Be not afraid

Be not afraid somebody

Be not afraid (1960-06-09) (William M. Branham Sermons)

Be not afraid (1960-06-09) (William M. Branham Sermons) somebody

Be not afraid

1 It's so good to be back in the house of the Lord tonight. Always glad to come to the house of the Lord. About the time we get acquainted, then it's almost time to leave again. The convention breaks tomorrow night, I believe that's right. But I believe we can stay over until Sunday afternoon. That is, you who will have to leave that just made preparations for staying the convention time, of course, you'll make arrangements to leave.
And I was trying just to speak in the convention and then put them other two nights just push them in---other two meetings, get all the people prayed for. But I hear that some of them has to leave, so we're going to pray for the sick tonight.

2 And now if any of you that does stay over, we'd be very happy to have you for Saturday night service. Then we're going to have Sunday afternoon so we won't interfere with any other minister's service. You strangers here that's going to be staying over, now find you some of those good churches around here, these brethren that's cooperating in this convention and meeting, and find you a place for Sunday school, and take your little ones and go to Sunday school. And I'm sure you'll have a hearty welcome to any of these brethren, just the church of your choice.

3 And so, then, we'll close on Sunday afternoon to show respects to our brothers who has a regular standing meeting. We're not here for money or anything else, but to try to help our brethren push the load on, just everything that we can. And then we're also wanting to help him, to pray for the sick people, do all that we can to help you. We're come here for that purpose.
Now, it's been a little chilly, and some of them is complaining... Where's my old friend Brother Kidd at tonight? All right. I tell you, can you hear me, young fellow? All right. That's good. Oh, the Lord blessed him and healed him when the doctors thought he was going to die. He's still staying with us. I want you up here tomorrow night to quote that song to me that you quoted when I come to visit you, see. You know that song I told you I wanted you to say? Remember I promised that to the Lord, so you must be up here tomorrow night, young fellow.

4 I tell you, I'll never forget that visit. I left home about two o'clock in the morning, try and make my run real quick because I had to go away, to run up to see old Brother Kidd. And I'd said, "Can he stay till Sunday?"
His dear wife said, "According to the doctors, he won't be here then." Said, "You better come right now, Brother Branham."

5 Well, I got right in my car at two o'clock, and I was afraid I'd go to sleep because I was up till nearly midnight. And I got Billy to help me, and we come up to the home. And I looked, sitting there and just a little old fellow, I felt so sorry for him. That little old cane in his hand like that, looked to me like old Jacob when he was getting ready to leave, you know, and calling the children up around his side. And in there there was a woman, one of his church members. Brother Kidd's in seventy, and I'm ... don't know, she's in the eighties something, or maybe ninety. Just as bright, ninety-two, ninety-two years old. Just ... a lot smarter than I am. Just as intelligent and bright as she could be,

6 ninety-two years. Brother Kidd sitting there looked at her, and said, "Grandma, [and him seventy something, you know] Grandma, you look like a big snowdrop this morning."
I said, "That's right, made pure and white in the blood of the Lamb." Looked at seventy, and his wife about seventy something, and I thought, "What are you old folks waiting out here for this morning, anyhow?" I thought, "Just waiting for the boat to come along, that's all, cross over the river." What a wonderful time.
And he said, "I can't sing you a song, but I want to quote you one."
I said, "Brother Kidd, I want you to quote that for me at the platform at the Chatauqua."
I seen them all look around, "Will he be at the Chatauqua?"
"Oh, yeah. Going to be there."
Here he is sitting here tonight, been in the meeting every night. So, we're so thankful for that. Thank the good Lord.

7 So many things has been said and done till it'd take me hours. I know you'd nearly freeze out there. I'm going to tell you---she's not here tonight, my wife---she said, "Bill, you're freezing them people to death." Said, "They're wrapped up out there in blankets, some of them over their head. And there's some of them not even a sweater on. Some of the people come didn't expect it." And said, "You just keep on preaching."
I said, "I guess as long as they sit there, I'll keep on going." Well, I believe I'd rather have it a little cold than I would a little too hot. So, we're thankful for what the Lord sends, whatever it is.

8 Now, to pray for the sick, I'm going to try tonight to go back and call a few of the people, and put the old ministry of the discernment if the Lord will. I don't know that He will. If He doesn't, then we'll take right on through the line. Then tomorrow night we're going to change the thing, see, and I'm going to try to pray for the sick in a different way tomorrow night, the Lord willing.
Now, tonight let us turn in our Bibles now, you that's keeping the text down, just for a few moments, because we got a prayer line and we want to... Billy told me on the road out that he give out a hundred cards, I think, this afternoon. We couldn't take them all through a discernment line, but we'll take a few of them. And then tomorrow night start along on something else. I believe it'll be much better. Matthew 14. Let's begin at the twenty-second verse:
And straightway Jesus constrained his disciples to get into a ship, and to go before him unto the other side, while he sent the multitude away.
And when he had sent the multitude away, he went up into a mountain apart to pray: and when the evening was come, he was there alone.
But the ship was now in the midst of the sea, tossed with the waves: for the wind was contrary.
And in the fourth watch of the night Jesus went unto them, walking on the sea.
And when his disciples saw him walking on the sea, they were troubled, saying, It is a spirit; and they cried out for fear.
But straightway Jesus spake unto them, saying, Be of a good cheer; it is I; be not afraid.

Matthew 14:22 And straightway Jesus constrained his disciples to get into a ship, and to go before him unto the other side, while he sent the multitudes away.

Matthew 14:23 And when he had sent the multitudes away, he went up into a mountain apart to pray: and when the evening was come, he was there alone.

Matthew 14:24 But the ship was now in the midst of the sea, tossed with waves: for the wind was contrary.

Matthew 14:25 And in the fourth watch of the night Jesus went unto them, walking on the sea.

Matthew 14:26 And when the disciples saw him walking on the sea, they were troubled, saying, It is a spirit; and they cried out for fear.

Matthew 14:27 But straightway Jesus spake unto them, saying, Be of good cheer; it is I; be not afraid.

9 It must have been just about sundown. It'd been an awful day. Some great things had happened. They'd seen something happen that had never happened before, in all the history of the world. And usually when Jesus is around, you see things happen that's strange, odd. The big fisherman was putting his big brawny muscles to the little ship as he was pushing it off the shore. The people had gathered up around the bank and were waving good-bye as he pushed the boat, the bow, out. Got it turned around, waved back to all the people on the bank. And I can just see him walk up and take his seat by the side of Andrew, his brother, pick up the oar and start, steadily with the rest of the brethren, pulling the little ship as they started to cross the lake. Every once in awhile they would raise up, wave to the people as they were praising God and waving good-bye to them, as they had just received orders from Jesus to cross over the lake. He would come later. He'd gone up into a mountain to pray alone.

10 Then, there must have been a long silence. Everybody, after the last farewell was said, there must have been a silence for a little while. No one said nothing, as each man bending his back to the oars, and pulling the little ship as it crossed on the calm sea, just as the sun goes down. Everything seems to be peaceful and quiet. It's a day, it's finished. Did you ever notice when the wind's blowing real hard? It'll usually stop just about time sun sets. Strange how things like that happens. In the mountains when you're hunting, no matter which way the wind's coming, it'll come right down the mountain just as day breaks, come right down the mountain. No matter if the wind's coming right up the mountain, it'll change and come right down when day starts breaking. You like to watch things in nature? That's where you find God. He's just all around you everywhere. Watch Him in nature. Lord willing, before I leave, I want to preach on, "God In His Nature."

11 Then we find after a long silence, and the little sea calm and the little boat moving along rapidly as it crossed the sea, it must have been the young John. He was the youngest of the disciples and, more or less, I guess, the talking kind. Must have let up on his oar to coast just a moment, and said something like this, "Brethren, I am more convinced now than ever in my life that we're not following some kind of fanatic. I'm more convinced than ever that He is just what He says He is. Because today, when He was standing breaking that bread and feeding that five thousand, did you notice the look on His face? How stern, how He looked like Jehovah standing there. [And He was Jehovah standing there, breaking that bread, and feeding it out to five thousand.]

Matthew 14:19 And he commanded the multitude to sit down on the grass, and took the five loaves, and the two fishes, and looking up to heaven, he blessed, and brake, and gave the loaves to his disciples, and the disciples to the multitude.

Matthew 14:21 And they that had eaten were about five thousand men, beside women and children.

Mark 6:41 And when he had taken the five loaves and the two fishes, he looked up to heaven, and blessed, and brake the loaves, and gave them to his disciples to set before them; and the two fishes divided he among them all.

Mark 6:44 And they that did eat of the loaves were about five thousand men.

Luke 9:14 For they were about five thousand men. And he said to his disciples, Make them sit down by fifties in a company.

Luke 9:16 Then he took the five loaves and the two fishes, and looking up to heaven, he blessed them, and brake, and gave to the disciples to set before the multitude.

Luke 24:35 And they told what things were done in the way, and how he was known of them in breaking of bread.

John 6:10 And Jesus said, Make the men sit down. Now there was much grass in the place. So the men sat down, in number about five thousand.

John 6:11 And Jesus took the loaves; and when he had given thanks, he distributed to the disciples, and the disciples to them that were set down; and likewise of the fishes as much as they would.

12 "And here's what come on my heart, brethren. I can call back the stories when I was just a little boy, my mother reading out of the Scriptures, the sacred Word. And she read when our ancient people come into this land, that the great Jehovah God, for the space of forty years, made bread up in heaven every night, and rained it out on the ground for the people. And when I was looking at Him today taking a piece of bread and breaking it and hand it out to us, every time I reached my hand I trembled, for I looked and no sooner than He had broke a piece off, another piece had growed on just like it. Where was He getting that cooked bread? And when He'd break a fish, I'd notice a piece of fish---not raw fish, cooked fish and seasoned fish---done growed on by the time He could reach his hand back and get another piece of fish.

Exodus 16:4 Then said the LORD unto Moses, Behold, I will rain bread from heaven for you; and the people shall go out and gather a certain rate every day, that I may prove them, whether they will walk in my law, or no.

Exodus 16:35 And the children of Israel did eat manna forty years, until they came to a land inhabited; they did eat manna, until they came unto the borders of the land of Canaan.

13 "He must have some connection somewhere with Jehovah. Must be somewhere around Him, or in Him, for no one could do that unless God was with him. And this man that the people think is a fanatic, I am more convinced than ever that He is Jehovah's Son, or He could not do those things, because He's doing the very same things that Jehovah done. And can you remember Him saying, too, that, 'If I do not the works of my Father, then believe me not?'" That's how a man is vindicated. That's how a Christian is known, is by the life you live and the works that you do.

John 10:37 If I do not the works of my Father, believe me not.

14 Someone said to me, I believe it was last evening, said, "Brother Branham, where does this come from? How are you able to go meeting after meeting staying under the anointing, and even one sign made Jesus weak when the woman touched His garment?" Said, "I see you stand for hour under that."
I said, "I'd like to tell you, here's where it lays." He don't want me to say this, but my brother sitting here, Gene Goad, that boy don't touch bread or water for days, fasting and praying. Here sits Pat Tyler, this other brother sitting here by him. Them men lay on their faces without food and water when I'm in a meeting, praying for me. That's where it comes from. If there wasn't something like that, I'd go down. That's the men behind the curtain, the men who prays for strength for a message, that they lay down everything. Maybe they haven't got the gifts to do those things, but they're putting every effort they can to support it. And the only way they can do it they know is prayer before God and fasting. There's where power lays. Let someone pray for you.

Mark 5:30 And Jesus, immediately knowing in himself that virtue had gone out of him, turned him about in the press, and said, Who touched my clothes?

Luke 8:46 And Jesus said, Somebody hath touched me: for I perceive that virtue is gone out of me.

15 I can hear John say, "When I looked upon His face, it seemed to be the very look of Jehovah. And I'm sure that He is connected with God, because He does the same kind of works. Tell me whenever bread was ever created outside of the hand of God. So, it must be Jehovah."
Then it must have been the big fisherman, Peter, who liked to talk anyhow, might have shook his head and said, "You know, when Andrew here, my beloved brother, who's been a partner and fisher with me here on the sea for many years, when he attended that wild man's meeting---they call him John, dressed with a piece of sheepskin wrapped around him---he'd come tell me that this prophet spoke of a coming Messiah that was to be at hand. One day he run in frantically and said, 'Simon, today it happened!'
"'What happened?' I said to him.
"'He's come, Jesus of Nazareth, the Messiah of God.'
"'Ahh, now wait a minute, Andrew. What's this preacher got you all stirred up about?'
"'I was standing at the river when I seen a young man walking down to the bank, in his thirties, and walked out into the river and was baptized by John. And when He come up out of the water, I saw a light like a star coming down from the heavens. It looked to me like that same pillar of fire that our people followed through the wilderness to this land. And when it come close to Him, it took like wings like a dove, and it settled upon Him. And a voice came out of that pillar of fire saying, "This is my beloved Son, in whom I am pleased to dwell in."'
"Oh, I'll never forget it, Andrew." And he put his arm around him, pulled him over to him. "And then I went with him, and I thought I'll see this most unusual man." He said, "It must be an extraordinary character, because I know that my brother here is not a fanatic by a long ways. He saw something in that man that was different, or he wouldn't be excited like that.
"So, I remember on the days on the lake here with my old Pharisee father before he died..."

Matthew 3:13 Then cometh Jesus from Galilee to Jordan unto John, to be baptized of him.

Matthew 3:16 And Jesus, when he was baptized, went up straightway out of the water: and, lo, the heavens were opened unto him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove, and lighting upon him:

Matthew 3:17 And lo a voice from heaven, saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.

Mark 1:6 And John was clothed with camel's hair, and with a girdle of a skin about his loins; and he did eat locusts and wild honey;

Mark 1:9 And it came to pass in those days, that Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee, and was baptized of John in Jordan.

Mark 1:10 And straightway coming up out of the water, he saw the heavens opened, and the Spirit like a dove descending upon him:

Mark 1:11 And there came a voice from heaven, saying, Thou art my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.

Luke 3:21 Now when all the people were baptized, it came to pass, that Jesus also being baptized, and praying, the heaven was opened,

Luke 3:22 And the Holy Ghost descended in a bodily shape like a dove upon him, and a voice came from heaven, which said, Thou art my beloved Son; in thee I am well pleased.

John 1:41 He first findeth his own brother Simon, and saith unto him, We have found the Messias, which is, being interpreted, the Christ.

16 And all the brethren must have pulled their oars up to listen to what he was saying. "I remember my old Pharisee father said to me when we were fishing together, He said, 'Son Simon, I don't suppose I'll see the coming Messiah. I'm getting old and my days are few. But I've raised you up to look for Him. Now let me teach you, son, so that you'll be sure you'll know who this Messiah is, because there'll be many false ones rise. There'll be many great things happen just before this real Messiah comes. But there'll be a real Messiahic sign with Him.
"'And here's the sign that you'll know Him, whether He's real or not: He'll be a prophet, a God prophet. He'll be more than a prophet, He'll be God; but He'll be a prophet, too. For the Scripture says, what we go by, Simon, that Moses said the Lord our God will raise up from among us a prophet liken unto him, and He will be the gathering of the people now. And when you see the Messiah coming, the sign that He is the Messiah, He'll be a prophet. And you look for Him, for for four-hundred years now we've had no prophet, since Malachi. I believe that the next prophet that's showing will be the Messiah. And you watch it, son.'
"And you know, when I went with Andrew, that kept repeating over in my heart, 'Watch this Messiah and see if that is the one that Moses spoke of. He'll be a God prophet. And I'll know Him by that.'" And he said, "Brethren, when I walked up in the presence of Jesus of Nazareth, He looked into my face for the first time in His life, and said, 'Your name is Simon.' I knew that was the Messiah. Not only that, but He knowed that godly old father of mine. He said, 'You are the son of Jonas.' That settled it for me, John. Before He ever broke the bread or anything, that settled it for me. I knowed He was the Messiah, because He gave the sign of the Messiah."

Deuteronomy 18:15 The LORD thy God will raise up unto thee a Prophet from the midst of thee, of thy brethren, like unto me; unto him ye shall hearken;

John 1:42 And he brought him to Jesus. And when Jesus beheld him, he said, Thou art Simon the son of Jona: thou shalt be called Cephas, which is by interpretation, A stone.

17 And it must have been about that time that perhaps Philip ... when he said, "I followed Him one day. And I went to His house, I heard Him speak, I heard what He said to Simon, and I took off. You ought to have seen the face of my friend that I went to get, Nathanael. I know Nathanael was a good man. He was a religious man---not a doubter, but he wanted to be sure. I told him, 'Come see who we have found, Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph, the Messiah who we're looking for.'
"And Brother Nathanael said to me, 'Could there be any good thing come out of Nazareth?'
"He said, 'Come see. Come find out. Come look it over for yourself.' And along the road I told brother Nathanael..." And he might have stopped oaring and said, "Nathanael, remember that?"
"Very well, Brother Philip, I remember it."
"And I told him that this Messiah had give a sign of a Messiah, that He had told Simon who he was, and what his name was, and what is father's name was. I told Nathanael it wouldn't surprise me but what He told him who he was.
"Said, 'I'll wait and pass my own judgment.'
"And when he come into the presence of the Lord Jesus, Jesus looked at him in the face and said, 'Behold an Israelite in whom there is no guile.' Brethren, you should have seen the look on his face. All doubts had scattered.
"And he spoke out quickly and said, 'Rabbi, when did you ever know me? This is our first time meeting.'
"He said, 'Before Philip called you, when you were under the tree, I saw you.'"

John 1:42 And he brought him to Jesus. And when Jesus beheld him, he said, Thou art Simon the son of Jona: thou shalt be called Cephas, which is by interpretation, A stone.

John 1:45 Philip findeth Nathanael, and saith unto him, We have found him, of whom Moses in the law, and the prophets, did write, Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph.

John 1:46 And Nathanael said unto him, Can there any good thing come out of Nazareth? Philip saith unto him, Come and see.

John 1:47 Jesus saw Nathanael coming to him, and saith of him, Behold an Israelite indeed, in whom is no guile!

John 1:48 Nathanael saith unto him, Whence knowest thou me? Jesus answered and said unto him, Before that Philip called thee, when thou wast under the fig tree, I saw thee.

18 Nathanael raised up and said, "That settled it for me. I called out and said, 'Rabbi, Thou art the Son of God. You are the King of Israel.' For I knew that that ... I was learned in the Scripture. I knew that that Messiah would be a God prophet and I seen that that was the man. I was fully persuaded."

John 1:49 Nathanael answered and saith unto him, Rabbi, thou art the Son of God; thou art the King of Israel.

19 About that time Andrew ... it must have been him that said, "Brethren, what about all of us that day that when we were coming up from the journey and drew nigh unto Samaria. And we was out of our regular course of where we were going, but He said He had need go by Samaria. And the strange thing was, what would Him, being a Jew, want to go by to a mixed breed, a Samaritan, which are hated by our people, despised. We have no fellowship with them at all, but yet He wanted to go by Samaria. And he had told us before that He did not do nothing except the Father showed Him first.
"And then when we got there, do you remember brethren," said Andrew, "the peculiarity of his acting then? He would not even go into the city with us, and sat down by the public well outside the gate. And said, 'You go in and buy food.' And when we went in and got food and on the road back, do you remember He was talking to a woman that we know that in the city had a bad name? And He had said to her, 'Bring me a drink.'
"And she said, 'It's not customary for you Jews to ask Samaritans any favors. We don't have any dealings with each other, for there is a segregation.'
"And He said, 'But if you knew who you were talking to...'

John 4:4 And he must needs go through Samaria.

John 4:5 Then cometh he to a city of Samaria, which is called Sychar, near to the parcel of ground that Jacob gave to his son Joseph.

John 4:6 Now Jacob's well was there. Jesus therefore, being wearied with his journey, sat thus on the well: and it was about the sixth hour.

John 4:7 There cometh a woman of Samaria to draw water: Jesus saith unto her, Give me to drink.

John 4:8 (For his disciples were gone away unto the city to buy meat.)

John 4:9 Then saith the woman of Samaria unto him, How is it that thou, being a Jew, askest drink of me, which am a woman of Samaria? for the Jews have no dealings with the Samaritans.

John 4:10 Jesus answered and said unto her, If thou knewest the gift of God, and who it is that saith to thee, Give me to drink; thou wouldest have asked of him, and he would have given thee living water.

John 5:19 Then answered Jesus and said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do: for what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise.

20 "And you remember, brethren, we all cuddled down in the bush there to see what would take place, hear what He'd say to this outcast prostitute, a woman of ill fame? What would this One that we believe to be the Son of God would say to a woman like that? And He had said He was sent to the lost sheep of Israel. How's He going to do something for her? And why would a young man at His age talking to a prostitute out there by theirselves? So we just got down in the bushes, you remember, to hear what would be said.
"And He said, 'If you knew who you were talking to, you would ask me for a drink, and I'd bring you water, or give you water, you don't come here to draw.' And the conversation went on. And after awhile He said to her, 'Go get your husband and come here.' Well, as we looked at one another, her a woman of that ill fame would not have a husband.
"And she said, 'I have no husband.'
"He said, 'That's true. You've had five, and the one you're living with now is not your husband.'

Matthew 15:24 But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel.

John 4:10 Jesus answered and said unto her, If thou knewest the gift of God, and who it is that saith to thee, Give me to drink; thou wouldest have asked of him, and he would have given thee living water.

John 4:16 Jesus saith unto her, Go, call thy husband, and come hither.

John 4:17 The woman answered and said, I have no husband. Jesus said unto her, Thou hast well said, I have no husband:

John 4:18 For thou hast had five husbands; and he whom thou now hast is not thy husband: in that saidst thou truly.

21 "And did you notice the expression on her face? When she turned quickly, her big dark eyes shined as she said, 'Sir, I perceive that you are a prophet. We know when the Messiah cometh, which is called Christ, He'll tell us these things. He'll be the God-prophet. He'll be the one that'll know the secrets of our hearts. But who are You?'
"Jesus said, 'I'm He that speaks with you.'

John 4:19 The woman saith unto him, Sir, I perceive that thou art a prophet.

John 4:25 The woman saith unto him, I know that Messias cometh, which is called Christ: when he is come, he will tell us all things.

John 4:26 Jesus saith unto her, I that speak unto thee am he.

22 "Do you remember we couldn't get Him to eat? She left her water pot and ran into the city. And we could not get Him to eat. And He said, 'I have meat to eat that you know not of.' His meat was to do the will of His Father that had sent Him. And we went down into the city with Him. And you remember, all the men of that city, all that was in Samaria, in that city Sychar, believed on Him because He told that woman what her trouble was."

John 4:28 The woman then left her waterpot, and went her way into the city, and saith to the men,

John 4:32 But he said unto them, I have meat to eat that ye know not of.

John 4:33 Therefore said the disciples one to another, Hath any man brought him ought to eat?

John 4:34 Jesus saith unto them, My meat is to do the will of him that sent me, and to finish his work.

23 They'll rise up in the day of judgment with this generation here and condemn it, because Jesus is not dead. He's alive forevermore, the same yesterday, today, and forever. He said that the queen of the south would stand in the last days at the judgment and condemn that generation because she came from the utmost parts of the world to hear the discernment of Solomon. And He said, "Verily, I say unto you, that one greater than Solomon is here."
And tonight in our midst is one greater than Solomon, for it's the Holy Spirit, the very Spirit of Jesus Christ, trying to work His way into a people's heart and into a life. The people of the city, so says the Scripture, that they believed on Him because of the saying of the woman.

Matthew 12:42 The queen of the south shall rise up in the judgment with this generation, and shall condemn it: for she came from the uttermost parts of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon; and, behold, a greater than Solomon is here.

Luke 11:31 The queen of the south shall rise up in the judgment with the men of this generation, and condemn them: for she came from the utmost parts of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon; and, behold, a greater than Solomon is here.

Luke 17:28 Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded;

Luke 17:30 Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed.

John 4:39 And many of the Samaritans of that city believed on him for the saying of the woman, which testified, He told me all that ever I did.

Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

Revelation 1:18 I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death.

24 And as we cross the nation, as this ministry that He has given me, now it's went into a greater. But the ministry He has given me has been proven over and over and over and over. And people stay right dyed in their theology and won't move a ounce. That woman of Samaria will rise in the last days at the judgment and condemn the United States of America for their unbelief of two thousand years of Bible teaching. And still the same God that made the same promise and said it shall be ... just before the coming of the Son of man, it'll be like it was in the days of Sodom.
The days of Sodom, there was a great revival went on. One of the modern Billy Grahams went down into Sodom and preached the gospel, had a great time and called out what there was in there, and that was the church natural and carnal. But look what happened to it. Went right on in and formed a great nation called Moab.

Genesis 18:9 And they said unto him, Where is Sarah thy wife? And he said, Behold, in the tent.

Genesis 18:10 And he said, I will certainly return unto thee according to the time of life; and, lo, Sarah thy wife shall have a son. And Sarah heard it in the tent door, which was behind him.

25 But Abraham, the elect ... there was an angel stopped with him too, and performed the very same sign that Jesus did, the sign of the Messiah. He never had seen that, Abraham. He was a stranger. The two angels was going on into Sodom; but He sat with His back to the tent, and He said, "Abraham, where is your wife Sarah?" How did He know that he was married? How did He know he had a wife? How did He know her name was Sarah?
Abraham said, "She's in the tent behind you."
He said, "Abraham, I [I, personal pronoun], I'm going to visit you according to the time of life. And this child, that you've held onto my promise, I'm going to see that it's born."
And Sarah back behind Him, back behind the flap of the tent, kind of snickered, we'd call it, in herself. She laughed within her heart. And that angel said, "Why did Sarah laugh?" Hallelujah! "Why did Sarah laugh in the tent behind me?"
What kind of a telepathy is that? What kind of a sign was that? It was a sign for the people to flee quickly because the thing was going to burn up.

Genesis 18:9 And they said unto him, Where is Sarah thy wife? And he said, Behold, in the tent.

Genesis 18:10 And he said, I will certainly return unto thee according to the time of life; and, lo, Sarah thy wife shall have a son. And Sarah heard it in the tent door, which was behind him.

Genesis 18:11 Now Abraham and Sarah were old and well stricken in age; and it ceased to be with Sarah after the manner of women.

Genesis 18:12 Therefore Sarah laughed within herself, saying, After I am waxed old shall I have pleasure, my lord being old also?

Luke 17:28 Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded;

Luke 17:30 Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed.

26 Jesus said, "As it was in the days of Sodom, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of man." The same thing.
We see the fire in Russia's guns. We see it everywhere. Get out of Sodom as quick as you can and run to the Lord Jesus, for the last hour and pull of His mercy has been given. Tomorrow night I want to preach on something of that. Watch. Jesus said that it would be just like that in the last days.
When He was here on earth, He performed that sign before the Jews, before the Samaritans, but no Gentiles. Why? The Gentiles wasn't looking for no Messiah. The Jews was looking for a Messiah. The Samaritans was looking for a Messiah. And He came to them and give them that sign. And He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. The Gentiles were looking for a coming Messiah. And the Holy Spirit is here in the church now giving warning of the coming Messiah to the Gentiles.
We're in the last days, just at the end of the time, and yet people does not want to believe it. Many will get right up and walk out when you say anything about it. Then you mean to tell me that the Bible is not right, that some men are predestinated to condemnation? The Bible said they were. "Having a form of godliness, and denying the power thereof: from such turn away." The Bible said so. He said the antichrist would deceive the very elected if it was possible. We're living in a wonderful time just before the coming of the Lord Jesus.

Matthew 24:24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.

Mark 13:22 For false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall shew signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect.

2 Timothy 3:5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.

Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

27 Oh, as Simon and them pulled on, the devil must have looked down and said, "Oh, I see them now. They've gone off without Him. Now's my chance! I'll cause a storm to sink them in the bottom of the sea. Now is my opportunity to get rid of all of them."
That's just exactly what he says now. That's what I'm afraid is going to be the matter with our church. You're seeing it's a whole lot the same thing today. We've gone off on a tantrum of how many big fine buildings we can build, how many great big ... how well we can make our denomination grow. And we've went off without Him. And the devil's coming in with his poison winds to start a revival amongst the people saying, "Don't you believe that supernatural. There's no such a thing as divine healing. You better go to a psychiatrist and get your mind examined before you become a missionary or a minister." All that kind of nonsense! A poison revival that tries to say that the power of God that operates through the church is a bunch of fanaticism.
You know the Bible said this? Jesus said, when He was performing them signs there and telling Nathanael the things that taken place... Those Jews standing there said, "That man is Beelzebub. He's a fortune-teller. We got his number now. He's reading their minds. He's using mental telepathy."
Jesus turned to them and said, "I'll forgive you, I the Son of man will forgive you for this, but when the Holy Ghost is come for this age," said, "one word against it will never be forgiven in this world nor in the world that is to come."

Matthew 12:24 But when the Pharisees heard it, they said, This fellow doth not cast out devils, but by Beelzebub the prince of the devils.

Matthew 12:32 And whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come.

Mark 3:22 And the scribes which came down from Jerusalem said, He hath Beelzebub, and by the prince of the devils casteth he out devils.

Mark 3:28 Verily I say unto you, All sins shall be forgiven unto the sons of men, and blasphemies wherewith soever they shall blaspheme:

Mark 3:29 But he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost hath never forgiveness, but is in danger of eternal damnation:

Luke 11:15 But some of them said, He casteth out devils through Beelzebub the chief of the devils.

Luke 12:10 And whosoever shall speak a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but unto him that blasphemeth against the Holy Ghost it shall not be forgiven.

28 And people don't see it. They got one little straight stretch that the church takes of some kind of theology, and they stay right with that.
Like I heard Brother David duPlessis say one time. He gets off his subject. He said, "I don't stay on the highway all the time, because all the preaching I do and all the people I preach to don't live on the highway. I have to go down the lane to get them." So maybe that's the way we have to do it. Go down the lanes or the by-ways, and compel them and force them to come in. If there's anything possible, make it so scorching to them until they'll have to see it or put on their dark glasses and walk away, refuse to see it. Make it plain. Prove it, the Scriptures.

29 That's how those brethren were discussing that. They knowed that He was Jehovah.
And Abraham knowed that was Jehovah. Now you say, "He was a man." I know He was a man. But when Abraham... He ought to knowed, he talked to Him. He called Him Lord God. Lord God is "Elohim." Lord God, Elohim, the great all sufficient One, the strong One, the Almighty, the self-existing One. That's who it was standing there, eating the meat of a calf, drinking the milk from a cow, eating butter and corn bread. God Himself proving that in the last days before the world's history would end that God would manifest Himself again in human flesh. Hallelujah!
He wants to come into your flesh, He wants to come into my flesh, and manifest Himself. Sent His Son to die, and He become a propitiation for our sins. And in that He could forgive our sins, that He could cleanse His tabernacle, that He could live in us.

Genesis 18:3 And said, My Lord, if now I have found favour in thy sight, pass not away, I pray thee, from thy servant:

John 14:12 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.

Romans 3:25 Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God;

1 John 4:10 Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins.

30 Jesus said, "The works that I do shall you do also. Even more than this shall you do." He's just one. Now His Spirit's stretched out all around the world. Oh, God can be healing here, could be healing in Africa, healing in Asia, healing all over the world at the same time, because the Holy Spirit covers the whole earth. God does that. Oh, isn't He wonderful?

31 Then the devil looked down and said, "I've got a chance now. They've gone off without Him." And if he can just get the Pentecostal church to start thinking more of their buildings and their well-dressed congregations than they do of an old fashioned prayer meeting and tarrying meetings, and the baptism of the Holy Ghost and a godly life, and clean up their women and clean up their men, make them live holy and either toe the mark or get out, and not put so much on money and raises, the first thing you know, you're going to find going off without Christ again.
Brother, sister, you remember this, "Thus saith the Lord," see, the church better clean up. You're drifting too far out. Come back to the Lord. Come back to real prayer meetings.

32 Little old Methodist preacher friend of mine I've brought up here laid in that room the other night till three o'clock in the morning. My son went to see him. He was down on the river somewhere, praying. (He had to get to work, his wife had done got the Holy Ghost.) Last night he come through. He like to have tore up the place, run out and got his brother and his sister-in-law, and they got the Holy Ghost. I tell you, the Methodists is going to get a shaking down in Kentucky in a few days. It's real, God's Holy Spirit.
And it's for Methodists, for Baptists. Let me tell you denominational people here of Methodist, Presbyterian. When these people here call themselves Pentecost, that don't mean it's a organization. You can't organize Pentecost. You can have a denomination, but Pentecost is an experience for "whosoever will, let him come," whether he's Baptist, Presbyterian, Methodist, black, yellow, brown, or white. Don't make any difference what color he is, how big he is, how little he is, how low he is, how bad she is. Doesn't make a bit of difference, it's for whosoever will. It's God's cleansing process for His church.
You don't have to be smart. You don't have to be educated. There wasn't but one in His whole group ever had any education; that was Paul. And Paul said he had to forget everything he knowed to find Christ. God's not known by intellectual powers. God's known by an experience through the Holy Ghost. Peter was a ignorant and unlearned man. But he had to forget all he ever knowed, Paul did, in order to find Jesus.

Acts 4:13 Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men, they marvelled; and they took knowledge of them, that they had been with Jesus.

Philippians 3:13 Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before,

33 The devil looked down and said, "I got them now." And he begin to blow his breath. And when he did, the sea looked like the bottom would come out of it. I imagine the devil, sitting on every wave, said, "Oh, we go them now. We just got them in the sinking place."
And when Pentecostal people begin to act, and their churches begin to act the way you're doing, getting a little group of an organization saying, "We're against that group," Church of God against the Assemblies, Assemblies against Church of God, Oneness against twoness, twoness against threeness, and, oh, all them different nonsenses, see, just the devil!
"I've got them separated. That's all. I've got them away from Him."
You did run well. What hindered you? What happened? Your women begin to cut their hair, use manicure all over their face, and wear all kind. What did your men do? Begin to carry on like everything, telling jokes, and some of them very unclean. You begin taking deacons that had two or three wives, all these kind of things. Why was it? You went off on a tantrum without Him. That's exactly right. You'd have kept Him in your midst and went on, but you had to have a little bigger group than the other one's got. God doesn't dwell in big groups, He dwells in humble hearts. Certainly He does. Of any kind of a group that'll receive Him.
Got a better intellectual. "Oh, we must..."

Matthew 22:9 Go ye therefore into the highways, and as many as ye shall find, bid to the marriage.

Luke 14:23 And the lord said unto the servant, Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled.

34 I've had ministers to say to me, "You better go see him because he's an influential man in this city." I don't care if he's a bum in the streets so drunk he can't move, He's just as much as the mayor of this city in the sight of God, because it's "whosoever will, let him come." But we went after somebody else that was a movie star, or had some great pull, or some tap dancer, or a modern jitterbug, or whatever you want to call it. God goes to the gutters. Go out into the streets and highways and compel them to come in. And remember, that was the last call. The church has gone off without Him, see. You've gone off on tantrums.

35 Now I'm not against any organization. God give us about a thousand more. I like organization. I've got the name of fighting them, but that's just because the people that don't know the Spirit of God. I'm not nothing against the organization. I'm not one thing ... I'm for them every one. I'm with the Assemblies, and with the Church of God, and with the Pentecostal Holiness, with the Oneness, with the United, with the P.A.J.C., all of them. They're all my organizations. I belong to every one of them. But, brother, as long as sin in there, I'm going to pound it just as hard as I can with this gospel till I see the dross beat out, till I can see God's great church of God with their arms around one another, forgetting their differences, bearing the sins behind them, and going on unto perfection, rooting out all the Thomases and everything. I don't care who they are. That's right. Oil and water won't mix. So when you get all the unbelief away from you, God'll come in and go to working among you. That's right. But until you do that, He won't do it. You're drifting out.

36 Now them disciples were in a terrible shape. They were without Jesus, and they were out there on the ocean. But they were following the commandment. Jesus told them to go away. "Go on out across the sea. I'm going to pray." And they were following in a line of duty. Now my brethren, if you hated me a few minutes ago then wave at me now. You're still following the line of duty as long as you preach the baptism of the Holy Ghost and stay in the way. You're still in the line of duty.
Jesus had not gone so far but what... You know what He did? He climbed up the highest mountain there was in that country so He could see all the way across the sea. He'd sent them out. He wanted to see when they got in trouble, be sure if anything happened, well, He'd be there to help them. He'd be right on the spot to help them if anything happened. He went away up top of the mountain. He could see all the way across the ocean, all the way across that little sea there. And when He seen the wind was contrary---Satan was blowing his breath against them---and then what happened? Right in their most desperate hour, Jesus come walking to them.

Matthew 14:22 And straightway Jesus constrained his disciples to get into a ship, and to go before him unto the other side, while he sent the multitudes away.

Matthew 14:23 And when he had sent the multitudes away, he went up into a mountain apart to pray: and when the evening was come, he was there alone.

Mark 6:45 And straightway he constrained his disciples to get into the ship, and to go to the other side before unto Bethsaida, while he sent away the people.

Mark 6:46 And when he had sent them away, he departed into a mountain to pray.

37 Now God's ... Jesus has done the same thing. He went so high that He could see all over the world. Where did He go? He climbed the ramparts of Calvary. He was crucified for your sins. The blood of His body dripped on the ground. But then when they took Him off there and buried Him, He rose up Easter morning and kept on climbing. Climbing on, on beyond the spheres, the moon, the stars, until He sat down at the right hand of the majesty of God in heaven. His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me. He watches you. Went all the way to heaven till the earth would've looked more like ... maybe a lot like a dot, smaller than the smallest star. But He's standing right there like old mother eagle, and is watching everything that you do and know every thought that's in your mind.

38 The thing of it was, when those disciples in the hour of distress, what happened? When they seen Him coming, they was scared of Him.
Now that's exactly what's the matter with the church tonight. You don't know what to say about it. Now this has been about eight or ten years across the field and around the world. They're afraid.

39 They say, "Could it be? Is it possible? It might be a little funny. I like Brother Branham but, I tell you, I don't know. There's some odd ideas he has."
As long as you think that, you might as well stay in your seat. That's right. As far as Brother Branham himself, he's nothing. That's exactly right. But I do represent the true Spirit of God, because it comes by the Word and does what the Word says do. If you can't believe me, then you believe the gospel I preach. Now you do that. Jesus said the same thing, "If it does the works of God, then it is of God, because no man can do the works of God unless God's with him or in him."

40 Now, I want you to notice something. They was scared. They said, "That looks like a spook." They said it was a spirit. Sure it was. They thought it was a spirit. That's what it is tonight; they're afraid it's a wrong spirit. They don't know what about it. Say, "Well, if he belonged to our organization, we'd accept it." Oh, your poor little organization, see. If you don't watch, it'll keep you out of heaven one of these days. You're putting too much dependence in that. Now remember! Stay in it, but be a bright shining light there. Live a life that's above reproach. I don't care what organization you belong to, but don't you lean on that too hard. You lean on the cross ... lean on Jesus, is what you want to lean on. I don't like this leaning on cross. I want to lean on Jesus.

41 Overseas, I don't know how many different people's got sensations, you know, and things they want to do. I believe overseas now they got nineteen original nails that was in the cross. Everybody wants to wave a nail: "This is it. This is it." Somebody's got a piece of the cross. Here not long ago a pope stood up and had a piece of wood about like that, waved it out, said, "This is it. This is it."
When I was in Rome I went down into a church where they take all the monks that died, bury them there till the meat drops off of them, then take their bones and make fingers that holds light bulbs, and all like that, and the bones all around. And the people traveling through there has rubbed them bones till they're ... some of the skulls is slick. There was a statue of St. Peter. So many has kissed his toe and rubbed it till they've had to put two or three feet on that statue. Always touch, rubs. Oh, goodness! Get away from it. "God is a Spirit and they that worship Him must worship Him in the Spirit and in the truth. Thy Word is the truth." The Spirit comes and bears record of the Word.
And when it comes, you say, "Oh, it's spooky." Then rub somebody's skull, and then say that looks spooky, see. That's ... there you are, see. Go to some holy shrine or some...

John 4:24 God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.

42 I was in La Salle, Lorraine ... no, it was at the Notre Dame in Paris. There was a woman, some woman, died there. And they had a place there where they were taking, rubbing their hands up and down over the top of her head there, that... She's in a coffin and some kind of embalmed, the lady had been, and they was rubbing across there, said it kept plagues off the city. When the blood of a woman, oil from a man's hand, or anything else, takes the place of Jesus Christ, the blood of Jesus Christ, it is an antichrist, and you just remember that. It's antichrist.
Jesus Christ is the only mediator between God and man. His blood was shed once for all, He took His own blood and entered into the sanctuary of God, and sat down at the right hand of God. He's the only mediator, He's the only intercessor, He's the only blood. The only Spirit is the Holy Spirit, and I believe it with all that's in me. That's right. Anything substitutionary to that, to me it's wrong. Any kind of a sensation is wrong. It's got to be the Spirit, and the Spirit in you makes you live the life and perform and do the works of God. If it isn't...

Ephesians 1:20 Which he wrought in Christ, when he raised him from the dead, and set him at his own right hand in the heavenly places,

1 Timothy 2:5 For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;

1 Timothy 2:6 Who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time.

43 If you put a pumpkin vine spirit in a grape vine, it would bear pumpkins. Absolutely, because it's the fruit of the vine, the kind of life that's in it. You put the peach tree, and take the life out of a peach tree and put it in a sycamore tree, it would bear peaches, yes, sir, because it's peach tree life in it.
You put the life of Jesus Christ back in the church, you'll stop fussing, you'll be brothers and sisters, you women'll let your hair grow out, you'll get away from manicures, you'll turn off these old dirty television programs that oughtn't to be listened to, you'll hurry to get to church every Wednesday night, prayer meetings will just go on all over the city everywhere, and the church will be one in Christ Jesus. "And the glory of the Lord shall return and come to Zion with singing and great joy." And there shall be a revival break out across the country that would put every critic to the shame. Powers of God will build into the church, and Jesus will come and manifest Himself in great signs and wonders and gifts. It's just at the last day waiting for His church to get in condition. Amen. Don't be afraid of it; accept it.

44 That was their only means of salvation. The devil would've killed them right there. He would've choked them if it hadn't've been for that that looked like a spook to them, looked kind of funny.
And tonight the only hope of the church is to get away from their man-made theologies, and get back to the Holy Spirit, and get the Spirit back in the church, and get the church straightened out. It's the only hope of salvation, is come back to the Holy Ghost again. Amen. That may be awful strong.
My mother, as I said, used to tell me... If anything I hate, is castor oil. That's the reason I put examinations going overseas just as far as I can because you have to take it, and it just gags me to death. But she said, "Anything that don't make you sick don't do you no good." So, I guess this kind of helps us, you know. Yes.

45 The Holy Spirit, God's Holy Spirit, is in our midst. He's proving Himself with us. He is not dead, He is alive. One time they come to Him and said, "Master, we would see a sign."
He said, "A weak and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign."
And if that ain't the generation we're living in, I never knowed it. A wicked and adulterous generation, what we got now. Look at the adulteries. Look at the divorces. Divorces---America's divorce cases covers the rest of the world. Certainly they do. It sure does. It's the worst there is in the world is divorces. Our women is on the loose running like a bunch of wild pigs. Now that's exactly right, on the loose. What does a judge do? Grant you your divorce. The Bible said, "Whatsoever God's joined together, let no man put asunder." I do not believe in divorces. No, sir. God puts men, women, together, and they should live that way the rest of their life. Our Pentecostal people taking them divorced men, living with two or three different women and things, and making them deacons in the church, and so forth---Mmmm! It's a shame! It's a disgrace to the name of Jesus!

Matthew 16:4 A wicked and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given unto it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas. And he left them, and departed.

Matthew 19:6 Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.

1 Timothy 3:12 Let the deacons be the husbands of one wife, ruling their children and their own houses well.

46 Like, I believe it was in India the other day, they said, "Take away your Christianity. We don't want it. We'd like to know Jesus, but we don't want your Christianity. It's terrible." While in India where there's forty or fifty different kinds of religions, they could make us feel ashamed of ourself.
And the Hottentots in Africa, in one of the tribes---I don't know whether it's Zulu, Songhai or which it is---there's one of the tribes that's so strictly, that a woman before she's married has to be tested for her virginity. If she be found guilty, she has to tell the man that's done it and they're both killed together. There's no night running around in that tribe. What if we'd do it in America? Where would you bury them all? There you are.
They can tell us morals, how to live it; yet we're supposed to be the holy people with the Holy Ghost. Let such tommyrot as that run into our church, it's a sin and disgrace. God have mercy on us. Then the Holy Spirit come, move, and show His signs, and they just walk away as if, "Well, I guess it was all right." Oh, like you're half dead. Believe God. Wake up! Die all the way, so you can resurrect again. Don't you believe that's the truth? This dark hour, a great time that we're living. Yes, sir.

47 I don't like to hurt you, God knows that. But what I'm trying to say (there's preachers sitting here, hundreds of them perhaps in the convention, there's church members here), what I want you to do is get back to your church and get to work. We can't do it. We got to get together and got to get this started. Something's got to happen, brethren. It's got to a place to where the thing's falling through. Let's get started. You know what's happening? God's raising up out of the Methodists, Presbyterians, Baptists, Lutherans, receiving the Holy Ghost, coming right out. Oh, brother! You watch! God's able of these stones to rise children to Abraham. They see it, look at it, search it in the Scripture, and say, "That's the Scripture. I believe it with all my heart." Step right out and receive it, see.

Matthew 3:9 And think not to say within yourselves, We have Abraham to our father: for I say unto you, that God is able of these stones to raise up children unto Abraham.

Luke 3:8 Bring forth therefore fruits worthy of repentance, and begin not to say within yourselves, We have Abraham to our father: for I say unto you, That God is able of these stones to raise up children unto Abraham.

48 Remember, the first crew that started across to the promised land failed and died in the wilderness, except the very minority of them. It was the second growth that went over into the promised land. See, all things are patterns. Now we get so callous. "Oh, we're Pentecost. We're Holiness." Oh, sure. There you are. See where you get to? You get off into a place then when God begins to move with His Spirit, say, "Unh-uh. We never seen that in our day. Stay away from it."
Look back and search the Scriptures. Jesus said, "Search the Scriptures, for they are they that testify of me. If you can't believe me, believe the words that I ... can't believe the words that I say, believe the works that I do. Then you'll have life. They are they that testify of me. Search the Scriptures, for they testify; and in them you think you got eternal life." You do have it, if you'll obey the Scriptures. When the Scripture says anything, then obey it. Now, so much...
I thought I'd be gone by this time, but I feel just like preaching now. I just kind of changed my mind. But listen, we're here for a prayer service for the sick and the afflicted.

John 5:39 Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me.

49 Then they cried out, and they were scared. And Jesus spoke and said, "Be not afraid, it is I. Don't be afraid."
Now, how will we know tonight if it was Him? Because He will do the same work that He did. If He's the high priest... Hebrews 4:15 said that Jesus Christ is a high priest right now that can be touched by the feeling of our infirmity, see. He's making intercessions. Jesus promised in the last days these things would take place. You believed on receiving the Holy Ghost and received it. They believed on Jesus and received Him, was out there in the ocean ready to drown because He wasn't there. When He come up, they got scared of Him because He come up in a different form, come up in a different way. But it was still Jesus.
And if you want to know whether it's Him or not, go back and see if the Word says it's Him or not. Test it by the Word. The Word testifies of God. And the Word of God testifies for itself.

Matthew 14:27 But straightway Jesus spake unto them, saying, Be of good cheer; it is I; be not afraid.

Mark 6:50 For they all saw him, and were troubled. And immediately he talked with them, and saith unto them, Be of good cheer: it is I; be not afraid.

John 6:20 But he saith unto them, It is I; be not afraid.

Hebrews 4:15 For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin.

50 Now to finish our little drama. Those brethren knew, John knew, that that was Messiah. He knowed it could only be God that could do that. Because, why? He'd seen in the scripture that God was the one who made bread and broke it and fed two million people overnight. He knowed that was God. Peter knew it was God, because that he had heard of the Messiah was to be a God-prophet. Nathanael, the same way. The woman at Samaria had been taught, she knowed. She said, "I know when the Messiah cometh. We all know it here in Samaria. We know when the Messiah cometh, that's the things He'll do. But who are you?"
Jesus said, "I am He."
She wasn't scared; she embraced it. And she went to do something about it.
We'll see Him ride in over a congregation, do something that's outstanding, proving that it's the same Spirit that was upon Him is upon us. Then we'll walk away and say, "Well I don't know what to think about it." That's what makes the hard part. God be merciful. May it not be so from this hour on. May God help you. May God bless you.

John 4:25 The woman saith unto him, I know that Messias cometh, which is called Christ: when he is come, he will tell us all things.

John 4:26 Jesus saith unto her, I that speak unto thee am he.

51 May God help me.
I'm fifty years old. I haven't got too much longer to be around. According to age, if I preach another twenty years ... which I don't believe it'll be twenty years till Jesus comes. Now let me get that down here, let me correct that. I don't know when He's coming; but the way it looks it can't go much farther. It can't go much farther. It might be before morning. He may come for us right here in the next minute or two. I don't know when. My heart's going to stop, or yours is going to stop; then we got to go.
But, however, I believe the second coming of Christ is so close at hand till this twentieth century will not run out. Everything happens... God built the world in six thousand years. One thousand will be a day as the Scripture said. Every two thousand years something has happened in the world. First two thousand years, Noah built the ark, flood came. Second two thousand years, Christ come. This is nineteen hundred and sixty, and "I'll cut the work short for the elected's sake, or there'll be no flesh saved." There you are. So when you see these things begin to come to pass, lift up your head, for your redemption's drawing nigh. Just when He'll come I don't know, but I know one thing: He's here tonight in the form of the Holy Spirit. He's in us to believe.

Matthew 24:22 And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened.

Mark 13:20 And except that the Lord had shortened those days, no flesh should be saved: but for the elect's sake, whom he hath chosen, he hath shortened the days.

Luke 21:28 And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.

2 Peter 3:8 But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.

52 May [Gap in the audio] morning I want to be more truer than ever, knowing this, that I don't know what time You're going to call me, and I'll have to answer You. Now, Father God, by a divine gift that has been made manifest world over, I've done the very best that I knowed how. Now, I was promised that it would grow greater. I'm so glad that You're manifesting that to us, as we'll see at the end of the week.
Now, Father, I pray tonight that You'll grant salvation to every sinner that's here. Grant divine healing to every person that's here that's sick. Give each one that's seeking the Holy Spirit the baptism tonight. Bless every minister, every denomination, every organization, every church, every one that breathes Your name. Lord, may they receive blessings from God.
Even if there be some critics here, we pray for them that they'll not be critics. They don't mean to be that way, Father. Forgive them for being critical, they don't mean to be that way. I pray that You'll fill them so with the Holy Ghost that they too will be partners with us in the ministry of this coming of the Lord Jesus. Grant it, Father.

53 I humbly ... not before the people; I'm not talking to them, Father, though they hear my voice. But I'm talking to You with sincerity in my heart. I pray for every person that would be critical that You will forgive them and save them, Lord, and give them the works of God to follow their ministry. Grant it.

54 Bless every organization. May there be a revival break out among every one of them, Lord. May their churches grow, their memberships grow, their spiritual power grow. Lord, we are wanting to see one thing: our God in peace.
Help us, Father. Anoint us, Lord, that we'll not be wishy-washy, we'll not be spineless, we'll not be a bunch of worms; but we'll be men, men filled with the Holy Ghost like Peter, yet he was ignorant and unlearned. They had to take notice he'd been with Jesus. Said, "Who should we listen to, you or God?" O God, give us men like that today, that'll take the Word and preach it, and say the Holy Ghost is right, and the power of God is right, the coming of Jesus soon is right, and will stand on it with gallant... Grant it, Lord. Hear our prayers.
Heal the sick now and the afflicted, and get glory unto Thyself, for we ask it in Jesus' name. And may every sinner that's here, Lord, when this service goes into session ... may You come and help me. I'll be totally helpless without You helping me. I'm looking for You to do it. Grant it, Father. In the name of Jesus Christ I ask it. Amen.

Acts 4:13 Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men, they marvelled; and they took knowledge of them, that they had been with Jesus.

Acts 4:19 But Peter and John answered and said unto them, Whether it be right in the sight of God to hearken unto you more than unto God, judge ye.

55 I'm going to ask you all to just remain seated; and when you're standing, be real reverent. I could stand here and preach till what few hairs I've got fall away. I could stand here till they turn gray, or I would sink in the pulpit and die. You could still stand there and say, "Well, I don't know about that. He preached it, but I'd like to see it work." That's exactly right. If it's God's promise, it will work. Every promise God made will work, if you've got faith enough to make it work.

56 Now, I regard you all as my friends, and my brothers and sisters I expect to spend eternity with in glory. And if you disagree with me on my teaching, that's perfectly all right. But I believe if you'll search your Bible right good, you'll find out it's on the mark; because, first, the angel of the Lord come to me and taught it to me, then he showed me in the Bible where to find it. I've got to find the first man that can down it. That's been for years. It's the truth. Yes, sir. Some great theologians I've talked to, when it's finally come to a showdown, say, "We know it's right, but our church would put us out if we accepted that." All right, if you think more of the church than you do of Christ, that's up to you, see.
But for me, I stand on the Word; in the breach between all denominations, saying, "We are brothers, we are sisters. Let's come and serve the Lord Jesus." Amen. That's my objective. That's my motive in doing it is clean before God. That's all my heart.

57 Now I believe Billy said he give a hundred prayer cards. Is that right, Billy? Was there any certain number or any certain...? A, A, A's, prayer cards A. Now we're going to pray for every one of you. Might not be able to get them all tonight. We'll do the best we can. Get down the line just as far as we can. All right? We'll have to line them up now, and how about you getting down here, you and Gene or some of you or somebody? Got somebody down there would help you? Go down there. Brother Sullivan, you take them from that end of the line, and somebody get down there. I'm going to see how many can line up first, then I'll...

58 All right. Let's see. Let's have number one. Would you raise up your hand with prayer card number one. Number one, do I see it? [Someone speaks to Brother Branham] Are you sure? Wait, I think he's give me something wrong. Did you start? Oh, I'm sorry. All right. All right, lady. Over here, number one, come up. Bring them from over here. I always like to come from the right, because He stands at my right side, see. All right. Come over here this way. I hate to bring you around there, but it's not a superstition. Now, every time He ever appears, He's on this side. I want you to meet Him before you meet me. Number 1, number 2, number 2.
How many knows that that's not a superstition, that's even scriptural? Absolutely. Where was the angel standing when Zacharias spoke to him ... or, he spoke to Zacharias? All right. Number 1, number 2. Who's number 2? All right, number 3. Quickly now, number 3, raise up your hand. Number 3, number 4. If you can't get up, tell the usher. We'll come get you. Number 4, prayer card number 4. One, 2, 3, is that number 4? Number 5, who has prayer card number 5? Come quickly. Prayer card number 5? If you'd raise your hands, it'd help us so much. Prayer card number 5. Have they stepped out? Did something happen? Is she gone? Oh, I'm sorry. All right, go right... I'm sorry, sir. Number 6, number 7. That's it, that's the way. Number 8, number 9, number 10, now we're coming. Eleven, 11, 12, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 ... [Gap in the audio].

59 She had a blood issue, so she touched the border of His garment, for she said in her heart... She might've had to crawl between their feet till she touched the border of the garment. And said then when she did that, she felt in her heart that her faith was satisfied, that she had been healed. She went back and sat down (or stood up, or whatever she was in the congregation), and Jesus stopped and said, "Who touched me?" How many remembers that scripture? Sure. "Who touched me?" Nobody said a word, and He looked around. Why? All the power of the discernment was in Him.
Now when she touched the body... Now here, for you people, when she touched His body, He was a man, He couldn't have felt it. He had a garment on. The Palestinian garment has an underneath garment, it hangs ... the robe hung free. So she touched the border of His garment. I couldn't tell it physically if you touched the end of my coat. How about the Palestinian garment that hung way out? They had a underneath garment was down close on their feet here, because walking along the road they picked up dust, and they got real dusty and dirty. They had an underneath garment. So that robe, He could not have physically have felt it. But she didn't touch Him, she touched God when she expressed that she believed that that was the Son of God.

Matthew 9:20 And, behold, a woman, which was diseased with an issue of blood twelve years, came behind him, and touched the hem of his garment:

Mark 5:25 And a certain woman, which had an issue of blood twelve years,

Mark 5:26 And had suffered many things of many physicians, and had spent all that she had, and was nothing bettered, but rather grew worse,

Mark 5:27 When she had heard of Jesus, came in the press behind, and touched his garment.

Mark 5:28 For she said, If I may touch but his clothes, I shall be whole.

Mark 5:29 And straightway the fountain of her blood was dried up; and she felt in her body that she was healed of that plague.

Mark 5:30 And Jesus, immediately knowing in himself that virtue had gone out of him, turned him about in the press, and said, Who touched my clothes?

Luke 8:44 Came behind him, and touched the border of his garment: and immediately her issue of blood stanched.

Luke 8:45 And Jesus said, Who touched me? When all denied, Peter and they that were with him said, Master, the multitude throng thee and press thee, and sayest thou, Who touched me?

60 She said, no doubt, "I believe that man. I don't care what the priests says or anybody else, I believe that man. If I can touch Him, I'll be made well." How many knows that's the scripture in the Bible?
And it touched God in such a way till Jesus turned around. He said, "Who touched me?"
And Peter got angry with Him, rebuked Him. He said, "Well, you say such a thing as that? The very audacity. Well, why would you say such a thing as that? Why, everybody's touching You."
He said, "But I perceive that I've gotten weak, virtue is gone from me." And He looked around over the congregation, about like this, till He found the little woman. He said, "Thy faith has saved thee. The blood issue's gone." And she come and fell down.

Matthew 9:22 But Jesus turned him about, and when he saw her, he said, Daughter, be of good comfort; thy faith hath made thee whole. And the woman was made whole from that hour.

Mark 5:30 And Jesus, immediately knowing in himself that virtue had gone out of him, turned him about in the press, and said, Who touched my clothes?

Mark 5:31 And his disciples said unto him, Thou seest the multitude thronging thee, and sayest thou, Who touched me?

Mark 5:34 And he said unto her, Daughter, thy faith hath made thee whole; go in peace, and be whole of thy plague.

Luke 8:45 And Jesus said, Who touched me? When all denied, Peter and they that were with him said, Master, the multitude throng thee and press thee, and sayest thou, Who touched me?

Luke 8:46 And Jesus said, Somebody hath touched me: for I perceive that virtue is gone out of me.

Luke 8:47 And when the woman saw that she was not hid, she came trembling, and falling down before him, she declared unto him before all the people for what cause she had touched him, and how she was healed immediately.

Luke 8:48 And he said unto her, Daughter, be of good comfort: thy faith hath made thee whole; go in peace.

61 Now, Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Is that right? Now you do not need a prayer card. The only thing you need is to have faith in God. Now you out there without your prayer cards, you look this way and you pray and you believe with all your heart. (That's handkerchiefs I'm to pray over.) You pray with all your heart, say, "Lord, Brother Branham don't know me, but You know me. Let me touch Your garment. And speak through him. Let him call me out here in the audience somewhere,"---I don't care where you are---and see if it isn't just exactly the same.

Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

62 Then, in this prayer line, as far as I see, there's not nobody there that I know in that prayer line, unless it would be Brother Boze standing there, and I think he's just helping Billy. How many along that prayer line is strangers to me? Raise up your hands, you know I don't know nothing about you. Look at there. How many out there knows that I know nothing about you? Raise up your hand. There's not a person in my sight outside of Brother Pat and them sitting here that I know in that audience. I can't see a person that I ... Brother and Sister Kidd. And I know this man sitting here, him and his wife, I can't call his name. And this a brother here, the missionary.
That man sitting there, Dauch, all right. That's right. That German name, don't get me... Irishmen can't say that name, see. So, I know he's a ... I've met him, and I prayed for him the other day when he was just having such an awful time, and the Lord healed him. He come right on to the meeting over at Brother Robert's---there at Tulsa, it was. Right. You're the same man, aren't you? See, standing up here, you just have to look. You can hardly see out there, because the lights is shining right down in my face. You can see me all right, but it's hard to see you. After it gets past about one or two rows here, I can't see nothing. It's just like dots out in there where you're sitting.

63 But now, here stands people that I don't know. There's people out there I don't know. But here is the Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ who's raised from the dead. Now what did Jesus say? How many will admit that we're living in a wicked and adulterous generation? We are. Jesus said that that generation would receive one sign. Is that right? What sign would that be? The resurrection as Jonah. Exactly right, brother. As Jonah was in the belly of the whale three days and nights, so the Son of man must be in the heart of the earth three days and nights. Then what was that sign that they was going to receive? The sign of the resurrection. Is that right? How many will admit that? Then if Jesus Christ is raised from the dead, "I'll be with you, even in you, and the works that I do shall you do also." Then He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. That's the sign that's given to this generation. I say this in Jesus' name---receive it, be not afraid, it's Christ. Embrace it, have faith.

Matthew 12:40 For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.

Matthew 16:4 A wicked and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given unto it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas. And he left them, and departed.

John 14:12 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.

John 14:17 Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.

Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

64 Lord God of heaven and earth, the hours are creeping along. The night is growing dim. The light of the earth is going out. Soon You'll be here. It's darkness soon and no man can work. There'll be a controlling power in this country that'll shut up such meetings as this. Soon we won't be able to have this kind of a meeting. It'll finally grow out. You spoke in Your Bible that they'd confederate themselves together. You said they would do it, and they will. And there'll come a great shaking amongst the people, and just only those who are recognized in this great federation will be able to hold meetings. It'll be an intellectual group. The Spirit will be pushed off in the minority. But You said, "Fear not, little flock. It's your Father's good will to give you the kingdom." So I pray, Father, that while it's light and we're walking and have this wonderful nation that we're living in, freedom of religion, can still pray, and still have healing services and serve You, let the people step into the light while the light is here. I pray that You'll anoint me tonight. Help me, O Lord, I pray in Jesus' name. Amen.

Luke 12:32 Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom.

65 All right. Nine and 21, 9 and 21 is missing, 9 and 21. They're not in the line. All right, if they come in, okay. Let's have to start, because it's getting late. Now how many's here that never was in one of these meetings before? Let's see your hands. Just look at there. Now how many in here that never was here before at one of our meetings that ever read St. John 4? The woman at the well when she met the Lord Jesus. Let's see your hands. If you've never been here before. All right.

66 Now if He's the same Jesus, here is the same picture---a panoramic. The well is here of everlasting life, I believe that.
Here's the woman that I never seen, and perhaps she's never seen me. She raised her hand she didn't know me and I don't know her. Now if He is the same Christ, He'll know her. If He's the same Christ, He knows me. And if He does the same thing here that He did in St. John 4, how many of you newcomers will receive Him and believe it with all your heart? Raise up your hand. If the same thing. Now, here's this lady and I, never seen one another in our life. We are, lest I might've looked out on the congregation and saw her, or she might've looked up at the pulpit and saw me, but we're strangers aren't we lady? We are total strangers. I don't know her, never seen her.
Now, if she's sick I couldn't heal her. God's already did that, you see.

67 Now, if Jesus was standing here with this suit on that He had Brother Palmer out there somewhere and Sister Palmer to give it to me, now if He was standing here wearing this suit and would say ... and this woman would walk up and say, "Lord Jesus, I need healing," you know what He'd say to her?
"I did that when I died for you at Calvary, see."
But then, how would she know that was Jesus? Because He had nail prints in his hands? No, anybody could have nail prints in their hand. No, no, there's been many fake that. But the real Jesus would have ... the real Spirit of Jesus would be in Him, and He would do the same things that He did to prove that He was the Messiah. Is that right? And what was the sign of the Messiah? The God-prophet. That's right. Now you understand?
Not me, now. So you can get it close: I am a man, a sinner saved by grace, the least among you. That's right. But it's His Spirit.

68 Now, I can just let myself ... like these microphones. Them microphones are completely a mute unless somebody is speaking into them, or some noise. There's got to be vibration of waves to go through it. The same thing here. I don't know her, she don't know me. If anything takes place, it'll have to be some other vibration of waves, won't it? Have to be the Holy Spirit, the only thing it could be.
Now, sister, just to speak to you. Now, if the Lord Jesus ... if I could go over here and lay hands on you after preaching the way I have, and say, "Jesus said, 'These signs would follow them that believe. Lay hands on the sick they shall recover,'" that's the truth.
You could go off the platform saying, "Praise the Lord, I believe I'm going to get well." That's right, see. You could do that.
But now what if He stands here and tells you what you have been? Then if He knows what you have been, and then tells you what you will be, you certainly---if that's true---you'll know whether that's true or not. Then you can believe that. Is that right audience? If He can tell you what you have been, or what you're here for, or something just like the woman was there at the well. All understanding now? May the Lord grant it

Mark 16:17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;

Mark 16:18 They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.

69 now. Just speak to you now, because I've been preaching and I just see if He would tell me. If He will, you'll accept Him. Would it help your faith? Would it help you to believe? Would it help the audience to believe? May the God of heaven grant it.
Now if the audience can still hear my voice... The lady, there's something wrong with her that comes more like a chronic case, because I see her under a tent, or a oxygen tent, or something or other. She has to breathe from an oxygen tent. It's an allergy. That's exactly right. There is a man with you, it's your husband. He's here now, and he's on your heart. Do you believe that God can tell me what's wrong with your husband? You believe it? All right. Your husband is suffering. There's something wrong with his eyes, and he's also got a blood condition that's caused by complication of things. That's "Thus saith the Lord." Do you believe that?

70 Now, ask the woman if that was right. I don't know what I said. The only thing ... that wasn't me. That was Him. I know nothing about it. That was Him. Well, you said... The only way I'll ever know is by these tapes. But now you say, "Well, maybe you guessed." Wait a minute, we'll find out, we'll find out, just stop just a minute. I want to ask you something, just stand there a minute. You're a fine person. You are a Christian. Yes. I hear something rattling. It's an oxygen tent. Something about an oxygen tent. Yeah, and a man, your husband, and he wanted to come up here, but you only had one prayer card. And you didn't know which one to take, you or him, so you come up yourself. Now he's going to be healed, too, both of you. And you're... That's right. Now, that's just happened the last few minutes.
And here's another thing, that you might know if... You believe me to be His prophet ... or, His servant? [Yes.] Without a shadow of doubt? [No.] You know that something's around you, don't you? You know there's something anointing here really sweet and humble. [Yes.] That's right. You're not from here. You've come from away from here. You're from Canada, Ontario. You believe God knows who you are? If I tell you who you are by the Holy Spirit, will it help you? Mrs. Butler, go back and be well, Jesus Christ heals you.

71 Do you believe on the Lord Jesus? Have faith in God. It's all over, brother. Just believe it now. We are strangers to one another.
Now that ought to settle it for the whole group of you. Does that confirm that I'm preaching the truth? [Amen.] How would God let me tell something wrong and stand up with my very message? These things are only to indicate a divine vindication that my theology is right. Exactly right. The Word of the Lord came to the prophets.
Do you believe that with all your heart? I don't know you. Jesus knows you. You're a very fine person, and you're not here for yourself. You're here for someone else. It's your daughter. You believe God can tell me what her trouble is? It's in her spine. That's true. If that's right, raise up your hand. Now you believe with all your heart?

72 You remember, that almost kills me. You can't realize what that does to you. Just a moment. She's a lovely person. Let's speak to her again. Now whatever it was, I do not know. I see again. Just be praying, see. Just be asking. Ever what I told you was right, it was right. Yes. I see it. It's a girl with something in her back, spine trouble. That's right. And there's somebody else. I see a man appear, a man who's shadowed for death. It's a man you're praying for has got cancer. That's right. You believe God knows who you are? If I tell you, would it help you? All right, Mrs. Glasgow, go ahead home and be well. Jesus Christ make you well. Believe Him. Go, have faith in God. Do you believe with all your heart? Have faith in God.

73 You believe? We're strangers to one another. If I didn't say nothing to you, just passed through and laid hands on... You know that something here...
Ever who it is was taking pictures, please don't anymore. The Holy Spirit's a light. I'm watching it right here, and I see that flash, and I can't get it, you see. I can't catch the Spirit. It moves from me. All right. Now, I lost it just then. Just a minute.
Now is this the patient? You're the patient? All right. If God will reveal to me what your trouble is, will you believe me to be His servant? Varicose veins. Do you believe He can heal them? You got something else you're very much worried about. That's right. If I'll tell you what it is through the Holy Spirit, will you believe it's Christ standing here doing that? You will?

74 Now something happened in the audience just then. There's a different person appeared here, see. Somebody believed a whole lot just then. What you crying about, lady? It was you. All right. You think that bowel trouble's going to leave now? There's a tumor. That's right, it was. I don't know you. You believe with all your heart? God bless you. There's a lady sitting right next to you is believing with all her heart, too. Uh-huh. I don't know you, lady, but you know God and you'll believe Him? If I can tell you what your trouble is, will you believe me? You're suffering with a heart trouble. That's right. It's a hole in your heart. You've just come from a hospital. You're from Middletown. You believe God knows you? Anne Reed, believe with all your heart now, and go home and be well. Have faith in God.

75 Do you believe God? What did she touch? See how that faith pulls out right off the audience here. It's your faith that does it. I never seen those people. Now you have faith out there. I want to ask you something. What did she touch? She can't touch me, she's thirty feet from me, or forty. Well, what did she touch? She was believing with all of her heart and praying, and she touched the high priest. I'm not the high priest; He is. But He ain't got no lips but mine and yours. He only has hands as He can use mine or yours. You just believe somewhere like that the same thing.

76 Let's see, is this the patient? Has He already told you what your trouble was? Do you believe? If He hasn't ... all right. Yes, varicose veins. And you got a lump in your breast. That's right. Do you believe with all your heart? Now go home and be well. Jesus Christ make you well. Do you believe with all your heart, everybody? Have faith now, don't doubt.
How do you do? We're strangers to each other, so far as I know. Is that right? All right.

77 That little lady sitting there, looking at me, praying for her husband. He's in Canada. You believe that God can tell me what's his trouble? Got diabetes and lung trouble. Believe with all your heart now. Have faith in God. Do you believe God? O God, Great Jehovah. How can you doubt? I challenge your faith in Christ's name to believe that I've told you the truth.
Do you believe God can tell me your trouble? The audience just keeps ... there's something keeps mov... Be reverent, be quiet, real quiet. There's people praying. Keeps coming from this way. There's a lot of faith in the building tonight. If you'll just keep believing.

Mark 9:23 Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth.

78 Let's see this is the patient. I'm not beside myself, I'm just... There's no need trying to explain it; you can't. There's no way of trying to explain it. You just have to believe it. You can't explain God; you know God by faith. Oh, it's some kind of spells you're having, epilepsy. I want to tell you something that happened. When you was a little girl, you got a fall and caused that, when you was a little girl. Been bothering you a long time. Do you believe God'll heal you? You're not from here, you're from the South. Mississippi, Hattiesburg, Mississippi. Do you believe God? I tell you who you was, would it help you? Miss Sledge. Now go home and be well. Jesus Christ makes you well. If thou canst believe, all things are possible. Just have faith in God.

79 Now we're strangers to one another, sir. God knows us both. Now, if the Lord Jesus still remains Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today, and forever, He'll know you, know all about you. I don't; He does. Will all you believe that out there now? I don't know the man. You're from away from here. You've come to the meeting from somewhere else. Virginia. Have faith. You're wanting deliverance from something. That's right, isn't it? Smoking, smoking cigarettes. Say, a minister should get away from that. You're wanting deliverance. You know it's wrong, Mr. Snodgrass. Reverend Mr. Snodgrass from Virginia, that's your name. Come here. Do you believe me to be God's prophet? Hand me your hands. I cast that evil thing away from you as a child of God. May it leave you and never come back again. Go on your road believing now, and never take another one the rest of your life. Amen.

Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

80 Have faith in God.
Do you believe your back got well while you were sitting there? Your back got well while you were sitting there? You believe it? Then go, just rejoicing, saying, "Thank you, Lord." This little lady just held up her hand right there, just at that time. You got something on your mind, haven't you, lady? You're praying for your son. That's where it's coming from. Have faith. If you believe with all your heart, God'll give you the desire of your heart.
Do you believe that ... what if I didn't say one thing to you, would you believe it? Would you believe you was healed? You are. God bless you. Just go on your road. What if I didn't say nothing to you, just laid hands on you? That's the main thing with you, isn't it? Come here. In the name of Jesus Christ be healed. Amen. That's how simple.

81 A lady sitting right behind here, little black-headed woman with a white-looking coat on, looking around to the lady sitting next to her with arthritis there. Believe with all your heart, God will make you well. Do you believe it with all your heart? Then you can have it. That's right lady, you that raised up your hand there. There, that's it. Stand up on your feet. That's it, stand up. There you are. Go on home and be healed. Jesus Christ makes you well. You too, sister, believe it with all your heart. Go and may the Lord Jesus make you well.

82 All right, come. Very small for that. Do you believe that anemic condition will leave and you'll be well? God can give you a transfusion from Calvary for it. Do you believe that? Go, and you can receive it in the name of Jesus Christ. Believe now with all your heart. Heart trouble, stomach, oh, my! Do you believe God'll make it well? Go and believe with all your heart and get well.
How many out there believes with all your heart now? How many's in condition till you believe that God'll make you well? Do you believe it with all your heart? Are you ready to receive your healing? How many believes it's the Holy Spirit? I want to see your hands. How many believes it's the Holy Spirit? With all your heart? With all that's in you?

83 Now I'm going to challenge your faith right now to do something. What do you think? What do you think? Do you all believe it's the Holy Spirit? How many knows that that's exactly the same sermon I preached tonight of Jesus Christ. How many believes it inside and out? Raise up your hands. All that will accept Jesus as their healer right now, I don't care what's wrong with you, how crippled you are, nothing about it, if you'll accept Jesus as your healer, stand up to your feet and raise up your hands and praise Him for healing you, and you can have your healing right now.
Lord God, heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus Christ I cast away this evil spirit, cast away the powers of the devil. And may they go home and be well, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Be not afraid (1960-07-17) (William M. Branham Sermons)

Be not afraid (1960-07-17) (William M. Branham Sermons) somebody

Be not afraid

1 Thank you very much. Thank you. That just makes me feel double welcome. I certainly do appreciate that. And I have, in behalf of Brother Borders, and Brother Mercier, Brother Goad, Billy Paul, myself, we want to say that this has been a great meeting for us. I have not had a meeting, in I don't know when, that the Holy Spirit seemed to just give liberty to anything almost, and great liberty to speak. And ministers know what that means. Such a cooperation behind you, in front of you.
And it's just too bad that we didn't have the whole city around to see what the Lord did. But He never... The Holy Spirit giving visions around over the building so swiftly, till honestly, I'd have to turn my head sometimes, till I'd just get strength enough to go on a little farther. Your faith to believe, now, never let it die.

2 Now, we want to thank the school for letting us have this auditorium. We want to thank the custodian here, the caretaker, and all the school board. And we certainly pray that God will turn out many famous students from this school here. And all the people that cooperated, to our sponsors, and the ones who cooperated, to all the laity for helping us meet our expenses ... I think everything was met. And that's all that's required, just the expenses being met. That's all we need. And myself, I get a salary.
I want to thank you for the love offering and the missionary offering that you taken. That goes straight to that fund. I don't even know, never look at any money at all in the meetings. My secretary takes care of that. It's all banked and put away, building up till I get enough to go overseas.
Then when I go overseas, to be sure that the money goes right, I take it myself. And I minister with the ministry that's been right in here to you all, all around the world. And someday, over there in the other land, where they will be, well, millions will be gathering, because of your cooperation to help send me other places... I trust that there'll be tens of thousands of heathens that would've never knowed Jesus Christ except you would've helped me go.

3 Now, maybe God never called you to go. But you sacrificed some of your living so I could go. And I go do everything I can, and promise you, by the grace of God, every penny of it will be spent just as reverently as it could be. Even from the little thirteen cents from my little sweetheart last night that gave us into the largest sum of money will be well taken care of and spent to the best of our knowledge.
Now, our trustees at the church, one of them is sitting present right now, Mr. Sothmann back there. And the others are fine, Christian men, like he. And they see to that, that this finances goes exactly to what it's sent for. It goes to the foreign missions to help build the kingdom of God. In there, when I go in... You say, "Well, I belong to the Assemblies."
The next say, "Well, I belong to the Foursquare."

4 Remember, my brother, sister, that money goes right into your church over there too, because I don't represent any certain denominations. They all gather like they do here, see. And when the converts come, why ever church they want to go to, it doesn't matter to us. Just so they're full gospel born-again Christians. And so, that way we do everything we can reverently, knowing that we will have to answer from the least little gift until the highest at the day of the judgment. And I want to be found a good steward of the Lord's business at that day.
And we certainly thank each and every one of you for all you've done, for your faith. I noticed on the night... I begin to notice in America, and like many other places, the people get up sometimes... You go into a meeting, and they don't agree with what you're saying; they'll get up and walk out, just walk out deliberately. I've not noticed that in this meeting. And I've tried your patience going on up to ten o'clock, and people have sat right in the church, hot, fanning, sit right there till the last prayer ... last thing's finished at the pulpit. That's loyalty. God bless you people.

5 I don't know. Hope I get to see you again. If I don't, what I told you last night about that place, may God answer my prayer and every one of us meet there. I love you now and you love me, but we don't know what it is till we get there. And that's true.
I trust that if I get to come again that the new ministry that I'm trying to get into session now, will be working perfectly like the others at that time.
Some of them told me out there, a few minutes ago, that the little baby we prayed for on the platform last Sunday afternoon was here. If I'm not mistaken, this little blond-headed mother here... Is the baby better? I'm so glad of that. That's good. Said it was getting well now, drying up, coming to scab. Now, aren't we thankful for that? The doctors could do nothing for it. If you only knew that disease spreads all over the face and it eats it up, see. But now it's healing and scabs come over the place. And it's healing up. We are grateful.

6 This won't embarrass you. The little lady wondered why one thing was said on the platform about a place that she was from. See, the Holy Spirit. Immediately after the meeting, I was walking down the street and I met them and questioned.
Why said, "Certainly, that's right. That's where you are from, yourself. But when you married, you moved somewhere else or whatever it was there."
Then she seen it. See what the devil trying to get you to do, see? That baby wouldn't be getting well if you'd have kept on thinking that, see. But if you believe, just if it's perfect enough to tell things perfect, it'll be perfect in the healing, too.
Just believe all things; whatever God has said, you just believe it, because it isn't me, friend. Remember: if I never see you all again, many of you, till I see you at the judgment, those visions, that pillar of fire and light is the truth. It's the truth.

7 Now, I'm a poor servant of the Lord. I make so many mistakes, till I'm ashamed of myself. I don't willfully make them. But I do things that I shouldn't do, such as, might say, "Come, pray for this one."
"All right, I will be right over there and pray for that." Here's another; here's a down here, down here. I forget about it. I don't mean to do that. I don't mean to be that way.
And then there's many times I wished I could stand a little longer in line when that's discernment's going on. But it just simply kills me; I just can't do it.
And when I seen that vision the other morning, I looked and I thought, "God, let somebody hold me up." Then I got to thinking, "Yeah, they did that one time, and I was off the field for eight months." See, I couldn't tell when anyone come to me whether it was vision or not. So you can't ... you just ... you'll never be able to reach all. We know that. But we can do everything that we can do to help.

8 So, from here we go over to California to Lakespring ... Lakeport, Lakeport, California, for next week. The following week we're up here at Yakima, Washington, one night in Tacoma, as we go through. Then on into Summer Shade, Kentucky, and on and on. And as soon as I can, I will be going into Germany, and Switzerland, Africa, India, and down into Australia, and Melbourne, and Sydney, and New Zealand, around over the world.
Be praying for me. I ask you one more favor. Will you pray for me while I'm gone, see? Till we meet, you pray for me. And I will remember when the great challenges before the holy men in India, the witch doctors in Africa, in the great interior in Australia and around where those pagan heathens; they'll come right up and challenge you. And when they make their challenge, I will be remembering that over in the Klamath Falls valley there's a group of people praying for me. And I will know that God will hear your prayer. And I need your prayer. It's praying people that hold me up.

9 When I was a little boy, I had no home, as you know. I don't mean that any disgrace to my father and mother, but you've read my life story. No one... I always loved people; I wanted people to love me. And no one would talk to me. I'd be standing on the street as a young man; someone come along, and I'd be talking to someone. If there was anyone else they could talk to, they'd get away, because of the background, my father drinking and moonshining, and so forth.
So, I hate to say that, but it's no... I trust... My daddy died in my arms giving God praise. So, I trust that it doesn't reflect anything. But see, the truth... If it's bad about me, let me say it anyhow, because it's the truth, see.

10 That's the reason I believe the Bible. Being if I never read it but one time, or looked in it, when it talked about Lot living with his daughters and so forth like that, it don't pull no strings. It tells the truth, see. Now, when they say George Washington never told a lie, that's history. I don't know about that. But when it comes to this, it tells the truth. Whether it's good or bad, it tells it just the same.
That's the way we ought to be. It it's bad, it's going to be across the canopies of the sky someday, anyhow, so you might as well confess it now and say that's the way it was, see. And then be honest. You never have... You can never serve God correctly till you get every little thing out of the way where you can stand free.

Genesis 19:32 Come, let us make our father drink wine, and we will lie with him, that we may preserve seed of our father.

Genesis 19:33 And they made their father drink wine that night: and the firstborn went in, and lay with her father; and he perceived not when she lay down, nor when she arose.

Genesis 19:34 And it came to pass on the morrow, that the firstborn said unto the younger, Behold, I lay yesternight with my father: let us make him drink wine this night also; and go thou in, and lie with him, that we may preserve seed of our father.

Genesis 19:35 And they made their father drink wine that night also: and the younger arose, and lay with him; and he perceived not when she lay down, nor when she arose.

11 How can I walk out that door unless I understand and have a good knowledge that I can walk out that door? Then by faith, I walk out the door, see. That's the only way you can. If there's anything in your way hindering you, you just can't do it, because that thing raises right up in front of you all the time, see.
And so be honest, truthful; serve God with all your heart, laying aside every sin that easily besets you, that you might run with patience the race that's set before you, looking to the author and finisher of our faith, the Lord Jesus Christ. Watch; He is our example.

Hebrews 12:1 Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,

12 Now, if I put a stumbling block in your way, don't let that hinder your salvation with Christ. If your pastor---he's a man---if he puts a stumbling block, don't let that hinder at all. The thing you want to do is keep your faith on God and look to Jesus Christ as your example. He is your example, the perfect one.
Now, each and every one of you, thanks again. And now, we're designating this time this afternoon. Mostly, we had a altar call last night. And I trust that every precious soul that found the Lord Jesus in these meetings will take your membership with some of these churches, because they believe in this. They wouldn't be having me up here if they didn't believe in this ministry.

13 Now, my ministry is in a little slump now, because it's changing in America from one to another. And if you've noticed it, the first was a sign that the people looked at. The second was a sign that only God, Himself, could do. Now, on this third ministry, it lays it right straight back in the lap of the people again, see. If they'll come with that sincerity, no doubt at all, watch the Holy Spirit, they operate itself. It comes upon me and tells them just exactly. It heals right there, see. But they have got to come, not with an emotional faith, but with a solid faith to believe that it's the truth (See?), as God puts it right back in the individual's lap again. Because it has to be that way, because there's no power in man to heal.
And these things that I've told you about the squirrels, about the healings of those people and those things, God in heaven knows that every word of that is as true as I know how to say it. That's right. And so I know that just ahead of me, now, lays a greater ministry than what I have. But it'll take the people just a little bit. When they go to getting faith in it, it'll start its working. How do I see visions out over the audience there? How is it? It's because you yourself are doing it. I don't do that. You do it.

14 Now, I doubt whether any of you ever seen a real vision ... seen me have a real vision. My wife could tell you how it is. Sometimes I lay for hours without a bit of breath or a doctor can examine and find no pulse, and strike a match and hold it that close to my nose and no breath for an hour or more. But that's in a real vision. This is a vision-like, but you are doing it. Let me... I better not. We got too much time. I was going to try to explain to you the best that I know how. Is it all right?
Here. No one can never explain it, because it's unexplainable. But here's the best of my knowledge. I will take my minister brother who's here on the platform. All right. We're all going to a big carnival ... or I'll say a circus. That's the way I used to have to do when one come to town and we'd have to peep through a knothole somewhere and watch it, because we couldn't go in.

15 Now, we're going to say that all of us is at this great circus, and we can't get in. And it happens to be that God made me a great, tall man. And He made another brother a short, stout man. Now, we cannot help what we are.
Jesus says, "Who taking thought can add one cubit to his statue?" You can't do it. God makes you just what you are. And that's where I differ a little with our latter brethren ... or latter-day-rain brethren, of trying to lay hands on people and make them prophets and so forth like that. God sets in the church, see. If man does it, it's just like electing a bishop or electing something else. It seldom works. But when God sets it, it's foreknowledge. By foreknowledge He foresaw everything.

Matthew 6:27 Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature?

16 Do you all believe that God is infinite? Well, if He is infinite, He knowed every flea would ever be on earth, how many times it'd ever bat its eyes and how much tallow it would make. That's before the foundation of the world ever started. Now, that wouldn't even half express infinitcy---infinite. He's so perfect, till He knowed everything that would ever do. He knowed every time, how many ... how long your fingernail would be, and how many times you batted your eye, and how many times you moved your finger before the world ever begin. Every individual. That's infinite, see. Infinite, there's just no... There's no explaining to it. So you can't explain the word.
It's just like on your camera, or when you go beyond a certain range, then it's just on; it's eternity. Now, that's God. Then He knowed all things.

17 Now, we're going to find He's set in church certain ministries for certain ages. You believe that. Certainly He did. Now, we're all at a carnival ... or a circus. We can't get it. We haven't got no money.
Now, I look at, say, Brother Borders here, maybe he's a short, stout man. He's strong enough, he can pack water to the elephants, maybe get hisself in. Well, I couldn't do it, because I'm kind of a weakling, but I'm real tall and thin.
And we're slipping around side of the big board fence, and the first thing we find a knot hole, and it's way up here high. Well, Brother Borders could never get up to that knot hole. But I can if I will jump. All right, I will make a great big jump and grab my fingers just around the top of the fence. I'll pull up, look through the hole. Whew. I come back down.
And say, "What did you see?"
"Oh, you did."
"Uh-huh, yep."
"What else did you see?"

18 Now, that's the visions that you see here in the church. See, I'm standing there. You, yourself, are operating that. You're doing that yourself. When you're out there in the audience and believing, you're the ones doing that yourself.
Jesus told the woman, "Thy faith..." Why didn't He feel the touch of the rest of them? They didn't have that faith. But that one woman touched Him, see. "Thy faith has saved thee."
Now, the first thing you know you... Now, they're standing on the platform; here's the person. I've never seen them in my life. All right, what do I do? I enter into a relaxation of my own self into a gift. And the first thing you know, I see the woman. She's got cancer. "You have cancer." Oh, my. When I drop like from here, see. Whew. That was hard.
"Yes, I got cancer." See? That ought to alarm the whole audience, but it doesn't. It doesn't even alarm her sometimes.
"He guessed that." I can feel it right then, see.

Matthew 9:22 But Jesus turned him about, and when he saw her, he said, Daughter, be of good comfort; thy faith hath made thee whole. And the woman was made whole from that hour.

Mark 5:34 And he said unto her, Daughter, thy faith hath made thee whole; go in peace, and be whole of thy plague.

Luke 8:48 And he said unto her, Daughter, be of good comfort: thy faith hath made thee whole; go in peace.

19 "Now, what else did you see?"
Oh, here we go again, and jump up, get my fingers a hold, because I just barely reach it and pull hard.
"What else did you see?"
"Giraffe." See?
"What else have I got?"
"Well, you've also got a asthmatic cough."
"Yeah, that's right."
I'm just about gone by that time, see. Now, here stands the whole church wanting to know something about themselves, see. They're doing that themselves.

20 Now, here comes the giant by, the ringmaster. "What are you doing, son?"
"I was looking over the fence through that knot hole telling these men."
He reached down and get me in his hand, picks me up here. He says, "You see here? You see that thing there. It takes place. It comes over here. The garland riders come by here, go down here and it happens down here. And this woman jumps off here, goes through those hoop of fire. This goes out."
"Oh, is that the way it is."
"All right, that's the way it is, son."
Now, that's God using His gift. Here is you using God's gift. There on a real vision is God using His gift. That never bothers me. Don't hurt me a bit, because I'm just sitting in the palm of His hand. He's showing me. That's when God wants to use His gift. And that's when you are using God's gift.
I can't use it. It's not for me; it's for you. I can see nothing for myself, see. It's all for you. I got thousands of things in my heart this afternoon I wished He'd show me. But He doesn't show me what for me to do, about me. It's for you. I'm just a public servant of God to you. You understand now?

21 Now, you say, "That's not Scriptural, Brother Branham."
Yes, it is. Now, wait a minute.
Jesus was living with Martha and Mary and Lazarus. You remember that? And the Father said to His Son, "I want to use..." You believe God was in Christ? Certainly He was.
All right. Father wants to use His gift on earth. So He tells Jesus, "You go away from the home, because Lazarus is going to die. Be gone four days. After four days, Lazarus will be dead. Then You return and go back and raise him from the dead." He never said no virtue left that.
Went on over, and four days they sent to Him. "Come, pray for Lazarus. He's dying." He just kept on going. Sent another messenger: "Come pray for Lazarus, the one You love. He's dying." Just kept going on.
Then after the amount of time, he said, "Lazarus sleepeth."
"Oh," He said, "if he sleeps, he does well."
He said, "He's dead. And for your sake, I'm glad I wasn't there." Because they've been trying Him to get Him to do something was against the will of God.

John 11:11 These things said he: and after that he saith unto them, Our friend Lazarus sleepeth; but I go, that I may awake him out of sleep.

John 11:12 Then said his disciples, Lord, if he sleep, he shall do well.

John 11:13 Howbeit Jesus spake of his death: but they thought that he had spoken of taking of rest in sleep.

John 11:14 Then said Jesus unto them plainly, Lazarus is dead.

John 11:15 And I am glad for your sakes that I was not there, to the intent ye may believe; nevertheless let us go unto him.

22 And brother, sister, if I never see you again, that's one of the greatest fights I have. Look right out over the audience and see somebody that I know that isn't going to be well. And then someone try to get me to do something that's against the will of God. And I can't tell that person, because if I do it'll hurt them. And there you are; just have to bottle it up in your soul and keep it, and keep moving on, praying. It's killing. And then, the first thing you know, then we will...
Lazarus. When He come back, went to the grave of Lazarus, listen what He said: "Father, I thank thee. Thou has already heard me. (See, see? He knowed it already.) But I pray for these sake that stands around." Then He called Lazarus from the grave.

John 11:41 Then they took away the stone from the place where the dead was laid. And Jesus lifted up his eyes, and said, Father, I thank thee that thou hast heard me.

John 11:43 And when he thus had spoken, he cried with a loud voice, Lazarus, come forth.

23 Now, He never said anything about... That was raising a man after he'd been day for four days and bugs was eating up his body. And that man stood up, and lived again, and went to supper one time with Jesus. Is that right?
Now, that was a greater miracle. And that little woman that come through and touched the hem of His garment, He said, "I got weak. Virtue went out of me." Is that right? One was God using His gift; the other one was that woman using God's gift, because she said in her heart, "He's a holy man. If I can touch His garment, I will be made whole." You remember that?

Matthew 9:20 And, behold, a woman, which was diseased with an issue of blood twelve years, came behind him, and touched the hem of his garment:

Matthew 9:21 For she said within herself, If I may but touch his garment, I shall be whole.

Mark 5:27 When she had heard of Jesus, came in the press behind, and touched his garment.

Mark 5:28 For she said, If I may touch but his clothes, I shall be whole.

Mark 5:30 And Jesus, immediately knowing in himself that virtue had gone out of him, turned him about in the press, and said, Who touched my clothes?

Luke 8:44 Came behind him, and touched the border of his garment: and immediately her issue of blood stanched.

Luke 8:46 And Jesus said, Somebody hath touched me: for I perceive that virtue is gone out of me.

John 11:44 And he that was dead came forth, bound hand and foot with graveclothes: and his face was bound about with a napkin. Jesus saith unto them, Loose him, and let him go.

24 So there is the vision. Now, it's growing beyond that now. It's coming to a place to where the people that has seen it to have confidence and faith, that'll come up here before me, and I will stand just talking to them. And if they'll just say the right thing with the right type of faith, then that anointing will come on me, and then I will ask for them to be done right there, see. Just watch.
And this meeting has been great. You just don't know the testimonies I got piled up over there on my desk and things like that, or in my room, of people that's wrote back and sent back testimonies of being healed, with babies with leukemia and all kinds of diseases and things.

25 And after I'm gone a long time, you ministers watching your churches, you'll see a woman say, "That female trouble I had doesn't bother me anymore, pastor," or "This stomach trouble I had..."
"My heart trouble's all gone."
I couldn't call them. I could not call them. They're just all over the audience, everywhere, just in great big spray. You couldn't see them all. You couldn't speak to them. But it's just everywhere. They got it.
Just like I said about the little Finnish girl last night. She will find it out after while. So that's all. And so that way I go with a confidence in my heart this afternoon to know that things that we know nothing about now is already accomplished in the sight of God. So God bless you with all my heart. Let us pray a prayer now to God.

26 Our heavenly Father, after thanking our brethren and sisters for all their cooperation; and many has prayed and fasted; and churches has longed and strained; and ministers has went through great strains... But we thank Thee, Lord, that in all of it there has been great things accomplished. How would I know that preachers won't come from this meeting? How would I know that something isn't done that'll inspire men are already ordained to preach? We just thank Thee for all of it.
Many are healed. Thou will confirm the word of Thy servant, and the ministering brothers and neighbors will find out, and know that my words are true, that they're Your Words that I speak for You: that many here is healed and doesn't know it yet.

27 Now, Father, I pray that You'll bless us in the winding up of this meeting this afternoon. God, may these churches grow and prosper and revival until Jesus comes. Grant it, Lord. Hear the prayers of Your people. And we thank Thee for the reverence and respects of the people.
And it is written in Thy Word, "Insomuch as you do unto the least (and that would be me), the least of my little ones, you have did it unto me."
And as they have respected the Word that I have preached... And this lovely brother making that statement a few moments ago in my introduction. God, I pray that You will bless him abundantly. And I realize that he spoke for the people, for they all cheered back. And I pray that the riches of Your blessings will be upon them, Lord. Grant it.

Matthew 25:40 And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.

28 I pray for all their ministries, Lord, and their churches. May they prosper and build and extend, and the audiences be greater, and the pews all fill, and the altars packed, and great healing miracles will take place by their hands. That You've been so close to us, Lord, that it encourages us to know that You are still with us. We realize that this is a shaking time, that when the church will come to the minority. For it is written, "Fear not, little flock, it's your Father's good will to give you the kingdom."
And we realize that that must come to that place, that the chaff and wheat must be separated. And we know that this is a separating time, when the world will continue to grow worse. But the church will become more concerned, and Your Spirit will get greater and more powerful all the time in the church until Christ and the church unites together.

Luke 12:32 Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom.

29 Lord, help us this afternoon that there will not be one feeble person in our midst when we leave. Now, I commit these people to Your hands. I commit myself to Your hands. Lord, work with us. Give us something extra this afternoon at the closing of this service, that we all might remember as long as we live, with the rest of the meeting.
We pray this blessing as we read the Word. Water it, Lord. You said, "My Word will not return to me void. It will accomplish that which it was purposed for."
And all the sick that's here this afternoon... May there not be one feeble person when this services is over. May God come so real to them, that all the blackness of doubt or superstitions would be drove from their hearts and they would see perfectly the Lord Jesus in operation among His church. Grant it, Lord. And then, let them catch the faith of that and move out of here as well men and women, boys and girls this afternoon.

Isaiah 55:11 So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.

30 We thank You for the healing of this little, darling baby. And I'm so glad. Yet, I told my wife last Sunday, "I'm not hungry. Let us not go to eat." But bless her heart, she persuaded me until finally I went with them. And then on the street, met this little mother. And there was a thing that Satan thought that he could rob that precious baby of that healing, causing that mother to doubt just a little bit there, because that You had told her that she herself was from a certain city. And that's exactly what You meant. Then standing by the side of the car, how Your great Spirit come back again, and opened it up to her, and told her. Now, today... Then she believed. Now, today, her little baby is getting well. We're so grateful for that, Father.
The many others, all, so many's been healed and we thank Thee for it. There's souls that's been saved. We thank Thee for it. And may each and every thing be to Thy honor and glory, for we commit it all to Thee in the name of Jesus Christ, Thy Son. Amen.

31 Now, we're going to turn this afternoon to Saint Matthew for the closing message. And I tell you, I have to confess something. Saint Matthew, fourteenth chapter, twenty-seventh verse.
And I want to confess something. I thought I was preaching just a little hard. And I'm a little timid of ministers, you see. They're shepherds. They should be a little suspicious, because they're feeding the flock of God. And the Holy Ghost has made them overseers. But when me, with my old, slow southern way... I used to think I was a preacher a long time ago.

Acts 20:28 Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood.

32 I remember when my father was a rider. And he used to break broncos. And he was a real rider. Well, I remember when I'd go out, after plowing corn and things all day, we'd bring the old plow horse in. Dad would still be at the back of the field plowing. We had an old, wooden water trough. Do you remember them? Old log hollowed out where the horses drink, you know, an old artisan well?
And I would bring the old horse down there, pull the harness off and then we'd ... I'd get pop's saddle, you know, and get out there. And my little brothers would sit around on the fence. And I'd get me a big handful of cockleburs, and pull it up there, and tighten down the cinch, and climb up on him. That poor, old horse was so old and tired, you know, he couldn't get his feet off the ground. Just bawl, you know. And I'd throw that hat around. I thought I was a rider.
I said, "My, they need me out west to break their horses."

33 And about eighteen years old, I slipped off and went to Arizona. Happened to be there in time of rodeo. Well, I put on a pair of chaps. I always wanted a pair. Pop's was wore out so... He got hurt, so he had to quit riding.
And I thought I'd get me a pair of chaps. And I went out and put me on a pair. I was little anyhow, you know. And it was from one of them long-legged westerners. And there was enough leather laying out on the floor to make a saddle out of, nearly. Looked like one of these little banty roosters with them feathers, you know. I couldn't wear them things. So I wanted to take the saddle money home, you know, ride the silver saddle. You know what I speak of.

34 So, I got me a pair of Levi's and went out to the pen. And they said they was going to bring out an outlaw horse. And so, some famous rider was going to ride him. I settled up there and looked at all these old disfigured cowboys, you know, sitting on this fence, watching. I climbed up and sat down by them, looked... I seen their overalls, you know, all slicked and worn. Mine, just told them it was a new pair; I was a rider anyhow, you know.
I thought, "I will show them how to ride these horses out west. I will tell them how it's done."
Sitting there looking them all over, you know. And first thing you know, they'd come out of a shoot, this guy did, on a horse called Yellow Fever, a big brand on his hip. About three or four bucks and a sunfish or two, and the horse went one way, the rider another. The pickups got the horse, and the ambulance got the rider.
The caller come by and said, "I will give any man a hundred dollars that'll ride him thirty seconds." He come down through there, and he stopped on me. He said, "Are you a rider?"
I said, "No, sir."
That took the wind out of me right now.

35 When I was a little Baptist preacher, I used to pack my Bible under my arm, you know, and go downtown. And I'd see the different ones. They'd say, "Hello, Reverend." Oh, that felt big, you know. Yes, sir.
"Are you a preacher?"
"Oh, sure I am."
One day, there was a little girl by the name of Betty Daugherty. You read the story. In my ministry, was healed... The first one in my ministry sent when it was confirmed to me over there. And her father was a Pentecostal preacher. And I went down to the meeting. My, oh, my. That man would preach, till... He didn't need no microphone. He would preach till he would turn blue in the face, buckle in his knees, and go almost to the floor, come back catching his breath. You could hear him about three or four blocks away still preaching.
Somebody'd say, "You a preacher?"
I said, "No, sir. I'm not. No, sir."

36 My old, slow southern ways just can't think of it that fast. That's all. I have to kind of take my time and maneuver around and kind of wait on the Spirit. And I'm just too slow. That's all. Them Pentecostal brethren would just run off and leave me. So, I'm kind of slow about saying about being a preacher up on the platform when I know that's behind me, you know. So, I take it easy.
But when I heard them say, "Preaching on holiness, they appreciated it," and some of those ministers shaking my hands and saying, "That's good, Brother Branham. That gives us courage to move on."
Oh, I quit preaching about a couple three nights ago and just started testifying, because I was afraid that I might be getting a little rough on in it, you know. So, I just let it go. But next time I come back, I will continue on preaching, because I know that you just do put up with the old-fashioned sassafras. How many knows what sassafras is? Say, boy...

37 How many ever slept on a straw tick? How many's from Kentucky? My, that's really... Why, I was borned on a straw tick. That's right. Slept on shuck pillows pretty near all my life. We never had electric lights till just recently.
And I remember Pop used to shave... He'd have a bunch of shucks off of the corn, you know, made hisself a shaving brush, go out to Mom's tub, get the old lye soap that she... We boiled up the old stuff that made the lye soap. And rubbed up like that, wash his head and everything with that same lye soap, take this old brush and put the soap suds on his face and shave. Oh, my. Wished I could see him again, though; sure wished I could.

38 But hold on to Christ; or this: let Christ hold on to you. It's just like one time, if you'll just let Him hold you. Now, we're not a big church. That's true. But I believe God's holding us.
My little girl, Rebekah, there, I tell a little story on her and Sarah one time. They're both daddy's little girls, you know. And so, I'd be out late, you know, and I love my children. And I wouldn't come in till maybe weeks. And I remember Rebekah when I...
Her birth was the marking of my ministry. I asked the Lord if He'd let me stay home until the baby was born. And when she was born, and I went off on a trip, and come back, and she begin to know me. After about six months old or something, I made St. Louis and a few of the Arkansas meetings, went on down in the south. And when I left then, I never come back for nearly a year. When I come in one cold day, and we had two little rooms we were living in, had a quilt stuck in the door and pushed in. It was around zero weather

39 And to keep the baby from forgetting me, mother had my picture sitting there, and she'd say to Rebekah, and she'd say, "Daddy, daddy."
But when I come back, I'd lost about twenty-five pounds, and nearly all my hair was gone. I said, "Hi, sweetheart." She was scared; she cried. She was afraid of me. My own child afraid of me.
And Mother tried to say, "Daddy," and she'd point to the picture. That was Daddy, not this. That liked to kill me.
Finally I got her little legs, and pulled them around my stomach, and sat down, and begin pat her, and tell her I was Daddy, and I'd been out working for the Lord. And finally, she laid her little head over on my chest. She laid there a little while and she'd raise back up and look at that picture, then look at me again. Finally she'd making up her mind it was me, you know.

40 When her little sister was born... Well, Becky is kind of a tall, thin, long-legged. So, they was waiting up one night for me to come home. And I got in kind of late. So then, when I come home, why, they'd done went to bed.
And the next morning, I was so weary and tired, a lot of visions, and I'd sleep in. I couldn't sleep; I was too weary. And when I got up, come out in the room, why, sat out there. First thing you know, Becky happened to wake up first. "Well, it's daylight. Daddy might be there." Here she come, them pajamas just a flying. And when she run, she...
Here comes Sarah, her little bitty sister, little bitty tot about like this, wearing Becky's hand-me-downs. I guess your children does that too. The feet about that much too long, you know, and here they was slamming them big feet coming through and her little, old brown eyes.
But Becky jumped right a straddle my knee, like this, and put her arms around me like this and said, "Sarah, my sister, I want you to know that I was here first. [That's the way some of the great denominational churches think they were there first, see.] And I've got all of daddy."
She was well-balanced; her feet was on the floor. She could balance herself up pretty good, said, "I've got all of daddy, and there's none left for you."

41 Poor little Sarah, she ducked that little head, them little brown eyes looked at me, colored up with tears, and started to turn around. And Becky was hugging her up close to me. I motioned to Sarah like this with my finger and stuck my other knee out. And here she come, them big pajama feet flying. She jumped right, straddled my lap like that. And I just reached over and got her with both arms and hugged her up real tight.
She laid there a little bit against my chest. And she looked over to Becky, and she said, "Rebekah, my sister." She said, "It may be true that you've got all of daddy, but I want you to know daddy's got all of me."
That's it. We may not have a lot of theology; we may not know too much about how to split a molecule, or we're not very old. But one thing: just so Christ has got all of me. That's all I want, see. I may not have all of Him. As long as He's got all of me, He will help me and balance me, until I grow a little older, I'm sure.

42 Now, in the blessed, old Word. Oh, I love the Word. "Faith cometh by hearing, hearing of the Word of God. Heavens and earth will pass away, but my Word shall never pass away," said Jesus. Now...
And straightway Jesus spake unto them, saying, Fear not, be of good cheer; it is I; be not afraid.
It must have been about the going down of the sun. It'd been a great day, rather warm. And the big fisherman, as we know, Simon, big, burly fellow, bald-headed, wide shoulders, pushing the boat off of the bank. And he finally got the stern pushed off, and climbed aboard himself, and shoved it out into the water and walked down along the rest of the seats, and took his place by the side of Andrew, his brother.
The people on the shore were waving good-bye, "God be with you till we meet again," and waving, and so happy because of the great meeting that day. As they started taking their oars with one accord, pulling together... That's the way you make the boat move is when you make the same stroke together.

Matthew 14:27 But straightway Jesus spake unto them, saying, Be of good cheer; it is I; be not afraid.

Matthew 24:35 Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.

Mark 13:31 Heaven and earth shall pass away: but my words shall not pass away.

Luke 21:33 Heaven and earth shall pass away: but my words shall not pass away.

Romans 10:17 So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

43 That's what I've stood in the breach with the Pentecostal brethren: when we could each stand by our oar and pull with the rest of them, the boat will move right on across. Our little bark will move across the sea of life, that we're sailing life's solemn main now. And that's what we need is cooperation, coordination, and pull together steadily. It'll certainly move the load.
And as they moved on out, oh, after the sun already turned red, going down, they got plumb out of the hearing distance of the last one waving, "Farewell."

John 6:9 There is a lad here, which hath five barley loaves, and two small fishes: but what are they among so many?

John 6:10 And Jesus said, Make the men sit down. Now there was much grass in the place. So the men sat down, in number about five thousand.

44 And I believe that it must have been young John (as he was the youngest among all of them)... Young John must've brushed back the shaggy hair from his eyes and said, "You know, I've been thinking since this afternoon. And, oh, how real the Bible is to me now. Did you notice Him, brethren, that look on His face when He took those biscuits and broke them, and fed that five thousand? He looked to me like Jehovah standing there. And He broke those fishes and handed them out, and I got up close and looked and to see Him when He'd break that fish in two and hand it out. And when He reached back, there would be another piece of cooked fish on there, until thousands of pieces of fish come off of that piece of fish, already cooked. I seen Him when He broke that biscuit, hand it out, reached back and that biscuit was whole again, just kept handing it out. And seen Him take up all those baskets full of food.
"You know, brethren, I can assure you," he must have said, "that we're not deceived. That man has some contact with Jehovah, because my mother, when I was a little boy, used to read stories to me how Jehovah rained bread out of heaven and fed our people, our ancient people, when they crossed the desert. For forty years in the wilderness, God Jehovah fed them out of heaven, rained bread---cooked---on the ground with honey on it. Now, this man does things like Jehovah did them." Amen. I like that.

Exodus 16:35 And the children of Israel did eat manna forty years, until they came to a land inhabited; they did eat manna, until they came unto the borders of the land of Canaan.

Psalm 78:24 And had rained down manna upon them to eat, and had given them of the corn of heaven.

Matthew 14:19 And he commanded the multitude to sit down on the grass, and took the five loaves, and the two fishes, and looking up to heaven, he blessed, and brake, and gave the loaves to his disciples, and the disciples to the multitude.

Matthew 14:21 And they that had eaten were about five thousand men, beside women and children.

Mark 6:41 And when he had taken the five loaves and the two fishes, he looked up to heaven, and blessed, and brake the loaves, and gave them to his disciples to set before them; and the two fishes divided he among them all.

Mark 6:44 And they that did eat of the loaves were about five thousand men.

Luke 9:14 For they were about five thousand men. And he said to his disciples, Make them sit down by fifties in a company.

Luke 9:16 Then he took the five loaves and the two fishes, and looking up to heaven, he blessed them, and brake, and gave to the disciples to set before the multitude.

Luke 9:17 And they did eat, and were all filled: and there was taken up of fragments that remained to them twelve baskets.

45 He said, "If you can't believe me, believe the works that I do."
They said, "Your word is wrong. You testify of yourself."
He said, "Two is a witness. I am one witness and my Father that's with me is the other witness. He does the works." So He wasn't alone. The Father... He said, "If I do not the works of my Father, then believe me not. But if I do the works of my Father, then if you can't believe me, believe the works, because the works is my Father."

John 10:37 If I do not the works of my Father, believe me not.

John 10:38 But if I do, though ye believe not me, believe the works: that ye may know, and believe, that the Father is in me, and I in him.

46 Now, we might say the same thing. If you can't believe us as servants of Christ, believe the Holy Spirit that's with us doing the works of Christ. Believe Him.
Now... So, he said, "That must have been some connection with Jehovah, because Jehovah performed a miracle and fed the people with bread when they were hungry. And our Lord, this afternoon, fed the people with bread and fish when they were hungry. It must've been something, some contact He has with Jehovah. And I'm satisfied, no matter what our church says, no matter what the Pharisees says, or the Sadducees, or any. I know that we are not deceived in this man, because He does the works of God. The same kind of works that God did, He does them also."
I can hear the brethren across the ship say, "Amen, Brother John. That's just exactly right."

47 Now, it must've been the Apostle Peter then which was kind of at the stern of the boat, the fisherman, as we call him... It must've been him that said, "Well..." He let up on his oar, sitting by the side of Andrew. He said, "Well, I will tell you what convinced me before this afternoon, John. Andrew went to see Him first, and he come telling me about a Galilean prophet; and I said, 'Oh, John, don't get carried away with a lot this nonsense that goes on in this day, because you know there was several antichrists raised up before His coming. You knew that. The Bible said so, that they called away many.' But," he said, "what convinced me... I can remember..."
And all the brethren let up their oars, because it was just that little lull before dark and the haze around the side of the mountains, a beautiful time, all the birds flying over, going to their nests. God had fed them through the day, and they were gathering into the nests for the evening.

Matthew 24:11 And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many.

48 Oh, I'm so glad that God will gather His people at the evening time, aren't you? That's when the bride's to be called. Did you know that? In the evening time, that's when Rebekah and Isaac met was in the evening time.
And as the birds begin to gather in, the brethren let up on the pulling of the oar. And when they did, Simon said, "Andrew kept telling me, 'Come on, Simon. Go up and see this Galilean prophet. He will make you believe in God.' Oh, I told Andrew, 'Andrew, you must've got carried off on the deep end. There's no such a thing as a prophet in our days.' 'But there is.' he said, 'There is. You should come.' One day he persuaded me to go. So, finally I went up, and I remember what my father told me. Now, my father was a strict Pharisee, very strict in our religion. And he taught me well in the Bible.
"And I can remember the lesson, one day, sitting on an old log, or the end of the ship after we'd pulled all day. And he was getting old and gray. And he took me in his lap. And I was just a lad. And he said, 'Simon, my boy, your father has raised you to believe in God. I've tried to live the strict life of our religion, a Pharisee. And I want you to come up to serve God and believe Him. I've waited all my days, Simon, my son, to see the Messiah come. I know what He will look like. I know what He will be when He comes. And I see... I don't believe I'm going to be able to see Him.'"

Genesis 24:63 And Isaac went out to meditate in the field at the eventide: and he lifted up his eyes, and saw, and, behold, the camels were coming.

Genesis 24:64 And Rebekah lifted up her eyes, and when she saw Isaac, she lighted off the camel.

49 And Simon might've stopped here and said, "I see my old father brush the hair back out of his eyes, as the gray beard and hair. We'd fished together on the Galilean sea here all of our lives. And he said, 'Simon, my son, you may live to see the Messiah. And when He comes, He will be a rejected one. Oh, He will not have much followers to follow Him. But He will call the elected of God. He will call. And Simon, I prayed so hard that I'd raise a boy that would be amongst God's elected. Now, Simon, when the Messiah cometh, I want you to remember. He will be criticized. He will made fun of. But here's the sign that you'll know He is the Messiah. He will be a God-prophet, because Moses, the great prophet that we followed, said, 'The Lord, our God, shall raise up a prophet likened unto him.' Now, He will be a prophet like Moses, but far greater than Moses, see. He will be a Prophet, King, Priest, law-giver. He will be God in flesh. But He will do the sign of the prophet, and that's the way you'll know that He is the right one.'" See?

Deuteronomy 18:15 The LORD thy God will raise up unto thee a Prophet from the midst of thee, of thy brethren, like unto me; unto him ye shall hearken;

Isaiah 53:3 He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not.

50 And he said, "Then when I walked up before this Jesus of Nazareth... And I thought, 'I will go and see it's somebody falsely. I don't believe what Andrew's telling me. I believe he's just got caught up in some emotion.' But when I come off from my ship, he told me He was up there on the bank. And I went up and set down on a chunk, waited to hear this Galilean speak. And while He was speaking, He turned and looked at me. And when He looked at me, I knowed He was different from other men." Just let Him gaze upon you one time. "I knowed there was something about Him. When I heard Him speak, He didn't speak like an ordinary man. He didn't speak like a Pharisee. He didn't speak like a priest. He spoke like a man that knowed what He was talking about it. And He was certainly convinced on what He said. And when He got through His speech, I had stood up and had looked at Him in amazement. And He turned and looked at me, and He said---called me by my name---said, 'Your name is Simon.' Not only that, but He knowed the name of my godly old father that's gone on. Said, 'You are the son of Jonas.'"

John 1:42 And he brought him to Jesus. And when Jesus beheld him, he said, Thou art Simon the son of Jona: thou shalt be called Cephas, which is by interpretation, A stone.

51 Said, "Brethren, that's what convinced me He was Messiah, prophet-God, God-prophet. I knowed that was the Messiah, because He had no way of knowing me; and yet He called my name; and my daddy said to look for that. Not only that, but He let me know that He knowed my daddy had told me such a thing. I can never forget, brethren, those eyes how they pierced me when they looked at me. And He said, 'Your name is Simon. And your father's name is Jonas.'" He said, "It was that time that I was convinced that He was the Messiah of God."
Wish we'd be that simple this afternoon. Wish the world would recognize that.
"I knew He was the Messiah."

52 Must've been Philip then, about the center of the boat, that said, "Brethren, I want to tell on Brother Nathanael sitting up there at the other oar. When I went to find him, I was convinced when I heard Him call Simon and know that his name was Simon and knowed that his father's name was Andrew ... or knowed his father's name was Jonas." And said, "I was convinced. So I wanted to find this brother Nathanael here, because that I knew he was a good man. And when I went over and told him to come, see who we have found, Jesus of Nazareth, the Son of Joseph, he said, 'Could there be any good thing come out of Nazareth?' And I said, 'Come and see.'"
Now, that's a good thing to do: Come, see for yourself.
"And on the road around, you remember you'd say, Brother Nathanael, how we talked, and I told you when you bought them fish from that old fisherman that couldn't even sign the receipt, couldn't sign his own name, so illiterate."
And yet, he was made the head of the church and give the keys to hell and death ... no, the keys to the kingdom it was. I beg your pardon. Jesus raised with the keys for hell and death. He was give the keys to the kingdom.

Matthew 16:9 Do ye not yet understand, neither remember the five loaves of the five thousand, and how many baskets ye took up?

John 1:46 And Nathanael said unto him, Can there any good thing come out of Nazareth? Philip saith unto him, Come and see.

53 "Yes," he said, "I remember Him. Why He told him that his name was Simon and his father's name was Jonas. Now, you are a smart man in the Scriptures. Is not the Messiah to be that type of person?"
"Yes. Yes. That's right."
"It wouldn't surprise me if He didn't tell you who you were before you get off the ground."
"Oh, I would have to see it."
"And then when Brother Nathanael come up into the presence of our Lord, He said to him, 'Behold, an Israelite in whom there's no guile,' and so surprised him."
And then Nathanael said, "Yes, I was surprised. I said to Him, 'Rabbi, when did You ever see me?' And He said, 'Before Philip called you; when you were under the tree, I saw you.'" He said, "I was fully convinced that that was the Messiah. And I fell on my face before this man and said, 'Thou art the Son of God. Thou art the King of Israel.' I was convinced, brethren."

John 1:47 Jesus saw Nathanael coming to him, and saith of him, Behold an Israelite indeed, in whom is no guile!

John 1:48 Nathanael saith unto him, Whence knowest thou me? Jesus answered and said unto him, Before that Philip called thee, when thou wast under the fig tree, I saw thee.

John 1:49 Nathanael answered and saith unto him, Rabbi, thou art the Son of God; thou art the King of Israel.

54 Andrew, the brother of Peter, then said, "But brethren, all of us... That day, you know, when He was going down to Jericho, straight shot right to Jericho from Jerusalem, but He had need to go by Samaria, up around the hills. Said the Father was send Him up to Samaria. And when we got up there, you remember how sore His feet was? And He was tired and weary. And He wouldn't even go into the city. He sat out there by the well. And when we slipped back up---and they wouldn't let us have no food, you remember---so we slipped back up to the well where they were at. And when we got there, we seen a woman coming up. And we thought we'd just stop and see this woman would do. And we knowed she was marked, an ill-famed woman. And when she was letting the pitcher down into the well, we heard their conversation. And we seen our Lord stand there to that woman and see the hair drop down over her face with surprise when He said, 'Go, get your husband and come here.' She said, 'Sir, I have no husband.' Then we wondered, 'Uh-oh, here's a slip-up. Something's happened now.'"

John 4:4 And he must needs go through Samaria.

John 4:16 Jesus saith unto her, Go, call thy husband, and come hither.

John 4:17 The woman answered and said, I have no husband. Jesus said unto her, Thou hast well said, I have no husband:

55 Perhaps about like our little sister thought that was sitting here awhile ago with the baby.
"Here's a slip-up. Something happened now." Because He told her to go get her husband, and she said she didn't have any husband." And I hope the little lady's in hearing distance somewhere. All right. That must've been a slip-up.
And so he said, "We all laid there in the bushes and listened to see what He would say. And said, 'Well, I have no husband.' He said, 'Thou hast said well, for you've had five, and the one you're living with now is not your husband.' How did it change her? A moment, the hair fell down, her big, pretty eyes shined. The tears rolled down her cheeks. She said, 'Sir, I perceive that You are a prophet. We know that the Messiah's a coming. And when the Messiah cometh, He will tell us these things.' And we were surprised how that the unlearned Samaritans would be looking for a sign of Messiah and know the true Messiahic sign. 'We know that when Messiah cometh...' Them people that wouldn't give us some food down there... Think that those people were trained well enough to know that when Messiah cometh, He'd give a Messiahic sign."

John 4:17 The woman answered and said, I have no husband. Jesus said unto her, Thou hast well said, I have no husband:

John 4:18 For thou hast had five husbands; and he whom thou now hast is not thy husband: in that saidst thou truly.

John 4:19 The woman saith unto him, Sir, I perceive that thou art a prophet.

John 4:25 The woman saith unto him, I know that Messias cometh, which is called Christ: when he is come, he will tell us all things.

56 "Yeah," said, "We were all surprised, remember. And she said, 'Sir, I perceive that Thou art a prophet.' And we were comparing what the preacher said about Him, and what this woman said about Him, a woman of ill-fame, yet knowed more about the Scriptures than some of those priests did. They just had one road they could travel. This woman learned it from a divine conception of the Spirit." Said, "How could she ever knowed it? She said, 'I know when Messiah cometh, He will tell us these things. But who art Thou?' He said, 'I'm He that speaks to you.' Now, we were all aware then that that was the Messiah. We were convinced. The Scriptures had bore record of His ministry, that He was Messiah."

John 4:19 The woman saith unto him, Sir, I perceive that thou art a prophet.

John 4:25 The woman saith unto him, I know that Messias cometh, which is called Christ: when he is come, he will tell us all things.

John 4:26 Jesus saith unto her, I that speak unto thee am he.

57 Brethren, sisters, don't you see the Holy Spirit today? The Holy Spirit never ceased to fall when it fell on Pentecost. Don't let no one tell you the Holy Ghost is just back there. Someone trying to tell you all this carrying on you've had here for fifty years... Pentecost is fifty years old now. Two years ago, I preached the Jubilee sermon at the Angeles Temple of the fifty year celebration of Pentecost.
Now, it's been fifty years. Your mothers had the Holy Ghost.

58 And listen. As David duPlessis once said, God has no grand-children. That's right. We're getting too many grandchildren in Pentecost. That's right. God doesn't have a grandchild. Nowhere in the Bible says God has a grandchild. God has sons and daughters, but not grandchildren.
Now, what it is... Now the first Methodist revival, they were sons and daughters of God. Then they, the old-timers, brought in their children then just put them in the Methodist church. That's exactly what the Pentecostals done.
I went to one of the great Pentecostal churches not long ago, frankly, about three months ago and was invited down. And they knowed how I preach holiness. And every one of their women, pretty near, in the building wearing manicure and their men with flat top haircuts and down... And as soon Sunday school was over, each one walking out of that building and get away from there. They knowed they'd had a skinning coming, so they just didn't stay. That's all. They wouldn't stay and take it. That didn't help none, because they're going to have to meet it at the day of judgment. You might as well face it right now and get it over with when there's mercy. But there, that's where Pentecost...

59 What is it? The old-timers that used to pray all night long, the old-timers that had real, real genuine salvation. They come into Pentecost. They got the Holy Ghost. They brought their children and put them on the cradle roll down there. And the first thing you know, we've got grandchildren in Pentecost. But God don't have grandchildren. They're all, every one, borned in His kingdom sons and daughters of God. Amen. Sons and daughters, not grandchildren, God don't have any. They're all sons and daughters.
That's why, today, the Message blinds the people so much is because they're not used to seeing the supernatural. We need the power of God. We need back to real Pentecost. As Billy Graham said recently, you can't ignore the Pentecostal church, because it's the fastest growing church in the world today.

60 The Sunday Visitor of the Catholic church said last year that the Pentecostal church registered one million five hundred thousand converts in one year, where the Catholic church itself never registered half that much. You can't ignore it with all the great ministers across the land. The Pentecostal church is still taking the front line. Why? You can't stop it. That's right. God ordained it, and she's gone. But when she gets to a place she goes bringing in grandchildren, adopting, and taking up the things of the world, God will move right on out. There'll be another group take it and go right on. That's right.
So get back to the firing line, brother. Stay right under the anointing. Let nothing bother you. Now, back to those signs.

61 Today, when we're living in the last day, when we see that the capping of the pyramid, the stone that was rejected out of the pyramid... They never did find out why the cornerstone was rejected in the temple. But they can't find a stone that would fit it.
But now, as she begins to heap to the top, each one of those stones coming from Luther, Methodist, Pentecost, then the church will have to get in such a place till when the real headstone comes, it'll fit right joint by joint with it, like I said last night on the covenant.
The church will have to have the Spirit of God in it so much till that Spirit will be doing the same works that Jesus Christ did here on earth, the Holy Ghost having complete control before that woman, the church, can ever unite with her husband, the bride. Grandchildren will never see that. They just say, "I'm Pentecostal." That's all, and go on.

Matthew 21:42 Jesus saith unto them, Did ye never read in the scriptures, The stone which the builders rejected, the same is become the head of the corner: this is the Lord's doing, and it is marvellous in our eyes?

62 Pentecost is not an organization; Pentecost is an experience that anyone can have. It's a called-out, a church, a elected group, small. Look in the days of Sodom as we preached this week. There was great preachers went in into Sodom and begin to preach. They preached the message down there. But one stayed back and performed the signs in this little, bitty church, a minority. Watch the signs it done, and Jesus said that same thing would repeat to the Gentiles in this last day. And here it is.
Now, notice. Getting late; oh, it was about getting dark. And they was talking and this went on. Said, "We better row, brethren."

63 And Satan happened to look down from the top of some smokestack. And he happened to look. And he found the disciples had gone off without Jesus. Said, "Here's my chance."
And brother, a whole lot of that will compare with today. The church is trying to go on without Jesus. We've had an hour of prosperity when men made big wages, union, and so forth like that, making big money; the poor people's got it. It's got amongst the Pentecostal people till there's millionaires and everything in Pentecost, which is fine. It's not so much as the down-and-out; it's the up-and-out, too. God's for all, rich or poor, everybody. There'll be just as many penny-aires in hell as there will be millionaires.
It's your attitude towards what God give you. Are you willing to use your money for the kingdom of God? If so, God will bless you, whether it's a penny or whether it's---like the little girl give me last night---or some great multi-millionaire that's worth, many million dollars. Just the same to God.

64 we've had a time of prosperity. We've had big buildings and built big churches and fine pews, built big schools and so forth, till I'm afraid we're going off without Jesus. The devil sees that, and he saw them without Jesus.
So he begin to blow his breath, "Whew," bringing up the wind. Said, "Now is the time to get rid of them. They're out there by theirself. He's not with them, so we'll just... I'll just blow my breath upon them, and that'll do the work. We'll sink them right out there in the sea and we'll get rid of them."

65 And when he begin to blow his poison breath, the ship begin to toss from side to side. The oars broke, the sails fell, and the little ship was getting water-logged. All hopes that ever could be saved was gone.
And it's almost that way now, friends. Looky here; look in the city today; look at the revivals; look at the places. Every thing... We got so much money, we have to take up millions of dollars and thousands of dollars a week till... We got to do all this, that, and the other, and this kind of program and that. We've programmed it so much, until there's no time for prayer meeting, twenty-minute sermon, or something another, until it's got to a place, till so many educated scholar boys come in.
Till here not long ago, I went into a great Pentecostal church to ask them if I could borrow some seats to go into my auditorium where I was at. And the pastor said, "I would not let anybody sit on my seats that even believed in divine healing." That's true: Hot Springs, Arkansas.

66 Now. And then, like that it's got to a place, in many of the great churches, they're trying to smother the thing out, saying we're putting too much emphasis on divine healing, on these other things and just getting it to a ritual. What is it? You're getting grandchildren in it; you're getting scholars in it instead of God-saved men.
Every man that comes to the platform's got to be a pretty, little, curly-haired Hollywood. We've got too much Hollywood evangelism today: preachers out on the platform, and their wives walking up-and-down there like poured into a skirt, with jewels all over their hands, and lipstick, and short hair. Why, it's a disgrace to the world and call it Pentecost. It might be Pentecost by denomination; it isn't Pentecost by experience. That's right.

67 We need the old-fashioned Holy Ghost Pentecost again. The devil seen us going off on great buildings, and great organizations, and great this, and great that, and leaving Jesus out of it. And the devil's begin to blow his poison breath saying, "Well, we're climbing up now. We're doing better now, and we got a better bunch of preachers, intellectual, fine-dressed men, all these different things." I love ... and singing.
I went to a place here recently where they had a choir was going to sing just before I prayed for the sick and preached. And this great Pentecostal choir, standing back there, and the man was going to take up an offering, and if they didn't blaspheme it, make fun of it, telling jokes, dirty up-and-down one with another... A bunch of women wearing lipstick and rouge, and eyebrows all looked something like a devil, all of them plucked out but one little match stem streak across their face and things like that standing there...
Oh, if they wouldn't have throwed me out. I walked up-and-down the floor saying, "God hold me to keep my mouth shut, please till I get over this meeting." I thought I'd walk out there and say, "You're not fit to sing in a choir for the kingdom of God." With robes on...

68 That's all right. Robes is fine. That's all right. But it wasn't that, but it's that spirit under there. Stood out there and tried to sing some kind of...
If anything I love is good, old-fashioned Pentecostal singing, where if a man hasn't got voice even to call hogs, he will use it for the glory of God and sing in the Spirit. I do hate an over-trained voice that holds up there some kind of a note till they turn blue in the face, "Aaahhh." They don't even know what they're saying themselves. How in the world can the Holy Spirit get into anything like that. I don't like that. I like genuine, Holy Ghost singing, where they sing and clap their hands and praise God.
What's the matter? The devil's blowing his poison breath, said, "You want to act like the others?" [Break in tape.]

69 Jesus had not left them. You heard my sermon on the lamb and dove, when the dove takes its flight, when it'd fly on the wolf. It ain't a lamb.
Now, Jesus hadn't left them. What did He do? He climbed up the highest mountain there was, so He could watch them all the way across the ocean. And when He seen them in trouble, He come walking to them on the sea.
He hasn't left us. He proves it now, He hasn't left us. He never climbed the highest mountain; He climbed Calvary, and kept on climbing till He come into the presence of God on the throne in glory. He climbed so high He could see the universe from His great throne. His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me. He watches you. He's watching this meeting. He wants to see what the results will be. He will come speak, do signs and wonders, and go away with a broken heart, because people turns Him down.

Mark 6:48 And he saw them toiling in rowing; for the wind was contrary unto them: and about the fourth watch of the night he cometh unto them, walking upon the sea, and would have passed by them.

John 6:19 So when they had rowed about five and twenty or thirty furlongs, they see Jesus walking on the sea, and drawing nigh unto the ship: and they were afraid.

70 Notice, here He come in the midnight hour when all hopes is gone. The oars broke, the ship water-logged, they was holding one another and screaming. What did they see? They seen Him coming, walking on the sea. And when they did, the only thing that could help them, they was afraid of it. They said, "It's a spook. There's something funny about that. It's spooky."
And the only thing that could help them they thought was a ghost. And that's the way with the world today, when atomic bombs in Russia, and all kinds of missiles and things are hanging in hangers, the U.N. is sinking and all the nations are against one another. And all we're doing is trying the buy fellowship and friendship. You can't buy fellowship and friendship. It's got to be a gift of God to do that. Certainly. Like a marriage that's built upon something like that will never hold. Listen, friends. You can't do that.

Matthew 14:25 And in the fourth watch of the night Jesus went unto them, walking on the sea.

Matthew 14:26 And when the disciples saw him walking on the sea, they were troubled, saying, It is a spirit; and they cried out for fear.

Mark 6:48 And he saw them toiling in rowing; for the wind was contrary unto them: and about the fourth watch of the night he cometh unto them, walking upon the sea, and would have passed by them.

Mark 6:49 But when they saw him walking upon the sea, they supposed it had been a spirit, and cried out:

John 6:19 So when they had rowed about five and twenty or thirty furlongs, they see Jesus walking on the sea, and drawing nigh unto the ship: and they were afraid.

71 And in that dark hour, the only thing that could help them come to them and they was afraid of it. So is it today. Today the Holy Spirit comes among us in our churches, and the outside world looks around and says, "Oh, that's mental telepathy. That's fortune-telling. That's a..." The very thing and the only thing that can help them, they're afraid of it.
And Jesus (to my text) said, "Be not afraid; it is I. Be not afraid; it's me."
"How do you know it's Him?" Because it does the works of Him. By their fruit you shall know them, by the fruit of the Spirit, you see what they do, you see the works that Jesus did.
"He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he also."

Matthew 7:20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.

Matthew 14:27 But straightway Jesus spake unto them, saying, Be of good cheer; it is I; be not afraid.

Mark 6:50 For they all saw him, and were troubled. And immediately he talked with them, and saith unto them, Be of good cheer: it is I; be not afraid.

John 6:20 But he saith unto them, It is I; be not afraid.

John 14:12 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.

72 Now, the trouble of it is, we get one little thing in the Bible. The Methodist, they got sanctification. They stayed right with it. They wouldn't budge for nothing. Luther got justification. Pentecostal got the Holy Ghost, speaking in tongues. That's just about the way they go.
Now, remember, the Bible's full of divine promises. The Pharisees had their way about it. But when Jesus come, He never contradicted the Scriptures. He come exactly the way the Scriptures said, but they thought He was coming another way, had to come the way they thought it. That's the same thing happened today.
We've gone off on tantrums, see if we can get more in our denomination, say something evil against the other one, tear him down to build up ours, proselyte. "And a million more in forty-four," as the Baptist said in that year. And there you are, what do get but church joiners? The same time they had to dismiss the church and give fifteen minutes for all the people and the pastor to stand in the back yard and smoke cigarettes before they come back in again. Tell me not, I was right in the Baptist church when it happened.

73 So there you are. What good does that do? What we need today is a clean, Pentecostal gospel with the power of the Holy Ghost back into the church again. The Bible's full of promises, my brother. There's lots of promises in here for you.
Just like recently, there was a woman that was so poverty stricken that they investigated the old woman to find out (the charity did) to see what they could do for her. They got up there and the said, "How old are you?"
And she said, "I'm eighty."
Said, "And you're poverty-stricken."
"Yes." She didn't have even food, been without food. She'd sold all the furniture out of the house. And she was... Some of the neighbors turned it in. She had a little pride about her, and so she wouldn't listen to it. Then finally, she seen she had to have it. So they told her that...

74 "Well," said the investigator said to her, said, "Lady, have you got any children?"
Said, "Yes, I got a son."
Said, "Where's he at?"
Said, "He's in India."
"In India?"
Said, "What does he do there?"
Says, "He's a businessman."
"Well," said, "Why don't you let him help you?"
She said, "You know what? He's such a dear, sweet boy." Said, "He writes me the prettiest letters that you ever seen." And said then, "But I just can't have the nerve to ask him. That's the reason I couldn't ask you all. I couldn't ask my precious boy. He knows my condition. And he knows that I need money. And if he had money, he would send it to me. Therefore, I can't go begging on my son to do that."

75 And said, "He writes..." Said, "He writes to you?"
Said, "He writes to me at least once a month just as regular," said, "sometimes twice." And said, "I get the prettiest pictures from him; he always sends me pictures. And I think they're the prettiest things; I always enjoy them so much."
Said, "What kind of pictures are they?"
Said, "Oh, I will show you."
Said, "Have you got them?"
Said, "Yes."
Said, "Where they at?"
She said, "They're in my Bible."
And she goes down to her Bible and begins to pull them out. You know what they were? India money orders. She had tens of thousands of dollars in India money orders, not knowing what they was because they were full of pretty pictures, and she thought it was just the pictures.

76 That's the way it is today, friends. This old Bible's just full of treasures, all through there. Why should you be sick or poverty stricken? Why should you be cold and indifferent when the Bible is full of the promises of God? Don't be afraid; it's the Lord Jesus. Do you believe that? Let us bow our heads now.
I didn't get down to where I wanted to, but it's getting late, and you got services for the evening. Let us pray now.
Our heavenly Father, truly the Bible is full of promises. And every promise is real. Every promise is ours. You died that these promises might be fulfilled in us. Let the people not be afraid when they see that thing that You spoke of would come to pass, see it happening right among them.
May they embrace it and say, "Yes, Jesus, welcome into my little boat. It's being tossed about. The doctor told me I had cancer. The doctor told me I had tumor. The doctor told me I was going blind. The doctor told me I had TB, all of these diseases. The little boat's getting ready to sink as she's sailing life's solemn main."

77 Now, let them not be afraid this afternoon when they see You come walking down through the corridors of glory, coming down into the midst of the people. May they say, "Yes, Lord. We're not afraid, but we're here now believing You."
And may they welcome You in as the disciples did. And immediately the storm ceased, and they were at the shore. God grant, this afternoon, that many people here that will see You walking among the people today as we pray for them. May they realize and believe with all their hearts. And may You come into their hearts, and may they make room for you and welcome You into their little boat of sickness or sin. And it'll all be settled. Grant it, Father.

Matthew 14:32 And when they were come into the ship, the wind ceased.

Mark 6:51 And he went up unto them into the ship; and the wind ceased: and they were sore amazed in themselves beyond measure, and wondered.

78 Now, while we have our heads bowed, is there a person in here that doesn't know Jesus as your Saviour? Before anything takes place, you'd say, "I want to accept Him as my personal Saviour." Raise up your hands if you desire to find Christ as your own personal Saviour. Would you raise your hands? Is there even one? I'm asking you; you're the judge. You know your soul. Is there one in here that's a backslider, would want to come back to Christ? One wants eternal life would want to come. The pulpit, standing here, the altar's open, and we're right here to put first things first, the kingdom of God. We're right here to pray with you until God sanctifies your soul and fills you with the Holy Ghost. If you'll just raise your hand and come forward now, we will be glad to receive you. No matter how hot it is, if you're not right with God, you'll go in a hotter place than this. So, you come now and be ready to receive the Lord Jesus. If you're here, we're waiting on you.
While we wait just a moment with our heads bowed, let's hum this song. With our heads bowed, everybody pray, and all you Christians pray. There might be a sinner here a little timid. Now, I'm going to linger a little bit, so that I will not be responsible for their lost condition at the day of the judgment. While we hum now:
"Almost persuaded" now to believe;
"Almost persuaded" Christ to receive;
Seems now some [Brother Branham hums.]
"...Thy way,
Some more convenient day, on Thee I'll call."
Just once more please.
...................vest is past;
"Almost persuaded" doom comes at last;
"Almost" .........
"Almost," is but to fail;
Sad, sad, that bitter... (I stand waiting.
The Holy Spirit's waiting. Will you come?)
"Almost but lost!"

79 Heavenly Father, if there be those here, Lord, maybe might be deceived. Maybe Satan's telling them that they're ready when they're not. There is a way that seemeth right to a man. If that... I hope there's not, Father. But if there is, I pray that You'll persuade them, Father. I ask that they sit here in this hot room this afternoon to listen at me go through this message. I pray, Father, that You'll save them. Grant it. May something be done a little later on in the service that'll cause them to believe, by the healing of the sick or the afflicted, or something. Grant that something might be done to persuade them to come to Thee. We ask in Jesus' name. Amen.
Now, by the clock there, it's twenty minutes after four. Now, we want to be out just in a little while. I sent my son and them over. Either did you give out cards or Billy? Billy? All right, to give out prayer cards... What did you give? E? D? D-1 to a 100? All right.

Proverbs 14:12 There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.

Proverbs 16:25 There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.

80 D-1 to a 100, we told all people last night, all that want to be pray for... Now, in this line, in this line, we are going to pray for the people according to the way that the Holy Spirit has give me to pray for the people.
Now, number 1, who has prayer card number 1? Would you raise your hand? Would that lady come stand right here? While she's coming, number 2, would you? Number 2, prayer card D number 2. All right, lady. Number 3, would you raise up your hand? Number 3? See, some of them we will have to pack. All right, number 3? Number 4, number 4, would you raise up your hand? D, prayer card D like in Duncan, see. D number 4. All right, come, lady.
Number 5? number 5? Quickly, number 5? You don't have a prayer card again, do you lady? Do either one of you all have a prayer card there? The lady in the chair, do you have a prayer card? Okay. Now, number 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. This is the only meeting I ever was in in my life, oh, that I couldn't get people with a prayer card to come up and be prayed for. Number... Usually, they're tearing over one another. But, somehow, it just don't ... it hasn't worked here. We've had that...

81 How many knows that? We've had it night after night. We call them; they wouldn't even come. All right. D-5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Let them come. 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15. Let them come. Got one, two, out of that. 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20. Somebody gets cards and leaves the building (You see?, goes away and that's what does it. 21, 22, 23, 24, 25. 26, 27, 28, 29, 30. 31, 32, 33, 34, 35.
Now, see? People gets the cards and goes away. Don't... You shouldn't do that. If you get the card, you should just remain. You should remain in the building. 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40. That's fine. Now, we're getting somewhere. 40 to 50, let them stand up. All with prayer card D, stand over here. I think that's all was give out.

82 Was there any more cards out, Billy, besides D? Gene? Gene? Just D, just D. All right. Everyone real reverent then. Now, prayer card number D, stand up. That's the prayer cards. All right, all that's got prayer card D, even up to a 100, stand up. Is there anybody in here that's sick that doesn't have a prayer card, come in too late to get one, raise your hand? Two, or three, four, five, six, seven. All right, just a moment. We get these prayed for first, then you ... then we will see if we can get them in there, too.
All right. Now, something's got to happen now, hasn't it? Now, how many believes now since I've told you the different ministries, that this last phase of the ministry will be greater than the rest of it? Sure it will be. It will be left upon the people, but it'll be a direct positive. This way the Holy Spirit can reveal and say different things, but it will not heal. It cannot heal.
Let them back up a little out there, boys. Don't let them stand in ... go out to the sun. Just let them stand right there so they can get right in the prayer line and come right in. Okay.

83 Did you wonder why when we just bring them through the line and pray for them we give a prayer card? How many would like to know why? Would you? To keep them coming back in line again. They'll go right back. I've seen people come through the line five times, just keep going round and round and round. And each time you go, it weakens you that much more, that much more, that much more. Just give them a prayer card; therefore, when they come on the platform, they got to hold their prayer card in their hand. Somebody takes the prayer card and just pass them on through the line, see. And that's to keep them from repeating back. It's to the good of the people, see.
See, you must remember that in a man there is nothing that can help you. How many knows that? Nothing in a man... We've got great men in the land today. We've got Brother Roberts, Brother Tommy Osborn, Brother Freeman, Brother Allen, great men of the gospel. But yet, there isn't one thing in any of those men can heal you. If anybody says that, he's certainly off line of the Scripture, for Jesus was wounded for our transgressions; with His stripes, we were healed. How many believe that?

Isaiah 53:5 But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.

84 That's the reason I differed with the brethren not long ago. And you all got it, I hear, in this country went over that dear Brother Branham. That happened not to be the person that said they wrote it; it was somebody else. Looked like that person would've knowed I'd have knowed that. I know who wrote the letter. Knowed it before it was wrote that it was going to be written. Now, God knows that. I knowed it was going to be written, about the blood in the hand being the evidence of the Holy Ghost.
Taking some woman from India and bring her... She's a dom. We got one at home. She's Catholic, a prostitute, bar fly; every twenty-eight days, bloody in the hands, bloody in the feet, bloody on her forehead.
This fellow said to me, this great preacher, said, "But Brother Branham, every time the Holy Ghost comes upon the woman, why this happens."
I said, "Yes, every time this woman gets excited, it does it, too."

85 If that blood will save people, what happened to the blood of Jesus? It's taken away... It's the antichrist. There's no such a thing. Don't do no such a thing as that. That's antichrist. What people believe, little sensations, let them go ahead and believe it. But whenever you come, taking away or bringing an antichrist spirit in a Pentecostal church it's my business to stand up against it. That's right. Not against the person, but against the spirit that's bringing it in there. That's right.
Women, like oil running down their back, putting it in a little thing, and sending it to the people to get healed... Why, if the oil healed the people, what about the blood of Jesus? That's taking away from Him. How could the filthy blood of a twenty-eight day thing with a woman ever save souls, when the precious blood of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, virgin born, was shed at Calvary? I just have to stand against that. There's just something about it. I just have to do it, see. It's wrong. It's wrong.

86 Now, if you want to say, "I've got the Holy Ghost standing on my head," amen, go on. I don't care what you got.
You say, "I got it and seen a big light." Go ahead and see the big light. Amen. If you live the life, I believe you got it.
You say, "I got it speaking in tongues." Amen. If you live the life, I believe you got it. If you don't live the life, you didn't get it. That's all, see.
You've got to have that life behind there. "By their fruit, you shall know them." That's right. I believe in speaking in tongues, and believe in shouting, and believe in all the Pentecostal experiences. Yes. But if it hasn't... But if that isn't tied together with love, it'll never work. Love is what puts it over.

Matthew 7:20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.

87 When that bull was going to kill me that day, it run right up on me... When this maniac... Oh, there's so many things.
I didn't get angry with that man. I thought, "The poor fellow. He don't want to hurt me. That's the devil in that man." How many was there when that happened? And I said, "Sure." I said, "There's..." I didn't despise him.
He said, "Tonight I'm going to knock you out in the middle of that audience."
He could do it, too. He's about two or three hundred pounds, about that tall. And I weighed a hundred and twenty-eight. He was physically able. I didn't want ... just never said a thing, wait. Just let the Holy Spirit say it. Then he said what he was going to do.
And then the Holy Spirit said back, "Because you challenged the Spirit of God tonight, you'll fall over my feet."
He said, "I will show you whose feet I will fall over," threw back that big arm.
I said, "Come out of him, Satan."
And his eyes bulged way out; he swelled out like that and fell down; he pinned my feet to the floor.

88 Went to show the God of David still lives. Certainly. He can defeat Goliath on any grounds He meets him on. But you better not try to do it yourself. You better let the Holy Spirit say it.
Because, see, the whole ministry of these years has worked up to this new ministry now, putting it back, "If thou canst believe... I can if thou will believe." See? Oh, it's going to be wonderful; I'm just sure. All right, if you can believe...
Now, how many's in the building that never was in my meetings before? Let's see your hands; anybody? Well, my, there's a group of them, never did see one of the meetings. All right. All that's in the building that know when I first started out that the person that laid their hands on me, it was a discernment-like on my hand, my hand would swell up and little white things run over it, would be able to tell them what was wrong? Raise up your hand. All right.

Mark 9:23 Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth.

89 Then I told you that the angel that spoke to me said it'll come to pass, if I be sincere, I will know the very secret of their heart. As Moses was given two gifts to confirm his ministry to bring the children of Israel out of bondage, that this would be two signs given me. That time I couldn't say, I didn't know. Then, later, what happened? Now, how many ever see it come to pass then, that He knowed the very secret of their heart? All right, there you are. Them ministries still live today. Yeah.
But now, the next one comes in: speak, and it shall be so. But I cannot speak until the anointing strikes me, and the anointing can't strike me till the people believes it, see. That's just back in the lap of the people again.

90 Here, this lady here, is this the one, is this the patient? Lady, I'm a stranger to you. We do not know one another. Is that right? Now, be reverent just for a few minutes. Be reverent. Now, here's a woman that we've never met before in life. And I don't know her, and she don't know me. God knows, as far as I know, I've never seen the woman in my life. She's probably seen me from the audience, but I don't know.
Now, let's see if the first ministry... Now, if she's got any kind of affliction without a germ... Now see, if it's a germ disease, that's a spirit of death. How many knows that? What is a cancer? A cancer come the Greek word crab, meaning "many legs," and it's a little cell that comes in you, and begins to multiply cells, and builds a great big thing in there, sucks your blood out of you and kills you. You know, that poisons you.

91 Now, you're just a little cell, too. You started, come from your father. And the mother produced the egg, and the little blood cell crawled in there and begin to develop, and it made you what you are. Dog, bird, everything after its kind. But this don't have no form. It's a devil. Jesus called it: "When the deaf and dumb spirit came out of the man, he could speak and hear." "In my name, they shall cast out devils."
Now, if the woman's crippled, or something or other like sugar diabetes---that's a chemical thing---but if it's a germ disease, it'll tell on my hand. Now, come here, lady. Do you know what's wrong with you? Don't tell me, but do you know? You don't know what's wrong. All right. Now, put your hand on mine here, cross this way, see. Yes, sir, she has a germ disease. Would you walk this way so I can see? Yes, sir.

Mark 9:25 When Jesus saw that the people came running together, he rebuked the foul spirit, saying unto him, Thou dumb and deaf spirit, I charge thee, come out of him, and enter no more into him.

Mark 16:17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;

92 Now, I want the audience to see this. I want you to look at my hand. Looks just like an ordinary man's hand, doesn't it? Now, watch this woman when she puts her left hand ... or her right hand on my left. Turn this way, sister, so it just lay across my hand. Now, look at it. See it puff up there? See those little white things run over top of it? That's going like this way, "Thrrr, thrrr, thrrr, thrrr." Now, watch here. Watch her take this hand. Put this hand on it. Doesn't change it a bit. Stays just the same. Now, take this hand off. Now, put this hand on. There it is, swelling again starting. Is that right? You're looking right at it. Did you ever see that before? No, never saw it.
Now, now here's how I find out what's wrong. I just lay your hand here a minute. It's a female trouble, a lady's trouble. If that's right, raise up your hand. It's an infection in the female glands. She's got an abscess on the ovary. That's exact. She's got pains, high. Now, she also has a drainage problem. Now, lady, now I can't take it away, see. But by the Spirit of God, I can make the spirit leave there. And you can watch it.
Now, I want you...

93 Have you ever been in the meetings, several times and heard me preaching? Do you solemnly believe that what I say about that is the truth? Do you believe that pillar of fire that they got the picture of? Do you believe that's the angel of the Lord with all your heart? All right, now, be real reverent.
Now, watch. I want you to... I will lay my hand here if you want to. See, it's not the way I hold my hand, see. Any way it goes, it's the same, isn't it? Yes, the lady's looking. Can you see it from the audience? See it?
Now, watch. Just take your hand off. Watch, see. There it goes back normal. Now, take this hand and put on here. You're just as human in one hand as you are in the other one. Now, put my hand on it. Doesn't change a bit. Now, put your hand there on there. There it is again, see.

94 Now, that evidently shows that something is in that woman's not right. Now, the anointing of the Holy Spirit's on me which is life. She's a Christian, because her spirit feels welcome, see. I know she's a Christian. But there's something in there trying to take her life. That's a devil. Now, isn't that wonderful? And then, just not making anything of myself---just let it happen---it goes back.
Now, watch here, now, so that you'll to get a good view. Now, I want you, yourself, to watch the hand. Now, if it goes out, okay. If it doesn't, of course I can't... Now, if you'll believe, now, see---that's what I'm asking you---you will believe, if it leaves, that it will stay away. You'll keep faith up there and keep... When the unclean spirit's gone out of a person, he walks in dry places. Is that right? Returns again. Say, something happened.

Matthew 12:43 When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walketh through dry places, seeking rest, and findeth none.

Matthew 12:44 Then he saith, I will return into my house from whence I came out; and when he is come, he findeth it empty, swept, and garnished.

95 Billy, I just found what's... Leo, I just found out my watch. This is a three hundred dollar watch that they give me over in Switzerland. And it... Loyce, you know, and Becky, you know, it hasn't kept time for the last four or five days. It had been running wild. I just heard it stop just then again. The vibration of that thing... How many remembers in the beginning how it would stop? How many remembers it would stop my watch? There is it right now, stopped again. That's what does it. See, the second hand's perfectly dead. I just happened to think, that's what done it. There it is again.
Now, put your hand on here. And one wouldn't believe in holiness. What about all the earrings and things then. Unnecessary stuff... But the Holy Spirit stops that. Whether that's for that part or not, I don't know. But the watch won't move, won't even operate as long... And that's a Vulcan-Cricket, the best the Swiss makes. They give it to me with my name in it.

96 Now, sister... Now, how many in there, in this audience, solemnly believes and knows that something's happening here? If you can see it... I wish I had time for every one of you to come by. Is anybody up on the platform never seen it? You all have seen it, I guess. You've seen it, you, you. You seen it, Roy? Come here.
Roy's one of our new associates. Now, Brother Roy, look at my hand. Looks just ordinary, put my hand on it, looks ordinary, see. I put her hand, this hand on, looks ordinary. Now, put this hand on here and watch what happens. There she goes. See what I mean? See how it swells up and them little things hit me? Now, that is a death that's in her, vibrating against life and life's holding it back.
Now, which is strongest, life or death? Life. Which is the strongest, light or dark? No matter how little the light is, it'll shine in darkness. So then, the power of God is much stronger than the power of death, because He's life. Which was first, life or death? Life. What is death? Life perverted. What is unrighteousness? What is sin? Righteousness perverted.

97 Here, you might know this. You live with your wife as a wife. That's legal; that's fine; that's all right, holy. The bed's undefiled. The same act with another woman, you're hell-bound. What is it? Righteousness perverted, see.
Now, same as this. Now, this woman here has a spirit of life in her as a Christian. She has the spirit of death in her as a germ. That would finally form of cancer. She'd die, taken her life, led her to a premature grave. Now, if you will believe with all heart... Come here, Roy. Anyway, if you will believe with all your heart... She says she will. It'll help her. You watch my hand, Roy. You watch my hand.

98 And I wish that you, especially you ladies, would bow your heads, because this thing, when it comes out, it'll go somewhere else. How many knows that? The Bible said so. It'll go somewhere else, if it can get in somewhere else. Now, I will hold my hand just like that, Roy. Never move it. Now, see if it'll go out. Everybody reverent now, be in prayer.
Heavenly Father, I don't know when I could ever come back to the Falls ... Klamath Falls again. I hope right away, Lord. But if I would come back in a year, there's many here, if I live, they'll not be here. They'll go on. And I want this to be a sure sign, that everything that I can do, that they might know that God is God. And I pray for this woman and ask that this evil thing that's about to take life will come out and leave her. Grant it, Father, in the name of Jesus, Thy Son.
Now, it hasn't left her, because it's still hitting my hand. I've never opened my eyes. God knows. But, Brother Roy, it's still swelling and running like it did. Sister, before I open my eyes, it's still swelling, isn't it? Still just the same as it was. It did not come out.

99 Now, that you might know that the Word of God is right, now, if this woman... I haven't went into discernment with her, but believing that she's a Christian and prayed up. Now, God gives us power not to heal, but to cast out of spirits. Now, you keep your eye on there and see if it leaves. Now, Roy, you watch and see, or any of you, you want to watch and see if my hand moves or anything.
Heavenly Father, that the world might know, we don't ask for miracles; a wicked and adulterous generation does that. But that the world might know that You are still keeping Your Word. I command this devil that's bothering my sister, in the name of Jesus Christ, come out of her.
Now, there it went. Now, before I open my eyes, my hand has turned back white from the blue-red; the little white dots has ceased. Is that right? Open your eyes, everybody. Now, I will look myself. There it is. Now, would you all look at that, brethren? Something happened, didn't it?

Mark 16:4 And when they looked, they saw that the stone was rolled away: for it was very great.

Mark 16:17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;

100 Now, look here. I will stick this hand and put it on here. See how it looks? Now, I will take this hand and put it on here. Look here, sister. Just the same as the other one. Can you see it from there? Now, what happened? The devil was cast out. The woman's free. She can go on her way rejoicing. That's right. Now, she's seen it. These ministers seen it. And you from there saw it. And you got our word that it's true, if you'll just believe.
Come, lady. Now, everyone reverent. Let's see this woman here. Let's just see your hand a minute, before we start the prayer line. Let's see your hand. Turn your hand over like this. I don't know you, first. Are we strangers to one another? We're born miles apart, years apart; you're much younger than I. But this is our first time meeting. Yes, sir, she does have a germ disease. Yes, sir. Stomach trouble; do you believe with all your heart that the Lord Jesus can heal you and make you well? You do.

101 Now, I want you to watch. Now, move your hand off of mine. Now, look how my hand turns. Now, let me have the handkerchief you wanted someone... Now, wait. Turn this over. Now, looky there. Just ordinarily, isn't it? Now, take your handkerchief back here. Now, take this hand and turn it right in here. Now, look at it swell. See it? See them little white things running over it? Now, that's from the vibration which the ulcerated condition would cause her to hemorrhage or anything else, see.
Now, now, I cannot heal the woman, but by a gift of God, I can make the evil leave her. You are a Christian? You've prayed up? You'll give God praise? You believe me to be His servant? You believe this to be the truth? All right. Now, watch my hand. Anybody want, if you want to watch it, you're more than welcome.

102 I want you to notice, it's not the position of the hand or anything, it's just the same as it was. Now, let's bow our heads. Now, if you're a little allergic to stomach trouble, this is caused from a nervous condition. Now, if you'll just bow your heads just a minute.
Our heavenly Father, not that it would be a public show, but that these people standing in this prayer line might have faith to be prayed for and healed. Let it be known, Lord, that Thou art God and I am Your servant. I pray that You'll confirm Your Word today by casting out evil spirits. Lord, the end is nigh. The time is coming. And people must know assure that we, the Christians, know that our hope is not built upon some kind of a mystic something, but upon, purely, the Word of God and a God who can make all things work together.
Now, Father, I've asked You to be with me and help me as I go by faith to challenge this devil that's harmed my sister. Satan, I charge thee by Jesus Christ, the Son of God, by His resurrection and triumph over you; He stripped you of all legal powers. You're nothing but a bluff. We're calling your hand. By a gift of God given to me, ministered by an angel, I charge thee in Jesus' name, come out of the woman. Leave her and let her go.

103 Now, he's left. If it leaves, my hands quit (I've never looked at it) but it quit vibrating. Is that right? There it is. There it is (See?); it turned normal. Now, it's gone from you. You go on your road and rejoice and say, "Thank you, Lord." And be made well.
"If thou canst believe, all things are possible to them that..." Do you believe it? Now, have faith in God.
How many out there... Now, that's one gift working by that. Now, to another gift... Do you believe with all your heart? How many out there's sick or got something wrong with you? Raise up your hands. Just so that you know before we pray for the sick. God help me.
Now, be reverent. Sit still. No matter where you are---balcony, up and down the rows, no matter---it doesn't matter a bit. You just keep on believing, just be reverent.
Now, don't make yourself... You're getting nervous. Just quieten yourself. Say, "Lord, I believe." Say, "I'm a stranger to the man. Let him tell me, and I will believe with all my heart if he'd just let me say ... say to me."

Mark 9:23 Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth.

104 Be real reverent, everyone, see. Each time you move, your spirit... See, it's... I got your position, where you're at, feeling your vibration. Then when you move, then it interrupts the spirit (See?), and I don't get it.
Here's a man sitting on the corner, right here. Seems like I know his face. I don't remember who he is. Did you have up your hand just a few minutes ago? You did? Well, you know I don't know what's wrong with you? I have no way of knowing. But do you believe that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, can reveal to me what's wrong with you, sir? You seem to be... You've got a growth. That's right. The growth is in the ear. Do you believe with all your heart now, that He will heal you? All right. Have faith.

105 Did that kind of shake you, lady? What about them varicose veins? Think that God would heal those veins? Huh? Do you? You're up for an operation this next week on them. Do you believe that God will make you well? If that's right, raise up your hand, lady? All right. Now, I want to ask you something. Just as soon as I spoke to that man, something struck you. Was that right? If it is, wave your hand?
It's because that light went right off the top of the man right over to the woman. I don't know neither one of them, and I've seen this man somewhere. I can't tell who he is, but I've seen his face, but I don't know who he is. But Jesus Christ knows him. He knows all about him. He's the same Lord Jesus, the same yesterday, today, and forever. Do you believe it with all your heart?

Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

106 Here's a lady sitting here with her head bowed. I never seen her in my life. But she's praying, "Lord, let it be me." The woman, she has bad feet, and she's got heart trouble. And she's praying for herself, if she don't miss it. The lady... Oh, my. The lady is not from here; she's from California. Her name is Miss Goodwin. Do you believe now? Raise up to your feet if that's right, if every bit of it's the truth, and you're sitting praying for that, raise your hand? Are we strangers, one another? Wave your hand like this. All right, return to your home. Jesus Christ makes you well.
If they won't believe this, they will believe that. They have to believe that. Oh, if you can only believe.

107 There's a lady sitting right back there looking at me, and she's got a lump in her left breast. Do you believe that God will heal you, lady, and make you well? If you believe it with all your heart? All right.
Here's another lady sitting right back here. No, it's a man she's praying for. It's her brother-in-law; he's got cancer of the throat. Do you believe that God will make him well? Respond to it quickly if you don't... All right. I seen the man vanishing away. You see? You must... When you're called, answer quickly. Don't doubt. Believe with all your heart.
Man sitting back there with an asthmatic condition, coughing. You believe God will make you well? Believe it with all your heart? If you can believe it, all right, Mr. Lowe, and God will make you well if you'll believe it. Why did I have to call your name? Do you believe it? Every one, have faith. Just have faith in God.

108 Do you want to get rid of that stomach trouble, sir, back there suffering with your stomach? If you do, stop smoking them cigarettes, and God will heal your stomach. Amen.
Do you believe with all your heart? How many believes now with all your heart, say, "I believe that the Lord Jesus Christ will heal the sick."
What do you think? Believe the back trouble will leave you, and God will make you well, and you'll go home and be well? All right, just take onto your road and believe with all your heart. All right.
Do you believe with all your heart? You believe the heart trouble will get well? You believe you'd be all right? A woman preacher ought to, anyhow, if you believe with all your heart. Go on your road.

109 Now, look. I'm beginning to feel myself weakening right now. I got too many in the line. How many believes? If the first gift works, the second gifts works, the third's got to work. It's God. Now, how many of you in this prayer line out there has already prayed through and believe it's God's will to heal you? Raise up your hands.
Lady, have you prayed through, believe that God's going to heal you? Then there ain't nothing for me to do, but just cast out the devil, and let her go on and be well. She's already prayed through isn't it? Is that right? Now, how many of you will join with me in prayer that each of these people when they come by laying on hands of them they'll get well? Do you believe that? All right, you all come through with all your heart now, just walk steady, right.
Now, just a moment. Before that, I'm trying to get that anointing. It's so hard to get it away after it once get on for that. I see a child keep appearing before me, here. It look like a rupture or something on a child. It's you, praying for a baby there. I challenge you to believe God. I challenge you to believe Him. Don't be afraid; it's Christ, the Son of God. Fear not; only believe. All things are possible.

110 Come now, sister. In the name of Jesus Christ, may the devil leave.
Come, my brother. In the name of Jesus Christ, I cast out this devil.
In the name of Jesus Christ, I cast out this evil one.
In the name of Jesus Christ, I cast out this evil one.
In the name of Jesus Christ, I cast out the evil from the child.
In the name of Jesus Christ, I cast out the evil.
In the name of Jesus Christ, I cast out of the evil.
Do you believe them people will be healed? Sure. Do you believe it? You that's went through the line, are they going to be well? Do you believe it? Have faith now. I want to see if something echoes back. Be in prayer now; everybody in prayer. And when you come through here, believe; if you don't, it won't do a bit of good. All right.

111 I cast out the evil from my brother in Jesus' name.
Come, sister. Have faith now. I cast the evil away from sister and bless her in Jesus' name.
I cast away the evil and ask for the blessings of God in Jesus' name.
I cast away the evil by laying on hands. "In my name, they shall cast out devils," said Jesus. Amen.
In the name of Jesus Christ, I cast out the evil from my brother.
In the name of Jesus Christ, I cast the evil from the children and the little one. God bless her. Didn't grow very well. Do you believe it's going to be straightened? It'll grow right if you will. Yeah, yeah, I know. See, if I start that, it just keeps moving on and on and trying to work another ministry. But now, listen. If you believe me with all your heart, your children's going to be well. Do you believe that? God's give you what you've asked for. Now, just go, believe.
You had that. You won't have it no more of that, you just believe.

Mark 16:17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;

112 In the name of Jesus Christ, I cast out the evil.
Now, what it was, the little lady was kind of weak in faith. I just had to tell her about the children, so it would make her have faith. That's all, see. All right.
Lord, in Jesus' name, I pray for my sister and cast out the evil in Jesus' name.
I cast away the evil from this sister in Jesus' name.
I cast away the evil from my sister in Jesus' name.
I cast away the evil from my sister in Jesus' name.
Still think you got the call? Huh? Think you want to preach the gospel? Lord, help the little one, I pray, in Jesus' name. Amen. God bless you.
Bless her little heart. She asked a request for her father. Bless her little heart. God bless you, honey. God will take care of papa and bring him back.
God, in Jesus' name heal my sister.
Heal my brother, God, in Jesus' name.
In the name of Jesus Christ, heal my sister.
In the name of Jesus Christ, heal my sister.
Oh, God, heal my sister in Jesus' name.

113 Heal my brother in Jesus' name.
Heal my sister in the name of Jesus.
Heal my brother the name of Jesus Christ.
Heal my sister in the name of Jesus Christ.
Heal my little brother here. Think it will leave you? In the name of Jesus...
Heal my sister, God, in Jesus' name.
Heal this, my sister, in Jesus' name.
Heal this, my sister, Father, in Jesus' name.
Heal this, my sister; I cast away the evil from her in Jesus' name.
In the name of Jesus Christ, I cast away the evil.
In the name of Jesus Christ, I cast away the evil.
In the name of Jesus Christ, I cast away the evil from my brother.
In the name of Jesus Christ, I cast away the evil from my brother. Amen.

114 Do you believe they were healed? Does the Bible say this? Now, let's just take this for just a moment. Can God be wrong? Can God lie? Why, it's impossible, isn't it, friends? It's totally impossible for God to lie.
Now, is the lady with the little one there? Now, to you that just went through this prayer line, that's the way that baby went through the prayer line one week ago today. Is that right, sister? All right. Did you hear my sermon, how I mentioned about something like that? Now, there's the little baby on it's road well, all healing up. Now, you just watch if the same thing doesn't take place with you.
Now, you see, friends, God can go so far, but you've got to meet Him on them grounds there. You believe it? What do you think about it? You?

115 Think the stomach get all right, be made well? That's your wife sitting there, kind of a sleeping-like disease or something. That's correct. You got stomach trouble, and you're a preacher. You believe the gospel. Is that right? I never seen you in my life. We're total strangers. Is that true? There's a light right over you. I'm watching it. Now, raise up your hand if that's the truth, both of you. Put your hand over on your wife. Wife, put your hand over on him.
Satan, you are exposed. Come off of them servants of God. I command you in Jesus Christ's name; depart from them. There you are. Now, rest in peace.
See there? That man sitting there, I never seen him in my life. And there the Spirit caught him, right like that. And I seen that light flash around over the building. I looked out and thought, "What was that? Some reflection out there?" And I looked. Here come that light settling right down over them; then a vision broke out over the top of them. Never seen them in my life. They wasn't in the prayer line. You wasn't in the prayer line, was you, sir? You had no prayer card or nothing. No, because there's no prayer cards out. So then, all the prayer cards are gone, see. So there you are.

116 See, it's just your faith in God. What more could Christ do? He can come here, and hold His hands out, and say, "I am He. Fear not; I am He. Believe Me and be healed."
Is that right? Oh, don't you love Him? Isn't He wonderful?
Isn't He wonderful, wonderful, wonderful?
Isn't Jesus my Lord wonderful?
Eyes have seen, ears have heard,
what's recorded in God's Word:
Isn't Jesus our Lord wonderful?
Let's all sing it together.
Isn't He wonderful, wonderful, wonderful?
Isn't Jesus my Lord wonderful?
(Listen now, what He said.)
Eyes have seen, ears have heard,
what's recorded in God's Word:
Isn't Jesus my Lord wonderful?

117 Oh, let's just raise up our hands and praise Him. Oh, Lord, rose of Sharon, lily of the valley, morning star, Alpha, Omega, beginning and end, He that was, which is and shall come, root and offspring of David, Counselor, Prince of Peace, mighty God, everlasting Father, Wonderful... Oh, how we thank and praise Thee, our Lord, for Your goodness and Your mercy to the children of men.
How we praise Thee and magnify Thee, Thou righteous and truly Son of God. We thank Thee for what our eyes have seen, our ears have heard; our eyes have seen the Holy Spirit.
Like the poet said, "My eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord." Truly, Lord, our ears have heard Your voice speak, see it act and take place, that devils is subject unto You. Oh, Lord, devils is subject under Your name. Devils is subject under Your power, and secrets of hearts is being made known. The sick are being healed. The afflicted people are getting well. The blind see, the deaf hear, the lame walk, the dead's raised up. The coming of the Lord is at hand. How we thank Thee, Lord.

Isaiah 9:6 For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.

Revelation 1:8 I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.

Revelation 22:16 I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star.

118 God bless Klamath Falls, Lord. Pour out Your Spirit on these ministers and pastors here, God, upon Your church, upon all the neighboring cities around about. Save every soul that can be saved, God. Grant it. I command that You grant it.
And then, Father, these handkerchiefs that's laying here, they represent sick people. Someone, somewhere, is suffering. When these handkerchiefs come upon the people, may the Holy Ghost come upon them and heal their sickness. Grant it, Lord. We thank and praise Thee for all that Thou hast done.
And if there be one here, Lord, yet, that doesn't have faith after seeing You, may they not feel that it's spooky or something wrong. May they hear that sweet voice say, "Fear not; it is I. Be of a good courage."
And then, let them welcome You into their little bark this afternoon. They shall go to their home rejoicing and praising God, saying, "We seen Him." Like those who came from Emmaus after they'd walked and cried all day and through the night, and know that You was dead, and put in the grave, and buried. Then You walked with them. And then when You got them in a room to theirself, You did something just like You did before You were crucified. And they knowed that You alone did that, so they recognized it was You. You've done the same thing for us, today.

Matthew 14:27 But straightway Jesus spake unto them, saying, Be of good cheer; it is I; be not afraid.

Mark 6:50 For they all saw him, and were troubled. And immediately he talked with them, and saith unto them, Be of good cheer: it is I; be not afraid.

John 6:20 But he saith unto them, It is I; be not afraid.

119 After two thousand years, here You are today in the meeting doing the same thing You done before Your crucifixion. Surely, You're not dead, Lord. You live forevermore. You've raised from the dead, triumphed over the dead. All Your enemies have been made Your footstool, and You give Your power to Your church and to Your people. You ascended on high and give gifts to men. And here we are in the end time, the evening light's a-shining. "It'll be light," said the poet, "in the evening time. The path of glory you will surely find."
Oh, God, let people find that path and walk in it. We thank You for everyone that has found it; and we praise Thee for it. Heal every sick person that's in this city, every person that's here in the church. If there be one here, in the balcony, anywhere around that's sick or suffering, let my prayer atone for them, while the anointing of the Holy Ghost is upon me. Let the Spirit of God, Who can discern the thoughts of the heart...
As the Bible said, "The Word of God is sharper than a two-edged sword, even to ... piercing to the asunder the marrow of the bone and a discerner of the thoughts of the heart."

Ephesians 4:8 Wherefore he saith, When he ascended up on high, he led captivity captive, and gave gifts unto men.

Hebrews 4:12 For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

120 Now, what is the Word of God? "In the beginning was the Word. The Word was with God. And the Word was God ... And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us."
Here He is in the resurrection today, dwelling among us: The Word being preached by the power of the Holy Ghost and discerning the thoughts of the heart. Hallelujah. Blessed be the name of the Lord. Let the people see it, Lord, before it's ever too late. I commend them to You in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Do you believe? Do you believe with all your heart? Can you accept it? I commend you to Jesus Christ, the Author and Finisher of our faith. And to the pastor as God's servant. God bless you till I see you again.

John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

John 1:14 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.

Hebrews 12:2 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

Be not afraid (1961-02-24) (William M. Branham Sermons)

Be not afraid (1961-02-24) (William M. Branham Sermons) somebody

Be not afraid

1 Just remain standing a moment while we bow our heads before the Lord and offer prayer. While we have our heads bowed, I wonder how many in here would like to be remembered in prayer before God? Just raise your hand in your request. Let us pray.
Gracious and holy Father God, we humbly come into thy presence with thanksgiving on our hearts, because that You so loved us that You gave your only begotten Son that whosoever believeth should not perish but have eternal life. O God, there's those who have received this great blessing of promise. How thankful we are, Lord. And our hearts are burning for others to receive this joy unspeakable and full of glory that's been given to the human race. There are those that are sick and needy tonight, Father, laying here, afflicted and smitten, stricken. God, it's a sick world; but Thou did make a provision for us, Lord, for it is written, "He was wounded for our transgressions and with his stripes we were healed."

Isaiah 53:5 But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.

John 3:15 That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

1 Peter 2:24 Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed.

2 Now, Father, we are just as servants here trying to give the people thy Word, and that they might see and understand. And we know that all things are possible to them that believe. And make it so real to the congregation tonight that there will not be a feeble one in our midst when the service is over; not be one sinner, all be saved inside and out. May the cots be empty, the wheelchairs emptied up, every person with heart trouble, cancer, dying... May there be a jubilee time over the cities and around about through the valley. Start an old-fashioned revival that'll sweep up and down this coast, Lord, because of your presence tonight. Establish our hearts and our faith on Thee, for we ask it in Jesus' name and for his sake. Amen. You may be seated.

Mark 9:23 Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth.

3 I deem this one of ... the great privilege of being here in this auditorium at the fairgrounds tonight. And I was sorry that last night how we had to rush and hurry right through because of the alert at the armory, and we did not get to even get a foundation. You know, our great adversary, the devil, if he can't catch us in one way, he'll try it another. If he can get all the people in one accord, then he thinks by [unclear word]. So, then he'll do something else to upset the meeting some other way, so that we cannot exactly be quiet and listen, and watch, and believe, and then see the works of the Lord.
So grateful for this auditorium tonight. Sorry to see hundreds of people standing, but we are just ... I'm truly... The association is doing all that they know how to do to make room for people to be seated.

1 Peter 5:8 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:

4 And I believe [unclear words] I guess it deserves a try over. Don't you think so, folks, to try it again? Maybe we can get a tent and put it out here somewhere, that'll seat twenty, thirty thousand people and really stay for three or four weeks; and we really get acquainted and know one another. And if the Lord be willing, what we ... you've given me the welcome, and I appreciate that; and if that be the will of the Lord...
I always want to follow his leading just where He goes (meetings), and then we know we're right. I'll tell you why. If you run into trouble somewhere, and then if you're not sure of your leading, then Satan can say, "Well, here it is." But if you know you're led, you can lean right back again and say, "I come in the name of the Lord, so just move back." That's all, see, and He'll have to do it, if the Lord sent you.

5 And in the foreign fields, when I go over there where we have so much of witch doctors and things to contend with... But when you know that you are led to do it---the Holy Spirit led you to do this---then the opposition's nothing then. You stay right on the ground, just stay right there, and move on until victory comes.
And, so, tonight I trust that I won't keep you too long. I want a little Scripture reading, and then... We're going to have an awful time getting a prayer line up here, I see, with both doors packed, to bring... But all who have these prayer cards, hold them. I tell you under these circumstances sometimes... Come to the outside, and a young fellow said to me, said, "Brother Branham, they're just packed in here, same as it was the other place." Said, "We haven't got the room."
I said, "Well, the only way I can really..."
I'm here for one purpose: for the glory of God. That's first; and for the salvation of souls, second; and to try to see the sick healed, third. So that's... And I never come to take the doctor's patient. No. I've come to pray for the doctor's patient, the pastor's members, my friends, and just pray for them.

6 And now, I thought maybe we would do this: Sunday it's an afternoon service. That way it will be warm and the people won't mind, maybe, standing back on the outside.
But if tonight and tomorrow night, if we can bring---by the grace of God through the Word of God---the realization of the presence of God, see, then when we start the real prayer line, (line up the hundreds, or whatever it is to be prayed for), I believe then we'll get the results, see. In other words, it's building. Like a minister building his text around a certain subject, and then laying it out as a [unclear words], driving it down; a carpenter fitting his boards, then nailing it on. And that's what we want to try to do, because we have no reason to be here if it wasn't trying to do something to help people. That's why we're here.

7 Look, if healing... As this young man laying here on this stretcher, that precious little darling sitting on the wheelchair, little tot, this poor old mother laying here on the stretcher, that lady sitting there on the chair, some man out there dying with heart trouble, some mother eat up with cancer, well, if I could do anything to help them, wouldn't I be an excuse for a minister if I could do something and didn't do it? I don't have no place back here, friends, if I would do that way. If I could---I say this, it sounds strange---but if I could take a quarter and push it with my nose through this city to heal somebody, I'd do it, see. I would do it. I know what it means to be sick, I've been sick myself. And then where I found where the doctor said that I could never be well and never live, and then found something that I lived, then I want to tell everybody else about it, you see.
And I'm, then, trying to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit, the way He would set us, just where we could get the very best results in this little short time that we have.

8 Now, it really takes longer to stay in the meeting than what we're doing here, because many times people rush in and doesn't understand. Then they go out and the first little out-of-the-way feeling they have (no matter how much you try to tell people) they'll still rely on that feeling. It's just one of the senses that they operate. "If I feel better, I'll believe it," see. But that has nothing to do with it. Then if we can be there long enough in the meeting with the people to make them see what the reality of it is, and how to stay with God, then we get the good results, is when you do that.
So, now, I trust that you'll linger with me, and know that I'm in my room praying and seeking God every hour that I can, to try to do what I can for the kingdom of God, and for you while I'm here with you.

9 Now, tomorrow night, remember, and then... Now, if your prayer cards are not called, hold them. We are obligated to pray for the sick people that we give prayer cards to. So, we're morally obligated to do that, and we'll do it by the grace of God---and everybody, if we possibly can, see. That's the motive. Now, if we was to be here several ... maybe two or three weeks, well, we could just start with so many and so many till we'd finally dig right through it. But, if ... the boys will try not to give out too many prayer cards, just as many as we think we'll have ample time to take up, take up as many through the night as we can.

10 Now, I was going to say something last night. This sounds strange in another city. I took my suits into a cleaners to be pressed---and I've lived out of a suitcase for about fifteen years now, and suits wrinkle up. And I had to put my two suits down to be pressed, and if them little ladies that paid for that press job is here, I thank you, sisters. I went in; they wouldn't let me pay for it. Said two sisters are there that I'd prayed for, and the lady said they come [unclear word]. Now, that's real sweet, I appreciate that. That's real nice. Of course, it's just a suit of clothes; but I trust that if something you wanted, God will honor your faith, you see, by doing so, see---in just a suit, see. So, I appreciate your faith and belief that I've been telling you at least ... been telling you the truth, to be honest with you. And thank you, very kindly.
I said to the lady, "Let me give them the money."
Said, "No, they wouldn't stand for that."
So, if you're here, thank you. It was the Star Cleaners down at the city where we just come from.

11 Now, I thought on tonight a subject of a testimony meeting, out of the Bible. And I want to read for a text out of St. Matthew the fourteenth chapter, the twenty-seventh verse.
But straightway Jesus spake unto them, saying, Be of good cheer; it is I; be not afraid.
Now, I want to take a subject for this testimony meeting of "Be Not Afraid."
There's two elements that control the entire human race in the world: one of them is fear; the other is faith. It's either fear or faith controls every nation, every denomination and every individual. It's either fear or faith that controls you.

Matthew 14:27 But straightway Jesus spake unto them, saying, Be of good cheer; it is I; be not afraid.

12 Now, it must have been about the setting of the sun. The sun was going down, and the little boat had stuck on the bank because the disciples had climbed aboard. And the big strong man---which we believe to be Simon the fisherman---well acquainted with boats and the lake, because his occupation was to fish... And now, as he began to take his big brawny arms and back, and pushing the little boat off the bank, climbed aboard, and sat down by the side of his brother Andrew, and picked up his oars. In them days the boats were either propelled by the oaring, or blown by sails. And I believe that sometimes the air ... if they had a strong wind, they could also run up the sail.
And it must have been about a crowd about like this on the bank. Maybe... Oh, I mean, congested like this, but perhaps many times this many---I'd think there's about five thousand. And they were standing on the bank, waving. They were bidding these servants of Christ farewell.

13 Now, I believe if we make this story form, so that you'll see that I'm not getting out of the Scripture... The Scriptures is what we believe in. And when God has made a promise, then God must stay with his promise. He cannot leave the promise and remain God.
Perhaps they were, oh, out a few hundred yards, and they'd make a stroke or two with a two-hundred oar. And as they had to do it in team work, bring the little ship as they sail along, cutting the water in the quiet Galilee Sea, as calm upon the sea at the sundown. And on the shore the people were waving, asking them to come back again, visit them. And as the last one dimmed out, the last farewell, the disciples must have rowed pretty heavy, then, knowing they had quite a tussle to cross that sea through the night to get over on the other side.
After it got just about dark so they couldn't see the people anymore, it must have been the young John that stopped rowing and (maybe not as used to oaring as the rest of the hardened seamen was) stopped and brushed the hair back from his face, and taken a little breath---a little time to breathe, to kind of catch their breath from oaring so hard, trying to get as much across as they could before it got dark.

14 And I imagine they started a testimony meeting, and young John must have said something like this: "My brethren, after today I don't believe there could be any of us ever think that we're following a deceiver. I believe, in my way of thinking, He proved Himself today to be exactly what we expected Him to be. Say, did you brethren notice today, when that crowd of hungry people that had thronged around Him to hear the Word of God, and to see how they pressed and pushed to get around, and some of them hadn't eaten all day... And those mothers, how pale they looked with their little babies, and nursing, and so forth, and the sick pressing around...

15 "But when He asked for that ... fishes, and I seen that little boy, and he brought that little ... five little biscuits, or two little pieces of fish up there. And He set them all down by fifties upon the grassy hillside. And I myself wondered what He was going to do when He just had one little lunch that some little boy ... perhaps playing truant from school, run off, and he heard the crowd, and he went up on the hill to see what was taking place. And it so fascinated him, he just forgot about his lunch. He wanted to see what this great speaker was saying, watch what He was doing.
"And when I noticed Him take that bread---that little pieces of biscuits---hold them up and bless them, when I seen Him break that bread, and put it over into the hands of we brethren, and reach back off of that same biscuit, and get another piece of biscuit... And when He reached back again, there was another piece of biscuit already grown and baked and seasoned, ready for eating.

Matthew 14:17 And they say unto him, We have here but five loaves, and two fishes.

Matthew 14:18 He said, Bring them hither to me.

Matthew 14:19 And he commanded the multitude to sit down on the grass, and took the five loaves, and the two fishes, and looking up to heaven, he blessed, and brake, and gave the loaves to his disciples, and the disciples to the multitude.

Mark 6:38 He saith unto them, How many loaves have ye? go and see. And when they knew, they say, Five, and two fishes.

Mark 6:39 And he commanded them to make all sit down by companies upon the green grass.

Mark 6:40 And they sat down in ranks, by hundreds, and by fifties.

Mark 6:41 And when he had taken the five loaves and the two fishes, he looked up to heaven, and blessed, and brake the loaves, and gave them to his disciples to set before them; and the two fishes divided he among them all.

Luke 9:13 But he said unto them, Give ye them to eat. And they said, We have no more but five loaves and two fishes; except we should go and buy meat for all this people.

Luke 9:14 For they were about five thousand men. And he said to his disciples, Make them sit down by fifties in a company.

Luke 9:16 Then he took the five loaves and the two fishes, and looking up to heaven, he blessed them, and brake, and gave to the disciples to set before the multitude.

16 Do you know what, brethren?" He might have said something like this: "It reminded me of the Bible stories that I used to hear my mother tell me about.
"When I was a little Jewish boy, I remember my pretty little mother, and how she used to tell me, 'Honey, when our people came up out of Egypt, we were slaves one time. And when we had a great prophet rise up among us---Moses, who God sent to us to help us be delivered from our afflictions of the bondage... And Moses, of course, could not make bread, but when we had two-and-a-half million people out in the wilderness, where there was no wheat or nothing to make bread out of, Jehovah rained bread down out of the heavens for us.'
"And I used to wonder. I'd say, 'Mother, has Jehovah got a big bunch of angels up there and a big lot of ovens that He bakes this bread? Where did He get this bread at, Mama? Or could we look up in the skies and see the fires from his oven each night when they were baking it?'
"Mother would've probably said something like this, 'No, son, you're too young to understand. Jehovah don't have to have ovens. Jehovah's a creator. He just creates the bread, and it falls down to the earth.' "

Psalm 78:24 And had rained down manna upon them to eat, and had given them of the corn of heaven.

17 Young John, when he was standing up in the boat testifying to the brethren, confessing his supreme faith in Jesus, said, "He must have been some connection with Jehovah, because He created bread like Jehovah did. So, to me, He truly is the Messiah, because He's the Son of God; He can create and make bread and do just as Jehovah did. So that settled it with me when I seen Him break that bread and those fishes, and not only just raw fish, but it was cooked fish ready to eat."
I'd like to ask my listening audience tonight, what kind of an atom did He turn loose then, when He had cooked fish and cooked bread and took five biscuits and two little fishes and fed five thousand people and took up basketsful left over? What did He do? What would science say about that today? What kind of an atom, or molecule, or whatever they want to call it, was let loose then? But He did it. And little John was convinced that the Bible stories that Mother told him about Jehovah, that same Jehovah was manifested in a man called the Lord Jesus Christ, because no one else could have done it. He was the creator.

Matthew 14:19 And he commanded the multitude to sit down on the grass, and took the five loaves, and the two fishes, and looking up to heaven, he blessed, and brake, and gave the loaves to his disciples, and the disciples to the multitude.

Matthew 14:20 And they did all eat, and were filled: and they took up of the fragments that remained twelve baskets full.

Matthew 14:21 And they that had eaten were about five thousand men, beside women and children.

Mark 6:41 And when he had taken the five loaves and the two fishes, he looked up to heaven, and blessed, and brake the loaves, and gave them to his disciples to set before them; and the two fishes divided he among them all.

Mark 6:42 And they did all eat, and were filled.

Mark 6:43 And they took up twelve baskets full of the fragments, and of the fishes.

Mark 6:44 And they that did eat of the loaves were about five thousand men.

Luke 9:14 For they were about five thousand men. And he said to his disciples, Make them sit down by fifties in a company.

Luke 9:15 And they did so, and made them all sit down.

Luke 9:16 Then he took the five loaves and the two fishes, and looking up to heaven, he blessed them, and brake, and gave to the disciples to set before the multitude.

Luke 9:17 And they did eat, and were all filled: and there was taken up of fragments that remained to them twelve baskets.

18 Well, Simon, you know how he is. He's always ready to testify. And just like any other normal Christian who really knows God, knows the Lord Jesus, is ready to give his testimony right quick. And as we spoke something about him last night, I might rehearse his testimony. He said, "Why, brethren, when I used to seine this sea here with my father years ago... And I know you all knew my dear old Pharisee father, how he was a great man of church and believed in God. Always of a morning before we'd go to fish---we depended on it for a livelihood---he'd have me kneel down with him and pray out here on the bank for our fish for that day, and God never did let us down. I remember when his hair begin to turn gray, and I knew soon I was going to have to depart with my old dad.
"One day, I remember, he took me, sat me down on the brail of the boat, and said, 'Simon, my boy, I want you to remember this. All Israel has looked for the coming of the Messiah. And as the time draws near, each man has always thought that he'd live to see the day He would come. And I've thought the same, but I'm getting old now, and I suppose I won't get to see it. But Simon, as a Bible believer, as a believer in Jehovah, I want to instruct you, my son.' "

19 That's a good thing for a dad to do, or a mother. I wonder today if we put more time on instructing our children in the things of the Lord than we do about hot rods and other things, we wouldn't have so much juvenile delinquency. It is true. Suzanne Wesley was a mother of seventeen children. She didn't have no pushbutton dishwashers, and spigots to turn on to get water. And yet with all those children, she could spend two to three hours a day in prayer around those seventeen children. From that little nest of little birds came forth a John and a Charles who stirred the world. We need more mothers like that, with time to teach their children about God. I stood by her grave not long ago in London, when I was there to pray for the king; and standing there with my hand on her grave, I said, "God, rest that precious mother. I know You have."
And there buried close to her, of course, is Bunyan of Pilgrim's Progress, and so forth, and William Cowper. Then over in the church yard John lay---the remains of his body into the dust.

20 Then Simon said, "Dad has told me many times, 'Now, Simon, son, just before the coming of the Messiah, there's going to be a great stir among the people, and the enemy will put out many a false thing, calling it Messiah. And I want you to remember, Simon, my boy, that the true Messiah ... what He'll be, and what He'll look like, and what He'll be like. The true Messiah will be according to the Bible, to what our prophets has told us. Moses said, "The Lord your God shall raise up a prophet liken unto me."'"
And he must have reached over and touched Andrew and said, "Andrew went first to hear Him. I couldn't believe it when that ... what John was down there preaching, predicting there was coming a Messiah. To me it was just another go-on. But one day Andrew come told me that I should come see this man at least, listen to Him once. And I had in my heart what Father told me and what the Scriptures had said, that this Messiah would be a God prophet. And when I walked up into the audience with my brother Andrew, quickly He turned and looked right at me in all that crowd. Must have been that He knew that I was thirsting. [God usually comes to those who are thirsting and really wanting to get a hold of Him, desperately.] And He must have looked at me. When He did, He said, 'Your name is Simon and you're the son of Jonas.' That settled it with me, for I knew that my Father told me that the Scripture said that the Messiah would be a prophet. And this man not only knew me by name---who had never seen me---but He knowed my father also. Told me I was the son of Jonas. That settled it."

Deuteronomy 18:15 The LORD thy God will raise up unto thee a Prophet from the midst of thee, of thy brethren, like unto me; unto him ye shall hearken;

John 1:42 And he brought him to Jesus. And when Jesus beheld him, he said, Thou art Simon the son of Jona: thou shalt be called Cephas, which is by interpretation, A stone.

21 Philip, he must have took the floor about that time. Now, these are Christ's own disciples that were having a testimony meeting. Not the outside world; those who lived with Him and sleep with Him and dwell with Him and knows what He is, heard Him talk and speak.
Philip said, "Simon, that convinced me also, because I've read the Scriptures all my life and been taught them. And I knew, as a Jew, that we're taught to believe our prophets, and the prophecy truly said that the Messiah, the Son of God, would be a prophet like Moses. When I seen the sign of the prophet done, then I knew that was Messiah, because it had been hundreds of years since we've had a prophet. [I think around some four hundred years since Malachi.] And I knew that that was the next thing to appear, was the Messiah, and that was Him. So, I ran around the hill to my friend Philip [as we took him last evening] and found him."
Philip found Nathanael, rather, under the tree, praying, and said, "Come see who we've found: Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph."
He said, "Could there be any good thing come out of Nazareth?"
He said, "Come see. Come find out for yourself."

Deuteronomy 18:15 The LORD thy God will raise up unto thee a Prophet from the midst of thee, of thy brethren, like unto me; unto him ye shall hearken;

John 1:45 Philip findeth Nathanael, and saith unto him, We have found him, of whom Moses in the law, and the prophets, did write, Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph.

John 1:46 And Nathanael said unto him, Can there any good thing come out of Nazareth? Philip saith unto him, Come and see.

22 And as he come around the hill, he told him what had been happening, saying, "You know Messiah will be a prophet. We know that."
"Oh, yes," said Nathanael, "I know it will be ... He'll be a prophet."
"Well, I've seen Him do those very things, without a shadow of doubt. I know that. I've seen it, I've tested it, and I know it's true."
"Well, I'll just come see then."
Around the hill they went. When they got into the presence of the Lord Jesus, He looked down to Nathanael, said, "Behold an Israelite in whom there is no guile," when he come into the line.
And he said, "How did you know me, Rabbi, teacher? You've never seen me in your life. How did you ever know me?"
He said, "Before Philip called you, when you were under the tree, I saw you." Now that's what the Scripture says.
Philip, being a Bible student, that knowed that that was what the Messiah was to be like, he said, "Rabbi, Thou art the Son of God. Thou art the King of Israel."
And Jesus said, "Well, because I've told you that, you believe? You'll see greater things than this. If you just believe that much, you'll see greater than that." First you got to believe it.

John 1:47 Jesus saw Nathanael coming to him, and saith of him, Behold an Israelite indeed, in whom is no guile!

John 1:48 Nathanael saith unto him, Whence knowest thou me? Jesus answered and said unto him, Before that Philip called thee, when thou wast under the fig tree, I saw thee.

John 1:49 Nathanael answered and saith unto him, Rabbi, thou art the Son of God; thou art the King of Israel.

John 1:50 Jesus answered and said unto him, Because I said unto thee, I saw thee under the fig tree, believest thou? thou shalt see greater things than these.

23 Now, and then it must have been young James, or one of them sitting there, said, "You know, one day... We all know Rebekah. That's the wife of the businessman of Jericho, Zacchaeus. He runs a tax outfit down there, collects taxes. And we know that Sister Rebekah had prayed so hard for Zacchaeus to receive Jesus, and told him all the things that she'd seen. But the Rabbi had told him that He was ... nothing to Him, because He wasn't recognized among the clergy of that day. So he would not accept Him.
"So, Zacchaeus... You remember his testimony at the Full Gospel Business Men's breakfast that morning, when he come in and told us about what happened? He said he got down there to see Jesus and there was too much of a crowd."

Luke 19:3 And he sought to see Jesus who he was; and could not for the press, because he was little of stature.

Luke 19:4 And he ran before, and climbed up into a sycamore tree to see him: for he was to pass that way.

John 6:37 All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out.

John 12:32 And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me.

24 And somehow another where Christ is, it's just... "If I be lifted up, I'll draw all men unto me," all those that's drawable. "All the Father has given me will come to me." And he said Zacchaeus, seeing that him being small in stature, as he testified, he could not get to see the Master. So, he runs down to another corner, knowing which way He was going through the city, and he climbed up in a sycamore tree, and he said, "Now, I'll just sit up here on these ... where two limbs meet."
That's a good place to sit, where two ways meet--- that's your ideas and God's Word. Where your ideas and his meets, that's a good place to rest just for a few minutes, decide on which way you're going from there.

25 And he sat down, and he said, "I remember that my wife told me about this here Galilean being a prophet. Now if He is a prophet, I'm going to believe Him; because I know that our Bible said, 'If there be one among you who's a prophet, and I, the Lord, will make myself known to him, and what he says comes to pass, then hear him. I'm with him. But if it doesn't, then don't hear him.' So, I know ... and do not believe, as my rabbi told me, that a man that was born as poor as he was and with a name like he's got and was not raised up to be a rabbi... And all this here supernatural stuff he talks about, I don't believe it. So, I'm going to wait, and when I see him, I'm going to give him a piece of my mind."
So, as he got to thinking about what Rebekah told him, "Well, maybe he is a prophet; but if he is, I'll just get my opinion, then I'll go back and tell Rebekah, because there's too many." So, he got up on the limbs and pulled all the leaves around him, covered himself up so he couldn't be seen, camouflaged himself.
After a while, they heard a noise coming around the bend. There's something strange: where Jesus is, there's usually a noise of some sort. I don't know why, but it always... Just like Aaron going in with the pomegranate and the bell, if he don't make a lot of noise, why, they didn't know he was living. And I think that's what's the matter with the church today. It's got so dead, we don't hear nothing no more. So, where there's life, there's noise.

Exodus 28:35 And it shall be upon Aaron to minister: and his sound shall be heard when he goeth in unto the holy place before the LORD, and when he cometh out, that he die not.

Numbers 12:6 And he said, Hear now my words: If there be a prophet among you, I the LORD will make myself known unto him in a vision, and will speak unto him in a dream.

Jeremiah 28:9 The prophet which prophesieth of peace, when the word of the prophet shall come to pass, then shall the prophet be known, that the LORD hath truly sent him.

26 Now, and we find out that... He said then when Jesus came around the corner, and he got to look at him... He'd fixed himself a little camouflage so Jesus couldn't see him, so he had a leaf. He just pulled this leaf down to look out, because he didn't want to see him, a business man of the city, sitting up in a tree. That would be kind of embarrassing, you know. And this holy roller coming in, anyhow, you know, with the name that he had, that would hurt his business if they seen him associating himself with a fellow like that. And so... But he wanted to find out what Rebekah had been talking about. So, he sat up there. He kept his leaf up. And said, "I hear a noise, so maybe after awhile he'll come along."
He heard the noise and he looked around the corner. There come the great big, burly fisherman saying, "Folks, I'm sorry. Our brother is very tired. He's on his road out now. He's got to go to Jerusalem." He said, "Would you all just stand aside and give him room to get out?" There was a lot of diplomacy and kindness.
Other disciples following along, saying, "Folks, I wish we had time, but we just haven't."

27 And after awhile when he turned the corner, then Zacchaeus turned down his leaf and begin to look, seen him coming along like that. And, you know, I don't believe that any man could look right at Christ and ever feel the same again. I don't believe he could. Something began to touch him, and saying, "You know what? I just ... maybe Rebekah was right. But I'll get a good look at him, and then I'll hear him some time. Because he doesn't know me---I'm a business man here, and he just entered the city, so he doesn't know me, doesn't know nothing about me, and he doesn't know my condition. So I'll just sit up here in the tree."
And He come along, and when He crossed over the sidewalk, come down, got right under the tree, He stood and looked up; said, "Zacchaeus, come down; I'm going home with you today for dinner."
"Oh, you remember?" said James. "That settled it with me. I knew that He was that prophet that Moses spoke of, because we had just entered the city. How did He know he was up in the tree, and how did He know his name was Zacchaeus and all about him? That settled it to me, because the Bible said that he would be a prophet."

Luke 19:5 And when Jesus came to the place, he looked up, and saw him, and said unto him, Zacchaeus, make haste, and come down; for to day I must abide at thy house.

28 "Well, then," another one spoke up and said, "what about blind Bartimaeus, when we went out of the city, when... There he was, sitting out there dreaming of the days, he said, when he had his sight; how his mother had told him about the great day of Jehovah once spoke for the people, but he'd been blind all these years; and how, when we come out of the city, the people making fun of Him, and the priest hollering, 'You who raised the dead, we got a graveyard full of them up here. Come up and raise them up.'"
See, God don't clown for people. Jesus just does as the Father shows Him, and that's all He does, He said. St. John 5. You know, they still have them evil spirits in the world today though. They'll say, "Let me see him heal this one. Let me see him heal that one." See, that's the same evil spirit. They just don't know.

Matthew 4:3 And when the tempter came to him, he said, If thou be the Son of God, command that these stones be made bread.

Luke 4:3 And the devil said unto him, If thou be the Son of God, command this stone that it be made bread.

John 5:19 Then answered Jesus and said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do: for what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise.

29 The same one said, up there on the cross... Before He got to the cross, when He was tempted, he said, up there, said, "If thou be the Son of God, perform a miracle here before me and turn these stones into bread and eat, and I'll believe you," see.
Jesus said, "But it's written, man shall not live by bread alone," see. He didn't clown for Satan.
And when they had Him in the courtyards, put a rag over his face, wrapped it around his eyes, and took a stick and hit his precious head, said, "If you're a prophet now, and can tell us ... if you're that Messiah prophet, tell us who hit you on the head." He never said a word.
The powers and gifts of God are not to show off with; they're to serve God by. They're for the glory of God to do something to help somebody; not to come out like a stuffed shirt, and saying, "Me, my great..." That's not it. When a man does that, he's little in my sight. Who is great? One---God.

Matthew 4:4 But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.

Matthew 26:67 Then did they spit in his face, and buffeted him; and others smote him with the palms of their hands,

Matthew 26:68 Saying, Prophesy unto us, thou Christ, Who is he that smote thee?

Mark 14:65 And some began to spit on him, and to cover his face, and to buffet him, and to say unto him, Prophesy: and the servants did strike him with the palms of their hands.

Luke 4:4 And Jesus answered him, saying, It is written, That man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God.

Luke 22:64 And when they had blindfolded him, they struck him on the face, and asked him, saying, Prophesy, who is it that smote thee?

30 Then, it might've been then, immediately after that, that Andrew might have said this: "But, brethren, remember the time when He sent us into the city, He told us that morning He was going down to Jericho but had need go by Jerus... or, go by Samaria---from Jerusalem up around Samaria and then to Jericho. Remember how tired He was? And all day we said, 'Why don't you take meat? Why don't you do... ?' He said, 'I'll wait here, and you go in and get yourself food.'
"Now, while we were gone and we got the food to return... Remember? We come up, and we found out---when we had gotten there---there was a woman on her road up; and there He was alone with a woman of ill condition." She was a foul woman, a woman that we'd call today of the street, a red-light lady. She had ... her marriages was all mixed up, and she was living with men without being married to them---very foul person. Them days they wore a garment had to prove that.
"So, when we seen ... come up ... you remember we slipped in behind that bush, that little wall, and see what He would say? That's what settled it with every one of us.

John 4:4 And he must needs go through Samaria.

John 4:7 There cometh a woman of Samaria to draw water: Jesus saith unto her, Give me to drink.

John 4:9 Then saith the woman of Samaria unto him, How is it that thou, being a Jew, askest drink of me, which am a woman of Samaria? for the Jews have no dealings with the Samaritans.

31 He asked the woman to bring Him a drink, and she said, 'We've got segregation here. We don't ... it's not customary for you Jews to ask we Samaritan women such a thing as that.'
"He said, 'If you knew who you were talking to, you'd ask me for a drink. I'd give you water that you don't come here to draw.' Remember how the conversation went on?" What was He doing? The Father, He said, in St. John 5:19...
And listen to this, brethren, sisters: Jesus Christ, the Son of God, never took credit for healing anybody. He said, "It's not me that doeth the works. It's my Father that dwelleth in me, He doeth the works." Then notice what taken place. In St. John 5:19, He said this...
He'd went through a pool of Bethesda; there laid great multitudes (many more people than is around this place tonight) of lame, blind, halt, withered, crippled. Now, the Scripture says that---lame, halt, blind, withered---and here He comes.

John 4:10 Jesus answered and said unto her, If thou knewest the gift of God, and who it is that saith to thee, Give me to drink; thou wouldest have asked of him, and he would have given thee living water.

John 5:2 Now there is at Jerusalem by the sheep market a pool, which is called in the Hebrew tongue Bethesda, having five porches.

John 5:4 For an angel went down at a certain season into the pool, and troubled the water: whosoever then first after the troubling of the water stepped in was made whole of whatsoever disease he had.

John 5:17 But Jesus answered them, My Father worketh hitherto, and I work.

John 5:19 Then answered Jesus and said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do: for what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise.

John 14:10 Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me? the words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works.

32 Just a few days before that, a woman had touched his garment and was made whole. Here He comes, garments full of virtue, walking, passed by the mother with the waterhead baby, passed by the blind man. And if you ever taken the history of it, the angel come down and troubled the water. You know what troubled waters are: current going one way and winds blowing it another way. It's a dangerous water. And they believed it was an angel, and ever who was stepping into the water had enough faith stopped that moving of the water, and they got well of what disease they had. And they laid there by the multitudes. Many of them didn't believe that, but those who believed it, it was healing for them. God's always had a way of healing his people. So, those stepping in first...
And I've read books on it, where they said that they'd even stab one another, trying to rush in and get in there first; because as soon as the first one stepped in with enough faith to pull the virtue of the angel away, then he didn't come back maybe for a month or two, another season. And they laid there constantly waiting. What patience!

33 And Jesus walked right around them---blind, deaf, lame, halt, withered---never said a thing, till He come to a man laying on a pallet. How many of you Californians know what a pallet is? Well, what part of Kentucky did you come from? I was raised on one. Just lay something down on the floor and lay down. Laying on a pallet. He might've had a prostate trouble, or he might've had TB. Whatever it was, he'd had it thirty-eight years. It was retarded, it wasn't going to kill him, he could walk. And Jesus knowing (watch) ... Jesus knowing that he'd been in this condition all this time, He said, "Wilt thou be made whole?" Why not the blind man? Why not the crippled man? But, see, He was directed. Now, watch his answer.
And he said, "I have no one to put me in the water. While I'm coming, somebody in better shape than me outruns me and gets in there, see, gets in ahead of me." He could walk, he could go; but there was some there couldn't walk, see.
And we'd say He had compassion? Human sympathy is not compassion. Know the will of God is compassion, see.
So, He said, "Wilt thou be made whole?"
He said, "I have no one to put me in the water. When I'm coming, someone steps ahead of me."
He said, "Take up thy bed and go unto thy house."
He never questioned one more thing, for Jesus knowed he wouldn't question. Picked it up and put it on his back and went on.
Jesus was questioned about it. Let Him do the same thing today and He'll be questioned about it.

John 5:6 When Jesus saw him lie, and knew that he had been now a long time in that case, he saith unto him, Wilt thou be made whole?

John 5:7 The impotent man answered him, Sir, I have no man, when the water is troubled, to put me into the pool: but while I am coming, another steppeth down before me.

John 5:8 Jesus saith unto him, Rise, take up thy bed, and walk.

John 5:9 And immediately the man was made whole, and took up his bed, and walked: and on the same day was the sabbath.

34 Someone will say, "Here's old brother So-and-So. He's a good old man, belonged to church all of his life, selling pencils on the corner. Make him whole. Why did you pass him by?"
Watch Jesus put the answer to them. The same day, when they caught him, asked him the question---St. John 5:19---"Verily, verily, I say unto you, the Son can do nothing in himself, but what he sees the Father doing." How many knows that's the Scripture? The Scriptures can't fail.
So, Jesus could only do what God showed Him in a vision to do. And that made Him a prophet. More than a prophet; He was a God prophet. He was the God of the prophets.

John 5:19 Then answered Jesus and said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do: for what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise.

Ephesians 1:7 In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace;

Colossians 1:14 In whom we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins:

Hebrews 9:14 How much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without spot to God, purge your conscience from dead works to serve the living God?

Revelation 1:5 And from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, and the first begotten of the dead, and the prince of the kings of the earth. Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood,

35 Some people today try to take divinity away from Him. His sign as Messiah was a prophet sign. But in redemption, He was God. The virgin Mary, a woman, virgin, knowed no man. The Holy Spirit overshadowed her and created a blood cell. That blood cell brought forth the Son of God. He neither was Jew nor Gentile; He was God. "We're saved," said the Bible, "by the blood of God." The blood comes from the male sex. The hemoglobin comes out of the male sex.
You people ... here it's springtime out here. I was watching today a little bird up in the bush making himself a nest. Oh, they'll make them a nest. Well, that old mother bird could get on that nest and lay a whole nest full of eggs. If she hasn't been with the mate, they won't hatch. That's right. She might sit on them and be so loyal, turn them eggs just as loyal, and starve herself to death, till she's so poor she can't fly off the nest. If she hasn't been with the mate, they won't hatch. They haven't got no blood cell in them. The life comes from the blood. Life is in the blood.

Leviticus 17:11 For the life of the flesh is in the blood: and I have given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls: for it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul.

36 Like churches today... You can ... we got the biggest churches we ever had, most members we ever had, best dressed we ever had, best fed we ever had, more money than we ever had; more sickness than we ever had, because we got more unbelief than we ever had. It's just ... there's only one thing to do. Them eggs will lay right there in them nests and rot; and so will church members if they haven't been with the mate, Jesus Christ. It's time to clean the nest and get back in there---somebody that's got faith and been filled with the Holy Ghost, got living faith and a living God, been with the mate, Christ Jesus---something that will hatch, something that'll bring forth life.

John 5:19 Then answered Jesus and said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do: for what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise.

37 Jesus could only do... He said---and the Scriptures are infallible---He said, "I do nothing within myself until I see the Father doing it first." Now, He said He saw it. See. "Verily, verily, I say unto you the Son can do nothing in himself but what he sees the Father..." Look back to the Emphatic Diaglott, see if the word isn't right: see. Look at it. Even to the Douay version, all the versions give it the same way. "Till I see the Father do it... The Father worketh. What the Father does, He shows me; and I just go and act it out for Him." That's the way every prophet of the Bible done, was to see by vision what to do. And that was the sign of the Messiah in that day.
And if that's the sign of the Messiah in that day---at the closing of the Jewish dispensation, and He promised He'd do the same thing in the last days---it's time He arrived.

38 We're at the last day. The world's in a nervous prostration. She's ready to be blowed to pieces, because they have rejected, denied; and the Holy Spirit has wounded their hearts, and God...
Like a lady in a ten cent store here a few weeks ago in Louisville, Kentucky. She had a little boy, and she was going around showing him things. Said, "Look, dear. Look, dear. Look, dear." And the little boy just sat and stared. And after awhile she just fell over on the counter and began to screaming. And some of the people in the ten cent store went to her, and said, "What's the matter?"
She said, "It's my little boy."
She said, "It can't be so. The doctor said he was better, but he isn't." Said, "A few months ago the little fellow just started staring." And said, "I can't get his attention to nothing." Said, "Everything that a little boy his age ought to look at," said, "I'll shake it before him, and he'll just sit and stare."
You know the church---the Pentecostal church---has got somewhat the same way. God's shook everything in the Bible before them, and they still just sit and stare. There's something wrong. It's time to arise, and wake, and call on God. Remember, if God predicted in his Bible that this would be the Laodicean church age when things would take place this way, now, let's believe Him.

39 As Andrew goes on with his story, just for a moment or two longer... Andrew said, "You know, He told the woman..."
Now, she was a Samaritan. There's only, as I said last night, there's only three races of people on earth: Ham, Shem, and Japheth's people. If we believe the Bible, they all sprung from them three sons. That's Jew, Gentile and Samaritan.
You remember Peter was given the keys to the kingdom? Where did he open it up? At Pentecost to the Jew. Went down to Samaria. Although Philip had went down and preached to them the baptism of the Holy Ghost, and baptized them, and they were ready to receive it, but Peter had the keys. Come down and laid hands on them, they received the Holy Ghost. Then at the house of Cornelius, the Gentiles, Acts 10:49, we find out that Peter was sent by a vision up. "And while he yet spake these words, the Holy Ghost fell on them." From that time on, the Holy Ghost was to whosoever will, let him come. But he had the key to the kingdom.

Matthew 16:19 And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.

Acts 8:5 Then Philip went down to the city of Samaria, and preached Christ unto them.

Acts 8:12 But when they believed Philip preaching the things concerning the kingdom of God, and the name of Jesus Christ, they were baptized, both men and women.

Acts 8:17 Then laid they their hands on them, and they received the Holy Ghost.

Acts 10:44 While Peter yet spake these words, the Holy Ghost fell on all them which heard the word.

40 Now, notice them three races. (Now, as I said last evening ... I had to hurry, reason I'm repeating this in another way tonight. I had to hurry. You were nervous, and they were telling us "alert," and so forth. Now that you're calmer tonight and quiet...)
Notice, the Jews were looking for a Messiah, and the Messiah was supposed to come and declare Himself to be the Messiah. Now, do you think Jesus come unscripturally? He wouldn't have been Jesus. He wouldn't have been the Son of God. He had to come according to the Scripture; but not according to the thoughts of the churches of that day. He was different from the thoughts of the church, their doctrine about it. But He come according to the way the Scriptures was written. And that's what I'm trying to bring back to your memory tonight---the same thing. He comes according to the way He promised to come.

41 Now, remember. If God is ever called on the scene to act... And the way He acts first, He has to act every time afterwards the same way, or He did wrong when He acted first. So, if that was the way of making Himself known in that day to the Jews and to the Samaritans who were looking for a Messiah...
No Gentile was looking for a Messiah. We were Romans and Greeks, and worshipping gods of iron and steel and marble---like a lot of them are still doing ---and like that, with a club on our back.
But now, after two thousand years of theology and teaching, now the Gentile church, the elect church, is looking for the Messiah. Now, He'll have to act when He's coming this time just like He did that time. He'll have to do the same things because the Word said He would do it.

42 Now, so that you'll see that our Christ is not dead... He's with us, living in us, right here with us now. And now, if I can get you to see that, then it's a very easy thing for you to accept your healing. It isn't about my hands being laid on you. I'm a man. It's his hands. Find Him.
Now, notice, when they listened, and heard the conversation... Now, this is a woman of ill fame, now, in Samaria. She was a bad woman, so they were listening. And when they heard, He said, "Go get your husband and come here." Now, He talked to her long enough to catch her spirit. He said, "Go get your husband and come here."
She said, "I don't have any husband."
"And you remember, brethren," Andrew might have said to the rest of the brethren. Said, "You remember how we all thought, 'Oh-oh, oh-oh, here's one time He's caught, because He tells her that she hasn't got a husband?' Said, 'Go get your husband and come here,' rather. Said, 'Go get your husband.' He's telling her she's got a husband, and she says she hasn't got a husband. She's contradicting his word. Now, what's going to happen?

John 4:16 Jesus saith unto her, Go, call thy husband, and come hither.

John 4:17 The woman answered and said, I have no husband. Jesus said unto her, Thou hast well said, I have no husband:

43 Remember how we all stood with our ears pricked up, and the chills going over us? What's the matter? We wondered, had our master been caught in a trap? Now, He tells the woman she's got a husband and she says, 'I haven't got a husband.' Remember how we thought?
"Then what did He...? Just as cool as He could be, He said, 'Thou hast said well, because you've had five, and the one you're living with now is not your husband.' The scene changed right quick.
"And what did this woman say to Him? 'Sir, I am a Samaritan woman. I may be living in sin. I got [a little something like this] ... but I know the Scriptures. I come out of a home that taught the Bible. You must be a prophet. I know ... we're taught, all Samaritans are taught, that there's a Messiah coming who'll be the Christ [means the anointed one]. And when He comes, He'll tell us these things. That'll be the sign of the Messiah. You must be his prophet.'
"Jesus said, 'I am He.' " There never was a man that could say that but Him. Right, or never will be. "I am He."
And she left her water pot and run into the city, and said, "Come see a man (told the men in the street), come see a man who told me what I've done. Isn't this the very Messiah?"

John 4:17 The woman answered and said, I have no husband. Jesus said unto her, Thou hast well said, I have no husband:

John 4:18 For thou hast had five husbands; and he whom thou now hast is not thy husband: in that saidst thou truly.

John 4:19 The woman saith unto him, Sir, I perceive that thou art a prophet.

John 4:25 The woman saith unto him, I know that Messias cometh, which is called Christ: when he is come, he will tell us all things.

John 4:26 Jesus saith unto her, I that speak unto thee am he.

John 4:27 And upon this came his disciples, and marvelled that he talked with the woman: yet no man said, What seekest thou? or, Why talkest thou with her?

John 4:28 The woman then left her waterpot, and went her way into the city, and saith to the men,

John 4:29 Come, see a man, which told me all things that ever I did: is not this the Christ?

Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

44 If that was the sign of Messiah yesterday, and He's the same yesterday, today, and forever, it's the same today. He's got to be.
"Yes, we remembered that, how that the woman said that." And how that the Bible said that all the city believed Him to be the Messiah because the woman told the people in the city that they never had met before, and the conversation.
"He said, 'Go get your husband.' "
And she said, "I have none."
"He said, 'You've got five.' And you men know that that's the kind of a life I've lived, and that convinced me that He was the Messiah, because He knowed the secret of my heart."

John 4:16 Jesus saith unto her, Go, call thy husband, and come hither.

John 4:17 The woman answered and said, I have no husband. Jesus said unto her, Thou hast well said, I have no husband:

John 4:18 For thou hast had five husbands; and he whom thou now hast is not thy husband: in that saidst thou truly.

John 4:39 And many of the Samaritans of that city believed on him for the saying of the woman, which testified, He told me all that ever I did.

45 Now, listen. Does not the Bible say that in the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God ... and the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us? Now, to you Bible readers, does not the book of Hebrews tell us, in the fourth chapter, that the Word of God is sharper than a two-edged sword, piercing to the ... sunder of the marrow of the bone, and a discerner of the thoughts of the heart? The Word. And when the living Word, which is Christ, comes into our midst, is not it still a discerner of the thoughts of the heart? The living Word---Christ---the living Word... He is the Word, and He's the living Word. This is the letter Word; and when the letter Word is brought with the living Word, it's sharper than a two-edged sword and a discerner of the thoughts of the heart. Jesus looked upon his audience and perceived their thoughts.
Some of them stood by and said, "He's a fortune-teller. He's Beelzebub, a devil."
Jesus said, "I'll forgive you for that, calling the Spirit of God an evil thing, an evil work. I forgive you for that; but some day the Holy Spirit's coming, and you speak one word against that, it'll never be forgiven you, in this world or the world to come." Then what is blaspheming the Holy Ghost? See, call the Spirit of God an unclean thing. It's blasphemy. That's what blasphemy is: calling the Spirit of God an evil spirit.

Matthew 12:24 But when the Pharisees heard it, they said, This fellow doth not cast out devils, but by Beelzebub the prince of the devils.

Matthew 12:32 And whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come.

Mark 3:22 And the scribes which came down from Jerusalem said, He hath Beelzebub, and by the prince of the devils casteth he out devils.

Mark 3:28 Verily I say unto you, All sins shall be forgiven unto the sons of men, and blasphemies wherewith soever they shall blaspheme:

Mark 3:29 But he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost hath never forgiveness, but is in danger of eternal damnation:

Luke 5:22 But when Jesus perceived their thoughts, he answering said unto them, What reason ye in your hearts?

Luke 11:15 But some of them said, He casteth out devils through Beelzebub the chief of the devils.

Luke 12:10 And whosoever shall speak a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but unto him that blasphemeth against the Holy Ghost it shall not be forgiven.

John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

John 1:14 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.

Hebrews 4:12 For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

46 So, you see, when the people shouted, and spoke in tongues, and so forth---and this nation has constantly called it a bunch of holy roller and heretics and everything else---you see why she's ready for judgment? Now, the Bible said...
Now, to you Pentecostal people, the Bible said, "If you have a gift of speaking in tongues, then when the unlearned comes in, and the first thing you know you all speak with tongues, they'll say, 'You're all mad.' But if there be one among you that's a prophet that will reveal the secrets of the heart, then they'll fall down and say, 'Truly, God's with you.' " Well, if you believe in speaking in tongues, don't you know what the furtherment of it is? Don't you know what a higher blessing is? Don't you see the Holy Spirit? What makes you speak with tongues? Do you do that yourself? No, sir. The Holy Ghost does it, if you're sincere. Is that right? The Holy Ghost does it. That's the same thing that's set in the church: First apostles, prophets, teachers, pastors and evangelists. It's the Holy Spirit, the living Christ that's not dead, but alive forevermore.

1 Corinthians 14:23 If therefore the whole church be come together into one place, and all speak with tongues, and there come in those that are unlearned, or unbelievers, will they not say that ye are mad?

1 Corinthians 14:24 But if all prophesy, and there come in one that believeth not, or one unlearned, he is convinced of all, he is judged of all:

1 Corinthians 14:25 And thus are the secrets of his heart made manifest; and so falling down on his face he will worship God, and report that God is in you of a truth.

Ephesians 4:11 And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers;

47 They have the picture of it down here where it's been taken. It was taken over here in California here recently, taken... George J. Lacy of the FBI examined it, and so forth. You've seen it, and everything---a pillar of fire. Same pillar of fire that's took in Germany and Switzerland, all over the world, where it's been taken. Now, what is it? If that... How many knows that Jesus Christ was that pillar of fire? Well, when He was ... in St. John 6 when He was being questioned, He said ... about Abraham, about his age, He said... "Well, now," they said, "You mean that you seen Abraham and you're a man not over fifty years old?"
He said, "Before Abraham was, I AM." Then, He was that pillar of fire, the angel of the covenant. In other words, the logos that went out of God. He was the pillar of fire that led the children of Israel through the wilderness. And that pillar of fire, the logos, was made flesh and dwelt among us. And He said, "I come from God and go to God." And after his death, burial and resurrection, Saul... He met Saul on the road down to Damascus and struck him down with a light. None of the rest of them saw it, but Saul saw it.

John 1:14 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.

John 8:57 Then said the Jews unto him, Thou art not yet fifty years old, and hast thou seen Abraham?

John 8:58 Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am.

John 16:28 I came forth from the Father, and am come into the world: again, I leave the world, and go to the Father.

Acts 9:3 And as he journeyed, he came near Damascus: and suddenly there shined round about him a light from heaven:

48 [Gap in the audio]
... came out of the wilderness, bringing the children of Israel. Then come dwelt in a man---fullness of the Godhead bodily---and performed these kind of signs as the Messiah. And if that same pillar of fire, that same Jesus, that same Spirit comes back into his church universal, won't it do the same thing? "He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also. Yet a little while... In the world, you'll see no more," He said, "yet ye shall see me for I, I, will be with you, even in you, to the end of the world." Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever.
You see what I'm trying to do, friends, is let you know that the Jesus that made the promise in the Bible is right here with you, right here now.

Matthew 28:20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.

John 14:12 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.

John 14:19 Yet a little while, and the world seeth me no more; but ye see me: because I live, ye shall live also.

Colossians 2:9 For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily.

Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

49 Now, if you'd walk up to Him and He had on this suit that He gave me, and He would say ... you'd say, "Jesus, will you heal me?"
You know what He would say to you? "Well, my child, I did that." He can't do it again.
If you're redeemed out of a pawn shop, how can you be redeemed the second time? He brought you out. He was wounded for your transgressions, and with his stripes you were healed. See what I mean? Your healing's already completed, your salvation's completed. The only thing you have to do is just receive it. What does it make any difference who lays hands on you, or what does this, that, or the other? Everywhere you're at, just believe it, that's all, receive it. It's God has to give it to you.
There's the reason that I don't take too much time. The American people are taught the old Jewish custom of laying on of hands, which is all right. But that wasn't the Gentile way.

Isaiah 53:5 But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.

Matthew 9:18 While he spake these things unto them, behold, there came a certain ruler, and worshipped him, saying, My daughter is even now dead: but come and lay thy hand upon her, and she shall live.

Mark 5:23 And besought him greatly, saying, My little daughter lieth at the point of death: I pray thee, come and lay thy hands on her, that she may be healed; and she shall live.

1 Peter 2:24 Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed.

50 Well, Jairus said, "Come, lay your hand on my daughter and she'll live,"---a Jew.
But the Roman said, "I'm not worthy that you come under my roof. Just speak the word," see.
He said, "I'm a man under authority. I say to this man, 'Come,' he comes, and that one, 'Go,' he goes." He knowed that everything... Under him was a century---century of men, which means a hundred. That hundred men was under him. What he said they had to do. What did he recognize in Jesus Christ? That all sickness and diseases was under Him, under his control. "Just speak the word." Amen. There you are. You don't need hands laid...
And what did Jesus say? He turned around and said, "I never found faith like this in Israel."
Well, that's the kind of faith we want here in California, that kind of faith---"Speak the word."

Matthew 8:8 The centurion answered and said, Lord, I am not worthy that thou shouldest come under my roof: but speak the word only, and my servant shall be healed.

Matthew 8:9 For I am a man under authority, having soldiers under me: and I say to this man, Go, and he goeth; and to another, Come, and he cometh; and to my servant, Do this, and he doeth it.

Matthew 8:10 When Jesus heard it, he marvelled, and said to them that followed, Verily I say unto you, I have not found so great faith, no, not in Israel.

Luke 7:6 Then Jesus went with them. And when he was now not far from the house, the centurion sent friends to him, saying unto him, Lord, trouble not thyself: for I am not worthy that thou shouldest enter under my roof:

Luke 7:7 Wherefore neither thought I myself worthy to come unto thee: but say in a word, and my servant shall be healed.

Luke 7:8 For I also am a man set under authority, having under me soldiers, and I say unto one, Go, and he goeth; and to another, Come, and he cometh; and to my servant, Do this, and he doeth it.

Luke 7:9 When Jesus heard these things, he marvelled at him, and turned him about, and said unto the people that followed him, I say unto you, I have not found so great faith, no, not in Israel.

51 That's all it needs. Not some man say, "Well, glory to God, Brother So-and-so laid hands on me; I felt something go through me." You might have felt his hands laying on you, but you're [unclear words] see.
Jesus never did say, "Did you feel it?" He said, "Did you believe it?" That's right. Did you believe it?
It's not a feeling affair; it's a believing affair. He that believeth, right where you are. I don't say you don't feel something. I know I've felt some strange feelings, but I never did rest my faith upon a feeling. I can't build my doctrine upon a sensation. I've got to build it upon "Thus saith the Lord," by the Word of God. And that's the reason tonight...
And then if it's built upon that Word and there's enough faith in that to make that Word be made manifest... Jesus died and gave his life that He might sanctify a church, that He could be universally, around the world, all the time in his church. It's Holy Spirit here.

John 1:14 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.

Ephesians 5:25 Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;

Ephesians 5:26 That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word,

Colossians 2:9 For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily.

52 When ... Jesus was God made flesh; the fullness of God was in Him.
He had the Spirit without measure; we have it by measure. Now, what if you go out here and pick up a spoonful of water out of the ocean. Well, that's what Jesus had, the whole ocean; but you and I have got a spoonful. That's the difference. You never miss it. He don't have to have us, but we have to have Him. But if you took that spoonful of water and took it down to the laboratory, the same chemicals that's in the entire ocean is in that spoonful.
And with God on the day of Pentecost, when He come down like a rushing wind, did you notice He was a pillar of fire? But did you notice He separated Himself from that pillar of fire, divided Himself amongst his people, and cloven tongues of fire sat upon each of them---God separating Himself to his church! No wonder He said, "Wherever two or three are gathered in my name, I'll be in their midst." "If two will agree upon anything and ask, I'll give it to you." What is that? When a little fire here and a little fire here---each one of you is a part of God ---when we come together, it's the body of Christ uniting! God separating Himself, giving part to me and part to you and part to the next fellow, so we can all live and have eternal life. And now, that eternal life comes from the word---the Greek word, as I said ---Zoe, which means "God's own life."

Matthew 18:19 Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven.

Matthew 18:20 For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.

Acts 2:3 And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them.

53 Now, must have been while they were testifying of this, all at once Andrew must have sat down and Satan must have looked back over through the dark cloud (I'm closing now), and he saw them gone off without Jesus. That's just as good as he wanted. And now, my brethren, my sisters, let's just look now right straight in faith. They had gone off without Jesus.
I believe that that's what's happened to the church to make up this Laodicean church age. The church has gone off without Jesus. We've gone off on great tantrums. We've gone off to a place to where we've got a big building program, see who could build the biggest church. We've gone off on educational programs. We've gone off on denominational programs. We've gone off on all kinds of programs. And what have we hatched out? We've hatched out a bunch of denominational children. That's right.

54 We're building our things upon ... of our denominations. "Don't associate with them over there. Don't have this over here. We're the denomination. We got all the truth." Remember, brother, the blanket's stretched all ways, see. It goes over the other fellow too.
But we drawed boundaries and separated ourself, just like the Baptist and Methodist and the rest of them did. You used to talk about the cold formal Baptists; now it's the cold formal Pentecostals, see. Baptists are warming up. Notice, how... Now, it's true, we've hatched out denominational children. We've hatched out educational children. We've formed Bible schools. Perfectly all right, but what have we got to...? Told them ... to give them a Bachelor of Art, or PhD, and a LLD.
And even some of our great denominations, before they send a missionary---a Pentecostal, now---before they send a Pentecostal missionary overseas, he has to be examined by a psychiatrist to see if his IQ's high enough. That is a stain on the name of Pentecost. Pentecost is not an organization; Pentecost is an experience all people can have, Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian or whatmore.

Acts 4:13 Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men, they marvelled; and they took knowledge of them, that they had been with Jesus.

55 Who is to decide whether he's a missionary or not, the Holy Ghost or some worldly psychiatrist? God gives the calling. Peter's education wouldn't have qualified with that. The Bible said he was both ignorant and unlearned. But the Holy Ghost ... it pleased the Holy Ghost to make him the head of the church. He and John, both ignorant and unlearned. But there's where we are. The devil saw us go off on a big tantrum like this, and he says, "Here's my opportunity." That's the same thing he done then.
So, he raised up over the mountains and begin to blow his poison breath. He said, "There they are, huddled out yonder in the middle of that sea. They're testifying of what has been. Now, it seems they haven't got Him anymore now. He's not with them no more now." And watch the Laodicean church age. Of all the church ages---seven last church ages---the Laodicean, Jesus was on the outside of his own church knocking, trying to get back in. Now, there's where we've come to.

Revelation 3:20 Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.

56 And so Satan has been blowing his poison breath around, you know, saying, "Whew, whew. Days of miracles is past; there's no such a thing as that. Don't you believe that kind of stuff. It's mental telepathy." They're leaving the Word. You just examine the Word and see if it isn't right. Then see if God does give him that Word and confirm it, then it makes it right. When God says so, that settles it. Now, "Days of miracles is past, got formal.
Just talk about our churches now, what we're going to do and our great programs we got. See, he's seen without, and the little ship begin to blow, was tossed; and we find out all hopes was gone for a revival. Just about like that today. God sent a Oral Roberts across the country, He sent a Tommy Osborn across the country, He sent one after the other---wave after wave after wave after wave---and here we still sit without revival. What's the matter?

57 But remember, He hadn't gone too far.
When He seen them go off, He knowed what was going to happen. And that's the reason He knowed here to predict the end at the beginning. He knowed the Laodicean church age was going to push Him out, so He made preparation to meet it. "Those who I love I chasten and rebuke. I stand at the door and knock. If any man will open and let me in, I'll come in and sup with him," if you'll just open up and let Him in.
And when the winds are blowing, and it's contrary, and we see it's hard to move, that's the way they were. But He'd climbed up the highest hill there was in Galilee, highest hill in Palestine maybe. He was up on the mountain---higher you go, farther you can see. And He climbed up there so He could watch over them. And when He seen them in distress... He was high enough that He could see them. And when He was here on earth, He realized that we was coming to this condition. So, He didn't only climb the mountain of Calvary, but He climbed on past the moon and stars until He sat down at the right hand of the majesty on high. And his eye is on the sparrow, and I know He's watching this meeting tonight. He hasn't gone too far; He's watching you.

Revelation 3:19 As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent.

Revelation 3:20 Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.

58 When the little ship's tossed about... This boy here, his little ship, yours, yours, out here, all around, your little ship's tossed about. "The doctor says I can't get well, I'm paralyzed, I got cancer, I'm going to die." He knows that. But his eye is on the sparrow. He redeemed you. He paid the price. He was wounded for your transgressions; with his stripes you were healed. The preparation's made, and He climbed up to the ramparts of glory and sat down at the right hand of God on high, watching over you, ever living to make intercession. The Bible said He's standing there, a high priest that can be touched by the feeling of our infirmities, the same high priest that was here on earth. The same yesterday, today, and forever. If you'd touch Him, He'd act like He did when He was on earth. He's the same yesterday, today, and forever.

Hebrews 4:15 For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin.

Hebrews 7:25 Wherefore he is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them.

Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

59 A woman touched his garment, went out and got in the crowd and sat down. She didn't get in the line. The rest of them was in the line. She didn't get in the line. So, she touched his garment and went and sat down in the audience. And He turned around, said, "Who touched me?"
And the apostle Peter rebuked Him and said, "Everybody's touching you. Why do you say a thing like that?"
He said, "But I got weak. Virtue's gone from me." A vision ... something happened.
It's a certain kind of touch. All big programs today is not touching Him. It takes an individual's heart to touch Him. Yes, sir. Somebody that'll believe and lay aside their superstitions and believe Him. "Somebody touched me." Said, "I got weak. Virtue, strength went out of me." And He looked around over the audience until He found the little woman, told her her blood issue she'd had, "Your faith hath saved you." See, thy faith has saved ---sozo---saved; same word physically, or spiritual, see. "Thy faith hath saved thee."

Mark 5:30 And Jesus, immediately knowing in himself that virtue had gone out of him, turned him about in the press, and said, Who touched my clothes?

Mark 5:31 And his disciples said unto him, Thou seest the multitude thronging thee, and sayest thou, Who touched me?

Mark 5:32 And he looked round about to see her that had done this thing.

Mark 5:33 But the woman fearing and trembling, knowing what was done in her, came and fell down before him, and told him all the truth.

Mark 5:34 And he said unto her, Daughter, thy faith hath made thee whole; go in peace, and be whole of thy plague.

Luke 8:45 And Jesus said, Who touched me? When all denied, Peter and they that were with him said, Master, the multitude throng thee and press thee, and sayest thou, Who touched me?

Luke 8:46 And Jesus said, Somebody hath touched me: for I perceive that virtue is gone out of me.

Luke 8:47 And when the woman saw that she was not hid, she came trembling, and falling down before him, she declared unto him before all the people for what cause she had touched him, and how she was healed immediately.

Luke 8:48 And he said unto her, Daughter, be of good comfort: thy faith hath made thee whole; go in peace.

60 Now, if He's the same high priest and He's the same yesterday, today and forever, if you would touch Him, how would He act? If He's the same, He'd act the same. I challenge this audience tonight to believe that story to be true. See if He isn't still the same high priest. See if He doesn't act tonight like He did when He was in Galilee. See if He doesn't do the same thing. We're not playing church---too late in the hours, the sun's setting. It's time to be realistic, time for men and women to throw off their church cloaks, lay aside your denominational rags and look to God and have a Pentecostal revival in the Pentecostal church. Touch Him and see if He's still the high priest. I challenge that to you. Believe it, and see what happens.

Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

61 So He come walking to them on the water. The last hour, all hopes gone. What happened? As soon as they seen Him... Just the same as they did then, they're doing today. The only thing that could help them, they was afraid of it. They thought it was spooky, He was a spirit. And the same thing today. You Baptists, you Methodists, you Presbyterian, Catholic, you Pentecostals, Oneness, Threeness, Fiveness, Assemblies, Foursquare, whatever you may be, you're God's children. But don't be afraid; God promised He would do it. If He could speak tonight and He'd say as it was then. When they were all scared, they said, "We see a spirit. It looks spooky. There's something strange about it."
Said, "Do not fear, it is I." The same yesterday, today, and forever. "Be not afraid, it's I."
Won't you, church, tonight let Him in your little bark that you're sailing over life's solemn main? Won't you just open up your heart and say, "Lord Jesus, I believe You. I'm willing. I know that scripture. The man's told me what is the scripture. I know that the Bible said, 'You're the same yesterday, today, and forever.' I know these things."

Matthew 14:25 And in the fourth watch of the night Jesus went unto them, walking on the sea.

Matthew 14:26 And when the disciples saw him walking on the sea, they were troubled, saying, It is a spirit; and they cried out for fear.

Matthew 14:27 But straightway Jesus spake unto them, saying, Be of good cheer; it is I; be not afraid.

Mark 6:50 For they all saw him, and were troubled. And immediately he talked with them, and saith unto them, Be of good cheer: it is I; be not afraid.

John 6:20 But he saith unto them, It is I; be not afraid.

Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

62 We ain't got time to get all into it tonight. We'll keep on going tomorrow night into it and on and on, see---just keep on showing and proving it, friends. What you have believed has been true, but we're living along up the road a little further now. That's what the trouble with the Christians.
You know science don't take what science said two, three hundred years ago. It was a French scientist said, about three hundred years ago... Proved it by revolving a ball around the earth. And he said, "If any persons could ever go the terrific speed of thirty miles an hour, scientifically prove that gravitation will take you off the earth." What about Ricky and his hot rod? They are going around about several thousand miles an hour. Do you think they look back to see what that scientist said? No. They're still going on. They're moving on. But the church, they say, "Let's see what Mr. Moody said about it. Let's see what Mr. Wesley said." Them men lived in their age. That was all right for that age. But we got not only a scientific tree to climb, we've got untapped resources of the bountiful blessings of God which is not limited to our limit.

63 "Whatsoever you ask the Father in my name, I'll do it." Every promise in the Book belongs to you. When you're saved, He gives you a check with his name wrote at the bottom of it. Don't be afraid to fill it out, because the bank of heaven will recognize it if it goes through the Pentecostal clearing house. That's right. See if you got something there on deposit yourself, see, that you're recognized. If you've got identification to show that the check belongs to you ---it's only for believers now---if you got that identification, why, God will recognize your check. That's right. No matter what you ask for, any redemptive blessings belongs to you...

John 14:13 And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.

John 14:14 If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it.

64 Now I've spoke to you at length, and I know your limbs are cramping, you elderly people. And young and all, standing inside and outside around the doors, God reward you richly. I'm your brother. There isn't ... I haven't got one speck of healing power; nobody else has got it. There's not a doctor got any. No medicine's got any. There's not a medicine in the world that will heal you. There's not a doctor that's in his right mind that will tell you that. Mayo Brothers said they don't have a medicine that will heal. If I cut my hand with a knife, they haven't got a medicine in the world will heal that knife cut. Any medicine that will heal a knife cut (my hand) will heal it on this desk or in my coat.
You say medicine wasn't made for your desk or the coat; it was made for your body.

65 Well, then if I cut my hand, I fall down dead, you embalm me and make me look natural for fifty years, give me a shot of penicillin every day, and all kinds of salves, and sew up, and everything else, fifty years from the day the cut will look just like it was when it was cut. If it heals the human body, why don't it heal it?
Well, you say, "Sure, life's gone out of it."
Well, tell me what life is and I'll tell you who God is. That's right. It's God. Medicine does not build tissue. It takes life to build tissue. That's right. And your attitude towards God is what does it.
Someone said to me, "What about penicillin for a bad cold?"
I said, "It's like having a house full of rats. And you put out rat poison to kill them. It don't patch up the holes; it only kills the rats." That's right. It kills the germs. That's true. Medicine might kill the germ, but it don't build the cells that the germs tore down. That takes God to do that and Him alone. "I'm the Lord who heals all thy diseases."

Exodus 15:26 And said, If thou wilt diligently hearken to the voice of the LORD thy God, and wilt do that which is right in his sight, and wilt give ear to his commandments, and keep all his statutes, I will put none of these diseases upon thee, which I have brought upon the Egyptians: for I am the LORD that healeth thee.

Psalm 103:2 Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits:

Psalm 103:3 Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases;

66 What if you broke your arm, run in, said, "Doctor, heal my arm. I want to crank ... I'm working on my car here, I want to finish up."
He'd say, "You need mental healing," and that would be right. He might set your arm, but God has to produce the calcium and the life matters and things to heal it together. It takes God.
We have nothing that'll heal. No medicine heals; God heals. And your attitude towards God, the one that does the healing... And we can't figure out yet what the life is. We know the mucous the life comes in, but we don't know what the germ of life is because it's a spirit; and there's no glass can see a spirit. There you are. So, that's the one that does the healing.

67 Will you believe on Him tonight? If He will come in the audience tonight ... just a little group...
We'll call somebody up here. I think they give out a bunch of cards last night. 1 to 100, I believe, in A. We got a few of them; we had to hurry. But tonight, if we'll just call some people out here and let the Holy Spirit begin to move, here at the plat... If He will; I don't say He will. And then if He'll go out into the audience and begin to move out into the audience and do the very same thing out there, you without prayer cards, as He does here with prayer cards... You just touch his garment and see if He isn't ... if He isn't the same High Priest. How many would believe it? If you'd see what I've talked about tonight come to pass, raise up your hands all over the building. Now, bow your heads.

68 Our heavenly Father, this is as far as any man can go, would be claim the Word. Now faith cometh by hearing and hearing of the Word. Here lays people on cots, stretchers, wheelchairs. There's some out there that's dying of heart trouble, cancer. No doubt but there's all kinds of diseases in here. Father God, there may be unbelievers sitting close. There may be unconverted sitting close. If they are, Father, if they see your presence move down to prove that You're the God who made the promises in the midst of us, surely if You'll do that much, we'll believe the redemption story that You did die for our transgressions and with your stripes we were healed. Grant it, Lord. I commit myself, this audience, all into your hands.
And, Father God, I love You for your Word. I love this wonderful audience of people who has listened attentively. They've stood, cramping, their legs are stiff and sore. But hear me, Lord, please.

Isaiah 53:5 But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.

Romans 10:17 So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

1 Peter 2:24 Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed.

69 When this crowd leaves this fairgrounds tonight and starts back to their home...
Lord, one day after You had been crucified and buried, they thought it was all over. You were dead and buried and that was all. There were two men, Cleopas and his friend, was on the road down to Emmaus. Somebody walked with them all day long, speaking to them about the Word of God. They didn't recognize who it was. But when He got in that night, He got them inside the building and closed the door, He did something before them just like He did before He was crucified. They recognized it, because no one else did it that way. They knew that it was Him. And quickly He vanished out of their sight---behind the curtains somewhere and was gone. Light hearted, they run back to tell the rest of the disciples, "Indeed the Lord has risen."

Luke 24:13 And, behold, two of them went that same day to a village called Emmaus, which was from Jerusalem about threescore furlongs.

Luke 24:31 And their eyes were opened, and they knew him; and he vanished out of their sight.

Luke 24:34 Saying, The Lord is risen indeed, and hath appeared to Simon.

70 Will You tonight do the same thing, Lord? Will You come in our midst and perform and do just as You did before You was crucified, that this audience might know that You are their God and their Saviour, and You've been the one that spared them and blessed them? And may they realize... If You'll do something like You did before your crucifixion, they know that You're not dead but You're alive forevermore, as the Scripture says You are---the same yesterday, today, and forever. If You'll do that, Lord, we'll all return home, saying like they did, "Did not our hearts burn within us as He talked to us along the way?" We ask it in Jesus' name, Amen.
Surely God will help us tonight with an audience like this standing patiently ... [Someone from the audience makes an announcement about a car blocking another brother who needs to get to work, and asks that it be moved.] Thank you. Yes, brother. All right, that's fine. If you'll be so kind. I see someone going out, so I guess the brother will be out all right. Thank you.

Luke 24:32 And they said one to another, Did not our heart burn within us, while he talked with us by the way, and while he opened to us the scriptures?

Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

71 I held you so long tonight, but I'm only trying to ... see, if you just jump in, not knowing what you're doing, then what good does it do, see? But I want to get you to a spot to where you can see that it's the Scripture. It's the fulfilling of the Scripture. Now, last night we took the subject where He was Messiah, was to appear in the body of believers in this last day to perform and do the same thing He did then.
Now, I believe we... Where did ... we started from number one last time, called about fifty. We called just a few out from number one. We just keep calling around among them till we get them all up here.

72 Let's start tonight somewhere else. Each time, we told you ... I told the minister brothers that we'd start from somewhere each night, the same card, somewhere each night. Let's start, let's say, from eighty. That will be ... eighty, and see if we can... How many can we stand here? We can stand about fifteen or twenty people perhaps. Who has prayer card 80? Raise up your hand. Prayer card... And you want Jesus to heal you, raise up your hand, all that don't have a prayer card.

73 All right. Now, while the ushers are lining them up, now just a minute...
That prayer card hasn't got one thing to do with it. How many has ever been in a meeting before and knows that's true? Raise your hand. Sure, that has not one thing to do with it, not one thing. Now, you sitting out there that hasn't got a prayer card, you just pray and say, "Brother Branham doesn't know me. Lord, he told me a while ago that You were a high priest that could be touched by the feeling of our infirmities. Now, I'm going to touch You. I'm forgetting about Brother Branham standing there, but I'm going to touch You. My faith looks to Thee, Lord. I want to touch You." Don't get hysterically about it---nothing will happen. Just common, just common faith... Just say, "Lord, let me touch You." Then you say, "Then how would I know that I touched you? You have Brother Branham to turn around and tell me, just like when a woman touched You through your Son Jesus. Brother Branham and that minister there are your adopted sons, see. But they're taking the Son's place while He's up there making intercession as the high priest." He's our elder brother. Did you know that? Sure, and we're God's children, too, by adoption by Him.

Hebrews 4:15 For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin.

74 Now, if everyone just won't move for a few minutes now... Just be real quiet for a few minutes. Believe with all your heart. All right.
Now, how many in the building is strangers to me, you know that I don't know a thing about you? Raise up your hands. The entire audience. There's not one person that I can see in this building that I know except my ... I seen my friend Welch Evans here a while ago from Georgia, sitting back up here, way back here. That's him, he and his wife, he and Fred Sothmann (one of the trustees of my church, Jeffersonville, sitting right back out here, somewhere), and Brother and Sister Simpson sitting by him. That's the only people in this building I know outside of Brother Borders, Brother Gene Goad right here; and, well, my friend was here, but he isn't here now. That's all I know, see.

75 Now, if I do not know you, I would ask this question... Now, we're taking our time, because if you ever once get it in here, something's going to happen. Now, if Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever... Does the Bible say that? Say "Amen." All right. Now, how many knows that He has already redeemed you from sickness and death? Say "Amen." Well, He couldn't redeem you again, could He? Now, if He was standing here Himself, He couldn't do one more thing about it than He could [unclear word] through you and I. "He that receives me receives Him that sent me." He that receives You receives Me." Is that right? "He that receives me receives Him that sent me."
Now, if you'll just receive the Holy Spirit, the message of it... I've quoted you the Bible, see, just telling you what He did and what He promised, in a little drama so the little children... Because I think this little thing sitting here and many other there, little thumb-sucker babies sitting there watching, and my heart burning for them and everything...

Matthew 10:40 He that receiveth you receiveth me, and he that receiveth me receiveth him that sent me.

John 13:20 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that receiveth whomsoever I send receiveth me; and he that receiveth me receiveth him that sent me.

2 Timothy 3:16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:

Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

76 Now, if this God who made the Bible, who wrote the Bible... Do you believe God inspired ... the Bible is inspired, God's Word? Do you believe it? You believe it with all your heart? All right, it's God inspired Word. Then if it's God's inspired Word, then, if the inspiration of God is here with us to make this Word live to prove that He's here, surely you can receive Him. Is that right?
Now, I want to know, you in this prayer line, every one of you that is strangers to me---that I know nothing about you---raise up your hands. That's all strangers. Everybody's strangers. Now, remember, I am not a healer and no other man is a healer. God is the healer. That's right.
Now, if Jesus was standing here now, tonight, right here with this suit on that He gave me, and if He wanted to declare Himself, how would you know it was Him? He'd act the same way He did when He was here on earth. Is that right? He'd do the same things. Then, you would know then that He was the Messiah. I'm not the Messiah. No other man is the Messiah. He is the Messiah, but his Spirit dwells in us, see. It's not us, because I, for myself, now...
Which one? All right.

John 14:17 Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.

77 Now, I don't know the woman. Never seen her in my life. She raised her hand a few minutes ago, said neither one of us knowed each other. Here's my hand---Bible laying open here ---I don't know her. I never seen her. You don't know me. Here we are, strangers.
Now, here's a very beautiful picture of St. John 4. Here's a panoramic like the well there, the public well at Samaria. Now, every person in here be ready to receive it, and this would settle it right here. You be ready, you be ready, you, you, all that's around here just be ready, see; because if you can see Him come in and do exactly like that, shows that He's not dead. He's alive here watching his Word. And your little bark's all tossed around, see. Then believe Him. Just accept it. Don't be afraid. He said, "It is I, be not afraid." Now, remember that, "Be not afraid, it's I."
Don't be afraid to take Him at his Word. Say, "I believe You, Lord. I'll get well." Just do that.
"Be not afraid, it's I."

Matthew 14:27 But straightway Jesus spake unto them, saying, Be of good cheer; it is I; be not afraid.

Mark 6:20 For Herod feared John, knowing that he was a just man and an holy, and observed him; and when he heard him, he did many things, and heard him gladly.

Mark 6:50 For they all saw him, and were troubled. And immediately he talked with them, and saith unto them, Be of good cheer: it is I; be not afraid.

John 4:6 Now Jacob's well was there. Jesus therefore, being wearied with his journey, sat thus on the well: and it was about the sixth hour.

John 4:7 There cometh a woman of Samaria to draw water: Jesus saith unto her, Give me to drink.

78 Now, listen. If this woman and I are perfect strangers and have never seen one another, if I am anointed with the Holy Spirit and could tell her something in her life like Jesus did the woman at the well, whatever it might be that's in her life (we've never seen one another), it has to come through some spiritual power. Is that right? We know that. It would be a miracle. How many know that? A miracle is something that can't be solved out. All right. Then, if it would take place, how many of you would believe it was the Christ, the Holy Ghost, the same. All right, then just receive it. But her and I together never seen one another in our lives.
Now, for the glory of God, in the name of Jesus Christ, I take every spirit in here under my control for the glory of God. Now, be reverent, be in prayer, quietly.
Now, lady, I want to speak to you, just as Jesus did to the woman. Now, you might be here for sickness, you might be here for somebody else, you might ... I don't know, see. It might be finance. You're just a woman standing here. That's the same way that the woman met our Lord. Now, and He talked to her a little while.

79 Now, you have to take my word for this. I couldn't prove this by the Scripture. But He had need go by Samaria and He said He did nothing till the Father showed Him, so it must have been this way. The Father sent Him up to Samaria. All right. Only thing He knowed to do was go up to Samaria. He thought He'd get alone, so He just sent the disciples away. He waited. A woman come up, so that might be the one. So, He sat there and began to talk to her. What was He doing? Contacting her spirit. Now, if He'd went down there and said, "I am the Messiah, I am the Messiah"... It'd be better for her to tell it, see. Let Him declare Himself to this woman. God works in mysterious ways. And He told that woman something was in her life.
Well, she said, "You must be a prophet. I know when the Messiah cometh, He'll tell us this." She said, "He'll do these things."
Jesus said, "I'm He."
Now, He promised the same works, and especially in this age.

John 4:4 And he must needs go through Samaria.

John 4:7 There cometh a woman of Samaria to draw water: Jesus saith unto her, Give me to drink.

John 4:8 (For his disciples were gone away unto the city to buy meat.)

John 4:17 The woman answered and said, I have no husband. Jesus said unto her, Thou hast well said, I have no husband:

John 4:18 For thou hast had five husbands; and he whom thou now hast is not thy husband: in that saidst thou truly.

John 4:19 The woman saith unto him, Sir, I perceive that thou art a prophet.

John 4:25 The woman saith unto him, I know that Messias cometh, which is called Christ: when he is come, he will tell us all things.

John 4:26 Jesus saith unto her, I that speak unto thee am he.

John 5:19 Then answered Jesus and said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do: for what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise.

80 Now, if you were sick, and I said, "I have the gift of divine healing..." A gift of divine healing is nothing but faith in divine healing. That's all it is---have faith. Everybody has faith in divine healing has a gift of divine healing, because that's all it is. Now, that don't make them a divine healer, no more than it makes a man that believes in salvation a divine saviour, see. It's just he believes in it. I believe in it, too. But I'm not a gifted person like some of the men, like Jack Coe and many of them brethren was, just real... I guess God deals with them in their ways, and Brother Roberts in his ways, and me with my ways. We just got ministries, that's all.

81 God set in the church apostles, prophets, teachers, evangelists, pastors [unclear word] and then nine spiritual gifts in the church.
Now you say, "Brother Branham, what are you trying to do?" I'm trying to contact your spirit. Jesus sent me to this city. I was led here.
Now, here's a woman had a number on a prayer card, way up in ... I forget where I called ... fifty or seventy-five or somewhere around, ever where it was. You just happened to be that woman standing there. All right. Now, not knowing one another ... now, what am I trying to do? Contact your spirit. And if the Lord God ... if I said I had a gift of healing, laid my hands on you and say, "Praise the Lord. Hallelujah! You're going to get well," that would be all right. Go believe that, you'd get well. I believe it. God will honor your faith. But what if He comes and tells you something that you have been, then tells you what you will be? You know what has been---whether it's the truth or not---something that you have done in your life, way back here, or whatever He does, or something on that order. Then it would make the same Messiah. The audience wouldn't think it; they'd believe it and just accept it.

82 Now, may He grant it.
Now, if the audience can still hear my voice, that pillar of fire that you see on the picture is standing right between me and the woman. I see her; she's moving away. She looks years younger than what she does in person standing close to me. She's moved back to ... she's had some sort of an operation, and that was on her throat. It was a goiter. That's right. If that's right, raise up your hand. All right. Now, do you believe with all your heart? Now, let's just talk to the woman just a little bit longer, see, just a little longer, see, so that you... The people thinks, "You guessed it." See what else He'll say.
Yes, I see her now, again. It's a surgery on the throat. That's been quite a while ago, and the thing's come back again. You got it again. That is right. But, see, he's hid from the doctor, but he can't hide from God. God knows right where he's at. It's a life, the multiplication of cells growing, smothering, just like you was a little baby in the womb of your mother growing. But this has no form; it's just spreading out. It's a devil, choking spirit, that's right.

83 That you might know, there sits a woman sitting right there, throat trouble too. That's right. What did you touch? I don't know you, do I? Never seen you in my life. But that's what you're suffering with. See, I could feel that one spirit calling to the other one, like that, across, see, like that---just crossed up. If the Holy Spirit would tell me who you are, would it help you? Would it help the audience? Miss Harrison, you can go home and be well. Your faith saves you.
Is Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today and forever? Now, here was a woman standing here with a prayer card; that one sitting out there in the audience, see. Now, it's totally impossible for me to do that. You say, "Brother Branham, tell me." I can't do it. I don't know. You just touch Him and find out. That woman sitting there was praying, and that spirit... Then you start praying and see what happens. You just believe it. Don't you doubt it. You believe it with all your heart and just see what happens. Have faith.

Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

84 We are strangers to one another. We were born probably years apart. But if the Lord God will reveal to me something in your heart that you might know that it is ... it's his Word, that this message that I have preached tonight, that's his Word. And if that dwells in my heart then the Word of God is a discerner of the thoughts and the intents of the heart. Is that right? Just like it was when it was made flesh in the Son of God, it's the same thing in our flesh, today, the church.
So, I couldn't do it by myself; it takes you to do it, too. Takes them out there. It takes somebody else out there to have the same anointing, see. It'll work; but maybe they might not be able to speak it out, because this is a gift, see. And I was born ... gifts and callings are without repentance. I was just a little bitty baby boy, the same thing that happened right along, all down through life [unclear word].

John 1:14 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.

Romans 11:29 For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance.

Hebrews 4:12 For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

85 You're sick, because you've been consulting a doctor about something. Right. And that's throat trouble, also. And now here's the analysis of it. You be the judge. It's in the voice box, and it's a ulcer inside the voice box. It was; it isn't now. Have faith, just have faith.
We are strangers to one another, lady. I don't know you. If God will reveal to me what you're here for, you believe me to be his prophet, or his servant? You will? It's a hernia. Had some trouble, haven't you? But the surgeon ... operation, kind of a question on cancer. Now, it's come to a hernia. That's true. Do you believe that He heals you? Then go on. God will make it well. God bless you.
Have faith. Do you believe? Out in the audience there, just be real reverent. I don't care where you are, I ask you as your brother, in the name of Jesus Christ, to believe this to be the truth. Watch what happens. Just pray and say, "Lord, let me touch You." See what happens. I believe.

86 Now, it makes me so weak, just so weak. How many would understand that? Sure. If the Son of God... Just one person touched Him, and He said strength went out of Him. What about me, a sinner saved by grace? But it declares He's here. It declares his presence. He's here. Do you believe that ... you standing up, all around, do you believe it? Just have faith and believe it. Now, when I get about three of these, you let me know, so... I got other meetings coming.
I'm a stranger to you. I do not know you. But do you believe me to be his servant? If you were standing here, and our Lord was here in a physical form... He's here spiritually, because it's the Holy Spirit that come down on Him like a dove. And now, it comes on us like a fire. You are a believer. I don't mean a hitchhiker; I mean a believer. Then do you believe me to be his servant? If I will be able to tell you by the Spirit of God what you're here for, you'll believe? Sinus. That's a terrific thing. If that's right, raise up your hand. That's right. But that's not all that's on your heart. You got something else on your heart you want me to tell you about. He's got an ulcer on the legs. Take that handkerchief that you wipe your tears with and put on, and the ulcer will leave him. Go believing.

Mark 5:30 And Jesus, immediately knowing in himself that virtue had gone out of him, turned him about in the press, and said, Who touched my clothes?

Luke 8:46 And Jesus said, Somebody hath touched me: for I perceive that virtue is gone out of me.

87 How do you do, sir? We are strangers to one another. I have never seen you before, and we are strangers to each other. But the God of heaven who raised up his Son, Jesus Christ---who ascended on high and sent gifts back to men, and He set in the church apostles (which means missionary), prophets (that means seer), pastors, evangelists, so forth, He still remains to be God. If God will reveal to me what your trouble is, will you receive me as his prophet, or his servant? Will you do that? All right. Will the audience do the same thing? (Is this three yet? Well, just ... we got this one here.) Something strange about the man, I can't make it out. Let the Holy Spirit reveal it as I speak with him. I hope my voice is loud enough you can hear it.

Ephesians 4:11 And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers;

88 It goes beyond ... now, here it comes to the man. The man's in a terrible condition. He's at the hour of death almost. He's shadowed for death with a cancer. And the cancer's in his throat. That is right. You smoking cigarettes. That's hard on the throat. Will you quit them? Give it up? Another thing, you're not a Christian; you're a sinner. Will you accept Him as your Saviour for your soul? The apostle Peter came. He was a sinner too. If God can reveal to me your name and tell me your name like He did the apostle Peter, will you believe that it's the Christ of God who loves you and saves you now? You'll take my word that your sins are forgiven? You will? Mr. Davidson, then you go home and get well. Have faith in God.
I keep feeling something come in out there from somewhere---you think I'm reading your mind. I'm not.
Here, just touch my hand, lady. If I will look this way and tell you what's your trouble, you'll know whether it's right or not. Is that right? Then your cancer will leave if you'll believe it. Will you believe it? Raise up your hand if that's so. Then go, have faith.

John 1:42 And he brought him to Jesus. And when Jesus beheld him, he said, Thou art Simon the son of Jona: thou shalt be called Cephas, which is by interpretation, A stone.

89 Come, lady. Will you believe, lady? If God will reveal to me, looking this way, what's your trouble, will you believe me to be his prophet, or his servant? You believe me to be his... Thank you. Then go eat your supper, that stomach condition has left you.
If I tell you before the lady comes, she has the same thing... Got a nervous stomach. You've had it for a long time. Go eat. Have faith.
Do you believe, with heart trouble, you sitting there? Then go, praise the Lord. Don't doubt.
Heart trouble; God will heal that heart trouble. Go believe, with all your heart. God heals arthritis, too. Do you know that? Then go believe. Do you believe God can heal your asthma and make you well? Go rejoicing. Do you believe God can heal your diabetes and make you well? Keep on going. If that other lady can be healed of asthma, a young girl like you can be healed, couldn't you? Don't doubt, have faith.
Do you believe it?

90 The whole audience is becoming milky like [unclear word]. That man sitting over on the right, sitting there, looking at me... I caught it a few minutes ago when the lady had... Believe, your faith saves you. Go repent.
Do you believe with all your heart? Do you believe God will heal that diabetes? You started to get up a while ago; I could have told you then. Don't worry, it's over.
What about you sitting next to him, there. That bless you, too? The man sitting next to you. Do you believe God will heal that high blood pressure and make you well? All right.
The lady sitting next to him has diabetes too. You believe He'll make you well? What about the man sitting in the uniform? Do you believe you'll get well? Come here. In the name of the Lord Jesus, go be healed.
You're trying to get a hold of yourself. Everybody's telling you that anyhow, but nervousness is a terrible thing. You're always afraid to put your foot ... because it starts from right there. Is that right? You're on the spot now. Your nervousness is gone.
Do you believe with all your heart?

91 Some of you out there pray, believe. Here. Here's a woman sitting before me. She's praying, but she's not praying for herself. She's praying for her mother, a mother in an insane institution. You wondered if I was going to get you, wasn't you? You was the one had the contact, because you was praying for your mother. Raise up your hand, woman sitting here, sure. I challenge you to believe it. I challenge you to believe it any way you want to. Do you believe it?
How many else in here... ? How many in here don't know Jesus as their saviour, would like to know Him right now as your saviour? Raise up your hand. You don't to know Him as your saviour. Stand up on your feet. You don't know Him as your saviour, right now, while He's present, stand on your feet, everywhere in the building. Stand on your feet.

92 You know He's present, don't you? I'm coming [unclear words] this altar. Jesus Christ, God's Son, is here to forgive you of every sin. Would you accept Him? Not what you feel; but upon the basis that He died for you, and you know that you're in his presence now, and you believe that He died for you and you want Him to be your saviour---will accept Him upon those grounds? Raise up your hands to Him.
Heavenly Father, You said in the Word that "no man can come to me except my Father draws him first." And these people in their spirits know that they are wrong, and so they've accepted You as their saviour. I pray, Father, that You'll grant that to them right now. They've accepted You. You said, "He that comes to me I will in nowise cast out. Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I'll give you rest." You said in St. John 5:24: "He that heareth my words and believeth on him that sent me has everlasting life, and shall not come to the judgment but is passed from death to life." They're yours, Father. They're the tokens of this meeting.

Matthew 11:28 Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

John 5:24 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life.

John 6:37 All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out.

John 6:44 No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day.

93 With your heads bowed... If you believe that God hears my prayer, I want you to walk up here. You come right out of the aisle. You that raised your hand, come up here and stand here, right up around the altar. Move right down this way, just a minute, every one that wants Christ, right now come right down here.
But that thy blood was shed for me,
And that Thou bidd'st me come to Thee,
O Lamb of God, I come, I come.
Every church member that doesn't know Christ as your saviour and you want to know Him, why would you turn Him away right now, when we see that He's right here, present? If God hears my prayer, and opens the eyes of the blind, makes the lame to walk, He's here; He'll forgive your sins, too.

94 If He knows your heart and tells you on the platform what's wrong, He tells me out there there's still more that ought to come. He's speaking to you, I don't have to call you---because I'm getting so weak I can't hardly stand here. Come right quick, will you, so I won't have to wait any longer? Come, right now.
Just as I am and waiting not
To rid my soul of one dark blot.
To Thee whose blood can cleanse each spot,
O Lamb of God, I come, I come.
Just as I am, Thou wilt receive,
Wilt welcome, pardon, cleanse, relieve;
Because Thy promise I believe,
O Lamb (come, my brother; come, my sister)
I come, I come.
Just as I am, Thou wilt receive,
Wilt welcome, pardon.........
Come everyone, come now. If you're not too sure, come now. He's right here at the platform. Before God, I tell the truth: that pillar of fire, that angel of God, who knows the heart of every man, is right here now.
Lamb of God (You'll never be any closer
until you see Him coming.) I come.
(If there's any question in your heart,
come now.)
Just as I am and waiting not,
To rid my soul of one dark blot.
To Thee whose blood can cleanse each
... (Have you been prayed for?)
O Lamb...............
............. wilt receive
Wilt welcome ... (Come on, little lady.)

Be not afraid (1961-03-11) (William M. Branham Sermons)

Be not afraid (1961-03-11) (William M. Branham Sermons) somebody

Be not afraid

1 It's great to be back in the congregation of the Lord tonight on this Saturday night. And so much wickedness is going on. Always Saturday night is a night that Satan takes hold. But to see people still love the Lord enough to come out and serve Him, that's remarkable. I certainly appreciate that, appreciate your kindness. Now, tomorrow morning now, all you visitors here make your way to some of these fine churches. They're here for representing this meeting, and if you're visiting here, why, just take the church of your choice. There's many different denominations, and just take your place at Sunday school. They'll be very happy to have you.

2 And then tomorrow afternoon, I think at two o'clock, we start the services. I think they gave it out first at three. And they know I'm such a long-winded preacher so I think they got scared and set it up so you would get to church tomorrow night. So come at two o'clock tomorrow afternoon.
And then we'll try to let out in time so you can go home and have your... What is it up here, is it supper up here or dinner? Huh? I get that all mixed up. See, to me it'd be supper. If I had my dinner at that time of day, then when will I have my supper? I miss out a meal somewhere. I just like a supper.
They say, "That's wrong, Brother Branham." Oh no, that's scriptural. You never taken the Lord's dinner; you take the Lord's supper. That's right. No dinner, nothing about it; it was the Lord's supper. This high-falutin' ways they have nowadays don't cope with the Bible, you see. In our old Kentucky ways down there, where we come from, we have dinner, breakfast, and supper. And so tomorrow afternoon... [Congregation laughs.] Something went wrong somewhere.

3 Well, if I'm wrong I was just brought up wrong, see, I guess. So it was dinner, breakfast, and supper at our house. Pop come in... [Congregation laughs.] Breakfast, dinner, and supper, that's right. I knowed there was something wrong somewhere. I said something. My wife, she said, "You can say so many things wrong." And that's right. She sure is right on that.
Some announcements: If your church isn't having service some time next week, we'll be right up here in Ohio with Brother Sullivan and them, where we've been so many times. I think it's the Municipal Auditorium there, and we'd be very glad to have you.

4 Now, let's see, the name of that city is Middletown. I want to call it Milltown. There's where the Lord performed a great miracle once when I was pastoring the Baptist church at Milltown. But it's Middletown. I had it wrote Milltown; but Middletown, Ohio, and we'd be glad to have you over there. But if your church has got service now, you stay at your post of duty.
I believe I know a preacher sitting here. That's Brother Hall, isn't it, from down in Tennessee? I just happened to spot you there, Brother Hall, the Lord bless you. Glad to see you there. And I think sitting over next is one of the brothers was on the private interviews this morning. Is that right, over second there? Thought I recognized him.

5 See, we have private interviews. You might wonder how they come, but there's about six hundred on the waiting list now. Not just for just one city; this is worldwide. People come from all over the world. And they sign up for months and months and months ahead of time, to come in---people who has to know, to go on, what the word of the Lord is to them. And we get with them, and just stay right with them, until the Lord speaks and tells what they must do.
Now you say, "That's, that's..." Well, certainly that's scriptural. That's exactly right. And of course we realize that's prophetic office. Which, I don't claim to be any prophet of the Lord, but yet He has let me find things, and tell me things to tell to his children to help them. He's never failed me yet.

6 For instance this man sitting right here this morning, how they come into the place, and others is here too. Some of them write in and get these invitations, that when we're near a city, well, then, they bring these invitations. And the field secretary has to recognize those because we've made them a promise. And we get them in through the daytime. And that's why I come to the service at night already so many visions it just nearly kills you.
And you can ask them that's in the meetings, that's in those private interviews, how the Holy Spirit comes and brings out things that no one knows but God alone. Things ... tells people that ... back when they were little children. That's different than what it is here on the platform. Here on the platform it's just ... you just see something and speak it and go ahead, because you have to get the next one. But this way, when you got maybe two or three in a day, run of a day, then you just stay there till the Holy Spirit reveals the whole thing. They don't have to say one word. It tells them itself what they have done, what kind of a trouble they're in, what they should do, then tells them back through their life, telling them what has been done, and so forth.

7 How many has ever been in them interviews, know that's true? Raise up your hands. Yes, see, there's several of them here. This fellow raised his hand, and others since we've been here. Goes right back to childhood and brings it right up. Tells you where you made your mistakes and what ... if you're sincere before the Lord and He gives it to me. Now, that's the only way I can do it. I don't control it; it controls me, see. It takes you to believe it.
But there's many times that people get in such trouble... We know, the first thing, if the Word of God will settle it, stay right there with the Word of God, because that's God's Word.

8 But now, what if you've made some mistake in life, or done something, or don't know what to do? And then you don't know what the will of the Lord is, see. Then you got a right to come and ask Him.
Remember one time in the Bible there was ... I believe it was Jesse's sons had lost ... Jesse had lost ... some mules had gone away. They said, "We'd go down to the seer if we had a gift to give him [and they were sincere in that] and he'd tell us where to go find them." And then we find out that the seer met them on the street and told them the mules had already returned home. And he went to anoint David to be king.

1 Samuel 9:6 And he said unto him, Behold now, there is in this city a man of God, and he is an honourable man; all that he saith cometh surely to pass: now let us go thither; peradventure he can shew us our way that we should go.

1 Samuel 9:7 Then said Saul to his servant, But, behold, if we go, what shall we bring the man? for the bread is spent in our vessels, and there is not a present to bring to the man of God: what have we?

9 And so many places in the Bible, when they went up before the servants of the Lord to ask council.
Well, now, I want to ask you, what about you, when you get all messed up and troubled, don't you go to your pastor? Is that right? You should do it. If you get in trouble, you should go to your brother and tell him, say, "Brother, I did something wrong, I shouldn't have did that. I pray you to help me now to pray through till I get over this thing, or help me in my troubles." Isn't that the scriptural way to do it? Well, that's because he's your pastor, he's your shepherd. He's the one who gives the food out to you to eat, and he knows how to feed his sheep that God has... The Holy Spirit has made him overseer over the flock to watch over them and take care of them. And that's what he's for.

10 Well, the same thing, see. I'm not a preacher, you know that. I just ... I haven't enough education to be a preacher. But the Lord... I love to tell people what I know about Him. But my gift in God is something different.
I'm looking right ... sitting here in front of me is another one was in the meeting this morning, one of the meetings---a Baptist brother. His wife's a Methodist. This Baptist brother had the hardest time of ever giving up cigarettes. So he kept coming down, and keep going on, and kept pressing along and... Fine man. I don't say that because he's sitting here. Just happened to notice he and his wife. And so finally one day while he was down there at Jeffersonville, waiting on one of those private interviews, the Holy Spirit came right in and revealed the whole thing and condemned the cigarettes---which, he had tried, he'd prayed, he'd lay down. From that time he never touched one. Is that right, Brother Artez, or ... what's your name? Arnett. He's from down south here somewhere. Columbia, South Carolina. And it's been over since then, hasn't it? That's right.
And now this morning... He'd waited and had another interview upon something that he didn't know what to do---just watch and see what the Lord said.

11 Before he come his wife had had a dream of what ... she'd dreamed the dream. And before they even come or said anything, I told the brethren what she was going to tell me about the dream, and what the interpretation was, before they ever got there. Isn't that right? Before it ever happened, just what would take place and what the dream meant.
Here some time ago I was in a meeting. And I believe in old-fashioned holiness, and I believe in calling just exactly what the Bible says. Say it, that's all. No matter if it hurts, it hurts, it... If you do that to be mean, then I ought to go to the altar and get right. But I do it out of love.

Hebrews 4:12 For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

12 If you seen your child doing something he was going to kill himself with it, wouldn't you help that child? If you had to give him a little posterior protoplasm stimulation, you know, just really pour it on him, you'd be better off to do that than it would be to let the kid get killed. Don't you think so? Certainly. If you'd really have to correct him and whip him and make him behave... Well, that's the way God does us. And here's ... his whip is the gospel. It's sharper than a two-edged sword, really cutting. And if a servant is called of God, he won't compromise on one word.
A certain minister met me not long ago, a very outstanding man, doctor of divinity. He said, "Brother Branham, your meetings should hit the great nerve centers." Said, "You could hit the places like New York City and so ... great big places." And said, "We've got our own planes and [this denominational church]," and said, "we'll fly you around the world, just hitting the high places, the nerve centers." Said, "That ministry ought to be known to everybody." And he said, "There's just one thing I want to ask you to do." Said, "Just on a couple of things that you preach, if you'd just forget about that and lay that aside."

13 And I looked at him and I called him by name. I'm afraid to say it because many of you know him. And I said, "Doctor, I'm surprised that a man of your caliber, a servant of Christ, would ask another servant of Christ to compromise on the Word of God." I said, "I'm surprised at you saying that."
He said, "Well, we think that you're wrong in your conception."
I said, "Then correct me by the Scripture." That's the way to do it. I said, "Then correct me," see. And I said, "I would not compromise on the Word of God. No, sir." And I said, "Besides..."
He said, "Well, something you do is, Brother Branham, you hang around a bunch of people that's just little groups here and there."
I said, "Listen, God ... when Jesus came, He never hit the nerve centers. He came to the elected. My ministry is to the elected." I said, "What I do I am led to do, and I don't care about nerve centers. I go where the Lord leads me.

14 What if I had great big programs and I had to have so many thousand dollars every day, what would I do? I wouldn't have that worry... I'm glad the Lord... He knowed to not put that on me. I haven't got enough mental powers to take care of that." I said, "I wouldn't have these programs. I don't have to have nothing, see. Just all I need is his grace. That's all." That's right, it's all I need.
I was standing not long ago and watching a great beautiful building that had been built. And I stood there and my heart just wept, and I thought "Oh, my, Lord." I went over there and I looked. I seen something some brothers had done. I looked down there and seen these great things, and I stood out there. Truly, I'll confess it. Wonderful people. Yes, sir. Real servants of Christ. And I thought, "My, isn't it wonderful, Lord. But what's the matter with me?" And I said, "Maybe I can't be trusted."
Just then I heard a voice, said, "But I am your portion."
I said, "Thank You, Lord, I'll just take that part." "I am your portion." He is my portion. That's what I want, Him to be my portion.

15 I believe the Lord is coming soon. I preach that, I live that, I want to believe that and stay with that. That's right. And if you preach and say the Lord's coming soon, and doing things looks like it's going to be a million years yet before He comes, well, your own works condemn your testimony, see. That ... if He's coming soon, let's make ready.
How much different that Pentecost is today than what it used to be. I was standing with the Full Gospel Christian Business Men, wonderful group. That's the only organization I belong to. And it's not an organization; it's an organism. And the reason I do that, I have the businessmen out of every group to come out; and then it kind of embarrasses their pastor, so they'll cooperate. So then it brings the whole church out, and I get to work for all of them. I stand in between the breach and say, "We are brothers, we are brothers. We're not to have differences and lines. We're to be brothers, all of us together."

16 And I was in Kingston, Jamaica, and I'd heard some of the businessmen that day giving testimony before those businessmen there, about "My little business was just so-and-so. Bless God, I got three Cadillacs and I got this, that, and the other."
That night I said, "Oh, brethren, how much different Pentecost is now than when it first fell. When it first fell," I said, "the people sold what they had and become paupers in order to take the gospel." And I said, "Nowadays, they try to tell those businessmen... They got business, they know what to do. That ain't what they're after. Let them know the love of God, that's what they're trying to find; not how to make their business better. God doesn't promise a flowery bed of ease. Our way is rugged and hard. And if you're not willing to take that way, don't start, because if you really serve God you're going to come a rugged way, I mean. "Some through the waters and some through the floods, some through deep trials, but all through the blood." That's right. That's the way He leads his children.
There was a certain little evangelist, singing with us over there. He said, "But, Brother Branham," he said, "that's one time that the disciples made a mistake."
I said, "What was that? I don't believe they would. They were inspired men."
He said, "Well, when all the people sold their goods and laid them at the apostles feet," said, "when the persecution arose, they didn't have any home to go to. They had no place to go back." He said, "It showed they made a mistake."
I said, "God makes no mistakes. No, sir."
He said, "Well, if they'd have had a home to go to..."

Acts 4:34 Neither was there any among them that lacked: for as many as were possessors of lands or houses sold them, and brought the prices of the things that were sold,

Acts 4:35 And laid them down at the apostles' feet: and distribution was made unto every man according as he had need.

17 I said, "That's what God wanted them to do. They scattered abroad, having no home, and spread the gospel throughout all the country because they had no place to go. That's the way God had to do it." Oh, if we'd just follow the leading of the Spirit, see. Then it would be better, if we just went back to the leading of the Spirit and follow that. We'd be much better off, I believe.
Now, we're hoping now that everybody gets healed. Last night was a glorious night. I just feel the impact of the Spirit, how it moved upon the people, and how God dealt. Now, pastors, my brethren, you remember---a long time after I'm gone, when I'm gone from here---you remember, there'll be women and men that's had troubles for a long time will be come up, testifying, "It's gone."

Acts 8:4 Therefore they that were scattered abroad went every where preaching the word.

18 Last night leaving the platform I staggered. I couldn't help it, see. I hardly knew where I was at. There's such a tremendous rise in faith, you see. It's coming up.
Now it's too bad that we just have to stay just a few days and then leave. See, if we'd just wait a little while, if we had just time, but we're just roaming across the country, everywhere we can, trying to get in every lick at Satan that we can get. And to the church elect, and let them see that ... a sign that Christ said would be before the coming. Because I don't know what hour He might appear, and I want to do everything that's in my power. So pray for me. That's the best thing you can do for me is pray for me.
Now, as I said, I have no programs to support, or anything. And if I had, then I couldn't be here. Many of the brethren, who have great programs that they have to support---radio worldwide, television, and great things like that---they can't afford to come to a little group of people.

19 But, see, the Lord knowed I was kind of a little, well, uneducated fellow so He can just let me go down and catch them that the other brothers don't get, I suppose. I held a meeting just recently in a church that seated twenty people. I know it was pathetic, but I did. But, therefore, see, when the Lord wants me to go overseas... Say, "How do you do that?" Somehow or other somebody comes and gives me the money to go.
And if I have to go to a little place, I'm under no obligation but what I can go, so I just... Wherever He wants me to go, He takes care of it, and I just live by faith, and walk by faith. And when He wants me to do anything He always provides a way.

Matthew 18:20 For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.

20 I've preached to 500,000 at one time; I've preached to five or six at one time. Held a meeting where ten or fifteen would be sitting. And some of the sweetest meetings I ever had was in a prayer meeting in a home somewhere. That's right. God can come to a little group or a big group. It makes no difference the size with God. "Wherever two or three are gathered I'll be in their midst." That's it.
Now before we approach the Word, we want to approach the author. Did anybody ever know Booth-Clibborn? Many of you, I guess. William Booth-Clibborn wrote that famous song, "Down From His Glory." Personal friend of mine. And he preaches the gospel in seven different languages. He's just so smart. That's old man General Booth's grandson. And he's an Englishman, and Booth... (He may be sitting here.) So he's quite a fellow, a real theologian.
And one day we got kind of crossed up with something another, and so I said, "Well, Brother Booth, how could that ever be, being this is that?"

21 Now, Brother Booth, if you're here I don't aim to raise the subject again. But he was tied and he couldn't have no place to go. So I just let him jump and he jumped, right in his own track. You know, just like give a cow enough rope and it'll hang itself. So he got out on the limb and couldn't get back. And I said, "What now, Brother Booth?"
He said, "You just don't know your Bible."
I said, "But I know the Author real well." That's it, see. I said, "He'll teach me the rest of it." So, if we don't know the Word, let's know the Author real well, and He won't let us go wrong. He'll guide us somehow to the right. So let's speak to Him now before we approach his Word, as we bow our heads.

22 Our heavenly Father, we are grateful for the opportunity again this side of eternity to present Jesus Christ to an audience that's waiting. And now I've often thought what I would do if I had a charger or a glass in my hand and in that glass held one drop of the literal blood of Jesus. How I would embrace that to my heart, and how the adoration that I'd have for that would pour forth, as tears would stream down my cheeks---that I have in my hand one drop of the literal blood of the Lord Jesus, that blood who saved me. And yonder, when the doctors give me just three more minutes to live, better than thirty years ago, it saved me and it healed me.
O God, how that I have seen You through the years take tens of thousands times thousands of sick people that our physicians had given up and make them healthy and well people to continue their life. That blood is what did it. And I would think how I would hold that.
But tonight in your own Word I hold a greater than one drop of the blood; I hold the purchase of that blood before me. He loved his people more than He loved his own life, so He gave his life's blood to purchase this people. Then, Lord, how should I approach them? A greater than the blood itself; the purchase price of the blood.

23 Now, Father, I pray that You'll hide me so that I won't see man, or fear man, or nothing, but just preach the Word. Lay it out simple and plain, and then may You come behind that and confirm what I've said to be the truth. And then that makes it true, Lord. And if I never meet this people again this side of heaven, or this side of the judgment, then there'll be no man's blood on my hands, Lord, and You'll be free because You confirm your Word. I pray You'll grant it tonight.
Heal the sick, Lord, and save those who are savable, all that You have called. If there's any of those in here tonight, Lord, that before the world began, by your great foreknowledge, You knew would be saved, and tonight somehow You've herded them right into the place, may something be done tonight that'll cause them to recognize their lovely Saviour and receive Him. I pray in Jesus' name. Amen.
Now, in the writings of St. Matthew, the fourteenth chapter and the twenty-seventh verse:
But straightway Jesus spake unto them, saying, Be of good cheer; it is I; be not afraid.
I want to use that word of "Be Not Afraid." Be not afraid, three words, for a text.

Matthew 14:27 But straightway Jesus spake unto them, saying, Be of good cheer; it is I; be not afraid.

24 And then...
It must have been about the time the sun was going down---long, tiresome day, drug-out. Many things had taken place. And I can see the big muscles swell out under his shoulders as he began to move that boat off the sandy shores of the Galilee and push it out into the water. The brawny big fisherman called Simon then took his place as he walked up through the little ship, and sat down by the side of his brother Andrew and picked up an oar. And as the little ship begin to move out into the water gently, the screams of the people from the bank was screaming, "Come back and see us again. We so appreciate your visit with us." How their hearts must have swelled to know that they had done something that was good. All of us like to hear that, oh, everybody.
Sometimes leaving a meeting, people weeping and...

25 Here when I was leaving South Africa recently, there was about ten thousand at the airport. And they was out there, standing out there weeping, crying, wailing, screaming, "Come back and tell us again about Jesus," you see. So many great things.
And the little doctor that had seen a miracle performed... Little cross-eyed boy started on the platform, just as cross-eyed as he could be, and before he got to me his eyes come straight. Took him off the platform, and a British doctor come back, sitting back there, and he come, said, "What did you do to that boy? Did you hypnotize him?"
I said, "Hypnotize him?" I said, "And they gave you license to practice medicine and you know no more about hypnotism than that?"
And he said, "I put the boy on the platform. He was cross-eyed, and here he is, his eyes are straight." Said, "Something happened between there and there."
I said, "He met Jesus." And I said, "I never touched him."
And he said, "Did you hypnotize him?"

26 I said, "Certainly not, sir." I said, "If hypnotism will straighten crooked eyes, hadn't you fellows better get to practicing hypnotism? It'd be better than any operation you could do, if hypnotism will do it." I said, "No, I did not hypnotize the boy. God straightened his eyes."
He said, "I know there's a God." He said, "I know there's a God." Said, "There that lily..." (There's lilies there, sisters, that you might know, some of them, them big Calla lilies, are eighteen inches across. Big yellow and white ones, most beautiful things, growing wild, right in the jungle. They had big bouquets of them sitting all over the platform.) Said, "I know there's God, life, in them lilies because the lily couldn't live without life." He said, "But tangible enough to perform an operation on those eyes?"
I said, "Who made the eyes in the first place? Where did they come from?"
He said, "Well..."

27 And just then Dr. Bosworth come up and said, "You'll have to leave, sir, you'll cause a riot, see." Said, "His time is valuable now while the anointing's on our brother," said. Usually, coming to the meetings, to make it better effective, Mr. Baxter and Mr. Bosworth and them, the managers, they do the speaking. I just come right straight to the platform, call the prayer line, and then after it's over, leave. But now, of course, I'm just alone here with just the boys, and so I have to try to stumble around over the speaking myself.
So then, when the doctor ... and he started to take him away. And he said, "Just a moment." He said, "Mr. Branham, do you mean to tell me that God, the great Creator, is somewhere between here and there?"
I said, "He's everywhere."
And he said, "Well, there's got to be some tangible force straighten that boy's eyes."
And I said, "It was God." And they started to take him off. Then Mr. Baxter walked up to him.
He said, "Just a minute." He got up to the microphone. He said, "I, too, will receive Jesus Christ as my personal Saviour."

28 And when I was leaving at Johannesburg (this is the truth, God in heaven knows), and when I was leaving Johannesburg he jumped the fence where they'd had him back there, ran out there and throwed his arms around me when I come out from amongst the people and the guards, getting out to the Pan American Airlines. When I went out there, he run out there and threw his arms around me, and said, "The Lord's calling me to the ministry." And went to speaking in tongues, and his arms around my neck like that---a British doctor. So, now I heard from him, here about two or three years ago---about two years ago. It's been about five years ago. He's having a great ministry up there helping the ... really the sick and afflicted up in Africa.
So, when the people waving good-bye, "Come back again," that just makes your heart feel real good. And it's something, you know, that you feel that you've accomplished something. And these disciples must have felt that way when they was all waving farewell, "We will see you again. Come back over to our country again and speak to us again."
And as the sun was sinking low and the little ship making its way, and each one of the fishermen and the boatmen pulling the big oars as...

29 The ships in them days, they had oars, one on this side of the seat and one on that side. And they would sit with great oars and just keep time as they oared the ship. And it was making its way out through the still waters and finally they got plumb out of hearing distance of the people standing on the bank waving. And they must have pulled on maybe for another fifteen, twenty, or thirty minutes.
I don't know, it must have been young John... He was the younger of the bunch, and a man that was aboard that night of the ship. He must have stopped to catch his breath, because they'd been pulling very hard. They had to cross the sea that night, or the little lake. And he stopped, maybe, and brushed the hair back out of his eyes, and said, "Whew!" as they got their breath. And said, "Brethren [No one had said nothing for quite some time.]," said, "One thing today we can all rest assured, that we're not following a deceiver as people thinks He is."

30 Said, "You know when that little boy come up there with that five little biscuits and two fish and handed it over to Him ... and I wondered what He was going to do with that. And when I seen Him break that bread and hand it out to us, I climbed around behind him to see where that was coming from. But He took a biscuit, just broke it, handed it out on a tray, and by the time He reached back again there was another biscuit. Broke it off, taken those fish."
Wonder what kind of an atom He turned loose then, brethren? Wonder what He did? Not only fish, but cooked fish. Not only flour, but baked flour already into the bread. What did He turn loose? Lay it upon those platters with five biscuits and two fishes and fed five thousand people and taken up basketfuls of the fragments left over. What did He do?
I can hear young John say, "I've seen Him in many great things. I've always believed Him, but today that settled it. I remember when I was a little Jewish boy, my mama used to sit me upon her lap and she'd say to me, 'John.' And I'd look up at her, pretty big brown eyes, and she'd say, 'John, I want to tell you Bible stories.' And how I used to love them."

Matthew 14:19 And he commanded the multitude to sit down on the grass, and took the five loaves, and the two fishes, and looking up to heaven, he blessed, and brake, and gave the loaves to his disciples, and the disciples to the multitude.

Matthew 14:20 And they did all eat, and were filled: and they took up of the fragments that remained twelve baskets full.

Mark 6:41 And when he had taken the five loaves and the two fishes, he looked up to heaven, and blessed, and brake the loaves, and gave them to his disciples to set before them; and the two fishes divided he among them all.

Mark 6:42 And they did all eat, and were filled.

Mark 6:43 And they took up twelve baskets full of the fragments, and of the fishes.

Luke 9:16 Then he took the five loaves and the two fishes, and looking up to heaven, he blessed them, and brake, and gave to the disciples to set before the multitude.

Luke 9:17 And they did eat, and were all filled: and there was taken up of fragments that remained to them twelve baskets.

John 6:9 There is a lad here, which hath five barley loaves, and two small fishes: but what are they among so many?

John 6:10 And Jesus said, Make the men sit down. Now there was much grass in the place. So the men sat down, in number about five thousand.

John 6:11 And Jesus took the loaves; and when he had given thanks, he distributed to the disciples, and the disciples to them that were set down; and likewise of the fishes as much as they would.

John 6:12 When they were filled, he said unto his disciples, Gather up the fragments that remain, that nothing be lost.

John 6:13 Therefore they gathered them together, and filled twelve baskets with the fragments of the five barley loaves, which remained over and above unto them that had eaten.

31 It's too bad that mothers don't take their children today and tell them Bible stories. Hardly get a pastor will do it, let alone a mother. I think there's five gospels. You only know four of them in the Bible. But it's Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, and Mother. Mother gets them when they're young. She ought to start them right there, before they know anything about Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.
And if mothers would take more time to talk to their children about God and pray for them, we would have less juvenile delinquency. First of all, it's parent delinquency before we have juvenile delinquency. If mothers would take their place in the house, and a Bible, and pray for their children and lead them to Christ, instead of going out to some stitch-and-sew party, and play cards, and drink and carry on, and smoke... Well, I don't want to get started on that. But, however, it's terrible, the way it's doing.
Today I laughed at my poor little wife. We was up to Howard Johnson's to get us one of those 3D's. You know, that's... Usually, I don't eat very much during these kind of services. And we were up there. And she seen a lady up there that had this here manicure on---you know, ever what the stuff is.

32 And about two weeks ago I was in California (didn't know it drifted this far already), and I was standing at Clifton's Cafeteria. And I was waiting for Brother Arganbright, who's the vice-president of the Full Gospel Businessmen. And I was to meet him there.
And a young lady came into the place. And I looked at her, and I thought, "Well, that poor lady." Her eyes was the awfullest-looking things. I thought, "She's sick. I'll go over and pray for her." And I had seen ... I've seen ophthalmia, and I have seen glaucoma, I've seen leprosy; but I never seen anything like that. And I thought she... Honestly, I'm telling the truth, I thought the girl was ... something, a disease that I'd never seen before. So, her eyes was real green and then real blue behind that. And I thought, "That kid, how is she out here on the street like that?" And I thought I'd go over to her and say, "Sister, pardon me, I'm a minister of the gospel. What is wrong with your eyes? Could I offer a little prayer for you? If the doctor doesn't know, maybe..."
And as soon as I started over to her, here come some more women up with the same thing.

33 And I thought, "Wonder if that's some kind of a manicure they're putting on their eyes, you know, make them..."
Then I asked somebody else and they said, "Yes, that's something that they put on their face."
When I come home I told my wife about it, and I said, "Honey, they didn't even look human, see. It looked like something that come off some other planet, or fell out of a morgue somewhere or something." I said, "I never seen such."

34 And today we was up there, and there sat a lady like that. And Meda looked around, my wife, and she said, "Is that it, Bill?"
I said, "That's it."
She said, "Boy, wouldn't that scare you in the nighttime?"
I said, "It'd give you chills and fever." It sure would.
And she said, "Well, why is it... ?"
We asked not long ago... I seen a strange thing in our city---a lady had on a skirt---and I said, "Isn't it strange? Doesn't she look nice?"
"Yeah, sure does." She said, "Bill, them women, I know some of them sing in choirs."
I said, "Sure."
She said, "About us," she said, "what makes the difference?"

35 I said, "Well, Honey, they're just Americans, you see. That's all they are."
When you're in Germany, they've got a German spirit in Germany. You go to Finland, they've got a Finnish spirit. You go to France, they've got a French spirit. You come to America, you got American spirit. She said, "Aren't we Americans?"
I said, "Oh, no, certainly not. If we was Americans, we'd act like Americans, see." I said, "They're Americans, so that's all they know. They join a church somewhere, but they're just earthbound and that's all they know." I said, "Now, see..."
She said, "Where are we from?"
I said, "From above. Then we act like we was from up there, see. Our women dress like they're from up there. See, they act like it. We're Christians, we're born again. Our kingdom is from above, from heaven. We're born of a Spirit from up there, so we act like we're from up there, where they live holy and righteous and honest and upright with one another, treat every man nice and do everything they can to help one another. Not down here in this kind of conglomeration. Just because you're American, that doesn't make you a Christian."

36 Mr. Bosworth one time on the platform asked a girl, said, "Are you a Christian?"
She said, "I'll give you to understand I burn a candle every night." Like that had anything to do with Christianity. But that's the way it is, see.
Oh, if we'd just take more time to tell our children Bible stories. I imagine I can go to this town, and pick every little boy up in this town, and every one of them can tell me who Davy Crockett was. And I bet there isn't twenty out of a hundred can tell me who Jesus Christ was and when He was born. That's right. Oh, sure.

37 See, that's just the American spirit moving through, that's all, see. And now, we find that today we've sowed to the winds, and we're reaping a whirlwind. That's just exactly what we're doing. Now, but we ought to be teaching our children about Christ.
Little John, his mother had taught him about God. And he said... You know, look, when the thing comes to pass, a well-trained child... "Bring up a child in the way it should go; when it gets old, it'll not depart from it."

Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.

38 Now, we find that bringing up this child, she had brought up John right. She said, "John..." And he would remember the stories.
Said how that Jehovah, how He'd taken care of his people when they were all with one accord and following the great pillar of fire. And said, "John, son, one day when God brought his people out of the bondage, he taken them out into the wilderness. And you know, John, every morning they would go out and pick up bread with honey on it, honey wafers.
And how he said, "Mama, has God got a whole big bunch of ovens up there in heaven, and got a lot of angels that bakes this bread every night and would pour it down?"

39 "No, honey," she said, "God doesn't have ovens in the skies. You see, God is a creator, and all He has to do is just speak, and He creates things out of things that there's nothing to create by, nothing to make it out of. See, He just ... He's a creator."
Then John said, "Brethren, today when I seen Him stand there and take bread and create bread, I knowed He must be some relation to Jehovah. So we know that the man that we're following, although the churches say that He's an imposter, he's a fortune-teller, a Beelzebub... But I know that He's Jehovah, because He acts like Jehovah, and He does the things that Jehovah does. So we know that it must be Jehovah."
Now today, some people don't even believe that. Some people want to make Jesus just an ordinary man, a good man.

40 Some time ago, a woman of a certain denomination of church that doesn't believe that He was divine, she said to me, she said, "Brother Branham, I appreciate your preaching, but," said, "you put too much emphasis on Christ being divine." Said, "He wasn't divine, He was a man."
I said, "But He was divine."
She said, "Oh, he was a good man and he was a prophet."
I said, "He was more than a prophet. He was God. Anything less than that, we're lost."
And she said, "Oh, no. He couldn't be that."
I said, "He was that."
And she said, "You said you was a fundamentalist, and you just spoke where the Bible speaks and so forth."
I said, "That's true." She said, "If I prove to you by your Bible that he wasn't nothing but a man, will you believe it?"
I said, "If the Bible said so. But you can't prove it, see, but the Bible doesn't say it."
She said, "All right, I'll prove it to you." Said, "In St. John, the eleventh chapter, at the death of Lazarus, the Bible said that Jesus, going to his grave, wept." And said, "You see, that made him just a man."
"Oh," I said, "Sure He wept," I said, "but He was more than a man." I said, "That was the man that was weeping, but God was in Him."
And she said, "Oh, no, he couldn't weep and be divine like you say he is."

John 11:35 Jesus wept.

41 I said, "Then I want to ask you something. I'll admit that He wept when He went to the grave of Lazarus; but when He straightened up his little shoulders, said, 'Lazarus, come forth,' and a man had been dead and in the grave and already rotten, come to life, that took more than a man to do that. That was God that did that. Yes, sir."
I said, "True, when He come down off the mountain that night and was hungry, looking ... or, that day was hungry, looking for something to eat off of those fig trees, He was a man when He was hungry; but right here I was talking about when He took those five biscuits and two fish and broke them and fed five thousand. That was more than a man; that was God." That's right. Sure.
He was a man when He was laying out on that ship that night, so tired. Virtue had went out of Him from healing the sick. He was so tired until the great mighty waves didn't even wake Him. Why, I imagine that little old ship was tossed about out there like a bottle stopper out there on that mighty sea. Ten thousand devils of the sea swore they'd drown Him that night. He was a man, laying there tired. But when once aroused, put his foot on the brail of the boat, and said, "Peace be still," and the winds and the waves obeyed Him. That was more than a man; that was God.

Matthew 14:19 And he commanded the multitude to sit down on the grass, and took the five loaves, and the two fishes, and looking up to heaven, he blessed, and brake, and gave the loaves to his disciples, and the disciples to the multitude.

Matthew 14:21 And they that had eaten were about five thousand men, beside women and children.

Mark 4:39 And he arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace, be still. And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm.

Mark 6:10 And he said unto them, In what place soever ye enter into an house, there abide till ye depart from that place.

Mark 6:11 And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear you, when ye depart thence, shake off the dust under your feet for a testimony against them. Verily I say unto you, It shall be more tolerable for Sodom and Gomorrha in the day of judgment, than for that city.

Mark 6:41 And when he had taken the five loaves and the two fishes, he looked up to heaven, and blessed, and brake the loaves, and gave them to his disciples to set before them; and the two fishes divided he among them all.

Mark 6:44 And they that did eat of the loaves were about five thousand men.

Luke 9:14 For they were about five thousand men. And he said to his disciples, Make them sit down by fifties in a company.

Luke 9:16 Then he took the five loaves and the two fishes, and looking up to heaven, he blessed them, and brake, and gave to the disciples to set before the multitude.

John 11:43 And when he thus had spoken, he cried with a loud voice, Lazarus, come forth.

42 He cried for mercy on the cross like a man, that's right. But on Easter morning when He broke the seals of death, rolled back the tomb, rose up and ascended on high, He was more than a man. No wonder the prophet said, or the poet said, "Living, He loved me; dying, He saved me; buried, He carried my sins far away. Rising, He justified freely forever. Some day He's coming, O glorious day."
He's thrilled the hearts of men. And every man or woman that ever amounted to a hill of beans in this life---Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, whoever it may be---believed that. All the poets down through the years. Blind Fanny Crosby sang, "Pass me not, O gentle Saviour, hear my humble cry. While on others Thou art calling, do not pass me by. Thou the stream of all my comfort, more than life to me. Whom have I on earth beside Thee, or whom in heaven but Thee?"

43 When Eddie Perronet, when he couldn't sell his songs, and none of them would listen to him, a Christian man about to die one day, the Holy Spirit fell on him. He grabbed a pen and wrote the baccalaureate song. He wrote the song, "All hail the power of Jesus' name. Let angels prostrate fall. Bring forth the royal diadem, and crown Him Lord of all."
Oh, sure, He was more than a man. He was God. That's right. He was neither Jew nor Gentile; He was God. The blood cell come from the male sex, which was God. God created the blood cell in the womb of virgin Mary, and through that blood cell come forth the Son of God. God lived in there. Unadulterated blood, no sex touched to it at all like that. And through that blood gives us faith to walk boldly to the throne of God and claim any promise that's in this Bible, because God made the promise. That's right.

44 the old worshippers of the Old Testament brought a lamb, put their hands upon it. They took a hook and cut its little throat, and it kicking and bleating and dying, and the blood spraying all over the worshipper's hands. He knowed that that lamb was dying in his place. But he went back out with the same desire he had when he come in, because the life was in that blood cell of the lamb was a animal life. It had not a soul, therefore it could not come back upon the worshipper.
But now, the worshipper once purged with the blood of Christ has no more conscience ... or no more desire to sin. When a man by faith comes to that fountain filled with blood drawn from Emmanuel's veins, by faith lays his hands upon the feet of the Son of God and looks yonder at Calvary, and know all the suffering that He done, He done it for him...
Then that blood cell was broke on Calvary was not a animal, neither was it a man. It was God's own blood, and it comes back and gives new birth.

Hebrews 10:2 For then would they not have ceased to be offered? because that the worshippers once purged should have had no more conscience of sins.

45 That Spirit that comes out of there comes into the human spirit and makes him a son or daughter of God. Amen. That's the new birth. That's the gospel, if I know anything about it. The cell that was in there, God created Himself with his own Self.
He come down a little baby Jehovah and was born in a stable over manure. And it ought to be striking to the people. Little Jehovah laying crying in a stable. Oh, my. And we think we're somebody because... Oh, my! Jehovah playing like a child, Jehovah working like a man, Jehovah dying like a man. But He was Jehovah. When He raised up again He proved He was Jehovah. Sure, He was. Yes, sir.
Yes, John said, "I knowed that was Him. I seen the things that He done. I know that nothing but Jehovah could do that." Said, "I'm satisfied, brethren. I'll put my testimony in."

46 You know they was having a testimony meeting out here on the sea. That's a good place to have one. You know when everybody is testifying, why, the Lord comes down and blesses them usually, you know. So they was having a testimony meeting while they were waiting, coasting.
I just wish we could have one tonight. We will give a testimony in here. Let's listen to theirs for a few minutes as they're coasting. "And you, in your little bark as you're sailing life's solemn sea, testify, sing, or pray; and like bread upon the water, it will return to you some day. Speak a little word for Jesus. Do something. Testify, sing, or pray."
Yes, do something for Him while we're sailing over life's solemn main. "A forlorn and shipwrecked brother in seeing, shall take heart again," said Longfellow. Yes, while we're sailing life's solemn main, let's give our testimony. Let's do something that we leave footprints on the sands of time. Footprints that perhaps another, yes, a forlorn and shipwrecked brother, seeing what we did, will take heart again. Make another try. He seen where somebody was poor and without. He made a try and stood on the promises of Christ, and become a soldier of the cross. Let's make footprints.

47 Footprints is possession. God told Joshua, "Everywhere the soles of your feet sets, I'll give it to you." Footprints meant possession. Go on and get it---it's yours. Every promise in the Book, everything God ever promised is yours. Now He isn't going to sweep out the house and say, "Go take it." He said, "I'll give you Palestine"; but they had to fight every inch of the road. That's right. And every inch of the ... every time God makes a promise, you'll fight every inch of the road. Just take the sword of the Spirit and the Word and cut every devil and unbelief away from you. Cut loose the shore lines that hold you bound to the shore. Launch out into the deep and let down for the draw. Amen.
I'm not amening myself, but amen means "so be it." I believe it. Yes, sir.

Joshua 1:3 Every place that the sole of your foot shall tread upon, that have I given unto you, as I said unto Moses.

48 Some people are afraid of Amen. Somebody's afraid of Hallelujah. Hallelujah is a Hebrew word which means "Praise our God." Amen. He's worthy of all the praise.
Now, John said, "I'm sure that was Jehovah."
You know, and Peter just couldn't sit there any longer, so he had to give his testimony. "Well," he said, "now right on this same sea, brethren ... I want to put my testimony in." Let's listen at him a few minutes testifying.
Peter said, "I'll tell you what happened. When I was a little bitty boy, Mama and Papa used to stand up there on the bank, down there right where our boats was. My father was a great man. He was a Pharisee there in the church, and he was a very staunch believer. And how we used to kneel down there when we didn't have bread, and we'd ask God to give us a catch of fish. Never did He fail us. We'd go get the fishes and come in. Daddy told me to believe God, to believe every word that God said, and every promise was true. So I've always believed it, brethren.
"And then Daddy told me one day when he was getting old and his hair was gray... He was getting shaky, so he sat me up on the front of the boat one day after a great catch, and he said, 'Simon, you see what Jehovah has given us today. My boy, don't you never forget Him.'
"Oh," he said, "I can remember Dad's old testimony." Many of you people can remember something similar to that. How your old father and mother used to sit you down and talk to you about God and pray with you. God give us more people like that and we'll have a real America. Sit them down and talk to them and tell them about the things of God.

49 He said, "One day while ... he sat me down, he said, 'Simon, I always prayed that I would see the Messiah coming. But,' said, 'I'm getting old now. I suppose I won't see Him. My fathers has looked for Him. And we have, since way back we become a nation, and knowing, we've looked for Him coming. But I guess I won't get to see Him, Simon. But maybe you will in your generation. Simon, just before He comes, there'll be a big rally of everything. We know.'
"But said, 'Simon, don't you never be deceived. Now, when Messiah cometh I want you to remember this: We Hebrews---and He's a God of the Hebrews---and we Hebrews are taught that when Messiah comes He'll be a prophet. For Moses said, "The Lord your God shall raise up anointed one, a prophet, liken unto me." And now, Simon, when He comes there may be men raise up and do great things, but you remember this one thing. There may be great educators raise up, there may be great scholars, there may be great church denominations, there may be great things; but Simon, Simon, my boy...'
"And I can see him" he said, "as he put his hand upon my head, and said, 'Simon... O God, let my boy not be deceived! But, Simon, remember, it's the Scripture that speaks that He will be a prophet. Don't you forget that.' " I can hear him say, "I can just think of how my old daddy blest me there. And he said, 'Simon, you'll know that.'"
And he said, "Brethren, one day Andrew come up to me, and Andrew said, 'Say, you know what? We've found the Messiah.'"
" 'Oh, now go on.'
" 'Come on. You should've seen what He did this morning. Come on up.'
"Well, I followed him. And as soon as I got up in the presence of this Jesus, you know what happened? Just as soon as I got into his presence, He looked me right in the face, and said, 'Your name is Simon and you're the son of Jonas.' Not only did He know me, but He knowed that old daddy of mine. So that settled it for me, He was Messiah." I can see him just raise his hands up and praise God.

Deuteronomy 18:15 The LORD thy God will raise up unto thee a Prophet from the midst of thee, of thy brethren, like unto me; unto him ye shall hearken;

John 1:42 And he brought him to Jesus. And when Jesus beheld him, he said, Thou art Simon the son of Jona: thou shalt be called Cephas, which is by interpretation, A stone.

50 Philip said, "You know... Brother Nathanael, it's all right?"
"Simon, when you come up that day, that settled it with me too. When I stood there and I heard them Jews out there, our people, saying, 'That man is a fortune-teller, He's Beelzebub, He's a devil, that's what He's doing,' but to me it was settled. That was Messiah. I knew it. He didn't have to do nothing for me or tell me anything. I seen Him do it for others, so I believed it.

Matthew 12:24 But when the Pharisees heard it, they said, This fellow doth not cast out devils, but by Beelzebub the prince of the devils.

Mark 3:22 And the scribes which came down from Jerusalem said, He hath Beelzebub, and by the prince of the devils casteth he out devils.

Luke 11:15 But some of them said, He casteth out devils through Beelzebub the chief of the devils.

51 "And so, Nathanael and I have been good friends so many years. We went to church together since little boys. And I run around the mountain and found him under a tree praying. And when I told him, 'Come see who we found---Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph,' do you remember, Nathanael, what you said to me?"
"Yes. I said this, 'Could there be any good thing come out of Nazareth?'"
"And then tell the brethren, then what did I tell you?"
"Well, you said, 'Come and see.'" Well, that's a good thing.
"Are you glad you come?"
"I'll never forget you, Philip. I'll never forget you. When I come up, Philip kept telling me..." He butted in with a testimony ahead of Philip,

John 1:42 And he brought him to Jesus. And when Jesus beheld him, he said, Thou art Simon the son of Jona: thou shalt be called Cephas, which is by interpretation, A stone.

John 1:45 Philip findeth Nathanael, and saith unto him, We have found him, of whom Moses in the law, and the prophets, did write, Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph.

John 1:46 And Nathanael said unto him, Can there any good thing come out of Nazareth? Philip saith unto him, Come and see.

52 and said, "Philip kept telling me that this man had told Simon here [that I knowed didn't have any education] and told him that his name was Simon, and give him another name of Peter. And said that his father's name was Jonas. And I knowed both Simon and Jonas. I bought fish from both of them. So I knowed that that was so.
"So I said, 'I'm going over to the meeting, and I'll just look at this fellow and see if that is Messiah. I knowed that when the Messiah was coming, He sure was going to be a prophet.' So then when I walked over to Him, you know what happened, brethren? As soon as I walked up into his presence He said, 'Behold an Israelite, in whom there's no guile.'
"I said, 'Rabbi [reverend, teacher, you know], when did you ever see me?'
"He said, 'Before Philip called you, when you were under the tree, I saw you.' " Said, "That settled it with me."
Philip said, "Now, wait just a minute, brethren. Do you remember that time that we were down in Jericho?"
"You remember that little fellow Zacchaeus?"
"Oh," said the brethren, "we'll never forget that."

John 1:47 Jesus saw Nathanael coming to him, and saith of him, Behold an Israelite indeed, in whom is no guile!

John 1:48 Nathanael saith unto him, Whence knowest thou me? Jesus answered and said unto him, Before that Philip called thee, when thou wast under the fig tree, I saw thee.

53 They were having a good time out there testifying. Just getting dark, you know, maybe along about this time. And saying ... oh, just having a great time.
So he said, "Do you remember when we was down there, that little fellow Zacchaeus, you remember when he testified down there at the dinner that day?
"Yes, yes, I remember it."
"You remember Bartimaeus?"
"Yes, I remember."
"Now, remember, Zacchaeus had a wife and her name was Rebekah, and she was a lovely believer in the Lord Jesus. So she'd prayed that her husband, which was... One of the main pillars up in the church was Rabbi Levinski." [I hope there's nobody here by that name. That's just a fiction name I'm just giving it for my story.]

54 Said, "... that he was the main pillar in one of the churches. So Rabbi Levinski told him, said, 'Now wait just a minute, don't you believe that nonsense. That woman of yours is just a little upset. That guy is no prophet. We haven't had prophets for hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of years. Don't you believe that. That's a bunch of fanaticism, like that wild man trying to drown everybody down there on Jordan, John. Herod cut his head off. This guy will come to an end one of these days. Don't you believe that stuff.' And you remember Zacchaeus thought the rabbi was right because he was taught to believe that his rabbi was exactly right.
"Now, we find out that... You know, but Rebekah asked us all to pray for Zacchaeus, and we'd all been praying, because we knowed our master was going down there to hold a meeting one day.

55 So we went down there to hold the meeting that morning, and Rebekah told us that Zacchaeus got real restless, and she was praying all night for him that he would be able to see Jesus the next day, because she knowed there'd be some for Him and some against Him. That's the way it is in every meeting.
"So he'd go down there so early in the morning, he got up and groomed himself and put on his best garment and he went out.
"She said, 'Zacchaeus, where are you going?'
" 'Just out to get some breeze this morning. I feel a little stuffy. I didn't sleep well last night.'
"She turned over and said, 'Thank You, Lord, thank You. You're dealing with him. You're dealing with him.' "

56 That's what we ought to do. You women pray for your husbands like that, you see. And you husbands pray for your wife too. And now you children pray for your wayward parents too while you're doing it, you see.
"So then, he went down on the street, he told us, and he stood there---right down at the gate, because he knowed Jesus was coming down from Jericho. So he said when he ... coming down from Jerusalem to Jericho off the mountain. So then when he went over to the gate... He was a little bitty fellow, you know, so he couldn't look up over the people. He was a little fellow. So he run down to another street called Hallelujah Avenue, right where Glory Road runs into it. And there was a... [That's where you always find Jesus, on Hallelujah Avenue at the Glory Road.] So he knowed He'd pass that way too. [That's the way any of us find Him, on that road.]

Luke 19:3 And he sought to see Jesus who he was; and could not for the press, because he was little of stature.

57 "So, he looked down there and he said, 'Do you know what? He'll be by here, but you know that same crowd goes with him wherever He goes. [That's right. That's right---goes with him wherever He goes.] And then they'll be here, so I'll be just as little then as I am now, so I'll be no better here than I would standing at the gate. Because they were hanging on the fences down there and over the wall, waiting for him. So you know what? I believe I'll climb up this tree here and then I can see him.'

Luke 19:4 And he ran before, and climbed up into a sycamore tree to see him: for he was to pass that way.

58 "So he goes over and gets a garbage pail and packs it over and sets it down, shinnies up the tree, you know. Gets up there, and he found where two limbs come together so he could make him a good seat, sit down. [That's a good place to sit down and think it over, brother---where two ways meet, yours and God's. Think it over, sitting there on the limb.]
And said, "He sat down there, and he began to say, 'Now, how will I know when he's coming? When he comes around he'll turn that from Glory Road there coming down Hallelujah Avenue, and when he turns here I'll get a good look at him, because he'll be in the middle of the street when he comes by. And some of them people keeping everybody away from him, I'll get a good look at him. You know Rebekah told me that that man was a prophet, that he was really Messiah. Now if he's a prophet, he is Messiah. But Levinski told me that he was no prophet, he was just a make-believe. He's just a make-believe prophet.

59 " 'And then this morning also a priest came down from up there at Jericho, was the head of the ministerial association. And he come down here to see that they was going to have no healing service here, so he run that old blind man away from the gate out there begging [old Bartimaeus, you see]. So he's in here to see that they don't have no healing service around here amongst these people. So I guess it's just a bunch of fanaticism anyhow. So I'll sit here.
" 'Now wait a minute. What if he turns that corner? He'd see me sitting up here in this tree. I'm up pretty high. But you know, if I pull a couple of these big leaves down like this and kind of camouflage myself, he'll never see me. And I'll get a look at him when he passes by. Then I'll go back and tell Rebekah all about him. I'll tell them that there's nothing to that guy. I just know I'm not going to believe him. No, sir. So he ain't going to see me. And me sitting up here with this garbage all over me anyhow, from the garbage pail...' "

60 You know, when you take a notion to meet Jesus He'll make you do some of the silliest things. He'll just ruin all your prestige. You think you won't squall and cry and boo-hoo, but you will, if you want to see Him. You'll just do anything to see Him.
"So, there he was sitting. Said, 'What if some of my competitors come by and see me sitting up here? So I'll just camouflage myself real good so nobody will see me.' So he pulled all the leaves around him, and put the limbs around him, so nobody could see him. He left one little leaf for a door. Oh, maybe something like this. And he left it here, and he could pull it down and look and see when He was coming, then pull it back up again.

61 He said, 'I'll see him, and then I'll know. When I look at him, I can tell he's an imposter. He's nothing no more than any other man. That's all. And I'll tell Rebekah when I go back, "Stay away from such an imposter as that. That's all." ' After a while there come a noise."
Strange thing, everywhere Jesus is, there's a lot of noise. I don't know why it is, but it's a sign there's life there. You know, when the priest went into the holy place he had a pomegranate and a bell. He had to make a noise so the people could understand he was still alive. I think some of these churches need to be buried. They're dead a long time ago. You don't hear no noise at all. It's like a morgue instead of a lively place, a place on fire for God.
"Then said, 'I'll sit back here now and I'll watch him.' And just about that time he heard a noise coming. He looked around the corner. He said, 'Aha, he'll be coming.'

62 "He seen this great big fisherman walking out there, pushing them to one side: 'I'm sorry, folks, our brother is very, very ... our Lord is very, very tired. He's been out all night. He's on his road down here to see some friends of his. I'm sorry, we just won't have time.' [Very nice.] And the apostles come along, 'I'm sorry we have to do this.' [Very gentlemanlike.] And so I guess Zacchaeus must have said," he said to them, " 'You know, it's a little strange thing, but them men are gentlemen.' [You know anybody that serves the Lord Jesus is a gentleman, see. So then ... and courtesy.]
"So then after awhile He come around the corner. He said, 'Do you know what? That guy looks a little different. I just ... He... [You know, no man can ever look at Jesus and ever be the same. You'll be a worse critic or a better man. That's right.]' So he said ... watched Him. He had this leaf. Said, 'Now, he'll never see me. He'll never see me. Now, Rebekah said he was a prophet, so... He'll never see me.'

63 And he just watched Him till He got right down like that.
"Jesus come along with his head down, walking as He usually did, in his common stride. Walked right under the tree, and looked up and said, 'Zacchaeus, come down. I'm going home with you for dinner.' Remember what Zacchaeus said? That took all the starch out of him. Yes, sir, because he knowed He was a prophet.
"And you remember," Philip said, "You remember, brethren, when we went out the gate and that other testimony we got outside the gate there? You know, they heard a noise coming---when Bartimaeus testified to us. He said he'd been sitting there dreaming of Bible stories his mother told him when he was a little boy, just like John was testifying of. And saying how mother told him how great Jehovah was, and how that right down that same road, them cobblestones where he was sitting, that Elisha and Elijah come arm-in-arm right down that road, going down to cross the Jordan. Amen.
"'Oh, if I'd have lived in that day, I'd have run out to them and said, "O prophets of God, have mercy and pray for me," and the Lord would open my eyes. But, alas, the rabbi tells me, the priest, that the days of miracles is past.'

Luke 19:5 And when Jesus came to the place, he looked up, and saw him, and said unto him, Zacchaeus, make haste, and come down; for to day I must abide at thy house.

64 "'And I remember then that Joshua crossed the river,' said Bartimaeus, 'crossed the river not five hundred yards from where I'm sitting. And the great Joshua ... God moved back the waters in the month of April, when it was pretty near a mile across the valley here. And moved it back, and stood still, and the waters held their place up yonder in the mountains. The snow waters held its place while two and a half million Israelites marched across and set up camp. Oh, my! If I'd have only been sitting here then. And I'm sitting on the rocks right here this morning,' he said, 'that fell when Joshua sounded the trumpet and God knocked the walls down, and Rahab the harlot's house stood because she believed.
"'And then Joshua one day when he was out---the great man walking around, looking through the fields, seeing how the great ... looking over the situation---he saw a man standing with his sword drawn, and Joshua drew his sword. He went to meet him. He said, "Are you with us, or are you for our enemies?"
"'He said, "I'm the captain of the host of the Lord."
"'Joshua threw off his helmet, and throwed down his shield, and dropped his sword, and fell on his knees.

Joshua 5:13 And it came to pass, when Joshua was by Jericho, that he lifted up his eyes and looked, and, behold, there stood a man over against him with his sword drawn in his hand: and Joshua went unto him, and said unto him, Art thou for us, or for our adversaries?

Joshua 5:14 And he said, Nay; but as captain of the host of the LORD am I now come. And Joshua fell on his face to the earth, and did worship, and said unto him, What saith my lord unto his servant?

Joshua 6:20 So the people shouted when the priests blew with the trumpets: and it came to pass, when the people heard the sound of the trumpet, and the people shouted with a great shout, that the wall fell down flat, so that the people went up into the city, every man straight before him, and they took the city.

Joshua 6:25 And Joshua saved Rahab the harlot alive, and her father's household, and all that she had; and she dwelleth in Israel even unto this day; because she hid the messengers, which Joshua sent to spy out Jericho.

Hebrews 11:30 By faith the walls of Jericho fell down, after they were compassed about seven days.

Hebrews 11:31 By faith the harlot Rahab perished not with them that believed not, when she had received the spies with peace.

65 Oh,' said blind Bartimaeus, 'if I'd have only been there then, I'd have run up to that great chief captain and said, "Chief Captain of the host of the Lord, have mercy on me, a blind man." I'd have received my sight.' Little did he know that within a hundred yards of him that same Captain was coming walking towards the gate."
Oh, if this church could realize tonight that same Captain, "I'll never leave thee nor forsake thee. I'll be with you always, even to the end of the world. And the works that I do shall you also. A little while and the world will see me no more, yet you'll see me [the church elected]. You'll see me for I'll be with you. The works that I do, you'll be doing also, to the end of the consummation of the world, order of the world."
Now, notice ... and he said, "You remember what blind Bartimaeus testified? 'When He come by,' he said, 'all the people were screaming, and some hollering "Away with that imposter!" And they were throwing rotten eggs and over-ripe tomatoes at Him.' He said he could hear that priest say, 'Hey, you that raised the dead, you tell me they raised up the dead man called Lazarus. We've got a graveyard full of them up here; come up and raise some of them, we'll believe you.'"

Matthew 28:20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.

John 14:12 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.

John 14:19 Yet a little while, and the world seeth me no more; but ye see me: because I live, ye shall live also.

Hebrews 13:5 Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.

66 See, that same old devil. Same one come to Him, said, "If thou be the Son of God, do something here before me. [There's certain churches that wants to know that.] We got a blind man sits on the corner, go give him his sight, you divine healers. I got old Brother So-and-so that sells pencils down here. Come heal him."
Just remember, that's that same old devil that said, "If Thou be the Son of God, command these stones to be turned into bread." One day they put an old rag around his head, like that, and wrapped it around Him, and took a stick and hit Him on top of the head, in Pilate's courts, and said, "If you are a prophet and can know the secrets of the hearts, if you are the Messiah and if you're a prophet, tell us who hit you."
He didn't open his mouth and say a word. He don't clown for people. God don't clown for people. He just says, "I do nothing until the Father shows me. What I see the Father doing, that's what I do also." St. John 5:19.

Matthew 4:3 And when the tempter came to him, he said, If thou be the Son of God, command that these stones be made bread.

Matthew 4:3 And when the tempter came to him, he said, If thou be the Son of God, command that these stones be made bread.

Matthew 4:6 And saith unto him, If thou be the Son of God, cast thyself down: for it is written, He shall give his angels charge concerning thee: and in their hands they shall bear thee up, lest at any time thou dash thy foot against a stone.

Luke 4:3 And the devil said unto him, If thou be the Son of God, command this stone that it be made bread.

Luke 4:9 And he brought him to Jerusalem, and set him on a pinnacle of the temple, and said unto him, If thou be the Son of God, cast thyself down from hence:

Luke 22:64 And when they had blindfolded him, they struck him on the face, and asked him, saying, Prophesy, who is it that smote thee?

John 5:19 Then answered Jesus and said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do: for what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise.

67 "And you remember Bartimaeus told us," said Philip... [break in tape]
"'... that we heard Zacchaeus testify at the dinner awhile ago, and what He said to him; and knew he was in the tree above Him and knowed his name was Zacchaeus, and called him out of the tree and went home with him for dinner. Zacchaeus is just setting the city afire with it. Does thou not know the scriptures, sir?'
"'Oh, I remember when I was a little boy my mother used to read the scrolls to me. But who is this you're speaking of? Jesus who?'
"'Jesus of Nazareth. He's a Galilean prophet, they call Him, but really He is the Messiah. He does the sign of the Messiah. He is the prophet. Well, you know the Messiah will be a prophet.'
"'Sure. Well, how did you know Him?'
"'I'm his servant.

68 You know, all of Jesus' servants, the lady servants are kind and the men servants are kind, considering the sick and afflicted. When the meeting comes to the city they call everybody and try to get them to come out. You know, they try to do something. They love people, Jesus' true disciples.' " (You believe that, don't you? I hope this is soaking.)
"So then, first thing you know, he said to him, said, 'Well, sure, yes.'
"'I am his disciple. And so Sister Rebekah and I was praying. That's Zacchaeus' ... you know Zacchaeus.'
"'Oh, yes, he's given me coins before. And where's He at?
"'Oh, He's going way down the road now. He's going...'
"'Oh! Oh!' He threw down his coat and hollered 'O Jesus, thou son of David, have mercy on me! Have mercy on me!'
"Some of them said, 'Shut up! Sit down. Quit making so much noise,' see.
"'O Jesus, thou son of David, have mercy on me!'"

Mark 10:47 And when he heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth, he began to cry out, and say, Jesus, thou son of David, have mercy on me.

Mark 10:48 And many charged him that he should hold his peace: but he cried the more a great deal, Thou son of David, have mercy on me.

69 Now, humanly speaking, He could not have heard him. If you see where the gates where he was sitting, and where Jesus was when the miracle was performed, is about 350 yards, see; and all that crowd following along there, hollering, "Hail, hail, to the King of the Jews," or some slurring word. Others hollering, "Hosanna to the prophet," and saying everything. He never heard it. But He said...
I can just imagine Him seeing Bartimaeus drop on his knees and saying, "O Jehovah, I was thinking of You." That's when He comes by, is when you're thinking of Him. Quit thinking about the things of the world, and who's going to be the next movie star, or even the next president, and think who's the coming Christ. Then you'll [unclear word], see. "Oh! O Jesus, thou son of David! Lord, Jehovah God, if that is your Son, if He's the Son of David, if that is the Prophet, well, You can speak to Him. Oh, have mercy on me, have mercy!"
And Jesus, with the sins of the world on his shoulders, He was heading right up to Jerusalem to be crucified.

Matthew 21:9 And the multitudes that went before, and that followed, cried, saying, Hosanna to the son of David: Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord; Hosanna in the highest.

Mark 10:47 And when he heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth, he began to cry out, and say, Jesus, thou son of David, have mercy on me.

Mark 10:48 And many charged him that he should hold his peace: but he cried the more a great deal, Thou son of David, have mercy on me.

Mark 11:9 And they that went before, and they that followed, cried, saying, Hosanna; Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord:

Mark 11:10 Blessed be the kingdom of our father David, that cometh in the name of the Lord: Hosanna in the highest.

John 12:13 Took branches of palm trees, and went forth to meet him, and cried, Hosanna: Blessed is the King of Israel that cometh in the name of the Lord.

70 O God! The sin of every man and every woman that ever lived or ever would live rested upon Him. The burden of whether we'd be saved, the burden of this meeting tonight, was upon his shoulders. But the faith of one blind beggar stopped Him.
The Bible said, "He stood." Wish I had a few weeks to stay, like to preach on "And Then He Stood." Jesus stood still. One faith of a beggar stopped Him and He stood still. What did it? His faith touched Him, just like the woman that touched his garment. "Who touched me?"
And He turned around and said, "Bring him here. What would you that I do for you?" His faith had touched Him. Just like you touch Him here at night, see, same thing.
"And you remember, brethren, what happened. He received his sight. Now, do you remember that?"
"Yes, brethren," said the brethren to Philip. "I remember that."

Mark 10:49 And Jesus stood still, and commanded him to be called. And they call the blind man, saying unto him, Be of good comfort, rise; he calleth thee.

Mark 10:50 And he, casting away his garment, rose, and came to Jesus.

Mark 10:51 And Jesus answered and said unto him, What wilt thou that I should do unto thee? The blind man said unto him, Lord, that I might receive my sight.

Mark 10:52 And Jesus said unto him, Go thy way; thy faith hath made thee whole. And immediately he received his sight, and followed Jesus in the way.

71 It must have been Andrew said, "You remember that day when we all come up to the well when we went into Samaria to get something to eat? We come up to the well and we seen this woman of Samaria. Well, you know He never did do that before a Gentile. He said it would be for another age. He'd do it Himself in another age to the Gentiles, but they didn't believe on Him."
He only comes to those and shows Himself to those who are waiting for Him. That's all. That's right. It's the only one He reveals ... that He reveals Himself. (Now watch as we're closing just in a few moments.)
Andrew said, "We all slipped out to get some vittles. And when we come back, do you remember we watched a woman coming, strolling up to the well? And we knew she was marked as a ill-famed woman."
"Yes, I remember it," all of them.
"And we slipped around behind the place there and heard what was said. And He talked to her a little bit, and He said, 'Go get your husband.'

John 4:8 (For his disciples were gone away unto the city to buy meat.)

John 4:16 Jesus saith unto her, Go, call thy husband, and come hither.

72 "And she said, 'I have none.' Remember how our hearts failed? We said, 'Oh, my. My, there's one time He made a mistake. The woman denies it.' "
Oh, sure, they might deny it. Sarah denied it too. She said, "I never said it"; but the angel said, "Yes, but you did say it." And I want to give you a little speck of grace here. God would have slew her right then, but He couldn't. She was part of Abraham. And our sins---we'd be slain by God if we wasn't a part of Christ. It holds it, see. We're the bride, it holds it. Yes, sir. That's what Balaam failed to see down there, as we was talking of the other night, see.

Genesis 18:15 Then Sarah denied, saying, I laughed not; for she was afraid. And he said, Nay; but thou didst laugh.

John 4:17 The woman answered and said, I have no husband. Jesus said unto her, Thou hast well said, I have no husband:

73 "Yes, yes, we remember."
"But He looked around, and He said, 'Thou hast said true. You've had five husbands and the one you're living with now is not yours.'
And she run into the city. Remember what she said to Him? She said, 'Sir, I perceive that You're a prophet.'
"Now what a difference between her testimony and them Pharisees had just said about it---said He was a devil. And He told them to call the work of God a devil would separate them forever from God, see. And so He said, well, one word against it would never be forgiven." Now, he said, "Did you notice she run into the city, and said, 'Come see a man who told me the things that I've done. Isn't this the Messiah?' And then we were all convinced, and knowed that He was the Messiah."

Matthew 12:32 And whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come.

Luke 12:10 And whosoever shall speak a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but unto him that blasphemeth against the Holy Ghost it shall not be forgiven.

John 4:18 For thou hast had five husbands; and he whom thou now hast is not thy husband: in that saidst thou truly.

John 4:19 The woman saith unto him, Sir, I perceive that thou art a prophet.

John 4:29 Come, see a man, which told me all things that ever I did: is not this the Christ?

74 When they were testifying, wouldn't you like to have been sitting on that ship listening at them? Oh, my. Well, we can listen at them too, you see. We just got their testimony, what they'd say. So that testimony meeting going on, and they'd had a great time that day, you know, a great meeting.
You know what? Satan must have peeped up over the realms of hell and saw them out there on the water having a testimony meeting without His presence. And when they did, you know they had gone off without Him. And Satan said, "Here's my chance. They've gone off without Him." Right. And that's the same thing has happened now. Satan has seen the church go off on a big building spree, and a big modern spree, and has left Jesus. That's right.

75 All we think about is how many we can get in our organization, how much bigger church we can build than the rest of them. That has nothing to do with it. What we need is back to the Bible. Look the way our people are, where... Church is weak, and the faith is weak and the people are just ... you can't tell them from no one else, and their testimony's weak.
And they stay home on Wednesday night to watch some kind of a television program instead of going to church. And they tell jokes, and also many of them started doing things that isn't right.

76 And the women's beginning to dress like the things of the world, and bobbing off their hair, and wearing paint and stuff all over them, and things; and men smoking cigarettes, cigars, and things like that. Living in the church, taking a little sociable drink with their boss, having a little clean fun---going out with the next man's wife, and all things like that, flirting with girls on the street, turning their necks watching women half-dressed.
Sure, that's right. I know that hurts; but that's truth, brother. The Word of God's a circumciser---that's "cut off surplus flesh." It's exactly what's right. Just having a little clean American fun. That don't go with the kingdom of God. Not associated with the kingdom of God. Not at all! Blessed be the name of the Lord. We ought to conduct ourselves like servants of God.

77 Here some time ago, when they had slavery here in the South, they used to take the slaves and sell them out on the market, just like you would with a horse or something. Never was right. God made man; man made slaves. And then when they would do that, they'd come by and get a bill of sales on a human being, and take them out and sell them. One day there was a broker came by to buy some slaves, and said, "How many you got?"
Said, "About a hundred out there."
He went out to look at them. They were sad. They'd come ... the Boers brought them from Africa and put them in down here around Cuba. And then brought them over and sold them to the Americans here for slaves. They'd never go back home again. They'd die here. They was away from papa, away from mama, away from children, separated. It was a horrible thing. And they wouldn't work. They'd have to whip them, make them work, because they were so sad.

78 But this broker noticed this one young man. Brother, they didn't have to whip him. He was right at it. Right up and at it, chest back and his head up. That buyer said, the broker said, "Say, I want to buy that slave."
But the owner said, "He's not for sale."
Said, "Well, why isn't he for sale?"
Said, "Because. I don't sell him."
He said, "Is he the boss over the rest of them?"
Said, "No, he's just a slave."
Said, "I bet you feed him different than after the rest of them."
Said, "No, sir, he eats in the galley with the rest of them. He's just a slave."
Said, "Well, what makes him so much different from the rest of them?"

79 The owner said, "I wondered for a long time too, but one day I found out that his father, over in the homeland, is the king of the tribe. And though he's an alien, away from home, he still knows he's the son of the king and he conducts himself like one." If that would make a Negro---knowing his father is a king in Africa---to conduct himself among his people as a king's son, what ought it to do to you and I that's born again of the Spirit of God? What kind of a life ought we to be? What kind of a way should we conduct ourselves? Not as a weakling, and back off, and be tossed about by everything and halfway believing, and things of the world, and ... galloping in. Stick up our heads towards Calvary, and believe every word God said and every promise, and conduct ourselves like men and women of God.
Don't dress like these Jezebels and act like them here. That's right. Don't you do that. It's pitiful.

80 There's only one woman ever painted herself to meet... Never to meet God. In the Bible there was only one woman ever used paint and that was Jezebel. God fed her to the dogs. So you see she was just dog meat to begin with, in the sight of God. So just remember, brother. Oh, women, men, straighten up! You men, how can you stand it? How would you let your wife smoke cigarettes, and get out on the street and act like that? What's the matter? You've gone off.
And the church... You Pentecostal people, what's the matter with you? What's the matter? You went off on a big building or organization tantrum and left Jesus out of the picture.

81 Instead of getting the old-fashioned preacher that would preach the truth, you got some little sissy guy that come up through some school; and probably a grandson of God that thinks more of a meal ticket than he does the Bible and won't tell the truth about it. What we need is men that'll preach the gospel, and hammer it with the power of God---tell the truth, regardless. If the organization kicks him out, what difference does it make? Yes, sir. We need men of God anointed with the Holy Ghost that'll preach the gospel, regardless of what the organization or denomination says about it. Makes no difference anyhow, it's God we're for.
Amen. Oh, my! I feel religious. Yes, sir. You may think I'm crazy. Maybe I am, but just let me alone. I feel better this way than I did the other way, so just leave me like this. I feel good this way. It's wonderful, because you're free! You're not tied to nothing. You're only bound to the bonds of love.

82 Don't let nobody tell you that you're free in this nation. You're not. You're never free. You're either a bond slave to Christ and his love; or the devil, you're a slave to the devil and his things. You're a slave to something. I'm glad to be Christ's slave. Amen. "Crucified to the things of the world, yet I live; not I, but Christ liveth in me." Amen, and amen, and amen. Oh, my, if the people could only see that! If they could only open up their hearts and see that it's back to the Bible, back to the Christ, back to the cross, back to the gospel! Yes, that's what it is. Oh, blessed be the name of the Lord.
The devil seen the church go off on a great big tantrum. And, "We are the Assemblies," "We are the Church of God," "We are the Oneness," "We are the Twoness," and all these other things. Why didn't you stay the way you were? Why didn't you stay the way God provided for you?

Galatians 2:20 I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.

83 The biggest mistake that Israel ever made... When grace had already provided them a prophet, provided them a lamb, and give them the greatest revival they ever had; and was standing on the shores of the Red Sea, dancing in the Spirit and singing in the Spirit and having a jubilee (in Exodus 19), they didn't want that. They wanted a theology that they could argue about. That's right. Right. And what ... they was only about four days away from the promised land (the same mistake that our Pentecostal fathers made not long ago). How little would ... you could have told them they was forty years from the promised land. They had to go get something that they could argue about. So did our...
What did God do to them? He left them in the wilderness for forty years. What did they do? Raised crops, and children, and God blessed them. That's right. They was great. But one day God said, "You've been on this mountain long enough. Let's rise and go north and take the promise." That's right. When all the old fighters died, wait till the old fighters died out. That's true.

84 Now our Pentecostal brethren has done the same thing. Instead of just staying... You say "Well, they gave the new issue." What is the new issue? And what of it anyhow? You didn't have to organize, and the new issues didn't have to organize out of that. Make a little group, and pull brethren apart, and fuss and carry on with one another. If it wasn't of God, it won't amount to anything anyhow. If it is of God, who's going to stop it? See? What is it? "Every plant that my heavenly Father hasn't planted will be rooted up." Can't you take his word for it? But we had to make about thirty-five different organizations.
"He's coming on a white cloud."
"No, bless God, He's coming on a white horse."

85 What difference does it make anyhow, as long as He's coming? That's the thing, see. But what have we done? Stayed in the same old rut. Receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost, speaking in tongues; receive the Holy Ghost, speaking in tongues; receive the Holy Ghost, same old mountain for forty years, same old routine. But it's time to rise! Let's go north. Jesus is coming. Let's go take every promise. Hallelujah! Every promise... Jesus said, "The things that I do shall you do also." He did speak in tongues, that's right. He did do other things also. Let's go take the promise.

John 14:12 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.

86 But you see, Satan seen the church go off without Jesus. And so, that's what he seen them do, so he took his poison breath and begin to "Whe-e-ew." Said, "Now, I'll get rid of them. I've got them in them building programs and things, and I'll sink them right down there. They'll get formal. Each one will have a television in his house, and, brother, he'll stay home on Wednesday night. If he won't go to the show... The old timers used to say, 'Stay away from the show,' but I'll bring it right into their house," see. So he just comes right on, you know, and brings his... "And they say they're not fascinated, but when they see these programs---'We Love Suzy,' and all these things---they'll love that better, the things of the world, more than they do God. I know they will and I'll just break the old Pentecostal church up."
Rocking her, pushing her, breaking her down, her oars is broke, and everything. That's right. That's what he's done. Seen them go off on big building tantrums, get just as worldly as the rest of the churches. That's right. As I said, they used to say, "cold formal Baptists"; now it's "cold formal Pentecost." Right. That's right. Here we are tossed about.

87 But the good thing (I've got to hurry, close, because it's time.), look, the good thing was that He hadn't gone very far. He climbed up on the highest mountain that He could find, and He was watching them out there on the sea. His eye is on the sparrow and I know He's watching. Yes. What was it happened? He climbed at Calvary, He kept climbing. From Easter He climbed on above the moon, the stars, plumb on into glory (the higher you go, the farther you can see) so He could watch the church universal everywhere. Watching us, got his eyes on us.

88 And then, about time that all hopes was gone (to ever have another revival), what did they think when all hopes was gone? Here He come, walking to them on the sea. Oh, my! Walking on the sea. And when they saw Him---the only thing that could help them---they was afraid of it. They thought it looked spooky. And that's the same thing today. The only thing that can bring the church back together to take the rapture, they say it's fortune-telling, it's Beelzebub, when the very thing that He said He would do... As it was then, so is it now.
But what did He say then? (I wish I had a little longer, but I haven't.) But what did He say then? "Be not afraid. Be of a good cheer, it is I." How do you know it's Him? Because He acts like He did when He was here, He does the things that He did, He keeps his promise like He did. Isn't that right?

Matthew 14:27 But straightway Jesus spake unto them, saying, Be of good cheer; it is I; be not afraid.

Mark 6:50 For they all saw him, and were troubled. And immediately he talked with them, and saith unto them, Be of good cheer: it is I; be not afraid.

John 6:20 But he saith unto them, It is I; be not afraid.

89 "Fear not, it is I. Be not afraid. Be not afraid now, it is I. Be of a good cheer, be of a good courage, build yourself up. I've got my eye on you, I'm watching you. I'm coming into the midst of the Assemblies, into the midst of the Church of God, I'm coming here to do what? To take out the elected. Not to make another organization, but a rapture to go home. I'm coming for that."
Let's bow our heads just a moment.

1 Thessalonians 4:13 But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope.

1 Thessalonians 4:14 For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him.

1 Thessalonians 4:15 For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep.

90 "Blessed Saviour, Thou will guide us till we reach that healthful shore, where the angels wait to join us in thy praise forevermore." We think of that great day, how You've arranged it. "I would not have you ignorant, brethren, concerning those that are asleep, that you sorrow not, even as others that have no hope. For we believe that Christ died and rose again the third day. Even so those that sleep in Christ will God bring with Him. But we say this to you, the commandment of the Lord, that we will not be hindered, it won't hinder us, when we are sleeping."
We watch the order of the resurrection. The first thing, we get together. Not until we get together will we go together to meet Him. Mothers and fathers will meet one another, children and loved ones will meet one another, and then be caught up in the air to meet the Lord. And when we stand there singing redemption songs, and angels with a circle around the earth will stand with bowed heads, not knowing what they're talking about. They never was lost. They don't know what it means to be lost and to be found, but, Lord, we know what it means. "I once was lost, but now I'm found; was blind, but now I see."

91 Father God, I pray that You'll bless the people here this Saturday night---a little chopped-up message, just from place to place, trying to wait to see what You would say do. Now the hour is closing in. I pray, Father, that You'll just let the people know that You're the same Jesus. Just come and do tonight just like You did there, just a little while for us, Father, that... The people, they may not never get another opportunity.
We may never have church in the morning, You may come before morning. Some time through the night there may be a sound come, "Behold the bridegroom cometh, go out to meet Him." We know it'll be a terrible time then. There'll be weeping, there'll be praying, and there'll be singing, there'll be shouting. Father God, let us straighten it up now and be ready for that hour, as we wait in Jesus' name. Amen.

Matthew 25:6 And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him.

92 I wonder if there's any here tonight that doesn't know Him as Saviour, would like to say, "Remember me, Brother Branham, when you pray again." Raise up your hand, say, "Remember me." God bless you, God bless you, and you, you. In the balconies, the Lord bless you. Someone else just before we have prayer for those who wants to know Him, never have met Him.
Maybe He might come in a few minutes here. He'll come. I believe He will, don't you? And will do his... Do you believe He's the same? Sure, He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. Then let Him come and do through us, through his sanctifying power, the things that He did when He was here on earth, and we'll know. "He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he..."
How many knows that Jesus Christ never performed one miracle in his life without God showing Him by a vision? How many knows that? The Bible says it.

John 5:17 But Jesus answered them, My Father worketh hitherto, and I work.

John 5:19 Then answered Jesus and said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do: for what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise.

John 14:12 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.

Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

93 St. John 5:19, "Verily, verily, I say unto you, The Son can do nothing in himself, but what he sees the Father doing." Is that right? Now that's scriptural, it cannot be broken. "I do nothing until I see the Father doing it. Whatsoever ... the Father worketh, and I work hitherto. What the Father does, He shows me, then I do it." He just acted out in drama what the Father showed Him to do. That makes Him the same today.
"The works that I do shall you also." If that was the sign of the Messiah then, that same Spirit that was in Messiah would be in his church, the church will do the same things that Messiah did, because a grape vine can only put forth grapes each time it comes out. That's the way it is with us here. It has to be the same.

John 14:12 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.

94 Did the boy give out any prayer cards? I even forgot to ask. Yes, last night he didn't. He gave out some tonight. Do you know what numbers they was, letters or...? A's ... what? That's what you give? That's what we had the first night, wasn't it? What, did you just give the other fifty? All right. Where did we start from the other time? 1 to 15. Well, let's start from somewhere else among them tonight. Let's start ... did they get fifteen of them? Let's take the last fifteen then. That would be ... start, what would that be? 85, wouldn't it? 85. Let's see if they're here. 85, who has prayer card number 85? Raise up your hand, all around over the building. Someone upstairs, wherever you are. Prayer card A 85. Look at your... Did I miss it? Are you sure? Oh, I'm sorry, sister. All right, 85 come here, right here. 86. Who has 86? Raise up your hand. Prayer card 86.
We bring the prayer cards down here before the people, mix them all up like this, and then give anybody a prayer card that wants one. Therefore then, when we come down, we just call from somewhere, not knowing where it was, so therefore it's just... How many knows there's more healed in the audience than there is healed up here? Sure, there is. Certainly.

95 All right.
Go around that way. Where was that? 85, wasn't it? 86, who has prayer card 86? Would you raise up your hand? A lady right here, you have 86? Would you go with the lady around there? 87? Raise your hand real quick now, to conserve... God bless you, my brother. Go right around that way. 85, 86, 87, 88, who has 88? Right here. Go around that way. They're just mixed up all over the building, anybody that wants one. 88, 89, who has 89? Prayer card 89, raise up your hand. Over to ... where? To the right, 89. I don't see them, but let them raise up and go right around that way if they will. 89, 90, who has prayer card 90? Would you raise up your hand?
Look at your neighbor's card. There may be somebody deaf, you know, they couldn't hear it. May be somebody that's crippled and couldn't raise their hand. Just look around at everybody's card. What? Prayer card, what was that, 89? 90, is that prayer card 90? All right, mister, go around that way. 90, 91, all right. 92, 93, raise up your hand so I'll see who you are. 93, would you raise your hand? 93. All right, 94. Raise ... that's right. 95, 96, 97, that's the way to do it. 97, 98, 99, 100. All right. Fine.
Now, is there any more prayer cards in here, raise up your hands, you that's got prayer cards. All right. Just hold your cards. We'll get you. We promised it, we'll do it, see. By the help of the Lord we'll get it.

96 We can't bring them all up at once. Tomorrow afternoon I'll have to pick them all up, see. So I'll have the afternoon to do it in, you see. So you just come on and we'll get to them. And now, how many doesn't have a prayer card? Raise up your hands. And you're sick and you want God to heal you. Raise up your hands, say, "I don't have a prayer card, but yet I want the Lord to heal me." Well, it's just generally everywhere. All right.
While they're getting the prayer line ready, I'm going to ask every one if you'll be just as reverent as you can, and keep your seats. Just keep seated, see. All right. Now, in the Bible in the book of St. John, the fourth chapter, I'd like to say this. How many ever read the fourth chapter of St. John? All right.

Matthew 9:20 And, behold, a woman, which was diseased with an issue of blood twelve years, came behind him, and touched the hem of his garment:

Mark 5:25 And a certain woman, which had an issue of blood twelve years,

Luke 8:43 And a woman having an issue of blood twelve years, which had spent all her living upon physicians, neither could be healed of any,

97 Now, Jesus... No, I beg your pardon. It's not the fourth chapter of St. John. I can't call it right now. When the woman was touched with her issue of blood. I just missed it in my mind. Eighth chapter. So she was going through a crowd of people and she said... She'd seen and heard of Jesus. She'd never seen Him, but... Let's just take a little drama, while they're waiting there.
I can imagine... She had an issue of blood. Anyone knows what had happened. It was during the time of menopause and it had never stopped. And she'd spent all of her money to the doctors, and they couldn't help her any. They'd done all they could do, no doubt. They'd done everything they could do, but they couldn't stop that issue of blood.

Luke 8:43 And a woman having an issue of blood twelve years, which had spent all her living upon physicians, neither could be healed of any,

98 Then she'd had that for many, many years, and just kept on, flooding on, on, on, on---the poor little weakly thing. She'd heard of Jesus, so she said, "I believe He is that Messiah."
Don't you think she thought that? How many believes that, say, "Amen." She said, "I believe that man's the Messiah, but I haven't got money to go over where He's at." But you know after this great event of the night, He'd come in to the willows down there that morning. And she looked down off the hill where she lived. She said, "Wonder who it is? Must be some person down there. Did you hear them rowing, making fun of Him, and everything else, and some blessing Him. So she slipped down and she seen who it was, and she said, "If I can just touch his garment, I'll be made well."
Now, she didn't have one bit of scripture for that, did she? Is there any scripture in the Bible before that says, "When Messiah cometh, if you'll touch his garment... ?" No. But she believed it. She believed it. So she slipped through the crowd. And she was just a little old spindly woman, you know.

Matthew 9:21 For she said within herself, If I may but touch his garment, I shall be whole.

Mark 5:28 For she said, If I may touch but his clothes, I shall be whole.

99 So she just slipped through the crowd and she touched his garment. Now if you touched my coat I wouldn't feel it, just my coat. And the Palestinian garment was a robe, and they had an underneath garment that come from the foot up.
That's the reason they had feet-washing and stuff. That big robe picked up the dust as they walked over the trails. Well, then, if you was ever in Palestine and notice how they done, how they take their shoes off and have their feet washed, because the stink of the ground where the animals had been and stuff, they wasn't presentable to the people. So they had a ... they had a flunky that washed the feet. And so they had the feet-washing.
So this woman touched the border of his garment, it hanging that far from Him. Now, physically He could not have felt it. He couldn't have done it. But she touched the border of his garment. Then she went out, she sat down, stood up, or whatever it was, in the audience of people, maybe two or three times what's here.
Jesus stopped, said, "Who touched me?"

Matthew 9:20 And, behold, a woman, which was diseased with an issue of blood twelve years, came behind him, and touched the hem of his garment:

Mark 5:27 When she had heard of Jesus, came in the press behind, and touched his garment.

Mark 5:30 And Jesus, immediately knowing in himself that virtue had gone out of him, turned him about in the press, and said, Who touched my clothes?

Luke 8:44 Came behind him, and touched the border of his garment: and immediately her issue of blood stanched.

Luke 8:45 And Jesus said, Who touched me? When all denied, Peter and they that were with him said, Master, the multitude throng thee and press thee, and sayest thou, Who touched me?

100 Why, Peter thought that was ridiculous (he had never received the Holy Ghost as yet, you know). A man with the Holy Ghost would know different. So he said ... the Bible said he rebuked Him. In other words he said, "What do you mean, to say a thing like that? You're supposed to be a sensible man. And here you are out here, calling yourself the Messiah, and saying, 'Who touched me?' Well, don't you know people will think you're crazy? Everybody's touching you."
I can see Jesus look over at him (saying, "Poor Simon."). " But this was a different kind of touch, Simon. I perceive that I have gotten weak."

Matthew 9:22 But Jesus turned him about, and when he saw her, he said, Daughter, be of good comfort; thy faith hath made thee whole. And the woman was made whole from that hour.

Mark 5:29 And straightway the fountain of her blood was dried up; and she felt in her body that she was healed of that plague.

Mark 5:31 And his disciples said unto him, Thou seest the multitude thronging thee, and sayest thou, Who touched me?

Mark 5:34 And he said unto her, Daughter, thy faith hath made thee whole; go in peace, and be whole of thy plague.

Luke 8:45 And Jesus said, Who touched me? When all denied, Peter and they that were with him said, Master, the multitude throng thee and press thee, and sayest thou, Who touched me?

Luke 8:46 And Jesus said, Somebody hath touched me: for I perceive that virtue is gone out of me.

Luke 8:47 And when the woman saw that she was not hid, she came trembling, and falling down before him, she declared unto him before all the people for what cause she had touched him, and how she was healed immediately.

Luke 8:48 And he said unto her, Daughter, be of good comfort: thy faith hath made thee whole; go in peace.

101 Virtue, strength had gone from Him. And He just stopped. He seen Simon didn't know it, and the rest of them didn't know it. So He just looked around over the audience until He found that woman, maybe sitting way back. He told her her blood issue had stopped because her faith had saved her. Is that right?
Now, how many knows that the New Testament says that Jesus Christ right now is a high priest, sitting at the right hand of God, that can be touched by the feeling of our infirmities. How many knows that's true? Say "Amen." All right. Then is He the same yesterday, today, and forever? Then how would you know you touched Him? How would He act? He'd act just like He did then if He's the same.
So you without your cards or whatever, out there in the audience, that won't be up here tonight, you just pray and say, "Lord Jesus, I believe You're that high priest that they're talking about, and let my faith touch You tonight."

Hebrews 4:15 For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin.

Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

102 Now, if you touched me it wouldn't do no more good than touching your husband, or touching your brother, or your son, or whatever it would be, see. That wouldn't do a thing. Touching me wouldn't be a thing. But you just touch Him and watch what He does.
You say, "Brother Branham, how will it act?" By a gift. Just giving myself over to the Spirit, it does the talking, see. Now this microphone is a perfect mute. It can't speak. It don't know how to speak. It takes something to speak into it to make it carry the sound. Is that right?
Well, then, every one of you here is strangers to me. Only two people I know up here at all is ... this man sitting here was with me this morning, and Brother Gene Goad, and this man over here, Brother Hall. That's the only ones that I can see in the building. My wife isn't here tonight. And that's the only ones that I know. But Jesus knows every one of you. Is that right? He knows every one of you. And He promised in the last days there would be light. Just like it was at the rising, the sun will be the same in the setting. Is that true? Now you just touch his garment, if He shall come and help us.

Zechariah 14:7 But it shall be one day which shall be known to the LORD, not day, nor night: but it shall come to pass, that at evening time it shall be light.

103 And how many of you, strangers here that never seen it before, would believe on Him and say, "It would make me believe to see Him act just like He did when He was here on earth." Raise up your hand, say, "I'll believe." That's strangers that wasn't here before. All right, that's fine. How many has been here before and seen Him do it? Let's see your hand, see. Practically everywhere. All right, now you believe.
Now remember, if one person comes and He heals that person, He's got to do it to the second person that comes on the same ground. Right. If you'll just believe. It takes your faith. Say, "What about all that group there that day. Just one woman touched Him." That was the only one that could believe it. Are you that one out there tonight? I hope you are, every one of you. Now just remember.
Now, Father God, I've spoke of You. I've tried to put it in a little story form tonight in a drama so that even the little children would understand, that they could tell their little schoolmates and so forth, and all could be prepared for the coming of the Lord.

104 Now I have spoken, testified of You. That's all I can do. I'm just a man. But now, Father, just one word from You will mean more than all of us could do in many lifetimes. Just one word.
They know it's the Scripture. They know it's the truth. They know it's from Genesis to Revelation. Now You made a promise that the coming Messiah in this day would come back into the church and do just as He did when He put ... just the coming of the headstone the building would be made shaped for. I pray God that it'll be so again tonight, for we ask it in Jesus' name, as I submit myself to You, and take this congregation and every spirit in here under the control of the Holy Spirit, in Jesus Christ's name. Amen.
All right, now have faith. Everybody be reverent. Sit quietly. Don't disbelieve, but believe with all your heart. Now, now is the showdown. I've preached it. How many knows it was the Word? Now if any of you doubt, why, you're welcome to come here and take my place if you want to. If some minister here would say it's not right, it isn't right, then you come up here and take my place and do the same thing.

105 If I cast out devils by the Word of God, who do you cast them out by? If you can do better, well, come on. I'll sit down. I'm wanting to see the people get healed. See, it's a promise of God and if He'll keep this promise...
Now we know, let me make this clear, there's no man can heal another. There's not even medicine that heals you. No doctor will tell you that if he's a real doctor. Medicine does not build tissue. Medicine keeps clean while God builds tissue. He has to create. Tissue is created, see. So a doctor doesn't heal a bone; he sets a bone. God heals the bone, see. Only God can heal. Now He's already done it. Just to get the people to believe it, that's what. If it'd be me, if I told you and you didn't believe it, or if you told me and I didn't believe it, let him go. But not God. He's a good God. He keeps on sending gifts and puts in his church after his Word, to confirm his Word and make it true, so that He's just and honest.

106 Now, this lady standing here or ... I guess you're the one to be prayed for. Now here stands a woman that I have never seen in my life as I know of. We're strangers to one another, I suppose. You saw me. I prayed for you in Tennessee. Well, I'm so glad of that. But to know you, I wouldn't know you. [No.] Wouldn't have no way of knowing you. All right now, this lady says, if you didn't hear me...
And by the way, ever who the engineer is on this, when the anointing comes and if I don't speak loud enough, step it up so they can hear it, because... You see, just going back in somebody's life for years and seeing what they've done, you're just looking what's going on there. You're not even conscious that you're standing here.

107 It isn't me. How could I do that? It's totally impossible. It's a perfect miracle it would be done. It's beyond any human reasoning, unless you take the Word of God for it. Certainly. It's the greatest miracle. You say, "Well, here's someone sitting here that had a lame foot. We prayed for him, and he got to walking." Well, that could be psychology. That's right. But this can't be. It has to be God. Nothing else can be that way. Exactly right.
So, now, if I prayed for you... But I don't know you, and I don't know nothing about you. I have no idea what you're here for. And you ... just like if somebody that I prayed for here would come to me several years from now, and say, "I was at Richmond, Virginia, and you prayed for me." Oh, my. I've prayed for tens of thousands times thousands of people, you see. And, anyhow, if you would come to me tomorrow ... and the anointing comes and the vision comes, you'd come to me tomorrow, I would know nothing about it.

108 See that boy sitting there? He's taking recordings. That's how we keep a record of it. Isn't that right, Brother Goad? That's the only way I know it, see, because it's not me speaking.
I confess and hold my hands that I don't know her, see. But if you were sick and I laid my hands on you and said, "The Bible said they shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover," that's what we've been doing for years. But we're closer home now, see. Christ is being more manifested to us. Now, if He'll tell me something that's been in your life, well, then, if He tells you what has been, you'll be a judge to know whether that's right or not. You'll know. You can tell this audience it's right or wrong. Well, then, if He does that, and knows what has been, surely He'd know what would be. Is that right, audience? He would know what would be. Now, now, I don't know that He will, but I trust that He will. And if He will, God be praised.
Then every one of the audience, if... We're standing here open, flood lights down upon us, and we stand here, nothing but the Word of God laying here before us. God Himself, we're in his presence before five or six hundred people or more, I guess, and whatever the little place seats. And here we are. It did before five hundred thousand at one time, three hundred thousand another time, and hundreds of thousands other time, all kinds of nations and peoples and tongues, see. It has to go everywhere. He has to declare Himself before He comes.

Mark 16:18 They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.

109 Now this is just like it was in the Bible time when our Lord met a Samaritan woman. And we're man and woman meeting here. I don't know you, and you only know me by passing through a line one time. Now, if He reveals to me what you're here for---may be sick again, maybe domestic trouble, it may be financial trouble... I don't know, but He does. But if He'll reveal to me what you're here for, you'll believe it, won't you? And the audience will believe it. Will you believe it? All right. May He grant it.
Now if the people can still hear my voice, the woman's going from me. Yes, I see you. You were healed. You were healed in my meeting. You had arthritis. You was healed. That's true. Now, you've got something wrong with a leg. You fell and hurt your leg. That's what you're here to be prayed for. If that's true, raise up your hand. Just raise your hand, so the...

110 Do you believe? All right.
I don't know why it is, but I keep ... now, what you're thinking, I catch it here, see. Did He look upon the people and perceive their thoughts? Right. Well, see that's Him, it's not me. I've done told you it's not me no more. It's Him now. That wasn't me that told her that. That was Him that told her that, because I don't know her. God knows that. Now, they keep thinking I guessed it. I don't know why it comes, but it's coming from somewhere. Yes, I do see where it's coming from now. I ought to call it. Am I right? See if it was. Yes.
Yes, I see you had a fall and hurt yourself. You hurt your limb, and you've tried everything for it, liniments and everything else, but it won't work. This is going to work.

111 You've had a lot of sorrow. You've lost a loved one. That was a daughter. That's right. If God will tell me who you are, what's your name, will you believe me to be his prophet, his servant? Mrs. Walton, you go believe. Jesus Christ makes you well. God bless you. Now it's going to be all right. Just go believing, it'll be all right.
Do you believe with all your heart? Now I ask anybody, how could I ever... ? Whatever was wrong with the woman, ever did it, there's got to be some kind of a supernatural being here doing that. I'm a man. Is that right? Who would know the woman, what she's done, where she'd been, all about her and things like that. Now, the longer you stand, the more would be said.
But you see that one vision taken more from me than that hour and a half of preaching did. See, you're taking in; now you're giving out.

Luke 8:46 And Jesus said, Somebody hath touched me: for I perceive that virtue is gone out of me.

John 14:12 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.

112 Just think, if one woman touched his garment and He said, "I perceive that virtue has gone from me," what would me, a sinner saved by grace ... do to me, see? Because Jesus said, "The works that I do, shall you do also, and more than this shall you do." I know the King James says, greater but it couldn't be greater; it was more of the works that He could do. Get the original Diaglott and see if it doesn't say more, see, for it's the same Spirit.
Now this lady's a stranger to me also. I do not know you, but God does know you. If God will reveal to me something that's your trouble, do you believe me to be his servant? Now you're aware that something happened just then, see. That was that feeling, like sweetness, like quiet. Now if that's right, just so the people will know, so that they'll know that I'm not telling nothing wrong, I seen that light drop right down over you. That's right. Now if you feel just like a real sweet, humble feeling around you, raise up your hand so the people see it.

113 You that's got the picture here, we got it. That light that you see in the picture, God is my judge, is right over the woman now. Yes, sir.
She's here not for herself, though she's nervous and upset. That's right. A little lady's trouble has bothered you for a while, but the main thing you're here for is somebody else. That's your husband. He's partially paralyzed, got trouble in his back and in his legs. That is right. Do you believe with me that God will make him well? Go, and as you have believed, so shall it be unto you. Go believing. God bless you. Put that handkerchief you had in your hands on him. Just believe with all your heart.

114 You and I are strangers to each other, lady, I suppose. We do not know each other. But God knows us both. Do you believe me to be his servant? With all your heart? If God will reveal to me something that's wrong, will you accept it to be from God? It's your back, your legs. It's caused from an accident. All right. That's all it takes to make you well. Go believing, just have faith.
Do you believe with all your heart, lady? Do you believe that Jesus Christ will grant the request to you? Of course you're wearing glasses. Anyone would know that. That's been a long time, since you can remember. It's been all your life.

115 But, really, that's not what's on your heart. It's something else on your heart. That's for somebody else. That's right. Do you believe that God can heal her, make her well? Your mother, she has palsy, shaking. That's right, isn't it? Go believe. It'll be the way you have believed. God bless you.
Do you believe now with all your heart? Does it settle it with you? Are you convinced? Now what is here? The very One that walked in Galilee is here tonight. What is it? He's just using you and I. Now no matter what would be anointed on me, it's got to be on them too, see. It's got to be on them also. Do you believe that? Just have faith. Just don't doubt, believe.

116 How do you do? We're strangers to each other, I suppose. I do not know you, but God does know you. (Somebody else appeared in the vision just then when it started on the woman.) Do you believe me to be his servant? The things that I have said is right? If God will reveal to me what your trouble is, will you accept me as his servant? You got trouble in your back. It's one thing. Another thing, you're shadowed for death with a cancer. Do you believe He'll heal you and make you well? You do?
Somebody else you want prayed for, too, isn't it? Do you believe He'll heal him too? That's your husband. He's sitting out there. Do you believe God can tell me what's his trouble? Will you believe me as his prophet if I do tell you that? He's got intestinal trouble, says the doctor. It's intestinal trouble. If you'll believe, he'll be healed too.
But here's the greatest thing you need---you need salvation for your soul. Do you accept Him as your Saviour? And believe on Him with all your heart? Both of you need it. Will you do it and believe with all your heart? You will accept Him as your Saviour now for your healing? Husband, will you accept Him as your Saviour? God bless you. You're both saved and healed. Go home and be made...

117 Do you believe? You say, "You have no right to tell them they're saved." I guess if the God can tell me what's wrong with them He can tell me whether they're saved or not, can't He? Certainly. Oh, do you love Him?
Do you want to go home and eat your supper, get over that stomach trouble and be made well? Go eat, Jesus Christ makes you well. Have faith. Come, sir. Do you want God to heal you of that back trouble? Just keep on walking, saying, "Thank You, Lord Jesus," and be made well. Arthritis, nervousness, do you believe He'll make you well? Say, "Thank You, Lord." How many believes with all your heart? Don't doubt. Just have faith with all your heart.

118 They say you have number one killer. But heart trouble isn't number one killer; sin is number one killer. So you're rid of both of them now. So you can go and be made well. Have faith.
A nervous stomach, it's well. Go believing. I see you trying to get up of a morning, putting your feet out and seeing if you can get up all right or not. That old thing, crippling devil. Go believe now and it'll leave you, arthritis will go away.
You'd have to be operated on, lady, if it wasn't for God. Do you believe He can perform the operation? You thoroughly believe Him, surrender your whole life to Him and the tumor will be gone. Do you believe that? Go, as you have believed, so be it unto you. Just go believe it. All right.

119 Come, lady. Got a nervous condition, stomach. Go believing, just have faith. Come, lady. Do you believe with all your heart? Just a moment, something happened. Just be reverent, just wait just a moment, be reverent. Oh, what a moment. It's a woman appeared, not like this woman, she was thinner, but it was in the audience. God, help me. Yeah, here she sits, right here. Got something wrong with your hand. Do you believe that God will make you well, the hand trouble? All right, your faith saved you. Say, by the way, put your hand on that woman sitting next to you there. She has heart trouble. That's right. Raise up your hand, receive Christ as your healer. God bless you, go home and be well. Isn't He wonderful?

120 That made that lady, sitting there with that blue-looking dress on, suffering with stomach trouble, believe too. You've been having stomach trouble for a while, haven't you? Go eat your supper. Jesus Christ makes you well. The heavy-set lady sitting right next to you, will you do me a favor, or God a favor? You're a believer or He would never spoke to you. She has arthritis, don't you, lady? That's right. Raise up your hand. All right. Lay your hand over on her, sister. You all lay your hands on one another there. Jesus Christ make you well. Do you believe?
You think God can heal diabetes? All right, go ahead then, have faith, He'll do it. Heart trouble? Just keep moving, saying, "Thank You, Lord Jesus, for healing me." Trouble with your back? Say "Thank You, Lord, for healing me." Oh, Jesus is wonderful, isn't He?

121 What do you think about it sitting there, little lady, looking at me? Do you believe me to be his prophet? Then that low blood pressure will leave you. The lady sitting right behind you, what do you think about that, sir, when she looked on her? The lady right behind you, the little lady with glasses on, you also have low blood pressure. That's right. When they put that thing around your arm, he told you you had low blood pressure. Is that right? If it's right, raise up your hand. How did I know he did it? Amen. Do you believe on Him?
Varicose veins. Do you believe God will heal it? All right. You got a prayer card? All right, you don't have to use it. You're healed. Go believe it. Right back there, arthritis, sitting right back there, second one sitting in. Do you believe God will heal you? You do? Accept it, God bless you. That's right. Thank you, lady for saying so. Go be made well.

122 O God!
What more can He do? What more...? He's already healed you. He was wounded for your transgressions, bruised for your iniquities. Now you realize that the whole thing ... just seems like just a big light over the whole building now. See, I can't see nothing out there hardly, it's just... Oh, if you could just only realize that that's Him.
A condition ... you say, "Brother Branham what makes you...?" I can't tell you, but that was twenty or twenty-five visions that's happened here on the platform. When one made Him weak, what would it do to me? You see his grace? He wants you all to believe it. Do you believe it? Do you believe it with all your heart? Will you accept it with all your heart? Then stand up on your feet and accept Him as your Saviour, as your healer, as your baptizer, and I commit you to God in the name of Jesus Christ. May the God of heaven pour out his Spirit upon you. Raise up your hands and give Him praise.

Isaiah 53:5 But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.

Be not afraid (1962-06-20) (William M. Branham Sermons)

Be not afraid (1962-06-20) (William M. Branham Sermons) somebody

Be not afraid

1 The Lord bless you, brother. Thank you very much. I wish to say thank you, my fine brethren, for this introduction. I could have no more liberty and feel no more at home than if I was in my own pulpit at home. God bless you. I'm here for the purpose to put my seine in with yours to help for all we can for the kingdom of God, to catch every soul that's straying away from God. I sure thank you for that, and trust that you'll be praying for me as I minister. And there's nothing any better than a good background when you're ministering to the people all the time.

2 Good evening, friends. So happy to be here again tonight in this big auditorium of this livestock or exhibition place here. I think this is about my third time to be here, and each time has always proven such a blessing to be here, to meet the people here of California.
I bring to you tonight great wishes and blessings from the eastern brethren, and the church in the East, to say to you that they are faring well under God's great provisions, and trusting that God will give you all a great meeting while we're here together on this West Coast.

3 I wish to thank my brethren here for this great privilege of sponsoring the meeting here, as I felt that, once more before going overseas, it would be a great privilege to me to visit my friends up and down this West Coast. And we're here tonight in the name of the Lord Jesus to minister, and to do all that we can to help everybody to know Him better than what they do now. I hope that when the meeting is over I know him a lot better than I do now, because each day we're all living for that purpose---to try to know Him a little better.

4 You know, someone said to me not long ago... I was speaking on something (and my grammar is pretty poor anyhow), and so, someone said (it was a great theologian to begin with), he said, "You just don't know your Bible."
I said, "But I know the author real well." To know Him is life. And if He be the author of the Word, He'll always back up his Word to be true. I believe that. And there's much that He can do, and does do, that's not written in the Bible. But as long as I see it just unfolding in the pages, I feel that---what would you call it?---that assurance, you know, that everything is running all right, because it just looks like it's running right through the pages. So that makes it ... makes us feel better.

5 We are on our road now up towards Anchorage, Alaska, up the West Coast, beginning here in California. Just come from Green Lake, Wisconsin, where the Full Gospel Businessmen that... The last two times being here I was with them. And we had the regional convention in Green ... I believe it was Green Lake, Wisconsin. And then we came down to Chicago for some fellowship there with the Christians. Had a wonderful time---great gathering, many people, and the Lord blessed us together on our feeble efforts trying to minister to his people.
Then, from there we went over to Southern Pines, North Carolina. I always want to call that ... Southern Pines ought to be South Carolina, but it's in North Carolina. And we certainly had a time of fellowship there with the convention of the Interdenominational Brotherhood---such a wonderful time. And then, on from that down into South Carolina, to Columbia. And there we met the people, and knowing that we were coming here to the West Coast. Oh, it's sojourning there, as we all are pilgrims who profess this great hope that we have in Christ.

6 We do not profess this to be our home. We are pilgrims and strangers. We're seeking a city whose builder and maker is God. That was Abraham's attitude---he was looking for a city. And we are the children of Abraham. Being in Christ, we are Abraham's seed. 'Course we know that Isaac was the natural seed, and the natural seed all look for that city. How much more should the royal seed look for it, the royal seed of Abraham? And I believe the church today, the called-out, is the royal seed of Abraham.
We are professing that this is not our home, for we have no anchor here on earth. And if we have, I trust we cut it loose right quick, so that if He would come tonight we would be taken up, not anchored down to the earth.

7 So thankful for this opportunity. And now ... I know it gets a little late so quick. So much to be said, seems like such a little time to say it in. But ... makes you kind of nervous, like the whole world---under a pressure, trying to hurry and do something. But I trust that we'll not do that during the time of this campaign, that we'll just be like we used to be a long time ago: just kind of let off the pressure, and let down, and just be ourselves---just be Christians and fellowship one with another, while the blood of Jesus Christ, God's Son, cleanses from all uncleanliness.

8 Now, I also come to throw my net in with these brethren. Now you know each one of us are fishermen, in order... The Lord told a fisherman one time, He said to follow Him and be fishers of men. And that's what's here on the platform tonight, is fishers of men.
We stand on the corner somewhere in our church, we cast out the net through the neighborhood, and gather with all that we can, bringing in every sinner. No matter what position he's in, we try to bring him to Christ. Well, then there comes a time when we want to reach away out. So we put all of our nets together so we can go way out, and get a big rake. And that's what we're here for tonight. And I just knitted my net in the fellowship of love around my brethren, and their net the same---way out through Los Angeles, and around, and see how many souls we can get in for Christ. That's the purpose of being here.
Now, of course, we know in the seining you get everything coming, but there's some there that's going to be fish as sure as the world, and God will take them.

Matthew 4:19 And he saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.

9 Now, you pray for me as I speak, and pray for the sick. And I'm not a healer. I've been called that, but I'm not. I'm your brother, just your brother here praying for the sick.
And so, I know that testimonies give a great push, and just... Something happened last night, or next to the last night in Columbia, made some news up in the country there. They couldn't get the little baby in the prayer line. It was a waterhead child, its little face narrow, and its head way out. Looked to be about a year or two old. And its eyes was done ... you know how they do, and great veins in its head. And the doctor (earthly physicians) had to give it shots every day to keep it alive. And they couldn't get the little fellow in, so they had it behind the curtain, and I went back to pray for it.

Mark 1:17 And Jesus said unto them, Come ye after me, and I will make you to become fishers of men.

10 Because, they pray for them as they come with prayer cards, and get the cards, and they give them out each day. And so, the little fellow didn't have a card, and the mother could not stay no longer than that one night. So we prayed for the little fellow behind the platform.
And the next morning it was astounding thing. All those big veins were gone, and its little head was practically normal. So they took it down to the doctor, not saying anything, and the physician looked it over, and examined it. Something in its blood---they had to take these shots. And he said, "The child don't even need any shots." He said, "I have never seen anything like this before."

11 And so, it just made a great rumor through the neighborhood. As it was in the Bible times, it was spread abroad everywhere---the love and fame of our Lord Jesus, how He still can heal the sick. Regardless of what it is, He still can heal it.
He has ... the power has been deposited in the box, and He's given us each a key. That's his name. And if we're not afraid to sign it, why, He'll certainly make the check good when it arrives if He's got his name behind it. "Ask the Father anything in my name, I'll do it," He said. And I believe that. Whatever you ask in his name, believing you receive it, you shall do it.

John 14:13 And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.

12 Now, I think tomorrow morning is the ministerial breakfast, I think. I'm always happy for those, to get to meet my brethren. I'm looking forward to seeing you brethren tomorrow morning at the breakfast.
And I suppose that the Businessmen here may have the Saturday morning... Is that official now? Saturday morning, at Clifton's. Well, I'll get some more of that good porridge they have down there then. That's really good. I like that. So we'll be looking for ... up there, to see you up there.

13 Now been ... a lot of water has went over the dam since (that's a Southern expression) since we met before. Come pretty near getting killed recently by a gun exploding. You can see it across my face. But the Lord spared my life, and I'm thankful to be here.
I was shooting a gun that had been rebored by Mr. Weatherby up here, and had been give to me as all right. And I had shot it a couple of times, and noticed the swelling around the ring, and put another shell in. And they don't know yet what happened. The gun exploded, and blowed the barrel fifty yards ahead of me, and blowed the pieces of the gun through the trees. And all I seen was just red fire fly up.
And when ... they thought I'd... 'Course, pieces stuck into my skull. Just ... fifteen pieces went just below the sight of my eye. And one went through here and knocked the top of the tooth off, and cut me through the face. When they ... I didn't know where I was at for a few minutes, of course, and I couldn't see nor... Just like you threw hamburger in my face---about four weeks ago.
I'd pull this eye up, and I ... look around, and I seen the man that had went down there with me to the range, where I shoot this target shooting. He was going out to the target. And I couldn't hear, couldn't speak, couldn't hear or see. And finally I got his attention. He come up there, and I stopped the blood with my hand. And we prayed, and the blood all stopped. And I was soaked all over.

14 They taken me over to the doctor, and he said, "Oh, my!" (I forget how many tons of pressure they say that gun would stand.) Said, "When the man come up and found you, he should have just found a leg down here, and no head or shoulders. The burst of that steel that's here ... blowed the whole body up." And it was just that close to my eye when it went off. So I'm thankful to be here, very grateful.
The physician that looked at the place, he said, "Well, there's only one..." Said, "There's nothing could be done," he said, "because the steel went all the way back in the eye." And said, "It never touched the sight." And said, "The only thing that I know that ... can say, the good Lord must have been sitting on the bench to protect his servant that morning, or he wouldn't have had..."
So I feel that He kept me here to minister to you, and to help you; and you help me, and we're all here together to help each other.

15 And now, we want to turn to his Word. I just love his Word. And it's a little ... we always, on the first night, get a little late start, but we hope to get away on time. And we'll try to pray for some sick people. Billy told me he gave out some cards. And now, if we don't get them all in tonight, just hold them. We'll get them. And don't be in a hurry. And now, let's ... before we read his Word, let's just speak to Him just a moment by prayer, as we bow our heads; and I trust that our hearts will be bowed also.
Now, as you have your heads bowed, your eyes closed, and your heart centered towards God, I just wonder if there's any requests would like to be remembered. Just raise up your hand. And by that you're saying, "God, you know what I have need of now tonight." God bless. That's good.

16 Our heavenly Father, we are now approaching thy throne of grace. We would not desire to stand by the throne of justice, because we would not feel that we could stand there. But when we come by the way of grace, You've bid us to come. And we're so happy that we have the privilege of approaching Thee, the great mighty Jehovah, in the way of the grace of Jesus Christ.
Now we come in his name, knowing that He said that "Wherever two or more are assembled in my name, then I'll be in the midst of them." And again, He said, "If you ask the Father anything in my name, it will be granted." And we have the assurance, now, Lord, that by these precious promises of the Word of God, that you are here to listen.
Father, first we would say, "Forgive us of our trespasses, as we have forgive others that trespass against us." And we pray, Lord, that you'll lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. And may the kingdom of God come down upon us, and bless our gathering together. Bless the reading of the Word, and do all things, Lord, to the glory of thy kingdom, for we ask it in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Matthew 6:12 And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.

Matthew 6:13 And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.

Matthew 18:20 For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.

John 14:13 And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.

17 Now, you that like to kind of take down a little text, I'd like for you to read with me tonight in St. Matthew 14, beginning with the 22nd verse, for just a few moments if you'll bear with me.
And straightway Jesus constrained his disciples to get into a ship, and to go before him unto the other side, while he sent the multitudes away.
And when he had sent the multitudes away, he went up into a mountain apart to pray: and when the evening was come, he was there alone.
But the ship was now in the midst of the sea, tossed with the waves: for the waves were contrary.
And in the fourth watch of the night Jesus went unto them, walking on the sea.
And when the disciples saw him walking on the sea, they were troubled, saying, It is a spirit; and they cried out for fear.
But straightway Jesus spake unto them, saying, Be of good cheer; it is I; be not afraid.
I want to use this tonight as a form of a testimony meeting.

Matthew 14:22 And straightway Jesus constrained his disciples to get into a ship, and to go before him unto the other side, while he sent the multitudes away.

Matthew 14:23 And when he had sent the multitudes away, he went up into a mountain apart to pray: and when the evening was come, he was there alone.

Matthew 14:24 But the ship was now in the midst of the sea, tossed with waves: for the wind was contrary.

Matthew 14:25 And in the fourth watch of the night Jesus went unto them, walking on the sea.

Matthew 14:26 And when the disciples saw him walking on the sea, they were troubled, saying, It is a spirit; and they cried out for fear.

Matthew 14:27 But straightway Jesus spake unto them, saying, Be of good cheer; it is I; be not afraid.

18 Must have been around about the time the sun was going down, and it had been an awful day. There had been much activity in the services that day. They'd seen some terrific things happening. You know, along when you're in the presence of Christ, you always see miraculous things taking place. That's the reason I love to live in his presence, is to see his great tender hand going out to minister. I would have loved to have walked with Him in those days.
But I think today it's maybe a greater privilege because He's walking inside of us. Then He was on the outside pointing; now He is on the inside, pointing to Himself what He is doing. And I'm so glad for the privilege.
Now I would think, maybe, it was one of the larger men of the group. We'd call him Simon, maybe, that had been one of the converts to the Lord Jesus, was pushing the boat off of the bank, where they had pulled it up after they had been journeying and preaching along the coast. And the day had been hot. He was tired, and he pushed the boat out into the water, and climbed in, sat down by the side of his brother, Andrew, and picked up the oars in the little ship.

19 Now the ships of those days wasn't like the ships of today. They wasn't propelled by jet, or by electrical power. They were pulled by hand, many of them kind of like a fisherman's boat today. They had long oars, and there would be a man on one side with a oar; right across from him would be another man. Then they had a sail. When the wind was right, they'd hoist up this sail, and catch the wind, and it would blow them to their places, destination where they were determined to go. Then if the wind wasn't very good, they'd pick up the oars. And there would be two men in each seat pulling on the oars.
And I can see Simon as he climbs into the boat---great strong-looking fellow, perhaps bald-headed, and sits down by the side of his brother Andrew, picks up the oar. They make a couple of strokes, and then wave back; and the people standing on the bank waving at them. Quite a dramatic sight, because they were bidding them come back.

20 There's something, you know, when you meet up with people that you have things in common, your talk is common. Your fellowship then becomes wonderful, when you can have things in common. That's why we're here tonight, because we've got things in common. We like to talk with each other. We talk about the same things.
And that's the way they were. They had been talking that day about God, and about his great power, and seeing his power working among them. And the meeting was over, and they were going home, or across the other side of the lake for the next campaign. And I can imagine how their hearts felt as they waved good-bye to those precious people of that day, after they had fellowshipped around the great works of Christ. Now, what a blessed time it is, how you hate to leave one another. It's a love that ... it happens in the heart. It is too bad that much of that is missing today in our gatherings, is that real love that the church should have one for another.

21 In the early days of my ministry, I pastored a church. And we used to get together at night in a little homemade way, and put our hands together, and we'd sing that song:
Blest be the tie that binds
Our hearts in Christian love;
The fellowship of kindred minds
Is like to that above.
When we asunder part,
It gives us inward pain;
But we shall still be joined in heart,
And hope to meet again.

22 Many of those precious old faces is done in the presence of God, and that song still echoes down in my soul, that we shall still be joined in heart, and hope to meet again. I've helped direct tombstones over many of their graves, and seen them throw the dirt back in when I return the body, ashes to ashes and dust to dust. But "dust thou art, to dust returneth" was not spoken of the soul. That's right. It's gone on in the presence of God, that fellowship.
Something ... ministering brethren would come in, and say, "How's it done, Brother Branham?" We would just ... couldn't hardly get away from each other, just wanted to shake hands again. And sometimes we would just walk out to the car, and pat one another on the shoulders---just not as a make up, or put on, but something that was really coming from our hearts.
I just wished all the church of the living God could feel that way about it tonight. We'd just be in such a grand unity for the coming of the Lord, which I believe is near at hand, now. I believe we're living in the very shadows of it.
And if He doesn't come today, I'll be looking for Him tomorrow. And if He doesn't come this year, I'll be looking for Him next year. Just whenever ... I want to be looking every minute for Him coming, carrying on, just doing what I can; but still believing that He's coming any time, being prepared for it. And I think the preparation of the church should stand in that status at all times, that we should certainly be watching for the coming of the Lord.

Genesis 3:19 In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.

23 And now as such fellowship had been enjoyed, these disciples going out at sea now, or going across the lake, I'd imagine the sun set about like it did this afternoon, beautiful out across the sea, and the water was calm. And they'd make a couple of strokes with their oars, and stand up, and wave good-bye. And I'm on the banks waving good-bye, "Come back, and see us again."
And as the little boat pulled out, dimmer and dimmer the little line got on the bank, of the people waving. And finally they disappeared. They may have pulled for quite awhile, and working up kind of a sweat, you know, when you're pulling those big heavy oars. Many of you people who've pulled boats know what that means.

24 And after they'd... Must have been young John who kind of give out first, you know, being a young fellow---might have stopped and wiped the perspiration off his forehead. Says, "What do you say, brethren? Let's stop for a few minutes, and catch a little breath," as they ... being young. So they pulled their oars in.
After they coasted a little bit he said, "Why not have a testimony meeting, while we're waiting here to rest up a little?" And you know, it's kind of ... when you got a lot of things on your heart, and you just can't keep it still, you got to say something about it. So I'd imagine that young fellow ... just something boiling down in him. He had seen something that day that had convinced him. And a man when he's thoroughly convinced of anything, he can't hold his peace, that's all. He has just got to do something about it.

25 And when the church becomes thoroughly convinced that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, that He's here present with us today in the form of the Spirit, I'm telling you, there is going to be a revival strike the land that'll burn the nation up---when all church members are fully convinced. But they have to be convinced first, before they can be sincere about it.

26 So young John said, "We'll start a testimony meeting while we're waiting. I'd like to be the first one to testify," 'cause it was just burning in him.
I remember a sister, used to be in our church. She'd sing a little song: something---I forget what you call it---but something another, "Running, running, running, and can't stand still," or something like that; "just got over, and can't stand still," or something. But she certainly had a real jubilee all to herself with it, whether the rest of them did or not. She was having a great time with it. That must have been the condition that John was in. Let's just stop now, and listen to them testify.

27 John said, "Brethren, there's one thing that I'm thoroughly convinced in. We can tell the world from today on that we're not following some kind of a quack. We're not following some false prophet, some puffed-up something that knows nothing, but we're following God. We're not following some false prophet.
"I can call back the days when I was a little boy. I used to play in the springtime on the hillside. I remember my pretty Jewish mother used to call me in, and sit me on the porch that looked out towards the Jordan, rock me to sleep in her arms. And she would tell me the Bible stories. And she'd show me where Joshua, the great warrior, crossed the river, under the power of Jehovah rolled back the waters. In the springtime the big muddy flood stood still, while our people crossed into their own grounds in their own land---when they'd come up from slaves out of another country. Been down there living like slaves, and now they'd been brought into their own country.

28 "And she told me how that God provided for them in their journey; how that for forty years out there in the wilderness, without failing one time, God put bread down out of the heavens upon the earth every night for them to get it fresh every day.
"And I used to say as a little boy, 'Mama, it's a strange thing. I do not understand how God does that. Does He have a night shift working up there, and the heavens is all full of bakeries that He bakes the bread, and the angels bakes it, and runs down the ladder and spreads it all over the ground for his children?' I remember I'd ask Mama that.
"And she would say to me, 'My little boy John, of course you understand as a child. But you know Jehovah don't have to do those kind of things. Jehovah is a creator. He doesn't have to have ovens, and bake bread, and go through the procedure that we do. But He is the creator, and all He has to do is just speak the word, and the bread is there.'

29 "And brethren, today, when Andrew went down there and got that five little biscuits from that little boy that was playing truant from school, and gave us that lunch... And when I saw Him take that bread and break it, and feed five thousand people, I knowed that wasn't a false prophet. There's some connection there with God, because God alone can do it. That must've been God. And did you notice, He just looked like Jehovah when He stood there picking up that bread?
"And you know, I slipped around behind the rock and got up above and looked over, and I said, 'I wonder where He's getting it?' And He picked up this biscuit. And when He broke the biscuit I watched the end of it, and He handed it out to one of you brethren. When his hand started back, there was the same biscuit again, whole. So He didn't have to bake it any more; it was created right in his hands. So it must have been Jehovah, for He was a creator. I seen the way He acted. It was Jehovah. I know it is. And He's not nothing false. And I'm thoroughly convinced. And that little boy, how I noticed his little eyes as he looked up!"

30 Now you see, to the little boys here tonight, that little boy was going ... maybe going fishing, or he might have been on his road to school. But when he seen that crowd he---like any little boy---run up as a spectator to see what was going on.
But one time he heard the voice of Jesus, that was better than going fishing. He wanted to listen what was said. Then they asked if there was anything to eat, and he only had his two little fish and five biscuits. And so then, it wasn't very much in the little boy's hand; but when he let Jesus have it, look what it did.
And now, that's what it is. Our lives are not very much as long as we handle it ourselves. But once in the hands of the Creator, how He can take what little we got, and press it out, and feed the multitude. And you just remember that. When you hear Jesus speaking in your heart, just surrender all you've got to Him. Then He'll go to multiplying it, and feeding the others by your testimony. And whatever you have to give Him, He'll bless it.

Matthew 14:17 And they say unto him, We have here but five loaves, and two fishes.

Mark 6:38 He saith unto them, How many loaves have ye? go and see. And when they knew, they say, Five, and two fishes.

Luke 9:13 But he said unto them, Give ye them to eat. And they said, We have no more but five loaves and two fishes; except we should go and buy meat for all this people.

John 6:9 There is a lad here, which hath five barley loaves, and two small fishes: but what are they among so many?

31 So when John got through with his testimony, he could no more than hardly get sat down until this great, brawny-backed fisherman called Peter raised up in the boat, looked over to Andrew and said, "I remember when my brother Andrew went to hear John. He told me that he was speaking of a Messiah coming, so I thought it was just another rumor crossing the country---just somebody, as they had been coming and going.
"So, you know, Andrew come in one day thoroughly convinced that this was the Messiah, so he called me to go with him, down to listen at Him one morning. So I told him I would go hear once, because I had made up in my mind that if it was the Messiah I would know Him---because I wasn't going to approach Him by any silly idea; I was going to approach it, the subject, by the Scripture. It had to be by the Bible.

32 "And Andrew here, my brother, can well remember our old gray-headed father when he sat me on the boat one day, after we'd ... almost out of bread at home, and the barrel was about empty, and the cruse dry, and we couldn't catch no fish.
"And that morning, while we gathered around, we had some debts to pay and we prayed, 'God give us a good catch today.' And Andrew, you're aware how we prayed of those things, and how Dad taught us. And that day we had a marvelous catch---enough to pay off all the debts, and get us something to eat for the day.
"That day Dad took me by the hand and he said, 'Simon, my boy, I have taught you the things that's right. All my days I've longed to see that coming Messiah. I believed that I would see Him. But it's seemingly now that ... I'm old, and I perhaps won't be able to see Him. But you'll probably see Him in your day. We've looked for Him through the generations to come, since the very beginning of time. But some day, Simon, He will arrive. And if He doesn't come in my generation, He may come in yours, because He's a promise of God."

33 I like that. God's promise cannot fail. That's right. The Word is positive. It cannot change. It must stay just the way it's written. God will judge the world some day, and the world will have to have a standard. And if the church is a standard, which is ... where is the church? There's hundreds of different organizations of them. But the standard that God'll judge it by is by his Word.
I believe the Word, for in the book of Revelation it's written, "Whosoever shall add one thing to, or take anything out, the same will be taken out from the part of the book of life for him." So I believe that this Word is just what it is. It's just God's Word.

Revelation 22:18 For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book:

34 And I'm going to make this grand old Pharisee, tonight, believe that same thing when he said, "Simon, there will be all kinds of false things rise up along through the ages you live---to be an old man, I hope. But when that Messiah comes, Simon, I'll tell you what He'll be. He'll be just exactly what the Scripture says He'll be.
"Now, Moses, our prophet, has said to us in our scroll on Deuteronomy, that 'The Lord your God shall raise up from among you a prophet like me.' Now, Simon, you'll know Him because He'll be a prophet. And you'll recognize Him by that, because the Scripture says He must be a prophet.

Deuteronomy 18:15 The LORD thy God will raise up unto thee a Prophet from the midst of thee, of thy brethren, like unto me; unto him ye shall hearken;

35 "'So you'll find lots of things going on, but this man will be a prophet. And besides, we Jews know that the Word of God comes to the prophet. [That's exactly what the Scripture says. The Word of the Lord came to the prophet. And so the prophet was to come.] Now, don't you forget that, Simon,' he told me. And almost in his dying words he told me, 'Son, don't forget. Remember, when He arrives He'll be a prophet liken unto Moses, because that's exactly what it says.
"'And how you'll know he'll be a prophet, because Moses has told us, and the Scriptures tell us, that if there be one among you who is spiritual, or a prophet, and what he says comes to pass, then hear him. But if it doesn't come to pass, then don't fear him, because the Word of the Lord is not with him, because God cannot lie. God has to be truth. And if a man tells it, and it comes to pass, then it wasn't the man; it was God. And so, that's the way you'll know Him.'

Deuteronomy 18:22 When a prophet speaketh in the name of the LORD, if the thing follow not, nor come to pass, that is the thing which the LORD hath not spoken, but the prophet hath spoken it presumptuously: thou shalt not be afraid of him.

Amos 3:7 Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets.

36 "And you know, when I went down that day, I kind of doubted Andrew, and I imagine him shaking his shoulders like that." Said, "I kind of doubted my brother Andrew. I thought it was just something else. But when I walked up in the meeting that morning ... Andrew had got there much earlier than I was, because I had to finish the net ... mending the net.
"And when I come into the presence of Jesus of Nazareth ... looked right straight at me, and He said, 'Your name is Simon, and you are the Son of Jonas.' Not only did He know who I was; He knowed that godly old father of mine." He said, "That settled it for me. I knowed right then that that was Him, that was the prophet that Moses had spoke of. That convinced me that it was that."

John 1:42 And he brought him to Jesus. And when Jesus beheld him, he said, Thou art Simon the son of Jona: thou shalt be called Cephas, which is by interpretation, A stone.

37 He had no more than got through talking, till Philip jumped up and said, "Just a minute, brethren. Oh, I just can't hold it any more." Turned around, and looked up the front of the boat, and said, "Nathanael, will you forgive me?"
"Why, sure, brother Philip. It's only a privilege to hear you testify."
"Now, Nathanael and I were boys together. We grew up, we went to the same synagogue, we sat in the same pews. We were boys together, and we both studied the Scriptures very plainly. I was standing there that day when I seen Him, and heard Him tell Simon about his daddy and about him. And I was so thrilled, and we had both agreed that when the Messiah come, He had to be a scriptural Messiah. He had to be a scriptural Messiah. So I took off running as hard as I could.

38 "And Nathanael, I never forget the morning I knocked on the door over there. I'd almost run day and night to get there. And I knocked on the door, and your wife said, 'He's out in his grove.'
"And I went out there, and you were praying. And I heard you in your prayers saying, 'O God, we have waited so long. But we believe that the hour will approach that when we shall see the deliverer. We are looking for Him at any time. And God, I'm here this morning because something strange struck me last evening. I had a dream that I saw Him. And I'm here this morning praying.' "

39 And as soon as he got up, well, Philip said, "Come see who we have found: the Messiah. We've found He that was spoke of by Moses, and the prophets---Jesus of Nazareth, the Son of Joseph."
He didn't stop to ask how the orchard was getting along. He was thoroughly convinced. That's what's the trouble today. We have so much other stuff that we pack along, that it seems like we're not exactly convinced. So, if we're convinced, it's right straight to the punch. Believe it!
"Oh, I've come into Brother Roberts' meeting. I'll be prayed for. If I miss it there, I'll go over to Brother Allen's meeting. If I miss it there I'll catch Brother Branham."
Don't do that. Be convinced that He's God, and believe that his Word is right, and settle it right there---perfectly satisfied. There's nothing in we men; we're men. He's the one that died. He's the one, yea, that raised again, and is alive forevermore. We're mortal beings, his representatives. We die, men; but He cannot die. He's the immortal One.

John 1:45 Philip findeth Nathanael, and saith unto him, We have found him, of whom Moses in the law, and the prophets, did write, Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph.

40 Now, Philip went right straight to the point, and said, "Come see. We found Him."
"And Nathanael, do you remember that hot flash that passed through you? You thought, what had happened to me? Surely I'd went off on a deep end somewhere.
"Why, you said, 'Philip, what's happened to you? Why, if the Messiah would come, He would walk right down the corridors of heaven, come right down to our own group. And He would speak right straight to our own group of the Pharisees, and the Sadducees, and be out of it altogether. So there would be nothing else to it. Well, and He would come right up to the temple to the headquarters, and there He would make Himself known to Caiaphas, our high priest, and that would settle it.' "

41 But you know, God does things in his own way. He's just got a way of doing it. He always has things like that that He does. He's God, and He works as God. He serves as God, because He's the immortal, infinite. How can our little finite mind ever reach out there to that infinite mind of God? Oh, He's omnipresent, omnipotent. He's God, and there, when...
He said, "I never wasted any words with Nathanael. I said, 'Come and see.' "

John 1:45 Philip findeth Nathanael, and saith unto him, We have found him, of whom Moses in the law, and the prophets, did write, Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph.

John 1:46 And Nathanael said unto him, Can there any good thing come out of Nazareth? Philip saith unto him, Come and see.

42 That's a good idea, see. Don't stay home and criticize. Come find out for yourself. That's the best way. "Search the scriptures," Jesus said, "for in them you think you have everlasting life, and they are they that testify of me." In other words, "If I do not the works of my Father, then don't believe me. But if I do the works, and you can't believe me, believe the works"; for the works is what testifies of the testimony. You can testimony, but the works that you do, and the life that you live speaks louder than all the testimony that you could give. So the works speaks louder than the testimony. He said, "Believe the works that I do. And if I don't do the works of God, then don't believe me. But if I do the works, then if you can't believe me as being God, then believe the works that I do." Now notice, He never taken credit to Himself. He said, "It's not me. It's the Father that dwelleth in me, He doeth the work."

John 5:39 Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me.

John 10:37 If I do not the works of my Father, believe me not.

John 10:38 But if I do, though ye believe not me, believe the works: that ye may know, and believe, that the Father is in me, and I in him.

43 Now we find that ... Nathanael going along the bank with Philip. And, you know, Philip might have started a testimony like this. He said, "Do you remember Simon, the fisherman, that man that doesn't have any education?"
"Yes. I knowed his father, Jonas. Yes. Remember you bought some fish from him one time? He couldn't sign the receipt."
"Yes, I remember that well."
"Well, Andrew, his brother, was a believer on the Messiah, and told him---like you and I have talked---that the Messiah will be a prophet like Moses. That's the scriptural approach to Him. And now, if it is Him, then here's what happened. When he came up in the presence of Jesus of Nazareth, Jesus told him who he was. Said, 'Your name is Simon, and you're the son of Jonas.' And you know what, Nathanael? It wouldn't surprise me if He didn't tell you who you were when you come. It wouldn't surprise me."

John 1:42 And he brought him to Jesus. And when Jesus beheld him, he said, Thou art Simon the son of Jona: thou shalt be called Cephas, which is by interpretation, A stone.

44 Nathanael said, "Well, Philip, I'm not going to be critical. I'm just going to find out."
"Well, when we arrived at the meeting, there might have been a prayer line; or they might have been sitting out in the audience, or wherever it was, or standing up. Somehow, there was a group of Pharisees around there, and they knowed..."
Now, they were orthodox, but they didn't believe in the supernatural. So they were standing with their hands behind them. And they seen Jesus performing these signs, and they knowed they'd have to answer to their congregation. And they couldn't say it wasn't done, because it was right before the congregation. So they said, "He's Beelzebub. He is a prince of the devil." That's what ... in other words, a foul spirit doing that---a devil, a fortune-teller, or some other foul spirit. We all know that fortune-telling, and that stuff, is of the devil. And so they called the Spirit that was in Christ an unclean spirit.
And He told them, said, "I forgive you for that. But some day the Holy Ghost is coming. He'll do the same thing. And to speak a word against that will never be forgiven in this world, nor the world to come." So, wonder if we could be living in that day?

Matthew 12:24 But when the Pharisees heard it, they said, This fellow doth not cast out devils, but by Beelzebub the prince of the devils.

Matthew 12:31 Wherefore I say unto you, All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men.

Matthew 12:32 And whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come.

Mark 3:22 And the scribes which came down from Jerusalem said, He hath Beelzebub, and by the prince of the devils casteth he out devils.

Mark 3:28 Verily I say unto you, All sins shall be forgiven unto the sons of men, and blasphemies wherewith soever they shall blaspheme:

Mark 3:29 But he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost hath never forgiveness, but is in danger of eternal damnation:

Luke 11:15 But some of them said, He casteth out devils through Beelzebub the chief of the devils.

45 Anyhow, we find out that when they come up into where the people were, Jesus looked straight around into the crowd, or maybe Nathanael might have stepped in the line somewhere, and Jesus looked at him, and said, "Behold an Israelite, in whom there is no guile." He never told him who he was, but He said, "an Israelite, in whom there is no guile."
He said, "Rabbi [which means teacher, master], when did you ever know me? Now, I'm a stranger to you [in other words]. When did you ever know me?"
Here comes the ... here it come back. He said, "Before Philip called you, when you were under the tree I saw you."
I can imagine old Nathanael raising up on the side of the boat, and shaking his hands, and shouting a little bit, and dancing around the boat. And it might have been Matthew said, "Sit still. You'll turn the boat over." Oh, they were getting up, and having them a real jubilee then, you know, a real testimony meeting. Don't you like to get into those? Just having a glorious time, said, "Oh, sit still, brother. You'll turn the boat over."

John 1:47 Jesus saw Nathanael coming to him, and saith of him, Behold an Israelite indeed, in whom is no guile!

John 1:48 Nathanael saith unto him, Whence knowest thou me? Jesus answered and said unto him, Before that Philip called thee, when thou wast under the fig tree, I saw thee.

46 "Oh, well I remember. That sure took all the starch out of me, for Philip and I'd just been discussing that scripture, if there was one among us that was a prophet... And we hadn't had a prophet for four hundred years since Malachi, four hundred years before, and the idea of a prophet had faded out. But when that strange man told me where I was before I even come over there, that settled it with me. I knowed.
"And I looked around, and I seen my bishop [or whatever you might call him up there, a priest] standing up there. And he give me a great frown, because, you know, I used to be deacon over there. And so, he gave me a great frown, but I was convinced. I knew that was Him. So I just turned my back, and rushed over to Him, and fell down at his feet and said, 'Rabbi, thou art the Son of God. Thou art the King of Israel.' "

John 1:49 Nathanael answered and saith unto him, Rabbi, thou art the Son of God; thou art the King of Israel.

47 Oh, I can hear him just say, "Excuse me, Philip. I just couldn't let you go ahead. I just had to tell it myself," see. When it happens to you, you like to tell it yourself. That's it. There's something about it, you get the joy out of telling it. What a testimony meeting! And Andrew just trying to get up, and Simon trying to hold him down, you know, he said, "Me next," and up he jumps.
Said, "Brethren, let me give a testimony for all of us. You remember the day when He told us He was going down to Jericho?"
"Yes, I remember going down to Jericho,"
"And how that He need go by Samaria? How we wondered in our heart, what's He going way up around Samaria for, instead of going right down to Jericho? But He said He had need to go by."
One of them said, "Yeah, sure. I remember."
"You remember down there at the pool of Bethesda, that day, when that man was healed laying there, and that great multitude of people? And He said over there, 'Verily, verily I say unto you, the Son can do nothing in himself but what he sees the Father doing?' See, it must have been that He was led to go up around there, and we wondered why He would go up to those Samaritans.

John 4:4 And he must needs go through Samaria.

John 5:19 Then answered Jesus and said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do: for what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise.

48 "And we came to Sychar, and He sat down like He was tired. And He said, 'Go on into the city and get something to eat for us.' And we slipped in, you remember, and what ... while we ... what happened.
"And on our road back we was surprised to see this woman, marked of ill-fame." You know what I mean. Them days, well, they had to be marked if they were bad women.
So they said, "We saw that woman, and our Master talking to her. What a strange thing, our Pastor talking to a woman like that."
"There she was, standing there with all of her curls fixed up on her head, and she had this pot of water, and going to get some water. She started to let it down, and we said, 'Oh, oh. She's not one of our race. He'll really tell her off. And look, she's marked. Let's see what He's going to say to her, because she's no good. You can see her mark she wears, that she's branded. So ... and she don't even belong to our congregations at all. She's not even our race of people. So He'll really tell it to her. You just watch and see.' And we slipped up behind the bushes and listened real close.

49 "And Simon, I couldn't make you keep your head down. So then, you just wanted to look over the top of somebody's shoulder. And so then we watched a little while, and the woman hooked the hooks into the pot, and she started with the windle to let it down, and He said, 'Bring me a drink.'
"And she turned. She had never noticed Him. Probably she'd been out all night, and she was sleepy. And so she never noticed Him sitting there."
And He was just a middle-aged Jew. He wasn't but thirty years old. But I think, according to Scripture, they said He looked about fifty, because they said, "You say that you saw Abraham? And you're a man not over fifty years old?" So it must have been his ministry wore him a little, you know. And He said, "Before Abraham was, I AM." That little earthly body had nothing to do with it. So he must have looked about like a middle-aged man, sitting up against the wall there.
"And she said, 'Sir, it's not customary---you don't realize that we have segregation here---that you being a Jew, would ask anything of me, a woman of Samaria.'
"Remember what He said? He said, 'But if you knew who you were talking to...'"

John 4:5 Then cometh he to a city of Samaria, which is called Sychar, near to the parcel of ground that Jacob gave to his son Joseph.

John 4:6 Now Jacob's well was there. Jesus therefore, being wearied with his journey, sat thus on the well: and it was about the sixth hour.

John 4:7 There cometh a woman of Samaria to draw water: Jesus saith unto her, Give me to drink.

John 4:8 (For his disciples were gone away unto the city to buy meat.)

John 4:9 Then saith the woman of Samaria unto him, How is it that thou, being a Jew, askest drink of me, which am a woman of Samaria? for the Jews have no dealings with the Samaritans.

John 4:10 Jesus answered and said unto her, If thou knewest the gift of God, and who it is that saith to thee, Give me to drink; thou wouldest have asked of him, and he would have given thee living water.

John 8:57 Then said the Jews unto him, Thou art not yet fifty years old, and hast thou seen Abraham?

John 8:58 Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am.

50 I wonder tonight if we really know what this is that comes down. If we could open our eyes, and see angels in their positions, see the Holy Spirit (glory to God!) ready to do something...
"If you only knew who you were talking to, you'd ask me for a drink, and I'd give you waters that you don't come here to draw." And she went ahead, and told Him about the well. And you remember the conversation about the worship in Jerusalem? And He told her that God was a spirit, and they that worship him must worship Him in spirit and in truth.
So we find out that the conversation went on. He said to her, "Go get your husband and come here."
"Why," she said, "I don't have any husband."
"Oh, Mark! Did I see the look on your face! You said, 'Here's one time there's a slip-up. Something wrong here, because that she's admitting to Him, or saying to Him, that she doesn't have a husband; and He said she did have a husband. Now what's going to happen?' "

John 4:9 Then saith the woman of Samaria unto him, How is it that thou, being a Jew, askest drink of me, which am a woman of Samaria? for the Jews have no dealings with the Samaritans.

John 4:10 Jesus answered and said unto her, If thou knewest the gift of God, and who it is that saith to thee, Give me to drink; thou wouldest have asked of him, and he would have given thee living water.

John 4:11 The woman saith unto him, Sir, thou hast nothing to draw with, and the well is deep: from whence then hast thou that living water?

John 4:12 Art thou greater than our father Jacob, which gave us the well, and drank thereof himself, and his children, and his cattle?

John 4:13 Jesus answered and said unto her, Whosoever drinketh of this water shall thirst again:

John 4:14 But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.

John 4:15 The woman saith unto him, Sir, give me this water, that I thirst not, neither come hither to draw.

John 4:16 Jesus saith unto her, Go, call thy husband, and come hither.

John 4:17 The woman answered and said, I have no husband. Jesus said unto her, Thou hast well said, I have no husband:

John 4:18 For thou hast had five husbands; and he whom thou now hast is not thy husband: in that saidst thou truly.

John 4:19 The woman saith unto him, Sir, I perceive that thou art a prophet.

John 4:20 Our fathers worshipped in this mountain; and ye say, that in Jerusalem is the place where men ought to worship.

John 4:21 Jesus saith unto her, Woman, believe me, the hour cometh, when ye shall neither in this mountain, nor yet at Jerusalem, worship the Father.

John 4:22 Ye worship ye know not what: we know what we worship: for salvation is of the Jews.

John 4:23 But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him.

John 4:24 God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.

51 He said, "Go get your husband and come here." Singular, husband. She didn't have one like that, that's true.
And said, "Go get your husband and come here," and she said, "I have no husband." He said, "Thou hast said the truth. Well have you said it, because you've had five, and the one you're now living with is not yours. In that thou saith the truth."
"And do you remember," said Andrew, "the expression on her face? She said, 'Sir [not like those priests was down there when they saw it done. They said, "He's Beelzebub."].' She said, 'Sir, I perceive that you are a prophet. [Amen.] We know, we Samaritans, we know that when the Messiah cometh He'll tell us these things. But who are you?'"
She had introduced Him as her ... or, was known to her as a prophet. It had to be a prophet. He'd never seen her before. "How did you know this? Sir, I perceive that you are a prophet."

John 4:16 Jesus saith unto her, Go, call thy husband, and come hither.

John 4:17 The woman answered and said, I have no husband. Jesus said unto her, Thou hast well said, I have no husband:

John 4:18 For thou hast had five husbands; and he whom thou now hast is not thy husband: in that saidst thou truly.

John 4:19 The woman saith unto him, Sir, I perceive that thou art a prophet.

John 4:20 Our fathers worshipped in this mountain; and ye say, that in Jerusalem is the place where men ought to worship.

John 4:21 Jesus saith unto her, Woman, believe me, the hour cometh, when ye shall neither in this mountain, nor yet at Jerusalem, worship the Father.

John 4:22 Ye worship ye know not what: we know what we worship: for salvation is of the Jews.

John 4:23 But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him.

John 4:24 God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.

John 4:25 The woman saith unto him, I know that Messias cometh, which is called Christ: when he is come, he will tell us all things.

52 Watch what ... see, she was a Scripture reader. She was in the Word. She probably knowed more about it than a lot of other people does even now. She said, "I perceive that you are a prophet. And we know that when the Messiah cometh ... when Messiah cometh He'll tell us this kind of stuff. This'll be what He'll tell us."
He said, "I am he that speaks to you."
How those big brown eyes changed, them pretty curls fell down across her shoulder. She left that old water pot, and took to the city as hard as she could go, saying, "Come see a man that's told me the things I've done. Isn't this the very scriptural sign of the Messiah? If it is He, isn't that what we've been waiting for? Isn't that the very thing that we know will come?"
And you remember when we went down into the city when she... Now, absolutely she was ... being... If you know the Eastern customs, the men wouldn't listen to her (no, sir), because she was a woman of ill fame. A man won't listen to her.

John 4:26 Jesus saith unto her, I that speak unto thee am he.

John 4:28 The woman then left her waterpot, and went her way into the city, and saith to the men,

John 4:29 Come, see a man, which told me all things that ever I did: is not this the Christ?

53 But you try somebody that's really found out about Jesus, I don't care what they was, you try to keep them away from it then. Somebody's going to listen somewhere. If you are ever convinced that it's the Son of God, something ... somebody is going to listen. She was shaking the town with her testimony. "Come see a man..." She didn't care whether she was supposed to say it or not. It was burning in her soul.
She was convinced. Said, "He's sitting out there at the gate. I went out there, and He told me my life. This is the very Messiah." (Excuse me. I oughtn't to be yelling in that like that. Turn it down, see.) Said, "He told me my life. Isn't that the very Messiah?" And the men---on the testimony of that ill-famed woman, without Him doing it one more time---was thoroughly convinced by the woman's testimony that that was the Son of God, that He was Jesus of Nazareth.

John 4:29 Come, see a man, which told me all things that ever I did: is not this the Christ?

54 Oh, the testimony! How it went on ... could go on in this testimony meeting. One of them might have said, "You remember that day that Zacchaeus got up in a tree? Remember him testifying down there at the meeting? He said, 'I've got it in for him, and I'll climb up in this tree down at Jericho. And when he passes by here, he won't see me. I'll pull all the leaves in around me like this, and camouflage myself right good. I'll get a good look at Him.'
"And He come walking right down the street, stopped right under that tree, looked up. Not only did He see him behind those leaves, but He knowed who he was. He said, 'Zacchaeus [Hallelujah!], come down. I'm going home with you for dinner today."

Luke 19:5 And when Jesus came to the place, he looked up, and saw him, and said unto him, Zacchaeus, make haste, and come down; for to day I must abide at thy house.

55 One of them might have raised up---it might have been Matthew---and said (the same one that wrote this story tonight), said, "Brethren, do you remember also when He come out of Jericho, how that old blind Bartimaeus laying over there in a corner...? And all the priests, and all of them said, 'Say, you. I hear you raise the dead. We've got a graveyard full of them up here---come raise these. Hey, you false prophet...,' you this, that, and the other---some hollering, 'Hail the prophet,' so forth; and others cursing him, and so forth. But He had his head set towards Jerusalem, to go to be offered up, to Calvary.

56 "And that poor old blind beggar down there, and that little Christian woman come by, picked him up. He said, 'Madam, what is it?' (See, there's something another about a person that's a Christian. They're always willing to help somebody else to find it.) Said, 'What's all of this going by?'
"She said, 'Are you just a stranger? This is Jesus of Nazareth, the prophet of Galilee. That's the Son of David, the One we hoped for.'
"And he began to cry out. He said, 'Now Lord... He's probably too far away, half a block away from me.' [There at the walls that was spotted out where he was sitting, and where He was, more than a half of a city block away from it, like that, maybe right on a hundred yards.] And he began to cry out, 'Thou Son of David, have mercy on me.' And somehow or another he touched the border of his garment.
"He stopped. He said, 'Bring him here.' That's Jesus of Nazareth."

Mark 10:47 And when he heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth, he began to cry out, and say, Jesus, thou son of David, have mercy on me.

Luke 18:38 And he cried, saying, Jesus, thou son of David, have mercy on me.

Luke 18:40 And Jesus stood, and commanded him to be brought unto him: and when he was come near, he asked him,

57 What a testimony meeting! Wouldn't you like to have been sitting out there listening at them?
Now, brethren, the Bible says that He's the same yesterday, today, and forever---same Jesus. If you put the life of any vine ... if you put the life of a vine going up through the branches, and if it bears forth a branch and it comes forth this kind of a branch, and brings this kind of fruit, grapes; if it ever puts forth another branch, it'll bring grapes, just the same.
And He is the vine; we are the branches. And the first branch that ever come out of that vine, they wrote a book of Acts behind it. That's right. And if that ever puts forth another vine, they'll write another book of Acts behind it (that's right), because it'll bring forth the same fruit---'cause He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

John 15:5 I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.

Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

58 Remember, He performed that sign of the prophet before who? The Jew and the Samaritan, not the Gentile. Remember, there's only the three races: Ham, Shem, and Japheth's people---Jew, Gentile and Samaritan. Now, He never performed it one time before a Gentile that we have a record of. Why? Because the Gentiles wasn't looking for no Messiah.
That's the reason today they don't see it yet. They're not looking for anything like this. They don't believe the Holy Ghost 'cause they're not looking for such a thing. All they do is join church, and put their name on a book, and say that's all there is to it.
But for those who are looking for the power, those who are looking for the Holy Spirit, those who are looking for the signs of the Bible to be fulfilled, "It'll come to pass in the last days," saith God, "I'll pour out my Spirit upon all flesh." Now there ... yes, He comes to those who are looking for Him.

Joel 2:28 And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions:

Acts 2:17 And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams:

59 Now remember. He did that sign to the Jews. They turned it down. He did it to the Samaritans. They accepted it.
Now, remember, Jesus said, "As it was in the days of Lot, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of man." Now, let's just stop for a moment, and take just a moment longer now, to get this, because I believe it will drive it down, seal it. Now, He said, "As it was in the days of Lot..."

Luke 17:28 Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded;

Luke 17:30 Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed.

60 Now notice, there always three classes of people. God is perfected in three's. Now, there is a believer, make-believer, and unbeliever, and that's in every congregation. A real believer. Now, in the days of Lot that's just the way they were sitting, and that's the same way they're sitting right now---believers, make-believers, and unbelievers.
Now, Abraham was the elected church, the believer who had walked with God. He was the seed, and his seed was going to inherit the earth, and he was the great order of God. And all that was with him was in order with God---all his servants circumcised, and everything. They were waiting for this promised son. Amen. And they'd come right up on the hill and they didn't have things as nice as Lot, the make-believer, down in Sodom. And the Sodomites was the unbeliever. Make-believer and the believer.

61 And coming to Abraham's tent was three angels. One of them remained with Abraham, and two went down in Sodom---a modern Billy Graham, and so forth. The great evangelists of the day went down there. No miracles---only smote them blind. And preaching the gospel smites the unbeliever blind. That's right. So he went down and preached the gospel, and called Lot out. You see the order of the day?
But to the church elected, Abraham, the real church that wasn't in Sodom... It was out of Sodom, out... Won't fellowship with the world. Called-out, separated church, the church of the Lord Jesus Christ, called-out, separated, waiting for the promised son. And the One that stayed behind with him, talked with him.

62 And remember, a few days before that, his name was Abram, and his wife's name was Sarai, S-a-r-a-i. But it had been changed to A-b-r-a-h-a-m, Abraham; and Sarah, S-a-r-a-h, princess. Abraham, father of nations. Now the Bible said this angel had his back turned to the tent, and He had just been eating lamb ... or veal chops, drinking milk, and eating cornbread---a man, dust on his clothes, entertained by Abraham. And then while He was sitting there, He said, "Abraham, where is thy wife, Sarah?" Called him by his prince name, and her by her princess name. "Where is Sarah, thy wife?"

Genesis 17:5 Neither shall thy name any more be called Abram, but thy name shall be Abraham; for a father of many nations have I made thee.

Genesis 18:9 And they said unto him, Where is Sarah thy wife? And he said, Behold, in the tent.

63 How did He know his name was Abraham? How did He know his name had been changed, both of them? How did He know that he was married, and had a wife? Said, "She's in the tent behind you." And Sarah ... He said, "I'm going to visit you." "I..." I is a personal pronoun, see. "I'm going to visit you according to the promise that you've waited twenty-five years to receive. That son that you've looked forward to is coming. According to the time of life I'll visit you."
And Sarah now (both well-stricken in age---Abraham, a hundred years old and Sarah ninety) was back there in the tent, and she snickered to herself. We call it, you know, she laughed to herself. And said, "Huh! Me, an old woman, have pleasure with my lord, and him being old too?" Abraham. In other words, as husband and wife it'd probably not been with them for fifteen, twenty years, see. "Me have pleasure with my lord? Me old, and him old too?"---both stricken in age. It shocked her so, she kind of laughed up her sleeve, as we'd call it---laughed up her sleeve about it. "How could that be?"

Genesis 18:9 And they said unto him, Where is Sarah thy wife? And he said, Behold, in the tent.

Genesis 18:10 And he said, I will certainly return unto thee according to the time of life; and, lo, Sarah thy wife shall have a son. And Sarah heard it in the tent door, which was behind him.

Genesis 18:12 Therefore Sarah laughed within herself, saying, After I am waxed old shall I have pleasure, my lord being old also?

64 You know what? God would have took her life right then, that's right, for disbelieving Him; but He couldn't do it. Why? She was part of Abraham. He'd have to take Abraham with her. Oh! That's where grace comes in. All the mistakes, and our errors, God holds us because we're part of Christ---the grace of God holding us. Oh, amazing grace! How sweet the sound.
He could not take Sarah, because if He did He'd have to strike Abraham with it. He cannot take the church. With all of its mistakes, it's still his church. Right! He can't take it because He'd take Christ. See, it's part of Christ. She becomes flesh of his flesh, and bone of his bone. All of our ins and outs, and unbeliefs, and so forth, and scruples---as long as she's into that body, her ups and downs, the grace of God still holds her.
And there she was. She said... As she laughed He said, "Why did Sarah laugh in the tent? What made Sarah laugh?" What kind of telepathy is that? behind Him, the angel telling Abraham out here what Sarah was doing back behind Him in the tent. Now when that angel left, Abraham called him "God." Right!

Genesis 18:13 And the LORD said unto Abraham, Wherefore did Sarah laugh, saying, Shall I of a surety bear a child, which am old?

65 Some one said to me not long ago, said, "Brother Branham, you don't believe that that was actually God standing there eating a calf?"
I said, "I sure do." Abraham called Him "Elohim." That's right. Anyone knows that's capitol L-o-r-d, which is translated in the Greek, "Elohim," which means the self-existing one. What was it? Showing there...
Jesus said, "As it was in the days of Sodom, so shall it be at the coming of the Son of man." What is it? Elohim, God appearing in human flesh, his church (Hallelujah!) showing Christ. Jesus said in St. John 14:12, "He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also." That's right.
Now the church has come from the great reformation of the Lutheran age, and then down through the Wesley age, and into the Pentecostal age. And now it's shaping up like the headstone in the pyramid. Now don't think I'm talking pyramid doctrine, but I'm just showing example, and how that has to fit so perfect in there---because it's not cemented; it's just dropped in there. And how that...

Luke 17:28 Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded;

Luke 17:30 Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed.

John 14:12 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.

66 There's a different word used. The appearing of Christ and the coming of Christ, it's two different words altogether, see. Now Christ is appearing in these last days in his church, bringing his church together in unity, and faith, and power in the Word, all together; that when He returns He'll find the same church. What the palmerworm left the caterpillar eaten; what the caterpillar left the locust eaten; on down to the cankerworm. But God said... "I will restore," saith God.
Romanism, and so forth, eat that beautiful bride tree of Christ down, till it become a stump. But God brought right back out of that stump, right up through the Lutheran age, right up through the Wesley age, through the Pentecostal age. And now it's in the evening light. "I will restore, saith the Lord, all the years that the cankerworm, caterpillar ... I will restore again that church in her beauty, that church in her power."

Joel 1:4 That which the palmerworm hath left hath the locust eaten; and that which the locust hath left hath the cankerworm eaten; and that which the cankerworm hath left hath the caterpillar eaten.

Joel 2:25 And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpillar, and the palmerworm, my great army which I sent among you.

67 And we see it's evening light coming, the Holy Spirit coming in so strong upon his church, till the ministry of Jesus Christ ... in knowing amongst all of his people. They sit there with faith bringing Him down, powers and gifts working among them; speaking with tongues, interpretation of tongues, and signs and wonders, and miracles. What is it? Christ among his church, getting ready to take her.

68 In closing, I might say this: out on the sea that night (to finish their testimony---we'll start praying for the sick then), out on the sea that night, while they was having this testimony meeting, they were having a great time; but they done something wrong. In all their excitement of their great revival they just had, they went off without Him.
And I just wonder, brethren, with all good faith, if that isn't just about what's happened in these last days. We've got new buildings, we've built new things, we've increased our organizations, we've done everything else, and put billions and billions of dollars out here; and saying that Christ is coming right away. Why, people are too smart to know ... they know better than that. Our words speak ... our works speaks louder than ... our works speak louder than our words, rather. That's right. We're just look like batting the air.

69 And there they was---went off, and all excited about the meeting, and forgot to take Him along. Then trouble set in. The devil must have raised up behind them, said, "Uh, huh! There they are in their big programs. So this is the time for me to come in." Here he come, right down ... begin to blow his old poison breath down. "The days of miracles is past. It's all been a bunch of emotion and excitement."
The waves begin to come, and the devil sitting on every wave, saying, "We'll get him. We'll sink it." And the little old boat become water-logged. The oars broke, and the mast pole fell down. All hopes was gone. Then the little old boat rising up fills full of water, and it soaked through. Now all hopes is gone, and...

70 But you know what? I'm so glad to say this to you now. When they left Him, what did He do? He climbed the highest hill there was in the country. The higher He got, the farther He could see, and He was watching them all the time. I believe He's done the same thing, don't you? Seen us in our mess. Yes. There they was in such a mess. And after a while, when the storm... And all hopes was gone for another revival across the other country---they was going to get drowned before they got there. Here He come walking on the sea, walking right up to them, and the very... After all that testimony meeting, they were still scared of Him. They said, "It looks spooky. He might be a spirit."

71 When He left us He climbed beyond Calvary. He went on beyond ... He climbed past ... climbed till He passed the sun, moon, and stars. As Brother Outlaw's church was singing the other night, said, "past Jupiter, Venus, Neptune, and Mars." He climbed till He striked the Milky white Way, went on into heaven, above heaven and went plumb in above heavens, and got a name above everything that is named up there. He has to look down to see heaven. And his eye is on the sparrow, and I know He's watching tonight. Don't you? That's right.

72 And He come walking to them on the water. The only thing that could help them, and they were afraid of it. Isn't that funny? The only thing that could help them, they were afraid of it. And so has it been now. The only thing that could help the people from communism, from all these things, the American people is scared of it. They say, "It looks spooky. It might be this or that." Don't do that.
Why don't you invite Him into the boat tonight? Say, "Come, Lord Jesus." Then the thing will calm down. It won't be long till we'll be at shore. Let's bow our heads just a moment now.

73 Our heavenly Father, such a crude little way of having to bring a message to an intelligent bunch of people. But I'm sure, Father, that You will interpret it to them in the attitude that it was meant in, that it will go in the meaning of love and fellowship, and for faith to the people.
And now, Father, we pray that You forgive us for all of our errors and mistakes; pray that your Holy Spirit will come upon us now. We have said that You are the same yesterday, today, and forever. Then the works that You did, the church would do also. We've also quoted your words, Lord. Heavens and earth will pass away, but your Word will not pass away. And You said, "As it was in the days of Sodom, so shall it be at the coming of the Son of man."

Matthew 24:35 Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.

Luke 17:28 Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded;

Luke 17:30 Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed.

John 14:12 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.

Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

74 Now the Gentile age is here. You're not a God that would feed part of your children one good food, and leave it off the table for the others, because You're just, honorable, holy, no respect of person.
And when You gave the Jews their last sign, many of them recognized that that was what was spoke of. The Scripture said that would come to pass, and there it was. When You went to that little off-cast group of Samaritans, they believed it. The first thing happened, they believed it.
And now, here you are at the Gentile door. That was the closing of their age, and this is the closing of the Gentile age. God, we pray that all these people in here tonight, that's gifted of the Holy Spirit, will let their faith loose to God; and that God might use it to bring the presence of Jesus Christ in our midst tonight. We ask it in his name, and for his glory. Amen.

75 I don't know, I suppose we ought to close here real early, but we just... Tomorrow night we won't be this late. We'll just take a little time, and call the prayer line as much as we can get lined up, and line them up and bring them up and we'll pray for the sick.
Now, where is Billy? He said he gave out from one up to a hundred, prayer cards. All right. Now let's line them up just as they come. Number 1, who has that prayer card? What's the letter? I ... I, like in Indiana. All right.
I 1. Who has the prayer card? The lady? Come right over here, lady, if you will. Number 2. If you'll just raise up your hand, now, number 2. Help me, some... Oh, 2? Thank you. Number 3. Who has number 3? All right, sir. 4? Good. Now that's right. 5? 5? Help me, someone, if you will. Prayer card 5. 6? All right, 6, 7, 8.

76 Who has number 8? I didn't see it. Is this the lady here? I believe she has it. All right, 8. 9, number 9. The lady there. Number 10. All right, sir. 11?
I do this to keep them from running over one another, you know. This is the house of God, not an arena, see. 11, 12, 13, 14, 14? I don't see it. 14? All right. 15, 16, 16, 17, 17?
Maybe somebody is deaf, now, or somebody can't get up out of a chair, or something. We're going to pray for everybody that comes and wants to be prayed for. A little later on ... this is just a little introduction meeting tonight. We'll be getting a little longer as we go along. Where is that? About 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 20, 20? Well, might be someone stepped in, and out. Billy said that they can't hear too good in the back. All right.

77 I'd like to ask this, then. Let's wait just a minute now. I want twenty. If they stepped out, put them right in the line, and we'll start right on. All right. Now, how many in here does not have a prayer card? And you believe that ... you have enough faith to believe God will heal you? Let's see your hands. Everywhere now. All right. Just all over.

78 Now, while the ushers are taking care down there, I'd like to ask you this ... give you a scripture. If ever one time you catch me out of this Bible, you come and tell me, see. All right. Look.
There was a woman, one time, that didn't have a prayer card. We'd say it like this... That's my ... hope it don't sound sacrilegious. But she had a blood issue, and she said, "If I can just touch his garment, I'll be made well." You remember the story? Sure, you do. All right. Then she touched his garment.
Now He couldn't have felt it, naturally literally, because the Palestinian garment is loose. It's a robe. And beneath that is the underneath garment to keep the dust off their legs. And He never touched it. She just touched the border of his garment. And even the apostle Peter rebuked Him ... or, rebuked Him when He said, "Who touched me?" He said, "But I perceive that I've gotten weak. Virtue is gone from me."

Matthew 9:21 For she said within herself, If I may but touch his garment, I shall be whole.

Mark 5:28 For she said, If I may touch but his clothes, I shall be whole.

Mark 5:30 And Jesus, immediately knowing in himself that virtue had gone out of him, turned him about in the press, and said, Who touched my clothes?

Luke 8:45 And Jesus said, Who touched me? When all denied, Peter and they that were with him said, Master, the multitude throng thee and press thee, and sayest thou, Who touched me?

Luke 8:46 And Jesus said, Somebody hath touched me: for I perceive that virtue is gone out of me.

79 Now, how many of you believe that He's the same yesterday, today, and forever? Now watch this glorious bunch of pastors here now. Brethren, doesn't the Scripture teach us that He is a high priest right now? that can be touched by the feeling of our infirmities? Now see?
How many out there believes He's a high priest that can be touched by the feeling of our infirmities? Now, if He's the same high priest, He'd act the same as He did then. Is that right? Now, how would you know He was acting?
Now, here is what it is. I've just got through saying God is in his people. All that God was, He poured into Jesus. Do you believe that? He was the fullness of the Godhead bodily. And all Jesus was He poured into the church. The Holy Ghost. Is that right? So, it's God in us. God in you. It's not ... it doesn't make you anything. It's not the holy mountain, or the holy church. It's the Holy Ghost; not the holy people. The Holy Ghost, see. It's the Holy Ghost in the people; not holy people---Holy Ghost, see. And that's the thing.

Colossians 2:9 For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily.

Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

80 And in ... this Holy Ghost has gifts. And office gifts of the church is apostles, prophets, teachers, evangelists, pastors. Is that right? All for the edifying, or setting together the church, bringing it into order (Are they...? Tell me when they're ready. Okay.), bringing it into order.
Now, I'm going to ask you to do one thing for me now, if you will. If you will just give us... The rest of the audience, I hope you can understand me real good now. Don't move around now. See, just sit real quiet. From this time on don't move around, see, 'cause it's under a discernment. And when you move, your spirit... And you realize that you're a spirit. If you don't, you're dead, see. And as long as you're a spirit, and anointing of the spirit here...

Ephesians 4:11 And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers;

Hebrews 4:15 For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin.

81 This Holy Spirit has contact with every spirit in here. How many knows that? The spirit of the prophet is subject to the prophet. So, it's in contact. Then, when you move, see, that interrupts, see. Now there will be this on the platform moving, because I've got that person in contact, see. Then they are coming. And as soon as the Holy Spirit speaks with them, then you see, then others standing, and something move this way, and wasn't the one... And see, you just don't know what to do. Then you're just confused. So, if you will ... just for about ten minutes to get through that line, or fifteen...
Now before I do this, I'll ask you something. How many in this line is strangers to me? Raise up your hands. How many in the audience is strangers to me? Raise up your hand. If you know that I don't know nothing about you, just raise up your hand, see. I guess everybody here as far as I can see.

82 I don't know no one. Don't know but about two of these ministers up here on the platform, two or three. At least Brother Copp and them, I know them. But out in the audience, I don't see one person out there that I can recognize, to call their name, at this time.
But each one of you, God knows you. He knows right where you're sitting. To my way of seeing God, He knowed before the foundation of the world that you'd be sitting there, if He's infinite. Sure. He's infinite, and He knowed everything. That is the reason He can tell the end from the beginning. He's infinite. Now.

83 Now here ... is this the patient here? Would you come a little closer, lady? Now here is exactly a Bible scene of St. John, the 4th chapter, just what I got through speaking on---one of the illustrations in the testimony meeting. Here's a white man, a colored woman. That was Jesus, a Jew, and a Samaritan woman, exactly two races. And so, she tried to tell Him about it wasn't customary; but He told her ... but He let her know that God made all people, everybody.

84 We're all come from Adam and Eve. That's the father and mother of all of us, all human beings, whether we raised ... the color changed us. White, brown, black, yellow whatever it was, has nothing to do with us. Each one of us could give one another a blood transfusion. We're all ... God made of all nations one blood. That's right. So that old thing was dead when Jesus come, that old fuss they had. He let them know that God was a God of Samaritans, just the same as He was of the Jew. And the Father was seeking such that would worship Him in spirit and truth, no matter what they were.
Peter said out there, said, "I perceive that God's no respect of no nation; but all those who fear him." That's right. Well, here's exactly St. John 4. We're strangers to each other. Now, this should settle it. Let me tell you, I'm your brother. I'm Brother Branham, your brother. But I'm not a preacher, which you know. I'd like to be, but I haven't enough education to be calling myself a preacher.

Acts 17:26 And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation;

85 But this is my ministry, that He give me a gift. And that gift is to shake the church, to bring it to a recognition of the coming of Christ, the return of the Spirit of God in the church. It's on you, the same Spirit. It might not be the same gift, but the same Spirit. There's different manifestations, but the same Spirit all the time. The same Holy Ghost you got is the same Holy Ghost I got, the same Holy Ghost we all got. It's all the children of God.
And then, why we come together spiritually now, then that Holy Spirit is there. And if diseases is ... and if children come around where that Spirit is, it detects them, and it can detect you. It's like a gift of prophecy... Not a gift of prophecy. I don't know, just say it's Christ, you see, coming down among us; 'cause you go to tacking some kind of a name on something, you got yourself all messed up. So let's just say our Lord Jesus Christ is in the midst of us. Let's just say that.

John 4:24 God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.

Acts 10:34 Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons:

86 Now we're standing here talking to this woman. I don't know her, never seen her. She looks plenty healthy. She might have domestic trouble, financial trouble. She might be an impersonator. She might be a Christian. She might be a sinner. I don't know her. She just come here. But whatever He tells her, she'll know whether it's the truth or not. She'll be willing to admit that. Well, if He can tell her what has been, like He told Philip, like He told Nathanael, like He told the woman at the well; or if He tells her what was, surely she can believe for the future then. Is that right? Will you all believe it, if He'll do it?

87 Now here we are. Here is the Bible. Here's the woman. And here we are standing right here before you all, with our hands up, that we've never met before, know not one another. And we're of a different race of people. She's ... I'm an Anglo-Saxon, and she's African. Now here we are, just as perfect as it can be.
Now sister, just to contact you... The reason I called you sister, because when I looked around the Spirit caught me, and I knowed you was a Christian. That's right. You're a Christian. Now I do not know you. I'm just standing here. You know I'm doing something. I'm just contacting your spirit, getting it started from around these other people---just drawing you out as one person.
Now, if Christ can use me, as a gift... Now, He might put his anointing upon me. He's got to put it upon you at the same time, or it won't work. It takes both of us to make it work. The woman touched his garment. Jesus didn't know who did it, but He said, "I perceive that virtue has gone from me," you see. It wasn't Him. He said, "Thy faith has saved thee," see. It was her faith.

Matthew 9:22 But Jesus turned him about, and when he saw her, he said, Daughter, be of good comfort; thy faith hath made thee whole. And the woman was made whole from that hour.

Mark 5:30 And Jesus, immediately knowing in himself that virtue had gone out of him, turned him about in the press, and said, Who touched my clothes?

Mark 5:34 And he said unto her, Daughter, thy faith hath made thee whole; go in peace, and be whole of thy plague.

Luke 8:46 And Jesus said, Somebody hath touched me: for I perceive that virtue is gone out of me.

Luke 8:48 And he said unto her, Daughter, be of good comfort: thy faith hath made thee whole; go in peace.

88 Now, I don't know you. But if He'll tell you something about your life, maybe something you're here for, somebody you're here for, something you've done that is wrong, or anything like that, you'll know whether it's the truth or not, and then you will believe it. May the Lord God grant it, is my request.
Now you see what a place it puts me in? Here's a time now that what I've preached, and told about Him, it must react; or either I've told something wrong, the Bible told something wrong. Christ isn't alive, or ... See, it's either our religion is right, or it's wrong. It's got to be shown right now, amongst all this fine bunch of men here. Here's the ministers of Christ sitting here.

89 I've stood before hundreds of thousands---I couldn't even speak their language---and see the thing take place. Before heathens, witch doctors, and what they call holy men of India, and fire walkers, and everything else and see the power of God come down. But He's Christ. If He isn't, I want to know where He's at. I want to find Him. Yes.
The woman is not hypocritical. She's standing here for a cause, and that cause... She's actually, according to the doctor, she's supposed to face an operation. That is right. And that operation is tumor. That's right. If that's right raise up your hand. Now, do you believe that He knows where the tumor is? Do you believe He could tell me? Do you believe me? It's on the breast. It's on your left breast. That's right. Go believe it now, and you'll never have to have the operation. If you'll believe it with all your heart, God in heaven will take it away from you.

90 How do you do, young lady? We're strangers to each other, I suppose? Just a man and woman meet. But Jesus Christ knows both of us. He knows all about you, He knows all about me. I'm just his servant. And do you believe that He's here, and can reveal to me something about you? Would it cause you to have faith in Him to know that He's here? Would you accept whatever you're asking for? You would do it.

91 That man sitting there with his hand up to his chin, like this sitting right here, sitting there praying about a nervous condition, just believe with all your heart. The nervousness is gone from you now. Is that true? Raise up your hand. I want to ask you what he touched. He had faith to bring the Holy Spirit from here out to the man. I've never seen him in my life. He's a stranger to me, as far as I know. But he had faith. That is what it takes---faith to do it. Just believe it.
I just watch a light. Have you seen that picture of it? We got it here, or will have it. It went across this way from him, went out, and I seen it standing over the man there. Just had to say it. Now, there's a man sitting there, just a man sitting in the meeting.

92 Now, you're sick. You've been to a doctor. You've had some advice from him, but you're scared of his advice. That's right. That's true. Nothing evil. It's right. It's a ladies' trouble. That's what's wrong with you. I can see him ... when the examination, what he said... Is it all right for me to say what he said? Do you want me to tell you what it is? Actually it's somewhere ... it's a misplaced seed, germ and it's been caught in what's the tube, instead of coming down into the ovaries. It's called pregnated tube, and he wants to operate, and you're afraid of the operation. If that's right, raise up your hand. That's true. Beatrice, do you want to be made well? Go believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
Do you believe on the Lord Jesus? What all the Bible prophesied that would come to pass? A man. We're strangers to each other. Do you believe the Lord Jesus is here to help you? Do you believe if He will reveal to me what you're wanting from Him, that it will be granted to you? You do.

93 I keep seeing a woman come ... sitting right down here, looking at me---suffering with high blood pressure---with the glasses on. Combs her hair back. Don't you see that light hanging above the woman there? Look. Raise up your hand, lady. There you are. Do you believe with all your heart now? Then go home and get well. I do not know the lady. I've never seen her in my life. She's a stranger to me. That's your trouble. If you've had faith enough to touch the garment of Him to turn around like that, you couldn't disbelieve it, could you? You're going to have your healing then.
I want to ask you, what could she touch out there? She's ... I guess thirty feet from me. She isn't touching me; she's touching Him. She touched Him, and He just spoke back, you see. If the church would ever wake up to that, and realize what that is! All right.
Be reverent now. Don't be afraid. "Be not afraid. It is I." It's the Lord Jesus. You know it isn't me, because... And it's got to be some spirit and power, so whatever you think it is... To me it's Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever, confirming exactly what He said.
Now sir, not knowing you and we being strangers to each other, if the Lord Jesus will reveal something about you or something you're wanting, or something you're wanting for somebody else, or whatever the case may be, you'll believe Him, won't you?
You're up for an operation. Should have another operation, 'cause you've had one. And that operation was for a kidney stone, and you're back again. That's a chemical condition of your body which is causing that. That's the only thing that can cause ... ever be is for God to remove the chemical part of your body that's causing it to rupture. At least that's what the specialist said.
Your wife is standing right down there in the prayer line, wanting ... kidney trouble too. How about you just turning around, go down there laying your hands on your wife, and praying for her? You believe with all your heart the Lord Jesus will perform, and do, and grant, and make you well?
Our heavenly Father, as they lay hands on each other, I condemn the devil that has done it, and may they both be healed, and go home and be well for the kingdom of God's sake. Grant it, Father. In the name of Jesus Christ I ask it. Amen.
All right, don't doubt in your heart now. Believe with all your heart. Step right out of the line, sister, and go right with him. Go home and forget about ever having it, and get well.

Matthew 14:27 But straightway Jesus spake unto them, saying, Be of good cheer; it is I; be not afraid.

Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

94 I believe the Lord Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. I believe that He's here now. I believe He's the rose of Sharon, the lily of the valley, the morning star. I believe that He's here today appearing in among the people, showing to them that the end is nigh; and soon He's coming to catch away a church. And the ministry of his ministers are shaping right into his own ministry that He had here on earth, to catch away the entire church. I believe it with all my heart. All right.
Now, please ... I've run over my time. I'm sorry. Let's have this one woman here. Then, would you ... just a minute.

Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

95 How do you do, sister? You was up here, so I think you need to be prayed for. I'll pray for the rest of them, but I mean to you for discernment, or what we would call it, whatever it is.
Do you believe me to be his servant with all your heart? Your trouble is in your chest. That's right. But I keep seeing somebody else that's appearing there. It's your husband. He's not here, but you've had him on your mind. You was praying for him. That's right. Do you believe God can tell me what his trouble is? It's in his back. That's right, isn't it? Do you believe you'll go home, and find him all right. All right. Then, just go right on, and believe with all your heart, and you'll find it just the way you believe. Now if you don't doubt, you'll find it just that way.
Do you believe with all your heart? Sister, do you believe God can heal arthritis, and make a person well? Just keep on going, saying, "I believe."
Now do you believe the same thing? That nervousness and arthritis will leave you, and you'll be made well? Go right on. Believe. Thank the Lord. Believe what He's done.

96 Look this way as you come, sister. God can heal heart trouble the same as He can heal anything else. Don't you believe that? Believe it with all your heart? Then raise up your hands, say, "I accept it." Go right on your road receiving it in Christ, and be made whole. Go in the name of the Lord Jesus. Go believing. All right.
The man is crippled by some... Come this way, sir. I see you're crippled up. Look at me and believe. Will you believe it? All right. If you'll believe it, all the arthritis will leave you, and you'll go home and be well. Do you believe He'll do that? Then if you do, just keep on walking, saying, "Praise God." Let me lay hands on you as you pass by, say, "Thanks and praise be to God," and believe with all your heart.
I want to ask you something. With that precious book under your arm, what if I just laid my hands on you? Would you believe you would get well? Then in the name of Jesus Christ, go and get well. All right.

97 Come. What do you think, sister? Them old nervous spells has been bothering you? Do you believe they're going to leave now? As you pass under the shadow of the cross, go on rejoicing, and they'll never bother you no more.
Look this way, sir. You have many things bothering you like prostate, and so forth. But your main thing is heart trouble. Go on your road, and say, "I'm healed in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ." Just believe with all your heart.
Look this way, lady. Do you believe your back trouble will get all right, and you'll go home and be well? All right. Just keep walking, saying, "Thanks be to God," and you'll be all right in the name of Jesus Christ.

98 The lady has a ladies' trouble, and also I see she's bothered with smothering in her heart. Come right on past, and say, "I believe with all my heart. I'm going home, and it's going to quit bothering me. I'm going to be all right. Thanks be to God. Praise be to our Lord Jesus Christ."
Here comes a man who looks like he ought to have faith. What if you just pass by, and I lay hands on you? The Bible says "These signs shall follow them that believe. If they lay hands on the sick they get well." Do you believe it? Come right by then.
Nervousness, arthritis, weakness, cramps, and heart trouble. Do you believe with all your heart that you are going to get well now? Go right on the road, just rejoicing, saying, "Thanks be to God," and God will give you the victory. Do you believe it with all your heart? All right. Somebody else coming now? All right.

Mark 16:17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;

Mark 16:18 They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.

99 Are you going to believe? What if I just laid my hands on you, and didn't say nothing? You know I know what's wrong with you. What if I just laid my hands on you, would you... When you shouted out there a few minutes ago, what if I told you it left you? Would you believe it? All right.
All right, bring this lady. What do you think, sister, as you come? Do you believe it if I said anything, or didn't say anything, you'd get well anyhow? Would you believe that anyhow if I just laid... There's some kind of a spirit here, and you know that. Do you believe it's the Spirit of the Lord that's on us? You do? Then your back trouble ... I done told you anyhow, so go on. Believe with all your heart.

100 How many believes out there with all your heart now? Do you believe? He's God. Do you believe that? He's God on the house top; He's God on the church; He's God in the church; He's God everywhere. He's God.
I thought that light was following a lady, but it was that colored lady sitting there. You. Yes. Do you believe me to be his prophet, or his servant, that colored lady sitting there with the white hat on, and white looking dress? Do you believe God can tell me while you're in contact with his Spirit what's wrong with you? Would you accept it? Then your bladder trouble won't bother you no more.

101 Will you do me a favor now? Lay your hands over on the lady sitting next to you, 'cause she's bothered with her eyes. That's right. Lay your hands on her. All right. Will you do me a favor next? The lady sitting next to you is bothered with a diarrhea, dysentery, diarrhea. That's right. Raise up your hand. Put your hand over on her, ask that she'll be made well.
What about the lady sitting next to her? Do you believe with all your heart, lady? Your trouble is in your side, your right side. Believe with all your heart, it will leave you. Will you do it? What about the lady sitting next to her? Do you believe with all your heart? You have smothering spells. Can't get your breath right. You will now, 'cause it's God.

Mark 16:17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;

Mark 16:18 They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.

102 Do you believe with all your heart? Lay your hands over on one another now. Now, for the sake of those who are sitting by you, are you a believer? Raise up your hand if you're a believer. Now lay that believing hand over on somebody else. Here's what God said. He said this: "These signs shall follow them that believe. If they lay their hands on the sick they shall recover."
The Holy Spirit is out there, just the same as it is up here in these men. He's everywhere. Do you believe it? Then you pray for the person you've got your hand on. Lay your hand over on them, and pray now. Pray for the person.

103 Heavenly Father, we bring to You this audience of believers, thanking You that your presence is here with us. We don't only feel You, but we see You working among your people, confirming your Word with signs following.
Now there's many sick in the audience. The hours are late. But Lord, Thou art the great omnipotent God. I pray that You will hear the prayer of your servant. And as these believing people have their hands on one another, praying a prayer of faith... And You said, "The prayer of faith shall save the sick. God shall raise them up."

James 5:15 And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him.

104 Father, what a group of unbelievers it would make us, if we disbelieve your presence here with us now, after we have felt You, see your Word, preach your Word, see your Word operate through all of us here in the building, feeling your presence, knowing You are here. And now we're obeying your commandments as believers to lay hands on each other, that the prayer of faith will save the sick.
Now, Lord, hear my prayer. I lay my prayer upon the altar. I lay my faith up there with them. And in the name of Jesus Christ, we go to meet the devil in his challenge of unbelief. Come out, Satan, from these people. Leave them alone. We charge you by the living God, in the name of Jesus Christ, to leave the people and come out of them, that they be made well.

105 All you that believe that a believer has his hands on you, and you believe that the presence of Christ is here now, if you're not scared... If you're afraid and say, "Oh, I don't know," then your little boat might sink. But if you can hear Him say in his message, "Be not afraid. It is I," Jesus Christ, the very proclamation of the Bible made known, there is enough faith right here now, if you'll just, well, just pray.
Seems like something wants to hold you back, that you say, "Oh, I don't know. I've been in meetings before." See, I know just exactly what you are thinking. It ain't me; it is Him telling me. If you will do this... Remember, I say it as a minister, as your brother. If you'll just let all those thoughts lay aside, and know that a believer has laid their hands on you...

Matthew 14:27 But straightway Jesus spake unto them, saying, Be of good cheer; it is I; be not afraid.

106 And Jesus said, "These signs shall follow them that believe. If they lay their hands on the sick, they shall recover." And if Abraham, our father, believed God for twenty-five years for a promise, how much more ought the royal seed of Abraham to believe God's promise? Do you accept it? Do you believe it? And if you believe it's the truth, make a testimony to God. Stand up to your feet in a testimony that "I now accept my healing. I believe that I'm healed, because I'm in the presence of God and a believer has laid his hands upon me. Praise be to God who gives us the victory!" Amen.

Mark 16:17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;

Mark 16:18 They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.

Be not afraid (1963-06-07) (William M. Branham Sermons)

Be not afraid (1963-06-07) (William M. Branham Sermons) somebody

Be not afraid

1 Let us remain standing just a moment, as we bow our heads before God. With our heads and hearts bowed, I wonder if there's special requests in the building tonight, that you would require a prayer for. Just let it be known by your uplifted hand. The Lord bless you.

2 Our heavenly Father, we are approaching the great throne now, in the name of the Lord Jesus, for we are told that if we come and ask anything in his name, it'll be granted to us. And we want to first thank You for this marvelous gathering these four nights, of Spirit-filled people that's gathered together here. And we found that the scripture again proves to be right, that "wherever two or more assemble together, I'll be in their midst." And we have seen You heal the sick, pronounce the blessings, tell the people what will be. And we're so grateful for that.
And we, as brethren here on the platform, Lord, I'm grateful for this group of men that I know that... These Christians, these newborn babes, that just come into Christ this week, Lord, I pray that they'll each find them a comfortable home here, a church home, and live for You, and work until Jesus comes.

Matthew 18:20 For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.

John 14:13 And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.

John 14:14 If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it.

3 And may this results of us gathering together cause an old-fashioned revival to come across the complete city, Lord. Many ... may it never end till Jesus comes. May there constantly be rev... be made known throughout the land.
Father, we pray for these who raised their hands. You know what was beneath the hand. We... You know all about it, so we just commit it to You, and ask that You will grant to them their request.
And now, break the bread of life to us, Lord. We want You to speak to us through the Word, for faith cometh by hearing the Word. And we pray that You'll make it known to us tonight, your divine will. Show yourself again tonight among us, Father. We thank You for all that's been done and said, and looking forward to this to be a great climaxing time of the service. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.
You ... be seated.

Romans 10:17 So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

4 I deem this one of my great privileges, to have had this time of fellowship here with you fine people, here in this auditorium in Tucson. And I was here for just a few days, and I ... I've been here for a few days rather, and I thought maybe coming here and leaving without saying anything, or having a meeting, it would kind of look bad. And I didn't get a chance to visit all these fine brethren that I've met here since I've been on the platform. And I wish I could stay a week at each church. I would certainly like to do that.

5 But I'm so glad that you newborn babes, you that just found Christ this week... If I was in your place, I'd find me a good church home among these men here, wherever I was the closest to, or chose to go to.
And I ... the churches that I did visit, there's some of the men here. I've been in their churches---real on-fire men for God, zeal burning, trying their best to hold the light of the gospel. I appreciate men like that. And remember, these men believe the same gospel I'm standing here preaching. They're my sponsors. They're the one who stands up here on the platform. They're not ashamed of this. They stand for it. They believe in it. And they're here backing me up, praying for me every night. And I think if you don't go to church, why don't you just go to one of these fine men here, and come into their church, and fellowship with them. If I was living here, and not a minister myself, that's what I'd do. I'd certainly find me a good church home with some of these men, and take my place in Christ.

6 And if you've never been baptized yet, you that's gave your heart to Christ, consult one of these men and you'll receive Christian baptism. And then, if you haven't received the Holy Spirit, they'll know how to instruct you, how you must receive it.
I'm going to speak on that in the morning at the Businessmen's breakfast, the Lord willing, on ... about the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. I've kind of refrained from a little of the doctrine here, because we're a mixed group in here. But in the morning, I want to speak an evangelistic message about the Holy Spirit, if the Lord willing. Now I think the breakfast starts at nine (eight o'clock, is it?), eight o'clock in the morning.

7 And now, I would like to page somebody that we've tried since we've been in Tucson to find. And maybe some of you brethren here ... the lady might belong to your church. I think she would go by the name of Charlotte Raney. Does anybody ... you know her? Is she here in the city? Charlotte, are you here? I ... she's a personal friend of ours and we couldn't find her. She's a nurse. [Someone says, "Her daughter is here."] Her daughter? Well, my, my. I wonder how big she is. Stand up, Honey, wherever you are. I hope you're not too big that I call you Honey. Oh, my. Almost outgrowed that honey size, hasn't she! Thank you. You tell mother God bless her, and we love her, and we'd sure like to see her before we leave, and just to get a hold of any of the ... Billy Paul, or any here, and let us know where you live. We tried to find you through the phone directory. We've inquired around everywhere and couldn't find you. Thank you very much. Last time I seen you, you was just a little bitty tot.
This Mrs. Raney, her sister,

8 a very noted nurse, was one of the first cancer cases I seen the Lord heal. She didn't even know where she was at or anything, burnt up with radium. And the Lord had just called me to this ministry a night or two before.
Oh, it's many, many years ago, maybe twenty years, twenty-five years ago. And she was in Louisville, and on the cancer record in Louisville she's been dead twenty years. And she's nursing now, and just as healthy and strong as she can be. And this is her sister that came west here, and ... her and the little baby it was then. Since we've been here, we've been trying to find them. And I told Mede that I (my wife)... I looked everywhere, and I couldn't recognize her. And I thought maybe that she'd moved away or something. And I ... each night I thought I would page her. Then I wrote up some things down here I wanted to say on some paper so I wouldn't forget.
I'm getting old.

9 I was telling Brother Moore... How many knows Jack Moore? Sure you do, you Christian Businessmen---a fine minister at Shreveport. Used to be one of my associates in the meetings.
I said, "Brother Jack, you know, it's getting hard for me to remember any more like I used to. Used to be, I could just remember anything right fast."
"Oh," he says, "that all the farther you advanced?"
And I said, "That's far enough."
He said, "My." Said, "I called a man up on the telephone, and said, 'What do you want?' "
That's a long ways up the road. He's just about four or five years older than me. I hope I don't get that way. He was just saying that---an Irishman's sense of humor. But call a man up and ask him what he wanted, that would be bad. Now, another thing...
I... Thank you, Sister, honey, and be sure to get a hold of us. Tell mother we want to see her, and we're going back to see Aunt Margie right away, Uncle Bill.

10 Now, I am grateful, very grateful to this group of ministers that sponsored this program here, and to the Christian ... Full Gospel Christian Businessmen here of the city. I am grateful. I try to get into every little place that I can, and we can't go to all of them. Here's the manager sitting right here, Brother Borders, that goes with me and makes up the meetings. And I have a book home, about like that, full of invitations world around, and they tell me he's got another one he has to give me in the morning. But I usually ... I go just where God leads. Then, when I go there, then I can come in the name of the Lord Jesus, because He sent me as an ambassador. And I did feel led while I was here in Tucson to have this meeting. I thought it would be fine, and especially to get ... to have fellowship.

11 And how many ever remember Fred Bosworth, Brother F. F. Bosworth, the great old saint of God? And he just went home to glory, eighty-four years old, just recently.
And he said, "Brother Branham, you know what fellowship is?"
And I said, "I think so, Brother Bosworth."
He said, "It's two fellows in just one ship." Got room for the other. So, I'm very grateful.
And, it always reminds me of a little story. I was coming in outside, one of the ushers met me, and shook my hand.
He said, "Say, preacher," said, "I'm your fellow brother."
I said, "I'm glad to meet you."
And he told me his name, and he was an Irishman too. And so, somebody asked me one time, said, "What nationality are you, Brother Branham?"
I said, "I'm Irish. And if they can be saved, there's hope for the whole world."
And so, he happened to be an Irishman also. And he said, "I like them stories about hunting." He said, "I like to hunt too."
So, well, you have to be all things to all men, you know, that we might win some to Christ.

12 And speaking of fellowship, I remember one time, I was up in northern New Hampshire. And I was ... that's the home of the white-tailed deer. And I was fishing for these little brown brooks and square-tail. And I had a place, packed out in a little tent, was way up high in the mountain. Oh, I seen a place where the water fell over...
And I know I got plenty of fishermen friends. I ain't found enough water in Arizona to go fishing yet since I been here. I drink all mine, 'cause... That's the only thing... I love this country, but I sure wish we had some lakes or ponds or something around here. And, I'm a Baptist, you know, and I kind of like a lot of water. And so, they...
Had this little pool I was fishing, you know. My, I just catch them, you know, just like to play with them, and then turn them loose. And if I'd kill one, then of course, I'd eat that one. And back behind my fly line, I'd been catching a bunch of little moose willow back there.
So, I slept all night in a little tent, been there a couple days. And the next morning, I took my little hand axe, and went out. I thought I'd cut those bushes loose, and play with those trout awhile. Sometime about tomorrow, I'd be going down again, my little tent on my back.

13 And, on my road back... There'd been a mother bear, and her two cubs had got in my little old bean-sack tent. And so... And, it isn't what they eat, it's what they destroy. Oh, my! They like to make things rattle. They're Pentecostal to the core that way. So they just love that. So they get in, and knock the stove pipe down, just mash it up. Now, talking about noise---well, I better leave that alone, see.
I can prove anything that hasn't got emotion in it is dead. So if your religion ain't got a little emotion in it, you better bury it. You have to have emotion to be alive.
And so... Notice, this little old... I come up. I heard a noise, and looked over. And there was old mammy bear and her two little fellows---had got in there, and they just tore up everything there was. So, I knew that was ... tear up camp then, and go. So then I looked, and the old mother bear, she run off to one side. And she cooed, you know. It was a black bear. They're just ... not very big. And so she run off and cooed to her cub. And one of the cubs come to her, and the other one didn't come. Well, I wondered, "What the world's the matter?"

14 And I had an old rusty pistol laying over there in that tent. But I guess it was tore up by that time. I had the axe in my hand, and I... You know, an old mother bear with some cubs, she can get kind of angry, you know. And she can scratch you too, if she wanted to. So I was kind of watching her, you know, keeping a tree in mind all the time, that I could...
You heard about the preacher in the cinnamon tree? Why, any kind of a tree will do if a bear's after you. So I watched that tree, and I wondered what was the matter with that little old bear. And he was Just ... wasn't going to go. And his mammy kept cooing to him, and he just kept sitting there. He was all humped up, like this. And I thought, "What's the little fellow got?" I thought maybe I could run in and grab that old pistol. And I thought, oh, I wouldn't kill that old mother bear---she'd charge after me---because it would leave two orphans in the woods. So I wouldn't do that.

15 So, I thought, "I'll just watch this tree, and see what the little fellow's got." And he was all humped up like this, and I seen him moving. And the old mother was cooing, and walking back and forth, kind of restless. And she was watching me too. And when she turned her back to look at the other bear, I'd step along sideways, like that, to try to get around, see what the little fellow ... had him so interested. You know what he had? He had my bucket of molasses.
You know, I like my pancakes. I know I got a lot of fellow citizens of that same appetite. So, and I don't believe in sprinkling, I like to really baptize them. I like to pour it on heavy, you know, put plenty of molasses... The last time I eat down here at the Ramada... The other day, we had the finest breakfast, and they had good flapjacks like that (We call them flapjacks in the South). But you ... if we have them in the morning, tell the waiter just a little more 'lasses, if you please. That wasn't ... that thing, I had to put sugar on top of them, you know, to finish out.

16 But ... however, this little old bear ... the little fellow had got his paw, and got this bucket open. And he had his... They love sweet stuff, you know. And he got his little paw in this molasses bucket. He didn't know how to eat it with his hands, so he just smeared and licked, you know, and then he'd smear, and lick. And after he got the bucket all sopped out...
I said, "Get out of there!" I kept hollering at him. He wouldn't even turn. And after he got the bucket sopped out, he turned around and looked at me---and couldn't get his eyes open, you know. From the top of his ears plumb down his little belly, he was just full of molasses.
And I thought, "That's right. There's no condemnation. That's just like a good old Pentecostal meeting. When you get your hand right down in the molasses bucket, or honey jar, up to your elbows, just shouting and praising God, I don't care what goes on, you don't hear it.
But, you know, the strange thing was, after he got over it---and the rest of them standing out there scolding him---when he got over there, the rest of them had fellowship. They all licked him. Nature holds some strange things, doesn't it, brother? Licking all over. Now them people that didn't attend this meeting, they can just lick your molasses after it's over. All right.

17 We're grateful, thankful for this fine bunch of brothers, and for this fine bunch of people. And they ... I think that everything come out all right. And we don't ... we absolutely... One thing we will not permit is finance, any strain on finances. Brother told me out there, said he had it all but a hundred dollars. I give him a check. I said, "Forget it, see. I'll pay it myself." So then ... then we ... everything is fine and dandy. And we want...
If any of the staff of this Ramada Inn is here tonight I want to thank them, for they donated this building to us. I do think ... and I wasn't ... I know ... the only way I knew, is Brother Tony told me about it. I believe that it's ... that if somebody was in this city, or looking for a motel, I could certainly advertise and tell them the Ramada's the place to go.

18 If people has that much consideration for the ... for us and our religion and our Christ, I think we ought to have enough audacity to say something good about them. That's right. May the Lord bless this institution. We've always went into their places wherever we go across the country. We've always had such courtesy. And the Businessmen uses their halls---Phoenix, and everywhere we can, to have meetings and conventions. And I'd say this, gentlemen, if you're here, Almighty God bless you richly. And at the end of the road, I pray that God will open his doors, and make you welcome into his great kingdom at that time.

19 And then there's one more thing. (Now, I've got a bunch of stuff with some notes wrote here, and some texts I want to use in a few minutes.) But, another thing is, you people are very fortunate here in Tucson. Now, they always told me that Tucson was the closest place to Hades there was, 'cause it's so hot. But I'm telling you, I really enjoy this. Why, at my home if it'd be this hot, why, you couldn't stand here with a coat on, the air conditioner on, you'd just be sweating. Well I've never ... I've worked pretty hard, and I've never got up a sweat yet.
No, I like this. What do you go back East for in the summertime. Here's the place to come. This is fine. It's a lot better than our swamp back there anyhow. So, I like this. And I hope the good Lord lets me come back, and move out here somewhere and stay. I really like this place.
And one of the great things, the events ... or one of the great features of the place... 'Course, it's the people what makes the place. I've even ... in your stores and everything---in a tourist city---I have had some of the finest treatment, the nicest people since I've been in Tucson, that I'd ever want to meet.

20 And then, when I come in, I tuned in on my radio, and I found a station here that constantly broadcasts nothing but Christian music. It's station KAIR. And I just learned today, that their headquarters is here at the Ramada. You know what I done (if some of the staff of KAIR is here)? I bought a radio, just to keep it turned on all the time, so that my children and my home could hear the right things.
For most all stations that you turn on, it's always some kind of this here boogley-woogley, or ever what that stuff is, and rock 'n' roll, and all this other kind of nonsense they have today. And you don't hear the thing. And I think that you Christians, you ought to do everything you can to keep that station there. That's right. And turn it on in your home where your children can hear the right thing.

21 Now, you'll hear all kinds of... Of course, it's an interdenominational affair, and any kind of preaching. You might disagree with some of the brothers for their program. My, if we all sat down to eat tonight, and we all had pie---I might take cherry pie, and you take apple, but we're all eating pie. That's right. So just ... they're brothers. And they have a right to express what they think.
And so, just keep your radio on, and listen to that fine music. And I think ... I appreciate... I wish I could take it home with me, KAIR, and put it in Louisville somewhere, a station like that, that broadcasts Christian music all the time. I like that. The Lord bless that station, KAIR.
And then, there's another station out there. I don't remember the letters to it, but it also has a fine lot of religious music. And I tell you, I hope I don't embarrass the man by saying I listen to Brother Gilmore all the time. He's on that station some of the time. And I just forget what the station is, but they also have ... KAIF? [man in audience says "No, KFIF"], KFIF. That's another fine station. We appreciate them too.

22 You know, it's just like the old saying, if we count our blessings, look around, it's kind of surprising to see how many good people's left in the world, and how many nice things we still have. The Lord be praised. I'm glad to be an American. I'm glad, as a missionary coming from other lands, and so forth, and coming in home.
Oh, it makes my heart ache to see the way ... how luxurious we live, and the rest of the world starving; and to see the fine places, the big fine church on every corner, and those poor people over there, many of them never even heard the name of Jesus Christ.

23 I have ... little black boys stand by the thousands, tears running down their cheeks, not even one stitch of clothes on, don't know which is right and left hand, just stay all day and all night sitting there---listen to me talk about the Lord Jesus. Never heard it before. Tell them that there's somebody that loves them. Oh, my. That's what they want to hear, something that ... somebody that loves them.
Who doesn't want to be loved? We all want that. We all need it. And then, the way to get it, is to love somebody else, then you'll be lovable. God bless you all.
I hope to see you in the morning at the breakfast, those who can. And I think they'll be selling the tickets at the office in the morning also. And if you come for breakfast, why, I'm sure we'll get a little more molasses if we have pancakes. And then ... and maybe some don't always require that many, you know. And so...

24 One time, I was preaching at a Missionary Baptist Church down in Georgia. It was a... I preached way up in the night, and had a big altar call, and it was late. And I was sleeping on a back porch. And the wind blowing in an old screened-in porch. And I was tired. They get up at four o'clock down there, and the old colored woman come out. She called me three or four times. And I never forget it. She said, "Parson (that means preacher down there), Parson!" Said, "Honey, why don't you get up?" Said, "I done cooked your flapjacks four times already." Bless her old heart. She was about seventy then. I guess she's gone on to glory now, and rest. "Cooked your flapjacks four times already this morning."

25 Now, everybody love the Lord? So glad. Aren't you glad to know just you can be free, and feel happy, and no condemnation?
And I want to thank this little quartet here, for staying over. I know they were scheduled other places, and they... I'll be listening to you on your records. I got some of them, and the tapes, and things. I think you're very fine.
And this little girl here! My, oh, my, she's part mockingbird. She just really can really sing, and the little boys also. And I told that little fellow, the little fellow wears the glasses... I met him the other night, and I said, "Son, you're going to make a bass one of these days." He kind of laughed, and looked over those glasses. I said, "You kind of wondered how I said it." I said, "Well, you sound like a bumblebee in a jug now." He got a kick out of that. And they're fine people. The Lord bless you.
I think I got the mother right. I had another lady the other night, and I suppose this is the father out here somewhere. Somebody pointed over here to the father, yes. All right. The Lord bless him. And I hope our paths cross again somewhere in life. If it don't, we'll be at the gate there that morning. That's right.
Now, before we...

26 After expressing ourselves the way we have ... and I believe that happiness goes with Christians. I've never been sad that I was a Christian. I'm always happy I'm a Christian. And, oh, joy bells has rung in my heart now for some thirty-five years since Jesus Christ came into my heart. I've never been able to express it. It's joy unspeakable, and full of glory. But now, as we approach the Word, let's just lay our little laughter aside, and let's look right into the Word now, just for a moment.
Lord Jesus, now You help us, as we read the Word. And may the great Holy Spirit that was sent to be our tutor, sent to raise us and teach us the things and the way of God, may He come now and take the Word, and deliver to each heart just as we have need. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

1 Peter 1:8 Whom having not seen, ye love; in whom, though now ye see him not, yet believing, ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory:

27 Now, if you wish to turn to the scripture that I want to read, it's found in St. Matthew, the 14th chapter. And we're going to begin at the 22nd verse.
And straightway Jesus constrained his disciples to get into a ship, and to go before him to the other side, while he sent the multitudes away.
And when he had sent the multitudes away, he went up into a mountain apart to pray: and when the evening was come, he was there alone.
But the ship was now in the midst of the sea, tossed with waves: for the winds were contrary.
And in the fourth watch of the night Jesus went unto them, walking on the water [or, I beg your pardon], walking on the sea.
And when the disciples saw him walking on the sea, they were troubled, saying, It is a spirit; and they cried out for fear.
But Jesus straight ... but straightway Jesus spake unto them, saying, Be of good cheer; it is I; be not afraid.

Matthew 14:22 And straightway Jesus constrained his disciples to get into a ship, and to go before him unto the other side, while he sent the multitudes away.

Matthew 14:23 And when he had sent the multitudes away, he went up into a mountain apart to pray: and when the evening was come, he was there alone.

Matthew 14:24 But the ship was now in the midst of the sea, tossed with waves: for the wind was contrary.

Matthew 14:25 And in the fourth watch of the night Jesus went unto them, walking on the sea.

Matthew 14:26 And when the disciples saw him walking on the sea, they were troubled, saying, It is a spirit; and they cried out for fear.

Matthew 14:27 But straightway Jesus spake unto them, saying, Be of good cheer; it is I; be not afraid.

28 Now, if I was going to call this a text (and I try to keep the little messages simple and like drama, so that the little fellows can enjoy it), and I'd call this text this: "Be Not Afraid." Three words. I use them a lot of times: "Believest Thou This?", then "Come See A Man." And it's a little three-word text. And now, I want to use that for a text, "Be Not Afraid." And then for a subject, I'm going to use this, "A Testimony Meeting on the Sea."

29 It must have been kind of late in the afternoon. The sun was just about gone down, twilight was setting in, and they were all tired and worn. It'd been a great day for the group. The big, brawny muscled, bald-headed fisherman was pushing out the boat into the sea of Galilee. And as he finally got the bow floating he climbed aboard and sat down by the side of his brother, Andrew. It was called in the Bible a ship.
Now, a ship isn't what we call a ship today. The ships then were mostly propelled by oars. And they had... The gunwales were high, 'cause the great waves come on the sea there quite often and they had to have high sides. And usually two men to each oar, sitting at one side of the ship, and one the other, and sometimes, six or eight men pulled in a ship. They were commercial fishermen along the Galilee. And they have it today. It hasn't changed one bit since that day. It's still the same---fish the same way, same kind of nets, and everything.

30 Now, and as they turned the ship around and started, the bank was full of people. And they would make a couple of strokes with their oars, and wave back good-bye to them; and everybody saying, "Come back and see us again, and be sure to bring your Master when you come back to see us again." They was on the road across the sea, and it was quite a little distance. And they'd have to pull hard to get over there that night.
So, I can imagine, in one way, how they felt. It had been a great day. They'd seen great sights done. Many had been saved and believed on the Lord Jesus. And they'd had a very hard day keeping the people away from their Master, that He could minister to them, to bring life to the lost. And they were tired, and weary. But yet, to leave their friends...
There's something about leaving friends, when you have to say good-bye. That's an awful thing. And I feel that way, can feel that much of the burden they had, because I know how it is with me. About the time you get acquainted with a group of people, you just... They begin to know that you're not some super human, you're a brother. And they begin to ... everything begins to feel good. And then, you have to say, "Good-bye. I'll see you again some time. I hope to." That's a hard thing to do.

Acts 16:31 And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.

31 I'm looking for the time where we'll meet where we'll never say good-bye, over on the other side. And some of my precious old brothers here, and hunting partners, I'll meet you down along them big game trails back there, somewhere, where they never end. I'll be looking for you down along the road there, if I don't get back to see you again before we're taken.
And how that ... they must have waved, and they'd pull a few licks, and then wave again. And finally, as the sea calmed, just as the sun was going down, the little boat pushing its way across by the power of the oars, they'd take a few strokes, and then wave their hands good-bye. And then somebody else would recognize someone else, you wave good-bye to them. And that must have been the way the ship was moving out in the waters. And finally, the last good-bye was said, as far as they could hear.
And there must have been a long silence. Nobody said nothing, because they had to push the little ship on. And they kind of have a rhythm like, as they oar these ships all together, because you'd twist it if you didn't. And so, they was oaring in rhythm, and might have gotten pretty tired.

32 It must have been the young John who kind of give out first, and wanted to catch his wind, as we call it. He was young and tender yet. He wasn't strong like those old brawny fishermen that had been on the seas, and the storms, had pulled those boats. He must have got tired first. So he must have said, "Whew, brethren, let's rest just a moment." And as he stopped, and brushed his black hair back out of his eyes, and the little ship was coasting along through the water, going along, I can hear him start to say, "I feel like I'd like to testify."
I like that. I like a good testimony meeting when you've got something to testify about. Now, if you haven't got nothing, just stand up and say the same thing you said the night before and last year, that gets wearisome. But when you've got a real fresh testimony that you just can't hold it back any longer, the Lord's done something for you, and you just have to break it out, I like that.

33 We used to call it at home a popcorn testimony. Now, how many knows what popcorn is? I want to tell you what it does. You take a little yellow grain, and lay it on a hot stove, and it jumps way up in the air yellow, turns white, comes back twice it's size and half as light, half as heavy rather, as it was. It's a testimony, see. That's what a testimony does. A little yellow, afraid to do anything, and then, the first thing you know, the power and fire of the Holy Ghost hits you. It turns you white from yellow. And you feel so light you just... See, you're not anchored to the earth anymore. So, I like the popcorn testimony.

34 And it must have been little John who wanted to give one. He raised up in the boat, and said, "Well, I want to testify first, and say this while we're resting. I'm perfectly satisfied and assured, my brethren. Today settled it in my mind that we're not following some kind of a fanatic, as the rest of the world wants to make us believe we are. We're following Him who the Scripture spoke of. It settled it today. Now, I want to give my testimony.
"I was borned and raised over by the Jordan. I can remember many years ago, when I lived on the banks of the Jordan, just close to the ford where Israel crossed with a mighty warrior, Joshua. He took the ark of the covenant, and the Holy Ghost opened up the sea, or the Jordan, and they crossed across, all of our people, on dry land when we come to this land.
"And I remember in the springtime, how I used to go out and pick little flowers along the bank of the Jordan along in the afternoon. I can hear my mother call me yet, and say, 'Now, come on in, John. You must go to bed. You've got to take your nap. Little boys must take their little nap in the afternoon.' And she would sit out upon the front porch, and rock me in her arms. And I can see her pretty face yet, as her big, pretty, Jewish brown eyes looked down at me, and she'd tell me Bible stories."

Joshua 3:16 That the waters which came down from above stood and rose up upon an heap very far from the city Adam, that is beside Zaretan: and those that came down toward the sea of the plain, even the salt sea, failed, and were cut off: and the people passed over right against Jericho.

Joshua 3:17 And the priests that bare the ark of the covenant of the LORD stood firm on dry ground in the midst of Jordan, and all the Israelites passed over on dry ground, until all the people were passed clean over Jordan.

35 And, you know, it's too bad that our mothers can't keep out of the tavern long enough today, and out of places they ought not to be, and rock their children again, and tell them some Bible stories. That's the trouble with our nation today. Any kid on the street can tell you more about Davey Crockett than they can about Jesus Christ. That's right. And how the commercial world takes that up. And my, bring up a child in the way it should go. It's true.

Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.

36 "Now, and she said... She used to tell me stories. And one of the main stories I liked the best was, besides the little boy that the great prophet Elijah raised up from the dead... I used to like that story, and wonder what kind of a man Elijah must have been. And she'd say to me, 'You know what, John? That same great Elijah and Elisha both walked right down that street there, arm-in-arm, going down to the river. Just think, not long ago they did that. Them two great prophets walked down to the river, and the river opened up. They passed right by Jericho.'
"Now ... but the main story that always stuck with me that she told me (I wanted her to tell it to me each day), that how that God brought our people out of bondage in Egypt where they were slaves, and brought them into the wilderness and kept them out there forty years, and fed them out of the heaven. Why, she told me that every night ... that they'd go out of a morning after Israel got all tucked in bed and was asleep (like she was fixing to put me to bed), you know what? Said Jehovah God came down, and the next morning there was bread laying all over the ground that would take care of them through the day.

Exodus 16:8 And Moses said, This shall be, when the LORD shall give you in the evening flesh to eat, and in the morning bread to the full; for that the LORD heareth your murmurings which ye murmur against him: and what are we? your murmurings are not against us, but against the LORD.

Exodus 16:35 And the children of Israel did eat manna forty years, until they came to a land inhabited; they did eat manna, until they came unto the borders of the land of Canaan.

2 Kings 2:8 And Elijah took his mantle, and wrapped it together, and smote the waters, and they were divided hither and thither, so that they two went over on dry ground.

2 Kings 4:32 And when Elisha was come into the house, behold, the child was dead, and laid upon his bed.

2 Kings 4:33 He went in therefore, and shut the door upon them twain, and prayed unto the LORD.

2 Kings 4:34 And he went up, and lay upon the child, and put his mouth upon his mouth, and his eyes upon his eyes, and his hands upon his hands: and he stretched himself upon the child; and the flesh of the child waxed warm.

2 Kings 4:35 Then he returned, and walked in the house to and fro; and went up, and stretched himself upon him: and the child sneezed seven times, and the child opened his eyes.

2 Kings 4:36 And he called Gehazi, and said, Call this Shunammite. So he called her. And when she was come in unto him, he said, Take up thy son.

Acts 7:36 He brought them out, after that he had shewed wonders and signs in the land of Egypt, and in the Red sea, and in the wilderness forty years.

37 "And I used to say to Mama, 'Mama, has God got a special chorus of angels up there that works at nighttime? and got a big bunch of ovens all through the heavens? and He'd ... 'Hurry now, these children are hungry,' and bake all this bread? And then, another group of angels take it down, and lay it all over the ground?
"She looked at me, and said, 'No, John, honey. You're just a little boy. You don't understand. Our great Jehovah is a creator. He don't have to have special angels to bake bread. He doesn't need any ovens in heaven. He just speaks the word, and the bread falls all over the ground. He's a creator.' And I couldn't understand how that was. But the story always stuck to me somehow.

Colossians 1:16 For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him:

38 "And I've watched our Lord in many things, of healing the sick, and so forth. But today, brethren, when I seen Him pick up those five biscuits, and them two fish from that little boy that was (lunch), that was playing truant from school. When I seen Him take those, and said, 'Cause the people to sit down in fifties'... As soon as I got my fifty sat down, I climbed up on that rock, and watched to see what He would do. And when He took that piece of ... loaf of bread, and tore off half of it, and hand it out into the plate, and by the time He got his hand back again, there was another half-a-loaf of baked bread.
"Now, there's some connection between Him and Jehovah, 'cause He was creating that bread and that fish right there before me. No one else could do that but Jehovah. And that's the same God that my mother told me about in the wilderness back there, who brought bread down from creation out of heaven. We, with our own eyes, seen Him today create bread right before us."

Matthew 4:23 And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing all manner of sickness and all manner of disease among the people.

Matthew 14:19 And he commanded the multitude to sit down on the grass, and took the five loaves, and the two fishes, and looking up to heaven, he blessed, and brake, and gave the loaves to his disciples, and the disciples to the multitude.

Mark 6:40 And they sat down in ranks, by hundreds, and by fifties.

Mark 6:41 And when he had taken the five loaves and the two fishes, he looked up to heaven, and blessed, and brake the loaves, and gave them to his disciples to set before them; and the two fishes divided he among them all.

John 6:31 Our fathers did eat manna in the desert; as it is written, He gave them bread from heaven to eat.

39 Did you ever think what kind of an atom He must have let loose? Where did the flour come from? Not only flour, but it was already baked in loaves, and ready to eat. He had fish. He growed the fish at the first place. But now, He breaks the fish half in two, and another fish could grow on there. But this fish that comes on there is already cooked, and baked, and growed too. What did He do? Oh, He's God! Just speak it, that's all He has to do, it's...
Now, the little boy ... that little lunch he had wasn't very much in his hands, but when he let what he had go into Jesus' hands, it fed thousands. And maybe what little faith... You say, "Well, I wish I had great faith." But what little faith you have got... You've got faith enough to come to church. And then, if you've got that much faith, why don't you just give it over into the hands of Jesus, and it'll feed thousands, if you... It's not much in your hands. But once in his hands, then it'll do miracles if you let that faith get in his hands.

Psalm 33:9 For he spake, and it was done; he commanded, and it stood fast.

Matthew 6:30 Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which to day is, and to morrow is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith?

Mark 6:41 And when he had taken the five loaves and the two fishes, he looked up to heaven, and blessed, and brake the loaves, and gave them to his disciples to set before them; and the two fishes divided he among them all.

Mark 6:44 And they that did eat of the loaves were about five thousand men.

40 Notice, and John was all excited. And I hear Andrew say, "Wait a minute, son. Don't rock that boat like that. Take your time. Don't get too excited about this, you know. After all, we're out here in this sea."
"Well it just makes my heart so thrilled," he said, "to see, and know that God has revealed Himself to us here, a man that we can touch." He said, "No wonder the prophet said He would be Emmanuel, that God would be represented here in Him. And we see Him doing the same works that the Father did. No wonder He could tell those Pharisees, 'If I... Who can condemn me of sin? Who can accuse me? If everything the Bible said that I would do, if I haven't done it...'"

Isaiah 7:14 Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.

John 10:30 I and my Father are one.

John 10:37 If I do not the works of my Father, believe me not.

John 10:38 But if I do, though ye believe not me, believe the works: that ye may know, and believe, that the Father is in me, and I in him.

41 You know, sin is unbelief. You know ... did you know lying is not sin? Committing adultery, that's not sin. Drinking whiskey, smoking cigarettes, cursing, using the Lord's name, that's not sin. That's the attributes of unbelief. You do that because you're not a believer. There's only one...
I said that one night in a Methodist church. And an old sister standing there, you know, with her collar up high, she said "Rev. Branham, pray tell me, what is sin?"
I said, "Unbelief."
That's right. You do that because you're an unbeliever. If you do that, you're still an unbeliever. That's right. There's only two things: you're either a believer, or not a believer. So then, the Bible said, "He that believeth not is condemned already," see. So, sin is ... the only thing that is, the attributes of unbelief.

John 3:18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.

42 And Jesus said, "Who can accuse me of unbelief?" And, "If I don't do the works of my Father, then don't believe me. But if I do the works, and yet you can't believe me, believe the works that I do." So, you see, here He was doing the same thing that God did.
Now, I want to ask you brethren, if the life of Jesus Christ is in the church, then sure, the church would do the same thing He did, because the same life is in it.
If here stands a peach tree, and I take all the peach life out of it, and put apple life in it, what kind of a fruit will it bear? Apples. That's the kind of life that's in it. Well then, if the life that was in Christ is in us, it'll bear the fruits that He bore. It's got to.

John 10:37 If I do not the works of my Father, believe me not.

John 10:38 But if I do, though ye believe not me, believe the works: that ye may know, and believe, that the Father is in me, and I in him.

43 And what a mix-up the people's got in today, that think that Christianity's one of the softest things. All they do is put their name on a book, and have somebody sprinkle them, or something another, and give the minister the right hand of fellowship, and that's all there is to it, go on out. That's not Christianity.
Christianity is self-denial. Take up your cross daily. Follow Him. Die out to the things of the world. And when all condemnation is gone, "There is therefore now no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus." How do you get into Him? By joining? No. Shaking hands? No. By a union? By education? "By one Spirit we are all baptized into one body." By Holy Spirit baptism we're in Christ, and "There's no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus, that walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit." Amen. Oh, that'd make anybody shout. Amen. To be in there anyhow, that's the good part.
All right. Now, we find out here that, then the next fellow to raise up to testify must have been Peter. I can hear him say, "Can I give my testimony next?"

Matthew 16:24 Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.

Romans 8:1 There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.

1 Corinthians 12:13 For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into one Spirit.

44 You know, when you've got something to testify about, you've just almost got to get permission, because they was really a-going, and this testimony meeting was a-going. The old boat just a-rocking, and them brothers just a-patting their feet, and having a great time out there. Like to have been out there. Wouldn't you have liked to have been out there, and listen to that testimony? Little John had to sit down. He had said all he could at that time. Simon raised up.
He said, "You know, when Andrew began to go down there to that man that the country thought was some kind of a wild man---that John... The church thought he was a man that went off on the deep end. After all, his daddy was a priest. And he ... you know, it's custom among our people for the son to follow whatever the father did. But, you know, his work was so great. Instead of going down there, and all that big school, and getting indocumented with that... His mission was too great. God took him out into the wilderness at the age of nine years old.

45 And he showed hisself again at thirty years old, because his mission was to introduce the Messiah. And the Messiah was going to have a sign, and he had to know what that sign was. If he had got down there and had some of this denominational injection into him, why, somebody ... some great bishop would have said, or great high priest would have said, 'Now looky here, John, we know you're to introduce the Messiah, as it was told by the angel, and you're to introduce... Don't you think that Brother So-and-So here just meets the ticket exactly?' He might have give in to it. But, you see, he separated himself from everything so he could just listen, and see what God said about it."
Now I think that's a good lesson for us tonight. If we'll separate ourselves from all this man-made dogmas, and creeds and things, and look in the Bible and see what God said about it... He ought to know what He wrote. It's his Word, his Book. That's the reason I like the full gospel---not half of it; all of it---the full gospel.

46 Now, and then he said, "The first thing you know, here come Andrew running in, and saying that this preacher said he saw the Messiah sign over a man. It was a light like a dove coming down, and the preacher saw it. And there was many there, and nobody else saw it but the preacher. So I couldn't hardly go for that. I hear all kinds of stuff, so I just forgot about it, you know. And one night, he come to me and said, 'You ought to just go down and listen at Him for once. He's going to be down here on the shore the next morning, and you ought to go down.'
"Well," I thought, "poor old Andrew. He and I have pulled this boat for a long time.
"I remember one day I had a talk with my Daddy, and he was a good old Pharisee. He just lived in that church, a pillar in it. And his gray hair... One night after fishing...

Mark 1:10 And straightway coming up out of the water, he saw the heavens opened, and the Spirit like a dove descending upon him:

47 We were poor. We had to just live meager as we could.
"And many times, when Mother and Daddy was living, she used to gather us all around of a morning, before we went out to put our nets in the water. We owed debts, and we had to have some fish. And we would pray to Jehovah to fill our nets that day. And how Daddy would rejoice when we'd take in a great big catch of fish, and get to the bank, and get out on the bank, and sit down and thank God for giving us the fish for that day. And how we could go pay our debts now, and have something to eat for the night, and expect the next morning...
"And one night, after we got through thanking the Lord, I remember Daddy sat down on the side of the brail of the boat. And he called me over there, and he said, 'Simon, you know I have longed all my life to live to see the day when I would see the Messiah. And we've been promised Him for many years. All of our people has looked for Him. Moses told us He was coming. All the prophets has spoke to Him. But Simon, son, we haven't had a prophet among us for hundreds of years. And with ... the church has got off in cold, formal condition. But I believe it's nearing the time. If you see my gray hair... I don't suppose I'll live to see it. I'm old now.

Romans 1:2 (Which he had promised afore by his prophets in the holy scriptures,)

Romans 1:3 Concerning his Son Jesus Christ our Lord, which was made of the seed of David according to the flesh;

48 "'But Simon, before the Messiah comes, Satan will send out a lot of false stuff first. And there will be false messiahs come. But I want you to always remember, Simon, don't you never leave this Scripture.
"'Our people are told in this Bible, that the word of the Lord comes to a prophet, a prophet only. And then, first this prophet has to be a-vindicated by God. He has to tell the word, and the word has to come to pass, time after time.' "
They're born. They're just not ... just somebody laid hands on them, made them a prophet; they are born. There's a gift of prophecy can come, but a prophet is borned a prophet. Jeremiah was. Why, God said, "Before you was even formed in your mother's womb, I ordained you a prophet over the nations."
John the Baptist, 712 years before he was born, Isaiah said he was the voice of one crying in the wilderness. Jesus Christ was the Son of God before the foundation of the world. He was the woman's seed that was to bruise the serpent's head. Certainly.
God is ... God places these things. God has set in the church apostles, prophets, teachers, pastors, evangelists. All these things God placed in the church. Then there's nine different gifts that operates in that church. But these are offices that goes in the church.

Genesis 3:15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.

Isaiah 40:3 The voice of him that crieth in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the LORD, make straight in the desert a highway for our God.

Jeremiah 1:5 Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.

1 Corinthians 12:8 For to one is given by the Spirit the word of wisdom; to another the word of knowledge by the same Spirit;

1 Corinthians 12:9 To another faith by the same Spirit; to another the gifts of healing by the same Spirit;

1 Corinthians 12:10 To another the working of miracles; to another prophecy; to another discerning of spirits; to another divers kinds of tongues; to another the interpretation of tongues:

1 Corinthians 12:28 And God hath set some in the church, first apostles, secondarily prophets, thirdly teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, governments, diversities of tongues.

49 "And, you know, he told me, said, 'Son. We've followed Moses and his law. Now Moses told us that this Messiah, when He come, would be a prophet.'
"So I just thought I would go down and see who this young fellow was, a-stirring up all this emotion down there. Said people's getting healed by Him. So I thought I'd go down. And one day when we got the nets all washed and laid out on the bank, He came down to preach. And I got me a chunk, and sat down upon a piece of driftwood upon the bank. And when He began to speak, I knew that there was something different about this man, because He talked like a man that knowed what He was talking about.
"And when I got up close to Him, He looked me right in the face, and He said, 'Your name is Simon, and you are the son of Jonas.' He said that ... take it. That was enough for me. Not only did He prove to be the prophet, He knew me before He ever saw me. He knew me, and He also knew that godly old father of mine that told me that would be the sign of the Messiah. That settled it for me." Oh, my! How he was getting all excited, too.

John 1:42 And he brought him to Jesus. And when Jesus beheld him, he said, Thou art Simon the son of Jona: thou shalt be called Cephas, which is by interpretation, A stone.

John 1:45 Philip findeth Nathanael, and saith unto him, We have found him, of whom Moses in the law, and the prophets, did write, Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph.

50 It must have been Philip jumped up about that time, and said, "Let me testify. Wait a minute. Let me say something." Said, "Now, Brother Nathanael, don't you blush." He said, "I was standing there at that time, brethren, if you all remember. And I seen that done. And I knowed that's what was the ... was the sign of Messiah. And do you know, it hadn't been too long since Philip and I, there, had been studying that in the Scripture. So I run around the mountain over there, about fifteen miles, and told ... found Philip under the tree, praying. And I said, 'Philip, come see who we have found, the Messiah, and ... the one that Moses spoke of, and Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph.' And Nathanael, remember what you said?"
"Yeah, I remember. I sure do."
"Well, you said, 'Could any good thing come out of Nazareth now?' And I said, 'Come see.' And when we went around, remember I was talking, and I told you about Him telling Simon that, and told you that He might tell you who you were. And you walked up there, and said, 'I'll have to see that to believe it.' And remember how you walked up with your hands .behind you, and as soon as you got into his presence, you know what happened?"
"I sure do."
"He said, 'Behold an Israelite, in whom there's no guile.'
"And I remember how that deflated you. And you said, 'Rabbi, when did you ever know me? And here I am. I've just been brought to this meeting. And how did you ever know me? You've never seen me in your life. How would you ever know me?'
"Said, 'Well, before Philip called you, when you were under the tree, I saw you.'
"Oh, I remember what you said. Run up to Him, and said, 'Rabbi, thou art the Son of God; thou art the King of Israel.' "

John 1:46 And Nathanael said unto him, Can there any good thing come out of Nazareth? Philip saith unto him, Come and see.

John 1:47 Jesus saw Nathanael coming to him, and saith of him, Behold an Israelite indeed, in whom is no guile!

John 1:48 Nathanael saith unto him, Whence knowest thou me? Jesus answered and said unto him, Before that Philip called thee, when thou wast under the fig tree, I saw thee.

John 1:49 Nathanael answered and saith unto him, Rabbi, thou art the Son of God; thou art the King of Israel.

51 Must have been Andrew said, "Now it's my time to testify. Do you remember that time when we thought we were going down to Jericho? And we know, down at Jericho, how that old blind man come out there that day. And we couldn't even hear---him screaming. He was hollering, going on. And his faith stopped our Lord, and he got his sight.
"And you remember up at Samaria, when we stopped up there, to go down and get some food? And while we were gone ... wanted Him to go down with us and get something to eat. And He wouldn't do it. He just wouldn't go. He said, 'I have food to eat that you know nothing about.' So, when we all slipped back, we seen Him talking to an ill-famed woman. She was marked. And we thought, 'What's our Master doing up there at the well talking to this ill-famed woman?' So, remember, we slipped over around behind the bush, and listened to what they said. And He said to her, 'Woman, bring me a drink.' And we was surprised to think that our Master would talk to a woman like that."
See, they hadn't yet fully been converted. We still have that type today, that thinks that a Christian oughtn't to talk to the drunk, or to the prostitute. That's the person he ought to talk to. That's the person he should... That's the man that's down. That's the person that'll lift up. That's the one that needs God.

Mark 10:46 And they came to Jericho: and as he went out of Jericho with his disciples and a great number of people, blind Bartimaeus, the son of Timaeus, sat by the highway side begging.

Mark 10:47 And when he heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth, he began to cry out, and say, Jesus, thou son of David, have mercy on me.

Mark 10:48 And many charged him that he should hold his peace: but he cried the more a great deal, Thou son of David, have mercy on me.

Mark 10:49 And Jesus stood still, and commanded him to be called. And they call the blind man, saying unto him, Be of good comfort, rise; he calleth thee.

Mark 10:50 And he, casting away his garment, rose, and came to Jesus.

Mark 10:51 And Jesus answered and said unto him, What wilt thou that I should do unto thee? The blind man said unto him, Lord, that I might receive my sight.

Mark 10:52 And Jesus said unto him, Go thy way; thy faith hath made thee whole. And immediately he received his sight, and followed Jesus in the way.

John 4:7 There cometh a woman of Samaria to draw water: Jesus saith unto her, Give me to drink.

John 4:27 And upon this came his disciples, and marvelled that he talked with the woman: yet no man said, What seekest thou? or, Why talkest thou with her?

John 4:32 But he said unto them, I have meat to eat that ye know not of.

52 "So we listened to Him, and the conversation went on. And finally He said to her, 'Go, get your husband, and come here.' And she said, 'I don't have any husband.' "
And Andrew said, "You remember how we all looked at one another? My, one time He was wrong. There's a slip-up somewhere, because here He tells her, 'Go get your husband,' and she says back, 'I don't have any husband.' And He tells her, 'You've told the truth.' And then we all were surprised. What were we going to say now? Now He's told the woman she has a husband, and she turns around and says she hasn't got a husband. And here's our Master, and here's that Messiahic sign that we was to look for, and here it had failed. And we were astonished, one to another, as we looked. And then He said, 'You have told the truth: because you have five husbands; and the one that you have now and are living with is not your husband.' And you remember how that woman looked at Him, and said, 'Sir, I perceive that you are a prophet.'"

John 4:16 Jesus saith unto her, Go, call thy husband, and come hither.

John 4:17 The woman answered and said, I have no husband. Jesus said unto her, Thou hast well said, I have no husband:

John 4:18 For thou hast had five husbands; and he whom thou now hast is not thy husband: in that saidst thou truly.

John 4:19 The woman saith unto him, Sir, I perceive that thou art a prophet.

53 Now the great world council of churches of that day, when they looked at it, they said, "This man's a fortune-teller. This man has a devil, He's Beelzebub." Would you think that religious leaders could draw such a conception as that, in the face of the time that it was supposed to happen, and according to the Scriptures? But they did it. And they still do it. Now, they said, "Oh, it's an evil spirit on the man, that's what He's doing. He's just a Beelzebub, that's what it is."
But this little ill-famed woman said, "Sir, I perceive that you are a prophet." How'd she know He was a prophet?
Because He told her something was in her life. Said, "You are a prophet."
And she said, "Now we know, we Samaritans, we know that when the Messiah cometh, he's to do these things. He tells us all things."
And Jesus looked her in the face, and said, "I am he." And that settled it. There was no more question. The sign had been given. She had received it. She knew it. She dropped her water pot, and into the city she went.

Mark 3:22 And the scribes which came down from Jerusalem said, He hath Beelzebub, and by the prince of the devils casteth he out devils.

John 4:19 The woman saith unto him, Sir, I perceive that thou art a prophet.

John 4:25 The woman saith unto him, I know that Messias cometh, which is called Christ: when he is come, he will tell us all things.

John 4:26 Jesus saith unto her, I that speak unto thee am he.

John 4:28 The woman then left her waterpot, and went her way into the city, and saith to the men,

54 Now, according to tradition (and anybody that's traveled knows this), she wasn't supposed to do that. That's unethical for that famed woman like that, that type of woman, to say anything to a man on the street. No, sir. But watch, she had found something. She was like a house on fire on a windy day. You couldn't put her out. She'd found something real. She run through the streets, said, "Come see a man, that told me the things I've done: isn't this the very Messiah Himself?" Amen! God give us some more converts like that.
"You know we're looking for a Messiah," she said. "We're looking for Him. And there sits a man right out there at the well now, that told me the things I've done. Isn't that the very Messiahic sign we're supposed to look for?" And they brought Him into the city. He never did it one more time. But the Bible said that the men of the city believed on Him because of the testimony of that woman. Amen! How God can do things! They believed it. And this man had never been in that city before, and stand there and tell that woman she had five husbands. And it was the truth. And it was the hour, and the time, and they believed it.

John 4:18 For thou hast had five husbands; and he whom thou now hast is not thy husband: in that saidst thou truly.

John 4:25 The woman saith unto him, I know that Messias cometh, which is called Christ: when he is come, he will tell us all things.

John 4:29 Come, see a man, which told me all things that ever I did: is not this the Christ?

John 4:39 And many of the Samaritans of that city believed on him for the saying of the woman, which testified, He told me all that ever I did.

55 Why can't we believe it? Why can't Tucson believe it? Why can't the church world believe it? Why can't America believe it? Why can't the world believe it? Here's the Scripture says it's supposed to be here at this time, and here it is with us. You know, I'm afraid the church is full of ... told too many old love story magazines instead of God's Word. That's what's the matter. They can tell you more about who's the next movie star coming up, than they can tell you about the operation of the Holy Spirit. Amen! That's right.
If we put more time to staying on Tuesday night, and Wednesday night, and going to church to prayer meeting, instead of staying home watching television on "Who Loves Suzie," or something like that, and staying away from church, we'd know more about our Bible, and know what we're supposed to happen in this day. That's right. But you see, we've got away. God's give us churches, and fine pastors, and Spirit-filled people, and we just ... we're so grossed in our souls, and fattened, and dead, till we just don't care for it no more. Oh, my! We need a shaking. We need a something to happen to us.
Well, maybe we got ashamed.

56 Now I come into this Pentecostal people kind of late. I'm one borned out of season. But, I remember of reading the history of it, the Azusa Street. And you remember when they used to have these great meetings, they'd pray all night. And your fathers, the old-timers in the work, and ... they'd pray all night, and they would fast for days, and they would wait on God until God answered. Today, we can't stay at the altar five minutes. Something's wrong. What's the matter?
I used to go around with an old Methodist circuit rider. He'd sing a little song for me. "We let down the bars, we let down the bars, we compromised with sin. We let down the bars, the sheep got out; but how did the goats get in?" We let down the bars. That's what happened---we compromised. And we've got to get away from that. The old Azusa Street meetings, the old-fashioned Pentecostal religion, backwoods, sky blue, gun-barrel straight, sin-killing religion---brother, they didn't white-wash it; it washed white. It done something to people.
And today, when we got away from that, we become loose. We become like the rest of the world. It's too bad.

57 And today, the most of the people don't want a man that'll stand and tell the truth about it. They want some little Ricky with a Hollywood haircut, and perfume all over, and walk right up here and talk about some theology they learned off of some cemetery, or semin... excuse me. It's all the same place, the home of corpses. So then, we find that everywhere. They want something like that. They don't want the old-fashioned gospel handed out in the power, and demonstration of the Holy Ghost anymore.
We need a testimony meeting, a great thing to happen. We need a prayer meeting. We need a digging down, tearing up. It's true. We need Christ back in our midst, know the Bible. We're just drifting looser, and looser all the time. We need to come back to the original foundation; come back to the place, the rock that we was hewed from and start over again.

58 Now, this little woman, she knowed where she was standing. There was nothing going to stop her. Yes, sir! She had the testimony. She had seen it, and she was looking for it, and she knowed the Scripture, and she knowed that was what it was. And as soon as it happened, flashed across her path, her eyes flew open, and she knew it. Nothing going to stop her. Whether it's traditions or anything, it's not going to stop her. Right. She's going to say it anyhow.
Oh, my, for people like that ... give us a half a dozen on fire like that, and I can tell you Tucson will be a different place in a few days. Each one of you want that in your congregation, don't you? Oh, my! Sure, that's what we want, somebody on fire. We kind of got ashamed of it somehow. We got to a place ... we just getting away from the old-fashioned Spirit-filled life that really kept us clean.

59 Now, Andrew got to testifying. And first thing you know, the boat got to rocking again. But they come to find out this time, you know, the sun had went down. You know, and when the sun goes down, it's time that evil starts. Somehow...
I was reading an article, I believe it was "Life" magazine, or something, not long ago, that some movie star made a remark like this: "Night was made to live in. Life begins when the sun goes down." Death begins when the sun goes down. That's when devils prowl. Watch the lizards, snakes, scorpions, roaches, everything else. They got to get in the dark. It's in the darkness.
You're not of the darkness; you're of the light. "Walk in the light." It reminds me: you can take an old apple core, lay it on the floor. It won't be nothing bother it in the daytime. Let it get night, and then the roaches, and everything around the place will crawl to it. And then, if you want to see them scatter, just turn on the light. They sure scatter.
That reminds me, like preaching the gospel. Just turn on the light. It don't take it very long till evil goes to scattering. The church needs a good revival, a real good Holy Spirit, God-sent revival.

Ephesians 5:8 For ye were sometimes darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord: walk as children of light:

60 When I was a little boy, my brother and I (the one that's dead), we was out at the creek one day, that run behind the place, and we'd seen an old turtle. I don't know whether you know what a turtle is, tortoise. He's got a shell, you know. It's shell outside, and turtle inside. And we noticed him walk, and how funny he walked. And when we got to him, he went "Shh," drew up into his...
Just like a lot of so-called believers when you tell them about the baptism of the Holy Ghost, or something. "Oh, them days are past. Shh. No such a thing."
A guy said to me the other day, said, "I don't care what you produce." Said, "I don't care how many dead people you prove was raised, how many. I do not believe in it."
I said, "Certainly not. It wasn't for unbelievers; it was only for believers. You're an unbeliever."

61 Now, we wanted to see him walk, because we thought it looked funny to see how he ... throwing his feet. So I said, "Get away! get going!" He just stayed up in his shell. "Well," I said, "I'll fix him, brother." And I went over and got me a switch. And I really poured it on him. You can't beat it out of them. He just laid there.
And I said, "Why, I'll tell you what I'll do. I'll make him walk." And I took him down to the creek. And I said, "I'll ... he'll either walk, or I'll drown him." So I stuck him down in the water, and I held him with my hands. And just a few bubbles came up, and he stayed in the shell.
Water baptism doesn't do it, brother. You can baptize any way you want to. That don't do it. No, no. That's right. You might get a few bubbles, but that's about all.
Then I seen a piece of paper laying over in a corner. I built me a little fire, and set him on that. Brother, he moved then.
That's what the church needs tonight. It needs the Holy Ghost and fire that can get a church to move for the kingdom of God. It'll walk then. A revival. Accept Christ, the Word. Believe it. Let it sink down below the fifth rib on the left side, till it anchors down in the bottom of the heart. Then floods of joy will spring up, and joy unspeakable, and full of glory. And the Holy Spirit'll make you sing, "Fill my way every day with love, as I walk with the heavenly Dove."
It'll do something to you. What we need... It'll put energy in there. It'll do something for you.

1 Peter 1:8 Whom having not seen, ye love; in whom, though now ye see him not, yet believing, ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory:

62 About the time these brethren... The sun went down, and darkness began to set in. Satan must have come up out of his tormenting pits, and looked over the hill. Ah-h-h-h! He had to lay quiet that day, because great things had been taking place. So it got dark. And he looked over the hill, and the disciples had gone off without Jesus. That's just what he wanted. He caught them without Jesus.
And that's just where he wants to catch you. You don't believe that bobbing your hair is wrong, women. You should come back to the Bible and find out whether it's right or not. You don't think these things are wrong. He catches you away from Jesus, that's all. You live a good godly life, and watch what takes place. Some people says...

John 6:17 And entered into a ship, and went over the sea toward Capernaum. And it was now dark, and Jesus was not come to them.

63 Woman said to me the other day, she said, "Brother Branham. I want to tell you right now... You was talking about our dresses, the way we were wearing them, so tight the skin's on the outside."
And I said, "Well, I want to tell you something."
She said, "That's the only kind of a dress they make now."
I said, "That's no excuse. They still got goods, and have sewing machines. You can't just... there's no excuse for it at all. No, sir." I said, "Go ahead. And some day you're going to answer for committing adultery. I don't care how clean you are, and how pure you are to your husband, or your boyfriend. You dress yourself all sexy, and start down that street, some sinner looks upon you in the wrong way, and on the day of judgment, he'll have to answer for it. And who did it? You.
Jesus said, "Whosoever looketh upon a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her in his heart already." And you presented yourself that way.
God, send us a revival before we perish! That's right. We need an old-fashioned, God-sent, soul-stirring revival. Yes. Find Christ back among us. Find Christ in the old-fashioned altars, and meetings that we used to have years ago.

Matthew 5:28 But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.

64 Now, Satan said, "They've gone off without him, and I've got them away. I think..."
Don't you believe, brother...? Now, we know there's all different denominations here, and I belong to all of them. So, but don't you think that this time of prosperity...? We've been building new buildings. We've been buying everything new, and all the congregation has got plenty of money, and dresses better. I think we kind of went off on some kind of a tantrum, and we've left Christ somewhere, see.
And now, he sees us sitting like this out here. The revival's over. We ... here not long ago, why, the revival was burning. And now it seems like it's kind of hard to get the church filled up. The pastors tell me that it's hard nowadays. And the people won't go to church. They'd rather stay home and watch television, or something. The love has gone out of their heart. And Satan has seen us go off on this tantrum, and ... went off without Jesus. And he thinks it's his opportunity.
He said, "Now I'll sink them. When I've got them off, I'll sink them. That's ... just be the thing that I'll do. I caught them now without Christ. They left Him behind."

65 And see, they were so busy, and had so much to do, waving to the people, and so much social affairs, and everything, till they forgot to take Him along. And I think that's what we've got---so much of our programs, till we've left out Jesus. The things that our father and mother fought so hard for, laid out on the railroad tracks, and eat corn, and wheat, and whatever they could get, to preach this gospel. And today, we just slop along, see. It isn't right. We should be on fire.
Satan sees this, and it's just like it was then. He said, "I'll sink them out there tonight, because Jesus is away from them." Now the winds began to blow. Trouble began to set in. And it seemed like nobody had the answer.

John 6:18 And the sea arose by reason of a great wind that blew.

66 Now we've got hydrogen bombs, and astronauts, and everything else. But, seems like nobody's got the answer. They're having all kinds of conferences, and meetings, trying to figure out if they can't beat somebody to the moon. I ain't worried about getting to the moon. I want to go past the moon, when I get started up.
And they've hollered here (Russia did not long ago), about having a man in space ... having the first man in space. Oh, how far they are behind! We've had one in space for two thousand years. Glory! We're going up with Him some of these days. Him, sure. But you see, it's a rat race, like.
And here they began to carry on. And then Satan began to blow his old poison breath upon them, "The days of miracles is past; there's no such a thing as divine healing; where is your master now; here's somebody in your congregation that's sick and looks like you can't do nothing for them." See, it's rockety-rock.
You know what? They had a meeting the other day, and we understand that they're going to take ... in our ministry, in our church, they're going to cross out divine healing. A lot of the churches are doing that, don't believe it any more. Many pastors don't do it.

67 How fortunate you people are to have Pentecostal pastors that will stand for the thing that Christ stood for.
One of our great Pentecostal denominations, just recently, made a statement that before they can send their missionaries out, they have to go before a psychiatrist to see if their I.Q. is high enough yet. Oh, that ain't Pentecost! I wonder how much education Peter would have had if they'd tried him. That wasn't ... that even wasn't considered. It wasn't how much I.Q. they had; it's how much power of the Holy Ghost they had to demonstrate the glory, what kind of a life they were living. Certainly.
Now, we find out that the poisoned winds has begun to blow. It's got the little ship off on something or another.

68 And now, remember, I do appreciate all God does for us. I appreciate we've got new cars. I appreciate we've come out of rags into good clothes. I appreciate that. But, you see, when we start getting those things... We've got great big churches.
Used to be, your fathers, our fathers, our early fathers stood out here on the street, and laid the rest of the night in jail for having a testimony meeting. They had a little old store down there that the bugs had almost packed away, a rat-infested den. They'd let him have it for two dollars a week. Then he'd go down there and start up, and the sheriff would arrest the whole bunch before the night was over. That's the way they had to fight. Now, we've got the biggest churches in the town, the best-dressed crowd, and everybody else coming. But where is that old-fashioned, God-sent, Holy Ghost power? Something wrong somewhere. Somewhere, something wrong.
We're living too... We're too soft.

69 Man's becoming soft. They're becoming hybrids. That's right. You take fifty years ago, the game of baseball, you never heard of an accident. Now they kill a dozen a year. Hit one... It's just like a guinea---knocks him out, he's dead. Look at Bob Fitzsimmons, and Corbett, John L. Sullivan, and those men, who fought as many as 125 rounds in an afternoon. And a round wasn't two or three minutes; it was a knockdown. Knock one another down 25 times in an afternoon all along. They didn't have a feather bed over their hands like the boxers have today. They were bare-fisted---could take a four-inch punch and bust a two-by-four with their hands. They could stand it. They were men.
And now, these little so-called, vitamin-fed Rickys, they've got a feather bed on, and they've got to stop the whole boxing thing. It's got soft. Man's got soft. Nothing in him no more. He's a great big giant-looking thing. But what is it? A bunch of blubber. Just exactly what the Bible said, "They'd grow weaker but wiser." It's true.
Hybrid! Anything I despise is hybrid. I've seen a piece in Reader's Digest. If they keep on feeding women and things this hybrid food, then in twenty years from now the whole generation of people will be ... become extinct. The women is getting wide-shouldered, narrow hips. They can't have their babies, and things. Hybrid. Talk about hybrid corn. There's nothing to it. What is it? A great big fine grain, but nothing in it. Take that hybrid corn and plant it back, you don't get nothing. It's done, crossing up anything.
And that's exactly what the church has become, a bunch of hybrids. It's the truth. They've crossed up the baptism of the Holy Ghost with church affiliation, and they've got a bunch of soft-peddled, so-called, professed Christians that know no more about God than a rabbit knows about snowshoes. You know that's the truth. What we need today, is a God-sent, back to a borned-again experience. [Unclear words.] Hybrid. You say it looks better. That's what they've got. We've got bigger buildings, better dressed crowds. But what have we got? We've got a bigger ear of corn, but there's no life in it. We've got a bigger church, a better educated class of people; but where's the life at? They can't reproduce themselves again.

70 Like a mule. I always felt sorry for a mule. A mule don't even know ... he has no pedigree. His mama was a mare, and his daddy was a donkey. He can't even have children himself. They can't reproduce them no more. You can't cross it back. That's not science. God said... Evolution says that we come from a monkey. How could we? When they cross it up one time, they can't cross back again. That knocks their argument out. That's right. It cannot.
Notice, and this old mule, he don't know ... he don't know nothing. And all he knows is that he's just a mule. He always looks... He sits there with his big old ears sticking up, you know, and you go to talk to him. You can't learn him nothing. You can't teach him a thing. He just looks at you, go "Haw, haw." That's all he does.
Puts me in the mind of a bunch of people that sit there, like some of this mule hybrid religion we've got. "The days of miracles is past. Haw, haw, haw." What does he know about it? That's right. He don't know who his papa was. Only thing he knows, they belong to some denomination.

71 But I love a genuine, thoroughbred, pedigreed horse. He knows who his papa was, who his mama was, who his great-grandpa, great-grandma. He knows who he was, 'cause he's pedigreed.
And I'll take a genuine pedigreed Christian. He knows where he come from---from the original baptism of the Holy Ghost on the day of Pentecost. Glory to God! He's pedigreed, and sealed by the Spirit of God. Says, "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever." The old mule will holler, "Oh, in a way, in a way." But a pedigree will say "Amen!" Do you believe in divine healing? "Amen!" A genuine experience with God will punctuate every promise with an "Amen." Glory!
I didn't aim to do that. Let's start back. Where was I at? In a testimony meeting. Notice... I'll leave that to your pastors. All right.

2 Corinthians 1:21 Now he which stablisheth us with you in Christ, and hath anointed us, is God;

2 Corinthians 1:22 Who hath also sealed us, and given the earnest of the Spirit in our hearts.

Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

72 Notice, a great storm began to take place. Doubt began to come in. Flusterations began to come in. That's what's happened, see, hybrid back again. You know what? A genuine original plant, you don't have to spray it. No, sir. Bugs won't even get on it. It's that hothouse plant that you have to spray.
That's what's the matter. You have to spray, and baby, and pet around with so-called Christians. Tell them, "You can't do this, and..."
"Oh, well, now. I just tell you, I got a right..."
There you are, see. That's a hothouse plant. They can't stand nothing in the beginning, you see. What you need is an original, old digging out, and tearing down, and as I said last night, clean out the nest, and start over again. That's right.
You can make deacons out of them, and everything else. But it'll never do no good. Pat them on the back, and call them brother, but until they're borned again of the Spirit of God, they're just a nest full of rotten eggs. That's all. They'll never hatch.
We need the baptism of the Holy Ghost. I don't mean some dry handshake. Said, "Did you get the Holy Ghost?"
"Yeah, when I shook hands with the pastor, when I accepted Jesus as my Saviour."
Brother, that ain't Bible doctrine. Paul found a bunch of good thoroughbred Baptists up there, and he said, "Have you received the Holy Ghost since you believed?" Not when you believed, but after you've believed have you received the Holy Ghost. It's a personal experience that comes. And when that great unchangeable God sent his message down, it never changes. Amen.

Acts 19:2 He said unto them, Have ye received the Holy Ghost since ye believed? And they said unto him, We have not so much as heard whether there be any Holy Ghost.

73 Now, we find there's trouble. What's the matter? Something's took place. The ship's a-rocking, the wind's a-blowing. Satan is buffeting the ship, blow after blow, wave after wave. And all hopes is gone to have another revival. Testimonies is dying out.
They'd rather stay home and see television, see. No more Wednesday night testimony meetings and things, no more prayer meetings, see.
The oars broke, the mast fell, the helm [unclear word] is all gone. All the winds has done knocked all the sails down.
And the cares of this world will soon knock all the testimony out of you, too. You feel ashamed to get up. Why? You know what you're living. You know you're not living up to that. Then, I tell you, what we need is a revival.

Matthew 14:24 But the ship was now in the midst of the sea, tossed with waves: for the wind was contrary.

John 6:18 And the sea arose by reason of a great wind that blew.

74 There they was, just like we are today.
But, you know what? He hadn't really left them. You know, the Bible said that He had climbed up one of the highest hills there was in the country so He could watch them. And that's what He did when He left us at Calvary. When they crucified Him, He never left us. He didn't climb the highest hill, but He climbed Calvary, and kept on climbing past the moon, stars, plumb on into the heavens of heavens. The higher you go, the farther you can see. And He got so high, till He has to look down on heaven, the Bible says---way up into the heavens of heavens, "ascended on high."
His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He's watching us tonight. That's right. He's looking down upon this need. He sees our trouble. He knows our flusterations. He knows how sick you are. He knows what you've been through. He knows what you're trying to do, see. His eye is watching you.

Psalm 68:18 Thou hast ascended on high, thou hast led captivity captive: thou hast received gifts for men; yea, for the rebellious also, that the LORD God might dwell among them.

Matthew 14:23 And when he had sent the multitudes away, he went up into a mountain apart to pray: and when the evening was come, he was there alone.

Luke 12:7 But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not therefore: ye are of more value than many sparrows.

John 6:15 When Jesus therefore perceived that they would come and take him by force, to make him a king, he departed again into a mountain himself alone.

75 And He was standing up on top of that mountain, watching, watching. He seen their trouble. He seen the oars broke. He seen the congregation leave, as it was. He seen everything happen. He seen Satan begin to blow them around, twisting them around every way, where they hardly know what to do. And then what happened? When all hopes was gone that they'd ever ... could ever be saved, what happened? Then they seen Him come walking on the water. He come walking up to them.
Now, if He'd been in the ship with them, and went walking out, they could have accepted it. But, you see, He was away from them, and had to come walking in on the water. And the Bible said that they were scared. They were frightened. They said, "It's a spirit." And the only thing that could save them, they was afraid of it because it looked spooky. They was afraid of it.

Matthew 14:26 And when the disciples saw him walking on the sea, they were troubled, saying, It is a spirit; and they cried out for fear.

John 6:19 So when they had rowed about five and twenty or thirty furlongs, they see Jesus walking on the sea, and drawing nigh unto the ship: and they were afraid.

76 If that ain't the picture today, I'll never know. The only thing that can save the people, they're afraid of it. Jesus Christ, in this hour of tragedy that we're in, when the church is just about ready to go into the federation of churches, into the world council of churches and all these things, and our denominations are coming drained down, and each one... And, you know, we all know that.

77 Our Baptist and our Pentecostal is getting the same way. We love our brethren in everywhere, no matter where they are. But never did a denomination ever denominate and fall that ever rose again. Now you just search history. When they go, they're finished.
And our Pentecostal denominations... Now, the system, not the brethren, but the system of denominations has ... it's just ... it's warm, it's got lukewarm. And it's just getting to ice cold. See, it's leaving. And the people's getting cold and formal, and caring for the things of the world. And we're getting big fine everything, you know. And just getting everything handed to our hand.
God told Israel, "When you had nothing, I found you in the field bloody, and washed you off." You appreciated God. But when they got big, and began to have plenty, then they forgot God.

78 And that's just the way it's beginning to get, see.
And now, see, when all the things... Seems to be, that our ... we're ... begin to look about how many more members we can get, how much more congregation. Can we get a little bigger church than this other brother, on the other side of the city? How much Sunday school race can we have, and give them a gold pin for doing certain things, bringing so many to Sunday school?
The Baptists had a little saying in '44. Said, "A million more in '44." A slogan. What have you got when you got in there? Sitting with Billy Graham, not long ago, he put his ... stood up there, and held up the Bible, and said, "This is God's example." I was at his breakfast.
He said, "I ... St. Paul took this Word of God, and went into a city and preached, and had one convert. He went back a year later, and he had thirty from that one. That one convert won thirty." And, he said, "He had thirty grandchildren then," see, from that one child. He said, "I go into a city, I'll have 30,000 confessions. And I come back in a year, I can't find thirty." And he said, "Now, what's the matter?"

79 I appreciate that evangelist. I think God's using him out there in that ... where he's at. Got to be somebody go to Sodom, you know. All of them can't stay with Abraham and his group, the pulled-out elected. But there was one stayed there, showed a certain sign, got them ready for the going.
Notice, and Billy said, "You know what's the matter?" He never pulled no punches. He said, "It's you lazy bunch of preachers." He said, "I'll give you these decision cards, and you'll sit out there, and put your feet up on the desk, and won't even go bother them, and maybe write them a letter, and tell them you'd like to have them a member of your church. You ought to get out there and persuade them, to get them in the church."
Well, I sat, and watched for awhile, you know. And I thought that sounds very good. And I thought, "Oh, Brother Graham. I would just sure like to ask you a question right now. But I'm just a little dummy, you know, and you're a great man, so I wouldn't do it. But I'd like to say, 'Brother Graham...'" Here's what if I could've asked him. Now I want him ... no reflection on him, cause I love him, and he's a great man. I pray for him all the time, and we must do it.
And now, I'd like to say, "Brother Graham, who ... what did this fellow, with this one convert that Paul won, what preacher took ... went to him, 'cause he had no pastor to be left with, see?" What was the matter? Paul didn't stop just at confession. He stayed with him till he received the baptism of the Holy Ghost. He was on fire. He like to burnt the city up. That's what's the matter.

80 That's what's the matter today. We just take them in as a confession, instead of taking them on to receive Christ, till they're borned of the Spirit of God. That's what we need today, is them all night meetings. Not just stay...
I believe in all of our things we do. I believe in shouting, I believe in speaking in tongues, I believe in interpretation of tongues, I believe in divine healing. I believe in all those things. But yet, it's something better than that. It's the birth itself. It's the Holy Ghost itself come in there. These things are fine. That's good. But it's like the colored man eating watermelon---there's more of it. You've got to go on until "love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, patience..." The power of the resurrection of Jesus Christ burns into the life. Then we could have a testimony meeting about what God's a-doing in our midst. That's right.

Galatians 5:22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,

Galatians 5:23 Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.

81 Jesus come walking to them on the water, and they got scared. They said, "Oh, it's spooky. We'd better not go to that meeting any more. It's funny." They seen Him return again in his power, just as He promised through the pages of these Bible---these pages in this Bible rather, that He would do this in the last days.
And it walks in, and many of the people say, "Ah, that's just mental telepathy, that's spiritualism, that's some kind of a..." See. That's the same thing. And the only thing that'll save, that'll help us out of this, is to accept Jesus Christ. That's right.
Notice, when He was ... all of them was scared, and they cried out, "Oh, what is this? We don't know. It looks scary. It looks spooky." What happened?
Right in that crucial moment, there come a voice, "Fear not, it is I; be not afraid."
Tonight, as I would say this, as we close our little testimony... I've got to do it quickly. As I close their testimony, in closing this portion of the revival...
Friends, when you see Jesus Christ do something like He's been doing here... Our meeting of four nights was too short. I would like to stand here and take this Bible from Genesis to Revelation, and prove to you that that's exactly the hour that we're living in, this is supposed to take place. According to the Bible, it's the last hour.

Matthew 14:26 And when the disciples saw him walking on the sea, they were troubled, saying, It is a spirit; and they cried out for fear.

Matthew 14:27 But straightway Jesus spake unto them, saying, Be of good cheer; it is I; be not afraid.

John 6:19 So when they had rowed about five and twenty or thirty furlongs, they see Jesus walking on the sea, and drawing nigh unto the ship: and they were afraid.

John 6:20 But he saith unto them, It is I; be not afraid.

82 When Billy and I flew into India, just recently, they had a piece of paper (it's a bilingual country), and said, "The earthquakes must be over. The birds are returning back." Now, in India, they don't have these fine woven fences like we have. They pick up rocks and make their fences, and build their houses, most of them. And for a day or two, all the little birds that lived in these rocks flew away, and went out. They wouldn't come back to the rocks, back to their nest. And then what happened?
All the cattle that used to come in the evening, when the sun would be hot, and they'd stand in the shadow of these walls to keep cool---and the sheep---they wouldn't do it. They got right out in the middle of the field and stood against one another.
They thought, "That's strange, what's happened to them?"
And then, all at once, an earthquake swept the country. All the walls fell down. And then it was down for two or three days, the earthquakes. Then, all at once, what was left standing up, the little birds began to come in again, come back. They said, "The earthquakes must be over."
Don't you see, friends? The same God---in the days of Noah, who could take the birds and the animals, and put them in the ark of safety, away from destruction---that same God still can warn the bird. And the bird only has instinct to go by. And if the bird by instinct, God warning him to get away from the big falling walls, surely, that by the baptism of the Holy Ghost, that we can get away from these big old walls that's being (tradition, that's built around us) ... and get out there---if we have to stand one against the other and keep in the shadow of the Bible. That's right.

Genesis 7:14 They, and every beast after his kind, and all the cattle after their kind, and every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind, and every fowl after his kind, every bird of every sort.

Genesis 7:15 And they went in unto Noah into the ark, two and two of all flesh, wherein is the breath of life.

83 Don't be afraid. He promised it. He comes riding right into us, and does his works. And let's us not be afraid tonight.
If we could just open up our hearts, and say, "Lord Jesus..."
Look at the nights. Look, just look---our little nights, when we just never been here before in a meeting, and this is only the fourth night. Three nights has passed. And look, the Holy Spirit has not failed one time. I'm getting letters of testimonies coming back from places, and telling what would be when they got home, and so forth. And they said it was just exactly that way. Why, certainly. It'll always be that way, see.
Watch what it says. Just when you hear it talk, see what it tells you, see. I'm saying then what I'm looking at. Then wait, and see what He tells you to do. Whatever He tells you do, go to do it. I don't care what it is, go do it. It's not your brother here, it's Jesus Christ, see. It's Christ. Jesus said, when He was here, "It's not me, it's the Father," see. The Father was working through Him. Now the Father's working through his church, see---the Holy Spirit.
And when you see it, don't be afraid of it; embrace it. Say, "Lord Jesus, I love You. You're here. Maybe I've never accepted You as my Saviour. Tonight, I'm going to do so. I want You for my Saviour. I don't want this meeting to close till I'm saved. I want You to save me tonight, Lord." He'll do it. He'll do it. That just proves He's here. We're in the last days. These things are supposed to be.

John 14:12 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.

84 And remember, the last sign that was given to Abraham, which was a type of those who'll go in the rapture (see, they was already out of Sodom), the last sign that was given to him was that very sign---God manifested in human flesh, that told Abraham what Sarah was thinking in the tent behind Him. And Jesus turns right back around, and says, "As it was in the days of Lot, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of man."
I presume that you people are spiritual. Please try to understand, see. This may be your last opportunity, see. Maybe you wasn't taught this in your churches, your big fine churches. Those men are ... nothing against your pastors now... [blank spot] ... not afraid, "it's I, be not afraid."

Genesis 18:1 And the LORD appeared unto him in the plains of Mamre: and he sat in the tent door in the heat of the day;

Genesis 18:13 And the LORD said unto Abraham, Wherefore did Sarah laugh, saying, Shall I of a surety bear a child, which am old?

Luke 17:28 Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded;

Luke 17:29 But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all.

Luke 17:30 Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed.

85 Now, heavenly Father, this rude little tore up testimony meeting that I was trying to explain, and trying to show the people that we could be having the same testimony in every one of these churches Sunday, these fine churches sitting here who are lighthouses... There could be people standing in there on Sunday morning giving testimony of the same thing that they were testifying about that night on the sea. "Oh, did not our hearts burn when we seen Him do this, and we seen Him do that?" God, please, send a great revival, Father. Catch us, Lord. We're needing a great revival. Reveal yourself to us in a real way tonight.
Maybe, Lord, after this testimony meeting I've talked about, maybe there'll come such a hunger over the people's hearts. If You'll just declare yourself again tonight among the people, then they'll go away from here, and Sunday morning they'll pack those churches and testify. They'll leave here, go to their neighbors, and start winning souls, and try ... and getting down with their neighbors, and praying with them, and go and visit the hospitals, and sick, and afflicted, and tell them that Jesus Christ is alive, forevermore. Grant it, Lord. Hear our prayer. This is our objective of being here, Lord, and You know the motives in our heart. And so we pray that You'll receive it, Father, as we ask this blessing in Jesus Christ's name. Amen.

Luke 24:32 And they said one to another, Did not our heart burn within us, while he talked with us by the way, and while he opened to us the scriptures?

Revelation 1:18 I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death.

86 Now real quietly... Now, we don't have a clock (would one of you brothers ... I broke my watch and...) What time is it? Oh, I'm later than ever. Tomorrow is Saturday. I'm sorry. I seen two or three get up to go out, and I know I've stayed too long. That was ... you're such a nice people, I just hate to think I'm going to have to leave you tonight. That's truth. In my heart I'm... If I'm a hypocrite, I don't know it; but I like people.
When I was a little old boy raised up, nobody cared for me. Nobody liked me. And I joined the church, was ordained, a Missionary Baptist Church. I always had an idea that God was God. And I was kind of a black sheep, so to say, there.
Dr. Davis used to tell me, "Billy, you'll turn out to be a holy roller," and all that.

87 But still, I believed, if God ever was God, He's still God. And I just ... my conditions led me that way, 'cause I'd seen that when I was a little boy. And many of you has read my book, my life story, and things. And God in heaven knows it's true. And I knowed there was something there, I could see it, that light. And it'd talk to me. And sometimes, a little baby boy, and I knowed it was true.
And he told me, said, "Oh, you just had a dream."
I said, "If that's the way it is, I'll just give up my fellowship card."
He said, Oh, don't think that way." But said, "You'll get over it, Billy."
But I haven't yet, and I hope I never do.
This is it. And as Peter said on the day of Pentecost, "This is that..." If this isn't that, just let me keep this till that comes then, because I love this. And I pray that God will let every person feel like that. And friends, I'm telling you what is the truth. So far... Here lays this Bible, I've never closed it yet. So help me, with this Bible on my heart, that I'm telling you the honest truth.

Acts 2:16 But this is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel;

88 And I do believe that it's Jesus Christ, in the form of the Holy Spirit, see, God, the Holy Spirit, coming down in the name of Jesus Christ to vindicate that we're in the last days, and his Spirit is on earth among his people. And that light up there, I believe with all my heart, that that's the same pillar of fire that led the children of Israel through the wilderness. I believe it was the same one that was upon Jesus Christ, the same when He went away. And that's, the same one that put the eyes of Saul out on the road to Damascus when he cried "Lord, who are you?" And He said, "I'm Jesus," see.
I believe it's the same thing. It does the same works, so it couldn't be me. Just think, I don't even have a seventh-grade education. I know nothing about ... well, any education---no more than just barely can read the Bible. But I know Him.
Someone said, not long ago, said, "Brother Branham, you don't know your Bible."
I said, "But I know the author real well. And I ... He'll let me know his Book if He wants to reveal it to me."
And not one time has that angel of the Lord, standing there, has ever one time told me anything but what went right back in the Bible and proved it by the Bible. If it ever told me anything was contrary to the Bible, I would not believe it. This Bible is first. If it's an angel, or anything else that would testify anything contrary to this Word, don't you listen to it. I don't care how real it seems, this is right. It's always right.

Exodus 13:21 And the LORD went before them by day in a pillar of a cloud, to lead them the way; and by night in a pillar of fire, to give them light; to go by day and night:

Acts 9:3 And as he journeyed, he came near Damascus: and suddenly there shined round about him a light from heaven:

Acts 9:4 And he fell to the earth, and heard a voice saying unto him, Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me?

Acts 9:5 And he said, Who art thou, Lord? And the Lord said, I am Jesus whom thou persecutest: it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks.

Acts 9:6 And he trembling and astonished said, Lord, what wilt thou have me to do? And the Lord said unto him, Arise, and go into the city, and it shall be told thee what thou must do.

Acts 9:7 And the men which journeyed with him stood speechless, hearing a voice, but seeing no man.

Acts 9:8 And Saul arose from the earth; and when his eyes were opened, he saw no man: but they led him by the hand, and brought him into Damascus.

Galatians 1:8 But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.

Galatians 1:9 As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed.

89 Joseph Smith saw an angel. Now, I don't doubt that man's word at all. But the thing of it was, it was contrary to the Word, see. I ... it must be the Word. And I believe the man was a good man, certainly, and sincere. But I ... the one that talks here ... it must ... it mustn't be anything against this Word. It's got to be right with the Word.
And so help me (I haven't got time to stay here to tell you), and night after night... But the things that you see done, I can prove it by the Scriptures. If you take the tapes you know it, that it's over and over again from Genesis to Revelation. It points exactly to this bride tree, this hour, this same Spirit to return back again, and the fruit of the Holy Spirit be manifested to restore the faith of the children back to the faith of the fathers again. It's just exactly the same thing, all the way through the Bible, predicted to be here. And here we are. Immediately after the baptism falls, and things like that, there's supposed to be a restoration at the last day.
And people, don't put it off and look way out here in the future. It usually goes right over top of your head, and you miss it. Be ready. If it's Scripture, take a hold of it. If it's not Scripture, leave it alone, see. But so help me, it's Scripture. See, that's what He did in the other days. If He's the same today, He'll do the same.

90 Now, I believe Billy Paul gave out prayer cards. What did you give out today? We've got the most... B, 1 to 100? Well, let's start. Where was we at, first and last of the others, and through there? Was that right. Let's start back at the first tonight of them. B? B prayer cards. got a B? And let's just start from... Well, let's start from number 1, 'cause we're going to get them all anyhow.
All right. Number 1. Who has B number 1, raise up your hand. This lady? Come over here now. If ... I see one lady in a wheelchair there. And if she ... when her card's called, if she has one, remember, just bring her right up on the platform, see. It's all right. B number 1, number 2? Number 2? Who has B number 2? Is hers number 2? Just a minute. Just a minute. We'll get it in line as soon as we call it. All right. Number 2, who has it? Oh, I'm sorry. He's behind the microphone. Over here, lady. Number 2, number 3? All right, lady. Number 4? Prayer card number 4? Who has it? Number 4? Maybe ... what is that in Spanish? Quatro. I know I didn't say it right. Only one way ... only one word I can say in Spanish, "Oya." I remember in Jeff, people used to say "Oya," and you'd say "Si." All right. Number 4. Already 4, 5. Prayer card number 5? Way in the back. All right. A lady back here.

91 The boy brings these cards down now, and gives these out. He brings them up before the congregation, mixes them all up, and just gives you a prayer card. No matter where you're at or who you are, you get it. And then, one might get the number 1, the other one 15, the other one... And then, they don't know yet where we're going to call from, see. And so, I just come here and...
What have we called? 5, 6, 7. 6? Hold up your hand if you got 6. Fine. 7, number 7? All right. 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14. 14? Now wait a minute, I seen... I'm mistaken. A man and woman going the other way, I thought it was getting up to come up. 12, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15. 15? 16? Well, let's just start at these, 'cause we'll get them all. We'll get every one of them, the Lord willing, just in a little while... We'll just... Let's just wait a few minutes till we can find out whether we can get it or not.
All right. Everybody feeling good?

92 Now, how many in here does not have prayer cards? Let's see your hands. All right. Now, be reverent. Watch this a-way, pray. Now remember, this is our last meeting. Now let's be real reverent. Watch this a-way.
And now, while they're making that prayer line ready over there, let's say this. Let's go back a few years. Let's see the Lord Jesus, one time, after He crossed the sea. He landed at the shore on the morning out of those boats, and He was going up into the country. And a little woman who had a blood issue, she had no prayer card. (Say, I believe we're ... somebody's turned the lights out. Is that for a certain purpose, or what? Or is it automatically going off? Did they ... is that for us to leave? Or some...? Oh, they're coming back. Somebody made a mistake outside, turned the switch. All right.)

Luke 8:43 And a woman having an issue of blood twelve years, which had spent all her living upon physicians, neither could be healed of any,

93 Notice, now our Lord Jesus...
Now, how many understands this, we're not trying to say that we're the Lord Jesus. Anybody understands that. All right. We are your brothers, see. We are his servants. But it's just a gift to submit yourself. Now let's watch this. Here's men that are theologians, trained men in the Word. Now brethren, when you all start to preach a message, if you just try to make it up yourself, it doesn't do any good, does it? But when you get inspired, you're just ... something's just coming down. You don't know what you're going to say. Is that right? That's speaking by inspiration, see. That's the Holy Spirit. Now, I'm not eloquent enough to do that in that manner.

94 But now, what mine is, it's just ... it's a gift to know just how to, like pull a lever, and just get yourself out of the way. It's just a complete surrender. I can't explain it. No man can explain God. I can't tell you how I ... what happens, and what goes on. I just know it's a little gift. And I just have a way of just getting myself out of the way, and then all at once, I begin to feel something strange, sweet, humble. And look, I see that light circling around. Then I know it's all right. That's the reason I wait. And then when someone goes to talking...
That's the reason I have someone up here, more like a decoy, see, to get one person singled out so I can talk to them. And then, when the Holy Spirit begins to move upon this person, then it usually catches the audience. And then the audience begins to wonder; then they begin to get faith. Then whoever has faith... Then you just begin to feel it here, there, everywhere then, see. Then, if there is ... it just proves it.

95 Now remember, it's a very hard, wrecking thing. Jesus had preached all day, and it didn't bother Him. But when that little woman touched his garment, and went out and sat down, it took virtue out of Him. Is that right? Well, anyone knows virtue's strength. Well, if it would do that to the virgin-born Son of God, what will it do to us as sinners saved by his grace?
Preaching---can do that all night, it wouldn't bother you. But just let one vision happen, see. It's something that's ... it's in another world. You see people, maybe when they're little bitty children or something, and you have to talk fast, because you know you're standing here; but yet, you're somewhere else, way back somewhere else talking. Then, when you come out of it, you don't know what you said till you listen to it on the tape, see. And it isn't a human. It isn't a person at all; it's God. It's always right. And He promised that, see---"perceiving their thoughts." The Bible said that's what He did. Call it whatever you want to, but the Bible said Jesus perceived their thoughts.

Luke 8:44 Came behind him, and touched the border of his garment: and immediately her issue of blood stanched.

Luke 8:45 And Jesus said, Who touched me? When all denied, Peter and they that were with him said, Master, the multitude throng thee and press thee, and sayest thou, Who touched me?

Luke 8:46 And Jesus said, Somebody hath touched me: for I perceive that virtue is gone out of me.

Luke 9:47 And Jesus, perceiving the thought of their heart, took a child, and set him by him,

Acts 15:11 But we believe that through the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ we shall be saved, even as they.

96 Now, I want you to believe. Now first, I want you to see that ... see now, like healing... We know the Holy Spirit's here. And I believe in laying on of hands. Somebody, oh, jumped on me kind of rough about that this morning. Said, "There is no such a thing as people laying hands on one another. Shouldn't be done."
I said, "You just haven't read the Bible, brother, that's all." I said, "The last commission that fell from the lips of Jesus Christ, was 'lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.'" Last words He said when He left the earth.
His first commission He give his disciples was, "Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils," the first group that set out, Matthew 10. And the last group that set out, "These signs shall follow them that believe; they'll cast out devils; speak with new tongues; take up serpents; drink deadly things; if they lay their hands on the sick, they shall recover." That's the last words He said. He was received up into glory. Certainly that's the great commission. What it does, I don't know---it's just carrying out what He said do.

Matthew 10:8 Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give.

Mark 16:16 He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.

Mark 16:17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;

Mark 16:18 They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.

Mark 16:19 So then after the Lord had spoken unto them, he was received up into heaven, and sat on the right hand of God.

97 But here, all of us, I guess 90% of you are believers, or more. You're a believer, and you have just as much right to lay hands on the sick as I do, or your pastor does, everybody. Lay hands, the believer, "These signs shall follow..." Not the ministers, but everybody that believes. You have a right, everybody. As I said, there's no great men, holy men; there's us. We're not any of us holy. We've got a Holy Spirit in us, but we're not holy. It's ... He's the one that's holy. It's his holiness, not mine, not yours. It's his.
But here, let's just close your minds to everything now, for the next fifteen minutes. And now, these men are sitting here, looking around. Here's a woman standing before me. I never seen her in my life before. Are we strangers to one another lady? [Lady responds.] You heard what she said? She's been in my meetings several times, but she's never even had the opportunity to say, "How do you do?" to me, see. Therefore, I don't know the woman. She's standing there. She's here for some cause. Now let's ... just think now. Take St. John, the 4th chapter, when Jesus met a woman. Now remember, He said, "The works that I do shall you do also."

Mark 16:17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;

John 4:7 There cometh a woman of Samaria to draw water: Jesus saith unto her, Give me to drink.

98 Now, here's a woman, and a man, meeting for the first time in her life. Now that's true. Here we are, here's God's Bible, there stands a woman, here I stand. I've never knowed or ever seen the woman in my life. I know ... that's all I know is she's standing there. Today, she was out here somewhere. Somebody gave her a prayer card, and her number was called, and here she stands, that's all.
There's many out there. Last night we just took those who didn't have prayer cards. How many was here to see that? See, a prayer card don't have nothing to do with it, see. It's your faith that has to do with it. Now, you say, "Brother Branham, can you heal the sick?" There's not a man on earth can heal the sick. They're already healed. You've just got to make them see it, believe it.

99 Now, if Jesus Christ will come on the scene, and work through that woman and me... Now, if it works through me, and not her, it won't work. It's got to be both of us together, see. It's like you ---if you've got faith, you believe it. Then see, it'll work between us, see. It's your faith and my faith. I'll believe it. If you'll just believe it with me, then we'll see the words and promises of Christ fulfilled.
Now, if anybody believes it's wrong, and you believe you can do the same thing, I invite you to the platform. So then, don't say nothing about it.
Now come here, lady, just stand here. Now I want to bring you out, because there's quite a bit of faith. And I just want to talk to you a moment, like our Lord talked to that woman. Now, not knowing you, never seen you in my life, and you're a total stranger to me. Now if the Lord Jesus will just do something here, like He did when He was in the Bible, the Bible days, wouldn't it make us feel happy and we could go home like those who...?

100 One day his ... after his death, burial, and resurrection, He was on ... some disciples was on the road to Emmaus (You remember, brethren?)--- on the road to Emmaus. And they met the Lord Jesus and talked with Him all day long, and they didn't know Him. But when He got inside that night and closed the doors, He did something just exactly like He done before his crucifixion, and they knowed that was Him. How many remembers the story? Sure. They knew it was, 'cause nobody else did it that way. And their eyes were opened, and He vanished away from them. Now, He's alive tonight. Now, if He is alive then He'll do the same today like He did before his crucifixion, prove that He's resurrected. Is that right?

Luke 24:13 And, behold, two of them went that same day to a village called Emmaus, which was from Jerusalem about threescore furlongs.

Luke 24:14 And they talked together of all these things which had happened.

Luke 24:15 And it came to pass, that, while they communed together and reasoned, Jesus himself drew near, and went with them.

Luke 24:31 And their eyes were opened, and they knew him; and he vanished out of their sight.

101 Now, He don't have no hands tonight but my hands and your hands. He has eyes in mine and yours. That's what He uses. He is the vine, we are the branches. Is that right brethren? And the vine doesn't bear fruit; the branch bears fruit, energized by the vine. Is that right? And if that first branch that come out of that Pentecostal vine wrote a book of Acts, if that tree ever puts forth another branch, it'll write another book of Acts, 'cause it won't put forth a pumpkin, and then a watermelon, and then a pomegranate. It'll put forth the same fruit every time, 'cause it's the same life going through the vine. Now do you understand?

John 15:5 I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.

102 Now, in the name of Jesus Christ of this Bible, I take every spirit in here under my control, to the honor and glory of God. Now if you're a critic, don't stay any longer. It's your time to go, 'cause remember, evil spirits goes from one to another. And many here's been in the meetings knows what's happened. If you are, just sit still. If you're not, if anything happens, I'll be responsible.
Now lady, now, something has happened. It's his presence. Now if the Lord Jesus will reveal to me something that you've done, something that you want to do, something you have or haven't done or ought to do, or something about you... You know, just like He said to Simon. He said, "Your name is Simon. You're the son of Jonas." He told him his name. He believed it. The woman, He told her, "You have a blood issue." It stopped. Then He had the ... like the ... well, something that He tells to somebody, that something was wrong with them, like the woman had five husbands. Something, just something like that, you know it would be Jesus Christ. Do you believe it? It had to come from supernatural powers. You know that.

Luke 8:43 And a woman having an issue of blood twelve years, which had spent all her living upon physicians, neither could be healed of any,

John 1:42 And he brought him to Jesus. And when Jesus beheld him, he said, Thou art Simon the son of Jona: thou shalt be called Cephas, which is by interpretation, A stone.

John 4:18 For thou hast had five husbands; and he whom thou now hast is not thy husband: in that saidst thou truly.

103 Now. Now, if anyone can see, the light is standing between me and the woman. She's just as conscious of it. I don't know the woman, but you just ask her this, listen to this. Just now, something like a real sweet feeling come. If that's right, just raise up, see. It's just right around her. Can't you see that? It's another dimension, see. I'm looking right at it. Now as I watch you, you are a believer. And you're suffering... One of your great troubles is that you're real nervous. And through this nervousness has caused you to have a high blood pressure. It's exactly right. Do you believe now? Now, just to see now, that it just... Just not...
See, I can just take that one woman and stand here, just keep on talking about it. But see, there's others waiting in the line, see. Others has got to come. So you see, it won't all be on one person. You've got to have someone else. But now, would you like to see if the Holy Spirit would tell her something else? Would you'd like to? Just raise up your hand. Just say, "It would help me much."

104 Would it help you? All right. Let's see. I don't know what He told you, only thing I know it'll be on the tape.
Now just a moment, you just look to me and believe. Just like Peter and John said, "Look on us." And that, in other words, give us your attention, see. And as He perceived they had faith, and I perceive that you have faith.
And now ... yes, I see. It's something around your arm. Oh, it's the high blood pressure. A doctor put something around your arm. That's right. Yes, sir. That's right. And said, you had high blood pressure. And there's something else. Oh, I see them. They're going to get something ready to make... Oh, it's an operation. You're fixing for an operation. And that's on a female trouble. And that's to be in the next couple days from now. That's right. That's right. Now, see what I mean? Just keep telling her ... keep talking to her, more goes on. You see what I mean? See? Now it's not me. Ask the woman whether it's right or not. Question her, anybody that knows her, see. Look this way again. Do you believe God can tell me who you are? Will it help you? Mrs. Darling, you can go home now, and believe with all your heart.

Acts 3:4 And Peter, fastening his eyes upon him with John, said, Look on us.

105 You believe Jesus Christ now?. Perhaps we could raise up our hands, and worship Him. He's God. Heavenly Father, we thank Thee for this. We pray now, that You'll let the people see, that we can have a testimony that the same Jesus... We can testify in the morning that we've seen Him. He was here with us tonight in the form of the Holy Spirit. We love You, Lord Jesus. Make all the people to see and believe. We pray, Lord, in Jesus' name. Amen.
Now, just be honorable, reverent, and respect. Now, this lady standing here. Now, are we ... we don't know each other I suppose, do we lady, the lady standing before me? You don't know me, I don't know you, but ... never saw me in her life. All right. Now, are you ... do you still believe, everybody? Just be reverent. Just be real reverent. "If thou canst believe, all things are possible." Amen. I seen something happen. I'm just going to wait a minute. All right. Look this way just a minute, sister, standing here on the platform. If I don't know you, but God does know you, if He'll let me know something about you that you know... If I know nothing about you, you're just a stranger to me. But if He will reveal something to me that you know whether it's right or not, you can testify to that, if it's right or wrong.

Mark 9:23 Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth.

106 But, you are ... one of your main troubles, and your main trouble is ... that's a nervous condition. You're bothered, which has given you stomach trouble. You have a stomach trouble and a nervous condition. And the nervous condition gives you the stomach trouble, which causes sourness in the bottom of the stomach. It's a peptic ulcer right in the bottom of the stomach. Grease and things makes you belch up stuff. And then, I see you turn away from many foods at the table. That's exact...
And you've had a great shock that's just come to you. You've had a sorrow. It's a death. It's your husband. He just went on. And it's made you nervous. That is right, isn't it? I believe you'll be all right now. Go eat your supper. Jesus Christ... Do you believe? Just have faith in God. That's right.

107 Now, this lady here, would you look this way just a moment? We're strangers to each other. We don't know each other, but Jesus Christ knows us both. Well now, if the Lord Jesus will reveal something like He has, say to the woman who had five husbands and you're ... you have a tumor, ulcer, cancer, you've got domestic troubles, or whatever it is, you'd know it'd have to come from God, wouldn't you?
See, He just told that woman one thing, and the whole city repented. And here He is, doing more now for He said, "The works that I do shall you do also; and more than this shall you do." I know the King James says "greater," but the Emphatic Diaglott says "more." Couldn't do any greater. He stopped nature, raised the dead. You just do more of it, see; quantity, instead of quality.

John 4:18 For thou hast had five husbands; and he whom thou now hast is not thy husband: in that saidst thou truly.

John 14:12 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.

108 You are suffering also with a nervous condition. You have a lady's trouble which is female disorder. You also have a stomach trouble that's bothering you. That's right. Do you believe He can heal you? Do you believe He will? Got somebody on your heart, haven't you? Your husband. He isn't here. Do you believe I can tell you what... If Jesus will reveal what's wrong with your husband, will you believe me to be his prophet, or his servant? He's real nervous, and it's caused him to have a prostate trouble. That's right, isn't it? Have faith, don't doubt, just believe with all your heart.
Here, just a minute. Something's going wrong. Yes, here it is. It's your mother, and that's her sitting right back there on the end of the seat. She has Parkinson's disease. You're praying for her. Isn't that right? Mrs. Harris (that's your name), you believe with all your heart, go back and lay your hands on your husband, your mother, and get well in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

109 Have faith in God.
Do you believe God? Now, I think we just ought to worship Him. Don't you think so? Let's just praise Him, and say, "Thank You, dear Lord." Heavenly Father, how we thank You, praise You. Blessed be the holy name of the Lord Jesus Christ. We give you glory, honor, thanksgiving, and praise, in Jesus' name. Amen.
Have faith, don't doubt, just believe what God has said is the truth. That's all you have to do. Now be real reverent, and watch this a-way.

110 Now, here's a man. We're strangers to one another, but Jesus Christ knows us both. Do you believe Him? Do you believe me as his servant? You will? Now when Jesus met a man, it was (we find Him doing a miracle on), was Simon, wasn't it. That's the first man He met. All right, He told Simon what his name was. Now the Lord help me to know something that's wrong with you, that it is... Yes, I see it now. It's an intestinal trouble ... colon. It's an inflated colon. You're not from here either. You've come from the west this way, you're from California.
There's somebody with you. He's got a prayer card to be prayed for tonight. He's sitting out there now. He's your friend, and he's suffering with a nervous condition, like a nervous breakdown. Do you believe he's going to get healed? So do I. Do you believe now that Jesus can tell me what your name is? Mr. Hambrey. Then return back, lay your hands on your friend, believe with all your heart, and you can both go back and be well in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

John 1:42 And he brought him to Jesus. And when Jesus beheld him, he said, Thou art Simon the son of Jona: thou shalt be called Cephas, which is by interpretation, A stone.

111 Do you believe? Now pray with your man that's getting ... right now, pray.
We'll just start praying for the sick. Now, how do you do? Speak English? You do. You believe me to be God's servant? That's what the angel said to me, said, "If you can get the people to believe you..." Not believe me as Him, but believe He sent me... It's for your little boy. That's right. Do you believe God can tell me what's his trouble? You'll believe it? He's nervous. It's caused from a scare, a dog scared him. That's right. He's going to get all right. Take him back, and believe with all your heart, he'll be all right---just shock. I'll put my hands on him, in Jesus' name. Don't fear, he'll get over it, be all right, see. Be thankful.

112 Do you believe with all your heart? Amen. "If thou canst believe..." This lady sitting there talking to the other one has that sinus trouble. And awhile ago, that something happened to you---that's your sinus, got healed. Amen. You believe it and go home now, and be made well. Do you believe?
Out there in the audience, do you believe? What do you think, with your hand up, sitting right there. Do you believe me to be God's prophet? Then that hernia won't bother you any more. Your wife is awful sick. The doctors don't even know what's wrong with her. Just lay your hand over on her. Believe with all your heart. He knows what's wrong with her. She'll get well, if you'll believe it.

113 Do you believe God heals your heart trouble, standing there? Then go back home and get ... be well.
Now, is this Jesus Christ in amongst us? What do you think about it, little lady sitting there looking right at me, there in the second row? Got chest trouble. Do you believe Jesus Christ makes you well? Stand up on your feet and accept it then. Amen. Have faith in God. Don't doubt it.
The lady there, looked over there, over there with a red sweater, sitting on... Got sinus trouble. Do you believe the Lord Jesus makes you well? Just stand up on your feet and accept it, and get well. That's the way to do it.
Now what do you think about it, sitting there, brother? Do you believe me to be his prophet? Do you believe God can tell me your troubles? Your allergy is gone. Jesus Christ makes you well. Do you believe it with all your heart? Amen.

114 Now where'd we stop at? Card 15, was that what it was? Prayer card 15? How many more has got prayer cards in here? Let's get rid of these prayer cards. Line yourself up down here on the side. Let me show you ... just let me show you that healing don't only belong to one man. Let me show you what God can do through his humble servants here. Come here, brethren. I wonder if you brethren would walk right down here, right here with me. No, come right off the platform. Walk right down here a minute. Yes, all right. We're going to pray for them right here. I want the people to see that God uses his servants. Come. Come, you ministers, come right down here. I'm going down here with you. I'll show you that God heals the sick through your pastors. Doesn't matter, any way you want to. Amen. That's right.

115 All you people that's got your prayer cards, walk up here. Don't you doubt it. You believe it. Do you believe with all your heart now? Now pastors, some of you down there, I want each and every one of you. While I'm praying, I want you all to [unclear words] get in there, and be sure that your hand touches everybody in that line, see. I can't get there to every one of them but you can. Get down there, and get right among them.
All you people out there believe now. We'll get to you just in a moment. Believe with us now. Each one of you out here, remember, Jesus Christ knows you. He knows exactly what you're thinking. You know that. There isn't a one of you, but what He'd tell you just now. You see that? Then He's here. It's Him. It's not me. I'm just your brother. Now you believe while I'm praying. I'm going to pray for you and these pastors.
See, I don't want to leave the town, people saying, "Well, the evangelist was here. He did this." I want you to know that your pastor has the same authority. He might not see visions. That maybe come one in a generation. But he's got the same authority from God to lay hands on you. It's just exactly the same.

116 Now, let's all pray. Keep your heads bowed now. And each one, when you feel that pastor's hands touch you, just remember, drop your prayer card, raise up your hands, and thank God for your healing, and walk back there and see what happens.
Our heavenly Father, we are assembled here now in the midst of this people, in the presence of Almighty God, O great eternal Jehovah, who brought forth Jesus Christ, your Son. I pray now as these ministers, the hands of God. As I lay my hands upon our sister here, I pray that you'll meet the Lord, every one, through the power of Jesus Christ. Come down upon this audience just now, as these pastors are touching these people. And may every one of them be healed in the name of Jesus Christ.
Satan, you've lost position. Jesus Christ is present to anoint these handkerchiefs, to heal the sick, to do the works that He promised to do. And we, as his church, challenge you, by the holy faith in his resurrection, in his presence now after two thousand years, working spiritually through his church. Come out of this people! In the name of Jesus Christ, let them go. Come out, in the name of Jesus Christ.

117 Now, while they're laying hands upon the sick, if there's a sinner, or a person that wants to be saved, that wants to come up around the altar down there, rise right up and come to the altar now. We're here to minister. If the personal workers will come with them, we'll rise up and come. Anybody wants to come up here now for prayer, come right ahead. Whether you have a prayer card or not, you're welcome to come right here now, and have hands laid on you. Come on now, while we're waiting.
If there's anybody else that's needy, needs the Holy Ghost, needs salvation, needs divine healing, we're here as ministers of Christ to serve you in the capacity of laying on of hands, and seeing you filled with the Spirit.
Everybody that would like to have this Jesus that knows the secret of your heart... You people who doesn't know Him, and you feel that funny little feeling down in your heart... I know you're here. The Holy Spirit's telling me so. Come up here now. Come up here. If you'll get up out of your seat and walk this way... You say, "Lord Jesus, I come because I need You. And I'm coming to receive You." God will grant you your request if you won't doubt, and believe with all your heart that the things that you see right now is the works of Jesus Christ. If you're Methodist, come on. If you're Baptist, Nazarene, Pilgrim Holiness, Roman Catholic, Orthodox Jew, a rank sinner, atheist---I don't care who you are, walk up here believing God, and see what happens right now. Come. I want to see you gather here.

118 I believe the Holy Spirit on this great crucial moment, this late hour when the ... when it's even past time, but yet, I believe that right now God's going to meet your request if you'll just believe Him. You've seen Him. Surely I'm telling you the truth. Now, surely you'll believe me.
Every one of you here now that has a need for God, come stand. Stand up around the side. Some will just raise to your feet to witness. Say, "I'm a witness, Lord," that there's something on... Stand where you are. Stand right up if you need God. That's right. If you can't get up, say, "I have need of You, Christ." Now, please believe me. Do you believe that it's God speaking to me? If you do, raise up your hands if you do. Thank you. Now, because you believe ... if I've told you the truth, God has witnessed I've told you the truth. God is here witnessing I've told you the truth. Now I'm telling you the truth now.
If you will look up to God, and by faith say, "Lord Jesus," if you're a sinner, say, "I confess my sin." If you want the Holy Spirit, say, "Lord, I need your blessings to furnish me light. I want the Holy Ghost." If you're sick, say, "I need healing, Lord. And I now expect it from You. I believe it." If you'll do it, then you will receive it.

119 Now, let's just raise up our hands, each one in your own way. It's got to be your confession. And I'm going to pray for you here. Now you believe it, and you pray. I'm going to pray for you, and you pray for ... in your own self, just pray. Confess your own faults. Confess your weakness. Make your promise to God that you're not weak anymore; you're strong. You're not a coward. You're not going to be sick. You're not going to sow sin any longer. You're going to serve God. Make your confession and believe it. It's your soul. It's your responsibility. That's right.
Somebody struck fire. That's the way to do it. Just believe it.
Lord Jesus, this late hour's here. The great crucial moment, the last day of the feast is here, the last time, the last opportunity. These people are in need. Let the Holy Ghost fall, Lord. May the people feel, and know that it's God, Christ, in their life, trying to come in with his power. And give them the great deep desires of their heart. Grant it, Lord. Fill them with the Holy Ghost, heal the sick, get glory to thy name.
Now Satan, you've lost the battle. You've lost the meeting. You've lost the victory. I claim victory in the name of Jesus Christ. Come out of here, Satan. You can't hold them any longer. I claim them as trophies, for the Lord Jesus Christ.