Prayer Line
Prayer Line somebodyPrayer Line (1948-00-00) (William M. Branham Sermons)
Prayer Line (1948-00-00) (William M. Branham Sermons) somebodyPrayer Line
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1 ... little girl, and I pray dear God, that You heal her, this very hour. May the power of the Holy Spirit move upon, taking away the hay fever, and removing... in the Name of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Amen... You're healed, you believe so? Now, I believe you are. You may raise your head, audience. All right now? Try it again... she had... all right, you're all right now, Jesus healed you. God bless you, sister... All right, bring me the other patient...
2 She has two disorders, and she's deaf also. God has delivered her.
Almighty and omnipotent God, I pray Thee to be merciful to our sister, and heal her body. She's standing here suffering and also deaf. How hovering over her is demon... cut off the hearing to her ear. But Thou art here, to make her every whit whole. [Gap in the audio.]...
3 Thou deaf spirit... come out of her in the Name of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Leave the woman, through Jesus Christ's Name I adjure thee to go... I'm not yelling at you, but you can't baby demons... Can you hear? You hear now? You are healed. You can raise your head... Hear me? Say, "Amen." You say, "Amen" now? [Woman responds.] Can you hear me now? [Woman responds.] Can you hear me now? [Woman responds.] All right, you're healed. Your other disease cured, you're well. Go home and rejoice. Let's say, "Praise the Lord," everybody.
4 You feel that pressure that's been hanging around recently, the last half hour? Strong, there's bound to be an unbeliever in here somewhere. God have mercy on your sinful soul. I'd be gentleman enough to get up and walk out, wouldn't you? Now I would, before I'd hinder sick people. All right... [Gap in the audio.]
5 All right, listen. All right let's bow your head and be reverent...
Oh Jesus, the Son of God, have mercy upon this woman. Grant her healing this night. Thou demon, leave the woman in the Name of the Son of God, Jesus Christ. I adjure thee to go... normal, your stomach trouble also. Hold your head up, eat. Go on your normal... cause you to raise your head up, raise your head up, all right... God bless you, sister. Everybody believe with all your heart now.
6 Bow your heads, everywhere, while a patient comes. Everyone in prayer. This woman... Oh, Oh, I see her crossed-eyes. Well, bow your head, and believe with all your heart. [Gap in the audio.]...
And I pray that You heal her, and make her every whit whole. Thou demon that bound our sister, I adjure thee, by the Son of God, Jesus Christ, leave the girl.
7 While you have your head bowed. You realize... Do you believe me? Do you believe that every word I said was... All right, I want you then to open your eyes, and slowly, when I tell you; and look towards me in the Name Jesus Christ, and your eyes will be perfectly normal. In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ I ask it, see... your eyes are straight. Now, how many fingers do you... how many fingers do I have. Her eyes come perfectly straight. Keep your heads bowed, everybody. Look out across that audience up there. Don't you doubt nothing. See those people? Look back there, you see those normally? See this man here? You know what's happened to you? You're healed, in the Name of the Lord Jesus. All you can raise your heads. There's the girl.
Let's say, "Praise the Lord," everybody. Everyone bow your heads, now bring the... Pray now, getting late, now everyone bow your heads. Stomach trouble. Heavenly Father... [Gap in the audio.]
8 Everybody believe with all their hearts? All right, now, bring her to me... eyes... straight... for you. Do you believe with all your heart?... I'm going to ask you to do something for me, while you have your head down, I'm going to ask God to bless you. I'm going... each other. Every cross-eyed person can be here, to heal. There's not been one pass this platform the eight nights that I've been here that I know of, but what's delivered. Even the one I sent to the same thing I'm going to ask you to do, that the audience might know, God is God, can heal.
Almighty God, as I lay hands upon this young lady, and bless her in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I ask these crossed-eyes to become straight. I rebuke this demon that's bound her, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.
Keep your head bowed. Young lady..?... put your... down, would you put your hands up, crossed-eyes won't... Lord Jesus, I believe You with all my heart... we pray before we... you raise up your head and come back the platform a few moments, and be healed. Have faith, all right. You may raise your head now... How many believes that she'll have the straight eyes? I believe it with all my heart. Every strength, every ounce of strength that's in me, I believe it.
9 Everybody should have lots of faith now... talk to you just a moment... [Gap in the audio.]... talk to you now...
[Brother Branham steps away from the microphone to pray for the people and another brother says, "Everyone pray, as Brother Branham goes along these cot cases and wheelchair cases..."]
10 You have quite a bit of faith of the people on the cots and the wheelchairs and so forth... Trying to check over these people just a moment, down here in front. Sister, you there in the wheelchair, what do you think? You going to be healed tonight? Here, you believe you're going to be healed tonight? I--I know... my question, sure about... [Gap in the audio.]
11 Thou demon, I adjure thee by the Son of God, come out from her. Everyone just be reverent. Thou demon, that's bound this woman, I... In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, leave the woman. Come out, in the Name of the Lord Jesus. Everyone keep your heads bowed... spirit... Keep your heads bowed everywhere... Have faith... All right, you may raise your head up. [Gap in the audio.]...
Thou knowest all things [Gap in the audio. A brother speaks for a few minutes.]...
Coming through the line, the Lord Jesus will make you well... All right, everyone bow your heads now, while we're praying... in the line... Everybody... appreciate... bow your heads, everybody.
Father, we thank Thee tonight for Thy mercy and kindness. We thank Thee for Thy healing power. And now may the mercy and power of Jesus Christ be made known unto this audience, through Jesus Name we pray. Amen.
12 Are your heads bowed... you accept it. I won't stop... How long have you been afflicted? Nine years, will you accept Him? You will? Do you think now that if I lay hands on you, that Christ will make you well? Is that right? This lady comes through, something stopped me really right quick, bound her back and her throat. And she says... cancer here, so, we're going to ask God, at this time. I think friends, that we ought to have the right-of-way night, that where ever the Lord will take us, stop at the people, and deliver them right here at the platform.
13 Don't you think that they got that much faith? [A brother speaks.]... the microphone now, and the Lord will deliver. Then if you go through this line, if you feel like that you're not healed and want to come through another line, you're welcome to come. Now I want you to believe. I want you to believe it... [Gap in the audio.]...
14 Here's a woman born deaf and dumb. I'm going to stop at her, just bow your heads... by the Lord Jesus. How many believes that the Lord Jesus sent me here to do this tonight?... All right, bow your... Now, remember friends, this is casting out evil powers.
Almighty God, Author of Eternal Life and Giver of every good gift. Send Thy blessings upon this woman to heal her. Cast out Lord, this evil power that's bound her. Realizing this has bound her ears and her mouth. And Thou art the only One Who can deliver her Lord. And I pray that You'll grant it this very night. Thou deaf and dumb come out of the woman in the Name of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.
15 You that wheeled her up, have her to look at me... By the way, she has crossed-eyes. Almighty God, the Author of Life, and the Giver of every good gift, send Thy blessings upon this girl. It's the same spirit, believing that Thou art able to do this Lord, we... [Gap in the audio.] Father, I pray... thou demon leave her, in Jesus Christ's Name...
Now, while you have you're heads bowed, how many remember last night what I said about a deaf and dumb spirit, when it's bound down, like a--a... just like a transparent band around the hand? You remember that, say "Amen." That's what... are made of. This woman maybe never spoke to her in her life, she'd know nothing about it. Now I'd just have to... Everybody be praying. Don't be...don't be upset, think you're not going to get prayed tonight. I want to... early, and then she can go home and be healed, and be well...
16 As I lay my hands upon the shoulders... As my sister, I already know that the enemy has... I'm now claiming the sick. I'm now claiming the faith... In the Name of Jesus Christ, you can't hold this woman longer. The people believe... you come out of her in the Name of [Gap in the audio.]...
Daddy [The sister responds.] There it is, it's gone. Amen. There it comes, keep your head bowed... Daddy [The sister says, "Daddy".], Mama [Mama] That's what it is, learning to talk. Amen [Amen]... you can raise your heads. There it is, her eyes are normal. Ma--Mama [Mama]. Let's say, "Praise the Lord." There it is, you see that? God loves you, you're healed. Amen. Praise the Lord.
17 All right, everybody bow your heads now, everybody. Lord, heal our... ever who knows that woman there. Keep her back... the deaf and dumb spirit has gone from us, in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ... You're healed. God bless my sister... in Jesus Name. God grant it... medical science... [Gap in the audio.]
Heavenly Father, as I stand here tonight holding this hand. Take this minister to the needy, the sick and the afflicted. I'm thinking of that... physician, Luke, that was with thy disciple. And our brother's arm has been paralyzed Lord, and realizing that there's nothing can help him, except God be merciful. Therefore Father, I'm asking with the sincerity of my heart that this man's arm may be restored. May feeling begin to creep into that arm, then may he be able to minister again to the sick and the afflicted. I ask this blessing for the Glory of God, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
18 Everybody... All right, everybody be reverent, the patient's loosening up now... walking up and down the platform here... there's your faith. Amen... [Gap in the audio.]...
Come back to me, wave your hand up and down, all right bow your head now and...
Father, we just ask that You heal her I pray Thee in Christ's Name, and for Your glory...
In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ...
Heal our sister in Jesus Christ's Name.
In the Name of the Lord Jesus, I ask it. God...
19 Poor, little girl with a stiff neck, born that way, paralyzed in the side of her neck, her mother said. Just a moment, let's ask the Lord... that's right Doctor, just keep sitting there like that, just believe with all your heart now. I believe Doctor, as certain as I'm standing on the platform tonight, you're going back... You're going right back to work.
Almighty God, I pray Thee to be merciful Lord, to this poor girl, standing here with this stiff neck, can't turn her head, has to turn her whole body... I pray that You'll be merciful and heal her. May the power of the devil that bound this child, loose her in Jesus Christ's Name. Now turn your head back this way, now turn your head this way. There you are! Now, that's fine, believe it? Now you can raise your head. Look this way honey, look over here to me. Look over here, there you are. Now look back that way... Let's say, "Praise the Lord."
20 All right, bow your head everywhere now, be prayerful. Got to hurry, there's a lot of people to be prayed for. [Gap in the audio.]
Have the ministers to line up here to be praying for these people as they pass down the platform, if you believe, everyone... In the Name of the Lord Jesus. Everyone being prayed for now, as you go through the line.
Remember the other night when I asked that lady to go sit down. The second night she was back here to testify. How many still remembers that say, "Amen." The lady's in the building now with the baby, and about forty-eight hours after she'd been prayed for, the eyes of the baby come straight. So will you, as you pass through here. Just believe. [Gap in the audio.]... []
21 Father, be merciful to this boy, wearing a vest with buttons. I pray God, that You'll heal him. Give him perfect hearing in his... back Lord. I ask Thee to be merciful to this boy. Thou spirit of infirmity, deafness that's going to try to cause this boy to be deaf and walk before a vehicle and be killed. I adjure thee leave the boy, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Come out of him. Just be reverent now, just a little bit now. Vibrations still hitting his hand, that deaf spirit...
Almighty God, have mercy upon my brother. Thou demon, leave him in the Name [Gap in the audio.] Christ the Son of God; come out of him.
Just be reverent, the boy will be healed by and by...
22 Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on our brother. I pray that You heal his body tonight. If it by Thy will, send him out into the field Lord, to work for You. Fought as a soldier, now Lord may the Holy Spirit armor; send him against the wi... [Gap in the audio.] Heal him, in Jesus Christ's Name.
23 Keep your heads bowed, the vibrations left him... you're healed... full time since you've done that. You may raise your heads. The boy's perfectly delivered. You hear me, sir? All right, stoop yourself down like that, show the audience how you... You're delivered my brother. God bless you. Let's say, "Praise the Lord," everybody.
Everybody be in prayer. Everybody passed him now. God deliver our... [Gap in the audio.]
24 That this man coming here with trumpets in his ears, Oh merciful God, show Thy hand of power. Deliver our brother perfectly, Lord. Weak and rundown; Thou art here to make him well. Thou demon, I adjure thee to come out of the man, in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. May the curse of God be upon you, you'll go where you belong. Come out from him... The man has... every vibration... You hear me? Hear me? You're perfectly well! You may raise your head up. Watch this. Can you hear me, sir? Say, "Amen." [The man says, "Amen."] Can You hear me now? You're all right, perfectly. Isn't that wonderful? Amen. Amen. God bless you. How many...
[A brother says that Brother Branham needs to take a rest.]
[Gap in the audio.]
25 Do you believe that He sent me to do this? You'll notify your people of the great power of God. God bless you, everybody bow your heads...
Almighty God, Your commission by the Son of God was "Go into all the world and preach the Gospel." And we know that the Gospel is power and demonstration of the Holy Spirit. And here's a lady coming from a... where Paul taught so many things. And I believe Father, that You're here tonight. You're among all people just as You were with Paul, back in the days of her forefathers, just the people has come on down this age. Thou knowest how that we're planning by Your grace to go shortly. Now the woman's setting watching the line pass through right here of the sick and afflicted, blind and halt. Seeing that tonight Satan is trying his best to hold, but he's losing ground. You're winning, Lord. Now we know that you're here, then the people might know that You are near with us. I am the servant, Lord. God, I've left home, and all that's dear to me on this earth to follow You. It's such a privilege I have of doing this. [Gap in the audio.]...
26 Just now, through Jesus Christ, by a gift of healing that was ministered to me by an Angel. You come out of the woman, in the Name of the Son of God, Jesus Christ.
Every vibration stopped. Just hold your head... Fear not sister, swallow that swallow of water in the Name of Lord Jesus. There she is, drinking the glass of water. She swallow it all right? Oh, come back on you? Pour that glass of water out, get me another. Lady, if I stand here till day break, the devil's going to turn your throat loose. The rest of you hold your peace... I believe that, I believe you're going to swallow that water... mouth, it comes right back... you about it, is that right? All right, may every person's head be bowed, and every eye closed. And I pray... [Gap in the audio.]
27 Come out from the woman, in the Name of Jesus Christ, I adjure thee. You might as well go. We're staying right here until you leave. So leave her in the Name of the Son of God, Jesus Christ. And not one head move. Now... All right, He remains the Son of God. Thou demon, leave the woman. Yes, Lord.
See, when I put my hands on you it opens up. Everyone believe... I'm believing. I know that God is here to deliver... Keep my hands on, that's what works... in the power of faith. See, the laying on of hands. God grant it. That one went down and stayed down. [Gap in the audio.]...
That one went too, didn't it? So you can hear the microphone, that one went too, didn't it sir? Keep your heads bowed. Two drinks of water, keep taking it... time go along now, three years, two years.
[Gap in the audio.] Spirit, God takes His man, but never His Spirit.
Prayer Line (1953-05-00) (William M. Branham Sermons)
Prayer Line (1953-05-00) (William M. Branham Sermons) somebodyPrayer Line
You can find this sermon at
1 All right, do you believe that to be the truth? Do you believe it? Do you believe if--if--if the Angel of the Lord, Who I've been testifying about, sent me here to pray for you, that what I tell you is the truth? He told me to go pray for the people. Now, not go heal the people, go pray for the people. And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, God shall raise them up, not me: God. If you'll just believe, and I'll pray, be sincere with every one of you. Do you believe you'll get well now? Now, you don't. It don't matter, the Holy Spirit, if He doesn't tell you one thing, still you believe that it's the truth, is that right? The rest of you out there, you believe the same thing? All right, then just be reverent. All right, now, Billy if you'll help lead them up here. Now, you believe. Believe God will heal you? Now, I. You're here and you're sincere, I am too. Now I want you to be well, God knows that. And I believe you want to be well, or you wouldn't be here. Now, if I'll ask God to heal you, do you believe He'll do it? All right, I'm going to ask you, what's your trouble? [The sister says, "Arthritis in the spine."] Um-hm, and you have arthritis in the spine, um-hm, [The sister continues telling her condition.] and yes, uh-uh, yes, um- hm. Now, you believe I knowed that before you told me? I certainly did. If God's my Judge, I knowed you, when you, before you walked up there, you had it, see. But. ["Mine too."] Yes sir. But now look lady, let's let that go, see, we... That's right. But will you believe that the truth of it is, that--that if I pray for you God will heal you? ["Yes, sir."] You do? All right, come here.
2 Now, our Heavenly Father, here's something new, but I'm doing just what You told me. You said, "Get the people to believe, and then pray for the sick." And if. And You said You'd heal them, if I could get to believe and would be sincere when I prayed, that not even cancer would stand at the prayer. Lord, I'm not responsible for that, but Thou art. And I'm doing what You told me, and I pray that You'll heal this woman with her, all of her conditions, and will make her well, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen. God bless you now, sister, go believing. Now wait, just a. You believe that you're healed with the arthritis? Let's just move your feet up and down. Do you believe right now you're healed? Why sure you are. There, now you're healed, aren't you? Now, here let the lady testify. Are you healed, sister? ["Yes sir."] Now, raise your hands up like this. Now say, is that right? You see, it isn't discernment, it's the prayer of faith that saved the sick. He's. God bless you, now go rejoicing, and never have arthritis no more. Now, come, sir. It isn't. It isn't discernment, now, don't think that He's not here. He is. He's here, can do anything that He wishes to. That's exactly the truth. Just have faith. Now, this man here, now, you know, I don't, I don't have to tell you what's wrong with you. You know what's wrong with you, but I can tell you what's wrong with you. You believe that? By the gift of God, you believe that? [The brother says, "Yeah."] Sir? ["Yeah.".] All right, what's wrong with you, you have stomach trouble. Is that right? ["Yeah"] You been operated on, and they took a big portion of your stomach away, and it was caused by an ulcer. And the ulcer's come back, is that right? And you have a habit that you're doing: smoking. And you shouldn't do it because that nicotine goes right into your stomach and keeping your ulcer going all the time. Will you forsake it all? Then go, get healed, in the Name of the Lord Jesus. Amen. Let's say, "Praise the Lord," see. All right, come, lady. Now I don't have to tell you what's wrong with you. You know what's wrong with you, don't you? But do you want me to tell you what's wrong with you? Well, you have TB. Is that right? Then go on and get healed. I say. Let's see, now come, see. Now, you don't have to do that... do you believe sir? If--if I tell you, yes or no, don't make any difference, or anything about you, you believe if I pray and ask God, He'll make you well? Lord Jesus, I pray that You'll heal the man. He's got faith, he believes that, he wants to get well. Go heal him, Lord, in Jesus' Name. Go right on, sir, believe with all your heart. All right, come, you believe, sir? Without saying a word, if I ask God, God will make you well, is that right? Come here. Lord Jesus, with the sincerity of my heart, I pray that You'll heal this man. Now, he's come here sincere. He's come wanting to be made well, and I ask that You'll do it. In Jesus' Name, I lay my hands on him. [Gap in the audio.]
3 I ask with the sincerity of my heart, that this heart trouble will leave him. Grant it, Lord, through Jesus' Name I ask it. Amen. God bless you, brother. Now, go believing with all your heart. Come on, brother. 'Course I know you, and know that you're nervous, but let this be the night it's over, will you? Yes, sir. God, be merciful to my dear brother. Knowing this nervousness was born in him from his mother and father before him, knowing his poor mother being a nervous woman, and here he is suffered all of his life, but may this be the night. And we know, Lord, that nothing short of a miracle will ever heal the man. And I pray, God, that if he's staggered, and tried, and bursted in, trying his best to get faith, I pray, God, that You'll somehow move back and accept the little faith that he has, and perform a miracle, and heal him. And may he return to his home and get well, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen. Now, that was an hereditary thing. You been nervous all your life. Your mother was--before you was nervous. Now, you go and just beginning to thank God. I believe that God has healed you tonight, my brother. You won't have to do it. Yes, sir. Don't never use tobaccos no more; just go ahead and serve the Lord. All right. You believe? You believe without saying one word about the baby or anything that God will heal it? Do you believe that? Lord Jesus, I pray that You'll heal both mother and baby, and may they go away from here tonight happy, rejoicing, and be made completely whole, in Jesus Christ's Name I ask it. Amen. Now, mother, go believing that God will make you and baby both well.
4 All right. Will you come, sister? Do you believe if I'll ask God with all my heart that... You believe the prayer of faith shall save the sick? I'll admit I'm just a little nervous (You see?), because I see things happening amongst the people, and I'm keeping it to myself. See? But now, what I want to do I want to get everybody prayed for as I promised. But you believe that God will make you well? You know that I know what's wrong with you, don't you? You know that. But I don't have to tell you. I know you're life. God would reveal it to me right now if I'd ask Him. But what about it? Let's just pray God to heal you and go ahead and be made well. Is that right? You believe that? Come here then. Lord Jesus, I pray that You'll heal the woman, believing that she's sincere, and I lay hands upon her and ask so that she'll get well. Grant, Lord; may the Holy Spirit take this case in His hand tonight, knowing that she's seriously sick. And I pray that You'll heal her, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen. You believe you're healed? You believe you're healed. You believe the heart troubles left you and you won't have it no more. Is that right? All right, then go rejoicing in and be... All right. Come now. You believe, lady? All right, then bow your head. Our Lord Jesus, I pray that You'll heal this poor nervous afflicted woman. And may she leave from here tonight, go home and be made well. May the Spirit of God come upon the woman and may she never no more doubt, and may she get completely whole. I lay my hands upon her in the Name of the Son of God and knowing this, that You said the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and God shall raise them up. You said Elijah the prophet was a man like we are, and he prayed earnestly that it might not rain. It didn't rain for three years and six months. And again he prayed and the heavens give rain. I ask for her healing, Lord, upon the merits of Jesus Christ's death at the cross. Amen. All right. God bless you, sister. Now, go rejoicing and get well. All right. Bring the next patient if you will. All right. Come, lady. Our heavenly Father, I pray that You'll bless this woman, and may she go home made well tonight. May she be healed and never suffer no more, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen. Now, you believe, sister. Do you accept your healing? Do you believe that it's the honest truth, if I--if God will confirm His Word and say It's the truth, when--then, you have no right to doubt it. That's right. Now, go believing and get well. God bless you.
5 All right. Come. Now, every one just as reverent as you can be. You believe, lady? Won't have to tell you what's wrong with you, will I? Yes, uh-huh. What your troubled with is your arthritis that's a bothering you, and you have female trouble, and catch under your side which is spleen trouble in here, and cause... Just have everything wrong with you. But do you believe that God will make you well is the subject? All right. Come here. Lord Jesus, with all my heart I ask You to heal to woman. May she go away from here tonight knowing the poor thing can never be healed without You heal her. And I'm just laying my hands upon her as a mother and as... And I ask, Lord, that You'll heal her, in Jesus Christ's Name. You know the sincerity of my heart as I pray. Amen. God bless you now, sister. Go, rejoicing, be happy. Now, do you believe, lady? With all your heart? Have you read that little book yet? Yes, you did. Did you like it? You enjoyed it. Well, I'm glad you did. Now, you know that I know what's wrong with you. But if I'll ask God, will you get well? You believe you will. You accept your healing? Now, heavenly Father, as seeing the mark behind this woman's life here, I pray that You'll heal her. May she go away from here tonight and get over this horrible stain that's bothering her. May it leave her tonight and never come to her again. I pray that it'll go away, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen. You was conscious of what was wrong with you. Cancer, so you... But, now if you believe you're healed, go ahead, God will be with you. All right. The little boy? Sweet little fellow. Now, little boy, I want to ask you something. You believe the Lord Jesus here to make you well? You the mother of the child? All right. Did... Now look, sister, you know if there's anything I could do to help that little fellow, I'd do it. I got one standing there. I got two at home. See? But there's nothing I can do, mother, only point you to Someone Who's already did it, if you can draw from it with your faith. Let me talk to the little laddie. He's been very sick, so you--you... Yes, that's right. Look here, sonny boy. Jesus make you will, won't He, honey? Do you believe that? You believe Brother Branham will just ask Jesus all my heart that your heart trouble will leave you, and you'll get well? You believe that? All right. You come here now and lean right up against me like this. O God, be merciful Father. Poor little fellow in this condition right here, I pray as Your servant that You'll heal him. May he go home and get well. Father, I bless him, in the Name of Jesus Christ, that he'll get over this. Amen. That's the way, sister. "I believe it, Lord." That's right. And God bless you, honey. Now, you go home and you go... take him... [Gap in the audio.]
6 ... healing of this woman as I lay hands upon her. And will all my heart I'm trying, Lord, to pray the prayer of faith. May not be long, but You're not in so many words, just--just the sincerity of our heart. I ask for You to heal her, in Jesus' Name. Amen. God bless you, sister. I believe that your blessed... will go and be well. Don't you believe that? All right. Well you come, sister. Do you believe with all your heart? You believe that He'll make you well? Now, I'm just joining my faith with yours for a little short prayer to God: won't have to be long, just so I ask Him and you ask Him too, and we stand in His Presence to believe. Is that right? All right, come here. Now, heavenly Father, I lay my hands upon the hand of this woman, Your servant, my sister, and I ask for her healing. And now, may she go from this building tonight and be made well. In the Name of Thy Son Jesus Christ I ask this blessing. Amen. Now, go believing with all your heart, thanking Him. Now, as you go, go thanking God. Go, say, "Thank You, Lord, for my healing." Be thankful for it. All right. You believe, sir? Our heavenly Father, I ask You to heal him. May he go from here tonight, well, sound, may not have to use this thing no more. May it go away from him and may he be made completely whole, in Jesus' Name. Amen. God bless you. Now, you're going to be well if you believe it. Do you believe it? All right, sir. Then go and believe now. Come, lady. Do you believe, sister, with all your heart? Lord Jesus, I pray that You'll heal her. I ask, in Christ's Name, for the power of God to come upon the women, and may she go away from here well. Amen. God bless you, sister. Go, believing with all your heart. Now, 'course you see it's on the little lad. Do you believe? You just accepted Christ as your personal Saviour, didn't you? See, the glory's still on you. Now, Lord Jesus, I pray that You'll bless them. May she go from here tonight, her and the little lad, and may they both be well, as I ask sincerely, along with hundreds of others who are in prayer right now for them, in Jesus' Name. Amen. God bless you. Now, go believing, it'll get all right.
7 All right. Come, little lady. You believe with all your heart? My, you're young to have that kind of a condition. How long you had this kidney trouble?... And how--how old are you? All right, do you believe He'll make you well? All right, come. Lord Jesus, I pray that You'll heal the girl. May she go from here tonight, be made completely whole. I pray this blessing, in the Name of Jesus Christ the Son of God. Amen. Now, go rejoicing. Go, believing, sister, and the infliction will leave you. All right, do you believe, lady? Our heavenly Father, I bless our sister here tonight, in Jesus Christ's Name, that she'll go from here being made whole. In Christ's Name I ask it. Amen. Now, you accept your healing, sister? Go thanking Him. Now, there's nothing like... You don't see miracles or something, just not hit that line yet. God could do it right anywhere you want to. But if you'll believe right out there, He'll do it. Don't you believe that? But the people are being healed. Just--just have faith in God. All right come, lady. Do you believe with all your heart? O Lord, I pray that You'll heal the woman. May she go from here tonight and be made well, as I lay my hands upon her as a believer, asking that You'll confirm her faith to her and make her well, in Jesus' Name. Amen. Now, go thanking God. God bless you. Now, sister, do you believe with all your heart? Lord, I pray for this poor little thin woman, and knowing her condition. I know, Lord, that You're the only One that can help her now. And I'll pray that You'll grant it. May Your servant's prayer come before You, in Jesus' Name. Amen. God bless you, sister. Go, believing now, and rejoicing, and God will hear. All right come. Now, this woman here being a little deaf, I want you to keep your heads bowed every where... All right. Lord Jesus, I pray... May Your Spirit come to the woman, and make her whole, Lord. May the evil leave her; may it be cast away, in Jesus Christ's Name. You believe, sister? You hear me all right? Which ear was you hard of hearing? Can you hear me now? Can you hear me now? Can you hear me now? That's good. God bless you now. Go, believing with all your heart. You can hear. That's right. All right, sir. The Lord bless you. Thank you folks for bowing your head.
8 All right. A little baby? Yes, sir. You believe that God will heal it? Lord Jesus, I pray that You'll heal this baby. May it go from here tonight and be well. I bless it, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen. God bless you, sister. Come, lady. You believe with all your heart? Believe God will make you well? I know there is. Nervous as you could be, stomach trouble and everything, all upset. Lord Jesus, I pray that You'll heal her. May she go and get well; in Jesus Christ's Name, I ask it. Amen. God bless you. Now, the thing I want you to do, lady. Go out of here acting like it now. See? You--you--you got faith, have you? All right then, make--make your faith... Faith without works is dead just the same as the body without the spirit in it is dead. All right. Then go and act the same way, and God will bless you. All right. You... The little boy? All right. You believe God will heal you and make him well? Lord Jesus, I bless this little laddie. Come a long way, down over the prairies and everything, get here, but Thou art here to make him well. I pray, God, that You'll do it. And may he return back, showing us how that God has healed him. Bless this mother, Lord, who's been faithful. I pray that You'll grant these blessings, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen. You've longed for this a long time, lady. You come a long way to receive it, haven't you? Now, go believing; you'll have it. God bless you. You believe, lady? God, I pray that You'll heal her and make her well tonight. May she leave from here happy and rejoicing, in Jesus' Name. Amen. Bless you, sister. Go, believing now. God will bless you. All right. Come, lady. You believe with all your heart? Now, heavenly Father, I pray that You'll heal our sister. I'm here to ask Your blessings upon her. Pray that You'll grant it, in the Name of Your Son Jesus Christ. Amen. Now, go believing with all your heart; God will make it well. All right, you believe now for the little baby and yourself too? All right. Lord Jesus, I pray that You'll bless both mother and child. May they go from here tonight and may Your blessings rest upon both of them and may they be well. In Jesus' Name I pray. Amen. Now, you going to believe? All right. Go rejoicing and being happy.
9 All right. Come, lady. All right. You believe with all your heart? Was you on the platform just now? Both of you? Oh, it's... What was your trouble, lady? What say? Varicose... That wasn't it. Hmm... Some... Are you connected with that woman setting there? Isn't that your mother-in-law or something like that? Isn't that right? She has cancer, don't she? That's what was touched just then. It's you, lady. It's you. All right. Stand up. That's... God bless you. I--I--I thought it was can... You... Being that you ask, you--you want to believe to? A growth, do you believe it--it'll leave you? Believe God will heal you and make you well of chest trouble and make you--you go home and get well? You believe it? In your chest, and you believe God will make you well? All right, sir, then you go home be well too. God bless you. Heavenly father, I pray that You'll heal this woman and may she go home and get well. I pray, in Jesus Christ's Name, that You'll grant it. Amen. God bless you now. Go, believing with all your heart. You believe, lady? Lord Jesus, I pray that You'll heal the woman and may she go home and get well, in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. God bless you now. Go, believing with all your heart. You believe, lady? Lord Jesus, I pray that You'll bless this woman and may she go home and get well as I bless her, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen. God bless you now. Go, believing, having faith, and God will grant it to you. You believe that? All right, sir. Come, lady. You believe with all your heart now? Lord Jesus, I pray that You'll bless this woman. May she go home and get well, as I ask this blessing as Your humble servant, in Jesus' Name. Amen. Now, you can go and believe with all your heart and get well.
10 Do you believe, sir? Believe that God will make you well? Lord Jesus, I pray for my brother, that You'll send him home from here tonight, may he go and recover from this and be completely healed, in Jesus' Name. Amen. God bless you, sir. All right. You believe with all your heart now, do you, sir? Uh-huh. All right. I just wanted to check that I... Something hitting over there, I didn't know what it was. I see your kidney trouble though and things it's gone and you don't have... All right. Have faith. Brother, you want to believe too? You want to stop a habit that you're doing? You want to quit smoking cigarettes? All right then. Go on. Your sins are forgiven. Go on in the Name of the Lord Jesus. Come. Do you believe, sir? Lord God, I pray that You'll heal the man and make him well. May he go home from here and get healed, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen. Confess your sins 'fore you come in the line, friend. See? All right. Have faith in God. You believe? Oh, how God could just... Who's got prayer card X? How many X's are there? Let's see your hand. Is that about out there, are you son? Oh, last one? Let the prayer card X's come down here next, and bring your... Ever who's got prayer card X come next right in here. All right. Believe with all your heart. Come, sir. You believe me to be His prophet? You and I are strangers, aren't we? You're just a man. We met here together, and this is our first time knowing each other in life. That's right. You--you believe that God will--could tell me what was wrong with you? You're mighty young man, but you got arthritis. Isn't that right? All right. If I tell you Jesus had healed you, would you believe it? Then He has. Go and God bless you and make you well. That's right. All right, sir. Feel different about that now, don't you? That's right. You're healed, brother. Go on rejoicing.
11 Do you believe, sir, with all your heart? Lord Jesus, I pray that You'll heal the man. May he go away from here tonight and be made completely whole, through Jesus Christ's Name. Amen. God bless you. Go and rejoice now, be made happy. You believe? Almighty God, Author of life, Giver of every good gift, this deaf spirit has deafened this woman's ear so she can't hear the Gospel. Come out of her, Satan, in Jesus Christ's Name. Can you hear me? How long you been that way? Can you hear me? [Gap in the audio] Three years with... In this ear over here. Can you hear me? Say, "Amen." "I love the Lord." [The lady repeats after Brother Branham.] Go; God bless you, lady. Come... That right? Does that satisfy you? You said tell me what's wrong with me. I told you. Is that right? Now, do you believe you're healed? Accept it and go on then, in the Name of... Let's say, "Praise the Lord." [Audience says, "Praise the Lord"] God is here. God is full of mercy. God knows every one of you. That's right. And He can heal every one of you right now, if you believe it. Do you believe? Believe with all your heart. Have faith in God. God will grant it. Now, this seems to be better to me than the other. Amen. It really does. I--I see what's going on. God knows that's the truth. People pass by here, but it ain't necessary. Come, sir. Here's a man coming here that's hard of hearing, a deaf one, and what... Bow your head. Satan, you who bound this man, thou devil, come out of him. He can't hear the Gospel. He can't hear the Word. He's deprived of this. You've done this so you could cause him to walk before a vehicle and be killed. But I come as God's servant, challenging you by a Divine gift, which is ministered to me by an Angel. You're exposed. Come out of him, in Jesus Christ's Name. You hear me? You hear me now? You hear me all right? Say, "Amen." "I love the Lord." Perfectly normal and well. How long you been that way there? Both ears?... This one here? You hear me now? Normally? I'm going whisper to him and watch him through here now hear now. I'm going to say, "I love the Lord." "Praise God" You're healed, sir. You also was a little nervous too... That true? I seen you when when you was going... Is that the truth? You're healed of that also...
12 Let's say thanks be to God, everybody. You believe, lady? Lord Jesus, I pray that You'll heal the little lady. May she go from here and be made completely well. In Jesus Christ's Name I ask it. Amen. Now, go believing with all your heart. All right. You believe, lady? Lord Jesus, I pray that You'll heal her. And as she passes over this platform tonight, may she go and be made well, in Jesus Christ's Name I ask it. Amen. God bless you, sister. Go believing now. Have faith. You believe, young lady, as you coming? Father, I pray that You'll heal her. As Your servant stands here, I've laid my hands on here to bless this poor mortal; in Jesus' Name may she get well. Amen. Go believing now, sister, with all your heart. All right. You come, lady. You believe with all your heart? Lord Jesus, I pray that You'll bless this woman, and may she go from here tonight and be made completely whole, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen. Now you... You've tried for a long time. It's happened to you now, so go on and believe. God bless you. Go, get... All right. Amen. Come now. All right, sister. 'Course you--you realize it's your trouble; it's your eyes; you're going blind. And you believe that God's going to make you well? Lord Jesus, I pray that You'll heal the girl. May her sight not leave. Thou blind spirit, leave the girl. I pray, in Jesus Christ's Name, Who I represent that this child's sight will be spared. Amen. God bless you, little lady. Go, believing now. You'll never go blind if you believe.
13 All right. Will you come, sister. You believe with all your heart? My, you're having awful trouble, aren't you? Fighting every day. You got the hardest thing to get over there is. It's nervousness. Yes, sir, you got a mental distress: nervousness. You're always dropping things too, aren't you? I seen you almost drop some dishes the other day, stand there when you stand up at that sink. But now God is here to make you well. Do you believe that? Lord Jesus, I pray that You'll make this evil spirit leave her. May it go from her tonight, I ask in Jesus' Name. Now look, sister. Now, let me tell you something. You--you can't get a hold of yourself. Satan tells you you're going to lose your mind and everything. You will if you continue on. But looky here, see it. Look. Look, you got to get a hold of yourself before you can do anything. The blessing up on there, you wouldn't get out of this building till Satan would tell you, "Wasn't nothing to it." And then when he do it you're lost back again. See? You've got to get your up here. See? You got to believe your well then go. You believe that you're healed? Then go act like it. See? Just go thanking God. Don't even say nothing about nervousness no more. Go on. Don't accept nothing the devil gives you. Just go on. Thank God. You've been all scrupled up in your life too; I see that: all kinds of mix ups. Now, you go on believing God. You're a little near sighted too, aren't you? You... When you read anything you hold it close to you. I seen you when you was just a child in school. Now, you go on and believe God and you're going to get well. Now, go shouting and rejoicing and thanking God. Do you believe now, sir? Lord Jesus, I pray that You'll heal the man. And may he go from here tonight be made completely whole, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen. God bless you now. Amen.
14 All right. You believe for the little girl, do you? Lord Jesus, I pray that You'll heal this child. The... Satan has did this evil to her, but Thou art here to remove this affliction, this curse that Satan has put on the child. May it leave her, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen. God bless you, sweetheart. Believe you're going to get well, and you too, mother. All right. Come now, lady. Oh, Sister Wood, God bless you. Our heavenly Father, as this dear sister hailing from down in my own country. I pray now, that while the Angel of God is near, that You'll bless this woman, and may she go home, and this all leave her and never come to her again. I pray, God, that You'll grant it, in the Name of Your holy Child Jesus Christ. Amen. God bless you, Sister Wood. I believe, Sister Wood, with all my heart there's tumor's going to... [Gap in the audio.]... same here. Go; I believe you're going to be normal and well. God bless you. I just said to the woman, 'cause I know her. She... Her husband is a bosom friend of mine. Oh, he's standing around here somewhere. He's just always has--standing right down here. All right. You believe, sister? You believe? You, with all your heart? I won't have to tell you what's wrong with you. Just go ahead and pray for you and you'd get all right. You believe that? You believe that. All right. Come here and you won't have arth... Oh, go ahead. Your arthritis left you anyhow, so... healing now. All right. Believe now with all your heart. Do you believe, sister? Lord Jesus, I pray that You'll touch the woman, as I lay hands upon her as Your servant. I... That's all I know how to do, Lord, is bring them to You. You said the prayer of faith shall save the sick and God shall raise them up. I believe that Your Words are true. I ask You to heal her, through Jesus Christ's Name. Amen. Now, you believe you are going to get well? Go. Now you... Now, if you believe it, then you have to act like it. See? Go and believe it. All right, sir. God bless you.
15 Come, sister. You believe with all your heart? Lord Jesus, I pray that You'll heal the woman, and may she go like the other woman and be made well, through Jesus' Name. Amen. That's it. Now, go believing, sister, with all your heart and God make you well. All right. Come, lady. For the little one? All right. Lord Jesus, I pray that You'll heal the child and the mother. May they both get well, Lord, as I lay hands upon them, asking that Your Spirit will come upon and heal them both, in Jesus' Name. Amen. Do you believe now, sister? Go thanking God for both you and the child, and God will make you well. Do you believe, sister? Our heavenly Father, I ask in this healing service tonight, standing here exercising, trying my best to--to believe for every person with all my heart, that You'll heal this poor woman. May she go through here tonight, this act of faith make her well. I pray in Christ's Name. Amen. Now, go being thankful, thanking God. All right, brother, with the little boy. 'Course You know I know what it is, brother Funk. The little boy's has got... polio. All right. Lord Jesus, I lay hands upon my little innocent brother here, and ask that You'll heal him, and these braces may be removed from his legs, and he'll be a normal well child. Almighty God, respect the faith of this father and this family, who are fighting desperately, Lord, to heal--this baby to be healed. I pray this blessing with all my heart, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen. God bless you, brother. God bless you, brother. God bless you...
16 All right. Do you believe, young man? Lord, I pray that You'll heal him and may he go from here tonight and be made completely whole, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen. God bless you, my brother. Go believing now with all your heart. All right. Come, brother. You believe that God will heal you and make you well? Lord Jesus, I pray that You'll heal him and make him well. And may he have faith now to be made completely whole. I pray in Jesus' Name. Amen. Now, do you believe with all your heart? You've had many things wrong with you besides your arthritis... Now, when you get down at the end of the row, take that old cane, hang it on your shoulder and go walking on now. Just go on now. All right. Now, you can... All right, come, sir. All right. Just a newborn baby, just accepted Christ awhile ago and for you as a personal Saviour. Is that right?... tonight. All right. How would I know you was, but I know that God has made you whole? Lord Jesus, I pray that in a act tonight that You'll... now as You've healed him spiritually that You'll heal him physically also. I pray in Jesus' Name. Amen. Go, believing now, brother, and get well, in Jesus' Name. Come, bud. Now, where's the other prayer card: X, Y, Z? All right. All right. Our heavenly Father, I pray that You'll heal the man; may he go from here tonight and be made whole, in Jesus' Name. Amen. What's say? [Brother Branham speaks to someone.] All right. Come, lady. Lord Jesus, I pray that You'll heal the woman, and make her go from here tonight completely whole; in Jesus Christ's Name I ask it. Amen. All right. Let's wait just a moment now and believe with all your heart. Do you? [Gap in the audio]
17 ... people setting here that's well. You was bothered with nervous trouble setting out there, wasn't you, sir, just as she passed by that man setting out there at the end of the row? Wasn't you, sir, setting right back there? You had a nervous condition, setting right there at the end of the row? If you... When--if you accept it now, you can go home and be well. God bless you. That's the way to do it, brother. And you can go, and be made well. God bless you. I seen the Light as it swayed over you there. Oh, how wonderful our Lord Jesus is. How marvelous. Now, He's over the whole building. He's sure to make you every one well. Now look, friends. Have you got any right to doubt me? Not a bit. Because I come here the first of this service and I told you of what God had said. Now, you, as a man, you had a right to disbelieve me. But when God turns around and speaks that I've told the truth, then you shouldn't disbelieve me anymore. Because if you disbelieve me now, you disbelieve Him. Is that right? Now, you believe I'm trying with all my heart to help you, trying to do everything I know how to do to help you? I am, Christian friend. I'm your brother, and I love you with the dearest of Christian love. I do that with all my heart. And I--I... God forbid that I'd ever be a deceiver. Oh, I--I'd rather go on home right now to glory then--and take my reward there, than to try to be here, to try to be a deceiver, or do something that was wrong. Oh, no, friend. I--I'm your brother. And I'm telling you the truth, as my heart before God. If I--if I found grace in your sight, you believe me tonight as God's prophet. As far as the Divine gift, that's the truth. Here lays the Bible. It's over my heart. With all my heart that's the truth. See? That's the truth. It's a Divine gift that was given to me, unmerited. I had nothing to do with it. It come by God's sovereign grace when I was born. I had it all my life. Gifts and callings are without repentance. Now, I use the gift, just like a talent God give me, like the preacher preaching, the singer singing. I do this for what? For the glory of God to try to let the people know I'm telling the truth. That's right. And the Bible confirms just exactly what I'm saying, just the same as your pastor preaching out of this Bible and God confirms it with His Word. Is that right? Now, here's the same thing. Now, remember. Remember me now and believe this. Every person in here was healed when Jesus Christ died at Calvary. His stripes healed you nineteen hundred years ago. And the only thing that I, or any other minister could do, would be point you to that. Now, I'm not much of a preacher, as it comes to the preacher, because my education is limited. See? But I--I love the Lord. But now, He's give me another thing to bring the Gospel to the people. That's in this manner, as a prophet, as a seer that sees things before it comes to pass and what's going to be afterwards. And you know that's the truth. I wished I had some way to come down there and heal everybody in there tonight. I'd do it. But I can't; it's already done. Now, do you believe that, that it's done? If you believe that it's done, you can every one just go right out of here and be normal and well from this night on. Can you accept that? Can you believe it? Now, if I've told the truth, these other things, and God's proved it to be the truth, don't you believe I'm telling you the truth now? Now, here's what God wants me to tell you: That He's healed every one of you. No matter what condition you're in, believe it anyhow. Don't go by your feelings, by your looks, or by... Just believe it and go testifying and praising God for it, and see if you don't start getting well, and will be well. That's right. Do you believe it?
18 Now, I tell you what I want you to do. I want every one of you to bow your head, if you will, reverently. Now, you know it's going to be hard for Satan to stand in a midst of faith like this. He'd have a battle to do it, where people here are being healed. I see a man setting down here now, looking, watching me, that was on the pulpit awhile ago, just as deaf as he could be and his wife holding him by the arms. I guess she's weeping and thanking God for his healing. See, the spirit of deafness has left him. Now, if Satan will have to listen to the faith of God's people, don't you believe that he'll listen right now to me, and will have to obey, as we together cast him away from here, and tell him to go from the people? Now, I want you to--to believe with all your heart, and you pray in your way, while I'm praying. And now, I'm going to pray for you. And then I want you all to pray together after I ask this blessing. Heavenly father, now Satan is our adversary, and we know, and we're not deceived about his shrewdness and about his devices. We know that he's an evil man. And we know that he's shrewd, and he has lying wonders laying everywhere. And I--I know that he can work on that body of feelings and make people rely to those old senses, and of feelings, and so forth. But, Lord, he cannot stand, You... I know that; the church knows it, that where real, true unadulterated faith is existing. And I pray, God, that in the heart of every man and woman, boy and girl here tonight, if we've been long here in the service, we've seen You in the Word; we seen You in the power; we seen You in the healing; we seen You in discernment. What more... Well, Lord, we'd be--we'd be altogether unbelievers if we left here without having a full assurance of You tonight. And now, Father, may Your Spirit, may the Angel of God, as leaving this platform, go out over this audience, spread forth, as it was, his great wings across this audience; and may the power of God, dropping down through those great celestial places above, may it strike every heart in here; and may God heal every one. May the power of God come upon them to give them the victory through faith. I now, as Jesus Christ's servant, rebuke every devil power that's binding the people in here, that it comes out of the people and leave them alone, in Jesus Christ's Name. Now, let the people raise up and give a big shout or say, "Thank You, God. I accept my healing." And God will make you well. Come on, brother...
Prayer Line (1953-06-00) (William M. Branham Sermons)
Prayer Line (1953-06-00) (William M. Branham Sermons) somebodyPrayer Line
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1 ... out a prayer card. That's right. Do you believe? All right, just let that group walk right down here first to the platform--just them without a prayer card. Now, I'm going to get the prayer cards just in a minute. We'll comb right through the building; we want to get everyone prayed for that we can.
Now, now, how many in here's going be in prayer right now? Now, I'm going to call on these other lines all around here so we can get ev... [Gap in the audio]
All right. Now let--now let's--Now, let you come ... Stop... Well, let that be just enough, 'cause you'll have to stand too long in the line. Now, everyone... How many here will pledge that you'll-you'll pray for these people while I'm praying for them?
Now, how many in here believes that God gave this gift which is a gift of discernment or prophetic gift it's... Don't only do this, friends. Mercy, it's... You've read the books, haven't you? It's just no end to the tens of thousands of things that the Lord has done through this. But now, wait. He told me to pray for the sick. That's my duty to pray for the sick.
Now, now, let's see... Now, just a moment. And now, don't let any more stand, if you will, till I get these prayed for, then I'll make another call. See? We want to get every one prayed for that we possibly can. All right, Sonny, are you just about getting ready there? Get--you can't get too many in this line 'cause if we do, why, we get in trouble. You see? Now, how...
You people standing here, now, I don't know you; never seen you; you haven't got a prayer card, nothing about, but you believe if I'll ask God, with your faith believing, you'll get well? Do you believe it? You believe it all along? Do you believe that? Now, don't come 'less you do (See?), ' cause it'll harm you instead of doing you good; for the Bible said, "Go ye and what no more... sin no more?" How many believes the Bible says that? Well, what is sin? Unbelief.
How many knows that unbelief is sin; that's the only sin there is, is unbelief. "He that believeth not is condemned already." Is that right? You don't even--you're condemned. See? Lying, stealing, and drinking, and so-so forth, that isn't sin, that's the attributes of sin. You do that because you believe not. If you believe, you don't do those things. See? That's the attributes. So now if you're coming, come believing, or a worse thing will come upon you. Don't just come like you're coming to go through, touch a totem pole or something.
Now, to the rest of you standing in the line, everyone now, let's bow our heads right quick.
Prayer Line (1953-11-00) (William M. Branham Sermons)
Prayer Line (1953-11-00) (William M. Branham Sermons) somebodyPrayer Line
You can find this sermon at
1 I believe I've seen you somewhere. Look like I've seen you, where you from? Louisville; I thought I'd seen your face somewhere. I wasn't sure, but only God knows what's wrong with you, as far as that is concerned. He knows, I don't; but God knows.
Do you believe that He could make manifest His Being and His Deity, here tonight? If He would, would you accept Jesus, the Healer? Then if the Word declares that where two or three are gathered; that's the smallest of church, just three people, or even two; He'd be gathered with them. And if He's gathered with them, in His resurrection, then He's gathered here tonight. He's resurrected from the dead. Then as He was then, so is He now. And if I talk to you, like He talked to the woman at the well, then He would know just as... I... He'd let me know just where your trouble was, and in doing so would you accept Him as your Healer? You would.
I believe you love Him. Your trouble's in your throat. You have a... you have a--a growth of some sort, right on the inside the throat on the adam's apple. Come here, just a moment.
Lord, who made the Heavens and the earth, and all things that in them is, we pray for our sister tonight, suffering here with these diseases of her body, and afflictions. Thou can make her well, Father. And I pray that in the Name of Thy holy Child, Jesus, that at this very hour, that You'll heal her. May she return to Louisville, happy, rejoicing, and never be bothered no more; for cursed be the Devil. And we come with this assurance and this authority that Jesus Christ the Son of God; Whom I've claim have seen twice; I pray that through His Sovereign suffering, and by His stripes, that she was healed. And as her brother, I now take the initiative and say to Satan, that he can't bind her any longer. She's come believing, and I rebuke Satan, in Jesus Christ's Name to come out of our sister. Amen.
All right, now, as you go to your home, sister, go believing with all your heart; all that will leave you. Your infection, colitis, growth on your... female trouble, it's all gone from you. You can go rejoicing and thank God.
2 All right, come, will you lady? Now, I suppose we are strangers, I don't think I've ever seen you. But God has knowed you since you were a baby, before you was a baby. You could've never come on the earth, if it hadn't a been for God. Isn't that true? So I don't know you, but He knows you. He knows me. He knows all about both of us.
Now, it--it's very hard, Christians, I want you to be in prayer. See it's spirit all around, see, and usually... It was easier down at the other place, because I had the patient to myself. But everywhere a human being is there's spirit, see. And spirit, no matter whether it's faith, or whether it isn't, you still, down in the human heart... If you only knowed the sensitive that the Holy Spirit is, and it does make it very hard.
Now, it won't, per--perhaps God will be merciful to you lady. But if God will help me to see what is wrong with you; if it's sin, He will tell it. If it's something you haven't done, He will tell it. If you're standing here as deceiver, you'll know about it in a few minutes, and probably the--they'd pack you off the platform. But if you're standing here as a Christian and as a believer, which I believe you are a Christian, you'll... you'll be healed, if you'll only believe what I have read from the Bible, and what God will manifest the truth.
3 Now, if Jesus was standing here, wearing this suit that He gave me; like the woman at the well, and talking like we are; He'd know your trouble, wouldn't He? Just like He knowed her trouble. Now, as soon as she found... He told what her trouble was, she recognized Him as a prophet, and saying that she knowed that Messiah was coming. And He said He was Messiah.
Yours is a tumor, you have a tumor. And it's seriously, and it's a--a choking sort of a--a spirit. And that tumor is--is in your throat, the doctors looked, said it's in the gland, in the throat, on the throat gland. Is--is that the truth? Now, what--what was it? What is it? [The sister says, "It's on my gland."] It's a gland, oh gland, well whatever it was, see... Now, what you heard me say, you heard my voice, but that wasn't me. The best I remember, a second or two ago, I was in either a doctor's office or a hospital, and you were being examined. And didn't the doctor have his hands up in this way, or something or other, on the throat, is that right? Is that the truth? Well the... You believe that Christ is here, the Son of God, Who I'm trying to represent to you? Do you believe He will help you be well? Come near.
Almighty God, Oh to this poor, little, old mother, Thou art near to help her. And I pray for Divine mercy, Lord, and You know how I'd like to see her be made well, Lord. That would just make my heart so happy. But, it's beyond my strength and power, and I pray for mercy. And now, Lord, forgive us of our trespasses, and pray that nothing will stand in our way now. And now, Lord, help me to challenge this enemy that's trying to take her life.
Now, Satan, I ask in Jesus Christ's Name, as I place before me, knowing that I come in this challenge of faith. You're exposed here tonight, at the platform. You think you can hide, but you can't. God knows you, and I'm a--acting with all these others as His servant. And we're claiming tonight, that Jesus Christ; the One that conquered you and all your powers, and stripped you of everything you had, all fear, all your powers; is our Lord. Who's commissioned us to go into all the world and to lay hands on the sick and they would recover, and to cast out devils; and thou art a devil, a choking spirit. Now I command you in the Name of Jesus the Son of God; with the authority of God's Word, by the anointing of the Holy Spirit, a gift ministered by an Angel; come out of the woman. Let her go, in the Name of Jesus, the Son of God, may you leave her.
God bless you, sister. Go, rejoicing now, and be happy. Let us hear what happens to you. God bless you.
4 All right, come.
You're very lovely, be reverent. Now, just a moment, friends, please, just--just be reverent with me, and bear with me, if you will, as my Christian friend. It's, it's hard to get bearing, you see, it's another world, you see, I... Sometimes I wonder if I'm standing in another place, looking at another vision. This is two weeks for me; and just a little bit, weakens me very much. You shouldn't have to need anything else, you ought to believe God right now, see.
5 But, lady, I suppose, we are strangers, you--you and I. You know me? I don't... Where you from, here in the city? [The sister replies, "Toledo."] Ma'am? Toledo, oh, you've seen me before. [The sister speaks to Brother Branham] Oh, you've been healed before; in our meeting? All right, that's fine. Of dropsy, you say you had; in Battle Creek, Michigan.
Well, that's when the Holy Spirit called me out of that big meeting, and sent me to another place. You remember that? Where the place was packed and jammed, yet the Holy Spirit stopped me right in the middle of that meeting and sent me over to another place. You heard what happened over there. He's just God. He just knows all things, does all things well.
Now I want you to look onto me. Was you in the prayer line, or was you out in the audience? Oh, It called you out in the audience, and you were healed of dropsy.
Here's a testimony while I'm resting, yet. The lady was sitting in the audience, I believe at Battle Creek, you said, and was called out in the audience, made well of drop--dropsy. [The sister speaks to Brother Branham] She had a test recently in the hospital, and the doctor says, "It's clear, there's nothing of it no more." Sitting out in the audience; sitting out there just praying, just like you are now, see.
6 Friend, surely you can believe. Now, for our sister, now, let's reverently and see, now, there's perhaps something else wrong with her. God knows, I can... don... He knows; I don't. But He can tell, and maybe that'll help her, 'cause it was probably told her what was wrong with her, and what she'd done, or what to do, or something another; and that's why she's come tonight.
Now, perhaps if she hadn't have told me that, He would have told me that, but it's... She's told me that, now I don't know what He will say. But I just want you to look and believe that you're in His presence, I'm His servant; you're my sister. And only thing I know of you, is just what you've told me now; and thousands of people, I would never know one another, like that.
But, you--you're extremely nervous, and there's been something that's happened to you. Yeah, you've just come from a hospital, I see and they'd examined you, there's something about your fingers or body; you're becoming real stiff. You can't shut your hands and your body being stiff, is that right? They told you, I heard a tall, thin man, wearing a doctor's coat, said, "There's no cure for that." Isn't that true? That's far as he knows, there's no cure. But there's a cure right now: that's Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Close up your hands.
In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, be made well. May God of Heaven rebuke this devil and make her well. And she can go back and start an old fashion revival in the city, and be made well in Jesus' Name.
Now close your hands up, like this. That's it. Now raise your feet, up and down, like this. He--He's touched your body... ?... see, there you are. Now, you can go off the platform, rejoicing. Let's say, "Thanks be to God."
Very incurable nerve condition; that paralyzes the nerves, body, and everything, and she stands like this. And her hands was just drawed like that when she was standing here. There she is going down. She can move her hands up and down, picking her feet up. The Lord is good, isn't He? Now, she'll get all right, like she did the dropsy, and the doctor will tell her, that it's all right. Just, she'll be all right. Isn't He wonderful?
7 All right, is this the lady here? Howdy do, lady? I suppose you and I are strangers, we've never met, as... If we have, I don't you. But if I could help you, I--I'd do it. I can only tell you what Jesus said.
This is the Word of God, first, and then, that's to the world, to the nation, to every individual. You believe that? But now, if I am His servant, then His Word would come through His servants, seers, prophets or whatever you want to call them. That would be secondarily to the individual, it that right? Now, see this is His Word for the world, but then He has set in the church: apostles, prophets, gifts of healing, speaking with tongues, interpretation of tongues, and--and all different kinds of gifts. Is that right? You believe that? And God has set them then, this is God's Word first. Then my word, if I be His servant, must compare with that Word. If it isn't, it's not true. So This is the truth, always. Do you believe me to be His prophet? Now--now, I mean that -- His servant, a prophet means a preacher, see. You believe me to be His servant, with a seer?
Now, you're leaving me now, it's your... it's the baby. The baby is seriously ill, I see it at doctor's and the doctor, they... it's its stomach. And the doctors don't know what's the matter with that baby. Wa--was that the truth what It said? Just a minute, there was something, it seemed... Now, audience... Now look at me again, just a moment, and believe me as God's prophet, again.
Aren't you some connection with Brother Rodgers? I see him standing near you. You're... Lady, here's...
You also need Jesus Christ as Saviour; you're not a Christian yet. That's the truth. It's the same Holy Spirit that was on Jesus Christ, you're in His presence now. Will you accept Him now, as your Saviour? Forsake all sin, live for Him, the rest of your life. You believe if I shall ask Him, and lay hands on your baby, it'll get well? Come here.
Our Heavenly Father, Who raised up Jesus the Son of God from the dead, this darling little baby, Satan has took a hold of it, to take its life; but Thou art more than a match for him. Now, Lord, this little mother gives her life to You, and she's got her arms around the very fruit of her womb. And I pray Thee, God, that You'll let the baby be spared, that the mother now, will raise it in a Christian home, in the admiration of God. And upon the basis of her confession and accepting Christ, as Saviour; upon the authority of Jesus' stripes at Calvary, Who taken victory over Satan, and as His commission to His disciples to go into all the world, and a gift ministered by an Angel eight years ago; I now rebuke the Devil that's bound this baby. In Name of Jesus Christ, come out of the child.
Now mother, don't fear about the baby. Go on your road, rejoice, be happy... all my heart your baby will live and be all right. God bless you. God bless you. Go now and be baptized, confessing your sins, calling upon the Name of the Lord Jesus. Amen.
8 All right, everyone reverent, come lady. You believe with all your heart, audience? Don't doubt, have faith in God.
Wasn't there a baby just healed here, just now? Did it sit down, right in here? Where? No, it's... I see a Light hanging right here. It's over a little girl, that's the little girl, she's got heart trouble. I see a lot of sadness around there, the mother, lady there by her, has been operated on; a cancer case, many times in and out from the hospital.
Lord Jesus, bless them, may they be well for Your glory. Hear the prayer of Your unprofitable servant, and I ask this Lord, and rebuke the Devil, that it comes out from them, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.
Lady, you believe her? Come here, just a minute. Do you believe me to be God's servant? You recognize that--that the feeling that you have now is not your brother standing here: It's His presence. You got lots of trouble, there's a dark streak. You've been kept... something been kept away from you. They won't tell you what's wrong with you, the doctors won't tell you. But the doctor has given you less than a year to live, but you are... it's a heart condition. It's your heart, but... Just a minute, it left me now. Was that truth, what was said? Do you believe that God will heal you? Come here, mother.
Almighty God, Who raised the Son of God from the grave, and He raised up to dwell among men. Oh, how we thank You. Your great Power of Attorney is here tonight to manifest and to make well, and to set at liberty those that are in captive.
Now, Satan, you who bound the woman, God's servants the doctor has done all they can do; but they can't touch her; but Oh God, You can. Turn her loose, Satan, in Jesus Name. Go out of the woman. I adjure thee by the living God; that you depart from her, and she lives. Amen.
You believe you're going to live now? All right, you shall live, go on your road, rejoicing, thanking God for His goodness.
Be in prayer, be thankful, be grateful.
9 You believe, sir, with all your heart? You believe that His presence is here to help you? It's not you, it's your baby. Your baby got heart trouble. Isn't that right? You're going to serve Him all your life? You are.
God, I rebuke the heart trouble on this little infant baby. May it leave the child, in the Jesus Christ's Name, and go out from the little fellow, and may he live for God's glory. Amen.
Now, my brother, you believe that, don't you? All right, you shall have just what you believe. God be with you, and help you.
All right, come, my sister. You believe, with all your heart? You believe that He'd make you well? Have faith now, in God.
Now, be reverent, audience. You can class me a fanatic, if you wish to. That's between you.
But I want you to walk right here, lady. Stand there, just a moment. You have a stomach trouble, don't you lady? Yeah, it's a peptic condition: nervous, causes stomach ulcerating. Isn't that true? This lady here has the same thing, stomach conditions. Them demons are trying to pull one from another, help. If you'd only know what the other world; you--you--you only look at the outside, it's another world. And in there, here's where this contact is made. If you'll believe... stand up lady, you accept your healing? You accept your healing?
Almighty God, make them well. Now as Satan, who cannot hide. He thought he would get by with that, but You're here to call his hand on those things, and Thou has promised it. And now, as Your servant standing in between this channel of--of spirit, moving one to the other and calling for mercy. I now say to them, "Spirits of evil, come out of the women, and leave them, in Jesus Christ's Name. Go from them both."
God bless you. You can both go in peace. God's blessings be upon you, go.
Look, right at the same time it was pulling from you, and it stopped already. You had stomach trouble also, isn't that right? You can go home and eat what you want to, now. It stopped on you, as the same as it stopped on them. You can go and be made well.
10 Have faith in God. Believe with all your heart. Come, lady. There it is again. Same thing, pulling from right here, too; lady sitting right there, has stomach trouble. You have stomach trouble. You both accept your healings? God bless you. Just stand up and go home and be made well, in Jesus Christ's Name.
All right, may the Lord make you every whit whole. God bless you, mother. Ulcerated see, causing the burning, it stopped. God bless you.
Let's say, "Thanks be to God."
All right, you the lady? You want to get over that back trouble? Just go and thanking God, saying, "I'm over it." God will make you well. You believe it?
God bless her, and grant this blessing. I pray and rebuke the enemy, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.
God bless you, sister. Go rejoicing, happy.
All right, come, lady. You believe, with all your heart? Your main thing is a nervous condition; started a long time ago, caused you to have stomach trouble, and fluttering, and so forth like that.
Now, that's just pulling all through this building now. I'm getting weak. And it just seems to me like the whole thing. I can't hardly detect where it's at now. But every person in here can be healed, if you just believe. You must have faith in God. You must believe with all your heart.
Come, let's pray. Our Heavenly Father, Who brought again Jesus from the dead; heal this, our sister making her completely well. I ask this blessing in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.
And now, Satan, come out of the woman. I adjure to leave her, in Jesus Name. Amen.
Now, at this time sister, it's broke and gone from you, see. Now just believe with all your heart, you'll get all right, see. Now, don't doubt. If you do, it'll come back again. The Bible said, "Go ye and (how much?) sin... [Congregation responds, "No more."]
What is sin? Unbelief. God in His Sovereign mercy standing here, doing what He's doing and He... You know, friends, that has to come from God. You go and disbelieve, I believe worse things would come upon you.
11 Bring the child. Sir, your baby has kidney trouble, very rare case; can't be helped no other way, but through God. You believe God will make it well? You believe if I will ask God, that between now and in the morning, if you put a string around that baby, it'll shrink a inch or more, do you believe that?
I rebuke the Devil that's bound this baby. In the Name of Jesus Christ, come out of him.
I just frightened it. It's all right. Go measure the baby's stomach tonight. Tomorrow night measure it, and bring me back the string.
12 All right, come, lady. You believe with all your heart?
I seen a doctor appear, right in here, just a few minutes ago. A young--like fellow, taking a blood pressure... it's a high blood pressure. It had something on the heart, it's a heart trouble. You believe that God will make you well of it? If you can believe, and accept it, God will grant it to you.
You want to get over that nervousness? Look sis, I want to ask you something, just a minute; if I could do anything for you... That's the most horrible thing there is of anything else. You've no assurance of yourself, it gives you all kind of funny feeling. You have all kinds of upset feeling, like you was going to lose your mind and--and everything. It bothers you real bad sometimes. Gets real bad and you get melancholy, and have to go off and sit down. When you're walking on the streets, I see you, it gets on you there. Sometimes you have to go back home because it--it's bothering you so bad.
I'm not reading your mind, but your life can't be hid now. At this time the Holy Spirit gives me jurisdiction over every spirit, and everyone's subject now.
Between you and I, is a dark cloud floating, like a breath. Many people's told you, "Get near yourself," or "Get next to yourself," I believe it was. Forget about it, you can't do it, 'cause there's something at you all the time, haunting at you. Is that the truth? If by God's grace, and God's power, and the Divine presence of Jesus Christ, if it'll leave you now, will you never permit it to come again? I want you to bow your head, and I want the rest of you, if you don't want this same thing. Now, it--it's cutting up, it's holding the girl around and around.
Almighty God, as this young woman stands here, Satan determined to put her in the insane institution, and let her butt her brains against the wall. But Thou art here to deliver her, and this is that hour that she's watched for all along. Almighty God, help Your poor servant, that this girl that's bound by this enemy, that she will be liberated this very hour.
Thou demon, in the Name of Jesus the Son of God, come out of the woman. Now look here, you're all right.
Now, you can raise your head. It's gone from her. God bless you, lady. Now you go rejoicing, and happy. It ain't going to bother you no more.
Let's say, "Thanks be to God."
13 Are you believing, lady? You believe God will heal you of that heart trouble? Then go off the platform, saying, "Thank You, Lord. Thank You, Lord."
You believe, lady? Believe God will take the kidney trouble away from you, back, and make you well? You--you believe it? You say, "I raise my hand, I accept Jesus as my Healer."
Lord, heal her, I rebuke this devil, in Jesus Christ's Name, may it come out from her.
Go on your road, rejoicing, and happy. Let's say, "Thanks be to God."
Are you believing, back there? Way back, are you believing, way back in that way? There it is. That's Him.
14 Lady, you're here for somebody else, aren't you? You've got a friend, and that friend... You've come out of a big north country. I see the vision here in front of me, and that, it's a woman. And the woman was a Christian, she's blackslid. Gone back on God, become a dope addict. Is that right?
Return to your home and lay your hands on her and call the Name of Jesus Christ. If He's able to reveal this, He can do that. Hallelujah.
Do you believe with all your heart?
Is this--this is okay? Brother Bosworth, come here a minute. I'm so weak, I can't pray any more. Come help me.
Let's bow our heads a minute. Take my place a minute; will you, Brother, now? [Brother Bosworth speaks.]
Prayer Line (1953-11-27) (William M. Branham Sermons)
Prayer Line (1953-11-27) (William M. Branham Sermons) somebodyPrayer Line
You can find this sermon at
1 Thank you. Good evening friends, and you be seated, if you will. [Gap in the audio]
About seven years ago, on May the 7th, 1946, Green's Mill, Indiana, there was an Angel come into the room where I was at, a Man walking. He didn't have wings; He was just a big man, had a white garment down to His feet. And He said that I was born to pray for sick people. And I told Him I was uneducated, illiterate, and I wasn't able to go. He said I'd be praying for kings and monarchs and, message around the world, a message that would bring the second coming of Christ was near. And I told Him I couldn't do it. And He told me then for me to put my hands on the people and it would be told what was wrong. He said, "Then, if you'll be sincere, it'll come to pass that you'll even know the secrets of your--their heart," and said, "by this they will believe."
I said, "Well, that's what I was praying about. I didn't understand it." And He referred to the Scriptures about Jesus knowing Philip, what he did before he come and got in the prayer line. Jesus told him, said, "You're a Christian, or--or a believer."
Said, "How did You know I was a believer, a man in whom there is no guile?"
He said, "Before Philip called you, when you was under the tree, I saw you."
He said, "You're the Son of God."
You believe He sent me to do that? You do? You do with all your heart? Then I'll be able to help you, because... Help you what? Help you to believe Jesus, for He told me, "If you'll get the people to believe you and then be sincere when you pray, nothing's going to stand before your prayer." You believe that with all your heart? Now, look this way. There it is.
Now audience, here He is. You who seen the picture, when we meet at the day of judgment, that Angel isn't standing two foot from where I'm standing right now. That's right.
Now, in the Name of Jesus Christ, I take jurisdiction over every spirit in this room. And may Almighty God, Who raised up His Son, sent back His Spirit into His prophet to represent Him, may He see to it that that is manifested tonight.
2 The woman seems to be going away from me. She's got... No, she's--she's in a--a--a hospital or a office--doctor's office, or a hospital room, or something, and she's being examined, and--and they're pressing on her side. It's--it's--it--it--it's on her left side. And there's a middle aged man, and it--it's--it's a tumor, and it's in the--the left side of the woman. There's two doctors, and they're--they're at... One says it's to be operated and another says it can't be operated. Is that the truth? Was that description exactly? I just see something moving. She... You've been prayed for before in a--in a--in a meeting, evangelistic meeting. There is a man that was kindly dark headed, thin hai... Why, it was me. I--I prayed for you. You had tumor in the brain, and you were healed. I see a light flash around you. You were healed with tumor in the brain. And you're not from this city; you're from Illinois. Is that right? And where you were prayed for was some kind of a palm trees or--a--a great big--a ocean, a lake around the side, or something the other like that, palm trees around where you were healed. Is that the truth? Come here.
Jehovah, the great Jehovah Rapha, Who appeared on a brass serpent, and appeared on the cross, and now in this last days had appeared in man to take away sickness and sin... Almighty God, in the Name of Thy Son Jesus, I rebuke the devil that's bound this woman. May it come out of her, and may she go and be normally well. For the glory of God I ask this in the Name of His Son Jesus Christ. Amen.
You believe you're going to be well? Look. I want you to walk close to Him now. You've been trying to do that lately anyhow. You've had ups and downs all through your life; I noticed a black streak behind you. You had up and down and tried and seek and tried and prayed, and seek and tried. Now, go on; you're going be filled now in God's goodness and power. God bless you.
3 Howdy do. Do you believe with all your heart? You believe me to be His servant? You do? Now, quickly It's moving from you to this baby. Something with a ru--baby's ruptured. Here's something about you too. You need Jesus Christ as your Saviour. The baby's father needs the same. Is that right? You both need to be Christians. Will you promise that you'll serve God if God will let your baby get well? With all your heart? You believe it--that He'll--He'll make it well? Keep your hand laying on the baby. Bow your head everywhere.
Lord Jesus, I bless this baby in the Name of Jesus Christ. And may its little body be healed. May it get well and may the loved ones become Christians this night. And may they serve You with all their heart. I ask this blessing in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen. God bless you. Now, go; the baby will be all right.
4 Come, bring the lady. Now, don't be in no hurry; just everyone just be quiet and reverent just a minute. Don't notice the clock; just let's just be quiet just a minute.
All right, lady, want to talk to you just a moment. You believe me to be the--God's servant? I believe that comes from a true heart. All right. I may help you to see--receive Jesus then. All right. You're suffering with a nervous condition. And you're tormented by a evil spirit: hangs right there. He--he's black, wavy looking. But he knows his time has come. Uh... Now, you're suffering also with something. No, I see something open before me. Just a moment. It's a--it's a--I see a--a hospital or some sort of an operation. And it's a--they've removed her gallbladder. That must've been along time ago; you look much younger, and it's still giving you trouble though. Are those things true? This is true also. Look at me. It's gone from you. Go off the platform rejoicing and happy. That evil spirit left you while you was standing right there. God, in Jesus Christ's Name...
5 Have faith. Now, just a moment. It's following her. God bless you, sister. That's the way to go rejoicing.
Stands over a woman, gray headed, looking at me just now, that's got heart trouble and female trouble, setting right back there in the front line. You believe that Jesus Christ make you well? There sets one by the side of you that's got colon trouble. God bless you. Accept your healing; be made well. Jesus Christ the Son of God make you well, if you--you only believe.
Just a moment. By a child... Just have faith. Setting right back there, you want to get over that rupture, sir? Second person setting in... You believe that God will make you well? All right, if you do, stand up to your feet and accept your healing. God bless you, the man standing there. That's the way to do it. Be made well.
6 There's something flashed... A woman raised up, or somewhere. Just a moment. The Angel of the Lord is in that corner. Can't you see that? Look here, friends, every one of you. Look, standing right over here on this side. Can't you see that milling yellow streak there? Now, wait; it's a moving out. I see something--it's a minister standing by a pulpit. He's got a heart trouble, high blood pressure. Just a moment. There he is; he's got his hand up. God bless you, sir. Aren't you a minister of the Gospel? Got high blood pressure and heart trouble? Jesus Christ is here to make you whole. You accept it?
Just a moment. That little boy setting next to you is some relation to you, isn't he? You believe me to be God's prophet, reverend sir? You believe me to be His prophet? That little boy has something wrong with his throat, doesn't it? Is that right? Lay your hand over on it.
God, in Jesus' Name, I bless the boy for its healing. God bless you.
That lady setting next to you is your wife. I see you're at the same house. Tell the little boy, "Don't weep, he's healed." He'll be all right.
That lady had something on her--back of her head here. It's on her head and on her limb. It's cancer. That's your wife. Lay your hands over on her. God, in Jesus' Name, make her well.
7 There It goes over to a lady setting next to her: got female trouble and heart trouble. Is that right, sister? But you're not connected with these other people. These people's come from away from here. They're from Illinois, I believe; they come from away from here. Your heart trouble and female trouble... There's a lady setting next to you that's got kidney trouble. Is that right, lady? Lay your hands over on each other. All of you there in that corner, put your hands on one another. O Jesus, Son of God, while Your great Spirit's moving in that corner, heal every one of them. Grant it, Father, in the Name of Jesus Christ the Son of God, I ask it. God's glory be manifested. Amen.
8 Have faith in God. Don't doubt. Believe with all your heart that God will bring it to pass. Remember, His Presence is near and can bless.
Howdy do, sister. Just now I want to speak to you just a moment. You believe with all your heart? Won't you look this way to me a minute? Something wrong with you. You're not in connection with God. You're out of God's will. It's exactly. Didn't you used to be a preacher or something? And you've backslid. You've went out to smoking cigarettes and everything else, and turned your back on God. Is that right? But you've come here tonight to get right with God. Well, He loves you. He'll forgive you of every sin and put you back into His work again. Do you believe that? You want to receive it, raise your hand?
Almighty God, cursed be that devil that's bind the life of this woman. Come out of this woman, thou demon. God's servant... Leave her. In Jesus Christ's Name, come out of her. All right, lady, go on your road; your sins are forgiven you now. Go back and serve God with all your heart. God bless you.
9 Let's say, "Amen. Praise be to God." Why don't some of you out in there believe? Have faith in God. Way back in there, anywhere, challenge you, in the Name of Jesus Christ to look this way and believe and have faith, and God will make you well.
Come, lady. Howdy do. You believe with all your heart? You believe that God sent His Son Jesus Christ to redeem sinners from sin and to heal the sick from their sickness? Your trouble's in your head. It's catarrh, and it's shut off... You don't have no sense of smell. You believe He healed you? He has. God bless you. Go on. You can smell now and you can also go and be well. The headaches and things will leave.
Have faith in God. Amen. Don't move. There He goes. The lady setting way back there, hanging over a lady with that purple hat on, setting on the end of the row, just wiped her eyes. Yes. You had something wrong in your throat. It's coughing or something. It's bronchical trouble, bronchitis. You accept your healing? If you do, raise up your hand; wave your hand like that to God that you accept your healing. God bless you, go home and get well.
10 What about you, lady? You believe with all your heart? I believe you're a good, sincere person. I believe it with all my heart. And I know there's a deep ridge of sorrow behind you. You're yet a young woman, but there's been many things that's happened. You've been very... I see a trail of blackness and darkness. You're here tonight; you're bringing this baby. And this baby has a rupture. And you want the baby dedicated to God. Isn't that true? Say, I see something wrong. There's a... It's a--it's a man, and it's... He's very sick, mentally ill. It's your husband. And he... I see an explosion, or a war, or something going on. It--it--it's a shell shock, isn't it? Well, God bless you, you're going to get well, both of you. God, in the Name of Lord Jesus Christ make this sister... for her healing, Father, grant it, Lord. May Your Spirit be here to make well through Jesus Christ's Name. Go on, sister...
11 Something just happened. I seen something burst or blow. You believing? With all your heart? That little lady setting, the third person back in that row there, with sinus trouble, just turned your head there, sister. You want to be healed of sinus? You believe God will make you well? All right, stand up to your feet and accept your healing from sinus. God makes you well now. God bless you. Have faith in God. Don't doubt; just believe with all your heart.
Bring the lady. Look this a way, sister. You believe me to be His prophet? Go, eat what you want to; your stomach trouble left you.
Come. Come, lady. The anointing of the Holy Ghost is near. You want to get over kidney trouble, lady? You got kidney trouble. Go on off the platform; He makes you well. Go believing with (Yes, sir.) -- with all your heart. Just praise God.
12 Come. Setting way back there on the end of the row, you got something wrong with your leg, haven't you, sir? You believe that God will make you well? You do? All right, stand up to your feet and accept your healing. You was setting there praying. God be with you, and bless you, and give you the exceedingly, abundantly above all that could be done and thought. Still moving in that side. Have faith in God.
I seen Brother Bosworth appear right in here. He was praying for a little boy or a young man that... The boy's got one eye. And he's prayed for a little boy with one eye that's blind. Now... Yes, there it is, the boy's got his hand up. That's the father setting next to the boy. There's something wrong with the--either a child or a grandchild. It's a little girl or something; it's--it's born crippled or something. The father's seeking the baptism of the Holy Ghost. He's got some troubles to give up some habits. If you'll do it, brother, God will give you the Holy Ghost and will heal those children. Have faith in God.
13 I kindly lost... Just a minute. You... I thought I was talking to Brother Bosworth.
You believe me to be His prophet? You do, with all your heart? You don't believe me to be a mind reader, do you? You believe me to be a servant of God? You're suffering with some sort of a--a high blood pressure and a kidney trouble. And you're a preacher. You're a Pentecostal preacher, and you've have a stroke or something. You preached for years and years when you was a young man. I see you in a pulpit years ago, all excited, preaching. And you've had a stroke and that's left you down. Come here, my brother, Jesus Christ, the Son of God will make you well.
Thou demon, who's bound my brother, come out of him. In the Name of Jesus Christ, leave this man. Go out of him now, evil one. I adjure thee by Jesus, the Son of God, to depart from him. God bless you, brother. Return to your pulpit, preaching. God bless you.
14 Come, lady. You want to get over that back trouble? Accept your healing; go off the platform shouting with all your heart and praising God. It's gone from you.
All right. Come, lady. As you come, do you believe? With all your heart? Come here just a minute. Now, the devil that's got ahold of you, is holding many in here. He's pulling from every side and all around. And you realize that you can only live a little bit if God doesn't help you. But from everywhere, every person in here's got a heart trouble stand to your feet right now. That's what's the matter with this woman. Come on, stand to your feet. God's going to make every one of you well at the same time. If He can make this woman well, He can make you well. Come here.
Almighty God, Who raised Jesus from the dead, these demons are trying to hold these people, they can't do it. In the Name of Jesus Christ, I adjure you to come out of these people. They're standing confessing their faith, leave the whole group of them. May God in heaven curse thee, if you hold them any longer. May each one be healed in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.
Go live sister, every one of the rest of you, go do the same thing. Go live in the Name of the Lord Jesus, be made well. All right. Come lady. Did you accept yours the same time? All right, if you do just keep on going. You healed the same way as it went off... What that is sister, it's... you thought it was heart trouble. It--it caused your heart to react, but it's just a nervous condition, nervous heart. It's all gone from you. Go off the platform, say, "Thank you Lord Jesus." Be made well.
Come lady, you believe me to be His prophet? You believe that God will reveal to me what's wrong with you? Every demon in the building's a screaming for help. Everybody's got cancer stand to your feet. Here's the time to be healed. The woman's got cancer in a bad stage. Every person's got cancer stand to your feet and be healed at this time.
Almighty God, Who made heavens and earth, I pray in the Name of Jesus Christ, that You'll rebuke these demons. May they come out of the people. You know Satan, that when the Angel of God Who met there, specified cancer, you can't hold them any longer. Come out of them, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Go sister, and live in the Name of Jesus Christ, be well. The rest of you the same way, go believing, be made well.
Come lady, as you come believe. You believe me to be His servant? Poor little fellow, streaks of blood is hanging between me and you. Got anemia condition, isn't that right? Everybody with anemia stand to your feet. Accept your healing right now.
Satan, you can't... you're exposed. You can't stay here any longer. Why faith moves everywhere. Come out of them in the Name of Jesus Christ, leave these people. They come to Calvary by faith for a blood transfusion. Come out, in the Name of Jesus Christ. I pronounce them well. Amen.
God bless you little sister, go rejoicing.
Every one of you the rest of the way, claim your healing. God makes you well. You believe it with all your heart? How many of you has accepted your healing? Say, "Amen."
Prayer Line (1954-06-19) (William M. Branham Sermons)
Prayer Line (1954-06-19) (William M. Branham Sermons) somebodyPrayer Line
You can find this sermon at
1 ... the whole Scripture there. Christ wasn't smitten twice; He's smitten once. So he took that rod and went down there and smote the Rock: it didn't bring water. And he smote it again and said, "You rebels, must we fetch water for you out of this rock?" But God dealt with Moses later. Is that right? He was kept out of the promised land for that one thing.
There's a little preacher one time, a prophet, who had a double portion: Elijah. He went bald headed when he was a young man. Some little children running behind him, teasing him, said, "Bald head, bald head..." And he turned around and put a curse on those children in the Name of the Lord. And two she bears killed forty-two little children. Is that Scripture? Now, that wasn't the Holy Spirit; the nature of God wouldn't wanted that. See?
2 But you have to watch what you're doing. So that's the reason I watch every case to be sure. Now, to know if there's sin in that life, I'd better be careful. But He never told me to do that now. He told me; He said, "Now, the first thing..." How many remembered when I first started out, when I took the people by the left hand? How many remembers that minute? And did I tell you that He told me, "I'd know the secrets of their heart." How many remembers that? Has it come to pass that way? See? Just exactly, it'll always be when He... Whatever He says, it'll be just that way; it never can fail. It's Almighty God, not me.
Now, when--if one of those cases could be proven to be the truth, then every person in here ought to believe the Lord Jesus Christ. Now look, friends, to you, you might've heard of all kinds of 'isms' going around saying I have power to heal. And I've read magazines and been in meetings, disguised, when I'd feel ashamed of myself. Now, you Baptist and Methodists friends in here and so forth tonight, I know that's true. These people, Pentecostal people, has a lot of 'ism' among them, but they really got a real article there too. That's right. They got the... That's the reason I come with them, because I'm one of them. That's exactly right. I got the Holy Ghost too, so I know.
3 Tomorrow afternoon I'm to speak on that, so be sure to come. Now, they got a real article. When you see a lot of--of make belief, remember that... When you see a... that's real... [There is a lot of feedback which makes it difficult to understand what is being said]... Remember that.
Now, that's true, there's people having funny feelings, and all "this, that, and the other," and a lot of that is pure human psychology, but behind that is a real genuine Jesus Christ Who heals the sick. That's right. And it's--it's true, and I know it. I...
Someone said, the other day, said, "Billy, while you're in America," said, "why don't you just quit preaching that?" Said, "Just--just go ahead and preach the Gospel and let it go."
I said, "I done come too far now, brother. I done seen too many things happen." No, I can never turn back. God help me keep my face on Calvary and do as God tells me to do. But there's one thing I do believe, taking just every case, one by one, like that, I'd get to a thousand more in a meeting if I'd just go ahead and pray for them. If they knew that--that... The only thing He told me, said, "By this they will know..." See? They will abso... And I think I've combed it too hard.
4 Now, when I come back from overseas and had my American meetings, I have made it to the "Voice of Healing" down there, and it'll be published. So that you might know also, when I've come back from overseas, God willing, my American meetings, I'm just going to line them people up--a big line of people, and start praying for them. Just when the Lord'd tell me say anything to them, I'll do it. But outside of that, I'll ask the person what's wrong with them and so forth, 'cause just a few of that, and I'm so weak I can't hardly stand up.
5 How... Did you ever read in the Bible where visions made people weak? When the woman touched the hem of His garment, didn't He say virtue (That's strength.) went out of Him? Is that right? Daniel saw one vision, and he said he was troubled at his head for what? Many days. Is that right? Just... You're out of the world; you break off into another dimension that the world knows nothing about. And you come back; then after two or three, you wonder where you're at, if you're out there or here. You're looking... Say, here stands someone before you: you see them twenty-five, thirty years ago, something they were doing; you're right there with them. You're speaking, yet knowing that your voice is coming here on the platform. And I'm with that man in Louisiana or somewhere else, many, many years ago. And I'm speaking to that person, saying what I'm seeing, and don't know, don't realize I'm standing here, 'cause I'm standing there at that time, looking the way they're dressed and everything. And you can hear me speaking about it. Then when I come to, and I wonder, where... Yeah, here stands... Yeah, this is the patient. See? Just let that happen two or three times and see how you feel. It just beats you to a place and then that's...
6 Some of them said, "I don't understand why they take you out, and you pass out; and everything when you're going off the platform. Let it happen once or twice (Uh huh.) and see what it is. Now, I don't... I think one or two of those would--should settle it with the people. But, whatever the Lord leads, that's the way we do.
Coming back, I aim to try it that; we'll just go and set up my meetings, and just line up the people, and start praying for them. After all, it's the prayer of faith that saves the sick; it's praying for them, laying hands on them. That's what Jesus said do: just pray and lay hands on the sick and it'll be so.
7 Now, if the organist will, sister, in your kindness, if you'll give us that little song, "Only Believe," just for a few moments that's a--if you please. I... After speaking and testifying like this, why, you get to feeling emotional like you want to scream and shout. And--and then the... But the anointing for healing is different.
And the Angel of the Lord, that's a different feeling that... You just got a feeling like there's, you know Somebody's standing right near you. And I trust that tonight He'll be so close, till you'll see Him tonight. How many's ever seen It in the other meetings or something another around, the Light hanging there... Yes, I see there's hands around. It... They--they--they took a picture of It.
8 Here the other night, It come right down in my church before the people. There was a colored lady standing there asking for another man, said, "I got a colored friend, said if I ever got in contact with you, Reverend Branham, to have you to pray for him. He's been paralyzed for a long time." I turned to look to the woman... I seen the man. I said, "Sunday morning he'll be in this tabernacle. He's a tall man, wearing a dark suit. He'll walk right here and shake my hand Sunday morning. THUS SAITH THE LORD." Brother, you can mark that; that's true.
9 And Sunday morning the place was packed to see what would happen. I'd spoke a few moments and I said, "A... The Lord spoke and said there was a colored man coming from out of the country here, somewhere, and wearing a dark suit." And I... My barber, Mr. Egan, just kept motioning his hand like that, and the old fellow raised up his hand. I said, "You that wants to be prayed for, just line up on the side of the wall over there." And they lined up over there. And the audience was watching him (See?) to see what he would do, 'cause he's supposed to come down here. And I just stood there. He started to go on the line up there; he come down half way in the middle of the church and started to go in the line up there; turned around; and walked right over here, reached out his hand and shook hands with me, right exactly where It said. Oh, screaming and going on in the church. See? It'll happen just exactly the way He says it'll be. It'll never fail. Mark it one time. You got on--on tape recordings. Just find out what He says and see if that doesn't happen just the way He says it does.
The Lord bless you now, while we all kindly sing lowly now. Now...
Only believe, Only believe,
All things are possible, Only believe
Only believe, (What time we supposed to close?) Only (You watch me.),
All things are possible, Only believe.
10 Brother Mitchler, excuse me, a--Mitchell, I mean... Is that the patient? All right, bring... That's fine. I was just asking my brother what time we were supposed to evacuate the auditorium here. I was asking there... He shook his head: at no certain time. That I... Might've been a custodian spoke to my boy, standing behind him. I thought maybe he did say there was a certain time for us to close, but I suppose not.
Now, bear with me. I got one more night to be with you. Lot of dark waters... 'Course troubles is ahead of me. You know that. When you stand before witch doctors by the dozens standing there, and don't think they won't challenge you. I tell you how I'm depending on people praying for me then. But I've never seen one time... You can ask any of the missionaries returned to the fields or anything, but Almighty God put them to shame, and made them turn around, and accept Jesus Christ. Never one time...
11 'Course, you know I'm stalling for something. I am; it's true. It's His anointing. See? Here stands a woman; I--I never seen her. Just imagine yourself standing here now, and there's at least two thousand people here. In two thousand people, probably some critic setting there, just wanting to find one flaw; just one thing; that's all they want. And someone standing there with a lot of faith, believing...
My wife said last night, there was a lady on the platform. What happens, they almost tell me about it when I get home, 'cause it seems like I've dreamed it... My wife said there was a lady, might've been an Armenian, or an Indian, or something in the back. And said there was a lady on the platform who had been prayed for, and said it told her all about something that happened or something another... And said, this man looked over to the woman, and I believe one of them had been healed in the meeting before when I was here. And he said, "I know that woman," said, "she's had a--an accident," said, "she can't raise her right arm." And so, they just kept saying, "Wonder if he'll find that?"
And said then, just a few minutes I will--turn to the woman and said, "Raise up your right arm." Said, "Up went her right arm like that," that she'd--that she would've been... Sure, sometimes I... The vision... I don't say everything I see. I try to say what's--what's I can, to make the people have faith (You see?), just to believe.
12 Now, here stands a woman, I suppose we're strangers aren't we, sister? Never seen each other in all of our lives, and here we are. And now, who is she and where's she from? What's wrong with her? See, that--there it is. And now, the people are expecting, if I have represented Jesus Christ well, to know that. There's people setting right out there in the audience that's sick and afflicted. The same Lord Jesus that the woman touched the hem of His garment and He turned around, said, "Your faith has healed you of that blood issue," the same Lord Jesus is here tonight and your faith can touch Him; and He can turn around through human voice and say, "Thy faith has healed you of certain-certain thing." Is that right? Certainly.
The same One Who carried a conversation with the woman at the well and knew what was wrong with her, is here tonight to carry a conversation with her. Don't you believe that? Now, the thing we have to do is submit ourselves, get just completely out of the picture and let Him just take over. See? This thing can't speak without a voice. It'll bring a voice, but there has to be a voice behind it to speak.
Now you pray for me now, 'cause I'm struggling right hard at this time on account of a speaking the way I did, testifying before the service. But may the Lord grant... He's here now. Amen. We thank the Lord for His goodness.
13 You're the patient, aren't you, sister? I suppose we're strangers to each other, not knowing each other in this life. But you're aware that something's going on. It wasn't here a few minutes ago, but you know It's here now. Is that true, lady? Raise your hand if that's true? Now, there's no person can stand here but what recognize that. See? Now, that Light that you see in the picture, just whirling around, is right around the lady now. Every once in a while as the vision begin to happening now: she's breaking away from me and then coming to me, breaking away from me and then coming to me. And I see she's in trouble, and she's seriously ill. Yes, she has cancer. Isn't that the truth? And you've a... You don't live here. You--you've drove in here from about a hundred miles away from here. Is that right? I see you on a--on a trip, but you're going another way. You're going--you're going westward. You're--you're returning a--with a disappointed look on your... Oh, it was at a meeting. You've just been to another meeting, or... It was my meeting, 'cause there's--there's--there's hills. It was the Mammoth Gardens. It was Denver. You was at my meetings and never got it--never got in the prayer line. But you've come tonight. You won't have to come no more. God bless you. God be with you, sister. Lord, bless my sister, I pray through Jesus Christ's Name. I thank You, Lord. Amen. Grant it, Lord. God bless you.
14 There He is... Now, the best I remember, that woman had been somewhere or something, and had been turned away from a meeting somewhere. Was that true? Turned away from a meeting? Because there wasn't a room. Now, the rest of you here, could believe right now, every one of you be healed. That would be sufficient.
You know the reason you can't accept it like that? You've been taught, "Lay your hands on the sick." That's the reason. Isn't that right? How many believes if It wouldn't even say nothing to you, just pass through, lay hands on you, you'd get well? [Feedback comes again] You believe the anointing of the Holy Ghost is... over them brethren, now would you believe that? I see... I believe you'd get well.
15 How many we got standing there? I'm going to break this program right now. How many we got there? 10? 10? All right. Who's got prayer card 11? 11, 12. Who's got 12? W-12. Who's got 12? All right, 13. Who's got 13? Raise your hand real quickly now. Let's get some more people in this line. We're going... 14, who has 14? 15? Who has 15? 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 40, on up to 40, 50, on up to 50, line up.
You're going to see the glory of God. If you can believe, hold your faith. 50? Who has prayer card 50? Am I too far now? Raise up your hand, who has prayer card 50? 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, on up to a 100... Line up along here. Line up according to your numbers now. The ushers will help us, if they will, or some of the minister brothers to keep them in line there as they're coming, if you will. All right.
16 Now, let's... What... How many is standing, just leave them stand now until these get through, just a moment.
May the Lord Jesus bless you, grant this faith to you. If Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever, He's here to perform and to do that which He has promised to do. Is that right? He promised that He would heal the sick, and He'll do that healing of the sick if you'll just believe it. Have faith in God.
I was watching them lead a lady. Lady, you setting there without a prayer card; you're setting there with a... Yeah, you have gallbladder trouble. You want to be healed of it? You believe God will heal you of it? Yes. Uh huh. Stand up on your feet. You, standing there looking on the other lady had compassion, wondering about her being her led there, wasn't you? I'm not reading your mind, but that's the truth, isn't it? And you've had gallbladder trouble; isn't that right? You don't have it no more now; you're healed; you can go home. Jesus Christ makes you whole. Have faith in God.
17 Lay your hand... Being that you was healed, lay your hand over on that man with his head bowed. He's praying there, right over... Here, right in front of you here. See? No, the next man, the second man there, in there, lay your hand on him. He's got a rupture; he wants to be healed. He's praying, ask the Lord now, for his healing.
Father, I pray that You'll heal the man. And may it all go away from him and may he be perfectly whole. Grant it, Lord Jesus, for Your glory. Amen. God bless you, brother. Don't weep now; you go home and be well. All right.
Billy, is--is everybody lined up? You getting your cards lined up? Oh. Just keep praying then, watching this way.
18 Now, sister, if I don't say one word to you what's wrong with you, just ask God, you'll get well, will you? What is your trouble? I want to ask you. You have asthma. You believe that the Lord's going to heal you? You believe His Presence is here now? Are you conscious of His standing--you're standing near something besides your brother? Come here. Father, I pray that You'll heal her. And may she go from here, tonight, and be made completely whole. I ask it in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen. Now, go rejoicing, sister, and be happy.
19 All right, brother, bring the lady. How many believes the lady'd get well? Certainly she will. Now, the anointing is the only thing; that's His Presence. Now, as this woman comes near, she's coming near, and she's seriously sick. I know what's wrong with the people as He reveals it, but I'm just not doing that. Just what... If I don't say a word to you, you'd still believe anyhow, won't you, lady? You'll believe with all your heart? You must believe, sister. You realize you're very seriously. You have a tumor, don't you? The tumor's in the stomach. You was just at a doctor. The doctor told you this tumor's covered the whole stomach. You think it's cancer, 'cause it's covered over the whole stomach. You come pretty near dying, about two or three days ago. And then on the road here you had to stop, on the road coming here tonight. Is that right? Don't stop going home. Run and tell what the Lord has done for you. In the Name of the Lord Jesus, I condemn this devil and may it go out of the woman in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen. Go rejoicing, sister; believing, having faith. Have faith now, as you come.
20 Now, brother, just come. Now, before you get here... See, I'm going to try to pray for all these people. Tell me what's wrong with you. Weakness of the body. You believe that the Holy Spirit is here now to help you as I ask Him? O God, be near my dear brother, and grant that this weakness will turn to strength and may he be healed through Jesus Christ's Name. Amen. Now, you believe you're healed now, do you, brother? Go rejoicing, saying, "Thank You, Lord Jesus, for healing me and making me well."
All right. Come, lady. Now, you believe with all your heart as you come? Confess and tell me what's wrong with you before you get here. All right, come here now. You believe that He's going to make you well? You believe you're standing in His presence, not your brother, His Presence?
Lord Jesus, that she's... knowing now... And if You're with me in this, Lord, prove it to me tonight, if this is what You want me to do. Heal this woman, I pray, in Jesus' Name, as I lay hands on her. Amen. Go rejoice now, saying, "Thank You, Lord Jesus." Amen. That's the way. Now, as you leave, go rejoicing, being happy, and--and may--and be made well.
21 Come, lady. Now, as you come, before it strikes me, tell me what's wrong with you, 'fore you come. What is wrong with you, lady? Chest condition, come... You believe He's going to heal you? Lord Jesus, I pray now that You'll heal her. While the anointing is close, I cast away the evil spirit that's making her sick, in Jesus' Name. Amen. God bless you, sister. Now, go rejoicing and being happy, saying, "Thank You, Lord Jesus, for the healing."
All right, come, brother. Do you believe the Lord Jesus is going to make you well? With all your heart? What is your trouble, brother? Prostate trouble. All right. Sir? You believe that He's going to--to make you well? Don't you have a little trouble with your hearing too? That's right. Come here.
Lord Jesus, I pray that You'll heal him. Take away the evil from him. I cast it away, that this is visible so the people can see that You're here to do it. Give him his perfect hearing; in Jesus Christ's Name I ask it. Amen.
Now just a moment. All right, I want you to come here, sir. How long have you been hard of hearing. Been several years. Can you hear me all right now? Why don't you say, "Amen?" Just say, "Praise the Lord." "I love You." All right. You're perfectly normal, brother. That's something plain, course people could see. Your prostate trouble caused you to be nervous, getting up at night and things. You're healed, brother. Go on your road, rejoice, and thank the Lord. All right. Let's say, "Praise be to God."
22 Come, sir. You believe as you're coming? You must believe if you get well of this cancer, 'cause it'll kill you, sure. But you believe God's going to make well? O Lord God, I pray that in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, that You'll cast away the enemy from him. And may this man go from here tonight and be made well. I ask this blessing in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.
I want you to bow your head just a minute. Keep your head bowed just a minute. I don't all time ask God for this. The man's blind with them cataracts, and he's got a evil spirit of cancer on him. You see? And you keep your head bowed just for a minute. Want you to keep your head bud.
Lord, if I am doing wrong, forgive me. I'm not doing it, that to make a show: Thou doest know my heart. But that the people might know that You're the Lord Jesus Christ and I be Your servant, I pray that You'll condemn the blindness of this man's eyes, that he can receive his sight, that he might go away from here with sight in these eyes, not have to be led, but be made well. Grant it, Lord. Cast away this evil from him. I ask it to leave him. In Jesus Christ's Name, come out of him. Amen...
Look at me. Can you see me? Put your--put your finger up--up--up into my face now. Hit my nose like... Now, see my hand? Now, the cataract is dead in your eyes. Look out over the audience there. Count me those lights right on the building there; show me where they're at right now. All right. That's exactly right. Now, you won't have be led now: you're healed. God bless you. Go off the platform rejoicing. God bless you, brother... Praise the Lord. Be grateful, my brother.
Now watch. For the next few hours you're going to see better and better and better all the time. See? The life that was in that--that--that growth that's over your eye... You've been just feeling bad lately too (See?), getting tired and wore out and everything. You was not conscious of what was going on. See? But you're going to feel good now. Now, that's going to be...
You're going so see better tomorrow. You can watch cars and everything. But then in about 72 hours, about three days, you're going to go--almost go completely blind. Then you'll notice your eyes are running a whole lot. Just keep praising God for your healing, 'cause that dead growth will have to swell. You see? That's right, and then it comes off. That's... You got it. God bless you. See? Look out there... Raise up your hand, wave to the... There he is. The blind may...
Let's say, "Praise the Lord," everybody, for His goodness and mercy. Now, have faith in God.
23 All right. Come, lady. 'Course, we see you have a patch over your eye. Just come forward. That's all.
... How did it happen? Yes, ma'am. Now, 'course anyone can see you have a patch over your eye, and you have female trouble also. Isn't that right? That's right, but come here.
Now, Lord, Your servants, the doctors, has failed to find out what this trouble is, but You know where it's at. Satan, you've hid from the doctor, but you can't hide from God; you're exposed; come out of her, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Come over this way. Now, you don't need your patch now. You can go home well and healed. Let's say, "Praise be to God," with all of our heart.
All right, bring the lady. Do you believe, lady? If I don't tell you one thing, yet you believe me? [The feedback returns] You believe that... You have ...
Come. Without saying one thing to you, do you believe that you will get healed if I ask the Lord for you? Come. God bless you. That's the way.
Heavenly Father, as our sister stands here, and she knows she's standing in Your Presence; so do I know that we're in Your Presence. I ask for You to heal her, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen. Now, look back so the audience will know you're going home to be well...
24 Come, lady. Do you believe the Lord's going to make you well, sister? Do you--do you accept Him now as your Healer? Something hit you then, wasn't it? That was Him; it's finished. Believe now with all your heart.
Do you believe, sister, with all your heart? Believe you're walking into His Presence to be healed? In the Name of Jesus Christ, grant that our sister be healed. Amen. That's... healed, sister. Go rejoicing.
Let's say, "Thanks be to God. Now, just because I'm not telling those people what's wrong with them, I know what's wrong with them; He reveals it. He knows what's wrong. Certainly, He does. He can reveal it, but this way, the people's getting healed just the same. Don't you believe that?
All right, come, lady. You believe me to be God's prophet--or servant? "Prophet" means "preacher." You understand that? The reason you believe that, 'cause you're a preacher yourself. Well, isn't that right? That's right. Yes, ma'am. You have female trouble and low blood. And you're a minister. Is that right? You're healed; in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ be made well.
25 Do you believe it sister, with all your heart that Jesus going to make you well? Come here. Father, I pray that in the Name of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, that You heal this girl. May she go from here tonight, happy, rejoicing, in Jesus' Name. Amen. God bless you, sister.
I want the audience... It's the first time I've ever done this in all my ministry. You watch these people as their coming, the expression on their face as they enter around through here. A great anointing is sweeping around this platform right now. That is right, friends. I believe this is what He wants me to do: I can get to more people.
You believe, sister, as you come? Come, believing; you shall receive what you ask for. Heavenly Father, I intercede for my sister, asking that You make her completely whole. In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I ask it. Amen. God bless you, sister. Go, happy and rejoicing.
26 Come, lady. Believe with all your heart as you come. If I don't say one word to you, you believe the anointing is here? If I tell you what was wrong with you just right quick, would it make you have more faith? It would? You got stomach trouble. Is that right? I mean, you had stomach trouble; you don't have it now. You can go and rejoice. God bless you.
Let's say, "Praise be to God." Just be in a attitude of worship, rejoicing. The Holy Spirit... The Bible said, "And the people gave glory to God."
Do you believe you're going to get well, my brother? Come. As I, Father, following Your command, You said, "These signs shall follow them that believe. If they lay hands on the sick, they shall recover." And as my brother stands here in need, I lay hands upon him, asking in Jesus Christ's Name that he recovers. Amen. You have to, don't you, brother? You're going to get well. Going stop everything you ever done wrong, going to make everything right, and go and serve the Lord, aren't you? All right. You know what I'm talking about, don't you? All right. God bless you. All right. Be rejoicing and happy.
27 Come, believing with all your heart. Do you believe, sister, as you come? With all your heart? Now, God bless you. Many of you had troubles, but I believe they're ending. Lord, I pray that You'll heal her and may she go from here tonight happy and rejoicing and praising You, in Jesus' Name Amen. God bless you, sister. Go, happy and rejoice. Believe God with all your heart.
Come, come. Bow your heads... God, Who made heavens and earth, this poor woman Satan has done this evil to... And it's written, "Faith cometh by hearing, hearing of the Word." How could she hear when she's deaf? And I pray that You'd help her. Satan's done this evil. He'd want to cause her to walk before a vehicle somewhere and be killed, but you're here to make her well. Now, as Your servant, having the authority by the Word of God, as a minister of the Gospel, and a gift, ministered to me by an Angel which is present now, Satan, I adjure thee, thou deaf spirit, come out of the woman. In the Name of Jesus Christ, leave her.
That's better. Hear me all right now? Can you hear me? Can you hear me now? You're normal. You're well. The deaf spirit has gone from you. God bless you. You've had a hunger for God for a long time too, hadn't you? Wanted closer walk with Him, closer baptism? Go, you're going to receive it now. God bless you.
28 All right. Come. Praise be to God. You want to get over that hernia, sir, setting there? Your faith has healed you. Stand up; Jesus Christ makes you whole. Go home now; you're healed. God bless you.
Oh, people, can you believe the Lord? His Presence is here. His mighty works are past finding out, but He reveals to His servants His secrets. Hallelujah.
Howdy do, sister? You believe me to be God's servant? With all your heart you believe it? You had a lot of trouble, haven't you? I'm not reading your mind, but you realize you're in the Presence of something besides a man. Isn't that right? You had an operation, and they--and then there's a tumor or something. You had them--had it again. But this is the time when the Lord Jesus is going to make you well. You believing with all your heart that the Lord Jesus Christ is here? Say, wait a minute.
Ahh, you have been healed before. That's right. You was in the line last night and was healed: it's gone from you. That's right. And now, what's... You've got something on your heart. I seen a man going away from you. It--it--it's your husband. He's left you about two years ago, and you want to ask for him to return. Is that right? May the Lord grant it to you, my sister, in the Name of Jesus Christ, go and...
29 Believe. Have faith. Sir, are you believing? With all your heart? Been nervous a long time. Isn't that right? Jesus makes you whole. You believe it? God bless you. Go rejoice, and you won't be nervous no more. God be with you.
Come, lady. Heart trouble's a horrible thing. But Jesus Christ is the Healer. You believe it? In your case, is it so? Come here. Father, to the dying; may mercy come. And I ask for her healing through Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Amen. Go, thanking God now for your healing, sister, and you get well.
Do you believe, sister, as you come? You believe if we ask, then you're going to get well? Lord Jesus, grant that she will be healed in Jesus Christ's Name. May she go from here, happy, rejoicing. Raise up your hand and say, "Praise the Lord." Just... May He grant it to you, sister, His anointing. See? Let's say, "Praise the Lord."
All right, come. You believing, sister? With all your heart? Come this a way. O Lord, Who created heavens and earth, grant the healing of our sister. May she go from here and be made well in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen. God bless you, sister. Go, rejoice now, happy, thanking God and praise Him for His goodness and mercy.
30 You believing, sister? You--you must believe Him now. O Lord, have mercy and heal our sister as she's passing through this line. Lord, they said they laid in the shadow of the apostle Peter. They believed so much that Jesus Christ raised from the dead, according to his message, they laid in his shadow and was made whole. Grant, this woman be made whole, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.
All right, come, sister. You believing? That's the way to do it; you're already healed. Just pass right on through there. That... If you ask that girl... Just ask her. When she passed by that piano, a dark spirit raised from her and went away. I'm not a fanatic; I know what I'm talking about.
All right, come, lady, believe Him with all your heart. You believe He healed you? You accept it right now? In the Name of Jesus Christ, may she be made well. Amen. Thanks be to God.
All right. Come, lady. That's the way, with your hand up, believing with all your heart. I condemn the disease of your body; may it go, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen. Pass through, rejoicing, as I lay hands upon you for a confirmation of His Word.
31 Come, sister. Jesus Christ said, "These signs shall follow them that believe." I'm a believer. Come now, believing. In the Name of Jesus Christ, may you go off of here and be made well. Amen. Believe with all your heart now.
Come, lady. You believe with all your heart that you're going to be made well, as you come? Father, I pray that in Jesus Christ's Name, that she'll be made every whit whole. Amen. God bless you, sister. Go rejoicing, being happy.
All right, come, lady. God bless you ... You had hospital experience, haven't you? Yes, sir. You had two of them. That's right. And you're ready for another one, and afraid this is cancer. It may be. But you know Jesus Christ heals cancers? And what's that to Him? Because it was operated once and failed, the doctor done his best two times. But Jesus is going to do His now; it won't return. In the Name of Jesus, may it leave this woman, and may she be made whole, in Jesus' Name. Have faith. Believe with all your heart.
32 Come, sir. Are you believing? Lord, in the Name of Jesus Christ, heal this man. May he go rejoicing and be made well. Amen. God bless you, brother.
Come, my brother. Are you believing with all your heart? Raise your hand and say, "I accept Jesus, my Healer." And in the Name of Jesus Christ, may he be made well. God bless you, brother. Go rejoicing and happy. You're healed.
All right, come, being happy now; rejoicing as you come. Come, lady. Are you believing? With all your heart? You believe if I'll ask Him, God will make you well? It's all right, sister, go on. Don't have to ask, your faith... [The feedback returns.]
God bless you, brother. You believe that you're going to get healed tonight? Even with this affliction and all this, even arthritis, but you believe He's going make you well? Amen. [The Brother continues to speak to Brother Branham.] God bless you. Our kind heavenly Father, this poor little brother, who's been afflicted at this time, and now he can't even swallow his food. The doctors can do nothing about it. Lord God, I send him, in Jesus Christ's Name, to eat his supper. Grant it, Lord, that he'll return here tomorrow, giving You praise, through Jesus Christ's Name, that they might know that You're a God Who keeps the Words that is spoken by Your servant. Amen. God bless you. Now, go and eat your supper, and come back tomorrow night, show us what you can do. All right, sir, God bless you. It shall be that way. Amen.
33 God bless you, sister. You believe that Christ can make you well? Take... O God of heaven, have mercy upon our sister and heal her tonight. I pray through Jesus' Name, the Son of God. Amen. God bless you, sister. Go happy now, rejoicing, and believing with all your heart that God is going to do it.
Something happened just now. I wasn't noticing. Right in here. You, setting there with epilepsy, you don't have any prayer card, do you? That's a praying... You believe that Jesus Christ healed you? All right, stand up on your feet, little lady. The spells leaves you, in the Name of Jesus Christ. You don't have a prayer card, so you couldn't get in the line. You don't have to have that; you just have to have the faith that you got. God bless you. Go and be made well now, through Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.
34 Come, lady. You believe me to be His servant? You believe what I would say would be the truth? If I can know what is in your life now, I'd surely know what will be hereafter. Is that right? You're a very sick woman. You suffer with a--kind of a hernia, isn't it? That hernia is located in a strange place; it's in your throat. Is that right? You was in a doctor... He's kind of a strong like man, and he told you in operating that he'd have to take this whole side out there. Is that right? But Jesus Christ don't have to move a muscle. You believe it? Come here. I condemn this demon in the Name of Jesus Christ. Come out from the woman. Amen. Go and believe, and be made well.
Believe God. Let's say, "Praise the Lord," everywhere. If thou canst believe, thou canst receive. Have faith in God.
You believe, brother? Lord Jesus, bless my brother and make him well. May he go from here tonight, rejoicing and happy and made well, through Jesus Christ's Name. Amen. God bless you, brother. You can go rejoicing and being happy, thanking God for your healing.
35 Come, sister. You believe with all your heart? O Lord, I pray as I touch this sister's body, as by contact of laying on hands. And may the Spirit that now anoints Your servant, may It see through this, that I have asked for her healing in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen. God bless you, sister. Go (That's right.), believing and receiving.
Are you believing, sister, as you come? Believe with all your heart that God is going to make you well? Come here. And Lord Jesus, as I touch her body with my hands, as Your Spirit is here anointing now, I pray that You'll heal her, Lord. May the Holy Spirit Who now guides me, may It see to it through Jesus Christ's Name. Amen. God bless you, sister. Don't doubt nothing; just believe with all your heart.
Bless your little heart. Here's just a child. [[Gap in the audio]
36 You have heart trouble, for one thing. Another thing, you're anemia. Can you believe that Jesus' going to make you well? Lord Jesus, I pray that You'll heal her and may she go from here tonight and be made whole through Jesus Christ's Name. Amen. Rejoice, sister; be happy, God making you well.
How do you do? You believe me to be His prophet?
Sir, you that's setting there with the blue shirt on, praying, you got a spiritual difficulty. But don't worry; it's going to leave you now. He heard your prayer. God bless you.
Can you believe with all your heart? You believe me to be God's prophet? You believe that He can heal you? And your son, your son has an oppression. You believe that Jesus is going to make him well? You believe He's going to make you well? All right. Come here. Father, I ask for mercy for this people. May Your Spirit come upon them now, and may they both be delivered through Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Amen. Don't fear, sister. Go happy, rejoicing now, and receive your blessing.
You believe, sister, with all your heart as you come? You believe that He's going to make you well? Father, I pray that You'll heal her in Jesus Christ's Name. May it be so. Amen. Go rejoicing now, saying, "Thank You, Lord," and be made well.
Christ healed you. Do you believe it? You accepted it? Then in the Name of Jesus Christ I join prayer with you and ask Him for your healing. Amen. God bless you, sister.
37 You believe as you come? Woman's got trumpets in her ears. You can see she's deaf too. So let's see if we can have the Holy Spirit to make her... Will you bow your heads just a moment? I'm awfully weak, friends. Wonder if you could just bow your heads just a moment. And I shouldn't have started those visions, I suppose, but it's striking now. Just a moment, maybe God will heal her. Don't no one raise your head now, please, in Jesus' Name, till you hear me call you.
Lord God, Creator of heavens and earth, Author of everlasting life, and Giver of every gift, let it be known tonight that Thou art Christ, the Son of God, and I be Your servant. And let it be known, Lord, that You can give hearing to the deaf; You could give peace to the weary; You can give sight to the blind. And Thou does do all things well. And let this audience know tonight that You're God here. And this poor woman is unprivileged. I pray that You'll heal her. Take this away from her and may this deaf spirit leave her; in Jesus Christ's Name, I ask it. Now everyone keep your heads bowed. [Gap in the audio] [ Brother Branham claps his hands]
38 Bow your head again. It just didn't leave her. Sometimes they're... The crowd is upset a little and... Now, everyone be just quiet and to yourself and see if I can make it leave her. Everyone keep bowed, if you will, please. Just be in prayer now. Now, heavenly Father, You know my heart. And You said, "The effectional fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much." And a man righteous, is not sinless: it's one who confesses his sins; he's righteous through the One he confesses through. And I, Your servant, confess my sins through Jesus Thy Son. And Father, to see the spirit's sullen and wouldn't turn the woman loose, I ask that You'll take him away. Not that we have to see miracles to believe, but that this might be known tonight, that You're the Lord Jesus, and I have truly testified of You correctly; and that You are the same yesterday, today, and forever and You heal the people; and Your Presence is here to heal every person in the building. Let it be known tonight, these things. And now, give me faith as I go to charge this enemy who's stalled. And may I have power over him to cast him away, for it's said, "When the deaf spirit come out of the man, he could hear." And they said, "Why couldn't we not cast him out?" He said, "Because of your unbelief."
So, Father, You, Who sent an Angel down to the room, You Who stood by me through these thick and thins, and over the world, around these battles, I pray, not that these people in the audience would hear me. May they not hear me, but that You might hear me, Lord; that this woman that's deaf, might hear. And let it be known now, that Thou art God Who heals the deaf. And I charge this spirit, as I come in a challenge of faith, I charge this spirit: in Jesus Christ's Name, thou deaf spirit, come out of her.
Hear me? Now, you can raise your head. You hear me now? Hear me now? Can you hear me now? You're healed now. It's gone from you. And you're well. Go on your road rejoicing.
39 Let us say, "Praise the Lord." Jesus Christ the Son of God can heal every one of you the same way, right now. You believe it?
Let's stand to our feet, right quick, every person in here. I want you to do what I ask you to do. Lay your hands over on somebody near you, if you will, right across the seat or something.
I see somebody standing back there on crutches. Don't pick them up no more; put them on your shoulder and walk out tonight. Jesus Christ makes you well.
O Almighty God, shed forth Thy blessings tonight. Let Thy mercies be known in here tonight again. Thou art God alone. And Your Spirit is here to cast forth every evil power, and You can do it tonight through Your great power. And this church, in one accord, is praying. The Bible said, "They were assembled together, and the building was shook where they were assembled." May the power of God shake through this building once more and deliver every person, that they see that You're here and know the secrets of the heart.
Satan, you're exposed; you can't hold these people any longer. Come out of them; in the Name of Jesus Christ go from them.
Prayer Line (1954-08-10) (William M. Branham Sermons)
Prayer Line (1954-08-10) (William M. Branham Sermons) somebodyPrayer Line
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1 And now, if Jesus has raised from the dead, and He'll do the same thing here at the platform that He did to Nathaniel, to the woman at the well, and all through the Scriptures, how many out there, you newcomers, say, "I will accept it; I'll believe it'd be the Lord Jesus?" Will you raise your hand and say, "I'll accept it"? Thank you. Thank you kindly. Now, may He do it. And may He--Hi--His poor humble servant here, find grace in His sight.
As far as I know, there's not a person in the building, outside of the platform here, that I know of. You don't have to be on the platform. How many out there doesn't have prayer cards and wants God to heal you? Just raise your hand and say, "I--I want God to heal me." Well, what I want you to do is look this way and believe that I told you the truth.
2 Now, if I've told you the truth, a man can come through California, here... And I was on Pershing Square not long ago; they can say anything. But look, brother, when God speaks of it and says it's the truth, then you'd better believe God. See? A man can say anything. But the Bible in Hebrews the 11th chapter, the 2nd verse, it said that God confirms His gifts. He vindicates them, makes them known to be truth. And may God do it tonight: His gift Jesus Christ, the greatest gift the world ever had. May He confirm and prove to you tonight by His great power, through His humble servant, that Jesus raised from the dead. And it's for one alternative that you--you might believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. For He's the only Hope of salvation.
3 You bring the lady. Now, after preaching, I... Just a moment till we get quietened. And I'll ask, if you will, Christians, in the Name of our Lord Jesus, let every person keep seated, keep reverent, keep praying. I like to rejoice. But when you're coming to God, you've got to come sane, sensibly, reverent. Then after God does something for you, then give Him praise and rejoice as much as you wish to. But first, come reverent; listen to the Holy Spirit; see what He says. Now, here's the whole thing; it's submitting yourself to the Holy Spirit.
The woman standing there, I suppose she may be Spanish, looks a little like it. But I never seen her and she... You never seen me, I suppose. We're perfectly strangers to each other, but God knows both of us. And there's not a person in the building that I see anywhere, besides what's behind me here, that I know of, 'less it's Brother and Sister Shakarian, the business man setting right there. Every one else to me is a stranger. But there's none of you strangers to God. He knows every one of you.
4 Now, what if the Lord Jesus was standing here with this suit on He give me? What would He say to this woman? Now, if she's sick, I don't know; God does. But whatever that was wrong with her, He'd talk to her first. Now, as far as healing her, He'd say... If she's sick, He'd say, "I've already done that. You just believe it." But now, He would have power to maybe, like He talked to the woman at the well, He said, "Bring Me a drink." and begin to carry the conversation.
She said, "It's not customary for the Jews to ask Samaritans such."
Said, "But if you know Who you was talking to, you'd ask Me for a drink." Her conversation went on. What was He doing? This is to my--my thought: He was catching her spirit. And when He caught her spirit He found out where her trouble was. And He told her her trouble. Said, "Go get your husband."
She said, "I don't have any."
Said, "That's right. You got five."
So she run into the city, saying, "Come, see a Man that's told me everything I ever did. Isn't this the very Christ?"
5 Now, standing here tonight, are you Spanish, sister? Spanish. Now, this is exactly this--just another case of it. Spanish people, and I'm Irish, so it's a two different nationalities of people. Now, here's a--a perfect picture of the woman at the well. Now, Jesus said, "Now, the things that I do, you'll do also." Now, what would He do? He'd talk to the woman. And if she's done anything in her life that's wrong, watch it be told. See? If something isn't under the blood, if she's--if she's here just a deceiver, watch what happens. Watch them come to the platform and pack her out for her last time. See, see? Now, now, just keep your eyes and be reverent.
I don't know the woman; I've never seen her; but Jesus does. Now, sister, usually the first person at night is usually the one that has to--I have to talk to a minute. Then the anointing of the Holy Spirit catches me, then they take me out (See?) after so long a time. But we're just two strangers that's met here in earth. And now, when He goes to talking, just listen to Him. You see? But now I'm talking and it's me. It'll be my voice, but It'll be Him that's talking.
6 You're conscious that something's going on, that you're in the Presence of something besides just a man. You are a Christian, 'cause just immediately as soon as you talked back, that same picture there, that's that Light moving between us now. I see it myself. Beginning... You're beginning to fade to me. In a few minutes I know my voice will be coming through here; not my voice. It'll be something else in another world that'll know you.
You're here with a heart full of sorrow tonight. You're real extremely nervous because that you have a trouble with your breathing. I see you trying to lay down and you can't breath right. You keep fighting for your breath. That's nervous trouble that's causing that. You also are concerned about a young man. It's your boy and he's unsaved. And you've got some brothers that you're concerned about, and they're unsaved. And I see a young lady come in my view. It--it's your daughter. She is saved, 'cause it's white around her. She's a Christian.
7 You've had a lot of trouble of sorrow. You've lost your husband. You been a widow for several years. Those things are true. I don't remember what they was, but they--they're true, aren't they? If you'd raise your hand... You hear that? That wasn't me. That was Someone Who knows you. That's what you're feeling now. You know He's here, don't you? What was His Words? "If they lay hands on the sick, they shall recover." Come here just a moment.
Kind heavenly Father, I bless this, Thy handsmaid, and ask for mercy for her. Grant the requests of her heart, Lord, the healing of her body, and all things that she desires. May she go now for I give them to her, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Sister, you are healed and your requests is granted before God. If He knows what was, He surely knows what is. You'll never be bothered with that no more. You're well. God bless you.
8 Every one here should believe right now. The same thing... Nathaniel said--come up in the prayer line and Jesus said, "You're a believer, an Israelite, and no guile."
He said, "When'd You know me, Rabbi?" or Reverend, teacher, Master.
He said, "Before Philip called you, when you were under the tree, I saw you." Is that right?
What did Philip say--or Nathaniel? he said, "Rabbi, Thou art the Son of God; Thou art the King of Israel."
Jesus said, "Because I said I seen you under the tree, do you believe?"
I wonder what the thoughts of this auditorium is tonight and these people? Every one of you ought to know that that's the Lord Jesus Christ. If you think it's something else, you'll never get no benefit from it. You believe it to be the Lord Jesus and watch what happens. See? Have faith.
9 Excuse me, lady. I'm sorry I--just talking while I'm able to talk. Are we strangers to each other, lady? You... Ah... You've prayed for me but I've never seen you. All right. Now, there's only one thing that I ask you to do, my sister. And I appreciate your prayers before anything happens. I appreciate your prayer. And it's only such people as you that prays for me, that helps me to get along. And I pray that God will bless you. And may He reward you to give you the desire of your heart for praying for me.
For this time, I seen you've longed for this for some time. You've had lots of trouble. You--you have a heart trouble and it's bad. It's a blockage in the heart; I see a doctor giving the examination. You've had an operation, but it wasn't on the heart; it's through the back. And they took out a kidney. And they got another kidney left, and it's a floating. You got a sister that's sick. She's here in California, a lovely place, a beautiful hospital. And she's got some kind of a arthri--or it's hardening of the arteries like. And she's been in the hospital or sick for about two years. I see you. You been going back to see her. Those things are right, lady. Come here.
O God Who created the heavens and earth, send Thy blessings upon the woman and give her the desire of her heart. And Satan, you who've tried to hold her, you've lost the battle. Jesus Christ has come and you're defeated. Leave the woman; in the Name of Jesus Christ, come out from her. Amen. Also put that handkerchief on your sick loved one for her healing. Amen.
10 Have faith now; believe with all your heart that Jesus Christ the Son of God is here to heal. Don't stir, people. Please don't. It interrupts. You see? You see motions. The Holy Spirit, you see a vision like someone crossing the audience like that, and you're watching a vision you see somebody actually move, and--and it interferes with you. They'll take me away just in a few minutes, so be reverent, if you please.
You believe, sister? You must believe; you're so sick. You're got--you got heart trouble. You got--you got a--a tumor. And you got eye trouble; you got cataracts in your eyes. You can't see them, but they're on the back side of your eye. Many things... Come here just a minute.
Dear Lord and Saviour, may, in the Name of Jesus, Thy Son, may this great power, omnipotent, come over this woman tonight and deliver her from all these afflictions. I send her home to be well, in the Name of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Thou hast said, "Whatever you say, believe that it'll come to pass; you shall have what you say." I believe You, Lord. Amen. God bless you, sister. Go now and be well.
11 Now, be reverent; have faith. Come, lady. Do you believe? With all your heart? You believe that God is able to say through His servant to you, just as He did in the days gone by? And when the Lord Jesus was here, He said the things that He did, that we'd do also. But we... That's right, more of them, 'cause there's more. You suffer with a kidney trouble. That kidney trouble is causing you to have peculiar feelings. I seen you a--a shivering like you're cold all the time. And you keep your feet--from your legs, your knees down, you almost freeze. I see you standing on the street. It's today, I believe. You were talking to a white woman, and that white woman told you about this meeting, and she brought you here tonight to go home well; in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ...
Have faith in God. If thou canst believe, all things are possible. You believe the Lord raised from the dead? He's here tonight, Christian friend. These things are not done as a stage show. This is for the glory of God. Now, if you were healed of something like that woman was, you'd be happy too and scream like that. Just have faith. Believe with all your heart, you'll get what you ask.
12 Sir, you believe God will heal you of that heart trouble, setting there with your foot out like that on that box, looking this a way? Think you're going to go home tonight without that crutch, just going home walking? You are? ... You, setting right next to him there, you have heart trouble also. And you got prostate trouble. You've got a pocket book; it's got a little statement in it from a clinic that you have prostate trouble. Isn't that right? It is. You're going home well too. Your faith has healed you. God bless you.
Have faith in God. Don't doubt. Believe with all your heart. That's good instructions, sister, to give that lady. Yeah, you with the hand with your nose to it, like that, instructing the lady there. That's fine. Setting right here, the lady with the little hat on... You got a tumor, haven't you, lady? It's in your left side, isn't it? That's very nice. Now, raise up and accept the Lord Jesus and be healed. God bless you now. You can go home and be well... I never read the woman's mind. No, sir, that's wrong; quit thinking that.
13 Pardon me, is this the patient? Howdy do? Howdy do, lady. I--I just want to talk to you a moment. You realize you're standing in the Presence of Him Who will be your Judge someday and be my Judge? This is the first time you've ever felt like that, because you're closer now: not because I'm standing here, but because that He is here. You're conscious of this. You're so sick, lady. You're suffering with everything: you have heart trouble; kidney trouble; you have colitis in the bowels; your blood's bad. You're just a--a--a physical wreck. The doctors can't even do nothing for you.
Your name is Mary, isn't it? Uh-huh. You're from a place called Rolling Hills, California. And the... Your number's 4 Hillside Lane. You've got a sister that's sick. You love her with all your heart. The woman has stomach trouble. Your sister, she's nervous, other things, complications. You got a sick father too, that's away from here. And your father, he has asthma. And he has a liver trouble, piles. He's a minister--He's a minister. He's a Presbyterian preacher. His name is Tucker, and he lives in another country, it's wooded all around: hills. There's a big river runs by the city. And as you come into the city on a Road 23, there's a graveyard or something on the left hand side. And there's a big river, it's the Ohio River; and he is in Kentucky, at Paducah, Kentucky. Go home, Jesus Christ makes you well, and you shall have what you've ask for in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
14 Shake me. Don't let me talk like that no more. See? Little lady, setting, looking at me right back there with your head up, with the high blood pressure, Jesus Christ healed you now. You can stand up on your feet. That's you right here with the... Go home now and be well.
There sets a man and his wife, setting right here on the end of the row. Both of them has heart trouble. They did have. Right out here. All right, you can go home now. Yes. Go home; be made well, in the Name of Lord Jesus. You... Stand up, sir. Accept your healing and go home and be made well for the glory of God.
Howdy do, lady. Do you believe me to be His servant? God bless you. You're here in behalf of someone else, and that's a someone who's got a blood clot, been operated several times for it. It's your--it's your son. And he doesn't live here; he lives near the Golden Gates. It's San Francisco, California. And the boy is in a serious condition. And above this, you've been talking to him today or some by a telephone. I see you together by telephone. You was trying to persuade him to come down here. The reason that he doesn't come is because he's a backslider. The boy's got a call to the ministry; he knows it; but he's a running from God. Go, call him and tell him to come here and live, and to take up his ministry in the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
15 It's not hard for God to heal heart trouble, is it? He can just make all of them well. Don't you believe that? In the Name of Jesus the Son of God, may our brother be healed. Go away from him, enemy; in Jesus' Name. Amen.
All right. Come, lady. Something strange taken place when I said that, didn't it? You were healed the same time. You can go on your road rejoicing. You're healed too.
You believe? With all your heart? You must believe, for a shadow of death is around you. It's a cancer, but Jesus Christ can heal you. You believe that? Accept it. And now, I condemn this devil called cancer. Leave the woman; in the Name of Jesus Christ, come out of her. Go believing now, sister. All things are possible.
Kidney trouble, arthritis. You believe Jesus Christ makes you well? Go on your road rejoicing, saying, 'Thank You, Lord," and be made well for God's glory.
Your trouble's in your back, isn't it? You're healed. Go, be made well, in Jesus' Name.
Would you like to eat tonight, mother? Go eat your supper. Your stomach trouble's gone. In the Name of Jesus Christ be made well.
16 You'll never go blind if you'll trust Jesus Christ. You believe that? He's healed your eyes. You can go on your road rejoicing, be made... Just a moment. There's a lady standing here. She's--she's got a stroke, mashed her in her side. She's wearing a red dress. She's setting right out there. Stand up on your feet, lady. You're about, around fifty, sixty years old, somewhere in there. Jesus Christ heals you. Now, go home, your hand's free.
Do you believe on the Lord Jesus? You believe He's here. Friends, my strength is gone. I love the Lord with all my heart and He--He's here. If you're not a Christian, if you're a backslider, would you come here at the altar just a minute for prayer? I invite you, in Jesus Christ's Name, to come here and accept Jesus as your heal--as your Saviour. If you want the baptism of the Holy Ghost, now's the time to receive it. Come to the altar here and receive this. If you're sick and afflicted, I ask you, no matter what's wrong with you, stand to your feet at this time and be made well, while we pray.
Lord, I ask Thee, in Jesus Christ's Name. I condemn every sickness, every sin; and in the Name of Jesus Christ I ask that the devil comes out of the people. Come out of them in the Name of Jesus Christ. Satan, you're a loser.
Prayer Line (1954-08-12) (William M. Branham Sermons)
Prayer Line (1954-08-12) (William M. Branham Sermons) somebodyPrayer Line
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1 ... Brother Wood, just a few moments ago, he was somewhere, I believe, when I come in over there, or somewhere: Mr. and Mrs. Wood, the one that sells the books and pictures. As far as I know, that's the only people in here besides my own campaign manager and them, I know in the building. But do you know, Jesus Christ knows every one of you? He knows all that you've ever done in your life. And He could make known to me, if He so desired, something that would help you. And I pray that He will.
I have been preaching a few nights, and it's... The anointing of the Angel of the Lord is kinda strange is--you're helpless without Him. And I... But He is here now, and I believe that His mercies be upon all of you, is my prayer.
2 Now, is this the patient? Now, to you who are in the prayer line that's coming, in order to help you, I'm your brother. I can't heal you; God has already did that; when Jesus died at Calvary He healed you. And to you people along there in the wheelchairs, have faith in God.
A few nights ago, there stood a--a colored lady setting there, bound with multiple sclerosis. And a vision struck over in a corner, asked her, rise to her feet; she rose up, went out walking. He can do the same for you. Have faith; believe. Don't disbelieve; believe that God is going to do it for you. If He tells me, I'll tell you. Just start praying, anywhere.
How many in here does not have a prayer card and wants to be prayed for, let's see your hands: anywhere in the building, you don't have a prayer card? That's... Thank you. Just get a general idea. Now, you just look this a way and believe with all your heart; Jesus Christ will do the rest. May the Lord bless you.
3 Now, sir, and to the prayer line here, if you really don't believe this with all your heart, don't stand in this prayer line; for be it assured unto you, that if you'd come up here disbelieving or leave disbelieving, the Bible said, "Go ye and sin no more (or disbelieve no more) or a worse thing come upon you." So have faith.
You're strangers. Is every one in this prayer line a stranger to me? If you are raise up your hand, every one that can hear, in the prayer line? All strangers. I want the audience to be just as reverent and keep seated if you will.
4 Now, sir, being the first person up here tonight, I want to talk to you just as Jesus of Nazareth talked to the woman at the well. You just raised your hand that we were strangers to each other. We've never met in life. But God knows both of us, doesn't He? Now, the reason I'm talking to you for a moment, it's for a purpose. And that's to catch the anointing of the Spirit of God on you. And maybe just like our Master talked to the woman at the well, and that's what my conversation is... When He comes to us, then you just be reverent and quiet. See what He says. And I, being a stranger to you and don't know you, then if God will let me know your trouble or whatever you--what, something about you that's a secret, or whatever it is, something that you know that I do not know, then will you believe Him for you--whatever you've come for?
'Course, I don't know what you're here for. You may be here for financial troubles. You may be here for domestic troubles. You may be sick. God knows. But the thing you--it's... You--you're a believer; your spirit is welcome. See? And I know that you are a believer. And you're aware that something's going on now. Now, that's what you see on that picture.
Now, that the audience might know, sir, just the last few seconds, something has been moving on you. If that's right, raise up your hand. See? It's just settling down between you and I. It becomes like a fog. I'm looking through it. And I keep seeing somebody else, 'cause it's somebody you're here for. And it's a--it's a man. And the man is a relative of yours. And he--he has a--a lung trouble. And he is not in this city. He's from a city where there's mountain. It's--it's San Bernardino. He's a relative of yours, in so much that he is a brother-in-law to you.
And I see it's something strange; it's smoke or fight. It's a battle. You are a soldier or have been a soldier. And you--you've been--you've been hurt. And it--it hit in your... It's something hurt your left arm at the wrist. That is right. Your request is granted by God. You can return and make... in the Name of Jesus Christ.
5 Have faith. Don't doubt. Believe for the glory of God. Now, every one be reverent, please. Just be real reverent.
Lady, I would like to talk to you just a moment. We are strangers to each other, are we? But there's one day that you and I are going to meet in His Presence, and we're going to give an account for our life. You believe that? We're going to have to. Yes, you're awfully nervous, extremely nervous. 'Course, seeing you wear glasses, I'm not going to speak of that. But you got... Your trouble is... You been to a doctor, and it's something that's in the side and in your back. And you're up for an operation. But the greatest need you have tonight is Jesus Christ for your Saviour, 'cause you're not a Christian. You're a sinner; it's black all around you. I am happy that you come tonight, because you'd probably died under your operation. Do you accept Jesus now as your personal Saviour? You promise from this time on that you'll never go back and sin no more, that you'll serve Him and go and live for Him the rest of your... Do you accept Him now as your Saviour? Your sins are forgiven. God be merciful to you. You go and the peace of God be upon you; in Jesus Christ's Name.
6 Now, stop that criticizing that. I never forgive the woman's sins; I said, "She was forgiven." She accepted Christ. Just have faith. Believe with all your heart. The Lord Jesus Christ will bless you. Every person in here ought to believe right now for whatever thing you have need of. You ought to be a believer right now. The lovely Lord Jesus, the--the Son of God, standing with His arms stretched out over this building to bless and to give peace. I know many of you thought these Pentecostal people were wrong. They've been wrong in a many a thing, but they're right in a lot of things. You failed to see that Sacrifice before them. You failed to see the phenomenal of God working among them. They're going to deeper depths and higher heights. God will take her up someday. Have faith.
7 Howdy do? We are strangers to each other. You're packing a book in your hand that contains eternal life to every believer. And you are a believer, has accepted Christ, you have eternal life, born again of the Spirit. Now, your trouble is you're--you're real--you're real extremely nervous, have been recently. And you're having a--a bowel trouble in the bowels. And you just come from--it's a clinic, a TB clinic. You've gotten real weak. You just had a fall; you sprained both ankles. But Christ has healed you. Your faith has saved you. In the Name of the Lord Jesus, go and be whole for glory of God. Amen. God bless you. Have faith. Believe with all your heart.
Believe that these things to be of God? Depends on what you think about it. If you believe it to be the Lord Jesus, what--exactly what He said He would do... "The same things that I do," He said. You say, "He did it?" Sure. He looked out into His audience, perceiving their thoughts, told them different things. Is that right? The Scripture. It reads that way in the blessed Bible, and that's what we know that our Lord has raised from the dead, and He's visited His people to call the Gentiles out, just before He calls the Jews and rejects the Gentile church. Amen. That were inspiration. Flee to Christ as quick as you can. Don't be double minded. Throw your whole life to Him and believe Him with all your heart.
8 Howdy do? Suppose, sister... I called you 'sister' because you are my sister; you're a Christian, filled with the Holy Spirit. Then you're here... How would I know that? You're just a woman walked up here. See? But the Holy Spirit let's me know that your spirit feels welcome to me, that you're here. You're in serious trouble too, sister. The doctor told you you must have an operation right away. That was the--in the female glands where the examination was. That's right. You're with someone else, aren't you? You come here in a delegation. And you come from away from here. You don't belong in this country. You're from a country where it's all green and lot of woods and--and evergreens and a lot of myrtle trees. And--and you live in a city that sets on side of a hill like this. And the main road comes up through this way, and as you go out, going towards the west, you go up a hill. And there's a park on the right hand side: it's Ashburn, Oregon. You're going back to be well. Jesus Christ makes you well. In the Name of Jesus Christ, I bless my sister. Go rejoicing, my sister.
9 Have faith in God. Don't doubt. Come, lady. Howdy do? You believe me to be His servant? The reason I say that, He said, "If you get the people to believe you..." We are strangers to each other, are we, lady? We do not know each other. But your examination proved that you had a heart trouble. And you got a gland trouble. One works against the other. Isn't that right? You believe Him now for your healing? You do. If I talk to you a little while, you believe He would--He could reveal other things just the same as that? Would you talk to me just a moment? You're fixing to take a trip. You're going to leave the city tonight or tomorrow, one. You're going to another city, and that city sets on the seacoast. And it's got hills behind it; the Golden Gate Bridge crosses this way. It's San Francisco. That is right. You're a minister's wife. Your husband is an evangelist, and he's sick. He just had to leave the field from a nervous kind of a condition, breaking down. Reverend, you can go back home, both of you well now. Stand up on your feet. Jesus Christ healed you both. God bless you.
10 Stand close. Stand close. A man praying for his wife, both of them together. Only believe, friend. Have faith in the God of heaven. He can do all things. If I'd say to that lady... You're a cripple, setting in a chair, that little girl there. You're a crippled setting in a chair. Sure, you see that. That is no mystery. But look at this young man standing here, just a child. What's wrong with him? That's a mystery. See? That's it. What's wrong with the child? He looks healthy. No mystery there.
There's a lady setting before me, a colored lady with dark glasses on. I'd say, "Something's wrong with your eye." Sure. That's right.
Howdy do, young man? Do you believe the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God? You believe for--that I am His servant? You believe that? That's a great big thing for you to answer, isn't it, son? It's a hard thing, because you're a Catholic. You're suffering with asthma, aren't you, son? Now, do you believe me? Now you do. That made a believer out of you, doesn't it? You come here with a neighbor lady, didn't you? That's her, setting right over there with that yellow dress on, isn't it?
Mother, you've got a daughter that's suffering with a nervous breakdown. That's right, isn't it? Stand up. You're going to find her well.
Sonny, return home. Jesus Christ healed you of the asthma. I bless the boy; in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen. Don't cry, mother. Jesus bless you...
11 What you thinking about, lady, setting right there beh--crying behind the lady? You believe with all your heart? Just weeping so... There's something struck you, didn't it? The lady with the elderly lady, setting right behind the lady with very... You believe me to be God's prophet, His servant? You do? Well, I'm going to tell you then: your faith healed you from that liver trouble you had. That's your neighbor setting next to you there. You all chum together. She's got a goiter. Put your hand over on her. Let's ask God to make her well.
Lord, I pray that in Jesus' Name that you'll heal the woman and make her well for Your glory; through Jesus Christ the Son of God. Amen. Have faith in God.
12 You understand English, the Spanish woman setting there with a hernia? Yes. You were praying, wasn't you? You got a hernia; you want to be healed of it, don't you? Yes, ma'am. Your lady friend setting next to you has high blood pressure too, doesn't she? Now, stand up onto your feet, both of you. Put your arms over on each other.
Lord Jesus, make them well. And may Thy Spirit come upon them now. You're the One Who does these things. Their faith has touched Your garment. May You heal them, through Jesus Christ's Name. Amen. Your faith bless you. God be with you, make you well.
Now, there He is standing by the lady, the colored lady, setting right back here beside that white lady with the--with the little jacket on. You got arthritis, haven't you, lady, the elderly lady setting there? That's right, you, you that's turning around, you're the one's that got the arth... Yes, sir. You got arthritis, haven't you? Raise your hand if that isn't so. You did have it; you don't have it now. Your faith has healed you. God bless you.
The elderly lady set there by that post, you got heart trouble, haven't you, lady? You believe God healed you? Raise up your hand and say, "I accept Him as my Healer." Hallelujah. He's here to heal everybody in here, if you believe it. Only thing you have to do is have faith in God, believe with all your heart.
13 You believe? I see you trying to get into an automobile. You have a hard trouble. I see you trying to set down in a chair; it's hard for you to move. Those things are true, 'cause you got arthritis. The Spirit of God that's here to discern and tell you what and where, you believe that's Him? You believe He's on me now? Jesus said, "These signs shall follow them that believe. If they lay their hands on the sick they'll get well." You believe that?
Father, this commission... You... Thou hast commissioned us to do this. And I ask it to be so for our sister; in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.
14 Have faith in God. God can heal that kidney trouble for you and make you well. Do you believe it, with all your heart? Coming from... Every person out there with kidney trouble, stand on your feet just now. I can't even see. It's coming everywhere. Just looky there where I'm telling you. See what I mean? See? I couldn't even... The Holy Spirit just swept over the whole group of you just then.
Almighty God, the devil is exposed. Come out of there, Satan. In Jesus' Name, leave the people. You're every one healed... God bless you. The whole pressure leaves from you.
You believe God can heal you of the heart trouble and make you well? Every person with heart trouble stand on your feet just now. Every person with heart trouble to your feet right quick. See there; you can't even discern it; it's so many it's just pulling everywhere. Everybody's got faith. The Holy Spirit's moved and settled over the building now, just moving all over the building. So much faith you can't tell where it's coming from.
Satan, you see you're exposed. In the Name of Jesus Christ, come out of these people; leave them every one. God bless you, sister. Go and be made well.
15 Just a minute. Just--just a minute. All right. Lady, you speak English? Look at me just a minute. You're ready for an operation. You got a growth; it's a tumor. You believe Jesus can heal you? Every person's got tumor, stand to your feet right now. No need of waiting any longer; this is the end of the meeting, brother. God's going to heal every one of you.
Almighty God, in Whom raised up Jesus Christ from the dead, showed forth His Presence, and now You're here tonight, showing forth Your Presence. You are not dead; You're alive forevermore. Satan, called tumor, come out of these people. In the Name of Jesus Christ, I adjure thee to leave them.
Have faith. That's the way. Be reverent and have faith. You--you believe?
16 This the lady? Excuse me, lady. Everything's becoming milky to me. You believe me to be God's prophet? With all... If God will let me know what is wrong with you, will you accept your healing? You realize you're standing in the Presence of Somebody besides a man, aren't you? That's the Lord Jesus Christ. You believe it? All right. You had stomach trouble. It's caused from a peptic condition, a nervous condition come on you, causes a ulcer, peptic ulcer in the stomach. And every person in here with stomach trouble, stand on your feet right now for your healing.
O, Lord God, Creator of heavens and earth, Author of everlasting life, Giver of every good gift, send Thy blessings upon this people now, who stands waiting for Thy eternal blessing. Satan, you are condemned by the Blood of Jesus Christ at the cross. Come out of here. In the Name of Jesus Christ, I adjure thee to go. Leave the people.
Go home; eat your supper; you're well.
And every person in here that wants to be healed, I don't care where you're at, what's wrong with you, stand to your feet right now. If you'll believe me to be God's prophet or His servant, accept what I'm telling you: Jesus Christ is here saying it's the truth. Believe it right now. Accept Him as your Healer.