The Angel of God
The Angel of God somebodyThe Angel of God (1948-03-04) (William M. Branham Sermons)
The Angel of God (1948-03-04) (William M. Branham Sermons) somebodyThe Angel of God
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1 Don't no one go away from here now, and say, "Brother Branham said it's ten years to the rapture." I do not know; nobody does. Not even the Angels of heaven knows. I don't know. But I know it's getting awful near, for the signs that He said would be taking place. He said, "It'd be even at the door." And we're getting them right now.
2 I know the next thing to happen is the restoration of the gifts to the Church. And it's the hardest thing I've had to do in this pioneering work, is to do this, as to see the people that... God cannot give back the gifts to the Church as long as His Church is divided. We've got to get the Church together first 'fore the gifts can come.
3 But if all of the full Gospel people would come one heart and one accord, there would be a revival that would shake the whole world. And every spiritual gift would be in the Church within a hour's time after it took place. Signs and wonders that was done by the apostles would be a minor thing to what would do if we could just get the Church together. It's got to happen. It will happen. It may be after I've passed off the scene. But I want to put my word in this that you might know, that my voice is this...
4 O Christian people, bind yourselves together with one heart and one accord. For God cannot no more send the gifts to the Church while the Church is separated, than He can send the Holy Ghost unless we're in one accord. That's right. For it comes by the Holy Ghost. Believe it.
5 These claims that I have made about the Angel of God, these claims that I have made about healing, I don't believe there's a person that's ever been in a meeting but what knows that it is true. Do you believe it? You've seen it before your own eyes. Certainly.
I've seen people pass over the platform and--and not be healed. There was thousands come before Christ that wasn't healed. He said, "I can if ye believe." But many mighty works He could not do because of their unbelief. [Gap in the audio.]
6 Come by Jeffersonville and see me sometime. Will you? Be glad to have you. Write me a letter, send it to me. If I can just... Send it to my house. Any time that I could... You could call me. For you're sick, I'll pray for it on the phone.
I can't say I could come every time. I used to say, "I'll come to you rain or shine." I come down from Canada, and about sixteen or eighteen airplane tickets laying there. Oh, I just wonder then. See, you can't go, 'cause when you're going to one, there's another. The one here, and here's another, and you--you don't know where to go to.
But I--I love you. And I'm here to help you. I'm going to do all that I can for you to try to prove to you that I do love you. God bless each one of you.
7 Now, before going, I wish to read this little piece of Scripture before starting in the prayer line. Matthew the 4th chapter, 23rd and 24th verses.
And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing all manner of sickness and all manner of diseases among the people.
And his fame went throughout all Syria: and they brought unto him all the sick people that were taken with divers diseases and torments... those that were possessed with devils... those which were lunaticks, and those that had the palsy; and he healed them.
8 Now, let's bow our heads just a moment, if you will, everywhere over the audience. Now, be real reverent. I want to know before I start praying now, with your head bowed, how many of you that's coming in the prayer line, that believes if I'll ask God, God will hear my prayer and heal you? You believe that? Would you believe He will? God bless you.
Friends, the Angel of the Lord told me, "If you can get the people to believe you..." Now, I tell you what you do, when you pass through this line tonight, you go out of here just rejoicing, just as happy as you can be, telling the people that you're healed. And go testify. The disciples were ten days and nights in Jerusalem constantly praising God before the Holy Ghost ever fell.
9 Father, I thank Thee for this, another privilege for this evening, the third trip to this lovely little city of Phoenix, where the valley of the sun, where my heart has yearned to be since a little boy. O God, somehow I pray, God, that You'll start us a--a revival in every church there is in the city. Grant it, Lord. May a great moving revival come to this city.
Father, I pray that You'll move. I pray that tonight, that the Angel of God will stand here at this pulpit, and may there not be one pass by this pulpit, but what's healed. Hear my prayer, Father, as I cry to You with a sincere heart. Knowing that I am trying with my whole heart to serve You the best that I know how, and I pray that You'll hear me tonight. Bless Brother Garcia... [Gap in the audio.]
Oh, I was half... [Gap in the audio.] And it was... [Gap in the audio.]... the line. And there was a man just come up with a woman. And she was... [Gap in the audio.]... us until... [Gap in the audio.] And when I took hold of her hand. Of course, there was... [Gap in the audio.] feel the vibration, because arthritis is caused by acid. And I had prayer for the woman. And while... [Gap in the audio.]
10 Her eyes, she seemed to go into a trance. I just passed her on, of course. Then I left and was gone, come back again in a few days, and her husband was at the door. And he said, "Brother Branham," he said, "something's happened to my wife. She talks like she's delirious."
And I said, "What seems to be wrong?"
He said, "Well, here's what it is." Said, "When she was praying... When you was praying for her, she seemed like she was in a trance until we got home. And she asked me, who was that other Man that come down there with you when you prayed for her?"
And I said, "There was no other man."
Said, "Oh, yes. A Man with the white robe on with dark hair."
I said, "Say that again, brother." And he said it again. And I said, "That is the Angel of the Lord that appeared." See?
She said, "Why, He was looking down upon Brother Branham when he was praying." And said, "He talked to me." And He said, "Now, you're looking for healing." Said, "Brother Branham's prayer will be answered; you'll be healed." But said, "Doesn't Brother Branham look awful frail?" Said, "But he will be strong after while." So that give me encouragement. See, "He will be strong after while."
11 Now, the woman never heard the story. And she described and said He was a large man, brown dark face with black hair hanging down near His shoulders. She said, "I seen Him come down off the pulpit." And she'd never heard of it in her life. And said, "When Brother Branham knelt down to pray for me, then this Man looked, come up there; instead of praying He just ke--kept looking down at Brother Branham." And said, "He looked around at me, and said, 'Now, you come for healing, and you'll be healed.'" And then said, "Now, doesn't Brother Branham look awful thin?" Said, "But he will be strong after while." See? And said, "Then when the--they started moving the stretcher away, He walked right on out the door with me, and that's the last I seen of Him."
12 Now, that's the Angel of God. He's been seen many times in the services. And I know that He's here tonight. I know that He's here. I've felt Him three or four times since I been here.
Now, that someone might know... Now, many people misunderstand. Now, this is in no means, friends, an Angel worship. It is not. I do not pray in the name of the Angel, or even know His name. But if you'll check the Scriptures, when God sends His people, it's an Angel that directs them. Moses...
You say, "Well, how about the New Testament?"
Certainly. It was always the Angel of the Lord. That's right. Peter, when he was in prison, the Angel of the Lord came down (Is that right?), delivered him. And oh, my, many times. He's...
How about Paul, when he come over in Macedonia. And when he was on the shipwreck, the Angel of the Lord appeared to him that night and told him He'd given them all into his hands. Certainly. It's always... Paul never worshipped the Angel.
John the Revelator, after the whole Book of Revelation was written, then John said, "I fell at the feet of the Angel (Is that right?) that showed me these things." He said, "Worship God." He was of his fellow men and of the prophets. See?
Notice. God always sends down the supernatural upon the natural. Like upon the brazen serpent, the pool, and so forth. Even Jesus Himself: He never took credit for healing anybody. Is that right? He said, "It's not Me that doeth the works; it's My Father that dwelleth in Me." [Gap in the audio.]
13 The doctors knew he was dead. I went to offer sympathy to the family. And starting out of the house, the wife seemingly crying of the man. And as I started out the door, a human hand, seemingly, touched me by the arm. And I felt it hold me. And as I started forward, I could not move. When I turned back, the hand left me.
I went to the bedside and looked down upon the man. There was a Methodist minister's wife in the room, and another sister. And I started to have prayer. When I come to myself, I was laying on this man's body, the dead man, had a sheet over his face for at least a half hour. My face was laying right against him, and I was calling out into the spirit land, "Brother Elijah." His name was Elijah. "Brother Elijah." Calling out into the land for his spirit, not knowing what I was doing...
In a few moments, I laid still, calling. I felt that man's hand coming up around my ears. The man is working on the Pennsylvania Railroad tonight, alive.
14 Now, God knows that's true. If it isn't, He'd let me pass away from this pulpit right now. But that don't mean that everybody could believe. I can do nothing within myself. I have to act as that Angel says act. But when you... [Gap in the audio.]
But what is in need of healing. And your very... Notice. The thing that you're seeking after is already in the deposit box of heaven for you. Christ, He was wounded for our transgressions, and with His stripes we're healed. Is that right? See, it's already made.
Just like if I say... Here: If I gave you a postal check, or money order, that calls for five thousand dollars. Well, you'd say, "Is that money order any good?" Certainly. If the government is any good, why then--or the--the one that wrote the money order, the whole government... Before that money order could be written, there had to be five thousand dollars deposit first, before that money order could be written. Is that true? The deposit has to be made first.
15 Well, the... Now, look. The deposit... [Gap in the audio.] for your healing was put in God's medicine cabinet, or His bank on the day of the crucifixion at Calvary. You see what I mean? Then He was wounded for our transgressions, and with His stripes we're healed. And your healing is done bought and paid for. Oh, my. It's yours. All you have to do, is just reach out and get it.
Now, in order that people would see and know, God promised that He would send gifts. Is that right? There's nine spiritual gifts promised to the body. That is the body of believers. It's not for the unbelievers. Divine healing is not for you who do not believe; it's for those who believe. The Holy Ghost is not for those who do not believe in It: It's for those who believe It.
16 Now, a few years ago when the Holy Ghost had--before It came, and the Church began to get formal back in the days of Methodists, and you people cried to God for deliverance, and God sent down the baptism of the Spirit. Now, since then, people has been liberated from their sins by receiving the baptism of the Holy Ghost. Is that right? Now, those who do not believe in It, they can't receive It. You've got to believe in It.
Therefore, He sent anointed preachers to preach the Word, and you received It. And now you received... How many in here has received the Holy Spirit, let's see your hands? Now, that's fine. My, looky there, almost a hundred percent. Wonderful. Oh, my. We ought to be able to do anything. That's right. Why, there's nothing now...
17 Why, that much believers in here that's received the Holy Ghost, why there oughtn't to be a feeble person among you in the next few hours. That's right. What do you think about it, sister on the cot? Do you believe that's so? All right.
Now, notice. If you can believe. Now, many of the miracles that's performed, I always see them in my room in prayer before I come to the building. How many all of you in here has heard how the gift of healing come to me, haven't you? Most all of you I see, 'cause I told it last time here. About... Do you still believe it? Oh, that's just fine. That's fine.
Now, we want to read just a little out of the Word here, and teach it just for a few moments, and then we'll get ready for the service, for the healing service.
18 Now, this is during the time of the early ministry of the Master. He had been healing the people everywhere, and His fame had went out. Now, if the people would've doubted Him, that He was the Son of God, that He was the Healer Divine, they could've not been healed. Even His prayer for them would've not have healed them. His hands would've not have--laying upon them would've not have healed them. Jesus never took credit for healing anyone. He said, "Thy faith has made thee whole." Is that right? "Thy faith has saved thee."
A woman once touched the hem of His garment, then everybody wanted to touch the hem of His garment. And you notice in the meetings, you'll hear people say... I'll hear them. I'll tell somebody maybe under inspiration, "Go up this street, or go up to the corner, throw down your crutches." Then the next one come through, say, "Brother Branham, tell me to do so." See? They just keep whatever they see somebody else doing.
Well, friend, if somebody in here now could just raise right up and touch Christ by faith, looks like the rest of you could.
19 Here the other night... I might make this statement. It was just last week. We were in Miami. And it really is a city of confusion. There's all kinds of doctrines and everything that falls around the nation comes in there. Everywhere... And when... Coming in, I was trying... They said people wouldn't come out, but they--they did; they come to the meeting by the thousands.
But here's what happened. In the service one night, we were having to hurry, 'cause we had several hundreds to pass through the line. And we brought up first a few deaf, dumb, maybe I believe a blind man, a few things like that that were performed. And it was in the last night. There was two boys born blind, without sight all their life, received their sight; and different things of that type.
Which we was having a hard struggle of it, because there was such a confusion amongst the churches; because many people come into those places and they just break up churches, you see; go and start their own church. It's hard to get to the people that we're not wanting to start a church; we're trying our best to get the church together. That's what we need. Don't you believe that? We need cooperation together.
20 And then, in that, I was praying for the people coming along like that. And the first thing, I... Someone now, faith had begin to drop in the line; you could feel it. And that's one thing that I... [Gap in the audio.]
Ever get interested in... The Spanish people: you're humble, you're willing to eat or just take the crumbs, whatever you... You come in that attitude, and that's the reason you get healed. That's the reason you're healed, because you come humble. Anyone who comes stiff-necked will never receive nothing from God. You've got to see how low that you can get, and then Christ will heal you (That's right.), or He will save you. He will give you the Holy Ghost, if you'll just...
Now, when... [Gap in the audio.] Up to Him, not He to you. And then you'll receive from Him.
21 Then while I was praying, I had my back turned to the audience. There's several hundreds of people. And I was praying like this, the people coming through the line. Once in a while, I'd have to stop one, because they seemed like they wouldn't have faith to come to be healed then.
And while I was praying, I felt Something. I turned around. I said, "A crippled person is healed, somewhere, because I felt it." And in a few moments, I said, "Some crippled person..."
I heard somebody scream out back there. There was a young business man of the city setting there with his wife. He had a crippled arm. And here he was with his arms up in the air, of thanking God. And he told us then that he had set there, and said, "I wanted to get into the service. I'd been there for two or three nights." But said, "I couldn't get in amongst those people. So many of them there, and so much needs. And I said, 'O God, if that's Your gift, You heal me.'" And that quick his faith, and went out (You see?), and with my back turned to him, I felt It move. I... Then he raised up.
22 Now, friends, that wasn't me. But that proves that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. For He turned around and said, "Who touched Me?" Is that right, Brother Bosworth?
Now, those things here in a meeting... One night there, I was standing, I heard a spirit pass by me, a choking spirit. I felt it come back again. In a few moments, it was at Keel Auditorium. Was fourteen thousand people in there that night. And I said, "Somebody with a goiter is healed, for the spirit just passed by here." And I said, "Frankly, here it comes by again." And it... As it passed by, I heard it strangling; that may almost drown some of you. But it's...
23 I know there's lots of things that's said that's not true. But there is a true God, and He heals. That's right. And when it went by, I a... made announcement of it again. And I said, "Somebody... Look through the line. Somebody's healed with a goiter." And up in the second balcony, I heard somebody scream out. Said, "Brother Branham, it's I."
And it was the Post Dispatch reporter up there with the newspaper. A goiter, inward goiter he'd had for years, left him. He said, "The whole thing illuminated around there with the power of God." See?
When his faith... He come over there to criticize. He give us a full page write-up and everything in the paper the next day. He come to criticize. But when he begin to see God working and seeing what God was doing, he himself believed. And then when he did, God rewarded him. And he never even had to get into the prayer line, he was healed up in the second balcony. Oh, my.
Tell me He's not the same yesterday, today, and forever. His power is unlimited. And He can do the same thing, even this very moment.
24 Now, look. We're all here to want to be, we want to be well. And the more deeper you get into this, the better off you're going to be. Don't come haphazard about it. Come with a sincere heart, believing with all your heart, and receive your healing while I'm praying. See? That's the way you do it. Now, don't come halfway believing it.
Now, remember, I'm here. And these claims that I make about vibrations, about these things...
How many in this meeting, has been in my other meetings, has seen deaf, dumb, blind, cripples, and so forth, healed, let's see? How many has seen people told of their diseases, and told of their sins and things, of vibrations...? Well, how many's seen that? Oh, see?
Now, if I make these statements, and they're--and I just make them myself, there's nothing of that happened, then don't believe it, because my words would be untrue. But if I make those statements, and God backs that up, then that's God's testimony to it. Is that right? That's God's testimony saying that it is true. Well then, if God says it's true, and confirming the Word with signs and wonders following, isn't that what you prayed for for years?
25 Well, my, my. I believe we could be healed right now. Sure. My I like to feel that welcome spirit coming back like that. That--that feels wonderful. All right. Now, to read some of the Word. Now, this is of the nobleman's son was healed. Then we won't take but a few moments of time so we can get right into the healing service.
So Jesus came again into Cana of Galilee where he made the water wine. And (this) nobleman whose son was...
[Gap in the audio.]
As I was speaking of a few moments ago or something. Was he? All right. I just wondered if I'd took somebody else's text.
Anyhow, He had returned now into alo--into Galilee where He had performed one miracle. And now, He was returning back again. And that miracle He performed then was at the wedding, of course, at Cana when He made the water wine.
And He was a young man, rather. He come up a--a very poor environment.
26 And today, if Jesus had've never been thought of in the world, He had never been here, and would come on the scene today, they would probably class it right down with a bunch of fanaticism. Is that right? Now, remember. There was many, many hundred Jesus... [Gap in the audio.]... passed from us.
All right, then a little later from that, the lady give her place up to two or three people. And then after while, the line come at the end of the service where there was no more miracles, it was a fast line. And when she seen the great multitude of people, she just absolutely didn't have the heart enough to come anyhow, seeing the rest of them, and her crippled on her foot. And she said, "Lord, I know that that hundred and twenty pound man can't heal people. But I know that Your Angel is there, because Your Words are confirmed." And she said, "I believe You now." And her foot come straight. She raised up and said, "Brother Branham, I don't need my crutch any more," and laid it down and walked out as good as anybody.
Why? She had preferred; she was humble; she was willing to wait; she was willing to do anything. And that's what God respects (Is that right?): preferring one another. That's right.
27 Now, this man here. Look at him, how humble he was. [Gap in the audio.] Sending him.
Now, Jesus gave him a rebuke. He said, "Oh, well..." and,
Except ye see signs and wonders, you won't believe.
We're supposed to believe whether we see any signs or wonders at all. Is that right? But... Now, watch. He tried him out there.
The nobleman said unto Him, Sir, come down ere my child die.
My, what a feeling. Could you imagine your son dying, and coming out to see the man now to pray for the sick. The Man told him, "Well, except you see signs and wonders, you won't believe."
Now, look how humble he got. He said, "But Sir, come down or my child will die."
Now, watch what Jesus said. Now, He could've went. But He seen the faith. He seen the humility. He seen that the man knew what he was speaking of. Jesus said unto him, "Go thy way; thy son liveth." (Oh, my. There you are.) " Go thy way; thy son liveth. And the man, B-e-l-i-v-e-d. He believed. Now, he come for Him to go down to his house to pray for the child. But Jesus didn't go. He said, Thy son liveth. And the man believed it.
Now, that's what... Now, listen at the rest of the story.
The Word that Je... Believed the Word that Jesus had spoken unto him, and he went his way.
And as he was going down, his servant met him, and said unto him... told him saying, Thy son liveth... (Listen to this now. Oh, my. I like this.)
Then he called the... enquired he of them the hour when he began to amend. And he said unto him, Yesterday at the seventh hour the fever left him.
So the father knew that it was at the same hour in which Jesus said unto him, Thy son liveth: and himself believed... (There you are, when it's put together. All right.)... and his whole household.
This is again the second miracle that Jesus did, when He came out of Judaea into Galilee.
28 Notice. Now, he wanted Him to go with him to pray for his son, and He did not go. But He said, "Thy son liveth," and the man believed it. Now, if the man had not believed it, it would not have been so. But Jesus had already questioned it to him to know that he had faith enough.
Many of you has noticed in the meetings when the line's passing through, once in a while you'll find one that's got faith. You stop with that person just a moment, just enough to stir that faith up just a little, and there it takes a hold. See, if you can get them to believe.
Now, the one... The hardest thing that God has ever had to do, is to get one mortal to believe another. It would be easy if that Angel that spoke to me was standing here on the pulpit tonight telling you this, why, you'd run up to Him and worship Him. You'd want to fall down to His feet. He was standing here looking the way that I seen Him when He comes: great stern man standing there. I know how I feel.
29 But friends, I never done nothing in my life, any miracle, any of these miracles in these twenty-one months that I've been out, where thousands of them has been performed. I've never performed one of them. He is the One Who does that. See? He's the One. I don't have nothing to do with it. He's the One. I'm just a mouthpiece for Him. I just speak what He says. How would I know when people had faith, and people who did not have faith. And how would I know what you done ten years ago, or twenty years ago. I would not know that. It's God.
So the hour has come for the repeat of the Bible, and the fulfilling of the Word. Now, God promised that He was going to send a former rain and a latter rain. And He promised the former and the latter rain in the latter rain, in other words, a double portion. Like the garment of Elisha. When Elijah dropped it, Elisha picked up and had a double portion. He was a type as a type of the Church and Christ. Christ was taken up. And the same Spirit that was upon Christ is on the Church tonight, the Holy Ghost. See? "Nevertheless, if you see me go away," said Elijah. And he took the garment. Now... And struck the Jordan and said, "Let the God of Elijah speak."
30 Now, notice. The Church tonight, supposingly, you're supposed to keep our eyes on Christ. Hundred and twenty did when He was taken up. And they went into the upper room. And you say, "Was that the same Spirit was on Christ?"
A woman asked one day, said, "Let my sons set the one on right-hand and the left in Your Kingdom."
He said, "Can you drink the cup that I drink? The persecutions, so forth?"
"Can you be baptized with the baptism that I'm baptized with?" She said she could. He admitted that she could. And that baptism was the Holy Ghost. And then, He said, "Yes, but the right and left hand is not mine to give, but the Father's." But notice. [Gap in the audio.]
31 Remember... As I was speaking to Doctor Bosworth a few moments ago about Saint John 5:19, where He said there that... When He healed the man at the pool, and He went up and the Jews were testing Him, He said, "Verily, verily, I say unto you, the Son doeth nothing in Himself; but what He sees the Father doing, that doeth He also." See?
Now, notice. He passed by that pool there where there was probably ten thousand people laying. Now, when the Bible said, "Great multitudes," that meant, "many people," didn't it. Maybe ten thousand people there of lame, blind, halt, and all kinds of people laying there: deaf, dumb, lunatics. And He went to a man that'd had an infirmity for twenty-eight years. And He said, "Sir, would you be made whole?"
And he said, "I have no one to put me in the water. And when I'm going to the water..." See, he could walk. "When I'm going to the water, somebody a little better off than I am steps down before me."
He said, "Take up your bed and go into your house." Now, the man never questioned Him. He just obeyed. And obedience is better than sacrifice. Is that right?
He never said, "Well, Who are You to tell me that?" He just obeyed what he was told to do, picked up his bed...
32 Now, why didn't He go to some of the blind, and the lame, and the halt? Is because... Now, He doesn't... He didn't look any different from the other men. He didn't dress any different from any other man. Now, that's one... Anybody. You can... You can... Ministers and so forth, they can dress any way they want to.
Someone was asking here a few days ago... Many of you has heard of Abaick. You know, they come over here that time. Well, we've been trying to meet each other for some time. We met a few days ago in Florida, and put our pictures together and said, "... American... consults Divine healing."
33 Anyhow, fellow, why he--he--He was a man that had long beard, and long hair. So what that's his own opinion. That's--that's perfectly all right. If you want to dress that way or be that way, that's all right. But that doesn't make you "Yes" or "No." It's the condition of your heart before God what makes you what you are. That's right.
Now, when He passed through, He was just Jesus; He was just a normal dressed man. And He went through the crowd and He seen that man, not nothing to be conspicuous to look at. He just said, "Would you be made whole?"
He said, "I have no one to put me in the water."
Said, "Take up your bed and walk." And he did.
And then when He was questioned, then He told them that the Son of man could do nothing except what He seen the Father doing before.
34 Now, here He come into... to Canaan again, and a certain nobleman's boy was sick. Now, look, 47th verse:
When he heard that Jesus was come out of Judaea into Galilee, he went unto Him, and besought Him, that He would come down and heal his son, for he was at the point of death.
Now, notice. "When he heard..." Notice that 3rd--3rd verse there in the 47th verse. "When he heard Jesus was come back into the country," where He had performed a miracle, "he come to Him for his son, for his son was near death."
Get it? He knew He could do it, for He'd already performed one miracle there. Well, if He performed one miracle, would cause that nobleman to believe that His Word would heal his son, then why can't we believe when He performs hundreds of miracles here before us. You see what I mean?
Notice. How many was here the morning that that woman passed away there on the... This Mrs. Hattie Waldrop, here to see... Is that lady here in the... Is Mrs. Hattie in here tonight? Mrs. Waldrop? Well, here she is right here. That passed out here with a cancer of the heart, colon, and liver... She's a living, isn't she? My, very much, aren't you, sister. There you are. Her doctor's got the X-Rays here and so forth.
35 Now, here we are coming back tonight in the same city where the lady, that was laying here dead with cancer, is alive tonight. And this is the second miracle. See? Oh, my, the second. It's dozens upon top of dozens of them that's performed. Is that right?
Now, watch. The nobleman, he brought his son, he cam... Here, he couldn't bring his son. But he just come to Him. And he said, "Now, You come down to pray for my son." Now, watch. He... Faith cometh by hearing. He heard that He done it.
Now, how many's heard that Jesus healed in the last meeting here? Let's see your hands. How many knows He healed in the last meeting here? Now, here's the proof of it here. How many was healed in the last meeting here, let's see your hands? Now, there you are. Now, you can't deny it.
Well now, if one miracle was done in Cana, caused a man to come down and believe on Christ, how many more in Arizona ought to come tonight (Is that right?) and believe, because look how many more's been healed.
36 Now, notice here now, in the 48th verse.
Then said Jesus unto him, Except you see signs and wonders, you will not believe.
In other words, give him a rebuke to see if He was able to stand it.
Now, you know what would happen in Phoenix tonight, if the Master was here and say something or other like that? Why, my, they'd blow up and walk away. Why, you don't have to come.
But that fellow wasn't that kind of a fellow. He was a humble man. The main thing was to get Christ to his boy. But you see, a people who take the attitude, saying... Well, they feel like they'd be preferred before somebody else. They don't get nothing from God. Those who's willing to set back, those who's willing to--to give--prefer one another. That's the one who gets something from God.
A little lady here the other night in a certain meeting, she was back there. And she was crippled. She walked on a crutch. And it had come her time, her number been called. And she seen a lady setting back there with a cancer. She sent, and the... [Gap in the audio.] One.
37 "... after this, the Holy Ghost is come upon you, and you'll be witnesses of Me in Jerusalem, Judaea, Samaria, and to the uttermost parts of the world." And that included Phoenix, Arizona. That's right. March the fourth, 1948. Then His power is still the same tonight as it was the day that He poured it out upon the Church. Then you people who tasted the realms of the golden cup of His blessings, how could you believe anything else but what the Holy Ghost is here tonight to heal every one, or to fill every one here.
My, if He's the same yesterday, today, and forever, His power is the same. He's unlimited, His powers is. I could stand here tonight, testimony after testimony, hour after hour of telling you what He's done. But one testimony from Him healing somebody will speak louder than I could if I spoke for fifty years. That's right. Let Him speak, and let us be silent. And He can speak.
38 Now, every one of you is well instructed. You know how this comes. It must be perfect reverence. It must be eyes closed, heads bowed. For it's not in no way... This is not an arena. And it's the house of God. And it's a place where we should respect Christ.
And then here is something else. If any person that's coming in the prayer line, let me sternly warn you. If you're aiming to come in the prayer line, do not come until first you give your heart to Christ. Then do not stop at that. After you have repented and been baptized, tarry until you have received the baptism of the Spirit.
Friend, I say this reverently. I realize I haven't got long to stay here. None of us has. We're nearing the end. Now, everyone knows that. There's not a person in here tonight over fourteen years old but what knows that we're nearing something. And I wish you would listen to this. Surely, if God, by my prayers, will open the eyes of the blind, unstop the ears of the deaf, and make the lame walk; surely I ought to know something about what I'm speaking of. We're near the end. That's right.
39 And you young people, or you old, who's out of Christ... Oh, God help you, friends. Now's the time. This is the hour. If you haven't got the Holy Ghost, receive It now. For those that are in Christ will God bring with Him, the rest of them will go under the judgment. If you're not in Christ tonight, hear my word; for only those that are in Christ will go in the rapture.
Tonight, if you're not ready, be prepared. And if you come into the prayer line a sinner, you can't... You say, "Can a sinner come?" Yes, sir. A sinner can come. But when God touches your body, if you don't then, come into Christ, look for a worse thing than that to follow you right away.
40 Here a few weeks ago, a woman came into the line who was somewhat... The newspapers give us an awful write-up about the ambulances blocking the streetcar tracks and things. And the lady, I went to touch her hand. Before I could touch her hand, she said, "I have cancer."
I took hold of her hand, I said, "Not cancer, sister, but you've got cancers." She had around, ah, ten or twelve. And they were hitting from different parts. And my hand swoll quickly, the vibrations running over it.
And she said, "Can anything be done for me?"
I said, "If you can believe. But if I should rebuke it and send it away, and if you doubt it, it'll return back. And if you do not serve Christ, then it'll return back." I said, "I perceive that you're not a Christian."
She said, "No, I'm not."
Then when she looked at me in the eye... Might as well tell you this, because many of the people already know it. When sometime when I can catch their eyes, that's how I get them in that channel. You see? And then, it's not a mind reading; it's not psychology. If it is, then Paul used it when he looked upon the man and said, "I perceive you have faith to be healed."
41 I will grant you this. It is psychology in this way. If... "Psyche," of course means "mind." And It's the mind of Christ, that the human being has the privilege to enter in, and know the mind of Christ... Hallelujah. My, what a--a reality to dwell in the channel of Christ. We unworthy mortals have been brought in to be sons and daughters of God to be fellow citizens in--in... Oh my. I get to shouting when I get...
Notice. Into that realm where even Angels can't come... Say, "Angels?" Yes, sir. We're sons and daughters; Angels are servants. That's right. The servants cannot go where sons and daughter will go. They can't enter into that relationship, for they're servants, and we're sons and daughters.
42 Notice. And this woman, looking at her, I perceived that she was a cigarette smoker. And I told her; I said, "Now, you smoke cigarettes."
She said, "Yeah."
I said, "You forsake them. And you give your heart to Christ."
She said, "What church should I join?"
I said, "I... It's not for me to tell you. That's for you to seek out. But if you haven't received the Holy Ghost, you receive the Holy Ghost and go to some full Gospel church that preaches and believes in Divine healing and the Holy Ghost."
She laid there a little while. I said, "Will you do it?"
She promised. When she did, the vibrations left my hand in a few moments after the first rebuke of the cancer. And picked it up a... [Gap in the audio.]
Doctors just give her a few days to live. And the woman got up. She went around; she done her work; she done her neighbor's work, still smoking those cigarettes. And she belonged to the... joined the church... Before that, she'd belonged to the church of... [Gap in the audio.] And even her pastor... If he understood the Scriptures right, if anybody got healed of God, that they should forsake their sins; and told her she should quit smoking them cigarettes. Another reverend of... A Gospel minister in the city went over to her and warned her not to do it.
And she said, "Well, I just can't give them up."
Said, "That's not what you promised Brother Branham and Almighty God." And the woman died a few nights after the last time the minister visited her, of a heart attack.
43 See? Oh, my. Don't sin no more. Now, if you do sin, as soon as you sin, you have an advocate of course. But I mean, don't walk out there, and go following the same path you followed, because a worse thing's coming upon you. Remember, if my voice is right before God to heal the sick, it's right to warn you. Because, you look for a worse thing.
What if this lady here with cancer of her heart, colon, and liver. Why, abscess on your liver would kill you. And she had cancer. Why is she living now when she's passed out of this life right out there on the streets. How's she living? Because she purposed in her heart she would serve Christ the rest of her days. And that's why even a doctors and things. Why, she's living here in Phoenix tonight to walk up-and-down the streets to glorify God, because she's not ashamed of it. She'll tell anybody about it. That's right. See, she's serving God.
44 Now, if you're in that condition, purpose in your heart you're going to serve God from tonight on. No matter if you're a sinner, when you're here to be healed, just fall right down at the altar and give your heart to Him, right then, and then receive the Holy Ghost. Come up here, and come into the church of wherever church you prefer.
But remember, make it a church that believes in Divine healing and the full Gospel, because some of them others will pump poison into you, and you'll lose your experience after all. That's right. You go somewhere where it's really a full Gospel people who believe in the coming of Christ.
I believe the separating time is here now. Letting him that's filthy be filthy still; let him that's holy holy still. The hour's come when God's drawing the separating line. That's right. Church is near to be in the rapture.
Now, friends, we got about an hour and fifteen minutes for prayer now for the sick. Now, if any of you can, wait, don't rush in tonight.
45 Now, listen to me, friends. Remember, I love you with all my heart. I want to see you well. And that's what I'm here for tonight, is to see you well. I give up my vacation of rest to come here to pray for you, 'cause I love you. I promised these Spanish people I would come back. And if a man is not as good as his word, he isn't no good. That's right. And no matter for my own thoughts, I was morally obligated to be here. And I wanted to come back. I love you with all my heart as well as I might.
I took your records of hear you singing. Sister Garcia sang a song there, a solo. And many a hour when I would be a way off somewhere in Canada, up in those fields, my, my. Oh, so tired...
Sometimes in a service there, they'd have as many as... One night's thirty-five thousand people were gathered there. There in... on Sunday afternoon alone, eighteen hundred came to the altar and a thousand gave their heart to Christ. And that night, five hundred received the Baptism of the Holy Ghost at one time. That's right.
46 Now, He's here to save, He's here to heal. And a lot of times, I've been going through now, just speaking of Divine healing. But it's getting to be very essential that I speak to you about your soul also. For you got a soul that's going to meet God yonder. You must be reverent.
Wonder while we bow our heads, wonder if the sister here, the pianist, one of them would go to the piano. Play "Only Believe" for me, just a minute. Piano player. Thank you, brother.
I wonder while you're setting here now, do you know what? Where you going to be a year from tonight? Where you going to be five hundred years from tonight? You know why? Probably somewhere that's sandy, and will blow across your tombstone and your soul will be somewhere in eternity. You know that. Is that right? Well, where you going to be a year from tonight? You may be the same way. Where you going to be tomorrow night? You may be in eternity.
47 I wonder while we bow our heads now for prayer everywhere Christians, please, everyone...
Father, the great hour has come again now for the healing of the sick. Many times I've tried to struggle here at the Phoenix believing that somehow, some way, down in this little desert town here where there seems to be great confusions amongst the people, that You have a Church, a remnant You're calling now. O Eternal God, the Author of Life, speak now just at this time.
There maybe even be someone in here tonight who does not know Thee in the pardoning of their sins. If there be that person, Father... [Gap in the audio.] Green light, I go there. The great march of the antichrist has started. O God, have mercy. Grant tonight that some lost wayward boy, girl, man, or woman would like to speak to You in the pardoning of their sins.
48 While you have your heads bowed, each one. If there's an unsaved person, just raise your hand, say, "Brother Branham, I want you to pray for me; I'm unsaved." I'd do it right now. Unsaved person. God bless you, young man. See you on the outside. You there, and you, and you. there's someone... God bless you, sister. You, sister, I see your hand. God bless you, young man, I see your hand. Someone over here? God bless you, little lady. I see you. God bless you, my brother. Someone over to my right now? Say, "Brother Branham, remember me. I'm certainly in need of Christ. I need Him tonight." God bless you. God bless you, sir. God bless you, little girl. And you, young lady. Someone else back there? Oh, God bless you, my brother.
49 Oh, friends, don't you see, we need an old fashioned revival. We need an old fashion mourner's bench in place of... God bless you... God bless you, brother, and you, brother. Yes. Now is the time, even right now, friends.
Standing here, kinda tired tonight. I feel the Holy Spirit moving over this building. Bound to be. What would bring conviction to human heart? Realizing we'll we may be in the grave this time next week.
A little boy standing on the steps here a few days ago, standing there. Fell in an irrigation ditch. And two hours later they pulled him out, and his little soul was in eternity. Think friends, just how quick you can go out to meet God.
O Father, tonight Thou did see the hands of those who love Thee, and wants to be saved. God, there's going to be a--a number of people come out of this Babylon and confusion to come into the Kingdom. Oh, this great dark hour when the nations are breaking, Israel awakening, the signs that the Bible foretold. O God, have mercy. I pray just now, while they're setting there that You will speak a pardoning peace to their soul. Grant it, God.
May they not go to bed tonight until they're on their knees there crying, saying, "God, have mercy upon me, I'm a sinner tonight. I want to be saved. I believe that You're sending Your warning voice. And I want to be saved." God, grant it. May they humbly come to Thee and be saved. For we ask it in the Name of Thy Son, Jesus Christ. Amen...
50 I want everyone's close attention. If there's an unbeliever, do not stay in the building now. I'm not a preacher. I come to pray for the sick. And everything must be real reverent. Now, you mothers get your children close to you. You know what happens. You've seen it in meetings before. Sometimes these demons come right out and go right out into these people. And they just go from one to another. And they follow meeting after meeting trying to get into the prayer line.
I don't know when. I'm going overseas. May be my last time to ever be in Phoenix. So I--I don't know. And I want to help you as, so I know this: So when I leave here, that you all will say to me, "Truly, Jesus sent me." And I'm going to do all that I can for you tonight. I've got to have your cooperation.
51 Now, look. What's the matter with your sister? Is that yours? What say? Now, look, sister dear. No doubt but what you tried many things to get well.
There was some lepers set at the gate sometime begging. The city was besieged by the Assyrians.
They said, "Why do we set here till we die? We can go into the city, there's nothing to eat there." They were starving; they were eating one another's children. And if they set there, they would die, surely. They only had one opportunity, that was go down to the enemy's camp. And if they... Said, "If they kill us, we're just going to die anyhow, 'cause we're going to die setting here. If we go that way, we're going to die. If we set here we're going to die. If we go down there, if they kill us, why, we'll just be out of our misery, 'cause we're going to die anyhow. But if they do have mercy on us, why, they--why, we'll live."
52 And they went down there. And God, upon the merits of that kind of faith, rewarded them. And caused a great rumble to come upon the desert, and they thought that Israel had hired some more soldiers to come. And they ran away.
And they went into the tents and found life, food, wine. And even not only saved their own lives, but the city's life.
Now, tonight, I'm not asking you to come to the house of an enemy. I realize you're tubercular. And even this lovely place here where it's a healthy climate, and you... way that you are, and you with tubercular, you're sure to die. That's right. You realize that.
Now, you--you--you believe in God, don't you? Now, as you have believed in God, you believe in me, that that Angel of God came down and told me that. You've heard the story of it, have you, sister? You ever hear the story of how it come? The Angel of the Lord came to me? Yes.
53 While I was setting in the room. Since a boy, I had a calling on me. And I was setting in the room... [Gap in the audio.] Hitting right on the floor. A supernatural Being come walking into the room. An Angel said He was sent from the Presence of God. He said, "If you get the people to believe you, would be sincere when you pray, nothing shall stand before your prayer, not even to cancer."
Then you would ask me, "Does everybody get well, Brother Branham?"
Everybody that truly believes gets well. Thousands have been healed. [Gap in the audio.]
You're liberated now. That's your wife, is it? I know how I think, how I would feel if that was my wife.
Frankly, one day, my wife laid in a casket. Tubercular. That is right. That's the reason I hate that demon, and he hates me. He's the one who tore my family up, years ago, and took from me the dearest that lived. And that's the reason today, when I have power over him, I--I'd love to see him drove away.
And I--I'll tell you, my dear brother; we may never meet again in life. But if your dear wife will believe with her whole heart that this Angel came and told me this, your wife will be a well, happy woman. Now, believe, sister, with all your heart. You'll be able, with your own strength, to rise up from there, walk right on out of the building and leave your cot. Tomorrow, you be about your work. Like the lady here that's passed away right there with a cancer.
54 Now, it's no harder for God to heal tubercular, than it is with a cancer. That's true. Seeing that the vibration has left, the cancer died, the woman rose, and believed God, and went on. She believed what I told her. Is that right, sister? She believed what I told her, the cancer germ died right in her. And her doctor, he may be in the building tonight. He sent for me to come, he said he'd like to shake my hand. Wanted to show me the x-rays of the woman. All right.
Now, if she can believe, can't you?
I got a letter from a minister here not knowing where... It's a Spanish church. I got it on file. It's a picture before and after. He was standing here with tubercular. One of the most hideous looking sights. He couldn't hardly breathe; he was so weak. And he was healed right here. Cancer. How God is... His testimony was a doctor's records find... Three or four doctor's names underneath it, like that. Dismissed perfectly well from cancer.
55 Only that? Hundreds of x-rays. And you're going to see one of those... Now, in the meetings, there's somewhat about seventy to eighty percent that passes through the prayer line, you here, that's healed within the space of ninety days, are well. And thirty percent that doesn't. Now, you'll be on one of those sides. Let's be on the seventy percent tonight, and be well. God bless you.
Now, while the brother and things... Where's Brother Joseph? Where is he at? Thank you. I want Brother Joseph to pick up the prayer cards because he doesn't know. That he can't speak Spanish... pronounce his words.
Now, I will tell you what I want the rest of you to do. If you're an unbeliever... Now, you remember in this last meeting, right here in this auditorium. The man may be in the building here tonight, that that demon come upon him. And he stood and said that was psychology, right here in Phoenix. And the man come on down through the west, trying to get into the meetings.
And the last night, Santa Rosa, his wife come there and caught Brother Brown and I, and almost fell across the path where we were walking. And there her husband setting there, and his eyes bulged out, a Phoenix man, from Phoenix, Arizona. Is the man here in the building tonight? If you are, raise your hand. And there, in his... [Gap in the audio.] Over forty-five minutes in there with the man. Then the demon come from him. He's in his right mind, returned back home. He said it's psychology. But a few days, he got... had a funny feeling come upon him. And there he went walking like... Police picked him up here in the city.
56 Now, if you're a believer, stay in the building. If you're not, you're not. That's outside, wherever you are. Now, you must keep your head bowed until you hear me call.
This is not a fanaticism now. Don't think that. It's not a fanaticism. God will have us to answer at the day of judgment. Is that right? Where the secrets of all hearts shall be disclosed.
And I've told you, God before has performed it. And you be real reverent, and keep your head bowed. And when you hear my voice on this microphone say, "Raise your head," then I'll...
If anything should happen, a miracle... I have no controls of miracles. Them's what... My gift is not miracles; my gift is healing. All of you understand that, don't you? There's nine spiritual gifts. But many times, the Angel of God will perform miracles.
57 How many remembers down at the auditorium here that day, not long ago, when I stood there and was making a challenge, bring anything up in the miracle line. Preachers fell down there under conviction, come to the platform, and asked God if--if it was His will for me to--to bring the people up to heal every one then that come to having a miracle line. That if it wasn't His will, asked that Angel to met me upon and told me not to do that, then, to stop it.
And how many remembers what happened. Was it at the auditorium? Even a man with hard of hearing went all the way deaf. A little girl, the same way. Is that right? That's right.
Now, you see, I watch. When I feel perfect leading of the Holy Spirit, then I speak.
Now, today I've been all... We went visiting around the city, taking my wife and them around the city.
58 Now, notice. Tomorrow, I'm going to stay in prayer. I'll probably know more about it tomorrow night. But tonight, you that's in the prayer line now, you--you... Brother Joey will tell you how to form the line. And you'll come up one by one.
And now, I will promise you this, by the help of God, I'll pray for every sick person passing through this door before I leave Phoenix. And I'll do everything I can. I--I mean to pray for you, come by and pray for you the very best that I know how before I leave this building.
Now, do you believe these things that I've told you? (This is the prayer side over here? I want some in the prayer line here).
Do you believe these things are true? Do you believe they're true? And now, if I'll ask God sincerely, with all my heart, you'll believe Him the same way with all... [Gap in the audio.] That you'll get well? Do you believe that? All right. I want everybody to bow their heads now.
Father, I pray Thee to send Your Angel among us. And let Thy servant, not... tonight, but let the Angel of God, Who met me that night in the room and told me these things, that's stood by me these twenty-two months now. I pray that He will stand by me tonight. And may He take the things that's of God, and speak them to Thy servant... [Gap in the audio.]... the midst of all of us. You're going to get... I'm trying once more now, so I'm coming in the Name of Jesus... [Gap in the audio.]
Oh, help me, God. And I'll give all praise and glory to Thee, for we ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen.
59 You may raise your head now? While I step into the room for prayer. I'm just asking... [Gap in the audio.]
[A Spanish minister speaks.]
Everyone just be reverent now, and bow your heads. Be real reverent now if God should perform a miracle. The first thing I want to know now, do you all firmly believe this with all your heart? If you do, raise your hands now. And now... Now, just keep your heads bowed while I speak to you just a moment. [Gap in the audio.]
Help me to bless others. Grant it, will You, Lord. Now, my brother's standing here, Your servant, suffering with this diabetes. Realizing that the blood now is becoming sugar. Just a few more turns, and a little place and hands would drop off, and feet. And then Satan would have the victory. God's servant would be laid up for the rest of his life, for it to be shortened. Now, no doubt that he's tried many things, God. But tonight he's not coming, trying; he's coming tonight to be healed. Grant it, Father. I know You hear my prayer, for You are here to open the eyes of the blind, and the deaf, and the dumb, the cripples. How much more give blood of life to my brother. I now rebuke this diabetes. In the Name of Jesus Christ, leave the man. May God give double punishment if you hold him longer. Come out of him through Jesus Christ we ask.
How about you, sir. Depends on what the doctor... If you can accept it... [Gap in the audio.]
60 Then look at my brother suffering now of his trouble. Thou art here to liberate him to make him well. Thou does not fail. You're from everlasting to everlasting God. The ages move on. You'll raise up men, take down men; set up kings, and take down... [Gap in the audio.] Send gifts. You ascended on high and give gifts to man. Now, my brother's suffering. I pray, Father, sincerely, with all my heart that You will heal him. I rebuke this asthmatic cough, in the Name of Jesus Christ. May it leave him to never return no more. [Gap in the audio.]... Could tell them what's wrong with them? Now, remember, we have just come from the doctor's. I said if you do not approach it critically, I'll do what God says.
They brought the baby in, put its little hand on mine... Now, remember, that was being broadcast over a powerful station. And their doctor was listening in. And they'd been to the doctor day before.
I said, "Yes, sir. The little baby, it has a weak kidney, which wetting the bed at night. And another thing, it's been vomiting up all of its food recently, because he's got a spasm in his stomach."
He said, "Brother Branham." said, "Doctor, you hear that." There they was, say just exactly what the doctor told them. Said, "Now, my wife." She come over.
I said, "The baby inherited the kidney trouble from the mother, because she also has trouble with the kidneys. And another thing, you got a real weary scary feeling all the time, haven't you." I said, "Your age is about forty years old. You're going through the change of life."
And said, "That's just exactly what the doctor told me."
61 Now, he said to me... He put his hand over there; he was an owner, owner of the station. And he... I said, "Well, you're worried. And here's what you been thinking about. But for one thing, you think you've got tubercular, but you've got pleurisy pains in your side."
He said, "That's just..." (with the doctor listening in), " so that's just exactly what the doctor told me yesterday."
I said, "Now, here's something that the doctor couldn't tell you." I said, "You're halting between two opinions. You think that you're serving God, and want to do that by keeping this broadcast like this. But you've got a call, and you want to go in the ministry." And I said, "The thing that I would advise you to do was forget about the broadcast and get out there on the harvest field."
He threw his arms around me and screamed out right there. And it happened to be that that man is a member of Brother Bosworth's church here. That's right. There you are.
So you see, it's perfect. God cannot lie, for He's God. Is that right? Now, it's not me; it's Him. Now, can't you believe with all your heart? Amen. Now, just bow your head and be real reverent, every one.
The Angel of God (1951-07-20) (William M. Branham Sermons)
The Angel of God (1951-07-20) (William M. Branham Sermons) somebodyThe Angel of God
You can find this sermon at
1 Thank you, Brother Baxter. Good evening, audience. Yes, sir. I'm just a little shorter than Brother Baxter. We're happy to be here this afternoon--this evening, rather, to worship the Lord with you and to pray for the sick. Believing that God will help us all tonight, I trust that He will. We're sorry that the... We have no more seating room for the people. Just come on anyhow, we be able to get it somewhere, you just come right on anyhow, or necessary, why, we can take all the cars out of the back and go back there, there's plenty of room back there. So we... Wherever the Lord will provide for us.
We just have to take auditoriums just as we can get them. And we have... We're happy even to have this. It's very hard to get them. If you excuse me a minute, I think this is a series here. Sometimes that's what does it, when they get in series.
2 Now, tonight I wish to read some of God's Word. I just got here in time to hear the last part of Brother Baxter's speech, or his sermon, rather, on angels. While I was standing back there I just thought of this Scripture. I want to read it out of the book of the Acts, the 27th chapter of the Acts of the apostles, at the 21st verse beginning, speaking of Paul. Paul being ministered to by a supernatural Being when trouble was near. The Lord is a very present help in time of trouble, isn't He?
So just about twenty minutes before they came after me tonight I was setting in my room, and I felt something coming near, nearer. I didn't know just what it was, and I got up, walked to the window, and looked out, kind of rubbed my face a little because I'd been praying quite a bit. I thought, "That wasn't just impression, surely. And all of a sudden It just swirled me away. And then, it was Him. And He was confirming something to me that was just fixing to happen pretty soon now, that He showed me about six or eight months ago. And he told me just to keep humble before the Lord and it would be wonderful when it taken place. So I'm very happy of that.
3 Now, beginning with the 21st verse of the 27th chapter:
... after a long abstinence Paul stood forth in the midst of them, and said, Sirs, ye should have hearkened unto me, and not have caught ... and not have loosed from Crete, but to have ... and gained this great harm and loss.
But now I exhort you to be of a good cheer: for there shall be no loss of any man's life among you, but of the ship.
For there stood by me this night the angel of God, whose I am, and whom I serve,
Saying, Fear not, Paul; thou must be brought before Caesar: and, lo, God has given thee all them that sail with thee.
Wherefore, sirs, be of a good cheer: for I believe God, that it shall be even as it was told me.
Acts 27:21 But after long abstinence Paul stood forth in the midst of them, and said, Sirs, ye should have hearkened unto me, and not have loosed from Crete, and to have gained this harm and loss.
Acts 27:22 And now I exhort you to be of good cheer: for there shall be no loss of any man's life among you, but of the ship.
Acts 27:23 For there stood by me this night the angel of God, whose I am, and whom I serve,
Acts 27:24 Saying, Fear not, Paul; thou must be brought before Caesar: and, lo, God hath given thee all them that sail with thee.
Acts 27:25 Wherefore, sirs, be of good cheer: for I believe God, that it shall be even as it was told me.
4 Shall we bow our heads just a moment. Our heavenly Father, we're so thankful tonight for the opportunity to be alive and be here on earth, at the closing of this world's history, to see these great things developing, the Words of God being materialized and brought to us by the ministry of Thy Spirit. And how we love Thee for this. And it's such a privilege to get to minister to the people in this last day, knowing that soon the sun will set for its last time, and then Jesus shall come. We'll see Him, come to His feet, lay our trophies there. Oh, for that great time that I could just crawl humbly up, lay my hands on His blessed feet, then turn with tears of joy and walk away, knowing that it's all well
To look around Lord, and see many gallant soldiers of the cross standing there, to see the man that we just read of a few moments ago in Thy Word, Thy beloved apostle Paul, to see him standing there in his robe, made white and fair, see the crown placed upon his head at the inauguration of the saints. Oh, what a day that'll be.
5 And our hearts are moved strangely as we see nations rising against nations. Look over there in Jerusalem tonight and see for the first time for twenty-five hundred years, that the old star of David is waving again over Jerusalem, the fig tree putting forth its buds. To see our own beloved nation, like termites, eat the foundation out of it, men, "heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God, truce breakers, incontinent, fierce, and despisers of those that are good, having a form of godliness and denying the power thereof: from such turn away," as we hear the Spirit speaking two thousand years ago, to watch this day.
And now, living upon the reputation of our forefathers, when pride and things is eat like termites the foundation of our great civilization, seeing man modernizing things, leaving off the Holy Spirit, adopting reading, writing, and arithmetic for the power of God... Oh, Father, then to see those who still have a living faith... We think of our Master when He said, "When I return will I find the faith?" He did not question about sincerity or Christianity, He said, "Will I find faith when I come?"
Luke 18:8 I tell you that he will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?
2 Timothy 3:3 Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,
2 Timothy 3:4 Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;
2 Timothy 3:5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.
6 And we're to have this move tonight which stirs the faith of the people; we're grateful to Thee Lord, and only thankful for every bitter persecution and count it a privilege to carry the cross for our Christ. In midst of conflict, You said, "All that live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution. Rejoice and be exceedingly glad when you... they say all manner against you falsely for my name. For so persecuted they the prophets which were before you." And we love to know that this is the day that these words are being fulfilled, and even tonight here before us.
2 Timothy 3:12 Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.
7 We thank You for this lovely audience here in this building tonight. Though it's warm, many are standing, but I'm thinking about one day when John came out of the wilderness of Judea preaching. And he stirred all the regions around about Jordan. It wasn't his fancy dressing, for he wasn't dressed very fair. It wasn't his speech, for at nine years old he went into the wilderness. But it was he preached Christ. And it stirred the regions. Though in its simplicity, yet today it stirs the regions when Christ is brought to a realization to the people's heart, that He has rose from the dead and live among His people.
8 Now, forgive us of our sins. As we think that we were aliens one time cut off from God without mercy, Christ died in our place, the innocent for the guilty. And it doesn't yet appear what we shall be like, but we know we'll have a body like His, for we shall see Him as He is. In our bodies now we groan for that day; all the earth is groaning for that day. We thank Thee that Thou has made a way for us to be happy, have health and strength and to labor in the harvest for our Master.
Grant Lord, that many of those who have not that privilege tonight, when this meeting shall close, may they be going out of this building happy and rejoicing, healed, many sinful be saved, many that's got cold and wandered away, be called back to the kingdom of God tonight by the arms of a loving Father and the Spirit to woo them to God. Grant it, Lord. Hide Your servants tonight behind the cross. May the blood stand between us and all danger. And may the simplicity of the Gospel attract the attention of everyone. For we ask it in the name of Thy Son Jesus. Amen.
9 We're happy to be in tonight, to be serving God, with you all. And now, the announcing that tomorrow and Sunday is our last days here as far as we know, then to Toledo, or Erie, and then from there to Shreveport, Louisiana, and then Southern Rhodesia, Africa, from there. Be expecting you to pray for me. As the meetings grow on it takes more of effect, all the time.
Last evening I had quite a time coming out from under the anointing. Many people doesn't understand that; I realize that. I never understood it so much until about a year ago. I was... Wondered how it was that that would make a human being feel the way it does, so weak, just... Your strength becomes so depleted, I just can't stand up; I can't hold myself together. And then I start shaking. I thought, "Wonder if that would..." But when I found out that our Master said that virtue had gone from Him,' that settled it."
Luke 8:46 And Jesus said, Somebody hath touched me: for I perceive that virtue is gone out of me.
10 Then I was standing at the desk, the old Kentucky home, just across the river a ways from where I live now. It was my first trip there and I... Where Stephen Foster, the famous American poet in years gone by, who wrote his famous song, "My Old Kentucky Home..." If you'll notice, most always poets and prophets and so forth, are considered in the world neurotics. Did you ever think of that? They all always are misunderstood.
For instance, Stephen Foster, I think he gave America some of its best folk songs, "Old Folks At Home, Suwannee River, Old Black Joe," and many of those good old heart songs that the southerners, as they gather around on the plantations and sing, cause the teardrops to run down the cheeks of many. And while I was, had my arm laying on his desk, the guide had gone through, and some from my Sunday school class, his picture was painted there, and the seraphim that was supposed to of touched him and give him his inspiration, was painted by him, I thought, "Mr. Foster," speaking to his picture, I said, "you had it in the head, but not in the heart."
He would go under inspiration from one of those songs, and he'd write the songs, and after he come out, he'd go away and get on a drunk. Stayed drunk for a long time. And then one day, after coming out from under inspiration, he called a servant, and took a razor and cut his throat, committed suicide.
11 How many knows that famous old song:
There Is A Fountain filled with blood
Drawn from Immanuel's veins;
Where sinners plunged beneath the flood,
Lose all their guilty stains:
The dying thief rejoiced to see
That fountain in his day;
There may I, though vile as he,
Wash all my sins away.
The famous English poet William Cowper wrote that song. I stood by his grave a few months ago. I just couldn't keep from shedding a few tears for him. Look there and see Charles Wesley laying there, and Bunyan that wrote the "Pilgrim Progress," the cousin of John Wesley wrote "Robinson Caruso," Wesley himself cross the road.
I thought of William Cowper, he was considered in England, an neurotic, a little off. And how that he would go into the inspiration and finally he went way into the inspiration and wrote this marvelous song, "There Is A Fountain filled with blood." While he was up there, he was in the Spirit, but when he dropped back down, he tried to find the river to drown himself, commit suicide. It's so foggy they couldn't get him. He couldn't get to the river, William Cowper.
12 I thought of Jonah, a man of God, the prophet, who was spoke by God and sent down to Nineveh with a message to those people. And God was so determined and filled him so full of His Spirit, till he stayed alive three days and nights in the belly of a fish in the bottom of the sea. He came out with such power in his speech, until the people listened to him and put sackcloth on their animals on the hills. The whole city, so ignorant, one didn't know, some of them didn't know the right and left hand, but repented before God and spared their city. And then after the inspiration left Jonah, he wanted to die. Sat under that tree and asked God to take his life.
What was it? Prophet. I noticed Elijah, when he went up there on Mount Carmel that day and fell under the inspiration and called fire down out of heaven. And the same day called rain down from heaven. Water and rain, I mean, rain and fire from the same skies, under inspiration. But when it left him, he run out in the wilderness, and set down, and said, "Lord, let Your servant depart in peace."
Jonah 4:3 Therefore now, O LORD, take, I beseech thee, my life from me; for it is better for me to die than to live.
13 What does it speak? Misunderstood, you can't understand it. A million out of one very seldom touch the edge of it. When you go up there, there's something, you're beyond here. When you drop back down, it feels like you've lost something; there's something missing somewhere.
I like to fish and hunt like a normal person does. I like to talk to my fellow man, associate. That's... But when it comes time for God to use me, He takes me somewhere I don't know nothing about. And then when I'm coming back, I lose all sight and thoughts of places, time, and where it is. But here's what it speaks to me, there's a land beyond the river, that they call the sweet forever. If there's a place where here on earth, we can rise into that spirit realm there; there's a place there where we go when we leave this body. Only a direct vindication...
14 I would wish tonight that everyone would try to understand closely the Angel of the Lord and His great mission and work here on earth. And because some human being, poor and uneducated, and so forth, is declaring it; don't look at the man; look at the God. If a man would run in here tonight with a telegram or a money order for you for a hundred million dollars, you wouldn't care whether he was dressed ragged, whether he was colored, yellow, who he was. It's the message that he brings.
Someone said the other day, said, "I went down to your meeting the other night. Aren't you the preacher that's holding this meeting down here?"
I said, "Yes, sir."
He said, "Well, you just got a common bunch of people."
I said, "Yes, sir, that's the kind that hears God." I said, "It's written in the book of Luke that the common people heard Him gladly." And it hasn't changed." Those who's treasures are here on earth, seek the earthly things. But those who's treasures are in heaven, that's where their heart is; they look for whence Jesus shall come to take them there.
Mark 12:37 David therefore himself calleth him Lord; and whence is he then his son? And the common people heard him gladly.
15 Many times people get in such a big hurry about their healing. If God pronounces something, you believe it. Whatever He says you hold right to it. Listen at them coming from different meetings testifying. Just hold on to what's said to you. And remember, as I say tonight, feel very little to stand here and speak concerning the Scripture; I'm just a baby in the Word. I was converted in the Baptist church, and just come out from the Baptist church. I belong to no church now, that I might pull together the family of God. Not representing any one church, but only the one church and that's the only true church, the body of Jesus Christ.
When it first came to me, many different of the organizations... The Baptist people never kicked me out; only way you get kicked out of a Baptist conference is immoral living, not your doctrine; it's immoral living. But they didn't believe in divine healing and gifts. They said, "Won't work." But now they see that it does.
16 So I said, "There'd surely be somebody, if God had sent it, there'd be somebody who was ready to receive it." I didn't know nothing about you people then. I didn't have but a few friends. I've always been more or less, as the expression would be, black sheep. But I thank God, by trying to live for Him and do what's right, he's give me a million friends now. He will give you the desire of your heart.
When I come into the church, or into the midst of you people and receive the baptism of the Spirit, first time in my life I ever felt at home. Never felt like I was with people who loved me and understood me. I was always considered something else, maybe a neurotic. But I'm glad that I'm home tonight with God's people.
17 And understand now, the Angel of God, sometimes when a blessing is pronounced upon you, He may not be that He can't get to you right then, it might not be just instant healing, but as you believe your faith will make you whole. Some people has spontaneous faith, great faith, that deep. That's a miracle. Some of them have faith about that deep; it'll take a little while. Some has mustard seed faith, very little. But just stay with it; it'll bring you out. It'll materialize.
When God spoke, this--the dirt that you sit over tonight, that's God's Word. God just said, "Let there be," and His Word materialized. Is that true? Where did He get the dirt, if it wasn't? He just spoke it, and it's God's materialized Word formed the earth that you set on. Oh, how wonderful, how past finding out. It's by faith that we believe Him. God believed His own Word, and it formed the world. If we had time to go into those things.
18 Now, this I want to say, that while God sends His messengers, Angels, concerning virtue again, did you notice on the pool of Bethesda when that Angel came down? The first person stepped in that was with faith that got healed, the whole Angel enclosed him and went off the pool. You see how that is? Now can you understand? Someone said, "I don't see why that if a Holy Spirit would get Brother Branham under that condition then he wouldn't have strength enough to stand there and pray for the whole bunch."
See, it's misunderstanding, dear Christian. I can't explain it, I just... You just have to take my word for it, that's all. See?
Now, and then sometimes in the Scriptures, I may not know too much about the Word. I don't' know the Book, but I know the Author. And I love Him, and I'm sure He won't let me get too far out of the way. When I say this I know I'm right, that every person in here that'll, is already healed, every one of you. The only thing that I can do, or God can do, anyone can do, is to bring your faith up to believe that. If there's any minister, any person in here can do anything to help anyone to believe, that's what you're supposed to do.
19 And God in His sovereign love has sent down this gift to manifest before you to let you know that He never died back there, He rose again. And He's the resurrected Christ with us tonight, His same power, His same manifestation. Though you don't see Him, yet you know He's here. You see Him in the Spirit form working. Judas said, or Thomas, rather, he said, "If I can touch His side, and I can touch His hands, I'll believe Him."
He said, "How much greater is their reward who has never seen Me and yet believe."
He might not materialize Himself before you tonight, but He's here. And every Word of God is a Seed, and it'll materialize if you'll believe it. Just accept it in your heart, believe it, and it'll come to pass.
20 Now, sometimes maybe if you're prayed for, you hear the Angel of the Lord speak out and say, "THUS SAITH THE LORD, you'll be well." Don't you doubt that. Remember, if it's malignant, or cancer, or growth, in about seventy-two hours you'll get good and sick. Brother Baxter's probably explained all of that, which he does in a meeting, telling you what it all is. Cause without that, you'll sure miss your healing. You won't understand how to do it. If you don't know how to approach it, you're certainly out. So that's what the afternoon meetings are for, and so forth, is to explain that. Brother Baxter does it, for I don't have the time. And if I go into like that, then it sometimes takes the Spirit away from me, and I have quite a time getting It back.
Now, how many know, ever read in the Book about Angels ministering to people in the Old Testament and the New Testament? We all have. Sometimes when a blessing is pronounced, it's pronounced on you; it has to happen. We're the only one in a hurry; God is never in a hurry. He let the Hebrew children walk right into the fiery furnace before He done anything about it. He just set in the heavens and watched them till they went in.
21 Here not long ago, there was a woman, was at one of the meetings, and she had a serious stomach trouble. And she went home from the meeting. And she came across the platform, and she would, oh, she couldn't eat at all; nothing would lay on her stomach; it'd just... Acid would fill her mouth, and she would get all full of gas; and she would just be in such a awful condition, till she'd have fluttering in her heart; and she couldn't rest at night. And she said, "When I walked to the platform, looked at you..." Said, "You took a hold of my hand," and said--begin--said, "Your face changed, and something spoke in a different tone of voice, and said, 'THUS SAITH THE LORD, you have stomach trouble, but your faith has made you whole.'"
She said, "I went off the platform rejoicing, the happiest person I thought there was in the world." She said, "I went in that night; I went home and I tried to eat." And she said, "When I tried to eat, it was just the same as it ever was." Said, "I stayed right with it; I didn't let go."
She said, "Days after days passed. You'd done left the city and a couple more cities." And she came to the meeting; she said, "One morning I tried to eat some oatmeal for my breakfast, and it was spitting up in my mouth." And she said, "I was standing at the window washing dishes, crying, saying, 'Lord, I--I'm--I just can't help but know that it's the truth, and he told me if I'd testify to anything less, why, my faith would drop down."
22 Said, "While I was standing there," said, "the sweetest feeling come over me I ever felt in my life." She said, "All the burning let up. The swelling, without belching," she said, "left me." She said, "I reached over and got a piece of orange; it usually just upset me terribly, on the table and begin to eat it." Said, "When it went down it didn't burn." She said, "I finished my bowl of oats, poured some coffee that I hadn't drink in a long time, drank it, and it was well."
She said, "I run over to my neighbor to tell her. She'd been prayed for. Few houses below me, she'd been prayed for for a growth on the side of her throat. And I went down to tell her what had happened." Said, "When I got there she was screaming at the top of her voice." And said, "The growth had just left her throat." What was it? It was the Angel of God passing through the neighborhood. His blessings has been pronounced.
23 Sometimes they can't get to you just as they wish. How many remembers when Daniel, the Angel come to him and said, "Twenty-one days he'd withstood," you remember that? Daniel prayed, but the Angel said, "That he had trouble there and couldn't get to him for twenty-one days after he'd made the prayer." So don't be in a hurry; just believe; have faith. And if you accept Jesus tonight as your Healer, have faith; it's got to come to pass.
And another thing, I would never bring a person to the platform if it wasn't for one thing, that I might get face to face with the person. Many times out in the building you'll hear me call people, say things. I see it materialize; the very life before me materializes. Maybe I start here and look out yonder, I see a little girl, say, and it'll start materializing. I see the way she's... Something happens and I'll just start speaking what I see, and then after while it'll leave before me and maybe right along here sets the woman. She's done come down to this age, and I see where she's at. Maybe she's in a hospital, maybe something happened. I just speak that.
Then maybe before I speak it, I see the person go away well. Maybe I do not; I just say, "The Lord bless you, the Lord heal you, which He already has," giving them faith.
Daniel 10:12 Then said he unto me, Fear not, Daniel: for from the first day that thou didst set thine heart to understand, and to chasten thyself before thy God, thy words were heard, and I am come for thy words.
Daniel 10:13 But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me one and twenty days: but, lo, Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me; and I remained there with the kings of Persia.
24 But on the platform I have to watch. I'm just opening up my heart; I feel that I'm before friends tonight. I have to be careful what I do. Did you know divine gifts could cause you to lose your soul? See, you have to watch what you do with divine gifts. My heart goes out. I look here and see this little water-head baby laying before me now; you don't know how my heart goes for that baby. Wished I could see what would take place. How I had the... I believe to say to that little mother there, "Oh, Jesus Christ has healed your baby; your prayers are ans..." Wished I could say that, but I can't till He tells me. And I have to be careful.
25 Now, maybe the privilege of getting that person before me, maybe there's something causing that. Well, if I get it, maybe when standing before the person, or this lady setting here, you, or any of you, it might see the reason. Now, you notice I'm very particular how I rebuke a spirit out there. Because you have to watch. Sometime God uses sickness for chastisement for the people, did you know that? Sometimes it's brought upon them for a whip to bring them back to God. And what if God has permitted something there, and I, by a Divine gift take it off without the repentance of that person.
Did you notice the man here, that told me a couple of nights ago, or something or another, that was standing here on the platform that he professed to be a Christian; he belonged to a modern church and everything; and he had some trouble wrong with him. And I looked and I kept seeing it turn dark, and I kept watching. I seen him standing on a corner with a cigar in his mouth, smoking, like that, blowing the smoke. I said, "Sir, you have a habit, and that's what's standing between you and God. If you're ready to lay down those cigars, God's ready to heal you now." See?
26 Here not long ago there was a woman come across the platform, very saintly looking woman, and she walked up on the platform; she had one ear deaf. I just detected a deaf spirit. And I tried to rebuke it, and it stayed with the woman. And while looking at her, I seen a young lady standing in front of me, about fourteen years old. And she took the road that's wrong. I begin to tell. I told the woman that she had a baby before she was even married. And then she married a man; she left him. And but that was some religious cult caused her to marry some other man. She didn't love him; she left him. I said, "You're living with a husband now that you're having all kinds of trouble." And that woman fainted on the platform. And when she rose up from there, she screamed, "God have mercy on me." And when she did, God opened up her ear, give her the baptism of the Holy Spirit standing on the platform right there.
27 Following [Gap in the audio.] that was a woman, female trouble, wouldn't leave her in the meeting. I don't know why. Richard T. Reed, Reverend Richard T. Reed, the blessed old Bible Hour Tabernacle at Jonesboro, Arkansas, was the one who baptized them into the church, the next morning; you might ask him. You have to be careful. God entrusts you with something; then you can't use it just for your own good. You're to use it for the glory of God. Is that right?
How many believes Moses was a prophet? He was, and God loved him. And when he went down there to the rock, God said, "You go down there and speak to the rock, and it'll bring forth its water."
But Moses in his anger (he was high tempered), he went down there; instead of speaking to the rock, he smote the rock, and smote it twice. That broke the whole picture of God's program. The rock was Christ; you believe that, don't you, ministers? He was only smitten once, and we speak to Him now. Is that right? And Moses smote the Christ the second time. But that broke the whole picture of God's great program here, bursted it to pieces right there, Christ being smitten twice, when He's only smitten once.
But God was under obligation, He'd give that prophet the power to do so. But God dealt with Moses later about that. Is that right?
Numbers 20:8 Take the rod, and gather thou the assembly together, thou, and Aaron thy brother, and speak ye unto the rock before their eyes; and it shall give forth his water, and thou shalt bring forth to them water out of the rock: so thou shalt give the congregation and their beasts drink.
Numbers 20:11 And Moses lifted up his hand, and with his rod he smote the rock twice: and the water came out abundantly, and the congregation drank, and their beasts also.
28 How many remembers Elijah? He was a young man; he went baldheaded when he was a young man. And some little children run behind him and said, "Old bald-head, old bald-head." And that prophet, angered, turned around, and put a curse on those children in the name of the Lord. And two she bears come out of the woods and killed forty-two little innocent children. Is that right? That's not the nature of the Holy Spirit, but there was an angered prophet. See? Have to be careful what you do with Divine gifts. I'd rather see it and know what I'm talking about, then I know whether our heavenly Father has said yes or no.
Surely, you can appreciate me more if I be sincere before God. Even if you... I don't get to very many of you, you'll understand. I have to know first, then I can pronounce it after God has showed me. But I can do nothing till He shows me. I promised to tell you the finish of the story from Finland last night, which I've got about eight minutes to do it in.
2 Kings 2:23 And he went up from thence unto Bethel: and as he was going up by the way, there came forth little children out of the city, and mocked him, and said unto him, Go up, thou bald head; go up, thou bald head.
2 Kings 2:24 And he turned back, and looked on them, and cursed them in the name of the LORD. And there came forth two she bears out of the wood, and tare forty and two children of them.
29 I had just got through telling you the little war orphan was healed between the time, the two little boys that was hit, and one killed. Laid some fifteen, twenty minutes dead on the road before I came around. It showed the vision here in America. How many was here last night, let's see you, well, you remember then, of the story.
Then this other little baby was in the hospital, dying. On the next day, the next morning, this mother and father of the other little boy... Had a concussion of the brain; he'd never come to himself. The fender hit him right under the chin, and turned him over, and rolled him across the road, and hit on the curbing, and up from the curbing it smashed him up-side of a tree, like that. He'd never come to; his blood was from his ears and eyes and mouth. The poor little fellow...
30 And the mother and father were just frantic; they were young Finnish people, and they were trying to come for me to go down at the hospital. It's against the rules; the managers don't let me go from one place to another. Because if you do that, then if you go to this place and not this place, it causes a feeling. So they just put them all in the church at one time, and there the Spirit of God operates from there.
So they had to do that overseas. And I'll never forget this. Mrs. Isaacson, she said, "Brother Branham, I tell you, those people are about to run me wild."
And that night when they come in, there was the little mother and father setting on the steps. They had to drag me over them to get in. They was almost pulled my coat off, and others standing on the street. I thought, "Oh, what is it?"
She said, "That's the mother and father of that little baby; they want you to go at the hospital."
31 The next morning they were still there again. So Mrs. Isaacson said, "Would you just speak to them yourself, for a few moments?"
I said, "Get them in the hall."
And they got in the hall out there, and they went to them, and they said, "Oh, come heal our baby; it's dying; it's dying."
About three days, it never come to itself. I said, "I can't heal your baby." This is all through an interpreter. I said, "I can't heal your baby."
Said, "Well, you healed the other..."
I said, "No, no. Jesus Christ healed the other baby, not me. See? I had nothing to do with it." I said, "Over in America He showed me a vision a year ago that this little boy would be brought back from the dead. He never showed me your boy."
And they said, "Oh, see a vision for our boy."
And I said, "Well, I can't see visions at my leisure." I said, "I only see them as God will permit them to be seen." I said, "You pray."
They went on. She just couldn't understand it. And I said--she said, asked Mrs. Isaacson, "Ask him if my boy's going to die?"
I said, "I do not know."
She said, "Well, come down at the hospital, and ask God to heal him, and things."
Said, "We can't do that."
32 And then I asked them, I said, "Are you Christian?"
"No." Neither one of them was a Christian.
I said, "Well, look, if God takes your little boy home and you die a sinner, why, you can never see him no more. And if the little boy, God takes him up to heaven, and you die a Christian, give your hearts to God and die a Christian, you can go up home to heaven with your little boy and never have another accident up there. That's one thing, thank God." And I said, "There won't be any accidents up there, and you'll live forever and ever. But if you don't, you'll never see your little boy no more if he dies." And I said, "Then if you wanted a favor from me, you'd try to do something for me. And if you want a favor with God, do something for God." And I said, "Why don't you give your lives to God." And they seen they couldn't lose on that, because they would be Christians. If the little boy died, well, they'd go home with him. And if he didn't die, perhaps they'd find favor with God and he might live.
So they got down on their knees, and they gave their lives to Christ. And when they got back up, the little mother... It sounds like a joke, but I don't believe in telling jokes from the platform and here, but it wasn't a joke. She jumped up and run over to me real hysterically, and she said, with Mrs. Isaacson's hand holding her, she said, "See a vision; see a vision for my boy." See?
And I said, "I do not know."
She said, "Come, go down now."
I said, "No, God can show me in my room just the same as He can down there."
And she said, "Go in and see a vision for our boy."
I said, "Now, I can't make God show me a vision. Now, He may never say one thing to me. And if He does, I'll tell you. If He doesn't, well, I can't."
And so, she said, "Well, we wait, you go in."
That was mighty sweet, but you know you can't do those things. So Mrs. Isaacson, she finally got them to leave. And I went in the room. And about twenty minutes they called up and said, "Has God showed the vision?"
And about ten or fifteen minutes again they called up, "Has God showed the vision?" They did that for several times before the evening service.
33 That night in the service, it was a marvelous great service. Now, those Laplanders and things coming in, being healed, hundreds after hundreds of them... Never even get to the prayer line, if they could even gain the... They'd get into the auditorium; they'd stand way back there, and you'd see crutches and sticks a flying; and they'd throw down their cots that they was packing them on, walking out. That's... They just wanted to see it done; that's all, they knowed God was there.
Why can't we do that? Why can't we have that simple faith? See? If we wouldn't be so trying to figure things out, it'd happen right here the same way. See? God's no respect of person; He just respects faith. See? God doesn't heal you on the merits of your salvation; He heals you on the merits of your faith. See?
34 Then I--we got, went home. And when... It never gets dark there that time of year; you can read out in the middle of the street in midnight, any time, no lights or nothing. And a little later on, the sun never goes down, it just goes low and comes back. It's the land of midnight sun. So we...
I went upstairs, it got dusty like, so, I was upstairs in the hotel, and I went to the window. I had this Bible. I'll never forget this. Listen closely now; I'm fixing to close. And I had this Bible, and I went in and Brother Baxter there, and my brother, Howard, he'd been healed of a horrible thing, my brother had, sent home from the army to die. And he--we--he went with me. And Brother Baxter and he was in the same room. And Brother Lindsay and Brother Moore was in the room. Mrs. Isaacson was in her room, and I had a private room on account I stayed by myself on account of the visitation of the Angel of the Lord. And I went...
35 And friends, if I had time, I could talk from here till week after week and never tell you a third of what I've seen Him do, of the great and mighty things. And at nighttime I just wonder which, what to say that He'd want me to tell you of some of the things He's done, just as a testimony. And He said I believe we overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the testimony, is that right? He's the High Priest of our testimony, and so He...
We walked in... I walked in my room; I had this here Bible that my church gave me just before leaving on the campaigns, and when I started out after the appearing of the Angel. And I had it here.
36 And my brother, going up that night had give me two little pieces of candy that he'd gotten about that big.
Now, please, Canadian friends, don't take this wrong, some of the most loyalist friends I got is across that border yonder in Canada. Just as loyal as they can be, and they're lovely. But they don't have things as we have here in the states. They don't have them anywhere in the world like we have it here. We've got stuff to make with. We got the best cars; we got the best of everything. The trouble of it is, we're so unworthy of it. And they don't have the ingredients to put in their candy, and we've got a hold of some candy in Canada, it was horrible. Just like, just something like, oh, starch. And of course, they do have good candy, but we just got some bad.
37 So Howard said to me, said, "Bill," and he said it kind of back away from Brother Baxter; he said, "Taste this candy here, you thought that candy we got up around Prince Albert was bad," he said, "you taste this if you want some starch."
And I said, just put it in my hand, I said, "All right." He was trying to get me out of the, from the anointing, you know, shaking me a little. So we went into the room, and I laid the candy down on the desk, and walked over, I laid the Bible down. I walked over there to the window, and I looked out. And here was the Finnish soldiers and them coming down through the park just a talking about the meeting you know, and going on. And one telling how he seen certain person healed, and they just crowding the streets coming away from the auditorium.
And I stood there; I looked way across the mountains from which the Russians come over to bomb the Finns when they was in the war. And I looked across there, I said, "Yes, the Russian planes come from that way one day, but from the east shall come the Lord Jesus, will break the skies and wings will spread their air again, but it'll be the Sun of Righteousness with healing in His wings." I thought, "Oh, Great Jehovah, how wonderful, how marvelous You are. Your works are past finding out." I said, "How glorious, how I love You, what You're doing here. As soon as I set my foot on European soil, the Holy Spirit seldom ever left me; it just stayed right day and night." The ministers will tell you the same.
Malachi 4:2 But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings; and ye shall go forth, and grow up as calves of the stall.
38 You'd be downtown; I'd say, "Now, when we go home, you're... It's going to be a man step out to one side, be dressed in gray. He will try to get me to go upstairs and pray for a woman. and right around the corner will be two women dressed in black, and they'll meet me like this. And you'll see a wheelchair down here at this corner. This person will be healed [unclear words]." going... Oh, it just like that... Just ever where it was, just constant vision pouring all the time like that, how it was going.
And then, I was just praising God, standing there like that. I said, "Oh Great Jehovah, how wonderful You are." I said, "How I love You, how I love You, oh, how wonderful." I opened my eyes like that; I heard something go, [Brother Branham illustrates.] And I looked and here He was standing right by my side. He looked at me like that, He's a big Man, weigh about two hundred pounds, real dark hair to His shoulder, olive complexion, a meek look to His face, has His arms folded, white robe and barefooted. He stood right there, looked at me. And He turned His head like this and looked to that table, when I looked to that table there set a little vase about that high. How it ever got there, God only knows. But there's a little vase setting there.
39 Now, that isn't vision. Now, I know what a vision is; I should know. And I know what it is when the Man's there. He's not a vision; He's just as real as any of these men standing here. He's just real; I talked to Him. And He talks to me. It's not a vision; the Man's standing there; I hear Him when He walks and everything. He's just as real as anybody else. And that light's always above Him, just whirling around like that. He's here now, and He; I know He's here; I feeled it.
And He stood there, and He said, "What are those?" And in that vase was two of those, I call them Easter flowers. I don't know whether you call them daffodils; they come up in spring, little yellow flowers like, you know. We call them Easter flowers down in our country. And one of them was laying down like this, and the other one was going down. And, like that. And I thought... One was leaning to the north and the other to the south.
40 Now, not knowing that at this time, that was the very position these two boys fell in. One was hit this way, to the north, and was run over and mashed under the car. And the other, fender struck when the car turned this a way, and threw the boy against the tree on the other side. And this one down here was all the way down. And I looked at that, and this one here on the left was going, "tutt, tutt, tutt, tutt [Brother Branham illustrates.]" and this one was laying flat.
He said it me, said, "What was that your brother gave you?"
And I said, "Two pieces of candy, Sir."
He said, "Eat them."
And I picked up one and I put it in my mouth, started eating it, tasted wonderful. I swallowed it, and when I swallowed it something went [Brother Branham whistles.] And this one was laying to the north like that, stood right straight up. And this other was going, "tutt, tutt. [Brother Branham illustrates.]" He said, "Eat the other one."
And I picked it up, and it was the horriblest tasting thing that I ever put in my mouth nearly. I took it out like that, and this one kept going, "tutt, tutt. [Brother Branham illustrates.]" He said, "Eat that one or this boy will die." I put it back in my mouth, and I started chewing it real fast, and I swallowed it. And as soon as I swallowed it this went, "Tutt [Brother Branham illustrates.]" Both of them stood up like that. And He looked at me like that, kind of bowed His head, and that whirl of Light went "whew," He wasn't in the room no more.
41 I ran out and called Brother Baxter and all of them in there, I said, "Here, get a hold of the woman, quickly, 'THUS SAITH THE LORD, that boy will live and not die.'"
They'd been to call several times that day. Doctor done give him up. So she went to this little phone, you ought to see what it is, the phone there. Oh, my. Puts the little thing in your ear and turns the crank, and she called the home of the parents. The parents been called to the hospital; the baby was dying.
I said, "Get a hold of the hospital and tell the mother, THUS SAITH THE LORD." Friends, it can't fail then, just can't. I said, "The baby's going to live, no matter what the doctor said, God said, 'The baby's going to live.'" So I said, "Tell her the vision has come."
42 And she called the hospital, and the mother come to the phone, a sobbing and a crying, and said, "Brother Branham said tell you, 'THUS SAITH THE LORD, you baby's going to live.'"
Said, "How well I know it; and about two--five minutes ago he raised up; he's to himself and normal right now. We're going to take him home." There he was, made perfect, normal, and well.
Now, what was it, friend? Was it my prayer? No, no, no. It was that little Finnish woman's faith in God that did that for her baby. That same Angel of God that showed that vision that night, who stands here at the platform tonight, is here to perform anything that Jesus Christ ordained to be done, for He's the same yesterday, today, and forever.
Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.
43 Let us pray. Our heavenly Father, oh, how my heart just burns. I think of someday when it's all over, when I get to meet all those people again. I think of the letter we got the other day in the mail, saying that man that's a buddy to Jesus. That poor little boy in gratitude, how we are so thankful. How I'm thankful here tonight Lord, to know that the visions go forth, and You permit them to be told, and then watch them materialize, for it's Your Word, Lord. You're God; You can't lie; it's impossible. And we're so thankful to know that You're here.
And now, heavenly Father, as the meetings are wearing on, many are being healed. The Spirit of God is moving on mortal bodies. And we thank Thee for it.
44 And now tonight, Lord, oh, please, dear Jesus, the Son of God, the Author of Life and Giver of every good gift, send Thy blessings upon this audience. They're waiting here in this heat of the evening. When the evening was set, Jesus, they brought many to Him, and He healed them by the power of His Word. And may the Word of God tonight sweep out over this building, and may the Holy Ghost be here to take that to every hungry heart and confirm it, Lord, with signs and wonders, that the people might know, that the same Jesus that they brought the sick and afflicted to many, many, years ago, sets in this auditorium tonight with the same unveiled power to reach out there, and virtue flowing through this audience to every believer.
Oh, Christ of God, many things has happened since those days. Many have seared the conscience of people, and it's caused disappointments and everything, but Father, I pray that You'll brush back every scar tonight, heal every broken heart, and may the power of God once more burn in a living faith through every heart. Grant it, Lord, that Your great name might be glorified. For we ask it in Jesus Christ's name. Amen.
45 Fifty-one to a hundred? E? My boy says he give out prayer card "E" today, 51 to a 100. I have a surprise for you tomorrow night. I want every believing minister to stand near me tomorrow night. And let's begin our prayer line, start praying. Many of you, of course, I may get to one; I may get to five; I may get to fifty. I don't know. But I'll do the best that I can. I'll do all that I can. I believe you believe that, don't you? Don't you know I just love to get down there. Now, who's going to be the first one? You say, "Well, it's me, Brother Branham."
Well, here's another one thinks the same way. Now, if I go, if I say, "You," and you'd come up, well then this other one will think, "Well, Brother Branham, you chose that one. (See?) He thinks more of him than he does of me." I don't. God don't think no more of one you than He does the other. He died to redeem every one of you. That's right. You're all His delegates.
46 And the best that I know how to do, Christian friend, is just to give out these cards and... But, friends, did you notice, there's more people gets healed out there without cards, than there is healed here with the cards. See? There's more...
You don't need the card; the card's just merely keep you lined up. But let's just--let's just believe Him, will you? Believe Him with all your heart; accept Him. No matter what happens, it don't have to happen right now. When it happens, it doesn't happen in your crippled arm in your crippled leg so much, or in your bad heart, or the cancer; it happens here in your heart. You believe it; you hold it, and it materializes.
47 Every seed will bring forth of its kind, is that right? Wheat will bring forth a wheat. Barley will bring barley. Corn will bring corn. Is that right?
Well, Jesus said the Word of God was a Seed. Is that right? Now, Mark 11:24 a Seed then? Jesus said, "Whatsoever things you desire, when you pray, believe you receive it, and you shall have it." Now look, the order of the Scripture. Believe now, you receive it, present tense; in the future it'll be given to you. "Whatsoever things you desire, if you pray, believe you receive them, and it shall be given unto you." See? You shall receive it in the future. Just accept it; believe it; stay with it. Water it; believe it; it'll come to pass. God's under obligation, isn't He? God's under obligation to His Word.
Mark 11:24 Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.
Luke 8:11 Now the parable is this: The seed is the word of God.
48 All right, fifty? Let's start. Let's begin just the numbers, 51 right on like that, till we get about... Let's try about ten first and see how many we can get. From, what was that number? I mean the, E; E-51 to 61, try it, see how many we got. We got a lot standing there. E-51 to 61... Somebody look around to the bed people and see if they've got, check these cards down along here, wherever you are, and check your cards everywhere and find out.
Here's a man setting here; I see he's got a prayer card in his pocket. Check and see what his number is, there, sir, if you can. 78, all right. Just be of a good courage now, brother; have faith; just believe God. Don't think you're past hope; you're not. Abraham, when he was past the age of bearing, God appeared to him and said, "I am El Shaddai, the Almighty. "El Shaddai" means "the bosom, like a mother nurses her fretting child to health." No matter how old you are, how far you're gone, He's El Shaddai. Lean on His bosom, His Word and nurse from it. Draw from it, till your body receives strength. Amen.
49 All right, have you got room for a few more? All right, let's go up to 65 then if you got some more room. All right, see if... then if we can get some more, then sometimes when the--they begin to come through with great faith... What say? What was that letter again? E from 51 to 65, then stand up. That'll bring up about a few more, and then as the line gets started, why, then it won't be too much trouble [unclear words].
Now, how many out there has not got prayer cards and wants to be prayed for, and wants God to heal them? Way, I see plumb in the back, back there. All right, I say this by the authority of the Angel of God. It is not this sign that does it; Jesus sent this Angel and said this, told me, He said, "You were borned in this world to pray for sick people. And if you get the people to believe you and will be sincere when you pray, nothing shall stand before your prayer." That was the commission.
And I said, "They won't believe me, Sir, I'm uneducated, I can't speak like other ministers and so forth."
He said, "As the prophet Moses was given two signs to vindicate his ministry..." See, Moses complained that he was slow of speech, which was true, maybe stammered. But he couldn't speak well, and God was going to heal him of it. But He said, "Who made the mouth of man?" Moses is just what God made him.
Exodus 4:10 And Moses said unto the LORD, O my Lord, I am not eloquent, neither heretofore, nor since thou hast spoken unto thy servant: but I am slow of speech, and of a slow tongue.
Exodus 4:11 And the LORD said unto him, Who hath made man's mouth? or who maketh the dumb, or deaf, or the seeing, or the blind? have not I the LORD?
50 He said, "As Moses was given two signs to a vindicate his ministry, so will you be given two signs." Said, "One, you'll take a hold of their hand; you'll know, tell them what's wrong," not you speaking, but the Angel speaking through me, see. He said, "The next you'll tell them the very secrets of their hearts."
And the first was... How many remembers when... I couldn't know nothing but what I just took hold of a hand. And how many's here remember that early day of the ministry? Do you remember me telling you it would come to pass what you see now? Is that right? Raise your hands if it is. That I said it will come to pass. Has it? The Bible said, "If there be one spiritual or a prophet, and what he says comes to pass, then believe him." Is that right? Well, I'm with that. "But if it doesn't come to pass, don't believe it." Those things are born; you're born to do that.
51 And now, friends, do you believe me? Then listen to what I'm telling you. Jesus Christ the Son of God healed every one of you at Calvary. And I, or no other man, can do anything about it, no more than point you to Jesus Christ, the Sacrifice of God, who was wounded for your transgressions, bruised for your iniquities; the chastisement of our peace was upon Him, and with His stripes we were healed. Then I speak the truth. It's in Christ and not in me, or not in the Angel of God. This Angel of God has nothing to do with the healing, only to vindicate what Almighty God has done for you, according to your faith. The Angel does not heal; It only shows and sees visions. It's a messenger sent from God. How many understands now? Your healing is complete already if you'll just only believe it.
Isaiah 53:5 But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.
52 All right, bring the lady. How do you do, lady? I just want to get this up here. Can you hear me all right when I'm talking low? Somebody tells me when the anointing comes down, that I don't talk very loud. Can you hear me back in the back if I'm talking this loud? That's fine. Thank you. Now, all of you will appreciate this. And be in prayer for me, will you do that?
Now just, you don't have... Well, if I ask you to bow your head, sometimes a evil spirit rises up. You see? And when it does, it's a battle. And then you've got to take... How many of you read my little book back there, my book, "Man Sent From God"? That's fine. I hate to mention anything like that from the platform. I wished I was able to give every one of you one of them. I just wished I could, but I can't. I can't afford it; I haven't got any money to do that with. And I'm poor; that's true. God knows that's true. That's right. If I'd took the money been offered to me I'd been a multi-millionaire. But I'd rather be poor and have favor with God than the best home you got in Toledo. That's right. I'd rather have it. because this is my work, to serve God. That's what's in my heart.
53 If you go to fool... If a minister, three things, if he goes to fooling with, he's ruined. That is: first thing was money, then women, and then popularity. When he goes to thinking he's someone, right then he's on his road out. That's right. For we're all flesh, just like grass; there's no good in none of us. Only thing's good about us is what part of God is in us. And He's just averaged through all of us. So there's nothing, one above another; we're just all the same (That's right.), God's children; we're brothers and sisters. And I try by the help of God to stay away from such. And you pray for me that I'll always be that way, that I can serve Him till the day He comes, and we walk up before Him. Then I'll look out over this Toledo bunch and say, "Toledo, you lovely little audience, set in them hot auditoriums that night, I told you the truth; here's my Master to vindicate it, and say that I told the truth." See, you'll know then.
54 I believe He's here tonight to vindicate it, to say that it's the truth, not wait till in the future [unclear words]. When, if I ask you to bow your head, then quickly, do it. See? Quickly bow your heads if I say, "Bow your head now." If... Sometimes epilepsy gets away from me. So it's a horrible thing, and it just attacks a person. It'll jump from one to another like that; it's very vicious. And down through the age it's had a great control of the people.
You remember the disciples couldn't cast that epileptic spell out of a boy? And they brought him to Jesus, you remember that? Remember that man had epilepsy and some fellows went down there, some preachers boys and thought that they had a gift of divine healing, went down and called over that devil, said, "I adjure thee by the name of Jesus who Paul preaches, come out." Acts 19, you remember that?
He said, "Paul I know, and Jesus I know, but who are you?" You remember that? And that devil always knows. That's the very thing that bothers me, not knowing that, but that's what's been a long... [Gap in the audio.]
Acts 19:13 Then certain of the vagabond Jews, exorcists, took upon them to call over them which had evil spirits the name of the Lord Jesus, saying, We adjure you by Jesus whom Paul preacheth.
Acts 19:15 And the evil spirit answered and said, Jesus I know, and Paul I know; but who are ye?
55 Oh, sister, how could you doubt? Come here, sister. Oh, Jesus, have mercy on the poor thing, Lord. She's trying hard, but Thou art here to help her. Dear God, as Your humble servant lays hands upon her and asks for mercy, grant it, Lord. Satan, I adjure thee by Jesus Christ the Son of God, come out of the woman and don't bother her no more.
Now, lady, do you... Did I tell you the truth when I was speaking, whatever it was? If you were--if you attended doctors, I'd tell you what was wrong with you and what to do. You don't need to do it if you'll believe what... It's been pains in here; you've been worried. You thought you had cancer in your lungs. Isn't that right? I'm not reading your mind, but I know what... See, it isn't... You haven't no cancer; that's a pinched nerve (that's exactly), coming from the vertebrae in the back of your back. That's back there in the back, is that right? All right, how'd I know that? All right, go believe now, and be well in the name of the Lord Jesus.
Let's say, "Praise be to the Lord Jesus Christ, who giveth all good things to those who seek after Him. Blessed be the name of the Lord."
56 Now, just a moment, if I can remember, the lady is upset. And she thinks she had cancer; she's worried; she's cried; she's been prayed for, everything. I see her standing; there's a building, something like this. There were many people rejoicing. Now, that materialized here before me. And I seen her troubled, and I looked around and I seen her holding her back like this. It's nothing but a pinched vertebrae in her back. If she was going to a doctor, I'd say go to a chiropractor and let him relieve that. But if she got faith in God, she don't need to go to a chiropractor. Jesus Christ does it for her. That's right. Amen.
57 All right, everyone reverent. All right. Let's see, you're the... Oh, it's a boy. All right. Well, bless his little heart, a fine boy. Now, do you believe, mother? With all your heart, you believe? Well, now you just be seated there by the--in the chair, if you will, so I can get the little boy by himself.
How do you do, little fellow? My, I don't imagine this little boy... Do you like to fish? Isn't it... Every little boy... You know what I think about little boys? I think a little boy that likes to fish, and loves his mother, is a good boy. Would you believe that? Yes, sir. Oh, poor little lad. Look here, sonny boy. You and I don't know one another, do we? But you realize what's wrong with you, don't you, honey? Look, you're suffering with a heart trouble; that's rheumatic fever in your heart, is it sonny boy? Your parents are besides themselves almost. The doctor has done said he couldn't do nothing for you. You know that. But looky here, sonny boy. Jesus Christ...