At Thy Word
At Thy Word somebodyAt Thy Word (1950-07-14) (William M. Branham Sermons)
At Thy Word (1950-07-14) (William M. Branham Sermons) somebodyAt Thy Word
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1 If I can do my part in the Master's service tonight, trying to help His people along the way... I'm sure that everybody's here for that purpose, to try to pray and to help someone to get close to God, or to be healed if they're sick, afflicted, and weary.
And we're very happy when we heard that so--so many of them last evening was healed. Right at the end of the service, it seemed to be rather a great clasp of faith. I trust it'll be that way tonight, if anything greater, and more will be healed.
There's many that gets healed, that maybe we can't call them right out from the platform here, but a few days you'll be noticing that slight stomach trouble, it's gone; heart trouble, it is no more. It just go as far as our faith is what heals them. They have faith believing God.
2 And now tonight, just to put as much time... Just a little late. Just as much time as I can on--on praying for the sick. The ministers through the daytime here, they speak and teach concerning faith, and how to receive faith.
As myself, I'm not a preacher. I'm just... I was sent to pray for the sick. I spend my time in prayer all through the day. I must do it in order to meet the obligation of the night. And sickly takes the life from you, fasting and praying.
Someone said not long ago, says to me, said, "Brother Branham, when do you ever rest?"
I don't get any. But I will have rest someday if I live true and faithful. When I cross the river on the other side, I hope that God will have a place there that I can rest.
3 A person who lives their life for theirself, lives a selfish life. We must live for others: "Bear ye one another's burdens and so fill full the law of Christ." And we got to have a feeling for one another. And therefore, when you do all you know how to do, then when you do lay down at night, well, you have the consolation knowing that you--you tried your best.
I can't make everyone believe. That's impossible. Jesus couldn't do that when He was on earth. And I know there'll just be a few that believes. But if anything I can add to help the Gospel, that's my duty of being here, is to try to help somebody along the way.
4 Tonight, just speak to you for a few moments, just in order to kinda get this settling down of the spirit. I'm sure you all appreciate the feeling here amongst people. It's some, I guess they said the tent seated four thousand. There's a good thirty-five hundred people laying in the tent tonight. Then, there's thirty-five hundred souls, thirty-five hundred spirits.
And as you're looking this way, and it's... And the condition that I'm in at this time, it... I... It feels. You can tell it. It's a great pull. Many people have faith.
Sometimes I try to catch those who are back in the audience, way back from me. But there comes such a... I guess I would call it, "cross fire." This side believing, that side believing; this one pulling, that one pulling, you can't hardly discern.
5 And I've asked my manager if they'll get all the sick and afflicted like this, right up around me here, so that I won't have any interference.
Many of you might wonder why the people leave the platform at night. That's coming both ways then (You see?); it's hard. You can't detect where it's coming from. And you must single that person out. You can watch it just a few moments, or get close in contact with it; it usually brings forth a vision that tells the people what's wrong with them. I don't know what's wrong with anyone. I only have to...
6 Many times when the people come, I just don't try to use my own mind. It just always speaks out and tells what's wrong. If I usually, in setting looking, I see something that's... Somebody before me, maybe keep standing before me, that person; I go looking around and see where it's at. And I--I find. Then when I find the person, I--I know where it's at.
I'm looking right now for someone that was... I seen this afternoon. But I don't know where they're at. I haven't found them yet. I'll see them in the audience, where about after while. Never fails on that, for I--it'll be here somewhere. It's a lady packing a little baby with heart trouble. And I--I'll find it somewhere. And it--it's in the room.
7 It shows just where it's at, and what they look like, and all about it. And I come in sometime and look for that person. And when--when I see the person, then I know them. Sometimes in the meeting, while it's going on, I see someone raise up, and it's... I see the vision standing before me. I look to see where the person is, then I watch the way they act, and then just tell just exactly what I see doing.
Then when the person's standing before me... It's just like as if this gentleman setting here with his... with the brown... with his coat on--or jacket on. If I would tell him... If he'd come to the platform, and I never seen him before in my life, and would tell him just like I was talking to him. And I seen him setting somewhere, and I see a lady setting near him with a yellow dress on, and so forth. I just talk just the way I'm seeing it, just about like that. And then when someone with a disbelief, or a haughty spirit, that interferes with that.
Now, you might not want to believe that, Christian friends. But that's the truth. And it--it's not something new; it's the Gospel through the age.
Jesus, when He went in to raise Jairus' daughter, He put them all out of the house. Many times that way. He took a man one time by the hand and led him outside the city, away from the crowds, took them to one side and talked with him.
He talked with a woman at the--the Samaritan woman at the well. Sent the disciples away. He knew she was coming, and begin to speak to her. And then went right direct. After He come in contact, after talking to her...
8 If you notice many times at night, I'll draw the attention of somebody and start talking to them, especially on the platform. They'll be speaking to them. First, I have to get the contact of their soul. And then when it begins to vibrate against you, then the power of the Holy Spirit just discerns right out down through their life, and you see the picture of it before you.
And now, you might think, "Well, that's psychology." Well, if it is, Paul used it when he looked upon a man, said, "I perceive you have faith to be healed. Stand upon your feet."
And it is psychology in one way; it's the mind of Christ in the Christian, moving. See, it's not our mind, not our psychology, but the power of Christ, His mind. Let the mind of Christ be in you. See? And then that moves out and knows, not the man, but Christ knows.
9 Now, I want to read just a few words. I want to get started praying by before nine o'clock, if possible. And as I say, all... No meeting is complete without first reading the Word.
And now all that I don't get to in the daytime and the nighttime praying for...
I've got a brother here; he watches me. And when he... I can't tell it myself, but when he sees the first weakness come, he will come take me from the platform. But don't hold it against my brother. You see? He's only trying to protect me. And so I just can stand so much. And then it's my whole strength leaves me. I hate to say that, but what's truth is truth. And it's--it's just the life goes right away from you, 'cause you... It's anointing of a different person, something besides man, and He's the One that does the work, not me.
10 Have they showed the picture of Him yet? I want... Have you, Brother Lindsay? Well, I beg your pardon. Brother Lindsay, hasn't the picture. Brother Lindsay's going to try to bring it to show it, maybe tomorrow night. How many'd like to see it?...
He will tell you the story of it. It was in a debate. Now, to say today, I do not debate. I don't argue with no one. It's... If God doesn't settle my points, then they're untrue. But if God says they're right, all right. I don't believe in arguing, debating, fussing about things. Let everybody have their own opinion. God will judge us all.
11 And a minister in Houston, Texas, challenged me on the Scripturalness of Divine healing being in the Bible, taught for this day. I would not... I have nothing to say into it at all.
And there... They... Of course, they keep me away in the room, 'cause I must be by myself and pray through the day. If I don't, I don't see visions. I don't see what's going to happen.
And then, that day, I'd been in prayer. And the reporters, newspaper reporters... I do not talk to reporters; my managers talk to the reporters, newspaper reporters, and magazines, and so forth. And so... Not as I have anything against them, it's just that I must spend my time with Him if I must meet His people.
12 And I know, if I was coming to you to pray for me, I'd want you be sincere and at your best to pray for me if I was sick. And do unto others as you'd have them do unto you.
And so a Mister Bosworth, Doctor Bosworth... Now, practically everybody here knows him. How many knows Brother Bosworth? Yes. Well, he's a dear old Christian man; I'll tell you. He was one of the managers of the meeting. Just as sweet, and Gospel right and as he could be... And I just love him with all my heart.
And he was the manager in the meeting at--at Houston at that time. And we were at the--the big coliseum there, where they was going to have the... hold their Texas Centennial, and so forth. And we just had a few nights to be in there.
13 And this Baptist minister, Doctor Best of the Baptist Tabernacle at Texas, he made the challenge and put it in the paper, and said if I didn't come and debate it with him, that I was afraid to take up for what I believed. And he knew then that I didn't believe it if...
Well, that was just Satan trying to work on me. So I--I wasn't going to argue with him.
And he kept on. He put it in the paper the next day, said, "Well, that shows that they're... They can't back up what they talk about, these Pentecost people and holy-rollers, and so forth." Said, "They can't back up what they're talking about."
And Mister Bosworth, he's about seventy-three, but that was just too much for him. He couldn't stand that. He said, "Brother Branham, let me go over there." Mister Best is a young man, about thirty.
And I said, "Brother Bosworth, you may go if you don't argue."
Said, "I'll not argue."
So they called the debate. And the papers all carried headlines and everything.
And that's what I think about what Holiness people, or the Full Gospel people. Then you may different a little in your churches on... Different ones believes this, and on baptisms, and different things you might different on. But when it comes really to the showdown, they're one in heart. They'll...
Someday, this old petition's going to be taken away, and then we'll be one, right. May God grant the day quickly. And all of them that's borned again in the Kingdom of God, they're brothers and sisters. They may argue out with a little family, like boys and brothers, and spat with one another. But we're all God's children when we're borned again.
14 And there they come flying hundreds and hundreds of miles by plane, trains and everything, come special when they see it in the paper that I was in a debate. And that--that night, at...
Mister Best hired a--a photographer to come over, a member of the--the American Photographers' Association. And they came over to... Said, "I want you to take six pictures of me while I'm just beating that old man to pieces with the Gospel." So the photographer came over to take it.
And I knew he'd have an awful time on that, because Mister Bosworth is quiet as he could be. He come to the platform. And Mister Best was a roaring and a going on.
Said, "Just ask a question. Was that the attitude of the Baptist church, the Baptist Conference, or was that the attitude of Mister Best alone?"
I was rocked in a Baptist cradle myself. I know the Baptist believe in Divine healing. So I knew that wasn't the attitude of the church, but I--I knew that it must have been his personal. So he had to admit that it was his personal attitude.
15 So there was many many thousands of people gathered that night, just packed the big place in. And then the...
I got up in the third balcony. I wasn't going, but I thought then I would go. And I stood up in the third balcony.
And Mister Bosworth said, "I will just ask Mister Best one question. Was the redemptive Names of Jehovah applied to Christ? If you'll answer that, that's all..."
He was Jehovah-rapha: He was Jehovah-manasseh. And if He wasn't, then we look for another Saviour. So that settled it.
16 So there wasn't nothing. Everybody begin to razz the man and clap his--their hands, and he got up there, and tried to preach a little bit on something. And he... that he--he couldn't even do it. He just so tied up and mixed up.
And poor old Brother Bosworth really done a wonderful job that night, just as cool as he could be, just standing there looking at him.
And then they was to have a little puddle at the last, and this Mister Best kept saying, "Let me see this miracle worker."
Mister Bosworth said, "Brother Branham doesn't claim to be no miracle worker."
Said, "I'd like to see him come forth and perform."
He said, "He doesn't clown for people," and just like that. Said, "He spends his time praying."
And he said, "Well, I'd like to see him." Just kept on like that.
17 Mister Bosworth said, "Well, he's in the building. If he wants to come to the platform, all right."
And setting there, up there with my brother, and with the four guards that taken me in, with the wife and baby.
Just then, I felt Something just come down over me. I raised up and started down... When I walked to the platform, I said, "I have preached to many millions of people, direct or indirect. Literature has traveled over the world. I've preached before thousands by radio and by person. Never one time did I call myself a Divine healer." I said, "I'm not a Divine healer. Preaching Divine healing doesn't make you a Divine healer no more than preaching salvation makes you a Divine Saviour. If you preach salvation, that makes you a Divine Saviour, if preaching Divine healing makes you a Divine healer." I said, "No, I--I do not claim that." I said, "I only make my statements. And if I make my statements, and if they're true, then God will say they're true, and God will back them up. And if I tell false... something false, then God will not honor anything false. He will always honor the truth." I said, "I tell the truth, and God knows the truth."
And about that time, why, the glory of the Holy Spirit came down.
18 And it happened to be, the photographer standing there shot a picture. And he almost had a heart attack when he found out.
It's come in the meetings many times like a big whirl of fire, moving. Here not long ago I was baptizing, several thousand people standing watching, in the month of August, down at the foot of Spring Street in Jeffersonville. And here It come down out of the skies, visible before around ten thousand people. Moved down where I was standing, the Voice screaming from It. Hundreds fainted on the banks; the papers carried great articles, "Mystic star appears over minister while baptizing."
One night while speaking in a building, I was--had about three thousand people setting out like this, about two thousand up. And I started to praying for the--a little boy, the first one, which was a crippled case. His little feet was drawed up like this with polio. I was holding the little fellow in my arms, and was praying.
And while I was praying, the Light got real bright in my face. And I said to myself, "The custodian must've turned the light on." Up... They have... run a show there, this place. And I thought, "Well, that's legitimate. It's strange that a man would do that. That's not even being a gentleman, let alone a Christian would turn a Light in someone's face while praying."
I just kept on praying. Got brighter and brighter. And everyone very reverent, with their heads down. I raised my head. Come floating down through the room, came the Morning Star, coming right up to where I was. I was holding the little baby. It settled right down to where I was.
19 I don't know whether I dropped it or what happened. But when it hit the floor, it's little feet that was crooked like this, come down straight. The mother setting on the front, she raised her head and begin screaming, and fainted, and fell over in the floor. The little boy started running off the platform hollering to his mother.
And there was a Nazarene girl playing the baby grand piano, setting right down. Nazarene people are a little emotion. Is any Nazarenes in here, let's see your hands. Surely there's some Nazarenes somewhere. That's fine. Well, they got enough religion to shout once in a while, you know.
So they were setting... This girl was a very attractive young blond-headed girl, setting playing the piano. And when she looked and seen that, she just threw up her hands and turned real white, and begin screaming to the top of her voice, for she was an intimate friends of the people. And run away from playing the piano.
She was playing that hymn, "The Great Physician Now Is Near." You've heard it. And right there, as soon as she run away, before around five thousand people, them ivory keys kept moving.
The great physician now is near,
The sympathizing Jesus,
He speaks to drooping hearts to cheer,
No other name but Jesus.
Played not with a word or two, but the whole thing through like that. Hundreds begin pouring to the altar, screaming, with their handkerchiefs, crying, "God have mercy on me, a sinner."
20 And so It's come many times. And so... And that night when they taken the picture of It... Lot of times they said it was psychology. But the man who taken it was an Orthodox Jew, name is Ted Kipperman. Mister Ayers was a Roman Catholic. Been standing there making fun. Put a piece in the paper the day before that, just before, and said I was a hypnotizer, and made all kinds of remarks, insulting about it.
He almost had a heart attack. And he try--tried to get into the Rice Hotel. And of course, they wouldn't let him in where I was at.
The next morning, they flew the picture away to Washington, DC for a copyright. Before it could be released, it had to go before the FBI examinations. And when they did, they went and got the best, George J. Lacy, the best there is in the United States. He kept it for two or three days, and to see if there was any touch-up, or anything was wrong, that picture would...
21 When he brought it out, he said, "Well, it was perfectly right, that the Light was there that struck it," and gave a great write-up, each one that had to go with each picture like that. And there it is, visible.
And they asked me if I wanted to sell it. I said, "No, sir. If Jesus Christ, the Son of God, thought enough of me to stand by my side to have His picture taken, I think enough of Him not to sell it." See? And so I said... I never... And so I turned it over to the studios, and let them do what they wished with them. And they said they'd have to get something out of it. I had them to say that they would sell it so that every poor person could--could get a hold of it if they wanted it. And I...
22 The first time Mr. Lacy said it was the first time in all human history that a--a supernatural Being was ever photographed. They said it just a... that it's been said, a lot of times that those lights around the saints, and the unbelievers say that's some artist painted that picture. But said, "It surely must have been there, for that optical lens--mechanical lens of a camera won't take psychology. It was... It was there."
And I'm very thankful tonight, to know that that same Pillar of Fire and--and Cloud, and whatever It is... They'll show you the picture pretty soon. And maybe, if... They may get some here for the service. And if they do, you'd be more than welcome to them.
And I'm so thankful to know that I have a part, to be numbered with you people, the great Church of God that's standing today for the full Gospel, and for righteousness, and for the power of the Holy Spirit in this last days. I'm thankful for you, and thankful that God has give me the opportunity to be numbered with you, to be called your brother and sister. And it's... You and I are brother and sister.
23 Now, along the journey, there's been so many things happened till I... It's been remarkable. Many things is beyond what I would know to say here in the building, great miracles and things.
And each night, I'll try to read a little Scripture, and tell you something from now on till the services is out. And now, it's time for me to go to praying for the sick. I have some forty-five minutes now to have the service.
And now, all that I do not get to tonight with prayer cards... I guess there's around a hundred in here now with prayer cards. And if I don't get to too many tonight, then tomorrow night, why, or tomorrow afternoon, Brother Lindsay and Brother Hall will be praying for the rest of them that hasn't--that's got the cards left. We'll begin tomorrow afternoon. Come out to the afternoon service and hear these men. If you give instructions to know how to receive Christ... Here, only releases it right here. The gift of God will drive it from you. See? But in order to obtain and remain with it, you must have faith to believe and just keep it.
24 I've seen people come to the platform that was totally blind, couldn't even see their hands before them. And in less than five minutes, take this same Bible and read a chapter out of it. And so three or four days more, come right back just as blind as they was in the first place. They get out amongst unbelievers, and get out, and let Satan stand right...
If you can read it here before the gift, you can read it out there anywhere, for God covers the whole earth. Just keep faith in Him.
You say, "Well, that's strange." No, it isn't, Gospel preacher. I felt that resented just a little bit. So I... Remember, spiritual things are spiritually discerned.
A man can be here tonight and receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit, and be a real Christian right here tonight, and tomorrow be a real Christian, and a week from now, be in a barroom drunk. Isn't that right? It's when he loses faith in God and goes back. Same thing is by healing.
25 Only thing you can ever get from God is by faith. And the reason that I say that they'll be delivered here, or either told what's wrong with them, and told the reasons why that they can't be, is because I believe what He told me is the truth. And for these years, He's stood by. And I know He will now. It's because I believe it. Just believe it, just with all my heart, and soul, and body, and mind. And you believe that.
And then if your number is called tonight in the prayer line, and if God reveals your heart and speaks to you, and gives you deliverance here; don't you never have no kind of a testimony, only that He healed you. 'Cause if you do, if you one time testify to the o--to the other side, the negative side, it'll come back to you worse than it ever was. Just remember, if you can't accept it on those basis, don't come at all. See? Don't come at all. 'Cause it would be embarrassing here before the audience anyhow to be told that. And so don't come at all.
Because the Bible said, "Go and sin no more, or a worse thing will come upon you." See? Go and sin...
26 Now, sin is unbelief. Is that right? The first sin was committed by Eve, because she disbelieved God's Word. Is that right? There's where the whole thing lays tonight--disbelieving God's Word. You believe God's Word as It's written here, you don't need nothing else.
But to stimulate people's faith, God sends gifts down. That magnifies His Word, that speaks of His Word. And if any gift, or any Angel, or anything doesn't speak directly by the Word of God, it is not the right kind of Angel. That's right. It is not the right Angel. But if it speaks and testifies of Jesus Christ, and speaks according to the Scripture, then it is of God. That's what I John 4 said.
27 Now, I wish to read just some of the Word in Saint Mark the 5th chapter, or Saint Luke, rather, the 5th chapter. Then we'll have prayer, and then start on the prayer line.
And it came to pass, that, as the people pressed upon him to hear the word of God... (Oh, wouldn't you loved to have been there?), he stood by the lake...
And saw two ships standing by the lake: but the fishermen were gone out of them, and were washing their nets.
And he entered into one of the ships, which was Simon's, and prayed him that he would thrust out a little into... from the land. And sat down, and taught the people out of the ship.
Now when he had left speaking, he said unto Simon, Launch out into the deep, and let down for the draught.
And Simon answered and said unto him, Master, we've toiled all... night, and... taken nothing: nevertheless at thy word I'll let down the net.
May God add His blessings to this Scripture.
28 I just... Just a comment, just a moment. He'd been healing and preaching. I would love to have seen Him, wouldn't you. When He walked, the lovely Man of sorrow, acquainted with grief, was no beauty we should desire Him, probably small in statue, delicate looking Man... A beautiful man, the Bible times, was one big wide shoulders and strong built. But there was no beauty that we should desire Him, a man of sorrow, acquainted with grief. But He didn't look like much, but, oh, what was in Him.
And He went down to the lakeside to preach. And when He did, all the peoples come down to hear Him. I can imagine seeing Peter setting on a stump after pulling their nets all night, discouraged, and set down there, and said, "Let's see what that Fellow's got to say."
But when He begin to speak, there was something different. He spoke different from any other man.
29 I can just see him moving up, just a little closer all the time. And the crowds got great. I can hear Him get into the boat, thrust out a little from the bank. And He borrowed a ship from Simon. After He got through speaking, He said to Simon, "Now, you launch out into the deep and let down for the draught."
Jesus never borrows nothing from you, but what He will pay you back a hundredfold. Is that right? Whatever He... Let Him have your faith tonight.
The little boy come by one time with some fishes in his hand. There's five thousand people standing there, or more. Now, the little boy had five fishes. It wasn't very much in his hands. But oh, my, when it was put into the Master's hands, what it could do. It fed five thousand in the Master's hands. And what little you have tonight, just give it into the hands of the Master. Then launch out into the deep and let down.
30 Peter said, "Lord, we've toiled all night, and have taken nothing." That's discouraging. They were fishermen. They just wasn't guessing. They knowed where the sea, and how the moon should be, and where the fish was. They was la--ra--raised on that sea, Galilean. And they'd toiled all night through that same water, and hadn't taken a thing. But he said, "Lord, at Thy Word, I'll let down the nets."
There's the secret. You've been maybe seined through every doctor's office there is in the country. You might've been through prayer lines. You might've had your pastor praying. You might have consecrated Christians to pray. You might've tried everything that you know how to do. But tonight say, "At Thy Word, Lord, I'm going to let down the net right now. I'm going to stop trying anything; I'm just going to believe You right now, and take at Your Words. I'm going to let down the nets."
And it won't be long when you're pulling till you feel the tug, and the net will be full of fishes: joy, salvation, healing, blessings from God.
31 There's the lady I'm looking for, setting right here, got on a checkered dress. Has your baby got heart trouble, lady, you that's weeping there? If it is, raise up your hand, if that isn't right, raise up your hand. Certainly. Yes ma'am. All right. Don't fear no more, your baby will be all right now. That's... Looky there.
I just happened to turn. I felt something pulling to me. Wasn't you praying just then, sister, for some... Aren't you the father of the child setting there by her? Yes, sir. Now, you're from a distance away from here, aren't you, didn't you come somewhere away from here? And you have to return back, do you? And then you take your baby now and don't worry. That was it that screamed out just then. So the little baby will be all right now. Have no fear, for God has answered your prayer; Jesus has. God bless you.
32 Oh, isn't He wonderful? I know the lady had on kind of a checkered dress. And I kept looking at this lady setting here, and I couldn't see no baby. But the lady was supposed to have a little baby in her arms with its little--like that, a little--little bald-headed like baby. And I was looking for it to see if someone... I looked for babies. And the baby cried back there while ago, and a mother picked it up and started out. I looked close, and it wasn't that baby. But I knowed it was here somewhere. All right.
God will... Just pray, He will speak to me, and He will tell me what to tell you.
33 Let us pray now. O Father, You're so sweet and full of love and compassion. And I know that You're here, and You love us all. God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but would have Everlasting Life.
Oh, how true that Thou art the Rock that was in the wilderness. Moses smote the Rock, and It gave forth Its waters to a dying, perishing people. And as the Rock was in the wilderness, so is It with us today, already smitten, waters of salvation gushing out to a perishing, dying sin-loving people. "Come unto Me all ye that labor, heavy laden. Come to Me all ye ends of the world, and drink, be satisfied."
34 We thank Thee for Thy love, that You loved us while we were aliens, alienated from God, cut off without mercy, sinners by nature, going to a Christless grave and a Godless eternity. And Christ died for our sins in our stead, and has went before God now with our sins as a sin Offering, to be made an offering for us, taking our place, and His soul was put in hell. But it was not possible that His holy One should see corruption, so He raised Him again after three days.
Oh, and He's a High Priest tonight, setting there making intercessions; with His own Blood He's entered before the Master. And tonight, it does not appear what we shall be, but we know we'll have a body like His, for we shall see Him as He is. We believe that's soon, Lord. Come, Lord Jesus.
Move tonight in sweet love and compassion upon Your people. Heal every one that's sick and needy; break up the hearts of the haughty. "He that goeth forth, sowing in tears, will doubtless return again rejoicing, bringing with him precious sheaves." Mold us and make us after Thy own will. Bless all the unsaved, and may they, somehow tonight, by the Word, or by the Spirit of God, be convinced that they're wrong, and come humbly, and give their hearts to Thee. May all the sick be healed, for we ask it in the Name of Thy beloved Son, Jesus. Amen.
35 What's the prayer card number? All right, sir. From 100 to... from... From 50... From 1 to 100 in A. Start about... How many'd we run last night? Fifteen? 1 To 15? That was one place. Let's take from 85 back to 100 maybe.
36 [Brother Lindsay announces the prayer cards to be called and then explains the picture, the text of which follows:
While the prayer line is forming, I want to show you this picture that we happened to get a hold of just now, one that Brother Branham was talking about, which shows the supernatural Light over his head. As soon as that picture was taken, I made arrangements to have the negative taken to the Examiner of Questioned Documents, Mr. George Lacy, of Houston, Texas. And I asked him; I said, "You have all means of science at your command, can you tell me if there's any fake about that particular negative? Can you tell if there's a superimposure? Can you tell if there's been a double exposure? Can you tell if the film has been "doctored with," in any way?"
He says, "Absolutely, I can." So he took it--cost us a considerable sum because he was a scientist engaged in that work-- and examined it many hours in his laboratory. And then, with his own name signed underneath it, he declared that the negative was absolutely, absolutely, positively genuine.
May I just add this word: The picture was taken by a hostile photographer, one that had spoken against the meeting. Fact he... The statement even got in the newspaper, and he was as surprised as anyone.
They were Jews, Orthodox Jews, and so, I regard this merely as a verification and confirmation. And Brother Branham regards it--not that he is supernatural in any way--but a verification of his ministry and message of bringing Divine healing to the people of the world. Friends, I believe the Bible is true. And so tonight, as Brother Branham ministers, may we all be in the Spirit of God, and realize that the supernatural is here tonight to deliver people, not only heal them, but to heal their souls, bring men and women to Jesus Christ.
Now, let us sing that chorus, "Only Believe."
Only believe, only believe,
All things are possible, only believe;
Only believe, only believe,
All things are possible, only believe.
You may be seated.]
37 That's right. It's the background on that, sister. If you'll do that, I'll appreciate it. Now, everyone be reverent. And I... May I say this now, as I make this statement: I am not responsible around these meetings. I'm... I trust the people on the outside will hear this also. I'm not a fanatic, friends. If I die tonight, what I have said is testified the truth. That picture seals the thing, for one. God is vindicating that I told it...
See, it isn't me, it's Him. Did you see it... Could all of you see it here? We'll have it back on the book table if you will, Brother Lindsay, so they can look at it. And we'll see about getting you some copies of it.
A lady in the hospital recently had one setting on her desk. She was looking at it, not at me, but the Angel of the Lord, in this form of a halo like. And she said, the picture begin to mill, the... come right out and hung over her. She got up and went home, well. So it was a... It was... It's not... It--It's Him. Now, I'm only stating facts and truth.
38 Now, I will not be responsible for skeptics and unbelievers who are at the meeting, or those who will not keep their head bowed when they're asked. How many knows I said that? Let's see your hands. So if anything is said, I can have you as a witness. For it's a dangerous thing to trifle with God.
God is here to move, to heal the people, to make them well, to save those that are lost and in need. And we want you to do that. I don't believe there's any here to be skeptical. Let's be real reverent and prayerful.
Some of them says, "Well, Divine healing, I don't believe in it." Well, if I didn't believe in it, I wouldn't stand in somebody's way that did believe in it.
39 I wished I had faith like some of the patriarchs. We may not all be able to be translated like Elijah. We may not be able to stop the sun like Joshua. We may not be able to take a afternoon stroll like Enoch did, and just walk home with God without even... without even tasting death. We may not be able to do that, but let's not... Let's not stand in somebody else's way that can.
All right. Everyone be reverent.
I guess you wonder why I take that watch off. Have you noticed that? Vibrations stop that watch dead still. I've got one in the shop now, a Longines someone give me. Don't know what force it has to it, but it stops the watch there.
40 Now, everyone be in prayer, and bring your patient if you will.
Now, you down here without prayer cards, just keep looking this way and believing with all your hearts now. All right.
Howdy do, sister.
Is this a double microphone? If you want one of them, I'll... Or maybe it's better... Now, it's...
Now, the prayer cards is merely to keep the line lined up. That's all, so everyone won't rush in, and give just a fair chance to everyone. See? We can keep them lined. But now, it isn't necessary to have the card, if you just believe.
Let's just pray once more, if you will. I...
41 Father, I--I ask Thee to be near now, as we realize that Your guidance will have to be what will take care for the night. Now, we realize that we're an eternity bound people; we're bowing our heads to the dust from whence we were taken, and someday shall return if Jesus doesn't come soon. And we realize that somewhere, thousands of years from this night, our souls will be in eternity somewhere.
And we're here with the deepest of sincerity to try to bring the Gospel in the way that we know It, the Gospel, the power and demonstration of the Holy Spirit unto the people. Although misunderstood many times, but Father, I pray that You will grant tonight that many may believe.
And help Your humble servant to be able to discern the diseases and the causes of the people.
42 Thank You for the healing of that darling little baby that we knew... Thou knowest all things, and what You've said. It wouldn't live but a little while longer, but now it has life. We're so thankful that You answered a prayer of that dear mother and made it manifest. Years to come, she'll remember the blessings.
Now, help me, Father, as I challenge the enemy, realizing that I'm allergic to those things, as we all are. But I pray that the Blood of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, will enclose around every one of us, and may he not be able to enter anywhere, but be cast out into outer darkness waiting for utter destructions in the last day. Help me, Father, for I go forward now to challenge, as a representative of Jesus Christ. In His Name I ask it. Amen.
43 Good evening. You come forward just... May I have your hand just a moment. [Gap in the audio.] Yes, ma'am. Now, look this way. You're trying hard to believe, aren't you? You're wanting to believe. Do you love Him with all your heart? Now, what it is now, trying to get your faith into the spot. I know what's wrong with you now. But I want to get you to a place where you can really be able to be healed, be well. That's what you desire. You realize that the only hope you have is in Christ, isn't it? 'Cause as long as you've fooled with this, and doctor with this, there's no hope less you do find Christ and find mercy with Him.
44 Now you--what do you think He would do if He was standing here with my suit on? He'd tell you what was wrong with you, lay His hands over on you, perhaps, and say, "Mother, dear, does it hurt?" But He's went up on high, ascended on high and give gifts back to man. You believe that?
Now, what you're thinking... Now, I'm not reading your mind. But what you're thinking is, what am I going to tell you. Why, your trouble is stomach trouble that's bothering you. Isn't that right? I see you refusing foods and things, and sometimes you get so hungry you want to eat. Certain things you can have, and certain... Burns. A nerve condition has been told, and also causes an ulcerated condition. And you have a gallbladder seepage with that. You have another trouble that's bothered you; you been getting weak lately too, (haven't you?), in the afternoons, getting real weak. I see you lying down.
45 You was praying just before coming to this meeting that something would happen here, kneeling by the side. Yes ma'am. I seen you where you were standing, looking towards the windows in the evening. Isn't that right? I'm--I'm just seeing it as I tell you, it's shut off. Isn't that true, mother?
Now, when I said that last word, something swept over you, didn't it, went over you. Had a strange feeling to strike you. That's when your faith healed you. You haven't got stomach trouble now. Jesus Christ has healed you. Now, looky here.
[Gap in the audio.]
46 With one prayer in this audience, I'm going to ask God to remove every affliction and every sickness in the audience. I believe He will do it, don't you? All right. I want you to throw your canes down, get up out of the wheelchairs, whatever it is, and walk.
O Father, in the Name of Thy Son Jesus Christ, move in this audience now. I rebuke every demon power that's holding Your people. May they turn loose now, and give Jesus Christ the glorious praise for the healing power in Jesus' Name. Hallelujah!
At Thy Word (1951-05-06 Evening) (William M. Branham Sermons)
At Thy Word (1951-05-06 Evening) (William M. Branham Sermons) somebodyAt Thy Word
You can find this sermon at
1 Thank you, brother [unclear name]. Good evening, friends. Happy to be back again tonight to minister again.
We're very happy for the results of last week's services, and how our Heavenly Father has blessed in such a great way. Many of them has already given in their testimony. Some colored lady just come running up just now and placed a testimony or something in my hand, said, "I was healed." And I see different ones that tell me about, and their letters come in, of how different afflictions has left their body.
We're so happy because that our Lord is here to make Himself known to the people by healing their bodies, forgiving their sins.
And we trust that the next days of this meeting will be more than what the first part of the--this last week was. May God grant it to all.
2 And we're happy to be here in this city. And knowing that other great campaigns are going on in the city, we pray for each of them, that God will work great wonders in their meetings also.
We've been trying to get out a little early each night, so that we can give the people an opportunity. Many of them has to go to work. And after being here for two weeks before, and speaking many things that the Lord did, and giving testimonies, speaking on the Word, I feel that all's about necessary now is to be praying for the sick people.
And last night, we had a glorious night of cripples, and them out of the wheelchairs and things being delivered. That was what many people term the evidence of a miracle. Not altogether, that isn't right. Anything that's contrary to the regular run of anything, the run of nature or something is a miracle.
3 Jesus healed a boy one time by... He spoke a Word to his father. And the next day... The boy's fever left him that day and he begin to amend. And the Bible called it a miracle. This is again the second miracle Jesus did when He came into Galilee.
First, He turned the water to wine. Now, that water would have been wine someday anyhow, perhaps. But it'll have to go through the regular procedure of going up into the grape vine, coming out into the grape, and being brought back, and so forth like that.
Jesus just bypassed all that, because He was the God of nature. He just bypassed the vine and everything, and made the water right into wine, because He had the control of all things. Didn't have to be distilled, or however they make wine. I don't know. But they... Anyhow, He just turned it right into wine there. And that was what we would call a miracle.
4 Then the next thing He did, was to just speak a Word. The man was trying to get Him to come pray for someone. He said, "Go your way; thy son liveth."
And the next day, his father come to the place where he--his home in his own country, and he met one of his servants. And he said, "Thy son liveth."
He said, "What time did he begin to amend?"
He said, "About a certain hour yesterday." And Jesus... Or the man knew that that was the hour that Jesus said, "Thy son liveth." And himself believed. He believed what Jesus said, and he said, "This is the second miracle when the fever begin to leave."
John 4:50 Jesus saith unto him, Go thy way; thy son liveth. And the man believed the word that Jesus had spoken unto him, and he went his way.
John 4:51 And as he was now going down, his servants met him, and told him, saying, Thy son liveth.
John 4:52 Then inquired he of them the hour when he began to amend. And they said unto him, Yesterday at the seventh hour the fever left him.
John 4:53 So the father knew that it was at the same hour, in the which Jesus said unto him, Thy son liveth: and himself believed, and his whole house.
John 4:54 This is again the second miracle that Jesus did, when he was come out of Judaea into Galilee.
5 So we're happy that our Lord is working miracles all over the world.
I just heard a sailor boy on the radio a few moments ago. I tried to get this temple over here, the Evangelist, or Angeles Temple. Oh, they have religious program all the time. And I have a little radio I pack along with me for that purpose, especially when I come out here.
And I was hearing on a radio from ... a broadcast from down to some sinner down here, that, a sailor boy that just come back from overseas or something. And said in Korea and different places, having a great revival.
Oh, my, isn't that marvelous? Our Lord is coming back to earth again. All nature is groaning for that day of sweet release.
6 Setting at a table here some time ago with some fine Armenian friends of mine up at Fresno. I was very thin then. A lady wanted to help me. And she come out, and she said, "Brother Branham, take these."
And it was medicine. And I looked at it, I said, "Well, thank you." I didn't want to hurt her feelings by it. And I don't take much medicines. I said, I..." And I said, "It's all right. Now, it's all right."
And there set a doctor setting right there by my side. He said, "Let me see what it is." And he looked over, and it was some kind of a vitamin. And the doctor said, "Brother Branham," said, "that's not a medicine." Said, "That's a vitamin."
I said, "Well not... See, it's all right." I said, "Medicine's okay." And I said, "I don't mean to disregard anything that'll help anybody. No, sir. I... Anything that'll help you, I'm for that. That's right. That's mercy." And I said, "I don't disregard it as medicine, if it was medicine anyhow."
7 He said, "But here's what it is, Brother Branham." He said, "Our land has become so poor. All the vitamins pulled out, till it's artificially fertilized and things, to when we eat, we don't get the right amount of vitamin no matter how much we eat. It's just bulk." And said, "We don't get the vitamins. And everyone should take those vitamins."
You see, the ground's wore out. Everything's just... It's just the end, isn't it? That's right. It's just the end. That's right. Looks like the old world's a reeling in home. One of these days, there'll be a big atomic or hydrogen explosive somewhere will start a relay of that chain of items of splitting. And I don't know what I'm... maybe what I'm talking about. But I feel that somewhere in there, she'll be destroyed again by fire.
Malachi 4:1 For, behold, the day cometh, that shall burn as an oven; and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble: and the day that cometh shall burn them up, saith the LORD of hosts, that it shall leave them neither root nor branch.
8 And ten... I say five hundred years from tonight, this little group that's setting here will be somewhere. That's right. And wherever we are then, we'll be where we'll have to be to spend eternity. And tonight, it may be a decision time, and the last time that some of us will have to make our decision. Let's make it tonight in the One who, the only Man who ever proved that what He was.
We have many great religions in the world, of philosophers and so forth, Confucius, and Mohammed, and different ones.
And at the grave of Mohammedan, for two thousand years now, they've led a white horse daily, expecting him to rise and get on that, and ride away to victory, and ride the world down. But he died, and he's laying in the grave.
Confucius, the great Chinese philosopher, and the founder of Buddha religion and so forth, of all those religions, they're all dead and gone.
But there's only one Man who says, "I have power to lay My life down and take it up again." And He proved that He had the jurisdiction over death.
John 10:18 No man taketh it from me, but I lay it down of myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. This commandment have I received of my Father.
9 His followers coming down from the great Saint Paul. When death strikes them, they're... I've seen them many times. Their eyes are glant--glazed, look like shine like an Angel, scream, "O death, where is thy sting? Grave, where is thy victory? But thanks be to God who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ."
He's the One that I've got my confidence in tonight. He's the one that I love. And I know that you love Him too. So let's worship Him with all of our heart.
It's my lot tonight to bring this part of the ministry, as His servant here that's... Where His other servants are all over the world... His Gospel's went around the world. And I'm here tonight to try with all my heart to bring the facts of a risen Jesus Christ in the midst of this audience to you people. Please receive Him, and believe that His words are true.
1 Corinthians 15:55 O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?
1 Corinthians 15:57 But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
10 Now in here His written Word. And it... his friend. And he jumped off of the tractor, run through the field. They grabbed one another up in their arms and lifted each other up and down, praising God. He was a friend to the king's private secretary, King George of England.
Coming into the Jeffersonville office there, came a cablegram from King George of England, "Brother Branham, I understand through my secretary that one of his friends was healed of multiple sclerosis. I desire of you to come pray for me, that our Lord Jesus will heal me."
And I know the Angel of God which said, "You'll pray for kings and monarchs and great men."
Oh, I asked Him if I could go. Now, King George of England is healed of multiple sclerosis. He's well. He's a well man. His ulcers is gone. Oh, my.
Amazing Grace! how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me!
I once was lost, but now I'm found,
I was blind, but now I see.
11 I think of the time coming down through Louisville, Kentucky, feeling along the stone wall, big glasses over my eyes. I couldn't see where I was going. Someone walked up to me and said, "Do you believe Jesus Christ can heal you?" Oh, my. Tonight, my eyes are 20/20. I can read newspaper print five feet away from me.
What was it? The power of resurrected Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God, Which is in our presence now. Certainly He is.
Oh, Christian people, talk about a day of Pentecost, what could happen in this building tonight would make that look little back there. That is true. Oh, if you could just get with one accord, have one alternative: that is to see God glorified.
12 When Jesus was here on earth...Now, I know a lot of people said
I was a spiritualist, a medium, and I was mental telepathy. And any one with good common sense knows better than that. That show that there's a mental deficiency of those people that think that. That's right.
Not long ago in a certain meeting at Cleveland... Brother Hall was at the meeting. A doctor came into the meeting. He said, "Oh, it's mental telepathy." He said... He said, "I want..." Told one of the ladies that just been healed.
She said, "Oh, that brother's doing miracles in the name of the Lord Jesus."
He said, "Well, I want to see him."
Said, "What you want to see him for?"
He said, "I got something wrong with my leg."
I said, "Doctor, it's not your leg; it's your head what's wrong down there." I said... That's right. Yes, sir.
13 Talk about mental telepathy... My, it's the power of Jesus Christ in His promise by His Word, that He said He would do these things in the last days. And they're here to vindicate His presence. Amen. Do you believe that?Yes sir. He was called a spiritualist and a medium too (That is true), called Beelzebub.
One time, there was a man came to Him by the name of Philip. And he got saved, and he went and got his brother, Nathanael. And when he told him, said, "Come, see who I found, who Moses and the law spoke of, Jesus of Nazareth."
He said, "Could anything good come out of Nazareth?" a little critical.
Said, "You come and see."
And when he got down there to Him, He's... Maybe Jesus was having a prayer line, praying for the sick. He seen Nathanael coming up; He said, "Behold, an Israelite in whom there is no guile." Went ahead...
And he said, "Whence knowest Thou me, Rabbi (or Master, Reverend, whatever you want to say, Teacher)?"
And He said, "Before Philip called you, when you was under the tree..."
He said, "You're the Son of God, the King of Israel." And he fell down and worshipped Him, become a disciple. Is that right?
Matthew 12:24 But when the Pharisees heard it, they said, This fellow doth not cast out devils, but by Beelzebub the prince of the devils.
Mark 3:22 And the scribes which came down from Jerusalem said, He hath Beelzebub, and by the prince of the devils casteth he out devils.
Luke 11:15 But some of them said, He casteth out devils through Beelzebub the chief of the devils.
John 1:45 Philip findeth Nathanael, and saith unto him, We have found him, of whom Moses in the law, and the prophets, did write, Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph.
John 1:46 And Nathanael said unto him, Can there any good thing come out of Nazareth? Philip saith unto him, Come and see.
John 1:47 Jesus saw Nathanael coming to him, and saith of him, Behold an Israelite indeed, in whom is no guile!
John 1:48 Nathanael saith unto him, Whence knowest thou me? Jesus answered and said unto him, Before that Philip called thee, when thou wast under the fig tree, I saw thee.
John 1:49 Nathanael answered and saith unto him, Rabbi, thou art the Son of God; thou art the King of Israel.
14 Now, what if he'd have walked away and say, "I... You know, that's mental telepathy. I've got to study that thing out." You'll never figure God out, so you might as well forget about it now. You've got to believe it. God is not known no other way but by faith. You have to accept it.
Then there was a woman coming out from the well to get some water, about eleven o'clock in the day. Probably she'd been out all night and didn't get up early enough. Or maybe she was so ashamed of herself, she didn't go out with the respectable ladies. But she came to get some water from the well. And when she did, why, there Jesus was setting at the well. And she came up, and He spoke to her, and said, "Bring Me a drink."
And she said, "It is not customary for You to..."
He talked to her a little while, and He said one word, "Go get your husband."
She said, "I don't have any husband."
Said, "You had five."
She said, "I perceive that You're a prophet."
She went into the city and said, "Come and see a Man that told me all the things I ever done." See?
John 4:7 There cometh a woman of Samaria to draw water: Jesus saith unto her, Give me to drink.
John 4:9 Then saith the woman of Samaria unto him, How is it that thou, being a Jew, askest drink of me, which am a woman of Samaria? for the Jews have no dealings with the Samaritans.
John 4:16 Jesus saith unto her, Go, call thy husband, and come hither.
John 4:17 The woman answered and said, I have no husband. Jesus said unto her, Thou hast well said, I have no husband:
John 4:18 For thou hast had five husbands; and he whom thou now hast is not thy husband: in that saidst thou truly.
John 4:19 The woman saith unto him, Sir, I perceive that thou art a prophet.
John 4:28 The woman then left her waterpot, and went her way into the city, and saith to the men,
John 4:29 Come, see a man, which told me all things that ever I did: is not this the Christ?
15 Now, Jesus said, "These things that I do shall you also, and greater than this (or not greater, but more of them) shall you do, because I go to My Father." Do you believe that? That's the promise, is it?
And when Jesus was here, healing the people... Listen closely, we're going to call the prayer line. When Jesus was here healing the people, He said He did it that it might fulfill the Word of God. Is that true?
Now, I want to ask you: since that time down to this time, I've never seen, or never knew of this Spirit being in the world: never read of it, or any book or anything, teachers, and so forth. It's the hour for It to be here at the church. That's right. Here it is. It's here in vindication. It's here in regards to God's Word, to fulfill what Jesus said would come to pass.
Now, It's moving on. While it's here, you receive it, believe it, accept it. Say, "God, I believe You with all my heart."
And He speaks of Jesus. Jesus is the One. Jesus is the One paid the price. He's the only One can heal you. You just have faith in Him, and believe it. And this Angel of God vindicates that He is here; His presence is here, and His Word is being fulfilled. Do you believe it? God bless you.
John 14:12 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.
16 Now, we... Is Billy Paul near now, to see how many cards they give out? My boy, if he's near... All right. while he's coming, I wish to say these words, that... I suppose he give out fifty cards, probably in the service this afternoon.
Now, while we're waiting on him, let's just have a few of the people that's got maybe some certain diseases, or got prayer cards, or so-and-so; they'd like to be...
How many's already seen the discernment? So, let's see how many's already knows that that's true, that It sets right here, tells the people the secrets of their hearts, the things that they've done way back in their life, and so forth. Is that right? Tells them all about their lives and so forth...
17 Now, we know that that is truth. Is there anybody here that's got a prayer card, that's going to be prayed for tonight, that has never seen the discernments of the Spirit of the Lord? Nobody. All right. Then you're the ones that's the ones asked to believe. You're the ones to take on and believe.
Has anybody found out where the boy is at yet? We have to kind of put a bell around him, won't we? Whew. Did someone wake him up? His face turning red now, he's an Irishman too, although his mother was a German.
His... He was borned on Friday the thirteenth at three o'clock in the evening. We was going to call him jinx. But I... We don't believe in that, do we, son. No, we... His mother was a German, and I was Irish, so instead, we call him Hiney Michaels. But God had us to call him Billy Paul from his father and the great Saint Paul the Apostle.
18 And I'm happy tonight that I believe that with all my heart now, that God is going to send my boy into the ministry, into the fields to win souls for Him. I just brought him from the regular high school and putting him now in a college, a Christian college.
First, before this in this, he was converted recently, came in. I'm... He's wanting to receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost. And I want him to get that. That seals him away in the kingdom of God then. "Grieve not the Holy Spirit of God whereby you're sealed until the day of your redemption."
And in the last days, there's going to be two classes of people: them that has the seal, and the others will have the mark of the beast. That's right. So the seal of the God is the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Ephesians 4:30. Is that right? The Seal of God...
Ephesians 4:30 And grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption.
19 All right. Now, we're... Most everybody here has seen the discernments of the spirits, of how that the Holy Spirit does these things. And I've tried to keep myself from It tonight, to see if we could keep from having that, if possible.
But God knows all about your heart. He knows every one of you, and He... Only difference it does, when you call the people up here, it gives them a present contact. Did you ever... Have you noticed their faces when they be come up here when the anointing was on, when the anointing was on?
Now, I tell you what happens. How many seen the picture of the Angel of the Lord, where it's been tested over there? Just a very few. How many has not seen it, let's see your hands, never seen the picture of it? Well my. I guess we're completely out of them, long ago. And the picture of It, scientifically proven by scientists. That's right. The best that we have.
20 Ma'am. Sister Kopps wants to be prayed for, now. Dear heavenly Father, I pray Thee to be merciful to our dear sister just now. Grant just now for her healing. May the Holy Spirit come upon this woman. We know that she does a great work here with her husband, working for You, singing, and teaching, and doing many things around the church here. We feel that she's worthy of this blessing that we're asking. And Lord, Your servant, with my hands upon her, I ask that this will be the turning time, right now. From this hour on, may it leave her and never return again. In the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen. God bless you, Sister Kopps.
Let us say, "Praise be to God." Believe Him.
21 Excuse me. Now, praying for her brought that Spirit down on me again, now. See? It come down. I believe I'll call just two or three out of the audience. Will you be reverent while It's here? I didn't... I was trying to keep away from that, but maybe the Lord had something else different.
Let's just call maybe a certain prayer cards. Go get me prayer card... How many is there along there? Let's see you all with a prayer cards. How... Is it from 1 to 50? In Y's? Y's, 1 to 50 I thought. All right. Y's 1... Bring me... Let's start in... Let's bring me number 3, number 3 prayer card. Who's got number 3? And then we'll take another number away over in the... somewhere. Maybe get two or three. Anybody with prayer card number 3? All right. Come ahead, lady, if you have prayer card number 3. And let this lady come up on the platform.
22 Just a moment now while the anointing is near. Everybody reverent. While she's coming, I wish you just know how this feels here, what a feeling of a great supernatural feeling.
I'm going to just... Maybe I can stand up for a few minutes. That's all right.
23 Here's what happens, friends. Now, right now, God who loves us all, that Being, that One, I... You may not be able to see it, but it... Something's happened to me. Now, It's... I feeled it. I feel different, kind of a strange feeling of awe and reverence. And It's here now. And there's not a thing but what He knows about. He knows all things. He will reveal it to me just as He will let me know it. All right, you bring the lady on over.
Now, this lady here is just one. We'll call maybe another number or two out in the audience. Now, don't motion or hold your card to me. I don't know what... I don't want to know that. See, see?
24 Howdy do, sister. I want you to come just a little close. Do you had the prayer card number 3? Is that right? And do you love our Lord Jesus? Do you believe that He is near? You do? Now, that feeling...
Now, audience, that's what I want you to get at. Watch the people when they come, when this is anointing like this, see. Now, I don't know nothing about the lady. And what am I trying to do now? God knows I know nothing about that woman. Only thing that I know, that she's a lady standing there. She was called by a number on a prayer card, just happened to come up here.
You don't even have to have your prayer card. You know that. My, hardly any of them last evening had prayer cards. The prayer card just keeps everybody from rushing up at once, so we can be in order and have some kind of a system to it.
25 And now, that's near. Now, in a few minutes... Now, if It would... If it does, I don't know it will. If it does, you'll see it. It'll move down over me. Now, it's here now, real close. Now, the One that does that speaking is ma... just a... Is right here near. I don't see it. I have seen it. Hundreds and thousands have seen it. But now, it knows just what's wrong with her. It's the Spirit of God. The same pillar of fire that led the children of Israel is right in our midst now. See?
Now, if it does... Now, if someone don't get in line out there... There's so many people trying to believe now. And now, but you watch her, just what takes place now.
26 Now, I want you to talk to me, sister, so that I'll be able to see just what's wrong... Now, I can't heal you, you understand that. You know that, sister. Yes, it's the Lord Jesus. You're Spanish, I suppose? Italian. And are... Do you believe Him now with all your heart? With all your heart now? Now, if you and I... Are you American borned here? You born from across the sea. Well, you from across the sea and me over here, it'd have to be some--something or another contact. Is that right?
Yes ma'am. Now, this that you feel is the Spirit of the Lord. And now, I'll have to let Him do the speaking. 'Course, you being the first patient, it may be just a little strange for a moment. You see?
27 But you... I see that there's been a great change in you and your nerve condition in the last year or so. Isn't that right? You're begin to get extremely nervous. Isn't that right? And now, that you might know what that is, it's a strange feeling that just strikes you... It's spasmly like. It'll strike one time; then it'll be off and you'll feel good; then you'll... Is that right? I see you. I see you where you're standing, and where you're--you pray about it. Sometimes when it hits you, you try to go and pray. Isn't that right? I see you with a light looking like dress on. And then, you are... You're su... There's something wrong with liver too, isn't there? Don't you have a liver trouble? Isn't that... Yes. Uh-huh. It comes down and... That is right. And you have something wrong in the... and you... Well, you're just a almost a wreck, aren't you? Don't you have a hernia also? Isn't that right? Both sides are herniated. Isn't that right? Yes ma'am. I'll call... Yes, ma'am. Isn't that true?
You... But you've tried so hard. I see you've been prayed for from this, and it seems to get no results. Isn't that right? See? Yes.
28 Now, I want you to come here just a minute. Now, sister, I'm here to try to help you. And I want to help you. And the only thing that I can do now, is... Jesus said, "If ye believe that I am able to do this..." And do you believe now that I have told the truth about this Angel, and He told me if I get the people to believe me and be sincere when I prayed, nothing would stand before the prayer. You believe it? Come here and let me pray for you.
Our heavenly Father, seemingly while speaking to the woman, her faith moved way up. And knowing that this ulcerated liver here will cause great trouble quickly if something isn't done... And Father, I pray that You'll heal her. Grant it, Lord. I lay my hands upon her in commemoration of Your Word. The last words that uttered from Your lips as You were going up, You said, "They shall lay hands on the sick; they shall recover." I believe You, Lord. In the name of Jesus Christ, I ask for her healing. Amen.
Mark 16:18 They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.
29 What do you think, sister? You're going to be well? You are, sister. God bless you. Go... You've been worried about your eyes too, haven't you. It's been bad. Yes. Weak eyes. Go, take them off, and just go on, and forget about it, and be you healed.
30 Now, the Lord is here to heal anybody. Now, let's see, what was her prayer card number? 3? Let's try another one, a little... Let's try 7. Who's got number 7? Just a card number 7. If 7 isn't here, let's try 25. Here's... Wait a minute. Right here. Number...
That little boy started up. Was his number 25? Well, bless his little heart. Bring him anyhow. God bless his little heart. Oh, isn't that lovely, a little lad? All right. Let me have the--this man first.
Howdy do, sir. No, I just want to speak to this man just a moment. Sir, I want you to come this way and believe with all your heart. I want to ask you a question, sincerely. We are strangers. I do not know you, and I don't know whether you've ever seen me before or not. I'm just talking now before this anointing comes. Therefore, if there's anything known about you, it'll have to come supernaturally, won't it, sir? That... You...
Just so this audience of around, nearly three thousand people I guess, wants... Just so that... I'm trying to get before the audience, not myself, dear brother; I'm trying to get the Lord Jesus before the people. And He sent this Angel to vindicate that I am His servant. And He sent me to prophesy in His name, and to say things. And He gave these signs of vindication. You believe that, do you, sir? With all your heart...
31 I feel now just your welcome spirit, that you are a believer. Now, I want you to come just a little closer to me. I am not trying to read your mind, sir, at all. You don't believe that, do you? No, because that would just be something that you had on your mind. I pray that God will go back and do something that's not even on your mind so you'll know. You see?
Now, the... There's something wrong with you, no doubt, or you wouldn't have gotten that prayer card. And then you've come up here to be prayed for. And you've confessed your faith by believing, that He will heal you. Now, what I'm trying to do now, is just speak to you to contact your human spirit. That'll br... Your faith... You see? Your faith operates this gift. See? Your faith brings it down on me. And then, when It does, It starts...
32 See, Jesus could do nothing except the people believed Him. Is that right? You ha... You ha... See, you believe in God; you believe in the Son, believe in the Holy Ghost; that's the Trinity. We believe in that. See? But then, in order for this to operate, you must believe me, not as Them, but They sent me here for this. You understand? Yes, sir. You understand.
My dear brother, I... You can tell now that something's taking place, can't you? I feel it. Yes, sir.
Now, you have... You've been a sufferer of TB. Isn't that right? Yes, sir. Yes, sir. You... Say, you've got... You've got a desire of so... Yeah, you're a minister, aren't you? Isn't that right? Yes, I... And aren't you planning a trip on going somewhere, maybe a... Isn't that right? Across the sea? You're going to missionary, aren't you? God bless you. I see that that's so close there. My brother, go in peace. The Lord Jesus has made you well. Go, God bless you.
33 Let us say, "Praise the Lord." Do you believe Him now with all your heart? Now, the man's healed. I seen him getting ready, making himself ready. And I seen trees a blowing in another nation. And I couldn't help from saying it; It just spoke right out to me.
Now, now, you all are aware there's a supernatural Being here. Is that right? It's the power of the Lord Jesus Christ. These things that I do shall you also. Is that the same way that...
How about that man getting himself ready going somewhere, and something's going to take place, and so forth. I don't remember it just what it was. But anyhow, what I told him, isn't that just like when Philip come to see the Master? Well, then the Master's Spirit...
He said, "A little while and the world will see Me no more, (Now, the world would come in here; they'd say, 'Mental telepathy.') but yet, you shall see Me, for I'll be with you, even in you to the end of the age." Amen. Now, you believe, don't you, with all your heart.
Matthew 28:20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.
John 14:19 Yet a little while, and the world seeth me no more; but ye see me: because I live, ye shall live also.
34 All right. Is that enough to prove it to you, that the Lord Jesus... What? All right, we'll start the prayer line in a few... If you wish to, or you want to call some more out of the audience. I don't like to get too far under this...
What? Oh, excuse me. All right, honey. Come here. I'm sorry, honey. I'm awfully sorry. What a fine little lad. Now, just a moment.
Now, little lad, I want you to come here just so you just lean up against me, like this. I want you to put your arm around me. I think you're a fine little boy. Now, so that the people can hear you, I will just look this other way, so that I'll not be looking at your eyes (You see?) so it's just... I'd say for the people to look at me, but I want you to hold on to me.
35 Now, in here... Now, a long time ago, there was a wonderful Person here on earth, and His name was Jesus of Nazareth. And He was the Son of God. Do you believe that? You, you do. And He... And He came down on the earth, and one day the disciples were... They were by Him. They put the people away, because the people were thronging upon Him. And they'd touch Him, and virtue would go out, and He'd get weak and so forth. And so they had to keep the people away from Him.
But some little boys, about like you, come up one day, and little girls. And He... They, the disciples started to put them back. He said, "Suffer little children to come to Me. Forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of God."
Matthew 19:14 But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven.
Mark 10:14 But when Jesus saw it, he was much displeased, and said unto them, Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God.
Luke 18:16 But Jesus called them unto him, and said, Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God.
36 Now, if Jesus was here tonight, He'd take a hold of you, and you'd set on His lap, or something. Wouldn't you like to do that? Oh, I would too. My, I would. Now, if...
Now, you believe that Jesus of Nazareth sent Brother Branham down here to do His work? You believe that.
Bless his heart. That little faith pulls it right down. There it is. This little lad is suffering from a nervous trouble. Isn't that right, sonny boy? That's right. You can't sleep at nights, can you, honey? Honey boy, you've had a great desire in your heart. You wanted to be a minister, isn't that right? That's right. God bless you, my sonny boy.
Our heavenly Father, I bless this little boy in Your name, and may he be healed. And may he go home tonight and sleep just as sound. May the nervousness all leave the little lad. And may You give him the desire of his heart, to become Your servant. And may he grow in strength and favor before God and man. May he make a great minister of the Gospel, Father, if You tarry that long. I bless him now for his healing, in the name of Jesus Christ, the Son of God in whom he loves. Amen.
My little boy, the nervousness is going from you. You're going to be a normal well little boy. God bless you, honey boy. God bless you, honey boy.
37 Oh, my. Isn't Jesus wonderful? He certainly is wonderful.
Now, that you want to call some other card, or... All right. There's... Oh my, isn't that wonderful. Eighty-eight and about six there, talking to each other. Both of them healed by seeing a vision of the Lord.
Mother, what was said to the little boy, it said... Praise the Lord. Is that the truth? Was that the truth, whatever it was? Father, is that right? If it is, raise your hand so the people can see it. That's truth, for the parent says it's true. Hasn't the little boy longed to be a minister, talked about it? I could hear him as he said, "I want to be a preacher." You see? I heard his little voice out. And I know it's true when I seen the vision of him, seen his nervousness, restless at night, turning, get up, and so forth. Isn't that right? Makes him weak in his kidneys and everything. That... Isn't that right? Now, he's going to get all right. He will be over that, and he's going to be all right. Now, don't fear.
38 The Lord Who knows what is, knows what was, and knows what will be. Is that right? And by this same voice speaking what was, that you know; what is now, which you know is present tense, He knows what will be. Have faith in God and believe Him. How many believe Him now with all your heart?
There couldn't be a solitary person come to this platform without being told. I don't say they'd be healed, but could be told just... And longer you talk, more it is.
All right, call your prayer line together. Get everybody together now, and we'll... All from prayer line number 1 plumb on up to 50, while we all stand and sing, "Only believe, All things are possible, Only believe." Everyone now, while the rest of you line up, get yourselves over here in order. Prayer card Y 1 to Y 50.
All right. Let's sing now. Give us a chord, if you will, brother.
Only believe, only believe,
All things are possible, only believe;
Only believe, only believe,
All things are possible, only believe.
39 Our heavenly Father, oh, we didn't mean to take so much of Your people's time. Tomorrow they have to work. But O Father, just looks like I can't get away from that. It just seems to grip and pull at me. I look up the clock and see it's getting along time that we should being dismissed. Lord, there's... These people here's been given a prayer card. They are supposed to be prayed for. And we pray, God, that You'll bless them. And not only them, but everyone's in the building. May great signs and wonders be done tonight. Grant it, Father, in the name of Thy Son Jesus. Amen.
Y 1 to 50. Prayer card Y 1 to 50, and be it lined up. And now, the rest of you may be seated if you will.
40 Now, to the strangers in our gates, we love you, and we want you to be just as reverent, everyone, as you can for a few moments. There's people down there who's got cancer and all kinds of diseases. Now, I'm going to ask prayer for them and lay hands on them while you join with me in prayer. Will you do it out there in the audience? Will you promise?
Just think, when you used to go at the picture show, and it was nine-thirty, you never noticed that, did you? You'd stay and see the other show. When you went to the dance, you danced all night. What about now? [Gap in the audio.] ... the Lord's work.
41 Now, all you cripples move up ... or they'll get you up here, as I see they're getting them up, so that we can have prayer for them.
Last night, I come down among them, and several of them got up and walked. And I think there isn't but about one left in the building tonight, one lady that I seen. And she's here somewhere. I seen her awhile ago, that was here last night. One lady out of the whole group of la--yesterday that wasn't healed as far as I know.
Some of them setting there crippled up with arthritis and everything, rose right up. One woman on a stretcher, bound tight, rose right up and walked out of the building, normally. How marvelous God is. Isn't He wonderful? Now, He will do the same thing tonight. Now, everyone be reverent, and we'll pray now. And you... [Gap in the audio.]
42 Now, we're going to try... Now, Brother Hall, I'm going to make a promise to this people here. How many of you will do this: if you'll be real reverent, be seated and be reverent, and let Brother Hall watch the clock for the next five minutes. And after five minutes passes, then let ... till I can kind of get away from this heavy anointing, because it'll going to calling the disease of the people, I'm afraid. And if it does, then we'll just start the people, just let them come right on through the line and pray for them, lay hands on them, believe they'll get well.
Do you believe it'll happen if we come through the line? You out there in the line, do you believe it?
43 And now, remember, tomorrow night, the Lord willing, we want at least a hundred people prayed for tomorrow night. Would you like that? Say "Amen." A hundred people... Let's come real early and get the people right through and pray for them.
All right. Now, I know the anointing's still burning down. Brother Hall, I want to ask you a question I've never asked before. Can you tell when that's near like that, when that anointing near? You stand here? You can tell. I just wondered after It being there. I noticed the patients coming; I always notice that.
I remember one night, Brother Hall was suffering himself. And I was trying to show something, and I found Brother Hall with a disease on his ... of his liver. And he said that there'd been something wrong with him. He just told me that it was all sluggish and everything. He had abscesses on his liver. It's all right now. [Brother hall says, "I'm twenty-nine now."]
44 All right. Come ahead, brother. All right, sir. You come here now.
And get your ... the people together. Now, everyone in prayer. And right after about five or eight minutes from now, I want Brother Hall just to get the line started so you'll sh--bring the people right on through, because we won't get them prayed for. And we're... And you pray for us out there, will you do it now? All of you is going to be in silent prayer as they come through.
Now, come here, brother. Do you believe with all your heart? Believe that God is here? Now, I want you to look this way just quickly while I... [Gap in the audio.]
45 Lady right away. Now, sister, come quickly. I see you have something wrong with your eyes too, don't you? 'Course, that'd be one thing you'd want to be prayed for. Isn't that right? But besides that, you have a tumor. Is that right? Go, God bless you and be made well.
Let's say, "Praise the Lord," everybody. Just this, everybody just praise the Lord. Now, be happy, and...
All right. Bring your... Are you the lady that's to be prayed for? What do you think about this, sister dear? Do you believe it is the Spirit that was on Jesus Christ? Now, we're strangers aren't we. You just come up here and that's... You just come up. Now, if there's... You know that I'd have to have some way of knowing there's something wrong with you. Is that right? If I will tell you, will you accept your healing in Jesus Christ? Is arthritis. Is that right? Go off the platform [unclear words].
Let's say, "Praise the Lord," everybody.
46 Come here. Bring the lady. Howdy do, sister. You're wearing glasses I see. You're very thin; you look delicate. And you'd like to be well. It looks like... Of course, one thing would be your eyes are bad. We know that. Anyone can see that. But I want to see if there's something else, if the Holy Spirit will reveal to me. Yes, it's in your blood; you're anemia. Is that right? Go off the platform and get well in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Say, "Praise the Lord," everybody.
All right, come ahead, sister. Come here. Believe with all your heart. Do you believe? Do you believe that Jesus Christ sent me? Oh, isn't He wonderful? I see you wear glasses too. 'Course, that's caused from astigmatism in your eyes. It's been there for, oh, long, long, long time. Isn't that right? When you was a child... Now, I want you to watch something. But besides that, you're suffering with heart trouble. Is that right? Go, get well in the name of the Lord Jesus. Praise the Lord.
47 All right, sister, you had heart tro... [Gap in the audio.] there, but it's done gone from you. So you can go on off the platform and be made well with all... Let us say, "Praise be..."
Say, "Praise the Lord." If I could just get the people...
All right, come now. Believe with all your heart. You believe, honey? You want to be well? Them eyes is bad too, aren't they, sweetheart? In the name of the Lord Jesus, I bless thee, honey, that this will leave thee and never bother thee no more. Amen. God bless you, honey. Take them off. Amen.
Let's say, "Praise the Lord." Oh, how marvelous, how marvelous!
48 All right, come forward, sister. Do you believe with all your heart? We're strangers, aren't we? You just come in here. There's something wrong with you. Is that right? I tell you what it is, sister. It's just the time of your life. You're nervous. Isn't that right? Real, real nervous. You're bothered with that. It's just a premature menopause a working on you. There's really not... You think there's lots wrong with you, but it's not. It's... That's the main thing. You believe me as God's prophet? In the name of Jesus Christ, I bless you, my sister. Go off of here be happy, and don't worry no more about it.
Let's say, "Praise the Lord," everybody.
49 All right. Come, sister. Amen. Howdy do, sister. All right. You're awfully nervous, aren't you? And you're suffering with sugar diabetes. Go off of the platform and get well in the name of our Lord Jesus.
Let us say, "Praise the Lord," everybody.
All right. Come here, sister. Do you believe with all your heart? Do you believe Jesus Christ is here to make you well? Would you accept it if I told you... If God can reveal to me what's wrong with you besides your eyes? I don't mention that, because you're wearing glasses, and you'd know that I'd know that. But I tell you, sister, weaving between you and I are something moving like a heavy vibration, dark, death like, settling around over you. It's a cancer. Isn't that right? Go off the platform. Accept your healing. You'll get well in the name of the Lord Jesus.
Let's say, "Praise the Lord," everybody.
50 All right. [Unclear words]. All right, after this lady then, we'll start the line.
Come here, sister. I want you to look this way and believe with all your heart. Do you believe with all your heart? Don't cry, mother. The presence of the Lord Jesus Christ is here. I know it's here. My own lips is so thick and feel so anointed. There's Something here. And if I can just get quiet just for a moment till the vision moves without touching you. I could take you by the hand. In a moment He would speak. But I mean just by a vision.
Here, lay your hand on mine. Look this a way. You're suffering with stomach trouble. Isn't that right? Go home and eat what you want to. Jesus Christ will make you well.
Let's say, "Praise the Lord," everyone.
[Brother Hall makes an announcement.]
51 Now, sister, being that you set there suffering with TB, you can get up and go on home and get well. God bless you, sister. Amen.
All right, let the people there... Open up the line let them [unclear words]. [ Brother Hall says, "Now, just take him by the hand. I'm going to hold him up."]
God bless you, my sister, and heal you in the name of Jesus Christ.
God bless you, my dear sister, and make you well. Believe in God.
God bless you, my sister, to heal you in the name of Jesus Christ.
God bless you, my sister, to heal you in the name of Jesus Christ, I pray.
God bless you, my sister, to heal you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I pray.
52 In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, heal my sister.
In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, receive your healing, my sister.
In the name of Jesus Christ, receive your healing, my sister.
In the name of Jesus Christ, receive your healing, my brother. Stomach trouble's going to leave you gradually.
All right. Go, sister. You're bothered aren't you. Know you must have healing right at once. It's left you, sister. The cancer's dead. So go praising the Lord.
All right. O God, in the name of Jesus Christ, heal my sister, I pray Thee.
In the name of Jesus Christ, heal this woman with this diabetes, Lord, in the name of Jesus Christ.
Come, sister, believe. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, may my sister be healed.
In the name of Jesus Christ, may our sister be healed.
In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, may our sister be healed.
God bless you, sister. You believe with all your heart? Your arthritis will leave you, sister dear. God bless you.
53 All right. You believe with all your hearts?
I believe I'm... He... So [unclear words]. How many wants to be healed just now in the audience? Will you do something for me at this moment? Will you do something for me? Do you believe He's here to heal you? I want to ask you something. How many sick people's here, raise up your hand? Now, you people that's well, you that's well, lay your hands over on that sick person, will you? You're God's child, just the same as any of the rest of us. Lay your hand on one another. Ministers down there, some of you ministers, come here and lay hands on these people along here. Let's bow our heads, everywhere.
Dear heavenly Father, so much, so many things. I'm getting weak, Lord. You know that. And I pray that You'll be merciful to this audience tonight. May they be healed, dear Father. May the power of sickness, the devil, Satan, may they turn this people loose tonight. May every person here be healed in the name of Jesus Christ.
Now, you can...
At Thy Word (1953-06-08 Evening) (William M. Branham Sermons)
At Thy Word (1953-06-08 Evening) (William M. Branham Sermons) somebodyAt Thy Word
You can find this sermon at
1 Good evening, Christian friends. It's a great privilege to be here again tonight to begin a new weeks of service. I guess the brother has told you that we get to keep the place for a week. And we're thankful for that. We want to thank the men here, the cooperating pastors and those who went forward to get it. We want to thank each one of you for giving us the invitation to stay. Above all things, of course, we thank God for the promise. We want to thank the mayor of this city, and the city officials, for letting us have this place. May the Lord grant His rich blessings on them also.
And we'll try by the help of God and the best that we know how to minister to the sick and the needy this week---the needy of salvation and for their bodies also, in the name of our Lord, the best that we know how.
2 It's kind of a new task that we're trying now. I have, for some time, been trying my best to operate the meetings myself and ... I mean, without my manager and them. There's no one here but my little son and I---seventeen-year-old boy. So I have to do the preaching and so forth. And I've always thought that maybe the Lord would help me to do that some time and I'm giving it a try. So you bear with me a little while.
And usually I stay home, don't eat, come into the meeting fasting, praying, just lead me right to the platform and start right off from there, praying for the sick. Of course, it makes a better meeting, I know that, Because you're already under anointing. But now, I like to come read a text, speak on the Word awhile, and then pray for the sick. So, that's usually what the managers do. Now the Lord bless you. We thank you for your fine cooperation everywhere.
3 And last night ... or, yesterday afternoon, rather ... or, it's last night, it was, they taken in the meeting here, a love offering for me. I want to thank you. I'm not worthy that you should give it to me. I didn't think about it until last night when they brought it to me and said, "Here's a love offering for you." Why, I was really happy for that.
And I'll assure you this, Christian friend, that every cent of it that I know what to do with, I'll give it to the glory of God. Anybody's welcome, just as welcome as they can be, to search through what I do with money. Every penny that I don't have to have for my family, and what I have to have for my expense and things, goes right straight to missionary work. And I take the Gospel to the other parts of the world myself, then I know what it is.
4 I never took a offering in my life. I never was able to do it. I remember one time... Some of my folks are sitting here from the church. And I remember here not long ago, I got to a place where they... You ever have a place where you couldn't make ends meet? I preached there at my tabernacle for twelve years without one penny of money. I was a State Game Warden in this county here also, state of Indiana, for a number of years. And I patrolled high lines, so forth, and worked, made my living. I didn't need to... I always thought, if a fellow, while I was young and could work, why not work?" And then I preached on the side.
5 Pretty near every night in the week, walked right along on the high lines with my uniform on. And find somebody got repented and take them down to the creek and baptize them and go on back with wet clothes on. That's right. Farmers and everything out in the field get talking about the Lord, and they get to crying and give their heart to God. I'd take them, pull the straw hat off and we'd go down to the creek and settle it right there. Go on our road rejoicing. I've done it when I had to break the ice. Go right on in, and clothes froze to me and never took a bad cold over it in my life.
So, I remember one time (Now, my wife's sitting present too, so I'll probably hear from this after church.) we got to a place where we couldn't make the ends meet, so I said to her, "I'm going to take up an offering."
She said, "I'm going over to watch you."
So, I went over to the tabernacle, I said, "You think I can't do it?"
6 Now not because they wouldn't; them dear people would be willing to cut their arm off for me. But I just didn't want them to do it. So, I always know that that's one weakness of ministers that usually takes them out of the harness of God, is money. So "Love of money is the root of all evil." So we come here, all the Branhams is vagabonds and as poor as they can be. I want to be like the rest of them.
Here some time ago a fellow was going to give me a Cadillac car, way out in California. His wife had been healed with a cancer and he said, "Well, Brother Branham, we give Avack a Cadillac." Said, "We will just go right over and buy you one."
I said, "Thank you, brother. My old Chevrolet truck's pretty good shape yet."
They'd give me a Pontiac and I just kept swapping it back each time, and so they... He said, "We want you to have a Cadillac."
1 Timothy 6:10 For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.
7 I said, "Wouldn't I look good, coming down through Arkansas now, a big Cadillac car and here my people coming to me, and little old women out there, half dead, with back trouble, female trouble, pulling a cotton sack through the field like that; about fifty, or a hundred pounds of cotton pulling behind them; maybe had some fat bacon and corn bread for breakfast, and say, "Oh, there goes Brother Branham in a Cadillac?" That don't look right to me.
Now, if you got a Cadillac, that's all right, understand, see; but I'm just talking about myself. I remember I went to a convention, one of the Voice of Healing conventions. I pulled up. Here was one fellow sitting there with a great big custom-built Packard. Here set another one with a Lincoln, and I had an old '35-model Chevrolet. If that didn't look like a sore thumb between those big cars. But it got me there, as well as theirs did. I was getting there just the same.
So, I remember taking this offering. I went over and old Brother Wisehart (Bless his soul; he's in Glory tonight.), an old deacon was there, aged man, I said, "I'm going to take up an offering. I want you to ... I got something..."
8 And everybody begin to look at me. And old Brother Wisehart (Many of you here from the tabernacle remember him.)... And so he went... I said, "Get my hat, I want to pass it, this is something..." And everybody, of course, went... There's a little old woman sitting in front there ... years ago, hard times. She got down in one of these little pockets you carry under a little apron, you know, and the pocket's beneath the apron. So she got this little pocketbook out, had a little snap on the top of it. She unsnapped it and begin to pick out some nickels. My, I couldn't take that poor old thing's money. I begin to feel it lay on my heart, getting about that big, I said, "Oh, I was just kidding you, to see what you'd say." My, sitting there like that. I said, "I wasn't meaning that."
9 Brother Ryan, an old man, I think he's sitting over here somewhere. You usually see him sitting over here. He's got long hair and long beard. He come from up around in Michigan. He had rode an old bicycle down there and give it to me. He couldn't get it back, it backslid on him. So I fixed it up a little bit and painted it. I took it off and sold it for five dollars and I didn't have to take up the offering. So, I... The Lord made a way, anyhow, didn't He? So, He'll make a way. Now, I thank you very much, friends, with all sincerity of heart. And with the warmest of Christian love, I thank you. And by God's grace when we meet yonder at the great day, you'll find that I've done the best that I could. May the Lord bless you.
Now, I want to read some Scripture right quick and talk some out of God's Word here. And then we're going to start into the prayer line. Remember the services goes on until Sunday night, if the Lord willing. So we want to take some of the nights just... Maybe some of the nights through the week I would just like maybe to see if we can start the prayer line going, and pray for everybody that's present ... [Gap in the audio.]
10 ... maybe, but just if you're a Christian, the only thing's just lack of faith. You believe it right there. And just because you were told, well then, if you still refuse to make that right, quit your meanness and the thing you're doing, it won't do you any good, see. So, healing's just your faith in Christ, always.
Now, in the 5th chapter of Saint Luke I read these words.
And it came to pass, that, as the people pressed upon him to hear the word of God (I like that), he stood by the lake of Gennesaret,
And saw two ships standing by the lake: ... the fishermen were gone out of them, and were washing their nets.
And he entered into one ... which was Simon's, and prayed him that he would thrust out a little from the land. And he sat down ... taught the people out of the ship.
Now when he left speaking, he said unto Simon, Launch out into the deep, and let down for the ... let down the net for the draught,
... Simon answering said unto him, Master, we have toiled all ... night, and ... taken nothing: nevertheless at thy word I will let down the net.
And when they had this done, they enclosed a great multitude of fishes: and their nets break.
Then beckoned they unto their partners, which were with them in the ... ship, that they should come and help them. And when they came, and filled both ... ships, so that they began to sink.
When Simon Peter saw it, he fell down at Jesus' knees, saying, Depart from me; for I am a sinful man, O Lord.
For he was astonished, and all that were with him, at the draught of ... fishes which they had taken:
And so was also James, and John, the son of Zebedee, which were partners with Simon. And Jesus said unto Simon, Fear not; from henceforth thou shalt catch men.
And when they had brought their ships to land, they forsook all, and followed Him.
Luke 5:1 And it came to pass, that, as the people pressed upon him to hear the word of God, he stood by the lake of Gennesaret,
Luke 5:2 And saw two ships standing by the lake: but the fishermen were gone out of them, and were washing their nets.
Luke 5:3 And he entered into one of the ships, which was Simon's, and prayed him that he would thrust out a little from the land. And he sat down, and taught the people out of the ship.
Luke 5:4 Now when he had left speaking, he said unto Simon, Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught.
Luke 5:5 And Simon answering said unto him, Master, we have toiled all the night, and have taken nothing: nevertheless at thy word I will let down the net.
Luke 5:6 And when they had this done, they enclosed a great multitude of fishes: and their net brake.
Luke 5:7 And they beckoned unto their partners, which were in the other ship, that they should come and help them. And they came, and filled both the ships, so that they began to sink.
Luke 5:8 When Simon Peter saw it, he fell down at Jesus' knees, saying, Depart from me; for I am a sinful man, O Lord.
Luke 5:9 For he was astonished, and all that were with him, at the draught of the fishes which they had taken:
Luke 5:10 And so was also James, and John, the sons of Zebedee, which were partners with Simon. And Jesus said unto Simon, Fear not; from henceforth thou shalt catch men.
Luke 5:11 And when they had brought their ships to land, they forsook all, and followed him.
11 Now, we just bow our heads a moment for a word of prayer.
Our Heavenly Father, beginning of a new week, new things ahead. One week's in history; many signs, wonders that Thou did do for us. We're grateful. Pray, Father, now, that You'll help us through this coming week. And may it even be much and many times greater, for the glory of God only. Grant it, Father.
May many sick be healed, backsliders reclaimed, sinners born into the kingdom of God. May there come an old-fashioned revival throughout the country here, Lord, that'll just cause thousands of souls to come: the needy coming to Christ for their soul's salvation, the healing of their sick bodies. For we ask it in the name of Thy Beloved Child, Jesus Christ. Amen.
Now, if I want to take what I'd call a text, for a few moments, would be: At Thy Word. I like to read the Word. It's an inspiration. The Bible said, "Faith cometh by hearing, hearing of the Word of God." That's true. When we hear the Word of God, then faith brings forth.
Romans 10:17 So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.
12 I'd like to look at this tonight as seeing ... taking it ... maybe a Monday. Monday, when everybody had heard a great sermon on Sunday, maybe, and preaching, and He'd went along---He didn't have no allotted places---but He was meeting down by the seashore. Usually He had to stay away from the rich people who had many things of the world, so He got down amongst the fishermen, the peasants, the low type of people that was considered low type; the people who had not much of this world's goods, but was rich in faith. I'd rather be like that.
So, there's where he found Him, where people believed Him. And there's where you'll find Him tonight. That's where people believe Him. That's where He will be. He's always where He's... And you are too, usually, where you're welcome.
Now, then we think of Him as He was gathered down there; I can see Him coming along with some men following Him. And He stopped at the side of the shore. I got a picture right where He preached this sermon, way it is in modern days. There's still little harbor of ships there, where they pull the boats in. And I hope to hold a healing service there in the next few weeks, the Lord willing.
13 Now, He begin to talk, and I can see the women from up along the hillside, and the men out in the field with their ox plowing, so forth; they heard that that famous preacher that had just come into light of the world, was down there at the sea preaching. I can see them leaving their washing go, and stopping the ox and tying them up, going down to hear the Word of God. Oh, I'd sure like to heard Him preach, wouldn't you? Anything I like is to hear good preaching, hear a man preaching. I believe, though, of all the preaching I ever heard in my life, I'd just love to've heard Him when He stood there and said, "Come unto Me, all ye that labor and heavy laden; I will give you rest." Wouldn't you love to have heard that? I guess we'll never hear that. But here's one thing we'll hear if we're faithful: "Enter into the joys of the Lord, thou blessed, that's been prepared for you from the foundation of the world." You've been faithful over a few things, God will make us ruler over many.
Matthew 11:28 Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
14 What a wonderful time to think, that night, when all the battles are over and we're sitting around that great wedding supper, won't it be wonderful? I look across the table and happen to see, sitting across there, Brother Willets. Looking at the different ones here: "Well, they was at the Connersville meeting." You know, I kind of believe that we just have to cry just a little bit, don't you think so? When I reach across the table and see it, all down through there, the old battle-scarred veterans bowed across the table, holding one another's hands, weeping for joy. Won't that be wonderful? And I can hear announcement of silver blast of trumpets, and out comes the King in His beauty, His majestic robes around Him. Walk down along the table, will take His own hands and wipe the tears out of our eyes and say, "Don't cry now; it's all over." Amen. That's the day that I'm living for. That's why I press and beg and plead for lost souls and do all that I know to get them to the Lord Jesus. Then I want to sit down at His feet and hear Him like these people did.
He begin to preach. And the people begin to believe, and multitudes begin to come down across the hills. This new Fellow that was performing miracles, doing signs and wonders, who seemed to know things before they taken place. What a phenomenon! All of them come down to hear Him, begin to press towards Him, get close to Him.
15 Now, let's change the camera just a moment, in our mind. Look sitting up there on a stump, or an old chunk along the side of the seashore, I see Peter sitting up there. And James, John---the sons of Zebedee---sitting up there, had fished all night long, discouraged. Any of you fishermen know what it is to fish all night and don't catch nothing. That's really discouraging.
So, they'd washed out their nets and hanged them up to dry, and there they was, sitting on a stump. And some of them said, "Well, here comes that guy, that preacher, let's see what He's going to say."
I can see the old apostle get the chunk and sit down. After awhile he begin to listen; said, "There's something a little different about that fellow." Moves his chunk just a little bit closer. After awhile he's standing right up against Him. There's something about Him that drawed men to Him. He's still got the same power. "If I be lifted up, I will draw all men unto Me."
John 12:32 And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me.
16 No matter how simple the Gospel is, if Christ is in it, it'll draw people. He's the greatest magnet, as we talked of this afternoon, the world has ever known. "...draw all men unto Me."
Then when the crowd got great, I see Him look around. I believe He knew that ship was there. So He stepped into the boat and He said, "Peter, thrust out just a little bit. I want to preach a while." And while He stood there and begin to preach to the people, well, then after He got through (He'd borrowed Simon's boat, and He never borrows nothing less He pays for it.), He said, "Now, Simon, I want you to thrust out into the deep, launch out."
Oh, if I ... like to speak on that for awhile: Launch Out. That's what's the trouble with people's faith tonight: You're afraid to turn it lose. There's many of you's got faith, but you're afraid to let it lose. Your faith without works is dead. Just as the body without the spirit is dead, see. If you've got faith, show me you faith by your works.
Luke 5:4 Now when he had left speaking, he said unto Simon, Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught.
John 12:32 And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me.
James 2:17 Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone.
James 2:20 But wilt thou know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead?
James 2:26 For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.
17 Now! See, now, Paul was justifying Abraham by faith. James justified him by works. Paul said Abraham was justified (Romans 4) by faith. And so, James comes over and says that he was justified by works. Now, both of them, one confirmed the other. Now, Paul was speaking what God saw: his faith. James is speaking what man saw: his works. And if you say, "I got faith in God," and afraid to put your faith to works, then it won't do you no good. You've got to launch out.
That's what's the matter with the people today of this world: Many of them have faith, but they're afraid to launch out with it. You're just afraid to venture a little bit. Just to say, "Well, I can. I can do all things with Christ who strengthens me." Amen.
Look at Him! Said, "Launch out into the deep, and let down for the draught."
Luke 5:4 Now when he had left speaking, he said unto Simon, Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught.
Romans 4:2 For if Abraham were justified by works, he hath whereof to glory; but not before God.
Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.
18 In other words, I can hear Peter say, "Well, Lord, why, we're fishermen. Why, we was born and raised on this sea here. Why, we know when the moon's right, and when all the signs are right. There's not even a fish in that water. Well, we've toiled it all night long. And we know when the signs are right, and we never even took one fish. We took nothing. And then You come around and tell me to go back in the same waters where I've been seining, and let down and get a whole boat full of them? Why, it couldn't be." If he had said that, then he wouldn't have got them.
But he said, "Lord, I've toiled all night, and have taken nothing: but nevertheless at Thy Word I'm going to let down the net." There you are. There's the secret. Taking God at His Word!
If there was no fish there, God's able to put fish there. He did do it. That same net that went through that water all night long and caught nothing: but look when God said, "Put it down there."
Luke 5:5 And Simon answering said unto him, Master, we have toiled all the night, and have taken nothing: nevertheless at thy word I will let down the net.
19 Well, maybe tonight you might have seined through every doctor's office in the country. Maybe you've been to healing meetings and been anointed a many times. But tonight: "At Thy Word, Lord, here I come." That's the way it is. "At Thy Word, Lord, I'm going to let down the net, because You told me if I'd ask anything in Your name, You'd do it. And I believe that's the truth, and I'm letting down the net right now at Your command."
Don't be afraid, ask a whole lot. You have not because you ask not. You ask not because you believe not. That's right. "Ask, and you shall receive; seek, ye shall find; knock, it'll be opened." That's God's Word.
Now we'll let down for the draught. I can see that old apostle running that big seine out there in the water, getting ready. And when he begin to pull on the net, made a couple pulls, there wasn't nothing. After a while something begin to tug, begin to take a hold. Just let down one time and try it. The first little effort you might not feel much. The second little effort you might not. May go several little efforts. But after awhile you feel a tugging. Something caught a hold. Something's on the other end of the line.
Matthew 7:7 Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:
Luke 11:9 And I say unto you, Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.
20 Like the little boy caught the electricity in the bottle. He said, "I got it, I got it." He didn't know what he had, but he had something. Believe God, take Him at His Word. "At Thy Word, Lord, I will let down the net." And that's what he did, and caught the multitude of fishes.
Unbelief, the first thing you know, would have caught that when He said, "Let down the net and take up the draught," where they'd been fishing through. How foolish to the carnal mind.
"Well," they said, "there's no fish there."
But God had put fish there for His Word, because He'd already spoke, "Let down the net for the draught." And if there's nothing there to work on, God will put something there to work on, if He said so. If you believe Him, take Him at His Word.
Luke 5:4 Now when he had left speaking, he said unto Simon, Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught.
Luke 5:5 And Simon answering said unto him, Master, we have toiled all the night, and have taken nothing: nevertheless at thy word I will let down the net.
Luke 5:6 And when they had this done, they enclosed a great multitude of fishes: and their net brake.
21 And now, another thing: They had seined within themselves all night and had got nothing. But one time taking God's Word for it, they got all the fish, and even begin to sink their boats. Men's extremity is God's opportunity. When you've gone as far as you can, when the doctors done all he can do for you, that's the time that God can go to talking to you. But when you got something you can lean upon besides God, you'll do it. And when it comes to the last bit, then you can talk to a person about his soul.
I know a man here not long ago: I couldn't speak to him at all. I'd say... He'd make fun of the meeting. He said, "Oh, Billy's cracked in the head." Went on and said all kinds of things. And he was a doctor too, an intern at the hospital.
Luke 5:5 And Simon answering said unto him, Master, we have toiled all the night, and have taken nothing: nevertheless at thy word I will let down the net.
Luke 5:6 And when they had this done, they enclosed a great multitude of fishes: and their net brake.
22 And the other night, about a few weeks ago, I was out there on an emergency call. He called me down to the room, he said, "Brother Branham," (little bit different then), he said, "they're going to take my arm off." Said, "I got five children." Said, "What will I do?"
"Well," I said, "I don't know."
He said, "Brother Branham, I know one of our nurses here; we doctored her for about three years with foot trouble." And said, "Now, she went up there one time, was prayed for and she's normally and well."
Said, "I know her, Margie Morgan."
Said, "Brother Branham, you think God will help me?"
I said, "If you'll change your attitude and believe Him."
23 And a few days before I come up here, they told me that the doctor said, "There's not even a need for an operation on that man's arm." God had healed him. God's able, and will keep His Word when God's took at His Word. The secret is: Take Him at His Word, if you believe it. Every man that's ever amounted to anything, is been people who has took God at His Word. Do you believe that?
Moses back there one time... How could he ever go down and make an invasion in Egypt? There he was standing out on the desert. He said, "Lord, I'm a man of slow speech." He had an impediment. He said, "I can't speak." He begin to make all kind of excuses. But when God got through talking to him and showing him His glory, at God's Word, he took off to Egypt.
Exodus 4:10 And Moses said unto the LORD, O my Lord, I am not eloquent, neither heretofore, nor since thou hast spoken unto thy servant: but I am slow of speech, and of a slow tongue.
24 Could you imagine...? Wasn't that a funny-looking sight that day? A man taking God at His Word, an old man, eighty years old... Now here's something for your skeptic. That man was eighty years old, white beard hanging way down, long white hair hanging down his back. Little old skinny body, a man eighty years old. And here he come down across the desert with a crooked stick in his hand and a wife sitting straddle of a little old mule with a kid on each hip.
"Where you going, Moses?"
"Down to Egypt to take over."
A one-man invasion, going down. Why? He was taking God at His Word. That's right. "How do you know, Moses, you're going to take over?"
"God's done told me so, and I'm going down to take over."
25 Why, that mechanized units that they had down there in Egypt: It was the greatest city in the world at that time ... or, the greatest nation. Had the world whipped down ... chariots and horsemen. And here went an old man leading a mule with his wife and two kiddies, and with a long white beard and stick in his hand, going down to take the whole thing over. And he did it! Amen!
If God says anything, He means it! "How do you know you're going to do it, Moses?"
"God said so, that settles it." Amen! I like that. A man who will take God's Word.
26 One time there's a little boy, had a sandwich in his hand, few little bunches of fish. There was a whole ... about five thousand people sitting around. Jesus sitting on a rock had been talking to the people. Maybe the little boy had played hooky, all I know. (We call it in Indiana "hooky," "truant," ever-what you want to call it.) He went out fishing maybe, and he seen that Man, there's something about Him, he liked to hear Him talk. Little bitty fellow. He comes up with this little lunch under his arm. Why, the people was so hungry they was about to faint. Said, "You got anything to eat?"
Said, "There's a little lad here with five little sandwiches."
Said, "Bring him here."
Matthew 14:17 And they say unto him, We have here but five loaves, and two fishes.
Matthew 14:18 He said, Bring them hither to me.
Matthew 15:34 And Jesus saith unto them, How many loaves have ye? And they said, Seven, and a few little fishes.
Mark 6:38 He saith unto them, How many loaves have ye? go and see. And when they knew, they say, Five, and two fishes.
Luke 9:13 But he said unto them, Give ye them to eat. And they said, We have no more but five loaves and two fishes; except we should go and buy meat for all this people.
John 6:9 There is a lad here, which hath five barley loaves, and two small fishes: but what are they among so many?
27 My, I can imagine seeing that, just in a drama way I can draw it in my mind. I can see the little fellow... Now, as long as the little boy had... What he had wasn't very much; he could hardly feed himself with that. But once... What he had he gave to Jesus, Jesus fed five thousand.
You may not have very much, but turn it loose once; let Him have what you got. If you got that much faith, put it in Him! Turn it loose and see what it'll do. As long as it's in his hand it wasn't much, but when it got in Jesus' hand, it meant something. It would only feed him here, it'd hardly do that. But it fed five thousand, taken up baskets full afterwards. Hallelujah! My, when I think of that, my soul shakes and trembles. God at His Word.
He said, "Cause them all to sit down."
I can see Him look down at the little boy, said, "You believe I can do it?"
He said, "Yes, Jesus, I'm standing right by You. I believe You can do it."
Matthew 14:19 And he commanded the multitude to sit down on the grass, and took the five loaves, and the two fishes, and looking up to heaven, he blessed, and brake, and gave the loaves to his disciples, and the disciples to the multitude.
Matthew 14:20 And they did all eat, and were filled: and they took up of the fragments that remained twelve baskets full.
Matthew 14:21 And they that had eaten were about five thousand men, beside women and children.
Mark 6:39 And he commanded them to make all sit down by companies upon the green grass.
Mark 6:41 And when he had taken the five loaves and the two fishes, he looked up to heaven, and blessed, and brake the loaves, and gave them to his disciples to set before them; and the two fishes divided he among them all.
Mark 6:42 And they did all eat, and were filled.
Mark 6:43 And they took up twelve baskets full of the fragments, and of the fishes.
Mark 6:44 And they that did eat of the loaves were about five thousand men.
Luke 9:14 For they were about five thousand men. And he said to his disciples, Make them sit down by fifties in a company.
Luke 9:15 And they did so, and made them all sit down.
Luke 9:16 Then he took the five loaves and the two fishes, and looking up to heaven, he blessed them, and brake, and gave to the disciples to set before the multitude.
Luke 9:17 And they did eat, and were all filled: and there was taken up of fragments that remained to them twelve baskets.
John 6:9 There is a lad here, which hath five barley loaves, and two small fishes: but what are they among so many?
John 6:10 And Jesus said, Make the men sit down. Now there was much grass in the place. So the men sat down, in number about five thousand.
John 6:11 And Jesus took the loaves; and when he had given thanks, he distributed to the disciples, and the disciples to them that were set down; and likewise of the fishes as much as they would.
John 6:12 When they were filled, he said unto his disciples, Gather up the fragments that remain, that nothing be lost.
John 6:13 Therefore they gathered them together, and filled twelve baskets with the fragments of the five barley loaves, which remained over and above unto them that had eaten.
28 That's what He's trying to find tonight! Somebody with childlike faith who'll stand by and say, "Jesus, I believe You can do it!" He can get somebody to do that, He'll do it. But if you back off and say, "I don't know. I'm just afraid. I know I believe You, but I ... I don't..." Oh, He can't use you. If anything is helpless, is a spineless person who claims to be a Christian and afraid to stand on their conviction. God don't want cowards like that; He can't use them.
Like old Buddy Roberson, I used to like ... was reading his book. He was quite a man. He said, "Lord, give me the backbone the size of a saw log and give me plenty of knowledge in the gable end of my soul, and let me fight the devil as long as I got a tooth in my mouth, then gum him till I die."
That's the kind of faith and determination we need! Somebody who will do something! "At Thy Word, Lord." Yes, sir. "At Thy Word." He said, "At Thy Word, Lord." "Whatsoever things you ask in My name, that will I do." Then, "At Thy Word, Lord, here I come."
Luke 5:5 And Simon answering said unto him, Master, we have toiled all the night, and have taken nothing: nevertheless at thy word I will let down the net.
John 14:13 And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.
John 14:14 If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it.
29 Then I can notice one day, (as we was talking yesterday), there was a man who was dead. He was rotting in the grave---Lazarus, been dead four days. I can see Martha and Mary stand there ... or, Martha, said, "My brother's dead, he's even stinking at this time. But at Thy Word, Lord, You just ask it, You say it, and it will be so."
That's what it is, take God at His Word. Whatever God says, God's able to perform. God down through the ages. I can see the Hebrew children that night when they come down to the fiery furnace. They were down in Babylon. What a condition, what a time! Way down in Babylon. Them boys had determined that they wasn't going to be defeated. They were going to take God's Word for it. We need some more of them tonight---Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego.
Daniel 3:16 Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, answered and said to the king, O Nebuchadnezzar, we are not careful to answer thee in this matter.
Daniel 3:17 If it be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and he will deliver us out of thine hand, O king.
John 11:22 But I know, that even now, whatsoever thou wilt ask of God, God will give it thee.
John 11:39 Jesus said, Take ye away the stone. Martha, the sister of him that was dead, saith unto him, Lord, by this time he stinketh: for he hath been dead four days.
30 The king made a proclamation, declaration, and he said, "Ever-who won't bow to this image will be throwed in the fiery furnace."
They said, "Our God is able to deliver us from this fiery furnace, but nevertheless, if He don't, we will not bow down to you." I like that, that determination!
The king said, "I'll burn some of that holy-roller religion out of them then."
So they got the old furnace hot, seven times hotter than it ever was. I see them tie their hands behind them. They had a prayer meeting all that night. The next day the death march come, a long plank walked up [unclear word]--- a road, whatever it was, stone road ---to the furnace, and they dropped off into the furnace. I can see the great strong men the king sent up and say, "Now we'll see how good this religion is. How much ... whether they'll take His Word or not."
Daniel 3:15 Now if ye be ready that at what time ye hear the sound of the cornet, flute, harp, sackbut, psaltery, and dulcimer, and all kinds of music, ye fall down and worship the image which I have made; well: but if ye worship not, ye shall be cast the same hour into the midst of a burning fiery furnace; and who is that God that shall deliver you out of my hands?
Daniel 3:16 Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, answered and said to the king, O Nebuchadnezzar, we are not careful to answer thee in this matter.
Daniel 3:17 If it be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and he will deliver us out of thine hand, O king.
Daniel 3:19 Then was Nebuchadnezzar full of fury, and the form of his visage was changed against Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego: therefore he spake, and commanded that they should heat the furnace one seven times more than it was wont to be heated.
31 But they had an issue from God: not to bow down to images. Take God at His Word. I can see them start the death march, the old skies are roaring red with the fire. Said, "You want to take it back?"
They said, "No, sir, our God is able to deliver us from this, but we'll not bow down to your image."
So up the road they went. As they got closer... Don't you worry, you take God at His Word and the devil will turn the heat on you. Don't you think he won't.
Up the road they went. As they got farther, hotter, hotter, hotter it begin to get, I can hear Shadrach say to Meshach, "Are you sure you prayed through?"
"Yeah, everything's all right."
"Let's go then."
Exodus 20:4 Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth:
Exodus 20:5 Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me;
Daniel 3:17 If it be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and he will deliver us out of thine hand, O king.
Daniel 3:18 But if not, be it known unto thee, O king, that we will not serve thy gods, nor worship the golden image which thou hast set up.
32 On, right on up. Begin to stagger from the intense heat coming off of there, getting close. One more step and they're going into there. Looks like a black picture for a believer, doesn't it?
Let's turn our camera. All the time there's something going on down here, there's something going on up there too. Let's look up there and see what's going on. I can see Him sitting in His great priestly robes hanging around Him, watching there across. I can see this great archangel Gabriel come up, pull his sword, unsheathe his sword and stand and say, "Master, have You looked down in Babylon? Why, there's men down there, three people, that's took Your Word, and they're standing on it! And they're fixing to burn them up this morning."
I can hear Him say, "Yes, Gabriel, I'm watching them."
I can hear him say, "Look, I stood by Your side. Let me go down there, I'll change the scene this morning." I believe he could have done it.
I can hear Him say, "Gabriel, you've been a good angel. You done just what I've told you ever since I created you. But stick that sword back in there."
33 Stuck it back there, Gabriel took his place at His side. Here comes another Angel, flashing up real quick. His name's Wormwood; he had the controls of the water. I can hear him say, "Master, look down in Babylon! Have You considered Babylon? Why," he said, "let me go down there. In the antediluvian destruction You give me the power over the waters, I broke up the springs and brought the atmospheres down, I washed the whole earth over. Let me go down there this morning. I'll wash Babylon off the face of the earth." I believe he could have done it. That's right. Said, "Have you considered them?"
Said, "Yes, I've watched them all night long." Amen!
34 His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me. Sing because I'm happy. He watches every hour. He knows everything you're doing. That's right, He said, "I've watched them all night long. And you angels are great men, and you've done what I've told you to do, but I can't let you go this morning because I'm going Myself, it's a man-size job." Amen! He said, "Look, they just got one more step! They're going right on in."
Sometime God sits still and lets it get to the last minute. You're the only one's in a hurry, not God. He knows what He's going to do. You just believe Him; He's on the answering side.
35 I can see Him come walking down. I can see Him get up off of His throne, His priestly garments drop around Him like that, great King of Majesty, like everything obeys Him. I can see a great big thunderhead hanging back there in the north. I can hear him say, "East wind, south wind, north and west, come here!" Everything minds Him; all but man. Man knows more about it then He does, or thinks he does.
I can hear Him say, "Get over on that thunderhead and bring it here right quick. I got a mission for you." The winds and the waves obey Him. Everything else obeys Him. I can see that big thunderhead roll over there, steps up on it like a chariot. My! Reached up and got a hold of a zigzag lightning, crashed it through the skies to let them know He's on the hearing side. Hallelujah! "I'm watching you. I know where you are." Cracking that lightning.
36 As He went through I hear Shadrach say, "It'll all right. Don't worry."
Right then I can see Him pass down by the Sea of Life and pick a palm out of the Sea of Life. About the time Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego stepped into the fiery furnace, there was One standing by their side fanning away the fire. Hour after hour of pleasure in there. King said, "Open up the doors and see if they're there." He said, "I thought you put in three. I see four, and one looks like the Son of God."
Why? Somebody took God at His Word!
On the day of Pentecost, a hundred and twenty people entered into an upper room, taking God at His Word. "Well, how's it going to be? What is the Holy Spirit? What do you mean, the promise of the Father?"
"I don't know how it's coming, I don't what it's going to do when it comes, but I'm taking God at His Word." Amen.
Daniel 3:24 Then Nebuchadnezzar the king was astonied, and rose up in haste, and spake, and said unto his counsellors, Did not we cast three men bound into the midst of the fire? They answered and said unto the king, True, O king.
Daniel 3:25 He answered and said, Lo, I see four men loose, walking in the midst of the fire, and they have no hurt; and the form of the fourth is like the Son of God.
37 Pull them away from Jerusalem, you couldn't do it. They had a commission to stay there till the Holy Ghost come. Hallelujah! They took God at His Word. "How's it going to be?" That ain't the question. It's "Go, stay till it comes." Amen! "How long?" "Until it comes, stay right there."
And when the Holy Ghost come like a rushing mighty wind, God's Word was confirmed, and away they went into the streets, everywhere. It's time for God's people to take God's Word. Mark 16 said, "These signs shall follow them that believe." Take God at His Word. "Lay hands on the sick, they shall recover." God bless you, you believe it? Bow our heads.
Mark 16:17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;
Mark 16:18 They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.
Acts 2:2 And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting.
38 Lord Jesus, I'm thinking of men and women who has took You at Your Word. Oh, You never leave or forsake; You're always just at time. Come tonight, Lord Jesus, manifest Thyself here tonight and maybe many sick people here who's tried, and the doctors have tried their very best to help them; they can't do it. Maybe there's something laying back there in their life, and that snake bite can't be cured until it's made right.
But may tonight, may they just lay everything aside and say, "God, at Your Word, here I come. I'm taking You at Your Word. I've seen people healed, I've heard of it, I've watched others, I've seen them in my neighborhood that were paralyzed and now walking, blind now seeing. Cancer-ridden, doctors give them up, and now they're living and well and healthy. And now, Lord, at Thy Word, I'm coming tonight, too." Grant it, Lord. And may Your Spirit be here to answer back. In Jesus Christ's name we ask it. Amen.
All right, if you will [break in tape.] About thirty minutes longer, I could get warmed up and talk about the Lord. All right. [Break in tape] ... for an unbeliever to sit among people who is believers, when demons... We talked on it this afternoon. They actually are beings that get loose among people.
Here, sometime ago at Calgary, Canada, they become visible. Many times I see them. They look, sometime, like a big spider; like a big black shadow. Sometime... I seen one, one time, from an epileptic, looked like a tortoise, with long legs. It come down, and whirled up, like that---floating around.
There at Calgary, Canada, there was twenty-some-odd-thousand people there, and every one of them watched that. And you could've dropped a pin anywhere and heard it, how that big black shadow moved right over the people. And everybody looking like that. It went around---went out the building.
We're not playing church now, friends, so you be reverent.
Here, sometime ago, a bunch of boys wanted to play a trick on me. You've heard of these hypnotizers---goes to these army camps, and make somebody bark like a dog, and so forth. One of them sat in the meeting. So, just acting smart. Several thousand people there; and I kept feeling that funny spirit. I watched around till I caught the man who it was. I said, "Why has the devil put in your heart to do that?" I said, "God'll reward you."
He said, "Nothing wrong with me."
I said, "You're a hypnotizer." And he begin to look like... I said, "Yes, you are. And God'll reward you." And they packed him out of there, and he's paralyzed tonight.
Don't do that. Be reverent, or don't stay. Now, that's up to you.
All right. [Break in tape] ... accept it out there. That... What is that then? That's God testifying that the truth has been told. I want you to believe it with all your heart. And God will heal...
How many people have been healed here in this meeting, since the meetings been going on? Let's see your hands up, everywhere, that's been healed. Looky there. [Break in tape] ... looked at it in the Bible, examined it, judged it to be the truth, set their affections on God---God healed them. Is that right, ever who was healed? Is that right the way you did it? You took God at His Word, and He did it. That's the only way you can do it, is take God at His Word.
Now, I think we got about twenty in this prayer line, tonight, I think. We want to see if maybe some of them that don't have their cards, maybe is deaf, or something. Have you got about all, Billy? You think they're all there. Everything? All right.
Is this your first patient, son? All right, come lady.
At Thy Word (1953-12-04) (William M. Branham Sermons)
At Thy Word (1953-12-04) (William M. Branham Sermons) somebodyAt Thy Word
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1 Thank you. Good evening, friends. Very happy to be here tonight in the service of our Lord Jesus Christ, and may His great blessings rest upon each and everyone of you is my prayer.
And we're sure happy to hear the good reports of people being healed. It just come to me the other night when the Holy Spirit was standing over a woman here laying in a stretcher bound down with arthritis. Told her to get up, go home and just heard she's doing her housework and working around [unclear words]. See, if you'll just listen and do what He tells you, and you'll always come out right. You'll never be wrong when you're serving the Lord Jesus.
I want to read some of His Word now. It's found over in the book of Saint Luke and it's the 5th chapter.
And it came to pass ... as the people pressed upon him to hear the word of God, he stood by the lake of Gennesaret,
And saw two ships standing by the lake: ... the fishermen were gone out of them, and were washing their nets.
And he entered into one ... ship, which was Simon's, and he prayed him that he would thrust out a little from the land. And he sat down, and taught the people out of the ship.
Now when he left speaking, he said unto Simon, Launch out into the deep and let down ... for the draught.
And Simon answering him said, Master, we have toiled all ... night, and ... taken nothing: nevertheless at thy word ... will let down the net.
May the Lord add His blessings to His Word while we speak to Him now in prayer if you will.
Luke 5:1 And it came to pass, that, as the people pressed upon him to hear the word of God, he stood by the lake of Gennesaret,
Luke 5:2 And saw two ships standing by the lake: but the fishermen were gone out of them, and were washing their nets.
Luke 5:3 And he entered into one of the ships, which was Simon's, and prayed him that he would thrust out a little from the land. And he sat down, and taught the people out of the ship.
Luke 5:4 Now when he had left speaking, he said unto Simon, Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught.
Luke 5:5 And Simon answering said unto him, Master, we have toiled all the night, and have taken nothing: nevertheless at thy word I will let down the net.
2 Our Heavenly Father we thank Thee tonight for Thy mercies and kindness to Thou hast bestowed upon us knowing that we're unworthy of any of these blessings, but by grace we have received them through faith in Jesus Christ, Thy beloved Son.
And we're so happy tonight to know that we which were once far away from you, and now has drawed nigh by the shedding of the blood of the righteous One, the innocent for the guilty and we, guilty, unworthy sinners has been brought nigh unto God in so much that we're sons and daughters of His by grace of Jesus Christ. And then being dead in Christ take on Abraham's seed, are heirs according to the promise if we walk in the steps of faithful Abraham.
How we thank Thee for the life of Jesus Christ. How that He came and stood in our place as a sinner, knowing no sin yet was made sin for us. And how He died at Calvary taking the penalty of death and by taking this upon Him, His soul ascended into hell, but it was not possible He should be a holder of it so God raised Him up on the third day.
Galatians 3:29 And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise.
3 Now, He sets at the right hand of God, the Father, making intercessions for us, and we come tonight, in His name, upon His Word which said, "Whatever things you desire when you pray, believe you receive it, and ye shall have it."
Now, we believe that we will receive what we ask for because our confidence is in Jesus Christ who spoke these words. And now bless us together. Heal the sick, save the lost, and bring back the backslider, Lord, to the kingdom of God.
Grant it, Lord, and may the Holy Spirit now shut us in in His presence and His glory for we ask it in Jesus Christ's name, Thy Son. Amen.
We're always more than happy to speak with the people just for a moment. I'm surely not a speaker, but I do love to speak of the blessings of our dear Lord Jesus Christ of how good He has been.
Mark 11:24 Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.
4 On the reading of the Scripture tonight and just before that, it just comes to my mind that we got two more nights to be with you all here. I must hurry off to Chicago, and then God only knows where next, perhaps overseas. You all will pray for us I'm sure.
And now we love you with undying Christian love, the very warmest of Christian fellowship. I do that. I will always remember how you faithful little group stuck by us and these nights down here at West Palm Beach.
Last evening I was... Well, I don't know whether you'd call it preaching. I was talking about the Lord and I guess that's ... I was kind of... It gets me nervous after so long a time--kind of a tightening condition. And then sometimes I ... They let me go ahead and speak awhile or preach, and then it kind of relaxes me, but just constantly visions, why, it makes you weak.
5 I'm sure that Christian believers, they may not understand it. Neither do I, but we just know that it's truth. God said so, and we realize that it takes something out of you. It's like the Daniel, a prophet, in the Bible. He saw one vision. He said he was troubled at his head for many days.
In other words, a vision causes you to be in two worlds at the same time. You're in this world here now, yet you're in another world, and you're speaking over there knowing that your voice is heard back here. Place your yourself there once, and just see what it'll do for you.
Then so many of those... Then after awhile it gets to a place you can't tell your where you're over here or over here. You just... And just--it's just about a place for me. It's just some six weeks that I constantly going. About as long as I've had services like this for a long time.
I come down here because I loved you people. I never come because I had a great bunch of sponsors. I didn't have any. I didn't care for a great bunch of sponsors. The only thing I want to do is come down here, and do what I could for the glory of God that God would help you people. And I know that He has, and I know that perhaps through the teaching of the Gospel and the working of the Holy Spirit, things has been done that may hatch out years and years to come. We don't know what will take place. Only God does know.
Daniel 7:15 I Daniel was grieved in my spirit in the midst of my body, and the visions of my head troubled me.
6 But it's always a happy delight to be among God's children, and I believe that right in this city, and right in this audience, tonight there's God's elected children are setting here, and I have the privilege of being with them. You know that makes me feel awfully good to know that I just have set with sons and daughters of God.
And now to the text just for a few moments. I won't keep you just a little bit. The Scripture reading is about Jesus. They said they pressed upon Him to hear the Word of God.
My that shows they was hungry, doesn't it? You can't interest people for food until they get hungry, but when they get hungry then they can really talk about food.
7 And that's the way it is, if they don't ... If you're not interested in God, you can't talk God to people, but whenever they get hungering and thirsting after righteousness, God said "They shall be filled." But first there has to be a hunger and thirst. You have to really want it.
Just like healing, if a person comes and they're relying ... Well, the doctor says, "Maybe I can pull you through in a few weeks." Well, they won't rely too much on God then. But when the doctor says, "It's the end. It's all that can be done."
Then is when people gets started really getting to praying, and getting right with God. You go to tearing down the suspicions and altars of other types, and get started getting right with God. And so in that last phase, that's the way usually you see miracles performed is when people gets in that desperate condition.
Now, I hope that no one has to get in that desperate condition here. I hope that doesn't exist in this country. I hope that it doesn't exist among these people, and I am very, very happy.
Matthew 5:6 Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.
8 And if I'm not mistaken, isn't this the lady here that's been setting in the wheelchair for so long? I'm glad to see you out of it, tonight. If God will heal this other lady setting in a wheelchair, that'll make everyone's come in our midst as far as I know. See?
Wheelchairs or stretchers, or whatever it's been and there hasn't been a one, as far as I know, that they never told me about it, 'less the recording shows that's ever been to the platform. They just set there and pray and when they do, God just shows what's the trouble and tells them and they get up and go on. That's just [unclear words]. I couldn't heal no one. It's God has already done it. If they pray, then God will show just what for them to do. Isn't that marvelous? I just love Him for that.
Instead of taking that text, I want to give you just a little bit now because I'm weak tonight, very weak. That's... Not weak physically. I'm not a bit weak that way but it's another weakness that I can't speak of. I don't know what it is. It sort of look like we get tired, and you can't think just right, but I don't know what kind of a weakness it is, but it sure gets you.
So I just want to talk to you something about my own... Let's talk ... I want to talk to you about my own private life just a few minutes. Something come on my mind of meetings.
9 Just... There's many things that happen, and you know that, each one of you. There's things that only God and I know alone, and there's that way in your life. There is in everybody's life. There's just you and God knows alone.
And many times I've heard people say, "Brother Branham, how do you see visions? How do you do this?"
Well, just as soon as I said you, "Why do you got blue eyes? Why have you got brown eyes? Why did you have a ear on the side of your head?" Now, that's just the same question.
"God put it there," you say. Well, that's the same way, see. It's just that way. It's just... There's nothing you can put in yourself. God when He... We're come on this earth, them qualities are in you for different things. Like for instance, this musician here. I want my little girl to be ... to do that same thing this lady's a doing here, to play music. Well, now if it's in her, she will do it. If it isn't, won't do any good to give her lessons because she will never make it.
10 Here some time ago I was buying my little baby one of those little pianos for Christmas. Oh, I think it cost a dollar and a quarter or something. It's about that big and I was... Had my finger trying to pick out a tune on it, you know. It had little keys and I pulled up my hand. I was picking away on something and my wife, she might know about two chords so she was trying to show me how to make that chord or something. I was standing there trying to pick on it, and a little boy came up. Oh, poor, little ragged looking fellow. He said... His teeth out in front, and his face needed washing, and his little trousers was raggy and dirty, and he looked at me. Said, "What are you trying to do, mister?"
11 I said, "Well, son, I'm wondering myself." I said, "I was trying to hit this key here to make this chord here."
And he said, "Let's see you do it." Well, I tried it.
And he said, "Can I try it?"
I said, "Yes, sir. Sure can." He set that little thing down and played as pretty a tune as you ever heard on that. He knowed just how to hit it, and then he looked at me, and kind of grinned and walked over there and there's one of these little xylophones, you know, just about that long, little old hardware store where they had little cheap things for children. So...
And he got up these little things here and played: Silent Night, just as pretty as I ever heard it on anything. That's right and I said, "Well, son, did you ever have a music lesson?" He didn't even know what it was.
12 So he picked up a piece of gas pipe back there that Mr. Rusher had been cut off, and blowed the "Star Spangled Banner" through that gas pipe like that. Now there... I said to Mr. Rusher which was a Catholic by faith, I said ... We was school mates together. I said, "Al, you see what I'm talking about. That boy don't need a music lesson. He was borned that way. That's right. He don't need it. It's just a gift.
And now you hear these singers come on the air. These fellows like different ones. I don't want to mention names in public, but man become millionaires a week's time or two just singing songs on these programs. Which America has become full of ballyhoo and all kind of programs, and everything, till even the other nations laugh at us for our nonsense.
13 And so it's just somebody crack jokes or sing some song. Well, those fellows no doubt, or women, are good singers, and they're gifted people but you know what. God will make them answer for what they do with that talent. That's right. They'd better be using it for the kingdom of God. That's true. So let's... Whatever we have, let's use it for the kingdom of God sake. Every talent we have, let's put it in the kingdom of God.
Now, I was just thinking of a peculiar thing happened once in a meeting. Brother Bosworth was along. Is anybody here tonight, I guess not from Indiana, that was in the Ft. Wayne meeting. I guess not or around in audience that way this far down, and not advertised across the nation. So they was... Anyhow they was having a marvelous meeting, and the people were just packed and jammed and everything in this great, marvelous healing.
14 How many people here belongs to the Assemblies of God? Let's see your hands. You read it in your paper an article there about a little girl and how many people ever read this: We The People? That book that's... It's an international book and it appeared in: We The People.
A little blind girl had come on the platform, and I just held that little thing in my arms until God gave her back her sight, and she had appeared in the Assemblies of God paper. And it appeared in: We The People. And so it was in many magazines.
We had went home that night and a lady by the name of Mrs. Morgan, now she lives at 411 Hendricks Avenue or [unclear name] Avenue rather in Jeffersonville, Indiana. She's a twenty-one year graduate, one of Mayo's nurses. She weighed forty-seven pounds of cancer when she came to the place. Just eat up and she had eighty [unclear words] deep x-ray treatments and I forget what all and the cancer just went on. She was unconscious and Jesus Christ made her whole, eight years ago, and she's now a nurse.
They just moved down there, bought their home, moved there in Jeffersonville. They brought her to Louisville, and she's on the dead list. Just go to Louisville if you happen to be a doctor present, anything. You look at the cancer list in Louisville and you'll see Mrs. William P. Morgan on the dead list for eight years.
15 Come over to Indiana and we will introduce you to her. It's a dead woman that's been dead for eight years, weighs a hundred and sixty-five pounds in perfect health [unclear words]. She hasn't even had a bad cold hardly since then. And she was with us at Ft. Wayne. And so how the Lord had blessed her, and she just wanted to go along, and make people comfortable when we'd have a close meeting and something.
She is nursing now. She's just born nurse, and she just knows how to handle the patients. And so forth, and you can imagine what her phone's a going all the time. So she come to the meeting just to keep the poor sick people comfortable in their beds and so forth.
Well, there's a man there, Mr. Leinman which was a friend to the kings private secretary and he had had multiple sclerosis. And that man looked just like her husband. And she was so... Wanted to do something for him so bad. And she kept telling me when we'd go up to the hotel.
What was the name of that hotel we was staying? Indiana--Indiana Hotel.
16 And so we just had to get the ... someone down there at the door will get you in. There's so many people crowded. Anyhow, I said Mrs. Morgan... Of course, I couldn't--I could have some of them to give him a prayer card, but I couldn't call him to the platform unless his number was called. That's sovereignly, and that's up to God. I said, "That's all I can do." I said, "Tell him just pray."
It was along about, next to the last night, when he'd been bound ten years and the paper had his picture in it, there where he laid in the bed with his typewriter, and things. He was a businessman. And sitting right beside him was a man so crippled with arthritis that he couldn't even move his hands, like that.
17 And so the same time when I... They had tried to pick the man up, they was supposed to take him away the next day, and laid him on the platform, and people passing by was walking over his white shirt and everything. They had taken him back off and set him down in a chair.
I was just speaking... A little club footed baby come. You remember the little feet out like that? I seen the vision what had caused ... what had taken place.
I took the little baby to one side, and asked the parents the secret, that they were doing in the line of birth control, and things that wasn't right. So I talked to them privately. And so they ... asked them if they'd do a certain thing, and they said they would. I said, "Now, take the brace off your baby."
18 And they sit down there cut those clasps off the baby and its little feet was just as normal as they could be. Walked right on off. So then in the...
During this time, this Mr. Leinman looking out there seen a vision come above him. Seen him going out like that and first I... It was over Mr. Leinman, but the Angel of the Lord... It didn't look like Mr. Leinman, and this man was a farmer. Looked like he was on a tractor, or something, and then I looked back again. Then I seen Mr. Leinman the same time.
Then I told them both that Jesus Christ had healed them, and Mr. Leinman jumped to his feet, and he was standing there. Hadn't been on his feet for ten years. Perfectly paralyzed with [unclear words] sclerosis and jumped upon his feet and begin to run down the aisle screaming top of his voice.
And here this man laying there with arthritis kept crying, and I looked down again and what he wanted me to do, he wanted to touch me. So I just stepped off the platform, he just touched my coat. Now, you know there's nothing in a coat or in a man, but it was his faith. That's what ... and he did, and God healed him.
19 And I got a letter from them, about a month after that, that Mr. Leinman went down and driving his car down the road. And he happened to look out in the field, and he seen this man a plowing. And Mr. Leinman jumped out of the car and started towards him, and he jumped off of his tractor, and started towards Mr. Leinman, and they was picking one another up screaming and hollering out there in the middle of the field.
You can imagine what the neighbors thought, one picking one up and one picking the other up. One laying paralyzed for years with arthritis, and the other one laying with multiple sclerosis in the spine, and there they was healed.
The next day I remember they had found out what hotel we was staying in, and where it was a big meeting. Now, you have to kind of keep that privately, you know, because I have to have time to pray, and so forth. And the little bellhop come up, and he said, "Say, brother," he said, "you won't even be able to get out of the door today."
And I said, "What's the matter?"
Said, "I guess there's not less than thirty-five or forty people standing there waiting for you in the lobby." Well, he said, "I will tell you what I will do though," said, "you give me a little time maybe I can fix you a way to get out to your breakfast."
20 And I said, "All right." So Mrs. Morgan, she was in the next room, and she come in. And so my brother had come in and given me a big kind of a bawling out that morning.
He said, "I can't understand you, Bill."
And I said, "What's the matter?"
He said, "And here's man in here that's worth hundred thousands of dollars, standing out here trying to see you, and you picked up that old tramp yesterday [unclear words]. And he slept with you last night."
I said, "Sure. That's all right. Them man could get a room and he couldn't. You see? That was the idea." I said, "He just--he couldn't get a room." I said, "That man can help himself, but this man can't, see."
So, and I said, "Is mother and Mrs. Morgan up?"
21 Said, "Yes." And so the little bellhop come and got me, and we went down. We got on the elevator, went downstairs into the basement, climbed over some cinders, and so forth, and went out a little trap door over there. I come out in a alley, and so we started going down a street. And that was when this man of Canada, I guess you have some Canadian people here, that owns that big place up there.
I will tell you what his name is in a minute. It's not the Hudson Bay. It's a... I can't think of the name of that place right now. It's just gone from me and... Well, that's strange but I... It was two brothers that... And they owned some, something thing like a Sears and Roebuck stores that goes all through Canada. And I just can't call it in my mind right now the name of the stores.
Anyhow, the morning before he was setting in a little restaurant, up there where I was eating, and a gentleman like he didn't say anything, but when I went out the breakfast was paid for. And I met him and he had stomach trouble. The Lord healed him. Here some time ago a great, big, blue Cadillac pulled up in front of the place and it was he. He was visiting the states again and he come by and said, "I just wanted to say, Brother Branham, I can eat anything I want to." He said, "I'm just normally, perfectly healed."
22 And so we were going up to the same little place. I believe it was called, if I'm not mistaken, called Yankee Doodle, or something like that. It was a little place we were eating at, and we were going up the street. And as we were going to that place Something stopped me and said, "Turn to your left."
Now, this is just my own private life. See? Said, "Turn to your left."
And I said, "Let's go this a way."
And Mrs. Morgan said, "Brother Branham, there's the little place we'd be going."
I said, "Something tells me to turn this a way." And I had my overcoat pulled up like this, and we turned that way, and I was packing my little girl in my arms, and she, and I, and the wife, and we...
And she said, "Well, where are we going?"
I said, "I don't know. Just keep walking." I said, "The Holy Spirit told me to go this a way." Do you believe that sons of God are led by the Spirit of God? Sure, they are just the same. And so we ... I kept on going. And I stopped and there was a place called Miller's Cafeteria. I think it's a chain. They have them all over the country, and I was right under that place there.
23 I said, "Well, let's go in here. Maybe the Lord wants me to go in here." When I went in, and sit down at the table, and got me some toast and jelly and sit down. And the wife had got something for the baby, and so forth, and we sit down. And just as I sit down I heard somebody say, "Praise the Lord."
Mrs. Morgan said, "Uh, huh. Now, you're caught, aren't you?"
And I said, "I don't know. It's something. The Lord told me to come in here." And just a few minutes she stood up, walked over there, and she said ... the lady. She said, "Brother Branham, I know that I shouldn't do this but," said, "do you believe in leadings of the Spirit, don't you?"
And I said, "Yes ma'am." And that woman may be sitting right here tonight, see.
She said, "You believe in the leadings of the Spirit?"
I said, "Yes, ma'am."
24 She said, "We're from Texas." And she said, "we followed every meeting of yours, for the last four or five months." And she said, "On this meeting," said, "I had to sell my cow to get the money to come." Said, "We never could get a prayer card and get in the prayer line." And she said, "Our money is gone. Tomorrow night is the last night of the meeting," and said, "I prayed all night last night."
Said, "Here sits my poor brother. The doctor said something or other about the heart [unclear words] diaphragm or something." Said, "He just can't live any longer," and said, "I dreamed a dream," and said, "I dreamed that I could come to Miller's Cafeteria and be here at nine o'clock."
That's just what it was. You know what happened, don't you?
So I didn't want my breakfast. I got up after the baby eat, started out. And so just as I got outside the door there stood a little lady dressed in black. Many of you know her. Brother Bosworth's good friend of her. Her husband runs a big spaghetti company in Chicago. Her name is [unclear words] and you're all acquainted with her. She was just at this last meeting, and some of the brethren are here from that meeting. She comes to every meeting nearly I have. And they have a big spaghetti company.
25 So, just as I come out the door, she just deliberately fell down onto the street and began screaming and she said, "Brother Branham, I just don't know what to say." She said, "I know that I could afford an operation, but," said, "I've been to Mayo Brothers and they've give me up." She was way out like that, malignancy, cancer. And said, "They just give me a little time to live."
This big tumor of cancer out like that, and said, "I just can't live any longer, Brother Branham. Something's got to be done." Said, "I'm just smothering." And said, You know what?" Said, "Last night I dreamed that I should come and stand in front of this cafeteria this morning, and be here at ten minutes after nine." There it was. She... Now, that's just the way God leads.
26 We went on up to the corner, and as I went up to the corner... Now, that's inside life, I don't tell that to people. Don't do no good, see. Just so they see, and say, see believe. And so then they went on up to the corner. And the wife said, "Well, now how are we going to get back down through that ... over them pile of cinders to get in?
And I said, "Well, I can go in that way. You all just go on in the front way, and tell that boy to open that door, and I will come in that way." Cause you'd never get out. You'd have a pray line all, up-and-down the street. So then I--then nighttime come you'd be so wore, and you couldn't go into the meeting. And so then I started across the street and Something said to me, "Stop here."
27 And I said, "Now, you all go on. Just go on down." They went over to a drugstore and went in there and got a little coloring book for the baby, because it had to stay in the house for the day, or in the room rather. And I thought, "Well, Lord, why do You want me to stop here for?"
I stood there a little bit, and nothing happened, and I turned around and went back up and seen people looking at me. And I went up here to this little place where it said fishing tackle. And I like fishing so well, so I thought I'd get up here and watch this tackle, and nobody watching me around like that.
And I said, "Heavenly Father, what would You have me do?" I stood there just a few moments, and now, you may call it fanaticism. I don't know what you're going to do with it. That's between you and God, but I heard It just as plain as you can hear my voice. Said, "Walk down to the corner."
28 I went down to the corner, and I stood there. That's all I knowed. I stood there at the corner. Well, they had a big cop out in the street. He'd blow the whistle, and let the pedestrians cross and so forth. I stood there about ten, fifteen minutes. People just come and go like that, passing by. So I thought, "Well, I don't know why I'm standing here, but I'm just standing here."
So I stood there a little while. Everybody passing by talking and so forth. And I just stood on the corner. And I walked out to the edge of the street, and stood there a little while. After awhile he'd blow the whistle and a group went across.
29 Then a little lady come across wearing a little checked dress, with a little Canadian cap, set on the side of her head. She had her pocketbook on her arm. And she had her head down. And she was just walking like that. Walked on across, and Something said to me, "Go close to her." Well I walked up to her till she rubbed almost against me. Just passed right on by.
Well, I thought, "I don't understand."
He said, "Go close." She walked about the distance, oh, another twice the distance of Brother Bosworth, and she turned and looked back.
She said, "Brother Branham."
I said, "Good morning, sister."
And she started crying. And she run back and caught me by the arm. And I said, "What's the matter, sister?"
She said, "Excuse me," and she was holding my arm like that. She said, "It just feels like my breath is going from me."
And I said, "What's the matter?"
She said, "Brother Branham, have you got just a minute?"
And I said, "Oh, yeah."
30 And she said, "Well, I--I only allowed a hundred and fifty dollars a year in America." She said, "I used all that up," and she said, "I slept in a hotel lobby last night. I had five cents for a cup of coffee this morning. And I started out here to hitchhike going back to Canada." A young woman about thirty, thirty-five years old. Said, "I was going to hitchhike back to Canada down there." And she said, "I was going way down the street there and Something said to me, Turn this a way' but" said, "it was off the highway, but I just couldn't go any farther. Said, 'Turn this a way.'" And she said, "I just kept coming till I happened to turn around and look at you."
I said, "What's your trouble?"
31 She said, "It's my arm." She said, "Looky here," and stretched it out, right there standing right there, on the street, and she started screaming and crying.
And that great big cop started going to go to look for her said, "I know you, Brother Branham." And then I had a prayer line on the side of the street then. That was okay. Just there it was on the side of the street. So we... It's just marvelous to see how He leads and does things.
Up here in Arkansas some time, when I was first started out. Now, I was at the ... I forget the name of the place down there, just now. I can't ... Jonesboro. And so they was having a meeting and there was a... The paper said there was twenty-eight thousand people at the meeting, and they were come from everywhere and parked in for miles.
32 And so we left that evening... There's where some marvelous things taken place. And so we went on over to another city there. Oh, El Dorado. And so I was at El Dorado. No, it wasn't El dorado, either. It... I can't think of... There was Wichita River come through. I think of it maybe in a few moments.
If you understand I'm speaking now, the anointing of that is just moving around. I've already seen two people healed, since I've been standing right here on the platform. That's right.
So then in the meeting, when I got down there we was bring me out a little church, some kind of a little church. I had spoke that morning. And it's raining so hard and as I started out, they was two police, one in front of me, and one in the back of me, taking me out to the car. The crowds... They had the streets all blocked, in there, and everything. And I begin to hear somebody hollering, "Mercy! Mercy! Mercy!"
33 Well, I thought, "Where is that coming?" I looked over and standing on, way up back to one side, stood an old colored man. He was... Oh, I guess he was in his late fifties or sixties, real white hair, and his wife was standing there. He had his cap in his hand.
Now, in Arkansas they have a [unclear words] law that the white and colored can't sit together--be together. So that man was calling, "Mercy! Mercy!"
I stopped, and Something said to me, "Go over to where he is at."
Well, I said, "Just a moment, sir. I must go..."
He said, "Look, Brother Branham," that cop did, said, "I don't want to interfere with your doing." He said, "But you couldn't leave these white people, and go to that colored man."
I said, "But the Holy Spirit tells me to do it," see. I said, "I must go to him." And so I started on. There's a couple ministers there, and they started making the way, And so I never forget it.
34 When the old fellow come up there, he had his cap just in his hand like this, and he was saying, "Mercy! Mercy!"
And I heard his wife say, "The parson man is coming towards you, honey." And she was standing there. She was crying, too. And so when I got up real close, the group of the people put their hands out like this, and made a little ring, so the people wouldn't rush in.
So I walked up to where the old fellow was, and he said, "Is--is--is--is--is you, Parson Branham?" He begin to feel all over my face, and he said...
I said, "Yes, sir."
He said, "Oh," he said, "you's probably younger man than I thought you was."
And I said, "What is it?"
35 He said, "Parson Branham," he said, "my--my old mammy had 'ligion like you've got." ('Ligion, said, very southern you know.) Said, "And my mammy was truthful." Said, "She never told me a lie in all of her life." And she said... He said, "I've been blind now, and drawing a blind pension for several years," and he said, "I lived about two hundred miles from here, and last night after going to bed," said, "I woke up." And said, "Course I can never tell daylight from dark for all these years." He said, "But I looked like I saw my old mammy standing by my bed and she said, 'Honey, you go to Camden,'" that's where it was at, Camden. Said, "'You go down to Camden and ask for somebody by the name of Branham, have him to pray for you, and you'll receive your sight.'"
Said, "Parson Branham, I rose and put on my clothes and the bus just arrived here awhile ago, and they tell me you're over here, and I stood here till you come out."
Now, you never know how you feel like... I put my hands on his poor, old, dark, withered face. I said, "Heavenly Father, I don't know why that You have done this, but I ask You to heal him."
Just held my hand over his eyes. I said, "God bless you, uncle." And I started to turn around.
He said, "Thank You, Lord. Thank You."
His wife said, "Honey, you see?"
He said, "Sure, I see."
Said, "You don't mean you see?"
Said, "Yes, sir. That red car, don't you see it sitting there with all them people?"
Why, she started screaming, and my, then there was a collapse in there. Just how that God leads.
36 One more little thing just on my mind just now. I was coming from Dallas, Texas. I believe I'd been with Brother Bosworth. I'm pretty... No, I don't hard... No, it wasn't. Brother Kidson was with this meeting, and I was left, and was coming home, and it come up a big storm and forced the airplane down at Memphis.
And so they put us in that hotel there, that big famous hotel. I could never afford to stay in one like that, but the air service put me in there over night. They couldn't go up. The storms was so bad. Peabody Hotel.
And so they told us that they would call us the next morning and have a limousine to take us out. So I was in the room, and some little fellow went in there with me and... Went up with me. A little merchant marine had just come back from across the seas.
So we was having quite a little fellowship together out there. And he went to his room. So I got up the next morning, and I had some letters, and I got out, and was going to go down and mail these letters. And I seen then, I had about a hour of time till they was going to come after me. Eight-thirty, or something like that the plane was going up. It was a beautiful morning, springtime, March or something like that, April.
37 And so I was on my road going down to mail these letters. I had a group of letters in my pocket. I had wrote some that night, of some cards I'd had to answer back to the people. And as I started going down the street, Something stopped me. Said, "Stand here a minute."
And I stood there just a minute and nothing happened. I had went up in the side of a big building there, and stood there a little bit, where garments and things was hanging on, in the window, and I stood. I said, "Heavenly Father, what would You have me do?"
I just kept standing there, standing there. After while I heard Something say, "Walk." And I walked out of there and just kept walking [Gap in the audio] being led by the Spirit of God, most all of you, sure, you that's Christians do, of course.
38 So then He... I just kept walking, walking, walking, walking. And I just walked on. And I walked plum out of the city. And I was way down towards the river there where those group of little colored houses was. And I... Well, I was already past time for the plane to go, but just looked like I kept wanting to walk.
I was going along there singing this little song that you Pentecostal people sing there:
They've gathered in the upper room,
And praying in His name,
And all received the Holy Ghost,
And power for service came...
You remember that little song?
39 And I was trying to get that in my mind. Going along there singing that. And [Gap in the audio] cross a gate down there. And a very typical Aunt Jemima type of a colored lady. She was leaning across the gate like this, and she had a man's shirt tied around her head; an old work shirt like tied around her head. A little old whitewash hut, there like, some vines around.
It's a beautiful morning, and I was walking along like that. And she was just watching me coming down the street. And I come by like that. She... I seen she was crying. She had great big fat cheeks, you know, and the tears running down and she was smiling.
She said, "Good morning, Parson."
40 Oh, I had done quite singing way back up there. I was singing to myself anyhow, so... And she said... I said, "How'd you know I was parson?"
She said, "I knowed you was a parson."
I said ... [Gap in the audio]
She said, "Well," she said, "I knew you was coming." She said, "I knowed you was going to have on a light suit and a light hat."
And I said, "How did you know it?"
She said, "Did you ever hear the story, in the Bible, about the Shunammite woman that was barren and didn't have no children, and the prophet blessed her, and she had children ... a child, and the child died?"
I said, "Yes, ma'am. I'm acquainted with the story." [Gap in the audio] So I said, "Well, what's that to do with now?"
41 She said, "Well, I was that kind of a woman." She said, "And I promised the Lord, if He would give me a child, that I would raise it for Him, and the Lord give me a fine boy." She said, "And I raised that boy the best to my knowledge, until he got to going out with bad company."
And she said, "He got with bad company and taken a horrible disease." And said, "He backslid on God." And said, "He is laying in here dying." And said, "When the doctor had come his [Gap in the audio] his blood had done... It was a venereal disease, (social disease, syphilis), and it had done eat holes in his heart. So he said, 'There's no hope for him at all to be cured.'"
And said, "And I've prayed and I've prayed," and said, "I... The doc... He has been unconscious now two days." And said, "The doctor done said, they is no need in coming back because there's nothing could be done." And she said, "And I've prayed, and I've prayed and I said, 'Lord, don't let my baby die like that. Let him be saved before he dies.'"
42 And she said, "I prayed." Said, "I was on my knees all night last night." And she said, "Along about three o'clock this morning I dreamed a dream," and said, "the Lord said for me to come here and stand at this gate, that He would send the parson down wearing a light suit and a light hat." Said, "I knowed you."
God works on both ends of the line, you know. Could you imagine God stopping that airplane for that colored woman way down there? That shows the sovereignty and love. God is no respect of persons. Sure not. And that poor colored woman she knowed God.
And I patted her on the back. And her back was damp. She had been standing out there in that dew that morning. She was standing there. She said, "No, sir. I haven't left. I was standing right here. God told me you was coming."
I said, "Lady, my name is Branham."
She said, "Branham," she said, "I'm glad to meet you."
I said, "Did you ever hear of me?"
She said, "No, sir. I don't believe I ever did."
I said, "I pray for the sick."
She said, "Yes, sir." And she said, "Won't you come in?"
2 Chronicles 19:7 Wherefore now let the fear of the LORD be upon you; take heed and do it: for there is no iniquity with the LORD our God, nor respect of persons, nor taking of gifts.
Romans 2:11 For there is no respect of persons with God.
43 And friends, I've walked in king's palaces, several of them. But that morning with an old plow point hanging there on a piece of a chain, for a weight to pull the gate together, I walked in that little old haunt of a house there, white-washed. I walked into the door, a little old iron bedstead setting here. The floors just as white as they could be, yellow poplar scrubbed off. A sign up over the door, "God bless our home." I'd rather see that than all the pinups, you could have, in all of the world, and all the fancy fine rugs, and whatever more. I was welcome in that little home that morning.
I walked in that place there, and that poor old Aunt Jemima she says, she said, "Come in." And I walked in and she said, "Now, here he is."
And he had a ... the blankets in his hand like this. And he was going, "Hmm, hmm, hmm." Great big husky looking fellow, young fellow, looked to be in nineteen, twenty years old, fine looking fellow. And I put my hand on his feet, and it was just as cold as it could be, just as cold. I knew death was on the boy. That's all there was to be to it.
And he ... I said, "Don't he know nothing?"
She said, "No, sir." She said...
I said, "Well, what's he going on like that about?"
44 She said, "Well, he has been saying that he is out in a big dark ocean oaring around, and he can't see no light." And she said, "Parson, I just can't stand to see my baby die like that." And she said, "The Lord wants you to pray for him, and then He is going to save his soul before he dies." Said, "I just feel that He is going to do it."
And I said, "Well, sure, auntie, we believe." I said, "Let's pray, auntie."
And she said... She reached over and kissed him on the head. She said, "God bless mommy's baby."
I thought, "Mommy's baby. That shows the love of a mother. No matter how demoral and debauched and how old, how ... whatever it is, a mother's love wades right on through it." I thought, "If a mother's love will do that how much more will the love of God."
"Yea, a mother may forget her suffering babe, but never will I forget you. For your names are engraved on the palms of My hands." Is that right?
I thought... Then she kissed him and knelt down. Well, I asked her. I said, "Would you lead in prayer, auntie?"
Isaiah 49:15 Can a woman forget her sucking child, that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb? yea, they may forget, yet will I not forget thee.
45 And she said, "Yes, sir." And she raised up her hands. And the prayer ... I just cried like a baby. Holding the foot, that little old foot of that little old bed there, little old iron poster bed. I held to that bed, and cried when that old saint, poured out her heart to God. I never heard such in my life.
She said, "Lord, I done the best that I could. You know I washed over the washboard for the white folks." Said, "And I tried to take him to church, but he got with the wrong company. Now, dear Lord, You taking him Home, and don't let him die a sinner, Lord. Let me have some consolation in my heart that my baby's saved and You've took him back."
She said, "Your parson is here now," said, "Lord, I just pray that You will do it." Like that, and when she said, "Amen," wiping those old black cheeks and reached over and kissed that boy again. Brother, something swept through my heart. My, my. She hugged him in her arms like that and patted him and said, "Mommy's baby. You hear mammy?"
He kept going, "Hmm, hmm, so dark, hmm, hmm."
46 Said, "He thinks he is rowing a boat," said, "and he is out somewhere." She said, "Oh, parson," said, "pray that God won't let him die like that."
And I said, "All right, auntie. Let's pray." And I laid my hand over on his cold feet, and I looked up to our Heavenly Father.
I said, "Heavenly Father, it's a hour of past time for the airplane to go, but You said, 'Walk.' I don't know why I'm here, but You have directed me here. I don't know what's going to happen, but You have directed me here. This is the place."
And I said, "I pray Thee to be merciful to this dear boy. Don't even let him die, Lord, if it's possible to spare his life, if not, spare his soul." I said, "I pray You forgive him. And I ask that You will let him live, that he might live to be a good boy and to serve You." Just kept praying like that and directly...
He just kept going, "Hmm." He said, "Mammy! Mammy!"
47 She raised up. She said, "What sweetheart, (or darling or something like that) what does mammy's baby want?"
Said, "It's getting light in here." Oh, my. "It's getting light in here." In ten minutes time, he was setting on the side of the bed talking to us.
About six months later I was going down on a train, going somewhere, I believe Phoenix. I was passing through, and you know how you come into Memphis and the railroad's running... There's a little restaurant setting up there. I got out of the train. I'd went to bed up at Louisville and got out that morning. I was going up to get something to eat, and I was walking down through there. A little redcap run up and said, "Hello there, Parson Branham." Said, "How do you do?"
I said, "Good morning. Who are you?"
Said, "You don't remember me, do you?"
I said, "No."
48 He said, "You remember one time that the airplane didn't get up right," said, "brought you down here." Said, "I's that boy." Said, "I got [unclear words] what you call," said, "I'm not only healed but I's a Christian now." He said, "I's a serving the Lord."
Oh, my! And you know what? The plane was a hour and something late. I got there just in time to get on the plane and go. Oh, brother, you never know what it is, when you get down and really commit yourself to God. Don't use your own mind. Don't use your own thinking. Just commit your ways to Him and just walk the way He leads. Wherever.
If He goes this way, that's all right. Sometimes it leads through deep waters, but you know the song says:
Some through the waters,
Some through the flood,
Some through deep trials,
But all through the blood."
God's ways leads right through the deep sea, into the wilderness, and up over the hills, through the wilderness of sin, and so forth. But God will bring you out, if you'll just follow Him and not try to use your own thoughts. Just do what God says do, and you'll be all right. You believe that?
49 Peter said, "Lord, we've seined all night long, and haven't taken a fish but," said, "at Thy word I will let down the net."
Now, they were fisherman. They knowed the fish calendar. They knowed how the winds was blowing. And just think, fished all night and hadn't taken a fish. And God told them, "Let down the net." And the same water--the same water they had fished all night in, "Now, let down the net and get ready for the draught of fish that you're going to take."
Well, I say, "There's no wa... there's not fish here. We've done seined through the whole thing. We know there's no fish here."
He said, "Let down the net." And here's the secret.
Peter said, "Now, I know there's no fish in there, Lord, but at Thy word I will let down the net." See.
Luke 5:4 Now when he had left speaking, he said unto Simon, Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught.
Luke 5:5 And Simon answering said unto him, Master, we have toiled all the night, and have taken nothing: nevertheless at thy word I will let down the net.
50 You don't know how you'll get up out of that chair, and get away from there tonight. See? You don't know how you're going to do this, and how these other diseases are going to be healed, "But at Thy word, Lord, I'm going to let down the net."
"At Thy word, Lord, I'm going to rise up from here. I don't know how I'm going to do it, but at Thy word, Lord." That's it. Take God at His Word and God's spoken Word must ... will materialize and produce just exactly what It says It will.
Listen. The right mental attitude towards any divine promise of God will bring it to pass. I don't care what it is. If you plant, if you want corn, you plant corn, water corn, leave corn alone. It will produce corn. Is that right? Wheat will produce wheat.
The promise of salvation will produce a Christian. The promise of the Holy Ghost will bring it to you. The promise of divine healing will make you well. Any divine promise of God, and the Bible said that the Word of God is a seed. Is that right?
Luke 5:5 And Simon answering said unto him, Master, we have toiled all the night, and have taken nothing: nevertheless at thy word I will let down the net.
51 Jesus said that a sower sowed. And if you'll just take it in your heart. Don't dig it up every day to see how it's getting along. Just sink it in your heart and settle it. That's all. Walk right on. God will take care of the rest of it. He is obligated to His Word.
Do you know that every thing that you see tonight is God's Word materialized? Did you know your body is God's Word materialized? You know them beans there is God's Word materialized? Did you know that concrete is God's spoken Word materialized? You know this whole earth is God's? Spoke and said, "Let there be," and He believed His own Word and a earth come into existence? If it didn't, where did it come from?
Well, you say, "It come off the sun." Well, who spoke the sun into existence? See? Everything is God's Word. The worlds were framed by the Word of God. The Bible said so. God just spoke it, and He believed His own Word and that's what it was.
Genesis 1:3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
Genesis 1:6 And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.
Genesis 1:14 And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:
Mark 4:14 The sower soweth the word.
Hebrews 11:3 Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.
52 Now, God has spoken His Word to us. Just believe Him and watch what happens. Now, when He speaks something... This is His Word initially first, and any other word that's contrary to this, is not God's Word. It has to come from this Bible.
Now, this is His Word to the nations. Now, He sets after that, in the church some apostles, prophets, gifts of healing and other manners. And if a prophet, or a seer, would speak any word, and it wasn't according to this Bible here, come in that fashion, or contrary to the Word, it's not right. But this is God's Word first. And what God speaks secondarily, that's secondarily His Word to the individual.
1 Corinthians 12:28 And God hath set some in the church, first apostles, secondarily prophets, thirdly teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, governments, diversities of tongues.
53 Some time ago, it was two ... couple of women in the meeting. One of them had a stomach trouble. And when ... on the platform the Lord... I don't know whether she's at the platform, or in the audience somewhere. Anyhow the Word spoke out, "Thus saith the Lord that you're healed." Told her, "To go eat anything she wanted to." Watch that when He speaks. That ain't me. "Thus saith the Lord."
And so the woman went home to try to eat and when she did, she liked to died. She just had an awful case of it. It went on for several days. And one morning she felt something cool pass through her, weeks later. And she begin to eat. It was all right.
She run down the street to tell her neighbor, that had a big lump on her throat. And the Lord had spoke to her and said that, "She was going to be well, "Thus saith the Lord." And said... Then when she went out to see her, she found her neighbor just screaming to the top of her voice. The lump had just left her throat.
54 So what happened? Here's what it was. The Angel of the Lord who had spoke the Word was coming through that neighborhood confirming His Word. See? See?
Sometimes they can't get on a spare of the moment. Daniel prayed and the Angel said it was twenty-one days, I believe, before... Is that right? Before he got to him. Now, we must remember it's God, but when God has said anything, it's the truth. Hold right onto it. It has got to happen. If you weaken, then unbelief will take over. But you stay with the Word of God.
Let's bow our heads.
Loving Father, who raised up Jesus, Thy Son, from the dead we thank Thee for Thy mercies and kindness. Pray that You will be with us, and help us, tonight. We love to testify because You said, "They overcome by the blood of the Lamb and their testimonies." And I thank Thee for the blood of the Lamb and a testimony.
Daniel 10:12 Then said he unto me, Fear not, Daniel: for from the first day that thou didst set thine heart to understand, and to chasten thyself before thy God, thy words were heard, and I am come for thy words.
Daniel 10:13 But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me one and twenty days: but, lo, Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me; and I remained there with the kings of Persia.
Revelation 12:11 And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.
55 And now I am testifying to these people tonight that You have risen from the dead, and You are the same yesterday, today, and forever. And I pray Thee to manifest Thy power and love, tonight in this building, among the people, that they might know that You have raised from the dead.
And we're thanking You for the healing that woman in the wheelchair, the one in the stretcher, the heart trouble, that cancer condition, all those other cases, Lord. We're so thankful for these things, and the many things that You have done.
Truly, Lord, without an excuse now. And I pray that You will manifest Your love, and Spirit, to the people here tonight. For they love You. They have gathered out here, setting here, late hours long, wishing, praying. And I trust that You will make them happy in their hearts.
And when they leave tonight, may they say like those which come from Emmaus after the resurrection of Christ. They said, "Did not our hearts burn within us?" They didn't know the Man that was talking to them till right at the last moment. It was the Christ.
And may He talk to us, so tonight, in His power and His resurrection. For when He was here on earth, the things that He did when He went away He said, "These things that I do shall you also, and greater than this, for I go to my Father." And we pray that He will come on the scene, tonight and will manifest His love and presence to the people, for we ask it in the name of Christ, the Son of God. Amen.
Luke 24:32 And they said one to another, Did not our heart burn within us, while he talked with us by the way, and while he opened to us the scriptures?
John 14:12 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.
Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.
56 Billy was late, so he had to send somebody after me tonight and I... What prayer cards did you give out? What? A. All right. To a hundred? All right. He got in a little late. He had to go eat his supper, or something I guess, and he got in a little late, and had to give the prayer cards late, and somebody come, and I didn't get a chance to ask him what prayer cards he gave out. He said, "A." Prayer cards A.
Well, let's take the last part of those prayer cards. Let's take the last fifteen of them. We will say 85. Who has got A-85? There? 86? Who's got 86? 86? A-86. Turn the prayer card over and you'll see a A, and a number. Got their name and address on one side. A-86. 87. Who's 86? I don't believe we got it. Might be ... 86? All right. 87, 88, 89, 90 up to 100. Let them line up right down here if you will.
And now while they're coming, I wonder if there's anybody in here, which does not have a prayer card? But yet believes that the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is going to heal them. You believe it? You're having faith then. You have faith and believe with all your heart, and God will grant to you His mercy and blessings.
57 A. Prayer card A. What was that number? A what? What did I start calling tonight? 85. 85. 85, 86 up to 100 and the rest of you if you'll just look this a way. I want you to believe. I want you to have faith. Don't doubt, only believe.
Now, let's sing it. How many knew Paul Rader? Let's see your hands. Paul Rader? A great evangelist wrote this song. When he was dying out in California, I heard his story. They said as he was leaving the earth, he said, "Where's Luke?" And they called Luke in. He held Luke by the hand, his brother, and he said, "We've been through a many a hard battle together, Luke."
He said, "Yes."
58 But said, "Think of it. In five minutes from now, I will be standing in the presence of Jesus Christ clothed in His righteousness." And bowed his head and gave up the spirit and went to be with God. Isn't that a way to die?
Lives of great man all remind us
We can make our lives sublime,
Partings leave behind us
Footprints on the sands of time.
Footprints, that perhaps another,
Sailing over life's solemn main,
For a forlorn and shipwrecked brother,
Seeing, shall take heart again.
Is that right? My, I just love that: Psalm Of Life.
59 They're trying to find out how many that... If sometimes the people are deaf or can't raise up. Has the little lady there in the wheelchair, the only case we got tonight. Have you got a card, sister? You don't have a card. All right. You just keep looking this a way and believing. God will heal you, and you can go home, and be well. Just have faith. You don't need a prayer card. You just need faith. That's all.
Just believe and God will make you well. Then serve Him all your life. I'm His servant, see. I'm His servant and I just only do, as He tells me to do. And I want your all's undivided attention. I want you to pray. I want you to have faith. Believe with all your heart, and God will manifest His love, and things, to you, if you'll just do it.
Now, I can't make God do anything. No one can. The only thing we can do is to ask God to be merciful to us. Isn't that right? All right.
60 How many...? Missing some? Number 88. Prayer card A-88 and what was that other one, son? 100. Prayer card A-88. Everybody look at your neighbor there. He might have the... He might have the card. Prayer card A-88. Is that...? Look at somebody sitting next to you. See, they may be deaf and they can't hear that number called. 88. Not in the building? All right. Prayer card 100. A-100. Is it in the building? All right. Maybe they ... I called them... All right. The Lord knows all things, does all things, and all right.
Now, if you will, sister dear, I want you to do something for me, tonight. Slowly in the background I want you to play: The Great Physician Now Is Near.
61 The last couple nights, I've been speaking and the Holy Spirit would grab me and I'd just... First thing you know somebody was hitting me on the shoulder here, the ministers, or my boy telling me it was time to leave the building. I was just... And tonight, I wanted to be sure to kind of testify, go easy where I could call the prayer line. I haven't been calling the prayer line the last few nights. All right.
Now, the Lord bless. And may He add His strength and praise to each of you, now as you're praying and believing with all your heart. I'm sure that you will believe with all your heart. Won't you? All right, lady.
62 Now, if anyone knows (see?) anyone here at all knows that I... So if there be a stranger for your first night. I do not say that I am a divine healer, friend. I'm a minister of the Gospel, see. I'm your brother. Just like any other minister only I'm not talented enough to maybe to get a Doctor's degree or something. I didn't get an education, but I was borned in the world, said the Angel of the Lord, to pray for the sick. It's a divine gift, and it comes by the power of the resurrection of Christ.
Now, how many knows that when Jesus was here on earth, He did not claim to be a healer? How many knows that? Who did He said did the healing? God, His Father. All right. But He did say that He could do nothing in Himself. Is that right? But He said the only thing that He did do, was whatever the Father showed Him. Is that right?
Saint John 5:19: "Verily, verily, I say unto you, the Son can do nothing in Himself but what He sees the Father doing. That doeth the Son likewise." Is that right? Well, then the Father sometime ... He was talking to a woman at the well, one day, and He said, "Bring Me a drink."
John 4:7 There cometh a woman of Samaria to draw water: Jesus saith unto her, Give me to drink.
John 5:19 Then answered Jesus and said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do: for what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise.
63 And she said, "It's not customary." You know the conversation of Saint John 4. And so after He contacted her spirit, He found her trouble, and it was ... she wasn't living right and He told her where her trouble was.
She run into the city and said, "Come see a Man told me everything I ever done." Course, she was just excited, see. Well, He never told her but one thing, but she said, "Isn't this the very Christ."
She told him, "I perceive that You are a prophet." And so now if Jesus raised from the dead, living in His people, does the same thing. Is that right?
Now, when Philip came to Him. He got converted and he goes out and finds a fellow by the name of Nathanael. He said, "Come down, see who I found. Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph, who Moses spoke would come, the great Prophet."
And You know what that religious man said? He said, "Could any good thing come out of Nazareth?"
John 1:45 Philip findeth Nathanael, and saith unto him, We have found him, of whom Moses in the law, and the prophets, did write, Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph.
John 1:46 And Nathanael said unto him, Can there any good thing come out of Nazareth? Philip saith unto him, Come and see.
John 4:9 Then saith the woman of Samaria unto him, How is it that thou, being a Jew, askest drink of me, which am a woman of Samaria? for the Jews have no dealings with the Samaritans.
John 4:19 The woman saith unto him, Sir, I perceive that thou art a prophet.
John 4:29 Come, see a man, which told me all things that ever I did: is not this the Christ?
64 He said, "Come and see."
Jesus having a prayer line, maybe, something He was doing. And anyhow, when Nathanael come up to where He was, Jesus looked right at him and said, "Why, behold an Israelite in whom there is not guile." In other words, if I'd say, "Here's an honest man, a Christian."
Why, it astonished him. He said, "How did You know I was an Israelite, and I was truthful?"
He said, "Before Philip called you when you were under the tree, I saw you."
And what did he say? He said, "Thou art the Son of God." You're the king of Israel. Is that right?
He said, "Because I told you that, you believe? You'll see greater things that this."
John 1:45 Philip findeth Nathanael, and saith unto him, We have found him, of whom Moses in the law, and the prophets, did write, Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph.
John 1:46 And Nathanael said unto him, Can there any good thing come out of Nazareth? Philip saith unto him, Come and see.
John 1:47 Jesus saw Nathanael coming to him, and saith of him, Behold an Israelite indeed, in whom is no guile!
John 1:48 Nathanael saith unto him, Whence knowest thou me? Jesus answered and said unto him, Before that Philip called thee, when thou wast under the fig tree, I saw thee.
John 1:49 Nathanael answered and saith unto him, Rabbi, thou art the Son of God; thou art the King of Israel.
John 1:50 Jesus answered and said unto him, Because I said unto thee, I saw thee under the fig tree, believest thou? thou shalt see greater things than these.
65 Now, Jesus perceived their thoughts. He knowed what they were thinking. He done just what the Father told him. Now, if Jesus has risen from the dead, He promised that after He raised from the dead, that the things that He did, said, "Shall you do also." Is that right? "And I will be with you, even (what?) in you (till how long?) the end of the world." Making Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever. Why, it's simple, friends.
What it is. You're looking for something way off out yonder--superstitions. When the lovely Jesus Christ is right by you. That's right. He is sitting right... He is just as tangible as the light is on my hands right now. He is just as tangible in the room, just as real. He is right here just the same as...
Now, the room's full of electricity, but only that bulb is made to burn. Now as God has certain instruments that He works through. Through preaching, through prophecy, through prophetic utterance, through gifts of healing, and so forth. Mine is a prophetic utterance and now I want you to... It's what ... the way I work for our Lord.
Matthew 28:20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.
John 14:12 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.
John 14:19 Yet a little while, and the world seeth me no more; but ye see me: because I live, ye shall live also.
Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.
66 Now, this woman here, God in Heaven knows, I never seen her as far as I know. Are we strangers, lady? We don't know each other. We're strangers. We're perfect strangers. All right. Probably borned miles apart and here we're standing here. Only think I know that somewhere she picked up a prayer card from somebody and her number was called, and here she is on the platform. That's all I know about her, but God knows her. Don't you believe that? He ... every bite of food she ever eat God gave it to her. He knows me, and He knows her.
Now, God knows everything that she ever done. Well, then if God, by His Holy Spirit could stand here and tell her something about her life. Why... Like He did the woman at the well, or something, like that. Tell Philip he was a Christian, and where he had come from and what he did before he had come to the meeting. Well, if Jesus Christ will reproduce Himself that way in this building tonight, how many will say, "Bless God. Jesus raised from the dead?" Let's see your hands. Well, bless the Lord and Jesus raised from the dead.
67 Now, I trust and pray to Him that He will grant it, for God in Heaven knows that there's nothing that I know to do, only just depend on Him. That's all I know. He told me. That come to me when I was a baby. It has been with me ever since, and so He told me and I'm here by His commission. Not my own desire, His commission, and may He add His blessings. All right.
The great Physician now is near,
The sympathizing Jesus,
[Gap in the audio] Now, please have faith in God. Now, do you believe that God has did what I have said He done: raised His Son up from the dead, and His anointing Spirit is here now? Do you believe that? You do.
68 I can tell you something now. That this is not your home. You come from a north country where it's cold, and you come here to get a job, to go to work, and you're working here, and your trouble is you've got something that's breaking out on you--on your body. It's some kind of a breaking out.
You're a planning to be... You have a high blood pressure. It's a ... I see him with a thing around your arm. It gives a... You got a high blood pressure, and you're deeply concerned about somebody else. It's a ... I believe it's--it's--it's two men. ["Amen."] One of them is a brother. ["Amen.] And the boy is a mentally upset ["Amen."] And the next one has ... It's a--it's a alcoholic. ["Amen."] and they live in Chicago where there is a lake runs around the... Come here just a...
Almighty God, have mercy, Your Spirit. ["Yes, Lord."] I pray that You will bless, dear God, as I bless this woman. ["Heal them, God."] And I pray that You will heal her, and her loved ones, and may they get well. I ask this blessing in Jesus Christ's name. Rebuking the Devil. Amen.
69 Now look, lady. Look here. Coming up you've been suffering with a headache. ["Amen."] It's gone now. You see? ["God bless you."] And you go on your road. ["Amen."] See? Now you know that that is truth. You're healed and...
Let's say, "Thanks be to God Who gives us victory through Jesus Christ, our Lord."
Now, just be reverent. All I want you to do is have faith. Now, lady, I want you to look this a way just a moment. Now, I am ... No. I am just wanting to talk to you a minute, because you're my sister in Christ. ["That's right."] You're a Christian. And oh, I ... You're trouble is in your back. ["That's right."] You--I see you had an injury. It's a spine injury. And it causes you to be a--kind of a weak and nervous. ["That's right."] Isn't that the truth? ["That's right."] And that's been done quite awhile. You look much younger than what you... Several years ago when that happened and...
70 Just a minute. It's left me. Was that the truth? ["Yes."] That's the truth. ["Yes. Yes. That is true."] Well, then you know that something is here to know something has been in your life, or to tell what your troubles is. Is that right? ["Yes."] Well, then if God knows what you have been, won't He also know what you will be? And if that part is truth, what He would say if He'd say something else, it would be truth, wouldn't it? ["That's right."]
I see something else. There's... Just a moment. It's a woman that looks like you. Oh, it's a sister. You have a sister, and she's suffering with a ... some sort of a nervous condition. And she's got [unclear words] or something in her stomach. She's spitting up her food. It's acids in her stomach. ["That's right."] Is that...? Isn't that...? ["That's true. That's true."] Come here, mother.
71 Our Father who art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thine will be done in earth as it is in Heaven. And Almighty Jehovah in the name of Thy Son, Jesus, send Thy blessings upon this one, who I bless in Thy name. And may she go from here, tonight, and be well and all of her requests granted in Jesus Christ's name I ask it. Amen. God bless you, sister. Go now. God's peace upon you.
What do you think about it, lady? There with the purple dress on. You're awfully nervous, aren't you? Been suffering with a nervousness. You believe God is making you ... Yes, isn't that right? All right. He healed you then, and the little lady setting right behind you had the very same thing. Both of you together. You were both healed the same time. That woman is healed there. God bless you. You can go home now, and you can be well. God's blessings be with you.
72 Do you believe He healed you with that arthritis, setting there? You believe with all your heart that God would heal you? You believe it? Do you believe He would? All right I want you to accept it right now, and say, "Lord, I believe with all my heart, that God is going to make me well." You'll get well. God bless you. Accept it with all your heart, and you can have just what you've asked for. Your faith saves you, lady.
How do you do? Do you believe with all your heart? ["Yes."] I'm a stranger to you. You're--we're strangers to one another. I don't know you. Never seen you in my life as I know of, but God knows both of us. Isn't that right?
73 Have faith, brother. Yep. You believe Him? ["I do."] You're standing for someone else. And that man... It's a man. He is drinking. I see him standing at a bar, and you're on your knees praying. It's an alcoholic. That's a brother. ["Yes, it is."] Isn't that right? [Only brother."] Yes, sir. Your brother. Say aren't you something to do with a... Aren't you a preacher or something to do around the ministry or ... ["Yes, I am."] Well, God bless you. Come here.
Almighty God, have mercy and grant her request, of this our sister, through Jesus Christ's name I ask it. Amen. God bless you, my sister.
Have faith. Do you believe? Let's say, "Praise the Lord." See? It breaks your tenseness.
74 Now, right now, every person in here should believe. There's not a question but... You should believe with all your heart right now.
You think God healed your arm there, lady, with that scarf around you? You believe God makes you well? You do. He did just then, so you're going get well now from that arm trouble you've been having. Having an awful lot of trouble with it. He healed you right there just then. God bless you.
Oh, how wonderful. How God wants to bless the people--make Himself known to them.
How do you do, sir. Come here. Have faith in God. Don't doubt. Believe.
75 All right, sir. You look this a way to me. Do you believe with all your heart? I suppose we're strangers to one another. As far as I know, I've never seen you in my life. You're just a man that walked up here to the platform, but God knows you, and all the food you ever eat, God gave it to you. But you believe that He is here now, that you're standing in His Presence (not your brother) His presence?
You should. You're a minister and you belong to some kind of a holiness organiza... It's the Church of God. Is that right? And aren't you from down below here? You come up the coast. You're from ... I'd say Miami. ["That's right."] You got troubles on your tongue. ["Yes, sir."] That's ulcerate. Is that right? ["That's right."] You're going to get all right, so don't worry about it. Go home, and may God bless you, and make you completely whole through Jesus Christ's name.
Have faith. Believe with all your heart, and you shall have what you asked for.
76 You believe, lady? [The lady speaks to Brother Branham.] I know you are, but if you'll believe with all your heart. You been... Listen, here's something you don't know. You're acquainted with your arthritis. You know you've had that for sometime, but listen. Here recently you begin to getting weak spells, haven't you? Get kind of weak in the afternoon. I see you lay down. Have to sit down in a chair. You get weak. At night time, not resting right, you see, at night time. It's TB. See? You're not aware of that being on you, but it is. So come here just a moment.
77 Almighty God, here Satan takes this woman's life. I rebuke this Devil in the Name of Jesus Christ. Come out of her. All right. Look here, lady. Now you're all right. God has healed you. Your arthritis is gone. Now, the reason I said to you about that. I seen the way you were acting, and I knowed you wasn't aware of that but if there is a doctor which is setting present now, he knows himself that when you're--when--that's the very symptom of TB, weakness, perspiration, and so forth. But you're healed now. You're well. Go on off the platform just rejoicing and happy. Saying, "Thank You, Lord."
Come, sir. See, she was standing in His presence. She didn't realize what happened till she just got off the platform. Then she realized she was healed. That's [unclear words]. Right here. Anyone's ever been here, just the way this is right now, how many ... Have any of you been here you know it's something you know that you're in the Presence of Something when you're standing here. How many knows that that's been up here that you know it's true? See? See? That's right. You can't stand.
78 Well. Now, I am not reading minds. I wish you'd get that get that out of your head. Put your hand on my shoulder, sir. Anybody knows what mental telepathy is. I... Now, if God will reveal to me out here, as I'm looking across this a way, what's wrong with you, will you accept your healing? ["Yes, sir."] You will. Well may the Lord grant it, my brother, is my sincere prayer. I've never looked at you no more than just to call you here, when you was standing, or sitting, or something there and God knows that to be the truth.
But I see you moving away from a table. You got stomach trouble. Is that right? If it is, raise up your hand. All right now. Go eat what you want to. God bless you.
Have faith. Believe with all your heart.
Come, lady.
79 Now, have faith. Believe and do not doubt. If you're ... Jesus said... You want to get over that high blood pressure? If you believe, God will take it away from you. He will do it. Your blood will drop if you believe it. Only through faith can you be healed.
I know you're trying, sister. I've watched you for a long time here. If you just get that out of your mind, that your case is too hard. Nothing is too hard for God. You're anemia, aren't you? [The sister says, "Yes."] You believe we're going up to Calvary right now, in the presence of God, for a blood transfusion? ["Oh, hallelujah!"] God bless you. Go, and Jesus Christ restore your blood to you.
Have faith. Believe with all your heart. You shall have what you've asked for.
80 How do you do? You believe me to be His servant? [The lady says, "Yes."] You believe you can get over that tumor without even be operated on? You believe it? You can. God bless you. Go and be made well through Jesus Christ's name.
Let's say, "Thanks be to God."
Something another other, somebody... All right. Have faith. Believe with all your heart. Do you believe your arthritis left you were sitting there? Just go off the platform rejoicing, saying, "Thank You, Lord Jesus." That's right. Don't have ... never have no other testimony but that.
81 All right. Come. Do you believe, lady? [The lady says, "Yes, sir, with all my heart."] You must, for heart trouble's hard to get over. ["Yes."] But you're over it. Go on your road. God bless you in Jesus Christ's name.
Come, lady. Do you believe with all your heart? Now, you thought you had heart trouble, but it wasn't. You got a stomach trouble. A stomach trouble which is causing acids in your stomach to make gas, and when you lay down, your heart gets the worse. Isn't that right? You're going to be all right. Go on your road and rejoice and happy. [The lady speaks with Brother Branham.] That's what I was trying to tell about right there, see. Get away from that. Just do what He tells you to do. Go on your road and thank God. Eat anything you want to, and just keep on praising God, see. That's caused the whole thing, lady. You're nervous condition is what's brought it on you, see, causing that peptic ulcer in your stomach; cause your food to regurgitate and come back up like that, see. That's...
82 Now, you believe that you are going to be all right? See? Now, I can't heal you. I only knows what He tells me. You know that's the truth. All right. Now, just rejoice. Now, if you was healed before, you know how to accept your healing then. Go and rejoice and say, "Thank You, Lord." Be made well.
Come, lady. Well, do you believe it now? All right. I pray... I believe the heart won't bother you no more. You can go and be made well. God bless you in the name of the Lord Jesus.
Do you believe that sinus left you there, lady, setting right back there? You do? If you believe it with all your heart, you may have it.
83 Just a... Something happened. Now, just a moment. The Lord be blessed and praised. I believe that we are in His Presence. I know we are in His presence, and I know that He is here now to heal everyone of you to make you well.
Do you believe that? I seen a car coming swiftly. It was coming from the North country. Someone with a message. Someone in a dying condition. It's a man coming for his wife [unclear words]. There he is. Your wife ... You just come in. You come from up North. You crossed the Ohio River in a car. Your wife has cancer. Is that right?
Come here just a minute. Have you a handkerchief? That was your second thing, what you was going to do. By faith you obtained this that I might bless it, and take it to your wife. Is that right? In the Name of Jesus Christ I condemn that cancer. Jesus Christ died that this cancer would leave. And in His name I condemn the cancer, and send it away from the woman in Jesus Christ's name. Return home, and put it on the lady, and then write me your testimony. God bless you.
84 That kidney trouble left you while you were standing there, lady. You can go off the platform rejoicing. Are you ready to be healed? Every one of you be healed. Are you believing?
Let us each one stand to our feet just a moment. May we bow our heads just a moment.
Merciful God, we pray that You will be near now and to bless. Seeing that Thou has said in Thy Word, we must preach the Gospel over here, also. And how the people here have begin to believe. And, O Father, I pray now that You will remember this audience this night. There are those who are near ... very sick no doubt. And I pray that You will heal each of those. And I know nothing more to do than to speak Your Words to the people. And Thou hast been so kind to us to confirm the Word with signs following the believer.
85 Now, these people are standing, Father. They're believing that You are going to heal them. And the strength is leaving my body. I know that many of them are being healed just now. And I pray, Father, as I stand here that Your Spirit will just move through each person in such a divine way, that every symptom will leave their bodies, from the sickness, and that they may be healed.
May the lame walk, the blind see, the deaf hear, whatever is here, Father. We believe that they're now being healed. And I can condemn every sickness in this building. In Jesus Christ's name I charge every unclean spirit that would try to send these people to a premature grave, that you'll leave the people and come out of them, through Jesus the Son of God.
And while we got our heads bowed, cleanse...
86 Almighty God is in our presence and somebody out here is being healed. God is moving. I see a man standing back here being healed of hemorrhoids. It's a minister of the Gospel preaching the Word of the living God. The lady... Oh, it's just moving all over the building. Just keep praying. I can't hardly see where you are now. Just keep praying. Keep your minds on God. You're being healed.
You, lady, with that high blood pressure standing right at the end of the lane there. God is making you well. You're healed. God bless you. That's right.
You here, sir, with prostate trouble, standing right back the other end of the ring, getting up at nights, running... You're healed. That's right, my brother. God is making you well.
Every one of you.
87 You in the wheelchair here, lady. Have ... Just believe God with all your heart. If you're just--if you just get over that little thread of doubt right now, you'd be made well.
Everyone of you now put your heart on Him. Believe Him with all your heart. Accept your healing. Believe me. If God has come into your midst and if you go away doubting, a worse thing than what you have will come upon you. May you go with faith, and may God make each one of you whole. Just have faith. Don't doubt. Believe with all your heart.