| On Penance and Indulgences, 117, 118: Joan Morinus: Comment. hist. de disciplina in administratione sacr. poenitentiae, Paris, 1651. F. Beringer, S. J., transl. fr. the French by J. Schneider: D. Ablaesse, ihr Wesen und Gebrauch, 12th ed., Paderb., 1900. *K. Mueller: D. Umschwung in der Lehre von d. Busse waehrend d. 12ten Jahrhunderts, Freib., 1892. H. C. Lea: A Formulary of the Papal Penitentiary in the 13th Century, Phil., 1892; *A Hist. of Auricular Confession and Indulgences, 3 vols. Phil., 1896. * TH. Brieger: D. Wesen des Ablasses am Ausgange des Mittelalters, Leipzig., 1897. A. Kurtz: D. kathol. Lehre vom Ablass vor und nach dem Auftreten Luthers, Paderb., 1900. C. M. Roberts: Hist. of Confession until it developed into Auric. Conf. a.d. 1215, London, 1901. * W. Koehler: Dokumente zum Ablassstreit vom 1517, Tuebing., 1902. Very convenient, containing thirty-two of the most important documents on the subject and including Jacob von Juterbocks, Tract. de indulgentiis, c. 1451, and excerpts from the Coelifodina, 1502. * A. Gottlob: Kreuzablass u. Almosenablass, Stuttg., 1906. A. M. Koeninger: D. Beicht nach Caesarius von Heisterbach, Mun., 1906. Artt. Ablass, *Bussdisciplin by Funk, II. 1562-1590. and Busse, II. 1590-1614, in Wetzer-Welte and *Indulgenzen by Th. Brieger in Herzog, IX. 76-94. For other Lit. see Brieger's art. in Herzog | |