At Thy Word, Lord, I'll let down the net

At Thy Word, Lord, I'll let down the net somebody

At Thy Word, Lord, I'll let down the net (1954-12-07) (William M. Branham Sermons)

At Thy Word, Lord, I'll let down the net (1954-12-07) (William M. Branham Sermons) somebody

At Thy Word, Lord, I'll let down the net

1 Good evening, friends. Privileged to be here in this lovely auditorium tonight in Binghamton, at our closing service. I want to say that it's been a real pleasure being here among you good people these last few nights. And I'm trusting to God, that someday, by His grace, I can come back and be with you again a little longer.
And now I want to thank every ... every one of you for your kindness. I've just been treated so nice. And I appreciate everything, the gifts. The brother bought me some clothes, and give Billy Paul a gift and sent us a couple boxes of candy, give us a love offering, to all this we're very thankful. May God richly bless you for it.

2 We didn't come for that purpose. We come to be a blessing and to receive a blessing. And we certainly have received a blessing by being with you good people.
And now, the next service, knowingly, that I have would be Chicago, Illinois. That will begin somewhere in the early part of January and will perhaps last through January and the most of February.
Since coming back, I am trying to make my meetings so I won't have to be all the time in praying for the sick with the tremendous effect that the anointing has on me. But I do some preaching.
And I'm to begin in Chicago, God willing. I have got to go home, and then from there, I've got to go to Florida to pick up Brother Bosworth. And we may have a night or two down there. I'm not sure. Then I come back and [unclear words]. And this next meeting coming along, we certainly will have you on our hearts. And God willing, the pastors and so forth has asked me if I would return again this next summer, late in the summer. And I'll probably go to Africa and India and a few more of the places overseas this summer. On return back I hope to be able to be here with you.
Now, many people believe, and I'm a great believer in it, of sending the sick, handkerchiefs. How many believes in that? Let's see your hand. [Gap in the audio.]
But that's all right. Anything that God would bless, I'm certainly for it.

3 Now, in the Scriptures they didn't exactly anoint the handkerchiefs. You'll read Acts 19, I think that they took from the body of Paul handkerchiefs and aprons. And it went to the sick people. Evil spirits went out and they were healed.
Now, I think... I couldn't say, of course, but I think that where Paul must have got that... Remember the Shunammite woman when the baby was dead, why, she went to Elisha, and he was God's prophet, though God hadn't told him what had happened yet.
And the woman fell down before him, and Gehazi picked her up. He was a servant, and wondered why she acted like that, coming up to his master. He said, "Leave her alone," said, "because there's sorrow in her heart and God has kept it a secret from me." But when she revealed what had happened, well, he sent his staff. He said, "Gehazi, take this staff (or, his servant) and go ahead of him and lay it on the baby."

2 Kings 4:20 And when he had taken him, and brought him to his mother, he sat on her knees till noon, and then died.

2 Kings 4:21 And she went up, and laid him on the bed of the man of God, and shut the door upon him, and went out.

2 Kings 4:22 And she called unto her husband, and said, Send me, I pray thee, one of the young men, and one of the asses, that I may run to the man of God, and come again.

2 Kings 4:23 And he said, Wherefore wilt thou go to him to day? it is neither new moon, nor sabbath. And she said, It shall be well.

2 Kings 4:24 Then she saddled an ass, and said to her servant, Drive, and go forward; slack not thy riding for me, except I bid thee.

2 Kings 4:25 So she went and came unto the man of God to mount Carmel. And it came to pass, when the man of God saw her afar off, that he said to Gehazi his servant, Behold, yonder is that Shunammite:

2 Kings 4:26 Run now, I pray thee, to meet her, and say unto her, Is it well with thee? is it well with thy husband? is it well with the child? And she answered, It is well.

2 Kings 4:27 And when she came to the man of God to the hill, she caught him by the feet: but Gehazi came near to thrust her away. And the man of God said, Let her alone; for her soul is vexed within her: and the LORD hath hid it from me, and hath not told me.

2 Kings 4:28 Then she said, Did I desire a son of my lord? did I not say, Do not deceive me?

2 Kings 4:29 Then he said to Gehazi, Gird up thy loins, and take my staff in thine hand, and go thy way: if thou meet any man, salute him not; and if any salute thee, answer him not again: and lay my staff upon the face of the child.

Acts 19:12 So that from his body were brought unto the sick handkerchiefs or aprons, and the diseases departed from them, and the evil spirits went out of them.

4 Now, I think, see, that whatever Elijah touched... He knowed when he was anointed with the Holy Spirit that everything he touched was blessed. But whether the woman would believe that or not... But he went ahead and laid the staff on the baby. But the woman's faith wasn't in the staff. It was in the prophet. So, the prophet had to come and put his body on the baby's body to bring it to life.
Now, however, perhaps that's where Paul got that. The only place in the Scripture that I know where he could have picked that up. But whatever he touched... They seen that God was with him and they knew that what he touched was blessed, so God honored that. It was just a little contact of faith.

2 Kings 4:31 And Gehazi passed on before them, and laid the staff upon the face of the child; but there was neither voice, nor hearing. Wherefore he went again to meet him, and told him, saying, The child is not awaked.

2 Kings 4:32 And when Elisha was come into the house, behold, the child was dead, and laid upon his bed.

2 Kings 4:33 He went in therefore, and shut the door upon them twain, and prayed unto the LORD.

2 Kings 4:34 And he went up, and lay upon the child, and put his mouth upon his mouth, and his eyes upon his eyes, and his hands upon his hands: and he stretched himself upon the child; and the flesh of the child waxed warm.

2 Kings 4:35 Then he returned, and walked in the house to and fro; and went up, and stretched himself upon him: and the child sneezed seven times, and the child opened his eyes.

5 Now, many people telling people to write to them---whether it was for a radio broadcast or something, but I don't have any broadcast or anything. But, I haven't prayed over many handkerchiefs since I've been here. I didn't know whether it was a doctrine of the church here or not. I send out somewhere several thousand a week all around the world.
And I have a greater ministry in that than I do with the personal contact with the people, because I reach more people. Now, if you desire one of those little... It isn't a handkerchief---but sending thousands of them and have very little capital to work with. But I take a little ribbon, with the instructions. You're perfectly welcome to one, absolutely free of charge. Just write to Jeffersonville. And you'll find out a little form will be sent back. I got a prayer circle all around the world. And as they pray... Even get up at midnight and two o'clock in the morning around the world to pray.

6 They put their handkerchief, or little cloth, over their heart on their underneath garment, confess all their sins. And everybody prays for one another. And just imagine that thousands times thousands of prayers going at one time for each other. God just can't turn His back on you. He's got to hear it.
Recently I was alarmed at a little message I got from Germany. It was a... We have a little office like in pretty near every nation, where they translate the letters and send them to us. A little German woman that had sent for anointed cloth and then said she got it. She'd had arthritis and she'd been in a wheelchair for several years. So, she got the little cloth and she called in the neighbors. It says if you haven't got a pastor to get a few neighbors. And she made all of her confessions and put the cloth on her. And when she put it on, she said, "Now, devil, you get out of here." See? She got up and walked away out of the wheelchair. It's just that simple to just have faith in God, that's all there is. Her faith just was made to a level where she could accept her healing and went away. The simplicity of divine healing is such a simple thing.

7 Sometime ago in an Indian reservation, when I first started in my services about eight years ago, I was in Phoenix and the first time I ever prayed for any Indian people. I promised God, if He'd heal the three Indians that was in the meeting, was in the prayer line that night, that I would go to the reservation. And so the Lord healed them.
And the missionaries helped me through my words. So, I come on the road back, I stopped for one night up at the Apache Reservation---as many of you has been up there, up above Globe, Arizona.
We went back and there was thousands of them had seated out. There's a little church. I believe there's an Assembly of God station. And they had fixed a microphone like this with speakers hanging out. As the sun went down that afternoon, it was a glorious sight to see all those Indians, their little families sitting on blankets.

8 They're very odd people. But when they believe, they believe. But they've got to be convinced first. So, I begin to tell them that I felt sorry for them and the way they were treated and so forth. And I do. And I said, "Of course, I'm just one of the Americans like you all are, also."
I said, "You might not have got the right deal." We send millions of dollars over there to feed the foreign people and our Indians starving to death. After all, aren't they the real Americans? That's right.
I think that's a stain on our flag, to myself, to think that them poor people out there starving to death. And us sending millions of dollars across over there for them to build up their armies to shoot it back at us. And so, I said, "Of course, I can't help that. But since I..." Said, "Here's one thing that I can tell you: Somebody I'm here to represent tonight, who'll give you a square deal every time; that's the Lord Jesus Christ."

9 And when I asked for a prayer line, well, there was nobody come up. So I was wondering, Now, that's strange. So, after a while the missionary went back into the little mission and brought out some people she had back there. And the first one come through was a woman, and as looking at her, she had a venereal disease, not because she's immoral. But just the way they had to live, you see---dirty, so forth.
And so she come out. And she looked at me real strange. She admitted that it that it was true, through the interpreter. And then the next come was a little girl. And she had had a fever that had made her deaf. Well, I took her in my arms and prayed for her. And she... Also, she'd quit talking. She couldn't talk. And the same nerve that controls the deaf that it's mute.

10 And so, I set her down and I tried... I hit my hand like that and she turned around. And I said something to her, and she mumbled off something. And I said, "Well, she'll talk better."
And the interpreter said, "Her talk heap good now." Said, "I didn't want you to [unclear words]."
So, the next one's a little cross-eyed boy. I got him up in my arms and held him here and prayed for him. I never, one time, in all my ministry, ever seen God turn a cross-eyed child down---never in my life. I had lost a baby, years ago (Billy's little sister), when she was eight months old. She suffered so hard. When I got to the hospital to see, her eyes had crossed. And it was something that had taken effect, that I had such a pathetic feeling to see a cross-eyed child.

11 However, on down next coming was a... Then I had a real prayer line, then. Just thousands of them that just begin to fly up everywhere; I was just having a stampede. And I wondered... And so they got them all quietened. And so, they had a big prayer line started then. Oh, four, five, six hundred of them getting lined up.
So then, the next coming in was to be an old woman that was on crutches of broomsticks. She was very badly crippled. And it was swolled up some way with arthritis, and so forth. And I looked at the poor old thing. There was one young fellow trying to get around her all the time. So, we couldn't talk to him. So, Mr. Moore, (Many of you know Rev. Mr. Moore), he just picked up the little Indian and set him back behind the old lady. And the poor old thing. She'd already seen; she knew that God lived.

12 So she brought her crutches coming along like that. And when she got up to me, I just stood still and let her pass by. And she come---poor old thing---her great big feet, creases, wrinkles in her face, and her hair with leather wrapped in it. And I thought, as she looked up, the tears making their way down the creases in her face, I thought, Somebody's mother.
Maybe never had the privileges that some of you had, but her children loved her just the same as we love our mother. And she loved her children like ... her children loved her the same way, vice-versa.

13 When she got up to where I was at, she just looked up at me like that. And her little lips quivering. She just took both of those crutches and handed them to me, straightened up, went walking right on off the platform. No prayer at all. She just believed, you see, that was all.
I remember long towards daylight that morning, I'd prayed and prayed. And they begin to come through, wet way up around their waist. And I said to the interpreter, I said, "Why are they wet?"
Said, "Well, first they didn't believe it. They just thought it was false." And said, "Now..." Said, "There's a ford about twenty miles down the river. But," said, "they crossed over, and go bringing their loved ones in here. Just wading across the river with their loved ones."

14 There was a fellow standing there with a board that had a stick across the front and the back. He had an old Indian laying there, with his legs hanging over this stick, his main body laying on the board [unclear words] and his hands laying back that way. And a big strong brave was standing there, quivering, his lips, real cold. I said, "You talk English?"
Said, "Yes, sir."
I said, "Aren't you afraid you'll take pneumonia like that?"
He said, "Jesus Christ is take care of me. I brought my daddy."
And the old fellow laying there, he had the palsy. I said, "You believe if I ask Jesus, He will heal your daddy?"
So I said, "Pass him by." He went by and I just laid my hand on the old fellow like that. I said, "God bless you, brother. May the Lord Jesus heal you and make you well." They passed on.

15 Here come someone else. After a while, I heard somebody screaming. The old fellow had the stretcher on his own shoulders, going along waving at everybody like that, going right out. Just a simple child-like simplicity to believe that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, still has mercy on His people.
Friends, Christ's attitude doesn't change to the sick or the sinner. It's just the same tonight as it ever was.
I've had ten years of this. This is the tenth year traveling around the world, seeing our lovely Lord working His great power. And I love Him tonight with all my heart. I'm sure you do, too. Come out on a night like this, cold outside, to come to this little auditorium tonight, to worship Him together with us. We appreciate your presence.

16 And now, before I open the Bible to read a few verses of Scripture, shall we speak to Him, the Author of this Word. As we pray.
Our kind Heavenly Father, we thank Thee tonight with all of our hearts for Your kindness and mercy to us. We're unworthy of any of these blessings. But Thou with Thy sovereign grace... [Break in tape] ... come down from Heaven, was made sin and died at the cross, and was buried, and rose again the third day for our justification, bearing in His body for our redemption of both sickness, sin, worries, and troubles. "For He was wounded for our transgressions, bruised for our iniquity, the chastisement of our peace was upon Him and with His stripes we were healed," says the prophet.

Isaiah 53:5 But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.

17 And we thank Thee for these wonderful attributes of His death that we can enjoy while we're here on this earth. And above all things, knowing that we wait for that day that when we shall be made liken unto Him. And we shall see Him as He is, live with Him through ceaseless ages.
Father, grant, tonight, that Your Holy Spirit will come to this building and bless each and every one that's here. We pray this blessing now for Your glory. And as I open this Bible, help to give us a few words of consolation out of Thy Word, for we ask [blank spot] Thy Son. Amen.
Because my word, as I say as a man, my words are just a man's word, but His Word is always true. And now, we read from the first verse, beginning with the fifth chapter of Saint Luke.

18 And it came to pass ... as the people pressed upon him to hear the word of God, he stood by the lake of Gennesaret,
And saw two ships standing by the lake: but the fishermen were gone out of them, and were washing their nets.
And he turned ... (I beg your pardon. I haven't got much light here.) And he entered into one of the ships, which was Simon's, and he prayed him that he would thrust out a little from the land. And he sat down, and taught the people out of the ship.
Now when he had left speaking, he said unto Simon, Launch out into the deep, and let down ... for the draught.
And Simon answered him said, Master, we have toiled all night, and ... taken nothing: nevertheless at thy word I will let down the net.

Luke 5:1 And it came to pass, that, as the people pressed upon him to hear the word of God, he stood by the lake of Gennesaret,

Luke 5:2 And saw two ships standing by the lake: but the fishermen were gone out of them, and were washing their nets.

Luke 5:3 And he entered into one of the ships, which was Simon's, and prayed him that he would thrust out a little from the land. And he sat down, and taught the people out of the ship.

Luke 5:4 Now when he had left speaking, he said unto Simon, Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught.

Luke 5:5 And Simon answering said unto him, Master, we have toiled all the night, and have taken nothing: nevertheless at thy word I will let down the net.

19 May the Lord add His blessings to that. And for just a little subject, we will take: At Thy Word, Lord, I Will Let Down The Net.
Now, many of us in looking, or approaching the subject of divine healing, and so forth... As we are, tonight, praying for the sick, God willing, I wish to make this statement, that everyone will be sure to know that I do not claim to be a divine healer. I don't believe there's one on earth. And I don't believe there ever was one on earth. Even the Son of God Himself didn't claim to be a divine healer. He said, "It's not Me that doeth the work, it's My Father that dwelleth in Me, He doeth the work."
And now, Christians, and to you, maybe, non-Christians, there's no power in man, never was, and never will be, to heal the sick. It all comes from God. No matter... I have nothing in me, no other man has anything in them, to save or forgive.

Luke 5:5 And Simon answering said unto him, Master, we have toiled all the night, and have taken nothing: nevertheless at thy word I will let down the net.

John 14:10 Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me? the words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works.

20 Now, sin is the cause of sickness. Sickness all comes from sin. It's a attribute of sin. Before we had any sickness, we had no sin. Sin followed sickness. So there if you deal with sin, you're bound to deal with its attributes. You just have to. And anyone who would preach the Gospel of salvation from sin would have to preach divine healing, or you couldn't preach the Gospel, see.
You couldn't kill a dog, hit it in the head and kill it without killing its foot, also, see. You'd have to kill the rest of its body. So the head of it is sin and all this weary and sickness and all attributes, even death itself, is all wrapped up caused by sin. Man didn't have to die, didn't have to be sick. He didn't have to worry, didn't have to shift for himself. Everything come after the fall.

21 Now in this, but God hath set in the church, gifts; first, the Bible. Now I'm strictly a fundamentalist. If anything doesn't come from this Bible, it isn't true. I believe that this is God's truth. And everything, every doctrine must be based upon this New Testament, the New Testament church.
And now, we see in the Bible that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, when He came to the earth, He came to rid sin and sickness, divorce it, put it away forever from His people. And claimed that He would return again. But in His absence, that He gave His church the same authority that He had.
If we'll notice what authority He had. It did not come... Jesus didn't go around healing people because He wanted to. He only healed them as God would let Him heal them.

22 We notice His ministry as I quoted it the other night. If we can find out what kind of a ministry Jesus Christ had Himself, then we could find out whether He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. My contentions is this, that Jesus raised from the dead. He is not dead. He's alive, just as alive as He ever was and ever will evermore be alive. He isn't dead.
He was only absent just a little while from the earth and had to bear our sins to hell as He was made sin in our stead, to take our sins, knowing no sin Himself; but an innocent substitute for we guilty sinners, taking our sins and sickness to hell when He went in our stead. And God raised Him up on the third day, for our justification. As we look and see the empty tomb, we realize that we're freely justified in the sight of God, and God has been well pleased with the price that was paid of the death of His Son at Calvary.
He said, "This is my beloved Son, hear ye Him."
Jesus at the cross said, "It's finished." The atonement was paid for and ... made, rather, at Calvary. What kind of a ministry did Jesus have? If He's the same yesterday, today, and forever, don't you audience, tonight, think if He is the same yesterday, today, and forever that He can do the same today that He did yesterday and forever?

Matthew 17:5 While he yet spake, behold, a bright cloud overshadowed them: and behold a voice out of the cloud, which said, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased; hear ye him.

Mark 9:7 And there was a cloud that overshadowed them: and a voice came out of the cloud, saying, This is my beloved Son: hear him.

Luke 9:35 And there came a voice out of the cloud, saying, This is my beloved Son: hear him.

John 19:30 When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, he said, It is finished: and he bowed his head, and gave up the ghost.

23 Hebrews 13:8 said that "He is the same yesterday, today, and forever." Watch His ministry. Just as a little preview for a few moments, maybe to the strangers. Let's see what kind of a ministry He had.
Now He didn't go around saying, "All right, you crippled, you get up. You blind... I will raise this dead man." He raised three dead people, according to the Scriptures, in His earthly ministry here while He was on earth; just three is a conformation. "In the mouth of two or three witnesses, let every word be established."
Many people died during His ministry, but He only raised three, as the Bible records. But what kind of a ministry did He have then? Watch Him in the beginning of His ministry, which we will base on this text in a few moments.

Matthew 18:16 But if he will not hear thee, then take with thee one or two more, that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established.

2 Corinthians 13:1 This is the third time I am coming to you. In the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established.

Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

24 When He first begin His ministry, become popular. Why, a man by the name of Philip got saved, and he went and found his friend Nathanael and brought Nathanael to Him. And when Jesus, standing, preaching, and praying for the sick, or wherever it was. Nathanael may have been in a prayer line. He might have been standing in the audience, wherever it was. When Jesus looked at him, He said, "Behold, an Israelite in whom there is no guile."
And he said, "Whence knowest thou me, Rabbi?"
Or, other words, if I would say the same thing to you, I'd say, "There's a Christian, a believer, an honest truthful person."
Well, he said, "How did You know me?"
He said, "Before Philip called you, when you were under the tree, I saw you." Is that true? That's the Bible.

John 1:47 Jesus saw Nathanael coming to him, and saith of him, Behold an Israelite indeed, in whom is no guile!

John 1:48 Nathanael saith unto him, Whence knowest thou me? Jesus answered and said unto him, Before that Philip called thee, when thou wast under the fig tree, I saw thee.

25 And now, what would you think would happen in amongst many people who are shallow, borderline believers tonight, if something like that taken place here in New York tonight? The first impression they had, either men ... they'd say Jesus was a mind reader, or it was mental telepathy, or something like that.
And that's the reason God can't move. The people never welcomed Him. They called Him a devil then. They said He was the chief of all the fortunetellers. Did you know that? He's Beelzebub, the chief of the devils. Is that what the clergy called Him? Beelzebub, the chief of all the devils, see.

26 They didn't stop to read the Scriptures to see that that was the sign of the Messiah. But they just said, "Well, I know He knows what's wrong with them. And we can't understand why they get well, but He's a devil," see. But what did Philip ... Nathanael say? He said, "Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God." That's the way to accept it.
He said, "Blessed art thou. If you have believed these things, because I told you that I knew where you was before you come to the church" and other wise, "well, you'll see greater than this."
One day in His ministry He passed by a woman ... or, went up to Samaria, it was, and sat on a bench or a wall; sent His disciples into the city to get something to eat.
And as we as American people, which is the eastern plain is altogether different from this. But, we as American people, we believe that the woman was an ill-famed woman, prostitute, perhaps.

John 1:49 Nathanael answered and saith unto him, Rabbi, thou art the Son of God; thou art the King of Israel.

John 1:50 Jesus answered and said unto him, Because I said unto thee, I saw thee under the fig tree, believest thou? thou shalt see greater things than these.

John 4:6 Now Jacob's well was there. Jesus therefore, being wearied with his journey, sat thus on the well: and it was about the sixth hour.

John 4:7 There cometh a woman of Samaria to draw water: Jesus saith unto her, Give me to drink.

John 4:8 (For his disciples were gone away unto the city to buy meat.)

27 She had come out to get the water. Jesus said to her, "Bring Me a drink."
She said, "It's not customary for you Jews to ask Samaritans such. We have no dealings." See, He was, to my opinion, He was trying to contact her spirit. The Father had told Him to go up there. But, perhaps, He'd take place after He got there. So, He sat there at... She said, "Why, it's not customary for you Jews to ask Samaritans such."

John 4:9 Then saith the woman of Samaria unto him, How is it that thou, being a Jew, askest drink of me, which am a woman of Samaria? for the Jews have no dealings with the Samaritans.

28 He said, "But if you knew who you were talking to, you'd ask Me for a drink." He went on with the conservation. After a while, He caught what was wrong with her, where her trouble was. He said, "Go get your husband."
She said, "I have none."
Said, "That's right. You've got five." Why, listen. Now, listen to her, her side of it.
She said, "I perceive that You are a prophet." Not a devil; a prophet. Said, "I know that Messiah is coming and when He comes He will tell us these things." The very sign of Messiah was there. That prostitute recognized it before the clergy did. Pretty near the same today. That's right.

John 4:10 Jesus answered and said unto her, If thou knewest the gift of God, and who it is that saith to thee, Give me to drink; thou wouldest have asked of him, and he would have given thee living water.

John 4:16 Jesus saith unto her, Go, call thy husband, and come hither.

John 4:17 The woman answered and said, I have no husband. Jesus said unto her, Thou hast well said, I have no husband:

John 4:18 For thou hast had five husbands; and he whom thou now hast is not thy husband: in that saidst thou truly.

John 4:19 The woman saith unto him, Sir, I perceive that thou art a prophet.

John 4:25 The woman saith unto him, I know that Messias cometh, which is called Christ: when he is come, he will tell us all things.

29 When they were in there arguing on what kind of buttons they should have on their coats, three magis---fortunetellers, or whatever you want to call them, stargazers---come from the east following a star and found Him. Is that right? It's true. And the clergy's wondering what kind of buttons they ought to wear on their clothes and how they must dress. Having DD's and so forth to their names. Just as history---just repeating itself. And there laid the gift of God laying there. When He went to preaching and foretelling people, in His ministry, well, they said ... looked at Him and they said, "He's Beelzebub." That's the clergy. But what did the devil say? "We know who You are: the Son of God, the holy One." Is that right?
That's where they... See, people can get so ritualistic till they lose... Even devils know more about the Spirit than they do, because they deal with spiritual things. They just get so ecclesiastical, till they just can't find God. And there's no way of finding it that way. God has hid Himself from the eyes of the wise and prudent, He said.
And so, notice, when He talked to the woman, she said, "I know when Messiah cometh, He will say those things and do those things."
He said, "I'm He that speaks to you."
And she run into the city and said, "Come, see a Man that told me everything I ever done. Isn't this the Messiah?" Why, He never told her all she done. He just told her that one thing. But if God could reveal that one thing to Him, He could reveal everything to Him.

Matthew 2:1 Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judaea in the days of Herod the king, behold, there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem,

Matthew 2:2 Saying, Where is he that is born King of the Jews? for we have seen his star in the east, and are come to worship him.

Matthew 11:25 At that time Jesus answered and said, I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes.

Matthew 12:24 But when the Pharisees heard it, they said, This fellow doth not cast out devils, but by Beelzebub the prince of the devils.

Mark 1:24 Saying, Let us alone; what have we to do with thee, thou Jesus of Nazareth? art thou come to destroy us? I know thee who thou art, the Holy One of God.

Mark 3:22 And the scribes which came down from Jerusalem said, He hath Beelzebub, and by the prince of the devils casteth he out devils.

Luke 4:34 Saying, Let us alone; what have we to do with thee, thou Jesus of Nazareth? art thou come to destroy us? I know thee who thou art; the Holy One of God.

Luke 10:21 In that hour Jesus rejoiced in spirit, and said, I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes: even so, Father; for so it seemed good in thy sight.

Luke 11:15 But some of them said, He casteth out devils through Beelzebub the chief of the devils.

John 4:25 The woman saith unto him, I know that Messias cometh, which is called Christ: when he is come, he will tell us all things.

John 4:26 Jesus saith unto her, I that speak unto thee am he.

John 4:29 Come, see a man, which told me all things that ever I did: is not this the Christ?

30 So then, if you notice, a little later on He passed through the pool of Bethesda, where multitudes after multitudes of crippled, lame, halt, blind, twisted... Now, listen close. And when He passed by these people, He never touched a one of them, yet full of love and compassion. Went by them till He found a man laying on a little pallet---little pallet as we call it in the south. And so He made him well.
He wasn't crippled. He said, "When I'm coming down to the pool, somebody else steps in ahead of me." He, maybe getting old. He had that disease for thirty-eight years. It wasn't going to kill him, it was retarded. So, he might have had TB or prostate trouble or something.
He said, "Take up thy bed and go into your house."
Now, if you'll notice, the Scripture says before that, Jesus knew that he was there. Now, when the Jews found him and questioned Jesus, why didn't He heal all the multitude? Why didn't He make them all well?

John 5:5 And a certain man was there, which had an infirmity thirty and eight years.

John 5:7 The impotent man answered him, Sir, I have no man, when the water is troubled, to put me into the pool: but while I am coming, another steppeth down before me.

John 5:8 Jesus saith unto him, Rise, take up thy bed, and walk.

31 You know what would happen in New York tonight, if we had a big meeting and there would be a whole big ... pushing a whole big lots of cripples and blind and halt, and the Lord would come down and heal maybe one person, walk away. You know what they'd say? "Uh-huh, let me see Him heal that one and I'll believe it."
See, God doesn't heal upon your desires. He heals upon the basis of your faith. Right.
So, when they questioned Jesus about it. Listen what He said, now. Saint John 5:19. Listen closely. "Verily, verily I say unto you, the Son can do nothing in himself, but what he sees the Father doing: what the Father doeth, He showeth the Son. And He will show you greater than this that you may marvel. For the Father worketh and I worketh hitherto," see.

John 5:17 But Jesus answered them, My Father worketh hitherto, and I work.

John 5:19 Then answered Jesus and said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do: for what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise.

32 Otherwise Jesus with His own words said, "I don't do one thing within Myself, but I watch. And what the Father shows Me, I go do it." Is that right? "Verily, verily I say unto you, the Son can do nothing in Himself, but what he sees the Father doing, that doeth the son likewise."
Now, a woman one time touched His garment and ran out into the crowd. Her faith was so great, He turned around and picked her out in the crowd and said, "Thy faith has saved thee. Your blood issue staunched and it's all over." See?
We watch the way He worked; just as the Father would show Him. No credit to Himself, but what the Father did. He come to do the Father's will. Now, that's the type of ministry He had. Now listen.

Matthew 9:20 And, behold, a woman, which was diseased with an issue of blood twelve years, came behind him, and touched the hem of his garment:

Matthew 9:22 But Jesus turned him about, and when he saw her, he said, Daughter, be of good comfort; thy faith hath made thee whole. And the woman was made whole from that hour.

Mark 5:27 When she had heard of Jesus, came in the press behind, and touched his garment.

Mark 5:34 And he said unto her, Daughter, thy faith hath made thee whole; go in peace, and be whole of thy plague.

Luke 8:44 Came behind him, and touched the border of his garment: and immediately her issue of blood stanched.

Luke 8:48 And he said unto her, Daughter, be of good comfort: thy faith hath made thee whole; go in peace.

John 5:19 Then answered Jesus and said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do: for what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise.

33 He said, "A little while and the world will see Me no more, yet ye shall see Me." That's the believer. The world, the unbeliever, "won't see Me no more," because He'll be gone. That settles it. Said, "The world will see Me no more, yet you shall see Me; for I will be with you, even in you to the end of the world." That's His own words. Is that right?
Now, friends, that's either right or it is wrong. Hebrews 13:8 said, "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever." And if it is right, He's obligated to His Word. And if it isn't right, then the Scripture, the Bible is not a book to be trusted. To me, it's either black or white. It's right or wrong. And I am so thankful that I have found that it's perfectly right.

Matthew 28:20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.

John 14:19 Yet a little while, and the world seeth me no more; but ye see me: because I live, ye shall live also.

Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

34 For He has raised from the dead. He's living... Now watch. You say, "Well, of course we believe He raised from the dead." What did He say? "The things that I do shall you do also." Is that correct? You ministers? "The things that I do shall you do also. Even greater..." The word greater, any of you scholars know the right interpretation of that is "more." He couldn't do anything greater. He stopped nature, raised the dead, and everything else. Any more greater in quality but in quantity. "More than this shall you do, for I go to My Father." Is that right? "These same things that I do, you shall do them, also."

John 14:12 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.

35 Now if He's the same yesterday, today, and forever, He's obligated to that Word, isn't He? In the beginning of His ministry here, I can think of that morning when He was standing by this lake here. His ministry had just started. He become popular. Little crowds of people were gathering around Him. And some miracles had happened. And He'd go to a city and heal a man, walk right out of the city where the Father showed Him and go somewhere else. And whatever the Father showed Him.
And this day, they had a group of fishermen. Peter, James, John, had been fishing. Perhaps, they'd been told before by the others this wonderful person Jesus of Nazareth. And they had seined all night through the lake. And they were fishermen. Perhaps we'll say, for the sake of drama, that it was along in April, when fishing's good.

36 And they were seining this thing through there. And they were fishermen, they knowed just the kind of weather you're supposed to have and for the stars and moon and so forth. All the calendar was given to them by instinct. They knowed when fish was running and when they wasn't. And they'd seined all night through this lake and had taken nothing.
My, that's a discouraging thing, to fish all night and get nothing. And the next morning they was discouraged and sitting down washing their nets. And down along the bank comes this lovely, lonely Galilean, despised and hated by the churches, yet the Prince of Peace.

37 And as He comes walking along the banks, a few of His apostles that followed Him (disciples then) was following Him. Now, I can imagine seeing the women all up there from the meeting the night before, perhaps, washing and so forth along the bank in their little huts as it was.
They said, "There goes that fellow that's healing the sick, that prophet. Let's go down and hear Him. Perhaps if we'll gather, we'll have a meeting down there on the bank." And I can see them lay their dishes aside, or their washing. And the men stop the ox in the field from plowing. And they're coming down to talk to Jesus.
And when He stopped on the bank and begin to speak to the people... They said, "The people pressed upon Him to hear the Word of God."

38 There's no one in the world enjoys hearing God's servants preach like I do. I don't get to hear them much, unless it's on radio, all different denominational churches. I just love to hear them. And I don't get to meet them or hear very much of it in the meeting, because it's all took up praying for the sick and so forth. And sometimes the throngs of thousands times thousands, and Holy Spirit moving, taken place to place.
And I like to hear good ministers speak. But I would have loved to have been there the time when He stretched out His arms and said, "Come unto Me, all ye that labor and heavy laden; I will give you rest."

Matthew 11:28 Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

39 I've often wondered if I could live to see the day when the air waves that the radio technicians, and so forth, and scientists will be able to produce a crystal of something that would pick up that wave of His voice. They claim it never dies. It just flows on. "Come unto Me all ye that labor and heavy laden; I will give you rest."
I don't know whether I'll live to see that day or not. Don't know whether God will permit it. But there's one thing that I do have. I hope this: that someday I will hear Him say this, "It was well done, my good and faithful servant." That's what I live for, to see that day to hear that voice, that, "It was well done. You done the best you could." That's what I've worked for. That's what I've worked and labor in love for my Lord Jesus.

Matthew 11:28 Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

Matthew 25:21 His lord said unto him, Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord.

Matthew 25:23 His lord said unto him, Well done, good and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord.

40 These fishermen, I can imagine seeing the apostles sitting up there on a stump on the side of the shore. Say, "Well, say, there's that guy, that new fellow, come in here preaching healing down there. Let's just sit down here and see what He says." You know the fellow comes to church the first night goes just as far back as he can.
Then I can notice him as Jesus begin to speak; there was something about His word was just a little different from ordinary men. I can see the apostle Peter pick up his stump, pull up a little closer and sat down. After a while, he was right up in front and listened to Him. He spoke like ... precious words coming from His mouth.

41 Afterwards He said ... stepped out and borrowed the apostles' boat. So the crowd was pushing against Him and He stepped out in the boat. After He got through speaking, He said to Peter, "Launch out into the deep and let down for the draught." Now, not "Let down and see if there's some there," "Let down and take a try at it," but "Let down for the draught"---the whole multitude of fishes.
Well, the apostle said, "Lord, we have fished all night. We're fishermen. We know our business. And there just simply is no fish out there." I'd imagine he said in his heart, "Now we fished through those waters and we know there's no fish there."
But if Jesus said, "Let down for them," He's able to put some there. If you'll take Him at His Word.

Luke 5:4 Now when he had left speaking, he said unto Simon, Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught.

Luke 5:5 And Simon answering said unto him, Master, we have toiled all the night, and have taken nothing: nevertheless at thy word I will let down the net.

42 Now, maybe you have went to every doctor in the city. Maybe you've combed through every clinic and every doctor's office. Maybe the man with honesty has examined you and said, "I don't know what's wrong with you." And maybe he's found what's wrong with and say, "It's not in medical realms to cure you. There's nothing in the world that we can do for you." Maybe you've seined through all that and you went through prayer lines. You've done everything that you know to do, and you're still sick and getting worse.
Why don't you do like the apostle said? "Lord, I don't know how it's going to happen, but at Thy Word, Lord, I'm going to let down the net tonight. I'm going to let down and believe with all my heart that You're going to heal me tonight." You'll go away from here a well person. "At Thy Word Lord, I'm going to let down the net."---regardless of what it is.

Luke 5:5 And Simon answering said unto him, Master, we have toiled all the night, and have taken nothing: nevertheless at thy word I will let down the net.

43 And when the apostle let the net down, where he had seined all night long, and Jesus asked him to go right back in the same waters and let down again. So when he let down, he enclosed a great multitude of fishes. And he fell before the apostle ... before Jesus, and said, "Depart from me, O Lord, for I am a sinful man."
How that he wasn't... And from then on He heard the Lord. The great blessings that Jesus gave to him: He said, "From henceforth, you shall be made a fisher of men."

Luke 5:6 And when they had this done, they enclosed a great multitude of fishes: and their net brake.

Luke 5:8 When Simon Peter saw it, he fell down at Jesus' knees, saying, Depart from me; for I am a sinful man, O Lord.

Luke 5:10 And so was also James, and John, the sons of Zebedee, which were partners with Simon. And Jesus said unto Simon, Fear not; from henceforth thou shalt catch men.

44 And that tonight ... how that much criticism and everything, when I was first beginning, it was terrible.
But now, the Lord has battled down the critics, so great men of kings and potentates and tens of thousands times thousands of testimonies wrote out by doctors, and everything else, of divine healing, and even resurrection from the dead, till it shut the critic's mouth. God has appeared in the meeting in a great form of a light; taken it. Been through all the different examinations and things, till God has absolutely proved His Word beyond a shadow of doubt to be the truth; and stopped the critics.

45 And I love Him. And I think that every Christian life holds theirself to this thing: that by the light of God's Word, that every man ought to come... If you're here tonight for your first time, you ought to look at it sensibly. And look at it Scripturally and approach it the same way. Don't come with a critical... Saying, "Well, I don't believe. I don't care." Well, if you're a...
A fellow said to me not long ago, said, "Brother Branham, I don't care what happens, I don't believe it."
I said, "It wasn't for you. It's not for unbelievers. It's for those who believe." Just for believers alone.
So then he said, "He that believeth." That's the one. "These signs shall follow them that believe." Not unbelievers, "the believer." That's the ones that's got it.

Mark 16:17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;

46 And tonight, in thinking of these things and seeing how the Lord did... Just some people are ashamed. After they accept the Lord Jesus as Saviour, they go out and they're ashamed to confess Him. Many times they accept Him as their healer. And they go out and are ashamed to confess Him. You should never be ashamed of Him. You should be right up, no matter what takes place, you should be right up in front to stand on your testimony.

47 For God can only save you as you testify. He can only heal you as you testify. He is sitting at the right hand of the Father tonight to make intercession upon your profession. It isn't how loud you cry, how hard you beat the altar, how many good deeds you do. It's your faith that saves you.
And if you'll confess it with your lips and coming from your heart. He goes to work as a high priest, sitting at the right hand of the Father to make intercession upon your confession---Hebrews 3:1. He cannot do one thing for you until first you believe it and accept it and confess it to be so.
And the people today, they'll go out say, "Well, I felt better last night. But today I'm so bad I just can't hardly stand it." That's just exactly; when you lose your confession, it drops right down. No matter who you are, how saintly, how godly you are, you're a minister, clergyman, or you're a deacon, or whatever you are, or you been a Christian for fifty years; if you go out of here tomorrow and lose faith that you're a Christian and start telling people you're not a Christian anymore, you're backslid. You're gone.

Romans 8:34 Who is he that condemneth? It is Christ that died, yea rather, that is risen again, who is even at the right hand of God, who also maketh intercession for us.

Hebrews 3:1 Wherefore, holy brethren, partakers of the heavenly calling, consider the Apostle and High Priest of our profession, Christ Jesus;

Hebrews 11:6 But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.

48 Only by your confession can you be saved. That's the most powerful weapon that God put in the hand of man is a committal and a confession. It'll do it every time if you'll believe it, accept it on those basis, and believe it and stay with it. Keep confessing it. When you confess it...
You know a lot of people look at: symptoms. They always go around say, "Well now, I don't feel any better." That doesn't have one thing to do with it. It's what you believe, not what you feel.
If there's any man had a good case of symptoms, it was Jonah. He was backslid, hands tied behind him, on a sandy sea, swallowed by a whale, in the belly of the whale, down in the bottom of the sea. Any man knows that a fish, when it feeds, it'll pass through the water till it finds its way, then goes right down and rests at the bottom.

Jonah 1:15 So they took up Jonah, and cast him forth into the sea: and the sea ceased from her raging.

Jonah 1:17 Now the LORD had prepared a great fish to swallow up Jonah. And Jonah was in the belly of the fish three days and three nights.

49 Feed your goldfish and watch what they do: go right to the bottom, throw their little swimmers out and rest. Now, this minister, prophet, Jonah, had been swallowed by a whale. And was hands behind him. He was backslid, 'cause God told him to go to Nineveh and he went to Tarsus ... on his road to Tarsus. He was backslid.
And they claim that the sea around in there is over a mile deep or two, out in there. And this whale had went way down in the sea now with this preacher in his stomach. And if he looked this way, it was whale's belly; he looked that way, it was whale's belly. Everywhere he looked it was whale's belly.
And you talk about being in a condition. He really had a chance to have some symptoms. Everything he looked at was whale's belly. But what did he say? He said, "They are lying vanities. I refuse to see them." He said, "Once more..."---means the vomit in the whale's stomach, seaweed wrapped around his neck. In that condition!

Jonah 1:1 Now the word of the LORD came unto Jonah the son of Amittai, saying,

Jonah 1:2 Arise, go to Nineveh, that great city, and cry against it; for their wickedness is come up before me.

Jonah 1:3 But Jonah rose up to flee unto Tarshish from the presence of the LORD, and went down to Joppa; and he found a ship going to Tarshish: so he paid the fare thereof, and went down into it, to go with them unto Tarshish from the presence of the LORD.

Jonah 2:8 They that observe lying vanities forsake their own mercy.

50 There's nobody in here tonight in that condition. There's nobody ever been in that condition. Look what an impossibility he was standing in. And yet he refused to see the symptoms around him. He said, "Once more will I look to Your holy temple, O Lord." That's right. Why? When Solomon dedicated the temple, he prayed; he said, "Lord, if Thy people be in trouble anywhere and look to this temple and pray, then you hear from Heaven."
And Jonah believed that God heard Solomon's prayer. And he looked towards the temple and God kept him alive for three days and nights in that whale's belly, according to the Word of God. And if Jonah, under those circumstances, could believe God like that, how much more ought you and I tonight?

1 Kings 8:30 And hearken thou to the supplication of thy servant, and of thy people Israel, when they shall pray toward this place: and hear thou in heaven thy dwelling place: and when thou hearest, forgive.

Jonah 1:17 Now the LORD had prepared a great fish to swallow up Jonah. And Jonah was in the belly of the fish three days and three nights.

Jonah 2:4 Then I said, I am cast out of thy sight; yet I will look again toward thy holy temple.

51 Sitting here where thousands are being healed over here with all kinds of diseases, afflictions. And we don't look towards the natural temple, built by natural man, offered prayer by natural man. We look to Heaven, where Jesus sitting at the right hand of God making intercession with His own blood for our confession.
How much more ought we to say, "I refuse to see it. Jesus Christ promised me eternal life. I have it. Jesus Christ promised to heal my sickness. I have it. I confess it. I believe it. I'll stay with it." Then you're going to make...
Though people go around say, "How do you feel?"
Say, "Wonderful! Praise the Lord." Then you're going to run the devil away from you.

Romans 8:34 Who is he that condemneth? It is Christ that died, yea rather, that is risen again, who is even at the right hand of God, who also maketh intercession for us.

52 One time when I was sick, Mayo Brothers had give me up and everything, said I couldn't make it. Everything I'd eat, I'd vomit right back out. I sat right down and taking God at His Word and told Him I'd serve Him. And I eat some onions, beans, corn bread, and bologna. And I eat a big mouthful and the devil said, "Uh-huh."
Went to burning, the doctor said, "That boy will die if he puts that in his stomach."
And it started back up and I held my hand over my mouth. I said, "Oh, no, unh-uh, God said so." And I went down the street just a praising God.
The devil kept telling me, "You're no better." Days passed. Said, "You're no better."
I said, "Looky here, devil, if you don't want to hear me testify and glorify Jesus Christ, just get away from me, because I'll tell it till I die." That's right. Amen.

53 And tonight, try me on a steak and see if I can eat it or not. See, I'm healthy, strong. I only weighed a hundred and eighteen, nineteen pounds at that time. And now I weigh a hundred and sixty-five. Yes, sir. Because, why? I believed God. I have faith in Him. This is His Word. It's not my word. It's His Word. God said He would do it.
And when Jesus said that He was the same yesterday, today, and forever, would return in this form and do the same things He did when He was here, I believe every word of it to be the truth. And my hope is built on nothing less than Jesus' blood and righteousness. That's right.
There's His Word. And His blood is to take care of it. Everything He put in the atonement is ours. We have it by faith. Just accept it and walk forward and confess it, and watch what takes place. It'll work it.
When you get saved at the altar, you believe in salvation. You go outside, and the old crowd you met, say, "Huh, he's still got on the same tie, still coat. His eyes are still blue, or brown, or whatever it is. Why, there's no difference in him." There's no physical thing that you can show at all that you're saved. But in your heart, you believe you're saved. So you testify what you believe.

Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

54 If you can accept Jesus as your healer, then no matter what the outside looks like, what the symptoms looks like; testify what you believe. That's it. Stay with it. And God's obligated to bring it to pass. Oh, my!
I remember when I first started out. The love of Him! How that the people swarmed from everywhere. Remember going down into Jonesboro, Arkansas. I had been gone about six months. I sent for wife. I was getting so lonesome to see her and the baby. And they come down on the train. I remember, they met us. The Arkansas Sun said, "There was twenty-eight thousand people at the meeting." And if the paper said they were there, they were, every one, there.

55 They had little places out, little stations built, and tents. And those poor dear people were laying under cots, and laying under trucks and cattle trucks and holding... It pouring down rain every day. Them holding papers over their little sick children and things. It was a pathetic sight. But the Lord had been healing.
You notice the article up there in one of the books: man come to the altar, a place with a big cancer---red, hanging on his neck. And it turned white, dropped off and rolled under my feet. And the newspaper standing there took the pictures of it and everything and put it right on the front page the next day.

56 Here was Miss Hattie Waldorf from Phoenix, Arizona, died in the prayer line. She told the intern and them, when they was bringing her through, said, "Take me through, anyhow." And when she got up there, been dead... Here's her address, name, number, everything. She's living today. Had cancer of the heart, colon, and liver.
The doctor had give her up. Said, "There's not a chance." And they brought her, anyhow. She died over a city block away from the place. They kept on bringing the prayer line up.
I stayed there eight days and nights without leaving from the prayer line. And so they just kept bringing... Bring me my lunch or a little orange juice, and I would drink, maybe, sleep beside of the pulpit just for a few minutes, wake up and start the prayer line on.

57 And that woman raised from the dead, come right up out and living today. Ask her. There's her address. Nothing is fictitious. Ask and see. You got a right to look into it. Men all over the world has called in for it. And thousands of those things have been done. Why? "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever." And what He says is the truth. That's right.
You've lost your faith in Him, friends. Come back to God. Come back to a living faith. Get away from these little pet theologies and stuff, and serve a real living God by a born-again experience. That's right. What you must do to live right with God. Except a man's born-again, let the supernatural life of God comes into a man and makes him believe things, because he's a part of God.

Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

58 Now, I remember that night going in, trying to get to the auditorium, my wife stood up there and she said... We was about three blocks away and the streets was all blocked off. And my wife said, "Billy, did all these people come to hear you?"
And I said, "No, honey, they come to see Jesus." Then she stood there, poor little fellow, and sang "They come from the east and west." Some ushers, a gang of them, come and got me and take me through the crowd. And I just got in. That was my last night to be in the meeting. We was going on then to Little Rock from Jonesboro.
I happened to look down here and the ambulance, stretchers was laying everywhere. And there was a little girl laying there and there's a vision coming over her. And I noticed over this way, somebody kept motioning like this. He had on a dark suit and a blue cap in his hand. I thought he looked like an ambulance driver.

59 The night before there had been a man up at Kennett, Missouri, been twenty years was blind---a shoe cobbler, and he received his sight that morning. He went home, he run all over the city. He run into a Methodist church with his hat on His cane, blind. There was a white thing running through the church, and they throwed him out of there. He went out to the Catholic Church, and they throwed him out of there. He was taking the town.
So, everybody was coming from everywhere. And so, I looked there, and this man kept motioning like this to me with his cap. I said, "Are you calling to me, sir?"
He said, "Yes, sir." Said, "I'm from up in Missouri." And said, "I got another trip to make tonight." Said, "I got a patient out there." And said, "The patient's already dead. And had a house doctor." And said, "I can't find him anywhere. I don't know what to do. Could you come to her?"
And I said, "Well, sir, they wouldn't take my word pronounce her dead." I said, "It'd take the undertaker."
He said, "I wish you would come out. Her husband's just frantic out there, maybe you could quieten him."

60 I said, "Well, sir, there's two thousand people through here." And that row ... there's a big row just reserved there for ambulances along on the other side of the auditorium.
And so, he said, "I'll help get you out." There's a big group of men, I passed through the audience ... as we pressed through and Mr. Reed begin to lead the songs again. And I went out there. And there was a big black ambulance setting there. And they opened up the door. And I got in it.
A typical old Arkansas brother. Now, if there's somebody here from Arkansas, don't mean to hurt your feelings. They're poor. Poor, but they sure got something under that old blue shirt, brother, that beats true to God. That's right.

61 I'd rather have... I tell you what this old time salvation does: It'll make a tuxedo suit and a pair of overalls put their arms around one another and call each other "brother" too. And, sure, it'll make calico and silk sit together and call each other "sister." Certainly will. It'll take all the starch out of you. You realize that you're all one person in Christ Jesus, brothers and sisters.
And there I looked in there. And a poor old fellow back there. And his shoes ... soles was off of his shoes, and old faded out overalls. Reminded me of my poor old daddy. And his shirt was patched all over it. And he had an old hat in his hand. And it was sewed up around the side with twine cord. And the whiskers was kind of long on his face. He hadn't shaved maybe for a week or ten days. And weary look on his face. And he was saying, "Oh, mother, why did leave me? Why did you leave me?"

62 Poor old fellow, I looked at him. I thought, Oh, my! Now what can I tell him? And I sat back through the ambulance to the front where they opened it up---the door. And so, he looked at me and he said... I said, "How do you do?"
He said, "How do you do?" He said, "Are you the doctor?"
And I said, "No." I said, "I'm Brother Branham."

63 He said, "Oh, Brother Branham." Said, "Poor mother." Said, "She wanted to see you so bad before she died." Said, "She's such a good woman, Brother Branham." Said, "She plowed over those old clods up there and made me what I am." And said, "She took cancer two years ago." And said, "We took her to St. Louis. The doctors operated. They done everything." Said, "I've even sold my mules and everything," he said, "to try to get her healed."
And said, "The doctors has give her up. And we heard that this man come up this morning testifying." And said, "We went and sold some quilts that she made, and some blackberries that she canned last year, to get the ambulance to bring her down." And said, "Now she's dead, Brother Branham." And said, "Oh, I don't what I'm going to do without her. To go back home, it's so lonesome."

64 And I said, "Well, Dad, the only thing I know to do is let's you and I just offer a prayer." And I felt her head. Now, I don't hardly think the woman was dead, because... Now, she might have been. I couldn't say. But they'd taken her false teeth out, and her lips was sunk way back. And it was like muddy water out of her eyes---and they just set. And her perspiration was real sticky. No pulse at all. No pulse at all. I felt her arm.
And I just knelt down, holding her hand. And we started praying. And he was just crying and praying. "O God, if I can only see her, talk to her once more." Like that.
And I was praying. I said, "Father, I pray Thee to be merciful to this dear brother, and to help him and to bless him. And to this dear woman that come all this way." I felt her squeeze my hand.

65 The devil said to me, said, "You see that's muscles. She's dead. It's just her muscle twitching." And I agreed with him. So, I went on praying just a few minutes. And it twitched again. I thought, Well, that's strange. I looked down, I seen the skin on her forehead wrinkling. The devil was wrong there. So she looked at me. And she raised up. I never said a word. Just quit praying. He was just a crying and wringing his hands, like that, looking up in the air. And she raised up.
She said, "What's your name?"
I said, "I'm Brother Branham."

66 And he looked, he said, "Mother." And the poor old fellow grabbed her in his arms like that and begin to screaming and crying. She followed our meetings for months and months; I heard from her. That's been about eight, nine years ago. And I heard from her here about two, three months ago, just before I went overseas. She's just fine and dandy; nothing wrong with her at all. She's just perfect normal and well as she could be.
So, the driver said, "Brother Branham," said, "them men that brought you, they've gone back to the parking lot," said, "or, back in the back." Said, "Now you can't get through there, 'cause thousands is crowded up in here knowing you're in the car." Said, "You go down around this road, and they're going to meet back there at the building." Said, "nobody knows you back there. Go on back that way."
And I said, "Yes, sir."

67 And he acted like he was taking off his coat like this. That looked like a hypocrite to do that, but it was the only thing I could do. And I got out of the car, went out along the side. It just raining right along. I started pushing through those people back there, you know, from right to left, trying to go through. I wondered, Where's those fellows at?
There was great big lots back there. And the people were all standing. Some of them been in there for days. And I was pressing through like this. And everybody kept coming, saying, "Quit pushing. Stop pushing."
I said, "Pardon me."

68 I kept pushing on. Directly a great big fellow standing there windling. He said, "I said quit pushing." I was afraid he was going to push next.
So I said, "Yes, sir. Excuse me, sir." I said, "I didn't mean to do it."
He said, "Well, stand still."
And I said, "Thank you, sir."
I watched him there a little while. He kept on windling, talking there, you know, and kind of big, rough-like fellow. And I looked at him. And I heard a cry. I'll never forget it as long as I live.

69 And they got this Jim Crow law there---segregation---or, had then. And here come a young colored girl, of about sixteen, seventeen years old, her eyes white with cataracts. And she was pushing through that crowd hollering, "Daddy! Daddy! Oh, Daddy!" Nobody paying any attention to her, see.
And I thought, Poor thing. Looked like somebody'd help that girl. And she was coming from my way. So I slipped out real easy from this fellow and got away, got over on the side here. And I kept getting right in her line, which way she was coming so she'd bump into me. And she bumped into me. And she said... Put her hands on me. She said, "Pardon me." She said, "Daddy!"

70 And I said, "What's the matter?"
She said, "Sir," she said, "I've lost my daddy. Could you help me find him?"
And I said, "Well, I don't see anymore colored people around here, lady." I said, "Where're you from?"
She said, "I'm from Memphis."
And I said, "Uh-huh."
I looked over and seen that chartered bus line. I seen one chartered bus from Memphis. And I said, "Yes, ma'am." I said, "What are you doing over here?" I thought, Poor thing. Isn't that awful to take advantage of her like that? And her blind---couldn't see me? And I said... I was just trying her faith.
And I said, "What are you doing over here?"
And she said, "I come over to see the healer."--that Southern talk. "I come to see the healer."
I said, "The what?"
She said, "The healer."
And I said, "I don't understand what you mean."

71 She said, "Well, sir, I listen to all the good radio programs." And she said, "This morning I heard this man from down here towards Corning that couldn't speak a word---was talking on the radio." And said, "That man that was blind, he got his sight up there." Said, "I'm blind too. As you know." Said, "When I was a little girl I got cataracts on my eye and the doctor told me when they got ripe," I don't know what "ripe" means, but said, "when they got ripe, that he'd take them out." And said, "Now they're ripe." And said, "He said they'd wrapped around the roots of the them, around the optical nerve of my eye, said he can't take the cataract without taking the eye too."

72 And she said, "I don't have a chance to see." And said, "I come over to see the healer." And she said, "And they tell me this is his last night. And I haven't got a chance to get into the building." And said, "And I've lost my father. And I can't find my way back to the bus." She said, "Would you help me get back to the bus, kind sir?" Just as intelligent as she could be.

73 And I said, "Yes, ma'am." But I said, "What I want to question you about, about this healer." I said, "Do you believe that in the day that we got all these fine doctors and surgeons, that God would do something by sending an Angel like that?"
She said, "Yes, sir. I believes it."
And that made me feel ashamed of myself. And she said, "Yes, sir. I believes it."
I said, "Well, looks like that in this fine day when we got all these doctors..."
She said, "Sir, none of them can help me."
And I said, "Yes, ma'am." I said, "Well, you don't really mean that you believe that?"
She said, "Sir, I tell you what. If you'll take me by the hand and lead me to where that man is, then I'll find my father."
That just made me just go right down. I said, "What a..." I felt like a hypocrite. Just made me stand there. I looked at the poor old thing and I said, "Well, sister, maybe I'm the one you're supposed to see."
If I live to be a hundred years old, I can't forget that. She grabbed me right like that. She said, "Is you the healer?"
I said, "No, ma'am." I said, "I'm Brother Branham."
She said, "Oh, Brother Branham."

74 I said, "Now wait. Take your hands off here." You think I'd get her hands... I couldn't pull them off of me. She wasn't going to let me get away. She was holding like that. And I said, "Will you turn me loose?"
She said, "No, sir." Said, "Have mercy on me, Brother Branham."
I said, "Well, sister, I pray to Jesus first."
She said, "Have mercy."

75 And I thought of that song. She'd heard about that man being healed up there. Blind Fanny Crosby said, "Pass me not, O gentle Saviour. Hear my humble cry. While on others thou art calling, do not pass me by." I thought of that.
And I said, " [Unclear word], sister, if you'll let me have a hold of your hand," I said, "while I pray." And I had to pry her hand loose from me, one of them. And I held it like that. I said, "Now, you just bow your head and close your eyes."
She said, "Yes, sir."
So, I was praying, I said, "Now, Heavenly Father, You know this need. And why would I have to come back behind this place?" Do you believe all things are ordained of God? Sure, they are. And I said, "I don't know why I'm back here. But this poor old blind colored girl," I said, "here she stands."
And I said, "Father, some nineteen hundred years ago, there was an old rugged cross come dragging down through the streets of Jerusalem, dragging out the bloody footprints of the bearer. On His road up the hill to be crucified, His poor little frail body, riven side. He couldn't pack the cross no longer and He fell. And there come Simon of Cyrene, a colored man, picked up the cross and put it upon his own shoulders and helped Him bear it."

Luke 23:26 And as they led him away, they laid hold upon one Simon, a Cyrenian, coming out of the country, and on him they laid the cross, that he might bear it after Jesus.

76 I said, "Father, I'm sure You understand that. And here tonight, staggering in total darkness, is one of his children---along here in total darkness. And upon that cross, the blood for the healing of this girl for that. Won't You please have mercy upon her like that?" And just then something happened.
She said, "Something went through me. My eyes feel so cold." I know the life went out of those cataracts, but she had to wait for the shrinking.
I said, "Just keep your lids over them, sister, for a moment." I said, "Don't say nothing. We'll be known here, see. Don't let no one see us." And they wasn't paying any attention, just moving along. And I said, "Now, just raise your head just about where you think I am, and then open your eyes, because Jesus has give you your sight."
She said, "Yes, sir." She said, "Is my head about right?"
And I said, "Yes ma'am. Now open your eyes." She opened her eyes.
She said, "Is them the [unclear word]?"
I said, "Yes ma'am."

77 Said, "Is them the spots? Is that people going out?" I said... She screamed to the top of her voice and jumped off in that crowd, screamed, "Oh, God, I who was once blind and can now see!"
That startled the crowd. Here they all come running, everywhere. I looked and I seen my man coming around the corner pressing through the crowd. And there was an old man standing there with a club, where he'd walk on it. He had a twisted leg like that. He said, "I know you, Brother Branham." He said, "I've been standing eight days. I've got five little children at home. And I've been a crippled." Said, "I believe you're a good boy. If you ask God to heal me, He'll do it."
I said, "Do you believe that, brother?"
He said, "With all my heart."
I said, "Then in the name of Jesus Christ, give me your club." And when I stand at the judgment bar before this group of people, you'll know then whether it's true or not. When he handed me that club, God honored his faith. His foot come straight like that. He leaped up in the air, begin screaming to the top of his voice.

78 And then they was coming to me. When the people, pressing through the crowd, they'd seen the miraculous, and seen God move in the audience, and so forth, so they just believed. That was all.

79 And friends, up to that time, I'd been on the road then about six months. And you know how I am about taking money. I don't like that. And I never even taken up an offering for myself. And when I went away from home, I didn't have the clothes to wear. That's true. I'm thanking God tonight I got clothes.
But my brother, younger than I, he was out on a date. And they had a wreck. And he cut his suit up. He cut the legs in it and the pocket was all tore down. And he gave me that when I started on my first healing campaign.
And my wife and I went down to the ten-cent store and got some of them patches you iron on with a hot iron, you know. And put it on there. And this pocket was tore. And I'm not very good at sewing up. But I took and sewed it up with my hands, like that, sewed it up and it made a great big place.

80 And I had to meet ministers. And they'd be dressed so nice. I'd look at them, and I felt ashamed of my old raggedy coat.
So I'd hold my right hand over it and shake hands with my left my hand and say, "Excuse, my left hand is closer to my heart." I said, "I get..." Because I didn't want them to see that old ragged coat. But, brother, that night them people were pressing through that crowd to touch that old raggedy coat. And they were getting healed.
Let me tell you, brother. The same God was there that night is here tonight, too. It don't take a ragged coat. It takes your faith in God. If you'll just believe the Gospel truth. The same Lord Jesus that was there that night is right in this auditorium tonight to do the same things He done there. That's right.

81 God be merciful. I get to thinking of those things that happened like that, and I wonder what it'll be someday when we cross over tide on the other side and see those dear people that God has healed. And so many things has been done.
Our time is away from us. Shall we pray.
Heavenly Father, we thank Thee tonight for Thy loving kindness, for all that Thou hast done for us, Lord. We just praise Thee with all of our heart. And I ask You to be with us tonight. Come, Lord Jesus. When I think back there of that ... that night when those poor people, them dragging me over the top of them, little mothers trying to let their babies touch that, your hand or your coat or your clothes. They'd jump up off of cots and scream and run through the building, just to be near. Not because of Your servant, Lord. But because that they knew You were there. And it was the truth that I was trying to tell them that You had died for them to heal them and save them.

82 Oh, dear Father, to these fine people here in this lovely, wonderful state of New York. Tonight many of them are seated here in this little auditorium. And I pray tonight, Father, that there won't be a feeble person in our midst when we leave. May we feel like those who came from Emmaus, in leaving, saying, "Did not our hearts burn within us?"
Do something tonight, Lord, like You did for them, a little different from the ordinary run of ministry. Do something that we'll know that You've raised from the dead and are here and alive tonight, proving to the people that we're telling them the truth, that You heal them and You want them to believe it and accept You as their Savior and as their healer. Grant it, Father, through the humble prayer of Thy servant. I ask in the name of Thy beloved Child, the Lord Jesus. Amen.

Luke 24:32 And they said one to another, Did not our heart burn within us, while he talked with us by the way, and while he opened to us the scriptures?

83 May the Lord God of Heaven bless each and every one of you---make a blessing to you all. I don't mean to be a baby. I'm forty-five years old. I'm an old man. But when I think of those things, of those experiences of those lovely people and things, I just can't keep from, in my heart, crying out---something in me. I'm not a baby. No, sir. I'm not. But I just get sentimental, I suppose, when I think of it.
I think when we've crossed the line over there, you'll hear some crying over there, too, and rejoicing, when we all meet together on the other side.

84 Now, if the Holy Spirit of God does come tonight, remember I'm your brother, a man.
But when He comes, you'll see it. If you'll watch, it'll be a light. It'll stand near where I am. And there isn't a person in this building in my sight, unless it's these people... That one man sitting there. Maybe two and Mr. Smith here ... or, Brother Smith is the only people in the building I know. I'm a total stranger to you. But if Jesus Christ is raised from the dead and He's here as I say that He is, then He can take my body, and anoint me with His spirit, and do the same work that He did when He was here on earth. That's according to His promise. Is that right?
If He does that, will every one of you here promise me that you will accept Him as Saviour and healer? If you will, raise your hand to promise Him. Don't promise me. Thank you. It looks like a one hundred percent everywhere. May God grant it to you, my Christian friends, as you will accept Him.

85 Now truth is truth. Now, men can come through here, say, oh, make claims of this, that, or the other. That's a man making it. You have a right to doubt a man. But when God comes around and confirms it and it's according to His Word, then it's a sin to disbelieve God. Isn't that right?
So, you believe tonight with all your heart. Now, just lay aside every little doubt and just look. Just remember what I told you in the beginning. The ministry of Jesus Christ... That's exactly His ministry. Anyone knows that. That's His ministry. He's looked in the people, the audience of people; He perceived their thoughts. Is that right? How many knows that's the Scripture? Raise up your hands.

Matthew 12:25 And Jesus knew their thoughts, and said unto them, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand:

Luke 5:22 But when Jesus perceived their thoughts, he answering said unto them, What reason ye in your hearts?

Luke 6:8 But he knew their thoughts, and said to the man which had the withered hand, Rise up, and stand forth in the midst. And he arose and stood forth.

86 He would look out in the audience, and wherever the Father would show Him something another, He could call it out and tell them. Is that right? And when He stood and talked to the people, He'd know what their troubles was. He'd know whether they was going to be well or whether they was going to die, what was going to take place. But He did nothing except the Father showed Him first. Is that right? Everybody believe that? That's His Word, see. That's what He said.
See, it may be on a little different angle from the way you've been taught. But look at in the Scriptural light. When He come first, He come in the angle that people didn't believe Him. They was looking for Him some other way. And perhaps, when He comes again, it'll be in an angle that we don't know nothing about. That's right.

John 5:19 Then answered Jesus and said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do: for what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise.

87 So you just be reverent. And now if the anointing would strike me, of course it puts me in another dimension. To the scientist, it's the other dimension. To you Christians, it's in the Spirit. And therefore you're not yourself.
Look at this microphone. That microphone can't say a thing by itself. That light up there can't say to that window, "You see what a great light I am? I show light."
That window would say, "I'm greater than you, 'cause I show light in the daytime." It's neither one of them showing light. That's the light, the electric burning, and showing light there. It isn't the glass. It's the light behind the glass. And the sunlight shows through the window, so it's neither one of them. It's something shining through them. Is that right?

88 This microphone can't speak by itself. Well now, this desk here is not a microphone. It serves its place. The microphone don't hold the Bible. But the desk holds the Bible. The clock keeps time. So forth. And that's the way everything has its place. The whole thing is, is to submit yourself to the Holy Spirit of God.
And if He will come tonight and reproduce the life of His Son, here at the platform... Now, it won't be me. It will be Him, remember. Not to show His power, He's doing this that it might be fulfilled which He said would come to pass. It's fulfilling. He came to ful... When He come first, He come to fulfill what the prophet said. He comes now to fulfill what Himself and the apostles said. And He will come again in flesh to receive His church, according to His Word.

89 And you believe it with all your heart. Just remain seated. Keep quiet. Be reverent. Now, if the Lord performs a miracle, you have a right to turn yourself loose to praise Him.
Now, the boy, I believe, said he give out some prayer cards. G? All right. I don't know how many we can get to. We'll get to as many as we can. But, we'll have to call, somewhere, a few out of there, and maybe call again. This little prayer card, it's a little bitty thing about like that. It's got my picture on one side, and on the other side it's got a number and a letter. It'll be a letter G. And there's a hundred of them out there somewhere.

90 We can't call them all at once. But let's take the first few of them. Let's see. Who's got prayer card G number 1? Will you look and see? This lady here? All right. Will come over here, lady? Number 2, who has prayer card number 2? G number 2? Would you raise up your hand? Anywhere, 2? All right, sir. Number 3, who has G number 3? Would raise your...? 3? All right, 4? Who has number 4? Would you raise your hand, 4? All right. Come right out. 5?
Now if you can't raise up, just raise your hand and shake it. The ushers will pack you. If you're blind... Watch with some of them that's called, and you can't get up, or something, or can't hear. Why, you watch; it may be a deaf person who can't hear. Look at your neighbor's card on your call so that you'll know.

91 What was I at? 4, was it? Who has prayer card 5? Is prayer card number 5, is it already in? 5? Who has 6? Prayer card number 6, will you raise your hand? Prayer card 6? Look at your neighbor. It may be somebody deaf or it may be somebody that can't get up. Prayer card number 6, would you raise your hand? 6 is already up there. 7? Who has number 7, prayer card number 7? All right, sister.
Number 8? Raise up your ... 8? All right, sister. Number 9? Who has prayer card number 9? All right, lady. Number 10? Prayer card number 10, would you raise up your hand? Prayer card 10. You have 10, lady? 11? Prayer card 11, raise up your hand. Who has prayer card 11? I see a man here in a wheelchair. Ask him what prayer card he's got. Somebody look at his prayer card. 11?

92 All right. 12? Who has 12? 13? 14? 14? Did I ... 14? All right. 15? 15? Anyone got prayer card 15? Raise up your hand. 15? All right. I believe somebody must be a ... somebody had to pick up, or something. All right. 15. Now 16? 17? Am I too far out? Have I ... 16? Isn't prayer card 16 here? Prayer card number 16. Is it in the building? 17, is it in the building? 18? 19? 20?
I guess I've run out. What card's yours, sister? 20? 21? We will take a few more then. 21? 22? 23? All right 24? 25? Somebody got prayer card 25? Look at your neighbor's. It may be deaf people or something or somebody that's on crutches and can't get up. Look is there anyone between 1... Everybody look at each other's cards. Between 1 and 25, if it is let the ushers pack them when their number's called.

93 Now, how many in here doesn't have a prayer card and wants the Lord Jesus to heal you tonight? Raise up your hands. Everywhere in the building wants the Lord Jesus to heal you. Now, I'm going to say this. If the Holy Spirit does come and if He comes in His power to work, if you'll just only look this way and believe that it is the Gospel truth then God's under obligation to heal you.
Don't you believe that God, up here, could show me out there by a vision, out there and heal you? Don't you believe that? How many's been in the meetings before and seen it done of all kinds of things. Well I'm not... I thought I was among strangers, but I'm not. That's very fine. Thank you very kindly.

94 Now, may the Lord Jesus bless you. Now, be reverent. Now, mothers, keep your babies near you, especially in a case of epilepsy. That's the one thing that's... I've been just... It's got away from me so many times. And I seen it strike as many as twenty at a time in a building. So, I'm not responsible for critics. That's state law, see. I have to say that.
If you're here and a critic, don't you stay in the building now. Remember, you come up with something wrong with you, well, I'm not responsible. But if you are a Christian and a believer, and will sit humble, and obey what He says do, then you're always welcome.

95 Now, let's pray again.
Now, Heavenly Father, I have told these people that You have raised from the dead, that You are the same yesterday, today and forever, that Your power is just the same. The same things that You did when You were here in flesh, You promised to do it through our flesh. For You said, "The things that I do shall you also." And we see the ministry that You had. Not a great boaster to go around and claim to be a healer. But You walked before the Father, and You did just as He told You to do.
Now, Lord Jesus, this poor unworthy servant of Yours... But, for Your glory and for the sake of the Gospel, I submit myself to Thee. Now, let the Holy Spirit, the Angel of God, come to Thy servant and use me, Father, and speak the ministry of Your resurrected Son that the Word of God might be fulfilled. That when the day of judgment comes that this group of people in New York here will not have an excuse, but they'll know that You've raised from the dead. And Your gospel says that You're coming and we believe it. And the things that You said that You'd do, do it now, Father. And we'll praise Thee. For we ask it for God's glory in the name of His Son, the Lord Jesus. Amen.
Now, I would that everybody be just as quiet as you possibly could be. Don't move. My boy, he's here somewhere, standing back in there with Brother Gardner, and them. He'll know when to take me from the meeting. And I want you to believe.

John 14:12 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.

96 Now, this is lady, here? Come, lady.
Now, let me say this with a solemn warning: be seated, keep quiet, for I'm not responsible from here out, for what happens to unbelief or disobedience. No matter what He tells you to do, do it right then, see. Just be reverent now.
Now, I believe this is the patient. I am waiting for His presence to come to me. 'Course I'm just a man. You know, I'm talking much that way. Usually the manager does the talking, the platform man, and this little meeting, I caught myself and the first thing you know, you have to wait a moment maybe sometimes on the anointing of the Holy Spirit for Him to move.

97 Now, I guess the engineers can tell; I don't know how loud I talk. So, they'll probably regulate it so that you can hear. If one strikes, it's just about over then. And I pray that He will for God's glory and for the glory of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, that He will help tonight and help me, and anoint me with His Spirit, that's for the glory of God. And may He grant it.
Now, slowly let's all just hum this like this, not "Lord, I believe" but "Now I believe." Let's sing it quietly.
Now I believe, now I believe,
All things are possible, now I believe;
Now I believe, now I believe.
(Father, I pray [unclear words])
......... possible, now I believe.
Now the Holy Spirit is here. I take every spirit here under my control in the name of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, for the glory of God.

98 Now, I suppose, lady... You being the first patient here tonight, I want to talk to you just a moment, and see now that you are a Christian, for your spirit comes in welcome. Now, you could have been an infidel, or you could have been a critic. If you was, I'd have known it. But you're a believer and your spirit comes to me now.
But now our Master talked to the woman at the well until He found where her trouble was. And then when He talked, He found her trouble, He revealed what her trouble was, and she believed right then that He was the Messiah. Now, you and I are strangers, are we? We don't know either... Is that right? If it is, raise your hand so the audience can see that we're perfectly strangers to each other. I know nothing of you, never seen you in my life or knowed of you. This is our first time meeting. But yet I know that you're a Christian. Quickly that detects one thing.

99 The same Spirit that was upon our Lord that said to Nathanael when he come, "Behold an Israelite in whom there is no guile." Now, if our Lord Jesus will... Does anybody in the audience know this woman? Does anybody here know her? All right. Well then, you know whether she's a truthful woman. She is. That's right.
Well now if the Holy Spirit will let me know what that woman is here for, how many out there will believe at that minute? Believe right then, and say, "I will accept it." May He grant it, sister. That's my... My trust is in Him, that He will do it. You like to live here? [The lady says, "Yes."] Just a conversation. ["I do."]

John 1:47 Jesus saw Nathanael coming to him, and saith of him, Behold an Israelite indeed, in whom is no guile!

100 Now, you are aware, now, that there's something going on. Now, if the audience could only see at this time His presence that's coming between you and I in a light. And you are suffering with an asthmatic condition. You have... You do a lot of coughing with asthmatic---a dry cough. And you've just had some troubles just recently. It's been about a year ago. You had a hemorrhage, a brain hemorrhage.
And you've been a believer for a number of years. I see you go back to a young woman. And you've had some healings back. It was a man. It was a ... it's a man who's dressed kind of odd to the dress of today. It was your husband, who had a kind of a... It must be a rheumatism or something---a crutch or something, look like. And you've been a believer for a number of years. And you're healed. God bless you. You may go on your road rejoicing; Jesus Christ makes you well.
Come, will you, sir? Do you believe? You believe with all your heart? We're strangers to each other, I suppose, sir. Oh, you was in a ten-cent store in Erie. Well, you spoke to me. Well, I wouldn't know nothing about you. We're just strangers that much. Do you believe that God can tell me what your trouble is? You do. Well, if He will do it, will you accept Him then as your healer?

101 Your trouble is a growth. And the growth is on your leg. It's on the left leg just above the knee. Is that right? You accept Him as your healer? Then in the name of Jesus Christ the Son of God, I rebuke this growth. May it leave you and go out. Amen. God bless you, brother. Go rejoicing, happy, praising God for your healing.
Do you believe Him? Only have faith, don't doubt. In the audience, now, it left me and went over the audience. Hanging over that lady sitting there in black, looking at me. You're suffering with a nervous condition, isn't it? Causes you to have a stomach trouble. Your food sours in your stomach and things. Say, you've had lot of trouble too, some sorrow. You just lost a loved one. I believe it's a husband or something that's been killed or something. And that's what is making you nervous. That's true. But your stomach trouble has left you, sister. You're healed now. Your faith has saved you. Now go on your road now and rejoice.

102 Lady sitting back there was nervous too, looking this way, a nervous trouble. Don't fear, sister. You're going to be all right. And you standing there, got a feather in your hat, hanging, you suffer with a nervous condition, too. Don't fear. You're going to get all right, see.
Have faith in God. Just be reverent, believe with all your heart, you can have what you ask for.
Now, I suppose we're... Is this the patient, Billy? We are strangers to each other, lady? I do not know you. I've never seen you in my life. And 'course, you know, standing here talking to you, you're aware that you're in the presence of Something besides your brother. If the audience would look at the patient when they come. Watch when it strikes them.

103 The lady realizes... Now, more I would talk to you, the more He would reveal to me. But if the Lord Jesus will just show me what your trouble is, will you believe on Him with all your heart? You suffer with a heart trouble. You have heart trouble. And you're not from this country. And you got a husband that's a black-headed man. He parts his hair ... combs it back like that. And he's a minister. And his name is Harry Nun, Reverend Harry Nun. And he's suffering with a back trouble. And you're from ... you're from Canada. Take that handkerchief and that tear dropped on just then, and lay it on him. You're both healed in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Go, be made well.

104 Have faith in God. Do you believe with all your heart, all your soul? Just have faith now. Don't doubt but believe with all your heart. And you ... certainly can receive what you ask for, if you'll just have faith to believe. You should not need anything more. His presence is here.
I see a black spirit hanging right there. You have epilepsy, don't you? That lady sitting out there with a red band around... He's pulling at it. You've had ... you've had spells of falling out. You're a stranger to me but that's right. There's that dark evil spirit. Bow your head, everybody.
Lord God, Creator of heavens and the earth, he knows his time's come. Come out of her, thou evil spirit. I adjure thee by the living God that you torment her no more. Leave her in the name of Jesus Christ. Come out of her.
All right. You can stand up to your feet, lady. Accept your healing. Now, the rest of you can raise your heads if you wish to. All right. God bless you, lady. Go home rejoicing and praising God.

105 Now, if the audience wants to say, "Praise the Lord." Why, give... God is the Spirit of worship. Give Him praise. He's worthy. He wants to be praised. There's no reason for any person going out of here tonight without being made perfectly whole.
You believe, lady? With all your heart? You believe me to be His servant, His prophet? If I wouldn't even say one thing to you, what's wrong, just pray for you, lay hands on you, you'd believe it anyhow, wouldn't you? You'd believe it anyhow, but you're wanting me to find out what's wrong with you, 'cause you don't even know yourself. That's right. Yes, sir. They can't tell what's wrong with you.
You got something wrong with your liver, and you're afraid it's a cancer. And that's exactly what it is. Isn't that right? That's exactly. That's right. Well, what if I tell you Jesus Christ has healed you? Would you believe it? Would you accept it?

106 In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Satan, you come to send this woman to a premature grave, come out of her. In the name of Jesus Christ, go from her. Now, sister, just return happy, rejoicing. Eat what you want to and... Go ahead. The Lord Jesus bless you.
Oh, how I love Him. How His presence ... His great anointing, blessings, and power upon the people. Now, I wish if you'd just all stand and see what's going on now. It's just all over the audience. Surely you can believe.

107 Amen. Oh, my! Remember this, that I say this in the name of the Lord. You pastors here tonight, that there will be days after this, even weeks, that some of your congregation will be coming to you and saying ... women saying, "The female trouble left me. I don't know. It just left me." People with stomach trouble and other diseases will come say they were healed. They were healed, but just moving through them so fast I can't see where it's going. Their faith is making them whole.
Surely you can believe me. I speak the truth and God testifies that I'm telling you the truth. Oh, don't sit back in a shell. Let your faith be known to God. Believe Him. What do you care? We're before His presence, His Majesty, the King of Heaven. May His blessings be upon you all, as you have faith.

108 Is this...? You're the patient, sir? Well, excuse me. I'm not beside myself. But it's... We're strangers to each other. But neither of us stranger before God. God knowed us both since we were born. He fed us every bit of the food we ever eat, put the clothes on our back, give us the water that we drink, and the air we breathe.
Now, we being strangers, born miles apart, perhaps. And all God can reveal to me, though, if He so desires, something... Now, if He was standing here with this suit that He gave me, He couldn't heal you if you're needing healing. I don't know what you're needing. But He couldn't heal you if He was standing here, because He'd tell you, "I did that at Calvary."
But the only thing that He could do to let you know that it was Him... He would know who you was, or what about you, and all like that. Isn't that right? As far as knowing who you was, that... Now, that sometimes strikes people. Said, "That ain't Scripture." Oh, yes, it is. Didn't Jesus say, "You are Simon. And from this on your name will be called Peter." Is that right? Sure. Well, my. Don't put things suspicious; you hinder the service.

John 1:42 And he brought him to Jesus. And when Jesus beheld him, he said, Thou art Simon the son of Jona: thou shalt be called Cephas, which is by interpretation, A stone.

109 Now, if God will reveal to me what your trouble is, will you accept your healing? If you need it, or whatever you need. If it's domestic, finance, whatever it is. You have to... If you've got a good reason for it, God will hear the reason.
You're a believer. You're not a critic. You're a believer. And you're suffering with a heart trouble and a nervous condition. That is right. Say, there's been some contact. You got a wife, and she's real nervous. And there's some way... I see you sending something. It's a message. It's a telegram, or some message you sent to me. And I've sent you a... You had a real bad spell, and I sent you a little cloth or something that you wore on you.
That's the truth. That wasn't me. That was Him. Now, it's me. For you hear that voice just then? That wasn't me. That was Him. Whatever He said is the truth, isn't it? It's the truth.
I see you. Your name is Arthur. And your last name is Dentle, something like that. And you live at 150 Muller Street. You live in an apartment. And your apartment number is 9-B. Is that right? Go home. Lay your hands on your wife, also. In the name of Jesus Christ, may the man be healed.

110 Have faith in God. Don't disbelieve; but believe all things are possible.
What do you think about it, little lady sitting there with your arms folded? You're suffering with a bowel trouble, aren't you? What about... If your faith could reach up here and touch me to know what you are, and you sitting there---impossible for me to know you. You got eye trouble and bowel trouble. Isn't that right? Jesus Christ heals you of it. Stand on your feet and accept it in the name of the Lord Jesus.

111 Blessed be the Lord Jesus.
What do you think setting there, sir? You sit with a rectal trouble. Isn't that right?
Just a moment. There's a dark streak running from the man. Now wait. There's something else in the building that's wrong there that's... Why, it's coming over here to this man with his hand up. That's husband and wife sitting there. And you both have bothered with rectal trouble. Isn't that right? the both of you? Raise up your hands if that's right. Now, you all three can go. Jesus Christ makes all three of you well. You can go home and be well. Praise be to God who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Sister dear, come here. Do you believe Him with all your heart? [Unclear words] the trouble will leave you?
Almighty God, Author of life, Giver of every good gift, send Thy blessings on sister and heal her. In Jesus Christ's name I ask it. Amen.
Now, if you believe me to be His servant, go thanking God. It's gone from you. Go saying, "Praise be to God."

112 All right. You can come, lady. You believe me to be His servant, the servant of the Lord? We're strangers to each other. If God will let me know what's wrong with you, you accept your healing? It's your back. Isn't that right? Then you're healed, aren't you? Go on your road rejoicing, saying, "Thank You, Lord Jesus. Thank You, Lord Jesus."

113 Come, lady. If God will tell me what your trouble is before you get here, will you accept your healing, lady? ["Yes."] You will? Heart trouble is what's a bothering you. Is that right? You got complications too, other things. You believe that Jesus Christ will heal you? ["Yes."]
Father, in the name of the Lord Jesus, may this number one enemy of human life leave this woman. For Jesus Christ's sake, I ask it in His name. Amen.
Go happy, rejoicing. Write me and tell me about your healing, how God has made you well. All right.
Lady, I want to ask you something. Stop there just a minute. When I mentioned heart trouble to her, a funny feeling come over you, didn't it?---because you're suffering the same thing. Now, go on your road rejoicing. You was healed while you was sitting in your seat there.

114 Have faith. Believe with all your heart now.
All right. Come this way, lady if you don't... You believe that God will heal you of diabetes and let you go home and be well? You believe with all your heart? Then in the name of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, go to your room, rejoicing. Amen. Believe now with all your heart.
Arthritis is an awful thing, isn't it? So is stomach trouble, but God's a healer of all of it, isn't He? Then in the name of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, I ask God to make you well. Amen. Walk across the platform saying, "Praise the Lord for my healing." All right.
When I mentioned arthritis to him, a funny feeling come over you, didn't it? Them demons sympathize with each other. You're healed, too. Go on your road rejoicing. You don't even have to come here. Your faith has made you whole.

115 Lady, you're coming here about your eyes. You're going blind. It's getting worse all the time. Isn't that right? You're healed now. Go on your road rejoicing, praising and thanking God. Believe with all your heart.
Do you believe, my sister, as you come? If God will reveal to me what's your trouble, will you accept your healing? You have high blood pressure, for one thing, is what's bothering you. You believe that He will make you well of it? ["Yes, I do."] You do. You have trouble on your heart too. ["Yes."] You got something on your heart. It's some loved one, isn't it? ["Yes."] It's a sister. ["Yes."] Isn't that right? ["Yes."] And she's in the hospital ["Yes."] under an oxygen tent ["Yes."] with a heart attack. ["Yes."] Go home; lay your hands on her in the name of the Lord Jesus.
Now, if you don't believe, you're never going to believe. The Lord Jesus Christ is here to heal every person in the building. You believe that with all your heart? Do you believe His Majesty is here now?

116 This could go on for hours. Every person that's got high blood pressure, stand to your feet, every person with high blood pressure. Every person bothered with nervousness, stand to your feet right quick. Every person with cancer, stand to your feet right quick. Every person with a sickness of any kind, stand to your feet right quick. Do you believe me?
Can't God... If He can cast out demons and them standing right here on the platform, can't He cast it out there too? Here He is just moving. Can't you see that light moving around over that building like that? Raise up your hands and give Him praise.
I'm going to ask God to cleanse every thing in here, that you can go home perfectly normal and well. Do you believe it?

117 Almighty God, in the name of Thy Son, the Lord Jesus, I cast out every evil spirit that's in here, on the authority of Your Word.
Satan, you are a loser. You can't hold these people any longer. You're exposed right here tonight. And you can't hold them any longer. Come out of them. In the name of Jesus Christ, leave every one of them.
Everybody in here, raise up your hands and go to praising God and thank Him. Cripples, get up off your feet. Get up and walk, you crippled. Blind people, look up you can see. The deaf can hear. Praise be to God. He's healed every one of you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.