| Eternal Wisdom. This is the complaint of persons of a sick faith and of small works, of a lukewarm life, and undisciplined spirit. But you, beloved soul, up with your mind out of the slime and deep slough of carnal delights! Unlock your interior sense, open your spiritual eyes and see. Mark well what you are, where you are, and whither you do belong; for then will you understand that I do the very best for My friends. According to your natural essence you are a mirror of the Divinity, you are an image of the Trinity, and a copy of eternity; for as I, in My eternal uncreated entity, am the good which is infinite, so are you according to your desires, fathomless, and as little as a small drop can yield in the vast depth of the sea, just so little can all that this world is able to afford contribute to the fulfillment of your desires. Thus, then, are you in this wretched valley of tears, where joy and sorrow, laughing and weeping, mirth and sadness, are mingled together; where no heart ever obtained perfect happiness; for it is false and deceitful, more than I will tell you. It promises much and performs little; it is short, uncertain, and changeable; today much joy, tomorrow a heart full of woe. Behold, such is the disport of this scene of time! | |