
Experiences somebody

Experiences (1947-12-07) (William M. Branham Sermons)

Experiences (1947-12-07) (William M. Branham Sermons) somebody


1 ... be back again this afternoon and to be... I tried to get here last Sunday and the planes were all grounded. I tried to get--and it just had stopped. There was no way I could get here at all to be with you, but, I certainly, as much I knew of, I prayed for you all the time.
And I hear that the brethren--a lot of you brethren stood up on the platform and prayed and had many people prayed for and healed. And I'm sure thankful for that.
Now, this brings us up to sixth Sunday of our series of Sunday services here at Phoenix, and which we--we have more two Sundays after this. And I trust that many people will receive of the great benefit of the Presence of God being here for many Christians such as...
I hear that there's some in here that--a lady from Chicago, and different ones that's come. They just got the one day longer to stay. And I missed seeing her last Sunday, so all those who does not, or cannot stay longer, let me take them first in the line. So, sister, I got your--your message in the room a few moments ago and the other on the outside, and I'm going to try to pray for every one.

2 I guess many of you remember the bad thing that happened two weeks ago Sunday here, a few weeks ago today here at the pulpit. Many of you remember it, don't you, what taken place? It was one of the most--one of the most horriblest things for the time being, that's ever happened to me in all my life. And many of you does not understand... Well, I thought maybe it would be a good thing this afternoon and once for me to... that I would explain these things to you and take it, maybe a time to give a testimony. Of course in doing this, that--that you would have more of an understanding of it.
And this has been a great meeting through the Northwestern territory, a little too much for me. I had got in such a place till I was unconscious for forty-four hours before I came to myself. But there's--there's thousands and thousands of people who... for me and the sick was healed... and to be... for the Lord to be prayed for. And then... But all down through from Vancouver, all around to Portland, from Portland to Salem, to Ashland, over to Boise for five... service, that received a great benefit that I'm very happy to announce all...
But one thing that I--I have cried for and asked for in a sign to give me... It may seem a little out of... to explain what the meaning... It means more to me than all the healings that could be in the world. And I believe that my very reason of being on earth... And if I could get everything to working the way it is there now, I believe I--I would be taken home then, that working a little, because my ideal has always been to see the church together, to see the people worshipping God together.

3 And then, last week, I got to see the uniting of the Assemblies of God, the Church of God, the Foursquare church, and the Pentecostal Oneness together. And their having union revivals, every one in the form of baptismal services and things. Let every man be fully persuaded with one heart and one mind, and hundreds are being saved daily up there. A great union revival (Oh, my.), it just means so much to me. That means more... That's more benefited that there than all those meetings which taken place since I've been on the... To see God... in amongst His church coming together... which I'm seeing... Pentecost. If that could just happen everywhere, Jesus would come. And it's just little differences of people's religions that keep them apart, but the real main evangelical fundamentals they're all the same.
And I--I like to see them when they'll be willing to agree with each other and have a revival. And that's what we need. And because that's what's happened all the way from Vancouver into--into Boise: one heart and one mind, see those Assemblies of God preachers, the Foursquare Gospel preachers... [Gap in the audio.] of you setting present now. And even ones that represent the district, the Churches of God. It was certainly a... [Gap in the audio.] And they all come together in such a unity I never seen in my life, and just hugging one another across the table... [Gap in the audio.] and tears streaming [Gap in the audio.]... that's what I like, I like. Now there'll be real revival.
And they're having union revivals. It'll be in the Assemblies of God for one week, and then to the Foursquare for the next week, and the Church of God [Gap in the audio.] the Pentecostal Oneness the next week, and just keep moving like that around. Oh, my, then that's wonderful to me. I think that's worth more than all... That's a healing of the body of Christ. See? That's the--that's real Divine healing (Isn't it?) when the body of Christ can be--we can be brought together then. That's the real Divine healing now.

4 Now, last week... I--I have been teaching on the book of--of Numbers and bringing the children of Israel out of Egypt, bringing them into the promised land. And we had great times. But if you'll just excuse me on it today and forgive me, I'm so weak and wore... [Gap in the audio.] till I--I'll just try to give you some testimonies and little highlights or something as we go along; then we'll have the healing line.
And I've tried... What I was doing that for--what I was teaching that for, was for this one thing. And I--I see that my own human strength won't--won't do it. But I--I pray that God will help me. Phoenix has been the hardest that I have ever had yet. The smallest crowds that's ever attended and so forth, has been Phoenix. It's the city that I love above all cities of the world is Phoenix. I love it. And that--I want to be... I want this to be my home someday, and that's why Satan fights me so hard here. That's right. But with God's grace I'll win. I--I shall have what I've asked for, by God's grace.

5 And what I've wanted to see in Phoenix, and I'm just going to pray that God will do it, because I want to see the churches all in Phoenix like they was up in the northwestern territory: all one heart and one accord, and one place. We can do it, friends. We can do it, can't we? And--and I--I believe God will help us to do it. Let every person... I don't mean for anybody to--to--not to have their own doctrine of their church. That's all right. But what I mean, if we can just be one heart, one mind, one accord. That's all of us Christians... I... surely can. It's just Satan gets between us. Don't you think so? And he does that, and that's his... But I believe the hour has come that when God is going to move the order.

6 Now, just... [Gap in the audio.]... of my text to finish up, for I left the children of Israel last Sunday at the prophet of the Balaam. And there's where I preached conviction upon myself. How many was here Sunday 'fore last to see it? Well, you seen what happened to me. Well, I--I brought down conviction to myself. Brother Kidson and I had always... I've made this statement that there was no disease, regardless of what it was, would stand before the prayer, or no affliction, no matter how bad it was crippled but what would be healed if I'd took time for that person. You've heard me mention that everywhere, haven't you? And that's true. It's still true. But now, today the great test is over, and I'm going to let it be to me a stepping stone in the stead of a stumbling block and so to teach me the ways of the Lord better, and that I might live closer to Him. And as I live closer to Him, I can help these people more and to be led by His Spirit.

7 And now, the first thing I wish to do now before we start in on it is to have a word of prayer. And then we're going to speak a few moments, and I'll give you some testimonies of some things that's happened, and then we're going to start the prayer line and give plenty of time to pray for everybody that desires to be prayed for, and especially all those who cannot come back to other services. And then I'll give you the reasons...
And before I say this, 'fore I have prayer, I want to thank God for returning to me again the gift of healing and for more success: since Sunday before last and--and then in them two weeks, and really praying for the sick than that's been in months. That's right. It come back more blessed than it was at the first place. And you'll notice it, I'm sure, in the meeting.

8 But first can we reverently bow our heads everywhere for prayer. Father dear, we come to Thee today just as humbly as we know how to approach Thee. And realizing the last time that I stood on this pulpit, I was a condemned man: I stood here and realized how helpless I was without You. To feel Your Presence leave me and to see me come here before a little girl that was just merely hard of hearing and see her go deaf right here on the pulpit; to see a man, hard of hearing and return deaf... Oh Christ, I realize without You I'm a failure. I cannot go alone. And so, in these times, Father, I've decided without You I--I'm not even going to go home, because I'd only bring a reproach upon You. And far be it from me, God, to ever do that.
[Gap in the audio.] They'll all be healed, every one of them. Help me in the testimonies, Father, that I'd speak of this afternoon. May it be that the people will understand. And may everyone here receive a blessing [Gap in the audio.] Father, every [Gap in the audio.] the rich, the outcast, the white, the colored, all... Be with us now, and shed forth Thy Holy Spirit upon us all. Get glory out of the service and help Thy tired, weary servant. For we ask it in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

9 My last... The--the last time that God sent His Angel down... Many of you, here... How many has heard about how the gift of healing was brought to me by the Angel of God? Most all of you do. Well, dear friend, after realizing, laying in that condition for that many hours, I even got a little piece of paper and sketched out, before going out, I thought it was the end of life, and I wrote to my wife what to do, and a little sketch to Brother Kidson and different ones like that. And I realize that I had no hold on life to hold my own life; it might go any time. But if this is my last meeting with you people, the visitation of that Angel is true, before God. That's right. It's true. And as I stand here with this Bible beside me, and He did come, and I have told you the truth; even if I was going to die this moment, it's true.

10 And--but the thing of it is, that in my own nature I--I love to listen, and I like to help every one that I can. In doing so, I let my nature get away from God. Don't you see? My will of things is not always God's will of things. And people will ask me to do things, and I love people, as I've told you before... At one time, I didn't have many friends because I was considered amongst the people that I was with a sissy, and I--I didn't have many friends. But since I come out and found God's people, He's given me up in the millions of friends. And I love them so well till I--I'd just do anything for them. I--I--I realize this, with all my heart, if something... If I don't get some kind of a strength from somewhere else, by this time next year, there'll be somebody else a-doing this besides me. It's because, no matter how much they try--anyone tries to encourage me, I feel myself, I see my human strength leaving. It's because that something in my heart reaches out for the people. And I--I--I made this statement; I must live by this statement, that I had rather, and when I leave, I always liked that Psalm of Life: "Partings leave behind us, footprints on the sands of time." I want people to know that when I leave that I have done the very best that I know how to serve God and His church while I was here (That's right.), for His church, and it's for His glory.

11 Now, at Vandalia, Illinois, was the time of the visitation of the Angel, as I told you of last Sunday, you--or Sunday a week. You, remember me telling you that of Him coming? The next time was just before I come here. Sunday two weeks ago I was in the room. I'd been all through Canada and around. I'd never seen Him at all, and I was setting looking sideways, and I happened to see something in the room; I turned and there stood the Angel of God, standing looking at me. And I fell on may face, but I--I... Brother Lindsay was the campaign manager of the campaign in the north from the Assemblies of God. And he--he stepped into the room, and he heard me scream out. And he stepped into the room... Why, he didn't mean to do it; he's a fine man. And but when it did, it must've interrupted something, and the Angel left.

12 And then a following Sunday I come right on down here. That was on Friday. And Sunday I come here, and not knowing what part of a Scripture... I never get to read in the Bible, but I got the 22nd chapter of the book of Numbers, and in there I begin to speak on the prophet Balaam, got up to his part, and when he came down, and how God told him in the first place, "Don't not go with them men." But then he prayed again and kept on, and--and finally I believe for Balaam, it was the love of money is the reason that he wanted to go. I'm not sure; I've never knowed till I come in. I don't think... It was the love of money. But in my case it wasn't the love of money, it was a sympathy for human beings. And no matter how little or how big, it's all wrong to disobey God (That's right.), regardless of what it is.

13 Then Balaam, he went on down to there, and the Angel of the Lord met him in the way. And when I got to that, friends, I--I don't know. There was something struck me here, and we had just a line laying out, nothing but miracles could be performed; that was all, nothing but miracles. Well... And standing here in the pulpit when I got up to Balaam, preaching to you all and I seen that Angel standing in the way, and Balaam could not see it... It was a mule he was riding on seen it. Then he got to a narrow way, to a narrow place, like where a gate went through. And there the Angel appeared again, and the mule saw it, and Balaam could not see the Angel of the Lord, and how that we have disobeyed God so. So then when I did that, I seen then what the appearing of the Angel was; and I realized for my first time that's true. What a mistake that I had made. I've made an assertion to the people of a power of God that even the Son of God never made any statement like that. I made a challenge to bring--to what was healed right there to what was... [Gap in the audio.] to find out... [Gap in the audio.]

14 How, it must have been so good to me to let me get by with such as that when even I wouldn't make any believe it or not; just bring them on (You see?), because I knew the strength and the power of God. And how that God let me get by with that, I do not know. Because Jesus Christ, there was many mighty works He could not do (Is that Scripture?) because of their unbelief. And look what He was. Look at the power was in Him. And then merely with the gift of healing challenged anything, belief or unbelief, come on up. And He let me for six months get by with that. That begin to break my heart when I seen that, what I had done. And I tried to hold up before you people and preach; I couldn't do it. It just melted me right on down. And I come to the pulpit and I seen then that I was preaching and telling how bad Balaam was and I was setting in Balaam's shoes. I was doing the things that the Angel of Lord met me up there and said don't do it. And I'd wondered, He hadn't visited me for six months, and said I was confining too much of the gift of healing to performing miracles. There's miracles performed all along the line. So let God do the picking out if He will. Let me feel led in my spirit wherever the--what--whatever the Lord tells me to do. Well, that's--that's Scriptural.

15 When Jesus went unto the pool, where there was as many people laying there crippled as there is people probably in this building today, maybe more... He walked in amongst all those people and just picked out one man. He was led of God to do so. And He told him, "Will thou be made whole?"
He said, "Sir, I have no one to put me in the water."
He said, "Take up your bed and walk."
See, He didn't have to argue with him, because Christ knew that that man had faith to be healed; and the man picked up his bed and went on. He never healed one more in the city, walked right on out. He took another man and led him out of the city, and standing talking to him, and spitting on the ground and made a little, put a little pate and put on his eyes, and told him to go wash in the pool of Siloam. Many thousands lay in His path. He never healed them all. But when the Spirit turned Him aside for somebody, then He had compassion, not compassion for the human heart, because God was speaking through Him to go to that person. Then I seen then that I've made something that was wrong. And I was condemned and I was ashamed of myself. And I told you people about it.

16 And then I come to the pulpit and I prayed, "God, if it's not Your Divine will, and I've done wrong, will You help me? And You make it so that if there is... If I bring any persons in here, and if they're not healed, then I will know from this on and never in my life will I make that challenge again or have anyone to bring a prayer line, or make out a miracle line as they call it." And you know what happened, the very first person was brought, that little girl... I hope she's here today from California, I believe it was. And she was hard of hearing, and I talked to the child beforehand. And I put my hands upon her and the vibrations was hitting my hand from probably some kind of a bursted eardrum that had caused an infection and that little something to grow over it, little growth, 'cause it had a life somewhere. And the vibrations stopped, and I said to you as always, "Now, the child is healed." And I tried to talk to her, and I couldn't even yell at her or beat my hands together and she couldn't hear. I turned her--took ahold of her hand. The vibration's back. I cast it forth again and it come back. So I left the child alone.

17 The next come was another man hard of hearing. I said, "You believe, sir?" He nodded his head real... I called out to him; he nodded his and bowed his head. And when I did, I took hold of his hand: no vibration; that was purely spiritual by anointing of the Spirit. It's dead nerves probably. And when I prayed for that man, he couldn't even hear me beat my hand together behind him. And I seen that I was condemned. And there I stood in this pulpit for the first time and I knew what it meant for a man to be left alone without God. I was helpless. I'm ashamed of myself before you, friends, today. I'm ashamed of it. I am. And I'm sorry that it had to happen here in Phoenix. But it had to happen somewhere. That's right. And it happened here.

18 I went off. And Brother Sharritt and I, we went out, and I was--I was weary. I couldn't sleep. I started up on a plane. I started crying in the plane. The hostess come around and said, "What's the matter, sir." I--I couldn't tell her. She wouldn't understand. I got off the plane. I went in. The ministers when they come and met me and took me in, they put me to bed, and they got down. They begin to talk to me. And a Reverend Baxter, a wonderful man of God, he came into the room, slipped in by himself. He said, "Brother Branham," said, "I can assure you that the gift of healing hasn't gone from you." Said, "Gifts and callings are without repentance." Said, "God will deal with you, but He absolutely would be untrue to His promise if He took the gift from you." Said, "It can't leave you." Said, "Samson slept all night with a harlot, and the next morning walked out and picked the gates up and walked away with them." See? That's right. And David and so forth around like that. And said, "He'll deal with you." Said, "Moses smote the rock when he supposed to speak to it." See? Said, "That's right, but the waters come forth. That was true." But said, "He'll deal with you, and He'll make you pay for it. But, see, the gift is there."
Somehow I just couldn't... Now, I was afraid it was gone. I couldn't feel God at all, nowhere. And I--I hope and trust that I'll never in all the days of my life have to go through another three days like that--that. That was hell on earth, friends. It was... I... Now, the God... God was gone. The Angel was gone. The Holy Spirit... I--I--I had nothing...

19 [Gap in the audio.] that vibration hitting my hand, and you don't know how I felt. I knew that it was still there before I prayed for the little girl. I'll never be guilty of... I'll never... And I'll--I'll do everything that I can for you. And I'll walk humbly and quietly as I know how to walk. And the little girl was also deaf and dumb and had tuberculosis [Gap in the audio.] just a little [Gap in the audio.]... her and she could speak, hear, and tubercular was gone. God had healed her.
Then following that same night, I've got their pictures here. I--I was going to bring it too, friends. I'm sorry; I've been so nervous and broke up. And a picture from the mute school up there, that their teacher, they brought seven children from the mute school that was born deaf and dumb, and five of them got into the line that night. And all five are pronounced perfectly well. I've got their pictures, their testimony, and sent home to their loved ones, all five of them. Born deaf and dumb, pronounced by the doctor, not--by doctors who taken over to California and California doctors pronounced them well. Five of them... I got--I've got letters there then from a legal defense and everything like that if they come in. The governor of the state of Oregon come to my meeting, and the governor of the state of Idaho set in my meeting night before last, and some of their leading doctors and everything. So the Lord has just now begin to bless (You know?) in that way. So it's just moved out wonderfully. And--and I am so thankful. May I never be guilty.

20 And the way I do the people now... I found out that these last two weeks has put forth more miracles than any two week's time that I have ever had. I just pass the people through the line and pray for them. Then when something upon me stops and pulls the people, maybe it's someone doesn't have enough faith or something; then when they come through it stops me; and then that's when miracles are performed on the pulpit. Otherwise, I only go as God says... not what some man says do. "I'll bring my mother and you make her get well. She's crippled and neighborhood will believe." I find out that you didn't--brings more reproach than it does anything else. And just... That's right. Because she don't believe in the first place. And the so... And mostly like that, people take advantage of that. So I... If God has forgive me for it, I know. And I want--never want to be guilty of that again.

21 And in these last few weeks there's been more miracles performed in my services than there has been in the last three four months or five (That's right.): more miracles. And we couldn't even take care of the crowds. If there's anybody here from the Oregon meetings and over there, they realize that their auditoriums and skating rinks and the pavilions and things we would get to, there'd just be thousands turned away each night, and thousands times thousand of--brought into the place. And the Lord has been blessing and doing great things. Now, there's been more people get well since then, 'cause I was just trying to get down where God wanted me to be. And I'm sure that you understand it. I want... Do you understand what I mean now? I'm not supposed to work miracles for the cause of people. If God should stop me on anyone...

22 But now, dear friends, here's what it is. The vibrations move just the same as... That's God's Divine gift. Now, if He's going to take that away from me, I'd rather not come out of this pulpit this afternoon. 'Cause when I can't be a help to someone else, I don't want to stay here. And I--I... Then I went ahead and I started through the line, and the people begin to see after that God begin to perform more miracles than ever. Sometime they'd be prayed for and go back and set down with crutches, and would raise up. All at once the power of God would come upon them setting in their--in their seat, and throw down their crutches and run through the building real fast. And here'd be some on a cot, laying there just shaking with palsy. All at once while they was yet being prayed for, maybe a half hour before that, they'd stop shaking and raise up out of their cot. And some of them would go home, and--and maybe would be home maybe a few hours and woke up in the night, or something another like that. And here they'd come back to the services just a praising God, healed. You see? But that's what the people's got to do. They got to believe. You see? It's got to be a part like Mary told--or Jesus told Mary and Martha: "Take ye away the stone." See? You got something to do yourself. And you got to believe it. And God will work. Like here. This way I was taking all away from the people; I was the one doing it all. You see? But there you've got something to do yourself. And you go, and you believe, and you'll get healed.

23 And a little boy... It was so pathetic; the little fellow come by. And I might just tell this. It's hanging there in the auditorium now. A little boy with braces over his legs, and he come through with polio. He said, "Brother Branham," he said, "will you say the prayer for me?"
I said, "Yes."
And his mother was there, and--and I said... And she said, "If you'll just say the prayer for him, Brother Branham..."
And I said, "All right, sister." And I said, "Now, you're not..."
She said, "I do not desire a miracle." She said, "I just desire you to pray the prayer." And I had the prayer for the little boy just a moment and laid hands upon him. And brother, sister, two nights after that, the little boy was standing at the door, the entrance where I come in, his braces hanging on his back. He was standing there. See? The simplicity, the humbleness of the mother, to know... "I can believe God; I don't have to see any outstanding miracle. But I can believe God."

24 And then my ministry become more blessed than it ever was in the first place. You see? So... And there the little boy standing here and shake his little limb and just like that. In three night's time now, the little boy was back and had the braces hanging on his shoulders like, standing there. Held them up: big shoes, even had to have his shoes made to keeps his braces out here [Gap in the audio.]... That's it. That's what a healing's to be, friends. Don't put so much rely [Gap in the audio.] to man. Put your faith in God Who is almighty (You see?), ' cause it won't work anything. But His will heal you. And you get [Gap in the audio.] the--the simplicity of a child believe that you're going to get well, and believe that this little prayer is what God asked me say for you, and you shall have what you've asked for, if you just believe it.

25 Now, into that... Then I want to tell you about what happened. At the end of the week, there was so many people coming in from... They come from Canada, from everywhere. And so all according... I never seen the sun shine until I come back to Phoenix. I was so happy to see the sun, I didn't know what to do. And I was looking up there where we had to pay--went into a restaurant and had to pay fifty cents for a grapefruit. Two half a grapefruit, fifty cents, and I seen where you... [Gap in the audio.] I said, "This is God's... then." That's right. You just see them growing on the trees, and--and like that, and fifty cents apiece for grapefruit... I said, "Well, I can go down there on the street and kick them around footballs in Phoenix." I said... Oh, friends, you've got the most lovely place in the world to live. I just wish you could just get together and pray, and... You--you could have the best church in the world right here, the best union of people. You've got everything a...
The brother awhile ago I was so nervous so he taken me out to ride me around (Brother Sharritt)-- and to ride me around a little bit before coming to the meeting, and I said, "Just look at this paradise here. Why, you're ready for the millennium if you just get together." That's right. You're ready now. So it's certainly wonderful and nice.

26 Now... Then on the Friday night, last Friday night, I'd had my reservations made through to come down to Phoenix for the services as I had promised to do. And so the planes was grounded all week long. Then I said, "I'll catch a bus and go over to San Francisco, and perhaps the fog would drive away." Sometimes it'd be off for a hour; then it would come back. And planes would go around, and then they got a chance they come down; they would land at San Francisco: and awful foggy. And I said, "I'll go over by bus." And I was getting so weak. And here's how the gift was to begin... working; and therefore, I know now that something... Either I'll have to let up and--or I won't be long.

27 The people passed by me; they never even put their hands on me or me on them. And they passed by me, and such strength went from me on account of that healing... Those people believing. I didn't have to pray for them. Their faith reached in and got it (You see?) just the same as I was praying for them. So I got so weak from the prayer line on the last night, where nearly three thousand passed by me alone on that night, three thousand, till I collapsed in the floor. And they picked me up all around the arms, two men, and packed me to door.
And there'd been many spirits had went out of the people and got into others. This one woman had went insane. She was--got her mind off the Lord onto some woman was talking to her, setting there, she turned around while I was praying to talk to the woman and an insane spirit come upon her. I had to leave the poor soul like that; she's still insane. And there's many epileptics that went from one to another like that until...

28 Then when I started out the door, and I went to the--to the bus station... And Brother Lindsay and some of the--the ministers, they said, "Brother Branham, you can't start like this."
I said, "I want to go back to Phoenix." And they said... "Well," I said, "such a thing as happened; I want to go tell that our heavenly Father has granted me another chance." So I--I said, "I--I want to go tell them."
And they said, "Why, you can't go."
One lady said, "I'll drive you in a car."
Oh, and I said, "No, ma'am. I'll take a bus." And so I waited out there at the... Dropped off, and we went to wait for the bus. And I got my ticket to San Francisco. And setting... And the bus come in; it was already three hours late. And the fog, you couldn't hardly see at all. And while setting there at the table, I so nervous, I passed beyond the reach of human senses again, and they thought I was asleep. And then they taken me on, and when I roused out of it, well then, the--the bus, when it come in around towards one o'clock, two o'clock in the morning, why, he couldn't go no farther; he had to put up. He couldn't even drive over the mountains then. That threw me out from Phoenix altogether.

29 Then when I went home, went over there, I begin to see myself failing real fast, and then forty-four hours I got normal. Then when that taken place, then I knew then how weak I was, and how really... body was. I went... From then I begin to feel weak and weary, and so I wanted to come on to the meeting. And I come back again to Phoenix now to pray for you sick and afflicted. And I know you'll understand, won't you? You'll understand, and believe me with all your heart, that when these sick people pass by, remember, they'll get well. You just go believe. And if you come by, your faith will reach in and take ahold of that gift of healing and you'll be healed. Won't you believe that, all of you? If it works every way... And listen. You dear people of Phoenix here, I want each one of you to go to your pastor, each one, and say, "Let's have union revivals here in Phoenix." Don't you think you could do that, have union revivals and get everybody saved and going, living for God. Don't you believe you could do that? Sure you could if you just only believe. Have faith and believe God, for He wants to do that. And He cannot come... And I'd hate to know that little Phoenix was left out of the program.

30 Now, to catch back to my Scripture, where I left off at. You remember Joshua, all the way through the Scriptures you bring the children of Israel, it typed down to last part. Is that right? Now, I've told you that how the children of Israel had three journeys; they did: three stages of their journey. Is that right? And the church has come to its third stage. Is that true?
Remember... [Gap in the audio.] back with the evidence of the new land, and that's where you people stand now. But you... [Gap in the audio.] of the church could not believe; they got into confusion and went out into the desert again, and there the... They begin to get sick and there's where the br--brazen serpent, the gift that was give to the church. Is that right? To Pentecost... Look, after the Pentecostal church got broke up in so many, you full Gos... [Gap in the audio.] then sickness came into your midst... [Gap in the audio.]

31 You notice one more thing before I close this series of this. Now, before... Now... [Gap in the audio.] shadows and types here has come on up to this hour. If that was shadow and type, then the rest of it must come to pass. Now, so that you'll get this... And I want you ministers especially to get this.
Remember, their leader Moses all the time was a type of Christ the spirit today. Is that right? But Moses never took the people across Jordan. There was a new order came. Was that right? Moses never took the people across Jordan, the church manager. Joshua took the people across. Is that right? And friends, our great organization is not going to take the church across Jordan. Now, remember that. Joshua come in on the scene. See? God is going to send the nine spiritual gifts to the church. It's going to pull it together and she'll cross Jordan. Remember He said, "Rise now, and let's cross this Jordan," He said to Joshua.
And I believe that if there ever was a time of all the church history, that Voice is now, "Rise, we're going across Jordan now." That's right. The church has been pulled through everything. It's broke up in sects here in the denominations. This is my last words on this. And I tried hard.

32 I--I love Phoenix. I love you people. Now, I'd like to see everything in one heart and one accord. I'd like to come here and make this my home where I could... You just have every Sunday afternoon service on and on and on as far that goes, until Jesus comes. But I--I can't do it myself. But I'm going to give you my vision. Now is the time that our churches... They will not agree with one another. See? And it's time for you people to agree with one another, the church itself. And this is the way the gift that's coming into the church, that's pulling in from both sides, not pulling people out of their churches. No, you go right to your same church. Your church is all right, your organization. I have nothing against that. But, brother, don't never think that you're a little bit better than somebody else, or somebody's a little lower than you.
You remember, we're all on one equality with God. We're His sons and daughters. And if we're sons and daughters of God, let's act like it, talk like it, and live like it, and be like it, sons and daughters of God.

33 And now, these gifts is what's doing that. See, the system's changed. The church has led the world ever since Martin Luther's time. Is that right? But the church age is dying out now. It's right. That's the Moses part. It's dying out, because as Moses failed God, so has the church failed God: I mean the denominations. You see what I mean? How many thinks you understand what I'm speaking of? Thank you, friends.
Look. Satan tries to tell me sometime that they--they don't get it. But I know you do. See? That has failed. The church has failed, because it's got to a place if you're not Methodist, you're not in it; if you not Baptist, you're not in it; if you're not belong to the Assemblies of God, you're not in it; if you don't belong to the Oneness, you're not in it; if--if you don't belong to this one or that, you're not in it.

34 The church has failed. See? Instead of bringing the people together as one body, it separated them out. Just like Moses, instead of speaking to the rock, he smote the rock (You see?), and it failed. So the church will never take the people over Jordan. That's right.
But now, God has changed His order, and He's sending back... You who mark my word, there's great men on the road to this world. That's right. There's great powers on the road to this world. And it'll be a people that'll call out a people. Remember, "Come out of her, My people." Is that right? Babylon, confusion that... And not the people now, not out of your churches, but come out of that confusion among you. You see? Come out; let's serve God with one heart and one mind and one accord. Is that right? And then God will take His church over Jordan. That's over death. Now, you believe that with all your heart.

35 I was just reading here... How many of you... I know. I know you haven't got the "Herald of Truth." This brother sister, where's he at? You've never issued this yet, have you? This is the new "Herald, Herald of Truth." And I was noticing in there this year, this month's... about...
The other night I had a surprise. My wife has... When she heard that I had had that exhaustion and passed out up there, it liked to kill the poor little thing. And she's wearied. I never... She's so backward, I couldn't get her to have her picture taken. But she finally took it, and she sent it to me. And I was talking to her a little while ago... And my little girl, twenty months old, prayed for me on the--over the telephone. Bless her little heart, she's seen daddy, "Jesus, help my daddy. Jesus, help my daddy to come home." And they got our pictures in there this month, or--hers and mine and my secretary, Brother Cox and Sister Cox. They're very fine people.

36 And in here, I happen to notice this testimony that I wish to--to read just a little bit. And it... [Gap in the audio.] that was healed by the, some many good doctors, her nerves down. She had went wild. She only seemed like a little... You can see her little picture there. She's just a little chunk of human love; that's all. And God healed her instantly, right then. She got from the bed after laying there month after month and walked down in her little pajamas. Why, you couldn't even get around her, she had [Gap in the audio.] on herself and everything. She was blood all over and everything. She just calmed in a moment and walked in her little pajamas, with her little slippers on, down to the soda fountain and drank a soda with me, and people coming from all over, everywhere, looking at her... [Gap in the audio.]

37 I had a testimony here that I--I wanted to read. You know, a--accordingly, I got about fifteen minutes now to get to these testimonies to you, and then have the time for the prayer for the sick.
Here, not long ago, I guess, in the midst of people there was a--the... You all read the--"The Azusa News"? Anybody get the "Azusa News"? All right. Do you get... Did you ever get that "Jonesboro Evening Sun" that great write up it went... You notice, in the "Azusa News," in there, of a--where I was to fly to California, in the "Jonesboro Sun" it was placed in there, about flying to El Dorado in a airplane for a case that was dying of cancer? Anybody... You read that in the "Azusa News"? I was having services there.
There's where a minister standing at the platform, big cancer hanging on him, oh, probably that big, hanging on his neck. The doctor said there's no chance for him and standing there with the reporters, stand there flashing the pictures. That cancer turned white, fell off of his neck, and rolled over my feet. I got it in alcohol now. There was a pit in his neck, and his picture in the paper showing. There was a man who set in a wheelchair for--for I forget how many years, bound down like this, was setting there in the chair, a Baptist deacon. And he... A moment, got up out of the chair and walked through the building glorifying God and things like that.

38 And then I was flown down to El Dorado with a little Cessna, a plane, to a girl that was a poor people, that was, the girl expecting to die at any time. She'd been a cripple all of her life, a victim of polio. She was about twenty-eight, thirty years old. And the cancer had become a fibery cancer and went all through her and the doctor, as I spoke to him as I went in after the plane landed... And if they had me--went out there and met me and took--taken me in to the home and there was... The doctor said that he cut around four to six pounds of cancer out of her of surface where it'd growed. He sewed the girl back up and less than two weeks time, more than that had growed back in her again. There was no hopes at all, nothing at all. And her people was keeping it from her. So I went. I never shall forget.
This may not mean much to you people, for some of you, but think if that would been your mother, if that had been your daughter. It means much to me. I have to answer for these things at the judgment bar. And just awhile ago I happened to pick up... I dreamed of this girl last night, and here I picked up the little "Herald of Truth" awhile ago, and read her testimony in there. And then just how it was come out--like there's such a coincidence.

39 Then standing there, walked into the house, rather, the little, humble white cottage there in El Dorado... Going in, the loved ones was setting in the yard and they were all looking and a watching for me to come. And I went in and I gathered the family together. I said, "Does she know what's wrong with her?"
Said, "No, don't tell her, Brother Branham."
I said, "Now, I can't promise that. See?"
Said, "Well, we've never let her know."
I said, "Now, the first thing, I want to know if you all have faith?"
Said, "Well, we've heard of others..." And poor old man standing there, the old blue shirt on, you know, and her daddy a great big fellow. And he was just crying; I said, "Now, don't cry, dad." I said, "Don't cry." I said, "Now, that'll cause your faith to be wavering." I said, "You must believe that--that the--that what you--the requirements for your child is now met." I said, "Are you a Christian?"
And he said, "Brother Branham, she's the only one in the bunch that's a Christian." He said, "I guess that we're too mean." Said, "That's the reason that she's--God's taking her from us, because we're not Christians." And I seen then the opportunity that God had give me. See? Don't never fail your opportunity.

40 And there was at least about fifteen or eighteen of them standing in the little kitchen. And I said, "Are you all relatives?"
I said, "Is any of you a Christian?" and one of them was a member of the Church of--of Jesus Christ and that was as much as any of them was in the line of Christianity. And I said, "Will you do this? If God will let then this girl live, will you promise Him that every one of you will--will repent, every one of you and be Christians and be baptized, and so forth?"
They every one said, "We'll do it, if God will do it."
Well, I walked out. She said, "I'll tell you when I come out what happens to the girl."

41 And I went into the room, not letting anyone in there. Poor girl was laying there. She just had a few days to live, just maybe two or three more days said she'd be done, 'cause she was sinking fastly. As I walked in, she said, "I presume that you're Brother Branham."
And I said, "Yes, ma'am." And she--her side was still open where it didn't heal or nothing where the cancer was taken from her. And, oh, she was swollen way up like that, just pounds of that flesh had been taken out and it's where the cancer... You know what fibrous is like that? It just went right through her, surplus flesh growing all the time. And so she said, "Well, I presume that you're Brother Branham."
I said, "Yes."
And she said, "Brother Branham, I understand that you can tell people what's wrong with them." I seen right then what was happening.
And I said, "Yes, ma'am, by the help and mercy of God, I can."
She said, "Brother Branham, will you tell me what's wrong with me?" She said, "They--they won't tell me." Said, "Now, I know the way you're coming here...
[Gap in the audio.] all sins are hidden." And I said, "Yes, ma'am."
"You be honest with me, Brother Branham..."
I said.. [Gap in the audio.] if I be healed."
And I took hold of her hand; I said, "Yes, ma'am. It's a cancer." [Gap in the audio.]
"I thought it was, Brother Branham." [Gap in the audio.]
"But besides that," said, "your--your doctor, as I just met them out there in the kitchen when they was talking, says that your time is within the next two or three days. And I..."
She said, "There's one... [Gap in the audio.] that there's nothing between my soul and the Saviour." She said... Worth more...
She said, "I tried to lead my.. [Gap in the audio.] And I--I couldn't.
And said... And I said, "Maybe this is the opportunity; they all love you so well." I said, "They everyone promised now, that if you got well that you would serve God... [Gap in the audio.] that--that--that--they did.

42 And just then, friend... Now remember, one day I'm going to leave this world myself. The Angel told me to--would take place, it took place just then; I felt it. And I went down and had prayer for her; the vibrations stopped. And I said, "Sister, you're going to be well."
She said, "Brother Branham, I don't know what's happened to me," she said, "but just--I just know I'm going to be well again."
And I said, "You are. You're going to be well." I walked out and all the people out there in the kitchen crying, and I walked out and shut the door as I come out.
They said, "Well, what about it, Brother Branham?"
I said, "THUS SAITH THE LORD, the girl will live."
Her poor old daddy just broke down to crying. And here's her testimony wrote in this paper. Says... Here's... She quoted my words here.
"Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever... He is also performing miracles in these last days. On May, the 16th, 1947, the doctors found it necessary to operate on me. When they did, they found a raging cancer. All that--all--all that some of the best doctors of this city could say was that my time was very short. My friend, God came on the scene. Brother Branham flew here from Jonesboro, Arkansas, by plane and prayed for me. The Lord immediately killed the cancer germ and healed my body. I can never get through thanking the Lord for sending Brother Branham to pray for me and for the healing of my body. Mrs. L-a-d-d-i-e M-y-r-i-c-k: Laddie Myrick, 325 West Cook Street, El Dorado, Arkansas." Write to her. See?
Now, if that woman, where the best of doctors with that cancer... Was no miracle. It was a miracle. She accepted it as a miracle, but it was weeks later before she was perfectly well, but they... I told her the germ of that cancer was dead. She believed it, and that's what happened. Can't you believe the same thing?

43 Now, one more little thing kinda boosted my heart when I read this. Is was a dear mother in Canada. And give me your undivided attention now, as I read this little article. We'll have prayer and have the healing service. "All things are possible," title for that. "Humbly dedicated to Rev. William Branham, by a Canadian mother." There's where God healed. Bless her heart, I'll never forget them. And that little song of "All Things Are Possible." You can just hear it sung anywhere. They say you hear a mother rocking her baby; she's singing it. And out on the street they're singing it; in their work they're singing it, "All Things Are Possible," and they've got a revival sweeping plumb from coast to coast in Canada, everywhere. Little churches that was once turned down, they've reopened them again. Missionaries or evangelists has went out into the field there and opened it up: such a stirring. That's what we need, isn't it friend?

44 Now, listen real close:
There are some, dear Lord, that You have chosen,
Called out from this world of sin
To be ready to go or ready to stay,
As the Master has called to him.
You only choose the pure in heart
And those that will follow You.
Then, dear Lord, You'll give to them
A priceless gift as no one else can do.
O heavenly Father, we love You so
As you sent an Angel down.
He came with a message, O how sweet
And promised, "On one a crown."
The angel said, "I will give to you
The gift of healing Divine.
Will you go and tell them to believe?
This promise, then, is thine."
"Yes, Lord. I'll do my very best,"
As he knelt at the throne of grace.
"I know, dear Lord, all is possible.
I'll do it at Thy request.
I'll go, dear Lord, where You want me to go;
I'll be what You want me to be.
I'll pray for the dumb and they shall speak.
I'll pray for the blind and they'll see."
[Gap in the audio.]
You'll be healed by the... [Gap in the audio.]
Just to get one touch from Him.
And he files along the--They file along the sidewalks
For one temporal glance at Him.
The sick are brought from north and south
And some are [Gap in the audio.] lame
Some are brought [Blank.spot.on.tap.] ... to be healed [Gap in the audio.]
O Angel, dear [Blank.spot.on.tap.] him--dare him... [Gap in the audio.]
To cast the devil from this child and it shall be.
O Jesus, Lord and Saviour,
Do keep and bless Thine own
That they... [Gap in the audio.]
Bless Thy servant whom Thou has loved [Gap in the audio.]
With thy power, and give him strength from [Gap in the audio.] sin...
To that blessed hour.

45 Our Heavenly Father, I thank Thee for this humble privilege that I have, dear God, that someone has--that they believed, Father. And Thy Angel Who so dearly... and this dear person who has formed it into poetry now, I pray, Father, that You'll let me always be humble. And may, today, the dumb speak and the blind to see; and that child that is possessed of that devil, may it be cast out. Just a touch from Thee is all I want, Lord, to know that You're standing near. I know, Father, that all demons are subject to Thee. When Your great power is near us, nothing can stand. And I pray that You'll heal everyone here in Phoenix, Father, today in this auditorium, for this is where Thou hast taught me a lesson to listen to God instead of man. O Father, help me, never again, Father, never to do anything that would be displeasing to Thee. And may now, Lord, that last Sunday or Sunday week, for such a rebuke to me, may this Sunday be a great blessing to me, Father, to see Thy people healed in this auditorium. Today, I pray that Thou will grant it, Father, in the Name of Thy Son Jesus Christ, I ask it. Amen.

46 [A brother speaks before Brother Branham prays:
In the ministry, now will soon be thirty-four years. Of hundreds and hundreds of preachers of the different faiths, and of our own faith, the Pentecostal faith, I have never yet met a man manifesting the humility from day to day, that Brother Branham manifests. The weight of this is crushing the very life out of him. You don't realize what it means to fight the powers of darkness. All the powers of the enemy are turned loose against him. You, perhaps, only have a small portion against you. Remember, the reason that Jesus suffered so on the cross was not because of His own sins, but because the powers of hell were determined to crush him. So if you have anything special from God, the powers of darkness are going to do the best to crush you.
So this afternoon we want you to do your best now to believe God. You've heard what Brother Branham's had to say. How many of you now believe that God is here, that He will heal? Let's see your hands if you believe it. God bless you. That's all it takes is faith. So we want you to be humble and believe. Be back with you in just one second.
We have a case waiting at the door, brought in the man that was dying with cancer. Brother Branham is slipping out to pray for this one now, while we're forming a prayer line. Now, Brother Kidd, if you'll be now when, start the prayer line now. All of you listen attentively so that you'll know.
I don't know some of you ushers by name, but the usher that was over here a little while ago when I asked who had been here for three services and lived more than fifty miles away from here. If you let those folks come first... Those who live over fifty miles away and have been here three services or more...
Now please don't take advantage of these things, friends, when we ask a question like this. If you do, here's what may happen: the disease may stay on you or you'll get something else. Remember that you're not just dealing with us. We want to be just as fair with you as we can be. The reason I say this is because people take advantage. I'm going to give you a little illustration for a moment, 'cause Brother Branham will be up in just a minute.
You'll hinder us if you don't do it. Now, we--we want you to please as obedient and as nice as you can because it'll interfere and you'll cheat yourself and somebody else out of an opportunity. Please do not stand or get in the prayer line at all until we call for you. Now remember, we want, as Brother Branham prays, everybody keep your heads bowed. Be as humble as you can for the...]

47 Shall we bow our heads... Our heavenly Father, [Gap in the audio.] now, for this meeting. Dear Jesus [Gap in the audio]... platform again today, after two weeks absence. And here stands lovely people who are wanting to be well. I have tried humbly to tell them, Father, that Your blessing was if they would just believe me, that their faith, Lord, is what makes them whole, their faith to believe it's there. And now, may each one that comes by, be touched by Thy Divine power. And I pray now, as I feel Your Angel standing so near, O God, may we bless each one and they be well. In the Name of Jesus Christ, I pray.

48 Believe, sister, with all your heart? Dear heavenly Father, seeing that our sister here is suffering with this hideous demon, Thou art near to liberate her, Father, that she'll be well. Grant it, dear God.
Thou spirit of the devil that has bound this woman, I adjure thee, by Jesus Christ, to leave her. There it is... every speck is clear. You'll be well then. Have you had... Now, you just...
How long have you had this arthritis, sister? Now, don't doubt anything. You don't? You want to serve God, don't you? Father, in simple faith, our sister comes this afternoon, crippled here, with this arthritis, and also has been bothered with this blood pressure and many pains, Father. Her poor body is breaking down. And You, Who sent Your great Angel in the room that night, said I was to take this to the people, O God, may her faith reach in for it now.
Satan, you bound our sister. I adjure thee to leave her in the Name of Jesus Christ. Now, sister, it stopped so quickly, that I believe a miracle has been performed on you. Now, don't doubt anything. I want you to raise your feet up and down like this, real... Move your hand. There you are. Now, walk right out and down the steps. A miracle has been performed on the lady. Walk on, sister. Now, you can raise your head and look. There she is, stiffened up with arthritis...
Let's say, "Praise the Lord," everybody. Let's give God a praise of this type, friends, like this, for... See how that the Father works? She was crippled up with arthritis.

49 Now, bow your heads, everyone, and be in prayer. Just be real reverent like that. God will just grant great things. I believe this.
Our heavenly Father, I thank Thee for Thy goodness and Thy mercy. And I pray, dear God, that You'll show mercy to our dear brother who's come many miles now to be healed. Help him, Father, while we pray.
Satan, thou power of infirmity, leave the man; in the Name of Jesus Christ, I adjure thee to leave him.
Sir, the only... You heard me tell about the lady with cancer awhile ago? Well now, the same thing that's happened to the lady with the cancer that was dying has happened to you now. Every vibration, everything that I know to tell you, it's over. So you can go and be healed. God bless you. God bless you, sir.

50 You believe if I'll ask God, He'll let you have back your eyesight again? I see you have a little more than that ulcer, don't you? Yes, sir. What kind of asthma did... Now, there's only way that I'd ever be able to know those things, sister, and tell you that would be by God. Is that right? For it's... Only way I know you have it, I can tell the vibrations, know you got a asthmatic... for it. Now just believe with all your heart. Our Father, You Who reveals the secrets of all hearts, I pray that You'll be merciful to sister now. After, by Your grace and Your help, O God, Thou knowest how I feel, standing here now, since Sunday before last: Your Presence gone, and now, Your Presence here, and that each one is passing... Help our sister, Father, just now, be healed. And this demon that's come upon her to cause this trouble and her eyes are going blind and Thou art... [Gap in the audio.]... in Jesus Christ' Name, come out of the woman, in the Name of Jesus Christ...

51 The vibration's has [Gap in the audio.]... You... Look around through the room just a little bit and see if you can... Look around. See those lights up there? Can you count them? Point to them. Let's see if you can point now. That's right. That's... that way.
Somebody out in the audience raise your hand. Fifteen lights she sees in the building now. All right, someone raise your hand up out there. You see them hands. You see them hands. Wonder if that lady there with the green looking coat on, kind of a--a gray hair... Has she got just one finger up or has she got her whole hand up. Now, she changed it. Just a minute... If she could just... Raise your hand up again, sister. See? Now... Yes, yes. Can you tell her? Can you see that she's got a green sweater on from here? Yes, ma'am, that's fine. How many fingers would you think she has--she's holding up there? Can you count that far? It's kind of shadowy but... That's exactly right. Now, say, "Praise the Lord," everybody. You can raise your head.
Now, sister, your sight has coming and you're going to be a perfect well woman again. Let's give God a little praise like this, everybody please.

52 When someone asked the other day why didn't people... Said, "What I can't understand, Brother Branham, is that people who are prayed for... and when they're healed," said, "the people in Pentecost, they usually like to shout so much," said, "wonder they don't do more shouting than that."
I said, "They are just dumbfounded. They're just the... They just... they just are--It just happened then." I said, "You ought to go outside of the building sometime and see them when they coming out of the building, then you would understand."
All right, now, bow your heads everyone while we pray.

53 The ones that was here... the vibrations. Don't no one have nothing in your right hand, 'cause I... Every one bow your head. [Gap in the audio.]
Everything is put in the hand of God. While I was praying for the lady, the vibration stopped on my hand. Now, that came to me for her life. That woman wants to live as same as the rest of us. [Gap in the audio.]
And now, I believe with all my heart... She's a Phoenix woman; you'll see her on the street again, well. Now... Now, I thank you for your kindness of how you kept your heads bowed and things. You're awfully nice and I--I know that faith... I wished I'd have had that lady that had the--Sister Waldrop here to testify to her. I don't know where she's from.
And I wonder, Sister Waldrop, if you'd walk out here and give her a testimony, tell her your condition. Here goes one of your Phoenix women was dying of cancer. Fact it already had passed out, right here, with a cancer, when I was here in the other meeting. How many knows her, let's see your hand? Mrs. Waldrop, there she is. Hold--tell them to hold the ambulance just a minute. I want to try a testimony for this lady here. All right. Thank... [Gap in the audio.]

54 Remember, my heart wants to be sincere with God; it'll be better, don't you think? Better to let them get healed than just let them pass it out. Don't you think so? Now, the lady will be well. She'll be like Mrs. Waldrop here, on the streets with you one of these days, and you'll be glad when the judgment comes that you set and was very reverent.
Now, if you'll bow your heads again while we pray for more. Yes, ma'am. Now, you're... How long have you known? You're... Now, see, the doctor's done all he knows how to do for you, sister. Now, your only chance is now. Just... Your loved ones has done what they can do; your doctor's done all he can do; now your Saviour, He can heal you. You believe that? All right. All right now bow your head then.
Father, realizing that life is near the end, for this our sister; she's going to leave us, Father. She's going out into dark eternity, somewhere. Thou knowest her conditions and knows her soul, and knows where she'd go to if she dies. You know us all, Father. You know us by name. You know every hair of our heads; You know all about us.
Our doctors has done all they can do all in their knowledge. They've given her x-ray, and they given her treatments, and she's constantly now the cancer's claiming her life. Thou alone can heal her, Father.
Thou demon, I adjure thee by Jesus Christ the Son of God, that you come out of the woman.

55 Now, just keep your head bowed, everyone and just try to hold her in your... Now, where do you live at, lady? Globe, Arizona. Nice country up there, isn't it? I want you to look at me... I don't want you to be melancholy; I want you just to try just let yourself relax now. You're going try? Are you--have you... You're married, are you? Uh-huh. Have some children? You have a boy overseas. You want to see him again, don't you, mother? You will.
I want him to see you too. Now, look here. I want you to be honest with me. I'm honest with you; you'll do the same with me, won't you? Now, there's something holding you back from your healing and I'm going to tell you what it is. Shall I tell you out, just let it go? You... in secret. Now, you know I know what it is, don't you? All right. Don't any more. No, I know... the revelation here. Now, you're... Yes, you can. God can take it away from you. Yes, but now look. There's no way in the world for me to ever know that, only by the revelation of God; but I found this cancer won't leave you. See? That's the reason it's holding. Now, you pray. Will you do it? By the mercy, you'll do it? Sure He will deliver you?
Father, she's willing now to lay it on the altar. God of heaven, You know how I could find that out; and I pray, dear God, that You'll take the desire from her now and that she'll never do it again. Satan, upon the confession of this woman, upon her desire to serve God with a pure heart, I come to You in the Name of Jesus Christ; come out of the woman.
Now, sister, looky here. Every vibration has stopped. You're free from your habit also. Go on now and serve God with all your heart. You'll see your boy, sister. Put your arms around his neck and tell him, "Mother's delivered." Every vibration is stopped. Got a funny feeling, haven't you? Yeah, that habit's gone from you too. Now, keep it away from it as long as you live. God bless you.

56 [A woman speaks to Brother Branham at length, during which Brother Branham speaks.] Yes. That is right, sister. God bless you. That's a good spirit to have. Now, just keep your heads bowed for a few moments. This lady's coming here to the service today. She flew in from Chicago here, and she's suffering here with here a tubercular, and she's got a hemorrhage--and just had a hemorrhage here. Uh-huh.
Dear God, Thou will regards faith. I imagine, Father, if that brazen serpent was still lift upon the plain, that people would fly across the sea to get to look upon that brazen serpent, because they know that others looked at it and were healed. And O Father, Thou has not lifted up a brazen serpent today, but Thou has ordained Thy gift. And the people are coming everywhere. And Father, this poor woman coming down from my own home country to be prayed for, thousands of miles across the mountains and deserts... She's laid in that hotel up there, Father, close to where somebody who didn't take You and committed suicide. And she's heard their scream and howls all week long. But almighty God, You're here today to stop the hemorrhage to send her back home, well woman. Grant it, Father. Will You hear the prayer of Your humble servant, I pray? And Father, I believe the woman will live a consecrated life to You, and give You all the praise and glory if You'll grant this to her. Now will You hear me, Father, this moment that's been looked forward to for weeks. Grant it, Father.
Thou demon that's bound my sister, I adjure thee to leave her, in the Name of Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God. [Gap in the audio.] I adjure thee, come out of her in the Name of Jesus Christ. Every vibration's stopped then. You'll be well woman now. So just go and believe Him with all your heart now. Not one vibration is... That's got it. God rewarded the woman of her fine faith...

57 O eternal God, in Who's suffering [Gap in the audio--Ed.] Father, I pray for her healing, in the Name Thy Son Jesus.
Young lady, look here. You got an infection in your body of some sort. I can't catch it just what it is. I want you look at my hand here a moment. Look at this one here; then what if it's... wrong... Look at that... Even I believe you could almost feel that vibration yourself. You feel a little roar like? That's the hardest I feel--felt one hit. Coming through my whole body, it's shaking my whole being. Can you feel that? That's only the fourth time that anybody has ever felt a vibration themself. Friends, I want you to raise your head a minute. Here's a vibration hitting so hard on my hand, till the lady can feel the shaking in my own hand. Can you feel it, sister? Tell them there. She can feel it herself.

58 Now, she's suffering with a heart trouble, which is causing a block in her heart. She's got a asthmatic trouble also. She's extremely nervous, a deep thinker, and real--worry about things before it happens. And then so... Now, I want you to watch my hand, sister, yourself. So you could feel if it stopped. You can feel it. You must have a very good faith or something. Where you from? Superior? Is that Arizona, is it? Why, it's the first time. That's the fourth person that I've ever knowed that felt the vibration, the reaction of it. It's not the--the rolling and tumbling, but it's hitting so hard on my hand till it's rolling back there. She can feel it back.
Now, just bow your head. And you watch my hand, sister. And if it turns... It'll turn back normal like this one here if that leaves. Or you can tell it when it feels... Now, you see when the feeling of that leaves and my hand will turn normal.
Father, I pray for sister, that You will heal her. Thou demon, I adjure thee by Jesus Christ the Son of the living God come out of the woman.
You don't feel it now, do you? Look at my hand. Now, you may raise your head, audience. It's stopped now, hasn't it? You don't feel it at all. And there my hand's turned white. Now, you got a reaction of what I feel in vi--in vibrations for the sick people.

59 Now, I want you to give a little testimony here. It felt to you more like--like you'd put your hand upon a--a rail that was charged with electricity, kind of a shaking. Is that right? And while I was praying, that's when it begin to lope--jump, and then all at once it went away. Is that right? That's when your air came in. That was one of your women from Arizona here. And then when looked down my hand which was red and had white spots on it had turned white. Is that right? See? Now, that's... I don't know the lady, never seen her in my life before. This your first time here? Been here every Sunday, wait to get your... That right? Well, you should go home now, rejoicing, sister, 'cause you're healed. God bless you.
Let's say, "Praise the Lord," everyone. That's mighty fine. God be praised and blessed for it. The little lady's from Superior. Where's that at here in Arizona? Up towards Globe, up toward Globe. I seen your ad in the paper where you was cooperating. That's mighty fine. You're Brother Faulkner? Thank you, sir.

60 Do you believe, sir, if I'll ask God it will leave you? I see you have a few more things, but that's your major thing, isn't it? Uh-huh. I think you got a ruptured nerve there or something that's going on... That's right, isn't it? Now, say it's in this ear over here, and your--your kidney. Is that right? All right, you believe with all your heart now it'll stop? See, these... On these... The only way I'd know that, is by some way I could tell it here. 'Cause you know you never said at the outlet...
Our heavenly Father, Thou Who knowest all things, come and be merciful to my brother. He's suffering now. And Father, by Your Spirit, by Your grace, I was able to tell the man what was wrong with him, Father, right to his face. How could he doubt when he's seen. But Thou art here to make him well. And I pray that he'll start right now, Father, and not suffer. May it all go away from him, and ever where he's from, he'll be thankful and tell the men that he works with and so forth, of Your great power, and someone else will hear, and they'll come and be healed; and they'll give their hearts to Thee. Lord, make him a testimony among unbelievers. I rebuke this demon, in Name of Jesus Christ.
There it stopped, sir. Every vibration left. God bless you, my brother. Be a testimony in your neighborhood now.

61 [Gap in the audio.] been a deaf since last Sunday a week... Now, there's a vibration. I want you to look. Can you see my [Gap in the audio.] like in here [Gap in the audio.]... this one looks. See, now I put my hand... [Gap in the audio.]... pressure's on this. See? You can't see the spots, of course, from where you're at. How many can see it, like where the difference in the hand? Let see your hand. Certainly. Now, see on the balcony? Can you see the difference in the two hands? Now, this is the first deaf case. One of his ears are deaf. He's got a kidney disorder, suffering with his kidneys. All right. Just a moment. Everybody be lovely and reverent.

62 Eternal God, the Author of Eternal Life and the Giver of every good gift, I've trying now, Father, to find favor with Thee for our brother. He's suffering. I know not him; Ye know him. And I pray, Father, that Ye will make him a testimony in the community where he is and among the men that he works with. May the--everyone he comes in contact with he will represent Ye, just like the others did in the days gone by, when You were here in flesh. I pray that You will grant this to my brother.
And now, Lord, the last deaf person I prayed for on this altar, I feel that I was out of Your will. But I thank Thee today, Father. I feel that You forgive me and I am in Thy will, and I pray that You will hear me.
And Father, I'm not asking You to perform a miracle, but I ask You, Father, before these people, that they might know that that Thy servant has been forgiven of his sin of trying to challenge unbelief to be prayed for, even that in above which the Son of God has said. I pray that You will open his ear immediately, Lord, that the people might know that Thou art Christ and I be Your forgiven servant.
Thou demon, I come to meet thee in the Name of Jesus Christ; I adjure thee, come out of the man. Come out of him thou spirit, in the Name of Jesus Christ, thou evil one that has deafened his ear and causing this kidney trouble; leave the man.
Now, just keep your heads bowed, friends. It's lessening. Hear me? Open your--raise your heads. How long you been deaf in that ear? Ever since he was born he was deaf in this ear. Listen at this now. Put my hand here. Oye? Oye? Oye? That's whispers. Listen here now. He's speaking back in Spanish, the... Oye?

63 Now I want to offer a little prayer of thanks to God. Our heavenly Father, that man was born deaf, and now he can hear. Thou has testified by Thy own lips today that Thou has regarded Thy servant and has forgive me, Lord, of my stupidness that I did two weeks ago. And Father dear, let me always walk softly by You. And I pray that You'll let me serve You as long as I live. And then, Father, even if I get tired, I'll try to weary on. And then someday when life is over, may I meet every one that I've prayed for, Father, when we rally at Your throne. O Christ, grant it. How I thank You. With all my heart I thank You, Father. And I pray now that You'll continue to be with me and heal the sick people, for Thou seest that our doctors are just limited to certain power. But Father, Thy power is unlimited, and Thou has raised up a--a horn of--of healing to the people. And we thank You for it. And I pray, God, it'll continue on and on, in the Name of Thy Son Jesus Christ, I ask. Amen.

64 Thank you very much for everything. All right. Let--let him run in before. Now, the child is in... Yes, young man. You understand English? You do? I see you're suffering with a tubercular. Now, look at my hands here. See them little spots coming up on my hand? Look at this one here. See the difference? Now, God has certainly regarded you Spanish people. I presume that's what you are, the Spanish speaking... There's many of them healed. I'm going down into your home country, down in Mexico, in a few weeks. I trust that you'll be a testimony. You will serve God, will you, young man? You will.
Our heavenly Father, You Who created this young man, Who brought him here to the earth, and he's just here, a youth, to mean so much to Your Kingdom, Father, among young men today that's gone astray... But he wants to serve You, and Satan has bound him, but now Thou has for him to be healed. [Gap in the audio.]... come today just as he--the children of Israel did to the brazen serpent: to look and live. Help him, Father, and may this young man to be a strong fine young... [Gap in the audio.]... with a testimony that'll just alarm among his people. Grant it, Father. May he start gaining weight from this very day.
Now, Satan, thou demon of tuberculosis, I come to meet thee in the Name of Jesus Christ. Come out of the boy. I adjure thee to leave him, in the Name of Jesus Christ.

65 Now, young man, before I raise my head to look at my hand, my hand has turned white, hasn't it? Where it was red and flashing, I'm pointing to it. Is that right? Turned white... I kept my hand in the same position. Is that right. What's the matter? It's your sign you're going home to be well now. That's right, sir. All right, you may raise head, audience.
Young Spanish boy standing here the vibration of tubercular on--on my hand, and now, every bit of it has left, every bit of it. Now, you can go and be... Now, you was looking at my hand; you noticed it that that... You're all right. When you go home, you're going to get well and start gaining weight right away. Eat plenty of good wholesome food and get sleep. You're broke down, so just--to build up. Let's praise the Lord, every one.

66 Believe it? You speak English? No. You speak English? Ask her if she will believe God will heal her. All right now, bow your heads everywhere, just...
Our heavenly Father, Thou art here to make the sick to be well again. And here stands this poor little old Spanish mother, crippled up here with rheumatism. Father, I--I cannot talk to her. She does not hear my prayer, doesn't understand it. But I know You do, Father. You understand all languages, speak in all languages. And I pray, dear God, that somehow that You'll let her know in her in heart that I'm interceding with all of my heart, Father, that You'll liberate her from this rheumatism today. Grant it, Father. And I feel that You're going to give us such a great meeting down in their country, down in Mexico. Now, may she walk out of the building whole today, Father. If it be Thy Divine will, grant it, dear God, for I beg it for You, of You for her, in the Name of Jesus Christ.
Thou demon that crippled the woman up with rheumatism, leave her in the Name of Jesus Christ.
Keep your head bowed. Seemingly the vibration left her hand. I don't know what it's done for her. Now, young lady, you--you talk to her, and you tell her that I said to raise up her--her right foot like this. Now, tell her to walk following me; don't doubt nothing. Tell her to walk right on following me. Now, walk. Now, you can raise your head. Walk right here.

67 Let's say, "Praise the Lord," everybody. She looked around; she just smiled like I knowed what she meant. Let's say, "Praise the Lord," everybody. My, isn't the Lord Jesus wonderful? Isn't He a wonderful Healer? Now, if you just bow your heads again, real lovely, for a few moments now, and...
Yes, ma'am. Sissy, how did that... Did you injure it some way; it's turned into an ulcer. Uh-huh. You don't know how it come? That's... It's probably some... You see the vibrations coming? It's an ulcer. How long have you had it, sister? Thirteen years it's been running. Now, do you believe if I'll ask the Lord Jesus...
Now, there's something there that's a doing that, keeping that corruption all the time coming from it. You see? Is it below your... Is it... Oh, in your ankle... Well now, how old are you? Twenty. Now, little lady, if I'll ask God with all my heart, do you believe that--that thing will just start to dry up, and get well now, and be well? Will you serve Him all your days? You'll love Jesus, and you'll serve Him? Will you do that? You will?

68 Now, just bow your head. A little Spanish lady standing here that's got an open sore for years. It's an ulcer, running from her foot.
O Father, no doubt but what many doctors has took that foot into their hands and weeped. They've went to their prescription pad and wrote out different things, Father, just to help this little lady. They've done all they know how to do, Father. She's done all she knows how to do. And now, she's come to me, and I'm doing all I know how to do. And now, Father, I know You know how to do it. You're the only One that can do it. And there's why we're talking to You, Lord, from the very depths of our heart. Father, I believe that the little lady will be a testimony for You; her little life might be given to You, that You could use her to testify and tell her people of how that that sore had been on her for years. Now, Father, I pray that You'll hear me, for the praise of Thy Son, Jesus.
Thou, demon... the lady all these years, I come to meet... [Gap in the audio.] Name of Jesus Christ, I adjure thee... [Gap in the audio.]

69 Little lady, if you raise your head... Something's happened around my hand here. It's turned a different color, hasn't it? Now, what's happened; that's my sign. That's... [Gap in the audio.] Now, do you believe that with all your heart? Do you believe you're going to get well? Where you live at, sister? Miami, Arizona. Oh, I believe I have an invitation to come up to your country up there. Now look, if I get to come up there, you going... [Gap in the audio.]... testify about this and tell the people that... You will? Now, you notice, in a few days... What you been bathing in? Salts, Epson salts or stuff like that? No, nothing so far. Now, you're--you're... [Gap in the audio.] look that place on there, that ulcer, it's going to start drying up; you'll begin to notice it, around the... [Gap in the audio.] like anything that's putting something on it to heal it. You see? But it's God has done the healing. See? The life that was in there causing that--that germ, the infection in there, is gone now. See? It'll--it'll start... Now, if you believe it with all your heart... You see, it's your faith that's going to save you. (You see?) if you believe it? Well, God bless you. You'll get well then.

70 Doesn't matter... Got quite a few down there? Excuse me? Yes, I seen that.
Now, mother, of course you understand, the days are very short for you, aren't they? There's not much more can be done. And you want to live. I want to live; we all want to live, mother. Don't cry now. Don't... Now, look. I've got a dear old mother at home today, if she's living. I trust she is. She's praying for me. I've got a wife and two little children praying for me, a church of people praying, and all over the nation. That's why I'm stay in the--way I am, sister. There's thousands and thousands praying for me everywhere. Now, Jesus hears their prayer.
Now, you've got a cancer. You know it, don't you?... Now, if you'll just believe. The others are healed. Not everyone that I pray for is healed. No, many of them die, mother. Many of... But what--it'll determine what it's going to do right away. I'll... You'll either get well or die right away. Now, you want to be well, and I'm going to ask Christ to let you get well. And you believe it with all your heart, your days will be prolonged for many years... You believe that? You believe...

71 Our heavenly Father, as this poor old mother lays her hand on mine, and her hand all wrinkled up, I'm thinking, Father, of my own poor little wrinkled-handed mother, many miles away. No doubt but what this hand has washed a many a hard day in the tub; might've worked to keep soul and body together, raised the little children. When they would cry, there's no hands in the world could stroke back the tears and bring joy to their little cheeks, like this hand could. But now, Father, it's laying on mine. It needs a touch of another hand, the One that was scarred at Calvary, so freely... O Christ, help us to believe You, just take Your Word. And this big hideous demon of a cancer, blackened spirit; she's helpless, Father. The doctor's powerless. But Thou has power over him. I bring her to Thee, Father. Leading with my own unworthy hands, I lead her to You. Will You heal her, Lord? Now, give Thy servant's voice power, will You, Lord, that'll scare this cancer from her.
Thou demon, I come to meet you as the anointed gift of God. And I meet you in the Name of Jesus Christ. You come out of the woman. I adjure thee to leave her in the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, leave her.
Now, mother, you've seen what's happened here. Now, go on your road rejoicing; doubt nothing. You'll get well now. Oh, my. Let's just give God praise. She said, "I knew all the time I would when I got to her." Bless her little heart.

72 Mercy, here's another cancer case. Say you come from Chicago, lady? I'm going to visit that lovely city one of these days. I'm supposed to be there in this May, the last part of February, there at the stadium. I'm not sure yet. Will you come to the platform and give a testimony at the stadium when I get there, wherever I'm at? You will? All right. Now, not a... I want you to testify that God has healed you, if He will do it now, you'll love Him and serve Him all your days?
Now, just be real reverent. Here's a lady who's come many a hundreds of miles, yes, and the thousands of miles with a cancer. She's from Chicago.
Now look, sister, you're watching my hand there, I guess... see those spots, how they come and go all over my hand. Now watch, sister, when I'm praying. See them white spots going there? Watch... [Gap in the audio.] Felt like it's... [Gap in the audio.]

73 She's suffering with cancer. And Thou alone, Lord, can heal her. And she's come all the way from Chicago... [Gap in the audio.] Dear God, if You'll let... [Gap in the audio.]... And she's promised that she would... people. She would come up to the stadium if Thou should send Thy servant there, and will witness to the healing power. And You're the only One Who can take this demon from her body. Therefore, dear God, I come to You, asking with all my heart that You'll do it.
Satan... [Gap in the audio.]... this cancer, the very life of it. I come to meet you... [Gap in the audio.] of the Son of God, Jesus Christ. I adjure thee to leave her. Come out of her in the Name of Jesus Christ the Son of God.
Cleared on up there, didn't it? See how that was? It means, mother, that you're going to live yet, and will return to Chicago and give testimony for God.
You may raise your head, audience. Everything left the lady there. God bless you, my sister. What's your name? Mrs... God bless you.
Let's praise God. All the way from Chicago down to Phoenix, Arizona. All right.

74 Look, that sister from Chicago. Now, you may have in a few days, a sick spell. But don't notice that. You see? You're going to get sick and upset to your stomach. Don't notice that. Don't never notice nothing; just have it in your mind now to believe. See, that's the reaction of the... Just, you from Chicago, just a moment, sister. Turn around. Sister Waldrop, would you stand up? There's a lady that died in my prayer line with heart, colon and liver, about eight months ago, or two years. Is that right, Sister Waldrop? I told you'd have a sick spell. And you had it, didn't you, sister? So you see... there if you will.
Now, you have two ladies there. One that wasn't prayed for with a cancer of the heart, and here a colon, liver, and here is a lady just now prayed for from Chicago. Isn't it wonderful to see sisters, who talk one to another? One is healed and well, the other one's just been touched by the hands of God. Let's say, "Praise God," for His healing... All right.

75 Yes, sir. I see you're... You have several things wrong. This burning in your chest, does it seem to be up around--up in this way? Oh, down at the... Oh, down in here. Yes. Now, I see a rheumatism... Have you... 'Course you have a cough too, don't you, cough quite a bit? Causes you to miss your sleep, everything, just cough and hacking in your throat... Now, there's only one way that I know that; that's through God, isn't it? That's the only way I'd know it. Now, you have faith and believe brother... [The brother speaks to Brother Branham--Ed.] Oh, thank you, brother. That's very kind of you, thinking that.
Dear heavenly Father, as my brother comes now with this... Satan's crippled him and bound him, and he's suffered. O God, he's just in a prison house. And You alone, Lord, can bring him out of this prison. You're the only One Who can make him get well. And he said, "I believe that Jesus--with all my heart. And I believe Jesus sent you here." God, what a testimony that he loves You. I know that You'll hear his prayer. I know You hear mine, Father, and that You're going to let him get well.

76 Therefore, Satan, I come to meet thee in the Name of Jesus Christ. As God's anointed servant, I adjure thee, by Jesus that you leave the man and come out of him.
Yes, sir. God has seen your tears. He has seen your faith. And you're touched by His power now; you can walk on; be well. God--God bless you, my dear brother. Walk right on down the steps. You don't have to worry no more.
Now, friends, you can raise your head. (Get pretty used to it.) Let's praise the Lord. Then the thing... He said I'm praising. Glad I met you... Glad he met Jesus. We're thankful for that. Now, bow your head, everyone again, just for a few moments now.

77 You've been pretty sick, haven't you? All right. Ask her if she'll believe with all of her heart now, she'll get well of the... The way you mothers here that... are near to your hemorrhage... Dear Father, I realize that Satan has set a trap. And now, he's caught our sister for her to have one of these brain hemorrhages now and leave the world. And You're the only One Who can dissolve that blood clot. But Father, will You do it? Grant it, Father. Satan has done this, and it's his work. But Thou art here to liberate our sister.
Satan, I adjure thee by Jesus Christ, the Son of God, leave the woman... brother... [Gap in the audio.]... in my heart. May the Lord God bless her. It stopped too. She's going to be all right.
Yes. Do you speak English? No. Ask her now, and tell her so she'll have faith to know that I know what it is. Tell her her stomach [Gap in the audio.] hurts. Just tell her. Mucho. "Mucho," that means "much" and "a whole lot." See what it is? She's got a gastric ulcer in her stomach. Now--now you tell her that how I could tell that, was by a vibration of her hand, so she'll know in order to have faith. "She believes," she said.

78 All right. Now, if you'll bow your head. (How much time have we got left? Oh, it's five o'clock. We have five minutes. And then... See, we promised to let the people out... Let's see here just a moment.)
Dear Father, You Who knows our heart, and knows our God, this poor old mortal is standing here. She's suffering with this stomach trouble. And Father, I can't speak to her in her language, to let her know, Father, that this ulcer will have to dry up. It'll take a few days to do it, unless Thou does just go down and move it with Your hand and brush it away. You have the power to do this, Father, even make a new stomach. O Father, I know that's a miracle. But it'll be a miracle also, Father, secondarily, if You'll just let her get well. She wants to be well. The doctor has given her medicine, and she's tried. But seemingly can't catch the faith, Father, for the poor thing is nervous, that's causing this abdominal, called... I pray Thee, Father, to just give me that sign, and I'll tell her. And if she'll believe, she'll be well, won't she, Lord?

79 Satan, you come out of her. I adjure thee by Jesus Christ, that you leave her. Brother Joseph, she...
Now, you explain to her; tell her now that it'll just take her a few days to get well. The vibrations leave her. She's all right. Now, you're going... You're going to be well. It'll take maybe--maybe anywhere from one to fifteen days, or something like that, for you to be well. Tell her, after while she'll just... If she--if she can just forget about it... Tell her, "Just forget about it and go on. She just..." Tell her like... Tell her to always serve Jesus. God bless her heart. All right.

80 You held your hand on the side... I don't see a vibration from it. Now, sir, there's only one thing that can help you then. There's a little lady that comes here not long ago, that her spine... it's... By taking a spine anesthetic, it done something, and her nerves from the waist down... And she taken it for childbirth. You see? And she was paralyzed all the way down, no feelings, couldn't walk or nothing. I prayed for her, and I guess it was somewhat about--about eight or ten days, and she was out on the street, walking, out of her wheelchair.
Now, if that God can heal that woman... Do you believe you'll get well if I'd ask the Lord Jesus to let you to get well? This your wife... And you want to be happy together. I know it. I know how you feel about yours, brother. When my wife called me awhile ago... I know how... You want to be happy together, and I want you to be happy together. Will you always serve Christ all your life if you'll just--if He'll let him get well? Now, regardless of whether it happens now... Now, you're to believe it's going to be done anyhow, don't you? Yes, ma'am. All right.

81 Now, bow your heads, every one. We're going to pray for brother here who's paralyzed.
Dear Father, I--I feel those vibrations from the man, but he's paralyzed, dear God. Something has happened, dear God, that his nerves has died in the lower part of his body. You're the only One Who can make life come into those nerves again, take this condition away from him. Will You hear my prayer. Seeing his lovely little wife standing near him, O God, how she must feel looking at him, him looking at her, and to see other young couples down the street. O God, have mercy. Let him recover from this. Will You, God? You Who can make the deaf hear and the dumb speak, I pray that this will be the day that life will start back into those limbs again, this paralyze condition will leave him. I pray this blessing for him in the Name of the holy Son of God, Jesus Christ. Amen. [Gap in the audio.]

82 ...that's from his body... You're have... You have an accident or something? Come on this month... Well, God bless your heart. Now, here. I want you to... I see how [Gap in the audio.] Why, sure you can. Why, praise the Lord. He's walking at it now...
Let's say, "Praise the Lord..."... Let's say, "Praise the Lord," everybody. Now, bow your head, everybody now. [Gap in the audio.]

83 My brother, you're in an awful condition too, I see. Do you believe with all your heart now? Now, regardless... And you know that I have promised God not to ask Him for miracles, faith. I see you have a vibration too. Yes, sir. I feel that. Now, there's no way at all that I'd ever know that, is there? Not a way in the world, only by Almighty God. Is that right? Now, there it is. You've got this ulcer condition. You're nervous. You're very nervous. And you've got a broken back. Now, if I'll ask God... I can tell whether your ulcer stopped or not, but the other depends on our faith. But if I'll ask God, you'll believe anyhow, won't you? You will?
Dear heavenly Father, my brother's standing here with a broken back, and knows that there's no other way in the world for him to ever be well, only by You. He's suffering with ulcers also. You're the One, Father, the Healer Divine. You're He, Who can do all things. And I believe the man has faith, God. I believe it. And I believe he understands the story, Lord, of the Angel of God, and the visitation and Your gift.
Therefore, for this demon that's bound him, called ulcer, come out of the man. In the Name of Jesus Christ, I adjure thee to leave him. There goes your ulcer, sir.

84 Now, Father, please have mercy for the brother. And may he be seen in this city, or wherever he comes in a few days, walking on his feet with his crutches on his back, walking along, testifying to the people, saying, "Why, I was once with a broken back, and it healed up just in a little bit. And I'm well, because Jesus Christ made me well." Grant it, Lord. And may this man testify of it, I ask in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.
Sir, I really believe with all my heart you're... be well now. [Gap in the audio.]
"Now, I believe." He said, "I'll be healed, sir." It'll heal up, won't it, friends? Don't you believe it, everybody? Let's praise God for it now. All right. Bow your heads.
How much more time we got, Brother? Five o'clock. How many is here now that can't come back, and maybe we could get them to at least pass through the line and be prayed for. Got about twenty or thirty here that say they can't come back.

85 And custodian of the auditorium, if you'll just--just--just bear with us just for a few minutes. I'll just have a prayer for these people and pass them through line. And I appreciate it very much for their time.
Now, could you be reverent just a moment. I want to pray with each one anyhow. The loved ones, you here, you in the line here, that can't come back now for the next service... Well, will you--you go believe God if I'll just ask Him, you're going to get well, aren't you, young lady? You believe it. You believe it too, don't you, sister? You're going to get well, aren't you, if I ask God? Do you believe it? I guess she's... Oh, she's deaf. Oh, well, all right.
My, Brother Kidson brings me word here that there's a bunch back in the audience there, said if I just pray from the platform, they'd be healed. [Gap in the audio.] There's when God can move, isn't it? That's right. Now, all right. Bow your head, and I'll--I'll try to pray for just a few more. Give us about ten more minutes, and then we'll--then I'll pray for the entire audience then. That's lovely, friends. Christ will love you for that. Now, just a moment.

86 Father, I pray with all my heart that You'll heal this boy and will make him well. In Jesus Christ's Name I ask it, Father. Amen. God bless you, young man.
Now, is this the young lady that's deaf here? Is she deaf and dumb... You're her sister? You're a niece? Was she born that way? She just went deaf and dumb. A paralysis made her deaf and dumb. Now, it can happen that way... Where you from, Phoenix? Oh, I see. Oh... there? Yes, ma'am. Well, last week, five from the meeting here went home speaking and hearing at a... Now, if you have faith, she's a... Now, of course, when she begins to talk or speak, it'll be like a little baby. You see? There's no vibrations from her; she's just paralyzed and things, paralyzed her nerves and vocal chords.
Now, here's a young lady that's deaf and dumb. She's from Michigan. And she speaks... Ma--Mesa. Excuse me, I didn't get it right, from Mesa. She's going to... And now, if she's... (She's had what, what? polio?) Polio paralyzed her hearing and... Of course, that's on the same nerve, we know, the speech and hearing. Now, if I'll ask God, the lady's going to believe that--that the girl's going to get all right. Now, He can open her ears now. That, I don't know. I can't say. He can make her speak now. I couldn't say. If He does, it'll be like a baby. She couldn't talk plain. But if the... If I ask... [Gap in the audio.] All right, make signs with her and ask her if she believes.

87 Father, the lovely little girl stands here. Bless her heart. Demon come along and cut off her hearing and her speech. And I don't believe she wants to be healed for any evil thing. But this other person standing by her, Lord, with tears in her eyes (... to be near her), wants her to get well, Father, so she can come back out of her school, and maybe go to church and hear the message and sing the praises of God. O God, I'm thinking of those five little children up in Oregon last week--or, Idaho. How that You healed them, brought them out of the school. And the doctors pronounced them well and sent them home to their loved ones. How that that lovely... [Gap in the audio.]
O Father, have mercy on her now. I pray that she'll recover from this immediately. And if it be Thy will, Father, when Thy servant sends out this rebuke, may Satan leave her now, and she be able to speak and hear right now. If not, Father, Thou knowest my heart. We believe that she will, for I ask him to leave her in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.

88 Now, keep your heads bowed, everybody. Everyone, keep your head bowed everywhere. Let the Lord and I watch this. Hear me? (Just keep your heads bowed. Her hearing is coming to her.) Seemingly, she's heard that. I ask if see heard me, not to think she can...
Every one, just a minute. This life's coming to it. If it's so... If God doesn't do it, it's perfectly all right. He will do it in time. This is healing and not miracles. Amen.
Hear me? You say, "Amen." [The girl says, "Amen."--Ed.] All right, raise your head, honey. Hear me? Do you hear me? Amen. [Amen.] Let's give God praise, everybody.
Now, sister, she's going to get an awful headache. The girl that's with her, she's going to have it... Oh, you're going to wait for her. She's going to have a headache, sister. And you tell her that she's... It'll make her head hurt, that she'll be all right. Don't worry nothing about it. God bless you. Says she hears me. Certainly she hears... [Gap in the audio.]...

89 Sir? Here's a--a minister who brought his niece, and she's deaf. Now, you know about last--last Sunday a week, I don't ask for miracles. Now, bow your head, everybody.
Heavenly Father, as Thou art always near... And this lovely little lady comes up here to be healed. And I believe, Father, that Thou art here, and You hear the humility of our hearts. And may they bring the sick and the afflicted, and the deaf, and the dumb, and the blind. And Thou alone, Lord, can heal. I pray that You'll restore the hearing to this girl's ears. Will You grant it, dear Father. May she begin right now to hear me and get well. Nevertheless, Father, I believe Your promise, that You said, "If you get the people to believe you, nothing shall stand before your prayer." I believe it'll leave her, Father. Whether it does now or not, I know not. That's in Your power, Father, not in mine. And my power comes from You. And I pray that You'll give me power over this deaf spirit to drive it away from her.
Thou demon of deafness, come out of the woman in the Name of Jesus Christ.
She hears... I believe that. Especially the left one.
Hear me? Hear me? She's... Yes, that got it. (Just a moment now, she's...) Hear me? (All right. You may raise your heads.) If we just had time to wait here a little bit. She's got... Hear me? [Gap in the audio.]... God bless you...
Let's say, "Praise the Lord," everybody. All right, bow your head everywhere now.

90 Ever who's with her, just tell her... It just starts coming now. (Bow your head, we've got a...) We got to hurry; he told me, it's ten minutes after.
Yes, ma'am. Now, sister dear, are you a minister's wife? Well, my wife knows how to sympathize with you, dear, since I'm gone, while I'm... You're... What it is, you have a gastritis of the stomach; you have stomach... [Gap in the audio.]
Dear Father, and Thou Who knowest the heart of all people, and this is Your servant... [Gap in the audio.]... a young minister... O God, may their life be fruitful for You, Father, for we feel we haven't got many more days to work, and then [Gap in the audio.] and we shall see Jesus. And Father, we... [Gap in the audio.] " Sirs, we would see Jesus." Oh, how we love Him. And I thank You for the young minister. And I pray, Father, that his life will be very fruitful. And his companion comes up now today before You... [Gap in the audio.] that You have sent for him, that his wife might be healed. And now, Father, hear the prayer of Your servant. And as they go back to the country, praying, speaking, may they take this testimony that Thou art the Healer also.
Thou demon, leave this woman in the Name of Jesus Christ.

91 God bless you, young lady. Every vibration of it has gone. Now look, your stomach's raw. It's like that there's come a rash on your hand, and you'd put something on it and it--and it started to getting better, not well. After while, you'll even forget you ever had it. You'll be all right now. God bless you. What's your husband's name? Walter Beckman. Now, this is... God bless you, young lady. That's mighty fine. [Gap in the audio.]
... Friend, setting up like this, she's wondering... head's hitting the back of a car... [Gap in the audio.]
He said, "That's all right. When I get up there to see Brother Branham, when I go back, I'll... [Gap in the audio.] place in my arm." The little boy was instantly delivered, took off the brace, and walked down the floor with it on his back. Is that right... ministers? Let's say, "Praise the Lord." O God. God bless you.

92 See, God is real... Now, let's see. How many more? The brother says he's already... Guess they're going to have to close the doors. And if these people cannot come back, I'm just going to ask a prayer for every one of them. And let there be as many as there can through the line. (You will believe, will you, sister?) It's not that I... You understand how it is. I want to have a prayer with each one of you.
Let's... First thing I want to say, that we thank God for deliverance for every one this afternoon, don't we? Now, we want to pray for every one in the line, and let them pass through so I can put my hands on them. The Bible says, "They'll lay hands on the sick and they shall recover," didn't It?

93 Our heavenly Father, Thou knowest that our time is up. And we know many times in... the multitudes, and went aside to rest. But, Father, this is the time that these ministers ought to be with their churches. And O God, may You send souls to be saved because of this afternoon. May their ministers be anointed tonight. May Brother Faulkner and Brother Outlaw, Brother Fuller, all the brothers here, Father, Your ministers in here, may they be so anointed tonight, that the power of God will be in their midst, and they'll speak like never before. May sinners weep their way to Calvary, and there be filled with the Spirit of God. O Father, may many, even tonight, be saved then.
And these who are coming through the line now, Thou knowest. And may Your Spirit be so strong that when they pass by, and I take ahold of their hand, may the blessing of God rest upon each of them. May they leave this building this afternoon rejoicing and thanking You for their healing; for we realize that faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things you don't see, taste, feel, smell, or hear. God grant it. May they all be well. And we offer Thee thanks and praise for all that You have done, and all that You're going to do yet, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

94 Now, let's stand, every one of us just for a moment. Now, while I'm passing these through, I want you all to sing that song with me. And brother, one of the song leaders, will you come here, song leader? Ever who's the song leader for this--this... here... Come here, Brother Hershel. I want you to sing, "Only Believe."
I want you ministers to walk right out there where the prayer line is, and be praying for them as they come through the line. Will you do it now? Everybody just stand just a few moments. We're going to pass about fifteen or twenty through here, just to shake their hand when they pass through. Singing softly, everybody... [Audience sings, "Only Believe".]
[Gap in the audio.] Lay your hand up, sister. Oh, how she's serving... down in this in her left side. Look at her. Let's say, "Praise the Lord," everybody. [Audience sings, "Only Believe".]

95 And if You were here in this city, we would all rush over to You, Father, if You here in this place. But You ascended on high and give gifts to men, according to the Bible. And they must all across the country here to bring the child. Father, have mercy on it. Give Thy servant Your sign before the people that the child shall be well.
Satan, I come to meet thee in the Name of the Son of God, Jesus Christ. Come out of the girl. I adjure thee, leave her in Jesus Christ's Name.
There, it stopped 'fore I raised my head. All right, mother, looky here. (Now, audience, here, I want you to look at my hand now at the same thing.)
Now, little girlie, you're going to be well now, sweetheart. Now, mother... You take a string from the... your room, and put it around her little waist, like this, like that. Are you going to be here for a while, or you going back? Now, you take that string and put it around her, like this, then you'll know whether I told you true or not. You cut that string off, right even. And then by tomorrow night, or the next night, one, you take that same string and put it around the little girl like this, and cut off how much it's shrunk. And do that for at least two to three nights, then you'll know that I told you that's what is true. God bless you, sister.

96 Now, you believe, sister. [The sister talks to Brother Branham--Ed.] Yes. God bless you, sister. You're in a worthy cause, the Salvation Army. I certainly appreciate it. God bless you, sister.
Father, here a Salvation Army woman stands here this afternoon. Oh, I pray that You'll heal her and make her strong. She's nervous and breaking down. After while Satan will have her setting in a padded cell, if he had his way. But Your way is different. Your way is the way of health. May she walk in that path from now on, in the path of health.
I rebuke you, spirit of nervousness, leave her in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
God bless you, my sister. Go on your road rejoicing, testifying.

97 Dear Father, I pray that You will heal my brother. He comes all the way from Minnesota to be prayed for. And Thou art here to make him well. I pray that You'll grant it, Father.
Satan, you have bound my brother with this asthmatic condition. Leave him in the Name of Jesus Christ.
God bless you, my brother. I trust you return back rejoicing now. The vibration leaves my hand. And go and you'll be a well man. God bless you. All right...
Father, I pray that You'll heal my sister in the Name of Thy Son Jesus Christ. Amen. God bless you, my dear sister.
God, I pray... [Gap in the audio.] this brother of this lung trouble in the Name of Jesus Christ the Son of God. God bless you.
It's just nervousness... Go believe... God, I pray that You will heal this dear man, Father. I pray that You'll restore to him the sight of his eyes this day. Hear my prayer. In Jesus Christ's Name, I ask it. Amen. God bless you, my dear brother.
Oh, dear Jesus, I pray that You'll bless this dear woman who comes from New Mexico, that she could be made well. Father, may she return rejoicing, excitingly thrilled, and be well; for I rebuke this blind spirit. In the Name of Jesus Christ, leave the woman.

Experiences (1947-12-21) (William M. Branham Sermons)

Experiences (1947-12-21) (William M. Branham Sermons) somebody


1 I tell you what was brought to me today. Was about... tried to make me so weak. I just could not understand how I would get so weak. Always when I would have a meeting... I--I never want to be a sickling. Everyone knows that heard me tell my life story, and how it was caused; the fever caused it, not smoking and so forth, when I was just a young man. And I--I never wanted to be a sickling... [Gap in the audio] to God, and do everything, played football, and broken me... It just pull games out on the... out there, and just pulling me... [Gap in the audio]
And I wondered why that was. I couldn't not understand; I get so weak sometimes I'd pass completely out, you know. Had them take me out, may be hours before I'd even come to myself and knowed what was wrong... I think... Somewhat about... [Gap in the audio]

2 That I was too sincere about it, that I thought too much on it, set my mind on it too much. Said, "You pray for John Doe's baby; forget about it. That's God's business to heal it." Said, "You just think too much sincerely of it." Said, "Then when you do, going to cause to have a mental collapse."
My nature is not... Well, more like carrying on, but I... They told me I'd have to forget about the thing; I was too sincere for them. I don't believe you can get too sincere about the work of God. That's right. More sincere you are, the better God can lead you.
So I... They told me that I might have a mental break-up. But I--I went along. And many of you that know me, know that from the first time I was here, for awhile, I would try to stick things in my mind...

3 [Gap in the audio]... preaching Divine healing, probably before I was born. And I--I seen him at seventy-one years old, and yet was more needful then than my first... Now, I looked and then and I heard him say that he could hold a meeting for a year, night after night... [Gap in the audio]
I believe It would take my very life. Well, I did not understand why that was. I knew that I had received the baptism of the Holy Spirit. And Brother Bosworth said, "He'd received the baptism of the Holy Spirit." That made us brothers. And God was the One Who saved us both. And then I wondered why he could hold up and I could not hold up. And I thought, "Well, maybe that he was just--had more of the Holy Spirit, and more than I would." Then I thought... Well, that's the way I kind of--kind of consoled myself with it.
And I thought, "Well, I'm going to pray today. I'm going over in the meeting, and I'm going to see if God won't give me more of the Holy Spirit then, so I can hold up more." So last night in the services, I was really just the same, even when miracles was done.

4 I went home. I--I did not say anything to the loved ones. But this morning, I got up early. I went out to the desert, and I just had to talk it over. I just couldn't understand. And He understands. And He--He knows all about it. So while out there on the desert praying, after a bit, after a prayer, it never spoke with a audible voice as you hear mine, as sometimes He does speak.
But it just seemed as if Something just come down and just said it. And it just settled in my mind forever what it was. Something said, "Those men preach by the Word and this is a gift. Each person depended on their own faith and this is by the gift. So was I, take from Me."
Now, I am not the gift. You see. I believe that there's gifts (That's true.), that's in this world. But the gift is what God sends down out of heaven. And this is just occupied then by a human body, or by anything that God wishes to put it on.
One day, it was His choice to put it upon a--a brass serpent on a pole... [Gap in the audio]

5 [This portion of tape, here transcribed, is from an unidentified message possibly dated December 3rd]
I thank you all. Now, while we're standing, and remain standing just a moment for prayer while we bow our heads if you will.
Our heavenly Father, we thank Thee tonight, because that this is another hour that we've been permitted this side of eternity to meet together and to worship Thee in this Phoenix meeting. And we pray, Father, that Thou will be with us tonight, and may many great things be accomplished for the glory of God. Bless every one that's here in Divine Presence now. Bless the service, the healing, and may the great Name of Jesus grow, O God, until It spreads forth, till all the ransomed Church of God be saved to sin no more. Grant it, Father. Bless us now and the farther part of this service, for we ask it in the Name of Thy Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.

6 I don't know any place I'd rather be this side of heaven, than where I am now, standing here again tonight. Tomorrow night will be the--the one year, tomorrow night, since I met you all. When I come here, I wondered; they--they told me I was going to a Spanish church. And I thought, "Well, I imagine they won't receive me." But when I got that hearty welcome, I've always wanted to come back again. So for three nights now we'll have the service here. And then Sunday, to be with another church over at Sunny Slope, I believe it's called. And then Monday, or the eleventh and twelfth, down in old Mexico, at Tijuana.
And I just want to have plenty of time to call the countries everywhere. And this is supposed to be my vacation now. I... I was in Miami last week. And they had quite a service in Miami. I was very tired, especially last night. Several hundreds of people passed through the line. The Lord give to us a great work in Miami. That...

7 And then they told me to go home and rest, because this would be a very hard stand. I'm to begin now the twenty-ninth again at Pensacola, and be there for five nights where they're putting two of the big circus tent together, because there's no auditorium to seat the people in. And then from there, I have four days to go about, I guess two thousand or better miles to Kansas City, at the municipal auditorium at Kansas City. And then from there to Topeka, and back to--to Elgin, Illinois, and then over to Chicago, and then out to Washington, and up into Canada. Then we--the services continue on up until November, the--the fifth of November--of October, rather. And then from there, I get three weeks vacation. And then the next place to begin in South Africa. I'm to go from there then to Australia, and all the European countries through next year. And I'm sure that I--I'll... [Gap in the audio]

8 Life as it is burning out, and one more year has passed by, I'm thankful for this extra time to have seen that many things has been accomplished for Christ in this last year. And as I think it now, that we're facing a time such as never been known. The nations everywhere are breaking. They're in such a--an awful turmoil. And I truly believe that it will not be long until we see Who we really love, coming in power--Jesus. And it's my determination by His help to try to do more this year than I did in the year before, by His grace.
Some... After leaving here, and the end of the year coming, it's some thirty-five thousand definite cases of healing was done in my services by Jesus, last year alone. That isn't just what someone testified that's been healed. That's doctor's statements. And I don't know how many hundreds of different things of cancers, deaf, dumb, blind, almost everything.

9 Now tonight, we--we're--we certainly have services come ten o'clock out there. Tomorrow night... Remember to get to the meeting tonight. And tomorrow night, we go right on, also the messages. Each day, it's... Every morning at ten o'clock, Brother Garcia... here to instruct for the Spanish people on healing. And on the way of giving your hearts to Christ:... for all people who understands Spanish, to come out for those services. Maybe I could come in here, maybe tonight's services...
Just at this time, I would like to introduce a guest of mine. I guess, one of the most Biblical authorities on Divine healing. Been in the United States for many years. Many of you know I was raised... and that makes it... And I never thought when I was a little boy, of reading his book, that I'd ever meet him. I heard that he was gone on to heaven years ago. But in Miami the other day, I met this dear sister and brother. And they were setting at the meeting, in the services of mine. And then to be with my other friends, or met the opportunity to... there. And he met me last Sunday.

10 Many of you know him. I want him to step up here and say "Hello" to the people. And I'm sure he couldn't speak it in Spanish, so he will have to say it in English also. And that's Dr. F. F. Bosworth. How many in here ever heard him, Dr. F. F. Bosworth? All right, Brother Bosworth, come, sir.
[Brother Bosworth speaks]
Thank you, Brother Bosworth. It makes me feel good for a man of that caliber to say those words, Brother Bosworth. I think... I guess he was preaching Divine healing before I was born. So that's quite an authority, isn't it?

11 So now, I guess there's quite a few here to be prayed for tonight. How many would understand English here could say--raise your hand and say, "I'm here to be prayed for." Let's see your hands, that's to be prayed for. Well, that's quite a few. And of course there's some here that don't... not understand English.
I'm glad to see some of the little Choir in here again tonight. And I wonder if tomorrow night if I come a little early, if you'd sing, "Only Believe" for me. You understand English, don't you? That's fine. That's fine. I got your pictures in the--I have them in my study. And I never look at it but what I pray for God to bless the young lady. She was so nice. A little young man that's been there also, he sang bass, I believe there's something here, that I don't know nothing about singing.
So every time I think of that Spanish word, "Oh, yes," or something like... "Oye, Oye," wasn't it? I never heard one... hear me, or something... You all gave me your laughs. I know I sure butchered it up.
And then I said that, there was some lady that was deaf. And I'd felt the vibration leave her hand, and I knew that she was healed. But I couldn't make her understand. She was looking at me and smiling. And I kept saying, "Do you hear me? Do you hear me?"
And the little brother says, "Tell her, 'Oye'"
And I said, "Oh, yes," or something like that.
And the lady ever what was it, the young lady laughed. And I... Well, anyhow, she heard, didn't she? That was fine. That was just... That was so she was healed.
And I was going down to Mexico next week with knowing two words, "Oye" and "Phoenix." Anyhow, we're going to visit with the people who knows God.
Now, just for a few moments to the English speaking people and to all around, I want to speak to you just a few minutes, reading just a little bit of the Word. I think that faith cometh by hearing, and hearing the Word. Is that right? The Word is... If you can get your faith based upon one certain thing.

12 Here not long ago, I was facing a very hideous demon that was cursing me and spitting on me, trying to, and biting at me, in a straight jacket. And when I went to meet that demon, I knew that one thing, that first, Christ died to free that man from that demon. That's the Word. I know the Angel of the Lord came to me that night and spoke to me, telling me that nothing would stand before the prayer if I could get the people to believe me, and would be sincere when I prayed. Therefore, I had a double witness. Then I could ask him through the Name of Jesus Christ to come out of the person. And the man was took out of his straight jacket and went home normally in his right mind.
Why? Because in the authority of the Name of Jesus Christ. Oh, my. Every demon in hell is subject to that Name. That's right. It's the Name of all names, Jesus. It wasn't given by human lips. The Holy Ghost, the great Gabriel it was, came down and told Mary to call His Name Jesus.

13 And the first time that Name was ever spoke by mortal lips, went into the ears of a mortal, a dead baby in the mother leaped for joy... John the Baptist. Is that right? It was six months without life, received life. Then as soon as these words come into her... her babe leaped for joy.
And if it'll make a dead person leap for joy, what ought it to do for one that's already alive. Is that right?
And now, over in the Gospel of Saint John, the 4th chapter and beginning at the 46th verse, just to explain some. Now, I do not wish for anyone to be in a hurry. Always be just as quiet, and just as calm and cool.
Now, many things upon this gift has increased, and many things I have learned in the past year that I knew not while I was here the other time... And of course, I believe that as we go on, it'll just keep moving on and on. I trust that way. Anyhow, I--I believe that He will. And now, as you come to a closer, don't never come... Don't ever come in a hurry... [Gap in the audio]

14 If I would come back and send a plane and get... bring me down there and back. Of course, I--I could not do that. So I... they send him back word, the secretary. I don't guess they answer any of the letters. So secretary sent him a handkerchief, or otherwise, a little piece of ribbon, 'cause we send out several thousand a week of them, and instructions on what to do with it.
And they placed it upon the baby. And even the Army doctor said it would never be normal again. In four hours from the time that the handkerchief was pinned on the baby, it was a normal child again. See? Oh, God can do all things.
I was just speaking last night... evening after leaving at the... [Gap in the audio]
What's the name? It was on one of their little newspapers, said, "One as good as the dead, raised by prayer." And I sent her a handkerchief, or a ribbon, and she was in the last stage of a cancer. And in three weeks later, her doctor pronounced her well. She was perfectly well. And it told all about the service. That just spread throughout. And literally hundreds and hundreds of letters from them parts of the country pour in asking for these handkerchiefs.

15 Now, at the beginning of next November [Gap in the audio] willing [Gap in the audio] in foreign missions, out of the North American continent to South Africa, from Australia, and down through there. You'll be praying for me, won't you?
Now, I'll do it. And if any time if I could do anything for you...
Now, in writing me letters, personally letters, you understand why I can't answer personal letters. They're come in. There's hundreds and hundreds a day come. So I couldn't answer them personally. But they'll be attended to.

16 And now, remember, these handkerchiefs, you've wondered about them. "Now, Brother Branham, what about them?" Your letter might be a form letter. Your answer to your letter might be a--from the secretary, but your ribbon has been personally prayed over by myself. Now, if you'll notice, many people anoint letter--anoint handkerchiefs. But if you'll examine the Bible, they wasn't anointed, they taken from the body of Paul (Is that right?) handkerchiefs or aprons.
Now, what that is, is a blessing. Just like Elijah. He took his staff and told Gehazi, "Go, lay it upon the child." For he knew what he touched was blessed.
You say, "Well, Brother Branham, how do you ever do that?"
Well, when I'm in meetings, I go down, and they send me hundreds of yards of half inch white ribbon. And I take those and go to myself in the daytime, take each one of them in my hands and pray for them, and pray that God will heal the person. And then send them back to the secretary and the different offices, and they rush those right out to the sick. The letter is a form letter, but the--the ribbon has been individually prayed over, praying with all the sincerity that I know to pray. For I think, "What if my baby was sick and I sent for some man to pray for it, I'd expect him to do it." Wouldn't you? And I try... as I can. And likewise, with your prayers tonight.

17 Now, this claim... Now, so far as I know of, I've only knowed of one person that passed this pulpit and said... I couldn't absolutely know that was perfectly delivered from whatever they had. And that was a young man with epileptic. He passed over the pulpit, the spirit left him, come back. It left him again; it come back. Well, I--I tried it even the third time. The boy would brighten up. He'd smile. He'd look around. In a few moments, I'd see it on him.
Now, that you might know, friends. Now, listen real close. I'm going to get right down...

18 [Gap in the audio]... house is given for the glory of God. Now, as I say, this being our last night together maybe for some time, you heard me make this statement, that from anything... I see nothing left that I did not do if he stayed there, unless I knew that the person was going to die, I would reveal that.
But do you know, you can get in trouble with that? Do you know Moses did? Moses had power to smite the rock, even the second time, which was firmly against the will of God. And he even broke the whole program of God. Is that right? But he had power before God to do it. He smote the rock first, and the water didn't come, and he smote it again and called for the water.
And--and I never did think that he... do not... Many of us know that that wasn't the will of God. But the prophet had power to do it. But it kept him from going over into the promised land with the children of Israel. See?

19 Now, many times when these things are cast out and I feel them come back, I--I just leave them alone, for I'm afraid. See up in... one of the meetings up, I believe it was in Vancouver recently, a blind woman, German woman, blind for years. As soon as the blind spirit was cast away from her, she begin to speak out in German, showing her daughter standing there. They were all screaming and crying. She turned her head to walk away; it went back on her again. She come back, it cast out again, and it went... And she could see again. She was so elated. When she went away, it come back again. [Gap in the audio]
When those people come up different doctrines, not the same [Gap in the audio]... but with one heart and one accord. Let every man greet you. As long as you're... by one Spirit and member of the Body.
Now, my body couldn't operate tonight with a big cancer on it, or with a big sore. Or if I was upset somewhere, my whole body would be tore up. That's the way it... all around.

20 Now, there's coming a confederation of churches. It's already national. You know, you... And they're confederating. And there's two great powers a moving in the world. You know what they are without telling. There's one combination of power, and the other one is Catholicism and communism coming together. One against Christ, the other, the Catholic church. Those two powers are coming together. It's... Every person in the world is going to be under obligation to take sides with one or the other.
That's when the little Holy Ghost Church will come together. That's when... [Gap in the audio]... the hall of critics for a long time. And I believe that God is going to hang It in the hall of fame one of these days. Persecutions...

21 Now, this is pioneering. [Gap in the audio]
Speaking with a man here. I spoke with him this morning, a minister, belongs to another organization of churches. He came in here, and he stood on the platform. You know how the Holy Spirit fell last night in our meeting. He was setting here, he belongs to ano... He said, "Brother, if..." He said, "I just rejoiced with all of them." Now, that's the way to do it. It done something else; it was then told. Just in a few moments, it'd been a--a hurt place, because he was a minister. He was in the body. See? He'd been a sore place on the body. But instead of that, he just gave his spirit in with It. And the Holy...
Now, if that would work like, in one little group of people like this, what would it work in the God's Church. You see? Well, if they'd all come together, it's hard to tell what would take place. Is that right? All with one accord in one place, and started up in heaven as a rushing mighty wind, and It filled all the house where they were setting.

22 Sister Garcia, now you got your... all ready? I know all of you will like... [Gap in the audio]
Setting on the other side of the hill. I'll be over there just setting under that bush listening at you. So I--I want to... So look for me when you get there.
That's very fine. How'd you like that? Fine. Oh, my. We got a record of that now, and we're... The brother's going to bring it... [Gap in the audio]

23 [This portion of tape, here transcribed, is from an unidentified message.]
How many believes It's the Word of God? All of us do, don't we? All right. You that have it now, turn with me to Saint Luke the 5th chapter. A little familiar Scripture here we wish to read and speak on it just for a few moments before going into the prayer line. Now, listen close as we read the Word.
And it came to pass, that, as the people pressed upon him to hear the word of God, that he stood by the lake,
And saw two ships standing by the lake: but the fishermen were gone out of them, and were washing their nets.
And he entered into one ship, which was Simon's, and prayed him that he would thrust out a little into the... a little from the land. And he sat down, and taught the people out of the ship.
Now when he left speaking, he said unto Simon, Launch out into the deep, and let down the net for the draught.
Simon answered and said unto him, Master, we've toiled all night, and taken nothing: but nevertheless at thy word we'll let down the net.
And so when they had thus done, they pulled a great multitude of fishes; and their nets brake.
And they beckoned to their partners, which were in the ship, that they would come and help them. And they came, and filled both the ships, so that they began to sink.

24 Shall we bow our heads just a moment for prayer. Our heavenly Father, we thank Thee tonight for this, another opportunity that we're permitted to be here in the house that's called by Your Name, the house of God. We realize that this is a house of correction, a sanctuary, a place where we're indicted, and our indictments are pleaded. Now, we pray, Father, that You'll forgive us of every sin and every trespass that we've done...

Experiences (1948-03-02) (William M. Branham Sermons)

Experiences (1948-03-02) (William M. Branham Sermons) somebody


1 Dear fr... [Gap in the audio.] It was miracle after miracle performed: deaf, dumb, blind, lame, and everything. A man come up on the platform totally blind, received his sight; followed me all around, circling around through the platform, down the aisle like that. And another man come up blind, received his sight. There was, oh, some three or four younger women, and young girls, little children that were just as cross-eyed, hideously cross-eyed, and were healed right there.
And two doctors standing there, right one... both of them right from my right side, checking it, watching it, and checking the patients and so forth. And come to the microphone and testified that they could see perfectly... That was medical doctors; one's a specialist in San Francisco, California.

2 So God is God. He's still the great I AM, not the I was, I AM, now, present tense. And He's--He always here to heal to those who believe. But only those who believe are the only ones that's going to be healed, regardless. You've got to believe it.
If you would... God might permit you right here this afternoon to get up and be crippled, and you walk around on this platform. You could walk off, and doubt and unbelief hit your heart, your condition will come right back to you again. And if you walk off and don't serve Him, a worse thing's going to come back to you again. That's right. You must serve God reverently all your life, believing Him with all your heart.

3 And now, today, we got plenty of time this afternoon, because we're going to pray for everybody in the building this afternoon. 'Cause we got time to do it. And then before leaving, I want to pray for everyone 'fore leaving Phoenix. And I won't talk to you very much, because I want to put the time in. You've got good preachers here. You got a fine bunch of ministers. And they preach; and I'm not a preacher in the first place. So you can... These ministers can speak to you as they did this morning in their services.
And how many attended church this morning, let's see your hands, all over the building? Well, that's fine. And how many intended to attend tonight, let's see your hands, all over the building, going to go to church tonight? That's fine. That's about one third of you that didn't; I hope you do tonight. I hope you go to church tonight. Go somewhere to church. Don't never miss going to church on Sunday. And... for the prayer meeting.

4 And you people, who have little churches here, who's struggling. My advice would be for you to stand at your post of duty just as loyal as you can to the cause of Christ, and back up your minister and everything that's--that's--that's going on, and--for the cause of Christ. And do that, and God will bless you. The only way that you can respect God is to respect one another. Is that right?
If you want somebody to say something good about you, you say something good about somebody else; they'll say something good about you. Cast your bread upon the water; it will return to you. As the brother said in Canada the other day said, "Yes, Brother Branham: buttered." So that's about right. You see, if you'll just cast it upon the water, it'll return buttered. That's the way, so it comes back. So you do... You do unto others as you'd have them do unto you. So that's a good thing to live by.

5 Now, I want to take just a little of time to explain to you a few things that's very essential. And some of the things that I think that hinders our services many places, is because of the lack of time of staying. I don't get to stay long enough in the place. Maybe two days, three days, or something like that. The meetings should stay thirty days.
That sounds like a long time. But I've noticed this: that every day that I stay, the next day it's a larger crowd with new enthusiasm. And each day just builds, and builds, and builds. And then the healing results is... Oh, there's no comparison to the difference.
Now, it's just like in our meeting here at Phoenix; we have one Sunday, the devil gets a chance to snuff the minds over 'fore I can get back again next Sunday. That's right. You've got to take the thing and hit it, and just keep driving it. You can't tap a nail, and then walk on off, and let the kids play with it around awhile, and then come back next Sunday and tap it again. You've got to drive that nail right on home, like that, anchor it down into the wood.

6 Well, that's the way it is with faith. You've got to get it anchored in the people. They'll run in here one Sunday, just a few moments, they're restless, "Am I going to get prayed for?" They'll rush through a prayer line, not even knowing what they're coming through about. The next week, get around some critics, say, "Aw, there's nothing to that. I know Jim Jones' wife was prayed for. Didn't help her a bit." That's right. It wasn't for Jim Jones' wife. It's for you who believes. That's for believers. It's only for believers. And remember, if you do not have faith, it will not do you any good.
Now, in the first place, this gift was not given to do the work that I'm doing with it now in these auditorium meetings. That's not God's Divine plan for doing it. The Divine plan for God is if I had the opportunity to stay just a few weeks here to explain it all. It comes by revelation.
At nighttime, in daytime, when I meet this Angel, He will send me to a place. He will say, "You go to a place." I've never seen it before.

7 Let me give you an illustration, something like it, and you might understand. He will... I'll go into a place just as natural as I'm standing here. Maybe there's a lady meets me at the door. She has on a red sweater. And in the yard, there lays an old hoe laying. I noticed it as I come in the gate. And there's a Bible laying on the--on the washstand, and there's somebody laying in a bed crippled.
Well now, I go to that house, by and by I find the place. And when I go to that house, I see the hoe laying in the yard. Yes, the lady with the red sweater on meets me at the door. I go in. But the Bible's not laying on the washstand; it's laying on the desk. Now, I cannot say, THUS SAITH THE LORD. I can't tell them until somebody picks up that Bible and puts it over here on the washstand, not knowing what they're doing. Then you can stand and say, THUS SAITH THE LORD. And... [Gap in the audio.]

8 This one will come to me, "Brother Branham, am I going to get well?" I--I--I trust you will, sister. This--this one will come to me, "What about this one? Well here, my uncle, my... oh..." Why, it will just run you wild. If you let that keep on your mind all the time, why you'd soon be a mental case (You see?), not--wouldn't take but a few hours to do it. Well then, I don't know about that.
But in these auditorium meetings, the reason that we permit them, there is a great amount of people. Now, this Angel very seldom sends until some case... But I notice, when He sends me to a case, there's more glory seen of God there than if you had fifteen auditorium meetings. That's right. Because you go with THUS SAITH THE LORD. And there it happens.

9 Listen. We got plenty of time. I want to tell you just of one case, so that you would understand. Just recently taken place. I give you the name of the people, so you can write it. I was at my mother's house. And this happens quite often. And I was praying in the room. I wasn't going up home, because I wanted to be alone in there. It just felt like I wanted to be alone, just a burden on my heart to pray. Did any of you ever feel that way? And I just started praying. And I went, was--was lying down across the bed. And I went to sleep. And I woke up; it must've been about two o'clock in the morning. And I still had that burden. I started praying again. And I knelt down on the floor to pray. I looked over in a corner like that.
And we're very poor people, and we had a... Mother usually does her washing, and brings them in and puts it on a chair. I don't know whether you women ever do that or not. But pile them up on a chair just piled up in the corner.

10 And I thought, "Well, poor old mother, there's the washing." I seen a big white something there in the corner. I said, "Well..." And I happened to notice that washing. I hadn't noticed it before. But looked like that washing was moving up in the air, like this. Well, I thought just the room's dark, and I rubbed my eyes, and... I noticed then... Either I was going to that washing, or that washing was coming to me, a white looking... Come to find out, it wasn't a washing in the room; it was a white misty cloud there in the corner. And here it was coming to me.
Now, remember, when I testify this before you people, I'm going to have to answer for them words at the judgment someday.

11 Now, I notice you've preached of fanaticism. God bless your heart, brother, I'm finding plenty of it (That's right.), of pure fanaticism. And it's only the works of the devil to hinder everything he can against God. That's right.
And this come right up, moved right up to me. And I went into the cloud or--or something. I don't know what taken place.
But when I was going to it, I found out that I was going to a little white house, setting... A little long three roomed house, or two room house, kinda made in what we call the "shotgun" house, kind of a little straight house.

12 And I entered the front door, and when I did, I looked to--to my left, it was, and there set a red duofold chair. There was an old mother setting in there, a crying. Over to my right was a duofold itself, and a young man was setting there with blond wavy hair. There was a black headed woman leaning against the door that went out into the kitchen, or the other room, a crying. And I looked over here at the bed, a little iron poster bed, and one of the hideous sights I ever seen in my life. A little boy was laying there with a blue corduroy overalls on. And one of his little legs had been twisted just like that, till it was wound against his little hip. And the left one was twisted like that. And each arm was twisted vice versa against his side. And something had been laying on his little chest here, and his little body was twisted up like that. Oh, it was a... And his father, a tall dark looking man was standing crying over the baby.
Well, I said, "Isn't that strange? I was in mother's just as... just as... Strange it's not..." You're not dreaming. Just like you're having a nightmare. It's just as much reality as I know I'm standing here at Phoenix, Arizona, in this auditorium, more so. And I thought, "Well now, that is strange." And I started to turn... It always is to my right. And when I turned towards the right, standing there stood the Angel of the Lord with His--that Man Who comes to me. Who He is?

13 Now, remember, you get this. When Brother Branham leaves, don't... I don't know what His Name is. He's never told me. He's a large Man. He weigh over two hundred pounds, I guess, in human weight, wears a white robe, and got dark hair. And He stands just like this. And He was standing to my right. And He said, "Can that baby live?"
And I said, "I--I... Sir, I know not."
He said, "You pray for it."
The father brought it to me. And I laid my hands upon it like this and prayed for it. It dropped out of its father's arms, and it hit on one of those little crooked legs. And when it hit on that little leg, it just went to unwinding. First leg unwound. It made another step, and another leg unwound, the left leg. And it got into the corner, and it made its next step, and his little body unwound. It come walking back to me and put its little hands up to mine, said, "Brother Branham, I'm perfectly whole."
And I said, "Well, praise the Lord."

14 And then this Angel walked to my right again. And He picked me up, and I set down on a little old country road. And was standing there, He said... He showed me a graveyard. He said, "Take the numbers off of it." And I did. He set me down next, and I was at a little place where there's just a little gasoline station and a store a yellow front store. And there was an old man walked out with a pair of blue corduroy overalls, or blue overalls with a yellow corduroy cap and a white mustache. He said, "He will show you the way."
Then He taken me into a house this a way, turning to from the north coming south. And when I walked in there, there was a... I walked in, there was a old stove setting there, old wood burner, what they call chunk stove. I don't think you have them here in Arizona. How many knows what a chunk stove is, let...? Are you from Arkansas? That's where they have plenty of them. How many Arkansas'ers are here, let's? I thought so. See? All right.

15 And they had a [Gap in the audio.]... " God Bless Our Home." They taken them signs down now in the modern homes and put a pin-up girl. I'd rather have the old sign, "God bless our home." Wouldn't you? That's right.
And then... I noticed in a--a big brass bed over to my left laid, it was either a girl or a boy. It had a mannish look to its face. But I thought it had long hair. Had a heart shaped lips like a woman. And its right hand was like this, and the left leg was twisted in toes, twisted sideways. And He... I thought, "Well, isn't that strange?" I thought, "Is that a man or a woman?" And I was looking.
And I heard Something speak to me, and I looked standing here, and here stood this Angel. Said, "Now, you go and pray, and put your hands like this," both straight, right across the stomach of this person.

16 Well, I thought, "Must have been a girl, or a boy, you know, 'cause if it was a girl, it's a young lady." He told me to put my hands across the stomach of the person. Well, I daresn't not to do what He would say to do. And I put my hands at--upon the stomach of the person, and I prayed.
And when I did, I heard a little voice say, "Praise the Lord." And I looked, and I seen that crippled hand straighten out, its legs come back to its normal condition. I seen it raise up. And when it was, her--the pajama leg come up high, and it showed the round knee like a girl's. You know how a man's knee is, kinda bony like. Well, the--the girl's knee was round. I seen it was like that on her--when her pajama leg raised up. And she was perfectly made well.
And about that time, I heard the people saying, "Oh, thank God."
Well, I thought, "Isn't that strange?" I heard somebody hollering, "Oh, Brother Branham, oh, Brother Branham."
I thought, "I hear someone."
"Oh, Brother Branham..."

17 I--I was coming to myself in the room. I was standing right in the middle of the floor. I hadn't been nowhere, it looked like but right in the floor. There was someone had come in to the door. I said, "Yes, come in."
Somebody... He opened the door and come in. He said, "What's the matter?" And I said... He was crying. He said, "Brother Branham, do you remember me?"
And I said, "No, sir, I don't."
And he said, "My name is John Emmel." He said, "About four years ago, you baptized me and my family." And said, "During the time of the war, up here at the powder plant, you..."
I said, "I remember you now. You killed a man, didn't you."
He said, "Yes, sir. I hit him with my fist and broke his neck in a fight." And said, "And I--I ran away." He said, "I backslid." And said, "Last year, my little boy died with pneumonia." Said, "I got a little boy left, and Doctor Bruner of our city says he's dying now with pneumonia."
And I said, "Is that right?"
Said, "Yes." Said, "Will you pray for him?"
I said, "Yes, sir."
He said, "Well, I'm going down to get Graham Snelling..." He's my associate pastor now at the Branham Tabernacle at Jeffersonville. He said... "I'm..." That was his cousin. Said, "I'm going to get Brother Graham to come go with us." And he said, "The baby..." Said, "Do you know where I live?"
And I said, "No, sir."
He said, "I live about four miles above Utica, Indiana." And Utica is seven miles from Jeffersonville.
I said, "All right, I'll go."
He said, "Well, don't get your car, I will take you in my car."
And I said, "All right."

18 And as soon as he went out, mother called me, she said, "Honey, what was the matter with that man? He just kept shaking and calling, shaking the door."
And I said, "Mother, I... Something's happened." I said, "I--I was in a vision."
She said, "Oh, were you?" And I said... She said, "Is it anything good?"
And I said, "Yes, the man's little boy is going to be healed."
And so just in a few moments, he returned, and I got in the car and we started up to the Navy yard. And I... So going up the road, and he said...
I said, "Mister Emmel, I guess it's awfully hard on you being backslid now."

19 He said, "Yes, Brother Branham," said, "I'm ashamed of myself. I was even ashamed to come after you." Said, "The baby's been sick for about two weeks." But said, "I--I was ashamed to come after you." Said, "And Doctor Bruner said it was going to die." Said that he left at about two o'clock. It was then about four, four-thirty. He said, "He says it was going to die. So there wasn't nothing to do but come and take the last thing I knew to..."
I said, "Mister Emmel, you said you lived above Utica?"
He said, "Yes, sir."
And I said, "You live in a little white house, don't you?"
And he said, "Yes, sir."
And I said, "The front door faces south of you?"
And he said, "Yes, sir."
I said, "You have a red duofold in that house, don't you?"
He said, "Yes, sir."
And I said, "You have red baseboards, or--or around the side, like this, tongue, made out of tongue and groove stuff."
Said, "Yes."
I said, "Your baby's about... I'd say about three years old, and is wearing blue corduroys?"
He said, "Was you ever up there?"
And I said, "Uh, uh, not in--in the way that you would think I was."
He said, "Well, Brother Branham, that's..."
I said, "And the--the baby's barely breathing, isn't it?"
He said, "It is."
Well, I said, "It's THUS SAITH THE LORD, your baby's going to live."
He said, "Brother Branham?"
And I said, "Well, is it... How..."
"Well you never was in my house?"
I said, "I was just there a few moments ago."
He said, "Well, I never seen you, Brother Branham."
I said, "No, I was... It was a vision, Brother Emmel."
And he said...
I said, "But don't worry, your baby will live."

20 He just pulled up the brakes on this old Model-T Ford he had, threw his arms around, one around the Brother Graham and one around myself. And I never heard a man cry and repent so in my life.
He said, "God, I'm ashamed of myself." He said, "I'll never, never go back on You again, if You'll just forgive me." And there, he gave his heart back to Christ there at our... And we were there about fifteen minutes, and he was crying. And he felt that God had forgive him.
He went up, walked into the house. And as soon as I walked in, I seen the mother.

21 Now, here's where you can always speak out of turn. Being that I brought this case, is where I almost missed, and caused something to happen. You have to watch what you're doing.
And--and I--I walked into the room, and there laid the little baby laying there. There was the baseboard. There was the duofold chair with the duofold. And the man that was with me was Brother Graham Snelling... [Gap in the audio.]
God's in no hurry, we're the ones in a hurry, not God. And I said, "Bring me the baby now if you got faith. They brou... [Gap in the audio.] And the mother was... The baby just barely living. They only way you could tell was hold a little piece of fine paper to its nose to see if there's breath coming and going from its nose. That's how bad it was.
Well, I seen that twisting of its body was the pneumonia. It was just dead, practically, all of it up to here, and that's the only place it was breathing. That's what that sign was of the twisting. I said, "Bring it here."
And they brought it over there. And my, when I prayed for it, if anything, it got worse. Its little eyes set; its tongue came out; its little head went back.
Well, I thought, "Wait, there's something wrong." I have never in my life seen that fail, because that--that's just as true as the Bible. God has already spoke it. Something... There's no way you can doubt that. You don't have to ask the person. "If you got faith..." It's already pronounced by Almighty God. It's going to happen.

22 And I thought there was something wrong, and I happened to think, "Why, there's one person that wasn't in the house. And nothing was in order." This old mother... Was nobody there with them glasses on. Where was she at? Well, I thought, "Well, now, that..."
And they took the little baby over there, and it just choking, went [Brother Branham makes choking sounds.] And the mother run over to it, and the father, and they begin to work with it, and put this stuff over its nose, and things. And they both got to screaming and left the baby alone. Brother Graham started working with it. So... Just like past... Now just as blue as it could be its little body, it laying stiff like that. Lungs, already... Lungs was congested. It was even folded up, and pushing his little ribs like that where the lungs was--was swollen in the little thing. And that's the way it was laying.
And I--I thought, "Oh, my, something's not... I knowed that mother wasn't there. Then I knew that I had--that I had missed--failed God.

23 So they worked with that baby from then until it got daylight, sun come up. I never spoke one more word. I couldn't speak a word. I couldn't tell them. But I seen the duofold; I seen everything.
So then it got time that Brother Snelling had to go to work. And so, Mr. Emmel was going to take him back home. He said, "Brother Branham, do you wish to go?"
And I said, "No, sir. I'll just stay here." And I thought, "O God." I was praying, "Forgive me. Forgive me."

24 That's... Well, you remember two or three Sunday's ago, standing here on the pulpit when I done something. That's the only thing I... Oh, it's... I--I look at humanity, and I try to listen to what somebody says, instead of waiting to see what God says. You pray for me. That's what I need your prayer. Now, I'm just opening up my heart to you here today, 'cause ser... May be the last time we'll ever meet in life.
And then, I turned around, and I--I didn't know what to do. He said, "Well, you want to ride down with us, Brother Branham?"
I said, "No, I'll wait here." I knew that if God would hear my prayer and forgive me, there was a chance for the baby. But yet I'm... Every... Nothing was lined up right. And...
Now, that might not seem very much to you, but in the sight of God, it means everything. It's got to be right to the dot. That's right. And I--I he said, "Well..."

25 Brother Snelling said, "Well, I got to go, because I've got to go to work." He was driving a tractor at Colgate, down there was Palmolive Peet Company there. So he--he got on his coat. And I thought, "Oh, my, if he leaves, I may have to set here two or three days till he comes back." 'Cause I knew he was the man that had the blond curly hair was in the vision.
Well, you don't know how I thought, friend. And you'll never know until we meet in judgment, at the day when I'll have to answer for these words that I'm saying close to this microphone.
And I--I set down on the duofold. And the sun was coming up. It was awful cold. It was wintertime. And I was setting there. Brother Emmel had on his coat, and his big heavy cap. And--and Brother Snelling had on his coat and wraps. And they was started to go out. And he told... He was talking to his wife, Brother Emmel was. And I was setting at the window, looking like this, down. And I happened to notice coming up the sidewalk, the little old path, it was, little dirt path around the house. And here come the grandmother of the baby. She had on glasses.
Oh, my. You don't know how you feel then. I thought, "Oh, if they just don't leave now." I thought, "O God, how I thank You."

26 And the woman always come to the front door. That's where they visit, coming through the front door. But that morning, my car wasn't there, just her son-in-law's car. She had left sometime in the morning, 'cause the baby was so bad. And she had went home to get some sleep. And she come around to the back door. I couldn't say nothing. I just had to set there and watch now, why?
But you'll never know how I felt when I watched and seen that woman come over. I recognized it to be her. I never seen her before in my life. But I recognized it to be her, seen her pass by like that, go by. I thought, "O God. Praise the Lord."
And Brother Snelling was... They was all ready to go. And she come in the kitchen door, and come to the middle door, and knocked at the door. And if she hadn't have done that, the vision still wouldn't have be complete. Her daughter went to the door to open the door to see who it was. And it was her mother.
And she said, "How is the baby? Any better?"
And Mrs. Emmel said, "No, mother, no." And she just threw her hand up like that to cry, like that, you know. Put her head up against the wall. And that's just the way it was in the vision.

27 Well, I was setting on the duofold where Brother Snelling was supposed to be. I got up off the duofold, walked over like this, wondered what was going to take place. I thought, "She's got to be setting in this red chair." And I just stood there a little bit. And I--I wondered. And Brother Snelling, he started crying too, 'cause he seen her crying. He just took off his hat, just set down on the duofold.
I thought, "Oh, my." Just one more thing to happen.
I looked all around to see where everything was. And I looked over, and the lady, she was... Oh, no, she set down her little satchel she had. And she backed over here, and set down on the duofold, took off them glasses and begin to wipe them, just exactly the way it was in the vision.

28 Then I could feel Something standing near me. I knew He was there. And I said, "Brother Emmel." And he looked at me. I said, "Do you still have faith in me?"
He said, "Brother Branham, I love you with all my heart."
I said, "I'm telling you now; I'm sorry for what I done awhile ago. The vision wasn't complete. But now, you got to show that you still got faith in me." If you believe it... The baby was just as blue as it could be. And I said, "If you still have faith in me, bring me the baby." [Gap in the audio.]
Baby... [Gap in the audio.] "... the vision. I'm sorry for what I did awhile ago. Forgive Your servant, and heal this baby in the Name of Jesus Christ."

29 And when I said that, the little baby threw his arms around his daddy's neck, and said, "Daddy, daddy." Oh, you talk about a screaming bunch in the house. And then... So they begin to run.
I said, "Now put him back in the bed; it'll be three days before he's recovered, because he made three steps, bringing it out."
I went back, reported to the church what had happened. And on the third day, I said, "Now, I won't hear no more about it. On the third day, go up there and see if he don't come across the floor and put his little hands in mine, and say, "Brother Branham, I'm perfectly whole."
And so then, you can about imagine how many went up to see it: the whole entire church. There was cars all up-and-down the road. And I told no one to go. I had to go first (You see?) for them, so they could see it was coming from God. And they gathered around.

30 I went up to the door, knocked at the door, and the mother was back in the little kitchen. She come running through the house, and--and she opened the door, and she did, she said, "Oh, it's Brother Branham. Come in, Brother Branham." Said, "Looky the difference of him."
He'd been drinking some chocolate milk and had one of them little mustaches, you know, chocolate milk on him. And he come walking across the floor. Everyone standing there looking through the windows and everything. He walked out, I just stood in the floor, never said a word. He walked over and put his little hands up to mine, he said, "Brother Branham, I'm perfectly whole." See?

31 I begin to tell about the rest of it. Two weeks later, I started out of my office. And usually, we have a little--little pigeon holes where we put our mail. But Herbert Scott, very fine man there, and he said--he said, "Brother Branham," he said, "before you go down, on my desk over here (I was on patrol.)..." He said, "On my desk is a letter laying for you."
I said, "I'll pick it up." And I started down the steps to go down into the main part of the office, as our local office is around the top. I started down, and seemingly, something moved me, strangely, about that letter. I walked over to the letter, to the place and picked up the letter; I looked on it, it said who it was from. I tore it open, looked at it. And I said, "Well, I'll say."

32 Looked on there, it said, "I am Mrs. Harold Nail." She said, "Reverend Branham, I've got a afflicted girl that's sixteen years old." And said, "She's been afflicted for some time, and arthritis has set into this affliction." And said, "She just cries day and night." And said, "I belong to the Methodist church at--at... just a..." I'll call the name of the place just in a minute. It's below Salem, Indiana.
Is anybody here from near Salem, Indiana? There's somebody back there. What part of Indiana you from, sister? What part of Indiana? Salem? Salem, Indiana. My... Do you know Harold Nail? You know Harold? There, fine. Now, this is the evidence now. Now, we got it right here. Fine. I want to see you when the service is over. That's... Now, I'll tell you where it... South Boston. You know where South Boston is? That's... All right. Now, we got the story lined up with the evidence. The other day, I was... I like for people to be near. All right.

33 Now, I--I brought this letter down. It said, "I live in Salem, Indiana, or at South Boston, Indiana." And said, "Our pastor come down, and he--he told us... We had a prayer meeting, and somebody brought us a little book called 'Jesus Christ, The Same Yesterday, Today, And Forever.'" And said, "We were reading that little book about healing, and something moved on my heart to send for you come pray for this little girl." And it happened to be, that when she gave what night it was, it was the same night the vision came to me. See? Now, check with that.
I went home; I told the wife. I said, "Looky here."
She said, "Yes." Said, "Oh, that's that vision, isn't it."
I said, "That's it."
At the prayer meeting that night at the church; I went over, I showed it. Everybody wanted to go. And there was some people there by the name of Brace: Ad Brace.

34 I've looked for them many times. I... They might be in this meeting. Is Ad Brace here from Texas? Or anybody that knows him? They'd come up there to be healed, Mrs. Brace. She's a tubercular case. And so they--they wanted to go.
And I said, "Now, first thing, where is South Boston?" Somebody told me where it was at.
So... And I went down below New Albany. Do you know Hoosier, back there? I went down below New Albany, and went way down. And it was New Boston down there, instead of South Boston. Well, I never heard of South Boston. I thought, "Well, now--now, that's strange, isn't it. New Boston." Well, I come back up.
And there's an old fisherman by the name of Wisehart, down on the river. He told me, said, "No, South Boston is way... You go up towards Salem, Indiana."

35 So then, I went up to Henryville to turn off. And they told me to turn off in Henryville. And you know where that road is leading through from Henryville, I guess. That was one muddy, muddy road. Well I... And so I got back on that little old gravel road and kept going. And there was a little song that they... They were Pentecost people. And they were teaching me a song about--something about:
There are people almost everywhere,
Whose hearts are all aflame.
The fire that fell on Pentecost,
That cleansed and made them clean;
Oh, it's burning now within my heart,
Oh, glory to His name!
So glad that I can say I'm one of them."
You ever hear it? Well, they were trying to teach me that song. Now, there's something about there, and said the... something or other about the lame was made to walk, and so forth like that. And I just thought that was fine.
I said, "Come on, let's have that again." And we were singing, and going along like that.

36 And all of a sudden, Something that struck me that I almost was paralyzed. And I--I thought it was... I thought maybe I was sick. And I stopped the car. And I was up top of a little hill. And there's a church back over to my left. I thought, "Maybe it might be the Angel of the Lord. I'm passing a church." And I got out and went around behind the car. And I had a little old Ford run-about. I put my foot upon the; back there by the trunk. And I was standing there. And I thought, "Wonder what it is." And I happened to look over to my left, and there was a graveyard. [Gap in the audio.]

37 Me that piece of paper. And she brought it over there, and we checked the names and numbers on the tombstones and that's just exactly the place. I said, "This is the road. We're on the right road now. And that was the Angel of the Lord that stopped me." I went right on by it and not noticed it. See? You know how the Bunker Hill graveyard sets over. And I'd never been in that country in my life, knowed nothing about it. So I went... I want... Just kept on going. And I met a man standing by the side of a--a place where he was--a little filling station; he was rolling a cigarette.
And I said, "Is this the way to South Boston?"
He said, "Yes, sir. Go straight ahead."
I said, "Do you know of somebody over there by the name of Harold Nail?"
"Yes, sir."
All right. So I just went on. I kept on going. They said, "Now..."
I said, "Now, if I hit the place... (The place, South Boston.) There'll be a man come out that's got on a pair of blue overalls. He will have a yellow corduroy cap on with a white mustache." I said, "He will come out the little store. It's got a yellow front in it."
And so... And she... Mrs--Mrs. Brace said, "Well, I--I just never seen anything like that, Brother Branham." Said, "I don't know what I--I... I don't know what more I'll do." Said, "When I think of them names back there." She couldn't get over it. She never seen anything like that.

38 And so we went on. I went down. I... We'd come around some bends, and I got mixed up on the road there. And I said to the fellow, he said, "Well, you--you know how Indiana is. You jog to your right and jog to your left." And so I must've got the wrong jog. So anyhow, I... He said, "Go right on straight through this way."
Another man standing there said, "You--you'll get to South Boston. Just about four or five miles."
I was driving on. We was talking, you know. After while, I come into the little place; I passed it. I said, "That's the place. There it is, right there." Just a wide place in the road, like, you know, a little country road there. I said, "That's the place, right there. That's the yellow store front. Watch."
We moved up a little bit farther. Out of the store stepped a man with the blue overalls on, yellow corduroy cap, and a white mustache. Mrs. Brace just toppled right over in the car, fainted. And she--she didn't know...

39 I said, "There he is. That's the man." I said, "Now, watch, he will act real funny, because It... The power of the Lord is so near to him." And I drove up close; I said, "Sir." I said, "You're to tell me where Harold Nail is."
And the old fellow's lips begin to quivering like that. He said, "Yes, sir." Said, "You go right up here to this road, and you turn down. It's the third house on the right-hand side where a big red barn sets up on the hill."
I said, "Uh-huh."
He said, "Why?"
And I said, "Hasn't he got a daughter that's pretty sick or something?"
Said, "Yes."
I said, "She's going to be healed."
Great big tears begin to rolling down off his poor old cheeks. And we turned around. And Brother Brace was talking to Sister Brace, and rubbing her in the face with his hand. And we turned around, and went back up, and went down the road, turned in to where the place was.

40 There was a--kind of a heavy set lady, Mrs. Nail, came walking out of the house. And she said, "I know you're Brother Branham by the looks of your picture in the book."
I said, "Yes, ma'am."
She said, "Come in."
We walked in. So they went walking up with me. We turned into the way it was. And when we were... entered the door, I said, "Watch now what's in the room." Soon as you get in the door, there's a big old chunk stove setting there. There's the sign up, "God bless our home." There was the--the big poster bed. There laid the girl laying there, kind of a boyish look, rough looking, and her hands drawed up with arthritis, and her foot like that. And over to the paper was yellow, and with the red figures in it.
Mrs. Brace taken another fainting spell. Down she went again when she seen it and seen what had happened.

41 Now, and--and then it seemed like something strange happened. It seemed like that my spirit, or my being, or something, moved out. And I remember walking over and laying my hands on the stomach of that young girl. And I said, "THUS SAITH THE LORD, sister, you're going to get well." And I begin to pray.
And when I begin to pray, I heard something say, a little voice say, "Praise the Lord." And that was her. She'd been crying day and night with that affliction. And when I noticed, her hand was back normal, her foot was straight, and when she raised up, her pajama leg raised up high enough here to show her round knee. And when Mrs. Brace seen that, down she went again. So she toppled on the floor, and he said, "Mother, mother."
The girl walked out of the room, come back in dressed, combing her hair with that crippled hand, and her crippled foot. And she lives in Salem, Indiana, today.
You happen to know her, sister? What--what's your name? Laurel. From Salem, Indiana. Do you know Mrs. Nail? Do you know the girl, and know the case? There's a witness.
Now, let's say, "Praise the Lord," everybody.
What you doing way out in this country? It's a fine place, isn't it? It really is. That's mighty fine. From Salem, Indiana... That's about--just about thirty miles, thirty-three miles from my home, I guess, from Salem, Indiana.
Now, you see? Now, that's just one of the cases of God making His way to perform these things.

42 Wonder if I got time to tell you one that's on my mind if I could take but just a few minutes. Wonder if we could do it. Would you say, "Amen," if you want to hear it? Does it bore you talk of them? You want to hear it, say, "Amen." [Congregation says, "Amen."]
That was at Little Rock, Arkansas. How many knows G. H. Brown of Little Rock, Arkansas, a pastor, G. H. Brown. Somebody back there in here? All right. Do you know him, do you?
Now, you write to him for this testimony. And now, this man if you want to write for this testimony, see the lady back there, first thing if you want to. And then write to Mrs. Harold Nail at South Boston, Indiana. Or write to the other one, is Mr. John Emmel, Utica, Indiana, RFD 2. And if you want to write to this man for this testimony I'm going to tell you now, it's Reverend G. H. Brown, 505 Hickory Street, Little Rock, Arkansas. And I'll try to make this just as quick as possible, have a word of prayer, and when we start the prayer line.

43 How many's here today to be prayed for, let's see?
[Gap in the audio.]
Prayer line closely. I always call it a miss... in a happen, or something like that. It's a whole lot to do with the person's faith.
But when He sends me to any place, friend, I--I don't care if the person has been there in his grave, dead, for fifty years; they'd come up again. 'Cause God's already spoke it. It's got to be. And... Now, that's just as true, friends, as I'm standing here. The Bible said, "In the mouth of two or three witnesses let every word be established." Is that right? Now, you ask.

44 Now, that's the way the gift is supposed to be working. See? Now, I want you to notice this. It wasn't my sincere prayer that brought this gift. Gifts are not brought by sincere prayers. Gifts are foreordained of God. They're ordained and sent.
Here at the municipal bridge. Sister, no doubt you know where the municipal bridge is, don't you, cross from Jeffersonville to Louisville?
Twenty-two years, when I was a little boy, just a little bitty lad about five years old, or six years old, when the Angel of the Lord appeared in the bush... You've heard me tell that haven't you, when I was packing water?
Well, about two weeks after that, I was playing marbles with my little brother. And I thought I'd got sick, some real funny feeling came on me. And I went and set down by the side of a tree. And I looked down at the river, and there went a bridge, a big, great big bridge going across the river. And I counted sixteen men that fell off of that bridge and drowned. And I went and told mother. And I told her I seen it. And they thought I was crazy or something. They thought I was just at a little nervous hysterical child.
And twenty-two years from that time, on the same ground went the municipal bridge across, and sixteen men lost their lives on it. See? Wasn't nothing that... It's--it's God sent it. Your prayers brought it. See?

45 And there may be the man setting in this building right now that's Divine prophet is coming. He may raise; he may claim things. There's lots of fanaticism usually follows these things. Beware of it. I'm warning you before it comes. But God will testify of His gift. Is that right? He will testify of it.
Now, notice. And get real close to this. That... You heard me tell you of the healing of that woman, that maniac the other day, was on her back there at Little Rock, Arkansas. You remember my telling you about that.
I just had a phone call, Brother Brown to come to get me. And I had a phone call from Memphis, Tennessee.
Is anybody here from Memphis, Tennessee? Around in Tennessee? There's plenty. I see some Tennessee cars out there, so I thought... All right, this was at Memphis, and it's your Postmaster is the one that it happened to. And... Anybody, what's the name of that Arkansas place, brother, sisters, where that taken place? That's it. Where that Paul Morgan's daughter... Walnut Ridge, Arkansas. Anybody here from around Walnut Ridge? How many knows Paul Morgan at Walnut Ridge, Arkansas, raise your hands? All right, you'll know the case then. That's fine. Walnut Ridge, Arkansas...

46 Well, I was at Corning, Arkansas, in the meeting when the Walnut Ridge case come up. They was just laying on the... You know how they are in Arkansas. The weather don't stop them there; they just bring them on. And they'd lay them out there around on the streets, around the church, around the parsonage. And I was just going day and night then. That's what's the matter with me now. See? I'm just broke down. In the beginning I was just... They didn't have no certain closing times, I... Just them churches just kept me going all night.
And so there was a phone kept ringing, ringing. And you know Mrs. Nelly Riggs there at Little Rock? Or--or at the... Not Little Rock, but Corning? Well, she was the one was answering the phone. She said, "Well, we can't get him up, sir." Said, "He just... We just got him to bed."
And the man kept on, so--so persistent. So I--I said, "Let me talk to him."
She said, "That's Paul Morgan."

47 What was he, brother? What is he there in Arkansas? Tax collector of that county. And so... I don't think he was that then, was he? Clerk, the city--or the County Clerk.
And so I went--went to the phone. He said, "I'm the County Clerk down here at Walnut Ridge," which is about seventy miles below where I was at. And said, "Sir, I've heard of the great works of God." Said, "I desire you to come perform a miracle on my daughter."
I said, "Mr. Morgan," I said, "well, I can't perform no miracle." I said, "God is the Healer."
He said, "Well, I've heard..." Said, "Look, sir." Said, "My--my little girl is dying." And said, "She's--she's in a very serious condition. And we don't expect her to live but just a--just a two or three more hours." And said, "I love my little girl." Said, "She's my only child. And she's about twelve years old." And said, "I would... I--I would desire you to come."
I said, "Mr. Morgan, I will be glad to come. But looky here, sir." I said, "Here's people standing here on the porch with little babies. And they're soaking wet from standing here all night in the rain." I said, "They couldn't even get around the place."
And he--he said, "I know that, sir." Said, "And I appreciate it." But said, "You're a father too, aren't you?"
I said, "Yes, sir."

48 Said, "Just think. Those mothers, their babies are not dying." Said, "They may have different things." But said, "My baby has got pneumonia. And the best specialist I can get says she ain't going to live but about three more hours."
I said, "Well, sir. I couldn't even get there in three hours."
He said, "But Brother Branham," said, "don't think I'm trying to use my authority now for pressure." And Mr. Morgan is a fine man. He followed us a long time, didn't he, Brother Kidson, right along in the meeting. He said, "If you'll just come," said, "I'll just... You don't know what..." Said, "Sir, their babies, if they been standing all night." Said, "Maybe they--they can wait a little while. But my baby can't." He said... And I just lost a little girl here about twelve years ago. My first little girl died, it was a long time before healing came to me.

49 And I knowed how he felt, that poor little thing dying. [Gap in the audio.] Said, "Well, Brother Branham, you can't go down there, honey." Said, "My," said, "well, you're--you're just about dead."
I said, "Well, let me lay in the back of your... [Gap in the audio.] little Plymouth car." And drove down that highway at the speed of seventy miles an hour, around through Arkansas.
And on the road down, I was praying. And the Angel of the Lord set in the car with me for just a little piece. He said, "Say this to him. 'THUS SAITH THE LORD, waters are running clear ahead,' that's My Word to give him."
When He left, I--I was just as wide awake as I am now. And I went to shouting and praising the Lord, and Brother Johnson said, "What's the matter?"
I said, "The Angel of the Lord was setting here, Brother Johnson."
He said, "Oh, Brother Branham..." You know... Any of you know Brother Johnson, he's a very fine man. He pulled up his brakes. He started crying.
I said, "Just go ahead now. Go ahead and go right straight."

50 And when we got there, well, the Arkansas people love one another. And they love Paul Morgan. And all around that clinic there, there was just people gathered everywhere waiting for the last word. They'd been setting up there all night waiting for the last words for the little girl who was loved among everyone.
But you don't know how to--how it felt. Got out of there and started pushing up through the crowd. And here was the--one of the doctors standing there. And they was at the door. They wouldn't let no more in, but just what could get to the steps. And they was waiting; everybody loved them.
He said, "Are you the Reverend Branham?"
I said, "Yes, sir, I am."
He said, "Mr. Morgan's waiting for you." Said, "Shall I show you to the room?"
I said, "Yes, sir." I said, "The child still lives."
And he said, "It does."
And I said, "There..." And then on the road up we met the intern.
He said, "This is the Reverend Branham," said, "Mr. Morgan's waiting for."
So... Well, the intern went back with me, and he said, "Will you be left alone, Brother Branham?"
I said, "I would rather. I'd like to see the father and mother first."
Said, "Why, they got two nurses in the room, and they're giving it oxygen."

51 They could not put it in a tent, they had to put it over... a rubber mask. Now, if there's a doctor here, I never seen it before. They put it on there, and force the oxygen in--in--into the baby. And it would take a couple of breaths, go... [Brother Branham illustrates.] Then they'd put that on her again, go... then go... Then go down again, then the nurse would take and push it over, go... Take that like that, and that's the way they was keeping it alive.
When I started to knock at the door, oh, my, I just felt Something standing near. Brother Johnson standing there, I said, "Don't come in, Brother Johnson. Let me go alone."
I got to the door. One of the nurses opened the door. She said, "What do you want?"
I said, "I'm Brother Branham. I want to see..."
Said, "Step in." I walked in.
Mr. Morgan said, "Are you Brother Branham?"
I said, "Yes."
And he just come put his arms around me. You know how he is, a great big fine fellow. He said, "Brother Branham," he said, "I try to live right. I--I try to do what's right. I don't know why God's taking my baby."
I said, "Don't be excited, Brother Morgan. Set down."
I walked over to the nurse. And she said, "We'll have to keep this oxygen going."
I said, "That's all right. I want you to."

52 The little girl was laying, kinda stooped over like this. I laid my hands down upon her, and I said, "Now, father (to the father)," I said, "do you and mother promise to serve God, testify wherever you go about it?"
"We will."
I said, "Don't fear. I have a Word for you, 'cause it's from the Lord after I pray for your baby." Putting my hands on the baby, I called over it the Name of Jesus Christ. And whenever I did, they didn't have to put the oxygen on its nose then. I turned around, and I said, "THUS SAITH THE LORD, Mr. Morgan." I said, "Many specialists has pronounced your baby dying. But THUS SAITH THE LORD, your baby shall live." I said, "It'll recover. And here's your Word. Remember this the days of your life. 'The waters are running clear ahead.'"
You don't have the testimony right there, do you? No. And he signed by notary.
And so I walked out of the building. And on the third day, the child returned to school. It was healed, well. See?

53 Now, then at Little Rock, they sent for me to come to... What was that man's name? Postmaster there at... Ever who it is, you from--from Memphis know who I'm speaking of, I guess. He's--he's a tall fellow. But anyhow, when I get through with the description here, you'll know. And the man was with him was named Kenny. I remember that, Mr. Kenny.
And they sent for me to come over there to pray for this man, said he was dying.
Well, I got ready to go, first plane flight. And instead of going over... I was getting ready, and I was putting on this suit of clothes. And I heard something like a wind blowing in the room, begin going, whew, whew, whew, whew. [Brother Branham illustrates.] I thought, "My, the wind's awful high today." And I was putting on my shirt, you know, and coats and things. I was a singing. And Brother Brown was going to fix me to go over there, said the man was dying.

54 And that man that went over to doctor General Patton... You all remember him? They'd brought him in there by plane for this man. Everything said he's dying, a pneumonia case too. Said, "He's dying. The man can't get well," had asthma, asthmatic pneumonia. And so I started to put on my coat, and I was thinking Brother Brown would be there most any time.
And they couldn't get a... And Mr. Kenny had come by a fast car. He was some kind of an official of the law there, you know, and he had a--had a red light and siren on his car. And he come over, had left early so he could get me, so if the plane did miss.

55 And I looked over there, and just a whirl like going around in the room. And I knelt down to pray. And when I did, the Angel of the Lord spoke, and said, "Do not go over there. His time has come." All right. I got up and took back off my coat. In a few moments, they come up to the door. And as Brother Kenny run in, said, "You, Brother Branham?"
I said, "Yes." And Brother Brown was with him. Now, you all know Brother Brown, or any of you wish to write to this testimony. He put his arm around me, said, "Oh, I've had faith to know." Said, "He's a personal friend of Paul Morgan." Said, "He knowed of his daughter." And said, "Of course, he's unconscious now." But said, "He's a bosom friend of mine." And said, "You know..."
I said, "But sir, you'll probably find your buddy gone when you return back. For THUS SAITH THE LORD, the man is going to die."

56 Well, you just about... [Gap in the audio.] " Well, the Holy Spirit is warned me not to go. He spoke to me here in the room a few moments ago."
He said, "But Brother Branham," said, "they just... His wife said... They're just... They're coming in out of the... of a big church, you know, into their church." And said, "If you just... If you," said, "it'd just mean so much to her."
I said, "But I can't help it, sir. I cannot go against the will of God. I can't go."
He said, "You mean my buddy's going to die?"
I said, "He will probably be dead when you return." I said, "However, what time will you get back?"
He said, "I'll get back by eight o'clock tonight."
I said, "Call me in the morning. I'll be praying." I said, "I'm interested in him. And let me know when he passes away." I said, "You call me in the morning and let me know his condition, and just when he passed away, if he was passed away when you got there. And never mind calling me tonight, 'cause I'll be in service. And don't call me, 'cause I don't know, may not be in from service till two or three o'clock in the morning."
Well, he was so... He started out crying. He said, "My poor buddy. My poor buddy," like that, going back crying.

57 Well, I went on to service that night, and that was the very night the maniac was healed. See? Went back and got in the bed. And the next morning, as I went in about two o'clock.
And the next morning, I--I woke up in the room... Now, I want you to listen to this real close, now, so that you can get the story from Brother Brown. When I woke up in the room, I just... like that. And I thought, "My, it's daylight." And looked, setting there by the side of my bed, and there set a lady. Well, my room was locked. The door was locked. She had on a brown suit, light brown suit. She had kinda mingled gray hair. She had on a white waist, what--ever what they call the women. I think that's called coat suit, isn't it, when it's got the dress and the coat up here of the same color, you know, and same thing? So she was setting there. And she was--she was just looking so sad sideways.
And I said... I raised up; I thought, "Why, here. How'd that woman get in here. The door's locked, and here's the key laying here. And that woman setting there." And I said--started to raise up to say, "Madam..."
And when I did, I looked back over here, and there set a man setting there. And he was a tall man, wore a light suit, and gray hair, and had a red tie on. He was just looking so sad, like that. And she looked around to him, and he kinda smiled. And they kinda looked over at each other.

58 And I thought, "Well, what is this?" And I raised up right... Just as natural, friends (God is my Judge.), as if I'm setting right here looking at you, like that. And I said, "Well, what is this?" And I looked up, and I was standing on a platform, somewhere in a church. Well, I... Well... Or--or I bit my finger to see if I was just sleeping, or what was wrong with me.
And I seen this was--was not, it was a vision. And I looked at it, and just then it went... It just went fading out. And I seen them laughing at each other. And they was bowing their heads towards me like that, and smiling to one another, and bowing their head like that. And they just faded out of the room like that.

59 Well, I got up, and I prayed. And I said, "God, I don't know them. What does that mean? There'd probably be somebody come in today with that description." Sometimes I see people coming into the meeting like that. I said, "Now, when I see them..." You hear me... You heard me many times go and say, "THUS SAITH THE LORD, stand up." See? 'Cause God's already spoke that. That has to happen. And I thought, "Well, somebody be in like that."
And so I--I thought, "Well, I will read my Bible," this very Bible. I said, "Lord, where would You have me to read in Your Bible this morning." I just love to read the Word of the Lord. I just took my hand like this, laid it on the Bible and opened it up. And it opened up there to where Isaiah was sent to Hezekiah to pronounce to him that his time had come. Hezekiah turned his face to the wall and prayed unto the Lord. And the Lord heard his voice and come back and spoke to Isaiah, said, "Go tell him I've spared him fifteen years." You remember that? "Well," I said, "isn't that a strange thing?" Well, I--I said that Scripture seems... I done forgot about that--that case over there. I said, "That's strange, isn't it."

60 And about that time, the phone ring. I said, "Well, that's Brother Brown coming up to help come get me and take me down. You know how... There, two or three with him. I thought, "That's him coming to get me for breakfast. And I took down the receiver. I said, "Hello."
He said, "Hello. Brother Branham?"
I said, "Yes, sir. How are you, Brother Brown?"
He said, "This is not Brother Brown. This is Brother Kenny in Memphis."
I said, "Oh." I thought nobody knowed what room I was in, and no one knew where I was staying (You see?) but--but Brother Brown. And I knew Brother Kenny knew then. I said, "Yes." I said, "Well, what kind of a news you got?"

61 And just then it dawned on my mind what the vision was. And he said, "Well, Brother Branham, we've set up all night. We thought he was leaving." Said, "The... They're here now." Said, "They're just looking for the last minute any time." Said, "Brother Branham, I'm... I reckon I could get my wife to come over if I... In your next meeting, when you go over to Jonesboro the first of the year." Said, "Bring her over, put her in the meeting?"
I said, "It may be you could, sir." But I said, "You saying sh...?"
He said, "Yes," said, "He's dying."
I said, "Is his wife there?"
Said, "Yes."
I said, "Does his wife ever wear a brown suit-like and got a white waist on it. She's kind of a gray haired woman?"
Said, "Sure."
I said, "Does he ever wear a light colored suit? Does he got gray hair, and he wears a red tie?"
Said, "That's the way he dresses all the time. Why? You know him?"
I said, "Yes, sir. Tell the wife to come to the phone."
He said, "Well, Brother Branham, I said they're looking for him to go at any minute."
I said, "Well, tell him to come to the phone."
Said... Well, said, "I already told her that you said he was going to die."
I said, "But I want her to come to the phone."
She come to the phone, and I said, "Hello." And I asked if it was her.
Said, "Yes."
And I said, "Well, this is Brother Branham."
Said, "Yes." Said, "I heard, Brother Branham."
I said, "But look, sister. Are you ready now?"
She said "What do you mean?"
I said, "THUS SAITH THE LORD, your husband shall live." I said, "Do you--do you... Do you believe that?" And I didn't hear no answer. I said, "You believe that?" I couldn't hear no answer.

62 I thought... And I heard somebody carrying on out there, and she'd fainted. And the... And she'd fell down on the floor. So then, Brother Kenny picked up the phone, "What's the matter, Brother Branham? The woman fainted."
I said, "I told her, THUS SAITH THE LORD, her husband's going to live."
He said, "What?"
I said, "Yes, he's going to live." I said, "I described him. I seen him in the vision a few moments ago. She is going to live... or he's going to live."
He said, "Oh, can I come after you?"
I said, "Just meet the next plane. I will be there."

63 [Gap in the audio.]... went up that hospi... [Gap in the audio.]... doctors were over there. I walked in. Here come his sister down the hall, she said, "The very idea... holy-roller preacher around here, and my brother dying in there. I think it's a disgrace."
Oh, my. That couldn't... Nothing could stop it. The devil couldn't send enough imps out of hell to stop that. There's nothing. There's nothing. It's absolutely there. That's all. That's done said, THUS SAITH THE LORD. It's there. Oh, you don't know how I felt to walk in there.
Walked down the hall, here come a nurse out from in there, you know. And I said, "Is there anyone in there, lady?"
And she said, "Yes, there's two doctors in there."
I said, "Tell them to get out." Oh, my. Oh, my. You don't know how I felt. In the room, there's just them two. Walked down there...
Friends, you... I know you think... Some of you would judge me a fanatic, but God is my Judge, Who I stand before. Just walked into the room like that, and them doctors went out, that very sarcastic look, you know. Walked in, and poor old sister, she was just about to faint. And I said, "Now don't worry."

64 I didn't have a overcoat, and I borrowed Brother Brown's. And I had this--this Bible sticking down in the pocket. And the overcoat was too big for me; I just carried it to make... keep me from looking so bad. It was cold weather. And so I laid the overcoat down in the chair, and I told her, "Now, you go get the Bible and turn to a certain Scripture," where I'd seen there in Isaiah. And he--she begin to read it.
I--I--I looked at him, and that muddy looking color in his eyes, you know, of where his eyes, like, you know, that water coming out. His mouth was back; his ears was about like that. He was laying there under that oxygen--oxygen tent like that, you know. And...

65 I took... reached over into the oxygen tent and got a hold of his hand. There's the vibration's hitting. And I shook him a little bit. I said, "You hear me, sir?"
She said, "He's been unconcious for about two days there."
I said, "Don't... You don't--you don't doubt a word I say, do you?"
She said, "No, sir. I do not doubt a thing." She's a fine little woman.
I took hold of his hand. I said, "Dear God, You Who spoke to me this morning in a vision, I know these people are to meet me at Jonesboro, Arkansas in the service... For I was standing on that platform and this is the man and woman." I said, "Now, let the Angel of God speak." I felt the vibration leave. I just kept on praying.
I felt him grip my hand. I knowed God was there. I felt him grip my hand, squeeze that a little bit. Directly, I looked up, and I begin see him wetting his lips. She was still down at the foot of the bed, crying. And I just waited just a little bit, directly I seen him look over like that. I said, "You know me?"

66 And she raised up right quick; and she looked. She seen him raise up on his head, like on his hand, like this, looking at me. Said, "Know me?"
Said, "Yes, it's Brother Branham."
My, she just dove through that oxygen tent nearly. She said, "Dad, dad, dad, dad," like that, grabbed him up around like that, and just went a hugging him and everything. I just slipped right out of the room like that, while they was going on, right on down the steps, went right back to the plane. When I started out to the plane, the Assemblies of God had enough people out there, I don't know where they was... They're going through the line. There's a little girl, polioed. They had to play her... pack her to the piano.
And when I stopped on the plane here... trip next to this, I was setting in a restaurant there, and the girl come up and set down by the side of me. Said, "You remember me, Brother Branham?"
I thought... I just about fainted on the ground just a few moments. And I said, "No, ma'am. No."
She said, "You prayed me. I was a polio case... up over there." And there... [Gap in the audio.]

67 And on the third--the second day from then, the man was up out of the bed, shaved, eating ham and eggs for breakfast, and went home, and went back to his work. He's living there now. Why? It's THUS SAITH THE LORD. See what I mean?
Now, Phoenix people, here's what it is. That is the way that God intends this gift to work perfectly. Do you understand it, all of you? If you do, say, "Amen." [Congregation says, "Amen."] Now, remember, write for that man to get that testimony. Reverend G. H. Brown, 505 Victor Street, Little Rock, Arkansas. And the other is Harold Nail, at South Boston, Indiana. And John Emmel, Utica, Indiana, RFD 2. Now, for those testimonies... Case after case...

68 Now, when the Angel of the Lord speaks like that, there is not nothing can stand before it. It's absolute... Then wha... My faith? Well, I know it's going to happen. There's no need of saying anything more about it; it's got to happen. If that person had been dead and in the grave for twenty years, and He'd say, "Go there and speak," I'll believe all heaven would shake out of its orbit before that prayer would be refused from being answered. God will do it. Now, that's when it's really, THUS SAITH THE LORD.
Now, when we come to these meetings, I detect vibrations. Sometimes I can ask the vibrations, and God will honor my prayer. He will send it away. That's true. But if there's anything between you and God, and you don't make it right... If it's your faith that's weak, and you're just waiting for a slow line for that to be cast away... If your faith ain't just right, it'll return right back to you. It'll just move out to a place. For I've prayed for them. I've kept this back from you. But I've prayed for them coming through the line, and set them down there somewhere else, and walk back in fifteen minutes time to check them, it'd be back on them again. See?

69 Your faith is the only thing that can do you any good, your belief, your faith in God. See what I mean? Without faith, it's impossible. Is that true? Now, you believe it with all your heart when you come through, that you're going be well, and you'll get well. If you don't believe it, it won't get well, no matter what happens. You won't be healed unless you believe it with all your heart.
Now, look. How many of you people would say that I got on a white shirt? How many of you out there now say I got on a white shirt? How do you know I got on a white shirt? You see it. That's the only way you know it. Are you positive it's white?
Well now, look. Sight is a sense of the body. Is that true? Sight is one of the senses. How many senses are there of the body? See, taste, feel, smell, and hear. How many senses are there to spirit? Two: faith and doubt.
Are you two people in one? You're soul... Your soul, that's the nature of the spirit of course. But now, you're body and spirit. Is that right? You are a body, flesh, and you're inside, then, spirit. Is that true? All right. The out... The inside man leaves; the outside man's dead. Is that right? [Gap in the audio.]

70 I think I got that... now... All right. Now, looky here. I believe there's a man standing before me now, and he's got on a dark coat. How many thinks I'm right? [Gap in the audio.] got a white shirt. Do you believe I'm right? All right. Now, just think that I know he's standing there. I see him. Is that right? Is there any other way in the world that I could tell he's there, only but by seeing him? That's the only way, isn't it?
Now, looky here. Now, I don't see that man now, do I? But he's still standing there. How do I know he's standing there? I feel him. That's the sense of feeling. Anybody that's got a sense of feeling would know the same thing. Now, perhaps he's got a... Argue with me, I don't see him. But yet I feel him. I don't feel him, yet I see him. See the senses? They're direct, aren't they? They're perfect, what you call perfect.

71 But could I be wrong there? Sure I could. I could be color blind. That coat... You could be color blind. Yes, sir. You might be... It might be altogether different. He might not have on a white shirt. You're not... But you'd swear by that. Am I feel him? I'd say he's standing there, because I feel him. See? But I could be wrong against that. But yet, I know it, just believe it with all my heart that he's standing there, because the sense of feeling says he's there.
Now, I want you to notice. (Walk over to the piano.) I have another sense. I want you to notice this. If... (Up down on the note.) [ A brother plays notes on a piano.] I hear music. There's music in the room. (Just keep hitting them, brother, just hitting up and down on the keys anywhere there.) How many hears that? How many knows that that... Do I see it? Do I feel it? Do I taste... [Gap in the audio.] Do I smell... [Gap in the audio.] How do I know it's playing there? I hear it. It's a sense of hearing. See?

72 Now, I know someone'd say, "You don't hear that." Yes, I do. Play it again, brother. I know I do, don't you? Why? You hear it. You don't see it, but you hear it. You can't see music, can you? You can't taste music, feel music, can you? But how you know it's music? You hear it. That's right.
Well, brother, faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things you don't see, taste, feel, smell, or hear. But you know it. It's a faith.
Oh, God bless your hearts. I wished I could get you to see it. Looky here, friends, it's positive. Is that shirt white? Well, healing's right then, if you believe [Gap in the audio.]
The substance, not what you... Most of the people just hope, say, "Oh, I believe I'll get well." Nine hundred and ninety-nine out of every thousand passes by don't know the first principle of faith. That's right. They have hope instead of faith. Faith is positive.

73 Oh, I... Real, when you can know it's going to be. If you know that you're going to be healed this afternoon... If your sense of faith... Here it is, get it. If your sense of faith declares to you that this gift come from God, and you're going to be healed, just as much as your sight declares that that's a white shirt, you're sure to get it when you pass by. See what I mean?
Now, if you can trust the human part, why not trust the super-human part? If you can trust the body, why not trust the spirit? For the spirit is superior over the body. Amen. There it is. See what I mean? It's faith, the substance of things hoped for.

74 Look. It isn't this... It isn't this, "I believe it, I think it." You know it. It's the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things you don't see, taste, feel, smell, or hear. If you believe it, it's there anyhow.
Some people go away and say, "Well, I don't feel any better. I was prayed for last week." Ha. Probably never feel any better too. That's right. You've got to believe it. Not if...
Jesus never did say, "Did you feeled it?" He said, "Did you believe it?" You believe it. And you have faith you know it. Then when this revelation of the Angel come, there isn't enough devils out of hell could stop it from being so.
Now, don't you go around say, "Well, I been feeling bad for two or three weeks, and I was prayed for. Don't feel any better." Don't pay any attention to that. If you believe this truly is a gift of God, rise up, and don't care how you feel, go about rejoicing, praising God. It's gone. That's all. You know it.

75 When I was healed with stomach trouble, why, I remember holding my stomach going along there. And when I was prayed for, I didn't have nobody with the gift of healing to pray for me. The elder anointed me with oil. He told me... I read in the Bible. I seen God's Word was right. And I know he had a right. Though he was a Baptist preacher, he come along and anointed me, said, "The Bible said so." He poured some oil on my head. Said, "Now, you believe you'll get well?"
I said, "... God, I'm asking with all my heart. Let me get well." I went right down home to start into my eating. I'd been drinking barley water and prune juice for about three, four months. The doctor said, "One mouthful of solid food would kill you right now." You know what I done? I went right down home, and we had corn bread, beans, and onions for dinner.
I don't know whether you ever eat it like that or not. Boy, it's good. I could stand some right now. And... Mom baked... My mother baked it with a big old pone in it like that. And I always get the corner where it's nice and greasy, you know, and brittle.
So we're still enough Baptist around home to break bread. You know, we don't cut it. Jesus broke bread and blessed it. So we break it out... And just reach over and break you off a piece. So I...

76 Mother said... We never had had a prayer at home. And dad... Dad was Catholic. So I--I said, "Now, I'm going to try to ask the blessing."
And I never will forget poor old dad, how he cried. And mother said, "I don't mind you having religion, honey, but you... The doctor said it would kill you."
I said, "But God said I would live." [Gap in the audio.] " If I die... [Gap in the audio.] And if I die, I'm coming up to Your house. And when I meet You at the door, I died trusting Your Word." I said, "I've tried doctors long enough. And they can't do me no good."
And I took that big mouthful of beans and a onion, great big chomp of that corn bread, and I started on it. And I chewed. It taste pretty good, a little funny, but... Hadn't eat in about, over a year of anything solid. And when I swallowed the first mouthful, here it come right back up again. When I did, I held my hand over my mouth to keep it from coming up. Got me another spoonful till I eat the whole entire plate full of them. When I got up from the table, I just had to hold my hand. Just as sour of acid as it could be.
Mother called doctor. Said, "He will die. That's all there is to it. One mouthful will kill him. That's all there is..."
Here I was, going across the floor, you know. She said, "Are you... How you feeling?"
I said, "Wonderful, fine."
She said, "You're about to die."
I said, "No, ma'am." Just swallowed as fast as I could. Hot water in my mouth, you know, went on across, and I seen they's all gone. I got in the room, I started across the floor, saying,
I can, I will, I do believe.
I can, I will, I do believe.
I can, I will, I do believe,
That Jesus heals me now.
I'll take You at Your Word,
I'll take You at Your Word,
Like that, you know. On down, believing that with all of my...

77 I just got so weak, I just almost fell across the bed, like that, I thought, "Oh, mercy, mercy." And I got up the next day, I walked down the street, you know. My, I didn't care. Mother come in. She watched me all night long, thought sure I'd die, you know. Next morning, all them beans was laying right there at the same place. Said, "What do you want?"
I said, "I want some more beans and corn bread." Yes... Oh, devil wasn't going to cheat me out of it. No, no. God said so.
And every promise in the Book is mine,
Every chapter, every verse, every line.
(Is that right?)
I am trusting in His Word divine,
For every promise in the Book is mine.
That's right. He--He... I'd rather He said, "Whosoever will," than said, "William Branham. There might be a hundred William Branhams. But every, "Whosoever will," I know means it's mine. That's right. I just said, "I believe You." Yes, sir. And I started on, went down the street... Said, "How you feeling, Brother Branham?"
And I said, "Wonderful." I'd go down the street going... Mouth full of beans, swallow them back. No, no. I wasn't going to spit them out. No, sir. Swallowed them back. The Lord blessed them. They were mine. Kept on...
Go down there, say, "Hello, Brother Branham."
I said, "Hello."
"How you feeling?"

78 Somebody told me not long ago, said, "Brother Branham, you was lying." No, I wasn't. No, I wasn't.
They was asking me how my body was feeled; I was answering how my faith was. It was wonderful. Yes, sir. Yes, sir. My--my faith was feeling wonderful, because I took God at His Word. I didn't care how I felt. If I'd still been belching up, I'd still say I'm healed. Amen. That's right. Sure, because God's Word is right. Do you believe it? Let's sing it then.
Every promise in the Book is mine,
Every chapter, every verse, every line.
I am trusting in His heart divine,
Every promise in the Book is mine.
All you sick people now that's going to be prayed for, sing it with me.
Every promise in... (Raise your hand.) is mine,
Every chapter, every verse, every line.
I am trusting in His Word divine,
Every promise in the Book is mine.
What do we have to do?
Only believe, only believe,
(That's all you have to do.)
All things are possible, only believe.

79 I'm not very much of a song leader. But I do know in my heart that you have to believe it. Is that right? All right. Now, brother, give us a key on it and we get it. All right. Everybody again now.
Only believe, only believe,
All things...
The Bible said so, didn't It. Didn't God say so? Didn't He promise you the gift? They're here. Others are being healed, can't you? You? You? Can't you?
... only believe,
All things are possible, (Praise God. Yes they are.)
Only believe.
Lord, I now believe (Do you?), Lord, I believe,
All things are possible, Lord, I believe,
Lord, I believe, Lord, I believe,
For all things are possible, Lord, I believe.
Listen. If I don't... [Gap in the audio.]... at the judgment, I'll still say I believe that every promise is true. It's right. Do you believe it? All right.

80 Let's bow our heads. Now just kinda just chord that, if you will, brother. Let's bow our heads now while they're getting ready for the prayer.
Our heavenly Father, we thank Thee today for every promise in the Book. We thank Thee because Thou has brought down the Holy Spirit, for the--the people that owns It, and the lodge. And we pray, God, that You will have them, every one, be saved and in Thy Kingdom at that day, for they've been kind to spread--spread forth their doors to let us come in. Bless everyone. Bless the doctors of this city. Bless all the nurses, the institutions.
God, let the people know that I'm here trying to help poor suffering humanity. I'm not here for any other cause but to try to help these hollow-eyed, sick, dying people. And O God, how could anyone say anything evil against something of that type, when trying to introduce to them a lovely Christ, Who heals all sickness and diseases?

81 Bless Your ministers, Lord. May they be anointed fire brands. And may there be an old fashion revival break out now down here in Phoenix, and go from church to church, from place to place until this is one place that all the nation will say, "Come to Phoenix, Arizona, for the Holy Spirit is being poured out again down there, and great signs and wonders are being done among the people." O God, Thou knowest how I love this little city. And I pray that You'll keep it, Lord. Do grant it, Lord, and send an old fashion revival.
Heal everyone, Father. And may Your Angel, Who I've tried to make it plain to the people, that I can only speak as He speaks. My prayer is only that for the people's faith. But O God, may they have faith to believe this afternoon as they file through this line. There's several hundred people. And as they pass, may they be healed, and we'll give all praise and glory to Thee, for we ask it in His Name and for His glory. Amen.

82 Now, for a little farewell song while they're finishing the prayer line, give us a chord there, brother, of "He Careth For Thee." Will you? "He Careth For You," you know.
This is what I want to sing to you, and you sing back to me now, everybody. How many know it? "He Careth For You," let's see your hands? (All right. Lead us off now. All right.)
He careth for you,
He careth for you;
Through sunshine or shadow,
He careth for you.
Let's all together now sing it. Come on.
He careth for you,
He careth for you;
Through sunshine or shadow,
He careth for you.

83 Listen. Let's let this middle aisle sing it for the rest of you. Sing it with me, just this middle aisle through here. Come on now.
He careth for you, (They're singing to you all.)
He careth for you;
Through sunshine or shadow,
He careth for you.
Let all the sick people that can to stand, all the sick people, stand, that's going to be in the prayer line. Now, you people here that's well, let's you and I sing it to the sick people that's going to be in the prayer line.
He... (Point your finger to them.)
He careth for you,
He careth for you;
Through sunshine or shadow,
He careth for you. (Let everyone stand now.)

84 Now, turn around and shake hands with your neighbor. Everybody sing "He Cares For You." Shake hands with somebody standing by you.
He careth for... (That's right. Turn right around with a good handshake.)
He careth for you. (Let's sing it again.)
He careth for you,
He careth for you;
Through sunshine or shadow,
He careth for you.
Let's all say "Amen." Come on. It won't hurt you. Now, say, "Praise the Lord." Come... Praise the Lord. Now, let's hear us all say together. "I love my neighbor." [The congregation says, "I love my neighbor."] " From this time on, I'll try to be Christ's servant." From this time on, I'll try to be Christ's servant.
He careth for... (Oh, my, get right into it.)
He careth for you;
Through sunshine or shadow,
He careth for you.

85 Chord it slowly, brother. Now, let's bow our heads. The governor of your state is in serious condition, and sent word for me to pray for him now. Bow your... [Gap in the audio.] Oh, Father, just cooperating with us so lovely. Man that's in the higher places, up in the seats, dominion over the people...
God, spare our governor's life here, of Arizona. God, we love him, and we know that Thou has put him up to be an overseer over the people, and the things of the nation here of the--of this state. And I pray that You'll send Your Angel to him right now, and let him know that we are praying for him now. And God, answer our prayer, and may he recover immediately. May he be well, and love You all the days of his life. Grant it, Father. I ask for the governor's life to be spared in the Name of Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God. Amen.
Now, you be seated everyone. Thank you.
[A brother gives instructions to the people in the prayer line and to the ushers.]
Governor Osborn, it come from.

86 All right. Now, everybody be real reverent now. We're going to start the prayer line. And you--you ushers know how to keep the line a moving. I'll pray for every one that I possibly can.
Now, I'll tell you what happened. Now, I don't know what's going to happen along the line, but I feel there's a shaking in the mulberry bush. That's right. It's a... I wish we just had about eight or ten days, where you could just keep climbing on and you're gaining ground here. That's right.
Now, it's--it's four-thirty. Now, I don't know what time we'll be out. We will be when everybody's prayed for. That's right. So now, I want to do that. And I thank you all for your kindness. 'Cause probably, when I get under the anointing now, I won't want to come out from under it. You see? And I thank every one of you for your kindness.

87 Do you still love me as your brother... Well, I still love you and got perfect confidence in you. I trust that you have in me. And may God watch over us, and watch between us, until we see each other again. And if it's at the judgment, I pray that we'll all set down under the Tree of Life, and I'll have a thousand years apiece to talk with you all. That's right. So God bless you now.
And now, if you have to go home, when you get up, go reverently. But if it's casting out an evil power...
Sometimes I feel a person, when they come to me, I feel that pressure of faith come against me. Maybe they're blind, or deaf, or dumb. When I feel that pressure come against me, that I know that it's faith, I usually stop like that. Because if them people have faith for it to be done, no matter what's wrong with them... But if I don't feel that faith, I just ask a prayer of faith and let them go by. See what I mean? You all understand, don't you.

88 All right. Now, everyone bow your head and be in prayer now.
Dear God, our sister's now passing by. Let her go not according to her feelings but her faith. May she go and be healed in the Name of Jesus Christ. God bless you, little lady.
Now, I wished all the ministers here that can cooperate, will get right down along this line here and go to talking to these people and praying for them, if you would. All cooperating ministers that will, get along that prayer line, and be praying. God hears your prayers, brother, all of you all that's ministers.
Jesus, have mercy upon our sister, and heal her. Grant it, Lord. In the Name of Jesus Christ, may this be healed. That's right, young lady. Go now, rejoicing.
God bless you, brother. You're in serious condition. You realize that, don't you?

89 O God, I'm thinking now of that x-ray that just come in awhile ago with that doctor's testimony. Over half of her lungs are--was gone, and the x-rays showing. Now... Right here in Phoenix... And now, her next one shows negative. O Christ, please have mercy on this man that's come all the way down from that lovely state of Ohio, my neighbor, to be prayed for here at Arizona.
Thou demon, come out of him in the Name of Jesus Christ.
Now dear brother, you're my neighbor up there. Don't doubt. Your vibration has stopped. Now, if you can believe it with all... You felt it? Fine. God bless you.
Let's say, "Praise the Lord," everybody. Praise the Lord, everybody. The man come from Ohio down here to be prayed for, right next door to me there.

90 All right, now, bow your heads. Oh, my. Why don't you have this kind of a feeling all the time around Phoenix here. This is the kind of a feeling you need for people to be healed. Now, bow your head, everybody now.
Yes, sir. You know, sir, that you're time is very near at the end of life's journey, if something isn't done. Where do you live, sir? Fennell. All right. Have faith now. Don't doubt. Just have faith. Remember what I told you? Just believe with all your heart.
Heavenly Father, I pray for my brother now with cancer. His life is being eat up with this big demon cancer is doing it. You're the only One Who can take that "octomus" out of him, that demon, stretching forth his powers and limbs in there to eat the very life out of this man. Father, he's our brother. And we come to You as Your children.
Thou demon, come out of him in the Name of Jesus Christ.
Brother, you can look at my hand yourself. It cleared. Go rejoicing. God bless...
O Jesus of Nazareth, I pray that You'll help our sister here who's suffering with this hideous powers that's bothering her.
Satan, come out of the woman in the Name of... [Gap in the audio.] In the Name of Jesus Christ, I ask it. God bless you there.

91 God bless you, sister. Father, I believe that this woman now that we're asking this blessing, is a worthy of what we're asking for; it's our brother's wife, Your servant. And she's constantly been used in the service here. Reward her for her fine cooperation, Father, by healing her today. Will You hear the prayer of Your servant? God, You Who sent me out to Harold Nail's house, You, Who sent me up to Utica, up to the Brother Emmel, and over to the man at Little Rock, and different places, You Who done these things, hear the prayer of Your servant as we're hastening through here, and give this woman deliverance from this, right this very day. I ask this in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen. God bless you, Sister Outlaw. Don't worry. I believe you're going to be all right.

92 Fine. I just heard a report from Sister Outlaw. I had her to run and pray for her sister the other night, who was very serious. And she's gaining, getting better, and the little boy, little Spanish boy, little Brother Joseph... I haven't seen him today. I'd like to see Joseph before I leave. Will you take me in the room where the little Spanish boy, they thought was dying, laying there, crushed brain and everything. The little boy regained conscious, was healed, and went home from the hospital.
Keep your heads bowed now as we pray. (You can ask in there.)

93 Father, I pray Thee to help our brother now to be well. Satan, I adjure thee to leave the boy in the Name of Jesus Christ. There went the nerve condition. God bless you, my dear brother. Go with faith now.
I see you're wearing a trumpet in your ear. Do you believe that God sent me do this, to give you your healing without this trumpet? You can't hear me? All right, brother.
Heavenly Father, the man is standing here now with this trumpet in his ears, and You're the only One Who can deliver him. I pray that You will heal my brother. He's tired of this old trumpet. He's tired of people gazing upon him. And You're here to liberate him. Speak, dear God.
Thou demon, come out of the man in the Name of Jesus Christ.
Hear me? Hear me? You can raise your head now. The man couldn't even hear me with his trumpet. Listen. Hear me? [The man answers, "Yes, sir."] Hear me? ["Yes, sir."] He couldn't hear me with his trumpet awhile ago. Hear me all right? ["Yes, sir."] Praise the Lord. Amen.
Let's say, "Praise the Lord," everybody. God bless you, brother. Go, praising the Lord. God bless you. God bless you, my brother. Oh, my.
And this is like heaven to me,
Yes, this is like heaven to me;
I crossed over Jordan to Canaan's fair land,
And this is like heaven to me.

94 Now, bow your heads, everyone now, while we're praying.
O Jesus, You're the only One Who can heal our sister. Grant today, Father, that her hearing will come to her, and her veins, the varicose veins will be dried up. Grant it, eternal God, in Jesus Christ's Name.
Thou demon, come out of the woman in the Name of Jesus Christ.
Hear me? Hear me? I'm whispering, lady. All right, you can raise your heads. Hear me? Hear me? Say, "Amen." [The woman says, "Amen."] Praise the Lord. ["Praise the Lord."] Now, I'm whispering, lady. Excuse me. See, that's what I--I was hearing. See, you--you didn't get it. That's what it was. As soon as you do that (You see?), I see that somebody would... or they'd do that (See?), sometimes they'd just say, "Well, this, that." That's the reason I stopped you right quick (You see?), so that you'd get it. You hear me? She hears me fine. Let's say, "South Dakota." South Dakota. Let's give her a big praise for the Lord. God bless you, sister.
Oh, my. I felt that He would do it today. That's right. Oh, don't you love Him? Say, "Amen." All right. Now, keep your heads bowed, everyone now as they come through.

95 Brother, do you believe that if I'll ask God, He will heal you of this tuberculosis? Dear God, You Who can make the deaf hear, or the blind see, the dumb speak, Thou can heal our brother of this tuberculosis. I pray, Father, that You'll grant it. May it leave him in the Name of Jesus Christ.
God bless you, my brother. Now, look. Here's what it is--the simplicity of prayer, your faith; it isn't a long prayer. It's your faith (You see?) that does it. See?

96 [Gap in the audio.]... you touch me on the back like that. There's hundreds are going by the same time, and the woman's sound and well. Go on. You're going to be well if you believe.
God, I pray for this little baby, that You'll heal it and let it get well, Father. I pray through Jesus Christ's Name that You'll heal it. And bless its mother with this heart trouble. God, may this be a new day for them. May they go forth from here rejoicing and be well, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.
You believe, mother, with all your heart? Your baby shall get well, and you will too if you can just believe it.
O God, I pray that You will heal my brother. Who's standing here now and is totally deaf. I pray that You'll give him his healing, now. In Jesus Christ's Name, I ask it.
I'm going to pass this one through, and you all check him there, and see what happened now. Check couple of these now, while we pass them through.

97 God, I pray that You'll heal my dear brother with this gallbladder trouble, and let him get well. In Jesus Christ's Name, I pray. God bless you, sir. That's just what done it, right then. You've got it now, go on. God... Oh, my. He seen the vision of it right away. My, my. That's free.
O God, I pray for my sister, that You will heal her. In the Name of Jesus Christ, I ask You. Amen.
You, sister, if you will. God, I pray that You will heal the sister of this throat trouble. In Jesus Christ's Name, I ask it.
God, bless my sister. I pray that You'll heal her, Father... Jesus Christ's Name. Amen. I never knowed about it. Bless her... now... Yes. God bless you, sir. God, bless this little baby with heart trouble. I pray that You'll heal it, Father, and let it get well. I lay hands upon it in the Name of Jesus Christ for its healing. Bless the mother, Father. Give her a long happy, healthy life in Jesus' Name. God bless you, little lady...

98 O God, this poor little stiffened up boy here with this muscular condition, looking up in his little blue eyes, O God, You're the only One Who can do this.
Satan, come out of the boy in the Name of Jesus Christ.
Somebody's got their head up. Keep your head down, friends. This come right straight back. Brother Tora, you seen how it turned my hand there...
You believe, honey? Everybody keep your head bowed. Father, have mercy upon the little boy, and heal him of this muscular condition. You're the only One Who can do it.
Thou demon, come out of him. I adjure thee by Jesus Christ and His holy Angel.
Now, walk over towards me honey, raise your feet up and down like this... There you are. Raise your hands up and down. Now, put your... Like this. That's fine. Now, go right down the steps just as hard as you can go. (Raise your head, audience.) You're not stiff no more. Look, walk down the steps.
Let's say, "Praise the Lord," everybody.
That's right. Come back up the steps now. Come back up; show them. Let's say, "Praise the Lord," everybody. Now turn and go right down here, just go right on down this way. Let's say, "Praise the Lord," everybody. All right, bow your head, everywhere now in the building, 'cause we got several hundred to pray for. Now, bow your head, and be real reverent.

99 Father, You're the only One Who can heal this brother of his ulcer. We know, Father, I was speaking a few moments ago of how my stomach was one big bloody raw ulcer, almost to a cancer. But I took You at Your Word. May our brother do likewise, and be healed in Jesus Christ's Name. God bless you, brother.
God bless my dear brother. I pray, Father, that You'll heal his body in the Name of Jesus Christ. God bless you, brother. Go rejoicing now.
Dear Father, I pray that You'll heal our sister now. May she go from here rejoicing and be well in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen. You want to be well, sister? Go on your road rejoicing. Forget about it now. Go on, have faith now.
Dear Father, I pray for the young lady that You'll heal her. And may she go by... Not... Just as she would the brazen serpent, or the troubled pool, or more than that, as she was passing by Calvary. Grant it, Father, in Jesus Christ's Name, I ask it. Amen. God bless you. You believe you're going to be well? That's your... Kidney trouble... God bless you, sister.

100 O God, this poor deaf woman standing here with this crippled up body, poor little drawed thing, seeing her sitting down there this afternoon, and felt she had faith. Therefore, Father, come to the rescue, and may that demon that's bound her come forth.
I adjure thee to leave her. Come out of her in the Name of Jesus Christ.
Thank you, Father.
That got it. You seen that, didn't you. You hear me? All right. Can you raise your head now.
I seen her jump. You--you know what happened, didn't you? Hear me? Amen. Come over here, you're not stiff with arthritis no more either. [Gap in the audio.]
Now, she was watching me. The poor thing... I was standing there. I felt her faith coming through there. I... Stick both my hands inside your ears. And when I jerked my ears--my hands back like that, hearing was to her just like that, done in a moment. All right now, mother. That's fine.
All right. Bow your heads, every one. Put...
Dear Father, I pray for our sister that Thou will heal her body and make her well. Grant it, dear God, that this throat will be healed up, her eyes will get well. Grant it, Father, in Jesus' Name. God bless you, sister. You believe it? You shall have it if you can... [Gap in the audio.]

101 God, have mercy upon our sister, and heal her of this colitis in the Name of Thy Son, Jesus Christ. God bless you, little lady. You believe now? All your heart? All right, you shall have it.
Almighty God, this poor man standing here, even in this healthy climate, dying with tubercular. We know it takes Your power, Father, and may he stand in this simple little blessing, just simple child faith to pass by and be healed. I pray in Jesus' Name for his healing. Amen. God bless you, my brother. Go rejoicing. Don't pay any attention to how you feel, get well.
God have mercy on our sister, and heal her of this nervous breakdown in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Now, you going to get well, sister? You're not going to worry no more about it. It's gone. That's right. Go away rejoicing. That's fine.

102 Father, I pray that You'll heal our sister and will make her well. May she leave this pulpit just rejoicing with all of her heart in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen. You believe, sister? Dorsa, is that right? A fine name. All right. Now, go rejoicing, Dorsa.
You believe, sister, God will let it go away for you? Father, I pray for our sister with this choking spirit. May it leave her and bother her no more. I rebuke it in the Name of Jesus Christ. God bless you, little sister. What? Oh, you mean it was showing? It isn't now.
Say, open your eyes just a moment. This girl had a goiter that disappeared from her throat right here. There it was, a--a showing goiter. Was that right, young lady? Looky here. Swallow. Let's say, "Praise the Lord." God bless you, little lady... got well.

103 How old are you? You believe God will hear my prayer if I'll just ask Him? Why, I believe you're already healed. I do it with all my heart. God, bless this young lady. I believe, Father, with all my heart that her faith has done saved her. In Jesus' Name, I thank You. Young lady, you was healed when you walked to this line.
Friends, I want you to open your eyes. I... This is the... I--I've said it was a poorest place for faith, but I believe it's greatest this afternoon. This girl was healed before I took hold of her hand. Just... I felt something move, and the girl was healed.
A strange feeling come to you, didn't it? You're healed, young lady. All right. You mark my word and see if that isn't right. Glorify the Lord.

104 Look, dear friends. It isn't my prayer that heals you; it's your faith in God, what heals you. It's the simple part of just to pass by and believe it. And remember, I told you, the Angel of God and held my Bible in my hand. He told me that nothing would stand before the prayer if I'd be sincere, and would get the people to believe me. That's all you have to do: just believe and come on by, and you will receive it, friends. And if you believe it, act like it. Go about and rejoice and testify, and tell the people. Sure, faith is not what you feel; faith is what you have (Is that right?), what you believe. Now, bow your head while we're just praying. Oh, it's just doing fine. I trust to God that this will keep up.
Father, I pray that You will heal our brother for... of this asthma in Jesus Christ's Name. God bless you, dad. Do you believe? You shall have it.

105 Do you believe it, young lady? God, bless this young lady and her tender heart. I pray that she'll go about now rejoicing for her healing in Jesus' Name. Amen. God bless you, sister.
God, bless our brother who's standing here crippled up with rheumatism. Thou demon, leave him in Jesus Christ's Name. Just guide this then. Well, now, you're not crippled with rheumatism. Go on down the steps. Walk on down the steps. There he goes. Look at him.
Let's say, "Praise the Lord," everybody. Bow your head now, everyone.

106 God, I pray that You'll heal this boy with this impediment of speech. May it leave him right here at the pulpit, now. I rebuke this impediment of speech in the Name of Jesus Christ. Say, "Amen." [The boy says, "Amen."] Praise God. ["Praise God."] Daddy. ["Daddy."] Mama. ["Mama."] Listen to this. Amen. [The boy says, "Amen."] Daddy. ["Daddy."] Mama. ["Mama."] Say, "Praise the Lord," everybody. Go on...
Father, have mercy upon sister and heal her of this high blood pressure, and she's run down, Father, and weak. I pray that she'll go home today and be well in Jesus Christ's Name. Are you, sister? You now believe it? "Lord God, I now believe You healed me. With all my heart, I go rejoicing for it." Is that the way you feel about it? Go right on your road rejoicing then.

107 God bless this man who's losing his sight. May his... [Gap in the audio.]... will not lose your eyesight. Look around over the building now. This usher standing here on the platform. Raise up your hand, sir. How many fingers has he got up? Can you see his hands? That's exactly right, brother. You're right. See what's happened to you? God rewards you of your faith. All right... son.
God this poor mother standing here, she wants to be healed for Your glory. May her great faith look up to Thee now, lay aside everything, and believe You with all of her heart, and be healed in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen. May God grant to you your desire to you, sister. Your sister...
Father, I pray Thee to heal this girl that's deaf. In the Name of Jesus Christ, may she receive her hearing, now. Now, check her speech, brother.
God, I pray for our sister that You'll heal her in the Name of Jesus Christ.
God, heal this bronchitis case in Jesus Christ's Name.
Heal my brother's stomach trouble in Jesus' Name.

108 Heal this little girl, Father, I pray in Jesus' Name. Do you believe, little lady?
What... crossed eyes--cross-eyed. Lady, do you believe that Jesus Christ died for the sins of the world and died for healing? All right. Bow your head... Do you believe I'm able to do this? Colored people sometimes up in my other meetings don't get to come in much. But do you believe, you believe me for the... [Gap in the audio.] God bless you, sister. Your daughter shall be healed now.
Heavenly Father, I'm thinking now of that blind colored girl in Jonesboro, Arkansas, how that she grabbed my old ragged coat and said, "Don't pass me." You know them, Father. Thou hast died for this colored race just the same as all of us. And we're all one in Christ Jesus. Thou art no respecter of persons.

109 And now, they bring to me a little cross-eyed girl, asthma, affected head. Thou art here, Lord, to make her well. Now, You Who was bearing the cross through Jerusalem that morning, and when You fell, then Simon the Cyrene, that colored man, came and helped You bear the cross. God, I know You understand. And to prove to these people here in Phoenix that Thou art no respecter of persons, I therefore rebuke these crossed eyes in the Name of Jesus Christ. Now, keep your heads bowed, every one now.
Almighty and omnipotent God, let it be known today that You are God and I be Your servant, that the people might know that Thou art the only living God, and You have anointed me, and sent me forth, and I speak not of my own words, but them words in which You revealed to me. Therefore, Angel of God, You Who told me to go, and if I'd be sincere, the people would believe; there would be nothing stand before the prayer... I ask for this. I'm leaving Phoenix. And, Lord, I love the country. And prove that Thou art God and I be Your servant.
Thou demon, I rebuke thee. Come out of the child in the Name of Jesus Christ.

110 Just keep your little eyes closed honey. Now, raise your head, but keep your eyes closed. (Everybody keep your eyes closed.) Now, slowly open your eyes, looking towards me, slowly now, like--like mine. There they are. All right. Her eyes are straight and normal. Look out here in front, if anybody who wants to look out... Look out to the audience. Look here, sister... right. Just perfect. Let's all say, "Praise the Lord."
Yes, sir. Head trouble's gone too, mother. Everything is all right. Look at her... Oh, my. You love Jesus? You do? That's fine and dandy. Look out there at that audience now. Now, watch here, friends. Her eyes, cross-eyes are... You follow, look at my finger. Now, you... You move your eyes with my finger. Don't... your eyes. Here's what I want you to do to your eyes... like that. Close... Ba--back and forth. Now, raise up so the people can see. Perfect. Let's offer praise to God.
Thou art here, Father... Thy Word... Glorify Thee. And I pray that You will keep this little girl every day to be in Your will, Father, in Jesus' Name, Amen. God bless you. Run along now and tell the people what Lord done for you.
All right. Keep your heads bowed now. A whole lot to be prayed for.

111 O God, You Who created the side of this mother, taken the child. And now, here she has a misery in her side. I now rebuke that misery. Leave the woman. In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I rebuke thee. Come out of her. I think it was a defective spleen there, but it's stopped. Go... Where do you live at? You be a testimony to God, sister... [Gap in the audio.]
Has come to be healed. Oh, help me now. [Gap in the audio.] it's tubercular, that's hitting this man... Oh, Satan, why would you do this? Leave him in Jesus Christ's Name. Now just a moment, friends, this holds on the man.
Look, sir, this way to me. How long you been suffering with it? Forty-four. I want the audience, maybe some of them never seen a vibration. I want them to look at it. Move out here just a moment.
All right, raise your head, audience. There's a tubercular vibration. See them white welts rising and falling on my hand? Red, see how white this hand looks? Look at this one. Look here, see them white welts, see them coming and going? Do you see it? See what I mean, sir? See here a minute. Now, if God shall take that away from you, sir, that'll stop, and my hand will be like this one. Quite a difference between them two hands, isn't it? Now, you just watch my hand, and you, the patient here. You watch my hand. If it clears up like this one (And I won't move it.), and if it clears up like this one, that's you're witness. Something happened then, won't it? You see that something has surely happened. Now, bow your head, everywhere.

112 Almighty and omnipotent God, You're the One Who made heavens and earth. You made the body of man. And this demon is trying to take this young man's life. O Jesus, You're here to help him. Help, Father, and may they know down in their people, and amongst their neighborhood, that Thou art Christ and I be Thy servant. Therefore, I come to meet this demon in the Name of Jesus Christ.
Come out of him, thou demon of tuberculosis; I adjure thee by Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Leave the man.
Before I raise my head, sir, or open my eyes, my hand's turning white, isn't it? All right. Now, there it is. (Now, you audience, can raise your head.) Now, sir, you know I never moved my hand at all. It stayed right that same way, hasn't it? And it was red all over it with white spots over it (Is that right?), coming and going. Now, it looks just like that one there, does it? Yes. Now, something natural happened, didn't it? The vibrations stopped. Now, if you believe with all your heart and straighten yourself up, go down the street rejoicing, testifying of God healing you, you'll be a well man. God bless you, my brother. That's fine. Let's say, "Praise the Lord..."

113 Now, everybody... How many's to be--left to be prayed for? Let's see how many stands there. Now, let's see. Now, to you people that's got to hurry for your church now, it's five o'clock. It's five o'clock. Did I get... Is my watch right? Is that about right, Brother... At five o'clock.
Say, while I got a opportunity, I want to thank Brother Faulkner, Brother Outlaw, Brother Garcia, Brother Fuller, and this brother I can't think of your name. Well, Truman, Truman, and the various other ministers... This... Is this a minister? Ballard, Brother Ballard. And all the rest... Brother Garcia, and all... Here's Brother Garcia setting behind me. And all these cooperating ministers everywhere... Brother Beamons from Mesa. Where... Where's he? This him? Right here with the--with the camera. That's fine. We want to thank him. All of these brothers, and all of you members, and everything, for cooperating with us here in the Phoenix meetings. Let's all give those ministers a hand, everybody. Come on, they're worthy of it, of a good hand of praise. That's right.
I'm sure glad that you got ministers like that here in Phoenix. My, I hope you have great union revivals and fill these auditoriums and everything full of people, and get people down at the altar.

114 I talked to Brother Sharritt. There's another man I don't want to leave out. Listen. I think Phoenix is blessed with a man like John Sharritt. What do you all think about it? Amen. Is that right? Let's give him a hand too, 'cause he's been a brother to me. That's right. A very... And now... Yes, Brother Gibson, I couldn't forget his wife. That's right. She's a lovely little character that doesn't have nothing to say, but just, "Well, yes." She's a swell cook. And she's been to me like a sister, and like a brother, and I'm very thankful for them and their little children.
Well, in fact--fact this. I thank God for all of you. Amen. Very fine. And I'm certainly thankful to see this welcoming spirit here this afternoon. When it comes to a place where you have to believe, in or out, that's when the Lord will come down. Is that right? And I'm just thankful, friends; this has been the greatest meeting yet we've had in Phoenix, this meeting now. That's right.

115 Now, just keep your heads bowed, and we're just going to try to pray for everyone. Now, you... Don't be late at your church. You who have to go to church, you get right on. Don't miss your church now. 'Cause I... But if you can stay, and not going to church, why, you just stay on. If you can stay a little longer, just make yourself welcome. Remember, till we meet, God bless each one of you. Now, while you pray, keep on with your music, if you will, sister.
God bless this woman. I pray that You'll heal her, Father, of this trouble in Jesus' Name. Amen. God bless you, sister. You going to get well now?
God, have mercy on... Oh, wait, she's got more than... Oh, sister. I'll--I won't tell you what it is till after I get through praying for you. You could... Do you believe?
Almighty God, have mercy upon the woman and heal her body. Thou demon, come out of her. I adjure thee by Jesus Christ.
You can keep that faith now, sister. It's stopped. You see? Do you know what was wrong with you? You're not scared now. You know you're going to get well, do you? Cancer. All right. You have a suspicion of that? Now, just go on believing now. [Gap in the audio.]

116 On here with cancer. And here the little boy has got pneumonia on the verge of, and wanted to send his little handkerchief to be prayed over. Father, we're taught that they taken from the body of Paul, handkerchiefs or aprons. And we know we're not the Saint Paul. But we realize it wasn't he anyhow that done the healing, it was Your Spirit that went before and stirred the faith of the people. I send this handkerchief this afternoon to that little boy for the healing of his body. In the Name of Jesus Christ, may he and his mother be healthy and happy many many years for Your glory. Amen. Go rejoicing now, sister. God bless you.
O God, have mercy upon our dear sister and heal her. In the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ, I ask this. Don't worry, sis; you're going to get well. God bless you, little girlie.
Got a ulcer, haven't you? All right. Where, you go to Brother Garcia's church. Oh, you can't... All right. You believe in God, don't you. Heavenly Father, as this little lady stands here this afternoon suffering with this ulcer in her stomach, You're the only One Who knows how to take it out. And she's come reverently, Father. And I pray that You'll help her.
Thou demon of ulcer, I adjure thee to leave this girl in the Name of Jesus Christ. Little lady, you have nothing to worry about now. Your ulcer will get well. You'll be all right now. God bless you, sister.

117 Heavenly Father, I pray for our sister, that You'll heal her body and will make her well. Satan, come out of the woman in the Name of Jesus Christ. God bless her dear husband who's waiting at home. May his wife return shouting and praising God for her healing. May he also rise and go to shouting, God. You spoke the Word. In that same hour he begin to mend. Go, mother. Doubt nothing. Go rejoicing.
O God, to this little boy standing here, I pray that You'll heal his little body. Whatsoever is wrong, Thou knowest, and I pray that You'll make him well, Father, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen. God bless you, little boy.
God, bless this woman. I pray, Father, that You'll heal her body. We see she's crippled up and being led up here by this girl. But Thou alone can make her well. I pray for her, pray that You'll hear my prayer. And may Satan get this rebuke, Father, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Lady, how much you believe? With all your heart? All right. In the Name of Jesus Christ, may you go home and be well. Amen.

118 God, have mercy upon our sister, and heal her, Father. In the Name of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, I ask for her healing. Amen. God bless you. Ma'am? What was that? Stopped, your vibrations. What it was... See, it was made me to my forehand. It's left you now. Ever what it was (See?), it's just gone. When the vibrations leave, that's... Do you believe... Go rejoicing, go be happy, that's right. That's right... God bless you, mother.
Our heavenly Father, I pray for this dear soul standing here with this cane in her hand: old, and broken down in health. But Thou art here to restore her health. I pray that You'll grant it in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen. God bless you, mother.
God, heal this poor sister here of this heart trouble. O God, this female disorder, Thou knowest all things, the poor soul. She wants to be well. I ask for her healing in the Name of Jesus Christ. God bless you, sister. Go now rejoicing; you'll get well.
God, I pray that You'll heal our sister of this heart trouble. Grant it, dear heavenly Father. I ask it in the Name of Thy Son Jesus. Go, believing now, sister.

119 God bless you. What happened? Hand? Oh, it's a bone died in the leg. Now, look, sister, how old are you? Seventeen, just a child. Where you from, Phoenix? California. Now, look. If you will believe this with all your heart... You're going to serve God. That's what you want to do, is that right? Are you a Christian? You are. And you will serve God the rest of your life if God will let that calcium begin to come back into the bone and life come there again, make it a normal bone? You'll use that leg, not to dance, but just to go serve God. Is that right? You'll do it. All right, let me have your hand.
Father, this young lady, who's no doubt heard across the nation of the many things that You've done. And now, she's had a wreck. And we're taught that all things work together for good to them that love God. And now, the bone will not heal; it's dead in her limbs. O God, just a child. Have mercy upon her. She promised me that she'd never dance, and she... And she promises You, Father, she'll never dance, and use this leg for nothing but for Your glory. Now, Almighty God, You Who are the whole resource of life, I ask You in the Name of Your loving Son, Jesus Christ, to start life in that bone this afternoon, that she will be well, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.
Sister, as firmly as I believe that I'm standing here, the blessing of God has happened to you, and you will be a normal, well girl. What's your name? Rome. From what part... Where--where in California? Redlands, California? All right. Will you write... [Gap in the audio.] Won't you...

120 [Gap in the audio.]... will be in the body under nine major heads. Remember that. We're close at them now. Now, you people ought to know it. I can't do this. And I'm afraid now, I'm going to hold some of the ministers up from their meetings. And we're going to start praying for the people, just a little more...
Look. It isn't my prayer that heals you. I've already prayed for you. It's your faith in God what heals you. Now, look. 'Course I do take the people here and cast out them spirits, and things like that. You can see it.
And I told you now, there's only one time that I ever seen it fail in my life. That was two or three Sundays ago when I stood here on the pulpit, and asked God if He didn't want me to work them miracles, not to let them happen. How many was here that day to see it? All right. That was the only time I have ever seen it in my life, that things wasn't healed when I took time to... on the pulpit. And I just have to let Him stop me. When He stops me, I stop. When He doesn't stop me...

121 You know what I promised Him? How many remembers what I promised Him? That I would wait for His witness. And that's right. I've done that since. And there's been, really, more miracles performed since then, than there wasn't before then. So I want to keep the favor of God. And you want me to, don't you? Every one of you wants me to. And I--I want to live a little longer.
When you pass out one of those powers, brother, sister, it takes more strength out of your body than praying for five hundred people. Something goes out of you; you just have to watch that. You find a good streak of faith, like that poor little boy awhile ago, standing here with his little legs walking like that. Little fellow looked up at me, the tears come to his little eyes, kinda smiled like that, why, the faith was just a moving. I knowed something had to take place. You see what happened? Sure. Satan knew that he had to give away. That little child wasn't calloused like many of the adults. Now, you just have faith with belief.

122 And we're... Now, we're going to pass the people, and get right through the line. I want to pray for each one of you. Want to pray, not just pass by and just not pray for you. I want to have a little prayer with you, but we're going to have to start a constant walk, like that.
Now, ministers, you all get up here. Come up here, if you will and check some of these cases now when they come through. And if they don't, seemingly, get it, well then, send them back. Why, we'll do the best we can. All right.
Now, everybody, just be in prayer now. And you all just get to lined up, or the ushers will tell you there, and we'll start the line coming right through. Now, everybody bow your head while I ask prayer, so every one of you will know that you're prayed for. Every one of you...

123 Almighty God, I pray... You know, Father, that many of these people are waiting to go to church tonight. And they might have a loved one that gets saved. And I realize, God, the brazen serpent didn't pray for anyone. The water that was troubled didn't pray for anyone. The woman who touched the hem of Jesus wasn't prayed for. The ones that laid in the shadow of Peter, wasn't prayed for. The ones who had the handkerchief taken off of Paul's body and brought to theirs, wasn't prayed for. But God, they got well because they believed and recognized Your gift.
Now, Father, I pray if these people, not only here locally in Phoenix, but Thou hast so ordained it, that it's known world wide now. And may they come through, not because it's Your poor, humble, illiterate servant standing here, but because it's Your gift that You have honored. And Father, Thou knowest there's nothing I could do about it. I never called this message to go over the world like this. It was You, Father. I just obeyed and done what You said, and You brought it to pass.

124 Now, dear God, may the people see it's just simple child faith to believe and take You at Your Word. And may every sick person in this building, as they file across this pulpit this afternoon, may every one of them go home. As soon as they get out of this building, may they just raise up their hands and go to praising You for their healing, going down the street testifying like Mary did before she felt life or anything. She knew that she was going to have a baby not knowing a man. Oh, the impossible, something that had never happened before, but she knew that it was right, because the Angel said so.
And Father, I know this is right, because the Angel said so. And I know that You have declared it. If it wasn't so, You wouldn't have testified of it. If would've been a fanaticism, it would've fell shortly. But now, Thou hast took it all over the world.
Now, dear God, may these people see this afternoon and believe and come through this line, each one, and be healed, and set down in the next few days and write their testimony in, saying, "Thank God for healing me." May it be an alarm all over this city, everywhere, Lord, in all parts of the country. I pray for every one of them in the Name of Thy Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.

125 Father, heal our sister in the Name of Jesus Christ.
Father, heal our sister in the Name of Jesus Christ.
Father, heal our brother in the Name of Jesus Christ. May he be able to come out of this wheelchair, or stretcher, and go home rejoicing in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen. You believe, sir? You shall have that what you've asked for. It's impossible for you not to receive it if you believe. God bless you, my dear brother.
God bless this little girl. I pray that You'll heal her, Father.
O Jesus, bless the mother. I pray for her healing.
God bless our brother... [Gap in the audio.]
Oh, she just didn't know. She's Spanish. You see? She's hard of hearing. But I know it... [Gap in the audio.]...

126 God... (What was the matter? Oh, really?) O Jesus, I pray that You'll heal my dear brother and make him well. May he go out of this building rejoicing, throwing his hands up in the air, shouting, Lord, in Jesus' Name.
Heal my dear brother, Father, I pray Thee in the Name of Jesus Christ.
Heal this little boy, Father, of this bad eyesight in Jesus' Name.
Heal my brother of rheumatism in the Name of Jesus Christ.
And asthma, heal my brother in Jesus Christ's Name, I pray Thee, Father.
God bless you, little boy. You're going to get well now after passing by here. Did you know that? You are. You're going to take the cast off the leg and you're going to be a normal well boy again.

127 God Almighty, Who cr... [Gap in the audio.] Heal his body... [Gap in the audio.]
... Last February, he broke his leg. Now, it's half new. I didn't know the boy, but how'd I recognize that faith when he come by? See? How did I recognize that faith? Why, the Holy Spirit's here, the Angel of God. See? Look at his eyes now, how perfect.
Let's say, "Praise the Lord," everybody. Some of them says, "Does it last?" If you believed. As long as you would believe, it lasts. Is that right? There it is. Oh, my. All the Phoenix people, give a big praise for that boy. My, that's fine. Watch, his little leg too. Perfect faith, why, he received it... I wouldn't have had to say a word for him. Passing by would've done the--would've done the job just the same. You're going to be a well woman... well man, I mean.
All right. Bow your head, everybody.
Father, I pray for my sister in Jesus' Name for her healing... [Gap in the audio.]

128 Back in the room and everything... Without even eyes. That was at Vandalia. All right. Let's bow our heads now while we pray for them.
Kinda nervous, aren't you young man. Dear heavenly Father, they're from many miles away. And You're willing we'll be flying over that lovely state in a few days. And I pray, Father, that You will heal this brother. And when he returns back there, may he go rejoicing. May this nervousness just quieten down, and may he go out on the street as Thy servant did, testifying, telling the people, "I once was nervous. But look at me now. I'm well, because the Lord Jesus has healed me." Satan, leave him in the Name of Jesus Christ.
God bless you, brother. Go rejoicing. That's right. You've got a fine faith, young man. You're going to receive a blessing from God here.
O God, I pray for this man who is here totally deaf, they say. I pray that You'll give him his hearing this very afternoon. Grant it, dear Father. In Jesus Christ's Name I ask it. Amen.
Now Brother Hooper, I want you to check this man. Just let him stand here a few minutes. Picking his vibrations up this hand. I want you to check him just in a moment. And if he doesn't... Let him stand there just for a moment. Check him.

129 O God, have mercy upon our sister, and heal her, Father, of this nervous and spleen trouble, in the Name of Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God. See? God bless you, sister. Now, go rejoicing. Go... Be happy.
O Jesus, I pray for our sister now, that You'll heal her. In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ I ask it. Amen. Have faith now.
Little sister, I had a brother home once that laid in a hospital up there dying. They said he would never be well. He'd never get... out of chair. He's an acrobat now. You believe God will heal you? You serve God, do you? Seeing you have good faith... Catholic. Most always Catholics are healed, because they see the vision.
Heavenly Father, this little lady standing here with this rheumatic fever, and she's been taught, Father, to believe and to trust. And I pray now, that You'll have mercy and heal her. Satan, thy power of hell, that has bound this child to take her life, to cause her to go in this heart attack, come out of her in the Name of Lord Jesus Christ.
God bless you, little lady. It may seem awful strange to you. You... Have you ever had fluttering in your heart when you... Flutter in the belt. It hasn't probably got to that part. My brother had three valves open in his heart. Now, you're going to be well. Go rejoicing.

130 O God, have mercy upon our sister with this enlarged heart. Thou alone can heal her. I pray that You'll grant it in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen. God bless you, sister.
Say, I want to make a statement just now. There's a little Catholic girl come by here, was prayed for with rheumatic fever. I don't know where she went. But she was healed. Yes. I... This fellow just come back across the pulpit just a few minutes ago. Where'd she go to? Was a little Catholic girl with a...
All right, sister. That's fine. That's the kind of faith to have. I felt it come back. It left you when you went down the... You have a peculiar feeling, kind of a odd feeling when you come off of here, kind of a strange feeling? That's what it was.
It left her right there. I felt it come back across this way. It was... Now, you may think that's strange. You watch her and see if I'm not right.
Let's say, "Thank the Lord," everyone.

131 I tell you, it takes the Catholic people to see the vision of it. You see, here's what it is. The Catholic... My people are Catholic. My mother... my father, rather. We're taught to believe what the priest says is right. And that's where this is in here. You see, they've got to believe me. They believe God. How many believes God? All of you. Sure. Well now, God's ability is not in question. This is, whether the Angel come to talk to me or not. See? And Catholics are taught to believe what their priest says is right. And when they see some of these things performed, these miracles, they get healed (That's all.), believing it with all their heart. And they... They do.
By the way, my aunt--my great aunt founded a convent at Montreal, Ontario.
Now, bow your heads, everyone, while we're...
How far are we down now? How many more we got to pray for? Let's see the hands go up. Say, I--I'm getting more all the time. I'm getting more all the time. Well, brother, let's see what time... How many in here wants to go to church tonight that wants to be prayed for, that's trying to get to church; let's see you put up your hands, going to church tonight.

132 Oh, my, brother. We're going to have to do something about this. That's right. There's some of your people's in there too, aren't they, brothers, some of you ministers? Yours too, Brother Garcia, I guess.
All right. Now, have faith now. I'm going to pray, and just ask God to bless them. We're going to have to start... [Gap in the audio.] Oh, yes, I see. I see. All right. Whatever you...
All right. Now, everyone believe now while we come to...
Brother Garcia, brother here, I can't get your name. I didn't know you was ministers. Ballard? Brother, all you, now get down along here. Brother Outlaw and you all, just pray with all your heart for these people. And encourage them to come through. Now, you stand here call their diseases, brother, and you test them. Is there...
Father, heal my brother in Jesus Christ's Name I pray.
God, heal this poor blind woman in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Merciful dear. How long you been blind? Three years. Sister, look up toward them lights there. See them lights? See them? Now, look out here towards these lights out here. Believe now that you're going to get your sight, and you shall have it. Are you with her, sir? It's your wife?

133 O God, blessed Father. This poor woman standing here for her healing. Have mercy now. And may her sight come to her in the next few moments, Father. May she be able to see these lights. And she'll have a witness of Your healing, in Jesus' Name. Amen.
Just sit here awhile, right here where I can watch her. Then I'll check her in a few moments.
Now, keep your heads bowed. Here's a deaf woman. [Gap in the audio.]
God bless my sister and heal her in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

134 Just a moment. I'm going to try for this one here. I feel them two spirits that's battling together over there. This girl's deaf and dumb... to me. She don't know what hearing or speech is. Now, bow your head. Everybody be real reverent. See if I can get her to understand.
Dear Father, this little girl, born deaf and dumb. We realize that she don't know nothing of speech or hearing. But You're the only One Who can grant it to her. Now, help me, dear God. Help me to have power over this deaf and dumb spirit. Grant it, dear God, in the Name of Jesus Christ.
Thou deaf and dumb spirit, come out of the girl in the Name of Jesus Christ.
[Brother Branham claps his hands.] Hear me? She's not... Now, keep your heads bowed now. Amen. You. See? Amen. [The girl says, "Amen."] Very good, honey. Daddy. ["Daddy."] Raise your heads. Born deaf and dumb. Watch here. Hear me? ["It's hear me."] [ Brother Branham claps.] Hear me? ["Yes."] Hear me? Pretty little girl. Amen. ["Amen."]

135 Now, can you see that? I want to tell you something now. Watch. Here's what takes place. See, it's... I want to know if you all noticed this. We're fixing to close, you know, fixing to go into the meetings. Have you noticed, always, after I ask or rebuke over a spirit, I'm always perfectly silent for a few moments? Who's noticed that in the meetings, let's see your hands. Have you noticed that?
Now, here's what it is. There's three words that I have to repeat at that time. See? And it's the three high words of the Bible. No mortal on earth know it. See? And when I ask that, and then I feel that drop, then it comes shakes back to a place in return of that spirit. Then the... healed. That's the reason you hear me say that. See? That's what takes place.

136 Now, I did that so you wouldn't keep questioning me about it coming through the line. So that is true. Now, I know that you had noticed a lot of times when I ask to rebuke, I stand still just for a few minutes and repeat these three words that the Angel of the Lord told me to repeat. Then if I feel it come back, then I know it's done.
That's what happened to this girl with us. And that's the reason I never said nothing about it, 'cause I knew she--she was healed. The power had gone from her. Now, of course she don't know what speech is; she don't know what hearing is. She just have to begin like...

137 Did I tell you about five--seven coming from the institution in Oregon, and five of them passed through the California medical tests? How many remembers that? I've got their pictures right there, right there in my--in my grip to show it. Uh-huh. Mark that on the side, healed. Passed through the Oregon tests, and down through California for the doctors went home. Born deaf and dumb...
Oh, my, He's wonderful, isn't He? Sure is. Let's give God a praise. Hear it? Hear it? Hear? Amen.
Thank you, brother. All right. Bow your head, everybody now, while we pray.
Father, heal our sister in the Name of Jesus Christ.
God, I pray that You'll heal our sister in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
God, heal our sister in Jesus Christ's Name.
Dear God, heal our sister in Jesus' Name.
God... [Gap in the audio.] Mercy upon him, and heal his body... [Gap in the audio.]

138 In the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Give vent to that TB you have now, sir. An odd feeling, isn't it. The Angel of God is standing near, brother. You realize that your days are short, again. You even be--had a fever, burning. Don't worry. Go believing. You believe you're going to be well then now? You shall have it, in Jesus Christ's Name. Where's he live? Glendale. Now, don't doubt, sir. You the driver? Thank you, sir. God bless you for waiting.
Father, I pray in Jesus Christ's Name that You heal him. Don't doubt, sir. Go believing.
God, heal this woman, I pray, Father, in Jesus' Name.
And heal this man, Father, in Jesus Christ's Name I ask You Father.
Heal our brother, Father, in Jesus... [Gap in the audio.]... her done.

139 Say, friends. Talk about some faith, this little boy was standing here with pink granulated eyelids. They disappeared from him. I can raise him right up here before the people. There it is. Look at his eyes. See? Perfectly clear. Granulated eyelids standing here on the platform. Friends, that's true. You know that God is standing here somewhere? The very Angel of God.
Go show that sick man laying there, honey. Go show him your eyes that was pink awhile ago, and now they're clear.
Sir, here comes a little boy down to testify to you.
Brother Hooper, that little boy with pink granulated eyelids, was just now healed instantly.
Now, I don't know how much you believe this, but if God, Who I stand before, may take my life standing right here if this isn't true. When I looked at the little fellow just then, the pink place went right up above his little head and vanished away from him. That is true.
Let's say, "Praise the Lord," everybody.
God, heal my dear sister. May she go rejoicing now and be healed in the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Amen. God bless you, sister. And you shall have that...

140 A little girl with water. (All right.) Do you believe, sister, if I ask God, God will do it? Dear heavenly Father, I lay hands upon this darling little girl and pray that You'll heal her, God. May she start from this very hour to mending, the head go down and be normal. And the child be... way to be a normal child. I ask this blessing in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. Now, don't doubt. Is that your baby? Your sister's. You believe she will get well now? I'd like to hear from her, sister. He's a brother. [Gap in the audio.]

141 O God, I pray that You'll rebuke the granulated eyelids from this baby. Come out of him, thou demon, in the Name of Jesus Christ. And that one left. Looky here. Not a pinkness at all about his eyes. Look here, honey. If there's a doctor in the building, you can examine him freely. Run down, sweetheart. If you are a doctor, just come look at his little eyes. They was granulated a few moments ago standing here, pink.
Let's say, "Praise the Lord." Praise the Lord.
Were they sick, were they brothers? They were brothers, the two little boys. [The woman says, "And their sister has it. She's out there."] Is that right. Amen. Where do you live at sister? Is that right? Well, they sure been raised around faith or something. Well, that's fine. That's... See, bring up a child in the way it should go. Is that right?

142 Her--their mother was feeled--healed of asthma in February. Was that here in Phoenix? Right here in Phoenix, healed of asthma. There you are. See, friends?
Partings leave behind us
Footprints on... [Gap in the audio.] time.
(Is that right?)
Footprints, that perhaps another,
Sailing over life's solemn main,
For a forlorn and shipwrecked brother,
Seeing, shall take heart again.
Heavenly Father, I pray Thee, to heal this sister, as she comes through with her gallant heart looking up to Thee for her healing. Pray that You'll grant it in Jesus Christ's Name.
Bless this handkerchief, Father, and the people for the healing of their body in the Name of Jesus Christ, I ask.
Say, by the way, 'fore I forget it. How many in here wanted a handkerchief prayed over? Let's see how many hands in here wanted one. I've explained it to you. See? Why, you just write me now. Don't have a handkerchief in here, 'cause I don't get to pray for it. But mail it to Branham Healing Campaign, Post Office Box 325, Jeffersonville, and you'll be sent a cloth with instructions on how to use it.

143 Every morning at nine o'clock, put your hand over your heart, put it on prayerfully, the cloth first, get it over your heart on the inside of your garment, put your hand over your heart and pray at nine o'clock, twelve o'clock, and at three o'clock in the afternoon. Confess all your faults one to another; call in the neighbors and pray and have prayer meetings. You'll get well. See? The instructions will be sent to you. Just send in my name, Jeffersonville, Indiana, and you'll get it.
All right. Bow your heads. Father, I pray that You'll heal this dear gray headed mother sitting here. May the power of God that raised Christ from the grave bring her from this wheelchair, and make her a well woman, as I pronounce this blessing for her in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen. God bless you. God bless you, sister. God bless you, brother.
Wait, I'll... Just a second here. This poor lady fainted. Oh, my. God bless you, lady. I know you'd been laying there. Now, look. God bless your dear heart. You're just a young... And you know you're--you're laying down for the last hour this way. Oh, my. How I wish that they would... something that I could just reach down and do for you, you know, to... If I could pull out here and say, "Here it is. You see it?" and throw it away from you. See? Wished I could do that. But there's only one thing that I know that will let you live, sister. And you--you're very, very... [The sister talks to Brother Branham.] That's why that faith was pulling from you. Now, we're beginning to hit the right place.

144 Last winter, when I was... she was at Booneville, Arkansas... She was at Booneville, Arkansas, when I was at... Where was it? At Corning, Arkansas... Are you people from Arkansas... This woman was. And she prayed that sometime, God would let us meet. And--and--and somebody went out and got her here. Where you at here now, sister? At Superior, Arizona. And God has permitted it. I believe that this is the hour, don't you? The little, poor little woman's laying here dying. That was just sure as it could be...
Now, friends, even if some of you is waiting a long time. Let me have just a moment with this woman, will you?
Little lady, God bless you. How many children do you have? Two little children. My, my. Is your husband here with you? God bless you, sister. I... You believe you're going to get well if I'll ask God? All this time you've waited. And dear sister, have you got one of my little books here, "Jesus Christ The Same Yesterday, Today, And Forever." Did you ever read one of them? If you will, give it to her... And I want you to read little Georgie Carter's testimony, that only weighed forty pounds, a woman with tubercular. And now, she's my piano player in the Milltown Baptist church. She's about a hundred forty-five, fifty pounds. Now, have faith. I'm going to ask God with all my heart.

145 Dear God, I don't know why when I looked down upon that poor scene there this afternoon, and seen that little, thin, delicate woman rolling around there on that place, and nearly dead now, and her lungs is about gone. The doctors is done all they can do. She's been in sanatorium. And there's something about her, Father, that just attracts my attention, her pathetic look, because she's sincere. She knows she's going to die right away if something isn't done. O God, I plead. Oh, before You, I bow to ask You with all my heart. Angel of God, You Who came into the room that night, and told me these things... I've tried to live true to it. Oh, won't You please have mercy on this poor little woman. Show Your great power, dear God. Not so much as the people have to see it to believe You, but for Your glory, and the sake of the children in this poor woman's life. Oh, help her, dear God. Hear the prayer of Your servant when I call with all my heart, with all my soul that You'll let her get well. Grant it, Father. May Thy servant hear from her. Now, that she's begin to gain weight; she's getting well now. Oh, grant this, Father. She'll serve You all the days of her life, will testify of this whenever it's permitted. Do anything that we can to show our appreciation, if You'll just spare this poor woman's life. I ask it in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

146 Little woman, I... There's something about you I like. And I... Need I tell you. You look forward to being... When the deep calls to the deep. Now, you believe. I believe it with all my heart, you're going to be fine. Now, you go serve Him... You are... God bless you, father. God loves you. That's... Take good, dear brother. May the Lord ever bless you for your gallantry.
Did you ever have your attention just called to something? That poor little woman. All right. Bow your heads, every one of you.
God, have mercy of this woman here with bad eyes. Faith cometh by hearing. And she's come now and even took off her glasses, for she believes that something's going to happen. Grant it, Father. May she not be disappointed, but be healed in Jesus Christ's Name. God bless you.
God, have mercy upon my sister and heal her in the Name of Jesus Christ. You believe it's going to get well?
God, bless my little brother here suffering with kidney trouble. May he get well, Father, and it not bother him no more. In Jesus' Name, I pray. Amen. Now, do you believe you're going to get well, honey boy? Huh? All right.

147 God, have mercy on our brother with this arthritis. May he go right out of this building, stomping, and jumping, and leaping, and praising God. I rebuke the arthritis, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Go, believing, sir. Go right on out rejoicing, you shall have it.
O God, have mercy upon our sister, and heal her of this cancer. In Jesus Christ's Name, I ask it. God bless you, sister. You believe now with all your heart? Be sure and testify and tell the people about God's glory.
God, I pray that You'll heal this dear, old, broken down mother that's passing through the line now. I lay hands on her in the Name of Jesus Christ.
God, have mercy upon our brother and heal him, Father, in Jesus' Name.
God, have mercy upon our sister, Father, and heal her in Jesus' Name.
God, heal this poor heart. O Christ, take away all the misery, I pray in Jesus Christ's Name.
God, heal my brother. I pray Thee in Jesus Christ's Name.
Is that right? What is your...

Experiences (1952-07-26) (William M. Branham Sermons)

Experiences (1952-07-26) (William M. Branham Sermons) somebody


1 [Unclear words]. All borned again Christians are His representatives. We are no longer of this world, but we have passed from death unto life, and are heirs of God, with Christ, setting together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. Isn't that wonderful? Just think, how marvelous.
And it's written that, "Eye has not seen, ear has not heard, or entered the heart of man, what God has for them in store, that love Him. And now, I believe in the healing of Jesus Christ, that Jesus Christ heals the sick. You believe that? He makes the sick well.
I was just listening to a program, not to criticize anybody. But on the road here this afternoon, I was listening to a Doctor of Divinity, one of the most brilliant speakers in America, speaking on suffering. And maybe I'm wrong. If I am, God forgive me. But how can a brilliant mind like that be twisted up so in the Scripture, after being a teacher for years and years in great schools and seminaries. And he said, "Sickness was of God. That..." Said, "That we should welcome rheumatism, arthritis. If God gives it to us, just testify and spit dust in the devil's face, and say, 'I can stand and bear it, for God put it upon us for His glory.'"

1 Corinthians 2:9 But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.

2 Whew. I can't see that. And I don't say... And I don't believe that's intelligent. I don't believe that's... That's not the Gospel of my Lord Jesus Christ. And God is not the author of sickness. You can't pin that on my Father. He come to heal us. The devil is the one who makes us sick. Absolutely.
If that be so, then how about that lady with arthritis that came to Jesus upon the--there at that day, on the Sabbath day, and Jesus put His hands on her and healed her. And they said, "It was on the Sabbath," and found fault with Him.
He said, "Which one of you, having an animal that won't loose him on the Sabbath to go get a drink?" Said, "How much more this daughter of Israel who's been bound by the devil these years? (not by God, by the devil) Oughtn't she to be loosed on the Sabbath day?"

Luke 13:11 And, behold, there was a woman which had a spirit of infirmity eighteen years, and was bowed together, and could in no wise lift up herself.

Luke 13:12 And when Jesus saw her, he called her to him, and said unto her, Woman, thou art loosed from thine infirmity.

Luke 13:13 And he laid his hands on her: and immediately she was made straight, and glorified God.

Luke 13:14 And the ruler of the synagogue answered with indignation, because that Jesus had healed on the sabbath day, and said unto the people, There are six days in which men ought to work: in them therefore come and be healed, and not on the sabbath day.

Luke 13:15 The Lord then answered him, and said, Thou hypocrite, doth not each one of you on the sabbath loose his ox or his ass from the stall, and lead him away to watering?

Luke 13:16 And ought not this woman, being a daughter of Abraham, whom Satan hath bound, lo, these eighteen years, be loosed from this bond on the sabbath day?

3 And I say, if that same man, right now, if he'd get sick, and sick, would go to a doctor. The doctor told him he had appendicitis, he'd take off the hospital to have it cut out. Well, then if appendicitis is a blessing, why go have it cut out? You're cutting the blessing away, see. Then if that be true, medical science saying something about Divine healing, what about that? If that is the truth, every hospital in the world, and every doctor are antichrist working against God. Why, it's a shame to have a doctor. It's a shame to go to the hospital. It's a shame to be healed. You should go ahead and die. Get these diseases and die right quick, or set and suffer with them, or something. Oh, my. I can't--I can't understand it. Maybe--maybe--maybe it's me. But if it is, I don't believe it is; that's just all. I believe it's something else wrong somewhere.
But how a teacher, brilliant, can preach a message, and just lay it right to the line, and come right down to there. It's just all Satan wants, just enough to get... See?

4 The biggest lie in the world has got a lot of truth in it. When Satan come to Eve, he said, he told her everything the truth. He said, "Now, your eyes will be opened. You'll know right from wrong. You'll know just like God. You don't know it now, but you will ... it's the truth." And everything, right on down, and then he said, "Surely, you'll not die." But that was a lie, because God said you would die.
And then when Jesus came on earth with them diseases that He healed, then He was working against His heavenly Father. And then He commissioned His disciples and sent them out to heal the sick and to raise the dead, and cleanse the lepers. Then He was working against the will of the Father. And then, the last words that he said was, "Lay hands on the sick and they shall recover," contrary to the will of the Father.

Matthew 10:8 Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give.

Mark 16:18 They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.

5 Then if He, by His stripes we were healed, He, then the Father had nothing to do with the atonement. Whew. I don't know how you're going to do that. But yet, that's smart people. God help me then to be foolish, see.
I heard of a man coming down the street one day, he had a sign on the front of him, said, "I am a fool for Christ." And on the back it said, "Whose fool are you?" The Bible... Paul said that, you know, in the--in the Scriptures. He was a fool for Christ.
Yes, I believe the Word of God teaches healing for the body and soul. Not only that, but God confirms the Word with signs and wonders following. I will admit that God permits Satan sometimes to chastise us; that's true. But when that chastisement is through, you come back to God, God your Father will heal you. And that's right.

6 And I will admit there is a sickness unto death. And that's why prophetic gifts are in the church to know these things. But to say that our Father, that a man had rheumatism, arthritis, say, "Yes, Lord. I'm just glad to have it. Glad You give it to me. I embrace it. I love it. I glory in tribulation." Paul's thorn in the flesh, that was no more disease than nothing else. If it wasn't healing, he got well, and he said, "The messenger of the devil that buffet me." What does the word "buffet" mean? "Blow after blow." See? Then He healed him; he got well. He healed him again. He got sick. And He healed him. He got sick, blow after blow. He said, "A messenger of Satan," not an infirmity, as he meant, as he said there, but as people try to interpret. I will let Brother Baxter take that thorn in the flesh for you some afternoon, or some of these teachers.

2 Corinthians 12:7 And lest I should be exalted above measure through the abundance of the revelations, there was given to me a thorn in the flesh, the messenger of Satan to buffet me, lest I should be exalted above measure.

7 But anyhow, how brilliant people, see how they get scattered out. And some poor sufferer, setting out, setting suffering, and thinking that he's doing God's will, when the blessing is laying right at his hand to heal him.
I want to read some Scripture in a few moments. First, I want to give an experience. And then, if it's all right, Brother Baxter told me, said, "Testify just a little tonight or something," if I desire to, because he was wanting me to do so, on account he was a little tired, and he wanted a rest.
I want to tell an experience, then I will read the Scripture right at last.
One day, when the most notable thing, that I guess one of the most notable ever happened, was one of those fundamental ministers who charged me and said that I was a hypocrite and a devil, and an impostor, and should be run out of the city. And paid himself, about fifty dollars out of his own pocket, for a front ad page in the paper to that. Said, "I was imposing myself as a man of God. And I was nothing in the world, to me, and I should be run out of the city. And he should be the guy that should do it." Just a young fellow back from the cemetery, and... Yeah. And all the same, a dead place, just exactly. Reading, writing, arithmetic, and some of them know no more about God than an Hottentot knows about an Egyptian night. And now, that's the truth. Now, they're all right, if they come out of there, God-saved. But you don't have to go there to be saved.
Paul said, all he ever knew, he for--he had to... All he ever learned, he had to forget about it to learn Jesus Christ. And that's right.

Philippians 3:13 Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before,

8 And I'm not trying to support my ignorance. I'm just telling what the Bible said. Peter and James passed through the gate called Beautiful, there laid a man crippled from his mother's womb. He said, "Silver and gold have I none, but such as I have, I will give thee. In the name of Jesus Christ, rise up and walk." And Peter grabbed that man and raised him up on his feet, and held him there till his ankle bones received strength. He went into the temple, leaping and praising God. And the Bible said that, "They were ignorant and unlearned men." Is that right? We're taught that Peter wouldn't even know his own name if it was signed before him. He wouldn't know what it was. But he knowed Jesus Christ.
And I... That's what I want my children to know. That's what I want the people to know. I think education is wonderful, as long as you don't get to be an educated fool (See? Yeah.), not gumption enough to know how to take care of your education. Education is all right, very fine thing, and we need it. God knows that. But we need salvation worse than we do education.

Acts 3:2 And a certain man lame from his mother's womb was carried, whom they laid daily at the gate of the temple which is called Beautiful, to ask alms of them that entered into the temple;

Acts 3:6 Then Peter said, Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have give I thee: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk.

Acts 4:13 Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men, they marvelled; and they took knowledge of them, that they had been with Jesus.

9 If you'd have been with me in Africa a few weeks ago, a few months ago, and there's men setting right here now, that's from right in Africa, and knows that it's the truth. When I walked into that meeting there, and seen those Hottentots coming back from up there, those illiterate people, that missionaries had walked in there and tried to teach them reading, writing, and arithmetic, and it makes him a twofold child more of hell, than he was when he started. And all the heathen men that come in, supposed to be Christians, packing a little idol sprinkled in mud, and blood all over it, supposed to be a Christian.
His daddy packed that, you know, and lion got after him, so he set it down, said a prayer, and built a little fire, and the lion went away. Sure, fire run the lion away, see. And then if that don't work, then he turns around, and if ... his ... if the God the missionaries speaks of doesn't work, then he will try that one. He carries that one for safety first. That's not Christianity. But when they seen the power of God make a man who had been born crippled, stand whole again, they broke them idols on the ground, and accepted Jesus Christ as their Saviour.
And the papers were packing articles there where carloads after carloads of watches, and rings, and firearms, that they sold, and had out there in their--in their huts and things. They bring it back in true conversion.
I tell you, Jesus Christ is sending forth a message in this last age that's shaking things. "Not by power, not by might, but by My Spirit, saith the Lord." That is true. All right.
And I stood before some of those Doctors of Philosophy and with their DD's, here a few days ago. When Doctor Davis and many of them said to me, said, "Billy, go on home, you had nightmare..."

10 I said, "I don't appreciate that." I said, "If you are through, if you don't want me, all right, here's my credentials." I said, "I will follow God, led alone; I don't have to follow the Baptist church."
He said, "I--I don't--I don't mean it that way, Brother Branham. I--I--I guess I hurt your feeling."
I said, "You never hurt my feeling, but when you tell me that that was a nightmare, when I stood and talked to an Angel face to face..."
He said, "You mean you'll be going around the world, with a seventh-grade education, and winning thousands to Christ?"
I said, "That's what He said. And that's what I believe." That's right.
"How you going to do it?"
I said, "No more than I know how Paul could tell out there on the ship that night, that he was going to have to come before Caesar. But he said, 'Lo, an Angel of God appeared to me last night,' and said, 'Fear not Saul, Paul, you're going to have come before Caesar. And God has give me all those that sail with me.' And he said, 'Wherefore brethren, be of a good courage, for I believe God. It'll be just like it was showed me.' And I believe Him." And it's true.

Acts 27:23 For there stood by me this night the angel of God, whose I am, and whom I serve,

Acts 27:24 Saying, Fear not, Paul; thou must be brought before Caesar: and, lo, God hath given thee all them that sail with thee.

Acts 27:25 Wherefore, sirs, be of good cheer: for I believe God, that it shall be even as it was told me.

11 And that's what we need tonight, my brother, sister. That's the trouble with we Americans; we set and wonder. Doctor So-and-so said so-and-so. You know what it puts me in mind of? A big undertaker's morgue, where a bunch of dead people go in, they pump some fluid into them, to keep them ... be sure they don't get alive no more. That's... Just Doctor So-and-so said, "It was mental telepathy." This one said, "It's psychology." This one says, "It's that and that."
I'm so sick and tired of human philosophy. I want to see the real power of God demonstrate and moving among His people, where that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever, proving Himself. And that's what the world is a hungering for.
When I stood there by them, I said, "Gentlemen."
They said, "Brother Branham, you just returned from a missionary trip." Said, "It was very alarming when we read in the papers where you had thirty thousand converts."

12 I said, "Gentlemen, for the past fifty years, you've been sending missionaries down in Africa. I met many of them have been there for a long time. Some of them little old girls down there, said they were missionaries, and boys." And I said, 'Where you from?' They told me what college they were from. I said, 'How many souls you won to Christ?' 'Not none yet.' Riding around in a nice car, live in the best hotels, and I said. 'None yet?' 'No.' When the natives have a war dance, after they come up out of the mines and things, they passed out a few tracts."
What does a native know about a tract? He wants... Paul learned a long time ago, and Jesus Christ always knowed that it takes power to convert the heathen. That's right. And they walking around there, and all them little old pamphlets in their hands. And as soon as their back's turned, throw it away like that.

13 And I said, "You sent missionaries in there for fifty years; you spent millions of dollars." And I said, "What you call fanaticism won more people to Christ in five minutes time than all the missionaries you sent in for fifty years." Hallelujah. Our God lives and reigns. He's a God of power. He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. He's the God that closed the heavens in the days of Elijah. He's the God that stilled the waters on the mighty sea that night. He's the One that woke up His Son from the dead, after being in the grave for three days. He's omnipotent. He lives and reigns forever. And He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. He will always be God. He will always have somebody who will believe Him in that way too. God has never been without a testimony.

Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

14 And to see some of those people who has got more education than they know what to do with, and come out of some seminary, and with some kind of a DD, and a Bachelor's--Bachelor degree, and so forth, and back like that. How mercy. That don't mean no more to God [Brother Branham snaps his fingers.] than that. Do you know Christ in the power of His resurrection? That's the main thing?
You see, they explain this away and explain that away. And some of it they hit very nice, and say this right. And how it's folded over and whitewashed around, then come down to fundamental truth, and deny it. That gets in my blood, because I know that Christ died for this purpose. And the proof of the pudding is the eating of it. That's right. Here it is. It proves itself. There's millions, thousands times thousand, that's been in my meeting, and can produce doctors' testimony, and so forth, that would've been in the grave, and a lot of them are laying out on dead list, that's supposed to be been dead years ago with cancer. I can produce it tonight, that they're living and healthy and strong. And not a sign of it anywhere. That's Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever. He promised those things, and we're living in the days to see them.

15 The night down in Houston, when this young fellow put that in the paper, the next day, Brother Bosworth, one of the old soldiers here from Zion; he called me today. He's fixing to go back to Africa, seventy something years old, about seventy-five years old, his heart burning to go back to Africa. He wants to go back. He said, "Oh, Brother Branham," said, "Americans are lovely, but them people wouldn't want God. Why preach it over and over and over, and they're all mixed up anyhow, and don't know what to believe, when them people down there hasn't heard it one time? Go take it to them." And that's my heart too, friends.
And to you Christian people, coming in tonight, people setting around the town, the power of Jesus Christ moving around, empty seats setting here in the auditorium. "As it was in the days of Noah, so will it be in the coming of the Son of man." See? There they are; they're unconcerned. They've had so much of embalming fluid injected into them till they can't... Well, they were predestinated to be that way. That choked you, didn't it? But that's the truth. I can prove it by the Bible. That men are predestinated to be lost.

Matthew 24:37 But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

Luke 17:26 And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man.

16 Jude, about the 4th chap--4th verse of Jude, said, "Men of old, foreordained to this condemnation, that turned the grace of our Lord into lasciviousness." Correctly. Foreordained of old to this condemnation, God foreordained it to them; like Pharaoh, Judas Iscariot, and many of them. Don't tramp on God's property. If God's give you a tug at your heart's door, be the most thankful person there is in this building tonight, to know that God's give you the privilege to come into His kingdom, and knocked at your heart's door, and sought you out. You might be one of them out there, that's on the outside of the kingdom tonight.
And there this man with all of his scholarships, Brother Bosworth, come, said, "Looky here, Brother Branham, what's in the paper." I said... Said, "This guy has challenged you. He's done every..."
I said, "That doesn't mean a thing, Brother Bosworth."
Well, the next day, here it come again, another big one. I said, "It showed what I was made out of, that I was afraid to face the truth, and face facts in God's Bible. For that's the way with this bunch of holy-rollers."

Jude 1:4 For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ.

17 Listen. I've traveled the seven seas, and I've never seen a holy-roller yet. I've never seen one. I've seen people scream and shout. I've seen them get disorderly even in their way of doing, going to excess, to the other side. And that steers people away. But I'd rather have a little wild fire than no fire at all. Yes. That's right. But there he is. But a holy-roller, I've never seen one. Never heard of a church that was called, recognized themselves as holy-rollers. I never seen one yet. But this fellow had to put that in the paper, you know, to make it act smart, the big "Houston Chronicle."
Now, Brother Bosworth come the next day; he said, "Brother Branham, take him up on that."
I said, "Brother Bosworth, God never sent me to fuss with people. He sent me to pray for people, not..."

18 And he said, "Well, Brother Branham," he said, "I realize that," but he said, "look." He said, "The people here will think that we're just a bunch of people who don't know what we're talking about, before the public. And those thousands and thousands have gathered there in that place." Said, "They ought to know what is the truth." And said... Brother Bosworth was raised up here in Zion, under Doctor Dowie, and so forth. And he believed it. And I believe he's one of the greatest teachers today on Divine healing. And he said, "Brother Branham, that just oughtn't to be," he said, "before the public."
I said, "Brother Bosworth, the anointing of the Holy Spirit is on me. I have no time to fuss. The Bible said, 'Let them alone. If they, the blind lead the blind, won't they fall in the ditch?" I said, "Let them alone. He never sent me to fuss. He sent me to pray."
And so he said, "Will you give me the privilege of doing it?" Oh, I appreciated that. Put me in mind of Caleb of old, "Let me go take that city."

Matthew 15:14 Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.

Luke 6:39 And he spake a parable unto them, Can the blind lead the blind? shall they not both fall into the ditch?

19 And I thought, "That man, just out of a seminary, there with all of his degrees and things, and this old man, seventy-something years old, standing there, wanting to challenge that young man to a debate; or the young man challenging him, and him wanting to take up the Sword against him."
I said, "No, Brother Bosworth, I will not give you privilege to doing it." I said, "Because it would just cause a fuss, and you never get nothing by fussing. You're just like the Irishman's owl, all fuss and feathers." I said, "You don't get nowhere, and no owl to it." And I said, "The..."
He said, "Well, if you will just give me the privilege, Brother Branham, I will promise you that I won't fuss." He said, "I won't say one word back; I will be a Christian gentleman." And I looked at him. His poor little eyes sparkling, and just--he just wanted to get into it so bad. And I said, "Well, I looked around to my wife, and that's when I... He'd brought me in the challenge to come to south--Durban, South Africa and pray for Florence Nightingale who was dying with cancer, the granddaughter of the late Florence Nightingale, the founder of the Red Cross in England.
And I said, "Brother Bosworth, give me just a little bit of time to pray."

20 He went out; he come back again in a few minutes. Said, "What about it?" Said, "The reporters are waiting." 'Course, they keep me away from people. Not as I don't want to be with people, I want to be with people. I love people. But people...
My friends sometimes say, "Brother Branham, will you come over here at the meeting, will you have this little social visit?" I want to do that. I want to. But listen, God let me know in the beginning, if I'm going to be a servant of God, or of man, I've got to keep myself away from the public, and be in touch with God, so that I can serve God. I serve men, serving God. And I love to go to places, and see people and talk to them and things, but the Holy Spirit will not permit me to do it.

21 Now, I don't say all ministers have to be that. I was born under Nazarite birth, of course, and so it's just a little different. And so, many things that I do in my life, I wouldn't ask other people to do. I wouldn't say they had to do that to be Christian, because it was a different ... altogether.
And many of you understand that, don't you? See? It's just... That's just for me on--or me privately, things that I have to do, and things, the way I have to live, and the things that I have to do. It's a Nazarite birth. And so we don't ... it's not... You can't teach that all people have to be that way. See? But I mean for myself.
And then finally, when he come back in, I said, "All right, Brother Bosworth." They wouldn't let the reporters up steps where I was at. I said, "If you want to do it, and will promise me that you won't argue..." Now, many of Bosworth's friends are setting here and you know him well. And so I...
And he said, "I promise you, Brother Branham, that I won't argue a bit."
I said, "All right. That's fine. Go ahead."
So right down the steps he went like a little child with his first toy. He run down there and told the reporters, said, "Look, Brother Branham, won't do it." But said, "Let me do it." Said, "I will take that up."
And so then, of course, the "Houston Chronicle," you know how the newspaper is, great big headlines the next day. "Ecclesiastical fur will fly," you know, something another. I guess that's what they're supposed to do, so here it come everywhere.

22 But what made me think then, friends, and know that the born again Church of God is ready, listen. What's the great thing today? Is the fuss, the issue that the born again people have between them, I mean the real born again.
Some of them said, "Well, I was... I was done this this way. I do this this way. I... The Lord wants me to do this." That's all right, as long as you recognize one another as brothers and sisters, let the rest of it go. And then, not in how you say your prayer, or whatever you do, that has nothing to do with it. It's your heart with God, is what makes it.

23 And then that day, that paper, course, "The Houston Chronicle" is on the Associated Press, and it went out everywhere. And what made me feel good, was that day, from east, west, north, south, special trains, and planes moaned their way across the plains, bringing in people to the rescue.
What was it? They, there was... They were Trinities, and Oneness, Jesus Only, or Assemblies, or whatever, Latter Day Rains, or whatever they wanted to be; that Nazarene, Pilgrim Holiness, whatever it was, that didn't matter to them. The principle of Jesus Christ was at stake, and they come together until thousands swarmed that big stampede ground, big place, or the Sam Houston Coliseum, until they packed in the ground where the big rodeo shows and things packed through there, the galleries and everywhere. They said... [Gap in the audio.] That's fine. All right.

24 Now, and in that great rush there that night, the people come in from everywhere, and lined and packed the place out. I said, "I wouldn't go down." I didn't want to go down, because I didn't like to hear a debate. You never get nowhere by debating. You just might as well leave it alone. So I said, "I won't go down." Well, all right, that was okay.
And along towards the time the services was getting ready. I just couldn't stay home. That's all. I just had to go. And I told my wife; I said, "I'm going down." And she's setting here in the building tonight, her and the little girl.
And so, we went down together, and taken the... And my brother went with me, Howard, he was here with me the last time I was in Zion. And so he said, "Now, Bill, you're going to keep quiet."
And I said, "Well, sure."

25 And so we went up in balcony thirty, way up in seat thirty up there, way up high. I set down up there. No one knew me. I had my coat up like this. And we went up and set down.
Well, I listened to this, all getting ready the moderators and everything. And Cy Ramsar, I think, was singing, leading the singing. So right at the last Cy just dropped in down there, and he knew Mr. Richey, and many of them. So they had him leading singing. And so right at the last when he said, "Now, the main event of the evening, the discussion is fixing to take place. But," said, "I read a little article in your papers here the other day." Said, "I read in there where William Branham ought to be run out of the city." Said, "You people of Houston, that call yourself Christians, would put more time trying to run bootleggers out of the city, instead of godly people like that, Houston would be better off."

26 And I say, there was a scream went up, around, thousands of people there. I knew then that something had happened. Just set still. So this Mr... The Baptist minister, he wouldn't... He would not permit; he wouldn't come up first. He wanted to be last so he could rub off on Mr. Bosworth. So they said, "All right." They was having just a little trouble then, at the last.
So Mr. Bosworth got up, gallant old soldier of the cross stood just as straight and sturdy. He stood there and he said, "We are not here tonight to fuss or to debate." He said, "We are here, tonight to discuss, or to come and reason together," he said, "upon the Words of God." He said, "I have six hundred different statements concerning Jesus Christ today, and His attitude towards the sick. His attitude--attitude towards the sick is just the same today as it was the day He walked the shores of Galilee. I have them written out here on paper. And if Mr. Best can take any one of those and disprove it by the Scripture, I will walk off the platform and give him the debate." Whew. What a statement.
Mr. Best said, "Go ahead, I will take care of that when I get up there."

27 He said, "Mr. Best, I will ask you one question. If you'll answer me yes, or no, whichever way you'll answer me, then the discussion will be over." He said, "Was the redemptive names of the Jehovah applied to Jesus, yes or no?"
I slumped down. I thought, "Oh, my. There it is." I never thought of that in my life. But that old Caleb standing there, anointed... See? It was different from that seminary experience setting back there, of reading, writing, arithmetic. He'd never thought of those things.
He said, "Is the redemptive names of Jehovah applied to Jesus, yes or no?" He said, "Answer me, yes or no, and I will set down."
He said, "Go ahead, I will take care of that."
Said, "I'm asking you, sir." The moderator give him leave. Said, "I ask you, walk to this platform, and say yes or no, and I will set down."
Sure, he couldn't say yes or no. He couldn't. He was tied right there, before he even got started. "Why," he said, "Mr. Best, I'm very surprised." Said, "And one of the weakest arguments I have on it, and you can't answer that, what are you going to do with the rest of them?" There you are. Said, "That's my weakest one. I just started off with that."

28 But if he said, "No," then he wasn't... If he--if he said, "No," then He wasn't Jehovah-jireh, the God's provided Sacrifice. He's Jehovah... If He isn't... The redemptive names of Jehovah, if they are not applied and fulfilled in Jesus, then He is not God's provided Lamb, and you're in your sins, and He was an impostor.
And if He is Jehovah-jireh, He's also Jehovah-rapha, because you can't separate them atoning name, or them redemptive names, because it all goes in redemption. And if He is Jehovah-jireh, then He's Jehovah-rapha. And "rapha" is just the same as "jireh," so He is the Healer, the same yesterday, today, and forever. That settled it. Oh, my.
He said, "What are you going to say, Mr. Best?"
He said, "I--I--I will... I--I--I--I will..."
He said, "Come here and say it [unclear words]."

29 And when he come to the place, he kept stomping; he raised up and smacked the preacher. So then when he got down there, and he got back up again, and when he come time for him to come to the platform, he preached a good Campbellite sermon. I was cradled in the Baptist church. I know what Baptist doctrine is. I should. All right.
And he absolutely did not preach divine... The Baptist believe in divine healing, praying for the sick. That's exactly right. But they... He preached and even denied the powers of Christ, and said that even that Lazarus died again. He said, "Divine healing was applied on I Corinthians 15, when this mortal put on immortality."
What in the world are we going to need divine healing for then, when we're immortal? See? So there it was. And right in the time he said that, and everybody begin to laugh at him. He said, "There's nothing but a bunch of you nitwit holy-rollers is the only one believe in such things as that." Said, "There is no true Baptist would ever believe in anything like that."
Brother Bosworth said, "Just a moment, brother."

1 Corinthians 15:53 For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.

1 Corinthians 15:54 So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory.

30 He said, "I want to ask this congregation tonight, how many of you... [Gap in the audio.] Only you that's Baptist and got good standing with the Baptist church, you are the ones that I want to stand to your feet, while we're ... now. And three hundred stood up.
Said, "What about that, Mr. Best?"
He said, "Oh, nonsense, the people can testify of anything; that still doesn't make it right."
He said, "You can't prove it by the Scriptures, and here is the evidence," see.
And so then, Mr. Richey jumped up. He's just like a little fly, anyhow, you know. Said, "I'd like to ask a word." And so the moderator finally give it. Said, "Which did the Southern Baptist Conference, and you men setting along there, on that first bleacher row," said, "did the Southern Baptist conference, is this their attitude towards Jesus Christ, the Healer? Did you all send this man here?"
Watch out. There was thousands of Baptists sitting there. Nobody made a move. Richard called their hand again.

31 He was a Zion boy, too, you know. His father was the mayor here of the city, see. The one that stayed out, and said, "Death, stand still, till I preach this sermon." And death listened to him till he preached his sermon out, and fell back in his boy's arms and died: Mr. Richey, yes, sir.
He said, "I want to ask that." And so the chairman, or the one of the Baptist men, said, "He come on his own. That's his. Not the Baptist Conference, didn't send him, but he come himself."
He said, "That's all I wanted to know." Sit down.

32 Then Best said, Mr. Best raised up and said, "Let that holy-roller, let that divine healer come forth. Let him perform. Let me see him. Let me see one of his patients that he hypnotizes here, examined a year from today. Let me see it. Let me see it. Bring him forth. Let me see him perform."
Mr. Bosworth said, "He's here nightly, you're welcome to come any time." See? He said, "Anyhow, Brother Branham doesn't claim to be a divine healer." Said, "Never." Said, "I guess his literature is published in many different languages. He's spoke directly, indirectly to millions of people." And said, "Not one time did he ever say, 'A divine healer.' He always says that Christ is the Healer." And said, "If Brother Branham, preaching divine healing, makes him a divine healer, then preaching salvation makes you a divine Saviour." That set him down, see.
Said, "Would you want to be called a divine saviour?"
"Absolutely not."
He said, "Neither does Brother Branham want to be a divine healer." Said, "He only preaches divine healing through the cross. And you were unable to say that he doesn't preach it through the cross by the Scriptures." That shut him up.

33 He said, "Or any other man here is challenged on the same grounds to come and prove, that they stand against the Bible, that Jesus Christ, that His attitude towards the sick today, isn't the same as it was then." If He's the same yesterday, today, and forever, He has got to be the same Man. That's exactly.
And then, he said, "But you can't support it. And him preaching divine healing by Jesus Christ doesn't make him a divine healer. He only points them to Christ. And preaching salvation by Jesus Christ, doesn't make you a divine Saviour. But if it makes him a Healer, it makes you a Saviour."
So then he said, "Let him come forth. Let him come forth. I want to see him. Come forth and perform." He started stomping back and forth."
Brother Bosworth said, "Now, I know Brother Branham is in the building. If he wants to come and dismiss the audience, all right. But he's under anointing, and I ... say to come forth and perform, that's something different." And he said, "Brother Branham, I know where you're setting." And everybody begin to look around. He said, "I know where you're setting, and if you want to come forth and dismiss this audience in a word of prayer, all right. But you're under no obligation."

34 And my brother Howard, he put his hand on my shoulder, and two or three ushers standing by me, said, "Set still. Set still."
I said, "All right." And I stood there just a minute. Something went "Whoosh." I knowed it wasn't setting still no more then; felt Something moving. My wife took hold of my hand, she said, "Honey?"
I said, "Sweetheart, just a moment. It's the Angel of the Lord."
Howard said, "Bill, you're not going down there." And the people looked up at me and begin screaming and crying. He said, "You're not going down."
I said, "Howard, just aside, son. The Angel of the Lord tells me to go down there."

35 Ushers begin to throw their hands together like that, and made a line coming down, along the side. I walked up to the platform. I knew He was here. I said, "I do not claim to be a divine healer." And I said, "Don't think hard of Mr. Best."
Although, he had hired some photographers to come over there. Listen to this. He hired a commercial photographer, the Douglas Studios. Write to them, if you want to find out. Connected with the American Photographer Association. And he had hired Mr. Kipperman of the Douglas Studios in Houston, Texas, number ten something, Rusk Street. It's in my book there. Write and ask him the testimony. And Mr. Ayers that come with him, was a Roman Catholic who criticized me, and said I was a hypnotizer, in the paper the day before. And Kipperman was an Orthodox Jew who even denied Jesus. And Mr. Best had sent over there and told him to "Come take a half-dozen, six by ten glossies of me, while I take that old man over there and take him apart, and skin him and rub salt in his hide, and tack it on my door as a memorial to divine healing." That shows where Christian spirit lays and take a brother... See? All right, that, there you are (You see?), all puffed up here; nothing down here, see.

36 And so, then he come over there. And they took the six glossies while he was doing the preaching. He'd pose for them like this, and he posed for them like that, you know. And they took the six glossies.
And so then, when I started down to the platform, they said, "No more pictures, that's up to all the photographers, and so forth, taking pictures." Said, "No more pictures..." Because they take those pictures in the meetings, and they sell them, and it's not right (See?), commercial on anything that belongs to God. And so, that's the wrong thing to do. So we just stopped all pictures. So they wouldn't let no pictures be taken.

37 So, I said, "Do not anyone think hard of Mr. Best." I said, "I did think he was sincere, till he looked down to this row of stretchers and cots and things, laying here, of these people laying here with cancer, and heart trouble, that's going to be dead in a few days, if God doesn't help them. And the doctors has give them up. They've done their very best for him. There's nothing they can do. And now you say, he... I believe he was sincere till he said that he felt sorry for those people." He can't feel sorry for those people, and robbing them of trying to black out the only hope they have of living. How can you feel sorry for them? Like taking food away from a starving man." I said, "And there sets their comrades setting back there, who was in their condition just a few days ago, and with doctors' statements that they're healed. [Gap in the audio.] ... because they're all mixed up in their religious experience." See? I said, "I don't [unclear words] believe that was sincere."
But anyhow, he come running up the platform, he said, "Branham?"
Said, "Yes, sir?"
He said, "As a man, I admire you. As a preacher, I don't think much of you."
I said, "That's mutually felt." Uh-huh. Walked on off the platform. That was all.

38 So I said, "All right. now. He's..." I said, "Look, I do not claim to be a divine healer." And I said, "I was reminded of my Lord, when he said, 'Come down, and perform. Come down, let me see.'" I said, "That same devil, when He was on the cross, and they put a rag around His face... I believe He was a Prophet, the King of prophets." Don't you believe it? He knew the woman at the well. She had five husbands. He knew where Nathanael was when he was under the fig tree, or the olive tree, oh, fig tree, I believe it was; when he was there. He knew where the fish was had the coin in its mouth. They put a rag around His face and hit Him on the head with a reed, and said, "Now, if You're a prophet, prophesy, tell us who hit You." He didn't even open His mouth or say a word.

Matthew 26:67 Then did they spit in his face, and buffeted him; and others smote him with the palms of their hands,

Matthew 26:68 Saying, Prophesy unto us, thou Christ, Who is he that smote thee?

Matthew 27:42 He saved others; himself he cannot save. If he be the King of Israel, let him now come down from the cross, and we will believe him.

Luke 22:64 And when they had blindfolded him, they struck him on the face, and asked him, saying, Prophesy, who is it that smote thee?

39 "And then, when they put Him on the cross, said, "If He be the Son of God, come down and let us see. Prove it to us now. Come off the cross, and we'll believe you."
I said, "That same old spirit, them preachers that had it back there is dead, but the spirit lives on in other preachers, right on down through the age."
"Healed this one. Yeah, let Him see heal this one." When He was here and He passed by the pool of Bethesda; there laid that crippled multitude, of the lame, halt, blind, withered, laying there like that, and Him walking right by, and He walked over and took and man that had sugar diabetes, or some kind of an infirmity, and healed him, and left the multitude laying there.
The Jews had the same thing. They said, "They questioned Him about it."
Here is what He said, Saint John 5:19. "Verily, verily, I say unto you, I can do nothing except the Father shows Me. For the Father loves the Son, and He shows Him what He does. Show Him all things that He doeth. And He will show you greater things (than the healing of this diabetic, or tubercular, or whatever it was), that you may marvel. But I can do nothing, except first I see a vision, what the Father has done."
Is that Scripture? That's right.

Matthew 27:42 He saved others; himself he cannot save. If he be the King of Israel, let him now come down from the cross, and we will believe him.

John 5:2 Now there is at Jerusalem by the sheep market a pool, which is called in the Hebrew tongue Bethesda, having five porches.

John 5:3 In these lay a great multitude of impotent folk, of blind, halt, withered, waiting for the moving of the water.

John 5:4 For an angel went down at a certain season into the pool, and troubled the water: whosoever then first after the troubling of the water stepped in was made whole of whatsoever disease he had.

John 5:5 And a certain man was there, which had an infirmity thirty and eight years.

John 5:6 When Jesus saw him lie, and knew that he had been now a long time in that case, he saith unto him, Wilt thou be made whole?

John 5:7 The impotent man answered him, Sir, I have no man, when the water is troubled, to put me into the pool: but while I am coming, another steppeth down before me.

John 5:8 Jesus saith unto him, Rise, take up thy bed, and walk.

John 5:9 And immediately the man was made whole, and took up his bed, and walked: and on the same day was the sabbath.

John 5:19 Then answered Jesus and said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do: for what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise.

40 Now, they said, "Well, what about all those lame, halt, blind, twisted, withered waiting there?" The Father never showed Him nothing about it, and He went right on. What the Father showed Him to do, He did. But according to His Words, Who was the Son of God, He could do nothing until first the Father showed Him. Is that right? That's His own Word. You argue that out with Him. And He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. It's the same way. That's right. What the Father shows, that He does. All right.
Now, notice this. Then I said, "But I can't heal no one." But I said, "This I do say. When I was a baby born up in the state of Kentucky, according to my own dear mother, and which has been vindicated through my life," I said, "there was a light came in the room of that little old huddle there, where it was at, no floor in it, didn't even have a window, they just had a little old thing for a window there, like a little door, and they pushed it open about five o'clock in the morning, and this light circled in just as it was breaking day."

John 5:19 Then answered Jesus and said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do: for what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise.

Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

41 I said, "Since that time, It's been with me. It's an Angel of God. He met me in person a few years ago. Down through my life, He told me things that's happened, and I have told them just as He told me. And I challenge anybody at any place, to go to the city where I was raised, or anywhere else, that a statement has ever been made in the Name of the Lord, but what come just exactly the way it said it would." And I said, "Now, not me, but it was Him." And I said, "Anyone here, any Christian knows, that God will not have nothing to do with error. God is truth." Is that right? And I said, "He would not bless an error. And had done been gone, found out, before this time." I said, "It would never do. God will not bless an error. But if I testify of the truth, then God will testify of me. If I make a statement, and God has told me to do so, then God will back it up. Do you believe that? If He doesn't back it up, then He never made it. But if He made the statement, God will stand behind what He promised." Hallelujah.
Oooh, you don't know how that makes--how that makes me feel. Don't think I'm just off my sense of balance. I know where I am. Look. Yes, but when I know where, what I'm talking about. And every borned again man in here, woman, knows what they're talking about.

42 Now, whether you can appropriate the faith, I do not know. But, what God says, is the truth. And I said, "If I tell the truth, God will testify of the truth. For God is under obligation to testify the truth, but He will not have nothing to do with error. So if I told the truth, God will testify the truth." And about that time, here He come, "Whoosh," coming right down over where I was.
Excited this photographer. He run forth, the one that got the glossy of the man. And he snapped the picture, snapped a picture of me standing there. I said, "God will testify. I shall say no more." I walked off the platform.
So that night he went home, on the road home they discussed about it. Said, "What do you think about that?" The Catholic said to the... I mean the Jew said to the Catholic.
He said, "Well, we're taught in our church, that it can be, but it would have to be a Catholic, nothing but a Catholic. See, it would have to come through the church. If there's any blessings, it comes through the church."
Said, "Oh, I..." Kipperman said, "I don't know nothing about it, just to be honest with you."
Ayers said, "Well, I might have criticized the man wrong." So he went on down.
Kipperman said, "Well, I'm going upstairs and go to bed."

43 Ayers said, "I will put these in the studio, and run them through the acid, because Best wants them tomorrow. I think he wants, maybe, use one in the paper, them glossies."
So he put the six negatives in the acid. He was standing there smoking a cigarette, waiting for the developing of it, as it went into the process of acid developing. He was smoking a cigarette. After while he threw the cigarette down; he was thinking about the meeting and what taken place. So he walked in, he pulled out the six negatives. He looked at one of them, perfectly blank, second, blank, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, perfectly blank. Every one of Mr. Best was blank.
And when he pulled out the one that he taken of me, there was the Angel of God, the pillar of fire, in the picture.

44 He grabbed his heart; he fell forward. He screamed for Ted. They run downstairs. That was about ten-thirty. And at eleven o'clock, it was on its road on an airplane to Washington, DC, to be copyrighted. Returned back, and when it did, it was turned over to the head, George J. Lacy, anybody knows he's head of the FBI, in fingerprint and so forth. And he happened to be in California, just down to Houston, they taken it into the Shell building under examination for two days. On the end of that time, he said, "Come forth, and stand in the room, and they would let them know what it was."

45 So they taken their camera; they look at the camera. They taken the negative. They put it under a violet ray, and all kinds of light. They went down to the auditorium. They examined the film in every way. So then that afternoon when everybody was gathered together there, in the little Shell building, to can find out what would take the place, or Shell Oil Company, the building there...
He said, "Whose name is Rev. Branham?" Kind of a tough-looking fellow. But he had softened up a whole lot.
I said, "Mine, sir."
He said, "Stand up." I stood up.
He said, "Mr. Branham," said, "you'll have to pass out of this life someday like all mortals."
I said, "I'm aware of that, sir. But thanks be to God Who gives me the victory through Jesus Christ."

46 And he said, "Sir," he said, "I've heard of your meetings. And I said those things were psychology." And said, "I seen the pictures where the saints, and them lights they had around the Saviour there." He said, "My mother was a Christian woman. She taught me to be a Christian." He said, "But I always said that that [unclear words] painting was psychology. Of course, some artist picked it up."
But he said, "Rev. Branham, I believe it was the truth now." He said, "That mechanical eye of that camera won't take psychology. It was absolutely a genuine picture. The only one in the world's history today, and can be proven to be a hypocrite," he meant the unbeliever, that said, "there was no such a thing as a supernatural Being. Could not be scientifically proved," but said, "that day is passed. Here it is."

47 People been screaming and crying and everything. He said, "Come forward to receive the negative." Picking up the negative, he said, "Rev. Branham, it's went through everything." Said, "Absolutely, I'm willing to sign my name to any document that the Light struck the negative." And he said, "Psychology don't give light." Hallelujah.
Tears rolling down my cheeks, I looked around. There it was. God had vindicated a seventh-grade education. The things that they said was fanaticism, God had vindicated truth to the scientific world, once for all. Said, "There it is."
He said, "You'll never live to see the value of this picture." Said, "You'll go before that time, no doubt." He said, "Here I submit it to you."

48 I said, "Sir, it's not mine." I said, "It belongs there to the American Photographer Association." Mister Kipperman come forward. Said, "I'd like to ask the document of this, with my lawyer sitting here, that you'd give me permission to sell the picture."
I said... He said, and so he said, "Mr. Branham, you realize that picture is worth a hundred thousand?"
I said, "Sir, listen. To all of you, once for all, if my Lord Jesus thought enough of me to come down by my side, in that hard struggle against right and wrong, and stand by my side for the first time in all the world's history to have His picture taken, standing by me; I love Him too much to commercialize it. That's right." And I said, "I will not have one thing to do with it."
He said, "Well, it should be some kind of a document."
I said, "Mr. Kipperman and the Douglas Studio has a right to sell it. I won't sign nothing. But if they will sell it in a price where poor people can get a hold of it..." And they promised they would do that. And it would turn loose. They had the copyright on it, and you can send and get a copy of it."

49 And I said, "One more thing, Mr. Lacy called my attention." He said, "One more thing ought to be said. That this picture could not be sold, unless there be a statement go out, because it was given to the picture that there shouldn't be any critics go out and say, 'Well, it's nonsense. All that's just hear talk,' or something like that. You can have a photostatic copy of it right yonder, if you wish. You can see Mr. Lacy, and find out who he is. Anybody that knows anything about photography, or fingerprints, knows who George J. Lacy is. There he is the best there is in the United States, and I think he's the best in the world.
And there he is, after two days of research, and chemicals and everything else, said, "It's absolutely the picture of a supernatural Being standing there beside of you."

50 Then what I say? Anyone who knows the Old Testament, knows that it was a pillar of fire that led the children of Israel. Is that right? And all Bible readers know that that was the Angel of the covenant. Do you believe that? Then if that was that Angel of the covenant, it was Jesus Christ. He's the same yesterday, today, forever. He's still the Lord Jesus.
"I came from God, and I go to God," He said. "A little while and the world seeth Me no more, yet you'll see Me. I will be with you, even in you, to the end of the age." "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever."
That's when Brother Bosworth give me the negative, or the picture of Florence Nightingale, laying yonder dying. Said, "If I only..."

Matthew 28:20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.

John 14:19 Yet a little while, and the world seeth me no more; but ye see me: because I live, ye shall live also.

John 16:28 I came forth from the Father, and am come into the world: again, I leave the world, and go to the Father.

Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

51 How many seen that picture back there in the book? You see it in "The Voice of Healing." How I will never forget this. How wonderful when I went to pray for her. When she went in there, I looked at her, and that cold hand. How God moved down there, and a little dove flew through the bushes and sit on the window, cooed back and forth while I was praying. When I raised up, the ministers raised up and said, "Did you hear... Did you see--look at that dove?" The dove flew away when I raised up. Said, "Did you notice that dove?" I got ready to say I...
The woman couldn't even move; she was laying there. And I said, "I thought you... I seen the dove," or something."

52 As I started to say that, Something came down. I believe it was the same pillar of fire. My voice changed. I couldn't hold my words, and said, "Thus saith the Lord, this woman will live and not die." Today she weighs a hundred and fifty-five pounds in perfect health. With a cancer on the duodenum of the stomach. And there she is walking the streets. That's what sent me to South Africa. That's why I went, because I told God if He would let her get well. When I was here in Houston, Texas, I seen, knowed I was coming there, yet I do not know. But she come in on a plane. Mr. Baxter here, my manager, when I was going in at London, England, why, he heard somebody page me. And they went over there to find out what it was about. And they said, "Miss Florence Nightingale was out there, and they didn't think they'd even get her out of the plane, 'cause she was dying right then." I told them to take her down there, because we was going down to Buckingham Palace in Westminster Abbey, and a few places, and I would meet her when I come back. And there's when God healed the woman.

53 What does that mean? What does that mean to me tonight, in the face of criticism? How many has read the book out there, when that maniac run to the platform out yonder? You better know what you're speaking about. He said, "You snake in the grass, I will break every bone in your mealy body, tonight, you posing yourself to be a man of God." A raw maniac out of the institution, had broke out, two hundred and eighty pound man standing there and muscles. Mr. Baxter standing behind me, when hundreds of preachers shrank back. Two little police that I just led to Christ, over in a room before coming, they run out to grab him, like that.
I said, "Just a moment, sir. This is not a flesh and blood affair." He swelled himself out. He set his feet together.
He said, "You hypocrite. You snake in the grass."

54 I was speaking, I turned around to him, this a way. All the ministers had backed up. He come walking towards me. Said, "I will break every bone in your frail body tonight." I weighed an hundred and eighteen pounds. Said, "I will show you how much man of God you are, you serpent." He come walking forward. I never said a word. I just turned around, had to look up to him like that. He walked up, and was about there. As he got close, I thought, "Dear God, the only hope I have is in You." He was well able to do his threats. He walked there just then.
When he stepped out there, I started to say, "Sir, I wouldn't say that."
And when I did, He said, "Thus saith the Lord, because you've challenged the Spirit of God, tonight you'll fall over my feet."

55 He said, "You hypocrite, I will show you whose feet I will fall over." Said, "I will break your neck, you serpent." And went... [Brother Branham makes a spitting noise.] Spit in my face like that. I just stood still, waiting for the Spirit of God. Sixty-six hundred people, besides what was on the outside, was standing breathless. You better know what you're speaking about.
He run forward, gulped at me [unclear words] he said, "I will show you whose feet I will fall over." He drew back like that.
I said, "Satan, in the name of Jesus Christ, come out of him." See? There he stood with his challenge like Goliath, that he made his boast. The Spirit of God had said what would happen. Now we'll see who's right. He... I... Everything seemed against me. His desires, and all, he could carry it out.
He said, "I will break every bone in your body. I will knock you plumb out in the middle of that audience." He could do it, physically speaking.
But the Holy Spirit said, "You'll fall over my feet." There he rushed forward. And when the Spirit...
I said, "Satan, come out of the man in the name of Jesus Christ." His big fist drew back.

56 Mr. Baxter here, is a witness, besides [unclear words] caught running down through the police courts and everything up there. You seen "The Voice of Healing," didn't you? How they hunted him down, and everything, and it proved out, a hundred percent, it was there, and all the rest of them. We're not liars. We're testifying of Jesus Christ.
You're welcome to take the book and run them down, and any other testimony that I say. Yes, sir. I'm under obligation to God to be a man of honor, the truth, as a prophet of God.

57 And when he come running to me, he threw his hands back. When he did, he went, "Oh-uh-uh-uh-uh." His eyes, all the way back, and pushed out. His mouth open like that. He shrunk and fell across my feet, till I couldn't even move. I looked at him.
Them police said, "Is that man dead?"
I said, "No, sir."
Said, "Is he going to be all right?"
I said, "No, sir. He worships that spirit. He thinks he's right. If he's willing to give it up, it would leave him now. But he worships it; he will take it right back." I said, "Would you move him off my feet?" And they got him off my feet. And I walked back to the platform and started speaking.
I said, "Our Heavenly Father has all powers in heaven and earth."

58 And a man laying on a cot said, "Yes, He has. He healed me." And up he got. There laid a man standing there with crutches. He threw his crutches across the floor, said, "He healed me, too." And away he went. Up come a man out of a wheelchair, said, "Me, also."
There the power of God moved through that building, and shut the mouth of Satan. Hallelujah. Call me a fanatic if you want to. I'm a fanatic for Christ. Whose fanatic are you? I know what I speak of. If I die this night... I will never die; I have eternal life in me. And every born again Christian does too. If I go home to meet the Lord, tonight, my testimony is still proven true. And every time that Satan has rose up, God has set them down. So therefore, without fear, knowing my Lord Jesus is here, I do not hesitate to tell you the truth of God's Word in this hour.

59 Zion, this is the day of visitation for you. You better receive it in the name of the Lord; you may be receiving your last. I do not say that you are. But I know, by promise I come here. When I left over there, and one of your critics of the city here, rose up against me, thinking that I was coming back here to take over somebody's church... I take over nobody's church. I was sent to preach the Gospel into all parts of the world. I only come here to bless you and to help you in my prayers, as I can. I come. When I left this city, I said, "I will return." I fulfilled my commission. I am here.
And the other day, when I was here, the Holy Spirit said to me... I was going... You know where I was going? To Minneapolis, to an auditorium that seats around ten, twelve thousand, bunch was cooperating. And right down the coast here, Baltimore, there was an auditorium setting there with five hundred ministers, Baptist, Methodist and all signed up to cooperate in the meeting, in an auditorium that seats ten thousand, free. Not a penny, didn't even had to take up about one offering the whole meeting, let the rest of it go.
But the Holy Spirit said, "Go by the way of Zion." I'm here. Oh, God, have mercy.

60 Our heavenly Father, God, I don't know what to say. I try with all my heart. May people awake tonight, Lord. O God, again move in Zion. Grant it, Lord. Start a great revival, somehow, Lord. We see how these bloodthirsty sheep killers have come through this city, robbing people of their blessings. O God Almighty, have mercy and send again that which Thou has established, Lord. Grant it.
Send Your mercies and heal the sick and the needy, and bless the people, Lord. For I believe that the hours are closing in. Darkness is settling over the earth. God, get Your church ready quickly. Come, Lord Jesus. Receive us.
Bless tonight in the further part of the service. May Your dear Son, Jesus Christ, in the form of the Holy Spirit come upon Your poor unworthy humble servant who testified with all my heart. I can't make them believe it, Lord. I can only tell the truth. And You're right behind every testimony to say that it's true.

61 Let them wake tonight, Lord. May the nations be shook once more, not one of these protractive meetings, Lord. But, an old fashion God-saved meeting, that'll close whiskey stores, that'll make women put on clothes, that'll make men act like gentlemen, that'll start the glory of God in the church. Grant it, Lord. Once more, may Your mercies be showed. Hear the prayer of Your servant; with a sincere heart I pray. Grant it, Lord. Through Jesus' name I ask that, Thy only begotten and beloved Son. I ask it for His glory, that these Words might fulfilled, that He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. Amen. [Gap in the audio.]

62 If you won't receive mine, listen to His, found in the 16th chapter of Saint John and beginning with the 30th verse. I want to read two portions. Jesus had always talked in such a way, till the people couldn't understand Him. They said, "What does He mean? I don't know. He talked in parables." But this time He spoke plainly.
Then said the disciples: Now are we sure that thou knowest all things, and needest not that any man should ask thee: by this we believe that thou comest forth from God.
He said, "You've done nothing but what the Father showed You. And what You said was, has been exactly the truth." Is that your interpretation of that Scripture?

John 16:30 Now are we sure that thou knowest all things, and needest not that any man should ask thee: by this we believe that thou camest forth from God.

63 "You said, You come in the Father, and the Father... You did nothing in Yourself, what the Father showed You... When You go over to... One day over yonder and they sent You to come pray for Your brother Lazarus, You just kept going on. You knew what the Father was going to do. Then You stopped and told us, that he was dead after so much time, of course, and God allotted the time that Lazarus would be dead. He said, 'But I go wake him.'"
"When You stood at the grave, we understood that you spoke to the Father, and said, You knew about it. But You just prayed for them that stood by, that they might understand. And You called a dead man from the grave. We see You do things. And whatever You predicted, whatever You told the people, what their troubles was, what was wrong with them. You perceived their thoughts; every bit of it was the truth. And by this, we believe that Thou comest from God. By this...'

John 5:19 Then answered Jesus and said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do: for what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise.

John 11:11 These things said he: and after that he saith unto them, Our friend Lazarus sleepeth; but I go, that I may awake him out of sleep.

John 11:14 Then said Jesus unto them plainly, Lazarus is dead.

John 16:30 Now are we sure that thou knowest all things, and needest not that any man should ask thee: by this we believe that thou camest forth from God.

64 Now, Hebrews 13:8 said Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Is that true?
In Acts 2:22, Peter speaking on the day of Pentecost:
Ye men of Israel, hear these words; Jesus of Nazareth, ... approved of God among you by signs, by miracles and wonders and signs, which God did by him in the midst of you, as ye yourselves also know:
Jesus... God approved Jesus by signs, and wonders, and miracles. Jesus did not do them; the Father showed Him what to do first. Is that right? Now, if He's the same yesterday, today, and forever, it's the same way.
Now, Lord, committing this service to You. I've spake quite a bit; the room is very warm tonight. This little crowd is gathered over here in this high school gymnasium room. Father, may the Holy Spirit come near, may that same Pillar of Fire that led the children of Israel, move down, settle around the holy place, this pulpit. May Your Angels of God take their position and places, positionally out among the people, speaking to their hearts, getting them to believe. Take away all unbelief. May it go from this building tonight, that it might be a great marvelous meeting.
May the exceedingly abundantly be done. I have testified of Thee, my Lord. Now I ask Thee to testify of Thy servant, that Your glory might be spread abroad through all the regions around Zion, just before the coming of the just One, for we ask it in His name. Amen.
[Gap in the audio.]
First patient come on.

Acts 2:22 Ye men of Israel, hear these words; Jesus of Nazareth, a man approved of God among you by miracles and wonders and signs, which God did by him in the midst of you, as ye yourselves also know:

Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

65 Jehovah-jireh, -rapha, -manasseh, great Jehovah God knows tonight that I, as far as I know, never seen this man in my life. I know nothing about him. I never seen him. Did you ever see me, sir? No, he never seen me. We're perfect strangers. What's the matter with the man? God does know.
Now, God can, if He will, reveal that to me. And if that can be done, and if you people believe that I am at least a truthful man, each one of you out here ought to say, "That settles it for me."

66 Do you remember when I was in Zion the other time? How many was at the meeting the other time? The only way I had of knowing, I took the person by the hand, and stand there, and I hold that hand. And that hand, I would hold it, until Something spoke through me, and it said the disease what it was. And I testified to you, that God told me, the Angel of the Lord, that if I would be sincere, it would come to pass, that I would know the very thoughts of their heart. You remember me saying it would come to pass? How many remembers me testifying of that? Raise your hand, see. Now, the first time it happened, was with Brother Baxter, at Queen Gardens, Regina, Saskatchewan. I walked to the platform. He give me a drink of water.

67 And I stood the woman there, and I seen a vision of what she was doing. And there it started. God had manifested His Word. Hear me. I believe this. I can't say that He has told me, but something is moving in me, saying that, "There's something more greater, just ready to break forth in my ministry." Remember, He told me to be reverent, be obedient, be humble, and God will add to you." Now, I'm trying my best to be.
Now, Moses, when Moses said that he wasn't an eloquent man. His speech was... couldn't talk very well. He stammered, and so forth, and he couldn't go, and so forth. But God tried to get him to go anyhow, but he wouldn't listen. But then, when God sent Moses, He told him, said, he said, "The people won't believe me."

Exodus 4:1 And Moses answered and said, But, behold, they will not believe me, nor hearken unto my voice: for they will say, The LORD hath not appeared unto thee.

68 He said, "Put your hands in your bosom." He had leprosy, and He healed his hand of leprosy. Then he took a stick and performed a miracle, with a stick, by turning it to a serpent, back to a stick. He said, "You do this before the children of Israel and they will believe you." Is that right?
Now, He told me, that this sign would be given first. "And if they wouldn't believe that, that you'd know the very thoughts of their heart, and by that they would believe." That's the same God. And God knows that I know nothing about it then. The same pillar of fire that spoke to Moses, has spoke again in this last day. And it was not Moses that done any thing; it was the Angel that went before Moses, that did it. Is that right? Surely, people, we can understand. Now, Moses, here's one thing that I do do wrong. I'm admitting it with this Bible before me. I'm doing wrong by bringing this person up here and speaking to them, till I have to break myself into a vision that weakens me down. What I ought to do, well, maybe I ought to have them call one person out of the audience, or something another like that, and bring them up here and talk to them. And line up a prayer line, and pray for all the rest of them as they went by. That would be better. But it's got to a place, where, if you don't stand and talk to the person, the vision doesn't come, they don't even think you're anointed. I brought that upon myself, a confession before God.

Exodus 4:2 And the LORD said unto him, What is that in thine hand? And he said, A rod.

Exodus 4:3 And he said, Cast it on the ground. And he cast it on the ground, and it became a serpent; and Moses fled from before it.

Exodus 4:4 And the LORD said unto Moses, Put forth thine hand, and take it by the tail. And he put forth his hand, and caught it, and it became a rod in his hand:

Exodus 4:5 That they may believe that the LORD God of their fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, hath appeared unto thee.

Exodus 4:6 And the LORD said furthermore unto him, Put now thine hand into thy bosom. And he put his hand into his bosom: and when he took it out, behold, his hand was leprous as snow.

Exodus 4:7 And he said, Put thine hand into thy bosom again. And he put his hand into his bosom again; and plucked it out of his bosom, and, behold, it was turned again as his other flesh.

69 But if this man here, me knowing nothing about him, and the man knows I know nothing about him, never seen him in my life. If God will manifest Himself, and the same way that He done to Nathanael, that ought to settle it for this whole entire audience. Is that right? I take you, sir, for a truthful man. And I never seen you, no connection with you, know nothing about you. Is that right? No way else for me to know. All right. But there he stands.
Now, let us be in prayer now, while I talk to him. Be silently. You can look this way. Now, I want to ask you something tonight. Last night, when I was started to pray, and asked you to bow your head, some wouldn't do it. And that makes it hard on the patient. You see? That... You must. The only way I can do anything to help you, is full cooperation. And let you know this. That when them strange diseases goes out of the people, remember, you're not immune from them. And they're perfectly helpless until they're embodied. And be it assured to you that I'm not responsible. If you do not bow your head when I ask you, and will not obey, I would not even stay in the meeting, for it's a dangerous thing. For let me tell you: There's people in the institutions today, that set in the meeting as normal people, and went out in that condition because of disobedience. There's many that's in the grave.

70 Now, you look this way, do anything you want to, but just... And when I tell you, wherever you are, if you're in there [unclear words]. If you're sick, whatever He tells you to do, go do it right then. You do just what it tells you to do.
If I had longer to stay in Zion, I'd tell you some of the things that's happened, but we must hurry. Believe. The only thing I ask you to do is believe that Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever.
All right, sir, come here. Now, I trust that you understand, friends, that this is not a stage show or something. You're up here, I believe, in sincerity. If you're not, God will sure tell me about you in a few minutes, and you'll know whether you're up--that you should've never come. But if you are in sincerity, you're here to get well, or something to happen. And I'm here in deep sincerity to try to help you by praying for you. That's all I can do, brother. That's all I can do. Why did I call you, sir, a few minutes ago, and brother then? Because I witnessed your spirit; you are a Christian. That's right. All right.
Now, He's already here. And you're aware of that, that there's something going on. And I just talk to you just a moment. I've been preaching (You see?) and it's a different anointing; it has to move back from that (You see?) back into another realm. And I want to be sure of what I speak (You see?), until a vision goes to breaking in, and then I can tell what was wrong.

71 But now, look, as I'm speaking to you, like Jesus did to the woman at the well... Now, if there's something wrong with that woman, and Jesus talked to her a little bit, and He went right straight and told her what was wrong with her. Is that right? Not knowing her, He was a Jew, and she a Samaritan, He just stood up there at the well, and she come by. So after talking to her a little bit, then He could tell her what was wrong.

72 Now, if I be a Christian man, if the Spirit of God is in me, that is, the Spirit of Christ, then It'll make me conduct like Him, make any Christian like Him. Then on top of that, if He has given a spiritual gift, or His presence near, then He will be just like He was then. He could go right straight. See, He has no lips on earth but mine, ours, no hands, but ours, our eyes. He speaks through us, and looks through us, and sees through us. And is that right? That's right. You're [unclear words] then. Our lips are His lips to preach the Gospel and whatmore.
Sir, you're suffering with a blood condition. I believe it's diabetes. Is that right? Now, do you believe it? With all your heart? [Brother answers, "With all my heart."]

73 Now, there is the man's trouble. That's what's wrong. I never seen him in my life, but that's his trouble. Now, if I could talk to him just a little bit, then the Holy Spirit might reveal something else, might, oh, tell him, maybe, something when he was a little boy he did, or maybe some hindrance, or something, something that would--stands in his life. I don't know. Perhaps... Do you all really believe?
Now, I want, being that this is the first man, let's take these cases serious. I just want to talk to you, sir. Now, I just want you to answer me. Oh, I'm not reading your mind, sir. I want you to be thinking about me standing here, just thinking that you're in the Presence of the Lord, some and or His Being here. Don't think ... because the people might think it as reading mind. Let me... We settled that, the other night, that Jesus knowed their thoughts. But and I don't want that at all. I want to see a vision, not what they're thinking about, see. I want to know if God would show me something about you, something in your life. Do you believe that I'm able to do it by being His prophet? You do. Well, may the Lord grant it.

74 You have something to do around a boat, or boats, or something. Isn't that right? And aren't you some kind of a... Aren't you a minister? You are a preacher, that is. And you are around... I see you around preaching, or talking to fishermen, or something another, or boats, or something. Is that right? If it's right, raise up your hand. Do you believe me to be His prophet? All right, go home and be well, my brother, in the name of Jesus Christ [unclear words. Blank spot on tape.]

75 I believe, beyond a shadow of doubt, the people of this meeting will have to recognize that there is a supernatural Being that's standing here, that's ministering through me. And you can accept it as God, or whatever want to accept it. That will determine your healing. If that be so, and God has said that I have told the truth. A man who'd come here and saying he is a... God told you this, that, or the other. I have no right to say that He did not. Look, when God comes down and speaks definitely, everything that He says is the truth.
Can you believe that man, that he told the truth? It's truth. Can you believe me now? That Jesus Christ our Saviour, is setting at the right hand of the Father. His presence is here this evening. Just as they put a television on me now, and see me in California; and I'm here. His invisible Presence is near. He's the One, through the power of the Holy Spirit, that's moving in this building. And He's ready now to make His healing power to the people well.

76 Will you believe me as His prophet? I was going to call about ten more. My manager has done said it's enough. If there's no more conditions, I tell you the Spirit is moving on. Everything is becoming more like a emerald color, around me, because I'm standing here, that's all I know, holding to this microphone.
I love you, Zion. And God knows that I want to do something for you. And I have testified to you, and my God has testified that I've told the truth. Receive Him tonight (will you?) as your healer, while we bow our heads.

77 Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy Kingdom come. Thine will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Almighty God, Author of life, and Giver of every good gift; Saviour of the soul, Healer of the body, Creator of heavens and earth, send Thy blessings upon this people. How can we doubt longer? How long will you stand in jeopardy?
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who by His infinite grace, has sent His Holy Spirit to us in this last days. We poor, alienated Gentiles, carried away with dumb idols, two thousand years ago were wild savages, we Anglo-Saxon people, without hope, without God in the world, and today has been made sons and daughters of God, and God has sent His Spirit into us, crying, "Abba, Father."

78 O God, through my nation, America. Woe unto her. If the works had been done in Sodom and Gomorrah, that's did in America in these last five minutes, it'd remain to this day. If this nation would receive You, O God, as those poor dark heathen Africans did down there in Africa, the Korean War could be settled and peace could strike the earth again. But if they will not accept mercy, we have to accept judgment. God be merciful tonight, to this people here in this audience. This poor, little, neglected, Zion, where once the bells tolled yonder in their street, I'm told, back yonder when I was babe, and rocked in my mother's arms, You knew that this night would be when the bell was tolled on the church, the women ceased their work, the men stopped on the street, and covered their heads. Prayer was made to Almighty God.

79 The thinking now that down through the street goes half-dressed girls. Sin on every hand, the [unclear words] called by holy names. Sinners, ungodly, beguiled and ground dedicated to God, how long, Lord, will these things last? Only doest Thou know. But yet, I believe, there is names yet in Zion, that's wrote on the Lamb's book of life.
Come, Lord Jesus, tonight, as Your Spirit moving over this audience. Hear each one of them, Lord, these that's gathered in from here and other parts of this country: Waukegan, and Chicago, and around about the cities. May, Lord, mercy spread over the building just now. May the rain of the Holy Spirit, as it was in the fiery furnace, with the Hebrew children fan away every unbelief, every doubt, and may God Almighty break through the spell of unbelief and set every believer free tonight. And may the Holy Ghost now baptize many in this audience tonight, into the kingdom of God, and out yonder they might leap out of these chairs [unclear words] crutches, their eyes comes open, ears open, the sick will pass here, and [unclear words] might be healed. God, grant it. Hear my prayer, God. Hear it in Jesus' name.
And, Satan, you leave, you ungodly, doubting, and unbelieving spirit, I adjure thee, by Jesus the Son of God who's here, leave every one of the people. Come out of them.