112. Literature on the Sacraments. (Chapter 14. The Sacramental System.) (History of the Christian Church) (Schaff, Philip)

112. Literature on the Sacraments. (Chapter 14. The Sacramental System.) (History of the Christian Church) (Schaff, Philip) somebody

112. Literature on the Sacraments.

Literature: General Works: The Writings of Abaelard, Hugo of St. Victor, Peter Lombard, Alb. Magnus, Th. Aquinas, Bonaventura, Duns Scotus, and other Schoolmen. G. L. Hahn: Lehre von d. Sakramenten, Breslau, 1864. *J. Schwane: Dogmengesch. der mittleren Zeit, 787-1517, Frei b. 1882, pp. 579-693. J. H. Oswald: D. dogmatische Lehre von d. hl. Sakramenten d. kathol. Kirche, 5th ed., Munich, 1894. The Histories of Christ. Doctr. of Fisher, pp. 254-263; Harnack, II. 462-562; Loofs, pp. 298-304; Seeberg, II. 107 sqq. Hergenroether-Kirsch: Kirchengesch., II. 682-701. The works on Canon Law of Hinschius; P. Hergenroether (Rom. Cath.), pp. 667-684; Friedberg, pp. 374-495. Hefele-Knoepfler, V. VI. The art. Sakrament in Wetzer-Welte and Herzog. D. S. Schaff: The Sacramental Theory of the Med. Ch. in Princeton Rev., 1906, pp. 206-236.

On the Eucharist, 115, 116: Dalgairns: The Holy Communion, its Philos., Theol., and Practice, Dublin, 1861. F. S. Renz: D. Gesch. d. Messopfer-Begriffs, etc., 1st vol., Alterthum und Mittelalter, Munich, 1901. J. Smend: Kelchversagung und Kelchspendung in d. abendlaend. Kirche, Goetting., 1898. A. Franz: D. Messe im deutschen Mittelalter, Freib., 1902. Artt. Communion, Messe, Transubstantiation in Wetzer-Welte and Abendmahl and Kindercommunion in Herzog.

On Penance and Indulgences, 117, 118: Joan Morinus: Comment. hist. de disciplina in administratione sacr. poenitentiae, Paris, 1651. F. Beringer, S. J., transl. fr. the French by J. Schneider: D. Ablaesse, ihr Wesen und Gebrauch, 12th ed., Paderb., 1900. *K. Mueller: D. Umschwung in der Lehre von d. Busse waehrend d. 12ten Jahrhunderts, Freib., 1892. H. C. Lea: A Formulary of the Papal Penitentiary in the 13th Century, Phil., 1892; *A Hist. of Auricular Confession and Indulgences, 3 vols. Phil., 1896. * TH. Brieger: D. Wesen des Ablasses am Ausgange des Mittelalters, Leipzig., 1897. A. Kurtz: D. kathol. Lehre vom Ablass vor und nach dem Auftreten Luthers, Paderb., 1900. C. M. Roberts: Hist. of Confession until it developed into Auric. Conf. a.d. 1215, London, 1901. * W. Koehler: Dokumente zum Ablassstreit vom 1517, Tuebing., 1902. Very convenient, containing thirty-two of the most important documents on the subject and including Jacob von Juterbocks, Tract. de indulgentiis, c. 1451, and excerpts from the Coelifodina, 1502. * A. Gottlob: Kreuzablass u. Almosenablass, Stuttg., 1906. A. M. Koeninger: D. Beicht nach Caesarius von Heisterbach, Mun., 1906. Artt. Ablass, *Bussdisciplin by Funk, II. 1562-1590. and Busse, II. 1590-1614, in Wetzer-Welte and *Indulgenzen by Th. Brieger in Herzog, IX. 76-94. For other Lit. see Brieger's art. in Herzog

On Extreme Unction, etc., 119: See artt. Oelung and Ordo in Wetzer-Welte, IX. 716 sqq., 1027 sqq., and Oelung by Kattenbusch and Priesterweihe in Herzog, XIV. 304 sqq., XVI. 47 sqq. For marriage, the works on Christian Ethics. Von Eicken: Gesch. u. System der mittelalterl. Weltanschauung, pp. 437-487, Stuttg., 1887. The artt. Ehe in Herzog, V. 182 sqq. and Wetzer-Welte, IV. 142-231 (including a number of subjects pertaining to marriage).

On Grace and the Future State, 120, 121: Anselm: De conceptu virginali et originale peccato, Migne, 168. 431-467. P. Lombardus: Sent., II. 31, etc. H. Of St. Victor: De sacramentis, I. 7, Migne, 176. 287-306. Alb. Magnus: In Sent., II. 31 sqq., etc., Borgnet's ed., XXVII. Bonaventura: In Sent., II., etc.; Peltier's ed., III. Th. Aquinas: Summa, II. 71-90, III. 52 sqq.; Supplem., LXIX. sqq., Migne, IV. 1215-1459 Duns Scotus: Reportata. XXIV.-XXVI., etc. The Histories of Doctrine of Schwane, pp. 393-493, Harnack, Loofs, Seeberg. Sheldon.