At Thy Word, Lord

At Thy Word, Lord somebody

At Thy Word, Lord (1948-03-05) (William M. Branham Sermons)

At Thy Word, Lord (1948-03-05) (William M. Branham Sermons) somebody

At Thy Word, Lord

1 Victory over every demon that's possessed the people of this land. [Gap in the audio.] Their... is together, Thou art our Saviour, and our God, and our Healer. Oh, come Lord with such power that'll shake the building. May there be an outpouring of the... [Gap in the audio.] May every heart be caught away, Lord, up into the seventh heaven, above all the earthly things to live and be... Give us Thy assurance tonight of this, by sending forth the Holy Ghost now in this hour. Help me; speak through these mortal lips just now, for we ask it in the Name of Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God. Amen.

2 Someday 'fore long we're going to see Him Who is the invisible One in our midst tonight. At this point of the reading of the Scriptures, that Jesus' ministry had become very popular. About seventy percent of His ministry was upon Divine healing. He healed the people, not to show His authority; He healed the people to fulfill the Scripture. For the Scripture said that many of them came out to Him, and said, "We desire signs," and so forth.
Said, "You hypocrites. You can discern the face of the skies, but the signs of the times you cannot discern." Said, "When the sky is red and lowering, be foul weather; and clear, so forth by the setting of the sun." But He said, "Now, if you can discern that, you ought to know His days, because the prophets had said, Isaiah said, 'The lame shall leap like a hart; the tongue of the dumb shall sing.'"
And that was the day that the people were living in, to see the manifestation of God's testimony concerning His Son, Christ Jesus.

3 And God is the same. Christ had made the claims that He was the... He, the I AM. And He said... Therefore, the testimony of two, in the law was right. "Mouth of two or three witnesses, let every word be established." He said, "If I testify to what..." He made His claims. And God testified in Him. Then that made it so.
Well, isn't it just the same tonight? He, in His days of His visitation, He had people who looked for Jehovah way back, as He was in the wilderness with Moses. But He said, "As you have believed in God, believe also in Me." God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself. Now, He said, "You believed in Him back there when He was in the form of Spirit, now the Father is in Me. And I am in the Father, and the Father in Me. Now, you believe Me for the very works' sake."

4 Now, many people are looking forward... Some of them say, "I believe God can do all things." Anyone that's even got their right mind knows that God can do all things. If He cannot do all things, He's not Almighty God. But if He is Almighty God, He can do all things.
Therefore, the trouble of it is tonight with people, they're looking for God way millions of miles away, when God is right here in your midst now. Think of it. The One that you love, the One that you serve is here. He spoke these Words, "Wherever two or three are gathered in My Name, there I will be in their midst." That's just as true as any of the rest of the Scripture.

5 Now, He promised that He would do these things, sending signs and wonders. And now, God has made that known to the people. Now, if you can get the vision of it, and will believe it, tonight will be your night to be healed. Now, if you doubt it, there's no matter... If Christ Himself was wearing my suit and my shoes, He was standing here and you had the... [Gap in the audio.] You would go away from here just as sick as you are now. He cannot save you against your own will. He cannot heal you against your own will. You must believe that He is, and a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. Amen. And is that right?
Now, He's here to heal tonight. Why would He heal some and leave others go? See, it's not God's will for any of you to go unhealed. It's not God's will for any of you to go unsaved. He died. He came to get a... [Gap in the audio.]... And sickness is because... Sin is because of sickness.

6 To rid it, put it away. Divorce it, get away with it. God divorced everything of the de... [Gap in the audio.] Upon the human... [Gap in the audio.] When Christ died at the cross, a perfect deliverance. Delivered everything... [Gap in the audio.] He's free from sin, free from sickness. Only through... [Gap in the audio.] Christ at the cross. [Gap in the audio.] Right. What would be the... [Gap in the audio.] For... [Gap in the audio.] to have God... free him... [Gap in the audio.]
Now, in there, the minister was speaking before me, building the people around faith, preaching on the subject of the miraculous God. He said...
Now, you've seen the eyes of those people who were born blind; standing here seeing, counting the lights, and asking what they was, and different colors; deaf, dumb, cripples, people had been...

7 One man come there from Texas with his wife in a wheelchair, had been there for sixteen years in the wheelchair. Flew her in by plane. And a few moments after she was prayed for, she was walking the aisles, a glorifying God.
The next night, the man come in the prayer line. I didn't know. I took hold of his hand; there's no vibrations. I looked up and he was crying. He said, "Now, Brother Branham, I guess I played the part of a hypocrite. But I understand you're a poor man. I want to give you a--a little offering to the Lord."
I said, "I don't receive offerings."
And he said, "Well, here is a little check..." [Gap in the audio.] Said, "Not just for saying the prayer." He said, "Look. That's my mother setting there that was crippled for sixteen years."
I said, "Well, I never healed her. Christ healed her."
And he said, "Well, here. I just made out this check." A check made out for five thousand dollars. He was an oil man worthy of it. I tore it up. I--I didn't want none. Then, you see, what I want is your faith.

8 Look. In a few years from now, I will say within the space of five years, maybe a little longer, maybe a little less, your money won't be worth the paper it's wrote on. It won't be worth nothing.
Over in Russia today, they have their houses papered with thousand dollar bills. It ain't worth nothing. Confederacy... That's right. And we're coming to the same thing.
A missionary here in Miami the other day was talking to me. He walked down the streets of London, England, where we were going to there at the London Hall. He said, "I had six hundred pounds in my pocket," which was dollars. And said, "My little girl wanted a little cookie. And those six hundred dollars would not buy that little cookie. I had to have a stamp first. It's rationed."
Mark of the beast... No man can buy or sell except he that had the mark. And it's coming right here. You listen to it. You'll probably be seeing it 'fore I get back here again. It's right at the door, and we're near the end.

9 So don't think of money. Don't think of homes and land. Think of Christ Who is coming. There's nobody can put hopes in anything else but Christ now. That's right. Everything, our whole future is on the coming of the Lord. That's right. That's the hope of those who are asleep, and of we who are alive.
Now, notice this. Now, in--in that meeting there that this minister had spoke to them, upon... [Gap in the audio.]... miraculous God; how that God came down. In the beginning and created the heavens and earth; how that He come upon a brazen serpent.
And then somebody, of course, when those claims was made, they said the... "Why, who ever heard of such." You couldn't prove it by the Bible.
But God told Moses to make a serpent. Why did He do that? That the people could have something to look at. Now, that's just human. That's just human for somebody to--to look at something. The natural eye has to see something.

10 Now, the serpent wasn't a healer. But God put His gift of healing upon that serpent. Do you believe that? He did. And now, if somebody looked, 'course wouldn't believe. But somebody looked and believed. And when they did, the serpent bite was cured. Then others begin to look and believe. They knew then that God was testifying through that serpent, that He was Jehovah-rapha, the Healer. And He's yet Jehovah-rapha, the Healer. He's not the I was; He's the I AM, not something that was, something that is, now, present tense.
All right. Now, when they looked upon that brazen serpent, and they were healed, now, that was miraculous. Then after the days of the brazen serpent, He came down with His Angel upon the pool of water.

11 Now, look. That brazen serpent could not pray for anybody, could it? It could not lay hands on anyone. Yet they recognized God in that brazen serpent, His gift. The pool could not pray for anybody, could it? But God put His Angel upon that pool, and the people that recognized it by getting into it was healed. Is that right? Now, the miraculous God.
And then he went ahead to say that God came down and dwelled in Christ. God also sent His gift down in Peter, the apostle, also in Paul, even to laid in their shadows they were healed. Is that right? They recognized God, His miraculous...
And then he said, "Now, isn't it a strange thing, that the God back in the days that promised deliverance to Israel, after sojourning down there for four hundred years, He brought it to pass when the people's in need of healing or of deliverance. He brought deliverance to them. Now, the people of God is in need of healing. And God promised to send the gift. Isn't it a positive fact that God will keep His Word? Sure He will."

12 Then he said, "Man can make a claim of anything, but if God doesn't testify of it, it's wrong." He said, "Now has God..." [Tape quality for sixteen seconds is very poor so the text is not included because it is not intelligible.] I'd give anything I have if I could go in somewhere and set down, and listen to an old fashion, Holy Ghost, godly sermon preached. Oh, my. [Gap in the audio.]... But it seems like, when you get there, every thought's on healing then. And then pray for the sick.

13 I came up tonight and I heard them girls singing. I want to get here real early tomorrow night, hear some more of it. That helps me. It encourages me. I like to hear it. I like to hear good preachers.
I would--I would love to heard Jesus when He went down to the seashore that morning to speak upon what God was doing for Him. I would like to have heard Him that morning, wouldn't you? He went down, and the people pressed upon Him to hear the Word of God.
Now, look. Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing of the Word of God. Is that right? And He was the Word. In the beginning was the Word, the Logos that went out of God. And the Word was made flesh and dwelled among us. He was the Word of God manifested on earth. Do you believe it?
Here He goes. And they were standing there hearing the Word. Now, some of those sisters... [Gap in the audio.]

14 Didn't work on Him. They heard that there's going to be a meeting down at the river. So they went down to the river. Some of the brothers, they didn't go to plow that morning, or go... [Gap in the audio.] They went down to the river to hear Christ. There's some of them didn't believe Him to be Christ just like some of them don't believe healing today, to be your healing. They don't believe in a restoration of the gifts. That doesn't keep it from being so. Somebody's going to hear it. Somebody's going to believe it.
They didn't believe Him to be the Son of God, but God manifested Hisself through Him and proved it by signs and wonders. He promised in the last days that there'd be a church of scoffers. We've got them. And He promised there'd be a Church that signs would be following it. We've got it. That's right. So it was on one side of the other tonight. And each one of us in here are either on one side or the other. That's right.

15 Now, notice. Then, when they all pressed down to hear Him, there was a... Two or three fishermen had been fishing all night long. One of them's Simon.
I always believed that Christ knew right then that, just what was going to take place and He knew that Simon was up there. And it had been said... They pulled all night and hadn't caught any fish.
I guess you people here in the... out here in the desert don't know very much about fishing. But--but anyhow, it's the most discouraging thing to fish and don't catch nothing.
So they'd pulled... I see a lot of them laughing. There's some fishermen here. So they'd pulled all night long and hadn't caught any fish. And there they'd set down washing out their nets.
And then I can hear Peter say to Andrew, say, "Well, there comes that Divine Healer down." They heard so much about Him. "Let's hear what He's going to say." I can see him; he set down on a stump, you know, down, way down on the river somewhere. You know how the... Some of the... Fellow when he comes in the meeting the first night, a little skeptic. He's as far back as he could get... All right. He set back there, you know, the... wondering what was going to take place.

16 And I can hear Him begin to speak about how that God promised that He would heal the people through Him. Isaiah's prophecy was fulfilled. He was the One that was to come, the Messiah. He was speaking to them upon those subjects, telling them how God had healed by Him through other parts of the country. Now, He's healing right through Him then, bringing salvation, deliverance to the people, and so forth.
And I can see the old apostles pick up chunks, move up just a little bit closer. Oh, my. I like to get just a little bit closer, don't you?
I can see him move back, say, "Come on, Andrew. Let's... move up a little closer. Then first thing you know, He just left a chunk alone, got standing up with the rest of them. Listened to Him.

17 My, I like to have heard Him speak, wouldn't you? He spoke not like one of the scribes. He spoke with authority. And He begin to speak and tell the people, not what somebody else, but what "I." Now.
Now. And I can hear Simon say, "You know, there's something about that Man's speech that seems a little... [Gap in the audio.] I like Him. I like the way He delivers that message." I can see him walk up a little closer. Then after Jesus had got through speaking, He was in Simon's boat. I can hear Him say, "Now, Simon..." Oh, my. I wonder what he thought. "Simon, thrust out now, into the deep. Launch out into the deep, and let down for the draught."
Now, that was kinda peculiar. "Go out there in the deep and let down for the draught? Why--why, look. We're--we're fishermen. Now, we're just not somebody that has a--a--a line stretched on the banks... we--we fish. We know what kind of... How the signs are to catch fish. And we fished right through here all night long, and we haven't taken a thing. Just think, all night and haven't taken nothing."
Well now--now Peter... Now, watch. Here's a test of faith. Now, I believe that God always puts people through a test of faith. Prove him first. Prove all things. And a real Christian enjoys a test of faith. [Gap in the audio.] I don't... He takes his...

18 Then when he come out here to the side of the mount... [Gap in the audio.] Isn't that something? I believe the apostle said that our trials are better than gold to us. Think of it. God might've let you get sick, in order that you might be a testimony, that He might heal you, that you can stand on His Word. Then when you reach the opposition, you can say, "I know." Beyond any shadow of doubt, you're... Oh, my. Witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, Judaea, Samaria. A witness is somebody who's really done something, been somewhere, and seen something. Is that right?
Now, remember. A witness has to be a witness, eye witness to know what they're speaking of. It can't be secondarily. If you go down here at the courthouse and say, "I seen a wreck on the streets," and you looked at it through a window glass, you could not be a witness. Got to be right there personally. You can't double see things, you've got to be a correct witness.
Now, isn't that a thought to think of now, sister, you setting there with the blinded eyes, with the glasses on: probably bad eyes or you wouldn't even have the glasses. Now, isn't that something, to know that God let that sight get in that condition, that He might give a testimony? Isn't it wonderful? That we would know that He come up...

19 "Why is he blind?" and they said, "Who sinned, he or his father?"
Said, "This case, neither; but that the works of God might be done." God wanted some witnesses. Now, He sent His gift of healing to heal you, that you would go out and be a witness, then stand the test of faith. Walk out and claim your God given privilege. Sure. That's right.
Now. Then I can see as He said, "Now, thrust out into the deep, or launch out into the deep, and let down for the draught." Now, He was educating that man, so that he would know just how to... After while, he had a great trial, remember, many of them. But he had to be educated.

20 Now, maybe you have to be educated. Maybe that's why the sickness is on you, that God has to educate you to a place that He is, and a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. Maybe that's what your faith is give to you. That's why the sickness come upon you, to test your faith. Then you can walk out here in Phoenix, or--or Douglas, or wherever you're from, and say, "I know. Nobody can tell me; I know He's a Healer."
How many in here's been healed by Divine healing, let's... Do you know it? It's true. Amen. It's true. You are His witnesses. Oh, my.
Now, here we are. I want you to notice it. Then He said, "La--la--launch out now and let down."
So he said... Peter said, "Lord, we've toiled all night long." We seined through these waters, in other words. "We've fished and fished, and we haven't even got one fish."
Here it is, get it. "Nevertheless, at Thy Word, Lord, I will let down the net." See? "I know we've done everything humanly. All... We're... Our knowledge, our ability, we're at the end. But at Thy Word, Lord, I will let down the net."

21 Now, look. You probably been to doctor's. You had a operation. You've tried everything. You might been through prayer lines before. But "At Thy Word, Lord, tonight I'm going to let down the net. I'm coming tonight to let the net down. I'm going..."
Well, you say... "There's no fish there."
"You seined through, Peter. You kn--you know you seined through all night, and there's no fish there."
If God said, "Let down the net," He will put fish there. See?
And I believe tonight, if the doctor says you can't be well, and the Word of God says you can be well, God can put anything... He can put new cells; He can put new eyes, eardrums, whatever it is, He can put it there. Don't you believe it?

22 When He met Abraham, 6th chapter of Genesis back there, He met him in the Name of Jehovah, of God, the Almighty. Now, the word in the Hebrew is from the word "El Shaddai," which means "the--the breast, the nourishing," like the woman nourishes her baby. Abraham was ninety and nine years old, no children. His wife, Sarah, was past eighty. She had... They had no children. But God told him, "I am El Shaddai. I am the brave--the breast. I'm the Almighty." In other words, "No matter how weak you are, I can nourish you back to health again. He's still Almighty God. He's El Shaddai tonight.
You say, "I'm old, Brother Branham. Is healing for me?"
Yes. Amen. It's "whosoever will, let him come."
You say, "I belong to the Methodist."
I don't care where you belong, healing is for you if you believe it. El Shaddai, the Almighty. Let down the net, Lord.
You say, "Well, I'm old. Well, I've had this infirmity, this female trouble; I've had this for years and years. I've tried the doctor and everything. But at Thy Word, Lord, I will let down the net."

23 See, if you've got something to stand on... The Word of God speaks of healing. It says there's healing. And it is... [Gap in the audio.]... And I wouldn't have the... [Gap in the audio.]... wouldn't be tonight, ask Lord, I'm going to let down the net... [Gap in the audio.]
There was woman with a blood issue. She'd been... [Gap in the audio.] Spent all... [Gap in the audio.]... for use with the doctors, and not any good. Some of them, of course... of even trying any farther. Maybe she'd been prayed for. Maybe she'd made the offerings... [Gap in the audio.]
The prayer line was so great, she couldn't get through the prayer... [Gap in the audio.] So she said in her heart... Glory. "If I can touch even the border of His garment, I'll be healed." And she pressed through the crowd and touched the border of His... [Gap in the audio.]
Turned, and said... [Gap in the audio.]
Peter said, "Behold the multitude..."
He said, "I perceive..." [Gap in the audio.] Has gone... [Gap in the audio.]... Friends, weakened.
He's still the same tonight.

24 The maniac at Gadara, his mind was gone. Everything, every hope was gone. He'd lo--left his family. He was a maniac, into the wilderness, tombs, the graveyard, a real devil's hangout, an old dead place like that. All right. They still like them kind of places.
Notice. But he... [Gap in the audio.] The doctors... [Gap in the audio.] They'd failed.
Maybe he knowed that God... that the Messiah would come... [Gap in the audio.] His right mind.
He's still God tonight just the same as He was in that day. Friends, wake up. The hour... [Gap in the audio.]... His gifts, the power, the promise of God stands near tonight to whosoever will, let him come. If it'll work on others, then God testifies of that. And if God testifies of it, it's true. Don't let it pass by you. Take God at His Word. Yes, sir.

25 There was a man; his baby had died, his little girl, twelve years old. Jesus was on His road to Jairus to heal his daughter. And the message come that the girl's already dead, "Trouble not the Master."
I can see his countenance fall. My. He thought, "My girl is dead." He joined hisself with the unbelievers. But all the time he wanted to believe Jesus.
There's a many one in this city tonight wants to believe the full Gospel, but they're afraid of their position. That's right. They want it. They're hungry to have enough salvation to holler, "Gloria a Dios" That's right. There's a lot of them like that. But the trouble of it is, they think more of their pride and their dignity than they do of the lovely Christ of God. Oh, my.
But He's here. He's still Christ. And He proved Hisself, that He will give those the Holy Ghost that'll come God's provided way to receive it. Amen. That's right. Now, He will heal those likewise that'll come God's provided way to receive it.

26 Now, notice. At the great difference... And these people now as they come along. This little old Jairus, his heart dropped; "The child's dead; trouble not the Master."
I can see those sacred eyes as they moved over, said, "Fear not; only believe." Oh, my. He knew where He was standing. He knew that child would be raised, for Jairus had true faith to come in the midst of all the doubters.
I can see them as they walked back. One of them say, "What'd I tell you about that Divine healer? What'd I tell you about that? He went off down there now and he brought disgrace upon the church, and so forth."
But Jesus moved right on down the line. When He went into the room, He said, "The daughter... The girl is not dead, but sleepeth." They laughed Him to scorn. They still laugh at Him. And He put them out. And today, those who laugh at God's eternal power, being omnipotent, they're put out of the Kingdom. All right.

27 Then when they come to the place, He walked in, put them all out but Peter, James, and John, took the... [Gap in the audio.]... deliver... For, look, all of everything there was gone. The human had pulled away. He knowed their faith. But He was possessed. Get it! It was powers. Took from this mortal body of His, out into the spirit land, and called back the spirit of that girl, that had been dead for hours. Out into that land...
I'm thankful tonight to be acquainted with that same One Who can call the spirits from out of the spirit land back into the life.
And He was standing there, Lazarus' grave. All hopes was gone. Lazarus had been dead four days and was in the grave, stinking. Look at it... They heard that Jesus... They went out... I believe... Born the virgin birth... Almighty God...
[Tape quality is very poor, much of the text is not included because it is not intelligible.]

28 There was God raising the dead. Yes, sir. Said He hungered. When He come off the mountain, looked upon the trees, there was no figs to eat. They said He was hungry like a man. I know He was a man hungry when He was look... [Gap in the audio.] But when He took five sandwiches and fed five thousand, He was God. That's right. That's true. I know that to be true.
I know that when He was down there on the boat one night where, I guess, ten thousand devils of the sea had swore they would drowned Him. He was laying asleep, tired, and weary from the healing services, laying in the back of the boat. God knows I have a little idea of what He suffered. Laying there so sound asleep. Even the waves and the wind could not wake Him up, He was so sound asleep. But then when He was laying there, He was asleep like a man. That's right. Then when I see Him raise--sleeping like a man, but raise, put His foot upon the brail of the boat, look up to heaven, and said, "Peace." Then down to the earth--to the waves and said, "Be still." When He made the winds and waves obey Him... He was a man sleeping, but He was God that stilled the winds and waves. That's right.

29 When He was dying at the cross, crying, "My God, My God, why has Thou forsaken Me?" He was a man in His death, but He was God in the resurrection. That's right. "Only I can have power to lay My life down, I have power to raise it up again. No man taken It from Me, but I lay it down freely." He was. He's still tonight.
When He was standing there at the side of the grave of Lazarus. And I can see Him standing there as a man, frail, crying, and the tears running down His cheeks. Yet He knew He could raise Lazarus. But that was His human feeling for the people. And when He stood there by the side of the grave, He said, "Take ye away the stone." He knew that somebody had to do some part.
You got your part to do. [Gap in the audio.]... move the stone. Those two little frail women. And when they took away the stone, I can hear Him clear, "I thank Thee that Thou hearest Me always. But for these who stand by..."

30 Look at Him. Here it is; get it. I can hear Him scream with a loud voice, way out there in spirit land, "Lazarus." I believe if He hadn't have called him by name, there'd been the general resurrection right there. And I believe it. That's what I think of Him. That's right.
He said, "Lazarus, come forth." Oh, my. Corruption knew its Master, the spirit, likewise. Lazarus had been dead four days. His soul was somewhere in eternity. I don't know where it was at; neither do you. We won't argue about that, where his soul was. But anyhow, it heard the Voice of the Son of God. And a man that had been dead four days, stood up on his [Gap in the audio.] again.
He's the same yesterday, today, and... [Gap in the audio.] You believe it? "Nevertheless, Lord, at... [Gap in the audio.] I will let down the net."

31 Old Paul, at the end of his... The saint, at the end of his journey, "I've fought a good fight, I've finished the course; I've kept the faith. Henceforth, there's laid up for me a crown that the Lord will give me at that day." Notice another thing, what he said there in his going away when he said he fought the good fight and everything. He said, "Oh grave... Death, where is thy sting? Grave, where is thy victory? Oh death, show me where you got... Where you at?" A challenge. "Come down, death. See if you can scare me." All right. Looked down and seen that six foot of mud laying there, said, "Oh grave, where is your... [Gap in the audio.] " Show me where you can show it to me." Say, "I can hold you. I can show you an empty tomb in Jerusalem." Amen! He's still Christ tonight. "Death, where is thy sting; grave, where is thy victory?"
May I add this with Saint Paul, "Sickness, show me your place to stand before our God..."

32 But nevertheless, Lord, at Thy Word, I'll let down the net. I don't know how You're going to take my soul from here when the wheels of mortal life stand still, but at Thy Word, Lord, here I'm coming into dark eternity, trusting you...
"I don't know, Lord, how that through a prayer of somebody, that You'll heal me. But at Thy Word, Lord."
You say, "That's in His Word?"
"These signs shall follow them that believe; In My Name they shall cast out devils. (Is that right?), speak with new tongues, take up serpents, drink deadly things; and if they laid their hands on the sick, they shall recover."
"At Thy Word, Lord, here I come. I don't know how it's going to happen, but here I am." Don't try to figure out God, take Him at His Word.

33 There Peter up all the night and the boat tossed about. And the first thing you know, he seen Jesus coming. He said, "Lord, if it be..." [Gap in the audio.] Didn't know what he was saying... [Gap in the audio.] But ye shall receive. "Come." "Lord, I know it's probably forty fathoms deep here. I don't know how I'm going to walk. I know it's just as impossible for me walk on this water as it is on that air. I am not trying to figure out the chemical first. I'm not trying to figure out whether there's a board under there for me to walk on, if You told me to walk, at Thy Word, Lord, here I come." That's right.

34 If he could take Him at His Word, what about you tonight, after nineteen hundred years of tests... Hallelujah. Why, brother... [Gap in the audio.] Word... [Gap in the audio.]... to figure it out... [Gap in the audio.]... " I'm taking You..." [Gap in the audio.]
Some old boys one time that took Him at His Word, wasn't afraid. There was some Hebrew children down in--in Babylon. Daniel purposed in his heart he wouldn't defile himself with the king's meat: Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, also.
And there come a decree, that ever who would not bow down to a certain image, would be put in a furnace het seven times hotter than it ever was het. All right. Now, there come the test.

35 After you're prayed for [Gap in the audio.] tomorrow, the next day's going to come the test. Don't you worry. You... Everybody in here that ever received the Holy Ghost, a few days afterwards, come the test. Is that right? When you're healed, that demon in there, the body of it begins to die out. The test is coming. Satan's going to try to return back. When the unclean spirit's gone out of a man, he walketh in dry places. He returns back, brings seven other devils worse than he was. Is that right?
Notice. Let the house be garnished, and swept, and ready at that hour... Here it is, get it. He returned back. But he found the house garnished and swept. Then there the Holy Spirit in there to keep him away at that hour.

36 Now, these Hebrew children, I can notice them. As they were praying, they didn't pay any attention to the king; they didn't fear his command. They wanted to know what THUS SAITH THE LORD. And they turned their faces... [Gap in the audio.]... prayed just the same.
Notice, closely now. All right. The decree was made. Then if the king put his seal upon there, he must keep it. He's going to burn these three Hebrews up. I can hear Belteshazzar, or--or Nebuchadnezzar, rather, say, "We will teach these holy-rollers what to do around here. We will show them who's boss around here."
And don't you worry, but what that time's coming again. That's right. Right at the door... Oh, my. You're living in the shadows now.

37 Notice. Watch. He said, "We will see what will happen to these boys. We will test out that Holy Ghost religion and see what it does. We will burn it out of them." Brother, it's been tried to be burned out of a many a man. But you can't burn the Holy Ghost out; It's fire Itself. That's right. They tried to boil It out of John. But they couldn't boil It out of him in hot grease. That's right. You can't boil It out; you can't scare It out; you can't run It out; It's there to stay.
Notice. I can hear them say, "We will throw them in the fiery furnace." I can see king Nebuchadnez... [Gap in the audio.]... highest robes, and set down, priestly robes around him. Said, "Now, watch them... Watch them scream at their test." [Gap in the audio.] Any of those old... [Gap in the audio.]... you after this healing meeting too. [Gap in the audio.] But at Thy... [Gap in the audio.] That's right. [Gap in the audio.]... David and Goliath... [Gap in the audio.]

38 "But at Thy Word, Lord, here I come." Oh, no matter how big the opposition looks, I... You meet me as a Philistine with an armor..." [Gap in the audio.] " I meet you in the Name of the Lord God of Israel." There it is.
Satan says... All the doctors says you're going... [Gap in the audio.] I'm coming, claiming that he... [Gap in the audio.]... for this purpose. "I meet you right back. You can't have no power over me, for I am free. Christ, He makes me free."

39 I can see them walk on up there. Tie their hands behind them, march them down the death march to the fiery furnace. I see that scaffold as they went up to the top of the big pits. That morning was... [Gap in the audio.] Blazes going up. I can see that great sight.
Notice just a minute now. Give me your close attention and pray. I can see them as they started up this pit now. I can see King Nebuchadnezzar setting up there and saying, "Now, look. Watch them how they shriek and holler there when they get up there."
This time is shaky time. I can see... First thing you know, Shadrach looked around at Meshach, said, "What do you think about it?" Begin to feel this heat coming on him. We will feel it; don't worry.
I can hear it... Meshach say, "Listen, I don't care. Our God's able to deliver us from that. But at Thy Word, Lord, here I come. That fire will probably could consume us like that. But at Thy Word, Lord, here I come. I will not bow down to anything else. I'm taking You at Your Word. I'm a coming."
All right. They walked a few steps farther. Oh, my. The heat was so great, till the men begin to get a sickening feeling. They was pushing them to... [Gap in the audio.]...

40 The time come. I can see them begin to shorten their steps; the spears stick up a little harder. "Move on. Move on." I can hear Shadrach say again, "What do you think about it, Abednego?"
"Well, I'm taking God at His Word. We know that our God has done many things. He opened the... [Gap in the audio.] He brought us here. He's done those things."
And the God that lived in that day lives today. Tonight, friends, we've got hundreds and hundreds, even thousands of years of testimonies this side of that. Surely we can take Him at His Word.

41 On up to the fiery furnace. Right down, stopped there, into the furnace they go. Looked like nobody's concerned.
Said, "What do you think about it, out there? What do you think about that religion now that you trust Jehovah? See if He will deliver you."
"Oh God, look at them remarks. Nevertheless, at Thy Word, Lord, I'm coming these next few steps." See them raise up... God's always concerned about His people. Don't you believe it?
While there's something going... [Gap in the audio.] Let's look up in the heavens and see if they ain't something going on up there the same time. Oh... [Gap in the audio.] I can see Him setting on His throne looking down. I can see something coming to the right. What is it? It's an Angel. They call Him Gabriel... [Gap in the audio, fourteen second portion unintelligible.]... concerned in Babylon, He's concerned in Phoenix tonight. There was three in Babylon; there's hundreds in Phoenix. He's here... [Gap in the audio.] Prayer line... [Gap in the audio.] At Thy Word. I will have to be judged for what I say. You'll have to be judged for what you believe.
Notice. I have seen them all night... [Gap in the audio.]... them world... the wicked... [Gap in the audio.]

42 "... the powers. And I turned over a mighty--and turned on all the water faucets there was in all the deep, and I flooded the earth and drowned everything that was. Let Me go down there. I'll wash Babylon off the... [Gap in the audio.]... believe He could've done it. Don't you? He had the power to wash Babylon off the face of the earth.
I can hear the Majesty say, "Yes, Woodworm, You can..." [Gap in the audio.] Last... [Gap in the audio.] Sister Morgan's here. I believe she's one step... [Gap in the audio.] See them raise off the... [Gap in the audio.] the final steps. A king... of the saints... [Gap in the audio.] Raised off His... [Gap in the audio.]... I can see Him stand up there upon His throne. I can see Him say to a big white cloud out there... [Gap in the audio.] I can see Him say, "Come here east wind, north wind, west and south." Called the four winds... [Gap in the audio.] "... towards the earth.' Everything in heaven obeys Him. [Gap in the audio]...

43 Let our hearts be... We're afraid to take Him at His Word. Said, "Come here." How do the winds do it? That's not for me to question. Down along the throne came this big white cloud. I can see Him step out on this big white cloud. Glory to God. Like the... [Gap in the audio.] Lightning. He say, "East wind, north wind, west and south, I'm going to drive you into Babylon this morning. I see our brethren is in need. Woodworm, I can't let You go. Gabriel, I can't let You go. I'm going Myself." Amen.
I can see Him as He... [Gap in the audio.] Across the sky... [Gap in the audio.] Last, He picked the time.
And about the time they took the last step... And, "At Thy Word, Lord, here we come." [Record.skips.] Hallelujah.

44 He's still Christ tonight. Don't be a scared. Take Him at His Word. "Nevertheless, Lord, I will just take... [Gap in the audio.] But at Thy Word, here I come, Lord. I will take You at Your Word. Here I am, Lord. I don't know how I'm going to take this last step. I know the doctor says I'm dying... [Gap in the audio.] Thy Word, Lord, here I come." You don't know how... [Gap in the audio.] " I'm not trying to test how it can be done. Lord, at Thy Word, here I come. Nothing in my arms I bring; simply to Thy cross I cling. I'm taking You at Your Word."
Shall we bow our heads. O God, have mercy tonight. [Gap in the audio.] Enough You're standing here. Thou has been the Healer through the ages. You was the One that said, "These signs shall follow them that believe." The last words that was spoke from Your lips... before You departed from this world. The last Words that's recorded in the Gospels, You said, "They shall lay their hands on the sick, and they shall recover."
O God, the Scriptures said You ascended on high; You give gifts to men. Some nineteen hundred years is gone. Won't... [Gap in the audio.] From the Tree of Life, for You... [Gap in the audio.] Let... people go... [Gap in the audio.] O God... [Gap in the audio.]
[Congregation sings in Spanish. A minister speaks in Spanish.]
[Tape quality is very poor so the text is not included because it is not intelligible.]
I do not know, I have to be honest... with what's standing before me. Now, you know... them diseases are demons. You call them cancer, pneumonia, tuberculosis. Jesus called them a devil. Now, anybody knows that the word "devil" means "a tormentor," not tormenting your soul, you're free from that by your Gospel preacher and the Word of God. Is that right? I'm not for that; I'm not a preacher. I come for healing of your body.
Now, to rid that tormentor, I... You can't... You'll never be saved and receive the Holy Ghost, unless you believe the Word of God and the man that's preaching it. Is that right? That's the way you get healed, the same way.

45 Now, I'm going to pray for as many as I possibly can in these next thirty-five or forty minutes so you can get...
And tomorrow night, bring all your sick. We're going to stay right here until everyone's prayed for tomorrow night, 'cause the next night... Is tomorrow night your last... [Gap in the audio.]
And I want to see everybody. All you dear Spanish people who's got your people around close, they can't get in at Tijuana now. They called me today from Oregon, up in there, to see if they could get a--a white man to come into the--the prayer line at Tijuana. Only one promise of the white people at Tijuana, that's one man given to the Spanish people... So now, you come in...

46 And I certainly thank God for the hospitality and the friendship of these Spanish people who's permitted all to come together. Yet the meeting was just for the Spanish. We love them, don't we, white people. Is that right, everyone?
I tell you, friends, I have not seen the faith amongst my people that I have seen here. That's right. That's true.
And I'm just... Oh, I wish that I could get down in Mexico for awhile. But they won't permit it still, on account of the riot. But if I could just get down there a little while with Little Joe, or somebody here, who could interpret it for me, and I could just stay a little while. Oh, my. I believe God would turn the nation upside down. I believe it, 'cause they're... The Catholic people are taught to... Is there a Catholic in the building? Let's see your hand if so. Sure, there they are, plenty.
Now, watch. Fine. Catholic is taught to believe what his priest says is right. Is that right, friends, Catholics. I know. I... My people were Catholic, was born...

47 Now, notice. Listen to this. You see, the protestants just believe it. Yes. If they don't believe in this church, they'll go over to that one. But Catholic, as long as he's a Catholic, he has to stay...
Now, here. They're taught to believe. They believe Divine healing. And here, they're taught to believe a man, to believe what he says is true. Therefore, when they come, and I tell them this, and they see a set of cross-eyes straightened, or deaf ears opened, they know that has to come from God, and they'll believe it. They'll just sometimes fall prostrate right at this, to your feet like that.
You never see them come by humbly and appreciative. Oh, my, that's where God moves, right in that channel. It's wonderful, isn't it? Certainly. God is making up His jewel. You understand what I'm speaking of.

48 Now, shall we bow our heads now for prayer. Father, realizing that I be afraid to step into this realm now, without You would hold my hand... Now, my mind is going back to around two years ago, when in the room that night, that Angel of God came walking in there and said, "You are--been borned in this world to take a gift of Divine healing to the people. Many will not believe you; yet many will. If you'll be sincere and will get the people to believe you, not even cancer shall stand before your prayer."
Angel of God, I do not see You. But I know that You are standing near. Please, Thou knowest my heart, and know how I love these people. Stand by me tonight. And may not one go through without faith. And I know that Your Words have been true. I've took You at Your Word, for You said You were sent from God. I believed You. And You've stuck by me. You have confirmed the Word with signs following. Now, again tonight, in this March the fifth, this Memorial night, may You stand now and heal every one. Grant it. May every demon be submissive to the Name of Jesus Christ.
And now, Father, I step out here in this realm of Spirit faith, challenging every demon that's here in the Name of Jesus Christ.

49 Here's a little deaf boy standing. Vibration plugs on his ears, born that way. Now, remember, the little fellow don't know what hearing is. There it is, moving. Now, how many believes now. 'Course, the first one stepping right here to be a miracle.
Now, stands the One Who talked to me. I felt It just then. I feel It now. If I'm not telling true, God is my Judge. The One Who spoke to me in the night, that night in the room, said, "When you feel this feeling (like I feel now), I will be standing by your side." He's here. How many believes that I was sent to do this?
Now, will you please, do not raise your head until you hear my voice on this microphone say, "Raise your head." That's inside, outside, 'cause you're... [Gap in the audio.] Work on the little boy. [Gap in the audio.]
All things are possible, only believe.
All things are possible if you can just believe Him.

50 We was looking at her little leg there, Brother Joey and I, how she'd move her little leg like that, just before prayer. And then in a few moments when that pressure left the little thing, they walked off like any other little girl...

At Thy Word, Lord (1951-09-28) (William M. Branham Sermons)

At Thy Word, Lord (1951-09-28) (William M. Branham Sermons) somebody

At Thy Word, Lord

1 Thank you, Brother Baxter. Good evening friends, my heart jumps for joy when I think that people, I'm living in a day when people are interested enough in God to set in a meeting like this and wait through the afternoon for the evening service. That makes me happy to know that our Saviour still has people who love Him that much. And for just a service as no more than what ours is; but yet, there's enough interest there and love of God in people's hearts to make them want to set and wait for the services. That's marvelous; I know that God will surely bless you every one.
Now, although the--we cannot accommodate the people in churches, that comes to the meetings, for seating room and so forth. But my favorite place to have services is in the church. The church is a place where the Angels of God encamped around. And the public places, most of the time, there's all kinds of violence and wickedness goes on, it becomes a place... Now, that is not a superstition, I can feel it and know it when we come into the meeting, that there's wicked angels.

2 Many people speak of God. And what's an amazing thing to me, friends, that many times people speaking of God know so little about Him. See? They speak of it as... They know it as a joy, and they know they're saved; they are. But when it comes to dealing with spiritual things (See?), that's altogether a different phase. It has nothing to do with that joy that comes from God. The joy's just like, well, it's a--I would say, the bubbles on top of the water. You see? See? That's wonderful; it's good to bubble dance, as we would call it, to rejoice and the blessings fall upon you. But when you come down face to face with spirits, why, it's so much different; you'd be surprised. That's right.
And now, I don't want to keep you no longer than I can possibly help. I want to read some Scripture, and go right straight into our service, and do all that I can to help you tonight. I can only be able to help you as God will permit it done by me. And God can only help you as your faith will permit Him to operate in you. And now, that I might be sure to get this clear; that operations of spiritual gifts are not for an individual. But the operation of spiritual gifts is to go into the church and to edify the church. See, it's not for me; it'd be possible, I could stand here sick, and God would be healing the people out there, and I know about it, see. And it would never touch me, see. It's just a channel that works through. You understand?

3 The acoustics so much better here, can you hear me up there in the back all right? Well, that's fine.
And it just works through like that, see. And it could pass right... It's just a flow of the... I believe, that even the Holy Spirit and Angels, and all are just attributes of God; it's just a part of God. It's His make-up; it's part of it that went off, His Spirit and so forth, that He created to be His helpers around in His great office of glory. And I believe they're just like secretaries and so forth, to help carry on the Master's work, and they come to the earth for us earthly people, and they ... certain times and certain...
I believe that we must be born for these things; I do that. I believe that we're all baptized with the Holy Spirit and brought into the body. And then we become sons. But then after sons, there's a placing of sons, or the adoption of sons.

4 A son was born in Israel, and then after eight days he was circumcised and become an Israelite; but he was borned of the father. And then, if that child was given a tutor, Galatians teaches us, then after he was raised up to a certain age, and he become very faithful to the father's work and everything, he was a very fine boy, and was eligible to fall heir...
Now, the father didn't know what he would be when he was born; he might be a gangster; he had might be slothful in father's business; he couldn't turn his kingdom and his things, his work over to that boy. But when the boy proved to be a right boy, and the tutor, which in our case is the Holy Spirit, that takes word to the Father and gives a report of what we do, then if we be found faithful for so long, like the child was. Then he was taken out in the public square, and a purple robe was put on him, and there was a law of adoption. And then that boy was adopted by the same father who gave him birth. And he was brought into the family. And then, he wasn't only ad--only a son, but he was heir, co-heir with the father of every possession he had. Did you ever study that, Doctor Bosworth? [unclear words].

5 Now, that's what's the matter with the Pentecostal church tonight (See?), too much differences. As soon as you get saved, you start this way, and a little trial comes along, and you fall off, and you go this way, and this way, and ups-and-downs, and fusses and fights, and carries on until... How could God trust you with those things? To adopt you into the Kingdom of God, into His possession, give you heir to all the spiritual benefits of...
If the church would only held together and quit fussing, and splitting up, and arguing over little baptisms, and things like that, you'd been a lot better off. And one church against the other (See?); that isn't sons. God can't trust you.
Divine gifts are very sacred. And remember, a person could send their soul to hell with one. If you'll notice on the platform on my cases, my patients, I'm very careful of what I say. I weigh every word. I find the condition of that soul before I say anything.

6 Now, the meeting going to end now in two more nights, for this. Someday I hope to come to New York, where I could stay long enough, till you could get spread out far enough till we could get a real meeting.
Now, but Moses was a prophet. God made him a prophet. And God trusted Moses, because he was born to be a prophet. God foreordained that, when He told Abraham He'd bring His people out. I believe Moses was ordained then. He was born a proper child, and when he came out, what a marvelous boy. And he had his ups-and-downs, but in the wilderness God told Moses, "Go speak to the rock, and it'll bring forth its water."
Instead of Moses speaking to the rock, he smote the rock. And that was one time that God's complete program was broken, see. Christ was only smitten once; we don't smite Him any more, we speak to Him.
But Moses, after the rock had done been smitten, smote it again; it didn't bring the waters; he smote it again. He was a prophet; he had the power and authority from God to do whatever he wanted to do in that manner, see. But he broke God's commandment. God brought forth the water and answered His prophet, but then He dealt with Moses later about that. He wouldn't let him go over in the promised land. You remember that?

Numbers 20:8 Take the rod, and gather thou the assembly together, thou, and Aaron thy brother, and speak ye unto the rock before their eyes; and it shall give forth his water, and thou shalt bring forth to them water out of the rock: so thou shalt give the congregation and their beasts drink.

Numbers 20:11 And Moses lifted up his hand, and with his rod he smote the rock twice: and the water came out abundantly, and the congregation drank, and their beasts also.

Deuteronomy 31:2 And he said unto them, I am an hundred and twenty years old this day; I can no more go out and come in: also the LORD hath said unto me, Thou shalt not go over this Jordan.

7 You remember that young prophet by the name of Elisha, who was the successor of Elijah? And he went baldheaded when he was just a young man. Some little children run behind him, saying, "Old bald-head, old bald-head, why didn't you go up like Elijah?" And in doing so, it angered that prophet. Maybe turning around, he had bald--No, maybe a hair on his head, turned around and looked; he knew it was right, the children was calling him bald-head, but it angered him. And he put a curse on those children in the name of the Lord. And two she bears come out of the woods and killed forty-two little innocent children. Now, anyone knows that's not the nature of the Holy Spirit, but it was an angered prophet, see. You have to be careful, examine every case.

2 Kings 2:23 And he went up from thence unto Bethel: and as he was going up by the way, there came forth little children out of the city, and mocked him, and said unto him, Go up, thou bald head; go up, thou bald head.

2 Kings 2:24 And he turned back, and looked on them, and cursed them in the name of the LORD. And there came forth two she bears out of the wood, and tare forty and two children of them.

8 Now, I wish just, watching the clock, so that we can be sure to get away in time. I want to read some Scripture found in the 18th chapter of I Kings. Elijah, one of the mightiest prophets of the day. The 18th chapter, and we'll begin at the 36th verse, when we find that Jehovah versus Baalim, where the true and false prophets came together. And there, the great warfare was on. And Elijah said, "Let's see who's God. Let the God that answers by fire be God." Now, listen what this--this reading of the Scripture:
And it came to pass at the time of the offering of the evening sacrifice, that Elijah the prophet came near, and said, LORD God of Abraham, Isaac, and of Israel, let it be known this day that Thou art God in Israel, and that I am Thy servant, and that I have done all these things at Thy word.
Hear me, O LORD, hear me, that this people may know that Thou art the LORD God, and that Thou hast turned their hearts back again.
Then the fire of the LORD fell, and consumed the burnt sacrifice, and the wood, and ... stones, and the dust, and licked up the water that was in the trench.
And when all the people saw it, they fell on their faces: and they said, The LORD, He is God; the LORD, He is God.

1 Kings 18:36 And it came to pass at the time of the offering of the evening sacrifice, that Elijah the prophet came near, and said, LORD God of Abraham, Isaac, and of Israel, let it be known this day that thou art God in Israel, and that I am thy servant, and that I have done all these things at thy word.

1 Kings 18:37 Hear me, O LORD, hear me, that this people may know that thou art the LORD God, and that thou hast turned their heart back again.

1 Kings 18:38 Then the fire of the LORD fell, and consumed the burnt sacrifice, and the wood, and the stones, and the dust, and licked up the water that was in the trench.

1 Kings 18:39 And when all the people saw it, they fell on their faces: and they said, The LORD, he is the God; the LORD, he is the God.

9 Shall we bow our heads.
Dear heavenly Father, "Faith cometh by hearing, hearing the Word of God." In the reading tonight, as we're reading it, Thou art here to listen. And our minds travel back to many hundred years ago when it was a controversy between Baalim, the god of the world, or the god of that age, and the true Jehovah God. And when Elijah, Thy prophet, was so discouraged, and set up on the mountain at Thy command... And then when the time came, when You showed him a vision of what was going to happen, for truly it is written here, "I have done all this," says Elijah, "at Thy Word." He saw what was going to happen; he knew it had to happen. And we're taught in the Scriptures that Elijah was not an immortal being; he was a man subject to like passions as we are, and he prayed earnestly.
And Father, we thank Thee tonight, for this marvelous gift of the Holy Spirit that's now in the church, moving. As it was in the days when Peter was on the housetop and saw the vision... When in John Mark's house, when he was in prison, the Angel came down and delivered him. Paul, preaching, said to the man that was crippled, "I perceive you have faith, Jesus Christ heals you, stand on your feet." The man was made whole. You see the vision that he had out there on the stormy sea that night, the Macedonian call. Agabus the prophet coming down from Jerusalem, catching Paul there where the four daughters of Philip had prophesied. And here come Agabus, a vindicated prophet, taking the girdle strings from around Paul, and bound his hands and said, "THUS SAITH THE LORD."

1 Kings 18:36 And it came to pass at the time of the offering of the evening sacrifice, that Elijah the prophet came near, and said, LORD God of Abraham, Isaac, and of Israel, let it be known this day that thou art God in Israel, and that I am thy servant, and that I have done all these things at thy word.

Acts 12:7 And, behold, the angel of the Lord came upon him, and a light shined in the prison: and he smote Peter on the side, and raised him up, saying, Arise up quickly. And his chains fell off from his hands.

Acts 14:8 And there sat a certain man at Lystra, impotent in his feet, being a cripple from his mother's womb, who never had walked:

Acts 14:9 The same heard Paul speak: who stedfastly beholding him, and perceiving that he had faith to be healed,

Acts 14:10 Said with a loud voice, Stand upright on thy feet. And he leaped and walked.

Acts 21:8 And the next day we that were of Paul's company departed, and came unto Caesarea: and we entered into the house of Philip the evangelist, which was one of the seven; and abode with him.

Acts 21:9 And the same man had four daughters, virgins, which did prophesy.

Acts 21:10 And as we tarried there many days, there came down from Judaea a certain prophet, named Agabus.

Acts 21:11 And when he was come unto us, he took Paul's girdle, and bound his own hands and feet, and said, Thus saith the Holy Ghost, So shall the Jews at Jerusalem bind the man that owneth this girdle, and shall deliver him into the hands of the Gentiles.

Romans 10:17 So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

James 5:17 Elias was a man subject to like passions as we are, and he prayed earnestly that it might not rain: and it rained not on the earth by the space of three years and six months.

10 O God, those brethren have gone on to glory, sealed their testimony in their life's blood. And here today, He's drawing again. You'll take Your man, but never Your Spirit. And here's Your Spirit living among us today, moving in and out among us. The great Gospel age, just a drawing to the end of the world... The fig tree putting forth its bud, to look down there in Jerusalem tonight and see that flag, the oldest flag in the world flying, the first time its been flown for twenty-five hundred years. Truly, the fig tree's putting forth its buds.
And now, we here in America, blessed with the Holy Spirit begin to fall in the last day, calling the people from the Gentiles for His name. How we thank Thee to be here in this church which represented this message for years and years. Founders, many of those sleeping out yonder in the dust of the earth, but one of these glorious day breaks, Jesus shall come and all sorrow will be banished and tears wiped away. Those immortal souls that's resting yonder in paradise will come forth like Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. We shall appear here on earth, and then be caught up together to meet the Lord in the air. It does not yet appear what kind of a body we'll have, but we'll have one like His, for we shall see Him as He is. No more healing service then. For we are living with the Sun of righteousness with healing in His wings. We shall abide under the shadows of His wings throughout ceaseless ages. Set down by the evergreen trees where the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations. Arms will be stacked; the smoke will dry up on the battlefield. There'll be no more wars or disappointments.

1 Thessalonians 4:17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.

1 John 3:2 Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is.

11 O Eternal God, let this meeting tonight be more than a healing service. Let it be a healing for the Body of Christ, bringing it together in one place in Christ Jesus that the great manifestation of the Holy Ghost could go out here and visit these sons of God. Inspire their lives till there would be such meetings take place across New York here and cause this great city to shake under the power of the Holy Spirit, the impact that might fall here. And grant it, Eternal God. We know these things work together for good to them that love You.
Now, O Lord God of heaven, as Elijah of old called for mercy, so I call tonight, and we all call together. Hear us Lord, and give us a memorial meeting tonight. Grant it, Lord, one that will be long remembered, because the blessed Holy Spirit will come down into our midst and will vindicate Jesus Christ present, by speaking the secret of the heart, healing the sick, the lame, the blind, the halt. May there be such a joy among these people. I know this street will be crowded here, after a bit like it was on the day of Pentecost, each one with joybells ring in their heart, the Holy Spirit enshrouding them, going forth with a new vision like they've never had before. Grant it, Lord Jesus, for we ask it in Your name and for Your glory. Amen.

12 He is so wonderful. No wonder the prophet just... He called Him the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace, the Counselor, then he said He's just wonderful. His heart just got so full of joy when he saw him he could only say, "He's wonderful."
Now, just a little testimony. I will pick up tonight in our journey overseas, as I left off last night with the healing of Mrs. Nightingale. I just wonder how much impact her testimony has in South Africa when we get there, such a noted person [unclear words]. She's the great granddaughter of the founder of the Red Cross, and a noted woman.
And now, ever since the hour, I believe, my feet's touched the foreign soil, the Holy Spirit never left me. It was constantly there, speaking, seeing things. We go downtown together, Ornskoldvik, and Brusenberg, and many of the places of Sweden and Finland. And no sooner than we get downtown, the Holy Spirit would come down and say, "Now..."

13 For instance, one day Brother Lindsay and I were setting there and some of us talking, and I said, "Brother Lindsay, on the road back we're going to see two ladies will come out dressed in black, and they'll walk out on this side of the street, and they're going to come over holding their hands out, like that. They want to know what's wrong with them." And I said, "We won't be able."
He said, "Is that?"
I said, "Yes, that'll happen just before we get in."
We'd been gone about twenty minutes and here come the ladies dressed in black. And we--I--he said, "Well, Brother Branham, that's certainly amazing."
I said, "Well, just in a little bit from now," I said, "there's going to be a man with a blue suit on, a white hat is going to come down the stairsteps to our left, is going to try to get me to go up and pray for his wife which is laying sick."

14 So we went up about three squares, and turned to the left, and started down, here come the man down in the blue suit on, a white hat, and wanted me to go up. And now except something materializes in front of you, it speaks here at the platform, it speaks wherever God desires it to speak; I have no control of it.
I remember, I spoke this before. I went over, right in this same pulpit I believe, that when I would... The first It came to me I was on a train. Just left my mothers house, was going to Miami, Florida, to have a meeting there in a tent. I was going to help out, there's back about three years ago, I guess, something like that. A minister was there holding tent meeting; I went to stay with him for two nights. And on the road down I had a vision of a little boy. Now, watch your Bible here, of a little boy that would be about eight years old, and the little boy would have a boyish, a little bobbed like hair and dressed very poorly. And his little... Was going to have an accident, and his little foot would be run through his sock. He had on, very odd dressed child. I said, "He'd be killed in an accident. And he will be laying by the side of the road dead when I find him. But the Lord God is going to give him his life back again." And I made that statement at the platform before about seven thousand people that night.

15 And the next night before I could get in, they wouldn't let me come in. I believe Brother Bosworth was there at the time; you remember the case. And so Brother Bosworth was amazed: I seen a man get throwed by a horse in the meeting that night, and he'd broken his arm. He was back over in the meeting, and I said, "There sits a man right back there now with a white shirt on." I said, "Stand up, sir, and stretch forth your arm, for Jesus Christ has healed you." And out went his arm [unclear words] he was healed. And Brother Bosworth was so amazed; I remember that was his first time, I believe, of ever seeing that like that.
So the--a little boy had got drowned about four or five years old, and the father wouldn't permit the undertaker to take him until... He'd been in the meeting the night before and thought that that was, might be his little son. So they met me out there, and he was screaming and going on. And so some of the ministers said, "We can't take him over there."
But I said, "Let's go over and look at the little boy, perhaps it is." And I said, "I think this little boy must have hit by an automobile, because he's so mashed up." But I said, "However, I'll be glad to go look at the little fellow."

16 We went back out into the big, some kind of park there, where some Duchess or something let them have the place to put the tent up. And so then I went back over there, and it was a little black-headed boy, very nicely dressed; he'd... I said, "No, that isn't the little lad, because this little boy's got brown hair, and he's kind of a good size boy, about eight or nine years old, pretty good boy." And I said, "This little boy isn't dressed, or he doesn't look like the child." And I said, "It's a rocky country with a lot of cedar trees." I said, "It isn't... and pines." I said, "It isn't this country; it isn't positionally laying. It just has to be exactly the way it's showed," see. And I said, "It isn't just exactly right."

17 Now, and that's the major and the real way that God wants to operate this. Now, this is just His permissive will, this way. It's just when I come here, and pray, and cry, and beg to Him before coming, until that is laying so close it forces me into it. And you see the vision, and it'll cut off.
But when it comes upon God's perfect will, it just moves down and some times I'm out for about two hours. Then He sends in different parts of the country and different places; that's just every time perfect. And here, It might call diseases and so forth, and it might see what's wrong with the people and maybe what's going to happen, but it takes constant pressing, or yielding to the Spirit to go into it. Then maybe you'll just drop in that and drop out, drop in, drop out. It'll cut off; you've noticed it like that. It'll go and speak for a few minutes; then drop out. If I keep on talking to the patient, it'll drop in again and maybe come out.
But when He takes me in there, I just stay in there till it's over. My wife, setting present now, knows sometimes you're out for maybe for two hours. Not a bit of breath, you can't... Your heart's beating, but no breath, see. It's when you become into another world.

18 Now, so I offered prayer for the little lad and went on. And then on my... We went on to services. We got to, up and Miss Florence Nightingale had been healed, and we went on into Finland, Helsinki, and went up to Kuopio that night. And we'd had about two services at Kuopio, or three. My, the place, the people, the Laplanders and all, they'd pack in there. And the Holy Spirit, the Angel of the Lord, as it would come down, It would move, there'd be an interpreter standing here, and it move out there upon the people and I'd say, "I see a woman stand up with a certain-certain thing, and what she's done, and where's she's been, and so forth, like that." I didn't even know their language.
And then when it would drop out, the interpreter would speaking, I'd say, "It's that lady." She'd raise, screaming with her hands up like that, and people would just throw their crutches away, raise up out of their chairs, and... It was God to them. And they just worshipped right in with the Spirit and they received...

19 Why, one night they just piled up crutches and things to try to hold them around me for them to hold like this, they wanted to take a picture of it, some old canes, and clubs, and everything, that they'd been walking with.
Then I remember, I'd been fasting; it was just like tonight. Fridays is a fast day, has been for me for a long time. Then I was up on the--at Kuopio, up at the tower, I forget the name of the tower, and they were all up there singing. Oh, them poor little Finns. They're such a pathetic thing there; those Russians just beat them down and cursed them. And we went up there on a little old train, honest it was pathetic, and they burnt wood instead of coal.

20 And if you ladies here in New York had to dress the way those poor women do over there, it'd certainly take some of the prestige out of it. See them young ladies, big boots on, dresses that thick and everything. There's no foolishness about them. Everything, even their songs are in minor, everything there seems to--everything they get they have to trust God for it. And they're honest, and good, and sweet, and kind. And they see God moving like that, their hearts would just melt in them, and they just throw up their hands and holler, "Kiitos, Jesus," was "Thank You Jesus," like, you know, just with their, just scream out.
And I will never forget, it was in the tower, and they were singing, On Golgotha. There was an Englishman from England down there; he was drinking. When we went down, we led him to Christ. He got so stricken by the song. And we was trying to lead him to Christ. Then I said to the brethren that was with me, my manager; I said, "Something's fixing to happen." I could just tell; there was something, the Holy Spirit trying to condition. You see? Watch how far man and Himself can get away. I said, "Something's fixing to happen; I don't know what it is."

21 And after this vision of the little boy, I guess it's wrote in ten thousand Bibles right now. I told them; I said, "Write it in your Bible; find out if it isn't right. Somewhere that little boy is going to be raised." And I promised them there that night, and a few other places, "It'll be in the "Voice of Healing," their magazine, Brother Lindsay's magazine, when it comes out, "See if it doesn't happen and the boy isn't just that way. I don't know where it's going to be, but He prepared me and showed me a vision, not to worry when it comes, to walk out there."
Well, it was almost two years since the vision. Well, as I was coming down the hill, we noticed way ahead of us there was a crowd of people on the road. A car had struck two little boys. And there's not many cars in Finland; I imagine it was a thirty-five model Ford, probably sold for about twenty-five hundred dollars. And gasoline about a dollar and half a gallon, I suppose would be here. So without any money, you know how scarce. They go--their taxi cabs are horse driven.

22 And so, some of the brethren were coming down in cabs, we had the pictures of it all in Kodachrome color. And then when I looked down there, and a car, a model V-8, '35 model V-8, green, two door sedan, old shabby looking car... Two little boys was running across the road, coming from school, and they got there, and this car was driving terrific speed, about sixty or seventy miles an hour coming, and the little boys got excited, and one started one way and one the other. And the driver whirled his car like this to miss one little boy, and when he did he struck the one to the left, right by the chin and just picked him up and threw him against the side of the curb and slammed up against a tree and concussed his little brain. And the other one, it hit him right solid like that, run over him, mashed him up under the wheel. And the wheels were spinning so fast, and the driver lost control after he--like that. Well, he lost control and the car jumped up over some rocks and went way down through a field and wrecked down into a pile of rock down there.

23 And it run over the little boy, and the wheel was spinning so much, till it kicked his little body way up in the air like that, and he just slumped when he fell down. Well, they'd laid him out there, and he was dead; and they put the coats over him and things. And we come by, we couldn't get into the crowd, or cross the road, there was hundreds of people had gathered out there. And one of the chief men, I don't know, something like the mayor of the city or something, was there. And so as soon as I come up...
Mrs. Isaacson; she was American born Finnish woman who was giving the interpretation. Many of you might know Mrs. Isaacson, and there's someone who knows her. And, how many knows Mrs. Isaacson in here? Now see, that's very fine, several of you know her. Well, she was the interpreter at the meeting. And she was my... She wrote me a letter not long ago, said, "Here's your voice to Finland." A very fine lady...

24 And so, she said, "Brother Branham," said, "the crowd just now said, 'There's that miracle worker from America, let's see what he will do about this.'" See just how carnal the people's mind can get, like that.
So they'd went over there, and they'd come back crying, said... And Brother Lindsay went over, and I never seen the poor brother cry so in my life, as he come back, and just a weeping. And I said, "What's the matter, Brother Lindsay?"
Said, "Oh, Brother Branham," he said, "don't look at it." Said, "It's most pathetic thing; the little boy's just crushed to pieces."
He had a own little boy in America, and I had my own Billy Paul sitting here, and I, my little boy. I didn't want to look at him. Brother Moore come back crying. Mrs. Isaacson said, "You ought to see him, Brother Branham."

25 Well, I thought of them brothers and their children at home, and we've been over there quite a little bit, of course I was homesick. I love my family like any other man loves their family. I'm leaving right now the sweetest little thing, a little girl baby, six months old, and she's just gooing at me the other day, I tell you, my heart was pulled apart nearly. She won't know me when I get back, but God will fix some way for us; and He has. And my little Rebekah setting up there now, looking down at me. My, she won't even go to sleep at night, unless she's laying on my arm. And I'm a temperamental person, and I love my wife and family. And it's hard, but Jesus said, "Who will not forsake his own and follow after Me is not worthy to be called My disciple."
I don't have very much to offer Him; that's such a little sacrifice when I think of His great redeeming love. But I'm... All that I've got, I will happily give it to Him; that's all. But no matter what we'd ever do, I know we'd never be worthy to be called His disciple. But if I knock on the door that day when I leave this earth, if He will just let me in, I'll be well paid for.

Matthew 10:37 He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.

Matthew 10:38 And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me.

26 And I went over to look at the little fellow. And oh, my, I never seen such a sight, that poor little fellow there, his mouth open, his tongue hanging out, and his little eyes set back, and his little hands like that, and his foot pulled through that sock, and little pantywaist on, like we used to wear when we were little children. And his oh, his foot through that sock, poorly dressed, and there he laid there and his little mouth open. I took up his little pulse and it was gone. And I put my hand on his heart; it was gone. I said, "Poor little fellow."
I turned around and started weeping, turned away. And just like someone put his hand on me like that. I looked around to see who it was, and there was nobody standing there. I started to walk on, and I just couldn't make my steps. The Holy Spirit (You see?), It been warning me, that that shock was coming. You see? I'd have missed it altogether if it hadn't been a vision.

27 So then, I turned around; I looked back at that child again. I said, "Take that off his face." They took it off his face, and I said, "I seen that boy somewhere." I said, "Looks like I seen him." I said, "Ask..." We had about fifteen ministers with us. I said, "Sister Isaacson, ask those ministers if he belongs to their church."
She spoke to them in Finnish, "No."
I said, "Has he been in the prayer line?"
I said, "Something, I know I've--I miss seeing. That's the little boy, I've seen him somewhere." I said, "Looks like that I..." And just then, it begin to come to me. I seen that little funny haircut, them little brown eyes set, that poorly dressed, and that foot run through that sock; I said, "I know him." I said, "Brother Moore, look in your Bible, and Brother Lindsay."
Said, "What do you mean?"
I said, "Back there on the flyleaf." I said, "That's that little boy that I seen two years ago in that vision. See them rocky country there, them pine trees?"

28 Oh, my, all devils out of hell and all of his forces can't stop it then. The time's there; that's the spoken Word of God ready to come to pass. Nothing can stop it.
And they got the little boy, laid in the flat there, I said, "Now, you watch," I said, "this little boy will be alive again in a few minutes."
I knelt down; I said, "Heavenly Father, way over in the homelands in America, when You spoke to me one night in a vision, said, 'This little boy,' and here it is just exactly the way You said it. Then Lord, hear the prayer of Your servant." I said, "Death, in the name of the Lord Jesus, according to a vision He give me in America, give back the life to this boy."
The little boy raised up normal and well, just as normal as he could be, without a broken place on his body anywhere. I told that story right here in this--at this Tabernacle. How many remembers me saying that before I left here--before I left to go over there, that that would come to pass? See? And then it did.

29 I don't have time to finish it. One little incident just before I close, because it's getting late. I don't want to take too much of your time; I want to pray for you.
And after that got scattered, I tell you, the next night, two or three city blocks, you couldn't even get around the place for the people. They had the soldiers out there, when that was noised abroad. Tomorrow night I'll get the results of the other little boy that was taken to the hospital.
But this... I never forget that night when they was trying to take me into the line. Those Finns had seen God moving; that was all... Oh, they were just thrilled. I started in the line; there's some soldiers pushing me, two in front and two in the back, and the people standing there. They were just standing like that, and the tears just rolled down their cheeks when you'd pass by. Oh, my.

30 Oh, Christian American, I wonder some times. Then them standing there, some of them Russians that could cross the line; when you're born in Russia you can only go forty miles from your birthplace or you have a visa. And some of those Russians stand there; they'd stand there, and they'd see the glory of God. And the tears just roll down their cheeks like that, and they'd run to those Finns, and those Finns would put their arms around the Russians and hug one another.
There's the answer. Any power of Almighty God that'll let a Russian hug a Finn, or a Finn hug a Russian... See, they wasn't angry at one another; they didn't have to... They wasn't angry; they loved one another.
And Christ is the answer now. Let people quit their meanness and serve Christ. But they'll never do it, as long as this kingdoms are the kingdoms of Satan. They'll never be; they'll fight until Jesus comes. Don't you believe that?

31 What's the matter? Is the little boy, or child got sick or something up there, you're taking him out? I seen them leaving with the little boy; I thought maybe he'd gotten sick or something. All right.
Notice, going in that night, they were pushing me along and one of the people... I started through a little old room there, and the door of the ladies rest room opened. And a poor little Finn stepped out there, a little girl. I never seen such a looking sight. And she looked at me; she bowed her little head like that; I just stood still. And the soldier started to push me on; I shook my head "no," see. The other two went on, two in front of me, was going to open the door. And I knew she wanted to talk to me.

32 I looked at her, she had a big brace around her like this, a big metal brace. And one leg was shorter than the other, and it was limp, just hanging loose on the inside of her brace as it run down on a big high built shoe that had a place in the toe here that come up, a strap went over her shoulder and hooked in the back of this big brace. And when this leg was, here, when she would let her weight down, it would hit on this brace (You see?), and she had two crutches. And she'd set her crutches out like this; and she'd throw her little shoulder; and that would pull that limb out; and she'd make her step like that as she pulled out. She was just about this high. And the poor little dear, her little skirt ragged. And I found out later on she was a little war orphan; her mother and dad was killed in the war. And there she was in that condition.
And she looked at me, and she bowed her little head. She thought she'd done something wrong when she come out like that. And she looked up at me so pathetic and dropped her little head. I motioned to her.

33 And they give me some of that old money they had, and all--after they'd all get in the auditorium, I'd slip out and get that candy, you know, and give to them little kiddies. And I had a string of them as long--city block long following me.
And the little things, little girls, they'd pull their little skirts out like this and say, "Kiitos," Thank you, you know. "Kiitos" means "thank you." And they'd pull their little skirts out like that and thank me, you know, for the candy. And I'd go on down and see another bunch. I had a lot of that old money, you know, I just would give it all I could do. I just love little old kiddies anyhow, I wallow them.
And so then, I for--never forget this; she come over to me, putting her little crutches out like this, and she'd walk, and she'd put her little crutches out and walk again. And she got right up to where I was, like that. I just thought I'd just stand still and see what she was going to do. Child like, about ten, eleven years old. And she got up to where I was, and she picked up my coat like this, just put it in her little hand, raised it up and kissed me on the coat pocket, dropped it back down. I looked up at her, or she looked up at me, rather, and I looked down to her; and she had little blond hair and them little baby blue eyes. She looked up, and her little lips was quivering, the tears dropping off of her little cheeks. She pulled her little crutches out like this and caught her little skirt, she said, "Kiitos," "thank you for letting her..." Oh, my, looked like my heart was bigger than I was.
I looked out there, and I saw a vision of that child going walking away without her crutches [unclear words]. I said, "Darling, I can't make you understand me," I said, "you're healed, honey, Jesus makes you..." And that soldier kept pushing me on like that, you know. And I got on in; and they had our meeting.

34 And then I called out the bunch of prayer cards, and we was praying, and getting the people through the line. And after while, Howard, my brother, he come, said, "Time to leave."
And I said, "Well, let's call just four or five more."
And so then there been such a marvelous thing done; so many had been healed. And the--and God was sovereign. When I called for the next number in line, I heard something rattle, and she had the next prayer card, coming to the platform. Oh, what a feeling. There she come. And I said, "Sister Isaacson, come near, just quote my words now."
And so the little girl come up to me, just so happy, you know, I said, "Sweetheart, you're the little girl that met me out there in the hall."
And Mrs. Isaacson, of course, talking, you know, giving the interpretation. She... And she knew who it was. I said, "Jesus healed you, honey. Your respect for His Son out there, and for His servant, and for the Angel of the Lord," I said, "your deep reverence and respect healed you, honey." I said, "You're well. Now, you have some of them to go over there and take those braces off of you. And when you're taking that off, hold your hands on your hip disk, and as you pull the braces off, let your little hand slide just about the distance that your leg is short, come back and show me."

35 So I went on called the next one, and it was stand there, and the Angel of the Lord came down, was showing them what was wrong. And then, just about that time, I heard a noise, and I looked, and here she come running across the platform, the braces and crutches above her head, stomping her little feet, up the steps, and they all looked at her, and she went back down just as hard as she could go. Oh, I think
Amazing Grace! how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me!
I once was lost, but now am found,
I was blind, but now I see.
It was grace that taught my heart to fear,
It was grace my fears relieved;
How precious did that grace appear
The hour I first believed!

36 Let's bow our heads. Heavenly Father, some glorious day when life is finished, the last prayer meeting is held, the great day comes when the church rises in victory and triumph, goes up to meet the Lord in the air. And when we crown Him the King of kings and the Lord of lords, O God, I like to walk out on my little porch door somewhere up there, look coming up the road and see them, Lord, coming to set around the porch. We get each other by the hand and walk down by the Sea of Life; no hurry. There's no more prayer meeting; you don't have to rush from here to there. Cause over these thousands of dear people, Lord, that's received Thy grace and been healed.
Now, Father, as I think of that poor little ragged thing, walking the streets with her crutches, no doubt many time her little dirty hands wringing, and her eyes crying for a piece of bread. And here we throw plenty out in the garbage can that would take care of her. Oh have mercy, dear God. Some glorious day Jesus will come.

37 We're just about to go into the dark lands down yonder, beneath the earth, where them lepers will be setting at the gates, and poor little dark children living off of fat of animals, and whatever they can get. Help, dear Father.
And now, tonight here in this great mammoth city where the wealth of the world almost lays, towering buildings like great canyons, as you walk through the streets. But someday, up through the we'll see the Son of God walk out there and say, "Time shall be no more." Then the earthquake, and there won't be one stone left upon another. Oh, to think, Lord, that we'll go home, then it's all over, that glorious event.
But while we're here tonight, proclaiming, in our humble way, the best that we know how, the redeeming love of Christ who came from glory all the way down here, gave Himself, an innocent substitute for we guilty sinners... And His blood tonight pleads for our sins, "Father, forgive them; they know not what they do."

Luke 23:34 Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do. And they parted his raiment, and cast lots.

38 Lord, look tonight upon this sick bunch of people, some of them are here with cancer, heart trouble, and diseases that's going to kill them right away. They can't live, Lord, unless You help them. Doctors has give them up. O God, have mercy and heal them. Also there are the crippled setting here, they may live a normal lifetime, Lord, but they're prisoners. Help them to receive tonight, that they may be healed too.
And may that worst prisoner there is in the building, that sinner, far off, prisoner of [unclear words]. Like an eagle that would beat his wings till his weary eyes would fall back in the cage, he's captured. He's a heavenly bird, soars high in the air, and here he is caged up, looking up to the heavens, to where he once could be and be free. Then to see him fall back exhausted from beating his wings. That's a horrible sight, but, oh, what a much greater horrible sight it is to look down these streets tonight and see men and women who are created to be sons and daughters of God, to see them running into booze joints and honky-tonks, beating their head and wings against the bars, trying to find relief, when they ought to be soaring into heaven by the Holy Spirit. Oh, what prisoners, Lord. May something be done tonight that'll cause them to look up and say, "Lord Jesus, unlock this prison; let me spread forth my wings, fly away from this place." Grant it, Lord.

39 May every person in here that's bound by sense-bound existence, only trusting on what they can see, hear, taste, feel, or smell; may they fall away from that tonight, go up into the realms of the higher. And may this church literally rock with the power of God. [Gap in the audio.] Now, [Gap in the audio.] Send the Holy Spirit, may every Angel that You've ordained to be at this meeting tonight take His place now, standing by the sick and the afflicted, by the sinner, by the skeptic. Lord, send the Angel that stood by Thy servant, [Gap in the audio.] and proclaim these things that I've spoken to be true. That they'll know it don't come from a man, it comes from God. Hear me, Father, hear me. For I ask it in the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.

40 [Gap in the audio.] What He is, my friend, if He turns me down at that day and tells me, says, "William Branham, you can't come in." And if there is such a thing as having this, and I have to go away to the lower regions of the lost, I believe that that love that's anchored in my heart will live on, and I'll look up and say, "I love You, Lord Jesus," just the same. For if there was no heaven to go to, I'd still make my choice to serve the Lord Jesus. For even what remunerations there is here on earth from His blessings, I still long to serve Him.
I want everybody to be reverent; I want you enter right in now to the spiritual realm. I want you to believe, and pray, and hold with me now while I'm here. This is a church house; the meetings are to raise up into a place now to where it be far beyond the other place. And you people up there, you pray, up there in that audience. Believe God; believe that God will move up into them balconies up there tonight, and back in there, and down through this a way, over the audience everywhere, and just enshroud this building. I believe He will do it; I believe He will.

41 Now, here He's more willing to do it, than you are to receive it, see. Could you imagine Brother Bosworth expressing to this ocean out here piled up in one tube about two foot high, or two foot across? What a pressure there would be trying to find one little crevice to leak through. Now, divide that by ten thousand times, and you'll find the pressure of the Holy Spirit, trying to find that little crevice in the heart, that true faith can leak into there and to heal you. How to glorify the Father for the death of the Son of God...
[Gap in the audio.] and I'll give you [unclear words] [ Blank spot on tape.] And don't just--don't say it, mean it (See?), and then start praying. Now, that's your testimony. Then start praying until the appropriated faith has entered your heart. And when your--when the faith has entered into your heart, then God will pull me from here to you. And if I told you out there, your conditions, and what was wrong with you, and what God had done, and what He would do, would you believe it? You'd have to if it was the truth, wouldn't you?

42 Then if the Holy Spirit come down and told me to tell you... Well if I say, "Go on your road, the Lord bless you." I don't know what will happen, there's nothing happened. But when I speak to you saying, "The Lord Jesus hath now, 'Thus saith the Lord,' made you whole; you're healed." I don't care what condition you've been in, watch what happens then. And whatever you're told to do, go do it, no matter what it is, you go do it.
Here a few days ago, a lady was told, she was in a dying condition, and horrible at that. And so she was... I said, "Now, you go," and told her what had happen; she was quivering; and she said, "Yes, yes, sir; yes, yes, sir."
I said, "Look, now at about three days from now, you're going to be crossing the street, and a little newsboy is going to hit you and almost knock you down. You're going to be very provoked at it at first. And you're going to turn around excited, and you'll look up, and there's going to be a big clock in a tower striking twelve o'clock." I said, "When that happens, you know I've told you the truth and your cancer... You're going to have some time with it, but you're going to get well."
And it was just exactly that way, see. The woman's well on her road to recovery now. Doctor can find no more of the cancer [unclear words]. So now, now, be reverent.

43 Now, I can do nothing in myself, but it's what the Holy Spirit speaks, that can I do. How many understands that now? That can I do when the Holy Spirit says do it.
Now, if the organist, pianist, or the organ, or whatever you wish, either one, I want you softly, if you can, that glorious song, "Only Believe."
Paul Rader wrote that song. Not long ago in California when he was going home to meet Jesus, he called for his brother, Luke, he said, "Luke, we've been through many a tough fight together," but said, "parting time is near at hand, Luke." He said, "But think of it, in five minutes from now, I'll be standing in the presence of Jesus Christ clothed in His righteousness." Closed his eyes and went out to meet Him. That's the way I want to go. Let me die with the harness on me. Yes, sir. I want to go like one of the brethren of old, one of the gallant heroes of God, and die preaching the Gospel. I believe it; I've lived by it; I want to die by it. God be blessed now while we bow our head.

44 Dear Father, come near, I pray Thee. Help Thou Thy humble servant at this time, that I might know Thy divine will and might be able to comfort Thy people. And may the Angel of God, who met me that night in the room... Lord, He's never said His name, but You know who it was, He claimed He was sent from You. And now may He come near and minister to these people through Your humble servant. For I ask it in the name of Thy Son Jesus. Amen.
I'm just a little late; I always like to close a service by ten if possible. Now, if you be real reverent now, everybody be talking to God, praying, believing with all your heart, God will bring it to pass. Don't you believe that? Now, just reverently while I'm speaking with the sister. 'Course first, you've got to contact her spirit, see. She is a spirit; I am a spirit. Then we've got to contact each other. I want you back in here to believe with all your heart.

45 Mother, this is sure a lovely tabernacle, isn't it? She's just a little bit nervous. You see? I just want to talk to you just a moment. Don't be excited. Now, we are strangers. I don't know you. I don't believe I ever seen you in all my life. But we're strangers, and we're here trying to... I am trying to be God's servant, to do something with the gift of God that would help you to believe God. You understand that? Yes, you do. And if I can do that by God's divine gift, I will feel then that much has been accomplished.
Now, you're suffering, or sick. And 'course Jesus healed you back nineteen hundred years ago. But it'll have to be something to quicken your faith to bring you up into that place to where you can accept it. Now, many read on the Bible here and say, "Yes, the Lord said this." Now, that's the Word of the Lord, isn't it? That's the Word of the Lord. Now, that is to the Master's multitude. It's God's Word, and we must believe that, because it is God's Word. Then that's to the multitudes.

46 Now, then if He should take me as His servant. And now, He never spoke this directly to you, but it's just the same as directly to you. But He never said, "Mrs. So-and-so at a certain age and a certain time [unclear words]." But then, He has a prophetic gift that He sent into to His church in these last days to stimulate the faith of the people. Then if He should speak through me, that would be secondarily, but it would be His Word just the same. Now, to doubt this written Word would be sin, and to doubt His spoken Word would be sin, see.
Now, you must be prepared, and all you in the prayer line, to believe. And if you do not believe, I'd just step out of the line, because, be assure, you'd be worse off than you ever was in all your life. See? For He said, "Go and what no more?" That's disbelieve. Unbelief is sin, "Go and sin no more, lest a worst thing come upon you." He wasn't talking about some immoral act; He was talking about your unbelief. He that believeth not is condemned already. See? It's your unbelief is what condemns you. God don't send you to hell because you're a sinner; He sends you to hell because you reject your provision that's made for heaven. See? You just reject that... You don't have to do a thing to go to hell. Only thing you do is just reject Jesus, just fail to believe His Word, that's all you have to do. See, Satan's always put a question mark across that. But that is "Thus saith the Lord."

John 3:18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.

John 5:14 Afterward Jesus findeth him in the temple, and said unto him, Behold, thou art made whole: sin no more, lest a worse thing come unto thee.

47 There's... I guess you wonder why I'm stalling, see. I could feel that impact of faith moving. Just be reverent, as it's getting near me. Now, the Angel of the Lord is coming near this platform right now; I can feel it moving down. It's coming from this side here, right this a way, right down this a way. Now, be reverent. I trust that before the services are closed He will appear visibly.
Now, He will before certain people. Sometimes it's before masses and multitudes, but you remember, the wise men, what did they see when ... and they followed to Jesus? Nobody else saw it. It passed right over the observatory, every planetarium, is that right? And every city had a planetarium. They kept time by the stars, is that right? And isn't it strange that them wise men went right through city after city, city after city, following a star that even the stargazers and the men in the planetarium in telling the time and things, never saw nothing of it? They were looking for it; that's where it's at. You get what you expect.

48 Now, little mother, I just want to speak to you just a second now again. You're aware that something's going on; that's just the anointing (See?) that's just moving along. Now, this audience, that they might see... And a woman of your age would have no right to say anything wrong but what would be true. Now, there's a feeling that's moving to you now, warm, welcome, sweet [unclear words] isn't that right? If it is raise up your hand? Now, see, the Angel of the Lord is at the platform now. And your faith is begin to pull Him this a way. That's a little bit hard, because the audience feels this impact, setting right against me this way, moving down with faith up there, and moving (You see?), which is causing a little interference; but that's all right. See, it's just like a radio dial; it's just everywhere, that...
You are--you're suffering with some kind of a... It's in the lower organs. I see an examination of something going on there. It's in the bladder, isn't it? It's the bladder. It's a--it's a cancer, mother, on the bladder. You have other ailments too, don't you? Heart trouble and... Isn't that right? Smother a whole lot. I see you trying to get your breath, catching like, but you do that much, don't you? Wearing kind of a light checkered looking dress when you was doing that [unclear words]. All right.

49 You--you're a stranger here, be--you're not from this place, are you? You come from Pennsylvania, didn't you? Uh-huh, uh-huh. A little city, lot of trees and things around. Isn't that true? Mother, come here just a moment.
Dear heavenly Father, I pray Thee to be merciful to our dear sister, to heal her of this hideous demon that's trying to take her life. May it leave her and never return. And may this great pressure against her poor heart... Grant, Lord, that she'll have many more happy days.
Satan, in the name of Jesus Christ the Son of God, come out from the woman. We curse thee as Christian believers, in the name of the Lord Jesus, that you depart from this woman, go into outer darkness, and bother her no more.
Now, just a moment. Yes, mother dear, it has left you now. You go back to Pennsylvania and you rejoice. I see a another in the city you're from begins, starts with a P too, doesn't it? Now [unclear words] can go now and [unclear words] healed. God bless you.
Let us say, "Praise be to God" through our Lord Jesus Christ, who gives us the victory now. We have now... There is therefore, now no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus, who have believed this report, and we are in Christ Jesus, and therefore there's no condemnation. God is working. All right, everyone real reverent.

Romans 8:1 There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.

50 And, yes, the man sets, sitting there in a chair. Everyone bow your head. Almighty God, Author of Life, Giver of every good gift, send Thy blessings upon this our brother. Satan done this evil to him, and wanting to cause him to be hurt. But Thou art here Lord, to make him every whit whole. Grant, Lord, that this spirit that binds him, may it leave him, may it come out. Give Thy servant faith over him.
Thou demon of deafness, that's deafening the ears of this man, I come in the challenge of faith in the name of Jesus Christ; you can't hold this man any longer, come out of him in the name of the Lord Jesus.
Can you hear me? Can you hear me now? Can you hear me now? Now, brother, you're perfect. All right, raise your heads. The man's perfect. Do you hear me? [The man says, "Yes."] Say, "Amen." ["Amen."] I love Jesus. ["I love Jesus."] Glory to God. ["Glory to God."] Now, what, I say--whisper, then you say it out loud. Amen, amen. You say it out loud what I whisper to you. [The brother repeats everything Brother Branham says.] Amen. Praise the Lord. I love Jesus. Praise the Lord. Jesus loves me.
He does that [unclear words].
Let's say, "Praise the Lord," like this, everybody give God praise.

51 The Bible said, "And all the people give glory to God." Marvelous, the man's in perfect condition, perfectly. Many times you notice in deaf people, it's a challenge. They can't hear, and you have to it with predominating faith, go in there. See, you enter into another line of... Well, there's no need of trying to explain it, because you can't do it. You see? It's in a flow, another world. Just believe; that's all. Have faith in God; God will grant it to you.
All right, come, lady. Everyone real reverent. Look here: what's causes deafness? See? There's several things can do it. But you know, if you go to the doctor, and he'd examine your ears, he'd say, "Now, here, the," for instance, he says, "the nerve in the eardrum is dead."
"Well, doctor, what killed the nerve?"
"I don't know. The only thing I know is what I can see. But I know the nerve itself is dead in the eardrum."
"Well, what killed the nerve?"
"I don't know."

52 Why didn't it kill it all over its body. Like if there a transparent band around my hand and you couldn't see it, my hand would turn black and blue and swell up. Well, the doctor might come and say, "Now, the circulation stopped in here."
"Well, what stopped it?"
If it's transparent and can't see it, it's, "I don't know." He can't feel it. That's the only thing that anyone can work on, is what you can see or feel, of some of the senses will declare. Well, now, here's what it is: It's the devil. Now, Jesus said it was. And you believe Him? Speaking in the Bible terms, He said, "When the deaf spirit come out of the man, he could hear." The deaf spirit... And if the doctor can't tell why that nerve is dead, why, it's a demon setting there, it's cut off the hearing of that ear.
Now, if I wanted my hand to receive life again, is to loose this transparent band here, circulation. If nature's not hindered, why, it'll function all right. Is that right? Well, that transparent band has got everything cut off and so nature can't function. Move the band, it won't... Might not be well right then, but it'll get well; give it a chance. And if the devil is gone out, the man can hear. That nerve becomes active again, see. And the Bible said it was a spirit. When the deaf and dumb spirit went out of the man, he could speak and hear. Is that right? All right.

Mark 9:25 When Jesus saw that the people came running together, he rebuked the foul spirit, saying unto him, Thou dumb and deaf spirit, I charge thee, come out of him, and enter no more into him.

Mark 9:26 And the spirit cried, and rent him sore, and came out of him: and he was as one dead; insomuch that many said, He is dead.

53 How do you do, sister? Now, I want... Which one of these is tape, this? This one? All right. Sorry I didn't see you, as I was talking. And I didn't know that you was the one to come up. Now, we are strangers also, aren't we? I do not know you. But you're a little excited just now. I'm not reading your mind, but there's, everything's running through you; you're wondering. Now, you're Christian. But now, I want you just to try to be just as, just looking, just try to let every nerve settle; for I am here by God's grace to help you to get well.
And, of course, I see you're wearing glasses, and that's one thing that's wrong with you. 'Course the audience sees you got glasses on. But they in just a few moments maybe the Holy Spirit will speak to me and tell me something concerning you. And I'll talk to you just a little while, perhaps maybe in talking to people...
Now, you can't with everyone, because it's something that breaks through. I mentioned glasses just a few moments ago, and I felt that. You know, even a little thing like that, the Holy Spirit so sensitive, it'll move back. There's something there that's wrong though; I can see that now. But I can't tell just what it is. And but God does know what it is.

54 And now He is able to reveal it to me, if He will. And then if I talk to you a little while and just kind of catch the feeling of your spirit, then whatever's wrong, God will show me what is wrong. And you believe that don't you, sister? Yes. Your trouble is in your stomach. Isn't that right? Yes, sir. It's a stomach trouble that's bothering you. And I see a lump; oh, it's a tumor. Say, that tumor's in your stomach; that's where the trouble's at. It's a tumor in the stomach. Is that true? Yes, sir.
Say, don't you have a, some kind of a diabetic condition too [unclear words]. That's right, you do. Say, I see you some time ago you were healed of the blood disease. And I seen that blood change back. I see a big meeting; you were rejoicing, happy. You were at a meeting where there was many people; I see lot's of people, but it must have been years ago, you look younger in there. It was the night you received the Holy Ghost. You're... Sometime ago. Is that true? All right, then you may go off the platform now well. Jesus Christ makes you [unclear words] whole.
Everyone say, "Praise the Lord." I appreciate that, audience when it goes in; I couldn't tell what it was; the people were screaming and going on in the meeting. If the audience would be reverent just at that time you can hear what they're talking about. You see?

55 Now, the lady is going to get well. She's going to be all right. She's going to be sick after a bit. In about seventy-two hours she'll get awfully sick, maybe vomit awhile. But don't worry; she'll vomit up that growth that's in her stomach, and she'll be all right. just have faith now.
What do you think up there in the audience, do you believe that with all your heart. All of you having faith? All right. Just don't fear, only believe, and God will bring it to pass. Whatever you desire in your heart, believe. When you pray, believe you receive it, and you shall have it. Is that what Jesus said? "Whatsoever things you desire, when you pray, believe you receive it, and you shall have it."
You believe it up here? Well, all right. Come, lady. [Gap in the audio.]

Mark 11:24 Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.

56 [unclear words]. He is the Lily of the Valley, the Morning Star, the Root and Offspring of David. See, He's both the Root and Offspring of David (See?), He that was, which is, and shall come, the Alpha, Omega (that's A and Z), beginning and the end, He that was dead and is alive forever more. He's just got so many titles till we just call Him Jesus, shouldn't we. That's all He is. And He is the Son of God. And He died one day for you and I and the sins of this world. And His blood was shed on Calvary.
And that holy, unadulterated blood... Mary knew nothing about any man. God, Jehovah moved over Mary and created a Blood cell in her womb, that brought forth the Son of God. You believe that? Then He shed that blood, which every baby is the blood of its father, not of its mother, of its father. The blood cell comes from the male sex. And that had to be in that case, because God is the Father of Jesus Christ, and His blood is holy, unadulterated blood, and He offered back to God in the place of our sinful blood. Born in sin by our confession, God transformed all of our sins on Him, and He paid the price, and we're free. Isn't that wonderful?
And to think, just as sure as God raised Him out of the grave, setting at His right hand tonight, making intercessions upon our confessions, that same God has promised. He swore by this covenant, that we that are in Christ Jesus, born into that body, shall come forth in that body [unclear words] to be His bride.
And as God taken from Adam a rib and made Eve out of it, He taken from the side of Christ and made the church out of it. And we together will walk in the paradise of God someday. Won't that be wonderful? And you won't have stomach trouble there, and you haven't got it any more now. Go eat what you want you; you had ulcers in the stomach, and they're gone. Eat anything you want to, mother, your faith has made you well. Let's say, "Praise the Lord."

Romans 8:34 Who is he that condemneth? It is Christ that died, yea rather, that is risen again, who is even at the right hand of God, who also maketh intercession for us.

57 All right, come. Oh, what a glorious feeling, moving from that audience now, such a marvelous faith. Looks like that just anything could happen. Just looky here, friends, how would we have to have a few dozen come up here in the prayer line? It shouldn't be. If one person, if it's proven to be the truth, then that settles it. And now, God wouldn't let me tell you part truth and not the rest of it truth. He wouldn't stand for that. God is all truth.
And remember, I tell you; the same God that's here, revealing this, this is by a spiritual gift that He has given to me to vindicate His Presence with you all. And just as He is willing to heal here, He's willing to... That's His attitude toward every one of you, every one of you. He's just as willing... He never died just for this person, or that person, or that person, He died for all of you. Praise be to God. He died to make all of you well.
And in His attitude is just as dear to you, isn't just the same to you, He loves you just as much as He does that colored sister that was just healed just now of the stomach trouble. He loves you just as much as He did Congressman Upshaw, there that had been crippled for sixty-six years in the field. He loves you just as much as Florence Nightingale who on that cancer over her stomach, and was gone to probably thirty pounds of weight, or thirty-five. And now weighs one hundred and fifty-five or sixty pounds. His attitude towards you with cancer is just the same as her.
If God can heal one person here with cancer, He can heal every one of you with cancer. And He has healed every one of you that's got cancer. The only thing you have to do is just accept it. And I am just His servant here in a vindication that He, through His grace, might come down on me, and speak through this channel, and to vindicate His Presence with you. He isn't dead. He isn't in the grave; neither is He on the cross. But He's with you, even in you, and will be until the end of the age. See? Now, that is true. "And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free" (See?), if you know the truth. Now, that is the truth, if I speak these things.

John 8:32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

58 Here stands a woman; I don't know you; I never seen you in my life, know nothing of you. Well, then, you just got a prayer card out there, and was called in the line and here you stand. Is that right? Now, if there's anything... If I can tell you what is the disease that you have in your body, then that ought to prove to this audience that it's the truth come from God. Is that right? Now, if looking this a way out in this audience, if God will reveal to me what's wrong with this lady here, will you believe it? And will you accept it? For you would know that He's the High Priest of your confession, that He's at the right-hand of Father to make intercession for anything that you confess He's done; it's all yours. The checkbook's in your hand. Everything that heaven owns is yours, you got a checkbook. The only thing you have to do is say, "I believe it; I'll sign my name to it; it's mine." Go right on out believing it, testifying of it, and you'll get well, see. Amen.

Romans 8:34 Who is he that condemneth? It is Christ that died, yea rather, that is risen again, who is even at the right hand of God, who also maketh intercession for us.

Hebrews 3:1 Wherefore, holy brethren, partakers of the heavenly calling, consider the Apostle and High Priest of our profession, Christ Jesus;

59 I say that once in a while to kindly make myself a little stronger so I can go longer.
All right, sister, if God will reveal to me what's wrong with you, and just tell me here... You know His presence is close enough to make you well. Is that right? All right, what about your kidney trouble you had? All right, go off the platform and be well now [unclear words]. Let's say, "Praise be to God." Now, believe, don't doubt.
Now, her only weakness there, is from the Holy Spirit standing there. You seen it how it was wrapping her up. That's the reason I know as soon as I looked at her again I knowed what was wrong with her, see. Because her faith was moving right in (You see?); I could feel it pulling from me. I was getting weaker and weaker. She was healed of that while she was standing here. You see? I knew what she had.
Do you believe? Up in the audience there, you believe? That's fine, God bless you. You out in here believe? Oh, how wonderful. And up in here? All right, that's wonderful, all right.

60 Now, here's another lady; I don't know her. But she's a Christian. And she has faith. She's a believer, and God can reveal to me what's wrong with the woman. If He can reveal what's wrong with this woman, He could reveal what's wrong with that woman, or that person, or this one here, or that one up there, or over here, wherever. Is that right? It's wherever you set your mind and watch, it would take place. You believe that? Then have faith.
Look here, sister; you believe me as God's prophet? You do? What if I told you that tumor would pass from you, would you believe it? All right, go, and believe it, and you shall receive it [unclear words]. Let's say, "Praise be to God."
Now, you don't have to have a prayer card; the only thing you have to have is faith. You believe that, mother? With all your heart? You had heart trouble, didn't you? All right, stand on your feet, Jesus Christ has healed back by standing (That's right.), the lady with the black hat. That's right. Receive your healing, sister, and it's over now, you can go. Go home, be well. Thank you. Amen. Have faith in God.

61 Oh, how I love Him, oh, how wonderful. I wish you could feel that glorious feeling here. Not only is the Angel of the Lord here tonight, but the Holy Spirit's here. For the Angel of Lord, it seems to me is kind of settle. But the Holy Spirit makes the people rejoice and happy (You see?), and that's what does it. Oh, how wonderful. His ways are past finding out, aren't they? He lives, He lives, I know He lives. He lives within my heart.
How do you do, sister? You're type of person that's once believing, you believe. Kind of hard for you to see it. You do a lot of worrying about things, cross bridges before you get to them, build castles that never come to pass; because that's your nature. But if you will believe me as God's prophet, you do? All right, the diabetes will leave you and you can go home and be well. Can you believe that? Go ahead, and you have believed; you can receive. God bless you in the name of the Lord. Let's say, "Praise be to God."

62 Now, before I look at this woman I can tell there's something tearing at her right now. That woman's got something seriously wrong. How do you do, sister? What'd I tell you? It's death. Now, watch. I'm not sure, just a moment. Cancer too. Now, everyone reverent and bow your head.
Almighty God, Author of Life, Giver of every good gift, send Thy blessings upon this poor mortal, knowing that she can't stay here much longer unless You help her. Free her, Lord, give her her days of freedom yet, that she dies not. But may the Spirit of God come upon her, and help her, and bless her.
Satan, in the name of the Lord Jesus, I ask that you come from this woman, come out of her, I adjure thee to go in the name of Jesus Christ, come out of her.

63 Hear me now? You're all right now? There you are. You okay now? Now, you had cancer too, didn't you? You're go off the platform rejoicing and be made well; you had your hearing and your healing, go.
Let's give God praise, everybody, let's give God praise.
The woman had been under surgery, and everything came that, but it's... But if she'll just only has faith now, it'll leave her and be gone. It's gone now, just keep her away from unbelievers and things. Doctors has told her there's no hope at all; they give her up. Oh, she was deaf, but now she hears. Oh, my. Just as sure as the deaf spirit went from her, the cancer life went from her, and she's going to live. Because Christ lives in her place to make intercession for her at the right-hand of the Father, God Almighty.

64 All right, come, lady. Believest thou this, with all your heart? There's where your trouble's at, was in your heart;, you had heart trouble. Is that right? I want you to put your hand on mine; I want you to say, "Lord Jesus, I accept You as my Healer for heart trouble right now." In the name of Jesus Christ receive your blessing. Now, go back home in Georgia and say, "Praise the Lord."
Say, sir, you had the same thing, didn't you? Yes, sir. Go on off the platform, you got well standing there [unclear words].
Let's say, "Praise the Lord." God is here; He's omnipotent, the Healer of every disease, the Alpha, Omega, the beginning and the end.
Every once in a while I keep seeing the Spirit of God hanging over a lady over there with a red dress on, setting right down there. I don't know what it is, but there's--she's either been blessed, or healed, or something; it's the lady setting there with the red dress on. It keeps moving out, and it hangs over her. I don't know what it is. All right. Are you a Christian, lady? [Someone says, "She was healed in one of the previous meetings, night before last."] Oh, was you... You been healed? Well, that's what it is. Amen.

65 I don't remember, these things. They tell me what happens in the meetings. It seems to me like I dreamed it or something. And right now, if this audience could only know how I felt; my hands feel a bit larger, my lips feel thick. And when that Spirit comes down, I just have to listen to myself to see what I'm saying. It isn't... He just takes a hold of the subject. You see? It does the talking, not me; I have nothing to do with it. All right, be reverent everyone. Believe with all your heart, God will bring it to pass, always.
How do you do, sister? My, I believe you're a nice little mother. You have a wonderful feeling to your spirit, moving, seems to be so welcome. If--it's been suffering for quite a bit though. Had an old trouble that's bothered you a long time. You know what I'm speaking of. And you've also got a tumor; you been bothered with heart trouble. But Jesus makes you whole right where you stand. You're expecting of it, is what does the work for you. You're healed, go on off the platform rejoicing. Just a little still faith, just enough to... She was under a kind of a influence; she'd didn't know what was taking place all at once, but that's the reason I didn't talk to her no more than what I did. There's lot's more to her life, but I'm sure she understands.
Jesus told the woman at the well... Just let's give God praise, she's just coming out of it now, to know what's all of it... Let's say, "Praise the Lord." How wonderful. All right, everybody reverent.

66 And come, sister. Good evening. He's certainly wonderful, isn't He? To think that He would come down here and do these things for us, and bring Himself present. See, I can do nothing of myself. I'm just His servant, see. And if I would say that I would do that, I'd be telling something wasn't true. For I cannot do that; I have no control of it. I do not control it; It controls me, see. It's the One who leads me and tells me.
Now, we are strangers, I believe. All through your life you've had a hunger, haven't you? And now, here in these days that you're coming to now... Yes, I see something coming before me; it's a... Oh, yes. you have a stomach trouble, don't you? Isn't that right? You've never served God like you wanted to; you've never entered into that place that you've hungered and thirst for. Isn't that right? Right. Do you want to receive Him? May the Lord Jesus heal you and fill you with His Spirit until your heart is bubbling over with His grace. In the name of Jesus Christ I ask it. Amen. Go now and receive, sister, in the name of Jesus Christ.
Let's say, "Praise the Lord." Have faith in God. It's such a pull, a blast right out through here. Now, I honestly, my dear brother, sister, if you would just enter into that other dimension now, enter that realm... Just don't think about what, how sick you are; if you'll just move on up in here to God, where you can touch Him, something's going to happen in a few minutes, if you'll just get up there (See?), and believe now, have faith. Believe with all your hearts. God is here to bring it to pass.

67 There's somebody right in there keeps pulling on something, right in that way. I can't place where it's at, but my attention just keeps pulling up into that sphere right up in there. It's somebody praying. There's so much between me; I can't locate who you are. Have faith.
Now, when I said that, it changes and comes over on this side. Here it is pulling from here. Believe. Do you? What if the Holy Spirit was here to just tell you what was wrong with you, mother, would you believe it? All right. Your heart trouble's gone. Your female's gone. And you can go [unclear words]. Let's say, "Praise be to God."
Just child-like simplicity. Look, live, and believe.

68 Just have faith now. Believe that God is, and a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. You believe that? With all your heart? All right. Oh, I see right now, it's in her ears; she's--deaf spirit on her.
Almighty God, Author of life and Giver of every good gift, send Thy blessings upon this woman and heal her. Thou art here, Lord, and this devil knows that his time has come. To this woman entering into this sphere of faith here, he knows that he's got to lose; he can't hold her any longer. Thou, deaf spirit, come out of her. In the name of Jesus Christ I charge thee to leave the woman.
Can you hear me? Do you hear me? This was in the ear that's been deaf all that time. Do you hear me? Say, "Amen." [The sister repeats.] I love the Lord. Praise the Lord. Jesus loves me. Amen. You are healed, sister, go on your road and rejoice.
Let's say, "Praise be to God." How marvelous. Have faith.

69 You with your hand up, what do you think about Him? You want me to say something to you, didn't you? I'm not reading your mind. You believe me as His prophet? There's something wrong with you. Been wrong a long time, hasn't it? You got migraine headaches. Isn't that right? Stand up on your feet and receive your healing in the name of the Lord Jesus.
Let's say, "Praise be to God." Have faith in God. Don't doubt. Only believe.
What are you setting there, colored lady, with your hand up? Do you believe I am God's prophet, that He sent me to help you? Do you believe that I will be able by God to know what's wrong with you? You've had a misunderstood life, haven't you? Many times, many heartaches and trials you've went through. I see something, dark streak hanging down a long road behind you. But you've changed now, you're suffering with a stomach trouble, aren't you? Isn't that right? Stand up on your feet and receive your healing in the name of the Lord Jesus and be made well.
Let's say, "Praise be to God."
Way back there, setting there with that yellow looking... Yes, you kept looking this way so sincerely. You were praying a few moments ago; I noticed you. I felt something pull me. I don't know what's wrong with you yet, but God is able to reveal to me and tell me what is wrong with you. Do you believe that? Would you stand up just a minute? So you get a [unclear words]. The lady's trying to pull. Just a moment till I can get you just above the rest. Do you believe me as His prophet? You believe that what I said is the truth? Your faith, you believe in God the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit? You believe in that? And you believe in me as His prophet, is that right? It's a blood condition; you're anemia. Is that right? Raise up your hand; receive your healing in the name of the Lord Jesus. Amen. Let's praise God.

70 There sets another lady setting by you there, with a pink looking hat on, setting there praying. You believe, lady? You do? You believe me to be His prophet? You accept it the same way, you believe that I'll be able to tell you what's wrong with you, and you'll believe the Presence of God is here and my testimony that Jesus Christ healed you nineteen hundred years ago, is made visible to you now, do you believe that? [Gap in the audio.] Nervous condition, isn't that right? You think you're losing your mind and everything. See? You just... The devil beating you around the stump every way, is that right? Go home in the name of the Lord Jesus and receive your healing for He has made you well.
Let's say, "Praise be to God." You believe Him?
Here sets a poor woman setting here, her hands wiggling around in the air, a young looking girl. Yes, there's something strange about that woman. I feel now a real strange spirit moving from her. It's right down here by this end; it's a young looking woman. It's something that's beating me right now, just as hard; it's like a dark breath coming this way. It's horrible looking. Oh, it's a epilepsy. This lady sitting on the end here is a sufferer of epilepsy. Is that right, lady? If it is, stand up on your feet. The Lord Jesus Christ bless you, lady, and take those things from you.

71 Hallelujah, you believe? Lady, you believe? All right, you can go home and not have ulcer any more, you can go home, be made well in the name of Jesus.
Do you believe out there? All right, here He is, do you want [Gap in the audio.] ... on your feet then, put your hands on one another, that polio victim, that you... Now, receive your healing.
Almighty God, in the name of Your Son, Jesus, may the Spirit of God fall just now and heal every person in this building, in the name of Jesus Christ. Come out, Satan.

At Thy Word, Lord (1954-02-21) (William M. Branham Sermons)

At Thy Word, Lord (1954-02-21) (William M. Branham Sermons) somebody

At Thy Word, Lord

1 ... to be here this afternoon, to greet you all in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and His great love and mercy to us. We're very... [Gap in the audio] be a blessing to every one of you, is my sincere prayer.
Now, I want to say that this has been one of the nicest little meetings I ever had in my life. That's right. And I am so thrilled to get to be here, and trust that by God's grace and mercy, I get to be back again to be with you all sometime. And I have never in my life worked with any nicer group of people, in serving our Lord Jesus Christ, preaching the Gospel, and believing for the things that He promised to give us. And it's been wonderful. Your faith should come abroad to all nations for such wonderful faith. And I'm believing that you're just starting, maybe here perhaps, a great revival, a great meeting.
This should never die, and you're just... With all the unity among you people you should never let this drop; you should just keep going, just keep on moving on. Don't get tired. If you feel a little slack, just keep moving, anyhow. Just go right on, anyhow. Believe it, just keep moving right along, believing God, and I'm sure God will bless you.

2 Now, I want to say to ever who let us have the building here, this school, we certainly are very thankful for the privilege that we have serving God here in this school. May it produce many, many students that will do great things for the education and the benefit of the nation and the kingdom of God. I trust that it will.
And you young folks here, we're glad you won your ballgame the other night. So, we're very happy for that.
And, so we are... I'm grateful for this bunch of custodians. My son was just telling me (I don't get a chance to meet them), he says one of the nicest bunch of men, the custodians here in the building. And for these ushers ... my boy said, "Daddy, that's one of the nicest bunch of brethren that you've ever met." And I'm so happy for that.
And for all you people, every one of you, your faith, you've lent your faith and the time. Not one time have I had interruptions anywhere, just a solid bank of faith everywhere, see. That very seldom happens like that. Usually you could feel, maybe from here, come a lot of criticism, or hear something like that, or somebody indifferent, but it hasn't been so here; it's just been one lovely unity of faith. And I just kind of hate to leave this afternoon, I really do. Right when we begin to see the nice ... everybody ready and the Spirit of God moving among them, then have to leave. That's the trouble with having an itinerary.

3 Last but not least, it's for this wonderful bunch of ministers here. I tell you, they're really to be praised among you people to have good pastors like that. This little Brother Brewer here, the chairman of this committee, he has labored faithfully and hard. And that little fellow has been on my coat for the last two or three years. I just... There's no need of saying "no," because if I said, "no," one time, he was there the next time, to see if I would say, "yes."
I don't mean it quite this way, but there was an unjust judge one time, you know. He said, "Well..." It wasn't that way just to get rid of him, because that he was such a fine little brother, and always patient, no matter if you had to say, "no."
"That's all right." Just little bunch of nerves like, you know, he'd be right back the next meeting, "Well, what about it now, Brother Branham?" And he went on down through, all around over the country, plumb down into Florida, following along to hear the meetings. So, God bless Brother Brewer. And these ministers, I never got the opportunity to shake their hand till just now. I just walked down the line shaking hands with a bunch of men who stood behind me like that. I feel guilty, I really do.

4 And I want to, while their having their big convention this summer, and if I can, to get at least one or two nights in with those brethren, so we can set across the table from one another and talk. I just love to do it.
And coming from the different places, I find letters coming in, and some of the nicest letters that I've ever got in my life. People just asking God's blessings on you and so forth, and then so nice from this congregation, and ministers likewise. It's been very nice.
And, brother and sister, I do not want to be just anything ... be indifferent. But in this type of serving the Lord, (and I'm sure my brothers will understand," it's a thing that I kind of have to keep away to myself, you see. If I don't, I come in at night, then I'll say, "I..." Well, I'm just so ... I just don't know what to do and I maybe speak a little while and have a congregational prayer and walk out, see. You've got to stay right under that anointing.

5 I never could understand why our Lord, instead of, as the day was over, go down and talk over with a group of people, or in the cities, but He'd always go alone to Himself, out in the desert, way up away from the disciples and everything; to wonder why He did that. But I begin to understand now what He ... what He did. It's certain parts of our lives must be absolutely kept alone with God. And then I know that my brethren, and in years to come, in the great eternity, that I want to make an appointment with every one of you this afternoon.
And let's go over to the New World in that day and go down by Jacob's well, you know, where we can sit down awhile. Don't have to worry about the little folks there; they ain't going to get hurt. Nothing there can bother them. Down by the ... maybe the river of life, (I know that's there,) and the tree of life. And let's sit down there on the bank with each one of you, just about a thousand years apiece, you see. It won't take me very long to do that. Then we'll just get up and roam around, we have no less time to be there than when we first started, see. All the time, we just got, just thousands of years will mean nothing there, You see. Just got forever. So, won't it be wonderful!?
I used to hear a little song amongst the brethren, used to sing it in the churches, the Full Gospel churches, out... "There's going to be a meeting in the air, in that sweet, sweet by-and-by." Oh, my!

6 Could there be time for a little bit of testimony right here? When I first come amongst the Pentecostal people, and seen them dance on the floor, now that was just too much for my self-styled Baptist ways, you know. So I said, "Looky here. Now, dancing belongs out ... other type of people," I said, "not religious people." I hear the music go to playing, the people go to crying, and go to shouting, after while somebody would start dancing. I said, "Say, I don't want to be critical, but I sure ... I'd be afraid to say something against God, that wouldn't be right." I never did criticize anything like that. And I said, "Well, but you know I can't get that." I said, "I wish I could see that in the Bible."

7 And one night I was having teaching on a chart of the second coming of Christ. And from Louisville, Kentucky, come a group of people over, and there was some young ladies, and they had... One of them was a piano player, and the other one had cymbals and a washboard. And my! They was making as much music out of that as a brass band, almost. And they was...
So, I was teaching on the second coming and... So then, a few days before that I'd been up to Salem, Indiana, where there were some Pentecostal people, just getting acquainted with them, and they were dancing, and going on. And I got to running a reference. I found out then that dancing, the first time I noticed it, Miriam begin to dance. I thought, That must be from God and the devil just patterned it off of it, you see. So then the next, I noticed that David danced when he saw the ark coming down the road, see.
And I thought, My! That's wonderful! And I noticed the king had made a rash vow one time about it. He'd sacrifice the first thing that come from his house. And here come his daughter, and the daughter rejoicing, dancing. And I noticed how dancing was victory. And I thought, Well, maybe I just hadn't got victory enough yet. Maybe just a little bit of self has to die out yet.

8 Wasn't long after that I was sitting there and I just got through teaching on the second coming of Christ, and oh, the Spirit of God just taking her time moving in. It was on a New Years night. So, I had been teaching about two hours. So, they was all sitting around a great group of people in my tabernacle. So, they was going to have a special and so this... I said, "I believe we got some folks from Louisville back there that, some of them, wrote a little note and put on there that wanted to play a special.
"Well," I said, "come ahead." And so these three or four little ladies got up and come up and one got on the piano, and she started playing "There's going to be a meeting in the air." And when she started, this lady got started with this cymbal on this washboard and then hitting the tin can around there, like that. My! It got pretty good, you know, so I got...

9 I noticed there was a... Then after a while there was a little girl jumped out on the floor there, and started dancing up and down, jumping around. I thought, Uh-oh, right in my own church, here it is. Now, I'll sure get... I'm ruined for this. So I kept watching her and you know I kept hearing this ... real, that lady playing on that piano. Said, "I believe if there'd been three or four decks of keys, she could have played them." And she was playing, "God's own Son will be the leading One at the meeting in the air."
And she'd no more than get half way out of that till she'd be started again. I thought, Hum!" And she just got real white in the face. And her eyes closed and playing like that.
I thought, Say ... I got to feeling pretty good, got to patting my foot with that girl. You know, I thought, Well, maybe that's just my Methodist foot anyhow. So I started patting a little bit, you know. So, you know, it wasn't very long till I was out there with that girl, dancing. I got the victory.
Well, that's what it takes, isn't it?---the victory. Just get away from self, and let the Holy Spirit have the right-of-way. Say, "Well, it said 'Decently and orderly.'" It'll be decently and in order; just let it go, see, the Holy Spirit.

1 Corinthians 14:40 Let all things be done decently and in order.

10 Now, I want to thank you all again for your kindness. And we're going to try if the Lord willing... I sent Billy down, a while ago and I told him, I said, "If there's people gathered in yet, why, you go down and give the folks some prayer cards. Maybe we can line up a little prayer line to pray for some of the sick this afternoon." Usually want afternoon service to preach, but I thought maybe I'd pray for some that's sick.
We got to drive a long ways, yet, this afternoon and tonight, getting home about midnight. And then just lay down long enough to get a little rest, and get up. And Tuesday evening I've got to begin in Hot Springs, Arkansas. And then, Wednesday in Shreveport, Louisiana. Sunday begin in Phoenix, Arizona. And through that week, and through the following Sunday. And then on Monday, in the afternoon, I begin at the Apache Reservation, where one of the most mighty meetings I ever had in my early days was on the Apache Reservation. Thousands of Indians sitting there. And talk about healing! Oh! I'll never forget one night... I hope I'm not taking too much of your time. But one night I got through... I got there and I was speaking to them.

11 Now, if there's anybody in the world that's got a raw deal out of this American terms, it's the Indian. That's right. After all, we're the foreigners. He's the American God-given privilege. That's right. And we just beat him up, and killed off his buffalo and run him back out there and put him on a place where thousands of them starve to death every year. If there ever was a stain on the American flag, it's the way they treat the Indians. Yes, sir. It's not fair to send billions of dollars to Germany, and to England, and to Japan, to build them up so they can blow it back at us again. Charity begins at home. That's right. And our own people starving to death.
And I said to God one night there at the Bird Auditorium in Phoenix, if He'd heal... The first time I ever prayed for Indians, three Indian women, and God healed all of them. So I went back to the reservation. Remember that night? I couldn't... I spoke, only one interpreter. And oh, my! You talk about a language, you ought to hear that. There's no sentence or nothing else; they just start real low and start screaming and drop back; just terrible. So, there was only one interpreter, and that was a woman, and she was about a half-breed, so she could speak pretty fair English. And could speak the Apache.

12 So I noticed, it was the most beautiful sight: There was a little Assembly of God church there. And I stood out on a platform, and the Indians just sat by the thousands out there. The most beautiful sight: Rode their ponies in, you know, and had little fires burning. And I was speaking to them.
And I said, "Now..." I told them, I said, "I think that you got a raw deal, but I don't run the government; I'm just one of the government, like you are. If I had my way, it would be different." Laying out there in little old tents and half of them dead with TB and glaucoma and everything.
I said, "It's a ... it's a disgrace, but I can't help that." But I said, "What I'm trying to bring to you tonight, is Somebody who will give you a fair deal, that's Jesus Christ." That's right. I said, "He'll never turn you down. He'll never make a difference by your color, whatever it is. He'll be just the same to you as He is to all."
I said, "Now, of course, I can only speak these things and God speaks it back, confirms what I'm talking about; then you believe the Lord." And so I said, "Anybody here that wants to be prayed for now," I said, "we have a line." That's before we had order enough to give out prayer cards, so we just have to run them through the best we could. So, I said. "Stand up." And usually, oh my, it would be everywhere, but well, nobody stood up. An Indian is a very strange fellow. You have to watch him.

13 Billy Paul was giving out prayer cards here sometime ago down there to the Indians. And I told him, I said, "Billy, don't give those prayer cards to somebody with a headache. Listen, we got one more night." And I said, "Give it to people that's dying with cancer, and something another and they can get them up there, let them be prayed for." I said, "They've got to have a pickup in faith right away."

14 So, they announced it at the platform so, they started down through the tent. And the Indians all sitting around the outside, like this. So Billy starts down through the meeting, giving out prayer cards. A fellow walked around, the Indian, pecked him on the back.
Said, "Hmm." And he said ... Billy said, "Well, now daddy told me to give these out to people that's real sick." Said, "What's the matter with you, chief?"
He said, "Me sick."
Said, "What you sick... Where're you sick at, Chief?"
He said, "Me sick. That's all."
But he said, "Go sit down, chief, I will give you a card in a few minutes if I can." So, a little while, chief kept watching them cards getting down lower and lower.
So the chief walked over and patted him on the back again, said, "Hum!"
He said, "What's the matter with you, chief?"
He said, "Me sick."
He said, "Where you sick at, chief?"
He said, "Me sick." So he turned around and started off again, the chief followed him. He patted him on the back and he said, "Me sick."
Billy gave him a prayer card, said, "Please write on there, 'me sick, me sick.'" It's strange.
That night when ... after awhile there was brought some out of the ... inside of the little Assembly of God church. So there was a lady there, was the pastor of that church. I forget what her name was. But anyhow, your Evangel packed the article of it. It's been about six years ago, or seven. And when it come... The first one come through was a lady, great big strong-looking woman.

15 I stood by her just a little while until I felt the anointing of the Spirit. I said, "Now, what your trouble is, is venereal disease." Not because she's immoral, but because she had to live so dirty, that's all. I said, "A venereal disease." She turned and looked at me, and when the interpreter said that: How did I know that? See. So, that kind of got her. Well, good woman, just the way she had to live in uncleanliness.
And then, after a bit the next come out was a man with glaucoma of the eye. And so then several Indians kept looking at one another like that. And the next come out was a little boy, wouldn't raise his head up, like that. I said, "Tell him to look up at me, I want to talk to him." And the mother---they're really rough---she just got the little fellow right by the top of the head like that, and jerked his little old head back and his poor little eyes, just crossed as they could be. I thought, Well, that's all right.

16 So, I took the little fellow up in my arms like this; I prayed, "O Heavenly Father, give grace now, and power, that I might find favor with these people." And while I was praying, I seen the little fellow standing before me. I just ... when he leaned his head over my shoulder, his eyes were straight.
So I said, "Now, all of you raise up your heads." And they did around. I said, "Before I take him off my shoulders now, I want to turn around and let you all look at him, like that." And his little old eyes straight, and he was rubbing his eyes and looking like that. Then I begin to see them, they was smoking these big, long pipes and things. Begin spitting, you know, and talking to one another.
Next come out was a little girl. And so she was deaf and dumb, a fever had run her deaf and dumb. After having prayer for her, I got down and went, [Brother Branham claps] like that, she turned around and looked at me. I said, "Can you hear me, honey?" And she looked around like that. I said, "Do you hear me?" I said, "Say, 'Mama, daddy.'" And she'd blabber off something there. I said, "Well, she'll talk better."
And the interpreter said, "H-m-m. Her talk heap good right now." I just couldn't ... I just couldn't understand it.

17 Well, then that really started a row. It looked like a stampede, I tell you, the dust flying everywhere. Everybody was in the prayer line then. And I'll never forget that night. There was so many... The white men couldn't keep the people off, like that. They were just warding on so greatly. And they filled a little line out, Brother Moore and a bunch of them there, holding the line like that. And I said, "Let them come out of this building first. They'd started first."
And next come out was a poor old Indian mother, with two broom sticks cut off with a ford ... hold, board up for crutches, some rags wrapped around the top. And she was trying to get to me, and a little Indian boy was getting around her. So, Brother Jack couldn't make him understand, so he just picked him up and set him back in the line. So little fellow about seventeen, eighteen years old. Brother Moore is a little strong, stout Irish-type fellow, just set him back in the line.

18 So, the poor old thing is just coming. I watched her. She had her hair in braids hanging down, you know. And leather worked in her hair, and she had set it out like this, (arthritis, you see), and she'd move her foot, till she got right up close to me. She's just about that high [unclear words] and all stooped over, and she, her little back was bent down. And she stopped like this, and she raised her head, and looked up, and them, big old deep wrinkles, you know, and little trickles of tears running down through that old wrinkled face. And I thought, Somebody's mother. Sure, somebody's mother. I thought, God only knows what the old thing's went through with.
She looked up to me like that just as pathetic, her little black eyes rolled around looked at me, like that. She kind of smiled. Took one stick and put it with the other and handed it to me, straightened up and went walking off the platform like that. No prayer, or nothing; walked off of there, and everybody begin screaming.

19 Along towards daylight that morning, (prayed all night), and about daylight, the next morning, I noticed, and I was just passing... You didn't have to tell them nothing no more; just put your hands on them, that's all they wanted you to do. So the next morning when it was getting along towards daylight, Brother Brown came up and said, "Brother Branham, you're about to faint now," said, "I've got to take you out."
I said, "Well, try to get the most of them through." I said, "What," I said to the interpreter, "what's worrying me, what's them people so wet for? They're wet plumb up around the waist here."
Said, "Well, at first they thought it was false, but," said, "now," said, "they're going out into the deserts and bringing their loved ones in, and," said, "they're not going twenty miles down here to the ford; they're just wading right across the Gila Bend River, right there coming across that way, wading the water."

20 And there was ... the next patient was an old man, and they had him on a board, not a stretcher like they bring patients here. It was a board, had two limbs across it. And they had an old man laying there, gray, his legs across one limb, his arms across the other one like that, and he was shaking like that. And here stood a big fellow packing him like that; he was next in line, so he was standing, packing him; he was shivering like that, and lips was real blue. And I said, "You speak English?"
He said, "Leetle."
And I said, "Aren't you afraid you'll take pneumonia, wet like that?"
Said, "Jesus Christ will take of me. I brought my daddy."
I said, "Well, that's very sweet." I said, "That your daddy?"
And I said, "Do you believe if I ask Jesus to heal him..."
I said, "Well, come on by." The other fellow behind him passed by. No, I believe it was a woman packing him, maybe his sister behind him, man and a woman. So, when he got by, I said, "You understand English, chief?" He didn't even make a move.

21 And I laid my hands on him. And I said, "Dear God, you know what this poor old man's went through in life, and I ask now that you'll make him well." I said, "May he get over this, recover, and be a normal, well man to give You praise, and he will always remember that You did it." I said, "Now, take him on; have faith."
And I called for the next one. Directly I heard a big noise down below me; here the old man had the board on his own shoulders, going out waving to everybody like that [unclear words]. Just simple faith.
When they heard I was a hunter, they want... They got a reservation. Everyone wanted to saddle his pony and take me turkey hunting right then. So, I'm going back now. I told them I'd be back, and to keep my promise, I'd go back. That'll be a week from this coming Monday. Be praying for me, that God will help us there win thousands to Him.

22 Now, it's just about time to start the prayer line. And I want to... Maybe I could find five minutes' time. I was looking in the Scripture here a few moments ago, and I found a Scripture that I wanted to read to speak on just a moment, before I read the other Scripture. That's Saint Luke the 5th chapter. Just listen closely for a few moments.
And it came to pass, as the people pressed upon him to hear the word of God, he stood by the lake of Gennesaret,
And saw two ships standing by the lake: but the fishermen was gone out ... and were washing their nets.
And he entered into one ... which was Simon's, and he prayed him that he would thrust out a little from the land. And he sat down, and taught the people out of the ship.
Now when he left speaking, he said unto Simon, Launch out into the deep, and let down ... for the draught.
And Simon answered and said unto him, Master, we have toiled all ... night, and ... taken nothing: nevertheless at thy word we will let down the net.

Luke 5:1 And it came to pass, that, as the people pressed upon him to hear the word of God, he stood by the lake of Gennesaret,

Luke 5:2 And saw two ships standing by the lake: but the fishermen were gone out of them, and were washing their nets.

Luke 5:3 And he entered into one of the ships, which was Simon's, and prayed him that he would thrust out a little from the land. And he sat down, and taught the people out of the ship.

Luke 5:4 Now when he had left speaking, he said unto Simon, Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught.

Luke 5:5 And Simon answering said unto him, Master, we have toiled all the night, and have taken nothing: nevertheless at thy word I will let down the net.

23 Now, let's just pray just a moment.
Now, Father, anoint these words that's been read, and may they send deep in the hearts of these sick people, and all that's in the building. We ask in Christ's name. Amen.
I'd like to take this just for a moment or two here, just for a little time. You're so good out here and respond so much to the ministry of preaching, till I just couldn't hardly leave without saying a word or two to you like that.
So now, let's take it, was just the beginning of His ministry. He just went out and performed a miracle and turned water into wine. How I'd like to be on that just for a minute, and show what He'll do in the resurrection. How ... it eventually would have been wine. It would have been wine, all right: it went through the vine, into the grape, out to the vat, soured, fermented, come on out and was wine. But He just bypassed every bit of that, and made it from water to wine, see.
That's the way He will do in the resurrection. I won't have to live to be twenty-two or twenty-three years old at my best again. My, be an old man shaking, broke down like that. He will just change it. Amen. Just bypass all that. Mrs. Branham and Mr. Branham will not have to be constituted or anything involved in my birth. He'll just call me from the dust, and I'll be just what I was at my best.
So will you.

24 Every person in here will turn back to a young person again. When you got to be your... You take dad and mother sitting out there, many of you. It hasn't been too long.
I'm looking at an old couple sitting here now, many of you, hair turning gray. Wasn't long till you led her down to the altar. She was a beautiful young girl. He was a strapping young man. Holy wedlock: They was united together by God Almighty.
And first thing you know, it was... Oh, how strong, how she admired him as a beautiful young man, and her a pretty, young girl. But first thing you know, he got up one morning, he said, "Mama, you know, there's coming little wrinkles under your eyes."
She said, "Dad, I just happened to notice the gray hair coming." What's happening? Death set in. Right. It's going to get you. God's ordained it so.

25 I asked a doctor the other day, I said, "I want to ask you something, doctor. Every time I eat, I renew my life. Is that right?"
"Yes, sir," he said.
I said, "When I was a young man, I kept eating, eating and every time I'd get stronger, stronger; and all at once I eat the same food ... I'm getting older all the time. Why is that?" I said, "Figure that one out. I'm eating the same kind of food, putting the same new life in, but I'm withering away all the time." That's one of them, see. I said, "Why?"
God said so. No matter what it is. See, scientifically, that just might be proved, see. Scientifically, that's all it gives science puts it all together, see. 'Cause if I renew my life, I'm getting new all the time. But, I'm renewing my life and I got new to a certain age. Then, I started getting old, taking the same new life in all the time, see.

26 So then, what is it? God ordains it. First thing you know, we will come down to then end of the river some day, old and gray. Perhaps mine will come too, like that. But, all that death done for you here, when you die, that settles it.
And then, in the resurrection, you'll be the pattern that God made you, that young man and young woman, and you and mother will be in eternity ... or, in the great Millennium, young men and young women again forever. I can prove that by God's Word. Next time, I'll do that in the camp meeting, the Lord willing. That's right.
Showed through Sarah and Abraham, and all the promises and everything leads right straight to that. We haven't got a thing to worry about. Not a thing.
I remember a healing service... I'll get me on that this week, see, to get that. We'll try it and see, if you don't holler for healing service.
To get in on there where you see, it takes all the fear away. My! You just... There's nothing in the world can harm you. And oh! We're bound for the promised land. That's all there is to it. God can't take His Word back---He couldn't be God.
I might take mine back 'cause it ain't true. But, His is true and He can't take His back. And how beautiful!

27 Now, to think of Jesus right in the beginning of His ministry there, and how wonderful it was to see Him is His power, and His power. He went forth and done signs and wonders. And here He is down by Gennesaret, the lake there.
And, I can imagine the stir around the people. They'd had a meeting that evening ... or, evening before. And so, great signs had taken place. So, they say, "Say, you know that young evangelist that's preaching here that's the healer? Why, He's having a service down there at the bank this morning. I noticed all the women coming down off the hill, going down. The men left their plows in the field to go down hear Him talk. A little something about Him seems different."

28 I just imagine there is, don't you, brother? Yes, sir. And He was standing there, and the first thing you know, the press got so hard, the people pressed upon Him to hear the Word of God. Oh, I love to hear a good preacher. I just love to hear him.
But, oh, I would sacrifice every bit of it, if I could hear Him just in one sermon. Wouldn't you? I'd like to hear Him when He stood there and said, "Come unto Me, all ye that labor and heavy laden, I will give you rest." I'd love to hear that. We will never hear that, I guess; but we will hear this: "Well done, My good and faithful servant." That's the main thing. It's all over then.
And how He stood there, and He would speak to the people. And I can imagine seeing about three tired fishermen, or four, sitting out there on a stump, or a chunk, when they got up there.
Said, "Let's hear what this fellow's got to say. We've heard Doctor Jones and all of them. Let's hear what He's got to say."
I can imagine Simon scratching his head and saying, "Say, you know what?" Just like any other sinner when he comes in the church: He gets the very last seat he can, see, set way back. You know that, brethren, in the church. So he begin to scratch his head, you know. And he said, "You know, there's something different about that fellow." So he just picked up his chunk and moved it up a little closer.

Matthew 11:28 Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

Matthew 25:21 His lord said unto him, Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord.

29 Then Jesus began to speak about the kingdom and the coming of the end of the world, and the powers of God and the lovely things that He talked about. Said, "You know that guy talks a little different from others. Let's move up a little closer, James, you and John. So just kept moving up and after a while, he was standing right by Him. And the press got so hard till Jesus said to Simon, He said... Got in Simon's boat, borrowed it from him a few minutes, and after He got through speaking to the crowd, He said, "Simon, launch out, now into the deep, and let down for the draw."
"Why," he said, "Lord, You know we're fishermen here, we know all the calendar. We know when the waters are coming right. And we're fishermen; we was born here on this lake. And we've seined through this thing all night long, and we haven't even taken a fish. Why, the waters is just not right, the fish is some other part of the lake, there's just none out there." Now, he knew that in his heart, see.

Luke 5:4 Now when he had left speaking, he said unto Simon, Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught.

Luke 5:5 And Simon answering said unto him, Master, we have toiled all the night, and have taken nothing: nevertheless at thy word I will let down the net.

30 Now, they were fishermen, they knowed all the signs, they made their living by fishing, they were commercial fishermen; their occupation was that. So, they know all about the lake and when the waters was right, and they'd seined all night long and hadn't even taken a fish; they'd taken nothing. And they washed out there nets, and you all know what a discouragement that is, you that lives this close to the river, and fish all night and catch nothing.
But Jesus said, "Now go out into the lake again, right where you was at, and let down for the draw. Let down and take up a whole net full of them."
Now, Peter knew there was no fish out there, 'cause he'd seined right through them same waters all night, out deep so many fathoms and up, and against the wind, through the wind, from the wind, and everything, and no fish at all. They'd throwed out their nets all night long and seined, right back. He said, "Now, you go out and let down the net for a whole take-up. It's a big draw."
Look. Peter said, "Lord, we've seined all night and taken nothing, but nevertheless, at Your word I will let down the net." There it is: If God said so, faith will put some fish there if there isn't any there. That's right. "At Thy word, Lord, we're going to let down the net." That's right. Wish I could stay on that a little bit, but I can't.

Luke 5:2 And saw two ships standing by the lake: but the fishermen were gone out of them, and were washing their nets.

Luke 5:4 Now when he had left speaking, he said unto Simon, Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught.

Luke 5:5 And Simon answering said unto him, Master, we have toiled all the night, and have taken nothing: nevertheless at thy word I will let down the net.

31 Now look, You may have seined through every doctor's office there is in the country. You may have been in every hospital and every clinic there is around here. You may have went through prayer line after prayer line for people praying for the sick. But let's take this this afternoon: "At Thy Word Lord, I'm going to let down the net right now, I'm going to believe right now. I'm going to settle it; I'm going to settle it once forever. Now, I know, Jesus, that You're sitting at the right hand of the Father, as a High Priest. A High Priest is to make intercessions upon confessions. And that's what Hebrews 3 says: "He is the High Priest of our profession"; and confession is the same translation. And there He is sitting at the right hand of the Father, making intercessions upon our confessions."

Hebrews 3:1 Wherefore, holy brethren, partakers of the heavenly calling, consider the Apostle and High Priest of our profession, Christ Jesus;

32 Now, He cannot heal you, or cannot save you, or do one thing for you, until first you accept it and believe it, and confess it. That's right. You've got to confess it. Not, you got to feel it; you got to confess it. He's not the High Priest of your feelings; He's the High Priest of your confession. That's right. What you confess.
Now, if you'll get prayed for, sit in this building this afternoon, the Holy Spirit would move in here and you'd feel His blessed presence, and hear the Word going forth, saying, "He healed all," and so forth like that, and seeing the power of God: here it go forth, and knowing it's for everyone; you'd walk out, say, "Well, I feel just as bad as I did we I went." He couldn't do a thing for you.
And you say, "Well, I accept it now." And then in the morning you get up and say, "Well, I still got that headache; I still feel as bad I did." Then you've dropped right down. You'll never live above your confession. Let the saintliest person in this building right now, just make up in your mind that you're not a Christian anymore. That's when you become not a Christian, see.
When you go out, and say, "Are you a Christian?"
"No, I used to be, but I'm not no more." You're fallen from grace right then, see. It's faith, see. It's either faith or unbelief, you're possessed with those two powers, either faith or unbelief. If you've got faith, you're saved because you are a believer. If you haven't got faith, you're a sinner.

Hebrews 3:1 Wherefore, holy brethren, partakers of the heavenly calling, consider the Apostle and High Priest of our profession, Christ Jesus;

33 I said here some time ago, preaching in a Methodist church. I said, "Drinking whiskey is not a sin; smoking cigarettes, committing adultery's not a sin."
The little old sanctified Methodist mother sitting there, she said, "Then, preacher, what is sin?"
I said, "Unbelief! That's sin." Smoking, drinking, gambling, committing adultery, and stealing, lying, and so forth is not sin; it's the attributes of sin. You do that because you're an unbeliever, and you don't...
You say, "Well, I'm a Christian, I don't smoke, I don't drink." You might not commit adultery, steal, tell lies; keep all the commandments, and still be a sinner, see. That's just attributes. It's a change of heart, what the Holy Spirit does in here, makes us bear fruit. Is that right? "By their fruits ye shall know them." You're a sinner because you are an unbeliever; you're a Christian because you're a believer.

34 Jesus Christ said this in Saint John 5:24. Think of that: handful and two dozen of eggs if you want to read it when you go home, see: 5:24. "He," not Methodist, Baptist, Pentecostal; "He," personal pronoun, "that heareth My words and believeth on Him that sent me hath everlasting life," (present, you see), " and shall not come into condemnation but hath passed ... passed from death unto life." That's what He said. "He that eats My flesh and drinks My blood has everlasting life, and I will raise him up at the last day." You believe that? That's what Christ said. So, you see, it's faith, your faith. "Well," you say, "well glory to God preacher, I don't believe in all this stuff and I still..." No, if you've got real faith, it'll declare your works, you see ... your works will declare what your faith is.
A boy told me, here not long ago, said, "If God judges me according to my faith, I'm saved." He said, "If He's judging me according to my morals, I'm lost."
I said, "Your morals testify of your faith."
You can't never make nothing out of a grain of wheat but wheat; you'll never make it a cocklebur; it'll always be wheat. Because it was sowed wheat, it'll raise up wheat, it'll remain wheat. It may be disfigured to anything else, but it'll still be wheat. And if it's a cocklebur, it'll actually be a cocklebur; you'll never make wheat out of it. Is that right?

John 5:24 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life.

John 6:54 Whoso eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, hath eternal life; and I will raise him up at the last day.

35 Well, the Christian, the believer, is sowed with the incorruptible Word of God. How can it produce anything else? See, that's it. When it gets in there, the Holy Spirit comes in on the Word of God that's sunk deep in your heart, it'll water it, and it'll grow out, and you'll just automatically... You won't... Just like I said last night you won't have to take the leaves off the tree; the new life pushes out and takes the old leaf off. It makes you live a different person.
Now, "At Thy Word, Lord, I will let down the net." And when he had pulled the draught of fishes, he was astonished. And Jesus said to him, said, "Don't fear. From henceforth you'll catch men." Oh, "At Thy Word, Lord."

Luke 5:5 And Simon answering said unto him, Master, we have toiled all the night, and have taken nothing: nevertheless at thy word I will let down the net.

Luke 5:10 And so was also James, and John, the sons of Zebedee, which were partners with Simon. And Jesus said unto Simon, Fear not; from henceforth thou shalt catch men.

36 I think of Peter when the Lord told him, said, "Come," walking on the waters. Why, Peter never walked on water, never heard of anybody else ever walking on water. "I don't know how to walk on water, Lord, but at Thy Word, here I come." And he did. That's right.
The woman... Oh, many times... We just call off different things in the Scriptures if we had time, of the people who have things... Mary had never knowed about how a baby could be born of virgin birth, but she took God at His Word. "At Thy Word, Lord." She went testifying before anything happened; she testified it was going to happen because she took God at His Word. And let's us this afternoon take God at His Word now, and here's what He said in His Word: "Whatsoever things, (Mark 11:24) ... " Whatsoever things you desire, when you pray, believe that you receive it, and it shall be given unto you. You'll have it." Now, isn't that simple?
Now, I love you, and I don't want there to be one single person in this building this afternoon who won't be healed, see. And I believe with all of my heart in holding my faith, as I was praying in the room a while ago, before leaving, "God, please heal every person, or shake them so hard that they'll know at the judgment that I've told the truth about this, see. That there won't be one feeble person left in the midst of the people." That's right.
Now I see visions over the people, but I can't say that they're healed until He tells me they're healed. And He can't tell till your faith actually acts. And your faith acting will bring God's Word to pass. You've got to believe it, accept it, testify it, say, "I receive it now, Lord," and that settles it forever. "No matter what I feel like nothing about it I'm going to believe it anyhow."

Matthew 14:29 And he said, Come. And when Peter was come down out of the ship, he walked on the water, to go to Jesus.

Mark 11:24 Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.

37 You remember when I had that stomach trouble, regurgitation. Well, Mayo Brothers told me, I had not even one earthly chance, not one chance in ten million to live. And my stomach was nothing but just one raw bloody ulcer. And I went to the table and sat down; I asked the blessing... They'd been giving me barley water and prune juice, and a cracker---a graham cracker---about two of them at supper, two at breakfast, and let me have it twice a day. I just read in there what God said. So, I asked the blessing. My poor old father, I remember how he looked when I asked the blessing. I guess the first time the blessing was ever returned at our table. I said, "Just a minute, pop; I want to pray." And mom started crying.
And we had some beans and corn bread and onions for dinner. You know what it is; it's a good rib builder. So I said ... after mother said, "I will pour your barley juice," I said, "Give me some beans."
And she said, "Oh, honey, the doctor says, 'No.'"
I said, "But God said 'yes,'" see.

38 And she said, "Now, honey, now it's all right. I don't mind you being religious, but," said, "you can't do that." Said, "Because now there's reasons to things."
I said, "There's no reasoning to God's Word; just say it just the way He said it. And if I die, I'm coming to Him believing His Word," see. That's right. I said, "I'm sick and tired of this." That's right. Been suffering for two years or more like that, and couldn't hardly stand up, weighed eighty pounds. I said, "I'm tired of it; I'm going to take God at His Word."
And she said, "Well, honey, I ain't going to pass it to you."
I said, "I'll reach over and get it then." So I went to dealing out the beans in there, got me a big plate full, first time I'd had any solid food, a big piece of corn bread baked in the pone. You all know where you ever done that. Break out the corner of it like that, went to eating. M-m-m, my! I was raised on that, so... Somebody else has had it, too.
So then, I got to eating. Yes, sir. I got a big mouthful of it and went to chewing it, you know. Tasted good. And when I swallowed it, as soon as I swallowed it, it was just like a lump of fire hitting my stomach, and here it come back up. I held my hand over my mouth. I said, "Oh, no. Hunh-uh, hunh-uh. You're going to stay right there." I swallowed it back it come up again. I swallowed it back, it come up again. I swallowed it back. I said, "Now, you stay there, 'cause here's another one coming." I got another one like that, and got me another mouthful. I kept on. Just like acid. My, my, my. Never... My stomach like a coal of fire. I was chewing. Oh, my eyes brightened, I guess.

39 And pop said, "How you feeling?"
I said, "Wonderful!" Kept on feeding. Swallowed it again, here it come. I'd hold my hand over. I said, " (Gulp.) Excuse me." I was belching. It was them beans coming up. So, I just kept on eating like that.
And when I left the table, mom went and called the doctor. And she said, "Why, he eat beans and cornbread." Said, "He's been reading the Bible"; said, "he says that God healed him."
"Why," he said, "that'll kill that boy." Said, "He'll have acute indigestion and die." Said, "We'll have to pump that out of him in the next hour."
I thought, Oh, that's what you think! So I went in the house, and I started through the house holding my stomach like this, you know.
And mama said, "You're sick as you can be."
I said, "Mother, I feel fine." I said, "Yes, just wonderful." And I went in. When I got in the room, I said, "I can, I will, I do believe; I can, I will, I do believe; I can, I will, I do believe that Jesus heals me now. I'll take Him at His Word. That's right. At Thy Word, Lord! I'm believing it." I went in, I got so weak, and everything began to swim around in front of me. I just kept walking through the floor, and saying, "I can, I will."
Mother said, "Billy, you're sick."
And I said, "No, ma'am, I'm so happy I can't hardly sit still." I said, "Oh, I can, I will, I do believe." I went into my room, I said, "I'm going in to read my Bible a while." And I went in there, laid down across the bed, and oh, my, here we started. And I, "Huh-uh, no, no." I got up, went out on the railroad tracks, kept walking.
When supper time come... Well, we were poor ... had to have beans and cornbread again for supper. But when I sat down to the table, after blessing again: "Pass more beans and cornbread." I give that stomach a good going over. And, oh, that night, I didn't sleep ten minutes. Oh, my! I'd lay down, my heart was fluttering, jump like that and I raised up and said, "I can, I will, I do believe." It started again. Next morning it was laying right there, and so I give them something else. And I kept on, kept on, kept on, walked down the street.

40 I went back to work and I was standing in the ditch, with my old pants like that, tamping the ditch like this. And, oh, so sick. Somebody come up and said, "Hello, Billy, how are you getting along?"
I said, "Just fine. Praise the Lord. Just feeling good." Shoveling some more, dirt, and tamp like that. Yes, sir. Go down the street, and someone say, "How are you feeling, Mr. Branham?"
I'd say, "Just wonderful! The Lord healed me." Just as sick as I could be.
Somebody said, "Why, you lie!"
I said, "Oh, no. I was making confession of what He did: 'By His stripes, I was healed.' Hallelujah! Don't invite me for a T-bone steak, though; I'll take you up. All right.
And I never weighed, in my life, over an hundred eighteen, or twenty pounds. And I weigh a hundred and sixty this afternoon. Praise God! Amazing grace, how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me.

Isaiah 53:5 But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.

41 I'll go to the corners of the world, to the tropical jungles of the South, or the four roads, and the regions of Iceland, telling the Gospel of Jesus Christ; and I'll challenge any person, under any condition to take God at His Word, and see if it's right or not. Right! God's obligated to His Word.
Just say, "It's mine right now." That's it. No matter what the doctor says. The doctors would get mad. I have nothing against doctors. No, sir. Of course, now we got a lot of doctors. The strange thing... I'll tell you something's true. In my travel, I found more believing doctors than I have preachers. That's right. More believing doctors than I have preachers. Well, now... I found preachers, they don't believe in divine healing. Oh, no. But a doctor, he'll tell you, "Yes. Yes, sir. I've seen patients, I've laid out, and they come back to life again, and other things." I've met many, many believing doctors, fine fellows. They're God's gift to the world. They give it to us. What would we do without health, today, and without the sanitation and so forth? It's all right. It's God's provided way.
Oh, I know, you say, "I don't believe in that." Well, that's all right. That's all right. Your grandfather went to see your grandmother in an ox cart, but your son goes in a ... almost a jet plane, doesn't he? See, science has come up. That's all right. And we accept every bit of it. That's all true enough and I like that. But, after all, it's God in all, through all, over all, exactly. God's the healer. There never was one drop of medicine ever healed a person, and never will be.

42 Psalms 103:3, said, "I'm the Lord who healeth all thy diseases." Looky here. If I cut my hand---I've used this illustration---cut my hand with a knife. We've got the best doctors we ever had in all the ages. We got the best hospitals, the best medicine, we ever had. And got more sin and unbelief than we ever had. That's right.
Notice. If I cut my hand, we haven't got one medicine that can heal that hand. You haven't got any decent, logical, right sensible doctor that would tell you. Mayo's is the best clinic we got in the world, as far as I know of; and on an interview there, they said, "We don't claim to be healers, Brother Branham; we only claim to assist nature. There's one healer; that's God." Right.

Psalm 103:3 Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases;

43 Now, if I cut my hand here with that knife, now, there isn't enough medicine in the world can heal that hand. There isn't one thing that they got that'll heal a knife cut. No, sir. Well, if they got anything that'll heal a knife cut, it would heal the knife cut in this desk. It would heal the knife cut that was in my coat. Well, if it would heal a knife cut, it would heal it on anything. Is that right? Water, if it's wet in this building, it'll be wet outside, see. If He would heal a knife cut...
"Oh," you say, "Brother Branham, medicine is made for the human body, not for your coat and that desk."
All right. For instance, then, I cut my hand, and I fall dead. And they take me down to the undertaker's establishment and embalm my body with a fluid that'll make me look natural for fifty years. We'll send and get Mayo's clinic, their best doctors. We'll send to John Hopkins. They'll come down and look at that hand, they'll sew that hand up, give me a shot of penicillin every day, and put sulfa drug in it, and all the salves and everything that can be got, and fifty years from today, that cut is just exactly like it was. Well, now if medicine heals the human body, why don't it heal it?
"Oh," you say, "Brother Branham, the life has gone out."
Now, that's right. That's right. Which is the healer then, the medicine or the life? Life is the healer. If you'll tell me what life is, I'll tell who God is. That's right. God! Life does... Medicine don't build tissue. God builds tissue. Medicine can't build tissue. If they could do that, they could reproduce a man. That's right. But they can't do it.

44 So, God said, "I'm the Lord that healeth all of thy diseases." That don't condemn the medicine. It just keeps it clean, while God's healing it. A doctor can set your arm that's been broke. But if God don't heal that arm, it'll be broke the rest of your life. He can set the bones in place, but God has to produce the calcium, and life in there to knit them bones together. Is that right? So, a doctor didn't heal your arm. The doctor set your arm; God healed your arm.
The dentist might pull a tooth out, but what about that socket it come out of? Let me see him heal him up. Can't do it. There's nothing to heal it with. He has to let God do it. Is that right? So, God's the healer. Amen. God bless you. I'll stand here; I'd talk to you all afternoon. And God be with you.
I love you with undying, Christian love. The warmest of Christian love, I send to each one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ.

Psalm 103:3 Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases;

45 I started to say... Maybe, I'd better not. Well, I will. Look. Many times, you hear on these radio programs, "Write us a card, give us a card." That's merely to get your address for soliciting. But, dear Christian friends, I'm not saying that. I'm saying it because I love you. If you need a prayer cloth or anything, send to me for it; it's absolutely free. Or, anytime I can do anything for you in that way, and it's not for your mailing address. I don't have any radio programs, I don't have anything to sell, any papers, or anything else. I just preach the Gospel to you. And it isn't my brothers here. They have their programs and things like that; support them in that. But, for me, if I just be a favor to you, why, you know where I live, at Jeffersonville, Indiana.
I used to tell the people, "The rain never falls too hard, or the night never gets too dark, but what I'd come to you." But, so many ... I can't say that now, see, because perhaps there's a half dozen airplane tickets laying there, now, when I get in tonight, to fly somewhere to pray for sick people; beside, average calls will run sixty or seventy a day, and maybe more than that: just emergency calls to come. So, you couldn't start to make it, you see. There's no way. But, I do take every one of them sincerely before God, and pray. That's right. The Lord bless you while we bow our heads.

46 Kind Heavenly Father, may Thy grace and mercy ever rest upon this people. Bless these people, Lord, who has give a portion of their living this week; and this afternoon, Father, for a love offering for Thy unprofitable servant, dividing their living with me. God, I'm not worthy to receive it. I ask, God, if it wasn't that I just had to have it, I would refuse it. Thou knowest all things. And I pray that You'll bless every one of them, a hundred fold. For it's in the Scripture, "Insomuch as you have done unto the least," that would be me, "of the little ones, you have did it unto Me." And may they receive that type of reward, Lord: a double portion of blessing.

Matthew 25:40 And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.

47 Bless these dear brothers, Your servants, these ministers, loyal in faith. God, may each one of their churches just grow until they'll have to build new churches. Send thousands of blessed converts to them, Father, sinners coming their way and be saved. Bless their ministry, and may their prayers for the sick, when they ... [Gap in the audio] sick people, may everyone of them get healed, Lord. May every one, give my brothers this afternoon, power to pray for the sick. Grant it, Lord.
And for these handkerchiefs, I ask, dear kind Father, as there's many here represented sickness. I pray that You'll heal every one that these handkerchiefs represent. And when they're laid upon the sick and the afflicted, may the power of God come upon them, and they go free. Have mercy, Father. Forgive us of our sins. Thank You for the great meeting that we just had. And I pray, kind Heavenly Father, that You'll give us the exceedingly abundantly this afternoon. And may Thy Holy Spirit come present now, and heal the sick and save the sinners, and we'll give Thee the praise in Jesus' name. Amen.

48 I never thought I'd be getting so late. All right. We're going to call a prayer line. [Brother Branham speaks aside to someone] Hard boy to keep up with. Well, what's, I never did ask you what cards... Well, why don't we have the J's then?
Let's begin with the J's today then.
All right. Let's start and finish up on those that we started on last night. Maybe if we get a chance, we can run through some more of them. But now, the prayer cards is merely just get somebody up here. That don't have one thing to do with healing. There's more people healed sitting out there without prayer cards, than there is here with prayer cards.
Who has got J-number-1? We started from 50, went out, last night. Who has got J-number-1? You, lady? All right, come right here. J-2, who has got that? J-2. Maybe we will get a few of one, and then get to another letter. 2? All right. [Gap in the audio]

49 Yes, ma'am. You're suffering with a nervous condition aren't you? That's right. You're very upset about something, turning dark in between us. You are ... you got a spiritual trouble, too. That is true isn't it? Some difficults you're having. You'll be all right. Just trust it to Him. And here's another thing that might help you. You're healed now. But here's another thing that might help you. You've got a sick loved one, and that's a father. Is that true? And he's bothered with a mental condition. Is that right? You're going to find him different when you go home, because of your attitude.
Now, every person in here should believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, even now. Is that right? Every person should have faith and believe our dear loving Saviour. Believe that He is here. He's the same yesterday, today, and forever.
I believe the man here is a stranger to me, too. Is that right, sir? I do not know you. I've never seen you. But our loving kind Heavenly Father knows both of us. That is true. You're in desperate need, my friend. What's your trouble is nervousness. You've got a whole lot of trouble. What it is: You're a married man; you've lost your job. And you're having mental troubles over that. You have two children, too, don't you? Don't fear. It's going to be all right. Come here.

50 Kind Heavenly Father, in the name of Thy beloved Son Jesus Christ, bless this brother and restore him, in Jesus' name. He has a need, Father, and Thou will supply it. We ask in Christ's name. Amen.
Look, my brother. Don't worry about that no more. Get it off your mind. Go happy, rejoicing; God will give you another job. Just have faith. Don't doubt. Believe with all your heart that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
You want to get over that throat trouble, sitting over there, sir? Yeah. You was healed just then. Stand up. I see it move over you. God bless you, you can go home and be well.
Just have faith in God.

51 Lady, you want to get over that rupture, sitting up there? Yes, sitting there. You accept it right now, you can be healed, while you're sitting... The big lady there. God bless you. You can go be made whole.
Have faith in God. My! If you just only believe.
You want to get over the sinus? If you believe it with all your heart, sitting up there, you can get over the sinus and be made well. You accept it. Believe that Jesus Christ makes you whole. God bless you.
Oh, how wonderful! I just praise God for His presence!
You're the patient, are you, lady? I don't know you. God knows you. Do you believe me to be His prophet? Now, that's just His preacher, see. You believe that to be true? Your operation didn't do you any good, did it? You just come from the hospital. You had something wrong in here. They operated in... It's a gall bladder operation, they've had: gall stones. What they removed: the stones from the bladder. You can't keep nothing on your stomach. You're real weak. Is that right? Jesus Christ will make you well. Do you believe that? Come here.
Kind Heavenly Father, to this poor little dying woman, standing here, frail. And the doctors has done all they can do for her, and we thank Thee for what they've done. But, Father, they haven't ... they haven't hit it yet.
Satan, you've hid from the doctor and from his knife; but you can't hide from God. Come out of her. In the name of Jesus Christ, leave the woman, that she can live.
I wasn't yelling at you, lady. It was him. He was trying to hold. You're going to get all right. And you go on, just rejoice and be happy. Thank God.

52 Excuse me, friends, if I yelled out loud. It wasn't I was yelling at you. Demons sometimes has to be forced, see. They don't want to move. That woman was... He was determined to take her life. There was something wrong with her, I forget what it was; but anyhow, the doctor had operated, or something like that. I see him; it was all good faith. But he hadn't hit the spot. But you watch her now, see what happens, see. You'll get well. [Brother Branham pauses.] Somebody was just healed, had a connection with you. Isn't that right? Some young man, a while ago, or something. Oh, is that what it was? Seen it move in there someway. You all from a city called Lincoln, isn't it? Lincoln, Illinois?

53 How do you do, lady? Do you believe me to be God's servant? With all your heart? If Jesus Christ was standing here with this suit on, as far as He knew, He'd tell you He had already did it. But for your healing, He has already done it. But He'd tell you what your trouble was. And by that, might make you have faith, while He's sitting at the right hand of the Father, but He sent me to do that. Do you believe that? Then I can, by doing so.
You're suffering with some kind of a ... like a headache, it's migraine headaches. Isn't that right? You're extremely nervous. And you have some kind of a trouble in your bowels---colon trouble. Isn't that right? You've just had something that's happened in your home. No, it's a... You've had a cross-eyed child healed. Is that right? That was in this meeting. That's right. I see it on this same platform. Isn't that right? You have a wonderful faith, lady.

54 Just a minute. Here it comes again. You're not from the city, though. You're from a country where there's lots of hills. It's a... It's mountains, Colorado. Isn't that right? Yes, sir. Wrigley, or something like that; I see the name as you come into the city, wrote on the side. Is that right? And you're... I hear somebody calling you Kathleen. Is that right? White! Is that right? Go home! Jesus Christ makes you well. Amen.
I see where it's at now. There was something wrong with that lady about intestines, or some another. That man sitting right there, with the blue-looking suit on, looking at me. You don't have a prayer card, do you, sir? The blue tie, sitting there? You got bowel trouble, haven't you? You're going to get well now. God bless you.
Don't doubt; just have faith. Only believe. For all things are possible to them that believe. Do you believe that is right? Everyone? with one accord?

55 How do you do? Are you the patient, lady? Excuse me. All right. We're strangers to one another, lady. As far as I know, I never seen you in my life. I know nothing about you. God knows that. You're a mighty young lady to be standing there sick. I want to ask you something. Do you believe me to be God's prophet? With all your heart? Then I can help you. He told me, if I get the people to believe that... And they... I said, "They won't believe it."
He said, "You'll tell them the secrets of their heart, then they'll believe it."
Now, Jesus Christ risen from the dead. Yes.
There's nothing wrong with you...