The beginning of Jesus' fame
The beginning of Jesus' fame somebodyThe beginning of Jesus' fame (1953-06-05) (William M. Branham Sermons)
The beginning of Jesus' fame (1953-06-05) (William M. Branham Sermons) somebodyThe beginning of Jesus' fame
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1 Shall we remain standing just a moment while we bow our heads for prayer.
Our Heavenly Father, we thank Thee for this grand glorious privilege we have of gathering once more tonight, to serve Thee, to express our feelings of love, and songs in praises to Thee, our great Maker and Creator. We thank Thee for every soul that's here, and pray that there'll not be, any of them, lost---not one---at that great day. May they all be saved.
Father, we pray that tonight, that the Holy Spirit will take possession of the meeting now, and will manifest Himself---His power---to this audience. May the sick be healed tonight, Lord, because they look at Calvary and see that great all-sufficient sacrifice that was made for them there: God's expressed love to the world---His feeling towards the sick. God, may we not spurn it tonight. May we look to it and believe, for we ask it in Jesus' name, Thy Son. Amen.
2 [Break in tape.] ... give an expression of my love and appreciation to the Lord Jesus Christ to you-ward, and praying that this night will mean much to every one of us---that God's love will be to us all.
Now, last evening, I was speaking ... or, giving testimonies. Now, to my great handicap, Brother Baxter leaves us tonight.
[Break in tape.] ... [ Unclear word] of the Word, God will bless His Word. He's going to bless His Word. So now, in St. Matthew the fourth chapter, the twenty-third verse---just the beginning of Jesus' fame---we read this:
And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in the synagogues, and preaching the Gospel of the kingdom, and healing all manner of sickness and ... diseases among the people.
And his fame went throughout all Syria: and they brought unto him all the sick people that were taken with divers diseases and torments, and those that were possessed with devils, and those that were lunatic, and those that had the palsy, and he healed them.
Matthew 4:23 And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing all manner of sickness and all manner of disease among the people.
Matthew 4:24 And his fame went throughout all Syria: and they brought unto him all sick people that were taken with divers diseases and torments, and those which were possessed with devils, and those which were lunatic, and those that had the palsy; and he healed them.
3 And, of course, as always, has been my theme that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. His present attitude hasn't changed from what it was at that day.
Now, as each night we have people coming into our services who have ... probably newcomers. And in the forepart of the meeting, we had kind of something... We had cool nights, and so forth. So we just had to kind of sit down, and explain the way that divine healing works to the best of our knowledge. So, I gave these few nights, now, for testimony of things that has happened. If I would try to tell one-hundredth of the things that's happened, I'm afraid we'd have a very long meeting here. It would take weeks and months to get through it---what our Lord has done. No wonder He said, "These things that I do, shall you also, and greater." Not greater in quality, but greater in quantity, because no one could do greater than He did in quality. He stopped nature, raised the dead; but He still does it. And He's just the same today as He's ever been.
John 14:12 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.
Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.
4 One night, if the Lord willing, I'd like to give you the straight of the little boy being raised from the dead in Sweden ... or, Finland, rather. One of the most marvelous things I've seen in all the days of my ministry. Of course, it was by a vision.
Last evening, I was telling you of Mrs. Georgie Carter at Milltown, Indiana, who had been healed with tubercular. At the same time, at my first revival there at the Milltown Baptist Church, Reverend Mr. Hall, which was formerly a member of the Nazarene church, and had backslidden. And he'd gotten very bitter and cold against all Christianity. And he was converted during one of my meetings there, and now is a pastor there. After returning from California, from when Mr. Upshaw was healed...
And, if you'd like to write Mrs. Carter, she'd be glad to send you her ... and her doctor, and so forth, so that you could speak to her, or any testimony that's given are in the books. It's just... They're every one bonafide doctor's statements, so you're willing to search them down. Many ... they've went through critics, but every time, God has proved Himself to be just the same as He's always been.
5 And in the book, probably some of you read of that night when the maniac run to the platform out there in Oregon---was going to take my life. Someone said, "Brother Branham, was you scared?"
I said, "No, sir. Not a bit." As long as Jesus is there, as long as He told me to do this, and I'm in His will, there's nothing to fear, see.
As long as you're doing what He says do, and you know you're directly led, well then there's nothing to fear. Perfect love casts out all fear. There's no fear in God. Love takes away fear.
Now, I know tonight I believe in divine healing. I believe that divine healing ... that some day the great churches now, who are refusing this great work of God, will see someday that the power of God to heal the sick is just the same as it's been all down through the ages, you see. It's just the people has been taught different. That's the reason they don't have faith for divine healing: They're taught that those things are past.
1 John 4:18 There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.
6 My friends here from Africa ... how amazing it was when we got to Africa to find out many of the missionaries had been over there, and passed out tracts, and so forth, talked to them about Jesus. But when it come to healing, they said, "Those things are gone. They don't do it no more." And when even the desert drums beat the victory when they heard that Jesus was the healer... That's why we had thirty thousand converts in one day. It was because they seen the power of the God that they wanted to serve, but had been told by their missionary that His power, as far as anything more than saving you, was finished. There was no divine healing. But when they seen Him straighten out the crippled, make the blind to see, the deaf to hear, and the dumb to speak, they fell on their faces and gave praise to God.
I got a paper coming from Durban, where it said, immediately after the meeting, that there was such true conversions, till they'd taken seven van-loads of firearms, and watches, and things that the natives had stole out of just one tribe---returned them back. Seven van-loads, that they come and give them up. They wanted no more to do with it.
7 Standing in a conference ... or, gathering of ministers of my own church after coming back, some of the doctors of divinity said, "Brother Branham, we'd like for you to speak tonight."
Oh, how it made me feel to get to stand and say, "Brethren..." The minister that ordained me was present. I said, "What you said, that I had a nightmare." I said, "We've sent missionaries to Africa for the past hundred years; and when I got over there, I found them packing mud idols, calling themselves Christians. But," I said, "what you call fanaticism, what you call the devil's work won more souls to Christ in five minutes than all the missionaries we've sent in a hundred years---and the millions of dollars that we spent."
Brother, sister, the church ought to get in God's program, then the church'll move all right. Just like suppers and dinners, and so forth to appropriate money. That's not God's way of doing it. Pay your tithes. That's what God wants you to do, see. Just keep in God's program. He'll bless the giver, and so forth. He promised it.
So, if we substitute something else, just like we've substituted theology today to take the place of the baptism of the Holy Spirit, it'll never work. It can't. We've substituted multitudes instead of power. It'll never take the place of power. God is power. He's the Almighty God. The power of all powers is God.
8 This Baptist minister that I was speaking of, Mr. Hall---the Reverend William H Hall, Milltown Indiana---Pastor of the Milltown Baptist Church; he'd been a close friend of mine for years. After he was converted in the meeting, he's been a great believer in divine healing. And while I was in California, where I was speaking last night at the healing of Congressman Upshaw and many, I come home. My wife, which is present tonight, told me that Brother Hall was laying, dying with a cancer. Well, you'd imagine how that would make me feel to see that wonderful, gallant soldier of God was going to die. I said, "Well, honey, who is his doctor?"
She said, "Mr. Dillman, I think."
Well, Dr. Dillman is a bosom friend of mine. And I certainly like him real well. And so, I thought I'd call up Dr. Dillman before going down to Mr. Hall's, but he wasn't in his office, so... He's from Corydon, Indiana.
9 So, I went on down to see Mr. Hall. And there he laid---had lost about sixty or seventy pounds in the last four or five weeks of his suffering. And he was just as yellow as a pumpkin.
And I asked what was his trouble. He said, "Brother Branham," said, "I got cancer." Said, "It's on the liver." Says, "I suppose I'm finished if God doesn't help me."
Well, I love the man. So, I knelt down, and had prayer with him. With all my heart, I asked God to heal him, but... I got up and went home. And the next morning, I called up to see how he was getting along. He was getting worse all the time.
So, they said that... I forget the specialist's name in New Albany who had taken the x-rays at the St. Edward's Hospital in New Albany, Indiana. He was the one who had taken the x-rays.
So, the next day, I got a hold of Dr. Dillman, and I asked him about Mr. Hall. He said, "Well, Brother Branham..." Dr. McCulley is the man's name. He said, "We'd taken him up there, and taken x-rays." Says, "He's got cancer on his liver; there's nothing we can do about it. It's too far advanced to operate." Said, "There's nothing we can do about it now. The man is dying."
I said, "I hate to hear that, Dr. Dillman."
Said, "Yes, he was a fine man, Brother Branham."
10 So then... So, I went down to see Mr. Hall that day. And he was very, very low. I prayed for him again. My wife wanted to see him, and my mother-in-law. And my secretary, Brother Cox, he wanted to see him also. So, we all got a delegation; went down that night to see him, because we knowed he couldn't last but a little while. And he was almost past speaking to us. Yet, we all gathered in, and had prayer, sang a hymn, and had prayer and went out.
And on the road out, Mrs. Hall said, "Brother Branham, isn't there one thing you can do?"
I said, "Sister, all I can do is pray, just like you're doing." And she's a very fine woman. There'll probably be up here this weekend. I'd like to hear him testify.
And so, she said, "Isn't there one thing you know? Is there another doctor?"
I said, "Now, doctors are just like anything else. You've got to have confidence in your doctor. If you don't, there's no need of calling him."
She said, "Would you suggest anyone else?"
I said, of course, my pal... One of my pals here in the city is a boy I went to school with: Dr. Sam Adair. One of the best specialists, I think, the country's got anywhere. And so, we're real bosom friends---have been for twenty-five or thirty years. He wrote a letter to the Medical Association of Louisville the other day about my services. If I'd have made it up myself, or some of my... A minister couldn't have made it any nicer or better, then sent it to the Medical Association in Louisville. There's thousands of them's going out.
11 So then, I said, "I'd like for him to look at him."
She said, "All right."
And I called up Dr. Adair, and I said... He said, "Now, Brother Branham, the only thing we can do is to send the man down to the hospital and take x-rays." Said, "That's all I could do." Said, "If the doctor's already taken x-rays at the hospital, I'll go read the x-rays." He said, "I'll tell you when I come back if it's true or not."
Well, I said, "Well, it'd just help her a little."
So, he went down and read the x-rays, and he come back. He said... We know one another. I call him "Sam," and he calls me "Billy." So he said, "Billy," said, "the man's going to die. Got cancer in his liver. That's all."
So, I said, "Isn't there something you could do to help someway, or some other doctor."
There was a specialist in Louisville. I believe he's... Dr. Abel I believe, was his name. He has a clinic. So he said, "I could send him over there, but the only thing he could do is take x-rays." Said, "You'd have to get him out of the bed there." And said, "You might as well leave him easy, as easy as what he is."
12 Well, I went and asked Mrs. Hall. She said, "Well, if anything can be done, take him, Brother Branham."
So, well, they sent the ambulance down, picked him up, and took him over ... doctor in Louisville. And they brought him back. Of course, they wouldn't tell Mrs. Hall; they'd tell the doctor.
So, the doctor called Dr. Sam Adair, and said, "The man's gone. That's all." Said, "There's nothing can do for him."
So, Dr. Adair called me up and said, "Billy," said, "your friend Rev. Hall is going to..." Here's the expression he made. Said, "He's going to jump overboard in the next four days." Said, "He'll be gone within four days. He can't last over that. That's the news."
I said, "My, Dr. Adair," I said, "I hate to hear that."
He said, "Sure. We all do."
I said, "There's nothing you can do in the medical realm for him?"
Said, "Not a thing, Billy." Said, "We can't take the man's liver out, and him live." And said, "There's nothing to do." Said, "If he's a preacher, I guess he's ready to go."
I said, "Oh, yes. But he's only about fifty-four, fifty-five years old." And I said, "He could preach the gospel yet, and so many things he could do. I just hate to see him go that young." I said, "Although, I believe he'll step right out of this life into the other, because he's a real Christian."
13 Anybody here know Will Hall from Milltown, Indiana---Rev. Will Hall? raise up your hand. Sure. There's people sitting here that know him. He's a very fine man. So, I said, "Well, you say he's going to die."
He said, "Without a doubt, Billy," said, "he'll be dead within four days." Said, "The cancer's spread. Looks like a big spider sitting right in his liver, and just spread out like that." Said, "It's already eat him up."
I said, "Well, all right. Thank you, Dr. Adair."
And I went down. I called Mrs. Hall out. I said, "Sister Hall, I hate to tell you this." But I said, "Dr. Adair said the doctor in Louisville said he'd be dead within four days." And she started crying, leaned over on me---just an old mother-like. And I said, "Sister Hall, I hate to..."
Said, "Brother Branham, isn't there one thing that you...?"
I said, "Sister Hall, I've done all I know to do---just pray. That's all I can do. The doctor's done all he can do. So, if it's the man's time to go, our dear brother will cross right through the veil into glory." And I said, "That's all we can do."
Well, she was very sad. That night, I took the family and went down again to see him again. He could just barely talk to me.
14 I was born in the state of Kentucky. Is any people around here believes in squirrel hunting? Let's see your hands. Well, that's all right. I just wanted to know if I was home or not. I like to go squirrel hunting sometimes. I come up ... you got a good woods around here.
I thought... The next morning, I had to go to Erie, Pennsylvania, and then we was coming back, and we was going overseas. I would be gone---Brother Baxter and I, and a group---for about six weeks. So, there was so many people crammed, and jammed in the house, and so forth. I was just about worn out just coming from California, too. And Brother Baxter had done went through, and got his family in Vancouver, and was going to meet me up in Ohio, Toledo, and then go on over into Erie. And there's probably people was at that meeting up there that's here tonight. And so then, they was...
I went and I told ... next morning, I said, "Now," to my wife, I said, "Honey, I'm going to go out and go in the woods. I doubt whether I can squirrel hunt because I'm so sleepy." We got the house empty about twelve, or twelve-thirty. And I went and got my little old .22 rifle, and set it down, and my old overalls, and I rolled them up in the corner, so... I set the clock to alarm at three o'clock, so I could get up and go squirrel hunting---get away in the woods, maybe, till after a day, then I could go to sleep---rest a little before going up into the next meeting.
15 And about three o'clock, the clock alarmed. And I woke up and turned it off. Poor wife was sleeping so sound, it never even moved her. So, I got up and pulled on my overalls, and went to the den room, looked out the window---nobody out there. I thought, Well, it's all right then. It must be all right for me to go.
So, I got my little old rifle, and started through the room to go towards the bath. And when I did, I looked hanging here by the wall, a little old apple, about that big around, that was all... You know what a knotty apple we call (all you Hoosiers here), all worm-eaten, and sour-looking. Just a little bitty fellow, about that like, very faulty looking, hanging there. And I said, "Well, what did...? What did Mede...?"---that's my wife. I said, "What did she hang that thing on the wall for?" I thought, Well, I don't understand why she'd put a little old knotty-looking apple like that, and hang it on the wall.
16 Well, the light from the hallway was just showing in a little; I could see it hanging there. And I thought, Well, what...? And I happened to look, and it wasn't hanging on the wall. It's hanging right in the air. Well, then I knew that that was coming from Home. So, I slipped my rifle in the corner, and threw my hat down in the corner, knelt down. I said, "What would You have Your servant know, Lord?"
And I noticed ... and down come another little one, just like it. And another one, and another one, until five of them hung there. And then, down came a great big apple approximately that big around that was yellow with red streaks in it. Beautiful-looking healthy apple. And it just made a great grab like that, and swallowed one of them up, then two, then three, then four, then five. And the apple went away, and above it, hanging right where the apple was this here, hanging there. It was going "Whhheww."
I just kept real quiet. I said, "What would You have Your servant do, Lord?"
And He said, "Rise, and go tell Brother Hall that 'Thus saith the Lord, He'll not die, but live.'"
No squirrel hunting that day.
I jerked off my overalls, went and woke my wife up. She's sitting in here, somewhere. I said, "Honey, I have just saw a vision. Brother Hall's going to live."
And she said, "Is he?"
I said, "He's going to live. Nothing can stop it."
17 So, I put on my other clothes, and went down. They was just rubbing his hands, and he was crying, and everything. And I said, "Well..." I went in.
Mrs. Hall said, "Oh, Brother Billy, he's fixing to go." Said, "We've been looking for him to go all night."
And I said, "Do you think he would know me?"
She said, "Oh, I think he will."
And I went in. I said, "Gather all the people out of the yard," where they were sitting up with him. I said, "Bring them in the house, for I have, 'Thus saith the Lord.'"
She said, "Is it good?"
I said, "Yes."
The poor old thing started screaming, and falling on her knees.
I said, "Come now, and stand near." I said, "Brother Hall, can you hear me?"
And he kept saying, "Maddie, Maddie?"---that's his wife.
And she said, "It's Brother Bill talking to you."
So, I said, "Brother Hall, do you hear me?" I was shaking him.
He turned over, and his weary eyes... He said, "Oh, Brother Bill, I thought I'd done gone over." Said, "I haven't gone yet."
I said, "And you're not going, Brother Hall, now." I said, "A while ago I was starting to go hunting," and I repeated the vision to him. I said, "Brother Hall, how long you been sick?"
He said, "Maddie, how long have I been sick?"
She said, "Now, let's see. You'd taken sick in a certain month. It's just exactly five months."
I said, "That's what I thought." Them five little old knotty apples. "But, 'Thus saith the Holy Spirit of God,' you're going to live."
18 So, the judge of the city (the ex-judge) ... his sister married Mr. Hall's brother, so she was there. She said, "How's the man going to live with a cancer in him like that?"
I said, "I don't know, but God said he was going to live. And that satisfies... When He says it, it's going to be."
She said, "Do you mean that he's going to live?"
I said, "Yes, ma'am."
And I turned around, just so happy, walked out---Brother Cox, and all of us. And we went out and got in the car. And poor Brother Hall was just with his feeble hands, and them holding them up like that. He was saying, "Thank You, dear Jesus. I'll preach as long as you give me breath to preach."---and giving God praise, before it ever happened. Before anything took place. But, God had already said so.
19 So, I went home and I called the doctor. I said, "Doctor Sam?" You can call him, it's Dr. Sam Adair at Jeffersonville, if you want to---had the big clinic there. I said, "Dr. Sam?"
He said, "Yes."
I said, "Do you know the Reverend Mr. Hall that you said was going to jump overboard in four days?"
Said, "Yes, he is."
I said, "No, he isn't." I said, "He's going to live."
He said, "Oh, Billy, how can he live with a cancer on his liver?"
I said, "I don't know, but God just showed me a vision." I said, "Dr. Adair, how many times have you seen it?"
He said, "Well, Billy, I don't want to doubt your word, son. But look, the old doctor will have to see that one."
I said, "Well, you won't die with old age till you see it."
Said, "Well, when is it going to happen?"
I said, "I don't know."
He said, "Is he healed now?"
I said, "I don't know. But God said he wasn't going to die with that cancer, and he isn't going to die."
He said, "I'll have to see it."
I said, "You'll see it."
He said, "When you leaving?"
I said, "Tomorrow."
20 I was gone six weeks. I come back. We had one night at the high school gymnasium at Jeffersonville. Well, they had about four thousand inside, about four thousand outside. The next day, I was fixing to leave for New York to go to Africa. And just as I got on the platform, about this time, I just got in the late afternoon; went on down to the meeting. And my son, and them, brought me in. I got on the platform, and they were down ... had to hurry and give out prayer cards while we were in the meeting, because we just got in. The people were packed and jammed into the street.
And I happened to look---sitting up here in the bleachers was Dr. Dillman from Corydon. I said, "I'm glad to see you, Dr. Dillman." He bowed his head.
And I happened to look---sitting over here, and it was Dr. Baldwin from Jeffersonville. His wife had just been healed with asthma, sitting in my house. He put his arms around me, and just cried there at the house. Said, "Billy, she's just as normal as she can be."
I said, "I'm glad to see you, Dr. Baldwin." He nodded his head.
And I happened to look---standing way back in the back, and there stood Dr. Sam Adair---couldn't get in. He was standing in the doorway. And I said, "Glad to see you, Dr. Adair."
And I happened to look---sitting over here, and here sat Brother Hall. I said, "Dr. Dillman, do you remember your patient, Mr. Hall?"
"Yes, sir."
And I said, "Dr. Adair, you remember I told you about, he was going to live?"
He said, "Yes."
I said, "You said you'd have to see it, didn't you?"
I said, "Do you want to testify, Brother Hall?"
He said, "Oh, praise God." He said, "Testify?" Said, "I've gained thirty-five pounds."
He stood up there, and I tell you, that started it to rolling right then. And they'd taken ... and doctor taken that man to the hospital, and put him under x-ray, and tried every way they could, and couldn't find one spec of the cancer. He weighs a hundred and eighty-five pounds. That's been two years ago, and he's in perfect health living in Milltown, Indiana tonight---call him up at my expense---with Georgie Carter.
21 By the way, talking of the doctor, if you happen to call him, ask him this: A few days ago... I don't know whether he'd appreciate me telling this in the audience, or not, but he's a fine fellow. And just remember, you that criticize doctors, be careful what you're doing. A lot of them are fine, believing Christian men.
When I went into Africa, I was only there one night and the Medical Association called me up the next morning, gave me the right-hand of fellowship, and said, "The entire hospitals through South Africa's open to you." Said, "That's truly divine healing, and we believe it in that way."
I said, "Thank you." That's right. And they come down and had breakfast. I wanted to have breakfast, of course, some of those heavy meetings, you don't eat---just wait on the Spirit of the Lord.
22 The doctor walked into my house, and he said... My wife come and said, "Dr. Adair's out there on the porch, wants to see you."
And I had a group of people in the room. I said, "Put him in the den room." I knew it was something.
I went out and said, "What's the matter, doctor."
He told me that he was trying to buy... Said, "Billy, do you think this city ought to have a clinic?"
I said, "Every city ought to have a clinic."
He said, "They ought have a good doctor?"
I said, "Every city."
Said, "Do you think that I'd be counted a worthy doctor?"
I said, "I don't see who else would be any more worthy." I said, "You're sympathetic."
He said, "Most of my practice are poor people, Billy." Said, "I don't go to church as much as I should. But," said, "they come in if they need surgery," said, "I give it to them, don't even charge them for it. You know that." Said, "That's the way I serve God."
I said, "Well, that's not the correct way of doing it, but that's good. That's good." And I said, "The way you have to do, is be born again to serve God."
23 And he said, "Well, I come to ask you a question." Said, "I read in the Bible where they used to come and ask people different things, if they was consulting." Said, "I've got a problem."
And he told me about where he wanted to put up a clinic. And he couldn't get that place. That woman wouldn't let him have it at all.
I said, "Let's pray."
So, we got down and prayed. He said, "There's not another place in the city that I could put it." And it was down in a very bad district. Seemed like it shouldn't be there. While I was praying, I seen another place on Wall and Market. In the vision, I seen a red-brick clinic sitting there.
So, after prayer, I said, "Dr. Adair, forget about that down there. This big lot over here on the corner of Wall and Maple is right in the best spot of the city. The Lord gives you that."
He said, "Billy!" Said, "Son," said, "I just chased that through court for the last six weeks." Said, "That can't be touched for twenty-five years." Said, "It's sewed up in some heirs in Boston, or somewhere up there." And said, "It cannot be touched for twenty-five years."
I said, "Dr. Adair, He's just told me it's yours. And you're going to have a red brick clinic sitting there."
Said, "Son, I don't see how that can happen."
And I said, "Well, He just said so."
"Well," said, "I just came from the court case of it two days ago." He said, "It can't be touched." Said, "There's no need of trying it."
I said, "Well, just don't argue with me. Just go believe what I've told you, because the Lord has give it to you."
24 The next morning the phone rang, and he called me up. He said, "Billy, I'm freezing to death."
I said, "What's the matter with you?"
He said, "Chills are running all through me." Said, "They had a meeting in Boston last night, and put the lot up. And I've already bought it, already this morning."
That's been about eight months ago, and there's a big fine medical clinic sitting on the same place, built out of red brick, just the way the Lord showed it.
Yesterday, after leaving ... or, day before yesterday, after leaving there, I was in there talking to him, and we was rehearsing it over. He said, "Billy, I've told it to thousands of people that's come back and forth through here," of what God did for him that night.
25 Come to God sincerely. Don't doubt nothing. Have faith in God.
Now, when God shows, God will do. What God says, God's under obligation to His Word.
Now, Christian friends, this is first. This is God's Word. Any kind of a ministry that's built upon anything else besides this is an error. That's God's Word primarily---first, basic. But then, God can speak through His servants in gifts. Do you believe that? Then what He would say in the way---what I've been testifying about, of those things---that's God's Word secondarily. And if God should tell you a certain thing to do, you go do it. If you fail to do it, then it'd be just like you failed to do His Word here.
If He said, "Come to me all ye that labor, and heavy laden, and I'll give you rest," and you fail to come, why, you just... That Word didn't do you any good. But, He give you an invitation, called you, and you didn't come. So then, it wouldn't do no good.
So, while the Holy Spirit is moving among the people, let me ask you in the name of our dear Lord Jesus, to believe Him tonight with all your heart. If He was here tonight, He would do the same things that He did on the banks of Galilee, and in the city of Jerusalem, Capernaum, and all throughout all Galilee, and Judea. He would do the same things. And here was His statement.
Matthew 11:28 Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
26 Now, to some of the newcomers---first time here---I'll just quote this again. Jesus did not claim to be a divine healer. And any man on this earth cannot claim, and be rightly, claim to be a divine healer, because there's no divine healers. Only God alone is the healer. Jesus said, "The Son can do nothing. It's the Father that dwells in Him; He doeth the works." Is that right? It's Him that doeth the works.
Jesus said... Now, Jesus passed by cripples, blinds, twisted, lame, halt, all kinds of people, and never healed them. The Bible said He did it. Went through by the pool of Bethesda where great multitudes---many, many, many times more than here tonight---of crippled, blind, halt, withered, waiting for the moving of that water, and never healed a one of them. Went to a man laying on a pallet, and healed him, and went on.
Why did He have such ... most compassion, and pass all those crippled people? Because He said, "I can do nothing except the Father shows Me." Saint John 5:19: "Verily, verily I say unto you, the Son can do nothing in Himself, but what He sees the Father doing: that doeth the Son likewise."
If you'll read carefully through the Scripture---it's always been down through all ages---miracles are not performed by the will of man; it's by the will of God. God shows visions, sets people, and tells them... Gideon, and all down through, like Elijah. A man come and said, "Well, we need..."
John 5:2 Now there is at Jerusalem by the sheep market a pool, which is called in the Hebrew tongue Bethesda, having five porches.
John 5:3 In these lay a great multitude of impotent folk, of blind, halt, withered, waiting for the moving of the water.
John 5:4 For an angel went down at a certain season into the pool, and troubled the water: whosoever then first after the troubling of the water stepped in was made whole of whatsoever disease he had.
John 5:5 And a certain man was there, which had an infirmity thirty and eight years.
John 5:6 When Jesus saw him lie, and knew that he had been now a long time in that case, he saith unto him, Wilt thou be made whole?
John 5:7 The impotent man answered him, Sir, I have no man, when the water is troubled, to put me into the pool: but while I am coming, another steppeth down before me.
John 5:8 Jesus saith unto him, Rise, take up thy bed, and walk.
John 5:9 And immediately the man was made whole, and took up his bed, and walked: and on the same day was the sabbath.
John 5:19 Then answered Jesus and said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do: for what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise.
John 14:10 Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me? the words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works.
27 One time, it happened to be one of my managers---not Brother Baxter, but it was a man who was with us---one of the field managers. And a newspaper had made a very critical statement that was absolutely untrue. I can expect friendly criticism, but the criticism wasn't due because it was untrue. As long as it's truth, all right; but it wasn't true. And this manager said, "Why don't you go out there and kneel on your knees and tell God to burn that place down?"
I said, "Oh, brother, don't think..."
He said, "What we need today is some more Elijahs." Said, "Elijah would've called fire out of heaven," said, "how he done to the fifty."
Well, the brother was just mistaken, see. Elijah did not call fire out of heaven, only but when God showed him.
He said, "Oh, Brother Branham," said, "Elijah just went out there and boldly challenged, said, 'Come out and prove who's God.'"
I said, "No. He never. God told him first."
Oh, he said, "He never seen no vision."
I said, "Yes, he did." I said, "When he said... When he put all his bullock, and so forth, on the altar, and had poured the water upon it, he walked out, and he said, "God I have did this at Your command." Is that right? Then the fire begin to fall, after he had completed everything, see. First, it must be shown.
28 Now, first thing, God's Word says that Jesus Christ healed you at Calvary when He died nineteen hundred years ago. The Word of God teaches that. Is that right? All right. Just as He was wounded for your transgressions.
[Break in tape.] ... you want to argue with me? The man's there. And I do not see Him. It's impossible for me to see Him. Why, I have another sense. And that sense in feeling. And my feeling is just as direct as my seeing. Is that right? So now, I do not see Him. It's impossible for me to see Him. But He's there because I feel Him. Now it's impossible for me to feel Him. He's out of my reach, but I know He's there by sight.
Now, how many senses control the human body? Five: see, taste, feel, smell, and hear. Is that right? Now, I see Him now. My sight... My sense of sight says He's there, but my sense of feeling is inactive. Now I know He's there by the sense of feeling, and my sight is inactive to Him.
Thank you, very much. Hit something on the piano there, will you, sir? Just... How many hears that? How many seen that? No, you never saw it. You can't see it. Well, how do you know that was a music note. How do you know it is that piano? Did you see it coming through the air? Taste it? Feel it? Smell it? But you know it was there, don't you? You heard it. Is that right?
29 Now look what is faith. Faith is the sixth sense. Five senses control this man. God put man in five senses to contact his earthly home. You don't contact God with your five senses. You know God by faith, which is the sixth sense, which is the two senses of the soul---faith and unbelief. And if you're possessed with faith, faith is just as much reality to you as sight is. If you believe that shirt's white, tonight; if you've got sight, and have faith in your sight, and you say that shirt's white; if you believe Jesus Christ heals you at Calvary, and your faith will declare to you as much as what your sight does to this, you're healed right now. It's over, see.
"Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things you do not see, taste, feel, smell, nor hear. You believe it."
Say, "Well, I don't feel any different."
You're not supposed to feel any different. You're supposed to believe. Is that right? The Lord bless you. Have faith in God.
Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
30 Now, don't make out like you got faith; really have faith. And I thank the Heavenly Father tonight, with all my heart, for giving His manifestation to His people through His Word, through His power, through His gifts, and to show to the people in this day that we're living in that He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Shall we bow our heads? I'm sorry to take that much time.
Father in heaven, send down the Holy Spirit in great power tonight. Confirm Thy Word everywhere. May every person that's sick in this building go out of here, walking, leaping, praising God. May they be in the city tomorrow, testifying. The meeting's coming close, now, to the end. And I pray, God, that You'll do something that'll start an old-fashioned revival here in this city, and throughout the country.
Grant it, Lord. We know that Jesus is coming. We do not know when, but we believe that it's soon. I pray that You'll make the people ready. If there be sinners here tonight, even and above all the sick to be healed, grant that the sinner will become a believer tonight, and accept Christ as his personal Saviour.
Grant it, Lord. Hear us now, and answer prayer. And may that lovely Jesus, Your beloved Son, our Saviour, may He come tonight, and dwell with His people, and do signs and wonders before them as He did when He was here in a body of flesh. Said, "A little while and the world will see Me no more. Yet you'll see Me, for I'll be with you, even in you to the end of the world."
Grant it tonight, Father, for we ask it in His name. Amen.
Matthew 28:20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.
John 14:19 Yet a little while, and the world seeth me no more; but ye see me: because I live, ye shall live also.
31 [Break in tape.] ... as you can, pray. Believe God. What we have your name and address for there: We want to write to you after it's over, see what's happened, see how you're getting along.
Now, God is the only one who can help you. We're all aware of that. And now, be real reverent. And let's just hum once, being I've talked kind of long, and I ... waiting for His presence. Let's kind of hum, Only Believe. Now, come on, together. Kind of slow, like:
Only believe, only believe;
All things are possible, only believe;
Only believe, only believe;
[Break in tape.] ... headaches.
32 There's a little baby; he his epilepsy, and he had a rag wrapped around a clothespin. He was having a fit right on the platform. And I'd ask our Heavenly Father... I said, "Will all bow their heads." And yet, there was some resentment. You could feel it way back, probably almost long as this building. There's twenty-eight thousand people there. So there was almost ... way out towards the yard-part of the place. Just kept resentment coming.
And I looked; it was a minister and about eight or ten of his people. And I said to the usher, I said, "Go have that minister to put his head down."
The usher come back in a few moments, he said, "He said, 'This is a public place of worship.'" He didn't have to do it.
I said, "Sir, you won't put your head down?"
He said ... he sat there with his head up.
I said, "All right. That's your American privilege, but remember, I'm not responsible."
And the little baby in a hard fit. I said, "Heavenly Father, don't let the innocent have to suffer for the guilty. I ask You to heal the little baby in the name of Your Son Jesus." The spasm left the little baby. And so I said, "Well, we're very thankful." And the little baby went off.
And I heard a commotion. And the whole group struck with epilepsy right there, and around.
33 Now, you just write to Richard T. Reed, Jonesboro, Arkansas, The Blessed Old Bible Hour Tabernacle, and see that. The whole group had epilepsy, and still got epileptic fits. I can prove some of these statements here I'm saying by government statistics ... or, government write-ups. Officials, FBI agents, who's come right in the meeting, and followed it, and watched it, and wrote it up. We're not playing church, friends, so be reverent, see. Be reverent.
34 Now, listen some... [Break in tape.]
Are you believing tonight that the Lord Jesus is here in the building, and can make you well? ["Uh-huh."] You do, that. Do you believe that those things that you see and hear...? Is this your first meeting to be into? ["No."] You've been in other meetings. Oh, you been Flint, Michigan to the meetings. All right. Well... [The man speaks to Brother Branham, but it is unclear.] I see.
Now, only God alone could help you. Now, you just told me what your trouble was, of having a heart ailment. That is true. Maybe then, being that you told me what was wrong with you, maybe the Lord will say something else to you. So just for exercising your faith, you see.
Now, do you believe me to be His prophet? ["Yes."] You do that. I say that humbly, see, just ... for He said this, "If you get the people to believe you, and then be sincere when you pray, that's when it would take place."
You're a minister, also. Is that right? Yes, sir. And haven't you just come from across the waters somewhere from overseas? ["Just come back from England."] God bless you. Now, do you believe? ["Yes, sir."] Go, get well of your heart trouble, now. [The man continues speaking.] The Lord bless you. God be with you now. You're going get well. God bless you.
Let's say, "Thanks be to God."
35 See, just to talk, just a little. I want you to be real reverent out there, now, and believe with all your heart.
[Break in tape.] Do you believe it was the truth? Do you...? You're thinking about somebody, aren't you? You're concerned about somebody. It's your baby. Is that right? The little boy laying there. Just have faith in God. God can do it, if you'll just believe.
All right. Bring the lady. How do you do, sister? Do you believe with all your heart? [The sister speaks to Brother Branham.] I truly believe that. I believe that you are a believer. Anyone in what attitude could surely touch the heart of God. You are sick, and there's something wrong with your blood. Anemic condition. Isn't that right? You have an asthmatic condition, also. Isn't that true? You've ... something about a doctor. No, a doctor's been looking at this baby. Is that right? That baby's sick, also. Oh, the baby's worse than you are. The baby is anemic also, and has a rupture. Isn't that right? And I see a doctor shake his head that the doctor can't do nothing for that baby. Is that right? If that's right, raise up your hand.
Can God make you both well? Do you accept healing for both of you? Now, the doctor's done all he can do. He's sincere about that. But God can help you now. Do you believe it?
Lord Jesus, I pray for mercy for this darling baby and mother. May they both go home tonight, and by Your stripes, may they be healed. May Satan not be able to touch them.
Come out of them, Satan, in Jesus Christ's name. Amen.
I bless thee, my sister. And I bless the baby in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ who knows your life, and the baby's also. Now, do you believe you're going to be well? ["Yes."] You shall have it. God bless you.
Let's say, "Thanks be to the Lord Jesus Christ." Amen.
36 Every person in here ought to believe right now. The Angel of God, whose picture is on this paper, who is scientifically known throughout the entire world at this time, He is right here in this audience right now. He isn't standing but a few feet from where I am. Someday, at the day of judgment, you'll see I've told you the truth. He's right here now, and heal any person that will believe on Him.
Believe on Jesus Christ, that He has healed you. Have faith in God. God knows all things, doesn't He? Believe Him.
Where's that lady that was just healed just then with that baby? I thought so. I seen you standing above her, here in a shadow, and I looked around. I thought, Well, here stands that woman right here. Then I seen you together. You're suffering with heart trouble, aren't you? Just go on back to your seat. God bless you. [unclear word] accept the Lord Jesus.
Have faith. All things are possible if you can believe it.
Mark 9:23 Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth.
37 How do you do? Have a stomach trouble, don't you? Uh-huh. Yes, sir. It's kind of a parasite. It gets into your stomach. Causes you lots of trouble. I know what they are. I've had them myself. Yes, sir. Well, the Lord Jesus made me well, son. He can you also.
Say, you've come a long ways to get here, too, haven't you? You've been hitch-hiking to get here, or something another. I seen you on the road, moving... Is that right? Don't you come from a country that's got a lot of plains, or something another like that? I'd say out in the west somewhere. Is that right? ["Yes, sir."] Now, go home. You're going to get well, and be a normal man again. Your faith has saved you, son. God bless you in the name of the Lord. Yes, sir. All right. Go right ahead.
Let's say, "Thanks be to God." Have faith, and believe the Lord Jesus. How many believes that Jesus raised from the dead? Do you believe that He's here tonight?---that's the same Lord Jesus that rose from the dead, working among men? Well, have faith in Him and He'll grant it.
38 The same Lord Jesus that raised from the dead...
Now look. When He rose from the dead, He went on His road to Emmaus---some people did. I just want to talk a moment. When the anointing gets real deep, sometimes I just can't hold myself together like. But listen closely now: On the road to Emmaus, He met some of the disciples, and they talked with Him all day. And when He got there that night, there was a certain thing that He done, just in a certain way, that they knew that was Him. Is that right?
Now, He's been with you all day. He's been with many of you for years. Is that right? Now, watch the way He does things. Haven't you seen Him in your life, the way He done things? When He saved you out of that accident? When He saved you from that sick spell? When you had no money, and somebody brought some groceries in? You know what I mean, don't you? That's just the way He does things, see. He's with us. He's raised from the dead. He's here tonight. Amen.
39 All right. Come, young fellow. Now, have faith in God, and believe Him. God shall grant all things. Now, I just want to speak to you a moment. Do you believe that what you see is the truth? You do? Now, quickly. When my spirit goes to meet yours, there's something wrong. You're a sick man. You're diabetic. Is that right? And you need Jesus Christ as your Saviour. As a sinner, you need Jesus Christ as Saviour. Is that right? Don't you want a blood transfusion for both soul and body tonight, young man? Do you accept Him as your Saviour right now?---believe you're standing in His presence? You do. If you accept Him, and testify to this people that you now accept Christ as your Saviour, asking for mercy, raise your hand and turn to the people. Come here.
Lord Jesus, forgive him of every trespass, every sin. God, I pray that You'll heal the boy. And may he go out of here and live a normal life, be perfectly well. Forgive every sin, and take him into Your kingdom tonight. In Jesus Christ's name I ask it. Amen.
God bless you, young man. Go rejoicing. Do you feel like God has saved you now?---your sins are gone?---you're going to go join some good church, and live for Christ? You're going to be well, too, brother. God bless you.
Some minister should speak to the boy immediately about coming into the church, and getting him baptized.
Let's say, "We thank Thee, Lord. We thank Thee, Lord." Have mercy is our sincere prayer for each one.
40 All right. Bring the lady. Now, you must believe with all your heart, with all soul, and all your mind to be healed. And do you do this, lady? Do you believe that you're standing---not your brother here, see---but you're in the presence of Him, the supernatural one, who had His picture taken on this paper here? You do. You're married? Could I speak to you to one side just a moment?
You all just sing, Only Believe, if you will, now. Only Believe.
[Break in tape.] ... just something that couldn't be said before a audience. It was ... only God, Himself, would know in that manner. Is that right, young lady? That's right. It couldn't be said before an audience. The vision came. And went it left me, I walked over and spoke to her about it, and she holds her hand up, that's the honest truth. And no one could be ... at this place but she and God alone. That's right.
Now, come near. Do you believe if I asked the blessing for you, that God will answer my prayer?
Our Heavenly Father, as this woman here, just in ... not exactly understanding just what this trouble is, Lord, I pray for mercy for her. And may she be made well. Thou art here, Father, and can make her well. And in commemoration of Your Son's words---Jesus---the last words that fell from His sacred lips. When He went up into heaven promising to return again, be with us even to the end of the age. Said, "These signs shall follow them that believe: If they lay their hands on the sick, they shall recover."
And yonder, Lord, that night when the Angel of the Lord come, and said, "Go, and be sincere, and get the people to believe you, and pray sincerely, and nothing shall stand before the prayer." You're still God. You still exist. You're still here. And I ask for her healing, Lord. Spare her young life. I ask in Christ's name. Amen.
It's a serious thing, but I believe you're going to be well. I believe you're going to be alright. The Lord Jesus bless you now, as you go. Amen.
Mark 16:17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;
Mark 16:18 They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.
41 Let's say, "Thanks be to our Lord." Have faith.
Do you want to get over your back trouble? be made well? Do you believe that He will? Do you believe if I'll ask Him, then, He'd do it---make you well? All right. Come here just a moment.
Father, I ask You to be merciful. Heal the woman, Lord, I pray, for Your glory. Grant, Lord, that the power that raised Christ from the dead will strengthen her now, and take this strangling spirit away from her, and may she go be made well, through Jesus Christ's name. Amen.
Do you believe now? Do you believe it'll leave you? ["I believe."] How long has it been bothering you? ["For years."] Just gradually choking on, unseen. You couldn't see it from the outside, of course, but it's not only that, but it's growths also in there. ["Yes."] You have growths plus the inward goiter. Isn't that true? Just so that He ... that you'd know that I understand what I'm speaking of. Now, you just go, and don't doubt nothing, see. Just go, thanking God. And now, within about seventy-two hours, if our prayer is answered, you'll become sick---real sick---about three days and nights, see. You'll become sick, headaches, nausea. Don't get worried. That's when you thank God then. It's gone. God bless you, and God be with you.
Let's say, "Praise be to God who gives us the victory."
42 Come, sister dear. Do you believe with all your heart? ["Amen."] Believe that God will make you well? That's your mother? It is. I thought so. You're praying. You have a serious thing, don't you, son? Something wrong with you: You just kind of lose your memory, like. You can't think of things. Isn't that true? Is that right? Mother there has a heart trouble, that's suffering with nervousness. Isn't that right? That's your mother. Is that right? If that's right, raise up your hand.
See, this woman had heart trouble, too. Them demons were pulling one to another. God bless you both. Now, go and get well, both of you, in the name of the Lord Jesus.
God bless you, young man, and grant to you the same thing. God be with you. Lord bless you.
Let's say, "Thanks be to God," who gives us the victory through Jesus Christ our Lord.
All right. Come now, believing. Do you believe that He'll make you well, sister? ["Yes."] With all your heart? ["Yes."] Restore to you this affliction, and make you a well girl again? ["Yes."] You'll serve Him all your life if He'll heal you? ["Yes."]
Our Heavenly Father, I ask for mercy and kindness to our sister. And may the evil one leave. I pray in Jesus' Christ's name, that he'll go from her. Amen.
Now you're all right. Do you believe that? Can you hear me all right, now? ["Yes."] Can you understand me okay? ["Yes."] How long have you been this way? ["Ever since I was a baby."] Ever since a little baby. Hmm. You understand all right now? ["Yes."] All right. You're healed. It's gone from you. Deaf spirit left you. And you go home and rejoice now. God bless you.
Let's say, "Thanks be to God."
43 Come, little lady. Do you believe with all your heart? What if the Lord Jesus would just say what was wrong with you, would you believe Brother Branham? You do? Do you like to go to Sunday School? You're a mighty sweet little girl. Pretty little girl. And you ... in the way young girls are going today. Won't you serve Jesus, if He'll make you well? You've had a kidney trouble, all for years and years. Isn't that right? ["Yes."] God bless you. Come here just a minute.
Lord Jesus, this darling little thing. I pray that You'll help her now, seeing this condition. May the evil spirit go away from the child. And I bless the child for its healing in Jesus Christ's name. Amen.
Now, it tried hard, honey, but you're going to get well. Now, don't you fear. You go right on and love Jesus, and God's going to make you well.
Let's say, "Thanks be to our Lord."
Now, sister, do you believe while your sitting there in the chair? With all your heart? Would you like to get over that female trouble that you've had with that...? All right. Just go ahead and believe the Lord Jesus right now, and you'll get well of it. God bless you. Amen. Come here. I want to touch your hand just before going.
God, be merciful to her, I pray, in Jesus' name. Amen.
The Lord bless you, sister.
Let's say, "Thanks be to our Lord."
44 If you believe now, don't doubt...
Now come, lady. Wasn't it kind of a strange thing when I said "female trouble" to her? It's the same thing with you, see. Now, go ahead, and just praise God. Say, "Thank You, Lord, for my healing."
Let's say, "Praise be to the Lord Jesus."
All right. Would you come, little lady. What do you think? Now, that isn't to hurt you, sister dear. It's the thing that'll heal you. Don't be fearful, you see. It's nothing that'll hurt you. Look here at me, just a minute. Do you believe me to be God's servant, sister? With all your heart? I see you are a Christian. Now, I want to ask you something. You've got a dreadful disease: the third killer of the world---TB. Do you know it? It's TB. It's what's wrong with you. Now, the Lord Jesus can make you, every whit, whole. Don't fear, mother. It'll be all right.
Our Heavenly Father, I pray for this young woman, right here in the adolescent age. I ask for mercy. May this evil thing that's hid from the doctors... They've tried, but it doesn't do any good. But he can't hide from You, God. You know right where he's at. May he come out of the little girl, in the name of Jesus Christ. And I bless thee, my sister, for thy healing. In Jesus Christ's name. Amen.
God bless you, sister. Don't doubt now. Go rejoicing, happy. You're going to get well, see. Have faith.
45 All right. Now, mother, yours is number one killer: heart trouble. It usually takes the people right quick. That's right, isn't it? That's right. It's smothering in your heart. And when you lay down, it gets bad. And you have fluttering spells, and blacking out spells, and things with it, see. Your life could not be hid. You've had a lot of trouble in life, a lot of sorrow, and operations and things. Isn't that right? See, I'm not reading your mind, but I know what... Is that true? ["That's right."] Now, come here a minute.
Lord God, to the faith of this woman, while Thy servant's strength is fastly fading away, I pray, God, that You'll be merciful to her. And may she go from here tonight, and be made well. Through Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.
God bless you, sister. Go happy, rejoicing, and thanking God. And be made well.
Oh, how wonderful. How we can ... if you could only believe Him, have faith in Him. Of course, there's no need of me saying what's taking place at this time. It would be hard for you to believe. I can hardly see the audience back in there. It's such a ... something. There's no need in me trying to explain it. You just ... just be reverent.
46 All right. Come, mister, and have faith in God. All right. Just be as reverent as you can be, now. How do you do, sir? Do you believe, sir? With all your heart?
[Break in tape.] ... wall. Right there. You're both preachers. Is that right? ["That's right."] Uh-huh. You have a stomach trouble, and he has a rupture. Is that right?
Lord God, bless Your servant. May he go home and be well. And may that one, sitting there, do likewise, Lord. I pray in Christ Jesus' name. Amen.
God bless you, brother. Go eat what you want to, now. It's nervousness, just in your ministry. It's what's got you shook up. You're going to be all right. [Break in tape.] ... peptic ulcer condition is what does it. Just have faith, and believe God with all your heart.
47 What about you, sister? Do you believe, too? That gall bladder trouble, and things, what you... You need Him, don't you? Isn't that your husband sitting there next to you? Is that right? I thought that's what it was. Do you accept your healing now? Raise up your hand, say, "In Christ, I accept it," both of you, now. God bless you.
Right across his hand, there, sits a lady with female trouble, too. Is that right, lady?---second one in the... Is that right? Raise up and accept your healing. Do you believe? Stand to your feet. Say, "I accept my healing." God bless you.
Do you believe Him? Believe that God'll make you well?
There's somebody, I can't tell... Right here, right over this section, in this way. I see a little child that's got kidney trouble, but I can't place where it's at. God bless you. And there's a little girl standing by them that's having convulsions. Is that yours? God bless you. Lay your hands upon the child, a little boy.
48 Rise, sir. You're healed.
Almighty God, Author of life, and giver of every good gift, send Your blessings upon this, Thy people, tonight, Lord. Heal the people here in this audience at this time, through Jesus Christ's name.
I wonder, while you're standing ... or, sitting with your heads bowed, I want to ask you a question. I want you to be sincere with me. Is there a sinner in here tonight, would say, "I want to accept Christ as my Saviour. And I believe that He's raised from the dead. I wanted to be a Christian for a long time."?
God bless you, lady. God bless you. Someone else raise your hand, say, "Brother Branham, I..." God bless you, sir, standing at the end. God bless you, sir. God bless you, sir. God bless you, sister. God bless you, over in the aisle to my left. God bless you all over there. Raise up your hand, say, "I want to accept Christ." Would you stand to your feet, you that want to accept Christ as personal Saviour, right now, is convinced that He's here. And if He'll hear my prayer to reveal things the Holy Spirit said to me...
I started to call another person, sitting right here. The lady sitting there with the eye trouble, sitting there, just got healed. I started to call her; the Holy Spirit said, "Make an altar call." I've got to be obedient.
49 You that wants to accept Christ as personal Saviour, and believe that He'll hear my prayer right now, stand to your feet. All over the building, everywhere, everyplace, would you stand to your feet? Everywhere, rise up. Right now is the time to accept Him.
Would someone else care to stand, just at this time? God bless you, young couple. God bless you, sir. God bless you, sister. Just remain standing, everyone, would you stand? God bless you, young man. Someone else say, "I want to accept Christ right now. I believe He's here."?
My dear brother and sister, before God, I lie not. The Angel of God that's here, this picture is taken of, is right here at this platform tonight, right here now directing me to make this altar call. May be the last chance for somebody. I don't know. There may be something fixing to happen, but He told me make this altar call right now. I never done it before in my life like this.
Will you stand? Anybody here's a sinner, and wants to accept Christ as Saviour, would you stand? God bless you. That's right. Everywhere. Now, just remain standing a moment.
Father, I do not know why that You've done this. Something strange just struck me, but I pray, God, that You'll forgive every one of these who are standing now. May their sins be under the blood. I believe this is the call; this is the time. The Angel of the Lord, may He spread forth His great wings over this building just now. May they just feel dewdrops of mercy sprinkle upon every soul. Grant it, Lord. May the Holy Spirit, in His great transforming power, change the hearts of these people from doubt into faith. And may their testimony be great. And may they receive, also, the baptism of the Holy Spirit through Jesus Christ's name.
50 Now, to you that's standing, believes that God forgives you your sins, raise your hand, say, "I accept Him now as my personal Saviour," you standing.
Do you believe it, sister. God bless you. Leaving children up and down the aisles.
How many wants the baptism of the Holy Spirit right now? Would like to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit? Not ever received it, wants to receive it? Stand to your feet.
Now, let those who ... all of you that wants the Holy Spirit---the baptism of the Holy Spirit---if you believe with all your heart...
[Break in tape.] ... those seekers, go right straight to the tent, right now. Come right down to the tent. Come out, right now. Let's go to the tent.
Come here, reverent. The rest of you, bow your heads just a moment in prayer, if you will. All right.