Lamb and Dove

Lamb and Dove somebody

Lamb and Dove (1960-08-05) (William M. Branham Sermons)

Lamb and Dove (1960-08-05) (William M. Branham Sermons) somebody

Lamb and Dove

1 Gracious Lord, we are thankful to come before You again tonight, with thanksgiving in our heart for what we know that Thou hast done, and for faith to believe that You will continue to do for us exceeding abundantly. I thank You for what anchored in my heart in that emergency room just now, upon those poor sick and dying people. I believe You stopped death just a few moments ago, Lord. I am happy for that. God, I pray that You'll stop death and sickness over this building tonight, everywhere. May there not be a feeble one in our midst at the end of the service. Give us victory, Father. Bless Your people everywhere. Bless the ministers, your shepherds of the flock. We pray that You'll encourage their hearts greatly to go forward, Lord, preaching the full manifestation of the Spirit. Grant it, Lord.

2 Bless every church and every person. Get glory unto Thyself. Here are many little parcels laying here, Father. They're handkerchiefs and little pieces of goods that they've laid up here to be prayed over. We're taught in the Bible that they taken from the body of Saint Paul handkerchiefs and aprons; evil spirits went out of the people, and they were healed of diseases.
And we're not Saint Paul, but You're still Jesus; and I pray, Father, that if the people had faith to do this, give us faith to believe that their request will be answered. May every disease that these handkerchiefs represent, may it flee from the person as soon as the handkerchief is placed on them.
Save the lost tonight, Father. Heal the sick. Get glory unto Thyself, for we ask it in Jesus' name. Amen. You may be seated.

Acts 19:12 So that from his body were brought unto the sick handkerchiefs or aprons, and the diseases departed from them, and the evil spirits went out of them.

3 We are very happy indeed to be back in the building tonight with our brethren and with you people here, for the kingdom of God's sake. Trusting tonight that we will have a great victory tonight. I feel that we will, somehow. And we had a wonderful time last evening. The power of the Holy Spirit ... oh, I just simply rejoice ... couldn't hardly sleep after I got home. Just to think of the presence of the Lord, just beating out the enemy, bringing in the victory, and seeing the people go into seeking the baptism of the Holy Spirit, and great things taking place, the glory of God upon the people. That's encouraging to me.

4 You know, I used to pastor the First Baptist Church at Milltown, Indiana. I stayed with some people out in the country, when I would be down there for my ... use it kind of a circuit like. And I'd hold a revival, and I used to stay with some people named Wright.
And I was always amazed (I don't know whether you have the here or not, nightingale or mocking bird; and our country's full of them) I thought they followed me all over the United States. Everywhere I go, they follow. I go out to cut my grass in the yard, why, I turned my radio on: that's the nightingale, and mocking birds, and all the birds singing. I think that's God's radio. The best I ever heard in my life, is to hear the birds.

5 And most boys throw rocks at birds, but I imagine these two sitting here on the front seat wouldn't throw rocks at birds. No, sir. And be sure not to throw rocks at my little robins, see. The robin is my bird. Did you ever see him with, the red breast? Do you know how that got red? I will tell you, so you won't throw no rocks at him.
One day there was a man dying on a cross. Everybody had left Him. His hands was nailed in the cross. The briny tears and the blood running from His face, spittle out over his body, and He was nailed there. And a little bird, a little brown bird, felt so sorry for Him. He kept flying in to His hands, and trying to pull the nails out, flying in to His feet, trying to pull the nails out. You know what happened? He got his little breast all red with blood, and since then he's had a red breast.
You don't want to throw no rocks at him, do you? No, no.

6 And I just hope that when I go to meet Him, too, that my covering will be blood over the breast too, trying to pull the nails out. I think we all feel that way, don't we? It was my sins that put Him there. Wished I had some way I could take it off, but He had to die for me.
These old nightingales used to sit out down there and sing at nighttime. And as I would come in, I studied the nightingale. I like to study nature. As you know, I love nature. And I was studying on the nightingale. Sometimes on a real stormy night, he will sit out there and he will just keep looking up. And as soon as he can see the black clouds go by, if he can get his eye on one little star, he will start singing, because he knows the sun's a shining somewhere. It's reflecting the sun---the stars, the moon, and so forth.
So as long as I can see a good meeting like last night I can just keep on singing, because I know the sun's shining somewhere, to see it reflecting back to the earth, the glory of God.

7 Now, you that's got your Bibles, and would like to read with me, let's turn to Saint John the first chapter.
And now, tomorrow night I hope that every Christian brings a sinner friend with them---tomorrow night. If the Lord's willing, I trust that tomorrow night will be the night that the Spirit will grant the things that I've been praying for so hard since I've been in the meeting.
And then Sunday afternoon we are closing this campaign. And I will say that it's been a great time for me, a wonderful time. I certainly enjoyed this stay, that I've waited so long to come to Yakima. And if you don't have no church to go to, and your church isn't having service Sunday afternoon, be sure to attend with us. And we'd be glad to have you to pray with us, and help us along. Your presence means a whole lot to us, and then you'll be here to pray and to help us with others.

8 Each night we try to pray for the sick. If it's not too many, I can stand up in the line to ... especially on those visions, and I'm sure believers understand. This is just about the last round. If I'd get back again sometime to Yakima, I won't be praying for the sick like that. It'll be beyond that, see. It's just about the last round of it. I can feel it as it begin moving out. It's been completely around the world, three or four times now. So it won't be long till that ministry will be leaving, and it'll be a new one which will be far beyond this. And as I was here the first time, and told you this one was coming... How many's in the building heard me announce that way back in the early days? Raise up your hands, wherever you are. Sure. Way back, that this one would come. Did it come? Just exactly the way He said it would do it. Now there's another one coming which will be far beyond this one. And it'll be great, I'm sure. Wished I knowed what it was, but I don't. I just---I know it's coming.

9 Saint John, the first chapter, and let's begin at the twenty-ninth verse, to read just a portion to draw a text from:
The next day John seeth Jesus coming unto him, and said, Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.
This is he ... whom I said, After me cometh a man which is preferred before me; for he was before me.
And I knew him not: but that he should be made manifest to Israel, therefore am I come baptizing with water.
And John bare record, saying, I saw the Spirit descending from heaven like a dove, and it abode upon him.
On these symbols tonight I would like to take a subject of "Lamb and Dove."

John 1:29 The next day John seeth Jesus coming unto him, and saith, Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.

John 1:30 This is he of whom I said, After me cometh a man which is preferred before me: for he was before me.

John 1:31 And I knew him not: but that he should be made manifest to Israel, therefore am I come baptizing with water.

John 1:32 And John bare record, saying, I saw the Spirit descending from heaven like a dove, and it abode upon him.

10 You know, a sheep is a very sensitive and odd animal. And you know, a sheep never was asked to manufacture wool. He was asked to bear wool, because he is a sheep. And as long as he is a sheep, he will bear wool, because that's his nature.
And so is it with the Christian church. We were never asked to manufacture fruits. We were asked to bear fruit.
Galatians 5 said, "The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, faith, peace, long-suffering, meekness, gentleness, patience." These are not to be manufactured. They're to be products that comes from the inside out. The outside life that we live proves what's on the inside. Now, we have tried to manufacture this, to manufacture the fruits of the Spirit, and we always turn out hypocrisy; because you cannot manufacture Christianity. It's an experience by a Spirit that lives in you, and bears fruit of itself. You cannot manufacture it.
We have tried to educate it, and denominate it; and when we do we turn out hypocrisy and failure. It's not to be done that way. It's to be done as God intended it to be done, the Spirit inside of us bearing fruits of it's presence. That's God's program. It can never be changed.

Galatians 5:22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,

Galatians 5:23 Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.

11 And this, tonight, is an awful unusual text, but God is unusual. And He does things in an unusual way, at an unusual time, with unusual people. He's altogether unusual. And I think this is one of the most striking instances of all the Scriptures. When it so pleased God, that when He wanted to symbolize His Son on earth, it was called a lamb: "The Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world." And then when God was going to symbolize Himself, He was represented by a dove.
Now, if you notice, of all the creatures that roam the earth, there's nothing as meek and gentle as a lamb. There's nothing so innocent as a lamb---meek, gentle. And of the dove, there's no fowl that flies the air of the heavens as meek and as gentle as the dove. It's the most sensitive bird of all the birds. And the lamb is the most sensitive of all the animals.

Matthew 3:16 And Jesus, when he was baptized, went up straightway out of the water: and, lo, the heavens were opened unto him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove, and lighting upon him:

Mark 1:10 And straightway coming up out of the water, he saw the heavens opened, and the Spirit like a dove descending upon him:

Luke 3:22 And the Holy Ghost descended in a bodily shape like a dove upon him, and a voice came from heaven, which said, Thou art my beloved Son; in thee I am well pleased.

John 1:29 The next day John seeth Jesus coming unto him, and saith, Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.

John 1:32 And John bare record, saying, I saw the Spirit descending from heaven like a dove, and it abode upon him.

12 Therefore, if you'll notice, the lamb and the dove has spirits alike and natures alike. If it would not been that way, if there would've been a crow flew down on the lamb, the lamb could not have stood that. And if the dove would've flew down on a wolf, the dove could not have stood it. Their natures wasn't the same. So it had to be a lamb and a wolf ... or, a lamb and a dove symbolized together, God and His Son, so that they could live together.

13 Now, I've often wondered why God ever represented us as lambs. We are the sheep of His pasture. If you notice, a lamb is one of the most unusual animals. That lamb cannot find his way back when he's lost. I've raised sheep. And let a sheep get lost, he will stand there and bleat till he dies. He cannot find his way back. He's got to have the shepherd to lead him back. And we will never find our way back through any other way but through the Shepherd. The human race lost, it needs to be shepherded back.
We cannot find our way back through educational programs. We could not find our way back through science. We could not find our way back through religions. There's only one way back, and that's by the Shepherd.

Psalm 100:3 Know ye that the LORD he is God: it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture.

14 The dove, he is a very unusual bird. A dove is the only bird that we know of that doesn't have a gall. A dove has no gall at all. All the other birds have gall. But he has no gall, so in the dove is no bitterness. And in God is no bitterness, or in the one that the dove lives in and leads---there's no bitterness. Now, the dove, the reason he's made like that, it's because of his diet. Now, he could not eat the things that a vulture eats, because it would kill him right away.
And another thing I'd like to speak about the dove right here, is that a dove is one of the most cleanest birds there is that flies the heavens. There's nothing as clean as a dove, and he doesn't have to watch about it. His body puts out a oil that goes to his feathers and constantly keeps him clean. Oh, what a symbol, that the believer has got a oil of the Spirit that lives in him, keeps his feathers clean. The dust and things doesn't bother a dove. His little body is oily, and it keeps the dust and things away. It just constantly flows. And as he flies, the dust flies away from him. It cannot stick on him, because this certain oil comes from him for that purpose, and dirt cannot stick on him. What a symbol!
Oh, God, fill my lamp tonight with that kind of oil, that the world with all of it's pleasures and it's riches and it's great glamour will not stick to us, that we will be able to throw it off through a oil that comes from the inside working out to keep the church clean.

15 As the old song used to go, "Give me oil in my lamp, keep me shining." God puts holy oil inside. Oil in the Bible represents the Spirit, keeping the church clean.
And yet a dove is fowl, he's just a bird. And the dove is represented in the Bible all the way from Genesis to Revelations.
I've studied the bird very much. In our country, and most all of the states in the Union, he's a sacred bird. We're not allowed to hunt him, but in some states they are allowed to hunt him. I could never shoot one. But he's a sacred bird in our state. They'd give you a hundred dollar fine just as soon as you kill one. He's a sacred bird.

16 Now, in the ark the dove and the crow sat on the same roost. Both of them were birds---one could fly where the other one flew, one could do just anything the other one could do. But when they were turned loose to take their choice... They turned the dove loose first, and the little fellow flew about, and the Bible said, "She could find no rest for the soles of her feet." Every time she could find something to sit on, it was a dead carcass, an old dead something of the world, and she could not light on that. Why, it was against her nature.
And if a man is ever born with that Spirit of the dove in him, I don't say he won't leave, something might happen he'd fly loose somewhere, but if he really had that dove Spirit, he will find no rest for the soul that's in him. Backslider, you're the most miserable person in the world. You can't find pleasure anywhere. You'll sound like your testimony ... like Peter said, "To whom should we go? Where can we go? You're the only one that has the words of eternal life."
And a real borned again Christian sometimes might get angry at something done in the church. It'll poison his system. But if he's a real dove, he will come back. Just as sure as God's in heaven he will do it, because there's something in him that won't let him light on them old dead carcasses, out to a rock-and-roll party or a beer joint. They simply stink to him! To any borned again Christian, they just can't stand it, because he has no gall in him to digest such a thing.

Genesis 8:9 But the dove found no rest for the sole of her foot, and she returned unto him into the ark, for the waters were on the face of the whole earth: then he put forth his hand, and took her, and pulled her in unto him into the ark.

John 6:68 Then Simon Peter answered him, Lord, to whom shall we go? thou hast the words of eternal life.

17 Yes.
But when they turned the crow loose, oh, he was just as happy as he could be, flying from one dead carcass to the other and eating his stomach full. That's the way crows do. And a crow is a hypocrite. I'm glad you got open season on him everywhere. And he is an awful fellow, long-lifed. But he can sit down on an old dead carcass and eat just as much as he wants to, and fly right out in the field and eat wheat with the dove. But the dove, eating wheat, cannot fly back and eat with him.
So hypocrites can go to church and shout and carry on and put their name on the book, go out and enjoy card games, drinking, smoking, dancing, rock-and-roll, and all those things, and come back to church and eat food from the church.

18 I wondered about that one time. I saw a vision: it was made manifest how that a man went forth sowing wheat. When he slept, why, then a enemy come forth and sowed tares, which is Scriptural. And when the wheat come up and got ripe, the weeds was up also, the tares. And when there come a drought, and when the drought come, everybody was praying for rain. And a great black cloud come and rained down, and the little wheat had his head down like this. It brought it's little head up and begin to say, "Oh, glory to God. Praise ye to the Lord for sending the rain!"
And the little weed jumped up just the same as the wheat did, and said, "Glory to God, hallelujah, for sending the rain."
I said, "Now, I don't know what to think." Then I see then again, that the rain falls on the just and the unjust. The rain was sent for the wheat, but the tares being in there got the benefit of it, the same rain. "But by their fruit you shall know them," said Jesus.
It isn't how much we join church, and how loyal we are to this, that, or the other, it's the fruit of the Spirit that counts, that tells the man or the woman what they are. Something inside of them, not manufactured, but they're bearing it. The life that was in Christ is in you, shows itself. Jesus said, "These signs will follow them that believe." Something not manufactured, educated to theologies, but a Spirit of the Holy Ghost in the human heart bearing the fruits and the evidence of His resurrection and His living power.

Matthew 5:45 That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.

Matthew 7:20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.

Mark 16:17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;

19 Oh yes, the dove is a sweet bird. I've had a lot of dealings with them. One time when I went to pray for Florence Nightingale (her great grandmother founded the Red Cross, and you got her picture here in the book called Prophet Visits Africa by Julius Stadsklev), and when I went into London, the plane stopped and I heard them paging me in the... They had all the escort our there, and someone said, "There's a lady dying over here, and a plane's just been brought in from South Africa." Well, I couldn't go over there, I couldn't get through the crowd. And I had someone to go over and say we would take her to some other place. As soon as I'd went and done my duties for being there, to pray for the king and so forth, I would come back to the Piccadilly Hotel, and then they could meet me there.
And when I went to the room, to this woman... She had wrote me a letter, Miss Florence Nightingale, and wanted me to come pray for her. I couldn't do it. She only weighed about sixty pounds.
And if you'll notice the picture (we had to put something across it this way to get the picture, Brother Lindsay did that, because it was just a small string of a clout over her), her limbs were just about that big around up around the hip. The veins had collapsed. Why the woman was living, I do not know. I went into the room and... She was in a parish just behind the church, and she'd had two nurses, and I said, "Are you Miss Nightingale?" And I looked and her jaws had sunk in, her cheek bones out, and that kind of like the square part of the skull, where it laces together, was showing. No flesh at all.

20 And she started to cry. And I wondered where there could be even enough moisture that she could cry. She took glucose, and all of her bowels was wound up with cancer in her stomach. How the woman was living, I don't know. I couldn't understand a thing; she was moving her lips, and the nurse got down to see what she said. And she said, "Have Brother Branham to pray to God to let me die."
Oh, I tried to get ahold of her hand, and the nurse picked up her arm, and laid that dead form of bones and sinew in my hands, cold as it could be, and the knuckles and joints just holding together. What a feeling of a human being laying like that!
I could not pray for her to die, when I was there praying for the sick to get well. So I asked the minister, there was seven or eight in the room, and I said, "Let us kneel down."

21 And in England, if anyone's ever been there, when the fog comes in you just can't see nothing. That was a very foggy day. The cab had to go just right along as easy as he could to get through the fog. And there had been a great wave of it come in; we were near the coast. And it was so foggy I could just see there was a tree standing by the window. When I knelt down by the side of the window, the sill was about that far up, even with my face, and I started to pray. And as I started to pray, "Almighty God, the author of everlasting life, the giver of all good gifts, send upon this poor dying creature here Thy blessing."
Just as I started to pray, a little dove flew in from somewhere, sat down on this sill, begin walking back and forth, cooing, just about one foot from where my face was, praying. And I thought it was a pet there at the house. I'd just been in England about four or five hours, and I thought maybe it was just a pet at the house. It walked to and fro, up and down this little sill. And then when I finally prayed and said, "Amen," raised up, the little dove flew away. And I was going to say, "Was that a pet dove?"; and the ministers was talking about "What was that dove doing there?" Well, I said, "Is it a pet dove?"
They said, "No." They'd never seen it before.
And I turned around to look at the woman, there standing before me stood a strong, healthy woman. I said, "Thus saith the Lord, you'll live and not die!" Turn the next page in the book and look at her a year later. She's nursing now in England, strong, healthy. God, in the form of a dove sitting at the window, sent His messenger.

22 You know my story of my little girl, my wife, when they died? Every evening I'd go out there for a long time at the grave, and sit up there. Oh, I just couldn't give them up, hardly. I was just a boy, all my family gone, just Billy and I left. And I'd go out there and sit at the grave. And every afternoon, just as sure as it got around about five o'clock, here come an old turtle dove flying through the brush, sat up in one of them old cedar trees out there, and just coo and sing. I'd raise up my hands, and praise the Lord, it sounded like the wind coming down through them bushes, sing, "There's a land beyond the river, that they call the sweet forever, and we only reach that shore by faith's decree. One by one we gain the portals, there to dwell with the immortals. Someday they'll ring those golden bells for you and me." The little dove, cooing, I first thought it must be the immortal soul of my little girl; but if it'd of been her, she'd have come talk to me. But, the dove. God represented Himself in being a dove.

23 Now, the lamb. Now, the dove puts out a oil to keep hisself clean, and the lamb has lanolin to keep the weather off of him. And we are likened unto God's lambs.
I want you to notice what kind of a lamb this was. This lamb... A lamb has to be led, and this precious lamb that we're thinking about, He was led. "Not my will, but thine, be done." Led to the slaughter. Sometimes they...
Someone said, "Why was Jesus led to Calvary?" You know the Bible said they led Him away---put a rope around His neck and led Him away. Why? He was a Lamb of God. Why was He born in a manager? Because He was a lamb. He had to be born in the barn. He was a lamb, borned a lamb, and led to the slaughter.

Matthew 26:39 And he went a little farther, and fell on his face, and prayed, saying, O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt.

Mark 14:36 And he said, Abba, Father, all things are possible unto thee; take away this cup from me: nevertheless not what I will, but what thou wilt.

Luke 2:7 And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn.

Luke 22:42 Saying, Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done.

Acts 8:32 The place of the scripture which he read was this, He was led as a sheep to the slaughter; and like a lamb dumb before his shearer, so opened he not his mouth:

24 Did you ever go around a slaughter pen? When they go to slaughter sheep, what leads them up to the slaughter block? A goat. They have a goat there that'll lead these sheep till it gets right up there at a certain place, and he will jump off and let the sheep go on in. That's what's always been, that's what led Him to His slaughter---the goat. And if he ever come time, the slaughterer's has told me, the butchers that butcher them, said if they had to kill the goat, then he really kicked up a fuss. But he wants to lead the sheep, always, to the slaughter.
That's the way the devil does it. He's always trying to lead God's people to the slaughter---the roadhouse, the nightclub, somewhere.

25 Want you to notice, not only that, but He was a willing lamb, a willing lamb. A lamb only has one thing, and that's his fur, wool on him. But he's a willing lamb. All that he's got, he's willing to forfeit that. He forfeits his wool. That's the only thing that he has, but yet, for your sake and my sake, he forfeits what he's got.
Now, if we call ourselves lambs, lambs of God, we're willing to forfeit our ideas to follow God. We are willing to. But, oh, we Americans can't be led. No. "Ah, sir, we went away to school, and we learned how to lead. We can't be led. We learned our Ph.D., and double-L.D., and so forth, and we know all about it, and we know how to lead, so the dove can't led us." When we've got that kind of an attitude, why, we can't be led. "We've got to lead the people." But God's got one leader for His church, and that's the dove! The Holy Spirit is the leader of God's people, the leader.

Romans 8:14 For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.

26 But when we get to know so much, we know so much theology, then the lamb can't lead us, because it's against our ideas, and we just won't put up with it. You've got to forfeit your idea.
People say, "Oh, the days of miracles is past. We learned that in school. Why, we know there's no such a thing as divine healing. There's no Holy Ghost like the Pentecostal people say they got. Them days is past. I learned that in school." How's God going to lead you then, if you believe such a thing as that? How's God going to heal you, when you think the days of miracles is past? He just can't do it.

27 So then we go along and say, "Well..." Yet we got churches, and we got great organizations, and denominations. But all having a form of godliness, but denying the dove thereof, the dove that does the leading. We have our religions, and we have our ideas, and we don't want nothing mixed up with it. They say, "I don't care what the Bible says..." I've had people tell me that many times.
A fellow, not long ago, stood and told me, said, "I don't care how many healings you would produce, I still do not believe it."
I said, "Certainly, it wasn't for unbelievers; it was for believers." That's the only one it's for. It's for them that believe it. It never was intended for unbelievers. And God can only lead a man as he will let Him lead. God can only work with anyone that'll let Him work with him. I always felt sorry for God trying to find somebody He could lead and work through.

2 Timothy 3:5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.

28 Not long ago, reading of Samson, and how that that man, he was something like a lot of today, a ladies' man. And God could never use him. Why, he was willing to submit his strength to the Lord, but never willing to give his heart to the Lord. Now, he had a great strength. And many churches today will lend their strength to the Lord. Oh, sure. "We will build an organization that'll put a million in, and do all this, that, and the other." But you're never willing to surrender your heart for divine leadership of the Holy Spirit to lead us to the fountains of waters of life. We're never willing to do it.
Seems like it's the hardest thing for people to get in their head that the Holy Spirit leads. Sons and daughters of God are led by the Spirit of God. Not bishops, and cardinals, and so forth; by the Spirit of God. That was God's idea. If you're a lamb, you're led by the Spirit of God.

Romans 8:14 For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.

Revelation 7:17 For the Lamb which is in the midst of the throne shall feed them, and shall lead them unto living fountains of waters: and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes.

29 But I wonder sometime, in the face of all this, if God could lead us. I wonder if we haven't turned out to be goats instead of sheep. The dove couldn't lead a goat. He wouldn't lead. No, no. He wants to lead. The goat will lead, but you can't lead him.
And let tell you something, brother. You'll certainly have to be a very smart shepherd, if you can hear the bleating of a goat, and the bleating of a sheep, and tell them apart. They both sound almost the same. And the Bible said that the devil in the last days here would be so shrewd, that it would deceive the very elected, if it was possible. How shrewd Satan will come in. Just watch what's fixing to take place now in the last days. Watch these elections and things coming up. Watch how Satan will pull that---trying to pull that wool. He tried it once before and failed. He will try until he succeeds in doing it. He'll do it. Yes, sir, he will do it.

Matthew 24:24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.

Mark 13:22 For false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall shew signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect.

30 And remember, I predicted that in 1933. And it will be that way, too, for I saw a vision. Before the end time, that great, powerful thing stood up in the United States, and she become as stubble. So then it's going to happen. I said, "Automobiles will come like the shape of an egg." You know what a '33 car looked like. And I said, "They'll even be traveling on the road, they won't even have to guide it." They've already got that out; I seen it here not long ago. It'll be controlled by electronics like, or by a magnetic post, to cut their speed and so forth, and raise their speed. They can't hit against one another and so forth. And I've got that wrote in a book since 1933. And it'll be that way; we're coming to it now. We're right in it, because the Holy Spirit is the One that leads the church, and warns us of dangers that is to come.

31 Now, we find in our churches today things that goes on. Now, it used to be, a long time... Now, don't get angry with me now. I want to show you. Now, we're talking about out in denominations, now we're going to come home to Pentecost just a little bit. We're going to wonder what's happening to our Pentecostal people. You know, it used to be a horrible thing for our women to cut their hair. It used to be awful. I can remember that, and I've only been with them just a few years. But now it's all right, they cut their hair. And the Bible said that the hair on a woman was for her glory. And the Bible said that if a woman cuts her hair, she dishonors her head, which is her husband. And if she cuts her hair, her husband then has a right to put away that dishonorable woman. That's Paul's teachings in Corinthians. You argue it with him. Now, I know that hurts.

1 Corinthians 11:5 But every woman that prayeth or prophesieth with her head uncovered dishonoureth her head: for that is even all one as if she were shaven.

1 Corinthians 11:15 But if a woman have long hair, it is a glory to her: for her hair is given her for a covering.

32 Mama used to take us, and she used to tell me... Every Saturday night we'd have to ... an old cedar tub we'd take a bath in. And I was the oldest one, and there's eight got a bath in that same tub before me, and they'd just put a little more hot water in it. And then every Saturday night, way we had to eat, we had to take a dose of castor oil. I can't stand it yet today. And I'd come to her just gagging, holding my nose, and I said, "Mom, I can't stand the stuff!"
She said, "If it doesn't make you right sick, it don't do you any good."
And that's the way with preaching the gospel. If it doesn't sicken you up a little bit, do something to you, it doesn't do you much good. But that's the truth. A lot of our Pentecostal women has got so that they're wearing these little bitty old clothes to mow the yard and things in. Pentecostal women letting their young girls out doing that.

33 They talk about juvenile delinquency; it's parent delinquency is what's the matter. Then talk about the literacy of Kentucky. Some of them old mammies out there, let their daughter come in the way some of the women do---five o'clock in the morning, and messed up over their face, and their hair bulled out like that---she'd take a limb off a hickory tree and she'd take the rest of the clothes off her, and the hide with it. Then call that illiteracy. God knows we need some more mammies like that. That's exactly right.
And our women got to a place smoking cigarettes. You say, "Well, now, wait a minute, preacher! That's my American privilege." I know. But if you're a lamb, you'll forfeit it.
"Why, I belong to such-and-such a church." All right. If you're a lamb you'll forfeit your privileges.
"Why, I see all the other..." Yeah, that's right, but you're different. If you're a Christian, you've got to be different.
Some lady said, "I don't wear shorts, I wear slacks."
I said, "That's worse." Right. "The Bible said it's an abomination for a woman to put on a garment that pertains to a man."

Deuteronomy 22:5 The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the LORD thy God.

34 I spoke that in one of the meetings on this, and a woman wrote me a big, long letter. She said, "Now, wait." Said, "You're getting off onto man-made doctrine." Said, "What's a woman going to do when she's out riding a horse in a mosquito-infested area, rounding up cattle?"
I just told her back, I said, "That's not a woman's job. If she'd keep her place, she wouldn't have to be out there." That's exactly right. Exactly. Trouble of it is now... I love our sisters, and that's right. I think they're fine, but they ought to know their place.

35 And you know, I remember when it used to be a horrible thing for our Pentecostal women to put on this manicure, you know, on their face. I got that wrong. I always get that wrong. What...? Make-up, make-up. Manicure is the fingernails. Is that right? I don't know nothing about that stuff, but make-up ... it used to be wrong for a woman to put on painted make-up. But now they do it.

36 You know, an old Methodist minister used to sing a song, "We let down the bars, we let down the bars, we compromised with sin. We let down the bars, the sheep got, but how did the goats get in?" You just let down the bars. Many times---not these brethren---but many times preachers think more of a meal ticket than they do the gospel. Evangelists go across ... be a shame... An evangelist told me, a noted evangelist, the other day, said, "You're going to hurt your ministry."
I said, "Anything that'll hurt... If my ministry is hurt by preaching the truth, it ought to be hurt." That's right.
He said, "You'll make the people angry, and they won't give you nothing."
I said, "I didn't ask them for anything." I said, "The thing of it is, that at the day of the judgment, that's where I'm going to have to answer!"

37 Listen, sister. There was only one woman in the Bible ever painted her face. And she didn't paint it to meet God, she painted it to meet man. And her name was Jezebel. That's right. You know what God did for her? He fed her to the dogs. So you see a woman all painted up, you can say, "How do you do, Miss Dog Meat." That's just exactly what she is before the Lord. That's exactly. "Well," you say, "other women does it." But if you're a lamb, forfeit your rights. God wants you to live like a woman ought to live, like a lady ought to live.
It's getting so... At the time of the war I went up (I was a game warden) I was going to the forestry, and there was ... sat down back there was some man, he was a welder. And I would ... it's the dirtiest jokes I ever heard. I was even embarrassed to sit around with all a bunch of men. And so this fellow looked around to me and he said, "Cold out there?"
I said, "Yes, it is."
Said, "Are you a game warden."
I said, "Yes, sir, I am." And come to find out, sitting there beside, it was a woman welder, overalls on, greasy, big pair of goggles on the top, rough, drink like a man, smoke like a man, cuss like a man. God don't intend that to be that way. God wants a woman...

2 Kings 9:30 And when Jehu was come to Jezreel, Jezebel heard of it; and she painted her face, and tired her head, and looked out at a window.

38 When God made a man first, he made him both male and female in spirit. He made him in His own image, and God is a spirit. When He separated him, and put him in flesh, he put the masculine spirit in a man, and the feminish spirit in a woman. And if anything's contrary to that, there's a bit of perversion there. Exactly. You see a woman trying to act like a man, there's a little something wrong there. The cell's crossed up somewhere. That's right. You see a man so sissified that he won't preach against sin or nothing else like that to hurt somebody's feelings, there's a cross-up there somewhere, too. Not only his natural birth, but spiritual birth.
Oh, what we need today is that a man be a man, a woman be a lady! God intended it to be that way. Dress different.
Say, "You're hammering us women." Now I'm going to tell you about the men. Any man that'll let his wife smoke cigarettes, and wear them shorts, and act like that, there's very little man in him, to my opinion. That's right. I've got my opinion of a man that'll let his wife do that. I sure have.
"Well, what's the matter?" you say. Well, brother, here's what it is. Man is not measured by strength this way.
"Oh," say, "that guy's a man! He's six foot tall, got muscles that big." I've seen a many of them weigh two hundred pounds, six foot and a half tall, didn't have an ounce of man in them. Throw a baby out of a mother's arms and ravish her.
Man's not measured... That's brute. That's brute, strength is. Man's measured by character! There never was a man like Jesus Christ, never measured up to Him. And the Bible said, "There's no beauty we should desire Him." Didn't look like a king. He was a little bitty fellow, probably stooped, little, small in statue, but there never was a man like Him. Man is measured by character, not by brutal strength.

Genesis 1:27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

Isaiah 53:2 For he shall grow up before him as a tender plant, and as a root out of a dry ground: he hath no form nor comeliness; and when we shall see him, there is no beauty that we should desire him.

39 Well, you say, "Brother Branham, the rest of them does it." I don't care what the rest of them does. If you've got that gall of bitterness in you, there's something wrong somewhere. If you could stomach the world, and still say that you're a Christian, there's something wrong somewhere!
I was just eating dinner. There was two fellows sitting there, ministers, collars turned around in the back, and they sat there and drank three or four cocktails---wife and I and the family sat there and looked at them. Told a few little smutty jokes to one another, got through eating, and pulled out a great big cigar like---looked like a dehorned Texas steer, sitting there smoking on that thing. Do you mean to tell me that the dove would lead that? No, sir! That dove is holy. Hallelujah! Putting out holy oil. A goat might do that, but not a lamb. The fruit of the Spirit. That's no fruit of the Spirit.

40 People go to rock-and-roll, dancing; our YMCA's endorse it, and teach rock-and-roll. Many of our church groups take the basement floor, or something like this, the recreation room, and teach their people rock-and-roll. And the thing's borned out of hell; it's a African dance. Painting of the face is a heathen trait. In Africa (I'm a missionary) them people back there that never knowed right and left hand, watch them women how they paint with mud and everything. It's exactly right. It's heathen! It's the devil! And it creeps into our churches, and we then call ourselves the lambs of God. I'm telling you. We need to find the dove again.
Now, you say, "Well, that's wrong." You preach that in your church some of them say, "Oh, I will never go back again!" Snort like a wolf. What does a lamb do ... what does a dove do, if you snort like a wolf? He takes His flight.

41 "I won't listen to that anymore. My pastor's getting so..." Well, the dove just flies right away. That's exactly right. He will not stay where the world's mixed up, because He can't stand the smell of it. He can't stand it; He can't eat it; He can't tolerate with it. And when you go to mixing with the world, then the dove takes it's flight. And when churches begin to say, "The days of miracles is past. There's no such a thing as divine healing. Oh, that must be mental something. That's the devil doing those miracles and performing those signs. It's of the devil," just remember right now, the dove takes its flight. For the dove feeds on dove food [break in tape]. " Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God!"

Deuteronomy 8:3 And he humbled thee, and suffered thee to hunger, and fed thee with manna, which thou knewest not, neither did thy fathers know; that he might make thee know that man doth not live by bread only, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of the LORD doth man live.

Matthew 4:4 But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.

Luke 4:4 And Jesus answered him, saying, It is written, That man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God.

42 [Break in tape.] " That's my own American privilege to do as I want to. If I want a little sociable drink with the neighbor, if I want to go out to this and do that, that's my own privilege." That's right, it is your privilege. Now, if you're born just of the national spirit, you'll keep on doing it. If you borned of the heavenly Spirit, you won't do it no more. That's right.
If the church just means a denomination to you, you'll live right in the church, go right on just the same, and put up with it. But if you are a nature of a lamb, you cannot stand it. Could you ever imagine... I see a lamb out in the field, eating alfalfa. And he's out there eating alfalfa. Here's a pig over here, eating on a dead horse. Could you imagine the pig saying, "Come over, Mr. Lamb, and eat a little with me." Why, the lamb couldn't do it if he had to.

43 Now, I don't blame sinners from doing those things, they're a pig anyhow. That's nothing; I just let them go ahead. You see them down there drinking, and carrying on, and cursing, telling dirty jokes and smutty things, and acting worldly, and saying, "I don't believe in no such a thing as divine healing." Well, sure, that's all right. He's just a pig anyhow. It ain't strange to him on an old dead carcass, the old vulture.
What surprises me, to see a man that claims that he loves the Lord Jesus and then do a thing like that. There's something wrong somewhere. Something went wrong somewhere. Because if that dove, before that dove will ever come into that lamb, it has to be a lamb or he won't come into it. He might manufacture something like it, and pretend that he's a Christian. But if he is a Christian, he will agree with every word that that dove wrote in here! He will be led by the Word of God.

44 Now, we snort and blow, "Humph! No such a thing as divine healing. I went down to one of them old meetings. You better keep away from there; that's of the devil. That guy's a fortune-teller. They hoodoo them people. That's all there is to it." That's the same old devil that said, "It's Beelzebub." The same old devil. He's trying to keep you away from it. Test it with the Word. God tests everything by the Word. Sheep food is the Word of God. His lambs feed in this shady green pasture.
Now, we wonder today why we can't have a revival. Why can't we have a revival? What's the matter we can't have it? Is because we follow the wrong leadership. We can have some manufactured conversions and protractive meetings, but when it comes to a real revival, what's the matter? We're letting too much world creep into our churches. Brethren, you ministers, you believe that?

Matthew 12:24 But when the Pharisees heard it, they said, This fellow doth not cast out devils, but by Beelzebub the prince of the devils.

Mark 3:22 And the scribes which came down from Jerusalem said, He hath Beelzebub, and by the prince of the devils casteth he out devils.

Luke 11:15 But some of them said, He casteth out devils through Beelzebub the chief of the devils.

45 There's too much world in our churches. If we're Pentecost, let's be Pentecost. Let's act like Pentecost. Let's live like Pentecost. Let's stand for the Pentecostal blessing, and do the things that Pentecost promised us. We don't need... Pentecost is not a denomination. Pentecost is an experience. That's when you become a lamb, and the dove gets a hold of you and starts leading you. That's when we are Pentecost. That's what's happened up there, when God sent up His lamb and He died for our sins, and then the dove came back down on the day of Pentecost and led the church, the same Holy Spirit that come upon the first lamb at Jordan. That's the same One that leads today.
Well now, when you go to snorting, and saying, "I'm So-and-so; I belong to this denomination. We don't believe in no such thing as that." Now, how is the gentle Holy Spirit going to ever feed you then? Then there's something wrong. A goat would stand for that, but not a sheep. A sheep, a lamb, is God's child. The Holy Spirit leads God's children.

Romans 8:14 For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.

1 Corinthians 15:3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures;

46 And today, what we need today, is another experience. What we need today is a re-coming again of the dove, and settling upon the church, and leading it, and opening up our eyes, and getting inside of us, so we can see the manifestations of His presence. Oh, if we could all, every one in here, just set aside the old goaty, doubty feeling away from us, and let the dove come in tonight, and the dove, feel it flutter down into your heart, take its place. It hasn't gone very far; it's just sitting up there on the roost somewhere, waiting for you to come back. It didn't go very far. It'll come right back.
You remember when we used to have prayer meetings, years ago, and pray all night long? You remember them meetings? You remember when there used to be the old-fashioned---I've heard what they called them---the holy-rollers? They'd get down on the street corner and preach and pray. And them ladies, with them long skirts on, standing there beating a tambourine, and face, and hair pulled back like a peeled onion. Oh, but do you think one of these new "We love Suzy" lookers would ever go on the street like that? I should say not. And then trying to say that she's a lamb. You old goat. What's the matter anyhow? That's right. What we need today is some more lambs that can be led, and feed on the Word of God.

47 "I will dress the way I want to. That's my business." No it isn't. It's God's business.
"I will take care of my family the way I want to. Preacher ain't got no business telling me that." Yes I have, too. You ought to take care of it the way God told you to take care of it. That's right. Stop all this nonsense!
But we don't do it. You see what it is? We let down the bars. What happened? The Holy Spirit took it's flight. When you started to acting like that, the Holy Spirit left. That's the reason when He comes back into the church you just wonder what's the matter. See? It's not nothing that the...
You say, "Well," maybe, "I wouldn't get out and do this, that, and the other." Guilty of the least is guilty of the whole. You got to surrender yourself to God, and let the Holy Spirit lead you.
What is sin anyhow? Sin is unbelief. "He that believeth not is condemned already." That's right. We are sinners because we're not believers. When them priests back there in those days---that Jesus called sinners, and vipers, and snakes in the grass, and their father was the devil, and so forth---those men led just as clean as they could walk, but they was led by their church. If the Holy Spirit would have been leading them, they would have knowed Him.
He said, "If you had knowed my Father, you would have knowed me anyhow. If I do not the works of my Father, then believe me not." For the dove was in Him, and the dove was making the manifestation! Here it comes; get ready. And the dove in us today will produce the same thing it did in that lamb: same ministry, same signs, same wonders. "He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; more than this shall he do; because I go unto my Father. A little while, and the world seeth me no more; yet ye shall see me. For I will be with you, even in you, to the end of the world."

Matthew 3:7 But when he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees come to his baptism, he said unto them, O generation of vipers, who hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come?

Matthew 28:20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.

Luke 3:7 Then said he to the multitude that came forth to be baptized of him, O generation of vipers, who hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come?

John 3:18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.

John 8:19 Then said they unto him, Where is thy Father? Jesus answered, Ye neither know me, nor my Father: if ye had known me, ye should have known my Father also.

John 10:37 If I do not the works of my Father, believe me not.

John 14:12 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.

John 14:19 Yet a little while, and the world seeth me no more; but ye see me: because I live, ye shall live also.

James 2:10 For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all.

48 Oh, what a confirmation to see a lamb and dove come together, heaven and earth united, God and man united. And, why, the sins of the world was kissed away, and all roughness and all death and all sorrow and all sickness was kissed away, when the lamb and dove become united together. And it'll do the same thing to you, when it unites with you. When the dove and the lamb comes together, their natures are the same.
Now can you see why people say---ministers with great big clergy names and so forth, of honorable father, doctor So-and-so---how it is they say, "Don't believe that divine healing stuff; don't believe that holy-roller stuff like them Pentecostals; don't believe that?"
You see? It's a goat instead of a lamb, see. They eat on the Word of God, is the food for the lamb. God leads them. And the way He led that first lamb...
What if Jesus raised up and said, "Now, wait a minute. Moses was a great prophet; that's the truth. But them days are gone." That wouldn't have been the lamb, wouldn't have been the lamb of God. No, sir. He always vindicated that "it's not me that doeth the works, it's my Father that dwelleth in me. If I do not the works of my Father, believe me not. But if I do the works of my Father, you can't believe me, believe the works." That's the way the lamb was a leading. It was God in Him. It's God in the church. It's God in His people today. It's God, making Himself manifested through the Holy Spirit living in the church, on His lambs. Do you believe that with all your heart? Let us bow our heads just a moment.

John 10:37 If I do not the works of my Father, believe me not.

John 10:38 But if I do, though ye believe not me, believe the works: that ye may know, and believe, that the Father is in me, and I in him.

John 14:10 Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me? the words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works.

49 Dove and lamb. While you're listening, the most outstanding Scriptures, one of them, that I can think of, when Jesus said, "Father [think of it], Father, for their sake I sanctify myself." Think of it. "Father, for their sake I sanctify myself." What was He doing? Setting the example; He was a lamb. What did He do? He had a right to a home; He was a man. He had a right to be married; He was a man. He had a right to good clothes; He was a man. But He sanctified Himself---He forfeited. He could've come down the corridors of glory a full statured man, with an angelic band. Sure. But He sanctified Himself.
He could've at least been born in a nice clean bed somewhere, but He was born in a manager over a manure pile, in a borrowed manager. But He sanctified Himself. Why? He was a lamb. See, friends, we got to back to assembly line religions and so forth, and all these things, we're getting away from the real things. Humble yourself. Keep humble: "Lord, sanctify me."

John 17:19 And for their sakes I sanctify myself, that they also might be sanctified through the truth.

50 Jesus was training some men that was going to take the gospel to all the world, twelve men. So He lived a sanctified life, and forfeited every worldly pleasure for their sake. We ought to forfeit our worldly dressing, and our worldly pleasures, and things like that, for the sake of the people we're trying to lead to God, the outside world. Let the dove come in tonight. Sanctify yourself, that the dove of real faith will come in and take His abode.

51 Our heavenly Father, this message of lamb and dove: how the lamb, a little innocent fellow, has to be led. He doesn't try to use his own thinking. He must be led. He was made that way so a shepherd could lead him.
O God, take all the bigness out of us. Take all the high-headed and the haughty feelings, and the know-it-all; take it out of us, Lord. All the doubt and discrepancy that's crept in---take it out, Lord. And let the dove fly down tonight, come into every heart, that we might forfeit our rights, we might forfeit all the things that we feel as American citizens we have the right to. Let's forfeit it, that the dove might lead us to peace, and goodness, and mercy, and glory of God.

52 Father, I yield myself to You tonight for this healing service coming on. Let the dove fly down, Lord. Let Him come into my heart, into my mouth, into my mind, into my eyes, my voice; and let them out there, Lord, know that it's You. Let Him come into them, and together may He condemn sin, condemn sickness. All the attributes of sin, may it flee tonight. May this church walk out of here tonight as a scoured out, sanctified, filled-up, believing church, full of the Holy Ghost; and go forth from this night on, Lord, and a great revival break out through country that we're praying for. May we see souls around the altars again, and the revival fires a-burning, every church packed till they have to build new churches, Sunday school rooms put on. O God, grant it tonight, near the coming of the Lord Jesus, for we believe that it's soon at hand. Let us forfeit everything worldly, that we might find Christ in our lives, be led by His Spirit. Grant it, Lord.

53 Now, I know this little message kind of chopped up, and me holding my voice back from being hoarse, I pray that somehow it'll catch hold tonight. From right here on this spot something deep and solid and sound, that every person in here will be a fruit bearer. Not try to manufacture anything, or make up anything, but just yield themselves to the Holy Spirit, and may they bear the fruit of faith, and peace, and joy, and goodness, and mercy, and temperance, and all the good gifts of God.
May there come into the churches prophesy, speaking with tongues, the interpretations, knowledge, wisdom. Grant it, Lord. May this great Pentecostal church rise and shake herself from the dust, go to the old ways again, and ask for it, Lord, and walk in it, because it's the good old way. It's the old-time gospel way, though talked about, yet it's a most glorious thing that there is in the earth, because the dove come down hunting for lambs that He could lead.

Galatians 5:22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,

Galatians 5:23 Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.

54 God, if He could forfeit His own precious life, willingly go to the cross as a young man and die for us, "Not my will, but thine be done"; God, surely, to enjoy His salvation, to enjoy eternal life through the ages that is to come, surely we can forfeit our sins and our things of the world, that we might find that that He died for, that precious lamb of God. Grant it tonight, Lord. Quietly and solemnly anchor it in every heart. I commit it all to You, Lord, as we call Your sick children to pray. Let the stripes on that lamb tonight heal every lamb that comes into the line or that's in the building. We ask it in Jesus' name. Amen.

Matthew 26:39 And he went a little farther, and fell on his face, and prayed, saying, O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt.

Mark 14:36 And he said, Abba, Father, all things are possible unto thee; take away this cup from me: nevertheless not what I will, but what thou wilt.

Luke 22:42 Saying, Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done.

55 I like the sweetness of the Holy Spirit. Don't you? It just goes way down inside me. To think of ... look back at the pit where I come from, look back. I hate to condemn sin like I do. Sometimes I don't mean it personally, but as a minister, my office in life, I got to condemn it, friends. I can't keep from it. I've don't mean to hurt anybody, but I aim to condemn it. Yes. But I want you to know, it's with sweetness from my heart. God knows that.

56 Here not long ago I was holding a meeting in the city; I walked into a place. We'd been eating across the street in a little Dunkard restaurant. It was up somewhere in Ohio. Honey, you remember where it was at? I forget. It was somewhere up in Ohio there. We was in a big armory building, it was packed out, and thousands of people. They kept me out in the country because there's was so many down there knowed where I was living. And went out in the country, and was eating across at a little Dunkard restaurant. Very nice, clean little ladies walking around there, so nice and everything. And so then Sunday they closed up and went to church.
And I hadn't eat for two days, so I... Had to preach that afternoon,

57 and I went across to a modern little restaurant across the street, or across the road where the highways cross, and went over there. And when I walked in there, it was disgracefully. Standing playing a slot machine was a officer, police officer, about my age. You know, he's married, with his arm immorally around a woman, playing a slot machine, and gambling's illegal in Ohio. There you are.
I looked back across there, and there sat some of these pretended Elvis Presleys, with these, like a duck sitting on the back their head, and all that kind of nonsense, hoodlums with their trousers pulled down like this. And sitting there with a young girl in their arms---I just couldn't say it in a mixed audience.

58 I looked sitting over to the right, there sat a elderly woman, old enough to be my grandmother almost. Sitting there with purple stuff on her lips, and her toenails painted the same, with a little pair of these little immoral clothes. And the poor old thing, her hide hanging down like this on her arms, and sitting there with little blue spots on her face like this, where she'd painted them, with hair that was colored blue. And I looked, and I thought, "Oh, my!" And two old men sitting there, and it summertime, one of them with a big army overcoat on, a scarf hanging down like this; sitting there with that poor lady, and beer sitting around there, drinking. And one of them looked up to the other, and said, "You think the rain will hurt the rhubarb?" And they excused themselves and went to the rest room.
And I stood there, I said, "God, You in Your holiness, how could You ever stand to look at that, when it kills me to look at it?" I said, "Why, don't You strike the thing off the earth? Don't let here no longer." I said, "My little Sarah and Rebekah there has to be raised up in such as that?" I said, "God, strike it from the earth. You're holy. How can You do it?"
Something said to me, "Get behind the door."

59 I went back behind the door and stood there. I waited a little bit; a vision come. I saw a world turning. And around the world was a mist that looked like blood spraying around. And I looked in there, and there I was doing things wrong. Every time I'd do something wrong, my sins would start before God, and God would slay me for it, but Jesus was standing there like a bumper. He caught it; I'd see the tears run down His cheeks. And I'd do something else bad, His blood would hold it, keep it from catching me, from killing me---God would kill me: "The day you eat thereof, the day you die."
And I looked at it. And in the vision I went up to Him, I said, "Lord, I'm ashamed of myself." There laid my book laying there with all kinds of evil wrote on it. I said, "Will You forgive me, Lord, that I put You in that condition? Did my sins cause You to have to die for me? O Lamb, please forgive me for my sins. I won't do that no more."
He reached back, tapped His hand like this, and wrote across the book with His own blood, "Pardoned," throwed it over behind Him. Then He did, He opened up a new book.
I said, "Thank you, Lord; I will do anything You tell me to do. I love You, Lord Jesus."

Genesis 2:17 But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.

60 He said, "Now, I freely forgive you for all that you've done." And then He turned, and I seen the woman. Said, "But you wanted to strike her off the face of the earth."
Oh, I felt about that big. I said, "Forgive me, Lord."
When the vision left me, I walked out to the little table where she was at, and I said, "How do you do?"
And she looked up---she was half-drunk---she hiccuped a couple of times, said, "Oh, hello."
And I said, "May I sit down?"
She said, "Thank you, I have company."
I said, "I didn't mean it in that way. I'd just like to say a word to you."
And she said, "Say on."
And I sat down. I said, "How long you been leading this life?" She looked over at me, and poor old thing, and I thought, "My, no matter what's she's went through..." And I told her what had happened. I said, "You pardon me."
She said, "Are you that minister down here, Mr. Branham, that's...?"
I said, "I am."
She reached over and got ahold of my hand, trembling, commenced to crying.. She said, "Sir," she said, "my husband was a preacher." She said, "After his death... I have two girls; they're Sunday school teachers, both of them." And she told me the story of what happened, the way she was leading. She said, "I'm passed hope."
I said, "No, you're not. No, you're not."
She said, "I want to straighten up. But," she said, "I have no place to start."
I said, "What, right now. God's showing me behind the door, that vision there, me wanting to strike you off... And He said He forgive me, and I want to condemn you. Lady, forgive me."
There she took ahold of my hand. I led her right out there, them little old shorts on, right in the middle of that floor like that; and knelt down, and we had a real prayer meeting there. When I got through people were crying, walking around there.

61 I tell you, brethren, sometimes we have to speak against sin. It's not to hurt the person; it's to bring them to recognize, bring them to a spot to recognize. Like our Lord, we don't mean to hurt or be bad; God knows that. That wouldn't ... never that be in my soul, but it's to try to get people to recognize what's going on, what's happening, see. And I do this so that we will forsake all unbelief and the things of the world, and come back and be a real sweet, humble Christian, and live for Him.

62 Now, heavenly Father, I pray that You'll send the dove tonight, and lead us all into that, quietly and sweetly, up into that real place. Elijah laid in the cave, and in the cave the wind went by, the lightning flashed, the thunders roared, the earth quaked, but a still small voice attracted the prophet.
God, grant it tonight. We ... everything has went by. May that still small voice attract the people tonight to a real sanctified life, a life that'll stand by their God, that'll stand by their church, that'll stand by their pastor, that'll stand by the cause of Christ, that'll hold up a banner, that'll live, act, dress, go, and associate, and live in the environment, that'll be so salty, that'll cause others to thirst to be like them.
Grant it, Lord. May our church never get so polluted till it looks like the rest of the world, where you can't tell sinner from saint. God, grant that it'll be real. Make it real, Father, I pray, as I ask for You to help us tonight and declare that You're here to back these things up. In the name of Jesus, Thy Son.

1 Kings 19:9 And he came thither unto a cave, and lodged there; and, behold, the word of the LORD came to him, and he said unto him, What doest thou here, Elijah?

1 Kings 19:11 And he said, Go forth, and stand upon the mount before the LORD. And, behold, the LORD passed by, and a great and strong wind rent the mountains, and brake in pieces the rocks before the LORD; but the LORD was not in the wind: and after the wind an earthquake; but the LORD was not in the earthquake:

1 Kings 19:12 And after the earthquake a fire; but the LORD was not in the fire: and after the fire a still small voice.

1 Kings 19:13 And it was so, when Elijah heard it that he wrapped his face in his mantle, and went out, and stood in the entering in of the cave. And, behold, there came a voice unto him, and said, What doest thou here, Elijah?

63 While we have our heads bowed, is there anyone in the building tonight ... or, how many, should I say, would like to lead that real peaceful, sweet life, and be led by the lamb ... or, by the dove? I want everybody's head bowed and every eye closed. I'm not going to make an altar call; I just want to know your hearts. Raise up your hand, say... God bless you. All that ... look all over the building everywhere. Everywhere. Sure you do.
Heavenly Father, grant it. Please do, God. There's many here, if I'd come back a year from today, won't be here. I may not be here either, Lord, a year from today. I've got to meet You before them all some day. And according to that vision You showed me the other day, Lord, I want every angle that I can to win somebody. Give them the desire of their heart tonight. May the dove of God lead us into deeper depths and higher heights, by the leading of the Holy Spirit, we ask in Jesus' name. Amen.

64 Now, I believe my son told me awhile ago coming in, when we met him out there, that he had fifty prayer cards lined up tonight, that he give to the people. We will line them up and pray for them. I forgot what ... C, C, 1 to 50. Now, we bring these ... [break in tape].
(The little woman's up in the checkered dress, what part of ... somewhere down south. If you think of it while I'm telling it here [unclear words])

65 It was raining real hard, and the place was packed, and they were standing around the walls. And so, Billy had give out prayer cards, and then ... and there was a little mother walking back and forth, had a baby in a blanket. And there was another little old woman sitting there in one of them little gingham dresses, or ever what it is, you know, sitting there, a little Christian saint sitting in front. And she had ... this mother had no place to sit down with the baby. And this little mother begin to feel sorry for that baby, and that little woman walking back and forth. And the Holy Spirit said to the mother, "Pray for that baby."
"Oh," she said, "I couldn't ask that woman."
"Pray for the baby."
Oh, it's best to do what God tells you to do. And so, when she ... said, "The next time she comes by, I will ask her if I can pray for the baby."
And when she come by, she was packing a prayer card. "Oh," she said, "I wouldn't ask to pray for that baby. Why, Brother Branham's going to pray for that baby." Like that meant anymore than anybody else. Said, "Brother Branham's going to pray for that baby."

66 So the Holy Spirit kept dealing with her, and time lingered on. I hadn't come yet, and so then the little woman said---just got so convicted---said, "Sister, would you like to sit down with the baby?"
"Oh," she said, "I don't want to take your seat, dear."
And probably that little mother's compassion more for that baby than what mine would have been. And she said, "Sister," said, "take this seat and sit down. But," said, "I want to tell you; I know you're a Christian."
She said, "Yes, ma'am, I am."
And she said, "I'm a Christian too." Said, "God just kept speaking to me, 'Pray for that baby.'" And said, "You got a card there." Said, "Brother Branham's going to pray for that baby."
She said, "I hope he calls my number tonight. I'm here with my baby." And said, "It's seriously sick." And said, "I hope he calls my number."
And she said, "Well, you sit down here. And let me pray for the baby, so I can just get it off my heart," said, "because I'd feel condemned if I don't do it."
She said, "Why, certainly, honey, you pray for the baby."
And she prayed a little prayer, said, "Lord Jesus, You was warning my heart, and I just laid my hands over on the little baby. And if it's doing wrong when Your servant's to pray for it, don't let it reflect, Lord. I'm just trying to ease my feeling." That was the Holy Spirit telling that little woman that.

67 So she prayed for the little baby, and the woman give the lady with the prayer card, and the baby, the seat. And the little lady climbed up, and stood up in the balcony way up there. Well, after while the rain let up a little and I got in, come in, walked to the platform, preached a little while, called a prayer line. And I just called about ten cards, or something like that, because it was all to be in discernment. And sometimes that way, when I get down to ten, I'm pretty near gone, if it's a fresh meeting. So then when they ... I told them, I said, "Now, friends, it's your faith; you've got to believe it.
So when they called the number, I believe, like from twenty to thirty or something like that, or thirty to forty, whatever it was, that little woman was about fourth in line with that baby. That little mother felt real good then, so up come the little baby and the mother. And the little thing had a blanket over it like this, and it was real sick. So it come up to where the prayer line was going on. When it come up I said, "How do you do?" (I got it on tape, you see; that's how I knowed all about it.) So I said, "How do you do?"
And she said, "How do you do?"
I said, "I suppose we're strangers, one another?" (I was trying to contact her spirit then, see.)
And she said, "Yes, sir, we are."
I said, "You're not here for yourself; it's for your baby."
She said, "That's right."
I said, "It's got leukemia."
And she said, "That is right. The doctors has just given it a few months to live."
I said, "Well, wait a minute." I said, "The baby's already healed. There's a little woman that just prayed for it, that's got a little gingham dress on." I said, "She just prayed for the baby a few minutes ago." I said, "That's her standing right up there; her name's Mrs. So-and-so, and so-and..." She ... then, obedience is better than sacrifice.

1 Samuel 15:22 And Samuel said, Hath the LORD as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of the LORD? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to hearken than the fat of rams.

68 Now, that same Spirit that witnessed to you tonight, "I am the dove; I'm here. You are My lamb. I want to heal You," why, just say, "Thank you, heavenly Father." Walk right on out healed. That's the way it's done.
All right, let's call our prayer line. I just keep talking; you're such a nice audience and sit so attentive. I really appreciate that. Now, let's see. Prayer card... Well, let's bring them all up, and we will just pray for them. [Break in tape.]

69 The Holy Spirit can just ever get ahold... You're trying hard; I know you are, see. You're trying to press into it, but if you could just... Don't try to press; just let loose, see. Just let God do it. It'll certainly be marvelous if you'll just let God do it. There won't be a sick person left among us. Now, if you all now will believe with all your heart, with all your strength, God will grant to you your healing. Do you believe that?
I believe it's already taking place. Oh, if it'll just keep on. Before anybody's ever got in the prayer line, I saw that light make a circle right around like that, just then. I was watching it to see if it stopped on someone, and moved in this a way in this direction. Now, just have faith.

70 Now, how many's seen the picture of the Angel of the Lord here? We got it in here. It's in the books and so forth. Now, that's what I was looking at just then. It come from that way somewhere; it went around this a way, come around to this side. It always comes in the prayer line, always has, to my right side. That's the reason I bring the people that way. I never have a prayer line unless it comes from my right, coming left. Because that's always where He's standing; that always where I see Him, on that side.
And now, when it used to be I brought the people from the left side, when I caught them with that hand. But this way it's a vision; He stands on this side.

71 Now, ministering brethren, I want you all to believe with all your heart. I want you to have faith, and look at those people. Now, is God a Father? How many believes that God is our Father? It's the Father of Jesus Christ; He's our Father. We are adopted children. Now, He is the dove.
How many believes that by the grace of God you're His lambs? Raise up your hands. Fine. All right. Now let's let Him lead us. Now, I want to see in the audience someone, so that you'll see it's not only the people here in the line that's just ... that's...
You know why we give prayer cards? It's so that the people won't rush over, see. There's probably two or three more hundred people, or four, here wants to be prayed for. And if you have discernment, and, brother, it's a-jumping over one another in disorder. This is an arena, but it isn't tonight. It's a church tonight; the church of God is sitting in here. So we want everything just in order. You let it get out of order, and watch how quick the Holy Spirit takes a flight. Oh, it's timid.

72 You let someone start disbelieving; just watch how it leaves me, just as quick as it can. It just won't stay around where there's unbelief. It just won't do it. Very, very timid. That's the reason, my brother, my precious sisters, God bless your heart, me speaking about women wearing ... that isn't you. That's these modern that do the way they do. But look, I'm just trying to warn you, for your children coming on and things. And watch every step; don't you do that.
Last night I seen up in this side, and that side, teen-age girls, young ladies, going back now for salvation. How I appreciate that. My, right at that crossroads of life. How gracious it is, God would do that for us.

73 Now, did all of them get in? Is all the fifty there? There is somebody, somewhere, trying to have some faith out there somewhere. It just... There's no need ... if I told you I could explain this, you cannot. How many knows that? You can't explain God. That's the reason all of our trying and superstitions...

74 In the garden of Eden there were two trees. How many knows that? One of them was the tree of life, and the other one was the tree of knowledge. And when man left the tree of life to eat the tree of knowledge, he always destroys himself, separates himself from God. So you'll never know God by knowledge; you've got to know Him by faith, just to believe it. It doesn't come by knowledge; it's faith, see.
So every time we bite here... They bit off ... first bite separated his fellowship from his maker. Then he bit off gun powder: kills his comrade, his friend. Next thing, he bit off an automobile: kills more than all the gun powder. Now he's bit himself off an atomic bomb; I wonder what he's going to do with that? See?

Genesis 2:9 And out of the ground made the LORD God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil.

75 God never destroys nothing. Man, by knowledge, destroys himself. Remember that. God doesn't destroy nothing. God's eternal; He doesn't destroy nothing. But man, by his knowledge, destroys himself. When we get to a place, you say, "Well now, there's no such thing as the Holy Ghost; divine healing's wrong," just remember, you're destroyed by your own ignorance. You think it's knowledge, but it's ignorance. So you destroyed yourself; you sent your soul plumb away from God by doing that, see. Why don't you just throw down your own thoughts and say, "O Dove of God, come lead me," see. Watch where He brings you: right straight back to His Word. "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word proceedeth out of the mouth of God."

Deuteronomy 8:3 And he humbled thee, and suffered thee to hunger, and fed thee with manna, which thou knewest not, neither did thy fathers know; that he might make thee know that man doth not live by bread only, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of the LORD doth man live.

Matthew 4:4 But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.

Luke 4:4 And Jesus answered him, saying, It is written, That man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God.

76 Now, I want to know how many in that prayer line that doesn't know me and I don't know you, that doesn't know me. Raise up your hands, you that... How many out there that doesn't know me? Raise up your hands. Up in the balconies, and so forth? All right.
Now, there's only, as far as ... God being my Judge, the only persons that I know, I have got acquainted with some of these precious brethren here, especially the chairman here, Brother Hobson. And then I met a couple more of the brothers that know them. And I shook all their hands. But, brethren, if I don't get to know you real well here, I will know you across the pond, when we get over there. I will be there with you. And we're ministers together.

77 And some of you all was preaching this gospel when I was yet a little old sinner boy. Really it needs to be you up here. But what is it? You've cut down the bushes, and leveled out the road, that the running would a lot easier for me than it was for you. So I want you to know that I know that in my heart. Some glorious day, when we shake hands across the table over yonder, we will see where the crown goes: you brethren who've really fought to win the prize, and made the road easy for me. You preached that these things would be coming. Long years ago, before I was ever entered the ministry, you preached these things would happen. Now, see, you paved the road. These is the people you preached to, that come here and see exactly. Always honor your pastor. He's worthy of every bit of honor you could give him. The Bible says that. Yes, sir, and "don't muzzle the ox that treads out the corn."

Deuteronomy 25:4 Thou shalt not muzzle the ox when he treadeth out the corn.

Romans 13:7 Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honour to whom honour.

1 Corinthians 9:9 For it is written in the law of Moses, Thou shalt not muzzle the mouth of the ox that treadeth out the corn. Doth God take care for oxen?

1 Timothy 5:18 For the scripture saith, Thou shalt not muzzle the ox that treadeth out the corn. And, The labourer is worthy of his reward.

78 Now, back long ago, when they was down on the corner, and run out of the city, and eat corn off the railroad track, or whatever they did, they was making the way for this; and don't never forget that. When these new evangelists comes along with a ministry way ... don't... Remember, if you was going to be operated on, you wouldn't get a new student that had had no experience. You'd want one that had some experience. How about your soul's going to be operated on? That's right, brethren. Sure is true.

79 Now, this is a gift. Let me explain it just for a moment now. This is a gift, just a way I have of just to give myself over to the dove. Then I don't use my own thinking, my own sight, my own words; I just relax before Him. It's just a gift to know how to do it. And when it does, then that... I'm relaxed right now, see.
And each one of you is a spirit. If you wasn't, you'd be dead. So when you have a unbelief, I feel that coming in. Little bit of doubt, you feel it. But when there's faith, you feel that too, see. Well now, it's your faith that brings these visions. Now, God knows that. It's your faith that does it, not me. I don't control it, it controls me. I just relax myself, and then whatever He does, I say it, till I start getting real weak, then I can feel myself buckling up. Then I just ... I know if I keep on it won't be just a little bit till Brother Roy or Billy Paul here will get me.

80 And so then, I got other meetings, other nights, and I try to pull myself out... The gift isn't for me; it's for you. If I want to know something, I say, "Lord, what is it? What is it?" He don't tell me, unless He wants to. But when I relax myself, by a gift, then you can use it. How many understands that? That's your own faith.
Now, if you'll just look this way, like the woman that touched the border of His garment, and believe and know that He is a High Priest. See? Now, the only way you'll ever get anything from a gift of God is to approach it with reverence and respects. What if Martha would've said, "You wasn't here; why didn't You come when I called You? My brother Lazarus has been dead four days. We believe You're a hypocrite. We won't have no more to do with You?" It would've never happened.

Luke 8:44 Came behind him, and touched the border of his garment: and immediately her issue of blood stanched.

81 What if that Syrophenician woman, when she said...? She said, "Lord, have mercy on my daughter; she's variously vexed with a devil."
He said, "It's not meet for me to take the children's bread, and give it to you dogs." Whew.
What would you have said? "Me, a dog? Holy-roller, I ain't got nothing to do with You. Go on."
Not her. She said, "That's truth, Lord: but the dogs eat the scraps under the master's table."
He turned around and said, "For this saying..." Her approach, see.
Martha said, "Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not died. But even now, whatever you ask God, God will give it to you." Oh.
He said, "I am the resurrection, and life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall they live: And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this?"
She said, "Yeah, Lord." She called Him what He was, "Lord." "Yea, Lord: I believe that You are the Son of God that was to come into the world."
Brother, something's got to happen. That's all. "Where have you buried him?" That was it. That's what it taken to do it. That's what it takes to do it each time.

Matthew 15:22 And, behold, a woman of Canaan came out of the same coasts, and cried unto him, saying, Have mercy on me, O Lord, thou son of David; my daughter is grievously vexed with a devil.

Matthew 15:26 But he answered and said, It is not meet to take the children's bread, and cast it to dogs.

Matthew 15:27 And she said, Truth, Lord: yet the dogs eat of the crumbs which fall from their masters' table.

Mark 7:25 For a certain woman, whose young daughter had an unclean spirit, heard of him, and came and fell at his feet:

Mark 7:26 The woman was a Greek, a Syrophenician by nation; and she besought him that he would cast forth the devil out of her daughter.

Mark 7:27 But Jesus said unto her, Let the children first be filled: for it is not meet to take the children's bread, and to cast it unto the dogs.

Mark 7:28 And she answered and said unto him, Yes, Lord: yet the dogs under the table eat of the children's crumbs.

Mark 7:29 And he said unto her, For this saying go thy way; the devil is gone out of thy daughter.

John 11:21 Then said Martha unto Jesus, Lord, if thou hadst been here, my brother had not died.

John 11:22 But I know, that even now, whatsoever thou wilt ask of God, God will give it thee.

John 11:23 Jesus saith unto her, Thy brother shall rise again.

John 11:24 Martha saith unto him, I know that he shall rise again in the resurrection at the last day.

John 11:25 Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live:

John 11:26 And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this?

John 11:27 She saith unto him, Yea, Lord: I believe that thou art the Christ, the Son of God, which should come into the world.

82 Now, if you'll just approach God with that same reverence, you out there without a prayer card. I will just pray for these in the line. Just to show you that it'll be... I'm going ... Remember to get this watch off before... I might be... I will just pray for these people in the prayer line, and then you are the one to do the discerning. You just believe with all your heart. Just believe with all your heart.
I can tell you before the meeting ever starts ... before the prayer line starts... You want to get over with that asthmatic cough, lady? You believe that God will make you well? If you'll have faith and don't doubt, you can get over it.

83 Right back here there's a man sitting, and the man's got a heart trouble, been in the hospital. If you'll believe, sir, with all your heart, God will heal you. Mr. Howard, have faith. Sir, do you have a prayer card? You don't have no prayer card? I'm a stranger to you; I don't know you, never seen you in my life; we are total strangers. Ever what that said, is that the truth? If it is, raise up your hand. All right. Jesus Christ makes you well now. Go home, you're healed. See what I mean?
How you feeling? Better now, sister? You've stopped that old coughing now. Go home, and be well. If thou canst believe.

Mark 9:23 Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth.

84 What do you think, sir, back there with that leg trouble? You think that God make you well, and heal you? Young fellow sitting there, looking at me, believe God will make you well? If you believe it with all your heart, you can have it. Amen. Don't doubt; believe.
There's a lady sitting yonder praying for her husband, got something wrong with his muscles. You believe that God will make him well? If you do, you can have what you ask for, if you'll believe it. Don't doubt, in all your heart. Stand up, lady, so the people can see who you are, sitting back there. All right. Just believe with all your heart.
Look what it done to the woman. Look what it done to the man. What are they? They're lambs, that let the dove come in. That's exactly what it is. Have faith in God.

85 Come, lady. Do you believe me to be His prophet ... or, His servant, I meant to say? That stumbles some people, reason I say that like that, see. You believe it? We're strangers to one another? All right. We have never met before, and this is our first meeting in life. Now, I don't know you, you don't know me, and so here we are just for the first time meeting. I have no idea what's wrong with you. I have no idea why you're standing here. It might be---you might be sick; you might be standing for somebody else, you might have financial troubles, it may be domestic troubles, it may be... I don't know what it is. You're aware of that, that I know nothing about it. If that's so, as far as we know, raise up your hand so the people can see, see.

86 Now, here we are. Now, see, it's just a relaxation. I'm going to talk to the woman. Now, there's a woman; I'm a man. And we have just met for the first time in life, like Jesus and the woman at the well at Samaria, the well. Now, He talked to her just a moment in order to catch her spirit, see. Because now it's just coming everywhere, like a heart beat, everywhere. It's just the people.
Now, I don't know you, and God knows you, and He knows me. Now, if God will reveal to me something like Jesus told the woman what her trouble was. You remember reading that story? Saint John 4. And He said what her trouble was. And when He did, she said, "Sir, I perceive that you are a prophet. We know [we Samaritans], we know that the Messiah's coming, which is called the Christ: and when He comes, He will tell us these things." She knew that was the sign of the Messiah.
And He said, "I'm he, that speaks to you."
She ran into the city, and told the men about it. "Come see a man who told me the things I've done. Isn't this the very Messiah?" And the people in the city believed Him to be Messiah because of the woman's testimony.

John 4:19 The woman saith unto him, Sir, I perceive that thou art a prophet.

John 4:25 The woman saith unto him, I know that Messias cometh, which is called Christ: when he is come, he will tell us all things.

John 4:26 Jesus saith unto her, I that speak unto thee am he.

John 4:29 Come, see a man, which told me all things that ever I did: is not this the Christ?

John 4:39 And many of the Samaritans of that city believed on him for the saying of the woman, which testified, He told me all that ever I did.

87 Now, that's the Scripture, isn't it? Now, ministers, is that the Scripture? All right. Now, you're the audience, and a woman don't have to come tell you. You're here to look at it. Now, will you believe that the Messiah, the Son of God, in the form of the Holy Ghost, is here working through us, just like He promised to do in the Bible? Would you believe it? Then what would be to hinder you. Just say, "I'm your lamb; You're the dove. Lead me to health, Lord."
Now, I don't say that He will. But, see now, here I have to approach that by faith. I have to approach it to believe it by faith now. He might not do it, because... For a moment I wanted to talk and kind of get myself back again from the visions that happened in the audience, so that the people would see it wasn't a prayer line or anything, that had nothing do with it. It's you out there. Just, God's everywhere. Don't you believe that? He's omnipresent.

88 The lady suffers with an arthritis. I see her trying to get out of the bed. It's worse of a morning than any time, when you try to get up. Now, that's right. If that's right, raise up your hand. Now, she doesn't look like it, does she? But she's got it. What is it? That's a vision. I saw her doing something, trying, I believe, was move from a bed or something that... Now, that's right.
Now, just be real reverent just a moment. The woman's saddened by some reason. I was going to pass her on, but there's something way down deep beyond that, that she's sad. You just remember, because around the woman is a sadness and a darkness. Oh, yes, it's some loved one; it's your husband. And he's in a hospital, a Veteran's Hospital, in a city called Walla Walla, Walla Walley, or something like that. That's right. Got cancer. You're from Oregon. Your name is Mrs. Lefferson. That is truth. Do you believe now with all your heart? Then go; as you have believed, so be it unto you, in the name of the Lord Jesus. All right.

89 Do you believe with all your heart? Just have faith. Don't doubt. Say, "Lord, I believe with all that is within me, I believe." How many believes now with all your heart?" Now, what's doing that? The dove. The dove. Now, be reverent. Just be... Is this the next patient?
Do you believe with all your heart? You believe that God... If I didn't say one thing to you, you believe that God would heal you? Come here. In the name of Jesus Christ, let this woman be healed for Your glory. Amen. Now, believe with all your heart. Have faith.
You believe with all your heart? If I didn't say one thing to you, would you still believe it with all your heart? In the name of Jesus Christ, let this man be healed. Amen. Come believing.

90 Now, you're aware that I know what's wrong with you. But if I didn't say nothing, would you believe with all your heart? Let me just show you something. Come here. Lay your hand on mine. Just lay you hand... Got a lady's trouble, female trouble. See, I never caught that from vision; I caught it from here.
Let me show you something. Now, look at my hand now. Just like an ordinary man's hand, isn't it, here? Now, take this hand, put this hand over here. Still the same way. Now, change your handkerchief, put it over here. Now it's not. Turns red, and swelled up, little white things running over it. Now just move your hand off; I'll put my hand just across... It isn't that way now. Now, just lay that hand right back across there again. There it is again. Now, you know something's going on there. Then the mysterious part, it tells you what's wrong with you. Now, by vision I could, if the Lord would right now, I could call a vision and---you could---ask God to, it'd just go on and on.
Now, watch this just a minute. You believe with all your heart now that you're going to be healed? Lord, have mercy on the woman. I charge this enemy, by the name of Jesus Christ, I cast him out. Come out of her! Now, look at the hand now. Something happened, didn't it? Now look, put this hand on now, just the way you did. Now put my hand on it. Doesn't change a bit. Now let me have this hand again. Something happened, didn't it? You were healed. It's all, that's the way it is. Isn't He wonderful? Believe with all your heart.

91 Now, if I don't say a word, lay hands on you, you going to believe? In the name of Jesus Christ may the man be healed.
Come, sir. In the name of Jesus Christ may the man be healed.
Come, sister. Believe with all your heart. Are you sad? Do you believe you're going to be healed? You do? All right. And you believe that... Are you Spanish? Oh, Japanese and what? Spanish and Japanese. All right. Was you born here? ["Mexico."] Oh, I like it down there. Very nice. You love the Lord? You think the diabetes is gone, and you can go home and be well now? All right. Then go ahead. Just have faith.

92 If I didn't say nothing, you'd believe you was healed anyhow, wouldn't you? You would? But you want the back trouble to leave you, and so you can be well. In the name of the Lord Jesus, grant, Lord, that he be healed. Go now, believing you're kidneys will be all right [unclear words].
That's the reason that was so powerful there, your back too has been bothering you. That's right. So you believe with all your heart now? If you believe with all your heart, you can go and be healed in Jesus' name.

93 All right. Come. Now, you know I know what was wrong with you. So you believe I could tell you? You got several things wrong, but the main thing you want prayed for is your arthritis. Now, go and be well. Say, "Thank you, Lord Jesus."
Now, you're aware that I know what's wrong with you. But if I tell you your main thing that you want me to pray for, would it help you? Your heart trouble. Just go believing, and be healed. Just have faith; don't doubt at all.
You see what I mean, friends? It's a vision, but, oh, that nearly kills you, see. Do you believe He's here? Sure He's here.

94 Now, let's pray. Come, sister. In the name of Jesus, may she be healed. Amen. Go believing with all your heart.
Now, sir, you must have faith. You know that. That cancer would kill you. But you believe that God's going to heal you of that cancer, you're going to get well? I charge that cancer in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of him. Go believing now.

95 And if you'll have faith and believe with all your heart, you'll not die with heart trouble---you'll get well. Do you believe it? All right. Go believing. Say, "Praise the Lord!"
All right. You believe with all your heart? In the name of the Lord Jesus may she be healed. Amen. Believe now.
For the little one? If I lay hands on him, will it get well? In the name of Jesus Christ may the baby be healed. Amen. Don't doubt. It'll be all right. Have faith.
Mercy. Brother, you've got to believe or it'll eat right on in. But you believe it'll be all right? In the name of Jesus Christ may the devil leave the man. Amen. Have faith. Believe.
You believe for him now, sir? Come here, little boy. Lord, heal the little boy. Grant it, as I take him in my arms and lay hands on him in commemoration of what Jesus did to the little children. May he be healed in Jesus' name. Amen. Now, go and don't doubt. He'll be all right.

96 Come, sir. Father God, I pray that You'll heal this man. May this condition leave him in Jesus' name. Amen. Have faith, now just believe with all...
In the name of Jesus Christ may our sister be healed. Amen.
All right. Come, sir. You going to believe? In the name of Jesus Christ may my brother be healed. Amen. Have faith now; don't doubt. Believe with all your heart.
All right. Come, lady.
What you so quiet about? Do you know God just blessing each one? If I didn't think it, I'd stop them, see. It's going on just the same. It's just... See, the thing of it is, you see there's... How many knows there's got to be something besides Brother Branham doing that? Raise up your hand. You know I couldn't do it. Well, then there's some kind of anointing here, is that right? Do you believe it to be what the Bible said? You believe that? Well then, did that same Jesus that made that promise, that same dove, did not He say, "If they lay hands on the sick, they shall recover?"

Mark 16:18 They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.

97 The vision just nearly---it just nearly kills me, see. How many understands the Bible teaches that? Why, sure. Anybody that knows the Bible knows that. It just... I can't stop for each one. But if you do, you must know that God's just the same. The Holy Spirit, when He spoke to me up there. (If you'll just give me a moment's time to get myself back a little bit), He said, "You were born to pray for sick people. Your peculiar birth."
That light that you see on that picture was hanging over my cradle when I was born. Born on a little straw tick with a shuck pillow. My mother was fifteen years old; my dad was eighteen. Five o'clock in the morning. They didn't have a window in the house, they had a little door. I don't know whether you seen... How many of you ever seen one of them little ... like supposed to be like a window, but it's just a little door you open up?

98 And that Angel of God, at five o'clock in the morning, April 6, 1909, at five o'clock in the morning, come right in and stood over that little bed where I was laying. They didn't know what... My people before me were Catholic. And so there was no Catholic churches up there, and so they taken me over to a little Baptist church. And there I made my first visit to a church. The Baptist church is called Possum Kingdom Baptist Church. Possum Kingdom Baptist Church. There's where I made my first visit to a church. And when I was just about two years old, the first vision come. From that it's come on, and on, and on, and I'm fifty-one years old now.
So you see, it's the vision. When He told me, He said, "You were born for this purpose, to pray for sick people," I said, "They won't believe me."
He said, "As Moses was given two signs, you're given two signs." He said, "One of them, just take the people by the hand, and don't use your thinking," see, said, "and it'll be told you what's wrong."
Well, I did that. I watched how things went for awhile, watching people. And then I told you that this other would take place. Now, you see, it's taken place. Now the next thing's coming in, see. Perhaps be all mostly overseas, because I feel it pulling overseas.

99 Now, that you might know that it is God, it's Him... Brother, sister, that vision, that angel, God in heaven knows that's true. What good would it do me to stand out here, telling you people these things? I don't get paid for it. You know that. My church pays me. My love offerings is overseas missions; ask the secretary here. That's right, see. I never see it; it goes for overseas. I go over there and preach the gospel, over in other countries. The expenses is paid. The brethren, the chairman and them, can tell you, I don't get money. I don't have it. I get one hundred dollars a week from my church. Well, I get that just staying home, and going fishing everyday, and pastoring a church on Wednesday night and Sunday morning (See?), at that little old Baptist tabernacle. It ain't money.
If it want be money, I could been a millionaire, if I had wanted to be. I was give a million five hundred thousand dollars in one offering, one time. Not all ... from one person. That's right. FBI agents brought it to me. I got the piece out of the paper and things. I said, "I even refuse to look at it." I said, "I wouldn't have it! No, sir. I don't want it."

100 So what am I standing out here for? Why am I not home, have my family and everything, much better off, and live a life like that; instead of gone from the family, and a toil, and a weary, and a crying, a pull and a persuade? It's because that I've got a commission. I must do it. Many times doubters, people raising up, and people saying, "Oh, there's nothing to it."
That's a whole lot ... that hurts. You see? But just the same, I don't ask for a flowery bed of ease. I expect it. Yes, sir. I must fight, if I must reign. Yes, sir. I've got it to do. Our Lord did. So I'm here to try to help you in the best that I know how. I'm trying to help you.
And please believe me. If I tell anything, and God backs it up and says it's truth, the Bible said, "To hear him, because I'm with him." Is that right? Now, I'm telling you that each one of you can be healed. You are already healed, if you just recognize it. That's right

Jeremiah 28:9 The prophet which prophesieth of peace, when the word of the prophet shall come to pass, then shall the prophet be known, that the LORD hath truly sent him.

101 Now, who is next? This woman here? Here. Like to this lady here. Now look, lady, we are strangers to one another. I do not know you, but you know that I know what's wrong with you. If I didn't say nothing about it, yet, you believe you'd be healed anyhow? You do? That's the way to believe it. That's the way. You have complications, several things wrong with you. That's right. You're stiffen up in your joints. Been that way for quite awhile. I see a crash, or... Oh, it's a automobile accident caused that. That's "Thus saith the Lord." Is that the truth? Raise up your hand if that's the truth. See? He's just the same yesterday, today, and forever. Don't you believe that? In Jesus name, go and be made well.
Come, my brother. In the name of Jesus, go and be made well.
Come, my sister. In the name of Jesus, let the Spirit that's on me anoint the woman, Lord. God, in Jesus' name may they be healed.
Come, brother. In Jesus' name may he be healed [unclear words] you'll believe it, then you're back trouble will leave, your asthma will leave. You believe that? You've got a habit you want to leave---smoking cigarettes. You give them up? with all your heart? If I tell you who you are you'll think it's really gone then, won't it? Mr. Cunningham. Go on your road and rejoice. Say, "Thank You, Lord."

102 You believe with all your heart? Now put your hands over on one another, all of you in here. O Dove, come Dove; fall upon Your lambs, Lord. O lambs, be led by the Dove. Be made well.
Satan, you are defeated! The people's going to recognize it after awhile, that you are defeated. You have no hold on them. Jesus Christ, God's Son, is here, and He's defeated you. You are defeated; you've been defeated for two thousand years. Come out of them in the name of Jesus Christ!