
Expectation somebody

Expectation (1951-09-30) (William M. Branham Sermons)

Expectation (1951-09-30) (William M. Branham Sermons) somebody


1 Good evening, friends. Very happy to be here again this evening to pray for the sick. Sorry this is our closing night of this particular revival. If the good Lord will permit me to come again and you all would want us, we hope to come your way again sometime to have a long meeting sometime where we can just stay on and on. The main thing about the meetings is this, one of the tragedies: We can't get auditoriums long enough to really see the meeting through, way it should be. Most of the time, is that the people are... They get... I'm gone before the results begins to show onto the people, most times.
But I certainly enjoy all your fellowship, your kindness, and all that you've done; I shall never forget you as long as I live. May God bless you is my prayer. And just... You will continue to pray for me, I'm sure, being a Christian. As I try to go into other parts of the world now to bring the Gospel to other peoples: the needy, and the outcast in other lands. I certainly do solicit your prayers for me. May God be with you and help you.

2 Want to thank you. Brother Baxter just told me they taken a love offering for me. I thank you so much. I'm not worthy to have a love offering; I don't do enough to deserve a love offering. And I would not take it. I was a pastor of a church for some fifteen years; I never took a offering in my life, never in all my life took an offering for myself or anyone else. I've always worked and made my living. When I come to a place this way, they give me a love offering. This is what I thrive on. I have a family, and I have to make some way to make a living for them. And all the money... My wife which is setting present, knows, that every penny that I don't use for our own living, just what we... We don't live luxurious; we just try to live just as, just what we can get by with. And what's left over out of the love offering, we put back straight in foreign missions, to go into the work of the Lord. It's not worldly things that we desire; it's heavenly things that we look forward to. Someday, as the poet said:
A tent or a cottage, why should I care?
They're building a palace for me over there!
Rubies and diamonds, and silver and gold,
His coffers are full, He has riches untold.

3 And now, we don't want to take too much of the time here in speaking just now. Just so that you will have a, just a little say, "Thank you, for all your kindness." And then, if there's any credit, ever goes to anyone, it's a person I'm aiming to speak of just now. Men say, "Brother Branham, I know you have an awful hard time, many people calling and things." I love it; that's part of my life. But if there's... We have a very lovely little family at home. My first family was broken up by death, many, many, years ago. I was just married a little over two years, Billy's mother, she was taken home, and my baby. And then I tried to live as true to God, there when I laid my hands on my baby's head, and blessed her, and the angels of God come packed her little soul with her mother. I put her little body with her mother's and buried them together. Billy and I, year after year go to that grave and place a flower on there, knowing one thing, that some glorious daybreak, Jesus shall come.
Never thought I'd ever be married again. Billy got big enough to go to school. You know as Job of old, when what was taken from him, God restored. I don't believe I could've found any way. It wasn't by my choice; it was God Who gave me a companion that's really been a sweetheart to me and a real mother to Billy. She's just a young girl; she's years younger than I am. She's worked so hard and things, laboring in the Gospel until her hair's turned gray at thirty years old. And she certainly is a real queen to our home. Sweetheart, I want you to stand up just a minute. She's setting right down here before me. I know this is kind of conspicuous; that's my wife, Mrs. Branham there. And I'm... She's very backward, timid, little... We're country boy and girl.

4 I've had many good partners in my life, good hunting partners. I like to hunt, go hunting. New York state's where I was initiated. I still love these Adirondack Mountains above any place I've ever seen in my life, the Adirondack Mountains. I have a very fine hunting partner. I call my wife "honey." I call my little girl "sugar," so we got a sweet family. She's as backward as her mother is, but I wonder if my little Rebekah would stand up just a minute, and we'll get... Oh, I'm going to have awful time doing this; I see. She's got her head down, and would you like... How about coming up here and standing with dad just a minute. Would you like for the folks to see who the real hunting partner is? Don't be bashful. You're already turning red. And she's setting there with their head down. All right, honey. Oh, my.
All right, Billy Paul, I don't... You know him, of course, my boy. Where you at, Billy? He's around here somewhere. He has that hard job of giving out prayer cards. We've had... That's the hardest job there is in a campaign, caused three or four different men to have breakdowns. And then Billy's trying to take that place. Just as a lad in his sixteen years, but kind of a hard work for him, but he returns back from Africa, if the good Lord willing, with me, and he enters Bob Jones College then to finish his education, whatever God has chose for him to do in life's journey. I hope that God gives him a calling then.

5 Not very easy leaving home, leaving our loved ones and so forth. I've got a little girl at home now; her name is Sarah, a little black-headed, black-eyed girl just as sweet as she can be. And I love her with all my heart. And we left her the other day and wife come this far. They're return home in the morning while we fly away to Africa to bring the message. Pray for them. She's the one that stands at the door, stands between the right and wrong, and shields me. I appreciate your prayers for her. May God give us a safe journey back together again.

6 Now, in the meetings, many, many, many times things are said and done, so forth, that we can't heal no one; we know that. We don't claim to heal anyone; we only claim to pray for the sick; God does the healing. A ministry that the Lord has given me; it's a little, kind of little bit different from some of the minister's ministry, but God gives severally as He will. You believe that? Just as He will, that's what He does.
And so we know that He is, and a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. Is that right? Now, I want to read just a little Scripture, and we'll go right straight into the service. I believe God's going to give us a great service tonight. I was just praying with my boy, and Reverend Ford come up to get me, that God would do something special for us tonight and would bless the people. Usually the last night there's more healed than there is in any of other nights, is because that great pressure, pull and wanting to get into the line.

7 Now, it doesn't heal anyone, but I've asked God tonight to do something that's special, to heal people all the way around over the building, all the way around the building. I want Him to do it. Now, I know He's going to do it. I have never for His will, any of my life, ever got down and really prayed sincerely, but what He answered. I've never done it.
Now, sometimes if I thought something that wasn't right, and maybe I was some selfish something I prayed, it wouldn't do me any good. Because if my prayer would just come back, and I would have no faith, even in the beginning it would be answered. But just trying to break through. But you can't pull nothing from God that's not right; it's got to be right.

8 Now, I wish to read some Scripture in two places in the blessed Word of God. If you'd like to read them with me, or follow me, turn to Saint Matthew the 4th chapter, beginning with the 23rd verse. And then, turn over to, if you will, in Saint Luke the 1st chapter and beginning with the, I beg your pardon, the 2nd chapter with the 25th verse. And I want to read two portions. One of these is the starting of the ministry; the other is at His death, or not of His death, at His birth, rather, pardon me. Now, in Saint Matthew the 4th chapter, the 23rd verse, Jesus just beginning His ministry:
And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in the synagogues ... preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing all manner of sickness ... all manner of diseases among the people.
And His fame went throughout all Syria: and they brought unto Him all the sick people that were taken with divers diseases and torments, and those which were possessed with devils, and those which were lunatic, and those which had the palsy; and He healed them.
And there followed Him great multitudes of people from Galilee ... and from Jerusalem, and from Judea, and from beyond Jordan.
And then over in the 2nd chapter of Saint Luke we read this, beginning with the 25th verse:
... behold, there was a man in Jerusalem, whose name was Simeon; the same man was just and devout, waiting for the consolation of Israel: and the Holy Ghost was upon him.
And it was revealed unto him by the Holy Ghost, that he should not see death, before he had seen the Lord's Christ.
And he came by the Spirit into the temple: and when the parents brought the child Jesus, to do for Him after the customs of the law,
Then took he Him up in his arms, and blessed God, and said,
Lord, now let ... Thy servant depart in peace, according to Thy word:
For my eyes have seen Thy salvation.

Matthew 4:23 And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing all manner of sickness and all manner of disease among the people.

Matthew 4:24 And his fame went throughout all Syria: and they brought unto him all sick people that were taken with divers diseases and torments, and those which were possessed with devils, and those which were lunatic, and those that had the palsy; and he healed them.

Matthew 4:25 And there followed him great multitudes of people from Galilee, and from Decapolis, and from Jerusalem, and from Judaea, and from beyond Jordan.

Luke 2:25 And, behold, there was a man in Jerusalem, whose name was Simeon; and the same man was just and devout, waiting for the consolation of Israel: and the Holy Ghost was upon him.

Luke 2:26 And it was revealed unto him by the Holy Ghost, that he should not see death, before he had seen the Lord's Christ.

Luke 2:27 And he came by the Spirit into the temple: and when the parents brought in the child Jesus, to do for him after the custom of the law,

Luke 2:28 Then took he him up in his arms, and blessed God, and said,

Luke 2:29 Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace, according to thy word:

Luke 2:30 For mine eyes have seen thy salvation,

9 Let's bow our heads just a moment.
Almighty God, we thank Thee for this great lesson tonight. And it's written here in the Scripture, that He went about all Judea, and Samaria, around Decapolis, and all around over the world that was known then, doing good, healing the sick, casting out devils, setting the captive free. And we know that, now that Thou has not changed since that day, that You're still the same. In the day of the question You said that You did what the Father showed You to do. In the prayer to Your Father You said that You'd finish the work that He had give You to do. And then the Holy Spirit must come upon men, and they must continue the Gospel to the end of the age. And here we are, Lord, the age is ending.
We thank Thee for this great city, New York, the rise and fall of many. We thank Thee for America, a land of the free and the home of the brave. We realize, Lord, that much precious blood has taken the supreme sacrifice that we could be free tonight to worship here, according to the dictates of our own conscience. God bless our land.

John 4:34 Jesus saith unto them, My meat is to do the will of him that sent me, and to finish his work.

John 5:19 Then answered Jesus and said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do: for what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise.

10 Remember our boys out there in Korea tonight. God, I believe if there'd been more missionaries sent in, these things would not have happened. But we have money for machinery, everything, but seem like when it comes to Your work.
Father, I believe that the money that would been spent on defense would've been placed missionaries in the field, there would been no war. But I suppose it's to be this a way. So help us to do our bit, Lord.
And tonight being the closing night of this series of services here in the homeland, God, no matter wherever I go, I'll still remember the great tall pines, the old flag that I was born under, my loving friends throughout the nation. God, bless them; help them, Lord, and may, while we're gone, may the great revival continue on winning thousands of souls.

11 Bless this great city; send them a revival, Lord. Send Thy servants in here from different parts of the nations where they're ministering now and give this great city a shaking for God. When Thy servants come in, Billy Graham and them, Lord, pour out Your Spirit upon them. Literally thousands will be saved and turned to Christ.
Help us, Lord, as we're working the row, cutting down the briers, moving back the rocks, and pulling out the stumps, the front line, give us courage, Lord, big strong hearts, buckle up the armor; give us great strength and the power of Thy Spirit.
And now, Lord, bless Sister Brown, that widow; God be with her and help her. Help Brother Byrd, the pastor; these other churches, cooperating churches all out through the city, every lay member, bless them together. Father, hasten us back again quickly, giving us a great victory in Africa and through the places down there, and bring us back here for another old fashion revival, grant it, Lord.

12 Bless all that's here tonight. Bless my little family as I leave them, Lord, may they be sustained by Thy grace. May the Angel of God undergird us and help us now. Bless Brother Baxter and Brother Bosworth's family; they're leaving. These other dear friends, Brother Richey, and them here, Lord, who's standing by, and many other ministers in prayer, holding our hands before God, as Caleb of old and Joshua and those who held the hands of Moses. Give us a great out pouring of Thy blessings tonight and manifest Thyself and vindicate that Thou art here. For we ask it in Jesus' name. Amen.

13 Just a moment to talk. I hate to even take this time, but I just must say a word or two before leaving you. When I first come to New York, I thought, "There's a richy bunch of aristocrats that would never receive the Gospel." But I certainly was wrong. Think some of the sweetest, humblest people I've ever met, been right here in New York. That's true; there's so many on the streets, you hardly meet anybody...
Tonight while we were having a little lunch, some people come in; they looked over that way and kind of smiled, and I thought, "That must be Christians." In a few moments they shook my hand; they said, "Yes, we're from the Tabernacle, the Glad Tidings Tabernacle."
Now, I found this; I said to my wife when I went out, I said, "You can go to Finland, Sweden, Germany, France, Belgium, wherever you want to, when you find people that's borned of the Spirit, they're the same thing the world over." For we're all one in Christ Jesus, fellow citizens of the kingdom, co-workers together in this harvest field. We have feeling one for the other.

14 Now, tonight, I want to speak just a moment on "Expectation." Simeon was a man; he was old; he's way... We're taught by theologians that he was somewhere in his eighties. But he had a real heart, waiting for God. Sometimes the church has got to a place to just a very few left, believers. But God has always had a remnant of people somewhere who would believe Him. Did you know that? Look at the antediluvian world. There was just a few, Noah, his sons, his daughter-in-laws, and his wife. That was all went into the ark. Is that right? Jesus said, "As it was in the days of Noah, so will it be in the coming of the Son of man." "Strait is the gate, narrow is the way, and but few there'll be that'll find it."
Oh, Christian, make yourself one of the few; you have an invitation, just move on. "As it was in the days of Noah." Look at the morality, "Eat, drink, be merry, and giving in marriage, and knew it not, till the day that Noah entered into the ark." Be one of them that goes in. Pray for me that I'll be with you. I want to be; I sure want to be; that's my heart's desire to go in at that day with you all, be represented.

Matthew 7:14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.

Matthew 24:37 But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

Matthew 24:38 For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark,

Luke 17:26 And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man.

Luke 17:27 They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, and the flood came, and destroyed them all.

15 Many times here I'd like to take each one of you, and go out, and set down, and talk awhile, take you to my hotel room; wish I could do that. God knows my heart. When I was a little boy I was more or less, what they call, a black sheep of the family. I didn't drink, my people are all Irish [unclear words] they drink; all of them smoke, gamble, and I take my gun and go hunting. None of them understood me. And when I was ordained in the Missionary Baptist Church, they said, "Someday you'll be a holy-roller." They didn't understand me. I couldn't, well, find nowhere, nobody wanted me.
And finally one day God placed me with somebody who loved me, and I'm happy to be one of you. I believe it's the cream of the crop, and no disregards to anyone else. Just somewhere that I just fit like a glove, I just... I never did--could find a place where [unclear words] I was always misunderstood. And I thought, "Surely, there'd be somebody else." I always wanted friends, oh, I'd just do anything to get a friend.

16 Not long ago, I remember... 'Course, my father drinking and everything; we didn't have too much of a name in the city. I used to go downtown; when I was a little old ragged boy standing there, my hair hanging down, no clothes hardly. Remember wearing an old coat to school all winter long, no shirt on, had it buttoned up like this; and I couldn't take it off. Springtime come, the teacher asked me if I wasn't hot with that coat on; I said, "No ma'am." I couldn't take off; I didn't have on no shirt. And I never will forget that, and how that people, you know, always poor white trash, looking like that. I'd go downtown, go talking to somebody. If there's no one else to talk to, they'd talk to me. And I thought, "What have I done? I haven't done nothing; I haven't harmed anybody." Somebody else would come along to talk to them; they'd turn around, and leave me alone, and walk away.

17 The other day I was setting on the porch talking to my wife, not long ago. I said, "Think of it, honey, a few years ago I couldn't get even anyone to talk to me; now I have to get out in the woods somewhere and hide away to have a little rest." I know, what was it? My personality? I have none. Education? I have a grammar school, seventh grade. What was it? The blood of Jesus Christ stooped down and picking up. And I love Him with all my heart, with that undying love. It's by His merit, His love.
And I see people that love me; you just don't know how I feel towards you. I'll make an appointment with you, friends; I might not be able tonight to fulfill this, but some glorious day when it's all over, we come up to glory... If you get there before I do, some morning when you get out of your palace, the sun's a rising over the horizon, look down there in a little cabin down there on the hill side somewhere you hear somebody standing out on the back porch singing, "Amazing Grace how sweet the sound"; you say, "Brother Branham made it." That'll be me. I've never been able to sing, but I've always wanted to sing, "Amazing Grace." I'll be standing down there singing "Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me."

18 We'll set down together down there by Jacob's well; won't be hurry up we got prayer meeting for the sick; there'll be no sick there; they'll all be well then. We'll set down and talk a few thousand years with one another, walk up and down the streets of gold. Won't that be wonderful? That's not a fictitious dream; that's the Gospel truth. We shall see... And old Baptist song we used to sing down in Kentucky, we sang,
I shall know, yes, I shall know Him,
And redeemed by His side I shall stand;
I shall know, I shall know Him,
By the prints of the nails in His hands.
I'll know Him. That does not yet appear what we shall be like, but we'll have a body like His, for we shall see Him as He is. And as long as I can see Him and be with Him, no matter what He looks like, as long as it's Him it'll be heaven to me wherever it is. And I know you feel the same way. A remnant, God give me the privilege to be associated with you all tonight, a remnant waiting for God, as it was in the days of our text.

19 Simeon had a promise of the Holy Spirit that he was not going to die until he seen the Lord's Christ. So he went around telling people that he wasn't going to die until he seen the Lord's Christ. Could you imagine how that man felt. Going around... He was an old sage, his white beard and white hair hanging down. He'd go around telling people, "Now, I'm not going to die until I see the Lord's Christ."
Why, the people said, "Maybe the old fellow's just a little bit off." But he had the promise of the Holy Spirit. He believed that he would receive--see the Christ before he seen death, because the Holy Ghost called. Now, he had that desire in his heart, because he had the promise.

Luke 2:26 And it was revealed unto him by the Holy Ghost, that he should not see death, before he had seen the Lord's Christ.

20 If you believe, whatever you believe... If you come to the meeting tonight, just to find something to go away to criticizing it, devil will show it to you; you'll see it. And if you come to find something about God, that you could go away and be blessed, God will show it to you. Whatever you desire, whatever you are, "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he." You go away and say, "Well, I--I didn't expect to be called in the prayer line." Well. "I--I didn't expect the Holy Spirit to speak and call me out here." If you don't expect it, you won't receive it. But, as you believe (See?), expectancy...
My mother one time sent me to a place to meet her sister. I'd never seen her. She told me what I would look like, what she would look like. Said, "Now, she'll have a high forehead." Said, "She's got dark hair." My mother's a half-breed; she's an Indian. And so she said, "She'll have a high forehead. She's got thin hair." And described how she looks. Said, "She's thin, little woman." And said, "You'll know her by certain descriptions."
And I was looking through the audience, and I had some idea of what she looked like, and as soon as I seen her I said, "You're my Auntie."
She said, "Who are you?"
And I said, "You know Ella Branham?"
Said, "Yes."
I said, "That's my mother."
She said, "My sister." And there we was. See?

Proverbs 23:7 For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he: Eat and drink, saith he to thee; but his heart is not with thee.

21 Now, we ought to have some idea tonight, what the Holy Spirit in its operation should look like. The... Jesus described to us just what the church of the living God will look like. He said, "In My name they'll cast out devils; they'll speak with new tongues; if they take up serpents or drink anything, it won't harm them. If they lay their hands on the sick, they shall recover. The things that I do shall you do also," know the thoughts of the heart and describe, discern, so forth. Is that right?
Now, if you're looking for God, that shows that there's something somewhere here that you're looking for. Now, David said in the Scriptures, "When the deep calleth to the deep..." The deep calls to the deep, in other words, when there's a desire in here, there's something out there that's causing... In other... Here, before there is a desire in here there has to be something create that desire, see. And if there's a creator to create that desire of that creation. You get what I mean?

Psalm 42:7 Deep calleth unto deep at the noise of thy waterspouts: all thy waves and thy billows are gone over me.

Mark 16:17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;

Mark 16:18 They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.

John 14:12 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.

22 Here, before there was a fin on a fish's back... You here you have much fish that gets along these bays here. Look, before there was a fin on a fish's back there had to be a water first for him to swim in, or he wouldn't have had that fin. See, God put that fin on him to swim in the water, so there had to be a water first before there was a fin on his back.
Before there was a tree to grow on the earth; there had to be a earth first for it to grow into, or there would've been no tree to grow. And if there's a desire in the human heart for more of God, there's got to be more of God somewhere to respond to that deep calling to the deep. See what I mean?

23 Now, when the deep calling... Now, how many here believe in divine healing, let's see your hands. Well, that is wonderful. All right. Now, something in your heart tells you that there is divine healing in God. Is that right? Well, now before you could have that in your heart, there has to be a Creator to put that in your heart. See? It's [unclear words].
Here not long ago I was reading in a paper where a little baby eat the pedals off of a bicycle, eat the rubber off of a pencil. Well, the doctor when he got the little fellow, he said... He examined him, give him this test; he said, "You know what? The little baby hasn't got any calcium in its body." Now, it's little body was made up to needing calcium; Or I beg your pardon, not calcium, it was sulfur. It was sulfur goes in the human body. He said, "The baby has no sulfur, and there's certain organs in there that's got to have sulfur." Then there's something here calling out for sulfur, see. If it's calling for sulfur, there's got to be sulfur somewhere, or this wouldn't be made to desire sulfur. See?

24 And if there's something in the human heart craving divine healing, oh, my, here we go, there is a divine healing; there's a fountain open somewhere. There's got to be. If you're craving... When you were back yonder, just with a lukewarm experience, and your heart begin to crave for more of God, there just had to be a fountain open somewhere. Is that right? And God sent it. And when you're craving for divine healing, there's got, there's a Creator putting that creation in your heart. It's a calling out, deep calling to the deep. There's a fountain somewhere.
And Simeon had a promise of the Holy Spirit that he wasn't going to see death before he seen the Lord's Christ. There was a call in his heart. Let's drama a minute. Let's take it on Monday morning.

Luke 2:26 And it was revealed unto him by the Holy Ghost, that he should not see death, before he had seen the Lord's Christ.

25 There's about two million Jews in Palestine, then or more, probably couple hundred babies born every night. Every day there'd be the babies. After eight days they'd be brought to the temple for circumcision, purification.
And when He was born in a manger in Judea, Bethlehem of Judea, there wasn't no one there to celebrate His birth. So God sent some angels down out of heaven, and they sang songs as they usually sing at a king's birth. Some shepherds out on the hills, They went and told them about it. Three Magi come following the star, that passed over every planetarium, and no one see it but those Magis, just led them to the Christ. Not much known about it, there was no press in them days like we have today, radio and television. Message was just from mouth to ear.

26 Well, after eight days, let's notice, little Mary, with a black name to start with, supposingly to have a illegitimate child by Joseph, born out of wedlock. Everyone in the country then would scoff at her, "There's that woman not even married and got a baby." But in her heart she knew whose baby that was. We was just talking on that this afternoon.
Here she comes to the temple; let's look, standing down the line, now maybe two hundred women, or three. Way down there stood some of them holding a lamb, a rich man's offering. But way down there I see a little virgin about eighteen years old, a veil pulled over her face, holding a little baby wrapped in swaddling's cloth.

27 What is swaddling's cloth? I'm taught that it was a--that stuff on a yoke of an ox. And when he's plowing, that cloth they had on there to keep it from rubbing, they had nothing to put the, in the baby--on the baby, so they just unwrapped this cloth and wrapped it around the baby. And here He was standing in his mother's arms in the temple. Everybody standing back, "I wouldn't stand near that woman like that. That little old baby, must be sure poor thing, not even no clothes to put on it." But it was the Prince of glory.
Here she had two little turtledoves in her hand, a peasants offering. No one paying any attention to her. Let's take way back over there in the temple, I see an old man setting there reading the scroll, the tears rolling down his cheeks, saying, "Lord, You promised me that I'd not die until I seen Your Christ. Now, I believe that You will someday; I'm getting awful old, but You'll show me someday."

28 About that time the Holy Ghost moved upon him, said, "Rise, Simeon, start moving."
"Where Lord?"
"Just move." Maybe He's speaking to you tonight, it's your time to be healed.
"Rise, start moving."
"I don't know, rise." All right.
Here he comes out through there led by the Holy Spirit, moves over to that line. Goes down that line, the Holy Ghost leading, come right straight to where that woman stood there in shame, with her head bowed, watching her little baby as tears dripped upon its face, in it's little swaddling's cloth. There that old priest reached over in her arms without saying a word, and took the baby in his arms, and looked up, the tears rolling down his beard, said, "Lord, let Your servant depart in peace, according to Thy Word: for mine eyes has seen Thy Salvation." [Gap in the audio.]
Way back down where half a million people were milling in the temple, was an old blind prophetess setting down there by the name of Anna. We're taught that she was blind, but she was waiting for the consolation of Israel. The Holy Ghost spoke to her. Here she rises, blind; here she comes down through the temple, moving around through the temple, led by the Holy Spirit, moved right over in front of the child and raised up her hands and blessed God.

Luke 2:29 Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace, according to thy word:

Luke 2:30 For mine eyes have seen thy salvation,

Luke 2:36 And there was one Anna, a prophetess, the daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe of Aser: she was of a great age, and had lived with an husband seven years from her virginity;

Luke 2:37 And she was a widow of about fourscore and four years, which departed not from the temple, but served God with fastings and prayers night and day.

Luke 2:38 And she coming in that instant gave thanks likewise unto the Lord, and spake of him to all them that looked for redemption in Jerusalem.

29 What is it? That same God that moved on them... If you believe in divine healing tonight, believe there is a fountain open somewhere, the same Holy Ghost was on Simeon was on Ann, has moved you into the temple tonight, where there is a fountain open freely for healing tonight. Be expecting it. God gave you the promise that you could be healed by His power. And He's here to do it tonight. Do you believe that?
How that I've seen, wondered through the meetings, how the leadings of the Spirit. There's a woman setting present now that I wish to speak to. I was in Fort Wayne, Indiana. A great revival was going on there from the B. E. Rediger, and Paul Rader, many of those gallant men. Brother Bosworth was setting; he was at the meeting, speaking. I got up in the Indiana Hotel and they found out I was in Indiana Hotel, and the usher come, a bellhop come told me, said, "Brother Branham, you can't even get down, there's so many people there."

30 So they took me out. There was the place where this man with multiple sclerosis was healed, they sent the word that King George of England for me to, that King George of England sent word back for me to have prayer for him for his multiple sclerosis, which God healed him. The man had been a bed patient for ten years, paralyzed from his waist down. He was setting there, and couldn't even get in the line twisting. And some businessman that night, the last night of the meeting... Brother Bosworth setting here is a witness of this, picked him up.
How many reads "We The People?" You see the article of it in "We The People," that noted book that goes around the world. My meetings was represented in there from a blind girl and so forth, in that Fort Wayne meeting that was... How many take the "Pentecostal Evangel"? It was in that too, and all around. You seen the article no doubt at all; it was represented in the great famous book of "We The People," this year.

31 And then when we was going to the platform, well, this man, some businessmen picked him up; he hadn't walked for ten years, he'd been in bed with multiple sclerosis. Tried to lay him there; people was walking over him. We just had what we call a fast line. And the fellow, they pulled him off the platform; and he was about dead. And he was setting in his wheelchair again; he looked up like that. And I turned; I felt the faith pulling, looked down and there he was setting there. He said, "Oh, Brother Branham," he said, "if I could only touch your trouser leg I'd have got well."
Trying to touch my trouser leg to get well. I said, "God bless you, brother." I looked again; I seen a vision of him going walking away. I knew it had to happen then. I said, "Brother, you've been a bed patient for ten years."
"That's right, sir."
I said, "But Jesus Christ makes you whole."
Up he got from that wheelchair, like that, and away he went.

32 And there was an old man laying there, said, "If I could only touch your clothes, my brother, I'll get well." He was paralyzed, had arthritis. And I passed down to him; he put his old crippled hand over on me, said, "Thank You, Lord. Thank You, Lord, that's what I wanted to do." See, his anticipation. What? According to your faith, be it unto you.
I got a letter from them about six months later, the man that had multiple sclerosis was driving down the road, and the man that had been paralyzed, or had his arthritis, was out in the field plowing on a tractor. And one seen the other, and they were buddies, set all through the meeting talking one to another. This was the last night. And there the man that would have been crippled for years with arthritis, drawed up a bed patient, seen the man coming down the road that had been a multiple sclerosis patient; and the man jumped out of the car and run through the field. And the man, the other man jumped off the tractor, and they run grabbed one another, and begin to hug each other screaming and crying out there in the field, "Amazing Grace how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me." Yes, in there.

33 I remember going out one morning, my wife and I, Mrs. Morgan, Mayo's nurse that just been healed with a cancer. They'd give her up with it and everything, and just cancer through. She weighed forty something pounds, lots worse looking than Miss, this lady that I showed you, Miss Florence Nightingale of England, South Africa, rather; lots worse than she was. And they said there nothing could be done. She weighs a hundred and fifty-five pounds now, in perfect health.
She was with us, and we was going down the street; we went out through the, under the basement and come out, going down the street. And I had my coat up; I was holding little Becky, setting there in my arms. We were going down the street. And all at once the Holy Spirit said, "Don't go over to the Toddle House," where this great Mr. Eaton of Canada was healed there in that little Toddle House. Said, "Go down this a way for breakfast."

34 And I turned down that way, not knowing where I was going. I walked on; the women followed. I heard His voice; I looked, and I before a place said Miller's Cafeteria, said, "Turn in." And I went in. I got some prunes and a cup of coffee, set down. I'd just asked the blessing, and about that time somebody said, "Glory to God."
Miss Morgan said, "Now, you're caught, aren't you?"
I said, "But wait just a moment."
And she was thanking God, an old mother got up and she said, "Brother Branham," said, "my brother here... I've followed meeting after meeting, meeting after meeting trying to get in, and I couldn't do it." She said, "And last night I prayed all night," said, "we even sold our cow." They was from Texas, said, "We sold our cow to get to have the money to come here, and the last meeting is gone tonight." Said, "We can't get a prayer card." Said, "We've had many cards, but can't be called." Said, "We know we haven't got another resource at all that we could sell to follow another meeting." Said, "I've prayed all night long, and about four o'clock this morning I fell asleep." She said, "I dreamed that I was to come to Miller's Cafeteria, and be sure to be here at nine o'clock, and it's just on the dot."

35 Oh, how He is wonderful. God healed the man standing right there. Turned without eating, and started walking out, the Holy Spirit leading. I went to the door, a little lady, fine dressed young lady, dressed in black, fell almost to the street, said, "Oh, my." She was from Chicago; she sets in this meeting tonight somewhere; she was here yesterday. God had spoke to her, knowing that her life was at the end at stake, and said, "Go, stand before Miller's Cafeteria ten minutes after nine."
I wonder if the lady's here somewhere now; she, her husband owns a spaghetti company in Chicago. if you are raise your hand, or wave your hand, or something or another. They sent me word that she was here. There she is, right there. Let's give God praise. Right there. Cancer, malignant, way out. I think Mayo's and all had turned her down, and there she is tonight after two years. "Amazing grace." See, led by the Holy Spirit, perfect health. I think she just returned from South America; she was in a meeting here not long ago giving a testimony. All right.

36 After I left her, I started on down the street; the Holy Spirit said, "Stand still." Mrs. Morgan and Meda said, "Come on." My wife. I said, "Cross the street, go in the drugstore, and get the baby a coloring book." Go on down through the basement, go up, the place is full. I said, "The Holy Spirit's not through yet." And I stood there on the corner; I got back. I love guns and fishing tackle and things. I was looking at it and watching, nobody seen me; I slipped back in the corner; I said, "Heavenly Father, what would You have me do?"
He said, "Go down to the corner, cross the street, and stand there for a little bit."
I went out, and crossed the street, and stood there. This happens all the time. Stood there on the corner a little bit; I didn't know what was going to happen. Stood there about ten minutes and people kept coming and going, coming and going, coming and going. After while the big Irish cop blowed the whistle and some more pedestrians crossing. And I looked, and here come a lady with a little tam on and with a checkered like suit, holding a pocketbook on her arm. She crossed the street, I--went right by me like that and went on. He said, "Draw close to her." And I did. He went on by like that, and I thought, "That's strange, why did He want me to go by her?" And I stood there a little bit; she turned around and she said, "Oh," she said, "Brother Branham."
I said, "Yes ma'am."
She said, "Oh, I feel like I'm going to faint."
And I said, "What's the matter, sister?"
She said, "I'm from Canada." Said, "I'm only allowed a hundred and fifty dollars a year down here; spent all my money." Said, "I had five cents for coffee; I slept in a hotel lobby last night in a chair where they let me sleep." And she said, "I had five cents for coffee this morning; I was going down to hitchhike my way back to Canada, and I was about two or three squares below here crying, saying, I'll have to go back the way I come."
He said, "Turn to your right."
Then said, "I got in the Spirit, didn't know where I was at till I seen you standing here." Said, "I don't know how many turns I made."
I said, "What's the matter, sister?"
She said, "My arm has been crippled. I was riding a dog when I was a little girl and I hurt my hand."
I said, "Stretch forth your hand; Jesus Christ has healed you."
There that big cop said, "I know who you are, Brother Branham." Like that. And talk about a prayer line, we had one there on the street for about a hour then. Till some of them had to come and get me. Many, many, things, and how, one of the things, one more thing just a moment. Late... I've got five minutes yet.

37 Look, quickly now, I was coming from Dallas. Brother Bosworth remembers things over there. And I was flying back. A storm come up, and I was sent down at Memphis. And they told me, the airline said, "We'll call you in the morning." I went up to the Peabody Hotel. They stayed all night there. Next morning they called me early, said, "Now, be ready at eight o'clock."
I said, "All right." And I had some mail I had to mail back. And I went out, and been praying. I run down to the post office to put the mail in the box. Listen close now to this, how the Holy Spirit leads. I went down to the post office, going down the street, I was going down singing that little song you Pentecost people sing, "They're telling now both far and wide His power's just the same." Did you ever hear it? "I'm Glad I Can Say I'm One Of Them." I was going down singing, "I'm one of them, I'm one of them. I'm so glad that I can say, I'm one of them." I was going down like that. I started to cross the street, and the Holy Spirit said, "Stop."

38 I felt the Angel of the Lord come near, and I got back up amongst some big pillars there and I said, "Heavenly Father, what would You have Your servant do?"
He said, "Turn and go back. Just keep going."
I turned and went walking back down the street. I walked on and on and on for look about three or four miles. Eight o'clock come, nine o'clock come. Oh, my, I knew I was... The plane's gone, but I just kept on walking. After while I was down in colored district. I looked down there, a little old whitewashed house down there, roses blooming around the door. I looked, hanging out over the gate, there hung a very typical Aunt Jemima. She had a man's shirt pinned around her head, like this. She was hanging over the gate like this, and oh, I seen her, oh, a hundred yards away. And I was singing, "Only Believe, Only Believe, all things are possible, only believe," walking on down. I quit singing, started by, I looked over, she said, "Hello, parson."
I said, "How do, Auntie?"
And down south they call a preacher a parson, so I said; I said, "Hello, Auntie." And I looked, tears was rolling her big fat cheeks. She looked at me; I said, "Say, how'd you know I was a parson?"
She said, "I knowed you was coming."

39 I said, "Well, how'd you know I was a parson."
Said, "Did you ever hear about the Shunammite woman in the Bible that had the baby?"
And I said, "Yes."
Said, "Well, I's one of them kind of women." She said, "I--I was barren, and I promised the Lord if He give me a child, I'd raise it for Him." But said, "I done the best that I could." And said then, said, "The first thing you know, my boy took the road that's wrong." Said, "He took a horrible disease, and he's laying in there dying." Said, "The doctors can't do nothing for him; he's been unconscious now two days. The doctors give him all kinds of shots and nothing will stop it." Said, "It's done into the marrow of the bone and," said, "nothing will drive it out." Said, "He's been unconscious for two days," but said, "him a backslider." Said, "Oh," said, "I prayed all day and night, 'Lord, please send somebody.'" And said, "The Lord this morning about four o'clock, told me to go out and see a man with a brown suit on. A small man with dark hair would come down the street, that would be the parson." And she said, "I've been standing here ever since that time. I seen that brown suit come around that corner," said, "I knowed that was the parson."

40 Oh, hallelujah. What am I speaking of? The same Holy Ghost that led Simeon is the same Holy Ghost leading the church today, see. I said, "Auntie, my name is Branham; did you ever hear of me?"
She said, "No, sir, Parson Branham, I never heard of you." She said, "Will you come in and see my boy?" Said, "I don't want him to die a backslider," said, "I want him to be saved, parson."
And I said, "Yes, ma'am." I said, "Auntie, I pray for the sick, did you ever hear my meeting?"
She said, "No, sir, Parson Branham." She said, "The only thing I know, the Lord told me you'd be a small man with dark hair and you'd have on a brown suit, you'd be coming this a way."
Oh, that same Holy Spirit that lived in Simeon's day is the same Holy Ghost today. He's ready to come when the deep calls to the deep.

41 Then friends, that morning... I've been into king's palaces; I've been in aristocrats homes where they're worth as many as twenty-eight million dollars or more, and I've been in the poorest. But I never was any welcome than I was in that little old whitewashed cabin that morning, when the sun coming up across the hill there, kissing away the sweetness of the fragrance of the roses as they was blooming. An old chain hanging at the gate, and a plow horn hanging down on the end of it for a weight.
I walked into that little old house, there with a little old brass looking poster bed, a little iron bed stood--standing in the corner, a straw tick on it for a mattress, and up over the door it said, "God bless our home." An old wash tub setting in the kitchen, but it was home.
I looked, laying there on the bed, a great big colored boy, strong looking, with the blankets in his hand going, "Umm, umm, umm, it's so dark, umm."
I said, "What's the matter with him, Auntie?"
Said, "Parson, he thinks he's out in a [unclear words] sea," said, "he's been lost the last two days." Said, "He's lost and he thinks it's..."
He said, "It's so cold out here, umm."
I said, "Auntie, let's just pray."
She knelt down, and that old saint prayed a prayer; brother, I'm telling you: I just knelt at the foot of the bed and tears just spat on the floor. She raised up, took her old apron, and wiped her eyes. Said, "Lord, don't let him die, Lord; till I hear his little boy tell his mammy that him saved."

42 I felt his feet, they were cold, sticky, death was on the boy, had syphilis: went through him, nothing. They give him Salvarsan, 606, mercury, and everything else, penicillin, nothing could stop it; it gone on. Got out with the wrong crowd.
Then I knelt down; I said, "Auntie, let's pray." And I got down to pray; and I said, "Heavenly Father, that plane's hour past now, or more." I said, "But You said turn and come this way, and You said, 'They that are sons of God are led by the Spirit of God.' I don't know, Father, why You sent me down here. That'll be explained another day, but somehow, I believe this is the place You were leading me, the way it's been brought around. You showed her me coming and had me coming this way." I said, "The only thing I know, Lord; I lay my hand on this dying man in the name of Your Son, Christ Jesus, please spare his life."
When I said that, he hollered, "Oh, mammy," said, "It's getting light in the room now."

Romans 8:14 For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.

43 A few minutes he was setting on the side of the bed, talking to us in his right mind. About six months later I passed through on a train, going down in Arizona on a train. I passed... I got out there at Memphis, was going up to get something to eat there. The little railroad station, if any of you was--had been there, you know how the train goes straight ahead, and the railroad station's across the front. And I heard somebody holler, "Oh, Parson Branham."
And I looked, and here he come; he was one of the Redcaps there. He come running, grabbed my hand, jumped around and around, and said, "Parson Branham, you remember me?"
I said, "I don't believe I do."
Said, "One morning the Holy Spirit led you down to my mammy's cabin," Said, "where I was dying." He said, "Parson Branham, I's not only well, but I's saved now. I's a Christian, Parson Branham."

44 Hallelujah. I say the God that lived in that day is the same God today. [Gap in the audio.] Be expecting. That mother was expecting her boy, expecting God to do something. I'm expecting God to do something tonight. Are you expecting it? I'm expecting God's glory to fall. I'm expecting it to be such a spontaneous clap of faith here, that'll send literally thousands of these peoples into a sphere there, where they could touch the hem of His garment and be made whole.
Our heavenly Father, we thank Thee tonight for the great price. Oh, God, how we love Him. When we were sinners He died in our place; He took our place at Calvary, knowing no sin, yet was made guilty of all sin. His soul went to hell, which You wouldn't suffer Your holy One to see corruption. On the third day He rose again. And tonight, like it was on the road from Emmaus, He's with us, resurrected, standing here in our midst now, the Son of God, standing in our midst, proving that He's here with signs and wonders, moving into the saints hearts by the Holy Spirit taking the Words of God and sending them out there in that audience.

45 O God, hear the prayer of Your servant, and as this is closing our services on this tour, for this beautiful, wonderful, God save America. O God, send the angels of God down tonight, and may there be such an outpouring of the Holy Spirit, till literally every person in the building be healed. Grant it, Lord. Please hear my prayer, God, as I try and serve You, pleading everything I've got. God, while we're trying to do something for You, help me, dear Jesus to be Your servant. And may many, many, many people's in this building tonight, every one that's sick and afflicted, be made completely well.
And Lord, how happy we'll be for this. And we'll give You all the praise, all the glory. We know that Thou art here to make well, to answer. You're a loving Father, a Go-between, standing between sickness and death. Oh, how wonderful You are. Amazing grace, how You saved us by Your grace, healed us by Your stripes, made us completely overcomers of all things in the beloved Son of God. Now, grant a great outpouring tonight, in the name of Thy Son Jesus. Amen.

46 Praise be to God. Someone now got healed back there. Amen, that's just wonderful. How can you hold your peace. All right. Now, let's be able to... How many loves the Lord, say, "Amen"? How many believes that you're going to get healed tonight, let's see your hand? All right. Let's...
Where's Billy at? Billy, what's that letter? All right, Billy said they give out all the cards he had left over, hundreds ... [Gap in the audio]. Only Believe, come on now, let's go, all right:
Only believe, only believe,
All things are possible, only believe;
Only believe, only believe,
All things are possible, only believe.
Let's sing it like this:
Lord, I believe, Lord, I believe,
All things are possible, Lord, I believe;
Lord, I believe, (That's right.) Lord, I believe,
All things are possible, Lord, I believe.
Let's change it this way and sing, "Now I believe," now, right now. How many believes right now? All right, now, let's get it way up now, make the rafters ring, come on.
Now I believe, now I believe,
All things are possible, now I believe;
Now I believe, now I believe,
All things are possible, now I believe.
Now, as we... Softly, let's hum it. [Brother Branham begins humming.]

47 Coming down off of a mountain one morning, come a lowly Galilean, where His Father had said, "This is My Beloved Son, in whom I'm well pleased." I see a father coming up with his child that had epilepsy; said, "I took to Your disciples; they could do him no good." Said, "Lord, can You help me?"
He said, "I can if you believe. For all things are possible to them that believe."
Said, "Lord, I believe; help Thou my unbelief."
That same Jesus tonight is here in the midst of us all. Let's all be in prayer, everybody now, expecting to meet Him.

Matthew 17:5 While he yet spake, behold, a bright cloud overshadowed them: and behold a voice out of the cloud, which said, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased; hear ye him.

Matthew 17:15 Lord, have mercy on my son: for he is a lunatic, and sore vexed: for ofttimes he falleth into the fire, and oft into the water.

Matthew 17:16 And I brought him to thy disciples, and they could not cure him.

Mark 9:7 And there was a cloud that overshadowed them: and a voice came out of the cloud, saying, This is my beloved Son: hear him.

Mark 9:18 And wheresoever he taketh him, he teareth him: and he foameth, and gnasheth with his teeth, and pineth away: and I spake to thy disciples that they should cast him out; and they could not.

Mark 9:22 And ofttimes it hath cast him into the fire, and into the waters, to destroy him: but if thou canst do any thing, have compassion on us, and help us.

Mark 9:23 Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth.

Mark 9:24 And straightway the father of the child cried out, and said with tears, Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief.

Luke 9:35 And there came a voice out of the cloud, saying, This is my beloved Son: hear him.

Luke 9:38 And, behold, a man of the company cried out, saying, Master, I beseech thee, look upon my son: for he is mine only child.

Luke 9:39 And, lo, a spirit taketh him, and he suddenly crieth out; and it teareth him that he foameth again, and bruising him hardly departeth from him.

Luke 9:40 And I besought thy disciples to cast him out; and they could not.

48 Now, one by one, as you're lining up now, if you will be just as reverent. I'm going to ask you something to do for me tonight. I've been speaking to you, and I want you to do this for me if you will. Don't move around, please, please; just keep as reverent as you can, while the line's going on, because it throws me out of here. And the devil just wants one thing to be made wrong. He won't look for all the good things; he will watch for that one bad thing. See? And now, just be reverent and God shall speak and testify that I have told you the truth.
Now, remember this: I do not claim to be a divine healer. I only claim a prophetic gift, that I was born in this world with, that detects, and knows, sees, just as the Father shows me. And I claim that it's the same pillar of fire that led the children of Israel through the land of the wilderness to the promise. Was it a pillar of fire? Well, when the Holy Ghost, this Angel of God, permitted His picture to be taken, that's exactly what it was, a pillar of fire, the same thing.

49 And I know, and any scholar knows that that Angel was the Angel of the Covenant (Was that right?), which was Christ. That's true. It met Moses, in the burning bush; it was the pillar of fire. Not Moses done the works, but it was that pillar of fire that led him; That done the works.
And I believe it's the same Spirit that was upon Christ, is here today. He can't heal, only He's already done the healing, already done the healing.
Now, people, check one another's cards now, there might be some deaf people; I called from 1 to 20 to start with. If them are... Ushers is all your clients there? Are they all there, every...? That's wonderful. All right. Bring your patient.

50 Now, please, please, friends, this is the last night, and it's Sunday night. And we got just a little time now. And maybe I got too many in here; it might shut off some of the people praying. But everyone just be seated, that's in your seat now. And just be reverent, and look this a way and pray. All over the building, everywhere, plumb back in the back, over on the sides, up this way, everywhere you are, now just be really sincere tonight, and see if God doesn't speak and confirm your faith. All right.
And I believe the, one of the mangers here of the building told me that they'd fix this microphone. Can you hear way back in the back there all right? Way back in the back? If you can raise your hands up if you can hear all right. That's fine.

51 How do you do, sir? I believe that we are strangers, sir. I do not know you. Now, I'm just going through this merely to contact your human spirit, see. Do you believe that I be God's servant? You do? Now, there's something wrong with you, and now if I, by the Spirit of God, could see anything wrong with you, I would have to be able to have some supernatural way to bring it down, is that right? Or I would know nothing about it.
I... Do you love Him? Isn't He wonderful? He certainly... You're just a little nervous now (See?), because it's just the tension of you standing here. But nothing to harm; it's all to do good then; it's all to help you. And that's why I'm here tonight. If I didn't think that God had sent me to do something to help these poor sick people, I certainly wouldn't be here as a deceiver. If I couldn't think and didn't know that God had sent me to help the people, I sure wouldn't go to Africa, I'd go home with my family in the morning, and take my job back, and go to work out there for the conservation. But I wouldn't be a deceiver. But I believe and know that God has sent me to help people. And that's why I'm here tonight, is because that I believe that if God can do something through me to increase your faith to accept the Son of God as your Healer, then you'll get healed. You believe that, don't you? You do, yes sir.

52 Now, yes, sir, I see you're suffering with a horrible thing; it's called cancer. Is that right? It's a cancer. That cancer is located under the tongue; I believe it's in the mouth. Isn't that right? You're awfully nervous, and I see that's a prostate trouble that's caused that. That's been some time, you've been a little upset. You never have been able to do your life, you've got, of course you got bad eyes, something wrong with your eyes. Your hearing's not good. You've been lately feeling awfully sluggish and wore out, your strength depleted. Isn't that right? Was that true? Now, if that's true, so the audience will be able to see it, raise up this hand if that was true, every word of it. All right.
Do you now accept Jesus as your Healer? I lay my hands on you and according to His Word, and said, "They shall recover." You shall have your healing, my brother, go home rejoicing and happy and be made well. In the name of Jesus Christ. Say, "Praise the Lord." Let's say, "Praise be to God."

Mark 16:18 They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.

53 Oh, this is so wonderful. Many times it gets you so weak. Last night they had a little time with me. But I realize I can't last many years like this, friend. It burns your life right out of you. Many of you might not understand why that sometimes they have to pack me off this platform. That's one case of that demon leaving that man just then, that's got me reeling, staggering. See? The human part's gone; the supernatural comes in and works through human flesh, not the human flesh, but the supernatural working through. Just like the light coming through that bulb. It isn't the bulb; it's the light, the current going through it, see. They could turn off; it's dark. Same as the human is...
How many remembers when a woman touched Jesus' garment, and He got real weak. How many remembers the prophet Daniel? when he saw one vision, he said, "I was troubled at my head for many days." Is that right? Now, you understand what I mean? See, you got to break into a sphere that people know nothing about. There's no need of trying to explain it; you don't know it; it won't be known. After I'm gone this will come upon someone else. All right.

Daniel 7:15 I Daniel was grieved in my spirit in the midst of my body, and the visions of my head troubled me.

54 How do you do, sister? You are the patient, aren't you? But we be strangers, I believe, lady, I don't think I ever seen you. And if we be strangers, then I'm standing here as a man, you as a lady; and there's some few thousand people looking at us. Besides that, there's a supernatural Being standing here, which is the Angel of God that I'm speaking of. And just as certain as I'm standing here, you're aware of that. You know there's something that you never felt anything like that in your life. Isn't that right? If that's right raise up your hand, so the people see that that is right. Because your faith is begin moving, pulling.
Yes, ma'am, I see you going away from me now; you're going back; you stop at the side of a bed. I see you holding on to the side of a bed. You're crippled, or no, you have a arthritis or some kind of a condition. I see you then start across the street, and you move down real easy to cross the street. And you were wearing the same clothes; it's been recently.
Say, you got something on your mind you're worried about. You're upset, I see something hanging near you. You are... You're upset about something aren't you? You're worried. Now, be honest with me; it is--it's something you're worrying about. Here it comes, yes, it's concerning child, childbirth. You're afraid of a miscarriage which being pregnant. Is that right? Don't worry, go and Jesus Christ...
Let's say, "Praise be to God," to Jesus Christ. Let's give God praise like this, glorify God.

55 Now, He is here to make well, to heal, to do all things. The reason I kept holding on with the lady; I try not to hold on to those people too long. If I see one thing I just let it go. But the lady was stumped when I said she was worrying about something, and I noticed then, I seen what she was worried about, and I went ahead till her faith got confirmed. Sometimes you have to talk longer than others. But of course that lightens, brings the crowds down. Maybe have to cut off short. But be reverent now.
All right lady, come ahead now. Everybody, be reverent. You are blessed, my sister. Don't you fear; you only have faith. Don't let nobody put nothing else in your mind; you're going to be all right. You go on.
When she passed by, the reason I know, I felt it go out to her again. You see? I know God had respected that woman's faith.

56 All right, would you come near, lady, if you would. I believe that you and I are strangers. I don't remember you. If I've ever seen you, it's been somewhere in life that I do not remember. But you are... You come to be made well, aren't you, sister? And I perceive right away that you're a Christian woman. You're charitable sort of a person; you have a heart that you like to give and to do things good for others. Say, you're a business woman, aren't you? Aren't you in some sort of a business? That's right, you are. I believe you're in a clothing business, isn't that right? Is that true? See, yes, ma'am. And you, why, say, you've even sent me clothes, lady. You've given me clothes. Have you? You have.
And you're suffering with kind of a headaches and everything. You have a funny odd feeling. You've been fasting for the last few days, haven't you? Uh-huh. You haven't had that feeling since you been fasting because it's been better. Is that right? Is that true? You've had an operation too, haven't you? That's right, uh-huh. And now, you've believed always, if I lay hands on you and ask God that that would leave you. When those feelings hit you, you have funny feelings, feel like it's pulling you and shoving you forward. Is that right? Come, here sister, this will confirm you.
In the name of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, bless this woman who I bless. You said, "Whatever you bind on earth, I'll bind in heaven: whatever you loose on earth I'll loose in heaven." Almighty God knowing that this evil spirit has left the woman through the fast, may it stay away from her now in the name of Jesus Christ may she go and be made well. Amen. God bless you, sister. Go rejoicing, being happy, and being well.
Let's say, "Praise the Lord," everybody.

Matthew 16:19 And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.

Matthew 18:18 Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.

57 ... and bless the LORD, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless His holy name.
Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all of his benefits:
Who healeth all of thy diseases; who forgives all of thy iniquities;
That's the benefits of serving the Lord. All right, bring the lady. Everybody be reverent. Have faith in God. Do not doubt. Only believe; have faith in God.

Psalm 103:1 A Psalm of David. Bless the LORD, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless his holy name.

Psalm 103:2 Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits:

Psalm 103:3 Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases;

58 I believe the Almighty's going to do something wonderfully. Oh, please, friends, please. If God is testifying things to be true. I know it seems too deep to fathom, and I'm not reading your mind, but just a group out there, just a wondering. Not that you don't believe; but you're just in admiration, you're wondering. Now, let the audience know this is true. Isn't that true? If it is raise your hands. Right out through this audience here; I feel it (That's right), just an admiration, and just feeling. Now, don't wonder; just accept. No one can figure God out. You can't do it, there's no need of trying. You'll never figure God out; you've got to believe Him by faith.

59 How do you do, lady? Well, I don't know as I've ever seen you in my life; we are strangers. And, now look audience, God told Moses, "I'm going to send you down into Egypt to deliver the children of Israel."
He said, "I'm a man of slow speech."
He said, "But I'm going to give you a sign to do before the people. And if you do this before the people, then..." To turn his hand, and heal it with leprosy, and fix the stick to a serpent. Said, "then the people's going to believe that I sent you." He did that one time, and that settled it. Is that right.
Now, here is a woman; as far as I know, I've never seen her in my life. She's standing here; I don't know her, never seen her in my life. She doesn't know me no more, I guess then for the papers, or being in a meeting and looking at me. But we being strangers, and if I testify to you that when I was born, a little boy back there in the mountains, that that light come and hung over where I was. It followed me all the days of my life, not saying it was because of my righteousness, my... It was a foreordination of God. Ephesians 1 said, "These things was foreordained before the foundation of the world."

Exodus 3:10 Come now therefore, and I will send thee unto Pharaoh, that thou mayest bring forth my people the children of Israel out of Egypt.

Exodus 4:6 And the LORD said furthermore unto him, Put now thine hand into thy bosom. And he put his hand into his bosom: and when he took it out, behold, his hand was leprous as snow.

Exodus 4:7 And he said, Put thine hand into thy bosom again. And he put his hand into his bosom again; and plucked it out of his bosom, and, behold, it was turned again as his other flesh.

Exodus 4:8 And it shall come to pass, if they will not believe thee, neither hearken to the voice of the first sign, that they will believe the voice of the latter sign.

Exodus 4:10 And Moses said unto the LORD, O my Lord, I am not eloquent, neither heretofore, nor since thou hast spoken unto thy servant: but I am slow of speech, and of a slow tongue.

Ephesians 1:4 According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love:

60 Now, some of you wanting the Scripture for that, I feel it. All right, I will give it to you. All right, in Jude, the first 4 verses read: These men of old, foreordained, the men crept in unawares, foreordained to this condemnation; it's lasciviousness, using the grace of our Lord for lasciviousness.
Is that right? Men foreordained of old to this condemnation, like Pharaoh in Egypt, Judas Iscariot born the son of perdition. And if you got the least spark upon your heart for God, you ought to thank God and serve Him with all your might (That's right.) for He's giving you an opportunity.
Now, I stand here declaring the Creator of heavens and earth, Jehovah God. Now, I claim to be a representative of His in these last days to bring faith to His church. And here stands a woman by me, and if I tell truth, then God vindicate my words truth. If I do not tell the truth, He will have nothing to do with me. Any man can say anything, but if God speaks of it and says it's truth, then you believe the truth, you believe God.

Jude 1:4 For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ.

61 Now, if I tell truth, then if God will help me, I'll be able to see our sister. Now, you know what I mean by see her? Not as I know to see her now, but when Elisha, when they came down, the king Jehoram and Ahab's son, and all come down before, and Jehoshaphat, come down before Elisha and said should they go up to battle, or so forth. You know what Elisha said? "If it wasn't that I respected the presence of Jehoshaphat, I wouldn't even look to you," look at you or see you. Is that right? The prophet said, "I'll... But being that I respect him, I'll look at you."

2 Kings 3:12 And Jehoshaphat said, The word of the LORD is with him. So the king of Israel and Jehoshaphat and the king of Edom went down to him.

2 Kings 3:13 And Elisha said unto the king of Israel, What have I to do with thee? get thee to the prophets of thy father, and to the prophets of thy mother. And the king of Israel said unto him, Nay: for the LORD hath called these three kings together, to deliver them into the hand of Moab.

2 Kings 3:14 And Elisha said, As the LORD of hosts liveth, before whom I stand, surely, were it not that I regard the presence of Jehoshaphat the king of Judah, I would not look toward thee, nor see thee.

62 Now, lady, I want you to see this way and know surely, and that feeling that you feel on you now, that's Almighty God. You believe that? I want you to be just as reverent as you can be in His presence.
Now, look here and let me talk to you just a little bit. Now, you're nervous; I see that, because you're twisting your hands and going on, which, that's just anyone could see that. See you shaking and know that you're nervous. And it's a little more than ever now, because it's the presence. Now, be in prayer Brother Richey, see that coming from back in there, interfering with me here. Now, I just want to turn this way just a moment.
See, sometimes, not as I'm trying to say you people don't believe, but you're human beings possessed with a spirit. And when it's coming this way, that waves coming this way and the vision won't materialize right. You see?

63 And now, yes, you suffer with a heart trouble. Is that right? You have liver trouble; it's bothering your liver. That is right. You're extremely nervous. Isn't that right? And you have... Say, you've been prayed for before, haven't you? I see you in some sort of a big meeting being prayed for. It's a great big meeting too. I see a black--there's Brother Osborn. Is that right? If it is, raise your hand. That's right. Come, here a minute. Will you... You going to be... You going to believe now with all your heart?
Almighty God, Author of life and giver of every gift, send Thy blessings upon the woman and make her well. Jesus of Nazareth, heal the woman. I pray Thee, Father, in Jesus' name that this horrible thing will leave her, especially this nervousness that she can get herself to quieten. May she leave this tabernacle tonight, going to her home rejoicing, happy, made well, singing the praises of God, and never be bothered no more, for I bless her in the name of Thy Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.

64 God bless you, sister. Do you believe with all your heart? You believe that you will do this with all your heart and strength, believing that God will provide, will make... Do you believe that you're healed? You do? Yes. Say, here's something. Just to confirm your faith a little farther. I see a surgeon standing near you in an operating room; you've had an operation, haven't you? Isn't that right? And wasn't that a kidney operation, in here; I seen they had this thing laying across you this a way. Now, is that truth? If it is, raise up this arm? I seen they had the thing laying over you like this and turned you over sideways when they give you the anesthetic. That's true, isn't it? All right. Now, do you believe with all your heart? All right, go off the platform rejoicing, claiming your healing, don't never say nothing else about it, just what you're healed.
Let's say, "Praise the Lord."
There's the cursedness of passing through prayer line after prayer line. When you once accept your healing, don't you never go through another prayer line. You let that settle it forever, see. Every time you come back, it just makes it that much harder, that much harder, that much harder (See?), and it breaks it.

65 Now, Brother Baxter has pulled that screen across there, so it'll make it a whole lot better for me now I'm sure. All right, bring the lady, all right.
How do you do, sister? Do you believe now with all your heart? You believe that the Lord Jesus Christ is here to bless you and to make your--you well? You do? All right, sir. You're anemia, aren't you? Isn't that right? Have nervous trouble also, smother a whole lot with a heart condition; it kind of makes you think that, but it isn't nothing but nerves. But you're going to get well; do you believe that?
In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ go off the platform rejoicing, saying, "Thank You, Lord, for my healing."
Let's say, "Praise the Lord." Move in now. Have faith; don't doubt. How many's standing in this line now is going to believe with all your heart? All right, out in there now just keep believing. All right, bring the lady.

66 How do you do, sister? Do you believe with all your heart? Believe that God is here to make you well? Believe the Holy Spirit will confirm His work tonight and do it? Only thing you're wondering now, is what's going to be said about you, not reading your mind; but your heart trouble has left you and you can go off, and your back trouble also. So you can go off the platform, and rejoice, and say, "Thank You Lord, I'm healed."
Let's say, "Praise the Lord."
All right, come, lady. Do you believe me as God's prophet? Is that, with all your heart? Believe with all your heart. You're diabetic, aren't you? Go home and be well, in the name of the Lord Jesus. Amen.
Be reverent, everyone, keep reverent. Hold everywhere in the building if you possibly can. Now, don't move around. Be in prayer. See, friends, if you only knew how that throws me out here. How many believes you understand what I'm talking about, see. It's a [unclear words]. See, it's just... It's the Holy Spirit, and it's so timid, just as timid as it can be. All right. Everyone real reverent. All right.

67 Come, lady. How do you do? You believe as God--me as God's servant? You have two or three things bothering you. One thing you're interested in is your eyes, which you got. You had a little stomach trouble also, which is caused by a nervous condition and astigmatism and bringing you down. You want to be healed? Say, "Jesus, I accept Your atonement right now." God bless you, go and be healed in the name of the Lord Jesus.
Come, lady. If you come in this way, if God will speak to me and tell me what's wrong with you, will you accept it? Heart trouble. Go off and be made well in the name of the Lord Jesus.
Let's say, "Praise the Lord." That's the way. If you keep believing, if you just have faith, keep believing.

68 You sitting there talking to the mute sister, keep them believing; there's one believing right there just real strong. I've watched it two or three times now. Watch that lady there just a moment, the green dress on. I seen it move over her twice now. Tell her to be sure to have faith; don't doubt; believe with all your heart.
I believe the woman's going to receive her speech and hearing. Everyone reverent; I can't say just what's happening. I see what's the matter; she's been that way a long time. I think she was born in that condition. I see a vision coming over her, but still it looks dark around her head part. Everyone reverent. All right.

69 Come, sir. 'Course, now it leaves coming to the man. How do you do, sir? You're healed of your back trouble, so you can go off the platform and thank God for being healed of your back trouble; you don't have it any more. God bless you, brother.
Let's say, "Praise the Lord."
Everyone reverent, believe with all your heart. There's something struck when I said back trouble. There's a sympathic spirit struck then, somebody else... Just a moment. I know that somebody was healed then of the same thing. I felt it pull me sideways again. Wait till the man passes by. Here it goes, yes, it's a lady. No it's a lady setting there with them cherries on her hat; she has back trouble, has been healed. Lady setting back there, didn't you have something wrong in your spine? A spinal trouble in there? Stand up on your feet, Jesus Christ makes you whole, lady. God bless you; you can go home now and be well.
All right, lady, your heart trouble left you while you were standing here; you can go home now and be made well in the name of the Lord Jesus.

70 Come, lady. Have faith, believe. The little lady standing there in dark, keep believing, it moved towards you just then for a few moments, have faith, believe, don't doubt.
How do you do, sister? Do you believe with all your heart? Your stomach trouble will get all right. Go home and eat what you want to and say, "Thank God for healing me, my stomach." All right, say, "Praise the Lord."
All right, come here, honey. You want to get over that asthma, don't you? Well, come here, put your arms around Brother Branham.
Our heavenly Father, I ask Thee to be merciful to this child. Almighty God, may she take this message back to her Catholic people, telling them that Jesus Christ the great Healer has made her whole. I curse this asthma in the name of Jesus Christ; may she be healed from now on. Amen. God bless you, honey. Go home and be well. Let's say, "Praise the Lord."

71 All right, come, my brother. How do you do, brother? You believe with all your heart? You're suffering, something wrong in your heart too, isn't that right? You have a heart trouble. Not only that, but you have arthritis. Isn't that right? Will you obey me as God's prophet? Raise your hands up in the air. Stomp your feet up-and-down. Don't never say anything about more arthritis, go off the platform; you're healed with arthritis, heart trouble and so forth. God bless you.
Say, "Praise the Lord."
All right, lady, do you believe where you're setting? If I'm able by the Spirit of God to tell you what's wrong with you where you stand, will you accept your healing right now? You had a tumor, didn't you? Go off the platform and don't claim it no more; be healed in the name of Jesus.
You believe with all your heart? What do you think up there? Be reverent. Be reverent, and God shall bring it to pass. Don't have no doubts, always have faith. God will make it--make you well.

72 I'm watching this woman setting here in this chair, and this man too. Brother, I want to see you all come up from them chairs tonight and walk. I want you to believe. Somebody, sometimes people think, when people are setting in the chairs, they get to a place where they think they're helpless. You're not, and hopeless, no, sir. Jesus Christ loves you and wants to heal you. All right, be reverent now.
All right, bring your patient. All right, sister. Oh, victim of a circumstances, trouble, seen much of it in your lifetime. Now, here you are suffering with a back trouble, right across your back you have pains all the time. You got a swollen spleen; you have heart trouble; you did have, but you don't no more; your faith has healed you. Go home and be well... That's the way.
That's the way. A person have faith like that little women, they'd all get healed out there in the audience now. That's right. Have faith in God and do not doubt.
All right, come, lady. Do you believe with all your heart? Wouldn't you like to eat a good meal again like you used to? You believe me as God's prophet? Go eat anything you want to. In the name of Jesus Christ be made well.
Let's say, "Praise the Lord." Let's give God praise like this. Oh, my, that's the way. Be reverent.

73 Seen a little child healed; he's wearing a white shirt; he had a heart trouble. I couldn't tell just where it was at. It seems to be setting to the right. Now, everyone reverent, there's a little boy, a little light headed boy, about eight years old, had heart trouble, wearing a white shirt. All right, everybody reverent. If the such and such a child is in the audience, he's healed. I seen him come before me, had a white shirt on, and he's a little light headed boy. He's about, looked to be about this high, suffering with heart trouble. If such a child is in the audience, parents, fear no more, because the baby's going to be well.

74 All right, sister, come forward. Do you believe with all your heart? Then your heart trouble's over. All right. Also, I see another thing. I see, yes, you had a stomach trouble also, didn't you? All right, sir, just go on eat what you want to now. Do you believe? That's all you have to do; you can go [unclear words]. God bless you.
Let's say, "Praise the Lord." That might not mean much to you, but what that means to her; she had an acid stomach; she hasn't eat for a long time. See, I seen her turn her head, and vomit, and everything like that, and rewash her face, and everything, fainty like. But she's going to be all right now. That don't mean much maybe to anyone who's not suffering that, but if it was you, you'd sure be very, very, thankful to receive it. [Gap in the audio.]

75 All right, lady, you set in a chair. Do you believe with all your heart? Pass by and just take a hold of my hand, you believe me as God's prophet? You'll pass the tumor then, and go in the name of the Lord.
Let's say, "Praise the Lord." Let's bless the Lord, oh, my soul. Looky here, some people wonder about these people in these wheelchairs. Just a moment, have faith. Don't fear. Now look, I watching to you people, but the thing of it is with you all, many time when people get in a wheelchair they think, "Oh, my, I--I'm hopeless; I--the doctor told me I can't do it." Then you believe that. As long as you believe that, it'll be that way.
Now, I can see you; I've seen you night after night. I seen many things. I seen this lady setting here for the last two or three nights, seen a vision come over each night. And I know what's wrong with the woman, certainly I can tell her what's wrong with her, but I can't heal her.

76 That lady setting right there has some kind of a spell; she's weak spells. When she raises up she just starts and goes forward. Isn't that right, lady? If you just use just a little bit of faith, have faith like your nurse has got there, and you can come out of that wheelchair, and go down through the building, and go on home and forget about it; you can be healed. I can see your vision, but I can't heal you.
This gentleman setting here with your hand up, what do you think, dad? Do you believe me as God's prophet? You're a stranger to me; you're setting there with braces over your limb. You know what happened to you, you had a accident and broke your hip and it won't heal. Isn't that right? It is, raise your hand up and wave it like that. That's right. Have faith in God, and God will heal your hip; you can go home and be well. Amen. You believe with all your heart. Don't ask...

77 This man setting here, I see you look at me, sir. Look this a way and believe me to be God's prophet. Do you believe me? All right. I know what's wrong with you; you're suffering with multiple sclerosis. But God will make you well. Now, see, God... Isn't that right? Raise your hand, isn't that true? God can make you well, if you'll just believe it. Have faith; don't doubt; believe with all your heart. Oh, how wonderful.
Paralyism, but God can heal you and make you well. Is that right? Paralyzed, I seen what happened. You draw down your limbs [unclear words]. But God can make you well. See, there friends, it ain't the cripple; they get to a place where they think they can't...
Now, the same spirit's moving amongst these people, they just lack having a little faith. If you'll do the same thing you'll walk from this building tonight. I can't heal no one, if I could, I'd ask them to accept their faith, to accept faith and believe. I challenge anybody in the building to look to here and believe that God sent me and believe the testimony that I say is the truth, and God will make you well. That's right. God will do it.

78 I see a lady setting right here now, looking this way; she's got a dark hat on, a dark dress. Stand up right there, lady. You right there, yes, no, yeah, being that you're up; you stand up, both of you just stand up there a minute. All right, lady, look this way and believe me. Do you believe me with all your heart? Now, don't all of you stand up, you'll interfere with the--interfere with that vision's coming before the lady. Let me see her first. This right here.
Yes, sir, you're suffering with a nervous trouble. Isn't that right? Isn't that right? Raise up your hand if that's the truth. Do you receive Him now as your healing? In the name of Christ, be healed. Amen.
What of you, lady, standing up there with that white thing on your hat? You believe with all your heart? With all your heart? You're suffering with a heart trouble, aren't you, heart condition? Raise up your hand. Receive your healing in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

79 Why, friends, there's no end to it. It could keep going on and on and on. Do you believe with all your heart? Here this little fellow, this man, setting here looking to me, setting right behind the lady. That man's setting there suffering with a, I believe it's a ruptured condition, setting right back, isn't that right, sir? Stand up, raise up your hand, and receive your healing in the name of the Lord. Sure.
There sets another man, setting right there by you now with a vest on with a tie. He's looking this way. Great faith in that man, stand up, sir. You suffer with a cancer, but now you're healed in the name of the Lord Jesus, go be well. Amen.
Now, do you believe with all your heart? Here sets a man over here, thin hair, wearing a little checkered bow tie. Right there, sir, you had arthritis, didn't you? You was healed awhile ago while you were setting there. Stand up and receive it and be healed in the name of the Lord Jesus. There you are; that's the way to be healed.

80 Way back in the back, look this a way, believe with all your heart. How many back there believes that God sent me to do His work raise your hand?
I see a lady, setting right through here; something's happening. The lady got on a blue dress; she's got some kind of a flowers pinned on her side here, looks kind of pink. The lady's suffering with a stomach trouble, way back up there in the balcony. Setting right there near the rail. Stand up, lady. You back there to this side here with a blue dress on a pink; that's you, yes, ma'am. Stand up. You had a stomach trouble, didn't you? Raise your hand up if that's true. All right, you're healed; go home and be well in the name of the Lord Jesus.
Any person in here can be healed right now for the glory of God. We could stand here right on half an hour. Do you believe it? What about you here lady; you can walk; you can do it if you'll just ask God and [unclear words]. You too, sir. There's no need of you setting there, you can be made whole, stand to your feet, in the name of Jesus Christ every one of you that's sick. Let's be healed.

81 Lay your hands over on one another, that's right, you're getting to be... Put your hands on one another; raise your hand up and raise your hands to God.
Almighty God, Author of life and giver of every good gift, send Thy blessings upon the people, heal every one of them, Lord. Grant it. In Jesus Christ's name I curse the sickness of this people in the audience. Lord, let these people here in the wheelchair rise up in the name of Jesus Christ, and be made well. Oh, Almighty God, Author of life, now may the Holy Ghost fall upon every person in here, enshroud them with Your divine power [unclear words] of faith, Lord, may they make this committal, rising in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and glorifying God, walking out of this building, shouting, praising God, with perfect victory.

Expectation (1954-02-20) (William M. Branham Sermons)

Expectation (1954-02-20) (William M. Branham Sermons) somebody


1 ... and in doing so, it makes us all kind of relax, and some people in ministry of this type, they begin to think, maybe, you'd be some kind of a super person or something. I want you to know I'm just your brother, you see, just a man, see, just a brother. Just ... nothing but just a human, like we all are. And God just give me a little ministry to help somebody, so I just go do the best I can with it, and that's the best that I know.
So then, I thought last night, talking about time with horses and so forth, and riding. Why, you'd realize that we're just mortal beings together, trying our best to do what we can for the kingdom of God, and for the glory of His dear Son, Jesus Christ.

2 And such a response, though! My, that was marvelous. I thought, really, the meetings was set up for, was for just Gospel preaching. And then when you get around where the ... and mention the coming ... the Lord has blessed so greatly in the praying for the sick, until people have just... Really, when they come, they expect a prayer meeting for the sick.
You can... Sometimes I get off an airplane somewhere, or going somewhere in travel, there'd be somebody over there motioning. Got an ambulance sitting out there with somebody sick to be prayed for, at the airport, when the plane's going to come down, or something. So, that's real nice. I appreciate that, that people's got that much faith in God, to believe it. That's very, very nice. And so, I'm thankful for it, and I pray that God will bless.

3 I just shook hands with a young fellow coming in there, a young boy; if he's here, I don't mean to make him conspicuous. A very fine young fellow. Said, "Brother Branham, I was raised up in a Christian home." He said, "I'd taken the habit of smoking, and I used bad words." He said, "Brother Branham, I want to be right with God. Will you pray that...?"
See, bring up a child in the way it should go. They get off amongst these children that doesn't have that kind of teaching, they wander away, but don't worry; God will bring them back. I believe it.

Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.

4 A brother sitting here, said, "Brother Branham, don't you remember down in Phoenix, in a basement in the auditorium one time, you prayed for my wife who was insane?" (I just remembered.) Said, "She's here with us tonight." Said, "She's in her right mind." All right.
I wonder if the woman's close, if she'd stand up. Is this the minister, I believe, or somewhere here? Yes, it's his wife, that was healed there in Phoenix.
Reminds me of the time at Little Rock, Arkansas. I believe it was one of the worst cases of insanity that I ever seen in my life. And someone testified of it in the meeting.

5 I'd just been... (If you want confirmation of this, you might write the chairman of the committee, which was Rev. G. H. Brown, of Little Rock, Arkansas, 505 Victor Street, Rev. G. H. Brown.) And we were praying, and it was about ... got late and I was so tired; that was just before I had my time where they just let me have ... they just let me stay until, like to kill me.
So, I was amazed that night. There was an old fellow out in the meeting there, who had crutches about like the brother here, has got his feet sitting on. He'd been cripple for a long time. And during time of the service the Lord Jesus made him whole. And the next day he was walking around on the street, holding the crutches in front of him, saying, "The Lord took me off of this last night."
Oh, my! The papers give me really write up. Said, "A self-styled Baptist preacher, jammed the streets with ambulances and cars. Such fanaticism."

6 This old brother... I was standing, speaking, like this, and he raised up and said, "Say, Brother Branham, I want to ask you a question." All out of order.
But I said, "All right, brother, what is it?"
He said, "I'm just so happy, I don't know what to do."
I said, "Well, that's fine."
He said, "You know, the strange thing though," said, "when I heard you preaching, I was sure you was a Nazarene." 'Cause he was a Nazarene himself, you know. He said, "I was sure you was a Nazarene." And then, said, "I seen all these Pentecostal people around here, and somebody told me you were Pentecostal." And said, "Now, I heard you say, just awhile ago, you was a Baptist." Said, "I can't understand this."
I said, "That's very easy." I said, "I'm a Pentecostal-Nazarene-Baptist." [Congregation laughs.] We're all one in Christ Jesus. Amen.

7 That night, Mr. Brown told me, said, "Brother Branham, as soon as you wait for a little break, to rest up again..." They let me rest up a few minutes. I get real numb all over; then, they take me off and let me rest a few minutes, and sing songs, and a preacher, maybe, preach a little sermonette. I'd rest up a little and come back. So, I hadn't been out praying for the sick then, but just, oh, two or three months.
So they took me off, and said, "I want to show you a sight like you've never seen."
I said, "What is it?"
Said, "An insane woman."

8 And I went down, standing on the steps, as I went down, at the bottom of the auditorium. They couldn't hear down there only through a PA system, and it was so packed in. But nobody was in that spot, in that floor, 'cause they couldn't get in there on account of this woman. And she was laying on the floor, and her limbs were sticking right up like this, arms and legs both, and she was bleeding all over. And her husband was standing on the steps. A very fine, just a typical good old Arkansas brother, standing there with a pair of overalls on, them washed out. He said...
I tell you, friends, talk about overalls and blue shirts: Some of the best old hearts in the world beat beneath that. That's right. That's right. And he shook my hand. He said, "Well..."
I said, "What's your trouble?"
Said, "It's my wife, Brother Branham."
And I looked out there, and she was laying like that. I said, "Oh, my!" I said, "What's she bleeding so for?"

9 Said, "Well, Brother Branham," said, "we heard that testimony from over Pinewood over there, that that woman was brought from the insane institution was healed." Said, "We thought maybe if we could bring my wife..." He said, "We got her dismissed for tonight." And said, "About a hundred and something miles." He said, "The ambulance wouldn't touch her." And said, "I got two or three brothers to come with me, and we got her in a Chevrolet car"; and said, "she overcome all those men and kicked through the glass and broke all the windows out, and that's what's cut her." She was so bad.
I said, "Oh my, that's too bad." And I said, "How did it come about, brother?"
He said, "Well, Brother Branham," said, "it's just the time of menopause. The doctor give her shots and it run her into that."
I said, "Well, that's sure too bad." And I said, "Well, 'course he didn't aim to do it; he done the best that he knew how."

10 And he said, "Well, she's been up here in the insane institution for two years." Said, "Brother Branham, she's a good woman." Said, "I got five little children." Said, "Right after this," said, "a baby was born during the time of the menopause." And said, "She's in such an awful fix." He said, "I sold my farm and everything else." He said, "And really," said, "I had a team left... I was working around." Said, "I sold them mules so I could get some money to help bring her down here tonight." His two mules, what he had...
I said, "Oh, brother, that sure is too bad." I said, "I'll walk out and talk to her."
He said, "Oh, don't you do that, Brother Branham." Said, "She'd kill you."
I said, "Well, I'll talk to her."
Said, "Well, she don't even know her own name; she hasn't spoke a word in two years."

11 "Oh," I said, "I believe I can talk to her." (Just a kid-like in the ministry. I didn't know then, I didn't realize then: I'd better wait and let God say so.) So, I just walked out in the room. She was just standing there, laying on her back. Said she hadn't been off her back in two years, just laid like that. And she had her hands up like that. I walked out there, said, "Good evening, sister." She just laid there with her eyes back and looking. I reached around, I said, "How do you do?" and took a hold of her hand. Oh my! It was a good thing that God was with me.
Anybody demon possessed is many times their strength, you know. She just grabbed my hand like that, real quick. And I used to be a boxer. I had the undefeated title of Bantam Weight Championship of the three states, and know what grip is.
But she grabbed me like that, and she grabbed like that, and when she did, if I hadn't have threw my foot out real quick and caught her across the bosom with my foot to hold myself, she'd have ... why, she'd of probably broke my bones right there on the floor, when she jerked me like that. And they pulled her hand loose like that, and she let out a great big blow like a ... like a crocodile or something, making a big blow, a funny noise, [Brother Branham blows into the microphone] like that.
I thought, My! And then she started to turn around. Well, I started away from her. And when she did, she started chasing me, like a snake crawling on the floor; you could hear it just like crawling, where she was... And she chased me back up on the steps like that. And there she was crawling right around the floor. And I said, "My!"

12 Now, it's only the grace of God, or there'd be that way here tonight, some of you women, or men, too. See, just God's grace.
And when she put her big strong limbs up against the side of the wall like that, and she backed up to the wall like that, and give a great big kick, and when she did, she went out on the floor and hit a bench that was sitting out there, and the side of her head... A nice, attractive looking lady, about forty-five years old. And hit her head like this, and the hair ... blood flew when it hit, and broke a piece of the bench off. Now she had so much power in those legs to kick herself out like that. And a piece of the bench flew off, and she picked it in her hands like that, and threw it. Just missed her husband, and just tore the plastering off the wall.
I said, "Oh, my! She's in an awful shape."
He said, "Yes." He said, "Now, Brother Branham, will you have to lay hands on her?"
I said, "I wish I could."
And he started crying. He said, "Now, I don't know what..."

13 I said, "Look, brother. Unh-uh, it's not me; Jesus Christ does the healing." I said, "If you will believe with all of your heart that God will heal that woman, and the story that I told about a few weeks ago, that Angel meeting me up there, and telling me to go and be sincere when I prayed, get the people to believe me." And I said, "They won't believe." He said, "There'll be given you signs, like was give the prophet Moses, two signs." You remember the story. And said, "If you get the people to believe you, nothing shall stand before the prayer." I said, "Sir, do you believe that?"
And he put his old bony arm around me, said, "Brother Branham, with all my heart I believe it."

14 I turned around like this, and when I did, that woman squared off the same way. She said, "William Branham, you have nothing to do with me."
And the man said, "Well, that's the first words she spoke in two years."
I said, "That's not her."
He said, "How did she know you?"
I said, "That's not her; that's that devil screaming out," see. [Unclear words], see. I said, "That's Satan. She wouldn't know I was William Branham. He said he recognizes that I've told the truth. And if you'll only believe, you'll see the glory of God, you see."
He said, "You have nothing to do with me. I brought her here."
I said, "You might have brought her here, but Jesus Christ will heal her."

15 And she started crawling up towards me. And I said, "Let's bow our heads." And as we bowed our heads, and I said, "Heavenly Father, this poor brother brought his wife here in this condition. You're the same God that ... those devils and legions You cast out." I said, "You're the same God, so I ask in Jesus Christ's name that the evil spirits come out of the woman." And I just turned around to the man and said, "Do you believe?"
He said, "With all of my heart, Brother Branham."
I said, "Now see, He told me if you get the people to believe, be sincere; and, brother," I said, "I'm just as sincere as I know how to be."
He said, "Thank you, Brother Branham." He said, "What must I do with her?"
I said, "Take her right back to the institution."
He said, "All right."
So I said, "You let them dismiss her."
So he turned around, and after the service, he taken her back. And the thing of it was, she never bothered no one going back, sat up nicely. Went back.
They put her in the institution next morning. And the following morning when they went into the cell, where she was at, to feed her, she was sitting up. And on the third day she was dismissed from the sanitarium, sent home, in her normal mind.

16 About two months after that, I was at Little Rock ... or, not Little Rock, but Jonesboro. And sitting... I kept seeing someone waving at me, like that, in the meeting. I thought, Well, I don't remember them people, and I was preaching. And I looked again, I thought, Well... And so the lady raised up ... or, the man did, rather, and said ... they had some little children there, said, "Do you know us, Brother Branham?"
I said, "I don't believe I do."
The lady said, (she raised up, too) she said, "Excuse me, Brother Branham, but," said, "they tell me that I was laying on my back the last time you seen me."
And I said, "Were you healed somewhere?"
She said, "Yes. I was the lady that was down in the basement of that..."
I said, "Oh, my!"
And there she was, with her five little children hugging at her, normal and well, in her right mind.

17 What is it? Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever; made the lame to walk, the blind to see, the deaf to hear, devils would be cast out, and the commission follows on. Amen. And that thing is perhaps being done around the world tonight among faithful, believing members of the body of Jesus Christ; and divine healing doesn't lay within me. And each of these brethren sitting here, your pastors... You don't have to wait till they have a divine healing program to be healed: Every one of these men has got just the same authority that I, or anyone else has got, to pray for the sick. And that's all we can do, is pray for the sick.
And not only them, but if they're off somewhere and can't get to you, that good Holy-Ghost-filled sister or brother that lives next door to you has the same authority. That's right, same thing. If you can't get to your pastor... The Bible said, "If any among you is sick, call the elders of the church, let them anoint with oil and pray over the sick. The prayer of faith shall save the sick." And said, "God shall raise them up." Not the minister---God shall raise them up. "And if they did any sin, it shall be forgiven them. Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for the other." Is that right? One another to be prayed for, see. "That you may be healed. For the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much."
That's all you need: Be filled with God's Spirit. And you'd be surprised if you only knowed the gifts that sitting right in this building tonight. Yes, sir.

Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

James 5:14 Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord:

James 5:15 And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him.

James 5:16 Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.

18 Now, if I would know sickness, surely I would know gifts. Is that right? That's right. So I know that in meetings, when I meet with Christian people, they are there. The only thing, you have to watch when you tell people, 'cause they hold right on to your word; they'll say something, and you have to know it's directly coming from God what to tell the person. That's the reason ... don't say those things, you see? But you just live humble before God, just don't try to make yourself anything. Just be humble. God will take care of the rest of it, see. He'll make it known.

19 Now, tomorrow, to our sorrow... I wish that really from the depth of my heart that I would have set the meeting a little longer, if we could have got it, for at least another week. I feel like if I could take next week, just about four days of just common Gospel preaching and altar calls, it would be hard telling what would take place. After the people is already minded of the power of the deliverance of God, then everyone be bringing their sinner friend out next week. That would be real... Then we could win souls for Christ. Usually, in these meetings it's just the Christians come. Now and then sinners come in, but usually, just the Christians. And then the believer already believes, see.
So, I just trust that it will be God's will for me to come back again to you real soon. You sure got a fine bunch of brethren, and fine... I've never, any time at any place, ever felt any more cooperation in the Spirit of God, than I have right here at this place. That's right. That's right. That's true.
I've never seen a place I've ever been before that ministers sat behind me on the platform. The first night it kind of bothered me a little 'cause I was conscious of them being there, but just that wall of faith there; I said just leave them alone. That's fine; they're my brothers. That's right. That's wonderful, and I'm so happy for that. When you get that faith there to believe, just anything can happen.

20 Now, we thank you for everything. And tomorrow afternoon, if you can... I think the services begin at two o'clock. Is that right? Two o'clock. That'll let me be here by two-thirty, perhaps. Then I'll speak a little while and then pray for the sick. And then...
You've been very nice in your attendance; and rain and bad nights, you've come anyhow. And you've helped us with the finance to pay the debts. I think you'll have it all together. Mr. Brewer's going to give it to my son tonight, and the expenses to be paid; and if there's enough not to pay all the expenses, it will be paid in the morning. If not, why, after my love offering's taken up tomorrow, it will be made in, and it'll be paid. If it's not, which I believe it ... all the more than paid. And if there's any left over, whatever it is, I will not take it myself; I'll stick it right over in foreign missions, to send across the sea, and do everything that I can. If it lacks a little, then from my love offering, I'll make it up, see.

21 And we want to leave with not debts owing, everybody feeling wonderful and fine, and glorifying God. We try to keep that standard everywhere. And all the ministers, and the people here...
If you're here and you don't belong to a church, why don't you join with these brothers' church, if you live near them. You believe in this type of ministry, well, join the churches that believe in that. Go and join churches that backs that up, that believe in that, see. And you come over and get healed, and go back into a bunch of people where that atmosphere is that doesn't believe in divine healing and things, why, you'll be just as bad off as you ever was, see. That's right. Jerk yourself right up among unbelievers. That's what the Bible said. Is that right? But believers. And so, I wish you could do that. And I pray that you will.

22 Now. Now, if your church is a believer in divine healing, and believing the blessings of God... See, your church doesn't save you. Jesus is your Saviour. But you'll do a lot better if you'll get among people... And if you do believe in divine healing and living among those who doesn't believe in divine healing, you're impediment to them. That's right. Always said... You know, people say, "Do I have to quit this, Brother Branham, if I'm going to join the Full Gospel churches? Will I have to give up shows, dances, and so forth?" No. Don't have to give up anything. Not a thing.
We're nearly all northern people here. We have little scrub oaks out here; they hold their leaves all winter long. When springtime comes, you all don't have to go out and take off the old leaves so the new ones can come on. Just let the new life come up and the old leaves goes off anyhow. So you don't... You don't have to have a measuring stick; just get new life in there, it'll take care of itself. That's right. The old things just fade away and the new life comes on.

23 Over in the Gospel of Luke, the second chapter, the 25th verse, I want to read just a little portion of Scripture. You're so lovely, I just hate to pass a night without speaking to you for a few moments. When I come back, we're going to try to add some of them along, so we can have some afternoon services and just preach the Gospel and have a wonderful time.
... behold, there was a man in Jerusalem, whose name was Simeon; ... the same man was just and devout, waiting ... the consolation of Israel: and the Holy Ghost was upon him.
... it was revealed unto him by the Holy Ghost, that he should not see death, before he had seen the Lord's Christ.
And he came by the Spirit into the temple: and when the parents brought ... the child Jesus, to do for him after the custom of the law,
Then took he him up in his arms, and blessed God, and said,
Lord, now lettest ... thy servant depart in peace, according to thy word:
For mine eyes have seen thy salvation,

Luke 2:25 And, behold, there was a man in Jerusalem, whose name was Simeon; and the same man was just and devout, waiting for the consolation of Israel: and the Holy Ghost was upon him.

Luke 2:26 And it was revealed unto him by the Holy Ghost, that he should not see death, before he had seen the Lord's Christ.

Luke 2:27 And he came by the Spirit into the temple: and when the parents brought in the child Jesus, to do for him after the custom of the law,

Luke 2:28 Then took he him up in his arms, and blessed God, and said,

Luke 2:29 Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace, according to thy word:

Luke 2:30 For mine eyes have seen thy salvation,

24 Now, can we bow our heads just a moment?
Kind Heavenly Father, we're grateful to Thee tonight that we have this approach to Thee through the name of Thy beloved Child, Jesus Christ, who has redeemed us from sin.
Oh, we think, that we were one time alienated from God; Gentiles cut off from God; the commonwealth of Israel, led about worshipping idols. And in due season, Christ came and died: the innocent for the guilty. And through the shedding of His holy blood and the right to the tree of life, we Gentiles are now brought nigh. Insomuch that we're called sons and daughters of God. "And it does not yet appear just what we'll be in the final end, but we know we'll have a body like His own glorious body, for we shall see Him as He is." Free from sin, free from sickness, worry, troubles, old age; it'll all be finished then.
O come, Lord Jesus, and help me tonight to spread this Gospel around the world so You can come. You cannot come, according to Your Word, until all the world has heard the Gospel. I pray that you'll hasten the day, Lord, that when all the world shall hear the Gospel; sin and sorrow, pain and death of this dark world shall cease. Till then, give us grace. Give us vision, give us power to bring the Gospel to the people.

1 John 3:2 Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is.

25 Before me tonight, Lord, is a box of handkerchiefs. And as I lay my hands upon them... Nothing within Thy servant to do this, but as a memorial, or a token to the Word of Jesus Christ, which said, that, "these signs shall follow the believer: if they laid hands on the sick, they should recover."
And the great Saint Paul took from his body, handkerchiefs and aprons, and sickness left the people, and devils went out of them. And I pray that You'll heal every one. Watch over them, Lord. May the Angel of God watch these handkerchiefs, till they're gone to their right place. And may when they're placed upon the sick, may every one, without leaving one out, may every one be perfectly normal. Grant it, Father, for we send it in Jesus' Christ's name. Amen.

Mark 16:17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;

Mark 16:18 They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.

Acts 19:12 So that from his body were brought unto the sick handkerchiefs or aprons, and the diseases departed from them, and the evil spirits went out of them.

26 I've asked that God will bless you all. And I want to speak just a moment, and then we'll start praying for the sick.
Now first, we want to think tonight on this text, if I would call it a text, just for a few moments. And I would like to use these words in it: Expectations. As I mentioned here the other night, you usually get what you expect, don't you? If you come tonight, to the meeting, just expecting to see something that you could criticize the meeting about, the devil will show you plenty of it. You'll go back with a lot of criticism, just like you expected.
But if you come tonight expecting: Just say, "Lord, I come to see You. I come for the benefit to be healed. I come for the benefit of my soul. Well, I expect You to give it to me, 'cause I'm here in this place that's dedicated to Your glory." And you'll get just what you expect. That's right. You always... And you can never go above your expectations. You'll always have to do that.

27 Now. Expecting! See, we see here that when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea, there wasn't the press, like we have radio and television, and so forth, as we have now. So the news had to be taken from lip to ear. And then... (Can you hear me in the back in the balcony up there? Is it all right? Can you hear around there?) The expectations.
And then, when Jesus was born... There's usually singing when a king is born. So there was no greetings here on the earth ... people to greet Him. So the angels came down and sang, rejoicing, as today in the City of David, is born Christ the Saviour. God's angelic host, who couldn't understand the mystery of this virgin birth, but yet, sang praises to God in the highest, peace on earth, good will to men, when they sang at His birth. How marvelous.

28 Then we notice again, away back in the East, some magi, or star gazers. I believe they'd noticed the prophecy of Balaam, that a star of Jacob would rise. And they was watching for that star to arise. And we're told by historians that the three magi... They come from different parts, not followed one star, as the Christian tradition has it, but they followed three different stars.
And when they met at Bethlehem of Judea, all three coming from the East, traveling from three different places, they never knew each other until they met. And they consoled ... counseled, rather, with one another. And one of them was from the lineage of Ham, the other one from Shem, and Japheth: three sons of Noah. And these three stars that they had followed, went together and made the one big star that hung over Christ. Jesus said, "When this Gospel is preached to Ham, Shem, and Japheth's people, then the end shall come,"

Numbers 24:17 I shall see him, but not now: I shall behold him, but not nigh: there shall come a Star out of Jacob, and a Sceptre shall rise out of Israel, and shall smite the corners of Moab, and destroy all the children of Sheth.

Matthew 24:14 And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.

29 (All right) when they consolidated and come together.
Now all the observatories they had in that day, not one of them saw the star. And yet, on every city there was a tower, an observatory, that watched the stars. They kept time with the stars. Watches and things wasn't in time then. So only thing they had was a sundial in the day, and stars at night. So they timed what time it was, the first hour, third hour, or so forth, by the stars.
Notice, and here come this star passing right over every observatory, and not one of them noticed it. Why, people go to the meetings and say, "I don't see nothing." You wasn't expecting anything, that's why. Those people in the observatory, perhaps, up there on the tower of observation, they didn't expect to see anything. But there was somebody, was watching for that star of Jacob to rise. That's right.

30 He will be here one of these mornings, and just those who are waiting will be the one that will get it. That's right, just those who are watching. We used to sing an old song: "Be watching and waiting that sight to behold, He's coming again." That's right. So be waiting, watching. You don't know just what time He may appear.
So, tonight, be watching and expecting to rise off the cots and stretchers, wheelchairs, wherever you are; be expecting to feel the unction of the Son of God, when He moves into you, to give you new faith and life, you'll spring to your feet. "It's me! I'm waiting, Lord. The first time You touch my heart, out of the chair I'm coming. The first time You touch my body, out of here I'm coming," see. Be watching, expecting something to happen.

31 Now, the angels came and sang to the shepherds. The shepherds went down into the city to find out this thing that had gone on.
After eight days, it was a custom of the Jewish traditions to bring the child in the temple---all the male children. And they had to be circumcised, and had to offer either two turtledoves (that was a peasant's offering), or a lamb (was a rich child's offering), for the purification of the mother and for the child.
And so when you study the Old Testament, and see those laws of redeemed, the law of redemption. Oh, it's a beautiful thing. I just love the Old Testament because it's just a shadow of the New. If you get lined up with the Old Testament, you'll have a good conception of what the New means, 'cause it's a shadow of it. And just like Revelations 12 there, where the woman was seen with the moon under her feet (the law), and the sun on her head (the Gospel), see. Twelve stars, the twelve apostles, and so forth.

Revelation 12:1 And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars:

32 Now, notice closely. They were expecting, these people were, to see God. They had an expectation in their heart to see those things happen, and God granted it to them. Now, you've got to desire it. David said in the Scripture, "When the deep calls to the deep at the noise of thy waterspouts." Now before there can be any deep to call in here, there has to be a deep out there first, to make this deep in here call for it, see. The deep calling to the deep.

Psalm 42:7 Deep calleth unto deep at the noise of thy waterspouts: all thy waves and thy billows are gone over me.

33 I love scenery. My, here some time ago, I was hunting up in the mountains. Not so much for the game; I was just up to get away. I just love the mountains. My mother's a half Indian, and it's just enough about it I love the wilds and I can't get out of it. And so, I can see a sunset and cry like a baby.
I remember up there one day standing on the mountain, the elk herds was high that year, hadn't had no snow, and I was moving around up high, near the timberline. And in the fall of the year, in October, there come storms. It'll maybe snow a while, then it'll rain a while, then the sun will come out.

34 I remember up there one fall, not long ago, I was tramping around, and there come up a storm. And I got in behind a tree and stood like this a while, set my rifle down. The storm went over ... there was an old blowdown there, anyhow. And after a while, after the storm ceased, I listened. Standing there, I thought, Well, which way shall I start from here now?"
Started... I backed down. I was about sixty or seventy miles, as far as I know, from a living human being. Back with two or three pack horses, and camped out. So I was sitting there ... standing there, rather, looking around, and wondering which way to go from there, seeing no tracks or nothing. So I thought, What will I do?
And about that time, way back over on another ridge, the storm had got the elks scattered. And I heard the big males a bugling. Oh, my! Hear it echoing across the valley. Then the deep begin to call to the deep. Way back up here an old gray wolf got to howling, his mate answering in the bottom. Mmmm! My! The deep was calling to the deep. I thought, O God, surely You're the God of the mountains, too, way up here. If you got God in here, you can see God anywhere you look. That's right. It'll move out.

35 Then I stood there a little while, and where the sun peeked out through the crevices of the rocks, as it was setting in the west, shining like the eye of God, looking, running to and fro through the earth, I noticed it shined against those trees. And where it ... cold up that high, the ice had froze on the evergreens, making an icicle. And when it did, there come a rainbow across the valley. Now this wolf hollering up here, and it's mate in the bottom answering. My! And the elk herd, and the rainbow.
I had my gun down against the tree. I run out there and I raised up my hands, and I said, "O, great Jehovah God, who looks down from the Heavens, God gave you this rain ... gave us this rainbow sign." I said, "I can see another rainbow sign in Revelations 2, where Jesus sitting to look upon like jasper and sardine stone; Reuben and Benjamin, the first, the last; with a rainbow crossing the seven church ages, the colors. Oh! The same yesterday, today and forever. Alpha, Omega---the beginning and the ending. He that was, which is and shall come. The root and offspring of David. The Morning Star." Sitting behind me, seven colors; God's covenant with the church, and He wrote with Jesus Christ, His Son, of a perfect redemption.

Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

Revelation 1:8 I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.

Revelation 22:16 I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star.

36 I began to scream. Why, if they'd of got somebody to come up and look, they'd a thought they had an insane person there. Around and around the tree I went as hard as I could go, jumping up in the air and screaming. I didn't care who seen me. I was worshipping God. It don't make any difference to me what anybody thought.
Now, around and around again, and I thought, Oh, my, Lord, why do I ever have to leave here? Isn't this beautiful up here?" But like "Let's build three tabernacles..." But there was somebody down at the bottom of the hill waiting to be prayed for, of course. So, I thought I might as well just rejoice a little more. And around the tree I went again, shaking my arms and screaming to the top of my voice, "Hallelujah! Hallelujah to God! Hallelujah to God!" I thought, Isn't this wonderful? My! I was standing there, "deep responding to the deep, call the waterspouts, thy noise." I think, Oh my, isn't this beautiful?

Psalm 42:7 Deep calleth unto deep at the noise of thy waterspouts: all thy waves and thy billows are gone over me.

37 I happened to hear something jump out, went chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp, a little old pine squirrel. A little old fellow, just about that high, and he was the noisiest thing you ever heard. And he jumped up on a log out there, and why, the way he acted, I thought he was going to tear me to pieces. Just about that big, you see. I looked at him, I thought, Now, Lord, You never put nothing before a fellow 'less it's something for Your glory. And I said, "Now, why'd you let that little pine squirrel chirp like that?"
And I happened to notice the little fellow was looking down like that, and he wasn't looking at me, but the storm had forced a big eagle down in there. This eagle was coming up out of this undergrow ... this brush. And I looked, I said, " Oh, the eagle's what's excited you." And that little fellow, it looked like it might going to tear that eagle to pieces. So the big old eagle, he jumped up on a limb like that.

38 And I thought, Now why did God turn my attention from that rainbow, and that wolf calling, and so forth, to something like this? I thought, Well, Lord, You're in Your nature, so I was having such a wonderful time, why did You do that? I thought I'd study it just a minute. I thought, Well now, that eagle, he's a scavenger and nothing good about him. I thought, Well, what's he doing? I'd seen the big fellow looking at me. I thought, Oh, I understand. He's so brave, he's not scared of me. I thought, I'll try out his bravery.
I said, "Hey, fellow, you know I could shoot you?" Them big gray eyes, wall, looked at me, looked over at this little squirrel. He wasn't scared. I thought, Oh, Lord, I see. You want somebody not scared.
That's the trouble with the church today: You're afraid. You're afraid when you ask, you won't receive. That's the reason you don't receive. Don't be scared. Ask, then believe you're going to get it, you'll get it. God will give it to you.

39 So I thought, Oh, I see: the bravery." I thought, What makes him brave? Now, there's got to be some reason to make him brave. And I said... I grabbed my rifle like this; I said, "I'll scare him." And I grabbed my rife like I was going to pull it up like this, and he flipped them big wings and looked back at me again, looked back. I thought, Well, why are you so brave? I noticed him: He kept feeling his wings, shuffling his feathers out. Oh, I see. God gave you two wings, that's God-given power, and you trust it.
And I thought, If God gave an eagle two wings to take himself out of danger, and he has that much trust in his wings, what ought a church that's baptized with the Holy Ghost do? see. There he was moving his feathers. I thought, Yeah, as long as he can feel them wings, they're all right, he ain't scared of nothing. I said, "Praise God!" As long as I can feel the Holy Spirit moving, devils can't scare nothing (That's right), when the Holy Spirit's around.
How marvelous! No wonder you could stand. Not like the Rock of Gibraltar, but the Rock of Ages. It'll stand after the Rock of Gibraltar's gone.

40 So, I thought, Isn't that marvelous? Well then I said, "Wonder why he..." Now I said, "Now that timber's not very high and he knows that's his get-away." Before I could get that rifle to my shoulder, and especially with little old peek sights, he'd be in that timber where I couldn't shoot him, and he knows that. Well, I thought, isn't this wonderful? And I started shouting again. I don't know whether I scared him then or not.
But anyhow, he looked around a little while. And I thought, I admire you, fellow. I wouldn't shoot you. If you're that brave, I love bravery, and I sure wouldn't shoot you. And he sat there a little while. After a while, he just give himself a little pitch like that, with his feet. And he got tired of hearing that there little old pine squirrel, "chatter-chatter-chatter-chatter-chatter-chatter." And I thought, That's right. Just put you in mind of some of these people around here, "Days of miracles is past. There's no such thing as divine healing. Holy Ghost ain't for this day." Just jump on away from it, that's all. That's right. Just get on away from it. Go on away.
And I noticed him... Now, he just didn't flop-flop-flop-flop-flop with his wings. He just made a big jump, and made about two flops, then he set his wings. And as that air rode up, he never moved a feather. He just knowed how to ride that air; he just went on, on, on, out of sight.

41 I stood there. I cried like a baby. I said, "That's it, Lord! It ain't 'run here and run there, and flop here and flop there.' It's just 'set your wings of faith in the power of God, and when it rolls in, ride up. Ride away from this saying, "The days of miracles is past, there is no such a thing."'" Ride out. Don't keep trying to pushing and shoving, just set your faith in God's power. When the waves come in, ride on out on it like that. That's it. Amen!
Then the deep really called to the deep then. Marvelous! Deep calling to the deep. Unless there is a deep... Before there is a fin on a fish's back, there had to be a water first for him to swim in, before he ever had the fin, or he wouldn't have no fin. Is that right? Before there could be a tree to grow in the earth, there had to be an earth first for it to grow in, or there'd be no tree. Is that right? In other words...

42 Here, I read sometime ago where a little boy eat the eraser off of a pencil, and he'd eat the ... and eat the pedal off of a bicycle, a rubber pedal. And they couldn't understand why the little fellow was eating rubber all the time. So they took him down to the clinic and examined him, and the doctor said, "Why, his little body's craving sulfur." There you are, see. Now, the little boy was taken out of the earth where sulfur is, and as long as there was a crave for sulfur in here, there had to be a sulfur to respond to that crave, see.
Now, how many in here believes in divine healing? Let's see your hand. The power of God? Thank you. Look. Before there can be a creation, there has to be a Creator to create that creation. Is that right? Well, as long as you're hungering for divine healing and the power of God, there's got to be a fountain open somewhere. Is that right?
If there isn't divine healing, you wouldn't have that in your heart. The Creator, God, has to create that in your heart before you could even think of such a thing. Hallelujah! Then, you want more of God; you hunger for more of God. And because that you do hunger is a very fine evidence that there is more of God to receive. And if you crave divine healing, that shows that there is a fountain of divine healing somewhere or that creation wouldn't be in your heart. You get what I mean?

43 Quickly now, just a couple more minutes. Oh my, I just love Him that's all. I just can't help it. See, as I think of it! Any route you take, anywhere you want to start from, you'll see Jesus Christ in His power. That's right. Any road you want to make; two natures, two atmospheres, two signs, two anything you want to, there's Jesus Christ right in the middle of it. Amen! Yes.

44 Now, look at this. I see Simeon, an old man (an old sage, as they called them), long white hair, about eighty years old, we're taught; and long beard. He had a reputation. He was a master in Israel. And he worked around the people then, and so forth; well thought of. But one day the old fellow, perhaps, was out praying somewhere, and the Holy Spirit come to him and said, "Simeon, you're not going to die... You're an old man, but you're not going to die until you see the Christ of God." And he went around testifying, telling the people. Now he wasn't afraid it would hurt his reputation.
I can imagine a fellow saying, "Look at that old guy. Why, he's a little bit off at his head, see, because, look, he's nearly dead right now. And yet, David looked for Christ, and all back the prophets looked for Christ, and it's farther away than it ever was. Here we are in all this conglomeration and what we are now, and yet, that old fellow says he ain't going to die till he sees Christ. There's something wrong with the old fellow. He studied too hard."
No, but the Holy Spirit revealed it to him. That's a good reason to testify of it. Is that right? "The Holy Spirit said so."

Luke 2:26 And it was revealed unto him by the Holy Ghost, that he should not see death, before he had seen the Lord's Christ.

45 Now, then the first thing you know, when Jesus was born... Simeon knowed nothing about it. But let's do just a little drama here at the end, if you will.
I imagine it's Monday morning in the temple. And oh, my, the people are coming; there's about two million Jews then or more. I suppose, maybe, fifty or a hundred babies was born, or maybe more than that, every night. Well then, every morning there'd be a great long line of mothers standing there with their babies, and some of them poor, with turtle doves, and some with little sheep, for the purification and the circumcision of the child, and what more, coming up the road to the priest to minister the order.
Then, let's say it's Monday morning now. And, oh, there's been a great conglomeration around the city and everything, and everybody's busy and they're ... all the temples are full. And Simeon had a little time, over in the prayer room, to pray a while. Went over there.
I just imagine he was reading Isaiah about the 40th chapter, when "All we like sheep have gone astray." "The Lord has laid upon him the iniquity of us all. Oh, he was wounded for our transgressions, bruised for our iniquities, the chastisement of our peace was upon him, with his stripes we were healed." I can hear Simeon say, "Now, I wonder who that could be otherwise than Messiah." And the same time the Messiah was in the temple, in the arms of his mother.

Isaiah 53:5 But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.

Isaiah 53:6 All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the LORD hath laid on him the iniquity of us all.

46 Let's look, coming up along the line now. I see these fine ladies there with nice little needlework blankets, little pink and blue over their little babies, and they're cooing them on the chin, and so forth. And, oh, how they was walking along. And there was a girl there that had a bad name: She had a baby without being married. Hmmmm. Belonged down there in Nazareth somewhere. My, there she is in the temple. There's that baby, was born out of holy wedlock. Mary knew who that baby belonged to. She walked right along with this baby. "Keep your distance from her. Don't stand around such a person."
It reminds me of some of these half-sister churches today. We know where we're standing. I know what this Holy Ghost means to me: It's life! I don't care what the others think about it. Life. Might make me act peculiar, that's to the world.

47 But notice: They kept their distance. "Keep away from her." They ... shunning around. And every time... She held the little baby in her hands. The rest of them with fine little blankets on, but He was wrapped in swaddling clothes.
Now, I'm taught that swaddling cloths is what goes on the back of a yolk of an ox, when they plow with it. The baby was born in a manger, so they just unwrapped the... Had no clothes to put on the little fellow. You talk about poor! And, yet, the King of glory! And they unwrapped this swaddling cloth and wrapped it around the little fellow.
And here He was, little fellow, laying in His mother's arms, a little girl about eighteen years old, twenty, coming up, holding this little baby, cooing, looking down in His face. She didn't care. It didn't blush her when they called her a "fanatic," or so forth, or this, that, if she was in disgrace. Didn't pay any attention to her; she just moved on. She knowed where she was at. She knowed what it was all about. Make any difference what the outside world says. You remember the same thing with your testimony, if you're born again, let them call you fanatic. That's all right. You know where you're at. The world knows their own. God knows His, too.

48 So here she comes along with this baby, walking along. I can see people come by, say, "Wonder why they're staying away from that little old girl. Oh, my! Look at her with that swaddling cloth. My, that must be a poor kid. Well, we're refined, so we go to a better church, and we don't have to fool with nothing like that."
Here sat an old man back there. Oh, he had a little spot of deaf in him, back here. I can hear him sitting there reading the Scriptures. All at once the Holy Ghost... Now, look. If God gave Simeon ... the Holy Ghost give Simeon this promise that he wasn't going to die until he seen this Christ of God, the Holy Ghost is under obligation to see that he sees the Christ, then. That's right. He made him the promise, He's obligated. (I hope you're getting between the lines here. I'm watching it.)
The Holy Spirit's obligated to the Word. God's obligated to His Word. He certainly is. I'm obligated to my word, and you're obligated to your word. And if your word's no good, then you're no good. If God's Word is no good, then I can't worship God. Because I wouldn't believe there was any, if He wouldn't back up His word. That's true.

49 So then, I see her moving along. Here's Simeon, sitting there reading. And all at once, the Christ in the temple. The Holy Ghost had give him the promise. The Holy Ghost knowed all about that. So, you see, Simeon sitting there reading. So He said, "Simeon, stand up on your feet."
Simeon said, "Yes, Lord." He laid it down. "That was the voice of the Holy Ghost," I can hear Simeon say.
"Stand up. Start walking."
"Where, Lord?"
"Just walk. I'll take care of the rest of it."

50 "How am I going to walk after I get out of this stretcher?" I don't know. He'll take care of the rest of it. You just start walking, see, when you get out.
"How am I going to get up out of the wheelchair?" I don't know, but you just keep walking. He'll take care of the rest of it.
"How am I going to get over the cancer, heart trouble?" I don't know. Just take His Word and keep walking. He'll take care of the rest of it. See here. He's obligated to His Word. That's right.
"How am I going to tell my mother, if I get the Holy Ghost? My daddy? They belong to a different church." Just get it. He'll take care of the rest of it, see. You don't have to worry about that. He will take care of it.
"How will I face my school friends, my playmates?" Don't worry. Just keep going. He'll take care of that, see.

51 Simeon raises up. Here he starts, not knowing where he's going, just walking. But the Holy Ghost is directing his steps. Don't you believe men are led by the Spirit of God? They that are sons of God are. Is that right? Here he comes, not knowing where he's going. But he's led by the Spirit of God. He moves over to this line of circumcision coming down, these mothers. Here he starts walking down, not knowing where he's going. The Holy Ghost is leading him. And the Holy Ghost brought him right straight before this little despised mother, standing there with this baby with swaddling cloths.
I can hear the Holy Ghost say, "This is it."
He reached over and got the baby in his arms, took it out of Mary's arms, tears rolling down his white beard. Said, "Lord, let Thy servant depart in peace, according to Thy Word, for my eyes have seen Thy salvation."
That's right. The world spurning it, and that man loves it. The same thing today. The world spurns the baptism of the Spirit and the works of the Holy Ghost, but there's hungry hearts that's coming to it, moving to it.

Luke 2:29 Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace, according to thy word:

Luke 2:30 For mine eyes have seen thy salvation,

52 Now, look. The same Holy Spirit... There's no two Holy Spirits; there's only one. And the same Holy Spirit that give Simeon that promise is the same Holy Spirit that drawed you out here tonight. Is that right? He made you come, sister, you sister, and you, you, you, you, every one of you. He brought you here. The devil would never bring you around a place like this. I guarantee you that. The Holy Ghost brought you here. If you believe in divine healing, then the Holy Spirit's brought you where the fountain's open, just like He did Simeon. You embraced God's promise like Simeon did.
And at the same time, in the temple, was an old woman by the name of Ann. And she was blind, we are taught. And she was waiting for the consolation of Israel. At the same time, the Holy Spirit struck her. Here come an old blind prophetess, walking among the people, not knowing where she was going. Maybe blind here, but she was led by the Holy Spirit. Moved up to the side of the child and lifted up her hands and blessed God, and all those that waited the consolation of Israel.

53 If the Holy Spirit could lead that blind woman to the promise of God, how much more would He lead you and I to His promise?
She was expecting, and waiting for the consolation of Israel, that was the Christ. She was expecting to see Him. Simeon was expecting to see Him. And I'm expecting to see Him tonight. I'm expecting to see Him. I'm expecting to watch His power. I'm expecting to see something done, because He promised me that He would do it. That's right. Whatsoever you expect, that's what you will receive. Shall we pray?

54 Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus, Thy beloved Child, as Simeon of old embraced Him in his arms, may we with the strong arms of faith tonight reach out and embrace Him, bring Him nigh unto us who are needy. May He come to Your people tonight. Save the lost, bring back the wandering sheep gone astray: straying around over the country, no church home, no place to go, like wandering stars; know that they ought to be at their Father's house feasting and dining on the good things of God. Bring them back tonight, Lord.
That poor sinner who's never eaten at the table of God, the good things of the Spirit. May he realize tonight, and leave that garbage can from whence he has eaten, and turn to the table set with blessed, holy things. Grant it, Lord.
May the poor, sick, and crippled, and afflicted people, by arms of faith reach out tonight, and embrace Jesus Christ as their Healer.
And now, Father, when He was here on earth, You sent Him. You told Him that He was to do Your will; "I come in the volume of the book to do Thy will, O God." And now, He returned back to You after making the sacrifice of His own self, that He could bring many sons unto God.
And now tonight, Lord, I, as Your servant, along with these other servants, are here to do Thy will, O God; as it is written, by Him which said, "The things that I do shall you also." Grant it tonight. And may that same power that led Simeon, and Ann, John the Baptist, many of the others, and all the other righteous, may He come and lead us into deeper depths and higher heights of Thy love and power, for we ask it in His name. Amen.

John 4:34 Jesus saith unto them, My meat is to do the will of him that sent me, and to finish his work.

John 6:38 For I came down from heaven, not to do mine own will, but the will of him that sent me.

John 14:12 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.

55 Sorry to take so much of your time, but I just feel... Oh, what a fine audience of faith!
Now, if you were come tonight and you wanted to see Jesus---if you wanted to see Jesus---what type of person would you look for? A real fine scholar? No. Ask somebody who knows what the original writing of the Bible was in: just plain, not even good grammar, just like you use out on the streets, common people, see. That's the type of person you'd find.
Where would you find Him at? The great high classics? Oh, no. Down on the river, among the poor, the outcast, whoever would receive Him. Those classic spirits, religious as they can be, great fine synagogues. Remember, scholars... Well, who could beat them priests for holiness? If they did one thing wrong, they was stoned. They had to be holy, without blemish. That right? Scholars of the Word, but, yet, failed to see God. That's the way it is today.

56 Now, as God took ... takes His man but never His Spirit. The same Spirit was upon Elijah come on Elisha, then on John the Baptist, and predicted again in the last day. Is that right? God taken His man, but... He took His Son, but the Spirit come back, see. The devil takes his man but never the spirit. It comes right back, very religious. Didn't Paul say, "In the last days they'd be heady, highminded, lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God; having a form of godliness and denying the power thereof: from such turn away?"
Now, we're all here. That's right. God's people is here; Satan's here. The antichrist is not a communist. Communist is not the antichrist spirit. The Bible said in Saint Matthew the 24th chapter, that, "the antichrist would be so close to the real thing, that it would deceive the very elect, if possible." That's right. It's religious. It's all in Revelations 17: sitting upon a scarlet covered beast, and how that she had daughters that went out from her. You're not blind, see. All right.
Someday I hope just to cross the country teaching the Gospel, just to the best that I know how. But now it's prayer for the sick.

Matthew 24:24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.

Mark 13:22 For false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall shew signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect.

2 Timothy 3:4 Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;

2 Timothy 3:5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.

Revelation 17:3 So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns.

57 When we see Jesus standing there, what kind of man was He then? He was a man of sorrow, acquainted with grief. Yet, He had a personality... He could tell them when it was necessary to be told. He got some sticks one day ... or, some ropes and beat the whole bunch of them out of the temple. So if it come necessary, He could do it. Then if He'd look at you and your heart would melt, see.
And now, how did people receive it? Those who approached Him, (now watch) those who approached Him as a loving, kind Saviour, they felt virtue. They were told of what was wrong with them, what for them to do.

Isaiah 53:3 He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not.

Matthew 21:12 And Jesus went into the temple of God, and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers, and the seats of them that sold doves,

Mark 11:15 And they come to Jerusalem: and Jesus went into the temple, and began to cast out them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers, and the seats of them that sold doves;

58 But they wrapped a rag around His face one day, and hit Him on the head with a stick and said, "Now, You're a seer; you're a prophesier. You know what people's doing and everything. You tell them out there what they're thinking about and what they're doing." Now, they hit Him on the head, and said, "Now tell us who hit You?" He never opened His mouth and said a word, see.
You've heard these people say, "Let me see this divine healer go heal this person, we'll believe it." Just remember that fellow's possessed of the devil, see.
The very first thing that Satan did when he met Eve was that thing. The first thing he did when he met Jesus, he said, "If you're the Son of God... Now, you have power. If you're the Son of God, perform me a miracle here that I can see you do it. Make this bread in ... this stones into bread. Let me see you do it now, and I'll believe you," see.

Isaiah 53:7 He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth: he is brought as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so he openeth not his mouth.

Matthew 4:3 And when the tempter came to him, he said, If thou be the Son of God, command that these stones be made bread.

Matthew 26:67 Then did they spit in his face, and buffeted him; and others smote him with the palms of their hands,

Matthew 26:68 Saying, Prophesy unto us, thou Christ, Who is he that smote thee?

Luke 4:3 And the devil said unto him, If thou be the Son of God, command this stone that it be made bread.

Luke 22:64 And when they had blindfolded him, they struck him on the face, and asked him, saying, Prophesy, who is it that smote thee?

59 Took Him upon the pinnacle of the temple, said, "Now, dash your foot down, or jump off of here, right there. It's written in the Scriptures. God give you Scripture for it."
Jesus said, "Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God. Get away from me, Satan." Is that right? He never clowned for Satan. He only did the Father's will.
Now, look. He didn't claim to be a healer, did He? He said, "I can do nothing in myself." When He passed all them crippled people and so forth, never healed a one of them. He healed a man had a disease, something like prostate or something like that, he had it for a long time. He said, "Will thou be made whole." Never healed any of the crippled. And the Jews questioned Him. He said, "Verily, verily, I say unto you. The Son can do nothing in Himself, but what He sees the Father doing." Is that right? "The Father shows Me what to do and I go do it."
Now, if He's the same yesterday, today and forever, died and rose from the dead, He said, "The things that I do, shall you do also." Is that right? That's a promise.

Matthew 4:6 And saith unto him, If thou be the Son of God, cast thyself down: for it is written, He shall give his angels charge concerning thee: and in their hands they shall bear thee up, lest at any time thou dash thy foot against a stone.

Matthew 4:7 Jesus said unto him, It is written again, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God.

Luke 4:9 And he brought him to Jerusalem, and set him on a pinnacle of the temple, and said unto him, If thou be the Son of God, cast thyself down from hence:

Luke 4:10 For it is written, He shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee:

Luke 4:11 And in their hands they shall bear thee up, lest at any time thou dash thy foot against a stone.

Luke 4:12 And Jesus answering said unto him, It is said, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God.

John 5:6 When Jesus saw him lie, and knew that he had been now a long time in that case, he saith unto him, Wilt thou be made whole?

John 5:19 Then answered Jesus and said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do: for what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise.

John 14:12 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.

60 Of course, you know I'm doing something. Certainly. I'm bringing myself down from the anointing of preaching down into this, see, for the healing, see. Getting back to ... settle the audience. Be reverent.
Now, He didn't claim to be a healer, but He saw visions of what the... Jesus said, "I do nothing." That means He didn't do one thing without God first showing Him. Now if you want to read that, you turn to Saint John 5:19 and see if that's right, see. "Verily, verily, I say unto you, the Son can do nothing in Himself but what He sees the Father doing, (see) that doeth the Son likewise." He never taken credit; He give it to God, see. No human flesh can glory in the sight of God. So He said that He done what the Father showed Him. He knowed where a fish was, had a coin in his mouth.
Paul standing, preaching one time, seen a man that was crippled, or something wrong with him, laying in a stretcher, or cot, or something another, said, "I perceive that you have faith to be healed. Stand up on your feet. Jesus Christ makes you whole." And he jumped up. That's the Gospel.

John 5:19 Then answered Jesus and said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do: for what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise.

Acts 14:9 The same heard Paul speak: who stedfastly beholding him, and perceiving that he had faith to be healed,

61 Now, if Jesus will return here tonight, and do the things that He did when he was here on earth, do the same manifestations... He called the woman at the well and said, "Bring me a drink."
She said, "The pump ... the well's deep and you have..."
He talked to her a little bit and He said... went right straight to her trouble, said, "Go get your husband."
She said, "I don't have any husband."
Said, "That's right. You've got five."
Why, she run into the city and said, "Come, see a man who told me everything I ever done." Why, He didn't do that. He only told her one thing. But if God could show Him one thing, He can show Him all things. So she said, "Isn't this the Christ?"

John 4:7 There cometh a woman of Samaria to draw water: Jesus saith unto her, Give me to drink.

John 4:11 The woman saith unto him, Sir, thou hast nothing to draw with, and the well is deep: from whence then hast thou that living water?

John 4:16 Jesus saith unto her, Go, call thy husband, and come hither.

John 4:17 The woman answered and said, I have no husband. Jesus said unto her, Thou hast well said, I have no husband:

John 4:18 For thou hast had five husbands; and he whom thou now hast is not thy husband: in that saidst thou truly.

John 4:28 The woman then left her waterpot, and went her way into the city, and saith to the men,

John 4:29 Come, see a man, which told me all things that ever I did: is not this the Christ?

62 Philip come to Him, got saved, went out and found Nathanael. Said to Nathanael, "Come, see who I found; Jesus of Nazareth, the Son of Joseph."
He said, "Could anything good come out of Nazareth?"
Said, "You come, see."
So when He, standing in the prayer line praying for the sick perhaps ... what He done sixty percent of His time, or better, was praying for the sick. Yeah, about eighty percent. Praying for the sick.
And perhaps Philip come up to Him in the line ... or, Nathanael. Jesus looked and Him and said, "Behold an Israelite in whom there is no guile."
"Why," he said, "when did you ... how do you know?" (In otherwise, "There's a Christian man that's honest.") Said, "How did you know I was a Christian man and honest?"
He said, "Before Philip called you, when you was under the tree, that's when I saw you."
Philip said ... or, Nathanael said, "Thou art the Christ, the Son of God, the King of Israel."
You know what the 1944 version of that would've been? "Mental telepathy, a devil, fortuneteller," something like that, see. "Blind lead the blind, don't they all fall in the ditch?" That's right. Let us not be like them tonight. Let us be open hearted and receive our lovely Lord Jesus into our hearts.

Matthew 15:14 Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.

Luke 6:39 And he spake a parable unto them, Can the blind lead the blind? shall they not both fall into the ditch?

John 1:45 Philip findeth Nathanael, and saith unto him, We have found him, of whom Moses in the law, and the prophets, did write, Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph.

John 1:46 And Nathanael said unto him, Can there any good thing come out of Nazareth? Philip saith unto him, Come and see.

John 1:47 Jesus saw Nathanael coming to him, and saith of him, Behold an Israelite indeed, in whom is no guile!

John 1:48 Nathanael saith unto him, Whence knowest thou me? Jesus answered and said unto him, Before that Philip called thee, when thou wast under the fig tree, I saw thee.

John 1:49 Nathanael answered and saith unto him, Rabbi, thou art the Son of God; thou art the King of Israel.

63 [Gap in the audio] ... ' course I wouldn't know if you just went through what we used to have, the old fast line, the way people just go through so fast, and just run them as hard as they could. And I'm glad that you mentioned that, something, so I can get a starting place to get to talk to you.
Now, as far as in life, we're both strangers to each other. Never knew one another. But God knows both of us, doesn't He?
Now, what if our Lord Jesus Christ, our Saviour, was standing here tonight, wearing this suit that He gave me, and He was standing here, looking to you... Now, He'd know what your trouble was. Is that right? But now about healing, what do you think He would say? Why, He'd say, "Child, don't you believe that I healed you when I died for you nineteen hundred years ago? Could you accept that?" You'd say, "Yes, I can, Lord." Well, if you could accept it, then just as you believe, so will it be. Is that right?

64 But now, being the King of prophets, God Emmanuel, He would know what was wrong with you, and what was your trouble, and so forth. Is that right? But, otherwise, He could do nothing for you. Is that right? Well then, if He's risen from the dead and could... If He could come into my body, and take my voice, could He say the same thing that He would say if He was standing here in flesh? Did He promise to do it? He did. That's right. Makes Him the same yesterday, today and forever. And then we, the believers, could see Him. He'd be with us, in us, to the end of the world. That's through every age, on down to the end of the world. Is that right? That makes Him the same yesterday, today and forever. Is that true?
Now, you're conscious that something's going on, aren't you? See, now right between you and I now, stands that light.

Matthew 28:20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.

Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

65 Now, to heal you, I couldn't. To hide your life, you couldn't, see. Because it's all in the hands of God now, see. That's right. Oh, solemn, much sorrow, and much danger. One thing, you're extremely nervous. You've got enough to be nervous about. It's just turning black all around where you're at. Oh, it's... You got ... it's heart trouble. And that's...
Why, you've been give up by the doctor to die. That's been about a month ago or more. And he said that there was ... you had two holes, or leaks, or something like that. Some funny name he called it. I heard him just saying when he said it. But there's some funny name, about... But what it is, it amounts up to, two holes in your heart; I see the blood dripping through. Are those things the truth?
Is the same Jesus who knew Philip was under the tree, could see you under the condition of what it...? Is that right? Is He standing here? Is He your Saviour? Is He your Healer? Come here.

66 Now, I realize I'm just a man, sister. But now while that is on here... I'm you're brother and God's servant, see. Now, the power of healing, true, is here, see. But I can only do with it, if He will let me. I'm going to pronounce a blessing that you live and not die. And I'm... Will you give God praise?
Our Lord Jesus, I lay my hand upon this woman, and I ask for her life to be spared. And for this which the doctors could not do, may the power of Almighty God do, in Jesus Christ's name. I bless thee, my sister, for your healing in the name of Jesus, the Son of God. Amen.
Now, you write me your testimony. God bless you.

67 The Lord be blessed. Now, before the anointing gets me till where I don't know where I'm at, how many believes that Jesus Christ is here now? That's the same Jesus. Now, that's His power. That's His wonder that we said He would do.
Now, be reverent, everywhere. Be expecting God to do for you what He did for her. Just believe it, is all you have to do.
Now, keep praying out there. Just believe it and see if the Holy Spirit can't come out through the audience there, and heal you where you're at, up in the bleachers, or wherever you are. Just believe is all I ask you to do.

68 Come, lady. How do you do? 'Course you're conscious that something's near. But we are strangers to one another. I don't know you. Never seen you in my life, as I know of. I suppose you never knew me before. No. Then we've never seen each other before. The first time in life we've ever come face to face with one another. But Lord knows you, and He knows me.
You are a Christian believer, 'cause your spirit just feels so welcome. And I know that this is the Holy Spirit here. And I know it welcomes you.
Now, if Jesus our Saviour, being the Saviour of both of us, and God the Father of both of us, then we become God's children. Then we're here to help one another. And if God has sent me to help you, then I must do what God tells me to do. Then I'm asking you to believe on Him, and to believe that He sent me with a divine gift, just to make faith for you.

69 Now, if we've never seen each other before, why, there'd have to be some way that ... if He would tell me anything about you. If I'd, probably when it strikes me, keep talking to you, it would just keep on talking. But it's just something... For instance, if you're sick, or if there's something wrong with you otherwise, if you've done something wrong, if He'd just speak that out and tell you about it, you'd be willing to accept it, wouldn't you?
I can tell you, before anything happens, that you really are a believer. Your trouble: You're real nervous. And that's due to the time of life that you're living in, coming into menopause. That's a lady's age. But... Excuse me. Something happened. You've had an accident. I seen a stick or something hit you in the head, wasn't it? Is that right? And it's caused you to have hemorrhages inside the head. Is that true? Come here.
Oh, Jesus, Son of God, I bless this, my sister, for her healing. And now, enemy, leave her. I rebuke this tumor. In the name of Jesus Christ may it go out from her and she be made well for Thy glory. I bless thee, my sister, for the healing of your body. God bless you now. Go rejoicing.

70 Have faith. Don't doubt. Just keep faith, keep believing. Now, let's be reverent, and just believe with all of our heart now. Now, be just as reverent now.
How do you do, lady? I say, how do you do? We are strangers, I suppose, to each other. [The lady speaks to Brother Branham] Yes, ma'am. You was in my service where? ["At Evansville."] Excuse me. I'm not hard of hearing, but it's just... You can understand. About five or six years ago. Oh, yes. He come from, I believe, from St. Louis, over there one night. Yes. Yes, Von Huesen, that's it; that was Brother Von Huesen. They had the same place, I believe, I was in the other day, over there, here a few weeks ago or ... I see.

71 Well, then, you and I are strangers to each other, not knowing one another. But do you believe that Jesus Christ has risen from the dead? And do you believe that He can ... by sovereign grace and election, that He sends people here on earth, and sets them aside to preach the Gospel and to do different works for Him? You believe that, don't you? Then if we've never met in life, and if God would say something that was wrong with you, you know I have no way of knowing it. Well, it'd have to come from some supernatural resource. Is that right? Well then, would you accept that as God? See, you'd have to. Thank you.
See, it's just... I'm trying to feel the approach. You see what I mean. 'Cause it's the way you regard it. Not me. But you have to respect what I'm talking about or it just won't be, see. It's just your approach to God. That people ... that woman touched His garment one time and she got healed. But another one hit Him on the head and everything else, they couldn't feel no virtue. It's the way they approached Him.

72 Yes. Now, the lady is just breaking up in front of me, but there's something... I see she has a ... it's gall bladder trouble. It's in her ... it's in her right side. And she has... There's something wrong with the throat. Is that right? And then, also, I see you when you're standing with clothes ... you got a growth, and that growth is on the right shoulder. Is that right? Is that...? Was that truth?
Now, what spoke to you wasn't me. It was my voice, but I wasn't operating it, 'cause I wouldn't know what to say. No. But it was some other voice ... it was my voice but something speaking my voice. Is that right? Do you believe it was God? Then come here.
Kind Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus, Thy beloved Child, I ask for the healing of my sister. And I bless her now, and condemn the enemy, and make her well. In the name of Jesus the Son of God. Amen.
I bless thee, my sister, in Jesus' name for your healing. Amen. God bless you, my sister. Go, being happy, rejoicing. Don't doubt. The Bible said, "Go ye and sin no more (that's unbelief), or worse will come upon you."

John 5:14 Afterward Jesus findeth him in the temple, and said unto him, Behold, thou art made whole: sin no more, lest a worse thing come unto thee.

73 Now, be real reverent. Just keep praying, [unclear word]. It has stood over you twice tonight, see. Now, have faith. I know your trouble, but I can't say just what. It was over the other lady, too, but I want to see you healed, see. Then I can tell you it's "Thus saith the Lord."
Now, be reverent everywhere, please. See, each person's a spirit. As you move, it... Just believe me. Just be quiet, you know, just be just reverent as you can be.
All right. Let the patient come.

74 Faith is moving everywhere. Now, be real reverent. All right. How do you do, sir? You are a believer. You're already anointed. But we're strangers to each other, perfectly strangers, yes, sir. I don't know nothing about you. As far as I know, I've never seen you in my life. But only God knows you; I don't. Does anybody here know the man? Anybody in the building know the man, know him?
All right. Then if we be strangers to each other, my brother, and we know not each other, and God knows us both. May He help us. May He help me as His servant, to help you, his servant. 'Cause we both want to live; we want to serve God. We want to do all we can for the kingdom of God. Yes, sir.
Now, the man leaves me. You've been healed, and that was ... but you wasn't at a platform. You were sitting in an audience. And your wife was being healed at the platform. And it was somewhere ... it was Brother Bosworth standing to my right hand side, smiling. That was Brother Dilbert. It was at Evansville, Indiana. That was the truth. Was that true?
Here, it's moving again; just a moment now. You... Oh, it was ulcers you had. And you're standing now for an elderly man; that's your father, and he isn't here, and he's got kidney trouble. Go home, lay your hands on him and believe in the name of Jesus Christ the Son of God.

75 How do you do? Now, everybody, just reverent. I'm not beside myself. I just have to get my bearings, see. Visions are something ... you're in another world. And now, I can't hardly see out over the audience, and I've got good sight. But just looks like... I know I can hear people. I can hear people. And it just seems like it's like a yellow haze hanging here. You'll never know till we meet the judgment.

76 This is the patient, isn't it? This is the patient? Come here. I suppose we're strangers, lady; we don't know each other. Perfect strangers. But God alone knows. And I know that God can reveal and can make me know what your trouble... I can't heal you, only just by obeying Him, laying hands... Jesus said, "In my name they shall cast out; if they lay their hands on the sick..." Is that right?
I see a long, white table. There's somebody ... there's doctors, there's something about the back; it's a ... it's a ... you're... Oh, it's kidney stones in the back, and they're wanting to operate immediately. Is that right? Well, Christ can operate right now. If you will believe, and He will take it from you now. Come here just a moment.
Kind Heavenly Father, [unclear words] ... the woman be healed. May these stones leave [unclear word]; you can go home and be well [unclear words] in Jesus' name. Amen.
Praise be to the Living God. Have faith. Don't doubt.

Mark 16:17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;

Mark 16:18 They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.

77 Come, lady.
You want to get over that sinus? Lady sitting back there? You believe that Christ can make you well? With all your heart? If you want to accept your healing, stand up on your feet. Say, "I accept it." God bless you. Go on home made well.
There He is. Praise be to the Living God. You want to get over that prostate trouble, sitting down the end of the row, sir? You believe that Jesus Christ will make you well? Can you hear me? You was standing there praying, wasn't you? Stand up on your feet. Jesus Christ heals you of the prostate trouble. Go home and be well.
There was two men standing there; one with a gray suit on, one brown. A man sitting in here, somewhere like that; same thing; you're healed. Go home. Christ makes you well.

78 You believe, sister? With all your heart? You believe me to be His servant? It's not for me to do anything, sister. He told me if you get the people to believe you.
I said, "They won't believe me."
He said, "Take hold of their hand and tell them what is wrong.
I said, "Well, then, they..."
He said, "There'd be two signs given you, like was given to Moses to perform a miracle, two miracles." And He said, "By this they'll believe."
And I said... He said, "You'll know what's wrong with them. You'll know the very secrets of their heart."
I said, "How will this come?"
Said, "Knoweth thou not the Scripture? Didn't Jesus of Nazareth promise this?"
Do you believe that? That's the reason I asked if you believe me. Not believe me as Him, but believe that He sent me to help you. You do? Then go, eat your supper. Your stomach trouble left you then.

79 You believe with all your heart? Have faith in God. Know sugar diabetes can be made well? You do? You accept your healing? Go home in Jesus Christ's name and be made well.
How do you do, sister? You believe God healed you of that female trouble? You do? All right. God bless you. Go and believe.

80 All right. Come, lady. Be reverent. Our Lord is here. Now, two demons are screaming to one another. Be reverent. Coming from this direction. Something wrong with your back, isn't there? Is that right? You had, too, didn't you? Stand up on your feet, lady. You're both healed, now; you can go home and be well. Jesus Christ makes you both well. Say, "Thanks be to God."
All right. You want to get over the heart trouble? You accept your healing from Jesus Christ? God bless you, my sister, and may you be healed in Jesus Christ's name. Amen. God bless you.

81 Come on, lady. Do you believe with all your heart? Are you a believer? You believe me to be His prophet ... His servant? Got the wickedest thing there is to fight. About eighty percent of this audience is suffering with the same thing. It's just coming from all out there. Let me show you. Turn your face this way. How many out there is suffering with nervousness? Raise your hand, see. You have real funny feelings, fearing, worry, upset, think you're going to lose your mind. Satan told you you was, but he lied. You're healed now. Go home and be made well in the name of Jesus Christ.
Since I've [unclear words] you go home now, and do whatever you want to. God bless you. Healed, go home shouting praising God.

82 Come, lady. Do you believe? I want to talk to you just a minute. [Brother Branham speaks quietly to the lady.] Is that the truth? I just... Now, the audience ... nothing wrong with the lady, in the way of immorals and things; she's a nice lady. But it's just something I couldn't say before an audience. And only God alone knows the woman. Is that right, lady? Is that the truth? Just God alone was in there with you, is that right? When it happened. Is that right? Now you're going to get well. God bless you. Let me just lay hands on you, just a moment. In Jesus Christ's name I rebuke the evil one, leave her. Amen. God bless you.
Had a funny feeling a while ago when I talked about that lady here with that back trouble, didn't you, sir? Uh-huh. Sitting with your shirt open there, sitting there. Is that right? Sitting, right there. Yeah. You were healed, too, of the same thing. You had back trouble. You were healed. I couldn't tell you, 'cause I couldn't get to you just then.
What do you think, sitting there, lady, praying? Want to get rid of that arthritis? Sitting right down below in here. You want to get rid of the arthritis? You do? Yes. Uh-huh...

Expectation (1954-12-06) (William M. Branham Sermons)

Expectation (1954-12-06) (William M. Branham Sermons) somebody


1 Good evening, friends. It's certainly a privilege to be here tonight in this meeting again. Coming in the love of the Lord Jesus to minister to His dear people that's so much in need, and may His blessings rest upon each and every one of you.
A bad night on the outside. Or, it seems that way maybe, to me being a Southerner, but up here it may be all right. I was certainly happy tonight when some of the brethren here at the church come and got me; they've been so nice to me. I appreciate all your kindness.

2 I've got a little Chevrolet truck I've been coming back and forth in, and since I been here they'd come and get me in a big Oldsmobile. So I certainly feel like I've been honored to be in your meetings, to be here.
We've got, I think, this being our last night at the church, and tomorrow night we move over for our closing night at the hall, at the Andy Cotter, I believe, Johnson City Auditorium, or the brothers announced it. I don't know much about the place, and I couldn't find it, I guess, but we look it up tomorrow to know how to get to it.
Now, tonight we are gathered for one sole purpose, and that's to magnify Jesus Christ to the people. I don't know no other alternative that I would be here tonight.

3 I'm a married man, have a family, and I really love my home, what little I get to be in my home. They've moved me up to the new parsonage, at the church's parsonage seven years ago, when they built it. And I have never eaten one time in the parsonage without the shades, the Venetian blinds turned down in the kitchen. The people standing on the porch, in the yard, and around like that. I've got two children that's almost neurotics from just all hours of the night up going, when I'm at home. People coming, see there...
If it was just like from here at Binghamton, it wouldn't make much difference; but it's the whole world, you see. They gather in there. I just heard from my wife, and they're sitting in those hotels and motels there from all over the country everywhere. Wanted to know just what day, what time Friday morning, I'll arrive, you see.
And you can imagine what it'll be. And then through the holidays people coming out. And that... We put in the papers not to do it, but people are sick, and they... Could you imagine you could feel at ease, and a little baby laying out in the yard, maybe in a car crying? Some old poor sick mother there that maybe a little word of prayer would change the whole situation. The only way to do is just ... the brethren get me and just keep me away from home. That's the only thing. I have to get off somewhere to kind of get if off my mind. It's not good for you if you keep that up.
Jesus told His apostles, "We got to come apart into the desert." And when you're out there and you got to do something just to keep it off your mind, you'd be thinking about it anyhow. And the prayer of the people has such an effect. Do you believe that? Certainly. Oh!

Mark 6:31 And he said unto them, Come ye yourselves apart into a desert place, and rest a while: for there were many coming and going, and they had no leisure so much as to eat.

4 When I return, the Lord willing, I'll be able to tell you experiences of things of that type, that I have had experience with. For instance, while it's just on my mind, before I turn to my lesson, tonight, being that we just got a couple nights together. We're not in no big hurry, are we?
I was here just recently, old Brother Bosworth... How many knows F. F. Bosworth? My, nearly everybody knows him. And since Mr. Baxter has resigned, he went into some business that he couldn't take care of these campaigns, why Mr. Bosworth is the floor manager in the meetings now, in the big meetings. A very dear brother, oh, sweet humble. You just love him. You just can't keep from loving Brother Bosworth. Such a saintly, godly, old brother. And he was in Africa, and he was supposed to be on the East Coast, and then we was to go to the West Coast together; that's after we had been there once, where we had the great meetings.

5 And one night, the room had been so crowded all day long, I was just so weary I could... I told my wife, I said, "If anybody else calls," it was on Saturday night, I said, "tell them just go to the church in the morning, and I will pray for them down there, because I'm just getting so tired, honey," I said, "I just can't hold myself together." And getting so nervous, I was just getting upset.
Well, she's thirty-five and completely gray headed. You can imagine: she stands between me and the public there. So you can imagine what it is, and just went gray in the last year or two. But... And she got the people away. When they cleaned up the room, after everyone was gone, we jumped in the car, real quick, and taken a little ride. We went down below New Albany's knobs, not mountains, just kind of little mountains, what we call "knobs" there. And it's kind of rough along this side, and I was driving along there. All at once my windshield just become completely white. And next thing I knew, she was saying, "Billy, what's the matter with you?"
And we had drove about a mile around those cliffs. And I knew nothing about it. It had been a vision. And I stopped the car real quick. We was way up in the wooded country. I said, "Sweetheart, I got to get out here at the road and pray for Brother Bosworth, just at once." I said, "I see him get off of a train at Durban, South Africa, and he was stricken. I seen them pick him up and put on stretchers, and he's in the hospital and very seriously. And I must pray for him at once."

6 Well, we stopped the car; I got outside, went over to the edge of the woods and knelt down, prayed to God to help brother. And then that was Saturday night, and the following Sunday night, I hadn't left the house yet, and some friends was in the house.
And we have four phones to answer on, you can just about imagine what it is, the calls. And that phone only takes long distance. And they said the Louisville operator of the Western Union was calling. And she said... I went to the phone, and she said, "Reverend Branham, I have a telegram from Durban, South Africa, from Mister, Reverend Doctor Lydare." And said, "Pray for Brother Bosworth at once. Was stricken after stepping off a train yesterday. In the hospital expecting him to die at any moment." Like that.

7 I said, "Operator, could you trace that back and tell me when that left Durban?"
She said, "Yes, sir." She called me in a few moments, and told me what time it left Durban. I've got off of my travels so many times, the Pan American gives a little chart, and it gives the hours, and so forth. And what had happened, that Angel of God had beat that telegram there, twenty-four hours, just exactly. And the time I got a call through the next day, Brother Bosworth done been healed, was up and going, you see. So, he was healed before the telegram could get there. The sovereignty of God: the Angel of the Lord beat the telegram here, twenty-four hours, see.

8 Oh, it's past knowing. He's just... We just love Him, that's all. I just ... with all my heart.
Now, as a man, my words are so limited, like any other man, but His Word is so real and cannot fail, I always like to read some of His words before I say anything about the night service.

9 Now, in the second chapter of Saint Luke, and beginning with the 25th verse, we read these verses out of God's Word. And then we'll ask Him to add His blessing to it, and then we'll talk a little while, and then our prayer line.
Now, second chapter, 25th verse, I'll start reading.
And, behold, there was a man in Jerusalem, whose name was Simeon; and the same man was just and devout, waiting for the consolation of Israel: and the Holy Ghost was upon him.
And it was revealed unto him by the Holy Ghost, that he should not see death, before he had seen the Lord's Christ.
And he came by the Spirit into the temple: and then the child was ... when they brought ... the child Jesus, to do for him after the custom of the law,
Then took he him up in his arms, and blessed God and said,
Lord, now lettest ... thy servant depart in peace, according to thy word:
For my eyes have seen thy salvation,
A wonderful text, for this time, yuletides of the year, of Christmas, the Lord Jesus Christ's birth. Shall we speak to Him just a moment, while we bow our heads.

Luke 2:25 And, behold, there was a man in Jerusalem, whose name was Simeon; and the same man was just and devout, waiting for the consolation of Israel: and the Holy Ghost was upon him.

Luke 2:26 And it was revealed unto him by the Holy Ghost, that he should not see death, before he had seen the Lord's Christ.

Luke 2:27 And he came by the Spirit into the temple: and when the parents brought in the child Jesus, to do for him after the custom of the law,

Luke 2:28 Then took he him up in his arms, and blessed God, and said,

Luke 2:29 Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace, according to thy word:

Luke 2:30 For mine eyes have seen thy salvation,

10 Our loving Father, we thank Thee tonight for Thy love, that sent the Son of God from glory to earth, to become sin. And tonight with our throne blessings in our heart, by His grace, to know that we were sinners, and He came and took our place, and died as a sinner. Died in my place, He died my death at Calvary. He died all of our deaths at Calvary. And the sin ... me as a sinner, He represented me in His death at Calvary. He represented every believer tonight in His death at Calvary.
And God, reconciling us, and His love to us, raised Him up again for our justification. And therefore, being raised up with Him, we're seated tonight in heavenly places in Christ Jesus with every blessing that God promised, is our redemptive blessings in Him. We thank Thee for this. And You, by faith, Father, foreseeing it, knowing what would take place, has blessed us together, with Christ. Every blessing that He died for is ours right now, for we're seated in Christ. We're resurrected with Christ. And now, we're seated in Him, as believers, in this heavenly place in Christ Jesus.

11 O Father, it shakes our hearts to know, the sense mind could not understand it. It's beyond any of our senses to comprehend what this means; that we, tonight, are now seated in Christ. Every blessing that He died for is ours right now; we have it. O God, help us to have faith tonight to use Your faith, that You said it was ours. And let us claim it tonight, Lord, every God-given privilege that we have. For You have bought us, called us by grace, washed us in the blood of Thy Son, the Lord Jesus, and has cleansed us up, filled us with the Holy Spirit, set us in Christ Jesus, here tonight to claim anything, any redemptive blessing.
And our enemy tonight is just a bluff. For Christ robbed him of everything he was, at Calvary, when He stripped of everything---power---that he ever had. For God was ... man was reconciled to God at that time through the blood of Jesus Christ when He fully paid the price and the full supreme offering was made; and God was pleased with it. And tonight, we're resurrected in Him.
Now, we thank Thee for this. Knowing this, that no matter what comes or goes, we're in Him. Those who He has justified, He has already glorified. And the Father in His own faith, believing that we will hold to our redemptive blessings, and the righteousness of the Lord Jesus Christ, foresees us yonder in eternity, glorified together with Him, with glorified bodies, free from sickness, free from death. And to live with Him as His dear beloved children, through all ceaseless ages and eons of time to come.
Bless us, Lord, tonight. May our hearts be moved as the Holy Spirit comes down the aisles of our being, and cleanses us from all doubt and unrighteousness. For we ask it in His name. Amen.

12 Now, someone has been asking why I do not pray for more than I do at night. I might explain that just a moment. See, friends, you don't realize what that does to me. How many knows that that vision takes more out of me than anything else that I know of. The prophet, Daniel, saw one vision and was troubled at his head for many days. Is that right? Look, did you all know that most all poets and prophets and inspired people were considered neurotics? You know: crazy? That's right.
Look. For the people here that probably are not Christians, how about the great folk-song writer, gave America some of its most lovely folk songs, was Stephen Foster. He wrote: The Old Folks at Home, Old Kentucky Home, Suwannee River (many of those), Old Black Joe---many of those great inspiring songs.

Daniel 7:15 I Daniel was grieved in my spirit in the midst of my body, and the visions of my head troubled me.

13 Here not long ago... Old Kentucky Home is just across the river from me. I was over there sitting at the little bench that he was supposed ... or, table; it was valued at a hundred thousand dollars many years ago, when the World's Fair was held at St. Louis. And he was ... here it came, that song. There was his picture, and with the seraphim, supposed to touch him, give him inspiration. I thought, Yes, Mr. Foster, you had it here in the head, not in the heart.
But, if you notice every time that he would write a song, that inspiration would leave him, he'd get on a drunk. And finally, now, just don't condemn the man too quick, see, till you understand. Not being what he should, he'd get on a drunk. He'd leave that inspiration. And finally, when he come out from under the inspiration one day, called his servant and took a razor and committed suicide. He didn't know where he was at.
"Well," you say, "yes..."
How many of you knows William Cowper? Many of you knows his famous song: "There is a fountain filled with blood drawn from Immanuel's veins; when sinners plunged beneath the flood, lose all their guilty stains."

14 I stood by his grave in London, England, not long ago, and I looked down there, and I thought, Yes, Mr. Cowper. I just read his history. You know, after he had inspiration, and wrote that song... When he was up there it was all right, but when he begin to come out of it, he tried to find the river to commit suicide; it was too foggy; the driver couldn't get him to it to commit suicide after writing that famous song: There is a fountain filled with blood drawn from Immanuel's veins; when sinners plunged beneath the flood.
You say, "That's poets." How about prophets? When Jonah received inspiration and went into a city with a million people in it, and was so wicked that they were very wicked. And he prophesied with such power, after God gave him the message to give the people, when he was anointed prophet, to go down there and foretell, "Within forty days would God destroy the city." And it went through with such power until they put sackcloth on their animals; repented in such a way.
And that man went up on the hill and asked God to take his own life, and they put little worm to cut the gourd tree down. Is that right? That was prophet.
And look at Elijah, who called fire out of the heavens and rain out of the heaven at the same day, when it hadn't rained for three years and six months; killed four hundred priests himself that very afternoon. And as soon as the inspiration left him, went running to the wilderness, and wandered out there, not knowing where he was at for forty days and nights, and God found him pulled back in a cave somewhere. And a small voice said ... asked him what he was doing back in that cave. Is that right? That's prophets, see. Inspired!

1 Kings 18:37 Hear me, O LORD, hear me, that this people may know that thou art the LORD God, and that thou hast turned their heart back again.

1 Kings 18:38 Then the fire of the LORD fell, and consumed the burnt sacrifice, and the wood, and the stones, and the dust, and licked up the water that was in the trench.

1 Kings 18:39 And when all the people saw it, they fell on their faces: and they said, The LORD, he is the God; the LORD, he is the God.

1 Kings 18:40 And Elijah said unto them, Take the prophets of Baal; let not one of them escape. And they took them: and Elijah brought them down to the brook Kishon, and slew them there.

1 Kings 19:3 And when he saw that, he arose, and went for his life, and came to Beersheba, which belongeth to Judah, and left his servant there.

1 Kings 19:13 And it was so, when Elijah heard it that he wrapped his face in his mantle, and went out, and stood in the entering in of the cave. And, behold, there came a voice unto him, and said, What doest thou here, Elijah?

Jonah 3:4 And Jonah began to enter into the city a day's journey, and he cried, and said, Yet forty days, and Nineveh shall be overthrown.

Jonah 3:5 So the people of Nineveh believed God, and proclaimed a fast, and put on sackcloth, from the greatest of them even to the least of them.

Jonah 4:3 Therefore now, O LORD, take, I beseech thee, my life from me; for it is better for me to die than to live.

Jonah 4:4 Then said the LORD, Doest thou well to be angry?

Jonah 4:5 So Jonah went out of the city, and sat on the east side of the city, and there made him a booth, and sat under it in the shadow, till he might see what would become of the city.

Jonah 4:6 And the LORD God prepared a gourd, and made it to come up over Jonah, that it might be a shadow over his head, to deliver him from his grief. So Jonah was exceeding glad of the gourd.

Jonah 4:7 But God prepared a worm when the morning rose the next day, and it smote the gourd that it withered.

15 Oh, Christians, most all Christianity in the way we see it today is so shallow; it's like bubble dancing. You speak of Spirit and know very little of it. That's right. You don't get down and deal with the actual facts of it, you see. That's the reason the theologians today just know it from a Word standpoint, and they approach it like that, with a sense knowledge, and know nothing about the indwelling Spirit, the power, see. They don't deal with Spirit. They just look at it and say, "Well, I believe it's this." You draw your own conceptions. That's the reason they make such fatal mistakes.

16 Sometimes in the meetings ... I say this: Someone said to me, "Brother Branham, why don't you...?" I got a little letter here not long ago, and it said good criticism. Said, "Brother Branham," said, "your meeting is head and shoulders above anything I've ever seen. But," said, "the thing of it is, that you're just so lazy, and won't pray for God's sick children. He had to raise up Oral Roberts to pray for His children." Said, "Oral will pray for about five hundred while you're praying for one."
I said, "That's true. But Brother Roberts is God's servant; and he's doing just what God told him to do, and I'm doing the same thing: just what God told me to do." That's right. Sure. Brother Roberts, if he's a true man of God, which I believe Brother Roberts is, a real man of God, and then Brother Allen, Brother... All these brothers are real Christian brothers. I believe every one of them. I believe every man that calls on Jesus Christ is my brother. And I'm right with them a hundred percent to back them up in anything. As long as it's in the Bible, and right, I'm right behind them. If they get out of the Bible, I still won't condemn them. I love them just the same. And go to them and try to see if we can't get the thing straightened up now.

17 Now, on these things... But many times in the meetings, I get what goes through the line. Brother Roberts and them, they just real strong. Their meetings are faith. It's just with real predominating faith. There's a little brother here, a business man, in this city, by the name of George Gardner. You talk about a faith, he's got it. But what he does, he's just a babe in Christ, and he's not had many up's and down's, and knocks. So he just reaches out there by faith and grab it and it's on God's Word, he says, "The Word said so, and that settles it." That's the way to do it, see.
Now, those things... That's the way Brother Roberts does. That's the way Brother Allen does. That's the way Brother Coe does. That's the way we all do, see. It's faith, faith, faith.
Well, now, sometimes the people in the meeting, they get a hold of some things that they can't... There's something... But if you've done something in your life, or never done something that you should have done, you could pray over you all you wanted to, and anoint you till you died, and it'll never leave you, see. That's true.

18 See, before... In the meeting it's slow. But you have to find the cause before you can find the cure. If you go to a doctor and tell him you're having persistent headaches, and he gives you an aspirin, sends you back home, he's not a doctor. He's trying to get rid of you; trying to get you out of the office. If he's a real doctor, he will take you and examine your blood, and your pressure and everything else, and hunt till he finds the cause, and then start working from there. That's a real doctor, see. But if he just bounces you off like that, that's not a doctor, see. He's not a good doctor anyhow, 'cause he should be ... his patients should be like his own family, that he'd try to hunt it down, see where it's at. A man's got the thing on his heart. Well, now, that's the same thing here, see.

19 Now, here not long ago, just give you a little case. (Am I taking up too much of the time on these testimonies?) A little case, there was a little woman...
A Methodist preacher down in New Albany, Indiana, which is a very dear friend of mine... I had the Baptist tabernacle in Jeffersonville, and we were brothers, if there ever was. And he'd always... If I got a hold of somebody that didn't believe in immersing and wanted to be sprinkled, I'd send him down. I said, "You go down to his church, Brother Len, because you'd make a better member down there, because I'd say he's a real man. And he's a man of God. But he believes in sprinkling, and I'm a Baptist." And so, I'd take him down. If he found somebody, I'd say, "Now, it's awful dry down there, you see."
So, if he'd find somebody that wanted to be immersed instead of being sprinkled, he'd say, "Go up and see Brother Billy." Said, "Now, he'll drown you. He's a Baptist."---but we just had friendship like that with each other.
Well, he was a good man. And he said, after I come in here about ... it's been about two years ago, a little over, he said, "Billy, all the way around the world you go, and then leave your poor brother sit down here." Said, "Why don't you come down and hold a meeting for me?"
And I said, "Well, brother, when I come home, I'm trying to rest my mind, and things from the prayer of the sick."
He said, "Well, Brother Branham," he said, "I won't ask you to pray for one person, if you just come down and preach for us one night."
Well, he had a radio program, and he announced it on the radio that morning, and that night, church about like this, and they were everywhere, and out on the streets.

20 And so when I made the altar call, we had the people up and down the streets with the speakers to accept Christ, and so forth. He'd taken me out... Come in that night, they held their hands down over the window and picked me up; and going out, he took me down a basement, said, "Wait till they get away, and I will put you in a room down here, and then you can get out."
And I said, "All right."
Going down the steps, he put his arm around me, said, "Billy, you forgive me for something?"
I said, "What'd you do, Brother Johnson?"

21 He said, "Well," he said, "nothing, but," said, "I've got a little lady here that's a Sunday school teacher." And said, "She's so awful bad condition, nervous." Said, "I'm... You don't have to see any vision," said, "just put your hands on her, offer prayer." Said, "She's been everywhere prayed for."
And I said, "Sure."
Said, "She's in a terrible shape." Said, "Ten years nearly she's been going to this psychiatrist, ten dollars a trip, in Louisville." Said, "She's having an awful time."
I said, "Certainly!" And I walked down at the bottom of the steps, and a very attractive little woman, about thirty, standing there.
She said, "How do you do, Brother Branham." Well, I was expecting to see somebody in a straight jacket, the way he was talking.
And... I said, "Are you the patient?"
She said, "Yes, sir, I am, Brother Branham."
I said, "What's the matter, sister?"
She said, "I don't know. That's what I'm wondering." She said, "I just ... I just feel like I'm walking on the earth, and it's going to burst anytime, and I can't leave home. Somebody's got to go with me. I'm afraid of the steps." Said, "I got three little children," and said, "I'm in an awful shape." Said, "Will you pray for me?"
And I said, "Yes, ma'am." I put my hands over on her, and I prayed, "Dear Heavenly, help this little woman; with all my heart I pray." And I went on out. Then they dropped me off in a little while, and I went home.

22 Two days after that I left for overseas. And while I was overseas, my wife said that poor little thing called about every two or three days; said, "Look. If Brother Branham ever has a meeting anywhere, or when he's home, if the Angel of the Lord ever comes near, Mrs. Branham, will you please let me be first one on the list?'"

23 And said, "Well," she said, "I'll do my best, sister." Said, "All I know to do."
And she'd say, "Oh, she said, 'I'm just getting worse and worse all the time.' And she said, 'I can't go to one of the meetings.' Said, 'I don't how they'd do; they'd have to strap me in a car, to get me out.' Said, 'I...'" That's a terrible fix to be... That's the worst thing there is. That's mentally.
So, I said, "Well..." My wife said, rather, said, "Well, when he comes back..." When I come home, she'd call about every day; said, "No," and said that... So she come up. And she wanted me to pray for her.
I said, "All right." And I was going out; they was taking me out then. And so I stopped there on the sidewalk and prayed for her. She went back. A couple days later, she called my wife, she said, "Oh, Sister Branham, it'll just have to take when the anointing is on him, where he can rebuke the enemy." Said, "I'm dying." Said, "I just can't stand it any longer. These ten years," said, "I just can't hold up any longer. I'm just going to pieces."

24 So, poor little thing in that fix; you just imagine how she felt. Well, and one morning, there about three o'clock in the morning, He came into the room. And then after daylight come, while there was some people outside, my wife come into my room. She said, "Billy, has something happened?"
I said, "Honey, He's been here ever since early this morning."
She said, "I thought, when I come through this room, that there was something strange." And she said, "There's some people out there."
I said, "Well, honey..."
She said, "Shall I cook you a little breakfast?"
I said, "No, maybe He wants to do something, honey." I said, "Don't cook my breakfast."
She said, "Billy, can I call that little woman in New Albany?"
I said, "What little woman, honey?"
And she said, "The little woman that's been calling me, and is so nervous, down there."
And I said, "Well, it doesn't matter to me."
And so she called her. And there was a man from the Louisville Baptist church, one of the ... Broadway Baptist church in Louisville, that was healed that morning with cancer on the spleen. And he's just fine, perfectly well now. He used to be a big league baseball player for the Louisville team. The doctors has give him up there in Louisville.

25 So then, she got the little lady up, and some people brought her. I said, "I want to see her by myself." And she went over into the little den room; I put her over there so she'd be sure to be by herself. I walked in. Her name in Shane. And she was rubbing her hands like this, sitting there. I walked in. A little mother.
And I said, "How do you do, lady?"
And she got up; she said, "How do you do?"
I said, "Just be seated." There was a little stool sitting there, and I just sat down. I said, "Now, sister...
She said, "Oh, Brother Branham, is the ... is the Angel of the Lord here?"
I said, "Yes, ma'am."
She said, "Oh, will you cast this evil spirit out of me?"
I said, "Now, just a minute, sister." I said, "You have to watch what you're casting out." I said, "People with those kind of things can get yourself in trouble with it."
Do you know that?

26 How many believes Moses was a prophet? Sure he was. God trusted him, didn't He? He said, "Go down there and speak to the rock." Is that right? Not "Smite it"; "Speak to it." And there where the whole God's program, the whole Bible, was broke at one time. Moses instead of speaking to the rock, went down there and got angry with the people and smote the rock, and smote it the second time.
Said, "You rebels, must we fetch water?" And he got the water; he was a prophet; he could bring it anyhow, whether it was God's will... That wasn't God's will, was it? But he had power, he was a prophet. And he brought the water anyhow.
But God said, "Come up here, Moses. I'll deal with you now." Is that right? And wouldn't permit him to go...

Numbers 20:8 Take the rod, and gather thou the assembly together, thou, and Aaron thy brother, and speak ye unto the rock before their eyes; and it shall give forth his water, and thou shalt bring forth to them water out of the rock: so thou shalt give the congregation and their beasts drink.

Numbers 20:10 And Moses and Aaron gathered the congregation together before the rock, and he said unto them, Hear now, ye rebels; must we fetch you water out of this rock?

Numbers 20:11 And Moses lifted up his hand, and with his rod he smote the rock twice: and the water came out abundantly, and the congregation drank, and their beasts also.

Numbers 20:12 And the LORD spake unto Moses and Aaron, Because ye believed me not, to sanctify me in the eyes of the children of Israel, therefore ye shall not bring this congregation into the land which I have given them.

27 How about Elijah, that young fellow, he was... Oh, he oughtn't to have felt that about it, he went baldheaded when he was young. And he was going back after Elijah being taken up, and the little children run behind him, said, "Old baldhead! Baldhead!" Making fun of the man. Well, he ought to have knowed better---looks to me like, but that prophet got angry. And he turned around and put a curse on those little children, and two she-bears killed forty-two little innocent children, just for calling the prophet "baldhead."
Well, what difference did that make? I don't think that was the nature of the Holy Spirit, but that was a angered prophet. So you have to watch what you're doing.

2 Kings 2:23 And he went up from thence unto Bethel: and as he was going up by the way, there came forth little children out of the city, and mocked him, and said unto him, Go up, thou bald head; go up, thou bald head.

2 Kings 2:24 And he turned back, and looked on them, and cursed them in the name of the LORD. And there came forth two she bears out of the wood, and tare forty and two children of them.

28 So I said, "Sister, let's talk a few minutes." I said, "Let's just take a little trip."
She said, "Oh, no, I can't take a trip."
I said, "Just a moment, mentally," just to get her mind started. And when we started talking, just a few moments, I seen a little car running like that, little one-seated black car. I said, "Was you ever in an accident, sister?"
Said, "No, no, I never was in an accident." And then, just then, here it come across the room again.
I said, "I see a little car. And, oh, a train almost hits it." And she started screaming then. And then, of course, the vision done started; there was no way of stopping it then. So she said ... told her, said, "Now, you was in a little black car, and you was with a blond-headed man. And you were coming back from being out and doing wrong, and the train almost hit you." And it told her about her husband, she had just gotten married, and her husband left and went overseas. And she got lonesome, and she started running around with some boy, and she was out with him one night, and broke her marriage vows. And on the road home, they almost got hit by a train. And when the vision left, the woman was laying on the floor, just screaming the top of her voice. And my wife come running to the room. And she wanted to know what had happened.
She got the girl up, and she said, "Oh, Reverend Branham, don't you dare to tell that to nobody."
And I said, "Sister, the only thing you can do is go and confess that to your husband, and make it right." I said, "There's your trouble."
She said, "I have confessed that to God, Brother Branham."

29 I said, "It wasn't God you sinned against. You was a married woman, you sinned against your vows." And I said, "They might pour oil on your head by the gallons; they might pray, and stomp, and kick devils; it'll never make a bit of difference. You got unconfessed sin; it will stay right there till that thing is made right. I don't care how many prayers of faith, or anything else, it'll stay right there."
And she said, "Well..."
And I said, "You a Sunday school teacher?"
And she said, "Well, Brother Branham, that'll break our home up."
I said, "Now, sister, only thing I know, that's the truth. Nobody knows that but you and God alone, and that boy."
She said, "That's right."
I said, "You told your husband that you was out with a boy, but never confessed it all."

30 She said, "That's right." She said, "But I can't tell him." Said, "I've got three children, Brother Branham. It'd break my home up." She said, "My husband's a deacon down there in the church." And said, "If I'd ever tell him that," said, "it'd break our home up."
I said, "Well, there..."
She said, "Well, that isn't what's bothering me."
I said, "Oh, yes, it is. It's way back in that subconscious there, still cut a streak." I said, "There's where it's at, right there. That's right."
And she said, "Well, I ... I just can't tell him. It'd break my home up."
I said, "Well, only thing I can do, sister, there's what He said. You knowed whether anybody knowed about it or not, so..." Wife... I was going to the next room.
She said, "Oh, don't leave, Brother Branham."
I said, "Well, sister, you go get your husband and make that right."
She said, "I just can't do it."

31 I happened to look, and standing by her side was a black-headed man, kind of wavy hair, over to the side like that. And he turned his back, and he had wrote on... He had a Chevrolet sign wrote on his back. And I said, "Isn't your husband a tall man with black wavy hair?"
She said, "Yes, sir."
I said, "He works for a Chevrolet company."
Said, "Yes, sir."
I said, "He has the same thing to confess to you." That's right. I said, "He works in a garage. And day before yesterday, he was with a black-headed woman that works in the garage. She was wearing a pink dress. They was in a green Chevrolet car. And she broke his marriage vow to you. And not only that, but he's done it before."
Said, "Not my husband. He's a deacon in a church."
I said, "No wonder Brother Johnson's church is not prospering with such as that." And I said, "That's it."
And she said, "Not my husband." She resented it. She believed him. She said, "Not my husband."
I said, "Look, lady, you better go and get your husband, you all get these things straightened up, 'cause that's all I know, now. I'm just His servant." And I walked out of the room.
My wife come back in a few minutes. She said, "She went over to the phone; she called him up." Said, "The women are sitting her back down." So, said, "What do you think will happen?"

32 I said, "Well, that's up to them; I don't know. But," I said, "you never know, no matter how much you scream, how loud you scream, how much you'd pray, that devil has got a legal right to stay right there, and he'll stay there, too. That's right. And he has got a right to stay there. Not only that, but if you're supposed to have done something and didn't do it, he has a legal right of disobedience." So, there's what it is. Combing that person, you find out just where that cause is.
Then you know where to start for the cure, see. It's unconfessed sin, many times, so you have to watch what you say, stomping this one out and stomping that one out, see. That's right, see. Faith will move. But not when he's got a legal right. Satan knows what his rights is, and what he hasn't got a right to. That's right. Clean yourself up before God and come before Him pure and holy, ask then, see. And now, search your life out.

33 Then after a while here they come back. She went and got him, and he come up the road in a car. So, they stopped and got out. And she said, "Honey, I got something to confess to you." And she told him what it was. And he said... "And you know, wasn't you out?" She knew the woman, said, "Wasn't you out?"
He said, "No!"
Said, "You was at a certain place, at a certain...
He said, "Where have you been?"
And she said, "I've been up to Brother Branham's."
He took... He said, "Honey, that's the honest truth." And he said, "I tell you what." Said, "Frankly..." Now, it told about him when he was in France, and so forth, and he said, "I started it, I'm the guilty one." Said, "I was the one who started... Said, "If you'll forgive me, I will forgive you. We'll clean ourselves up before God, and walk over there, and take our little children and live like Christians ought to." There they confessed their sins to each other and to God, and got right with God.

34 When they walked back up on the porch with their arm around one another, tears rolling down their cheeks.
I said, "Now, now, Satan will leave. Now something will take place." And the woman is perfectly normal and well from that minute on, see. There it is. Laying way back in her soul, you see. Things that you've maybe forgot about, but they're laying there, see, and so forth. My, so many things, friends. I've seen our Lord Jesus, thousands of those things right on the platform.
How many has been in the meetings and seen such as that right on the platform, where people had lived wrong, and things, and rebuked their sins. Let's see your hands, people that's been in the meetings. Sure. That's what it's for.

35 Now, quickly to our text. Now, we got about ten minutes before the prayer line, fifteen.
Notice. A man, Simeon, an old sage, white beard man with long hair, was a teacher in Israel. And he was a great man, had a lot of prestige among the Jews. And the Jews was just about the condition of the church then, is just about like it is today. Kind of cold and indifferent and they had been looking for Christ to come for four thousand years. And little did they think then, when they was in the condition that they was then, that Christ would come then. But, sometimes when you least think, that's when He comes. When you think He isn't coming, that's when He will come.
And then, in this place, the old fellow went around testifying, 'cause one day the Holy Spirit revealed to him that he wasn't going to die until he had seen the Lord's Christ. And he went around telling everybody that he was going to see the Christ before he died.
Now, could you imagine what effect that had on the people? Perhaps, the scientists and the doctors and the ministers and so forth. You know what they probably said about the old man? "He had something happen in his head." Look at him nearly now, around ninety years old, and his white whiskers hanging down, old man like he is. And even David expected to see Christ. Like at him here, saying, that 'The Holy Ghost told him that he was going to see Christ before he died.' Well, that's ridiculous; it brings reproach upon our church." I can just imagine. But he had a real good right to believe it, because the Holy Spirit told him he was going to do it.

Luke 2:26 And it was revealed unto him by the Holy Ghost, that he should not see death, before he had seen the Lord's Christ.

36 Now, we don't have two Holy Spirits; we only have one. The same Holy Spirit that was on Simeon is the same Holy Spirit that's here tonight. Men go; the Holy Spirit remains just the same.
Notice. Then, we're going to use the word of expectations. Usually you get what you expect to. If you come to church tonight, just saying, "I'm going over there, I'm going over there to find something that I know that's wrong." Don't worry; the devil will show you plenty of it. That's right. You usually get what you expect. If you come expecting to get a blessing from God, God will see that you get it. What you expect! You say, "Well, I don't expect it to be." Well, that's the reason it isn't. You've got to believe it. And you believe it to be right. Look at the right things, examine it right.
Now, Simeon went to ... was expecting that he was going to see the Christ. Don't make any difference how much people said he was crazy, that didn't bother him one bit. He believed that he was going to see the Christ. So, when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea, they didn't have television and radio and press like they have today. And probably if they would had it, they wouldn't use it for that. But, you know God has a way of getting His message out anyhow. Don't you think so?

37 So, when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea, three magis, star gazers, came from the East. They said, "We have seen His star in the West." They were in the East, look, the Orients are east of Jerusalem. So said, "We have seen His star in the East, and have come to worship Him."
Look. Do you believe they actually followed a star? The Bible said they did. Now, it come over every... They kept time then by stars. And no observatory, no scientist, all the people standing up on the watches, looking at every star moving, to see what time it was in the night, and so forth. Star gazers. There wasn't anyone seen that Angel ... or, that star but these Magis, for they was expecting to see it. They had read God's prophecy where He spoke through Balaam back there, and said, "There would be a star out of Jacob rise," and they were looking for it.
So, that's the reason, tonight, that people---the American people ---are not expecting. They're not looking for a great Holy Ghost pouring out revival. And that's the reason they're not receiving it, for it's poured out; they're not expecting it. That's all. They're looking to see a reformation in the church, and the people come back and join church and live on out in the world. It's not that age. It's the time where God is filling His people, and baptizing them into the body of the Lord Jesus Christ. And that's the reason they're not expecting it, they're not seeing it---it's going on.

Numbers 24:17 I shall see him, but not now: I shall behold him, but not nigh: there shall come a Star out of Jacob, and a Sceptre shall rise out of Israel, and shall smite the corners of Moab, and destroy all the children of Sheth.

Matthew 2:2 Saying, Where is he that is born King of the Jews? for we have seen his star in the east, and are come to worship him.

38 So, is it possible, like in the meetings... A lady here in the meeting the other night, seen that light where it was standing here. Why, said, "The rest of them didn't see it." Certainly she could see it and the rest of them not. My! Many times.
And so then, he was expecting to see the Lord Jesus. So, the Magis was expecting to see it. And there was some shepherds out there on the hill that saw the Angels come ... or, heard them, and they sang, "Glory to God in the highest, peace on earth, good will towards men." And then He was born in a manager that night. Eight days afterwards, it was the Jewish custom to take the male child to the temple and have it circumcised. And the mother had to offer an offering for her purification. That's the Levitical law. After eight days, she comes up to the temple.

Luke 2:14 Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.

Luke 2:21 And when eight days were accomplished for the circumcising of the child, his name was called JESUS, which was so named of the angel before he was conceived in the womb.

Luke 2:22 And when the days of her purification according to the law of Moses were accomplished, they brought him to Jerusalem, to present him to the Lord;

Luke 2:23 (As it is written in the law of the Lord, Every male that openeth the womb shall be called holy to the Lord;)

Luke 2:24 And to offer a sacrifice according to that which is said in the law of the Lord, A pair of turtledoves, or two young pigeons.

39 I can imagine it being Monday morning. And there a great host of people... There was about two million people in Israel then ... or, in Palestine. And I suppose to say, at least fifty to a hundred babies would be born every night. And that made fifty to a hundred babies, maybe two or three hundred of them, each day had to come and be circumcised and purification for the mother.

40 And I can look at it being Monday morning. And oh, it's busy around the temple, lots of people coming and going. And way down over on the side, stands a long line, like a prayer line of women standing there with their little babies in their arms. Coming, some of them, rich babies, had lambs to offer. A peasant's offering was two turtledoves. And so, I can look down along the line; I can see the mother standing there with her fine little babies, clean and neat, and little needlework done, you know, around the babies, and so forth. I look way down the line, and I see a little woman standing down there, that all the rest of the women kept their distance from her.
That's about the way they do the church today, that believes in the supernat... They keep their distance.
"Look. Don't have nothing to do with them people. They're not right, they're holy rollers. Don't fool with them." I've sailed the seven seas, traveled around the world three times, and I've never seen a holy-roller church yet. Never seen one yet. Just a false name the devil tacked on the church of the living God. There's nine hundred and sixty-nine different churches, I have statistics of those churches, that comes from the government each year and there's not one of them called Holy-rollers, not one of them. So, it's just a scandal name the devil put on them.

41 So, I can see those women with their nice little babies all in these nice needle works and so forth, and little pink gowns and so forth, standing off, holding their lambs, and so forth, walking up as the priest was doing the ministering at the altar. And this little girl, she stood out by herself, nobody around her.
I can hear some of them saying, "Look. You see her? Yeah, that baby was born out of holy wedlock. That fellow Joseph, they're not even married. Look at them there. And that baby was born, look at it there. That's nothing but disgrace. Keep your distance. That poor little mother, with that little baby in her arms, like this, little veil over her face, maybe, rocking little fellow as He gooed, like that."
What was He dressed in? Swaddling cloth. Not fine needlework; swaddling cloth. Where was He born? In a manger. Why was He born in a manger? Because He was a lamb. Lambs are not born in houses; they're born in mangers, out in straw. He was the Lamb of God, slain from the foundation of the world. And here He was. You what swaddling cloth is? It's what they take off the back of a yoke of an ox. In the Orients I learned that, that where they plow an ox. They wrap some rags around to keep from rubbing his shoulders. And in the stalls that night there was some swaddling cloth; they didn't even have nothing to put on. We're not worthy of the clothes we got on tonight. When they unwrapped this cloth off the ox neck ... the yoke of the ox and wrapped it around the Saviour of the world.

42 And here He was, the little mother rocking Him, no clothes to put on the little fellow. He humbled Himself in the humility of His flesh. And there she had Him in her arms, rocking the little fellow like this, and she come up. What kind of an offering? Two little turtledoves, a peasant, poor; yet, He owned the whole heavens and earth. He was made poor that we through His poverty might be made rich.
There she was rocking Him in her arm. No matter what they said, in her little heart, she knew where that baby come from. That's the way with every divine believer today, when they call them holy-rollers and fanatics, they know what's in their heart. They know what's taken place. They say, "Oh, you believe in that old stuff, divine healing?" Don't you worry. You might call them everything you want to, but they know where they're at. They know what they got cradled right here. That's right.
Something... The peace that passes all understanding. No matter what the world has got to say about it. Praise God. If Jesus Christ could condescend Himself, and wrapped in swaddling cloth, stand there, be made fun of, His little mother standing like that, it's good enough for me. Amen. That's all right. I don't care what the world says. In your heart, you know what it is.

43 Notice. I can see her rocking Him. The first thing you know, I can see a mother saying, "Don't get around that woman, bypass her around, put her in the back," see. And there, her standing there rocking the little fellow, and Him looking up, his little starry-looking eyes, looking to the mother. The very God of Heaven, Emmanuel, wrapped in that little swaddling cloth there. She just rocked Him in her arms, with a piece of goods from off of the ox's yoke wrapped around Him.
No doubt, poor little ... the woman looked up, and seen them other mothers. You know how mothers are about their babies? Looked up and seen them nice little babies all laying neatly, little gowns and little beds, and things laying like that. And here she was holding this. But in her heart, she knew who it was.
And then, look. That looked like a disgraceful sight to the Lord. But, wait there's something going on all this time. Back over in a prayer room, somewhere, I can see old Simeon, sitting, reading in the Scripture: "All we like sheep have gone astray. The Lord hath laid upon Him the iniquity of us all."
I can hear Simeon say, "I wonder who that means? I've been called everything, fanatic, holy-roller. Said I was gone crazy. The Holy Ghost told me one day, I was going to see Him when He come. And I believe it. 'He was wounded for our transgressions. He was bruised for our iniquity, the chastisement of our peace was upon Him.'" He was reading the scroll.
I can see him let the scroll together and stick it down in the sack like that. Look. If God made Simeon a promise to see the Saviour, God's obligated to see that he sees Him. That's right. If the Holy Ghost made the promise, the Holy Ghost has got to see that promise is carried out. If the Holy Ghost made a promise in here, "I'm the Lord that healeth thee," He's got to carry that promise out to the letter. That's right. He has got to.

Exodus 15:26 And said, If thou wilt diligently hearken to the voice of the LORD thy God, and wilt do that which is right in his sight, and wilt give ear to his commandments, and keep all his statutes, I will put none of these diseases upon thee, which I have brought upon the Egyptians: for I am the LORD that healeth thee.

Isaiah 53:5 But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.

Isaiah 53:6 All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the LORD hath laid on him the iniquity of us all.

44 How many in here tonight believe in divine healing? Let's see your hands. What makes you believe in divine healing? David said, "When the deep calleth to the deep." If there's a deep in here calling, there's got to be a deep to respond to it somewhere. How many times have I stood in the mountains and watched the rainbows, and watched the eagle when he soars into the air; and would cry like a baby. Why? I'm a lover of nature. When I see those things...
A while ago, we was at the room where we're at, and they was catching brother's program here, coming in. It was a lovely program, tonight. And I appreciate the song, whatever it was: Down From His Glory. Brother dedicated to me. And we was sitting there talking, in a few moments, I was just rubbing my eyes like that, and a program come on in a few minutes, down there. We hadn't turned the radio off yet. An old timber wolf got to howling. You talk about crying, I did. See, there's something in that. "A deep calleth to the deep." In other words, here, before there was a fin on a fish's back, there had to be a water for him to swim in first, or he wouldn't've had no fin. Is that right? Before there's a tree to grow in the earth, or a flower to grow in the earth, there had to be an earth first, or there wouldn't be no flower to grow. Is that right?

Psalm 42:7 Deep calleth unto deep at the noise of thy waterspouts: all thy waves and thy billows are gone over me.

45 Here some time ago, I read where a little boy, little baby boy, eat the erasers off of pencils. And he eat the rubber petal off of a bicycle. And they taken him to a clinic to find out what was the matter with the little fellow. And they examined him and found out his little body needed sulfur. There was something calling here for sulfur. And sulfur's in rubber. Now look. Before there could be a call in here for sulfur, there has to be a sulfur to respond to that call. You get what I mean? And as long as you believe in divine healing, there's got to be a fountain open somewhere of divine healing that calls. Yes, sir.

46 The Indian... When we first come over here, in these New England states here, our forefathers, they found the Indian. They worshipped the sun, they worshipped something. Why? They were human beings, see. And they knowed there was a deep calling somewhere. They didn't know where it was at, but they were calling for it.
And Hottentots in Africa: I meet them packing little mud idols sprinkled in blood. They know there's a God; they just don't know who He is. And they worship something, because there's a deep calling to a deep. And if there's a deep calling, there's got to be a deep to respond to it. The Holy Ghost had promised Simeon that he'd see the Master. And here the Master was in the temple at that time. Little did anybody know it but Mary.

47 And here he was sitting back there, reading these scrolls. I can see Him when He was sitting there. You believe we're led by the Spirit of God? Sons of God are led by the Spirit of God. I can see Simeon sitting back there reading the scroll. All at once, the Holy Spirit come, said, "Simeon!"
He stuck the scroll down in the box, raised up and said, "Yes, my Lord." Oh, my! The very promise that He had give him was in the building at that time.
He said, "Get up and walk." I can see Simeon, don't know where he's going, but he's led by the Holy Spirit." You believe we're led by the Holy Spirit?
Here he comes. He don't know where he's going, he don't know where his next move is, he's just walking, led by the Holy Spirit.
I can see him walk out into the temple, thousands going in and out. I can see him go over to this line, where these women are. Holy Ghost leading right down this line. Here he comes, right down. Stops in front of this little disgraceful-looking woman, standing there, that they called her---disgrace. Picked up that little treasure in swaddling cloth, tears running down his white beard, placed Him up like this, and said, "Lord, let Your servant depart in peace according to Your Word, for mine eyes have seen Your salvation." No matter how disgraceful it looked to the rest of them, the Holy Ghost led him straight to the Saviour.

Luke 2:29 Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace, according to thy word:

Luke 2:30 For mine eyes have seen thy salvation,

48 In the same time, there was an old blind prophetess sitting over there by the name of Anna. We've said she was blind, about eighty years old. And there she was sitting over there. She was watching for the coming of the Lord, and the same time, the Holy Ghost struck her. And here she come, blind, moving through that crowd. Nobody told her. She was led by the Holy Ghost, through that crowd. Moving around the crowd. The blind woman, and come over, a prophet. Standing there by the side of the child lifted up her hands and blessed God. If the Holy Ghost could lead that blind woman so around those people to come to the promise that God had made, the same Holy Ghost that led Simeon and led Anna by a promise of God, has led you here tonight.

Luke 2:36 And there was one Anna, a prophetess, the daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe of Aser: she was of a great age, and had lived with an husband seven years from her virginity;

Luke 2:37 And she was a widow of about fourscore and four years, which departed not from the temple, but served God with fastings and prayers night and day.

Luke 2:38 And she coming in that instant gave thanks likewise unto the Lord, and spake of him to all them that looked for redemption in Jerusalem.

49 God's under obligation.
If you believe in divine healing to lead you to the fountain that's open... Don't you believe that? Yes, sir. If your hearts are calling, the deep is calling to the deep, there has got to be a deep to respond to it. You believe it, and God has led you here for that purpose tonight. You wouldn't have come out on a slick snowy night like this just to show what kind of clothes you were wearing. You never come here for no other purpose because you believed that God was the healer.
And as long as that's in your bosom, God's under obligation to place it before you, 'cause you're calling for it. And God will place it before you, then it's up to you to whatever you want to do about it. Simeon could have seen Him and walked away from it. But he embraced it.
And tonight, when the Holy Spirit begins to move through the building, in the prayer line, reach out and embrace God's promise. It's for you. It doesn't matter whether you get up here or not. That doesn't have nothing to do with it. Up here, that doesn't have anything. You just embrace it, right where you're at, and God's under obligation to bring it to you. Don't you believe that?
Led by the Spirit of God. How that Spirit-filled lives are always led by the Spirit of God. Certainly! I'm going to let you in on just a little something now, if you'll just excuse me for another few seconds here ... a few minutes. I want to say something just now. You believe in being led by the Spirit of God?

50 Here sometime ago, I was in Arkansas, and I was coming out, just when I first started out in my meetings. And I was coming out of a place, where they was bringing me out of an auditorium, at Camden, Arkansas, and the police was bringing me out. And there was the people crying, trying to run through and touch your clothes. You know how people are. And I got a heart, the same as anybody else has. And I was going along there, and I heard somebody hollering, "Mercy! Mercy!" And I looked over to the side, and there stood an old colored man. They have segregation there, you know. Just a little white rim of hair around his head, holding his cap like this, he saying, "Mercy! Mercy!"

51 The Holy Spirit said to me, "Go over to him."
Well, I said to the police, I said, "I shall go over."
Said, "Rev. Branham, you can't do that. You're in the South." Said, "You go over to that colored man," said, "you'll start a race riot, as sure as the world." Said, "These white people wouldn't stand for it."
I said, "I don't care what they think, God Almighty tells me to go to that man." And I started towards him. They run over there, and pulled a line around.
And I heard his wife say to him, said, "Honey, here comes the parson."
I went over there. I said, "What do you want, Uncle?" And they formed a ring around like that to keep the people back, and people screaming and going on, you know.
And she said, "Here comes the parson." I walked up to him---still the anointing... They was just bringing me out of the meeting.
And so, then, he come over, said ... feeling like that, said, "Is this you, parson?" And he felt around my face.
I said, "Yes, sir."
He said, "Parson, is your name Branham?"
And I said, "Yes, sir."

52 And he said, "Parson Branham, I never heard of you in my life, but," said, "my old mammy had the same kind of 'ligion you got." 'Ligion, you know, said, "Same kind of 'ligion you got." Said, "Her never told me a lie, all her life, or no one else." Said, "I's been blind for many years, parson." And said, "I live about two hundred miles from here. And last night, in the night, I woke up." And said, "Just as clear as I ever seen in my life, there stood my old mammy, standing by the side of the bed. She said, 'Honey child, you raise up in here, and put on your clothes. And you go down to Camden, Arkansas, and ask for a man named Branham. Tell him to pray for you. You'll get your sight.'"

53 Oh-h-h-h-h! What a feeling! I didn't know nothing to do. I put my hand on the old fellow, I said, "God, I don't understand this, Your Spirit led me over here, it's led him here, we know not one another; but, if Thou hast sent him, Lord, then You'll, surely, You'll confirm Your Word."
I took my hand off of him, like that, and they was pushing, you know, trying to break that line, them police holding them back like that, to go through. I took my hands down like that, started back. And he said, "Thank You, Lord. Thank You, Lord."
And his wife said, "You see, honey?"
He said, "Sure!"
Said, "Oh! You really see, honey?"
Said, "Sure!" Said, "See that red car sitting there---going to take Parson Branham to?" Everybody begin to scream. There it was.
Oh, here about two or three years ago, I heard from him. He's preaching the Gospel, that old man, holding meetings. And how ... led by the Spirit.

54 One day here in Fort Wayne, Indiana, when it was just coming the time of when this man was healed there, that sent me over to the King of England. And he was sitting there. Lehman was his name. And the meeting was going on, great signs. You Pentecostal people know how the Evangel packed that piece, and We The People, in there. That blind girl: when the whole United States examined it, the Medical Association took her up, see whether it was right or not. And that little girl by the name of Bethel had been blind. I picked her up in my arms, and begin to pray for her, and a vision struck. And said, "Thus saith the Lord," and there she was healed like that. And they even examined it everywhere.
It come in the Assembly of God paper, and it come out in We The People, that big book. We The People: wrote ... ever ... goes internationally, everywhere. That same meeting... Just a little bit after that, there was a man sitting there with multiple sclerosis in his back. And I was sitting there, and they'd been watching. Night ... was the last night of the service. And they wanted that man to get where was I at. Some of you might have been in the Fort Wayne meeting. Old Dr. Bosworth and them was there. And they started taking this meeting. And they put this man in my path so that he'd just... And he wanted to touch the trouser legs of my ... of my trouser legs going out.
And the poor fellow laying there with white shirt on. And the people walking over him. I said, "What a shame! Don't lay that man there. Pick him up." And then they started to put him back in a chair. They just even climbed up on top of the roof, and for, oh, I believe it was... I forget how many city blocks, twenty some odd city blocks, cars was parked everywhere, and people outside standing on the street. You was at the Fort Wayne meeting knows what it was.

55 And that was right following Paul Rader there, my old friend, and so forth. Then, when I started, looked out, I seen a vision, of Mr. Lehman walking. And I know Mrs. Morgan, Mayo's nurse, give up with cancer years ago, laying on the dead list right now. And go to Louisville, Kentucky, and look and see if she hasn't died eight years ago. Come over to Jeffersonville Hospital and look at her nursing now. And so, she was supposed to've died eight years ago. Dead, done pronounced dead, and laying there yet, still on the dead list in Kentucky, of cancer research. And then, when she was there, she felt sorry for that man, because he looked so much like her husband. And I seen a vision of him walking.
But in the vision, He told me, "Go down and pray for that man." And I went down, put my hands upon him, right without a prayer card, or anything. Walked down and said, "The Lord said, 'Lay hands on you, brother, in the name of the Lord Jesus.'" And I walked back up. And I seen somebody laying on a cot. They was trying to move him over, and a man with arthritis touched me like that, and held on to my coat as I was coming by.
About four or five days after that, or maybe six days, I'll give you her address, if you want to write to them. This one was a farmer laying there with arthritis, and when the man pulled me, he turned around, and I seen him doing something on the farm. I said, "You're a farmer."
He said, "Yes, sir."
I said, "Don't worry, for 'Thus saith the Lord,' you're going to be well." And four days later, Mr. Lehman was going down the road, driving his car, and he looked over in the field, and here was this farmer sitting out there on a tractor, running the tractor, and he jumps out of his car, the man jumps off the tractor; they run grabbed at one another, lifted one another up and down praising God; how that the Lord had did it.

56 The next morning there was so many people gathered in that Indiana Hotel, where I was staying, (That's the reason we keep the place a secret.) And the little bellhop come up, and he said, "Preacher, you'll never get out through that room this morning," said, "I'll tell you that." Said, "There's just too many standing down there."
Well, I wondered how I was going to get... Have wife and baby there; Mrs. Morgan was with us. And I said, "Well, I don't know. The women will have to have something to eat."
And so, after a while another little bellhop come up, said, "Preacher, I tell you what I can do. I can take you down in the basement if you don't mind climbing over some ashes, and it'll take you out in the alley, as you go out."
I said, "All right." So, he takes us down; we climbed over the ashes, and went out through the ash shoot in the basement. We was going down the street, and I had my coat up like this. I don't mean, don't want to be bad, but you just simply can't... You don't realize what a big meeting like that produces. And so, I was going down the street, was going to a little place called the Toddle's House, where we had been eating.

57 Morning before there, some great man out of this here Hudson Bay Company in Canada had been healed with a stomach trouble, sitting right in the place, when a vision come, told him who he was, and all about it, right there in the restaurant, told him he was healed. He said, "That's right, sir. I'm traveling through here," said, "that's exactly my name, and that's where I come from." He said, "I've been suffering with stomach trouble."
I said, "You're healed, sir."
And he said, "Well, bless your heart, boy." He come over there.
I said, "You just wait and see. You could go ahead and eat your breakfast, anything you want, 'cause the Lord has made you well."
I was going ... I started to go down to that same place. The Holy Spirit said, "Move this way."
And I turned down that way. Mrs. Morgan said, "Where are you going?"
My wife said, "Look! It's the anointing of the Holy Spirit." Said, "Just follow along."

58 So we went along, and I stopped in front of a place called Miller's Cafeteria. I looked up. I thought, Well, what am I doing here? And I looked and there was my wife, Mrs. Morgan was packing the baby. And I said, "Well...
She said, "Where are you going?"
I said, "Let's go in here."
So we went in, went down along the side, and I picked up, oh, some stuff we was going to eat, went and set it down. And just as I sat down like that, we bowed our head to pray, I heard somebody say, "Praise the Lord." And Mrs. Morgan looked over, and there was a woman and a man sitting right...
She said, "Uh-huh! Now you're caught, aren't you?"
And I said, "The Lord told me to come here."

59 This lady walked over, she said, "Brother Branham, listen." I looked over at the table there wasn't nothing laying on the table. And she said, "I've been sitting here ever since this opened up this morning." She said, "Here's my brother." Said, "The heart is enlarged so big, till it's come through the diaphragm someway." She said, "The doctor said that he can't live."
Said, "We followed you meeting after meeting till we've spent all the money we had." And she said, "I sold my cow, we live in Texas," said, "and I sold my cow for enough money to bring brother here." Said, "We're absolutely, totally broke." And said, "I was in such a desperate fix, I prayed last night," said, "all night long. And this morning," said, "I fell asleep, and I had a dream. And the Lord told me to come and find Miller's Cafeteria, and be here by nine o'clock." And looked up, and it was just exactly nine o'clock. You know what had happened, don't you?

60 After her brother was healed, he started crying, like that. And I turned around, didn't want my breakfast, started walking out. Marjorie and (that's the nurse), and my wife was going out. And I said, "Something is telling me, 'Go outside.'" And just as I went outside, a little woman dressed in black, she just fell on the street. Her husband runs this big spaghetti company in Chicago. She's in pretty near every meeting: (May be here for all I know, if she knowed I's here, would be here.) She and her husband's a multimillionaire.
She had come from Mayo Brothers, and she was, oh, swelled way out with a malignant cancer, a growth that could not be cured. Mayo's wouldn't even touch it. She said, "Brother Branham," she said, "I followed meeting after meeting;" but she said, "I've got in such a place, till I can't go any farther." And she said, "The strangest thing happened." Said, "This morning, I dreamed a dream, that I should be standing here in front of this cafeteria at ten minutes after nine." There it was. That just happens constantly.

61 I went on up to the corner. And my wife said ... I said, "You go on over to the drug store and get some little books there for the little kid." Said, I said, "You all go on in just on up through," and I said, "I'll be in after while." I said, "He's leading me, I don't know where to go now, but I feel that you all should go ... go on."
So they started on. And I stood there. There was some fishing tackle and things, up there. And I thought I'd go up here and act like I was looking at fishing tackle. And I was standing there, didn't see nobody. And I said, "Lord Jesus, what do You want me to do, Father." I said, "What is it You want me to do?" Kept praying like that.
In a few minutes, He said, "Go to the corner." I walked out, walked up to the corner (You may call this fiction; it's on record, and it's on record in Heaven, too.) And I stood there, and those big Irish cops. I went across the other corner. Though the big Irish cop out there, blow a whistle and the pedestrians would cross and so forth. Kept on, I stood there a little while. After a while another group come across. And way in the back of them was a little woman with one of these little black-checkered dresses on, a little tam. She had a pocketbook on her arm. She was walking across like this.

62 The Holy Spirit said, "Come up close to her." I walked up pretty close to her, and she passed like that, went on by, never said a word.
Well, I thought, isn't that strange? I never knew that.
And she was studying. She had her head down. She just turned, she said, "Oh, Brother Branham." She looked back like that.
And I said, "What's the matter, sister?"
She said, "Oh, am I dreaming?" She said, "Is it really you, Brother Branham?"
I said, "Yes, ma'am. What's the matter, sister?"
"Oh!" She said. Said, "Brother Branham, I'm from Canada, we're only allowed a hundred and fifty dollars a year of American money." Said, "I've spent every penny I had." Said, "I slept in a hotel lobby for two nights, and this morning I was going over here to hitchhike to go back to Canada." She said, on the road... A young woman, not over about twenty-five years old, or thirty. Said, "I was going back to Canada, hitchhike back." Said, "I had five cents for a cup of coffee, and that's the last penny I had. And I was going out that way, to hit that highway, and Something said, 'Turn around this way, and start walking.'"
Oh, my! Those that are children of God are led by the Spirit of God. And she was crossed... I said, "What's your trouble, sister?"
She said, "My arm, brother." And she said, "Look at here!" And her hand come out like that, just as normal and straight as it could be. Perfectly normal and well.
Oh, He's God, tonight. The same One that could lead Simeon, could do the same thing.

63 Just once, a little... I was crossing coming from Dallas, Texas, from a convention, just recently. About last ... about three years ago. I was crossing over and a storm struck us in a plane, and we were grounded. And they put us in a big hotel there. I couldn't afford to stay in the hotel, like that, but the air service put us ... Peabody Hotel, in Memphis, Tennessee. And that night, we was up there. They called us the next morning, said, "the plane will be ready to leave at seven o'clock." I'd wrote some letters, anointed some handkerchiefs and so forth, and was going to put it in the mail. So I got up, got the mail and started down the street, was going down to put it in the mailbox, and I was going out down there. Walking along. And the Holy Spirit said, "Stop!"
Well, I thought, That was just... I just imagined I heard that. Went a little farther. And Something begin to go, "Whhewww." I stopped and I said, "Father, what is it that You would have me do?" I stepped back up to a place like this; it was just a little piece from the post office." And I said, "What would You have me do, Father?" And I stood there, about ten minutes. I said, "My, it's getting late. What would You have me do?" I just stood there a little bit.
Directly, I heard Something say, "Turn and go the other way." Well, I walked out and turned.

64 I thought, Maybe there's somebody coming along there, maybe some trouble, maybe bypassing from an accident. I don't know. I went on, just kept walking, and walking, and walking, passed on the hotel, went on down, on down, on down, down towards the river, way down towards the North Memphis there, on down through that way.
I got down amongst the little colored haunts like down there, little houses and things, way down there. And it was coming up just about... The sun was way up, way past time for me to catch the plane. I thought, Oh, my.
But the Holy Spirit still urging me on, "Go on, move on."
I was walking on down the street, I was singing that little song you Pentecostal people sing about: "There's people almost everywhere, whose hearts are all on flame, With fire that fell on Pentecost, And cleansed and made them clean." You know it, I guess. I was trying just to learn it. I said,
There are people almost everywhere,
Whose hearts are all on flame
The fire that fell on Pentecost,
Which cleansed and made them clean;
Oh, it's burning now within my heart,
Oh, glory to His name!
I'm so glad that I can say I'm one of them.

65 I was going along, singing like that. I happened to look down there on the street, and there around a little, old, white-washed fence, an old colored woman, typical Aunt Jemima, about a hundred yards from me; had a man's shirt tied around her head like this, and she was leaning over a little old gate, like that. And she was looking down the street. I just kind of quit singing, started walking on. I got up there, grinning like that, and the big tears running off them big fat cheeks, like that. She just kind of grinned at me.
She said, "Good morning, Parson."
I said, "Good morning, Auntie."
Started walking on like that, and Something said to me... I said, "Say, what'd you call me?"
She said, "Parson!"
I said, "How did you know I was a Parson?"
She said, "Did you ever read that story in the Bible about the Shunammite woman?"
I said, "Yes, ma'am."

66 She said, "I's that kind of a woman." She said, "I couldn't have no children. And I promised the Lord, if He would give me a child, that I would raise it for His glory." Said, "I's a wash woman." And she said, "And I's a Christian." And she said, "And the Lord give me a fine boy. And I raised him up."
Said, "But, I'm sorry he took the wrong road." And said, "He took a horrible disease---syphilitic." And said, "And he got out amongst the wrong company," and said, "and he went so long, and getting sick," said, "I didn't think of anything like that till it's done eat him, till he's full of puss in his blood, and the holes has eat through his heart until his blood drops back when his heart beats it." And says, "He's going to die." And said, "He's laying in there," and said, "he has been unconscious for two days." And said, "I just couldn't stand it to see my baby die like that, unsaved."

67 And she said, "I prayed all night, Lord." Said, "Lord, I's Your servant. And You give me this baby, but where's Your Elisha?" Said, "What must I do?" And said, "This morning, about four o'clock," said, "the Lord told me in a dream to go and stand at this gate," and said, "you'd be coming, wearing a brown suit, and a brown hat." She said, "The only thing that I missed, is where is that little briefcase that you was supposed to have?" And I had left it in the hotel.
Don't you believe God still is the same God that was with Simeon?
I said, "My name is Branham, Auntie."
She said, "Branham?"
I said, "Did you ever hear of me?"
She said, "No, sir, I don't believe I ever did."
And I said, "I pray for the sick."
She said, "You do?"
And I said, "Yes."
She said, "Would you come in?"

68 And she opened up the gate, and it had a chain with an old plow point hanging on it. I don't know whether you know what a plow point is or not, it keeps... And I walked in that little gate. And she opened the door, that little old two-room, white-washed cabin down there by the river bank. And I walked in there. Listen.
There was a big sign on the door: "God bless our home," when you come in. No rug on the floor, a little old poster bed, if you know what it is there, a little iron bedstead. And a big healthy-looking boy, laying there, looked about would weigh a hundred and eighty pounds, about eighteen, twenty years old. And just carrying on awful, unconscious. No floor on the rug ... no rug on the floor, rather, and holes that big in the floor, big cracks like that.

69 I've walked into king's palaces. I've been in some of the most lovely homes there is in the world, but I never was anymore ... felt anymore welcomed than I did in that little colored haunt that morning. I walked in there knowing that the God of Heaven was with her. I didn't know what to do.
And he was going, "Mmm, mmm." He said, "It's so dark. It's so dark." Had the quilt in his hand like this, going "Mmm, mmm."
And she'd pat him. She said, "Mammy's baby."
I thought, Yes, in disgrace, nearly twenty years old, I suppose. And no matter how disgraceful he was, how much trouble he had got into, he's still "mammy's baby." That's a mother's love. And if the love of a mother will do that, what will the love of God do? She patted him, kissed him on his forehead.
I said, "What's he talking about?"
She said, "Parson, he says..." Said, "He don't know what he's talking about." Said, "He's been unconscious. The doctor says he ain't never going to wake up." And said, "Parson, I just can't see him go like that." Said, "He keeps saying he's lost out in a big ocean somewhere. And he's in a little boat, and it's all dark around him." Said, "That just breaks my heart." She said, "You pray that God will save my baby, before he die, won't you?"

70 I said, "Yes, ma'am, Auntie." I said, "Shall we bow?" And I knelt at the foot of the bed. I took hold of his feet, just as cold as they could be, just like death. And she said ... she knelt down. I said, "You lead us in prayer, Auntie." And you talk about praying. "Mmm." She got down there just as quiet.
She said, "Now, dear Lord," she said, "I stood out there," and her back was wet from the dew of that morning. She had been standing there all that time. God told her, and she was standing there waiting. I didn't know what to do.
So she said, "Dear Lord," she said, "don't let my darling baby die in disgrace like that." Said, "I want to see him in Heaven, where he'll never get in anymore troubles." Said, "Won't You please, dear Lord, let me hear him say with his own lips that he is saved again." And like that. A prayer... And I couldn't keep tears from running down my cheeks. I looked at that poor old mammy and I looked down there.
I thought, O God!
And when she got through praying like that, she said, "Will you pray now, Parson, to God save him?"

71 I walked over there, laid my hands on his black feet. I said, "Heavenly Father, You in Your sovereign grace, I don't know why I'm here." I said, "My plane has been gone for two hours." I said, "Why did You bring me down here in this place and I don't know what to do? Looks like that this is where You've sent me. But You led me here, I didn't know no more than to come. And to think that You would bring me down here to this place! What would You have me to do, dear God? I pray for mercy. Whatever it is You want me to do, I don't know, Lord. What is it You wish?"
I heard him going, "Mmm, mmm." Said, "Mammy!"
She said, "What's mammy's baby want?"
Said, "Oh, mammy." Said, "It's getting light in this room." And in five minutes from then, he was sitting on the side of the bed, with his arm around his mammy, the other arm around me, praising God.

72 About two years later, I pulled in there on a train, I got off to get me a sandwich there, and I was going on to California. And I got off a train there, and started running down, along the place there towards... I heard somebody holler, "Hello, Parson Branham!"
I looked around, there was a redcap standing there, big smile on his face. I said, "How do you do, sir."
Said, "Don't you know me?"
And I said, "No, I don't!"
He said, "You remember one morning, the Holy Spirit led you down to my mammy's house where I was dying?"
I said, "Are you that boy?"
Said, "Yes." He said, "I's not only healed, but," said, "I's saved now, Parson Branham." Hallelujah! Praise God!
Your kind Heavenly Father that would ground... And listen, when I got back to the hotel, I called them to tell them that I'd be late, and I was just exactly on time. God kept that plane on the ground, and I caught it anyhow and went home.

73 I tell you, "Amazing grace how sweet the sound that would save a wretch like me. Once was lost, but now I'm found. I was blind but now I see." Hallelujah!
To think of the sovereign grace of God that would ground that airplane up there, in the air, ground that plane, for the sake of an ignorant colored woman. Hallelujah! Oh, my Lord!
He's interested in anything that we do for His glory. He's God. He loves us. His amazing grace. His sweet... Oh, how sweet the sound that saved a poor wretch like me. Yes!
Oh, Christians, oh, it makes my heart jump for joy. My, mind, how those experiences sweep through my mind. Sure. I'm expecting Him. I believe that He's going to do the exceedingly abundantly. I know that He's here tonight beyond any shadow of doubt, the same Holy Spirit that led there, that same Angel of God... I don't have to wait on Him, He's right here now. He's right here anointing me, right now. The whole crowd is becoming milky looking over there. That same Angel of the Lord. He's here. His love and grace is the same tonight. His attitude towards any person in here is the same as it was towards that poor ignorant colored woman. Yes, sir. And many thousands of the others that I could quote.

74 What will it be when I cross over the ties yonder some of these days and strike the other side? And see those dear people face-to-face, when I can sit with them through ceaseless ages, talking of the love of God. No wonder His children will crown Him King of kings and Lord of lords. He's raised from the dead. He's a living Christ tonight. He's right here in this building now. His power is predominate. His power can do anything that you'll let it do, every one of you here. We're sitting in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. Do you believe it? We are.
The only thing I'm asking you to do is be expecting that you're going to get healed. Believing you're going to get... Do you believe it? Are you expecting to go out of here tonight, well? Certainly!

75 You can call a prayer line now, bring the people up. Them people that comes up on this place here, no sign they're going to get healed. There's no sign at all. You don't even have to come up here. The only thing you have to do is to have faith and believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God that raised from the dead. And He's alive here, among us. He's just as much out there as He is up here. The only thing that's lacking is your faith in Him.
Everything that God could do is already done; it's your time to act next. He sent His Son to take your sins. He sent His Son to take your worry. He sent His Son to take your diseases. He sent His Son to heal your afflictions. And Jesus paid the price and put it in Calvary, and the only thing you have to do is look to it. The preacher comes with the Word and preaches it, lays it down, and shows you it's God's will. And if you won't take God's Word, to me, that would be enough. But I'm not God. God is in His mercy. Besides that, He sends on in the church prophets, and teachers, and evangelists, and everything to get to magnify and get you to the point He's not willing than any should perish, but that all might come to repentance. His blessings is for each one of you. Hallelujah!
The Holy Spirit already moving over that audience right now. Here, I'll tell you something. I won't call the prayer line. I challenge every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ to look this way and to believe that the Gospel truth is the truth.

76 How many in here that don't have prayer cards wants to be prayed for? I want somebody that ain't got prayer card. Raise your hand. All right. You got a prayer card, lady? You want to be prayed for, sitting right there?
Stand up to your feet just a minute. I don't know you. You're a perfect stranger to me. God does know you. Isn't that right? Do you believe me to be His servant? With all your heart? If our Lord Jesus is raised from the dead, I testify the truth. And if the truth is... The truth is the truth. God's obligated to give the truth. You're suffering with high blood pressure. Isn't that right? If that's right, raise up your hand.
Here's another thing. You're not from here. You come from New York City, somewhere up in that country there. You come this way. You've been in the meeting before. You were in a meeting, and that was... I see Mrs. Brown, an old woman, standing. It was in a New York meeting. It was my meeting and you were healed. And you had cancer, didn't you? And you're healed of high blood pressure now. Go on your road rejoicing. Jesus Christ makes you whole.

77 Do you believe Him to be the Son of God? Hallelujah! Amazing grace, how sweet the sound. Have faith in God. Don't doubt. Believe all things. If you can believe it, God can do it.
That little girl sitting there has kidney trouble, doesn't she? You're her grandmother aren't you? There's the children right behind you, that has kidney trouble too, is that right? You're the grandmother of the child. Put your hands over on them.
Almighty God, I condemn that devil. Come out of them in the name of Jesus Christ. They are babies. You leave them.
Don't fear. Have faith. Believe.

78 Lady sitting right there has a back trouble, don't you, lady? Sitting right here, right in there, have a back trouble. Jesus Christ makes you whole now, you can go home. You don't have no prayer card, or nothing else. You don't need any. Just go home, be well. Jesus Christ heals you.
Sitting right here, you have a kidney trouble, also. The lady, had a heart trouble with it, that lady with the feather in her hat. Isn't that right, lady? A kidney and heart trouble. If that's right, raise up to your feet. You accept Jesus as your healer? It turns light around you.
How am I knowing these things? There stands that pillar of fire. Looks like all of you could see it. It's right above the lady's head. There it is, standing there. Go home, lady. Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and get well. Hallelujah!
You see what I mean? It's nothing vulgar. It's the power of the resurrected Jesus Christ. Look and live. Believe with all your heart.

79 What do you think about it, lady? Sitting there with a red dress on. There's a dark shadow between you and I. The Holy Spirit is speaking to me. It's positive. It's true. You're bothered with a nervous condition. Isn't that right? You with a... Yes, sir. You know what it is? It's a change of life; it's menopause, or at least that's what your doctor said. If that's right, raise up your hand like this and shake it. That's right.
You're healed. Jesus Christ makes you whole. Your faith touched Him, like the woman with the hem of the garment.
Oh, challenge your faith! Look and live. Praise be to God!
There He goes, moving right over to this corner, to the lady standing there. You got something wrong with your back, lady. It's in your spine. Stand up to your feet just a minute. I see it's in your back. It's in your spine. Isn't that right? You believe me to be God's prophet? You do? Doctor can't do nothing about that, can He? He tried, but he failed. There's nothing could be done.

80 Here---that you might know I'm God's prophet, you are ... you got a mother, and she has something wrong with her eyes. It's the cataracts on her eyes. She's sitting in front of you. Isn't that right? It's your mother. Isn't that true? That's right.
Say, you answer... Your name is Mae, your first name. Your last name is Hall, isn't it? Yes, sir. Don't you live 74 Broad Street, here? All right. Lay your hand over on your mother. Satan, you're defeated in the name of Jesus Christ, come out of the woman.
You think I'm crazy. I'm not! The Holy Spirit is here, predominating.

81 What do you think about it, lady? You had your hand laying on her then, on your friend there, sitting next to her. You have headaches all the time, don't you? Stand up on your feet. You had your hand on the woman; I seen that Angel jump from her to you. That's right. You have persistent headaches. Starts in the back of your neck, coming up. Just the time of life you're going through, also. Don't worry about it. It's going to leave you. I see you later on. You're not ... you ain't got nothing on your head then. You're all right. You're going to be well. That's right. Do you believe it?
I see you ... you're going into a house by the number of 110, that's your number, 110 Moore Street, or something like that. Isn't that right? You answer by the name of Alice, don't you? Raise up your hand and answer to Jesus Christ, as His servant; healed. Hallelujah!
Do you believe Him? Stand to your feet, every one of you, right now. It's moving all over you. Everywhere, accept your healing right now.
Lord God, in the name of Jesus, the Son of God, I cast out every unclean spirit.

Expectation (1955-10-01) (William M. Branham Sermons)

Expectation (1955-10-01) (William M. Branham Sermons) somebody


1 If the Lord had never honored another vision that I had, and never done nothing in the world, that's worth all of it. Every toil, and every goodbye to the family, and every heartache I've went through, and everything else, that's worth all of it right there. And they said there was a lady sitting in a wheelchair last night, was called out of a wheelchair here. And they have it ... talking about her on the phone ... on the program this morning. And, I wonder if she's back in the building tonight? If the lady's here... Would you raise your hand, lady, if you're here? There she is, without the wheelchair. Let's say, "Thanks be to God." God bless you, my dear sister, for obeying Jesus Christ. May His blessings always be with you is my prayer.
Now, I hope that someday I can see both of you women, talk with you and shake your hand. If I don't get to do it on this earth, I will in the one that's to come, when we sit down by the evergreen trees; troubles are all over. My, won't it be wonderful?

2 Think of some night when life is finished; Jesus finally comes and we go to meet Him in the air, and that great table is set a hundred thousand miles long. And around there, the old veterans of the field, sitting around, look across the table to each other, see there's my brother and sister sitting there. We're just bound to shed a little tear once in awhile, when we reach across the table and take one of them by the hand. The tears of joy rolling down our cheeks, then the King in His beauty will come out, walk down along the table, and wipe the tears away from our eyes. [Blank place on tape] Let that be our motives in having meetings and gathering together and talking about Him, let that be what we think of Him, to meet Him that night.
Look friends, don't look at things right here; look at the end. If I had to look at things right here in front of me, I'd be a discouraged person. But I never look here; I watch the end.

3 Not long ago, one of my managers, Mr. Baxter... Many of you know him, I suppose. He was quoting a little story that I always like. They was all riding bicycles; he was a Canadian. And they would ride bicycles, and they got pretty good, that they could ride without holding the handlebars. So, the Schwinn (Schwinn, I think that is) Bicycle Company was going to give a prize to any boy in Vancouver that could ride a twelve-inch plank a hundred yards without falling off.
Well, they all got up there to ride these bicycles. And they had a little sissy boy like, around there. He's just kind of like what we'd call, we rough fellows, you know, call "mama's boy." And so, we knew he wouldn't ride it. So, when they all got on, every one fell off but this little sissy boy. And he rode out to the end, got off, won the bicycle. So all the boys got around him and said, "How did you do it?"

4 He said, "Fellows, I tell you what you did." Said, "When you got on, and they give you a push, and you started off," said, "you was watching like this, trying to keep yourself on the board." Said, "That's what made you get wiggly, and nervous, and fall off." He said, "I never looked down there." Said, "I watched the end and just kept my eyes on the end, and rode steady right to the end."
Keep your eyes on the end: Jesus' coming; what will it be then? No matter what people say about you now, and how you're persecuted; for, all that live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution, being made fun of, and mocked, and so forth. But watch what it will be at the end; there's where it'll pay off. Just hold steady and keep your eye on the end; that'll be good for you.

5 The Lord bless you now, and I understand that awhile ago I think they took a love offering, my boy told me, for me. I didn't want that, friends; I didn't come here for that. God knows that. But it's been a long time since I've had a meeting, and my expenses at home run about a hundred dollars a day. And I'm probably way overdrawn in the bank. And I'll assure you this. I don't have capital to work on; I just work. And what I don't have when I pay off my debts, if I have any left over, and God in heaven knows it goes right to foreign missions, but what my heart bleeds for. Wish I had a week to stay here and preach foreign missions for you, and so forth, to see how it's needy. The big churches and things we have here; they have nothing. And how the hundreds of thousands coming to Christ.
But now, I'll assure you this, that every penny of money will be reverently taken care of. What I don't have to have for my wife and ... with my boy here makes four children to take care of. And I have to have strictly for the work of the Lord; I'll put it to a good use; it'll never go to any bad use. It'll go for the Gospel's sake. And at the end, it'll be you; it'll be... May it put stones in your home in glory, is my prayer.

6 Now, these handkerchiefs here, we pray for them. Now, I'm going to say this. Now, I don't have any programs to support. You hear so many brothers that's got big radio programs, internationally and things. They have to have a lot of money to support their program, so they say, "Write to us." I know that's to get your address. But you don't... I have a hard time keeping my letters answered to send prayer cloths and things. It's not for your address, no.
And if you want a prayer cloth and don't have one, that I've prayed over, to keep at your house, you just write me at Jeffersonville, Indiana, and one will be sent to you absolutely free; anything that we can do. And you'll not be dunned or billed, because we don't do that. We just... I have enough to answer my letters, and I don't have any programs to support or anything, so I don't need the money. That's right. It's just to help you; that's all I'm doing it for. And the brothers that's got programs, why, you help support them.

7 Now, while we pray for these handkerchiefs, shall we bow our heads just a moment.
Our kind heavenly Father, we have come tonight, at the closing of this lovely little service here in Shawano, among these brothers and sisters who we've learned in these three days to love with fervent love. And sitting here tonight, after hearing the broadcast this morning, hearing the tape played back of a woman, that the great famous clinic turned down to die, but then Jesus came along just in time. Here she sits tonight, healthy, lovely. Oh, we're so happy for that. We know all of her people are happy for that. We're so glad that... I'm glad to get to even see her, Father.
And the little lady back here who was sitting in a wheelchair last night, sitting up here, and tonight, way back in the audience, humbly, raised up to give praise to God as a testimony. God, thank You for these things. Many others, Father, that Thou has healed, that we're so happy for them. Many cannot be here; they're on beds of affliction, and here's handkerchiefs that represent them. God, will You go with these handkerchiefs, as I lay hands upon them. Knowing that in the Bible it was written that they taken off the body of Saint Paul handkerchiefs and aprons.

Acts 19:12 So that from his body were brought unto the sick handkerchiefs or aprons, and the diseases departed from them, and the evil spirits went out of them.

8 And Father, You're still the same Lord Jesus tonight, that healed the sick. And I pray that You'll grant it, healing to every one. Bless these people altogether.
And Father, we pray now that You'll help us as we read Your Word for a few minutes and speak, and then pour out Your Spirit, Lord, tonight. And may there not be a feeble person left in our midst tonight. May those who are feeble now, upon hearing the Word... [Gap in the audio]... down through the audience, and just go by... And as each one, as like blind Fanny Crosby sang:
Pass me not, O gentle Saviour,
Hear my humble cry;
While on others Thou art calling,
Do not pass me by.
May every one receive a divine touch from His hand tonight and be healed.
And if there be any here, Father, who is not Your children, may they see You tonight in operation, and action, and reality. And may You speak at their heart, and may they say, "I'm tired of sinful life, knowing that I've got to leave the world someday." And may they come to find You as their dear beloved Saviour this night. We pray in Jesus' name, Thy beloved Child. Amen.

9 Now, I know there's some standing around, and I feel for them that has to stand, and I know what it means. But now, I'm happy that you're here. And we just haven't the room; it's just a small auditorium, and we ... just for three days. And if God willing, and you want me to, someday I hope to come back to you to stay longer to have a meeting here among you people here in Wisconsin, around. You're very nice, and I love you.
And now, I want to read just a portion of God's Word, for, as I always say, my word is just a man's word. But His Word is eternal and is true: Heavens and earth will pass away, but His Word will never fail. Now, I don't have ... I don't have time, and can't, set a regular text, because the reason I'm speaking is merely feeling this congregation; that's exactly what it's for: feeling around till I know the anointing of the Spirit's catching into the people, then I start the prayer line. And now, that's why I speak.

10 And I don't carry my text; I just talk a little on the Scripture here, and there, and so forth, I have been the last few nights. But now, in Chicago, the Lord willing, beginning tomorrow, I'm going down, if God willing, to preach some for the church down there. You that live in Chicago, and is not attending any of these other revivals now, if you're not attending these other revivals and live in Chicago, then drop over to the Lane Tech Auditorium this coming week. They're having a convention in the city, and I speak each night there. Will be very happy...
If you got some loved ones down there too, drop them a card and tell them to come over. Maybe if they're not saved, maybe the Lord would save them. If they're sick, maybe the Lord would heal them. And so, we thank you.

11 Now, in the Book of Saint Luke, the Gospel according to Saint Luke, in the 2nd chapter, just a little familiar Scripture to read, I read beginning with the 25th verse:
And, behold, there was a man in Jerusalem, whose name was Simeon; the same ... was just and devout, waiting for the consolation of Israel: and the Holy Ghost was upon him.
And it was revealed unto him by the Holy Ghost, that he should not see death, before he had seen the Lord's Christ.
And he came by the Spirit into the temple: and when the parents brought in the child Jesus, to do for him after the custom of the law,
Then took he Him up in his arms, and blessed God, and said,
Lord, now lettest Thy servant depart in peace, according to Thy Word:
For my eyes have seen thy salvation.
May the Lord add His blessings to the reading of His Word. It's Simeon, and then, an old sage of the Bible. And if we'd take what we'd call a little text for a context, would be "Expectations."
You know, usually, people get what you expect, don't you? You take... Some people come to meetings, say, "You know what, I don't believe in nothing like that. I'm just going down; I know there's nothing to it." Well, the devil will certainly show you something; you're expecting it; he'll show you something that's not right, something that ... just what you expected.
But if you expect to go down and to get good out of the meeting, God will show you something too. So, you usually get just what you expect. So, let's have our expectations high tonight. I see some wheelchairs here tonight, and a cot or two. And let's you and I build up our expectations that you're, tomorrow, going to be walking like the woman was that was in the wheelchair last night. And you that's on the cot, the stretcher tonight, perhaps a hopeless case, but so was this woman here on a stretcher and a hopeless case. And let's build our faith up tonight with great expectations that tomorrow we're going to be walking around here giving God praise like she is, you see.

Luke 2:25 And, behold, there was a man in Jerusalem, whose name was Simeon; and the same man was just and devout, waiting for the consolation of Israel: and the Holy Ghost was upon him.

Luke 2:26 And it was revealed unto him by the Holy Ghost, that he should not see death, before he had seen the Lord's Christ.

Luke 2:27 And he came by the Spirit into the temple: and when the parents brought in the child Jesus, to do for him after the custom of the law,

Luke 2:28 Then took he him up in his arms, and blessed God, and said,

Luke 2:29 Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace, according to thy word:

Luke 2:30 For mine eyes have seen thy salvation,

12 And you do the same here, sister. Now, your arthritis is nothing for God to heal; He can heal it, you know. He can make it well, and He can do anything that He wants to (You see.), or anything that you'll let Him do. Your faith has to let Him do it. And now, see, you're mentally right, all of you here. But this poor little sister over here wasn't mentally right. She had such a pressure; she was conscious, and unconscious, and the pressure on the brain, and everything wrong, even to the famous Mayo Brothers could do nothing for her. But Jesus could. Then see... And her laying there in that condition, the sovereignty of God...
I was asking about it today and asking my boy and them, what position was the woman laying in. And I was looking forward and seeing the vision, and told about ... she come from a place where there was a clinic, and had great high towering place, and so forth. And she was laying back in the other side, back that way, towards the front of the altar, laying around there. And the Holy Spirit goes around to her, and pulls her out, and heals her, and makes her well. He's so lovely.

13 Now, just believe Him tonight, and He'll do you the same way. For He's no respect of persons; He's respecting faith. God only will honor faith. Even your salvation sometimes won't atone for your healing---not the merits of your salvation. You're not healed by that; you're healed by the merits of your faith, see.
I've seen Christians come to the platform, renowned Christians, and failed to be healed, and see a prostitute walk on the platform, be healed instantly, see. Because the Christian had been drug through many places, and skeptic, kind of believing: "Wonder if the days of miracles is past." And they'll go off missing it. And a poor old prostitute come to the platform knowing that she's guilty, condemned before God, and there give her heart to Christ, and be healed instantly, just walk away. So, it's on the merits of your faith.
Look in the times of Jesus, how the Pharisees and Sadducees, they walked by and doubted. And the street women and so forth, of that day and so forth, and the beggars, and things would be healed, where many of the others didn't get healed, see. It was on the merits of your faith.

14 Now, we're going to speak a little tonight about: to be expecting, what you can expect to receive. And let's have our expectations high. And now, for the next few moments I want to speak on that.
Now, the first thing you want to think of, friend, is always the Word of God. As I said last night, the Word of God is a seed. And that seed planted in the right ground will produce anything that the seed represents. If there's a seed, and it's wheat, if that wheat's germitized, and the right seed going into the right kind of ground, will produce wheat. Corn will produce corn. Barley will produce barley. And every divine promise of God will produce just exactly what it promised to produce, if it's put in the right kind of a place.

15 As I said today to a friend, "It's the atmosphere." That's what it is. You want to... If you want to get a great healing service here tonight, let's have a great atmosphere of belief, believing you're going to be healed. See? Now, no matter how real Jesus would be here at the platform, or out there, He couldn't heal you unless the atmosphere is right for your healing, see.
Now look, when Jesus went into His own country, many mighty works He could not do because of their [Audience says, "Unbelief"] unbelief, is right, unbelief. No matter how great He was, He was Jehovah God invested in a body of flesh. God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself. But He could not move until faith come.

2 Corinthians 5:19 To wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation.

16 How many knows Brother Bosworth? I know you all do. He's quite a fellow for jokes (and, not bad), good jokes. But not ... I mean, what the world calls... The American people are a whole lot that way; they're looking for entertainment. That's the reason today our churches has got so much off of the line, is because they got a whole lot of Hollywood evangelism. That's right, a whole lot of glamour boys out, acting and going through a lot of going on, and trying to decorate up, and put on a lot of psychology, when I'm the one type that likes the old-fashioned blood-washed Gospel, brother, that really brings the Gospel out. That's right.
I do not believe that we should go on with a lot of carrying on, and classic, and everything. Just make the Gospel pure, and plain, and simple. You don't have to speak big words that Webster don't even know; the only thing you have to do is just preach the Gospel plain and true; they'll understand it.

17 At Fort Wayne recently... You all that takes this "We The People," they wrote up an article what the Lord did, in my meeting up there for Him, of a little blind girl being healed. You Assembly of God people, it come out in your "Evangel" and so forth. And so that night we come from the platform, a little clubfooted baby was made straight, and a little blind girl received her sight. And so, they'd put it in the "Evangel," and in "We The People," that speaks on religions and so forth. It goes over the world and gets the events on things and it writes it up.
So, I was back in behind the stage where my song that they sing for me (My old friend Paul Rader wrote it.) " Only Believe." And I was back there just thinking (when I heard it come through the microphone), think, Right in this same room Paul wrote that song. He's gone on to glory long ago. And I was back there, and there was a man came back there who had more education than he had knowledge to know what to do with, I guess. And he said, "Brother Branham," he said, "your message was nice," he said, "but, oh, your grammar."
I said, "Yes, sir, that's right." I said, "I know my grammar's awful." I said, "I'm sorry about that." I said, "I was raised in a family of ten, and I was the oldest. And my daddy died, and I had to take care of ten children and my mother." I said, "I didn't get a chance to get an education."
"Oh, that's no excuse now." Said, "You're a man."
I said, "Yeah, I know that's right." I said, "But since the Lord... I had to work so hard till I went in evangelism," I said, "and then when I started here," I said, "the people calling me from everywhere, I don't even get a chance."
He said, "Oh, you could take a correspondence course." Said, "Your grammar's so bad."
I said, "I know it's awful, brother." I said, "I hate it, but I just can't help it."
Said, "You using those words 'hain't,' and 'his,' and 'tain't,' and..."
I said, "Well, they seem to understand it pretty good." I said [unclear words]. And so...
He said, "Well," he said, "look, one mistake you made Brother Branham, was horrible out there, before an audience like that." Said, "You said, 'People coming up to this polpit.'" Said, they'll ... and he said, "You should not say 'polpit.'"
I said, "Well, isn't that what it is?"
He said, "No." Said, "Your congregation will appreciate you more if you said 'pulpit,' not 'polpit.'"

18 Huh. I said, "Brother, you know what? I love you." But I said, "I tell you, them people don't care whether I say 'polpit' or 'pulpit.' They want me to preach the Gospel in the plainness and produce what I'm talking about." I said, "That's exactly what they are. And they know I'm just an old sassafras, farmer anyhow, so I can't be nothing that I'm not; so I just have to talk like that. So, you excuse it like that; it's the only way I know." So, but one thing I do know, Jesus saved me, and I love Him with all my heart. And He promised me a home in glory, and I'm looking forward to it. And I want to take as many as I can, telling this good news of what He did.

19 Now, and now, you remember, that you don't have to wait, now, for an evangelistic service or a person coming through praying for the sick; you have a right yourself. Remember, gifts and callings are wonderful; but remember, here is the greatest thing that God gave the world outside of Jesus Christ, is the Bible. And do you know what? The Word of God will defeat the devil any place, anywhere, anytime, on his own ground. Did you know that? The Word of God alone.
Jesus made it so simple until the weakest Christian could do it. Look when Jesus came on earth: He was the Son of God. Don't you believe that? He was conceived in the womb of Mary and was born a virgin birth. Almighty God overshadowed Mary and created the blood cell that brought forth the Son, Christ Jesus. And God tabernacled Himself, Jehovah, in that body, in His Son. The Father dwelt in the Son, being the tabernacle.

20 And when He was here on earth, and He went in... After He was filled with the Spirit at the baptism of John, He went into the wilderness, was tempted forty days; coming out, the devil met Him. He was, 'course, just the antetype of Moses. And he tempted Moses on his weak point. And Moses with his temper, he broke all the commandments. And showed that priesthood would be broken.
But when Jesus, His weak point: He was hungry; He'd been fasting forty days. And when Satan met Him and said, "If Thou be the Son of God, turn these stones into bread." And Jesus, now with all the powers of God in Him, yet He never used any of His powers; He brought it right down simple enough that the least of Christians ... or, the weakest of Christians, could use the same thing. He said, "It is written, man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God."

Matthew 4:3 And when the tempter came to him, he said, If thou be the Son of God, command that these stones be made bread.

Matthew 4:4 But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.

Luke 4:3 And the devil said unto him, If thou be the Son of God, command this stone that it be made bread.

Luke 4:4 And Jesus answered him, saying, It is written, That man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God.

21 He took Him up on the top of the pinnacle of the temple and said, "If You'll cast Yourself down here, while ... give the angels charge concerning Thee," and so forth.
Jesus said, "It is written." The Father's Word again.
And he taken Him up on a mountain, showed Him all the kingdoms of the world, every one of them, and said, "They're all mine, I'll do with them what I want to." You see why we have wars and everything. Who's the ruler of this world now. And he said, "I will give them all to you if You'll fall down and worship me."
Jesus said, "It is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord Thy God and Him only shalt thou serve." And Jesus defeated Satan on the Word of the Father.
And you can do the same thing. No matter how bad he tempts you in saying it's not right, it's this, say, "It is written." And the Word of God will defeat Satan anywhere, no matter what it is. If you'll stand toe to toe with him and say, "It is written." "God said so; that settles it." If God said so, it really makes it the truth. All the heavens and earth will fold up someday and be no more. But God's Word is eternal and cannot fail, because God has spoken it.

Matthew 4:6 And saith unto him, If thou be the Son of God, cast thyself down: for it is written, He shall give his angels charge concerning thee: and in their hands they shall bear thee up, lest at any time thou dash thy foot against a stone.

Matthew 4:7 Jesus said unto him, It is written again, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God.

Matthew 4:8 Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them;

Matthew 4:9 And saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me.

Matthew 4:10 Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.

Luke 4:5 And the devil, taking him up into an high mountain, shewed unto him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time.

Luke 4:6 And the devil said unto him, All this power will I give thee, and the glory of them: for that is delivered unto me; and to whomsoever I will I give it.

Luke 4:7 If thou therefore wilt worship me, all shall be thine.

Luke 4:8 And Jesus answered and said unto him, Get thee behind me, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.

Luke 4:9 And he brought him to Jerusalem, and set him on a pinnacle of the temple, and said unto him, If thou be the Son of God, cast thyself down from hence:

Luke 4:10 For it is written, He shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee:

Luke 4:12 And Jesus answering said unto him, It is said, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God.

22 Do you realize that the very earth that you're sitting over tonight, is nothing more than the Word of God. Did you know God made the world out of His own spoken words? If He didn't, where did He get the material? He said, "Let there be." And it materialized and made a world. "Let there be." And there was light. "Let there be." And He believed His own Word. And His own Word brought the earth into creation. He made the world out of things which was not and does not appear, yet He made the earth that you're sitting over tonight. He made the chair that you're sitting on tonight; His spoken Word brought the material into the earth---the Word of God. Amen. You begin to think how little we are, and how poorly, and how little it is to disbelieve God's Word, when everything that we see was made by His spoken Word. He spoke it into existence.
He spoke you into existence. He spoke me into existence. Oh, my, when we think of that, the little old doubts just drop away when we see who He is. Why, He held out His hands and "whhsshh" blowed the moon and stars into existence. What do you think of that? Who made the solar system...

Genesis 1:3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.

Genesis 1:6 And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.

Genesis 1:14 And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:

23 When standing not long ago, looking through a glass yonder on Mount Palomar, I could see a hundred and twenty million years of light space. Break that down into miles and see how far it would be. And beyond that was still moons, and stars, and worlds. And my Father spoke those into existence, the same One that sent His Son here to die, that you might believe His Word. And you cannot believe His Word correctly until you're born of the Spirit of God. That's deep, and it's hard, but it's correct.
What's the matter with the world today, we got too much intellectual religion. There is such a thing as having intellectual... I don't mean to be rude, I don't mean to hurt people's feelings, but the trouble with these evangelists today, that's crossing the nation today preaching the Word, they say they go and have a big meeting and thousands are converted, and go back a few weeks, and there's not hardly any of them left. What is it? They receive an intellectual faith.
Now, God is not known by intellectual faith.

24 God is known by the experience of new birth, only alone. Jesus said, "Except a man be born again of the Spirit of God, he cannot even see the kingdom of God." Now, any Bible scholar here knows that the word see there does not mean, "look with your eye." It means, "understand."
You say, looking at something or other, say, "I just don't see it." You mean you don't understand it; you're looking right at it. You look with your eyes, but understand with your heart. That's right. You can't understand it. And no man can know nothing of God, until first you're born of the Spirit of God.
The Bible said, "No man can call Jesus, Christ." Only by the Holy Spirit is the only thing that... You say, "Well, I believe He's the Son of God." If you haven't been born again, you're taking somebody's word for it. You say, "The Bible said so." That's right; the Bible's right, but what about you? You say, "The preacher said so." The preacher's right, but what about you? "Mother said so." Mother's right, but what about you? It's a personal experience of your own that you've got to be born again or you'll never understand God.

John 3:3 Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.

1 Corinthians 12:3 Wherefore I give you to understand, that no man speaking by the Spirit of God calleth Jesus accursed: and that no man can say that Jesus is the Lord, but by the Holy Ghost.

25 And then He will reveal Himself to you just as He knows you have need of. Now, there's two things in you that draws the opinion. First there's an intellectual part, which is your mental part. And the next is your soul. You have a soul and a mind.
Now, here not long ago, the old-timers and the science said, "Well, you know, God sure made a mistake when He said that, 'as a man thinketh in the heart." There's no mental faculties ... no mental faculties in the heart that a man can think with, it's flesh." And the critics said it was ridiculous to think that a man could think from his heart.
About six months ago, you people in Chicago and around, found out that God was right. The scientific search has found that in the human heart there's a little teeny cell that hasn't even got blood in it or anything. It's a little compartment; the animal doesn't have it, just the human being; and they say it's the occupation of the soul. So, after all, a man believes in his heart. You think with your mind, but you believe with your heart. God's right after all; it's in your heart.

Proverbs 23:7 For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he: Eat and drink, saith he to thee; but his heart is not with thee.

26 Now, your intellectual faith will reason. You'll say, "Now, I know the Bible teaches that, certainly. But let me think now, the days of miracles is past. Pastor said so, somebody said so. I believe that this day we don't have that." Now, see, you're using intellectual faith. And that intellectual faith will reason with God's Word, but a born again experience from the heart will not reason; it will say, "God's Word's right. There's no more to do with it; it's right." Because something down here that says it itself; you have nothing to do with it. It's God in the heart.
Now, an intellectual faith will reason. Now, today that's what's the matter with our churches. We've got away from real old-time experiences of receiving the Holy Spirit. And we've got away from it, and substituted for it an intellectual college, a college education. Now, I'm not trying to support my ignorance now. But I am trying to say this: If it come between education and salvation, I'll take salvation. Yes. If my children didn't know their ABC's, I'd rather they'd know Jesus Christ. That's right, it is true. I think education's wonderful, but it'll go so far.

27 But the trouble of it today, we've leaned all together on education and have adopted it instead of salvation. We don't need today... You know what's happened? We've substituted then the old-fashioned upper room to receive the Holy Spirit, for a supper room to sell soups and things to pay the preacher with, when we don't need that. We need back to the Bible, to the old-fashioned Holy Spirit, good old-time Saint Paul's revival and the Bible Holy Ghost, is what we need back in the church again tonight. It's right.
And, friend, it'll only come through the experience of the new birth. A man cannot go to the Kingdom of God without being borned again, no more than a bird could fly without his wings. He couldn't do it; no matter how much bird he is; he hasn't got wings, he can't fly. And neither can a man go to heaven without being borned again. Jesus said so. And we know that it is not intellectual. And you can hear people today in their churches; they reason out, say, "Now, I tell you; that's not right." Because, see, they doubt. And what your soul is...

28 Here an experience I had recently with a woman. There was a woman who lived in a neighborhood. She was raised up a good woman. And she was raised in a fine home. Although she went to church, but she never become what we'd know to be a Christian, being borned again, though she was very loyal in the church, and she was a pianist in the church. And she married a fine boy that hung around the church there, and he was a good boy. And they lived together for a while.
After a while they moved off into a neighborhood; she still joined up with ... taking her letter to another church. And she lived in this neighborhood here. She was raised of an old-fashioned mother who really knowed God, an old-fashioned mother. God help us to have some more of them, instead of these cigarette smoking, cocktail drinking, night running females that we got today called mother. And that's awful to say that from the platform, but that's the naked truth. It's a shame, brother. I tell you; it's disgracefully to think that the motherhood of America has broken down. That's the backbone of any nation.

29 The first preacher that ever gets a child is a mother. There's four ... or, five Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, and Mother. And a mother should be a Spirit-filled woman, who can teach her children, and teach them to pray and to know about God, and so forth. Instead of that, they give them to a babysitter and run all night long. And then go to Sunday school on Sunday morning and call themselves Christians.
I better get off of that, hadn't I? 'Cause I'm just an old sassafras type that believes the truth about these things. That's right. And I'd rather scorch you now than have you be burnt after a while, so that's true. So you just remember: It's the truth; it's the Gospel truth.

30 And how today that we've got away from that. They go to the church.
And this woman, she went into the church out there. She done a very good job; she was a piano player. And after a while, she begin to notice the women in her neighborhood begin to dress immodestly, how they get out and mow their yards with them little old clothes on. I hope there's none of them here tonight. And it's a disgrace to you, sister. God be merciful to your sinful soul. What else would do that but an evil spirit full of lust. You don't want to think that, but that's exactly. The only person that ever stripped their clothes in the Bible was a maniac. That's right. Put on your clothes and act like a lady. Your husband ought to be whipped for letting you do it in the beginning.
So then, the first thing is... Now, there ... but she thought she'd go get by with that, 'cause the rest of the women in the church was doing the same thing. She thought she would do it. So, she started to doing it. That led on till they begin to smoke cigarettes, so she thought she'd smoke cigarettes. And she continued playing. There was nothing said too much about it around the church.

31 That's what's the matter, pastor. What's the matter, our people will go to hell is because you let down the Gospel in the pulpit; that's exactly what it is. If you'd keep those little old rosary things out of the pulpit and preach the Gospel, the power of God unto salvation, have an old-fashioned altar call and have people cleaned up in their lives, it would be different. It would be examples set forth in Christianity. That's right. But we've let down the bars somewhere.
A good old Methodist preacher friend of mine, he used to sing a song:
We've let down the bars;
We've comprised with sin;
We let down the bars;
The sheep got out,
But how did the goats get in?
You let down the bars; that's just simple. That's the only thing it is. They can join church today and live any kind of life or anything. But I tell you one thing; you can't be borned again and live any kind of a life. You'll live for Jesus Christ when you're borned again. And you'll act like a man. And you'll conduct yourself as a real Christian, if you're borned again of the Spirit of God.

32 So, this woman, finally, she got ... fell in love with a man, neighbor. And she left her husband, and run off, and married this man, and continued playing the piano in the church. And after a while, she left him and married another one. And she thought she was doing all right.
And then finally, ended up as a common-law wife. What was it? Her soul told her in the beginning, "Don't do that." But she reasoned, "Now, if the rest of the women can do this, why can't I do it?" But down in her soul was a Spirit that said, "Don't do that; keep away from that; that's not right." But yet, she fought against that, and cast that aside, and she went to reasoning. Don't you see? Don't reason; just believe. Believe God's Word; don't try to reason it out. Just what God said is the truth. And believe that to be the truth. And don't go to your reasonings; go to your experience, to Christ in the heart and compare it with God's Word.

33 Now, she went on. And after a while, she was called ... or, the pastor of our church was called to her bedside to pray for her. Well, she was laying there smoking cigarettes and everything, living in the house, a common-law wife, and he said, "Sister, is everything all right with your soul to die?"
She said, "Everything is at peace."
Now, she believed it. She had went so long with her intellect, until she had grieved the Holy Spirit from her. It no more spoke to her; she didn't know which was right. She had reasoned it out. She had a mental conception, that if she went to church and did what was right, why, she would go to heaven. That went on down till the very hour of her death.
But when her reasoning power... When you die, your brain breaks up, of course, when the spirit leaves you, and then what's left? Here's your soul that you've neglected back here, which comes to you then, when you're dying. And this mental reasoning breaks up; you don't reason no more. It's your soul that's been in your heart, that you've grieved away; then it caught up with her. And when she did, she screamed, "My God, I'm lost." Too late then. The soul that had been grieved away...

34 Now, the doctor can shoot a hypo in a arm and keep you from screaming. "Oh, she's excited," said the pastor. "She's not lost. Give her a hypo."
He give her a hypo, and she ... [Brother Branham breathes hard, then gets quiet.] Sure, quietened her down. Oh, preached her funeral and said, "The sister's in heaven." That I cannot say. But let me tell you; that hypo can quieten those lips, but it'll never quieten that soul that'll haunt her through eternity. That's right.
Don't you let that be your state. You mind God. Be borned of the Spirit of God, and quit reasoning things, and just believe what God said to be the truth. Be filled with God's Spirit, and then God will lead you, and the Holy Spirit will lead you in the paths of righteousness. And you see yourself conducting yourself unlike a Christian; you know that that's wrong. Then go back and check up with God, with His Word here and with His Book; and get right with God.

35 That's what Simeon did, this old man we're speaking of. He was an old man, eighty years old, had a great standing among the people, an old sage, white beard. And just before the coming of the Lord Jesus, the first time, the church had got all formal and indifferent, just about like it has again.
And there Simeon, out there... One day the Holy Spirit spoke to him and said, "Simeon, you're not going to see death before you see the Lord's Christ." And Simeon didn't reason it; he believed it. That's what you want to do: Believe it.

Luke 2:26 And it was revealed unto him by the Holy Ghost, that he should not see death, before he had seen the Lord's Christ.

36 Look at the virgin Mary, when she was overshadowed by the Holy Spirit, what her attitude was. Look at the priest just before him: John's the Baptist's father. When he was told in the temple that his wife was going to bear a child after she was old, why, he had plenty of examples. But he reasoned; he said, "How can these things be? She's old, and so forth, and it can't be."
Well, there was Sarah, was nearly a hundred years old when she conceived. There's Hannah way past the age. But here Zacharias doubted the Lord. And God said, "I'm..." The angel said, "I'm Gabriel, but my words will be fulfilled just the same." And he struck him dumb till the day the baby was born.

Luke 1:18 And Zacharias said unto the angel, Whereby shall I know this? for I am an old man, and my wife well stricken in years.

Luke 1:19 And the angel answering said unto him, I am Gabriel, that stand in the presence of God; and am sent to speak unto thee, and to shew thee these glad tidings.

Luke 1:20 And, behold, thou shalt be dumb, and not able to speak, until the day that these things shall be performed, because thou believest not my words, which shall be fulfilled in their season.

37 But look at Mary, when the Holy Ghost told her, "You're going to have a child, knowing no man." She didn't reason it. She just took Him at his Word. There you are. And she went around testifying that she was going to have a baby, knowing no man, before she was positive of anything. Oh, I hope you see it. She took God at His Word. She didn't wait... (Excuse this expression. You'd listen to a doctor; I'm your brother.) She didn't wait till she felt life; she didn't wait till something taken place, that she could see naturally that she was going to be mother. She just took the Angel's word. When the Angel said, "You're going to have this baby knowing no man..."
She said, "Behold, the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to Thy Word."
And she went around rejoicing that she was going to have the baby before she had one evidence that the baby was coming, outside the Word of God.
Oh, sister, do that tonight; you, and you, and all of you. Take God at His Word and start rejoicing. Saying, "God said so; that settles it. I will rejoice anyhow. I don't have to feel nothing or nothing else; I just believe it." Oh, and you'll see an old-fashioned revival sweep this country, burning out sin. And every church will fill up---and what a time it will be---if men and women will do that much: Take God at His Word, and be expecting Him to do what He said He would do. You're the children of Abraham; that's only through the promise.

Luke 1:31 And, behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt call his name JESUS.

Luke 1:32 He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Highest: and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David:

Luke 1:33 And he shall reign over the house of Jacob for ever; and of his kingdom there shall be no end.

Luke 1:34 Then said Mary unto the angel, How shall this be, seeing I know not a man?

Luke 1:35 And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God.

Luke 1:38 And Mary said, Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word. And the angel departed from her.

38 The promise was given to Abraham. When he was seventy-five years old, he was living in Shinar there, come down in the land ... the valleys of Shinar, rather, come from Babylon with his father, and was living down there, in the city of Ur in the land of Chaldean. And he was seventy-five years old; his wife was sixty-five; he had lived with her since she was about seventeen, and she was barren. And the Lord appeared to him and said, "Abraham, you're going to have a child by Sarah."

Genesis 17:19 And God said, Sarah thy wife shall bear thee a son indeed; and thou shalt call his name Isaac: and I will establish my covenant with him for an everlasting covenant, and with his seed after him.

39 And Abraham believed God, and made ready for the birth of the baby. And the baby never come for twenty-five years. But instead of Abraham getting weaker, he got stronger all the time, giving God praise for the baby. And here he is now a hundred years old and Sarah's ninety. But every day it went longer, the greater miracle it'd be. And the Bible said, "He got stronger and stronger, giving God praise."
First year passed by, "Sarah, how do you feel?"
"No different."
"Praise God, we're going to have it anyhow."
The second month passed, "How do you feel, Sarah?"
"No different."
"Glory, we're going to have it anyhow."
People said, "Abraham, there's something wrong with his mind." Was there? No, sir. He took God at His Word. He believed what God said, knowing that He was able to keep that which He had committed to him. God was able to keep His Word.
The first year passed, nothing happened. Said, "See, I told you."
But Abraham said, "It'll be here anyhow." When he was seventy-five years old ... when he was eighty-five, "It'll be here anyhow." Done bought up the Birdseye and had the pins and everything ready, 'cause they knew that he's going to have the baby. God said so. No matter how impossible it looked; God said so; that settled it.

Genesis 17:17 Then Abraham fell upon his face, and laughed, and said in his heart, Shall a child be born unto him that is an hundred years old? and shall Sarah, that is ninety years old, bear?

Romans 4:20 He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong in faith, giving glory to God;

2 Timothy 1:12 For the which cause I also suffer these things: nevertheless I am not ashamed: for I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day.

40 Abraham going around testifying, "Going to have the baby anyhow, coming." Fifteen years passed, no baby yet. Twenty years passed, no baby yet. Twenty-five years passed, no baby yet.
"What about it, Abraham?"
"We're going to have it anyhow. God said so." Giving glory to God.
Oh, if we had some men tonight that could have the faith of Abraham. And you are Abraham's seed. When you're dead in Christ, you receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit, which makes you Abraham's seed, and gives you the same faith that Abraham had, that calls those things which are not as though they were. Amen. No matter how you look, what you feel like, it's what God said about it. Amen.

41 You know, I feel religious right now; I really do. I wasn't expecting this. But to think of God... We call those things... Abraham called those things which was not, as though they were. He didn't look at the natural thing; he looked at the unseen. He looked by eyes of faith what God said. And what God said, God would keep. He knowed He could keep it. So, he believed it and testified of things that he didn't see, as though they were already happened.
Oh, my, you see it? I hope you do, and get it. I'm not excited now; I'm just feeling good. Notice, now, if you can take the same thing and say, "God promised it: By Jesus Christ's stripes I was healed. I believe it. No matter what takes place, how I feel, how I look, I'm healed anyhow; God said so." And stay right with it. Don't move; stay right with it. Watch what it'll do.

Romans 4:17 (As it is written, I have made thee a father of many nations,) before him whom he believed, even God, who quickeneth the dead, and calleth those things which be not as though they were.

42 You know, some people has great big faith like that; they can be healed in a moment. Some has faith that much; can be healed in a week. Some has mustard seed faith; takes them a long time, but just follow it; it's genuine; it'll bring you to the Light; just hold on to it and keep moving. And it'll bring you out; you just keep holding on to that faith; it'll bring you through, if it's real mustard seed, you know. Mustard don't mix with nothing; it's genuine. You can mix kale with spinach and so forth, but you can't mix mustard with nothing. Mustard stays mustard.
And when real faith takes a hold in the heart, it's not intellectual; it's not reason no more; it's real. It's the Spirit of God witnessing through you, "God's Word is true." I stay right with it. Yes, sir. And that brings the results.

43 So, Simeon, he went on. He wasn't... Now, he had a great prestige, but he wasn't ashamed of his prestige if it was contrary to the people's ideas. Well, somebody'd say, "Looky, poor old Simeon, you know what? He's just a little bit off now. You know, here we are; we're in captivity. Look at the churches today. Why, we know the days of miracles is past. And here that old man, with one foot in the grave, eighty-something years old, and still saying he's going to see the Christ, when even David hundreds and hundreds ... eight hundred years ago, said he wanted to see Him. And Elijah back before that, and plumb on back to Adam, they looked for Him. And here he is with one foot in the grave and the church all tore up like it is now, and everything, and the days of miracles all ceased out and everything. And yet he says..." He believes it.
Why? God said so. And he went around... He wasn't ashamed to tell people, "I'm not going to die till I see the Lord's Christ." He had a good reason: The Holy Ghost told him so. Now, there's no two Holy Ghosts; the same Holy Ghost was there then is here now, see. That's right. The same Holy Ghost... So, he believed the Holy Ghost and went around testifying. He didn't care what people said; he had the promise, so that's all.

Luke 2:26 And it was revealed unto him by the Holy Ghost, that he should not see death, before he had seen the Lord's Christ.

44 And have you got the promise? Absolutely. "The promise is unto you, and to your children, and them that's far off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call." The promise is still the same. That's right. To "whosoever will, let him come and drink from the waters ... fountain of waters of life freely." For it's for "whosoever will." You can, you're invited to come, wanted, and expected to be here. That's right.
When the days drawed by, Simeon got older, but he stilled praised the Lord; he was going to see the Christ anyhow. So finally, after awhile, there was some Magis way over in a eastern country saw a star appear, and they packed up, and away they went following the star. They was expecting to see that star.

Acts 2:39 For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call.

Revelation 22:17 And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely.

45 Nobody else seen it, because no one was expecting it but them. They got what they expected. They was watching for the star where Balaam said, their prophet, that there'd be a star of Jacob rise, and they was looking for it. And so they followed the star and found the Christ.
And there was a few shepherds out on the hillside herding their sheep; they found Him, and they knew about it. But word doesn't travel then ... didn't travel then, rather, like it does today; they didn't have the news, the papers, and the radio, and the press, and so forth, that we got today, they didn't have it. So, it only went from lip to ear. And many people had never heard nothing about it.

46 So, after eight days, Jesus being born, well, then, Mary she come to the temple to offer the sacrifice, which was a custom: After eight days every male child had to be brought and circumcised. And they had to offer a offering for her purification; that was according to the custom of the law.
Let's take a little drama here so the little children can understand. It's Monday morning at the temple and I see the virgin Mary coming with her little baby, and she's got a peasant's offering. A peasant's offering was two turtledoves. Now, a rich baby could offer a lamb, 'cause they had flocks and herds. But Jesus, they had two turtledoves.

Luke 2:21 And when eight days were accomplished for the circumcising of the child, his name was called JESUS, which was so named of the angel before he was conceived in the womb.

Luke 2:24 And to offer a sacrifice according to that which is said in the law of the Lord, A pair of turtledoves, or two young pigeons.

47 And now, all the babies coming along in their fine needlework, the mothers standing real finely dressed with little needlework with their babies, you know, little pink and gowns and so forth, on them. But there stood the little virgin with the baby wrapped in swaddlings cloth. You know what swaddlings cloth is? It's what goes on the back of a yoke of an ox when you're plowing with them; it's rags that's wrapped over the yoke. And they was hanging in the manger, so they just unwrapped that, Joseph and them did, and wrapped Jesus in it. Think of it, the King of glory, the King of [Gap in the audio.] ... somebody. Would you think of it.
There was about two million Jews that day up in there, so there was perhaps maybe hundreds of babies borned every night. So, every morning there'd be, after the eight days for each person, there would be a line of babies for their circumcision. It's Monday morning; here's a great line of mothers standing there over on that side, we'd say, with their little babies. And I could hear some of them saying, "Look at there. See, look at there; look at her; there she is; that's the one that had that baby without being married. Mmm-mm, keep your distance from her." Isn't that just like persecuting the real true believer today?

Luke 2:7 And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn.

48 She held that baby in her arms. She didn't care what the people said; she knowed who's baby that was. In her heart she knew that that was God's child. And every one that's borned of the Spirit of God, you might be called fanatic; you might be called that insulting name of holy roller. You might be called anything like that, but in your heart, if you've ever cradled Christ, you don't care what they say. Don't make any difference. They can say, "Look at them." Sure you're marked. Right. She was too. Kept their distance from her: "Back, don't get around her."
But what was she holding in her arms? It didn't look very nice to look at, but it was the King of kings, wrapped in swaddlings cloth in its little virgin mother's arms. Think of it. They kept their distance. I wonder where those people are tonight? What if they could come back and try it over again? It would be different, wouldn't it? Don't let that be your fate; you do it now while you're sensible, and while you can, while you got a chance to do it; do it now. They kept their distance.

49 So, the line moved on up; the babies being circumcised, and the mothers offering for their purification, and her bringing her little doves along, which probably cost a few farthings. And she brought the doves for her purification according to the law.
And then, gets up nearly, way along up the line. Let's look; where's Simeon at? If God give Simeon a promise, that he was going to see the Christ, it's up to God to take care of it; don't you think so? Let's say he's out over in a prayer room. That Monday morning, he'd the services the day before, and he was tired. I see him sitting over there, pick up the scroll and begin to read, "And a virgin shall conceive and bear a child." "Isn't that strange, I picked that up?" I see him reach down and get another one, read: "All we like sheep have gone astray; the Lord laid upon Him the iniquity of us all. He was wounded for our transgressions; He was bruised for our iniquity; the chastisement of our peace was upon Him; with His stripes we were healed." Reading the Scriptures over in the place... Now, I say this is drama for a moment.

Isaiah 7:14 Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.

Isaiah 53:5 But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.

Isaiah 53:6 All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the LORD hath laid on him the iniquity of us all.

Luke 2:24 And to offer a sacrifice according to that which is said in the law of the Lord, A pair of turtledoves, or two young pigeons.

50 And all at once the Holy Spirit is absolutely obligated... If He give him the promise to see the Christ, and the Christ is in the temple, He's obligated to bring Simeon before the promise. Is that right? Sure. So, I can see the Holy Spirit say, "Simeon, stand on your feet." Oh, my. You believe men of God are led by the Spirit of God? Sure, they are. Simeon stands up, not knowing where he's going: "Yes, Lord, I hear Your voice. What do You want me to do?"
"Walk, Simeon."
"Where, Lord?"
"Just walk." Don't make any difference where you're going, walk. He started off walking. Here he comes out, led by the Holy Spirit that give him the promise.

51 The same Holy Ghost that give Simeon the promise, gave you the promise. How many believes in divine healing? Why are you here tonight? Because you believe. There's something inside of you that tells you there's divine healing, is that right? If it wasn't even written in the Bible, it would still be a divine healing. If there's a deep in here calling, there's got to be a deep to respond to it. David said, "At the noise of Thy waterspouts..."---the deep calling to the deep...
In other words, I've made it like this many times: Before there was a fin on a fishes back, there had to be a water first for him to swim in, or he wouldn't have no fin. He had to have a water first. Before there's a tree to grow in the earth, there had to be a earth for it to grow in, or there wouldn't be no tree.

Psalm 42:7 Deep calleth unto deep at the noise of thy waterspouts: all thy waves and thy billows are gone over me.

52 And here not long ago I read in the paper where a little baby eat the... Little boy about eight years old, it was, eat the erasers off his pencils in school, eat his erasers up. And they come home, find him eating a pedal off his bicycle. And so they taken him down to the doctor, and they taken him into the clinic and examined him, and the doctor examined his blood and everything. And come to find out his little body was wanting sulfur, and sulfur's in rubber.
Now look, if there's something in here calling for sulfur, there has to be a sulfur to respond to that call, or there wouldn't be no call in here. You get what I mean? Something hungering, there's got to be something to respond.

53 When our forefathers, the pilgrims, landed over here on Plymouth Rock, they found the Indians; they were worshipping the sun. They were worshipping images. Why? When I went into the Hottentots of Africa, I found the little mud idols, a worshipping, sprinkled in blood. Why? They're human beings; there's something in them that tells them there's a Creator: deep calling to the deep. And if there's a deep calling, there's got to be a deep to respond to it.
You remember, not long ago, before you received the Holy Spirit, your heart burned for something. What was it? It was the deep. You'd come to the church; you'd joined church; but you'd never been borned again. And your heart called for it? What was it? The deep calling to the deep. And as sure as there's a deep calling, there's a deep to respond to it.

54 And tonight you're craving divine healing, because God's Bible said so. Something in you tells you there's a divine healing. And as sure as there's something in you craving for divine healing, there's a fountain open somewhere. And the same Holy Ghost, that give Simeon the promise and led him to the Christ, has led you here tonight, for divine healing, where the fountain is open for every one of you. Deep calling to the deep, there's a response. And when you see it, oh, you'll bathe in it.
I love beauty; I watch the sunset. I was riding today around your lake, and weeping like a baby. The lady back there and her husband, my book salesman here, Mr. and Mrs. Wood, they said, "Brother Branham, what do you see?" My mother's a half-breed; she's a half-Cherokee Indian. And when I looked out there and could see those leaves painted, I said, "It's God with His brush; He's painting the scenery." There was something in me that longed for it. And when I seen it, my heart wept inside of me. Deep calling to the deep.
Oh, what a time to come into His presence where you long to be and see the resurrected living Jesus among us. Then this deep calling to the deep brings the results. And no wonder people weep. No wonder people shout; no wonder people get emotional. Why, brother, you can't keep from it. There's something inside of you that's a moving.

55 Simeon, led by the Holy Spirit, here he come, not knowing where he's going. Men who walk with God don't care where they're going, as long as they're following the Holy Spirit. And he walked out into the building. I can see the old sage as he walks around; he don't know where he's going, so the Holy Ghost is leading him. I see him go over to this line of women. Here he comes down this line of women, looking at each little baby. He comes to this woman standing by herself, that the rest of them's making fun of. He stops; he looks over in her arms. He picks up this little bundle of love wrapped in swaddlings cloth, pulled Him up to his bosom, the tears running down his cheeks, and said, "Lord, now let Your servant depart in peace, according to Your Word; for my eyes have seen Your salvation."
The Holy Spirit moving, he was expecting it. He was expecting to see it. And God led him to his full expectancy. Are you expecting to be healed tonight? If you are, the Holy Ghost has led you to the place now. Are you expecting it? Be ready.

Luke 2:29 Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace, according to thy word:

Luke 2:30 For mine eyes have seen thy salvation,

56 At the same time, over in the temple was an old prophetess, a woman, the virgin Anna. She was blind; she'd been blind for years. She was around eighty years old. And she stayed in the temple and prayed day and night. For she too, was looking for the consolation of Israel, the coming of the Lord. And there she is in the corner, blind. And the same time, her looking for the coming of Christ and blind and couldn't see, the Holy Spirit spoke to her, said, "Rise up, Anna."
And here comes the old blind woman, feeling around the crowds, going through the great host of the temple, till she got right to where He was, and lifted up her hands, and blessed God. If the Holy Ghost could lead that blind prophetess, because she was expecting to see the Lord Jesus when He comes, can He lead you to the fountain of His blessings and grace? Be expecting it. Look forward to it; it's here. God is here; He's moving by His Spirit, moving over all the earth, signs and wonders, when God moveth. "Move, O Lord, on me."

Luke 2:36 And there was one Anna, a prophetess, the daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe of Aser: she was of a great age, and had lived with an husband seven years from her virginity;

Luke 2:37 And she was a widow of about fourscore and four years, which departed not from the temple, but served God with fastings and prayers night and day.

Luke 2:38 And she coming in that instant gave thanks likewise unto the Lord, and spake of him to all them that looked for redemption in Jerusalem.

57 Everywhere God moves, anytime through the Bible, you'll see healing, miracles, signs, and wonders. He leaves a track behind Him of the supernatural. I don't care what theologians say; the Bible is right. When God moves, the world shakes. And when He moves at every revival they've ever had... And the breaking out of the first reformation in Luther's day, they had healings; in the days of Wesley they had healings, in the days of Calvin, Knox, Finney, Sankey, all down through; and today He's no less than He was then. If anything, He's greater today than He was then. Hallelujah. I'm not excited; I know what I'm speaking of: led of the Spirit.
Why did you come here tonight? Did you come to get healed? Let me show you how many thousands of times... Here not long ago I'd been over to Dallas, Texas, and I started back home, and the airplane got caught in a storm. We had to come down at Memphis, Tennessee. And they put me up in that famous hotel there that night, the Peabody Hotel. I couldn't stay in a place like that with my own money. But the airplane lines put me in there.

58 And I was staying there that night, and I prayed. And the next morning when I got up, they told me, said, "Now, you be ready, Reverent Branham; they'll pick you up, the limousine, at seven o'clock.
And I said, "All right, sir."
And about six-thirty I went out; I had some mail I'd wrote that night, and I was going to mail it. And I was going down the street, singing this little song:
There's people almost everywhere,
Whose hearts are all on flame
With the power that fell at Pentecost,
That cleansed and made them clean;
Oh, it's burning now within my heart,
Oh, glory to His name!
I'm so glad I can say I'm one of them.

59 Going along, I was just learning it. And I was going down the street and something said, "Stop a minute." Well, I thought maybe it was just my thought. And it got a reality and I stopped. I thought, What is it?
I pulled up in a little corner; there was a policeman standing there, it was just right after break of day. And this policeman standing there. I looked like I was looking at some fishing reels and guns and things sitting in the window like that. I got back behind a post, and I said, "Oh, heavenly Father, is that You stopped me?"
He said, "Turn and go right back the way you come."
I turned, started back down the street, like that, wondering where I was going. I walked, and I walked, went plumb over in north Memphis, on down by the river, on out to the edge of the country, like that, and I thought, Where am I going?
Something just kept saying, "Walk on." I just kept walking, walking down. Seven o'clock come, seven-thirty, eight o'clock; I just kept on walking, walking around through... I didn't know where I was going, just walking around; the Lord was a leading.

60 And I got out there, and got down amongst the colored people. And I happened to come down the street, walking like that, and I seen leaning across a little old whitewashed fence, a typical old Aunt Jemima with a man's shirt pinned around her head. She was leaning across the fence, them big black cheeks, looking up that way. When she seen me coming, the tears was in her eyes. She said, "Good morning, parson." That was in the South; they call a preacher "parson." Said, "Good morning, parson."
I said, "Good morning, auntie." I said, "How did you know I was parson?"
She started grinning; she said, "Parson, did you ever hear in the Bible about that woman, the Shunammite woman that couldn't have no children. And she told the Lord if He'd give her a baby that she'd raise it for Him?"
Said, "Yes."
Said, "I's was that kind of woman." And she said, "The Lord give me a baby," and she said, "I raised him with all my heart to serve the Lord." She said, "I washed to make a living." She said, "I's a Christian; I've been filled with God's Spirit for years."
And she said, "And you know, my boy, when he got up to about eighteen years old, he took the wrong road." And said, "He got with a company, and he didn't tell me nothing about it, and he took a horrible disease, and he's in here dying." Said, "He's been unconscious, parson, for two days." And said, "I just couldn't stand to see my baby die," she said, "without knowing the Lord." And she said, "I know he's took a wrong road; he's got to pay for his sin, but I wanted to hear him say he was saved." And said, "He's just awful." And said, "I prayed all night long." Said, "Lord, please don't let my baby die without being saved; please don't, dear Lord. I've worked so hard for You and worked for him."
And said, "I fell asleep and I dreamed that I seen a man with a light suit on and a light hat, coming down the street." And said, "You's was the man." And she said, "I've been standing here since three o'clock waiting for you." God's moving. Said, "I've been waiting here since three o'clock."

61 I patted her on her back, and her back was still wet with dew. I said, "Auntie, my name is Branham." I said, "I pray for the sick. Did you ever hear of me?"
Said, "No, sir, parson, I never did hear of you, but I's sorry." She said, "Won't you step in?"
And I walked in. There's a little old plow point hanging back there for a gate thing to hold a gate back. And I walked into that little colored haunt there that morning, a little house, whitewashed. And, brother, I've been in three king's palaces; I've been in some of the nicest homes in the world; I was raised in a little old shack without a floor in it. When I walked into that little home that morning, I tell you, you know you was in the Presence of God. I looked in there; there was no pin-ups on the walls. There was a great big sign on the wall: God bless our home. I'd rather have it than all your fandango pin-ups and things of Hollywood.

62 I looked at that, I thought, What do you know. Then in the little old iron poster bed, was a great big boy, about a hundred and eighty pounds, going, "whuum, whuum, whuum." I said, "What's the matter with him?"
She said, "Parson, he's dying."
I took hold of his feet; it was real sticky on his feet, perspiration, felt like he was dying. And she said, "The doctor says he'd never come to. He got in the wrong company. It was venereal disease, syphilitic, and it'd went four plus, and it went into his heart, and eat his heart out. So, said he... "The doctor man said he's going to die." And said, "He keeps saying he's lost." And I stayed there a little bit; he said, "Oooh, it's so dark out here."
Said, "He thinks he's in a boat, and he's lost out on the sea." And she started crying, saying, "Parson, I can't see him die like that; that's my baby." And she reached over, and kissed him on the forehead, and said, "God bless mama's baby."

63 Oh, I thought, No matter how much disgrace he'd got into, how big and burly he was; he was, to mother's heart, still her baby. And I thought, God, if that mother can overlook that and kiss him, and say it's her baby, how much more, You to us? When You said 'A mother may forget her suckling babe, but I can't forget you; you're engraved on the palms of My hand.' I thought, What love. She kissed him and hugged him. And I said, "Auntie, will you bow for prayer?"
She got down and I said, "Lead, Auntie." And you talk about a prayer, oh, that old godly... [Blank place on tape.] ... a hold of God, I stood there and wept holding that little old bedpost [Blank place on tape] she kissed him again.
I said, "Auntie, will you kneel with me now?" Said, "Will you pray?"
She said, "Yes, parson." Said, "If I can only ... ask of the Lord, if I could only hear him say he's saved before he goes."

64 And I got down, I said, "Heavenly Father, I don't know why I'm here; my airplane's been gone for about two hours now." And I said, "Why You led me down here, I don't know; this is the only place I've come to, so, surely this is where You've led at." I said, "I was expecting You to lead me somewhere, and she was expecting me to be here. So, I pray God, that You'll be merciful and spare the boy's life." I had my hands laying on his feet.
He said, "Mama?"
She said, "Yes, honey."
Said, "It's getting light in the room."
And about a minute or two from then, he was sitting up on the side of the bed, talking to us.
I hurried off, and called a cab, and went out to the airplane. They was making the last call; they'd been held for two hours. I caught my plane and went home.

65 About six or eight months after that, nearly a year, I was coming through on a train. As you know, at Memphis, how you pull up this way. I run up to get me a hamburger; it's too much ... charge too much on the train to eat. So, I had to go over and get me a hamburger after the train stopped. And I run up there to get me a hamburger, and I was going up I heard somebody holler, "Hello, parson Branham." I looked out there and there was a redcap. He said, "Hello there," big black boy, teeth shining; said, "How are you?" Said, "You don't know me, do you?"
I said, "I don't believe I do."
Said, "You remember about a year ago, when you come down, and the Lord led you down to my mammy, was out the gate praying?"
I said, "Are you the boy?"
I said, "Yes, parson Branham." Said, "I's not only healed, but I's a Christian now."
Oh, my. What is it? The God that was with Simeon in that day is the same Holy Spirit today, that could ground a plane for that ignorant colored woman. Just think: The prayer of that poor, ignorant, illiterate, Negro woman: God kept a plane on the ground two hours. Sovereignty of the living God! I'm expecting Him.

66 Some of these days when life is over, my last prayer is prayed, I'm minutes from the last time to close the Bible, when the death angel's standing in the room, and the old vapor of the river Jordan's floating in my face, I'm going to expect Him to be there. When I go through the valley of the shadow of death, He'll be there; don't worry; He promised He'd be there; and I'm riding on it. I am believing it. I'll work till He comes. The Lord bless you while we pray.
Our Heavenly Father, in the name of Thy beloved Child, the Lord Jesus! When I think of Your great sovereignty, how You have led the people through the ages. Your Holy Spirit has never left the earth, and won't until He takes the church to go to meet Jesus in the air and then forever be with Him.
God, there's many tonight that's outside of Christ, who doesn't know any forgiveness of sins; maybe they belong to church, but never been borned again, never knowed what it means to receive the Holy Spirit, never knows what it is to get away from intellectual reasonings, and "should I do this or that?" Oh, God, I pray tonight that Your Spirit will move in the building. And if there be such a person here tonight, may they, with a humble heart, raise their hands to You and say, "By this, God, I need you. I tell you this way; I'm holding my hand to You, that I want to be a Christian from this hour on."

67 While we have our heads bowed, I wonder, anywhere in the building, if there'd be someone, such a person, who really hasn't been borned again and would like for me to remember you. If He'll help me here to make the cripple to walk and the blind to see and the deaf to hear, surely, He'd hear my prayer for your soul. And you know, you've never received Christ in that manner and been borned again, you want me to remember you in a word of prayer, will you raise up your hand, in the building? God bless you, you. Oh, my, just look everywhere, everywhere.
Up in the balconies, to my left, is there any up there, say, "Brother Branham, I wish you'd remember me; I'm not a Christian. I want you to pray for me." God bless you, you. To the balconies, to the rear, is there anyone up there? Just raise your hand, say, "Brother Branham..." No one look now; just let the Lord ... now. All right. God bless you.
Over to the balconies, to the right, say, "Here's my hand up. I'm not holding my hand to you, Brother Branham; I'm holding it to Christ." God bless you, young man; you'll never forget that. God be with you. Someone else on the bottom floor here anywhere? Raise your hand again to Christ; He sees you. God bless you brother, sister, God bless you, you, you. Yes.

68 Now, while you have your heads bowed, I'm going to remember you in prayer, and as soon as this service is over, I want you to come up around the altar and speak personally to Christ about it, won't you? Christians, join with me in a word of prayer now.
Our heavenly Father, many here, dozens of hands was held up, that they want to become a real Christian. What good's it going... What's our friends going to do? What good is our church going to do even at that time? When death is sweeping up our sleeves, our pulse is leaving, the doctor walks away from the door with his little satchel and tells the loved ones, "He's got just a few minutes, and he's gone." "She can't live long now; she's got probably fifteen more minutes and she'll be gone." Oh, God, and we press our heaviness of dying---head against the pillow, and the pulse is coming up our sleeve, turning ice, O God, they'll remember this night; they'll never be able to get away from it.

69 Father, I pray that every one that raised their hand, that You'll give them an experience this very night of witnessing Jesus Christ resurrection from the dead; that He's alive, here among us tonight. And He will save them and fill them with His Holy Spirit. Many didn't have courage to raise their hand; I know that, Lord; Thou knows it too. I pray also that You'll bless them. Grant it.
Many sitting here belongs to church and afraid that if they'd raise their hand... Yet in their heart You said do it. And yet, they was afraid to raise their hand, after joining church and being there so long. God, I pray that You'll give them the Holy Spirit; may such a hunger come upon them till they can't rest until they receive God's blessings for them. Grant it, Lord. Forgive us of all of our trespasses.

70 And now, dear Jesus, as we go into the service to pray for the sick, may every person, now with these words in their heart, may the Holy Ghost come. May Jesus walk into this building just now. May the great pillar of fire, that led the children of Israel, sway over this pulpit tonight, come down, prove the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, that people will be without an excuse then.
Heal the sick tonight, Father, make the blind to see, the deaf to hear, the dumb to speak, the cripples to walk. Cure the heart trouble, cancers, all different kinds of troubles. God, I pray that You'll mend up the broken homes, and make the ones that's in homes that's indifferent, fathers and mothers who doesn't pray, give them an experience tonight that they'll start a family altar at their home. Grant it, Lord.
Bless every church in the city. O God, let every minister be so inspired tomorrow, that he'll preach like never before. And may an old-fashioned revival sweep out through this city, Lord, and just may people come from everywhere to Shawano here, that they might know that Jesus lives and reigns. Grant it, Father. In Jesus' name we ask it. Amen.

71 May the Lord bless you all real richly is my sincere prayer. Tomorrow's Sunday; you don't go to Sunday school, probably till late. You Catholic people probably go to early mass and whatever it is, but you'll be able to make one of them. And I hate to hold you, and you're standing. But I just felt like talking to you. You're such a lovely audience, and I pray that you'll receive the words now and be expecting to be healed. I want to ask you something, just in a moment, before we call the prayer line to be prayed for.
What would Jesus do if He was here tonight? How many of you believe that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever? Do you believe that? What was He yesterday? What did He do when He was here on earth? What He done when He was here on earth, He's got to do the same thing today, if He is the same. Is that right?

72 Now, for about two minutes let's go through it. What was His ministry? Did He go around, and say, "Bring me somebody, and I'll heal them?" Never did He say that. He said, "I can't do nothing. It's not Me that doeth the works; it's My Father that dwelleth in Me; He doeth the works." Is that true?
Jesus saw visions. When He seen Philip, and sent ... and Philip... He prayed for Philip. Peter come to Him; He knew what his name was. He told him who he was. And Philip went and got Nathanael, around in another country and brought him over. When he come up to Jesus, Jesus said, "There is a righteous man, behold, an Israelite in whom there is no guile."
He said, "When did You know me? How do You know who I am?"
"Why," He said, "before Philip called you, when you were under the tree out there praying, I saw you."
He said, "You're the Son of God."
He said, "Because I told you that, that I saw you under the tree, do you believe Me?"
He said, "Yes."
Said, "Then you can see greater than this."

John 1:47 Jesus saw Nathanael coming to him, and saith of him, Behold an Israelite indeed, in whom is no guile!

John 1:48 Nathanael saith unto him, Whence knowest thou me? Jesus answered and said unto him, Before that Philip called thee, when thou wast under the fig tree, I saw thee.

John 1:49 Nathanael answered and saith unto him, Rabbi, thou art the Son of God; thou art the King of Israel.

John 1:50 Jesus answered and said unto him, Because I said unto thee, I saw thee under the fig tree, believest thou? thou shalt see greater things than these.

John 5:19 Then answered Jesus and said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do: for what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise.

John 14:10 Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me? the words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works.

73 He told the woman at the well, after talking to her, where her sins was and what she'd done, and so forth. He went in to the pool of Bethesda, where great multitudes of lame, halt, blind, withered was laying there (Saint John 5). And a couple days before that, a woman touched His garment and went and stood off out in the audience. Jesus looked around over the audience; He said, "Somebody touched Me."
"Why," they said, "everybody's touching You."
He said, "Yes, but I got weak; virtue went from Me; I got weak." He said, "Well..." Looked around over the audience. He said ... seen the little woman; He picked her out, where she was at. He said, "Thy faith has healed that blood issue now; your faith done it."

Matthew 9:22 But Jesus turned him about, and when he saw her, he said, Daughter, be of good comfort; thy faith hath made thee whole. And the woman was made whole from that hour.

Mark 5:30 And Jesus, immediately knowing in himself that virtue had gone out of him, turned him about in the press, and said, Who touched my clothes?

Mark 5:31 And his disciples said unto him, Thou seest the multitude thronging thee, and sayest thou, Who touched me?

Mark 5:34 And he said unto her, Daughter, thy faith hath made thee whole; go in peace, and be whole of thy plague.

Luke 8:45 And Jesus said, Who touched me? When all denied, Peter and they that were with him said, Master, the multitude throng thee and press thee, and sayest thou, Who touched me?

Luke 8:46 And Jesus said, Somebody hath touched me: for I perceive that virtue is gone out of me.

Luke 8:48 And he said unto her, Daughter, be of good comfort: thy faith hath made thee whole; go in peace.

John 5:2 Now there is at Jerusalem by the sheep market a pool, which is called in the Hebrew tongue Bethesda, having five porches.

John 5:3 In these lay a great multitude of impotent folk, of blind, halt, withered, waiting for the moving of the water.

74 Now, your faith pulls from a gift of God, just like He was a great gift of God. And this gift here is just a small amateur gift, but it's of God just the same. So, your faith operates it, not mine; yours is the one who does it. It wasn't Jesus' faith that healed that woman; He said, "Thy faith has saved thee." Thy faith did it. Her faith operated the gift of God that was in Him.
Now, when He went through that pool, look at all... We believe He was loving. Don't you believe so? full of compassion? But when He went through that pool... People don't know what compassion means. Many times they don't know what love means.

Matthew 9:22 But Jesus turned him about, and when he saw her, he said, Daughter, be of good comfort; thy faith hath made thee whole. And the woman was made whole from that hour.

Mark 5:34 And he said unto her, Daughter, thy faith hath made thee whole; go in peace, and be whole of thy plague.

Luke 8:48 And he said unto her, Daughter, be of good comfort: thy faith hath made thee whole; go in peace.

75 There's two different kinds of love spoke of in the Bible, you know that? In the Greek word, you that's scholars here, one of them is called phileo, and the other one's called agapao. Phileo is "earthly love," we have one for another. Now, that would... You love your wife, but the love that you have for her would... If another man insulted her, you'd kill the man for it (see), because that's phileo love.
But agapao is "divine love." That same love would make you pray for that man's soul that insulted your wife. It's altogether different. The same thing is compassion; wish we had a little time longer, a few days to talk to you and speak to you on those things.

76 And then He went through there, full of compassion, and He passed by those lame, halt, withered, moved right on through, till He found the man laying on a pallet---little quilt on the floor, little bed. And he had a prostate trouble, or something, as we'd call it. He had it thirty-eight years; wasn't going to kill him. He could walk like other men. But He said, "Wilt thou be made whole?"
He said, "Oh, somebody can beat me, can outrun me, get into the pool." 'Cause many thousands waited for that Angel to come down and move that water. And the first one got healed, the virtue of the Angel went off, just took it all off the water. And so, he said, "No man to put me in the water; when I'm coming somebody steps ahead of me."
He said, "Take up thy bed and go into the house."

John 5:5 And a certain man was there, which had an infirmity thirty and eight years.

John 5:7 The impotent man answered him, Sir, I have no man, when the water is troubled, to put me into the pool: but while I am coming, another steppeth down before me.

John 5:8 Jesus saith unto him, Rise, take up thy bed, and walk.

77 Now watch. Jesus knew that he was laying there, and He knew that he had been in this condition. Is that what the Bible said? Jesus knew. Then the Jews questioned Him. Saint John 5:19, I am now. Listen what Jesus said. No wonder the Jews probably said (like they would tonight), " Go heal that one, and I will believe it." That's the same thing Satan said, "Turn this stone into bread." "Come down off the cross, and we'll believe You." "Perform a miracle before me, and let me see it." God never did or never will do that. No, sir. He doesn't do it that way.
And so these Jews said, "Well, wonder why He didn't heal the rest of them, and so forth. There's thousands: I know old Brother Jones down there, John Doe, and all them, they're good members of our church, and there they are, been crippled all these years; if He's a healer let Him go and heal them." The same thing's said today, see.

Matthew 4:3 And when the tempter came to him, he said, If thou be the Son of God, command that these stones be made bread.

Matthew 27:42 He saved others; himself he cannot save. If he be the King of Israel, let him now come down from the cross, and we will believe him.

Luke 4:3 And the devil said unto him, If thou be the Son of God, command this stone that it be made bread.

78 But God didn't do it that way. He went to a man that only had a prostate trouble, or something that he had thirty-eight years, and healed him, and walked away. So, they questioned Him. They do the same thing today. Now, listen what Jesus said; Jesus said, "Verily, verily... (That word verily is "absolutely, absolutely"), I say unto you, The Son can do nothing in Himself, but what He sees the Father doing: that doeth the Son likewise." Saint John 5:19, is that right?
Then Jesus' own words said that He did not perform any miracle or do anything, until the Father showed Him by a vision, first to do ... what to do. Then He went and done what the Father showed Him. Now, Jesus said, "These things that I do, shall you also." Is that right? "More than this shall you do, for I go unto My Father." He said, "A little while and the world (not world; it's kosmos, the "world order, the world unbeliever"), the world will see Me no more. The world won't see Me no more after I'm crucified; they won't see Me no more, Yet ye shall see Me (the believer), for I, (personal pronoun), I will be with you, even in you, to the end of the world." "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and for ever."

Matthew 28:20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.

John 5:19 Then answered Jesus and said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do: for what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise.

John 14:12 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.

John 14:19 Yet a little while, and the world seeth me no more; but ye see me: because I live, ye shall live also.

Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

79 And what He did yesterday: He stood in the audience; what the Father showed Him to do, He did it; He spoke. He could ... Jesus said that He knew their thoughts. Jesus perceived their thoughts. Is that Scripture? Total. Why reason you? "Your faith has healed you." "Thy faith" has made blind Bartimaeus there whole, all of these things like that. And when the people was brought to Him, He did just as the Father showed Him.
Now, if He's raised from the dead, He'll do the same tonight. Is that right? If He'll do it, will you believe Him and love Him? Once more let's pray.

Matthew 12:25 And Jesus knew their thoughts, and said unto them, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand:

Luke 6:8 But he knew their thoughts, and said to the man which had the withered hand, Rise up, and stand forth in the midst. And he arose and stood forth.

80 Father, now in the name of the Lord Jesus... After the resurrection, Cleopas and his friend went walking down to a city. And on the road down there, a stranger stepped out and begin to talk to them. They talked all day long, and He explained the Scriptures to them. They didn't know it was He. And when they drew near to the city, He made as if He would go on. But they bid Him to come in and abide with them. And when once in the house and the doors shut behind them, He did something. It was different from what a ordinary man done. He did it His way, and the people knew that it was Him. And oh, how they run from Emmaus, all the way back up to Jerusalem to tell them, "The Lord has risen indeed, and we've seen Him."
Jesus, will You tonight come in this meeting and do something different than what's done in religious meetings? Do it Your way, Lord, the way You did it when You were here on earth, that the people might know that You've raised from the dead. You just didn't just only raise on that Easter; You've been risen ever since. And You'll always be alive; You're alive forevermore.
O Christ, please in Your holy name, I ask that You'll pardon all of our sins; take all of our iniquity away from us. And, Father, forgive Thy servant, of my misdoings, and sanctify us tonight with Thy Holy Spirit. And come, Lord, into the body of this unworthy person, that's speaking to You, and use it as a mouthpiece, as You promised to do. And use the ears out there; circumcise the heart and ears out there, to hear Your Word. And altogether may we be in the Spirit, expecting. And may You fill this room with the Holy Spirit, and heal every sick person in here, save every sinner, and may it be to the glory of God. We commit ourselves unto Thee for this service, in Jesus Christ's name. Amen.

Luke 24:15 And it came to pass, that, while they communed together and reasoned, Jesus himself drew near, and went with them.

Luke 24:16 But their eyes were holden that they should not know him.

Luke 24:34 Saying, The Lord is risen indeed, and hath appeared to Simon.

81 Did you give prayer cards out over at the church today? [Gap in the audio.] Look on the back of it; it's got my... [Gap in the audio.] ... you.
Just now take yourself, any of you out there, and put you here before this woman with about, at least fifteen hundred or sixteen hundred people sitting here tonight, looking right down, and Satan moving around trying to make one flaw if he can. Put yourself here in my position now.
This challenge to the audience, to you people out there, to believe and watch the Holy Spirit move out, tell you about it, to heal. See, it looks simple, but come try it. Then you know what I mean. Now, I'm expecting you Christians to be in prayer for me, to pray for me. It's our Lord that we're speaking of.

82 Those tonight who held up their hands accepting Jesus, serve Him; maybe thirty, or forty of them did. But look, friends, they couldn't have held up their hands 'less God called them. Jesus said, "No man can come to Me, except the Father calls him first. And all that comes I will give him everlasting life." Now, they're babies, just beginning. Now, they want to know who this Christ is that they accepted. They've heard of Buddha; they've heard of idols. They've heard of other religions, and so forth, outside of Christianity, but who's this that they've just accepted, Christ? They did it by faith.
Now, I say He raised from the dead; He's not a dead one---God. Mohammed, Buddha, and all the rest of them has been dead for thousands of years, but Jesus raised from the dead, and He's alive tonight. That's the only thing can prove it.

John 6:44 No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day.

83 Now, here we are, this little handful of people, but the resurrected Jesus Christ, who represents Christianity, is here tonight to prove that our thoughts... All of you Christians, you're on the right side, absolutely. You can't fail; you're in Christ.
Now, say... If the woman, she may be sick; she may have affliction. She may have troubles in her heart. She may not even be standing for herself; maybe somebody else she's here for. She may be ... she's got financial troubles, maybe she's got children somewhere that she wants prayed for. I don't know; I can't tell you. There's only One Who does know, and that's God.
But it's the same thing like the woman at the well. Jesus talked to the woman at the well till He... First thing, He begin to speak to her, then after He carried a conversation with her, He said to her, "Go get your husband."
She said, "I have none."
Said, "That's right; you got five."
"Why," she said, "Sir, I perceive that You're a prophet. Now, I know when Messiah cometh, He will tell us these things." Saint John 4. "He will tell us these things, but who are You?"
What was the sign of the Messiah? What was the sign? He'll know the secrets of your heart. Is that right? The sign... Said, "I know ... we know, we Samaritans know that when the Messiah cometh, He will do these things, but Who are You? You must be a prophet."
He said, "I'm He that speaks to you."
And she went in the city and said, "Come, see a Man..." That's right. That's right. You go tell the same thing tomorrow, "Come, see a Man at church in the morning (see), Jesus Christ the Son of God, who knows all the secrets of your heart."

John 4:16 Jesus saith unto her, Go, call thy husband, and come hither.

John 4:17 The woman answered and said, I have no husband. Jesus said unto her, Thou hast well said, I have no husband:

John 4:18 For thou hast had five husbands; and he whom thou now hast is not thy husband: in that saidst thou truly.

John 4:19 The woman saith unto him, Sir, I perceive that thou art a prophet.

John 4:25 The woman saith unto him, I know that Messias cometh, which is called Christ: when he is come, he will tell us all things.

John 4:26 Jesus saith unto her, I that speak unto thee am he.

John 4:29 Come, see a man, which told me all things that ever I did: is not this the Christ?

84 Now, this woman, believing her to be a righteous woman. And now, she is a Christian, or it'd done been told me. If God will tell me what she's here for, just like He did the woman at the well, like He did all through the Bible, will you believe then that Jesus really has risen from the dead and is here tonight? Will you do it? Will you just raise your hand and say, "I'll do it, if I know... If it can be proven to me, it'll take all the skeptic out of my mind." Now, may the Lord grant it.
I just want to talk to the lady just a moment. And then, that's going to be up to you, whatever you think about it. Now, you'll have to know it's supernatural. I'm sad to say: Some of you don't believe it, but it's so anyhow, see. You can't hide yourself now, see. He's done anointed me now, see. That's right. But you'll see then it's your attitude towards it will determine your destination. That's right.

85 Now, sister, as I turn to you, knowing that you are a Christian, 'cause as soon as the Holy Spirit just a few moments ago... I want to ask you something: There was a strange feeling come to you there, just kind of like a sacred feeling; isn't that right? Even to bring tears to your eyes... That's right. That's when the anointing struck me, the Angel of God you see on the paper; He's here now. That's what you feel right now. Such a sweet feeling, no one, oh, if you could just only feel this wonderful, heavenly atmosphere. It's His presence.
Now, you all seen that Angel on the picture? Almighty God Who will judge me at the day of judgment, knows that that Angel is right here now. You looking this way, looking right straight towards it. Not me; Him. I can just feel it moving in the audience, everywhere. Now, if I can talk to the lady just a moment.

86 Now, sister, being a stranger to you, never seen you in my life. Then if God will let me know what you come here for, and will tell me something that you know that I don't know nothing about, you'll know it has to come through supernatural power. But will you believe it's the Lord Jesus and will accept whatever you're after, as He gives it to you and will believe Him, that I've represented Him right? Now, I've been speaking about Him and telling what He is, now it's Him to reveal to me; isn't that right?
Now, if the audience can hear me, which I know not how loud my voice is, the lady is moving away from me. And I see her; she's at some kind of a place; it's a doctor's office or a hospital. She's having an operation. And it's on her hand; it's her right hand and her middle finger. And she's got... The doctor says there... I believe he says it's a malignancy. And he operated, but it didn't do it any good. And it's moving again.
And the woman is also suffering. I see her where she's changing her garments. And she's suffering with something in her leg; it's a varicose vein that she's rubbing, which cramps her in her leg. Those things are true, are they, lady? ["Amen. Yes."] If they are, raise up your hand. Do you believe?

87 Now, I do not know what I said to the woman. There wasn't me talking; that was that Angel you see on that picture. Now, whatever He said, test it and see if it's truth or not. Now, if that anointing is here, and I lay my hands on the woman... When the last words that ever come from Jesus' mouth, He said, "Go into all the world and preach the Gospel; he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved. These signs shall follow them that believe." The last thing He said, "If they lay their hands on the sick, they shall recover." Is that right? Then whatever it is, I pray for sister while you pray too. Would you come close, sister?
Heavenly Father, Thou knowest this person, and I ask that You heal her, and make her well, or give her the desire of her heart, and may she live long. And may her testimony stir the neighborhood where she lives. This blessing I ask in Jesus' name, Amen. God bless you now, sister. Go, don't doubt Him, but believe Him with all your heart, that Jesus gives you the victory.
Praise the Lord. He is great, marvelous. He cannot fail, for He is the Lord God. Amen. How we love Him and praise Him!

Mark 16:15 And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.

Mark 16:16 He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.

Mark 16:17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;

Mark 16:18 They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.

88 Lady sitting right back there, right back the end of the row there, has got heart trouble, setting there looking at me like that. Don't fear; your faith saved you just then. You believe with all your heart? Do you? If you do, you may have your healing. Thank you.
Here, that you might know, just about two rows in front of you, second ... second in: arthritis. If you believe that Jesus Christ'll make you well, you may have what you ask for. Amen.
Little lady clapping her hands here, right here in front, has been having a fluttering when she lays down, especially at nighttime after she eats. That's right. Isn't that right, sister? Put your hand up to your mouth like that, isn't that true? right here with the little shawl around your shoulders? When you lay down you smother; you think it's heart trouble, but it isn't. It's indigestion; your eating, and it pushes through the tube up and makes your heart flutter. You won't have that no more; your faith's made you well. You don't have a prayer card, do you? You don't need one, you see; you just have faith. Amen.

89 Now, the man before me...
Isn't Jesus the same? What happened? The woman's faith, she was praying; it touched Jesus, not me. But we are His... Our lips are the only lips He's got on earth. Our hands are the only hands He's got. "I will be with you, even in you..." manifesting Himself to the world. "Things that I do shall you also." Just using our lips to speak...
"What is it, Brother Branham?" It's yielding to the Holy Spirit; that's all: yielding. Find out what He wants to use you for, and then yield to Him. If it's to go talk to somebody, yield yourself and go talk. Believe.

John 14:12 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.

John 14:17 Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.

90 Now, the man standing here... Good evening, dad. We are strangers to each other, aren't we, brother? I have never seen you in my life. And I'd imagine if my father was living tonight, he'd be about your age. He was kind of a man about your size. Dad, I'd give the world tonight if he was standing where you are. I'll never see him no more on this earth; he's gone on. God rest his soul, his gallant soul in peace.
But Jesus is alive; He rose from the dead. Now, you know I know nothing of you, dad. I just ... I'm just a man standing here. Probably you're old enough to be my father. And I never seen you, never met you; only God alone knows anything about you. That is true, isn't it? But Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God, knows all about you, doesn't He? He certainly does, certainly.

91 Now, this man, if the audience can hear me... I don't know how loud I speak, but I'm somewhere else. I know I'm on a platform, but I'm also standing at a hospital. The man is being operated on; it was for a hernia. And he had two operations. And one of them hurt him real bad, and that was the first one. The second one wasn't so bad. And you are a married man; your wife, she's here, and she's got trouble with her leg. And you got a boy, and the boy's a middle-aged man, and he's had polio; and he's got crippled hands. And he's here with you tonight. Those things are true. ["Yes, sir."] Do you believe? ["Yes, sir."]
O God, my Saviour, I pray that You'll give this, my brother, the deep desire of his heart, whatever it is, Lord, that he has need of. I pray in Jesus' name, as I hug this dear old brother to my bosom, may You give him his desire. Amen. God bless you, my dear brother. Receive what you come for (Amen) in the name of the Lord Jesus. All right.

92 Brother Wood, if you would come here and stand by me if you will for a few minutes, to kind of help, if they would.
Are you believing with all your heart? Just have faith. Oh, how wonderful! Praise be to God!
Sir, do you believe God can heal you of that trouble with your knees, sitting there praying, sitting right back here, about seven rows back, six or seven right here, sitting on the front, got trouble with the knees. Do you believe God, right in... Lay your hand back, you, sir, there with the red shirt on, turn around and lay your hand on that lady sitting right behind you, right behind you, right back behind you. You looking at me so earnestly, sitting right behind you.
Father, in the name of the Lord Jesus, I pray that You'll grant this blessing to the person that I'm asking for, for You're glory. Amen.

93 Wouldn't hurt you, sir. I'll show you something that you might not know. To the lady that had the trouble with your knee, lay your hand on the lady next to you, 'cause she's suffering with a gall bladder trouble. That's right, isn't it, lady? If it is, raise up your hand. All right. Now, lady, you lay your hand over on her. Now, in Jesus' name may it never bother you again. That you might know too, the lady sitting next to you has a neck trouble, back trouble. That's right, isn't it, lady? If that's right, raise up your hand. Amen. He's here.
Jesus is raised from the dead. He's alive among you. I challenge your faith to look and live. Believe with all your heart. You can have what you ask for.

94 How do you do, sir. We're strangers to each other, I suppose, sir. I don't know you, but God does know you, doesn't He?
He said to me the night that He met me, that I was called to pray for sick people. That's why that Light come when I was only three minutes old. And I told Him, "People wouldn't believe me."
He said, "As Moses was given signs to prove that he was sent from God to deliver the children of Israel, you'll be given signs, too." Said, "You'll tell them the very thought that's in their heart, and by this, they will believe."
Do you believe that? Me being a stranger to you, not knowing you, but God does know you, and if He will reveal to me the secret of your heart, or the desire of your heart, then you will accept what you come for? Will the audience do the same thing? God bless you, brother.

95 Now, the man moves from me (if the audience can hear me). The man is here for somebody else. It's his wife, and she's in a hospital. And there's something... They got bandages wrapped around her legs. And she's got some kind of a breaking out all over. And you've come tonight to stand for her. And that you might know that I be God's servant, His prophet, you suffer also. And it's a stomach condition. Your stomach burns all the time. It's because you're so nervous and worried. It's an ulcer in the bottom pit of your stomach. Sometimes when you belch, you're ... you get keep so sensitive, like that, with sour belches. And then you've got a stopped-up tubes up in here, in your passage. That's the truth, isn't it? Do you believe you're going to go home and find what you've asked for? Then go and receive it, in the name of Jesus Christ. God bless you.

96 Thanks be to God who gives us the victory. If you'll only believe, you'll see the lame walking in a few minutes, the blind seeing, the deaf hearing, the dumb speaking. Watch just a moment. They're in here. Just wait till faith gets that place. I'm expecting it.
How do you do, sir. We're strangers to each other, sir. I don't know you, but God does know you, doesn't He?
Now, try to be just reverent. Something happened then; I didn't get to see where it was at. Somebody was healed. I got real weak, and I seen that light coming over the audience, but I couldn't see where it was at. Don't move around; be real reverent. I believe it was in the balcony above me, but I couldn't tell just where... It come from that direction.
Now, we're before God; we're in the presence of God. Be real reverent, see. Just believe with all your heart. Now, it makes me awfully weak, so do pray, in your heart.

97 Now, this man... Here stands a man here I've never seen. He's here for some purpose; I don't know. I wish I could heal him, wish I could, but I can't. Nobody else can; it takes God. He has to have faith in God. By a gift that God gave me, maybe I can cause his faith to rise up to where he will believe. You are... You believing, sir? What's your trouble is you've got tumors. The tumors is in your shoulder. That is right. Now, being that your coat's swelled out with (that the public might think that I was looking at that)... You believe me to be God's prophet? Look to me and just... Don't think of nothing; just look to me and think of Jesus, and say, "Jesus, I believe You," so that the public will see that it won't be that. Maybe He'll show me something else.
Yes, I see something else. You got a wife in trouble. She's with you, and she's suffering with something wrong with her leg. It's her left leg, and it's wrapped up in bandages right now. That's right, isn't it? Don't fear, sister. Now, go receive what you've asked for. In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, may it be healed. That you might know something else: That trouble---the reason her legs---is ulcers. That's right, isn't it? That's what the doctor said. I heard him when he said it. Have faith now; don't disbelieve. Believe with all your heart. Now, have faith everyone.

98 There's somebody sitting right in here that just is wonderfully having faith. I hope you get healed, ever who it is. It's coming from everywhere.
How do you do, lady. Now, we're strangers to each other. I've never seen you, I suppose. We're strange to one another? You know me? You don't know me? All right. I didn't think I'd ever seen you. Sometimes I see people and never... Just they sit in the audience, you know, but I don't know what you're here for, don't know nothing about you. You know that. But Jesus does. If God will reveal to me what you want, will you believe that He's here to give it to you? Will it settle it with you forever? Will you accept it? Now, don't be scared. You're warding off that anointing, see. That's the only thing that can help you.
Wasn't there a man here just a few minutes ago, had something on his shoulder, was prayed for? Some man... Is that him? Oh, yes. That's right. I just seen you pass the platform again, just a few moments ago. Seemed like you come from somewhere, a place called Indigo, something another like that. Is that where you live? Oh, I seen you leave the city. I couldn't tell. You're still here before me. Don't worry; have faith; it's all light around you now. Just have faith. That was the interruption.

99 Now, you're here because you're nervous. And that's the reason you act the way you do, is because you're nervous, and you're suffering from a shock. Isn't that right? A shock. And I see you: You was in an automobile accident that caused a shock that's brought this on to you. And you're not from this city; neither you're from this state. You're from Michigan, and you've come from a place called Crystal Falls or something another on that order, away from here. That's right. You want to go home and be well? Then believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, believe you're in His presence right now. Do you do it?
This man sitting behind you come with you. If you believe with all your heart, you can be made well. Do you believe it? Come here.
O God, our Father, in the name of Jesus, Thy Son, take away the curse and may our sister be made completely whole. I ask in Jesus Christ's name, with my hands upon her. Amen. Something's quiet now. You feel all right now? Now, if that's right, tell the audience. You feel all right? [The lady says, "I feel all right.] Jesus makes you well. [She says, "Yes."] Amen. See? Are you German? [The same lady says, "No, Finnish."] Finnish. Kiitos. Have faith in God.

100 Now, while you were sitting there, and I turned, and said what I did, do you believe me to be His prophet? Then go eat your supper. Your stomach trouble will go away from you, and it won't bother you no more. Do you believe that? Then go do as I tell you. Quit worrying. You're a deep thinker. You're always taking other people's troubles to yourself and crossing bridges before you get to it. You're always planning something that never happens. Quit thinking like that; be happy and rejoice. It's a peptic ulcer; can't help it, makes your food sour and everything else in your stomach and cramps you. It won't hurt you no more. Go on and eat, and be happy, and rejoice, and serve Jesus Christ. Amen. God bless you.
Brother, coming with you comes a black spirit, which is death. It's a devil: cancer. There's a lady sitting there, also with cancer, cancer on the pelvis bone. Is that right? I see you ... you're ... you are... I hear somebody... Your name is... You're Mrs. Roy Zuke, Zeeks, or something like that; isn't that right? wave your hand. That's right. Now, the devil pulling between you; it's off of both of you now; it's light between you now. Go, believing with all your heart.

101 Praise be to God. Satan lost that battle. Hallelujah! You know the devils calls one to another. They're screaming and calling one for help, and that's the reason I call for your prayer. Pray for me; it helps; keep praying, you see. It's a power; it's a battle. It's the devils fighting: wrong fighting against right; right against wrong. Quit being skeptic. Believe with all your heart. Be expecting you to be next. The Holy Spirit's healing all through the building. Be expecting to be next.
Now, what the outcome of that is, I know not. I know the thing left them. There was a dark streak between them, and this one was calling for mercy, "Help, help, help. Keep him from believing. Keep him from believing." I looked down to see where it was, and I seen the woman. I seen another woman calling her and called---I don't know what it was---called something another. I couldn't make it out just right. And that dark streak all left then, and it turned light, and the Holy Spirit was moving between them. The life of it left. Have faith.

102 And, sister, God would cure you of that diabetes and make you well if you'd believe it. Do you believe His...? Do you believe it? Then in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ may it be so. Amen. Have faith in God now.
Come, sister. Look this way now, to live. Look and believe on the Lord Jesus with all your heart. Now, you're suffering from a mental oppression, which is nervousness. You keep having strange and crazy thoughts running through your mind, especially right late of a evening. You get real weak. Many times you have to sit down. And when the sun's a setting, you get a gloomy spell comes on you. And the devil's trying to tell you you're going to lose your mind. Those things are true, lady.
You were praying before you come. You prayed and said, "God, if you'll give me a prayer card and put me before the platform, I believe You'll heal me." That is right. If that's right, raise your hand. That's right. I see you where you were kneeling there. Now, God has rewarded you and your faith has healed you. It's gone from you. It was caused from menopause, but you're going to be well. So, go on your road rejoicing. And I bless you, my sister, in Jesus Christ's name. Amen.
Let's say, "Thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ."

103 Sister, if you'd stand there and believe that God will heal you with the heart trouble, you'd go right back down the steps and be made well. Do you believe that? Then turn and go right back down the steps and be whole in the Name of Jesus Christ. Hallelujah! Do you believe? Now, don't be scared about, "Hallelujah." The word hallelujah means "praise our God."
Now, everybody bow your head. Here's a blind woman---blind spirit. [Brother Branham speaks aside to the woman.]
Our heavenly Father, knowing what it is: see a blind person on the street, a little white cane. And the lady said practically all of her life she's been like this. Thou can make her see. Thou has power. The One who healed blind Bartimaeus that day, has raised from the dead. They said when the blind spirit went away from the man, he could see. Will you, by the name of Your holy Son, Jesus, make the blind spirit leave our sister? And as Your servant, I lay hands upon her and rebuke this blind spirit. You evil thing, that would shut the sight of this woman off, cause her to walk before a vehicle somewhere, and be killed, and send her to a premature grave---come out of her. In the name of Jesus Christ, I adjure thee to leave the woman.

104 I want every person to keep their head bowed till I ask you to raise your head, please. Keep your head bowed, your eyes closed, please. [Brother Branham speaks aside to the woman.]
Raise your head a minute. Watch this. If you can see, touch my nose, lady, with your finger. Take your hand, touch my nose. How many fingers do I have up? ["Five."] Five. How many have now? ["One."] One. Let's say, "Praise be to God." Oh, sister, now, walk right on off the platform [unclear words]. Walk. Don't lead her; let her go herself. Let's say, "Praise the Lord," everybody.
Our heavenly Father, we raise our hands to Thee, to give praise and glory. Today, O Lord, who killed and drove away the cataracts out of the woman's eyes... O Jesus, Son of God, we worship Thee for Thy goodness and praise Thee for all Thou has done. In Jesus Christ's Name, we praise Thee. Amen. Look at the lady going on, shaking hands with the people.

105 What was it? Cataract. What is a cataract? Let me take a moment, just a moment. Give me your attention.
What is a tumor? What's a cancer? It's a devil. Look here. Where did you come from? From one little germ. If I tear your body down, you go down to one germ. Where did that germ come from? Your father. What's beyond... That germ is a teeny little cell. You can only see it with High-powered glass. What's beyond that little cell? Is life. Where did that life come from? God.
What's a cancer? Is a life. Look, there's no cancer on my hand. But there might be sometime. What does cancer come from? Everything in the natural represents the spiritual. A cancer would be a scavenger, buzzard, eats dead things. A cancer comes from a bruise. And then when that bruise comes, there's a little cell in there that's bruised, that backslides. A life, another life, not your life, a germ, comes in there. It's a spirit first that develops itself around it by a germ ... or, takes the germ that's already in your body, and takes its place.

106 Satan cannot create. He can only pervert what God has created, so he comes into that little germ. And what does he do? He begins to build cells, growths. A cataract does the same thing. Now, it gets bigger. What's it to do? Your little germ is to make you live. That germ is to suck the blood from you to kill you. Tuberculosis, everything else... It's devils, live. It's malignancy. It's growing; it's growths.
Now, looky here. The cataract in that woman's eyes---blind. What happened? Now, there's... I'm not dealing with that growth; I'm dealing with the life in that growth.
Just like here. What if there was a transparent band around my hand shutting off the circulation. The doctor, only thing he can ... oh, operate, is what he can see or what he can feel. He can't neither see or feel that. He said, "Well," just like on the sight, "you went blind."
"What made you go blind?"
"Well, the optical nerve died."
"Well, what killed it?"
You went deaf. What did it? What made you go deaf? Well, the nerve in your ear died.
"What killed it?" Your nerves didn't die all over.
"Well, now," the doctor says, "the nerve died."
What does the Bible say? The Bible said it's a spirit. "When the deaf spirit come out of a man (deaf spirit), he could hear. When the blind spirit left the man, he could see. The blind spirit..."

Mark 9:25 When Jesus saw that the people came running together, he rebuked the foul spirit, saying unto him, Thou dumb and deaf spirit, I charge thee, come out of him, and enter no more into him.

107 So that cataract in the woman's eyes... What happened? It was just like that transparent band. It was growing a growth and shutting off the sight. All right, what happened? Now, as soon as this transparent band... Now, it don't kill it back this way; it kills it up that way. That's the reason when you go blind, your nerves don't die all over your body. When you go deaf from the nerve, it don't die all over the body; it just dies there. What is it? It's a supernatural force that shuts it off. Now, if that's released immediately, it'll hurt a little, but the circulation will start back.
Anything that interrupts nature is the devil. God intends you to be healthy and strong, but the devil comes and interrupts what God has did. You see what I mean?

108 Now, that cataract had growed a body, going over her eyes: eating and living from the mucus from her eye. Now, I wasn't dealing nothing with the growth. The doctor might look in there. The growth's still there. But what happened? I called the spirit, the life in the growth. What happens? Out goes the life. Anyone knows...
Any hunters in here, that hunts deers? Let's see your hand? Got a lot of brethren, haven't I? Notice, you kill a deer tonight, and tell the boys how much it weighs. Be careful in the morning. It'll be pounds lighter. Is that right? Sure, it'll shrink. Let it lay there a few days, and it'll be pounds heavier. Is that right? Let a little dog get run over on the street (or a undertaker in here), watch it tomorrow. It'll ... the body... If a person dies, and got a false eye, false teeth, they'll take it out. Why? It'll push out: the body will shrink. And let it lay there, it starts rottening, decaying, cells breaking down. After seventy-two hours, it starts pushing up. Now, what happens?

109 Now, when this spirit of that cataract went out of the woman's eyes, now she can see. She'll see better. Tomorrow it'll be better. Next day it'll be better. Then it'll go getting bad again. Getting bad. What's the matter? The thing's a swelling. What with the cancer? The cancer: Say, "Whew. The pain's gone. Oh, I feel so much better." The tumor: "Oh, my, I feel so much better." Why? It's dead; it's shrinking.
Watch out. It'll do that for seventy-two hours. After seventy-two hours you start getting sick. Mmm. Right then, is where the danger line comes. You'll say, "Oh, I lost my healing." No! That's the best sign in the world you've got your healing. The thing is dead. And it's a piece of rotten flesh there, and it's certain, the bloodstream's got to pack off the impurities of the body. And it picks that up, and it causes fever. Even a bad tooth will cause you to have a fever. Any infection... What about a strip of meat that long, like a cancer, or that big around, that's dead, laying in your body! See, don't doubt. Believe. If it's anchored up here, you'll reason it out and say, "Well, I guess I lost it." But if it's down here, all devils in hell can't make you doubt it. You'll believe it anyhow, 'cause something took place---not intellectually, but revelation.

110 That's where Jesus built His church. Everybody's in it, is built on the same thing. "I say, Who does men say, I the Son of Man am?"
"Some say, Well, You're Moses or You're Elisha, or You're the prophets or..."
Said, "Who do you say..."
He said, "Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God."
Look: The Catholic says that it was built upon Peter. The Protestant said it was built upon Christ. Neither one. Jesus didn't say that. He said, "Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona, for flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my Father which is in heaven has revealed it. And upon this rock I will build My church (the spiritual revelation of Jesus Christ)--- upon this rock I will build My church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." A spiritual revealed truth of Jesus Christ. Wonderful!

Matthew 16:13 When Jesus came into the coasts of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, saying, Whom do men say that I the Son of man am?

Matthew 16:14 And they said, Some say that thou art John the Baptist: some, Elias; and others, Jeremias, or one of the prophets.

Matthew 16:15 He saith unto them, But whom say ye that I am?

Matthew 16:16 And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.

Matthew 16:17 And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven.

Matthew 16:18 And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.

Mark 8:27 And Jesus went out, and his disciples, into the towns of Caesarea Philippi: and by the way he asked his disciples, saying unto them, Whom do men say that I am?

Mark 8:28 And they answered, John the Baptist: but some say, Elias; and others, One of the prophets.

Mark 8:29 And he saith unto them, But whom say ye that I am? And Peter answereth and saith unto him, Thou art the Christ.

Luke 9:18 And it came to pass, as he was alone praying, his disciples were with him: and he asked them, saying, Whom say the people that I am?

Luke 9:19 They answering said, John the Baptist; but some say, Elias; and others say, that one of the old prophets is risen again.

Luke 9:20 He said unto them, But whom say ye that I am? Peter answering said, The Christ of God.

111 Dad, are you tired of taking insulin, and want to get over that diabetes? Want to be well? You believe that He healed you? Then just go on off the platform and serve Him then with all your heart. God bless you.
Let's say, "Praise the Lord." If you can believe... Have faith in God. Heart trouble and everything else believes when Jesus gets a hold. Isn't that right, dad? Do you believe He makes you well now? Go on your road rejoicing. That's the way to do it. Amen. Believe Him, that He does it. Say, "It's true; it's powerful; it's God. It can't fail."
In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, may it leave our brother. Amen. Hallelujah.
If I told you was healed, sitting there in the chair, would you believe it? Then, go rejoicing, for you are healed. Jesus Christ has made you well.

112 Now, here comes a blind woman, again. Bow your heads everywhere. Have faith in God. Sister, if I was able, my poor sister: hair graying, wrinkled hands. No doubt, she's done a many a hard day's work, standing here blind. I seen them leading you up the steps and leading you out when I called your number. I seen them leading you up here, blind, but you can be led by the Master's hand if you can believe. I can only pray.
It's been a long time, hasn't it, sister? And a walk around in blackness and darkness is horrible, to sit in a world all to yourself, in a world of blackness and darkness. May Jesus give you sight, tonight, sister. I'll ask every man, woman, boy, and girl in here to keep your head bowed and pray with me. In Jesus Christ' name.

113 Now remember, we're dealing with blind spirits. When they come out of one, they try to go to another. So, just that you might know, keep your head bowed until you're asked to look up, for it might be a few days from now you might not have sight. Wait till you hear me say, "Raise your head." 'Cause when you look, the eyes is the gate to the soul.
You say, "Brother Branham, that's psychology." If it is, Jesus used it. He took a blind man, and led him away from the crowd, and took him outside the city, and prayed for him: get him away from the crowd. Now pray. When He went to raise Jairus' daughter, He put everybody out of the house. He's still Jesus tonight. Whether the woman will be able to see, I don't know. She's standing here totally blind in darkness. Now, have faith in God and believe while I pray for her, please.

114 Now, sister, now keep your head bowed, and let the lids over your blind eyes be closed while I ask our Lord Jesus... Believe that He's going to break forth and shrink up these demons in here, that you'll be able to see. O Father, dear, as I stand by a blind woman... "One sat along the highway begging... Then Jesus came." O come near, Lord. There might've been many there that had faith. I don't know; I wasn't there, Lord, but I know you give Bartimaeus his sight. When he seen he could see, I believe he tried to follow You.
This poor old mother standing here, she's blind, Lord. You know her. I'm just a man; I've tried to represent You. Push back the blackness for her, will You, Lord? Break forth sight in these blinded eyes. We don't ask for miracles, Lord, but just something to encourage her, that would make her know that You're the Son of God, and I be Your servant, Lord, to tell them the truth. I believe if You'd do it, Lord, everyone in here would accept You, right then. Please do. Now, will You hear my prayer, as I ask You with all my heart, in Jesus' name.

115 Now, Satan, this duel of faith: You claim her, and I claim her for Jesus. I claim that you have no power over her. I claim that you have no power over nothing. Jesus Christ, my Lord, stripped and robbed you of everything you had and every legal rights, at Calvary. I stand here as His representative. And you know He's on the platform. You know all about this gift. You know about where He ministered and how He did it. And I charge thee, by the living God, that you come out of the woman. Leave her, in Jesus Christ's name.
Every head bowed. Let me see her eyes first. I'll call you if something happens. Now, just raise your head. Can you see me? Put your hands on my nose. Amen. Open your eyes. The woman can see. She's got her sight.

116 Praise the Lord! Let's stand and say, "Praise the Lord," everybody. You want to be healed? You want to be healed? Stand up right now and raise your hands to God. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray the prayer of faith. Almighty God, in Jesus Christ's name, I rebuke every devil's spirit, every blind spirit, every deaf spirit, every person that's crippled... Oh, Satan, you are exposed; you're defeated; you've lost the battle. Come out of here. In the name of Jesus Christ, I adjure thee to leave every person here and go in [unclear words].

Expectation (1961-02-05 Morning) (William M. Branham Sermons)

Expectation (1961-02-05 Morning) (William M. Branham Sermons) somebody


1 Thank you very much, brother, and I'm happy to be here. May the Lord bless you. You can be seated now. I certainly have a great privilege this morning to stand in the pulpit at Tucson for my first time in life. I was thinking as I come over this morning of how many cities throughout the world that the Lord has given me the privilege of visiting, and talking with the congregations, and this morning being my first time here in America to ever be in this fine city.
Since we have been here we have learned to love its people and your atmosphere---your fine weather, beautiful mountains, the deserts. There's something about it that would make me crave to stay here. It's so quiet. We was on the desert yesterday looking around, and it just seems like when you're out there that God speaks. There's nothing in a hurry, they're going nowhere, not excited about anything, so they're just quiet and relaxed. And that seems to be a whole lot like their people that I meet here---relaxed. No hurry. We're not ... no hurry to do anything, and that's a good place for a nervous minister, so he can quieten down. No hurry. Life has us ... such hustles and bustles, as we call it, running to and fro, and we've got to get this done in a few minutes, and this in just so much time. It seems like when you come here, "Well, what's the hurry?" And I like that.

2 And now, you can learn another thing on the desert that I think would kind of pay us to look at---all those cactus needles. When I ... you see those needles, and I don't believe there'd be a machine could sharpen one that sharp. My son could say "amen" to that, because we had to pick them out of him all day yesterday. Now if that little cactus was in my country, it would unfold and be a beautiful soft leaf, because that's what it is, is a leaf rolled up. And nature's sharpened it that way. That's the way it protects itself. It might be good for us to think of that just a moment.
Now, put water on this desert and leave it here for several years, that cactus would come up with leaves on it, would be soft. And that's the way the churches get sometimes when we run without spiritual water. We just roll up real tight and sticking one another. But put the water on it, it softens out, and flexible, and... I think that's what we have churches for, is where we can have spiritual water that keeps us sweet and soft so that God can use us; and flexible, not sticking one another, but just laying softly and sweetly upon the other fellow's shoulder, each one of us bearing one another's burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ.

Galatians 6:2 Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ.

3 I met your little pastor. It was my first time in life to meet him, and such a grand little fellow. I'm thankful that he has this wonderful church here and this congregation. And then my good friend, one of your members here... Brother Norman, Sister Norman was sojourners with you, but they have now taken up residence, I think, to stay. I don't blame them. And he told me, "Building this church," he said, "when I drove down the last step, the nail in there," said, "I said, 'O God, let my friend, Brother Branham, walk over this step some day to speak to the congregation.'" And he was standing back there crying about it a few moments ago, how God had answered his prayer.
And I'm so glad for the privilege of being here. You're a people... I met ... only thing I know to call is Brother Tony. I couldn't call that Italian name. And so I met him, and he's a fine man. And another man, I believe they call him Otto---Otto, something like that. I'm not very good at this pronouncing names.
And we was having the international conference yesterday. There was a German there, and an Italian, and whatmore, and I was there as an Irishman. So I said, "This is an international conference." Many of the boys, some of them had been overseas and fighting with the nations, and so forth, with the different nations. But if you could all feel like we did yesterday standing on the desert, there would be no more war; we'd be brothers. Christ is the answer.

4 Looking upon this beautiful valley and surrounding mountains towering, I like it. I was sitting there up high, looking down upon this city and I thought, "How many prospectors in the days gone by has passed over this ground and perished right here in the desert, searching for a gold mine?" And them days are just about past now, but we thank God we have found the gold mine. You don't dig it out of your hills here; you get it out of the skies. And now today we don't prospect any more, but we suspect God to fulfill every promise that He ever made, to pour out upon us his bountiful blessings.
And He remains God, and his heart is just as anxious to give us what we ask for as we are to ask, and more so; because He "so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life." And if He loved us while we were sinners, alienated from Him, the commonwealth of God, how much more is He willing this morning to give us exceedingly abundantly above all that we could do or think.
And we come into the city to visit. We're leaving tomorrow now for California, on up into the northern part, and different parts of the world. But it's certainly a great privilege for me to stand here this morning in this lovely church, Assemblies of God. They've been some of my great sponsors, world over. Fine people belong to this organization. Fine ministers, fine laity. I think all of God's people is fine. Wherever you find them, they're fine people.

Luke 11:13 If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children: how much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him?

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

Ephesians 3:20 Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us,

5 And being a missionary and traveling much---about seven times around the world---I find that the Holy Spirit... You go into like Thailand, Japan, South Africa, back up in the Hottentots, and those places there, that men and women come to the church with not one bit of clothes on, because they know no different. Tens of thousands of them lay together. If you could speak their language, say, "Which is right hand and left?" they wouldn't know what you was talking about. All they know is to kill what they can to eat---any way they can get something to eat to survive, just like an animal would do.
But there's one thing that makes them us. You stand in a congregation like that and let the Holy Spirit fall on them, they do the same thing you do when you receive the Holy Spirit, act the same way. It goes to show that God is no respect of person or nation, as Acts 4 says. Peter said he perceived that God was not a respect of any nation, but all that fear Him... And so we have something in common: that's Jesus Christ.

Acts 10:34 Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons:

6 I called my wife a while ago and it's around zero up there; and even the schools are closed with snow, all snowed under, and roads so slick. If anybody's from the East, you'd better be glad you're out here in the West now because it's very cold. So we could not have things in common with my land and this land, but we do have with my God and your God, because it is the same God.
I come this morning to kind of introduce the ministry that the Lord Jesus has permitted me to carry around the world. And I thought this morning in Sunday school it would give the people an opportunity that I could explain to them, being we're just here for one night, that how to ... they might receive Christ for healing for their bodies; and the little odd things, first time being here, something might seem a little strange to you. "Why did they do it this way? Why didn't they do it this other way?" I might explain that.
Now, usually when we come into a city when they're having a big meeting, why, we ask for the cooperation and affiliation of all churches to come together. Christ is not divided among us; He's the same Christ among all of us. And we try to get all the denominations---Methodist, Baptist, Pentecostal, Church of God, the Holiness and all---together. And then sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus, with expectations that God'll pour out his Spirit upon us and do the "exceedingly abundantly." And then when we do that...

Ephesians 2:6 And hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus:

Ephesians 3:20 Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us,

7 I've always made this statement. Everyone knows that I was a Missionary Baptist, and I'm a Missionary Baptist that received the Holy Ghost. So then in that I do not believe that Pentecost is an organization. I believe Pentecost is an experience that whosoever will might come and receive. We cannot draw a fence around it because it spreads beyond our fences, you see.
So I believe that a person is saved---if he's a Methodist, Baptist, Catholic, or whatever he may be---if he's solemnly trusting Jesus Christ for his grace. But if he's a Catholic and believing the church saves him, then he's lost. If he's a Pentecost and believing the church saves him, he's lost. But no matter what he is, what church he goes to, if he's solemnly depending on the blood and merits of Jesus Christ, he's saved, I don't care what church he's in. For it's by faith are we saved, that by grace.

Ephesians 2:8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:

8 I used to herd cattle, driving them up on the roundups up in Colorado. Over the Troublesome River valley, the Hereford Association grazes that valley. I suppose that you have the same laws here, and to get the brand, the card ... the Chamber of Commerce, and so forth. And if you can raise a ton of hay on your farm, well, then you can send your cattle in (one cow per ton of hay the ranch will produce) for the grazing rights in the forest.
They have a large drift fence where we go up the Troublesome River---the west fork, the east fork, of the Troublesome River. And many times I've sat there of a morning in the spring roundup, sending the cattle up, put my leg across the horn of the saddle, and watching the ranger standing there, watching those cows go through. One day sitting there, I thought, "This is the way it'll be in heaven when we come to the great gate."
I noticed going through there, there was about fifteen or sixteen different brands of cattle that goes in there. Some of them is the diamond bar, that's Mr. Grimes up on the ranch; Mr. Jeffries, the turkey track; and different brands. The ranger wasn't noticing the brands so much. He wasn't paying attention to that; but he was watching for the blood tag in the ear, because you cannot put a cow on that pasture unless it's a thoroughbred Hereford. And that's what they want to understand, that they're thoroughbred ---had to have a blood test.
I thought, "That's exactly what it'll be at the day of the judgment. He won't notice what brand I'm wearing, whether I'm Baptist or Pentecostal or Presbyterian, but He'll watch for the blood---the blood tag. 'When I see the blood, I'll pass over you.' " We enter in by what we are; not who we are.

Exodus 12:13 And the blood shall be to you for a token upon the houses where ye are: and when I see the blood, I will pass over you, and the plague shall not be upon you to destroy you, when I smite the land of Egypt.

9 Now, when we come down to the service tonight ... about what time does the service start, Reverend? 7:45. Then about 6:30, I suppose, between 6:00 and 6:30 I'll have some of them come down to give out the prayer cards to the people---a little bit before the service, so they won't interfere with the service as it goes into session. And let the sick people get up here in front so I can be close to them. And then there'll be a prayer card. The boy will come down and bring so many cards, and mix them all up here before you, and then just give each one a prayer card, see, that you want. Each one wants a prayer card, you can have it.
Therefore, the reason we do it that way... It used to be we'd send in a meeting so... Each pastor was cooperating, we'd send him a hundred cards for his congregation. Well, the first one got his group in, that settled it. The rest of them didn't get in, because, maybe being there just about three nights, I couldn't get that many people through the line. Then we found out that wouldn't work.
So then I got a minister to go with me to give out prayer cards, and he belonged to an organization; and when he wouldn't show a little favor to his own organization, well, then, that got kind of touchy.

10 So then I usually call up ten or fifteen people to the platform to begin with. Well, if they didn't have prayer card number one up to fifteen, why, they'd just throw it on the floor. They didn't want it, because they wouldn't be called. So we found out that wouldn't work.
Then I'd take a child, like one of those little boys, and I'd say, "You come up here, sonny, [or little girl, like, sitting on the mother's lap.]" I'd say, "Can you count?"
"Yes, sir."
"Then you start counting."
We'd start---three, four, five, six, up to... Wherever he stopped, I'd start from right there. Believe it or not, we've still got human beings. Mother knowed where to tell Junior to stop at for her card. So we found out that wouldn't work.
So then we got a man in the prayer line, or up one time selling prayer cards to get the people to be the first ones on the platform. So that wouldn't work.
So one night the Lord revealed to me to let the men come down to give out the prayer cards, and stand before the audience and mix them all up. Then this one might get number one, this one thirty-five, and that one sixty-two, and the next to it. They'd all be mixed up. And then that would show that the man was giving out the prayer cards wasn't the one that put them up here, because he didn't know. They was all mixed up.

11 Then, however, when I'd come down to the meeting, sometimes I'd start on number one, sometimes on twenty-five, fifty. Sometimes I'd take how many was sitting on this seat (to myself, while I'm speaking), and multiply it by this on this side. Oh, just any way. That way it leaves it sovereign to the entire congregation. And by the way there's about 50 to 1 healed in the audience that's healed on the platform.
The message is not to try to heal somebody, because healing is something that's already been purchased. Salvation's been purchased. You just didn't get saved last week, or last year, or five years ago. You got saved when Jesus died for you at Calvary. That was your salvation. And now, you just accepted it two weeks ago, or two years ago, whatever it was. And that's the way it was healed. "He was wounded for our transgressions, with his stripes we were [past tense] healed." So it's only to get the people to see, to realize, that the presence of Christ is close. That's what brings the results of thousands of people being healed.

Isaiah 53:5 But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.

12 Now, just before we approach the Word, let's approach the author first in a little word of prayer while we bow our heads. Our gracious heavenly Father, we are approaching thy holiness this morning in the all-sufficient name of Jesus Christ, thy Son, because we've been taught by Him in the Word that if we ask the Father anything in his name it will be granted. We have no other name that we can rest assured that He'll hear us, only by that all-sufficient name of the Lord Jesus.
We thank Thee first, Father, for what You already have done for us---the many blessings, the manifold grace that Thou hast bestowed upon us. Then we thank Thee for the grace that we have this morning to stand in this new church that's a memorial built here in the city; erected here for the glory of God, that wayward sinners might come in and be saved; that the sick that's past the doctors, physicians of the earth, past their understanding, that still can come to the higher powers, the Almighty, and be healed. Oh, how we ever love Thee, Father. How we thank Thee for these.
And we are a privileged people to ... thinking of the Russians this morning with the big Sputnik up in the skies with a man sitting in it, and hear his heart beat all the way to the earth. How close the end time is here. It ... come right over the nation and it's "Surrender or perish!" O God! Think what it would be if they'd ever go to throwing those atomic missiles. The old earth would rock out into space, and time should be no more.
But we're taught in the blessed Word, before this ever happens the church is going home to be with her Lord. Oh, how Noah got in the Ark before the rain fell, Lot was called out of Sodom before the fire fell. Lord, we believe the church will be caught up out of the earth before the great destruction comes. We're so happy to know that we're nearing that time.
And, Father, as we look this morning and know that it could happen before night, this nation, or world, could be blowed to bits. Some little nation or some fanatic let one of those missiles loose---and they're all aimed at one another---here it would go. But before it happens, God ... the rapture, the trumpet will sound and we'll be summoned into the skies to meet our Lord. What type of people should we be this morning? Happy, lifting up our heads as we see the fig tree budding, and the great signs, and science saying it's three minutes before midnight. Most any time it could strike.

John 14:13 And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.

John 14:14 If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it.

John 15:16 Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you.

13 O God, strike the church this morning, Lord, with thy power and with thy manifold wisdom. Strike it today, and let thy great wings spread out up over this little building today; and take the children under there like a hen does her brood, and nourish the sick back to health, physically and spiritually. Grant it, Lord. Bless this church. Bless the purpose that it stands here, the cause that it represents; the pastor, the elders, the deacons, the trustees and the laity and all the strangers in our gates.
Not only to this church, but we pray that You'll bless every church throughout the land. And because of this little gathering today may there start an old-fashioned revival that'll sweep this Arizona from side to side. Grant it, Lord. We'll humbly bow our heads in thy presence to give thanks, for we ask it in Jesus' name, thy dear Son, our Saviour. Amen.

14 Now, not to preach, but just a little setting in order, preparing hearts for the event tonight, that we believe that our heavenly Father will meet with us. And then maybe at some convenient time, the Lord willing, we'd like to come back maybe for a more extended time, where we could get together, and get the brethren together. We're just on a visit.
But I would like to read from St. Luke, the second chapter and twenty-fifth verse, twenty-sixth verse:
And it was revealed unto him by the Holy Ghost, that he should not see death, until he had seen the Lord's Christ.
I'm going to use the subject of "Expectation." Expectations usually is based upon a faith. You have to have faith before you can expect anything. And now, like many of the servants of God in the Old Testament... Faith cometh by hearing, hearing of the Word.

Luke 2:26 And it was revealed unto him by the Holy Ghost, that he should not see death, before he had seen the Lord's Christ.

Romans 10:17 So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

15 And I've often quoted this, that God is obligated to his Word. I like to read just a word or two of it because what I say will fail, because I'm man; but his word cannot fail because it's God. What ... God is ever called on the scene at any time to make a decision... And the first decision God makes has to be the same decision every time.
Now there's where you must solemnly base your faith on---"Thus saith the Lord." You must believe it, that it's God's Word. And that's the only hope that we have, the only substantial hope that we have, is on the Word of God. And now, God being infinite, and cannot make a mistake, and He's perfect, therefore all of his promises must be perfect as He is perfect. "In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God ... and the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us."---the Word itself. So therefore, the Bible is the Word of God. It is God Himself placed upon paper.
For no man is any better than his word. If I can't take a man's word, I just can't have any dealings with him. He must be honest, he must be truthful, and especially as he professes to be a Christian.

John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

John 1:14 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.

16 Now that's just a little, short, text, but it isn't how much it is. It's not the quality ... or, the quantity; it's the quality of the Word. It's what it is: it's God's Word. Simeon here, of old, said that it was promised by the Holy Spirit that he would not see death until he seen the Lord's Christ. He had a right to expect it, because God had revealed it to him by the Holy Ghost. He had a reason to reveal it.

17 Now, we find out that Abraham of old, when he was seventy-five years old and his wife sixty-five (Sarah), how that God spoke to him and revealed to him that he was going to have a baby by Sarah, his wife. He was sterile and she was barren. And they'd been this way all their lives, but yet God told him that he was going to have a child by Sarah.
And He asked him to separate himself because of this promise. And that's the way we have to do. When we take God at his Word, we have to separate ourselves from all things around that's contrary to that Word. You can't go to people and say, "Now, do you think I got my healing? You think...?" Nothing what they think---that has nothing to do into it. It's what you think. It's up to you. So he was asked to separate himself, and he did so with great expectations of receiving the child.

Genesis 12:2 And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing:

Genesis 12:4 So Abram departed, as the LORD had spoken unto him; and Lot went with him: and Abram was seventy and five years old when he departed out of Haran.

Genesis 18:10 And he said, I will certainly return unto thee according to the time of life; and, lo, Sarah thy wife shall have a son. And Sarah heard it in the tent door, which was behind him.

Romans 4:19 And being not weak in faith, he considered not his own body now dead, when he was about an hundred years old, neither yet the deadness of Sarah's womb:

18 Now, we find out that that child never arrived until twenty-five years later. But instead of growing weak because it never happened the first month, he grew stronger all the time, because his expectations was greater. If Sarah was one month older, it'd be one month greater in the expectations, because God kept his word. It would be a lot better for her to have the child at a hundred years old than it was at sixty years old. See what I mean? It was a greater miracle all the time. And he never grew weak, but grew stronger all the time.
Now, we are the children of Abraham. The Bible said so. We, being dead in Christ, take on Abraham's seed, and are heirs according to the promise. We are heirs of the promise with Abraham, because Abraham was given the promise. Now if we are his heirs, with Abraham, then we are Abraham's children. And the same faith that Abraham had, we have ourselves---that when God makes a promise, just know it's going to happen. It can't do anything else.

Galatians 3:29 And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise.

19 Could you imagine Abraham going out...? Just say he did, him and Sarah. He was seventy-five and her sixty-five. That's about fifteen, twenty years past menopause. And it was his half-sister. He'd lived with her since she was first married to him---probably sixteen or seventeen years old---and no children. And God appeared to him and told him she was going to have the baby. Now, Abraham expected that to happen, because God said so.
I could imagine ... could you imagine an old man seventy-five years old, and a woman sixty-five, going down to see the doctor to make arrangements with the hospital to have the baby? What would people say to them? What would the doctor say? "The old fellow is ... something wrong mentally. There's something wrong with that old fellow." Well, every man or woman that takes God by faith, and accepts his promises, is considered by this world some kind of a crank or a fanatic, because the things of this world is so foolish to God. What the man calls great, God calls foolish.
Now, but Abraham believed it. Now, the first twenty-eight days, after her being about fifteen, twenty years past menopause, "How you feeling, Honey?"
"There's no difference."
"Well, praise God, we're going to have the baby anyhow."

20 It was so much expectation perhaps Sarah knitted some little booties and a little blanket. Why? She was expecting something to happen. That's the reason it happened. Year by year passed on, and Abraham got stronger and stronger, giving praise to God. And finally it happened, because he expected it to happen.
After she was ninety years old ... or, he was ninety, "What do you think about it now, Abraham? About give up?"
"No, sir, we're going to have the baby anyhow. We done got the clothes laid back, we got everything ready."
"How long you had them?"
"Twenty-five years, but God will send the baby anyhow."
I like that. See, it's positive. God said so and that settles it. When God ever makes a decision, He has to make it eternal. Now I can make a decision, in five minutes have to go back and make another one, because I was mistaken in that one. You can too, because we're finite. But God, being infinite, cannot make a mistake. He's the infallible, omnipotent, omnipresent, infinite God. Amen. When his decision is made, it's settled forever. He can't come back and say, "I was wrong." He cannot do it.

21 And if God made a decision in the beginning that on faith, if we believed his Word, He would make every promise come true, then God still is the infinite God to his promises. He cannot fail. It must be that way. It's positive. You have to hit the spot if you'll take his Word, believe it.
Now, if He'd have said... Well, like churches say, some ministers say, that the days of miracles is past, God doesn't heal the people anymore. If God was ever called on the scene to a sick man and healed him upon the basis of his faith, if another sick man comes to Him, He's got to do the same thing or He acted wrong when He healed the first man.
If he give the one the Holy Ghost that obeyed Him, in the Bible, exactly as He promised there in Acts... He said, "The promise is unto you and your children, them that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call." If a man meets those qualifications, God's obligated by his Word to fill him with the Holy Ghost. Because if He didn't, then He made a mistake. And if God made a mistake, He's a man and not God---He's finite, like we are. So you see, as Abraham's children we take God's promise and just hold onto it. No matter what takes place, we hold right there just the same, because God said so and that settles it.

Acts 2:39 For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call.

22 Now, you can't bluff it; you've got to have it. You just can't bluff it. It won't bluff. Satan's not a ... he knows whether you're bluffing or not. But when you're not bluffing, he knows it also. When something anchors down in your heart that you know that it's so, then something's going to happen.
Abraham believed that. He believed God. He took God at his Word. And under expectations, he waited twenty-five years with that expectation getting greater and greater. And finally the baby was born, because he was expecting it.
He separated himself. And if you'll notice what it waited for... God told him to separate himself from all of his kindred and God never did bless him any more till he obeyed Him fully. As long as his father hung along, why, the old fellow caused trouble. And then he got with Lot, and then Lot caused trouble. And all ... until he separated himself and got away from all the unbelief, shook away from him; then God came down and talked to him, and something happened.

Genesis 12:1 Now the LORD had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will shew thee:

23 And when we get all the little disbelieving spirits away from us, and just take God at his Word... "I don't care what So-and-so said, or So-and-so said, God's made the promise. I'll stand right there." Then God'll go to answering.
But, remember, He blessed him, and He kept him, and so forth, fed him, and led him from place to place; but He never fully blessed him and give him the promise until he completely separated himself from every little thing of the world. Let his nephew go on down to Sodom if he wanted to, and the rest of them, so-and-so. His father died. And then God told him, "Rise and look to the land. I give it all to you. Look east, north, west, and south." I think that's the way. If a church, a people, ever comes to a place where they completely separate themselves from the things of the world, then you can look through every promise in the Bible. It's all yours.
It's like a great big arcade. By one Spirit we're baptized into an arcade. Some people just come into the arcade by the Holy Ghost baptism, say, "Well, thank the Lord, I got in. Thank the Lord, I'm here."
That isn't it. To me ... what did God say to Abraham? "Get up and look all through the land. It all belongs to you." That's the way, when I come into Christ, I wanted to look around. Not just know He saved me, but what else have I got in there? If somebody give me a big arcade and I went into it, I'd like to examine the thing, see what I got. That's the way with Christians today. They fail to examine the promises of God and see they're to "whosoever will, let him come." If there was something a little high, I'd get me a stepladder and get up to it, look on the shelves and see what belongs to me.

Genesis 13:14 And the LORD said unto Abram, after that Lot was separated from him, Lift up now thine eyes, and look from the place where thou art northward, and southward, and eastward, and westward:

Genesis 13:15 For all the land which thou seest, to thee will I give it, and to thy seed for ever.

24 You Christians sometimes don't examine, find out what belongs to you. Healing's yours, salvation's yours, joy is yours, peace, every promise in the Bible is yours. When a man's filled with the Holy Spirit, God gives him a checkbook with Jesus' name wrote on the bottom of it. Send it in. Don't be afraid to write it out. Send it in and He'll send down his bountiful blessings upon you of what He promised.
Moses had done give up hopes. He was back on the back side of the desert herding his father-in-law's, Jethro's, sheep, when one morning, back on the back side of the desert, he saw a bush burning. He got in the presence of this bush. Though Moses was a theologian, because he was trained in the wisdom and all the learning of the Egyptians... Been told by his mother that he was called for a purpose. And all of his theological experience became nothing to him. I'm not downing theological experiences, but I am saying it'll never take the place of that experience you meet when you meet God. Something happens. He becomes a new creature. Sometimes it makes you do things funny to the world.

25 I could imagine Moses the next morning, with Zipporah sitting on the mule with little Gershom on her hip, going down to take over down in Egypt---an old dry stick in his hand for a walking cane, the whiskers blowing both ways, and, "Where you going, Moses?"
"Going down to Egypt to take over." A one-man invasion. It's like one man going to Russia to take over. An old man a hundred years old, his wife sitting on the mule with the baby, going down to take over. But the thing of it was, he did it, because that God made the promise and Moses was expecting God to keep his promise.

26 He slew the Egyptians. He went out there one time and slew one, out of the will of God, and it was a stain on his hands; come down the next time and slew the whole nation, it was a glory on his hands. Because one time Moses was doing it, and the next time God did it. That makes the difference. He was expecting God to deliver them, because "I've heard their cries, I've seen their affliction and I [personal pronoun] have come down to deliver them, and I'm sending you, Moses, in my place." That did it.
He's seen your suffering. He's seen the doctor say, "I can't do no more about it." He's come down in the form of the Holy Spirit to take over, if you'll just let Him do it. Be expecting Him to do it, know that He promised to do it, hold on to his Word. He said He would do it, therefore be expecting it.

Exodus 3:7 And the LORD said, I have surely seen the affliction of my people which are in Egypt, and have heard their cry by reason of their taskmasters; for I know their sorrows;

Exodus 3:8 And I am come down to deliver them out of the hand of the Egyptians, and to bring them up out of that land unto a good land and a large, unto a land flowing with milk and honey; unto the place of the Canaanites, and the Hittites, and the Amorites, and the Perizzites, and the Hivites, and the Jebusites.

27 Simeon, a man of great reputation---Simeon was an old sage, and he had a great reputation among the people (if you ever read into his history). He was an honorable man. And could you imagine an old man there, nearly ... about eighty-something years old, going around saying, "Well, you know I'm not going to die until I see the Lord's Christ."
I can imagine some of the rabbis saying, "You know, the poor old fellow---it's pitiful. Why, the old man is a little off at his head. Why, we've been looking for four thousand years for the Messiah. Since Eden has our people looked for the Messiah. And here we are in Roman captivity. All circumstances is closed ... all the evidence that these things are going to happen is closed away from us. We're in bondage. We're not even a nation no more. We're broke up the way we are under the Roman government. And here this old man with one foot in the grave and the other one leaning, and yet he says he's going to see the Lord's Christ. Oh," they say, "my, that'll never happen."

Luke 2:25 And, behold, there was a man in Jerusalem, whose name was Simeon; and the same man was just and devout, waiting for the consolation of Israel: and the Holy Ghost was upon him.

Luke 2:26 And it was revealed unto him by the Holy Ghost, that he should not see death, before he had seen the Lord's Christ.

28 But Simeon knew that it was going to happen. I can imagine some of the young rabbis saying, "Well, just let the old fellow alone. He's harmless. He won't hurt nobody. But he's going around here testifying to everybody he's going to do this, and going to do that, and he's going to live to see the Messiah coming, and all like that."
"Well, Simeon, what's your reason? Why do you say such a thing as that? What makes you say... ? When David looked for Him, when Elijah looked for Him, and the prophets of old, and we've looked for Him through every age. And now the days of miracles is past and everything's darkened out. Four hundred years since we had a prophet, Malachi; and here you are, you're coming saying you're not going to die until you see the Messiah. How do you know that's going to be true?"
"For it was revealed to me by the Holy Ghost."
There's his foundation. That must be your foundation. That must be my foundation. When the Holy Spirit reveals it to us and it's according to the Word, there's nothing going to stop it---when it's revealed to you by the Holy Spirit, and you look here and it's a promise in the Word.

29 Now divine healing is a promise in the Word. Now if the Holy Spirit will reveal it to you, that He has died to heal you the same as save you, then come with expectations to receive it, and God'll certainly see that you get it.
Now the doctor might say, "Now, well, let him alone. It won't hurt him, I guess. He's just going to die anyhow."
But you just remember, if God made the promise, you stay on it no matter what the circumstances is. If you say, "Well, I got cancer." "I got TB."---that doesn't have one thing to do with it. If God has revealed it, God keeps his promise, that's all.

30 I often think about Jonah. Thinking of symptoms, people look at their symptoms. Jonah had a real case of symptoms. He was in the whale's belly with his hands and feet tied, and was down in the whale's belly in all the vomit, down in the bottom of the sea, on a stormy sea. Now he had some symptoms. If he looked this way, it was whale's belly; that way was the whale's belly; everywhere he looked was a whale's belly. Now there's nobody here in that bad a shape, I'm sure.
But do you know what he said? He said, "They are lying vanities. I won't believe them." What did he say? "Once more will I look to your holy temple."
For he knew that when that temple was dedicated... The day that Solomon dedicated the temple he prayed, and he said, "Lord, if thy people be in trouble anywhere and will look towards this holy temple, then hear from heaven." And he knowed that God heard that man's prayer.
And you know what God did? He kept him alive down there for three days and nights, took him on over to Nineveh. Probably taken the fish that long to swim through the water to get him over there. But he stayed in the belly of the whale three days and three nights. He was expecting God to do something, because he had met the requirements. God had made the promise and he believed it.

1 Kings 8:30 And hearken thou to the supplication of thy servant, and of thy people Israel, when they shall pray toward this place: and hear thou in heaven thy dwelling place: and when thou hearest, forgive.

Jonah 2:4 Then I said, I am cast out of thy sight; yet I will look again toward thy holy temple.

Jonah 2:8 They that observe lying vanities forsake their own mercy.

31 And if Jonah under those circumstances could get a miracle work like that from God because it was according to the Word, it was according to his faith... And if he could do that under those circumstances, how much more this morning can we be healed, when we don't look at a temple made with hands. Solomon finally backslid. His wives drawed him away from God. But we look to the right hand of God where Jesus sits with his own blood, ever alive to make intercession upon our confession. How much more can we call any kind of disease "a lying vanity, I don't believe it. 'He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities, the chastisement of our peace was upon him and with his stripes we were healed.' Then, Satan, take your course, get out of here," see. "I believe God. I'm expecting it to happen." There you are.
"If it don't happen right now, it'll happen after a while. If it don't happen today, it'll happen tomorrow. If it don't tomorrow, it'll be next week. Whenever, it's going to happen anyhow. God said so."
There you are. Now you're getting down to where you have faith. Be expecting it. What God said He would do, God will do. He cannot lie.

Isaiah 53:5 But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.

Hebrews 7:25 Wherefore he is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them.

32 So Simeon ... of a great reputation. Don't make any difference about reputation. That's what ... too much is getting to our churches today, even to our Pentecostal churches. Too much fashions, too much rep ... stuff, like we have great reputations, you know, in the society, and things. What we need is an old-fashioned, backwoods, sky-blue, sin-killing religion. What we need is gun-barrel straight, something that'll preach the gospel without compromise, and let the chips fall wherever they wish to, and chop into it. We need men of God to stand with power, get the church back into the place where it ought to be.
Something's wrong. We realize that. We all know it. We're aware of it. Our churches is falling away, getting weak. What we need is not a new organization to spring up, what we need is not another latter rain; what we need is back to faith in God's Word and God's Bible. A soul-shaking experience back in the church, that's what we need. A cleanup, a straighten-up, all through our churches and our organizations.
Quit drawing little boundary lines, just this and that.

33 A certain organization the other day, because that I let another minister sit on the platform that didn't belong to their organization, he said, "We have drawed a line. We have drawed you out of it, Brother Branham, out of our circle."
I said, "I'm drawing another one, so big ... take you back in again." I said, "So you just can't push me out." Right. "I'll draw a line right over the top of yours and take you right back," see.
That's ... for we are brethren. "We are not divided; all one body are we." Right. We're Christians, born of his Spirit, washed in his blood. We are Christians. We should act like Christians, we should behave ourselves like Christians, men and women. Let me tell you that that's one thing the church is lacking today, is behaving itself like Christians. We go around and act like dead flies. It's terrible. No faith---not enough, if it was ink, to dot an i. We just simply have lost something. What we ought to do is have our shoulders back.

1 Corinthians 12:12 For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being many, are one body: so also is Christ.

34 Years ago they used to sell slaves on the slave markets here in the south, especially down in Georgia, and so forth. And they would go overseas in Africa, and the Boers would bring back the slaves. Bring them out there on Jamaica, and ship them into Florida, and sell them---human lives. That was wrong. God made man, and man made slaves. No person is to be a slave. We're free in Christ. We ain't no nation's slave, no organization's slave. We are men and women of God. Reach out our arms to every fallen brother, no matter where he's at. There's room for us all. So when we come to a place...
They'd go around and buy these slaves at the different plantations. They'd get a bill of sales, just like would a used car on a car lot somewhere. So they'd go around and buy these slaves. They'd take a... I read of Abraham Lincoln, a great Southerner. He got off the boat there in New Orleans, and seen them in a slave pit there auctioning off a big man---great big sturdy Negro. And his poor little wife standing out there with two babies, crying, for they was going to sell him to breed him to bigger, healthier women to make bigger slaves. Abraham Lincoln pitched his fist like that, and said, "That's wrong. Some day I'll hit it, if it takes my life." It did, but he hit it. He broke it, too.

35 Let me tell you, brother, unbelief is of the devil. Let me hit it, Lord. I don't care if it costs my life. Let me break that thing from over the church---those boundaries, and so forth---that we can see by one Spirit we're all baptized into one body, and we're Christians. We are brethren. No matter if a man belongs to the Church of God and I belong to the Assemblies, and this one's Baptist, or Presbyterian, we are brothers. That's what we are---we are brothers, in Christ. Let's break it. Break these boundaries down. We can reach out our arms to every brother.
Here some time ago they said, "Brother Branham, if you'll just join our organization..."
I said, "No, I'm with your organization, but I tell you what I'm going to do, I'll reach out my arms on both sides for everyone." We're all one in Christ.

1 Corinthians 12:13 For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into one Spirit.

36 One day this broker came by a plantation home. He said, "How many slaves do you have?"
He said, "Over a hundred."
Said, "I'd like to look them over."
"All right." They were all working, and they were downhearted. They'd get to a place where they'd know that they'd never be back in the homeland again, and never see Papa and Mama, and never see the children anymore, and so forth, and they were very melancholy. And they'd take whips and whip them to make them work, make them pull and work, whatever they had to do. One day when this slave buyer came by, he noticed how they was whipping those slaves, making them work---all but one young man. They didn't have to whip him. Shoulders back, chin up, he was right out at it any moment.
And the broker said, "I'd like to buy that fellow."
"Oh," said the owner, "he's not for sale. Can't sell him."
"Well," said, "I notice you don't have to correct him."
Said, "No."
Said, "What's the matter?" Said, "Is he the boss over them all?"
Said, "No, he's a slave."
Said, "Maybe you feed him different than you do the other slaves."
Said, "No, they all eat in the galley together, just a slave."
"Well," said, "what makes him so much different from the rest of them?"
He said, "I wondered too, till I found out one day that over in the homeland where he come from, Africa, his father is the king of the tribe. And though he's an alien, yet he knows he's the son of a king, and he conducts himself like one."
O God! We are the sons and daughters of God, the son of the King of heaven. How should we conduct ourselves then? Little old weakly ... pushed back? No, sir. "My Father is rich with houses and lands, He holdeth the wealth of the world in his hands. Of rubies and diamonds and silver and gold, his coffers are full, He has riches untold." For we are a child of the King, let's conduct ourselves...

37 Women, don't be like the world. Don't dress like the world. Don't be these modern things, and all this stuff that they're doing. Keep away from it. You're a daughter of the King. Gentlemen, you brethren, you don't have to be beat down and pushed off to the corner. You're sons of the King. Yes, stand up, throw your chest out, meet it. Certainly it is...
We're expecting God to do something for us. He can't do nothing for us when we're just all drooping around like something about half dead. He wants a lively church. He wants the members in there to be lively stones built up into a house of faith to believe Him, accept Him, taking his Word.
Now, you say, "Well, I have a great reputation, Brother Branham. I'm a businessman. I play cards at my society." I don't care what you have, brother, there's not a greater society in the world than the society of Jesus Christ.
And you'll never join into it. You say, "Well, I'm a member of a church." There's only one church, only one way, one gate---that's Jesus Christ. He that enters any other way is the same as a thief and a robber. And by one Spirit we're all baptized into that body. Right, and we're brethren. Yes, sir. And we're sons and daughters of the King. We ought to conduct ourselves. Our reputations is nothing on the earth, but it wants to be in heaven where we want our stand to be, before God.

John 10:1 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that entereth not by the door into the sheepfold, but climbeth up some other way, the same is a thief and a robber.

1 Corinthians 12:13 For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into one Spirit.

1 Peter 2:5 Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ.

38 Now, we find ... take Simeon on down... (I see I got about five more minutes.) Let's bring him down a little further. We find out that Simeon had a good reason for what he was doing, because the Holy Spirit had revealed to him that he was not going to see death. No matter how old he was, or nothing about it, how many others had failed in trying to see, but he himself as an individual was going to see the Lord's Christ.
Oh, brother, sister, if you could get the Holy Spirit to reveal to you now, "I'm the one's going to be healed. Yes, sir. I don't know what the rest of them are going to do, but it's going to be my time. This is the hour of my healing."
"This is the time I'm going to receive the Holy Spirit. God has revealed it to me. I'm going to receive it." Different---something will happen.

39 Like the deep calling to the deep. "At the noise of thy water spouts," said David. In other words, if there's a deep in here calling, there's got to be a deep out there to respond to that call. In other words... How many believes that you'd like to have a closer walk with God? Raise up your hand. All right. How many believes that God's a healer? Raise up your hand. Sure. Well, now, if you've got something in you telling you that, there's got to be something out there to respond to that crave.
Here, like this: Before there was ever a fin on a fish's back, there had to be a water first for him to swim in, or he wouldn't have had no fin. Before there was a tree to grow in the earth, there had to be a earth first, or there wouldn't have been no tree to grow in it.
Here some time ago... I was just thinking (I quoted this recently) that a little boy in our city, he eat all the erasers off his pencils at school. And the teacher wrote his mother. And his mother one day found him out on the back porch eating the pedal off of a bicycle. It was rubber. And so they taken him down to the laboratory to examine the little fellow to find out what was wrong. And the doctor found out his little body needed sulfur. Now you find sulfur in rubber. Now what...? As long as there was a crave in there for sulfur, there had to be a sulfur first. Oh, brother, can you see what I mean? There has to be a sulfur out there first before there can be a crave in here. You see it?

Psalm 42:7 Deep calleth unto deep at the noise of thy waterspouts: all thy waves and thy billows are gone over me.

40 That's the reason there's more of God for you. That's the reason there's divine healing for you, because you're seeking for it. That's the reason there was a God whose ... Abraham was seeking after, whose builder and maker was God. He was expecting it because God had made the promise. Do you see it?
Here---before there can be a creation there has to be a creator to create the creation. And as long as you feel that you're believing in divine healing, there's a fountain open somewhere. As long as you're believing that there's a God that'll fill you with the Holy Spirit, there's a fountain open somewhere or you'd never crave it. Many others don't crave it, see, because it's not revealed to them. But it's revealed to you. By what? (I feel pretty religious right now.) See? What is it? It's revealed to you by the Holy Spirit, the same Holy Spirit that revealed it to Simeon.
And as long as He's revealed it, there's a fountain open somewhere. Oh, if we could just see it! The fountain is open somewhere, for it's revealed to you by the Holy Spirit God is a healer. Where is that fountain at? God fills with the Holy Ghost. Where is that fountain? See there's a fountain there, or you wouldn't have that craving in your heart. So it just makes you lose all your thoughts of anything else because it overrides everything. It fills your uttermost being with believing it. Now there's not two Holy Spirits. There's only one Holy Spirit, and the same Holy Spirit that revealed it to Simeon has revealed it to you. Revealed by the Holy Spirit.

1 Corinthians 2:10 But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God.

Hebrews 11:10 For he looked for a city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God.

41 "There is a fountain filled with blood, drawn from Emmanuel's veins. Sinners plunged beneath the flood lose all their guilty stains." That's for every sinner. Peter said on the day of Pentecost there, said, "Repent, every one of you, and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of your sins and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. For the promise..." Oh, my! How can you take it back and put it in some historical thing? "The promise is unto you, to your children, to them that's far off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call." [Gap in the audio]
... full of the Pentecostal blessings, the power of God trying to take his church. He doesn't fail. He doesn't diminish. He's just as bright and fresh today as He ever was, and always will be. He's eternal. Oh, yes.

Acts 2:38 Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.

Acts 2:39 For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call.

42 Sons of God are led by the Spirit of God. David DuPlessis once said ... about that, about sons of God. Sons of God are led by the Spirit of God. You all believe that, don't you? Children of God are led by the Spirit of God. Now, the trouble of it is, the church today... He said, "We got too many grandsons." But God don't have any grandchildren.

Romans 8:14 For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.

43 Now you Methodists pick up just a minute. I want to take your coat down. If we still had Methodist sons and daughters of God it would be fine. If we had Baptist sons and daughters of God, it's fine---Lutheran, Nazarene, Pilgrim Holiness or Pentecost. But just as the rest of them did, so are we in the Pentecostals. We're taking our children and bringing them into the church because we was in there, making them members of the Pentecostal church.
That's grandchildren. God don't have grandchildren. That same son or daughter must pay the same price we did, and receive the Holy Ghost the same as we do. There are no grandchildren. God don't take them in like that. There are sons and daughters. There's no grandchildren. God don't have any. No such a thing with God. Well, say, "I belong to the Methodist church. My mother belonged there." That's a grandchild. God don't have it. You're a grandchild to the Methodist church, you're a grandchild to the Pentecostal church, but God don't have any grandchildren. Every man and woman has to be born again individually, sons and daughters of God. That's what makes them full of Spirit and full of life.

44 It's coming spring time. After a while all the little birdies down here get out in them cactus tops and bushes out there, build them a nest. An old mother bird can build her a nice little nest and make it so cozy for her babies, lay a nest full of eggs. And she can sit there on those eggs and [unclear words] and turn them just so much, and get so hungry, and she'll starve herself till she's so poor she can't fly off the nest. If that mother bird hasn't been with the mate, them eggs will never hatch. Right. They're not fertile. The blood stream comes from the male sex ---the hemoglobin. That's true. The woman only produces the egg (the female), but the male is where the fertile comes.
That's what's the matter with the churches today. Our Pentecostal people... (Not saying nothing against this wonderful church and your wonderful pastor. I met him, I know what he believes.) But today we get bigger churches than we ever had and our faith's getting lower. What's the matter? See, we're bringing in members, grandchildren.
What we need, brother... Not that old bird. As I say, she could sit on there, that nest, until she was so poor she couldn't fly from it. But if she hasn't been with the mate, what will them eggs do? They'll lay right there and rot. You know that by your chickens. They'll lay there and rot.

45 There's only one thing to do, brother---clean out the nest. That's right. That's what our Pentecostal movement needs today is a nest-cleaning time. Get the rotten eggs out of the nest. Bringing in members, and making them deacons and so forth, and patting them on the back because they pay a little heavy in the church; know no more about God than a Hottentot does about an Egyptian knight. That's right. What we need is a born-again experience, with back to the baptism of the Holy Ghost, with real genuine Pentecostal faith in God exercising in our church. That brings something that you're led by the Holy Spirit. When the Word speaks, you say "amen" to it, and you believe it.

46 Simeon moved by the Holy Spirit, and there he had the promise. Now in closing I might say this. Let's say comes a time... News didn't travel then like it did. Look at little Mary. She was expecting too, a virgin. She never knew a man, but the Holy Ghost met her and said, "That holy thing that will born to you will be of the Holy Spirit. God's going to be Father of this Son."
Well, she expected God to keep his Word. She didn't go around saying, "Now, wait. I'll see ... till I feel life, then I'll go to testifying."
No, no. It ain't what you feel. Jesus never did say, "Did you feel it?" He said, "Did you believe it?" You believe it.
Somebody say, "Well, I don't feel any different." That has nothing to do with it. It ain't talking about the outside hand and the outside body; He's talking about the inside that believes it. It controls the rest of it.
Said, "Did you believe it?'
Mary, as soon as the angel told her, why, she said, "Behold, the handmaid of the Lord. Be it unto me according to thy Word." She took right up in the hills of Judea, testifying. Went and told Elisabeth, her cousin, that she was going to have a baby, not knowing any man. Why, Elisabeth was astonished, said... Little John, you know, he was six months already, formed in his mother's womb, without life.

Matthew 3:9 And think not to say within yourselves, We have Abraham to our father: for I say unto you, that God is able of these stones to raise up children unto Abraham.

Luke 1:35 And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God.

Luke 1:38 And Mary said, Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word. And the angel departed from her.

47 The great angel appeared to Zacharias and he doubted God's Word. He said, "You'll be dumb till the time the baby's born." You know, God's able of these stones to rise children to Abraham. If you don't want to take it, somebody else will. And he said... When he found out...
She give the salutation, she said, "Oh, the Holy Spirit will come upon me, and I'm going to conceive. And this holy thing will be called the Son of God, and I shall call his name Jesus." Now little John was six months without moving. Anyone knows that's subnormal. Three to four months at the most; then here's six months and he hadn't moved. But as soon as she heard that salutation in her ear from Mary, another one expecting, both of them...
And when Mary said ... called the name of the Lord Jesus, the first time that name was ever spoke in human lips, a little dead baby in the womb of its mother leaped for joy. And John received the Holy Ghost in his mother's womb and begin leaping for joy. And if the first time the name of Jesus Christ was ever spoke in human lips made a dead baby leap in its mother's womb for joy, what ought it to do in a born-again church, to get faith for power? I'm not excited. I know where I'm at, see, but I just get feeling good sometimes when I go to talking about those things. That's right, because it's true that name of Jesus Christ has life; and when it's spoke with power and faith, there isn't nothing will stand in its presence. That's exactly right. Oh, sure, sons and daughters of God.

Luke 1:11 And there appeared unto him an angel of the Lord standing on the right side of the altar of incense.

Luke 1:20 And, behold, thou shalt be dumb, and not able to speak, until the day that these things shall be performed, because thou believest not my words, which shall be fulfilled in their season.

Luke 1:31 And, behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt call his name JESUS.

Luke 1:35 And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God.

Luke 1:44 For, lo, as soon as the voice of thy salutation sounded in mine ears, the babe leaped in my womb for joy.

Luke 3:8 Bring forth therefore fruits worthy of repentance, and begin not to say within yourselves, We have Abraham to our father: for I say unto you, That God is able of these stones to raise up children unto Abraham.

48 Now, let's say Simeon was sitting back in his study. Maybe it's on Monday morning. All the priests are at their work. And there was about two-and-a-half million Jews in Palestine at that time, so several babies was born overnight. On the eighth day the males had to be circumcised. Let's think Simeon's sitting back in his office. He's got the Word, he's looking all through it, like that. And he comes upon the scroll, perhaps over in Isaiah, Isaiah 6 and 9. "To us a son is born, a child is given," so forth. "His name shall be called Counsellor, Prince of Peace, the mighty God, the everlasting Father." I can just imagine him sitting there.

Isaiah 9:6 For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.

49 Now all the time little Mary was on her road up there to have the baby circumcised. She comes into the prayer line, or whatever it might be---the line going up for circumcision. All the babies was dressed in nice little fine needlework, you know. And cute little fellows, and no teeth, you know, and I just love them. And see the little guys there, and mothers, sweet, with their little baby; but here He had ... wrapped in his swaddling cloth. You know where they got it? Off the yoke of an ox in the stall---and yet the very creator of heavens and earth.
And we put on a fifty-dollar suit and turn our nose up, like ... if it would rain it would drown us; and our Saviour was born without even clothes to wrap Him in. "Foxes has dens, the birds of the air has nests, but the Son of man has not a place to lay his head." Who are we? How should we...?
"Well, I belong to the biggest church in this city." Oh, mercy, brother, sister, when you feel like that you're getting away from God right then. "God has ... He's obligated to me." He's obligated to nothing. You're obligated to Him. He's done his part. You've got to believe, just like the rest of them believed. You've got to come the same way they come.

Matthew 8:20 And Jesus saith unto him, The foxes have holes, and the birds of the air have nests; but the Son of man hath not where to lay his head.

Luke 9:58 And Jesus said unto him, Foxes have holes, and birds of the air have nests; but the Son of man hath not where to lay his head.

50 I can see Simeon sitting back there. And all at once now little Mary comes into the building. I can see all the other women keeping a distance. I guess you born-again people know what I mean. She was standing there. The women keep their distance, say, "See that woman there? She's had that baby out of holy wedlock. Her and Joseph was just married a couple months ago and she was already to be mother before it was born. She was to be mother before she was wed, rather, see. That's an illegitimate child. Look at her packing that illegitimate child in the temple of God. Keep away from her." That's the way real believers... But Mary, holding that little baby in her arms... Maybe it was in swaddling cloth off of the yoke of the neck, ox's yoke in the stable. Maybe it was, but in her heart she knowed whose son that was.
That's the way with every believer. You know the doctor might say, "Oh, don't believe that fanaticism." Your mother might say it, your husband might say it, your wife might say it, but you know when something's been born in your heart. God's revealed it to you. You're expecting something to happen.
"Don't go down to that church. You don't need to go into there." It's all right. You'll come just the same if something's in there. "Oh, they're a bunch of holy rollers." That don't make any difference what you call them. It might be ... their swaddling might be pretty common, but anyhow I know what's wrapped in it. I know what's wrapped in Pentecostal swaddling. Yes, sir. I know we got everything in it, but yet there's the Holy Spirit's wrapped in that too. It's exactly.
Packing it in her arms like this... She didn't care what the rest of them... They all kept their distance. Whenever you get the Holy Ghost, you're marked. Everybody, they mark you. They know. They know. They say, "Ah, she's one of them people speaks in tongues, she goes to that Pentecostal group. Stay away from her. Don't invite her over to the card party." Don't worry, if she's got the Holy Ghost she wouldn't go anyhow. So there you are.

51 After a while, we see along there in the other room, kind of snickering and laughing, you know, "See, that's her. [That's one of them, see.] That's her." She knowed. That's all right, she was paying attention to her baby. She knew who it was. It meant more to her than all the societies and everything there was. All them that didn't believe, they didn't have to believe, but she knowed what she had. That's the way we are. We know what we have. We know what that promise is.
Now here He is in the temple, first time---God in his temple in human form. God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself. Here He is, this teeny little Jehovah baby now, laying in the mother's arms. Just a little fellow like the rest of them, but there was a difference there. You say, "Well, we go to church the same as you," but there's a difference there, see, whenever you get the right place, the right thing.
Here she comes through the building. Now, if the Holy Spirit has revealed that to Simeon, it's up to the Holy Spirit to see that He carries his Word out. (A little drama here now.) Simeon's over in the temple, over there praying. The first thing you know, what takes place? When he's reading that scripture, the Holy Spirit says, "Stand up, Simeon!"
Not, "Where do you want me to go? What do you want me to do?" That's none of the business---do what He told you. Stand up. Here he comes.
"Start walking."
"Where am I going?"
"It don't make any difference, just keep walking." Walk. Do you believe sons and daughters of God are led by the Spirit of God? Here they start walking.
"Where am I going?"
"Don't make any difference, just keep walking.
Walks out ... they see old Simeon come out before the audience, looked all up and down, there. "Where am I going, Father?"
"Just go over here to this little line of women," down along there, a couple of hundred of them. Here he comes right down.
"Wonder what's the matter?" He's packing this scroll, Isaiah---book, scroll---Isaiah 9 and 6. Got his finger on it, perhaps. The Holy Spirit does some strange things. Do you believe that, brethren? Strange things. Here he comes walking down. The first thing you know he comes right exactly where this little woman was.

2 Corinthians 5:19 To wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation.

52 Now you see they didn't have televisions in them days, didn't have a radio and press---just lip to ear. And this had never got out this baby was born, see He was just ... well, it was odd anyhow. Nobody'd put it in any paper. If it'd been today it happened, they'd never put it in the paper, unless they wanted to scandalize or something.
So here, come down, and Simeon stopped right there before her. And when he looked over there... See, it was revealed to him by the Holy Spirit that he would not see death until he found the Lord's Christ. And the very thing that the people were making fun of---the Holy Spirit---led him right to it. Don't you believe He led you this morning the same way? The same thing? Same Holy Spirit? Led him right here. He was expecting to see the Christ, and there he walked down; and as soon as he saw it, he recognized it.

Luke 2:25 And, behold, there was a man in Jerusalem, whose name was Simeon; and the same man was just and devout, waiting for the consolation of Israel: and the Holy Ghost was upon him.

Luke 2:26 And it was revealed unto him by the Holy Ghost, that he should not see death, before he had seen the Lord's Christ.

Luke 2:27 And he came by the Spirit into the temple: and when the parents brought in the child Jesus, to do for him after the custom of the law,

53 Now you come tonight. You come. Just sit down, if you're skeptic, sit down. And get you a seat, just watch for a few minutes. Are you expecting to see Him coming on the scene tonight? I am. See, I'm expecting it. He'll do it if you expect it.
And as soon as he found it, found the baby, he reached over in the mother's arms and took the baby, embraced it against his own heart, and said, "Lord, now let thy servant depart in peace, according to thy Word, for my eyes have seen thy salvation." Oh, my! Led by the Holy Spirit. Now keep these words in your heart, and watch tonight to see God's salvation. (I'm going to stop in a moment. You keep that on your mind.) Let the Holy Spirit lead you tonight to see God's salvation. He promised He'd do it in the last days. See if He does. Expecting---today have great expectations, like he did.

Luke 2:28 Then took he him up in his arms, and blessed God, and said,

Luke 2:29 Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace, according to thy word:

Luke 2:30 For mine eyes have seen thy salvation,

54 And there was another one in that day was expecting. (I'll get her in just as we close.) Her name was Anna. She was a prophetess. She was in the temple, blind. But she could see beyond the walls of that temple. I hope that every separate organization today can see beyond the walls of your organization. It's all right, your organization, but see beyond the walls of it. As blind Anna sat there, all at once... She was looking also for the consolation of Israel, but she was blind. The Holy Spirit must have said to her, "Stand up, Anna!" She stood up. Here she comes, winding her way, led by the Holy Ghost, around through the people. How did she do it? She'd been expecting it and the Holy Spirit was leading her. That old blind woman, leading along through the people, coming along. Here was Simeon, the tears running off of his snowy white beard. "Lord, let thy servant depart in peace."
I wonder what the snickering crowd thought then, see. What was this great carry-on? "Well," they said, "there's old Anna. She's blind. And there's Simeon. He's old and kind of half-off at his head." But they were standing at the right place. No matter what condition they were in, they were standing at the right place. That's where I want to stand. God, let me stand at the right place!
And here she come winding her way through there. Now, if the Holy Spirit could wind that old blind woman around all those people to get to Him, how much more can it wind you around these streets tonight? coming down to get to the spot where we believe that He'll heal the sick, He'll save the lost.
And here she comes. And as soon as she got there (she also found the spot), she lifted up her hands and blessed God and spoke of Him. Spoke of the thorn that would be in Mary's heart, and so forth, and prophesied. See, she was a prophetess and the Spirit of God was upon her. And God led that old blind woman through the crowds till she got to that spot, because she was expecting Him to come. I'm expecting Him. If you'll be expecting Him, God will meet our expectations.

Luke 2:29 Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace, according to thy word:

Luke 2:36 And there was one Anna, a prophetess, the daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe of Aser: she was of a great age, and had lived with an husband seven years from her virginity;

Luke 2:37 And she was a widow of about fourscore and four years, which departed not from the temple, but served God with fastings and prayers night and day.

Luke 2:38 And she coming in that instant gave thanks likewise unto the Lord, and spake of him to all them that looked for redemption in Jerusalem.

55 A great musician, just here a few years ago, went to Russia. He was playing an overture, and he was playing just so greatly until the Russian people were screaming at the top of their voice. They stood up and they screamed, and they screamed, and applauded, for him to play just once more. And he stood (now listen), and they screamed again, and they stomped, for him to play again this great overture.
And they noticed the boy. They said, "He must be beside himself. He's not noticing our applause. He's not noticing it. We're trying to call him back to play again." But they noticed he just stood like that, staring. So after while they turned to look. He wasn't paying any attention to the applauding of the people; but his old teacher, the old maestro, was sitting up in the audience. He wanted to see what he said about it. He wanted to know whether he would applaud, or nod his head it was well done. He didn't care what the people said; he wanted to see what he said.
And if the people tells you that the days of miracles is past, Jesus Christ is not the same yesterday, today, and forever, don't notice what the people are saying but look up to the master who wrote the words. Keep your eyes turned up there. See what He says about it. If divine healing's right, search his Word today, and come expecting tonight.
Can we bow our heads just a moment?

56 Gracious Lord, I am thankful for this little audience that has sat here now waiting. I pray that You'll sink some seeds into their hearts that they'll come tonight with such expectations till the lame will walk, the blind will see. May there not be one feeble person among us tonight. May all the heart trouble be healed, the cancers. And may your Spirit just come down, and even in their homes this afternoon may they be healed before they even get to the church. We're expecting, Lord, great things.
So guide the people into the house of God tonight. Guide the sinner, that wayward boy, mother's darling baby that she's brushed his tears away, and there he lays on the barroom floor today; that wayward daughter, out all night. May the Holy Spirit speak and guide their feet to the house of God, and then to the altar tonight to find Christ, their Saviour. And may we, as Simeon of old, with arms of faith embrace the precious Lord Jesus in our hearts tonight, and make our heart the cradle. Let our experience with Him be as a swaddling that'll make us live different from now on.
Bless our little brother pastor here, and these other ministers, and whoever there is in the church, Lord, today. Bless ... trusting that You'd give every church a great service today. May it be a day we'll never forget. Keep us strong now to serve You. Bless the people as they go to their homes. We ask in Jesus Christ's name. Amen.

57 As I turn the service to the pastor, sorry to keep you overtime. I know you leave at twelve and it's quarter after. But that's kind of mild for me. Sometimes when I get ... I don't know when to stop, it feels so good. So sometimes I'm in here two or three hours like that. So I just love it, when a nice responding audience like this... I'm coming with expectations tonight that God'll do great, marvelous things for us. Till then, God ever be with you, as I turn the service back to your pastor, and thanks a million for listening, all of you.

Expectation (1961-02-07) (William M. Branham Sermons)

Expectation (1961-02-07) (William M. Branham Sermons) somebody


1 Good evening, friends. It's certainly a privilege to be back again tonight at Long Beach to have this time of fellowship in the coming weeks. And it was kind of surprising to me to know that I was going to stay in Long Beach this long extended time. And I think Brother Arganbright, when he called me about coming on to the West Coast from Phoenix, he asked for one night in Los Angeles and one night here. And then when... I find out that I've got ... or one night---I mean one week at each place, pardon me. And then, I find I got two weeks here---Sunday through Sunday, I think; or, Tuesday through Sunday through Sunday. And so we're expecting, now, to have a great time.
Now we can only have a good time in the Lord as we all worship Him together. We must do that. Now, I was talking to the pastor today, and asked him just what type of service: was it a revival we were anticipating, or was we to have a healing service? And he said, "Just as the Lord will lead." So that's just about as good, I guess, as I could ask for. That's what we want, you know---where the Lord leads. And then, if the Lord has the right of way, then everything will be all right.

2 And it's ... I think this is my second time to this Tabernacle. I think this is the place we come, wasn't it, Brother Gene, one night down here about two or three years ago, or something? Couple of years ago, yes. And then I was once over at the Municipal Auditorium here, when we ... I first come to the West Coast. And so, I kind of feel like I'm part of you to begin with, not only because I've been here; because I've been at the same place you did to find salvation, at Calvary. And that's where we ... the only fountain that I know, is that fountain of Calvary, where God poured out his blessings upon the human race. And there's where I received mine, beneath the blood of the Lord Jesus.

3 And now, if the Lord willing, I'd just like to just see how many was wanting to be prayed for, have a healing service one night. Let's see, if we raise up our hands around. Well, that's a nice little group for a healing service. So ... for a church, anyhow. And then ... well, tomorrow night, how would you like to have a healing service tomorrow night? Would that be fine? All right.
I'll have the boys over here to give out prayer cards about six-thirty, something like that, so it won't interfere with the other parts of the meeting. And then we'll pray for the sick tomorrow night, God willing.
And then, we'll see then as He leads, goes on, see how many... You know, in a little church meeting like this, we can pray for all the sick in one night. So, to be here thirteen nights, that's going to be quite a healing service. So if the people come in---the sick keeps crowding in---well, we'll keep praying for them as they come in.

4 Now maybe this coming week, this next coming week rather, if it be the will of the Lord... I just finished, before I started this year's tour, at my Tabernacle I finished the series of the seven last church ages in Revelation. And maybe, the Lord willing, I'd like to take next week on the four horse riders of Revelation, and give a night on each horse and each rider, and what it represents, and the time that we're living in.
I think it should be... We should all be warned of the things that's coming. That's what the church today lacks, is the warning of making ready. I believe, really, the church was in better condition forty years ago for Christ to come than it is today. Forty years... I was speaking on that the other day at the Westward Ho, at the Full Gospel Businessmen's Convention, of how that the church in forty years lost ground just like it did in the wilderness. But it's the time, now, when the old fighters is dead, and we ought to get ourselves together, and get started on for the kingdom of God, and go over and possess the full blessing. And just as the Lord will lead this week, we'll be speaking on those subjects, in making ready.

Numbers 32:13 And the LORD'S anger was kindled against Israel, and he made them wander in the wilderness forty years, until all the generation, that had done evil in the sight of the LORD, was consumed.

Deuteronomy 3:18 And I commanded you at that time, saying, The LORD your God hath given you this land to possess it: ye shall pass over armed before your brethren the children of Israel, all that are meet for the war.

Revelation 6:2 And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.

Revelation 6:3 And when he had opened the second seal, I heard the second beast say, Come and see.

Revelation 6:4 And there went out another horse that was red: and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword.

Revelation 6:5 And when he had opened the third seal, I heard the third beast say, Come and see. And I beheld, and lo a black horse; and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand.

Revelation 6:6 And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine.

Revelation 6:7 And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast say, Come and see.

Revelation 6:8 And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.

5 Now, a minister cannot bring a revival. There's no preacher can bring a revival. He doesn't pack it with him, and the only thing he can do is just be loyal to God and his Word. And the revival has to come by the people---in your home, in your life. Now, a revival isn't adding new members to the church; it's reviving that what we've already got. To revive means to bring back. So, a revival...

6 I stood here some years ago for my first time by a large body of water, which was Lake Michigan. I was about ... just had been ordained in the Missionary Baptist Church. I was about twenty, or twenty-one years old. And I'd went up there when they had the... They had some great Easter sunrise service out on the lakeside. And I was acquainted with Paul Rader, and he was supposed to speak at that meeting. And I wanted to visit the Tabernacle while I was in Chicago. It was my first time to see that large a body of water.
And I went out on Lakeshore Drive, and I stood out there a little while, and I noticed all them waves jumping up and down, just splashing around. I thought, "What's it so excited about? What's all the excitement?" And the little waves would start, and then run out, and be great big waves and bounce into each other, and break apart, you know. And the foam would fly up, and then it'd come back in.
Then I'd see the big waves coming again, breaking on the bank, like you're used to here. But that was something new for me, a land-locked servant. So I noticed how ...

7 and I said, "What ... it must be that the lake's having a revival. That must be what it is. It's having a big time, just jumping up and down." I thought, "That's good, that's fine."
But you know, I thought, "Well, what if it gets a lot of extra water when it's having a revival." I thought, "No, there isn't one drop more in it right now than if it's perfectly calm---not one bit. It's the same water, but just having a revival, jumping up and down." I thought, "Well, what good does that do?"
Come to find out, when it's having revival, and jumping up and down like that, it washes all the trash out of it up on the shore. So that's what the church needs, is a revival. Get all the world and things of the world washed out so it can look clear, be pretty again. When it all calms down, it's got the same amount of water.
But what causes the sea to do that is because there's a wind comes; begins to blow against the waves, blow against the body of water and pick it up. Well, that's what the church needs tonight, is a mighty rushing wind coming down upon it again and reviving it, and getting all the world out, and the things of the world out. And that way then it starts a revival. And then, when it settles down, the church is all in condition then to start off then to receive spiritual gifts and blessings from God. And that's what we want.

Acts 2:2 And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting.

8 I do not believe that the revival that we're looking to come is coming in the fashion that we are looking for it. It always comes contrary to what we're looking for. Christ come different, John the Baptist. Well, if anyone would have thought... I suppose if some of the interpreters of the scripture in John's day would have said, " 'The voice of one crying in the wilderness, prepare the way of the Lord, make his paths straight'..."
I imagine some of them thought that God would slip the corridors out of heaven, and have an angelic escort coming down to the ground, and some great dignified prophet'd come walking out of the glory. And it was to be so great till all the low places to be made high, and all the high places bring down low. And the mountains was to skip like little rams, and all the leaves was going to clap their hands. What an event that was to be! What the people must have looked to see in those times.
But what did it come to pass to be? An old fuzzy-looking preacher with a sheepskin wrapped around him (probably never took a bath every three or four months), walked out of the wilderness, standing in mud up to his knees, and hollering, "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand." That's when the high places was made low, and the low places was made high.

Matthew 3:2 And saying, Repent ye: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.

Matthew 3:3 For this is he that was spoken of by the prophet Esaias, saying, The voice of one crying in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his paths straight.

Mark 1:3 The voice of one crying in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his paths straight.

Luke 3:4 As it is written in the book of the words of Esaias the prophet, saying, The voice of one crying in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his paths straight.

John 1:23 He said, I am the voice of one crying in the wilderness, Make straight the way of the Lord, as said the prophet Esaias.

9 What man calls great, God calls foolish. And what man calls foolish, God calls great. So, what we've got to do is get back into the program of God, and find out, after all, what God wants us to do.
And the only way I know to do it is prayer. Prayer is the key. That's the answer. Prayer changes things. Prayer is the most powerful weapon that was ever put in the control of human beings. There's no atomic bomb, or no hydrogen bomb as powerful as prayer. Prayer will change the mind of God. Did you know that? It did do it one time.
A prophet was sent up to the king in the chamber. And said, "Go up and tell him, 'Thus saith the Lord, he's not coming off the bed. He's going to die right where he's at.' " And Isaiah went up and told Hezekiah that.
And I can imagine all the celebrity at the gate, the peasants out at the outer courts, when they went in, said, "O prophet of God, what will become of our king?"
"Thus saith the Lord, he's going to die."
Went out to the soldiers, "Oh, great prophet, what does the Lord say about our king?"
"Thus saith the Lord, he's going to die."
And that was right, the Lord told him that. Goes on down, gets in his little hut, somewhere back in the wilderness.

2 Kings 20:1 In those days was Hezekiah sick unto death. And the prophet Isaiah the son of Amoz came to him, and said unto him, Thus saith the LORD, Set thine house in order; for thou shalt die, and not live.

Isaiah 38:1 In those days was Hezekiah sick unto death. And Isaiah the prophet the son of Amoz came unto him, and said unto him, Thus saith the LORD, Set thine house in order: for thou shalt die, and not live.

1 Corinthians 3:19 For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. For it is written, He taketh the wise in their own craftiness.

10 Hezekiah turned his face to the wall and wept bitterly, and said, "Lord God, I beseech you to consider me. I walked before you with a perfect heart. I need fifteen years longer to get my kingdom in condition."
You know, looks like if God would have wanted to say anything, He'd have told him while he was talking to Him. But God has ways of doing things. You have to come God's ways, and God's means of doing things. As long as we try to get in it ourself, then it won't work. And we just can't pattern after one another. We've got to live individually before God.
Now the greatest man in the land, of course, was the king. The greatest person in heaven was God. There was the greatest man on earth talking to the greatest man in heaven ... the greatest in heaven, and yet the great powers of heaven couldn't talk back to the king, because he wasn't meant to be that. He was just a king. And then He talked to Isaiah (that was his prophet), and said, "Go tell him that I've heard his prayers, and I'm going to spare him them fifteen years." Now how do you think that prophet must have been embarrassed coming right back.
"What are you coming back for, prophet?"
"Thus saith the Lord, he's going to live," and just left the gate saying, "Thus saith the Lord, he's going to die." Come back, "Thus saith the Lord, he's going to live. Thus saith the Lord, he's going to live."
Why? What changed it? Prayer, that's the secret. Prayer opens the door. Prayer. "Whatsoever you ask in prayer, with faith believing, you shall receive it." "Ask abundantly that your joys may be full."

2 Kings 20:2 Then he turned his face to the wall, and prayed unto the LORD, saying,

2 Kings 20:3 I beseech thee, O LORD, remember now how I have walked before thee in truth and with a perfect heart, and have done that which is good in thy sight. And Hezekiah wept sore.

2 Kings 20:4 And it came to pass, afore Isaiah was gone out into the middle court, that the word of the LORD came to him, saying,

2 Kings 20:5 Turn again, and tell Hezekiah the captain of my people, Thus saith the LORD, the God of David thy father, I have heard thy prayer, I have seen thy tears: behold, I will heal thee: on the third day thou shalt go up unto the house of the LORD.

Isaiah 38:2 Then Hezekiah turned his face toward the wall, and prayed unto the LORD,

Isaiah 38:3 And said, Remember now, O LORD, I beseech thee, how I have walked before thee in truth and with a perfect heart, and have done that which is good in thy sight. And Hezekiah wept sore.

Isaiah 38:4 Then came the word of the LORD to Isaiah, saying,

Isaiah 38:5 Go, and say to Hezekiah, Thus saith the LORD, the God of David thy father, I have heard thy prayer, I have seen thy tears: behold, I will add unto thy days fifteen years.

Matthew 21:22 And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.

John 15:11 These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full.

11 Let's ask God tonight to just not spare nothing, but pour out the powers of heaven. If He has to shake us and tear us to pieces, and go down at the potter's house and be remolded again, if that's what it takes, that's what I want. And I think that's what every honest-hearted believer wants, no matter what it takes.
Now let's bear that in mind as the meeting goes on. "I don't care, Lord, what it takes, but I want You to revive me. If it's something I'm doing, something I ought not to do, something that I should have done, just tear me to pieces and make me over again, so I'll obey You." With that purpose in heart, God's just as sure to move on the scene as I'm standing behind this pulpit. That's right.

12 Now this is the first time that I can remember in all the history of my meetings, that I've ever come to a place to hold a revival, not a healing service. And I'm just glad that this is planned out this way. I thought that maybe it would be, we'd go up to Los Angeles, and here a few nights, and up there, like that. But it's panned out somehow, or planned in God's great economy, that I was to be here, I suppose, for these two weeks in a church, holding a revival. So maybe that's the way God wants it. So we'll just leave it to Him. He's the boss, isn't He? How many love Him? Oh, you're all ... that's fine. Then it looks like all believers. That's good.
Well, let's speak tonight, and prepare our hearts for the healing service tomorrow night. Then on Thursday night, we'll start right off with the evangelistic text, and so forth, if the Lord willing. And pray that God will have us in such a revival by Sunday, the glory of God will be raining around all over us, and God will be moving among us with great wonders and signs, and hundreds receiving the Holy Ghost, and just go everywhere.

13 Now we don't mean to say now... A true, great revival ... it don't get headlines and things like that. No, no. There's one thing that Jesus Christ lacked in his life. I hate to say that, but He did. Jesus lacked one thing: a modern showmanship. He wasn't a show-off. No. Everybody today has got to have a great big headlines, and bragging what they're doing. That's a stuffed shirt. That's right. That's not a servant of God. A servant of God will be humble, keeping himself back.
And when the revival comes, look what it's always come. When it come in the days of Jesus, just in the minority, just a few people. Look what John had out there on the banks, just a few people gathered around from the regions around about to hear him. About ninety-nine percent of them rejected his message and walked away. Yet it was a great revival, and a shaking time.
God shakes things and people don't realize it's being done, see. God shakes his church. The revival is to his church. I believe the church is called out now. But the thing to revive is to revive, and shake that church to its place again.

14 Someone said, "Why do you fool with a bunch of Pentecostals, holy rollers, and so forth?"
That's where I was sent. I'm one of them."
They say, "Why don't you do these signs... ? Why don't you go up to the big places, and high places, and so forth?"
If you notice, that's the very same thing that was said to our Lord. His brethren even said to Him, "Why don't You come up before Caiaphas, or some of the big places, and show yourself? If you be this fellow, this Christ, let them know who You are."
He said, "Your day is always." He didn't go up with them. But his hour was yet to come. He was not a showman.
And I think that's what's the matter with the church today. It gets too much show instead of enough Christ, see. We want Christ. No show; Christ. Want to condition our hearts. And when we get to that place, you'll find out that God's just the same yesterday, today and forever. He does not fail. Now let us bow our heads just a moment, and approach the author before we approach his Word.

Matthew 26:57 And they that had laid hold on Jesus led him away to Caiaphas the high priest, where the scribes and the elders were assembled.

John 7:6 Then Jesus said unto them, My time is not yet come: but your time is alway ready.

Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

15 Our heavenly Father, we are, indeed, a privileged people tonight to be assembled together here in a free nation where we can worship God by our own dictates of our conscience. We are so glad for this, and for an open door yet in our land, knowing that it won't be too long now, until this opportunity will be taken away from us. And, Lord, it'll be a great thing when it is, because then the love of God will constrain us till our hearts will come together.
I pray, Father, for this oncoming meeting for Long Beach, and for this church called by ... God's Assembly, where God's children assemble together. And the church is the people that makes up the body. And we pray, God, for this pastor. I pray that You'll bless him, Lord, and by his ... throwing his arms open, and his heart for a revival to begin, may their prayers not be in vain. But may You answer us this week with a sweeping revival that'll catch fire, all up and down this West Coast, Lord.

16 And the people of God realize that, as it was in the time of Ezekiel, the bones went to the bones, and the skin upon it, and they stood up. But, yet they needed to be prophesied to, to cause life to come into them. And heavenly Father, we might organize and get the churches together, and join our hands and go bone to bone. But yet it takes the prophecy of a shaking wind to bring life back to us again. Father, we pray that there will be not only a protracted meeting, but a revival that will truly shake every heart, every home, every church, every member, until the Holy Spirit becomes predominant in every life.
From that, Lord, will go forth workers, into the street corners and byways, with not a shamed look upon their face, but as gallant soldiers, burning faces like Stephen's was, like a house on fire in a high wind. They could not stop him. Neither could the Sanhedrin court stop him. But he screamed out upon them, "Stiff-necked, uncircumcised in heart and ears..."
Even death itself didn't stop his message. It got onto Saul of Tarsus. Never left him until, God, You struck him on fire and started him out. Become the apostle to the Gentile age.
That one man, when he was dying, kneeling on his knees and saying, "I see Jesus standing at the right hand of God..." That look upon him...

Ezekiel 37:7 So I prophesied as I was commanded: and as I prophesied, there was a noise, and behold a shaking, and the bones came together, bone to his bone.

Ezekiel 37:8 And when I beheld, lo, the sinews and the flesh came up upon them, and the skin covered them above: but there was no breath in them.

Ezekiel 37:9 Then said he unto me, Prophesy unto the wind, prophesy, son of man, and say to the wind, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Come from the four winds, O breath, and breathe upon these slain, that they may live.

Ezekiel 37:10 So I prophesied as he commanded me, and the breath came into them, and they lived, and stood up upon their feet, an exceeding great army.

Matthew 24:24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.

Luke 12:40 Be ye therefore ready also: for the Son of man cometh at an hour when ye think not.

Acts 7:51 Ye stiffnecked and uncircumcised in heart and ears, ye do always resist the Holy Ghost: as your fathers did, so do ye.

Acts 7:55 But he, being full of the Holy Ghost, looked up stedfastly into heaven, and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing on the right hand of God,

17 God, we pray that You'll send the Holy Spirit in such a convicting power that will place that look of determination upon every heart, and upon every face that gathers in this church. Grant it, Lord, that there might be a soul-searching time. For we realize that we're living in a late hour---later than we think. You said You'd come "in the hour that you think not," so it may be at any time. I pray, Father, that You'll help me.
Speaking a few moment ago, upon seeing the four horse riders, divine healing---whatever it might fall, Lord, we just open our hearts to You. You come deal with us, Lord, just as we have need. Cut all the world away from us, Lord. Take thy sharp two-edged sword, the Word, and discern the thoughts of our hearts and minds. Bring to our memory where we're short. May we not cease praying until we see our prayers answered. Grant it, Father. Circumcise my lips, circumcise the hearts of the people, that I might speak and they might hear the Word of the Lord. We ask this for God's glory in the name of his Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Hebrews 4:12 For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

18 I pray the Lord Jesus that the revival will be on from this time on, that ... everybody hungering and thirsting. Now just make ready, each person. Don't wait on the neighbor. It's nothing about the neighbor; ourselves. Let's fast, let's pray, call on God. Get on the phone, call somebody, get them over. Lead our children to prayer. Get our family groups together. Just open up our hearts and say, "Lord, here we are."
Now, on getting ready for the service tomorrow night for healing service then, the boys will be over with the prayer cards about six-thirty. You that want prayer cards come, and let the sick people get up around me, up here. Many of you has been in the meetings. You know how it works. It's better for somebody sitting here with faith believing, sitting in front, than back there; because sometimes when I see them back in there, there's so many between that, while it's ... where the channel, as I call it, or rays of faith that comes from the people, it's confusing. However, it does go all over the crowd, and thousands times thousands of people. But I'd rather get the sick people up here in front, around where I'm at.

19 Now tonight I want to speak on a subject... First I want to read to you a verse out of the Scripture, found in St. Luke the 2nd chapter, the 26th verse:
And, behold, there was a man in Jerusalem, whose name was Simeon; ... the same man was just and devout, waiting for the consolation of Israel: and the Holy Ghost was upon him.
And it was revealed unto him by the Holy Ghost, that he would not see death, until he had seen the Lord's Christ.
Now, I want to take the subject of "Expectation." Now before you can have expectation, there must be faith to accompany that expectation. And there's only two elements in the world that controls the world tonight: that's fear and faith. Russia's trying to get everybody to fear them, and we're trying to get everybody to have faith in God. That's the difference. That two elements controls all nations, controls all people, controls all churches, controls individuals---is fear or faith.

Luke 2:25 And, behold, there was a man in Jerusalem, whose name was Simeon; and the same man was just and devout, waiting for the consolation of Israel: and the Holy Ghost was upon him.

Luke 2:26 And it was revealed unto him by the Holy Ghost, that he should not see death, before he had seen the Lord's Christ.

20 Now fear has no valuation in it, none whatever. It's perfectly endless, it doesn't... It hasn't got one good thing about it. If I was to be shot in the morning, was going to be shot, what good would it do to have fear? What good would it do me?
You say, "Well, what good would faith do you?"
Faith could deliver me, but fear won't help me a bit. You just get yourself all worked up, and more nervous than ever, when it comes time for the gun to fire. So let's have faith. Faith could deliver me, but if it doesn't, what good would fear do, anyhow? Just stay right with faith and hold on to it. Take God's promise and remain with God.

21 And now, as we begin to read the Word, and to teach the Word... I'll never go outside of the Word for anything. And remember that you must believe this in God: that God keeps his Word. He'll do that. If He doesn't, He isn't God. God is infinite. And when anything is infinite, it's... Well, there's no way to explain what infinite is. But we are finite. Therefore, we can say anything, and the next day or hour from then, or five minutes, we'll have to alter it and say, "Oh, I was mistaken."
But God can't do that if He's infinite, because He makes his ... He makes his promise, and He can never go back on it. His promise is always the best; his decision is always perfect. And if it's perfect, it can never be any more perfect. So it's always got to be right. Now, therefore, if you have faith...

22 I was speaking to a doctor, some time ago, about one of his patients that had been healed. He said, "Why, Billy," (he's a friend of mine) he said, "there's no doubt at all." Said, "My, the cancer was there." Said, "I operated on the man and couldn't get it. It was in his throat." And he said (and he was a brother-in-law to the doctor), and he said, "It's absolutely gone."
Some of the people was out to the man that run the motel, while we was having the meeting. He was telling everybody about it, and how that faith did it. He said, "Yes, Billy, I believe that." Said, "Now, to have faith..." Said, "Now, I believe if he'd have went out and touched a tree, and said he had faith in..."
I said, "No, that won't work."
He said, "If he had faith?"
I said, "He hasn't got no grounds for faith."
Now, touching a tree, having faith, that's superstition. You've got to have a ground for faith, and faith cometh by hearing, hearing the Word of God. Now, before... If you just take it like any newspaper reporter or something, why, you can't have faith in that. They'll make errors because they're human. But this Bible cannot make an error! It's got to be perfect because it's the Word of God. And God is no better than his word, or... You're no better than your word. I'm no better than my word. So therefore, when the Bible says anything, remember, it's settled forever.

Psalm 119:89 LAMED. For ever, O LORD, thy word is settled in heaven.

Romans 10:17 So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

23 And if God is ever called on the scene to make a decision on a certain thing, and the decision that He made, when He's called on the scene for the same thing again, his decision has to remain the same way. He cannot change it for one, saying, "Well, I did it for this one, but I won't do it for this one." Now if He does that, then He made the wrong decision when He made it the first time. So He made his Word so that, "If ye can believe..."
When a man asked Him forgiveness for his sins, and God forgave that man of his sins, if you come, or whosoever will, comes upon them same basis, of humbly asking forgiveness based upon faith, God's obligated to do the same thing He did for that man the first time.
And If a man's ever sick, and calls on God, and if God ever heals one person, ever did heal one person, and the same grounds that He brought that man to for his healing, if He's ever called on again, He's got to remain with the same decision. If He didn't, He made a mistake; and then, if He made a mistake, He's not infinite. And if He's not infinite, then He's not God.

24 See, you've got to come right back to know this Word's the truth.
Now that's exactly what gives me my bold stand in Christ, because I believe that Word is truth! It just cannot fail. It can no more fail than God, because it is God. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God ... And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us."
Hebrews 4 tells us that the Word of God is powerful, more sharper than any two-edged sword, cutting both ways and to the asunder and the marrow of the bone, and ... even a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. When Jesus looked upon the audience and perceived their thought, what was it? He was the Word. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." Why, they ought to have knowed it that He was the Word of God made manifest.
Now that same spoken Word of God, the Holy Spirit, can make any promise of God manifest, if you'll just believe it.

John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

John 1:14 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.

Hebrews 4:12 For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

25 Now, expectations---it has to be built upon something that's got a faith behind it, because if you're expecting something it's because something's been promised, or some way like that. So, if you want to have real expectations, it must be built upon "Thus saith the Lord."
Look at Noah. It was ... sometimes God asks you to do things that's ridiculous to your own human thinking. Now remember, if you're going to enter this revival trying to figure out something, you might as well enter out to begin with, 'cause you can't do it. Remember, God does not know man by ... or, man does not know God, rather, by his head. He knows Him by his heart.
In the garden of Eden, when man was divided between God and Satan, Satan took his head; God took his heart. With his intellectuals he tries to reason out things; but by faith in his heart to God will make him believe things that reason won't even vindicate, "for it's the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." See, he's got to believe God's Word. Oh, brother, if you could just get that down good, sunk in your heart, it'd make every devil jump and leave right now, see. Oh, it does it.
Now I know what I'm speaking of. I've had... This is thirty-one years in the ministry for me, and I know what I speak of. And I've never sincerely, in all my life, ever asked God anything, with this Bible open, unless He gave it to me, or told me why He couldn't do it. That's right. 'Course there's sometimes He can't give it to me because I think I want it, and He knows better. But He's always come and told me why. And so I know that's true. So God keeps his Word! You can just depend on that.

Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

26 Now, when Noah was asked to build an ark by God, why, he moved with fear, knowing... Could you imagine what the critics was saying? Noah was expecting it to rain, because God said it was going to rain. Now, it never had rained on the earth. Could you imagine the critics saying, "Oh, look, poor old fellow's kind of a little off of his head." But he said, "Where's that rain at, Noah? Tell me where it's at. I don't see any of it up there. There's no rain from up there. Never has been, never will be."
But Noah said, "God said so. That settles it. If God said so, He can create rain up there if He wanted to."
So he was expecting it to rain, so he made preparations for the rain. Oh, I like that. Oh, make preparations. As long as you hear God's Word, then make preparations for it to happen, and wait under expectation. Oh, that makes me start feeling religious to begin with, see. To think that ... God said so, then be expecting it.

Genesis 2:5 And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew: for the LORD God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was not a man to till the ground.

Hebrews 11:7 By faith Noah, being warned of God of things not seen as yet, moved with fear, prepared an ark to the saving of his house; by the which he condemned the world, and became heir of the righteousness which is by faith.

27 Now if God has promised a revival here, we're going to have it. Let's make ready for it. If God promised to heal, let's make ready for it. Jesus said, "The works that I do shall you also." Let's make ready for it. Move out everything, get ready. We're right in time.
So now it'll seem foolish. Now you say, "How's it going to happen in a day like this, and when all this... ?" I don't care what anything contrary is to that, it's wrong. We can't see it, I see no hope of it, looks like. But if God said so, let's do it anyhow, because God said so. It'll happen anyhow. I'm expecting it.
I believe Jesus is coming. Science is proving they can take a little pollen from something, and some mucus, and put something in it, and so forth like this; and they can almost make human life, they claim. Oh, they're so smart they can ... got a sputnik up in the sky, and a human heart beating in it. That don't bother me a bit.
They say, "Oh, one of these days you'll find out all the religion you're talking about is crazy."
No, I won't! Jesus will be here! We'll have a millennium! We'll go home to glory! I'm expecting it, so I'm preparing for it. I'm waiting for it every day! Be ready! When will He come? I don't know. But if He isn't here today, I'll be looking tomorrow. I'm expecting it because He said so, and I live daily under those expectations. That's right. We must have expectation, certainly.
Noah did.

Genesis 12:1 Now the LORD had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will shew thee:

Genesis 12:4 So Abram departed, as the LORD had spoken unto him; and Lot went with him: and Abram was seventy and five years old when he departed out of Haran.

Genesis 17:16 And I will bless her, and give thee a son also of her: yea, I will bless her, and she shall be a mother of nations; kings of people shall be of her.

Matthew 24:44 Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh.

Luke 12:40 Be ye therefore ready also: for the Son of man cometh at an hour when ye think not.

John 14:12 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.

28 Abraham, why, when he heard the Word of God and he come down from the land of Chaldea, in the city of Ur; coming down from Shinar perhaps, out of a ... maybe a heathen family up there, for all I know. But one day... Say he was a farmer out on the farm, and God spoke to him. He was seventy-five years old; his wife was sixty-five. And He said, "Abraham, you're going to have a baby by your wife, Sarah."
Well, he went down and got all the arrangements made. Why? He was expecting it. He was expecting the baby to come, any time. "Will it be in the next twenty-eight days you'll know about it?"
"I don't know. If it isn't, maybe the next twenty-eight."
The first time I imagine he said to Sarah, "How you feeling, dear?", after the first month had passed.
"No different."
"Thank God, we'll have it, anyhow."
"Go ahead and make the little booties and get the little jacket ready, get all the Birdseye and the pins, 'cause we're going to have it. That's right. I'm expecting it! That's right. Put them in your hope chest, get ready, 'cause it's coming."
A year passed. "Any difference, dear?"
"Not a bit."
"We're going to have it, anyhow. I'm expecting it."
God said, "Separate yourself from your kindred." That's what you have to do a lot of times. Separate yourself from a lot of unbelief. And remember, until Abraham fully obeyed God... The blessing never come until he fully obeyed God. He took his daddy along, and he caused trouble. And then Lot finally caused trouble, and ... a herdsman. And then as soon as he got separated from everything like that, he fully obeyed. When he come to full obedience, then God brought the blessing.

Genesis 12:1 Now the LORD had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will shew thee:

29 Now the Pentecostal church has been expecting a visit into the promised land, for all the restoration of the gifts and things. But as soon as it began to speak with tongues and interpret, then they began to organize, make different organizations, separating themselves, and things like that. You battled around for forty years. You'll just keep on battling as long as you do that.
But when you get yourselves together, like they did on the day of Pentecost... Come together, then expect God to do something. "If the people that's called by my name will assemble themselves together and pray, then I'll hear from heaven." Now if we'll do that, we can expect something. Until we do that, we might as well not expect it, because it's not coming. We've got to fully obey God.
You've got to come to a place where the Assemblies of God, and the Church of God, and the Foursquare Church of God, and the Oneness, and Twoness, and Threeness, and Fiveness, and all them other little old isms that you got off on, will forget your differences and come together and pray. Then I'll expect to hear something from heaven.
Oh, they say, well, they'll do this.

2 Chronicles 7:14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

30 Well, the other day a certain organization, when I was in Beaumont, Texas... Because I had sitting on the platform, from... One church sponsored me---about forty-two churches---and they were all fine people. And the district presbyter called me up and said, "I draw a line. From this on, Mr. Branham, I draw you out. You had a man sitting on the platform was baptized wrong."
"Well," I said, "I'm going to do something different from that. I'm going to draw another line and take you in. You put me out on one; I'm going to draw another, take you back in." That's right. So that's what it is. Spread out our tents way out yonder, get every brother. Yes, sir, that's what we got to do. And then when we do that, we can expect God to answer.
But until we do that, He won't answer because we've got to separate ourselves from the things of the world. As long as the Pentecostal church keeps lusting after the things of the world, this, that, and the other, you just might as well quit. Until you get back to the real gospel again, get back to God's Word, get back to "thus saith the Lord," we'll never prosper till we do that! God'll not hear, until we fully obey God. Yes, sir.
When Abraham fully obeyed God, then he knowed ... when he fully done it, then right away three angels come up and announced the birth of the baby, and he come along. But, Abraham never give up; just kept expecting it, kept expecting it. And finally he got himself all in the will of the Lord, and then it happened. But until he does that, it just won't happen.

31 Moses ... it makes people act funny, when they hear from God sometimes. Moses was a great theologian. He was taught in all the wisdom of the Egyptians. Why, certainly, there was nothing Moses didn't know. Now, what if back there forty years on the desert, herding the sheep, what if he'd thought, "I believe I'll go back down to Egypt, and dress up my ... oh, maybe my mathematics a little bit." Why, he knowed so much he could teach the teachers. He didn't need any education. He didn't have to have anything taught to him, for he knowed it all. But he was a failure, with all he knowed.

Acts 7:22 And Moses was learned in all the wisdom of the Egyptians, and was mighty in words and in deeds.

32 Now, I believe in Bible schools. I believe we should do that. We should have Bible schools. My boy just come out of Waxahachie. I got a girl fixing to go in there---Waxahachie Assembly of God School in Waxahachie, Texas. I believe in that. But brother, when we get to teaching in our schools and seminaries just the right way to speak, and so forth and all, education and so forth... What we need today in seminaries and all, is a back to God, back to God. Not our educational programs, but our salvation program.
"Go ye into all the world and make seminaries." No, sir. "Go ye in all the world, build churches." No, sir. They're all right. "Go and build hospitals." No, sir. That's wasn't what the church was commissioned to do. Church is building hospitals, church is building schools, church is building buildings. But here was the commission: "Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel."
What is the gospel? Not just the Word only, Paul said, but the manifestation of the Word. "The gospel came to us not in Word only but through power and demonstration of the Holy Ghost." In other words, "Go ye into all the world and demonstrate the power of the resurrection. These signs shall follow them that believe." Just teaching the Word won't do it. You've got to have the power of the Holy Ghost behind that Word to make it come to life again. Amen. It'll come to life.

Mark 16:15 And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.

1 Thessalonians 1:5 For our gospel came not unto you in word only, but also in power, and in the Holy Ghost, and in much assurance; as ye know what manner of men we were among you for your sake.

33 You say, "Oh, Brother Branham, that was two thousand years ago." All right, critic. I want to shut you up right now, see.
Here not long ago, as you look in the Life magazine, they went into the great garners of Egypt, and got out some of the wheat that Joseph put in there; planted it in the ground, and it growed. They got a ... what was it? A sunflower seed, or something, four thousand years ago out of the ... out of old King Tut's tomb---a sunflower seed---and planted it. And God had preserved that life! Absolutely. "Though the skin worms destroys this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God."
God's Word will never be destroyed. God's Word ... if you'll plant it in the right kind of conditions on God's Word, it'll do the same thing it did at the beginning. That's right. Correct.

Job 19:26 And though after my skin worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God:

34 Some time ago I was sitting down in Kentucky, squirrel hunting. Oh, I ... that's what I do to relax. I hunt, shoot targets, and things, fool with guns. That's just a hobby. And I had a little model seventy-five Winchester rifle. At fifty yards I stood on the range, and drove nine straight carpet tacks with it, right straight through the paper. And then, first thing you know, when I'd shoot... If there was a squirrel, I'd have to see four corners of his eye. If he was looking at me, I wouldn't shoot at him. If he had his back turned, I wouldn't shoot at him. He had to sit right. Thirty yards, I'd leave him alone, twenty yards; he had to be fifty yards. That's just 'cause I got enough that way.
One day that little rifle went out, and I just couldn't make it come in at all. I rebedded it, and I done everything I could do, and tighten; loose. Just five-thousandths of a vibration here will put it a half-inch at a hundred yards. So you see, it's got some part tight, another loose. You've got to have it right.
So I sent it back to the Winchester Company, and I got the letter at home now. It said, "Reverend Branham, there's not a thing wrong with that rifle." Said, "That rifle will group a inch at twenty-five yards, and a model seventy-five will not group any better." Said, "It's not a target gun to begin with." Said, "It's only got one leg screw holding it together. Therefore you've got to get a vibration out of it."
Now, that was the man who manufactured and made the gun---the Winchester Company, the proofs. The man who spent his lifetime, and engineers to make up the gun, they said, "It will not group any better than one inch at twenty-five yards." And I'd been driving tacks at fifty yards with it.

35 Now, I sat down under a tree one day and just crying. There was Brother Woods, and a couple friends of mine up there, shooting squirrels. I didn't care where they hit him---just bang away. Anywhere it hit him is all right. To me, I thought I might drop down on his cheek, hit him a little behind the ears or something. That wouldn't be right. You had to hit the eye. It wasn't right.
And I thought, "Well, now, it don't make any difference what the Winchester Company says. I know that it will do it, because I've seen it do it!"
And I was sitting there one morning, under a little old, crooked-over tree, crying. Just got so nervous I got to crying. I said, "Lord, here I am away from the services, out here in the woods, trying to relax---a little old nervous thing like me. Why did you ever try to send me out in the meeting, anyhow? I'm a failure to begin with. And why did you ever send a person like me? Look like You'd have got a man that was a man, somebody that was steady and quiet." And I just kept sitting there crying, and talking to the Lord, both hands up, the tears pouring down my cheeks.

36 I heard a voice, that light in the bush. He said, "I made you that way for a purpose. Now, you know that that... You can't be satisfied until that rifle... No matter what anyone says, you know it drives the tack, see, at fifty yards."
And then He said, "That's the reason I made you thus, because it don't make any difference what anybody says, see: 'The days of miracle is past. There's no such a thing as the baptism of the Holy Ghost.' "
Listen. There is, because I know it's so. Those apostles'd taken that same Holy Spirit. They saw visions, they raised the dead, they healed the sick, they done great miracles and signs and wonders. And if we'll just get it zeroed in...
You can't say, "Oh, that day... That church says this way. My church is the oldest. And, this was that." That don't make sense to me. If they made it drive the tack, it'll drive it again. If they brought forth a world-shaking revival with the power and the promises of God, we'll do the same thing if we'll accept the promise and expect it to happen. But you've got to believe it. You just can't halfway believe it.
And you know what? When I got up from under that tree after He'd talked to me; and walked out there and never touched that rifle one time (and here sits the boy that ... we reload together), that rifle has constantly drove them tacks at fifty yards ever since. That's right. Never touched it. See, He was trying to do something to me, to show me how to behave myself. In tight times, and things that they say, "Oh, Brother Branham..."

37 A fellow said to me not long ago, said, "If you'd come over and join our organization, we'll do so-and-so. If you'll just compromise on a few..."
I said, "Compromise? Compromise?" I said, "I'm surprised that a man of God like you are, with a doctor's degree, would ask a servant of God to compromise on the Word of God." I said, "That don't dwell in my blood. No, sir."
I'll stay right zeroed on it. I believe in the Holy Ghost and the power of the Holy Ghost! I believe that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. And I'm under expectations that He'll rise up a church to go meet Him, with the same power it had in the beginning. Certainly, if we'll expect it. Have faith in God and believe He's going to do it. Expectations.

Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

38 Moses, with all of his theology he never got anywhere. He was out there, a coward running behind the mountains in the desert, herding his father-in-law's sheep. But one day he met God, and then he got an experience with God. And he was going down to Egypt to take over Egypt.
Now, it might look pretty foolish for an old man with ... eighty years old, and the whiskers hanging way down like this, and probably his bald head shining red in the sun, and the beard's all over him. And had a crooked stick in his hand, his wife sitting on a mule, and a little tag kid sitting on her hip, going down.
Said, "Where you going, Moses?"
"I'm going down to Egypt to take over. Going to take the nation."
You know, when you take God at his promise, it makes you act silly to the things of the world. Now, a one man invasion, going down to take a nation as great as Russia is today. Sure, going down... And the thing ... he took it over. He did it! He killed one man down there, and got in trouble; went back down, and killed a whole nation, and was glorified by it, see. That's it. He was a murderer for killing one, and then a saint for taking the whole bunch. But one time he went down with expectations, to know that God stood by his Word. Amen. He was expecting it.
"How you going to do it, Moses?"
"I don't know, but I know He's going to do it. God said so." That's got it, that's all.
"You going to bring two-and-a-half million people out here in this desert, and feed them? How're you going to feed them?"
"I don't know. I expect God'll do something about it." He did. That's all. He was expecting something.

Exodus 3:1 Now Moses kept the flock of Jethro his father in law, the priest of Midian: and he led the flock to the backside of the desert, and came to the mountain of God, even to Horeb.

Exodus 3:2 And the angel of the LORD appeared unto him in a flame of fire out of the midst of a bush: and he looked, and, behold, the bush burned with fire, and the bush was not consumed.

39 The trouble of it, we go to church and sing the hymn, and the pastor talks about the roses and the flowers. We go back home. Oh, my! That's the reason we don't get nowhere. That's what's the matter with our Pentecostal churches. That's... I never come here to pat you on the back; I come here to tell you the truth, see.
Oh, the Pentecostal church has went on a building rampage; it's went on a denominational rampage; it's gone everywhere, and cut and divided, and pulled out, and separated and segregated. Oh, it's going to have... This is going to be biggest, and that's going to be the biggest. As long as you do that, you're never going nowhere. Remember, I tell you in the name of the Lord.
But when you'll come together, oh, my! That's it. When you fully obey God... "...this will all men know you're my disciples, when you have love one for the other." When you get part of the theology out, and get a little love in there, it'll do works and wonders and miracles. But we got to have that. For who? For everybody.
"Oh, for that old bunch of Assemblies of God? or that old bunch of Church of God? or old Oneness, or Threeness, or Fiveness, or whatever they are? Me love them? I couldn't love them. They're antichrist."
You're lost yourself, brother, when you think that. That's right. You're not right with God. If you can't raise out a hand to the bitterest enemy you've got, and try to win him to Christ, then the Spirit of Christ isn't in you. For he come to his own, and his own received him not, yet He gave his life for his enemy. He did.
How true it is.

Luke 10:17 And the seventy returned again with joy, saying, Lord, even the devils are subject unto us through thy name.

John 1:11 He came unto his own, and his own received him not.

40 And that Spirit of God in you makes you feel the same way about everybody. When you get to a place... Now, you just can't act it. The devil knows whether you're acting or not. I can see that epileptic child out there one day... And Jesus ten days before that give them power to cast out devils, and raise the dead, and heal the sick, and do all kinds of miracles. They was getting along pretty good. Come back, and said, "Even the devils is subject unto us." Having a big time.
A few days after that, here they was all stumped. They met a man down there, you know, that wasn't doing ... wouldn't come join their society, so they forbid him to even cast out devils. See the bitterness coming in, see? "Oh, we forbid him. Not... He wouldn't join our assembly, so we told him not to do it."
Jesus said, "Don't you do that. No man who can do a miracle in my name can speak lightly of me. Them's not against me. Them that's for me is not against me."

Mark 9:39 But Jesus said, Forbid him not: for there is no man which shall do a miracle in my name, that can lightly speak evil of me.

Luke 9:49 And John answered and said, Master, we saw one casting out devils in thy name; and we forbad him, because he followeth not with us.

41 So, we find out then, on that kind of an attitude... They had an epileptic boy down there, just crying over him, and praying and stomping. And I can imagine one of them coming up, and saying, "Here's the way I done it. You brothers step back. You all don't know how to do it. Here's the way you do it."---shirt stuffed out, you know. "Hallelujah, glory to God!" Shake him, pour a little oil on him, shake him again. "That's the way I done it." Uh-huh. But it didn't work that time. That's what's the matter today. That's why it isn't working so good, see.
But after awhile, someone come walking down, quietly. Oh, the father run to Him, and said, "Lord, have mercy on my child. He's grievously vexed with a devil." And when Jesus cast the evil spirit out of him, then the disciples come and said, "Why couldn't we do it? What was the matter with us?"
He never said, "I took my power back." He said, "Because of your unbelief, to work the power that I gave you to work with."
That's what's the matter with the church today. It's let down. It's got ... it isn't expecting nothing. It's just sitting there, droopy and dead. What we need is to have expectations.

Matthew 17:15 Lord, have mercy on my son: for he is a lunatic, and sore vexed: for ofttimes he falleth into the fire, and oft into the water.

42 Simeon, this great old saint of God, he was a man of great reputation. Oh, today ... they happen to say, "But wait a minute, sir. I'm a businessman, I'm a doctor, I'm a professor." You're no better than anybody else. And whenever you think you're better than somebody else, then you're nothing that you ought to be, the Scripture says, see. When you get to a place ... you got to...
How can you have faith, when you're expecting honor one from another? See. You must prefer one another always. That's the life of Christ, to prefer your brother and sister. And if they are wrong, that's all right. You'll never make them any better by kicking them around. Put an arm around, and pick him up. I like this old time religion. I'll tell you what it'll do. It'll make a tuxedo suit sit by a pair of overalls, and put their arm around one another, and call each other "brother." That's right. It'll make a calico dress and a silk one call one another "sister." It sure will---gun-barrel straight, and sky-blue. And it'll certainly do it.

43 Now, but Simeon was a man of great reputation. He was an old sage, about eighty years old. Now, he was going around telling everybody, "I'm not going to die till I see the Lord's Christ." Now the Bible said... What made Simeon do that? Because the Holy Ghost was upon him. That's the difference. The Holy Ghost was upon him.
Now, I imagine the great denomination that he belonged to said, "Oh, the poor old fellow. He's got one foot in the grave, and the other one sliding fast. Just let him alone. It won't be long till it'll be over. He's going to die pretty soon. So, just let him enjoy himself going ahead. He's got a little ... some kind of little illusion, so ... a little something wrong, you know."
But Simeon still believed it. He didn't care about his reputation. He let everybody know. He was expecting to see Him. He said he was not going to see death "until I see the Lord's Christ."
I hear some of the great rabbis, you know, stand up to the young fellows, you know, that knowed all ... had the PhD and LLD's and all the other D's, and so forth, and all bottlized in them, you know. And they say, "Well, the poor old fellow, he's been a good old priest in his days, but... Oh, just let him alone. He's a little off at his head."
But he was going around telling it. He wasn't caring about his reputation as a sage. What he was talking about, he had the Holy Ghost on him. He said, "The Holy Ghost revealed to me." See, he was expecting to see it. Said, "Yeah, I got everything ready. When I see Him I know just what I'm going to do. Yes, sir, I've got everything ready because I'm expecting to see Him." Why? The Holy Ghost said so.

Luke 2:26 And it was revealed unto him by the Holy Ghost, that he should not see death, before he had seen the Lord's Christ.

44 Now, there's no two Holy Ghosts. There's only one Holy Ghost. That's right---only one Holy Ghost. And that same Holy Ghost that led Simeon to believe that he would not die until he seen the Lord's Christ, that same Holy Spirit's telling me, "Something's going to happen." Amen. I just believe it! And it's telling you the same thing.
Let's be expecting it. Let's get ready for it. Make ready. Like taking a trip, get everything packed up; though this kind of a trip, you unpack everything. Got too much packed up now. The trouble of it is, we have to unload. So, this trip you unload. You have to get right in the middle of the road.

45 One of the dear brothers, Brother... I was going to say DeWeis I believe ... no, not... That's Oral Roberts. Oh, he's the state superintendent of the Assemblies of God at Indiana. I forget what his name is now. Anyhow ... Brother Weed, Roy Weed. I guess you all know him. Brother Weed. One day... My cousin, Brother Vivert, has one of the biggest Pentecostal Assembly of God churches in the East in Evansville, Indiana. Whole city block is just took in the church meeting.
So they had a... I believe it was called the Five Hundred Room. Across the street there was a garage, so Brother Vivert just bought it out. And his brother, running competition in Indianapolis, who can have how many thousand in Sunday School... So he had a men's school over there that he just taught in on Sunday morning, five hundred in the class. So I was supposed to speak that morning at the men's class. I sat behind Brother Roy. Brother Roy said, "You know, I heard a man say [and that was me] that the middle of road is the place." Said, "The middle of the road."
I believe that. God said in Isaiah 35, "There shall be a highway." Many of you dear Nazarenes used to sing, "A highway of holiness." No. "There shall be a highway and ["And" is a conjunction. It ties your sentence together.] and a way, and it shall be called The way of holiness." Not The highway of holiness; The way. Correct road's built so the water washes trash to one side or the other. So you'd either be real cold and starchy, or a fanatic. But the way's right in the middle of the road, right towards Calvary---right up the road.

Isaiah 35:8 And an highway shall be there, and a way, and it shall be called The way of holiness; the unclean shall not pass over it; but it shall be for those: the wayfaring men, though fools, shall not err therein.

46 So Brother Weed stood up and said, "A man... That isn't good driving ethics." He said, "If a man drove in the middle of the road, he'd get killed." Said, "That's not good driving ethics."
He didn't know I was sitting behind him. I touched him on the shoulder. I said, "That's it, brother. You're just so earthbound, you're..." I said, "This road you don't come back. It's just one way traffic going that way."
He's a sweet brother, just as fine as could ever be thought. Oh, my! They don't make them better than Roy Weed. It was just so cute. He said, "Now, you drive in the middle of the road, you get hit."
I said, "Brother Weed, we won't get hit. We're going one straight way, just that way. We're not coming back at all." A one-way ticket. I'm glad I've got it, aren't you? A one-way ticket. What the Holy Ghost reveals through his Word, I believe that is truth. We stay right with it.

47 So Simeon was a man of great reputation amongst the people. But he wasn't ashamed. Some of us claim to have the Holy Spirit. We get a revelation from God that we should stop doing the things we're doing. "But yet, if I do... I run around with the Joneses over here. What will they think about me?"
Some of you women bobbed off your hair, you know, because Suzy did it. "Well, if I have to let my hair grow, they'd call me old-fashioned." Uh-huh. But the Holy Ghost tells you you should do it. The Bible said so. Now, if anything says different from that, don't you believe it. It's a lie, because God said it was so, see.
And all this other stuff that we've cropped into the Pentecostal church, because the Baptists did it, because the Presbyterian do it. "And they'll think I'm an old-fashioned fanatic." Seeing our Pentecostal women dress in dresses that looks like they're skin tight...
A woman said to me the other day, said, "But Brother Branham..." Said, "Well, they don't make anything different from that." But they've got sewing machines and goods, so there's no excuse.
Jesus said, "If you..." Jesus said, "If you do that, you'll be guilty at the day of the judgment for committing adultery." The Bible said, "Whosoever looketh upon a woman to lust after her, has committed adultery with her already in his heart."
And you dress like that, and a sinner looks at you, he's going to answer at the day of judgment. And you're going to answer for presenting yourself that way to him. So you're going to be guilty of committing adultery, whether you went through the act, or not, because ... said, "Whosoever looketh," and you present yourself. A sinner will actually do that. Oh, Pentecostal church, come back to God! Come back!

Matthew 5:28 But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.

48 Oh, what happened from Azusa Street to this time? Azusa Street was ashamed to have a songbook in the church when Pentecost first started. They sang in the Spirit. Everything was in the Spirit. Now, like David DuPlessis said, "We got too many Pentecostal grandchildren." God don't have any grandsons at all. He just has sons and daughters.
You've brought your children into the church. Just because you were Pentecost, the kids come in and took the cradle roll, and come on up and claimed Pentecost; and don't know nothing about the experience that made women clean up, and men clean up, and churches clean up. I better shut up, too. But it's the truth! We've got to get back to that experience again. All right. I'm expecting Him to do something before He comes. And I believe I'll see it. All right.

49 But it was revealed to him. That's the reason he could stand on the Word. He said, "The Holy Spirit revealed to me that I'm not going to die. I know I'm an old man, but I'm not going to die before I see the Lord's Christ." What ... David looked for it, and Moses looked for it, and ever since the garden of Eden, four thousand years, they looked for it. But he said, "I'm going to see it! Amen. I'm going to see it."
"How do you know you're going to see it?"
"I got a good reason---the Holy Spirit revealed it to me." Oh, my.
Does He reveal to you, out there on the cot tonight, brother, He ... or out there on them chairs, He's going to make you well? If He does, you're going to get it. That's all. Does He reveal to you, sinner, that you're going to receive the Holy Ghost? You're going to get it, if He reveals it. You that's got heart trouble, cancer, tumor, whatever it is, reveal to you that you're going to be healed? You're going to get it! Just follow the leading.

Romans 8:14 For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.

50 Sons of God are led by the Spirit of God, not led by some other fanatics, or some organizations, or something, or another. They're led by the Spirit of God! The Holy Spirit was given to the church to be the overseer, the tutor, that was to raise the children of God---not our bishops and cardinals and so forth, but the Holy Ghost.
I'm expecting the Holy Ghost, not denomination, not a bishop, not a Catholic priest, not a Baptist preacher, or a Pentecostal preacher. I'm expecting the Holy Ghost to come down and set in order a church that'll go to meet Him, filled with the power and the resurrection of Christ. I'm expecting that. I believe it. God promised it, that there would be a church there without spot or wrinkle on it. I'm expecting it because God said it was so.
Someone said to me, "Brother Branham, aren't you afraid you'd make a mistake some night up there on that discernment?"
No, sir. He told me He'd stand by me. I'm expecting Him to do it. That's exactly right.
"Aren't you afraid some of them prophecies will be wrong?"
If I was afraid, I'd quit saying it. If I wasn't ... had confidence in the One was speaking to me... But I'm expecting it to be that way. He said He'd do it, and I'm... It's never failed yet, and it never will because I'm expecting Him to keep his word revealed by the Holy Spirit. Sons of God led by the Spirit of God..."

Romans 8:14 For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.

51 Now let's take a little drama before we close. Are you going to be expecting a great healing service tomorrow night? Going to be expecting the Lord to pour out his blessings tomorrow night? Sure. Let's be expecting it. Be under expectation. Oh, I expect the church to be on fire, the glory of the Lord falling everywhere, and sinners around the altar, people getting saved, and filled with the Holy Ghost---just a great thing.
My anticipations and expectations is built way up high. I felt led to come out to California, and He's going to do something for somebody. That's one thing sure. I'm expecting it to happen, because I feel led to do it. I feel led to say what I say. I feel led to do the things I'm doing, or I wouldn't do it. I want to be led of it, and then I'm expecting something to happen.

52 Now, let's say it's on Monday morning, see. About two-and-a-half million people in Israel at this time, they're under the Roman government. Old Simeon comes in. His duty was maybe to do something at the church, and after awhile here he is standing back there. He gets the scroll. He's sitting over in his study room. The old fellow hasn't went out yet. He's old, real old. He's sitting there, picked up a scroll. And that morning, let's say he got Isaiah. He read down about Isaiah 9 and 6:
... unto us a child is born, [oh] unto to us a son is given: ... his name shall be called Counsellor, ... mighty God, Prince of Peace, ... everlasting Father.
"Oh, who was the prophet speaking of? That's that Messiah that's going to come. That's the one that the Holy Spirit revealed to me I'd see."

Isaiah 9:6 For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.

53 Now they didn't have television, thank God, in that day. So, all kinds of propaganda, and news, and newspapers and reports, they didn't have it. Jesus was already born. So eight days later, I guess in two-and-a-half million people, there'd be hundreds of mothers there on the morning, for their male children to be circumcised.
Well, how ... mommies alone, you know, how they love their little ones. They beat them on their chin, no teeth. I just like to see a little baby with no teeth, you know, just little old gums a-shining.
And I can imagine the mothers standing along with their little babies, with nice little needlework blankets, and gooing them on the cheeks like that. And a little virgin come walking up with a baby wrapped in swaddling cloth.
And I'm told, according to history, that the swaddling cloth for our Lord was took off the back of a yoke of an ox, that was hanging in the stall. Been plowing with this yoke and they unwrapped this, and wrapped the baby up in it.
I can imagine seeing them society girls, some of Hollywood's best, walking along there, you know, standing in the church, names on the book. Oh, my! They're popular members, with their little babies all perfumed, and, you know, the needlework, and the little booties and everything ready, you know, just walking up. How the priest was going to know they were great payers on the plate, and you know, "Yes, Madam So-and-so, your husband is Dr. So-and-so," like that, you know. How they'd receive that honor! Oh, my, all swelled out about it.

54 And this little girl walks in with a baby wrapped in the wrapping off of the back of a yoke of an ox. I hear some of them say, "Shhh, you heard the gossip have you, the gossip? That girl had that baby by Joseph, not being married to him. Oh, it's terrible. Oh, it's horrible, see. Oh, it's a disgrace. And she says it's a virgin-born."
She didn't pay any attention. She held her little treasure in her arms. She knew in her heart who that baby belonged to. She knowed that was God's Son. No matter how many laughed and said, "Don't get with her. The people see you associating with her, then they'll class you one of them."
That's the way it is today. I'm afraid that's what's getting the matter with our Pentecostal churches. You don't want to be one of them any more. You don't want that old-fashioned experience of the baptism of the Holy Ghost [Gap in the audio] old-fashioned, too. That's exactly right.

55 Now, she walked along. In her heart she knowed who that baby belonged to. Let them say what they want to. She knowed who the baby belonged to. And so do you know where that experience comes from. That baby Christ that's born in your heart, you're not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Paul said, "I'm not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ for it's the power of God unto salvation." I like that. Yes, sir. When he was standing, talking to Festus that day---or, Felix, I believe it was---he said, "Thou almost persuadest me to be a Christian."
And Paul had told him, said, "In the way that's called heresy [that's crazy, lunatic], that's the way I worship the God of our fathers."
I'm glad to join hands with him tonight, aren't you Pentecostal people? Aren't you glad tonight to say, "I'm one of them!"? Used to be a little Pentecostal song we'd sing:
They were gathered in the upper room,
All praying in his name,
Baptized with the Holy Ghost,
And power for service came;
What He did for them that day
He'll do for you the same.
I'm so glad that I can say I'm one of them.
Aren't you glad of that? Oh, so glad that I'm one of them.

Romans 1:16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.

56 She walked along with that baby. And all of them saying, "Don't get near her now. She's a holy roller," ... or, you know, something like that. Just look at... Maybe I said the wrong thing then, but I hope I didn't.
So, she knowed that baby. She knowed who it belonged to. She knowed that was God's Son, no matter how much disgrace it is. And you know that if you've ever received the Holy Ghost, you know that that's God's experience for you. You know where you come from. You know the pit you were taken from. You know what saved you. You know what made you different.
And she went along, "That's all right what they say. I'll not pay any attention. I'll just look at you, darling."
Oh, if the Pentecostal church could just fall in love with Christ like that! "Lord, I'll look at You, darling. You're God's darling, cast out to the dogs. I'll make myself ... I'll give my conduct like a real Christian. I'll walk in the light of the cross, with an arm out, of love and sweetness. Yes, I know who You belong to, darling. You are a present give to me by God."

57 And the first thing you know, Simeon sitting over in the room, Isaiah 9 and 6 and the Holy Spirit... Now look, if the Holy Spirit has promised you something, and you've been expecting it, it's up to the Holy Spirit then to see that you're led to it. How many's been expecting a revival? All right. Now maybe this is the time He's led you to it. If there's a revival in making, He'll bring you right in. How many's been expecting healing? Sure. All right. Then here you are right at the fountain.
Look, David said, "When the deep calleth to the deep..." If there's a deep calling on the inside, there's got to be a deep somewhere to respond to that deep. See what I mean? Before there... Here, you're a people live by the seaside. Before there was a fin on a fish's back, there had to be a water, first, for him to swim in, or he'd never had no fin. Before there was a tree to grow in the earth, there had to be a earth first, or there'd be no tree to grow in it.

Psalm 42:7 Deep calleth unto deep at the noise of thy waterspouts: all thy waves and thy billows are gone over me.

58 As I've often made this statement... I read an article in the paper some time ago, that a little boy at school kept eating erasers off his pencil. And they sent home, and asked his mother what was the matter with this little fellow? And one day she found him outside eating a pedal off of a bicycle. So, she took him down at the laboratory to ... or, clinic rather, to have his blood tested, and so forth.
So, when they checked the little fellow, they found out that he needed sulfur. His little body was craving sulfur. So, sulfur's in rubber. So, now look, before there could be a crave for sulfur, there had to be a sulfur first to respond to that crave.
In other words, before there is a creation, there has to be a creator to create the creation. See what I mean? Now if you're thirsting for more of God... How many would like to have more of God? Sure. It shows you there's more of God for you to have. That's right.
You want to be healed? Why, just as sure as you believe that God is a healer, there's a fountain open somewhere or you'd never had that desire. If you crave to have the Holy Ghost, that shows there's a fountain open somewhere filled with the Holy Ghost. See, there has to be a creator to create the creation. And then there has to be something out there to respond to that creation.

Exodus 15:26 And said, If thou wilt diligently hearken to the voice of the LORD thy God, and wilt do that which is right in his sight, and wilt give ear to his commandments, and keep all his statutes, I will put none of these diseases upon thee, which I have brought upon the Egyptians: for I am the LORD that healeth thee.

Psalm 103:3 Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases;

Zechariah 13:1 In that day there shall be a fountain opened to the house of David and to the inhabitants of Jerusalem for sin and for uncleanness.

59 Now, the Holy Spirit was obligated, then, to lead him to that fountain. Amen. Oh, if you're expecting it, the same Holy Spirit leads you to that fountain! It's got to open up somewhere! If you've got that burning desire in your heart, the Holy Spirit's obligated to lead you to it---right to that fountain filled with blood, drawn from Emmanuel's veins, where sinners (that's unbelievers) plunge beneath the flood, lose all their unbelief. That's right.
Oh, you want to be to a place to where you can surpass any doubt in your mind. Don't you want to be that way? Well, there's a fountain somewhere to do that. You're searching for it, searching for it.
Now, then at that time, if you've been searching for it, testifying about it, expecting it because it was a promise... And every promise in the Book belongs to you. So, you've been searching for it. Then if it was close to him, it was the Holy Spirit's obligation to lead him to that place, to where Christ was. That's the Holy Spirit's obligation.
Now if you believe in healing, it's the Holy Spirit's obligation to lead you right up to the fountain. Now, you don't have to get in, but He'll lead it up, show you. If you're seeking the Holy Spirit, then the Holy Spirit will lead you right up to the place where you can receive the Holy Ghost, if you just let Him lead you.

60 I can hear the Holy Ghost in the room that morning with Simeon, said, "Stand up!"
"Where do you want me to go, Lord?"
"Not for you to know. Just keep walking."
Here he comes. Don't know where he's going, he's just walking. Walks out into the room, he looks all around. "Just keep walking, Simeon."
"Whereabouts, Lord?"
"Just keep walking. Just keep walking."
"What must I do?"
"Just keep walking. I'll lead you."
Are you willing to let Him do that? Not take your own mind; just take his mind. "Let the mind that was in Christ be in you." Don't criticize. If you can't understand it look it up in the Scripture, and see if it's right or not, see. "Just keep walking."

Philippians 2:5 Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus:

61 Now he walks over to this line of women. Maybe there's three or four hundred of them standing there. I see him walking down the line. "Lord, it's odd. You told me one day, the Holy Ghost upon me, made me known many things. You've never failed me. I don't know what You want with me this morning, but You told me just keep walking, so here I am, walking."
After awhile, as soon as his eyes fell upon that little woman---all of them standing back, like borderline believers, you know, standing back on the side, "Days of miracles is past," and so forth. But, you know, to a hungry heart's being led by God, they know where it's at when they find it. They know they've arrived somewhere. So Simeon, when he got up there close to where this baby was...
I can just see the old sage, and the big glistening tears drop off of his bearded cheeks, and reach over and grab that baby in his arms. He looked up towards heaven. Oh, what a feeling! "Lord, now let thy servant depart in peace according to thy word: for mine eyes have seen thy salvation. The very thing that everybody was criticizing and making fun of, that's thy salvation. Let thy servant now depart in peace, according to your word. I'm ready to go now, for mine eyes have seen thy salvation."

Luke 2:29 Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace, according to thy word:

62 Way back in the corner was an old blind prophetess. But she could see right through those walls because she was a prophetess. She also was waiting for the consolation of Israel, and the Spirit was upon her---blind, laying over in the corner. She raised up. The Holy Spirit must have said, "Raise up, Anna." Here she come through the temple, blind physically; but she could see a lot farther than many of them ... was standing there with good eyes. Oh, that's the kind of sight I desire.
Here she come, winding her way around through the building, blind. And she come right straight to where that baby was. Oh, my! She raised up her hands and blessed God, blessed Mary; prophesied right there before them, that the child would be for a fall and rise again in many in Israel, and a sword would also pierce the heart---and how the prophets had said that would take place.

Luke 2:34 And Simeon blessed them, and said unto Mary his mother, Behold, this child is set for the fall and rising again of many in Israel; and for a sign which shall be spoken against;

Luke 2:36 And there was one Anna, a prophetess, the daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe of Aser: she was of a great age, and had lived with an husband seven years from her virginity;

63 Now if that old blind woman could be led to that spot without natural eyes, to see that fountain filled with blood, how much more ought He be able to lead you tonight that's got good sight, to the cross to see with your spiritual eye.
Don't look for the applause of the world. You won't have it. But be willing to sacrifice your prestige. Everything that you are, sacrifice it to the kingdom of God. Sacrifice your time, for prayer. Sacrifice your life, sacrifice your card games, sacrifice all the things of the world. Give it over to the devil. Let him have it; it belongs to him. You walk with Christ.

64 One time, a few years ago, there was a great American musician who took a visit to Russia, and he played an overture in Moscow. And they said that he played it with such brilliance, and such great genius, as he was, till the audience stood by the thousands and screamed and stomped their foot, and screamed for him to play again. And the boy just stood there. He just kept looking, like that. Well, they... All of them begin to wonder what was the matter with him. Wouldn't he receive their applause? They was all applauding.
That's what's the trouble today. We're looking for somebody to try to pat us on the back, saying, "Oh, you're ... this, that." Don't look for that, the world will never do it. If the pat comes, it'll be on the heart by the Lord Jesus, you see. Don't look for the world to say, "Oh, Mrs. Jones, she's a fine..." No, no, don't look for that; you'll be criticized. "All that live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution." Just remember. If it doesn't come, there's something wrong somewhere. Check up, come back, see where we left.
We're looking for something to say, "We got ... we belong to the biggest organization in Pentecost. We belong to this, or we belong to that," see. Don't look for that. If you do you're walking out of the straight narrow road.

2 Timothy 3:12 Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.

65 This man, they was... They were applauding and screaming, and saying, "He ought to make a bow. That's right. 'Oh, thank you all so much. Thank you all so much. I'll play a little better one this time.' " But he wasn't doing it, and they stopped. Everybody looked at one another, and they all clapped again, and stomped their feet.
But the boy never paid any attention to them stomping their feet, or clapping their hands. They happened to notice he had his eyes fixed up, like that, way up into the balcony. And he looked up there to see. His old teacher was sitting up there, the old master of music. He wanted to know what he was going to say about it. He didn't care what they said; he wanted to know what he said about it.
And I think that's what we ought to think, in this oncoming revival. Let's not think of what the world's going to think. Let's keep looking up and see what the Master's going to say---the Master who gave us the Holy Spirit, the Master who taught us to live right, the Master who gave us his Word, the Master who gave us his life. Let us live for Him who died for us, and not pay any attention to the world, but see what He's saying about it. On that, let's come tomorrow night with great expectations to see the manifestation of God healing the sick and afflicted.

66 Let us bow our heads just a moment.
Are you under expectation, church? Are you expecting God to pour out his Spirit? Is there a sinner here would like to start tonight, and come up to the altar and say, "I want to kneel down and pray, Brother Branham. I'm expecting God to save me tonight. I come in that door with that expectation"? If you're here, come.
What led you in the door, son? What led you in the door, young lady? What did it? What jerked you from that teenage crowd of reckless people in the world?
When I come into the city the other night, just like almost a bunch of hoods, standing out here at a place---motorcycle jackets on, britches pulled halfway down on their hips, and some with enough hair looked like it ... more than the women wear, on top their heads like that, sitting out there. What's happening to this world? What's the matter?
Oh, young man, young woman, jerk yourself from that insane stage! The Holy Spirit led you here tonight. Raise up your hands and accept Him as your personal saviour tonight. He'll take away all your sins, and give you joy that you know nothing about yet, until you've accepted Him. You don't have to be young; the old can do the same.

67 In closing prayer, how many would like to be remembered in prayer by raising up your hand? Then say, "Remember me, brother." God bless you, God bless you everywhere. That's good, everywhere. That's good.
You got a request on your heart, say, "God, I'm expecting You to answer me in this revival. I've got lost children, I've got a lost daddy, mother, brother, sister, or loved one, neighbor. Remember them, Lord." Just raise up your hand. He'll hear it. He'll know it. Just in your heart, just say that. "Save this loved one."
Now, if you've raised your hand to Him, then go get that loved one and bring them in. Bring them in. That's the way. Bring them here, so you can bring them to the fountain, like Philip went and brought Nathanael to the Lord Jesus. He told him where he was at---under the tree, when he found him.

John 1:48 Nathanael saith unto him, Whence knowest thou me? Jesus answered and said unto him, Before that Philip called thee, when thou wast under the fig tree, I saw thee.

68 Our heavenly Father, we're happy tonight for the privilege of standing in this church and praying for the people. We're thankful for your Word. Thy Word is life, Lord. And I pray that You'll send the revival that we're asking for.
And now, Lord, I ask You something personally myself. Please, dear heavenly Father, put in the people's heart an expectation. Let them never forget that. All down along the nights, if we shall continue in the meeting, may they remember tonight. They're expecting it. We come every night, say, "Well, it never happened last night, but I'll be expecting it tomorrow night. It'll be tomorrow night. I'll be the one. I'll be the one that receives the Holy Ghost. I'll be the one ... the first one at the altar to repent of my sins. I'll be the first one that God sanctifies, and takes all the world out of me. Lord, I'm ashamed of my life, I'm ashamed of the way I've been doing. I want You to take it away from me. Give me something so great, Lord, that I won't want to go back in that hog wallow again, as the Bible plainly says, 'as the sow returns to her wallow, a dog to its vomit.' "
And we can see, Lord, that many of our Pentecostal people are acting the same way: come up out of the world, and going right back in it again. God, please, let them not think, Lord, I'm trying to scold them; but merely trying to put the Scripture in front of them. They'll have to walk over it, Lord, and push it aside to go any farther. I pray that every person, and myself and all of us, will take an inventory of our lives, and compare it with God's requirement. Grant it, Father.

2 Peter 2:22 But it is happened unto them according to the true proverb, The dog is turned to his own vomit again; and the sow that was washed to her wallowing in the mire.

69 Forgive us of our sins. Forgive us of our mistakes and our errors. Let the blood of the Lord Jesus sanctify this little church tonight. O God, may every person in here get a touch of the Holy Spirit right away, Father. Grant it. Let it come. Please do, Lord, and start a revival right here in this city. Grant it, Lord. Make this church an example ... an example church. And let the people come from different parts, and look in here, and see the way their conduct is, and how they shuck back from the things of the world, back into the real, true, genuine Pentecostal path of real, genuine Pentecostal experiences, walking with You, blameless. Grant it, Lord.
Then other churches will see. They'll say, "Well, if the brother can have his church like that, and all them people can be together, and their hearts can be one, and they got an arm out for everyone... And look how much difference there is in them." Lord, then they'll hunger and thirst. You said, "You are the salt of the earth: but if the salt loses its savor, it's henceforth good for nothing but to be cast out, and trod under the feet of men."

Matthew 5:13 Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men.

70 God, not that the people would hear me... If possible, close their ears. I want to say this, Father. I look at the way the Pentecostal church is getting. O God, professing holiness, and what have we become? Salt that's lost its savor. God bring the savor back to the salt quickly, that it might contact this rottening world, that it might... It's a savor if it contacts; and it's got life in it, it'll save. God, make us savors of the world. Grant it, Lord.
Put the savor in us, the strength in the church, that people might walk in this door, and see the power of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus moving among the people, showing Himself alive forevermore. May we not look to the applause of the people, or the opinion of the people.
Forty thousand in a meeting to make a revival---O God, that isn't a revival. I pray that the Holy Spirit will get a hold of a few hearts, and shake the church, and cause a real Pentecostal revival. Grant it, Lord. You promised to hear prayer, and I believe You will, as I commit the service to You and the people to You, that You might answer our prayers, and fulfill our desires. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Matthew 5:13 Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men.

71 Let's sing this good old song of the church. I just love it. It's one of my favorite songs. Give us the chord:
I love Him, I love Him,
Because He first loved me;
Purchased my salvation
On Calvary's tree.
Do you know it? Pardon me.
I love Him, (Now let's worship.
We've had a cutting message,
let's worship.) ... love Him,
Because He first loved me;
And purchased my salvation
On Calvary's tree.

72 Now, let's, while we sing it again, shake hands with somebody in front of you, in back of you. We're not dismissed yet, now just shake hands while we sing. Shake hands with the Methodist, with the Baptist, with the Oneness, with the Twoness, with the Church of God, and Assemblies of God and the Foursquare. We're all foursquare. Let's draw our lines beyond any denominational barrier, and be brothers. I see sitting in here tonight, I recognize some---a Catholic friend. I see another, a Dunkard brother, Amish brother, and ... like that. Sitting here tonight we're all one. By one Spirit, we're all made to drink from one fountain.
I love Him, I love him,
Because He first loved me;
And purchased my salvation
On Calvary's tree.

1 Corinthians 10:4 And did all drink the same spiritual drink: for they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them: and that Rock was Christ.

73 Now, sometimes the words cut real deep and hard. But remember, see, we're circumcised. That's cutting the knots off, see. We're circumcised by the Word of God, and it cuts. But it's good for you, shapes you out. Cut a tree back, it'll bear better. Don't let too many loose ends get run out on it.
That's what's the matter today. We got too many loose ends, running out this way and this way---too many societies, and too many of this, and too much of that. Let's come back to one thing---Calvary---where we can sing with our heart, and humbly you make yourself...

74 I just keep ... I'm trying to dodge a issue here. I'm going to say it. My last meeting at Tucson, Arizona, three or four nights ago, I seen the white people come in there, starchy, Pentecostal, starchy as they could be. I seen some poor old Mexicans come in there. They was there that morning when I spoke at the morning service.
They sat right in that church all day long, from nine o'clock that morning---well, it was eight o'clock, about seven o'clock, I guess, or eight---when they come in. And they sat, and stayed right around in that church until that evening. And when it come time, when the Holy Spirit dropped in among the building, who got healed? The Spanish, the Mexicans. The Holy Spirit going right out through the audience, and raising up the sick and the afflicted and everything like that, bringing right ... Spanish, humble. Come expecting it---nothing of the world, just looking to Christ.

75 I was in Germany just recently. Brother Arganbright, one of your California brethren here, the Christian Businessmen, I believe he's the secretary, or something, or treasurer, something another in the Christian Businessmen, one of their executives... A real fine brother. He's not here tonight, or he'd be on the platform---Minor Arganbright, gun barrel straight. He's a fine man. You can put your trust in Minor Arganbright as a Christian. I've been with him in all kinds of meetings.
He was sitting there that night when fifteen witch doctors on each side, trying to blow the thing away; and seen there the storm lifting---around thirty or forty thousand people---that tent shaking. Them witch doctors, cutting that feather and pointing it towards me, with them scissors, and going through their enchantment, said they'd call the storm. They did it! Don't you never underestimate them. So they called the storm, said, "We'll blow it away," and that great, big place moving up and down like that.
I said, "Brother Arganbright, pray." I said, "Brother Lawster, don't interpret this." I said, "Lord God, I stepped off that plane the other day in the name of the Lord Jesus. You told me You'd stand by me in the hour of trouble. You've never failed me yet. Therefore Lord ... this crowd's all excited, there's hundreds and thousands of Communists sitting here." And that little blind girl had just been healed. I said, "It's You, God. You can move that cloud, so I rebuke that cloud."
God being my judge, right in the middle of the tent she begin to break, and roll away like this, and in less than a minute the sun was shining. The thunder rolled out like that ... standing there. Yes.

76 And I noticed the Swiss. The Swiss never had no trouble. They're like Americans: fine fed, and, my! just as cocky, if you'll excuse the expression. "We're so-and-so. We're the Zwinglianites. We're Lutheran. We don't have to listen to that stuff." And them poor old Germans all beat down. We counted a hundred and eighty bus loads. Them big glass-top bus loads come in to where there was about fifty thousand gathered together, there in the big arena. And when...
What happened? When the Holy Spirit begin to fall, everyone out there... It was the Germans that He called. Left them sitting right where they was sitting, still in their sickness, still in their sin. Sat right there; and healed the Germans, that come with expectation and their arms out. They'd been beat down to a place... Them Christians up there, under Hitler and them, had been beat to a place till they had to look to God for mercy. Oh, God knows how to do things.
Friends, watch. Don't let it be you. You come with expectations. Be ready. Lay aside every little weight that so easily besets you, and come humble in heart, expecting God to keep his Word. He'll do it.
I love Him (Let's just close
our eyes now and raise up
our hands.), I love Him
Because He first loved me;
And purchased my salvation
On Calvary's tree.
I love (Thank you, Lord.)
... love Him
Because ... (Just close your
eyes, and imagine what He done
for you. By faith lay your
hands upon His bloody locks,
feel His pains, His agony.)
... purchased my salvation
On Calvary's tree.
Let us stand now to our feet.
I ... (Worship Him now just
raise up your hands. Let's
worship Him.)
Because He first loved me;
And purchased my salvation
On Calvary's tree.

Hebrews 12:1 Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,

77 Let's hum it to Him. Look yonder at Calvary. The winds are blowing. His back's sticking to the cross, blood and spit over his face. I go by faith, Lord. I look at that nail in your feet, and in your hands. I put my hands upon that thrust in your side. I feel the tear of the nails. You died that I might live, Lord. Let me lose myself, Lord. Let me lose all of my pride, and all the foolishness in my life. Let me feel it in my heart tonight, Lord. Let this church feel it in their heart.
... purchased my salvation
On Calvary..........
You are the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world, and I'm the one that's sinful. Take away my sins. O Lamb of God, I come. I come confessing my wrongs. I come confessing my errors. And I confess that I'm not worthy to live. But Lord, let me live for Him that died for me. Let me forsake all the things of the world that I might be found in Him, a true servant.
Bless this church, Father, as we hum this song to You in grateful hearts, singing it from our hearts. You said, "making melody in our hearts of the gladness," because the oil of God's gladness is poured out in our souls.
I love Him (Now just worship in
your heart.), I love Him,
Because He..........

John 1:29 The next day John seeth Jesus coming unto him, and saith, Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.