Thy loving kindness

Thy loving kindness somebody

Thy loving kindness (1958-02-28) (William M. Branham Sermons)

Thy loving kindness (1958-02-28) (William M. Branham Sermons) somebody

Thy loving kindness

1 Thank you very much, Brother Arnold. Let us bow our heads just a moment for prayer.
Gracious Father, we come into Thy divine presence now to offer to Thee the thanksgiving, and to express to Thee the very adoration of our hearts; for truly, we adore Thee. And we would ask that Your blessings come to us tonight in the further part of this service.
Let the unsaved, Lord, see the place that they're living today, flee to the cross for refuge. May those who are not walking upright before You, though professing to be Your children, may they become altogether ashamed of their character as they profess to be children of God and live a life that's full of reproach.

2 We would ask tonight that You would remember the sick and the afflicted that's here in divine presence, along with others that's around the world. Heal the sick tonight, Lord; bring to us the joy that we are looking for. And those who are wayfaring men and women---along life's journey; some of them, Lord, has been on the field for a long time. Not one thing have they ever did for Thy glory that's hid from You. You remember every little deed, and every heartache, and everything that they've suffered for the kingdom's sake. And someday they shall receive that great reward when the crowns will be given out. We would ask Thee tonight to encourage those people.

3 And may we buckle up the armor of God just a little tighter tonight, go forward in battle tomorrow where right and wrong is engaged. May we not fear for to go, but know that the morning star is shining over us. And if God be for us, who shall be against us, or who shall touch the anointed of the Lord. May that be the consolation of every believer. Grant it Lord.

Romans 8:31 What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us?

4 And as we're about to turn back the pages of Thy Sacred and Holy Writing that we call the Bible, give us the portion tonight, Lord, in the Scriptures, that would take care of these requests that we're asking for. Anoint the reading of the Word and the preaching of the Word. May the Holy Spirit get into the Word and into the preacher, and into the audience, that we would even forget where we're at, that the Holy Spirit would have us so under control that God would be magnified, and glory would be gotten to His name. Grant these blessings, Father, as we further wait on Thee. In Jesus' blessed, holy name, we ask it. Amen.

5 Just for a small portion of your time... Now, I'm sure that you would be blessed if you should go from the building now to your homes: the reading of the Word or the songs that we have heard, that you'd be blessed.

6 I was held up just a little tonight on the road over; there's been a accident on the bridge. And I just waited for Billy to come up and see if they were ready for me, and I was praying because some of the people that had been included in the accident looked like, to me, Christian people. And the policemen were making us go on. No one seemed to be seriously hurt, but just moving us on. And we were delayed just a little. If it be that some of our dear brothers and sisters has been caught into an accident, God deliver them from any harm.

7 And now, tonight, I wish you to turn (if you keep down the Scripture reading) in the book of the Psalms---the 63rd Psalm and the first three verses. We feel that we have chosen this tonight for our studying of the Word.
O God, thou art my God; early will I seek thee: my soul thirsts for thee, my flesh longeth for thee in a dry and thirsty land, where no water is;
To see thy power and thy glory, so as I have seen thee in thy sanctuary.
Because thy loving-kindness is better than life, my lips shall praise thee.
This is a most unusual Scripture. And when I read this Scripture I was trying to think of what the prophet must be thinking of when he made this quotation: "Thy loving-kindness is better to me than life." I can't think of anything any better than life. You might sum up everything that you know of, and every good thing that you know of, and there would be nothing to take the place of life, for all things must have an end---besides eternal life.

Psalm 63:1 A Psalm of David, when he was in the wilderness of Judah. O God, thou art my God; early will I seek thee: my soul thirsteth for thee, my flesh longeth for thee in a dry and thirsty land, where no water is;

Psalm 63:2 To see thy power and thy glory, so as I have seen thee in the sanctuary.

Psalm 63:3 Because thy lovingkindness is better than life, my lips shall praise thee.

8 And David, aware of the presence of God, and how that God had blessed him, and how that he seen God in nature as he walked by the shady green pastures, and down by the still waters. And the great psalmist, as he wrote the Psalms out where he found God in nature.
If you'll just look around, you can see Him in all nature. Oh, I love to look at God. You can see Him if you'll just look through His eyes.

9 Sometime ago, I was herding some cattle way up on the Arapaho Forest, out across Berthoud Pass in Colorado. And I was up there just resting from the meetings. And I used to do a little ranching up there with another fellow.
And one day while we was on the spring roundup of bringing the cattle in, I was salting the cattle. And I rode... After I'd unpacked the saddle horse, and I walked up to the top of the mountain. And I was just looking through my glasses to see where the cattle were getting their positions and places, from the top of the mountain, and I saw an unusual sight. I saw an old mother eagle taking her young ones from the nest.

10 And I watched them just a little bit, because God spoke in the Bible that He likened His people unto eagles. And how this old mother eagle, how she got those young ones on her wing, and she taken them down into a green pasture. And there, after letting her little ones off, she soared way up high to the highest peak that she could find. And she sat down on the rock, turning herself around looking east, west, north and south, to see if there was any danger.

11 You know, you hear so much talking about the hawk. The hawk is no match at all to the eagle. His eyes are fifty percent better than the hawk. He's much faster. He can kill the hawk in attitude ... or, altitude as he goes up. The hawk can't follow him. The eagle's made up... God likened His prophets to eagles that soar way high that they can see things far off, coming.

12 And I thought, laying there on my stomach and across the rock watching this big eagle, I studied her as that great big head begin to turn and look, those piercing eyes watching all around. I thought, "Yes, that's right. Them little eaglets was born in a nest."
And oh, if you were ever around one of their nests, it smells terrible. And it's made out of sticks and briers, and padded with rabbit skins and sheep skins, if she can find it. But when she gets ready to stir up that nest, she throws all of that out and makes it real miserable for her brood.
And sometimes God does that too, when He stirs the nest. He makes it so miserable you don't want to stay any longer. He's stirring up the nest.

13 But then I thought, what she did after she let her little ones down in a grassy field; they've never seen green grass before and the waters rippling by. But she took her perch way high so she could watch over those little fellows. And she wasn't too high but what the speed of her wings could go within a moment's time to their rescue!
I thought, "No wonder David could look and see God in His nature." Jesus died that He might save us. And He climbed the ramparts of glory, and sits at the right hand of the Majesty of God watching over His heritage, His brood. As the poet said, "His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me." That's not one thing can happen to you but what He knows about it.

14 And I thought, "How unconcerned those little fellows are of danger." They just got their little wing feathers and they couldn't fly. But they were tumbling over each other, and pulling the grass, and just having a regular Pentecostal revival. Carefree, because they knew that mother was watching over them.
And how carefree ought the children of God to be when they know that God's watching over His heritage.

15 And I looked and my heart beat heavy, and I'd take my old red handkerchief to wipe a tear of joy from my eyes as I lay quiet, watching them.
And by and by, after they had a real good time, there come a storm, let out a roar of a thunder. Quickly, the clouds rise. And you have to hurry to shelter when a northerner comes, because the rain comes so fast through those valleys, across the top of the mountain. It's hid until it comes over the mountain all of a sudden.

16 And she let a great scream out, and down through that timber she soared like a mighty big airplane. And when she hit the ground, she let out a great big scream, and all those little eagles come, set their little feet right in her wing feathers, took their little bill and got a good tight hold, and she raised with those mighty wings. And though the wind sweeping down across the top of the mountain at about sixty miles an hour, she drove herself with those little eagles into the rock of safety.
Oh, if you'll just look around, you can see God everywhere.
Someday Jesus will come. Before an atomic bomb can destroy His church, He will come and stretch forth His wings and His children will know His voice, that familiar cry that He gives when He leaves the ramparts of glory. And His church will be taken away on the wings of His salvation.
No matter how bad the destructions is, He's watching.

17 And when I heard David here say, "Thy loving-kindness is better to me than life." Then thinking that nothing could be any better than life, there must be another definition, or there must two different kinds of life.
And there is two kinds of life. There's life that leads to destruction, and there's life that leads to everlasting.

Psalm 63:3 Because thy lovingkindness is better than life, my lips shall praise thee.

18 And this life that people think that's life, the devil has perverted the real genuine life and making you think that you're really living when you're not. He tries to make you think that to have plenty of good clothes, to own a nice automobile, have the taxes paid up on your place, you're living. But you're not! That's where America is deceived today.
And some people think because they're having life, they're out riding, reveling around. That's not life; that's death.

19 Sometime ago in a large Canadian city, I was holding a meeting. And when I'd come from the great arena where we were having meetings that night. And I was in this great hotel. I don't know whether we would have anything like it in the states. And I was going up on the elevator. And I noticed whiskey bottles laying in the elevator.
And also that afternoon there'd been a great bunch of them Americans come up there. An organization, a society, a lodge, was having their annual get-together. There was about five or six hundred Americans there, and they were really having a time.
When I got off of the elevator, all down each door when you would pass, you would hear the hollering, and the screaming, and the dancing. And they thought they were having a good time. But that kind of life leads to a place to where man wants to gets rid of that type of life; they take a pistol and blow their brains out. So David couldn't have been speaking about that kind of life. It gets so miserable until people jump off of bridges. They take poison to end that life. So David could not've been speaking of that type of life.

20 And when my elevator stopped, I heard a noise down along the hall, and I looked. And here comes two American women just with their underneath clothes on. Oh, probably twenty-eight, twenty-six (somewhere along in there) years old, under thirty, perhaps mothers. Oh, in American way of thinking, "It's just a little clean fun." It's dirty, black sin! The Bible said, "She that liveth in pleasure is dead while she's alive." But oh, we think, "That's innocent fun." It's the gates of hell.
And these young women, perhaps their husbands are home playing the baby-sitter while their stitch-and-sew party was having a little fun. Drunk as they could be, with their underneath clothes on only, a bottle of whiskey in their hand, and men pulling them from room to room. "Just a little clean American fun."

1 Timothy 5:6 But she that liveth in pleasure is dead while she liveth.

21 What do you think God thinks about that? And maybe many a man there, pulling these women with his innocent wife at home sitting with the babies. "Just a little fun with the boss and the boys."
And I stepped back in a little place, a little end. And they were coming down, staggering; beautiful women. And they stopped and passed the bottle one to the other, pulled up their little skirt of a thing they had on, their underneath skirt, threw up their legs in the air, and said, "Whoopee, this is life!"
I just couldn't stand it any longer. I stepped out; I said, "You're mistaken, lady. That's death!"
She turned and looked at me.
I walked over to them. I had this very Bible in my hand. I said, "I am a preacher of the Gospel. And I, too, am an American. And you call that life? You are deceived, and the devil has deceived you. That's the road to hell and eternal separation from the presence of the living God."
They looked at each other. And their make ... manicure, whatever you call the stuff they put on their face, all around where they'd been kissed and carried on, their hair stringing down. They looked at one another and down the hall they went.

22 Oh, God be merciful to this backslidden, hypocritical nation, calling itself a Christian nation and living in tommyrot and sin like that. If God doesn't judge this nation for its sin, it'll... God will be just; He will have to resurrect Sodom and Gomorrah and apologize to them. We are bound for judgment.
No wonder sputniks are sailing the sky and the nations are fearing. We're at the end-time. God's being merciful. Christ said, "If the work wasn't cut short for the elect, there'd even be no flesh saved."
Oh, what a miserable thing it is. The devil perverts those things. He makes you think you're living when you're dead.

Matthew 24:22 And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened.

Mark 13:20 And except that the Lord had shortened those days, no flesh should be saved: but for the elect's sake, whom he hath chosen, he hath shortened the days.

23 Now, what makes a fellow, then, thirst? There's some reason for that. What makes people want to drink? What makes women want to be untrue, and men untrue? What makes them desire to join churches that indulge in such as card playing, cigarette smoking, and all those kind of things like that. It's because God made a man to thirst. And God made you up to thirst. That's why you do thirst. But He made you to thirst after Him. That thirst was made in you to thirst after Him; but the devil has perverted it, and trying to make you be satisfied with trying to quench that blessed holy thing with sin. You have no right to try to quench that blessed holy thirst with drinking and wading in sin. You remember that.
God made you to thirst after Him in righteousness. And the devil turns it around. Oh, there's many things he's tried to quench it with. That's the reason you people don't go to church on Wednesday night no more; you'd rather stay home and look at some old dirty television, We Love Suzy. Oh, and then say you love God? No wonder we can't have revival in America.

24 And you got on your record machines them old dirty songs of Elvis Presley, and all that other bunch of Tennessee trash over there: "All Shook Up." You're going to be someday all shook up. Arthur Godfrey and all that tommyrot you women listen to that on a morning, and call yourself Christians with all those old smutty jokes, trying to satisfy yourself; when you ought to have your Bible open somewhere in a prayer meeting praying to Almighty God. Got no right to try to quench that Holy thirst with the things of the world.
And I'm surprised as I looked in the street... A few years ago when I first started coming to the Pentecostal churches when I left the Baptist, the women used to dress like women ought to dress. But they don't any more. What's the matter? Oh, I know, this might make you just a little bit sick.

25 When I was a little boy, I was raised up here in Kentucky. We were very poor. Black eyed peas and corn bread was all we had, three times a day. And mama used to get down from the old store, country store, bacon rind. And she'd render them out to make the grease for the corn bread. And I remember, every Saturday night, all the bunch of little Branhams would come up to an old cedar tub and take that Saturday night bath, change the long underwear, and each one take a big dose of castor oil. I just can't stand the stuff yet. And me being the oldest, I had to take it first.
And when I would come to my mama, I'd hold my nose and I'd say, "Mama, it makes me so sick to even smell it."
And she said, "Billy, if it don't make you sick, it don't do you no good."
That's the way the preaching of the Gospel is. If it don't stir up your innermost being, it don't do you much good.

26 Pentecostal Christian women out on the street with slacks on. Do you know, lady, that the Bible said that "a woman that'll put on any garment that pertains to a man, is an abomination?" And little old clothes on---shorts---and you get out in the yard just when the men are coming home from work. Do you realize that's devil possession?
Listen, lady, you wear these little old dirty clothes that they sell in these stores, sexy looking. You might be as pure as a lily to your husband. But if you dress like that and get on the street and a sinner looks at you, you are guilty of committing adultery with that sinner. And at the judgment bar you'll answer for it. Jesus Christ the blessed Son of the living God, said, "Whosoever looketh upon a woman to lust after her, hath committed adultery with her in his heart."
When that sinner answers for committing adultery, you are the one he committed it with. Well, you say, "That's his fault."
It's your fault for presenting yourself like that.
Oh, you say, "But Brother Branham, they don't sell no other kind of clothes but them."
Well, they still sell sewing machines and goods. I know that's old fashioned, but it's what the world needs today. God hates sin, but He loves the sinner. People just can't take it, that's all.

Deuteronomy 22:5 The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the LORD thy God.

Matthew 5:28 But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.

27 You say, "What about the men?"
All right, here you are. A man that'll let his wife dress like that, and smoke cigarettes, it shows how much man you are. That's exactly what it is. You're supposed to be the head of the house, but you're not. That's true. And the devil does that, trying to quench that Holy thirst. If a man loves God, he can't love mammon at the same time. "If you love the world, or the things of the world, it's because the real love of the Father's not even in you." Now, do you see why we can't have a revival?

1 John 2:15 Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.

28 You may not love me after this, but at the judgment bar you'll know I've told you the truth.
What happened? There used to be an old Methodist preacher by the name of Brother Kelly. He used to sing a song:
We let down the bars,
We let down the bars,
We compromised with sin,
We let down the bars,
The sheep got out,
But how did the goats get in?
You let down the bars. That's exactly right. Compromising with sin. Oh, God, be merciful.
You know what the Bible said? "Christ is your satisfying portion to every believer."

29 It would be no mysterious thing to me if I went out in the country and seen a pig on a manure pile, eating. That's his nature. But I'd sure be surprised if I saw a lamb eating with him. That's right. The spirit in you bears record what you are. "By their fruits you shall know them."
Pentecost, we need a cleaning up from the pulpit all the way to the basement. That's for you Baptists too, Methodist, Presbyterian, the whole bunch of you. We need a house-cleaning, God's holy fire. You've got the fire in the basement when it ought to be on the altar and in every heart, not in the basement.
We changed the upper room to a supper room to get enough money to pay the preacher. I'd rather lay on my stomach and drink branch water and eat soda crackers and preach the truth, than to have fried chicken three times a day and compromise with sin. Amen.

Matthew 7:16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?

Matthew 7:20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.

30 Trying to quench that thirst that God put in you. Not to hear after a scandal like Arthur Godfrey, or some of those other dirty mouth impostors. That's not real Americanism; that's hellishism, right out of the bosoms of hell. No wonder our nation's gone, such stuff as that. And it's drifted right into the church.
The devil knowed how to keep your children from the picture show: he put it in the house with you. That's right. You know that's right. Just let them listen to any old dirty thing, all those old jokes and things that they tell. "Bring up a child in the way it should go."
No wonder we got juvenile delinquency. No, we've got parent delinquency. We've got home delinquency. Junior's out somewhere with his hot rod on Sunday, sister's down to a rock-and-roll, and mom's out to a card party, and dad's over to some kind of a poker game. And the church pews are sitting empty because the blood of God has vanished from the church of the living God.
If you love God with all your heart, you won't do those things. It's true.

Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.

31 Another thing he tries to quench it with: He tries to quench it by letting you join church. "Oh," you think, "I belong to church; I don't have to listen to such stuff."
You might not have to sit and listen to it---you can go out. But one day you're going to be judged by it anyhow. You'll have to stand for that.
All this tommyrot, join church. "Well, my organization has been a long time organization." It might have been that. That's no sign that you're secured, not a bit.
Oh, how pitiful it is to see that blessed holy thirst that God put into man to thirst after Him, and the devil perverting it to make you, "Oh, I belong to church. You ain't got no business telling me them things, Mr. Branham."
The Bible speaks of those things. And I'm a preacher and duty bound to God to explain them. Then the blood's off my hands.

32 What happened to all the Pentecostal women and their long hair? That burned, didn't it? But it's the truth. The Bible said, "This hair was given to a woman for her glory." No wonder you don't have much more glory; you cut it off. You know that's true.
What happened? You got to look at too much of television. You've got to impersonating some movie star married four or five times, living with three or four husbands. Aren't you ashamed to quench that thirst after such scalawags and prostitutes as that, and leave God's Holy Spirit grieved away from you? Certainly.
Maybe I'd better quit a little... No, I'm not. Listen. It's got to be told. And it's the truth.

1 Corinthians 11:15 But if a woman have long hair, it is a glory to her: for her hair is given her for a covering.

33 Oh, if you'd only take God for your satisfying portion. If you'd only change all that tommyrot into a worship of God. Have the Holy Spirit sweep over my soul, sweep over my soul.
And the church has got into the Laodicean Age, just to beat a tambourine, or beat a piano up and down, jump and shout and act like the world all the time; when the love of God constrains us to do that which is right. Yes, no wonder we're getting nowhere. No wonder gifts can't come in the church.
God's got to have a foundation to put that church on. He's got to have a church to put those gifts in. He will never put it into a bunch of stuff like that. It is true.
All different... "I'm a Presbyterian." "I'm Assembly." "I'm a Church of God." What's that? Pot can't call kettle black. If you belong to Christ, you got a love for the entire body of Christ, whether he be Methodist, Presbyterian, Assemblies, or the Church of God, or whatever he may be.

34 Oh, David, when he cried out, "I long to see Thy Spirit; I long to see Thy glory like I saw it in the sanctuary. My soul cries for Thee in a dry and thirsty land, where no water is." How that prophet saw this day. David over in Psalm 42:1, he said, "As the hart panteth after the water brooks, so my soul thirsts after Thee, O God."
He being a woodsmen, David was acquainted with nature. And the hart is a deer. And I've seen it many times, being a hunter myself.

Psalm 42:1 To the chief Musician, Maschil, for the sons of Korah. As the hart panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after thee, O God.

Psalm 63:1 A Psalm of David, when he was in the wilderness of Judah. O God, thou art my God; early will I seek thee: my soul thirsteth for thee, my flesh longeth for thee in a dry and thirsty land, where no water is;

Psalm 63:2 To see thy power and thy glory, so as I have seen thee in the sanctuary.

35 They have a wild dog in Africa, and in America it's the wolf. And this wolf is a sneaker. And when he gets to a place he sees the hart---the deer---he slips up just as cunning as he can, keeping himself disguised.
And that's the way sin does. Innocent!
And when he gets a good shot at his prey, he runs and makes a jump. And he's got two fangs; they're called blood fangs. And his favorite place to grab the little deer is just behind the burr of the ear. He sinks in his teeth deeply. The jugular vein comes up beside, runs to his heart. And the wild dog grabs this deer and sinks his teeth into it, and then swings his weight in front of the deer. When it does, those fangs slits the throat of the deer. On the ground he goes, the little fellow's gone, the blood spurting. Before he gets through kicking, there's dozens of dogs picking him to the bone.
That's the way the devil does. Gets you out, some of you innocent kids, try to let these long sideburns grow like Elvis Presley, and a big bunch of hair sticking out the back of your necks, and an old jacket on.

36 God bless that man at that school, not long ago, that said, "I will close this school till you go home and come back dressed like gentlemen." Amen.
When they dress like that, they act like that. That's trash of the street. And it isn't becoming even to a good citizen, let alone a Christian.
And some of you little girls get out on the street and one of those wild dogs give a whistle at you, and you got yourself all poured into a bunch of scandal ... dirty clothes, and your mammy home maybe praying for you. And they'll give what they call "the wolf whistle." And you turn around with those little lips all painted up, and "Tee-Hee," look around. You don't realize that's the wolf that hollered after you. Just turn once, and he will get you to a rock-and-roll party and you're finished.

37 By the way, speaking of that paint on the face: You Pentecostal women used to not do that. What happened? I'm just asking you. What happened? You did run well, what hindered you? Did your pulpit get weak? Then put him out and get a pastor that'll preach the truth. If your denomination let you down, get to another denomination. Certainly.
Listen, sister, I don't meant to hurt you. I just come back from Africa, and in the heathen land that is a heathen trait. The Hottentots of Africa, that's where painting come from; heathens. It's a sign of heathenism. And it's condemned by God. A pretty face ain't what God looks for; it's a pretty soul that He looks for.
And listen, there was one woman in the Bible who painted her face, and her name was Jezebel. And God fed her to the dogs. So you can see what a painted face woman is in the sight of God; it's dog-meat. There that's right. I don't say that for a joke. That's truth. You could just figure God's got some dog-bait going there.
And the wolves of hell (you're baiting yourself so they whistle at you) pick your bones till you're no more than a street harlot. Though you can live just as clean to your husband as you could be, you'll answer for committing adultery at the day of judgment.
And you sons of God, letting your wives do such a thing as that, shame on you. I don't think there's much man in you. Man's not measured by a big pair of wide shoulders; that's brute. Man's measured by character. I've seen men that weighed two hundred pounds and muscles like one of these mules out here, and had no more man about him than to throw a baby out of a mother's arms and ravish her. That's brute. Man is character. God help us.
That thirst in there is for God, and not for the world. God be merciful.

38 Then if this little deer is quick, and the wolf grabs her. If he can't get by the ear and drag her in somewhere. (He will get her to fixing up and dressing herself.) And the other hold on the wolf is, to grab the little deer in the flank. If he misses the throat---the jugular vein, the quick kill, (a cigarette, or drink of whiskey, or rock-and-roll)--- he will grab her by the flank, and then he throws himself. And that's the balance part of the deer. The hindquarters are heavier than the front quarters, so he can throw the deer; it's out of balance.
Now, if the little deer's quick, comes to herself, what happens? She can throw herself in such a way that the wolf will jerk a whole mouthful out of her flank. (That's what David was talking about.) Away she goes. Then she's all bleeding, wounded. (She's been to a revival.) And she comes wounded.

39 And any hunter knows that if he wounds a deer and if he can get to water, you'll never get him. He will run right straight to water. (I've watched them many times.) He will drink, then run up and try to get away from the dogs, come back. And he will never leave that stream. As long as he can find water, he will live. But if he can't find water, he will die in a few minutes. That's the reason David said, "As the hart panteth for the water brooks, my soul thirsts after Thee, O God."

Psalm 42:1 To the chief Musician, Maschil, for the sons of Korah. As the hart panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after thee, O God.

40 Picture it. He must find water or die. Watch: His little ears up, his heart beating fast, his eyes bleeding, and his nostrils. With every wit that's he's got, "Oh, water, where are you? Where is the water?" Hearing the hounds howl, he's got to get to water or die.
Blessed be the name of the Lord God. When the church gets to that place that it's got to find Christ or die, you'll see a revival break out in the land. But not until ... not until that time.
Oh, what God wants to do with His church. He sends us gifts, He sends us wonders, He sends us revival; and we just doze right on into the world. Come out, dispersed!

41 Here some time ago, I was in India. And the day before I come there... (I got a piece out of the paper.) When I arrived, the day before there, there was a great earthquake. And before that earthquake took place, you know what happened?
Now, India don't have fences like they do in Tennessee; they have big rock fences. And all the cattle and the sheep got away from those big fences and went out in the middle of the field right in the heat of the day, and stood there. All the little birds that had their nests in the little coves in those fences and on those great big high walls, they left their nests and went out into the forest and sat in the trees. What did it? And they stayed there until the earthquake was over. If not, they would have perished along those walls and those big towers.
And, brother, sister, let me say now, if God could give instinct to a bird to get away from danger to come, surely He can give it to man. Danger's at hand! Get away from these great big old cold, formal, starchy, things that's of the world. Get out and flee to the center of God's Salvation, Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God, and there plead for mercy, for destruction is at hand.

42 When you see revivals and things going on like is going on now, just remember, destruction comes. Jesus said Himself, "In that day when the Son of Man reveals Himself from heaven." He's revealing Himself now in mercy to His church. The next revealing will be in judgment on those who's rejected Him. "My soul thirsts after Thee, O God. I long to see Thy power, like I have seen it in Thy sanctuary." The real true servant of God is hungering and thirsting for God. The first move of the Spirit, their soul jumps to grab it.

Psalm 63:1 A Psalm of David, when he was in the wilderness of Judah. O God, thou art my God; early will I seek thee: my soul thirsteth for thee, my flesh longeth for thee in a dry and thirsty land, where no water is;

Psalm 63:2 To see thy power and thy glory, so as I have seen thee in the sanctuary.

Luke 17:30 Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed.

43 But those who are so indifferent, they see God perform miracles and do things like He done when He was here on earth, the Gospel being preached, they sit and chew their chewing gum, fix their makeup on, say, "Yeah, I guess that's right." How can you escape the damnation of the wrath of God?
"Oh, you spoke with tongues," you said.
So does Satan. I'm not against speaking in tongues. I know there's a real speaking in tongues, and there's a false one. Don't let the devil deceive you.
You said, "Well, I shouted and danced in the Spirit."
I've seen witch-doctors do the same in Africa, and drink blood out of a human skull. Don't think that that's because you got it.
When your life tallies with Christ, that's when you've got it. "By their fruits you shall know them." And the fruits of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long suffering, goodness, meekness, gentleness. Not grudges and fusses and fights and stews and arguments.
See, where you got out acting like the world, living like the world, and the coming of the Lord at hand. God be merciful, children. Satisfy that thirst tonight with Christ. How cold the church has got, how it's cooled off. Well, that compares with Scripture; it's supposed to be that way.

Matthew 7:16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?

Matthew 7:20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.

Galatians 5:22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,

Galatians 5:23 Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.

44 Here some years ago down here in the South when slavery was legal, they used to go around and hire brokers that would buy slaves, just like we do in automobiles today in their automobile lot. You go buy a automobile and take it over and sell it to another used car lot; they done slaves that way, years ago. And there'd be brokers come by who would buy those slaves.
And one day a broker come by a certain plantation. And these slaves were sold over here from Africa, and they would cry, they wouldn't work; they were away from their home. They'd never go back no more, they'd never see their baby no more, they'd never see papa and mama, any more. They were plumb across the sea here in an old wooden ship. They'd never go to their homelands again. So their owners would have to scold them or whip them and make them work.
And one day this buyer come by. He said, "I'd like to look your slaves over."
He said, "Look them over."
And he noticed the different ones, great sturdy ones, and some small ones, and so forth. How someone out there was making them work.
And they had one certain young man there. You didn't have to make him work; shoulders up, chin up, watch up. Anything you want done, he'd do it. You didn't have to whip him; he was right at it and do it.
The slave buyer said, "I want to buy that slave."
And the owner said, "But he's not for sale."
He said, "I never seen quite a slave, as many as I've bought, never seen one act like that before." Said, "Do you ever have to scold him?"
Said, "No sir. He's always up. He's the best slave I ever owned."
He said, "I will tell you what you've done; you've made him a boss over the rest of them."
He said, "No, sir; he's a slave, just like the rest of them."
Said, "Well, then, perhaps you feed him a little better then you feed the rest of them."
Said, "No, he eats out in the galley with the rest of the slaves, just like they all do."
He said, "Well, what makes him so much different than the other ones?"
He said, "I often wondered that myself until one day I found out that, over in the homeland where they come from, he's the son of the king. His father is the king of the tribe. And though he's an alien and away from home, he still knows that he's a king's son. He conducts himself like a king's son."

45 God Almighty, be merciful, though we're aliens in this dark world of sin and destruct, we ought to conduct ourselves like sons and daughters of God, and not like the kings of the world. Our Father is the King! What will we care about the devil's domain. Let's act like sons and daughters of God, taking His Word and calling anything contrary as though it was not. Let's live and act and dress and talk and sing and shout, and love the Lord, and act like the Lord by believing His Word. We are sons and daughters of the true and living King of heaven, God Almighty. "My soul thirsts after Thee, in a dry and thirsty land where no water is." Think of it while we bow our heads just a moment.

Psalm 63:1 A Psalm of David, when he was in the wilderness of Judah. O God, thou art my God; early will I seek thee: my soul thirsteth for thee, my flesh longeth for thee in a dry and thirsty land, where no water is;

46 Listen, Christian, women, men, since you have come to Christ, are you conducting yourself as a Christian should? Have you got yourself off in some little denomination, saying, "Me and my little group, we believe it this a way. We will have nothing to do with that, have nothing to do with this or that."? Oh, may God speak to your soul tonight. What can we do? The hour's coming when you're going to beg for this, and you're not going to find it.
Sinner friend away from God, little woman, little man, do you realize that you're trying to quench that thirst that God give to you to thirst after Him, and you're quenching it with the devil's pleasures? Moses forsook Egypt ... to be Pharaoh of Egypt, esteeming the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures of Egypt. For he endured, seeing Him who is invisible.
Take off them clothes, lady. Put you on some decent looking things. Let your hair grow out and wash your face. You men, get to be men. Walk around with a pack of cigarettes in your pocket, and a deacon on the board. Cigars. Taking a little sociable drink. Staying home and watching television. Washing your car on Sunday instead of staying in Sunday School. Aren't you ashamed?

Hebrews 11:26 Esteeming the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures in Egypt: for he had respect unto the recompense of the reward.

Hebrews 11:27 By faith he forsook Egypt, not fearing the wrath of the king: for he endured, as seeing him who is invisible.

47 Dear Heavenly Father, God, I don't want to be rude, but what can I do when my soul cries out, Lord? I think of the difference between now and just a few years ago when I was here in Chattanooga, what a falling away. What a difference. And my Spirit grieves. Lord, here it is even just two more nights of the meetings, and the little auditorium which was packed and fifteen hundred turned away. And now, something's happened. [Gap in the audio.]

48 When the Spirit of God comes and reveals and shows His presence, the people sit just as quiet, and never seem to be thrilled about Your Spirit, just falls in them. Greedy, selfishness. Ministers at each other's throats. Oh, Lord, what a condition. Be merciful, God. What can we do, Lord? Men and women that won't speak to each other because of denominational differences. Be merciful, God.
We pray, Lord, that this call now, may their souls that can remember a former day, that can read the Bible and know that God's in His sanctuary; may their souls so thirst to be like that, Lord, and to see great power displayed again. Grant it, Lord.
Men and women here have become so cold and indifferent, for they really seem to think that they're doing all right. Shake their souls tonight, Lord, and may they smell the breeze from a cool stream of peace and ease, and long satisfy their thirsting, and surrender their lives to Thee again, Lord. Stir them up like the eagle does her nest. Make it so miserable for them that they'll be willing, no matter who's saying here, but they'll be willing to come, raise their hands to Thee, and say, "Wash me, O Lord, and try me. If there be any false in me, take it away and purge me, O God, while there is time for purging---while the Fountain is open." Grant it, Lord.

49 And while we're sitting in prayer and every head is bowed, I just wonder how many of you, and all you sinner friends; would you just raise your hands to Christ, and say, "Be merciful to me, God. I raise my hands." Put up your hand, will you do that? Lord bless you; God bless you. Up in the balconies, to my right. Put up the hand, up there sinner friend, say, "I now will resign from sin; I accept Christ. I'm finished with sin."

50 The balconies to the rear, balcony to the left, raise your hands. God bless you. Anyone on the center floors here? Raise your hand, say, "Be merciful to me, God." God bless you, sir. God bless you. "I now see my mistake. I've tried to go to pools, Brother Branham. I've tried everything. I've joined church, I've done everything. And nothing satisfies. I want to come to that place where I can have Christ as my satisfying portion and He will witness the same back to me by filling me with His Spirit. I now accept Him. I want Him to do it tonight."

51 Another hand or two before we go further? God bless you, sir. Someone else? God bless you. God bless you, lady. Another? "Be merciful to me, O God," you say. Anywhere in the building, before we close. God bless you, lady. Another, just before closing now.
I'm going to ask for you backsliders that knows that you've done wrong, aren't you ashamed right there, wounded? You're going to die. Is there something in you, just the weakest little voice speaking somewhere, saying, "Come to Me, child. You can't die in this condition. If you do, you know you're doomed."

52 Will you raise your hand and say, "God, I now raise my hands to You, saying, 'Be merciful to me; I want to come back home, God, from tonight on. I want to be satisfied and have that good feeling that I used to have, and that real worship and fellowship. Oh, I just love to read the Bible and go to church and sing the old songs. I want to have that again.'" Would you just raise your hands? God bless you, sir. It takes a real man to do that, brother. But I got confidence in a man that has made a mistake and willing to confess that he's wrong.

53 Now, to you bunch of Christians, you women and men that's tried to satisfy that holy thirst with things of the world, if you've got any real Christian principle and you're guilty, will you raise your hand to God, and say, "God, be merciful to me. From tonight on I'm changing my ways." Raise your hand. God bless you. That's the way, that's the way to do it. Amen.
The balcony to the right, raise your hand. Come on Christian. God bless you, up there. That's right. Men, I've got real, real confidence in you.
The balcony to the rear. God bless you, that's good.
Balcony to the left, raise your hand. Say, "From now on..." God bless you. "God spoke to my heart." God bless you, that's right. Dozens of hands everywhere.
"I'm ashamed of my life, I've acted wrong, I know I'm wrong, Brother Branham. I oughtn't to have done that."

54 How many here that's never had the Holy Spirit, and you want the Holy Spirit to come to you now, and to bless you, and to give you... You go up and down, up and down. Look like you never on the house-top but just a few hours at a time, and then the next day you're down in the dumps, as we call it. Then you'll never see me to keep the victory, that was a half-way life.
God don't want you to be like that. He wants you to be full of His grace and power all the time. God's got it for you. You want to accept it by just raising your hands, saying, "God, You see my hand." Man, God bless you. God bless you, yes, just all around. Put up your hand and see how it feels. Just mean it from your hearts. God bless you, that's right. God bless you. All around the balconies, I'm looking at you. Certainly, God sees you if I don't. God bless you, sir. That's good.
Oh, bless your heart. That's what Chattanooga needs, is what the rest of the world needs, is a revival.

55 Are you all finished? Has the Holy Spirit spoke just to a few more? Don't let it pass. You know, tomorrow may be too late. You may not be able to do it tomorrow. You see, you've turned yourself because of fussings between churches and denominations, and peoples, and all the luxuries of the world.

56 The American people want to be entertained, they don't want the Gospel no more, they want entertainment. And the devil's given them all he can, just lull them, all around everything. And they don't thirst for God no more.
All the kids in this country... Ninety-five percent of the kids in Chattanooga could tell you more about Davy Crockett than they could tell you about Jesus Christ. Ninety-five percent of the women can tell you more about Arthur Godfrey or Elvis Presley than they could about Jesus Christ. Think of it. Think of it. Can't you see it's gone?
Flee, Christian. There's a fountain open. Water is near. Life is near. Flee to it quickly. Drink, drink, drink, till you can't drink no more. God will satisfy that thirst. God bless you now. I'm going to pray for you.

57 Lord God, from this little broke up message tonight, there's been over a hundred and fifty hands or more, two hundred, went up that they long to serve You. Many backsliders, many that's living in sin and they don't want to live that way no more; they want to come to the Fountain tonight. They've been bit by the hounds of hell; they've been tossed about with every wind of doctrine. But they want to come to Christ tonight to the satisfying portion that God gave them. Grant it just now while we're waiting to see You appear on the scene.
Come, Lord, let this audience know that You're here, that You're willing, that the message is give in their behalf. Not from prejudice, but from purely of the Scriptures and a heart that loves God and His people. Hear, Lord. We commit them to Thee in Jesus' name. Amen.

58 Just be reverent a moment. Don't be angry with me for preaching straight and clean. You might differ with me, but read your Bible. The message of divine healing is wonderful. But divine healing is just something to get your attention attracted.
If you are healed---divine healing---you may get sick again. Lazarus was raised from the dead and died again. A doctor can heal you of pneumonia by giving you penicillin ... or, kill the germs in you, and tomorrow pronounce you sound and well. And Monday you can die of pneumonia again. Certainly.
But if you're saved, that's different. You've got eternal life, everlasting life. You haven't got everlasting health, but you've got everlasting life. Accept it tonight, friends.

59 Now, let's be reverent just a moment. Just that you might know---these young Christians and those who come back to Christ ---before we make an altar call, that you might know that the Holy Spirit is here, we will pray for the sick. But I want you to be reverent just a moment.
I can't do that; it's too late.
All right, how many in here doesn't have a prayer card and you want God to heal you? Raise up your hand just a moment. All right, be reverent.

60 If the Holy Spirit, if I have taught you the truth... Surely, Christ, when He was here on earth, He identified Himself by telling Peter who his name was, tell him ... the Jews, when they come... Nathanael, where he was found at under the tree before he come. Told the woman at the well her sin. And each one time that He did that, they recognized it to be the Messiah. Is that right? How many knows that's the truth?
But you'll never find a Scripture where He did it in front of the Gentiles. He said, "Don't you go to the Gentiles, for their days are not full yet; there's things that's not heaped up yet, they've got a day of grace." That's this day. And when He did it before, they said, "He's a fortune teller, Beelzebub." Jesus said, "Say that about Me..."
Who said that? Great religious leaders, holy and renowned men. Jesus said, "You are of your father, the devil." But He said, "You speak that against Me, I will forgive you. When the Holy Ghost comes and does the same thing (in other wise), one word against it will never be forgiven in this world or the world to come."

Matthew 10:5 These twelve Jesus sent forth, and commanded them, saying, Go not into the way of the Gentiles, and into any city of the Samaritans enter ye not:

Matthew 12:24 But when the Pharisees heard it, they said, This fellow doth not cast out devils, but by Beelzebub the prince of the devils.

Matthew 12:31 Wherefore I say unto you, All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men.

Matthew 12:32 And whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come.

Mark 3:22 And the scribes which came down from Jerusalem said, He hath Beelzebub, and by the prince of the devils casteth he out devils.

Mark 3:28 Verily I say unto you, All sins shall be forgiven unto the sons of men, and blasphemies wherewith soever they shall blaspheme:

Mark 3:29 But he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost hath never forgiveness, but is in danger of eternal damnation:

Luke 11:15 But some of them said, He casteth out devils through Beelzebub the chief of the devils.

Luke 12:10 And whosoever shall speak a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but unto him that blasphemeth against the Holy Ghost it shall not be forgiven.

61 I may never see you again, but perhaps this is my last time in Chattanooga. We're too close to the end; I'm going overseas. One miracle that's performed in this meeting, one miracle that takes place of discernment...
I've seen one time it happened, and thirty thousand raw heathens accepted Christ. I made one prayer, and twenty five thousand got to their feet, crippled, lame, and blind, and was healed. And the next morning seven truckloads of crutches and things going down the streets of Durban, South Africa, and the people walking behind them, singing "Only Believe."
"Oh, but of course, we belong to certain churches. We know better than that." Go ahead. That's the way, just go ahead. God's obligated to tell you. But you're obligated to what you say about it and do about it.

62 If Christ, the Son of God, which I know is present now, if His Spirit... How many's been in the meetings before and seen Him do it? Let's see your hands. All over the building, anywhere. Sure.
If Christ, the Son of God, He promised the things that He did, we'd do also.
The woman touched His garment, and He turned around and said, "Who touched Me?" He didn't know. He wouldn't have said that if He did know.
And they rebuked Him, said, "All's touching You."
He looked till He found who it was, and He told her what her trouble was and she was healed. How many know that's the truth? Sure.
The Bible said, "He's a High Priest that can be touched by the feeling of our infirmities," right now. Then if He's present... And if that part of the Bible is true, the rest of it's true.
You without prayer cards... You other prayer cards, we will call you tomorrow night, maybe a whole group of you. I want those without prayer cards. Look this way and believe. How many is out there knows I'm a stranger to you and don't know nothing about you? Raise your hands. Anywhere, I don't care where you are. All right, you believe.

Matthew 9:20 And, behold, a woman, which was diseased with an issue of blood twelve years, came behind him, and touched the hem of his garment:

Matthew 9:22 But Jesus turned him about, and when he saw her, he said, Daughter, be of good comfort; thy faith hath made thee whole. And the woman was made whole from that hour.

Mark 5:27 When she had heard of Jesus, came in the press behind, and touched his garment.

Mark 5:30 And Jesus, immediately knowing in himself that virtue had gone out of him, turned him about in the press, and said, Who touched my clothes?

Mark 5:31 And his disciples said unto him, Thou seest the multitude thronging thee, and sayest thou, Who touched me?

Mark 5:34 And he said unto her, Daughter, thy faith hath made thee whole; go in peace, and be whole of thy plague.

Luke 8:45 And Jesus said, Who touched me? When all denied, Peter and they that were with him said, Master, the multitude throng thee and press thee, and sayest thou, Who touched me?

Luke 8:48 And he said unto her, Daughter, be of good comfort: thy faith hath made thee whole; go in peace.

John 14:12 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.

Hebrews 4:15 For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin.

63 I don't say that He will; I trust that He will. Least give us three as a confirmation.
What is it? I just yield myself to the Holy Spirit. Your faith touches Christ, Christ turns back and He uses my voice to speak to you.
He said, "I am the vine, ye are the branches." You know that? Saint John 15? Then the branch bears the fruit, not the vine. The vine just gives the life to the branch. And if it's a pumpkin vine, it'll give pumpkins. If it's a watermelon, gives watermelons. It's grapes, it gives grapes. If it's Christ, it brings forth Christ! If it's some stiff starchy theology like they had back there, that's what it'll bring forth. But if it's Christ, it brings Christ.
Do you believe with all your heart? (Watch now when she starts [unclear word], call my attention.) I can't make it; it's you. You look to Christ, the High Priest, and say, "Christ, I've understood night after night and seen those things done. Now, that man doesn't know me. And if You'll just speak to me, Lord... I'm sick; I need You. And just to confirm that You are here, I'm going to believe You with all my heart." Just believe with all your heart now, and see if God will grant it.

John 15:5 I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.

64 Here's a lady sitting looking at me, right back here, just moved her head back and forth just a moment ago. Yes, Ma'am, you that moved your head then. You got a prayer card? You haven't. If God will reveal to me what your trouble is, will you believe God? You're sick; you want prayer, don't you? You prayed before you left home that you would get to be in the prayer line. And when I said that awhile ago, you said within your heart, "I ask You, God, to let him call me." If that's right, raise your hand. All right, you have stomach trouble. If that's right, stand on your feet. You have no prayer card. We've never met one another in life; we don't know one another. If that's right, raise your hand. All right, you can go home now; you're healed.

65 I just ask that you believe God. What about some of the rest of you people through here, will you believe? "If thou canst believe, all things are possible."
Little lady sitting right back there on the end of the row, you got spinal trouble, lady. Right down here. You believe? Have you a prayer card? You have a prayer card. Well, okay, I don't want that then, your prayer card. Well, you've already been healed anyhow, so you just go ahead. You won't have to come in the prayer line.
Somebody else, somewhere. I challenge your faith! (Is that two or three?) God, let us have one more. Three's a confirmation.

Mark 9:23 Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth.

66 What you pointing to yourself for, sir? You sick too, sitting there? Then pointed to your chest? Have you a prayer card? You don't. You and I are strangers to one another. I suppose this is our first time meeting. God knows us both. If He will reveal to me what your trouble is, will you believe me to be His servant? You will? You're suffering with sugar diabetes. That's right. You're not from this city. You're from Atlanta, Georgia. Your name's Mr. Adams. That's true. All right, go home and be well, if you believe it.
Do you believe God? Do you believe His presence is here? Then you people out there ask God. Let me ask... Come up here at the altar.
I want to ask you something just a minute before you do it. Let's pray, bow your heads. Now's the time to be healed, no matter what's wrong with you. I want you to pray this prayer after me; you say the same thing I do.
Almighty God, Creator of heavens and earth, Author of everlasting life, Giver of every good gift, send mercy to me, through Thy Son Jesus. I now believe, through the preaching of the Word, through the working of the Spirit, I believe that Christ is present. I now accept Him, as my healer. I will serve You, Lord, as long as I live. And I promise You, from this night henceforth, I accept my healing, and I call those things that are, as though they are not. Because I believe Your Word. Help me, Lord. In Jesus' name.

67 Now, just keep shut in. Just keep shut in, keep praying. That's your prayer. Did you mean it? If you meant it, you're going to see something happen in a minute that you've never seen before. His presence is here. Now, I'm going to pray for you, you keep praying. Now, keep... "Lord, You're coming in. I'm beginning to feel it better. I believe the Holy Ghost is here. Something's happening to me." I'm going to pray for you.

68 Lord God, it is written in the Word, and oh, "These signs shall follow them that believe." It is also written, "If you say to this mountain, 'Be moved,' and don't doubt in your heart, but believe that them things which ye say will come to pass; you can have what you say."
Lord, twenty seven years I've tried to serve You, up and down the nation and around the world. If I've found grace in Your sight, Lord, seeing these people tonight after a real hard stern preaching ---rebuking them---but seeing their humble hearts repent. Show this people Thy presence Lord, again. And let them know, even after You've identified Yourself in our midst, not a dead Christ, not One on a cross, but One in the hearts that's raised from the dead and is alive forever more. Blessed be His holy name. I ask You to heal every person that's in divine presence.
And I challenge the devil in Jesus' name. He cannot defy the Word of God, for the Word of God has deceived you Satan, and you are stripped of all the rights that you ever had. When Jesus died at Calvary, He gave us the keys to the kingdom, and you have no legal right in our bodies any longer. And we adjure thee in the name of Jesus Christ, leave every sick person here, and every cripple person, every blind person, every deaf person, every lame person, every sick person, everyone; leave. In Jesus' name I ask you to go.
Stay shut in. Be sincere.

Matthew 17:20 And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you.

Matthew 21:21 Jesus answered and said unto them, Verily I say unto you, If ye have faith, and doubt not, ye shall not only do this which is done to the fig tree, but also if ye shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; it shall be done.

Mark 11:23 For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith.

Mark 16:17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;

69 I hope that I found grace in Your heart.
Keep your heads bowed, keep praying. I am your brother, and I'm telling you the truth. Christ, the Son of the living God, is in this building. There's the light, hangs near. Beneath it is a little darkness; that's just a little suspicion, little superstition. Oh, if we would just reach out by faith, touch that garment that's hanging so close to you. Do it right now. You confessed that you would. Believe it.
And I want the first person that was deaf, dumb, blind, or crippled, that couldn't move a hand---maybe you couldn't move your hand---I want you to start moving it. You couldn't see out of one eye ... or, an eye; look, see, you can see now. Couldn't hear out of one ear, put your finger in your good ear.

70 Listen, the first one of you to see it's the God of Jesus, I want you to come to the platform and testify and tell the others.
If there was something wrong... If you couldn't move you hand, move it. Move it in Christ's name, move it. Put your faith to a test. If you can move it, rise up and come here. If you couldn't hear and can hear now, rise up and come here. If you're suffering with a headache and it's gone, rise up and come here. If you were sick at your stomach, and the sickness is gone from you, rise up and come here.
Here comes a lady now to give testimony. That's right. Come up and give God glory. Touch His garment. Anywhere. Every last one of you, do you really believe it? You said you did. Now, see if you do. Christ keeps His word.
Somebody else that couldn't hear, or something, come up. That's right lady, rise up. Come on, someone else now. That's right. You couldn't walk, come up now. If you couldn't speak, come up now and testify right here. You can do it. You're not afraid are you? Are you afraid to put Christ to the test? What was wrong with you? If you were healed, raise your hand. Rise yourself up, come up here and let's testify to the glory of God. Give God a transcript to glorify Him. That's right. Come on. See them coming? You rise up, and say, "Oh, I can't do it." Why not? That's the way. You couldn't raise your hand, raise it up. If you couldn't speak, scream, "Hallelujah!" Prove you believe.

71 Are you just bluffing? Was you just kidding Christ? Christ has to keep His word. How did I stand here with that challenge night after night if He didn't keep His word?
Looky here, they're ready to testify. Maybe some deaf, dumb, blind. I don't know what was their trouble was. Whatever your trouble was, come on, give God a chance. Testify. Raise up, don't be afraid, don't be ashamed. You ashamed of the testimony? Come on.
While they're coming to give testimony of their rising, you people that raised your hands awhile ago you wanted to repent, want to make their lives right, come here and stand with us, and I want to pray with you. Come on out. Come up this way, you that raised your hands awhile ago. And you that knows that you want to come and thank God for taking the temper away from you, taking the world away from you; and you're going to dress different, you're going to act different, you're going to live different, you're going to... Come up here. Be sincere. Come up around the altar here.

72 Now, I want you people to look here; I want you ministers... Can you see that tears the heart of a preacher? Can you see what tears the Holy Spirit? when people will raise their hands that they'll do that, and then will sit there and not move. What's left but judgment?
You'll cry someday when I'm gone. You remember that. I speak in the name of Jesus Christ. You'll long to hear these things and will never hear them. Come now. I invite you in Christ's name.
Was you ashamed to raise your hand? Then you wouldn't make a good Christian to begin with. That's awful rude. But, brother, it's time that the Gospel... Let us take off the kid gloves and tell the truth. Christ is here, He's raised from the dead. He's present. That's the reason we do the way we do.

73 Come on now. That's right, raise up! If mama says, "Sit down," say, "Mama, you go with me." If husband says, "You can't go or I will leave you," say, "Good-bye. Come on, we're going." That's right, that's the way to do it. Walk over to him and give your personal testimony. Come right out of the balcony. You that's been backslid, you that's done wrong and want to make it right with God. These are coming for testimony for healing, we're going to have a real revival started here as soon as you get to your feet and do something about it. God's never going to pull you up from there. You're going to walk under your own free will.

74 Do you believe? Come up and give [unclear words] just as they're getting healed they're going through the line. Those who are [unclear words], " God, I can't see it. If the people see me, they'll know that they were wrong." Tell the church members? Yes. "Well, here sits Miss Jones and her family. What will she think?" It ain't what she thinks; it's what does Christ think of you. If your soul's thirsting, come on, there's a Fountain open. While we're waiting, come on now.
There is a fountain filled with blood,
Drawn from Immanuel's veins,
(Won't you come now? Don't leave, stay still now. We're going to keep on praying.)
...ers plunged beneath that flood,
Lose all their guilty stains.
Lose all their guilty stains,
Lose all their guilty stains;
And sinners plunged beneath that flood,
Lose all their guilty stains.

75 Hundreds put up their hands. I wonder what happened. You're waiting for another chance. I hope you get it. You may not.
Let me just drop this; it just keeps pulling through my heart and pulling through my heart. I've got to say it. You are looking for a greater day, but this is your last one. This is the final call. Now, you write that down in a book and see if you ever see things happen any greater than you see happen now. Just remember, you're trying to place it off somewhere else. You Gentiles had a short revival at the end. It's just about over.
All right, you standing here around the altar, everybody reverent. Are you ashamed of your lives? You want God to help you now, be merciful? God bless this lady, come right on. That's the way. The Lord be with you. God bless you, lady. That's right, come right on up; just take your stand. "He that will confess Me before men, Him will I confess before the Father and the holy Angels."
If you're ashamed of your lives and you want God to help you, will you just raise up your hand, can you around the altar here? That's right, be a real man and woman. "Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be white as snow."

Isaiah 1:18 Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.

Matthew 10:32 Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven.

Luke 12:8 Also I say unto you, Whosoever shall confess me before men, him shall the Son of man also confess before the angels of God:

76 Look at the testimony for healing. They just keep feeling the power of God running through them.
Ministers, get around behind me now, each one of you.
These men here are men of God, who has the churches here in the city, who's cooperating in this meeting. They're going to give you a hand. If you don't already belong to the church, you're just repenting, they'll see that you're baptized in Christian baptism. They'll take you into the church as a member of their church; they'll feed you, do what's right. They're men who believe in this ministry. That's why they're here, to represent. Now, everyone that's concerned about these souls, let's bow our heads just a moment.

John 6:37 All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out.

John 6:44 No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day.

77 O eternal and blessed God, these healed ones has come tonight. And it is written in the Scripture, "No man can come to Me except My Father draws him." "And he that will come to Me I will in no wise cast out." Here's men and women whose sinned and did that which was wrong, they're standing here tonight repenting of their difference, and being indifferent towards You. Some of them, no doubt, has made confessions in churches, but they've never lived up to that confession.
O blessed Holy Spirit, sweep into their souls just now and give to them the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. Baptize them in Thy love and power. O Lord, take away all ungodly things from them. Take the world out of them, Lord, that they might be presented to God that day by Jesus Christ faultless and blameless, standing in His righteousness alone. Grant it, Lord.

78 These ministers are standing around them, some of them with hands on them; and they're praying with them. The church has their heads bowed. We see Your Spirit as it moves through the building. It's bringing conviction. It heals the sick. Here stands a row of praise and testimonies. God, we pray that the Holy Ghost will now be dropped down into this building like a rushing mighty wind. May it cleanse all of our hearts from sin, and give to these people. Fill their hearts with goodness. Take the world out of them, Lord, and let them thirst after Thee. And Thou hast said, "Blessed are they that do hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled." Grant it, Lord. May they be filled with the righteousness of our Lord Jesus Christ. Blessed be His name.

Matthew 5:6 Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.

79 Each one of you standing here now that's repented of your sins, and you believe with all your heart that Jesus Christ is come to you in peace and love, and you feel different than what you did when you come up here when we had this word of prayer, will you raise your hand? You around the altar here, just raise up your hand. That's good. God bless you.

80 Now, minister friends, you walk right up here and let them shake your hand and offer a little prayer with each one of them. Now, walk right up to them, you, each one, right up to them.
All right. Let the lady now have one of these here. (Brother Vayle, come here.) I want...
Please hear these testimonies now, as they come, while these are making theirself welcome to their churches and so forth.
All right, lady, come right ahead now to testify, to give God glory.