
Love somebody

Love (1956-07-26) (William M. Branham Sermons)

Love (1956-07-26) (William M. Branham Sermons) somebody


1 Good evening, friends. So happy to be out again tonight to serve the Lord, and to speak of His goodness to You, His people, the purchase of His blood.
And last evening we had a marvelous time. The Lord Jesus certainly blessed in an outstanding way, which we were very happy about it. And feeling... As the second time that ever happened in my career, was immediately after being under the anointing for maybe twenty-five or thirty minutes, and then just before to make an altar call, snapped right back to myself again. That's the second time that's ever happened. And that was a time ... meeting just before this, at the close a the meeting at Cadle Tabernacle in Indianapolis.

2 Always... I might try to explain it, if I could, just for a moment. It's another world. And after a vision or two, you see people there, and see what's happened. It's just another life, another time, maybe forty years back from now, or maybe years ahead from now. And it's just as real as it is I'm standing right here. Then imagine after a few times, you begin to wonder, really, where you're at, see. And it isn't me a doing that. It isn't God doing that. It's you doing that. It's your faith. Your faith is what does that. Now, I might explain it just for a little a bit and you would understand.

3 Now, I've usually explained it like this. And maybe to the newcomer here that never heard me try to explain it, see. A gift... All the fullness of Godhead bodily dwelt in Jesus Christ. We know that. He was all... He was God in complete. The dove came down, as we preached the other night on: The Dove And The Lamb. And the Dove abode in the Lamb. He stayed there. He was Emmanuel. God was in His tabernacle. The Son of God, which is Jesus, was the flesh of God, a tabernacle that God dwelt in here on the earth.
And now, that was Christ and God became united. And that's the way God could be seen. No man hath seen the Father at any time, but the only begotten Son has declared Him, see. In other words, God was in Christ, showing His attitude towards the people, see. What He was, what God was, He was expressing Himself, through Jesus His Son, see. As He dwelt in Him, making Jesus and God... Jesus being the tabernacle that God was dwelling in here on earth. A body has Thou prepared Me, see. And God dwelt in Jesus Christ. And that made the Father and the Son united together (now) and become One.
Now, notice, now, what was in Christ, was the fullness of the Spirit, the entire fullness of God. God gave Christ the Spirit without measure. But He has give it to us by measure. Christ had all the measure---everything. He was Emmanuel. But you and I are little cupfuls out of that sea. But, when... The Spirit that's in us, is of the same quality, not as much in quantity, but the same quality, 'cause it's part of the same Spirit, see.

John 1:18 No man hath seen God at any time; the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him.

John 3:34 For he whom God hath sent speaketh the words of God: for God giveth not the Spirit by measure unto him.

Colossians 2:9 For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily.

Hebrews 10:5 Wherefore when he cometh into the world, he saith, Sacrifice and offering thou wouldest not, but a body hast thou prepared me:

4 Now, if I taken a spoonful of water out of the ocean, why, you'd never miss it---the spoonful of water. Yet, if I took it to the laboratory, the same chemicals that's in the entire ocean would be in this spoonful. It's the same type of chemicals.
Well, that's the way the Christian is. His makeup, after he's received Christ, is the same makeup with the same attributes that Christ was. Exactly. Because it's a spoonful of God, to be measured out and give to each individual, makes you a son and daughter of God.
Now, Christ when He was here on earth (Let me just explain this as I tried last night.), He said, "The Son," talking about God's Son, Christ, the Spirit dwelt in, "The Son can do nothing in Himself, but what He sees the Father doing." The Father used the eyes of the Son, He used the lips of the Son. Now He uses your eyes, and your lips.
He said, "When you're brought before governors, and rulers, and kings, so forth, for My sake, take no thought what you shall say. For it'll be given to you in that hour. It's not you that speaketh. But My Father." God, that's in you, He does the speaking. If you premeditate then you do your own thinking. But if you're just willing to be the lamb, then the Dove will do the speaking. See what I mean? The Dove does the speaking.

Matthew 10:18 And ye shall be brought before governors and kings for my sake, for a testimony against them and the Gentiles.

Matthew 10:19 But when they deliver you up, take no thought how or what ye shall speak: for it shall be given you in that same hour what ye shall speak.

Matthew 10:20 For it is not ye that speak, but the Spirit of your Father which speaketh in you.

Mark 13:9 But take heed to yourselves: for they shall deliver you up to councils; and in the synagogues ye shall be beaten: and ye shall be brought before rulers and kings for my sake, for a testimony against them.

Mark 13:11 But when they shall lead you, and deliver you up, take no thought beforehand what ye shall speak, neither do ye premeditate: but whatsoever shall be given you in that hour, that speak ye: for it is not ye that speak, but the Holy Ghost.

Luke 12:11 And when they bring you unto the synagogues, and unto magistrates, and powers, take ye no thought how or what thing ye shall answer, or what ye shall say:

Luke 12:12 For the Holy Ghost shall teach you in the same hour what ye ought to say.

John 5:19 Then answered Jesus and said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do: for what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise.

5 Well, that's the same way that He... See how the Spirit of God runs right on down to the church? Now, now, watch here. And this will explain something else about the weakness. Now when... Jesus said that He did nothing till the Father showed Him.
Now let's take, for instance, the resurrection of Lazarus. Now, in the resurrection of Lazarus... Why, wasn't it strange, Jesus had been right there with them all of His life, and all of a sudden He'd take a notion to go away? And He went away. He knew Lazarus was going to die. So then, after He was gone a few days, Lazarus took sick, and they sent for Him to come pray for him. He just went on, went to another city. They sent again. Still He never went. And after so many days, He said, "Our friend, Lazarus is asleep." Then they questioned, let Him rest. Said, "He's dead. And for your sake, I'm glad I wasn't there." 'Cause they would be trying to persuade Him to do something against what the Father had showed Him.
Now, how many believes the Father had already showed Him what was going to take place? Had to be. 'Cause He said, "He did nothing till the Father showed Him." Said, look, watch. Said, "But I go wake him." He knowed what was going to take place. The Father had showed Him.

John 5:19 Then answered Jesus and said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do: for what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise.

John 11:11 These things said he: and after that he saith unto them, Our friend Lazarus sleepeth; but I go, that I may awake him out of sleep.

John 11:12 Then said his disciples, Lord, if he sleep, he shall do well.

John 11:13 Howbeit Jesus spake of his death: but they thought that he had spoken of taking of rest in sleep.

John 11:14 Then said Jesus unto them plainly, Lazarus is dead.

John 11:15 And I am glad for your sakes that I was not there, to the intent ye may believe; nevertheless let us go unto him.

6 Watch Him at the grave. "Father, I thank Thee, Thou has already heard Me. But for these that stand by, I said it. I don't have to pray, 'cause You've done told me what was going to be done. But I'm an example to them," see.
Paul said, like in... Now, just to change it slightly here. "All things to me are lawful, but not all expedient," see.
Now, Jesus didn't have to pray, because He said, "Father, I thank Thee, Thou hast already heard. But for these who stand by, I said it for their sake," see, see.
Then He said, "Lazarus, come forth." And a dead man that had been dead four days, stood on his feet and lived again.

John 11:41 Then they took away the stone from the place where the dead was laid. And Jesus lifted up his eyes, and said, Father, I thank thee that thou hast heard me.

John 11:42 And I knew that thou hearest me always: but because of the people which stand by I said it, that they may believe that thou hast sent me.

John 11:43 And when he thus had spoken, he cried with a loud voice, Lazarus, come forth.

John 11:44 And he that was dead came forth, bound hand and foot with graveclothes: and his face was bound about with a napkin. Jesus saith unto them, Loose him, and let him go.

1 Corinthians 6:12 All things are lawful unto me, but all things are not expedient: all things are lawful for me, but I will not be brought under the power of any.

7 Now, a few days before that, a little woman went through a crowd of people and touched His garment, and He declared that He got weak. Now which was the greatest miracle, that little woman being healed of a blood issue, or a man, with skin worms crawling through his flesh, to come back to his normal flesh again---and a soul that had been gone four days, bring its flight right back---and stand on his feet and live again?
Well, it was thousands times greater miracle than the woman healing, but that didn't bother Him. But the woman touching His garment bothered Him.
"Well, Brother Branham, can you explain that?" Yes. See, Christ was God's love-gift to the world. You believe that? Greatest gift that God ever gave was His only begotten Son. Is that right? That was God's greatest gift.
Now, God had His gift in His Son, and could use it anyway He wanted to. Now when God showed Him something to do, that was God doing it. Now, God hadn't showed Him this, and the woman done it; but her faith in God moved God through His Son, because that was her point of contact. You see what I mean?
Now, she pulled from God, by her faith, what she desired as she touched the garment of the Son of God. Now that was the woman doing something, the other was God doing something.
Now, this morning ... or, last night, when I left here, after I'd been gone a few minutes, I thought I'd go get something to eat. Seldom I do that after one of those meetings. Now, if I'm preaching, I always go eat. I went and got something to eat. And I come back. I went to my room. I sat and talked to Billy a while. We went to bed. Prayed.

Mark 5:30 And Jesus, immediately knowing in himself that virtue had gone out of him, turned him about in the press, and said, Who touched my clothes?

Luke 8:46 And Jesus said, Somebody hath touched me: for I perceive that virtue is gone out of me.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

John 11:44 And he that was dead came forth, bound hand and foot with graveclothes: and his face was bound about with a napkin. Jesus saith unto them, Loose him, and let him go.

8 Just a few moments, something come in, and a vision: that there was a great crash coming. And for me, real quickly, to be on my knees a praying, right at once, 'cause there's somebody in there that was praying for me to pray for them. And this morning, in the paper, two big liners crashed together; one of them from Italy and one from Sweden. There it was. And some was killed, see. The Holy Spirit, going ahead, through prayer.
Mr. Ekberg---many of you all know him, don't you? Einar Ekberg, one of our singers from Sweden. He was making a forced landing after he'd flew over the world, and was going in, and the hydraulic wouldn't let the wheels down on the plane. They told him he was going to have to skip it in on the grass, and try it. Take his glasses off, laid it on the floor, and he begin to pray. He said, "Lord Jesus, help me at this time. And I pray that somewhere that You'll let Brother Branham be praying for me."
And at the same time, I was driving down the road. And

9 Something said, "Pray." And Brother Ekberg come in front of me with his hands up. I slipped off the side of the road, and prayed for Brother Ekberg. And just at the time the plane come down, the pilot gave a great shout back, "The wheels has come down." And they landed safely.
I was going ask Brother Eckberg... We just got to California about two months after that, and standing in the tent meeting, he spoke it. And I said, "Brother Ekberg, what day was that?" And I told somebody else behind me, I said what day it was. I said, "What day was that?" Just exactly the same time, see. That's the Holy Spirit making intercessions, you see. And how marvelous! Oh, I've seen it done hundreds of times, the things. But, that's... That's the sovereign grace of God.
Now, the pulling ... the people ... you people is the one who ... that, I have not one thing to do with that. It's just a gift of God, that I yield myself to it, and you draw from it yourself. You out there in meetings ... you can sit and begin to pray to God. Watch Him turn right around and say something to you, say what you was praying about, and what you ask for. How many seen it done? Let's see your hands. Why, sure! See, that's you doing that, not me.

10 Well, that was the woman doing that to Christ, see. It's strictly the Bible. Maybe, it might not be just the way you expected it to be, but that's the way God made it.
Now, the Pharisees and all of them, they had their way that Jesus ... or, Christ was to come, and God sent Him in such a different way, that they failed to see Him, see. But now, that's the way it is today. You might think that God operated His business a different way, but God doesn't change. He stays just the same, all the time.
And so, now, last night: Usually when them visions are so many, it makes me so weak. And in Indianapolis, they were taking me from a meeting, where a great mighty... There had been a girl had been on the platform...
First, a lady sitting down there was paralyzed, and had been paralyzed for months. Oh, wait a minute, I beg your pardon. I think it was about six, seven years. And all at once, the Holy Spirit come over the woman, before thousands times thousands of people, and said to her what she was, and all about it, and told her to rise up in the name of the Lord: she was healed. She was paralyzed ... or, arthritis, and the lady got up normal and well.
The next day her doctor called me up and wanted to know what happened to that woman. That was his patient. Come down to the hotel room.

11 Now, this deaf and dumb girl, that a little alcoholic, that was healed once in my meeting, had brought her up from Joliet, Illinois. And she had had a couple of prayer cards, but couldn't get in the line. And that night, it happened to be, that I stayed longer. I think I had close to twenty-five people had come through the line. Just looked like I had super strength that night.
And the little mute come up in the line, and the Lord Jesus made her perfectly whole, right there before the audience. And I felt myself weaving, and Billy kept hitting me in the side, and some of them speaking to me. And I knew that was for me to go. And as I started to go, I looked up, and here was another Cadle Tabernacle up here. And I seen people just streaming down the aisles. And I made my own altar call. And about five hundred souls come to Christ.

12 And the next time I had it at one of these meetings was last night. And just as I was leaving, and Billy and them taking me from the platform, all of a sudden, I snapped right back and feeled better than I do right now. And that's how I made the altar call.
God, perhaps, (I pray that He has), has done something for me in that line, that I can make my altar calls afterwards. Because after all, that's what the meeting is for, is to make altar calls. Amen.

13 Now, love Him with all your heart? All right, fine. Now, maybe in a night or two---we say, Saturday night, perhaps---we'll have another healing service. And maybe, Sunday night... And I want to announce, if it's all right with Brother Moore, in his church, Sunday morning, I'll have a drama. How many likes drama?
I believe the last time I was here I had a drama of the woman washing Jesus' feet with her tears, and bathing Him. How many heard that? All right. I have one Sunday, the Lord willing, for the tabernacle, for this coming Sunday morning. And it's dedicated to the young folks. And, of course, you're always young from eight to eighty, you know. So just... All of you, the old ones will get just as much enjoyment out of it as the young ones. The Lord willing, we'll have it Sunday morning. And you're invited out.
Now, tonight... Today, I've been so tired. I was up late last night, and the vision had me up. And then, usually visions work on me pretty hard. That's the reason, on these meetings, I'm trying to maybe take a few nights off, and preach, then, a few nights, and have a healing service and then back. I'm trying to make myself adjusted to meetings where... We're going to get a big tent, and stay for three and four weeks at a time in a place. And so, we pray that God will help me to do that. And now, I couldn't go every night like that, I'd just ... one meeting and I'd be done. But God didn't give it to me like that. I misused it. And I've tried to, just because to rally the people, but I'm beginning to think it's best to listen to God, instead of what anyone says. It's always best.

14 Now, tonight, we want to speak to you for a few moments, and now... How many thinks ... feels like we ought to have another healing service in a night or two? Let's see your hands. Just kind of get the general opinion of the people. Well, that's about half and half. All right. Then we'll... You bring your sick folks in again (let's see.) say, Saturday night. And then, well, maybe, tomorrow night, and then have it again Sunday night. Maybe that would be better. Have it tomorrow night and then Sunday night. Yeah. Tomorrow night, we'll have healing service. All right. We'll pray for the sick again tomorrow night, and then have it again Sunday night, and then make it every other night.
Then next week, right down towards the close, I've got to leave here, and drive just as hard as I can, thirty-seven hundred miles, to the next meeting. Way, as far as roads go, the end of the world: Prince Alberta, Saskatchewan. No more roads beyond that, cross the top of the world.

15 Last time we was there, we had ten thousand in a meeting, Indians and Eskimo's. And so, we're expecting a great time there, five days. And I'll tell you what happened. The preachers were so at one another's throat up there, and fussing with one another, through Canada, until the farmers got sick and tired of it. One said, "Well, if they have anything to do with it, we'll bring Brother Branham in; but if they have anything to do with it, we're not coming." Said, "If they have it, we're not coming. We'll not have nothing with it."
So the farmers got together and rented the auditorium, and we don't have to even take up an offering. Amen. It's all paid for. Amen. Now, that's the love of God. The farmers is showing up the preachers. God's lambs lives on a farm, looks like. Amen.

16 Oh, I just love Him. Don't you love Him? Isn't there something about it, just lightens up your heart when you think if Him? Just to think, that it's all finished now, and we're resting and loving, and worship Him and passing by, throwing out the life line to everyone we can, saying, "Come along, brother, this is wonderful. There's nothing like it." All eternity, for ever and ever. It's all settled now, it's all over. Isn't that wonderful? How many has got that hope in them tonight? Raise your hands. Oh, my! Two-thirds, better than two-thirds of the audience has that blessed hope in them, that they are anchored in Jesus. How wonderful!
I asked my wife, not long ago, I said, "I want to ask you something, honey." I said, "What is real true value placed on?" I believe I told you that though, the other night---what was true value.
Nothing but lost souls, is the only thing that's got any value in it. Money passes away. Homes decay and go away. Everything in the earth moves away. The only value, lasting value ... I'd rather have one soul in Glory, that I won to Christ, to know and see as that light of God circles around that soul through all eternity, my name to be associated with that, than have every penny of money in the whole earth, 'cause I'd have to lose it all. But what you send up there is eternal. And that's the reason we're trying.
My lost brother and sister, tonight, without hope, without God, that's why I'm here to speak to you, to try to get you to love the Lord Jesus. I want to read some of His blessed Word. Before doing it, let us to speak to Him in prayer.
Bow our heads.

17 Sister, on the organ, if you will, or the piano, one. Just a little word of: Abide With Me. I just love that song. All right. Abide with Me, while we have our heads bowed.
How many would like to be remembered in this prayer? Would you just raise your hand? God bless you. That's fine. How many here that's really not feeling real good in your soul (With every one of your heads bowed now; just let the Holy Spirit and I look.), would you raise up your hands? God bless you. God bless you. Oh, wonderful! God be [unclear words]. About a dozen or more.

18 Our Heavenly Father, we just love Thee, Lord, because that Thou has first loved us. And we're thinking tonight, those who raised their hands, just now, saying in their soul, they wasn't just exactly feeling right.
Now, the reason they did that was because You spoke to them. You said, "There's no man can come to Me, except the Father draws him first. And He that will obey that drawing, I will give Him everlasting life and will raise him up at the last day."
O God, may, before this service ends, may those who are weary with hands that are hanging down, faced down towards the earth, walking, may them feeble hands be lifted up, tears of joy running down their cheeks, looking towards the Lamb of God, in gratefulness of pure and holy salvation. Grant it, Lord. Remember the others who raised their hands; some might be sick, Lord. Heal them, tonight, will You? Just let the Holy Spirit go right out over the audience, everywhere, and heal the sick. Save the lost. Bring near to these ... to You, Lord, those who are a little wayward, indifferent. They're Your children. They just can't find rest nowhere. May they come back to the Ark, tonight. Change their spirit to a lamb, meekly and humbly, come to the Lord. For we ask it in Christ's name. Amen.

John 6:44 No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day.

19 Very familiar chapter tonight, to read a verse out of it: John 3:16.
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
Pray with me, for those who raised their hands, and for those who are needy of Christ. I want you to give me your undivided attention for just twenty or thirty minutes before the altar call, and we'll see what the Holy Spirit will tell us to do.
Now, I'm going to speak tonight on: Love.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

20 I think love is the greatest force there is in the world. There's nothing more powerful than love. If I had the choice tonight, and was a sinner, and was standing here before God, and He would have said, "Now, boy, I'm going to give you all nine spiritual gifts. I'm going to let you prophesy, give you the spirit of prophesy. I'm going to make you a mighty preacher, give you the word of wisdom and understanding. I'm going to give you the gift to speak with tongues and to interpret. I'm going to give you a gift of healing that you'll have great faith for the sick. And I'm going to do all these things for you. I'll give you all that; or, I won't let you have any of those things, but let you have real love in your heart."
I'd say, "God, give me love."
For where there is tongues, they shall cease. Where there's prophesy, it will fail. Where there's knowledge, it'll vanish. But where there is love, it will endure forever. That's what drove the heart of God to send Christ to the earth.

1 Corinthians 13:8 Charity never faileth: but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away.

21 Here some time ago, a little story was told me of a mother. And a young girl had been away to college. And on the road back, she brought a young girl home with her. And the girl was one of those little modern snicklefritz (we call it, you know.)--- Just kind of a little feisty.
So, her mother was out to meet her. And so, when the young lady looked around and seen the mother, the young lady that was with her said, "Oh, who is that old hag?" 'Cause she was all scarred up. And the young lady that had been away, she was ashamed to say it was her mother, because her little self-styled friend had said she looked like a hag.
So, when they had to finally leave the train, why, the mother run up to the daughter, and said, "Oh, darling, I'm so glad to see you." And the girl turned her back and walked away, 'cause she was ashamed of her ugly-looking mother in the sight ... in the presence of her little girlfriend from college.
And happened to be the conductor that was standing there knew the case. He caught that young girl and turned her around. He said, "Mary, what makes you act like that? What's happened to you since you've been away?"
He said to the girl, that was with her, said, "No, doubt but what you're looking at that ugly mother of hers."
She said, "I've seen..."

22 The conductor said, "I've seen the day when she was twice as pretty as her daughter will ever be. But," said, "I happened to live in the neighborhood, and this girl was a baby upstairs, her mother was in the backyard washing. And all of a sudden, the fire engines run up, and come to find out the house was on fire. And it was caught, and there was no possible chance for the baby to be saved. And this mother ran through those blazes, a beautiful woman, run through the blazes and grabbed the baby, and jerked her clothes from her body, and wrapped the baby's face up in it, and rushed through those blazes, back, and that's what made her ugly, it tore the meat from her face, and that's what her... She's all bent over, where the fire has drawed her down."
And said, "And the reason you are pretty... That's why she was made ugly, so you could be pretty. And then you're ashamed of her."

23 I thought, when I heard the story, that's right. What Jesus became for us. He became death and sin, that we who were really guilty and sinners... Oh, my! You say, "If that had been my mother, I'd have been proud about her." What about your Lord tonight? Are you really ashamed of Him? Or are you really proud that He saved you, and you're willing to give a testimony?
Divine love is one of the most powerful forces. It's one of the greatest forces in the world. And when divine love has been projected, and comes to its end, then sovereign grace will take its place.
Now that's my text. When divine love has been projected. Project divine love and it comes to its end, till it can't go no farther, then sovereign grace will come in and take its place.
Now, do you realize, being a son or daughter of God, that you are a minor creator? Do you know you create the atmosphere that you live in? Do you realize that the atmosphere that you dwell in, you influence somebody else? What makes people act the way they do? Is because... What makes the drunks like to be with drunks. As my mother used to say, the old proverb, and I think it's Southern here, too: "Birds of a feather flock together." Because they have things in common.

24 You don't see crows and doves dwelling together, because they don't have no fellowship. They don't have things in common.
The crow can fly on a dead carcass and eat it. But the dove will go to the wheat field and eat the grain. Now, I want you to notice what the devil can do. Now, the dove cannot sit on the dead carcass and eat. But the crow can eat the dead carcass and also eat the wheat. He's a hypocrite, see. The dove can't do it, because her makeup is different.
Now, a person can impersonate Christianity, but a Christian can't impersonate sin. The Spirit that's in him won't let him do it. The dove, the reason she couldn't eat that, it would kill her. She has no gall, as we spoke the other night. She has no gall. If she'd eat it, would kill her, the poison would kill her. She can't do it.
But the crow can both eat the dead carcass and the wheat, also. So, that's what an impersonator can do. But a real genuine Christian can be nothing else but a pure article of God.
Now, a few weeks ago, at the Christian Businessmen's Convention in Minneapolis, I heard a testimony that struck me. And the man is a great plow man. What is his name? I forget now. [A man says, "Crouse."] Brother Crouse, very fine man. Brother Crouse made a testimony, which brought this to my mind. That, when he got sick... He was a bosom friend to Oral Roberts. And Oral Roberts is a fine Christian brother. And he and Brother Oral were just like that, together.
Well, first thing you know, he thought, "Well, if something would ever happen to me, only thing I'd do would be go to Oral and it'd be over with."

25 Now, when you get those ideas, you're wrong. Right. Don't you never think that man has anything to do with it. It's God alone. It's all right for you to respect men, and love them as your brother, but don't ever put the love of anybody in your heart, like you have of God, or before God. Keep Him first. Love one another. But that love in the Greek love is phileo which means "human love." But the love you have for God is agapao love, which is a "divine love." So now, keep God's love first.
But then, Brother Crouse said that he always had such great faith in Brother Roberts. One day he found out he had a kidney trouble: kidney stone. He said, "Oh, my, that's easy. I'll just go down to Brother Roberts. When I have dinner with him..."
Oral said, "Sure, we can take care that. Right away, Brother Crouse." Raised us, laid his hands on him, said ... rebuked the thing.
Said he felt better. Went home for a day or two; was back again. Goes back to Brother Roberts, and said, "Brother Roberts, the thing is back on me."
"We'll pray again." And he rebuked the thing again. Felt better for a few hours, back again. Kept doing that, till he found out that he wasn't getting anywhere.
"Oh, then if Oral fails, I know somebody won't fail: Brother Branham. He sure won't fail." So, he said, "I know if I'll go down stand before that gift, he'll tell me just exactly what to do." Said, "I'll find where he's at."

26 I was in Shreveport, Louisiana, on my last meeting here. He come over to the Washington [unclear word] Hotel, him and his lovely wife. And he said, "Brother Branham, I'm going to try to get a prayer card." They give it to him every night; he never was called in the line.

27 Loving him the way I did... Just when he was starting to leave, he was down in the lobby. I was there when he come by. He started to crying, and he went out and shook my hand. I said, "Brother Crouse, I want you to come up to the room. Come with me." And I went to the room.
And I said, "Now, Brother Crouse, let us pray. I'll stand before you and before God ... before God and you, rather, and I'll see what the Lord tells you." I humbled myself before the Lord, went out the way I always do, to try to find... And the Holy Spirit come down and struck me, and refused to say a word to me.
I said, "That don't happen very often. Let us try it again." And we prayed again, and said, "Now, Lord, if we did anything wrong, why, You forgive us for it. We don't mean to be doing anything wrong. But Brother Crouse is my good brother, and he wants to know what Your will is for him. Will You speak to me, Father? And now, I offer to Thee, not myself, for I have nothing to offer, but I come in the name of the Lord Jesus, for His sake. And now, Brother Crouse, my brother stands before me, who has helped me many times, in great troubles and things and so forth, and we've been brothers. Now, will You speak, Lord?"
And I humbled myself before the Lord, and the Holy Spirit refused to say a word. Then nothing I could do. Very seldom, about once or twice in my life, I ever seen it do that.

28 So then, I didn't know what to tell him. I said, "Brother Crouse, I don't understand it." And I said, "I'm afraid to ask again." So, we went ahead, and I prayed for him, laid hands on him. Went away.
And he said, "You know, I feel better. I ain't got a pain right now." Went away for about, for about three or four weeks. He was all right. All at once, one night, it begin to come again.
Now, he said, "Lord Jesus, I love You. And I've been to both Brother Roberts and Brother Branham, and what am I going to do?" He said, "Now, I don't want to go to any doctor. I don't want to go, but what shall I do?"
And so then, finally, he was drove to a doctor. And when He went to the doctor, they sent him to Mayo's. Mayo's looked him over and said, "Well, friend, you got about one chance out of one thousand of ever living over another month." Said, "Your operation might be ... if we would remove the stones, but it's set in something." And said, "If we remove that, it might kill you on the operation." He said, "You're just near death. And you got one chance out of a thousand of ever pulling through it."
"Well," he said, "let me think it over."

29 And he loves the Lord. Anybody knows Brother Crouse, he's a real Christian. He said, "Dear God, You know I love You. I've done everything I know to do, but then, now, if it's my time to come home to You, I'm ready to come. But I love You and my last words to You, is: 'I love You.' And You know my heart that I love You."
And he went on to the operation, and the doctors kind of hesitated a little bit to do it. But after the operation was performed, he woke up, and he said the whole entire room was lit up by the Glory of God. And the doctors couldn't even understand how quickly and what happened.
When love had been projected and come to its end, sovereign grace stepped in and took its place. It'll do it every time. That's God's nature. He can't do nothing else for anybody. But when you really, truly, love Him... Love Him is not just a mythical thought, but I mean in your heart He becomes dear to you.

30 Now, just like you put trust in Him. You believe Him. Just like you do your wife. When I leave home, I don't have to say, "Come in here, Mrs. Branham. We're going to have a little talk now. I'm fixing to leave. Don't you have any other husbands while I'm gone. Don't you do this, that, or the other."
And she'd, "Now, my dear man, that's very good. But I want to tell you: Don't you have anymore wives while you're gone. And you better be true to me."
We never think of that. Why? We love one another. I never even think about it.
I just go in and I say, "Goodbye, sweetheart. Pray for me."
Said, "I'll be on my knees every night praying for you, Billy. God be with you."
That settles it till I get back. She don't worry about me. She knows I love her. And as long as I love her like that, she'll never have to worry. If I thought I could do something and get by with it, and I tell her about it, and she'd forgive me for it, I wouldn't do it anyhow. I love her too much to do it. I'd look at her and think, "That poor little old girl, thirty-five years old, and completely gray-headed, has stood between me and the public, the mother of my three children." There's something in my heart wouldn't let me do it.
When I look at my Lord, and see He died yonder on Calvary, the lovely, for me, the unlovely. He, the pure for me, the impure, to save me from a death of sin, and an eternity in hell. Something in me if I could get by with it, I don't want to do it. I love Him. Yes, sir. I love Him. Even I thought if I'd go do it, and He'd forgive me for it. I don't want to do it anyhow. I don't want to do nothing to hurt Him. I love Him too much. That's what we have to have. It's something in your heart. Love.
"Oh," say, "it don't condemn me to smoke. I drink a little. I..." Well, brother, you don't love Him. Something's happened. If you really love Him...

31 I remember the first little Bible I ever got, when I first started to preaching. Used to be in the Baptist church, somebody keep asking, "Brother Branham, do you think it's wrong to smoke? You think it's wrong to drink?"
And I wrote a little answer in my Bible; I had the answer the man. I said, "Don't ask me foolish questions. Make this up in your mind. If you love the Lord with all your heart, you won't smoke, chew, or drink any shine." That still holds good tonight. Right. If you love Him, though you could do it and get by with it, you wouldn't do it anyhow, if you love Him. That's what real true genuine agapao love does.
The Christian loves the Lord. And he loves Him in such a way, that there's nothing can separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus. Paul said, "Neither death, sorrow, neither perils, or imprisonments, or anything, can separate us from the love of God that's in Christ Jesus." Oh, my! The real true...
And my brother, when you get that in your heart with that type of love, that'll beat anything else that you could substitute for. That's exactly right. I don't care how much you've spoke with tongues, how much you've shouted, how many great services you've had, or been in, how well your name is on the book, how many times you've been baptized, and which way. It never will amount to one thing until that real genuine Holy Ghost love sinks into your heart, till you love Him above everything else there is in the world. Right.

Romans 8:35 Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?

Romans 8:38 For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come,

Romans 8:39 Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

32 We put so much stress on the evidence of the Holy Ghost. The Methodist says you have to shout before you got it. A lot of Methodist shouted and didn't have it. The Pentecostals said, speak with tongues when you got it. A lot of them spoke in tongues that didn't have it. That's right. But, brother, when you come to a place where you got love, it never will fail. That's right. If my wife trusted me because I give her ten dollars every time I left, well, brother, that wouldn't be very much sign I loved her; I'd be right or true. But when she knows that I love her, when I know she loves me, then, there's a perfect trust between each other. No worry at all.
Then when you got perfect love of God in your heart, you don't question God about anything. When the Bible said, "I am the Lord that heals all thy diseases," you say, "Amen, Lord, that's right. That's me."
"Tarry in the city of Jerusalem till you be endued with power from on high."
"That was me, Lord."

Exodus 15:26 And said, If thou wilt diligently hearken to the voice of the LORD thy God, and wilt do that which is right in his sight, and wilt give ear to his commandments, and keep all his statutes, I will put none of these diseases upon thee, which I have brought upon the Egyptians: for I am the LORD that healeth thee.

Psalm 103:3 Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases;

Luke 24:49 And, behold, I send the promise of my Father upon you: but tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem, until ye be endued with power from on high.

33 Peter said, "Repent, every one of you and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins. You shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. Promise is unto you, and your children, to them afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call."
"Amen, Lord, that means me." That settles it all. Anything God says, you love Him so much, you believe it. Oh, I feel real religious right now. To think, that perfect love casts out all fear. You're not scared about nothing, you're just resting. You're not, "Oh, I may backslide tomorrow. I may backslide next week." I won't worry about that. I'm not trying to hold on. He held on for me. And He put a love in my heart that holds there. It's Him holding me, not me holding Him. If it was me holding Him, I'd probably turn loose. But as long as He's holding me, He'll never turn loose. He promised He wouldn't.
"I'll never leave thee nor forsake thee." Amen. Oh! "He that heareth My words, and believeth on Him that sent Me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation, but is passed from death unto life."

John 5:24 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life.

Acts 2:38 Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.

Acts 2:39 For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call.

Hebrews 13:5 Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.

34 I will rest my solemn soul upon that Word of God and stand and say, "As long as I know there's something in me, making me love the Lord Jesus so well, I don't want to do wrong." I'm anchored. Amen. Something there.
If I tried to say, "Well, I quit this and I quit that." I doubt that. But when something in here happens, that's what does it. I remember, after I lost my wife, I stood there by the side of my baby, and it dying. I put my hand over on its head. The mother had just been taken from the hospital, where she died and was taken to the morgue.
A man come, said, "Billy, I got some bad news for you." I went home, I was crying, laying on the bed. Said, "I got some bad news for you."
I said, "What? I know, she just died a while ago, Brother Frank."
Said, "That's not all; your baby is dying, too."
I rushed to the hospital. Just a little bitty thing, eight months old, just in her little three-corners. And she... I used to blow the horn on my truck, and things, coming around, she'd "goo," and raise her little arms for me. How I loved that child! My first little girl. And I went in to the hospital quickly.
The nurse said, "You can't go down there, Mr. Branham." I waited till she left. I run around behind the door and went down anyhow. Said, "She had meningitis, tubercular meningitis."

35 I went into the room, there she was laying there. The windows was up and flies had got in her eyes. I run the flies out, put the little mosquito bar over her. I looked at her again. She was laying there kind of quivering. I said, "Sherry, honey, you know daddy?" My poor heart breaking. My wife laying down there in the casket---the mother of the baby. And her little arm was moving up and down, she had suffered so hard till her little eyes were crossing. One little blue eye was already crossed. I said, "You love daddy, honey? Daddy come to..." And I seen her quivering. I know she recognized I was there.
I knelt down, I said, "O God, oh, I love her. Don't take her, God. Don't take my baby. Please don't, God." And just then I looked up, and there come a black sheet, unfolding coming down like that. I knowed He was going to take her. I put my hand on her little head.
I said, "The Lord gave, the Lord taken away, blessed be the name of the Lord." I said, "God, You gave her to me, You're taking her back."
I said, "Sherry, honey, I lay you in your mother's arms in another hour. But some day yonder in Glory, by the help of God, daddy will meet you."

Job 1:21 And said, Naked came I out of my mother's womb, and naked shall I return thither: the LORD gave, and the LORD hath taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD.

36 Oh, how everything was gone. I stood up on the hill up there when the baby laying on the mother's arms. I heard the preacher say, "Ashes to ashes and dust to dust." They buried my heart. When I seen that young wife of twenty-two years old, been married a little over two years, holding little old Billy on my arms, and him looking, "Mama, mama," reaching for her. And his little sister laying on the mother's arms. An old turtledove sit in the bush a-cooing. I heard the clods drop. We were poor, had to bury her almost in a potter's field. I heard the clods drop, down there, the preacher said, "Ashes to ashes and dust to dust."
It seemed like coming down through them pine trees, there was a breeze blowing, saying:
There's a land beyond the river,
That they call the sweet forever,
And we only reach that shore by
faith's degree;
One by one we gain the portal,
There to dwell with the immortal.
Some day they'll ring those golden
bells for you and me.
About two weeks afterwards, I couldn't get over it. I went back to work. About a month or two, I was going up the road. I had my hands behind me. An old pair of boots on, I couldn't go home, I couldn't go nowhere. My heart was broke. And the state senator of Indiana, Mr. Isler, comes to my church. I was going walking up the road like that. I heard a little old truck coming. I looked around. He stopped. He jumped out, run over there, and he put his arms around me. And I was crying.
He said, "Billy, how are you feeling?"
I said, "Mr. Isler, you know how I'm feeling."
Said, "I want to ask you one thing, solemnly, Billy."
I said, "All right. Ask me, Mr. Isler."
Said, "What do you think about the Lord Jesus now, after taking your baby, your wife?---everything you had?"
I turned around, took him by the hand, looked him in the eye. I said, "Senator, I want to tell you something. He's more than life to me."
He said, "Do you love Him?"
I said, "With all my heart, with all my soul, and with all my strength."
"After taking your wife and baby?"
I said, "Though He would send me into hell, if there's such a thing, as I could love Him now, I'd love Him anyhow." He's right and I'm wrong, always. And He's always right. I love Him.

37 Oh, I'm so glad to know that by grace, He put that in my heart---that powerful thing of love. It conquers. You can conquer your husband, if he won't go to church, and he fusses at you for going. Just pray. Now, don't try to put it on. If you do, it won't work. But you really get such a love in your heart for his soul, he'll know it. Don't you worry. The husband is sanctified by the believing wife, vice versa. You can't fool it. You can't bluff it. It's got to really be there. That's the reason where genuine faith... People sometimes think they got faith when they haven't got it. You've got to really have it. I've seen that same conquering power.

38 As you know, I'm a lover of outdoors; and love the wilds, raised in the woods. My mother about a half Indian. And I love the wild. I was game warden in Indiana for years, studied wildlife, lived in it all my days. My old granddad was a noted national-known hunter. And I've hunted all over the world nearly. I love wildlife.
But, I tell you, there's something about genuineness. There's something about "real" that everybody will know. You won't have to go around testifying this, that or the other. If you're a real lover of the Lord, everybody you come in contact will almost know it. You are written epistles. You are sealed. And a seal is on the backside the same as on the front side, both going and coming. People know that you're a Christian. You walk different, live different, act different---you are different---when you become a Christian.
I remember, one time (I might have told you this.) how that I have seen wildlife conquered by the love of God. How many ever read my book called Man Sent From God, was wrote here by Brother Lindsay. Many have.

39 You remember the maniac that fell on the platform that night across my feet? You remember that story? What happened? I wished I could explain that. I've had it happen many times in my life. I have it to happen every time that a miracle is performed. It's something. You have to enter in.
Here a few weeks ago, Brother Jack and I were standing on the platform before thousands of thousands of people, down in Mexico. And a poor old Mexican brother come up. He was blind. And he had a shawl laying over him---dirty, dusty. And the poor old fellow had a little cross in his hands, to say a "Hail Mary," or something. I told him that wasn't necessary.
So he come up. And he wanted to know... Come up to where I was. I looked at the old fellow. I seen his gray hair from under his big old straw hat, where he had pulled it down. And he was saying something in Spanish. I couldn't understand him. Brother Espinoza was telling me what he was saying. And he come over to where I was at. And he put his arms upon my shoulders. Something struck me. I looked at him. About seventy. I said, "That would be about the age of my old dad, if he was living."

40 I looked at his feet. Didn't have on any shoes. I thought, "Maybe, he never had a pair of shoes."
All of a sudden, Something begin to move me. I put my foot up beside of his, to see if my shoes would've fit him. I thought, "If my shoes fit me, I'll take them right off now and give them to him. He maybe, never had a pair of shoes." I thought, "Here he is." I pulled him up close to me to see if my shoulders and his... He was wider. I'd give him my coat. I loved him. Something another, I loved him. I thought, "Look at there. There the poor old fellow, maybe, never sat down to a good decent meal in his life. Maybe he never wore a pair of shoes," his old rusty, scaly-looking feet, and his toe nails all turned up. I thought, "Poor old fellow. He's got just as much right to a good pair of shoes as I got. Got just as much right to wear a good coat as I can. Got just as good a right ... as much right to sit down to a good meal as I have."

41 And besides all that, the devil has blinded him. See what it was? Somehow, I entered in... Not me! The Holy Spirit, (O God!) was taking me in to the feeling. Oh, when you can project your life, by taking me into a feeling of love for the old man!
And directly he put he put his arms over my shoulders and begin weeping on my shoulder. Then, something happened. I thought, "That cursed, blind devil, that's blinded this poor old man, that's never had any privileges."
"Why," I said, "You blind spirit, come out of him."
And all of a sudden, he opened his eyes and he begin to scream, "I can see." What was it? Projecting the love. How the Holy Spirit... That's the way it happens.
When that poor man run to the platform to take my life that night, threatened he would do it, rolled up his big arms before sixty-five hundred people besides the hundreds standing in the streets in the rain. He said, "You hypocrite. Tonight I'll break every bone in your body."
I never said a word. I looked at him. I weighed a hundred and twenty-eight pounds and him nearly three hundred, seven-foot-something tall. Maniac out of asylum. And he run up there and he...

42 Now, instead of... Well, I was scared, sure. But, when I looked at him, something begin to happen. Instead, of thinking, "Oh, if I was big enough, I'd whip you." Instead of that, I got to thinking, "Poor brother. The devil has got him bound. Why, he'd want to love me as much as I love him. He can't help being like that. That's not him cursing me. That's the devil." That is with any man. It's not the man that's cursing you, that you want to get angry with and kill him in a few minutes. It's the devil making him do that. Not your brother. It's the devil he's possessed with.
And he made a great big threat. And before I could say anything, the Holy Spirit begin to speak. And instead of hating the man, I loved him. And the love of God was projected to him, and he rolled around his big eyes like that, and fell on my feet in the floor. Love conquered.

43 I've heard them talk about bad dogs. It happens to be I'm not afraid of a dog. What makes the dog bite you is because you're afraid of him. Now that may sound silly, but it's not. Wild animals ... I never seen one I was afraid of, because I love them. I've been face to face with grizzly bears and everything else, because I love the animals. You have to have it; you can't bluff it now. Did you ever see a dog raise his old ... and go... He knows whether you're afraid or not. Don't you try to bluff him. You might have bluffed your neighbor, but you can't bluff the dog. He knows. And you can't bluff God. And I say this with all reverence: You can't bluff the devil. I don't care how loud you holler, how much you scream, and kick your feet. He'll just lay right there.
But when you really got the article, you don't have to say very much. He knows whether it's real or not. Them disciples was screaming and hollering, trying to make this lunatic well. Jesus said, "Come out of him." What happened? The disciples were defeated. But that devil had to know where that voice was coming from. It was from a fountain were the Dove of God was sitting. He recognized that vibration when it went from Him. He knew that was more than a disciple. He knew that was more than Moses. When he tempted Moses, and he made Moses sin... But when he said, "If Thou be the Son of God, make a miracle here before me, show me."
He said, "It's written, 'Man shall not live by bread alone.'" He knowed he hadn't met Moses then. There was something about it. Right.

Matthew 4:3 And when the tempter came to him, he said, If thou be the Son of God, command that these stones be made bread.

Matthew 4:4 But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.

Matthew 4:6 And saith unto him, If thou be the Son of God, cast thyself down: for it is written, He shall give his angels charge concerning thee: and in their hands they shall bear thee up, lest at any time thou dash thy foot against a stone.

Matthew 17:16 And I brought him to thy disciples, and they could not cure him.

Matthew 17:18 And Jesus rebuked the devil; and he departed out of him: and the child was cured from that very hour.

Luke 4:3 And the devil said unto him, If thou be the Son of God, command this stone that it be made bread.

Luke 4:4 And Jesus answered him, saying, It is written, That man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God.

Luke 4:9 And he brought him to Jerusalem, and set him on a pinnacle of the temple, and said unto him, If thou be the Son of God, cast thyself down from hence:

44 Here sometime ago, while I was game warden in Indiana, over at the old Burks Farm, where the old quarry is, where the one at ... Walnut Ridge graveyard, just below where my dear loving wife is resting tonight---her body, her and the baby---right down in there, it was called the Burk's Farm; there was a big old bull. And he killed a colored man down there. And they'd sold him up there to a fellow named Guernsey, this side of Henryville. I was letting some fish loose down there, in a big lake where a steam went through it. This fellow made a lake in there and he was going open it up to the public, and we stocked it for him---the conservation.
Well, we're supposed to pack a little old pistol around wherever we went. That was a law, we had to do it. So, I happened to know of a brother across the field, that was sick. So, I thought, "I believe I will run over to pray for him. I'll turn these fish loose."
I unbuckled this little old pistol and throwed it up in the car, and went on over there where the ... started across the field where the brother was. I forgot that that killer was in the field.
So, on my road across the field, over, going across that way, just here a little bunch of shrubs out there, little scrub oaks. And I happened to get about two hundred yards, or three hundred from the fence, about the same distance the other side, little swamp of a pond in the middle there. And out ... and all of a sudden within thirty feet of me, this killer bull raised up. And there I was.

45 First, I reached for the gun. No gun. See, how God makes everything just right? No gun. I looked to the fence... He was too close to me. No tree to get into. Death laid before me. He was a killer. Warnings all around, "Don't enter here." Well, I forgot about it. And there I was.
Well, there was only one thing for me to do: straighten myself up and don't die like a coward; die like a man. I straightened myself up, I thought, "Well, this is the end of it." I pulled myself up. No need of trying to run; he was in twenty feet of me. Oh, just throwed his horns in the ground, like that, and bellering with all he could, fall on his knees, and throw his horns, and kicking the dirt, and getting ready.
So, I was just standing there, that's all I could do. I thought, "Well, I certainly will do this: I'll not go down a coward. I'll go down showing my love of God in my heart." And I looked back at that bull, and all of a sudden, something happened. Now, this sounds kiddish, it sounds like a little baby talk. But that's what's the trouble of us tonight: We try to be an adult in God when we ought to be babies in God. We know so much. God dwells in the center of humility and simplicity. Don't never forget that. I looked at the bull; if anything, I could have cried for him. Why, I thought, "Poor creature. Well, how wrong I am." Now ordinarily, I wouldn't feel that way about it.

46 First, I was looking for the gun. I was glad I didn't have him; I'd have shot him, and then went and paid for it. But I didn't have the gun. I thought, "Well, poor creature. Why, I'm in your pasture, this is your home and you're just a brute. You don't know any different. And you wouldn't want to kill me anyhow. But, I disturbed you. I'm sorry I did that. I didn't mean to disturb you." Talking like I am now. I just couldn't help it, there was Something talking in me.
Oh, my! It's too bad, we ever have to leave that. Just submit it. God just took over. And the bull roaring and going on. He lowered his head. And I said, "Now creature of God, I'm the servant of God. I'm on my way to pray for a sick man, over here dying. And I come across the field here, where your home is. I'm sorry I broke into your home." That's what I did. I broke into his home. That's all the home he knows of. Now, now, stop and think, that's true.
I said, "I come into your house. I broke in on you. I'm sorry. You forgive me. I'll go across the field; I won't bother you." I said, "Now, in the name of Jesus Christ, our Creator, go over there and lay down again. I'll not bother you." And that bull took towards me as hard as he could. And when he got in about six or eight feet of me, I wasn't a bit more afraid than I am standing right here.
"Perfect love casts out all fear."
I don't care, if death is staring you in the face, you can sing: Happy day, happy day, since Jesus washed my sins away.

1 John 4:18 There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.

47 No wonder, Paul could stand in the face of death, and say, "O death, where is your sting? Grave where is your victory?" Sure. Through tribulations, he had learned the love of God. Suffering brings patience; works, tribulations bring patience, of course. Now patience makes love, trust.
And when that bull got within about six or eight feet of me, he just threw his feet out and stopped. And he looked at me. He looked this way, and that way, so depleted. Just quietened right down, walked over and laid down. I walked within five feet of that bull, and he never even turned and looked at me. I walked right out of the pasture. What is it? It was the love of God. The Power of God.
You say, "Brother Branham, I don't believe that story." Well, you don't have to. But it's true. The same God that could close the mouth of the lion in the lions' den, for Daniel, could certainly tame a bull in a few minutes. When the love of God has been projected, then when I love the Lord, and the love in my heart comes back to that bull, then when love had come to its end, divine, sovereign grace steps in to take the place. Hallelujah! Oh, my. Then I'll not fear when death comes.
How I want to love the Lord, that when it comes to the place where everything is gone, divine grace will step in some day, and pack me across the river of Jordan, yonder, into a better land where there's no sickness, or death, or sorrow. I love the Lord. You love the Lord. We have got nothing, no sickness, no diseases, nothing else can separate us. That love of God goes right on. And when you love Him, and come to the end where love can't act no longer in your behalf, sovereign grace will take love's place. Amen.

1 Corinthians 15:55 O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?

48 Here sometime ago, out in my front yard, I was mowing with a mowing machine---little old power mower. And I'd mow about two rounds, here come another car load. I'd run around the house, and run in, take off my overalls and put on clothes, and somebody come be prayed for. I'd pray for them, maybe in there an hour or more. Maybe be late evening, I'd slip out, put my overalls on, run out in the front yard, mow a couple more rounds. Why, the front yard was growing up before I could get in the back.
And then one afternoon, back there, I went back there, nobody... I just slipped on my overalls, real hot. I didn't put on any shirt. Nobody could see me, so I was just mowing along there, the little old power mower, putt-putt-putt-putt.
And I was going along, and I forgot that a big nest of hornets was in the corner. And I rammed right into that fence and in less than a second's time, I was completely covered over with hornets. You know what they are? Those great big fellows. Well, they could kill you. One of them can knock you down. And, of course, me with no shirt on. And the hornets all around me. But something happened. Something... Instead of being scared, love come in and took its place. You might not want to believe this, but, at the judgment bar, you'll see Him, when the secrets of our hearts is disclosed.

49 I was covered over. Not a one had stung me. And I thought, "Poor little creatures. Well, that's the only way you have of defense. God gave you that stinger. That's to defend yourself. You've got just as much right... You don't know that was my fence. It's just as much yours as it is mine. It don't belong to either one of us, it's God's. So you made your nest right there. I ought to have been looking out for you. And I'm sorry. But," I said, "I'm the servant of the Lord. And I love you, little fellow."
And they went, "Bzzzz, Bzzzz."
I said, "I---I---I..." Don't you try to bluff it. You better know what you're talking about. I said, "I love you, little creatures of God. I'm sorry, I apologize to you for waking you up. But," I said, "I'm serving God's people. And I have to cut my grass, and I was in a hurry. I'm sorry I disturbed you. Now, in the name of Jesus Christ, go back into that nest. I won't bother you anymore. I'll go around it."
And them still all around me. My mower never stopped. I just turned loose the handle to raise up my hands to God. I took right a hold of the handles, not a bit more scared of one of them hornets than nothing.
And God, my solemn Judge, them hornets made a few rounds around me, and made a beeline, just as straight back into that nest as they could go. What was it? The projecting of love of God, brought down the sovereign grace of God. And somehow, how would I know, that with me speaking in English, they didn't gear down the interpretation, and they heard what I said. I can't tell you, but anyhow, they obeyed the very thing I asked them in Christ's name to do. Love! It conquers animals. Conquers human beings. It's God.

50 You've read the possum story, all of you did, I guess. Most of you. Here, the boys is right here tonight, Gene and Leo, sitting right over here. I was sitting on the steps, last July, I believe it was, June or July. July? I believe it was July, last July. Mr. Woods had just been mowing my yard; a rake laying in the yard. And I was talking to these boys; I call them my students. And so I was talking to them about a colored girl. The day before (It was in the paper.), a young, beautiful young colored woman, that had an illegitimate baby, and she wrapped it in a blanket, and smothered it to death. And she took it out by cab, and went up there and throwed this blanket in the river, all wrapped up with wire. The cab driver got suspicious. He said, "What'd you throw in there?"
Said, "Oh, just some stuff I didn't want." The cab driver reported it to the police, the police reported it to the Coast Guard, they went and sent it out, and it was a baby. So there it was.

51 And I said, "She wasn't mother." She was just a female. That's right. She wasn't a mother. A mother wouldn't act like that. I said, "She didn't have no mother love in her heart." I said, "She could..." And no more than I'd said it, coming in my gate... I'm the fourth person from a little woods, about a city block away, across a highway and then down a lane. No one along there has a gate but me, and a fence. And here come into my gate, around ten o'clock in the morning, a possum. And she was leaning like this. Well, anyone who knows what a possum is, knows that a possum don't travel in daytime; they're night prowlers. They hunt their prey at night and lay up in the day time. I've trapped them a many time, eat them, many a one, myself. So I know what possums are. So, I seen them coming in.
That's my study of wildlife. I study the nature of them. You see God in wildlife. You see God in nature, everywhere. You see God in men. You see God in children. You see ... God is all around you. I watch Him in the birds.

52 Somebody said... My neighbor over there had a radio on. Every time he goes to mow the yard, he has to put a radio on, with that old rock-and-roll, shinny-dig, and boogie-woogie, every kind of stuff they call it. And I said to him one day, I said, "Why, do you put that on?"
He said, "You know what, Billy?" He said, "I can't even mow unless I hear the radio."
I said, "It makes me sick at my stomach."
He said, "Well, if you just put one on one time, and listen at it, what a help it is."
I said, "I always have one on."
He said, "You do?"
I said, "Oh, yes. Every time I start to mowing, my radio comes on."
Said, "I never hear it."
I said, "Oh, you just don't listen to it."
He said, "What is your radio?"
I said, "I get out here and get this old mower started, the mocking birds go to singing, the robins go to whistling. That's the best radio I ever heard in all my life." Right. God sings to me through His birds. O God. What love is. I wished I could somehow have words to tell you.

53 This old possum come on in. I said, "Look at there boys, that possum's got rabies." I run out there real quick. I said, "I better stop her." Coming right to me. And I grabbed this rake, and threw it over her, I noticed her leg on the left side here, was just about, oh, about that big around. Three or four times the size of a possum's leg. The dogs had either got over her and chewed her, or either she had been hit by a car. And there was maggots all over her, where she had done rottening, gangrene all set in, flies, green flies all over her. And I said, "Oh, here's what it is, it's hurt. It hasn't got rabies. I had it under the rake then, the big yard rake, laying down. And Mr. Woods come up across the field. Just then, Mr. Gilmore, the milkman, come in the gate.
I said, "Now, boys,"---Gene and Leo, here---I said, "come here. I want to show you something. This possum..." And I happened to look. And a possum and a kangaroo is the only two animals that has the pocket that they carry their babies in. And so, she happened to letting down, and when her nerves hit her, like that, when I put the rake over her, she let down, and when she let her pocket loose, there were nine little naked possums, about like that, little bitty fellows, that she had in this pocket. Well, as soon as she let down, them little fellows were trying to nurse, and her biting at that rake.

54 And I said, "Here's what it is. Looky here. She's a mother." I said, "Now, come here, Leo and Gene." I said, "Come here, I want to show you something. What I was just talking to you," I said, "this possum, this dumb brute here, is more of a mother than that colored girl is." I said, "She hasn't got thirty minutes to live, you can see she can't. She's dying now. But," I said, "she'll spend that thirty minutes fighting for them little naked babies." And I said, "That's mother love. That's the love that's in her heart for her babies." I said, "She will die for them babies."
And just then, Mrs. Woods, she's a veterinary. So she come by, and Mr. Woods. And I showed it to them, and Mr. Gilmore, five or six of us standing around looking. And so, I said...

55 Mrs. Woods said, "Well, Billy," said, "now the only thing to do is kill them." Said, "Because the possum has got a round mouth, you know," and said, "it can't nurse the bottle, they're too little anyhow." Said, "Now you just kill the mother, and then take the little ones and just hit them against the ground." Said, "They'll suffer like everything drinking the milk from her like that." Said, "She's dead. And I seen her biting on that."
I said, "She isn't dead."
Said, "But, she will die in a few minutes, you see that."
I said, "I just can't do it."
She said, "Why?"
I said, "I just don't know." I said, "I can't do it."
Said, "Well, you're a hunter aren't you?"
I said, "Yes, ma'am, but I'm not a killer." And so...
Said, "Well, why, don't you go get your gun and shoot her?"
I said, "I just can't do it."
"Well," said, "Why not?" Said, "Let Banks do it." That's her husband.
I said, "I just can't do it."
"Well," said, "Billy, you mean to tell me, you're going to let that old mother lay there like that, and them poor little babies drink that milk from her and die a horrible death?"

56 I said, "Mrs. Woods, you being a doctor ... or, veterinary, you know that that's the humane thing to do. But there's something in me," I said, "I can't do it." And I said, "She's wanting to let ... she wants to stay with her babies till she dies." I said, "She must stay with her babies." So I let her up.
And when I did, she took off towards the house. And when she got right in front of my steps, she fell over. Said, "That's it. That's all of it." I said, "Well, she got to live a few more minutes with her babies."
And I went up there, and them little possums trying to nurse her. I punched her. She was exhausted. I tried to pour water on her. I finally got a little kind of the way they grin like. I said, "Well,..."
Said, "Why don't you kill the little ones?"
I said, "Just leave her alone."
Said, "Are you going to let her lay there like that, Billy?"
And I said, "Yes, ma'am."
So, all that day, we watched her; the little possums still trying to nurse. That night, Mr. Woods come out, said, "Billy, you've been going a long time now; let's take a little ride, get away from these crowd here." So, we went out riding.

57 And that night, coming down the road, I seen a little old puppy laying on the side of the road. And I stopped, I went and got him. Oh, he was so full of mange, he stunk. And there was ... so full of fleas and lice, till they was all over my hands. I brought him, put him in the car. My wife said, "You're not going to take that?"
I said, "Yes, honey." I said, "He's a little fellow. He ain't never had a chance to live."
She said, "Bill, you ain't going to take that thing home."
I said, "Sure, I'm going to pray for him, and God is going to let him get well." He's the prettiest big collie you ever seen today. Sure. Oh, sure. I believe that. I'm sure the dog... His picture will be in the Christian Businessmen's pretty soon, their magazine. So there he is, big fine collie. Prayer saved his life. He was a little fellow, he didn't have a right to die like that. Somebody dropped him off 'cause he had mange. God is the healer of animals the same as He is anything.
So, when we got in, about eleven o'clock, there the old possum was laying there. Now, Mrs. Woods, said, "Billy, now you know, she never moved." Said, "She's gone."
I said, "Well, that's right."
Said, "Let me go kill them possums."
I said, "No, no." We went in. Oh, that night, Billy come in (He had been fishing.) about twelve o'clock. Old possum still laying there.

58 Next morning about six, I got up, went out ... six or seven. There the old possum laid there, dew all over her. I said, "Well, I..." And I happened to look standing behind there, I heard someone snubbing. It was my little girl Rebekah; tender-hearted little thing. And so, she was standing there, she said, "Daddy, that poor old mother. Is she dead?"
And I said, "I don't know, honey. Now, daddy will see." And I went out there and kind of shook her. I said, "I believe she is." I shook her with my foot again, and the little ones...
Said, "Is them little possums dead?"
I said, "No, they're still nursing." So, I shook her again like that. I finally seen that she was alive.
I said, "No, she's still alive."
She said, "Daddy, what are you going for her?" Said, "I dreamed that old possum all night."
I said, "Honey, I couldn't sleep either."
She said, "Well," said, "what are you going to do with her, daddy?"
I said, "I don't know, honey. I can't tell you."
Said, "Daddy, are you going to kill her?"
And I said, "No, honey, I'm not." I said, "I'm not going to kill her." I said, "You go on and get in the bed, sweetheart; it's too early for you to be up." And I said, "You go on now, and get in the bed a little while, and daddy come wake you up." And I kind of pushed her back like that, went on back, and I went into my room on the side, the den room, where all the animals that's in there. And, so I sat there, my head like this, kind of rubbing my head. And I thought, "My! What'll I do? I don't know what to do with that old possum." Many people has been healed right in that room. I was standing there like that. Many great visions come. And I said, "I don't know what to do with that thing."

59 And a voice said to me, "Well, you preached your sermon about her yesterday, being a real mother." Now, not thinking what I was saying, or what that was, I said, "That's right. I was telling Leo and Gene about what a real mother she was."
Said, "You used her for a text."
And I said, "That's right. I did that. I used her for a text."
Said, "And she's laid at your door for twenty-four hours, waiting for her turn to be prayed for, like a lady. And you've never said a word to Me about her."
I said, "Well, I didn't even know that You..." Said, "Who am I talking to anyhow?" I looked around the room. My heart begin to jump. I said, "O God, You're here."
I knelt down, I said, "God, was that You talking to me? Where are you at, Father?"

60 I didn't hear nothing. I run out to the old possum again. I looked down at her. And I said, "God, I... You mean that You put that dumb brute here? Why, I know that You direct all the sparrows, and You know all of them. I've seen You send a lot of people, but this is a dumb brute. This brute couldn't think, she hasn't got a soul. How did she get here? Did You send her here to be prayed for? Then if You did, Lord, forgive the stupidity of Your servant." I said, "I didn't mean to do that." I said, "Then, Lord God, I pray that You heal the possum, if You want her to live with her babies," And she come here, and that leg all chewed up, and laying back like that.
And I no more said that... Love had come to its end. Sovereign grace stepped in. That mother possum raised up on all four feet, looked at me, picked up those babies, and scooted them in the pocket, strutted right down that lane on all four feet, just as normally well as she ever was, a little twist in that tail.
Becky run out on the porch, said, "Daddy, is that the old possum?"
I said, "Jesus just healed her." And she went to the gate, turned around, looked at me, as if to say, "Thank you, kind sir." Strutted right over to the woods, and as far as I know is over there happy with her babies, tonight. Love. Hallelujah! Love of God, oh, how He does love.

61 I told you the other night about the hunter, when that mother's love stood there on that doe, him squealing like a baby deer, me calling him a brute for doing it. That old mother doe run out there and yet, the hunter with a gun in his face. That doe never batted an eye. That love for that baby was still searching for it, and it brought that hunter under conviction. When he started to pull the trigger, he started quivering. I was standing behind him. He laid the gun down and throwed his arms around me, said, "Preacher, pray for me. Lead me to God. I can't help it no longer."
It's love. When you see the display of gallant love, you'll see the sovereign grace of God step in every time and take its place.
Here sometime ago, I was coming from Dallas. I was flying across home. I got in a storm up here over Memphis, the big plane come down, the TWA, and landed there. He put me in the Peabody Hotel. I couldn't afford to stay in there now. They put me in there for that night. And the next morning, they called me, and said, "Be down at the airport at seven o'clock. The limousine will pick you up."
Fixing to close now, listen close. Said, "Pick you up at seven o'clock."

62 I said, "All right." Or they picked me up so I can be there at seven. Next morning, I got up real early, 'cause I'd come out from a meeting. I had some letters I'd wrote that night, and I thought, "I'll mail these first. The limousine will be along after awhile." So I walked out, and I said to the fellow, "Which way to the post office?"

63 He said, "Straight ahead, down that way." And I went out, started down there, I was going down the road singing:
They're gathered in the upper room,
All praying in His name,
Baptized with the Holy Ghost,
And power for service came;
Oh, what He did for them that day
He'll do for you the same,
I'm so glad that I can say I'm one of them.
Walking along down the street like that, singing it in my heart. All at once, Something said, "Stop!"
I thought, "That was just to impress me."
I said:
Oh come, my brother, seek this blessing
That'll cleanse your heart from sin,
Something said, "Stop!" There was a lot of fishing tackle there in the store. I got back in this place, like I was looking at fishing tackle, so nobody would watch me on the street. Busy right in there. And I got back in the corner.
I said, "Heavenly Father, was that You speaking to me?" I kept real quiet.
Said, "Turn and go back, and keep walking."

64 Do you believe in being led by the Spirit of God? I turned, started walking back, walked on past the hotel, just kept on walking. I looked at my watch, already seven. I missed the limousine. On down, on down, till I come way down there, in a little colored district, where there is colored people. Sun was way up high. I thought, Oh, I've missed my plane. But, Something just keeps telling me to walk." So I just kept on walking. That's the way. Don't question God. Do what He tells you to do. So, I just kept on walking.
And after awhile, I looked laying across the gate, and there was a typical old Aunt Jemima, with a man's shirt tied around her head, tears running down her cheeks. And I passed by, she said, "Good morning, Parson."
I said, "Good morning, Auntie." Walked on by.
I said, "Well, how... She said, 'Parson.'"
I turned back, I said, "Pardon me, a minute, Auntie." I said, "You called me a parson."
She said, "Yes, sir." And I said, "How did you know I was a parson?"
She said, "I knowed you was coming."
I said, "You knew I was coming?"
Said, "Yes, sir."
And she said, "I've been standing here since four o'clock." I looked on her.
And I said, "Well, bless your heart." She was wet on the back yet.
Said, "Yes, sir. I've been standing here." Said, "Did you ever read the story about the Shunammite woman?"
And I said, "Yes, ma'am."
Said, "I was that kind of woman." She said, "And I promised the Lord, if He'd give me a baby, I'd raise it for Him." And said, "He give me a fine boy."

65 And she said, "Parson, I raised that boy, but when he got to be a man," said, "a young man, he got with some wrong company. And he done wrong." And said, "He got a bad disease, a venereal disease." And said, "He's laying there dying." And said, "Two days, he's been unconscious. The doctor man says, 'There's no hopes.'" Said, "We's good family here, we never thought of anything like that." And said, "He's dying," and said, "he's backslid." And she said, "Parson, I just can't stand to know my baby dying without knowing the Lord Jesus."
And I said, "What? Mother love."
She said, "I prayed for two days." And said, "This morning, about three o'clock, I was dreaming. And I dreamed I was talking to the Lord. And I said, 'Lord, where is Your Elijah?'"
And said, "I seen a man coming with a gray suit on with a little bitty semi-western hat." That's the way I was dressed.

66 Said, "He said, 'Just wait.' And said, "I walked right out here, and been standing here ever since. I knowed you were coming." Said, "Now, I seen you coming." Said, "I thought, 'Lord, You stop him. I won't have to say a thing.'"
Now with all that, the Holy Spirit telling me to walk, all that in my heart, I thought, "This must be it, Lord." Then about eight.
I said, "Well, Auntie," I said, "My name is Branham."
She said, "I's glad to know you, Parson Branham."
I said, "Did you ever hear of me?"
Said, "No, sir, I don't believe I ever did."
I said, "My ministry is praying for the sick." I don't think she was along them lines.
But she said, "No, sir, I never did hear of you."
And I said, "The Holy Spirit had me walking down this way."
She said, "Won't you come in?"
And when I went in, they had an old white-washed fence, and a plow-point hanging on the gate. When I walked in to that little old colored ... where colored people live, there wasn't nothing there, but a little... No rug on the floor, just wood like this. And a little old poster bed. But a sign hanging on the wall, "God bless our home."
I'd rather have that than all the pinups, or anything else, that you could put in there. That showed that that was a Christian home.

67 Great big fine boy there, about ... looked like about eighteen. Had the blanket in his hand, going "Hm-hm-hm-hm." Said, "It's dark; it's dark here."
I said, "What's the matter with him, can't he talk?"
Said, "No, he's been unconscious, two days." Said, "He thinks he's out in a big deep sea, and he's in a darkness and lost." The tears running down her big old fat cheeks. She said, "That's it, Parson. I can't stand to hear my baby die, and have that on my heart the rest of my days, that my baby was lost."

68 And I thought, "Baby?" Weigh a-hundred-and-eighty pound. Now, but, that was a mother's love. No matter what he'd done, he was still baby. He was still her loving child. I looked at her. I couldn't hardly choke back the tears, looking at her. And I said, "Is he very bad?"
Said, "He's dying, Parson." Said, "The doctor man said don't call him no more. He's gone."
I felt his feet, real sticky. Now I don't say, I... Felt like, you know, a person gets that real cold, sticky. And his feet felt cold. I said, "Well, I guess maybe he is."
So then, he just kept pulling this. And so, I said, "Let us pray, Auntie."
And she got down there, looked over at me, and I got at the foot of the bed and held the boy by the feet. I said, "Auntie, will you lead us in prayer?"
She said, "Yes, Parson."
Oh, brother, you talk about a prayer. I just cried like a baby. To hear that old saint, and it was just quiet and cool.
Said, "Lord God," she said, "last night when You spoke to me, Your poor handmaid, in the dream, and told me that this parson was coming, I knowed that my baby's going to speak to me, and say he's saved before he goes." And she started like that, the tears running down both of our cheeks then. When she got through praying, she reached down and got her apron, wiped her tears.
And she said, "Now, will you pray, Parson?"

69 I said, "Yes, ma'am." I put my hand over on the boy, I said, "God, my plane's gone. I don't know why, but You told me to walk. This must be the case. I pray, God, that You'll be merciful to this boy, somehow the sovereign love of this woman praying for her baby. You brought me down here."
Just then I hear him go "Mmm!" Said, "Oh, mammy!"
She said, "Yes, honey."
Said, "It's getting light around here now." Said, "I'm nearing the shore." In a few minutes, he was sitting up on the bed.
About six months from then, I was going down, somewhere in the South. I went in on a train. They wanted about seventy-five cents for a hamburger on the train. I get it, about fifteen cents there at the station. I just waited till it pulled in at Memphis. And as you get off the train, you know how you walk up to that little restaurant. I was going walking along there that morning. I had got on at Louisville that night and started down there. I heard somebody say, "Hello, Parson Branham."

70 I looked around, there stood a little red cap out there.
Said, "How are you, Parson Branham?"
I said, "How do you do, son!" I said, "How did you know me?"
He said, "You don't know me, do you?" Said, "You remember that morning, that you come down to pray for me? My mammy here, you know, had been out at the gate waiting for you."
I said, "Are you the boy?"
Said, "Yes, sir, Parson Branham." Said, "I's not only healed, but," said, "I's a Christian now."
What was it? That morning, when I got back to my plane, I jumped in a cab as soon as I left that house, and got back, run to the station to see what train ... what plane I could get next. They said, "Last call," for this certain plane. God, by the love of that poor, ignorant, colored woman, her love for God and her baby, had grounded a plane and held it there. Hallelujah!
When love is projected, sovereign grace steps in and takes its place. God knew His gift. God knowed what would happen. God had selected this to be so. And the love of that mother had held... The love of that poor, ignorant colored woman, probably didn't know her ABC's; but she knowed of the love of God. That's what grounded that airplane, and held it three hours.
When I got on, I said, "What happened, hostess?"
She said, "Oh, there was something happened somewhere else, or something." They held it there.
I thought, "Well, I know it was. It happened in Glory." Amen.

71 I tell you, brother, there's nothing like the love of God. Do you love Him, tonight? Is He your Saviour? Have you got love that you can project to Him? That in your dying hours, sovereign grace. Yes, I've got to come to the end of the road some day, that's true brother. One of these nights, I'll preach my last sermon. I'll close this Bible for the last time. And I know, probably ... I hope I'm an old man. Perhaps, a few gray beards hanging around. But, I'm leaning on the staff, that I come to the end of the road. Oh, my!
I want to look back down through every briar patch and every hill, everywhere my footprints has been; I hope it's ground for Jesus. When I know I've fought the last hour, I know I've sung the last song, I've prayed my last prayer, I've preached my last sermon, as I'm standing on the banks of the Jordan, the old breakers is dashing against my soul, the doctors walk away, the saints stand with bowed heads, and I feel the breakers coming in on my soul.
I want to take the helmet off, lay it down on the river bank. I want to unbuckle the sandals and slip them off. I want to take the sword and stick it back in the sheaf of eternity. Raise both hands up. Say, "Send out the lifeboat, Lord. I'm coming Home this morning." Don't worry, He'll be there. He'll be waiting. I want to live for Him now. That in that hour, when I go down through the valley of the shadow of death, I want two glossy wings of the Holy Spirit to bear me over the river. He'll be there, if you'll just trust in Him.

72 Let us speak to Him, now.
Our Heavenly Father, as we are here in this great revival, in the great Shreveport, these dear southern people, Lord. Kind, and nicest I've ever met in my life. Humble, even to the sinners. Seems to be such a lovely people. Not saying it before them, Lord, I'd be a hypocrite to pray like that. Just for them, I'm talking to You, Lord. See many of them still in sin, still in darkness, still they don't know the love of God. They don't know the loving Lord Jesus and what, really many of them are trusting, because they belong to church. Many of them are believing that they'd be saved at that day, because that they're in good standing with their neighbor, or with their pastor, or with the church. Many of them think because they know the Bible real well.
O Christ, I'm persuaded tonight, that except a man is born again, except his whole nature, his whole lookout, that temper, that indifference towards Christ... It's changed, it's humbled, brought down to the sweetness, brought down to a place to where God can lead.

73 I'm thinking of the hundreds of letters from Germany, Switzerland, across the world, people sent in: saying, "Pray for me, like you did that old possum."
O God, You could lead an ignorant possum, and lay at the steps. You could stop a fierce bull, the bear that had his paw on my shoulder. O God, You who could ground that airplane for a little old colored woman that society would hardly even look at, that the officials of the city probably would study where they would think she was worthy enough to be fed, if she was starving. And yet, You loved her enough, because she loved You, that You brought an airplane out of the skies, held it down on the ground. And marched a poor ignorant boy down there, to pray a prayer of faith for her.
Into my heart, the feeling that I was dealt by a saint. To see You project Your divine love and sovereign grace move in and heal that poor boy with four-plus blood. Made a Christian out of him, a happy-hearted mother, perhaps, in Memphis, yet, tonight.

74 O God, the great King of heaven stooped to even bring a low creature like an animal. What more would You do for a man or a woman, boy or girl that You've died for? God, be merciful.
Grant tonight, Dear Jesus, that some of these people who has been a little indifferent towards You, will realize, Lord, that this love is the only thing that'll endure after the church is finished with you. When the church has buried you, when the skin worms eat your body up, the love of God shall still endure. One of the poets said, "the saints' and angels' song---the love of God."
O God, project Your love to the lost, tonight. Let them know what You did when You come here to the earth, and died in their stead, was made ugly and made death for them. God, made death, the immortal God, humbled Himself in the womb of a woman, to become death and sin, to take our ugliness and guiltiness away from us. Oh, it's too much for my heart, Lord. I just can't understand it. Why did You do it? How did You include me, poor, drunkard boy, without God, without hope, and by grace You saved my soul?

75 And tonight, the joy bells of heaven rings. If You come for me tonight, all right, Lord. I'm so happy for You. So happy that we can introduce to a dying, shaking world, under the impact of an atomic age, cobalt bombs, sin; but introduce a love that can never be stopped by any bomb or anything.
The love of God, oh, how rich,
how pure!
How fabulous and strong!
It shall forevermore endure,
Saints and angels song.
Come, Lord. The church has heard many sermons. The church has heard about Jesus, but it's never witnessed that real touch of divine love, that makes them love the man that's cursing them. To make them pray deeply from their heart for those who are doing them evil. That'll humble their heart.
Grant, Lord,

76 if there's any here tonight, Lord, without that experience, may they come and receive it just now while the God of love is here.
And while we have our heads bowed, I'm wondering, in this audience tonight... Excuse me for being a baby, standing here at the platform, crying. I don't mean to do that. But if you just only knew Him. If you only knew that One was here last night, who knows your heart, know that He's right here now. And His love is spreading forth. That's what makes you feel the way you do. And He is projecting His love to you. Now, come here and He'll show you His grace. He'll take all your sin away, all your worry away, all that's wrong with you. He'll make it right.
I'm His representative. You can't afford to try to go to heaven without this policy. Won't you come tonight? Will you raise your hands if you want to receive that type of love in your heart? Will you put up your hands to Christ, just now? With your heads bowed, everywhere.
God bless you. God bless you. God bless you. God bless you. God bless you. That's right, son.

77 I wonder, with your heads bowed, won't you just come right here to stand here at the altar? Will you come up here, stand right here with me, while we pray? While the love of God is right here, moving around in this building. What an atmosphere! This is an atmosphere that I wish I could live in forever---this sweet, humble feeling. What is it? angels are walking up and down the aisles. All around these posts, around the tent, on the outside, angels of God are moving, their great wings spread. That's what makes you feel that way. You don't feel like this all the time. You don't see nothing any different from what it was when you walked in here a while ago. But, I feel it. I'm conscious of it.
Won't you come? Walk up here now and stand around the altar. Who wants to come first? I believe if one will just make their way... God bless you. Here comes an elderly man, gray-headed. Young lady following right along. Another lady that's even... Getting up, putting on crutches to come down. God bless her heart. May He let her go back without any crutches. Young lady just at the turning point. Young man coming, walking with his...
Will you come? Move yourself up around the altar?
While on others Thou art calling,
Do not pass me by (He won't!)

78 Won't you just raise up now? Move right up here, stand here at the altar? Just a little word of prayer might mean the difference between your place in eternity.
Can you humble your heart? Now, Lord, from this on, I'm going to walk humble.
God bless you, young man. A gallant thing you're doing. You're just obeying the Holy Spirit.
Someone else? How many in here wants to come? Come on. Not single out someone; all of you, come on up. That's right. You that feels you need to come. Raise right up and come on. Won't you come?

79 You know what? While you're praying... What's the success of my praying for the sick? Here it is: I love you. That's what makes it. Why does He answer my prayers? Because I love Him. He loves me. I got confidence in Him.
You come. God bless you, honey. A little girl of about fourteen, two more little girls, about ten or twelve, coming, making their way. Beautiful little thing with long plats behind, like my little Rebekah. Another one crying. Look at that. All you older people ought to be ashamed when you see a little baby coming like that, about twelve years old. Just so convicted of the Holy Spirit, her heart.
... me at Thy throne of mercy
Find a sweet release
Kneeling there in deep contri...
(Won't you come? Come on, won't you?)
Help my unbelief.
Now, while we sing this chorus, raise right up and come.
Come on now, everyone of you. Move right on up now. Everyone that's got a need of God now, knows that God will warm your soul here. Are you a little cold in your experience? You come.
You want to be brought close? God bless you, dad. God bless you, sister. God bless you, brother, coming back there---fine looking young man.
You see a little young lady coming here, weeping, beautiful little thing. An elderly man around, way in the shadows of life, comes, falls down here. His chin quivering, and the tears running down his cheeks.

80 What is this? The Holy Spirit. Remember, this meeting will be history in another hour, but it'll be brought up before you at the day of Judgment. What are you going to do with it? It's yours. Won't you come?
.......... beside Thee
Or who in heaven but Thee?
Saviour, Saviour........
Won't you move out? Don't be cold! Come on. I want you to know Him, this way.
You say, "Well, I belong to church, Brother Branham."
That's good. I'm so glad you do. I'm glad you're a lady or gentleman enough to do that. But, I want you to love Him, till where you can think of Him, the tears will drop in your heart. I want you to love Him so much, that no matter whatever comes to pass, how cruel things is to you, you'd still love Him. When the undertaker comes to your door, you still love Him. O God.
Father and a little boy coming. I suppose, another young man. Another fellow moving out.
The only One that can save. Won't you hear my humble cry? God bless you, little girls. Here's a whole string of little ladies coming up. Suffer little children, coming weeping.
.........Thou art calling
Do not pass me by.

81 Now hum it. With a bowed head now. (Brother Branham begins to hum) Can't you just feel the sweet love of God? The cooing of the dove, right around your heart. "Child of mine, I want you to come up and talk to Me, just a little while. You know what's on your heart, I want to talk it all over with you now."
Won't you come? God bless you, lady. Lovely, young woman coming, hands up, tears rolling down her cheeks, handkerchief wiping the tears.
"Child of Mine, I just want to talk it over with you."
God bless you, sister. Another lady coming. Two more are coming.
"Just want to talk it over. I'm cooing at your heart. That's Me. I love you. I'm speaking to you about those things that you know that you ought to confess just now. I want a real revival."
God bless you, lady.
"I'm speaking to your heart. That's Me," He says. The Holy Spirit.

82 Do you believe me to be His prophet? I'm just trying to quote His words, that's all, what's coming on my heart. Won't you come, kneel down? I just feel there's somebody else. Somehow, I just feel constrained not to close right now. I tried twice already. Think, "Well, I'll have them all to come kneel, around; we'll pray." But Something keeps telling, "No, no, no, there's more."
God bless you, sis. I just know it. Won't you come? Everybody in prayer now.
While on others Thou art calling,
Do not pass me by.

83 Poor, old, blind Fanny Crosby, oh, what it'll be when I see her yonder. I just feel real strange. Seems like I'm without words right now, just something. The Holy Spirit is so pleased tonight. You've done what He said do. I just know that you're bound to feel the same way I am, saints. Feels like the Holy Spirit tonight, "That's just what I want. That's what I'm looking at."
Now, a man. The same God that knows your heart is standing right here, now, knowing that you've done just what He spoke to you to do. Now, if you want to know my true words, it seems like I just woke up, and I heard myself calling you, and speaking the words through my lips, that He was telling you. "Come, that's Me talking to you," He said. You've obeyed Him.
Will there be another? Just once more. While you bow your heads, and let's softly sing. Thou the stream of all my comfort. Look at these little girls, and old people: more than life to me. Whom have I on earth beside Thee? What you going to do with everything you got when death knocks at the door? What're you going to do? Do you know Him? Do you love Him? Sure.
....... not, oh gentle Saviour,

84 Come on now, last call. Would you close yourself out to that sweet, lovely voice that's here tonight? Love. You know my ministry. Love, that's my theme.
While on others that's obeyed You, God, standing around there, young and old...
"Lord, if there's anything in my heart, don't pass me by. Tell me about it right now. I'll get up and go to the altar right quick."
Lord, grant it now. Speak in their hearts. Speak just now, God. I believe that everyone will hear. I'm praying the prayer of faith, that You'll speak to every lost ... everyone that needs to come.
God bless you, sister. Grant it, God. I believe that everyone'll obey, if You'll just speak, Lord.
While on others Thou art calling
Do not pass me......
"Anything in my heart, Lord. Search me."

85 Our Heavenly Father, You alone know my heart. You know how I feel. I'm so happy. I'm so happy, that's what's making me cry. I'm happy, just to be here tonight, among these people who are willing to listen to the Holy Spirit. As long as they live, they'll never forget tonight. They may be laying some day, unconscious on a hospital bed. They may not know their mother, their daddy. They may forget the pastor. They may forget all their associates---wife, children---but they'll always know You. They, too, got to come down to the end of the road, some day. That's why we're standing here.
Dove of God, oh, You who can perform miracles, You transformed them now into sheep. Now, they're Your lambs. They're here ready to be shorn off. Anything that they've hung unto, anything that they thought was their privileges, they're now ready for You to cut it away, Holy Spirit. They want to live for You.

86 Would You turn them down? No, You wouldn't have led them here if You had any intention of turning them down. You've give them eternal life. You've give them love. You've give them peace. Now, they will always remember this. I feel it in my heart, Lord. I feel constrained to say this.
And God, if I know my heart, I'm not a hypocrite. I feel, God, that everyone at this altar, here around this altar now, has been accepted in Your sight. I feel it, by the witness of the Holy Spirit, that they're now safe. Their names are on the book, angels are singing, bells of heaven are ringing, Satan is defeated. They're moving back down the corridors of hell with their black flags draping. The angels has gone to heaven to rejoice around the throne, where mothers and fathers are waiting to hear the message coming back from this meeting tonight. They got boys and girls sitting here, where loved ones has gone on, are waiting. The angels coming back, saying, "Yes, they walked humbly. They come humbly. Not stiff, starchy, but they come brokenhearted, weeping."

87 And the Bible said, "He that goeth forth, weeping, will doubtless return again, rejoicing, bringing with him precious sheaves."
Make them soul winners, Lord, in their neighborhood, wherever, or to the four corners of the earth. Some day, Lord, we'll just live in love, some day, the loving Saviour will come, the great Millennium will take place. Oh, when we see Him, see Him sitting there...
O God, these, tonight, will have the privilege to help crown Him, King of king and Lord of lord's. And will sing redemption's songs, while around the earth will stand angels with their heads bowed, while we're crowning Him. They don't know nothing about redemption. They've never been redeemed. They didn't need it. We were the ones who was lost. We know what it means to be lost, they don't. We'll know how to appreciate You, God, how to worship You and sing redemption's songs, because we were lost; and now we're found. We were blind, but now we see. How we thank You for this!

Psalm 126:6 He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him.

88 O God, my heart is just bubbling over. God, this is worth the whole toil of two weeks of hot weather and everything else just to feel this in my own heart. Then you're in the Presence of God; the great Holy Spirit, that I know is standing here. Sinners, lukewarm and church members, have wept their way back to Calvary. We're all laying around the cross now, just, Father, in the goodness of God's grace and love. Our hearts are full of joy, unspeakable and full of glory.
I wonder, with our heads bowed. I wonder if any of the saints, or one without the Holy Spirit, would like to take your...
I've never felt this for years. I don't know when I ever felt the Holy Spirit so dense, as it seems to be right here now. Just everything is one big bundle of love. Just look like it was not an ill thing in the meeting. Oh, I just love this. I hope when we have a healing service, it's like this. This is wonderful!

89 Would any of the saints or somebody out there that hasn't received the Holy Spirit would like to come and stand in this congregation? Come on up! Would some of the saints like to come and bathe in this gift of God? Move on up! Won't you come? That's fine. Good. That's wonderful! Maybe you sick would come up. Stand around. Maybe it would be a healing. Oh, it's right here. Here's the Fountain filled with blood.
Oh, just look, coming.
...... filled with blood,
Drawn from Immanuel's.... (O God!)
And sinners plunged beneath that flood,
Lose all their guilty stains.
(Just worship Him.)
......... guilty stains
Lose all their guilty stains.
Oh, it's so wonderful, just to sit under this baptism. This is what I call the baptism of the Holy Ghost.
......... beneath that flood,
Just worship Him, saints. Just look up. Tell Him how much you love Him. This is the baptism of the Holy Ghost. It's all in the tent, you're baptized in love.
...... rejoiced to see,
that fountain in his day:
(Hallelujah! Hallelujah!)
And there may I, though vile as he,
Wash all my sins away.
Wash all my sins away, (Glory to God!
Hallelujah! Praise be to God!
Lord, how I love You.)
And there may I, though vile as he,
(Lord, just loving You.)
And shall be till I die.

Love (1957-05-19 Evening) (William M. Branham Sermons)

Love (1957-05-19 Evening) (William M. Branham Sermons) somebody


1 Greet him for me, will you? We close tomorrow night and I've have got to drive a hundred miles then into another city, and I won't be able to go to Moosejaw to see him. But if you know where the church is, greet him, if some of you here from Moosejaw.
How many times have we passed through this city, and I'd see him weep. Sitting down there in that big hotel up by the river, down there with him, he laid his big head over on my shoulder and cried and said, "Billy, how many times I've seen ... just see myself as a little red-headed boy up and down these streets, packing newspapers." Ern went through a lot of things, and he is a fine Christian gentleman.

2 If anybody knows my old friend Brother Dawson, down around Moosejaw there, greet him for me, too. I was in hopes he'd get to the meeting, but I suppose he didn't. I'd like to see him.
My son was just telling me that they taken a love offering for me awhile ago. Well, they didn't really have to do that. But, I know some of you put a little portions of your living. I appreciate it. And brother, sister, to the best of my knowledge, I'll spend every penny of it that I can to the glory of God.
Now, I send out thousands of handkerchiefs a week around the world. I got a office with three or four people working in it, constantly, the stenographer and things, how they are paid pretty good. I've got a wife and three children. I'm preaching all the time, so that is the way I have to live, by that. And I certainly will promise you, it won't be spent for tobaccos, and whiskey, and riotous living. It'll be to the best of my knowledge to the glory of God, for I know it's part of your living.

3 I'm sorry; I never taken an offering in my life. I preached in the Baptist church for twelve years and never took one offering. One night I run short, as all people do. Many of you knows when you get to that place, you can't make ends meet. Now, don't you? Be honest, sure, you're just like I am. We're just all poor folks, as we say down in the south.
I just couldn't make the ends meet. I said to my wife, "I'm going over and take up an offering."
She said, "I'm going to go over and watch you do it."
We didn't even have a collection plate. Now, not that the people wouldn't do it, oh, them dear people would give anything, they'd ... all they had to me. But I wouldn't do it. I could work. And I was a game warden, and I worked and never made... I was on the warden force for seven years and never made one arrest. I believed I could talk to them, make a better conservationist out of them, than I could fine them and make them pay for it; then they'd try to get even with me.

4 They never fired me; I just had to... Missed meetings (this evangelistic) is the reason I quit. Very nice to me. If I could catch a fellow, I'd sit down and talk to him like a brother. I'd say, "Promise me that you'd never do that again." He promised, and keep his word, too, whole lot better than it would to make him pay a fine.
Then, I said, "Wife, I'm going over to take a offering."
She said, "I want to watch you."
So, I said, "Folks, tonight I have a little need. I need just a little money, just about five dollars. I owe a little bills, and I can't make them meet. I'm going to pass a hat and some of you, then give a nickel or two," I said, "and it'll help me make it. I know you won't mind." I said, "Uncle Jim, would you go get my hat?"
He said, "Yes, Billy."

5 He walked over to get the hat. Everybody... There was a little old woman sitting down there, used to pray for me all the time, little old godly looking woman. Do you ever (some of you women) ever remember when the women used to wear aprons, them long aprons, checkered, had a pocket on the inside? Well, that's the kind of apron she had on. And she reached down on the inside of this pocket, and I was watching her. She pulled out one of these little pocketbooks that has got a snap on top of it. And she went to reaching in there for those nickels; I couldn't stand it no more. I said, "I was just teasing you all. I didn't mean that." Uncle Jim had my hat, and he didn't know what to do. I said, "Oh, Uncle Jim, put my hat up. I was just teasing you. I didn't mean it."
You know, there used to be an old guy come down to my place from up in Benton Harbor, had long whiskers, long hair; his name was John Ryan. He left an old bicycle there and give it to me. And I went to the ten-cent store and got a can of paint, and painted it up, and sold the bicycle for five dollars. Didn't have to take up a offering anyhow. But that's the closest I ever come to one, a doing that.

6 So, money has been a very ... one thing that I've tried to keep away. Reason I wouldn't let my ministry, get out in great big fields, because you have to ask too much for money. I don't like that. I'd just rather be just this way.
So, thank you, friends. God bless each one of you. And I'm sure God will repay you. I trust that He will.
Now, just before opening the Word, now, let us bow our heads to talk to the author just a moment.

7 Now, dear Jesus, we're going to turn back the pages of Thy blessed holy Word. Won't You speak to us just a little while to encourage us to have faith for the service of prayer for the sick that we're trying to render tonight, in Thy blessed, holy name.
No doubt but there is many churches here, in Saskatchewan, has dismissed their service tonight, so that their dear children of yours that comes to their dwelling, could come to the meeting to be prayed for. We thank You for these gallant soldiers. And there's many who did not, maybe, get the message in time to dismiss. We pray for them, God, that You'll give them great service tonight, everywhere, throughout all the provinces, and around the world, that many might find Christ tonight.
And everywhere they're having a healing service, we pray that You'll stretch forth Your great hand of blessings over them meetings, and heal ever sick person that comes, Lord. Anoint Your servants. Give them words to speak that would just glorify Christ, and get the people to believe Him. Do likewise to us, Father, for we're waiting on Thee, as we read Thy Word. In Jesus Christ's name, we ask it. Amen.

8 Tomorrow night now, seven-thirty ... or, seven o'clock: the prayer cards. And we're closing this service, trying with these two nights to pray for every person that wants to be prayed for.
Now, by the grace of God, just to speak a little bit. I do not wish to take too much time, because I have already preached this afternoon. And now, I speak just for a little while tonight, merely just to get the people's feeling and the presence of the Holy Spirit in the meeting. And then we will start praying for the sick.
Now, I'm going to read tonight one verse of Scripture, very familiar to the smallest child here that ever attended Sunday school, called the Golden Text of the Bible: John 3:16.
For God so love the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

9 You say, "Brother Branham, would you read such a little text for a great service?" You see, it doesn't make much difference how small it is; it's what it says. It's the contents in it. The context, what makes it so valuable. That is enough Scripture to convert the entire world to God and to Christ tonight. If it be received in the right mental attitude, it would do it, would bring every sinner to his knees.
And the reason I chose this tonight, is because my theme has always been love. I think love is the most powerful force that the world has, because God is love. And there's no more powerful force than God. And love is one of the greatest things that I could speak of. So it is written in a little, small text, perhaps one inch square would more than cover the text. But as I said, it doesn't go in quantity; it's in quality.

10 Here some time ago, I was reading where a little boy up in an old garret (attic) was searching around up there in some old relics. And he run onto a little postage stamp, perhaps one-half inch square. Well, the little fellow thought this must be of some value. So, he rushes down the street to a man that he knew was a stamp collector.
And he said, "How much will you give me for this stamp?" Said, "It looks like an old stamp."
And the man said, "Well, I do not know the value of it, sonny, but I will give you a dollar for it."
He said, "All right. I'll sell it to you."
So, he bought it for one dollar. A few weeks later, he sold it for fifty dollars. A few weeks after that, it was sold for five hundred dollars. And the last I heard of the stamp, it was worth a quarter of a million dollars.

11 Now, it isn't the size, neither is it the paper. It's what is on it that counts. This text: It isn't how small it is; it's the message to the people that counts. It's God's Word of pardon and grace to Adam's dying race. It is a love letter that God has given to every fallen man and woman of Adam's race.
Now, it's a pardon to those who will receive it as a pardon. But if you do not wish to receive it, it's nothing to you. It was tried in the courts a few years ago in the U.S., that a man had committed a crime. And it was a military offense. And he was going to be shot at sunrise. And some friend begged the officials until they persuaded them that the man be pardoned and given another chance. And when the pardon was wrote out and sent to the man which was in prison... Just a few lines from the governor, or the official, said, "This man is pardoned." And wrote just his name. "Pardon So-and-so."

12 And when it was given to the man, he refused to accept it. He said, "It's not enough writing on that to pardon me." And he turned it down. And the next morning, the man was shot at sunrise. And then when this pardon being officially returned back to the government: Here's a man that was pardoned by the governor, and the man that was pardoned is shot. Now, what about it? And they tried it in the federal courts. And the verdict was passed by the federal judge, that a pardon is not a pardon if it isn't accepted as a pardon.
John 3:16 is a pardon if you will accept it as a pardon. James 5:14 is a divine remedy for your sickness if you will accept it as God's remedy. John 3:16 is a pardon for your sin. But if you will not accept it, then it returns back to God, and it is not a pardon to you. If you cannot accept your healing, then it's not healing for you.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

13 Someone said not long ago to me, said, "Mr. Branham, I don't care how many blind eyes that come open, how many deaf see," said, "I do not believe it's so."
I said, "It wasn't written for you. Divine healing promise was only written to believers and you're an unbeliever. It's only for those who believe." Salvation is for those who believe.
And when God looked down upon Adam's fallen race, and He so loved the race of Adam, He seen their condition, and it so constrained Him to love. And when love begins to go out, and when divine love has been projected and come to its end, sovereign grace will project the object that divine love calls for. That's the reason God had to do something about the sin case, for He so loved Adam's race, and His divine love went out, sovereign grace sent a Saviour.

Mark 16:17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

14 And when men lay sick, and afflicted, and in the condition that they are in, the love of God had to produce something for them. God doesn't want you to be sick. And when anybody teaches you that it's God's will for you to be sick, then if it's God's will for you to be sick, Jesus defied every law of God when He healed the sick that was brought to Him---He did what the Father told Him not to do. Just might as well face the issue; it's lack of faith, is what's the matter with us. "All things are possible to them that can believe." And this is God's pardon.
Now, there's something about a man that's a part of God. He's a fallen race. He's a fallen son. And now, and in one sense of the word, a man in himself is a creator---miniature creator. Now, he cannot actually create, because God does that. But he can take the things that God has made---the wood that God growed and build a building out of it. He can take the steel that God created and do something else with it. He can take the electricity that God sends in the air and make it light up a building. That's a man.

Mark 9:23 Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth.

15 Now, I want to ask you something. Let's let our collars down just a minute. Did you ever see a person that's a good person, you think they are nice, but there's just something about the person you just don't like to be around them? Certainly you do. And then, you've seen people that you just love to be around. What is it? It's that creative power that's upon the people that create an atmosphere around where they're at. If they're full of love (not make-believe, but real love), you can feel it. You know that they're Christians. They shake your hand, say, "I'm your friend, John." You can feel it.
You might not agree with me. But I'm thinking of my friend Paul Rader. Now, I believe in heartfelt religion.

16 I noticed tonight we have some colored friends with us. And an old colored man said, once down in the south... His boss said, "There is no such a thing as heartfelt religion."
He said, "Just one thing you lack, boss, in saying, 'There's no such a thing as heartfelt religion': as far as you know."
He knowed different. And I believe in heartfelt religion. I believe that you feel it, that God gives you something inside of you that changes you. It makes the atmosphere around you different. I've tried that. I know it's the truth, that man creates in himself the atmosphere that he lives in, and around him. He's anointed with a spirit.
I have seen people that you just couldn't get away from them; you just loved them. There's something drawing about them. It's because they live in that atmosphere; they live under the power of the Holy Spirit.

17 My poor, old half-Indian mother used to tell me this: "Birds of a feather flock together." And that's true. You don't see crows and doves having any fellowship together, because they're two different species. They don't look alike; their diet is not alike. A crow can sit over on a dead carcass and eat all day. But the dove cannot eat out of that carcass, because he doesn't have any gall. If he'd take a bill full of that carcass over there, it would kill him. There's no gall in him to digest it. And he's a different bird. Therefore, he don't associate with the crow.
That's the way it is when a man becomes borned again. There's something takes place within him, that he's sick and tired of the world. And there's godly spirit around him.
But my life has been dealing with spiritual things, as you understand in the meeting. You walk up to people sometime that try to impersonate something. "Oh, Brother Branham, I sure got faith in you." And you know he's lying, see. There's a spirit there that speaks a lot louder then his lips speak. It's the atmosphere.

18 And if you'll learn to love and to be kind to everybody, and to be gentle, have patience, it'll even make your home life different. It'll make your associations different. God will honor you. Now, I've tried it.
Here some time ago in my home... You can imagine what kind of a turmoil it's in all the time. You just think, "Well, the people say like here, this little city." What about the people from around the world, see? And they're flying in, coming in, calling in, all the time. Hotels, motels, sitting full of people, crying, begging. You can't get a minute's rest.
One day our house had been completely torn up all day long. The basement had been full, every room full, the den room full. Along about dark, I got them kind of quietened down, everybody away, I thought. And I went into the kitchen. There stood my poor, little wife at thirty-seven years old, completely gray headed, holding her hands up, crying.
She said, "Billy, I'm just about to lose my mind." She said, "These children hasn't had a bite to eat all day long."

19 Had some nervous people there, and mental cases, and some of them walking up-and-down the floor, telling me that the Lord was going to strike me dead if I didn't go to a certain town, because they said so. And that's the kind... You have to put it all together.
Another one in another room saying, "Oh, he don't know what he's talking about. I got 'Thus saith the Lord.'"
If the Lord wanted me to know anything, He would tell me. He's not afraid to talk to me. And then... But you have to put up with that sometime. And she said, "I don't know what to do."
Well, look. There sat Sarah and Becky in the floor, fussing over some little blocks, little bitty building blocks. Sarah screaming to the top of her voice, "Daddy, Sarah ... Becky's got my blocks. Daddy, she took my pocketbook awhile ago." All right. Joseph sitting in the floor, beating on something as hard as he could, the little boy, screaming to the top of his voice. Now, you talk about home, sweet home.

20 Well, I looked around. I thought, "Now, there's just one thing to do. We've got to change this situation." Now, those people there through the day, so many, and all through the night, does disturb the children. But I want to be with them a little while. So, I thought, "Lord, now You help me (in my heart), and let me..."
I'm just letting down to talk to you from the bottom of my heart tonight now, of some things that you don't have to tell everybody.
So, I said, "Lord, You help me now to get upon me the Holy Spirit in such a way that will change this situation." So, praying to myself, I put my arm around my little wife, and I said, "Oh, sweetheart, I really feel sorry for you."
She said, "Billy, I don't believe I can hold out any longer." She said, "Oh, I'm just going to pieces. Just look at this house."
I said, "Yes, that's right, honey. That's exactly right." And I put my hand around her, you know. I said, "I know it, sweetheart." And I thought, "Lord, You quieten her." And I said, "Now, that's true. But you know, honey? The other day when I was in Louisville, I seen one of those pretty little, a..." What is them things that women wear, you know, it's a little, like a little shirt up the... What is it you call them? What? [Someone says, "Blouse."] Blouse.
And I said, "I saw one of the prettiest ones some place. Let's see. Where was it?"

21 She said, "But, Billy, no time to talk about blouses."
I kept my hand on her. "Now, honey, I tell you; you never seen such a pretty blouse."
And she said, "Well..."
I said, "Look. I tell you what let's do. Let's get supper right quick, and when we do, I'll take and show it to you. I will buy it for you."
"Oh," she said, "That's nice of you, Billy, but oh, I ... I couldn't look at a blouse tonight. Oh, just look at me."
I said, "But look, honey. Oh, if you'd ever see it, I believe that you ... you'd want to buy it." "Lord, quieten her." See? Holding my hand on her. And I said, "I tell you what. You put me on your apron; let me help you get supper."

22 And so, I put this apron on, you know, and begin to chop up some carrots and things, you know, and going on. And every once in awhile, I'd walk over; she'd begin to quit crying. I thought, "Thank you, Lord." And I said, "Oh, honey, isn't the Lord wonderful? He's just so good." See, kept talking to her. Changing that atmosphere, laying my hand on her.
As soon as I got her quiet, after a while she was all smiles, she said, "Well, Billy, do you think the stores will be open?"
I said, "I'm pretty sure they will be." And I said, "I ... I think they will be." I thought, "Thank you, Lord, it's working." So just kept on, and the first thing you know, Sarah and Becky divided up their blocks, and Joseph got him a little rattler, and there was peace in the home, see.

23 Now, the only thing, you have to change the situation. If that can be done in a home, it can be done in a church; it can be done in a nation; it could be done in the whole world. It's the atmosphere that counts.
The natural way to hatch an egg is put it under a hen, because she keeps it warm. But put it under the same kind of a heat, and it'll hatch anyhow. It's the atmosphere that counts. That's right.
So, it's the atmosphere. And you make up that atmosphere with what you are inside of you.

24 Let's just break down a little further. How many ever read my book (I believe it was wrote by Gordon Lindsay) called, "Man Sent From God"? Many of you. Did you ever read of that case when I was up at Portland, Oregon, and there was a maniac run out to the platform that night to kill me? Did you read that? About one third of you. I'll just give you the story. There's something that happens. I wish it would always happen. But it doesn't.
I was preaching---six thousand people inside, and I don't know how many outside, the rain pouring. Oral Roberts, none of the rest of them had come on the scene in them days. And I was... The tension was on the meeting, certainly. And while I was speaking, "Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen," there was about couple of hundred preachers sitting behind me. And all of a sudden, down through that building come a great big man, thick, about six foot two, weighed about two-forty, two-fifty, gray suit on, going like this, just real hard. I thought he must be bringing a message for someone.

Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

25 And when he'd got near the platform, all those preachers realized who he was, and they took a run as hard as they could go. He has a maniac out of an insane institution. And he run to the platform. And he started walking up towards me. And he said... I weighed one hundred and twenty-eight pounds at the time. And he said, "You snake in the grass. You hypocrite. Here imposing yourself as a servant of God. I'm going to break every bone in your body tonight. And I'll show this people that you're nothing but a big liar."
I turned and looked at him. Ordinarily I'd been scared to death. But instead of that, something happened. Oh, I wished it would always happen. Instead of despising that man, I loved him. Something has to do it. I begged God, "Let me get in that state and stay there forever."

26 But I loved the man. I thought, "Poor fellow. He wouldn't want to hurt me. He's out of his mind. Why, he's probably got a family somewhere." And as he started towards me... Just before coming in the meeting, I led two little policemen to Christ back in the dressing room. They rushed out to get him. Now, ask the police force. Many people has called. That's authentic. It has to be before it's put in the magazine.
So, the police rushed out to get him. I said, "No, don't. Leave him alone. This is not a flesh and blood; this is a spiritual affair." They just took their hats off and walked back.
He walked up towards me. He said, "Tonight, I'm going to break every bone in your body."
I had to look up to see him. I thought, "Poor fellow." Never said a word. He went... [Brother Branham makes a spitting sound.] Spit right in my face; it flew all over me. I thought, "Poor fellow. He don't mean to do that. He's out of his mind."

27 And he said, "Tonight, I'm going to knock you way out in the middle of that audience." He was well able to do it, great big arms. And I never said a word. I knowed better than to say anything. I just stood still. The audience was hushed. I was just looking at him. He walked up to me, and he drew his great big arm back, and started to raise back, and I heard myself speaking to him. And It said, "Because you have challenged the Spirit of God, tonight you'll fall over my feet."
He said, "Fall over your feet? You lowdown hypocrite." He said, "I'll show you whose feet I'll fall over." And he drew his big fist back to strike me.
I said, "Satan, come out of the man."
And he threw his hands up in the air, paralyzed him. Went, "Ah, ah." Turned around two or three times and fell across my feet, till the policemen had to roll him off of my feet. What was it? Strength? It was love that did it.

28 Last summer down in Mexico, where twenty something thousand came to Christ in one night, I was standing on a platform many times wider than this. And the people come at nine o'clock that morning to stand there at the bullring waiting till eight that night when I got there. No place to sit down, they just leaned against each other. They wanted to go to church.
And when we got in that night (The night before the Lord had performed several miracles.)--- there'd been a little baby that had been brought up. And Billy Paul, about thirty ushers, couldn't hold that little woman out of the line, with that baby. She claimed it died that afternoon. It'll be published soon now, because it's authentic. Brother Espinoza just got it for me and confirmed it. It has to be by the doctors and so forth, or we can't publish it.

29 So then, the little woman screaming, and Billy come to me, said, "Daddy, you'll have to do something. That woman hasn't got a prayer card." And I give all those ushers orders not to get anyone in the prayer line without a prayer card. And said, "There she is down there; she's whipped every usher down there." Just a little bitty woman, climbed over the top of nearly everything in the building, a blanket wrapped under her arm.
I said to Brother Moore, Brother Jack Moore (many of you remember him, was here with me before), I said, "Brother Moore, go down and pray for the little baby, or console her some way, because it wouldn't be right for me to go down there if the woman hasn't got a prayer card."

30 As I started to look at my audience again, I saw that little baby out in front of me. The love of that mother, see what it had done? It had acted before God. Her love for the baby...
And I said, "Just a minute, Brother Moore. I shall go down."
And I walked over there, and I told the ushers, "Let her through."
And she come, fell down. She said, "Padre." (Means 'father.' She's Catholic.)
I said, "Stand up. Stand up."
She got up. She motioned to her baby. It was raining all along. The little blanket she had around it was wet. I never looked at the baby, but I just said... Put my hand on the little fellow. And I said, "God (it was a little blanket), Thou has showed a vision of this little Mexican baby. That mother's love has touched You in some way." And about the time I said that, the little baby let out a big squeal and started screaming to the top of its voice. Women fainted and everything. That little baby was restored back to life by Jehovah God, who felt the love of that mother pressing for her baby. Certainly it was.

31 The next night, when they was lined up, and there laid old blankets, and coats till they were ricked up nearly four foot high. How they ever knowed which one wore it, I don't know. And as they come up to the platform, there was an old Mexican man. He was blind. And when he got up there, he took out little beads, and begin to saying, "Hail Mary, mother of God."
I took his hand. I said, "That's not necessary, dad." The interpreter, Espinoza, interpreted. And he was blind. I said, "I will pray for you."
And just as I started to pray for him, I looked down, and he was bare-footed. His clothes were dirty and dusty; his face was wrinkled and his cheeks need shaving. The tears was rolling down his old wrinkled cheeks. He had his hands out like this, hollering, "Padre, padre." I looked at his hands. I took his hands and laid them over my shoulder, I looked at his face. And somehow, you have to enter in to his feeling.

32 I thought, "How cruel life has been to the old fellow. Maybe he never had a pair of shoes in his life." I set my foot up the side of his to see if my shoe would fit him. It wouldn't. I put my shoulders up the side of his to see if my coat would fit him. And it wouldn't. And I thought, "There he is, maybe never sat down to a good full meal in his life. And he never had a good, decent suit of clothes on in his life. Maybe raised a bunch of little children. And besides all that, now, here he is in gross darkness, blind, staggering around."
I thought if my own daddy would've lived, he'd have been about that age. Something happened; my heart went out for him. There you are. You've got to get into the fellowship of these people.
And I took him up, my arms around him, and I said, "Heavenly Father, please be merciful to this poor, blind man."
He begin to holler, "Gloria a Dios. Gloria a Dios." (Means "glory to God.") I turned him loose, and he run down the platform, kissing everybody. Could see as good as I can, or you can. What was it? It was entering into divine fellowship of his suffering.

33 I don't know how you are going to take this. Now, I'm going to open just a little more for you, some of my inside life.
Sometime ago, when I was on the warden force. Near Henryville, Indiana, is a friend lives up there, and he was sick. And I was turning some fish loose in a creek. So I thought I'd go over and pray for the man. So I had a little, old gun you had to pack as a warden. I unbuckled the thing, throwed it up in the truck and shut the door. I thought, "I will go across the field over to pray for my friend."
As I walked up across the field, I was going along humming. I forgot that down at the Burke's farm, a great big Guernsey bull had killed a colored man down there. He was a caretaker. He was a fine animal. And they didn't want to kill him, so they sold him up here to this man. I knowed there was warnings all around the field, but I'd forgot about it. I got right out in the middle of the field where there's some little old scrub oak (I don't think you have them in this country). And as I passed by this, all at once this big killer bull raised up. And he snorted. And I recognized that's the bull.

34 I turned first; I felt for the gun. It wasn't there. I'm glad it wasn't. I'd probably kill the bull, and then paid for it. I felt for the gun; it wasn't there. I looked to the fence; it was too far for me. There was no trees around for me to get in to. There it was nothing but to face death.
I said, "Well, Lord, if the time has come for me to die, I want to face it like a man." I shoved my shoulders down. I said, "If this is it, if I must die by this bull, then I must die." And something happened. I know this sounds like a child, but it's the truth. Somehow another, instead of despising that beast, I had a love for it.
And I thought, "That poor thing was laying out there in the field. I come in on his territory. I disturbed him. He don't know no more than to protect himself." And he threw his horns down, and dug the dirt up, fell onto his knees. You know how they do just before they charge.

35 And I thought, "That animal... Oh, I'm so sorry that I disturbed you." I said, "I don't want you to kill me. I'm the servant of God. And I'm on my road to pray for some sick people. And I forgot about those signs." I was talking just as I am now. But there was something another happened. I wasn't scared of him. I was no more afraid of that bull, than I would be my brother.
That's where the church is. You're always scared it's not going to happen. That's the reason it don't happen. When that fear... Love casteth out fear. When you got love, fear is gone. But as long as you got fear, love cannot operate.

1 John 4:18 There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.

36 And when the bull made his charge to come to me, he come within about ten feet, and he stopped and threw his front feet out. And he looked so depleted as he looked this way and that way. And he turned, and went right back around, and laid down over there where he got up at. I walked across the field, and went out of the pasture. He just laid there and looked at me. It was love that took the fear away, and God seen me through.
Now, after I got out of the pasture and that left me, then I just shook like a leaf. But while I was in the presence of him, the fear had left.

37 One day I was mowing my yard with a lawn mower. And I would try to lawn mow the front, and I would make a few rounds and somebody'd come in to be prayed for. I'd have to run, change clothes and pray for them. Well, the front was growing up before I could get to the back. And it was on a hot summer afternoon. Gene, Leo, and them, the boys here been to the place. I took off my shirt. No one could see me back there in the back. And I was running this power mower. And I'd forgot that right down at the end of the fence was a big nest of these hornets hanging there.
And I was running this mower real fast to get it cut real quick, and I never noticed them. And I (not home too much) and I slammed right into those hornets. Was aiming to burn them, get them out of there. And I hit that hornets nest. Now with no shirt on, and just in a moment, the whole around me was covered with hornets. Anyone knows that one sting can kill you.

38 Last summer a man was stung on the lip by a honey bee and it broke up some kind of a blood affair, died before the doctor could get there. A hornet will knock you flat on the ground when he stings you. And here a whole hive of them over me. But now, instead of being afraid... I don't know what you going to think of me after this. It doesn't matter, because I'm telling the truth. You'll have to answer with God about what you think about it.
Them hornets all around me, and instead of wanting to fight at them, something happened. I wasn't afraid of them. I loved them. I thought, "Little creatures of God, stinging is the only way you got to protect yourself. That's your God given weapon. And I disturbed you out of your house." I said, "Now, I've got to pray for God's sick children. I'm the servant of the Lord. Now, in the name of our Creator, Jesus Christ, go back into your nest. I will not bother you no more."
And when I meet you at the judgment bar... Them hornets whirled around me, and took circle, and made a beeline, and every one of them went right back into their nest. Why? The atmosphere had been changed.

39 You say, "Brother Branham, that sounds silly." That's the reason you don't know the Bible. Did not the lions come after Daniel and could not touch him? The atmosphere was changed. Could the fire burn Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego? The atmosphere was changed. And the God of Daniel still lives tonight. He's the same God.
You Christian Businessmen now, in your own digest, this story come out. Gene, here, and Leo, there, they were sitting on the porch. I call them my student ministers: one of them a converted Catholic. I believe the other one might've been a Methodist, or something.
They come down to my meeting in Hammond, Indiana. Was forming them a little FBI. They didn't believe these things was right. They happened to come down home one time, to find around down there if those visions happened there. They're my students.

Daniel 3:25 He answered and said, Lo, I see four men loose, walking in the midst of the fire, and they have no hurt; and the form of the fourth is like the Son of God.

Daniel 3:27 And the princes, governors, and captains, and the king's counsellors, being gathered together, saw these men, upon whose bodies the fire had no power, nor was an hair of their head singed, neither were their coats changed, nor the smell of fire had passed on them.

Daniel 6:22 My God hath sent his angel, and hath shut the lions' mouths, that they have not hurt me: forasmuch as before him innocency was found in me; and also before thee, O king, have I done no hurt.

40 They were sitting on the porch and I was teaching them, one summer morning, about ten o'clock. And I happened to notice, coming in the gate come an old possum, coming from about two squares across the road to a woods. I'm the only one's got a fence along there. It come by three houses, turned into my gate, and here it come. And I run out, and I said, "That possum's got rabies."
We'd been talking about a young colored girl who gave birth to a illegitimate child, wrapped it into a blanket, and smothered it to death, and had a taxi cab take her out on the river, and she stopped out there and just dumped the bundle over in the river. And the cab reported it, the life guards come out ... the coast guards, rather, and picked up the bundle. It was a dead baby. Very lovely looking girl, and her picture's in the paper.
And I said, "She wasn't a mother. She wasn't worthy to be called a mother. Mother has a sacredness to it. She's just a female that had a baby. A mother means love."

41 So many women today, they bring children, that don't deserve the name of mother. So then, her take that baby and dumped it into the river. And when I seen this old possum turn in, I said, "That possum's got rabies. I run out and stop it." Mr. Wood, he was a Jehovah Witness. His boy, he didn't believe in the meetings either. And he brought his boy in a meeting, had a crippled leg, and the Lord called the boy out and his leg is perfectly normal and straight. He got saved and filled with the Holy Ghost. His wife's a veterinary. They quit... He was a contractor, he quit his business and just moved over next door to me, from Kentucky.

42 And he had been raking in my yard out there. I went and took this rake and throwed it over the old possum. Gene and Leo come out with me. I said (it's about ten o'clock in the day, it was hot summer) and I said, "The old possum's got rabies." I said, "I suppose..." For a possum doesn't travel in daytime; if anybody knows animal life, a possum prowls at night. And I said, "The..." I hunted them for years. And I said, "They don't moved until the sun goes down." So I said, "Something's wrong with her." And when I happened to look, her left shoulder was chewed up by the dogs, or either hit by a car; it was swollen many times its size. And this may sound kind of bad on the tummy, now, but the flies had blowed her and maggots was working all around through her shoulder.
"Why," I said, "The poor old thing's a dying. And she's just beside herself." And when I was holding her down with the rake, I happened to notice, and nine little, bitty baby possums, about two or three inches long... A possum and a kangaroo is the only animal that has a pocket they pack their young in.

43 And when I held this rake on her, she was biting at it. Very unusual for a possum, because they, what they call, play possum: just lay down. But she was biting at it and that's the reason I thought she had rabies. And when I seen these nine little baby possums, "Oh," I said, "She's a mother." I said, "Gene, you and Leo come here. I want to teach you a better lesson." I said, "This old mother possum is way more of a mother than that woman was that drowned her baby." I said, "This old animal, she hasn't got thirty minutes to live. She can't live like that. She's dying. But she will spend that thirty minutes fighting for her babies. For she's a mother, a real mother. She loves them."

44 And then, just then, Mrs. Wood come up and Mr. Wood. They seen us out there in the yard. And Mrs. Wood said, "Well, what do you know, Brother Branham?" She said, "That little bitty, tiny possums." And she said, "What are you going to do about it?"
I said, "I don't know."
She said, "Well, kill it."
"Oh," I said, "I can't kill it."
"Oh," she said, "Just kill the mother and take them little ones, they got a round mouth." Said, "They could never nurse. Just pick them up and throw them on the ground and kill them right quick, and get them out of their misery." She's a veterinarian, and that was the most humane thing to do. "Just throw them on the ground and kill them right quick, and then it'll all be over."
I said, "Sister Wood, I know you are right, but I just can't do it."
She said, "Well, let Banks do it." (That's her husband.)
I said, "No, I don't want him to do it."
Leo and Gene, here, they looked at me, thought, "What's he going to do?"
"Why," she said, "Why don't you go in and get one of your guns and shoot it then?" Said, "You're a hunter. Why don't you go kill it?"
I said, "I'm a hunter, but I'm not a killer." I said, "I can't kill her."
Said, "Well, what are you going to do?"
I said, "I don't know."

45 And I noticed her scrambling for those little babies. And when I let that rake up, you know what she done? With that one leg dragging, here she went just as hard as she could go, and went right down in front of my steps and there passed out. And those little possums, when she passed out, ... 'course that let that cord loose and she could ... they come out of the pocket, and those nine little opossums trying to nurse her. That's all they know how to do.
And Mrs. Wood said, "Billy, you mean you are going to let them little possums die that horrible death." Said, "She is dead. And you going to let them little possums drink that old milk from her like that and die that horrible death?" Said, "Brother Branham, that's brutal."
I said, "It may be Mrs. Wood, but I ain't got the heart to kill her."
I took and punched the old possum. You could just barely see that she was still alive. I said, "She's still alive."

46 Well, there she laid there in that hot sun. Someone come in, Gene and Leo left. All that day the old possum laid there. That night come, Mr. Wood come up, said, "Now, Billy, you have been busy all day long, got to get you out a little while, so you can relax."
I said, "All right, Brother Wood."
We went out that night, and was riding around coming down the road, and I stopped real quick. A little puppy was on the road. And I picked the little fellow up, and he was so full of mange and lice, till they was running all over my arms. I brought him in the car, and Meda said (my wife) said, "Billy, you are not going to pick up that little old mangy dog."
I said, "Sure, he's just a baby. He's got a right to live."
Said, "What are you going to do with him?"
I said, "Well, I'm going to take him home. Somebody dropped him. It's a shame."

47 I took the little fellow home, washed him off, and prayed for him; it's one of the finest collie dogs you ever seen, see. You don't have to do that: kill them.
And when we come in at eleven o'clock, old mother possum's laying there. Dew had done got on her, little ones still nursing.
Mr. Woods said, "Billy, look at there. You know good and well, boy, if that possum is ever going to move, it would move when it got dark."
I said, "I know, Brother Woods, but I can't kill it."

48 And so about twelve o'clock, Billy Paul, my boy, had been out fishing. So he come in, and the old possum still laying there. Next morning about six, I got up, looked out on the rack, see if anybody was out there. No one was there, so I thought, "Believe I will go out and see about my possum." I thought of her all night when we would wake up. I went out and looked. There she laid. I said, "Well, I guess poor old thing's dead." And I went out and took my foot, and kicked on her like that, and she didn't move, them little possums still there.
And just then I heard the door slam and my little Rebekah, real spiritual little girl, saw her first vision just recently. And I believe the Spirit of God is on the child. She come out and she said, "Daddy, is that old possum dead?"
I said, "I don't know, honey."
She said, "Daddy, what you going do with that possum?"
I said, "Honey, I don't know."
She said, "Daddy, she's a real mother, isn't she?"
I said, "She sure is, honey. But I..."
She said, "You going to let her suffer, daddy?"
I said, "Honey, look. You oughtn't to be up. Run on back in the house with mommy."
And so I tried to get her in off the porch. I kicked on the old possum a little bit. I seen her move her foot a little, and I thought, "Well, she's still laying there, no doubt suffering."

49 Well, I went into the den room on the side, and sat down, kind of put my hands up like this, and begin to rub my head. I thought, "I don't know what to do with that possum. Perhaps maybe... I don't want them to kill her, because she's a mother, and I don't know what to do about her."
I was rubbing my head like this, Something said, "I thought you preached about her yesterday. You said she was a real mother. And you made a text out of her."
I said, "I did do that."
And said, "Well, as a mother dying, as a real lady, she's laid at your door for twenty-four hours waiting her turn to be prayed for."
I said, "Well, I didn't..." I thought, "What's the matter with me? Am I talking to myself?" I thought, "Who was I speaking to? Why," I thought, "that must've been God."

50 Well, I opened the door and went out. I shook my head, and I thought, "Why, I was talking to somebody, and somebody was talking to me, there's nobody here."

51 Now, you could imagine how you felt. And I walked outside, old possum... I said, "Heavenly Father, I know You direct people, but animals are Yours, too. You spoke through a mule one day. You know every sparrow that falls on the street. And if You, O God, sent that poor, ignorant possum, a animal, over there, and the dogs has chewed her up that I might pray for her, and I didn't know it; forgive me Lord, for not understanding." I said, "If she's a mother to be prayed for, with these little ones, so she can raise her little babies, and if Your love ... her love of that brute has touched You, and You sent that dumb animal, who doesn't have a soul... If You sent that possum here to be prayed for, I ask You, O Lord God, let Thy will be done and heal the possum."
Now, this is shocking. But when I quit praying, looked up, that old possum was standing on her feet. She had her little possums all gathered up; that tail twisted sideways, walked on that crippled leg just as straight as she could right down to the gate. Little Becky was standing there. I put my arm around her. The old possum looked back as if to say, "Thank you, sir." Right down the road she went with her babies over to the woods.

52 God in heaven knows that's the truth. That was printed the world around. And it's the truth. The newspapers packed it, the Businessmen packed it. Why? It was God. He knows. And if that old... If God could lead that old possum up there to be prayed for because she loves her babies, how much more will He answer prayer for you who is His children.
It's love, brother; love does the trick. Love is what does it. It's something gallant that stands out. God wants you to take love and be gallant with it, not love and hold it to yourself. Display your love. Prove your love. Show me your faith by your works. There you are. Prove that you love God.

53 In closing I might say this. The great story of... Many of you men and women here around my age, remember it: used to be in the school books. It's too quickly forgotten. That was a story of a great hero in Switzerland. Call his name and the Swiss people would cry right now, up in the mountains: Arnold Von Winkelried. Many of you remember him in your school books.
One day when Switzerland was backed into the corner, their little economy was at stake. The invaders, about four hundred years ago, swarmed in there like a fly of bees. They got their little old hand sickles, and scythe blades, and rocks, and whatever they could to go down in the valley to defend their homes. And here come this on-marching army, just like a brick wall, well trained armored spears, every man in step, marching right on. And here stood these poor little Swiss backed into a corner. There was nothing they could do. They were absolutely hopeless and helpless. All this fine trained, (outnumbered by the thousands), just like a brick wall, moving right on. What could they do?

54 Finally, one man, for the love of his country, Arnold Von Winkelried, stepped out. He said, "Men of Switzerland, this day I'm going to give my life for Switzerland. And this day I will save Switzerland."
His comrades said to him, "Arnold Von Winkelried, what will you do?"
He said, "Back over the hill yonder is a little white home, three loving children and a wife. They're looking for me and praying for me to return. But I will never see them again on this earth." He said, "For, this day, I must save Switzerland."
Said, "What will you do?"
He said, "Follow me and fight with what you've got and do the best you can."
He threw down the weapon he had in his hand; he started towards... He looked around first and found the very thickest of those spears. He run to them with his hands up in the air, screaming, "Make way for liberty. Make way for liberty."

55 And as he run (many of you know the story) and as he run towards them, about a hundred spears turned to catch him on the end of those spears. And when he got right to them, he grabbed an armful of them, and throwed them into his bosom, and died. Such a display of heroism and love for his country, it routed that big army, and those Swiss come in with clubs and beat that army out of their country, and they've never had a war since. That display has seldom been matched, seldom been.
Last year, where I will be in the next few weeks, Lord willing, up in Switzerland again, just speak his name and watch the people cry up there in the mountains. They know that their fine homes and their safety today, was because one man loved them. And displayed his love.

56 That was a great hero's act. But, oh, that wasn't nothing, friend. Till one day when Adam's race was all backed into a corner. The children of Adam: God had sent them laws and prophets, and they wouldn't keep it; they wouldn't listen to them. And they were all backed in a corner with sicknesses, and diseases, and superstitions, and doubt, and fears. There was One, stepped out of heaven, the Son of God. He said, "I'm going to earth to give my life for Adam's fallen race."
"God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son." And when He come to earth, He looked around and seen where man's most fear was. The greatest of his fears was death. Men, as long as he's healthy and fine, he can blaspheme and run around. But let him come down to that dying hour. There he was. And He found the thickest of the spears, and He rushed out into death and gave His life as a sacrifice, displaying the love of God for Adam's fallen race.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

57 What did He leave back for we preachers? He said, "Go up down yonder to Jerusalem and wait there until you're endued with power from on high. And when the Holy Ghost has come upon you, you'll be witnesses of Me, both in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, Saskatoon, and the uttermost parts of the earth." And with the weapon that He's left us, He told us to dash into sickness and to sin, and these signs shall follow them that believe.
Men and women, it's time that we picked up the weapon that our Hero of God's love left us, and dash out yonder and fight against ignorance, and superstitions, and formality, and break down the walls of the enemy and display the real gallant love that we believe in, God and His Word, till sickness is healed, and devils are routed, and blind see, and deaf hear. God help me to do it as long as I got a breath left in my body.

Luke 24:49 And, behold, I send the promise of my Father upon you: but tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem, until ye be endued with power from on high.

Acts 1:8 But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.

58 Display the love that I believe for the man who died for me. May you do the same, as we bow our heads a moment for prayer.
Lord Jesus, there's no love like the love of God. There could not be nothing ever match it. When we were helpless and without hope, You died in our stead. "God so loved us that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth on Him should not perish, but would have eternal life."
I ask that Your divine grace and the presence of the Holy Spirit... As Arnold Von Winkelried said (the hero of Switzerland), " Fight with what you've got." Now, Lord, You've not given sticks and stones to fight with, but the blessed Holy Spirit. In the meekness and gentleness of Christ, in the power of His resurrection, with His Being here with us now, the same yesterday, today, and forever, to bring to naught the things of the world, and God to issue in His everlasting kingdom... Grant, Lord, tonight, that these things may be manifested in our sight in Jesus' precious name, we pray. Amen.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

1 Corinthians 1:28 And base things of the world, and things which are despised, hath God chosen, yea, and things which are not, to bring to nought things that are:

Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

59 Now, as you look this way. One thing is to speak of something, another thing is to do something. A man can say anything he wants to, if he wants to lie about it, and just go on. But when God speaks, God confirms what He speaks. God makes real those things that He speaks of.
Now, as I have just said a few moments ago, Jesus Christ God's Son... Some of you are Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, Pentecostal, Nazarenes, Pilgrim Holiness, Catholic. You're all different, mixed up, here in this little handful of people tonight. Doesn't matter how small you are, you've got a right to the Gospel. You got a right to it. I don't condemn any church, any denomination. I love them all. But, brother, somebody's right, and somebody's wrong. It's up to God to do the speaking.

60 We're at the end time. You know that. There's an atomic bomb hanging yonder in Russia with your names on it, right here in Saskatoon; you know that. So does the rest of the world know it. There'll be annihilation one of these days. You know it's not far off. It's just the hand of God a holding it. What's going to happen? What did our president say the other night? We want to keep strong, let our aggressor know that whenever he drops a bomb he's going to destroy himself, too. Sure, planes and great tanks, and great hangers out yonder with guns trained right on the whole world everywhere. The only thing is let one drop; that's all it takes. Then something's going to happen.
No wonder... Let me ask you something. Just before every junction of time... Look at the antediluvian world. Everything at the beginning, it was all God. It scattered out through religious worship. Cain, just as religious as Abel was. Come on down, everything went cold and formal for a long time. Scientists and buildings and so forth. All of a sudden, what happened? Up sprung a prophet, in went the supernatural, here come a message, and the world was destroyed.

61 Bring it down through the time... You say, "A prophet, before...?" Yes, sir. Enoch, Noah, the ark, signs, angels appeared. God always does it. Now, listen.
And just as He brought Israel out four hundred years---a lot longer than we've been a nation---four hundred years, and ignorance, down in Egypt. What happened? Everything was just cold and formal. "Days of miracles is passed," everything, the church is believing that. All of a sudden a prophet arose, an Angel appeared in a burning bush; signs and wonders went forth, and God pulled out Israel and destroyed Egypt.

62 Then she cooled off again, through years. After a while, it was just about the time for Jesus to be born. What happened? A prophet arose: John the Baptist. Signs and wonders begin to appear. The Son of God was crucified. She cooled off.
We went through a space of time now. What is it? It's at the end-time again. What's happened? Prophets are appearing. Signs and wonders are being done; never knowed of it in the world. Never has been in two thousand years, the things that's taken place right in Saskatoon. That's right. Two thousand years since it's happened. Signs and wonders, messages going forth; Billy Graham, Oral Roberts, great men, blasting it away everywhere.

63 And America sits with her arms folded, and the rest the world say, "You bunch of fanatics." Newspapers giving the dirtiest write-ups they can get, God showing signs and wonders, just exactly. He said, "He's the same yesterday, today, and forever." He will do the very... "He that believeth in Me, the works that I do shall he also. I will be with you always, even to the end of the world. A little while and the world won't see Me no more; yet you shall see Me, for I will be with you, even in you, to the end of the world." The things... This life that I live, the things that I do, do the same thing. Them signs are manifested, and people just sit down say, "I'm a Presbyterian. I'm Pentecostal." But, brother, are you a Christian? Are you ready to meet it? That's the thing.

Matthew 28:20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.

John 14:12 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.

John 14:17 Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.

John 14:19 Yet a little while, and the world seeth me no more; but ye see me: because I live, ye shall live also.

Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

64 I'm your brother and I love you. A portion of your living has been given to me awhile ago, for my living. And I'd be really a rat if I stood in this pulpit and shunned to declare the counsel of God or told you something wrong. But as a lover of your soul, and as a lover of your being, I say unto you that Jesus Christ is absolutely the same yesterday, today, and forever. He's raised from the dead, alive tonight, right here in this building now.
Well, you say, "I don't see Him." We talk about this light. When it appeared, many of you has seen it. It's in Washington, DC: copyrighted it, the only light, supernatural Being that was ever photographed. You know the story of it. It's went through the papers and around the world. What was it? It's the same Angel of God that led the children of Israel.
"Oh," you say, "Jesus..." Yes, sir. Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever... Now, watch just a moment, before we start.

Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

65 Who was it, readers, Bible scholars? What was it led the children of Israel out of Egypt? It was the Angel of the covenant; is that right? Who is the Angel of the covenant? Jesus Christ. He was a pillar of fire. He stood here on earth. He said, "I come from God; I go back to God." He come here was manifested in flesh. When he went back...
You say, "He went back to a light again?" Absolutely. The Bible said so. "It does?" Read where Paul was on his road down to Damascus and a light that stood before him that even dimmed his eyes. Them who stood by never saw it. Paul saw it. You believe Paul saw it? Them who stood by never saw it. But Paul did. It even blinded his eyes. He was blind for several days.
He said, "Who are You, Lord?"
He said, "I'm Jesus."
Is that the Bible? Then if He's raised from the dead, here's His picture, scientifically, that He's the same. Here's His works moving on that He's the same. But the reason you're looking at it, because some educated person like myself is bringing you the message. Don't you look at the messenger; look at the message I'm talking about.

John 16:28 I came forth from the Father, and am come into the world: again, I leave the world, and go to the Father.

Acts 9:3 And as he journeyed, he came near Damascus: and suddenly there shined round about him a light from heaven:

Acts 9:5 And he said, Who art thou, Lord? And the Lord said, I am Jesus whom thou persecutest: it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks.

Acts 9:6 And he trembling and astonished said, Lord, what wilt thou have me to do? And the Lord said unto him, Arise, and go into the city, and it shall be told thee what thou must do.

Acts 9:7 And the men which journeyed with him stood speechless, hearing a voice, but seeing no man.

Acts 9:8 And Saul arose from the earth; and when his eyes were opened, he saw no man: but they led him by the hand, and brought him into Damascus.

66 Now, Christ is here. And I declare to you, "He's raised from the dead." He loves you. He wants your soul. He wants to heal you. He wants to make you happy. He wants to bring you up in the glory. He can only do it as you permit Him to do it. He can't do it against your will.
So now, if He has raised from the dead... And a woman that... Usually I bring the people up to the platform, one by one. You seen me do that. The Lord has changed it, right here at Saskatoon. This has worked; it will tonight. There's not a person in this building that I know, that I know for... Yeah, I beg your pardon, I did see Sister Sothmann, and Sister Norman, Brother Norman sitting right out here. That's all I know. How many in here know that I don't know you? raise up your hands, like this, that you know that I don't know you. Put your hands up, ever who you are, anywhere.

67 Now, if Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever, and He was standing here with this suit on that He gave me, and you would say, "Lord, the Bible says that You are a High Priest that could be touched by the feeling of my infirmities." Do you believe you could touch His garment, like the woman did, and He'd turn and tell you what you done? You believe He could do that if He's the same yesterday, today, and forever? Certainly He could, if He's the same.
Blind Bartimaeus, who cried at the gate: Jesus couldn't hear his cry, but He felt his cry, and He turned around to see what it was. Just look through the Bible and see if that isn't. Look at the woman at the well, how He told her of her husbands; and they said that's the sign of the Messiah. How many knows that the Samaritans knowed that was the sign of Messiah (raise your hands), because Jesus knowed what was wrong with the woman?

Mark 10:46 And they came to Jericho: and as he went out of Jericho with his disciples and a great number of people, blind Bartimaeus, the son of Timaeus, sat by the highway side begging.

Mark 10:47 And when he heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth, he began to cry out, and say, Jesus, thou son of David, have mercy on me.

Mark 10:48 And many charged him that he should hold his peace: but he cried the more a great deal, Thou son of David, have mercy on me.

Mark 10:49 And Jesus stood still, and commanded him to be called. And they call the blind man, saying unto him, Be of good comfort, rise; he calleth thee.

John 4:17 The woman answered and said, I have no husband. Jesus said unto her, Thou hast well said, I have no husband:

John 4:18 For thou hast had five husbands; and he whom thou now hast is not thy husband: in that saidst thou truly.

John 4:25 The woman saith unto him, I know that Messias cometh, which is called Christ: when he is come, he will tell us all things.

Hebrews 4:15 For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin.

Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

68 How many knows that the Jews knowed it was the sign of Messiah? Sure they did. When Nathanael come and got ... Philip got Nathanael and Nathanael come, and Jesus said, "Behold, an Israelite in whom there's no guile."
He said, "When did You know me, Rabbi?"
Said, "Before Philip called you, when you were under the tree, I saw you."
He said, "Thou art the Son of God. Thou art the King of Israel."
A witness, right there, by the Jews. But of course, the orthodox, starchy, those big church members, they said, "That's Beelzebub. He's a fortuneteller."
Jesus said, "You speak that against me, and it'll be forgiven you. But when the Holy Ghost is come and does the same thing, one word against it, it'll never be forgiven in this world, or the world to come."
See how people has got? God's got them on a free moral agency. They can get up and walk out. They can do whatever they want to. But judgment hangs before us all. Now, that's true.

Matthew 12:24 But when the Pharisees heard it, they said, This fellow doth not cast out devils, but by Beelzebub the prince of the devils.

Matthew 12:31 Wherefore I say unto you, All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men.

Matthew 12:32 And whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come.

Mark 3:22 And the scribes which came down from Jerusalem said, He hath Beelzebub, and by the prince of the devils casteth he out devils.

Mark 3:28 Verily I say unto you, All sins shall be forgiven unto the sons of men, and blasphemies wherewith soever they shall blaspheme:

Mark 3:29 But he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost hath never forgiveness, but is in danger of eternal damnation:

Luke 11:15 But some of them said, He casteth out devils through Beelzebub the chief of the devils.

Luke 12:10 And whosoever shall speak a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but unto him that blasphemeth against the Holy Ghost it shall not be forgiven.

John 1:47 Jesus saw Nathanael coming to him, and saith of him, Behold an Israelite indeed, in whom is no guile!

John 1:48 Nathanael saith unto him, Whence knowest thou me? Jesus answered and said unto him, Before that Philip called thee, when thou wast under the fig tree, I saw thee.

John 1:49 Nathanael answered and saith unto him, Rabbi, thou art the Son of God; thou art the King of Israel.

69 Now, if Christ is raised from the dead, if He comes here tonight, and with a divine gift will reach into that audience there, with your prayer... You pray God. Say, "O Jesus, the High Priest of my confession, that can be touched by the feeling of my infirmities..."
Last night we asked you to pray for somebody else. Did He do it? tell you who you was praying for? If you did, raise your hands, all over the building, to the newcomers. How many was here last night to see that happen? Raise your hand. All right.
Now, tonight, do whatever you want to. Pray for yourself or pray for somebody else. Just look up to God and say, "Your Bible said that You would do these things. The man tells us and it's in the Bible, the same things that You did. He said that You'd be with us, in us. And He set some in the church to do certain things; prophets, teachers, evangelists, pastors."

Matthew 28:20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.

John 14:12 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.

John 14:17 Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.

John 14:19 Yet a little while, and the world seeth me no more; but ye see me: because I live, ye shall live also.

1 Corinthians 12:28 And God hath set some in the church, first apostles, secondarily prophets, thirdly teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, governments, diversities of tongues.

Hebrews 3:1 Wherefore, holy brethren, partakers of the heavenly calling, consider the Apostle and High Priest of our profession, Christ Jesus;

Hebrews 4:15 For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin.

70 Now, look. He showed me a picture and said it was You. When He was here before, He said that these things would happen, that would come to pass. He couldn't it then, but He'd know the very secrets of the hearts of the people.
Ten years ago when I was here, how many still here tonight remembers I said that would happen? Raise your hand, see. There you are. Now, if that was of God, it's the truth. If it wasn't of God, it isn't the truth. How did I ever knowed I'd live to see it? Because God said so. That settles it. And here it is.
Now, if He will perform that... God gave Moses two signs. One of them was in his hand; one was another sign to go down and perform before Israel, and they every one believed him when he committed that sign one time. Is that right? They followed him right into the wilderness.

Exodus 4:6 And the LORD said furthermore unto him, Put now thine hand into thy bosom. And he put his hand into his bosom: and when he took it out, behold, his hand was leprous as snow.

Exodus 4:7 And he said, Put thine hand into thy bosom again. And he put his hand into his bosom again; and plucked it out of his bosom, and, behold, it was turned again as his other flesh.

Exodus 4:8 And it shall come to pass, if they will not believe thee, neither hearken to the voice of the first sign, that they will believe the voice of the latter sign.

71 Now, Christ sent me to prove to you that Jesus Christ is raised from the dead. And I don't want you to follow me; I want you to follow the Holy Spirit. He's the leader that'll take you to the promised land, just as sure as I'm here. He will do it. Now, you believe.
Look this way. Let's start over here. Someone in this locality, back in here, pray and say, "God, I'm in need. And I want..." Now, somebody without a prayer card... Let those that has got prayer cards, we're going to call them up and pray for them here at the platform. Somebody without a prayer card, say, "Lord, I'm in need. I'm going to ask You something, Lord. I heard Brother Branham preach this several times. I'm going to ask You, let me, tonight, if I can just touch You. I'm not looking to that preacher. I'm looking to You. And I'm going to ask You, Father, let me touch You. And if You'll let Brother Branham turn right to me and tell me that that I've asked You in prayer, then I'll know it'll be You."

72 There you are. That's a challenge to the Bible. How... One of you want to come take my place? If you doubt it, come up here, and let me see you do it. Platform's open. Come up and do it. Certainly. I challenged the Mohammedans; I've challenged the witch doctors. I never seen a time but what God moved. So will He tonight. I believe Him. I love Him. The fear of failure has gone from me, because I love Him; I trust Him; I believe Him, and I know He'll do it. Now, you pray.
I want to ask you something: If God will do it at least for two or three people in the building here somewhere, will every one of you say, "I will believe that God absolutely has raised from the dead and He's here to give me, right in this building tonight, what I want." Will you do it? Raise your hand if He'll do it. Wonderful. God bless your hearts.

73 I got to stand in endless eternity with you. Now, pray. Just be praying. There's nothing... I can't control this. You say, "Brother Branham, what about me?" I don't know. It's what God has to tell me. But that's the sign that He said would be here in the last days. As I just look and watch. And everyone just as reverent as you can be now; you're in the presence of Christ.
Say, "What are you doing, Brother Branham?" I'm just doing the same thing that our Lord did when He stood watching who touched Him. People are touching at Him. Now, He has to speak to me.
Now, raise your head just a moment. Now, this light that's on the picture, it's hanging right here, and a man sitting in a wheelchair there, something, right out here at the end. Have you a prayer card, mister, on the end? You have one? Well, keep it in your pocket. That's all right.
You're praying, anyhow. You're praying for me to say something to you, praying to God. I don't know you. I've never seen you. But if God will reveal to me just like He did to Nathanael, where he was at, or what he'd done, or where he come from, or something about it, that you know that I don't know, will you believe Him with all your heart? You will? Will the rest of you believe with all your heart?

74 Now, I see the man at... His trouble is in his back and in his spine. That's exactly right. And he is not from this city. He's come a long way. And he come from the west, coming east. He come to a place where there's a great big place where horses have a lot ... it's a stampede, at Calgary he come from. And the man's name is Earl. That's right. You believe now with all your heart that Jesus Christ, God's Son, will heal you and make you well? You accept it and believe that He will heal you? All right. Then you can go home and be made well.
Now, I challenge the rest of you to ask the same thing. Will you believe over in this section? Somebody in here believe with all your heart. May God grant it. God knows I'm not... This is not a floor show. Neither is it any kind of a show. It's Jesus Christ getting you quiet, so He can display His power to let you know that I've told the truth. Don't move. Just be quiet if you can.

75 Here it is. A little woman sitting right back this side here. She's wearing a black hat. She's praying for someone, which is her brother. And the brother is an alcoholic. That's right, isn't it, lady? Way back there with the little black hat on. Yes, sir. He has to take sleeping pills to sleep at night. That's right. And he's... Another thing, he was a Christian once, and he's backslid, because I see a dark shadow over the man. That's right. Now, do you believe? You believe God will answer your prayer? May He grant it is my sincere desire.
I don't know you, do I, lady? I don't know you, do I? Never seen you in my life. If that's right, shake your hands like this. Was everything of that the truth? There you are. Now, you believe.

76 How about in this row, here? What do you all think? Somebody there pray. And be sincere. Look to Christ. Believe that He's raised from the dead. Now, come reverently. You have to come to a gift. The woman touched His garment; she was made well. But the woman who put a rag around His head and hit him on the head, said, "Now, if you can prophesy, tell us who hit you?" He didn't feel nothing. You got to come reverent, believe Him, not just trying to test out, but you've got to believe.
That little lady, sitting there at the end. She's praying for her husband. The husband has got tumor, kidney trouble, something wrong with his bowels. The doctors give him up. That's right. You believe God will make him well? You'll accept it? If you do, raise up your hand like that, "I will accept it." All right. God grant it to you, sister.

Matthew 26:67 Then did they spit in his face, and buffeted him; and others smote him with the palms of their hands,

Matthew 26:68 Saying, Prophesy unto us, thou Christ, Who is he that smote thee?

Luke 22:64 And when they had blindfolded him, they struck him on the face, and asked him, saying, Prophesy, who is it that smote thee?

77 How about the balcony over here? You all are not immune to it. Each one of you pray and ask God something, over in the balcony. How many is that? Is that three yet? All right. Let's have another one from the balcony. Pray, believe.
The Lord be blessed. There's a little lady with her head bowed. You can raise your head, now, if you will. You were praying for someone. A little lady is wearing glasses and got a pink hat on. You were praying for somebody, a loved one that's a mental patient. The woman who put her hand up to her face, there. That's true, isn't it, lady? Wasn't you praying for that? If it is, raise up your hand. If you believe, your brother can be made well. You believe it with all your heart?
Now, how do I know what you were praying for? The God that can hear a prayer, can answer prayer. Now, do you believe, all of you? With all your heart?

78 Where's the...? What about the baby? I don't see nothing over the baby. But who's the parents of the baby, or who's got the baby? You, ma'am? Have you got a card for it? All right. Just being it's a baby, let's just... There. You just brought the baby in perhaps and set it down there. If God will reveal to me what's wrong with that baby, will you accept it? You believe that Christ would be kind to it then? Now, I don't know, it may be polio, it may be have a fever; I don't know nothing about it. You know I don't. But if God will reveal to me what's wrong with the baby... I couldn't heal it, because I'm not a healer. But God knows the baby.
If Jesus was standing right here with this suit on, He couldn't heal the baby. He's already done it. It's your faith. He's trying to do this to raise your faith to believe that He has done it. Would you believe it, dad and mother?

79 I see the baby at the doctor. The doctor shakes his head. He said the baby has got cancer, and it's all through it, legs and all. And he's done... He give the baby a certain time to live, and the baby has done lived a past the time, but he says the baby must die. I somehow another ... I see Fred Sothmann standing there. You either know him, or you live near him, or something another. I see him standing near, that caught right now in a vision. That's right.
I challenge your faith to Jesus Christ. Anywhere in the building, I challenge it. Yes, sir. You believe God. Do you do it? Don't you realize, friend, that what you're ... Right in here now is Jesus Christ, the Son of God? How can we hold still? How can we fail? How can we sit numbed, as it was, by the cares of life, or the fear? That ought to bring every cripple to his feet. That ought to bring every sinner to repentance. What more can God do? Nothing but appear in a corporal body. And then your prayers will be too late. Don't you realize that? Let's bow our heads just a moment.

80 I'm going to ask you something. If you have been a sinner, and you don't know Christ, and you want Him to forgive your sins now, while He's right here present, raise up your hands and say, "Brother Branham, remember me right now in prayer. I here want to accept Christ." God bless you, lady. That's right. That's what Christ appears for, is to save souls. Someone else will raise your hand, will you? Say, "I now want to accept Christ." God bless you, sir.
Somebody else say, "Brother Branham, I've been to church, but never did I see the Bible made real like that." There's got to be something. You know that something's doing that. Now, depends on what you think it is. If you want to say it's Beelzebub, go ahead. That'll be between you and God. If you believe it's Jesus Christ, then God will reward you for it. But that's the only way you'll ever... You'll either be cursed by it, or you'll be blessed by it. Either which one you want to be. It's up to you.

81 But if you're just a church member and never been borned again, why don't you raise your hands to Christ right now, and say, "Remember me, Lord. I now want You to remember me. I have a need of You in my life, and I want You to remember me." Is there another one besides these two that has raised their hands? I know I just went through an altar call. God bless you, my colored brother, sitting right here at the end. God be with you, brother.
Listen. One day there was an old cross dragging up Golgotha, dragging out the bloody footprints of the Bearer. And He fell under the load. And Simon, a colored man, come and picked up the cross and helped Him bear it on. He knows, my brother, if you've been staggering along in darkness without God. He's come to you tonight. He remembers you helped Him bear the cross. He bore it for you. God bless you and may you go in peace, my brother.

82 Someone else will raise your hand, say, "Brother Branham, remember me before God. While I know that there's something on you, man, you are just a man. And there's something there. I know it ain't you. You're not even intelligent. Why, you don't even know... You ain't even got a grammar school education. But something has happened, and I know it is, and I believe it's God fulfilling His Word."
Here it is scientific. Here it is in your midst. The Bible said it would be here. The scientific world says it's the truth. And the Holy Spirit's here saying, "I'm here. I'm with you." Now, what are you going to do about it? It's up to you. I got one more night. Will you raise your hand, saying, "Remember me?" God bless you, lady. God bless you, sister. God bless you. That's good. God bless you back there, my brother.
Someone else say, "God, remember me?" You're not raising your hand to me, now. God bless you, brother. You're not raising your hand to me; you're raising it to Christ. Raise it to Christ. "God, remember me." God bless you. Bless you, my colored brother here. God bless you, little boy, sitting here, honey. Someone else now, raise your hands right quick, or say, "Remember me."

83 Say, "Brother Branham, does that make any difference, if I raise my hand?" Absolutely. It makes a decision. As I've said many times, you can't raise your hand without defying every law of nature. Gravitation holds your hands down. There's something in you. God bless that little darling girl. She just heard the saying, "Raise your hand." She raised hers. God bless this young lady over here.
Sure, you got some supernatural in you. God bless you, brother. See, it defies the law of nature, of gravitation, it raises it up and makes a decision. God bless you back there, my sister. It says, "Yes, I believe in God. The God that's in me says, 'Raise your arms,' I do it." What does it do? You've passed from death to life when you do it, if you really mean it.

84 Right here in the presence of Jesus Christ, right here where He's moving, working, infallible proofs of His being here. Here it is, every way to be proven He's here. The next thing you'll see of Him, will be His corporal body coming in glory. Then he that's filthy is filthy still; he that's righteous is righteous still; and he that's holy is holy still. The time will be over.
Is there another before prayer? God bless these two little boys up here, with their hands up. Bless you, honey. God certainly sees you. This little lad sitting right down here, the Lord bless you, honey. May He grant to you your heart's desire and make you a little preacher for tomorrow, if there is a tomorrow.

Revelation 22:11 He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still.

85 Would someone else? God bless you, my brother, sitting over here as you raise your hands to Christ. May He bless you, and take every guilt from you, and make you a real servant of His.
Now, let us pray. Blessed heavenly Father, tonight we've lingered long, preached hard, told these little things that's happened along the line, and how many hundreds of those things could we stand here till morning, and then till night again, telling of what You've done, and then would not half tell it, what I have seen You do myself. Oh, You're so real, You're more than life.
And now, these people has raised their hands, Lord, that they believe that You're the Son of God, that You're here in this last days, and the sun's a setting. And the Bible said it'll be light in the evening. The light of the Gospel has come.

Zechariah 14:7 But it shall be one day which shall be known to the LORD, not day, nor night: but it shall come to pass, that at evening time it shall be light.

86 And I pray, Father, that You'll bless them. There's young men, old men, both the Indian, the colored man, the Anglo-Saxon, the little children, all, keep them all in Thy blessed presence, Lord. Fill their heart with such love for You, that the world will never be able to lure them away from You anymore. Grant it, Lord.
Take them into Thy care, and give to them the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Arm their souls with love and may they go out and win others to Christ, even the little children in their schools, the old man at his work, wherever it may be, or cutting in his yard by the side of his neighbor. O God, I pray that You'll help them, every one. They're love gifts that You had given to Christ. "None can pluck them from My Father's hand." And they're given by the Father's hand into the hand of Christ. "And no man can come except My Father draws him. And all that comes, I will give him everlasting life." Grant, Lord, that they'll have everlasting life from this hour, for I commit them into Thy hands, of the fruits of the message in Jesus Christ's name. Amen.

John 6:44 No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day.

John 10:28 And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.

John 10:29 My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father's hand.

87 Now, they are held up their hand, you sitting by them reach over... [Gap in the audio.]...
And that I was to pray for sick and be sincere, and God would heal them. How many knows that was wrote in my book ten years ago, and heard me say it? He said, "If you'll be sincere, it'll come to pass. You take hold the person's hand, and you'll know what disease they got." How many remembers that?
Then He said, "If you'll be sincere, you'll know the very thoughts of their heart. And you'll be able to tell them the very discernment of their heart." How many knows He said that? I couldn't do it then. But it happened.
He said, "In this ministry of yours that's been given to you, will start a worldwide revival." Has it done it? Certainly it has. Oral Roberts, all these others come right off. That's exactly. A. A. Allen, the whole group of them, come right from that. And look, in every nation nearly---Africa, India, Palestine, everywhere ---there's great healing services going on right this very hour all over the world. Jesus is coming. That's right.

88 Now look to you, you people there, that's in the line. Do you believe? Now, to take you one by one, know and tell you, go down and search it out like I used to before I would try to cast out an evil spirit ... first I would search that case down to see if there was any sin in their life, first, before I did it, because they might've done something wrong. And God would hold me responsible for doing that.
But now, He's... And the people complained. They said, "You don't pray for enough." Look at that line standing there now. Never a meeting Oral Roberts gets any more than that. You that has been in his meetings, or the rest of them, or Brother Allen. Certainly not. You can't do it. But I can have the discernment and still have this many. That's the grace of God.

89 All right. Just be reverent now. Only thing I can do is pray and lay hands on you. I'm going to ask everyone to be just as quiet as you can and be in prayer.
Before this woman comes to this platform, sitting right here, let me show you something. The woman is coming to be prayed for for deafness. She's deaf. I could feel that; there's a deaf spirit on the woman. Right here, sitting before me now. And it knows that woman has faith also; it's perhaps going to have to leave just in a moment. I'm going to ask you to bow your heads just a moment. Let's pray.

90 Raise your head just a moment. Watch here, see. She says, "Ruptured ear drum." Now, everybody be reverent just a moment.
Dear God, with a ruptured ear drum, how could the woman be able to hear the Gospel. Faith cometh by hearing, but what if you can't hear? Then I pray, that the audience might know that You're the Son of God; I pray that You will heal this dear woman, and will make her well, and take away this deafness from her ears. May it start this very hour and may she be made well. Grant it, Lord. In Jesus' name, I ask the deaf spirit to go out of the woman.
And now, everybody keep your head bowed a minute. That's a nice little seed you're wearing, mustard seed. That's all it takes, is that mustard seed faith, isn't it? Isn't that right? Yes. All right, you can raise your head. How long you been wearing that little seed? ["Quite a long time."] Quite a long time. Why, it's a wonderful thing. Some people has faith for miracles. Some has little bit of mustard seed faith, but if it's all... You know mustard seed won't mix with any other seed. So, a mustard seed will do the trick. Amen.
I've got my finger stuck in her good ear and here she is hearing me normally speaking, out of this ear. God bless her.
You love the Lord, Sofia, and then you're... That's your name, and you come from a place called Beechy, Saskatchewan. That's right. Return home, now, you are well. Jesus makes you well.

Romans 10:17 So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

91 You believe God? How did He know who she was, where she come from, what was wrong with her, how it would be? I didn't know it. God does. Now, let's just try to keep away from that if we can, because we won't get one third of these through, not but a few. Let's just all be in prayer now.
And what is your trouble, brother? Yours. ["Stomach."] Stomach trouble. You tell what is wrong with you soon as you come, so I won't catch that. All right.
Dear heavenly Father, I pray that You'll heal this man of his stomach trouble, and may he go home tonight and be made well, as I pray this prayer of faith for this my brother. I ask it to happen in Jesus Christ's name. Amen. I believe it, don't you, brother? Absolutely. God bless you. Praise the Lord.

92 Your trouble, sister? You believe the Lord will make you well? All right. Let me have your hand just a moment. Now, look. You know that there's Something here that knows what's wrong with you. You realize that you are standing in the presence of Something besides a man to make you feel like that. Now, if that's right, raise up your hand to the audience. Certainly, it's that anointing. That's why I'm talking about it, see. That's what's in the presence. That's what made the big animal stop. That's what made the bees go to his box, see. It's the Holy Spirit. He knows; He knows all about you. You believe it's the Holy Spirit? Then you can ask Him anything and He will grant it to you. And your nervousness and things will leave you. You believe that?
I bless this dear woman, heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, for her healing. Amen. God bless you, sister. Have what you ask for.

93 What does he want? You believe that Jesus will heal you of the diabetes, little boy? You believe He will make you well? Well, I believe He will, too, honey.
Dear heavenly Father, by faith I take this little boy, and we know when children get diabetes, if You don't help them, it's awful. But I pray now, as I take him by faith in the shadows of the cross and ask that Jesus Christ, God's Son, blesses this little lad, and takes diabetes away from him in Jesus Christ's name. Amen.
Sonny boy, the great Angel of God who stood near Brother Branham, which is here right now. You might not be able to see it, but it's here. You recognize that. You're blessed. God has brought you into His presence. Now, you go away believing that you will get over the diabetes. You write and tell me about it. Will you do it? God bless you, brother. All right.

94 The little boy, you believe that Jesus heals your eyes? Let you bow your head with me.
Jesus of Nazareth, as this little boy looks up here and his little eyes in the condition that they are in, I pray that You'll heal him, make him well, and take this horrible thing away from him, and let his little eyes be normal and well. In Jesus Christ's name, I ask it to be, as I lay my hands on this innocent child, too young to know what's right and wrong. I pray that You'll grant it in Christ's name. Amen.
Now, all right now? Your little eyes just as straight as they can be. Look out to the audience there, so some people can see you. Look over this way. Look back this way. Now, you can go off the platform and be well.
Let's say, "Thanks be to God."

95 You believe that God will heal you, woman? Now, look, sister. It's more like an oppression. Just let me ask you something. Usually it hurts in the evening when it gets worse. Especially when the sun starts setting. You get a severely weary feeling. Sometimes you think you are going to lose your mind. You drop things when you're startled. That's right. I'm not reading your mind, but that's true, isn't it? All right. Now, see, Something here knows you.
Before you come to this meeting, you was praying if you could got in the line, you was going to accept. You wanted a place to put your foot, you said, to set your foot. Is that exactly what your talking about? That what you been believing and wanting for and praying about? Now, how did I know what you been praying about and what saying down here? Knowed before you come what you did at the house? Something here tells that. Is that right? That's God. He wants to make you well. He will do it right now. Do you believe it? It'll leave you right now. It can't stand in His presence. No. It can't stand there. It'll leave you. But now if you keep believing, it'll always stay from you. If it don't..., see.

96 You understand what it is, sister? How old are you? Now, do you know what I mean? See? It's menopause, sister. It's change of life, see. You just get all kinds of feelings. There's really nothing wrong. Hormones is ceasing in your body, and it don't put out no more. Don't you let a doctor give you any hormones. That's the first case of taking cancer, it's cells they're putting in you. You keep them out. Go right on; believe God. What is cancer but a multiplication of cells. A hormone's just like... What you're doing, just like if you been taking dope, and then take you off of it. My, you don't know what to do. Your body actually puts out hormones, and now it's not putting out hormones any more, see. And that's just a nature thing. After while, it'll be over. But now, the devil will run you crazy if he can. But don't you let him do it. You look to Christ right now and be healed.
O God, this poor little nervous thing standing here, her poor little arms dancing around, and knowing that the devil's trying to get her into his grip. Thou, devil, I charge thee in Jesus' name to come out of the woman. Leave her. And as I put my hand up on her as a believer in Jesus Christ, you leave this woman alone in the name of Jesus Christ.

97 Now, look up this way now. It's gone now. You're quiet now. You feel all right, don't you? Raise your hand if that's right. Yes, you're healed, see. Amen. Now, go on your road rejoicing.
Let's say, "Praise the Lord."
What if I [unclear words] healing [unclear words] to you, brother, but if you was in that shape, it would mean something to you. It can't stand in the presence of God. God said so. That settles it. Just as true as He knows your heart. He said those words. He even said He'd take the Bible here, and he's doing it, proving it. Here He is confirming it everywhere.
What do you want Him to do for you, brother? What? Heart. You believe He will do it?
Father God, in the name of Jesus Christ, touch this man's body tonight and take his heart trouble away from him, and make him completely well. I ask it in Jesus Christ's name. Amen. God bless you, brother.

98 You believe that Christ can heal you, sister? What's your trouble that you want healing in? You believe that He will do it?
O blessed Lord, as I hold this dear woman by the hand, praying with all that I know the prayer of faith, Father. And I ask with love in my heart for You and love for this dear woman, Oh, just a little while, and she'd have a white cane in her hand, beating along on the street. Grant, Lord, it'll never be so. May she be healed. I bless her in the name of Jesus Christ, whose presence we're in now. Amen.
God bless you, sister. You believe you'll be all right? So do I. The Lord be with you and bless you.

99 How do you do, lady? Just a moment. Something's taking place in the audience. Something happened. Please, just be reverent a few minutes. Each one of you, moving along, you're soul (You see?), you're spirit. And every spirit's subject to this Holy Spirit here. Certainly. And as you disturb or even mis-think or something, it happens. Something happens. You say, "Brother Branham, is that...?" Why, certainly it's the Scripture.
Here, He hasn't gone. This lady, here. Do you believe me, lady? You believe me to be God's servant. I never seen you in my life, did I? We're perfectly strangers. If God in heaven will reveal to me what you're here for, so that the people will see that you're just a woman walked up here in the line, will you believe with all your heart? You be the judge. If He knows... Now, I can't heal you if you're sick. I've got very little money. If it's finance, I'd give it to you. I don't know you. You know I don't. I never seen you in my life. And this is our first time meeting, is that right? Raise up your hand. Now, audience, now, if Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever, what about this? Will He do it? I believe Him.

100 The lady is shadowed with death. The woman has cancer. That is right. There is a black shadow hanging right by her. And that cancer is in the colon, the bowels. That's right. You believe me now? Now, the more I talked to you, the more would be said. Is that the same Lord that would know what the woman's trouble was? The same Jesus that talked to the woman just a minute to find her trouble? Let me tell you this, as He told Philip where he come from. You're not from this city. You're from a place called Edmonton, in Alberta. You're from Alberta. And your name is Mrs. Parker. That's right, isn't it? Now, go on your road, and rejoice, and be made well in the name of Jesus Christ.

101 Do you believe? Say, "Amen." Pray now. Keep your heads bowed. Pray for these people. Come, sir. Please tell me, speak out what your troubles are.
Lord, I pray that You'll heal this dear brother, and will make him completely whole, and take all the sickness from him in Jesus Christ's name. Amen.
God bless you, my dear brother; that'll get... Believe it now, with all your heart and you'll...
Your ... of course, you got a little hunch back here. You believe that God will make you well?
Lord God, I pray that You'll heal this little boy and make him well in Jesus Christ's name. May this little hunch on his back start moving down and be made well, in Christ's name. Amen.
Look here, son. You're an impossible case with the doctor. You know that. He can't do nothing for you. But will you believe me as God's servant? I will prove something to you. When you go in tonight, you take a string and measure around your little waist, like this here, and put it together in then cut it off. And tomorrow night before the service, you go get that same string and measure again around you, and cut off how much you shrunk around this way by tomorrow night and lay it on my desk. Will you do that? All right. Go now.

102 You believe God will heal you, my brother? O God, I pray in Christ's name that You'll heal this man and make him well, through Jesus' name. Amen. God bless you, my brother. You believe it?
I should've never had the first discernment; it makes everybody want it you see. And I can't do it and have this line through here.
All right, brother. You believe God will make you well? You believe if I pray for you that Something's here now that you realize it's Christ?
Heavenly Father, I pray that You'll bless this man and make him well. Heal him, dear God. And I lay my hands upon him and bless him in Jesus' name. Amen. God bless you, brother. Go believing now. Blessed are they who have never seen Him, yet believe.
You believe, brother, that God will make you well? With all your heart?
O Jesus, Son of God, I lay my hands upon the man, and I pray that You'll heal him and make him well. As I bless this poor dear man, God give to him the soundness of his health for the glory of God, in Jesus' name I ask it. All right, brother. Go, believing now. Don't doubt, but believe.

103 How do you do, sister? I believe you're the little lady that accepted Christ the other day. What do you want Him to heal you of? You want God to heal you of that? Conditions, that... Yes. This is a little Catholic girl, the French Canadian Catholic, that give her life to Christ the other night, the first meeting of mine she was ever in. She's nervous, now. Let's pray.
Dear heavenly Father, we realize that this little lady has a great thing facing her, yonder. She has got to come against a wall of opposition. She left two little children, she said, at home. They were just getting up with the measles. O God, but faith struck her little heart. She was determined. She wanted to see Jesus. She's like the queen of Sheba; she's going to see if it was right. You saved her, Lord. I'm standing here now, and she's in Your presence, and I'm in Your presence, and she feels it and knows that You're here. I bless this woman. May she return to her home happy. May all of her diseases and the children all be well. May she live a happy, peaceful life, and lead all of her loved ones to the Lord Jesus. I bless her in Christ's name. Amen.
God bless you, little lady. Go and receive what you've asked for. I hope to see you at Dawson Creek soon. Edmonton, Edmonton. God bless you.

104 I believe you're her husband ... your sister, I mean. You told me the other ... in the restaurant. What's your trouble? Oh, pain in the side and in your back. You were formerly French Canadian Catholic, too? God's good, isn't He?
O dear Jesus, this little man has drove a long ways. He's come through many a hard trials. He's walked in the platform here tonight with his sister, and he wants to be healed. He's a pain in his side and something wrong in his back. And as this group of believers make their way up back across to British Columbia or wherever they're from, may the wheels of the automobile just hum a song, and the praises of God rise into that car as they go along in the joy of God. May all their sicknesses be gone; may our brother be healed, give testimony to the glory of God. We ask it in Jesus' name, as I bless him for this purpose. Amen.
God bless you, my little brother. Want to see you over there really on fire for God. You know my buddy Chris Berg? He's here somewhere. I'm to meet him tomorrow. That's good. That's fine. All right. God bless you, my brother.

105 What do you want God to heal you of? Oh, God bless you, my dear brother. I pray that the Lord Jesus Christ comes to this man now, making him completely well, healing him of all his infirmities and making him completely whole. I bless him for his healing, in Jesus' name. Amen.
God bless you, brother. I believe it'll be over, don't you?
Asthma? Mighty fine looking little chap. You love Jesus? Now, if Jesus was here, He'd lay His hands on you, you'd get well. But Jesus went up into heaven and sent the Holy Spirit down. And that's what you see moving tonight in the building. Now, Brother Branham come to pray for you. You believe Jesus is going to make you well?
Dear heavenly Father, I bless this handsome looking little boy standing here, bronchial asthma... Oh, Satan, you would have to be cruel to afflict a little child. Now, leave the child; I adjure thee by Christ, the Son of God, that you'd come from him. And may this asthma leave and never return no more. Amen.
Bless you, honey. I believe it'll all be gone. You won't have it no more. God bless you, sir. You believe that to, do you? That's very fine. Let us hear from the little boy.

106 All right, sister. You believe that God will make you well, now? Blessed God, as this church of the living God here tonight, hundreds of people praying at this time, we together are uniting our prayers for this sick people. It's somebody's mother; it's somebody's daughter; it's somebody in need. I pray that You heal her, Lord, as I bless her with my hands upon her. For the Bible has said this, "These signs shall follow them that believe: If they lay their hands on the sick, they shall recover." We believe it, Father, in Jesus' name. Amen.
You believe it, sister dear? With all my heart I believe it. God be with you.

Mark 16:17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;

Mark 16:18 They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.

107 You believe, my brother? Believe that God will make you well? Just look at the people here is praying for you. Those people are all praying. I'm just one praying for you. All them is praying for you. Christ is here. You're in His presence. He knows you. He loves you. He wants you to be well.
O Jesus, as this dear man comes, see them come, Lord, with the sincere look in their face. They're wanting to get relieved, Lord. Maybe the doctor has tried hard, and, God, we thank you for him. But maybe he couldn't help them, and they're coming up to the great Doctor of doctors, the great Physician. And with the prayer of faith He promised to heal the sick. And this I pray for my brother with all my heart in Jesus' name. Amen.
God bless you, my brother. Now, go and get well in Christ's name.

108 Now, you believe with all your heart? Then, dear heavenly Father, as this young man stands, and I hold his hand as a making a contact to him, saying, "They shall lay their hands on the sick." I ask with this prayer of faith, that You'll heal the man, and may he go from here tonight rejoicing and knowing that he's met exactly what God has said. And may his faith reach over and take a hold of it, while he's here in the shadow of the cross. We ask in Jesus' name. Amen.
You believe it's over, brother, and you'll be well? God bless you then.

Mark 16:18 They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.

109 All right, sister dear. You believe that He will make you well, sister dear? Now, look. You're the one that's sick. God's the One that's here. He's done purchased your healing. Now, you just look and believe it and live. That curvature will leave and the ulcers will go; You'll be made well. You believe that?
Blessed Father, as this little woman stands here, knows there's nothing in the medical realm or surgery can help this curvature. Neither can it, this ulcers. But Thou can, Lord. I bring her in the shadows of the cross in the name of Jesus Christ, with this prayer of faith I offer for her, for her healing. Amen.
Now, sister. Here's the way to accept it. "I'm in the presence of God. The prayer of faith has been said. If others can be healed, I am, too. Thank You, Lord. It's over." Now, never let nothing else come between that, you'll get well. God bless you.

110 All right, sister. What do you want Him to heal you of? You believe that He will do it?
O blessed Lord, as this woman comes along while this great church is praying, ministers of the Gospel, faithful women, all praying, and we're asking You, in the name of Jesus Christ, to heal this woman. Receive our prayer of faith, Lord, that she might be made well, through Jesus Christ's name. Amen.
God bless you, sister. Is it a finished thing for you? You believe that you're going to be well? God bless you as you go on your road.
All right, my brother. You believe that God will make you well? O Lord, my blessed Redeemer, I bless this man in Christ's name. I pray that You'll heal him and make him well. May it be a finished thing from right now. May he realize that the very God who made heavens and earth has sent His Son to die for this purpose. And He claimed, with His great promise, that "the things that I do shall you also." The last words that come from His mouth said, "These signs will follow them that believe: If they lay their hands on the sick, they'll get well." We believe it and ask it in Jesus' name. Amen.
God bless, brother. God be with you.

Mark 16:17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;

Mark 16:18 They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.

John 14:12 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.

111 Yours, brother? Do you believe that God will heal you, my brother? O God, as this fine man stands here, looks big and healthy. But the devil is no respect; he tackles the strong the same as the weak. And now, diabetes is striking him. Oh, I pray, Father, that somehow, that down from the shadows of the cross, here... As I noticed him while I was preaching, see him taking in those words, I pray that this will be the night that the diabetes will start leaving his body and soon he will be pronounced totally well. Grant it, Father. In Jesus' name I offer this prayer of faith for him. Amen. Bless you, my dear brother.
God bless you, brother dear. You believe that He will make you well? O dear God, as this brother looks me into the face and said, "I absolutely believe that Jesus Christ will heal me." I pray now, and bless him in that wonderful, all sufficient name of the Lord Jesus, and ask that His divine presence, who's now here watching this prayer line as they are coming through, may he be healed as I offer this prayer of faith, in Jesus' name. Amen.
God bless you, brother. Consider it finished and go rejoicing.

112 Little girl? Deaf, mute. I don't say that she will receive her conditions here. Are you her father? Are you a Christian? You believe that He will do it? You do? Does the audience believe that this little mute will be healed?
Now, remember. I'm not asking God for miracles. No. But if He desires to do them, all right. If He will come in this audience and take and do the things that He's done, that's a miracle enough to convince that He's here, don't you believe it?
But the reason I'm asking these little children be [unclear words] they're too little to have faith for themselves. If they can just say one little word. When Elijah sent Gehazi up to look at the cloud, he said, "I see one about the size of a hand of a man." He said, "I hear the sound of abundance of rain." If God will just give this little girl... I noticed the deaf woman out there nodding her head to me. Can you hear me all right now, sister? If you are wave your hand. There she is, sitting right here on the front line: awhile ago deaf, now she hears, see. We thank God for that.

1 Kings 18:41 And Elijah said unto Ahab, Get thee up, eat and drink; for there is a sound of abundance of rain.

1 Kings 18:44 And it came to pass at the seventh time, that he said, Behold, there ariseth a little cloud out of the sea, like a man's hand. And he said, Go up, say unto Ahab, Prepare thy chariot, and get thee down, that the rain stop thee not.

113 Now, that's ... let's just ask [unclear words] pray for your healing. I'm going to ask you something, friends. You're trying [unclear words] just as much as my prayers. It's your Father and I... And we pray, let's just [unclear words] I'm going to put my hands over her now and ask this blessing.
Now [unclear words] the anointing of the Holy Spirit is here. It's hard not to [unclear words] line [unclear words] to keep those discernments down, but I'm trying to get the line through. It's getting late. Now, let's just bow our heads, be real reverent. What if this was your little girl, your little sister. Now, be real reverent.
Now, brother, I don't know that He will do it. Whether He does or not, we will believe it anyhow, won't we? All right. Let me have the child.

114 Now, precious Lord, this dear, sweet little darling standing here, with her little brown eyes looking up through her little sandy hair, a beautiful little thing. Maybe someday be the wife of some little minister if You tarry. But the devil has done evil. He's took this condition and placed it upon her. And I pray that You'll heal her. O God, to encourage the heart of the father, and to encourage the child, will You just give her her healing just a little now, Lord, that they'll see that the sign of the cloud is there, that You're doing it. The child in this condition never being able to hear anything, it's... We know that she won't know what to do with it. But the father will instruct her.
And now, with my hands over this child's ears, commissioned by an Angel of God, I adjure the deaf, mute spirit to leave the child, in the name of Jesus Christ.

115 Now, I want every head bowed, every eye closed, and be in prayer just a moment. I just want to check the child to see what our Lord has done. Now, be sure: Keep your heads bowed, for the spirit might come to you.
[Brother Branham snaps his fingers. Brother Branham claps his hands.] Hear that? Say, "Da, daddy. daddy." Say, "Daddy, dad-dy."
Now, remember she's never heard. Keep real quiet just a minute. I actually believe the girl can hear, and I'm going to try to get her to speak just a moment. If you just be real reverent.
Dad-dy. Open your mouth. Da---da---dad-dy. Da---open mouth.
If I could just get her to open her mouth. See, she don't know what I'm trying to do.
Da---da [Brother Branham claps.] She can hear it. She could hear it. [Brother Branham claps again.] Now, who's that? Dad-dy. Open. Da---daddy, daddy, daddy. Just in [unclear words]. [ Brother Branham claps.] Say...

Love (1958-03-14) (William M. Branham Sermons)

Love (1958-03-14) (William M. Branham Sermons) somebody


1 You may be seated. It is indeed a privilege to be here tonight, a great privilege to be here to serve the Lord Jesus. We're sorry that we don't have sufficient room, knowing that you have to stand and it makes you tired. And the hall ... and I asked if there was some larger place that we could get, and I don't think there is at the time.
But we will try to make our messages just as short as we can, and you be patient and bear with us just a little while. And now, remember the services tomorrow evening, and then Sunday afternoon and Sunday evening also.

2 Now, tonight, if it be the will of the Lord, I wish to read a portion of the Scripture. And then you pray for me as I speak tonight. Been hoarse since I've been up here. Not a bad cold, but just an overtaxed voice.
(Let me move this thing around here... Transposition of that thing. All right. I think that'll be just a little better.)
Now, in the reading tonight let's go back to a very familiar Scripture that's familiar to all, one found in the blessed old Bible. And I believe every word that the Bible says is the truth. And I know that all Christians do the same. And this is a very familiar reading: John 3:16.
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

3 Now, let us bow our heads just a moment for prayer. O blessed and eternal God, who brought again the Lord Jesus from the dead, and He has now been presented to us after nineteen hundred years, yet alive and just as sufficient in His power and in His presence as He was nineteen hundred years ago when He walked in Galilee. And we thank Thee, our Father, because Thou hast done this to us.
And in this dark evil day that we're living, when there is so much confusion on every hand among the world (and in the nations, in politics, and in every walk of life), even to the Christian walk, yet there is confusion.
But we are so glad to know that Jesus still lives, and as the Scripture has said of Him, "the same yesterday, today, and forever." And when we see the end approaching rapidly, and the signs of His near coming, our hearts jump for joy when we rest upon the blessed promise that He is the same, that He loves us, and He gave Himself for us.

Ephesians 5:2 And walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us, and hath given himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweetsmelling savour.

Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

4 We would ask Thee tonight, God, to be merciful to us and pardon us of our sins and trespasses. Give to us the exceedingly abundantly tonight, for our weary hearts need it in these days. Bless every one in Divine Presence, and heal every sick person that's come tonight expecting; and we know that Thou will not send one hungry person away unsatisfied: for that's Your nature, You're God.
Bless the Word as we have read it, and give to us the context of this Word for this evening's message, for we ask it in the name of that all-sufficient One, the Lord Jesus. Amen.

5 I suppose there isn't a child that's attended Sunday school any time, but what could quote this little passage of Scripture here: just a little small portion of the Word of the eternal and everlasting God.
And it's not very much, but it isn't the reading or how much we read; it's the value of what we read. It doesn't make any difference whether it's very long or not, it's the value of what we have read. There is where we can rest our faith, because it's the Word of the living God.

6 And now, sometime ago (talking of values of things), over across the river in Louisville, Kentucky, across from where I live, there was a little boy that was up in the attic of his home. And he was searching through some old relics and things that belonged to the family, and he found an old trunk. And he dug into this old trunk happily to see what he could find, and he found a little postage stamp that had turned yellow. It was just about one half inch square.
The little lad looked at it, and he said, "That might be worth a nickel, and a nickel would buy me an ice cream cone." So with the ice cream cone on his mind, he rushed down the street to a stamp collector. And the collector looked at it. And he said, "What will you give me for this postage stamp?" not expecting to receive over five cents.

7 And he said... After the stamp collector looked at it, he knew it was an old stamp, so he said, "I'll give you one dollar for it." Oh, the little lad was very happy. That meant many ice creams. So he sold the stamp for one dollar.
And about six weeks later, this stamp collector sold it for fifty dollars. Sometime later it was sold for five hundred dollars. And now they claim it's worth a quarter of a million dollars.

8 Now, we know that a little piece of paper half-inch square would not be worth even picking up on the street. But it wasn't the value of the paper; it's the value lays in what's on the paper.
And that's the way it is with God's Word. It isn't just the paper that it's wrote on, but it's the value of it is because it's the Word of the eternal God. And Jesus said, "Heavens and earth will pass away, but My words shall never fail."
Therefore, John 3:16, tonight, although small in its portion, holds enough value to save the world. It's got enough value in it to heal every sick person that's on the earth today. It's a pardon to every sinner. It's joy to every weary person. It's hope for the hopeless. It's food for the saint. It's healing for the sick. It's a pardon for those who are troubled. It's all these things to you, if you receive it as that.

Matthew 24:35 Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.

Mark 13:31 Heaven and earth shall pass away: but my words shall not pass away.

Luke 21:33 Heaven and earth shall pass away: but my words shall not pass away.

9 Sometime ago there was a case---I believe it was in the days of Abraham Lincoln---that a man had committed a crime, and he was found guilty. And the punishment of this was to die by a firing squad.
And some good friend slipped out and went before the President on his knees and begged for the pardon of this man. And Mr. Lincoln, not in his office, made his decision that he would pardon the man. So he just wrote it on a little piece of paper, "Pardon So-and-so. Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States."
He bowed and thanked the man, and then rushed quickly to the man in the prison. And he said, "My friend, I have your pardon!"
He said, "Let me see it." And he presented this little piece of paper. And the criminal said, "Oh, it isn't enough. If it was a real pardon, it would be wrote off on a great big piece of paper. It would tell why I was pardoned. So you're just kidding me." And he could not be persuaded to take his pardon. And the next morning the man died by a firing squad.

10 And then notice, there is a signed document by the President of the United States that says, "This man is pardoned"; and it was written the day before his execution. Then it was tried in Federal Courts. And here is the Federal Court's decision: A pardon is not a pardon unless it be received as a pardon.
And that's the way the Word of God is. It's a pardon to those who will receive it as a pardon. It's healing to those who receive it as a healing pardon. And every divine promise of God is true, if it be received in the right mental attitude.

11 I say this tonight, as a minister of the Gospel, and I've seen it tried. I've had the privilege of preaching around the world and before tens of thousands of people. And every divine promise in the Bible is true! And if you'll take the right mental attitude towards any of God's divine promises, it'll bring it to pass---if you can take the right mental attitude.
And in our Scripture reading tonight, it said, "God so loved the world..." If there is anything that the world is dying for today, is love. In my travels I find that that is the rejected stone that keeps the building from being fit together: where the Assemblies, and the Church of God, and the Baptists, and the Methodists will all shake hands and be brothers, if they just have love one for the other.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

12 That is the great need the world is dying for, and God is love. Now, we find in the church, that's what hindered the church, has been the wrong conception of love.
Now, love... There is two different types of love that's real love. One of them in the Greek word is called "agapao." That's God's love. And then a perverted love from that is phileo love, which means "human love."
Phileo comes from the word "fellowship." The phileo love is what you have for your wife. And a man might flirt with her or insult her, and you'd shoot his brains out over it. That's what phileo love will do. It accompanies jealousy. And many other things goes with it.
But agapao love would make you pray for his sinful soul. That's the difference between the two loves. God's love is the beginning of love. It's the fountain of love. And the church today is lacking in that, that real agapao love that makes you have love for your enemies.

1 John 4:8 He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.

1 John 4:16 And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him.

13 Oh, if we only had that kind of a love, there'd be a revival sweep this nation from coast to coast and from north to south. And the reason that we do not have that love... That is the main reason the church is not progressing like it should.
We don't need theology, we only need real love to go with the theology we already know. We are arguing so much whether we should be baptized backwards or forwards or whatever more. But that don't make any difference how you're baptized, or what church you belong to, or what evidence that you have that you're a Christian, if you haven't got love, you haven't got God.

14 We need love. "God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten son." Now, when love is projected, and it comes to its end, sovereign grace produces what love projected. When God so loved the world that His love was at the end of its going; and then that love projected sovereign grace that gave us a Saviour.
That's how we got Jesus, it's because that God loved the world. Something was produced because of His love. And Jesus the Saviour was produced, the grand old story that we so ... forget so easy.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

15 Way over in Switzerland many years ago ... and some of you men and women around my age can remember reading it in your readers. Switzerland was a little group of people that went up in the mountains out of Germany. And they had themselves a little economy. They wasn't a warring people; they were a peaceful people.
And all of a sudden there came a war against them. And the Swiss got their old sickle blades, and sticks, rocks, and what they could find, and went down out of the mountains to meet the enemy on the plains. And there they were, standing there all backed up, just a little group of people, and a great marching army coming like a brick wall. They didn't have a chance!

16 But there was one, a hero among them, by the name of Arnold Von Winkelried. And he kissed his wife and his babies good-bye a few hours before he went to battle. He loved his home. He loved his nation; therefore, his love constrained him to do something about it.
And he said. "Men of Switzerland, this day I'll give my life for Switzerland."
They said, "What will you do, Arnold von Winkelried?"
He said, "Just follow me and fight with what you've got." And he threw up his arms and he looked towards the deepest of the spears, as they marched on like one great big wall. And he found the deepest of the spears. And he screamed, "Make way for liberty!" And he started running with his hands in the air. And he screamed again, "Make way for liberty!"
Before he left his ranks, he said, "Across the mountain yonder is a little white home, and two little children, and a sweet wife that I will never see no more. Take care of them. But I'll give my life to defend them."

17 Love makes you do things. And when the church gets the real love of God in their heart, they'll do things. They'll not be ashamed. Oh, Christ don't want you to be... It isn't so much to be loyal. He don't want your patronage; He wants your fellowship. That's what God wants, is to have fellowship with you.
And as this Arnold von Winkelried rushed towards the lines, he grabbed an armful of spears, and throwed them into his heart as he fell on them, and plunged himself to death. Was such a gallant act till it routed the enemy. And those who followed him, screaming, with sickles in their hands, and rocks, and stones, and sticks---but they beat the enemy out of the country. And Switzerland has never had a war from that day till this.

18 That heroism is seldom ever compared, and never exceeded. But oh, that was a little thing, till one day when Adam's fallen race was backed into the corner. They had sent prophets and laws, and they had refused them; and the devil, sin, and sickness had backed Adam's race into the corner. And there was One stepped out in heaven, said, "I'll go to the earth"---for God so loved the world. His love constrained Him to do something. It projected a Saviour, who came to the earth and found the thickest of the spears---which was death---and plunged Himself into it.
And on the day that He ascended up, and He sent back the Holy Ghost, and said to His church, "Take this and fight the best that you can!"
There's where the church misses it today: the love of God that's shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost---and men afraid to take it. You'd rather take some man-made theology and try to fight. You'll lose! Take what the Leader gave, the love of God that constrained Him. "God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son."

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

Romans 5:5 And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us.

19 Oh, I've noticed it. Many of you has read the book of that time up in Portland, Oregon, when the maniac run to the platform. I want to let you in to some of a little personal life.
The maniac ran out to the platform that night before sixty-five hundred people and was going to kill me. Great big burly giant, weighed about 250 pounds or maybe more, stood nearly seven foot, a maniac out of an insane institution. And I was speaking on faith. I weighed 128 pounds. And I seen about three hundred preachers run from the platform, because they knew him. He hated preachers. And the law was looking for him.

20 And as he rushed out on the platform, I didn't know him. And he let out a great big scream, and he set his teeth together, and his eyes pushed back. And he started walking towards me. And he said, "You hypocrite. You snake in the grass" he said, "upon this platform, posing yourself as a servant of God. You're nothing but a hypocrite."
Everyone kept still. About that time, two little policemen that I had led to Christ back in the dressing room run out to grab him. And I motioned to them. I said, "This is not a flesh and blood affair." But the strange thing was, that when the man went up there, I wasn't afraid. Now, perfect love casts out fear. And that's the reason people won't take God at His Word for healing, they don't love Him well enough---because you're scared He won't keep His Word. That's the reason that people fear somebody else will say something against them if they receive the Holy Spirit. They're afraid somebody will laugh and make fun. But when love comes in...

1 John 4:18 There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.

21 What made Moses leave Egypt? The throne was at his feet, but he esteemed the reproach of Christ greater riches than all the treasures of Egypt. What? Not to say, "Now, I'll make it better for you," but to take the place with his people. That's what the Spirit of Christ ... that made him take his place with the people.
That's what made Christ take His place with the people. That's what makes a Christian today come out and take his stand with Christ!---live or die. Fellowship, love one another! And you love God and you're not scared what the devil's got to say or do.

Hebrews 11:26 Esteeming the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures in Egypt: for he had respect unto the recompense of the reward.

22 When this maniac pulled back his great arms, and something another happened. Oh, I wish I could live that way all the time. And it rushed towards me. And he threw back his great, mighty arms.
Now, you'd better not be just kidding. You'd better know what you're talking about. And with witch doctors in Africa, voodoo men in India, they'll challenge you. But if you really love Him, don't be scared. He said, "I'll be with you." Oh, I've never seen it fail, and it won't fail.

Matthew 28:20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.

23 So the man got real close to me, and the people just hushed. And he drawed back his breath, hawked and spit all over my face. And he said, "You snake in the grass. I'm going to show how much servant of God you are. I'm going to knock you way out in the middle of that audience." He was well able to keep his threat.
But he didn't know God! That was the main thing. I kept real still, never said a thing. And my heart was going out to him. Now, you just can't imagine that, it's got to be real. The people have seen so much put on love, till they're sick and tired of it. Be what you are. If you're a Christian, be one. God's grace will make you one.

24 And the man walked closer to me; and I loved him, because I knew he didn't mean that. I thought, "It's the devil that makes that man say that. He's a man who would love his family like I do mine. He would like to eat, and drink, and fellowship. But the thing of it is, is because the devil has possessed him. He's a human being the same as I am."---those kind of thoughts.
And you can't do that unless God does it for you. And when he got close to me, he drew back his arms, and he said, "I'm just going to knock you out in the middle of that audience, and break every bone in that little old frail body of yours." I never opened my mouth or said a word.
But then all of a sudden, something begin to speak. And the Holy Spirit begin to speak, and said, "Because you have challenged the Spirit of God tonight, you'll fall over my feet." There was both threats, both prophecies.
He said, "I'm going to knock you out in the middle of the audience"; the Spirit of God said, "You'll fall over my feet."
He said, "I'll show you whose feet I'll fall over." And he drew back his arm to strike me, and still there was no fear.

25 I wasn't there because I wanted to be seen; I was there with a commission from God to the people. And when he started to strike, something within me said, "Satan, leave the man." And when it did, his great eyes seemed to push out, his teeth set together, and he turned around and fell over my feet---till the policeman had to come and roll him off.
What was it? Love. Love will conquer the mightiest enemy there is on the face of the earth. It is love. Just a way inside, now, of life.

26 Here some time ago, I was in Mexico last year, there'd been a little baby that morning that they brought over to the meeting. And it had died at nine o'clock that morning.
They were standing by the tens of thousands. Twenty thousand came to Christ that night. Twenty thousand. I said, "I do not want Catholic or Evangelicals, I want people who has never received Christ at all." And they tagged twenty thousand.
But there was a little woman down there screaming with a blanket. Billy was with the man who had give out the prayer cards, and they had around two hundred or three hundred ushers. And that three hundred ushers couldn't keep that little woman out of the line! She was climbing over their backs. Oh, what was the matter? Her baby had died at nine o'clock that morning, and it was at ten, nearly, that night.

27 After a long tussle: Little lady not over twenty-five years old, very beautiful-looking little woman, and she kept screaming, and the ushers trying to push her back. She'd go beneath their legs, over their shoulders, or anything. Her love for her baby.
And I could hear those screams, "Padre!" Padre means "father." She was Catholic.
And as she screamed, Billy come to me and he said, "Daddy, you've got to do something with that woman." Said, "She has no prayer card, and we can't be just and let her in line without a prayer card. Others stood here from real daylight this morning to get a prayer card."
And I said, "Well, Brother Moore [Brother Jack Moore, Shreveport, Louisiana]," I said, "you go down and see if you can pray for her baby or whatever's wrong." And he started off; and I looked up here in front of me, and I seen by vision a little baby. I said, "Just a minute, Brother Moore."

28 You see, sovereign love will project the grace of God every time. I said, "Maybe I had better go to the baby." I said, "Ushers, I know this is not right. According to our rules they have to have a prayer card. But let the little lady come here."
And when she come up, she fell down. I said, "Stand up." I couldn't make her understand. And I put my hand upon that blanket. I never even seen the baby. And I said, "Lord God..." It was just as wet as it could be. It had been raining all day. They had no place to sit down; they were standing, leaning against each other---just as far as you could see in that big bull ring.
And I said, "Lord God, I do not know what this is all about, but I seen a little Spanish baby in a vision just now." And I laid hands on that wet blanket. Jehovah God, who is my Judge, he squealed and let out a big scream, and begin to kick the blanket pulled over him.

29 What was it? Love, a mother for her baby. Not to be seen, but not a hypocrite, but a real genuine love for her baby projected the sovereign grace of the Almighty God. How simple it is to believe it.
Here not long ago (you can get in some awful predicaments, as we all know), I was sitting on the porch talking to my associates here, Brother Goad and Brother Mercier. And we were talking about a young colored girl who had killed her baby the day before. She was a ... had an illegitimate child.
And the child, she wrapped it in a blanket and smothered it, got in a cab and went out to the river, and dropped it into the river. The cab driver reported it to the coast guard. They seined the bundle out and found the little baby, killed. But the baby had not drowned, it had died from suffocation. And her picture was in the paper. And I was telling my brethren, sitting on the porch, I said, "You know, that woman isn't ... not even should be called a woman." I said, "A dog has better morals than that woman."

30 And just then we looked coming down the road. And my house is the fourth from the highway, up a lane (or a little avenue, you might call it here), and it's the only house that's got a fence around it.
Well, I looked coming up, and coming into the driveway, and there come an old opossum. Now, you people in Virginia know what opossums are. I was a game warden for many years in Indiana; and I studied wildlife, it's one of my studies.
And anyone knows that opossums doesn't travel in the daytime. A opossum travels at night, and then lays up and sleeps in the daytime. And I said, "Look, Leo, Gene. Here comes a opossum." And when he got in front of my gate, he turned in.
And I noticed him leaning sideways like this, with one leg lagging. And I jumped up and run out there, and there was a rake laying in the yard. And I took the rake and laid it over the opossum. I said, "It's perhaps got rabies, because it's hot weather now." July, I believe it was, June or July. And I said, "It's got rabies perhaps; and therefore, we'd better stop it.

31 And when I stopped the opossum, I happened to look, and her leg was all chewed up---where a car had hit her, or dogs had chewed it. And it was swollen twice the size. And I don't mean to be ... make you sick, but the flies had blowed it, and there were maggots and fly blows all in the leg.
And I said, "Oh, it's been hurt, a few days before this." And I held the rake on it. Usually they'd what you call "play opossum," lay down. But not her. She was biting at the yard rake.
And them opossum is the second animal, kangaroo and opossum is the only two, that has a pocket to carry their little ones in.
And I noticed when she let her pocket down, there were nine little naked baby opossums about that long. And they were trying to nurse her. I said, "Here it is, boys. She's a mother!" And I said, "Come here, Gene."

32 And about that time Mrs. Wood, which ... and Mr. Wood, which was formerly a Jehovah Witness, and their boy had been healed with legs paralyzed up under him, so much that he don't even know which leg it was drawed up now. And they had moved over next door to me, and she's a veterinary.
And he come up there to look, and she said, "Look at that."
I said, "Boys, that opossum is more of a mother than that woman was that drowned her baby." I said, "She probably hasn't got over an hour yet to live, but she's willing to give that hour fighting for her babies. She's a real mother."

33 And then, when I held the rake over a little bit, and I... Mrs. Wood said, "Brother Branham, what are you going to do with her."
I said, "I don't know."
He said, "Well, you better kill her. And just take them little ones and kill them, because they got a round mouth, they can't nurse, and they'll die nursing from her.
And I said, "I just can't do it."
And she said, "I thought you was a hunter."
I said, "I'm a hunter, but I'm not a killer!"
And she said, "Why, you don't mean that." She thought she was right. And humanely she was. She said, "You're going to let them suffer like that?"
I said, "I don't know why, Mrs. Wood, but I just can't kill her."
Said. "Let my husband, Banks, kill her."
I said, "No, I can't let him do it."
Said, "Then you're going let her lay their and die like that!"
I said, "I guess that's what it'll be."
I raised her up like that, the rake; and those little opossums, she cupped them up right quick, and run up in front of my door, and collapsed and went over.
Then with her collapsing, we shook her to know whether she was dead or not. She said, "Then you're going to let them little babies nurse that old milk from her and die a horrible death."
I said, "I guess so."

34 So all day people coming and going; night come, she was still laying there. Well, Mr. Wood come up to get me away from the crowd, take me a little riding. Visions, making you weak. And I drove out in the country a little bit. After a while, when we come back about eleven o'clock, there lay the old mother opossum laying there. And anyone knows, if she was ever going to move, she'd move when the sun went down, she'd took off. But there she was laying there. And my wife said, "Billy, are you going to let her die like that?"
I said, "I guess she's already dead." I said, "Look at them little babies nursing." Said, "They're starving." Said, "Probably they can't get no milk with her being dead."
I kicked on her a few times, and the foot touching her; and I seen a little grin on the side of her face like, and I said, "She's not dead." We went in.

35 Billy, my boy, he come in about midnight, been fishing. And he seen her laying there. All night long I couldn't get it off my mind. The next morning I went out real early, and I looked, and there laid my old opossum, dew all over her, those little ones still nursing. And I happened to look, standing by my side, and my little girl Rebekah... Very spiritual child, just saw her first vision just a little bit ago. And she said, "Daddy, what are you going to do with that old mother opossum? Is she dead?"
I said, "I don't know, honey." I said, "You oughtn't to be out here that early. Run on in the house." I said, " [unclear words] just with her pajamas on." I said, "Run on in the house and go to bed. Daddy's coming back."

36 I went into my den room. I sat down, begin to rub my forehead like that, my head down. I don't know what you think about this, that's up to you and God, but something said to me, "What are you going to do about her?"
I said, "I don't know." I wasn't thinking. And I said, "Oh, I don't want to kill her."
"Why," said, "you preached a sermon about her yesterday, of being a real mother."
I said, "Yes, that's right."
"Well," said, "she's laid at your door for twenty-four hours waiting for her turn to be prayed for, and you've never said a word about it."
I said, "Well, I didn't know..." I said, "Who am I talking to anyhow?" I shook my head, and I thought, "That was a voice." And I thought, "O God, You guide the eagle through the pathless air; a sparrow cannot fall to the street without you knowing about it. You mean that you guided that poor ignorant opossum up to these steps here?" I said, "Forgive Your stupid servant."

37 And I walked out there, and little Becky was still looking over the banister. And I went down there to where she was standing, or laying there. I said, "Lord God, forgive me. And if You wanted me to pray for this mother opossum, and You have guided her by instinct..." She doesn't have a soul because she's an animal.
You know what? That opossum knowed more about God than a lot of preachers does. And she's laying there. And I said, "Lord God, forgive me, and let her be well."
My Bible is laying open here before me. You might've read it in the Christian Businessmen. It went on the national press, the Associated Press. That old mother opossum raised up, gathered up her nine babies, walked out that road---just as happy as she could be, that tail turned sideways---and looked around at the gate as if to say, "Thank you, sir." And off to the woods she went with her babies.
As far as I know, they're still in the woods, happily together. God knows that to be the truth. Oh, it's real love! "God so loved the world..." The world wants to see something genuine.

38 And you people here tonight, God is ... He's depending on you to project His love to the sinner. There's something about a man or a woman, you are a miniature creator.
Have you ever seen people that you just love to be around? It's the atmosphere they create around them. Others, nice people, but you just can't stand to be around them. They create that by the way they live and the way they think. It's a little atmosphere you live in.

39 Just before closing I'd like to say this, just a little old story comes into my mind. As everyone knows, I love to hunt. And I used to hunt up in the North Woods, up in New Hampshire.
Oh, I just love to get into the woods. There's something about them woods that's godly. How can a man look at a flower, or a tree, or a little brook running, and know there's no God? God lives in nature.
What makes that tree up here in Virginia---got pretty leaves in the summertime---and what makes that sap run down out of that tree and run into the roots and hide for the winter? Put water on a stick and see if it'll go that way. It's God!

40 What makes that little flower that you planted last summer that's dead...? Frost come and kill it, bowed its little head and gave up the spirit, they had a funeral procession. The October rains cried, and it buried the little seed. It's froze. The seed burst open, the pulp run out. Now there's no seed, pulp, nothing. But somewhere down in that ground, that science can't find, there's a germ of life hid; and enough sun rises in the east yonder, it'll live again.
And if God so loved the flower that He made a way for it to live again, how much more has He made a way for a man that's made in His image to live again! God's in nature. He's in love.

41 I would hunt the northern white-tailed deer with a friend of mine. He was good hunter. I loved to hunt with him. And he was a good tracker. You didn't have to think about him getting lost, and we'd travel over the mountains thirty miles a day. Up over the wind blows and everywhere, you didn't have to worry about him. He was always a good shot and a good tracker.
I could hunt with him, but he was the meanest man I ever seen, just cruel-hearted. He would shoot little does and little fawns just to make me feel bad. You know how sinners are. It's just trying to show off, that's all. They do it today.

42 People know how I hate to see a woman smoke cigarettes. And the devil sends those cigarette smokers [unclear words] around me just to show off. You don't show off, you just show what you're made out of. That's all.
Now. And this guy... It's all right to shoot a fawn, if the law says you can have it; but not shoot a whole string of them just to be mean. The fawn's all right. Abraham killed a calf and God eat it. It's no harm. But to be evil with it...
And he would like to do it just to make me feel bad. And one year when I went up there, he'd made himself a little whistle. And he could go just like a little baby fawn crying. And I said, "Burt, you're not going to use that!"
He said, "Oh, Billy, get next to yourself. You preachers are chicken-hearted."
I said, "No we're not, but we just don't have those evil things in us."
He said, "Get next to yourself."

43 And that day we hunted till about noon. There was snow on the ground about like there is now. We had not even seen a track. We come lunch time about... I was behind him. There was a little clearing, and he kind of hunkered down. (Now, you Southerners know what hunker down is.) And when he did, I thought he was going to take his lunch out. But what did he have? This little whistle. I thought, "He's not going to blow that." And he blew it. And to my surprise, not thirty yards away, a great big doe stood up.
Now, a doe is a mother deer. I could see the great veins in her face, those big brown eyes, and graceful-looking ears. She stood up. She looked. Now, that's unusual at that time of day. Any hunter well knows that.
And he blew again. And she stepped out into the open. That's altogether contrary to the nature of the deer, to show himself in the open like that, in hunting season. And she was looking. What was the matter? She was a mother. Her baby was in trouble.

44 And Burt looked up to me with that real sheepish-looking grin. I thought, "Oh, surely, Burt, you're not going to do that." And I seen him pull back the lever, throw a shell up into that 30.06. And he leveled down the gun. And when he did, the deer saw the hunter. She staggered. She looked, but she stood still then.
Usually they'll run away. But what was it? It was her baby in trouble. She wasn't putting that on. It was real genuine mother love. And she seen the hunter.
And I seen him level that rifle down. He was a dead shot. And I thought, "Burt, you surely can't do that." I thought, "In another second he'll blow her heart plumb out the other side," just standing that close. And she was watching. Yet death was facing her, she still was a mother. There was a real love in her. Her baby was in trouble. If it meant her life, she still walked out to face danger. She was looking for that baby.

45 I couldn't watch it. I knowed just any moment he would blow her to pieces. I turned my head, and I thought, "O God, how can he be so brutal?" And I was listening to hear the gun go off. I waited and I waited. There was no fire.
I looked around, and the gun barrel was going like this. And he turned and looked at me. He threw the gun on the ground, and he grabbed me by the leg. He said, "Billy, I've had enough of it. Lead me to that Jesus that you know." Right there on that snow bank I led that cruel-hearted man to Christ, which is a lovely saint tonight. What was it? Because he found something real, a real love that could be displayed in the face of death.

46 My friend, that's what God wants tonight. That's what Christians ought to be tonight, to display the love of Jesus Christ regardless of what the circumstances is. Think of it. As a Christian you might belong to the finest church there is in this country, but has God ever come to your heart to give you love that would stand in the face of people who called you holy-roller? You'd take your stand with the church of the living God. If they said you'd lost your mind because you'd accept Him as your healer, you'd still stand and give praises to God. Is that love in you? If not, sinner friend and backslider, God's here to give it to you. Think of it while we bow our heads.
Just before we pray, I want to ask a question. I want you to think sincerely. "Oh," you say, "Brother Branham, I've been a Christian for a long time." Maybe you've joined church a long time ago. Maybe you might have danced in the Spirit some time ago. You might've spoke in tongues some time ago. You might've been baptized by a certain creed in the church. You might burn a candle every night and say a rosary. But I want to ask you something: Really, do you love Him that you could display His love if it stood between you and death to do so?

47 I want all that's in here that really knows... Be sincere, because you're in the presence of God. All that's in here that knows you haven't got that love in your heart, but you want God to give it to you, would you just raise your hand to Him. That's right. God bless you. Sure. Hundred and fifty, two hundred, I guess, say three hundred hands up. "God give me that love. Give to me the love of Christ like that mother deer had, to display her love for her baby." You say, "Brother Branham, is the love of God greater than that?" Far greater.
"A mother may forget her suckling baby, but never could I forget you. Your names are engraved on the palms of My hands." Sure, by a Roman spike. "God so loved the world that He gave His Son." Would there be some more who's made up your mind since then? God bless you here, sonny. God bless you, lady. God bless you, sir. That's right.

Isaiah 49:15 Can a woman forget her sucking child, that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb? yea, they may forget, yet will I not forget thee.

Isaiah 49:16 Behold, I have graven thee upon the palms of my hands; thy walls are continually before me.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

48 Someone else that hasn't raised their hands: "God, be merciful to me." Say, "Does it do me any good if I raise my hand, Brother Branham?" Sure. If you mean it, a change from death to life. God bless you, sir. Be sincere now. God bless you, little boy.
Some more up in the balcony. Yes, God be with you. God give... God bless you there, brother. "Give me life, God." Bless you. I'm a church mem... God bless you, and you sister, and you sister.
"I'm a church member, Brother Branham [God bless you], but I haven't yet got that love. There's no need of me to be thinking it, because I haven't got it; but I want something real." God bless you, brother here against the wall.
Out in the vestibule, would you raise your hand anywhere along there? Sinner friend, or backslider, or just a cold lukewarm church member. Say, "Be merciful." God bless you, sir. That takes a real man to do it. God bless you, brother.

49 Say, "Does God see?" Sure, He sees you. God bless you, young man. Fifteen-year-old. "God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son." And we today... God bless you here, young man.
We just try to join church, and we maybe shout a little, or dance a little, or speak with tongues. That's all right. I have nothing against that. But, brother, if you haven't got the love of God to go with that, it's no good.
Paul said, "Where there's prophecies, it'll fail; where there's tongues, it'll cease; where there's knowledge, it'll vanish. But that which is perfect is love. When it comes, it'll endure forever."

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

1 Corinthians 13:8 Charity never faileth: but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away.

1 Corinthians 13:10 But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away.

50 Men trying to write songs, they go insane. No one... One wrote one time:
If we with ink the ocean fill,
And were the skies of parchment made;
With every stalk on earth a quill,
And every man a scribe by trade;
To write the love of God above
Would drain the ocean dry;
Nor could scroll contain the whole,
Though stretched from sky to sky.
When the earth is staggering (like a man coming home drunk) by atomic power shaking her, when the oceans has wept theirself into deserts, and seeing that it reached the ears of God, and the stars refuse to shine, the love of God will still be the same. It can never fail.

51 God so loved you that He gave His Son, that you might be saved and filled with His Spirit, and have His love projected into your heart by the Holy Ghost. Make you love everybody. That's the reason Christians have their ups and downs the way they do. Why, you could be on a house top no matter what condition you're in. If you love God, you know where you stand. Is there another now before prayer?
God bless you, lady up in the balcony. God bless you, sir. God bless you, friend. That's right. All right. With our heads bowed. God bless you down here, lady. I just thought, "Maybe a minute longer." You say, "Brother Branham, what does that mean when you raise your hand?" It means this: you defy every law of science.

52 Science says your hands must hang down. Gravitation holds your hands down. But you raised your hand up. How did you do it? You broke the scientific rule, because there's a spirit in you. There's a spirit in you, and that spirit made a decision that you were wrong; and you raised your hand to your Creator. Don't you think He don't know it.
"No man can come, except My Father draws him: and all that comes, I will give him everlasting life and raise him up at the last day." It's death and life when you raise your hand to Him---if you really mean it.
"He that heareth My words, and believeth on Him that sent Me, has eternal life, and shall never come to judgment; but is passed from death unto life."
Raise your hand and say, "Lord, I now believe that Jesus Christ is God's Son. Give me the kind of love, the agapao love, that I really need; and I accept it in Christ's name."

John 5:24 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life.

John 6:44 No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day.

53 Heavenly Father, Thou did see the great host of hands that's been spread up towards the skies. And I'm sure that the recording angels are standing near; for I know that You're near, and You said, "The angels of God are encamped about those [They don't leave, they just stay there. They make camp there.] about those who fear Him, and love Him."
And now, Lord, I pray that You'll receive each one of them as the fruits of the message tonight, and may they be peacefully and faithfully taken through life.
And in that day when death strikes, whenever it may be, may the angels of God bear their soul across Jordan to the other side in the bosom of God, where they'll be kept forever. Grant it, Lord.

Psalm 34:7 The angel of the LORD encampeth round about them that fear him, and delivereth them.

54 Take care of them. They're Yours. They are the fruits of the message, and You are giving them to Your Son, the Lord Jesus, as love gifts. Your love was sent forth to the meeting tonight. It projected weeping sinners, backsliders, that raised their hands.
Now, You present them to Christ, for they are love gifts; and He promised He'd give them everlasting life and raise them up at the last day.
May they have a display of love from this night on, the real love of God, like the old mother deer did, that we just talked about. Grant it, Lord. For I commit them unto Thee in the name of Jesus Thy Son. Amen.

55 [Gap in the audio.]... Does the Bible say that He is now, right now, a High Priest that could be touched by the feeling of our infirmities? Did He say, "A little while and the world won't see Me no more, yet ye shall see Me"? Who's "ye"? "The world" is the unbeliever. Who's "ye"? His church. "Ye shall see Me, for I [personal pronoun] will be with you, even in you, to the end of the world." How many knows that?
"The things that I do shall you also." You all believe that? All right. Then when the... He never did that sign before one Gentile, just Jew and Samaritan. Why? This is ... that was the end of the Jewish age. This is the end of the Gentile age. That was His sign as Messiah.

Matthew 28:20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.

John 14:12 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.

John 14:19 Yet a little while, and the world seeth me no more; but ye see me: because I live, ye shall live also.

Hebrews 4:15 For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin.

56 If He's raised from the dead, He's obligated to do the same thing now that He did then, or He did wrong when He did it then. When the circumstances arise... Listen close. When the circumstances arise, and the way God acts the first time, He has to act every time the same way, or He acted wrong when He acted the first time. Right.
So if that's the way He made Himself known then, promised He would do it to the Gentiles... Look through the history; it's never been until now. Gentiles, you're getting your last call. Let us pray.

57 Now, Lord, the rest is to You. I can only speak Thy Word, and I pray that You'll manifest Yourself tonight as the risen Son of God, the same yesterday, today, and forever. Grant it, Lord.
And then at the end time, we pray that every soul that's here tonight will be safely cared for, taken over the river of death, raised up in the last days with our Lord---who we shall sit with Him, and live with Him, and be with Him forever.
And now, we know You're here. You said, "Wherever two or three are gathered in My name, I'll be in their midst." Now, Lord, we pray that You'll manifest Your Being here tonight. For we ask it in Jesus' name. Amen.

Matthew 18:20 For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.

Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

58 Where was we calling from? What? Y? All right, prayer cards Y. We've been calling, I believe first night to 25, then to 50, and then 30 or something. Let's... Y. Prayer cards Y. It's a little card. Got a Y on it. Now, if you're not called, hold your card. We'll get to it.
Let's start from... Let's just skip around in the whole bunch of them, mix them all up tonight. Just get some from one place and some another. How many did you give out? Hundred. All right.
All right. Let's start from Y number 1. Who has number 1? Anybody has prayer card Y number 1? Raise up your hand. Where's it at? Would you come here, lady, to where I am. Y number 2. Would you hold up your hand? Y number 2. The lady back here.
Now, the boys bring them down and mix them all up. Give them out to the audience. The old timers, the ones that's been here before, knows how we do it. We come down here and mix the cards all up. Give them to anybody that wants them. Nobody knows where the prayer line's going to start, till we get right here each night. Then sometimes we start one place or another, and mix them up and everything.

59 All right. Y number 2, number 3? Y number 3, would you hold up your hand? Number 3, the man. Number 4, would you hold up your hand? Y number 4? The gentlemen way back there. Would you come here, sir. All right. See, they are all over the building.
Y number 5, would you hold up your hand? Y number 5. Right there at the end. Come here, sir. All right, let's stop now. Let's go somewhere else.
Let's go to Y-50. Who has Y-50? Hold up your hand, Y-50. Anywhere in the building? In the back? Somebody says in the back. Stand... Oh, here you are. All right, sir, come here. Y-50, Y-51?
All right. Y-51, Y-52, would you hold up your hand? 52, 53, 53? All right. Come right here. 54? Y-54, 55? Y-55, hold up your hand. I don't see it. All right let's leave the fifties then.
Let's go to ... let's say Y-95. Who has Y-95? Raise up your hand. Y-95. Here. All right. Ever where it is, come. 96? 96? All right. 97? 97 please. 98? 99? 100?
That just mixes them all up, all through the... We don't care who stands; it's just the idea of getting someone here to the platform.

60 Now, I'm going to ask you something. Now, do you realize the position where I stand? I preached a Gospel sermon. Not so much on divine healing, because the main thing is the soul before God. That's what we're here for, is to get people saved, get them right with God.
Divine healing is just a benefit that goes with your life insurance policy. It's just a benefit. David said, "Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all of His benefits." How many knows that? Who what? "Forgives all your iniquity, who heals all your diseases." Did He say that? That's a benefit that goes with it.
Now, Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. I want to know how many of you believe that. The way He was yesterday, principle, power, action, words, and everything, He's got to be the same today if He is the same. How many knows that? All right. He is the same, yesterday, today, and forever.

Psalm 103:2 Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits:

Psalm 103:3 Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases;

Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

61 Now, if you'll be real reverent just for a little bit; don't move around now, just sit real still. How many in here that does not have a prayer card, wants God to heal you? Raise your hand, does not have a prayer card.
There's no way of telling just where is where, and who's who. All right. If you'll look this way, if the anointing of the Angel of the Lord comes, Christ... How many seen the picture of it now? Got the picture here. All right.
It's here in Washington, DC. [Unclear words]. The only supernatural Being was ever proved by the FBI, or anything else, to be scientifically proved that a supernatural Being had its picture taken.

62 A pillar of fire that led the children of Israel... How many knows that pillar of fire was Christ? You Bible readers. How many know when He was here on earth He said, "I come from God and I go to God"? How many knows that? And when He went back to God, Paul met Him after His resurrection on the road to Damascus. What was He? A pillar of fire again, a light that put his eyes out. Is that right?
Peter, while he was praying, He come as a light through the prison, went in and delivered him---opened the gates in front of him and took him out. Is that right? He's the same yesterday, today, and forever.
What will it do? Any spirit, anything, any life, will bear record of itself. Now, if that Angel of God who's picture you see here, if that Angel of God is of Christ, it'll bear the works of Christ. How many knows that? It'll bear the works of Christ. If it don't bear the works of Christ, then it isn't Christ.
If I had the spirit of John Dillinger, I'd have guns, I'd be a notorious character. Whatever spirit you are, that's what bears your record.

John 16:28 I came forth from the Father, and am come into the world: again, I leave the world, and go to the Father.

Acts 9:8 And Saul arose from the earth; and when his eyes were opened, he saw no man: but they led him by the hand, and brought him into Damascus.

Acts 9:9 And he was three days without sight, and neither did eat nor drink.

Acts 12:7 And, behold, the angel of the Lord came upon him, and a light shined in the prison: and he smote Peter on the side, and raised him up, saying, Arise up quickly. And his chains fell off from his hands.

Acts 12:10 When they were past the first and the second ward, they came unto the iron gate that leadeth unto the city; which opened to them of his own accord: and they went out, and passed on through one street; and forthwith the angel departed from him.

Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

63 Now, if I said I could heal you, I'd be telling you something wrong. I cannot heal you. What is it? It's a gift that I have that God gave me, not somebody lay hands on me. That don't work. Gifts and callings are without repentance. You're born with them, in all your life. The Bible said so, see.
Moses was born a prophet. John the Baptist, 712 years before he was born, he was a voice of one crying in the wilderness. God told Jeremiah, "Before you was even conceived in your mother's wombs, I knew you, sanctified you, and ordained you a prophet to the nations," see. God's election, calling.
Not that you're any better than anybody else; we're all the same. We're just children, but God has chose some to be one thing and some another. And if you pick where God chose you, then you can yield yourself, and that spirit will work through you.
Just like these ministers here. Well, they're called preachers. They don't get up here to preach. They're... I'm not a preacher. I wouldn't say I was a preacher, because I have no education. But some men there could get up here and preach, their preaching is inspired. They yield themselves to the Spirit of God. They have a way of doing that.

Jeremiah 1:5 Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.

Romans 11:29 For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance.

64 First is what? Apostles. Then prophets, then teachers, then evangelists, then pastors. Everybody knows that. That's the offices of the church. God set them.
Now, if our contention is right and Jesus Christ is raised from the dead, and this is a gift to yield so He'll work, He'll bear His record.
Here stands a woman. I've never seen her in my life. How many in here is total strangers to me, raise up your hand. Totally stranger, I don't know you. All in the prayer line that I don't know, raise up your hand. All right. There we are. Total strangers. Don't know no one.
The lady raised her hand; I'll raise my hand. We've never met. Now, walk right out here just a minute. I want the audience to see. Now, this is not in a dark room, as the devil would do. This is right out here before you all. God's a God of light. He lives in light. He is a consuming fire.

Deuteronomy 4:24 For the LORD thy God is a consuming fire, even a jealous God.

Ephesians 4:11 And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers;

Hebrews 12:29 For our God is a consuming fire.

1 John 1:5 This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all.

65 Now, the lady and I never have seen each other. I don't know her; she don't know me. You say, "Brother Branham, what are you stalling for?" For that Angel of the Lord. If He doesn't anoint, then I can do nothing. It's Him. If I get myself from talking on the Word, yielded to the Spirit, then it works.
Now, if I said to the women... She might be an infidel, she might be a hypocrite, she might be a prostitute, she might be a saint, she might be sick---I don't know nothing about her, I've never seen her. But God does know her.
Now, whatever she is, if I walked up to her and said, "Lady, you're sick"; "Yes"; "Praise the Lord, you're going to be healed" ---she's just got my word for that. She said, "He could've guessed that." But if the Holy Spirit will go back down in her life and tell her something, whether she knows ... she'll know whether that's right or not. Then that'd have to be God. It'd have to be. Jesus said He would... He did that. Every one of the true worshipers believed He was the Son of God, because He did that.

66 The apostles finally said this: "We believe now that You are the Son of God. You have no ... You know all things, have no need that any man should teach You, and by this [perceiving their thoughts and knowing these things] we know that You were sent from God."
Jesus said, "Do you now believe?" After all those things that He had did.
Now, if the lady, knowing this now, if the Lord Jesus will perform the same thing here that He did at the well of Samaria, how many of you will believe with all your hearts? All right.
Now, stand right back here because I don't know how loud my voice is. Now, ever who's operating that there, watch, 'cause when the anointing of the Holy Spirit comes, I don't know how loud... It's in another world and you're speaking and you can't tell.

John 16:30 Now are we sure that thou knowest all things, and needest not that any man should ask thee: by this we believe that thou camest forth from God.

John 16:31 Jesus answered them, Do ye now believe?

67 Be real reverent. Let the lady be the judge. If anybody... Anybody here know this woman? Is there anybody in the building? Yes, there's people back up there in the back that know her. All right. People that knows her. All right, you know whether this is true or not.
Let's just pray now. Be real reverent. You realize where I'm standing. I'm trying to represent the God that loves you, trying to bring courage to you to love Him, and to stay with Him, and to believe on Him, and trust Him. That's all He does it for. He don't have to do it, but He does it, that His Word might be fulfilled. He didn't heal back there because He had to, but that it might be fulfilled. This is the same.

68 Of course seeing you with a Bible in your hand---'course you could just be stalling with that, but you're not. You're a Christian. You're a believer. Now, I do not know you. But now, just as Jesus spoke at the well, at the well, for the woman at the well, rather ... then you're aware that something taken place right then, see. That's right.
Did you see the picture of that, lady? That's just what's making you feel the way you are. If the audience could only see, in the lady there's a light standing between she and I.
Now, she seems to be moving from me, slowly. She's suffering with a tremendous nervous condition that she wants me to pray for. That is true. Now, I believe that the woman was shaking. I seen her. She does that quite often. She's that way... She's been that way for sometime. It started with the menopause, because she's a younger-looking woman when it started, see.
Now, just a moment, let's talk to her a little more and see if anything else, see. Yes, besides that, you've got a trouble that's pains in your side, and you got an internal trouble. And that internal trouble is an intestinal condition, and you've had an operation for that, and that's what caused you pain.
You're not from this city. You come from another city. That's Richmond. Go home, Jesus Christ makes you well. If He knew what was, He surely will know what will be.

69 How do you do? Everyone reverent now, real reverent, please. Just keep your seats now, just be praying. Are we strangers to each other, lady? We are? This is our first time meeting. God knows us both.
If He will reveal to me like He did in the Bible through His Son, Jesus... And now His Son was ... died so that the Spirit could come back on sinners like me and you, to do the work of God, to continue the work. You believe that?
He said, "I am the vine, ye are the branches." Now, the vine doesn't bear fruit, the branch bears fruit; and the branch will bear the same kind of life that's in the vine. That's true, isn't it? Now, if He's the same yesterday, today, and forever, He will reveal it.

John 15:4 Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me.

John 15:5 I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.

Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

70 You are suffering with something that's hurting you in the front part here, in the chest. It's under your right side. It's a gall bladder trouble. Not only that, but you've got a stomach trouble. That's because of an over secretion of acid.
And you're not from this city. You're not from this state. A place ... Maryland. You are ... your name is Mrs. Bessie Worthington. That's it. Now, go on your road home and rejoice and be happy. [Unclear word]. Do you believe? Just have faith in God. Be real reverent. Only believe, God will grant it for you.

71 Now, you out there in the audience is just the same. You start looking this way. Don't doubt. Get the superstitions away now, and say, "Lord God, that preacher just told me according to Your Word that You're the same yesterday, today, and forever. I'm not up there, I haven't a prayer card, I don't have no prayer card; but he said that You was a High Priest, the same yesterday, today, and forever, and that I could touch You with the feeling of my infirmities. So, Lord Jesus, I believe what the man said is true; and I'm coming to You now, and You prove it to me that You are the same. And I'm going to ask You to ask ... to say to Brother Branham, turn around and tell me something about myself, sitting out here in the audience." Anywhere in the building, be sincere now, see if He'll do it. Just be sincere. Don't doubt.

Hebrews 4:15 For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin.

Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

72 How do you do, sir? The Lord Jesus Christ knows us. To me you're a stranger. Far as I know, I've never seen you in my life. But God knows both of us. But if the Lord God will reveal to me what your trouble is, will you accept it, sir?
Somebody touched Him. There is a spirit that's on this man that's on someone else in here. It's a child, a little boy. He keeps appearing here: double rupture. The child is sitting right there.
You have a rupture too. That's exactly right. See, that spirit, that thought he could get by with that. See how those demons trying to pull one to another, try to scream for help? I followed that black streak and seen it.

73 Now, you were sitting there praying, wasn't you, sir? You said, "If God..."---just what I told you. That's it. Now, don't doubt; believe. Yes, sir. You have a rupture. And I seen somewhere... It seems like you're under a surgery or something. It's a prostate trouble. You've had an operation for it---a prostate trouble.
You're not from this country either. Looks like Maryland to me. I see a man by you that's praying for you. He's a tall fellow, stooped over, wearing glasses. You are a minister, and it's a brother that's praying for you, who is a minister. And you are Reverend D. T. Park. That's right. Sir, go, and God be with you.

74 Have faith in God. You, lady, that just then felt the Spirit of God in you. That high blood pressure you've been praying for. You believe right then [unclear words] anointing, it'll leave you.
What did she touch? Who did she touch? The High Priest. Not me, she's too far from me. Do you believe, everyone of you? She touched the High Priest that could be touched with the feeling of our infirmities. "If thou canst believe, all things are possible."

Mark 9:23 Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth.

Hebrews 4:15 For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin.

75 How do you do, sir? I suppose we're strangers to each other. This our first time meeting, is it?
What do you think, lady? Do you believe this to be the truth? Yes? Do you think God will heal you of that diabetes? that paralyzed condition? Stand up on your feet and be made well now. Do you believe? All things... Just believe it.

76 Sir, if Jesus Christ has raised from the dead, and is the same yesterday, today, and forever ... to heal you I could not. To help you... And if I could and wouldn't do it, I'd be an awful person. I wouldn't have the love that I've been preaching about tonight. No, I'd better go get it myself, before I tell others.
But He has presented Himself to His church. No matter how much He had me anointed, if you didn't believe it, it would never work. It's not me doing this; it's your own faith doing this. It's your faith believing God that does it. Like it was in the Son of God, because He had the Spirit without measure, I just got a little spoonful of it.
Like a spoonful of water out of the ocean, but the same chemical in the spoonful is in the whole ocean---the same kind. But He was the Son of God; I'm a sinner saved by grace. But He promised He'd do this, and He keeps His Word.

John 3:34 For he whom God hath sent speaketh the words of God: for God giveth not the Spirit by measure unto him.

77 You are wanting me to pray for a condition of your ... that's bothering your eyes. It's a skin condition has broke out over you, and it's going to your eyes, is hindering your eyes. That's true. You're not from this country either. You're from a place ... it's North Carolina. And your name is Sister C. T. Campbell. Now, return home and get well. "If thou canst believe, all things are possible."
How do you do, sir? This is our first time meeting, I suppose? I've never seen you before, but God knows you, doesn't He? Do you believe me to be His servant? Yes, sir, what you're doing here. God bless you.
You've been shadowed to death, because you're real weak now, and you've had an operation just in the last week or two; and that was a cancer, and that cancer was on the glands. Do you believe?
Not only that, but a woman appears by your side. She's here tonight. I feel her now, pulling. That's your wife, and she's all swollen up, and she's scared cancer too. Go, put your hands on her, and both of you be healed in the name of the Lord Jesus. "If thou canst believe, all things are possible."

Mark 9:23 Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth.

78 Are you believing? How do you do? I suppose you're a Mennonite brother, with your coat. I appreciate your stand for Christ. I have hundreds of Mennonite friends. Would you happen to know Paul Boyd? You don't. He's a very good friend of mine, many other of the brethren that's Mennonite.
I never will forget, at Ft. Wayne one night I was having a service. A Mennonite girl was playing the piano, and they brought a little boy to me, was crippled. The Holy Spirit had been telling him about the condition that caused it.
And while it pronounced him well, the Mennonite girl was playing "The Great Physician Now Is Near." And the little boy jumped out of my arms and run off the platform, and the mother fainted, the girl jumped up; and those ivory keys continually played "The Great Physician now is near, the sympathizing Jesus." Hundreds and hundreds swept to the altar. Christ still lives.

79 We are strangers to each other. God knows us both. If the Lord God will reveal to me what you are wanting of Him, would you believe He'd give it to you? Thank you, sir. Then I pray that you get what you ask for.
You're not here for yourself; you're here for somebody that's not here. It's a woman, and she's dying with cancer. That's "Thus saith the Lord." You believe now? You can have what you've asked. Do you believe with all your heart?
Just a moment. Something happened in the audience. Seeming there's a [unclear words]. Yes it did. This woman sitting right in here, kind of red face, she's praying. She's got sinus trouble, and she wants the Lord to heal her. You accept Him as your healer, sister. You do? If you do, you can have what you've asked Him for, if thou canst believe.

80 God bless you. Here. I believe the woman missed it, because the angel left her right away. It goes to another sitting right here on the end that's got colitis. Do you believe God will heal you of that colitis? All right, you have your healing.
Now, it left and went from one to another [unclear words]. Have faith in God. Don't doubt. Everyone of you could be healed. Do you believe that?
Right behind the woman, sitting the third person in right on the back row, you're praying. You've got something wrong with your neck. Do you believe that God will heal you? Raise up on your feet then. You have your healing. God bless you.

81 I challenge you in Christ's name to believe it. Do you believe it? Now, do this then. Lay your hands over on each other. Let's just pray, all here, everyone. Lay your hands right now. That's it. Just get in the spirit of worship.
Lord God, in Jesus Christ's name I condemn the devil [unclear words]. Come out of here, Satan. Leave the people alone.