world a hundredfold and in the world to come, eternal life. May it go to make the golden bricks that's in your great home that'll never perish.
6 And we thank Brother Darnell, Brother Littlefield, all these other ministers, how they've cooperated so nicely. Thank you, very kindly.
And now, I suppose, tomorrow morning, the Lord willing, I will be on my road back home.
And now next Sunday night, I'm at my tabernacle, to you people from up around home. I will be at the Tabernacle next Sunday morning, it is, in a healing service: Eighth and Penn Street at Jeffersonville. We've been having some wonderful times there, just when I drop in. Four or five times a year is all I get to be at our little Baptist church there. And so, if you're passing by sometime, we'd be glad for you to knock on our door. Be glad to see you.
7 I used to say, the rain don't fall too hard, or the night never gets too dark, but what I would come to you. I wished I could do that, but, my, you'd be surprised how many calls there is comes per hour. I think my wife... On all the phones that I can be called on (four phones), I think they run around ... I think it was thirty-seven long distance calls per hour. Now, you can imagine what it is. That's the world over, see. And you couldn't answer them all. Everyone begging... I've had little mothers to get on the phone and say, "Brother Branham, just wait. I will just pray. The Lord, I know, wants to bring you here."
Here's a great big pile of airplane tickets laying here: "Come here." "Come here." "Come here." You know how it is. But there's never one call that I can get ahold of, but what sincerely I pray for them. The Lord gives visions, sends me places. I just go that way as I'm called. God bless you.
8 These handkerchiefs are laying here, are from you sick people or going to some of your loved ones. Sincerely I pray over them. And after service, you can have them.
And now, if you didn't get your handkerchief up here, and you wish me to pray over one, just write me: Jeffersonville, Indiana. I will send you one absolutely free and postpaid. Just Jeffersonville, Indiana, and just my name, and I will send it to you. We send out thousands of them a month, and all over the world. And great signs and wonders has taken place by the people's faith.
9 Here recently, in Germany, there's a little woman... Show how simple it is. She'd been crippled for seven years with arthritis. And so, when she got the little handkerchief...
I've got a prayer chain, according to central standard time, the world around. People have to get up at midnight to go into prayer for one another. And they have instructions.
So the little mother pinned the little handkerchief on her underneath garment and she said, "Now, you devil, that's had me bound seven years, you just get away from me." Up she got, and down through the floor she went, after being sitting in a wheelchair seven years. Just that simple child-like faith, that's all it takes. You look a way out there for God, and you look over the top of where He's standing. He's just right by you. Just as simple as it can be.
10 Now, let us bow our heads and pray before we minister to the Word. And I want to thank, also, the custodian and the people, let us have this building, and for everything. If I've left anybody out, I don't mean to. The organist, and the pianist, and the song leader, and everybody: God bless you all is my prayer.
Gracious Father, we approach Thee now, in that all-sufficient name of Thy dear loving Son, the Lord Jesus. We thank Thee for every soul that was saved during the time of this revival. And maybe out of that, may come ministers and missionaries that'll help take the Word to the foreign fields across the world before the coming of the Lord.
Maybe it's some little housewife that will lead her entire family to Thee, or some husband that might lead every man that he works with in his factory, to Thee. We don't know, Father, but all that's been accomplished, we praise Thee for it.
And we ask You, Lord, to bless these who we have just mentioned and many others who needed to be mentioned that we could not mention. We pray that You'll be with all.
11 And now, bless these handkerchiefs, Lord. They're laying here, representing sick and afflicted people. And Lord, we're taught in the Bible that they taken from the body of Paul, handkerchiefs or aprons, and they were sent to the sick and the needy. Unclean spirits went out of them, and great wonders were performed.
And Father, we realize that we're not Saint Paul, but You're still Jesus. And I pray, Father, that You'll honor the faith of the people that's put these handkerchiefs here, and may everyone of them be healed.
Acts 19:12 So that from his body were brought unto the sick handkerchiefs or aprons, and the diseases departed from them, and the evil spirits went out of them.
12 One writer said, when Israel was backed into the corner and the desert on both sides, and the mountains, and the Red Sea had cut them off in front of them, and Pharaoh's army coming, pursuing them, that God looked down through the pillar of fire. And the sea got scared and opened up, because the path of God led through the wilderness to the promised land.
God, when these handkerchiefs are placed upon the sick bodies of those who are suffering, may the God of heaven look back through His own Son's blood, and may the sickness of these people depart. And may they pass to that good promise of health and strength.
Grant it, Lord. Minister to us, tonight, through the written Word, by the preaching and the anointing of the Holy Ghost. Save sinners. Bring backsliders back to the saving grace of God in the home place, where they really belong. Heal the sick and the afflicted and get glory to Thyself. Make every demon to leave the building. Give freedom of the Spirit, that Your worshipping children might have the privilege tonight, to enjoy the deep, rich blessings of the Holy Ghost, which the Father has in store for them. This I ask, in the name of the Lord Jesus, the Son of God. Amen.
Now immediately after this service you can come and get your handkerchief.
13 I wish to read from the Bible tonight, in the book of Revelations, you who are taking the text down each night.
And now, we will not be letting the tapes go tonight, but you may obtain the tapes if you wish; I think they sell for about three dollars apiece. Is that right? And you know how cheap that is. I just sent to another evangelist, and bought a tape, and it cost me nine dollars for the tape. We've got the same tape for three dollars, just a little bit over the cost. And if you don't know the boys' address... What is your box number there? 315 Jeffersonville.
Write to Leo Mercier, 315, Jeffersonville, Indiana, and they'll send you any tape that they want. And they have some ... oh, hundreds of sermons on tapes, and prayer lines and so forth, you'd like to check back to see what the Lord said to you in the prayer line.
14 Now, the book of Revelations. And the 3rd chapter and the 20th verse, I wish to read for a text.
Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: and if any man hear my voice, and will open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.
May the Lord God add His blessings to the reading of this Word.
Now, this is rather an unusual Scripture for a healing campaign. And when I first read this, it brought something to my mind: a picture of someone standing, knocking at the door.
And I'm a great lover of art. I believe God is in art, real art. God is in music. God is in nature. God is in His church. God is just all around. And I love art very much.
Revelation 3:20 Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.
15 Today, I had the privilege of eating a little bowl of salad with a friend at a restaurant, and I could hardly listen to what the waitress was saying, while I was admiring the pictures on the wall.
I love to go into a Christian's house and see the pictures of Christ on the wall. Now, I've been into some mighty humble homes. And I'd rather go into a home that had Christian pictures on the wall, a little sign up there, "God Bless Our Home." And no matter if they didn't even have a carpet on the floor, or a floor to put a carpet on, I'd feel more at home there than I would in a great swanky place with a lot of pin-ups on the wall.
Let me see what you look at, what you read, and let me sit around your place a little while and see what you read, and what kind of music you listen to: I can tell you what you are, tell you what your spirit feeds on.
So that's the reason, this week, I have certainly hit down on a lot of this here television stuff---non-censored programs. They used to not have them, but they're sure wild today in America.
16 And I found a picture once, that was striking that... Just can't think of the artist who painted the picture, but it was of Christ knocking at the door. And he was, I think, a Grecian artist. And while He was knocking at the door... All famous pictures, first, has to go through what's called the hall of critics, before it can go to the hall of fame.
That's a beautiful thought. Did you know, all great things has to pass through the critics. God's blessed church has to go through the critics and stand the criticism before it could be took to the hall of God's immortal fame. The Scripture says, "All that live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecutions." So if you're not persecuted for righteousness sake---not something you've brought on yourself---but for righteousness sake, there's something wrong somewhere.
2 Timothy 3:12 Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.
17 And this picture hangs in the hall and the critics pass by it---I mean critics who really know how to criticize. And they criticize the picture to everything they can find. Then if it passes through the critics without being criticized, then it's a famous picture.
And while this picture was in its procedure through the critics, there was one critic said to the painter; he said, "Sir, you have a beautiful picture of the Lord Jesus. And you have your door just wonderful, and the little vine over the door, which is very homey looking." But said, "There's one thing you failed to do."
And he said, "What is that, my good man?"
Said, "You never put any latch on the door. And how is He going to get in if there is no latch on the door?"
And the artist said, "That's the way I intended to paint it, because on this door, the latch is on the inside." That is right. Christ knocks, but you are the one who opens to Him. "Lo, I stand and knock at the door; if any man will open..." The latch is in your hand; the knocking is up to Him.
And now, what would a man be knocking on a door for? What business does a man have of knocking on another man's door? It's because he wants to gain entrance. He has a message, or a present, or something that he wants to talk over with you. And that's the reason that people knock at your door.
Revelation 3:20 Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.
18 And there's been many great men, down through the ages, that's knocked on doors. For instance, the great Augustus Caesar... What would have taken place if he would've went down to a peasant's house in the days of his noble reign? And he would've went down there and knocked at the door of a peasant, a poor person. The great emperor of Rome, coming down to a peasant's house; that would've been a most unusual sight, to see the great mighty Caesar knocking on a little peasant's door.
If that peasant would've went to the door and opened and seen the great Caesar, he would've fell on his face and would've said, "Oh, great Emperor of Rome, what do you want here at my humble abode? Enter in, kind sir. And all that I have belongs to you." Oh, what a great honor it would've been for this peasant to have entertained the Emperor of Rome.
19 Or what if in Germany, a few years ago, if the late Adolf Hitler, the Fuhrer of Germany, would've went down to one of his foot soldier's door, and have knocked at the door, and the soldier would have opened the door, and there stood Adolf Hitler, the Fuhrer of Germany---the greatest name in Germany---standing at his door?
Why, the little soldier would've quickly come to attention, and with his German salute, and he'd said, "Great Fuhrer of Germany, enter into my house. You have paid me an honor above all men. Think of me, just a soldier, and here stands the chief general at my door. Oh, great Hitler, what could I do for you?" It would've been a honorable thing to entertain Adolf Hitler. That would've been one of his footmen.
20 Or, I'd say this: It would be an honor for the President of the United States, President Dwight Eisenhower, our beloved President; it would be an honor for him to come to you, for him to come to your place. Though you might be the best Democrat there is in Chattanooga, you might differ with him in politics; but it would be a great honor for President Dwight Eisenhower to knock on your door and pay you a visit. Certainly. He's one of the greatest men in the United States, President Eisenhower. It would be an honor for you to entertain President Eisenhower, for any of us to do so.
And just recently, the Queen of England made a visit to the United States. What little woman here in this city, but what would have been a great honor if that queen would've went to your door and knocked at your door? And when you ask her who she was, and she'd said, "I'm the Queen of England," oh, you'd have been happy. The newspapers would've packed it. The radio would've broadcast it, that the queen, so humble that she brought herself down to a little shack somewhere, or to my door, or to your door, though she has... We're not her subjects, but she's a great woman. She's the greatest queen on earth, the most powerful queen on earth. Though we're not her subjects, she has no jurisdiction over us, but she's an important woman. That's what makes the difference. And the newspapers would've been glad to have picked it up.
21 But you know what, the most important Person in all eternity is the Lord Jesus. Who's more important than He is? And who's more turned away than He is?
Oh, you would take the queen in quickly. Or you'd take the President quickly. And the papers would pack it, and the radio would pack it. They'd be glad. But Jesus can knock at your heart's door, and you shut the door in His face, and say, "I don't want nothing to do with you. It'll spoil my society. It'll spoil this, that, or it'll make me and my husband different with each other. Or it'll make me and my boss different with one another."
I'm so glad that the Gospel of Jesus Christ does make you different, for there is a vast difference when you serve the Lord. When Jesus once comes into your heart, you're a changed person from then on.
But think of it: If you knocked on somebody's door and tried to get in, and they shut the door in your face, you wouldn't go back anymore. But not Him: He will come night after night, day after day. That's what makes Him God, is because He's so humble. He continually, constantly knocks at your door.
22 I've had the privilege of visiting some great men: King George of England, the late king; King Gustaf of Sweden; and many other great men. The late Willy D. Upshaw, Congressman from the south, here: he was healed in my meetings after being a cripple for sixty-six years; the Lord healed him. And I've had the grand privilege of meeting great men.
Now, if a man is great, when you talk to him, he will make you think that you are the great one. But you take a man that just thinks he's somebody, he tries to blow himself up all the time, when he's nobody. Just give him a change of clothes and he's a changed person. But a real big man makes himself small. That shows that the God of heaven made Himself a foot-washer to mankind. The way up is down. "He that humbles himself shall be exalted."
That's what's the matter with we people today; we don't want to accept that humility of the Gospel. We want to think we're just a little bit too good: we know a little more than someone else.
Matthew 23:12 And whosoever shall exalt himself shall be abased; and he that shall humble himself shall be exalted.
Luke 14:11 For whosoever exalteth himself shall be abased; and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted.
Luke 18:14 I tell you, this man went down to his house justified rather than the other: for every one that exalteth himself shall be abased; and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted.
23 And Jesus knocks at the door and He's turned away. "Oh," you say, "Brother Branham, just a moment. Not me. I accepted Him a long time ago. He came into my heart." Well, I am very happy about that, that He did come into your heart.
But then, what would happen if the queen come into your house or the President come into your house, and you had a little treasure sitting up on the wall (a little something, a little thing that you thought lots of), and what if they desired that? You'd say, "Oh, Queen of England, you just take anything that's in my house. It's yours. You're welcome."
24 And if you invited me to your house, shook my hand at your door, and said, "Brother Branham, come in, sit down, make yourself at home," why, I'd just feel very well, and go, and take off my shoes, and lay down across the bed, and take a nap. If I was hungry, I'd go out to the icebox and fix myself a sandwich. I'd feel like that I was a brother, and that I was welcome anywhere in your house.
But we let Jesus into our door to be our Saviour, but we got a lot of little bitty doors that we don't want Him fooling with. Now, I'm going to just skin down just a little bit. I don't mean to hurt, but look. That's right. You'll let Him be your Saviour, because you don't want to go to hell; but will you let Him be your Lord? Lord is "rulership, ownership." Can He come into your heart and govern your life?
25 Oh, there's a little door, just as soon as He steps in the heart door... You say, "Now, Lord, You can save me. I appreciate that. I will be baptized and go to church. But You see that little door over there? That's my private life. And I don't want You dealing anything with that." That's the attitude of Christians today, too many of them. "Don't you fool with my private life, now, because I've got my own little group that I run around with, my own little associates; and I don't want You tampering around with that." Then He's not welcome. Don't worry; He won't stay very long if He's not welcome. (You remember in Gadara? He wasn't welcome, so He didn't stay.)
Luke 8:37 Then the whole multitude of the country of the Gadarenes round about besought him to depart from them; for they were taken with great fear: and he went up into the ship, and returned back again.
26 So, you say, "Now, my private life, now I've got my own little clique that I hang with, and that's us and the Joneses; and we just don't want anybody else fooling with our lives. We have our little bridge party, and Suzy and I, we showcase shop every Tuesday afternoon and Thursday, and I just don't want you fooling with that."
"Oh," you say, "I wouldn't say that, Brother Branham." But you do it anyhow.
"Now, we've got a little society down at our church. And we stitch and sew, and sew and stitch, and stitch and sew, and talk about Miss So-and-so; and I just wouldn't have anything to interrupt that." No wonder we can't have a revival: professed Christians without possessing Christ.
27 "Oh well, I tell you; I've thought it all over, but I do smoke cigarettes. I know I oughtn't to do it." Well then, stop it! If there's a question in your mind on anything, don't do it. Any time there's a question, you're wrong. Stop it! Causes more death than anything I know of: cigarettes. "Oh," you say, "they sell them on the television." What else do they do on the television? Let me say this with a good sweet, humble feeling in my heart: a real born again Christian knows better than to do it.
When I was little boy, and I first was ordained in the Missionary Baptist Church, I got a little Bible. And people kept saying to me, "Brother Branham, is it wrong to smoke? Is it wrong to drink?" And I was looking at that little Bible the other day. I wrote a little thing in the back; I said, "Don't ask me foolish questions. Make this up in your mind: If you love the Lord with all your heart, you won't smoke, chew, or drink any shine." And I think that's pretty good to stay by. Questionable...
28 And my son was at a certain Baptist church, here not long ago, right in Tennessee. And the preacher had to let out the Sunday school early so all of them could stand out and smoke before they come back into the classroom. That's one man that's packing the name of a Baptist, who don't deserve to be called that.
That ought to be my class once. I tell you: I'd rather preach to four pillars of the wall and tell the truth. I'd oust that bunch of hypocrites, or they'd go up to the altar and make things right with God. So you see, you don't want to never vote me down here in your church.
I believe that the time has come when people won't... Oh, they say, "Brother Branham, just a minute. My pastor smokes." Well, he needs the altar just like you do. That's right. If he was right in his heart, he wouldn't do it.
Oh, that little private life that you have of your own, that little door that you don't want nobody fooling in... Then there's another little door over there that's called Pride. Oh, how you love to hold your little nose up in the air: pride. You think you're somebody.
29 Here some time ago, I was standing with some boys. I wasn't with them, but I was watching them. And they were looking at a great coliseum we were in, and it was telling what the estimation that a man weighing a hundred and fifty pound was worth in chemicals. You'd be surprised what a man's really worth. He's got just about enough whitewash in his body to sprinkle a hen's nest, a little bit of calcium, a few ounces; and when it's all balanced up, a good strong hundred and fifty pound man's worth eighty-four cents. And a woman's worth less: She doesn't have the chemicals a man does.
And then you'll put a five hundred dollar mink coat around that eighty-four cents and stick your nose up in the air. If it would rain, you'd drown. And then think you're somebody, because you belong to a church somewhere. That's right. What is it? Eighty-four cents.
And one of those boys said to the other one, said, "Well, John, we're not worth very much are we?"
And I put my hand on both their shoulders, and I said, "I have no question to that. Scientists who has analyzed that, made that statement. But, boys, as a minister of the Lord Jesus, you've got a soul in you that's worth ten thousand worlds."
30 If you went down here and got a bowl of soup, and you started to eat, and you found a spider in it, oh, my, you'd throw that soup out and sue the restaurant. You're sure taking care of that eighty-four cents, but you'll let the devil put ten million times that much poison of cigarettes down you, and pay for it. Or a drink of whiskey or a card party...
I may never see you again in this life; this may be my last visit: perhaps is, 'cause I'm heading for the fields overseas. But I want you to know what is truth. That little door of pride, oh, it's so... Today, I tell you: if you want to do something, you paint your steps red next week, and you see if the people living next door to you don't paint their steps red. You buy a red car, and your neighbor just can't stand it; he's got to have a red car. It's a day of impersonation, matching.
31 I guess, here some time ago, a few weeks ago, I was wearing a pair of dark trousers, and I had on a pair of green socks, and a red tie. And my wife said to me, she said, "Billy, that don't match."
I said, "But it's clean." I don't care whether it matches or not. I don't care whether my socks match my trousers, or my trousers match with my coat: I want my experience to match God's Bible. That's the kind of a matching we ought to do.
But oh, that little life of pride! The preacher can preach against immorals as much as he wants to, and you'll let it run off of your back, like the duck's back and water running off of it. You just know so much that the Gospel can't penetrate anymore. Talk about breaking down the middle walls of partition and the people coming together with one heart, cooperating, great meetings, and for the glory of God, just let a revival start: "That has nothing to do with our denomination." There you are. Oh, that little life of pride.
32 Then there's another door in there: Selfishness, "What I can get out of it, me and my family. Oh, we couldn't join that little mission down there because that... Well, my social standing with the people, I've got a dry goods store in the city. I run a filling station. If they knowed I went to that mission..." Oh, my.
In my travels, I find the best spiritual meetings that I find, is in little bitty missions, where half a dozen people are seated together in heavenly places. Got most the demons on the outside; shut in with Christ.
Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.
33 Then there's another door that I like to have Christ to knock at tonight. That's the door of Faith. That's a real needy door. I want to dwell just a little on that. You've come into the church. And perhaps you have accepted Christ as personal Saviour, but you just don't have any faith, you say. No wonder, you won't let Him take over. Oh, your pastor says the days of miracles is past. Then that blocks Christ from your door. The Bible said He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. And when Christ comes in, He wants to be ruler. He wants to be the Lord of your faith.
That's the reason people don't get healed. That's the reason they don't have the faith to brace out. They stand back behind something: "Touch me," or "Do some little hocus-pocus over me."
34 Let me say this, my brother: Any man, whoever he is or what church he belongs to, that tells you that he can heal you, is absolutely teaching something contrary to God's Bible.
Healing is a finished work: Christ did it on Calvary. And if He can only come into your heart and open your heart, you can see the finished work; it's finished when you accept it.
Salvation is the same. If there's power to heal a man, there's power to save a man. Man's both saved and healed when Christ died at Calvary: "For He was wounded for our transgressions and with His stripes we were healed."
Isaiah 53:5 But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.
35 Therefore, that little door that's Faith... "Oh, I'll ... I'll give a try." Faith doesn't try! Oh, blessed be His name. Faith knows where it's standing. Faith's got big muscles and a hairy chest. And when he raises up with his big muscles, everything contrary sits down. He lets out a scream, and it sounds like a panther screaming. And every jack rabbit takes to his den. Faith's the boss. All things are possible to them that believe: all things. "Well," you say, "I might ask God too much, Brother Branham." You can't ask Him enough. He loves to do it for you.
Could you imagine a little fish about a half inch long, out in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, saying, "Well, I better drink of this water sparingly; I might run out some day." That would be nonsense. And it would be more nonsense to think you could ever exhaust the Father's good will to do things for you.
Could you imagine a little mouse about so long, under the great garners of Egypt, saying, "Now, just a moment. There's only four hundred and fifty billion tons in this garner, so maybe I'd better just eat one grain a day, 'cause I might run out before springtime."
Mark 9:23 Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth.
36 Oh, that's the way some Christians think God is: trying to allowance yourself: just joining the church, just doing this. "Oh, if I just do the best I can..." If you do the best you can, you'll believe every promise God made. It's for you. You can never ask Him too much. He loves to give it. "Ask much that your ... abundance, that your joys might be full." Just ask for great things and believe for great things.
But the reason you can't do it, you say now, "Jesus, You saved me. Don't You let me go to hell, but don't fool around, because maybe Dr. Ph.D. Calhoun is right. It might be that the days of miracles are past." It might be. It is for you. You just make that up: it is.
John 16:24 Hitherto have ye asked nothing in my name: ask, and ye shall receive, that your joy may be full.
37 A man come to me sometime ago, and he said, "Mr. Branham, I don't care what you do or say, I don't believe in miracles."
I said, "It wasn't for you unbelievers. It was for those who believe." That's just the only question. Jesus said, "He that believeth, all things are possible." It's for those who will believe and will place their unadulterated faith in the finished works of Christ. God's there, obligated to do it.
The door of Faith... If Jesus could stand at the door of Faith... And now, no criticism against the doctor. I believe in doctors. If a doctor... You know what? I have found more believing doctors, in divine healing, than I have preachers. That's right.
The trouble of it is, is the motives behind it. You go to the surgeon; the surgeon will say, "Don't you go to that medical doctor; you don't need sugar pills. You need an operation."
And the surgeon will say, "You don't..." Or, the medical doctor, say, "You don't need that butcher on you; you need some pills." And they'll both say, "Don't you have nothing to do with the chiropractor or the osteopathic." And they'll all say, "Stay away from the preacher." And when men think that...
We know that surgery has done great things; medicine's done great things, osteopathic and chiropractic. If there wasn't a selfish, greedy motive behind it, we'd all join arms together for the better of mankind. And so would churches and preachers, if they wasn't so selfish in their hearts. Amen. They won't let Christ take the door.
Mark 9:23 Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth.
38 I've knowed many men been helped by chiropractic, osteopathic, operations, and medicine. Certainly, I do. I believe it's God's program. And everybody that ever was healed, was healed by the power of God. There never was a medicine ever healed and never will be. You can't have a doctor to tell you that medicine heals. If he does, he's wrong.
Healing is building tissue. Medicine only keeps the thing clean so God can heal. That's right. It's an aid, not a cure; or, that's what Mr. Mayo said, at the Mayo Clinic, that "We don't claim to be healers; we only claim to assist nature. There's one healer, that is God. That's the best that we have." But there's selfish motives behind it. The objectives is wrong. We ought to try to get together and put our arms together, doctors, and ministers, and all different types of things that can help our fellow man make life a little better for him---a little more pleasure. Help him get rid of his aches and pains and let him be happy as God really intended him to be. That's what we need. But how can you expect the doctors to do it, when the preachers don't even do it? That's the reason Christ hasn't had the right-of-way in the heart.
39 If Christ can come into the heart of a doctor, he will work day and night to try to save that patient, whether he gets a penny for it or not. And he will cause every minister... He will do everything he can, if he's got that patient at heart. Certainly. Any man that's got his heart right with God tries to help the fellow man. That's what we're supposed to do. If we let Christ stand in the heart of faith, open the doors and use every effort, praying, "God, let us know where to move next."
Then there's one more door we want to open before we start praying for the sick. And that is, the door of Your Eyes. Did you know the Bible said that this age would end up naked, miserable, poor, wretched, blind, and wouldn't know it? "I counsel of you to come and buy eyesalve from Me, that ye might anoint your eyes with eyesalve, that you could see." The door of the soul is the eye.
Revelation 3:17 Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked:
Revelation 3:18 I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see.
40 We was raised up in the mountains of Kentucky and my grandpa used to hunt raccoons. And he would take the grease, and render it up, and make some kind of a little lard out of it. And mama used to keep that raccoon grease sitting around, when us kiddies got cold in our eyes, sleeping in an old house with clapboard shingles on it, and a piece of canvas over the top of the bed, keep the snow and rain off of us. No floor, just a stump sawed off at the top for a table, a little old bed with a fence rail around it and a piece of canvas tacked on it and shucks for a bed... Don't know what hard times is...
And our eyes would get cold in them, and they'd shut up, swell shut. And little, mama called it, "matter" would get in our eyes. And she'd go get this old bowl of coon grease, and grease up our eyes and make them soft, so that we could open our eyes and see daylight again.
41 But you know what? The church of the living God has caught a spiritual cold and almost froze to death. And their eyes has gone blind to the things of God. And it'll take more than a dish full of coon grease to do it any good, or a little bit of theology from some cemetery ... or, seminary. (All about the same.) All right. It'll take the anointing salve of the Holy Ghost to open our eyes that we might see the goodness and the mercies of God. God will send signs and wonders among us; we will say, "Oh well, it could be telepathy. Oh, Dr. Jones said not to pay any attention that; it might be so-and-so." Oh, God open your blinded eyes. How that God wants to anoint your eyes with eye salve and grease them up right good, so it'll get all the cold and indifference out of you, and you can open your eyes and see His presence.
42 Listen, America. I say this, not to individuals, but to America in full: Your hour of judgment is near at hand. You're just as sure this nation will be judged by God. If it isn't so, I'm a false prophet and a liar at the pulpit. Just watch for it; it's coming! Mark it in your books, and say, "Brother Branham said so, in the name of the Lord." And you're going to see that it's going to be just that way, because God's Bible said so.
The other day, I made this statement to you, I said: "If God doesn't judge this nation for it's sin, He's obligated to raise up Sodom and Gomorrah and apologize for sinking them." Certainly. God's obligated. He's just, and He's honest, and He's true, and His judgments are true. And God's no respect of person. And we've weighed in the balances and found wanting. (I wanted to preach on that this week, but the week ain't long enough---on: "Weighed In The Balance" and then, "The Handwriting On The Wall.") We're at the end time and our eyes are blind to it.
Daniel 5:27 TEKEL; Thou art weighed in the balances, and art found wanting.
Acts 10:34 Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons:
43 A certain minister said to me, sometime ago, said, "If you'd be a servant of Christ and you have the Holy Ghost, strike me blind. Strike me blind." Said, "Paul struck a man blind; you strike me blind."
I said, "Brother, I can't do what the devil's already done. You're blind now, and don't know it."
"Oh," he said, "when the Bible speaks 'blind,' it means physical blind."
I said, "Elisha struck the whole Syrian army blind, and said, 'Are you looking for Elisha?'."
"They said, 'Yes.'"
"Said, 'Well, follow me, I will show you where he's at.'"
Gehazi was blind, standing there, and couldn't see the Angels of fire and the mountains on fire around that prophet, until God opened his eyes.
Spiritual blindness is ten million times worse than physical blindness. If I have to go blind in my eyes or go blind in my spirit, God take my eyes, before my spirit. Let my eyes be open to see His glory. Anoint my eyes, O Lord, with Thy eyesalve. Don't let cold come in and set up an infection. And coldness, indifference, denominations, creeds, doctrines, and so forth, that's give you the pneumonia, and your eyes have been all mattered and swelled up, until now, God can show His glory. You can hear somebody enjoying it, "So-and-so got healed. Why can't I?" Just open your eyes to see His glory. He's here. Christ still lives.
2 Kings 6:17 And Elisha prayed, and said, LORD, I pray thee, open his eyes, that he may see. And the LORD opened the eyes of the young man; and he saw: and, behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha.
44 We are so stupid in our ways, all of us. We don't realize the good things that God does for us. You let take place in Africa, India, Europe, Asia, anywhere, the things that's happened on this platform this week, God will have over a hundred thousand souls in His kingdom without one-third the effort.
But the things that you now have been privileged of God to see, it's going to be taken from your eyes. Just mark my word and see if that's right or not. This is the last night of the service. See if that's right. Then tell me whether I'm a false prophet or not. For the hour is at hand.
It passed its crisis two years ago. And they made their final choice. Oh, there'll be great efforts put forth, little spurts up here and there, but the great revival is ending. I know you don't believe that, 'cause I feel your spirit, but it's so anyhow. You just watch and see how close it is in being wrong. Next thing this nation gets is judgment; it's spurned mercy; it's judgment. Open your eyes. Look around. How can it keep from happening? If there's a true God in heaven, He's obligated to do it.
45 Now, we haven't noticed the good things that God has given us: a free nation, a free speech and the things that we've had, and the great revivals that's went through the country. Great signs and wonders has been done. Billy Graham, Jack Schuller, Oral Roberts, and many of the great ministers, that's passed through the land, back and forth, back and forth through America, and we just say, "Well, if He belonged to our denomination, it'd be different."
And then all the holiness in the Bible that's been preached and what you've been taught, you still ... you women strip yourselves and go half naked.
You men do just as contrary. You sit around, let your wife act like that, and dress like that, and say nothing about it. Well, you puppet. How would you ever make a preacher? How would you make a deacon? If you can't control your own house, what are you going to do in the house of God? That's the reason the house of God's in the shape it's in today. We need men with brass knucks to preach the Gospel, to uncover sin and show where it's at, not some little petty thing. We need an old-fashioned breaking up, tearing down, molding over. We need an old time Saint Paul's revival and the Bible Holy Ghost back into the church again, instead of a bunch of little isms.
46 Baptist, Methodist, and they all culted down. You Pentecostal went after a little sensations, a little funny feeling, or a little oil or blood in your hands and face. And what did you get to? You see where you're sitting tonight? Come back to Christ that He open your eyes, men.
It's the love of God that's absolutely pure and sure. And how can you prove you've got the love of God, and fussing, and fighting, and stewing, and acting the way we're doing? That's hard, but it's truth.
Someone said to me a few days ago, after the first sermon here at the church on that, said, "Brother Branham, you'll never be popular preaching that."
I said, "I don't want to be popular. I want to be honest." Don't care about popularity. I want to be honest before God. I could have compromised with it a long time ago, but God give me a heart to stay true to Him. I don't care what happens. If I don't have a friend left on earth, I want One in glory. When I cross the river of death, I want to meet Him there. Certainly.
47 I'm only saying this, not prejudice; I'm saying this to stir your hearts, till some of you people stop these little things around here, and get back to an old-fashioned prayer meeting in each home around here. You'll make preachers ashamed of themselves. The laity can do it if you'll just do it. If the preachers can't get to do it, gather; you get together. Have a revival.
Not indifferent, making it different from somebody else, but make it for the church of the living God. All these good blessings, we never appreciated them. Night after night, hour after hour, God puts His blessings down. But soon they'll be lifted.
48 Closing, I will say this: You know what's the matter with America? You've seen too much.
Not long ago, I was in a city, about six weeks ago, Waterloo, Iowa. And someone come told me, said, "Well, all of our people there; they've already been to your meeting, Brother Branham." Said, "There's no need of going down to Brother Branham's meeting." Said, "If you go down there, the only thing you see, people come up on the platform, and it's told them what about themselves, and so forth like that. Oh, we believe all of that." Don't you see how cruel the human heart can be? That ought to thrill the human heart in such a place, it would start prayer meetings everywhere, but they're so cold, so indifferent. Just what the Bible said they'd be, the Laodicean church age. But those who He loves, He chastens, rebukes: those who He loves. Certainly, He does.
That was His message to the Laodicean church, and remember, this text that I'm reading tonight, is to the Laodicean church. "I stand and knock at the door." Certainly.
Revelation 3:19 As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent.
Revelation 3:20 Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.
49 We've seen so much and so much of God's glory: Oral Roberts, all the rest of them, their meetings seems to go, be going down---Schuller, even Billy Graham's ... lot of them. You don't have it no more like you used to. What's the matter? The little going over is just about finished. It don't excite the people anymore to see good meetings, great revivals. They don't care for great preachers and so forth, that the Lord has sent them like those men.
Here, sometime ago, I made a remark about a man that was starting little sensations. I said, "Don't do that, Brother. If I could preach like you did, I'd never mention such a thing as that." Well, you try to get something a little different from any other bunch, so you can draw this bunch over this way, and this bunch over this way. My, point them up "that way." That's where we go.
50 Now, one time there was a man going down to the seashore. He was tired. He said, "I'm going down to take a little rest. I've never seen the sea."
And on his road down, he met a man coming back, an old salt, an old sailor. And he said, "Where goest thou, my good man?"
He said, "I'm going down to the seashore. I long to see the great briny waves leap. I want to smell the salty air. I want to hear the sea gulls as they scream. I want to see the heavens reflected into the salty water."
The old sailor said, "I was born on the sea. I've been there for forty years. There isn't nothing thrilling about it that I can see." That was it. He'd seen it so much, till it become common to him.
That's what's the matter with the church tonight. You've seen God's blessings, the baptism of the Holy Spirit, and those things, which has been going for years in the church, till it's become a common thing to you. Your fathers and mothers rejoiced when God begin to pour out His Spirit upon the church.
51 What about you Church of God? What about you Assemblies of God? Why, you stood on the corner, a little tambourines and everything else, and would've died for the cause. And now you won't walk across the street for the cause. Amen. What's happened? You did run well, what hindered you? It's become so common to you. You believe it all, sure, but it doesn't thrill you any more. It's so common. God's so good to you, and you don't realize it.
Down here, in the south, an old colored preacher friend of mine, he told me a little story. And he said, one time he had an old colored man there. His name was---we called him "Gabe." His name was Gabriel, but we called him Gabe just for short. And he tried his best to get old Gabe to come to church, and he wouldn't do it. His wife prayed for him. He done everything, but old Gabe just wouldn't go to church. And he wouldn't get right with God. And the preacher liked to hunt and so did old Gabe.
And they went hunting. And Gabe was a poor shot; he couldn't hit nothing, but he liked to hunt just the same. So one day when he was out hunting---both of them---on the road coming back, when the sun was setting, both of them loaded so full of game they could hardly walk. Oh, it'd been a real field day for them. They had birds, and rabbits, and squirrels, and all that they could pack, just loaded down.
52 And the sun was going down. They was coming along a little old familiar pathway, and the preacher walking in front, just with all the game that he could pack. Old Gabe, behind him, crippling along, all he could pack. After a while, the preacher felt a hand on his shoulder patting him. And as he looked around, old Gabe was looking him right in the face and the tears running down his black cheeks. He said, "Parson, you see that sun setting yonder?"
Said, "Yes, Gabe. I see the sun setting."
He said, "That's the way the sun's setting in my life." He said, "Parson, in the morning (which was Sunday morning) you're going to find me down at the mourners' bench. And as soon as I can straighten up there with God, I'm going right back and get myself a seat, and I'm going to remain in the church until death sets me free."
53 And the old colored pastor, loyal to his post of duty, he said, "Gabe, you know I'm happy about that." Said, "Your wife has prayed for you for years, and your children has prayed for you. I've prayed for you. I've hunted with you. I've talked to you. Why the sudden change, Gabe?"
He said, "Parson, you know, I's one of the poorest shots in this country." And he said, "Looky here, I'm loaded down with game." Said, "He must have loved me, or He wouldn't have give it to me."
How true that is. He stands at the door and knocks. He sends His Spirit, His blessings, His Word, His everything; sends it to you, and you're loaded down. And you don't deserve it. Surely you let God open up the doors of your heart tonight and stand there in faith and loyalty. Say, "Come, Lord Jesus. Don't only be my Saviour, but be my Lord. Take my pride. Take my selfishness. Take my unbelief. Take my blinded eyes and open them, Lord, and stand in my heart as King of kings and Lord of lords." Surely we appreciate Him that much, of the goodness that He's did for us.
54 While we think about that, just a moment, let's bow our heads for a word of prayer. Oh, hasn't He been good to you? Hasn't our blessed Lord been so good to you to give you so many good things? And yet, look how we treat Him. Is there one, or... There is plenty in here tonight. We're not going to bring you up here to the altar, but I wonder if you'd just like to say, "Lord, You've been so good to me, and I've been so unlovely to You, but I want to raise my hands and say, 'God, forgive me. From this night on, I mean to serve You with all my heart.'"
On the bottom floor, how many's going to put up their hands? God bless you, sir. God bless you, you, you, you... Oh, my. Just look at the hands.
55 The balconies to my right, raise your hands, saying, "Oh, God, You've been so good to me. And I'm undeserving, but from this night, henceforth, by Your grace, I'm going to try to prove myself to be a real servant to You. Here's my hand, Lord." Will you raise your hands, the balconies to my right? God bless you. That's good.
The balconies to the rear, would you raise your hands and say, "Christ, from tonight on ... Don't be ashamed, back there, children. Little boy, put that cigarette out back there. All right. Shame on you, coming in the church of God. Did your mother raise you like that? If she did, she needs a whipping. This is not an arena; this is the house of God, and you respect it. Put your hands up. Say, "God be merciful to me." That's the way to do it. God bless you.
Balconies to my left, would you raise your hands? God bless you. That's right. Plenty of them all around.
56 Heavenly Father, just a little bit now, and we will say farewell. This great meeting will close ... or, my part of it. The seining that I've been doing on this corner will close. And here is at least two hundred hands or more---yes, more, I'm sure---went up tonight, that they're sorry that they have treated You the way they have. You've been so good to them, and they've been so unlovely in Your presence. Forgive them, Lord God. And may they, like old Gabe (the little story just told, of the old colored man down here in Georgia)... I pray, Father God, that they'll find their place at the church of the living God, and their place at the altar, and there serve God until death shall set them free.
We see You each night, with a great wondering sign, come down here and manifest the resurrection of Christ. And we walk right out, say, "Well, that was very nice." We might not say it in so many words, but Lord, in the heart they say it. And You don't pay so much attention to the lips; it's the heart.
57 God, we pray now, that those who have been so loyal and so real, believing every word and rejoicing over everything that You've done, strengthen their experience now, Lord. Grant it. May they put on the full armor, go out to fight likewise into the battle, for the battle's about over. We can hear the victory cry, "Fear not, little flock. It's your Father's good will to give you the kingdom."
Bless all together now. We ask that You'll take these dear children into Your arms. They've been sweet and kind. And we pray that You'll bless them abundantly, Lord. All these fine pastors that's been on this platform here during the week, some of them out into the meeting here, dismiss their churches and things: God be with those men. Oh, strengthen their experience, and may they go forth like burning torches through this city and around about. Give great revivals, Lord. Grant it. You'll send your preachers until the last soul is in the kingdom. I know You will. And I pray my blessings be upon them, Lord. Grant it.
And I ask now for Divine Presence of God to come now and manifest the Lord Jesus in the power of His resurrection once more, before we say farewell to each other. We pray that we will meet many more times on this earth. But if not, may we meet in that great kingdom of which we're trying to represent tonight: God's kingdom. Keep us safely, Lord, by the Holy Spirit, under the blood. For we ask it in Jesus' name. Amen.
Luke 12:32 Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom.
58 How many really loves the Lord, just really loves Him? I don't care what church, just... Isn't that wonderful? At least ninety-five---maybe better---a hundred per cent; I trust it is, that we love Him.
What is God? God is love. He that loveth is of God. Now that isn't what we call free love; that's agapao love. There's two different kinds of love. One of them is the Greek word is phileo. Phileo means "friendship," the kind you have for your wife, love, that kind of love." That kind of love is not a true love. Oh, I know you little teen-agers want to believe that, but it's wrong. That kind of love will make you jealous of your wife; you'll take a pistol and blow a man's brains out because of her. That ain't real love. That's phileo love.
But agapao love will make you get down and pray for that man's lost soul. That's agapao love. That's the kind of love the church needs, what we all need is that kind of love. God, give me that love. I'd rather have that experience of love than have all the gifts that God's got in His heaven. For you can have every gift God's got and still be lost. How many knows that? That's exactly right. It's love, the love of God. "Where there's tongues, they shall cease. Where there's prophecy, it'll fail. Where there's knowledge, it'll vanish; but when that which is perfect shall come, it endureth forever" Love, love one another, that's a great thing.
John 15:12 This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you.
John 15:17 These things I command you, that ye love one another.
1 Corinthians 13:8 Charity never faileth: but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away.
1 Corinthians 13:10 But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away.
1 John 4:7 Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God.
1 John 4:8 He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.
1 John 4:16 And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him.
59 Billy, how many cards? One hundred. Wonder if there's...? How many in here's...? I don't know what to do. It's late. I just take so much time. I'd like to run a fast line, just bring the people through. I'm 'fraid I can't get them all through. Oh, let's try. We will do... Let's... Well, I will tell you, who's got number 1? What is that ... "M"? "Z." Let's start with number 1. Who has "Z," prayer card Z, like X, Y, Z? Who has Z number 1, raise your hand? Anywhere in the building, prayer card... The lady way over here. Come over here, sister. Z number 2, raise your hand. Look around now, see who it is. Raise your hands real high.
[Gap in the audio.] Believe Him and see if He won't speak right back and do. If He's the same, He will speak the same. Now, you have faith and believe. I'm going to try, if the Lord willing, because the newcomers...
60 I suppose the lady here's a stranger to me. I don't know you. We're strangers? If the Lord God will reveal to me what you're here for... Just make another picture, just like the well at Samaria: a man and a woman. Here's our first time ever meeting. The woman's a little older than I am. She may be born miles apart, few years apart, and here we are standing here for the first time in life, meeting. Now, if that woman... I don't know; I never seen her. But if Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever, if she needs healing, God's already done it. If she needs salvation, Christ's already prepared it. If she needs ... anything she has need of, Christ is our Portion. Is that right? But now, for me to give it to her, I can't. I couldn't do it, but Christ can, on one basis: if her faith will believe it.
Now, the first place, and the real true and only... The real way to believe it, is take God's Word for it. But then He set offices in the church: apostles, prophets, teachers, pastors, and evangelists, all for the perfecting of His church. Now, if He will do that... (Now, engineers, watch this; when the anointing comes, I don't know how loud I'm speaking, see.)
Ephesians 4:11 And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers;
Ephesians 4:12 For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ:
61 If the Holy Spirit will reveal to me what you're standing here for, you will accept it as you will receive it? How many audience will do the same? I wished you... I want to say, "You mean that." I want to say, "If you did, and the Lord turns and does this, then there'd be no need of a prayer line anywhere." Did you ever think of that? You said you'd believe it. Here's this woman now; we've never met in our lives.
Here's our hands, both of them up; here's God's Bible; this is our first time meeting. I have no more idea what that woman's standing there for, than any strange person to her. I could not tell you. But I'm a minister; I believe that Christ promised this. It was a gift that He's made known the entire world around, for millions of people. He promised it. He don't have to do it. He didn't have to heal when He was here, but He did it, that it might be fulfilled. He does it now that it might be fulfilled that His Word to the Gentiles, the promise, just the same today as it ever was.
62 Now, if He does it, then everyone of you can just walk right away and say, "Thank you, Lord. I accept You in my heart. You're the King of my heart. My faith doors are open. You're standing at the door. I accept my healing. Thank You, Lord," and go along rejoicing; it'd all be over. That's just exactly the Gospel truth. That's according to the Word; that's according to your testimony; that's according your witness. Now, it's up to God to prove whether it's right or not. God grant it, is my prayer.
Speaking and then coming in to start this type of praying for the people, it's hard: You're changing yourself right back, waiting for an anointing.
63 Did you ever see that picture out there of the Angel of the Lord? Oh, you have one? All right. Now, do you believe that's the same pillar of fire that led the children of Israel? See, it was a pillar of fire. And when Jesus was here on earth, He said, "I come from God, and I go back to God." And when He was here on earth, He said He was that pillar of fire. He said that. He said, "I AM, that I AM. Before Moses was, I AM." He was the pillar of fire that was in the burning bush. He said... Now, He's here in flesh, "I come from God (the pillar of fire); I go back to God (the pillar of fire)."
And when Paul met Him on the road to Damascus, He was that pillar of fire again. Paul fell down. Them people by him didn't see it, but it put his eyes out. He said, "Who are You, Lord?" that great pillar of fire.
He said, "I am Jesus, Who you persecute."
And here's His picture on paper by the FBI fingerprint and document, it's true. George J. Lacy said, "The light struck the lens, Mr. Branham. This mechanical eye of this camera won't take psychology." So there, it's absolutely proved by scientific that it couldn't be psychology. Shamed if I'd be here in psychology, as a minister of the Gospel. Not me, sister. I think too much of my Lord for that. I'm here to help you, to do everything I can to get your faith in Christ.
Exodus 3:14 And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you.
John 8:58 Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am.
John 16:28 I came forth from the Father, and am come into the world: again, I leave the world, and go to the Father.
Acts 9:3 And as he journeyed, he came near Damascus: and suddenly there shined round about him a light from heaven:
Acts 9:5 And he said, Who art thou, Lord? And the Lord said, I am Jesus whom thou persecutest: it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks.
64 The woman... I see the Spirit of the Lord, as it was moving like a light, coming right in between me and the woman. She's suffering with an extreme nervousness. That's right. And you got a goiter. That's true. Do you believe now? 'Course the goiter doesn't show; it's a inward goiter, but it is ... it's a choking spirit. (There's more of them in the meeting.) You're wanting prayer for somebody else. It's somebody that's not here. That's your husband. Got trouble with his head. It's over now. Both of you is healed, so you can go now and be well, in Christ's name. God bless you. I just want to touch your hand.
65 Do you believe, lady? Are we strangers to each other? We are. If the Lord Jesus will do for---between you and I, as a brother and sister, like God did for the woman at the well, you'll accept it and believe it? That's a awful headache, isn't it? That sinus makes an awful headache. That's what you have: sinus trouble. See you holding your head like that many times, up above, in your eyes and things. It's very bad. Tried everything; nothing works. But you are believing that you'll be healed.
Now, here's another thing, that you might know I be God's servant. You want prayer for somebody else, and that's your son. Do you believe that God will tell me what's wrong with your son? It'll take every bit of the shadow away from you? He's got trouble with his back. And he's got trouble with his head. And another thing you're praying for, for the salvation of his soul. He's got a dark shadow over him, he's shadowed for death, for he's a sinner. That's "thus saith the Lord." There's not a way in the world for that to be known outside of God. Is that right? If that's right, if you believe that, raise your hand. Now, go find it just the way you've believed it. It'll be just that way. God bless you. God bless you, sister. I just want to touch your hand. Now, don't doubt, have faith.
66 Is that two or three? Two? Three's a confirmation. Now, if I can, I'm going to start the fast line just a minute, if we can. It's hard when that anointing is pitching like it is now, and to start a line like that.
We're strangers to one another, I suppose, lady? I don't know you, but God does know you. Do you believe the Lord Jesus could reveal to me what your trouble is? You do. You want prayer for your eyes (that's right) ' cause you're wearing glasses. That eye's going bad. But do you...? There's more than that you want prayer for. You've had an operation. That's right. And they removed a kidney. I see them take it from your back, your side. That's exactly right.
And you're praying for somebody else. And that is a relative by marriage, a sister-in-law. And she's not here. And she's shadowed for death with a cancer. And she lives in a big city. It's a place called Atlanta, Georgia. You're from Georgia, too, but not from Atlanta, just outside of Atlanta. Do you believe? Your name is Mary. Your last name's Lewy. Go on your road. Believe what you've heard. Believe it comes from God, and you can have what you ask for, in Christ's name. Go rejoicing. God bless you, sister. [Someone says, "That's the third one. Do you want to start a fast line?"]
Let's see if I could, just a minute. How do you do... (Can't do it. Just let her go.) There it is already moving, see. Just stand there a minute. Oh, the woman is powerfully in trouble. That's it, see. The woman's suffering with an extreme nervousness, and she's lost one of her senses. I see you trying to... It's smelling. You've lost your sense of smelling. That's what you wanted prayed for. I know that. You're going to receive it, so don't worry. You can smell now. You can smell right now. See her hand go up...? I seen that light... [The lady says, "By His stripes we're healed."] That's right. And you want prayer for that son too, don't you? It's mental trouble. And he's unsaved, and you want prayer for him. You're going to receive it. Go on your road rejoicing and thank God for His goodness. All right.
67 Come, sir. (It's all right. Just have to let it go. Too weak to bring myself back again.) How do you do, sir. I am a stranger to you. Do you believe God? You believe that God that we stand before will judge us in someday if we're not under the blood of His Son, Jesus. You're suffering with an extreme nervous condition. You're very nervous. It's a mental nervous. You worry, cross bridges before you get to it, always planning something that never happens. Stop doing it. Nothing going to bother you.
Another thing, you got trouble with your head. Your ears: also you have trouble. You got trouble in your chest. You got sinus trouble. That's the truth. You got a habit you want to quit: that's smoking cigarettes. Yet you profess Christianity. I don't unchristianize you by it, truly, but that's what's causing a lot of your trouble. That's the blackness that hangs over you. Will you forsake the things? If you believe that God sent me, God will let me cast the thing from you right now.
You got a wife who you're praying for too. You believe God can tell me what's wrong with your wife? Will you accept it? She's got a lady's trouble, female trouble. And she's also got heart trouble. That's "thus saith the Lord." Now, you're healed there, sister, and you're healed too. The thing's gone from you. Go in the name of the Lord Jesus. Have faith. Don't doubt. Be quiet. Don't move around.
68 I suppose we're strangers to one another. It's our first time meeting.
Now, please, please, friends, be reverent just a little longer. I thought I could start the fast line; I can't, 'cause the anointing's already struck the building and people are praying. I just stand as long as I can.
How many has went through the line? This is quite a bunch. Do you believe that the Lord Jesus is present, sir? We're going to stand in His divine presence someday, to give account of our lives. If the Lord God will reveal to me what your trouble is, you be the judge. If I told you you were sick and you're going to be well, you'd have a right to doubt that, 'cause that's something to be in the future. But if I told you something that was in the past, you'd know whether that was true or not. You're all tore up. You're nervous, upset. You got trouble in your chest. And you got an inward condition, internal condition that you don't know what it is. What difference does it make, what it is, as long as you're now in the presence of God Who heals it? You believe it? You're not from the city here. You've come from somewhere else. That's Georgia. Alma, Georgia. It's exactly right. You're Mr. Lee. Go back down there and be healed. Jesus Christ makes you well. Amen.
Have faith in God. Don't doubt. You believe in Jesus Christ, God's Son? Now, be reverent.
69 How do you do, sir. Suppose our first time meeting, sir? In the presence of His blessed Being, if I could help you, sir, I would do it. God knows my heart, I would do it. But we're both going to stand in His presence someday to give an account of our lives and what we've done here on earth. If the Lord God should reveal what's on your heart that you want from Him (You're here for some purpose; I don't know), would you accept it as coming from Him? You would. You're suffering in your stomach. You got a stomach trouble. And you got gall stones, gall condition that's going into your stomach, which is upsetting it, throwing into spasm; sour belches and so forth, bitter, comes up from it; cramps on the right side. I see you somewhere by a pul... You're a preacher, a Baptist preacher, at that. You believe you're healed? Go on, preach the Gospel, brother. God bless you. Have faith.
70 Don't move. Please don't. Maybe the people are getting tired.
You think you're over the back trouble? If you do, run off the platform, rejoicing, saying, "Thank you, Lord."
Come, lady. Please sit still just a few minutes longer. You're young to have that. That's a female trouble, but you have it just the same. You believe the Lord our God will heal you? Go then and believe it. You be well. I just want to touch your hand as you go by.
God can cure diabetes. It don't mean anything to Him. He can make you well. Do you believe that with all your heart? You believe He will make you well and heal you too? All right. You go off the platform, say, "Thank you, Lord." Believe it with all your heart; you shall have what you've ask for, sir.
God bless you, mother. Been here quite a while. But Christ lives in the heart. You believe He will heal your heart and make you well of that heart trouble? Go, believing it then and don't doubt. You can have what you ask for, if you'll just believe it and don't doubt with all your heart.
71 You believe, lady? You're young for this, but you got arthritis. You believe that God will heal you? Go on your road and rejoice and say, "Thank You, Lord Jesus."
What give you your stomach trouble is a nervous condition. But you have a stomach trouble that you want me to pray for. Go believe now, and then eat and enjoying yourself like you used to. Just believe with all your heart as you go.
What if I didn't say a thing? Would you believe me anyhow, as God's servant? Then raise your hands in praise, and walk off the platform, saying, "Thank You, Lord Jesus."
If I don't tell you nothing, would you believe anyhow? Well, your heart trouble's left you. Go on, believe with all your heart. Have faith in God.
Strange... You've had stomach trouble. Do you believe God's going to make you so you can eat? All right. Go on your road and rejoice, and say, "Thank You, Lord Jesus."
You're nervous too, with stomach trouble also, and lady's trouble which is normal for a woman your age. You believe God heals you? Go on your road, rejoicing then.
72 Young lady, you think Christ heals that back trouble for you? Go on your road, rejoice, and say, "Thank You, Lord Jesus," and you can be well.
Anyone can see he's got a trumpet in his ear. Let's get rid of that. Just a minute, bow your heads everybody. You believe? Lord God, in Jesus' name, remove this power of the enemy, as I take this from his ear. Give him perfect deliverance and make him well. Let these ears come open for the glory of God. Amen.
How long you been that way, sir? About ten years. Twenty years in that ear? Well, you're just hearing me whisper and talk now. You're healed, and all the asthmatic trouble and things you have, the trouble, has all left you now. Go, rejoicing and thank God and be well. Say, "Thank You, Lord." God bless you. All right, stoops yourself over like this. See how much different you feel? All right. Your back trouble's over, see. Amen. Just go rejoicing, praising the Lord.
A shadow of darkness follows the woman: cancer. Well, do you believe that God heals you, sister? Go on your road, the darkness has left you. Be well in the name of the Lord Jesus.
73 Come now. You think that lady's trouble will leave you? Female trouble. Just keep on walking now, and be made well, in the name of the Lord Jesus. Are you believing? How much more?
You believe that you're healed, lady? Just start rejoicing. Go on off the platform, saying, "Thank You, Lord. Thank You, Lord."
Do you believe that you're healed? Just start rejoicing. All right, sir, believe it with all your heart and you shall have it.
Come now. You believe, sir? The old heart's going to beat good from now on. Just keep on moving now. God bless you. Say, "Praise the Lord."
Strange for that, too. Go on your road, rejoicing; it leaves you. That was just a nervous condition, anyhow, it was, see.
Let's say, "Thank the Lord" everybody. Do you believe with it all your heart? You believe God's going to make him well? If I pray for him, do you think he'll get all right? Come here, young man. Thank you.
Lord God, Creator of heavens and earth, cursed be the disease on this boy and this affliction. May he get well. I ask it as Jesus said, "Say to this mountain, 'Be moved.' Don't doubt in your heart, but believe that what you said is coming to pass. You can have what you say." This I ask in Jesus' name. Amen. All right, son. Don't you doubt; you're coming out of this now, and be well. You believe with all your heart. Amen. Do you believe it with all your heart?
Matthew 17:20 And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you.
Matthew 21:21 Jesus answered and said unto them, Verily I say unto you, If ye have faith, and doubt not, ye shall not only do this which is done to the fig tree, but also if ye shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; it shall be done.
Mark 11:23 For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith.
74 You're disturbing when you're moving around like that; please be quiet just a moment. Here, let's turn to the audience, just a minute. How many in here without a prayer cards? Let's see your hands. Let's come from right to left across here now.
Lady, sitting out there on the end of the row, with the stomach trouble, do you believe God makes you well? If you can believe it with all your heart, you can have what you ask for, if you can believe it.
Down here, not upstairs, down here on the floor, accept it and believe it with all your heart. Yes, ma'am. It's all over now. Have faith in God. I challenge you to believe the Son of God.
What about this row? Somebody in this row wants to believe, raise your hands, somebody that wants to believe? Here's the closest lady to me. I can't say He will, but if He will, will you believe me, lady, right there? Then your back trouble will leave you, and you'll get well. Do you believe He will make you well? All right, you can have what you ask for.
75 What about this row? Are you believing? What about you, the elderly lady sitting here... You believe that God will heal you of that arthritis, and make you well? Raise up your hand if you believe it. All right, you can have what you ask for.
What about over in this row here? Anybody believing here wants to be healed? What of that little girl with her hand up, down there? You believe, sweetheart? You do? There's two little girls sitting there, and both of them have diabetes. That's right. Raise up your hand right there and show that's right. All right. Go home and be well. Jesus Christ heals you. Amen.
Somebody else, somebody in the balcony, somewhere... What about you with your hand up, down there, lady? You believe that God will make you well with that nervous trouble? You got an unsaved son you're praying for too, haven't you? All right. It's over now. Jesus Christ [unclear words].
76 Are you believing? Are you every one believing? He's here. Why do we sit numb? Let's believe God. Do you believe Him with all your heart? Then let's stand to our feet just a minute, everybody. Raise your hands up to God. Promise God, "Lord God, I now believe." (I just can't go any farther. My feet's giving out from under me.) I know that the Son of God is here. Don't doubt any longer, friends. Raise your hands, and praise Him, and give Him thanks. You are everyone healed. I pronounce it in the name of Jesus Christ; by His stripes you're healed. Raise your hands now and give Him praise. All down this little line here, give Him praise. And God bless you.
Lord God, Creator of heavens and earth, here's my prayer, Lord, the final prayer for these people. I condemn every disease that's in the building. I condemn every affliction in the building. And, Satan, you're exposed. The Son of God has raised from the dead to confirm His Word, and you have lost the battle. I charge thee, Satan, in the name of Jesus Christ, come out of this people and turn them loose, so that they can be in the kingdom of God henceforth.
Isaiah 53:5 But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.
1 Peter 2:24 Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed.
Door to the heart (1958-03-16 Evening) (William M. Branham Sermons)
Door to the heart (1958-03-16 Evening) (William M. Branham Sermons) somebodyDoor to the heart
You can find this sermon at
1 Thank you. You may be seated..
I certainly want to thank everybody for this great time of fellowship in this meeting. I was talking to my son, to Dr. Vayle and the ones of my party, Leo, Gene, and we were talking about this is one of the most spiritual meetings that we have got into for some time. It really... Don't you believe that, brethren? It really is.
You're a lovely group of people. I don't say that just to be polite. I say that for it's from my heart. I ever tell you anything, it's from my heart. And I want you to do me the same way. Then we know how we're standing. Always just mean it what you say, because if you don't, Jesus said that was hypocrisy if you don't speak from your heart.
2 So I want to thank each and every one of you. I want to thank my minister brethren over here, for the loyal support that you have shown in this meeting. How you have come together, and here you are tonight, dismissing your own churches, and coming here to rally with us in this last night. Brethren, God bless you.
I pray God's blessings upon you that your ministry will be rich and royaler than it's ever been since this time, because you have been so loyal, and trying to help the cause that I've been standing for, so gallantly as I know how to stand. And I hope to get back with you sometime. I'd like to come back and have a little fellowship with you. I thought we would maybe have a breakfast, and I get to shake your hand. I didn't get to do it.
3 But you know, when I come back, if the Lord willing, how about us going fishing? You like to do that? I like to fish. I can't catch anything, but I like to hold a pole. I know you do, too. The Lord willing, we'll come back and fish a little while. I'd like that.
And I certainly want to thank you for your loyal cooperation. Even Billy was showing me, I believe it was last evening, he or Dr. Vayle one, that even the newspaper ... I think there was a sixty dollar ad, or something, in the newspaper ... or, sixty-five dollars. And the newspapers cut the ad half in two, just made it thirty something dollars. Now, that's a good newspaper. I appreciate that.
4 If the editor or any of the newspaper staff is here, I don't know them, and just learned it recently, I didn't have time to tell them, thank them for me. I certainly do. If you take that newspaper, just write them a little note and tell them what you think about it, you appreciate it. For that's...
As long as you got a newspaper like that in a city, well, you got a good newspaper. So many of them wouldn't even put it in, in the first place, and then if they did it would be critical. But that's a good newspaper. The Lord bless them men who did that.
And then we want to thank the people for letting us have this auditorium, this basketball gymnasium. I believe this is called the Armory Building. Some man down at the filling station was telling Brother Funk, a friend of mine that just come up last night from our home city, which is going to live here close to you now, he's with the United States government.
5 He said, "There was so many cars that come in, just keep asking where the Armory was. He just stood out there and everyone, when they'd drive in, they didn't want no gasoline, say, "Go a certain-certain... The Armory's this a way." Next car come, he say, "The Armory's over that way." So they'd say, "Thank you," and go on. So that's very nice.
The restaurants that we've been eating in, wonderful. We've been staying down here at the Ash Lawn Motel. Such a wonderful man, a wonderful person. And they've been just as good to us if I was his own son, a Christian, a believer. And there's just so many things.
And where Dr. Vayle, they even cut his razor or something another for him in the motel. I don't remember where it was he stayed. Just before you cross the tracks down here coming in on Eleven. You've been so nice, we sure appreciate this.
6 Now, as I understand that the debts was all paid, and then, you did that. That's all we require. Now, but they say they taken up a love offering for me tonight. I appreciate that. Now, I've been in the ministry twenty-seven years and never took an offering in my life. Never did take an offering.
I remember one time when I was pastoring the Baptist Tabernacle in Jeffersonville, it was during the time of the kind of hard times, you know, and you know we're just poor people (just like all of us), and I got a place where I couldn't make the ends meet. Did you ever get in that shape? We all have, haven't we?
And I said to my wife, I said, "I'm going over and take up an offering." We didn't even have an offering plate. And when we built the church, we put a little sign, a little box in the back, said, "Insomuch as you have done unto the least of these My little ones, you've done it unto Me." It was paid for like that.
Matthew 25:40 And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.
7 Now, the people had give me offering, but I was young and able to work, and so I worked six days a week, working labor. And I said, "I just can't make the ends meet this time. I owe a bill." I said, "I'm going over and ask for offering tonight."
She said, "I'm going to go over and watch you do it."
I said, "All right." Just lived across from the church, two little rooms. I think our rent was about six dollars a month. That's awful high then. So we ... just a little cabin.
So we went across, and I said, "Folks, I tell you, I don't want to do this." But I said, "I got to a place, some debts that I promised someone that I would pay them on our... We owe nearly ninety dollars on our furniture and a few things, and," I said, "our grocery bill's a little bit back. And I'm only making about thirty-seven cents an hour." I said, "Wonder if I could you just, I will pass my hat tonight, and you just, if you got a few nickels if you'd help me along. Appreciate it."
8 And old Uncle Jim Wiseheart---never forget him.
He got up with a big smile, he was one of the deacons, and went and got my hat. I looked sitting right in front of me, and a little old woman sitting there, sweetest little old thing. She's in glory, tonight. She used to wear these little aprons with the pocket on the inside, you know you put your hand under the apron to hit the pocket. I don't know, see. And she was just a real little saint though. Her name is Mrs. Webber.
And I seen her reach under this old apron. When I was preaching, she just sat with her head bowed and prayed for me. A real sainted woman. And she reached under there and got one of them little pocketbooks that you unsnap from the top, begin to finger them little ... fumble down in there to get them nickels out.
I tell you, I couldn't do it.
9 I said, "Oh, I was just teasing you all to see what you would do." I said, "I didn't mean that." I said, "I didn't mean that." Oh, my heart was crying on the inside of me, to think that I'd take the nickels from that poor little old woman.
And an old brother used to come down. Gene, you remember old Brother Ryan, had long hair. He come from Benton Harbor, and he'd put a Bible under his arm and he'd ride his bicycle down. And you can imagine what a sight that was, coming to service---that hair blowing behind him, riding this bicycle. So he gave me the old bicycle; it backslid on him. Isn't that some word for a Baptist to say? But it did. It just give out, that was all.
So I patched up the tires and went down to the ten cents store and got me two different colors of paint. And I painted it for twenty cents, and sold it for five dollars, and paid off the debt. So I didn't have to take up the offering after all. That was my first experience with an offering.
10 I wished I didn't have to take it, friends. My expenses are very little. I don't have any radio broadcasts. I don't have anything to take up any money, but just my little office work. And my expenses at my office and home runs me about the average of a hundred dollars a day. That's the reason I can go places in small groups.
11 What do you think Oral Roberts runs a day? It was, the last I had heard, of about seven to eight thousand a day. Billy Graham's is so many thousand a minute when he was on his broadcast. Now, Oral Roberts would like to come to some of these little places and hold revivals. Oral Roberts is a real good brother. He's a fine man.
I remember Oral when we first met; he had a little ragged tent sitting over in Kansas City, Missouri. I had a big auditorium over on the other side, and Oral come sat on the sideline that night, just a boy preacher. And we got our pictures together out in the yard. He said, "Do you think God would hear my prayer for the sick, Brother Branham?"
I said, "He will hear anybody's prayer."
He said, "Here I go." Now, I sit on his sidelines.
12 But you see, God knew that I didn't have intelligence to take care of a program like that. Oh, my! Television and everything else. I couldn't stand it, if I had to, you know, go out and take up money, and with that much responsibility, I'd go wild. So I just couldn't do it. And then he'd like to come to little places, but...
I just held a revival in a place that held twenty people. That's right. But you see, I'm not out much expense. Now, the way I do it, I just wait on the Lord, and if He tells me to go to a place that's got twenty people, I'm not under no obligations to the world, or to the radio, or anything, so I couldn't go, and so I just go hold a revival. If it's at, you know, Gravel Switch, or wherever it's at, it's all right.
13 And then if He wants me to go to Africa, India, or something like that, and preach to a half a million, He always has somebody to pay the expenses. I just sit back and do what He tells me to do, get along fine. So I like that. God knowed I didn't have the intelligence that Oral Roberts and them's got. See, Oral Roberts is a college graduate, four years of psychology. So you can tell he's a smart man. And I'm not smart enough for that, and the Lord knew it.
Somebody was trying to give me, some ... well, it was a Four Square church. And bless their hearts, they're wonderful people, and they were going to give me a degree out there of a doctor's degree. I said, "Brethren, I'm too smart for that."
14 I said, "You know people has got better sense than to know that a man that had a doctor's degree isn't going to stand up with some of that old slow southern talk like me and say, "His, and hain't, and tote, and fetch, and carry [unclear words]." I said, "You know better than that."
I said, "I'm glad I got enough intelligence to know better than to do that." I said, "That wouldn't make me preach any better anyhow, and wouldn't make the works of God go on. I appreciate it, but I'd just rather stay Billy Branham, just stay just like that. That's the way He made me."
Now, nothing against those degrees. That's wonderful. But they were for men that has got intelligence. That's right. One man who knows what ... the grammar good anyhow. So, we just love the people. I live a very, simple, humble life.
15 I was just talking to my little boy, Joseph. Oh, my! He's quite a boy. You know I... How many ever remembered being in my meetings that I saw a vision of him coming six years before he got here, told the people about it, and his name would be Joseph.
Doctor said, "She can't have another baby."
I said, "Yes, she can."
So the next one come, it was a girl. So then did I get a razzing. Ministers wrote me letters from everywhere. Said, "You meant Josephine, Brother Branham."
I said, "No, I meant Joseph."
The doctor said, "She can never have another child."
16 I said, "Oh, yes, she can. She's going to have one more anyhow." So when she got... We knew four years later, that she was going to be mother again, and poor little thing, I went up to my place and was praying for her. I'd come back, and she didn't know how things was going to go. And I said, "Honey, don't worry. The Lord's just said it's 'Thus saith the Lord.' Everything's running just right."
So she went in, and you know how the waiting fathers walk all the paint off the floor. We were waiting; I was wondering what was happening. A nurse come down, she said, "Rev. Branham?"
And I said, "Yes, ma'am."
She said, "You got a fine seven pound, three ounce boy."
I said, "Joseph, you've been a long time getting here, but daddy's glad to see you."
She said, "You called him Joseph!"
I said, "That's his name." Certainly. So then...
You know when he was little, just a little baby, he had a little sister four years old, and one eight; Sarah and Rebekah. And they used to love to bite him to make him cry, just to show he didn't have any teeth, you know, it was just his gums. They thought that was something. He didn't have any teeth, just his gums showing.
17 But he caught on to that. I tell you, he comes through the house now, he's just about as high as he is wide. Girls get in chairs, under the bed, or anywhere, he knows how to bite too. He makes other gums shine now.
I was talking to him awhile ago. He said, "Come home, daddy. I'm digging some worms; we'll go fishing." Oh, we won't have time to go, but we can talk about it, you know. That's all right. Just to talk about it, and get him up in my arms, and love him a little.
Children mean so much. I think they're so sweet. They're just real. Little Joseph, and Sarah, and Rebekah mean so much to me. He came to us in our old age. Here I am forty-eight years old, and the boy two.
18 There's any praises to be give to the Branham family, give it to the queen, Mrs. Branham, my wife. Thirty-eight years old, gray headed, standing between me and the public, one of the sweetest women that ever lived. So she's the one to get the credit if there's anybody...
Stands on that phones when I've seen them ring, long distance, sixty-four calls an hour, day and night, see. And she has to brace all of that. So that lovely, little voice you hear on the phone when you call us down there, that's the queen of the Branham family and the queen of my heart. God bless her.
19 I love a good family. Don't you appreciate your good old families? That's what I think about God. When I go away, I think between law and grace, we're not under law; we got grace. I'm so thankful for it.
When I get ready to go overseas I don't say, "Now, Mrs. Branham, I'm going to tell you something. Thou shalt not have any other husbands but me, while I'm gone."
And she don't get back and say, "Look here, young man, thou shalt have no other wives but me, either." Now, wouldn't that be home?
We just pray. I ask God to bless them and help them. She asks God to help me. I kiss her goodbye, and say, "Bye, sweetheart." That settles it. No matter where it's at, I love her above everything there is on earth in that way. As long as I love her like that, she loves me the way I do, we will be true to one another.
20 And as long as you love the Lord Jesus, it don't make any difference how many Sabbaths, or meat eatings or whatever you have to do, you just love the Lord. That'll take care of the rest of it. If you love the Lord, it'll take care of it.
The Lord bless you. I didn't mean to stand here and tell you my personal history. But I just want you to know that we just live common folks like you all are, and we're one together. And I'm here as your brother. And I hope someday, if the Lord willing, and you all will be pleased, and it be of the will of the Lord, I'd like to come one of these places around here, and set up a tent, and stay about six weeks, so we could just take ministerial meetings and everything. Thank you.
21 I'd like to have an afternoon meeting just on instructing men and not ... just in the way of spiritual things that I understand. Theology, I'm not a teacher, but in instructing brethren, and tell them how to enter into this Spirit, more spiritual way. And then each night, and just stay a long time. Just about the time you get acquainted, then you have to say goodbye. That makes it bad, see. I hate to do that. I'm just beginning to know you well now. And then we have to say goodbye.
But there'll be one time, friends, if we never meet again this side the river, when the wedding supper is set, and we look across the table at one another, I say, "It seems like I ought to see you ... ought to know you."
"Yes, I was in the Harrisonburg meeting."
You know, a little tear will run down our cheek for joy. Then the King will come out in all of His beauty, wipe the tears from our eyes, say, "Don't cry, it's all over now it's ready. I'm looking for that day. God bless you until then.
22 Before we read the Word, let us pray. Blessed Lord, oh, how we want to thank You for this great meeting. How, sitting out there in the car waiting to hear "Only Believe," and people driving up, and turning away, and even weeping because they couldn't get in. O God, bless their hearts richly. Grant it, Lord. Those poor, sick that couldn't get in, heal every one of them. Thou art God, and I offer this petition in their behalf.
Bless this fine bunch of ministers, Lord, and their denomination, and their organizations, and those who do not have organizations. And we feel, Lord God, regardless of our denomination, we are brothers. We are all one in Thy Son, Jesus. And we pray that You will bless all the laity, every member of these churches. God grant that an old-fashioned revival will break out now through this country, and just sweep tens of thousands of people into the kingdom. Do, Father.
23 May the words that I've spoke the other night be true. After I'm gone, cripples will get up and walk, blind will see; diseases: they'll find out that they're well; for we ask these things, and, Lord, with all my heart I believe them, and they have too.
Thou said in Thy Word, "If you'll say to this mountain 'Be moved,' and don't doubt in your heart, but believe that what you have said, it's being done, then you can have what you said." Being done, this mountain be moved.
Maybe just one little grain of sand drop when we said for it to move, but it's on it's way. Maybe tomorrow a spoonful will drop, but it's still on it's way. It's never noticeable. Tons may fall and still not noticeable, but one day it shall be flat because we have said it. Jesus gave the promise.
Matthew 21:21 Jesus answered and said unto them, Verily I say unto you, If ye have faith, and doubt not, ye shall not only do this which is done to the fig tree, but also if ye shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; it shall be done.
Matthew 21:22 And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.
Mark 11:23 For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith.
Mark 11:24 Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.
24 The crippled man may not even be able to move his foot, but he's on his road out. He has believed it. The sick may not feel any different, but we've said it, Lord. It's Your Word. You'll honor it. It'll not return to You void; it'll accomplish that which it was purposed for. Grant, Lord, that all will be well.
We pray that You'll let us meet again. Thank You for putting upon these dear people's hearts, to give this offering to Your servant tonight. God, I'm not worthy of it, but I pray that You'll let me spend every penny to Your glory. Grant it, Lord. And give it to them back double to put it on their home in glory, too, when they get there.
Isaiah 55:11 So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.
25 Heal the sick tonight. Speak to us through the Word. Now, we've got the Bible's pages turned back, but only One can interpret. That's the One who wrote it, the Holy Spirit. Be near us now, Father. Give us a great climax in the service tonight. May every fear, and every dread, every nervousness, everything be away from the human mind just now, that Your Spirit could come in here and give us the greatest climax that we've ever had in any meeting. Grant it, Lord. We ask it, not for our glory, but for the glory of God, and for His church; in the name of His Son, Jesus, we ask it. Amen.
Now, in the blessed Word, I wish to read just a small portion tonight. And you read the whole chapter. I'm going to turn to the book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ, that was give to John on the isle of Patmos, AD 96. In the 3rd chapter and the 20th verse I wish to read. Just for a short time so that we can get on to the prayer line in good time.
Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and will open the door, I will come into him, and will sup with him, and he with me.
Revelation 3:20 Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.
26 Isn't that a marvelous invitation? If we would just weigh that, what it means. "I stand at the door, and knock." [Break in tape.] Twentieth verse, He was speaking to this church age, the Laodicean church age. He said, "You say that you are rich, and have need of nothing." But said, "You don't know, you don't know, that you are poor, miserable, wretched, blind, and naked, and don't know it." Think of that.
Revelation 3:17 Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked:
Revelation 3:20 Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.
27 Did you know we got ... the Christian church has its greatest buildings its ever had? You know it's richer than it ever was? Do you know that they got the best theologians they've ever had? It's standing and its great spires reaching towards heaven, with a half a million dollar pipe organs, its robed choirs, its scholars polished up from the seminary to the very latest dots, who can walk to the platform and not make one grammatic mistake, who can limit their sermons to so much time with so much psychology in it that can hold the people's minds to that thought that they've got.
But yet the Bible said that we are poor, and we are wretched, and we're blind, and naked, and don't know it. Now, if a man was out on the street... Could you imagine a person going down the street, poor, miserable, blind, wretched, and naked? Now, if the man knows his condition, he will try to better himself. But the sad part is, when he don't know it. He doesn't understand that he's naked. He thinks he's rich, and he's dressed all right, and he's his best condition.
Revelation 3:17 Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked:
28 Now, if that's the way Jesus describes this church in this day, the latter day... I don't mean just this group. I mean... I'm talking universally, the church universal. It is in one of the most miserable conditions, and it doesn't know it. They think, "We're faring all right. We're doing good. Why this year we paid so much for missionaries overseas." I don't mean to be light.
I'm a missionary myself. But the miserable part is when some old mammy washes over a washboard to help support a missionary on the field, and when you get over there to find them riding around in an air-conditioned Cadillac, and preaching in a compound. I wonder how many David Livingstones I'd find. Frankly I've only seen one what I called a missionary, a little crippled boy from Rhodesia.
29 One of the greatest churches that I know of in the Protestant realms... I was coming down out of southern Rhodesia, and I'd been up there in a meeting. And I seen that American passport. There was three little girls and a boy.
And I said, "I see that you got American passports."
He turned and said, "Oh, you speak English."
I said, "I'm an American." I said, "What are you?"
He said, "Oh, we're missionaries."
I said, "That's fine." And I said, "Where you from?"
And they was from my backyard almost, where the great seminary is at. And I said, "That's good." I said, "I'm from Jeffersonville, Indiana."
"Oh," he said, "you are?"
I said, "How long you been over?"
He said, "Going on two years."
And I said, "How many souls have you won to Christ since you've been over?" Ducked his head.
30 And I said, "Sisters, how many have you won to Christ since you've been over?"
But just before I did that, he said, "What's your name?"
I said, "Branham."
"Oh," he said, "you're the one that caused that big stir down in Africa down there, down in South Africa."
I said, "I don't know whether there was any stir or not."
He said, "Well, we heard that you was a holy-roller."
I said, "Thirty thousand raw heathens come to Christ day before yesterday." I said, "That's more than all of our churches has done in their missionarying in a hundred and fifty years over there. And I found missionary ... or, natives come in with a tag on their neck as Christians, packing an idol in their arm."
31 And I said to Sidney Smith, the Mayor of Durban, who was taking me out to the race course, the Hoya Park Race Course, where some hundred and fifty, two hundred thousand, had gathered. And I said, "Mr. Smith, what does that tag mean on their necks?"
Said, "They're Christians."
I said, "And packing idols?"
He said, "Well, Mr. Branham, I can talk his language, Songhai." Said, "Let's just ask him, talk to him." He pulled his car over to the side of the street.
And I said, "How do you do, John?" He spoke back in his language. And I said, "What? Are you a Christian?"
"Oh, yeah."
And I said, "What you doing with that idol?"
"Oh," he said, "my papa carried it."
32 I said, "Don't you believe in God?"
"Oh, I believe in Amoyah." Amoyah is a word they use, means "the unseen force," like the wind. "I believe in Amoyah."
I said, "But what about the idol?"
He said, "Well, you see," he said, "one day the lion got after my father, and he set it down, this idol, built up a little fire, and said the prayer the witch doctor told him. And the lion run away. Now, if Amoyah fails, this won't." Now, that's the strength of Christianity in South Africa by the missionary.
I said, "I am a yacta." Yacta means "hunter." "I hunt lions. And that idol did not run that lion away. The fire run the lion away. There's nothing in that idol." Oh, well he'd pack it anyhow.
33 But that afternoon, when they seen a man with a chain around his neck, not even mentally right, brought to the platform, and the Holy Spirit telling who he was, where he come from, what his mother and father was, told his brother was on crutches, and he was healed sitting right back like that... And here come the boy with the crutches over his head, he'd been riding on a yellow goat, and had hurt his leg years before.
Then I saw a vision of this man, and I said, "In Christ's name, stand up!" He couldn't understand. He thought I wanted him to do a dance. And he was down there, no clothes on. Oh, my! It was a terrible looking sight, and a chain around his neck, leading him like a dog, walking on his feet and hands.
34 I walked over to the poor man, took him by the chain and raised him up. This is witnessed before about a hundred around a fifty thousand people. And there, when he stood up, after everybody said if he would be healed, they would receive Christ, and he stood up, in his right mind, and the tears dropping off of his black belly, and received Christ as his Savior. And thirty thousand raw heathens throwed their idol on the ground and broke it, and received Christ.
Not long ago in a Kiwanis meeting where I was talking in the presence of Dr. Davis, who ordained me in the Missionary Baptist church, that told me I was going to become a holy-roller, and I said, "Dr. Davis, what you call holy-roller," I said, "what you call fanaticism, won more souls to Christ, in five minutes time, than all of your theology and tract passing that you've had in the past hundred and fifty years." Naked, miserable, blind, and don't know it. Oh, it's pitiful.
35 I said to that little boy and girl, I said, "You ought to be back home washing your mammy's dishes, taking care of the baby." It's exactly right. Go down there, go down to the compound, and say a few words to them natives when they have a dance, and pass out some tracts. What does a poor, ignorant native know about a tract when he don't even know which is right and left hand?
We've miserably failed God. Why? It's because Jesus said, "Go into all the world and preach the Gospel." He never did say, "Go into all the world and build churches." He never did say, "Go build schools." He never did say, "Go build seminaries." He said, "Preach the Gospel, and these signs shall follow them that believe." We've failed.
Mark 16:15 And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.
Mark 16:17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;
36 "I stand at the door and knock: if any man will open, I will come in to him, and sup with him, and he with me." What could it be when a man is knocking on a door? What's He trying to do, knocking at the door? He's trying to gain entrance. He's trying to get in. He has a message for you. He has some business to talk with you. And that knock has come by great men, down through the ages.
What if the great Caesar---Caesar Augustus---would've went down to a peasant's house in Rome, and knocked on the door? And that peasant would of opened the door, and seen the great mighty Caesar honoring him to come to his door. Oh, he'd've said, "Great Caesar, come in! Welcome to my house! Anything in here that you want is yours."
Revelation 3:20 Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.
37 Or what if the late Adolf Hitler, the Fuhrer of Germany, would've went down to a foot soldier's house and knocked at the door? And that little soldier, as we would say, "little rookie," would've went to the door and opened it, and there stood the Fuhrer of Germany? He would have stood at attention and give the German salute, and would've said, "Great Fuhrer, you've paid me honor to come to my house. Oh, enter into my humble house, great Fuhrer of Germany. Anything that your servant has that you want, you can have it."
When you're welcome, that's the way you're invited in. If I come to your house and you said, "Welcome in, Brother Branham." I'd feel like going in. If I wanted to take off my shoes and lay down across the bed, I'd do it. If I wanted to go to the ice box and make me a sandwich, I'd go do it. If you welcome me in, I'd feel like I'm one of you. I'm welcome. Sure.
38 And then what an honor! You see, what it does, it's not who knock... It's not the knock that does it. It's who's knocking. It's the importance of the person that's doing the knocking.
What if tonight, if the great President of the United States, Dwight Eisenhower, what if he'd come to Harrisonburg, and went to the house of the best democrat there is in the city? You'd feel honored to have him. Though you disagreed with him on politics, but yet to have the honor of Dwight Eisenhower at your door, it would be an honor to any good democrat. Certainly, 'cause it's the President of the United States. He's an important man.
39 Or the Queen of England, just visit this nation. What if the queen were to come down to your house, sister? And she'd've knocked on the door, and you'd opened the door and say, "Who are you?"
She'd say, "I am the Queen of England."
Though you're not her subject, though she has nothing to do with you, but she's an important woman. She's the greatest earthly queen on earth. And anyone would feel honored. Why the newspapers would pack it everywhere. The television would show it, that the Queen of England humbled herself to come down and knock on the door of some poor person's house.
What would you say to her? "Oh, queen, enter in." And if anything she desired, she could have it. Though you had something that was very valuable, that you thought, a little trinket or something, and yet it was a family thing that's been handed down, yet if she asked for it, you'd give it to her because she's the queen. And it would be a great honor for you to do so because she's an important woman, and would come to my house, or your house.
40 But, oh, who is more important than Jesus? And who is more turned away than Jesus? That queen might want something, Hitler might want something, Dwight Eisenhower might want something of you; but Jesus wants to give you the best thing He ... could be given to you. And yet there's nobody turned away from doors any more than Jesus Christ that knocks at the heart's door. He's turned away.
And yet if you shut the door in the queen's face ... or, if Hitler's little soldier would have slammed the door in his face, Hitler would have had him executed. The queen would have blasphemed you. Eisenhower, it'd've been wrote up in the papers, that you turned down Dwight Eisenhower. Oh, what disgrace it would a been.
41 But yet, Jesus knocks at the door, and people think they do something smart, by turning Him away. It's the greatest mistake that any person ever made is to turn the lovely Jesus from their door. That's the most important person in all eternity that could knock at your door.
If Eisenhower got into your house, he could only ask you a question or something like that. But if Jesus comes in, He comes to bring you eternal life and save your soul, or to bring some good thing to you. But yet He's turned away.
But now, you'll say to me, "Wait just a minute, Brother Branham. I let Jesus into my heart many years ago." Well, that's good. I'm glad you did. But you know, when you get in ... Jesus gets into the heart, that's the first door. But then you've got a whole lot more little doors all in your house ... in your heart, just a little secret closet, here and there, and a little room here.
42 Say, "Now, you can come in, but don't you dare open that door. Don't you go to this one. But you can stand right here." Would you feel very welcome? That's the way with some you church members. You just let Him come in. Oh, you want Him to be your Savior, but He wants to be your Lord. Lord is rulership. He wants to be your ruler, not just your Savior only.
You want Him as a Savior, but what about being your Lord, that'll control you, control your emotions, control your thinking, control your ... every fiber of you, that you could say like a man years ago who let Him in, "For me to live is Christ, and to die is gain." Let Him in in that way, to be ruler and Lord over you.
Philippians 1:21 For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.
43 Now, let's look into this heart of ours just a little. You know, when Jesus comes in, there's a little door you turn to your right in the human heart. And that's the little door that they don't want nobody fooling with. That's the door of your own private life.
"Now, Lord, You can save me from going to hell, but don't You fool with my private life. I just won't stand for that. Now, I'm going to... I belong to a card party down here, where they play cards every Wednesday afternoon, and that's my own little click, and I don't want You telling me anything about that. If You speak through any preacher, I won't go back to hear him again."
Private life! Oh, we have a lot of that: my own private life. "Now, if I want to make my hairdo look like a man, that's none of Your business. This is my private life. A preacher ever says anything about it, I never go back again." My own private life.
You don't have any life. I can tell you now, that what you call life is a perverted life and it has an end.
44 The church don't need a face lifting; it needs a death and birth. God condemned that spirit in the garden of Eden. And a man has got to be born again, and let Christ be Lord and ruler of his being. Certainly. But, oh, you don't want Christ fooling with your private life. That just won't work.
Then there's another little door. (We will hit them fast because we just got a few minutes.) Another little door called Selfishness. "I will let Christ in, if what we get out of it." Oh, such a motive. "I will let Him in, if You'll promise me this: that I will get to go to a better church than what I go to, if my standing in society will be a little bit better." How many people use that? How disgraceful it is to use that.
45 Then there's another little door called Prejudice. Oh, how people like to keep that back. They don't want God to open that door. "Now, I will tell you now, she did something to me, and I won't speak to her on the street. No, sir. She comes out, hangs up her clothes every day, but I won't speak to the old reprobate. No, sir." Oh, my!
The Lord will say, "There is a preacher that lives down the street that you've never spoke to. And you shunned him the other day when he was coming down the street, and you never spoke to him."
"Now, looky here, Lord, don't You go to dealing with that, because I tell you, he don't belong to my denomination." There is only one church.
I've been in the Branham family for forty-eight years, and they never did ask me to join the family. I was born in the Branham family. And that's the way you become a Christian. You are born in the church of the living God. But you don't want no one... "I'm a little prejudiced of my faith." You haven't got very much. But just a little prejudiced you see, because "The people who comes to my church dresses a little better than they do at that mission down there."
46 How they want to make fun of a little mission. "Oh, that's that group that goes down there at the mission. Why I see them people wearing the same clothes all the time." But they got clothes on that you can't see by your natural eye.
Here sometime ago a young student was in a seminary. A poor old mammy thought that her child was going to be a minister. So she sent him over to a seminary to learn how to be a preacher. She was washing, and one day the old mother got the pneumonia, and so she sent a telegram to her son.
The doctor said, "Both lungs are congested, and if you've got any of your loved ones, you better get them in."
47 So the nurse sent for her son, said, "Stand by. If your mother's fever doesn't break by morning, you'll have to come." That's all. The boy stood by, and never did hear no more.
In a few days got a letter from his mother, said, "I'm just fine, son."
About a year later, the boy visited his home. And after he had kissed his mama, when he come in, and he said, "Mama, there's been one thing that I've always longed to ask you." Said, "When you were so sick with that pneumonia," said, "what happened? You told me to stand by, and then I didn't hear from you for a week, and then you were all right. What did the doctor give you?"
Said, "He give me up."
48 "Why," he said, "how did you get well?"
She said, "Son, I got something to tell you." She said, "Do you know where that little old store used to be down there by the alley?"
Said, "There's a bunch of people moved in there call themselves Full Gospel." And said, "They were down there having a prayer meeting one night, the night that I was so sick, and a message, they said, come to them and said there was a woman up here sick."
"One of the ladies come up and asked me if I believed in divine healing. I told her I believed anything that God had. And she said to her, 'Well, our pastor prays for the sick. Would you like for him to come up? Well, I will have him to come."
She said, "Certainly."
49 "So the pastor come up," she said, "and anointed me with oil. And they all knelt around the bed and prayed for me." And she said, "Son, the next morning I was well." She said, "God healed me." Said, "Oh, praise His name."
The young fellow who had had some of this embalming fluid placed into him, and he said, "Oh, mother! Why, such a disgrace. Why," said, "you know better than that."
She said, "No, I don't, son."
Said, "Why, there's no such a thing as healing any more." Said, "We learned that in the semin... (cemetery---all the same) All right. We learned that in the seminary that there's no such thing as divine healing."
"Oh," she said, "son, you're too late to tell me that." She said, "I'm already well."
50 And said, "When I went to the doctor and he was surprised too. And he said, 'Well,' said, 'did you change doctors?'"
She said, "Yes."
Said, "Well, what doctor did you use?"
She said, "Doctor Jesus."
So the doctor scratched his head and said, "Oh, is that right? Where does He practice at? I don't believe I ever heard of Him." That's how far they're away.
And he said, "Mother, don't you never believe such stuff as that."
Said, "Where did you think that preacher read from?" Said, "From Mark 16. 'These signs shall follow them that believe.'"
Oh, he said, "Mother, that's the illiterate bunch." Said, "Those preachers don't know very much." Said, "They haven't got a college education. Now," said, "we learned in the college that Mark 16 from the 9th verse on, is not inspired."
Mark 16:17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;
51 She said, "Hallelujah!"
"Oh," he said, "mother, you even act like them."
"Why," she said, "Hallelujah!"
Said, "What's the matter with you, mother?"
She said, "I was just thinking. Do you mean to tell me, my son, that that's what you've learned in these three years in college, that Mark 16 from the 9th chapter on is not inspired?"
He said, "That's right." Said, "Mother, that's authentic."
"Well," she said, "praise God!" She said, "If God could heal me with uninspired Scripture, what could He do with that really is inspired?"
That's about the way of it. Naked, yet you say you're rich. That little private part, that thing you don't want to degrade yourself, to come down with somebody else. Come down off the high horse.
52 Well, I'm telling you this, that this old-time religion will make a tuxedo suit put his arms around a pair of overalls and call it, "Brother!" It'll make a silk dress hug a calico and say, "Sister!" It certainly will. When God comes into the heart to be Lord, we're all on one level. Certainly.
Oh, there's another little door that I'd like to ... let's look into. That's the door of Faith. F-a-i-t-h. Oh, you claim you got faith, but you know when Jesus becomes Lord of your faith, then all of His words become real to you.
53 That's the reason people can't believe for divine healing, yet they're members of the Christian church. They got Jesus at the door. But if He could stand in that little door of faith, He would be your faith. He would be Lord of your faith. And I could not imagine that the man who wrote the Bible, turn around and deny the Bible, deny His own writing and still be God. Faith. They won't let the door open.
Then there's one more little door before we close. And that's the door of your eyes. He said, "You're blind and don't know it. I counsel of thee to buy from Me, eye salve that Thou mightest anoint thine eyes that you might see." If you could ever get your eyes open, then you'll look around and see what condition you're in.
Revelation 3:17 Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked:
Revelation 3:18 I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see.
54 A certain preacher said to me sometime ago, he said, "I don't care what you say. I don't believe there's such a thing as divine healing."
I said, "Not for you. It's not for unbelievers. It's just for those who believe. It wasn't made for you. He said them that believe. It's not for unbelievers."
55 And he said, "Then strike me blind."
I said, "You're already blind."
He said, "I mean like in the Bible."
I said, "That's what I'm talking about." I said, "I'm going to say to you just exactly what my Lord said to your pappy, 'Get behind me.'" Right.
He said, "But that man was physically blind when the Bible referred to him."
I said, "When Elijah went down to Dothan, and all the next morning when Gehazi woke up, he said, 'My father, the whole Syrian army has got us all surrounded.'"
That old prophet raised up and rubbed his eyes, out of a sleep. He said, "What are you talking about?"
He said, "Just look at the army. The whole city's besieged."
The old prophet just as calm as he could be, said, "Why there's more with us than there is with them."
"Why," he said, "I don't see anybody, just you and I."
2 Kings 6:15 And when the servant of the man of God was risen early, and gone forth, behold, an host compassed the city both with horses and chariots. And his servant said unto him, Alas, my master! how shall we do?
2 Kings 6:16 And he answered, Fear not: for they that be with us are more than they that be with them.
Matthew 16:23 But he turned, and said unto Peter, Get thee behind me, Satan: thou art an offence unto me: for thou savourest not the things that be of God, but those that be of men.
Mark 8:33 But when he had turned about and looked on his disciples, he rebuked Peter, saying, Get thee behind me, Satan: for thou savourest not the things that be of God, but the things that be of men.
Luke 4:8 And Jesus answered and said unto him, Get thee behind me, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.
56 And that old prophet stretched his hand out and said, "God, open this young man's eyes." And when God opened his eyes, around that old prophet stood angels of fire, and the mountains was on fire, and chariots of fire.
Then he said, "You see how easy it is? I'm going out there and smite all them people blind." And he walked out, he smote them blind. He said, "Are you looking for Elijah?"
Said, "Yes, that's who we're looking for." They was blind. Well, said, "Old man with the long whiskers, tell us where Elijah is."
"Do you want to find him?"
Said, "Come on."
2 Kings 6:17 And Elisha prayed, and said, LORD, I pray thee, open his eyes, that he may see. And the LORD opened the eyes of the young man; and he saw: and, behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha.
2 Kings 6:18 And when they came down to him, Elisha prayed unto the LORD, and said, Smite this people, I pray thee, with blindness. And he smote them with blindness according to the word of Elisha.
2 Kings 6:19 And Elisha said unto them, This is not the way, neither is this the city: follow me, and I will bring you to the man whom ye seek. But he led them to Samaria.
57 And they all knew him, but they were blind. Said, "Come on, follow me. I will take you right where he's at." He knowed where the Israelite armies was laying in ambush. He just led them right in between. He said, "Now, I'm Elijah. Open up your eyes." Blind and don't know it. You know, that's what's the matter with the church: It's blind and don't know it.
My grandpapa was an old hunter. And he used to trap and hunt raccoons. I bought a little tail, one the other day in the ten cent store, from a little Amish girl, to take to my Joseph to put on his little bicycle. And grandpa would catch raccoons, and when he rendered out the fat, he'd make some sort of a grease out of it, that mama kept in a can.
2 Kings 6:18 And when they came down to him, Elisha prayed unto the LORD, and said, Smite this people, I pray thee, with blindness. And he smote them with blindness according to the word of Elisha.
2 Kings 6:19 And Elisha said unto them, This is not the way, neither is this the city: follow me, and I will bring you to the man whom ye seek. But he led them to Samaria.
58 And we lived in an old house with clapboard shingles. You know what a clapboard shingle is? And we used to have to put a canvas over us at night when it'd snow, to keep the snow out of our face. You could just look at the stars right through them old clapboards.
And we'd get bad cold, and it would settle in our eyes, as little kids. And mama, every morning when she come to the bed and our eyes was all mattered up, (she called it) matter all in our eyes, it was cold in our eyes, she'd go down and get grandpa's old coon grease, and she'd come up, and rub our eyes and massage it with coon grease. And believe it or not, in a few minutes all the matter was out of our eyes, and we could see.
59 Now, you know what's the matter with the church? It has been so cold till it's got a spiritual cold. And it'll take more than coon grease to open your eyes. It'll take the oil of the Holy Spirit and the power of the resurrection of Christ to take the coldness away from the church and open their eyes, that they might see the presence of the Lord Jesus.
Let Him open your eyes. He's the Holy Spirit, the third person of the trinity here, tonight to grease up your eyes with God's salve. Open your eyes.
You know what? American people want to be entertained. They want some little Hollywood star with kinky hair and dressed up like I-don't-know-what to come out and make a entertainment, 'cause that's what you see on your television. I'm just one old-fashioned preacher that believes that there's no cure but the blood of Jesus Christ. That's right.
60 I'm getting so sick and tired of this American Hollywood evangelism going across the country with diamond rings, and short haired women, and going across ... and carrying on, and beating the drums somewhere, and jumping up and down. It's a disgrace. We need the old-time Saint Paul's revival and the Bible Holy Ghost back in the church with some real good Holy Ghost salve to open people's eyes. That is the truth. Open our eyes.
Then when the real thing comes along, people's so blind they can't see it. And God has been so merciful to us people, that it's become common to us. God, in all of our coldness and indifference, He still sends His mercy.
61 Here sometime ago a man wanted to be inspired, and he went down to the sea to be inspired. And on his road down he met an old salt coming back, an old sailor had lived on the sea, borned on the sea. And he said, "My good man, where goest thou?"
He said, "Sir, I'm going down to the sea to be inspired. Oh, I want to smell the salty air. I want to see the great ocean as it whips up its big white briny waves, and see the reflection of the sky in its blue water. I want to hear the scream of the sea gulls. Oh, I'm sure I will be inspired when I get to the sea. I've longed to see it all my life. I've longed to see the sea."
And the old salt said to him, "Well I was born on it, and I've sailed the seven seas, and I don't see nothing inspiring about it." Why? He was so used to it.
62 That's what's the matter with the Pentecostal church and the rest of them today. You're so used to seeing the powers of God and the glory of God, and the goodness of God till you just don't pay any attention to it no more. That's right. It becomes a common thing.
That's the reason Africa, India, and those nations there who knows nothing about it, just the first time God does anything, oh my, they go by the thousands to Christ. They've never seen it like we have. But our days is just about over, and it's leaving here now, going to those lands. Certainly it is.
63 Down in Louisiana, not far from here, there was an old Negro down there by the name of Gabe. Now they called him Gabe, but his right name was Gabriel. And he was a good old guy, but he just couldn't stay lined up with the church and with the Bible.
His wife was a darling Christian; she prayed for old Gabe all the time. And the pastor was a good man, the colored pastor. And he was a nice man, full of the Spirit of God, had the Holy Ghost. And the pastor was a hunter and so was Gabe. And they liked to hunt together. But old Gabe was such a poor shot, he couldn't hit nothing.
64 So one day the pastor and old Gabe went hunting. And that day while they were hunting, oh, they killed so much game till when they started back that night, they were just loaded down with birds, and rabbits, and all kinds of game. And the sun was going down, setting in the west. And they were coming up a little old familiar path, and the pastor walking in front, just barely could walk, old Gabe walking in the back loaded down with game.
And after while the pastor felt his big hand laying on his shoulder. He said, "Parson!" And the pastor stopped. Old Gabe looked over towards the sun, and then looked back.
And the pastor saw tears running down his cheeks. And he said, "What's the matter, Gabe?"
65 He said, "Pastor, this is Saturday. In the morning you going to see this man down at the mourner's bench. Then I's coming up from that mourner's bench, I'm going to get me a seat in that church by the side of my sainted wife. There I will be a member until I die."
The pastor stopped a minute and he said, "Gabe, you know I'm glad to hear that. Why," said, "how much I've prayed for you and how this church has prayed for you. How we've took you and done good things for you. You've sat in the church and heard my ministry. You ... [break in tape.]"
Revelation 3:20 Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.
66 That's the reason the messages are so strong and right straight to the point. "I stand at the door and knock: if any man hear My voice, and will open the door, I will come in to him." Oh, at the goodness God has been to you. How the Lord God comes here night after night, showing Himself alive by the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, performing and doing the same works that He did before He left this world. That now in the form of the Holy Spirit, doing the same works, across America.
And the people have sat in, chew chewing gum and say, "Yep, that's pretty good, Brother Branham." That's just the appreciation. "Oh, yes. Oh, if you bawl us out too hard, we will wait and see Oral Roberts. If he gets after us, we will go over to Billy Graham." Just entertained.
67 You don't know how good He is to you. He don't have to do these things. He don't have to make His appearance. The reason He's doing it, because He promised He'd do it. And He's good and full of mercy. No matter how you treat Him, He will come right back to the door and knock again. Oh, let Him come tonight. Let Him knock at our heart's door tonight one more time, then let us open up our hearts, and say, "Yes, Lord Jesus, I now believe."
Let us bow our heads just a moment. Solemnly now, I wonder in this deep time of prayer, I just wonder if God would just knock at someone's heart just now. I want to see it just before I leave your fair city. I may not get to you see you again in life. I'm fixing to go to Africa now and out around the world.
68 But I just wonder while I'm here, as your brother, I just wonder if God has knocked at your heart anytime during this meeting, saying, "Child of Mine, let Me come into your room. Let Me enter in at the door, and then just if I've already come in, then let Me have access. Let Me take over all that indifference, that pride. Let Me take over that private life. Let Me stand in the door of your faith, then if you can't understand these things and you think they're too mysterious..."
You say, "Well, I don't know, Brother Branham, whether that would be right or not." Let God anoint your eyes tonight with His eye salve. Won't you do it? While we have our heads bowed, how many will raise up your hands and say to God by this? "I want You to anoint my eyes, Lord. I want to see the resurrection of the Lord Jesus."
69 God bless you, lady, sitting there snubbing, crying. Certainly. God bless you, lady, yes, sitting there wiping your eyes. Someone else raise up the hand and say, "God be merciful to me." God bless you, young lady back here. God bless you over here, sir, you little man here, you lady, you, and you, you. You back there, way back, yes, God bless you.
"Oh, I stand at..." God bless you up there in the balcony. "I stand at the door, and knock." God bless you, young man sitting down here, just at the crossroads of life. "I stand at the door, and knock: if any man will hear My voice, and will open the door, I will come in, and I will sup with him, sit down at the table, I will just make all of My mysteries known to him."
Revelation 3:20 Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.
70 Oh, if God could only get us in, like He did Theophilus and them who had walked with Him all day. He'd taught them, and preached to them all day, and still they didn't know Who He was. Then when He got on the inside, like He's got you now, closed in, then He revealed Himself. Their eyes were opened.
Why, they'd looked all day long. They'd looked right in His face, but they didn't know Him. And their eyes were opened, and they said they knew it was the Lord. See, quickly He had vanished from their sight. Right back they went saying, "Truly the Lord Jesus has raised from the dead."
Do you want your eyes opened to see this is the last day, to see this is the end of the age? God is dealing with the Gentiles now. This will be the last go around. Next thing is judgment. God bless you, young man sitting right just in the prime of life, teen-ager. You're taking the best road that you ever took, son. Mom and daddy will sure be glad of you, be proud to know that their son's raised his hand and accepted Christ.
Luke 24:31 And their eyes were opened, and they knew him; and he vanished out of their sight.
Luke 24:34 Saying, The Lord is risen indeed, and hath appeared to Simon.
71 One of these days when that pulse is squeezing out; death coming up your sleeve; you're getting cold; all your friends standing around, none of them can do nothing for you then, maybe in an automobile accident bleeding to death; under a car, a fire burning you up; drowned in the water; something killing you; you'll remember, "I put up my hand one night to Jesus." That's the most gallant thing you ever did.
Someone else, just before closing? Someone else? God bless you. Someone back there? God bless you, young lady. God bless you, young man. That's right, put your hand right up. God bless you up there in the bal... Yes, lady, yes, God be with you. Back in here, God bless you, young man. God bless you, sir.
72 God bless you over here, back in this way, back in there, out in the balconies, out ... not in the balcony, I mean the vestibule. God bless you. He sees your hand, even if you're behind the doors there, and I can't see but that one little window. He sees your hand. Now, let us pray.
Heavenly Father, oh, how great Thou art. You stood at the door here tonight, and some fifty people or more, maybe seventy-five, raised their hands to receive You, knowing that You knocked at their door. It's written in the Word by our Lord, "No man can come to Me, except My Father draws him first. All that comes to Me, I will in no wise cast out."
John 6:37 All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out.
John 6:44 No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day.
73 Lord, they are the fruits of the message. Jesus, standing at the heart's door. The revival of my part here is closing for this session. God, I'm so glad they raised their hands. Now, I give them to You just now. And I'm praying, God, that the great Holy Spirit will let them go to one of these churches here somewhere, a good church that teaches the Bible, any church of their choice, and speak to their pastor, and say, "Pastor, I was down to the meeting the other night. I raised my hand to Christ. Won't you baptize me now, in the Christian faith? I want to walk a straight, narrow road, and be a credit to my neighborhood and to all that I'm in contact with, and serve God, for I love Him."
O God, that pastor, he'll be happy for that. And he'll take care of Your child, I believe, Lord, like the good Samaritan who took him to the inn and said, "All right, if you lack anything, I will pay you when I come." God grant it. In Jesus' name, I present them to Thee. Amen.
Luke 10:35 And on the morrow when he departed, he took out two pence, and gave them to the host, and said unto him, Take care of him; and whatsoever thou spendest more, when I come again, I will repay thee.
74 I just hate to leave the meeting. I told them tonight before leaving, I said, "There's something about this meeting that's just gripped my heart." I think there's some here I won't see no more. If I come back a year from now, you won't be here, some of us. I may not be here a year from now. Some of us will be gone.
My testimony, will have to stand in the judgment with it then before you all. What good would it be doing me to give a wrong testimony? I'd rather be at home tonight with my little Joseph, playing with him; down at my church, just standing there preaching.
75 How many is in the building, the first time they've ever been in one of my meetings? Let's see your hand. Oh, you know, it's a good thing that the crowd from the following night never gets here. It's claimed they turned several thousand away last night. If they'd all come at one time, we'd have to have a big tent somewhere. Never been in one of my meetings before. Now friends, I don't claim to be a healer.
76 And I want to say one thing before this, each one of you dear people that raised up your hand, go see a good pastor right away. Will you promise do that? We haven't got room here to bring people up for an altar call. But promise. The only thing you have to do...
I believe in the altar, certainly. I believe in that. But you remember in the Bible, It said, "As many as believed was added to the church." See? I think you ought... A person, it's good for them to come forward, and pray, and thank God, and stand up as a public testimony. I believe in that, all my heart. But we haven't room here to do it.
Now, you promise God that you believe. I took your word. He did too. So now, you go to some church and shake their hand ... shake the hand of the pastor, tell him you want to become a member of his church, be baptized.
Acts 2:41 Then they that gladly received his word were baptized: and the same day there were added unto them about three thousand souls.
Acts 2:47 Praising God, and having favour with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved.
Acts 5:14 And believers were the more added to the Lord, multitudes both of men and women.)
77 Now, just a few moments before we start the prayer line, which we actually just started on time, we got twelve minutes, but we won't take it all. I just want to say to the newcomer: Now, I do not claim to be a divine healer. Can you hear me all right? I do not believe there's any man in the world that's a divine healer. I believe that God is the only One can heal.
How many knows that Jesus Christ never claimed to be a healer? That right? Certainly. He said, "It's not Me that doeth the works: it's My Father that dwelleth in Me, He doeth the works." And, "The Son can do nothing in Himself, but what He sees the Father doing." Is that right?
John 5:19 Then answered Jesus and said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do: for what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise.
John 14:10 Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me? the words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works.
78 Then Jesus never did one thing according to His own words, in a way of healing the sick or anything, until the Father showed Him first by a miracle, by a vision what was going to take place. That's His own words. He couldn't lie. That's Saint John 5:19. "Verily, verily," the word means "absolutely, absolutely," "I say unto thee, the Son can do nothing in Himself, but what He sees the Father doing, that doeth the Son likewise."
Now, that's inspired, God's Own Word. Then look what did He do? How did He declare Himself now to the nation? What was the first thing He done in a way of a miracle as we understand that the people could see? He prayed for sick, laid His hands on them. But a miracle...
John 1:42 And he brought him to Jesus. And when Jesus beheld him, he said, Thou art Simon the son of Jona: thou shalt be called Cephas, which is by interpretation, A stone.
John 5:19 Then answered Jesus and said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do: for what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise.
79 There was a man by the name of Peter. (He called him Peter, or later his name was Simon.) And he was an old fisherman. And his brother Andrew brought him up to Jesus. Now, listen close for just a minute. You'll miss the kernel. And he brought him up to Jesus, and when he come in the presence of Jesus, Jesus said, "Your name is Simon, but you'll be called Cephas." And said, "You're the son of Jonas."
How many knows that? That was a Jew that a miracle was done on. He finally ended up having the keys of the kingdom in his hand, a man that couldn't even read his own name. The Bible said that Peter was ignorant and unlearned. That's right. Not a student, but a ignorant and unlearned fisherman.
Matthew 16:19 And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.
Acts 4:13 Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men, they marvelled; and they took knowledge of them, that they had been with Jesus.
80 Now, then what happened? There was a fellow up in his city by the name of Philip. He got saved too. And he was so enthused till he went around the mountain about thirty miles and found his friend by the name of Nathanael. That's a good sign he got saved: He wanted to tell somebody about it. And he found Nathanael, and Nathanael was under a tree praying. And he said, "Come see who we've found, Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph."
Now, this staunch Hebrew, brushing all of his clothes, he said, "Now, wait a minute, Philip. Could there be any good thing come out of that city, or that group, that holy-rollers or whatever you want to call them? Could anything good come out of there?" And he give him the best answer any man could. He said, "Come see. You be the judge."
John 1:45 Philip findeth Nathanael, and saith unto him, We have found him, of whom Moses in the law, and the prophets, did write, Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph.
John 1:46 And Nathanael said unto him, Can there any good thing come out of Nazareth? Philip saith unto him, Come and see.
81 Then out along the road coming around he told him what He'd done to Peter, so forth. It was thirty miles, so they had plenty of time to talk, a good day's journey. And when they come up in the prayer line where Jesus was, now, watch what Jesus done. Now, there comes a real stanch Hebrew. Don't miss it now.
When he come in the presence of the Son of God, Jesus looked at him and said, "Behold, an Israelite in whom there is no guile." That's Saint John 1. How many knows that, you newcomers?
And he looked at Him, he said, "Rabbi, when did You know me? (Otherwise, 'You've never seen me. By my dress You wouldn't know. I could've been a Greek. I could of been an Arab. And I could of been a dishonest man. But You tell me that I'm an Orthodox, a real true Israelite, and I'm honest and upright. How did You know me? You've never seen me.')"
Jesus said, "Before Philip called you, when you were under the tree, I saw you." Is that right? How many knows that? Now, watch the attitude of this Jew, I mean a real elected Jew.
John 1:47 Jesus saw Nathanael coming to him, and saith of him, Behold an Israelite indeed, in whom is no guile!
John 1:48 Nathanael saith unto him, Whence knowest thou me? Jesus answered and said unto him, Before that Philip called thee, when thou wast under the fig tree, I saw thee.
82 I want to ask you people something. How many believes in election? You mean to tell me you don't believe in election? I know I got to come teach just a little bit. Election. "No man can come to Me, except My Father draws him."
In the book of Ephesians, the 1st chapter, the Bible said that God predestinated us to be the adoption of the children of God through Jesus Christ, predestined by foreknowledge. God knowed everybody would be saved before even the world was created. Jesus never come to the earth to die and be pitiful, and say, "Somebody will take mercy on me, and say, Well, He died, I guess I will come.'" I wouldn't run my office like that, and you wouldn't either. How about God?
John 6:44 No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day.
Ephesians 1:5 Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will,
83 God sent Jesus here to call those who by foreknowledge He knew would come. Certainly He did. If He wasn't infinite, He didn't know. But if He was infinite, He knowed every fly, every flea, everything else that'd ever be on the earth, if He's infinite God... How many believes He's infinite?
Tell me what infinite means. There wasn't one thing that ever was on the earth, but what He knowed it before the world was created. He said so. Then He knows... He's not willing that any should perish, but His foreknowledge let Him know who would perish and who wouldn't.
2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
84 That's the reason when Paul spoke of it in Corinthians there ... or, Romans, he said, "Before either child was born, Esau, and Jacob, both with good, holy parents, God said, 'I hate Esau, and love Jacob,'" that His election might stand true. How many ever read that? And you can't believe in election? He knowed just exactly what would happen. Certainly.
He's not willing, but His foreknowledge lets Him know. He don't just say, "I'm going to save this and lose that one." He wants you all saved, but His foreknowledge knows who would, so therefore He could predestinate according to foreknowledge, and that's election. Jesus come, and the last ones to be saved will be saved, the churches, and go home.
Malachi 1:2 I have loved you, saith the LORD. Yet ye say, Wherein hast thou loved us? Was not Esau Jacob's brother? saith the LORD: yet I loved Jacob,
Malachi 1:3 And I hated Esau, and laid his mountains and his heritage waste for the dragons of the wilderness.
Romans 9:13 As it is written, Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated.
85 Now, when Philip come up, and got Nathanael, and Nathanael come up and seen Jesus, and Jesus told him where he was before he come, watch what that Jew said. Now, that's a real Jew that has been elected to eternal life. He said, "Rabbi, You are the Son of God. You're the King of Israel."
But now, there stood a lot of scholars around. And what did they say? They said, "He's Beelzebub. He's a fortuneteller. How many knows that He was a Beelzebub?" See, they knew, he thought it was reading that man's mind. "He is Beelzebub, the prince of the devils."
Jesus said, "I will forgive you for that, but when the Holy Ghost is come and does it, one word against it will never be forgiven in this world, or the world to come." How many knows that? What was He doing? That's the way He made Himself known to the Jews, by doing that.
Matthew 12:24 But when the Pharisees heard it, they said, This fellow doth not cast out devils, but by Beelzebub the prince of the devils.
Matthew 12:31 Wherefore I say unto you, All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men.
Matthew 12:32 And whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come.
Mark 3:22 And the scribes which came down from Jerusalem said, He hath Beelzebub, and by the prince of the devils casteth he out devils.
Mark 3:28 Verily I say unto you, All sins shall be forgiven unto the sons of men, and blasphemies wherewith soever they shall blaspheme:
Mark 3:29 But he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost hath never forgiveness, but is in danger of eternal damnation:
Luke 11:15 But some of them said, He casteth out devils through Beelzebub the chief of the devils.
Luke 12:10 And whosoever shall speak a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but unto him that blasphemeth against the Holy Ghost it shall not be forgiven.
John 1:49 Nathanael answered and saith unto him, Rabbi, thou art the Son of God; thou art the King of Israel.
86 How did He make Himself known to the Samaritans? Now, there's only three nationalities of people, that's Jew, Gentile, and Samaritans. Ham, Shem, and Japheth's people. And we know that. We come from the sons of Noah.
Now, notice. Then when He made Himself known to the Samaritans, He sent the disciples away. And He was sitting on this stone, because the Father had told Him to go up there. He had need to go by Samaria. Instead of going straight down to Jericho, He went around the mountain to Samaria.
And He sat there, and a woman come out. We believe her to be a prostitute. She had six husbands. And when she come out, she went to let the kettle down to get the water, and when she did, Jesus said, "Woman, bring Me a drink."
And she said, "We got segregation. It's not customary for Jews to have any dealing with Samaritans. We have a law of segregation here."
And He said, "But if you knew who you were talking to, you would ask Me for a drink."
John 4:4 And he must needs go through Samaria.
John 4:7 There cometh a woman of Samaria to draw water: Jesus saith unto her, Give me to drink.
John 4:8 (For his disciples were gone away unto the city to buy meat.)
John 4:9 Then saith the woman of Samaria unto him, How is it that thou, being a Jew, askest drink of me, which am a woman of Samaria? for the Jews have no dealings with the Samaritans.
John 4:10 Jesus answered and said unto her, If thou knewest the gift of God, and who it is that saith to thee, Give me to drink; thou wouldest have asked of him, and he would have given thee living water.
87 What did He do? He went to talking to her about worship in the mountain at Jerusalem. He carried the conversation with the woman till He caught her spirit. He said, "Go get your husband and come here."
She said, "I don't have any husband."
Watch: not a Jew, a Samaritan. And she said, "I don't have any husband."
He said, "You said right. You've got five, and the one you're living with now is not yours."
Now, watch what she said. Did she say, "He's a fortuneteller?" She said, "Sir, I perceive that You're a prophet. And we know (Watch.), we know (Samaritans) that when the Messiah cometh, He will tell us these things. But who are You?"
He said, "I am He that speaks to you." And she run into the city and said, "Come see a man that told me the things I've done. Isn't this the Messiah?"
Now, watch. He forbid... He never did that miracle one time to a Gentile. And He told His disciples not to go in the way of the Gentiles. How many knows that? And it has never been done from that day to this. But this is the end of the Gentiles.
Matthew 10:5 These twelve Jesus sent forth, and commanded them, saying, Go not into the way of the Gentiles, and into any city of the Samaritans enter ye not:
John 4:16 Jesus saith unto her, Go, call thy husband, and come hither.
John 4:17 The woman answered and said, I have no husband. Jesus said unto her, Thou hast well said, I have no husband:
John 4:18 For thou hast had five husbands; and he whom thou now hast is not thy husband: in that saidst thou truly.
John 4:19 The woman saith unto him, Sir, I perceive that thou art a prophet.
John 4:25 The woman saith unto him, I know that Messias cometh, which is called Christ: when he is come, he will tell us all things.
John 4:26 Jesus saith unto her, I that speak unto thee am he.
John 4:29 Come, see a man, which told me all things that ever I did: is not this the Christ?
88 And the way God acts on the first occasion, if the circumstances arise, and that same thing arise again, God has got to act the same way He did there, or He acted wrong. If He ever healed a sick man because he was sick, He's got to act the same way when He's called on the scene, or He did wrong when He healed that man: He's a respect of persons.
If that's the way He manifested Himself to the Jew, the true Jew believed it, the other one didn't believe it, that's the way He manifested Himself to the Samaritans, He has got to do the same thing to the Gentile, if He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. He promised He would do it.
Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.
89 Run back to the ... your scholars. Go back through your history, and find if it's ever been done from that day to this. This is the day. This is the last trip to America. After mercy has been spurned, judgment's left.
Now, friends, remember this. Don't you forget it. Read your Scriptures. A woman touched His garment, for she said in her heart, "If I can touch Him, I will be made well." Jesus was passing by, and everybody hugging Him, or shaking hands, or whatever it was, and that woman touched His garment. She didn't feel it physically, because the Palestinian garment is loose.
And she just touched the part of His garment, and went back and sat down, or stood up or whatever---she got away from Him. Jesus turned and said, "Who touched Me?"
And the woman said, "Not me!" All of them said, "Not me!"
But Jesus said, "I got weak; virtue went out of Me."
Peter said, "Well, the whole group's touching You."
Said, "But I'm weak." Then He looked around until He found the woman. And He said, "Thy faith has healed thee."
Matthew 9:21 For she said within herself, If I may but touch his garment, I shall be whole.
Matthew 9:22 But Jesus turned him about, and when he saw her, he said, Daughter, be of good comfort; thy faith hath made thee whole. And the woman was made whole from that hour.
Mark 5:28 For she said, If I may touch but his clothes, I shall be whole.
Mark 5:29 And straightway the fountain of her blood was dried up; and she felt in her body that she was healed of that plague.
Mark 5:30 And Jesus, immediately knowing in himself that virtue had gone out of him, turned him about in the press, and said, Who touched my clothes?
Mark 5:31 And his disciples said unto him, Thou seest the multitude thronging thee, and sayest thou, Who touched me?
Mark 5:34 And he said unto her, Daughter, thy faith hath made thee whole; go in peace, and be whole of thy plague.
Luke 8:45 And Jesus said, Who touched me? When all denied, Peter and they that were with him said, Master, the multitude throng thee and press thee, and sayest thou, Who touched me?
Luke 8:46 And Jesus said, Somebody hath touched me: for I perceive that virtue is gone out of me.
Luke 8:47 And when the woman saw that she was not hid, she came trembling, and falling down before him, she declared unto him before all the people for what cause she had touched him, and how she was healed immediately.
Luke 8:48 And he said unto her, Daughter, be of good comfort: thy faith hath made thee whole; go in peace.
90 Now, that was Jesus yesterday. And the Bible said that He's a high priest right now, that can be touched by the feeling of our infirmity. Is that right? Did He say this before He left? "The works that I do, shall you also." Did He say that? How many knows that, say, "Amen."
John 14:12 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.
Hebrews 4:15 For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin.
91 How many knows that He said, "A little while and the world (that Greek word kosmos which means "the world order") that the world won't see Me no more; yet ye shall see Me, for I will be with you to the end of the world." How many knows that? Jesus Christ the same yes... If He is the same, He's got to declare Himself the same.
Look what He said, "I am the vine, ye are the branches." Now, the vine doesn't bear fruit. The branch bears fruit. And the kind of fruit it bears, is the kind of fruit ... the life it's getting out of the vine. If it's a pumpkin, as I said, it'll bear pumpkins.
Matthew 28:20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.
John 14:19 Yet a little while, and the world seeth me no more; but ye see me: because I live, ye shall live also.
John 15:5 I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.
92 If it's a sinful vine you're hooked into, it'll bear sin. If it's a church vine, it'll bear churchanity. If it's Christ, it'll bear the works of Christ. Got to. "I am the vine, ye are the branches." And now, He only has hands, mine and yours; eyes, mine and yours. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
And let me say this as I'm leaving tonight: This is America's hour. And she has spurned it. I said two years ago that America would never have a revival. Write it in your book and find out if it's right or not. She's done.
If God lets America get by with this sinful, unbelieving, church-going bunch of hypocrites, He will have to raise up Sodom and Gomorrah, and apologize to them for sinking them, (that's right) to be just. That's right. Even though Angels smote them blind, they were in the darkness feeling around, a perverted spirit. And tonight, America stands in the same shape, nothing left but fire.
Genesis 19:11 And they smote the men that were at the door of the house with blindness, both small and great: so that they wearied themselves to find the door.
John 15:5 I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.
Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.
93 I want you to notice: What was that Angel's message that come tried to get them out of there? I want to give you just a little on the side now, just a minute. When the Angel come to Abraham, Sarah was back in the tent. How many knows that? And the Angel had His back turned to the tent. How many knows that? The Bible said so.
And the Angel, which was Christ... We know that was Christ. He was called Elohim, which is "the Almighty God," in a form of a man, He stood there. And when He was, He was looking at Abraham. He said, "According to the time of life, I'm going to visit you." And Sarah, back in the tent went [Bro. Branham snickers]--- laughed---back behind His back. He said, "Why did Sarah laugh?"
Genesis 18:10 And he said, I will certainly return unto thee according to the time of life; and, lo, Sarah thy wife shall have a son. And Sarah heard it in the tent door, which was behind him.
Genesis 18:12 Therefore Sarah laughed within herself, saying, After I am waxed old shall I have pleasure, my lord being old also?
Genesis 18:13 And the LORD said unto Abraham, Wherefore did Sarah laugh, saying, Shall I of a surety bear a child, which am old?
94 What was it? It was the Angel's message to Sodom before it burnt up. And we're going to get the fire. And before the fire falls, that same Angel with the same signs and wonders... Touch His garment and find out. Can you see it's a Angel with the last warning to the church? How many understands that now? Did I make it plain to you, see.
The same Angel has to do the same thing. There He is, the same Christ. He was the One that was with Abraham. Here He is tonight doing the same thing, and America just sits still. Sure, it can't be nothing else. Has to be that way. But there's some eagles.
Open your eyes now. God anoint your eyes. And if Christ will do the same thing from this platform tonight, that He did when He walked in Galilee, wonder if you'd go home like Theophilus and them, saying, "Did not our hearts burn within as He talked to us along the road?" Would you believe that? God bless you. Let's pray.
Luke 24:32 And they said one to another, Did not our heart burn within us, while he talked with us by the way, and while he opened to us the scriptures?
95 Now, Lord, I've did all that I know how. I commit the rest of the service to You. Now, anoint Your people there, Lord. This is a lovely group of people. And, Lord, the reason I've tried to be so stern with them, not that I thought they deserved to be stern, but I'm only warning, Lord, only warning. And I pray that You'll let them understand that, that I'm only setting out a warning there and letting them know that this is America's hour, her last hour.
"Hurry!" said Lot ... or, the Angel said to Lot, "Get out, come quickly. I can't do nothing till you come out first." And that's the Angel's warning today, the same Angel, doing the same works, proving that Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever. Grant it, Lord. Knock at their heart, open their eyes, and may they see Thee, tonight; for I ask it in Christ's name. Amen.
Genesis 19:22 Haste thee, escape thither; for I cannot do any thing till thou be come thither. Therefore the name of the city was called Zoar.
96 I've got these handkerchiefs here. Now, in the Bible it said that... Many of you say here, "Anoint my handkerchiefs." That's all right. Anything God will bless, I'm for it. But if you'll bear me record, in Acts 19, they didn't anoint handkerchiefs. They took from the body of Paul, handkerchiefs.
You know, I think Paul was very fundamental. Don't you think so? You know where I think he got that? When the woman, the Shunammite woman, that he gave Gehazi his staff, and said, "Take this staff and lay it on the baby." Gehazi knowed that what he touched was blessed, if the woman would believe the same thing.
And the people believed Paul. They seen the Lord working with him, and they believed, so they took handkerchiefs and aprons off of his body, and went to the sick and afflicted and they were healed.
2 Kings 4:29 Then he said to Gehazi, Gird up thy loins, and take my staff in thine hand, and go thy way: if thou meet any man, salute him not; and if any salute thee, answer him not again: and lay my staff upon the face of the child.
Acts 19:12 So that from his body were brought unto the sick handkerchiefs or aprons, and the diseases departed from them, and the evil spirits went out of them.
97 Now, if you haven't got one here, and you want one, just send down to my office in Jeffersonville. It'll be sent to you absolutely free and post paid. We send thousands of them a month, around the world. Oh, such testimonies. Now, let's pray for these handkerchiefs before leaving.
Lord God, in the Bible it's written that when Israel was cornered off, trying to follow Your instructions, and they were at the Red Sea, and the mountains and deserts was on either side, and Pharaoh's army backed them up; here they was coming in for sudden death. And one writer has said that the eyes of the Lord looked down through that pillar of fire, and the Red Sea got scared and it walled up. And Israel went across on dry land to the promised land.
Now, Lord God, as I send these handkerchiefs as token of people's faith, may the eyes of God look down through the blood of Jesus, His Son. And when they see this little token laid upon the sick and afflicted, may the devil---the sickness---depart and may the patient pass over into that promised land of good health. Grant it, Lord. I send them in Jesus' name, for this purpose. Amen.
98 All right. Prayer card Y-1 to 100? Y-1 to a 100. Well, we've been all around everywhere through them, so let's just start from number 1. We can take, line but just a very few at a time, so I will just have to call you one by a time till I get enough to fill this little aisle up here, then we will start. All right.
Now, I want every person to keep your seat, and be just as reverent as you can be, just as reverent as you know how to be. Sit still now. We just got about eighteen minutes. Y number 1, would you hold up your hand?
99 It's a little card, just about like this. Boys come down and mix them all up together, give anybody a card that wants one, like that. Then that night we call from somewhere. That's just merely to get the people up here. Then you start believing.
How many here doesn't have a prayer card? Let's see your hand. You want God to heal you. I challenge your faith to look to Him who is the high priest, and say, "Lord God, if that man's told me the truth, I ain't got no prayer card, but let him turn around and tell me the same thing like You did back there. I will never doubt it no more." You do that and see what happens.
100 Last night we had the prayer line, and we wouldn't take anybody that had prayer cards. How many was here last night know that just took those without prayer cards? It's the same. Only thing's just to keep ... just let somebody come up here. Doesn't matter who comes. But this keeps it all in order, and there's no, like an arena, piling over one another. If we seen people get in fights over who get up there first, so we had to give them cards and keep them lined up.
Y number 1, raise up your hand please. Ever who has it, prayer card Y. Is that right? Or B did you say? V. V. Maybe it's V number 1 then. Maybe that's V number 1. Has anybody got prayer card V (Raise up your hand.) like in victory? Oh, yes, sure they are. All right. It's V.
101 Let's start from V number 1 then.
Who has it? V number 1? All right. Right here. All right, sir. V number 2? V number 2, would you raise up your hand? Who had it, please; somebody back there. Is that the lady right there, sister? V number 2? All right. Come here would you? V number 3. They're just all over the building now. They just give them out to anywhere in the building.
V number 3, hold up your hand. Wave it like this so we can... Back there? Thank you, sister. Come here just a minute. We will line up right here now. V number 4? Who has number 4? All right, lady. Come right here. Number 5?
Look at your neighbor's card, might be deaf, might be can't raise up. Number 5? V number 6, would you raise your hand please? Right here. Number 7, would you raise your hand? Right here. All right. Number 8, would you raise your hand? V number 8. Number 8, would you raise your hand, please? V number 8. Back there? Thank you. All right.
102 Number 9? Number 9? V number 9, would you raise your hand? All right. Number 10? That's good. Come right ahead now. Number 10, would you raise your hand quickly? 10. 11? All right. 12? 12? Did I see it? You'll miss your turn. 12, all right, sir. 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20.
Now, it doesn't matter. I don't care, anybody else, if they want to stand, I can keep on calling. You want me to call a few more? Just say so. Doesn't matter. Just don't want you to standing too long. 20? 21? 2, 3...
[Break in tape.] We're probably born miles apart, years apart. And this is the first time that we've ever met in life. Now, if God will reveal to this man, Jesus Christ, just like He did when Philip went and got Nathanael and brought him...
103 What did Jesus say? "Behold, an Israelite in whom there is no guile," an honest, just Christian believer in other words. Said, "When did You know me, Rabbi?"
Said, "Before Philip called you when you were under the tree, I saw you."
Quickly he said, "You're the Son of God, the King of Israel." But the Pharisees said, "He's a devil."
Now, if it's done, it'll have to come by some kind of a supernatural power. We got two Bibles laying here before us, and both of us with our hands up: this is the first time we've ever met. Now, it depends on what you think it is. If you think like the Pharisees, you get their reward. If you think like Nathanael, you get his reward. You get God's reward if you think it's God. This ought to settle it forever.
John 1:47 Jesus saw Nathanael coming to him, and saith of him, Behold an Israelite indeed, in whom is no guile!
John 1:48 Nathanael saith unto him, Whence knowest thou me? Jesus answered and said unto him, Before that Philip called thee, when thou wast under the fig tree, I saw thee.
John 1:49 Nathanael answered and saith unto him, Rabbi, thou art the Son of God; thou art the King of Israel.
104 Now, I don't say that He will do it. I believe He will. I'm trusting. He's never failed me yet. And this is about twelve years. I've saw visions since I was about eighteen months old. First vision I ever saw, I told my mother where we'd live, near New Albany, Indiana. We was hundreds of miles away. We've lived there all my life.
You all just see this right here on the platform. This is all you know. Ask associates Dr. Vayle and these who go with us, and watch the great visions. This is what you're doing. This is your own faith pulling towards the gift of God. That's what that woman done. Jesus didn't know nothing about it, but she pulled God's power out of Him by her faith. That's the only thing that's taken place here.
105 But when God told Jesus to go away and wait till Lazarus had died, and come back, He raised the dead. He never said He got weak. God just lifted Him up, and said, "This is the way it's going to be, and this is what take place." And He didn't get weak from that. But when a woman touched His garment, she was using God's gift.
Now, be real reverent. Let's pray, and watch now.
Now, sir, this may be the last time on earth that we meet. And here we are for the first time on earth. I trust that we will meet many times. But if the Lord God will come now... And remember I'm telling you, and you know it to be the truth: I know nothing of you. But if the Lord God will reveal to me something that you know whether it's the truth or not...
106 Now, if I said, "Sir, you're sick," you might not be. I don't know. That would be a guess maybe, still it could be true. And I'd say, "You're going to get well," you'd still have to take my word for it. But if God would tell me something that you know whether it's the truth or not, then you'd know whether that was God or not, wouldn't you? That would be God. It's the only way it could be. Now, believe.
Now, if the audience can hear my voice, and you who've seen the picture of the Angel of the Lord, His presence is here. And in the name of Jesus Christ, I take every spirit here under my control for the glory of God, and the manifestation of His Son, who is now present.
The man is suffering with a nervous condition that he wants me to pray for. That's "thus saith the Lord." That's right, isn't it, sir? Raise up your hand if that's right. That wasn't a guess. That wasn't my voice. It was something else. Do you believe it was His?
107 Now, look. More I would talk to the man, more would be said. Would you like... Would that confirm anything to you, if you'd just talk a little more to him? I can't tell you what I said. Only way I know it's by these tapes. See, it's a vision. I seen the man doing something, I couldn't tell you what it is. Let's talk to him just a little bit. Seems to be a man that believes. Now, let's talk to him, let him be the judge.
Now, the man's standing with his eyes closed, and you all see that he's never opened his eyes to look towards me. Yes, I see the man. He's kind of upset about something. He's suffering with a nervous condition. That's his trouble.
And besides that, what's making him upset, he's got one of his loved ones that's at the point of death, going to die. And that's a younger fellow. Oh, it's his son. And that boy is in a terrible condition. He has something wrong with his lungs. It's cancer in his lungs. That's right.
108 And this man before me is a preacher. And he doesn't come from this city. He's from another place around, coming across the mountains, or something to co... He's from a place called Charleston, West Virginia. He's come here in answer to be prayed for, for his dying loved one. That's "thus saith the Spirit." Do you believe you receive what you've asked for, sir? Go home and find it that way; in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Do you believe? Now, you out there that doesn't have prayer cards, you that's not going to be in this line, you start looking this way and saying, "Lord, I believe too." Everywhere, anywhere in the building.
109 I suppose we're strangers to each other, lady. We are. First time meeting as far as I know. But the Lord God Who made heavens and earth, stands here to be our witness. If He will reveal to me... Now, here's a picture like the woman at the well, the Samaritan woman. See, it's a man and a woman meeting for the first time.
If Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever, then if He will reveal to me something that you know whether it's truth or not, will you believe that it's Him speaking through your brother? You will? You are a Christian believer, 'cause your spirit is welcoming. I know you're a Christian.
The woman is suffering with a tremendous nervousness, and a weakness. This weakness was caused from an operation. And that operation was in the female gland. And she still got a drainage from that operation. That's true. Raise your hands for that. Well, it's over, sister. You're going to be well, so your faith has healed you. So you can go home now, and be well, and glorify God. Amen.
110 Would you come? Be reverent now. Just be in prayer. I suppose that we're strangers to each other. This our first time meeting? You've been here at the meetings, in this meeting. But I don't know you? No. All right.
Then if the Lord our God will speak and reveal the secret of your heart, or something whether you know that it's the truth or not, you'll know whether that's all right.
Preacher, you've got a bladder trouble and a gland trouble, and you were sitting there praying. It's all over now. You can go home, you sitting right there with the red looking shirt on, the striped tie. It's all over. Your faith made you well.
What did he touch? I don't know the man. I've never seen him. Are we strangers to one another, mister?
Is God anointing your eyes with salve? Are they coming open? Can you realize that your brother here has nothing to do with that? It's a gift that you just yield yourself to the Holy Spirit.
111 God knows. This lady standing here, and her trouble is in her back. He said that was kidney stones, the doctor. It's right. You believe that you'll get well. Not only that, but you've just had a fall, and you broke some ribs.
Now, your life you couldn't hide. To heal you, I can't. You're not from this city. You live near a city called Elkton. Gracie, you can return and go home, and be well. God make you well.
If thou canst believe.
Young lady, do you believe? I'm a stranger to you, but God knows you. You believe you're in His presence? Your brother wouldn't make you feel like that. Now, if people will watch, and watch real believers when they come to the platform, watch the expression on their face. To me, I see that light that you see in the picture. It's right around the woman.
I want to ask you something, young lady. You know the presence of your brother wouldn't make you feel like that, would it? Isn't there a real sweet, humble, meek feeling around you now? If that is, raise up your hand, see. I'm looking right at that light, moving around the lady.
The lady is standing here for someone else. That's right. Your daughter. If God will tell me what's wrong with your daughter, will you believe? It's a skin disease. Now, go home and lay those hands that you got up, lay them on her. She will get well. She's going to come out of it. Don't worry. God bless you. Go believing.
If thou canst believe.
112 We're strangers to each other, I suppose. But the Lord God knows us both. Do you believe that He's able to do this? You've come from out of town too, about fifty miles away, or something. You have hemorrhoids. You have an hernia. And you've got a fallen bladder that you want God to heal. Do you believe that what's talking to you? All right. Just believe. Go and be made well; in Christ's name.
If thou canst believe.
113 We're strangers to each other, I suppose. Are we? You've seen me once before this, but you know I don't know you, who you are. I don't know who you are. Certainly not. But God does. If He will tell me who you are, then you'll believe me? Do you believe your arthritis will be all right, if He does? All right. May God grant it, is my prayer.
Your last name is Walton. And your first name is Lily. Now, you turn right around, and go home, and you go back to Richmond, Virginia, and tell the people how good God has been to you.
If thou canst believe, all things are possible. Are you believing?
Mark 9:23 Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth.
114 Something struck that woman right back there just then, 'cause the Light went from the woman to that woman. And I see the same city arising. She's from Richmond, Virginia, sitting way back there. And you're praying for your son. And that son is in a motel. And that son has heart trouble. Take him back to Richmond. He will be well, you'll believe it with you'll believe with all your heart.
Who did she touch? What happened to her? She touched the high priest. Certainly. If thou canst believe, all things are possible.
Mark 9:23 Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth.
115 I see a woman that's wiping her eyes. She's somewhere praying. I trust that she's here. She's not from this city. She's from a city called Chester. She has eye trouble. Her name is Lillian Bush. Go home and be well. Jesus Christ heals you.
You believe? Have faith in God. Oh, how glorious.
Do you believe, lady? I don't know you, but God does know you. You're not here for yourself. You are here for someone else. And that's two people. And they live near somewhere where there's a ocean, or a great street... It is. It's the Atlantic Ocean. They're in a city called Norfolk, Virginia.
116 If God will reveal to me what is wrong with those people, will you believe me to be His servant and believe that He will grant you the request? One of them has tumor on the lung. The other one has cancer on the brain. And the one with cancer on the brain has been operated on. That's "thus saith the Lord." Do you believe? It will be just as you have believed. Go and God be with you.
Are you believing?
Now, bring the next person. How many believes now with all your heart? Look. Every once in a while I get a little pull from somewhere here that... Don't think you can hide your life now. You couldn't do it. You think it's telepathy. It's not telepathy, friends. No. Anybody that's got their right mind, knows one ounce about telepathy, knows better.
117 Here. This lady. I don't know her. Touch my hand, lady. If God will reveal this way what your trouble is, will you believe Him? You be the judge. I will look this way, won't look towards her. The lady's suffering with a female trouble. That's right. Take your hand off mine, raise it up, if that be right. Now, go back. You're healed.
Now, telepathy doesn't do that. Stop, don't believe that. Just have faith. You say, "That was a guess work." No, it isn't.
Come here, lady. Touch my hand. If God will tell me what your trouble is, will you believe me to be His servant? [The lady says, "Yes."] Then you go eat your supper. Your stomach trouble has left.
If thou canst believe, all things are possible.
What if I didn't say nothing to you, just laid my hand on you, would you believe you'd get well? Then in the name of the Lord Jesus, God grant it. Amen. Have faith.
Mark 9:23 Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth.
118 All right. Come, sir. What if I told you to go right on back and eat your supper too, that that peptic ulcer from nervousness, you've been having, is gone, would you believe me? Go right on around, just believe.
Would you believe your diabetes is going to leave you, to do well? Go right on around like that and be made well.
119 Do you believe that arthritis is going to leave you, and you're going to be all right? If you do, and want to believe it with all your heart, just go right down that step, and praise God as you go along. It'll leave you, and you'll be all right.
Let's say, "Thank the Lord."
You have flutter in your heart, but it really isn't heart trouble; it's stomach trouble that makes it do that. You believe that God is going to make you well? Go right on your road home. Say, "Thank You, Lord Jesus."
Do you believe God is going to heal you of that back trouble? Go right on off the platform and say, "Thank You, dear God."
Oh, do you believe, the whole group of you?
120 You believe that Jesus Christ makes you well? Go right off the platform, saying, "Thank You, dear God." Leave her stay there just a minute. Pull her around. She's got arthritis. Go on around that way, praising God, lady, and say, "Thank the Lord." That's right. Get well and go home.
Say, "Praise the Lord," now. Go on, you'll be all right. You had the same thing, sir, so you just go on down with her, right like that, just praising God, saying, "The arthritis is gone."
Heart trouble. You're mighty young to have that. Go off the platform, it's left you now.
121 Let's say, "Praise the Lord." Do you believe?
Just a minute. The lady sitting right here on the end with that bladder trouble, do you believe God makes you well? Right straight down in here, you believe that God heals you? If you do, go home. You that got your handkerchief up to your mouth. Be well. Hallelujah!
Right out here at the end of the row, I see you've got nerve trouble, and sinus trouble. You believe God heals you? The third person back there, you believe with all your heart, sitting back there at the end of this seat. If you believe, you can be made well and go home. God bless you.
Do you believe Jesus Christ lives? Do you believe that I tell you the truth? Then if I be His servant, and I've found grace in your sight, Jesus Christ has healed every one of you. Nineteen hundred years ago, He done it. The only thing you have to do is raise up, receive it.
122 Do you believe it? Now, if you believe, I will pray for every one of you. You believe, you'll get well? You do? All right. Bow your head just a minute. I want you to say these same words that I do, from your heart.
[The congregation repeats each phrase after Brother Branham.] Almighty God, Creator of heavens and earth, Author of everlasting life, giver of every good gift. I, Your servant, confess my sins. I promise to be Your servant, true and faithful, from this day hence. I now believe that we're living in the last days. I believe that Jesus Christ has sent His angels to the earth as He has at every junction, like in the days of Noah, like in the days of delivering the children of Israel, and the Lord Jesus Himself, and in the last days.
123 I now confess all of my unbelief. I believe that You freely paid my debt for my sins, for my sickness. I accept You as my Savior, and I accept You as my healer. From this night on, by God's help, I'm going to testify to the glory of God, of my healing. I believe that the devil has no power over me anymore because of the grace of Christ, that's here tonight. I now believe that I am healed.
124 Now, you sit right quiet. Keep your heads bowed. That's your prayer. If you mean it, say, "Amen," quietly. Now, just imagine the great Holy Spirit, as I look, settling down over you. The same One that's standing here.
And if you'll take my word, people are being healed everywhere, just around over the building now. I am not a hypocrite. I'm not a deceiver. I'm a servant of Christ. God has proved that to you. You're being healed right now.
Now, I'm going to pray for you, that you won't disbelieve anymore. What does the Bible say? "Go ye and sin no more." What is sin? Unbelief. "Go ye and disbelieve no more."
John 5:14 Afterward Jesus findeth him in the temple, and said unto him, Behold, thou art made whole: sin no more, lest a worse thing come unto thee.
John 8:11 She said, No man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more.
125 Almighty God, Creator of heavens and earth, Author of everlasting life, and Giver of every good gift, You have heard the confession of these people. Lord God, from the depths of my poor heart, I have told them the truth. I have told them that You healed them when You died at Calvary nineteen hundred years ago. Thou bear me record of this truth, Lord.
And You keep every promise. Everything that You promised, You keep. And if You kept Your promise to appear in our presence, wherever two or three are gathered together... If You kept Your promise as a high priest that can be touched with the feeling of our infirmity, how much more could You do? There's nothing left.
It's for the people now. Truly, I believe, Lord, as their brother, I have heard them confess with their lips (You have too, Lord.) that they believe and they've accepted You as their healer and Savior.
Matthew 18:20 For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.
Hebrews 4:15 For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin.
126 And now, Lord, there's only one thing left to keep them from being perfectly whole. That is unbelief. That's Satan trying to hold them. Saying, "I wasn't in the line." What difference does the line make? You was in line, that's the only One makes the difference.
The One who made the line of blood all the way from Pilate's judgment hall to Golgotha, that's the line that we stand in, the bloodline of the Lord Jesus. And now, God, give me faith. Give me power. And hear my prayer, Lord, as I pray. And defeat the devil for these people.
Satan, you are nothing but a deceiver. You have no legal rights to hold any Christian any longer. In their prayer they have confessed their sin. They are not your property anymore. They are God's property, Jehovah.
127 He sent His Son, He died, He rose again, and He's here right now to prove Himself to His children, His heritage, that He's alive. And you can't hold them any longer. I adjure thee. Thou devil of doubt that's holding these people, I adjure thee in the name of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, that you come out of this people, and let them go.
Come out, Satan. You've lost the battle. You're exposed night after night here. You're nothing but a lying, deceiving devil. And we challenge you in the name of Jesus Christ, to come out of this people, so they can be made well.
All that believes now that you're healed, stand to your feet, and let out a scream, and give God praise. God bless you as you stand. That's the way to do it. Amen and amen.
Door to the heart (1959-11-28) (William M. Branham Sermons)
Door to the heart (1959-11-28) (William M. Branham Sermons) somebodyDoor to the heart
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1 Thank you, Brother Borders. You may be seated. I'm always too late. Last evening, I heard this morning at the breakfast that I missed that little choir was on this side singing. And I missed them. And I believe, they was just telling me back there, that the little Spanish choir sang tonight, and I missed that. All right, I'm going to deputize each one of them, that they got to be here tomorrow afternoon, sing it all over again (see), so I can hear it. I tell you, I really like singing.
I just stay right in prayer till just a few minutes before leaving, and then run right in.
2 Billy, my son, was just telling me that a lady had met him from the handkerchiefs that they laid up here to pray over. And perhaps, the lady sitting here listening now. And they taken a cloth. Now, she'd seen Billy about a prayer card or something, and Billy told her he didn't have any left, or some way that way. I didn't get it, because I was hurrying right in, and a little Spanish boy shaking hands with me there. Said the lady had some of her loved ones that had a great big growth in the intestinal tract, and was going to be operated Monday. And they taken this handkerchief and laid it upon the woman. And she had her examination today before her operation Monday; the doctors can't find one trace of it anywhere. It's all gone.
So we're thankful to the Lord knowing that He still hears and answers prayer.
3 And I just think, "Oh, this is our last night of this revival." It's went so fast. And I really do, from the depths of my heart, regret having to leave; because it's just been such a wonderful time, and I've had such a freedom, and...
And this morning, we had a glorious time at the Christian Businessmen's breakfast. We had different people there, different churches. And we just had a wonderful time.
And I got to meet that sweet little old mother of Brother Nichols there, that just taken the picture. How old is she, Brother Tommy? Just eighty-three years old. That's all the older she is. So that was very... Oh, here she is sitting right here now there. Yeah. I didn't know you. Well, I'd say the same thing, Sister Nichols, just the same. And Brother Tommy and I have been around overseas a great deal together, and we certainly had a lot of fine fellowship.
The little boy, little nephew, met me out there the other night, put my arms around him; he put his arms around me. He wanted to pray for his grandmother. So well, that's good. That's very fine. So here's grandmother sitting here in the meeting tonight enjoying the blessings of the Lord.
4 Now, tomorrow afternoon, if it is possible, I would sure love to hear those choirs sing. I enjoyed that colored choir the other night here; they were really fine. And then, last night I missed... I seen all those young ladies sitting there, but I didn't know what they were for, and I just got here late. And tonight, I got beat out of hearing the Spanish choir.
5 I wonder if that's the Garcia's group, of the Brother Garcia that... When I was in Phoenix here, many years ago, first starting, there was a... I believe it was this lad here; it's his father. Yes, here on the end, Brother Garcia, yes... He had a choir over there, the little Spanish ladies that wore some kind of a little white-looking veils. He had two daughters in it. And they come all the way to California over here at Sacramento, to sing in the meetings, I believe it was. And I really enjoyed them. I got them on the... Brother Garcia, I got them on record.
And my little girl, Sarah, she can't say "Spanish," and she says, "Daddy, play that record them little 'Spinish' girls singing." And they sing "Only Believe" in Spanish. So they really... When they get around the phonograph, why the player, why they really enjoy that record yet.
And that's been, I guess, about twelve, fourteen years ago since that taken place. I guess them girls are all married and got families now. They were just young children then.
6 I wonder what it'll be when we cross over on the other side and get to meet everybody again. Won't that be wonderful? Do you really look for that time? Or is your heart...? I just long to see it. Yes, sir. Sometimes I get lonesome for it. I don't have many ties here; I've got a family to take care of, and then, a little boy of four, and a little girl of eight, and one going on thirteen, a young family. And then, my greatest tie is you, preach the Gospel to you, and then my family.
And after God is through with me there, why I don't want anything to anchor me here. I want to be ready to fly away one of these mornings to go across and see the people on the other side, where all my old friends and things... We will meet them. It'll be a wonderful time, won't it? I'm just looking forward to it just like a child with Christmas anticipations, looking for that time.
7 Now, just before we read the Word, I'd like to read some tonight out of the Bible, and speak to you a few moments.
And I'd forgot to tell Billy to give out prayer cards for tonight, so we don't know just... I guess there isn't a prayer card in the meeting. Is there a prayer card here? No one? We taken them all up last night. But however, we don't know what the Holy Spirit might lead us to do before that time comes. We will just wait for that time. Then tomorrow afternoon, I want him to give out some prayer cards.
Then I suppose, I'm not sure, but I suppose tonight, the boys... My friend, Leo Mercier and Gene Goad, they're tape boys. They take the tapes. I don't see them around here, unless they're over ... back on this other side here. They also have the books and the pictures. I announced I was going to speak on that subject tomorrow afternoon, "As The Eagle Stirreth Her Nest." But I think they sell that book with the message in it like that. I don't know about that. Then just whatever the Lord may lead for that.
8 Let us bow our heads, just reverently, quietly before God. How many would like to be remembered before God for a special request tonight? Would you just make it known by an uplifted hand? You know, that does something. It shows that something in your heart, raising your hand to a God that you know that is.
Now, heavenly Father, we thank You with all that's in our hearts for Your goodness and Your mercy to us, for sparing our lives, and for health and strength as much as we have. And we thank Thee for all these hands that's just been lifted up.
Behind each hand was a heart that was beating for a certain desire for something. You know all about them, Lord. And we pray that they will be given that assurance that they have it before they leave this building tonight. Give us that type of assurance, Lord, that we know that we have what we asked for, for God promised to give it to us. And that's our assurance that He will keep His Word to us.
9 We thank You for all that You have did for us through this week. That poor dear person that was to be operated on Monday, and now, no operation. The Holy Spirit moved right in ahead of the doctors and taken the growth out of the intestinal tract. How grateful we are to Thee. And how great Thou art, O Lord. We pray that Your mercies will be with us.
As we tonight are ministering here, may the Holy Spirit go into the hearts of the people and take out growths of sin and indifference, growths of doubt, and give perfect faith. And may there be such an outpouring of the Holy Ghost in this meeting tonight, that there'll not be one feeble person left among us when the service shall close. Grant it, Lord. We ask it in Jesus' name and for His sake. Amen.
10 God's great operation to take out the demon of that growth. God can perform an operation without making a scar. Just perfect, He just speaks, and that's all there is to it. And it goes. How good it is to know that God can take away, and God can give.
A few months ago, I was combing about what few hairs I had left, and my wife said to me, she said, "Billy, you're almost bald-headed, Honey."
I said, "That's right, but I haven't lost a one of them."
She said, "I pray thee, tell me where they're at."
I said, "All right, my dear. You tell me where they was before I got them, I will tell you where they are waiting for me to come to them." Exactly right.
There won't be one of them lost; God said so. But in the resurrection, all of this old body that's begin to wither and go back, it'll come forth in the newness...
11 I want to ask you something. You eat the same kind of food---I do, you do too---that we eat when we were fifteen, sixteen years old. Every time we eat, we got bigger and stronger. And then when we got to be about between twenty-three and twenty-five, we're going back, eating all the time the same food. Why is it we're dying when food makes life? Food develops blood cells. Blood cells makes life. Every time that you eat your food, you put new life into your body. And now, when I put new life in it, I growed and got bigger and stronger, till about twenty-five, and now I put the same kind of life in it and get older and weaker all the time. Explain that. Let science tell me that one.
Pouring water out of a jug in a glass, and gets half way full, and then the more you pour and faster you pour, why, it just empties up, no hole in the glass.
12 See, it's an appointment that God has made. When you get about that age, God said, "There it is. Now, come on, death. But you can't take them till I say so." Knowing this, that in the resurrection, there'll not be one old person in the resurrection. Hallelujah! There'll not be one cripple come forth in the resurrection.
Them that was crippled will come forth. Them that was old will come forth. But they'll be young. They'll be at their best. Little babies that didn't get their life lived out will resurrect into a full statue. Immortality can't grow. So you won't hold your little baby in your arms. If she was a girl, you'll see her a young woman. If she was... If it was a man ... or, a boy, you'll see him as a young man. And we will know one another. Sure, we will know one another. Certainly we will. And oh, what we got to live for now, all of this and then that besides. And yet, it's unknown just how much God has in store for those who love Him.
13 Let's read His Word. I just get to shouting after while, because... Let us turn in the book of the Revelations for a subject tonight. In the third chapter we shall read. In Revelations 3, let's begin about the seventeenth verse, Revelations 3:17:
Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased in goods ... have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched ... miserable ... poor ... blind, and naked:
I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich ... white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see.
As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore; and repent.
Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.
Revelation 3:17 Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked:
Revelation 3:18 I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see.
Revelation 3:19 As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent.
Revelation 3:20 Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.
14 This is rather an unusual scene that we're reading about. It's someone standing at a door, knocking. And knocking at a door is not unusual, because plenty of people knock at doors. But Jesus is speaking here of Him knocking at a door.
And the reason that someone knocks on a door, they're trying to speak to someone inside. They're trying to make a way to enter in to talk, or to bring something to someone, or something like that: gaining access to the inside. And that's why they knock at the door.
15 I just can't call to memory now the artist's name that painted that famous picture. I think he was a Greek, that spent about a lifetime painting that famous picture of Jesus knocking at the door.
And when all great pictures that... Before they can be hung in the hall of fame, they have to pass the critics.
That reminds me of the church. Before God can ever glorify His church, she has to go down through that hall of critics. Then someday, if she will stand real clean and clear before God, God will take Her out of this world one day and hang her in a hall of fame yonder. That's the hour we're looking for. So, hold fast till He comes. Let the critics say what they wish to, but you hold to God's unchanging hand and live clean, pure before Him.
16 And as this great picture, that I was speaking of, was before the critics, there was one great critic walked up to the artist, and called him by name, and he said, "You have a most unusual picture of our Lord. I think that the profile is perfect. And I think that Him coming by night with the lantern in His hand, that it speaks of Him coming to us in our darkness in the night. I think that's all wonderful. And then Him standing, and His expression on His face anxiously waiting to see if someone will respond to the knock." Said, "I think all that is very striking, but there's one thing," he said, "sir, that you forgot in your picture: that is, no matter how much He would knock, you haven't got any latch for Him to go in at."
"Oh," said the artist, "I painted it thus. You see, He's knocking at the door of a heart, and the latch is on the inside. Only you can open to Him. He can knock, but you have to open."
That is true. You are the only one that can open up your heart's door. Jesus may knock, but you have to open.
17 Down through the centuries and time, there has been many great people knocked on other people's door. The main thing, if someone knocking at your door, is how important that person may be. It's based upon the importance of the answer at the door to your guests: How important is that guest that's knocking?
For instance, in the days of Caesar. What if Caesar would've went to one of the peasant's home? He was a great emperor, we know. And if he'd went down to a peasant's home, where it was poor, and a little shack like built, and this great emperor would've knocked on the door. And the peasant would've come to the door, and looked, and seen it was Caesar. Why, he would've threw open the door immediately and have fell upon his face, and said, "O great honorable emperor, come into my humble home. If there is anything here that you desire, or anything that I could do, or could grant your wishes, just let me know. I am your servant. Just let me know."
Because it would've been an honor, that just to even knock at his door; to know that a peasant would have something about him that would attract the attention and call the emperor of the nation to his door.
18 Or say, what in the... Few years ago when the Fuhrer of Germany, Adolf Hitler, in the days of his reign in Germany... For instance, what if he would've went down to the door of one his foot soldiers, and would've knocked at the door. And this soldier would've come to the door. And Hitler was even feared among his people. And he'd have knocked at the door, and this little soldier would've gotten up and struggled across the floor, and opened ... or, looked out the window of the door, and seen Adolf Hitler standing there... Oh, I would imagine he could've almost swallowed his heart, and would've said back to his family something like this, "Straighten up, all of you, right quick! Get everything set in order. You know who's knocking at our door? The Fuhrer of Germany, Adolf Hitler, stands at our door. Our house is honored today, because the greatest man in Germany stands at our door."
He would've threw open the door, and being a soldier himself, would've come to attention, with a salute ... a German salute to this Fuhrer, and said, "Enter into my home. And if there's anything here that you desire, or anything, great one, that I could make you happy, just let me know. Anything you desire... You honored my home."
19 Or, if our own dear beloved President Dwight Eisenhower, the President of this great United States, if he would come to the home of the best democrat in this country, it would be an honor to you, though you would disagree with him in politics. But it would be an honor to have President Dwight Eisenhower to call at your door. Just common ordinary men like we are, and if our beloved president would knock at the door, why, you'd want everybody to know it. You would talk about it the rest of your life, that Dwight Eisenhower knocked at my door. You'd almost want to build a shrine at your door, because the President of the United States come to your door.
20 Just recently, the Queen of England made a visit to Canada. And she also visited the United States. Now, we do not live in her domain. But if she would come to San Jose, and would've come down to some little humble home, and had knocked at the door, and one of you women would've went to the door, and she would've said, "I am the Queen of England." Yet, she has no jurisdiction over you, but she's an important woman. Your home would have been honored to have her.
You'd have said, "Great Queen..." Because she is, nationally speaking, the greatest queen in the world... And you'd said, "Come into my home." Why, to humble herself to do that, to come to a humble home, why, all the newspapers would've packed it, that she, the great Queen of England, visited America and come to Mrs. So-and-so's home. It would've marked her always for being that humble. The television would've sent it out. It'd been on national and international news, because she's important.
But who's more important than Jesus? Who's any more turned down than Jesus?
21 He will knock at the door and you'll say, "Oh, some other time." He's been turned away from more doors than all the great people that ever was on the earth.
I'd say, this very day, that Jesus has been turned away from tens of thousands of doors today. And if the world stands, before day breaks in the morning, He will be turned away from tens of thousands of other doors.
If someone... The Queen might want something from you... Or our beloved President might want something from you. He might have some message for you, or want you to do something for him.
22 But the Lord Jesus, the only thing that He wants in for is to do something good for you. He wants to bless you, take away your evil, and give you righteousness and goodness and mercy. That's all He could do. And to get into the heart, He knocks at the door. And the people say, "Oh, some other time."
Now, it would be nice for you to take in the Queen, or to take in one of the great people. But you'd never do anything better than take in Jesus, because when He comes in, He gives you eternal life. And to think of turning Him away from your heart... But we do it.
23 Now, if I come to your house and knocked at your door, and you raised up the little curtain or cracked the door, I'd said, "I'm Brother Branham. I'm cold, and I'm needy. Will you let me in?" And you would turn me away... Or if I would come and say this, "I have great gifts to give you. I can make you rich. I can make you well from your sickness. I've got great gifts for you."
And what if you would say, "Oh, some other time, Brother Branham." Now, I wouldn't come back much more, I'm afraid. And I'm afraid that you wouldn't come to my house if I treated you that way either.
But it isn't so with Jesus. He will just keep coming back, night after night, day after day, knocking, and knocking, and knocking continually, to do the best thing for you that could be done: give you life, heal you.
24 Oh, you might say something like this to me then, "But just a minute, Brother Branham. I've already done that. I let Jesus in a long time ago."
Well, there's no way for me to express to you how grateful I am to you for letting my Saviour come into your heart. I'm grateful to you. But is that all you did, just let Him come in?
Now, what if you let me come in, and said, "Now, Brother Branham, I will let you in. I will take your gifts. That's fine. Thank you, Brother Branham. But I don't want you to go any farther than this door."
Now, that's the attitude of many Christians. You see, inside the heart... Coming in is one thing. And then after you get into that first door in the human heart, there's other little compartments in that heart, got little doors in there also.
Many people will let Jesus in for the sake of not being lost, but they won't let Him be their Lord. When Jesus comes in, He wants to take control. The world's full of people that wants to let Jesus in, but then they don't want to let Him in on His own basis. Oh, they'll take His gifts, sure: eternal life. "You want to heal me, that's all right, Lord. I appreciate that if You heal me, but don't go to messing around with me."
25 If you invited me into your house, I'd feel like I was welcome. If I come into your house, you'd say, "Come in, Brother Branham. Just make yourself at home." Why, I'd believe you meant that. I'd go in, go down to the refrigerator, and get me some cheese, and some bologna, and some onions, and some rye bread, and I'd make me a great big sandwich, and take off my shoes, lay down across the bed and eat it. I'd feel like I was home if you told me to come in.
That's the way we got to let Jesus in, so He can just take control. He wants to be at home with you. He wants to be welcome. He wants all you are. He wants to be your Lord. And lordship is ownership. He wants to own you so that you'll...
You say, "Oh, but wait a minute, Lord. I know You're leading me to do that, but I know better."
26 Many a person walks out the door of evangelistic meeting, knowing that God's leading them to the altar, and yet claim to be a Christian. How can God ever control that person?
God wants to come in and control you. He doesn't want to come in and be controlled by you; He wants to come in for His own purpose of controlling you and leading you to eternal life, something good for you. When you accept Jesus, you must say, "Thou art my God. Thou art my Lord. Take me, all that I am: soul, body, and spirit. I dedicate myself to You. No intellectuals of my own at all, just leaning on Your everlasting arm." Where He leads me, I will follow. Though the way gets hard and weary, I will watch for His footprints all along the way. Whether it's uphill or downhill, whether it's home or across the seas, where He leads me, just let me follow. Don't let me try to lead Him, but let Him lead me.
Now, that's the basis that Jesus wants to come into the heart. Jesus longs to come into the heart on those basis. Now, we are trusting the Lord to do those things for us.
27 Now, let's look into the human heart, if it has doors inside the door. Now, people say, "Jesus, come into my heart, because I don't want to go to torment when I die. I want to accept You as my Saviour, but I don't want You to be my Lord."
Now, there's quite a difference. He can be your Saviour and still not be your Lord. When He's Lord, He's Lord over all. Every part of you, He's Lord, welcomed to any place in your heart.
Now, let's look into the human heart just for a few moments. Into the human heart, I'm going to make just a little ... kind of a mythical draw. Just as you turn in, after you get into the door of the heart, there's another little door. It's a room that goes into another compartment of the heart. And that little door is the door of pride.
28 Now, people don't want Jesus fooling around with any of their pride. Now, they got their own prestige, and they must be sure they keep up with the Joneses. "So if accepting Jesus is going to take me off of that scale, then I don't want Him fooling around in that door. Stay our of there, Jesus! You're my Saviour, but don't go in there; because I'm a great man. I'm a self-made man." That's what's the matter with you, is the "self-made."
"Now, I've got my own societies that I attend, and I've got my own prestige in my neighborhood, and I've got my own dignities I have to look after. So don't bother that door."
But Jesus has got to come in there, if He's going to be Lord. He's got to look around.
To some of the ladies with pride... They say, "Now, look. If going down there... Now, Jesus is my Saviour, all right. But when He tells me how I'm going to dress, You keep out of that room." But you see, He's got to be Lord over your dressing too. You say, "Now, if it's going to interfere with me wearing shorts, I don't want nothing to do with that kind of religion." See, you won't open that door of pride. You're all stuck up. "If I can't wear manicure..." What is it, lipstick, or that stuff they put on their face... "If I can't wear that, well then, I look so pale." Huh. Max Factor's does... God brings the real thing to your face.
29 But you see, pride... The rest of the women. "If I have to let my hair grow out..." Now, I'm not saying this, that, or the other; I'm just talking about the Bible, see. The Bible said a woman that cuts her hair cuts her---she cuts away her glory. She dishonors her husband when she does it. Used to be, you full Gospel women all wore long hair. What happened? "Why," you say, "that's my American privilege."
But if you're a lamb... If you are a lamb, a lamb sacrifices everything that he's got. A lamb hasn't got nothing but wool. But he lays right there and let them shear it off of him, and says nothing about it.
The Bible can shear everything, all the pride and everything else out of you. If you're a lamb, you'll say nothing about it. But you try a goat one time. You'll have a fuss kicked up right quick.
But that's what's the matter. We won't open that door. We want to be like somebody else. When you accept Jesus, let's be like Him, the way He says.
30 I was speaking on something of that not long ago. And a lady said to me, she said, "I don't wear shorts."
And I said, "Well, good for you."
She said, "I wear slacks."
I said, "That's worse."
It's the truth. The Bible said---and God is infinite and cannot change---"It's an abomination for a woman to put on a garment that pertains to a man."
You see that door they keep closed up? If Christ could come in there, He'd make it different. You say, "I'm a Christian," but you keep that door shut. "He's not welcome. He can't be Lord." Even get mad at the pastor if he preaches against it, see. So that's true. Then I'd better leave that alone.
Deuteronomy 22:5 The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the LORD thy God.
31 And the men, they got a lot of pride too, you know, a lot of it. "If I have to keep away from the pool room, and with the gang, and all these other things, oh, no, none of that for me," see. They have to keep up with the rest of them.
But if you let Jesus come into your heart, and open up that door, He will make you a different creature. Amen. He will do it.
You say, "I can't quit smoking, Brother Branham. I smoked all my life." Let Jesus in there one time, see what takes place. There'll be something so much greater that you'll never desire another smoke. You see it on the television and to be popular. Get out of that.
32 Oh, yes, there's a door of pride. And then, let's look the next door to it right quick: is "my own private life."
Now, you know, everybody wants to live his own private life. Now, you don't want Jesus fooling with your private life. See, just so much different from what He desires in the Bible, but you got your own idea about it. You're not supposed to use your own idea about it. You ought to let Him have His idea about it. Let the mind that was in Christ be in you.
But that little private life. "Now, I will have my own little card parties, I will do just... Now, if Christianity takes that away from me, then I don't want nothing to do with your church," see. There it is. That's the door ... one of the doors that the so-called Christian today keeps the door shut on Jesus.
Philippians 2:5 Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus:
33 Oh, there's just a lot of those doors. Let's find the door of faith over here on the side. "Now, I have faith. But don't you go fooling with my faith." There's only one faith, and that's the faith of God. That's right.
The door's all closed up, because that you don't want to fool around that door, or let Jesus around there; because as soon as He stands in that door, He will scream out, "I'm the same yesterday, today, and forever." And your creeds will bar that door. But He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
You'll come to a church and watch the signs and wonders of God be performed; you won't pay attention to that, because the creeds has locked that door of faith in you and made you think that that is a faith. And there is only one faith; that's the faith of God. And the only One can bring the faith of God is Jesus Christ, His Son, that comes into your heart.
He's knocked at your heart through signs, wonders, and miracles. But you keep that all penned up. "I don't want nothing to do with that."
Oh, if He could only stand, and you'd open up that door, it wouldn't be two minutes till you'd believe every word the Bible wrote, and say "Amen" to every bit of it; if you'd just open up the door and let Jesus come in, give you the faith that He has to give you. You've took the faith that some creed has give you. You locked the doors upon Christ's faith. When you take Christ's faith, then you can recognize Him.
Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.
34 Now, there's another little door right beside of that. Oh, there's several of them. We won't take them all. But there is another door there I'd like to speak on just a second or two. That door is "spiritual sight." You just only want to see one thing; that's what the intellectuals see. But when you let Christ come into that spiritual door, then He will open up your spiritual sight and show you Himself. You'd never called a discernment of spirit... You'd never call that Beelzebub if you had Christ standing at the spiritual door of your heart giving you spiritual sight. Spiritual things are spiritually discerned. That's right. Now, there's a natural sight and a spiritual sight.
1 Corinthians 2:14 But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.
35 Long ago we used to live in a little... When I was a boy, lived in a little bitty old cabin, and they had just a loft upstairs. Had one bed downstairs, and papa and mama slept on that. And there was four of us children at that time, and we had like a straw tick laying down with a feather tick laying on top of that. And then mama used to take and put blankets over us at night, and all the coats. And then she'd take a big piece of canvas and stretch over the top of us, because great big cracks in the side of the wall, and old clapboard shingles was almost off the house. And when it would snow or rain, we'd get wet. And we little Branhams would have do duck our heads under that piece of canvas like a rabbit going under a brush pile, when it'd start raining or something. And at nighttime sometimes, the draft through there would give us cold.
And mama would holler at morning. I could hear her say, "Oh, Billy, get up and come on down. You got to get ready go to school; you and Edward, come on." The little fellows could sleep later.
36 And I'd try to get my eyes open, and my eyes would be stuck together. And I'd say, "Mama, I can't see."
And she'd say, "Well, you got matter in them." What was the matter, the draft crossing this way had give us cold in our eyes, and we couldn't see. It would swell up during the night and we couldn't see, because it was all mattered over. And mama...
The cure-all around our house was a little cup of coon grease. Mama... Grandpa was a trapper and hunter. I come from a line of hunters. My mother's mother come off the reservation, Cherokee Indian in Tennessee. And when Grandpa would catch these coons, why they would render the grease out of them before they eat them. And then this grease was almost a cure-all around our house. Oh, it was good for the croup at night with turpentine on it, or a little coal oil. And then they rubbed it on our chest for a massage when we had acifidity hanging on it also. And it was to keep the cold away. And then if papa's shoes begin to leak in the snow, why they'd put the coon grease on the stove and fix his shoes. It was almost a cure-all. It worked somehow. I don't know.
37 But mama'd say to us, "Just a minute till I get the coon grease on the stove." And she'd get the old tin cup and set the
coon grease on the stove, and get it warm, and come up and massage our eyes with it until our eyes come open. It worked. I don't know how, but our eyes got open.
Why, brother, I tell you: the coon grease might've worked all right for that kind of a natural sight, but we've had a great cold spell in the church. And I'm afraid somebody's got some spiritual coldness in their eyes. It'll take more than coon grease to get it out. That's right.
But God said, "Counsel of me. I've got some eyesalve for you. I can open that eye door to you. I will open your eyes."
Revelation 3:18 I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see.
38 Now, what is salve. It's oil that's hardened. Well, that's what the grease that God has for your eyes is oil. And oil is the Holy Spirit in the Bible.
If God could ever get the Holy Spirit warmed up in the meeting, and can massage some spiritual eyes, and open that door, you'll see Jesus Christ to be the same yesterday, today, and forever. God needs to get your ... our eyes opened, the door of our inside eye, the spiritual eye. There's only one thing can open that eye, and that's the Holy Ghost. It gives you spiritual sight. And when you see the signs of God's presence, the Holy Ghost cries out "Amen" to it. You say, "I see it! I see it!" He's the same yesterday, today, and forever.
Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.
39 Spiritual sight... The door... "I stand and knock at the door: and if any man will open the door, any man, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me." Communing with God, communing with Christ... Get back those creeds and so forth away from those doors, and let Jesus come in. Why, the things that He did here this week: make the lame to walk, the blind to see, the cancers to be moved, the tumors (the great growths), and discern the spirits. Went out through the audience, proved Himself to be the same yesterday, today, and forever. There oughtn't to be a sick person in the building tonight. Hallelujah!
"I stand at the door and knock [Brother Branham knocks on pulpit.]: If any man will hear my voice and will open and let me in, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with Me." We will talk it over. What an agreement with God, to talk it over.
Revelation 3:20 Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.
40 If the doctor said you're going to die with this cancer, with this TB, with your bad heart, whatever it might be, if God said ... or, the doctor said you're going to die with it, then why don't you let Jesus come in tonight and talk it over with you. He will tell you all about it. He will show you things.
The Holy Spirit is sharper, quicker, like the Word of God, than a two-edged sword. It discerns even the thoughts of the mind. It makes people well. It cures them from sin. It takes the sickness from them. It takes sin from them. Oh, it's a great powerful thing. The most power there is in the world is the Holy Ghost.
Hebrews 4:12 For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
41 People today are searching for power. If they'd only open their eyes...
I seen here not long ago where the Sinclair gasoline had an advertisement in one of the local magazines, that said that one gallon of Sinclair gasoline in a certain sized machine could lift the sphinx two foot off of the ground.
Well, I will tell you something more powerful than that: One drop of the blood of Jesus Christ can lift every sinner from his sin and mire unto glory to be in the image of God, to live with Him forever. One drop of the blood of Jesus Christ...
42 One drop of blood of Jesus Christ here, one accepting or one door opening to the Holy Spirit... Let that faith door, God stand there and declare Himself like He did to Abraham, that He's God forever more.
It'll take a cripple out of a wheelchair. It'll take a dying shadow of a woman, or a man, laying on a cot and make them whole again. It'll take the most wretched reprobate woman that there is in this city, so low down the dogs wouldn't even look at her, and make her a saint of God, and wash her, clean her with the... It'll take a man that's a gambler and a drunkard, and no good at all; won't even provide for his home; his little children on the street begging while he's out gambling, drinking, and run around. It'll make a Christian gentleman out of him.
43 One accepting of the Holy Ghost will do that, one door to fly open to the Holy Ghost. And He stands and knocks at the door. If any man will open the door...
Oh, how good He is. If you knocked at my door, as I've said, and I didn't let you in, you probably wouldn't come back. And if I knocked at your door and you didn't let me in... But to think of the goodness of Christ. If He come and stood in our midst and did one thing, if we didn't believe Him like that, you'd walk on away if it'd be you or I. "If they don't want to believe me, they don't want to accept it, let them go ahead." But not Him. He comes back night after night, time after time, hour after hour, sunset after sunset, miracle after miracle, day after day, night after night, continually knocking at the door, waiting. But you have to open the door.
If you'd only think of His goodness, of how good He is to you.
44 Here some time ago, down in the South, there was a wonderful old Pentecostal colored brother, preacher. And he had a man going to his church, and a woman. And the woman was a godly woman, sainted woman, filled with the Holy Spirit. But her husband was a caretaker in a great racing farm there. And his name was Gabriel, but we called him Gabe, just for short. And old Gabe was a nice old man, but we could never get him to line up with God, to ever get right. The old pastor said, "I've done everything I know to do. And I can't get him to go to church." And his wife prays day and night for Gabe.
But Gabe liked to hunt, and so did the pastor. So he used to take Gabe hunting with him. One day while they'd been out, and they'd shot so many rabbits, and so many birds till they could hardly walk along the road in a straight path; they were just loaded with game. And they were coming up around a little old certain hill. And after while when they got up around this certain hill, the pastor looked around and he noticed old Gabe kept watching the sun go down.
45 And Gabe was a poor shot. He couldn't hit nothing. But he kept watching the sun. And the pastor walking on ahead with birds and rabbits hanging over his gun barrel, and going in. And after while he felt something touch him on the shoulder, and he turned around. And running down his cheeks, was great big tears running down his cheeks; he said, "Parson, today is Saturday. Tomorrow morning, you's gwine to find me sitting on the front row of your church. And then," he said, "I's gwine to get up before that congregation and tell them I's a Christian from now on. I'm going to take my seat again. And there I'm going to remain in that front row until I die."
The pastor didn't know what to say. He said, "Gabe, you know that I appreciate that. Why," said, "you... You know I do." Said, "I want to ask you something, Gabe. What song was it that the choir sang?" Or said, "Or what sermon did I preach, what message did I bring to the church to cause you to take this sudden turn to do what was right?" Said, "What sermon did I preach?"
He said, "It wasn't your sermon, Pastor." Said, "I was watching that sun go down yonder, and I know that the sun of my life is going down also." Said, "Hour after hour through my life has God knocked at my heart." He said, "And He must love me." He said, "You know, pastor, I can't hit nothing. I'm the poorest shot there is in the country. And just looky here at the game that He's give me, all this birds and these rabbits." He said, "He must love me, or He wouldn't have give it to me." And he said, "That's the reason that I've found out that He loves me. And I opened my heart when that sun went down. And I'm going to be a faithful servant of His until I die."
46 Brother, sister, if you'd only look around and see how good God has been to you. You could've been laying in a hospital tonight. You could've been laying yonder in a grave yard tonight. That real close call you've had in the last few days [Gap in the audio.] ... took your life out there on the highway. There's just so many things could've happened, but God's good to you. He loves you. He's knocking at your heart's door. You're able even to walk out here tonight. [A brother prophesies.] Amen.
I would be daresn't to say anything else. Holy Spirit's speaking through lips. Now, there it is, His goodness and His mercy. Do you believe? Do you love Him?
47 Before we make an altar call, is there any people in here that's sick? Let's see your hands if there is. Oh, yes, there's a lot of sick people, lot and needy. Do you believe our blessed heavenly Father will grant to you your desire? Do you believe it? Do you believe that His presence is here now after that taken place there? And do you believe that His presence is here? You believe that's Him knocking at your door? If you've got something on your heart, something that you would like for Him to do for you, would you just look to Him now and say, "Lord, You are... We're taught in the Bible that You are the great High Priest that can be touched by the feeling of our infirmities. And now... And You know my desires. So I'm knocking at Your door, Lord. Just open to me, will You, Father? And let me one more time see that You're the same Jesus that spoke to the woman that touched Your garment. Let me just see one more time, and I will open my heart to You freely."
Hebrews 4:15 For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin.
48 Now, there's not a prayer card among the people. Therefore the prayer line will have to be brought from here. How many in here that has a desire from God for anything? Raise up your hand. It just... Wished you would just look. [Someone speaks in tongues, another interprets.]
[Gap in the audio.] ... do like He did with the ... opened the way of escape for the children of Israel at the Red Sea, that I caught the last part of it... And that is the way of escape tonight, is through the Lord our God.
Now, if these things all be true, which we know they are. And now if there was at least hundreds of people in here that had desire...
49 Now, look, God... See, if our eyes are not open, we will never see it. But let's pray that God will open our eyes tonight, that we can realize... I'm afraid that we're trying to put off into a great millennium or something to come, the very thing that's right here before us now, and we don't see it, see. This is the hour. We're nearly at the end-time, folks. This is the time. This is the day of salvation. Today is the time the Holy Spirit is doing these things. We should be ready now.
Now, if the Lord our God, among these people tonight out here, will show His sign among us that He did to Israel, that He did to the Samaritan, and promised to do it to the Gentiles... How many knows He promised, since this week, you know that He promised He'd do the same thing to the Gentiles that He did to the... He would have to do that in order to be God. He can't show them one sign and us something else. They knowed He was the Messiah, because when He told them these things, He... They said, "Thou art the Christ, the Son of God."
Matthew 16:16 And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.
Mark 8:29 And he saith unto them, But whom say ye that I am? And Peter answereth and saith unto him, Thou art the Christ.
Luke 9:18 And it came to pass, as he was alone praying, his disciples were with him: and he asked them, saying, Whom say the people that I am?
50 The woman said, the Samaritan said, "We know the Messiah, when He comes, He will tell us these things. Who are You?"
He said, "I'm He that speaks to you."
She ran quickly and told the men, "Come see a man who told me my troubles. Isn't this the Messiah?"
Well, that's right, isn't it. Well, if that is, why can't our eyes come open now? If we could see, and know, and... If the presence of Christ is here with us, there wouldn't be one feeble person in our midst in another two minutes. You believe that?
John 4:25 The woman saith unto him, I know that Messias cometh, which is called Christ: when he is come, he will tell us all things.
John 4:26 Jesus saith unto her, I that speak unto thee am he.
John 4:29 Come, see a man, which told me all things that ever I did: is not this the Christ?
51 Now, let's pray for God to give us ... to put some of His Holy Spirit salve across our eyes tonight, open our eyes.
Lord God, I could preach till I've lost my breath. Other ministers could do the same. We could stand here, and no matter what we did, we could not go anywhere without You showing us the way to go. We need spiritual sight. Let the Holy Spirit tonight, Lord, open our eyes, open our understanding, show us His presence that we might know His promises this week. Over and over, through the Scripture, down through the Bible, we've brought it night after night, that You promised these things. And we're living here to see it right before our eyes. Grant it, Lord. In the name of Jesus Christ, I ask it. Amen.
52 Now, that you might know that these things don't only happen just in the building here, they happen anywhere: Today I was riding with Brother Borders here, who I don't know too well, just a fine brother. And there while we were sitting in a car with a Mennonite brother, the Holy Spirit came down and revealed things. Is that right, Brother Borders? It just happens anywhere. Leo, Gene, my wife, any of them (see), just are people. How many has been with me in places and seen those things happen anywhere? Just, see places, people... There's Mr. Sothmann---them---from Canada. People that goes with me. It just happens everywhere, things take place. It's not just here; it's the Holy Spirit is everywhere.
53 Now, you believe with all your heart. Ask God. Say, "Lord, open my eyes that I might understand. Speak tonight. And let it happen here in the building so the people would know, and can see and believe that He's the Lord our God. Will You...?" God grant it.
And if He does, I want you all to believe. May God open your eyes now to see that it's Jesus Christ, my friend. It's His mercy.
Let every heart's door be open. Give Him all your pride, all your private life, all your faith doors. Let everything just open right up now. And say, "Lord Jesus, come into my heart and reveal myself. If a selected bunch of Hebrews could recognize You, if a selected of the Samaritans could recognize You, Lord, we've received Your Spirit into our hearts, now open our eyes with Your eyesalve, and let us understand now that You are really here, and this is You that's trying to get into our hearts to heal us and do good things for us." May He grant it is my prayer.
54 Pray now. Ask the Lord, "Let me touch Your garment, Father. Let me touch Your garment, Jesus. And You use Brother Branham. They say he has a spiritual gift." That is true, see. God gave it. I've had it since I was a baby boy. The first thing I remember was a vision. Gifts are not given by laying on of hands---them kind of gifts. You're born with them. They're gifts of God that's placed into the church.
Now, you just touch His garment and see if He isn't a High Priest. I'm watching to see ... waiting to see what He'd show me. All right, you may raise your heads.
55 The young fellow sitting yonder in the corner wiping his eyes, suffering with a heart trouble. That is right, isn't it, young man? You got to go get some X-rays pretty soon. That's right. You got a bad heart. Do you believe Jesus Christ makes you well now? The X-rays won't be necessary. Your faith has saved you. Jesus Christ heals you. Just have faith in God.
Now, here. Look at this light here. Can you see that? Look. See that light hanging right here? There's a woman. She's kind of a middle aged, or a little on the elderly side. She's sitting right here. The woman has a rare trouble. She's got something wrong with her nerves. It's cancer on the nerve, and it's went into sclerosis. That's right. The lady that's shaking her head looking right at me. Raise your hand, lady, if those things are true. All right. There's no cure for that. Stand up to your feet so the people can see you and make a witness. There's no cure for that, only through Jesus Christ. Do you accept Him as your healer now? Raise up your hand to Him if you accept Him as your healer. God bless you. Go home and get well in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
56 Now, you believe with all your heart? Now, them people, I do not know them. What about someone else. Would you just believe, dare to believe?
Here sits a man sitting right here on the end of the seat. He's hungering for something real. He's hungering and thirsting to receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost. That's "thus saith the Lord." That's right, isn't it, sir. Stand up to your feet and give a witness. I do not know you, do I? I've never seen you in my life. You was just sitting there praying for that. You're going to receive it. Christ is going to give you the baptism of the Holy Ghost.
Do you believe now, all your hearts? Just have faith in God.
57 Just a moment. Here's the lady sitting right here. It's a ... it's a...
There's a man looking at me sitting right here. He's got a... Just in front of you there, sir, next to the... I believe he's Spanish. Maybe he doesn't speak English. Yes, you have... Yes, you. Pain in your side. That's right, isn't it sir. That's right. Well, it's all over now. You can go home. Jesus Christ makes you well.
58 Your loving wife sitting there next to you. All right. Look at me in the face. Do you believe me to be God's prophet? I don't know you, do I? I can't speak your words; I don't know nothing about you. But that's the truth. Your wife sitting there has diabetes. That's right, isn't it. Stand up, lady, if that's right.
That's your daughter sitting next there, young girl. That's right. Stand up, sister, to your feet. All right. She's just suffered with a nervous breakdown. That's "thus saith the Lord." It's all over for you tonight, sister. You can go home. The devil lost his hold. Your faith has made you whole.
Praise be to the living God. Do you believe it? Is your eyes open now? Look, if God opens your eyes now, believe with all your heart. Do this now, to all you people that has a need of God, Jesus said, "These signs shall follow them that believe." Is that right? "These signs shall..." Oh, it's just coming everywhere now.
Mark 16:17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;
59 The man sitting right there with that black looking jacket on with green stripes in it, sitting right back there, the Angel of the Lord is right over him, looking right at me. The man is suffering with some kind of a cyst on his body. That is right. All right. Your troubles are over now. You can go home and be made well. All right.
It's just everywhere. It's all over the building. Everywhere. Do you believe it?
Now, lay your hands on each other. Put your hands over on one another. I'm trying to save as much strength as I can for tomorrow. This ought to open your eyes, friends. The Bible said, "In the mouth of two or three witnesses, let every word be established." Now, you pray for the person you got your hands on. Don't pray for yourself. Pray for the person you got your hands on, and they'll be praying for you. And then, if your eyes is open to the presence of Jesus Christ who promised this, there won't be a sick person in our midst. Now, I'm going to pray for you all together. These ministers are going to pray for you. And I want all the crippled to get up and walk out, all the blind you'll see, all the deaf to hear.
Deuteronomy 19:15 One witness shall not rise up against a man for any iniquity, or for any sin, in any sin that he sinneth: at the mouth of two witnesses, or at the mouth of three witnesses, shall the matter be established.
Matthew 18:16 But if he will not hear thee, then take with thee one or two more, that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established.
60 Lord God, in the name of Jesus Christ, whose presence is here, grant the healing of every person that these handkerchiefs represent, and every person that's got their hands laying on each other. May the Holy Ghost come in such power, that'll open the eyes with the hot running oil of the Holy Ghost, and make every one of these people completely whole. Grant it, Lord.
Hear my prayer, as I pray for them, and cast out every demon power of unbelief. May the devil that's trying to hold them and make them disbelieve... Satan, come out of them. In the name of Jesus, leave them. Come out of them and let these people go. You are defeated. You are exposed. You have no legal rights. And we stand as the servants of Christ and serve a notice on you to leave these people go. They are God's people. It's just been spoke by revelation tonight, that He's trying to take the people across the Red Sea. And now, they're going towards the promised land. You can't stand in their way any longer. Come out of them in the name of Jesus Christ.
61 There it is. Now, receive it while it's on you. Rise to your feet, every one of you, and give Him praise. That's it. Raise to your feet. That's the Holy Spirit. Hallelujah! That's it. Rise up. Every one of you, stand to your feet. Give Him praise. That's the salve that opens your eyes. Stand up. Give Him praise. Hallelujah! This is it. This is it. The power of God, the healing of the sick, the saving of the lost, it's all here now. The Holy Spirit sent forth His power over the building. And He's here now, and you have received it. Your eyes are open now. Can you see His presence? Can you see what He's doing for His people?
God bless you. I pronounce every one of you that believes, healed, in the name of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Here every crippled... Here comes men and people sitting in chairs. Here comes women, standing on their feet that was crippled, standing up walking to the glory of God. Say, dad, come here, take that cane and throw it down if you want to believe God, and go and walk without it. Sister, standing out there with the old canes laying around you, get up, rise up, everywhere. This is it. Believe it. There's the Holy Spirit right among the people. Hallelujah, Hallelujah!
62 Blessed be His Holy name. (I Will Praise Him.)
Oh, isn't this wonderful? Don't you love this? Grab a hold of somebody's hand and shake their hand, and say, "Praise the Lord." Praise the Lord. (Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.) This is Pentecost. This is Pentecost in action, the Holy Spirit. Blessed be the name of the Lord.
Knocking, open the doors, all in... Hallelujah! Blessed be the name of the Lord. How we love Him and praise Him. Let's raise up our hands now. Praise Him. Give Him praise, every one of you. Thank You, Jesus. Blessed be the name of the Lord. Praise be to God. Just praise Him in your own way. Raise up your hands; praise Him, praise Him. Give Him glory.
.............will praise Him,
Praise the Lamb for sinners slain;
Give Him glory all ye people,
For His blood has washed away each stain.
I will praise Him, (Sing it.) I will praise...
Have you a need of God? Come forward. Want to repent of your sins? Want to receive the Holy Ghost? Come forward if you have need. Come forward.
Give Him glory all ye people,
For His blood has washed away each stain.
I will praise Him, (God bless you. That's right.
Come right on out. Come.) ... praise Him.
Praise the Lamb for sinners slain; (Knocking
at the door now. Come on, open up.)
Give Him (That's right. That's right,
young folks.), people,
For His blood has washed away......
63 God bless you, young lady. God bless you. God bless you. That's good. Keep coming right on now. He's knocking at your door. Come right on out. If you have a need, come right on. Look here, a whole family's coming. That's good.
..........I will praise Him,
Praise the Lamb for sinners slain;
Give Him glory all ye people,
For His blood has washed away each stain.
Won't you come on now? Gather with them around the altar. Come around now. Whosoever will, let him come that he might drink from the fountain of the Lord. Your eyes are open if you need Him. Oh, how you need Him. Won't you come now? Make yourself around the altar. God bless you. God bless you. That's right. Come right on now. The fountain is open.
(Let's play, "There Is A Fountain Filled With Blood.") Everyone now, come right on. Whosoever will, let him come. All right.
There is a fountain filled with blood,
Drawn from Immanuel's veins,
Where sinners plunged beneath the flood,
Lose all their guilty stains.
Can you...? Is your eyes open to see that it's the Lord Jesus in the last days, giving His last Message to His church? Oh, come, whosoever will, let him come. (All right, somebody lead it for me.)
There is a fountain filled with blood,
Drawn from Immanuel's veins,
Won't you come now? Come right on. That's right. God bless you. God bless you. Come right on.
.......beneath the flood,
Lose all their guilty stains.
Lose all.............
Little children, mothers, all coming right along. Come right... That's it. God bless you, the little Spanish family. God bless you. That's good. Come right on.
.........their guilty stains.
And sinners plunged beneath......
Have you got any doors that's been shut to Jesus? Open them up now, come in.
...........guilty stains.
The dying thief rejoiced to see
That fountain in his day;
And there may I, though vile as...
Don't keep one door closed. He will be by. Open the door. Come right on in.
Wash all my sins away,
Wash all my sins away;
And there may I, though vile as he,
Wash all my sins away.
E'er since by faith I saw........
Let every one come that will now. All...
............ wounds supply,
Redeeming love has been my theme,
And shall be till I die.
Won't you make your way up now? There's a great altar call here tonight.
..........till I die,
And shall be till I die;
Redeeming love has been my theme,
And shall be till I die.
64 Let us bow our heads now. Oh, what a night, what a night! We mortals standing in the presence of the Lord Jesus... This altar is just packed plumb back to the audience with penitent people standing here calling upon God. Others are still coming down the aisles, still coming down to find mercy before the Lord Jesus. His mercy is from everlasting until everlasting. You can never exhaust His mercy and goodness.
Let us bow our heads now, reverently, and pray. You, ones here who are standing here with your heads bowed, just look to Him now and open every door in your heart, and say, "Lord Jesus, make me what I ought to be. I've kept little doors shut in my heart to keep You from coming in. I was afraid that I might do wrong, might not be able to make it. But I'm going to trust in You; I'm open my door of faith tonight. I'm opening my door of pride. I'm opening my door of own private life. I'm opening my door of selfishness. I'm opening every door that I've got. Come in and be Lord of me. Take me, and take... Get into my little bark and steer me across life's solemn main. And when the sun sets in my life with the sunset and evening star, one clear call for me, may there be no moaning at the bar, when I put out to sea." May it be with you that way now as we bow our heads and pray.
65 Lord, our Father, we bring to Thee these trophies of Thy grace, of Thy great Holy Spirit. O God, what a night, to see all these people standing here needy, calling on the God who supplies all of our needs, according to His riches in glory through Christ Jesus... We pray, Lord God, that You'll bless each of them, forgive every sin. They're opening up their heart's door; come in, Father God, and take possession. Fill them with the Holy Ghost. Anoint their eyes, Lord. Anoint their speech. Anoint everything that they do; may it have the touch of the Holy Spirit. Grant it, Father. Whatever their need is, supply it. Give them the baptism of the Holy Ghost above all things, Father, tonight. Grant it. Take them into Your own care. We present them to You now as trophies of Your grace, knowing that some glorious day I shall see them on a better land, over there where there's no sickness nor no dying, no sorrow, no heartaches. Grant it, Lord. May they not leave this building until every desire is granted. They're opening their hearts now. May they receive the power of the Holy Spirit through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
66 Now, make your way right around this corner right here to where we could get to you better, right back here to pray for you, lay hands on you and so forth. Go right around the corner while we keep singing that song, "There Is A Fountain Filled With Blood." Right along here so we get the other audience attended to, and then we come right with you... All right.
There is a fountain filled......
Everyone, come right around now, right around this way.
...from Immanuel's...
Personal workers, come right on forward. Ministers, go right with them. We're going right on back.
...sinners plunge.........
Come right on this a way, every one of you; so you get back and lay hands on them.
Lose all their guilty stains.
Lose all their.........
Is there others that would like to go back, have hands laid on you? Come right on now.
Lose all their guilty stains;
And there may I, though vile as he,
Lose all their guilty stains.
Would there be some more that would come this way? They're still coming... Just let them come right on now. Go right on back where ministers and all meet back there in a few minutes to lay hands upon the people to finish praying for them.
The Lord bless you. We love you. We believe that you're... How many loves the Lord now in here that's Christians? Raise up your hands. Oh, how marvelous. God bless you now. Your pastor.
Door to the heart (1960-03-12) (William M. Branham Sermons)
Door to the heart (1960-03-12) (William M. Branham Sermons) somebodyDoor to the heart
You can find this sermon at
1 And ask all the ministers to come forth now, and loved ones, that we can lay our hands on these cloths, ask God to help. Heavenly Father, this church with one accord are coming to Thee, asking for these handkerchiefs to be anointed with the Holy Spirit, that when they go forward to be laid upon the sick and the afflicted, may each one be healed. As we pray with one accord asking for God's divine mercy for the sick and the afflicted, according to the Scriptures and the riches of Jesus Christ and His grace, we ask it in His name and for His glory. Amen. Thank you, brother, thank you. You may be seated.
2 This has been a mighty short two weeks to me, knowing that tomorrow ends these meetings. I was just telling Brother Shores how I appreciate his fine cooperation, and Brother ... all the brothers and all the sisters and all that's come in---Foursquare, Church of God, Jesus' Name, Faith Tabernacle, and all of them, Assemblies and every one. We sure appreciate your cooperation.
And now tomorrow, these visitors here, and I want you to find these churches, your own church, your own denomination, and go there. Church of your choice, wherever you wish to go. There'll be services at all of them tomorrow. And now, we don't ... we're just here, kind of come in like this and to visit. And, of course, if you have no church, we'll be glad to have you tomorrow night; but if your church is having services tomorrow night, that's your duty. That's your post of duty, at your church. We never want anyone to shirk their own church.
We never want anybody to take money that they would put in their own church to sponsor one of these meetings. No, sir. Your tithes and offerings goes into your own church.
3 If you feel to help in one of these meetings or something, after your own church is taken care of, that's fine. But we never want to take one cent from any church. We're trying to help that church. We're trying to do all we can that you'll be a better member of that church. No matter what church it is, we want you to be a real loyal member, serve the Lord Jesus with all your heart.
Now, and then tomorrow night is the closing service and... Did you like last night's healing service? Was that...? Do you like that kind? Well, how would you like to have another one tomorrow night? Would that be fine? All right then, I'll have them to give out prayer cards again tomorrow night about six o'clock, as usual. or whatever time they... Six? All right, six o'clock. And so they'll be here to give out the prayer cards tomorrow night, and we'll pray for the sick again tomorrow night in a prayer line.
Anybody can have them. They're without cost, they don't cost you a penny. You just come, they're free. That's the reason I have my own son giving them out, that there'll be no charges on them. No respect, they just give them out. Anybody wants them, just take them. Sometimes when we're having a...
4 Then I ask him, also, that when we're having lines where they have to just call up a few, I ask him to get up before the audience and mix all those cards together; and then just give them, because no one... And to make it double sure, no one knows where the prayer line is going to start in that meeting. I don't even know myself. That's the truth. I stand here, and wherever the Lord puts upon my heart to start from, there's where I start from.
I used to have a little child to come up and count, and wherever it stopped, I'd start from there. That didn't work so good. You know, Mommy had Junior to stop just exactly where her number was. So, we're still dealing with human beings, It was cute, but it wasn't just right for the people. And so, then we'd go down at the first of the meeting, we'd give out all the prayer cards. That's when they had big meetings and there were maybe hundreds of them give out. Well, then, no need of anybody coming after that first night. If we was there two weeks, I'd never get through all them. About six or eight a night, ten. See, I'd never get through them. So that didn't work. People, if they wasn't there the first day, had not a chance to get in the prayer line. This way, everybody comes, everybody's got the same equal... And we try now just to go through the line and pray for the whole group, and anybody wants to be prayed for. I think that's the best we can do, explaining faith, that it's your faith that heals you.
5 Now I want to read tonight, you who are keeping track of the scriptures, I want to read out of the Book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ---which that's what it is, the revelation of Jesus Christ---the third chapter. The Lord bless His Word. And we want to read of the condition of the church of this day, the Laodicean church age, beginning with the fourteenth verse:
... unto the angel of the church of ... Laodicea write; These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God;
I know thy works, ... thou art neither cold nor hot: I would that thou wert cold or hot.
So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.
Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased in goods, ... have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, ... miserable, ... poor, ... blind, and naked:
I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in ... fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that thy shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see.
As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent.
Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.
To him that overcometh I will grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne.
He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.
May the Lord add His blessings to the reading of the Word.
Revelation 3:14 And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write; These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God;
Revelation 3:15 I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot.
Revelation 3:16 So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.
Revelation 3:17 Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked:
Revelation 3:18 I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see.
Revelation 3:19 As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent.
Revelation 3:20 Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.
Revelation 3:21 To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne.
Revelation 3:22 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.
6 And now don't forget, pray. We used to sing a little song at our church, I don't know whether you sing it here or not. I couldn't sing. I always wanted to, but I... Thought I'd try it, but my nerve won't let me do it. I'll just say it: "Pray, pray, the only way to reach higher ground; Pray, pray, the prayer of faith will bring God's blessings down." That's right.
How many likes good singing? Oh, that's fine. I just love it. I heard this Brother Mushegan here this morning singing down there at the breakfast, and what a wonderful time we had. I just love singing, and spiritual singing. I love good old Pentecostal singing, singing in the Spirit. I do dread to hear an overtrained voice. Hmmm! Holding their breath till they turn blue in the face, and don't know what to do---just singing to be heard. But I just like good old-fashioned Pentecostal singing, just where they clap their hands and have a good time. That's good singing. I always wanted to sing that song: "Amazing grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me. I once was lost, but now I'm found; I was blind, but now I see."
7 I don't have a voice to sing. But someday when you all get over on the other side and you're living in your big mansion up there somewhere, just glorifying God, way down in the woods there's a little cabin sits down there in a corner; and when you walk out on your front porch some morning, and look down on the cabin, and hear the voice come up through the woods, singing, "Amazing grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me," you'll say, "Praise God! Ole Brother Branham made it. There he is. He can sing it now. Finally made it, got over on the other side." And if ... only way I'll ever get there is by the amazing grace of Jesus Christ.
I love Him, trust Him, but it'll take His grace to get me over on the other side. Therefore I'm not trusting in any ability. I have none. I'm trusting in what He did for me. He is my mediator, He's my propitiation for my sins, He's the water of separation, He's the Alpha, Omega, He's my life, my birth, my father, my mother, my sister, my brother, my Lord, my king, my Saviour, my healer---He's just all in all to me. I love my brethren, I love my sisters, but, oh, that phileo love would never take the place of that agapao love of the Holy Spirit. I love my wife, my children, just as much as any husband or father could, but it'll never touch that sacred spot of that love of God. "How rich and pure, how fathomless and strong; it shall forevermore endure saint's and angel's song." Oh, I love that! Better stop now.
8 In the twentieth verse of this certain chapter of Revelation here, third chapter and the twentieth verse, I want to read a text, if I should call it that, speak for a little while, and then see what our Heavenly Father will have us to do. I don't know. "Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, open the door, I will come in to him, and sup with him, and he with me."
Say, "Brother Branham, that's a very small text for a crowd this size." But you know, it isn't the size of the text, it's the contents it holds. There's enough in there to open the eyes of every sinner in the world. There's enough in there to save the entire world. You know, things today, we're looking at big things, but we leave off the little things.
Revelation 3:20 Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.
9 Here some time ago, I don't know whether I've ever told you about it or not, it was in a certain city, a little boy was up in the attic looking around. And he found in an old trunk a little postage stamp just about one-half inch square. Well, he knowed where there was a stamp collector down the street, so he run down the street, thought maybe the stamp collector would give him five cents for the postage stamp to go in his album; and he would get him a cone of ice cream. And he ran down the street real quick to the stamp collector, and he said, "Look at this stamp I have just found." And called him by his given name, said, "How much will you give me for it?"
And the stamp collector looked at it through his glass. It was old and turned yellow. He said, "Oh, I'll give you a dollar for it."
10 Oh, the bargain was made right quick, and the business was on. That was about twenty cones of ice cream. Oh, he sold the stamp right quick.
I may have the over- or underestimation, but I believe that stamp was sold about two weeks later for around five hundred dollars. And then later on it was sold for an enormous amount, and has went on and on till I just don't know how much that stamp's worth. It's one of the most valuable stamps there is in the collectors' albums. What made it so valuable? It wasn't because of the size of it. It wasn't because of the paper that it was written on---because it had already turned yellow---but it was what was on it that counted.
That's the way it is with this text tonight or any scripture. It isn't the size of it, or the paper it's written on; it's what it is written on it. It is the Word of the living God, which is just as eternal as the author of the writings. Great, and every promise is true.
It's unusual, too, because it draws a picture of someone knocking at the door.
11 I'm just not able at this time to call the name of the artist that wrote that famous picture---or drawed it, rather, painted it---that he stood and painted a picture of Jesus coming and knocking at the door. I think he was a Greek artist. It wasn't Angelo, I don't think, but I'm not sure just what his name was. But all famous pictures, before they can become famous, they have to go through the hall of critics.
I've often thought that about the church. Before God can ever take His church in the rapture, it has to go through the hall of critics (the world) to criticize it, make fun of it, call it out of its name. But then when it finally passed through that hall of critics, then the picture or painting can be hung in the hall of fame. That's what God will do with His church. He'll let it go through the criticism and persecution of the world, but someday He'll take it up in the air and put it in the hall of fame, seated at His right side.
12 This great artist had taken him a lifetime to paint the picture. When finally he thought all of it was ready for the hall of critics, then after awhile a certain critic came up (and they're educated to criticize), great famous critic, and he said, "Your picture is an outstanding picture. We can see Jesus coming at night, in the darkness of human life, with His lantern in the hand, see the lovely little home that He comes to, and the vines around the door, and so forth, see Him with the expression on His face, knocking, listening, trying to hear if there would be an answer from the inside." The critic said, "There is nothing to criticize that. You have done a masterpiece. But there is just one thing that you have failed to do."
And the artist said, "Sir, what is that thing I have failed to do?"
He said, "You failed to put a latch on the door." Said, "There's no latch on it."
"Oh," said the artist, "I painted it that way."
"Well," he said, "How could He ever get in if there wasn't a latch?"
He said, "The latch is on the inside. The man that's on the inside has to open."
"I stand, and knock at the door, and if any man will open..." God doesn't pull your heart open; He just knocks, and you have to open it up. "I stand, and knock, and if any man will hear my voice, and open, I'll come in and sup with him, and he with me." Now, supping in the Old Testament, or in the oriental days of the Lord's visit to the earth, was communing. "I will come in and will have communion with him---sit down and talk things over." Don't you want Him to do that with you?
Revelation 3:20 Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.
13 Here in Phoenix, a few years ago, there was a man and woman sang that, and I've got it on a little rubber record: "I'd like to talk it over with Him." Got to preach at that church tomorrow where they come from, and I hope to hear that. I'd like to hear it again. I'd like to say, "Jesus, You loved me when my path got so dim." Greatest time of my life is when I could sit down (and my path got dim, and I did not know which way to turn---east, west, north or south) and just talk it over with Him. And the first thing you know, I was on the other side of the thing. Talk it over with Him.
14 When a man knocks at a door [Brother Branham knocks three times], he's trying to gain entrance. He's trying to get in. He wants to talk with you. That's why he's knocking. Now, it's not an unusual thing for someone to knock on someone's door. We've had it through the ages, great men has knocked at doors.
For instance, what if we would say tonight, what in the days of Caesar, the great emperor of Rome, if he went down to a peasant's house and knocked at the door. And the peasant rushed to the door, opened up the door, and there stood the great mighty emperor of Rome knocking at his door. Why, that poor little fellow would almost have a heart attack: "Think that the great and mighty Caesar stands at my door!" What an honor it would be, for the emperor of Rome to knock at a peasant's house! Why, he would, trembling, fall on his knees, and he'd say, "Sir, if there is anything that's in my reach that I could do for you, great Emperor, I'll do anything that you will require me to do. And if it is possible, honor my humble little home by sticking your feet into the door. It will be an honor that my home sheltered the emperor of this great nation." And it would be an honor.
15 Or in Germany, the late dictator Adolph Hitler, in the days of his greatness in Germany, if he'd've went to a German soldier's door and knocked at the door, and the little soldier would've run to the door, not knowing who it was knocking, and pulled the door open; why, if he'd seen the great Adolph Hitler, the Fuehrer of Germany, standing there, that little soldier would've come to attention, give him the German salute, with his lips trembling and tears running down his cheeks. He'd've said, "Great Fuehrer of Germany, you have honored my home. Come in. You make me feel so good to know that you would come to my door. It's an honor that every man cannot have, for you, the great Hitler, to knock at my door, and to come here to honor me with your presence."
16 Or if President Dwight Eisenhower, our most beloved president, if he would come here to Phoenix tomorrow, and would come to the house of the best Democrat there is in Phoenix, it would be an honor to you. Though you would differ with him in politics, yet he's a great man. He's the president of our United States. He's an honorable man. One of the highest honorable men there is in this nation is our beloved president, Mr. Eisenhower.
Just recently the Queen of England made a trip over here. What if she would've come to Phoenix and went down to your house, and knocked at the door, and you'd've opened the door, and there stood the Queen of England at your door. Though she has no rule over you, you're not in her domain, but yet you'd've been honored to have the greatest queen on the earth standing at your door to pay you a visit. You would've said, "Queen, come into my house, and if there is anything here that you are seeking, oh, it would be a privilege for me to give it to you." Sure. She's a great woman. One of the greatest queens on earth today is the Queen of England. If she'd've asked you for some little something that you cherished with all your heart, you'd've still give it to her. It would've been an honor for you to do it. No matter what you valued it at, you gave it to the greatest queen in the earth.
17 See, it depends on the importance of the person at your door.
I want to ask you something. Who's more important to knock at your door than Jesus Christ? Where is there a greater person that could knock at your door than Him? And He's knocked at more doors than all the kings there ever was in the world, or ever will be; and is turned away more than any ever was ever turned away. "I stand at the door, and knock." The God of glory.
Now perhaps if Mr. Eisenhower would knock at your door, he probably would want you to vote for him, or he might have something else to take from you, some favor for you to do for him. The queen might understand that you have a certain relic that you value, and she'd like that, want to take something from you.
Revelation 3:20 Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.
18 But it isn't so with Jesus. When he knocks He wants to give you something, the best thing that could be given. That's eternal life. That's the reason of His knocking. Why would anyone turn Him away? "I stand, and knock; and if any man will open, I'll come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me." He wants to heal you, wants to forgive your sins. He wants to do something good for you, and yet people turn Him away more than they would President Eisenhower.
Now, I want to say something like this. If President Eisenhower would humble hisself, or the Queen of England, and would come to your house and knock at your door, you'd brag about it to everybody. You'd want everybody to know that the President come to your house. And yet Jesus can knock at the door and we're ashamed to tell anybody about it. Ashamed of the Lord Jesus when He knocks and trying to give you something.
19 Take the nation's attitude. Take Phoenix' attitude. If President Eisenhower, or Mr. Nixon, our lovely vice-president, would come to Phoenix and go visit your house and knock at your door, it would be on international news. And he would get praises for humbling himself. All the poor people in your neighborhood and around the country would appreciate knowing that that great man humbled himself to come to your door, or my door. And yet Jesus knocks night after night, even to bootleggers, prostitutes, harlots, and He's cast away as some fanatic. What's the judgment going to be?
Oh, you might say to me, "Just a minute, preacher. I've already accepted Jesus into my heart." Maybe that's just what you've done, accepted Him into your heart. But did you know, when He gets into your heart, how welcome is He after He gets in?
20 If I come to your house, and I knocked at your door, and you give me the right hand of fellowship and told me to come in, and then said, "You stand right there; don't you go to meddling around in my house," well, that's about the way some people accept Jesus.
You know there's more than one door to the heart. There's doors, little compartments in the heart. That's where you live at, in these little compartments. And then when ... what if we'd look over some of them compartments and see what they are? Now think of it.
What if you come to my house, and you knocked at the door, and I come over here, I said, "Come in," and you come in. I said, "Now looky here, I don't want you meddling around in my house. You stand right there and tell me what you want, but don't go to fooling around in my house." You wouldn't feel very welcome. I wouldn't feel welcome at your house.
If you welcomed me in, I'd expect you to say, "Come in, Brother Branham! So glad to have you! The house is yours. Take over, do what you want to."
Oh, I'd just do that: come in, take off my shoes, lay across the bed, go out to the refrigerator and get me a great big sandwich, and lay there and eat. I'd feel at home.
21 That's the way Jesus wants to do in your heart---He wants to feel at home! But we got Him closed off to a lot of things. "Now, Jesus, I'll tell You why I let You in my door. I don't want to go to hell. I want to be saved at the end of life. You can come in the door, but now don't You go to meddling around."
When you get in the human heart, let's think this, that over on the right hand side there's a little closet, a little door; and that's the hard one that most people don't want anyone meddling with, and that's called over that door, "The Door Of My Private Life."
"Now, Jesus, I'll let You in, but don't You go to meddling with my private life! If I have to stop my card party, if I have to give up the poolroom bunch that I run with, if I have to be called old-fashioned because I don't smoke cigarettes with the rest of the women, if I have to burn up my shorts and can't wear them like the rest of the women, you stay right there. Don't meddle with me!" That's the way lots of Christians accept Jesus. He wouldn't be welcome in your heart.
"Don't You interrupt any of my ... I drink a little sociable beer, and I don't want You to bother with that; only I'll let You in because I don't want to go to hell."
22 Now, is that the way you accepted Jesus? Jesus don't want to come in like that. When He's knocking at your heart, when He comes in, He wants to be your Lord! Lord is rulership. He comes into your heart knowing that He made that heart for Himself. All the rest of the body you can have, but the heart is the control tower, and He wants to come to this heart so He can lead you, be Lord. You want Him as your Saviour, but not your Lord.
So many people say, "Oh, I want Him as my Saviour. I've accepted Him as my Saviour." That's good. But have you accepted Him as your Lord? To be ruler over you, to rule you, to guide you, to walk into that door of your private life and clean the closet out? Take His own blood and paint it on the walls.
23 Then right next to that is another little door called "Pride." Oh, that's a terrible one. Everybody wants a little pride. If you can't let Jesus in and take over pride, then Jesus won't stay. He'll get right out. If you think that you're better than the Joneses---you drive a better car or eat a better meal, wear better clothes than the Joneses---and you're stuck-up, then Jesus'll leave that heart at the same door He come in at. Oh, this day of fantastic, fancy put-on! I'm glad for a people who have ... and a way that of ... surrendered heart that Jesus can come in and be Lord and God and Saviour and Controller. When you get Jesus into your heart all that pride will go out.
I'll tell you what it will do for you. A good old-fashioned baptism of the Holy Spirit will make a pair of overalls and a tuxedo suit put their arms around one another and call each other brother. It'll make a calico dress and a silk one hug one another and say, "Sister." That's what Jesus does when He's Lord. But He's just Saviour, well, that's not enough. If He's a Saviour, He must be Lord, also, to guide you to His salvation, if He's a Saviour.
24 There's another little door just around the corner. It's the door of "Faith." Oh, there's many of them. Let's talk of faith just a moment. "Now, I let You in, Jesus, but I've got my own faith." Well, He can't do much for you, if you've got your own faith. I don't want no faith... I want His faith; my faith is no good. The faith of God is what we need. God's faith in us. My faith is no good, your faith is no good. It takes Christ to come in, and stand in that door of faith, and be Lord---Lord over your faith.
When you read in the Bible, "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever," your faith will say that's impossible; but His faith will say, "Amen, I AM." If the critic says the days of miracles is past, the faith of God will say he doesn't know what he's talking about. If the critic says, "Jesus doesn't heal," the Holy Spirit standing in the door of your faith would say, "I'm the Lord that healeth all thy diseases." It just makes such a difference to let Him at that door of faith.
You know the scripture we was reading awhile ago said that you are naked and you are miserable, you are poor, wretched, and blind, and don't know it! That's the condition that the church will come to. Naked.
Exodus 15:26 And said, If thou wilt diligently hearken to the voice of the LORD thy God, and wilt do that which is right in his sight, and wilt give ear to his commandments, and keep all his statutes, I will put none of these diseases upon thee, which I have brought upon the Egyptians: for I am the LORD that healeth thee.
Psalm 103:3 Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases;
Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.
Revelation 3:17 Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked:
25 Would you imagine a man on the street naked and doesn't know it? If the man knows it, he'll help himself. Or the woman on the street, or someone who doesn't have on clothing, and if they know that they're that way, they'll try to help themselves. But the pitiful case, they're so mentally gone they don't know it. Today the people walking on the streets of these cities are naked before God and don't know it! That's the pitiful part.
They're trying to cover up with some church creed, like Eve did in the garden of Eden. Man-made fig leaves. God requires the shed-blood covering. "Counsel of me that you get white raiment to cover your nakedness." And He said also, "Thou art blind [spiritually speaking], blind, and I'll counsel of thee to buy some eyesalve from me." You know, God's got healing for everything: sin-sick souls, bodies, backsliders. Whatever you are, God's got the remedy in His big medicine cabinet.
Revelation 3:18 I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see.
26 You know, when I was a little boy we lived down in ... way down in east, southeast Kentucky, in the Cumberland Mountains. And my people, we lived in a little old log cabin had two rooms. And it was a pitiful-looking thing. They didn't have any floor in it but the dirt, and Dad had cut off the top of a stump about that thick, put three legs under it for a table; and had got an old piece off of the barn and made a little bench that these little Branhams could sit on there and eat their dinner. And there was one bed, and that was Papa's and Mama's. Set over at the left of the house when you come in from the kitchen. And us kids had to go up a ladder, a homemade ladder---two saplings with some sticks across it. We went up in the loft, and there was an old straw mattress (I don't know whether you ever seen one or not), an old featherbed.
And they had clapboard shingles on it, and it was put on in the light of the moon, and they'd turned up, and the old chinking out of the logs... Mama would have to put a piece of canvas over us kiddies at night, for the snow blowing in would give us colds.
27 And sometimes, like little boys (there was nine of us), how we'd wiggle out from under the cover. And there would ... of a morning our eyes would be all closed from cold. Mama said it was matter in them. I don't know what it is, but she called it "matter." They'd stick together. Get cold in your eyes.
Grandpa was a hunter, trapped and hunted all of his life. Grandmother was a Indian, Cherokee Indian. And we had a cure-all at our house---that was coon grease, raccoon. Grandpa would catch them, then he'd render the fat out, put it in a can, and it was good for croup, or sore throat, or a bruised toe, or anything. It was almost a cure-all at our house. So Mama would come to the steps, and I was the oldest, and she would say, "William, come on down!"
I'd turn over to my brother Edward, which has gone on now (I called him Humpy), and I said, "Wake up, Humpy. Mama's calling."
Said, "I can't get my eyes open."
I said, "I can't either."
28 And all the little boys couldn't get their eyes open, nearly, because there'd been a draft across there. We'd gotten from under the cover, the protection, and it give us a cold, and we had matter in our eyes.
Mama said, "That's all right, Honey. I'll be up just in a few minutes." And she'd get the coon grease and set it on the stove and get it all hot. (And we eat the raccoons ourselves.) So then she'd get this coon grease hot, and come up and massage our eyes with it till all the matter went out. Believe it or not, she fixed us up with it---we got all right.
29 That might help open up the eyes here, natural, but we've had a cold spell, too. Many Christians has got from under the cover, under protection of the Lord Jesus. There's been a draft across the country saying that the days of miracles is past, and healing services and all this Holy Ghost stuff, there's nothing to it. You might have got caught in the draft, got your eyes all closed up to the things of God. When the angel of God comes here in the last days to reflect the light of the coming of Jesus, you might not be able to see it. I wouldn't prescribe coon grease, but I know there is an eyesalve that God has. It's called the Holy Spirit, God's anointed oil from God's throne. That'll open your eyes, and you'll be able to see that Jesus Christ is just the same today as He was yesterday, and will be forever.
God's Holy Spirit today, moving in from great healing services, coming down to the positive. Jesus coming among the people and performing and doing the same signs of the nearing of the end of this age, like He did to the Jews when He told Philip he was under the tree ... or, Nathanael was under the tree when Philip found him. And he said, "Rabbi, how did you know me?", when He told him he was a honest man, an Israelite, no guile. When Jesus told him where he was, he fell at His feet, said, "Rabbi, you're the Son of God. You're the King of Israel," because he'd opened his heart to the Spirit of God knocking, that had been prophesied by Moses, their leader, saying, "The Lord your God shall raise up a Prophet liken unto me. And it shall come to pass that ever who will not hear this prophet shall be cut off." And practically the whole nation was cut off.
Deuteronomy 18:15 The LORD thy God will raise up unto thee a Prophet from the midst of thee, of thy brethren, like unto me; unto him ye shall hearken;
Deuteronomy 18:19 And it shall come to pass, that whosoever will not hearken unto my words which he shall speak in my name, I will require it of him.
Matthew 12:24 But when the Pharisees heard it, they said, This fellow doth not cast out devils, but by Beelzebub the prince of the devils.
Mark 3:22 And the scribes which came down from Jerusalem said, He hath Beelzebub, and by the prince of the devils casteth he out devils.
Luke 11:15 But some of them said, He casteth out devils through Beelzebub the chief of the devils.
John 1:47 Jesus saw Nathanael coming to him, and saith of him, Behold an Israelite indeed, in whom is no guile!
John 1:48 Nathanael saith unto him, Whence knowest thou me? Jesus answered and said unto him, Before that Philip called thee, when thou wast under the fig tree, I saw thee.
John 1:49 Nathanael answered and saith unto him, Rabbi, thou art the Son of God; thou art the King of Israel.
Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.
30 God knocked. The church looked and said, "You know that man's a fortune-teller, Beelzebub."
Jesus said, "You say that about me, I'll forgive you; but someday the Holy Spirit will come, and to speak one word against it will never be forgiven." Don't you see the church is cutting herself off again, not opening their hearts and letting the Holy Spirit come in?
Did not He say to the woman at the well, "Go get your husband."? Samaria had never seen Him, but they were looking for Him.
And she said, "I have no husband."
He said, "...well. You've had five and the one that you're living with is not yours."
Her heart come open. She said, "Sir, you must be a prophet. We know the Messiah is a-coming."
Oh, my! That woman knowed more about God than a lot of preachers does. That's right. Though in her ill-fame, she had a heart that could open when God knocked at the door. She knowed the Holy Scriptures, that the day was at hand. She said, "I know that Messiah cometh [we know that]: and when he comes, he'll do this."
He said, "I'm he that speaks to you."
Right into her heart He went. Down through the city, and said, "Come see a man who's told me the things I've done: isn't this the Messiah?"
Did not this same Messiah say just before He returns that the sign that was given to Sodom and Gomorrah would return again in the age of the Gentile?
Matthew 12:32 And whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come.
Mark 3:28 Verily I say unto you, All sins shall be forgiven unto the sons of men, and blasphemies wherewith soever they shall blaspheme:
Mark 3:29 But he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost hath never forgiveness, but is in danger of eternal damnation:
Luke 12:10 And whosoever shall speak a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but unto him that blasphemeth against the Holy Ghost it shall not be forgiven.
John 4:16 Jesus saith unto her, Go, call thy husband, and come hither.
John 4:17 The woman answered and said, I have no husband. Jesus said unto her, Thou hast well said, I have no husband:
John 4:18 For thou hast had five husbands; and he whom thou now hast is not thy husband: in that saidst thou truly.
John 4:19 The woman saith unto him, Sir, I perceive that thou art a prophet.
John 4:25 The woman saith unto him, I know that Messias cometh, which is called Christ: when he is come, he will tell us all things.
John 4:26 Jesus saith unto her, I that speak unto thee am he.
John 4:29 Come, see a man, which told me all things that ever I did: is not this the Christ?
Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.
31 Christ knocks at the heart, same yesterday, today, and forever. His Word speaks it, His Spirit confirms it among the people. Why not open up our heart and let Him come in and be Lord? He's so good to us, and yet we're so cruel to Him.
We appreciate our churches, our pastors, our lay members, our deacons, our altar societies, we appreciate them. And they're doing a wonderful work, most of them, thanks be to the Lord. But yet it takes the individual. The church can't open up your heart; you have to open your heart. The church cannot come into your heart; Jesus must come into your heart. Church cannot be Lord over you; Christ is Lord over you. Yet you belong to the church. That's His society. That's His way of doing it. But yet you must let Him in, and then join with other believers. That's what does it.
32 Now, we're living in the last days. We look around and see the goodness of God, how that in our days, when there's not a hope... Looky here, did you realize that we're at the end time? Do you realize all the great men in the world is predicting that something...? Why, we could be blowed up at any minute. And the Holy Spirit has give you the privilege of coming in the midst where He's at, and knocking at your heart's door. "Behold, I stand at the door, and knock."
You say, "Brother Branham, I can't understand it." Just open up once. Let Him come in. "I don't know just how to believe these signs and all these things. I don't know."
That's what the Ethiopian said to Philip, "How can I know this unless some man teaches me?" The Holy Spirit was sent here for a teacher. Let Him come into your heart. He'll teach you that Jesus is the same.
He said, "When the Holy Ghost is come, he will testify of me." And we know that that's true.
John 15:26 But when the Comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, even the Spirit of truth, which proceedeth from the Father, he shall testify of me:
Acts 8:31 And he said, How can I, except some man should guide me? And he desired Philip that he would come up and sit with him.
Revelation 3:20 Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.
33 Now, He's so good, looks like we could appreciate His goodness. When the world's starving to death, we have plenty. How many little children in India tonight, and many places, nothing to eat, would give anything...? How many hungry-hearted people seeking God would give anything to have sat in this meeting tonight?
Let me give you a sight that's sickly. How many people that's sunk beyond the regions of mercy, into a devil's hell and the torment of a nightmare, how they'd love to come back and have one more chance? What would they do tonight if Jesus would come to hell and knock at their heart? "You turn me away in this day, in the days of your calamity when you call, I'll only laugh." This is the day. Don't put it off tomorrow. Today is the day of salvation. Yet many of you maybe have waited for years. He's knocked and knocked and knocked, you don't answer. He's a good God, as Oral Roberts has often stated. He is a good God, He's a God of mercy, And He's also a God of judgment.
Proverbs 1:26 I also will laugh at your calamity; I will mock when your fear cometh;
2 Corinthians 6:2 (For he saith, I have heard thee in a time accepted, and in the day of salvation have I succoured thee: behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.)
34 Now, down in the South, where I go a whole lot, I was on a little vacation the other day down there. A bunch of people, some good old "Crackers" down there in Florida, we were out fishing. And that's when Brother Evans was bitten by that rattlesnake. And I'd never seen it before in my life. Two miles back I'd've had to pack a 180-pound man. A big old ground rattler, worse than your sidewinder anytime, struck him in the foot, and his whole leg just paralyzed. Trying to help me in with about a twelve-pound bass in the weeds, where gators and everything laying around, and he jumped to grab it, and he just screamed and held his leg. I come out, and there was two fang holes about like that, blood oozing out of them.
He said, "Brother Branham, my whole side is froze, and aching so hard." How could I pack him through the swamps? Weighed about 180 pounds, six foot tall. His brother had been bitten a few months before there, a sinner went to the hospital in a terrible condition.
And I said, "Oh, Brother Evans! Merciful God, what can I do?" I remembered the scripture: (What was it? Someone knocking at the door.) " I am the Lord thy God. I'm a very present help in a time of trouble." I remember He said, "They shall tread on the heads of serpents and scorpions, and nothing in no means shall harm them."
I laid my hand over on his foot, him screaming, with his tears dripping off of his cheeks, like that, for pain. I said, "Heavenly Father, I'm knocking at Your door. We're in a state of emergency. Have mercy, O God!"
Psalm 46:1 To the chief Musician for the sons of Korah, A Song upon Alamoth. God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.
Luke 10:19 Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.
35 And while we said that, and I quoted the Scripture, I looked over and he was laughing. All pains was gone.
We fished the rest of the day, and that night at twelve o'clock, when we were down there getting the pictures (I guess it was somewhere around there, Gene), the tourists all come in to see this great string of bass that the Lord had given us. And his brother come up and we told the story. And his sinner brother said, "Wait a minute, Welch." Said, "It's all right to be religious, but not crazy."
He said, "You know I laid three months in a hospital, and two months after that with a cast on my leg, with one of them rattler bites." Said, "You get to medical aid just as quick as you can."
He said, "Looky here, brother, you might know a lot of things, but you don't know all things. If my God could deliver me from eleven o'clock this morning till eleven o'clock tonight, He can take care of me the rest of the time."
36 What was it? Knocking on His door in a time of emergency. We shouldn't wait to that time of emergency. Someday death's going to come up to your door, and it's going to knock. Oh, my, you're going to long for that knock then. I've seen people who laughed at the Holy Spirit, I've held them when they died. Don't laugh at Christ; respect Him, honor Him. Get away from all of your own theology and senses. Just let the Holy Spirit...
You was given five senses, but them five senses, your intellectuals, was never given to you to lead you. The sixth sense, which is faith, was given to you to lead you. That's the sixth sense. That is the super sense. It leads you.
37 Down in Shreveport, Louisiana, was a good old friend of mine, Brother Moore. There was an old colored brother down there who... He was a nice old man. His name was Gabriel. They give him... His mother, religious woman, his daddy, they give him the name of Gabriel; but we all called him Gabe just for short. And his wife was a staunch Christian, very lovely person. And the pastor of the church was a wonderful brother. And they done everything they could to get old Gabe to get straightened out with God; but Gabe liked to shoot dice and he just wouldn't get straight with God.
And Gabe liked to hunt, and so did the pastor. And the pastor would come over and get Gabe and take him a-hunting and so forth. And one day when they'd been hunting, old Gabe was so loaded with game birds and rabbits till he could hardly get them. He had them over his gun barrel coming in, all that he could wag in.
38 And they were coming around a little certain path, and old Gabe kept noticing back towards the west, and the sun was going down. He was getting up into years---fifty---and he kept watching that sun, the pastor faithfully making his way along the path, both of them with so much game.
After awhile the pastor felt a hand on his shoulder touching him. Said, "Pastor." And he turned around. Gabe was looking at him with tears running down his cheeks. He turned again and looked towards the sun. He turned back, and he said, "Pastor, in the morning, being Sunday morning, I's coming down to the church with my loving wife. I's going to go up to the mourner's bench and make my confession. Then I'm going to find me a seat just as close to the front as I can find. There I'll remain until Jesus comes to get me; I'll live true to God from this day on."
The pastor turned and put his arms around his brother. Said, "Gabe bless your heart, boy."
Said, "See that sunset yonder, pastor? My sun's going down too, and something knocked at my heart just a few moments ago."
Said, "What sermon did I preach, Gabe? What message did I preach that you heard that caused you to turn, or what hymn did the singers sing that caused you to turn and give your life to the Lord Jesus?"
He said, "Pastor, I've heard you preach a mighty good sermon many times. I've heard the choir sing till it looked like they had the anthems of the angels." He said, "It was all so good." He said, "But that's not what done it, Pastor, altogether." Said, "I was coming along here thinking how good He is to me, just how good."
He said, "You know, Pastor, I'm a poor shot." He said, "I couldn't hit nothing. And we was needing food at our house, and just look at all this game that He's give me. Surely He must love me, or He wouldn't do it for me." He said, "I turned around to say 'thank you,' and something knocked at my heart and said, 'The sun of your life is going down.'"
39 He's good to us. Gabe done just what he told the pastor he would do. And as far as I know, he's still a charter member of that Pentecostal body of believers down there; because he looked out and seen the goodness of God, and something knocked at his heart and said, "Gabe, I give you them things. You couldn't hit nothing. I give them to you!"
I want you to ask tonight, who give you your automobile? Who give you that good meal you eat tonight? Who give you these nice clothes you're wearing? How can you turn Him down, when the sun of civilization is setting? the sun of time is setting? Jesus is coming; and He's knocking night after night at heart's doors. Won't you open tonight, my poor dejected friend, and let Him come into you, and sup with you, and you with Him? Won't you think about that now, while we bow our heads just a moment?
Revelation 3:20 Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.
40 I ask that you'll be very reverent now. The Holy Spirit might find its place in hearts. How good is He to you? Look, laying there in the hospital. Look at that close call awhile ago in that car. Think of the time when you said to that little one, or that mother, "I'll meet you across the sea yonder, Mama." Daddy, husband, wife, brother, child... And yet He's blessed you, you're able to be here tonight. That comes from God.
While you have your heads bowed, I wonder if someone here tonight in this visible audience would like to say to Jesus, "Lord, You've been so good to me. I want You to come into my heart right tonight. Don't let day break in the morning without You coming to my heart. I want to talk it over with You. I know we're at the end time. Our science says we are, our nation knows we are, the navy knows we are, the army knows we are; and above all that, the Bible says we are. And the Holy Ghost, with His signs in the church, confirms that we are. You've been so good to me, Lord. I'd like to talk it over with You before I cross over."
41 Would you like to raise your hand to Him for a little communion before we close in prayer?
Just raise up your hand, say, "God, be merciful to me. I want to talk it over with You." The Lord bless you. The Lord bless you, lady. The Lord bless you, up in the balcony, to the right. The Lord bless you there, sir. Someone else? "I'd like to talk it over. You're knocking, Lord. I want to ... I want to talk with You just a little bit, the next few minutes."
"Brother Branham, include me in your prayer. God will hear your payer." Balcony to the left, someone raise your hand and say, "Pray for me, Brother Branham."? The balcony in front? God bless you, lady. God bless you. Beneath here, on the floor? God bless you, to my right. That's good. Oh, I see your hands all back in there, all back to the right. God bless you. God bless every one of you.
42 The center rows through here, raise up your hands, say, "Be merciful to me, Lord. I want to talk it over before I leave here. You're knocking at my heart. I feel like I ought to talk it over with You. I've got some things I'd like to settle." Raise your hands, the middle aisle? The aisles to the left, would you raise your hands? God bless you, sister. God bless you, you, and you, and you. God bless you. That's good. God be merciful.
Thou art God of all generations, and You've said that in this day of the Laodicean church that You would stand at the door and knock, and if any man would hear the knock and would open the door, You'd come in and sup with them. And now there's been a great host here, maybe thirty or more tonight has raised their hands, knowing that You are here knocking at their door. Now, Lord, You promised You would come in. I believe You, they believe You, so speak peace to their hearts, Lord, and I offer this prayer in their behalf, that there will not be one of them lost.
May they all be saved by Your amazing grace. May Jesus enter into their hearts tonight, take the reins, and all the doors be opened, that He might be both Saviour and Lord, that He could guide them through life's smoky pitfalls, and lead them unto "the fountain filled with blood drawn from Emmanuel's veins, where sinners, plunged beneath the flood, lose all their guilty stains."
Revelation 3:20 Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.
Revelation 21:4 And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.
43 And from there, unto the great home of the living God, where the soul never dies, where there's no sickness, sorrow, or old age, no death there, cannot enter that blissful, holy place.
Lord, let their soul take its eternal rest from this hour on upon that great promise: "All that the Father has given me will come to me. And he that comes to me I will in no wise cast out. I'll raise him up at the last days, give him eternal life." And again it is written, "He that heareth my words and believeth on him that sent me hath [present tense] eternal life, shall not come to the judgment, but pass from death unto life." Grant it, Lord. I commit them into Thy hands now.
Bless those who are sick and afflicted. May these who raised their hands, tomorrow morning---like old Gabe down in Louisiana, found his way to the church, there baptized into Christian faith, confessed Jesus as his Saviour, took his place at the front, and there remained---may they do likewise, Lord. If I'll not get to shake their hands in this life, may in that life that is to come, may I fellowship with them through all ages, throughout eternity.
Bless those who are needy here tonight, Father. If there be some left from last evening that didn't get healed, we pray that You'll heal them tonight. Speak merciful to them that they might know that it's Your Spirit knocking at their door. May they invite You in tonight, Lord, for we ask it in Jesus' name, thy Son. Amen.
There is a fountain filled with blood,
Drawn from Emmanuel's veins,
And sinners plunged beneath that flood,
Lose all their guilty stains.
Lose all their guilty stains,
Lose all their guilty stains;
And sinners plunged beneath that flood,
Lose all their guilty stains.
Oh, don't you love Him? Isn't He wonderful? So good, so full of mercy and goodness. How great Thou art! How good He is. Let us all just in the Spirit of worship now sing this verse: "The dying thief rejoiced to see that fountain in his day; there may I, though vile as he, wash all my sins away." Let us sing it now. All right, Brother Creechy, all right.
The dying thief rejoiced to see
That fountain in his day;
And there may I, though vile as he,
Wash all my sins away.
Wash all my sins away,
Wash all my sins away;
And there may I, though vile as he,
Wash all my sins away.
John 5:24 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life.
John 6:37 All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out.
John 6:40 And this is the will of him that sent me, that every one which seeth the Son, and believeth on him, may have everlasting life: and I will raise him up at the last day.
44 Oh, don't you love that good old-fashioned sweetness of the Holy Spirit? Oh, my! Oh, I just love that. Let's sing "Peace, peace, wonderful peace, coming down from the Father above." Do you know it?
Peace! peace! wonderful peace,
Coming down from the Father above;
Sweep over my spirit forever, I pray,
In fathomless billows of love.
..........wonderful peace,
Coming down from the Father above;
Sweep over my spirit forever, I pray,
In fathomless billows of love.
Oh, how I love Jesus,
Oh, how I love Jesus,
Oh, how I love Jesus,
Because He first loved me.
Let's pledge our loyalty with our hands up.
I'll never forsake Him,
I'll never forsake Him,
I'll never forsake Him,
Because He first loved me.
O Lord, great Jehovah, how we love You tonight, because You first loved us. And so loved us when we were sinners that You gave Your only begotten Son, that whosoever should believe on Him would have eternal life. This that we know we've passed from death unto life, when we have fellowship one with another, and love one another, and the blood of Jesus, Thy Son, cleanses us from all unrighteousness. Father, let the Holy Spirit wave after wave, sweep over our souls, and cleanse us from the things of the world. Come into our hearts tonight, Lord, and not only be Saviour but be Lord. Take our intellectuals and cast them from us, Lord, if they're contrary to Your Word. Let us see only Jesus, and Him crucified. Let us walk not according to our guidance of our mind, but by the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Grant it, Father.
John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
1 John 1:7 But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.
1 John 4:19 We love him, because he first loved us.
45 Sanctify this group of people tonight who's been sitting present. May they never forget the doors inside of their hearts.
Now may the Holy Spirit come and reveal Himself to us. God, if we've found grace in Your sight, let Him come now and prove that You are here with us in this last days. You are the door to the sheepfold, You are the coming King, You are the Lord of glory, the God of Abraham, the rose of Sharon, the lily of the valley, the morning star, the Alpha Omega, the beginning and the end, He that was and which is and shall come, the root and offspring of David. O God, You are Counsellor, Prince of Peace, mighty God, everlasting Father. You're the Saviour, the healer---You're all, Lord.
46 We love You and we cherish You and we throw all of our heart open Lord. Let the King of glory come in. "Lift up, ye everlasting gates, and be ye lifted up; and let the King of glory come in," taking full possession as Saviour and Lord, as King, as director, as governor, as giver of peace, as director of our path. Grant it, Lord. We ask it in the name of Him that taught us all to pray like this:
"Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us of our trespasses, as we forgive those that trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen."
Psalm 24:7 Lift up your heads, O ye gates; and be ye lift up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in.
Matthew 6:9 After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.
Matthew 6:10 Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.
Matthew 6:11 Give us this day our daily bread.
Matthew 6:12 And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.
Matthew 6:13 And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.
Luke 11:2 And he said unto them, When ye pray, say, Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, as in heaven, so in earth.
Luke 11:3 Give us day by day our daily bread.
Luke 11:4 And forgive us our sins; for we also forgive every one that is indebted to us. And lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil.
47 The goodness of the Lord is with us. Oh, I would rather be here in a meeting like this with the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, sitting together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus... Oh, a fellowship of joy divine. There's nothing like it under the heavens. Jesus said, "Wherever two or three are gathered in my name, I'll be in their midst. The works that I do shall they do also, more than this, because I go to my Father. A little while and the world seeth me no more, yet ye shall see me; for I'll be with you, even in you, to the end of the world." Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever.
Matthew 18:20 For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.
Matthew 28:20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.
John 14:12 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.
John 14:19 Yet a little while, and the world seeth me no more; but ye see me: because I live, ye shall live also.
Ephesians 2:6 And hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus:
Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.
48 Is there any sick in the building? Raise your hand that wants to be remembered in prayer. Just everywhere. How many sick people in here that knows that I don't know you? Raise your hand. How many knows that God knows you? Raise your hand.
If Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever, He'll honor the gospel that I preach. If He isn't God, if He's dead, He remains dead. He's in the grave. Like the Mohammedans say, "Let us see Him do the same thing that He did when He was here on earth, and promised He'd do, we'd believe He raised from the dead. But your teaching is no more than ours. And we can produce just as much psychology as you can."
Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.
49 Oh, they don't realize that our loving Jesus lives! Every promise that He made is true, everything that He did.
He's the high priest of our confession. He's a high priest that can be touched by the feeling of our infirmities. If you're sick, touch Him. He'll act just the same way He did when He was here on earth. The woman touched His garment and went and sat down, wherever she went in the crowd. He turned and said, "Who touched me?"
And Peter said, "Why, they all touched you. [Rebuked him.] Why would you say such a thing?"
He said, "But I got weak. Virtue went from me. Somebody touched me." And He looked around till He found her, told her her blood issue had stopped, her faith had saved her, and she was healed. If He's the same Jesus, then you can touch Him by faith. There's no garment here for you to touch, but there is a God that you can touch with your faith, with your finger of faith. The finger of God that's in you, let it touch. Then He'll work through His branches. He's the vine.
He has no lips but ours, no eyes but ours, to operate here on earth. His Holy Spirit is here to energize His branches to do the same works.
Matthew 9:20 And, behold, a woman, which was diseased with an issue of blood twelve years, came behind him, and touched the hem of his garment:
Matthew 9:22 But Jesus turned him about, and when he saw her, he said, Daughter, be of good comfort; thy faith hath made thee whole. And the woman was made whole from that hour.
Mark 5:27 When she had heard of Jesus, came in the press behind, and touched his garment.
Mark 5:30 And Jesus, immediately knowing in himself that virtue had gone out of him, turned him about in the press, and said, Who touched my clothes?
Mark 5:31 And his disciples said unto him, Thou seest the multitude thronging thee, and sayest thou, Who touched me?
Mark 5:34 And he said unto her, Daughter, thy faith hath made thee whole; go in peace, and be whole of thy plague.
Luke 8:44 Came behind him, and touched the border of his garment: and immediately her issue of blood stanched.
Luke 8:45 And Jesus said, Who touched me? When all denied, Peter and they that were with him said, Master, the multitude throng thee and press thee, and sayest thou, Who touched me?
Luke 8:46 And Jesus said, Somebody hath touched me: for I perceive that virtue is gone out of me.
Luke 8:47 And when the woman saw that she was not hid, she came trembling, and falling down before him, she declared unto him before all the people for what cause she had touched him, and how she was healed immediately.
Luke 8:48 And he said unto her, Daughter, be of good comfort: thy faith hath made thee whole; go in peace.
John 15:5 I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.
Hebrews 4:15 For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin.
50 If a fellow took a watermelon off of a vine, and the next man went back and got a pumpkin, it wasn't from the same vine. If it did, it was artificially grafted in. But if that vine ever put forth another vine, it'll have a watermelon. So if the first vine that come out of the branch had a Pentecostal church that done the same signs that Jesus did, the next branch will do the same thing. We've grafted trees. Sure, put grapefruit on a orange tree, I think it will bear. Yes, but it ain't original fruit. That tree never put forth it; it was grafted.
We got too many grafts in today. I want the same Spirit that was upon Him.
51 I preached to you about Abraham and the confirmation of the covenant. When he tore that covenant apart, it must dovetail the same way. The same when God made His covenant with man at Calvary, He tore the part of His own Son. He took His body up, and lifted it up out of the grave, and set it on His right hand, sent the Spirit that was in that body back to the church. That church will have to have the same kind of a Spirit in its body that that body had, or the covenant was not right. Oh, what assurance. Blessed assurance.
Pray now. If the Holy Spirit will come and at least take two or three people here tonight (we took up our prayer cards last night), and if He'll come tonight and do just like He did when He was here on earth... How many knows that the way that He confirmed His ministry of being Messiah was knowing the secret of their hearts? Exactly. Sure. Believers that was ordained to eternal life believed it. There was many there who professed believers that was not ordained to eternal life.
Isn't it a sad thing to see that people, human beings, will sit and look, and yet can't see it? Jesus said, "Well did Isaiah speak of you, have eyes and can't see, ears and can't hear." Yet looking right at it. Oh, they just couldn't understand it, because they wasn't ordained to eternal life.
Jesus said, "No man can come to me except my Father draws him. My sheep know my voice."
Jeremiah 5:21 Hear now this, O foolish people, and without understanding; which have eyes, and see not; which have ears, and hear not:
Ezekiel 12:2 Son of man, thou dwellest in the midst of a rebellious house, which have eyes to see, and see not; they have ears to hear, and hear not: for they are a rebellious house.
John 6:44 No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day.
John 10:27 My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:
Acts 13:48 And when the Gentiles heard this, they were glad, and glorified the word of the Lord: and as many as were ordained to eternal life believed.
Romans 11:8 (According as it is written, God hath given them the spirit of slumber, eyes that they should not see, and ears that they should not hear;) unto this day.
52 Aren't you glad you're sheep tonight? Aren't you glad you can see His Word made manifest, see the coming of the Lord Jesus. All right. You pray now. May the Holy Spirit help me.
Now, this will not heal you, but it will let you know. Looky how ... not over in some dark corner. Right out here where you're looking, like our Lord was. Perfect strangers, don't know them no more than Jesus knew Peter when he come with the rest, or whatever it was. He knew him. Right at last (it was hid from them for a long time), then they said, finally, "Oh, now, now, we believe. Now we know that God shows You all things." Because He said, "I can do nothing until I see the Father doing it." He is the same yesterday, today... Only it isn't His flesh; His blood sanctifies your flesh and my flesh, that His Spirit might come in and continue the work until the consummation. That's right. Pray, believe.
John 5:19 Then answered Jesus and said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do: for what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise.
Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.
53 Just that you might know, I'm going to turn my back to the audience. Now remember, when I do this, don't let me get letters saying, "Brother Branham, you called yourself that angel." That's wrong! I'm a sinner saved by the grace of Christ. No matter what I did, no matter how much God anointed me, if you wasn't anointed also, it wouldn't work. It's your faith that does it. This is just a gift, just to pull a lever back far enough to let William Branham step off of the scene till Jesus Christ can work. Now you pull your lever back far enough that you can get off the scene and Jesus Christ can work.
And I'm telling you, when the Spirit of life begins to battle with the spirit of death, something takes place. Darkness cannot stay in light, neither can death stay where there is life. Something takes place. Based on what? Your faith.
54 I'll turn my back that you might know that the Word of Jesus, when that angel come down there in Sodom and went to the... Now remember. Can you see it today? The intellectual group doesn't receive it. It isn't even sent to them. Where's it at? The called-out group, the elected group. There's where it was, to Abraham's group---called out, separated. There was believers, Lot and his group down there. There was unbelievers. And two ministers, angel ministers, went down there with Spirit of God in them and preached to them, called them out, "Get out of it!" But they wouldn't listen. Just a few come out, same way it is now.
But the Angel that stayed back, that talked to Abraham, the elect, watch what kind of sign He gave. Said, "Abraham, where is your wife, Sarah?" How did He know he had a wife? And how did He know her name was Sarah?
Said, "She's in the tent behind you."
He said, "I'm going to visit you, Abraham [a man eating calf-flesh, cornbread, drinking milk]," said, "according to the time of life. And you're going to have that child that I promised you twenty-five years ago."
And Sarah being nearly a hundred (ninety), and Abraham a hundred, she laughed within herself. He said, "Why did Sarah laugh?"
Jesus said that will return again. "That will be the Holy Spirit that was in a man, that same Holy Spirit will return back in the flesh of My church at the end time, and show the very same signs. As it was in the days of Sodom so shall it be at the coming of the Son of man." Look at the group it come to. Look at the group that received it. What would they have said in Sodom to something like that? See, God knows where to send it.
Genesis 18:8 And he took butter, and milk, and the calf which he had dressed, and set it before them; and he stood by them under the tree, and they did eat.
Genesis 18:9 And they said unto him, Where is Sarah thy wife? And he said, Behold, in the tent.
Genesis 18:10 And he said, I will certainly return unto thee according to the time of life; and, lo, Sarah thy wife shall have a son. And Sarah heard it in the tent door, which was behind him.
Genesis 18:11 Now Abraham and Sarah were old and well stricken in age; and it ceased to be with Sarah after the manner of women.
Genesis 18:12 Therefore Sarah laughed within herself, saying, After I am waxed old shall I have pleasure, my lord being old also?
Genesis 18:13 And the LORD said unto Abraham, Wherefore did Sarah laugh, saying, Shall I of a surety bear a child, which am old?
Genesis 19:1 And there came two angels to Sodom at even; and Lot sat in the gate of Sodom: and Lot seeing them rose up to meet them; and he bowed himself with his face toward the ground;
Luke 17:28 Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded;
Luke 17:30 Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed.
55 Pray now. May the Lord of heaven help them, just around the building. You just pray. Open your heart, be real quiet, sit still, be reverent.
I see a woman, real nervous, she's praying. I can't place where she's at. Just a minute, I'll find Him. Yes, she's sitting right down here. The lady on this side of her, looking at me, has heart trouble. She has nervous trouble. If you believe with all your heart... Both of you lay your hands on one another there and believe with all your heart. Right there, that's right. Uh-huh. All right. God answered prayer. You're both healed now. You can go home to be well. Isn't He wonderful? Now what did they touch? I don't know those women. If that's right, raise up your hands, ladies, if I don't know you. That's right. All right. But God knows them.
56 Now wait, there's someone behind me praying. It's a man. He has kidney trouble, and a lot of complications. He's wearing a brace. Mr. Baldrich, do you believe with all your heart? I don't know you, do I, sir? You don't know me? But what was said is truth. If that's right, raise up your hands. All right. You're healed now. Your faith makes you well.
Now you believe? Have faith. There's a lady sitting right out here, looking towards me, praying. That light's over her, the light that led the children of Israel, the pillar of fire that was made manifest in flesh, said, "I come from God, and go to God." After His death, burial, and resurrection, Saul of Tarsus, on his road down to Damascus, was stricken down by a light that put his eyes out. For a season he was blind. That same light was Jesus Christ, which is the light of the world. "Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me?"
John 16:28 I came forth from the Father, and am come into the world: again, I leave the world, and go to the Father.
Acts 9:4 And he fell to the earth, and heard a voice saying unto him, Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me?
57 The woman is not praying for herself, but she's praying for a man. He's got heart trouble, and unsaved. He lives in this city but the woman is from another city, from Tucson. You believe with all your heart that he'll be healed? If you do, raise up your hand. I don't know you, do I, lady? Never seen you in my life. That's what's you was praying. Is that your prayer? If it is, wave your hand like this. Does thou believe with all your heart? Have faith in God.
That Indian boy sitting out there on the end, God be with you, my brother. I don't know you, but I certainly have a respect for you. You want God to heal two sick children. That is true, isn't it? You believe He'll do it? You believe that He'll do it? Your mother's sitting right down below you there a little ways. Maybe that'll make you understand what I'm talking about. You believe God can tell me what's wrong with your mother? She's got lung trouble. God bless you, real American.
58 There was a man sitting right here looked over at that Indian and had a great respect, sitting down the line there. He's got a child he's praying for. Child's had an operation on some kind of a nerve of the brain, the balance nerve or something. That's right, sir, from California. I believe a Mr. Works ... Wurtz. Have faith, the child will be all right.
Do you believe? You with your hand up, you said you believed. Do you? Just as you said that, something struck your heart. You had heart trouble. It's over. You don't live here. You come from north of here. You're from a city called Globe. I don't know you, but that's right. There's a little fellow sitting back there who's suffering with asthma, just about gone. Arthritis, also. His name's Jordan.
59 Do you believe on my Lord? When He knocked at your heart, do you believe He's here? Now, if you believe He's here, why don't you obey me as His servant? Put your hands over on one another if you're believers. See what the Scripture says? Jesus said, "These signs shall follow them that believe: if they lay their hands on the sick, they shall recover." Now you pray for the one you got your hands laying on. Don't pray for yourself.
And little lady sitting down here from Chicago, that's been bothered so much and got the menopause and the tubes a-bothering you, have faith now. You're going to be well. Don't be scared no more. Go home and rejoice because you're going to get over it. There's the light of God hanging over you. It's got to happen!
Don't doubt, believe,
Exodus 15:26 And said, If thou wilt diligently hearken to the voice of the LORD thy God, and wilt do that which is right in his sight, and wilt give ear to his commandments, and keep all his statutes, I will put none of these diseases upon thee, which I have brought upon the Egyptians: for I am the LORD that healeth thee.
Psalm 103:3 Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases;
Mark 16:17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;
Mark 16:18 They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.
60 every one of you. The whole place is filled with the Holy Spirit right now. The angel of the Lord, the sign that He give, the knock, is coming on your heart's door. "I'm the Lord thy God that heals all thy diseases. These signs shall follow them that believe. If they lay their hands on the sick they shall recover." Pray in your own way.
Almighty God, author of life, giver of every good gift, I stand as Your servant, to claim to these people Your gospel, that the devil is bluffing them. Jesus Christ has healed them. Come out, Satan, I rebuke thee in the name of Jesus Christ. Leave the people that they can go and be made well.
61 There you are. The healing power of God's upon you. Do with it what it seems good to do. God's great healing power is with you now. It is yours. You're free. Rejoice in the Lord. Raise to your feet. I don't care how crippled you are, raise up! Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. You can have what you've asked for.