Show us the Father and it will suffice us

Show us the Father and it will suffice us somebody

Show us the Father and it will suffice us (1950-08-19) (William M. Branham Sermons)

Show us the Father and it will suffice us (1950-08-19) (William M. Branham Sermons) somebody

Show us the Father and it will suffice us

1 Good evening. Very happy, and as usual, to be here. It always makes me feel happy to come and--and minister to the sick and the needy. God knows that the world is sure in need.
Now, tonight as we minister, Brother Gordon told me the other day, said... Kinda refreshed myself and speak awhile tonight?
Next... Tomorrow afternoon is the--the "Life's Story." And I wish, if you would, if you come out tomorrow and can, I make it the afternoon so it will not bother anyone's services, religious services. If you can come in the afternoon, it'll be very, very fine.
And then tomorrow night, I trust that God will give us our outstanding healing service tomorrow night. That'll be...

2 Next week, they've asked me to continue on a little while, which I'm going to try my best. We very seldom ever stay over three to five nights in meeting there. And this time, I'm trying to stay a little long, because it's so difficult to take the--to take the... [Gap in the audio] God bless every one. And I just love little children. She passed by there. Bless her little heart.
Yes, sweetheart. She has eye trouble, don't she, mother? She's extremely nervous too, isn't she? Isn't that right? You're suffering with a back trouble. Isn't that right? Yes, ma'am. Well now, you believe me what I tell you, will you do that? You go home testifying that you're healed, and about your daughter too, and everything will be all right for you, if you'll believe it. God bless you, sister.
Now, the little sweet little thing come by waving her little hand. Well, I just love little children with all...
Now, don't... Do not doubt nothing, sister. Now, that's... You know that I'm perfect stranger to you, and I do not know you, know nothing of you. But you believe me if what I've told you to be the truth, and God... You go ahead and just testify, say you're healed and all is over. And your baby will get well, and everything will be all right.

3 Now, I want you to remember that tomorrow night... Everybody try to be in tomorrow night for the healing service. And next week, our...
What we try to hold off for so many cards, is to try to get to a place where... Our meetings are usually congested with many, many thousands of people. But it hasn't been too many people in the meetings.
And I feel if we'll just take next week and we won't have any prayer cards. We'll just pray for everybody, just let everybody come up and pray for them. And--and I believe that there's been enough said around, and watched the things that's been in other meetings, till I'm--I'm trying to find a way... [Gap in the audio] Something that God can get every one of, you know, heal everybody. That's what I want to see.

4 Someone told me there'd been somebody here for many, many times in the other meetings, and had never been able to get into the prayer line. That's what I'm trying to get away from. Just as quick as possible get to a place to where we can get every one prayed for.
The signs and wonders are glorious. And I believe though, I tried it in Kuopio, and many of the different places. And it was just wonderful. But in America I have never seen the time just yet. I was trying to find the will of God, to find out what God wants me to do. And then I always want to walk in His perfect will if I possibly can. Everything that I--I know that it can be done to--to help.

5 Now, everybody be reverent, believe with all your heart. And now, I want to thank some of the dear people that... A certain lady, I... She may not even be here. A couple days ago, she bought me some clothes. (My little boy's speaking here.) This woman, kind of a poor lady, was all right. I--I looked at the clothes, and I--I admired it, so that I--I didn't know what to do. Anybody gives me anything, I appreciate it just million times more than if I bought it myself.
I was... I just want to thank that lady, if she's here anywhere, and may God bless her and give her the desire of her heart. And I appreciate...
Someone sent me a box of handkerchiefs and some things yesterday. And I appreciate that. God knows that I won't wear those clothes in bad places. I'll just use them to preach the Gospel, everything that I can. And I'll do all that I know how to do for others. And I appreciate it...
Now, the only thing I can say, is, "God reward you, sister, brother, whoever you are that gave those things." Yes, sir.

6 And I was just going to announce it last evening. I thought, "Well, I have this..." Maybe she was here, and I forgot about it. And I appreciate. Someone... And if there's anything, if anyone gives... Don't you feel that way about it? If it's something someone give you...
And I've got a--a great person. I love outdoors, guns, knives, hunting, you know. That's where I found God as a little boy, wandering in the woods. And I always loved hunting.
And someone... Sometimes a fellow give me a barrel of an old .22 rifle, about that long. And I took a piece of board and made a stock out of it. Why, I wouldn't sell that thing for nothing. Its value would be worth a dime, probably, maybe fifty cents. And I put a hammer on it and I fixed it up. But it's worth a thousand dollars to me. I remember the old brother that had it. And I... Just anything, no matter what it is, that anyone gives, anyone, it's... I cherish it greatly.
Now, that... [Gap in the audio] We're going right on through, I think, until about Thursday or Friday. Isn't that right, Brother... That'll be the longest meeting, I guess, I ever held in my life at any time. And so... Up here in this city. And I certainly haven't seen any place that I would have seen any more spiritual cooperation among the people. And fine faith is what I have found right here in this city. God bless each one of you.
You'd be surprised. Just standing right here now, you can see thing after thing happening in the meeting (That's right.), of what's going on. If I could just only get the people to believe it with all their heart, soul, and mind. If they would do that, it would just be marvelous how God would...
Now, many times, you can see what's going on. But to ta--say the person's healed, I couldn't say it. Now, I couldn't say until God shows me. I can only say what, everything. Just like the little lady here, telling her what, the man... If I would've had...

7 I believe that's the new little boy here. I don't believe. This is the first time--his first time he's been here isn't it? You been here before? Third night. I've never noticed him before to...
Now, just a... Are you a believer, the parents? You believe with all your heart? Now, if you'll just believe me, I'll be able to tell you about the child. But now, its healing, I... 'less God tells me.
Yes, I see the child. It looks like a spastic, but it wasn't. That child was injured at birth. Isn't that right? Is that what done it? That's right... Now, there's some kind of a connection between us now. You know, both of you; you feel real strange now, don't you? See? You've contacted that Spirit. Now, just be real reverent and believe with all your heart, you can have just what exactly what you ask for. If you can believe... But the first thing is to believe. You, I believe, I have said I seen the vision from...

8 There's a little lady, setting right there with a white looking dress on, young girl; you're trying your best for me to say something, aren't you, sister? Do you believe with all your heart? And when I walked on the platform awhile ago, you started praying, or something or another, didn't you? Because I turned around, I noticed you were praying or something. You were wanting me to tell you that what--what's wrong and what... Isn't that right?
Let me go to telling you a little story. You're just a young woman. We know that by looking at you. But one time, there was a woman in the Bible, something of your nature, and she promised the Lord what she would do if the Lord would just bless her. Is that true? She goes up to the temple to pray about it one day (Is that right?), this woman. And the priest misunderstood her. And she prayed with such sincerity for God to take away her reproach, until she was misunderstood. Is that right? And the temp--priest of the temple came out and said, "The Lord grant to you your desire." And in nine months from then, she had her desire (Wasn't that right?), a little baby.
God bless you, sister. And may God give you the child that you're desiring right there. Don't worry, mother. I believe that she'll embrace a child soon. Now, just have faith and believe with all your heart.

9 People down in this end of the row, look this a way and believe with all your heart.
Here's a kind of a heavy set lady, setting here I just contact now by the Spirit of God. Sister, if I tell you what's wrong with you... I know... Yes, I see now. Here's what it is. You have difficult breathing. Isn't that right? Difficult breath, you can't breathe good. If you'll do what I tell you to do and believe me as God's prophet... You know that you're a stranger. No way in the world that I'd know that except God. You believe in that? Would you go testifying that you're healed, and telling people you're healed? God will grant it.
There's a man setting right next to you also with that white shirt on. He's in trouble also. Isn't that right, sir? Now, I don't know. Your trouble is in your arms. No, no it isn't. You have a prostate trouble for one thing. And you're having trouble in your... No, you got pleurisy. That's what it is. Isn't that right, sir? It's in your sides, along like that... That is right. Will you believe me as God's prophet? You know that you're a stranger to me. All right. You go and forget you ever had pleurisy. Testify of your healing, you shall have what you've asked for.

10 God, be merciful. Nervous and eye trouble, isn't it, sister, with your little girl? Have faith. She'll get over that and be all right. Amen.
Do you believe too, sister, with that complication, cancer? Even everything else work on you, isn't that true? Yes, sir. All right. This lady setting here with this white looking collar on, you have complication. You have... You've had cancer also, haven't you? All right. Jesus heals you now. You're over that. You can go home and be free as you want to be.
Don't fear about the girl's eyes there, sister. And your nervous trouble, also, that'll leave you and you'll be all right. God bless you, sister, and have mercy. Just have faith. Just believe.
Down in this a way, every one look and believe. Have faith.
All right, sir, you setting there with your short sleeves on there, with eyes and ear trouble. Isn't that right? You believe me? All right. Testify that you're healed, and God will make you well, and heal you right now if you'll just believe it.
Oh, dear brother, sister, anywhere, God is here. He can just make known...

11 Let us pray just now. Our heavenly Father, many are the afflictions of Your people, but It says, "The Lord delivereth them out of them all." Oh, time would not permit how that You could sweep over this audience, one from the other, speaking to them.
Lord, surely the people would know that Your servant, standing here with not an earthly way, knowing that there's a spiritual contact between these people and Thy servant. And I'm trying to tell them it's Your Divine gift that was sent down from glory to manifest Your Presence. As You told Nathanael, "Before Philip called you, when you were under the tree, I knew you." You told the woman about her sins. You told them where to find the mules. You knew where the fish was that had a coin in his mouth. You know all things, and You reveal them to us as we serve You. And we know You said, "These things that I do, greater shall you, for I go unto My Father." And Your Spirit is here tonight, manifesting.

12 Father, help me as I speak the Word. May the Word now go forth with power and bring forth a results that'll start this audience, every one--the cripples to walk, the blind to see, the deaf to hear, the dumb to speak. May they leave here rejoicing, happy, shouting, glorifying You. And may tomorrow be a new day, a dawn that when blind sees, and the deaf hear, lame walk, cancers are gone away, weariness of flesh, faith is in, Jesus rules and reigns, all doubt is gone. Grant it, Father.
Bless You Thy people. We're gathering together here at the end of the week to serve You and to bless Thy Name through praise and thanksgiving. For we ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen.

13 Now, everyone now, I want you to listen real closely while I speak for a few moments. Don't doubt, just have faith to believe that...
I want to read in Saint John, the 14th chapter, you that have your Bibles. I wish to speak just for a few moments.
And I believe God's going to give us a breakthrough tonight. I believe it's on the audience.
You feel better now, don't you, brother and sister. The little lady right there in front. But just have faith now. Just believe with all your heart. All right.
Let not your hearts be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.
In my Father's house there are many mansions: if it wasn't so, I would have told you. And I go and prepare a place for you.
... if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, to receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.
Where I know... where I go you know, and the way you know.
Thomas saith unto him, Lord, we know not where thou goest, and how can we know the way?
Jesus said unto him, I am the way... truth, and the life: no man cometh to the Father but by me.
If you had known me, you should have known my Father also... from henceforth you know him, and have seen him.
Philip saith unto him, Lord, show us the Father, and it sufficeth us.

14 I want to use that for a just a little text, for a few moments. Then we want to come back into the healing service again. Just to speak to you on the Word, "Show Us The Father And It Suffices." In other words, "It'll satisfy us if You'll show us the Father."
Now, I want... How many would like to really see God, that wants to here, would like to see God? All right. "Show Us The Father And It'll Satisfy Us."
Now, that... I want to speak to you just quickly if possible upon some ways to see God, and how to see Him. And if... God, if I can, by the Scripture, and by the wonders and signs, prove to you Who God is, and where He's at, will you believe me? Will you believe me? All right. "Show us the Father and it'll satisfy us."

15 I'm going to take about four ways to see God. Then we'll come down and make it, in the last part of it, a way where you'll be--have to see God. I'm going to show Him to you, if I can, by the help of the Spirit tonight in four different manners.
Now first, we want to speak of God in His universe, and God in His Word, God in His Son, then God here in His people. I want to show you God in His universe, show you God in His Word, show you God in His Son, then see God here in His people. Then that ought to satisfy any of us, surely.

16 Let's bow our heads. Eternal God, the Author of Life and Giver of every good gift, as we now have opened up the Word and read It, the Words that fell from Your beloved Son Jesus. We know they're eter--eternally true, and that they're infinite. There's nothing more truer than God's Word. And we love It. Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing of the Word.
And now, Father, that the people may be established now, may be settled upon the Word, the solid Foundation, that is, if Satan should come to them in any manner, they could flee to the Word. "It is written."...
Now, Father, help us tonight and open the Word to us, and open our understanding. Circumcise the lips of Your servant that speaks, and circumcise the hearts of the people that the Word may fall in, that It may fall in rich fertile ground and bring forth a hundredfold. And may there not be a feeble one among us after tonight. May it be over tonight, every one with faith, Father. Grant it.
And now, may the Holy Spirit take the things of God and deliver them right out to the people, for we ask it in the Name of the Son of God, Jesus Christ. Amen.

17 That's the aged old cry: "If I could only find God." The... All ages, people are born to worship. You'll worship something. Maybe it's your child, your car, your home, your job, maybe even your church. That will not work. It isn't the church we worship; it's God.
The caveman, the Indians, the American Indian, we found that he worshipped the sun. And he believed there was a happy hunting ground. When one died, they put the corn and so forth, his bow and arrow, and sent him out across the sea somewhere in his canoe, that he would find the happy hunting ground where he would have provisions to carry him over.
There's something in the human heart that calls out for a worship, somewhere. No man is on earth without worship. He worships something.

18 Jesus told the woman at the well, "You worship, ye know not what. We know salvation's of the Jew."
Now, worship is not all we desire. There is a provided way of worship. Did you know that? See? There's a way to worship, and a way, right way to worship and the wrong way to worship. I'm not trying to tell you which way to worship; but I'm telling you; there's a way that you have to approach God. And if you do not come that provided way, you certainly cannot find God.
There's a way for me to go home, not across the field, shortcut; go the highway. That's what was made; it's provided for me.
God don't have any shortcuts. We all come the same way. That's right. No shortcuts to glory. We must come the way.

19 Look in the beginning when Cain and Abel were turned from the garden, their parents, and they both seen they were mortal beings and knowed they had to die... Look. Cain and Abel, both of them wanted to worship God. And Cain, he built an altar to God.
Now, if an altar is all that God requires, Cain was justified. And Cain made a sacrifice upon the altar. Is that right? Well, if a sacrifice and an altar is all God wants, Cain was justified. Then Cain also he built an altar, and he worshipped; he put a sacrifice on it, and he knelt down and worshipped God. But God was displeased, because he didn't come the right way.
See, he built a church, an altar; he put a sacrifice on the altar, brought the fruits of the land, was probably the--more beautiful. You must watch this, friend. Don't never forget this.

20 Brother Gordon told me I could have this little privilege tonight, as it was, to speak to the people awhile just before we make the final outpush for the ending of the services.
Notice, it refreshes me to speak on the Word. It helps me. It keeps me... Sometime under that anointing, It falls on me. And then I stay under there for a long time, I get so weak I can hardly stand. But preaching never bothers me. I love to talk of the Word.
Notice. Then... Reason I was calling those people a few minutes ago, and different ones, and I see another one come right now, that's healed right now. But the reason I was doing that, is because that you might know that His Spirit is here now. He's in the building now. See?

21 But now, back to Cain and Abel, when Cain worshipped, he built an altar; he sacrificed; he worshipped God. But that wasn't enough. And it was beautiful, no doubt the flowers and things that grows in the field, and he decorated his altar.
Why soon, as soon as Easter come, across the nations there'll be million dollars spent for Easter flowers that go on the altar. Well, God don't care about that Easter flower on the altar. He wants you on the altar. You're the person for the altar, not your flower, or your money; He wants you. The altar was built for you to sacrifice your own will to His will. See?
Well, then... But if an altar, sacrifice, worship is all that God requires, then you'll have to say Cain was justified. And watch that beauty.
Now, that's right in our--many of our Full Gospel churches coming right into it. See? They want to build a little better church, put a few thousand dollars in a pipe organ. That doesn't bring God in. That might bring people. But self-sacrifice brings God in--to the will of God. See?

22 And remember, in glory the first thing that ever caused the first sin, that Satan wanted a little better things than what Michael had, went over and set himself up a--a better, beau--more beautiful kingdom. See? That's beauty. Here it falls right down into his son, Cain, coming right on down. And he decorated his altar, beautiful.
But here comes Abel dragging a little old lamb behind him. I don't see nothing so pretty about that. They didn't have any ropes in them days, I guess, so they had a vine, maybe, wrapped around his neck, because it was--it was Christ. That's Who It was. For they led Him away like a La--Lamb to the slaughter.
They put a rope around his neck. And here he come, leading this little lamb, bleating, pulling back. He laid him upon a rock. Perhaps didn't have any sharp knives in them days. Probably took an old sharp rock, and held his little head back, and begin to beat his little throat; Abel did. See? And the blood begin to spurt out of his little arteries in his neck.
Did you ever hear a lamb dying? Most pathetic thing you ever heard is to hear a lamb die. How it bleeds and bleats.

23 God looking down out of heaven said, "That's what it takes." The blood speaking, what did it speak of? Years after that, the Lamb of God was led away. Blood... You're the blood of your father and mother. But being borned again, you become the Blood of God, the Blood of Christ cleansing us.
And there He was, the Lamb of God, hanging up there on Calvary, bleeding, bleating, His bloody locks dripping from His head upon His shoulders, the blood spatting everywhere. I believe, like Billy Sunday said in that hour, said, "There's Angels setting in every bush, said, 'Just turn Your hand away. Point to us, and we'll destroy this mob.'"
Some of them said, "He saved Himself... He saved others and Himself He cannot save," criticizing. That was the greatest tribute was ever paid Him. He couldn't save Hisself and others, so He gave Hisself to save others.
There is the way. There brought down the results standing there for the Holy Spirit coming through the Blood, the Life brings the human today in contact with God.

24 Everybody wanted to find God down through the age. Job of old, he said, "Oh, if I only knew where He was." In his trouble setting there on the ash heap scraping his boils... God dealing with a saint in this case... There he was setting there scraping his boils. Some of his church friends come to him, set with their backs turned to him, not much consolation. But Job wanted to know, "Oh, if I only knew where His house was. (In other words.) If I'd go knock on His door, He'd come out and talk to me." That's what he wanted to do.
But notice, when a man is hungering and thirsting for God, God will draw nigh to the man always. See? Give up, surrender your will to God.
Then when his church members came and could not console him, accused him to being a secret sinner, said he'd sinned before God... Job knew he had not sinned, and he knew he was all right. But then God sent a young man down by the name of Elihu, come down to meet Job, perfect type of Christ again. He didn't accuse Job of being a secret sinner. He tried to tell him of Someone Who would come and stand in the breach in the last days, to put his hands upon a sinful man and upon a holy God and bridge the way.

25 Job, being a prophet, caught the vision. He stood up. Lightnings begin to flash; thunders begin to roar. The prophet had come in contact with his Father, God. He turned and said, "I know my Redeemer liveth. At the last days, He'll stand upon the earth. Though the skin worms destroys this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God, Whom I shall see for myself. My eyes shall behold, and not another." Soul calling out for God, God in His universe...

26 Recently I was watching. I love birds. I was watching some eagles here not long ago when I was on a fishing trip, an old mother eagle, setting way on top of a mountain. And she threw her wings out, and the little eagles caught ahold of her wings, and she went down into the valley. It was the first time they'd ever been out of that old nest.
Reminds me there. Could you see God there? Yes, a sinner. Now, this is kind of... Did you ever... The things of the world is like a eagle's nest: full of sticks, and thorns, vomit. The eagles are regurgitators, and they vomit their food, smell.
And a sinner that's living in the nest of the world, among the vomit of the world, barrooms, and walking around, knowing nothing about anything else but the old nest of the world...
Then I seen her take her little ones, and they caught ahold of her wings, and she went down the mountain into the valley, throwed out her big wings and the little eagles let loose. They begin to run around, their little feet touched for the first time upon soft ground, upon the grass. They eat green grass. "He leads me beside still water." Oh, my, how glorious and wonderful.

27 Then, notice closely, when he was--they did that, then the little eagles... The old mother eagle, when she seen that, what was... She went plumb back up into the top of the mountains again, set down upon the rocks, begin to look down, watching those little eagles.
And I begin to think, "My, doesn't that seem like..."
Some little girl's sick. One of the elders, will you please run over and have prayer with the little girl; she fell in her chair.
And then... Now, notice closely; pay attention this way. The little girl's got sick and some of them going to have prayer with her. I think she has a card in her hand, be in the line probably in a few moments. All right.

28 Notice closely now. But the old mother eagle setting up there begin to watch. I thought, "How glorious that Jesus came, taking us out of the things of the world, put us out in this glorious freedom out here." Them little eagles, running carefree, eating grass and so forth, just like glorious old time Holy Ghost meeting, when the saints of God have come out of the things of the world, down on the green carpet of God's blessings, carefree. Our Saviour has climbed the ramparts of glory. His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me. He knows everything. All times, He knows what's wrong with you.
There, she was watching. I noticed her. I picked her up through my binoculars. And I seen her turn that big head sideways and look. I thought, "What's the matter?" She's setting. She watches over those little eagles.
There's God in His creation again, God in His universe. I thought, "What would happen if a coyote would happen to run in towards those little eagles, what would take place?" Why, that old mother would be there after them in a moment.

29 After while, I seen her hold her head up, and she looked up, and she made a squall. All at once, she darted from that mountain, down into the valley. And when she went down there, she threw forth those great majestic wings and let out a scream. When she did, every one of those little eagles left off eating, run as quickly as they could to their mother, grabbed their little bill ahold of her wings, like that, with their bill, put their little feet in them wings.
I wondered what was the matter. I couldn't see it yet. But across the mountain come a hurricane that she could smell in the air and knew it was coming. She was watching over her brood.
And then, before she could get off the ground, the storm was already sweeping down through the hollow. When she did, she pierced that storm blowing at sixty miles an hour. Those little eagles holding on to that mother's wings. And right into the cleft of the rocks she went.
I thought, "O God, one of these hours there's coming a scream from heaven; the trumpet of God shall sound, and every Christian shall fly on to the wings of the old rugged cross, piercing the storms of life out into the cleft in the Rock, Christ Jesus."
Oh, my. God in His nature, watch Him in His universe. Just in a moment, how He can take us, no matter how hard the trial is, just hold on to His wings, and He'll bear you away. Watch God in His birds, and how He cares for it. Watch God in the sunset.

30 Not long ago, there was an infidel passed through the lands making infidels out of supposingly to be Christians. He was so educated, till the ministers was afraid to attacked him. And then he went to Europe. On his road back he got broke down. He went out into the west to make him a rest.
And one day while he walked out from his camp, oh, he swelled himself out. He begin to look. Down there come that whispering of the wind, down through the pines, and he begin to look up. He looked at those rocks hanging in the mountain. He said, "O rocks, Who put you in the mountains? Have I been wrong about the chronology of this world?"
All of a sudden God begin to speak. The Bible said, "If they hold their peace, the rocks will cry out." God in His universe, speaking from His rock.
Well, that infidel knelt down by the side of a tree, said, "O God, have mercy on my soul."
There you are. Their pastors were afraid to attack him. God could let the rocks speak out. God's in His universe, speaking to His people.

31 I've seen the sunset. Stand and cry like a baby, just couldn't help it. Glorious to see God in His sunset and His sunrise.
God's in His animals. You go out here and look at the paper this winter. And the papers say, "Tomorrow is going to be fair." And all the news commentators say it's going to be fair. Watch that old sow take the shucks off of the--the north side of the hill, and take them around on the south side and make her bed. Don't you believe what the paper says. No, sir. It'll be cold just as sure as the world. Go out to hunt and find a rabbit going down underneath in the fallow row. Watch for snow and cold weather. Sure. They got a God-given instinct.

32 Not long ago... I go up into the mountains to hunt. And in there, there's a... Many times these ducks come out of down in Louisiana, go up into the north and make their nest up there in the slime in Canada and around. And they lay their eggs and hatch them. And when they hatch their eggs, in among those group of ducks there's a little duck that's born that's a leader, a little drake.
Just as soon as the first cold breeze sweeps down across the mountains, that little old duck will run right out in the middle of the pond. He's never been off that pond in all of his life. He was born there. He'll run right out there and stick his little old honker up in the air and honk four or five times. Every duck on the pond will come to him. "What's the matter?" God has given ducks instinct. That's right. They know that that little old duck is borned a leader. Something's going to happen. There's a cold breeze a blowing.
The trouble of it is, when the cold breeze blows, man won't listen to his Leader, which is God.

33 This little old duck, all of them will get right around him. He'll raise off of that water. Never been off of there in his life, and go just as straight to Louisiana as he can go, to the rice fields to dodge all the cold weather, because God's given him a provided way to detect. He's never been off of there. He has no compass. He don't trust a compass; he's trusting instinct that God's give him.
If a... We ought to have "duck sense" anyhow. If God could give a duck enough instinct to dodge the cold and go to safety, how much more ought He give His church with the baptism of the Holy Ghost to trust God. God in His nature, God provided a duck with instinct. God provided you with the Holy Spirit. He's your Leader. He's here now tonight to save you, to heal you. God in His nature, in His universe...

34 One day, my dad and I were plowing, and the horses begin to snort. I said, "What's the matter with them, dad?"
He said, "Son, there's a storm coming."
I said, "Oh, my. Dad, look at how clear it is."
He said, "God has so provided that horses has an instinct. They can smell storms for miles away."
And we hadn't made two more rounds till we had to hurry to the barn. The horses seen it, knew it. They could detect it by an instinct before there was a sign of anything you could see with any other sense. Oh... [Gap in the audio] the Holy Spirit.
Oh, church of God, you who claim to kiss the blessings of the rim of the cup of blessings, how can you doubt God, Who is almighty and omnipotent, Who stands now to bless and to heal every person in this building? Why?
How could you doubt Him? When men, through the age, is the only people that's ever amount to anything is those who dare to take the stand for God. Many things how God provides...

35 How bears is my favorite hunting. The old mother bear, she... In the fall of the year when mating season, they'll go up into the mountains. There she'll eat hemlock cones, and she never eats anything else. Her stomach is all shrunk up to just about big as my fist. Summertime, it'll hold five gallons. And it shrinks up. She stand over the back. The little ones are born about February. She never wakes up. She maybe has anywhere from two to four little bears. And she never knows nothing about it until about May when she wakes up, and her cubs are great big fellows then. Never eats a bite, and those little bears nurse from her.
What is it? God's provided way. That's right. God makes a way.

36 Not long ago, there was a little preacher, a little minister in a nearby city. And he thought maybe that he knew lots about the--the thing. There's a little boy that went to his church; he asked his mother, "If a..."
Wait. All right. I guess they're going to take the little girl out to, maybe it get blessed or something, take it... Going out to the prayer tent? All right.
All right now, notice. That's all right. All right. We notice, this little boy, he went to his pastor, and he said, "Pas..." Or, he asked his mother first.
That's a good way. God healed you. Go and give your heart to Him then. Isn't that right? Good way to do.

37 Now, notice. The pastor... First, the little boy asked his pastor, said, "Pastor, I have heard you speak so much of God, could anybody see God?"
Well, the pastor said, "No, honey." Said, "Nobody can see God and live."
Well, he was just a boy. And he asked his mother, and his mother didn't know. He asked his Sunday school teacher; she didn't know. Said, "No one could see God." He was so disappointed.
He used to stay up on the river near the six mile island up there. There's an old fisherman there that had long white beard. He hung around with this old man.

38 One day, up the river they were, and a storm came up. And after the storm, they came down the river. Any boatman here knows what the rhythm of oaring your boat and feel of the waves tip the oars, you know. And the old man looked around, the sun had come out. There was a rainbow setting. The leaves were all washed off and pretty. The old man kept pulling his boat; tears begin to roll down his cheeks. He'd pulled a little farther and looked back again.
The little fellow setting in the stern of the boat become so enthused till he run up in the middle of the boat, and he said, "Sir, I'm going to ask you a question my mother couldn't answer, my father couldn't answer, my pastor, my Sunday school teacher. No one could answer me." Said, "I believe there is a God." And said, "Could I ever see Him?"
It was too much for the old fisherman. He just pulled his oars in, threw his hands to his face and wept like a baby. He reached and put his arms around the little boy, and said, "God bless your heart, honey. All I've seen for the past thirty-five years has been God."

39 Why, sure. There was so much God on the inside, he could see Him on the outside. If you want to see God in His universe, get Him on the inside. Watch how the birds sing different in the trees. Even your enemy looks different when God comes on the inside. He's in His universe. He's in you looking out, showing you the magnificent part of His universe. (Quickly, we'll hurry.)
God in His universe, you believe He is? Did you ever see Him in a sunset? Did you ever see Him in a sunrise? Ever see Him in the beautiful mountains? Oh, my. Sometimes I get there and look down upon the scene and just scream to the top of my voice. I can't help it. There's a deep calling to the deep out there. God in His universe... How we could stand here for hours and speak of Him, how God speaks out of His universe.

40 Now, let's take secondly, quickly, so we can get to it: God in His Word. How many believes God's in His universe? All right. You can see Him in His universe. Let's see if He's in His Word.
He said, "My Word is Life." Truly, Life... Now, the only thing, the Word... The letter killeth; the Spirit giveth Life.
What I trust now with all my heart, that God will quicken ("Quicken" means "make alive."), quicken the Word to you now by His Spirit.
Jesus said, "A sower went forth and sowed seeds. And while he slept, another sower came by and sowed tares." And He went ahead and told the parable. The disciples could not understand Him. Jesus explained to them. He said, "The sower is the Son of man. The field is the earth. And the Seed is the Word of God." Amen. Notice, "The Seed is the Word of God." If it's... Whatever God's Word says, It's a seed.

41 Now, the way to raise a crop, is first get the ground ready. Is that right? Take out all the stink weeds, and the briars, the creepers. That's unbelief and doubt. Sweep it out of your heart. Get ready. Then the field's broke up.
I'm not very much on this dry-eyed repentance. I like to see a man come down before God, say, "I'm sorry, Father. Receive me." Broke up, the ground ready for the Word...
Notice, then any Divine promise of God is a Seed. And that Seed in the right ground, will produce its kind. Corn will bring corn. Barley will bring barley. Wheat will bring wheat. And any Divine promise of God will bring the results, if it's placed in the ground, and there watered with faith, prayer, trust, God shall bring it to pass. I'm saying with experience.

42 I'm thinking now that the best doctors the United States' got, two years ago, said, "Reverend Branham, there's not a chance for you." Oh, it makes my heart sing "Amazing Grace! how sweet the sound, saved a wretch like me. [Gap in the audio]
There, setting in Mayo's clinic. They said, "You broke yourself, boy. You'll never come out of it."
I turned the old Word. "Whatsoever things you desire, when you pray, believe that you receive them and you shall have them." I said, "Father, place them in my heart. I shall water them with faith day and night; tonight I stand in perfect health."
Once a blind man, led me by my arms. I couldn't see a thing, just objects in front of me moving, only daylight was dark. And tonight, my eyes test 20/20. Why? I took God's Word. No one with a gift to cast the spirit away, the Word will do it, faith in God's Word.

43 Jesus had all the fine qualities of God in Him. Do you believe it? He had powers upon powers. But when He met Satan, He never used His power. He give an example for the weakest of Christians. When He met Satan, He said, "It is written. Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word that proceeds out of the mouth of God." The weakest Christian can take that stand. Hold it. Sure, God's in His Word.
Every time when He would meet the enemy, He said, "It is written." I believe He had power to do it. But He met Satan on the same grounds with the same Word that you can meet him with, every one, "It's written."
You believe it? Why, it's written. "Whatsoever things you desire, when you pray, believe you receive them." Watch the order of the Word. Believe now (present tense) you receive it, and you shall have it. It'll be given to you later, but believe it now. Before you can get your crop, you got to plant the seed. Water it. Believe it. Don't dig it up every morning to see if it's... Every time you dig it up, you'll delay it that much more. It'll never grow if you keep digging it up.

44 When you settle it in your heart that God's healed you, sister; you, little boy; you, brother; any of you, settle it in your heart and believe. Take God at His Word and start testifying about it. Give it plenty of water; fertilize it. Watch what takes place. The Word of God will produce just exactly what It says.
If that's not the inspired Word of God, I wouldn't be standing here. I wouldn't believe in it. But I know It's the truth. Heavens and earth will pass away, but My Word shall not pass away. "I the Lord have planted it; I'll water it day and night 'less some should pluck it from My hand."
There you are, God in His Word. God speaks anything, He means it. God says it. Then there'll be so many things and such things, and it was. God said, "Let there be light." Light sprang from somewhere from the Creator. God said, "Let there be this," and it was this. "Let it be that," and it was that. What God said is seeds. God's in His Word. You believe it?

45 He said, "Tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem until you're endued with power from on high. I'm going to send you the promise of the Father." Yes. That was God's Word.
Christ was the Word. Oh, in the beginning was the Word; the Word was with God; and the Word was God; and the Word was made flesh and dwelled among us.
You say, "Well, God said the commandments, and God said this." Everything that Christ said was the Word of God: Father in the Son, speaking through Him. "Tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem until you're endued with power from on high."
My, God's in His Word, manifest Hisself.

46 He told a man, "Go wash in the Pool of Siloam (Sent.) And the man washed in the pool and obeyed the Word, come back clean. God's in His Word. You believe that? God is in His universe. God is in His Word. God will confirm His Word.
Up there on the day of Pentecost, when they were all gathered in one place, afraid, cowards, setting in behind the walls, walled in a little room, but they had a commandment not to leave Jerusalem until they were endued with power from on high. There they are, a hundred and twenty gathered in the upper room, fastened the doors, pulled down the windows, if there was any.
Then all of a sudden there came a sound from heaven like of a little rushing mighty wind. And It filled all the house where they were setting. Out into the streets they went. They didn't care about their human prestige. There was all the aristocrats from all over the country gathered there at the day of Pentecost. They went into the streets staggering, swinging their arms, and acting like a bunch of maniacs. Say that's wrong and you deny the Bible. The Bible said they were drunk.

47 And listen, women, you who think because you got your name on the church, it's all right. The virgin Mary was with them, acting like a drunk woman. And if God would not permit the mother of God to come into heaven without receiving the Holy Ghost, how are you going to go in anything less than that? Is that right? You'll pay the way with the Lord's despised few.
They said, "Why, these men are full of new wine."
There, the women and all of them... Did you ever see a man drunk? Everything's all right with him, staggering, butting against things. "That's all right." See? Drunk. Said, "Be not us drunk upon strong drink, biteth like an adder, stingeth like a serpent. But be drunk upon the Spirit," drunk. So in drunk with the love of God till you can forget all about the past, only know what God is doing now. Live for today. God in His Word... Yes, sir.

48 Then notice, when they were all cutting up like that and acting that way, and all of them, they stood by laughing, making fun of them. The critics never all died back there. They might've, but the spirit lives on.
Notice this. Then Peter, a little old fellow didn't know his abc's (He couldn't sign his own name. The Bible said he was a ignorant and unlearned man.), stood on a soap box, or a stump, or something, said, "You men of Judaea, and you that dwell in Jerusalem, let this be known unto you and hearken to my words; for these are not drunk, as you suppose, seeing it's the third hour of the day; but this is that." Back to the Word. "This is that which was spoke of by the prophet Joel, 'It shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I'll pour out My Spirit upon all flesh.'"
Brother, Peter said, "This is that." If this ain't that, I'm going to keep this till that comes anyhow. Yes, sir. For I believe this is that that was spoke of. God in His Word speaking to the people. God said He would do it. God will do it. You take God's Word and see.

49 Then to confirm the Word, He sends His prophets; He sends His signs; He sends His wonders. And even in all of that, when God will move down into an audience and reveal the very secrets of a man's heart, tell him the things to do after the Word saying it first, which is the foundation, then the prophet comes and reveals the secrets of his heart and tell him what to do, then you mean to tell me you'd be afraid? Why, my. I'm saying now that God has double confirmed it. That's right. God in His universe, God in His Word...
Now, quickly, let's take God in His Son. You believe God was in Christ? I believe it with all my heart. The Bible said that God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself. He was Emmanuel. In other words, He was the expressed image of Jehovah here on earth, as Jehovah inveiled in flesh, living here on the earth, the only begotten of the Father, from His bosom.

50 Notice, God becoming flesh that He might suffer the penalty of sin, for He was the One Who pronounced sin. He was the... One pronounced this penalty upon sin. And He couldn't have some individual person besides Hisself.
It wouldn't be right for me to say, "My wife will take your place, my boy, my brother, anybody else." If I'm just and sovereign, I take your place.
And God had to come down in His Son, Christ Jesus, to suffer. That's right. And God's Blood bled from His body. Yes, sir. God was in His Son. He eat like a man. That's right. He spoke like a man (That's right.) when He would talk to people.
But I tell you, when some people come to take Him, one time, some soldiers, they went back and said, "Never a man spake like this."
He was a man, but that was God speaking out of Him. When He was standing, as I said the other day, by the side of Lazarus' grave, tears rolling down His cheeks, He was a man. But when He said, "Lazarus, come forth," and a man been dead four days come back to life again, that was God speaking out of His Son. Yes, sir.

51 He was a God-man. I believe He was the--the infinite Son of God, borned of the virgin Mary. That's right. Everything the Bible said He was, I believe He was. When He was on earth, He looked like God; He talked like God; He--He preached like God; He rose like God; He ascended like God. He, God was in Him, God manifested here in a body of flesh on the earth in a form, His Son, Christ Jesus.
Notice. God was in His Son. He was always... God deals back there in the beginning. When He was with the Israelites, coming through the wilderness, there was a rock going along there, following them, a spiritual rock. And God told Moses, "Smite the rock, and it'll bring forth water."
What was it? He smote it with the rod that was in his hand. That rod wasn't Moses' rod; that was God's rod, the judgment. And he smote the rock, and the rock brought forth water.

52 And when one time they wanted a drink, they went to the rock. When they wanted something to eat, they went down and a bunch of bees had a hive in there. In the rock there was a cleft. God stood in the cleft. The bees had their nest in the cleft. Anything they had need of, they went to the rock. And the Bible clearly teaches that Christ was that Rock that was in the wilderness.
If you're thirsty tonight, go to the Rock. If you want honey, sweetness, go to the Rock. If you want life, go to the Rock. If you want to believe God was in His Son, go to the Rock. He was in the Rock. Speak to the Rock, and It'll bring forth Its waters. There you are, God in His Son.

53 One day, there was some people down there trusting God's Word down in Babylon. Let's watch it just a few moments. And oh, I can see a great thing happening. There'd been an issue made, that anybody that went down there and begin to worship any other God, or didn't bow down to what the government said, would have to be throwed into a fiery furnace. There was three boys there, four of them, three of them mainly, Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego. They decided they was not going to bow down to any image. They were going to serve the true God. They believed His Word. All right.
Notice. They found out that these boys, they wouldn't bow down. So they het the furnace according to the king's commandments, seven times hotter than it ever was het. Said, "We'll burn that religion out of them."
You can't burn the Holy Ghost out of a man. Why, It's fire Itself. You can't burn It. They took Brother John the Revelator, boiled him in a vat in--of grease for twenty-four hours. They thought he was a witch.

54 Some man came here at the temple, the other day, or the place, said, "Hey..." Brother started to give him a card down there, and he was laughing. Some of the ministers was telling me about it. Said, "It..." He said, "I come to get my fortune told."
Oh, my. They thought John was a--bewitched the grease. It wasn't John bewitching the grease; it was the Holy Ghost had him bound up. The grease couldn't burn him.
These Hebrew children believed God's Word. They said, "God is able to deliver us from the fiery furnace. But nevertheless, we're not bowing down to your image."
Oh, if we could just get some Shadrachs in this building.
Said, "I don't see no difference in you. Go over there and somebody prayed for you. I don't see no difference."
"You can say what you want to, but I'm not bowing down to your unbelief. I'm taking God at His Word." That's right. God's in His Word.

55 Let's notice this scene, being we started it just a moment. God help us for a minute now to see God, how He will reward. We get away from the subject just for a second.
I can see morning come. Let's dramatize this a moment. I can see the furnace. The skies look like turning black and red. That furnace was burning. I can see king Nebuchadnezzar set on his throne. Said, "We'll just burn up that bunch of holy-rollers out there and stop all this fuss." Step back out there, "We're getting tired of all this here carrying on around here anyhow."
All right. I can see them getting ready now to heat the furnace, bring out Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego, bound their hands behind them. Three men with long spears begin to march them up, where they went up to the top of the cupola to drop in.
My, don't you think that when you take Christ as your Saviour, as your Healer, that the devil won't put the heat on you? He sure will. Yes, sir. Just watch him.

56 Remember, I've warned every one of you, within seventy-two hours, what would take place. The Bible said, "When the unclean spirit's gone out of a man, he walks in dry places, then returns again (Is that right?), with seven other devils worse then he was." Be careful. Let the good Man of the house be standing there with faith warring him away, telling him he can't come. Refuse to see it; refuse to have it, or anything else. Stay right with it.
Notice. [Gap in the audio] was... They started a death march going up there. They're going to burn up these loyal believers in God, one that trust God's Word. They're going up to the--be burnt up.
They walk up. You know it. I can hear Shadrach say to Meshach, "Are you--are you sure we're all prayed up?"
I can hear him say, "Yes, I got the victory. Let's go on." Amen. That's the way to do it. Marched right on just a little farther, kept going, going. They got almost there, they begin to get a little faint. I can hear him say, "All right, are you ready now?
"Yes, we're ready."

57 These fellows pushing them, holding their heads back, get right up. Just one more step now and away they go, down into the fiery furnace to be consumed.
Why, the men that was standing plumb behind them, died of the intense heat. The length of a spear (Probably half of that pole or more.) behind them, died.
Goes to show that God was right with them on the march. He'll be right with you from this night on when you take Him. Just stand on His Word and believe He's in His Word and in His Son.
Here they go, marching on, right up to the edge. Watch, one more step and in there they go.

58 Our picture looks pretty dark right now for believers, doesn't it? Let's just turn our camera, or our binoculars, and look up. You know, all the time there's something going on on earth, there's something going on in heaven.
I can see Him. Let's look at Him a moment. I can see Him setting on His throne (Oh, my.), His priestly robes all around Him. I can see coming to His right, a noise. What is it? Let's call It Gabriel, the great Archangel, run up to the side of Him, pulled His sword, said, "Master, have You looked down in Babylon? Three true believers are meeting their end. Have You beheld them? I've obeyed You all since You created me. Let me go down; I'll change the scene just in a few moments."
I believe He could, don't you? Yes, I believe He could.

59 That big sword pulled, and David seen Him with it--Joshua seen Him when he crossed the river. Said, "I'm the captain of the Host of the Lord. I've seen that sword drawn."
Said, "Lord, let me go down, Master."
I can hear Him say, "Gabriel, You've been a good Angel. Since the day I created You, You have obeyed Me. But I just can't let You go." I can see Gabriel put His sword back into the sheath, take--stand attention to His side. Oh, my.
Everything in the heaven obeyed Him. That's right. All but the heart of men, they don't want to obey Him. They don't want to believe Him.

60 Look, coming to the left, here comes another Angel. Look at Him. God has ministering Spirits, Angels. I believe on this One right here now not far.
And He stood... What is His name? Wormwood: Bitter waters. I can hear Him say, "O Master, have You looked down into Babylon. Let me go down there this morning. You gave me the keys in the antediluvian destruction. I poured the waters over the earth."
You know of... Woodworm has it, controls of all the waters of the earth, the Bible says. And there He says, "I'll go down and wash Babylon off the face of the earth." I believe He could've done it, don't you? Yes, sir. "Oh," He said, "Master look down there."
I can hear Him say, "Woodworm, You have been a good Angel. You did obey Me and break up the springs of the deep, and so forth, and destroyed the world in the days of Noah. But I just can't let You go." I can see Woodworm taking His place again and stand at attention.

61 "Have You considered?" another Angel said.
He said, "Yes, I've been watching them all night long."
Oh, brother, if He was considered about three, He's considered about three thousand here tonight too. His eye is on the sparrow. He knows right now what you have need of. He knows why you've come to this meeting tonight.
I can hear Him say, "I can't let You go, You fellows, because I'm going Myself." Oh, my. I can see Him rise.
You think I'm crazy, don't you? You're going to call me holy-roller anyhow, so you might as well go do it.
Notice. I love Him. I owe my life wrapped in Him. I see nothing but Him.
I can see Him rise from His throne, His garments drop around Him, gets out there. And way back over in the north country, I see a big thunderhead. I can hear Him say, "Come here." Oh, my. I can hear Him say, "East wind, West, North, and South, come here." Everything minds Him. That's right. I can hear Him say, "Go over there and get under that thunderhead, and roll it over here. Here comes the East, North, South, and West winds, go under this big thunderhead. And here it comes, churning up at the side of the throne. I can see Him step off on that. Oh, my. Say, "Winds, I'm going to drive you like horses this morning. I'm going down into Babylon."

62 I can see Him reach up and get ahold of a zigzag lightning with His hands, pass by the Tree of Life and pick off a branch. They made their last step, trusting God's Word. And about the time they stepped in, there was One like the Son of man, standing by their side (Hallelujah. Yes, sir.), with a palm, fanning away. Even with hot breezes down, talking with them.
When king Nebuchadnezzar opened the doors, said, "How many did you put in?"
Said, "Three."
Said, "There's four. And one looks like the Son of God."
He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. His powers cannot fail. He cannot. God is in His Son. Yes. You believe that? God is in His peoples. God is here tonight.

63 God manifested Hisself in His people on the day of Pentecost. When that old fisherman stood there and spoke that sermon, till he shook the stalactites of hell into the devil's eyes, and three thousand come into the Kingdom of God.
The next day he preached again at the healing of a sick man laying at the gate, lame. He healed him, and five thousand souls swept into the Kingdom of God. God in His people... Yes, sir.
I can see little Stephen standing there, a poor little fellow before about a half a million people in that great Sanhedrin court that morning. And the Bible said his face showed like an Angel. God was in His people. He said, "Oh, you stiffnecked, uncircumcised of heart and ears, why do you resist the Holy Ghost? Like your fathers did, so do you."
And they gnashed upon him. And when they stoned him to death, him with his little head in the bosoms of God, and said, "I see Jesus standing at the right hand of God."... God rocked him to sleep on His bosom, like a mother rocking a baby. God's in His people.

64 I can see that old fisherman without a grammar school education, or without even could sign his own name, a ignorant and unlearned man, with so much God in him, till the peoples passing through the streets wanted his shadow to pass over them. Every one was healed. Why? God in His people. Hallelujah.
... said when he come to the cross, when they were going to kill him, he said, "Only one regret that I have; I haven't got five lives to give for the glory of God." God in His people... Yes, sir.
When they went to kill, the apostle Peter said, "Turn my feet up, my head down. I'm not worthy to die like my Lord." Oh, my.
Andrew's cross, how he... They'd killed him; how they'd burn them to stakes. They fed them to lions. They sawed them asunder. They put them in jail. They told them they were crazy. They shut the doors. They've run them out of the cities. And God lives on in His people. Some...

65 April the 6th, 1909, when the sun begin to peep up over a little Kentucky hill, a little old mother setting there, fourteen years old, in a little old crude made bed, no floor but the earth. All the stuff, a little table, a little old straw tick laying there to lay on, a little old shuck pillow for her to lay their head on... My daddy with his pair of overalls on, standing at the foot of the bed... But God permitted me to come into the earth. As the morning star was peeping across the mountains, coming circling into the window, came a supernatural Being whirling into the room when the mountain people standing begin to cry. Oh, my. [Gap in the audio]
Years after that, standing in a little old room one night, cold, praying with all my heart, here come the supernatural Being, His august Being lit the room like the morning sun shining. He spoke to me, in a scream, "Come, fear not. I'm with you." (Hallelujah.) " You're to take a message of Divine healing to the peoples of the world."
Here He is, performing miracles, calling out diseases, healing the cripples, blind, deaf, dumb; working among His people. He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. God is in His people. Do you believe it? Oh, hallelujah. He's here now. He's in His people.

66 God has sent ministers everywhere to pray for the sick, to heal the sick. I believe right now... You believe God's in His universe? You believe God's in His Word? You believe God's in His Son? You believe God's here in His people, showing signs and wonders? Then let's accept Him.
"Show us the Father and it'll satisfy us." He's here. He's healing the sick, making the lame to walk, the blind to see. Cancers, deaf, dumb, cripples, He's here to perform miracles right now. You believe it? Accept Him upon those grounds.
Let me show you God's here. I want about six or eight preachers that's got the Holy Spirit, believes in Divine healing, to come here a minute.

67 Do you still hold, "Show us the Father"? All right, come here. Brother Markham, I want you to stand right out there at the end of that row. And you with him, brother, right at the end of that row, right there with him. Come here, two of you brothers, stand right here at the end of this row. See if God's in His people or not. Come right over here, brother. You two brothers to stand right at the end of this row. And you other two brothers, go on over to the other end of the other row there.
Stand out here and face this other way, brother. You two right over here at this end, face that way. Come out to the end of the rows, right at the end of the rows. Stand right at the end of the rows. You two brothers there, go right there where that lady's setting, right there.
Don't fear about your child, sister.
All right. Go right down at the other end there, brother, right there at the other row down there coming out. Stand there at the end of the row.

68 Do you believe God's in His people? Do you believe that God would tell me the truth? Have I told you the truth as a witness? Here's what the Angel of God said, "If you get the people to believe you and be sincere, nothing shall stand before your prayer."
Now, look. There's been two or three paralyzed people setting in chairs here this last week has walked away. A blind person said their little boy led into the building the other night, and the Holy Spirit called her. She received her sight and went out of the building. Cancer after cancer, deaf, and all things are being healed here. Is that right? God is here. Sin after sin has been called out, disease after disease. And there hasn't been one thing that's ever come before the gift but what It spoke it right out what it was. Is that right? Then God is in His people. Then you believe that I'm telling you the truth.

69 How many in this building will want to be healed right now by God? I'm telling you, God is in these preachers. God is in you. God is here now. God loves you. Do you believe that?
God loved me. God loved me when I was a little boy. He loved me all the time. He loved me back yonder when I was walking down the school road, barefooted, with nothing on, with a little pair of overalls, and a little old molasses bucket with corn bread and molasses to eat. God loved me. He loved me then. He loved me when I'm... right. God loves me now. His tired servant standing here. He will love me in eternity. He will love us when all the oceans has... [Gap in the audio]...
God's Word will be the same when there's no moon, stars, earth, nor nothing else. God's Word will everlasting stand. Is that the truth? God is here in His people tonight to perform this.
Every man and woman that wants to be healed by Divine healing, got faith in God, step out in the middle of the aisles. Set your prayer cards, or whatever you got... Step in the middle of these aisles. Stand right along there. Now, don't come out farther, just right there at the end of your aisles. Hold yourself, each one. Believe me with all your heart. I can prove to you that God is here to heal every sick person in this building.
Amazing grace! how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me!
I once was lost, but now I'm found,
I was blind, but now I see.

70 The Angel of God is here. Oh, my, friends. If you could only see and feel this glorious unction of God moving. Listen. Each one of you ministers, as these crowds begin to come, I'm going to be praying. I want you to lay hands on them while I pass them also.
I want you to do this. When you go through this, every one of you stand in the line, these ministers anointed of God to pray for the sick. I want you to believe. I want you to throw down all unbelief; tramp it under your feet; walk out of this building glorifying God; for God is here tonight to heal every person in the building. Do you believe it? Say "Amen."
All right, ministers, wherever you are, as these audience start, you lay your hands on them. I send you to do so in the Name of the Lord Jesus.
May God give every person in here, right now, the healing of your body. While you people come, the brothers are praying now, right down the line.
Go on, brothers. Start your prayer. People, start coming on, right down the line.

71 While we bow our heads, every Christian in the building everywhere, every Christian bow your head everywhere. And when the little prayer line starts, move right down this line. I'm going to stand here and ask God to heal every one of you. Grant it, God, now while we pray. Bow your heads.
Our heavenly Father, we've gathered here in the Name of Thy Son, Jesus. O eternal God, Author of Life, people are passing down these lines, men and women. O Father, Your servants are standing there, believers, laying their hands on the sick in the Name of Thy Son, knowing that God in His universe, God's in His Word, God's in His Son, God's in His people. God's here now speaking out His glorious manifestations of His truth, making everything real. O eternal God, send Your blessings upon this group of people just now, and bless them, and give them every one, perfect healing of their body.
Satan, thou demon powers of hell that's bound these Christian people, in the Name of Jesus, the Son of God, come out of the people. Turn them loose and let them go...

Show us the Father and it will suffice us (1962-07-22) (William M. Branham Sermons)

Show us the Father and it will suffice us (1962-07-22) (William M. Branham Sermons) somebody

Show us the Father and it will suffice us

1 Thank you, Brother Borders. Let us ask God now for our requests. Make it known by lifting up your hand, "God, remember me." Our heavenly Father, we have now approached the closing service of this little short campaign. We thank Thee, Father, with all of our heart for what You've done for us, this group of people. And upon our hearts has been written the indelible ink of God---that Jesus Christ is still alive, and ever living to make intercessions. We thank Thee for this. We pray, Father, that there will not be no one left out; that every person that's in divine presence may receive that what they've lifted their hands for. Break the bread of life to us now further, Father, as we wait, to encourage our faith. In Jesus' name we ask it. Amen. You may be seated.

Hebrews 7:25 Wherefore he is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them.

2 There's always something about a meeting that's hard to leave. We battle, fight, struggle across the lands; then about time we get to a place to where you really begin to know one another ... stop, and have to go somewhere else. Brother just told me a few moments ago---the brother over there---you all invited me back. I thank you for that. That shows that you still love the Word. I thank you very much.
And I'm going now to Vancouver Island. I begin there Tuesday night, over at a place called Port Alberni. Port Alberni, I believe it is, over on the other end of Vancouver Island. I'm there for Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. And then Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, I'm back to Victoria, on the island. So, if any of your people live around there, well, we'd sure be glad to see you. And I got ... tomorrow I'll be traveling.

3 The brethren offered to take me out here fishing. Oh, my! How I would like to do that. I just love that. And brother Rasmussen, the last time I was up here, taken me out here at Coos Bay, or something like that. And, oh, I caught a great big fish that... I can still feel that tug on the end of the line. But, I just love that so well, but...
You know I wish I could do that, then just sit around on the boat and talk to the brethren, and everything. It'd be such a wonderful time, I'm sure. But I just can't do it, because them boats going back and forth are crowded with people. We may have to wait for maybe a day to get over there. And the boats are so crowded, they say, sometimes bringing four hundred and better cars at one time. Someone told me you have to have a reservation the day before to get across in many places. So, wish I could take that trip, brethren. Oh, my! I hope you get to go. I'll be enjoying it because you are, you see.

4 But sometime, way across on the other side, when the rush is all over and everything's got settled down, I hope to meet each one of you. I know a lot of you brethren here are hunters and fishers, and you know the Indian prayer. When it's all over, I hope, way down along the big game trails down through glory, that we run across one another again while we're struggling down through there. They're endless. They'll never stop. And any man who loves the woods and things---like you people here in Oregon should do, right here in a beautiful spot of the world---there's a great big game trail over there that just don't end. I'll be looking for you down along the road somewhere. I'll see you there, by the grace of God.
And our sisters, I imagine seeing someone down around the springs down there, them bubbling up---see our lovely sisters down there, sitting down rubbing the mane of a lion, or a tiger, or something. There'll be nothing to harm there. You might sit there a million years, and you'll have no less time than you did when you first come there. It'll be glorious when we get there. I'm longing for that day. Today I'm struggling, trying, pulling, pressing, crying, rebuking---everything that I can do, because I want to see everybody there. I'm just trying with all my heart.

5 My sponsors, how I appreciate them men! Only God alone knows how I appreciate them. Of course they understand that I know what they've gone through. I pray for them. And not only now, but I'll constantly pray for them. They've went through a great battle. Men that will do that to bring in something that they believe to be of God to encourage their people and church, I got respect for them. They belong to probably different organizations. Maybe some belong to the Assemblies of God, some the Church of God, some the independents, and some ... oh, one thing and another. But we are together. We are brothers.

6 I've got some children. When I go to get ice cream for them kids, I tell you, one says, "Bring me a vanilla."
Other one says, "Bring me a chocolate."
Other one says, "Bring me strawberry."
When I come back I look like I got the rainbow when I see all the different colors. But you know what? They're all my children. They're all eating ice cream. The taste doesn't matter. You know what I mean, don't you, brethren? The taste doesn't count. We're eating ice cream. We believe the same God, the same experience. And you know, after all... That's right.
So we have coveted in our hearts to be brethren, working together to the kingdom of God, and to the glory of God. Long may you wave that banner of his glory, brethren. May God ever be with you. When the hours are dark and hard, I'll be praying for you, and you be praying for me---still seining, until we meet at the other side.

7 Our little chairman brother there, I thought... When I first heard his name I said, "He must be Italian." Come to find out, he's a Russian. And when I was up in Finland, and having a meeting, I was right on the Russian border. Now listen, when people tell you... Not saying that about this precious brother here. You know what he is---he lives here with you. But everybody tells you, and we hear a lot of propaganda, that Russia is all communist, and you go in there...
Don't you believe that nonsense. There's millions of Christians in Russia. Why, you know what? Russia---there's only one percent of Russia in the whole that's communist. That's government statistics---one percent. What Russia needs is a revival. They need men of God to stand out with something real.

8 When that little boy was raised from the dead in Finland (which was told two years before, here, he was going to raise from the dead), when that little boy was raised from the dead... And they was taking me into Helsinki, going down through there. And I've always... Only auditorium I was ever in before ... since then, that's got the alphabet---only they seated about, I think, twenty-five, thirty thousand. And they'd let one group come in, let me speak to them, then turn them all out, and bring another group, fresh group in.
When I was coming down the way, I noticed little Finnish soldiers. It was right after the war that they'd had with Russia, and they'd certainly got... A lot of their men was killed off. And them little boys, some of them so young they'd never shaved---slick-faced. Them great big old boots on, them big old knives hanging on their side, they come down the street; and they'd have me in between them.
When I passed down there, the communist soldiers (Now, I don't have to take anybody's word for this---I was there), the communist soldiers when I passed by would stand there with that Russian salute, tears rolling down their cheeks. They said, "We'll receive a God like that, that can raise the dead." It went all through Russia.

9 The thing of it is, what made Russia communist is because of the weakness of the Catholic church there, that took all the money from the people and give them nothing back. And they didn't live any different lives, and everything else. That's what's turning the whole world to be communist. That's right. When they see something real they're ready to step out and receive it.
I've seen Russian communist soldiers put his arm around a Christian Finnish soldier and pat him on the back. Listen, brother, anything that'll make a Russian and a Finn hug one another will settle wars forever. Christ is the answer to every problem. But it's ... to them it's got to be real.

10 Never forget that night, a little Finnish girl... They took me into the dormitory, such as it was. And I didn't know the little thing. Her picture is in the book back there. So, she'd had one leg about four or five inches shorter than the other. She had a big shoe built up beneath it. She had a brace around her here, and a strap in the end of her bad foot went across her shoulder, and she had two crutches. And she'd just come out of the ladies' rest room when I was going through, and these little Finnish soldiers coming in.
I was remarking, trying to talk to them, pointing my finger to them Russians there, how they were respecting deity. And so, when we got inside, this little woman, little girl, come out of the ladies' rest room.
They'd been saying, "Don't nobody touch." I like kids, and I'd get all of them of an afternoon when the brethren was holding the meetings, and they'd all get in. I'd get some of that Finnish money and get out there. I had a drove of kids all the way up and down the street, buying them candy. I like kids.

11 And so this little girl had stepped out... She thought she'd done wrong, when she stepped out to where I was, and she stopped. And she held her head down, a little ragged looking hair, and her little skirts ragged. I learned later that she was a little Finnish orphan. She had no father or mother, and so... They'd been killed in the war.
And when she seen me, I was going in this way, and she was standing on that side, and she ducked her little head down. And I stopped. The two soldiers behind me motioned on, and they was already singing, "Only Believe." But I just waited. I knowed that kid wanted something. And she looked over to me again, raised up her little face and looked. I couldn't speak her language, so I motioned my finger to her. She come over there where I was at.
When she started... The way she'd have to walk, she'd set these two crutches out, take her little shoulder and raise up that foot and set it out like that, then walk; then raise her little shoulder up and set that crippled foot out. I thought I'd just watch that child. It's amazing to watch children. And I watched her and she kept getting closer, closer, closer.

12 I just stood still, and them soldiers just turned around to watch. And when she got real close to me, she stopped. She looked at me and she took her little hand and reached down, picked up my coat, kissed the pocket of my coat, let it down. I just watched her. She looked up and ... the tears standing in her little eyes. And she took her little crutches and held herself, and pulled her little skirt out (which was very Finnish), and said "Kiitos." That means, "Thank you."
I looked at her, and I thought, "If I'd be the biggest hypocrite in the world, God would answer that child's faith." I started to turn. I seen her going then in a vision walking away from me, normal. I turned around. I said, "Sweetheart," and she kept saying, "Kiitos." She couldn't hear a word I was saying. I said, "Honey, Jesus Christ makes you well."
She said, "Kiitos, kites," and they kept pushing me.
I said, "Well, some day she'll find it out."

13 After I'd had a great big, long prayer line, crutches and things piled everywhere, the Lord revealing to the people and calling them out through the audience, my brother said, "You've had enough now. We've got to preach again tomorrow." So he come to get me, and I said, "Just call just a few more cards." And when he did, the next one on the platform was that little girl. She had her crutches.
I said to Mrs. Isaacson (and she may be sitting here today), I said, "Mrs. Isaacson, just say what I say." I said, "Honey, out there in the hall Jesus made you well. Have some of the ministers take that brace off of you. Watch what happens."
And when they went over there to take it off, I prayed for about another person, and here she come with both legs just as normal as she could be, her hands up in the air, glorifying God. Far as I know, the little thing lives in Finland today, because...

14 Children---children's amazing, aren't they?---the simplicity of faith.
I've got two little girls. They're getting big now. They're still my girls. I used to tell a little story about one time I was waiting ... mother was, for me to come home. I'd been out on a meeting, and the little girls was waiting up with me---for me, rather. And so the sandman come along and they got sleepy, and about one o'clock mother put them to bed.
And the plane was late. When I got in I was too tired to rest. (Like last night---I couldn't even sleep at all.) So I just got up about ... laid down for about two hours. I got up and went out in the living room, sat down in a chair.
And I always made a parable out of it. Rebecca is my oldest daughter. Little Sharon went home with her mother, you know, years ago. But Rebecca is my oldest. She's four years older than Sarah, and Sarah was then about four, oh, about two years old, I guess, and Becky was about six years old. So Becky to me represented the church that's been here a long time. She was long-legged and skinny. And Sarah is a little bitty tot, brown-eyed, chubby. And so...

15 I don't know, I guess your children's like mine. The hand-me-downs (it's clothes that comes down), so Sarah was wearing out Becky's pajamas, and they were too big for her. They had them rabbit-feet pajamas, you know, in them days. And so, they were quite too big for Sarah.
So that morning after it got daylight, why, the first thing you know, I heard a noise. Somebody turned over back in the other room, the children, and Rebekah woke up. She realized, "Daddy must be home," and out of the bed she come as hard as she could. That woke Sarah up. Sarah tried to follow her.
Becky could outrun her, she was longer-legged. So she run and jumped to straddle my leg, throwed both arms around my neck, and begin to holler, "Daddy, Daddy." And little Sarah, coming with them ... Becky's long-footed pajamas, and she was stumbling. And she was too short. She couldn't keep up with Becky.

16 So ... and Becky turned around and looked at Sarah coming down the hall. And she said, "Sarah, my sister, I want you to know one thing." She said, "I was here first, and I've got all of Daddy, and there's none of him left for you." You know, like some of them try to tell us today. They think they've got it all, you know. They've been here a long time, started four or five hundred years ago, you know.
And poor little Sarah, her little lip dropped down, and her little brown eyes colored up. She started to turn around. I looked over to one side while Becky had her head against me, like this. I motioned, like that, and stuck the other knee out. Here she come, jumped right up on it. She was ... her legs wouldn't reach the floor. She hadn't been around very long, you know, so she was kind of tottery; and I was afraid she was going to fall. So I just reached and took both arms and put them around Sarah, and she put her little head up against me, like this.
She turned around, and rolled those big dark eyes and looked up to Rebekah, and said, "Rebekah, my sister, I've got something to say to you." She said, "It may be so that you've got all of Daddy, but I want you to know that Daddy's got all of me."

17 So I think if we just turn ourself loose, and worship the Lord... We may get a little tottery. As long as He's got all of me, that's all I care for---if I can just surrender myself so completely that He can have all of me.
I might not know all the ins and outs, know how to duel the creeds, and so forth like that. But one thing ... a fellow said to me one time... I made a remark, and he said (a very brilliant man), and he said, "You just don't know your Bible."
I said, "But I know the author real well." So that's... To know Him is life. Don't you think so? Yes, sir. If I know Him He'll reveal his Book to me just as He wants me to know it.

18 The brethren told me just there that you'd taken an offering for me. I appreciate it. Really, I didn't come for that, but I appreciate it. I always request...
If all expenses is made and everything, and they take up an offering, then you know what I do with that? I take it to the foreign fields myself. I know you give a portion of your living. Now it's in my hands. I'm responsible now. It's off of your hands. But by the best of my ability I'll use it to the kingdom of God and the upbuilding of the kingdom.
I pray that it'll return to you a thousandfold. You sit in this hot building, you've sponsored the meetings, you've done everything well. I thank you. There's not a ... nothing I can do but say this, "God bless every one of you." I hope He does with all that you have need of in this journey, and I'm sure He will.

19 Now, I want to ask you a question and a favor. I'm fixing to leave right away now. Maybe might ... I have about ... I've got to go to Brother Leeming---many of you all know him, down in Florida there with the Christian Businessmen---a couple of meetings. And then I'm heading overseas, where you can't sit like this. Witch doctors standing there challenge you. Everything. You just ... you're not on the battlefield here; but you are there.
And when everything's going real hard and everything, can I depend on my people, friends, in Oregon praying for me? Will you do that? Just pray for me. I'll be depending on you. I'll always pray for you.
And if I never see you no more this side the river, I'll see you on the other side with the same testimony: Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever. I believe He's the Son of God that still saves from sin. He suffered under Pontius Pilate, crucified, died, rose the third day, and ever living to make intercessions upon our confession. I believe that He lives.

Hebrews 7:25 Wherefore he is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them.

Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

20 I want to take this time to thank the man---the captain, or general, or whoever it was---that let us have this fine building. I appreciate it, trusting that God will richly bless this unit of whatever it is that let us have this. May there not be one of them lost. May every one of them appear with the saints of God at that day is my sincere prayer. Thank you, gentlemen, and I trust to God with all my heart that everything will go well for you through life's journey.
And now I hope some day to return. God willing, my brothers willing to do it, to return to the meetings here, where we can have an extended meeting. I'd like to have a time where I could talk with my pastor brothers of a morning, and talk about the things of the Lord. Thanks to this nice lady here that's played the organ, and the pianist. We thank you. All the ushers, everything. God ever be with you.
Now this afternoon we're going to pray for every person, and I don't want to keep you long. I've kept you long each night. I would say, "Forgive me." But brother, sister, somehow keeping the message just as simple as I could, I know that seed has been planted. It'll bring forth in its season. You pray for me as I go along. I'll always be praying and asking God to help you.

21 I want to read one verse out of this blessed old Bible this afternoon for a text---not speaking long, 'cause I got to pray for all the sick. Do you love Him? Say "Amen." Do you believe Him? Say "Amen." How many ever heard the little "Amen" song? Oh, sure. That's good. That's fine. I love that. Amen. Brother Epp sings it so well.
I want to read out of St. John, 14th chapter and the 8th verse alone.
Philip saith unto him, Lord, shew us the Father, and it will sufficeth us.
May I read the next verse.
Jesus said unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet ... thou knowest me not, Philip? he that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou... , Shew us the Father?
I would like to take this text: Show us the Father and it will sufficeth. In other words, it means "satisfy." "If you'll show me the Father, it will satisfy us."

John 14:8 Philip saith unto him, Lord, shew us the Father, and it sufficeth us.

John 14:9 Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? he that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then, shew us the Father?

22 Now that's been the cry of the human heart through all ages, is to see God. Job of old cried out, "If I only [in his distress], if I only knew where He lived, if I could go knock on his door and speak to Him..." Every man has wanted to know God and to see God. Job wanted to see Him. Moses wanted to know who that was in the burning bush. Then he said, "Show me your glory." He wanted to see some manifestation, to know that it was God. And all of us do that. We all long to see something that's real, something to prove that God is.
And it's to my humble way of thinking that it pleases the Father to show Himself, to manifest Himself. He loves his children. How I like to tell my children something, and make a requirement, and then see those children live right up to that; and I can show them something good.

Exodus 33:18 And he said, I beseech thee, shew me thy glory.

Job 23:3 Oh that I knew where I might find him! that I might come even to his seat!

23 How I tell my little boy Joseph, "If you'll just be a good boy, now, and mind Mother, you know Saturday when I get back I'm going to take you fishing."
And to see that little boy... His mother'd say, "He was just as obedient, Bill, as he could be this week."
I'm happy to go show that little boy, take him fishing. I like to show him that I want to be kind to him, because he's part of me. I want him to be like I want to be, a Christian. And I love to manifest what I want him to be through myself.
And God wants to manifest Himself to his children. But He asks one requirement is all: if thou will believe. That's all He asks. Gives his word and asks if you will believe it.

24 Now, I'm going to speak ... now...
Yet, wasn't it strange here that Philip, that great warrior who'd seen those great mighty works of Christ---went and got Nathanael and brought him up there to the place, and saw the manifestation of the Scriptural proof that He was the Messiah---and then he said, "Now you show us the Father and it'll satisfy"?
Now did you notice the next verse, the 9th verse, said, "I have been so long with you, Philip, and you know me not?" How I think that would be for us this afternoon, that God in his mercy has manifested Himself so many times to us; and yet we don't recognize it.

John 1:45 Philip findeth Nathanael, and saith unto him, We have found him, of whom Moses in the law, and the prophets, did write, Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph.

John 14:8 Philip saith unto him, Lord, shew us the Father, and it sufficeth us.

John 14:9 Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? he that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then, shew us the Father?

25 Now, I'm going to speak on four ways to see God. Now a lot of people try to place Him way off as a historical affair, but let's just look at God in four ways. And I think that if God can be shown positive, without one shadow of doubt; that God in four different ways is standing right here this afternoon, that ought to be convincing, oughtn't it? Four ways of seeing God. I'm going to speak of God in his universe, God in his Word, God in his Son, and God in his people. And now I could take a dozen more, but those four things I want to rest upon for the next thirty minutes, God willing.
Let's take first, now, God in his universe. Who made the universe? We're told that it stands in space. How can it revolve around so perfect, more perfect than any instrument?

26 I'm wearing a three hundred dollar watch that was give to me by Dr. Gookenbule in Switzerland. He give it to me because it's got an alarm, for interviews and so forth. And it's the Vulcan Cricket, one of the best that Swiss makes. But yet, it'll lose time, gain time. It isn't perfect.
Anything that man makes is imperfect; but all that God does is perfect, see.

27 Notice, how He can make that world turn just around ... the sun ever exact, gaining so much, year after year, day after day, moving around the equator, moving around in its orbit. And everything ... and make those stars and things, that they can predict the eclipse of the moon twenty years away, to the minute. So perfect.
And what's holding it up? Which is up and down? How do we know? Them on the South Pole to us, is looking that way, saying it's up; and we on the North Pole is looking this way, and that's down to South Pole. Which is right?
How perfect it floats. Spin anything in the air and see if it'll stand there two revolutions without moving out of its orbit. But God perfectly holds the whole universe in his control. We believe that, that God does that. No other power, nothing else could do it but God. God alone.

28 And did you ever go out here to the sea, watch that big angry sea, those big white waves dashing in there, angry? You know almost four-fifths of the earth is covered in water, and one time it covered the whole earth over. How it would like to get apast there if it could! But you notice, it'll just come so far.
Why? God's got a watch dog watching it. That's the moon. The moon controls ... God set it there to control the sea. If that moon would ever move a few inches out of its orbit, the whole world would be covered with water just in a moment. Watch when he turns his head to see what the other side of the earth is, in the evening when ... the mornings, and so forth, how the tide goes out.
And here it comes in angrily again, but the watch dog there says, "That's your boundaries. Stay right there." And yet there's enough water out there, with the curvature of the earth, to wash the whole thing around. But God has a control. Amen! Oh, how great Thou art! How great Thou art! How He does it, how He ... it's beyond our means. How we could spend hours on that.

29 Let's drop down to something else. Let's watch the flowers, how they live, die, raise again; how that you could take your grass in the wintertime, and pour a slab of concrete across it. Where is the most grass the next summer? Right around the edge of the walk. Why is it? It's that life that you hid under that concrete. But when that botany-controller sun, s-u-n, begins to shine, you can't hide that life. It'll come right out and weave its way out and stick its head right up to the glory of God. Is that right?
You can't hide life. No matter... You can bury you in the sea, you can ... wherever you are, you're going to answer anyhow. When the S-o-n comes---the Son of God---all eternal life is going to rise with Him, 'cause He has eternal life, and gives it to those who He will.

30 And now notice how God lives in the flower, how He lives in the leaves on the tree; how they'll drop off, go down---the sap will---into the roots, some intelligence controlling it; going down in the roots to hide through the winter, come back again in the spring, bringing forth fruit, and so forth. How does it do it? Beyond my knowing. What ... there's got to be an intelligence somewhere that controls it. It can't do it itself.
There's nothing'll say to that peach tree out there, that pear tree, "Say, it's coming on wintertime [around about the middle of August]. All you leaves, get off of there right quick. Life, jump down in the roots and hide. If you don't, you'll die." It don't know it to do it itself. It's some intelligence controls it, the highest intelligence that there is: God.
Well, if God can tell a leaf, the life of that leaf, to leave it and go down there and stay; or life to come out of the upper part of the tree and go into the roots; can't He reveal the secrets of the hearts of the people to his servants? The intelligence of God? Why, the whole thing is made up of intelligence. God is the super-intelligence.
Look at the ducks, the animals, how they're all controlled by God.

31 Recently my son and I were in Bombay to a meeting. When we got there I was reading the newspaper. It's a bilingual country, and so it had it in English. And it said, "I guess the earthquakes are over."
A few days before that... You know, India is not like our country. We have fine woven fences. They pick up rocks and make their fences, and they build their towers, and so forth. It's very hot---close to the zones there, you know, and the equator. So the sheep and the cattle in the afternoon come and stand around these walls, and they get in the shade. And the little birds build their nests in the walls.

32 And one day something happened. All the little birds took off---no one knowed why---got away from them walls. Went out, didn't know where they went, sat in the trees somewhere. They wouldn't come back to their nests, and the cattle wouldn't come in.
Everyone said, "What's the matter? them cattle, them sheep, standing out there, leaning against one another, in that hot sun, way out in the middle of the field. They wouldn't come in. They wondered why.
And the next day, it did the same thing. And the third day they did the same thing. Then a earthquake shook the place into pieces. The walls fell. If the cattle and sheep had been standing under there, they'd have died. The little birds would've been crushed. The next day nothing happened, and then on the fifth day, then the little birds and things began to come back again. The earthquake was over.

33 Don't you see, it's... ? The same God that could lead them into the ark in the days of Noah is the same God who can take them away from danger. Well, if God, by the instinct He gives to a bird to know to flee away from falling walls, how much more ought we to flee away from these big, high, ecclesiastical walls that's bound to crush, by the inspiration of the Holy Ghost. Get away! Go to God quickly. Don't put your name on a book. Get born again, filled with the Holy Ghost.
God in nature. God give that little bird nature. He believes in it; he trusts it.

Genesis 7:8 Of clean beasts, and of beasts that are not clean, and of fowls, and of every thing that creepeth upon the earth,

Genesis 7:9 There went in two and two unto Noah into the ark, the male and the female, as God had commanded Noah.

34 Here not long ago I was up in Canada, and there was them ducks up there on a pond, and how they ... milling around on the pond. They'll be there now.
In about ... Lord willing, in about another month I take a hunting trip there. That ... little ducks come out of the south---way down in Louisiana, and Alabama, Texas, the rice fields, and they fly all the way into Canada. And they have their little ducklings up there on those marshes, swamps, or lakes.

35 Now here's a little drake. He was born right there on that lake, born that spring. He's never been off of that pond. That's all he knows---born right there. But one night there'll come a white cap across the mountain up there, there'll be snow strike that mountain, that cold breeze'll sweep down through the valley.
That little drake'll get right out there in the middle of that pond, stick that little honker up in the air and honk four or five times, and every duck on the pond will come right to him. Why? He'll raise right off of that pond and go, without a compass or anything else, just as straight to Texas as he can go, to the rice fields. If he stays any longer, it'll freeze over. They'll die.
He's never been off of there. How does he know where to go? He trusts in the God-given instinct. And if a duck has got sense enough to get away from danger and coldness, how much ought the church, by the power of the Holy Ghost and the resurrection of Christ, to get away from a dying creed. See what I mean? Instinct.

36 One time I was plowing, Papa and I. The horses kept snorting, and I said, "Pop, what's the matter? Is there a coyote back there?"
He said, "No, son. It's coming a storm."
I said, "A storm?" I was on an old riding cultivator. Many of you know what they are. Said, "A storm?" I said, "There's not a cloud nowhere."
He said ... stopped (never will forget the old fellow); pulled out his red handkerchief and wiped the perspiration from his brow. He said, "Billy, you've got a lot to learn, son." He said, "You see, the Almighty has give that horse an instinct so he can go to safety." Said, "There's a storm coming somewhere, and they can smell that storm."
I thought, "Daddy..." I said, "All right." And I hadn't plowed two more rounds till we could hardly get the horses out quick enough---lightning, thundering, and everything---and here was the storm. They caught it before it got there.
And if God can give a horse (talk about horse sense), can give a horse instinct and intelligence enough to know how to protect itself from danger, how much more ought we, by the inspiration of the Holy Ghost, to flee to safety when we see a time like this arriving. Yes. "Show us the Father, it will suffice us." Oh, my, how I could dwell on that.

John 14:8 Philip saith unto him, Lord, shew us the Father, and it sufficeth us.

37 You take an old sow hog, and she's got her shoats over on the north side of the hill. And you read the news commentator, on the radio or in the paper, says, "Tomorrow it's going to be a fair, pretty day." And that old sow will take them shoats off that north side of the hill around to the south side of the hill. You watch. She knows more about it than all the newspapers and commentaries in the world. You watch it turn cold.
You watch when you go to hunt rabbits, and see them getting way back under the brush piles and things like that, and getting a hiding place, and sitting back in the holes; and the commentary says it's going to be fair weather. Don't you believe that. That rabbit knows more about it than all them guys put together. He's trusting a God-given instinct. It's God, making a way for his creation. And how much higher is a creation of a man than a creation of a beast. How much more is the Holy Ghost to the church, than instinct would be to a duck, or a horse, or anything. I could take two hours on it.

38 One more thing I'd like to strike. That's where I first found God. That was my first Bible, to see there had to be something do these things. God is in his universe. How I love sunsets---stand and watch the sunset and cry; watch it raise, and cry. I love it.
I made a remark last night about being a hunter. I like to hunt. I've hunted since I was a little boy. I've hunt the world over---Africa, India, and everywhere. Many of you know of Bud Branham in the Rainy Pass Lodge at Anchorage, Alaska---sixteen planes flying in. That's my cousin. Come from a line of hunters and we love it. It's right in us. We love to hunt.
I used to go up in Colorado, where I herded cattle up there for a long time, on a ranch. And there, bringing them roundups in and out... Mr. Jeffries may be sitting right here this afternoon. Just lives right over here in Idaho now.
And so he and I used to go up there together and hunt, hunt elk. I love to hunt them. We had about eighty in a herd back there. We just took what ... one each year for what we needed, and the herd built big. So therefore... Mr. Jeffries is a real woodsman. He knowed how to hunt. He knowed all the ins and outs.
I'd helped salt the cattle and drive them in there, and round them up, and so forth. I knowed every angle back over on the Continental Divide, coming around where you cross Berthoud Pass, go down, then cross Rabbit Ear Pass. The Continental Divide comes in a panoramic. The Troublesome River feeds down this way, and the Hereford Association grazes this valley, and there's a east and west forks.
We'd go up the east fork, tie horses, and separate; and come plumb down the west fork, miles and miles and miles away, maybe not see one another for several days, hunting.

39 One year I was up there hunting. I'd get way up, just as high as I could climb, sit there of an evening when the sun goes down. And, oh, my! You talk about God! I was up there one day. It was dry. The elk hadn't come down yet; not enough snow and stuff to bring them down. They're a wild critter. They stay high, 'cause they don't want to get down around civilization. It takes snow and stuff to drive them down sometimes.
Then when ... I was up there walking around, looking. And I tied my horse way down that morning, went plumb up around the timberline, making a big circle, coming down to what we call Lost Canyon, and down through that way. No tenderfoot gets in there---it's too far for him. So, way back in there, I was walking.
And I had my rifle, and I was walking along there, and it come up a storm. You know how it is high in the mountains. It'll storm, and then snow, and then melt off, and the wind'll blow, and the sun'll shine. All kinds of weather in October up there, changing all the time. So it hadn't had enough snow to drive them down, so I was near the timberline.

40 And I got into a blowdown, where a hurricane had twisted up the timber and blowed it together. And I was climbing through this, and there come a great, heavy, storm---raining. And I got back behind a tree, and I stood like this, behind a tree, till the storm was over.
And I was standing there; almost went to sleep. The winds blowing and things, you could hear God speaking through the roar of them pines. I thought, "O God, how great thou art." And after the storm was over, I stood there a little bit, kind of noddy. I almost fell over two or three times. I got a little wet.
So I ... been a awful hard blow and I walked out behind... I thought, "Glory to God! How wonderful it is to be up here, to be alone with God." Two days now I hadn't seen nobody here, so... Hundred ... you're forty miles anyhow from a railroad. You're way away from automobiles---no gasoline, cigarettes, all stinking carry-on of what's called civilization. I thought, "This is wonderful to be standing here."

41 I watched the sun setting over here in Oregon, across that way. And there was a great big, pretty eye setting through there. And I thought, "That's right. His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me." You can see God anywhere, if you'll just look around. He's all around you, everywhere. He's in flowers, nature, everywhere. I seen Him there.
Then I happened to look, and I heard an old coyote hollering up on the hill there. His mate answered him down in the bottom. Now you talk about deep calling to the deep! Hear that squall of the coyote or timber wolf---that just sets my soul aflame. I hear him over there, hollering. He'd lost his mate, and she answered him, way down there in the bottom.
And I thought, "O God, I got a mate, too. I'll call and He'll answer me one day." I stood there and I thought, "God, there You are."
I heard the bugle over here, the elk herd I was trying to catch up with. Big old male let out that long whistle, bugle, like that. The storm had separated the elk up high, and he'd lost his herd and he was calling for them. I thought, "O God, You live up here. That's right. Here You are." There He was in the elk herd, there He was in the call of the wolf.

Psalm 42:7 Deep calleth unto deep at the noise of thy waterspouts: all thy waves and thy billows are gone over me.

42 Then I happened to look. And where the sun come out, and the evergreens had froze---that cold wind---there was a rainbow across the canyon. And I said, "There He is in the rainbow. Amen. There He is. There's the covenant. He'll never destroy it again with water. He promised it."
And a rainbow also is Revelation 1, where over the Son of God, and over the church---the seven golden candlesticks---was a rainbow. He was to look upon as jasper and sardine stone, the first and the last, He that was, which is and shall come. O my, my, my! Everywhere you look, you can see God if you'll just open up your eyes. Look around. He's everywhere.

Genesis 9:11 And I will establish my covenant with you; neither shall all flesh be cut off any more by the waters of a flood; neither shall there any more be a flood to destroy the earth.

Genesis 9:13 I do set my bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a token of a covenant between me and the earth.

Genesis 9:15 And I will remember my covenant, which is between me and you and every living creature of all flesh; and the waters shall no more become a flood to destroy all flesh.

Revelation 1:8 I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.

Revelation 1:12 And I turned to see the voice that spake with me. And being turned, I saw seven golden candlesticks;

Revelation 1:13 And in the midst of the seven candlesticks one like unto the Son of man, clothed with a garment down to the foot, and girt about the paps with a golden girdle.

Revelation 4:3 And he that sat was to look upon like a jasper and a sardine stone: and there was a rainbow round about the throne, in sight like unto an emerald.

43 I was standing there, and all at once a little old pine squirrel... How many of you Oregon people know what they are? He's the blue coat policeman of the woods, but all noise and no squirrel. He jumped up on there and went, "Chatter, chatter, chatter, chatter. Chatter, chatter, chatter, chatter."
And I thought, "What's the matter with you, little fellow? I'm not going to hurt you." So then the rainbow, I looked at it again, and I said, "Glory to God," and around and around the tree I went just as hard as I could go, shouting. And he just looked at me, and just "Chatter, chatter, chatter."
I thought. "Did I excite you? I'm worshipping your Creator. You don't like that? Let me show you how it's done again," and around the tree I went again. They'd have thought they had somebody out there out of the insane institution, I guess, if somebody was... I didn't care. I was worshipping God. I saw Him, I heard Him, everywhere. You can see Him if you'll just look around. He's real.
And I was around and around that tree as hard as I could go, and praising God, and throwing up my hands and hollering, "Hallelujah!" Stomping the ground around and around the tree I went again---like an insane person, but I was having a ... letting off a lot of steam. I was having a good time.
I thought, "Oh, it's good to be here. 'Let's build three tabernacles.' Let's just stay up here---a wonderful place to be in the presence of God, in his universe." Watch Him in his universe, his sunset, his rainbow, the call of the elk. Here, everywhere, there's God.

Matthew 17:4 Then answered Peter, and said unto Jesus, Lord, it is good for us to be here: if thou wilt, let us make here three tabernacles; one for thee, and one for Moses, and one for Elias.

Mark 9:5 And Peter answered and said to Jesus, Master, it is good for us to be here: and let us make three tabernacles; one for thee, and one for Moses, and one for Elias.

Luke 9:33 And it came to pass, as they departed from him, Peter said unto Jesus, Master, it is good for us to be here: and let us make three tabernacles; one for thee, and one for Moses, and one for Elias: not knowing what he said.

44 And I thought, "You little snicklefritz, why did you interrupt me from worshipping my God?"
I seen him sitting on this stump, or the place where the tree had blowed down, going, "Chatter, chatter, chatter," little tail drawed up under him like that. "Chatter, chatter, chatter, chatter."
I thought, "What's the matter with you? You think I'm acting funny?" But I noticed him. He was cocking his little head down, his eyes bugged out, looking down in that brush.
He wasn't hollering at me at all. The wind had blowed an eagle down in there, one of them big old brown eagles in Colorado. And he was ... that eagle would pick him up you know, so he was afraid of that eagle. He wasn't paying no attention to me, but he was afraid of that eagle.
That big eagle jumped up there, and I thought, "My! Now I see You out there, God. I see You, hear You down there, hear You in the call, see You all around everywhere, see You in the sky, see You in the rainbow, see You everywhere. But now, wonder if you could be in that eagle. Why did he interrupt my worship for?"

45 And I watched that eagle for a little bit. I thought... Now I seen his big gray eyes looking at me, and he'd look over at that little old pine squirrel, then look at me.
I admired him because he was brave. He wasn't afraid. I hate a coward. I hate somebody to ... not hate the person, but the attitude that they can stand in church and shout like the rest of them, and go outside. And when the real showdown comes you're ashamed to say you're a Pentecostal. You're ashamed to admit you got healed by divine healing. Oh!
God can't use something like that. He wants soldiers. He wants somebody that can say like Paul, "In the way that's called heresy, that's the way I worship the God of our fathers." He wants soldiers---backbone, not wishbone. He wants somebody that's got spunk enough and spirit enough to stand up.

Acts 24:14 But this I confess unto thee, that after the way which they call heresy, so worship I the God of my fathers, believing all things which are written in the law and in the prophets:

46 I said, "Yes, I see God in that eagle. He's not afraid. He's not a bit scared." I thought, "I'll just see how afraid he is." I said, "Say, fellow, you know I can shoot you?" When my voice rang out, he looked at me real close, and rolled them big eyes.
I began to see him feeling them feathers, you know, with his ... straighten them out. I thought, "There you are. There you are. God give him two wings to get away from trouble, get away from danger, and he's trusting those wings, his God-given escape. He's feeling them wings is all in running order, all right."
Someone said to me one time, "Brother Branham, ain't you afraid you'll make a mistake up there? Aren't you afraid something will happen up there?"
Oh, no. As long as everything's in running order, it's all right. Don't worry. He's the one give the promise.

47 This old eagle, fooling his wings, messing them up and down like that, I thought, "Oh, yeah, there you are." And I reached to grab my gun. He jumped, and looked at me like that, and kept his eye right on me. Now he knowed, by his ability, that he could take those wings and get in that timber before I could get that sight on him. He knew that, and he trusted it. So he wasn't afraid.
Why should we be afraid no matter what comes along? God give us the Holy Ghost. "Lo, I am with thee always, even to the end of the world." What are we scared about? God called you before the foundation of the world, put your name on the Lamb's book of life. The Lamb was slain before the foundation of the world. Your name was put on the book before the foundation of the world. The Bible said so.
Bible said the antichrist in the last days would deceive all that dwelt upon the earth whose names were not written in the Lamb's book of life since the foundation of the world. Not the last revival; but the foundation of the world. There you are. So you know you're living above... You're in something. You've received the Holy Ghost. What are you scared of? Amen. God in his universe. I believe it, don't you?

Revelation 13:8 And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.

Revelation 17:8 The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is.

48 I watched that fellow there for a few minutes, that little chipmunk sitting there, going ... or little chip... That's what we call them at home. They're little ... actually, a little pine squirrel, going, "Chatter, chatter, chatter. Chatter, chatter, chatter."
That eagle got enough of it. He just didn't want to fool with him any more, so he just made a great big bounce, like that, flopped his wings about two times, and he was above the timber. He just set his wings. He didn't flop anymore. He just set his wings. And every time the wind would come in, he'd rise higher. The wind would come in, he'd rise higher. Not moving a feather, he just knowed how to set his wings. I watched him. I dropped my gun. I looked at him. He got smaller, smaller, until he got plumb out of sight.

49 I thought, "O God, that's it. That's it. It's not join this one, and take your papers from this one over here, and join this, join this, join that; run through one prayer line. And Oral come through, you go through his, and go through another, go through another. That's not it.
It's just knowing how to set your wings of faith in the power of his resurrection. And when the Holy Ghost comes in, ride up above it. Ride above that chipmunk sitting there, "Days of miracles is past, no such a thing as divine healing," that earth-bound creature. We're eagles. Hallelujah! The Holy Ghost comes in, and we ride out of the way of danger, plumb till it becomes so we don't even hear it no more.
"Days of miracles is past. No such a thing as divine healing. It's mental telepathy. There's something wrong. Our church would do this. We got the biggest. We're the greatest organization." Just ride on above it.
Just set your wings and say, "Jesus Christ, I love You. I trust You." And hold this blessed old two-wing book here and just fly away (Hallelujah!), for He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. Amen.

Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

50 God in his universe.
You believe He's in his universe? See Him in his birds, see Him everywhere. We'll have to leave right quick from that subject to get the rest of them. We could stay all afternoon on God in his universe.
Now let's see God in his Word. How many believes that God's in his universe? Raise your hands. All right. You believe now God is in his universe. Now let's take God in his Word.
Now the Bible said ... Jesus said that the Word was a seed that a sower sowed. That right? Now you people here in Oregon, when you sow your crops, what does it do? You don't have to go out every morning and dig it up if you sow.
You plant a crop of corn, and every morning you go out and dig it up, look at it, and say, "Why, I don't see a thing going on," it never will grow. You can't dig it up. You've got to commit it to the ground. That's the place for it. Every time you dig it up, you delay it.

Mark 4:14 The sower soweth the word.

Luke 8:11 Now the parable is this: The seed is the word of God.

51 Listen to me, I'm going to say something big. Every time that you look at your symptoms, you're delaying your healing! Don't dig it up again. It's committed to Him that promised to heal, Him that heals the rest of them.
When you pass through the prayer line and hands is laid upon you, the Bible says the prayer of faith shall save the sick. Don't say, "Well, let's see if I feel any better, my heart any better, my hands..." Don't do that. You're delaying it. Commit it to the ground because it is a seed.
What does a seed do? Look at a little apple tree out here. You people raise a lot of apples. Look at a little apple tree when it's no more than what we call in the East, a sprig---a little tree about like that. Did you know that every apple, that'll ever be on that tree is in it right then?
If it isn't, where did it come from? Where did it come from? And that apple tree that's got ... going to produce you hundreds of bushels of apples, where did they come from?
When you set that little plant out, about like that, just out of an apple seed, and set it out there... And every apple that'll ever be on there it's got in it then, potentially---every ... hundreds of bushels of apples that you'll collect off of it---and it ain't a half-inch high. Amen. There you are. Where does it come from? It's in the apple then.

James 5:15 And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him.

52 And when you are planted into his death, burial, and resurrection---planted in Christ, and receive his Holy Spirit life in you---everything that you've got need of all the way through the journey is in you right then, for you become the seed. See it? God in his Word.
Now what does a tree have to do? When you plant it the only thing you have to do is water it, and then it's got to drink. The leaves are in it, the apples are in it, everything is right in the tree. But it's got to drink. It's got to drink more than its portion. And as it drinks it pushes out---pushes out leaves, pushes out blossoms, pushes out apples. But it's got to keep drinking, drinking, drinking, in order to push out.
And when we take a promise of God, drop it into our heart, we keep watering it with faith; and it keeps pushing out, pushing out. Hallelujah! When Christ is planted in our heart, the Holy Ghost, the only thing we do is drink in the Word of God. And it pushes out salvation, it pushes out divine healing, it pushes out glory, it pushes out everything that we have need of---is right in us when we're planted in Christ Jesus.

53 Here's my interpretation of Him, about being the water. He is the inexhaustible fountain of life. You'll never ask Him too much. You can never believe Him for too great a thing. He delights in you believing Him for great things. You can never overdo it.
Could you imagine a little fish about a half inch long, way out there in the middle of that ocean, saying, "Now wait a minute. I better think this thing over. I better drink very sparingly of this water because I might run out this year." Well, if you can figure that out, then try to exhaust the fountain of God's goodness to you.
Could you just imagine a little mouse about a half-inch long, under the big garners of Egypt, saying, "I'll just eat one grain a day. I better allowance myself to one grain a day, because I might run out before the new crop comes in." My! What's he doing? He's depriving himself.
That's exactly what's the matter with the church today, in taking church creeds and dogmas and trying to suck off of them, instead of taking the Word of God, and enjoying the fullness of the baptism of the Holy Ghost and the things of God. Why? His Word is a seed, and this Word brings forth of its kind.

54 Now we just passed a great revival, swept the land. Fifteen years nearly it went on. What have we reaped out? We've reaped out a bunch of new members. Yeah. Why? That's what kind of seed we sowed.
Remember, the rain falls upon the earth to water it, dress it, for which it's prepared for. And now remember, if you had a field of wheat out here and it was growing, its little heads is hanging over. When you see anything too sturdy, it's self-styled. A heavy, full, head always bows. I hope you got that. So now notice.
Now, but a little weed standing there, and it's a drought on. People are praying for rain. Well, that little wheat's going, "Huh-huh [pants]." It just can't ... it just can't hardly get along any longer. It's going to die. The little weed is just as happy to get water as it would be.
God sends the rain, and you know what? When the rain falls, that little wheat straightens up and goes, "Glory to God!" It just shouts the praises of God because it comes to life. And the same water makes the weed grow. Just as happy, can shout just as loud.
Now, that's what Jesus said. If you want to read it, Hebrews 6th chapter. I haven't got time to go into it 'cause it's getting away from us. "The rain cometh oft upon the earth," Jesus said. "The rain falls on the just and unjust."

Matthew 5:45 That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.

Hebrews 6:7 For the earth which drinketh in the rain that cometh oft upon it, and bringeth forth herbs meet for them by whom it is dressed, receiveth blessing from God:

55 We can see people shouting, speaking in tongues, dance in the Spirit, everything like that. That don't mean yet they got it. Oh, no. I've seen many of them do it, and didn't have it. But by their fruits you shall know them: fruit---the Holy Spirit, believing God's Word, and manifesting God's Word.
That leads us to the next thought, God in his Son. Do you believe God is in his Word? How we could ... over here I got a dozen scriptures wrote out here, about how God manifested through Abraham, through different ones like that, proving that He was. But let's... How many believe God is in his Word? Frankly, He is the Word.
Now, God in his Son. You believe God was in his Son? He was the manifestation... [Gap in the audio.]

Matthew 7:20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.

John 5:39 Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me.

John 10:37 If I do not the works of my Father, believe me not.

56 Said, "Search the Scriptures, for in them you think you have eternal life. They are they which testify of me. If I do not the works of my Father then believe me not." How many times this week we've went through that, back and forth, to show that He was the Word. So you see nature, Word, Son. It's all coming to the same God---actually the same God working in a different channel.
Jesus was God manifested in the flesh. He was God the Word. Every one of us believe that God was in Christ, reconciling the world to Himself. Jesus is the Son of God---that is the body---and God was the Spirit that dwelt in that tabernacle that He created for Himself, a virgin body, God.
That's the reason He said here, "I've been so long with you and you don't know me? He that hath seen me hath seen the Father." In other words, "You see the Father working through me."
God is a Spirit. They that worship Him must worship Him in Spirit and truth. See, God is a Spirit. And here we find the Word being made manifest. In 1st John we find---also in John 11, it says here that ... also in John 5:24---we find many places... John 14, Jesus said that, "He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also." Why? It's the Word made manifest in them.

John 4:9 Then saith the woman of Samaria unto him, How is it that thou, being a Jew, askest drink of me, which am a woman of Samaria? for the Jews have no dealings with the Samaritans.

John 4:12 Art thou greater than our father Jacob, which gave us the well, and drank thereof himself, and his children, and his cattle?

John 4:24 God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.

57 Here some time ago I was preaching, exalting. And a woman, belongs to another church... I don't like to call churches denominational names, but this woman, she belonged to a church that believed in mental healing. They believe that the devil is a thought, and God's a thought, and your thoughts is whatever it is. They deny the deity of Jesus Christ, in this day that when people try to make Jesus just a man.
Why, He was more than a man. If He was just a man, we're all lost. He was God, nothing less of God. He was God manifest in the flesh---Jehovah, the Father, dwelling in his Son, reconciling the world to Himself.
That's the reason we're commissioned by St. Matthew there, "baptize them in the name of the Father, Son, Holy Ghost." What? Not three gods; three manifestations of the same God. God the Father was a pillar of fire. It was made flesh and dwelt among us---God the Son. God above us, God with us. Now the same God, the Holy Ghost, in us. Three offices: Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. It's the same God; not three gods. The one God made Himself three offices, three manifestations. Amen. Oh, what a world we're living in. Notice, perfect. Now, when He was here on earth...

Matthew 28:19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:

58 This woman said, "Mr. Branham," she said, "I enjoy hearing you speaking, but there's one fault I find with you."
And I said, "What's that?"
She said, "You brag too much on Jesus."
"Oh," I said, "If that's the only fault I got... I sure thank you, lady, if that's all you can find wrong with me." I said, "I hope God's that way when I come to meet Him---just find ... just bragging on his Son too much is the only fault I had."
And she said, "Well, you said that you were a fundamentalist. You just spoke with the Bible and you didn't put nothing..."
I said, "That's exactly. I still say that."
She said, "If I can prove to you by your own Bible that He wasn't divine...? You're always making Him divine."
I said, "If He wasn't divine, He was the biggest deceiver the world ever had, and we're all in sin. If He was just an ordinary man, then any other man could've died, one for the other one. He could be nothing short of God." Right.

59 When He was going up Calvary that day, them little red spots on his coat, they all went into one; the bee of death stinging around Him, humming, "I got Him now." They just put a rag around his face and hit Him on the head. You know He could discern the thoughts. They said, "Tell us who hit you and we'll believe you." They spit in his face, pulled handfuls of beard out.
The devil said, "I got Him now." And when He was going up the hill, he said, "That couldn't be God," the devil said. "That can't be God. He'd never put up with nothing like that."
And I can see Him as He goes up, his little frail body falling like that as He staggered up the hill, that bee humming around Him; that buzz of death right in his veins, knowing in a little bit He was going to be gone. That bee said, "I got him now."
The devil said, "Go on, death, get him. That's all there is. He's nothing. He's just like all the rest of them. He's going to die. You sting him right on down there, and He'll die."

Matthew 26:67 Then did they spit in his face, and buffeted him; and others smote him with the palms of their hands,

Matthew 26:68 Saying, Prophesy unto us, thou Christ, Who is he that smote thee?

Mark 14:65 And some began to spit on him, and to cover his face, and to buffet him, and to say unto him, Prophesy: and the servants did strike him with the palms of their hands.

Luke 22:64 And when they had blindfolded him, they struck him on the face, and asked him, saying, Prophesy, who is it that smote thee?

60 But look, brother, when a bee ever anchors his stinger real deep, he'll never pull a stinger again. He'll have no more stinger. He'll pull the stinger out ... when sting of death could come upon an ordinary man, because he was a sinner he could pull that stinger out and sting another one.
But that time he anchored his stinger in Emmanuel's flesh. Hallelujah! It pulled the stinger out of death. A bee can buzz and make all kinds of noise, that old... And any insect that ever stings deep enough, it loses its stinger. And when death stung the Son of God, he lost his stinger.
No wonder Paul could say, "Death, where is your sting? Grave, where is your victory?" Sure. He was more than a man. That was Emmanuel, God with us.

1 Corinthians 15:55 O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?

61 And she said, "I'll prove to you by your Bible that He wasn't divine."
I said, "Let's hear you do it."
She said, "St. John, the 11th chapter, the Bible said that when Jesus went to the grave of Lazarus He wept."
And I said, "Is that your scripture?"
She said, "Yes. He could not be divine and weep."
I said, "Lady, you know what? That argument you've got is thinner than the broth made out of the shadow of a chicken that's starved to death." I said, "Well, you haven't got room for nothing there." I said, "You failed to see He was both God and man. He was a God-man. God was in Him. That's right."
I said, "Let me ask you something. He went down to the grave a-weeping. He was a man. He weeps with those who weep. He's sad with those who's sad. He's happy with those who's full of joy.
"But when He went down to the grave, standing there, his little shoulders stooped down... The Bible said, 'There's no beauty we should desire Him.' Said, 'Take ye away the stone,' straightened up them little shoulders. 'Lazarus, come forth!' And a man who'd been dead four days in the grave, rotten, come to life and stood on his feet. That was more than a man. Amen. That was God in his Son." Hallelujah! Man can't do that.

Isaiah 53:2 For he shall grow up before him as a tender plant, and as a root out of a dry ground: he hath no form nor comeliness; and when we shall see him, there is no beauty that we should desire him.

John 11:35 Jesus wept.

John 11:39 Jesus said, Take ye away the stone. Martha, the sister of him that was dead, saith unto him, Lord, by this time he stinketh: for he hath been dead four days.

John 11:43 And when he thus had spoken, he cried with a loud voice, Lazarus, come forth.

John 11:44 And he that was dead came forth, bound hand and foot with graveclothes: and his face was bound about with a napkin. Jesus saith unto them, Loose him, and let him go.

62 I'll admit He was a man when He come down off the mountain that night, been up there hungry. He come down looking for something to eat, looking all around over a tree for something to eat. He was a man when He was hungry. But when He took five biscuits and two fish and fed five thousand, that was more than a man. That was God in his Son. Believe it.
He was a man when He laid out there on the back of that ship that night, tossed about like a bottle-stopper in a storm, when ten thousand devils of the sea swore they'd drown Him. He was a man laying there asleep, tired. Virtue had gone from Him. He was a man.
But when He was aroused, walked up to the brail of the boat, put his foot on it; looked up and said, "Peace be still," and the winds and waves obeyed Him, that was more than a man. That was God in his Son. Amen. Hallelujah!
He was a man crying on the cross, "I thirst. Give me drink." But on that third day when He broke the seals of death, hell, and the grave, and rose again, He proved He was God. Amen.

Matthew 8:24 And, behold, there arose a great tempest in the sea, insomuch that the ship was covered with the waves: but he was asleep.

Matthew 8:26 And he saith unto them, Why are ye fearful, O ye of little faith? Then he arose, and rebuked the winds and the sea; and there was a great calm.

Matthew 14:19 And he commanded the multitude to sit down on the grass, and took the five loaves, and the two fishes, and looking up to heaven, he blessed, and brake, and gave the loaves to his disciples, and the disciples to the multitude.

Matthew 14:21 And they that had eaten were about five thousand men, beside women and children.

Mark 4:37 And there arose a great storm of wind, and the waves beat into the ship, so that it was now full.

Mark 4:38 And he was in the hinder part of the ship, asleep on a pillow: and they awake him, and say unto him, Master, carest thou not that we perish?

Mark 4:39 And he arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace, be still. And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm.

Mark 6:41 And when he had taken the five loaves and the two fishes, he looked up to heaven, and blessed, and brake the loaves, and gave them to his disciples to set before them; and the two fishes divided he among them all.

Mark 6:44 And they that did eat of the loaves were about five thousand men.

Luke 8:23 But as they sailed he fell asleep: and there came down a storm of wind on the lake; and they were filled with water, and were in jeopardy.

Luke 8:24 And they came to him, and awoke him, saying, Master, master, we perish. Then he arose, and rebuked the wind and the raging of the water: and they ceased, and there was a calm.

Luke 9:14 For they were about five thousand men. And he said to his disciples, Make them sit down by fifties in a company.

Luke 9:16 Then he took the five loaves and the two fishes, and looking up to heaven, he blessed them, and brake, and gave to the disciples to set before the multitude.

Luke 9:17 And they did eat, and were all filled: and there was taken up of fragments that remained to them twelve baskets.

John 6:10 And Jesus said, Make the men sit down. Now there was much grass in the place. So the men sat down, in number about five thousand.

John 6:11 And Jesus took the loaves; and when he had given thanks, he distributed to the disciples, and the disciples to them that were set down; and likewise of the fishes as much as they would.

John 19:28 After this, Jesus knowing that all things were now accomplished, that the scripture might be fulfilled, saith, I thirst.

63 Any man or woman that's ever amounted to a hill of beans believed that. It's thrilled the hearts of poets down through the years. If I could call on the scene today somebody that believed that...
I think of Eddie Perronet. All of you know the poet, Eddie Perronet. No one would buy his poetry. They didn't want nothing to do with it. One day he was crying, and he went into his study and he said, "O God, what can I do?" And he grabbed his pen, and he wrote the inauguration song. What did he say, Eddie Perronet? He said, "All hail the power of Jesus' name, let angels prostrate fall. Bring forth the royal diadem, and crown Him Lord of all." Amen.
Another one said, "Living, He loved me; dying, He saved me; buried, He carried my sins far away; rising, He justified freely forever; some day He's coming---oh, glorious day!" Amen. God in his Son, reconciling the world to Himself. Amen. "Living, He loved me; dying, He saved me; buried, He carried my sins far away. Rising, He justified freely forever; and some day He's coming---oh, glorious day!"
Hoskins wrote, "When I survey the wondrous cross, where on the Prince of glory died; I count all my fame to be but loss."
Blind Fanny Crosby screamed out,
Pass me not, O gentle Saviour,
Hear my humble cry;
While on others thou art calling,
Do not pass me by.
For Thou, the stream of all my comfort,
More than life to me
Whom have I on earth beside Thee?
Or whom in heaven but Thee?"
Amen. Amen.

64 God in his Son. Do you believe He was? He looked like God, He acted like God, He said He was God. He cried like God, He healed like God, He died like a man, and He rose like God. He was God manifested in the flesh. God was in his Son. Do you believe it? God was in his universe. Do you believe it? God is in his Word. Do you believe it? God is in his Son. Do you believe it?
Could you see Him in Christ? Jesus said, "When you see me you see the Father. Why sayest thou show me the Father?" God was in the Son, reconciling the world to Himself. Now, God in his universe. You believe it? God in his Word. You believe it? God in his Son. You believe it?

John 14:9 Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? he that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then, shew us the Father?

65 Now, God in his people. Amen. There you get Father, Son, Holy Spirit, same God all the time, condescending. Once holy, man away from Him, he couldn't come near. Even a sheep touch the mountain, or a ox, must be thrust through. When He stood on top of Sinai and roared out his voice, nothing could come near, because there was no sacrifice but the animal. That was God above us.
Then God condescended. He came down and we felt Him. First Timothy 3:16, "Without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: for God was manifested in the flesh, seen of angels, believed on, received up into glory." We seen God express Himself through his Son, Christ Jesus.
Now, God above us, God with us, now God in us. All that God was He poured into Christ, and all Christ was He poured into the church. "Yet a little while and the world seeth me no more; yet ye shall see me, for I [and I is a personal pronoun], I'll be with you, even in you, to the end of the consummation." Hallelujah! Glory! Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever. "Living, He loved me; dying, He saved me; buried, He carried my sins far away. Rising, He justified freely forever."
No wonder He's the root and offspring of David, the morning star, He that was, which is, and shall come. He that was dead is alive forevermore, manifesting Himself after two thousand years, proves that He's with us. God in his universe, God in his Word, God in his Son, God in his people, Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today and forever.

Exodus 19:12 And thou shalt set bounds unto the people round about, saying, Take heed to yourselves, that ye go not up into the mount, or touch the border of it: whosoever toucheth the mount shall be surely put to death:

Exodus 19:13 There shall not an hand touch it, but he shall surely be stoned, or shot through; whether it be beast or man, it shall not live: when the trumpet soundeth long, they shall come up to the mount.

Matthew 28:20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.

John 14:19 Yet a little while, and the world seeth me no more; but ye see me: because I live, ye shall live also.

1 Timothy 3:16 And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory.

Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

Revelation 1:8 I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.

Revelation 22:16 I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star.

66 "Show me the Father and it'll satisfy us." God in his people on Pentecost. God in Peter when his shadow passed over the sick, healed them. God in Paul that they took from his body handkerchiefs and aprons. Hallelujah! God is here today. Do you believe it? God. You believe He's in his universe? Do you believe He's in his Word? Do you believe He's in his Son? Do you believe He's in his people?
We've watched it this week time after time---the same works that God did through Solomon. It was God. The same works that He did through there, He did through Jesus, his Son. The same thing we seen Him do through his Son we see Him do through his church, making Him the same yesterday, today, and forever; God in his universe, God in his Word, God in his Son, God in his people. Amen. Amen.

John 14:8 Philip saith unto him, Lord, shew us the Father, and it sufficeth us.

Acts 5:15 Insomuch that they brought forth the sick into the streets, and laid them on beds and couches, that at the least the shadow of Peter passing by might overshadow some of them.

Acts 5:16 There came also a multitude out of the cities round about unto Jerusalem, bringing sick folks, and them which were vexed with unclean spirits: and they were healed every one.

Acts 19:12 So that from his body were brought unto the sick handkerchiefs or aprons, and the diseases departed from them, and the evil spirits went out of them.

Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

67 Let's bow our heads. I'm going to come back some time when I can preach as long as I want to. Hallelujah! Do you believe it? "Show us the Father, and it will satisfy us. Just show us the Father, and it will satisfy us."
How we thank the Lord that He remains God, while we thank Him because He gave his only Son, his only begotten Son, that He might bring many sons into the world, that He might show Himself alive today. Jesus died, the only begotten Son of God, that He might make us adopted children, that He might work his will through us.
How shameful we should be, claiming to be children of God and letting the devil push us around like he does. We've got the rights---we're already risen with Him. You say, "You have power?" No, sir. We don't have any power but we have authority. There's a lot of difference between power and authority. Christ has the power.
Someone asked me a while ago... A precious brother met me on the street. He said, "Brother Branham, are you Jesus' Name?"
I said, "I'm Jesus' servant. I'm his servant."

John 14:8 Philip saith unto him, Lord, shew us the Father, and it sufficeth us.

Colossians 2:12 Buried with him in baptism, wherein also ye are risen with him through the faith of the operation of God, who hath raised him from the dead.

68 Notice. I want to ask you something. He remains the same yesterday, today, and forever. Would you like Him to be your Saviour this afternoon? Would you like to know that this God that's close could be your Saviour? If you would, raise up your hand. Say, "I want to accept Him, Brother Branham. Right where I am, I'm going to believe." God bless you. God bless you. That's good. God bless you. God bless you. God bless you. That's good. Up in the balconies, all around everywhere, God bless you. That's good. Several hands went up.
Oh, see, when we're just getting warmed into the meeting now, see that Satan trying to ward off... That old devil! You believe right now. This is the hour, this is the time that in your own church you can start a revival and do the works of God. Jesus said, "He that believeth on me... He that ... He who God has sent does the works of God." Amen. Believe it now. Don't you doubt it. You have faith. Don't doubt. Be real reverent just for a minute and pray. Be real quiet now.
[Woman speaks in tongues and someone interprets.] Amen. Thanks be to God. We all believe in speaking in tongues and interpretation of tongues. We believe that God does that, and He does it to edify his church. Now, if I noticed the message just right, it said something about believe that the Lord would manifest Himself and do something for his people.

John 14:12 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.

1 Corinthians 14:4 He that speaketh in an unknown tongue edifieth himself; but he that prophesieth edifieth the church.

Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

69 Now, right while you're sitting, before we call the prayer line, I want to ask you something. Every soul that accepted Christ, will you make this promise to me and to God? God first and then me, that every one here that believes on the Lord Jesus Christ will go to one of these good churches here and ask for Christian baptism, if you haven't been baptized yet by water? And there stay until you have received the Holy Ghost, and give your life to Christ for service. He... "As many as believed was added to the church." Is that right?
How many will promise that, that's never done it? Will promise God right now by his grace you'll do it, if you can see God manifest Himself amongst his people this afternoon? Raise your hand, say, "I will do it." God bless you. Raise your hands, say... God bless you. Another one, God bless you. You, you, you, you. Just look at the hands.
All down here on the bottom floor now. How many will say, "If I can see God manifest Himself and prove Himself right here amongst his people... I see Him in his universe, believe He's in his Word, in his Son; and his Son's the same yesterday, today, and forever. And if I can see his Son come on action, just the same thing today as He did when He was here on earth, I'll believe it with all my heart, and I'll make a confession and go to church and be baptized, and call on the name of the Lord"?

Acts 2:47 Praising God, and having favour with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved.

Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

70 To the balconies over here to my left, could I see some hands back there? I promise [unclear words] Along in this way raise up your hands so I can see it. God can see it. He'll know. He knows your heart. Back in the balcony this way. I can't see back there, it's so dark, but raise your hands to God and say, "I will. I will." I just see fanning, or something like that. I can't tell which it is.
Back over in this way, raise your hands. I believe you're honest, you'll do it. Raise your hand. God bless you. All around. Anymore on the floor now, down here, say, "I'll raise my hand to God."? God bless you, lady. God bless you over here, sir. That's very, very fine.
Someone else? God knows your heart. You mean that. Right wherever you are tonight, any one of these churches here, right here somewhere, and will be baptized, calling on the name of the Lord because, remember...

71 Do you believe that I am his servant? Raise your hands. Have I found grace in your sight this week? Raise your hands, all that wants to be honest and say, "I really believe it, Brother Branham." Listen. The coming of the Lord is closer than you think. I haven't talked about the coming here---just staying right with the message of the day.
Remember Abraham's last sign. Remember who it was that went down into there? Abraham's last sign? Look at the same thing here in time of the Jews, when they were rejected. Here it is again in the Gentile time.

72 As I've told you all this week, and laid it in close, and proved to you, about never in history have we ever had an evangelist on the field---Sankey, Moody, Knox, Calvin---to that cold formal church out there.
The Lot churches out in Sodom, they never received the Holy Ghost and been born and come out of it. But out in there we have a wonderful messenger out there today by the name of Billy Graham. G-r-a-h-a-m, like A-bra-ham. Get it?
There's a church elected. Look what kind of a message went down and preached to them: come out, come out, come out, come out. But what did this man do up here? He just showed them a sign with his back turned to the tent, see. That was the church elected.
Oh, don't be sleeping, friends. "Then awake ye saints of the Lord. Why slumber when the end is nearing? But get ready for that final call." And the call is on. Have faith.

Genesis 18:13 And the LORD said unto Abraham, Wherefore did Sarah laugh, saying, Shall I of a surety bear a child, which am old?

Genesis 19:12 And the men said unto Lot, Hast thou here any besides? son in law, and thy sons, and thy daughters, and whatsoever thou hast in the city, bring them out of this place:

73 Heavenly Father, I'm your servant. I commit this service to You. I've preached your Word, the best that I know how---what little time, nervously, and tired, and wore out. Lord, the people's attended. Night after night they've come back like they've wanted to listen more.
Now, God I pray that every one that You've called, they'll come at this meeting. Grant it, Father. May these churches be filled up with the people. May they come confessing their sins and being baptized, receive the Holy Ghost. Grant it, Lord.
Lay your ... these that's sojourning here now, that's on their road to the promised land, they don't claim to be of this world. We are pilgrims and strangers. We've professed that we're from another kingdom.
We died in the old kingdom and we're raised with our King. He's a Spirit, living among us, working his life in us, giving us the authority to preach his Word; and living through us performs his own miracles as He goes, claiming and showing that the nature of his Spirit when He was here on earth is still the same thing today: God in his people. Bless us now.

74 It'll be up to You, Father, to do the rest. I've preached, made the altar call, hands has went up. I've trusted them to You. God grant that they'll be trophies of the meeting, they'll never forget. Everywhere they look, they'll be able to see God---everywhere. Grant it. Bless us together now.
Now we're waiting to see You come riding in, Father, on the waves. Come, like You did that night to the little troubled ship, where all hopes was gone that they could ever be saved. The people were afraid of You, and He said, "Be not afraid. It's I. Be of a good courage."
God grant it today that the people might know, who has claimed You as their Saviour, that they don't have to worry. You're here, the same yesterday, today, and forever, God in his people. Grant it, Father, through Jesus' name. Amen.

Matthew 14:26 And when the disciples saw him walking on the sea, they were troubled, saying, It is a spirit; and they cried out for fear.

Matthew 14:27 But straightway Jesus spake unto them, saying, Be of good cheer; it is I; be not afraid.

Mark 6:50 For they all saw him, and were troubled. And immediately he talked with them, and saith unto them, Be of good cheer: it is I; be not afraid.

John 6:19 So when they had rowed about five and twenty or thirty furlongs, they see Jesus walking on the sea, and drawing nigh unto the ship: and they were afraid.

John 6:20 But he saith unto them, It is I; be not afraid.

Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

75 How many of you have prayer cards? Now raise up your hands. Is there any here without prayer cards? Raise up your hands---still sick. Oh, my. You never got to a third of them. I told Billy to give prayer cards out to those. All right. You without prayer cards, raise your hand again. Let me see around where you're at. Just everywhere. All right, look to me.
I said something last night I shouldn't have said. I said it quickly, then caught it back. I said the American people don't take the discernment. They don't like they do overseas. 'Course not. The revival's moving there yet.
But I said, "Until God leads me again, I won't use discernment. After these campaigns are over, I'm going to stop. If I come again, I'll be praying for the sick." But did you notice? I put "if the Lord leads me," 'cause I can't control it. He does the controlling; I'm just the instrument.
Just like this microphone. You hear me through this microphone. It isn't the microphone you're hearing; it's me. And I'm just a mute. That microphone without a noise to hit that crystal would be a mute. So am I a mute for these things unless God speaks through me. Do you believe that? Did He promise in the last days He would do these things? We know it. Just what little temporary part that we have seen this week, we believe it.

76 Somebody in this section without a prayer card, raise up your hand again, and pray. God grant it. This lady sitting on the end here, looking at me. I seen you had your hand up, you didn't have a prayer card. Now you're close to me, so that the Spirit will start.
Do you believe me to be his prophet? or his servant? You believe that with all your heart? If God will reveal to me your trouble, will you believe me then? You know whether it's the truth or not. You've had bleeding ulcers. You've had an operation for it. You're worried. If that's right, raise up your hand. Put up your hand if that's so. What did she touch? I'm going to have the lady to stand up. Stand up just a minute, lady.
That the lady'd know, I want to ask her a question. There she sits there, no prayer card, no nothing. Just a woman come in and sat down. But she was sitting there with faith because she's in a serious condition. Everything was told you is the truth. Is that right, lady? Raise up your hand. If what was said about whatever was wrong with you, raise up your hand. You, this ... yeah, that's right. God bless you. All right.
Now I do not know the lady. Here's the Bible. I've never seen her in my life. She's older than I. We were born years apart, miles apart, the first time we meet. But what did she do? She was praying for something, and she touched the high priest. And as quick as it did, it touched right back here to me and told her. Now don't worry anymore. You're going to get well. Your faith has saved you. Amen.

77 How many believe now, God is in his people? Do you believe it? Here sits a woman right here, worried, wondering---cancerous condition she's worried about. Believe with all your heart. Don't doubt. Just have faith. Believe that the Son of God makes you well, and you can go home and be well. You believe it?
Miss Staub, that's your name. If that's right, raise up your hand. We're strangers one to another, but Jesus Christ knows you, just so you wouldn't miss it. Do you feel good now? Stop worrying, it's all over. Your faith makes you well.
There sits a man sitting right back there in the row, sitting right behind there. That man suffers with a hernia. He's a stranger. Do you have a prayer card? You don't. You don't need one, if you'll believe with all your heart. If we're strangers, raise up your hand. All right. You're just a man come in, sat down. Is that right? But you are interested in this hernia being healed. All right. If you believe with all your heart, you can have it. Amen.

78 God in his people, God in his universe, God in his Son, God in his people. Do you believe it? Let me show you something that you might not know. Here sits a woman, sitting right here looking at me. She wants to do what's right. She's trying to do what's right. She's got a habit of smoking cigarettes. She's trying to get rid of them. That's right.
Is that right, lady? Don't be ashamed. Stand up on your feet just a minute. I'm a stranger to you. Do you have a prayer card? You don't have one. You don't need one. You believe me. In the name of Jesus Christ, I curse that devil. May you never crave another one. Go and be well, in the name of Jesus Christ. I ask you to believe the Lord Jesus Christ. Do you believe?

79 Lady sitting right back there---high blood pressure, heart trouble. If you'll believe with all your heart, lady, God will make you well. God bless you. Go home, be well. God makes you well. Do you believe it? Just don't doubt.
Lady sitting right here. Hallelujah! She's suffering. She wonders what's wrong. She's got cancer. She's also got a cyst or growth she's bothered about. Oh, I hope she don't miss it. God have mercy. Miss North! Believe with all your heart. Amen. We're strangers to one another. Never saw her in my life. If we're strangers raise up your hand, lady. You stand there praying, knowing you got to die. Fear not. You won't die. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall live.
God in his universe, God in his Word, God in his Son, God in his people. Do you believe it? Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever, sweeping across the whole audience. Do you believe with all your heart now?

Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

80 How many of you believe your pastors out here to be a man of God? Raise up your hands if you believe your pastors. You ought to. He's just as much right to pray for the sick as I have. Brethren, walk right down here with me. I want you to pray with me, and for these people too. Come right down here come here, Roy. Take a hold of this.
I want everybody in this line here that's got prayer cards, stand up along on this side, right over here. Stand up right here. Everybody. What does the Bible say? "These signs shall follow them that believe. If they lay hands on the sick they shall recover." Do you believe that? Do you believe that I'm a believer? Say, "Amen." Do you believe your pastor's a believer? Say, "Amen." All right.
Now we're going to call on row by row, section by section, that section first, this section next, that one next, that one next. Don't come both ways. You'll get all mixed up there, and you won't be able to... Listen to Brother Roy here now.

Mark 16:17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;

Mark 16:18 They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.

81 And the pastors, how many more believing pastors that's here? that really believe the gospel, full gospel pastors? Many of you may be strangers. Would you like to come up and stand with me, brethren? We don't excommunicate no one. We believe if you're a believer in Christ... Is that not correct? Is that right, my brethren?
If you're pastors here, and believe in praying for the sick, no matter... If you're a believer in Christ and believe this is of Christ, come right up here and do your duty as a man of God, to stand here and help me pray for the sick and afflicted. Come up here, pastors. Make a double line along here.
I'm going to get down there with you just in a moment. We're going to pray for every sick person. I don't want to stand and talk long. I want you to pass through while this anointing is still upon me. Do you believe now with all your heart? Come right up here, pastors, [unclear words] and form a double line. That's good. God bless you. All right. Let's sing this song again all together.
Only believe, only believe,
Now all things are possible, only believe;
Only believe...........

82 Now the line will be coming from this way, folks. You can bring that wheelchair. Bring it around this other way, 'cause it'll have to come through this way. You'll get all mixed up. "All things are possible, only believe." Now, let's bow our heads, close our eyes, and sing it.
Lord, I believe; Lord, I believe;
All things are possible; Lord, I believe;
Lord, I believe; Lord, I believe,
All things are possible; Lord, I believe.
[Instructions to audience.]
Lord, I believe; Lord, I believe;
All things are possible; Lord, I believe.

83 With all my heart, I believe. I guess you wonder, many of you, why I would go from one end of the row to the other one. And many of you noticed me taking your hand in mine. Did you notice that? How many noticed it? Raise up your hand. I was checking what was happening after them ministers was laying hands on the sick. And I'll say this with all my heart, that at least eighty percent of them were healed before they even got to where I was at. There wasn't a vibration on them at all. That's exactly right. That's what I checked it for. Your pastors have faith, folks. Just believe in them.
I love you. I believe you're God's children. You pray for me; I'll pray for you, and I hope we meet again. Until that time, until we meet... "Till we meet again," everybody together now. Do you love the Lord with all your heart? All right. All together now. I'll pray for you; you pray for me. All right.
Till we meet! till we meet!
Till we meet at Jesus' feet;
Till we meet! till we meet!
God be with you till we meet again.

84 Let's bow our heads now, while that beautiful music... Think of the good times we've had. They've got a World's Fair going on up here, where all the world is displaying its scientific achievements. But the church realizes that right here God's got a World Fair, showing his achievements, what He's been able to do with his church.
I've enjoyed every minute of it, every minute. I come to you tired, as usual, but I'll see you again some day. God bless you now. While we hum that song together, breath a little prayer for one another till we meet. "God be with you till we meet again. Till we meet, till we meet." Lord God, be with them, and help them, till we meet, Father, in Jesus' name, is my prayer.