
Expectations somebody

Expectations (1950-04-05) (William M. Branham Sermons)

Expectations (1950-04-05) (William M. Branham Sermons) somebody


1 Thank you... Good evening audience. So happy to be here this closing evening of our services here in the--this lovely country that I love with all my heart--America. I think of our forefathers when they sing:
Long may our land be bright,
With freedom's holy light,
Protect us by Thy might,
Great God our King.

2 I'm so thankful to go to other nations to represent a nation like this, America, where we have freedom of religion, and we can speak as--as we feel led the Spirit of God to speak. And I'm happy that... to feel the call of the Gospel that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, has called me to go to other countries to--to minister to them.
I shall always in my journey remember this last night, remember New York, remember all you people. You've been so kind to us, this short stay we've had. I trust that someday you'll permit me to come back to--to be with you again, and... Thank you.
I've all my life, I've cherished friends. There's nothing I love like people, and I wanted people to love me.

3 In the younger days, I did not have very many friends. I was more or less... Well, I... As a boy not smoking, and dancing, and so forth, why, people thought I was a sissy, my friends. Then later on in my church when I was converted a few years ago, I seen the Gospel as the power of God, and I was a fanatic unto them. And then later when I found there was a group who believed me and accepted me as their brother, my, certainly thankful to--that God has placed me with you.
And now, I thank each one of you a few moments ago when you were singing, "For You I Am Praying." That's what I want you to do. It's--it's prayer that I depend on. That's the secret of all the mysteries of God. That's the key that opens the door to everything of God, is prayer. If you pray and believe, when you pray, then believe that you receive what you ask for, and God will make it known.

4 A minister called me awhile ago from down in Louisiana. They got all mixed up, and has left his church because of someone calling him out. He said, "Brother Branham, I just like to know." Said, "They told me I was a something another in the church." And said, "I've left my church, and I'm... Don't know what to do now."
I said, "I would advise you, go right back to your church again." God isn't calling people out of their churches, He's calling them to Him, to Himself, to unite us together.

5 Know at one time the Full Gospel people were considered a bunch of fanatics. We lived in--in the alley, anywhere that we could get a place to preach. And... But now, the Samson's hair's growed out, and it's become united together. When they were broken up in different denominations and had a religious prejudice, well, God could not deal with the people. But now when that middle wall is broken down, and we've come together as one unit, it's the most mighty church on the face the earth.
And you know, most all famous pictures, before they're hung in a hall of fame, they have to go through the hall of critics first, and have to pass the critics. Then when it passes the critics, then it can be hung in a hall of fame.
Now, I think that's our little church. It's passed through every criticism, been called every black and ugly name. But I think God's going to hang it in the hall of fame one of these mornings and going to take it up, and I--I want to be with them when they go.

6 Don't forget to pray for me. And when you're... when you're praying, and whenever you think of me, sing, "Only Believe," will you. That's my favorite song. It's a...
Paul Rader wrote that song. Paul Rader was a friend of mine. And I just come into the church one night it was being played. I didn't even know that he wrote the song. And right immediately after the Angel of the Lord had visit me. And something just struck me. And ever since then, it's been the campaign theme song, "Only Believe."
If I shall go and have to be buried before Jesus comes, it's arranged that when I go down beneath the dirt, why, that they're going to sing "Only Believe, all things are possible." If you hear of me going that hour, will you just stop somewhere and remember me? Hum to yourself, "Only Believe." For I believe that someday that I shall come out again.

7 We're going towards a dark chamber, a chamber of death. Everyone enters that chamber. And every time our heart beats, we go one step closer. Someday, I shall enter that chamber. And when I get down to the last heart beat, I do not want to go in there as a coward; I want to wrap myself in His righteousness; pull it up around me and enter that chamber, to know Him in the power of His resurrection. And when they... The Angel screams forth, the Voice, the trumpet sounds, I want to come out from among the dead.
I hope to see you all there. How I would like to take each one tonight, set down and talk to you for hours. That's almost impossible for me to do that. But I will make an appointment with you, and by grace of God, I'll keep it. If you'll make it with me, someday when it's over let's set down by the rivers of Life over there, where we'll just talk a thousand years with each one of us, just talk over the old things.

8 I believe it's going to be there. I believe it's going to be real, just as the Bible says it is. And I... We won't have no less time. Then when I get through talking to you all, we'll just have the same amount of time, and it'll be a glorious time. And we're trying hard, struggling to get to that place.
I've... Not to take up much of your time, but I... Just before leaving here, I would just like to say a few words. I was just thinking a few moments ago when I come up, some of my friends here from Arkansas, and different parts of the country, has come in to say good-bye to us tomorrow. And I'm certainly thankful for that.
I see a young lady over here at... piano. And was just in a meeting, and... where I was preaching, or trying to preach. I'm not a preacher, but I... She received the baptism of the Spirit in the--in the service. And so I was glad to see her.
And Brother Moore just told me there was several here from different parts of the country. And we're thankful for that. Hope to be back someday with you all again.

9 Now, over in the Book of Saint Luke, the 2nd chapter, I--I wish just to read a few words. I was aiming to come a little early and speak just a little more, but I--I believe that we must read the Word of God each service. See, my words will fail, as all mortals, but God's Word cannot fail. It's forever lasting true.
And just for a short time to speak to you before forming the prayer line, Saint Luke the 2nd chapter, beginning with the 25th verse...
When I look down upon the Bible, I have a small print here, a Scofield Bible. While you all are turning to the chapter; it makes me feel so happy to see the Bible and to be able to read.
One time, I was practically blind. They had to lead me around. My eyesight was gone. I wore great thick glasses. And one moment's time, my eyes changed from blindness to sight, and I can... My eyes test 20/20. And I can read newspaper print five feet from me. That's grace of God that did that.

10 If the whole world doubted It, I would still believe It with all my heart. If I would pray for ten thousand people overseas, or here, and all ten thousand would die a moment after I prayed for them, I'd still say Divine healing was right. It's the Word of God. And if I preach to ten thousand, and they all died, and they were dead for twenty years and returned back and said there is no Jesus, there--there is no such a thing as God, there is no eternity, and Jesus wasn't the Son of God, and I was dying, I'd say, "Let me go in Him, I take my bark." No matter what anyone else would say, I believe Him with all my heart. That's right. I believe Him.
In the 25th verse, we read the adoration of prophecy of Simeon.
And, behold, there was a man in Jerusalem, whose name was Simeon; and the same man was just and devout, waiting for the consolation of Israel: and the Holy Ghost was upon him.
And it was revealed unto him by the Holy Ghost, that he should not see death, before he had seen the Lord's Christ.
And he came by the Spirit into the temple: and when the parent brought the child Jesus, to do for him after the custom of the law,
Then took he him up in his arms, and blessed God, and said,
Lord, now lettest thy servant depart in peace, according to thy word:
For my eyes have seen thy salvation.

11 Shall we bow our heads just a moment for prayer. Our heavenly Father, as we come into Thy Presence now, dedicating ourselves and this building, and all that's in here for Your service tonight, realizing that this may be the last time that some here will ever hear the Gospel, or be privileged to be in church any more; and this may prove the eternal destination of their being. So help us, Father, tonight, to be very reverent, and to be very loyal to the Gospel, and to the call that Thou has called us into this world. And I thank Thee, Father, tonight for the privilege that I have, to stand before this audience of people.
I've often thought how I would cherish in my hands, a charger that held one drop of the Blood of Thy Son. But I realize tonight I hold greater, in His estimation. Before me is a purchase of His Blood, that He gave His Blood that these might become His.

12 And Father, it's my lot tonight to speak to these people. So may Thy Spirit direct every word. And how we thank Thee for the grace of God, to know that one time we were aliens cut off from God without mercy, without hope. Christ died for us in our stead, bearing our reproach and sins in His own body, and knowing someday that He shall come. We do not know now what we shall be like, but we know we'll have a body like His; for we shall see Him as He is. And Father, that'll be a glorified body, free from sickness, and sorrow, and heartaches, and death. Oh, our spirits groan for that deliverance.
And help us tonight, Father, as we're journeying on now, knowing that Thou has provided a way, that the sick could be healed, and the lost could be saved. And as we're gathered here, as eternity bound mortals, help us to set our affections on things above, where Christ sets at the right hand of God. Grant it, Father. And may the Angel of God, Who's guided me through my life, fed me since I was born, be here tonight to heal the sick and afflicted. For we ask it in the Name of Thy beloved Child, Jesus Christ. Amen.

13 Just for a little text, if I should call it that, I want to speak for a moment or two on the word of "Expectation."
We always get what we expect. When people expect anything, well then they usually get what you look for. It's the mental attitude that you have.
Remember this, and never forget it. The right mental attitude towards any promise of God will bring it to pass, the right mental attitude towards any promise of God.
It doesn't take gifts of healing to heal sick people, any person in here has a right to meet Satan anywhere, if you're a Christian, and defeat him on any grounds that he could stand on.
When Jesus Christ was here on earth, and in Him dwelled the fullness of the Godhead bodily, all the great powers of God was in His Son, Christ Jesus. For the Scripture tells us that God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself. All things was delivered unto Him, though He spoke nothing but what the Father told Him. He healed no one but what He first saw being healed. For He said, "Verily, I say unto you, The Son can do nothing in Himself, but what He sees the Father doing." That was Saint John 5:19.

14 Saint John 5:1, He passed by the pool of Bethesda, and there was great multitudes of lame, halt, blind, withered, waiting for the moving of the water. And when the waters would be troubled, then the first person stepping into the water, by faith, received healing. They had to believe it. And then, the virtue of the Angel went into the person, they were healed. And then the people waited for another season, maybe a week or two, month or two. And they laid there, great multitudes of people.
Jesus passing by here seen a man, not crippled, but with an infirmity for thirty and eight years. And He said, "Would thou be made whole?"
And he said, "I have no one to put me in the water."
He said, "Take up thy bed and go into the house."
And the same was a Sabbath day, but the man picked up his bed and obeyed. And when he was questioned, in the 19th verse of the same chapter, by the Jewish people, the priests of that day, He said, "The Son can do nothing in Himself, but what He sees the Father doing."

15 It's always foreseen, what is going to take place by gifts in Spirit. It's the revelation of God that's revealed. And therefore, you only act and dramatize what you've already seen happen.
Many people gets it mixed up sometimes about gifts and callings. Gifts and callings are without repentance. God foreordains those things and sends them on the earth. And then a vindicates them that they are.
Here not long ago, a person walked to me. Now... And many times they do, and said, "THUS SAITH THE LORD, The Lord said, 'Do this.' If you didn't go to a certain place, or a certain thing, and do a certain thing, the Lord's going to strike you and take this gift away from you."

16 Now, that isn't true. That isn't true. Gifts and callings are without repentance. There is spirits that's in the Church. That's true, such as gifts of prophecy, healing, and so forth. But they're in the entire body. They may fall upon one person tonight, a prophecy, and It might not never fall on that person again; It might be somewhere else in the body. And those spirits are supposed to be judged. "Let one speak and two or three judge," said Paul.
Now, those are the spirits of the gifts that's in the Church. But the only person that has a right to say, THUS SAITH THE LORD, is an a vindicated prophet. You never seen anybody judging Isaiah, or Jeremiah, or those people. They were prophets, foreordained and borned in the world to be prophets. And they foresaw the thing by a vision, and then said, "THUS SAITH THE LORD," for the Lord had already said it.
So what the Church needs today, is a good old fashion teaching of the Gospel. That's right. To know where they... I don't mean just educated teaching; I mean spiritual teaching. Some people speaks about God, and--and knows nothing of Him. You don't... See, you must get down and deal with the actual spirit itself, you see, to know what you're speaking of.

17 And now, Simeon was a man, a great man, led by the Holy Spirit. Do you believe in being led by the Holy Spirit? Certainly. We all do, that's Christians, believe that the Holy Spirit leads us.
And Simeon was a great man. He was an honorable man, a priest; and late years of eighty, as we're told. And he stayed in the temple.
And remember, he had a lot of prestige on his name, of being a priest, or teacher there in--in Israel. But it was revealed to him by the Holy Spirit, that he was not going to see death until first he seen Christ. And he was not afraid to make that statement to all the people. No matter what his name was, or his prestige was, or his title, the Holy Spirit had revealed to him that he was not going to see death until first he seen Christ.

18 Now, look. No one had ever seen Christ. He had been spoke of it from the very dawn of time, from the beginning in the garden of Eden. And four thousand years had passed, and every great man had looked for Him to come on the earth. The Jewish stream of blood, I guess, is the most purest there is on earth tonight, looking for the Messiah to come. And they--they watched for that Child to be born. They were looking for It.
And so therefore, all of them had looked. But Simeon had a revelation of the Holy Spirit, that he was not going to see death until first he saw Christ. He was not going to die until he saw Christ. And he told everyone that that's what was going to happen. Not afraid that it wouldn't happen, he knowed if the Holy Spirit said so, it had to happen.
When God tells you anything, it's positive the truth. You cannot get away from it, and it's got to happen.

19 Someone said, "Brother Branham, aren't you afraid you'll make a mistake when you're... someone comes to the platform, that you'll tell them the wrong disease?" No sir.
"Aren't you afraid..."
Here the other day, there's a man arrested down in the south for telling a man he lived untrue to his wife, and so forth, and was arrested, 'cause it was a story. Why sure, if it's a story, anything can happen. You're working in yourself. But when you stand under the Divine promise of God, there's no fear in God. That's right. It's bound to be. It's perfect. It's never failed, and it will never fail, because God cannot lie.
You can only believe God when He speaks and tells you, then you act upon what He says do.

20 Now, this priest wasn't ashamed to tell the people that he believed that Jesus was, or Christ was going to be born, and he would see It before he died.
Now, notice. When God makes a promise to you, He will fulfill it. You don't have to be afraid that He will not keep His Word, for God will keep His Word. I... That's true. You just must trust Him.

21 And then I notice this: My, when Jesus was born then, why there... They didn't have the radio and press, as we have today. They just mouth to ear, the way they had to bring message.
And eight days later, Mary brought the little child Jesus to the temple to do as the custom of the law, to offer turtledoves, or--or pigeons if they were poor, and so forth that they was to make the sacrifice, the purification of her.
And notice, all this just gets right next to me when I think of it. Now, Simeon, probably out somewhere in a prayer room, or outside the temple. And maybe that morning, there would probably be fifty children, we'd say, standing in the line for circumcision.
But notice, just when Mary brought Jesus in, the Holy Spirit spoke to Simeon somewhere else outside. And he was led by the Holy Spirit right straight to the Christ Child. Come in at that very instant, picked Him up in his arms, and said, "Lord, let Your servant depart in peace, for I've seen Your salvation." Think of it.

22 Now, he had the promise. And isn't it strange, if the Holy Spirit give him that promise, and when the promise came, the Holy Spirit led Simeon, the one that had the promise, right straight to It. See how He does it?
Now, I do not believe there's anyone here... How many people in here is sick tonight, wants to be prayed for, let's see your hands, over the building? I don't believe you come to be seen. I don't believe you come to criticize. I believe you come, because you're expecting to be healed. And you believe in healing, don't you? You believe in Divine healing. And the very reason that you believe in Divine healing, there's something in you that makes you believe in Divine healing.
And isn't it just the same Holy Spirit tonight, if He promised He would send in the last days these things? Did He promise He would send this in the last days, "and it shall come to pass in the last days," saith God? How He promised in Mark 16, "Go ye into all the world..." That's New York. See? "Preach the Gospel to every creature. These signs shall follow them that believe." He promised it. And then He promised the former rain and the latter rain. And we're living now, have been for years, under the latter rain.

23 And just before God cut off relationship with the Jews, He put nine spiritual gifts into the Church. And just before the Gentile's age is over, He's restoring back in the Church those nine spiritual gifts, giving the Gentile church its last call before turning again to Israel.
And now tonight, while these gifts are promised, and you're sick, don't you think that the Holy Spirit led you here tonight just the same as It did Simeon to Jesus when He came? The same Holy Spirit leading... The very means of you believing in healing, it shows that there's something back there making you believe in healing.
Here, before there is a desire created in your heart, there has to be a Creator to create that creation. Isn't that right?
In other words like this. Before there was a fin on a fish's back, there had to be a water first for him to swim in, or he would not have had any fin. See what I mean?
Before there was a tree to grow in the earth, there had to be an earth first for it to grow in, or there would not been no tree.
And if you have a desire in your heart to be healed by Divine healing, there's bound to be a Fountain of healing somewhere, or that desire wouldn't be in your heart.

24 If there's a desire to worship God... Even the Hottentots and Indians in years gone by, they worshipped objects, because the very creation of worship was in their heart, and they worship something. They worshipped something as their Creator. And that showed that there was a Creator somewhere to worship, a God.
If there's a hunger in your heart for more of God, there's bound to be more of God somewhere for you to find.

25 My mother used to have a superstition. The little children that I... had ten of us. And when the little fellows would be... They'd get a habit of licking their lips. And she's say they were tasting for something. And she'd put, maybe preserves on. That didn't work. Maybe put a little honey, that didn't work. Maybe some watermelon, that didn't work. But after a while, when she found something that they were tasting for, why, they were... It would stop licking its lips.
Well, that might have been a superstition. But this, when there's a hunger in the heart of the human being for something, there's bound to be Something creating that hunger in there.
In other words, David said, "When the deep calls to the deep..." And when there's a deep calling, there's bound to be a deep to respond somewhere. And if there's a deep calling for more of God for healing, there's bound to be a fountain of healing and the power of God somewhere to respond. Do you believe that? With all my heart, I know it's the truth. And as we call, and there's something in us tells us there's a land beyond the river.

26 I buried a wife and baby some fifteen years ago, and standing by the grave when looked like everything was around me, my whole family gone. And they was sprinkling flowers upon the little baby's casket, died a few hours after its mother. And my heart was broken; I could not stand seemed like, any longer. I heard the minister say, "Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, and earth to earth."
And it seemed like coming down through the trees, there was a breeze come saying,
There's a land beyond the river.
That we call the sweet forever,
We only reach that shore by faith's decree;
One by one we gain the portal,
There to dwell with the immortal,
Someday they'll ring the golden bells for you and me.

27 [Gap in the audio.]... something calling out, a deep. There's a greater place, a better land. See what I mean? I'm expecting that to be there. I'm expecting God when I was praying in the room a--a few moments ago before entering the building, seemed like Something come over me that said something was going to happen here tonight, a great spontaneous healing. I'm expecting that. God has...
I will venturely say this to you pastors. You'll find out that at least sixty to eighty percent of every sick person in this building will be healed in the next hour. I... See if that isn't right, you can brand me a false prophet. I know what I am speaking of. That's right.

28 Now, I--I believe it. I prayed, and I asked God if He would just move over the people in this service, and somehow... 'cause I only get to so many. But I asked the Father if He would just... And when I was praying, Something soothed down over me. I knew then that God was going to answer my prayer. I do not know what will happen, but there'll be something that'll happen that will--will do it. I want you to constantly be in prayer.
Now, notice. When you're expecting something, Simeon was expecting Jesus to come while he was alive. He was expecting it, and God rewarded him for his faith. I'm expecting God to heal at least sixty or eighty percent of the people in here tonight, perfectly well before this service is over. I believe it with all my soul. See? I'm expecting it.

29 Daniel was expecting God to deliver him from the lion's den.
The Hebrew children, when they went in the fiery furnace, they said, "Our God is able..." They was expecting God to deliver them. And they made the last step of the way before He came, but He's always there at the last end. Jesus comes in the darkest of hours, then Jesus comes along. They was expecting it.
The woman with the blood issue was expecting. If she could touch the hem of His garment, it was over. When she touched the hem of His garment, her expectations were fulfilled.
If you come tonight expecting to be healed, you're going to be healed. If you come tonight expecting to find something to criticize the meeting, you'll certainly find it. You get what you come for. That's right.

30 Notice. Blind Bartimaeus, he was expecting. If he could get to Jesus, he, or attract His attention, that he would be healed. So they tried to get him to set down, but he cried out the more, "Thou Son of David, have mercy on me," for he knew if he could ever bring the attention of Jesus to him, that he expected Jesus would heal him.
If you're expecting to be healed tonight, you will be healed. Whatever your expectations are...
Just the thought of my inside life... I'm leaving now after a bit to cross over to the other country. And I'm going to tell you just a little thing. There's things that goes along in this, friends, that no one knows about. That's right. I do not tell the--the people all the things that God would say. Everyone has that in their life. That's your private affair between you and God.

31 But this has been a glorious thing if I never come back. I feel that God has vindicated and proven that I have told the truth to the nation if I never return again. That's right. He's scientifically proven it. And He's proved it over and over that I have told the truth. That Spirit leads. He does things that... Many times in the room, I--I'll be in there praying and see things in the meeting that's just going to take place, and call my managers and things together, and tell them of things that's going to happen right in the meeting hours before it ever happens, sometimes weeks before it happens. And certain things... Not as I know it, but God shows it to me, and I know it's got to be so. I believe it.

32 Here not long ago in Fort Wayne, we were having a meeting, a glorious meeting there where Paul Rader used to preach, B. E. Rediger, many of you knows those national, international known ministers. And I was setting in the room when they was singing, "Only Believe" in the very room that Paul Rader wrote the song, a few months ago. And we were staying at the Indiana Hotel. Many times, they don't let the people know where I am.
Now, that's what's hard to me, to have to pass through people that I know that love me. And I--I just... My heart cries for them. But you--you... There's so many. It just takes the very life. It's...
When them vibrations hit the hand here sometime, you watch my brother and them. They watch me. They know when I have enough; they'll grab me and run from the platform. Sometimes, friends, I pass completely out, and they ride me around over the city maybe for two or three hours trying to get me to myself. It just depletes my strength so bad.

33 You might think that that's strange. You might think that it's--that it's odd for something like that, a gift, but it pulls from you. It takes away from you. It's not like preaching the Gospel, or just laying hands on the sick, it's a Divine Being working through a mortal body. I've had my hand to swell till I'd hold it under a hot water for practically a hour to bring feelings back in my hand from the vibration of those hideous cancers and things, how they work. And hardly no one knows those things. My managers and so forth do.
But I remember in this meeting, they had found out where I was staying. And the next day, why, it was pathetic to see the people.

34 I remember in one meeting in--over in another meeting I was at, I had one night's service, over in Missouri at a--quite a large city. And while I left the auditorium, it was small, just about--audience just about like this tonight. And I went up into a--the third floor. Walked from the--from the tabernacle, or auditorium, up into the third floor of the hotel, and just was lying down asleep just a little bit with my clothes on across the bed. And I was to meet my wife the next day at Poplar Bluff, and was have a radio broadcast, and going on down into Arkansas.
And I remember while lying there about ten minutes, I heard someone knock on the door. And when I went to the door, it was the manager of the hotel. He said, "Are you Reverend Branham?"
I said, "Yes sir."
He said, "Well, Mister Branham, you'll have to leave the hotel."
Well, I said, "What have I done, sir?"
He said, "Well, we can't have this around the hotel." And he opened up the door, and friends, there was about a four lane prayer line come from the door down through, out into the lobby, and down into the street of people followed over there. And I looked out there. He said...
I said, "Well, I don't know what to do, sir."
He said, "You go down the fire escape, and I'll go down and call you a cab. He will come down through the alley and pick you up."
And I went down there, and it was snowing. I looked outside, I seen those little old mothers out there holding things over their babies to keep that snow out of their face, and people on canes, and them with palsy shaking. I just couldn't pass by there.

35 I went on out there on the street and started a prayer line. Turned around with street begin to be crowded. And the Lord healing, throwing down their crutches and things, running away. And the cops was all out there directing the traffic. We had a glorious time out there, because that the people believed that they would be healed.

36 Now, at Fort Wayne, they found out where the hotel we were in, the Indiana Hotel. And then in that one night, we started down. We just couldn't get out. You just--just people just so congested. It was terrible. And then we had about three more days to stay.
And so the bellhop... My brother hired the bellhop. And he told him which way we go down, and go over the... through the furnace room and come out up in the alley. And so it was hard to do. But they taken me down, go on to the meetings, and go up through the alley; wife, and one of Mayo's nurses that was healed with cancer. And she was with us.
And so they--they was taking me over for breakfast, and I'd been eating at the little place called Toddle House, I believe it was. And... No, Hobb's House. And one morning, we were going down, the second morning, I had my overcoat pulled up, and--and was walking down the street packing my little girl. And all of a sudden, the Holy Spirit came down. Do you believe in being led of the Spirit? And I hand the baby over to the wife, and she said, "What's the matter, honey?"
I said, "The Holy Spirit's leading me."

37 And I felt the Angel of the Lord... You've seen the picture. That just came down. And you just do what It says do. And I thought we was going right straight to the Hobb's House, we was about a city block from it. And the Spirit of the Lord said, "Turn to your left."
And I went down, and just kept on walking. They were following me. And I stopped to a place said Miller's Cafeteria. And I went down in the basement, like, where the cafeteria was. And just as... I got some prunes, I believe, and some toast, and was setting down to eat. And I heard somebody say, "Praise the Lord."
I looked over, and a lady just raised up, and the tears running down her cheeks. And Mrs. Morgan, the nurse, said, "See? You're caught now." See?
And I said, "Just a moment."
The lady walked over, she said, "Brother Branham." She said, "I've followed you meeting after meeting." She said, "I have a brother here. His heart's broke through the diaphragm." Said, "There's nothing that can be done for him." Said, "He can't live but a little while longer." Said, "We've sold our goods to follow. And we've done everything that we know how to do to get in the line. We've got cards, but never was called." And said, "Our money's gone and everything." Said, "We just--just couldn't do nothing." And said, "I prayed all night." And said, "This morning, I was kneeling on my knees by the side of the bed at the hotel, and I went to sleep." And said, "I dreamed that I should come over here to Miller's Cafeteria at nine o'clock." I looked at my watch, it was just exactly... [Gap in the audio.]...

38 Do you believe in being led? That's the Holy Spirit that led Simeon. This is inside life, now. And I said, "Bring your brother here."
Why, in a moment, the Lord had healed him. He was crying and weeping. Said, "I never felt like this since I was a young boy."
Went out of the building, I set down again to eat, and Something just lifted me up. I went out, wife and them followed me. Just as I stepped out the door, I heard someone saying, "Oh, thank God." And a little woman dressed in black. She knelt down on the street. She begin to crying. And I said, "Stand up, sister."
And she stood up. She said, "Brother Branham." She was from Chicago. She said, "I've got cancer in the breast." She said, "I've tried hard to get to you, everywhere." Said, "I couldn't do it." And she said, "This morning, I started to eat. And I was crying, 'cause I have to go back home." And said, "The Spirit of the Lord said, 'Go stand in front of Miller's Cafeteria at ten minutes after nine.'"

39 There it was. I met her over here in Arkansas the other day, just shouting. It's been weeks ago. Said, "The all... Everything had disappeared. It had gone."
And I started on down the street. I started... The wife said, "Aren't you going to eat?"
I said, "No. The Spirit of the Lord is leading."
And I went on across the street. And I started to go across to the drug store to get some little coloring books. We had to keep the baby locked up, a little three year old girl, in the room all day with us. And so I spend my time in prayer. That's how I know those things, is pray and pray.
And as I started across the street, Something said, "Stop."
I said, "Oh, my." I turned around.
Wife said, "Where you going?"
I said, "You all go right on to hotel. He's got something else for me to do." And I backed up in the corner to look at some fishing reels. I love to fish and so forth. I backed up there, see no one's looking at me, and I turned my head, and I said, "Father, what would You have me do?"
And stood there. Not just imagine now. I heard a Voice said, "Go to the corner."

40 I went down to the corner, across the street. And I stood there, and they begin to blow the whistle, and the traffic would come across the street, and--and they walked there with the lights. And--and I stood there for about ten minutes. And just kept standing there. After while, the whistle blowed again, the group of people crossed the street, just as busy as they could be.
And I noticed coming behind was a lady with a little checkered dress on. She had on a little Canadian... And she's carrying a pocket book over her arm. She walked across the street, and the Spirit of the Lord said, "Go near to her."
And I walked right up to her like that, and she passed by looking down, passed on by me. Now, I thought, "That's strange. Maybe God just did something there that I didn't know."

41 She walked about fifteen feet. She turned back and looked like that. She said, "Oh, Brother Branham." And she said--she said, "Oh..." She just begin to beat herself. Said... Oh, she didn't knowed what's happened.
I said, "What's the matter, sister?"
She said, "I'm from Canada." She said, "I've spent every penny that I've had. I'm only allowed a hundred and fifty dollars." She said, "I've got a withered hand." And she said, "I slept in a lobby last night, and had five cents for coffee this morning." And she said, "I was going out here on the road to hitch-hike to get back home." A young woman, about thirty years old. She said, "And I was going down here about two squares, and Something said to me, 'Turn this a way.'"
Oh, my. There it was. I said, "Stretch me your hand, sister."
And there it come her hand. And that big Irish cop standing out there looked. He said, "I know you, Brother Branham."
And here he come running in. My, group of people there. They had to get a gang to get away. Everybody around, a healing service. The Lord working.

42 God leads. Don't you believe that? That's right. Here not long ago, coming down out of a meeting, I was going out. This happened in--in this, at the Camden, Arkansas. I was going out of the meeting. And just see how the Lord deals.
First, just before I took off my uniform, I was a Indiana State game warden three years ago. And at... Just before I took off my uniform, the Lord had called me, and has appeared to me, and the Angel of the Lord, as I've told you how it happened.

43 And I went down, my little girl was just born. I went down to get her some of them bottle caps for her catnip tea, or whatever it was. And I had my twenty-eight dollar check I was going to cash. And I went into... And the bus stopped on Spring Street there, at the little city I lived. I noticed the strange acting man got off, and he looked at me. I went into the drug store and cashed my check, and--and got the bottle caps, and come back. And as I started out the street, someone laid their hand on me. And I turned around. He said, "Sir, you an officer I see?"
And I said, "Yes sir. I work for the Indiana Conservation."
He said, "Seeing that you was an officer, I want to ask you a question."
I said, "Yes sir."
And he said, "I'd better tell you first." He said, "I--I been failing in health for about two years."

44 And the Angel had just appeared to me about four or five days before that and told me about this. And he said... or about the gift. And he said, "I was... I live at Paducah, Kentucky." He said, "Last night, I had a strange dream." He said, "I seen an Angel coming down out of heaven. And he came down and told me to come to this city of Jeffersonville, and to inquire for somebody by the name of Branham to pray for me." Said, "Would you know where there was any such person here, anybody by the name of Branham?"
Oh, my, my heart just felt like it was that big. And I said, "My mother runs a boarding house right around the corner."
He said, "You're..."
I said, "My mother."
He said, "Is your name Branham?"
I had to give him my arms. I said, "Brother, come here to the corner." And I begin to tell him what happened. And he started weeping. And we knelt there on the street, right there on the street, and I prayed for him. And when I got up, the people holding their children back and taking off their hats in respect there on the street. And God moved down from the heavens and healed him there.

45 And a few weeks later, I was coming out of a building, and I heard somebody hollering, "Mercy, mercy!"
Four cops was bringing me out, getting me through the crowd. There was thousands pressing in. And the night before that, the Angel of the Lord came right into the building where I was, come down. And there was people there was lame, halt, blind, and everything. I was trying to explain, getting the people to believe it. I said, "Can't you believe?" I said, "I've told you the truth." And I said, "It's the truth."
My brother walking by calling time on me. I know I talk too much. That's right. But I--I love you people, and I--I want to... I want to tell you this anyhow.
And there was a... As I came there to the--the place, I was talking, telling them about the Spirit of the Lord. And just about that time, coming in the front door, here It came. I said, "I won't have to speak any more. Here It is Itself."

46 And It came right up through the building like that. Circled around where I was, like that. And people blind, and deaf, and dumb, and everything, just being--raising up and walking through the building glorifying God.
The next day, I was being taken from a--a church where I was speaking by four officers. I started out of the building, and I heard somebody hollering, "Mercy, mercy, mercy!"
And I looked over, standing over out of the crowd was an old blind colored man, little white rim of hair around his head with a cap, crying, "Mercy, mercy!"
He couldn't stand with the white people, of course. And he was crying like that. And I started, and Something moved, said, "Go over there."
And I said, "Let's go over to where that man is."
And he said... the officer said, "Oh, Brother Branham, you couldn't put your hand on that man." Said, "They'd arrest you." Said, "You can't do that; you're in Arkansas."
I said, "Well, look. But the Holy Spirit tells me to go over there..."
Said, "You'd start a race riot." Said, "You can't do that. This is the South."
And I said, "I can't help where it's at. The Lord tells me go over here, and I..."

47 They went with me. And they drawed a ring around. And I never will forget. I heard his wife say, "Honey, the parson is coming towards you--the parson."
And so I left, and I come up to where he was. And he said, "Is--is--is--is--is this you, Parson Branham?" Said, "Can I feeled your face?" And he put his old quivering hands over my face.
I said, "Yes, sir."
He said, "Parson Branham, can you listen just a moment to my story?"
I said, "Yes, sir. Go right ahead."
And the people just trying to break through, but they were holding their arms, holding the people back. And he said, "Parson Branham," Said, "my old mammy had 'ligion like you got." "'Ligion like you got." Said, "Her never told me lie all her life." Said, "She's been dead now for ten years." Said, "I's been blind for about eight years." And said, "Last night," said, "I never heard of you in my life." And said, "Last night, about eight o'clock." Said, "I live about a hundred and fifty miles from here." Said, "My old mammy stood right by the side of my bed. And she said, 'Honey child, you go down to Camden, Arkansas and ask for someone by the name of Parson Branham, and you'll get your sight.'"
Oh, my. I just put my hand upon his poor old dark wrinkled face. I said, "Lord Jesus, I do not understand this. But I ask for his sight in Thy Name."
And as I moved my hand down, friends, God will judge me at the judgment bar. And when I moved my hands down, tears begin to run down his cheeks. He said, "Honey, I can see."
She said, "Honey." She begin to scream, said, "Can you see?"
Said, "Sho, that's a red car setting right there." Said, "There stands Parson Branham." And him screaming like that. And there he was, perfectly well.

48 A few months ago, coming from Dallas, I was grounded by plane. I'll tell you this before leaving. I was co--grounded by a plane at Memphis, Tennessee. I stayed all night, and the next morning they called us and said that the plane will leave at nine o'clock.
And I went down. I was writing some letters back, and I went to the Post Office, had my grip. And I was going down to the Post Office to mail the letters, and I was going down the street singing that little song that you Pentecost people sing, "I'm So Glad I Can Say I'm One Of Them." Isn't that it? Something about people telling everywhere. I was trying to sing that, you know. And I started across the street, and Something said, "Stop."

49 I started again, and I seen It was the Spirit of the Lord. I moved back into the corner of a bank. I said, "Father, what would You have me do?"
He said, "Turn back."
I went right down by the hotel, and kept walking, singing to myself, "Only believe, All things are possible..." Led of the Spirit, I went way down by the river, and to some little colored shacks down there in the river... And I was going walking down. He said, "Turn now to your right."
I was going down a little hill, like this, a beautiful morning, the sun was coming up, flowers just blooming around Memphis. And I was... The sun had just peeping up over the hill, and it'd been a rain the night before, and so it was all beautiful there in the South. And I looked, hanging out over the gate and there hung a typical Aunt Jemima. She had a... Instead of... She had a man's shirt tied around her head. She was looking over the gate. I come walking by, going [Brother Branham hums.] going down the street looking, wondering where the Lord was leading me. She looking, tears over her big fat cheeks. She said, "Good morning, parson."
I said, "Howdy do, Auntie." It caught me, "Parson?" I looked around, I said, "Do you know me?"
She said, "Yes sir."
And I said, "Do you know my name?"
She said, "No, sir."
I said, "How'd you know I was a parson?"
She said, "Parson." Said, "Did you ever hear about the Shunammite woman that had a baby by... The Lord promised her the baby, and the baby died?"
And I said, "Yes."
She said, "I was a woman that way. And I promised the Lord that I'd raise my baby for Him." And said, "The Lord give husband and I a lovely boy."
And said, "Parson, he took the road that's wrong when he's about--a few years ago." And said, "He got a--a dangerous disease, venereal disease." And said, "It went so long on him, we didn't suspect it." And said, "And now he's laying in the room dying." Said, "The doctor has give him all kinds of shots." And said, "He can't get well." And said, "He's been unconscious since yesterday. The doctor was back here and said, 'Look for the worst at any time.' There was no hopes for him. His blood was four-plus, and nothing could help him at all." And said, "He's dying."
And said, "I got down on my knees." And said, "I prayed." And said, "I prayed, 'O Lawd.'" Said, "'I's a woman like the Shunammite. Where is You Elijah?' And just begin to praying." Said, "I prayed and prayed." And said, "This morning, just before daylight." Said, "The Lord told, 'Stand at this gate.'"

50 And there was her back was wet where she'd been standing. She wasn't telling me anything wrong. She said, "And look."
Oh, my. Begin to... I walked into the house. There was a great big husky looking boy. And she patted him. He was laying there with a--with a blanket in his hand, going, "Um, Um, Um," like that. And he was saying, "Mammy, it's so dark. Um. I don't know where I's a going, mammy," like that.
She said, "Honey child, do you know mammy?"
Honey child. He was... 'Course, no matter how old you are, you're mother's child just the same. No matter what you've done, you're still mother's boy.
And there she was, patting him and loving him. She said, "Do you know mammy?" saying, "You know your mammy?"
He didn't seem like he recognized her. He's hollering, "Mammy," going on; he was unconscious like condition.
And so she said, "Can we pray, Parson?"
I said, "Yes ma'am."

51 And that old saint got down there and prayed. Oh, my. Just wring the heart. And I got up, and I felt his feet. They's cold and sticky; death was on him. And then we knelt again and begin to pray. And I said, "Dear God, I don't know why You sent me down here. But You turned me on the road like that, and brought me here. And I know it's past time for the plane." However, the plane was delayed two hours. So I said, "I--I don't know why You brought me here. But now, in obedience to the leading of the Spirit, I lay my hands upon this boy in the Name of Your Son, Christ Jesus."
He said, "Mammy, it's getting light."
In a few moments he was up and on his feet. I passed through there a few months ago. He met me at the Abbey's Station. He said, "Brother Branham, I'm perfectly normal now. And it's all gone from me."

52 Oh, brother, sister, the very God that led Simeon is here tonight. That's right. He can lead those same... Hours after hours could I testify.
But look. At that same time, there was an old blind prophetess by the name of Anna. Look at her. When Simeon picked up the baby Jesus, led by the Holy Spirit, right to Him... Don't you believe It's the same Holy Spirit tonight?
And look, winding through the crowd came an old blind woman, Ann, making her way through the crowd. No one told her. But she came right straight to where He was, lifted up her hands and blessed God. The Holy Spirit was guiding her through the people.

53 He guides the fish through the trackless waters, the birds through the trackless air. Oh my. He can guide His people, if you'll just let Him. We are led of the Spirit of God. We are here expecting God to do something tonight. And I believe that He's here now to do something at this time, to heal the sick.
Father, we thank Thee for Thy Spirit and Thy love. And I'm expecting You tonight, Father, to move upon the hearts of the people and let them see Thy Divine program, to lead the people Thou hast called in this day. And I believe, Father, that You're going to bring to pass tonight, the thing that You revealed to me, that many of the sick is going to be made well tonight. Grant it, Father. Hear the prayer of Your humble servant. For I ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen.

54 While I go to pray, you pray with me, if you will, and pray for me. The brothers will call the prayer line. And you pray with me. How many will do this for me, 'cause when I go out, I... If He anoints me when I come back. I might not be able to say much. But see, friends, I can't depend on myself. I have to depend on It. I don't say nothing; It does the talking.
Now, look. When God does something on the platform, all of you believe it. This is nothing but just to show God's attitude. If one time it could be done, ought to prove to you all that Jesus is here to do it. Is that right?
Moses was a prophet sent of God. He had two signs to show to the people that he was--he had God's Message. And when he performed those two signs, the people believed him. He never had to perform it any more, the people believed him.
And if I come to you like that, and ask those things, should not you believe with all your heart? If I could perform the signs that God promised me to do, then you all ought to believe with all your heart. Isn't that right? That is true.

55 Now, even before I go to the platform, or away to pray for the people, I want you to believe. Then when you see these things come to pass, I want every one of you to promise me this, that you'll do just what God says do.
I've asked Him to let this anointed Angel, which comes to me, to move out over this audience, and touch one and then the other, like that. And heal them tonight while the service is going on. I'm going to ask. I've asked Him to do that. And I believe that He will do it. I believe it with all my heart. You believe also, and God bless you. [Congregation sings "Only Believe"]

56 Let's bow our heads just a moment. O Father, help us now to receive Thy beloved Son and His promise, knowing that His Spirit is in our midst tonight. And I ask You that You'll heal every sick person in the building. Through Jesus Christ's Name I ask it. Amen. Now, you would be seated if you will.

57 Every one be real reverent. And now, there might be some strangers that has not heard as yet the operation of the Spirit of God that was delivered this ministry to me. It was given by an Angel when I was borned. It manifested Itself three years ago. It always followed me, made me know that It was near. Then It came to me, It was a man. He's been seen in the meetings many times. Big, large man, weigh about two hundred pounds, has dark hair to His shoulder. Testifying when He come, He said, "I'm sent from the Presence of God to tell you your... birth and life is to indicate that you're take a gift of healing to the peoples of the world." And begin to tell me different things would happen.
I told Him that I was uneducated and wasn't able to go. He told me I'd be given two signs.
I said, "The people will not believe me, because I'm not educated sufficient to speak to people."
He said, "You'll be given two signs, as was the prophet Moses." He said, "One sign will be that you're to--you'll detect diseases through your hand. When the people contact you, well you'll be able to tell them what diseases they have through a supernatural discernment." And then said, "If you'll be sincere, then it will come to pass that you'll tell the people the secrets of their hearts, and the things that they've done in life that might've hindered their healing, and so forth."

58 And I said, "I'll... I--I'm... They will not believe me."
He said, "I'll be with you."
And I said, "I will go."
And the Light begin to gather across the floor, went up... The Angel went up with the Light, formed a real sacred Light, as you see in the picture, and went away. It returns night after night, and It comes into the meetings.
I do not claim... So everyone will be sure to know, I do not claim to be a Divine healer. Papers and things call It that, but that's an error. There's no man can heal, not even Jesus. Jesus didn't claim to be a Divine Healer. He said, "It's not Me that doeth the works; It's My Father that dwelleth in Me; He doeth the works."
No mortal could claim Divine healing then. And then, if He could not claim Divine healing, then certainly I would not. No flesh can glory; it comes by the Spirit of God. He's the Healer.

59 But I--I... It does detect diseases and different things that happens, takes place in people's lives, sometime if they're... [Gap in the audio.]... why it calls out and lets them know they're sinners. If they've got secret sin in their life, unconfessed, remember, It'll call it out, and--and It'll tell you about that.
And that's the reason then when people comes, sometime when they, say, come to me without the anointing, they say, "Oh, I--I--I'm a believer, Brother Branham." I take their word. But under the anointing, you--you feel clear they're down here; you've got to come up here to this level, say, if I'm illustrating. Here's the gift up here, and you come believing you're up there; that doesn't make you up there. You've got to raise your faith up to here. Then when that faith perfectly believes, the power that's a holding you has to leave.

60 I've never seen it fail. No matter how blind, crippled, lame, or any... Has anybody here been in my meetings before, let's see your hands, that's been in my meetings? Am I telling the truth? Does that happen? If it does, hold your hands up. Everybody that comes to platform, regardless of what's wrong with them... That's right. May their secrets are told; their--now, their...
I cannot heal. But I do know whether they have enough faith to be healed or not. See? That--that's the thing of it here.
But while God is moving up here, He will move down there also. See? And just remember, when He does something here...

61 Now, Moses could only perform these miracles, but the people had to believe him. That was the vindication that he was sent of God. You understand? It a vindicated his word to be true. If any man says anything and God testifies not that, then the man is wrong. But if the man says something, and God testifies behind that, then that man is right. See? Not only once, but over and over and over; it has to be the... a--a time. Now, Moses did that and proved to the people.
Now, if you... if these... If God answers tonight and proves that what I've said the truth, then you hear my word. God will heal every person in the building. That's if--if you will promise to serve Him and believe Him.

62 Now, remember, then when you leave the building, go testifying that you are healed. "Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." If these people come here is not exactly of faith, which it is a faith in one way, but their faith has to be built. You go forth testifying that you believe it, and you are healed, and you'll get well. Well, do you believe that? Just as you testified that you was saved, it works righteousness. Testify you're healed, it works healing, and God will grant it.
All right. Now, let's see where we starting in the--in the line. All right, from right here. All right. Everybody be real reverent.

63 Where you from, sister? New York. You're from here in the city.
Now, if you'll notice the patient... Just the--the Spirit of the Lord is here, and the--the patient, I--I do not know her. She's from New York. But a--a real strange feeling... Watch them, and when they get about eight or ten feet, you'll see the expression come upon their face. Now, the lady, I do not know her.
But you have an odd feeling, don't you, lady, a strange, very odd. Now, that the audience might know, would you step just a little closer to the mike. Isn't that the truth? [Sister answers, "It's the truth."] A very odd strange feeling. It's a sacred.
What it is, the Light that you see in the picture is now here at the platform. You might not be... It might come clear. You might see It. But He's here. I know It's here. Everything seems to be like getting milky around over the building. And that's... I know It's here. You see? The anointing is coming on now.

64 Now, let's see. I want you to be in prayer. That's... suffering them things... nervous... That's right. And you're been suffering this for some time... walk. You haven't served God in the way you should have. I could see that. You've had a desire to, but you haven't done it. Would you serve Him from now on? You promise that? No way I'd know that, only through God. Is that right? I see you trying. You even prayed before you come here, trying to find favor, didn't you. You were kneeling by a side of a chair recently, where there's a little table setting on the right hand side, praying (Is that right?) trying to find favor. No one knows that, but God, I, and you. Is that true?
Then if I, by the Spirit of God, telling you now the same thing, like was told to the woman at the well... [Gap in the audio.] When the Master was there, He told her the secreted thing that was keeping her from her liberty. And she said she accepted Him. Said, "Come, see a Man Who told me all things."
And His Spirit is here now, working through His servant telling you... You believe that? And I've told you the thing that's hindering you. You will accept Him now, will you do that?

65 Shall we bow our heads? Heavenly Father, You're here to make our sister well. Grant, dear God, that You will heal her now, soul and body. May she leave the building now rejoicing. Forgive her, Lord, of every transgression. Grant it, Father, that she'll be Your child from now on, seeing her persuading to You, seeing that mistake that she made yonder, Father, and Your Spirit able to call it out right here at the platform.
But, thou demon, upon the confession of this woman's faith, in the Son of God, I come in the Name of Jesus Christ, professing the gift of Divine healing. You're made known. You can't hide any longer. Come out of the woman through Jesus Christ.
Something's left you. You accept Him? You're healed. There you are. You feel different now, don't you. All right. You may raise your head. Sister, your sins are forgiven, and you're healed now. Straighten yourself up and go off the platform. You're well. Walk real fast.
[A brother says, "The thing that I want you to notice here on this, Brother Branham discerns this entirely by the Spirit of God. On this card, where it says, 'Are you saved?' the lady has the word 'No.' Want you to notice how the Spirit of God detects exactly what's in the life of each individual."]

66 Every one be real reverent, just as reverent as you can be. All right, you bring your patient then.
And everybody be reverent and--and just--just be faith. Now, I want you to do this. I--I just know already that God's going to answer what I ask Him tonight. I want you to look this way. I can't hardly tell just who it is, but I want you to look this way and believe with all your heart, everything that's been said.

67 Yes, the Spirit of the Lord is here, now. The lady has her back turned. I have my back turned to her. I want you to walk a little closer, lady, up here to the platform, you. You're a stranger to me. But I can tell you what's wrong with you. Will you accept it as being sent from God? You've had arthritis, haven't you. Raise up your hands; you're healed. Jesus Christ makes you whole now. Stomp your feet up-and-down, like this. Like this, up, down; with your feet, up-and-down like this. Now, walk off the platform just as... like in you--you and I, real fast.
[A brother says, "On the lady's card, there's a word 'arthritis.'"]

68 Everyone believe with all your heart. Now, just have faith, believe. Now, that's the way. The Spirit of the Lord is here. This can detect, discern.
Sir, you standing there. You believe with all your heart now. Do you believe me? Do you accept me as God's servant? Do you believe I'm His prophet that was sent here for your purpose, that you might be healed? Then will you obey what I tell you to do? Will you do that, if I'll be able to tell you what you're want to be prayed for? You have arthritis also. Is that right? Raise up your hands like this. Jump up like this, for Jesus Christ makes you well. Amen. Now, you can walk across the platform. You're healed, my brother. Straighten yourself up. God bless you, my dear brother. You're healed.
Now, everybody be real reverent. Just keep praying now.

69 Way up in the audience, it just kinda recognized that. When they're coming close, sometimes they become into a subconscious condition when they're--when they're coming; and therefore, they don't--they don't realize just exactly till it's... He's going along shaking hands with his friends.
Could we say, "Thank the Lord," everybody...
[A brother says, "On the man's card is the word 'arthritis.'"]

70 Everyone maybe will understand how the cards are giving out. You see, those people are... You've been in the meeting for three nights. What do you think a week or two would happen, when people's faith begin to build around. Why, they'd walk into the balconies, they come in with wheelchairs, and just raise up, and jump out of the chairs, and run, for they--they believe. And when they will believe with all their heart, it just draws the strength of the Spirit of God right out to the people, just right--right to the people. Now, if the... if... You have to believe; you have to have faith, have... You...
How many believes in God, let's see your hands. You believe in Christ? Believe in the Holy Spirit? Now, I want to ask you something. Do you believe that I've told you the truth? That's--that's... See, if you do that, that's what brings the blessing. He said, "If you get the people to believe you--believe you, and be sincere when you pray, nothing shall stand before the prayer."

71 Now, remember, I cannot heal. It only tells what happens when the people are standing, they--they begin to look, and they're wondering, and... And then when the Spirit begins to speak to them and tell them what their disease and afflictions are, why, their faith just moves right up and the thing leaves them.
Now, if I'm able to tell that the... what's on you, and what's done it by the Spirit of God, then I know when it's leaving. Like if Moses could foretell what was going to happen, and it come to pass, we believe that the creation was according to His Word. Don't--do we not? Because it's God speaking both ways.
All right. Now, I want all to pray and be real reverent, everywhere over the building. Wherever you are, everyone be reverent. But now you pray. You don't bow your head till I ask you, you...
All right, you can bring your patient, brother. Now, every one be just as reverent.

72 And I'm still feel tonight that something glor... Now, sometime when the Spirit of the Lord gets real near, why, It's... I lose track of what I'm saying. You see? But now, just to notice right now I... If I can try to tell you... It's beginning to move down, now, for this patient. You see? I do not know the lady, know nothing about her. Now, just a moment. When It--It contacts, It's on me now. Now, when I get a hold of... Come close by me... Oh, she's deaf. All right. Everyone bow your head, everywhere now.
Our heavenly Father, Who brought again Jesus from the dead, Thou art here to heal our sister, and to declare Your Divine power. And we've made boldly the statement, that nothing could stand before the gift of God, that what it would be told, and the woman, seemingly, has faith. And I ask Thee to deliver her tonight from this affliction that Satan has placed upon her, that she might be a testimony in her community of the healing power of God. That her testimony might start an old fashion revival. Grant it, Lord.
Thou deaf spirit, who's come upon the woman, I adjure thee by Jesus Christ, the Son of God, leave the woman. Come out of her.
You've been feeling real bad lately, haven't you. Is a tubercular diet. Yes. That's all gone.
All right. You may raise your head, audience. I'll put my fingers in her ears.

73 Did you hear me? [Sister answers, "Yes."] Say, "Amen." ["Amen."] I will put... Hear me now? Say "Amen." ["Amen."] I love Jesus. ["I love Jesus."] Your eyes has been bothering you. You've been feeling weak lately, haven't you, real weak; and of the evening, especially in the afternoon. I waited till you got your hearing so that you would know. In the afternoons late, you get real weak. And at night, not... you're... you have un... restless nights and things. Now, what that has been, you have been afflicted with tubercular, sister. I picked it up on the vibrations. But it's all gone now. You're healed; your hearing is true; you're perfectly normal; you can remove your glasses, and go on off the platform... you are healed.
All right, bring your... Everybody say, "Thanks, Jesus." Amen, That's right. All right.
[A brother says, "On her card is, 'Deafness and glaucoma of the eyes."]

74 I want you to look this a way just a moment. You've been extremely nervous all your life. And another thing that's wrong with you now, 'course your eyes has caused you trouble... astigmatism, what's wrong in your eyes. Had trouble with stomach. Isn't that right? Yes. I see you setting at a desk, squinting, trying to read when you was a little girl. This certain day when a certain thing happened; you were wearing--wearing a pink checkered dress... Now, when you... When you now also are suffering with a peptic ulcer of your stomach, causing you to have stomach trouble. Isn't that right? Now, a real strange feeling is upon you. Isn't that right? Sister, dear, Jesus Christ makes you whole. You remove your glasses; go home eat what you want to; for you're healed now. God bless you.
Everyone be real reverent and pray. All right. You can bring your patient.
[A brother says, "Nervousness, stomach trouble, and eye trouble. Notice her getting her healing now without prayers."]

75 Believe with all your heart, that you... You're trying to believe. You're a woman weary, aren't you? You've been deeply depressed, haven't you? You've been having troubles. And you know what I'm speaking of. I won't say it. All right. May I have your hand. There's something else; oh, it's cancer, sister. That's too bad. But do you believe that Jesus Christ will heal you and will make you well? I'll... So that... See, you have had troubles and trials. 'Course now that strange feeling upon you; that's the Spirit of the Lord.
I want you to looky here so that you'll have more faith to believe. Here's now what I call a vibrations. Come closer. I want you to notice my hand there. Want you to look how it looks. See how speckled and how black looking it turns? And how it keeps little white things, running over it there? I'm going to take your hand off, and I'm going to put my hand upon it. Now, it's not there now, is it. Looks like anyone else's hand. I'll put this hand here upon it. Looks just as normal, does it?
But Reverend Lindsay, would you come forward. I'll put Reverend Lindsay's upon it. Just normal like. I'll put my own hand; it's normal. Now, watch. I'll pick up this hand right here and lay it upon there. Now look at it. See how it swells, turns real red looking, blood-shotty, them little white things. That's your cancer, sister. That's the life of a demon that's trying to take your life. And it's moving through here now. That feels perfectly all over my wrists and arms. See? It moves right on up to my heart. And that's what does that.

76 Now I want you to watch my hand. And now, if that remains that way, your life is very short. If it moves... You're having faith. I've been--been expecting it to leave at any time. But so far it hasn't. But you're--you suffer with--with a dizzy spells also, which is caused from a high blood pressure. And--and another thing is the time, you're nervousness is what causes menopause, change of life, working on you. Is that right? Do you have children too, haven't you?
I--I want... I want you to... Yes. I want you to believe me with all your heart. Now, in order to vindicate what I'm telling you to be true, I want you to watch my hand. And if it stops like... I want you to take this other hand and feel those little things as they're moving over my hand, that they can see. That's--that's the life of that cancer. It moves through, kind of... kind of feels like it's going, thrrrrr, thrrrrr, thrrr. [Brother Branham illustrates.] Now, if that stops, I want you to see it.

77 Now, the Bible says, "In the mouth of two or more witnesses, let every word be established." Is that true? You're Christian, and I... And you believe, and you come now, and you're a stranger. I've told you what's the matter with you, and what's happened in your life. Is that true? That's a witness, isn't it? You're looking here at something supernatural happening on my hand, is that right? That's two witnesses. If it remains, it's three; if it leaves, it's three.
But this determines whether you'll be well or not. Now, there--there's nothing else that God could do to cause you to believe. Isn't that right? Now, I want all the audience to bow their head while the patient watches my hand.

78 Our heavenly Father, we're thinking of the time that Nathanael came to You. Philip went and got him, and when he came up to Nathanael, he found him praying. And he said to Nathanael, "Come, see Who I've found, Jesus of Nazareth, Who was spoke of by Moses, the prophet."
He said, "Could anything good come out of Nazareth?"
He said, "Come and see."
And when he came to the prayer line, O God, we can see the Spirit of God moved Jesus. He said, "There's a Christian. There's a believer, an Israelite indeed," otherwise.
And Nathanael said, "When did You know me?"
He said, "Before you come, you were praying under a tree."
And he said, "Thou art the Son of God, the King of Israel."
Oh, You promised that Your Spirit would be with us always, even to the end of the world. And You're here tonight to detect, to tell, and to heal through faith. And Father, we're so thankful that You said, "A little while and the world will see Me more--no more. Yet you'll see Me, for I will be with you, even in you, to the end of the world." How thankful we are that You're here in New York with us tonight in this auditorium. And this, our sister, who's prayed, and a Christian... And we're taught that all things work together for good to them that love You. And Father, I've spoke to her everything that You've put in my mouth, and I'm expecting You to heal her. Won't You grant it, Lord, before she... [Gap in the audio.]... taken away. I ask You to grant it. Give me faith, Father, in this challenge as she's watching my hand.

79 Thou demon, in the Name of Jesus Christ, leave the woman. Of course, you see, it didn't do it. It started... hands.
[A sister speaks with tongues.]
Lord Jesus, Son of God.
Grant Thy blessings, O God, upon this mortal. Grant it, Father.
[A brother interprets] [ Blank.spot.on.tape.]
You see what has happened, don't you, sister? Gone. The lady's healed. [Gap in the audio.] Now, the lady, where you from? My hand is as normal as any man's. Is that right?
Now, the lady is standing here, looking herself. She's a New York woman. I've never moved my hand. Just as normal as any man's hand, isn't it? It just went away, just vanished away. Now that's... There's three witnesses. And the Holy Spirit speaking through the church, witnessed that It was sent. Now, there's... There's... Your healing's over, sister. God bless you. You may go home and...
Let's just bow our head and offer thanks.

80 Bring your patient, if you will. Father, I pray Thee to be merciful. Let Thy people see, dear Father, Thy works and know Thee. Through Jesus Christ I pray this blessing. Amen.
[A brother says, "On the lady's card was the word, 'cancer for three years.'"]

81 Almighty God, Thou hast promised through Thy Son Jesus that You will move this choking spirits from the woman.
Come out of her, Satan. I adjure thee by Jesus, the Son of God. All right. You may--you can see what's happened to her. The goiter went right from her throat. Well, God bless you...
Friends, He's here to heal everybody. Do you believe that? Now, look. I want to ask you something. The Spirit of the Lord is speaking. The people don't have to come up here at the platform to be healed, they can be healed anywhere in the building.
Now, just because those people have prayer cards and come up... See, we give out fifty cards or a hundred cards. And then we come to the meeting, they just mi--mix those cards together, from one to fifty, or wherever...

82 Then we had a time that the people just rallied if they couldn't get number one card, they didn't want to come. And if they didn't get somewhere within fifteen or twenty, where we'd reach in a night, they didn't want no card. So we had to mix the cards up. And then they would ask what number were we going to start with. So instead of that, we just let them get together, give the cards out, and select a number somewhere in that group. And then call and pray for as many as we can through the night. Now, that's--that's the way that we have found more successful in operating. And the people come to the platform.
The only good it does to come to the platform, is just to have theirself--just to be stand here, that it might... You don't have to come for that. For God can reveal right here now the secret of every heart in this building.

83 And I know this one thing: There's a great, great group of people here that's believes. There seems to be a pressure coming from everywhere. God can do all things. All things are possible to them that believe. Is that right? Yes, sir.
Now, He can--He can speak out there. But now look, if He has verified this to be the truth, do you believe it is the truth? It's the Spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ. Remember, if I never see you again, I've told you the truth. And now, God will heal, and will heal everybody here, if you'll just believe it.
That... Now, I've asked Him to do that tonight. And I--I believe God. I believe that He's going to do what I've asked Him to do. For I--I think what if that was my mother, father, brother, or my child, or whatever it was setting out there, or sick...

84 There was a little girl just looked this way, just then, a sweet little thing, and she's... Her little vibration's moved up. There's a... I... She's setting here a little black headed girl. Sweetheart, stand on your feet. I want to look at you just a minute. Look here. Yes, stand up. Look up this a way, honey.
You've been wanting that child to get in the prayer line, haven't you, sister? If I, by the Spirit of God, can tell you what's wrong with that child, will you accept me as God's servant? The child's got a growth in its throat. Is that right? It's been bothering it. It's something in its throat's been bo... Is that right, honey? Swallow, and put your hand on your throat. Jesus Christ heals you, now. God bless you, sweetheart. Is that true, mother? God knows all about all things.

85 Here sits a man setting before me here with a cane in his hand. Brother dear, do you believe me? Look this a way. You've been suffering with a heart trouble, haven't you. Lay that cane down and go on out of the building. You're healed, sir. You don't need it any more.
Do you all believe Jesus Christ? I want you to look this way and... It's... God knows all your hearts.
Here sets a lady, setting here with a red waist on. Look this a way, sister. Seem like you're in trouble. Your husband's setting there holding you, your loved one. Looky here. You're suffering. You've had some trouble recently, haven't you. You've been to a clinic or a hospital. Yes, you've had an operation, haven't you? It was at Mayo Brothers. Is that right? I can see the institution. It's happening between you and I. It's a gallbladder operation, if I'm not mistaken. Is that right? You're worrying about it, because you're weak. Stand on your feet. Jesus Christ makes you whole now. You're healed. Don't have no fear.

86 Everybody believe. That's right. Have faith in God. Believe with all your heart. Be sure He knows all things. Do you believe it?
Here is a poor old colored lady setting there with a black hat on. Stand on your feet. You was deaf, woman. You can hear now. Jesus Christ makes you whole. You was deaf. Is that right? Do you hear all right now? Can you hear me? Sure. You're healed. Jesus Christ makes you...
Why, He will heal everybody in the building right now. Do you believe it? Stand up a minute. Raise up your hands. Let's pray.
Up in the balcony. You there that has the cancer. You're well. Jesus Christ healed you.
You that's standing there that's been crippled. Stand up out of that chair. Jesus Christ makes you whole.
You, right here, that man there, there's a... Yes, sir, brother. Jesus Christ healed you right now. That's right. You come from that place.
Right there, setting right there in balcony. That girl standing right there. It's a cross-eyed. It's over. Look and see. Your eyes are straight.
Oh, He's here, friends. He's making whole this minute. Everyone, let's lift up our hands and our voices to give praise to the Lord Jesus.

87 Now, I rebuke every power of doubt, every demon spirit, that he will turn this audience loose at this moment In the Name of Jesus Christ.
You in the chairs, raise up. You that's sick, you're well.
Almighty God, I commit this to You and praise... Lord God of heaven and earth, send Thy power upon this waiting audience, making this what You promised. I now ask for a complete deliverance of every sick person in the building in the Name of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.
Accept it. Believe it. Right now, I feel the pressure that there's hundreds of people right now that's been healed. If I've told you the truth, I'm telling you the truth. Now, God has verified this...

Expectations (1950-08-10) (William M. Branham Sermons)

Expectations (1950-08-10) (William M. Branham Sermons) somebody


1 Thank you very much. Good evening. Happy to be out again tonight. [Gap in the audio.] I think that that's just their regular routine, for me singing that when I come to the platform each night. But it is a great privilege for me to be out here. Anyone who stands and ministers the Word of Life to people, it's a privilege that God has given them. And I'm very happy for this--for this part of it. And I trust that it'll be a great meeting.
Many peoples are being healed that doesn't know about it right now. [Gap in the audio.]... meeting, that many times come here, just praying for the sick. And under the anointing of the Spirit, you feel something that's whirling, things like that. And there it is. It--it's surety I feel...

2 It would... The person's faith is a pulling. Then when it lets up, it's over. And that's how sometimes, I can tell out into the audiences of how the people are--are healed. It's because that they... I feel It tugging and pulling, and just it's like someone pulling my... [Gap in the audio.]... and--and lets up... Sometimes I just want to turn around, because I've got my mind on something else. I'm watching--watching every move. And I just let it go, because I know the person will notice in a few days that something's happened to them. See? And a man was just testifying of some... [Gap in the audio.]

3 I met him in the hotel lobby; he said, "Brother Branham, I was just setting in the meeting," and said, "something just come all over me." He said, "I went home, and I said, 'Lord Jesus, what's the matter? What's happened to me?' And he'd been wearing a truss for thirty years." And he said that he laid down there a little bit and went to sleep again, and said he dreamed that he was at the meeting again. And said he seen the Lord walk through and point towards his truss. He woke up and took his truss off, and... There it was all gone.
A lady said as she was had been... She was at her home. She'd returned back from the meeting. And she'd had a stomach trouble that bothered her for a long time. She couldn't get in the prayer line. And said, she said, "... true, surely he'd know about the rest of it would be true." So said she just believed God. And she was...
It was about a day after she'd been at the meeting; she was washing her dishes. And said all of a sudden, something happened, and a real cool feeling went through her, and she begin to crying. And said she didn't know what had happened. And she run over and taken some sweet milk. And usually the sweet milk would... stomach so hot with fever, she'd vomit it right up. She drank a glass of sweet milk and really felt fine. Said she run over to tell her neighbor, and her neighbor was just on all fours, thanking God, that she'd just been healed too.
What it was, the Angel of God had seen her faith and was passing through the neighborhood, confirming His Word with signs and wonders. There they was. And those two women were just so happy, rejoicing. The other one had a female disorder. Said it struck her the same time.

4 See, when I speak of this One Who has come down from heaven, a gift sent from God, and I just declare Him here. I'm just His mouthpiece. I do nothing but what He says. And when I can get you to believe Him, He'll go anywhere wherever you are and confirm His--the Word of God. Now, that is true. And it is true. Many people, now, that...
Seems like when I speak anything else besides the Holy Spirit, I feel like something just kind of tightens down, that it just a little bit, that it might be a little bit misunderstood. So if you'll just let me, for a moment or two, tell you...

5 You see, when I speak of an Angel, I--I do not mean the worship of an Angel. Does everyone understand? I do not mean a wor... No, no, no. No, you don't worship an Angel; you worship God (See?), not an Angel, but the ministry of Angels... I believe that every one, that the Angels of God watch over us. And I believe that--that Jesus said, "Their Angels always behold the face of My Father which is in heaven." I...
Now, my people formerly were, behind me, were Catholic. And that might be just a... You might think it was a little bit of a Catholic idea, but it--it--it isn't. No. I believe...

6 Someone told me here not long ago, said, "Brother Branham," said, "now, why don't you give all the praise to the Holy Spirit and say that's the Holy Spirit?"
I said, "My brother, I must be truthful. [Gap in the audio.] Whether it's the Holy Spirit..." I said, "It--it--it's a gift sent from God. He never said He was the Holy Spirit, never told me Who He was. He said, 'I'm sent from the Presence of God.' And It does not feel like the Holy Spirit when It comes. The Holy Spirit makes me feel happy. But when That comes around, it--it isn't that feeling; it's a very sacred, august feeling like. And it's different, but It's sent from God."
He said, "Brother Branham, the ministry of Angels, that was back in the Old Testament, like Daniel, and so forth." But that's an error, friends. That--that--that--that is wrong. Now, he said, "Since the Holy Ghost come, the Holy Ghost leads the church."
That's the truth. The Holy Ghost leads the church. That is true. But there's ministering Spirits sent from God, special gifts, friends.

7 Now, let me just ask you this, and then you... We all know that--that John the Baptist was--was a Christian, or a holiness man (Don't you believe so?), a Holy Ghost man? He was born from his mother's womb full of the Holy Ghost. But it was an Angel that came down and announced his birth: Gabriel (Is that right?) before Zacharias. Mary... Gabriel came again.
Now, Angels come to people. But when Gabriel comes, it's something major. See? [Gap in the audio.]... Gabriel will announce the second coming, and sound the trump of God, the dead in Christ shall rise.

8 Now, notice this. Then you say, "Well, they were before the Holy Ghost came."
Well, after the day of Pentecost and they received the Holy Ghost... How many here believes Philip had the Holy Ghost? Let's see. Well now, who was it? The Holy Ghost told him to go to the desert Gaza, or was it the Angel of Lord that appeared to him? Not the Holy Ghost, the Angel of the Lord (Is that right?) appeared to him.
How many believes that Peter, Saint Peter had the Holy Ghost? Let's see your hands. Sure. You all believe. But when he was in prison, and they had a prayer meeting at John Mark's house, it was the Angel of the Lord that came into the prison. Is that right? He had the Holy Ghost.

9 How many believes Paul had the Holy Ghost? Well, after fourteen days where there's no moon, stars, or lights, he was down in the gallery, praying. And he came out and said, "Be of a good courage, for the Angel of the Lord, Whose servant I am, stood by me last night, and told me." Is that right? "The Angel of the Lord Whose servant..."
How many believes John the Revelator had the Holy Ghost? Sure he did. Well, the whole Book of Revelations was revealed to him by an Angel. And John fell down to worship the Angel. Is that right? He said, "See that you do it not." No true Angel would stand to be worshipped. That's right. Said, "... be worship, worship God; for I am of thy fellow servants, and the prophets, and those who's had the testimony of Jesus Christ." He was an Angel sent from God. John, or those apostles, or any of them, the Holy Spirit is in the church.

10 And the teachers here of the Scriptures will teach you these things. There's nine spiritual gifts in the church. They operate anywhere in the church.
For instance, if this tent here tonight concealed the entire body of Christ. The Holy Spirit leads the body of Christ. And in this body there's nine spiritual gifts. They are here in the body. Gifts of healing, gifts of prophecy, it might fall upon someone here tonight, this lady setting here, this man, or this man; and he may give a prophecy and it would be true. But it would never work on him maybe again. It might come back at the...
See, that doesn't make him a prophet. That makes... We're in the body. By one Spirit we're baptized in the body and subject to these gifts. And when the body's setting here... Remember what Paul said, "If something be revealed to one setting by, let him hold his peace and so forth," like that? That's the apostolic church. That's where it should be now. And in that...

11 And he might--and here might be one tonight with the prayer of faith, that would pray a prayer of faith that would heal someone. That gift of healing might be on them tonight. It might be upon this lady here tomorrow night, and upon this man over here the next night. It might come back to her. It's in the church--the body.
Now, those are the nine spiritual gifts that's in the body now. They work through the body. But then there is gifts and callings without repentance. That's an a vindicated prophet sent from God, from... You don't receive that. That's a gift sent from God, that's born in your birth, come down through, and been set you down through. And that... A prophet, not a gift of prophecy...
Who ever stood to judge Isaiah, to see whether his prophecy was right or not? They knowed from his time through that he was a prophet. Who stood to say to Jeremiah, when God told him He made him a prophet before he was born from his mother's womb. And all those who lived right, they knowed he was a prophet.
But this Spirit of prophecy that's in the church now. He said, "If one prophesies, let two or three judge. See? See if it's a wrong spirit got into the church. See, this is the--the day, the order. So the teachers will get those things, later on. But what I mean, if they haven't already got into that...

12 So with the church. It's time that the church needed some good old fashion apostolic teaching of God to--to get the thing lined up. The gifts and callings are in the church, but the people don't know how to control themselves (See?); they don't know to--to take ahold of God.
And now, I've asked the managers today in talking to them, I said, "Give me an opportunity in the--the advertisement in the "Voice of Healing," for ministers who would like... I'm not a teacher, but I do love God. And the times between my healing campaigns, let me come to individual churches and so forth, and teach and preach the Word, just like that, in the individual churches."

13 So I believe we're living in the last days, just in shadows of the coming the Lord. And I--I want to... I know I'll have to give an account for a lot. And I want to be able to say that day, "Lord, I've done the best I could." He said...
I want Him to say, "Well done." And I want to do all that I can to help the people.
Now, this is the beginning service. When I come to pray for the sick, I stay in my room, and I fast much; I pray much, and I seek the Lord, and It come down, then minister to the people. And He does the ministering...

14 [Gap in the audio.]... is what I mean. Then start the... Just let the prayer line run on and on and on. See? And... of a night, we start the prayer line right away. We'll start that right away so I can meet them face... [Gap in the audio.] to pray for them. See? Just be reverent.

15 Now, tonight, if I can have a few of minutes of the time just to read some of the Word, which I do not believe that any service is complete without first reading the Word, for It's the Word. That's what stands. That's the Foundation, the Word, the revelation, and visions. Now, the first is the Word. And if we read the Word of God, if nothing else happens... [Gap in the audio.] God will bless His Word. But my words will fail, like any other man's word will fail. But God's Word can't fail. It's impossible.
Now, listen closely while I read from the Scripture, and then speak to you just a few moments, then we'll form the prayer line, start praying for the sick. I see many of you along through the front here, especially, holding prayer cards. And I just trust that God will heal all of you tonight, every one.

16 Now, while the Lord... Up here on the platform, if He heals those on the platform, you out there in the audience, accept it just upon my... Accept it. Believe it with all your heart, and I'll just... He--He will make you well. Probably in the prayer line, you won't even think of having prayer cards, won't even get to come in the prayer line to be prayed for; you'll be healed there.
Now, in Luke the 2nd chapter and beginning with the 25th verse... And I'll try to start the prayer line just exactly at nine-thirty, if the Lord willing. And now, on... At least we give a hour to the service...
Now, everyone that has their Bibles... How many Bibles we have? Let's see your hands. Oh, that's just wonderful.

17 Now, I just love to carry my Bible. When I was a little boy... Maybe Sunday, or Sunday week, I want tell my life story, how that... They'd tell me I looked like a preacher. And I'd... on my face till I wanted to... I didn't want to look like no preacher, Bible under my arm. I thought that was a sissy. But I find out, friends, it's takes a real man. I wanted to be a man that was six foot tall and weighed a hundred and ninety pounds. I wanted to be a real man. But see, I couldn't... little.
But look, you can't judge men by the size of his statue. I've seen men that weighed two hundred pounds, didn't have a ounce of man... Man is judged by character... man... And then be a man after the heart, a man after God's heart, and God will bless you. Now, the 25th verse.
And, behold, there was a man in Jerusalem, whose name was Simeon; and the same man was just and devout, waiting for the consolation of Israel: and the Holy Ghost was upon him... (That's what type of a man he was.)
And it was revealed unto him by the Holy Ghost, that he should not see death, before he had seen the Lord's Christ.
And he came by the Spirit into the temple: and behold the parents brought the child Jesus, to do for him after the custom of the law,
Then took he him up in his arms, and blessed God, and said,
Lord, now lettest... thy servant depart in peace, according to thy word:
For my eyes have seen thy salvation.

18 Shall we bow our heads just for a moment of prayer, if you will. All right, everybody be real reverent and pray.
Our heavenly Father, we're approaching Your throne just now. The cares of the day is past. Sun has set behind the western horizon. Someday our mortal life will be set the last time. What we did today spiritually is before You now. Forgive us of all of our wrong. We've gathered here at this place, God, tonight in this tent to speak of Thy son, Jesus and the leading of the Holy Spirit, and the Angel of God, and the heavenly host. God, meet with us, will You?
Standing here in this city with unbelievers, and--and is black work. I expect it to rise and doubt, criticize. But we're so thankful for the Word. Down through the hours of...

19 Now, tonight it's been faithful little group that's gathered in here that come for no other purpose, but to know more about You. Some of them are very sick, Father. And I've tried with all my heart, with all that I know how, to speak to them concerning the gift of what You told Your poor unworthy servant to do. And I'm so thankful that in these past few nights, You have confirmed and testified that I have told that which is true. And I'm very thankful, Father. I trust that it's believed among all, Lord, giving Thee all praise and all the glory, for we know it comes only through You. We believe You, Father, tonight with all we can.
Oh, Satan would take my very life, but I'm depending on You. And I realize that I shall face demons after while, supernatural beings, who will come out in that poor old form of a dark cloud going against my very soul. Then, Father, if You don't cover me with Your Blood and protection, it quickly would come upon me, and I could have no more services, for I would be laying helpless. Oh, help Thou me, Lord. Help me to be sincere, for I realize that we're not wrestling against flesh and blood now, but spiritual powers. Which men who... the five senses could not understand how these things could be. But with You, all things are possible. And especially when it's in Thy Word which has come to pass. Protect us.
May the Angels of God... their post... May they stand in the aisles, and may the great, the Angel of God spread forth His great wings throughout this tent tonight. May He distill dew drops of Divine... and drop them on every soul. May there not be a feeble one in our midst when the service is over.
Hear the prayer of Your humble servant, my Father. As Thou hast sent me to do this, confirm Thy Word again tonight, Lord. May many believers be added here, for we ask it for Your glory, in the Name of Your beloved Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.

20 Just a few words upon "Expectations." Now, I want you to give me just very close attention, if you will. This is a little difficult. Standing here, already there's an anointing. And then trying to come over to speak on the Word, it's--it's a hard thing... now.
Expectations, usually, every one... Can you hear all the way around, everywhere, all right? Can you hear back, way back in the tent?... Well, that's fine. Down this way, all right? Can you hear down in there? Fine.
Now, you usually get what you're expecting. And if you come to the meeting tonight to criticize, or to make fun, or just to stir up... the devil will give you something to criticize, and he'll give you something to arouse your curiosity. You get just what you're expecting.
And if you come tonight expecting to see the Lord in His work, God will show you Himself, and will give you such peace. If you'll just come tonight expecting to be healed, you'll be healed. You get just what you expect.

21 Now, notice, this man that we're going to speak of, his name was Simeon. He was commonly believed among theologians, He was around eighty years old. He was an aged old man of faith, a noble teacher of Israel, with a wonderful reputation. And he lived in the days just before the coming of Jesus. And he was a devout man.
God has never left Hisself without a testimony. There's always been somebody somewhere that God could put His hand and say, "Here's My servant." He's always... It's gotten down to, sometimes, just about one left. But God has always had a witness. You believe that, don't you? Noah, and--and down many times through His prophets, and so forth... But He's never left Hisself without a earthly witness that He could work through, speak through, who would go out in the midst of criticism, and declare Him. That's right. And I'm thankful that He's got many, many hundreds of servants now He can work through just before the coming.

22 Last meeting our manager Brother Lindsay, he was reading me a letter of the Baptist preacher that ordained me in the Baptist church. And he... I told him about the vision the Lord had give me, and he made fun of that. He criticized it. When I told him about the Angel coming, he said, "What did you eat for supper today, Billy? Better run back over..."
I said, "Brother, I do not appreciate this. All right. If you don't want me, there'll be somebody who will receive it, for God has sent me, and I shall go."
He said, "Take it around the world then, Billy, you said you would." But I have. Amen. I never took it, but the Lord has sent it, and it's just... And he had a great letter that Brother Lindsay in his office, of this Baptist minister now apologizing greatly, writing to Brother Lindsay to put it in the paper that he apologizes. He said, "If I'd..." he'd have been more spiritual, he'd have understand more about the powers of God, and how visions and things is done.

23 It followed me since the days of my birth. I had nothing to do with It coming, none of my righteousness. My family was none of them Christians nor nothing. Yet I was just born at that time, and God ordained it. That's why I'm here tonight. Nothing in--in myself that I could say, even as Christians... to know.
For when my people become a... I remember the first one in my family was my mother... I baptized her myself, wade out in the river; and then my old grandfather, ninety-some-odd years old, and his arms hanging around my neck. And on down it went.

24 Now, Simeon was an old man, that'd believed in God's Word. Now, remember, he had a great reputation. Now, I know that I'm speaking tonight to ministers who has great reputations, peoples with Christian characters here. But the best reputation you ever had was being a Christian.
Now, Simeon was a great man. But now, the Holy Ghost came down and revealed to him, though he was old, that he was not going to die until first he'd seen the Lord's Christ. Now, it was a spiritual revelation by the Holy Spirit that he was not going to see death until he seen Christ. Now, remember, he was old. But he was... That's...
I imagine some of them said, "Well, that fellow's just a little off in his head. Why, he'd... We been looking for Je--for Christ to come for four thousand years."

25 Great men from Adam on down had looked for the woman's Seed to come and bruise the serpent's head. They'd looked for the Christ for four thousand years. That's right, people; you know that. But here, an old man, old in age, said, "I'm not going to die until I see the Christ, for the Holy Spirit told me so." Pretty good reason, isn't it? He believed what was told him. Do you? The Holy Spirit give him the revelation, "You're not going to die, Simeon, until you see the Lord's Christ."
And he said, "Amen. I believe it." Stayed right with it.
All right. Now, we haven't got two Holy Spirits; there's only one. And that same Holy Spirit that revealed that to Simeon is in the building tonight.
I love the Word. The Holy Spirit feeds on the Word of God. Christians should always read the Bible, for the Holy Spirit feeds... Its food is the Word of God. "Man shall not live by bread alone (Amen. There it is.), but by every Word that proceeds out of the mouth of God." That's what the Christian lives on, the Word. And the Holy Spirit loves the Word, and He's here tonight to receive the Word. And It's in you. And as the Word comes forth, then the Holy Spirit takes the Word of God and reveals It.
Simeon, he's an old man now. He believed. It was revealed by the Holy Spirit that he wasn't going to die until he'd seen the Lord's Christ.

26 [Gap in the audio.]... of Divine healing over the coals not long ago. And he said, "I believe Brother Branham called it out on the platform that had a cancer, that he'd be well." Said, "He had the man to go ahead and testify, and tell the people to testify of their healing before they were healed. Those out in the audience as long as they go ahead and testify, to believe God and testify..." Said, "Then he goes around and says those people were healed."
I said, "The only thing I could do, take... His Word and what God said."
He said, "That's the reason Divine healings isn't... There's no Divine healing."
Friends, that person just did not understand. There's no other way in the world to be healed, only through Divine healing [Gap in the audio.]... faith.

27 Look, Abraham believed God, and he testified concerning the things that was not, for he had God's Word. That was enough for Abraham. Twenty-five years later, the promise came to--come to pass.
And today we believe God, express His Word, say that it's done before it is done; because faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things you can't see, taste, feel, smell, or hear. See what I mean? All right. That's it. You expect it. And when you believe it in your heart, you say so.
Do not look to symptoms. If you look to symptoms, you're sure to be lost. Any man any time who looked to the natural things, always lost their victory.

28 Look, talk about your symptoms, what if Jonah in the belly of the whale would've looked at symptoms? First thing, he was backslid. And he was bound hands and feet. And he was throwed out of a ship in a stormy sea. A whale swallowed him. Always when a fish... [Gap in the audio.] the water was... [Gap in the audio.]... he goes down to the bottom...
Watch your goldfish lay his fins down on the bottom and rest after he... The seas approximately, many miles deep right off the peninsula there, very deep place for...
All right. Let's say it was five miles deep. And there was Jonah, backslid, running from God, hands down behind him, on a stormy sea, five miles deep in the sea, in a whale's belly. If he looked this a way, it was whale's belly; that way it was whale's belly, right up it was whale's belly. Everywhere he looked, it was a whale's belly. Talk about symptoms, he had a lot of symptoms around him. But he said, "They're lying vanities." He said, "Once more will I look towards Your holy temple, Lord."
He knew that when the temple was dedicated, that Solomon said a prayer, and said, "If Thy people be in trouble anywhere like that, and will look towards this holy temple and pray, then hear from heaven." And he believed that God heard Solomon's prayer.

29 If Jonah, backslid, the belly of a whale, five miles deep, whale's belly all around him, could look towards a natural earthly temple, through a prayer of an earthly man that had been prayed, and believed that God heard it, how much more ought you and I, as Christians, bound with diseases, look towards the heavens, where Christ sets at the right hand of God with His own Blood making... intercessions now for anything.
Symptoms, they're lying vanities. Don't receive them. Don't have nothing to do with them.
If you look to them, you're looking away from God. We look at the unseen, not at what we see. No one could look at what they see and be a Christian. You've got to believe the things that's unseen, for it's by faith are you healed, not by sight or by feeling.

30 What if someone came up in the morning to your door, express agent, and throwed a whole basketful of rattlesnakes, and had your name on them. Said, "Here they are; they're yours."
You know they're there, just like you know your symptoms is there. If you receive them, they're yours. But you don't have to take them. You can say, "I don't want them."
Say, "Your name's on them."
Say, "I don't want them. I won't have them."
He can stand there and argue as much as he wants to. But until you take them and sign for them, they belong to the express company until you sign for them. Don't sign for nothing the devil brings. You say, "There it is, though I refuse to have it." That's right. "Take it back." Have nothing to do with it."
If you won't testify that you've got it... When you testify you still have your sickness, the devil keeps it with you. But refuse to testify of it. Say, "I won't have it. No, sir."

31 Oh, my. That's when you're getting faith. Give your faith a chance. Turn it loose; unbridle it; let it work. You've got it all bound down with traditions. Turn it loose; cut it loose. Let God have His way with you. Somebody's word's right, either what you're looking at or what God says. God's Word is true. Believe It. All right.
But the first time you testify of your sickness, it brings you right down to that realm again. You signed for it. Refuse to sign for it. Testify of what you believe.

32 When I had stomach trouble, so bad till even the doctors said there's not... you. That was Mayo's too. I accepted Him upon this Scripture. He's the High Priest of my confession. I said, "I refuse to testify any more, nothing but what God says. I believe His Word."
Jesus died to heal us. Every one of you is healed. Every one of you is healed right now. Jesus has already healed you; you just have to confess it and believe it. That's right. By His stripes you were (past tense) healed. That's when He did it at Calvary. That's when He overcome all sickness and sin and all, at Calvary, for you. Just like a table set, it's there. Only thing you have to do is go eat. You have to accept it, believe it in your heart, and confess it. And He's the High Priest of your confession.

33 When I started to eat and swallowed the first mouthful... The doctor said, "One mouthful, if he eats, will be indigestion. Boy you'd die right now."
And I eat beans, and corn bread, and onions. Yes, sir. I took and I asked the blessing over it, and got it in my mouth, and chewed it up, and swallowed it.
Devil said, "You'll die." And here it come right back up.
I held my hand over my mouth, swallowed it back again. I said, "No, sir. Huh-uh. I refuse. No, sir." Somebody's right; either what my system said, or what God said. I'm looking to what He said.

34 I went out on the street, and the hot water running down my mouth soon as I... I was singing. I--I can, I will, I do believe that Jesus heals me now.
Someone said, "How you feeling?"
I said, "Wonderful."
"You healed?"
"How you feeling?"
"Anything wrong?"
"Nothing." And go... [Brother Branham illustrates.]... go back it again.
"How you feeling?"
"Are you healed?"
I stayed right with it day after day and week after week, and I was healed one morning. I believed Him. I took Him at His Word. Nobody ever cast it away from me, but the Word said so.
And the Word of God will defeat Satan any place, any time, anywhere, and on any condition. That's right. That's what it is; it's God's Word. "Heavens and earth will pass away, but My Word shall never fail." Believe It.

35 Gifts are added to stimulate faith. But faith cometh by hearing, hearing by the Word. That's where faith comes, by hearing the Word of salvation. It's just like this. Jesus... But God said, "Come unto Me, all--all the ends of the earth, and drink."
A little tree, when it's planted in the earth, a little apple tree about that big, it's stuck right out in the ground. Every apple that'll ever be on that tree, every blossom, every leaf, every limb that'll ever be on that tree is in it right then. If it isn't, where does it come from? Now, the tree is put in the ground, and the only thing the tree does, is drink. It just drinks and drinks until it swells out, and swells out, until it pushes out limbs, blossoms, apples.
And Christ is the inexhaustible Fountain of Life. We are planted in Him by the Holy Spirit, and then just drink from Him. Every person that's a Christian... The devil don't care how much you come to Christ, as long as you don't drink. You can stand at the table and your mouth watering and say, "Well, I'm here. I'm here." You're afraid to turn your faith loose. See?

36 I love guns. A man in the last meeting at Minneapolis... The brother knowed my weakness: I love to hunt. And he gave me a rifle. And oh, how I love it, of hunting, and rifles and fishing. So he said... "I've got the rifle setting at home just to go hunting. If I never use it, it'll never do me no good."
And when you receive the Holy Spirit, everything that you have need of for earth's journey's in you then. Turn it loose and let it go to work. See? Let your faith loose and believe God.

37 Now, Simeon had a promise of the Holy Spirit that he wasn't going to die until he seen the Lord's Christ. And he wasn't afraid to testify of it either. Some of them said, "Show him to me."
"But He will be here. The Holy Spirit told me so." How marvelous. Don't you love that? He went around telling people, "Yes, I'm not going to die until I've seen Him."
"Why, Simeon, I'd quit saying that, because you're a great man among the people. 'Cause the seminary teaching..."
But I will tell you, brother, the seminary, or cemetery, or whatever you call it, it's all about the same. So nothing against it all right. But a seminary minister always reminds me of a incubator chicken: just chirp, chirp, and ain't got no mammy to go to. So that's--that's...
When you're borned again, brother. It don't make no difference about a seminary experience; you got a Father Who will watch over you and not scared to take God. No matter what the people says; it's what God says to be the truth. Somebody's right and wrong. Not what you was brought out from the hatchery, but what God said about it; that's right.

38 Now, notice, Simeon didn't care. He said, "Oh, the Holy Spirit told me so."
I want you to notice. Now, they didn't have a press in those days, and they didn't have the radio and televisions that we have today. So the only way they could send messages was write a letter, or from mouth to ear.
Back over on the hills of Judaea one night, the Angels came down and sang to some shepherds, said, "Go down in Judaea to Bethlehem, for down there is born Christ the Lord." Some wise men, astrologers, came from over in another part of the country, came over to visit. Magis came to visit the Christ, for they seen the sign from heaven that He was coming, the morning Star.
Well, one morning it came to pass within the temple... (Closely now, we'll start the prayer line.) Notice, one morning in the temple... Let's imagine it's on Monday morning; they're all busy around the temple, and Simeon's out in the prayer room, praying. Mothers all came up to the temple.

39 There was many believing people in Jerusalem in them days, and they come to the offer purifications, and circumcision of the child after eight days. And oh, let's say there were fifty mothers standing lined up that morning, ready for circumcision and offering up their... Some mothers standing out there, two lambs, or lamb, whatever it was. That was a rich child that brought the lambs. But a poor child had to offer turtledoves or pigeons.
Look all down through there, and way down the line, notice, I can see a little bashful mother standing with a baby wrapped in swaddling's cloth, holding two little turtledoves, was a... And He--He was poor. I'm glad God loves the poor people. I see her turn, looking at her Baby and smile. He don't even look towards this lady...

40 And all of a sudden, through all of that mass of people, the Holy Spirit spoke out there to Simeon. He--here He come, just... Faith moved him into the temple, coming right down through the people, walked right down that line, and stopped just where that mother was, picked up that baby in his arms, and said, "Lord, let Thy servant depart in peace according to Your Word, for my eyes have seen Your Salvation."
Why? He had the promise of the Holy Spirit. That's why the Holy Spirit led him. For the Holy Spirit had promised it, and here was the promise here. See? So if the Holy Spirit promised he would see Him... Now, the baby's going right down the line. He knew he'd come right out, led by the Holy Spirit.

41 And the same time, there was an old woman there, claimed to be blind, Ann, a prophetess. Maybe she's way over in a corner, setting in a chair. All at once the Holy Spirit moved on her. And here she come weaving through the people, moving around through them people, blind; came to where He was at, and then prophesied.
What was it? The Holy Spirit leading on those people who had the promise.
How many of you tonight believes in Divine healing? Listen, friends, isn't it strange? You believe Divine healing, and God can heal you, don't you? Isn't it strange the Holy Spirit's moving, just at the right time, right before the... Don't you believe it's sincere? It's the Holy Spirit that's... It takes--brings you right up to the right place now. You can be healed right now. You're at the right place, the right time. The same Holy Spirit that led Simeon has led you here tonight. Are... You believing you have the promise of the Holy Spirit, you're going to be healed? You believe that? Isn't it strange you're right here tonight. The same Holy Ghost that led Simeon has led you just at the right place, a healing meeting... [Gap in the audio.]

42 And now, if you believe... As sure as... How many believes in Divine healing? You know the very reason you... Before you can believe... [Gap in the audio.]... [ Double recording, not intelligible.]... the rubber off of a bicycle... The doctor found a... got a little rubber erasers... There's something calling for sulfur. Brother...
See what I mean? Or it wouldn't any call in here. See? So when it calls for something... If there was a desire in your heart to be healed by Divine healing, there's a fountain somewhere. Hallelujah.
I know you think I'm a holy-roller, so go ahead and think it. I don't care. Hallelujah. If there's a desire in your heart calling for God, there's bound to be somewhere; The deep calls to the deep. But it'll respond somewhere. There has to be a... that creates in you heart, for He'd... a Creator to create it.
And if there's a... If there's a creation in here calling for sulfur, there's got to be sulfur somewhere, 'cause I'm in need. And it's the hunger and thirst of more of God... shackles... denominations and so forth... begin to cry out for the Holy Spirit." God alone... God is calling. The deep calling to the deep... There had to be something happen. The stones will immediately cry out. And now you... in healing, God will... and send it out. The deep calling to the deep... And if you come tonight expecting, God will heal you. You're bound to receive it. Oh, my. It's got to. You have to receive it.

43 Not long ago at Fort Wayne meeting... We had a great service there. Thousands were attending. There a man with multiple sclerosis, lay ten years bound on the bed, his spine damaged. They moved... the meeting. The last night, I just passing by in... trying to get him in to where I was. He laid on the platform. People walked over him. Finally they got him there. I said... tell the story and I looked over, I said, "Sir, can you see it?" My, the deep calling for the deep... I moved down; I said, "You believe me?"
Said, "Sir, lay your hands upon me; that's all I desire."
I laid my hands upon him. There... this man... Immediately life came into his body, his crutches... Down through the building he went... It even caused the king of England to send for me to come pray for him. I got the letters of it now. King George of England, where we just came from... There... went and told him what had taken place, and what it done. "Brother Branham he sent and he prayed a prayer..."

44 Now, many great things is going on. Just a little inside life. Many times, I don't tell people this. But down on the inside, where things goes on... Brought the man to speak... Here not long ago, I was in... many places over there in Sweden. We set down at the table. Many things the Lord shows. I said to my Brother Baxter, which is standing present now; he was with me... And I said, "Brother Baxter, when we raise up from here and start out," I said...
He said, "Where?"
And I said, "It'll... me and remember what I said."
We'd been gone about a half hour from there... two women up there... Brother, standing there, and the brothers stand down on the street. And I said, "You know, as we pass a corner here, there'll be a man with a white hat on, step out. He will want me to come and pray for wife... just right." And we'd gone about two or three squares and turned, and here come the man walking down the steps.
Those things have showed. That's just inside, the world knows nothing of.

45 In Fort Wayne, they found out what hotel we was in. And oh, my, you couldn't even get... Well, they just lined the lobbies full, and everything. I couldn't get out of the building. And the bellboy taken us down through to get breakfast, and was taking us over a big ash heap, and down the alley, down in the basement. And I was going down to a little place called, I believe it's called "Toddle House," or something like that. And I was eating.
One morning we was going down, a couple mornings after that, I had my coat up like this. Not as if I didn't want to meet the dear people, but it's such a pull. I was just about gone. And I was going down the street, Mrs. Margie Morgan, nurse I was speaking of, she usually goes to many a meeting to help--help keep the patients lined up.

46 And then I was going along through there, and I was walking down towards Toddle House. And the Holy Spirit said to me, "Turn to your left."... the Lord.
I said, "Let's go this a way."
Said, "Here's the place."
I said, "Let's go this way though. The Angel of the Lord tells me to go here." We walked on down the street a little piece. There was a--a place up there, said, "Miller's Cafeteria." Something said, "Go in here." They that are led by the Spirit of God... You know what I'm speaking of, a leading.
And I went in. My wife was with me; we had our little girl. And I set down at the table. I had some prunes, and a--a cup of--of orange juice, or something. I set down and just asked the blessing. When I raised up, I heard somebody say, "Praise God."
I looked over the side. Mrs. Morgan said, "Now, I told you if you went there." Said, "They didn't know where you was going to be at..."
I said, "Sister Margie, this is the Spirit of the Lord. He never sends me falsely."
And my wife said to her, said, "... Spirit..."

47 She walked over there, she said, "Brother Branham?"
I said, "Yes." She started crying. I took her by the hand, and I said, "I know that you want me for something."
She said, "Here's my brother." Said, "Brother Branham, we've sold our possessions. We had cows. We had a little place, and we sold it. And we followed for about six or seven meetings." Said, "My brother's in such a place, his heart's... diaphragm," said, "come out." Said, "It's getting worse, and worse, and worse." Said she spent everything... much money... Said, "We chase from meeting to meeting, trying to get in. We got prayer cards, and got almost to the line, then to be turned down. And... missed his spot, and we couldn't understand it." Said, "He just fought right on, held on." Said, "All our money's gone." Said, "We have just about three dollars left." Said, "Last night, I prayed all night long." Said, "We've been fasting so our money would hold us out to the end of the meeting." And said, "We just paid our hotel room." And said, "This morning about four o'clock," said, "the Lord woke me up in a dream and said, 'Go down to Miller's Cafeteria at nine o'clock and be standing there.'"
Oh, God. I looked at my watch; it was just exactly nine. Oh, my, the Spirit of the Lord upon me. I laid my hands upon the brother; his heart straightened out like that. The people begin screaming. I slipped out, and went on out like that. And went outside the building while they were rejoicing.

48 Just as I went out the door, there was a lady from Chicago, dressed, real fine young lady, fell on the street. "Oh, Jesus, thank You."
And I said, "Stand up, sister." She crumbled and got me by the side of the coat, and I took her up by the hand; I said, "What's the matter?"
She said, "Oh, Brother Branham, I've been dying," said, "with cancer," she said, "in such a horrible fix." And said, "I just couldn't go on. I know I can't live but a few days." Said, "Mayo's has turned me down and everything." Great big malignant, like that said, "Can't be done." Said, "When my clothes are so tight." Said, "I just couldn't go any farther." And said, "I prayed, and the Lord told me this morning in a dream, to be here at Miller's Cafeteria on the outside at ten minutes after nine." There they was. Oh, my.
We went on down the street. We started walking on down. Why, in a moment, her clothes was loose on her where the Holy Spirit healed her.

49 We went right on down the street. I was going to start across the street, and Something said, "Don't cross the street." We was going over to a drug store to get a little coloring book for the baby, had to keep it in the room all day. I said to the wife; I said, "You all go ahead, and go right through the alley. And have a brothers stand out there. I'll be down in a few minutes." And so I--I said, "He tells me to wait here."
And I stood there for about twenty minutes. I seen my wife get the book and things and go on. So I waited there just a little bit. And there's a... standing there looking. I went back to where some fishing tackle, you know, and I got back in the corner, I said, "O heavenly Father, what would You have Your servant do?" Stood there, I waited just a little bit.
You can't just imagine it; you got to actually... It's a Voice just the same as yours and mine. It said, "Go down to the corner." I went down to the corner...

50 I went down to the corner and stood there, just crossed over, went over to the other side, stood there about ten minutes. The cop kept blowing his whistle, and the traffic--pedestrians had passed by, and so forth. I stood there.
And after while, there was a... I seen a woman coming behind all the rest of the traffic. She had on a little checkered dress, and one of them little Canadian tams like. And she had her pocket book on her arms, and was looking sideways. And the Spirit said, "Go near to her."
I went over there and stood by her, like that. Stood where she'd pass, and she passed right by, looking the other way, went on by. I thought, "O God, I never seen it in my life. I know that something... I--I know that was Your voice."
And just then, she turned and looked backwards. She got twenty, thirty feet away from me, said, "Hello, Brother Branham." And she run right back. She went, "Oh..." begin to crying.
I said, "What's the matter, sister?"
She said, "Brother Branham, I'm from Canada." Said, "I followed you all through Canada." She said, "Two nights, I've slept in the hotel lobby." She said, "Someone gave me a nickel yesterday to do something for them." And said, "I got a cup of coffee. And I was on my road out, about two squares below here, to hitchhike back to Canada." Said, "I couldn't..." They can't have, just so much money when they come over here. And said, "If I go back to Canada, I'll have one five cents for coffee." And said, "Alone there was crying, going along." Said, "Lord, I'll always be like this." Said, "Yes, and the Holy Spirit said, 'Turn to your right.'..." Said, "Now, cross the street. [Gap in the audio.]... didn't know where I was going."
And I said, "That's your trouble?"
She said, "My hand, Brother Branham."
I said, "In the Name of the Lord Jesus, stretch forth your hand." And there it come out like that.

51 Big cop standing in the street, said, "I know you, Brother Branham." [Gap in the audio.]... little old prayer line was right... old fashion blessing... there. God alone let her see it... [Double recording, and not intelligible.]... I just [Gap in the audio.] it... the glory to... And then I'll start the prayer line. [Gap in the audio.] It's time right now.
Excuse me for just a moment or two longer if you will.

52 The plane was forced down. This is the inside life that I don't tell everyone all the time. So it... I was forced down. I was supposed to be home. The wife said... I was supposed to be back, we was going over to Texas, been to Texas, coming back. And I stayed there. A storm forced us down. So I stayed all night, and the next morning they told me to be at the--down at the hanger, told me to be there at nine o'clock, down at the ramp.
So I had to... So I got out. And I had some mail I had to send back. And I thought, "Well, how far am I from the post office... town."... just about two squares, right... "I'll go mail it."
It was a beautiful morning; the sun was out, springtime, and I was going down the street, singing. Had a little song the Pentecostal would sing. What is it?
... people almost everywhere,
Whose hearts is all aflame
With the fire that fell on Pentecost,
And we're telling now far and wide,
His power is just the same...
Something like that, you know.

53 I was going down the street, singing that just to, oh, my, to myself, you know, having a glorious time. I'd been... Jehovah God how great You are, how marvelous, how marvelous. And--and the birds was singing in the trees... Hallelujah. It's wonderful, isn't it wonderful? Going along like that.
And I started to cross the street, and I heard the Angel of God speak just clearly as you hear me; He said, "Stop here." I waited a little bit. I waited a few moments, and I started to cross the street. Looked like I just couldn't do it. I moved back up in a corner, and I said, "O Father, what is it You would have me to do?"
I was nervous and in a hurry (See?), ' cause I thought had to make the plane. I said... I was nervous and in a hurry. And I said, "Oh, what--what would have me do?" He lets me stay there... I got quiet a few moments. I heard His voice say, "Turn and go back."

54 Where I don't know. I never question. I just turned and started going back. Went down the street, passed by the hotel, went on down, on down, on down. I was going along humming,
Only believe, only believe,
All things are possible, only believe;
Went right on down in the city, went down there towards north Memphis, where that little colored huts are down there, a little old clapboard places. I was going; I thought, "What am I doing down here? He said, 'Go back,' and here's where I'm going." I just went on. Went on there, I walked up along side of the hill, and went down to the little place, and went down towards to the river...
And I happened to pass by... There was a very typical old aunt Jemima, hanging right over the fence, like this. [Gap in the audio.]... man's shirt tied around her head. And she was looking.

55 Just a beautiful morning, the sun up high upon... fragrance of roses. Oh, my, the flowers blooming like spring.
She was hanging out over the fence, like this. She just looked at me; tears was streaking down her cheeks. She said, "Good morning, parson." Parson, that's what they call ministers... Said, "Good morning, parson."
I looked up, and I said, "Good morning, auntie." And I said, "How'd you know I was a parson?"
And she said, "I prayed my prayers for you."
I said, "Yes, ma'am."
She said, "Parson, did you ever hear about that woman, that Shunammite in the Bible?" Said, "The Lord give her a child when she was past the age of bearing?"
I said, "Yes, ma'am. I've read that many times."
She said, "I's is one of them kind of women too." Said, "The Lord give me a child, and I promised the Lord I'd raise him a Christian..." Said, "Parson, he took the road that's wrong..." And said, "Here he lays in here now, dying with venereal disease, syphilitic. The doctors had give him up. They'd give him... everything that could be done. [Gap in the audio.] And said, "The doctor was here last night, and said--said, 'He won't live till morning.'" [Gap in the audio.]
"... been like that?"
She said, "I got up at day and I said, "But Lord where is Your Elijah." She said, "And I begin to pray." And said, "I prayed and prayed." And said, "This morning while I was praying, I fell asleep." Said, "I dreamed that I'd be standing here the next morning." Said, "Then I heard you coming, singing that song, I said, 'Lord I thank you.'" See, see? They that are sons and daughters of God are led by the... She was expecting.

56 She said, "I was expecting you along. When I seen you coming the Holy Spirit said, 'There he is.'" I said, 'Oh, I...'"
I said, "Auntie, my name is Branham. Did you ever hear of me?"
She said, "No, sir. I never heard of you, Parson Branham."
I said, "Well, auntie," I said, "the Lord has sent me forth to pray for the sick. I got down and... campaigns. And I said, "Auntie, this morning I was going to the post office, and the Holy Spirit told come this way..."
And she said, "Come in, parson." Opened up the gate. I walked in and looked in there, there was a great big fine looking colored boy laying there, had that blanket... him, going, "Umm, umm."... told me to do...
Said, "Oh, my." And she said, "Parson Branham, praise the Lord..." ... pray with all my heart for him. I said, "I believe the Lord... now." So we knelt down, started praying. I said, "You pray."
And wanted to see how she prayed. And oh, you talk about a prayer; you ought to have heard that old saint call out to God. Said, "I cried like a baby." I said, "Mother..." And I stood crying as she said, "Lord, surely, You haven't... Hear me, Lord." Said, "Here is Parson Branham standing here this morning... Holy Spirit, He told me to go stand at the gate. Lord, here he is... my Father." She'd been crying like that.
When she raised up, and he was going, "Umm." And she took her apron and wrapped--wiped the tears out of her eyes. She said, "Honey child, don't you know mammy..."
I said... No matter how old he was, he was still mama's baby. A mother will never forget, a real mother. She patted him like that on the cheek.
Said, "Umm. Is that your voice, mammy? Umm, said, "... it gets dark. See, I'm cold, mammy, so cold. I don't know where I'm going, mammy. Umm, mammy, mammy. Pray for me. Pray for me. (Like that.) Umm." He started going out again like that.
She said, "Won't you pray, Parson Branham?"

57 I knelt down, put my hands on his cold feet. I said, "O God, it's all... I don't understand, but You sent me down here."
About that time, no more than said that. He said, "Oh, mammy." He said, "It's getting light in here." In a few minutes he was setting on the side of the bed.
About a month from there I heard from him. The doctors pronounced him well. He got--got back to God, and he was living perfectly well. Why? That old mammy was expecting God to come on the scene. She prayed, and she believed.
The same Holy Spirit that led her out there, the same Holy Spirit that led me down there, the same Holy Spirit that led Simeon in the temple has led you here tonight. Be expecting to be healed. Now's the time to receive it and to let God heal you now, or to give you whatever you have need of. Don't you believe that? He's the same yesterday, today, and forever.

58 God bless you while we pray. Our heavenly Father, our hearts yearn tonight when we think of the great experiences that Thou has given to us. Someday when life is over, and we meet those dear beloved people who have been such great faith warriors, trusted and believed You, O God, may You set us down around the throne of God where all the evergreen trees, where the sea of life is flowing, there, set down and talk together, year after years while eternity rolls on... See all those who've been fried in furnaces of fire, throwed into lion's dens, Paul and Silas in the Philippian jail; those who led by the Spirit down through the ages, even this last closing age, when the great robe of the church has been throwed around us... O Father, how we thank Thee.
Speak to every heart here tonight. And may there be no feeble among us. May there be gallant patriotic faith to stand forth upon God's promise, which is infallible. It has to come to pass. You promised Abraham; he believed it. You are leading us today by Your Spirit.

59 Going into the service now, ask You, Father, to be with us and bless every one. Help as I pray for the sick. May ever who's out there check the vision. Look up, get the promise just now. Say, "Father, I now believe You. I have the promise. I'm here under Your anointing."
The Holy Spirit's falling down like tongues of fire, setting upon each heart burning with Christian faith, who believes it. Bless us now, Father.
May the Angel that has sent forth through Thy servant stand by me tonight meet these diseases, till every demon spirit will scream, Lord. May the power be predominate for driving out of every sick person that's in this building, out of these afflicted people who's setting here in these chairs, bound, shaking, stroke, paralyzed, palsy, whatever it is, cancer ridden... And O Christ, hear Your servant's prayer. Grant it, Father.
Bless us tonight as Your gathered children, gather us with great faith just before the great tribulation and the coming of the Son of God, for we ask it in His Name. Amen.
[A brother calls the prayer line. Blank.spot.on.tape.]
... lead me on, to the light;
Precious Lord, take my hand, lead me home.
When this way growing drear,
Precious Lord linger near,
When my life is almost gone;
At the river I'll stand,
Guide my feet, hold my hand;
Precious Lord, take my hand, lead me home.
While they're lining up, you who are on cots, just hold your card. The ushers will get you.

60 Look, I'm thinking of Israel standing over in the wilderness, looking over the stormy Jordan to the promised land, weary. Look here, saints; God had give them a promise that they should inherit the land. Is that right? They've come a long ways down through the wilderness. But to a...

61 [Gap in the audio.]... then at last after bank. There was a stormy rough Jordan in the month of April, coming down out of the hills of Judaea to a flood. But just beyond there laid the promised land. That's where you sick people are standing tonight. Faith... Joshua looked all around and seen the Israelites numbered in the millions. There was no architect, bridge builders in them days among them, no material to build with. Joshua looked around.
But in the midst of them there was a go-between, something that would make the way, the ark of the covenant. Joshua put the ark first with the priests and started towards Jordan, to give away when they touched Jordan, and they passed over to the promised land. Why? They had the promise.

62 Tonight, friends, we have wearies and trials, and the last river we come to is going to be Jordan. Is that right? I think someday our little home there, don't get to stay in it much. My wife's almost a stranger to me. My baby one time when I was coming in, didn't even know me, was scared of me. I'd changed. I lost my hair and everything else, and my shoulders was stooped. Wasn't her daddy. I thought, "O God, but I'm on the battlefield."
Some of these days, I'm--these mornings, I'm coming down to where she's a floating muddy. That's right. I'm going to raise both hands and scream to the top of my voice, "Give away, Jordan. I'm going to cross over." Amen. And we're going over, for we have the promise: "In My Father's house is many mansions. If it wasn't so, I would've told you. I'm going to prepare a place for you, and come again to receive you unto Myself." Some of these mornings, we're going to cross over, aren't we?

63 Now, while you're here tonight, and in need, let's cross over now into the promises of God's promise of your healing. Is there a promise? "Whatsoever things you desire, when you pray, believe you receive them, and ye shall have them." Is that right? Saint Mark 11:24. Jesus Christ speaking then. His Words cannot fail.
Someone said, "Brother Branham, aren't you afraid that you'll make a mistake sometime?"
No, no. He promised me. I believe Him. I can make a mistake, but He can't. His Words can't fail.
Let's pray again. Now, you softly play this, "Abide With Me," will you, sister? Just chord us a little note.

64 Now, friends, just look this way. God is not dead. The Spirit of the Lord that I've been speaking of... tomorrow night we speak on what it is. Right here on my right side, not on the... That is true. I can feel It coming near to me. I'm not a hypocrite. God's Spirit's always near. But you can just... I'll... Someday, God will maybe let you know what I mean... begins to settle down. This flesh begins to feel strange. With His Spirit around, it's just milky like, just kind of a strange feeling, like a real reverence, awe.
Let's just be reverent, every one. Let your spirit loose. Now, believe with all your hearts; you'll feel the effect. Friends, God knows that I'm telling the truth. He's here.
Now, Father, will You just bless us tonight. They're forming this prayer line here, Lord. Many of those who's coming that's needy, will You bless them tonight with Your Presence, for we ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen.

65 Are you the patient? Howard?... May you come right up close... Are you the one? [Gap in the audio.]
[A brother comments.] She wants to come... vibrate over my hand. Maybe just to--just to wait just a moment...
And everybody, just be reverent and in prayer. Just think of the Lord and His goodness. Do you believe that, all of you, with all of your heart?
Now, this doesn't heal the people, but it does find out. It--it doesn't move on my hand at all. [A brother commentates.] [ Blank.spot.on.tape.] Just a moment... Now, you believe, sister, with all of your heart? [Gap in the audio.]... you mother with this little baby now. I want you to be well tonight. [Gap in the audio.]... just speaks through you like that. But when He heals you like that... [Gap in the audio; the record skips grooves, making it difficult to understand, there's much static.]...
Thy humble servant, Lord. Help us, Thou Jesus. Lord, many You come tonight, heal... Hear the prayer of Your humble servant, Father... them in the Name of Thy Son Jesus. [Gap in the audio.]...

66 Look this way. Are you... back trouble... is discerned. That's why it wasn't... We want to thank Thee, heavenly Father, for Thy mercy and Thy goodness. And now, dear God, while we are praying and asking, I ask You to heal our beloved... Grant it, Lord. May this demon power that's bound her back, leave her immediately, Lord... You laid Your holy hands upon her. Doctors has said this... arthritis, but the devil has bound her... upon the Sabbath? And Father, we ask You now in Jesus' Name, through the power of the Holy Spirit, through the merits of Christ at the cross. Come out from the woman, thou spirit of the... All right. Is it all right? [Gap in the audio, and words are not intelligible.]
Everybody be reverent. Pray. Have faith in God. God will grant it. All right... in you will, brother. [A brother makes a comment.]

67 Howdy do, sister. You believe with all your heart? [A brother makes a comment.] Watch this now. [There is much static making it difficult to understand.]...
Now, these things... All right. I want you to watch. Now, look here. The Bible says in the mouth of two or three witnesses... Now, you have... Some of them are... now... Now, that's a Presence of some supernatural Being... your life... Yes, ma'am. Now, I put my hand on it... Now, here's... I don't know... Something supernatural happened as you can see here. Is that right? You received the physical results of the supernatural action. Is that right?... Now, the sickness leaves the person, and it's gone now. I want you to look... now... Now, I'll hold my hand just as still as I can. You believe... in this, audience. Now, the things that I've said would be... have be the truth. Is that right? If it is, just raise up your hand... Everything... all you people?... There they are. See?

68 Now, I want you to watch. If that doesn't leave, well, sister dear, you'll go off the platform the same way you come on. If it does leave... show visibly here. If you noticed, may... that I don't know just what all she's done around... come in crippled and blind, and so forth, being healed. You can see what happens to them. But you have to accept it, just what I'm telling you to do. And here's what the Angel told me. "If you get the people to believe you, and be sincere when you pray, nothing shall stand before your prayer."
Now, I said, "They will not believe."
He said, "You'll be given two signs... by this will believe you." Is that right? Now, you know that this... First thing, it's caused from a fever. Is that right? No one knows but you and God. And them things telling... Is that right? Now, if that leaves, then there... I see something... my hand now. See that little old... there? While I was talking to you, something's happened to you... That is just a nerves... [The words are not intelligible.]...

69 Here's a woman who's had a hard time down through life, troubles with... [The words are not intelligible]...
And now, Father, I put my hands... I pray, God, that You'll heal... make this demon come out that's bound our sister... Come out of the woman.
Now, before I raise my head... [The words are not intelligible.]
Satan, leave the woman... Now, just a moment. [The words are not intelligible.] Have mercy upon our sister. She's crying, Lord... She wants to lay her affliction aside... Father, God... heart... [Gap in the audio.]
Now, before I raise my head or look to my hand, holding it in the same position, that hand has turned normal, hasn't it? Now, you can raise your head, audience. Now, 'fore I raise my head or look, sister... [Gap in the audio.]

70 [A brother comments.]... Is that right? You have a stomach trouble too. Is that right? You believe that Jesus Christ... Have I told you the... You're ready to serve Him now with all your heart?
Shall we bow our heads. Our heavenly Father... [Gap in the audio.]
May he push back... Knowing this stomach trouble bothers him and this demon is now vibrating against my hand, for he knows that his hour has come to depart from...
Thou demon, come out him. In the Name of Jesus Christ, leave the man.
All right, you can raise your head, audience.
All right, brother, you believe with all your heart now? All right, go home and you eat what you want to. That getting up and things is over now. You just go on home...

71 [A brother comments.]... you love the Lord? You do... How hard... Here's what you're worried about... and you think much is wrong about... Your main thing is your nerves. That's what's bothering you; you're nervous... Sometimes you think... You've had a lot of ups-and-downs in life, haven't you? That is right. You've had operations and things, and so forth. Is that right? Now, Jesus is here to heal. Do you believe in the Lord? All right, will you bow your head. [Gap in the audio.]
Truth... Thou choking spirit, leave her in the Name of Jesus, the Son of God. Come out from...
All right, you may look, friends. The goiter has left her throat. She's give her life to Christ, and she's going to be His servant the rest of her days... God bless you, lady.

72 All right, come. How do you do? [A brother comments.] That's what's caused most of your troubles: nervous... comes on you... in the evening, don't it? Will you promise God, with all of your heart, that you'll serve Him, you'll turn from your sins and serve Him? You promise that? Will you quit smoking? You will? Give your life to Christ. He'll let you get well.
Almighty God, have mercy upon our brother standing here, knowing that... holding him... [Gap in the audio.] Nothing is hid before You, Lord. You know all things. God, be merciful to the... Forgive him of every trespass, and take this desire of smoking away from him, and heal him tonight. Hear the prayer of Your humble servant. May his nerves quieten. May he go away tonight with a great faith in God, feeling strong, meeting the oppositions tomorrow, saying, "Oh, how I thank You, Lord, for Your healing me." May he walk all the days of his life packing this Bible, preaching the Word, talking to others, telling them how You heal; may he lead others to Christ. Hear the prayer of Your servant.
Satan, upon the confession of this man, your powers is weak when Calvary's brought near, for you know all your time, lost your victory when Jesus died at the cross. And I stand tonight as His representative. I say in His Name, Jesus Christ, come out of the boy and leave him alone.
Look here, sir, on me. All right. Your cigarette habit is gone; your sins are under the Blood; and your nervousness is over. Straighten yourself up and say, "Praise the Lord." Walk away from the platform, and go on home.

73 All right, come ahead now. Stand near me. Howdy do, sister?
My, such a faith bank in here pulling, I can hardly catch what's wrong with this... pulling me around, it's a... That's it; just keep believing. Just keep believing with all your heart.
[A bother comments.] Yes, ma'am. You're main trouble is... surgery. Have a lot of troubles, don't you? You're a deep thinker, always take other people's troubles too... just skip that. Yes, I believe it's... I'm not reading her mind now, I'm just telling you what's the truth. And she knows it's the true. Now, the thing you've got to do now, is look to Jesus Christ, and believe Him with all your heart. Do you believe that while you're standing here, if I ask God, that nervousness will leave you? You believe it? Do you believe the story that I told about that Angel, is the truth? You shall have what you asked for, sister.

74 Heavenly Father, a poor little nervous mother standing here, trembling, and Satan binding her, Lord, trying to shorten her days and send her to a premature grave. Lord, You're here in mercy and... in full compassion. And hear Thy servant's faith, Lord. If it could be drove away from her here on this platform tonight, she'll go home believing and glorifying You. Help me, dear Father, to have faith to make this power to leave her. You said, "In My Name they shall cast out devils," and she will believe it the rest of her life, Lord. Have mercy as You challenge this demon.
Thou demon of oppression that's binding our sister, in the Name of the Son of God, Jesus Christ, leave the woman. Come out of her.
There it is. (All right, friends, you raise your heads.) Now, I'm not ho--yelling at you, but sometimes you can't baby devils, you know, and you... All right, sister, it's over. Feel good? Say, "Amen." That's fine. Go off the platform, just rejoicing and having a...
All right. Let's say, "Praise be to the Lord."

75 He's the next in line? [A brother comments.] Up here tonight to be prayed for... praying for him. Look this way, sonny boy. That isn't your child. Isn't that right? When did you... all the time... [Gap in the audio.] God lets... You heard Jesus say... cross on Calvary... getting worse all the time... [Gap in the audio.]
God, grant it. And this blind spirit, I adjure thee by Jesus Christ, leave the boy.
[Gap in the audio.] [ The words are not intelligible.]... I--I believe he's going right... Isn't that right... brother? And before the hand's got arthritis, setting there dying with... arthritis... Is that right? Is this true? Have faith, believe.

76 He's nervous. That might have corrected some of it. You believe me, brother, with all your heart? You're a stranger to me, aren't you? Yes, brother... trouble. Isn't that right? And do you believe with all your heart? Say, brother, I believe, by faith, you're Catholic, aren't you... Aren't you Catholic by faith? Is that right? Please raise up your hand. I thought I seen you... You believe me with all your heart? Go home and serve God with all your heart, and Jesus Christ will make you whole. God bless you. (Now, everyone be just as reverent.) God bless you, my dear. God bless you. You shall have just what you believe now. Have faith. Yes, sir.

77 I'm trying to catch the lady there in the... And there sets a man... And there sets a man in... There set a poor old crippled brother setting there. Look this a way, sir. Do you believe with all your heart? Look this a way. I see a man... That man's had a stroke, hasn't he? He's had a stroke. I see the man crippled...
All right. No only that but you got a heart trouble too, haven't you? Yes, you've had a lot of heart trouble... Yeah, you got clot of blood too, haven't you on the brain? Is that right? Stand up on your feet. You don't have to be crippled. Jesus Christ will heal you right there. That's right.
Everybody believe? Now, believe with all your heart now. Come forward, you that's... be healed. Let's all together, and let's have prayer while the Holy Spirit's moving. You there, lady. Yes, you raised up there with cancer, Jesus Christ healed you just now also. That lady over there with the female trouble, God's healed you just then, sister. For...
Let's bow our heads everywhere. Be reverent, everywhere. Have faith in God. Every one reverent just a moment. I'm trying to speak... Oh, my, glorious. Let's pray, everybody. Now, you bow your head.
Father... knows... Keep... before You. You can make lame walk, the blind to see, the deaf hear, the dumb speak. Thou art here. You can make those who are bound by the powers of Satan be loosed. Almighty God, send Your blessings upon the people, just now, for the Holy Spirit's coming in power, breathing upon every one... Have faith. You can be healed right now. Rise up from there in the Name of the Lord Jesus. You...

Expectations (1951-05-07) (William M. Branham Sermons)

Expectations (1951-05-07) (William M. Branham Sermons) somebody


1 Good evening, friends. That was just in time, wasn't I? I'd had to spring that one on a run to get up, because a...
Brother was just giving the testimonies of everything happening. And Brother Hall just wanted to bring the x-rays to show me that he was healed and so many talking about great things. And today he was reading letters that, oh, my, it just stirred my heart. The mail's so heavy, it'll take me a week to get through it. So I'm happy to hear those wonderful testimonies.

2 One lady was telling me in a the letter today about... She was... Cancer in the very worst stage and that I had saw her in a vision, and was at my hotel room, and come, and spoke, and told who the lady was and what her conditions was. She was healed and normal and well now. The lady's in the audience. Oh, God bless you, my sister. And many other great things that our Lord has been doing, and I'm just so happy and then many of meeting me and saying different things happening. I just trust that they'll never cease, just keep on going, and...
How many's been healed in the meeting, let's see your--been healed by divine healing? Let's see your hands in the meeting. Oh my, just look. Some of them crippled, been people blind, and deaf, dumb, and in chairs, crippled up, paralyzed. How our Lord has worked with us in great, marvelous ways, and how happy and thankful we are for that tonight.

3 I was just talking to my Brother Shakarian. Now, all of you know Brother Demos. He's here somewhere. I think he's setting right over here to the right. How many knows Demos Shakarian? Let's see. Oh, sure. Would you stand up, Brother Demos? There's something... Just raise yourself up, will you? Oh, I... Brother Demos Shakarian [unclear words]. Nearly all of you know him here. He's from down Downey around here. A very fine brother that we've had much friends.
No one knows this man of course. This is Congressman Upshaw. He... Was talking to him back there and I have--was just thinking... I could... Tonight seem like that God put it upon my heart tonight to come and maybe just before going to Africa... I would like to have my farewell meeting, maybe at my hometown in Jeffersonville.

4 If I could get that auditorium there, right where the--this was ministered to me. And I would like to have my farewell meeting there. If I can, I'd like to give everybody an invitation to come. All my friends... At my home I'd like to gather a big group of us together and go right to the little cabin where He met me and talked to me then. And just gather out there on that hill by the thousands and offer our praise to Almighty God right there for what He's done before we plunge to dark fields of Rhodesia and in India, and down in--and back into Jerusalem. I would be so happy...
I don't know whether they--whether I could get that at that time or not. It seats several thousand people, and I would be happy to do it. If it is, I'll have it announced in papers and things. And if you're vacation is that time; I wished I could say I'd pay your way up there, but I'll take up a offering and do the best I can. If I take up an offering... I never took one in my life. So I might be easier to almost have hitch-hike if you take my offering.

5 I told you about one time I started to take my first offering. Did you ever hear me about the first time I started to take an offering? I couldn't do it.
I told my wife... We got in one of those places where we couldn't make ends meet, you know. And I said, "I'm going to take an offering tonight. "
She said, "I'm going to set right down in front and watch you." And so, we was just had a tough time. We almost had to do it.
I thought, "Well, I just can't make that. I just got to do it." I never did take an offering in my church, so I... Not because they wouldn't give it to me, because they would, but I just... I was big enough to work, so... I'd... Right now...

6 Now, this is not to be humble, or it's not to show off, but from the bottom of my heart, I wished I had a place where I could work while in these meetings (That's right.) so I wouldn't have to even take up an offering or something. That's the truth. I just dread the thoughts of taking up an offering. Don't know why, but I've often seen that three things that hinder a minister. One main three things, one of them is money, and the other is women. The other one's popularity. That's exactly right.
When a man gets to a place, he just has to scream, and cry, and carry on, and think so much of money, he forgets God; he's gone. That's all there is to it. That's right.

7 We have to meet expenses and so forth, and the next thing, when... I have the greatest respects for women, Christian women. I think that a good woman is a--one of the best gifts that God could give a man outside of salvation. I believe that. A good woman, but... I better keep still right there.
I married a little old fat girl up there I love with all my heart. I've never seen a woman to take her place. So I know as long as I stay a Christian, I'll feel that same way. That's exact.

8 And the next thing is popularity. When... Sometimes God can give a man just a little bit of--a few friends or something and they... Which we all love friends. Now, don't get me wrong. I just love friends. But when you get to thinking... Maybe you'd had a little audience of people or something a little above the average, begin to think, "Look who I am," brother, you're on your road right down right then. That's right. That's...
So it should be that way. God knows what's best. That's true. And you have to watch that. Satan sure throws it out there, awful flowery. But if we just stay under the blood, and you pray that I will. Now remember, I'm... I could fall, but if you keep praying for me and God keeps loving me, I'll make it. And I believe if He prayed for me and I try my best, God will continue to love me then. So I'm... I pray for each one that way.

9 And that's the reason in my meetings I usually have a night for ministers to pray for the sick. Last time when I was here, you don't know the fine letters I got at home, you minister brethren. Every meeting I always try to get the minister, the local pastor before the people, let them come and pray for the sick. I'm not the only person to pray for the sick. No, sir. Any Christian that believes in Divine healing is ordained to pray for the sick.

10 You notice, one night I'll have you stand up and put your hands on one another, and if the person gets healed, then the person say, "Well, sister So-and-so had her hands laying on me." See? Or, "Brother So-and-so had his hands laying on me."
Many times a Christian has his hands laying on a sinner. He said, "A Christian man laid his hands on me and I got well." See? After all, it's the Lord Jesus that does the healing, see. It isn't who's doing the praying; it's Who's doing the healing and who's doing the believing. That's the main thing. It's your faith that heals you (See?), not mine, yours. And so there...
I like to have a night and let all my ministering brethren. come up and stand up and let the people come and pray for them. And when the anointing of the Holy Spirit's down, then let the people come through the line, and the ministers lay hands on them and... Oh, my. It gets the ministry before the public.

11 And you don't have to wait till somebody's got a healing campaign in town to be healed, because your pastor or your neighbor that's a Christian, anybody's got a right to pray for you.
The Bible said, "Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another that you might be healed. If there's any sick among you let them call the elders." Now, we call them in our groups, we call them the deacons. See? The... "Let them call the elders of the church, let them anoint them in oil." It's not call the "elder" but "the elders," plural, two or three. Where two or three are gathered together and agree and pray (See?), that's the way to do it. And after all, we're here to glorify our Lord Jesus Christ, His mercy and His goodness to us. And we're thankful for Him.

12 Now, beginning on the fourth day of June, our dear Lord being willing, we're to begin over here at this Bible College at... You know where he said last night. I can't speak Spanish, so the... [Someone says, "Costa Mesa."] Yes, sir. That's where it's at right where he said then: Costa Mesa? Is that right? I'm improving, Bobby. And so I... That's where the next meeting is going to be at Costa Mesa. And... I got that wrong now there, did I? [Someone says, "About right."] Just about right? He said as near as he was, so I'm getting along pretty well.
So that will be the next meeting after Oregon, going up to Grant's Pass with our Brother Hall, where a people up there has went out and built a big tabernacle and we went up there in one meeting and almost, I think, almost paid for the thing, didn't we Brother Hall? Paid a whole lot on it in one meeting. See? And so then with the... We're going back again this time. I wish you all had them big tabernacles everywhere, just everywhere. You got one here in Los Angeles, and they should have them everywhere over the country, that when we can't get those auditoriums, there'd be big tabernacles open (You see?), like that.

13 The world with their jazz bands and things has the auditoriums all tied up. But I'm thankful for places like Calvary Tabernacle and different places like that. We can come in here and have a meeting. Thank you. [Congregation applauds.] Thank you very much.
And so this time it's in a tent. And we were out there today looking the place over, and it's a very nice place. And we hope we have a good meeting in there. Tell your neighbors down in that part of the country to come. Now, the Lord bless you each one.

14 I think that this meeting has already produced a great result. And the fact that we're all kind of in strain because of so many different meetings going on in the city, and we... I haven't heard of--from Brother Freeman, but I know he's having a good meeting. We're all praying for him that he will have a good meeting.
And we got crossed up a little bit there, not he and I, but through some way a misunderstanding or of management getting the meetings together. They didn't understand either. But it might have been God's will for us to do this (You see?), that we--that we can see that we're brethren, and at the Angelus Temple and the other places where the meetings are going on.

15 And I understand that Brother King or Cain. [Someone in congregation says, "Paul Cain."] Brother Paul Cain is to come in, beginning, I guess, Thursday night. Is that... [Someone answers, "Starts Thursday night."] Thursday night in this very tabernacle here. And we pray that God will give Brother Paul Cain a very wonderful meeting here with hundreds of souls saved and many healings, and fill with His Spirit and goodness, getting ready for the coming of the Lord.
I'm happy that Brother Kopp here throws his doors open for all of us to come in here at this temple. And the board of deacons and whoever, what the control is, management... I want to say another thing for our ushers and so forth that you got here. They're wonderful men. So happy for them.

16 Now, I wish to read just a few words. I'm not sure whether I read this since I've been here or not. But if I do, why, I don't mean to retrace things, but I've been around down in [unclear words] so long here that... This is the longest I believe I ever come and stayed in one place since I been in the ministry, is right here in Los Angeles. And this is my second trip back in a few months apart, few... And then nights run anywhere from three to five nights, and we're on the move somewhere else.
Now, in the Book of St. Luke the 2nd chapter... I'm going to watch the clock and do my best. I talk too much. Mother said I talked before I walked. You know what the old saying is, "Your tongue's your ruin." That's right. Maybe that's right, but I'm talking for the Lord now.

17 And so, in the 2nd chapter of St. Luke, beginning with the 25th verse, just to read just a few verses and then pass a few comments and then to call our prayer line...
Tomorrow night after the main line is--one of the lines are over, I'm going to have a ministerial night. I want all the cooperating pastors to get their place here and to set up here on the platform with me, while... [Gap in the audio.] ... group the people up, and let all the pastors be out here and along with them praying for them after the service and--that you all might see great signs and wonders to be done. Then Wednesday night is closing night.
Now, in... We read this way in the Word of God.
And, behold, there was a man in Jerusalem, whose name was Simeon; the same man was just and devout, waiting for the consolation of Israel: and the Holy Ghost was upon him.
And it was revealed unto him by the Holy Ghost, that he should not see death, before he had seen the Lord's Christ.
And he came by the Spirit into the temple: and when the parents brought in the child Jesus, to do for him after the custom of the law,
Then took he him up in his arms, and blessed God, and said,
Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace, according to thy word:
For my eyes have seen thy salvation,

Luke 2:25 And, behold, there was a man in Jerusalem, whose name was Simeon; and the same man was just and devout, waiting for the consolation of Israel: and the Holy Ghost was upon him.

Luke 2:26 And it was revealed unto him by the Holy Ghost, that he should not see death, before he had seen the Lord's Christ.

Luke 2:27 And he came by the Spirit into the temple: and when the parents brought in the child Jesus, to do for him after the custom of the law,

Luke 2:28 Then took he him up in his arms, and blessed God, and said,

Luke 2:29 Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace, according to thy word:

Luke 2:30 For mine eyes have seen thy salvation,

18 We bow our heads just a moment. Our beloved Saviour, tonight we're happy for this privilege to gather here in the house of God in the company of this people to worship Thee, as David of old said he would praise the Lord in the congregation of the upright. And we're so thankful tonight that the Spirit of God still makes our hearts rejoice to praise Him in the congregation of the upright. And now, Father, grant tonight that in each heart there will be a manger made or a room made that Jesus of Nazareth might come in with all the fullness of divine faith, that He might stand in each heart tonight and take the initiative side and take away all doubt, throw away everything that's unlike Him, Lord, all the unbelief and skeptic ideas, and just take over the heart, and oh, what our eyes will see then. What a night this could be, Father, just by every Christian with one accord while we're gathered here where the Holy Spirit has fallen many times. Save; fill the believers; heal the sick and the afflicted, and constantly meetings are going on. What a place and what a time just now for Him to come tonight just at the eve of the closing of this meeting, Lord, and sway every heart to Him with full assurance that He's here, present tense now, to deliver every person that's in the building from anything. And every redemptive blessing is theirs by faith, by believing just now.

Psalm 111:1 Praise ye the LORD. I will praise the LORD with my whole heart, in the assembly of the upright, and in the congregation.

19 God, for these next few minutes just hide us away. May the shades be pulled down of the cares and thoughts of this life over our memories and our hearts. And may we just see Jesus and Him alone. And we know that if we could draw a picture of the love of God, ten million times more than the seas of this earth, banked into one tube a few inches across would reach billions of miles beyond the stars. And thinking of the pressure that there would be on the bottom of that tube. How that water with all them billions of tons of pressure trying to press down, and yet the love of God is searching our hearts tonight, great powers of strength that He would like to find one little crevice to leak through, to come into our lives and give us this great power and unction beyond even man's understanding.
Grant it, Lord, tonight that the doors of heaven will be pulled back and the Holy Spirit will take over full control. May our souls be flooded with such a rush that we'll forget all about being crippled or being sick, and just rise to the feet, glorifying God, taking Him at His promise, claiming His redemptive blessings. For we ask it in Jesus' name. Amen.

20 I'm thinking just now of this aged old priest that we just read about by the name of Simeon. And he was a man who waited for the consolation of Israel.
There's been times where the church has got real low, but God has never been without a witness since the world began. He's always had somebody that He could put His finger on and say, "That's My servant. And I can send him anywhere I want him to go and he'll go." Aren't we happy for that? God's ministry...

21 And the day had got very dull in those days. There were hundreds of people, thousands of them that had turned away from the traditions and away from the faith, gone back, lukewarm. But there was a little remnant who looked for the consolation of Israel. That was John the Baptist, and Simeon, and Ann, the prophetess at the temple, and many more who waited constantly believing that God would fulfill His promise. They was waiting. They believed. No matter how long the promise had been, they believed that the woman's seed would come and would bruise the serpent's head like God promised.

22 Now, the waiting of the Messiah had been four thousand years. And in every generation they had looked for the Messiah to come, but that didn't stump Simeon. He was an old man in his eighties, but still he believed that he would see the Messiah. And he had a long white beard, I can imagine, and white hair. And he was a great man among the people. He had a great prestige. But he had a testimony besides that. That's what I like.
Besides all of his scholarships and all of his popularity, he had a humble heart before God, a receptive heart that God could deal with. And he had a testimony by that that he was going to see the Lord's Christ before he died. Think of it.

23 Great men, David, Solomon, Elijah, Elisha, Isaiah, Jeremiah, a string of prophets and righteous men had looked for the coming of the Messiah for four thousand years: great men. But yet this man, even eighty years old, approximately. He was an elderly man, believed by theologians he was in his eighties. An old man and yet went around and said, "I am not going to see death before I see the Lord's Christ."
Why, they'd say, "Simeon, why do you think that?"
"Because the Holy Ghost revealed it to me. And I'm not going to see death until I see the Lord's Christ. And I believe what He says is the truth." Amen. Oh, my. That'll get us feeling religious right away, won't it?

Luke 2:26 And it was revealed unto him by the Holy Ghost, that he should not see death, before he had seen the Lord's Christ.

24 You know, I feel religious once in a while. I can shout. Yes, sir. You might... That's... I know salvation don't altogether rest upon shouting, but that goes with it. That's right. And yet somebody said, "You're an awful noisy Baptist."
Well, I'm a Pentecostal Baptist now, you know. So I got the Holy Ghost. So I... When the Holy Ghost comes in, He does the carrying on. I just help Him. Amen. I just act out the way He's feeling in me: rejoicing.

25 Now, I think of Simeon, the Holy Spirit revealing it to him that he was not going to die now until he's seen the Christ. Although he was awfully old, but... And he had a lot of prestige. Now, what if he thought, "Oh, wait a minute, maybe that's just an expression down there. Now, I just... Maybe I'm just--I'm just a little worked up. I'd better not say this around where people can hear me, because I've got a great prestige. I belong to the big church, you know, so I'd better be careful."
But he believed God. And he believed what the Holy Ghost said, it was the truth. And he expected to see Jesus be--or Christ before he saw death, because the Holy Ghost revealed it to him.

26 How many times God's working with people in the ages past... When you're expecting anything... And the only way that you can be expecting is upon some sort of a revelation or a promise.
If I told you I was coming to Downey, California, over here to this place in California on the... I... That's where it's at, Costa Mesa. If I told you that I was coming to Costa Mesa... If I could spell it, I'd write it down, but seventh grade education couldn't get that out.
Anyhow, if I told you I'm coming on June the 4th to begin there, you kind of believe that I'll be there, don't you? If I say I'll meet you there, well, if all possible, I'll do it. Because a man of his word will be honest and keep his promise, let alone a Christian.
Now, there may be something happen that I can't, but as far as I know, the Lord willing, I'll be there. Now, you'd believe that. And the people believe it, so they're are fixing to erect a big tent down there and fix it up. Now, that's because that we promised to be there. I promised I would come back here. And when I got here, found out other meetings was going on. Oh, my. I thought, "I'd better get back," but I promised that I was coming. So I had to stay here. I promised it. And so God has rewarded us for keeping our promise.

27 Now, Simeon believed because the Holy Ghost had promised him. He was looking for it. If you're expecting it, you got something behind that you believe that God has promised it, then you got a right to expect it. Is that right? When God promises it...
Now, I might break my promise, because I'm a man. And your friend might break his promise or her promise, but God won't break His promise. He can't, because He's God. Can you imagine how pure and unadulterated His promises are, how infinite?
Why, if I'd go to a spring and my grandfather drank out of that spring and it was clear, and testing the water, it was a hundred percent pure... My father drink out of it; it was hundred percent pure. And all down through life, I'd dranken out of it at a hundred percent pure, why, I'd have enough faith to go back and believe if I take a drink of water, it would be all right. Wouldn't you?
Through the generations, down through several generations, it's been proven one hundred percent pure. Why? Because the stream that's gushing it up, where it's coming from, its foundations down here, its bed, is throwing up pure water. Now, if it'll test one hundred percent pure, how much more will the promise of God test one hundred percent right. Because the basis of it, God's Word comes from God, which is infinite and pure and holy, and He can't lie, for He's God. There you are.
Now, when God promises anything, say, "That's right." Amen.

28 I was thinking when I was talking to the Congressman this afternoon, when I met him, about when he'd been all these years on these crutches and crippled, and the times he'd been prayed for. But he had stood here, and he had seen what the Holy Spirit had said to every one while revealing the hearts and the secrets of the hearts. And he seen that when He'd told people, no matter what was wrong with them, that they were healed, they got up and acted on it and was well.
Then he thought, "Oh, if he could only tell me." And there the Holy Spirit fell down, told him his condition and all about it, and said he was healed. Up he got. He believed it. No matter what the ifs, how long he'd been crippled or what it was all about, God had done made the promise, and it was him to believe it. Amen
God's promised, "Where two or three are gathered in My name I'll be in their midst." He's here. And whatever they agree upon and ask, they shall receive it. Whatsoever things you desire when you pray, believe you receive them, you shall have them. They'll be given to you. Now, isn't that wonderful? That's the promise, God's promise. We believe it. I believe it's so.

Matthew 18:20 For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.

29 Not long ago standing at the place when the--this Angel, supernatural Being came down and spoke this, "Who am I?" King, monarch, rich man, poor men and all, thousands come, and, "How could I believe that?" But I know He had told me the truth every time that He spoke to me. And I knowed that was bound to be the truth. And I stepped out saying it was so, and He fulfilled it. And I've never seen Him, and He never will say anything but what's right, because He can't; it comes from God.

30 Daniel, when they told him they was going to throw him into the lions' den, he was expecting God to be there. He believed that he lived right before God and he had a right. And every day he raised the shades, if there was any in them days, towards the temple and looked towards that holy temple and prayed. Because he believed that there was a burning sacrifice on the altar at that hour at the temple, and he believed that God heard his prayer, because there was an innocent substitute died in his place making an atonement. And when he went into the lions' den, he did not fear the lions because he was expecting God to deliver him. Amen.
Jonah, there's the man that had a lot of symptoms. People think that... When I look... They was prayed for, and say, "Well, my hand isn't any better." That don't mean you're not healed. When you're prayed for, you're healed. And frankly, you're healed before you're prayed for. For Jesus died at Calvary to heal you and paid the price.

31 If you had a watch in the pawn shop, somebody went down and paid the pawn bill, or ever what you had on it, and the man gave a receipt and sent it back and said here you are it's paid off, you've got a right to go down, not pay for the watch again, go down show the receipt and take your watch. Is that right? Or whatever you got pawned...
And listen. The devil put us in the pawn shop, back there from Adam's sin. But Jesus came down and paid the pawn bill, wrote it on the Word. I got a right for it. Amen. "Satan, get back." I got a right for it.

32 Mayo brother told me, "You can't get well."
I said, "I got a right to." Amen. My...
He said, "Well, you inherited it from your father."
I said, "But my heavenly Father redeemed me." Amen. I'm out of the pawn shop now. Amen. So just move over Satan.
He said, "I'll just pull symptoms all around you."
And I said, "Stand around, listen at me testify. I'd like for you to hear me."
He said, "I'll make you sick."
I said, "I'll testify that much harder. I'll make that much more testimony. If you want to hear me praise God, stick around a little while, you'll hear me."
I just kept praising God and made it so hot for him he had to flee. Just heard him scoot off his old slewfoot right down the street as hard as he could. Had to. Why? The Gospel of Jesus Christ, through the power of the Holy Ghost, was burning him up. Amen. He had to. God's Word's right. We've got a right for them redemptive blessings. Let's expect them. Believe them. God's going to bring them to pass, don't you believe it?

33 I am not taking very much discernment these nights. I just turned myself loose to feel good with the Holy Ghost with you all while I'm here on this time.
And we got a right to anything God promised. Just claim it, receive it; believe it; go on. You got any symptoms, forget about them. The symptoms don't mean nothing. That's right. Just believe it.

34 Not long ago in Houston there was a boy came by, I believe I might've told you about it the last time I was here. So many things that's happened...
There was an old man... I'll tell this one then. There was a fellow named John Rhyn, and the fellow was blind. And he was at the meeting here and at Fort Wayne. And he come in the meeting. They was several thousand people had gathered in that night, and about two nights after the piano had played "The Great Physician now is near the sympathizing Jesus," when the Angel of God in a whirl of a halo whirled down in the room where I was at, and I thought the custodian turned the light on me. And here... When I had the little boy in my arms, I dropped him, and, why, the girl, Nazarene girl, playing the piano, she jumped up and started running and screaming. She seen that little boy walking off the platform normal. Why, she jumped up. And she was playing "The Great Physician," and it just kept playing on,
The Great Physician now is near,
The sympathizing Jesus;
He speaks the drooping heart to cheer,
No other name but Jesus.
There He was playing.

35 About a night or two after that, this old man came through the line. I prayed for him, had a line coming just as fast as they could. Two men was leading him. He was blind. And he said, "Is this Reverend Branham?"
I said, "Yes, sir."
And he said, "Well, heal me," said.
I said, "I can't."
Said, "Well, why can't you?"
I said, "Jesus already done it." And I said, "I couldn't do what He's already done."
He said, "Well, can..." He said, "Will you pray for me?"
I said, "Yes, sir." And I prayed. I said, "Do you believe me?"
He said, "Yes, sir."
I said, "Go on. You'll get your sight."
He said, "Well, just a minute." He held me by the coat. He said, "Just a moment." Now, he said, "Will I receive my sight?"
I said, "Yes, sir. You're going to receive your sight, going to be all right."

36 And He said, "Well..." walked off on along little piece, and he come back. Said, "Say, you told me I was going to receive my sight."
I said, "That's right."
He said, "You said I was healed."
I said, "You are."
He said, "Well, you told me I was healed, and I can't see."
I said, "That don't have nothing to do with you seeing." I said, "I told you... [Gap in the audio.] The man, by the way, was Catholic by faith. And I said, "Look, sir. You told me that you believed me."
He said, "Well, these other people are talking about out here, they're healed and well."
I said, "You are too, sir. Get... Give the Angel of the Lord a chance to..."
And he said, "What must I do?"
I said, "Do you believe what I told you?"
He said, "Yes, sir."
I said, "Well, I want you act like it?" See? I said, "Go on off here testifying, saying, 'Praise the Lord. He healed me.'"
He said, "All right." They led him off, and he hollered, "Praise the Lord for healing me."

37 The next night the old fellow interrupt the meeting four or five times. He was setting up in the balcony. He'd say, "Everybody be quiet a minute." He'd raise up and holler, "Praise the Lord for healing me," and set down.
And I was speaking, you know, when he'd say, "Just a minute, Brother Branham." He'd holler, "Praise the Lord for healing me."
The ushers went over there, and I shook my head; let him alone. See? He was having a good time at it.

38 Well, afterwards he went out on the street, and he sold papers, and he was, "Praise the Lord for healing me." He'd holler, "Extra, praise the Lord for healing me."
And the people laughed at him, made fun of him. They thought, "The old man's gone crazy (You see?), went crazy over religion." See? So they had thought he was ready for the institution.
So he went on like that for several days, guess up to two or three weeks. And one day a little newsboy was sold papers near him, led him over to a barbershop to get a shave. And the barber, a little smart-aleck, was always trying--had more sense than he had gumption to know how to take care of. So he was whetting his razor, and he had Mr. Rhyn shaved about halfway down on his face. He said, "Say, dad, I heard when--that you went up to see that divine healer not long ago."
He said, "Yep, I went up to see him."
Said, "I heard you got healed."
He said, "Yep, praise the Lord. He healed me." And his eyes come open in the chair. He looked around; he said, "I am healed now." And he jumped out of that chair with the towel around his neck, and out the door he went, the barber behind him with a razor, down the street. Now, he couldn't see perfect. He could see objects and everything, screaming to the top of his voice. And that man, John Rhyn's in Dowagiac, Michigan, as far as I know tonight, preaching divine healing by faith. That's right. What was it? He expected God to heal him.

39 Jonah, backslid... (Now, you know I'm not a Baptist. All right.), went in the belly of the whale, missed his calling, went... God had him tied hand and foot, throwed him out in a sea, probably three or four miles deep out there from Nineveh. Look at him now, on a stormy sea, hands tied behind him, backslid, throwed out into the sea; a whale swallowed him. Yes. You believe that? I believe the whale swallowed Jonah like the Bible said.

40 A little girl once... I think this is Brother Redigar said this, Paul Rader's friend, and I believe it was at the Fort Wayne Tabernacle. A little girl got saved, and she was coming up the street. She had the Bible over her heart and just singing, you know, and her hair plaited back, and her little face a shining. And she was singing that good old hymn.
So there was an old infidel standing on the side of the street. He looked over at her and said, "What you so happy about, sis?"
Said, "The Lord saved me." Oh, said, "I'm happy." Said, "Are you saved?"
He said, "Oh, no. There is no such a thing as that."
Said, "That's all you know about it."
Said, "Well..." Said, "Do you believe that Book you got in your hand?"
Said, "Yes, sir. I believe every bit of it," a little old girl all fired up with the Holy Spirit, you know.
Said, "I guess you believe that story about the whale and Jonah."
She said, "Oh, yes, sir." Said, "I believe it. Sure it's the truth."
Said, "How're you going to prove it besides any other way... besides faith?"
She said, "Why, when I get to heaven, I'm going to ask Brother Jonah."
He said, "Perhaps Brother Jonah won't be there?"
She said, "Then you ask him." That's right. "You ask him." You know where he'd be then. All right.
I believe it's the truth. Amen. Yes, sir. If the Bible said Jonah swallowed the whale, I'd believe it because it's the Word of God. Amen. All right.

41 There he is now, backslid, stormy sea, hands tied behind him, belly of a whale. Every time that fish eats it goes to the bottom of the sea and or the... A goldfish, when you feed him, he'll go down and throw his little swimmers out and rest at the bottom of the water, the bowl. He's found his prey and fed and went down to rest.
The whale probably after he got a bellyful of backslidden preacher went down to the bottom of the sea, throwed his wings out like that, or his fins, and he was going to rest awhile. Here this Jonah was down there, seaweeds wrapped around his neck. Oh, talk about symptoms, he had a right to have them. If he looked this way, it was whale's belly. If he looked that way, it was whale's belly. Everywhere he looked was whale's belly. My, you're not even in that bad of shape tonight, no matter where you're at tonight. Look around everywhere, whale's belly, he had plenty of symptoms, didn't he? More than you got... But you know what he said, "They are lying vanities."
He said, "Lord, once more will I look to Your holy temple. Now, I ain't going to look at the symptoms. I ain't going to look at how deep I am in the sea. I'm not going to look to my backsliding. I'm not going to look at these seaweeds around my neck. I'm not going to look at the whale's belly, but I'm going to look beyond that to Your holy temple." Amen. There you are.

Jonah 2:4 Then I said, I am cast out of thy sight; yet I will look again toward thy holy temple.

Jonah 2:8 They that observe lying vanities forsake their own mercy.

42 Now, he knowed if he could ever pierce through that symptoms, three miles of water, through the whale's belly, onto the temple and get a prayer through to God, something was going to happen. Amen.
I can see him turn over on his knees and say, "Lord, I'm sorry I backslid. I'll take the right road if you just let me out here."
And you know what? Why, he had faith. When Solomon dedicated that temple of the Lord, he prayed that if God's children be in trouble anywhere, would look toward that temple and pray, then let God hear from heaven. And Jonah believed if he could look towards that temple, he had God's promise that he was expecting the whale to get him out. God made that old whale so sick till he puked him up on the shore. That's... Well, I... Excuse me; I didn't mean to say that. Vomited him up on the shore. [Congregation laughs.] I didn't aim to say that folks. Honest I didn't. Anyhow I'm just a country boy, but I'm just as sick when I'm puking as you are when you're vomiting, so...
All right. He put him out upon the shore. Is that right? Aw, it made him sick. If you go into a church that don't believe in divine healing, claim your rights in Christ, you'll have the same experience. That's right. Fellowship not with darkness.

1 Kings 8:30 And hearken thou to the supplication of thy servant, and of thy people Israel, when they shall pray toward this place: and hear thou in heaven thy dwelling place: and when thou hearest, forgive.

43 Notice, he looked towards God's holy temple, and if Jonah in the belly of the whale could look towards a earthly temple, where Solomon prayed, how much more ought we tonight look towards the heavenly temple, where Jesus sets at the right hand of God, shaking His bloody garment, making intercession for your cancer, blindness, whatever it might be. Hallelujah. Oh, a brand new case of old time Holy Ghost religion (Yes.) brings you out of it. Expecting his prayers to be heard...
That old whale went right on toward Nineveh just as hard as he could go. God set an oxygen tank down in there and kept him alive. All right. He got it somewhere; I don't know where God put the tank there, but he had the oxygen there that kept him alive. All right.

44 Like God told Elijah, "Go up and set down up there at the brook Cherith. I've commanded the ravens to feed you."
My, they said that fellow's crazy, you know, making such a prediction like that, like the Holy Ghost talked to him, and said it ain't going to rain until he calls for it. You ever hear of such a thing? God told him so. He believed God. He went right up there by the brook Cherith and set down. Every morning here come some ravens, packed him along some food. He set down, and handed it down to him, he eat [unclear words] God, knelt down and got him a drink of water and went on. Dinner time come along, here come the ravens back, give him some more. Say, "Where'd them ravens get it?" I don't know. They got some sandwiches somewhere. They had meat and bread. I don't know where they got it, but they brought it. Elijah accepted it and eat it and lived.

1 Kings 17:3 Get thee hence, and turn thee eastward, and hide thyself by the brook Cherith, that is before Jordan.

1 Kings 17:4 And it shall be, that thou shalt drink of the brook; and I have commanded the ravens to feed thee there.

1 Kings 17:5 So he went and did according unto the word of the LORD: for he went and dwelt by the brook Cherith, that is before Jordan.

1 Kings 17:6 And the ravens brought him bread and flesh in the morning, and bread and flesh in the evening; and he drank of the brook.

45 A doctor one time said to me; he said, "Brother Branham, don't you believe those people was shouting and going on like that, don't you think that's just emotion?"
I said, "No, sir." I said, "It's the Holy Spirit."
Said, "Where's it come from?"
I said, "I don't know. He brings it. I accept it. I live by it. I don't know where it comes from. God commanded it to come. I believe it." Hallelujah.
Yes. He said it was so. I believe it. Oh, do I feel religious right now. Um. [Gap in the audio.]

Expectations (1951-07-14) (William M. Branham Sermons)

Expectations (1951-07-14) (William M. Branham Sermons) somebody


1 Thank you. Yeah, I think it's all right. Thank you, Brother Baxter. Good evening, friends. Very happy to be here again this evening to give our expressions of love and our adoration of our heart to the worshippers of Jesus Christ. And I trust that this will be a great evening. If it was any more than last evening, I don't know whether we can stand it or not.
Of all my ministerial life, I never seen any more of a quick falling of the Spirit of God than I did last evening. I went completely numb, just went out. I looked down, and coming over the building, and that Light just spread the whole entire building. And I tried to say something; I just couldn't say no more. And the next I knowed, there was some ushers talking to me somewhere, ever which way the parking grounds are.

2 Mr. Baxter, after he come in, I begin to get to myself a little. And he said, "Brother Branham, this is the first time in my life that I ever--was ever floored down like that." And I... Just how wonderful that God was dealing with us. I've never been able...
Two, three nights, I've been trying to do this, and I packed it in my pocket. I want to express my thanks for the kindness, some presents some people sent me. And I appreciate anything that anyone does.
When I first came in, there was a bunch--a bouquet of flowers, two of them sitting on the table, sent from the D-e-n-n-e-r-s, Denners, I suppose of the city. They're here tonight, they may not be. If they are, I want to express my thanks to you for those beautiful flowers: the Denners.

3 And then the next was, my boy gave me a letter which had a love offering in it of five dollars, that come from Brother S-a-n-d-r-e-s-k-y. He said, "I'd love to get my arms around you and hug you." Well, brother, that's a mutual feeling. I would sure like the same thing.
And today, when my little boy--boy came in, he had two big jars of honey, and two boxes of these red raspberries, I suppose they are. Well, I guess the... You don't know how I appreciate it. I sure love honey. I love raspberries too. Mix them together and I really got them then, haven't I.

4 One of the cutest little things that I ever seen was one day on a fishing trip in the mountains. I just love to fish and hunt. And I was up in the mountains fishing; I'd had my tent. And it was early spring, trout fishing, just trying to get away from the crowds for a little while. And I love pancakes. And I guess I got a lot of fellow citizens on that.
And so, you know, I was... I like to put honey on them. And I have one theory I still stay with; I'm a Baptist. I don't sprinkle them; I really pour it on them. So I have it covered all over, baptizing them. And always take a large bucket of honey, you know.
And one day coming around, I heard a noise. And there'd been an old mother bear and her two cubs had got in my tent. They just tore it all to pieces. And I didn't have my camera. And the cutest little act... There's one of the little fellows run away with the mother. But the other little fellow sat there. He'd got the lid off that bucket of honey. And he taken his paw and push down it like that, and then come up and just lick his hands. And he was mo... He was honey from his feet to his head. Just so... He looked around, it was all in his eyes, you know. And he looked at me like that, you know. No condemnation to him. He just stuck his hand back down in the bucket and got some more.

5 And I thought that was just like an old fashion Holy Ghost meeting. You don't care who's around as long as you got your hand in the honey. Is that right? Yes, sir. Licking it around, so no condemnation to them that's licking, you know. It's all right.
But they was sure having a grand time. Well, I looked at the little fellow. I laughed till my sides hurt, and I just walked away. And I still was out the bucket of honey, letting him lick.
So I appreciate that very much. And we'll do justice to that honey in the morning. So thank you very much.

6 And now, the services... It's awfully warm in here. And I just got to hear just a portion of your broadcast. There's... They come and got me. And it sure sound lovely, the people playing and singing, and those people on that--this thing here, you know. I'm not very much a musician, but... And on the organ and that trumpet or ever what it was a playing; it was really pretty, "Onward Christian Soldiers," and all your voices blending in.
I had to shed a little tear too, because it just made my heart thrill to think that someday, the saints of God will go marching up to glory. And to see that great time...

7 Brother Baxter met me this afternoon, said, "Brother Branham, you're to preach for tomorrow."
Oh, my. I said, "Brother Baxter, I can't preach." And he said... after a man like that being preaching.
And he said... Then he met me just a few minutes ago, and said, "The people like for you to tell your life story tomorrow." So... Oh, I can do that, by grace of God.
And I want to be here tomorrow afternoon around two-thirty, I suppose. And I expect to see you all. Be just as quickly as I can. Bring the sinner and the unrepented out tomorrow, so that I--we can make an altar call, and maybe God will give us many souls for His glory.

8 Now, for just a portion of time, I want to read some of the Word, and then just pass a few comments, and maybe give a testimony, and try to get into the prayer line as quick as possible. And... Because they told me, that coming down tonight (they come and got me), that the auditorium had been packed out since about five o'clock. And someone said they was going to be here at six in the morning to see if they could get a seat up front.
So, we're sorry we haven't any way to take care of any more. The fire laws just allows to have so many in here. But while we're here together, I know you've had a glorious time. If we should say, "Amen," and go home, it would be wonderful.
But now, let's just, you and I, ask God, and believe that God will answer our prayer. And let's ask God to heal this rows of people through here tonight, every one.

9 I... When Brother Baxter came in, and my boy was kind of talking to me. I could hear him in the distance last night. He kept getting closer. I knew I was coming to myself. And he said, "Daddy, are you all right?"
I said, "Yes."
I never will forget the first time the boy ever seen the Angel of the Lord at Vandalia, Illinois. And I'd had a meeting, and I made a challenge to the people, "Just bring me anybody you want to, and let me have enough time with them. They'll be healed." And they brought me a blind boy, was born blind. And I stayed with that boy about an hour and forty minutes. And he walked off the platform with his sight.
And he came back, and he picked up my tie so speak... He said, "Mother, is that what you... What color you call that?" And the boy was born blind. And he was just so enthused, and the people screaming and going on.

10 And when I went home that night, we was in the hotel. And I was been praying, and I was almost asleep. And I woke up, and I knew He was in the room. I couldn't tell from where He was coming. But I waited a few minutes, and I knew It was coming over this a way, coming across towards the bed.
I got out of the bed. My brother and my little boy was next to me in another bed. And I felt It coming, and I got out, and I knelt down in the floor, and started praying. He got real close. I never heard no voice nor nothing. I waited a little bit. It got closer. And I kept speaking, "What would the Lord have me to know?"
And a voice begin to speak in the room and told me not to do that, not to do that. And just... My commission was to pray for the sick, and not to do that. And then when I opened my eyes, there He was, just above the bed whirling around and around.
And I said, "Do You mind if my brother and little son could see You?"
And He never made any answer back. It was done leaving me, the anointing. I seen It right off from me. And I kept my eye on Him, and He never answered me, so I thought maybe He didn't care. I picked up a pillow, and threw it over on the bed, and it woke up my brother. He said, "What do you want?"
I said, "Wake up Billy."
And he said, "Billy, your dad wants you."
And as soon as he looked back, he let out a scream. He saw It. He begin screaming. And my little boy jumped over in the bed with me, and begin hugging me around the neck, saying, "Daddy, daddy, don't let that get me. Don't let that get me."
I said, "Why, honey, that ain't what... That won't hurt you." I said, "That's the Angel of the Lord that leads daddy."

11 Billy's an orphan. His mother died when he was just about eighteen months old. And he's a little orphan child. And I been daddy and mother both to him. And sometimes in going away, the little fellow used to stand at the airport and cry and go on. He said, "Daddy, don't leave me." Said, "What have I got on earth but you?" Said, "Mother's gone and everything." And said, "If something happens to you, what will happen to me?"
So that's not easy to leave your children like that. But Jesus said, "Whosoever will not forsake his... everything and follow Me, not worthy to be called My disciple." No matter what we do, we'll never be worthy to be that. But we like to do our part.
So after that night, the little boy was consoled then when he got to see the Angel of the Lord for the first time. He never worried no more when I left.

12 Now, the reading of the Scripture for the text tonight is found in the 2nd chapter of Saint Luke, you who would like to refer to it and would read with me. I...
You know, God's Word can't fail, can it. And now, I tell you, dear Christian friends, the anointing of the Angel of God is so strong, I can hardly look out over this audience. Now, that's right. And I don't like for it to be like that right to the beginning. And I want to talk just a little while on the Scripture. Wasn't aiming to do it, just give a testimony. But I'll try to talk just a moment.
Listen to the reading, beginning with the 25th verse:
... behold, there was a man in Jerusalem, whose name was Simeon; ... the same man was just ... devout, waiting for the consolation of Israel: and the Holy Ghost was upon him.
And it was revealed unto him by the Holy Ghost, that he should not see death, before he had seen the Lord's Christ.
And he came by the Spirit into the temple: and when the parents brought in the child Jesus, to do for him after the custom of the law,
Then took he him up in his arms, and blessed God, and said,
Lord, now let thy servant depart in peace, according to thy word:
For mine eyes have seen thy salvation.

Luke 2:25 And, behold, there was a man in Jerusalem, whose name was Simeon; and the same man was just and devout, waiting for the consolation of Israel: and the Holy Ghost was upon him.

Luke 2:26 And it was revealed unto him by the Holy Ghost, that he should not see death, before he had seen the Lord's Christ.

Luke 2:27 And he came by the Spirit into the temple: and when the parents brought in the child Jesus, to do for him after the custom of the law,

Luke 2:28 Then took he him up in his arms, and blessed God, and said,

Luke 2:29 Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace, according to thy word:

Luke 2:30 For mine eyes have seen thy salvation,

13 Let's bow our heads. Father, the hours are moving on. Help us, Almighty God, to know Your will. There are many gathered tonight. The building is hot. Oh, we believe the harvest is ripe; the fields are ready. Thrust in Thy sickle tonight, Lord; reap. May the wine be brought from the grapes tonight, till each believer will become, as it were, drunk upon the Spirit of God, knowing nothing but the presence of God, and His power, His redeeming blessings upon us to redeem us from our sickness, from our sins. Grant these blessings, Lord.
And as Thy servant has determined by Thy grace, if possible, to speak a few words, help me, dear God. And may the Holy Spirit take the Word of God and plant it right into the heart where it belongs. And may, before this service is ended, may there be people all over the floor everywhere. May the people be up off of these cots and stretchers. May the blind be laying their canes back. May the crippled lay down their canes and crutches, and walk out. May those with heart trouble have it no more, with the cancers...
Lord, we thank Thee for Your visit last night. And now, Lord, maybe a new fresh group is in tonight. And I pray that You'll heal them, every one, and make it manifested to them by the power of the resurrected Christ, for we ask it in the name of Jesus Christ, the beloved Son of God. Amen.

14 Now quickly, your undivided attention. Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing of the Word. If we'd say for a text, which it will not be, that I would say tonight, "Expectations."
You know, usually you get what you expect, don't you? What you think you're going... If you come to the meeting, just say, "I believe I'll go down. There's something wrong with that kind of a meeting. I'm going down. I'll see what's wrong with it." You will. The devil will be sure that you see that.
But if you come down to see what's good about it, God will show you what's good about it. See? If you come down, saying, "Well, if I... I don't believe I'll get healed. I'll go down maybe see if I can get a prayer card. But if I don't, well, they won't..." No, that's just what you'll get, just see... And just whatever you expect. Don't you believe that?
When you come, expect this: let's expect this tonight. Let's expect a great outpouring again. I believe if God would repeat that again tonight... I don't know that He will. Twice I've asked Him. I guess Brother Baxter told you the phenomenal of last night, of how that I never knew.

Romans 10:17 So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

15 Then the Angel of the Lord met me in the room, and I asked Him to do something outstanding. And a few nights ago, I asked Him if He would do something outstanding for us that night, and He did. He healed a woman that was deaf for years, and taken a woman out of a wheelchair. And I forget what all He done. And now, I'm asking again tonight to do something special for us. And last night I asked Him.
I trust that my heavenly Father won't be angry with me for asking these special blessings. For it's written in the Word, "Except you see signs or miracles, you won't believe." And we don't want to be classed amongst such people as that. Why, we're people who believe anyhow. See, we believe anyhow, and we want to accept it.

John 4:48 Then said Jesus unto him, Except ye see signs and wonders, ye will not believe.

16 Last night I was wondering how there could be anyone left in the building that wasn't healed. Now, it may not be visible. Angels of God and visions appear before people, and sometime it's not for everybody. Is that right?
Star. It passed by every observatory, passed by all the stargazers and everything, passed right on by the spiritual people, passed right on over the temple; and no one saw it but the Magis. It was for them to see it. Do you believe they saw it? I do, for the Bible said they did. See? And if it be possible that the Angel of God could be visible to some and not visible to the others.

17 For instance one day when I was baptizing. There was around ten thousand people, I guess, at the bank. And there was at least seven thousand of them that seen the Angel of the Lord, and say the other three thousand never saw It. They said, "Well, I didn't see it. I heard you hollering, and seen you raise your hand, and everybody screaming, but I didn't see nothing." You see?
And that's the way it was when the picture was taken. Hundreds and hundreds saw It, and others didn't. Some of them in the Bible times, it was the same way. It's today.
Magis were expecting to see the Star of Jacob rise. They were from the East, and they'd listened to Balaam's prophecy, which said that there would be a Star of Jacob rise. And they were looking for it. They was expecting it. And they were the ones who seen it.

Numbers 24:17 I shall see him, but not now: I shall behold him, but not nigh: there shall come a Star out of Jacob, and a Sceptre shall rise out of Israel, and shall smite the corners of Moab, and destroy all the children of Sheth.

18 And how many in here tonight is expecting to be healed tonight, let's see your hands? Well, you're not going to be disappointed then. If you... You just can't be disappointed if you're expecting it. If you're not expecting it, you say, "Well, I'll wait maybe tomorrow afternoon; I'll get it tomorrow afternoon." Well, that's when you'll get it.
You say, "Well, I don't know. If He don't come to me personally, I don't believe I'll get it." Well, that's...
Jesus said, "According to your faith, be it unto you." Is that right?
A lady said not long ago... I went into a place to pray for a boy that had tubercular meningitis. He was dying. And the person said, "Oh, Brother Branham," said, "my," said, "you'll get meningitis." She said, "I run my children out. I give them vaccinations."
I said, "Such faith as that would give them meningitis." That's right.
You must believe. All things are possible to him that believes. Be expecting God to deliver you, for He promised it. And as soon as your faith can catch it, it's gone away. And that's right. Now, I was... Whatever you expect, that's what God will do.

Mark 9:23 Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth.

Mark 9:29 And he said unto them, This kind can come forth by nothing, but by prayer and fasting.

19 I was thinking of Simeon. In his day he was an old man. We'd call him maybe in them days an old sage. He's just... Try to picture him with long white beard. And he was a wonderful old saint of God. Now, the Bible said the Holy Ghost was upon him. Do you believe that? Yes, he... The Holy Ghost was on him. The...
Now, always God has had someone who believed His Word. Somebody's going to expect God to fulfill His Word, while others pass it by. Now, as it was in that day, so is it now. The church has gotten formal and got away from God. And they thought Jesus, their Christ, never would come; perhaps, maybe being many ages away. But just when they was expecting it to be way away, He was right at hand.

Luke 2:25 And, behold, there was a man in Jerusalem, whose name was Simeon; and the same man was just and devout, waiting for the consolation of Israel: and the Holy Ghost was upon him.

20 Now, let's take this case now of Simeon. Now, he was a righteous old man. He believed that God was going to let him see the Christ before he saw death. Now, let's say he's eighty something years old. And then He had another witness there. There was Anna the prophetess at the temple, John the Baptist, and Joseph and Mary, and many of them: a remnant.
God has always had a remnant somewhere. And He's got a remnant tonight. Don't you believe that? Now, tonight, His remnant are composed of His body, His spiritual body here on earth, baptized people into the body making us the body of Christ.Now, that doesn't represent any certain church; it just represents all the baptized people of God into one Body. By not one church, but by one Spirit are we all baptized to one body and become members of the body of Christ.

Luke 2:26 And it was revealed unto him by the Holy Ghost, that he should not see death, before he had seen the Lord's Christ.

1 Corinthians 12:13 For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into one Spirit.

21 Now, in them days I can see Simeon, the old man walking along down the street, and saying, "Well, I'm going to see the Christ before I die."
Could you imagine some of those scholars saying, "Don't pay no attention to the old fellow. I believe he's just... He's got old now, and his mind's kindly went away from him. And the poor old fellow, he's a good old man. But you know, an old man like that isn't going to... Why, we've looked for Him for age, and look at the condition of the world today. Why, we know He isn't coming now."
But Simeon had one reason that he believed that: the Holy Ghost revealed it to him. There's the thing. God had told Simeon that he wasn't going to see death until he had seen the Christ. And he believed what the Holy Ghost said was the truth.
Now, can you do that? Now, the same Holy Ghost that led Simeon, is the same Holy Ghost that's here tonight. There's not no two Holy Spirits, are they, just one Holy Spirit.
Now, look at him. Now, he had to believe something more than you believe, see. People are getting healed every night, every day, and all over the world, big healing campaigns everywhere. They're getting healed. But Jesus or Christ had never come to the earth. But it was prophesied that He would come, and Simeon had the promise of the Holy Spirit, that he was going to see Him.

Luke 2:26 And it was revealed unto him by the Holy Ghost, that he should not see death, before he had seen the Lord's Christ.

22 Now, the Bible said... I believe David said, "When the deep calleth to the deep..." Now, if there's a deep a calling, there's a deep to respond to it somewhere. Do you believe that? In other words like this, as I've often said, "Before there was a fin on a fish's back, there had to be a water first for him to use that fin, or he wouldn't have the fin." Is that right? If there's a tree to grow in the earth, there has to be an earth first for it to grow in, or there would be no tree.
And then... See, I love nature, to look at nature and see the sunsets and the mountains. There's something there that just calls out.

Psalm 42:7 Deep calleth unto deep at the noise of thy waterspouts: all thy waves and thy billows are gone over me.

23 Not long ago I was sitting on the porch. And wife and I, we were in a swing, swinging. The crowds had just got away. And some old sand cranes flew across, going down to the river. And they were calling. And the--a lady come up, give me a little card about like that, that had that sunset and evening star and one clear call for me.
And I looked at those old cranes, and I said, "Look, God has fed them all day long out in the swamps. They're going down to the falls now to get with their kindred and there be for the night."
Two little robins, my favorite birds, flew up, and went into their nest. They'd fed their young all day long. God had provided for them. And at nighttime, He had a way provided for them to roost in safety.
And I said, "Surely, someday when life is ended, and the sun of my life is setting, and your life, God has a way somewhere." There's something that tells us there's something out there: The deep calling to the deep.

Psalm 42:7 Deep calleth unto deep at the noise of thy waterspouts: all thy waves and thy billows are gone over me.

24 I read in the paper here not long ago where a little baby eat the pedals off of a bicycle, eat the rubbers off of pencils. The doctors said what it was: his little body needed sulfur. And he was eating that rubber, because there was sulfur in the rubber. Now, before he could've--there could've been any crave for that sulfur, there had to be something in here craving it, creating that desire. And if there's something here creating that desire, there's bound to be something out there to respond to that--to that Creator, creation.
In other words like this, as I'd say this. Before you can have a desire, there has to be a Creator to create that desire. Is that right? Before there is a creation, there has to be a Creator.

25 And how many in here believes that there is divine healing, let's see your hands? All right. Now, if... Thank you. If you believe, and there's something in you that says there's healing somewhere, divine healing, there's bound to be a Creator to create that desire. And as sure as there's a desire in your heart to be healed by divine healing, there's a fountain open somewhere. That's all. You would--you couldn't have that desire unless there would be.
And you remember, a long time ago when the church got formal and everything, the people begin to crave more of God? The baptism of the Spirit come into existence. See, you were hungering and thirsting for more of God. And as long as you thirst for more of God, there's bound to be more of God somewhere to respond to that. If there's a deep calling, there's a deep to respond. See what I mean?

26 Now, Simeon, he was the same way. He knew that there was a hunger in his heart. He knew that he had a promise by the Holy Ghost that he wasn't going to see death until he seen the Lord's Christ.
Now, in them days, they didn't have press and radio as we have today. So Jesus, when He was born in Bethlehem of Judea, why there was shepherds come out and worshipped and sang, and the Magis came and offered their presents and so forth. The news didn't scatter like it does now.
But on the eighth day, according to Jewish law, the woman had to come and offer the turtledove for her--and her offering for her cleansing--purification.

Luke 2:22 And when the days of her purification according to the law of Moses were accomplished, they brought him to Jerusalem, to present him to the Lord;

Luke 2:23 (As it is written in the law of the Lord, Every male that openeth the womb shall be called holy to the Lord;)

Luke 2:24 And to offer a sacrifice according to that which is said in the law of the Lord, A pair of turtledoves, or two young pigeons.

Luke 2:26 And it was revealed unto him by the Holy Ghost, that he should not see death, before he had seen the Lord's Christ.

27 Now, let's take a morning at the temple. Here's a man sitting there, back in the prayer room somewhere. It was a busy morning; maybe it was Monday morning, and everybody coming and going, thousands upon thousands.
Well, probably in the three or four million Jews there was in Jerusalem and around Palestine at that time, they'd be probably as many as fifty to a hundred babies borned every night, maybe more. Well, every morning there'd be a line of mothers line up here to offer their sacrifice and for their purifications, and offer the--according to the law.
And now, look. I see Simeon back in the temple. My, I can just notice him sitting back there, maybe reading the Scriptures. He had the promise now. And then into a door stepped... [Gap in the audio.]

28 I'm so thankful my name's on her book tonight, wrote by the blood of Jesus Christ across it, "Pardoned." Oh, my. You'll think I'm a holy-roller after while, sure enough. But brother, when I think of the blood of Christ that pardoned my book of sin, and throwed it in the sea of forgetfulness, it makes me get happy and rejoicing. I love Him with all my heart. If the old-time power of God that's saved me and has kept me through the age. I love Him with all my heart tonight.
And I take my stand with Paul of old. "In the way that's called heresy, so worship I the God of our fathers. I'm not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ for it is the power of God unto the salvation to those who believe." Marvelous, He's wonderful.

Acts 24:14 But this I confess unto thee, that after the way which they call heresy, so worship I the God of my fathers, believing all things which are written in the law and in the prophets:

Romans 1:16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.

29 And I see down there, when that time come for the purification of this little mother, although with her scar and things holding in her arms (Look at her.) a Baby wrapped in swaddling's cloth. That's what they tell me, what goes on the back of a yoke of an ox that plows. And they wasn't nothing down there to wrap the little fellow in, the King of glory. What do you care how poor you are. The King of glory wrapped in swaddling's cloth, rolled Him up in that... And here's the very Prince of heaven laying in the arms of a little girl, wrapped in swaddling cloth.
There stood the rich mothers. They wouldn't get along that bunch of people. They still have that feeling. They won't get along that bunch.
And Mary stood there, and one of them walked away, said, "Look at her."
But in her heart, she knew who she was. She knew she had God's blessings. And there she had It in her arms.
Look here. That's what the natural world would think. Look around and say, "Oh, my. Look at that. That baby ain't even dressed well. And look, a peasant's offering, two turtledoves." Here stood some of them with lambs. They were rich people. But a peasant's offering...

30 Then while they were standing there, and the little mother keeping it all in her heart, I can see the holy Ghost move out there in the room upon that old man called Simeon, that [unclear words] " Simeon, I give you the promise, and you've lived faithful to it. Get up and start moving now."
I can see him lay down the Scroll, walk out of the building. He didn't know where he was going. He was led by the Holy Ghost. I can see him moving around through the people, come down till he hit this line of women, start down along the line. He went right to where that little scorned woman was standing there, picked up that baby wrapped in swaddling's cloth, and tears dropping off of his beard, said, "Lord, let Thy servant depart in peace, according to Thy Word, for my eyes have seen Thy Salvation." The Holy Ghost led him to the Child.

Luke 2:29 Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace, according to thy word:

Luke 2:30 For mine eyes have seen thy salvation,

31 At the same time, an old blind prophetess sitting down there in a corner, the Holy Ghost spoke to her. And here she comes winding through them people like that: blind. Moved right up to where He was, and raised her hands and blessed God: led by the Holy Ghost, deep calling to the deep. They was expecting to see Him. There He was, the Holy Ghost leading them to it.
For years we've expected gifts to be in the church; we've expected power to be in the church. And isn't it strange tonight that you people believe in divine healing, that the Holy Ghost has led you here by the same channel, right to where God's blessings hangs over the building, ready to receive and heal anybody that's in divine presence, that'll believe it?
The same God that lived in that day, and the same Holy Ghost that led Simeon, and Anna, and them to the Christ, has led you here tonight where we're gathered together in this place in the name of the Lord Jesus to see His power move upon His people. Amen. Amen.
No, that won't scare you. Amen means "so be it." And that's right. It's the truth. How marvelous.

Luke 2:36 And there was one Anna, a prophetess, the daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe of Aser: she was of a great age, and had lived with an husband seven years from her virginity;

Luke 2:37 And she was a widow of about fourscore and four years, which departed not from the temple, but served God with fastings and prayers night and day.

Luke 2:38 And she coming in that instant gave thanks likewise unto the Lord, and spake of him to all them that looked for redemption in Jerusalem.

32 Do you believe in being led by the Spirit? Recently, for just for a testimony. We was having a meeting here in Fort Wayne. I'll never forget it. Many of you here was in the Fort Wayne meeting, no doubt at all. Let's see your hands who was in the Fort Wayne meeting? What a marvelous time. That's where the man was healed with the multiple sclerosis. How many was there that night he was healed, let's see your hands?
There that old man laying there, crippled up (They both may be present now.) laying like that. I didn't know. They was trying to lay the man on the platform in his white shirt there. He was a business man, had been paralyzed from his waist down for ten years in the bed. I didn't know. They... Some of his friends tried to get him up. The poor man was trying to touch my trouser leg. And they took him off the platform.

33 I was just sitting down. I went ahead speaking. I happened to look out, and I seen a vision of him. I knew he was going to be well. I seen him walking through some kind of a place. I spoke to him, he... And I said, "You want me to come lay my hands on you, don't you."
He said, "Yes, sir."
I walked down. The same time there, a little old man was laying there so crippled, that this man had wrote to, reached over and got a hold of my coat. He said, "Brother Branham, just lay your hands on me too while you're here, and I'll get well."
And no sooner than I touched that man there, he rose to his feet. And that people went into a scream. You remember it?

34 Here a few weeks ago, I got a letter from both of them. And the man that was so paralyzed, was so crippled like this, was a plowing out in a field with his tractor. The other man [unclear words] with multiple sclerosis, came down the road and seen him. He jumped out of his car, and the man jumped off the tractor, and they run out there in the field, grabbing one another and lifting one another up and down like that. What is it? Nothing but the blood of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. He is omnipotent in His power in [unclear words]. Why, He's the same Christ yesterday, today, and forever. His powers cannot fail, because He's God. God's divine order of the earth, the Holy Spirit today is just the same as He was. To reject Jehovah was a penalty. You had... To reject Jesus was a penalty. And to reject this, what people call fanaticism, and what people call foolishness, is the Holy Ghost. He said, "To speak a word against it would never be forgiven in this world to come." It's more of a penalty to reject the Holy Spirit today than it would be to reject Jesus Christ or the Father. That's right.
Don't you be ashamed. Stand for that which is right. I don't know what's the matter with me tonight. I'm [unclear words] now. All right. Watch him.

Matthew 12:31 Wherefore I say unto you, All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men.

Matthew 12:32 And whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come.

Mark 3:29 But he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost hath never forgiveness, but is in danger of eternal damnation:

Luke 12:10 And whosoever shall speak a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but unto him that blasphemeth against the Holy Ghost it shall not be forgiven.

Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

35 There in the meeting when things were going on. I remember that I was staying in the Indiana Hotel. And they have to keep the place a secret of where you stay, you know, because all day long when you get them sick people, that calls the anointing down, and you can't hardly get to the platform at night.
And I remember a nurse, Mayo's nurse, one of the first healings: Mrs. Margie Morgan. Cancer went through till she only weighed forty-seven pounds. Mr. Baxter and them was talking to her the other night. She weighs a hundred and fifty-five. That's been about five years ago.
The doctors said, "Oh, she'll die. She's just excited." Well, she's still excited. She's living. You better get excited then, so then it'll hold your life here a little while. Excitement, it's the power of Almighty God, not excitement. If it is, it'd be good for psychologists and doctors to go to teaching excitement. Excitement don't cure you. You know it doesn't.

36 Now, notice. We was staying in the hotel. And the little bellhop come up, and he said, "Reverend Branham, I'm sorry to inform you, but you couldn't even get out that door this morning." Said, "That auditorium's packed full. They know you're here."
We waited awhile. And no way to get out to breakfast. So after while, another one come up, said, "I'll tell you; I can take you through the basement if you don't mind, your wife and them, climb over some ashes."
I said, "I don't mind."
We went down, went through a big pile of ashes, and come out into an alley. We started down to the little place called Toddle House. You remember where that's at? There's where Mr. Eaton was healed that morning with stomach trouble when he run up there to pay for my breakfast.

37 And I remember, I had my overcoat up like this, walking down the street a holding my little girl, Mrs. Morgan on one side, and my wife on the other. We were walking down the street. I started to cross the street to go to the Toddle House, where we were eating our breakfast and our meals. And just then, I felt the Holy Spirit. You believe in being led by the Spirit now? All right. Listen closely then. It said, "Turn this a way."
And I started to turn. Mrs. Morgan said, "Where you going?"
My wife looked quickly said, "Spirit leading now. Just watch. Just follow him."
And went down the street. I don't know where I went, but after while, I stopped and looked up. It said, "Miller's Cafeteria." I went in. (These people may be sitting here tonight for all I know.) I went in. I got a cup of, I believe, of chocolate or something, sat down to drink it, Mrs. Morgan, all of them.
When we asked the blessing, I raised my head. I said something to my little girl. I seen a woman raise up. She said, "Bless God. Bless God."
I thought... Mrs. Morgan turned around, said, "You're trapped in here now."
I said, "Mrs. Morgan, don't say that." See? I said, "This is the Holy Spirit."

38 This woman come over there wringing her hands. She said, "Brother Branham, I'm from Texas." She said, "My brother is dying with heart trouble." Said, "We followed. This is about eight or ten meetings that we've been into, and we've never been able to get a prayer card that was called into the line." And said, "To get up here this time, we sold our cow," said, "because my... The doctor said my brother could only live a little while longer." The heart, something had injured the diaphragm. Said, "He's just got a few more weeks to live. And it was our last chance." Said, "We [unclear words] till last night. We can't even get in to get--to the place any more." And said, "I prayed all night long." And she said, "This morning just about four o'clock in the morning," she said, "I had a dream. And in this dream it told me to come down and find a place by the name of Miller's Cafeteria, and to be here at nine o'clock and my brother'd be healed."
I looked at my watch, and exactly nine o'clock. You know what took place. Yes, sir. And that boy was healed.

39 I turned, and got my hat, and started out the door, and people begin screaming. That cafeteria was alive in a few minutes. I started to walk out the door. Said something, a blessing to them, started to walk out the door, and a little woman... She was at San Bernardino a few weeks ago to testify to me, was coming back from Brazil to see her daughter, which is a missionary.
And she fell down on the street and grabbed a hold of my legs like that. She said, "Oh, God..."
I picked her up, and I said, "What's the matter, sister?"
Meda, my wife and them, they started picking her up. Said, "What's the matter?"
And she was way big, malignant. And Mayo Brothers had turned her down. Her husband owns the spaghetti company here in Chicago. And she was a little woman. And she was, oh, so swollen out. She said, "Brother Branham," she said, "it's my last chance." She said, "Oh, I've just prayed and cried." Said, "Mayo's has turned me down, and there's nothing could be done about this here. I've taken radium; I've taken x-ray treatments, and everything, and nothing could be done." And she said, "This morning, just along about the break of day," she said, "I was awakened. I was looking out. And I went back to sleep again." Said, "I dreamed a dream that I was to stand in front of Miller's Cafeteria ten minutes after nine to be healed." Oh, my. Do you believe in leading by the Spirit? Yes, sir.

40 On down the street I went. Just a little while longer. (And you people from Fort Wayne and across the line know of this.) I was going down the street. My wife said, "What... Are you ready to go in now?"
I said, "I don't know." We got down there, and I seen some fishing tackle. And I started to turn for that. Just then the Holy Spirit moved down again and begin to move over. This is my inside life I'm telling you about. It's happened right here in this city too, today. And then here It moving around. I felt It. I said, "Oh, It's again." I said, "Now, honey, you go on over and get the ... at the drug store over there and get that little coloring book for the baby." Had to keep her in a room all day. I said, "You all go on back in. I don't know when I'm going to be able to ... the Holy Spirit will relieve me now."

41 I went on down at the... Started down at the end of the street. And I walked up there and begin to look towards that tackle and stuff. And I got back to the side; I said, "Heavenly Father, where would You have Your servant go?" I thought maybe He wants me to stand here a little bit. And I stood a little bit; nothing happened. I thought, "Well..." I started to walk towards the corner.
He said, "Go across the other corner."
And the cop blowed the whistle there. And I went across the other side, and stood there a little bit, about ten minutes. I didn't know why I was standing there. People passed. I was just standing there. That's all I knowed. When you're led of the Spirit, God wants you to just do what He says do. He's the One on the other end of the line doing the work.

42 I just stood there a little bit. And I thought, "Oh, what is going to happen?"
And a big Irish cop out there blew the whistle again; the pedestrians crossed. And coming behind was a little woman with a checkered dress on, a checkered tam, looked like a Canadian. She was packing a pocketbook on her arm. She had her head down. She went walking along like this, and she...
The Holy Spirit said, "Stand over here."
And she passed that close to me, just went right on by. I thought, "Why is that?" She went a little farther. I thought, "Well, that's strange. And He told me to stand here by her. Wonder why. Maybe she just caught the blessing as went by like that."

43 In a few moments she turned around, and said, "Oh," she said, "Brother Branham..." And she come back. She said, "I don't... I'm beside myself."
I said, "I don't think so, sister. What's the matter?"
She said, "I'm from Canada. I'm only allowed a hundred and fifty dollars a year to come over here." She said, "I--I spent all my money." And she said, "I--I--I was in the hotel lobby, and I had five cents for coffee this morning." She said, "And I was on my road back to hitchhike back to Canada." Said, "I couldn't get in the lines, and I was praying." And said, "Something just turned me around and made me come up two or three blocks and walk across this a way." Oh, my. There He is.
I seen her holding her hand. I said, "Is it your arm, sister?"
She said, "Yes, I fell on a rock. I was riding a dog when I was a little girl, and I fell on a rock and hurt this arm like this." And while she was talking, here come her arm coming out like that. She begin screaming the top of her voice.
And that big cop said, "I know who you are, Brother Branham."
You talk about a prayer line, we had it all up-and-down the street there for a while, the people standing, moving. Oh, how marvelous.

44 Here not long ago, I was coming from Dallas, Texas, in spring, and I thought... I was flying back, and I was grounded at Memphis, right where my... Had to be one night on the fifth at Memphis, Tennessee. I was grounded there, and they put me up there in that, I believe, the Peabody Hotel, it's called. It's a very nice place. Myself, I couldn't afford to go in it, but the airlines sent me up there. And I remember that morning, they called me, said, "Now, the plane will leave at eight o'clock, Reverend Branham." Said, "They'll be by to pick you up."
I said, "Yes, sir." And I got my letters ready and was going down to mail the letters. Now, listen closely, I'm going to close in a minute. And I thought, "Oh, my, I'll go down and mail these letters." And I got out and started down the street, put--trying to find the Post Office. And I was walking down the street singing that little Pentecostal song, let's see:
Telling now, both far and wide,
His power is yet the same,
I'm so glad that I can say I'm one of them.
Brother Ryan, you remember, when you used to sing it. And saying, "We..." And going singing that little song. And after while, I felt something going, "Whooo..." got close. I stepped back up behind a great big column there, and I said, "Heavenly Father, what would You have Your servant do?" It kept going, "Whooo..." I was real still a minute, and I heard a deep voice say, "Turn, go back."

45 Well, I turned and went walking back down the street. I walked. And I walked on past the hotel, on down through south Memphis, just walking on and on. The sun was way high then. The sun was up, and it was a beautiful spring morning. The fragrance of the flowers in the air, had perfumed the air.
I thought, "How beautiful." Was going walking along there. I thought, "Lord, I don't know. You said, 'Walk.' Here I am. I'm walking." I just kept on walking, walking, walking. Walked out pretty near the other side of Memphis. And I remember going down a little hill towards where a little creek of a thing ran through this way, a little tributary there at the river of some kind. I just went walking down through there. There's was a little old whitewashed hut down there; a lot of colored people lived down in that way. I was walking down through there, singing--humming to myself,
Only believe, only believe.
Satan said, "You're going to miss your plane."
I said, "I'll walk."
All things are possible.
Don't let him tell you a lie. He's a liar. When God is a leading, you go do what God said do. Yes, sir. He tells you you're healed; believe it, and just start walking on. And I just kept on like that, singing,
Only Believe [unclear words].

46 I was noticing, leaning across a gate like this, there was a typical old Aunt Jemima, great big heavy set colored woman with a man's shirt tied around her head. She was leaning out across there. I kind of quit singing, humming, when I was far as that wall from her. I just went walking on by.
And when I got there, she kind of looked at me and laughed, and those big white teeth showed, and her tears streaked face like that. She said, "Good morning, parson." I turned. Now, "parson" means "minister or reverend" down in the south. Said, "Good morning, parson."
I looked around. I said, "Good morning, auntie." I said, "Say, how'd you know I was a parson?" She smiled and wiped her eyes. I thought, "Here it is. Something's going on." I could feel the Spirit. I'd walked far enough then. My, when I think about it, my heart leaps.

47 I turned around; I said, "How'd you know I was a parson?"
She said, "Parson, did you ever read in the Bible about that Shunammite woman that had that baby by promise?"
I said, "Yes, Auntie. I've read that a many a time. I preached on it not long ago."
She said, "I's is that kind of woman, too. And I told the Lord if He give me a child, I'd raise it for Him." Said, "Parson, the Lord give me a boy, and I raised him till he was in his teens." Said, "He took a road that's wrong, got out with some bad company." Said, "He's laying here dying now. He caught a bad disease, and the doctors can't do nothing for him." Said, "They give him all kinds of shots," but said, "he's a backslider." And said, "He laying in here dying." Said, "He'd been unconscious since day before yesterday." And said, "He don't know nothing. He thinks he's out in a big deep sea somewhere, cold." And said, "Parson, it just breaks my heart to see my boy die like that." And said, "I--I want him saved." And said, "I prayed all night. And I said, 'Lord, You give me that baby, but--but where's the Elijah?'" She said, "Now, Lord, will You help me. Don't let my baby die like this." And said, "And the Lord told me this morning..." And said, "I kind of fell asleep there in my chair; and I dreamed that I was to come out here and stand in this gate and I'd see a man coming dressed like you is." Oh, my. You know how that makes you feel?

48 I said, "Auntie, my name is Branham. Did you ever hear of me before?"
She said, "No, sir. I never heard of you."
Oh, my. I said, "Auntie, I pray for the sick."
She said, "Do you?"
I said, "Can I come in to see your boy?"
She said, "Sure, parson." And when she raised that little old gate back with a chain on it and a plow point for a weight, for a weight behind it... I've went into kings palaces, and I went into big fine homes, but I never was more welcome than I was when I walked in that little gate that morning, under that trestle. She walked just as happy. She knew something had to happen; God was on both ends of the line.

49 So I walked into the room. First thing upon there was a little old sign, "God bless our home," little old chunk stove, that we call it in the south, sitting there, and a little poster bed. Here was a great big stout looking boy, about a hundred and eighty pounds, around seventeen, eighteen years old, laying there with a blanket in his hand, going, "Mmmm, Mmmm," like that. He said, "It's so cold, mama. Mmmm."
She patted him. She said, "Mama's baby."
I thought right then of motherly love. No matter what he'd done, how much disgrace; it was mother's still baby. She kissed him on his forehead.
And I thought, "If the love of a mother can go like that, what will the love of God do? When He said, 'A mother may forget her suckling babe, but I'll never forget you.'" I think, "Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me."

Isaiah 49:15 Can a woman forget her sucking child, that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb? yea, they may forget, yet will I not forget thee.

50 Then while she was over her boy there, I said, "Auntie, let's pray." She never said nothing about his healing, she wanted him to be saved. And so before he went she wanted to have a witness that he was saved. And that old saint got down on there floor. I couldn't pray. Hear her pray, oh, my, she opened up that heart, and the tears rolling down her cheeks, she said, "Lord, if You'll just let him tell me that him going to be with Jesus," said, "I'll be happy," and like that. And I just knelt there and held my head down and cried like a baby.
In a few moments, she raised up, she said, "Thank You, Lord." And she went over, she said, "Mommy's baby." Patted it like that. And I felt his feet, just as cold as they could be, death was on the boy. And he said...
I said, "Does he...?"
He said, "He don't know..."
I said, I spoke to the boy, I said, "How you feeling now, young man?"
He just kept going, "Hmm."
She said, "He don't know where he's at parson; he ain't been conscious for two days now."
And I said, "Let's pray again, sister."

51 And we knelt on the floor, I said, "Heavenly Father, somehow or another last night a storm came up, and You grounded the plane." Don't you believe all things work together for the good. I said, "On my road home to the meeting," I said, "You grounded the plane. And this morning when the sun was shining, I know the hours is passed, the time now for it to leave. But somehow You led me down this way; I don't understand. But I'm putting my hands on this boy in the name of Jesus Christ, Your Son, and asking for his life to be spared."
And then no more the prayer had been made, I heard him going, "Um," said, "Oh, Mama."
She raised up, said, "What do mama's baby want?"
Said, "Mama, it's getting light in the room, getting light in the room."
She begin crying; I raised up my hands, begin to offer praise. Up off the bed come that big healthy boy, restored to his normal condition.

52 A few months after that, I was passing through on a train, and I stopped in to get something to eat; I heard somebody holler, "Parson Branham." He was pulling one of these little old carts around like that, down there at the station working. He run grabbed a hold of my hand, said, "You remember me?"
And I said, "No, I don't."
Lord led you down there, when mammy was praying." Says, "Parson Branham, I's perfectly whole now, and I's a Christian now."
Christian, oh, brother, and you know what? That plane never left, something happened to it, it was about a hour late, and I got on the plane and got home in time anyhow.
Let me tell you something, "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today and forever." His power's omnipotent, He can't fail; He's the same God that was in Memphis, Tennessee, that night, Fort Wayne, Indiana, is here tonight. Do you believe that? He's the same, He can't fail.

Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

53 Our heavenly Father, we thank Thee tonight for Thy power, how we could testify hour after hour of Your blessings and what all that You've done for us. I'm thinking of that time down there in Memphis, and thinking of over here at Fort Wayne, and the different places throughout the nation.
O God, now You're here; it may be peculiar to some people, but Lord, it's not to we who believe You to be the same yesterday, today, and forever. We believe that You're here tonight, and You're here in Your power. And as Simeon of old was expecting the promise of the Holy Spirit to let him see the Christ before he died... O God, the same Holy Spirit's here, and we're asking Him tonight, in the name of the Master Jesus Christ, the Son of God, to let us see His great power. Not as we need to see it, for we pray that You'll do it, Lord, to strengthen the faith of others, that these next three meetings that's to be in this auditorium, may be the setting forth of an old-fashioned revival that'll cause churches to be filled with Your glory.

54 And Lord, these ministers, Thy servants, sitting just behind me tonight in prayer, O God, may each one of them be filled with the power. And may their churches be multiplied and double times double, Lord, of people getting saved. And may there be old fashion healing powers flowing through their churches, great signs and wonders. And may something happen that'll cause the city to talk for a long time. Grant it, dear God.
Now, speaking tonight, in this warm building, I pray that You'll hide Your servant behind the cross, and may the Angel of God come near. Move like You did last night, O Angel of God. Come down upon this building, and I believe if You'll give us a another chance after last night, showing Your power, if You'll give us that chance tonight, I believe, heavenly Father, if You'll send Him to manifest Himself again, that the sick and every one in here will receive Him in one heart and one accord. And there'll be healings, Lord, that'll be talked about for months and years to come. Grant it, Lord. These kind blessings and favors we ask in Jesus Christ's name. Amen.

55 Thank you, sir [unclear words] here. I know it's very hard (worry about), hot like this; we can't help that. I wish now, in this lovely song, "Abide With Me." In the hour of my death, when life is taking me away, or my, the Angels of God, I hope, are packing me to glory, I believe that's already settled. When they take me away I hope I hear that song being played like that, "Abide With Me." When the death is struggling in my throat, and the cold vapors floating against my soul, when I start down through that long valley they call the shadow of death, I want to see the morning star come out, light up the way for the valley of the shadow of death. And when I get to the Jordan, I expect to see two glossy wings of the Holy Ghost reach across there, and bear our weary souls to a better land. Till that time, may we live faithful to Him, Who is faithful to His Word. In the name of the Lord Jesus. All have faith in God; all believe in God. No one doubt God, but only believe.

56 All right, I don't know what to do. I'm asking my minister brothers, just stay here where you're at. I want you to help me tonight. Will you do it? These men are ordained of God; they publicly come out here before the city, like this, to show theirself, that they believe in divine healing in Jesus Christ. And they're just as much ordained to pray for the sick as anybody else there is in the world to pray for the sick. Your pastor has the same right to pray. Even the lay members have a right to pray. Is that right? "Confess your fault one to another, and pray one for the other." Everyone has a right that believes in divine healing to pray for the sick. The only thing, it's just your faith to mount up.
I don't know what the Holy Spirit... I've asked Him to bless us. I believe He will do it. Are you going to believe with me, now? You going to expect Him to do it? Then every one be reverent, and let's call a little prayer line and get started. We'll call a few and, up somewhere in the line, and then we'll... Then I want some of, other people... We just don't know what the Lord's going to do for us tonight.

James 5:16 Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.

57 I tell you, coming over here tonight, I just said, "Lord, I commit it to You. And when I got here, all these pastors was up on the platform; Brother Baxter said, "Brother Branham, there's not a way in the world for them man to stand anywhere." Said, "Every person can be stood in is stood, and they've turned away since early in the afternoon, or the evening." And said, "There's nowhere..."
And just then the Holy Spirit revealed something to me. I said, "Leave them brothers right where they are." It's not as I don't want my brothers here, but here--they're believers; you're believers, and some of them are needing healing too. And that's right. And when it's coming crossways, this way, it mixes me up. You see what I mean? It's mixing me up. And when I'm turn sideways, if I turn the patient this way, there's no neat way of turning the patient to get out... Did you ever turn a radio on about three or four stations trying to come in at the same time? That's the same thing, when I feel the moving.

58 Those are demon powers, not demon of your soul, demon of your body. Brother Baxter's explained all that to you. And when they come against that, I just... They fear, and if you notice, one here will be healed of something, and then a kindred spirit of sympathy out there, will be scared and take out of the person. Have you seen that take place? Sure, they know when they're whipped. You can't fool them.
Someone... The other night I was at a place where they said they had a healing meeting, and some man was standing there stomping and kicking the platform hard, and saying, "Devil, come out of it, devil..."
Now, he don't care how much you cut up (See?); that ain't going to bother him. You can't scare him. There's only one thing will move him; that's true divine faith in Christ. That'll take him right now; he's afraid of that. That's right. When you really got the blood of Christ behind you, backing your faith up, moving up like that, he will move away. He recognizes it. All right, now everyone be reverent.

59 Where's Billy? All right. Did you give--what prayer cards did you give? Z, how far? 51 to a 100. Let's take just about ten. Let's take 90 to a 100. Get 90 to a 100, in Z-90 to a 100, line up here according to your cards, right away.
Now, how many in here hasn't got prayer cards? Let's see your hands. Oh, that's good, the front line here; that's the way. I'm glad you're here. Now, you sit this way.
How many down in the audience, down here, have you got prayer cards? Very few, just now and then. All right. Now, somebody look at prayer cards and see if they've got that 100 to... What was it I... What'd I'd call, Brother Baxter? Oh, 90, 90 to a 100, yeah, 90 to a 100. See, if somebody's deaf, they wouldn't be able to hear. And look at the one next to you and see if they've got their cards lined right.
I'm just a little late, but I'm going to try just... You pray for me, because I'm... Pray for me, brethren, it's hard [unclear words] keeps me, coming right back out in the...

60 Yes, sir. All right [unclear words]. Excuse me, audience, for speaking tonight like I have; I've took up lot of your time, but I just love you so much I had to have a few words to say to you before leaving, on the Gospel. It's kind of hard when you're speaking like that, and then go right back into anointing of this other, it's a different feeling and everything. It isn't like speaking or something, but I pray that God will bless each one of you now and give you... How many's going to believe with all your heart now? That's right. How many of you, just keep your hand up and saying it, like this, "Brother Branham, I'm holding on to God to answer your prayer tonight." Are you doing that? All right. You do that, that's solid almost, I'd say, one hundred percent. Something's got to happen.
Brother, sister, I've said this, and I'm going to say this before the anointing comes down on me deep, don't pay no attention the way I'm acting up here, because that's just the... You're not in this world at that time. I know where I'm at, but I don't know what I'm saying or doing most of the time.

61 Listen, the Angel of God told me, "If you get the people to believe you, and then be sincere when you pray, there's nothing will stand before your prayer."
And I said, "Sir, they won't believe me; I'm uneducated."
Said, "You'll be given two signs." And He told me what the signs is; you understand. He said, "When this is done, they'll believe then."
And then after those signs is done, which is infallible, is it the truth? It is the truth. All right. Then you've accepted it. Now, upon that basis, anything can happen. Hear me; anything can happen. Don't you pay any attention to any senses; don't you pay any attention to any doubts or any mechanical things; you listen to the Holy Spirit tonight. And if you'll do that, and do just as I tell you to do, you'll see the glory of God. Now, I'm saying that to you down here too. And I'm saying to every one of you: Believe and be in prayer, and accept Jesus Christ as your Healer. And say to God, that you're go--that you believe that you're going to be healed. God's going to make you well tonight, and you shall receive what you've asked for. All right. Everything ready. All right, bring--ring the man.

62 How do you do, sir? I just try to get that around so that the people, that out there in the audience will be able to hear. You'll check that for me times, Brother Baxter.
Now, my brethren, I want you all back here with one accord, to believe. Now, you don't have to keep your head down unless I ask. But I want you to believe me; I'm here representing the same Gospel that you preached all these years. And you brethren, some of you here is aged men to me, and you, back when I was a little boy, you were preaching this Gospel and contending for it. And now, I'm just merely running the road that you've paved; that's all. If there's any credit, if Jesus would come tonight, I'd be happy to step back and let you all go in. For I believe you would do it before me, because I'm just running over the road that you all have paved.
Now, you pray for me. And as the people are here. I'm trying to... This is the first time I've ever done this, about first or second time, as I remember, of trying to have the Spirit of discernment while there's coming... You understand me, you brethren? It's from both sides (You see?) like that. All right, now believe with all your heart, here. All right.

63 All right, you come, brother. All right, yes, sir, that's all right, just so I can talk to you just a little bit. And now, I suppose we're... As far as I know, we're strangers in life. I don't ... I... Oh, you was at the Fort Wayne meetings, yes, but didn't get in the row. I'm just going to talk to you just a little bit, because that's just to contact (You see?) your spirit.
Now, that was a wonderful meeting, wasn't it? It was marvelous. That's where the only time that I know of, that the, I believe the, that paper called "We The People," that famous book, it, that meeting went it the night that a little blind girl was healed at the platform. The Assemblies of God people, it was in your paper, and so forth, when the--a little blind girl came up. And then the papers wrote around there that she could not see after she was prayed for; and her father went down to the place, and brought the child, and proved it, and everything, when I took the little girl aside, and the blind spirit was cast away from her.
Was anybody there that night when it happened? Yeah, there's hands; there's somebody waving back in there. That's right, everywhere. It was a marvelous time. Little girl was... Had a stomach trouble and lots wrong with her, and it appeared... How many Assembly of God people that takes that, what is their paper's name now? "Evangel." How many read that article in the "Evangel?" Let's see your... The Pentecostal people takes the "Pentecostal Evangel"... Yeah, there's several hands around that read the article. And that was in "We The People," international book this year.

64 Now, on that... If you will, stand back this way just a little bit, back... If... No... In that meeting, signs and wonders were done, wasn't it? And I believe in that meeting I testified about being, going overseas, and that be a boy be raised from the dead somewhere, you know, I spoke of that. You remember that. That was about right on the year before it happened. But it happened, and God always brings things to pass just the way He said it.
Sir, while I'm standing here, I see you slip back; you're a minister of the Gospel. Isn't that right? Aren't you a minister? And you're suffering with a nervous breakdown, isn't that right? Isn't that right? Well, come here and be healed, brother.
Almighty God, Author of Life and Giver of every good gift, Satan, this demon come roaring out there; he knowed that challenge of faith was on him. In the name of Jesus Christ, come out of this man, leave him alone. God bless you, my brother. You put a great strain on your nerves, and your age too. You see, it's just the time. Men goes through that the same as woman. You're going to be a well man. Go off the platform; preach the Gospel, and go on, be well.

65 Let's say, "Praise the Lord." The minister will be well. Ever who's around Fort Wayne there, watch him. There's nothing wrong with him; Satan just grabbed him; that was all a scare. Many people say, "Well, you get next to yourself." How can you when something's there to scare you? And look here, reverend, you that just was healed, looky here, let you know what I'm talking about: There's at least sixty percent of these people sitting right in here tonight, suffering with the same thing. They're suffering with a nervous condition. How many will be honest, that you're nervous, raise your hands. How's that. About sixty percent, is that right? All right, that shows that I'm... That God reveals to me what I'm talking about. Is that right? When that demon went off of you, they shook all through there like that. Made me blind for a few minutes.
I believe every one of you right now, while that minister's healed that's bothered with nervousness, could be healed right now. Satan knows he's lost this battle. Sure, he does. He knows he's a lose... My, sure, aren't you agreeing right now; people are healed. That's true.

66 That can't last long brethren; that's marvelous. All right, bring your client, or patient. Yeah, that's right. It--get just a little behind me if you will, to kind of right along there. All right.
Oh, my, people, please believe me as His servant. Something took place right then. Be reverent.
How do you do, sir? I believe this is our first meeting time in life; I don't believe I ever seen you before. I've never seen you. And I... Is this your first time to see me? You had photographs; I see. Yes, sir. And you like to do that, do you photograph? You, or you do photograph? Not with camera, you don't do any photographing. You love the Lord with all your heart? I believe that. Uh, huh. Say, sir, you're suffering with some kind of a weakness, that you get real weak and blind, don't you? I see you sometime just kind of go down. Is that right? And are... No, you're not a photographer; you're a musician. Is that right? That is right. And say, you have--don't you have a, some kind of a gallbladder trouble, or some... Isn't that right? Come here and be healed, brother.
Almighty God, Author of Life and Giver of every good gift, send Thy blessings upon this man who I bless in Thy name. In the name of Jesus Christ, come out of the man, thou demon of affliction. All right, sir, my brother, go and be well, in the name of the Lord Jesus.
Let's say, "Praise the Lord."

67 Oh, what a night. Friends, God is my Judge: I'm becoming so weak I can hardly stand on this platform. That's true, there's something taking place in the audience. All right, every one just as reverent as you can; be reverent
What do you think, sister, sitting down there? Do you believe with all your heart? If you do, have faith, and God will let you be able to get up from there and walk.
You over there, you put your arm around the lady. Don't let it shock you, but you believe also, do you? You believe she'd get well? Well, tell her to have faith. Don't weep, mother, have faith. You want to be well? You want to accept your healing? All right, you're suffering with a cancer, aren't you? Won't you stand up on your feet and be well in the name of the Lord Jesus.
Let's say, "Praise the Lord."
She comes up out of her chair to accept it. Let's say, "Bless the Lord." Yes. Praise God.

68 How many of you people don't have prayer cards, let's see your hands around? That row, look like none of you have prayer cards. What about you, lady, sitting there? Do you believe? With all your heart? You believe God sent me as your--as His servant? You believe that I'm His prophet standing here? You accept it. All right, will you... If I'll tell you something, will you believe it? Jesus Christ healed you of that tumor just then. Stand up on your feet and be made well. All right, go home and pass it now. In the name of the Lord Jesus.
You sitting next to her there (Uh-huh.), you believe with all your heart? You believe, accept this is God's prophet, this... You do? You'd like to get over that hay fever, wouldn't you? Is that right? All right, stand up and be over it. In the name of the Lord Jesus accept your healing. Amen.

69 What about the lady sitting next to her? What do you think about it, sister? You believe with all your heart? Let's see if I could see you. You believe me as God's prophet? You do. All right. You got poor circulation that's caused you to come to a paralyzed condition. Stand up on your feet and receive your healing. In the name of the Lord Jesus. Somebody help her. There she's up. Oh, her arm come straight.
Let's say, "Praise the Lord." That's the way it's done. In the name of the Lord Jesus. Hallelujah. That's the way, sister. You're going to be a well woman.
What about the man sitting next to her? Do you have a prayer card, sir? Are you believe? Look this a way, are you sick? Yes. I see you are. Say, look this a way, young man. Have you been a soldier? You have. You have some kind of a jungle fever or something like, some kind of a disease like that you caught overseas. Is that right? Stand up on your feet and be made well, in the name of the Lord Jesus. Amen.

70 Who's next there without a prayer card? What about you, lady? You haven't a prayer card? You believe with all your heart? You're anemia, aren't you? All right, go home and be well. In the name of the Lord Jesus.
The man sitting next to you, there's nothing wrong with him but his eyes. Stand up, brother. Be healed. Take your glasses in the name of Jesus Christ. There he is healed.
What about the lady next? You have a prayer card? No? Let's see, you believe Jesus? All right, go home and eat what you want to; you've had stomach trouble; you're healed. Stand up on your feet.
Let's say, "Praise the Lord." (Give me just a minute.)

71 All right, bring the patient. Everyone reverent. Have faith in God. Don't doubt nothing. Believe the Lord Jesus and you'll be made whole. You believe this?
How do you do, sir? What do you think of this feeling that's coming over you now, do you believe that comes from God? You do. You should; you're a minister. Is that right? You've been out of the service for quite awhile on account of arthritis. You've been praying and trying to get back, haven't you? But your shou--put your cane on your shoulder, and go off the platform, and preach the Gospel in the name of Jesus Christ.
Let's say, "Praise the Lord." He's healed.
What about you, sister? Got stomach trouble; You believe with all your heart, on the stretcher? Stand up and be healed. Take your stretcher away. In the name of Jesus Christ. Move the stretcher.
All right ministers, walk out here. Let's see. Walk down through that audience laying your hands on those people, out down through the platform. How many wants to be healed?
You there with anemia, stand up; Jesus Christ makes you whole. Amen.
Get the stretchers out. What about it, sitting there in the wheelchair? Have faith now. Believe.
What about the boy with big [unclear words] waterhead? Lay your hands over on its head. Believe with all your heart. There it is. Hallelujah.
Ministers, get down through the audience [unclear words] yourself, raise your hands, the whole place...

Expectations (1953-02-17) (William M. Branham Sermons)

Expectations (1953-02-17) (William M. Branham Sermons) somebody


1 Thank you, Brother Baxter.
Good evening, friends. I'm very happy to be here tonight to worship with you, our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. How we love Him---what He is to us. No wonder it was said, "Eye has not seen, ear has not heard ... hasn't entered the heart of man, what God has for them in store that love Him." He's certainly wonderful.
[Brother Branham speaks aside, "Thank you."] It's kind of strange to have a metal flower, isn't it? Well, this is supposed to be something to help me to send my voice out there a little farther. I'm kind of small, and I haven't got very much of a voice anyhow. So, I guess they have to, kind of, step it up a little bit in there to make it go out.
My boy was telling me just a few moments ago that Brother Jackson was with us. Yeah. God bless you, Brother Jackson. I'm very happy to see him here with us tonight. The Lord bless Brother Jackson.

Isaiah 64:4 For since the beginning of the world men have not heard, nor perceived by the ear, neither hath the eye seen, O God, beside thee, what he hath prepared for him that waiteth for him.

1 Corinthians 2:9 But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.

2 Coming up the road when Billy come down and picked me up. He said, "Daddy," said, "Brother Jackson's up there tonight." I was looking for him the other day. And I was thinking of... Brother Jackson and I, when we first met, it was up, I believe, at a revival at his church (I believe it was) when we met each other up in (Is that Kennett, Missouri?) Saxton. Saxton, Missouri.
Well, Brother Jackson, there's a lot of water's run over the dam since then, hasn't it? But the Lord has been using Brother Jackson in a most unusual way. One of the great gifts that's through the church: He prays for the sick with a marvelous success. And not only that, but he has one of the outstanding phenomenals of the day, of the baptism of the Spirit, of laying on the hands.

3 Now, when I first come in the Pentecostal people, I'd hear them talking about seeking, tarrying for the Holy Ghost. I couldn't understand that. Why tarry when the Holy Ghost has been here for some two thousand years? I seen the word tarry doesn't mean "pray." Tarry means "wait." Well, I seen they had to wait until the day of Pentecost had fully come. But after that, there was no waiting. "While Peter spake these words, the Holy Ghost fell on them." Paul laid his hands upon them, and they received the Holy Ghost.
Well, it seemed to me like there was a little something different when Philip went down and preached to the Samaritans. They all received the Word and was baptized, but the Holy Ghost had come upon none of them. Paul ... I mean, Peter came down, he and John, and he prayed and laid hands on them; the Holy Ghost came on them.
Well, I thought, That's the way I believe it would be apostolic. That's the way the Scripture says it.
And now, that's just the thing that God has done for our Brother Jackson. I've never seen him ... I've heard of it so much. My boy told me that he was up at Dallas when Brother Jackson was up there, and seen him line the people up somewhere along the altar, somewhere, and went along laying hands on them, and them receiving the Holy Ghost as he laid hands on them. That's what the Scripture says. I just believe it. That's the way the Scripture says it's to be done.
I'm so happy about that, that God has give that to our church just before the coming of the Lord. Isn't that marvelous? Oh, my. We ought to be the happiest people on earth.

Acts 8:5 Then Philip went down to the city of Samaria, and preached Christ unto them.

Acts 8:6 And the people with one accord gave heed unto those things which Philip spake, hearing and seeing the miracles which he did.

Acts 8:12 But when they believed Philip preaching the things concerning the kingdom of God, and the name of Jesus Christ, they were baptized, both men and women.

Acts 8:14 Now when the apostles which were at Jerusalem heard that Samaria had received the word of God, they sent unto them Peter and John:

Acts 8:15 Who, when they were come down, prayed for them, that they might receive the Holy Ghost:

Acts 8:16 (For as yet he was fallen upon none of them: only they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus.)

Acts 8:17 Then laid they their hands on them, and they received the Holy Ghost.

Acts 10:44 While Peter yet spake these words, the Holy Ghost fell on all them which heard the word.

Acts 19:6 And when Paul had laid his hands upon them, the Holy Ghost came on them; and they spake with tongues, and prophesied.

Galatians 5:22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,

Galatians 5:23 Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.

4 Use our armor. We've got a armor. God works with us, and gives us the armor. And the whole armor is on the supernatural, see. Love, joy, peace, longsuffering, goodness, meekness, gentleness, patience. It's all in the supernatural. And as you let your faith loose to God's Spirit, it brings your body in subjection to God's redemptive blessings to you.
And anything that Jesus died for, He's sitting at the right hand of the Father tonight, making intercessions upon your confession. Whatever you confess that He's done and believe it, it's your personal property. Every believer, every person that's born again has a right to any of the redemptive blessings.
When you get saved, Jesus just takes and hands you a checkbook that'll last you all through life's journey. And His name's signed at the bottom of every one of them. "Whatever you have need of, you ask the Father in My name; it'll be done." Just sign the check and send it up there. Are you afraid to sign one tonight? Nah. Fill it out, send it up. It's recognized. Yes, sir. It's recognized. He'll certainly bring it to pass.

John 14:13 And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.

John 14:14 If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it.

John 16:23 And in that day ye shall ask me nothing. Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, he will give it you.

Romans 8:34 Who is he that condemneth? It is Christ that died, yea rather, that is risen again, who is even at the right hand of God, who also maketh intercession for us.

5 Now, I'm just a little late, so my services... I don't hold them long, as you notice, because it's under vision. And vision makes me so weak; it does anyone. And I just read a little bit here, now, and then we'll go right into the service.
In the second chapter of St. Luke, for just a Scripture reading, beginning with the twenty-fifth verse, we read this:
And, behold, there was a man in Jerusalem, whose name was Simeon; ... the same man was just ... devout, waiting for the consolation of Israel: and the Holy Ghost was upon him.
And it was revealed unto him by the Holy Ghost, that he should not see death, before he had seen the Lord's Christ.
And he came by the Spirit into the temple: and when the parents brought ... the child Jesus, to do for him after the custom of the law,
Then took he him up in his arms, and blessed God, and said,
Lord, now letteth ... thy servant depart in peace, according to thy word:
For my eyes have seen thy salvation,

Luke 2:25 And, behold, there was a man in Jerusalem, whose name was Simeon; and the same man was just and devout, waiting for the consolation of Israel: and the Holy Ghost was upon him.

Luke 2:26 And it was revealed unto him by the Holy Ghost, that he should not see death, before he had seen the Lord's Christ.

Luke 2:27 And he came by the Spirit into the temple: and when the parents brought in the child Jesus, to do for him after the custom of the law,

Luke 2:28 Then took he him up in his arms, and blessed God, and said,

Luke 2:29 Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace, according to thy word:

Luke 2:30 For mine eyes have seen thy salvation,

6 Can we bow our head just a moment.
Lord Jesus, may we, tonight, as Your believing people that's come together here, looking for the second coming of our Lord to receive us into His glorious kingdom, where there'll be no end to that great age. And now, may we, tonight, as Simeon of old, lift the Saviour in our arms of faith. You've promised us all these blessings. And we believe that we receive them through faith.
Forgive us of our shortcomings, our sin ... trespasses against You, realizing that unbelief is sin. Then forgive us, Lord, of our unbelief. Help us tonight as we've gathered here---different churches, different peoples, different nationalities, but the same God working in all of us. Help us now to receive of Thy blessings. And may the Holy Spirit come take the things of God, and pass that right out to the people, for we ask it in Jesus' name. Amen.

7 Just a moment. First thing, if any minister comes to the platform to preach, first he must feel his congregation. You've got to get your spiritual bearing. Then it helps you so much; you can feel out where faith is. I guess Brother Jackson's very familiar with that. Where you have faith.
Now, in the Scripture reading, we find an elderly man by the name of Simeon. We perhaps call him an old sage, with his long, white beard, and hair---somewhere around in his eighties. And he was a very pious, religious person. And the Holy Spirit revealed to him that he wasn't going to die until he seen the Lord's Christ. And he wasn't afraid to go around telling people that he wasn't going to die until he seen the Lord.

8 Now, could you imagine how fanatically that seemed to the people? Why, I can hear some of them would say, "The old fellow's kind of, you know, he's kind of got old and his mind's give away and that's the condition he's in. Why, look, even David looked for Him, and all down, why, it's been four thousand years. And, here, this old man almost ready to go into the grave now says he isn't going to die until he sees the Christ. And here we are all over here, under the Roman empire, under government of the Romans, and, why, we couldn't... Well, the Christ isn't going to come now."

9 But Simeon had a grounds to believe, because it was revealed to him by the Holy Spirit that he wasn't going to die until he seen Christ. Now, that's a good way to believe: when the Holy Spirit reveals it to you. Believe it.
There's just a whole lot in this book, much that I don't know anything about, but yet, I believe every word of it. I can't explain it, but I believe it.
And I'm running a series, myself, now, at home, in Genesis, taking Genesis through. Why, my! If you see the inspiration in Genesis. You can take the first chapter of Genesis and weave it through the last chapter of Revelation, through the Bible. Every bit of it inspired. How the whole Word of God sets together. And every word of it's inspired; every bit of it is true. The Holy Spirit has overseen that through the age, that all God's Word is inspired.

Luke 2:26 And it was revealed unto him by the Holy Ghost, that he should not see death, before he had seen the Lord's Christ.

10 And in times, the old wheels grind slow, but it grinds sure. It's got to be just the way God said it was going to be. No matter how unreal it seems, but it's going to be that way.
As we talked last night: One time they didn't have electricity, but some man believed there was such a thing; and he kept working tireless hours until he discovered what it was. And same thing by television, by automobile, and so forth. God put all these things here for our benefit.
Now, if we who are acquainted with the supernatural would just take a man, where... The man in his senses is limited to his senses. But a man in his spirit is unlimited. The tree of knowledge can only climb so far, and it breaks back. But the tree of life goes on forever. And how that science has taken man farther with his five senses than we have with his soul. Well we've got untapped resources, for all things are possible. Talk about split atoms, and the waves through the...

Matthew 19:26 But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible.

Mark 9:23 Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth.

Mark 10:27 And Jesus looking upon them saith, With men it is impossible, but not with God: for with God all things are possible.

Mark 14:36 And he said, Abba, Father, all things are possible unto thee; take away this cup from me: nevertheless not what I will, but what thou wilt.

Expectations (1953-05-07) (William M. Branham Sermons)

Expectations (1953-05-07) (William M. Branham Sermons) somebody


1 Thank you, Brother Reed. Good evening, friends. It's always a privilege to be in the house of the Lord to serve God and to minister to His people, those who are needy. I was a little sorry to be late, but my son come after me, but a train held us up almost fifteen minutes, just down the street here, and we couldn't around no other way, and so we just had to sit there and wait till it was over. And so, Brother Reed said he knew what I meant. I think he had some experience just the last few days with the same thing.
But it's always a privilege to be here in the house of God. So we will try not to take no more of your time than possible.

2 Last night we were teaching a little about the character, and what type of a person... If you were looking for the Lord Jesus, what type of person you would be looking for, what He would look like, what His Spirit would be. And we typed it through the Scripture, to see just what He was, and what His ministry was, how it acted, and how He acted. And then if He's the same yesterday, today, and forever, it acts the same today. And we find out that it does, doesn't it? Just the same Lord Jesus.
He didn't claim to be any great person. He said He did nothing but what the Father showed Him. And when the Father showed Him anything, why, He did it. Though He knowed the people's thoughts, what they were thinking, what they were doing, what was wrong with them. But He only done His miracles as God permitted.
And if you notice, everywhere, it was always what the Father told Him. Now there was some fellows ... two blind men, one time, come through the streets. They were trying for ... to get Him to heal them. So, He just passed on through, went into the house, and they brought the blind man in the house. And He turned to them and touched their eyes and said, "According to your faith, be it unto you." Your faith. He had had no vision. For He said that He only did just what the Father showed Him. Saint John 5:19 said, "What the Father shows Me, that I do. I do nothing except He shows Me." Said, "The Father worketh and I worketh hitherto."

Matthew 9:28 And when he was come into the house, the blind men came to him: and Jesus saith unto them, Believe ye that I am able to do this? They said unto him, Yea, Lord.

Matthew 9:29 Then touched he their eyes, saying, According to your faith be it unto you.

John 5:17 But Jesus answered them, My Father worketh hitherto, and I work.

John 5:19 Then answered Jesus and said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do: for what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise.

3 And we notice Him as He passed through the pool of Bethesda where all those crippled and mixed people were laying there. And He never touched any of them, walked right by every one of them. Blind, halt, lame, waiting. Walked over to a man laying on a pallet, and told him that He knew he had been laying in this state for thirty-eight years, and He told him, take up his pallet and go home.
Then He was questioned. Could you imagine Him passing by all those crippled people to one man that had just been sick for thirty-eight years? But the only way He could do that, was because the Father had just showed Him that one; that's all He could do. And then, the woman, one time, touched the hem of His garment, and He turned around, and said, "Thy faith has saved thee." Thy faith!

Matthew 9:20 And, behold, a woman, which was diseased with an issue of blood twelve years, came behind him, and touched the hem of his garment:

Matthew 9:22 But Jesus turned him about, and when he saw her, he said, Daughter, be of good comfort; thy faith hath made thee whole. And the woman was made whole from that hour.

Mark 5:27 When she had heard of Jesus, came in the press behind, and touched his garment.

Mark 5:34 And he said unto her, Daughter, thy faith hath made thee whole; go in peace, and be whole of thy plague.

Luke 8:44 Came behind him, and touched the border of his garment: and immediately her issue of blood stanched.

Luke 8:48 And he said unto her, Daughter, be of good comfort: thy faith hath made thee whole; go in peace.

John 5:2 Now there is at Jerusalem by the sheep market a pool, which is called in the Hebrew tongue Bethesda, having five porches.

John 5:3 In these lay a great multitude of impotent folk, of blind, halt, withered, waiting for the moving of the water.

John 5:4 For an angel went down at a certain season into the pool, and troubled the water: whosoever then first after the troubling of the water stepped in was made whole of whatsoever disease he had.

John 5:5 And a certain man was there, which had an infirmity thirty and eight years.

John 5:8 Jesus saith unto him, Rise, take up thy bed, and walk.

4 Now, if our Lord Jesus was here tonight in a body of flesh, wearing clothes like we wear, He would do just what the Father would show Him to do. God was in Him, made Him Emmanuel. And whatever God would speak ... or, reveal to Him, that He would know. But now, when it come to the people, when He begin to speak to the people, and talk to them a little while, He perceived their thoughts, what they were thinking and what was the matter. First He'd come in contact with them. Like the woman at the well, He said, "Bring Me a drink," just in order to catch her spirit.
See, we're human. And we are supernatural, also. Every person in here is a supernatural being. And in your body dwells a spirit, and that spirit is either of God or it's not of God. And now, that's the part that we have to deal with. And now, gifts and callings, of course, are without repentance. God foreordains things to be. Do you believe that? See, God does that.

John 4:7 There cometh a woman of Samaria to draw water: Jesus saith unto her, Give me to drink.

Romans 11:29 For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance.

5 Now, it's nothing that you can do. For instance, if I decided I wanted to have brown eyes, wouldn't do me no good, because God gave me blue eyes. I just have to be satisfied with blue eyes. "Who taking thought can add one cubit to his statute," see? No one. But, if you want to kind of get an inside of view of it before the meetings get into the press, then Brother Reed will do the speaking from then on, then, here it is. Now, did you ever...
There's many people ... most every normal person, as a general run, dreams dreams. Well, now God can deal in dreams if there's an interpreter. He has done it. It's not too accurate, unless there be an interpreter of the dream. But, we're taught as scientifically that dreams are your subconscious.

Matthew 6:27 Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature?

Luke 12:25 And which of you with taking thought can add to his stature one cubit?

6 Now, let's notice. Just look this way a moment. Now here's a man in his first normal conscience. And here is his subconscience, about this far from him. Well, now when this conscience becomes inactive, he goes over here and dreams a dream. And many times he dreams of things that he did when he was in this conscious. And when this conscience is inactive in this, and he wakes up, he remembers what he dreamed about. How many ever dreamed a dream years ago, and still remember what you dreamed about? Well, many of you. Sure. Then they were some part of you, somewhere that still bears here in the natural conscience. You see it?
Notice. Now, there is people that doesn't dream at all. Now, let's see their subconscience probably would be back, say, to that wall. They sleep very sound. You can't disturb them, can hardly... An anesthetic would never give his subconscience back to him. He can't help that. He can't help because he doesn't dream; neither can this man help because he dreams.
And if you say you dreamed a dream. Well, I'd say, "Dream me a dream." Well, you couldn't do it if you had to. And neither could I say anything unless God would tell me, see. It all goes to the glory of God.

7 Now, a seer... Now, this man here, he was born to dream dreams. That man was born ... God fixed him so he didn't have to dream dreams. Now, a seer, or prophet, his subconscience is neither back there, neither is it here; it's right here. Both of them are together. He doesn't go to sleep. He just breaks from one into another. Not at his will, but at God's will. God breaks it. For instance, if somebody would stand here, I never seen them, never knowed them. Now, if there's anything that would have to be known about that person, it would have to come from a supernatural standpoint. It'd have to break in.

8 Now, we found out last night in the study of the Scripture, that Jesus, when He was here, why, they seen He knew the secrets of their hearts; He'd tell them things. And they said, "Why, He's a fortuneteller, Beelzebub, the chief of the devils." But whoever heard of a fortuneteller or man of God, going out and preaching the Gospel and healing the sick, and doing things like that? "By their fruits you shall know them." He was the Son of God. And the devil has a bogus off of every real thing that God has made. God made a real Christian and here's a hypocrite acts just exactly like a real Christian, only he's not. Well, that doesn't say there's no such a thing as a real Christian. But see, the Devil has a counterfeit, all along.
Well, now instead of somebody sanely sitting down and reasoning that with the Scriptures... Now, the only one proof... If you want to watch the difference between the fortuneteller, or the supposed-to-be... Recently many of you read the article that was written in the Reader's Digest just recently of my meetings, November's issue, of the miracle of Donny Martin. And I went on to say... And just before that, the article of that Mrs. Pepper.

Matthew 12:24 But when the Pharisees heard it, they said, This fellow doth not cast out devils, but by Beelzebub the prince of the devils.

Mark 3:22 And the scribes which came down from Jerusalem said, He hath Beelzebub, and by the prince of the devils casteth he out devils.

Luke 11:15 But some of them said, He casteth out devils through Beelzebub the chief of the devils.

9 Now, the only way to tell the real... If I gave you a dollar and said "Is this a good dollar?" If you know anything about money, the first thing you'll take and feel it, to see the value of it. A real dollar is not a paper. It's silk. It's not exactly... It's got paper in it, but it's not altogether paper. Now, you have to watch the value of it.
Now, if you want to see whether it comes from God or not, watch the value of it; see what it does. You never seen none of them devil-possessed people out there ever preaching the Gospel and healing the sick and preaching the second coming and speaking of God. It's all foolishness, some tommyrot or something about something you've lost, or some dead person that's died, or something on that order. No value to it.
And then the real way, if you want to find out whether it's a real dollar or not, take it back to the mint. And take the serial number off of it, and if the serial number on it corresponds with the serial number that's there at the mint, there's a silver dollar laying there to take its place.

10 And that's the way: Always take these things back to the Scripture. There's the mint. And if the Scripture spoke of it... Jesus Christ said, "The things that I do shall you also. Greater things than this," or, more. You couldn't be greater. It'd have to be greater in quantity, not in quality because He stopped nature and interfered nature, raised the dead, things that just... Nothing else could be greater done. But He said, "More than this will you do," or, greater, "for I go to My Father." Is that right? "Yet a little while and the world seeth Me no more. Yet, you will see Me, for I will be with you even in you to the end of the age." "The same yesterday, today, and forever."

Matthew 28:20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.

John 14:12 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.

John 14:19 Yet a little while, and the world seeth me no more; but ye see me: because I live, ye shall live also.

Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

11 Not strange then that His Spirit would be misunderstood by ecclesiastics of the day, if it was in that day. But He's doing it just the same. For His Spirit is here, and His Word must be fulfilled. God is going to fulfill His Word. How marvelous!
I wish to read a little Scripture here in the second chapter of Luke, twenty-fifth verse.
And, behold, there was a man in Jerusalem, whose name was Simeon; ... the same ... was just and devout, waiting for the consolation of Israel: the Holy Ghost was on him.
And it was revealed unto him by the Holy Ghost, that he would not see death, before he had seen the Lord's Christ.
And he came by the Spirit into the temple: and when the parents brought the child Jesus, to do ... after the custom of the law,
Then took he him up in his arms, and blessed God, and said,
Lord, now let thou thy servant depart in peace, according to thy word:
For mine eyes have seen thy salvation,

Luke 2:25 And, behold, there was a man in Jerusalem, whose name was Simeon; and the same man was just and devout, waiting for the consolation of Israel: and the Holy Ghost was upon him.

Luke 2:26 And it was revealed unto him by the Holy Ghost, that he should not see death, before he had seen the Lord's Christ.

Luke 2:27 And he came by the Spirit into the temple: and when the parents brought in the child Jesus, to do for him after the custom of the law,

Luke 2:28 Then took he him up in his arms, and blessed God, and said,

Luke 2:29 Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace, according to thy word:

Luke 2:30 For mine eyes have seen thy salvation,

12 Let us bow our heads a moment. Our Heavenly Father, thank Thee for Thy Word and may Thy Word become a living reality here tonight. The Word dwelling in our flesh. Every word of God is a seed. And every seed sown correctly in the right kind of ground will bring forth just exactly what it's supposed to. Corn will bring corn, wheat will bring wheat. And every divine promise of God will bring forth what it promised. May the seed fall in good fertile ground, and bring forth a hundred fold, for we ask it in Jesus' name. Amen.

13 How the Lord is planting His Word! That's first of all is God's eternal Word. And I want to say this, while you're here seeking out God for your salvation and for your healing, that everything that God can do for you, He has already done it. Every sin is forgiven. Every sickness is healed. The only thing you have to do is to look to Calvary and accept what God has already done for you. There it is. It's already finished. Jesus said at Calvary, "It is finished." Then if I was saved, I'd say, "I got saved twenty years ago." No, I was saved nineteen hundred years ago. I just accepted it twenty years ago. God... There when Christ died, He paid the penalty of both sin and sickness. And sickness is an attribute of sin, and sin is unbelief. Let that soak just a minute.

John 19:30 When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, he said, It is finished: and he bowed his head, and gave up the ghost.

14 Now here it is, get it. Sickness ... I mean, sin is unbelief. "He that believeth not is condemned already." Because you steal, lie, smoke, drink, commit adultery, that isn't sin. That's the attributes of sin. You do that because you don't believe. And you are true, and honest, and just, and upright, and holy, and respectable, not because that isn't Christianity. You do that... That's just the fruits of Christianity because you believe. It's the attributes of your faith in Christ Jesus, and your birth as His Son. Amen. See, a good tree can't bring forth corrupt fruit. A corrupt tree can bring forth ... can't bring forth good fruit. "By their fruits you shall know them."
Now, if the Holy Spirit comes into this building tonight, and would declare His Word to be the truth, and you go out disbelieving it, you'd be a sinner. If God tells you what your life has been, and what it will be, and if you know what has been is the truth, and tell you what will be, if you go disbelieve it, worse things than this will come upon you. "Go ye and sin no more."

Matthew 7:16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?

Matthew 7:20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.

John 3:18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.

John 5:14 Afterward Jesus findeth him in the temple, and said unto him, Behold, thou art made whole: sin no more, lest a worse thing come unto thee.

15 Now, sin don't mean go out and drink and carry on again. "Go ye and disbelieve no more." Amen. There you are. You know what I find the greatest trouble with the Pentecostal church today is? Positionally they don't know what they are. You're sons and daughters of God. And a lot of times you're looking for something great to come, but you already got that: the greatest can be given you. "Now we are the sons of God." Not we will be; we are now. And we're seated together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. Right now. Oh, my! When faith like that gets in the church, the devil moves away from the place. For now you have the...

John 8:11 She said, No man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more.

1 John 3:2 Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is.

16 Satan hasn't got any legal rights at all over a Christian. Every time a man gets saved, God just writes out a whole big bunch of checks like that, and puts his name at the bottom, said, "Here they are. Fill them out." Are you scared of it? Fill it out. "Whatever things you desire when you pray, believe you receive it; it'll be given to you." Mark 11:24. Just believe it.
And every word of God is a seed that will bring forth ... it will bring forth what it's purposed for. I see many of you down here raising cotton, apples, peaches, fruits. When that little apple tree is no bigger than that right there, every apple that'll ever be in that tree is in it right then. Dozens of bushels of apples is in that little tree, right then. Why, you say, "Brother Branham, no, no." Well, where do they come from if they're not? They're in the tree right then.

Mark 11:24 Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.

17 Now, the only thing, the little tree ... you stick it in the ground, plant it, and it has to grow. It has to draw the moisture from the ground, and it has to draw more than what its allotted portion is. You have to give it plenty of water. And when you give it water, it just drinks, and drinks, and drinks till it can't hardly drink no more. It starts pushing out. And it pushes out limbs, pushes out leaves, pushes out blossoms, pushes out apples. The apples was on the inside of it at the beginning. And it just has to drink. And every man that's born again in Christ Jesus... Everything you have need of, your healing... Satan will afflict you, sure he will. But everything that you have need of in the whole life's journey is in you right then. And we are planted in Christ Jesus. You see what I mean?

18 When you are born again and the baptism of the Holy Spirit has come into your heart, you have everything that you have need of for the journey. Now, the only thing you have to do is start drinking, drinking, pushing out, drinking and pushing out. I believe He hears my analysis of Christ Jesus. He's the inexhaustible fountain of life. And every man that's planted in Him can drink, and drink and push out, and push out to every redemptive blessing that God has promised belongs to you and it's your personal property. And the devil hasn't got any tie to it at all. He hasn't got any legal rights. His legal rights was spoiled at Calvary.
My, I can see Him when He died there and walked down at Calvary, down through the stair steps are He passed by those souls that were in prison, that repented not in the days of Noah. Knocked at the door and said, "You should have heard the message of the prophets."

19 On down He went into hell, knocked at the door, and Satan opened up. Said, "Oh, so, after all, You got here, did You?" Said, "I thought I had You when I slayed Abel. I was sure I had You when I put Daniel in the lions' den, the Hebrew children in the fiery furnace." Christ was in every one of them. "Then," said, "when I beheaded John I thought I had You then. Then I thought I had You on Calvary, but now You're here."
I can hear Him say, "Satan, I'm the virgin-born Son of God. My blood is still dripping from the cross yonder. I've come down to take over. You made people fear, scare them, and run them around corners and everything else, but You can't do it no more. Give Me the keys of death and hell." Took them from his side, hung them on His side, walked up through the other stair steps, knocked on the door where I can hear a shouting meeting in there. And there stood Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Sarah, Rebekah, Isaiah, Jeremiah, all the prophets. I hear Him knock at the door and say, "Who is there?" Abraham opens up the door. "Why, here's the seed of Abraham. Here's the root and offspring of David. Here's the stone that Isaiah saw cut out of the mountain without hands."

20 He said, "Now you believe and the goats' and heifers' blood could not take away sin; it only covered it up. But My blood has divorced sin and put it away forever. We're going Home now. It's coming daylight in Jerusalem, and we've got to be moving along."
I can hear Abraham say, "Lord, can we make a little whistle-stop as we go through Jerusalem? Well, I'd like to look the old city over." Amen.
Some of that same noise will come in this graveyard across here, some of these days, "Shall we make a whistle-stop?"
I can hear Him say, "I've got to talk over a few things with My disciples about forty days here; look around the country." And on Easter morning, when He come out of the grave, according to Matthew 27, "Many of the saints that slept in the dust of the earth, rose out of the grave and come out and appeared unto many."

Matthew 27:52 And the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose,

Matthew 27:53 And came out of the graves after his resurrection, and went into the holy city, and appeared unto many.

Hebrews 10:4 For it is not possible that the blood of bulls and of goats should take away sins.

21 I can see Caiaphas say, I can see Abraham and Sarah, as young people walking down the streets, looking the old city over, and the priest say, "I seen them people somewhere." And they disappeared just like Jesus coming through that wall. The same kind of a glorified body. Yes. But, brother, on that last day, after Pentecost ... before Pentecost, when He ascended up on High, as He went up, the Bible said, He went with them. He went up and they went with Him.
I can see Him going on above the moon, the stars; Him and the Old Testament saints going into the presence of God. When they get way out there somewhere, millions of miles beyond where any scope could ever see, way in there, it come close to the city. I can hear the Old Testament saints when they see the city say, "Lift up ye everlasting gates, and be ye lifted up. Let the King of Glory come in."
I can hear an angelic choir back over there when I said, "Who is this King of Glory?"
"The Lord of hosts, mighty in battle. Lift up the gates."

Psalm 24:7 Lift up your heads, O ye gates; and be ye lift up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in.

Psalm 24:8 Who is this King of glory? The LORD strong and mighty, the LORD mighty in battle.

Psalm 24:9 Lift up your heads, O ye gates; even lift them up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in.

Psalm 24:10 Who is this King of glory? The LORD of hosts, he is the King of glory. Selah.

22 I can see the Angels press the button, the big gates fly loose, and Jesus that Conqueror who led captivity captive and gave gifts unto men, walking down through the streets of Jerusalem with the Old Testament saints, right down to the throne of God. Said, "Here they are! They was faithful! Here they are! I've went down and redeemed them."
I can hear Him say, "Climb up here and sit on this throne, till I make every enemy your footstool. I got to send You back again some day." Hallelujah!
I believe it, brother. He is the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world. There He is, the lovely One. The things that He did here while He was on earth, He gave all the power back to His church, and the church fails to recognize that.

Psalm 110:1 A Psalm of David. The LORD said unto my Lord, Sit thou at my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool.

Matthew 22:44 The Lord said unto my Lord, Sit thou on my right hand, till I make thine enemies thy footstool?

Mark 12:36 For David himself said by the Holy Ghost, The LORD said to my Lord, Sit thou on my right hand, till I make thine enemies thy footstool.

Luke 20:42 And David himself saith in the book of Psalms, The Lord said unto my Lord, Sit thou on my right hand,

Luke 20:43 Till I make thine enemies thy footstool.

John 1:29 The next day John seeth Jesus coming unto him, and saith, Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.

Ephesians 4:8 Wherefore he saith, When he ascended up on high, he led captivity captive, and gave gifts unto men.

Hebrews 1:13 But to which of the angels said he at any time, Sit on my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool?

23 I said I found two classes of people listening, on my third time around the world, since I've been here. And I find two classes of people. One of them is the fundamentalists; the other one is the Pentecostal. And the fundamentalists positionally know their place. But they haven't got much faith with it. And the Pentecostal has got plenty of faith, but don't know who they are.
It's just like a man has got a lot of money in the bank and don't know how to write a check, and the next man can write a check and ain't got no money in the bank. If you can ever get them together, you have it. If they'd only realize who you are. You're sons and daughters of God, heirs of the kingdom. Right now, we are kings. Claim your legal rights. Don't let Satan press anything on you. He's got no rights to hold it.

24 Everybody is always looking at their symptoms. The pastor will pray for them; they go around and say, "Well, I don't seem to be any better." Well, that's not healing. Symptoms is the worst thing; that's one of the greatest scarecrows the devil's got. Symptoms don't have nothing to do with it. It's because God said so. My!
If there's anybody ever had a case of symptoms, it was Jonah. He ought to had symptoms: backslid, hands tied behind him, in the belly of a whale, about a mile deep in the ocean, a stormy sea, sea weeds wrapped around his neck. Talk about symptoms! He looked this way, it was whale's belly. He looked that way it was whale's belly. Everywhere he looked was whale's belly. But he said, "They're lying vanities." Right. "He said, "I won't look at these whale's belly any more, but once more will I look to Your holy temple, Lord." Depends on what you're looking at. If you're looking at your symptoms, they'll be there. If you look to God's Word, symptoms will have to vanish. Why did Jonah do that? Is because that he knowed that when Solomon dedicated that temple, he said, "Lord, if Thy children be in trouble any place, and will look towards this holy place and pray, then you'll hear from Heaven."

Jonah 2:4 Then I said, I am cast out of thy sight; yet I will look again toward thy holy temple.

25 And he believed that God heard Solomon's prayer. And if Jonah under those circumstances could believe that God heard Solomon's prayer, how much more ought we, when we look once more to Thy holy temple, where Jesus sits at the right hand of the Majesty in Heaven, with a bleeding... His Own body as a sacrifice. "Once more will I look to Thy holy temple, Lord." Yes, sir. God kept him alive for three days and nights, and delivered him over in Nineveh where he belonged.
Notice, how marvelous! Symptoms is just like... In the morning, some of you women here, what if the postal man in the morning, or, say, the railroad express agent would come up to your house and say, "Miss John Doe?"
"I have something here was sent to you." And you look at it.
And you say, "What is that?" You look into it, it's a big box. And in there's a big box of rattlesnakes. "Why," you say, "I don't want those things."
"But they're yours. Somebody sent them to you."
"Well," you say, "I don't want them."

Jonah 2:4 Then I said, I am cast out of thy sight; yet I will look again toward thy holy temple.

26 "But now, Miss Doe, here's your name on it. Somebody sent them to you; they're yours." And he'll do everything he can to make you take them. Now, in one sense, they're yours; in another sense, they're not. They're not yours till you sign for them. But if you refuse to sign for them, he has to take them back to express agent; he has to send them back to the one that sent them.
Don't you sign for nothing the devil brought; refuse to have it. Don't have it. No, sir. The devil put that affliction ... the devil put that disease there. Just refuse to see it. Just say, "No, sir. I won't sign. I won't testify for nothing you said. I will testify, "By His stripes I am healed." Brother, he'll take it back.

27 "Oh," you say, "yeah, but I know. But here it is." Oh, sure, the snakes are there, too. Your name is penned onto it. He might have marked you for a death with a cancer, with anything else. But refuse to see it. No, sir. "By His stripes I'm healed."
Testify means "say the same thing." If I testify in court, something another, I got the say the thing that I seen. And testify means "say the same thing God said." And I've got to say what He says. He said, "By His stripes I'm healed." I believe it. Amen.
And I'll tell you... Listen to this, children. The Word of God will defeat Satan anywhere, any place, on any conditions, anytime. When Jesus was here, He was God. God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself; but He never used any of His gifts. When He met Satan, He brought the kingdom of God so low, till the weakest of Christian can use it. When Satan come to Him and said, "If Thou be the Son of God, command these stones..."
He said, "It is written." The Word! He took Him up, tried to whitewash the Word for Him. And Jesus said, "And it is also written."
He took Him up to the top of the mountain, said, "Look at all these kingdoms. I'll give them to you if You'll worship me."
He said, "It is written." There it is!

Isaiah 53:5 But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.

Matthew 4:3 And when the tempter came to him, he said, If thou be the Son of God, command that these stones be made bread.

Matthew 4:4 But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.

Matthew 4:7 Jesus said unto him, It is written again, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God.

Matthew 4:8 Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them;

Matthew 4:9 And saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me.

Matthew 4:10 Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.

Luke 4:3 And the devil said unto him, If thou be the Son of God, command this stone that it be made bread.

Luke 4:4 And Jesus answered him, saying, It is written, That man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God.

Luke 4:5 And the devil, taking him up into an high mountain, shewed unto him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time.

Luke 4:6 And the devil said unto him, All this power will I give thee, and the glory of them: for that is delivered unto me; and to whomsoever I will I give it.

Luke 4:7 If thou therefore wilt worship me, all shall be thine.

Luke 4:8 And Jesus answered and said unto him, Get thee behind me, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.

2 Corinthians 5:19 To wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation.

1 Peter 2:24 Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed.

28 And it is written, "Whatsoever things you desire when you pray, believe you receive it, you shall have it." And defeat Satan with the Word of God. You say, "It's written! God promised me. I go to church, and the pastor anointed me with oil and prayed for me. I was prayed for." That's exactly what God said would happen. And it is written... Just go right on refuse to have it. God will bring it to pass.
Now, in the days... A moment before the reading ... or, closing here, a little service. Then we're going to have the prayer. Look at the days now when Simeon, just before the coming of the Lord; it was just about like a day like this. Cold, indifferent. We're talking about America has got a great revival. I don't know where it's at. I've never seen it yet.

Mark 11:24 Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.

29 A certain evangelist, well known, passed through the country here not long ago, had a six weeks revival, and claimed he had twenty thousand converts, in a six weeks revival. In about another two months, they went back, and couldn't find twenty. You know what's the matter? They're just asking them to stand up and accept Christ as personal Saviour, and letting it go at that. Brother, you've got to born again. You've got to have something supernatural to happen. Theology is all right, and psychology is all right, but it won't take the place of the power of God.
Jesus said, "In the last days, they'd have a form of godliness, preach the blood and everything else, but would deny the power thereof; from such turn away." We're living in that day.
Simeon, old, about eighty years old, fine reputation. Certainly was an old sage, and a renowned man. He had a fine reputation among the people. And now he said the Holy Ghost promised him that he wasn't going to see death until he seen the Lord's Christ. Good reason to testify about it, isn't it? So he goes out and begins to tell all of his brethren that he wasn't going to die till he seen the Christ. Could you imagine? Some of them said, "Look! Poor old Simeon. That man is about cracked up sure enough, because the old fellow has lost his mind. Why, look we've looked for Christ for four thousand years, and look what kind of a condition we're in now. You think Christ would come now?"

Luke 2:26 And it was revealed unto him by the Holy Ghost, that he should not see death, before he had seen the Lord's Christ.

2 Timothy 3:5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.

30 But he said, "The Holy Ghost told me so." So he believed it. And he wasn't ashamed of it. And he goes and tells people that he wasn't going to die until he seen the Holy Child. Well, that news didn't scatter then like it does now. They didn't have the radio and press. So, after a while there was some magi saw a star come across the skies. There wasn't one observatory saw it. The stargazers who were standing out looking for stars, and that star passed right over every one of them, and not one of them saw it. Why? They wasn't expecting to see it. But these men had listened to Balaam's prophecy that there would be a star of Jacob rise, and they were looking for it. Hallelujah! You usually get what you expect. You come to criticize the meeting, the devil will show you something to criticize. You coming to get healed, God will see that you get it. You usually get what you expect. Yes, say, "I was expecting this, and I was expecting that." What you expect God will see that you get, He'll usually [unclear words].
These magi were expecting that star; they were watching for it. And when they saw it come, they followed it. It went right over every one of them people and they never saw it. A few shepherds out on the hill was herding their sheep. When Jesus was born, they came into the city. And Angels sang, because there's always singing at the birth of a King. And the angelic beings reached over the banisters of Heaven and sang of the glory of God, "Peace on earth and good will to men."

Numbers 24:17 I shall see him, but not now: I shall behold him, but not nigh: there shall come a Star out of Jacob, and a Sceptre shall rise out of Israel, and shall smite the corners of Moab, and destroy all the children of Sheth.

Luke 2:14 Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.

Luke 2:26 And it was revealed unto him by the Holy Ghost, that he should not see death, before he had seen the Lord's Christ.

31 Then into the city they went. There wasn't very much them days, excitement, only amongst the common people, that they was looking to see what would take place. Then, let's notice what taken place again then. Let's take eight days. It was the custom then of the Jewish ceremony that the child should come and be circumcised and the mother would have to offer a sacrifice for purification. A rich man, a rich child could offer a lamb. A peasant offering was two turtledoves. Let's get a little drama for a moment.
It's Monday morning. The eight days. There's probably about two million Jews then in Palestine, so I suppose there would be at least a hundred and fifty, two hundred women every morning, standing for the circumcision of their babies, and the purification for themselves. Let's look down along that long line of women this morning, many hundreds around the temple.
And I look, standing way down there, along... Some of them holding a little lamb, as they're leading up for their time for their baby. Their little babies wrapped in pink and blue, and so forth, coming up along the line, silk needlework. But I see standing down there, a little woman; puts me in mind of the Holy Ghost church, just a little despised. She had kind of a black name. A little virgin stood there, about seventeen years old, engaged to a man. And she had a baby in her arms. Some of them say, pointing their finger to her, "Look at the baby. It isn't wrapped in fine needle cloth, but it has got swaddling cloth wrapped around it." That's what they take off the back of a yoke of an ox when they plow. There is nothing in the stable to wrap it in, so they just took that off and wrapped it.

Luke 2:24 And to offer a sacrifice according to that which is said in the law of the Lord, A pair of turtledoves, or two young pigeons.

32 I imagine holding two turtledoves, a peasant's offering. Well, what was wrapped in swaddling cloth? The King of kings, the Lord of lords. The rest of them stood their space. They didn't want to get near there. They were too good. That's about the way the people feel today.
Way back over in a prayer room there was an old priest sitting there, by the name of Simeon. The Holy Ghost had promised him he was going to see Him. I see him reading the scrolls, Isaiah 9 and 6: "Unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given." About that time the Holy Ghost said, "Stand up, Simeon." If the Holy Ghost has promised, the Holy Ghost will lead.
Simeon stood up, said, "Yes, Lord."

Isaiah 9:6 For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.

33 Said, "Start walking!" Here he goes. He don't know where he's going; the Holy Ghost is leading him. You believe in being lead by the Holy Ghost? Out through the temple he went, mingling along these people. Goes up to this line of women, walks down the line--led by the Holy Spirit--stopped in front of this little despised woman. Looked up into her face, took that baby out of his arms, wrapped in swaddling cloth, the tears running off his beard. Said, "Lord, let Thy servant depart in peace, according to Thy Word, for my eyes have seen Your salvation." The Holy Ghost led him.
Notice. Way over in the corner, sitting there, which didn't leave day nor night, was an old blind prophetess, Anna. She couldn't read, but she stayed in the temple and prayed. She was looking for the consolation of Israel; blind, we're taught.

Luke 2:29 Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace, according to thy word:

Luke 2:36 And there was one Anna, a prophetess, the daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe of Aser: she was of a great age, and had lived with an husband seven years from her virginity;

Luke 2:37 And she was a widow of about fourscore and four years, which departed not from the temple, but served God with fastings and prayers night and day.

Luke 2:38 And she coming in that instant gave thanks likewise unto the Lord, and spake of him to all them that looked for redemption in Jerusalem.

34 The Holy Ghost said, "Anna, stand!" Here stands this blind prophetess. Here she comes winding her way through the crowd. Blind! Led by the Spirit, moving along. Directly, she comes right straight to where Simeon is standing, lifted up her hands, and blessed God. Led by the Holy Spirit. There's no two Holy Spirits. There's only One. And the same reason that you're here tonight, you sick people, the same Holy Ghost that led Simeon, the same Holy Ghost that led Anna, has led you here, for you believe that there's a fountain open somewhere for healing. It's here. God moving among His people, believing.
I remember when Florence Nightingale, when we landed in London, England. I was in Houston when I got her picture. You see it in the book there. Florence Nightingale... Her grandmother founded the Red Cross. She sent many letters and three or four airplane tickets to fly to Durban, South Africa; nothing but a skeleton. Cancer on the duodenum of the stomach. All the best surgeons throughout the lands couldn't touch her. It was growed plumb over ... covered her stomach over. She had cried and begged. And I committed it to the Lord. Said, "Lord, if You will just heal her, I'll go down there some day."

35 I went over to England. I was going there... The king had sent me a cablegram, to come pray for his multiple sclerosis, after Mr. Lehman at Fort Wayne had been healed. I told him, "I only could pray and do what the Lord would say do."
Mr. Lehman was sitting in the meeting, bed patient for ten years. I looked out there and seen a vision of him, walking. I said, I said, "Sir, the Lord Jesus has made you whole. Stand up!" And a man that had been a bed patient for ten years walked down through the building. He was a friend of King George's private secretary. I got his seal and his letter, and everything. Second day he played eighteen holes of golf, after he couldn't stand up the next day five minutes at a time.
Amazing grace how sweet the sound!
Look! I heard him paged down there at the international airport.
I went in there, and Mr. Baxter, one of the managers went in, while the rest of us was going on. And said, "Florence Nightingale has just flew in a few minutes ahead." Said, "She's dying out here in a plane." While there was thousands of people had gathered there, I couldn't even get near the place. I told that Anglican minister, I said, "Take her to your parsonage. I'm going down to Westminster Abbey. And after that, I'm going over to Buckingham Palace. I'll be to see you." And I didn't get to see her till the next morning.

36 And they come and got me, and I went into her room. And, Christian friends, if you would have ever seen that sight: a woman almost about five foot, ten inches tall, laying there. When I went in, she couldn't move; she was laying like that. Her doctor was there and two nurses, several of the ministers, the Anglican ministers. She was saying something with her lips. I couldn't hear her.
She wanted to shake my hand, so the nurse picked up her hand and laid it in mine. Just like touching that; it was just bones.
Georgie Carter, at Milltown, Indiana, was the skinniest girl I ever saw; she weighed thirty pounds when she was healed. She is my piano player there now, by a vision.

37 I looked at her. What a feeling! A mortal being like some of us here tonight--we are, all--and holding her hand. So, she was trying to say something else. The nurse got down to say what she'd say. She said, "I want Brother Branham to see my body." And they pulled the sheet down. I'm in a mixed audience; you listen to your doctor, so I'm your brother. But as a woman in the breast here had dropped plumb through her ribs. And in here, her stomach was about that flat. The cancer had eat her so, until the ring in her hip ... the skin was sticking together through the ring of the hip. Her legs was about that big around; couldn't move. The veins had collapsed. She said to the nurse to tell me, "Ask him to have God to let me die." She couldn't die.

38 And I looked. Knowing that square head there, where all the flesh was off, just the skull. Tears was coming out of her eyes. I wondered where there was enough moisture to make those tears. I couldn't ask her.
The nurse said, "Rev. Branham," said, "she's a worthy person." Said, "She has read your literature and your books, and she said while she was in Africa, if she could even get where you were at, that God would make her well."
I thought, Oh, my! And there I was ... just walking around through England. I said, "Of course, I can only pray for her, but I couldn't ask God to let her die." So I said, "Will you brethren, the doctor and all of you, will you kneel for prayer?" Brother Baxter, Brother Gordon Lindsay, and many of them that you know, knelt in the room. And if any of you has been in England along in April, you know it's awful foggy there. It was upstairs in a place. The parsonage was down this... Why, the church this way, one of those big Anglican churches. And I knelt down by a window, was about that high from me. I said, "Our Father, who art in heaven." About that time something come flying through the bushes. It was a little turtledove. He sat on the edge of this window, looked right down like that, and begin to walk back and forth, up and down the window, going "Coo, coo, coo, coo." I continued to pray. The rest of the ministers stopped.
When I said "Amen" in a few minutes, and raised up, the little dove took his flight and flew away. The minister said, "Did you notice that dove?"

39 I started to say, "I seen ... or, noticed the dove," and when I started to say that, my voice changed, and said, "Thus saith the Lord, this woman will live and not die." And today she weighs a hundred and fifty-five pounds in perfect health. Why?
All things are possible to them that believe. She was so hungering and thirsting and having faith, that God did not turn her down. Neither will He turn you down. There's her picture in a book, her address, testimony and so forth. That's one among the thousands.
Sister Rita, I wonder if you could play: Abide With Me, for a moment. He's here tonight. Don't you believe it? Let us bow our heads a moment.
Oh, life-giver, the great Jehovah-jireh, God's provided sacrifice for the sinner; great Jehovah-rapha, God's provided sacrifice for the sick; Jehovah-manasseh, our joy, our buckler our shield, come near in the person of Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit bathe this audience. We're nearing something: the ending of the age. We're responsible people for preaching the Gospel. That's all we can do. God, this little group of people gathered out here in the tabernacle tonight for the hearing of the Word. "Faith cometh by hearing, hearing of the Word."

Mark 9:23 Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth.

Romans 10:17 So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

40 Bless Your people tonight real good. May all sin leave; that is unbelief. May there be just pure, holy, unadulterated faith throughout this entire audience. May the Holy Spirit speak healing to every sick person, peace to every wearied and troubled soul, inside and out. May God get glory out of the service for we ask it in Christ's name. Amen.
Brother Reed has explained to you how we give prayer cards? That's only to keep the line in order. There's ten healed in the audience while one on the platform. I can't heal. God knows that and you know too. There's nothing in any man that could heal you. A doctor don't claim to be a healer. He only claims to assist nature. God is the healer. I've been interviewed twice by Mayo Brothers. They said, "We're not healers, Brother Branham." Said, "We only assist nature."

41 Now, God put them here. They do their work. That's what they're supposed to do. But they can set a bone, take out a tooth, or whatever more. But that don't heal you. That only sets the bone. God has to make it grow. Pull a tooth, but who's going to heal the socket. Take out an appendix, but who will heal the tissue that's cut? God has to. Medicine doesn't build tissue; it only keeps clean while God heals.
Now, as a minister, I'm only His representative to pray for you. And by a divine gift and the anointing of the Holy Spirit... You seen the picture of it in the book tonight. I wished I would have brought lots of those pictures. I got them. I just have to buy the books, and have to buy the pictures myself. They're not mine. Then I give them out to the people. And, if you could see that same pillar of fire that led the children of Israel. He's here now. He's the Angel of the covenant, which was Christ Jesus. And He's here now.

42 Well, now, He knows all things. I know nothing. But He knows you; I do not. The only people along in this building tonight that I can recognize at all, I know, is Brother and Sister Shepley sitting here--is the only one's that I can remember. I know Brother Glover, him sitting back there; I remember them. Now, as far as that, I might have seen you all before, but I guess there's not a person that I can recognize right now, at the time. But God knows every one of you; and every bite of food you've ever took, He fed you. Every drink of water you ever had, every breath you ever breathed, come from God.

43 Now, He can stand here, and maybe if there's sin in your life, or something, that has caused you to be sick, He can reveal that. You will have to make that right. But healing will have to be your individual faith in Christ. Now, just as a preacher would preach the Gospel you would believe and be saved, so do you believe divine healing and be healed.
The only legitimate way that we can give out prayer cards is give them out every day, a new group every day. That gives everybody... Maybe some was here... What if we give out all the prayer cards yesterday, and just call from them on down, Well, then the people that come in tonight couldn't have got a prayer card. But every day we give out a new group and call from some certain place, along through the prayer cards, just to get a few up here for the Holy Spirit to start anointing, then it turns to the audience. And then anybody that's in this audience... And I challenge your faith in Jesus Christ's name.

44 If you believe that I've told you the truth on the unadulterated Word of God, you look this way tonight and say, "Brother Branham, I believe your story is the truth. And I'm trusting God that you are telling me the truth." For it looks like, friends, before millions of people and around the world, it has got to be truth. It has been tried in every fiery furnace the devil has got. If I could stand here and tell you some of the things, and see how God every time wades her through triumph, for it's His message. And I'm preaching ... or, saying to you tonight the same thing I said seven years ago when I was here, and this is the third time around the world. When I see you at the gates of glory, I'll have the same testimony. It don't vary a bit; it's the same. Only it's growing greater and greater all the time, and will until the Lord Jesus comes.

45 Now last night we called from the first part of the cards. Let's call from about the last fifteen, about from eighty-five to a hundred, we'd say tonight, I believe that come upon there. Who has prayer card 85? Raise up your hand. Prayer card 85. [Well, maybe...Did you ... from fifty to a hundred?] Prayer card 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90 on up to a hundred. We can't get but about ten or fifteen. [Can you take fifteen? Can you hold fifteen?] All right, let from eighty-five to hundred. I think last night we only had ten. Let's try fifteen tonight, so they won't stand too much in a line. If you got someone in there... Now, you turn ... turn ... look at your neighbor and see if his prayer card has got that number on it. He might be deaf and he can't hear, you see. And he won't know his number is called. So look on your prayer card and see.

46 Now, how many in here that hasn't got a prayer card, or would like to be prayed for, let's see your hands, that's not here. Raise up your hand. Just raise up your hand, say, "I haven't got a prayer card. And I'm not called in this number, but I, yet, want to be prayed for. Raise up your hand. Just say, "I want you to pray for me."
Now, I challenge you at this. Now, let them that I called first, stand first. Maybe I can get to you in a few minutes, some of you that have prayer cards. And I see this father sitting here with this baby has got a prayer card. And now, if you come right over this way and line up down here at this side.

47 Now, I'm going to ask everyone to be real reverent, if you will, while we're praying for the sick. Just real reverent. And now, you out there in the audience, while they're lining up, look this way. Now, if you will be reverent, and believe that I've told you the truth, and if Almighty God is here to confirm His Word, the Holy Spirit will move out in the audience there, and you will be healed right where you're sitting. Do you believe that? How many believes that, raise your hands. How many has been in previous meetings and seen what's happened in the meetings? Let's see your... Well, then you're not strangers, when you see what the Holy Spirit does. Now, let's pray now while we bow our heads.

48 Lord Jesus, we're just near the time that when the prayer line is to come forward. I stand here, Lord, just as helpless as any man could be. Without You we can do nothing. But with You, we can do all things. And I pray Thee, Father, tonight that You will help Thou Thy servant. God be near me. I need You now. I'm representing Your beloved Son, Christ Jesus.
Now, I pray that You will come near, Holy Spirit. May the Angel of God draw near now. May the audience be in so submission that He will move right out through the audience, and may there not be one feeble person left among us tonight when the service closes. God, hear the prayer of Your servant, as we pray and ask for with all of our heart, in Jesus Christ's name. Amen.

49 I'm going to ask this: if everywhere that you'll be real reverent during this part of the service. Now, after the service goes a few nights... It's kind of new to me ... this, because I haven't... Our staff is not here. We have a whole staff of men, Brother Bosworth, Brother Baxter, Brother Sharritt, and a whole group of us that we work together. And I just loved you people so, that I just had to drop down and say, "Hello."
Brother Reed said, "If you don't preach, just come down and set along with us a while." That made me feel good to know that I still got my dear, sweet friends. Tom Merrideth, many of you might have heard him; he has been in a meeting up here. He come by the tabernacle the other day, and said, "Brother Branham, you still got thousands of friends in Arkansas." Said, "A lot of them's still healed."
Was up here at this little place called Pine ... or some little place up the road here about twenty miles. It's where that man with that little girl was healed that time that was dying there in that hospital, you know, with some kind of a ... [A man says, "Walnut Ridge."] Walnut Ridge, that's what it is. Walnut Ridge. It's somewhere up in that way, he had been holding meetings.

50 And by the way, is that man here, is that little girl here. I'd like to see her again. I don't know what his name was. ["Morgan."] Morgan, Mr. Morgan. I'd like to see the little girl again, while we're in the country. And she's from up here somewhere, I think, Walnut Ridge, wasn't that right? Walnut Ridge, yes. ["I'll tell him tomorrow."] Thank you, brother. I'd imagine she's a young lady now.
I remember, going down... They called said she was dying, and I was riding in Brother Johnson's car. I seen a vision come before me, and water started running like that. I seen the little girl going down along side of the waters. And He said, "Now go tell him, 'Waters are running clear ahead.'"
The third day the little girl was in school, when they was standing there pumping oxygen to her. Said, "There's no hopes." But when all hope is gone, then He is our hope.
Now, if everybody be real reverent, and be in prayer. I want you to rejoice, certainly, to rejoice.

51 But now, you just hold your faith here, see. I don't want you to get any suspicion in your mind. Just let it all go aside now, and say, "Now Lord, I'm going to sit down and believe. And I want You to speak to me out here, and speak to my heart. And help me, for I need help."
And now, as I pray for the sick, the Lord Jesus bless each one of now as you sit reverently and try to be just as reverent and quiet as you can. After the patient is prayed for, if they wish to rejoice and thank God, that's wonderful. Just go right ahead. That's right. It lets you loose. And, but I want to diagnosis, you see... You see, it's under opposition. Like here's people behind me; they're spirits. Here's people here; they are spirits. Here's people out here, spirit. Here's people here, spirit. All around. Then you've got to single down.
Right now, as I know the Angel of the Lord is a coming near, I can feel the pull of faith begin to start in the audience, you see. Now, you can just imagine where it's all around you. You say, "Brother Branham, what about that?"
Well, Jesus took a man led him outside the city one time. When He raised Jairus' daughter, he put everybody out of the house. Peter, when he raised Dorcas, he put everybody out of the house. There's something to be alone with the individual. So it is hard.

52 Now, a vision like here, now the man... Here, the man that's coming now, this man coming here... I never seen the man. I never seen him, don't know him, know nothing about him. And he's a stranger to me. As far as I know, I might have seen him, but wouldn't recognize him. Did you see me in the other meeting when I was here? [A man says, "Corning."] In Corning. What is your name, sir? ["Grubbs."] Grubbs. Mr. Grubbs. I'm glad to meet you, sir. The Lord bless you.
Now, he's just my brother. Of course, I wouldn't remember, of the thousands of people... He said that he was in the Corning meeting, when I was at Corning, Arkansas. But now the only way that I'd ever know anything of that man, the Holy Spirit will have to come and reveal it. And then if the Holy Spirit tells him what is, in his life, and what he has done, he knows that's the truth. It'll never fail. And then if He tells him what will be... If the Holy Spirit knows what is, and he knows that's the truth, he should believe what will be, see. You have no right to doubt that. Whether he will do it or not, I do not know. It's kind of hard after preaching for that anointing to get on you just right, because preaching you're preaching under a blessing. And anointing is something that just quietens you down. There's something goes out from you, you see. It's a different anointing altogether, see. And now, if everyone will just be reverent. I want to talk to the man just enough to catch his spirit. After one or two, then it'll start, and then you just be reverent. Be in prayer wherever you're sitting. Just keep your seat and be real reverent. Be real reverent; be in prayer.

53 I just want to talk to him like the Master did the woman at the well. Now, brother, have you lived around Arkansas here, about all your life, I suppose? Well, that's fine. [The brother speaks to Brother Branham.] Fifty years. That's a great state. Everywhere I've went in the world, nearly, I've found somebody, looked like, from Arkansas.
I say this one thing. The Arkansas people, I don't say this because I'm before this microphone. The Angel of the Lord is here at this platform. But I have never found [unclear words] world any nicer and more faithful and lovely people than comes out of the state Arkansas. Because, one thing, they're not the richest people in the world. They still got the old American traits of believing God, living right.
Someone told me today that this is a dry county. [Gap in the audio.] I'd like to raise my children in a place like this. That's right. God bless them.

54 Now, you're subject... You know that's something is going on. But, now that won't hurt you, you see. Now that's just the Holy Spirit coming near here. You seen the picture of it awhile ago, that pillar of fire. Did you ever see it?
A lady here has got a book. Bring me that yellow book, will you sister there, if you will? Wish I would have brought some of those pictures. How many never did see it, let's see your hand, never even seen a picture of the Angel. Here it is. This is by the American Photographer Association, hangs in the religious hall of art in New York City. The only supernatural Being that was ever taken in all the world's history. Can you see the pillar of fire?
Here's George J. Lacy, the head of the FBI. There's his signed signature, that was a supernatural Being there, when it was taken before thirty thousand people. And you see that, it said, "It looked like a yellow... [Gap in the audio.]
Come to me, right in through here.

55 The Lord bless you, sister. All right, you just be real reverent now, sister. And just stand... If I could help you, I would do it. But I can't do it.
You was wondering about your wife then, wasn't you, sir? I wasn't reading your mind, but you was wondering, your wife. Your wife also has arthritis and heart trouble. Isn't that right?
Stand up, sister, and just accept your healing then. God bless you. I seen you trying to help her across the floor, when she gets up at morning. Isn't that right? Walking across the floor, helping in the morning. Isn't that so? Wasn't that right? It's the truth. I seen a vision move right there, and I seen him helping her across the floor. All right. Go home now, and both of you get well. May the Lord bless you and make you well.
Sister, do you believe? with all your heart? Well, I am your brother. And, of course, if anything, mother, if anything I could do to help you, I would sure do it. But I can't. No, I'm just... I'm just God's servant, you see. The only thing that I know how to do is to pray for you. That's all that I know.

56 You've had an operation, though, haven't you? On your eye. [A lady says, "No."] It's something on your eye there? ["No, my eye went blind two weeks ago."] Oh, yes, uh-huh. That's it. There's where it was at. ["I had cancer. But, I've also had a accident."] Uh huh. Long time ago that caused that eye to go out. Do that kind of trouble you? ["This just happened two weeks ago." I mean, it's that accident what I'm talking about see. It happened and caused your eye to go bad. And you believe that growth will go off your shoulder too? ["Yes, I do. I was healed once. There was three lumps there. I had cancer in my stomach. And Brother Jaggers said, 'Anybody has cancer raise their hands and praise the Lord.' I raised my hand, I couldn't hold it. I had to hold it..."] Listen to this testimony. Can you hear that? ["And he prayed, got through praying, something reached down and took my hand, and the pain went away. And I've never had anymore."] Well, the Lord... ["And there were three knots there. And they went into one. Well, that has never hurt me since. Of course, it never went away."] Yes, ma'am. ["But I had an accident. My nephew was driving me to the hospital. My husband was dying at University Hospital. We thought he was. And he went to sleep, and I hollered that we was going to hit... We was running a red light..."] Yes, ma'am. ["We saw a car. And I broke the windshield, and my neck just popped like that. And he throwed the brakes so quick."] Yes, ma'am. ["And my whole back--the vertebrae--come out. Well, I'm so thirsty."]
All right. Now, you just hold this right in your hand, sister, while I have prayer now. You bow your head now, everybody while I have prayer.

57 Our Heavenly Father, this poor woman standing here, nervous, upset, can't sleep at night, and she's in need of prayer and she comes tonight, Lord, so nervous. She's got a lump on her side here. And I ask You to be merciful to her and heal her. Grant, Eternal God, that Your blessings be upon her, now. May she go in peace and may she get well, Father, and return showing the people here even before this service closes this week, that God has healed her. Hear the prayer of Your servant, as I ask in Jesus name. Amen.
God bless you, now, mother. Go and rejoice. Yes, ma'am. God bless you. Poor little thing. All right.
How do you do, sister. Like you're pretty weak. I like that sign, "Mother." I think there's five Gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, and Mother. Mother gets the baby first, see. She has the way of raising it, training it. Got an old mother at home tonight. There is just hardly nothing like mother to the baby. You take the little fellow, and probably those hands has stroked back the tears and the eyes when it was crying. When it was hurt, you kiss it. It would go away. But, your trouble tonight, just a kiss from a mortal wouldn't take it away. It'll take from God. You got tumor in your kidney. Is that right? [A lady says, "That's what the doctor said. I ain't seen his x-rays."] Come here then.

58 Lord God, be merciful to her. I pray that You will heal her. May she go off this platform, Lord, and get well. Poor little thing, all bent down, broke down here. May Your blessings be upon her, I ask in Jesus Christ's name. Amen. God bless you now, mother. Go rejoicing. [The lady shouts.] I don't blame you, mother.
Now, you might think that was strange, but let the Lord just have His way. When you feel good you can hardly keep from expressing how you feel. Bless her heart.
You've had some trouble, too, haven't you, lady sitting there with the little red jacket on, sitting right there? Doctors don't even know what's wrong with you. One says you got something wrong with your lungs, and one says something wrong with your stomach. Isn't that right? [The lady says, "That's right."] They're all wrong. I'm not reading your mind, but you were setting thinking about that then, and wondering what would take place. Why don't you just raise up and say, "Lord Jesus, I accept You as my healer," and then go home and forget about your sickness and get well?

59 Lord Jesus, I pray that You'll bless the poor little woman. Your servants the doctors can't find it. But we know Satan is laying there. Satan, you have hid from the doctor, but you can't hide from God. Come out of her, in Jesus' name, I ask that you leave her. Amen.
Now, little sister you go and testify to the glory of God. Just get your mind off of it, go on, get all right. God bless you, lady.
You didn't have a prayer card, did you? You didn't have prayer card; you wasn't subject to calling in the line. Well, that's all right. You don't have to have. [Someone says, "No, I wasn't in the line."] All right, sir.

60 How do you do, sir. You believe with all your heart? Do you believe the Lord Jesus will make you well? His works are marvelous, aren't they? Isn't your trouble in your chest? It's a retarded TB, isn't it? It's caused from a collection of something ... of dust, I'd say ... rock dust. Is that right? And also, the greatest need you have tonight is Jesus Christ (Isn't that right?) as your personal Saviour, for you're not a Christian. [A man says, "That's right."] Will you accept Him now as your personal Saviour? Raise up your hand, say, "I accept Jesus Christ."
Almighty God, Author of life, Giver of every good gift, send Thy blessings upon the man and heal him. And may every sin be forgiven, may he go out from here tonight, and be a servant of Yours the rest of his days. God bless my dear brother tonight. May Your grace take care of Him now, and heal him, forgive him, and send him in peace in Jesus Christ's name. Amen.

61 God bless you. You accept Him now as your Saviour. You're my brother, now. And you go in the same Holy Spirit that knowed the woman at the well, knows your troubles. Just go right ahead now. Serve the Lord. Be baptized. Call upon the name of the Lord, and you will get well and be all right. If God knows what you was, what you have been, He knows what you will be. You take my word now. Go and serve the Lord with all your heart, that'll all leave you. God bless you.
Let us say, "Praise be to God."

62 How do you do. Mighty sweet little lady. I have a little girl at home, almost your size. I just want you to look this way, to me, just a little bit. And I just want to talk to you. I think you're a nice little girl. And I like those little beads, or what do you call them? What do you call that? Hair barrette in your hair. I think they're pretty. You like to go to school? You like to go to Sunday school too, don't you? Look here. I want to ask you something. If Jesus, the Son of God was standing here, tonight, and He would see you standing here, He would talk to you. He loved little children, didn't He? He put His hands on them and blessed them.
Now if He was standing here, He would tell you right where your trouble was and what was wrong with you. Then He'd lay His hands upon you and bless you, and you'd go away and get well. Wouldn't you? Well, do you believe He sent Brother Branham to do His work? Then to make your little heart believe that, and to know that, your trouble is in your side, isn't it? It's in your right side. Isn't that right? It's a little fatty tumor, on the inside of your diaphragm in there. They don't know just exactly what it was. They couldn't say what it was, but the trouble is in your right side. Isn't that right? Doctor with a gray coat on was the one examined you. Now you believe that now? And you're going home to get well. You believe that? Now come here.

63 Dear Heavenly Father, I pray Thee, to bless this little girl. And may she go home and be well. I rebuke this demon that's trying to bother the child. May it go out of her tonight. May it go, and may the child live and serve You. And may this never bother her no more. In Jesus Christ's name I ask it. Amen.
God bless you, honey. Now you go thanking the Lord Jesus and just... You'll get all [unclear words]. Amen.
Let's say, "Praise be to God."
How do you do, sister. Your trouble is serious, isn't it? You believe that He will make you well? [The lady speaks to Brother Branham]. You've had many [unclear words] frequently.
Let's ask the Lord.

64 Lord Jesus, I pray that You bless her deeply, but Thou can move all troubles. I pray that You will heal her tonight, and may she go home and get well. In the name of Jesus Christ, may it leave her. Amen. Now, go believing, sister. Let me hear from you a little later.
Let's say, "Thanks be to God."
It's your daddy? Don't cry, dad. That little girl was healed; you're wondering about you're little boy there, aren't you? You were praying, wasn't you? He heard your prayer. Your little boy has got something wrong in his neck and head there. It's an ulcer. Isn't that right? Put your hand over on the child.
Lord Jesus, I rebuke that demon that would bother that child. In the name of Jesus Christ may it leave him. Come out from him. God bless you, dad. Don't fear. Your baby get all right.

65 Look here, sir. Wouldn't you like to go home and eat like you used to? All right. Do you believe me to be God's prophet? Go eat your supper then, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and that stomach trouble will leave you.
You'd like to do the same thing, wouldn't you? Is that right? All right. Go eat your supper then. The Lord bless you. Go and serve Him with all your heart.
Look! you're getting nervous [unclear words], isn't that right? Caused that nervous condition causes your stomach like that. Just go on forget about it. Go home and [unclear words]. The Lord be with you.
All right. Come, sir. Do you believe me to be God's servant ... His prophet? [The man says, "Yes, sir."] Your trouble is in your back, isn't it, sir? Go home. Jesus Christ has made you well. God bless you.
Let's say, "Praise be to God."

66 Do you love Him with all your heart? Now the Holy Spirit is here. Nothing can be hid from Him now. The Angel of the Lord is near to do the exceedingly abundantly. Just start praying out there now, and believe Him with all your heart. See if He isn't God. See if the things that I have asked, that I've told you about, if they're not the truth. Anywhere, any place. Have faith in God. All right.
You want to be made well? ["Yes, sir."] Lord Jesus, I pray that You will bless him, and may he leave from here tonight, rejoicing normally, and get well. In Jesus Christ's name, I ask it. Satan, leave the man. In Christ's name, I ask it.
Can you hear me all right? You're healed. You can go home now and be well. God bless you.
Let's say, "Thanks be to God."
You want to get over that heart trouble, sister? ["Yes."] Just go rejoicing and saying, "Thank You, Lord for healing me." Thank you.

67 Lay your hand on that baby with the waterhead, brother. Lord Jesus, I pray that You will bless that baby. And may the power of God move on that child and make it well, through Jesus Christ's name. Amen.
The baby has been growing that way for quite a while. I've been watching you for a long time. I'm watching that little mother sitting there, too, with her baby. Sister, I can't heal your baby, but your baby is deaf. Is that right? It has been that way. And you're suffering, too. You have a tumor. Is that right? If that's right raise up your hand like this. I never seen you in my life. I know your trouble. I see that man's trouble sitting right there, too. I can't heal it. Lay your hand on the baby's ears.
Almighty God, I rebuke that deaf spirit in the baby. And I ask that the tumor from the lady will ... she'll be made well. In Jesus Christ's name grant it.
Have faith in God.
That female trouble left you sitting there, sister. You can go home now and rejoice and be happy. It left you just then.
Your asthma... Would you like to get over that? Go rejoicing. Say, "Thank You, Lord Jesus," and get well.

68 The Holy Spirit is here. Do you believe?
You have cancer, don't you, lady? Accept your healing from Jesus Christ, and go home and get well [unclear words].
Lady, you have kidney trouble, don't you? Go on across the platform, be made well.
Do you believe?
You, sitting there with your limb like that. That's a blood clot isn't it? The first of this week, you couldn't even walk. You just now begin to creep around. Is that right? When the service is over, pick up your thing and go on home, and be made well. The blood clot scattered, going to leave you, in the name of the Lord Jesus.
Do you believe?
God confirms His Word. How many in here wants to be healed right now? Lay your hands over on one another.
Almighty God, in the name of Thy Son Jesus, come down and look on this scene. Satan, come out of the people. I adjure thee in Jesus Christ's name leave the people.

Expectations (1961-03-08) (William M. Branham Sermons)

Expectations (1961-03-08) (William M. Branham Sermons) somebody


1 ... major with a minor, as Dr. F. F. Bosworth, one of my associates, just recently went home to glory---close to a hundred years old. How many ever knowed Brother Bosworth? I'm sure many of you people knew him. He used to tell me, said, "Well, Brother Branham, what we use divine healing ... is just like the bait you put on the hook. You never show the fish the hook; you show him the bait. And when he takes the bait, he gets the hook." So that's the way you try to use divine healing. It's a gift of God.
And then we attract the people, and they see something happen that ... they know that could not happen unless God had done it. Therefore, it turns their attention around from the things of the world to God. And that's what brings me to say, it's a bait that leads sinners...
What our main purpose is here for is to capture the unbeliever to a faith in God. That's what we want to do, is to see the sinner converted to a living faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. And that's our main thing.
Next thing is to try to help the sick and needy to find help. And many of them, of course, as it is all over the world, are perfectly helpless, unless God does something for them, because our medical science, some of them are beyond that.

2 And I just left home yesterday, where ... or day before---yes, yesterday---where I seen the Lord take a total insane person---two years don't even know where they was at, what their name was or anything about it---and restore them in their right mind, till the entire staff at the hospital said they'd never seen anything like it. A total insane person ... an insane young lady two years. And just when you see something like that, we know it takes God to do that. That's just all there is to it. We know that man cannot do things like that, and it wasn't given to man.
After all, divine healing... There's only one kind of healing, and that's divine healing. No other healing but divine healing. All healing has to come through God. Psalms 103:3 said, "I'm the Lord who heals all thy diseases."

Exodus 15:26 And said, If thou wilt diligently hearken to the voice of the LORD thy God, and wilt do that which is right in his sight, and wilt give ear to his commandments, and keep all his statutes, I will put none of these diseases upon thee, which I have brought upon the Egyptians: for I am the LORD that healeth thee.

Psalm 103:3 Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases;

3 Now, medical cures... Medical does not claim to cure. They only claim to assist nature. God is the one does the healing. I was interviewed at Mayo Brothers, and that's what they told me there. Said, "We do not claim to heal people. We only claim to assist nature, while God heals."
In other words, if you got a cut in your hand, well, they'll sew it up. They don't heal it. If you got a bad appendix, they can take the appendix out, but that's all they can do. If you got a broken arm, they can set the arm. Who's going to furnish the calcium, and what it takes, to knit that bone? It takes... To rebuild cells it takes life, and life is what makes healing. We can cut, operate, and so forth. But we cannot heal. God has to do that Himself. That's a multiplying of cells that only comes through God. That's the only one who can do it. We could make a mechanical man where he could reach his hands and almost think, but we cannot build cells. That's God alone does that.
So He's the Lord heals all of our diseases. We could pull a tooth out, but who's going to stop the blood? And who's going to heal the place it come out of? If God doesn't do it, you'll never be healed. That's right.

Exodus 15:26 And said, If thou wilt diligently hearken to the voice of the LORD thy God, and wilt do that which is right in his sight, and wilt give ear to his commandments, and keep all his statutes, I will put none of these diseases upon thee, which I have brought upon the Egyptians: for I am the LORD that healeth thee.

Psalm 103:3 Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases;

4 What about if I was out here cranking my car...? 'Course that's a long time ago, I guess, in the old ... I'm back in Model T days now, when we used to crank the old car. What if I break my arm? I'd run, and say to a physician, "Heal my arm right quick. I got to finish cranking my car."
Well, he'd say, "He needs mental healing." Well, that'd be right. See, He'd say, "Well, I can set your arm, but something higher than me has to heal it." He can set it, and that's his duty. That's what we ought to do---go ahead and set it. But God does the healing.
So I do not believe that there's such a thing as a divine healer outside of God. I believe that God is the only healer that there is.

Isaiah 53:5 But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.

1 Peter 2:24 Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed.

5 Therefore, many times people has said, "Brother Branham is a divine healer." No, I'm no more a divine healer than the pastor is the divine saviour. So we just preach the gospel, the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, with the good news that Christ was wounded for our transgressions, bruised for our iniquity, the chastisement of our peace was upon Him. And with his stripes we were healed. It's something that's past, see. Christ did all for us that was required to be done; and all that can be done is already done. I believe that the only thing we have to do is to accept what He has done, what's already done.

6 And now, minister, any minister has just as much right to pray for the sick---or the laity---just as much as anyone else, because He said, "Confess your faults one to another and pray one for another that you may be healed, for the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much."
I do believe that there's power in prayer. I've seen some very direct answers to prayer, but never healed anybody in my life. But I've seen God do a lot of it, so I believe that it's the individual's faith in a work that's already been completed.
Now, you say, I'd say here tonight, "How many Christians?" So many hands would go up. "How many was saved last year?" So many hands would go up. "How many was saved maybe a week ago?" Maybe there'd be two or three hands would go up. Now I differ. You was not saved a year ago, nor you wasn't saved two or three days ago. You were saved nineteen hundred years ago at Calvary, but you accepted it last year, or you accepted it last week, see, or two days ago. And the same thing, by his stripes you were healed. See, you were, past tense, healed. Now, you could accept it tonight, or you could accept it tomorrow night. Or whenever you accept it, why, it's yours. So it's up to you when you want to accept it, upon those basis.

Isaiah 53:5 But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.

James 5:16 Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.

1 Peter 2:24 Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed.

7 And He now is a high priest, Hebrews 3, sitting at the right hand of God Almighty in heaven, making intercession upon our confession. Now, the word used there in the book of Hebrews---is used in the King James version---is used profess. But profess and confess is the same thing. You profess something, or confess it. You profess that you believe that He was wounded for your transgressions, with his stripes you were healed. So He's a high priest to make intercession upon our confession, and He cannot do nothing for us until first we accept it and confess it.
Now, we could get down to the altar and pray till we were ... till we laid on our face, and died. Until we believe, then accept his pardoning grace, we're still lost. No matter how loud we could scream, or how long we could stay, or how much we could do without food, until in our hearts the revelation God's given us that Jesus Christ died to save us, and we accept it as our own personal property... It's something Christ did for me, did for you, and to whosoever will believe it. Then you're saved, because you have believed it, and you're healed the same way.
Many times people say, "I like to feel if I'm healed."
Jesus never did say, "Did you feel it?" He said, "Did you believe it?" That's it. "Do you believe it?" Feeling has nothing to do with it. It's your faith. If I did the way I felt I'd be in bad shape a lot of times. Is that right, brethren? I guess we all would. But it's not how I feel; it's what I believe that He has done. Not my feelings; it's my faith. In what? A finished work at Calvary.

Isaiah 53:5 But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.

Colossians 3:1 If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God.

Hebrews 3:1 Wherefore, holy brethren, partakers of the heavenly calling, consider the Apostle and High Priest of our profession, Christ Jesus;

Hebrews 7:25 Wherefore he is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them.

1 Peter 2:24 Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed.

8 Now, in this there's many perhaps... This is my first time of being in your city, I believe, and it's my first time in Virginia, of ever having a service in Virginia. Around the world seven times, and yet I've never been in Virginia. Isn't that awful? Well, they always say you save the best for the last. Is that what it is, brethren? The best comes last. We hope that that's just exactly right.
If all the people's like those who we've met since we've been here ... we've certainly ... I've met some very fine people. And maybe I've been meeting the people of ... just the citizens. Maybe not even Christians. Then what will the Christians be, if the citizens is like that that's not Christians? Be wonderful.
So, now, a meeting can only be whatever the people will make it.

9 Now, God is willing, if we are willing. But we have our part to play. Each individual has our part to play. I could no more make a revival out of it, or meeting, than nothing, and no one individual, or no just two or three of you. It'll take all of us together, working together, through the Lord Jesus Christ, to see something accomplished here in this city, while we're gathered together for the kingdom of God's sake.
And brother, sister, we're living near the end. We all know that. If you have traveled with me in the last year or so, you'd know that's true, see. We're in a shaking condition, and the end time is near. And these things, as we go on along through the week we'll be presenting them---what's happening, what's just about to happen, and as you see on your newspapers, telecasts and whatmore. Then you'll listen from the Scripture, and what the Holy Spirit has to say.

10 Now, I suppose... I believe we usually close around one o'clock, is it? Or something like that? One or two o'clock in the morning? Usually it's about time we close [unclear words] service. Now, don't leave. I'll just keep peace. I was just teasing about that. Usually we let out about nine or nine-thirty, and then quit for prayer line. So I think they ought to ... the custodians, I guess, will tell us how long they keep the auditorium open, or whatmore.
Now, you must get on the phone. You must get to calling the people. And let us ... tell you now, I'm going to tell you how that I believe that we run the meeting ... or, with the brethren. And remember, any time that you feel that you want to have someone to be prayed for, any of these brethren here, they believe the same gospel that I'm here preaching to you. And your pastor's just got as much right to pray for you as anyone else.
Here we just come together. I believe it's written in the Scripture, "The Lord said, 'If the people that are called by my name shall assemble themselves together, pray, then I'll hear from heaven, heal their lands.'

2 Chronicles 7:14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

11 So we believe that prayer is the most powerful weapon that was ever put in the care of a human being.
You know, prayer will at times change the mind of God? Did you know that? It sure did. Hezekiah was told by Isaiah, the prophet, that he was going to die on that bed. And Hezekiah turned his face to the wall and wept bitterly, and asked the Lord for fifteen more years of life. And God sent the prophet right back, said, "I've heard," and he was spared for the time, see, when God had already announced his death. But he spared him because that he prayed. So, if prayer was that powerful, what can it do? My! We don't realize how great it is.

Isaiah 38:2 Then Hezekiah turned his face toward the wall, and prayed unto the LORD,

Isaiah 38:5 Go, and say to Hezekiah, Thus saith the LORD, the God of David thy father, I have heard thy prayer, I have seen thy tears: behold, I will add unto thy days fifteen years.

12 Now, all along through the meeting as each night we try to lay down the foundation... Then, when someone comes in, maybe a little later on, maybe tomorrow night, then maybe the next night some newcomers come in. They might see something taking place that they'd say, "Well, I just don't understand it." Then if they don't, then you take the Scriptures and show them right.
Now, if you ever see any action here at the platform, or anything that I speak on the platform here, that's not absolutely the Scripture, then you're duty bound to me as a Christian to call my attention to it, because I do believe that God does things that's not written in the Word. I believe He could do anything He wishes to. He's God. But just as long as He does what He's promised to do, that'd be enough for me---just keep his promise. I like that.
And I do believe that the Word of God is the foundation. I believe it is the Word of God, and it's my stand. My life and all my faith is based on the Word.

Malachi 3:6 For I am the LORD, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed.

Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

13 And here's the way I want you to believe it now: that God is infinite, He's omnipresent, omniscient and He's Almighty God. He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. He cannot change and be God. Whatever God does one time, makes his decision, that decision has to remain forever. It can never be changed. If God makes a decision this year, and next year He changes that, that shows that He wasn't God, 'cause He's infinite, and we are finite.
Now, we could make a decision... I could make one tonight and in ten minutes have to change it, because I'm wrong so many times. You are, also. But not God. So if He ever makes a decision, then that's got to be forever his decision.
It's like this: if a man ever come to God, and knowed he was lost and wanted to be saved, and God asked him to place the basis upon if he'd believe it, and He saved that man; the next man comes and wants salvation, He's got to do the same for this man that He did then. He's got to act the same here as He did there, or He acted wrong in the first place, see. He's got to remain God. And if this is his Word, then He is God, see. Because this is what He said, and if He doesn't keep his Word, then He cannot have his Word...

14 No man is worth any more than his word.
If my handshaking, my promise to my brethren, isn't enough---that I have to sign a lot of papers, a lot of this, that---that's mistrusting. I just ... you have to take me for what I tell you, and I have to take you for what you tell me. And if we cannot trust one another... Then if my word's no good, then I'm no good. And if God's Word's no good, then He's no good. He's no better than his Word.
And I'll say this: that God keeps every word that He said, and every promise that He made. And if you'll take the right mental attitude towards any divine promise God ever made, He'll bring it to pass if you can just take the right attitude, and believe it with all your heart, see.
The individual ... it isn't ... what you have to have somebody that's laid hands on you with a certain sensation... Oh, my! There's so many sensations today, it couldn't be right. But God's Word's still right, see. It's right. The sensations I have, don't know nothing about them. But I do know that the Word of God is right.
So therefore, when God says anything, it must ever remain that way. And that's the way I believe it. I've studied it, and history, and what He said would take place through the ages, the church ages and so forth; and see it just dovetail together till I'm satisfied that He's God, and every word is true. And He keeps his Word with his people.

15 Now, the way we do, of a evening, along about an hour before the services start so it won't interfere with the preliminaries, we send the boys down and give the individual prayer cards. And each evening we do that, because... First, here's the way we did it. When we first started out... Well now, 'course it was just like this here. Well, we wouldn't even have to give a prayer card with a little group like this, see. But when we have great groups which we expect to fill, and pack the place out nights...
Now, we just left Vandalia ... Visalia, it was, Illi... , or California. And the first night, the big armory there, they turned away hundreds and hundreds; and the second night doubled it more and more. We went to a fair grounds, and there was enough people there at three o'clock they had to close the gates, before you could even get into the place, you see. Just when the meeting gets started, and people begin to... The hungry-hearted begin to see that...
Well, it's the Holy Spirit moving amongst the people, see. It isn't some preacher with some high "super-duper" faith. I don't believe in those things. I believe that faith comes by hearing the Word of God, and the individual ought to straighten his life up, and get right with God if he expects to get healed.
I believe the healing's lasting. The individual's got to get straight with God. All this laying hands on the sinners and telling them, "That's all right. Just forget about it. God'll heal you anyhow." No, I don't believe in that. I believe a man ought to clean up, and get right with God, and straighten up and come on and live for God. Do what's right. And that's lasting healing.
These thirty-one years I have noticed that's true: that the man or woman that's ready to come straight with God, God'll come straight with them. You have to straighten up with God.

Romans 10:17 So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

16 So then...
The reason we do this, when we first started we used to send the pastors, each pastor that was cooperating, a hundred cards, well, for his congregation, and for those who he'd be inviting of the sick people, and so forth. Well, then about the first pastor... Many of you has been in the meetings before, of course, I guess. About the first pastor got his group up, that settled it. So we couldn't do it that way.
So then, we thought, well, we'd just give out prayer cards the first day we was there, and give everybody out prayer cards. And then, 'course that settled it. Anybody comes otherwise than the first day, why, then they didn't get a chance to get in the prayer line, because we had enough there to last.
So then, we went to giving out prayer cards each day. And then, when we'd get up maybe fifteen or twenty, whatever we got in that night, well, then--- just on the platform or what we could get on there ---then we found out the people... If they wouldn't get some number, or card, up to fifteen or twenty, they'd just throw it on the floor. They didn't want it. They wouldn't be called.

17 So then, I thought, "Well, I'll get some little child along the front here, to let him come up here and count." Some little boy, like this little lad I'm looking at here, with a red tie on and a sports coat, and about the size of my little Joseph over there. And I'd get one of those little fellows to come up, and I'd say, "Can you count, sonny? or sister?"
"Count." And he'd start counting, or she. Wherever they stopped, I'd start right there.
Believe it or not, Mama knows just exactly where to tell Junior to stop at for her card. So we still got human beings, you know. We're dealing with them. And so... Then I got the one minister I got to give out cards. Then in his organization, if he didn't show just a little bit of favors ... started some feelings with the brethren.
Then I got my brother to give out prayer cards.
But before that, I got another man---just picked up an outsider. And I caught him selling prayer cards.

18 So then I had to get rid of that. So I got my brother with me, and so now I got my son with me. And then two boys---one of them's one of my associates, Brother Gene Goad (I guess he's been introduced), and Brother Leo Mercier (he's here somewhere), and my son, Billy Paul. They're here somewhere. Either of those will be giving out prayer cards.
Usually Billy does it himself because Leo and Gene---Gene stands at the recorders, and Brother Leo, I think, is on the books. Now, then we give out those, and now here's the way we do it. So that each one will know, we come down here, and get the cards, and come down before the people and mix them all up, right up here on the platform so you can see the cards are mixed up. Therefore, ever which gives them out, he doesn't know who's getting what number.
What if you get around, say, "I got number one, that means it, yes, sir." Next say, "I'm number two over here."
Of course this might get one, and next to him might get forty-five, sixty-two, and so forth. You don't know where it'll be.

19 Well then, see, you say, "Well, if I didn't get number one to fifteen, I might as well go home."
Nope. That's not it. See, no one knows, then, when I come down, wherever the Holy Spirit leads me to start---maybe from one to twenty, or from twenty to sixty, or from ninety back to thirty, or somewhere like that. So, therefore, we just deal with that way. It's the way the Holy Spirit has a way of working it, you see, to bring them in.
I think that's just exactly ... don't you, brethren? I've been doing that now for the last, oh, four or five years, or six---something like that. And so, by and by when you can get your prayer card, hold onto it, because if you're not called on the first night, we will finally get to it at the end.
Now, and then them prayer cards... We call up so many each night if the Lord leads me to do the way... We just had the greatest success I ever had in America by doing it this way just recently.

20 And now, what time does your main service start? About 7:30? 7:30? Better be here between 6:30 and 7:00 o'clock then, I guess, or something like or 6:30 to 7:30. Don't make it any later than... Better come as early as you can, because as soon as so many cards is give out, well, that's it. Then you get your loved ones, your sick friends, and bring them down. Get them on the phone tomorrow. Come on down and get the prayer card tomorrow evening, between 6:30 and 7:30 at the main auditorium.
You don't have afternoon services nowhere, I suppose, brother? All right. Sometimes they give them like that in the afternoon service; then don't have to fool with it at night in some church or somewhere. But if they do it this way, it'll be all right. Just come on down tomorrow afternoon between 6:30 and 7:30.
And then, we expect to have services each night.

21 I'll speak each night, the Lord willing. The manager ... nobody's ... just the boys and I are up here, and so we are... And we'll try each night to pray for the sick, call sinners to the altar, work with our brethren, do everything that we possibly can to make this a starting of a revival---an old-fashioned revival---that'll shake through Virginia like it's never done before, for the kingdom of God's sake: every church to be filled and packed, and God's servants preaching the gospel like never before; and sinners coming to Calvary, and sick people being healed in every church, and the glory of God going everywhere. That's our heart's desire.
Now, I'm glad I got this little clock over here. I hope it's just about ... it is right, so ... according to my watch.

22 So now I want to just read a scripture and make a little talk for you tonight. And now remember, we're up here for nothing else. We're not here to represent any denomination, because I do not belong to any denominational church.
I was ordained a Missionary Baptist minister, and I pastored the Tabernacle at Jeffersonville for seventeen years. And then I went on the mission field about fifteen years ago, and I've been on the field ever since. And when I come out praying for the sick ... I just left the church, left the organization, because out here I get everything, all together.
And then I feel that that's the way the Lord's got his children---everywhere. Every man that's born again of the Spirit of God is my brother, and every woman is my sister, that's born of the Spirit of God. So I don't represent any certain organization. If I was here in the city (the converts), I'd join one of these fine churches here that believes the same thing that I believe. So, that's the way I'd do it myself. You have your own choice to do whatever you wish to.

23 Then, we're not here for money. I want you to know that. We're not here for money. No, sir. I am fifty-one years old. I've been a minister for thirty-one years, and I have preached seventeen years at the Baptist Tabernacle at Jeffersonville, Indiana. Never took an offering in all my life. I preached seventeen years without one penny of anything. Any of the trustees could tell you that. Never took a penny.
I worked for my living. I wouldn't even do it now, if I could afford to pay these meetings off. The only thing I do is come out here, and hold the meeting. And the only thing you have to do is pay the expense of the building, or whatever expenses goes with the meeting is all I'm concerned about. Just pay the thing off, and that settles it. Don't owe me nothing.
We got books. For them books ... I buy those books at 40% less, not because it's a money-making thing, because I'll lose in it; but get the message out to the people. The tapes are from the Audio Mission, another group that's not with us. It's ... well, they're making the tapes for the Tabernacle, which they ... in some kind of collaboration there, that they make the tapes by. But for myself, no.

24 Sometimes at the end of the meeting, if all the debts is paid off, they give me a love offering. If they don't have the debts paid off, they don't give me nothing. And if they do give me a love offering, I turn it back in to pay the debts. We want to leave the city without one penny being owed. If we have to send home, get the money somewhere, we'll do it, see. But we don't leave any debts. Never have yet.
We want to keep our name clean and clear, and in above board, because we're meeting the sick people. We're meeting Satan on his grounds, and we want to have our hands clean, that when we come to pray for the sick that we'd be honest, and just, and nothing shady. We're standing right before God as his servant, and we want to keep just fair, and clean and clear with everybody. And, I want you to know then, that there's no pulls for money, and there's nothing about that. We're not here for that. And we just love you, and come to fellowship with you.
And as Brother Bosworth said to me one day, he said, "Brother Branham, do you know what fellowship is?"
I said, "I think so, Doctor." I said, "I think..."
"Well," said, "here's what it is. It's two fellows in one ship."
I said, "That's just about [unclear word] for it, two fellows in one ship."
So, we're desiring if we can come into your little boat, and you can come into our boat. We can have fellowship one with another while we're seining across this city here to pull every lost soul that we can to the kingdom of God.

25 Let's bow our heads now before we speak to the author, before we read his Word.
Our heavenly Father, we are grateful to Thee tonight for this privilege of standing our first time in this great state of Virginia. How many years ago our forefathers landed here. This great state has meant much to our union.
Lord, I pray that somehow that in this great state now, that You'll break forth a revival that'll ... it'll be known around the world. May there come forth an issue from God, a fiery Spirit of the Holy Ghost that'll save the lost, heal the sick, let the blind to see, the lame to walk, the deaf to hear, the dumb to talk; sinners be saved in the kingdom of God; every church just illuminated with thy presence until around the world they'll hear from this great meeting.

26 Now we can ask for it, Lord, and believe it. Now help us to work for that end. For it would be so unnecessary to ask You anything and not work for it, believe that You'll do it. We'll wait with expectations that You will grant it to us.
And when the services is closed on next Sunday afternoon, may there be a pile of wheel chairs laying in the corner here, cots, stretchers. May there be sinners washed in the blood of the Lamb, with their hands up in the air praising God.
May the clergy, your precious shepherds who feed your sheep, may their hearts be so on fire like a new ministry be given to them. Grant it, Lord. Bless every church and every minister throughout the country, every saint, and save the sinner.
As we approach thy Word, now, for just a little foundation to start the meeting on tonight, we pray that You'll bless it. We know that our words will fail, but your words cannot fail. So as we read your Word, we pray that You'll interpret it to us by the Holy Spirit, for we ask it in Jesus' name and for his sake. Amen.

27 Now don't forget now, get on the phone somewhere. Get the sick people out, those who are really needy, and the prayer cards will be given. Now you must obtain a prayer card. It'll have a number on it, a letter and a number.
Each evening those prayer cards will be given out and ... from six-thirty until seven-thirty, and then they'll be called by those numbers. That's to keep the people from rushing up. It isn't an arena, you know; it's a church. And it must be done in order---as Paul said, "decently and in order."
And so, we want them just to come as their numbers are called, and ministered to at the platform. Now these prayer cards are not inter ... inexchangeables. You have to maintain your own card. You can't take it, give it to the neighbor, and bring the neighbor in. The neighbor must come and hear the instructions in order to get the card, because many times... That way, if you bring people in the prayer line that knows nothing about God... And there you are again, you see. And so, let them come and hear the instructions, and have their own faith built up to a place to receive their healing as we pray for the sick. That'll be tomorrow afternoon, now, between six-thirty and seven-thirty.

1 Corinthians 14:40 Let all things be done decently and in order.

28 I wish to read from St. Luke the 2nd chapter, 25th and 26th verses:
And, behold, there was a man in Jerusalem, whose name was Simeon; ... the same ... was just and devout, waiting for the consolation of Israel: and the Holy Ghost was upon him.
And it was revealed unto him by the Holy Ghost, that he should not see death, before he had seen the Lord's Christ.
I'd like to use for a context, or for a text to build a context on, "Expectations." Now, such meetings draw expectations. And when you see something unusual going on... We usually have three classes of people that attend those services. Like it was in the days of our Lord, and are all times, there is the unbeliever, the make-believer and the believer. It just attracts those attentions. It's always been.

Luke 2:25 And, behold, there was a man in Jerusalem, whose name was Simeon; and the same man was just and devout, waiting for the consolation of Israel: and the Holy Ghost was upon him.

Luke 2:26 And it was revealed unto him by the Holy Ghost, that he should not see death, before he had seen the Lord's Christ.

29 But expectancy---that's a great thing, to expect something. You usually get what you expect. Some people come to the meeting, and say, "Well, I didn't expect to get anything out of it." Well, they won't. But those who expect to get something, God will give them their expectations, if they're doing it reverently and in the fear of God.
Now always to find out something, first is to find whether it's the will of God or not. And then if it's the will of God, then your objective to it, and then your motive in doing it. If it's the will of God, and your objective is right and your motive is right, it's got to happen. There's just no way to keep it from happening. So, first find the will, if it's God's will.
And then what's your objective in doing it? What's ... if it's selfish, you'll never get it done. That's all. It's got to be real clean and clear before God, or it just won't happen. That's all. You got to always keep that on your mind, that it's got to be clean and clear. Your cups must be clean and clear before God, or God cannot work with you.

30 Now men of all times have always ... that's heard of God... And wherever God is, supernatural is---because He is a supernatural God, working supernatural things.
Do you believe that? Now in the Old Testament they had a way of finding out whether a message was right or not. Now under the Levitical priesthood, they had what they call the Urim and Thummim, and that was the breastplate that Aaron had here. He had the twelve tribal stones in the breastplate, and they hung that on the corner or the post in the temple. And then when the prophet prophesied, or the dreamer told his dream... And when he was telling it, if that light become a conglomeration of lights---like a rainbow reflecting off of that Urim and Thummim, was showing that the supernatural was there---then that prophet was telling the truth, or that dreamer's dream was right.
However, no matter how real it sounded---now keep this in mind---no matter how real it sounded, if that Urim and Thummim didn't make the supernatural light, they could not receive it, because it wasn't God. So when you see anyone preaching the gospel that God doesn't come down and confirm that to be right, you leave it alone, because it's not right.

Exodus 28:21 And the stones shall be with the names of the children of Israel, twelve, according to their names, like the engravings of a signet; every one with his name shall they be according to the twelve tribes.

Leviticus 8:8 And he put the breastplate upon him: also he put in the breastplate the Urim and the Thummim.

31 God still remains God. He lives today. He's just as much alive as He ever was. He's God.
Now when that priesthood was done away with, then we got the new priesthood. And now there has a new Urim and Thummim that ... also with this priesthood, and that is God's Word. God's Word is God's Urim and Thummim. Then if God promises anything in the Bible, and you can accept it with all your heart and believe it to be so, you'll see the supernatural of God's Word take place and manifest the thing that you have believed for. No matter what it is, if you believe it, the Word of God is a seed. It's sowed into the human heart. And if there's nothing there to hinder it...
Just like when God makes a decision, it's his ultimatum.
And if you have an ultimatum, and God's just the same, when them two come together something's got to happen. It just can't keep from happening, see. When your ultimatum is the same as God's, then something must take place.

Luke 8:11 Now the parable is this: The seed is the word of God.

32 God makes a statement, it's got to be that. Then when you take your stand that that is true, something has to take place. It's got to.
And men in all ages, when they have heard the voice of God speaking to them, they have seen the supernatural and they have expected, and lived their life, expecting this to happen. And never did it ever fail.
Abraham expected that baby to come. Even down till twenty-five years after it was promised to him, he was still expecting it---just the same when he was a hundred years old as he did when the promise was made at seventy-five. And the Bible said that he never got weak, but he got stronger all the time, believing that God would do it.
Could you imagine an old man, now seventy-five years old, and a woman of sixty-five... She was barren, and he was sterile. And here they went out; now was going to go down to the doctor at the hospital, to make arrangements for a bed. They're going to have a baby. Yep---a sixty-five-year-old woman, and a seventy-five-year-old man.
What would the doctor say? "Poor old couple, little off at their heads." Well, now anybody that really takes God's word at that face value is considered a little off at the head, because it's so supernatural the natural world doesn't know nothing about it. It's foolish to the carnal mind, so you'll never understand it.

Romans 4:19 And being not weak in faith, he considered not his own body now dead, when he was about an hundred years old, neither yet the deadness of Sarah's womb:

Romans 4:20 He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong in faith, giving glory to God;

33 But Abraham believed it.
He said, "It's true," and he believed it was. I can hear him as he would say to Sarah, "Now, we're going to have this baby, honey. It's settled, because God said so."
She bought up the Birdseye, and the pins and got everything ready, and made the booties, and was all ready. And after the first so many days, twenty-eight days, "How you feeling, dear?"
"No different, honey."
"Praise God. We're going to have it anyhow."
First month passed, no different; second month, first year, second year.
"How you feeling, darling?"
"No different."
"Glory to God. It's going to be a bigger miracle than it was two years ago." Two years older now.
And when twenty-five years had passed, he still had the same attitude, just the same, because God said so.
"How do you know?"
"God said so. That settles it. If God said so, there's no more to be said about it," see. He said so. And at a hundred years old, he still believed God---that God would do it.

34 The Bible said in Hebrews 4 that Abraham staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief, but was strong, giving praise to God. And we are supposed to be Abraham's seed. For we who are dead in Christ are Abraham's seed. Is that right? The Holy Spirit makes us Abraham's seed.
Abraham was not a Jew. Abraham was a Gentile. But it wasn't Jew nor Gentile. It was his faith in God's Word is what made him to be an heir of the promise. And we being dead in Christ are Abraham's seed, and are heirs with him according to the promise. I tell you, that's true we are. But sometimes we don't act like it.
Sometimes we go and say, "Well, I'll go to be prayed for. I'll see what happens." ... "Well, I don't feel a bit different." Abraham's seed! Oh, my! That's a poor excuse even for a church member, let alone being Abraham's seed. Abraham's seed don't look at no circumstances. It looks at the Word of God. That's all.

Romans 4:20 He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong in faith, giving glory to God;

Galatians 3:29 And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise.

35 Here some time ago I was called to a bedside---about ten years ago to ... well, it's been about twelve years ago, now---to a dying boy, dying with black diphtheria. And the doctor wouldn't let me go in.
He said, "I can't let you go in. You're a married man." And the doctor was Catholic himself.
And I said, "Now, if the priest came and this boy was dying in here, and you said he was going to die tonight, would you let that priest go in?"
Said, "Certainly."
"Give him the last rites?"
"Yes, sir."
And I knew he would. My background is Catholic, too. So I said ... I knew he would do that, and I said, "Well, now..."
He said, "Yes, but he's not a married man. You've got children. You'd pack this to children. You got two little children."
I said, "Yes, sir. That's true. But," I said, "my faith's in God."
He said, "Get out."
And I said, "Well, now, look. I'm just as much to that boy in there, according to his father and mother standing here, as a priest would be to you if you were dying." See, I said, "Just as much. Our faith looks to God just the same way."

36 Finally, he dressed me up like a Ku Klux, and let me go in. So I went in to pray for the boy, and the boy was there. And a little nurse went over with us. The old father and mother knelt across the other side of the bed.
They had him, pulling his ... the air back and forth in him, and artificial respiration. And they said... I knelt down, and prayed just a common little prayer, and laid hands on the boy.
Said, "Now, Lord, You promised that You would do this. This father and mother believe this, so I'm laying my hands upon the boy. And You said these signs shall follow them that believe---if they lay their hands on the sick they shall recover. Therefore, Lord, in my heart I believe that You keep your Word, and so does this father and mother. It is finished, Father. Thank You." Raised up.
And the old dad grabbed the mother, and the mother grabbed the dad, and begin to hug one another, and just cried. Said, "Isn't it wonderful, honey? Isn't it wonderful?" And the boy never made a move. He'd been unconscious two or three days. And said, "Oh, isn't it wonderful!"
And I said, "The Lord bless you all," and started to walk out. And the little... And I went on out. And they taken it all off of me out there, so I could go on.

Mark 16:17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;

Mark 16:18 They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.

Acts 4:30 By stretching forth thine hand to heal; and that signs and wonders may be done by the name of thy holy child Jesus.

37 So then, the little nurse come up.
She said, "Mister." She said, "I just can't understand [she was just a girl]." Said, "I can't understand." See, some kind of cardiogram something that... Said, "If that ever drops down [at a certain place]," said, "all the history... It's never been known to ever rise again."
And said, "The only thing's keeping that boy here... He's weakening all the time." Said, "He's just dying. He's just dying right now."
And said, "When that man made that prayer for that baby [or that boy---he was about twelve years old, fourteen]," said, "it didn't change him a bit." Said, "He's not changed one bit." And said, "That needle's still hanging right down here." And said, "He's just like he was." And said, "It never can come up no more, because it's down, and that's all."
And the old gentleman, you know, fatherly-like, put his arms around the little nurse. And he said, "Oh, my precious child." He said, "The Lord bless you, honey." He said, "I don't want to make fun of you because ... and I wouldn't disagree with what you're saying." He said, "But, you see," said, "you've been trained to believe that when that needle, or hand there---what it is---goes down there, that it can never come back again."

38 She said, "Sir, that is the truth." She said, "It cannot come back again." Said, "The boy's gone." Said, "He's just barely here." And said, "You take this off of him, he'd die right now."
He said, "Honey," he said, "you're looking to that needle." That's right.
See, she had just asked him, said, "How can you laugh, and go on like that, and your boy dying?"
Said, "He's not dying." Said, "He's healed."
Said, "Well, how can you expect that and that needle..."
Said, "Honey, that's all you know to look at is that needle. But I'm looking at a promise that God made."
And that boy's got two children, and he's in Africa today---a missionary. Oh, it depends on what you're looking at. He was expecting it to happen, because he had met God's requirements, see. Laid the boy on the altar. He'd met the ... science had done all they could do. Everything was past any physical aid that could be give the boy, so he come to God, and believed that God would do him... And the Bible said, "He's a rewarder of those that diligently seek Him." That's right.

Hebrews 11:6 But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.

39 You seek Him with all your heart, and get down to business, God'll be there to meet you. That's right. But you have not to kind of slough your way through. You've got to come right straight to God, and confess everything, and lay it out. And come on those grounds and God'll meet you there. He'll do something for you. He'll answer your prayers.
Every man that ever believed in God, or heard God's voice, expected Him to do something. When God spoke to Noah in the Old Testament... Now, there'd never been any rain on the earth. Why, God watered the earth, before the antediluvian destruction, why, He watered it through irrigation up through the earth. It'd never rained.
And God spoke to Noah, and told him to prepare an ark for the saving of his house, that it was going to rain. Rain was going to come out of the skies, and the whole earth was going to be covered with water.
And Noah was expecting that to happen. If he would not have expected, the first critic come by, he would have said, "Well, I guess maybe I was wrong. It wasn't God," see. So he'd have went away.

Genesis 2:6 But there went up a mist from the earth, and watered the whole face of the ground.

Genesis 6:17 And, behold, I, even I, do bring a flood of waters upon the earth, to destroy all flesh, wherein is the breath of life, from under heaven; and every thing that is in the earth shall die.

Genesis 6:18 But with thee will I establish my covenant; and thou shalt come into the ark, thou, and thy sons, and thy wife, and thy sons' wives with thee.

40 Now, that's about the way that the 1961 version of the church we have. But that's not really... The real born again Christian, when God says so, we expect it to be that way. God said it, and that's the way it's going to be. It's just got to be that way. He said...
You know why we are the way we are today? How the church is lukewarm, this Laodicean church age? Why, God said it would be that way. You can't expect nothing else. It's got to be that way. That's right. But He's got ... all that He loves, He chastens and rebukes. And, "I stand at the door and knock. And if any man will hear my voice..." That's the address to this church age, by God in the Bible, Revelation, the 3rd chapter, to the Laodicean church age.

Revelation 3:19 As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent.

Revelation 3:20 Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.

41 Now we notice that Noah prepared himself an ark, moved by fear and made an ark, stood in that door preaching to the unbelievers. But he was expecting God to keep his promise, because he had heard the voice of God telling that it was going to rain.
Now, if you can sit right where you are now, and so consecrate yourself to God, and expect God to do something, hear the voice of God whisper down in your heart, you don't have to wait for a prayer card tomorrow night. "This is the time I'm going to heal you." That's all. It's settled. There'd be nothing be able to shake you from that.
If you've never received the Holy Spirit, and you say, "Lord, I've sought the Holy Spirit for years, but I just heard a voice tell me I'm going to get it right tonight," that settles it. That's it. You'll be so expectant, it'll have to happen.

42 Now, Noah stood there pounding away on that ark, because he was expecting it to rain. Now, let's take a moment to find the critics coming by, and say, "Well, now, just a moment, sir. Mr. Noah, you tell me it's going to rain."
"Yes, sir."
"Now, I'm a scientist..." Which, they had scientists. Scientists come through Cain's group. So, he said, "Now, we're scientists, and we'd like for you to show us where that rain is up there."
Now faith is not what you can see, but it's the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. God said so. We don't have to prove nothing. Proving is nothing. You can't prove God.
You can't even prove you got a mind. That's true. You can't do it. If you do, let me see it, taste it, feel it, smell it, or hear it. Did you ever feel your mind? See your mind? Taste your mind? See, the senses won't declare it; but yet you've got one. You know you have. And that's just the way it is by God.
You say, "How do I know I've got a mind?" I see the way I act. I know the way that something changed me from a sinner to a Christian. I've got a God that I know is real---just as real as your mind is, or any other sense that would operate.

Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

43 Now, notice. There's five senses that we enter the human body. Five senses. The soul has five outlets, too, which is of conscience, and so forth, and imagination. But there's only one entrance to the spirit (that's soul, body and spirit) ... to the spirit, and that's down the avenue of self-will; which puts every man and every woman on the same basis it was in the garden of Eden. You want to do... You're a free moral agent to act any way you wish to, and none of these other senses has anything to do with it, neither soul nor body, but it's through the spirit on self-will. God told Adam, "The day you eat thereof, that day you die." He could eat and live ... or, he could eat and die; or stay away from it and live.
That's the same way we are tonight. We can take his Word, and be healed; or we can leave it and walk away from it, and not be healed. We can have eternal life by believing on Him; or we can walk away, and not have eternal life. It's up to you. Self-will.

Genesis 2:17 But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.

44 And when Noah heard the voice of God telling him that it was going to rain, and the clouds was coming, and it was going to rain; and never had did it in all the ages, but it was going to rain. Noah knew this: that God was creator-God, and He could do anything He wanted to do.
And therefore, He was God, and there was nothing else to it. He just knowed that He was able to make rain up there, if there wasn't any up there. He's Jehovah-jireh, the Lord provided Himself a sacrifice. So God can make rain. If there's no clouds up there, no rain up there, if He said, "It's going to rain," Noah said, "I'll just build right away on this ark anyhow," for he was expecting it to rain.
And when he got the ark built, and everything was in order, it rained, because he was believing.

Genesis 22:8 And Abraham said, My son, God will provide himself a lamb for a burnt offering: so they went both of them together.

45 Now, it makes you act funny when you really take God at his Word. And when you're acting like we expected...
I've seen people come to the platform, say, "Well, look, I'm sick, man. Don't you know it?"
Well, sure I know you're sick, all right."
"Well, can you do something?"
Well, now, you'll never get it that way. No, sir. And you'll pray for them, lay hands on them, they walk off the platform. "Don't feel a bit different." You won't. That's one thing sure. You won't. Now, you wasn't expecting anything.
You come to the platform, and follow out God's instructions just the way God said, then go away, "Got expectations. Yes, sir, I'm going to receive it. It's already done. I did what God told me to do, so that settles it." That's the way. That's Abraham's seed.

46 Now, we'll take another one, Moses. Moses---oh, he was a trained theologian. He really knew, 'cause he could teach the Egyptians wisdom, he was so smart. And he knew that he was born, raised up, to be a deliverer of Israel. So he thought he could take his theological training, and really go out there and do it. But he found out he was a failure.
And when we try to educate the church to fellowship, when we try to educate the people to Christ, we are just batting the air. We'll never get nowhere. There's only one way that a man or woman can come to Christ. That's through the blood of Jesus Christ, by being born again. That's the only avenue that we can walk. When you come into that, then you receive genuine Holy Spirit faith that makes you call anything contrary to God's promise as though it wasn't there.
No matter what the circumstances is, how sick you are, what the doctor said. He give you up---"You're going to die with cancer." "You got heart trouble; might go at any minute." You don't even look at that; you look at what God said. You stay right there on what God said. He said that. That settles it for all time.
Now, you can't bluff it. You've got to really believe it.

47 If you say, "Oh, yes. I believe it," oh, I've seen people say that, and if faith was ink, they couldn't dot one "i." They was just simply just worked up. It's hope instead of faith.
Genuine faith don't take "no" for an answer. It's got hairs on the chest. It's big and burly. It speaks and everything else sits down. That's all.
If the old, you know, feelings raise up, say, "You don't feel any different, you just... ," you say, "Shut up. [Faith will.] Sit down. Don't rock the boat." That's it.
"Now, well, your stomach's still hurting."
"Shut up! Don't even feel it." That's it. Don't... Sure, it's looking to what God said. God said so, so faith believes it.
If you can just hold faith on it, just let faith take over, it makes the rest of them look like little dwarfs. It just makes them sit down, because he's the boss---got great, big, brawny muscles. Now, I tell you, everything else---all healings, and superstitions, and little isms and things---just sits down when faith takes over. He's the boss. That's right.

48 Now, and, of course, Moses thought that he had that. But when he went in his own way, and he found out he made an error... And he went back and married a beautiful little Ethiopian woman, had a son back there, Gershom. And he was settled down to a good life, to raising sheep, and knew that he'd be heir. As soon as Jethro had died, he'd have all the herds himself. So he was pretty well satisfied.
But one day he was walking back on the backside of the desert, and there was something happened that never did happen in the seminary. There was something that happened that he'd never heard of before. He seen a bush burning. He went aside to see what it was.
And a voice spoke out of there. Said, "Take off your shoes, Moses. The ground you're standing on is holy." Oh, my! "I've heard the cries of my people. I've seen their afflictions. I remember my word. I remember what I told Abraham, that his seed would sojourn for four hundred years in a strange land. That time's up. I remember my word. All right, Moses, I'm sending you down."

Exodus 2:21 And Moses was content to dwell with the man: and he gave Moses Zipporah his daughter.

Exodus 2:22 And she bare him a son, and he called his name Gershom: for he said, I have been a stranger in a strange land.

Exodus 3:2 And the angel of the LORD appeared unto him in a flame of fire out of the midst of a bush: and he looked, and, behold, the bush burned with fire, and the bush was not consumed.

Exodus 3:3 And Moses said, I will now turn aside, and see this great sight, why the bush is not burnt.

Exodus 3:4 And when the LORD saw that he turned aside to see, God called unto him out of the midst of the bush, and said, Moses, Moses. And he said, Here am I.

Exodus 3:5 And he said, Draw not nigh hither: put off thy shoes from off thy feet, for the place whereon thou standest is holy ground.

Exodus 3:6 Moreover he said, I am the God of thy father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. And Moses hid his face; for he was afraid to look upon God.

Exodus 3:7 And the LORD said, I have surely seen the affliction of my people which are in Egypt, and have heard their cry by reason of their taskmasters; for I know their sorrows;

49 Could you imagine a man so cowardly that he run from the nation, got in trouble for killing one man, and run from the nation; and went back down in the power of God and killed the whole nation and never got in trouble, see. Goes to show whether you're doing it in God's will, or not, or in your own will, see. What you can do, get in trouble with, your own self, why don't you just let loose, and let God do it? That's the way to do it.
So here he was the next day. You talk about something radical, you could see Moses the next day now, after being an old sheep herder... He was eighty years old, perhaps a long white beard, and his head bald, and a little old crooked stick in his hand, with a mule---with his wife sitting straddling it with a young'un on her hip, here she's going down like this. Just a-whooping and a-hollering, going down there, "Glory to God. Going down to Egypt."
"Where you going, Moses?"
"Going down to Egypt to take over. Yes, sir!"
"What? A one man invasion?"
"Yes, sir. That's right."
"Why? How do you know you're going to do it?"
"God said so. That settles it. I heard his voice. I'm expecting Him to do it." That's right. Looks silly.
Somebody said, "Poor old fellow---a one man invasion." Going like one man going to whip Russia, see. But he did it, because God said so, and he was expecting God to keep his word. Amen. I'm expecting God to keep his Word with us.
God will keep his Word with any man that will take his Word and say, "It's mine. God's made the promise. I'm expecting Him to do it. I'm not taking 'no' for an answer. I'm standing right here."

Exodus 4:20 And Moses took his wife and his sons, and set them upon an ass, and he returned to the land of Egypt: and Moses took the rod of God in his hand.

50 Like Buddy Robinson, when he was plowing with his old mule out there one day, and the mule run away, and he bit him on the ear. And he was trying to preach sanctification. And he said, "Am I not a pretty looking thing here with mule hair all in my teeth, and preaching sanctification?"
And so he got down in the field. He said, "Lord, if you don't give me the Holy Ghost, when you come back you'll find a pile of bones laying right here when you come back." Now, he got the Holy Ghost, so that is the second blessing. He called it sanctification.

51 So now, that's the way.
When you get that ... say, "God, this is it. This settles it. God, you said so, and that's all. Doctors have done everything for me they can, and I'm a hopeless case in the hands of medicine. I'm a hopeless case in the hands of the hospital. There's only One. I'm giving You myself. I'm in your hands now. God, I'm on your hands." Amen. Stay right there. Something's going to happen then.
Something's fixing to happen When you hear that voice of God tell you, "You're mine. I own you. I bought you with my blood. By my stripes you were healed." Oh, brother, I'm telling you, something's fixing to happen when you hear that. Yeah.
Oh, the people say, "Why, Lucy [Nettie, or Martha, Mary], why, you know, they've lost their mind. I tell you, they went up to a meeting up there, and was anointed. And now, you know we know she was dying with cancer. The doctor says she can't get well. And here she is doing all of her wash, just a-singing, 'Hallelujah, Hallelujah,' walking around there, carrying on like that. Why, the poor woman's gone crazy."
Nope. She's just took God at his Word. She acts crazy to the people, but she's obeying what God said. Right. Exactly.

Isaiah 53:5 But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.

1 Peter 2:24 Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed.

52 Moses did that. Here he goes. Could you imagine this old fellow limping on one foot? Here he goes, you know, mule behind him. "Glory, hallelujah!"
"Where you going, Moses?"
"Going down to Egypt; going to take over. Going right down to take over."
Eighty years old, going down to the best mechanized army there was in the world---had the whole world conquered. Going down, eighty ears old, with a wife and a kid, his boy, Gershom, probably sitting on her hip and here she goes down there leading this old mule, going down to take over. And he did it. Yep. Why? He was expecting to. Why? God said so. That settled it. God said so.

53 John, when he walked out there, and he was standing on the banks of the Jordan, standing preaching... And the priest across the bank said, "You mean to tell me there'll come a day when the daily sacrifice will be taken away from the temple? And there won't be any more sacrifices, and obligations over?"
He said, "There'll come a day that there'll be One come that will be the sacrifice."
"Oh, keep that to yourself, preacher. What's the matter with you? There'll be no such a time as that."
And he started to look. He said, "Behold [Amen], behold, the Lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the world." Why? He was expecting Him, because he said, "He that told me in the wilderness to go baptize with water, said, 'Upon whom thou shalt see the Spirit descending and remaining on, He's the one that'll baptize with the Holy Ghost and fire. That's the one.' "
He was expecting to see Him. He said, "I knew Him because there was the sign of the Messiah above Him, a light above Him. And I knew that was the Messiah." And he was expecting to see Him.

John 1:29 The next day John seeth Jesus coming unto him, and saith, Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.

John 1:33 And I knew him not: but he that sent me to baptize with water, the same said unto me, Upon whom thou shalt see the Spirit descending, and remaining on him, the same is he which baptizeth with the Holy Ghost.

54 Oh, church, we ought to be expecting to see God do something. Oh, expect to see a city-wide revival, a shaking amongst the people. Certainly. It's promised to us. We believe it. You believe with me. If we'll put our hearts together and believe, something's going to happen. It's got to happen. Expecting it, certainly.
Oh, how we could go on. How we could just go on with different ones. But let's get to Simeon, now, in closing next few minutes.

55 Simeon, he was a great man. Now, I read on him not long ago. He was around ... somewhere in his eighty years old, an old saint, well-liked amongst the people, but always had been a spiritual man. And so, one day he come out saying, "I'm not going to die till I see the Lord's Christ."
Now could you imagine? Just say, "How do you say that, Simeon? What makes you say that? You're going off on the deep end. What kind of a ism have you got into?"
"What makes you say that?"
"The Holy Ghost told me. The Holy Ghost revealed it to me that I wasn't going to see death until I've seen the Lord's Christ, and I believe it, that's all." Going around telling everybody. No matter how great his name was, he didn't have to be a blue blood, but he just... I don't care what he was, he still believed that the Holy Ghost was right. Now there's no two Holy Ghosts. There's only one Holy Ghost. That's right. And he was led by the Holy Ghost, revealed to him by the Holy Ghost. And the same Holy Spirit that revealed it to Simeon can reveal it to you, the promise that He made. There He is.

Luke 2:26 And it was revealed unto him by the Holy Ghost, that he should not see death, before he had seen the Lord's Christ.

56 Now we find him ... here he is going around telling everybody, "Yep, I'm not going to die. I'm not going to die till I see the Lord's Christ."
I can hear the congregation saying, "Poor old Simeon. It's such a pity, poor old fellow. You know, he's kind of a little bit ... he's got one foot in the grave right now---eighty-something years old, ready to die. And look, even plumb back from the day of Adam they looked for the Christ. Look, David looked for Him, sang of Him, prophets prophesied of Him, and all this. And here, this old man... Now we're farther away from it than we ever was in all of our life, and here this old man with one foot in the grave, just about to go, and here he goes right amongst the people, saying, 'Nope, I'm not going to die till I see the Lord's Christ. It's right at hand.'"
"How do you know?"
"The Holy Ghost told me so."
He was expecting it (that's right), expecting it to be done. Well, if you expect it to be done, then it's going to be done.

Luke 2:26 And it was revealed unto him by the Holy Ghost, that he should not see death, before he had seen the Lord's Christ.

57 Just like I've often said, when the deep calls to the deep... David said, "...at the noise of thy waterspouts, the deep calling to the deep..." There's something about ... something that you long ... something's in your heart.
I love scenes, and I love hunting. I'd go up in the mountains since I was a little boy---climb up there and watch that sun go down in the evening, watch it rise in the morning; see that great eye of God look like move across through there; and watch springtime coming now, and the little seeds that was buried under that snow here a few weeks ago bursted, run out, the pulp run out of them. There's nothing left. No seed, no pulp, no stalk, no petal, no nothing left of that flower. Even the seed---it fell off of it.
You know God has a funeral procession for his flowers? Did you know that? Sure.

Psalm 42:7 Deep calleth unto deep at the noise of thy waterspouts: all thy waves and thy billows are gone over me.

58 The frost hits the little flower, young or old. It bows its little head, and dies. That's death. And out of that little flower drops a little black seed on the ground. Then here comes September. October comes along then. The teardrops begin to fall out of them October rains, you know, and buries it in the ground. Funeral procession, see. And it lays there all through the winter, and rots.
And then, the freeze comes, and bursts the little seed open. The pulp runs out of it. And you might get a handful of that dirt. And take it down to the laboratories. You couldn't take any chemicals in the world, and ever find that germ of life in there, but it's there somewhere. That's right. It's hid. You can't find it.
But just let the sun... The sun brings forth all botany life. Now, when that sun begins to shine, that life will come forth again.

59 I tell you what. You go out here and lay your concrete walk this year. Just lay it down through the yard. And where's your grass the thickest at the next year? Where is it? Where's it any time? Right around the edge of the walk. Why is it? It's that life that's laying under that concrete. And when that sun goes to shade it from it... When that sun begins to shine, that life will work its way right around till it gets out to the end of that sidewalk, and stick its head up, and praise God.
Why? The sun's a-shining. It's the master. It's the life giver to all botany life. No matter where it's at, it'll shine forth again. That life will just keep working its way, working its way, working its way till it finally gets out of there. to raise its head, and glorify God.
Then how can anybody not believe in the resurrection? Oh, when that, not s-u-n of God, but S-o-n of God, eternal life... You might bury me in the sea. You could bury me on anything you want to. But when that S-o-n begins to shine forth at his coming, every one that's dead in Him that has eternal life will rise, and go with Him, just as certain as I'm standing in this pulpit tonight.

60 [Blank spot] take this many times.
Here not long ago there was a little boy in our city that the teachers told his mother, said, "You have to look at this kid. He just eats erasers off of pencils just as fast as you can get them for him." Eating erasers off. And then his mammy found him out there eating a pedal off of a bicycle, on the back porch. Just had him a gastronomical jubilee, just eating a pedal off of a bicycle.
Well, they picked the little fellow up, and took him down to the clinic to have him examined. The doctors looked him over, and took analysis of his body, and come to find out the little fellow's body was calling for sulfur---sulfur in there. His body was calling for sulfur, and sulfur is in rubber. So that's why he was getting on that rubber.
Now before there could have been something in here to call for sulfur, there had to first be a sulfur to respond to that call, or there never would have been a call for sulfur. In other words, before there was a tree to grow in the earth, there had to be an earth first for the tree to grow in, or there'd been no tree. Before there was a fin on a fish's back, there had to be water first for him to swim in, or he'd never had no fin. See, that's right.

61 In other words, there has to be a creator to create the creation. And when in your heart... How many believes in divine healing? Raise your hand. Well, now, [thank you] as sure as you believe in divine healing, there's something in your ... inside you here, telling you there's a God that heals. And before that, even that creation, could be in you, there has to be a creator to create the creation. Amen. That's it. The very reason that you're here tonight---the very reason that this meeting's going on---proves that there's a fountain open somewhere of divine healing, hungry hearts.

62 I stood in Africa recently where they had thirty thousand converts one afternoon. See twenty-five thousand healed at one time, seven van loads, long as across this building almost, go away...
Next morning, there stood twenty-five thousand people walking down the streets with their crutches and everything laying in there---and old cots and things they'd brought them in. Walking down, the different tribes associating together, singing, "Only believe, all things are possible."
The mayor of the city and I stood in the hotel there, and just cried like babies to see them. Blanket natives, the day before didn't know which was right and left hand, here they was---lovely Christians healed by the power of God in one moment of time. Why? They seen something happen. And as soon as they seen it happen, something sprung to them. They said, "It's me, too!" And when they had the opportunity, they accepted it, and away they went. That's all there is to it, see.

63 There first has to be a creation ... or, creator to create a creation, to make you long, and believe in God. And when it does, as sure as you believe in that, that shows there's a fountain of divine healing somewhere. That's right. It's got to be.
And the Bible speaks and says that it's his, it's his Holy Spirit that leads you. The same Holy Spirit that led Simeon to believe that, is the same Holy Spirit that leads you to believe in divine healing---no two Holy Spirits, just one.
That same Holy Spirit that revealed to him that he wasn't going to die until he seen the Lord's Christ, that same Holy Spirit speaks to you. There is a power of God that heals the sick, see? Oh, isn't it plain? Why, you couldn't make it any plainer, see. There is a power of God that heals the sick, see.

64 "Well, the doctor said..." I know the gentleman. That's very fine. I pray for them all the time, and I do not condemn the doctor. No, sir. He's God's servant, works on the people. But there's some things that he don't know, and some things that he can't do. Then, if he can't do, let's go get the specialist, you see---the great One, the great specialist, the great physician---and go to Him.
We're invited to come. He asks us to come. He's looking for us to be there. That's right. He's expecting us. And that's the reason He's revealed Himself to you. "I'm the Lord heals all thy diseases. I'm Jehovah-rapha, Jehovah the healer; the Lord that heals all thy diseases."
Something tells you in your heart that's right. "I believe that."
Well, that's the same Holy Ghost that said, "Simeon, you're not going to see death until you see the Lord's Christ."

Exodus 15:26 And said, If thou wilt diligently hearken to the voice of the LORD thy God, and wilt do that which is right in his sight, and wilt give ear to his commandments, and keep all his statutes, I will put none of these diseases upon thee, which I have brought upon the Egyptians: for I am the LORD that healeth thee.

Psalm 103:3 Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases;

Luke 2:26 And it was revealed unto him by the Holy Ghost, that he should not see death, before he had seen the Lord's Christ.

65 How many sick people here believe you're going to get healed during this meeting? Raise up you hands. Say, "I believe I'm going to get healed---my loved ones, and so forth, going to be healed." All right. That's fine, see. Something's revealed it to you. What? Same Holy Ghost. Are you expecting it? Expect it to happen? How many believes we're going to have a great meeting? Raise up your hands, say, "I believe we're going..." Right. So do I, see. What is it? Holy Spirit revealed it to us. Amen. I believe we're going to see the power of God. Don't you believe that? Sure. Holy Spirit reveals it to us. We believe that, and we just stay right with that.

66 Now, you know they didn't have television in them days. Thank God for that. They come... I believe in pure holiness. I certainly do. I believe in ... really, I... You heard me say I was a Baptist a while ago. I'm a Pentecostal Baptist. I'm a Baptist that received the Holy Ghost. That's right. I believe in old-fashioned, Pentecostal, sky-blue, sin-killing religion. Yes, sir! I believe in being gun-barrel straight, and preach it the same way. Live just the way you preach; just jump as high as you live. That's just right. If you can't live very high, then don't jump very high. Just make your jumps equal with your life.
And I believe that that should be that way. That's when God will honor his Word. It's either right or wrong. And I believe that God said prove all things, and it's proved to me that it's right, so I believe it. Amen.

1 Thessalonians 5:21 Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.

67 Now. Notice this. I want to ask something. Now I'm not to begin... The ministers are the ones to do the preaching. I come here for healing services. But I want to ask something in the face of civilization in all fairness and facts.
Do you notice our women in Pentecost, and everywhere else, each year take off a little bit more clothes, a little bit more clothes, a little bit more clothes, until they become ... till almost it's a disgrace? Now we can expect that out of people out of the world. They don't know no different. But to our Pentecostal people?
And I want to say something. I stood there where I seen thirty-thousand blanket natives receive Jesus Christ at one time. Them women stand there just as naked as they come in the world, young and old, Nothing but a little clout---a piece hanging from them about that big---never knowed they were naked; knowed nothing about it.
And right on the grounds where they seen this ... healings taking place, and this sign (as I'll go into it more tomorrow night), and seen that taking place ... they wanted something, wanted to receive Christ.
And I said ... I asked, "All that believes that He will save you, let them stand up," and thirty... Well, they tagged thirty thousand. I don't know how many stood, but thirty thousand stood up.

68 And Brother Bosworth and them said, "I believe, Brother Branham, that they meant physical healing."
I said, "I did not mean..." Had fifteen interpreters, you know. So I said, "I did not mean physical healing. I meant salvation that you accept Christ, God's Son, as your personal Saviour, and you want to serve Him," many of them with idols in their hands.
I said, "You that's sincere about it, break your idols on the ground." Like a dust storm, see it go up like that.
And soon as they received Christ, them naked women, brother, sister, they folded their arms, like this, to walk out of the presence of men. And if a raw heathen that knows not right and left hand, as soon as Christ touches them realizes that they're naked... And then we claim to be of the church of the living God? Just stripping ourselves every year? It don't make sense to me. There's something wrong somewhere. Right. O God!
Yeah, we're in Laodicea. That's where we're at. We're way down the line, near the coming of the Lord Jesus. Oh, let's be ready to meet Him. Yes, yes.

69 Simeon, as I said... They didn't have the televisions. While I was on that, I made a remark something on that one time, and there was a lady said to me, talking about the way women dress themselves in little old form-fitting clothes, and things... And so, she said...
"Why," I said, "if you do that, you'll answer at the day of judgment for committing adultery," and somebody called my hand on it. I said, "Jesus said, 'Whosoever looketh upon a woman to lust after her has committed adultery with her already in his heart!' And you might be as pure as a lily to your husband, or your sweetheart. You might be just as virtuous a woman as there is in the United States, just as virtuous as you was when you come from your mother's womb. But, lady, if you dress yourself like that to let sinners look at you like that, he's going to lust after you. And when he does, at the day of the judgment when he answers for his adultery, you're the one who presented yourself to him." There you are. So you're going to answer for committing adultery.

Matthew 5:28 But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.

70 Some woman said to me, said, "Well, Brother Branham, that's the only kind of clothes they make."
I said, "They still got sewing machines and sell goods. There's no excuse about it. It's just the same... That's right. What we need today is a good old-fashioned, sky-blue, sin-killing religion, an old St. Paul's revival by the Holy Ghost, and back to real Pentecostal messages again, back to the truth.

71 What it is today, so many of the evangelists in the field, evangelism becomes a meal ticket to them. They have such big programs to sponsor, they can't say that before the church. Some minister told me, said, "You're going to ruin your ministry by that."
I said, "Any minister that the Word of God will ruin ought to be ruined, kicked out, anyhow." Yes, sir! I said... That's right. What we need is back to the Bible, back to real holiness, back to God, back to where people can have faith. How can God build his church upon a foundation like that?
We took our churches, and made organizations, and we belong to them, and settled right down like the rest. And now...
We used to say, "The old cold formal Baptist." And now the Baptist's saying, "You cold formal Pentecostals." That's right. That's exactly right. Pentecostal's more formal than the Baptist. Yes, sir. So there we are.

72 What we want is a good old-fashioned, shaking revival cross the country, bring men and women back to God. Why, the church was in better condition for Jesus to come forty years ago than it is today---back when they had real Pentecost amongst the people.
But today we've weakened away, and our pulpits is got weak. Four or five rounds of little seminary ministers has come in with kinky hair, you know, whatmore---not saying nothing about that, because I haven't got any. But that don't make...
But what I mean to say, they get back to a place... Just like God had grandchildren. God don't have no grandchildren.

73 You know, Methodists. If you're a Methodist and born again, you're a son of God. But what do you find? Wesley come along, and the first round of Methodists was fine. Second round began to bring in their children.
That's the same thing the Pentecostals did. A few years ago they had real Pentecost, men and women who got down at the altar, and paid the price, and come through, brother, and lived the life. Yes, sir!
Well, what did they do? They brought their children in, set them in the rows, and dedicated them in the church. And they were Pentecostal. That's grandchildren.
There's no place in the Bible where God's got grandchildren. He ain't grandpa. He's God. He's Father. Hallelujah! And every man and woman, I don't care [unclear words], or how good your father and mother was, you've got to have that same experience of being born again, filled with the Holy Ghost if you ever expect to be a son and daughter of God. Right.

74 Just the word "Pentecost" won't save you. Pentecost is not an organization. Pentecost is an experience to whosoever will, let him come and drink from the fountain of the water of life. Amen. Now, that's true, friends. That's sassafras.
Do you have sassafras up here? All right. You know what I mean. I said that one time. Somebody wrote me some letters, said, "What's sassafras?" All right. But you know what it is, up here. Yes, sir. Oh, but, brother, I tell you, it'll straighten you out. It'll make you live right. That's true. Just get down there, and stay till it's over, and get straightened out with God. Yeah!

Revelation 22:17 And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely.

75 Simeon, them days, had that promise and he was believing it with all of his heart. Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea. The wise men came. They didn't have the newspapers. Eight days later the mother come to the temple for ... offer the turtle dove, the pigeons, to the purification, the circumcision of the child.
And now here comes Jesus (now in closing), here come Jesus his first time in the temple---in the arms of his little mother. They tell me his swaddling cloth was made out of the wrapping that went on the back of a yoke of an ox that was hanging in the stable. And then we can put on a five-hundred-dollar mink coat, and stick our nose up in the air---could drown if it'd rain, and think we're somebody. And our Saviour, the God of heaven, came and wrapped in swaddling cloth. "The foxes has dens, and the birds has nests. But the Son of man hath not a place to lay his head."
Then we think we're somebody---can drive a car better than the Joneses, and just starve our kids to death, nearly, to get that car, too; get a better television, or something. Stay home on Wednesday night from prayer meeting---and let the church sit vacant---to watch "We Love Suzy," or something like that nonsense on the television. That shows how much you love God.

Matthew 8:20 And Jesus saith unto him, The foxes have holes, and the birds of the air have nests; but the Son of man hath not where to lay his head.

Luke 2:12 And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.

Luke 2:21 And when eight days were accomplished for the circumcising of the child, his name was called JESUS, which was so named of the angel before he was conceived in the womb.

Luke 2:22 And when the days of her purification according to the law of Moses were accomplished, they brought him to Jerusalem, to present him to the Lord;

Luke 2:23 (As it is written in the law of the Lord, Every male that openeth the womb shall be called holy to the Lord;)

Luke 2:24 And to offer a sacrifice according to that which is said in the law of the Lord, A pair of turtledoves, or two young pigeons.

Luke 9:58 And Jesus said unto him, Foxes have holes, and birds of the air have nests; but the Son of man hath not where to lay his head.

76 I tell you, brother, what we need's a revival. That's just exactly... That's what we need to get back to God. Yes, sir.
When you show up... Your actions shows what it is. People's actions shows just exactly. If you love the world, or the things of the world, the Bible says the love of God's not even in you. Oh, you join the church. That's right. But this is the one we're talking about. You don't join this; you're born into it. I've been in the Branham family fifty-one years. They never did ask me to join the family. Why? I was born in it. I was a Branham by birth.
That's the way you are a Christian. You're born into the church of the living God. You're born into it by birth. You're a Christian by birth.

1 John 2:15 Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.

77 Now, Jesus came into the temple. I can imagine those mothers in them days, you know, all of them up there with the little babies---with their little booties and their little needlework, you know, and all done ... their little fancy blankets; and the society women, you know, talking about... And first thing you know, in come little Mary, packing this little baby with this swaddling cloth wrapped around him from the yoke of an ox.
Oh, I can hear some of them say, "Look there. See that holy roller?" Or maybe that's wrong, but ... say, "Look at that woman. You know what? She married... That baby was born out of holy wedlock? Mmm. Don't tell me. Where there's a little smoke there's got to be some fire somewhere. Yes, sir. I'll tell you, boy. That's all there is to it. Yeah. I'll tell you, she's one of them. You'd better watch her, see. Keep your distance from her."
That's the way the lukewarm believer tries to do to the real believer. "Oh, he's lost his mind. He went off on the deep end. There's something wrong. Aw, he trusts God for this, he said. The days of miracles is past. No such thing as divine healing. Hmm." All right.

78 But in her little heart, she knowed who that baby belonged to. She knowed. And so does every man that's born of the Spirit of God. He knows where he stands. He knows what revelation ... who give him that revelation. If Paul said, "I never come to you preaching to you enticing words of man, that your faith would be built in the wisdom of man, but I come preaching to you the power of the Holy Spirit." Amen.
That's it, brother. Simple and plain. Just plain to believe it, that's all. God said so, and that settles it. That's the whole thing.
She knowed who that baby belonged to. No matter what any of the rest of them... I can see them say, "Keep your distance. Don't go around her. Don't have nothing to do with her. She's just... Keep away from her." She didn't care whether they did or not; didn't make her no difference. She knew who this baby belonged to. She knowed who it was. That's right.

1 Corinthians 2:4 And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power:

1 Corinthians 2:5 That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God.

79 You know what? When you've got the Holy Ghost you know what happened, see. You don't care. You know where it come from. Didn't come from some seminary, or cemetery, or... It come from God. Both about the same dead places, so...
She showed where this baby come from. She watched, and said, "Yes, sir." She went walking on like that, not paying no attention, talking to her baby. She didn't have time to associate with all them society. That's what's the matter with our church today. They got the lady's society, the men's society, this society, ball games, soup suppers, and everything else. Prayer meetings is left off---no more.
And the Holy Ghost promised He'd only seal those who sighed and cried for the abominations done in the city.

Ezekiel 9:4 And the LORD said unto him, Go through the midst of the city, through the midst of Jerusalem, and set a mark upon the foreheads of the men that sigh and that cry for all the abominations that be done in the midst thereof.

80 Clergymen, could you mark out on your hands ten people tonight, in this city, that's sighing and crying day and night, for the wickedness, and things, that's done in the city? Has anybody in this audience know where you can put your fingers on five people that sigh and cry day and night for the sins and things of the city? Well, the Bible said, "Set a mark upon those who sigh and cry for the abominations in the city." That's right. That's it, see.
No more burden for lost souls. It's all gone. We just join church, and settle down. That's all that's necessary. See, that's how we get... Sin is so sneaky. It sneaks right up on you before you know it. That's the way it does. It just grabs you, like the old toboggan slide used to be, and it's got you. The devil does that.
Now, brother, let's get plumb back off of his territory. Let's come back to God. Come back to the altar. Rebuild the altar again that's been torn down. And build up your home. Take them cards off the table, and all them old Love Story Magazines, and open up the Bible and read the Bible, and pray. Just don't get down and say, "Bless my family, and Mary, and Joe, and John, and all of them." and get in the bed. No, sir. Stay there with God. Oh, my!

81 You know the song you used to sing: "There are times I'd like to be all alone with Christ, my Lord. I can tell Him all my troubles, all of them."
That's what we need again, that's what---them kind of meetings, that kind of a church. That's the kind of church that prays down the blessings of God. I'm sure your pastor would appreciate every member becoming like that. And how it would be if the church could just be like that again?
Now, she's coming along with this baby now. There's Christ in the temple. All right, if Christ is in the temple, and God had revealed it to Simeon that He was going to show him the Christ before he died, well, I think if Christ was in the temple, it's time for the Holy Spirit to go to work on Simeon. Don't you think so?

82 Let's think it's Monday morning. Now, how many little babies would be born? About two-and-a-half million people in Israel then, and I suppose there would be at least hundreds of babies born every night; and every eight days they had to be circumcised, and offering the purification. All right. Here they are now. It's Monday morning.
Simeon's back in the office a-reading the scrolls. Let's see. He picks up Isaiah, and he begins to read down to Isaiah 9:6, "Unto us a child is born, a son is given: his name shall be called Counsellor, Prince of Peace, mighty God, everlasting Father; the government shall be upon his shoulders." Oh, who could that be?
About that time the Holy Spirit said, "Rise up, Simeon! Rise up."
"What do you want me to do?"
"Just rise up."
"Well, where shall I go?"
"No, you just stand up. That's all I want you to do."
That's the way God wants you to do. Just as He speaks, act. That's what you want to do this week. When God speaks, act. Do it. Say, "Go see So-and-so about coming to church." Act. Do it. Stand up. "Yes, Lord, here I am. What next?"
"Start walking."
"Walk. I'm going to do the leading; you do the walking."
Here he comes. I see him coming out, wondering, "Well, I know this is the Holy Ghost 'cause He's talked to me before." You know what I mean, don't you? Do you believe sons of God are led by the Spirit of God? They are.

Isaiah 9:6 For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.

83 Here he comes walking, walking through the temple, not knowing where he's going, just led by the Holy Ghost. Now, comes over, goes down through thousands of people everywhere. Here he hits this line of circumcision of the children, coming walking right down along this line. He sees this little woman everybody's keeping their distance from. He walks up. The Holy Spirit begins to make his heart beat real fast, you know.
Oh, He leads you to the promise. Yes, if He give you the promise, and you believe in divine healing, He leads you right into it. You believe in the baptism of the Holy Ghost? He leads you right into it, see, where it's at. He'll lead you right to it.
Now He's got him out here to the side. Simeon reaches over, takes that baby out of its mother's arms, raises up his hands and says, "God, let your servant depart in peace, according to your word, for my eyes have seen thy salvation."

Luke 2:29 Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace, according to thy word:

Luke 2:30 For mine eyes have seen thy salvation,

84 Way back over in a corner, an old blind woman, named Anna. She was a prophetess. Anna was a prophetess. She'd been blind for years. She sat there. And she also waited and believed on the consolation of Israel. She believed that that prophet was coming. And she was believing.
She was sitting there, and the Holy Ghost said, "Anna, stand up." Those that are spiritual are always led in the right time. "Stand up, Anna."
Here comes this old blind woman. "Pardon me, sir. Pardon me, madam. I'm sorry." Led by the Holy...
"Where you going, Anna?"
"I don't know. I'm just led."
First thing you know, she comes right straight to where Simeon's standing, saying, "Lord, let thy servant depart in peace." She, likewise, the Holy Ghost come upon her, and she began to prophesy about the child.

Luke 2:29 Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace, according to thy word:

85 Oh, brother, sister, if the Holy Ghost could lead a blind woman, how much ought we to ... lead us. Although we are becoming blind, let Him lead us back to the fountain, for
There is a fountain filled with blood,
Drawn from Immanuel's veins,
Where sinners plunged beneath the flood,
Lose all their guilty stains.
Do you believe that? God bless you. Are you expecting something to happen? My time is gone. You're such a lovely audience, I could speak an hour yet to you, but my time is up. And let's be expecting God to give us a great revival. Will you join with me in prayer for that purpose? Will you do it? Let's bow our heads.
Now, minister brethren, I know you all are expecting it. We're here to work together as a unit of God. Let nothing stand in our way now.
Church, we're here to work with you, all of you---ones that belongs to the Assemblies of God, and the Church of God, and the United Pentecostals, and whatever you might be. We don't care what brand you wear. We're just believing that God'll do it. Let's join together, now, with one accord.

86 Our heavenly Father, these broken up words and little talk here just to kind of get all the fear and the starchiness away from your church, just to kind of break up the fallow ground, to lay a foundation here ... or not lay a foundation, but to build upon the foundation that's already laid, Christ Jesus. What these people have been taught to believe down through the years---Jesus Christ, the Son of God. He's the same yesterday, today, and forever.
Heavenly Father, I pray as we join our hearts and our prayers together. The Bible said, in the 4th chapter of, I believe, of the Acts of the apostles, when the people would come together and made a report, then they prayed with one accord, and the building was shook where they were assembled together. And they spoke the word of God with boldness. O God, we go along here today with this wonderful name pinned upon us as Pentecostal believers, witnessing that we've been born again of the Holy Ghost, and the Holy Spirit leads us.
Then, Lord, we see the church getting weakened, and falling away, and crumbling down. O God! what a condition. Revive us, Lord. Send your Holy Spirit upon us and bring forth the refreshing, the dewdrops of mercy from above. O God, revive our community here, revive the whole city. Revive the churches around. Revive the Methodists, revive the Baptists, revive all of them, Lord. And, O God, may it begin right here in this congregation. May there be such a reviving, an awakening among us, Lord, the Holy Ghost taking our hearts, and tearing us apart, and squeezing from us the precious ointment that He would desire for our church to be anointed with. Grant it, Lord.

Jeremiah 4:3 For thus saith the LORD to the men of Judah and Jerusalem, Break up your fallow ground, and sow not among thorns.

Hosea 10:12 Sow to yourselves in righteousness, reap in mercy; break up your fallow ground: for it is time to seek the LORD, till he come and rain righteousness upon you.

Acts 4:31 And when they had prayed, the place was shaken where they were assembled together; and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and they spake the word of God with boldness.

1 Corinthians 3:11 For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ.

Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

87 Bless us now. Forgive us of our sins, our shortcomings. God, may there not be a sick person attend this meeting but what would be healed. Grant it, Lord. May there not be one person that's sinful or unbeliever, ever come to this meeting but what would be saved. Grant it, Lord.
May the angels of God go to every church throughout this community, every place down to the barrooms, and bring conviction upon sinners. And may the Christians go forth testifying, saying "Come and see. Come and see. We've never seen anything like it." Grant it, Lord.
May it be a great roar through this country, and God getting glory out of it. Grant it, Father. Bless your precious shepherds, I ask again, back here, standing up here on the platform, some I've never seen in my life. But, Lord God, they're standing here to make a witness that they, too, are believers. They're here to put in their part, to put their shoulder to the wheel. Our hearts are burning and yearning, Lord, to see the Spirit of God move among us. Grant it.
Do this for us, Father. We commit ourselves to You. In Christ's name, for his glory, we ask it.

Mark 9:18 And wheresoever he taketh him, he teareth him: and he foameth, and gnasheth with his teeth, and pineth away: and I spake to thy disciples that they should cast him out; and they could not.

88 Now all that's in here that's sick, and needy, raise up your hands, right now. Just raise up your hands. All right. I want you to lay your hands over on one another. Just lay your hands over on each other. Now, don't pray for yourself; you pray for the person that you got your hand on. They're praying for you. I like that. All things are possible.
Now, in our hearts let's just think now. I can see a bunch of disciples around a boy with epilepsy. I can hear Andrew say, "Step back, boys. I'll show you how I done it down at Capernaum, when I cast out epilepsy down there. Here's the way I done it." But it didn't work.
Simon Peter steps up, says, "Well, now here's the way I done it down at Joppa. I'll show you how I done it down there." It didn't work.

Mark 9:23 Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth.

Mark 14:36 And he said, Abba, Father, all things are possible unto thee; take away this cup from me: nevertheless not what I will, but what thou wilt.

Luke 1:37 For with God nothing shall be impossible.

89 But they happened to look. Coming down the hill there come One walking quietly, maybe not to be ... giant-looking man. It said, "There was no beauty that we should desire Him." But there was something about Him. He knowed what He was speaking of. And he ran to Him, this father of the child, and said, "Lord, have mercy on my son. He's verily vexed with a devil. I brought him to your disciples, and they could not cure him."
Jesus said, "I can if you believe, for all things are possible to them that believe."
He said, "Lord, I believe. Help thou my unbelief."

Isaiah 53:2 For he shall grow up before him as a tender plant, and as a root out of a dry ground: he hath no form nor comeliness; and when we shall see him, there is no beauty that we should desire him.

Mark 9:23 Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth.

Mark 9:24 And straightway the father of the child cried out, and said with tears, Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief.

Mark 16:15 And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.

Mark 16:16 He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.

Mark 16:17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;

Mark 16:18 They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.

Luke 9:38 And, behold, a man of the company cried out, saying, Master, I beseech thee, look upon my son: for he is mine only child.

Luke 9:40 And I besought thy disciples to cast him out; and they could not.

90 That same man, when he left the world, our Saviour, the last words He said, "Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel. These signs shall follow them that believe..." The last sign He said, "They shall lay hands on the sick. They shall recover."
Now, there's a believer got their hands laying on you, a believer that believes in healing. Jesus made the statement, "These signs shall follow them believers. If they lay their hands on the sick they shall recover."
Now, if you believe with all your heart, don't doubt, if you pray the prayer of faith... Then the one that you have your hands on is praying for you. Now believe.

Matthew 17:15 Lord, have mercy on my son: for he is a lunatic, and sore vexed: for ofttimes he falleth into the fire, and oft into the water.

Matthew 17:16 And I brought him to thy disciples, and they could not cure him.

Mark 16:17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;

Mark 16:18 They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.

91 Our heavenly Father, we lay our hands by faith upon the sick and the afflicted, and ask that your grace and mercy will supply everything that they have need of. They're praying, Lord, just the way they do in their church. They love You, and they believe You.
I pray, heavenly Father, with all my heart that You'll break every fetter of unbelief, cast away every evil spirit. May they not be able to stand it in the building, Lord. Drive it away. May nothing but the pure unadulterated faith in God be in every heart just now.
May the devil be defeated in our lives. And we know he is defeated, because he is a defeated being. And Satan, I turn to you now to say this, that you are defeated. You're not afraid of us, but you're afraid of the One who we're speaking about. You have lost every bit of power you ever had. You were defeated at Calvary. Jesus Christ, God's Son, triumphed over every enemy. He conquered all sickness, all death, hell and the grave, and conquered every victory that you ever had. And you're nothing but a bluff, and we're calling your bluff tonight.
In the name of Jesus Christ, turn these people loose. They're fully following Him, and expecting to be healed---the power of God present---believers, with their hands laid on one another.

92 Satan, leave them people. Come out of them in the name of Jesus Christ. You lose the battle, and they shall be well because God said so. God promised it. We're expecting it. And we know it shall be so, for Satan is defeated, and God has preeminence. We know that it's so, for we ask it in Jesus Christ's name for it to be so, for God's glory.
Now just stay shut in with God. Just keep believing now with all your heart. "Lord, I believe that You heal me right now. I believe, because I laid my hands on this man here, he laid his hand on me... On this woman ... she laid her hand on me. I was led to do that. I was led to lay my hand over on this person. They were led to lay their hands on me. The same Holy Ghost that told Simeon, give him the promise, led me to do this, while we're right here in this place of divine healing. Now I'm believing, Lord.
"Satan, you might as well get away from me right now, because I'm taking... I'm a seed of Abraham by Jesus Christ, and I take the preeminence."
Just keep believing it with all your heart, while I ask one of our pastors here, one of the brethren here, if you will ... if you'll come offer prayer. Some one of the pastors here take the service over, one of you. All right, sir.

93 Just keep yourself shut in just a few moments with God. I want to ask you now, as you move your hands back from one another, and say, "I believe. And I take Him right now as my healer. And no matter what Satan ever tries to tell me, I'm going to believe that God makes me well."
Raise up your hand. Say, "I now accept it." Raise up your hand. God bless you. That's the way to do it. Keep that kind of faith going, and you'll see the exceedingly, abundantly above all that we can even do or think. Until I see you tomorrow night, here's the pastor. God bless you.