The sign of the Messiah

The sign of the Messiah somebody

The sign of the Messiah (1958-05-28) (William M. Branham Sermons)

The sign of the Messiah (1958-05-28) (William M. Branham Sermons) somebody

The sign of the Messiah

1 ...for a vision, what to do first, there's His Word. You believe It's inspired? Could He have lied, or was He just kidding? He didn't do that. He said, "The Son can do nothing in Himself, but what He sees the Father doing: that doeth the Son likewise. The Father worketh, and I worketh hitherto."
For the young folks: Jesus saw a vision what God wanted Him to do, and He just acted it out in drama. You should have been with us at the dinner table today to watch it, the same thing take place.

2 Now, notice, then the Scripture says that He spoke these words: "A little while, and the world will see Me no more;" that's the unbeliever, "yet ye shall see Me: for I'll be with you, even in you, to the end of the world."
Now, is that true or isn't it true? Let's just talk it out and reason it among us. Is that the truth? "I..." I is a personal pronoun. "I'll be with you, in you, unto the end of the world. A little while, and the unbeliever, the church world, will be issued in, and they'll see Me no more; but the Church itself, ye, I'll be with you, in you, to the end of the age." The world, it hasn't come to the end yet, so Christ remains the same.

3 Now, He said, "I am the Vine, ye are the branches." Now, the vine doesn't bear fruit of itself, it only purges the branches, and the branches bears fruit. Do you know that? Well then, if you went to a grapevine, what would you expect to find? Grapes. If you went to a watermelon vine, you'd find watermelon, if it's a fertile vine. If you went to a peach tree, you'd find peaches.
But then, if you... if Christ is the Vine, and His members of the church is the branches, what ought you to find in the church? "The works that I do shall you also; more than this shall you do; for I go to My Father."

4 What do you find when you go to church? "We are the Presbyterian." "We are the Baptist." "We are the Pentecostals." "We got the Message." "We got this."
That's not Christ. Christ is love, because He was God. "Have... This will all men know you're My disciples, when you have love one for the other."
But, "We won't go down to that meeting; our church is not cooperating."
All right. "All the Father has given Me will come," said Jesus.

5 Now notice. Now let's search the Scripture, then, and find out just what He did back there, that the people would know that He was the Messiah. And whatever He did then to prove to the people He was the Messiah, then He's got to do the same now, or He isn't the same yesterday, today, and forever. Do you believe that?
Now, we, I know that we, our churches, says different: "Oh, because that we have this denomination. We have this charity."
Those things are fine, but that's not what Christ did, and that's not what He said to do, not at all.

6 So, notice, let's turn back, we're reading in Saint John. Let's go back to the 1st chapter -- we're on the 12th. Let's go back to the 1st chapter and find out, reason He made these quotations the way He did here. All right. Saint John the 1st chapter, we find out here that after He was baptized, and the Holy Spirit was on Him, which was God...
And He had the Spirit without measure. We have it by measure. Here's the idea: All the water that's out there in the ocean was the Spirit that was in Christ; what's in us is a spoonful out of that ocean, but the same chemicals are in the spoonful that's in the entire ocean, just not as much of it. He had it, all the waters was in Him, and we have a spoonful. His was: He was God made flesh and dwelled among us; He was Emmanuel. But we are adopted children by His grace.
Now, after He had received the Holy Ghost in the fulness of the Holy Ghost, where we receive the baptism, He received the fulness of the Holy Spirit. Now, we find that immediately His ministry begins here in Saint John 1.

7 And there was a certain man who got saved. And as quick as he got saved, he went for his brother, Simon, and he brought his brother back in the Presence of the Lord Jesus. And when Jesus saw him for the first time, He told him what his name was, and told him he was going to change it from Simon to Peter, Cephas. Did He do that? And He told him what his father's name was, Jona. Said, "Thou, or, your name is Simon; you're the son of Jona."
Now remember, this is the first thing. And Peter was a ignorant and unlearned man, he never had any education, he could not even sign his own name. The Bible said he was ignorant and unlearned. If education plays such a big part, what about that? And that man was given the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven.
Where are we gone to with all of our schools and things? I'm not saying we don't have them, but you're putting too much emphasis on your education. That's all right, but that'll never save you; if you don't watch, it'll damn you. Education has been the greatest hindrance that the Gospel has ever had. That's right, because people try to outsmart.

8 It's the, our criminal record... When Captain Al Farrar, the head of the FBI of the Juvenile, was converted in my meeting, he said, "Brother Branham, your statement of that is true. I'll take you right here to every juvenile case that's happened in the past ten years in the United States, it's amongst the educated people." That's right. Ninety percent of it is. They're so smart, they figure they can just out-figure the law and things like that. That's why they're, get in trouble.
And they think, "Well, we got a great church; we're a great name." That isn't it. You've got to be borned again. Without it, you're lost completely, no matter how good you are. Cain was as good as Abel, worshipped the same as Abel, built a church the same as Abel, made a sacrifice the same as Abel; and God rejected him because he didn't have the spiritual revelation, what was right. Jesus said, "Upon that same spiritual revelation He'd build His Church; and the gates of hell couldn't prevail against it." A spiritual reveal by the Holy Spirit.

9 Now, what's Jesus doing? He's going to the Jews, making Himself known. Now, as soon as this taken place, there was one named Philip. He thought that was thrilling, so around the mountain he went for fifteen miles and he found a friend of his by the name of Nathanael. And Nathanael, when he found him, was under a tree, praying. And he waited till Nathanael finished praying, and he, perhaps, when he got up, he said, "Hello, Philip. Glad to see you."
He said, "Come see Who we found." That's it, not even time to say, "How do you do? Glad to meet you. Is your wife all right?" He had a message.

10 And if the church ever gets that thrilled about Christ, something will take place. But we got all kind of social and everything to go on. No wonder we're dying. Certainly. And we're worried about Russia going to come over here and do... Don't worry about that. It isn't the robin that pecks the apple that hurts it, it's the worm at the core that kills it. It's our own rottenness among us is what's killing us.
We were a real Christian backbone of men and women who stood for God... Instead of going to church on Wednesday night, we stay home to watch rock-and-roll television, and Arthur Godfrey, and all these other people on the radio, and We Love Susie. It shows you love the world more than you love God. If your heart's for God, God comes first, and it's all of your heart.

11 Nathanael... Said, "Come see Who we found, Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph."
And now he... I can just imagine hearing him say, "Now wait a minute, Philip. You surely have gone off on the bad end of it. You went off on the deep end. I've knowed you to be a man, a honest man, and here you mean to tell me that you've gone off with something like that? Why, you must have got into some fanaticism. Do you know, Philip, if that Guy was the Messiah, you know where He'd come to? He'd go to Jerusalem. He'd go to the priest, the high priest. He'd say, 'Great Caiaphas, the high priest of God, we know you're the smartest man in the country, the greatest religious man in the country, and all you holy priests, you know all the Word.' He'd come there and He'd make Himself known."
You Catholics think He'd go to the Vatican. You Presbyterian think He'd go to the bishop. You Pentecost thinks He'd go to the state presbyter; but He goes to who He wants to go to. It's His business.

12 And he said, "Could anything good come out of Nazareth?"
Philip give him the best answer that any man could give him. He said, "Come and see for yourself." There's the way. Don't stay home and criticize. Go find out; search it in the Scriptures. Come find out for yourself. On the road around the mountain, I can hear Nathanael... Saying to him, "You know that old fisherman that you bought the fish from that time that couldn't sign the receipt?"
"He come up before Him the other day. His name was Simon, you know, and He told him what his name was and told him what his father's name was. It wouldn't surprise me if He didn't know who you were."
"Now, Philip. Now, Philip. Now, you can't tell me that stuff. I'll make up my mind when I get there."

13 So when he walked up into the Presence of Jesus for the first time, Jesus looked around, said, "Behold an Israelite, in whom there is no guile!" Now, he could have been a Arab. He could have been a Greek. They all dressed alike and looked alike, dark race of people, wearing beard, turbans and loose garments, robes. And besides that, he could have been an infidel. He could have been a critic, but He said, "You are a just man, in whom there is no guile."
And he looked at Him, he said, "Rabbi, when did You know me? This is the first time I've ever seen You, or You see me. When did You ever know me?"
He said, "Before Philip called you, when you were under the tree, I saw you."
What did that Jew say? Here's the--here's the attitude of a real believer. He looked at Him, he said, "You are the Son of God; You are the King of Israel."

14 But there was those stood by, the smart priests, they said, "This man's Beelzebub. He's a fortuneteller."
Jesus turned around and said this: "You speak that against Me, the Son of man, I'll forgive you: but," in other words "there's coming a day when the Holy Ghost will come, and when He does the same thing, one word against It will never be forgiven, in this world, neither in the world to come." How many knows the Scripture says that? Right. The unpardonable sin is to call the Holy Spirit, the working of the Holy Spirit, an unclean thing. There is... "You never can be forgiven for it," said Jesus.

15 Now, did you notice? Jesus never done that to a Gentile, nor in presence of a Gentile, because He forbid His disciples to go to the Gentiles. And when the Syrophenician woman said to Him, "Come, have mercy on my daughter."
He... she said... He said, "I'm only... it's not meet for Me to take the children's bread, and cast it to the dogs."
And she said, "Yes, Lord, that's true, I know that: but the dogs eat the crumbs."
He said, "There's great faith: If you've believed it that way, go find it the same way." That's all He said to her, no vision for her, let her own faith do it. See.
Now, He did that and He forbid His disciples to do it. Now, we know there's only three nationalities of people, or races. That's Ham, Shem, and Japheth's people. That's the Jew, Gentile and the Samaritan, which a Samaritan is a half Jew and Gentile. You notice Peter, with the keys to the Kingdom: he opened it to the Jews at Pentecost; went down through Samaria; up to the house of Cornelius; never again was it used. There's the three races of the world.

16 Now, "He..." in His day, "He came to His Own, and His Own received Him not." Now, those who made fun of Him and said He was Beelzebub, a devil, a telepathy, or a fortuneteller, or some evil spirit, He said, "I'm going to forgive you for that." They'd never... The Holy Ghost had never yet been poured out upon the nation. Said, "I'll forgive you: but when the Holy Ghost is come, not one word against It, or it'll never be forgiven."

17 And now, notice, one day He went by the way of Samaria. And when He did, He had need, go that way, and He sent His disciples into the city to buy some food. And there's a little place there, a well outside the city, a little panoramic and where the public pump is, where they go get their water. And there's a windle that runs over the pump, and the ladies come out there with pitchers that's got hooks, they go around, just let them down in the well and get the water, and bring it up, and set it on their head, and one on each hip, and walk right along talking, go on.
Jesus was waiting there for His disciples to return. And while He was waiting, let's say she was a pretty woman, real pretty woman come walking out there. She was a Samaritan. And she started to let the pot down into the well to get some water, and she heard, Someone said, "Woman, bring Me a drink."
And she looked around, and it was a Jew setting there. She said, "Well, we don't have any dealings with each other. You are a Jew, and I am a Samaritan, a woman of Samaria." In other words, they had segregation, racial differences.
But He let her know there's no difference. He said, "If you knew Who you were talking to; you'd ask Me for a drink and I'd bring you Water you don't come here to draw, or give you Water."
Now listen, that was Jesus yesterday. Now, He's at the Samaritan. Jew and Samaritans, which was the outcast, the off-breed. And now watch again.

18 And she said, "Do you mean that You're greater than our father, Jacob? He dug the well." See, they claimed God, too. "He dug the well. His children drank from it and his cattle, and here You say You got Water that You don't...You say You're greater than he is?"
And the conversation kept going. What was He doing? Contacting her spirit, see. And when He found what her trouble was, He found her trouble. And He said, "Woman, go, get your husband, and come here."
She said, "I don't have any husband."
He said, "That's right. You've had five; and the one you're living with now is not your husband: you told the truth."
Now, what did she say? "Say, are you a fortuneteller? Is that a mental telepathy? You're Beelzebub"? No, sir. She knowed more about God than half the preachers in the United States knows; her, being a prostitute.
She said, "Sir, I perceive that You are a Prophet." Now, if you'll run that reference, it goes back to that Prophet, the One that Moses spoke of. "I perceive that You are a Prophet. We know, we Samaritans," now watch how they were taught, see, "we know when the Messiah cometh, He'll tell us these things. But Who are You?"

19 What was that to be? The sign of the Messiah. It was to the Jew and it was to the Samaritan. The Gentiles were heathen. They knowed nothing about any Messiah. They was worshipping idols, sun gods, and everything. That was our class. See.
And said, "We know when the Messiah cometh..." That's the reason He had to declare it, they'd heard of Him. "We know when He comes, He'll tell us these things. But Who are You?"
He said, "I'm He that speaks to you."
And she ran into the city and said, "Come, see a Man Who told me the things that I've done: isn't this the very Messiah?"

20 If that's the way He made Hisself known to Israel, who was looking for Him; also, to the Samaritan, who was looking for Him to come; what about the Gentile, today, who's looking for Him to come? If He acted that way, and He can't change, in being God, if that was the sign He showed them, as to make Himself the Messiah: the true Jew believed it.
Oh, the great starchy, he didn't believe it. He didn't believe it to start with, although he was holy and a pristine man; he was a great man.
But theologians, we haven't got them today like that: They had to even come through a certain generation, Levite, 'fore he could be a priest. His father's father's father's father's father was a priest, and he had to come down that lineage, holy, without blemish. That don't have one thing to do with it.

21 You might never tell a lie, and live just as true, and go to church every night, and be just as reverent, and pay your tithes, and do everything, and kneel at the altar, and worship, and go to hell like a martin to its box. That's what the Scripture says. That's what Cain done. But where is our self-style religion getting us, anyhow? It's sending us away from God. Certainly, it is.

22 Now, notice. The Jew, the real true Jew, believed it. As soon as he seen that sign performed, he said, "That's the Messiah. You are the Son of God; You're the King of Israel."
Jesus said, "Because you believe when I told you, you were under the tree before you come, you believe? you'll see greater things than this."
And the woman at the well said, "We know the Messiah will do those things 'cause we're looking for that to happen. But Who are You? Are You a prophet?"
He said, "I'm the Messiah."
She come, said to the men, "Now, you've taught me that the Messiah would do these things. Now, there's a Man out there that told me the things that I have done. Isn't this the Messiah?"

23 Now, if He has to act the same... Now remember, it never was done before a Gentile. We've had two thousand years of half-dark and half-light; joining church. But He would be unjust and would show partiality if He didn't declare Himself, the risen Christ, after two thousand years.
And not because we got big churches: that ain't the sign. Because that we've went across the nation, Billy Graham, Oral Roberts and all of us, and had great memberships come into church: that's not the sign. That's no sign at all. That's not what He did: say, "Watch here, I'll draw a bigger crowd than John did." That wasn't a sign. But the sign of the Messiah was what I'm speaking of here that He did.
If He did that before that generation of Jews, was cut off, and them half-breeds that was looking for Him, He's got to do the same thing before this Gentile generation, or He did wrong when He acted back there, in that way. If He lets us go in, with all our theology, and things like that, and doesn't declare Himself like He did to them before their destruction...
And this is the great sign to prove that the time is at hand. That was at hand for the Jew. And every Bible teacher knows that the Gentile dispensation is the end, and He's to turn again to the Jew. And God has hardened the heart of Hitler, Mussolini, all them dictators, and Russia; and run those Jews right back into Palestine, where they're suppose to be standing there.

24 I got a picture: Three Minutes Before Midnight according to science. And those Jews coming in with packing their loved ones, old, crippled, on their back. You see it in the Look magazine, Life, coming down from Iran and those places packing those old Jews in. And a friend of mine went to them, got it all in Kodachrome color, said, "Are you coming back to the homeland to die?"
Said, "No, we're coming back to see the Messiah. We're not coming back to die. We're coming back to see the Messiah."
Jesus said, "When the fig tree goes to putting forth its buds, this generation" (forty years) " shall not cease, until all these things be fulfilled."
Do you get it? What's happening? The last call for the Gentiles. The nations are ready to be pulverized at any time. And to think of it, before that can happen, the Church goes Home first. And if we could be pulverized before morning, and the judgment, how about the going home of the Church? It could come at any minute. Certainly. Oh, wake up, people, shake your spiritual soul within you by reading the Word. We're at the end. The time is at hand.

25 We've had theology, we've had church age, but this is the time. And now, the last sign to the Jew, was what? The appearing of the Lord Jesus. The last sign to the Gentile is Him coming in the Spirit of the Holy Ghost back into His Church, doing the same things that He did then, to declare Himself the same yesterday, today, and forever. You look out and you can read the newspaper and see the writing in the skies. You see, we're bound to be doomed. There's no other way out for us.

26 If God lets this nation get by with the sins it's doing, He'll be obligated, as a just God, to raise up Sodom and Gomorrah and apologize for burning them up. They're doing the same sins that we're doing. God loves the sinner, but He hates sin, and He's just, and it's got to be judged.
And what He's doing: His Son is moving through the land today in the form of the Holy Ghost; and the church has spurned it, getting away from it, making fun of it, so that He can be just to send the judgment: what He promised He would do. Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever. That same Lord Jesus, that declared Hisself there, promised, prophesied, said all these things would take place: and here they are. What are we going to do about it? Let's accept it, friend. Let's believe it.

27 Here's a little picture laying here; someone asked me about that: that Light. Now, forget about me. I'm just a man, see. We're talking about the Light. It's a Pillar of Fire. George J. Lacey, the head of the FBI, fingerprint and document, examined it. It's hanging yonder in Washington, DC in the Religious Hall of Art: the only Supernatural Being was ever photographed. It's in Switzerland; it's in Germany: where they've taken it.
Why doesn't it scatter out? Why isn't this to be known? It can't be known. They never know these things till it's done passed by. He said He had, hide it from the eyes of the wise and prudent, and be revealed to babes such as would learn. How many knows Jesus said that? Thank God for it.

28 You Catholic people, you never know who Saint Patrick was. He wasn't a Catholic to begin with, you know that. But after he was dead a long time, you recognized he was a saint. How about Saint Francis of Assisi? A walking preacher with a Bible under his arm. You didn't recognize him then.
How about Joan of Arc? The Catholic church burned her to a stake, and her screaming for mercy. You burnt her as a witch, a Beelzebub. A Spirit-filled woman, saw visions, and done signs and wonders, and you burnt her as a witch, as a Beelzebub. But about a hundred years later, you realized she was a saint. Course, you done repentance, you dug up them priests' body, and throwed it in the river. Now, she's canonized a saint.

29 God always sends His mercy, His sign; He goes over the top of the eyes of the wise and prudent, and reveals to babe; He calls His Church and seals it; there it goes. He's just. He sent it. He's obligated to His Word.
Look at many of those Jews down there in that day, Matthew 12, He said many of them saw the things He done, yet they could not believe on Him, because the prophet said, Isaiah, "They got eyes, they can't see, and ears, they can't hear"; blinded.
The Gentiles are blinded by creeds and denominations. They fail to see the mysterious, resurrected Jesus moving in His Spirit among His Church, and doing the things that He's doing, right here at the end time.
O, God, open our eyes. Open our eyes is my prayer.

30 One more thing He did, before we close. One day He was passing through... He didn't see no vision. He was passing through a little crowd of people, and they were all patting Him, and shaking His hands, and all, and so forth. And a little woman said within her heart, "I believe Him to be a holy Man. I believe He's the Son of God. And I'm just a little woman." And she'd had a blood issue, during the time of menopause, and it's, for many years she'd had it, and they couldn't stop it. The doctors could do nothing about it. And she said, "If I can just touch His garment, I believe I'll be made whole." And she touched His garment. Now, the Palestinian garment hangs loose; you couldn't touch it... the border, that's the bottom of it, hanging way loose. And she touched the border of that garment. She was setting, probably below Him, and she touched the border. He walked a little bit, and He turned, He said, "Who's touched Me?"
That was Jesus yesterday. The Bible said, "He's a High Priest," tonight, "that can be touched by the feeling of our infirmities." Is that right? The same yesterday, today, and forever.

31 The woman touched Him. He said, "Who touched Me?"
And Peter, being... oh, he felt big because he was kind of one of the head of the apostles, he said, "Now," rebuked the Lord Jesus, and said, "Why do You say such a thing as that? Well, who could tell who touched You? Everybody's touching You."
Jesus said, "But I got weak. Virtue gone out of Me." Oh, that's the touch I hope that you New Haven people touch.
"I perceive that I've gotten weak. Virtue's gone from Me." Everybody kept still. He looked all around over His little group of people standing there, around them fishermen around the river. And He looked out there, and He saw the little woman. He was endued with power that could tell what was real faith. He said to the woman, told her her condition, and said, "Thy faith hath saved Thee."

32 That was Jesus yesterday. The Bible said He's the same yesterday, today, and forever, and a High Priest, Hebrews, the New Testament, that can be touched by the feeling of our infirmities.
Then, if He is the High Priest yet, if you touched Him, if you set in the audience where you are now and say, "O God, let me touch You, Jesus, I believe You," not excitable, but just touch Him, how would He act? He'd have to act the same way He did then, or He wouldn't be the same Jesus. See? He'd have to speak back, use the lips of His Church, and say the same thing, 'cause we are the vi-... the branches, He's the Vine. He'd have to speak right back and say the same thing He did then, or He isn't the same Jesus, He isn't the same High Priest, He's another.
But He's alive tonight. Oh, I'm so glad of that, friend. He's alive! And in this day when we not... don't have one thing we can rest upon, you--you're... we're just... we're finished. There's only one thing that can stand, that's the Kingdom of God.

33 Our nation? Gone. She's eat to the core with termites. I've stood on the, have, on the places where Pharaohs in Egypt; had to dig twenty feet to find their palaces; and in Rome with the Caesars; and all kingdoms give way because there's coming a Kingdom that can never give way, that's the Kingdom of God. These others, all mortal gives away to immortality.
But, the great nation that we have; and yet the Bible says that every nation under the sun is controlled by the devil. Jesus said so. All nations are controlled by the devil. That's why we fight and carry on the way we do. Satan said, "They're all mine." He showed Him, "Here, I'll give them all to You, if You'll worship me." Jesus know He'd fall heir to them. He said, "Get thee behind Me, Satan." See? He knew He was Heir to them.
And as long as we are... We got a marvelous president. Now, I'm not a politician, but I like Mr. Eisenhower, and I think he's a wonderful man, but if we put a Dwight Eisenhower in every county in this United States, she'd still gallop right on in sin. The Bible said she would. There you are. The time's here.

34 Friend, not long ago I took a trip up in Finland, right after the first... the Second World War. I seen those Finnish women, at nighttime, all hooked up in harnesses, dragging a harrow behind them; men, little children packing a lantern. They don't stop for night, just keep on going. The war was ended, they had to plant the wheat. If they didn't get the wheat in, there'd be no crop next year, they'd all starve to death. Little fellows running along with the lantern, and they'd be so tired; and mother pulling, and sweating, and shoulders rubbed, and everything; young girls, and all. Dad coming behind, throwing the wheat like that. Scratch it any way, just scratch the surface, get the wheat in. The snows is coming; lays on all winter. No wheat, no life.
And brother, that's the way it is, today, in the Kingdom of God: It's later than you think. We can't have time to stop for big revivals, got to scratch the surface, get the seed in.

The sign of the Messiah (1959-03-29 Evening) (William M. Branham Sermons)

The sign of the Messiah (1959-03-29 Evening) (William M. Branham Sermons) somebody

The sign of the Messiah

1 Let us bow our heads just a moment. Dear God, when we hear that song, "Jesus is near, and all things are possible," it thrills our hearts to know that that's more than a song. It's the truth. You are here. Lord, I believe you were just behind the Tabernacle just now, also; that little mother holding that little baby, soaking wet, in the rain; and that young man calling for his loved one, way yonder in the hospital, dying. Hear our prayers, Lord. There's people set in this church all day long, since six o'clock this morning. They're waiting to see You, Lord. They've heard us talk today that You raised from the dead. And You're the same Jesus, still living tonight, after nineteen hundred years. You are still Jesus. And we pray, God, that You will heal every sick person that's in Divine Presence. May there not be a feeble person in our midst when this service is over. Just show us, Lord, that You're here.

2 We're thinking of two men on that Easter morning, who was discouraged, no doubt. But many here are discouraged tonight, sick and can't get well, doctors have give them up. And as they went on their road, there was a stranger who walked out and talked with them, talked about the Scriptures, the rest of the day. And at nighttime, when He got them in the room and shut the door, He done something. He did it just the way He did it before the crucifixion, and they knew that that was the risen Lord. He vanished out of their sight. They run quickly back to tell others, "He's risen from the dead."
God, we pray that He'll come in our midst tonight and do the things that He did before His crucifixion. Nineteen hundred years is nothing to Him; He's eternal. And may many here tonight rush home quickly, telling their wife, their husband, their loved ones, their neighbors, "He lives! He appeared to me tonight! He healed my sickness! I'm going to be well now." Grant this, Father. We ask it in Jesus' name. Amen. (You may be seated.)

Luke 24:31 And their eyes were opened, and they knew him; and he vanished out of their sight.

Luke 24:33 And they rose up the same hour, and returned to Jerusalem, and found the eleven gathered together, and them that were with them,

Luke 24:34 Saying, The Lord is risen indeed, and hath appeared to Simon.

3 I'm sorry that I got hoarse, but I've just been so busy speaking, baptizing; had the flu to start with, since I come back from down in Florida and over in the island. I have to leave in the morning now for California, for nearly a solid month of meetings. So I asked Brother Neville if he would speak for me tonight, and I'm sure you've heard a wonderful message. We enjoyed this morning's service, and Brother Neville. And we are trusting that God will continue to be with him and this church, as he pastors here.

4 Now, I just met Billy out there, and he kind of touched me on the side, and he said, "Daddy, the people are standing here, and some of them have been here all day long."
I said, "Well, I'm glad that our services are drawing close to the end," so you won't have to stand. And it's raining. And when I come in the building, a little couple was getting out of the car out there, with a little sick baby and it soaking wet. She couldn't even get in the door. But as certain as I'm standing here, God healed that baby [unclear words]. That's right. How He answers prayer!
And now after we have preached today... And this morning I preached on five subjects: Living, Dying, Buried, Rising, Coming.
Living, He loved me. Dying, He saved me.
Buried, He carried my sins far away.
Rising, He justified freely forever.
Someday He's coming, oh, glorious day!
We sit, watching tonight, waiting for His appearing.

5 Why are we jammed in here? Why does people come to hear the gospel? Yet, in its simplicity, it's the greatest drawing card the world has ever had. Jesus said, "If I be lifted up, I will draw all men unto me." Now the thing is, is this religion we talk about, is it real? Is it the truth? If it is the truth, then we can believe every word the Bible said. If it isn't the truth, we should have nothing to do with it, we should just go on in our sins---eat, drink, for tomorrow we die. But I'm so thankful to know that this that we're talking about is the truth. And it's the only religion in the world---yet, fourth in number---yet it's the only religion in the world that the founder could die and rise again, and is living tonight.

John 12:32 And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me.

6 I seen in the paper, here in the city paper the other day, where they got a man, a Buddha, has been raised up. Many of you saw that in the paper. They got a man that's a little Buddha, that performs things just like Buddha did. 'Course, he did no miracles, but his teaching and everything was just like Buddha. If Buddha has got a man on the field---a false one---God has got the Holy Ghost on the field---the real Spirit of God.
Now, we talked about these wonderful things, but will it work? Will the Holy Spirit forgive a man his sins? Will He heal his sickness? Certainly, He will. He is God, forevermore. Now, if we can... If Jesus will come to our midst and will prove Hisself that He is alive here tonight among us, it ought to make every one of us believe every promise He's got in the Bible.

7 Is there anybody here that's never been in one of my meetings before? Let's see your hand, never been in the meeting before. Just look, practically half the crowd.
I'm not a healer. I don't believe there is a man that's a healer. Jesus Christ is the healer.
And He said, when He was here on earth, that God was the healer. Now, when He was here on earth, He did not claim to be a healer, but He showed to the people His Messiahic sign, and that Messiahic sign was to know the secret of their heart. How many knows that's true?
When He told Peter, when he come before Him, what his name was, what his father's name was; Peter believed in such a way, with such a faith, that Jesus give him the keys to the kingdom later, and put him over the church.

8 When Philip found Nathanael under the tree, and told him, "Come and see who I've found, Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph."
And that staunch religionist said, "Could there be any good thing come out of Nazareth?"
He gave him the best answer that any man could give. He said, "Come and see. Don't just criticize it. Come, look for yourself."
And as soon as Philip come up with Nathanael, Jesus said to him, "Behold an Israelite, in whom there is no guile!"
He said, "When did you know me, Rabbi?"
He said, "Before Philip called you, I saw you under the tree."
He said, "You're the Son of God, the King of Israel."
He told the woman at the well what was in her heart. These things proved that He was the Messiah. And if that Messiah is risen from the dead today, and has made the atonement, and healed our sickness and forgive our sins, then the only thing He could do was show that same sign back again, that He is still alive to make any promise that He made, good. Is that true? Let us believe that now while we pray.

John 1:45 Philip findeth Nathanael, and saith unto him, We have found him, of whom Moses in the law, and the prophets, did write, Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph.

John 1:46 And Nathanael said unto him, Can there any good thing come out of Nazareth? Philip saith unto him, Come and see.

John 1:47 Jesus saw Nathanael coming to him, and saith of him, Behold an Israelite indeed, in whom is no guile!

John 1:48 Nathanael saith unto him, Whence knowest thou me? Jesus answered and said unto him, Before that Philip called thee, when thou wast under the fig tree, I saw thee.

John 1:49 Nathanael answered and saith unto him, Rabbi, thou art the Son of God; thou art the King of Israel.

9 Lord, the people are waiting. One word from You will be more than Brother Neville or I could say in many lifetimes---just one word. Now, there is half of this audience that's never seen the meetings before. Lord God, Creator of heavens and earth, send the power of Jesus Christ into this room, the resurrected One, the Holy Spirit that came on Pentecost, and may He so anoint the people. May I be able, even in this hoarseness, to yield myself so completely to His Spirit, that He could speak through this broken voice that I offer to Him, look through these eyes that I offer to Him, to show visions and things that would make the people see that He's raised from the dead. And when this people sees that, may the entire audience embrace every promise that He made. If they have sinned, may they embrace Him for forgiveness. If they have sickness, may they know that by His stripes we are healed. Grant it, Lord. We ask it in Jesus' name. Amen.

10 Now is the great showdown. Here before two or three hundred people, it's simple. When you stand before five hundred thousand ---a half a million---same things take place. He is God. Now how many in here is sick and wants to be prayed for, raise your hand. See, about half of you, or more. I can't bring them all up here. I think I will have to ask Billy again, ask him if he give out prayer cards. Did he do it? [Someone says, "Yes."] All right. All right.
Last Sunday... or the last time I was here, they didn't give out any prayer cards, and I just asked, "How many people here has never been in the meeting before?" Many raised up their hand, that they'd never been in the meeting. While they stood with their hands up, the Holy Spirit went on telling them who they were and what their diseases was, and what had taken place; and healed the people so completely, till tumors and things disappeared, till operations could not be performed. How many was here to see that just a few weeks ago?

11 If he has give out prayer cards, then we will call. That gives home people and not home people; people who has been in the meeting, people who has not; to come in the prayer line. We can't take them all up here at once. We will bring them just quietly as we can.
And I want you to be honest with God. Be honest with yourself. And if Jesus Christ will come into our midst and perform and do just as He did when He was here on earth, walking in Galilee, you ought to accept Him for anything that you have need of. You don't have to be up here on the platform. He regards faith. There will be some people here that is sick out there in the audience, that hasn't even got a prayer card; they'll be healed anyhow. How many is sick and doesn't have a prayer card? Raise up your hand. Not too many prayer cards give out then, see. All right, you just believe. Just look this a-way.

12 Let me show you what Jesus did when He was here on earth. There was a woman, one time, came to Him. And she could not get into the press. She had no prayer card, but she touched the border of His garment, for she said in her heart, "I know that man tells the truth. If I can touch His garment, I will be made well." And she touched His garment, went out in the audience probably many times bigger than this.
Jesus turned, and said, "Who touched me?"
Peter even rebuked Him, and said, "Why would you ask such a thing, when all is trying to touch you?"
He said, "But I perceive that I've gotten weak."
Visions cause weakness. You can't go too far in them. And He said... looked around over the audience till He found the woman, and told her that she had had a blood issue and her faith had made her well.

Matthew 9:20 And, behold, a woman, which was diseased with an issue of blood twelve years, came behind him, and touched the hem of his garment:

Matthew 9:21 For she said within herself, If I may but touch his garment, I shall be whole.

Matthew 9:22 But Jesus turned him about, and when he saw her, he said, Daughter, be of good comfort; thy faith hath made thee whole. And the woman was made whole from that hour.

Mark 5:27 When she had heard of Jesus, came in the press behind, and touched his garment.

Mark 5:28 For she said, If I may touch but his clothes, I shall be whole.

Mark 5:29 And straightway the fountain of her blood was dried up; and she felt in her body that she was healed of that plague.

Mark 5:30 And Jesus, immediately knowing in himself that virtue had gone out of him, turned him about in the press, and said, Who touched my clothes?

Mark 5:31 And his disciples said unto him, Thou seest the multitude thronging thee, and sayest thou, Who touched me?

Mark 5:34 And he said unto her, Daughter, thy faith hath made thee whole; go in peace, and be whole of thy plague.

Luke 8:44 Came behind him, and touched the border of his garment: and immediately her issue of blood stanched.

Luke 8:45 And Jesus said, Who touched me? When all denied, Peter and they that were with him said, Master, the multitude throng thee and press thee, and sayest thou, Who touched me?

Luke 8:46 And Jesus said, Somebody hath touched me: for I perceive that virtue is gone out of me.

Luke 8:47 And when the woman saw that she was not hid, she came trembling, and falling down before him, she declared unto him before all the people for what cause she had touched him, and how she was healed immediately.

Luke 8:48 And he said unto her, Daughter, be of good comfort: thy faith hath made thee whole; go in peace.

13 How many know that? The Bible said that Jesus Christ today is a High Priest that can be touched by the feeling of our infirmities. Is that right? Well, if He was the High Priest and could be touched by the feeling of our infirmities, wouldn't He act just like He did then, if He's the same yesterday, today, and forever?
Then you that don't have a prayer card, you look this way, and say in your heart, "Lord, I believe with all my heart, and I believe that You are going to heal me. And let me touch Your garment. And You speak through Brother Branham and tell him, just like You did the woman, and I will believe You." Will you be that honest, and believe God with all your heart?

Hebrews 4:15 For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin.

14 Billy Paul said a few minutes ago, standing here, you took a love offering for me. I didn't want for this to happen. That was... But, thank you, just the same. I need it now on my California trip. I will put it to the Gospel.
Them little offerings that you give me, you know what happens to them? I went to Puerto Rico and Jamaica a few weeks ago, where they registered forty thousand converts in nine nights. What did it? Your tithing. When I left, the mayor of the... the judge of the island stood up; he said, "We have evangelists come in here and take up great offerings, and cost great money. But," said, "when Brother Branham come, he didn't even ask for a penny of money, never asked us to pay his hotel bill. And he paid his own fare, back and forth." What did it? Your money. I want to be sure that I spend it right. So, at the Judgment Bar, when I stand before you and God, have to give an account for it, it's done right. I took it myself, as long as I'm able to go, to do the best I can for His glory.

15 Now, we can't bring all the prayer cards up at once, so I will just bring them up, just a few at a time.
Who has prayer card number one? Would you raise up your hand if you can get up. Way back in the back, it's a colored lady. Come right down this a-way, lady. Make your way down and come here at the side of the platform. Now, who has prayer card number two? If you can get up, raise your hand, prayer card number two. A white lady here. All right, lady, you come right up and follow this colored lady up here, right up here. Now, get them around that way, Doc, soon as this gets filled up here.

16 Prayer card number three, would you hold up your hand if you can? The gentlemen right over here, sir. Number four, would you hold up your hand? All right, lady, right over here. Number five, would you hold up your hand? This young fellow right here. So far, every one of them is strangers to me. Number six, would you hold up your hand, number six? Did I call number five? Number five and number six, also a stranger to me. Number seven, would you raise your hand? Raise your hand, who has number seven. All right, I believe I know that fellow. I believe I know him. Number eight, would you raise your hand if you can? A lady over here. All right, number nine. All right, lady. Number ten. All right, number ten, the lady.

17 There is some mistake somewhere. What number is this man here? Would somebody look, some of you ushers come here and see? [Someone says, "He is eighty-four."] Eighty-four. It's number ten I was calling then, thank you, number ten. But we will get to you anyhow. That's all right. Look, I know what your number is now. It's eighty-four, wasn't it? You say eighty-four or something like that? All right, you just wait there. You just believe. I tell you, if you don't use that card, prayer card, you look this way and believe God, and see if God will answer prayer for you. All right.
Number, was that ten? Eleven. All right, twelve. Now, if you can't get up, just... Number twelve. Thirteen, number thirteen, way back. Fourteen, number fourteen, way in the back. Number fifteen.

18 They're give out anywhere. The boys that give them out just say, "Who wants a prayer card, hold up your hand." They take them and mix them all up; nobody knows which is getting which. And they just give them that way.
Number fourteen. Number fifteen, who has prayer card fifteen, number fifteen? Number sixteen, way back in the back. Number seventeen. Now, if number sixteen is in the building or standing out in the aisle, just make yourself a way around. Number... I'm sorry, I never seen your hand, sister. You're sixteen? All right. Seventeen. Eighteen, nineteen, number nineteen. Twenty, number twenty, the man over here. All right. All right.
Now I believe they're getting right out into the aisle here now, so we'll... [Someone says, "That's enough."] What say? That's enough for the time. All right. Look this way and believe. All right. Let's see, if the pianist, softly and quietly, "Only Believe," just real soft.

19 The most of the people in the aisle here is strangers to me. I don't know you. Now there is some in here that still has prayer cards, some perhaps does not have prayer cards. Maybe we can call some more in the prayer line just in a few minutes, soon as we get that aisle straightened up.
I believe that gentlemen here, Doc, was coming in from the back there, he was called, sixteen or seven... sixteen. All right, come right along there and get your position, sir.
Now, if you're not called, that don't have one thing to do with it, see; just look and believe.

20 [Someone says, "Still got fifteen missing, too."] Number fifteen is missing. Maybe the person can't get up. If you can't get up... Somebody look at the other person's prayer card; maybe he's deaf and can't hear. If they're here, fifteen, you're welcome to take your place in the line. If they stepped out and will be back in a few minutes, put them in the line just as their number is called.
When we get down along the line here, we will call some more in, if the Holy Spirit doesn't seem to be anointing the building, the people, so that they can be healed.

21 Now, now is a crucial moment; now is the time where I've either told the truth or told a lie. Now is the time where Jesus Christ is proved risen from the dead, or He isn't risen from the dead. Now is the time He's the same yesterday, today, and forever, or He isn't the same yesterday, today, and forever. Now He's got to prove to be the healer, or He isn't the healer. And if anybody would want to take my place, to pray for the sick, you're welcome to come and take my place.

22 How many of you in the prayer line here, as you look here from the prayer line now, doesn't know me, and you know I don't know you or nothing about you, raise up your hand.
Out in the audience, that knows that I know nothing about you, raise up your hand (yet you're sick) out in the audience. See, there you are.
Now what will God do? There's the Scripture, the Spirit of God is here. Now, will it work? If I can yield myself to the Holy Spirit, it'll work. And it won't work for me unless you yield yourself to the Holy Spirit, "For many mighty works Jesus could not do in His own country, because of their unbelief."
Now you believe with all your heart, be real reverent as you can. Stand quietly, watch. If the Holy Spirit does something, then rejoice, then believe.

Matthew 13:58 And he did not many mighty works there because of their unbelief.

23 Now, Lord, all that we have, all that we are... They've stood till their legs are cramping, they've sat till they're nearly ready to faint. Now, Lord, let it be known that Thou art God. And I have called this audience together, at Your command. And I'm standing here, not to be seen, or not to try to be acting big or doing something different, but it's because it's a commission charged me by an angel, and confirmed by Your Word. Let it be known tonight that You're Jesus Christ, the Son of God, that raised from the dead; and You live in Your church, in Your people, to perform and to carry out the same ministry You had when You were here in the body of flesh. Grant it, Lord. And we will praise You, in Jesus Christ's name. Amen.

24 Now, where is Billy Paul? Is he in this building? Has he left? Or, somebody ought to come here to pick up these prayer cards, see. Come, Brother [unclear word]. The woman has the prayer card in her hand. You just give it to him, see. Be real reverent now.
Now this lady here, as far as I know, is a total stranger to me. And here is a perfect setting of the Scripture: two people and two different nationalities.
Jesus come to a well one time, in St. John 4, and met a woman of Samaria. And He talked to her a little while, until He found out what her trouble was. And He told her her trouble. And, when He did, she recognized it to be the Messiah. How many knows that? Remember their conversation? He said, "Woman, bring me a drink." What was He doing? Contacting her spirit.
And she said, "The well is deep, and you have nothing to draw with. It's not customary for you, a Jew, to ask Samaritans such."
He said, "But if you knowed who you was talking to, you'd ask me for water."

John 4:7 There cometh a woman of Samaria to draw water: Jesus saith unto her, Give me to drink.

John 4:9 Then saith the woman of Samaria unto him, How is it that thou, being a Jew, askest drink of me, which am a woman of Samaria? for the Jews have no dealings with the Samaritans.

John 4:10 Jesus answered and said unto her, If thou knewest the gift of God, and who it is that saith to thee, Give me to drink; thou wouldest have asked of him, and he would have given thee living water.

John 4:11 The woman saith unto him, Sir, thou hast nothing to draw with, and the well is deep: from whence then hast thou that living water?

25 And so the conversation went on till He found out what her trouble was. How many knows what her trouble was? She was living in adultery. So He said, "Go get your husband and come here."
She said, "I don't have any husband."
Said, "That's right. You've had five, and the one you're living with now is not your husband."
Now listen what she said. She said, "Sir, I perceive that you are a Prophet. We know when the Messiah cometh He will tell us these things. The Messiah, the sign of the Messiah, He will do this when He comes; because He was the God-Prophet, the Prophet, Moses spoke of." Said, "We know Messiah will do this when He comes, but who are you?"
He said, "I am He that speaks to you."
And she run into the city and told the men, "Come, see a Man who told me the things I've done. Isn't this the Messiah?"

John 4:16 Jesus saith unto her, Go, call thy husband, and come hither.

John 4:17 The woman answered and said, I have no husband. Jesus said unto her, Thou hast well said, I have no husband:

John 4:18 For thou hast had five husbands; and he whom thou now hast is not thy husband: in that saidst thou truly.

John 4:19 The woman saith unto him, Sir, I perceive that thou art a prophet.

John 4:25 The woman saith unto him, I know that Messias cometh, which is called Christ: when he is come, he will tell us all things.

John 4:26 Jesus saith unto her, I that speak unto thee am he.

John 4:27 And upon this came his disciples, and marvelled that he talked with the woman: yet no man said, What seekest thou? or, Why talkest thou with her?

John 4:28 The woman then left her waterpot, and went her way into the city, and saith to the men,

John 4:29 Come, see a man, which told me all things that ever I did: is not this the Christ?

26 Now, here stands an Ethiopian woman to an Anglo-Saxon man, first time in life meeting; what we call---a colored woman, white man. When that question was raised there, on segregation, before Jesus, He let them know real quick, there is no difference in people's colors. We all come from one tree, Adam and Eve. Exactly. The countries we lived in, it changed our color; had nothing to do with it. God died for all creatures: the white man, the black man, the yellow man, the brown man, the red man, and all. They're all creatures of God.

27 But the lady stands here for something. Maybe she is a believer, maybe she isn't. Maybe she's a sinner. She might be a saint. She may be sick, she may not. She may want; financial trouble. She may be standing for somebody else. I don't know. I've never seen her, and I have no more idea what she is here for than nothing. And the lady knows that. Is that right, lady? [The lady says, "Yes, sir."] If that's right, raise up your hand so the people can see. Just raise up your hand so the people... Just raise up your hand. This is our first meeting. Now if the Lord Jesus will...

28 If she is sick, I couldn't heal her, no more than I could heal you. But if Jesus is here He couldn't heal her, because He's already done it when He died at Calvary. But He can do something to prove that He is still the same Jesus, and she would believe it, she would be healed. And the same time she would be healed, you'd be healed, too, if you would believe it. Is that right? Now, may the Lord grant it. I'm waiting for the anointing of the Holy Spirit, of course.
And now, in the name of Jesus Christ, I take every spirit in here under my control for the glory of God.

29 Now, lady, I just want you to look at me just a moment. I want you to believe with all your heart. And I have no more idea what you're here for, who you are, than nothing. But God knows all about you. But if God will tell me what you're here for, then you will believe that Jesus Christ, God's Son, is here to do and act the way He did when He was here on earth?
Will the audience believe, with one accord?

30 Now here we are, the scene is set. We've both got our hands up, we're strangers to one another. The Holy Spirit wrote the Bible, said these things would happen in this day, that Jesus had raised from the dead and these things would go on, His ministry would continue, and in this last day it would be just exactly the way He promised it to be. Now is it right?
The lady, as she's nervous, of course---she is rubbing her hands---because she is feeling strange at this time. Not because she is standing at me; I'm her brother, wouldn't make her feel that way, but she is conscious that something is going on. And you see that picture there with that light over it, sister? That's what makes you feel that way. That's that Angel of the Lord; it's right over you now. And you're here for me to pray for you, for a back trouble that you are suffering with. That's right. Raise up your hand.

31 Now do you believe? See, make known the secret of the heart. Just like He said, "You have five husbands."
You say---now the newcomers---you might say, "Brother Branham guessed that."
Let's see if it guessed. I believe it said you had back trouble. Was that right? [The sister says, "Yes."] That was the truth? ["Yes, sir!"] And you've had an operation, too, and you've just come from the hospital. And, that you might know that I be God's servant, your husband is sitting back there. ["Yes, sir, that's right."] And he's got trouble, too. If I can tell you what your husband's trouble is, will you believe? ["Yes, sir."] He's got trouble with his side and with his back. Is that right? Raise up your hand. I will tell you something else. I see a young man. Your son is sitting right back there, too. Right. And your son has some sort of spells, ["Yes, sir."] That's right. ["Yes, that's right. Thank You, Jesus."] Mrs. Stovall is your name. That's your name, Mrs. Stovall. ["Yes."] Go home, Jesus Christ has answered your prayers. You can have what you asked for, in Jesus' name.

32 Now, just believe. All you people that's colored people, believe with all your heart now. Do you realize that Jesus Christ, God's Son, has raised from the dead? That's His Spirit that makes you feel that way.
Now here is a white woman. I don't know her, don't have no idea who she is, what she is, or what you're here for. If that's right, raise up your hand. Now do you believe God can reveal her heart, just like He did the woman at the well, like He did the colored woman? How many of you white people would believe if He did it? Here, me and this woman, both with our hands up, this is our first meeting.
I say one thing, the lady is not from around here. You've come from the east, coming west when you come here. That's right. You come from Ohio, and the city was Dayton. That's right. And what you're here for, is because you have weakness. And you have a nervous condition, because you can't sleep. You take some kind of a drug for that. They call you "Dixie," that's right, Mason. That's right. Go back, you're going to sleep now, from tonight on. Jesus Christ makes you well. Go in the name of the Lord.

33 If thou canst believe! Now you out there in the audience, while the anointing of the Holy Spirit is here, you believe, you without the prayer cards.
What about the old man that stood here a while ago, that couldn't get in the line, he had the wrong number, where was he at? You, stand up on your feet. Do you believe Jesus Christ to be the Son of God? Do you believe me to be His prophet? All right. You got trouble with your lungs. That's right. It's left you now, go home and be well. Jesus healed [unclear words], see. Have faith, and believe. God is God.

34 How do you do, sir? Do you believe the Lord Jesus Christ?
Now, there was a man came to Jesus one time, and he went and got saved, and went and told another friend, and brought him. And this friend... Told him that he was a believer. And he was astonished at his hearing, and he said, "When did You ever know me?"
He said, "Before Philip called you, when you were under the tree, I saw you." That was thirty miles around the mountain. On foot, it taken him a day to come back to the prayer line, and when he come in the prayer line.

John 1:48 Nathanael saith unto him, Whence knowest thou me? Jesus answered and said unto him, Before that Philip called thee, when thou wast under the fig tree, I saw thee.

35 Do you believe that Jesus can tell me what your trouble is? Would you believe with all your heart? Will the audience believe with all their heart? It's not himself he is here for. It's for somebody else; and that's a woman, and she is shadowed with death, that's your sister. It's not exactly your... It's your half sister. And she is not here. She is in a hospital in Tennessee. So are you from there. And you're... The woman's had an operation, but it didn't do any good. And you are standing in her stead. God grant your request. Go, and may God heal that woman and make her well, upon the basis of the faith of this man.
Lord God, we condemn that devil that's taking the life of that woman. And may this person, who is a relative to him, live because he has come and stood in her stead. Jesus, You stood at Calvary in our stead, and You healed us. And we believe You. May it be so. Amen. Go, believing now, brother. Take no thought for nothing else.

36 How do you do? We are strangers to one another. This is our first time meeting. Now just be just as reverent, and listen close and pray. If we don't know one another, and we are strangers to each other, maybe our first time we've ever met. Is that right? If this is the first time we've ever met, raise up your hand. If God will reveal to me what your trouble is, then you'll believe me to be His servant? I will tell you now. We've never met before, but you're a Kentuckian. That's right. You come from a place called Somerset, Kentucky. ["Yes."] That's exactly right. I'm from Burkesville, Kentucky. And you are suffering with a trouble that it's in the stomach, bowels, the lower part. ["Yes!"] It's tumors. That's right. All right, Jewel ["Oh!"], you go back, God grant your healing to you. ["Oh!"]
Do you believe on the Son of God, the resurrected Jesus? [The sister just healed of tumors screams, "Oh!"] If thou canst receive! You might wonder why the lady is rejoicing. You would, too, if you had been in a dying condition. ["Praise His name!"]

37 I don't know you, but if I'm not mistaken, I believe you were baptized this morning, because I see you've done something good. But, to know you, I don't know you. You just walked into the pool, and that was... you was baptized. But do you believe Jesus can reveal to me your trouble? Does the audience believe that with all their heart? I see a woman appear between me and you. You're standing here for a woman, and the woman is much older than you. Why, it's your mother. She is not here. She is from Georgia. And she is real nervous. What it is is a change of life, menopause. And you are standing for your mother. That is true. Well, she is going to get over it and be well. You go, believing now, it'll all be over. Tell her to have a good courage.
God bless you, young man. Have faith. Believe with all your heart. If thou canst believe! Pray.

38 I suppose that you and I are strangers. God knows you and He knows me. But could God reveal to me your trouble? If He would, would you believe Him?
How many people in here would believe, and say, "God, I will believe if You'll tell that man"?
Just a moment. The lady sitting right behind these girls here, looking at me, she is suffering with varicose veins. And she is sitting there, praying for somebody else. And her spirit has touched the High Priest; she is in contact with God. You are praying for a friend of yours, that has mental trouble. And they're living in a city, a little city; it's Corydon, Indiana. That's right. If you can believe, you can have what you asked for. Amen.

39 You've had a heart attack; close to the end of the road. Let me tell you one of your troubles, though: smoking cigarettes. Wait a minute, that spirit jumped then. He don't want to do that. That's what is causing your trouble. Here, it's this young man sitting right over here; he wants to get rid of cigarettes, too. If he will believe with all of his heart, cigarette habit will leave. If thou canst believe! Do you believe it? If you'll believe it and act upon it, you can have your deliverance; so can you. You're not from here. You're from away from here, too. You go back to Owensboro now, praising the Lord. Have faith in God.
I know you, but I don't know what's wrong with you. If the Lord will reveal to me what your trouble is, will you believe Him? Then your stomach trouble will get all right. All right. Go home and rejoice, believe with all your heart.
I don't believe I know you. Are we strangers to one another? Do you believe? That what I tell you, the truth, you'd know it was the truth or not. ["Yes."] All right, your heart trouble will leave you. Go home and be well.

40 I don't know you, but God knows you. Do you believe if I'd tell you what your trouble was, and where it was at, you'd get well? In your back. Go home now; it's going to leave you and you're going to be well.
You think God could heal that tumor and make it well, without an operation? You do? Raise up your hands if you believe it. Go home and receive it, in the name of the Lord Jesus. Believe.
Strange, when I said that, you had the same thing. [The sister says, "Yes, I do."] Tumor. You felt a funny feeling when I said that, because both spirits jumped the same time. Go, Jesus Christ make you well. Believe.
You're a young man to have arthritis, but do you believe Jesus will make you well? If you do, walk on out, believing, and be made whole.

41 How many believes with all your heart?
What if I didn't say a word to you, but told you God healed you when you come around the corner there and you had that funny feeling, would you believe me? Go on home, you're well. Jesus Christ makes you well.
You're a young woman that's suffering with nervousness. Do you believe that God will heal that nervousness and take it from you? You've been trying to find a place to start from. This is it right here. Go now, rejoicing, happy. It's over, for you. Believe with all your heart.
You have a nervous condition which has caused a stomach trouble. [The brother says, "That's right."] You were healed when you raised up back there, sir. That's the reason I was waiting for you to come through. Go on, eat your supper, be well.

42 A lady's trouble, nervous, upset. That's right. It's going to leave you now. Go home and be well, in the name of the Lord Jesus. Just have faith.
You have a female disorder---that's right---causes a drainage. It's a stopped up ovary. Believe, Jesus Christ will make you well. Go home, and believe with all your heart.
Now, you have a serious condition; it's in your heart, blockage. Do you believe that Jesus Christ make you well? [The sister says, "Yes."] If you believe it, go in the name of the Lord and be well. Have faith in God.
All right, brother, do you believe that Jesus Christ makes you well, too? Just walk down the line, praising the Lord.

43 How many out there now that believes on the Lord Jesus? He knows every...
Mrs. Nash, I know you, but I can't help that Light holding over you. I know you, but you are praying for somebody else. It's a little kid, little child, doesn't live here. It lives down in Tennessee. Also, you're praying for your doctor friend that's got a heart trouble. [The sister says, "O God!"] And his wife has just had a slight stroke. ["O God!"] That's right. Believe, and you can be well.
A little lady sitting on the end of the seat there, with her finger over her mouth, what do you think, young lady? You've had a nervous breakdown. You're scared of having another one. That's right. If that's right, raise up your hand, as you wipe your tears from your eyes. Don't fear, you won't have it.
The lady sitting next to you there, you got asthma, bronchial trouble. Stop smoking, it'll leave you.

44 Have faith in God. Believe with all your heart. If thou canst believe, all things are possible!
Here is a lady sitting right behind this lady here. I'm sure you... The lady, just a moment, her name is Mrs. Evans. She is from Kentucky, Louisville. That's right. I don't know you. You know that's true. You got heart trouble, got trouble with your ears. That's right. If that's right, raise up your hand. Go back to Louisville; Jesus Christ makes you well.
I challenge your faith, in the name of Jesus Christ, to believe it. Anybody in here, believe with all your heart. Way back in the back, standing way back, you believe. You don't have to be in no certain place. Over on this side, believe. How many back there needs healing? Raise your hands, and say, "I believe, Lord." Have faith.

Mark 9:23 Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth.

45 Sitting right back in this direction here, I see a man that's praying sincerely. And the vision stands there. He's a preacher. He is standing by a pulpit, and he's preaching for an increase... praying for an increase in his ministry. I never seen him before in my life. But that's what you're praying for, brother. You shall have it now. Believe on the Lord Jesus.
There is a man sitting back behind him there, that's got something wrong with his arm, knots on his arm. He's also... If you'll believe it, sir, you can have your healing. Amen.
Just out here at the end of this row here, second one in, a little lady with her head down, right back towards the back, sitting there praying, got gall bladder trouble. That's it, lady, you put up your hand right away. You was the one that was praying. You received your healing just then.

46 How about it, do you believe Jesus raised from the dead? Is He here now? Do you believe Him? Then if you'll believe me, if I have told you the Bible truth, and God has turned around and vindicated I've told you the truth, that means that, perfectly, that the Lord Jesus is here. Is that right?
Then you do this, do this, don't doubt, you put your hands over on somebody sitting next to you. I will pray from right here, and the whole group of you will be healed right now if you'll believe it. Will you believe it? Lay your hands over on one another, then. All that believes you're going to be healed now, say, "Amen." Now, I'm going to say this prayer. You pray it, you pray it after me: [Congregation repeats after Brother Branham.]

47 O Lord, Creator of heavens and earth, author of everlasting life, Giver of every good gift, I'm in need, Lord, of Your healing power. And I pray that You'll give me faith to accept it. That's Your promise. I believe that You're the same Jesus that walked the shores of Galilee, suffered under Pontius Pilate, died, rose, ascended on high, give gifts back to men, through the Holy Ghost. I believe the Holy Ghost is here carrying on the same work that You did when You were here. I embrace that promise. I accept my healing. I promise to live for You and obey Your commandments, walk in the light. And now I believe, because I have made this confession, that I am healed by Your stripes.

48 Sit real quiet. Now just think: that's your confession; God is coming into you right now. Breathe in the Holy Spirit, by faith. "I believe that my condition is being healed. I believe that all my sickness is taken away." You're right now in the presence of God. Can't you feel that Spirit? Open your hearts, your faith. The Holy Spirit is healing the people right now; a little girl just sitting here, another one to my right. The whole platform seems to be illuminated with the power of the risen Christ. He's over the audience. He's in the people. Now, that was your prayer.
Now I'm going to pray and ask the devil of doubt to get away from you.

49 O Lord God, Creator of heavens and earth, hear my prayer, Lord; quickly, while the Holy Ghost is here, before the people perish.
I condemn the devil. Jesus Christ took the victory away from you, He won it at Calvary; He triumphed over death, the devil, hell, and the grave, and rose again on the third day, and is alive forevermore. Come out of here, Satan; you are a defeated being. Leave this people, and let them be healed, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

50 All that accept your healing, stand to your feet right now. In the name of Jesus Christ, rise up! Amen. Raise your hands to Him, and praise Him. Only people that I see that's not up, there's a man sitting here in a wheel chair, Ken Heelie. I know what his case is; he's a polio case.
Looked like a wheel chair back there. Let's see. There's a case, a lady with one limb. Is that right? Do you believe me to be God's prophet? I'm a stranger to you. I cannot heal you. But do you believe God can tell me what your trouble is? If it would do, would it help you? You're a diabetic. That's true. Now believe it, and go home and be well, you in the wheel chair. That's all you have to do, is believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and be healed.
Raise your hands now, and say, "Thank You, Lord, for healing me. Thank You, Lord, for healing me. I praise You, Lord, for healing me. God is good! God is great! God is precious! God is real! God is here! The Holy Ghost is here. The power of God is here. And I now believe with all that's in me, that Jesus Christ, God's Son, makes me well. Amen."

51 If there be any here who is condemned of sin, and knows that your sins are not under the blood, and right now in the presence of God who knows your thoughts, and the Holy Spirit is telling me this, would you like to accept Him as your personal Saviour, and want to be remembered in prayer? Raise your hand, all that's in here. God bless you, and you, and you, and you, and you. That's right. Back there, you, and over here. Sure. Back here, God bless you, son. God bless you over there. God bless you. That's right.
See, the Holy Spirit is never wrong, when the Holy Spirit says. I was fixing to turn the service for Brother Neville, for the healing is over, but Something said, "They need healing of the soul." If you want to receive Jesus as your personal Saviour, bow your head just a moment. Let's offer prayer.

52 Brother Neville, I'm so hoarse, you offer this prayer, will you. All right.
[Brother Neville prays, "Heavenly Father, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, who has so gloriously walked here among us tonight. As these that bow their head, in faith tonight, believing that You are able to deliver them, both soul and body. Save the ones that believe now in repentant faith. Dear God, may this night be a different night to them. Give them now the desire, O God. And give them now, O Lord Jesus, that much desired knowledge of sins forgiven. Save every one, O God, that bowed their head out there, that asked an interest in prayer. And may they, from this time on, may they purpose in their heart to live for Him who died for them. In Jesus' name and for Jesus' sake we pray. Amen, and amen. Praise the Lord!"]