Humble thyself

Humble thyself somebody

Humble thyself (1963-07-14 Evening) (William M. Branham Sermons)

Humble thyself (1963-07-14 Evening) (William M. Branham Sermons) somebody

Humble thyself

1 I certainly enjoy being here every time. Our journey is getting close to the end now, I thought, staying with you---'cause we got another meeting coming up right away in Chicago, and I've got to have the family back in Arizona pretty soon. And they've never had their summer's vacation yet, and I'm supposed to take them for a little ride somewhere in a few days. And then I'll probably be away one day, one of the Sundays, and then the following week I'll begin in Chicago. Then I've got to come right straight back on Monday and take them to Arizona.

2 And now, I just hate to come in of a Sunday morning, take that time where everybody is refreshed (Sunday night you're always tired and wore out, on Sunday night), then turn the Sunday night service over to our pastor. That's kind of bad. I hate to do that. Yet, by Sunday night I would... Sunday night---to have the service Sunday night---then I hold the people so late. Many of them come in here from way down in the South, and way north, and they have to... Sometimes they drive day and night just to get here for one service, then go back. And that's the reason that I try to make it on Sunday morning when I come. Gives them a chance to go back.
Loyal, faithful, pilgrims---how I appreciate them. They drive in sleet, rain, and everything else to get here---across the country, hundreds of miles, just for one little service. So, it makes me feel grateful to God and to these people for their great support. And what I'm trying to tell to the people to be the truth...

3 Now I believe this is the truth. I, with all my heart... If there was anything different that I thought was better, I'd certainly first go ... I'd not ask anybody to go anywhere that I don't go first to find out whether it's right or not. I wouldn't ask any person to make a step in God that I haven't already made and know that it's the truth. First it must be the Word of the Lord. Then I step and see if it's right. Then if it's right, then I say, "Come on up this way," see. It's making the way.
And now, I believe any minister ought to do that---ought to first go himself. He is supposed to be a leader, a leader of people; not speak something that he wouldn't put his hand on himself. We should go as leaders of the people.

4 This morning I had a very odd, peculiar, experience here in the pulpit. And that was about the last part of the message. I wasn't aiming to say it that way, see. But I guess it's already said, and there's nothing I can do about it now. But then I got home and got studying about it and...
Had a little family reunion today, just my brethren and them. Mama's gone. We used to meet at her house and now we go up to Delores'. We had a nice time up there this afternoon, talking. Teddy was along. We sang some songs, played some hymns, and things.

5 Now, I think maybe next Sunday morning, if the Lord is willing, if Brother Neville won't care, I'd like to have a healing service---just dedicated only to healing. And I think with the message this morning, the way the Lord seemed to lead me to bring it, bring it out, I ought to kind of encourage you, so to speak, see, to really believe. We play around, and we take different things and talk about them, but then when it comes to a showdown that's something different.

6 As someone was telling me, I believe it was my brother back there, telling a little story today about a man, a minister, and some one of his congregation. He said he could walk a log.
He said, "Pastor, sure. The Lord's with you."
He said, "I can pack a log across my back when I go across."
"Sure, the Lord's with you." And he went and done it.
He said, "I can pack a log and wheel a wheelbarrow across at the same time."
"Sure, Pastor. The Lord's with you. Your faith can do anything."
He said, "I can put you in the wheelbarrow and pack it all."
He said, "Now wait a minute," said, "that's different."---when you're included in it yourself, see.
Now if that ... it's mighty good for us to say here, "Amen." It's mighty good for us to say, "I believe that's true." But then put it in action. You've got to put it in action.

7 As I brought that statement this morning: the people were laying in the shadow of Peter. They never even asked for prayer. I've went into many homes watching this. Pray before I go, just go in there with the anointing, and don't even pray for the people, walk out and they're healed. Amen. That's right. I've seen it done so many times. You've got to have somewhere to place your faith. You've got to believe it. And I believe that the hour is approaching and now is, and...
I realize that this is not a tape service. They might make a little one for themselves, but this is not a tape that goes out across the country.

Acts 5:15 Insomuch that they brought forth the sick into the streets, and laid them on beds and couches, that at the least the shadow of Peter passing by might overshadow some of them.

8 This ... what I was speaking of this morning has brought us right up to a climax and that's the reason that I'm going to take next Sunday for a healing service. Because since I've been home I've been talking about the visions and what's happened and everything, and brought it out why I've done all these things, and then this morning bringing it right up now to that last pinnacle.
Now it's my time for consecration to God, and God's time to speak to me, see. I must just have a little change in my own life. Not that I think that I'm wicked, but I want to be a little more closer to people, see---

9 the people that I have tried to tell this gospel truth to, and they turn their back on it and walk away and laugh at it.
Now to me that seems like it's an insult---not just to me, but to the things that I've been saying is the truth, trying to help them. Like shoving out a boat, say, "Here. Here it is. Cross over. Here, get out of that swelling stream. You're going to die. You're going to perish there." And they just laugh at you and walk away. Well, to me it seems like if they walk away there's nothing more I can do about it, see---that I can do. But I want to run down the bank now and persuade them to come on back. I've got to have that feeling, see, 'cause I know there's somebody out there that hasn't come in yet. And I'm going to fish till He says the last fish is caught. And I want to do that.
Now, now in order to do this I'm expecting something to happen in a prayer meeting. Something ... and many of you remember the vision of the last pull ... that third pull, rather. You remember, there was something happened just before it. I seen that light come and go down into that place and said, "I'll meet you there." Now I'm looking for something to happen.

10 Here, years ago, it used to be that the services and that discernment would make me so weak I'd stagger. Many of you remember that. Just get to a spot that I'd stand... And I had Jack Moore on one arm and Brother Brown on the other, and walk me up and down the street for an hour after service. I'd just happened ... trying to think of where I was at and what was taking place. And all night lay there and think of it, and sob and everything else, and wonder why they didn't accept our Lord Jesus.
Then He told me---a vision. "One time you'll meet a lady that will come to you wearing a brown suit, and she'll be packing a little baby in a blanket. And from that time on you'll have strength to endure, stronger." Well, I told you all that in Chicago. It happened that night. And the little Presbyterian lady, when her own pastor sent her down there with the baby...

11 I believe it was his brother, or one of them, was a doctor. Said, "There's not a hope for the baby unless Almighty God touches it."
She went and told her pastor. The pastor said, "I am not qualified," he said, "to act upon this divine healing because I don't ... just don't have it within me---the faith that it takes to do it."
Now that's being honest about it, see. He said, "I don't just have it in me." He said, "But I was at one of Brother Branham's meetings, and I'd advise you to take the baby to Brother Branham."
And the doctor give it up, it was going to die.

12 And the little lady walked in there, where I was having some sort of a service for them little Catholic children that had got burned up in that school up there, you know. Remember when it was we was having that service? And coming right down the platform come that little lady with the brown suit on. My wife and them was sitting there and I said ... turned and looked, looked all around to see if they was standing there. And happened to be that just before it come up, I believe Billy Paul and them had been talking, or the wife, or someone, to the lady with the little baby.
And the lady walked up to the platform, the Holy Spirit revealed the whole thing and healed the baby there, and walked away. And since then I just don't get tired. See, it don't bother me. And I just go right on and on.

13 Now I'm looking for something to happen to start that third pull in the mark, see. And maybe the next Sunday morning healing service, maybe it'll produce that. I don't know. I think for us to do would be, tell your people, "Get the sick people." Now for a healing service we've got to concentrate on sick people. Get your sick people. Get them here early next Sunday morning, say about eight or eight thirty. And we'll give them a prayer card as they come in the door, however they do it. And then we'll have a prayer line and pray for the sick, and just see what the Holy Spirit will do. I believe He'll do wonders if we'll just believe Him. But we've got to believe Him for that, now, with all of our heart.
And I think that the great hour has arrived that when God, in so much---as we was speaking this morning---has showed us so much, and brought us to a certain ... just up to a spot just to push over that little hill and that's all you need. Then away it goes, you see. Going just like it was---the same thing with the discernment, same thing by the prophetic, to what...

14 I was standing in Calgary ... I beg your pardon, it was the queen city down in ... Regina. Regina. And Ern Baxter was standing there, both of us. And the Lord had told me, right here on the platform, that "It'll come to pass you'll know the very secret of their heart." And that's right. And I never thought of that, in that manner. I walked up to the platform that night with Ern and started praying for the sick. And here come a man along---just laid out his entire life. First time it ever happened. Just like that, in a moment, in a healing service. Then I looked out over the audience, and here it begin to come down over the audience, and things.
Oh, when we reach the other side... The half has never yet been told of the things ... to walk out and see things in people's lives. I don't say nothing about it, just let it alone, see, unless I'm really compelled to say something. And now I look for this next to start like that, see. God in his own way, in his own sovereign time, to begin it. And it'll be another thing that will be way beyond any of these other things. And I'm looking for that to happen.

15 And maybe ... I thought if I had a little healing service maybe next Sunday, then the following Sunday I'd probably be away with the kids and them, because they got to go back and go to school. Then the next Sunday, 'course I'm up in Chicago at the meeting up there. And then come back the following Monday to leave on Tuesday for Arizona for the kids to get back in school.
Well, what did you find, Pastor? [Brother Neville answers.] Good, that's very fine. Now, we want to hear about it. So now, the Lord bless you all real, real, good, and I hope to see you here next Sunday, and Wednesday night.

16 And listen, don't forget these little churches like Brother Ruddell, Brother Jackson, Brother Porniak, and all those little brethren who are struggling hard, see. And they feel like that we are their sister church here, you see. We're kind of like a little mother group to them. That's where... They were born out of here---pastors, and so forth. This little fellow back here, Brother (I met him the other night over there) Allen. Little Brother Allen. I hope Brother Collins here'll get with Brother Allen, if he doesn't know him. They're both Methodist ministers, and have seen truth of Word,

17 which the organization of the Methodist church ... which is a fine bunch of people in that Methodist church. If you don't think they're not---they are. They're a fine bunch of people in that Catholic church, and a fine bunch in the Presbyterian church, and all those places there. It's men and women that are waiting to see that light flash over their path. You just keep flashing the light in humility, sweetness.
Let's all grow closer to God by humbling ourselves.

18 Don't forget: this tabernacle will lose its strength. Remember that this is the target where Satan's got every gun in hell trained on. He'll cause one person to do something that's contrary to what the other one thinks. He's doing that. He's up to it. That's his business, if he can get somebody to say something, somebody talk about another, say, "Well listen, did you know So-and-so did...?" Don't you listen to it! Don't you listen to it at all. That's the devil, see. It's Satan. Don't you believe it. If there's anything that somebody's done wrong, pray for them.
Don't pray in a selfish way, say, "I'm just about through but I've got to pray for that brother." You take it to your heart, really down, for that sister. And then talk and be real sweet. And the first thing you know, you find them right back in the service again. Because, after all, we're headed toward the setting of the sun.

19 The Lord Jesus will be coming one of these days.
And, you know, I think it will be so sudden, and so sweet, and so... There'll be one hundred ... to one hundred percent of the whole world will never know when that rapture takes place. It will just go so quietly, there's nobody will know nothing about it, see. And it will be... 'course the little groups will say, "Well now, So-and-so..."
"Oh," they say, "fanatic bunch over there," say, "that group left from over there and they..."
"That's not so. They just gone off somewhere. We've had that fanaticism, see."
"Oh, well. They say that little tabernacle in a place called Jeffersonville, there's so many of them members that's missing," see. They just play that up.
They say, "Oh, there's nothing to that," you see---like that.
It will be past and they won't know it.

20 Across the nation will come... Those who are dead in Christ will rise first. The rapture will take place, the church will be taken home, and then the tribulation will set in. And oh, my, we don't want to be here during that time. I don't want to be here in the tribulation. No. God forbid that any of us'd ever be here during that time, because: "He that's filthy is filthy still: he that's holy, is holy still: he that is righteous, is righteous still."
To know the Lamb had come forth with his book of redemption and the bride has been taken out, and those who's turned it down has to go through a tribulation period, both Jew and Gentile! What a time of tribulation! I don't want that. Lord, sanctify me now. That's good Nazarene doctrine any day. And it's truth too. It's true. That's right.
Fill me now with your Holy Spirit, Lord. Take all the world out of me now, Lord. Don't let me get... As the old colored brother said, "I got my ticket in my hand. It's already punched. And when I come down to the river that morning I don't want no trouble." So that's about right. I don't want no trouble. Hold your ticket in your hand 'cause we're going over. Just think of it! That great time of redemption is at hand!

1 Thessalonians 4:16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:

Revelation 22:11 He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still.

21 And now another thing. Brother ... what's his name up here at Utica? I think Brother Graham and another brother there, that's pastoring there, Brother Upshutz, or something like that, I think... Brother Snelling's the pastor altogether? Brother Snelling is the pastor up at Utica now. I think their prayer meeting is on Thursday night. Now you know, it'd be real nice if we would slip up there some Thursday night, and show those fellows a little fellowship, see. And then when Brother Jackson, the times that he has his, if we just get a little group of us together and go.

2 Kings 3:16 And he said, Thus saith the LORD, Make this valley full of ditches.

Matthew 24:21 For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.

22 Just keep praying, keep digging, don't stop. Just like when Elijah told them, said, "Dig ditches out there."
When you get down, and you hear an old [unclear word] cry and say, "I'm too tired,"---throw it out of the way, keep digging, see. Just keep digging, 'cause we've got to dig. We've just got to dig, that's all. 'Cause if you expect to miss the tribulation, you better start digging.
And now for myself, I'm preaching to myself there, I'm going to start digging deeper than I ever dug. Because I feel like that in the nation and around the world, that this ministry will again, as it's known now 'bout everywhere over the world, I ... must go again.

23 Wife said to me... The other morning I said, "I want you to go with me when I have to leave. I'm going to leave around January, the Lord willing. I want to take a complete world tour, all the way around. Come back and maybe have services in the United States sometime next summer."
And she said, "I'm too old to travel."
"Well," I said, "I've went from now, about... My last trip overseas was about eight years ago, and I feel like I'm in better shape now than I was eight years ago, you see. I know more about it now."

24 Then we got on the subject if the Lord said, "I'm going to allot you twenty-five years. You're not going to get feeble. You'll be able to go. And I'm going to allot you twenty-five years on earth." Would you take from birth to twenty-five, or from twenty-five to fifty, fifty to seventy-five, or seventy-five to a hundred?
Now any man that's allotted any time on earth ... would certainly be a most rashal thing if he don't spend that time in service for God. I don't care what he does. Now, if you're going to be a heartbreak for the women or so forth, you'd better take that young age---that first twenty-five, see. If you're going to be a carpenter or a mechanic or something, you'd better take the second twenty-five, see.

25 Then I was thinking about, what about me? What'll I take? I'd take the seventy-five to a hundred. I'd be smarter, wiser. I'd be more settled. I'd know more about what I'm doing.
I'm eight or ten years older than the last time I was overseas. I won't jump in like I'm killing snakes. I'll know more about it, see. I'll know... It's just like a coon dog fighting a coon, see. You know about how to take a hold of him. You don't jump in there---he'll scratch you up, see. Know his tricks and watch him, what he does. And we learn more about the enemy. So we've got to find out all his techniques and how he approaches and what he does. Run his punches. Then you're trained to go in on him, see.
So I believe now ... I told the wife, "I believe I'm in better shape now than I was when I was forty years old and went over. And I'm fifty-four." Now I believe---if I live and can still get around at the age somehow---when I'm a hundred, if I could ... if Jesus would tarry that long, I'd be in better shape then than I am now to go, see, because you'd know more about it, you know more about what to do, and how to handle it, how to handle a situation.

26 Take a lot of people, now, if you're going to get operated on, say, "Say, a new doctor just graduated the other day---just come out of medical school. He's never had an operation yet. Let him do it."
"Oh, no," you'd say. "Nothing doing. Not that doctor. No, sir." Yes, you know how it'd be. "I'm not putting my life on it," see. "I'd rather go down here and get So-and-so. He's had a lot of operations. He knows how to do it."
That's the idea. You think about this, but what about that soul? I want somebody who knows where they're at---has gone with the road, that's traveled it. Yes, indeed.

27 The Lord bless you. All right, Brother Neville. God bless Brother Neville.
Don't forget now, next Sunday. [Brother Neville speaks and introduces Brother Vayle.] I apologize to the audience, I didn't know sitting there that this was fixed up. God bless you, Brother Vayle.

28 [Brother Vayle says, "It wasn't fixed up."] Sure, that's fine. I'd like to hear him myself. Brother Vayle spoke many times ahead of me in the meetings and so forth, and managed the meetings for a long time. A fine brother. Done a swell job and I'm sure this audience is always glad to hear Brother Vayle when he speaks. The Lord bless Brother Vayle. [Brother Vayle speaks.]

29 So much was said that I couldn't say nothing to make it any better. And I truly believe that it was the Lord that worked this out for Brother Vayle to bring this message, after this morning. You see, it has to work that way. We accept that from God. There's so many things we've seen out there, I've had twenty sermons wrote down in writing---what he said.
I was thinking here of one little illustration to back up what he said. Now, we look at this watch to find out what time it is. Unless that every instrument in that watch is coordinating one with the other, we'll never know the correct time. Is that right? And that takes all of us, all together, if we want to see the third pull really do something for God---coordination with every one of us together to humble ourselves before God and confess our wrongs and pray, and believe God for these things.

30 I truly believe that what Brother Vayle said is the truth: that God will never put his Spirit in an unholy, unrighteous, disobedient temple. It's got to come in the way of the cleansing of our hearts, and no guile and iniquity, that we might be pure before God, that He might work his pure Holy Spirit through us, bringing these things to pass.
I think that when you go home tonight, if you read that little book of Jude you'll just learn a whole lot now of what Brother Vayle has said. He said, "I earnestly contend for the faith that was once delivered to the saints." It got away from them how men of corrupt minds, and so forth, had come in and defiled them away from the real things of God. And God can only operate as we let Him operate.
And many wonderful things that I ... saying...

Jude 1:3 Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.

31 You know, people want power, and really they don't know what power is. They really don't know what goes with it. The way up is down. Always, if you want power, see how humble you can get. Just get away from all your worldly thinking and humble yourself before God. And then you've got more power than the man that runs all over the building and makes a big lot of noise, see---because you have bent over to conquer yourself and commit yourself to Christ, to humble yourself before Him. That's really power.
You show me a church that's humble, real humble---not a arrogant church; just a sweet, humble church---I'll show you a church that has the favor and power of God. That's right. That's the thing it takes: humility, humbling ourselves before God and letting God just work through us. Don't have to make a lot of noise.

32 Just ... sometimes, as the farmer said, he went out to the field with his wagon, and every time he hit a bump it just rattled and went on. But when he come back he hit the same bump and didn't make no noise at all because it was loaded with good things.
So I think that's about right, that we get filled up with the good things of God, that the fruit of the Spirit might be known through us. As he referred so much in I Corinthians 13 there, how that, "Though I give my body to be burned, and have all these things, and have not charity, it's nothing. It profits me nothing." We want to do that.

1 Corinthians 13:3 And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not charity, it profiteth me nothing.

33 Above all things it's our individual souls that we're responsible before God, see.
It's if you go there. It isn't whether I go, or he goes; it's you go in, see. It's you first. And you've got to look to die and come sweet before the Lord. And I've always found out that the man that humbles himself is a man that God has drawed. When you take a person that just checks out and knows everything, and you can't tell him nothing, and he's arrogant, and... Why, that's a person that never gets anywhere. But you take that person that humbles themselves and walks sweetly...

34 I was talking to a man the other day. He was just organizing a church up at... Pulled out of an organization that they did. And [unclear word] Brother Boze. And that church where... They'd had that great church there for so long and the Lord was blessing. Then the people got to the place that they wanted to polish up like the rest of them. And then they throwed it into an organization. And when they did, they just throwed... Humble Christians in there did not ... all their life had been taught against it, so they walked away from it.
Now they've got a group, and the Lord has blessed them until they're coming in, up into a big place now again with a church now that puts up about four or five thousand people, and they're starting over.

35 And they've come to me and said, "Brother Branham ..." Said ... we went out there in the office, the church office, the other day, and said (one of the leaders of the class, and them), said, "What must we do?"
I said, "Find a man to be the shepherd that has no reputation in all denominations, is just a real good, genuine, sweet, humble brother that lives the life. God'll take care of the rest of it," see. I said, "A good pastor that'll just feed the sheep and be humble---and then God will do the rest, if you'll...
Not some big know-it-all coming in and say, 'Put this in order. And this has to be this way,' turning things around." I said, "It'll never work. You just got to..." That's it. First keep peace in the church. Just work together. And you must keep up your part of it. So we see what time we're living in. We may be closer than we think we are.

36 Now we appreciate Brother Vayle, don't we? The Lord bless you, Brother Vayle. Thank you. We thank the Lord for bringing this great message to us tonight. And got a note from [unclear words] sister that had, something she wanted her to tell in a dream. If you'll just write it out for me, sister, I believe... He's give her some dreams that has been absolutely true. We don't accept all dreams. No, no. But under God ... we want to know that it's God talking to us.
Now when everyone speaks with tongues, we don't believe it. But when there's an interpretation comes that tells us something's that's going to happen, we see it happen, then we thank the Lord for it.

37 We want to keep it running smoothly, sweetly, and in order of the Lord.
So just remember, that your part may be the main springs, or it may be the little ... some little hand or some little arm, the winding stem, whatever it may be; or it may be the hands on the face of the clock that tells the time. But whatever it is, it takes us all working together in harmony with the gospel of Jesus Christ to bring this to pass.
Just think, if gifts is so great, what we call out, as Paul said, "Though I have faith that I could move a mountain, and have not charity, I am nothing." Think of that! And though you say, "Well, I understand the Bible..."
"Though I understand all the mysteries of God [See, and still go out to do it.] and have not charity, I am nothing." I haven't got nowhere yet, see. The main thing is love God and humble yourself with it.

1 Corinthians 13:2 And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing.

38 Now surely, after all these years on the field and around the world, and see, getting the people, I ought to know a little bit about the gate to enter in at. And if you want to get somewhere with God, never let an arrogant spirit ever come around. Don't let no malice come, no matter what anybody says. If they're all wrong, don't you never build up a complex against that person, see. You be sweet and kind. Remember, God loved you when you were in sin. And if the Spirit of God's in you, you love the other person when he's been wrong, see. Just pray for him and love one another. Above everything, love God and love one another, and be humble with God and around one another. And God will bless it. And it's hard telling what He will do.
Usually when churches begin to get to numbers and get to getting a little big or something like that, then they get away from that real thing, the real thing.

Deuteronomy 6:5 And thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might.

Psalm 10:17 LORD, thou hast heard the desire of the humble: thou wilt prepare their heart, thou wilt cause thine ear to hear:

Proverbs 16:18 Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.

Proverbs 16:19 Better it is to be of an humble spirit with the lowly, than to divide the spoil with the proud.

Proverbs 29:23 A man's pride shall bring him low: but honour shall uphold the humble in spirit.

Isaiah 57:15 For thus saith the high and lofty One that inhabiteth eternity, whose name is Holy; I dwell in the high and holy place, with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble, and to revive the heart of the contrite ones.

Matthew 15:12 Then came his disciples, and said unto him, Knowest thou that the Pharisees were offended, after they heard this saying?

Matthew 15:17 Do not ye yet understand, that whatsoever entereth in at the mouth goeth into the belly, and is cast out into the draught?

James 4:6 But he giveth more grace. Wherefore he saith, God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble.

1 Peter 1:22 Seeing ye have purified your souls in obeying the truth through the Spirit unto unfeigned love of the brethren, see that ye love one another with a pure heart fervently:

1 Peter 5:5 Likewise, ye younger, submit yourselves unto the elder. Yea, all of you be subject one to another, and be clothed with humility: for God resisteth the proud, and giveth grace to the humble.

1 John 4:7 Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God.

39 You know what brought these things to pass? When I first started in, the Lord appeared to me down the river and told me that. And Brother Vayle saw that, I believe, in the paper in Canada many years ago, where that angel of the Lord appeared on the river down there. It was on Associated Press. "Mystic light over local minister while baptizing."
And you know what did that? When we had the tent meeting just across the street, I guess it seated about, oh, 2,500 people. Ministers come from over the world and said, "Brother, come here a minute." I was just a boy, about---oh, just a kid. And he said, "How do you keep those people in one accord? They love one another till ... I haven't seen people love one another."

40 That's the Lord. That's what this church was established upon ---that godly, brotherly love for one another. I've seen men shake hands with one another leaving the place, and then cry like babies to leave one another. They loved one another that well. And I could go to the house to visit them, and trying ... the Bible was laying open and stained with tears. Come in at nighttime where fathers and mothers were gathered together and draw the little children around them for prayer---kneeling around, fathers and mothers, on their knees crying and praying. I'd stand at the door and wait and wait and wait. And they didn't stop praying. I used to sit down on the steps and start praying myself---waiting for them, see. And then that was why they loved one another. They loved one another.
We used to stand and sing that old song,
Blest be the tie that binds
Our hearts in Christian love;
The fellowship of kindred minds
Is like to that above.
When we asunder part,
It gives us inward pain;
But we shall still be joined in heart
And hope to meet again.

41 I say this with great joy in my heart to Christ, many of them sleeping there in these graves marked tonight, waiting for that great resurrection where we'll meet together again. Let not that spirit ever depart from this place. Let every doubt ... then I don't care how eloquent your pastor might be, how well he might bring the Word of God, if the Spirit of God is grieved away.
And we can have all things in fellowship and common. Love one another, then God will work with us. And we're keeping ... time that the people come by and say, "If you want to see a church that's really humble, a church that really loves God, drop in there at that Tabernacle one time and watch them. Look at that care they have for one another, the respect. And when the gospel's being preached, how reverent, how everything's just in order."
Then they can look and see what time we're living. They'll see the Spirit of God moving among you. Great signs and wonders and things will be taking place. If the thing's working together, it's telling the time. But if it isn't working, then time has stopped. It won't tell the time no more. So, if we want to know what time we're living, just start everybody working together in the gospel, loving one another and loving God. And the hands itself will tell the time what we're living in. Do you believe that? Amen.
The Lord bless you real richly.

1 Thessalonians 4:16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:

1 Thessalonians 4:17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.

42 Don't forget now, get around this week and get around to the sick people that's coming in. Tell them when they come, say, "Dear, I want to ask you... We're having prayer for the sick Sunday morning over at the Tabernacle. And you've been sick for awhile."
"I want to go. Now I've always wanted to go."
"I just heard a message Sunday night from a brother there, that how we must confess our faults one to another and pray one for another that we might be healed [James 5:14---13, 14, 15, see.], that we must confess our faults one to another before we even got our healing." Confess our faults one to another and pray one for the other, see. That's just exactly what he was talking about tonight. Brings back the beatitudes in with Mark 16. Bring that together, you've got it. Then healings take place.

James 5:16 Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.

43 Look at Jesus---nothing but one bundle of love. He was God manifested. If God expressed Himself to us, no wonder miracles and things happen. Just humble lives and consecrated lives that come from... Just from being God to be a man, you know---just to express God through Himself, that's what made Him what He was. I've always said what made Jesus God to me was the way He humbled Himself. He was so great, and yet became so small. That's right.
The Lord bless you real good. Now, let's stand up then for the dismissal. Let's just try that (you might not know it, sister), " Blest be the Tie that Binds." Let's sing that one time, will you? Begin at the verse.
Blest be the tie that binds
Our hearts in Christian love;
The fellowship of kindred minds
Is like to that above.

John 1:14 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.

1 Timothy 3:16 And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory.

44 Now while we sing this last verse let's shake one another's hands. "When we asunder part," and just say "God bless you, brother, sister, I'm so glad to be here with you tonight."---something like that. And turn back around there. Now, let's sing it:
When we asunder part,
It gives us inward pain;
But we shall still be joined in heart,
And hope to meet again.
I love the Lord Jesus, don't you?
Till we meet! till we meet!
Till we meet at Jesus' feet;
Till we meet! till we meet!
God be with you till we meet again!
Let's close our eyes and sing that in the Spirit now.
Till we meet! till we meet!
Till we meet at Jesus' feet;
Till we meet! till we meet!
God be with you till we meet again!

45 Now with our heads bowed (We're just children, God's children.) let's hum it. [Humming] Oh, that brings the Spirit of God to us. Reminds me of the early days when we [unclear words].
God be with you till we meet again!
With our heads bowed I'm going to ask if Brother Allen back there, a new brother among us, if he'll dismiss us in a word of prayer. Brother Allen.