New Ministry (William Branham)

New Ministry (William Branham) somebody

New Ministry (William Branham) (1959-04-06) (William M. Branham Sermons)

New Ministry (William Branham) (1959-04-06) (William M. Branham Sermons) somebody

New Ministry (William Branham)

1 That's fine. Thank you. [Congregation sings "Happy Birthday" to Brother Branham. A brother presents him with a gift.]
Thank you. Thank you, very much. Thank you. Thank you very much, and the Lord bless you. Thank you kindly.
He is my Lord and my Saviour. And may, if I live to see another birthday, or as many birthdays as I have in the oncoming years of my life, I want to place every minute of my time in service of Him. Amen. You be seated. Thank you kindly.

2 Thanks for the little birthday, "Happy Birthday To You." I am so happy to receive this picture. And today, my good friend, Captain ... Chaplain Stadsklev and his family was at my room and presented me with some nice things. And my son, little son, Joseph, got me the necktie, and my little girls, the tie clasp. And my wife made a proposition with me; she said I should buy me a hair piece if I'd wear it. So I thought maybe that would... I said to her, "You buy it and see if I'll wear it or not." So it's been a great day.
Of course, every one knows that I'm just a-past twenty-five, now. I was born in 1909, so anyone can figure, knows that I'm past twenty five.

3 Well, it's all been wonderful, especially these thirty years that I've served my Lord. If there's any regrets that I have of the past, and the years that's past, is because I didn't spend the other twenty serving Him. I'm so happy to be a Christian these years. And I'm trusting God to help me as I journey on down the lanes of life, that God will lead me by His Spirit, and let me do something to show my appreciations of the cause that I was born on the earth for.
This morning before I gotten up, I was talking to wife, and I said, "Honey, don't seem possible I could be that old." And I said, "It just looks like the years has slipped by so quick." But I said, "I was borned in this world for some purpose, and I believe that's to serve the Lord." And that's my heart's desire.
What I would ask of you, would be a prayer for me before you lay down tonight, that God would keep me humble in my heart, and would help me and bless me, so that I could be a blessing to you people. I found out that the greatest blessing in life is giving something out, not receiving in, but giving out. What you do for others, what means so much. I was...

Acts 20:35 I have shewed you all things, how that so labouring ye ought to support the weak, and to remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he said, It is more blessed to give than to receive.

4 Tonight is starting to pray for the sick. Brother duPlessis has just gave us a wonderful message; just been behind the platform, behind the stage there, listening. And I sure appreciate that message, "The Exaltation of Jesus Christ."
And tonight, I want to start the new phase of my ministry here, of praying for the sick. Many of you, perhaps here, has been in my meetings since the beginning, and you know what was said at the beginning: how that I would take and lay hands on the people, and I would know what their trouble was.
And then He told me if I would be humble and sincere, that it would come to pass, you know the very secret of their heart. And that came to pass.

5 It's been over the world. The Angel of the Lord's had picture after picture taken of it. We've had the pictures taken, examined by the best fingerprint, and so forth in the world, as we know of, for see if there'd be a touch-up, or something wrong, or a double exposed picture. It's always proven to be there. It started years ago. That doesn't mean that my ministry, because it's a little peculiar, a little odd to what the average would be... I'm still your brother in the service of Christ, all of you. And I am happy because He lets me serve Him. Maybe because I have no education to amount to anything, that's the reason He gave me these gifts that I could work for Him.

6 About four years ago, I was here in California. Just before arriving here, I had a meeting in Phoenix. And there, many people had been complaining in my meetings that there's... Said, "Why, Brother Oral Roberts would pray for fifty people while you're praying for five."
I said, "That is true. Brother Oral Roberts has a commission from the Lord. And he prays for the people the way that God tells him to. I have to do the same."
And then I taken that up in prayer, and I prayed for quite a while about it, complaining all the time there was not enough gets to the platform. Well, really, in one sense of the word, that's right.

7 Now, the American people has been taught a Jewish custom of laying on of hands. That's not a Gentile custom; the Jews... Remember, Jairus said, "Come, lay Your hands on my girl and she will live."
But the Gentile said, "I'm not worthy that You come under my roof. Just speak the Word and my servant will live." That's the difference.
The ministry has not been---my ministry---to lay hands on the sick. It's been to make, by a divine gift, to bring presence ... the Lord Jesus Christ in presence by a discernment of spirit, which is called in the Bible, a gift of knowledge. And in doing so, makes Him manifested before the people, and then they receive Him as their Healer. That settles it.

Matthew 8:8 The centurion answered and said, Lord, I am not worthy that thou shouldest come under my roof: but speak the word only, and my servant shall be healed.

Matthew 9:18 While he spake these things unto them, behold, there came a certain ruler, and worshipped him, saying, My daughter is even now dead: but come and lay thy hand upon her, and she shall live.

Mark 5:23 And besought him greatly, saying, My little daughter lieth at the point of death: I pray thee, come and lay thy hands on her, that she may be healed; and she shall live.

Luke 7:6 Then Jesus went with them. And when he was now not far from the house, the centurion sent friends to him, saying unto him, Lord, trouble not thyself: for I am not worthy that thou shouldest enter under my roof:

Luke 7:7 Wherefore neither thought I myself worthy to come unto thee: but say in a word, and my servant shall be healed.

8 I don't have magazines to play up and to say the great testimonies of the people, but you'd be surprised what happens after one of the meetings. Thousands... We could've brought enough testimonies from Jamaica a few weeks ago. Brother Arganbright, he may be here, I think he comes here constantly, and Sister Arganbright, and the Christian Businessmen... If we had of captured those blind, deaf, dumb, wheelchairs, crippled, bent over, we could fill magazines for weeks and weeks to come. But I always tell the people, "Don't say nothing about it; just go tell someone the Lord's been good to you. Keep it back."
I don't like somebody to say "Brother Branham does this and that." I had nothing to do with it to begin with. And if I don't even touch a person, then surely you know I had nothing to do with it. It's the Lord doing it.

9 However, I asked the Lord in my American meetings, to let me be able to pray for more people, because you're my friends. You're the purchase of the blood of Christ. I want to do everything I can to help you.
Now, listen to Brother Oral Roberts say, "Touch something for a point of contact."
Well then, I begin to think, "What if I was sitting out there and had my little baby, and it was sick or something, and I seen that Spirit working on a person, maybe it might be my faith for that person to lay hands on me, that person to do it."

10 Well, I prayed, and Brother Lindsay, many of the men, used to tell me, "Why don't you just have the discernment for two or three, and then go on and take a whole prayer line." I never could do that. Every time I'd start it, just as soon as it would strike me, I'd just... That's the reason I would get so weak; they'd lead me off the platform. It was because after two or three of those visions, I was so out, I hardly knew where I was at.
I'm sure you theologians can understand that Scripturally, when one little woman touched the Lord Jesus, and He felt the strength go from Him. When Daniel had one vision and was troubled at his head for many weeks, sure that we would know what takes place.

Daniel 7:15 I Daniel was grieved in my spirit in the midst of my body, and the visions of my head troubled me.

11 And as Brother DuPlessis said awhile ago, "The only reason, I believe, that God lets this go on, as much as it does now, because that He has promised, "The works that I do, the things that I do shall you also, and more than this shall you do, for I go to my Father." It's His divine promise. A vision never heals anyone. A vision only brings the reality of a supernatural being present. And then in doing this, it brings faith to the people.

John 14:12 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.

12 So in Phoenix, Arizona, sometime ago, I was out on the desert ---Brother Moore, and Brother Brown, and myself---and I saw a vision. And the Lord Jesus said to me in this vision ... or the one that was speaking to me, which I believe to be an Angel... And I was back behind some rock, praying, and He said, "When you see this come to pass, then your ministry will be changed." And I looked, and there was a woman coming across the platform with a wee little baby, and it was dying, and the Lord healed it. And the woman was light, fair complected with dark eyes, short hair---shoulder length---and a brown coat suit on. The baby was wrapped in a little blanket. And said, "You'll know by this." And standing by me was a short man, bald-headed, and a tall thin man.
Four years I've watched for that. How many ever heard me make that statement, that that would come to pass? Raise your hands. Well, looky here, hundreds right here in the Temple tonight heard that remark.

13 Four years I waited for it. In New England States, a few... Well, last spring, a woman come across the platform almost met the descriptions. Brother Goad there, one of the tape boys here with me, after the service he said, "Wasn't that the woman?"
I said. "No, Brother Gene, it wasn't the woman. This woman is to be rather short. And this woman was tall. And she had brown hair, and this woman's going to have black hair. The baby was quite a sized baby, and this was a teeny little fellow. It wasn't the woman, although she was wearing the brown coat suit, but it isn't her."

14 And many of you heard of that great disaster in Chicago, where I believe a Catholic school was burned up, and so many children... The Christian Businessmen, Full Gospel Christian Businessmen, gave a memorial service at that same armory where the funerals of those children was preached. And I was called upon to be their speaker that afternoon and to offer prayer. After the service was over, I offered prayer for the people, and went to my room, to return that night to pray for the sick.
And Rosella Griffin, one of the horriblest alcoholics that Chicago ever had, was healed in one of my meetings up there. The Lord told her who she was and ... a dope peddler. How many ever heard of Rosella Griffin? Why sure, look at the hands around, certainly, one of the greatest alcoholics. Alcoholics Anonymous give her up. Then another girl, which was Fred Astaire's dancing partner, was a dope peddler with her. And they were called out. And her father raised up to resent it. She said, "Just a minute, daddy; the man's right."

15 And so, after the service was over, Rosella seen a lady crying, going down through the building with a little baby. She said, "I was so in hopes that Brother Branham would get to pray for my baby." She said, "It can't live. Several famous doctors of this city has given my baby up. And I thought surely he would come and take it in his arms and pray for the baby."
"Why," she said, "He will pray for the sick tonight."
She said, "I can't stay, dear, because that tonight I am... My husband's sitting up with two more children, and I'm to return." Said, "My pastor of the Swedish Covenant Church..."

16 Now, they know the Word. They're not very spiritual, but they know where they're standing. And so he said, "If everybody's give your baby up, why don't you take it, let Brother Branham pray for it. I believe that God will heal the baby." That was pretty good for a Swedish Covenant.
And they brought the baby. And so the lady said, "Well, I can't stay."
And one of the big ushers said, "I will hold your baby, lady, if you want to go call your husband."
She called the husband, and he said, "Go ahead and stay, darling; I will take care of the children."
So, said, "Now, the boy will be at the door." Said, "You just stand there; when he comes in at night and get a prayer card. That's the only thing to do." Said, "Of course, you'll have to take your chance, whether you're called in line or not."

17 Well, Rosella stood with the lady at the door. And the baby could not cry. Every bit of food went into its mouth, went right through it, and they couldn't even force some of it in. Fed it with veins, and so forth, and it was just dying. So they'd give it up, either five or seven doctors. And the little fellow could not live by no means longer than another few days, couldn't even cry no more.
And when Billy come in, my son, Rosella said, "Billy, are you going to give out cards?"
Said, "Yes."
She said, "Well, give this lady one."
Said, "Not till I get up before the audience and mix them up." So he mixed them up, took one and give it to the lady, and went ahead.

18 And that night, when I come in, where I called, that woman was about the fourth person in line. Nobody knowed about it yet. And each time, when people comes, and I say to them, "I've never seen you before, have we?" Just find out. When I seen her come to the platform... That's been four years since the vision. But a very attractive little lady, packing the baby, and I thought, "Seems like I ought to know that lady." And she walked closer to me; she was packing the little one. And I said, "How do you do."
And she said, "How do you do."
The vision broke. And I said, "Your name is So-and-something," ever what it was. And said, "Your pastor has advised you to bring the baby, because it's dying."
She said, "That is right, sir."
And I said, "The baby is six months old and weighs three pounds."
She said, "That's right."
And I said, "What you put in the baby, can force into it, it doesn't stay in the baby. And the doctors can't find out what it is."
She said, "That is right, sir."
And I seen the little baby laughing, and jumping, and playing, a little child. I said, "Thus saith the Lord, the Lord has healed your baby."

19 She broke down to weeping. I thought there's something strange about that woman. And the Holy Spirit spoke to me and said, "Don't you remember her, the brown coat?" Oh, there it was. The change of ministry, right there.
I looked for my wife; I couldn't see her in that great mass of people. I looked for Billy Paul; I couldn't see him. Gene, Leo, I couldn't see nobody to tell them about it. So when I went out that night from the meeting, it started right there. I could have a vision, get right over it, go on and pray for a whole line of people. And then maybe another one would come. Just where the Lord seemed to be leading, and it changed right there at the platform that minute.

20 Now, I have a way, just like I do to put myself in position to see a vision, I can pull right out of it just as easy as I can go into it. So now, I can just pray for whole prayer lines of people, and don't have to have that. And then, if the Lord sees some sin in some life, or something, that ought to be called out, or somebody so weak in faith, or something like that, then He will stop that person and tell them such-and-such and so-and-so, go right on, snap right out of it again, and go right on. And I can just stand and stand and stand in a prayer line like that.
So I'm grateful to God for that. And it's certainly done something for my ministry in America. And then, the visions continue on just the same.
Do you see the sovereignty of God? How that He wants to meet the request of the people. As Brother Oral Roberts has often expressed, "God is a good God." That is true.

21 The men may be here, just a moment. I'm taking much ... more time. I'm not going to preach. I'm just going to call the prayer line in a minute.
I've got some good friends, many, hundreds of good friends in California. There's one little old fellow and his wife is an outstanding friend of mine; that's Minor Arganbright and his wife. They are really sweet people. I've looked all around to see if he was here first before I said that. I don't think he's here, so I can say it. His home has always been my home, just as welcome as I would be. And we've been overseas together, and in the mountains together. I find him a fine man.

22 Staying at his home when I was here in California, about a few months ago, I was at the Angeles Temple that night. And the next morning---I believe I was at Brother Vick's church, and just had a little one night, jump meeting across the West Coast here---and the phone would ring, and of course...
Here's what it is, friends. People calling for private... Well, we have a time set, usually, in meetings, for people who have problems that they can't solve. They come in, and we pray. Then the Lord shows a vision. They don't tell me what their trouble is. And the Lord reveals it, and tells them, and gets them straightened out. That's what those gifts are for. So we have that time set aside, usually, in the meeting for that, to have these things.

23 But in this time, I was just jumping and hurrying. We can't go out and make private calls, because it's not fair, one to the other. And then they get that, they won't bring them to the church and so forth. You know how it is. And some people think that because that we are Pentecostal in faith, that it would pollute their prestige to bring them into a Pentecostal church.
If they feel that way, the Lord would only tell them that when I got there anyhow. So, you must humble yourself and be willing to come wherever God is and meet Him. Going to find a lot of Pentecostal people in heaven, so you'd better start associating with them right now.

24 So then, when the phone rang, and it happened to be that Brother Arganbright was out of the house ... or out of the room. And I picked it up and answered it. It was the nicest little voice came through on the phone, and said, "Mr. Arganbright."
I said, "He is not in right now."
Said, "Could you tell me if Brother Branham is staying here."
I said, "I am Brother Branham."
He said, "Thanks be to God."
And I thought, "Now, what's this?"
He said, "Brother Branham, I am..." Told me who he was. And he said, "I have a little boy that's dying. Cancer has eat him up, and he's just about..." I believe three months old, or four months old. "He's never swallowed a mouth of food, or milk, or anything. The cancer has just eat him up. Will you come and pray for him?" Said, "The Lord spoke to me just a few days ago, and said, 'Get Brother Branham.'" And said, "I'm..." He's a missionary in Mexico, but lives here at La Crescenta. And he said, "The Lord spoke to me to get you. But I heard that you died in Africa---South Africa---just recently." And said, "I thought, why would the Lord be telling me to get you, when you were gone and dead?" And said, "Then I heard that you were right here in La Crescenta." He said, "It must be the Lord."
Well, just as he said that, the Lord spoke to me and said, "Go with him."
I said, "Just a moment; I will call Brother Arganbright and find out where this hospital is."

25 Los Angeles is so big, I have to have somebody bring me over here from where I'm staying. I just can't get my way around here. And these freeways, where there's nothing but the quick and the dead, and those that die die quick... It's so speedy like that, I'm just an old slow southerner and I can't get out of the way quick enough. So then, I thought, it was going to be...

26 [A brother gives a prophecy.] Amen. Thanks be to God. Hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches. Be prepared.
In this, to this quotation, I'm going to tell you the minister's name, just a moment. I went. Brother Arganbright taken me down to the hospital, the children's hospital here. I've seen many sad sights, but I don't believe I ever seen anything like that. It struck me so.
When I met him... Now, the man may be sitting right here now, listening at me. Perhaps is. And he just called me awhile ago and was telling me the testimony. No vision, just something said, "Go." And when I met him... He was Mexican, and his wife was a little Swede, blond head, and lovely little couple. And she was sitting in her little station wagon.

27 And we went across, he and I, to the children's hospital to pray for this little one. And when we walked into the hospital, there was such a sad thing. That little baby, it had cancer in the throat and jaws. And the doctors had cut its little jaws, his little throat, all the way around, and the great stitches in here had just swollen up, was just puckered-like in. And that had agitated that devil called "cancer," till it run its little baby tongue out of its mouth and turned it black. And it couldn't get it... That shut its wind off from its nose and through its mouth, trying to smother it to death. And faithful doctors, working hard, had cut a hole in its throat here and put one of them little, little... I don't know what you call it, in here, looked like a little a little whistle like, in its throat. And its little arms had to be in splints, stocks run out like this. It was only about three months old. And its little head was back. And that little whistling noise when that little thing trying to breath. And I looked at that. And the nurse had to take the drainage from that cancer, or it would stop up in that hole when it was coming down.

28 And that little old father walked around there and touched it on its head, and said, "Ricky, daddy's little baby, daddy's little buddy; this is daddy. I brought Brother Branham to pray for you." Little three months old baby, and seen the tears in his eyes as he patted that little thing on the head, and it recognized its daddy. And its just got to whistling real loud, that breathing going like that, and its little hands out.
I tell you, friend, something left me. I've see lots of sights, but I got children too. And a little child has suffered. I turned around. He was trying to quieten it, saying, "Daddy's little boy. Daddy's little boy."

29 And I turned my head like this and I thought, "Lord Jesus, I know that can't be Your will for a little innocent baby to suffer like that. I just can't believe that it's Your will. And what would You do if You were standing here? What attitude would You take?" I hope that I am not a fanatic, and not misrepresenting anything. God knows whether I am or not.
Something said to me---not a voice, but something inside of me---said, "I'm waiting to see what you'll do." And I turned as if it had spoken out, and I thought, "That's right. You commissioned Your church to carry on Your work." So I reached over and took its little hand in them splints, held it's little fingers like this; I said, "Heavenly Father, this is so striking, till I just can't stand it anymore. And hear my prayer, O God, and by the commission of God and ministered to me by an angel, I condemn this devil of cancer, that the doctors is fighting so hard to save this baby's life. I place between this cancer and the baby's life the blood of Jesus Christ."

30 And I just walked away. And the father patted him on the head, and walked out, and never said no more, walked across the street. I said, "Don't you worry about that child no more."
The father called me this afternoon. In just a few hours' time, the swelling was leaving the baby, its tongue went back into its mouth normal. The next morning, the baby swallowed its first bite in all of its life. The baby is home now perfectly sound and well from all them powers of the devil---turned it loose.

31 The man's name is Reverend D ... capital D-u-p-o-n-s-t-a. His telephone number, is C-H ... CHurchill 9-2658 at La Crescenta. The little Ricky is a-living tonight, nine months old, enjoying good perfect health again because Jesus Christ lives. How wonderful our Lord! I believe I will call this brother tomorrow, if it would be nice, and one of these nights have him bring little Ricky down. Would you like to see him and hear him testify the same? If this minister is present now---the minister's name that I have read---would you raise up your hand, sir? I don't... The man's sitting here present now. Raise up to your feet. You don't have Ricky with you, do you? Will you bring him down one night for us to give its testimony? Thank the Lord for it. That's fine. Let's give God a great big praise, saying, "Praise the Lord."

32 Now, let us pray. Lord, the Bible said that the man was standing present, so they could not say ought against it. By the grace of God, Thou hast saved the life of little Ricky. And we are so happy tonight to know it. And we pray, Lord, that by his little testimony will cause literally hundreds of people to be saved. And we claim him, Lord, for the Gospel as a trophy. If there is a tomorrow, and his dear father has gotten so old he cannot preach no more, let Ricky take the sword on, Lord. May he live to see the day when his daddy will take the sword of the Word and hand it in Ricky's hand, and You give him the Spirit. May he preach the ... in great riches of Jesus Christ to the age that he shall live in.
Grant tonight, Lord God, that people will know that that same God that saved little Ricky is here, and can save every sufferer in this building tonight. Grant it, Lord, and let Thy great name be known and magnified. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, we ask it. Amen.

33 We will now call for the prayer cards. A's? Prayer card A's, line up on this side beginning with number one. Prayer card A number one, who has it? Are you sure it was A's? Prayer card A number one, who has it? Oh, here. Come down here, lady. Number two? Number three? Number four, number five, number six, number seven, number eight, all down, line up one-by-one as your numbers... And someone will go down there and help them to line the people up. Everybody holding prayer cards A, line up on this side. We will be glad to minister. And those, some of you who cannot get into the prayer line, are holding these prayer cards, I will ask the ushers to bring them down in front, so we can pray for them.
All you that do not have prayer cards, and you're sick, and you want Jesus to heal you, raise up your hands, wherever you are in the building.

34 Let me, while they're lining them people up, let me just ask you something. And you listen real close now. In the Scriptures, the book of Hebrews, it is written that Jesus Christ is a High Priest that can be touched by the feeling of our infirmities. Do you believe that to be the truth? And also, the same book of Hebrews, 13:8, says He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. Then if He is the same yesterday, today, and forever, He's the same High Priest. And if He was touched yesterday, when He was here on earth, by the feeling of the people's infirmities, and if He is sitting at the right hand of God tonight---a High Priest---making intercessions upon our confession, and if we'd touch that same High Priest tonight, He would act the way He did when He was here on earth, would He not?

Romans 8:34 Who is he that condemneth? It is Christ that died, yea rather, that is risen again, who is even at the right hand of God, who also maketh intercession for us.

Hebrews 4:15 For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin.

Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

35 There was a woman in the Bible, and she come to know Jesus by hearing. "Faith cometh by hearing." She had a issue of blood. And so she, hearing of Jesus... One morning, let's say it was about nine o'clock. The sea had been rough.
I'm just speaking to you to hold your attention while they're lining the people up in the line.
And so, it had been a rough night. The little ship had been tossed about with a few little fishermen and oarmen coming across the lake. The Galilee was stormy. And about nine o'clock at morning, the willows parted and the little boat pushed in to the shore. And people begin to say, "Here comes that Prophet." Some saying, "That deceiver."

Romans 10:17 So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

36 Where Christ is, there's always a mixed multitude. He chose twelve, and one of them was Judas. When Moses went out of Egypt, a mixed multitude went with him. Where the supernatural's done, there's always been the pro and con.
Now, in that, a little woman up on the hill... Maybe she'd spent all of her living, trying with the doctors to get a cure for a blood issue. She'd had it several years. And so, she said within herself when she seen Him coming, "No matter what the people say, I believe that that man is the Son of God." And she pressed her way through the crowd, and being weak and anemic condition ---weakening---she finally got up to where He was, and she maybe had to squeeze through some of them, pressing her way.
And if you ever get to Christ, you're going to have to press your way to Him, because there's going to be all kinds of people there trying to hold you back.

Mark 5:26 And had suffered many things of many physicians, and had spent all that she had, and was nothing bettered, but rather grew worse,

Luke 8:43 And a woman having an issue of blood twelve years, which had spent all her living upon physicians, neither could be healed of any,

37 But she was determined. So she pressed her way, until she touched the border of His garment. And when she touched Him, she goes back out in the audience where the people were, and took her stand. And Jesus, when He felt that touch, He turned and He said, "Who touched me?" And all of them denied it. She denied it, because she was scared.
And Peter wanted to rebuke Him, and he said, "Why do You say such a thing? Why, all the multitude is touching You, thronging You."
But He said, "I perceive that virtue has gone from Me." His strength had left Him, made Him weak. And He looked around over the audience until He found where the woman was. And He told her of her condition, that her faith had saved her.

Mark 5:27 When she had heard of Jesus, came in the press behind, and touched his garment.

Mark 5:30 And Jesus, immediately knowing in himself that virtue had gone out of him, turned him about in the press, and said, Who touched my clothes?

Mark 5:31 And his disciples said unto him, Thou seest the multitude thronging thee, and sayest thou, Who touched me?

Mark 5:32 And he looked round about to see her that had done this thing.

Mark 5:34 And he said unto her, Daughter, thy faith hath made thee whole; go in peace, and be whole of thy plague.

Luke 8:44 Came behind him, and touched the border of his garment: and immediately her issue of blood stanched.

Luke 8:45 And Jesus said, Who touched me? When all denied, Peter and they that were with him said, Master, the multitude throng thee and press thee, and sayest thou, Who touched me?

Luke 8:46 And Jesus said, Somebody hath touched me: for I perceive that virtue is gone out of me.

Luke 8:47 And when the woman saw that she was not hid, she came trembling, and falling down before him, she declared unto him before all the people for what cause she had touched him, and how she was healed immediately.

Luke 8:48 And he said unto her, Daughter, be of good comfort: thy faith hath made thee whole; go in peace.

38 Now, that's the way that High Priest acted in the days gone by when He was here on earth. If He is that same High Priest tonight, the only thing you have to do is touch Him, and He will act the same way He did then, if you'll touch Him with that kind of a touch. Do you believe then? Certainly He will.
Now, here's what did it. Now, we have the Spirit by measure. Christ had it without measure. We, just like taking a spoonful of the water out of the ocean, He had the whole ocean. But the same chemicals that's in the spoonful is in the whole ocean, but not as much of it.
So that's the way a Christian is. We're nothing to compare with Him. But we have a portion of His Spirit in us, and then it acts like Him. That's what makes us love people, and try to help people, and do good, is because that Spirit of Christ in us.

John 3:34 For he whom God hath sent speaketh the words of God: for God giveth not the Spirit by measure unto him.

39 Now, when God wanted to use His gifts, He took Jesus out and He said, "Son..." on this order: "Lazarus, Your friend, is going to take sick and die. I'm going to raise him up through You; I want You to go away and stay away for four days."
Jesus never said a thing about it when He come back and raised Lazarus. Didn't say one thing about getting weak, did He? And He raised a man from the dead that had been dead four days. Why? God was using His own gift.
But a little woman with a blood issue touched Him, and He said, "I got weak." What was it? It was a woman using God's gift. See, Jesus didn't have no vision of her when she touched Him, but she knowed something happened. He knowed something happened. See, the woman was pulling the power of God through the Son of God. That's the reason He got weak on that little healing. But great miracles where the Father had showed Him, He didn't get weak, because God was using His gift. The woman was using His gift; that was the difference.

John 11:39 Jesus said, Take ye away the stone. Martha, the sister of him that was dead, saith unto him, Lord, by this time he stinketh: for he hath been dead four days.

John 11:43 And when he thus had spoken, he cried with a loud voice, Lazarus, come forth.

John 11:44 And he that was dead came forth, bound hand and foot with graveclothes: and his face was bound about with a napkin. Jesus saith unto them, Loose him, and let him go.

40 Now, you have faith in God; don't doubt nothing, but believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, each one of you. And you that don't have a prayer card, you look this a-way and say, "Lord, I can't get into the prayer line tonight. But if You'll just let me touch Your garment, and if that's Your voice speaking through that man up there---I know he don't know me---and if that be You, Lord, then let him turn around and tell me what my trouble is." And then, see if He isn't the same High Priest.
Now, down along the line, we're not playing, or preaching, or talking about visions. Each one of you has to remember this, that the Angel of the Lord, when meeting me at the beginning, the vision wasn't to heal people. He said I was born to pray for sick people. "If you can get them to believe you, and be sincere when you pray, nothing will stand before the prayer." How many's read that, heard that. The commission is: Pray for the people.

41 I never did like that old fast line, you just lay your hands on them, just jump them through like that. I can't see that. That's not praying for the people. Pray for the people.

42 Now, then if the anointing of the Holy Spirit is here, and then we pray and ask God, then lay hands on you and pray for you as you go by, do you believe you'll get well? Are you, all in the prayer line now, you believing that? Raise your hands if you're willing to accept it now.
Just like little Ricky did. How could that little fellow know anything about vision? His father never even asked for a vision. He never asked a thing. I never told him nothing. I just went and laid hands on Ricky. That's right, isn't it, brother. That's right. And Ricky got well, because Jesus Christ honored the father's faith to send, and our prayer, and healed little boy and give him back to him to him alive. Thanks be to God for it. All right.

43 Now, if you will get up there, Billy, and help the people up. Now, if they're too crippled to come up and they got a prayer card, we will put them down here so I can come to them.
Now, I want every one, not to be in any hurry now; we're in the service of the Lord. Now, it makes it so hard, sometimes when I go pray for sick people in auditoriums and things, they... Well, they just now calling me into the platform to speak. And if I let out under twelve o'clock, they think they got cheated. But when I get here in California, I understand that you all go home at eight-thirty. So just bear a little while.

44 Paul preached this same Gospel all night long, and somebody fell out of an upper story window and killed himself, and Paul laid his body on him, he come back to life again.
Many of us sit up and watch the late show, and we go to dances and parties, and stay all night. "But if the preacher is over twenty minutes, I will never go back again." See that? Our heart ain't right with God. Our soul's feeding on something else besides God.

45 Now, here's a lady to begin with. Now, before I start the prayer line, let's just say this. Now, if you've got sin in your life, down along this prayer line... The reason I've always combed every person close, because anyone knows that you can take a gift and get yourself in trouble with it. We're all aware of that. Moses done exactly what God told him not to do, but he did it anyhow. God told him to go down there, speak to the rock; and he smote the rock. But he got in trouble with God.
I never could believe it was the nature of the Holy Spirit, when them children teasing that young prophet being bald-headed, Elijah, and saying, "Old bald-head, old bald-head, why didn't you go up." And he turned around and cursed those little children in the name of the Lord, and two she bears killed forty-two little innocent children. Is that right? That don't sound the nature of the Holy Spirit. But it was a angered prophet. You have to watch.

Numbers 20:8 Take the rod, and gather thou the assembly together, thou, and Aaron thy brother, and speak ye unto the rock before their eyes; and it shall give forth his water, and thou shalt bring forth to them water out of the rock: so thou shalt give the congregation and their beasts drink.

Numbers 20:11 And Moses lifted up his hand, and with his rod he smote the rock twice: and the water came out abundantly, and the congregation drank, and their beasts also.

2 Kings 2:23 And he went up from thence unto Bethel: and as he was going up by the way, there came forth little children out of the city, and mocked him, and said unto him, Go up, thou bald head; go up, thou bald head.

2 Kings 2:24 And he turned back, and looked on them, and cursed them in the name of the LORD. And there came forth two she bears out of the wood, and tare forty and two children of them.

46 Therefore, what if God let the devil put a sickness on you to bring you to discipline, and then some gift comes around, and pours some oil on you, and casts that thing away from you. Then he's in trouble with God, see.
So remember, if you've got unconfessed sin in that line, step out, for it'll make you worse than you was when you come, see. Now, I'm putting it right back in your lap tonight, see. It's on you. If you come to the platform without that ... because I'm not going to search for visions; I'm going to pray like you all wanted me too. Is that what the church wanted, to pray and lay hands on the sick, that's...? Then later on through the week, if you'll go back to the other type of a line, all right. It's here all the time.

47 On the street... How many knows ... met people on the street, out everywhere in public life and everything, and seen visions take place and heard me say those things? Raise your hands all around the building them that know it. Sure, see.. It's not only in the church; it's home, on the street, everywhere.
Go down the street, and the Lord will say, "Don't go that, turn this other corner. A man with a blue suit on, standing there crying, go to his house; his wife's near death. Go lay your hands on her."
I will tell the people in the car, "A man with a blue suit on is going to be down here; his wife's laying in a bed. When you go in that house, there's a certain picture hanging there." It's perfect every time, see. It just happens anywhere.

48 Now, so that you'll see that the Holy Spirit is here, this woman is a stranger to me. Is that right, lady? We do not know each other. But God does know us both. Now, I just want your attention for a moment. If the Holy Spirit will reveal to me what you're standing here for, will you believe it is God? You will.
How many in the audience will believe it? And the rest of you, you won't even require asking a vision; you just believe it anyhow. Now, just have faith.

49 Now, the lady, she's... We were probably born years apart, miles apart, and I've never seen her before, and I guess this is our first time meeting, and that's just all there is. We're just standing here. But the Lord Jesus would say to you something. I don't know what He would say, but something that you know that I know nothing about, something that you have done, or something that you're planning on doing, or some sickness, or some trouble that you have. If He would reveal that, you'd know it would have to come through some power.
Would you be like the modern church of Jesus' time, say, "It was Beelzebub," or would you be like the woman at the well, said, "I perceive that Thou art a prophet. We know when the Messiah cometh, He will tell us these things." Would you believe it would be the Lord, because it's His promise?

Matthew 12:24 But when the Pharisees heard it, they said, This fellow doth not cast out devils, but by Beelzebub the prince of the devils.

Mark 3:22 And the scribes which came down from Jerusalem said, He hath Beelzebub, and by the prince of the devils casteth he out devils.

Luke 11:15 But some of them said, He casteth out devils through Beelzebub the chief of the devils.

John 4:25 The woman saith unto him, I know that Messias cometh, which is called Christ: when he is come, he will tell us all things.

50 The woman seems to be a Christian, because her spirit feels welcome. If the audience can still hear my voice, between the woman and I comes the light. There's going to be a vision. The woman is pending an operation. That is true. You believe God can tell me what kind of an operation that would be? It's a gall stone operation. That is true. That's right. And you're happy ... was happy about something when you walked up here. You was happy, because you'd been called in the prayer line tonight. That's right. For you prayed this afternoon before coming that this would be your night, you'd be called. Is that right?
Now, you know I wasn't in the room with you. And let me tell you the reason. This is the last night you can be here. You couldn't have come back. That's right. Would it embarrass you if I told the audience why? On account of bus fare. That's right. You won't have to come back. Jesus Christ makes you well. Now, go home. And the Lord God grant to our sister this request. God bless you, sister.

51 Do you believe the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God? Now, just be reverent and we will pray. I don't want to know your trouble. I just want you to come so I can pray for you. Dear Lord, heal our sister and make her well of whatever is wrong. In the presence of the Holy Ghost, I lay hands on her in the name of Jesus. Amen. Go rejoicing, thanking the Lord.

52 My brother, do you believe the Lord will heal you? Isn't that wonderful? Not a vision at all. See, it's all passed away now; it's gone. How many know I couldn't do that before, raise your hands. You been in my meetings, certainly not. Not a sign of a vision, see.
I pray that God heals this, my brother, as I lay hands on him, knowing that he's standing in the presence of God, not his brother, but in the presence of God. I ask his healing in Jesus' name. Amen. God bless you, brother.

53 Dear God, I lay hands upon my brother and pray that You'll heal his body and make him well, in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen. God bless you. Now, you go rejoicing.
Everybody, when you leave here, if you're healed, act like you're healed. If you believe it, act like you are. Go, and saying, "Thank You, Lord; it's a finished work, it's done." Well, you say, "That was just that one person was all it was, that..." It isn't. All right.

54 Here, is this the lady? All right, lady. You and I are strangers, are we? All right. You've seen me before, but I don't know you, have no idea who you are, what you are, or what you're doing here. That's right. Is that right? You believe that Jesus Christ can tell me your trouble? The first thing I want to say, that you have been healed before. That's right. You're a lady minister. And you're suffering now with a weakness, nervous, female trouble and complications. If that's right, raise your hand. As you were healed the last time, so are you healed now. Pass off of the platform and be made well in the name of the Lord Jesus.

55 Come, sister. Lord God, our heavenly Father, I pray that You'll bless this dear soul and heal her as I lay my unworthy hands upon her in the name of Thy holy Son, Jesus. Amen. Go believing just like the dad did for little Ricky, and will be made well.
Do you believe? You believe me to be His servant? You believe that God could reveal to me your trouble? It's nervousness. You believe that He will heal you with all your heart? All right, sir, then you can return back to Oregon and be well, to your home. That's right. Go on your road rejoicing. God bless you.

56 Heavenly Father, I pray that You'll bless this dear woman and make her well through Jesus' name. Amen.
Dear God, I pray for this young woman, that You'll heal her in Jesus' name. Amen.
God bless our brother, and as I lay my hands on him, I ask for his healing in the name of the Lord Jesus. Amen.
You believing out there? Everybody in favor with God now, having favor, believing; don't doubt, but believe with all your heart. Now, just keep your seats, be reverent. How many out there now doesn't have any prayer card, wants God to heal you, raise your hand? That's it. Just keep praying.

57 You believe, lady? You believe that God can tell me what your trouble is? If I would tell you your trouble, would it make you feel better? Just a little time with this woman so people will get satisfied that the Spirit of God is here, doing these things.

58 The woman's got trouble in her colon. That's right. You've had an operation, haven't you. If God would tell me who you was, would you believe me? All right, Miss Snyder, you go home and be well, in the name of the Lord Jesus, if you'll believe it.
Now, have faith in God now. Don't rally for that, see. Just believe that God is here.
Lord, I pray that You'll heal the woman and make her well through Jesus' name. Grant it, Lord.
Come, brother. Oh, Lord, I pray that You'll heal him and make him well in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

59 How do you do? I lay hands upon this, my sister, in the name of Jesus Christ, for her healing. Amen.
[A brother offers Brother Branham a glass of water.] That's all right, brother.
Dear God, I pray for our brother, that You'll give to him the desire of his heart, make him well in Jesus' name. Amen.
Would you come, sister. Lord. I pray that You'll heal our sister and make her well in the name of Jesus Christ.
Come right ahead, sister. Have faith now. Everybody be in prayer. Lord, I pray for our sister, that You make her well in Jesus' name. Amen.

60 Come now, believing. Lord, I pray that You'll heal our sister and make her well in the name of Jesus. Amen.
You believe that God will heal her? Lord, I lay hands upon her and ask for her healing in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
God bless our brother and make him well in Jesus' name. Amen.
Do you believe? See, you get it, friends? Now, you see why my ministry, Brother David... You get it. See, if you... If these people'd get it, they'd rejoice as much when the hands is laid on them as they would with the vision. The vision has nothing to do with it. Them other people... Why, it's... If I didn't think they was going to catch it, I would stop them, see. It's just hard (See?) for you to change around. Well, I believe if I seen the Lord, and I was sick and walk across the platform and I seen the presence of the Lord like that, somebody'd pray for me according to the Scriptures, I'd say, "Thank You, Lord. Amen. It's finished." That'd be all. I'd go out of here rejoicing and happy as it could be. Oh, how glorious!

61 Speak English? You believe me to be His servant? If God will reveal to me what your trouble is, will you believe me to be His servant?
That colored lady, sitting right back there with high blood pressure looking at me, you believe, sister, that the Lord Jesus will make you well? You don't have a prayer card, do you? You have a prayer card? No. You don't need it. Your faith made you well.

62 See what it was? See, the lady... I seen another lady standing here and this woman's, perhaps, Spanish. And there was a colored lady kept appearing here, larger, bigger, taller woman. And I kept seeing, with that thing over her arm. And I looked around to see where it was, and I thought, "Where is it?" And I seen that Angel of light standing right over the woman, and I called it. That's what it was. What did she touch? What did she touch? I've never seen the woman in my life. She's sitting there without a prayer card to be called in the line. But she was praying. If that's right, lady, wave your hand, the woman was just healed. Wave your hand back there if that's right, sitting there praying. That's right, see. You believe. Have faith.

63 Here, that started a chain. Here's another colored woman sitting right out here in front of me at the end of the row, right out here, is praying also. Yes, Ma'am. You believe that that stomach trouble's over, heart trouble's over? You had heart trouble and stomach trouble. If that's right, wave you hand. You were praying also. You are healed. Do you have a prayer card? You don't have a prayer card. No, sir, you don't need one. Your faith makes you whole.
Now, ask the lady, the lady that was just healed just now. You don't have a prayer card, do you, lady? You do not have a prayer card. No. You was just sitting there praying, "Lord, let it be me."
There you are. And there she's healed. What did she touch? The High Priest. Blessed be the name of the Lord, for people who will believe.

64 Now, let's take this little lady here, then let's let the rest of the people come right on by, 'cause you can feel the effect is getting to be too much now. You see, it just starts moving.
The little lady sitting there, looking at me with her hands on her face out there in front, suffering with that bronchitis, if she'd believe. You have a prayer card, lady? You're not in the prayer line. Stand up if you're not in the prayer line. Stand up. You had bronchitis, didn't you. All right. Go home and believe now. Jesus Christ makes you well. That's right.

65 Touch the hem of His garment. The woman never touched me. None of these people's touched me. What did they touch? They touched the High Priest, Jesus Christ. And He's acting just like He did then, just through channels of His church. His faith is coming into the people. They're looking this a-way, then He speaks, used my voice. I couldn't tell you what I said to the people. I don't know. I have no way of knowing, only through the tapes and things. But it's Jesus, the Son of God, proving that His coming is near. It's drawing near now. People must get right with God, break down the walls of partition. Get right, and believe God. Our time's moving fast.

66 Now, if the little lady here, this once here... Being I just made a show out of her standing here. And I was going to speak to her anyhow. If I never said no more to you, you'd believe anyhow, wouldn't you. All right. But being that this other lady, which was a colored woman, Ethiopian, appeared before you, a Spanish woman, and her faith drew it that way, I will speak to you just a moment, so it'll help the Spanish people. There's been the Anglo-Saxon, now that, and now, you're Spanish. That probably taken the whole church here tonight to believe.
I don't know you. I've never seen you in my life. We're strangers. Is that right? If it is, raise your hand. Now, that's to you Spanish people. That's to you the Ethiopian, and them others is to the Anglo-Saxon, this here, the white people. God is no respect of race or people. No, sir. We're all borned of one blood. If we're white, black, yellow, brown, we could give each other a blood transfusion because we come from one blood. That's right. The countries we live in, changing our colors, had nothing to do with our blood and life and our Creator. But that you might see that God doesn't respect people, the nation, the nationalities or colors...

67 You're pending an operation. It's going to be more than an operation. You're with child. Now, reason I said that, because some might think it was a tumor. It isn't. But you also have to have another operation; that's for a rupture. That's right, isn't it? And you got a baby to be born, and it's got to be a Cesarean. Is that true? Raise your hand. Go; God's going to bless you, and it's going to be all right. God bless our sister.
Do you believe with all your heart now? Now, just be in prayer while we pray for the rest of these people.

68 Dear Father, I pray that You'll heal this woman, and let her come back to this church rejoicing [Gap in the audio.] Jesus' name. Amen.
God, I pray for this woman and this little boy, as I lay hands upon them and ask You to heal in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen. God bless you both.
God, I pray for the little lady, that You'll heal her and take these spells from her, and may she never have them again, in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
God, bless our brother, and I pray that You'll heal him and make him well in the name of the Jesus Christ. That's the idea, brother.

69 I pray for our brother, and ask that You'll make him well, Lord, in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Come, sir. I pray for thee, my beloved brother, laying hands upon you according to God's Word. I ask in Jesus' name for your healing. Amen.
I pray for thee, my brother, laying hands upon you by the anointing of the Holy Ghost that's close now. I ask for your healing in Jesus' name.
I lay my hands upon this, my brother, and I ask that in Jesus Christ's name that he will be made well. Amen.
I pray for thee, my sister, and I lay hands upon you and ask in Jesus' name that you will get well. Amen.

70 I pray for thee, my beloved sister, and ask that in Jesus Christ's name that you will get well. Amen.
I pray for thee, my sister, and I ask it in the name of Jesus Christ that you'll be made well. Amen.
I pray for thee, my brother, and I ask that in the name of Jesus Christ that you shall be well.
I pray for thee, my brother, and I ask that in the name of Jesus Christ that God will be make you well.
I pray for thee, my brother, and I ask that in the name of Jesus Christ that you'll be made well.

71 I pray for thee, my sister; I ask Jesus to make you well. Amen.
I pray for you, my sister, and I ask that in Jesus Christ's name that He will make you well. Amen. That's the way.
I pray for thee, my sister, and I ask that in Jesus Christ's name that you'll be made well. Amen.
I pray for thee, my sister, and ask that in Jesus Christ's name that you'll be made well.
I pray for thee, my sister, and I ask that in the name of Jesus Christ that you shall be well. Believe now.
I pray for thee, my sister, and I ask that through Jesus Christ's name, the Son of God, that you'll be well.

72 Are you believing? By the authority of God's Bible, the witness of the Holy Spirit, which is now present in the church of the living God, who is praying now with me for these sick people... As the church of the living God, we challenge the evil spirits of unbelief to leave every person that they may be made well; this woman may be healed now, through Jesus' name. Amen.
I pray for thee, sister, and I ask that in the name of the Lord Jesus you may be made well.
I pray for thee, sister, and I pray that in Jesus Christ's name you shall be made well. God bless you, sister.
I pray that God Almighty, through Jesus Christ His Son, will make you well. Amen.
I pray for thee, my sister, and ask that in the name of Jesus Christ you shall be made well.
I pray for thee, my sister, and ask that in the name of Jesus Christ that you'll be made well.

73 And I might stop and say to Ricky's father out there; it was no more prayer hardly than that. Is that right, brother? Just a little prayer. It's because that the father was believing. The way God had worked it out that I was supposed to be the one that prayed for Ricky. See, that's the way that you should believe it tonight. You come here not to be seen. You're dying, some of you. You must believe that God is going to do it. It's God that does it.

74 Sister, I pray for thee. In the name of Jesus Christ, may you be made well.
I pray for thee, my sister, as I lay my hands upon you and ask in Jesus' name for your healing.
And for thee, my brother, I pray that Jesus Christ will make you well.
And for thee, my sister, I pray that Jesus Christ will make you well. Amen.

75 Now, in the presence of God, in the face of this company, this host of people, and for all who has not been prayed for, and maybe you cannot come back, you're here, you're bound of sickness, I pray that the God of heaven will make you well. If you'll just believe all that you have seen and believe to be...
The gentleman laying here on the stretcher...

New Ministry (William Branham) (1959-11-15) (William M. Branham Sermons)

New Ministry (William Branham) (1959-11-15) (William M. Branham Sermons) somebody

New Ministry (William Branham)

1 Thank you, brother.
Good morning, friends. It's certainly a privilege to be here this morning in the Tabernacle when we're already packed now.
And waiting for the big meeting to start in San Jose this week, in San Jose, California. We're going to leave immediately after the service for the West Coast. And then we will be down at Coconut Gardens for about two days also, the Lord willing, with the Christian Businessmen. And we're expecting a great time in the Lord on the West Coast. They got eighty-two churches in the sponsorship, and both associations of the San Joaquin and the valleys through the West Coast. And so we're at the fairgrounds there. If some of your friends you know that would like to attend some of the services, we'd be glad to meet your friends and your relatives.

2 And we're expecting... I have a greater expectation this morning than most any meeting I have ever been on yet, because I believe that we're just at the eve of something fixing to happen. I've looked forward to it for a long time. And I believe that we're right on the verge of it now, for something that God is going to help His children a little further up the road.
You know, the Bible said that when the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of God would raise up a standard against it. And when God gives His church a blessing, and they move along in that blessing so long until it becomes common to the world, then they begin to run it down. Then the Spirit of God comes in and raises up a standard again. And there is a breaking forth of a revival, or something.
And our great hopes is this: That one of these days, the Spirit of God will send back Jesus Christ to the earth. And then, it'll be perfect then. That'll be the real standard.

Isaiah 59:19 So shall they fear the name of the LORD from the west, and his glory from the rising of the sun. When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the LORD shall lift up a standard against him.

3 Now, they're just standing around the walls and things, and all over the building. I met a man coming in when I parked my car, and he said... I said, "I'll leave it sitting here with the key, then you can move out anytime you want to."
He said, "Well, I tried to get in; I couldn't find no place to stand."
And our church is far too small for a meeting. But leaving this morning, and we announced it last Sunday of being here, and would come to pray for the sick, and to give you some instructions on what we have just seen taken place. And there has been more, by the grace of God, added to it for this morning.

4 Now, we have preached, and others before us, of the near coming of the Lord, the soon coming. And we believe that it's growing closer. Of course it is, day by day. But if we'd stop and think that one of these days, we're going to hear it the last time, and then the Lord Jesus will come.
All the earth, the trees, all nature, the people, the church, everything is groaning, weeping, holding on, waiting for that day for His coming. Nature knows it'll stop suffering then. And people know they'll stop suffering then. Death will lose its last grip, and the grave and hell will be swallowed up in victory.

5 I was so glad this morning to meet this little pastor here that played us the music and sang, from Sellersburg. One of the brothers has been speaking about the revival going on up there. And I guess they've already announced it and so forth. So that's very fine. May the Lord bless them up there and every effort that they put forth, is my sincere prayer, for the Kingdom of God.

6 Now, the Word of the Lord is most precious to us. We know that. So today, I believe that we're so close to the coming of the Lord, and the fields are so needy...
I've just been talking to some of the brethren. I believe a great deal of my ministry will be designated overseas now. We're planning on Africa right after Christmas, and over into Australia, and many of the places. The Lord is moving now and opening up the ways for us. We've had invitations around the world for a long time. And we may be able to take that right after Christmas now, if you all will pray for us.

7 Now, I have here before me the Word of God laying open. Now, I've opened back the pages because physically, by the help of God, I'm able to do that, to pull open the Bible. But I am not able to open the contents. There's only One who can do that; that's God alone. He was the One who wrote it by His Holy Spirit. And He's the only One that can open the Bible to us. And I trust that He will open our hearts as we read it, and will make it known to us. I will be just as briefly this morning.
First, I want to do as I promised to do, to tell you all what has just happened in the last few days concerning the changing of my ministry. And then I've got a short text; then we pray for the sick. And I believe there's baptism, because I seen the pool is filled.
But before we go farther, let us bow our heads just a moment now in prayer. And I wonder how many people in here that are conscious that you need God, and would raise up your hands to God and say, so much as doing so, "Remember me, Lord. I have need of such-and-such things."

8 Let us pray. O Lord, quietly... We realize that we must come quietly into the presence of God, for he that cometh to God must believe that He is, and a rewarder of those that will diligently seek after Him. And we come in the quietness of the Spirit to Thy throne, O God.
And we lift up our hearts before Thee, and say, "Search them, O Lord." And if there be any unclean thing in us, remove it, Lord, as far as the east is from the west. And if there be any iniquity in our hearts, something that would hinder our prayers from being answered, we pray that You will let the blood of the Lord Jesus move every stain from our spirit and our heart. For it is written, "If I conceive iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me."
And Thou did see the hands as they went up, that to our physical eyes represented their hearts' need. We pray, O Lord, that You will answer each and every one of them. There's many needy.

Psalm 66:18 If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me:

Hebrews 11:6 But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.

9 And we would ask in the congregation of the people this morning, that You would remember this San Jose meeting coming. Help us, O Lord, as hundreds of miles of snow and ice lay before us to travel. But we're going in the name of the Lord to try to do all that lays within us to help Thy people, Lord. Help the lost to find You as their Saviour, and helping the weak and the blind, and smoothing out the way for others that'll follow us.
Bless our little church and its pastor, our Brother Neville, all the trustees, the deacons, and the laity, and all the teachers, and all that is affiliated, not only that, but all the churches that's represented here. For those young men who are holding forth at Sellersburg, we would ask, Lord, that Your hand would stretch out to them, Lord. May You raise up a mighty church of the living God in Sellersburg. Grant it, Lord.

10 Heal the sick; give sight to the blind, strength to the feeble, and salvation to the needy. As we read of Thy words this morning, may the Holy Spirit come, get into the Word, and quicken it to our hearts. Bless those who are to be baptized. May they be filled with the Holy Ghost when they rise from the water, giving glory to God. Get glory unto Thyself, Lord.
And as we have gathered this morning for the purifying of our souls and our thoughts, may we leave this Tabernacle this morning with a more determination than we ever had to serve You. May we live congregated together, closely woven and bound by the Holy Spirit, until that day when we meet in Your House in glory around Your throne, where millions will be singing, "Hosanna, Hosanna." May we all be there without the absence of one. Grant it, Lord. Until that time, keep us healthy, happy, and filled with Your Spirit, serving You. These things we ask in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

11 May the Lord add the blessings as we read now in the book of Saint Mark, the eleventh chapter, beginning with the first verse. And then, after just this little quotation ... or, exhortation, then I will go to our text. This is reading for what I'm wanting to tell you.
And when they came...
I beg your pardon; I want to begin at the tenth verse to save the time, the tenth verse of the eleventh chapter.
Blessed be the kingdom of our father David, that cometh in the name of the Lord: Hosanna in the highest.
And Jesus entered into Jerusalem, and into the temple: and when he had looked around ... upon all things, and now eventide was come, and he went out into Bethany with his twelve.
And on the morrow, when they were come to Bethany, he was hungered.
And seeing a fig tree far off having leaves, he came, if haply he might find any thing thereon: and when he came to it, he found nothing but leaves; for the time of figs was not yet.
...Jesus answered and said unto it, No man eateth fruit of thee hereafter for ever. And his disciples heard it.
And they came to Jerusalem: and Jesus went into the temple, and began to cast out them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrowed the tables of the money changers, and the seats of them that sold doves;
And would not suffer that any man should carry any vessel through the temple.
And he taught, saying unto them, Is it not written, My house shall be called of all nations the house of prayer? but you have made it a den of thieves.
And the scribes and the chief priests heard it, and sought how they might destroy him: for they feared him, because all the people were astonished at his doctrine.
And when evening was come, he went out of the city.
And in the morning, as they passed by, they saw the fig tree dried up from the roots.
And Peter calling to remembrance said unto him, Master, behold, the fig tree which thou did curse: it is withered away.
...Jesus answering said unto them, Have faith in God.
For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith.
Therefore I say unto you, What things soever you desire, when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you shall have them.

Mark 11:10 Blessed be the kingdom of our father David, that cometh in the name of the Lord: Hosanna in the highest.

Mark 11:11 And Jesus entered into Jerusalem, and into the temple: and when he had looked round about upon all things, and now the eventide was come, he went out unto Bethany with the twelve.

Mark 11:12 And on the morrow, when they were come from Bethany, he was hungry:

Mark 11:13 And seeing a fig tree afar off having leaves, he came, if haply he might find any thing thereon: and when he came to it, he found nothing but leaves; for the time of figs was not yet.

Mark 11:14 And Jesus answered and said unto it, No man eat fruit of thee hereafter for ever. And his disciples heard it.

Mark 11:15 And they come to Jerusalem: and Jesus went into the temple, and began to cast out them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers, and the seats of them that sold doves;

Mark 11:16 And would not suffer that any man should carry any vessel through the temple.

Mark 11:17 And he taught, saying unto them, Is it not written, My house shall be called of all nations the house of prayer? but ye have made it a den of thieves.

Mark 11:18 And the scribes and chief priests heard it, and sought how they might destroy him: for they feared him, because all the people was astonished at his doctrine.

Mark 11:19 And when even was come, he went out of the city.

Mark 11:20 And in the morning, as they passed by, they saw the fig tree dried up from the roots.

Mark 11:21 And Peter calling to remembrance saith unto him, Master, behold, the fig tree which thou cursedst is withered away.

Mark 11:22 And Jesus answering saith unto them, Have faith in God.

Mark 11:23 For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith.

Mark 11:24 Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.

12 What a gracious promise. And it is absolutely the truth. This stumped me (or as I should use that expression) for a long time. How could that be?
And one time, when I first started preaching here at the Tabernacle many years ago, I run on to the word of "hell." And I run the reference to it many times, and it referred to hades in the Greek, which meant "the grave." And I didn't know what to say, because I do not want to be responsible for men's souls at the day of the judgment. So I searched it and searched, until I found what was the truth. For about four or five years, I would not touch the subject of "hell," until I found what was truth about it.

13 And then, this Scripture stumped me even more, because it was outstanding: such a promise being made by none other than Jesus Christ. And when He said to His disciples, "What things soever you say, you can have. If thou shall say to this mountain, 'Be plucked up and removed into the sea,' and will not doubt in your heart, but shall believe that what you have said will come to pass, you can have what you said."
Oh, if we could weigh those words: "You can have what you say," not what I say, but what you have said. "You can have what you said."
For years, I lingered over that. I went to every lexicon, commentary, every translation, even to the Douay version. And every translator translates it the same: "You can have what you say."
So I know that if it's written in the Scripture... To me, all Scripture is truth. And if I can't rightly divide it, it's still the truth.

Matthew 17:20 And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you.

Matthew 21:21 Jesus answered and said unto them, Verily I say unto you, If ye have faith, and doubt not, ye shall not only do this which is done to the fig tree, but also if ye shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; it shall be done.

Matthew 21:22 And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.

Mark 11:23 For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith.

Mark 11:24 Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.

Mark 11:24 Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.

14 So I believe sometimes that God just lets us see things when it's time for us to see things. He withholds these blessings. Like, the blessings that we're enjoying today, our forefathers did not enjoy those. It wasn't season for them.

15 And I could remember when the Holy Spirit that night, when I returned back to this same desk from the mill where I'd been praying, and told many of you people sitting here, that He had charged me by His Spirit, a commission to all the world: that the lame would walk, and the blind would see, and that kings and monarchs would be calling for prayer. And it would start a revival among the brethren that would sweep around the world before the coming of the Lord.
It was hard to believe that. It was hard for me to believe it. But that's what's happened. It's just did that thing, till today Holy Ghost revival fires are burning the world around. India, Africa, Asia, all into Europe, and everywhere, Holy Ghost men, filled with the Spirit, is burning the world up with a revival of the power of the risen Christ. Lame walk, blind see, deaf hear, dumb speak, all kinds of marvelous miracles are taking place, because God promised it. And God's promise is true.

16 And when I began to ponder over this, I could not but ask the One who was speaking to me. I was insufficient.
And I suppose God had to pick some little unconcerned illiterate person, because, in that, God takes something that's nothing, something that's been cast out... That's what makes me love God's people so. They cast them out as holy-rollers or illegitimate people. But that's when God's ready to pick them up then and do something with them. And it pleases Him. That shows that He's God: takes nothing and make something out of it, takes a sinner like me, and makes a Christian. The hand of God!

17 I questioned Him of the ability. And He told me that I was to pray for sick people. And the commission was: Get the people to believe and be sincere, then nothing would stand by the prayer. Many of you here remember that, has printed it in literature across the world.
I questioned, how could I do that when I had no education. He said, "There'll be two signs be given you as was given to Moses." And one of them would be about like Moses' hand: He changed it from leprosy to healing, and... And then the same taken place about putting my hand on the people. And then how that that made itself manifest. Then He said, "You'll know the very secrets of their heart."
And I said, "That is why I'm here."
He said... Then He explained the Scriptures to me. And oh, from that time, the Bible become a new Word to me. I had a different look on it, a different view of it. Something happened.
Then a little later, He said, "Then if you'll be sincere, stay humble, keep away from money and stuff," said, "then it'll just keep blessing you, and you'll keep climbing."

Exodus 4:6 And the LORD said furthermore unto him, Put now thine hand into thy bosom. And he put his hand into his bosom: and when he took it out, behold, his hand was leprous as snow.

Exodus 4:7 And he said, Put thine hand into thy bosom again. And he put his hand into his bosom again; and plucked it out of his bosom, and, behold, it was turned again as his other flesh.

18 How many times we look at men who climb up in great ranks, like, and get high names. But sometimes, that's not what God calls high. Do you remember when John came preaching? The Bible foretold that every mountain would be brought low, and every low place would be lifted up, see. And when it come, you would think it would be coming out of heaven with fiery chariots. But what was it, but a poor man dressed in a piece of sheepskin wrapped around him; and out on the banks of Jordan, preaching, on the muddy banks, not even in a church. But God called that great.
And when Jesus said to the disciples that there wasn't one born of a woman as great as John the Baptist... You take all the kings, and David the prophet and all of his great splendor, and Solomon; they didn't even touch John. And yet, he didn't even have a place to lay his head.
So you don't have to be rich and mighty in this world to be great in the sight of God. You only have to be humble in your heart. God calls that greatness; he that's great enough to humble himself. That's a great person, that'll take the blame for everything, that'll humble himself. That's greatness.

Isaiah 40:4 Every valley shall be exalted, and every mountain and hill shall be made low: and the crooked shall be made straight, and the rough places plain:

Matthew 11:11 Verily I say unto you, Among them that are born of women there hath not risen a greater than John the Baptist: notwithstanding he that is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he.

Luke 3:5 Every valley shall be filled, and every mountain and hill shall be brought low; and the crooked shall be made straight, and the rough ways shall be made smooth;

Luke 7:28 For I say unto you, Among those that are born of women there is not a greater prophet than John the Baptist: but he that is least in the kingdom of God is greater than he.

19 Then we find that this, what God said. Then it was pronounced from the pulpit here the first time. It done just exactly what it said it would do.
There come up... The Pentecostal church caught revival. And today, the Pentecostal church is the fastest growing church in all the world. Last year they registered (That doesn't include us and these out of the denominations.) one million, five hundred thousand conversions last year, which covered all the rest of Protestantism put together and Catholicism too. Catholicism only had, I believe, four hundred and seventy-five thousand, something like that, converts around the world. But Pentecost had a million, five hundred thousand. God's making His church ready.
Men of no education, low degrees, rise up in the power, anointing of the Spirit, go out without any education or anything, and proclaim the unsearchable riches of Christ. That's what's great in the sight of God.

20 And we notice then that all these things set fire, and the Holy Spirit was true to His Word. After about five years of taking the people by the hand... Then one night in Queen City, in Regina in Canada, a man walked across the platform, and there, laid his life just as open as it could be before the Spirit. There was discernment as He promised.
And that's been around the world. It's printed in many, many languages, pretty near all around the world, till all the world knows about it. Then the enemy come in and made fun of it, and said it was mind reading, and there was impersonations come of it, and everything else. But in the midst of all of it, God moved right on just the same. God stayed true to His loyal promise. He will every time.

21 Now, we find, later then: One day, I was going a fishing, down at Dale Hollow with some men, Mr. Wood and his brother. And they were Jehovah Witnesses, and just had been converted and baptized into the faith. And while we were fishing over against the bank... I've told you the story many times.
Mr. Wood said, (Banks Wood, one of our trustees here now.) Said about some old sister that used to feed them a slice of homemade bread and butter. She belonged to the church of God. And said, "Lyle," to his brother, "we ought to go up and tell her that we got saved."
You know, there's just certain things that we can say that takes ahold with the Holy Spirit, just certain things that pleases Him just right. And when we say that thing...
I want you to notice: "What you say." If we could just find what to say! Your words judge you. Your words condemn you, or your words will bless you.

22 And unconsciously, Banks must have said the right thing. For no more than he said that... I was sitting in the back of the boat, fishing with a flyline for little blue gill fish to put on the line for bait, for we'd run out of bait. And I was catching these little fish, and putting them in the bucket for the trout line. And when Banks said that, all of a sudden, something struck me. He said the right thing. And the Holy Spirit spoke out and said, "Thus saith the Lord, you'll find in the next few hours there'll be a resurrection of a little animal."
I thought it would be a kitten that I thought my little boy had squeezed too hard and squeezed the breath out of him, and had dropped him on the floor before we left. I thought that's what it would be.
But to our surprise, the next morning... While we were sitting in the boat... I know Banks is here. I guess Lyle is. Is Lyle here, Banks? If you are, Lyle, raise up your hand. He comes down with us all the time.

23 He caught a fish with a long hook, and he caught a little blue gill fish. And it swallowed the hook all the way down. And he took ahold of the little fish, and instead of just taking the hook out of his mouth, he was caught so deep till he just pulled it. And he pulled the stomach, and the intestines, and the gills and all, right out of his mouth. And he just threw it out on the water, just a little fish like we had been fishing with night before, and had cut up a hundred of them or more for bait.
And the little fellow quivered four or five times and tried to work his little mouth; but he couldn't, because it was filled up with gills and so forth. And Lyle said, "You shot your last wad, little fellow."
Well, I went ahead fishing, thinking nothing about it. Then (God does things so strange) all of a sudden, I felt there coming Something down over the top of them woods. The Holy Spirit moved down and said, "Stand up!" Said, "Speak to that little fish, and it shall have its life again." It'd been laying there dead for a half hour, done floated back into the weeds.
I said, "Little fishy, I give you your life in the name of the Lord Jesus." That little fish turned over, flipped up, and went out through the water just as hard as he could go.

24 I stood there, not knowing what to do. Brother Banks Woods said, "It's good for us to be here."
And Lyle said, "That meant me, because I said that thing to him, 'You've shot your last wad, little fellow.'" And he got all excited.
I said, "No, it isn't." I was trying to console Lyle. I said, "That isn't so."
And then the Scripture came to me again. I had at least a hundred little spastic children on the list to pray for, many people, leukemia, and cancer, and tubercular being eat up, blind and deaf and dumb. There's page after page at my house full of them. And it looked like that a merciful God would've granted that instead of using His power on a little old insignificant fish. But He remains God.

25 Why didn't He use His power on the lepers at the gate instead of the little fig tree? What is it to do? God wants to show that He's concerned. He knows all things. He's God over the fig tree. He's God over the fish. He's God over creation. He's God over all things. And there's nothing too little or too insignificant but what He's interested in.
So that would give us to know, though we be little and insignificant, God's interested in us doing something for Him. He likes to display His glory.
And that stuck with me so hard that I could hardly rest day and night. That's been two years ago. And constantly, it has haunted at me. And I'd say, "Oh, I just can't say nothing about it, for I can't place it in the atonement."
"Whatsoever you say, it shall come to pass. You can have what you say."
And I've stood here at this same pulpit and tried, and run on the Scripture, and refrain from it, and go back, because I was afraid to use it.
You cannot have faith unless you know what you are doing.

Matthew 21:22 And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.

Mark 11:24 Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.

26 Some fellow come to me not long ago, and he said, "Brother Branham, do you think it's wrong for a Christian to smoke tobacco?"
And I said, "What are you asking me for? If there's a question in your mind, leave it alone. Don't never..."
You can't have faith unless you're perfectly sure that you're right. When all shadows has drifted away, then you can have faith and confidence. And I could not walk out there and preach that scripture, not knowing what I was talking about. But yet, I knew it was of the Lord.

27 Many of you people bear me record, that for the last two years, you've constantly heard me from this platform say that there's something, something somewhere. And I'm reaching; I know it's close at hand. I just can't seem to grasp it.
I say, "I hit a scripture; I don't know what to do, because Scriptures..." Though you might put an interpretation... If someone would've asked me, I'd've said something to them, and walked away, and turned it off on something else. But to face the issue...
Just like we've got to face the issue: Is the baptism of the Holy Ghost right or wrong? We've got to face the issue: Is Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever? Is it right or wrong? We've got to face it. We must know that God's Word is always true.

Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

28 So on it went, and up and down, and I'd get it in my mind, and I just couldn't get it away. And everywhere I'd go, it would constantly come to me. "If you say to this mountain, 'Be thou plucked up and cast into the sea,' and don't doubt in your heart, but shall believe that what you've said will come to pass, you can have what you have said."
I thought, "How can it be, Lord. That would be me saying it. It wouldn't do no good, for it would be me saying it. So I can't say nothing but what You've said, and I just say that by the Scriptures."
And all things rested in the atonement. There's no blessings outside of the atonement, because we are sinners outside of the atonement. If it was just a universal thing for everybody, then everybody would be saved. But it's your attitude towards the blessings of the atonement that brings the blessings to you.
Like salvation. As far as God was concerned, I was saved when Jesus died. But it'll never do me no good until it's revealed to me that He's the Son of God, and I've accepted Him as my Saviour. And every scripture is the same way.
Divine healing is for you if God will reveal that to you that that's for you. But you can't just stumble at it. It's got to come by revelation. And when it's revealed that "By His stripes you were healed," there's nothing Satan can even do, as our young brother from Sellersburg said, "All the devils couldn't move it." Sure. When something is revealed...

Isaiah 53:5 But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.

Matthew 17:20 And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you.

Matthew 21:21 Jesus answered and said unto them, Verily I say unto you, If ye have faith, and doubt not, ye shall not only do this which is done to the fig tree, but also if ye shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; it shall be done.

Mark 11:23 For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith.

1 Peter 2:24 Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed.

29 Notice. Then in this last fall, many have said to me, "Why is it, every morning when you're home you grab your rifle and take out to the woods to hunt?"
I want you to know that He's God of the woods just the same as He's God of the city. He's just as much God out there as He is here. And God always deal with men according to their capacity. Like David, by the still waters and green pastures, because he was a shepherd, and different ways He has revealing... And something...
I'd get up of a morning to go out to the woods real early (around four o'clock) to squirrel hunt. And my wife even said to me, she said, "Billy, don't you never get tired of going hunting?"
See, this battle is won alone. My wife doesn't understand it. I don't understand it. But it's a fight. You have to stand alone. Nobody can stand with you. There's just room for you and Jesus.
Misunderstood? Sure. Even to my little girl there, Rebekah. She said, "If I ever marry a man, if he even mentions going hunting, I will not marry him." Said, "I know what my mother's been through: Husband out and gone in the meetings; as soon as he comes home, grabs an old rifle or a fishing pole and heads to the woods."
I said, "Would you rather he do that, or would you rather he'd grab a deck of cards or some blond and take off? And I just draw your opinion."
When I come back that day, she said, "Daddy, I apologize for that. I'm going to marry a man like you that likes to hunt, then I'm going to hunt with him." She said, "I'll go out with him."
I said, "Well, that's all right too. I wish you could talk to your mother a little bit about it."

30 But it's something in the woods. When I first learned of God, I wanted to repent. I didn't know how to repent. I didn't know how to talk to Him. So I sat down and wrote Him a letter and asked Him to forgive me. And I didn't know how to do it, so I knowed that I'd felt something out in the woods. And I tacked it on a tree, so when He come down through the woods in a place I'd saw Him, that He could read this and would understand what I meant: that I was sorry I hadn't served Him, and I wanted Him to forgive me my sins. Then I got ashamed of myself and took it. I said, "If He's a man, He will understand as a man; He's my Creator."
And I got down in the shed and begin to speak to Him like a man, and He answered me back like a man.

31 Then, it was on the... I got some dates set down here. On October the twelfth... On the fifteenth, deer season was opening over in Wyoming. On the twelfth was the last day I could hunt. And we were going to leave on the twelfth ... I mean, on the tenth. We was in the woods, which was a Saturday. Sunday, I preached, which was the eleventh. On Monday, Brother Sothmann and Brother Roberson back there, and all of us, we left for the meeting ... or, for the deer hunting over in Wyoming.
On that morning of the tenth, which would be... Then on the eighteenth, the season would close in Indiana. We would have no more squirrel hunting. So I said, "This will be the last time I can go out." And we'd gathered a bunch together, and I strayed them around the woods. And I went way back up into a place where I love to go at Salem. Season was late. Squirrels were few. I'd been out several times, just getting one squirrel at a time.

32 So this morning, I made my way to the same woods. And the wind rose, and it begin to blow. And anyone who hunts knows that's a bad morning. I hunted all the woods through without seeing one squirrel or hearing one. I went down into a creek bottom, and started up to find another little scope of woods. And as I drew near this little woods, there was a lot of walnut trees and locust trees. The leaves all off of them, just a bare thicket.
Along beside of two sycamore trees. Now, squirrels don't hang around sycamores. But right up from it, I seen looked like I caught the glimpse of a squirrel going up through the woods, but he was running fast. "Well," I said, "there's no need of hunting. Here's people out here. The farmers picking their corn right around this little woods. The squirrels would not be here."

33 So I sat down between the two trees, and propped my feet upon one and leaned back against the other in the warm sunshine. I thought, "I will just take a little nap. Then I will get Brother Banks, and Brother Sothmann, and the boys as I go back, and down the road." And as I sat there... [Brother Branham coughs.] Pardon me. As I sat there under the tree, just got snugged down, and the warm sun shining on me, Something said, "If you say to this mountain, 'Be thou plucked up and cast into the sea,' and shall not doubt in your heart, but believe that those things that you said will come to pass, you can have what you've said."
I said, "Well now, there's that Scripture in my mind again." I said, "I've got a while here, about an hour before I have to go get the rest of the boys, so I will just study that Scripture." And I said, "Now, how could that apply." I said, "Here's the only way it could've been. That those disciples lived the other side of the atonement. The atonement was later, about, oh, several weeks later, before the atonement was made. Jesus gave them power the other side of the atonement, like He did the prophets."
And when I said, "prophets," Something struck me again. "What was the prophets?"

Matthew 17:20 And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you.

Matthew 21:21 Jesus answered and said unto them, Verily I say unto you, If ye have faith, and doubt not, ye shall not only do this which is done to the fig tree, but also if ye shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; it shall be done.

Mark 11:23 For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith.

34 Then I begin to think of it, about what He did with the prophets. And it got... After I was speaking there for awhile, inside myself, just thinking, till I become so conscious of Something near, till I was talking to Someone.
And something said to me, "That's in the atonement, for if a man or a woman is so consecrated and surrendered to God, that God just moves in and uses their voice, and it isn't the man speaking, it's God that's in him speaking..."
I thought, "That's right."
Something said to me, "Who do you think... How do you see those visions on the platform? How do you see those visions out here? What is it? Do you think it's your own wisdom, that you could predict something that would happen every time to the letter? Do you think it's you speaking? Would you think sometime when the Holy Spirit gets into a message, and you don't know what to say, what is it speaking then? What is it when a man will speak with a tongue that he doesn't know nothing about it? What is it that will interpret that same tongue, neither one of them knowing anything about it? Is it the individual, or is it the Spirit of the living God?"
I said, "That is true. I see it. It's God that's speaking, and all the church needs is a step closer to Him, a more of a consecrated life to live with Him."

35 And while I was sitting there just for a moment or two, thinking on this, I caught myself talking to Someone. And I heard Something say, "Ask... Say what you will, and it shall come to pass."
And I said, "What do You..." I said, "Who am I talking to? Who are You? Who's standing here in these bushes that I can hear that Voice talking to me? Who are You? Speak out to me." I got all excited and jumped up from between the trees; I said, "Speak to me. Who are You? I can't see You." I looked for that light there; I could see nothing. I screamed out, "Who are You? Where are You? What You want with me. Lord, where are You?"
Something moved back and said, "Say what you will, and it shall be given to you."
I said, "Lord, are You changing my ministry? Is this the change You've been speaking of? Is this what it's coming to? Is this what it'll be, something in that little house that I saw in the vision. Is this it?"
Just then, a reel deep, sweet anointing of the Holy Spirit raised me like off of my feet, and said, "Say what you will, and it shall be given unto you."

36 I stood there amazed. It left me; I had nothing. I thought, "Well, what could I say? There's no sick people here. There's nothing here. I'm in the woods. What could I say? What could I do?" And I thought, "Am I loosing my mind? Have I studied so hard till my mental powers are cracking up?"
And just then, I heard it just the same as you hear me, said, "Aren't you hunting, and you have no game?" Said, "Speak anything that you wish."
Well, I thought, "Since God said, 'Prove all things,'" I said, "Lord God, if that be You, and this is a sign that You're fixing to change my ministry from those visions to something greater I've looked for so long," I said, "let it come to pass that You'll answer my prayer."
And I stood there a little bit. And I thought, "What did He say? He didn't say, 'Pray'; He said, 'Say what you will.' Just say it, and your words will materialize. Say to this mountain, and it'll do just as you say."

1 Thessalonians 5:21 Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.

37 So I put my shoulder against the tree. And I'm used... Got my rifle set for fifty yards to drive tacks. So I looked around to see a tree at fifty yards. And the one that was fifty yards away up out of the leaves, I said, "It's almost total impossible for a squirrel to come to that tree. Right near them farmers there picking their corn." I said, "But there will be a red squirrel come out on the end of that limb and sit down there, and I will shoot him from here."
And no more than I'd said it, there was a squirrel. I trembled a little, and leveled down, and shot the squirrel, walked over and picked it up. I was shaking all over. I said, "Maybe that just happened that way." You know how people can doubt. But you want to be sure. Don't do nothing unless you're positive, and then you know what you're doing.

38 I rubbed my face a little, and I looked, perfectly eye shot. So I went up and sat on the side of the hill, and I said, "Lord, it is written in Your Word 'that the mouth of two or three witnesses, let every word be established.'" I said, "If that was You, forgive me of my stupidness. But I pray Thee to give me another squirrel like that." And I said, "Then I will believe You, that it's You. And the devil won't have any room to say that it just happened that way."
So I sat down. Just in a moment, here come that (I call it) super-anointing, swept over again, and I was almost off of my feet, and said, "Say what you will, and it shall be given you."
I looked through the woods until I found another tree some fifty yards away, had a lot of brush in it, and grape vines and things wrapped around where squirrels seldom ever take a tree like that. I said, "And there shall be another young fox squirrel sitting right there."
And I took my finger down and looked around through the woods, and looked back, and there sat the fox squirrel looking right at me again. I shot that one, picked him up. And I thought... Oh, I was trembling. I thought, "Think, the great mighty God of heaven is here in the woods, and He's confirming to me in my own way, hunting here, that He's going to do just exactly what He told me fifteen years ago."
I watched a little bit. I said, "Lord, it shall happen again."
He said, "Speak the place where it'll be."
I said, "I will make this radical." I said, "That old snag sticking out there by the side of the field, bare, slick and white." I said, "There shall come another red squirrel, and he will go out on the end of that snag and look out over the field at the farmers. That'll be that way." I looked back and there was no squirrel there. I looked for about five minutes, there was still no squirrel. I said, "Well..." I said, "Two squirrels is fine." I said, "Two's a witness. I'll believe it like that."
And Something said, "But you said there would be one."

Deuteronomy 19:15 One witness shall not rise up against a man for any iniquity, or for any sin, in any sin that he sinneth: at the mouth of two witnesses, or at the mouth of three witnesses, shall the matter be established.

2 Corinthians 13:1 This is the third time I am coming to you. In the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established.

39 I waited another five minutes, nothing. And it kept quoting in my heart, "You said there'd be one." I waited and waited.
Something said, "Are you doubting?"
I said, "Not one bit."
And I no more than said that, till out that limb went the red squirrel, stood and looked at the farmers. God's my judge standing here. I shot the squirrel. Went over and picked him up, and walked through the woods till I was way hours a past picking the boys up, to see if there'd even be one more anywhere. And there wasn't. Then, I come home and told you about it.

40 And then on November the seventh, I was down in Kentucky. I was with Brother Wood's brother-in-law, standing there, Charlie Cox (standing there at the pilaster), and with Brother Tony Zabel, one of the deacons here in the church (Are you here, Tony? He's here somewhere.), Brother Tony Zabel, and also, Brother Banks Wood. And we were up in the mountains, hunting.
And I started into the woods, and squirrels were very scarce, no... The leaves deep on the ground. And I started up into the woods. And Something said to me, "How many squirrels do you want this morning?"
I said, "Well, I've got a hundred and fourteen this year, a hundred and seventeen." I said, "If I had three more, it'd make a hundred and twenty. That would make just an even number to stop on." And I said, "another thing, it would give me six to take home." Which I love them better than any meat there is to eat. And I said, "If I could just get three more..."

41 I walked on up through the woods a little farther, and oh, there was none. Good hunters like Charlie and them got one. And I said, "Well, I..."
Something said, "Say to it. Speak the three squirrels, and you'll have it."
I said, "That's happened once."
So I stood by the side of a little tree, late in the afternoon on a side of a ridge. And that anointing come so great till I could hardly stand on the ground, and said, "Speak! What you say, don't doubt and you can have what you've said."
I said, "I shall get three squirrels."
He said, "Where will they come from?"
I said, "One will come from that way, one from that way, and one back this way." Make it radical. God don't care how radical that it seems. He's God of circumstance.

42 And while I stood there for about ten minutes, I could hear no shooting around, ... the rest of the boys around anywhere. I happened to look to my back. Way up in the woods, about ninety yards, I thought something was on a stump. I watched it. After a while, it jumped off; and it was a gray squirrel. So far: all the way across the hollow and up on top of the ridge. When it come along by the side of the tree, I shot it. It was about ninety yards, and it killed it. I said, "There's one. I might as well turn and look this other way for the others, because they're coming."
See, God has a way of bringing things to you, making you sure what you're talking about. That anointing was off of me then. Well, I waited and watched this way for about a hour. Nothing happened. I was getting cold. I thought, "Surely, if that is the Holy Spirit that's telling me those things, it will be just exactly; because when the anointing was on me, I spoke that word, and it'll have to be that way."

43 Now, listen real close to this. And this is going to be a tape recording that'll go all over the world.
Now, and then to my left, I kept watching. After a while, I looked upon a tree. Coming around a beech tree, there come a gray squirrel. I said, "Just exactly that way. That's right, Lord."
I turned down, raised up to shoot him, and there come another squirrel. I said, "There's two. Just exactly. Make my three." And I raised down, shot the first squirrel.
The other one run under a log. I could see him cutting on a hickory nut or something, under the log. The log was about that high at the end, raised up about a foot. I could see the squirrel. I killed the first one. I said, "Now, I will get the other one."
And I leveled down, put those cross hairs right over his ear, not over forty, fifty yards away, and shot and hit the log. And the squirrel never even got excited. I put another bullet in it. And he turned around and went down the log, and went to the other end. Well, I leveled down and took the best aim I could. And I'd only missed five shots all year. So then, I leveled down, right perfect shot, and touched the trigger again, and I hit about four inches above him. I said, "I must have knocked my scope out."

44 And then I watched again. The squirrel run up and went right out in the side of the woods, broad-sided from me. "Well," I said, "I knocked my scope out. I will just shoot him broad-sided then in the chest cavity." And I raised up and put the cross hair... I thought, "Maybe I've got cold and shaking." I thought, "I wasn't cold and shaking when I shot the other one." So then ... just the same about a minute or two apart...

45 And I got a hold of a bush and put it in my hand, and held the gun real tight, and put it on the chest cavity of the squirrel, and pulled the gun off. And I shot a foot under him. And I pulled to get another shell, and... Gun was empty. While I was loading, I said, "I will get him if he will stand there." And when I got it, the squirrel went on up through the woods.
I stood there. I thought, "What? There's three shots straight missed, and I've only missed five out of a hundred and fourteen." I said, "How could it be that my gun would be out."

46 And just then, it come to me. "You can't shoot that squirrel that way. He must come from that way." God's Word is perfect. Couldn't shoot him from the south; he's coming from the north. "Well, I said, "I will just turn around this way then and watch north till he comes."
I put more shells in the gun and watched. The little... I said, "If he comes, he will have to be awful close." I don't like to shoot one close; it isn't sport. It isn't nice to do it. So one was... The thicket there... I said, "Well, I will have to get this one from the north, because I said that way." So I stood this way, watching.
I said ... I guess ... got late. I said, "A quarter till four. Now, at four o'clock, I will have to leave, because ... with them two, because the boys are waiting for me." And so I waited a little while. Four o'clock came, three minutes after four. I said, "Well, I'll go get my squirrels." I went up and got the squirrels, come back. So dark, I could hardly see in the hollow.

47 I started down the hollow. And as I was going down the hollow, it was dark. And I'd passed the place where I'd been standing, Something said to me, "Aren't you going to go up there and get that squirrel?"
I said, "How could I see him now?" With a little telescope sight, little bitty fine target scope. Hardly enough light to see a few feet in front of me. I said, "How can I see it?"
He said, "But you said that there would be another one."
Oh, I wished I could just make that ... somehow I could get ... see what that ... what that really means, friends. See, under that anointing, it wasn't me that said it, it was God that said it.
And I walked a couple of steps. Said, "Turn and go back towards the north. Your squirrel's there."
I went, turned. And I said, "Lord God, I won't doubt a bit." I started walking back towards the north. Now, there are those sitting here that knows this: Started walking back towards the north. And way up on the ridge, fifty or sixty yards away, a squirrel run up the tree. Just enough light that I could see him. I searched with my scope all up and down the tree; no squirrel I could find. After while, I thought I seen a knot on the tree, way up there. So dark. I said, "Well, I will try that anyhow." And I shot. And when I did, a squirrel run around the tree and run down. I heard it hit the ground. I thought it jumped off. Same time that happened, about twenty feet from it, one run up a white oak. I said, "He run down one and run up the other one. Now, surely, Lord, You won't let me miss him after I've already said under that anointing that this would be, and You're confirming my ministry. This'll be six times that You've confirmed it to me." The number of man, six times. I said, "You won't let me miss him."

48 I looked all up and down the tree. And way up in there I thought I seen some leaves. I seen something moving in it. I raised and shot. And the squirrel dropped to the ground, stone dead. Up the hill I went, rejoicing and happy. I went to the first tree over to my left, and there laid the squirrel. "Well," I said, "I know I got that one, but I wasn't sure of this one." I said, "Then, Lord, You give me one for good measure."
I goes over to find the other squirrel; he wasn't there. And I looked and I looked, and I searched under leaves, and raised up little pieces of chunk, and tore open an old log. And there wasn't but one log laying within thirty yards. And I tore it all to pieces, looked under the sides, and held my hands in the leaves and felt. There was no squirrel there nowhere.
On up, there's a big old snag on top of the hill. I went up to that little snag, and there's a little bitty hole. And I felt in there, and I thought I felt my squirrel raising up and down. I said, "Well, I can't get to him. So in the morning, I will bring the boys back and get it." I got to go tell them. And I went down to Brother Charlie. Stopped the hole up, went down to Brother Charlie and them, and told them.

49 We went over to their house that night for supper. We was rejoicing in the presence of the Lord. And before going to bed, Brother Charlie there asked Brother Tony Zabel (back there) to lead in prayer.
Now, I don't say this to conflict or to hurt Brother Tony. He is one of the finest Christian gentlemen that I know of. But to just show you how the Lord works. Tony, in his prayer that night, said, "Lord God, let it be known to us that our brother's telling us the truth, that tomorrow he will find that squirrel in the stump."
I never said I'd find a squirrel in a stump under the anointing. I said, "I shot the squirrel." Of course, I couldn't get the squirrel. Because if I did, that'd made more than I'd said. Just exactly what I'd said under that anointing, that's what God produced. So I didn't say nothing about that.
See, that's how a lot of times people say, "Brother Branham said so-and-so." When Brother Branham says anything, that don't have nothing to do with it. But when God says it, that's eternally true.
But Brother Tony didn't get it. He said, "If that squirrel is there, then we will know our brother's told us the truth."

50 Brother Woods, Brother Charlie, all of them picked it up. We said nothing. I slept with Brother Tony that night. The next morning at the table, we were talking about... Oh, it was a horrible day. And Brother Tony said, "Well, there's one thing. Brother Branham will probably get his out of the stump this morning, out of the tree."
I said, "Brother Tony, I never said the squirrel was in there. I said I could feel it. When it raised up, it was dropped."
He said, "It'll be there. It'll be right in the stump."
We went on up. And when I left the car, I started to turn back again, and say there's something wrong. I'd better tell Tony now, because if that squirrel isn't in that hole, in that stump, I come back with no squirrel at all, then according to the way he prayed last night, he will still believe I told a lie. I said, "God, You know with my Bible that I've told the honest truth." And God knows that's the truth, said just the truth.

51 And I went on. Something just drove me on. And I went walking up through woods, hunting. I kept thinking, "What if that squirrel isn't in there." He gave me his hunting knife so I could cut the hole bigger to reach in and get it.
And something said to me, "If it isn't there, or if it is in there, what makes a difference?"
I said, "He wouldn't believe me. He prayed and said that if we find the squirrel, he will know that our brother has told us the truth."
And that great anointing come, said, "Just say the squirrel will be up there, and you'll get him."
I thought, "Surely, Lord, surely. This will be seven times straight while this anointing's on me." I said, "Is that You?"
He said, "Say what you will!"
I said, "I shall find that squirrel." The anointing left me.

52 I hunted on till nine-thirty. And what we was supposed to do coming down and go get some dogs. Then they thought they were. And I went up the hill at nine-thirty, looked in the hole, felt around, cut. There was no squirrel there at all in the hole. I felt all around. Now, what I was picking up was little fine grass roots or roots of trees. I'd pick it up and feel it, and it'd fall off the stick when I run the stick and pull it up like that. I thought I was picking up the squirrel, and it was sliding off the stick, but it was little roots and things: no squirrel in there.
I thought, "Now, what will I do?" I said, "Here it is nine-thirty, I've got to go back." I picked up my rifle and started down the hill.
And something said, "Did not you say you'd find the squirrel?"
I said, "Where would I find him?"

53 God, being my solemn Judge with His Word here, and I'm a man of fifty years old, a preacher of the Gospel, standing in this pulpit, something said, "Look under that little piece of bark."
I said, "Lord, I wouldn't doubt You for nothing." I walked over and picked up the bark, and there was no squirrel there. I thought, I...
But just before I did it, something said, "What if he isn't there?"
I said, "Oh, he will be there." And I picked it up and there was no squirrel there. I looked down with amazement. I saw a little bitty piece of gray sticking out from under a leaf. I pulled it up, and there laid the squirrel, making it just exactly right what He had said to do.

54 Down the hill I went and told them about it. And we rejoiced. And when I come to the car, Charlie standing right there, Banks, they were talking. "Wasn't that strange that Tony would say a thing like that in his prayer, as well as he loves Brother Branham? And why would he doubt his word and say that?" See, he just had to say it that way, for God knew that I'd stand in the pulpit this morning and claim the same thing.
You've got to watch what man says, and then what God says. What God says is true.
Then I thought, "Well, praise be to God." And I went down. We had a great time, come home.

55 Brother George Wright for years has made the Communion wine (And I'm closing.), has made the Communion wine for the church. Brother Roy Roberson (back there) called me, and said, "Brother Branham, let's go down and get the Communion wine from Brother Wright, which is sitting here, him and his family.
Now, listen to this close as we close. Oh God. We got to Brother Wright's early in the morning, and as usual, a big welcome out. And we talked about the wine. And then little Edith, the little crippled girl sitting there, which I've loved, like we do here at this Tabernacle (Not only me, but this Tabernacle), like she was our own sister. The Wright family has been the oldest family. One of them was the Slaughters' here, Roy Slaughter and them. And the Wrights, or Mrs. Spencer, them were among the oldest that's been in the Tabernacle. I think the Wrights has been coming here for some twenty-five or twenty-six years.

56 I've prayed and I've prayed for that little girl. I've prayed to see God heal her. And I've seen afflictions even greater than hers healed. And I've fasted, and I've prayed, and I've longed, and I've sought the Lord with tears for the healing of that little girl. Poor little fellow was afflicted when she was just an infant, perhaps infantile paralyses, that's drawed her little hands and feet.
She's suffered for many years. And when we prayed the first time for her, she stopped suffering. That's twenty-six years ago. When she gets a stomachache or a toothache, just as soon as I go to pray for her, I know the Lord's going to take it.
But that affliction. And I've seen her sit here in the building when other cripples would get up and walk away, and afflictions and so forth, and wonder, "Why don't that little girl walk? Lord, appear over her. Let the Angel of light overshadow the child, so I can speak 'Thus saith the Lord.'" If it was up to me, I'd speak it. But it ain't up to me. It's up to Him.

57 And I watched it. And we come back; she wanted a rabbit. Brother Wood and I went out and killed two rabbits, brought them back for her. She had dinner ready, Mrs. Wright and them.
And during that time, Sister Hattie Mosier... She just lost her husband. I married the couple some years ago. They got two fine children. And Brother Watt was killed. His own boy found him under his tractor mashed to death. And the little boy had a break, and something happened to him. Brother Wood and I went down one night and stayed into the night, where his mother and uncle were staying with him. And the Lord let him be well. And he's sitting present this morning.
His mother was interested in him, that teen-age, just begin to get out with the world, fifteen years old or something, and his little brother coming on twelve, thirteen years old.

58 Sister Hattie Wright... All of you know... We call her Wright, her name's Mosier. But she's been a loyal person, a little old housewife, lived in two rooms way back up into the hills, out there with a shovel and a hoe, trying to hoe the cockleburs out of a corn patch to keep her little family together. She's worked faithfully.
When I was sitting at the table eating dinner, I'd been explaining what faith was. I said, "If... Faith's like this: If I'd see a vision of Brother Shelby sitting so-and-so, and each one the way they was..."
And Sister Hattie was sitting way back out toward another room. She didn't have much to say, never does.

59 And then while we were talking, I said, "If the Lord showed me a vision that something was to take place, then I could say it. That's what raises my faith." I said, "When the Lord shows me what'll take place, then I've got confidence it shall be that way, when He shows me."
I said, "I'd come right here, if that little sickly girl sitting there, and the Lord showed me she was going to be healed, I'd come out here and stand in the tracks, see if everything was just exactly the way He said it, and then say, "Thus saith the Lord, Edith, rise up and walk." I said, "You'd see those little legs unfold, them little hands unfold, and she'd get up from there and walk to the glory of God." I said, "If it would come like that..."

60 I'd been telling them about this experience. And I said, "Do you know... I want to ask you something." Brother Banks Wood was sitting next to me at the table. And next sat the... Then Sister Hattie was sitting way back, and the boys was sitting here, and Mrs. Wright, and Mr. Wright, and Shelby sitting back to my left.
Now, listen. Don't miss this. Show you the sovereignty of God. And while we were talking, I said, "I want to ask you something. What put those squirrels there? There's no squirrels in the woods. I'd hunted and hunted. And I'm not the best of hunters, but I've hunted since I was a little boy. And I'd hunted close, and they were in the most ridiculous place, and then the most ridiculous way I could call them." I said, "What put them there?" I said, "I wonder if it is that my ministry is fixing to take a change, that the God of Abraham is confirming His promise as He did to Abraham."

61 When He was up on top of the mount, and he needed a sacrifice for it instead of his son, Jehovah-jireh performed a miracle and placed a ram. A hundred miles back, he was three days' journey. And any ordinary man can walk twenty-five miles a day. And then he lifted up his eyes and saw the mountain far off, and then went to the mountain, and went up on top of the mountain. Wild ram back in there, a sheep, wild animals would've killed it. And then upon top of the mountain where there's no water, how did that ram get up there? What happened? God needed a sacrifice to prove to Abraham that He was Jehovah-jireh. The very God of creation spoke a ram into existence. Now, it wasn't a vision. He killed the ram and blood came out of that animal. It wasn't a vision; it was a ram.
I said, "That same God..." Hallelujah! That Jehovah-jireh, He's just as much Jehovah-jireh today as He was on the mountain with Abraham. He can still produce an animal to His glory. These squirrels was not a vision. I shot them; blood came out of them. I dressed them and eat them. They wasn't visions; they were squirrels.

62 I said, "That same Jehovah-jireh, trying to get His promise over to me, in my thickness and dullness of mind. He could speak my need into existence the same as He could speak Abraham's need into existence."
I'd no more than said that until Sister Hattie (sitting there crying now) ... hadn't said a word. And she said, "That's nothing but the truth."
She said the right thing. She said just like Banks said down there. I heard her voice as it swept by my ears, like up into the woods. Mrs. Wright sitting back there with her little girl was trying to interpret what Edith said. I couldn't hear Mrs. Wright.
And that super-anointing swept over me, said, "Tell Hattie that she's found grace in the sight of God." Who would've thought? Said, "Tell her to ask whatever she will, then you speak it by this gift into existence. Whatever she asketh, speak it into existence."
I looked at Sister Hattie. The first time it was ever performed on a human being. I said, "Sister Hattie, ask what you will. God's going to give it to you."

63 What do you think of that? Does it give in to you? Seven times He had confirmed it by an animal. Seven is God's complete number. Here's the first time on a human being. And what did He choose? Some great aristocrat? A great noted minister? A poor little widow woman that could hardly write her name. God knows what He's doing. Said, "Ask what you will."
Hattie said to me, "Brother Branham, what do you mean?"
I said, "Ask anything your heart desires, and it shall be produced right here, that you'll know that the Lord God of heaven answers, and His Scriptures are true." My first time with a new gift, my first anointing... I could hardly hear.
And she looked around. We'd been talking about her little crippled sister. I said, "Oh, don't doubt," in my heart, "within a few minutes, little Edith will be jumping to the glory of God."
Hattie looked around, all around and she said, "Brother Bill, my greatest desire is for the salvation of my two boys."

64 Why, there couldn't have been a greater thing. She could've asked for ten thousand dollars; she'd of got it. What if it'd been some millionaire, would have asked for another million. God knowed what she was going to ask for.
Sister Hattie, at least seven or eight witnesses standing there... All you people that was present when that happened, raise up your hand, everybody in the building was present that happened. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven. Seven of them, eight of them, eight of them was present when that happened.
I said, "Ask anything you want to, because God's give it to me to give to you whatever you want."
She said her boys was beginning to go off on the teen-age tantrum. And she said, "The salvation of my two boys..."
I said, "By the will of God, by the power of God, I give you, in the name of Jesus Christ, your desire." And her two boys shook under the power of God, and that whole building trembled. Banks fell into his plate. Shelby grabbed... And Hattie screamed till you could hear her for two blocks. And them two boys with tears rolling down their cheeks received exactly what they asked for right then.
Oh, the first time it was ever used on a human being. "Ask what you will, and it shall be given unto you." Her boys sitting there with her this morning.

John 15:7 If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you.

65 What would she have asked? What if she'd asked the healing of her little sister? What if she'd asked that? The little girl would've been healed, but her two boys lost. What if that poor widow, who had just told me that she tried to give to this church fifty dollars on a pledge to help build a new church, and Brother Roberson wouldn't take it; would only let her give twenty of it...
And I said to myself when she was speaking, "I will give her back the twenty."
But God said to me, in my heart now, not by vision, in my heart, "When Jesus was standing, watching a widow put in three pennies where there was thousands of dollars laying, what would you have done."
I said, "Well, if I'd been standing around, I'd said, 'We don't need it, sister. We got plenty of money.'"
But Jesus never said it. He let her go on and do it, because He knowed what was down the road. So help me, God, as my solemn Judge, God knew that was down the road for her.

66 And I was run my hand in my pocket to get my pocket book to give her her twenty dollars back and say, "Sister Hattie..."
But He said, "Don't do it."
Then, a few minutes, when the question was brought up about Jehovah-jireh, she said, "That's nothing but the truth." And it come from a poor widow woman's heart, God knowing she'd ask the greatest thing could be done.
As long as there is a heaven, when the stars is gone, when there's no more moon, no more earth, no more sea, them boys shall live on through eternity with the same Jehovah-jireh who gave the immortal promise. His promises cannot fail.
I'm looking forward for the coming of this meeting down here in San Jose. Oh, if it'll just break forth.
Now, when the anointing strike, "Ask what you will." I have a perfect assurance that when that strikes, and whatever God puts to be asked, it'll be just exactly that way. It has to be. "For, if you say to this mount..." See, it isn't you speaking. It isn't you; it's God. It's you so submitted to God.

Matthew 17:20 And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you.

Matthew 21:21 Jesus answered and said unto them, Verily I say unto you, If ye have faith, and doubt not, ye shall not only do this which is done to the fig tree, but also if ye shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; it shall be done.

Mark 11:23 For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith.

John 15:7 If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you.

67 Now, watch the prophets of old when we're closing. The prophets of old, when they seen the coming of the Lord Jesus, they were so in the Spirit till they spoke as if it was themselves.
Look at David in the Psalms, twenty-second Psalm, crying, "My God, my God, why hast Thou forsaken me?" Not David, it was Christ eight hundred years later. "All my bones stare at me. They shoot out their lips at me. They wag their heads, said, 'He saved others, but himself He cannot save,'" David speaking that as if it was himself, but it was the Spirit of God in him, Christ, speaking forth.
Oh, God, be praised. Moving into His church in the fullness of His power, moving among His people, spreading out His great wings of mercy, may He be praised.

Psalm 22:1 To the chief Musician upon Aijeleth Shahar, A Psalm of David. My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? why art thou so far from helping me, and from the words of my roaring?

Psalm 22:7 All they that see me laugh me to scorn: they shoot out the lip, they shake the head, saying,

Psalm 22:17 I may tell all my bones: they look and stare upon me.

Matthew 27:42 He saved others; himself he cannot save. If he be the King of Israel, let him now come down from the cross, and we will believe him.

Mark 15:31 Likewise also the chief priests mocking said among themselves with the scribes, He saved others; himself he cannot save.

68 I haven't time for my sermon. Let us bow our heads just a moment. Is there one here this morning, or how many of them is here that knows that you're not prepared at this time to meet God, would you raise your hands, and say, "Pray for me, Brother Branham." We can't bring you to the altar, because the altars are packed. God bless you, brother; to you, sister; you, brother; you, and you back there, all around; you, young lady; you, my brother. Way back in the back, all around, God sees your hands.
If He can bring a ram into existence when there is no ram, if He can bring animals into existence, if He's concerned about a little fig tree growing on the side of the hill, or a little dead fish laying on the water, how much more does He know your desire in your... Sure He does. He knows that you need Him. "Ask and you shall receive. When you pray, believe that you receive what you ask for." Was that the Holy Spirit that raised your hand? If it was, then the anointing is on you. Then pray and believe God, and you shall have what you've said.

Matthew 21:22 And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.

Mark 11:24 Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.

69 Heavenly Father, as this day is growing near to the midday, and I've been at length here this morning on this story of Thy divine grace, according to Your Word... It is written in the Scriptures that Jesus, our Lord, said, "He that believeth on Me, the works that I do, shall he also." And we know that those works are true. You could discern the thoughts of the people. You told Peter who he was, what his name was, what his father was. You told Philip when he brought Nathanael ... or, told Nathanael, rather, that You saw him under the tree before he come. You told the woman at the well how many husbands she had. Oh, there is nothing hid from You. You knew all things. And that was Your works. Then we see You say to that fig tree...
O Lord, I believe the hour is soon coming that when the loaves and fishes will be multiplied. There'll come a mark of the beast soon. There'll come a confederation of churches, and they'll put out a sign---a unionized church---that no man can buy or sell. And Your church, it won't bother them, for Your Holy Spirit shall lead them and feed them as You did Israel in the wilderness. You are God. Don't let us miss that, Lord. Let us remain faithfully. Let us be true.

John 14:12 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.

70 Now, I don't know just when this will take place again, Lord, maybe this morning again. Maybe it'll happen again in the Tabernacle today; trusting that it will, Lord, trusting that You'll put faith in the people's hearts, and know that I haven't misled, or said one thing wrong. I said it just the way it come, to the best that I know in my heart, Lord, watching my words and weighing them, knowing that You have confirmed that to me, as I have said, seven times, and knowing immediately after that, on the first human being I ever spoke to, she got the desire of her heart the moment she spoke.
Now, Lord, there's many desires in here this morning. You'll have to anoint Your servant, Lord. If You'll just send the anointing, and let me have it this morning. If anyone should need, You just speak it to me, Lord, when they speak, or whenever ... whoever You wish, and let it come to pass. And now, I know that what's said then, it'll not be me; it will be You, Lord, speaking.

71 I submit myself to You. And before I leave from this ministry, the old type of the visions and so forth, at this altar where I dedicated my life anew, from preaching the Gospel to signs and wonders. I dedicate myself again this morning to You, Lord, for service. The first time this has been told, the first time, Lord, that it's been manifested, here sits the witnesses. O Lord God, if there is anything You can use this old hull of mine for, I am Yours, Lord. Take me, and mold me, and fashion me, and do something, Lord, that'll honor and glorify Thee.
Spread it out amongst other ministers. Send it to the four corners of the world. The hours are getting late. Jesus is coming. Bless Your people together. Save the lost. Every one that raised their hands here this morning, save them, Lord. Give them the Holy Spirit. May their lives be dedicated to You.
This little church, Lord, the pastor, and every pastor here, every evangelist, teacher, every member of any other church; O God, as a body of people, we give ourselves to You. Take us and use us, Lord. We are Yours, and expecting to come to You someday in peace.
Now, if there be any sick or afflicted, may they be healed this morning. May Thy grace and eternal blessings rest upon them, as we pray for them by laying our hands upon them, and praying, may the Holy Ghost come and perform the work that He's ordained to be done. Grant it, Father. Through Jesus Christ, we ask this blessing. Amen.

72 I have told you the honest truth. Just as God has revealed it and has did it, I have honestly told you the truth. And now, I am earnestly seeking and desiring your prayers. I realize that a man of my age, fifty years old...
The other morning, I said to the wife, "I'm already fifty, honey. If I do anything for the Lord, I got to hurry."
She said, "Bill, God trained Moses eighty years." And said, "He can train you for another fifty years to get one day's service from you. He's got a purpose for you, so just stand still."
I thought that's a lot of wisdom: Stand still. God moves every hand just according to His great plan. Just be still. Don't try to over ... to try to push. You get ahead of Him then. It's a whole lot better to try to follow than it is to lead, because He's the leader.

73 Now, to my little church here, my little flock that's been so faithful, and has prayed for me all out across the world: I believe there's another worldwide shaking coming. These things I've told you is the truth. At the day of the judgment, I will face you yonder with the same story, just as true as I'm standing here.
Now, I'm sure you all could see what it is. It's a coming of a greater, deeper anointing of the Holy Spirit. How to get into it, I don't know. Only thing I know, it takes God to put you into it. So you just live as sweet and humble, and close to God as you can. Don't doubt Him. Just believe that everything's working just to the good for you, and everything will work around all right, see.

74 Just remember, you are a sheep; He is the dove. And the dove leads the lamb. And the lamb and the dove has the same nature. The dove is the most gentlest of all the birds of the heavens; a lamb is the most gentlest of all the beasts of the earth. So see, their spirits would coincide with one another. Now, the dove could not come on a wolf (see); it wouldn't stay there. The wolf is a killer. The lamb is gentle. So you see, it's the lamb and the dove, and one leading the other.
And you see where the dove led the Lamb to? All the way to Calvary for crucifixion, and He opened not His mouth. When they spit on Him, He never spit back. When they smacked Him, He never smacked back; He just went right on, knowing that He was ... for the glory of God, He was doing the will of God.

75 Sister Hattie, we're close around the same age. Brother George Wright there, her dad, and her boys, and mother, Shelby; I want to say this: I guess you wondered why I got up and walked out of the house as quick as I did. I have never... I've been where thirty thousand raw heathens was saved at one time (South Africa), come to Christ. I thought that was the greatest anointing I ever felt. It never in no ways compared with that down at George Wright's the other day. I have never felt anything like that. The whole room just seemed to be just a light of the glory of God.
Now, Sister Hattie's very quiet, and pious little woman, never raises her voice about anything. But you could've heard her scream a city block when the Holy Spirit struck the building. Everybody, everybody there felt it. It was wonderful. We may live a long time. But Sister Hattie, as long as there is a memory in our mind, we will remember that, Sister Wright.

76 Now, that the people might know that I told that just exactly true, would you raise up your hand, Sister Hattie, so it... Sister Wright and you all was there, just so that you can see. See, there they are. Stand up, Sister Hattie. There's the little widow woman that the miracle happened on, the first, bypassing all the peoples of the world, for that thing to happen first to that poor, little, humble widow woman upon a hillside up there, trying to raise a crop of corn out of crawfish ground out there to take care of her children. That's the one that God honored the first time since the days of Jesus Christ, and said, "Ask what you will."
I said, "I challenge anybody, in the name of the Lord, when that Spirit strikes and says that, I don't care what you ask for, it shall be granted."

77 You know why the plutocrats didn't get it, or the big folks like that? Is because God knowed they'd ask things that was no good for them. He gives it to people who He knows will ask the right thing. And what more could that woman... What more... Just tell me anything she could ask greater than that. Her mother and father's saved; her little sister's saved. All the family's saved except the two boys at that time. They wasn't saved.
They're poor people. Shelby told me his constant income for a good crop, he netted six hundred dollars a year, working till the boys... About my age, and he's all broke down, everything, and he's working to take care of his daddy and mother, and they're old, and trying to take care of his little afflicted sister, but he's saved. Brother Wright, all of them is saved. But them two was not saved. And Hattie asked the salvation of her children. As long as there's an eternity, she could've asked for ten thousand dollars and have got it. She could ask whatever she would. But God knows what you're going to ask before He ever places the anointing. That's right.

78 Sister Hattie, is it right, that I said, "Ask anything that you wish. Anything your heart desires, ask it, Hattie." Is that right, Sister Hattie? "Ask anything you want to; makes no difference what it is, ask it. God has said to me, 'Just speak what she's asked for, and she will have it.'"
He said, "Ask it now, just anything you desire." And she did it.
Oh, brother, sister, do you realize the day we're living in? The most glorious time, when God of heaven will put amongst human beings to ask anything you will, and He will give it to you. It's too deep for my mind, I know that. But I hope that my heart can contain as much of it as I can. It just... I have lived on it. I have thrived on it. I'm going westward on it. I'm entering meetings on it. I'm living on it. And God's words here is right.

79 Now, as far as I know, that's the last thing to happen. I don't know nothing else, what it could be, just to give to human beings, "Ask anything that you desire. No matter what it is, just ask it, and it'll be given to you."
And could you see the wisdom? How many believes that that woman asked the greatest thing could be asked? Let's see you... Could you imagine, a woman with a afflicted sister, could've asked for her healing, a woman that's poor, and her mother and daddy poor, and all of them poor, could ask for money, and got it. She could've asked for years added to her life and got it. But she asked the greatest thing that could be asked, the salvation of her unsaved family, and got it. Amen. That's the main thing: Got it by the same God that give the promise. God, oh how I love Him.

80 Now, we're going... Is there any sick here to be prayed for? Raise up your hands.
A woman called a few nights ago (There's three of them, I believe, from California or something, they told me.), that said, "We've come two or three times. And you give out prayer cards, and our numbers are not called." I made her a promise if she'd stay over, that I'd just pray for the sick this morning.
How many's been in here when we've had the discernment and things? Oh, all of you, I suppose, everybody here. We know that that's true. We're moving beyond that now. Oh, praise be to God, we're moving beyond that now.
Maybe it'll come to pass. I don't know what God will do this morning. But you people that are sick and afflicted, I'm going to ask you just to come a few at a time. Let these on this side here come up so we can pray for these on this side first. Maybe I can catch it like that. Come right up here, sister. Just line right up here, 'cause we haven't got... We have to send them back down the same aisle on account of them getting back to the same place.

81 I could tell the way this little fellow talked this morning, he believes in divine healing. I know he believes in the power of God. Is there another minister here this morning that's a minister who believes that God heals the sick? If there is, let him come up here if he will, and come here stand with us while we pray for these sick and afflicted. Any of you brethren that believes that God heals the sick. God bless you, sir, come right ahead; we want you to come right here with us.
Now, we do not know what the Holy Spirit may do. The Holy Spirit may at this time perform just like He did down at Sister Wright's the other day. I trust that He will. I don't know. You understand... How many know... Well, there's not many of you left here, when the visions first started. I don't know what time they'll come, what they'll do. Everything is in the will of God, and has to be controlled by God. How many knows that? God could not give men things to control themselves. If they did, then (You see) it wouldn't be God. It wouldn't be God; it would be... I want you to think here, friends, in this little lowly place, but how the Lord has absolutely, Brother Mike, beyond any shadow of doubt, has blessed us, and performed, and done just exactly what He promised He'd do.

82 How many ever heard of super sensory perception? Many of you has. It's just nothing but mythology, spiritualism. But you know, they can't... Them things are not lasting. They don't hold on. They can never get any material. They'll sit down there and have... They say, "There's a spirit; there's a spirit." And they try and take a picture of it or something. They can't do it. See, it's just... It's not there. It's psychic, mental, see.
But what God does is perfect. When Moses throwed down his rod, the magician throwed down his rod too; they was both turned to serpents. Is that right? But what happened to Jannes and Jambres' rod? Moses' rod swallowed it up. And when Moses picked up his rod, it was still a rod. But where was their rod? Inside the rod of Moses. See, you couldn't see it.
When God does anything, He makes it real. Now, they tell me the Holy Spirit... You know, they say, "That's people just worked up. It's mental. Them visions and things, that's just a mental telepathy."

83 Well, when George J. Lacy examined that picture there, when that Angel of the Lord... Many of you standing here has seen it on the river, and many times. He said, "Brother Branham, the mechanical eye of this camera don't take psychology." Said, "The light was there." There it is. It's everlasting. It's true.
So you see, It's the same Angel of God. Now, watch it. The nature of it proves it. When He was here on earth, it dwelt in the Lord Jesus Christ, who was God made manifest. And now, Jesus said, "A little while and the world won't see Me no more. Yet you'll see Me, for I will be with you, even in you, to the end of the world. And the things that you do ... that I do shall you also."
Now, watch it when it comes... A man can say anything. But when God backs it up, that makes it truth. Now, watch the nature of that Angel. When He gets a person so submitted to Him, He does the same thing that Jesus did when He was here on earth, because we are sons and daughters of God, if we're born of His Spirit, see. And it ain't no mythical thing. It's got evidence to prove it. It shows that it's right. So our salvation is absolutely perfect.

Matthew 28:20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.

John 14:12 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.

John 14:19 Yet a little while, and the world seeth me no more; but ye see me: because I live, ye shall live also.

84 The God of heavens, who had all the prophets to speak of the coming of the Lord Jesus... And Jesus, when He come, He fulfilled every prophecy. Many of them was fulfilled at the cross: "Wounded for our transgressions," and what David said, "My God has Thou forsaken me." But when God sends a prophet, a prophet speaks; God makes that truth, if it's God. That's what He said to know them. If they spoke, "and what they said come to pass, then believe them, for I'm with them." If it doesn't, then they're not. They're false prophets. He said, "But to mark them, see whether it come to pass."
Now, look. If God, who spoke in the holy prophets, talked about the coming of the Messiah to the glory and honor of God... If I know who would be president next fall, and would tell it, that would be prophecy. That's right. But God doesn't prophesy like that, just to ... oh, just to be playing. God does something to glorify Him, see.

Psalm 22:1 To the chief Musician upon Aijeleth Shahar, A Psalm of David. My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? why art thou so far from helping me, and from the words of my roaring?

Isaiah 53:5 But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.

Jeremiah 28:9 The prophet which prophesieth of peace, when the word of the prophet shall come to pass, then shall the prophet be known, that the LORD hath truly sent him.

85 But when the Messiah come, and when the Messiah left... I want to ask all you Methodists, Baptists, Presbyterians, Catholic, Lutheran, Pentecostal, Nazarene, Pilgrim Holiness, all of you; I want to ask you something: Don't you think that that King of the prophets, Jesus, would've knowed how to set up His own church? If all the prophets spoke of Him, and pointed to Him...
What kind of a church did He set up? When He left, He said... When he was here on earth, He told Peter, "On the revelation of the Word of God," He said, "upon this rock, I will build My church, and the gates of hell cannot prevail against it." Isn't that right? All right. When He was... Before He left, in Mark 16, He said, "These signs shall follow them that believe." Did He say it? "In My name they shall cast out devils, speak with new tongues, take up serpents, drink deadly things." He also said, "The works that I do, shall you do also." Is that right? That's the signs that's to follow His church. It's not a denomination. It's a set up organization, ordained of God, Holy Ghost filled, heaven born church that comes out of all denominations, a real believing bunch of people.

Matthew 16:18 And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.

Mark 16:17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;

John 14:12 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.

86 These ministers standing here are just along with me. We're men. He's God. But we're here to represent Him. We're here to tell you that God has sent us to do this work, to lay hands on the sick. "These sign shall follow them." Them signs, all signs that He spoke of will follow the believer. Here they are following. They follow.
And God is no respect of persons. What He did for Hattie, He will do for you. What He did for the blind, He will do for you blind. What He does for the deaf, He will do for you. Anything that He's done for anybody else, He will do for you, if you will only believe. Is that right?
Now, Brother Teddy, I want you to play, "Only Believe." And as these people pass through the line, then we will get the other side. We're going to come through, all of us laying hands on you, praying for you that your diseases will be cured. And it can... And I don't know what God's going to do. I'm just standing here right now, not knowing what to do. I'm just going to pray for the sick like I promised somebody that I'd do, just pray for...
Last Sunday... You remember, I told you last Sunday was the Revelation and so forth. This Sunday I'd pray for the sick.

Mark 16:17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;

87 Let us pray now. Lord, we stand here as Your servants. We stand before Your people. We're here. We don't know what You'll do. You might speak with tongues. You might interpret. You might give a vision. You might cause me to take someone's hand for a revelation. You might speak and give the authority to say whatever You will. I don't know what You're going to do, Lord. And maybe, You want us to lay hands on the sick. We don't know what it is; we're just wanting to please You, Lord. We're standing here as Your servants, and these are Your people. And we're trying to help them according to what Your Word says do. We're trying to follow Your instructions. And I pray Thee, Lord, that You'll give to us that what we have need to minister to the people, through Jesus Christ's name. Amen.
I want all the rest of you keep your head down and pray, while Brother Wood, if you'll... And minister brothers, I believe we stand right there. How many of you? Four of you here. All right, two on each side there, and I will stand right at the head of the line right here, see. Just one moment. Come over here, Brother Beeler. Now, that's it. Stand right along there. And as they pass by, all the congregation... Now, if you little boys would move back a little so they can walk out. Now, as you all pray, go right straight to your seats. Then in a few minutes, I will call for the other side.

88 Now, every one of you, not only ministers, but all of you ought to pray for these people. You don't know what God might do for you while you're praying for somebody else. What if you'd say the right thing? Here's a woman standing here that's so sick they have to hold her up. What if your prayer would be the right thing, just like Banks said the right thing, like Hattie said the right thing? What if you'd say the right thing, and your pray would cause God to come down and do something? See, this is not just one person; this is the church of the living God, everybody. Now, everybody be in prayer.

89 [Brother Branham gives instructions to the ministers.]
[Break in tape] ... these handkerchiefs, Lord, little cloths that are going to the sick and afflicted, different places. And may they be blessed, Father, to the honor and glory of God, in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

90 All right. The Lord bless you, brother. Well, from Oregon. San Jose... Well wonderful. God bless you. I hope... I hope that it'll just be one of the greatest meetings. Thank you, my brother. The Lord bless you.
Isn't this like heaven? When you think of preaching the Gospel and souls raising their hands to Christ, sick and afflicted passing through the line, baptismal services, fellowship, brotherhood; that's just a little bit of heaven dropped down on earth. You know, I feel like what the apostle said that time, "It is good for us to be here." We don't need but one tabernacle. We love to be here for the service of God.

Matthew 17:4 Then answered Peter, and said unto Jesus, Lord, it is good for us to be here: if thou wilt, let us make here three tabernacles; one for thee, and one for Moses, and one for Elias.

Mark 9:5 And Peter answered and said to Jesus, Master, it is good for us to be here: and let us make three tabernacles; one for thee, and one for Moses, and one for Elias.

Luke 9:33 And it came to pass, as they departed from him, Peter said unto Jesus, Master, it is good for us to be here: and let us make three tabernacles; one for thee, and one for Moses, and one for Elias: not knowing what he said.

91 Now, each of you people that come through the line this morning, was prayed for, just remember that the same God that granted all these things that you have heard done around the country... And they are true, just as true as they can be. And all these ministers here, and what's been done in their ministry, what's been done in the ministry the Lord has given me. We have stood here with sincerity, with all of our hearts, pray and laying hands on you, just exactly what Jesus said, "These signs shall follow them that believe: If they lay hands on the sick, they shall recover."
Now, it's just... There's only one thing to keep it from not happening, that would be for you to disbelieve it. Jesus said, "Come unto Me all you that labor and heavy laden, I will give you rest. Whosoever will, let him come.
Now, there's only one way for you to miss it. God's Word's true. One way for you to miss it, is not come. Isn't that right? That's the way for you to miss it. God said, "These signs shall follow them that believe: If they lay hands on the sick, they shall recover." There's only one way for you to miss it; that's disbelieve it. If you'll believe God's Word, God will keep His Word. You see, that would be... That's the first, initial... That's the way to pray for the sick: pass them through, lay hands on them, or anoint them, or anything that God said way...

Matthew 11:28 Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

Mark 16:17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;

Mark 16:18 They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.

Revelation 22:17 And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely.

92 But after all of that, for God to let you know that He's in the midst of His people, He shows signs and wonders. And see, it's the wonders and miracles of the living God to do the things that He does do. Now, He's wonderful. Don't you think so?
Now, the brethren are making ready in there for the baptismal service. And it'll just be quickly. And now, those are to be baptized, the women go to the room... Isn't that right, the women over there? The women over here, and the men on this side.
While we're making ready for baptismal service, I want to read a Scripture in the next few minutes. And we will be... I know some of you, you're limbs are bound to be hurting from standing up. And if you can stand just a few moments longer, you'll see a beautiful sight when you see the immersing of these people.

93 I want to read some Scriptures now, found in the book of Acts, the 2nd chapter while they're making ready for the baptismal. I think there's only about two or three to be baptized. Won't take but just a moment. And I want you to listen close now. I'm going to begin reading out of Acts 2, the 28th verse, beginning reading.
Thou has made known unto me the way of life ... the ways of life; [It's in the plural.] thou shall make me full of joy with thy countenance.
Men and brethren, let me freely speak to you of the patriarch, David, that he is both dead and buried, and his sepulcher is with us to this day.
Therefore being a prophet ... [How many knows David was a prophet? Sure. He was a Psalmist and prophet.] Therefore being a prophet, and the knowledge that God had sworn with an oath to him, that of the fruit of his loins, according to the flesh, he would raise up Christ to sit on his throne;
He seeing this before spake of the resurrection of Christ, that his soul was not left in hell, neither did his flesh see corruption.
This Jesus has God raised up, wherefore we are all witnesses. [Doesn't that sound like today? We are witnesses of these things. I could say this morning, Hattie, the rest of you, we're witnesses of these things.]
Therefore being at the right hand of God exalted ... having received of the Father the promise of the Holy Ghost, he has shed forth this, which ye now see and hear.
For David is not ascended into ... heaven; but he said himself, The LORD said unto my Lord, Sit thou on my right hand. [You remember last Sunday, how we spoke of the prophets, all of them great men, how they had to die. But One come, the Royal Seed.] Set thou on my right hand,
Until I make thy foes thy footstool.
Therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly, that God has made this same Jesus, who you ... crucified, both Lord and Christ.
Now when they heard this ... [That Jesus was both Lord and Christ.] Now when they heard this, they were pricked in their hearts, and said unto Peter and ... the rest of the apostles, Men and brethren, what shall we do?
Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.
For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to them that are far off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call.
And with many other words did he testify and exhort, saying, Save yourselves from this untoward generation.
Then they that gladly received his word were baptized: and the same day there were added to them about three thousand souls.
And they continued steadfastly in the apostles' doctrine and in the fellowship, and ... breaking of bread, and with prayers.
And fear came up on every soul; and many wonders and sign were done by the apostles.
And all that believed were gathered together, and had all things in common;
And sold their possessions and goods, and parted them to all men, as every man had need.
And they, continuing daily with one accord in the temple, ... breaking bread from house to house, did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart,
Praising God, and having favour with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved.

Acts 2:28 Thou hast made known to me the ways of life; thou shalt make me full of joy with thy countenance.

Acts 2:29 Men and brethren, let me freely speak unto you of the patriarch David, that he is both dead and buried, and his sepulchre is with us unto this day.

Acts 2:30 Therefore being a prophet, and knowing that God had sworn with an oath to him, that of the fruit of his loins, according to the flesh, he would raise up Christ to sit on his throne;

Acts 2:31 He seeing this before spake of the resurrection of Christ, that his soul was not left in hell, neither his flesh did see corruption.

Acts 2:32 This Jesus hath God raised up, whereof we all are witnesses.

Acts 2:33 Therefore being by the right hand of God exalted, and having received of the Father the promise of the Holy Ghost, he hath shed forth this, which ye now see and hear.

Acts 2:34 For David is not ascended into the heavens: but he saith himself, The Lord said unto my Lord, Sit thou on my right hand,

Acts 2:35 Until I make thy foes thy footstool.

Acts 2:36 Therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly, that God hath made that same Jesus, whom ye have crucified, both Lord and Christ.

Acts 2:37 Now when they heard this, they were pricked in their heart, and said unto Peter and to the rest of the apostles, Men and brethren, what shall we do?

Acts 2:38 Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.

Acts 2:39 For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call.

Acts 2:40 And with many other words did he testify and exhort, saying, Save yourselves from this untoward generation.

Acts 2:41 Then they that gladly received his word were baptized: and the same day there were added unto them about three thousand souls.

Acts 2:42 And they continued stedfastly in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers.

Acts 2:43 And fear came upon every soul: and many wonders and signs were done by the apostles.

Acts 2:44 And all that believed were together, and had all things common;

Acts 2:45 And sold their possessions and goods, and parted them to all men, as every man had need.

Acts 2:46 And they, continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart,

Acts 2:47 Praising God, and having favour with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved.

94 Now, just while they're coming to the water... You let me know when ... goes to the water.
That you might know, that sovereign grace reigns with God. I want to go back. I just can't help from placing something else in. Did you know, those two boys, that woman's children that were saved, God knew that before the foundation of the world, and their names were actually put on the Lamb's book of life before the foundation of the world? The Bible says that? And it only had to work till this minute... Did you know God knew that we'd be standing here, ten million years before the world was ever founded? Did you know He knew we'd be standing here this morning? The infinity of God knowed every fly, every gnat, every time they'd bat their eyes, and how much tallow they would produce. Before the world was ever formed, God knew it.

95 Now, you say, "Well, if He knows it, then why are you preaching?" That's part of God's program. Preaching is His program. When He looked upon the apostles, He looked upon the harvest. He said, "The harvest is ripe, and the laborers are few. Pray the Lord of the harvest that He will send laborers into His harvest." How many remember that? Well, why would they have to pray to the Lord of harvest to send laborers into His harvest, if the Lord of the harvest was standing there knowing it would be done? Why? God has so arranged it, that His...
Now, listen to this. God has so arranged it, that His program cannot move without you and I. And as long as we're not doing what God leads us to do, we're paralyzing His program. But when the church moves by the anointing of the Holy Ghost, then we're in God's will, doing His program.

Matthew 9:37 Then saith he unto his disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few;

Matthew 9:38 Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest.

96 Oh, as soon as I return from California, the Lord willing, what the Branham Tabernacle needs is a revival. They need a revival and a filling of the Holy Ghost. And that's the great need of the Tabernacle, some of the finest people in the world comes here. But what we need is the baptism of the Holy Ghost. I feel it, can tell it. And as soon as we return back, if the Lord willing, we're going to have a revival for that very purpose: That the ministry of this Tabernacle, and other people are seeking the Holy Ghost might come and receive Him, Baptist and everything else. Prayer meetings in here to receive the Holy Ghost. That as [unclear words] the will of God and move on with the program of God as it moves on.
The Lord bless you. I believe they're ready now at the pool.
You take hold of getting them. And I will go in there pray for them...