The Token

The Token somebody

The Token (1963-11-28 Evening) (William M. Branham Sermons)

The Token (1963-11-28 Evening) (William M. Branham Sermons) somebody

The Token

1 ... I believe.
Lord, I believe; Lord, I believe,
All things are possible; Lord, I believe.
Let us bow our heads just a moment for prayer, and in the sacredness of this moment, knowing that we have gathered again, assembled here in the name of the Lord, to worship Him. I wonder, in this audience, if there'd be one who might have a special request that you'd like to make it known to God, tonight, as you lift your hands to be remembered in prayer. Down in the basement, and in the balconies, and around the place, just the same, He sees your hands.

2 Almighty God, the creator of heavens and earth, we come to Thee, in the name of the Lord Jesus. Because, we have been promised if we would come in his name, we would have our petition. So we pray, Father, that You will forgive us first of anything that's in our way, that our prayers would be hindered tonight, may the blood of the Lord Jesus just now atone for that, as we humbly confess our wrong. We pray for each request, each one of those hands that went up. You know what was below that hand, Lord, the meaning. And I pray that You'll answer it according to Your great wisdom, Lord, that we understand that You know all things, and knowed it from the beginning.
And we pray this will be a night that'll be long remembered, because of Your presence being with us. As we stand tonight at this Thanksgiving, closing of the day, a great celebration across the nation, of how good You were to our forefathers, we too turn our heads to thank You, Lord, for what You've done for us. Now we pray that You'll grant all these things that we ask, for we ask them in Jesus Christ's name, and for His honor. Amen. (You may be seated.)

3 I'm indeed thankful for the privilege of being here again, tonight, assembled in this Life Tabernacle auditorium, to speak to the people.
We're sorry. Brother Moore said they had never had, in the history of the church, so many people. They've turned more away, tonight, than they ever did in all the history of the church, from the front out there. Every place is packed inside, outside, basement, around the walls, and in the corridors and out onto the streets, and still the people are coming. So we are thankful that there is still a hunger to hear God's Word, and now we're grateful for this.

4 And now, if the Lord willing, tomorrow night we may start praying for the sick people, as we usually have a night, or two, when we're here in these conventions, that we pray for the sick. And the Lord has certainly been blessing us recently of those things.
I was telling you this morning about the wife, and how that now for most three years, about, oh, five or six years ago, by taking ahold of her hand one night trying to show someone, another woman, what a vibration, you know, and she had nothing wrong with her, I found her with a tumor. The doctor couldn't find it. Three or four years passed, he couldn't find it.
Finally it showed up, about two years ago, started growing quickly; from the size of a walnut, size of a lemon, now to the size of a grapefruit. The physician ... We was holding on, for faith. And the physician said, "You just must take it out. It's going to turn malignant. You got to be done."

5 And yesterday, or day before, knowing that yesterday she was to go for her final, before the examination, I knelt in the room, prayed ... all my heart. And when I raised up, or started ... Before I raised up, He told me what to say. And I raised up. And the doctor can't find a trace of it, anywhere. It's all gone, just gone, and no more.
I called her again awhile ago, and she was so happy. She said, "Last week," said, "Bill, the pains was so bad I couldn't even sit still, couldn't sleep at night, nor nothing." Said, "Every time I tried to turn, that big tumor turned inside." And said, "I've got the words of the doctor here, he said, 'Mrs. Branham ...' " As soon as she come from the table, her and some of the sisters. "Said, 'There's not one trace, I don't know what's happened.' Said, 'There is not one trace.' And He said, 'Stand up.' And what He said do, I did it. And, the Lord answered the rest."

6 I'm looking down here on an old friend of mine. Not long ago, a friend by the name ... He's a German. His name is D-a-u-c-h, I think, the way he spells his name. But we call him Dauch, 'cause I can't say that German word right. Ninety-one years old. I baptized him in the name of Jesus Christ not long ago. A fine man, a great supporter was to Oral Roberts and many of the men. But when he come one day to the Tabernacle, he didn't have no clothes, he wanted to be baptized, anyhow.

7 The other day, he was ninety-one years old. He not only had a heart attack but a complete heart failure. His wife sitting there, is a long-past registered nurse. They had him in the hospital at Lima, Ohio, with some of the most famous doctors they had in the country. Not a chance for him to live an hour or more, he was gone; a heart failure, ninety-one years old, and a heart attack. I thought, "Poor Brother Bill Dauch, probably see him the last time. I must try to get to him." I prayed all night. When they told me he was laying with a heart failure, I knew, at ninety-one years old, he couldn't come out.

8 So, such a good friend of mine, and to my family, and I started to meet him, the next morning. On the road up, I was thinking, "What a fine man he was!" And I thought, "Someday I'll see him again." And I went in to ...
I drove fast, and I had a tire cutting, I didn't even have time to have it balanced or taken ... a wheel out of line, just cut the tire to pieces going up them concrete highways. And I went in, I said, "I just haven't got time to change it."
The man said, "You'll blow it out in another two hundred miles."
I said, "I just haven't got time, sir. Thank you. Just let it blow out." And I said, "I got a spare. I got to get to a friend that's dying."

9 I started to walk around there. And I looked up, and there come a vision. I seen Brother Dauch sitting in the church. I looked at him, coming, here he come down the street, and took ahold of my hand and shook it. He said, "Go tell him, 'Thus saith the Lord.'"
Here he sits. And about the very next service, I happened to look down there, and there sat Brother Dauch sitting in church, drove down three hundred miles from Ohio. I went to New York last week, there he sat in New York, right in the midst of all that. Here he is down at Shreveport, tonight, sitting here now.
When I pass through the portals of time, into eternity, if God so lets me pass in peace, someday I'll shake his hand on the other side, 'cause the same God.

10 A few days ago, great things, I just can't go into tell you just what's happened in the last few days. It looks like that, I believe, in the last ... since that experience in Colorado, a few weeks ago, the Lord has been more graciously to me, to answer prayer. And there is supposed to be a third stage, you know, of the ministry; and I can never tell it, what it is. And so I believe the Lord is with us and is going to do great things.

11 Tonight, I thought, being that this was the Thanksgiving celebration, instead of preaching, I would just take like a Sunday school lesson, and lay the foundation for the service that's ... or healing service, any service, the foundation of the gospel. And I had the brother to read out of the book of Exodus, the 12th chapter. I'm going to continue to read just ... or just read out of there another portion that he read, over. I'd like to come back to get my thought. The 12th verse of the 12th chapter, and the 13th verse, I think it is.
For I will pass through the land of Egypt this night, and will smite all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, both man and beast; and against all the gods of Egypt I will execute judgment: I am the LORD.
And the blood shall be unto you a token upon the house where you are: and when I see the blood, I will pass over you, and the plague shall not come upon you to destroy you, when I smite the land of Egypt.

Exodus 12:12 For I will pass through the land of Egypt this night, and will smite all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, both man and beast; and against all the gods of Egypt I will execute judgment: I am the LORD.

Exodus 12:13 And the blood shall be to you for a token upon the houses where ye are: and when I see the blood, I will pass over you, and the plague shall not be upon you to destroy you, when I smite the land of Egypt.

12 That's an outstanding scripture to me. And now I have many, many scriptures here wrote down, and some notes that I'd like to talk a few minutes from. And I would not ... just try to make it like a Sunday school lesson, so that we'll clearly understand.
And I'm looking for a time of a break forth, of the Spirit of God, in these last days that we're now living in; for another surge of the Holy Spirit, into the church; for a rapturing faith, just before He comes. And everything is sitting straight in order for that. And I believe that we're now at the time that the Word should have preeminence. I believe that the time to lay aside our creeds and our thoughts, and come back to the Word.

13 God, in every age, as I spoke last evening, He told the end from the beginning. He told what would be in each generation. Also, "God, in the sundry times, He sent forth the prophets." When each time come for those things to happen for that age, He sent forth prophets. And the Word of the Lord always comes to His prophets, the prophet for that age. And each time, only thing that prophet did was to manifest, exactly, the promise for that age.
And when the day our Lord Jesus came on the scene, He was the manifestation of the Word for that age. He was Isaiah 9:6, "Unto us a child is born," and so forth. And then He was also Isaiah 35 Isaiah 28:19, the same. Those, all those scriptures that were foretold, He came forth to manifest that Word. He did exactly what was supposed to be done in that day. For the Word... This book is the Word, and the Word is God.

Isaiah 9:6 For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.

Isaiah 28:19 From the time that it goeth forth it shall take you: for morning by morning shall it pass over, by day and by night: and it shall be a vexation only to understand the report.

Amos 3:7 Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets.

John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

Hebrews 1:1 God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets,

14 And now it's already laid out. It just takes someone to come on the scene to manifest those promises --faith in the call of God. And I know we've been down through a lot of impersonation, and so forth. Moses and Aaron run into the same thing. But, when that comes up, stand still. Moses, when he met those supersensory perceptionists, he just let them go. They were doing exactly what he did, but he waited until the full manifestation took place. And it's promised the same thing would take place in the last days. For as Jambres and Jannes withstood Moses, so will men of this day. But, now, that doesn't stop the promise. That'll only magnify the promise. That'll make it real.

2 Timothy 3:8 Now as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith.

15 Now I want you to notice, tonight, what we're going to speak on is: "The Token." A Token!
Now, the first, I want you to notice what the order of this is, the order of the Passover. It must be a male sheep, and it must be tested for fourteen days. What a perfect type it is of Christ, the antetype, a male, a lamb, and He was tested for 3+ years of His ministry, through critics and everything, the clergy of that day, but was proved to hold fast to the Father's Word. Even in the presence of Satan, He said, "It is written. It is written." Constantly He defeated the enemy, on the Word.
A perfect example for us today, always defeat the enemy with the Word of God that's written for the day!
And He said to them, "Search the scriptures, for in them you think you have eternal life, and they are they that testify of me." In other words, "If I don't do what the Scripture says is supposed to be done in this day, then I'm an unbeliever. But then who can accuse me of sin?" Sin is unbelief. He manifested every promise that God made for that day. He fulfilled it. He met the day because He was the Messiah, and that was the day of the Messiah.

Exodus 12:5 Your lamb shall be without blemish, a male of the first year: ye shall take it out from the sheep, or from the goats:

Exodus 12:6 And ye shall keep it up until the fourteenth day of the same month: and the whole assembly of the congregation of Israel shall kill it in the evening.

Matthew 4:4 But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.

Luke 4:4 And Jesus answered him, saying, It is written, That man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God.

John 5:39 Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me.

John 8:46 Which of you convinceth me of sin? And if I say the truth, why do ye not believe me?

16 Now we notice that in the evening time the lamb was killed after dinner, in the late of the evening. The same way that the Lamb was killed!
Now notice, the whole congregation of Israel was ... had to kill the lamb. And it was Israel who witnessed for His death and called for His blood. We'll speak on that tomorrow night if the Lord poss... if it's possible and please the Lord, "Blood on the hands."
And notice, this blood was not mixed with anything else. It could not be mixed it was just blood, alone, of that lamb. And it must be struck upon the lintel and the doorpost. It could not be mixed.
That's what today, they're trying to mix everything else with this, creeds and affiliations, and all kinds of entertainments and everything, but it won't mix! There is absolutely, it will not mix with anything. The blood would not mix.

Exodus 12:7 And they shall take of the blood, and strike it on the two side posts and on the upper door post of the houses, wherein they shall eat it.

17 And it must be eaten, ready, dressed people ready for the journey. When this was applied, the people must be ready for the journey.
It isn't for the unbeliever, standing outside and sympathizing with it. It's for the believer that's already under the blood, already dressed, shod, staff in his hand, his loins girded, and ready for traveling.

18 The reason I chose this today, a thanksgiving day, a celebration, for it's a celebration today, of our pilgrim forefathers that God blessed to come over here to start a nation. And they did, and a mighty nation. It stands above everything in the world today, in all of its corruption, but it has to fall. It never did get big, according to the Scriptures. It never got old. It was a youth, a lamb. "The lamb then spake like the dragon before him." It come up out of not waters, thickness and multitudes of people, but it come up out of the earth. So we find out that the lamb had two horns, which was civil and ecclesiastical power; of course, they go together now to speak like a dragon, form an image to the beast, and we still have the freedom of worshipping God in this nation.

Revelation 13:11 And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon.

Revelation 13:14 And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live.

19 And now we bow our heads around our table today, to thank God for the natural food that He has grown for us and fixed for us this year. And if He had not did that, we'd've all died. Because, the only way that you can physically live, is because something has to die everyday so you can live. If you eat beef, the cow died. If you eat sheep, well, it died. If you eat potatoes, it's life, it died. If you eat greens, it died. You only live by dead substance. And if something doesn't die, you do not live.
And if something has to die so you can live physically, how much more is it that something had to die so you could live eternally. And it's by the substance of this death that I'm speaking of tonight, that we are alive tonight. Something has to die. The Passover was a type of Christ--our eternal life. Now we want your undivided attention.

20 A token. He said, "The blood shall be unto you a token," a sign. "A token," according to Webster, "is a sign of a price that has been paid." A token is the sign that a price has been paid.
Like the railroad companies and the bus companies. You go in and you want to have ... You only ride on the bus by a token in many places, or the railroads. You purchase your fare, you pay for it, and they give you a token that your fare has already been paid. So that's what you have to have to get on the streetcar or the railroad company.

Exodus 12:13 And the blood shall be to you for a token upon the houses where ye are: and when I see the blood, I will pass over you, and the plague shall not be upon you to destroy you, when I smite the land of Egypt.

21 Israel's lamb, slain, was the requirement of Jehovah. To escape death, there must be a substitute death. And Jehovah required the slain lamb, and the blood was a token that the requirement had been made. Now, the blood was a sign that something had died, and the blood itself was the token. It was saying that "This house has met the requirements of Jehovah's word, and therefore it is protected by this token, that our fare has been paid."
What a beautiful type here Christ is to this. What a type of our token of today!

Exodus 12:13 And the blood shall be to you for a token upon the houses where ye are: and when I see the blood, I will pass over you, and the plague shall not be upon you to destroy you, when I smite the land of Egypt.

22 The life was come from the sacrifice. And now the blood was the token, His orders had been carried out. The blood! Jehovah didn't have to see you kill the lamb. You just had the blood on the door when the death angel went through, and it was a token that the lamb had died. The blood was the token that Jehovah's requirements had been met in this house, and that the price had been paid, and the token was that. "When I see the token, I will pass over you." When the token's there ... showed the price. See, the blood was not death, but it was the token of the death. "When I see the blood, I'll know the death price has been made, so I'll pass over you."

Exodus 12:13 And the blood shall be to you for a token upon the houses where ye are: and when I see the blood, I will pass over you, and the plague shall not be upon you to destroy you, when I smite the land of Egypt.

23 Watch, see, the believing worshipper was identified with his sacrifice, by the token. The worshipper who believed Jehovah, and had met Jehovah's requirement, had identified himself by applying the token to himself and to his house, that was, the worshipper believed that. A perfect type of Christ of this day! Then, the blood was a token of identification, that this believer has already met Jehovah's requirement. "And I am sure the death angel will have to pass from my house, because I have met Jehovah's token. A lamb has died, instead, for my family and my loved ones that's under this blood, and there is the token that the lamb is dead." Amen. "There's the token. God's requirements has been satisfied." Amen. When I think of it, my heart jumps for joy.

24 Now, the animal life could not come back upon the believer, so therefore the blood had to stand for the token. See, the blood, wrapped up into the animal which was started from a single cell of blood, had made all this blood that was in the animal. When this blood was separated, the life left the animal. Now, the worshipper, identifying himself with the blood, had to show the literal chemical of the blood. Why? That's all he could show because the life of the animal could not come upon the human being, because the life of the animal doesn't have a soul. But the human being has a soul. Therefore the life could not come back, so the blood had to stand for the token of the death.

25 Now we have a token in this day. We've been given a token which is an antetype of that type. Of that natural token, we've been given the supernatural, supreme token. All that that foreshadowed has been given to this generation, has been given the token. Now we have the Holy Ghost, is our token, and it is our identification that we have accepted the death of the Lamb. Not only was Jesus just a human life to come back on us, but it was God Himself manifested in flesh, that brought back upon us the adoption of sons, that now we are sons and daughters of God. That is the token. It's our identification of the Passover. It's our identification that we have believed God, and God has accepted.

1 John 3:2 Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is.

26 Back there they didn't have the gospel as we have it today, it was taught in forms and it went through rituals, because the Holy Spirit wasn't given.
But, today, we have the substance. We don't have just the form, or just the chemicals; you could not take the blood of Jesus Christ and apply it to every heart. But God sent back the Holy Ghost, that's the token was upon the human, in the human's heart. And that is your identification that you have accepted God's plan, met Jehovah's requirements; He met them for you at Calvary, and you have met them on your knees. And God has give you the token sign, the return of the Spirit was upon Christ, is in you, and a guarantee identification of His life, death, burial, and resurrection, and alive forevermore, now in the believing church. Amen. It's a positive token--a token sign. That can...

Revelation 1:18 I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death.

27 It will be evil spoken of, sure. That's what it's there for. Egypt made fun of it, so does the people today. But still it's God's required token. They couldn't put the blood, the chemical blood of Jesus upon him like they did the lamb; because they put the chemical blood of the lamb upon him, because there was no life in the lamb that could come back on the worshipper. But here the life that was in the blood ... Which, the life is in the blood. Now the blood was shed at Calvary, bathed upon the ground, and we have the token of the blood, which is the baptism of the Holy Ghost, to identify us as believers.

28 "And these signs shall follow them that believe," not just professors, but identified believers! "They may not follow. They probably will, perhaps they will..." Jesus said, "They shall follow them that believe." Just absolutely impossible for it not to happen! "The works that I do shall you also." That's the identification. Jesus' identification was to manifest the Word of God, which He was. And the church's identification today is to manifest the promised Word of this day, by the same Spirit that manifested and quickened the Word then. The same Spirit quickens the Word to the believer today and manifests the same thing, showing that the token is on this person, which is the resurrected life of Jesus Christ living in His believer. Oh, that ought to set a church afire! And that's true, just as true as it can be.

Mark 16:17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;

John 14:12 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.

29 We have to identify ourself with our sacrifice. We have to be identified in His death. When a Jew placed his hand upon the sacrifice, he was identifying himself, transferring his sins to his sacrifice, and the sacrifice died. Now we place our hands, by faith, upon Jesus Christ, and are identified with Him in His death.
Not only in His death, but, if we are accepted, we are identified not only in His death but in His resurrection. By the life that was in Him, was sent back upon the believer, as a token, a memorial that death has passed from it, and God has sealed you into the kingdom of God until the day of your redemption.
Real genuine gospel, as clean as I know it! I know it's true. I've tried it. There is no other ism, no work up, no schemes, no gimmicks, no nothing. It's just pure unadulterated faith in the Word of God and the finished works that God required at Calvary, knowing that there is nothing we could do to save ourselves. We just accept what He did for us.

Ephesians 4:30 And grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption.

30 Abraham believed God and it was imputed unto him for righteousness. Then God gave him the seal of circumcision, as a token that He had received his faith. There is the gospel.
Now when we claim that we believe God, then God will identify our faith, by giving us the token of the blood of Jesus, that finished the work for us at Calvary, then our life is in His. The life of our sacrifice is in us.
It couldn't come by the chemical blood of the lamb, because there was nothing there to come back, just the chemistry. You couldn't transfer the blood into the human being. It won't work, an animal blood won't go into a human's blood. So the chemicals wouldn't work, showing it was the foreshadow.

Romans 4:22 And therefore it was imputed to him for righteousness.

31 But now the life that was in the blood becomes the token. And now when we identify ourselves in His death, burial, and resurrection, by believing on Him and being baptized unto His death, burial, and resurrection. When we rise up, the Holy Spirit is there to give us a token, an eternal token written across your heart, soul, make-up, mind, body, everything else, that you are a separated person, from unbelief. You're a separated person, from the things of the world. You are separated from death. You're separated from everything. And you are a product that God has sealed into the kingdom, by His Holy Spirit.

32 No devil, no sickness, no death, no sorrow, nor nothing else can bother you as long as you hold that token over it. Amen. Your unchanging faith pulsates that, and it forms a form of Jesus Christ, the image that you're walking in today.
"And when I see the token, I'll pass over you." It's a sign, it's a sign that the price has been paid. Jesus paid the price, and you received it from Him. Holding the token in your hand, you have an assurance of resurrection. You have the assurance that everything you have need of, in this journey, is provided in that token of His suffering at Calvary, where He met the price of every curse that could be put on you. That token speaks peace. Amen.
There is no devil can stand before it. There is nothing can stand before it, because God has accepted it. And you hold the token in your hand, that the price is paid. Oh, it's a positive token.

Exodus 12:13 And the blood shall be to you for a token upon the houses where ye are: and when I see the blood, I will pass over you, and the plague shall not be upon you to destroy you, when I smite the land of Egypt.

33 You know, in a court, when a trial is set, when you know that you were facing death, like this here nightclub man that just killed this Mr. Oswald. If you knowed you were facing that, or something similar to it, you would hire the best attorney you could find.
I would. If I knowed my life was at stake, I'd hire the best attorney I could find. Every person would. It's only the sensible thing to do.
Now, in this case, to know that you are going to go to an electric chair, and you're going to separate from your family, forever, as they electrocute you, or whatever it might be, because you know you are guilty. And this attorney is trying to plead your case.

34 Now the attorney may think that he has it all put down. But, you see, who is the judge is going to decide the case, whether the attorney can make it clear to him that you're justified in your deed. The attorney has got to make it so clear to the judge, that the judge will see the justice of your act.
O God, if the people could only see this! Our judge is our attorney. The case is settled. It's all over. The same one is judge, is our attorney. The case is settled, we have the token. Both judge and attorney is the same person. When God was made flesh and dwelt among us, our judge become our attorney, and the case is settled. And the Holy Ghost is here for a token that we're ready to pass from here into the lands beyond.

John 1:14 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.

35 We are free from sin; not of sin no more, not of the world. "Little children, you're not of the world." Our judge and attorney was the same person, so the case is settled. The case was so great against us! The case that we had sinned was so great against us, till not even the archangel could plead it; he could not meet the requirements. No angel, no cherubim, no seraphim, nothing could meet the price. The only thing that could be done to save the human race was for the judge to take the place and become the attorney, too. And that's just exactly what He done.

36 If the token, or the blood, in the time of Egypt's coming out, their exodus, if the token was so the supreme sign, now if... The token was not no good unless the token was displayed. The token had to be displayed. Not a sympathizer with the token; but the token must be applied.
And no matter how much anyone could prove that He was a Jew, and a covenant Jew, by circumcision, that didn't do anything about it at all. It took the token, not the covenant. He never said, "When I see the covenant sign," but, "When I see the token!"
So, today, you might be a professed Christian, you might be a covenant with Christ; but unless that token is displayed in this late hour that we're coming to now, there is no way for Him to pass over. The token must be displayed. It must be on.

37 Now, remember, a Jew could have come up and said, "I'll take you men aside. I believe that to be the truth. I believe Moses, the prophet. I believe that pillar of fire that's guiding him. I believe that's Jehovah." Witness all of it, believe all the Word, all the message, but yet say, "Now I'm just as well off as you, because I am a circumcised Jew." If he didn't have that blood in the night of the Passover, he died just the same.
And today, every church, every individual, that isn't and cannot display that token, of the Holy Ghost, is spiritually dying and will die. No matter how much you believe the death, burial, and resurrection; no matter how much you can repeat the Apostles' Creed, repeat it, or whatever you might do; no matter how well you're educated, and what a theological experience you've had; you might have doctor's degrees, and Bachelor of Art, and whatever more, a DD., LD., Doctor of Latin, or whatever you might be, or literature, but that won't do it. There must be the token displayed.

38 It was only a shadow of the real for this day, the antetype. The token must be displayed. A Jew could furnish the evidence that he was in the covenant; but the token wasn't there, the covenant was without any effect. And so is it today, my brother, my sister.
I want you to remember this. You inside, outside, in the basement, wherever you may be, the hour has come. And everyone can see the dullness of the church today. Everybody can see the deadness of many, too many of the members. It's because that you have played around, you've took sensations and you've took other things. And you have trusted upon the wisdom of some man, upon the theology of some organization, upon the membership of your mother's church, and upon some loyal pastor. But them all are good things, have nothing against them, no more than circumcision was to the Jew, but that wasn't God's program. "When I see the blood," and it only!

Exodus 12:13 And the blood shall be to you for a token upon the houses where ye are: and when I see the blood, I will pass over you, and the plague shall not be upon you to destroy you, when I smite the land of Egypt.

39 And today the Holy Ghost is God's covenant with God's covenant people. The Holy Ghost, the life of the resurrected Christ, has got to be displayed in the church amongst the people, making Him the same yesterday, today, and forever.
No matter how loyal a member you are! You might be whatever you may be, a good man or a good woman. That sure is fine. We appreciate that. But only the token will keep you alive, God's token. You might be a student of the Bible. You might be a good person. You could even be the President. You could be anything you want to be. There is no excuses.
When God started the exodus from Egypt, calling out Israel from Egypt, to His promised land, there was no excuses. Every man had to display the blood.

Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

40 And, today, the exodus, is calling out of the systems, into the bride. No matter how much system you're in, it still requires the token of the life of Jesus Christ again. Nothing else will work. Still the token is required.
Every man, no matter if he was a loyal man. He might have been the Pharaoh of Egypt, and he was the most important man of the day, but the token had to be applied to him, no matter how important he was. Whether he's a bishop, priest, whatever, president, king, potentate, monarch, that had nothing to do with it. God only recognized the tokened covenant people. Same thing today, the Holy Spirit will only recognize the covenant people.

41 We find that.
Death was ready to strike Egypt at any time now. God had showed them His grace, power, and signs.
I want you to know that that's followed every revival; grace, power, and signs. Grace, to come to the people; power, to make Himself known; and the sign of the time. Just exactly what He's done today, another thing. He has done it in many ways. You could take that one scripture there and run it around and around, for ten weeks here, and never leave it.

42 How it would symbolize the three stages that we've come through! It would symbolize the three mercies of God, through Luther Martin, and Pentecost... Martin Luther, and also through Wesley, and Pentecost, the three stages of the journey. The three stages of Israel's journey, the three messengers to Sodom, all these different things it would symbolize.
It would symbolize the ministry of today. It would symbolize the message of Billy Graham, of grace to the world; of Oral Roberts, as power to the world; and of the presence of Jesus Christ, as the last sign to the world. For Sodom got their last sign, the church spiritual, the one that was called out, got their last sign before the Gentile world was burned. Jesus said, "... so shall it be in the coming of the Son of man, the same thing."

Matthew 24:37 But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

Luke 17:30 Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed.

43 And we find out that these great things had been displayed in Egypt, and still their desire was not to repent or believe the message.
And if that ain't the world today, I don't know the world. They have had grace, power, and seen the signs of the age, the signs of time. God writing, and with His hand in nature, great fearful sights in the skies, that they don't know, "flying saucers" they call them, and everything; sputniks, and whatever they want to call them, astronauts flying in the skies, fearful signs, earthquakes, divers places, sea roaring, men's hearts failing; fear, perplexed of time, distress between nations. All the things that He has promised, we have seen those handwritings on the wall. We have seen it with our eyes.
We see in the church where grace has went forth to call them. We see where power has been demonstrated by the Pentecostal group, to bring back again the baptism of the Holy Ghost, power. And we've seen the supernatural power of the identification of Jesus Christ Himself standing in our midst among us, and doing the things that He did in the beginning. The very same witnesses, exactly!

Matthew 24:7 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.

Mark 13:8 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be earthquakes in divers places, and there shall be famines and troubles: these are the beginnings of sorrows.

Luke 21:10 Then said he unto them, Nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom:

Luke 21:11 And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven.

Luke 21:25 And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring;

Luke 21:26 Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.

44 Israel coming out, just as a sign like it is today. Watch what Israel got in their exodus.
The first thing they got, to thoroughly identify that the hour was at hand, was a prophet with the message. Moses came down with the message. The Word of God was with Moses.
The next thing, Moses had to be identified. And he was identified by a pillar of fire. That identified his work, that God had sent him. And Moses had the Word of God, even to create things and to bring them upon the earth.
And the token that God give them, by the blood, was the identification, or the assurance, rather, that they would be passed over in the time of death.
The same thing has happened today, same thing. The Word of God has been brought to us; the pillar of fire is among us, identifying Jesus Christ raised from the dead--the same yesterday, today, and forever--and the assurance of the baptism of the Holy Ghost upon our hearts, putting our love to God. The exodus is on again.

Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

45 Israel coming out, as I said, is a type like the church coming out, or the bride coming out of the church. The bride will be the remnant, will be the little group, the selected, the predestinated.
When a woman lays out a piece of goods, lays her pattern upon it, the way she's going to cut it, and she has got her own way of making a choice. But what is left out of that pattern is the same kind of goods that was in the pattern, but it was ordained for her to take this. She fixed it herself.
God did the same. "And the remnant of the woman's seed that was left upon the earth." Today is the calling-out of the bride out of the church, the exodus for the rapture. For, the church truly goes through the tribulation period, as you Pentecostal brothers has preached it. I believe that. The church goes through it, but not the bride. No, sir!

Revelation 12:17 And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.

46 Someone discussing that with me, not long ago, said, "The church will have to go through for a purification."
I said, "That is true, because she rejected the blood."
But if the tribulation period catches the bride, His own wife, in the tribulation? No, sir! The blood of Jesus Christ has cleansed us from all sin, and there is no more purifying. And the blood of Jesus Christ, and that token, as identification that it has been purified. Amen. That's the token of the bride, wearing the ring.

1 John 1:7 But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.

47 Moses' ministry, of Israel, was... All his congregation was gathered into a place for prayer and worship. When these things come, as he was reading tonight, they had to stay and keep up. So is the congregation of the Lord assembling themselves together, out of every creed and doctrine in the world. They come from all parts of Egypt, to where they had been and gathered into one place.

48 Here, we could... We could read Hebrews 10:26, and see it mighty plain. As we see the great end-time signs in the earth, warning us the time is at hand, we should love one another more than we ever did in all of our lives. There should be such a hunger to get to church! There should be such a hunger for us to get to one another! It should be a love affair.
I can't hardly wait to get to Tucson. Oh, God healed my little wife! She is part of me. I can't hardly wait to get there! The hours, I'm counting the days and the hours, when I can get there to be with her.
That's the way the church ought to be. Just seeing that, the power of God, what it's done for us, we should be counting the moments, getting together in love, that we can fly away, some day, to meet Jesus.

49 Somebody said, not long ago, said, "Brother Branham, you scare the people, saying, "The coming of the Lord is so near!"
I said, "They shouldn't be worried about that. That should be the most happy thing we know of." Yeah.
"And He will appear the second time, to all those that love His appearing," who love and longing for it. It's a love affair. And how we ought to love one another, because we're fellow citizens in the same body! We should have love, one for another.

2 Timothy 4:8 Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing.

Hebrews 9:28 So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation.

50 Warning us, the time is at hand! Believers should be separating themselves from the things of the world, the cares of the world. That's the reason I've hammered at women, and so forth, the way I have. And, then, separate yourself from these TV programs! Separate yourself from this Hollywood evangelism! Come back to deepness and sincerity! We stand in the pulpit, and jump up-and-down, and laugh and holler, and carry on, women dance over the floors, clothes on them real skin tight, and all kinds of jewelry and stuff hanging on, with bobbed hair, and some of them with make-up on. And they got an intellectual pastor there, a preacher that can put the word together so perfect. That isn't it. We don't come to the altar of God, laughing, carrying on, and cutting up. We come to the altar, with sincerity and deepness, because there we are dying. You don't go to death, laughing and jollying, if you got your right mind. It's an insane person that does that.

51 Here a few weeks ago, when I was watching a program, out of one of the filling stations I was standing in, of our great brother, Billy Graham, when he was making his greatest revival he had ... or had the greatest revival in California. I was watching this television, was catching the face of them coming to the altar. Kids punching one another, and fighting, going along the altar, and laughing and cutting up, no sincere, chewing chewing gum, looking all around. Go right in there and say "yes," they make a confession and come back out. Billy said he can have thirty thousand of them in one year's time, he ain't got thirty left. There is no sincerity. There is no more sincere.
People is not ready to confess. They want to pray, "God, You heal me, do this, or do that, do that." But when it comes to dying out, and confessing your sins and getting right with God, it isn't seen no more. That's the reason we don't see no more healings than what we have. That's the reason I'm preaching these things. Let's get things ready for a healing service. You've got to get the things first. God heals you for His glory. And we must be ready for His glory.

52 Now that's what Egypt had to do. Remember, they tested the lamb for fourteen days. Egypt... He said, "Get all the filth out of your house. Put every, all the leaven out."
You can't have no leaven. When this mark is come into your house, this token, you cannot have a leaven in it. That's the world. You can't love God and mammon, the world, at the same time; all the cares of the world, all the cares and your creeds, and your fusses, and your difference. You are coming to Jesus Christ!

Matthew 6:24 No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.

Luke 16:13 No servant can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.

53 Could you imagine a Jew in the Old Testament coming down with his lamb to make an offering? He was obeying Jehovah, what He said do, to him. That went on. He accepted the sacrifice. He seen the lamb die. His hands was bloody with the dying lamb. He went back home, justified, because he come in sincerity. That was fine.
But after awhile it become a tradition. And men said, "You know, this is the Passover time, we better go do this, and I've got to offer a lamb." It become a place till you could buy a lamb, get somebody else to offer it for him. It become a creed. It become a dogma in the church. And God said, the very sacrifice that He required become a stink in His nose, because it was offered without sincerity.

Leviticus 26:31 And I will make your cities waste, and bring your sanctuaries unto desolation, and I will not smell the savour of your sweet odours.

Amos 5:21 I hate, I despise your feast days, and I will not smell in your solemn assemblies.

54 And we Pentecostal people are getting in that same stage. That's right. We've come down till the sincerity is gone, among us. We come in and try to take in people into the church, like the other church does to get big crowds and so forth in our churches. We should never do that.
We've got to come to sincerity, and there die as dead as we can be, that the blood of Jesus Christ and the token can come upon us. It makes a person a different person. A woman can get up from there and go away, she wants to obey every scripture is in that Bible, regardless of what takes place. A man, the same way; no denomination, no creed or nothing else can ever separate him from the love of God that he found there at that altar, if he'll continue to follow in the way of the Lord. But today we don't have the sincerity to it, we just take it as just a tradition, "Our fathers did this."

55 Just like Thanksgiving Day. Many people today never thought, tens of thousands times thousands, and millions of America eat dinner today in a thanksgiving celebration, with a turkey on their table, and never as much as offered a blessing, returned thanks. But they wouldn't have this without having it. On the same table where they had the turkey, a quart of whiskey and a lot of beer. Sitting around the table. It's become a tradition.
You say, "That's ridiculous. That's not even Americanism."
I'll turn it right back into your lap. To come to the altar with a dry-eyed confession is a tradition. You should die there to your sacrifice, as you identify yourself that you are dead. Amen. Buried in Christ, the world is dead behind you. And you're to walk in a new life with Christ Jesus, in His resurrection. Loving His Word, taking His Word, watch Him identifying Himself in His Word, as giving you the identification that you've passed from death unto life. What a time that we're living in! Yes, sir.

56 Now we see that we're living down at the last hours, the believers must accept all the Word.
Notice, it was not just to get together and talk about it, that all the Jews come together and say, "Now I'll tell you what, tell you, fellows. You know, I believe that Moses is right, because, look, we see God identifying Himself with Moses. Because, we see that pillar of fire, we know what happens. We know all the identifications that God has given Moses. It's right. You know, he said, 'We've got to have the blood on the door.' I believe that. But, you know, after all, I believe I'm just about as good as anybody. I'm really a covenant Jew. I've been circumcised and I pay my offerings and tithes into the congregation. Why, even the priest, I eat dinner with him. Well, I'm just as good a man as the rest of you are." That isn't what happened.

57 We're not to come together to talk about the message. We are to come together to get in the message. And the message is Christ, He is the Word. We're to get into it, get beneath it. Yes, sir. That's what we're supposed to do.
He was not responsible for any persons out from under the blood, not one; no matter who he was, he was not responsible. All had to take not only himself, but his whole family. They're only safe when the token was displayed.
We cannot feel safe until this token is displayed. That's right. You must come under this token, God's Holy Spirit. And it displays to you Jesus Christ, because it comes and lives in you.

John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

58 As I said last night, and up in New York, at one of the messages. If I told you that Shakespeare lived in me, I would do the works of Shakespeare. 'Cause, I couldn't help it, I'm no more myself, I am dead. Shakespeare and I can't live together in here. Shakespeare was a poet, and I'm a minister, we can't live together. But if I am dead to myself, then, and Shakespeare lives in me, the works of Shakespeare I'll do. The life of Shakespeare in me will be lived out like Shakespeare. If the life of Beethoven lived in me, I would be Beethoven. If the life of John Dillinger lived in me, I would be John Dillinger. That's right.

59 And if the life of Jesus Christ lives in the person, they become identified with Him. It's Christ in you. Not a church member, not a system, but a resurrected power. It's the Holy Ghost, is a token upon you, that your life says "amen" to every scripture, the promises written in there.
And you are not yourself no more. You are Christ's. You don't think your thoughts. You don't think your thoughts, you say, "I think." You have no thought coming. The life that was in Christ is in you. The mind that was in Christ is in you. The works that was in Christ is in you, and Christ Himself is in you. You are dead; your life is hid in God through Christ, sealed in there by the Holy Ghost. You're not your own.

Philippians 2:5 Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus:

Colossians 1:27 To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory:

Colossians 3:3 For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God.

60 You're not responsible for anybody. The whole family must be brought into, and the token must be displayed. It had to be. If it wasn't displayed, then it was of none effect. You could believe in it, you could say, "Oh, yes, I believe it." But that didn't do it. You say, "Well, I'll tell you what I'll do. I'll put it in a bucket, and I'll sit it over here on the wall. But really, I think, as long as I have it in here, if I have the blood over here." No, sir.
You can't be a secret boy about it. No, sir. You've got to have it! You've got to have it on display. That was the purpose of putting it on the door, so He could see it on the lintel and on the doorpost. It's something you're not ashamed of. You want the whole world to know that you are dead, and your life is hid in God through Christ.

Colossians 3:3 For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God.

61 Talk about a Thanksgiving Day, I tell you, not a tradition, not at all. We got too many traditions now. What we need today is a refreshing, a baptism of the Holy Spirit back in the church; not a celebration, but a filling. Then that ought to be our Thanksgiving Day celebration, as we'd call it. It ought to be the Holy Spirit coming into our lives. If we could eat a turkey like our forefathers eat, we ought to receive the Holy Ghost like the forefathers had. Amen. Not a tradition, but a commandment from God. We should receive it.

62 Look at Joshua, if you read Joshua, the 2nd chapter. I've got wrote down here, "Read it." I haven't got the time. But I want you to know, when Moses and Joshua were on the road through the wilderness, coming to the exodus, they sent out some ministers, spies, to go spy out the land. And remember, there was a Gentile over on the other side of the river, by the name of Rahab. She was a harlot. Poor kid was a streetwalker, perhaps turned out by her family. But we find out that when she seen those men and knowed that they were men of God, she was a harlot, and she wanted to know if there could be any mercy could be granted to her.
God gives mercy to those who call for mercy. All that call for mercy shall receive mercy.

Joshua 2:1 And Joshua the son of Nun sent out of Shittim two men to spy secretly, saying, Go view the land, even Jericho. And they went, and came into an harlot's house, named Rahab, and lodged there.

Joshua 2:12 Now therefore, I pray you, swear unto me by the LORD, since I have shewed you kindness, that ye will also shew kindness unto my father's house, and give me a true token:

Joshua 2:13 And that ye will save alive my father, and my mother, and my brethren, and my sisters, and all that they have, and deliver our lives from death.

63 Notice this harlot, she said, "I'll show kindness." Watch, she didn't have to see Joshua. She didn't know the way he combed his hair or the clothes he wore. She said, "I have heard that God is with you." That's all she wanted to know.
And I tell you, today, brother, it ain't how you comb your hair, or what you do, or what kind of clothes you wear, what kind of a Ph.D. you got. "I hear that God is among you," that's the main thing. We want to know where God is among this.

Joshua 2:11 And as soon as we had heard these things, our hearts did melt, neither did there remain any more courage in any man, because of you: for the LORD your God, he is God in heaven above, and in earth beneath.

Joshua 2:12 Now therefore, I pray you, swear unto me by the LORD, since I have shewed you kindness, that ye will also shew kindness unto my father's house, and give me a true token:

64 Watch the organizations. Look where they're going to. Is God among the organizations? If it is, then He's leading them straight to the council of churches, and back to the mark of the beast. God is not in that.
God is in His Word, for He is the Word. That's exactly. "I have heard." And faith cometh not by hearing the council, but it's the Word. Hearing the Word!
They seen this, and they knowed. She knowed it was the truth. She asked for mercy, watch, for both her and her family. She asked for her and her family, just like they did in Egypt.

Joshua 2:13 And that ye will save alive my father, and my mother, and my brethren, and my sisters, and all that they have, and deliver our lives from death.

Romans 10:17 So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

65 Notice, there was given to her a token--a red token. That the scarlet string that she let the spies down out of the window, was to be a token. God would not, destroying angel... God's destroying angel would not come near her as long as she had that token. But, what if she'd said, "Oh, I let them down. I done a good deed. So now to keep anybody from criticizing me, and seeing this scarlet rope hanging out here, I'll pull the rope back up"? Then the judgment angel would have never passed over her house. She had to have the token displayed. It had to remain there.
Hallelujah! Oh, it means "praise our God," in these hours. Remember this. I'm not in here for a living. I'm not in here preaching for a living. No, sir. I can work for that, yet. I don't do this for that. If I thought that there was any other way besides this, right... Remember, this is I, I've got to meet God. It's my soul that's got to be meet. It's not only me, but I'd have more condemnation. The Word of God is God. That's God's program that's laying there, and that's the truth.
I believe that the scarlet thread had to be displayed, or the angel, destroying angel, would have never honored anything else but that token when it was displayed. The messengers gave her a token, and she must keep it displayed.

Joshua 2:15 Then she let them down by a cord through the window: for her house was upon the town wall, and she dwelt upon the wall.

Joshua 2:18 Behold, when we come into the land, thou shalt bind this line of scarlet thread in the window which thou didst let us down by: and thou shalt bring thy father, and thy mother, and thy brethren, and all thy father's household, home unto thee.

66 Notice, Jericho had heard what God had done, but did nothing to take the warning.
The world today, it's not shut up in a side somewhere, the whole world knows these things goes on. The whole world has known. The Episcopalians, the Catholic, the Lutheran, all the denominations know that there is a God that works in His Word in this day, and keeps His signs and wonders a-moving. It's not just shut up in a corner. They heard it, but they did not want to receive it.
His great power and His signs had been displayed, but they didn't want to receive it. Just the same as it was in Sodom, His great signs and wonders had been displayed there, but they didn't want to receive it. So there wasn't nothing left but judgment, was next. They must believe the whole Word, to be safe. But they thought they were safe, perhaps, in their great big organization of Jericho, their city. They thought that was good enough, but it wasn't so.
But one little harlot. There must have been some tape boys slipped in there and played some of the tapes. The predestinated seed caught it and believed it. So, anyhow, they got in there for a message. They had church that night in her house. She used her house for a church, to receive the message.

67 O God, let us open our hearts and receive the message, that Jesus is alive tonight. He is right here among us. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Open up your house and let the messenger, the Holy Ghost, come in and identify you by His own presence, the token that's upon you. Then you don't have to take anybody else's word for it, He is there to speak for Himself. And He is the Word. That's right. It's God's token, to identify His own self.
She used her house for the messengers. Then she got all the city, that would believe, under the same token. That's the way the church should be doing today. Getting everything that will believe under the token. The token is the Holy Ghost. Just remember, they must get under the Holy Ghost.

Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

68 And when God had destroyed his angels... The destroying angel come through, and when they seen the sign of the token, her house stood. The rest of Jericho fell down. But just the sounding of a trumpet, just think, and the whole walls fell down. They went straightway and utterly slayed everything there was in there, but all that was under that token was safe. Why? The messenger of God had come. They had told them the truth and they got under the token. Yes, sir. But many of them didn't want to believe it. So if they didn't want to believe it, they had to take the circumstances.
Same life that was in the token of Egypt, see, same thing like the life token in Egypt.

Joshua 6:20 So the people shouted when the priests blew with the trumpets: and it came to pass, when the people heard the sound of the trumpet, and the people shouted with a great shout, that the wall fell down flat, so that the people went up into the city, every man straight before him, and they took the city.

69 When they put the string down, that was the token. In that Gentile world, there was no blood applied for them yet, but they give a symbol of the red, of the token. So, when they saw the token; Joshua, a type of Jesus, was true to the token and sign that his messengers had preached, when Joshua give orders that no one should walk up to that house where that token was (no, sir), because no one was to be killed under that token. And Joshua really means "Jehovah-saviour," same as Jesus does. And when he sent his messengers, Joshua, another type to the Gentile world, and the Gentile, that little minority that believed and displayed this token, even the destroying angel recognized that token, see.
That's the only thing He'll recognize today.

70 He never recognized the president of that company. No. He didn't recognize the chief men, the war lords, the great men. He never recognized them. He only recognized where the token was displayed. Many of them might have believed it. Many of them might have believed that they were going to be taken, but that didn't stop it. The token had to be displayed. Yes, sir. That's all. All under it was saved in Egypt. And the same time, all under it was saved in Jericho.

71 The bloody Lamb is our token tonight. In Hebrews 13:10 and 20, it is called the "everlasting covenant," if you'd like to read it. God's blood-bound promises made us free from sin and flesh. It is an everlasting covenant, to worship Him and show forth His promised signs. The New Testament is the new covenant in His blood. The Bible said so. The New Testament means the "new covenant," blood life, new life token in us. Where the old blood stood for a simple sign of the chemistry that a lamb had died, the Holy Ghost is the life that was in the person of Jesus Christ that's displayed in you and I, tonight. Outside of that, there is no mercy. "Only when I see the blood, I'll pass over you."

Exodus 12:13 And the blood shall be to you for a token upon the houses where ye are: and when I see the blood, I will pass over you, and the plague shall not be upon you to destroy you, when I smite the land of Egypt.

Hebrews 8:13 In that he saith, A new covenant, he hath made the first old. Now that which decayeth and waxeth old is ready to vanish away.

Hebrews 13:20 Now the God of peace, that brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant,

72 I'm trying to press upon your minds, friends, that the hour has struck, that something has got to be done by it. We must do something. It's either in or out. That's all. The hour has come where the token must be there. If this ever... If this church ever expects to remain alive until Jesus Christ comes, the token will have to be here. That's all. If death don't, it'll take the death mark. And soon, it's in congress right now, the big machine set up to make all churches come into that federation of churches.
And you'd better really have the token shining. But the hour is here for the exodus. And this time we're going to a promised land, the promise of eternal life. This token shows that Jesus Christ... The Holy Ghost shows that Jesus has met every requirement for us, that we are, in our nature, fallen sons of God. And we have no power within us. We have no life within us. We are a fallen race of people, from Adam. But when we can display the token, that the Word and we become the same, shows that Jesus Christ met the requirement for our sin and death, and has displayed His token within us. Oh, how simple it can be! You are condemned. We were all condemned. There is no way to save ourselves, and God sent us a token. He killed His Son at Calvary for us. And the life that was in that blood, when it was shed at Calvary, has come back to be a token upon us.

73 God's everlasting, eternal token, it's eternal life by the eternal God. And anything that had a beginning has an end, and everything had a beginning besides God. And God is the only form of eternal life there is. And when God places His Holy Spirit in you, which is God, and when God places Hisself within you, you're as eternal as God is. Because, you're a part of Him, because you become a son or a daughter of God and you are displaying His Word. Hallelujah! I feel religious. That's true. God identifies it Himself. You've got eternal life, and that's God in you. And this Word is God. And that Word lives and produces itself. Just exactly what God has ordained for this age, you have it amen. The Holy Ghost, the Holy Spirit being displayed. Yes, sir. What is it? The Holy Spirit, the Word has been quickened to you by the Holy Spirit, to vindicate this age, that you have passed from death unto life.

74 And now you are His. Oh, because He is, we have the right to all that He has purchased for us. Every promise in the Bible is yours. It belongs to you, when this token is upon you and God has sealed you. Now we want to check ourselves just for a moment. When God has give you the true baptism of the Holy Spirit, then the life of Jesus Christ is within you. Now, that's true. Every theologian will have to admit that to be ... it's the new birth. You are borned anew, of the Holy Ghost. And because that God has did this, and you know you're no good in yourself, and you accept what God has did, then He seals you into His kingdom, by the Holy Spirit. And everything that Jesus purchased and promised you, in the Bible, is yours. It's your property because it's paid for. Amen. Life is mine; He paid for it. Life is yours; He paid for it. Healing's mine; He paid for it. Healing is yours; He paid for it. Freedom is mine; He paid for it. Heaven is mine; He paid for it. He's paid the price. Everything He purchased belongs to the man that holds the token. Amen. "Pass my token [upon the street car], on that day of the judgment, and I'll pass over you." Amen. Holding it in! Holding your confession in the Word, that Jesus Christ has died for you. And when He does it, He displays Himself through you. Amen. Yes. When you recognize the token, the life that it took for the blood to speak!

Ephesians 4:30 And grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption.

75 You'll say, "Blood speak? Wait a minute, Brother Branham." The blood speaks. The Bible says it does. All right.
The blood speaks. Remember, the covenant blood is not recognized without the token. Now the Word assures us of the promise. The token is the sign that the purchase has been made for us, and God has accepted it.
When you go and say, "I want a ride to New York City." What do they do? They give you a ticket. What is it? It's a token. It isn't money. It's a token, but it takes money to buy it.

Genesis 4:10 And he said, What hast thou done? the voice of thy brother's blood crieth unto me from the ground.

Hebrews 12:24 And to Jesus the mediator of the new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling, that speaketh better things than that of Abel.

76 Now, when you want eternal life, you receive a token, showing that the price has been paid. It isn't the blood, but it's the token of the blood. It's the life itself. Amen. Full obedience to the whole Word of God, to God's entire Word, will entitle you to this token.
How do you do it? Peter said, on the day of Pentecost, "Repent, every one of you, and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost, the token. For the promise is unto you, and to your children, to them that's far off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call."

Acts 2:38 Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.

Acts 2:39 For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call.

77 When they seen that wonderful display of the power of the resurrection, Peter got up there and quoted the Scriptures of Joel, and so forth, give the promise for that age, and showed the requirements of that age had been met in Jesus Christ, and that He had sent back a token of His death. And that token was upon them. And He said, "The token is to you, and to your children, and to them that's far off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call, will have to have this token." Amen. It's not they ought to have it--they shall have it! You shall receive the Holy Ghost.

Joel 2:32 And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the LORD shall be delivered: for in mount Zion and in Jerusalem shall be deliverance, as the LORD hath said, and in the remnant whom the LORD shall call.

Acts 2:16 But this is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel;

Acts 2:38 Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.

Acts 2:39 For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call.

78 When you fully obey the Word of God, in full surrender to it, you're entitled to the token. Yes, sir. Obedience! "Not he that saith, 'Lord, Lord,' but he that doeth the will..." And when we pray, we must have the token to present with our prayer.
Just exactly like we do when we go to the bus station, say, "I want to ride."
"Where you going?"
You've got to have the token, if a token is required. You must have the token. You say, "Well, wait a minute, I'm Mr. Jones! That don't make a bit of difference, you've got to have the token. "Well, I tell you what, I'm in a hurry to my work. I ain't got time to fool." You'll either have the token or you won't have the token. If you don't have the token, you won't ride.
If you got a ticket and go out here to the airplane, and say, "I want to go to New York City."
"Ticket? Token?"
You say, "Well, I'll tell you, I haven't got it. I'm a pretty good sort of a guy. I'll pay you someday." No, sir, you have the token, you have to have it in your hand. It has to be displayed. It has to be. Oh!
You see what I mean? You've got to have it! You ain't got to just think so; it's got to be identified token. Right. It entitles you, when you pay the ... when you accept the price that's been paid. Yes, sir.

Matthew 7:21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.

79 Paul tells us, talking about speaking of blood, Paul tells us that the blood speaks. You believe the blood speaks? In Genesis 4:1, or 4:10, God told Cain, He said, "Where is your brother?" He said, "His blood ... his voice... The blood of his ... the voice of his blood calls out against you."
Now we also find in Hebrews, the 12th chapter and 24th verse, that the New Testament, the blood speaks better things. The blood is speaking. Then the blood has got a voice. And the voice of the blood is the Word. Hallelujah. That's what makes it whether it's right or wrong. The Word is identified by the voice of the blood. The voice of the blood is the Holy Ghost. That brings life. It is life, and it brings life to the Word and quickens it. Amen, amen, amen.

Genesis 4:10 And he said, What hast thou done? the voice of thy brother's blood crieth unto me from the ground.

Hebrews 12:24 And to Jesus the mediator of the new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling, that speaketh better things than that of Abel.

80 Sure, the blood speaks, it speaks a better thing. The Old Testament, the blood spoke of guilt. In the New Testament, it speaks of redemption. In the Old Testament, it spoke of death and sorrow. In the New Testament, it speaks of resurrection and life. It speaks of healing. It speaks of joy. It speaks of power. It speaks of life. It speaks of heaven. And that same blood that was shed upon the ground, that called out after his dead brother, or called out after his brother that had killed him. The blood of Jesus Christ covers all of our sins, and speaks peace and resurrection, and power and life, and healing. And all the redemptive blessings that the blood was shed for, it speaks for us. Certainly, the blood speaks oh, my!

Hebrews 12:24 And to Jesus the mediator of the new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling, that speaketh better things than that of Abel.

1 John 1:7 But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.

81 We must believe for ourself, like they did down there in Egypt, and also for the house; like they did in Egypt and Jericho, and so forth. And we find out, I got a scripture wrote here, called Acts 16:31, where that the Roman centurion was to take his own life, and he was going to stab hisself to death, and Paul told him to "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou and thy house shall be saved." It's got to be a household. What made so many little kids ... What makes so many women on the street? What makes so much juvenile delinquency? Because we're not able to get our household under the blood.

Acts 16:31 And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.

82 Some people said, "Well, I belong to church. Mother went up there, and I was dedicated there, as a baby."
You must display the token. Yes, sir. Move out all the worldly trash, all the things of the world, 'cause you can't love the things of the world, all your unbelief in God's Word. Remember, He promised these things in the last days. Anything in your life, that's against that, move it out, and get ready and bring the token in. Then apply the token, in prayer, with consecration, and be convinced and concerned about it.

83 If we could read here, Ephesians 2:12, it would be a-startling to us. Notice, "serve the living God," with living signs, living ordinances. Hebrews 9:11-14 tells us the same. And we don't serve dead articles or oracle, we serve the living God, with the living signs.
Not, "I go to church. I joined. I know the creed. I know the catechism." That's dead forms.
But the true token of the blood, speaking out, speaks of a living, resurrected presence, Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today, and forever; right, living right now among us. Amen. "It speaks better." From not dead forms and creeds, but a living token of a living resurrected Christ that lives in us. No, they deny there is such a thing, but we know it's true. But we who believe the Word, know that God promised it and He keeps His promise, know it is His living presence, for He does as He did.

Hebrews 9:14 How much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without spot to God, purge your conscience from dead works to serve the living God?

Hebrews 12:24 And to Jesus the mediator of the new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling, that speaketh better things than that of Abel.

Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

84 If it's in you, and you say, "Well, I don't steal. I don't lie." Well, that's just something that you can quit. You can quit stealing, quit lying, a good moral man does that. "I keep the ten commandments." They did that before Jesus died. Yeah.
But, the thing of it is, Christ living in you! Hebrews 13:8, "He is the same yesterday, today, and forever," proving that God has raised Him up for us, from the dead, according to His promised Word. It's an identification that Jesus Christ is a-living tonight. We accept His sacrificed blood, that He gave His life. The token seal of the Holy Ghost is our promise. Ephesians 4:30, said, "Grieve not the Holy Spirit of God, whereby you're sealed until the day of your redemption."

Ephesians 4:30 And grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption.

Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

85 Being baptized by this token, into the body of Christ, I Corinthians 12, now we are subject to gifts of the Spirit that's in there. The world don't believe in gifts. The church don't believe in gifts. But God's Word says there is gifts. And it takes only that token to identify those gifts. Absolutely.
And in Him is all the fullness. In Him is all the fullness of God, all the fullness of the promise. When we're baptized into Him, we have every promise, that God made, laid at our fingertips. No sin is there. No death is there. And even sickness can't stay in His presence. If Satan then puts his hands to you and tries to tempt you into something, you hold your token in your hands and show it, that you are a redeemed product of Jesus Christ. Amen. Let your unadulterated faith wave that token there, and say, "I am a product that Jesus Christ bought." Amen. Sickness flees!

1 Corinthians 12:4 Now there are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit.

1 Corinthians 12:13 For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into one Spirit.

Colossians 2:9 For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily.

86 What made that big tumor disappear in my wife yesterday? When just a few days ago, she was ready for the operating table, and now they can't find a thing. It's because the power of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, that token of God, that He still lives, has destroyed it.
Why does these things happen? is because God promised it. You are a product. Hold the token in your unwavering faith in His promised Word. God once gave us the token...

87 As I'm closing, I don't want to hold you too long. We're going to be out by nine-thirty.
God gave the world a token, one time, it was a rainbow. He gave them a token, that He would never destroy the world no more by water. And He has ever remained true to that token. Amen. He has never failed to display it. God made a token, said, "I'll give you a token. And when I promise you this, every time a rain comes, I'll show you this token." And God, when He makes a token, He displays His, 'cause that's what He promised to do. And He expects us to do the same thing. He ever remained true to His token.

Genesis 8:11 And the dove came in to him in the evening; and, lo, in her mouth was an olive leaf plucked off: so Noah knew that the waters were abated from off the earth.

88 And if we are borned of the Spirit of God, we ever remain true to it. If you're some kind of a mythical work-up, you had some kind of an excitement, joined some church, made some kind of an emotion, maybe spoke with tongues, or shouted, or jumped up-and-down, or sang in the Spirit, as you call it. I've seen all those things displayed amongst heathens, see. That doesn't spell a thing. But when really the product, the new life of Jesus Christ, comes into a man or a woman, he is a new creation, the old man is dead. He is finished. He's done. That token must always display.

89 God displayed His. Look, all these thousands of years, he has never failed to display it to us. He is loyal and true to His token, showing us that He never fails to honor what He has done. Never fails to honor! We see the rainbow, and that shows that God gave us that promise. And He said it will be that way, and He never fails to honor His Word. He'll forever honor His Word. He proves it, in that. Every token He gave, He keeps His Word.
Oh, God, He promised us a token. "And when I see the blood, I'll pass over you. And the blood shall be a token unto you."
Oh, sinner, tonight, how can you walk away from this place, out from under that token? How can you take any chance on any church membership or anything else? How can you afford to do it, seeing we're living in a time when there is no hopes in politics, there is no hope in future? The only thing lays is the coming of Jesus Christ, the coming of Christ to get His church.

Genesis 9:12 And God said, This is the token of the covenant which I make between me and you and every living creature that is with you, for perpetual generations:

Genesis 9:13 I do set my bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a token of a covenant between me and the earth.

Exodus 12:13 And the blood shall be to you for a token upon the houses where ye are: and when I see the blood, I will pass over you, and the plague shall not be upon you to destroy you, when I smite the land of Egypt.

90 How could you sensibly walk out of this basement, walk out of this room, or somewhere, and trust yourself into some creed or something that you've been quoting, that does not show any token sign of life and the regular Jesus Christ, and coming forth and producing the same yesterday, today, and forever, and manifesting His Word as He promised to do; and then could stand and say, "The days of miracles has passed," with the very token of God Himself in your life?
God is displaying His token now. And He'll ever be true to it. In the hour of your death, the angels of God will come and pack you from death, and before the great judgment strikes the world.

Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

91 And we read over there in St. John 5:24, "He that heareth my word." Now, the real translation of that is not "he that heareth." That's the King James. The real translation, in the Hebrew in that, is this, "He that receiveth my word." Not "He that heareth"; anybody can hear it, sinners and everything else. But, "He that receiveth," can take it all. Not, "He who receiveth one of my words." "He that receiveth my word, and believeth on him that sent me." When you receive the word, you receive Him. Everything He said do, that you are willing and happy to do "He that receives my word and believes on him that sent me, has eternal life, and shall not go through the judgment, but has passed from death unto life." Oh, what a promise! "When I see this token, I will pass over you."

Exodus 12:13 And the blood shall be to you for a token upon the houses where ye are: and when I see the blood, I will pass over you, and the plague shall not be upon you to destroy you, when I smite the land of Egypt.

John 5:24 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life.

92 He expects us now to display His token to all of Satan's unbelieving cults and denominations of this world, that we believe that what He has promised. Like the seed of Abraham, He is able to keep. No matter how scientific, how many astronauts, how many scientists, raise up and prove this or prove that, and next year have to take it back, we don't care what they say. All of our education can never give you life.

93 I live in a city where the University of Arizona is. And what do I find up there but filth and gaum, and the high schools and things of that city; the other day, they had four hundred teenage boys and girls with their clothes off, with kegs of beer, dancing in a big place up in Sabino Canyon up there. All these young kids come from homes, and so forth, around there, and find them up in there, from the university. What have we got? University can tell you what a seed is made out of, but it can't give a seed life. Your education only takes you farther from God.

94 There is only one can give you life. There is only one can give you life, and He will do it. If you'll apply the token, tonight, He is here to give Hisself to you and give you life. Jesus Christ is your life. Won't you receive Him, tonight, as we bow our heads?
Everybody reverend, inside and out, in the basements and wherever. This is a solemn time. This is a time to be thankful. This is a time that you thank God at your table, today, you people, I hope you did, for the food that He had give you. The dead substance, that something died so you could live, and you thank God for raising it up for you to live by.

95 Now, tonight, why don't you accept, not that natural life which has to go back with the dead substance to the earth, but why don't you accept the eternal life, where He gave something, raised it up, His own Son; that you could be conformed unto His own image, by the renewing of your spirit, to take away yours and to receive His, which is the token that you have life. And He'll pass over you and will raise you up at the day of the resurrection.
This would be a real thanksgiving. This would show your gratefulness to God who made a way for you, and placed eternal life before you, upon His own table, and is inviting you to it tonight. How could you turn it away? How could you sit at the table and be grateful for natural food, in a tradition that our pilgrim fathers did, on a Thanksgiving Day; why not now when it's made so clear to you, tonight, by this simple little way of preaching it?

96 Why don't you accept it now, and say, "I want that kind of life, Brother Branham. I'll accept that. Jesus died for me. And I, maybe I've joined church, I've had a creed; but really to see the life of Christ just pulsating me, till the world is dead, and living His life in me like He lived it here on earth, I don't see it, Brother Branham. And I want to have it. I want to be sure."
You can't afford to take a chance. We're too late now. We're getting too late for these chances. Let's receive it now.
Now, I cannot bring people to this altar. I cannot do it, there is not enough of room here. But altar calls is a tradition, again. Altar calls started in the days of Wesley. The real, "As many as believed was baptized,: the Bible said.

Acts 2:41 Then they that gladly received his word were baptized: and the same day there were added unto them about three thousand souls.

97 How many in here, that I can see visibly, up in the balconies, around in the corridors, and up-and-down the walls, and in the pews, I don't know how many is outside or down into the basement. But how many of you, that wants that token, the Holy Spirit in your life, that'll display itself right before you? Right before the cults and things of this world, that you can see that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever, the blood has been applied. Would you raise your hands, and say, "Brother Branham, I now, by raising my hand, signify to God, I want that in my life. Pray for me, Brother Branham."
There is twenty hands or more, I guess, up. Is there more? Just put it up. If I don't even see it, He will. Way up in the balcony, up in the glassed-in rooms up there, if you will just raise your hands, God will see you. On the outside, God will see you. Down in the auditorium downstairs, God will see you if you'll raise your hands.

Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

98 Brother, sister, now to you people who has received Christ years ago, and maybe you feel that you have received that token. I hope that it's right. If you have, you don't have to worry about it. It reflects itself. How could I keep from being Beethoven if he lived in me? If Christ is in you, just look at yourself in God's mirror here, the Bible. See what some Bible character looked like, see if you picture up with Daniel, with Ezekiel, with the Christians of the early church. See if you picture up with them. Are you worldly? Do you love the world or the things of the world? Has all that died and you become a new creature?
Back over to my right, back into the wing here, would you lift your hands, and say, "Remember me, Brother Branham, I truly want to display that token. I want it in my life. I must have it." God bless you. God bless you, and you. Many of you, yes, the Lord sees you. God bless you.
I wish there was some way now, after you've thrown up your hands like that, and no doubt there is probably as many downstairs, nearly, as there is upstairs here, and so we just wonder, "What can I do now?" Here I've told you the Word, I'm ... in the simple way that I have, because I'm just a simple person. And that's what you want to be right now, just simple. Just make yourself simple. And God is so simple.

99 If you've never been baptized in Christian baptism, come. They will baptize you, tonight, if you want to be baptized. Be thankful to God that there is a way to live. You was thankful, today, that you lived in America. Thank God that you got a church here that believes the Word of God. You thank God because He give you food to eat, that you might live a little longer, now why not receive Him and be thankful for the Holy Spirit that gives you eternal life. Why can't you come and accept that? Is there another one that hasn't raised their hands, would like to do it now, visibly here that I can see? All right. God bless you, young lady. God bless that young woman. And God bless you. That's fine.

100 Just really mean it now, just genuinely mean it. This closing hour now, we got five minutes till closing time, till nine thirty. Let's just sit still just a moment, inside and out. Let's think of this, sincerely. It's not... It does bring emotions, certainly. But let's not think of emotion right now. Let's think of the sincerity of what we're doing, "By faith I lay my hands over on my sacrifice, Jesus Christ. I want to be identified in His death. I'm through with the world. I'm through with Hollywood. I'm through with fashions."
The women, "I'm through cutting my hair. I'm through wearing immoral clothes. I'm through wearing make-up. I'm through playing cards. I'm through with the trash of the world."
You men, likewise, "I'm through with drinking. I'm through with smoking. I'm through with lying. I'm through with jokes. I'm through with jesting. I'm through with all these idle words that the Bible said we'll give an account for."
"I want the seal. I want the token in my life. I'm laying my hands, by faith, right now, upon my sacrifice, Jesus Christ. I'm identifying myself as a dead man [or a dead woman, boy or girl]. I die now, with Him, because He died that I can live. And I'm accepting my life, in Him. And, O Lord, make it known to me, tonight, that eternal life now dwells within me."

Matthew 8:8 The centurion answered and said, Lord, I am not worthy that thou shouldest come under my roof: but speak the word only, and my servant shall be healed.

Luke 7:7 Wherefore neither thought I myself worthy to come unto thee: but say in a word, and my servant shall be healed.

101 Think those thoughts. Believe those things. Let this entire group of people standing here, up, down, and around the place, let them all take that deeply and sincerely. You will see a healing meeting that you've never seen before, when that starts. What we need now is healing of our soul, a faith, a something in us that takes ahold of the Word, that when you see the Word made real. "Just speak the Word, and it'll be so." Like the Roman said to Jesus, "Just speak the Word, and it'll be so."

102 Heavenly Father, I realize that my prayer now is between the living and dead. What must I say, Lord? What kind of a words can I use? What expression can I come to You with, Lord? I don't know what to say. They have raised their hands. You know what was behind it, whether they meant it, or just doing it as routine, or whether they really meant it. If they meant it, Lord, I know You mean Your Word. You are ready to display anything that You promised.
And I pray for those people now. Each one of them, I claim for Christ. Each one, I claim as a trophy for this message tonight, of the blood of Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost which came from the blood. The chemical, sure, He gave His blood. He raised up his flesh, but he gave His blood. The chemicals dried up a long time ago down there at Calvary. But the token that was in the chemicals ... the Holy Spirit that was in that chemicals is just as fresh and real tonight, as it was the day that the cells were broken in His body. That is the token. That's the token, the everlasting token, it's eternal life. I pray that it'll come upon each one now that's got their heads bowed, and if they will receive it.

103 They are thankful, tonight, Lord, that You made a way. They are thankful for Jesus Christ, the dead substance that You raised up for our justification, to show that if we take of His life, we can live forever. May it come upon this group, those that raised their hands. And maybe some of them, knowed they should have done it, but has put it off so long, till after a while there is a scar cut there. There is no more desire. God, shake that person again. This may be the last night on earth that they'll live. Tomorrow may be too late.
How did Mr. Kennedy know, that going down the street, laughing, that in one more minute, he would be laying in his wife's lap, dead. Last week he was happy, rejoicing, playing with his children, tonight his body is molding in the grave. A renown man, our president, but death is no respect of anyone. It must come.

104 And now, Lord, may we prepare for that death in this hour. I accept it, Lord, anew. I covet myself anew with You, tonight, Lord, as I stand in the pulpit. As I spoke to the people this morning, about Your visitation on top of the mountain, Lord God, I promise You, anew, let me live as long as You have desire of me living, and let me be true to the principles of this Word. May I so live, till I can dismiss my own thoughts, dismiss my own life, and let the life of Jesus Christ reflect through it, in his promised Word of this day. And may this great promise come upon everyone that's present now, for we ask it in Jesus Christ's name.

105 With our heads bowed now.
There is a fountain filled with blood,
Drawn from Immanuel's veins,
And sinners plunged beneath the flood,
Lose all their guilty stain.
Lose all their guilty stain,
Lose all their guilty stain;
And sinners plunged beneath that flood,
Lose all their guilty stain.
Now with our heads bowed. You that made that, accepting, "Jesus Christ, I want You. I want Your token." See, it's your prayer that saves you, it's your faith that saves you. Do you believe now with all your heart, and you're ready for Christian baptism, would you just raise up your hand? Just say, "I'm ready." God bless you. God bless you. That's right. Downstairs, I don't know how many is down there. Just promise God. Back in the wing here, to my right. "I am now believing Jesus Christ, and I am ready for Christian baptism."
"Repent, every one of you, and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins." What for? What are you baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for? For the remission; to remit! "... not another name under heaven given among men." For the remission of sins. "And you shall receive the token. For the promise is unto you, and to them that's far off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call."

Acts 2:38 Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.

Acts 2:39 For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call.

Acts 4:12 Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.

106 And if God calls you, and you raised up your hand, then the promise is unto you. Be thankful. Make yourself up here and identify yourself with Christ, while coming for water baptism. The minister will meet you here and make ready for baptismal services, when you want to be baptized. I suppose they got robes and things ready right now, in the basement, for the baptismal service, if you desire so. Don't put it off, tomorrow. Do it now. "He that puts his hand on the plow, and even turns to look back, is not worthy of plowing." [Gap in the audio.]

107 "My Faith Looks Up To Thee." Sister Anna Jean, if you will accompany at the piano. "My Faith Looks Up To Thee," while we stand up on our feet just now, to give testimony to God. Let's each one now, sing this old hymn of the church, for the future, that if we leave here, this world before next Thanksgiving again, the day of Thanksgiving, that every day in our life shall be a thanksgiving, that the Word still lives, that we are identified with Him, in death, burial, and resurrection.
And now you downstairs, you up in the balcony, and you outside, in the corridors, someone will meet you here now, to take your application for water baptism, just in a little bit.
Let's close our eyes now, raise up our hands for our thanksgiving offering to God, downstairs, upstairs, everywhere. All right.
My faith looks up to Thee,
Thou Lamb of Calvary,
O Saviour divine;
Now hear me while I pray,
Take all my sins away,
Nor let me ev... this day
Be wholly Thine!
While life's dark maze I tread, (be a light)
And grief around me spread,
(display your token)
Be Thou my guide;
Bid darkness turn to day,
Wipe all my fears away,
Nor let me ever stray
From Thee aside.

108 [Tongues and interpretation are given from the audience.]
Just be real reverent. With such a call as that, I feel that I should call those candidates to come up here before this altar. Does your faith look to that? You remember one time when the congregation was standing, and the Spirit fell upon a man and he prophesied. Speaking in tongues with interpretation is prophecy. So, I'm asking the candidates now, if you will come forward, you who doesn't know assure that you have this. Did you hear that warning? You haven't much more time. There might be your last opportunity, tonight, you might grieve it for the last time.

109 Will you come, while we keep our heads bowed. And sing again lowly, "There is a fountain (make it right, here now) filled with blood drawn from Immanuel's veins." All right. With your heads bowed. Come, candidates. I want to... God bless you. Come right on up now, upstairs; or downstairs, go up and gather yourselves together, and send a minister down there now to take care of it. Walk forward now. You that's coming, come up right now. Don't put it off any longer. Don't let Satan say, "Oh, some other time." Do it right now. Right now, quick, move. Have your staff in your hand. Staff in your hand, your loins girded; the Passover is coming.
... ... guilty stain.
Lose all their guilty stain,
Lose all their guilt...
Just keep coming out, come right on down, come right on up around.
And sinners plunge... ... . .
Don't try, just don't take a chance. It's too late to take a chance, friend. If you're not sure, come now. Now is the time.
The dying thief rejoiced to see
That fount... (Oh, a real thanksgiving!)
... his day;
Someone's thankful that God sent His Son that He might be identified with the people.
... ... ... vile as he,
Wash all my sin...
Let the lady down the aisle. That's right. Come right on, sister.
Wash all my sins away,
Wash all (Oh, what a time now!) ... away;
Oh, and there may I, though vile as he,
Wash all my sins away.
Oh, the fountain's here now. Let's raise our hands, everywhere, in thanksgiving to God. Thanksgiving!

110 Father, God, receive our thanksgiving, tonight. Receive these people into Your kingdom, Lord. We give Thee thanks and praise, through our Lord Jesus.
Some of you brethren go down amongst these people now. Come right down amongst the people.
Praise be to God! I'm thankful, tonight, for the Holy Ghost, and for the things that we know He's doing.
You around the altar now, surrender your lives right to Him. Let this be the time that when life comes in.
Lose all their guilty stain.
Just be thankful to the Lord now, every one of you, just with thanksgiving. He promised you the Holy Ghost; be thankful for it. That's what they were doing, thanking and blessing God, for the promise. Just believe it now! Brother Don, come.

The Token (1964-02-08) (William M. Branham Sermons)

The Token (1964-02-08) (William M. Branham Sermons) somebody

The Token

1 Let us remain standing just a moment as we bow our heads for prayer. Gracious Father God, we thank Thee this morning from the depths [blank spot] ... be the Word. Remember tomorrow afternoon. [blank spot] Is that right? But, you know where I mean. It's about fifty miles up the road.In the book of Exodus, we read tonight from the 12th chapter of Exodus, and the 12th verse and the 13th verse. I believe it would be nice if we stood, while we read the Word, in respects to God. Exodus 12:12:
For I will pass through the land of Egypt this night, and I will smite all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, both man and beast; ... against all the gods of Egypt I will execute judgment: I am the LORD.
And the blood shall be unto you for a token upon the house where you are: and when I see the blood, I will pass over you, and the plague shall not be upon you to destroy you, when I smite the land of Egypt.

Exodus 12:12 For I will pass through the land of Egypt this night, and will smite all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, both man and beast; and against all the gods of Egypt I will execute judgment: I am the LORD.

Exodus 12:13 And the blood shall be to you for a token upon the houses where ye are: and when I see the blood, I will pass over you, and the plague shall not be upon you to destroy you, when I smite the land of Egypt.

2 Let us bow our heads. Father God, we pray tonight that we'll examine ourself and see if the blood is sufficiently, and in sight. As we speak on thy Word, may the Holy Spirit guide us. In Jesus' name. Amen. You may be seated.

3 Our Scripture reading tonight takes us back in Exodus. Exodus is an "outgoing" and this... We're all acquainted with the time. And for the context I'm going to take the subject of "The Token." A token. What is a token? A token is a sign of a ... that a price has been paid, like a railroad company or a bus fare. When they run a bus line, you go in ... many of the cities still have it... You can, or ... a ticket is a token.
If you go to a railroad company, or an airplane company, and buy a ticket, it isn't the money that you give in when you go---it's the token, your ticket, or your little token that shows that you have purchased a required price. They require a certain price, and this price has been paid.

4 And the subject we are speaking on tonight, God's requirement for Israel---requirement of Jehovah---was the blood of a lamb. That was His requirement, and it was to be for a token. The token showed that the requirement had been met, that what God had required had been met.
What the railroad requires---the token---shows it's been met. Your fare is paid. You're ready to get on the train, plane, bus, whatever it is. But you must have the token. You can't go on without the token.
Many of the companies will not receive your cash. When you go out to the airplane, walk out there and say, "I want to pay my ticket," you go get your ticket first. You must have the ticket. And just the token is what you must hold. The money itself will not work. You must have the token.

5 The life was gone out from the sacrifice. And now the blood was a token: His orders had been carried out. That's what it was in Egypt, that dreadful night just before death struck---the last plague. God had showed His great signs and wonders in Egypt, His long-suffering and kindness to Pharaoh and all of His people. He'd sent many great signs through the land. He sent them a prophet, showed them signs and wonders, a pillar of fire, and all that He had did, and yet... All that He had did, yet they would not repent. They would not come to God. They ignored all of His signs. They ignored His prophet. They ignored the message. They wanted their own way. So God had been fed up with them.
So He said, "I'm going to make a separation, now, between those who do believe, and those who do not believe." I think we're living in that time now, where God's making a choice. Men will believe, or they won't believe.

Exodus 12:7 And they shall take of the blood, and strike it on the two side posts and on the upper door post of the houses, wherein they shall eat it.

6 And God required a token. This token was an innocent lamb, that he had substituted for death in the garden of Eden. And now, when the lamb was killed, the blood was to be placed upon the doorpost and on the lintel. And it was to show that the requirement had been carried out.
Oh, I think that's a great lesson for us, as we look at it---see the believing worship, as he was identified by the token of the blood. He had to ... the believer had to get the lamb, slay the lamb---a lamb for a house---take the blood, the hyssop (which is just a little brush that grows up there in the country, and they ... common weeds we'd call it), and had to apply the blood. It shows by the applying of the blood with this hyssop...
Hyssop represents faith. Many times people think they have to have some supernatural faith to be a believer. It isn't. The hyssop speaks for that, just common weeds that you could get it anywhere. Pick it up, dip it in the blood, and apply the blood.

Exodus 12:22 And ye shall take a bunch of hyssop, and dip it in the blood that is in the basin, and strike the lintel and the two side posts with the blood that is in the basin; and none of you shall go out at the door of his house until the morning.

7 The blood tonight is applied by simple faith, just not nothing supernatural. It's right around you everywhere. Just simply like a child, reach out and get ahold of it, and apply the blood. The hyssop is just a simple childlike faith for the believer. It isn't something out of your reach. You don't have to reach very far to get it.
This hyssop that grows in that country, it grows out of the cracks of the walls---a little, kind of a diamond-shaped leaf. You can pick it up anywhere, just as grass, or weeds would be, and in the country here now. Just pick it up, apply it, put it on the door. That's the way faith is to be applied. Take faith rather, and apply the blood of Jesus Christ by faith to the heart's door. This was going to separate, and make the difference between those who were going out of Egypt, and those who were going to stay in Egypt and perish with Egypt. It made the difference.

8 Strange how God always works through signs, signals, tokens, and so forth. He always has done it. That's His way of doing anything. He never does it outside of that. God never makes a move until He does it in that way. The way God starts, that's the way God finishes. He's infinite, omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient. He needs nobody's help. He doesn't need our interpretation.
As I said last night, He doesn't need us to interpret the Word and say what it means. He speaks: what it says, it will do. That's the interpretation. Nobody has to interpret it. When God says, "Let it be," and it is: that's His interpretation of it.
We might say "The days of miracles is past. There is no such a thing as the baptism of the Holy Spirit." A man who believes it, God speaks through him; and that's the interpretation. They got it. They know they have it, because God gives His own interpretation to His Word.

9 That's what He was requiring that night, to separate the believers from the unbelievers. The believer worshipper was identified with his sacrifice. He must apply the blood. It wasn't take and kill the lamb, set the blood out there somewhere, or keep it in a charger, take it down to the neighbors. He had to apply the blood. That's the way it is tonight. We could come and sympathize with everything God does---that isn't what He requires. You've got to apply it. It's not sufficient until you apply it. The blood must be applied. That shows that you are identified. The worshipper laid his hand upon the lamb and then killed it, identified himself with the sacrifice.

Leviticus 1:4 And he shall put his hand upon the head of the burnt offering; and it shall be accepted for him to make atonement for him.

10 The same thing we do tonight, is lay our hand upon our sacrifice and identify ourself with Him. And He is the Word. We have to be identified. Only through Christ is when we're identified by the Word, because He is the Word, always has been. In the beginning was the Word, the Word was with God, and the Word was God ... and the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us: the same yesterday, today, and forever.

John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

John 1:14 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.

Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

11 So much Word is allotted to each generation. God sends someone in there, and identifies that Word by His interpretation of Himself. Creeds and things has always had the church in such a turmoil. Everybody says, "Well, this is the way. And this is the way. And this is what you must do."
But God comes in and steps on the scene, and makes what He said come to pass. That's the interpretation. Needs nobody to tell. Not sinful men, or organizations, or any great big denomination, or anything else, to interpret the Word---some bishop, archbishop, pope or something. That isn't it; God does His own interpreting. When He promised it, He does it. God said many times... When He said, "Let there be light," and there was light, that's the interpretation. It doesn't need any more ... anything else to try to interpret it. God interprets itself.

Genesis 1:3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.

12 This blood being applied and identified... Worshipper identified himself with the blood by applying it in his own house, over the door, where he could not go out or come in without being recognized by the blood. A very perfect type of, today, of the blood of Jesus Christ.
Then the blood was a token of identification. Christ is a token of the identification of a believer today. Animal life... Them days the reason they had to apply the chemical blood (take it upon hyssop, place it upon the doorpost and the lintel) is because the animal... The worshipper that put his hands and identified himself with the animal... The life that was in the animal could not return back upon the worshipper, because the animal doesn't have a soul. He doesn't better hisself at all.

13 We find out today that we men, although fallen---this fallen state---we build our houses better, we build a better car. We take what God has created, pervert it, and turn it into something to help ourself. It goes to show that we are sons of God. In our fallen estate, yet we have a soul. We cannot create like God did; but we can take what He created and make a similar creation out of what He's already created.
An animal doesn't do that. The dog still lives in the same way he lived. The bird still builds a nest. And the fish has his spawning grounds. There's no difference, yet because why? Because they don't have a soul. But proves that man is in the image of his creator.
Therefore, that when the animal died, and the (blood) was broken, the cell was broken, the life is in the blood cell. And when the blood cell was broken, the blood broken up, the worshipper had to take the chemistry of the blood, and put it upon the door, so it could be seen with the literal eye. Because the life that was in the animal could not come back upon the man, not having a soul. Therefore, it wouldn't mix with the soul of a man. An animal's life won't come back upon the human being.

14 Now, our sacrifice today, not only an ordinary human being, but it was God Himself that was identified in flesh, here upon the earth. When that blood cell was broke, not only did the soul of a man, or a spirit of a man, but God Himself, who was identified in that man, returned back upon the believer in the baptism of the Holy Spirit. That's the token, that God requires today.
The token of today that we have to have must be the Holy Spirit. That's God's required token. I can prove it to you by the scriptures. Without the Holy Spirit, you do not display the token. That's ... the token shows that you have identified yourself with the sacrifice, and God has sent you back the token to show that you've been accepted. Until that's done, no matter how good you are, how much you know, how much ... college professor, good person, preacher, whatever it might be, you are absolutely not recognized until you can show the token.

15 Israel, in that exodus as they come out that time, they had to have the token to prove that they was identified with their sacrifice. And tonight, God requires the baptism of the Holy Ghost for proof that we've been identified in the resurrection of Jesus Christ. And there's nothing short of it. The Bible teaches it plain. And we must believe it. It's God's Word. God's requiring it. We're having an exodus again. We all know that. Israel is marching to the promised land. So will the bride go to her home pretty soon.

16 Now, we find out the blood was a token and was identified. Everyone was identified by the blood. The Holy Ghost is our token today, to identify us (by) with Jesus Christ in His resurrection, the blood being applied by faith. The chemistry of the blood could not sprinkle every heart---we know that---because it was shed on Calvary. It bathed the ground. But out...
When that blood cell was broke, it released God through the sanctifying power that the blood had, to come back to believers.

17 God in the beginning was God the Father, who lived above all: just like the pillar of fire that led the children of Israel through the wilderness. He come down upon the mountain. If anybody touched the mountain because ... he must be killed. God's holy, and He cannot condone sin in no manner. And the man that touched that mountain died... Even a beast had to be thrust through. When God came down... He was holy.
Then God condescend, come down, and was made in the form of a man that we could handle Him, touch Him, the Bible says. In that tiny little blood cell...

Exodus 19:12 And thou shalt set bounds unto the people round about, saying, Take heed to yourselves, that ye go not up into the mount, or touch the border of it: whosoever toucheth the mount shall be surely put to death:

Exodus 19:13 There shall not an hand touch it, but he shall surely be stoned, or shot through; whether it be beast or man, it shall not live: when the trumpet soundeth long, they shall come up to the mount.

18 Many Jews wants to say He was a Jew. Many of us wants to say He was a Jew. He was neither Jew nor Gentile. He was God. He was a created being by the hand of almighty God. He created a tabernacle He lived in, which we know is the Son of God (that's right), the deity, the supreme deity of Jesus Christ, 'cause God dwelt in Him.
Peter said, "You men of Israel: Jesus of Nazareth, a man made known by God by signs and wonders, you took with wicked hands and crucified Him. You were witnesses of His resurrection, when the Holy Ghost was being poured out upon men."
Now, we find out that in this great thing, that as God was identifying Himself with Israel back there, and requiring that identification...

Acts 2:22 Ye men of Israel, hear these words; Jesus of Nazareth, a man approved of God among you by miracles and wonders and signs, which God did by him in the midst of you, as ye yourselves also know:

Acts 2:23 Him, being delivered by the determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God, ye have taken, and by wicked hands have crucified and slain:

19 Now we find out here, the Jews could say... They might say, "Well, now, wait just a minute. I am a Jew. I'm in the covenant of Abraham. I'm circumcised. The covenant (had) was annulled, if the token wasn't displayed. Think of that! I'm talking of a token of this day. If that blood wasn't displayed, that token...
I don't care how much you could show you was a Jew, how much you said you believed. You might've been rabbi, priest, or anything, but that token had to be applied! No ins or outs, yes or no. Until He saw the blood... He would pass over...
Some fellows might say "Come aside here. I can prove I was circumcised at eight days. The priest has record of it. My name's on the book up there."
That didn't have one thing to do with it. If the token was not applied, the covenant was annulled. It was of noneffect.

20 We must remember that what God says, He never takes back; but He adds to.
"Them of old times, you heard them say, 'Thou shall not commit adultery.' But I say unto you that whosoever looketh upon a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already." He never takes back; He adds to. He magnifies. That's what He does. All of His works, He continually magnifies them.
That's where we're walking: from one church age---from Luther into Wesley, into Pentecost, and on and on, as we go. As we move on up, God continually magnifies the same Word---just keep it going like that. Until finally the church will come into the image of Jesus Christ, which will be His bride that He'll take home, things that we're looking for today. Sure, we realize that the church will go through the tribulation; but the bride won't. She'll be taken out from the church, just as Israel was taken out of Egypt.
We find out now, that the Holy Spirit was the one, now, that identifies us with Jesus Christ.

Matthew 5:27 Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not commit adultery:

Matthew 5:28 But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.

21 The Jews might say, "Yes, we're covenant Jews." But if they did not have the token, the covenant was of no effect.
Same thing now. No matter how good we are, no matter you might say, "Well, I've did this, and I've done all these things, and I've paid my tithes, I belong to the church. I do all this." God requires a token. Show that you have been identified with your sacrifice, the one that you claim to have, the one that you believe that you have.
Peter said "Repent, every one of you, and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to them that's far off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call."

Acts 2:38 Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.

Acts 2:39 For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call.

22 Who is that sinful man that will change that, and say "The days of miracles is past"? Who will do that, and say that God's Word was wrong when He said, "Whosoever calls upon the name of the Lord... For the promise is unto you and to your children and to them that's far off even as many as the Lord our God shall call."? He'll stamp the token upon them. That makes the difference between the believer and the unbeliever.
There were those sealed by the kingdom of God; and those marked by the mark of the beast. And the ones that was marked by the mark of the beast could not take the seal of God. The same thing's coming in today, and we see it right before our own eyes.

Acts 2:21 And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.

Acts 2:39 For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call.

Romans 10:13 For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.

23 No matter how good you are, how much you say you're a believer, God requires the token. He required it in Egypt; He requires it tonight. He requires it tonight. Still, the token is just as much required in this age as it was in that age.
I don't care if you was a Bible student, how well you can explain the Scripture. Satan can do the same thing. But remember, that has nothing to do with it. God requires one thing: that's the token. The token shows that you are identified with your sacrifice that you claim that you worship. Amen! That's it. "When I see the blood, or the token... The blood shall be a token. When I see the blood, I'll pass over you."

Exodus 12:13 And the blood shall be to you for a token upon the houses where ye are: and when I see the blood, I will pass over you, and the plague shall not be upon you to destroy you, when I smite the land of Egypt.

24 Death was ready to strike Egypt then, at any time. It was a great tremendous time. God had showed them grace by showing His power, signs. Still they desired not to repent, and not turn back. They didn't want anything like that. They didn't believe it. They didn't believe the message that was going on. God had sent them a message. They didn't believe it. They still wanted to go right on the way they were doing---just a perfect type of today, same thing.
Every spiritual happening, and every spiritual sign is a warning from God that something's fixing to take place, if that sign comes from God. If it's man-made, there's nothing to it. But if it's God-sent, anyone knows ... everyone knows that God sends a sign. If it's a supernatural sign, He sends a message with that sign. Always does. He never fails to do that.
You see things that's not signs of God. Well, then it won't be nothing, 'cause God isn't in it. But when God's in it, a message is going to follow that. And that message must be from the Scripture, that must be a scriptural message. It must come "thus saith the Lord." Every spiritual happening is a sign from God,

25 like the message and the signs a-following in this day, like it was in the days of other days that we pass through, in the Bible time. And no other time could this ever be till now. No other time could this message ever come forth till now.
Jesus said, "As it was in the days of Sodom, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of man." The message could not be till now. The world wasn't in the condition, until ... it's in now. This is the hour that Jesus could appear at any time. The sleeping virgin coming in, trying to buy oil...
That time when the bride went in, and the rest of them was left here---did you ever think what happened? They went right ahead preaching, and thinking they were getting souls saved and everything, and did not know it. They knew nothing about it.
The church will go on thinking souls are being saved, and everything else, and the church is... Already the bride's sealed away. Don't know it. Certainly. That's exactly what the Scripture said. Noah went into the ark, and God sealed it out. Truly. And the time will come when men and women will cry to God, and even think that they've got something, when they haven't. That's exactly right. The Scripture speaks that.

Matthew 25:8 And the foolish said unto the wise, Give us of your oil; for our lamps are gone out.

Luke 17:28 Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded;

Luke 17:30 Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed.

26 Likewise, we must remember that God is long-suffering, not willing that any should perish. He always sends His signs, His wonders. And then when He gets ready to do anything, He separates the believer from the unbeliever. Notice then, how He provided for His promised-land people. Look what He did for His promised-land people there, to be sure that they would not be mixed up in some kind of an ism.
What did He do? He sent a prophet to them, Moses, with a message identifying God's Word. And to identify Moses, He sent a pillar of fire that hung over him. Amen. Then, to give him the perfect assurance, He required a token. Amen. There's a messenger, the message and the vindication, and the token---the perfect assurance that they had nothing to worry about. No matter how many plagues strike---what everybody else says---they are sealed away.

2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.

27 Israel coming out of Egypt, as I said a few minutes ago, is a type of the bride coming out of the church.
When Moses began his ministry, Israel gathered together in one place, in Goshen---began to pray because they knowed that the hour was at hand, because they knew something was there. The deliverer had already come. God was working, doing things showing what He was going to do. They come from all parts of Egypt, just like they will at the day of His coming. They'll take people out of the Methodist, Baptist, Lutheran. All those who are identified in Christ by the token, God will take them with Him when He comes.

28 We read over here in Hebrews the 10th chapter, 26th verse: "If we sin willfully after we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sin; but a fearful, dreadful, looking for the fiery judgments which will devour the adversary." That is, if we disbelieve willfully after we have a knowledge of the truth, there is no more sacrifice for sin. Think of it! No matter what you're thinking in your heart, the token can never be applied. If you reject it the last time, then it cannot be applied, for he that sins or disbelieves willfully.

Hebrews 10:26 For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins,

29 As we see the great end-signs and times a-coming (as we are now) with the promise of the Word, every Word that's been promised to us before the end-time ... We're laying right in it now, even to the marking of the beast and the denominations getting together, and the papal reign coming in, and everything---just exactly the way it is.
The world's hanging yonder, the atomic bombs is in the hangers, and God's speaking through His servants into the churches and pulling them out; and showing the signs that He promised He would do, just before His coming. We're at the end-time. The token is required. Yes, sir.
Now we know that those things are true. As they was, they were only a type of what we're going through now. As we see these great signs coming at the end-time, warning us the time is at hand,

30 don't sin willfully, don't disbelieve willfully. If there's something in you, say, "Well, now, I don't see where I need the Holy Ghost. I might not need it. I believe when I believed I got it."
Paul said to the people that asked that question, he said, "Have you received the Holy Ghost since you have believed?"
The Holy Ghost is a token. A man believes God---that is true enough---but the Holy Ghost is a gift of God. It's something different than your faith. Your faith applies it; that's exactly right. But the Holy Ghost is the witness. We'll see just in a few minutes how it works, and what takes place, where we can be sure---where we know whether we're right or not. It warns us that the time is at hand.

Acts 19:2 He said unto them, Have ye received the Holy Ghost since ye believed? And they said unto him, We have not so much as heard whether there be any Holy Ghost.

31 We should love one another during this time. The church and the believers should be inseparable. Believers should separate themselves from all the things of the world. Everything that's ungodly, the believer should separate himself from it.
Notice. They were not just to come together to talk about it, and say "We believe it." They were come together to apply the blood. Not come say, "Oh, sure I believe that", walk home. They had to come and apply the blood, that the token might be seen. Get beneath it. That's...
Today, we sit and hear the message preached. We read it out of the Bible. We say "Oh, yes, I believe that." That ain't what God requires. No matter how much you believe it, you've got to have it.
Church! Wake up,

32 America! This is your last hour. Judgment lays in the balance yonder for this nation. If God would let this nation get by with what it's done now, He'd be obligated to raise up Sodom and Gomorrah, and apologize for burning them up. That's right.
We're going to pay for our sins. We're doing the same thing they did in Sodom. And God has sent down message just exactly the way He did in Sodom. Just exactly. He sent one to the church out there, to the Lot group, and to Sodom. And He sent to the elect, and so forth. And proved that the church is sitting exactly in the condition it was in the days of Lot. And Jesus said it would be again. Friends, it's on our hands. What are we going to do with it? You say "Blood on your hands?" Yes.

33 What do you think Oswald thought, when he was sitting in that room the other day by taking the blood of his fellow man---shooting the President in assassination? And he was sitting there, knowing that he had to face that federal court---when that Supreme Court would look on him with angry eyes---knowing that on his hands was the blood of the President of the United States. He is in a sweat box.
What it ought to do to a man, when you know you've trampled over the blood of Jesus Christ, and refused to do it. Sitting in a sweat box! Not only will you be judged by a supreme court ... by an angry God that can cast the body away and throw the soul into hell. Stop, look, listen! Take heed. We just trample on these, and we think we still love Him.

34 A young fellow said the other day, "God loves me so well. God is a good God." That is true.
But He's a God of anger, too. He's a God of judgment. He's a God of wrath. We fail to get that. You make Him so good, till you make Him some old doty grandpa. He's not no doty grandfather. He's Almighty God, and He don't have no grandchildren. He has sons and daughters of God. Not shook hands and adopted in; you must be borned again, and the blood applied. It's sons and daughters of God, not some old soft grandfather let his (kids) get by, grandchildren get by with anything. He's not a grandfather. He's a father. Yes, sir! Every child must be borned of Him. He's a father of correction.

35 We know that this hour is here. Judgments is at hand. What are we going to do with it? I'd hate to have His blood upon me. There's only one way you could ever get it off of you. You can't wash it off. Pilot tried that. He tried to pass the buck on to somebody else, and said "Send Him on over to Caesar, or someone else like that, and see what he does." It backfired. It fell right back in his lap again. Right.
And today we try to say, "I would if my husband..."
"I would if my wife..."
"I would if my church..." Backfires right back on you again.
When you say, "Oh, well. My church believes this..."
But when Jesus Christ comes down in these meetings, and identifies Himself in the Scripture that He's the same yesterday, today, and forever, I don't care what your interpretation is. It backfires right in your lap, and it's on your hands. Not a thing, brothers and sisters, you can do.

Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

36 Friends, remember this, you of California: you're at the end of the West Coast, here. Civilization's traveled with it. All the riffraff is blowing in. And the next thing it'll go to Israel, when the church is taken up. Take warning!
There's only one way you can get the blood of Jesus Christ off your hands---is put it in your heart. Only one way. It'll never work no other way. Said, "When I see the blood, when it's applied in the right place..."
"Well," you say, "I believe the blood..." What if they throwed it out in the back yard? What if they had put it on the chicken house? What if they'd throwed it on the garage?
No. It had to be applied at one certain place. That was on the lintel

37 in the heart. That's where God wants the blood today: not on your hands, but on your heart, God wants it. And it's on your hands today, if you haven't accepted Him and got the seal in your heart. It's on your hands. His identification of His Scripture in this last days puts it right back on our hands.
What can we do with this Jesus that's called Christ? What are we going to do with it? Only one thing is display His blood by letting it be on our heart, by the Holy Ghost.

38 We are responsible. Any of us that's not beneath that blood, God is not responsible for it. Not even one. All the whole family had to come, not just one member.
Say, "Well, Dad's a good man. He's a preacher. I'll be saved." No, sir! Your godly father and mother has nothing to do with you. You're an individual.
"I belong to the holy church." That church ... the church has nothing to do with you.
There is no such a thing as a holy church. There is no such a thing as a holy person. There's a Holy Ghost with the people, the Holy Ghost in the church. No holy mountains, no holy places. It's a holy God. Not you being holy; me being holy. It's He that's the one that's holy. We are responsible to Him, not to a church. We are responsible to God and to His Word, and God is the Word. The Bible said He was. We're responsible to that. That's Jesus Christ.

John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

39 Notice what He did then. We find out that the whole family only was saved when the token was displayed. When the token was displayed they were safe. Look in the 2nd chapter of Joshua. We find out here, that a believing harlot by the name of Rahab, a Gentile harlot over across the river... When they'd come into the promised land, the spies went over to spy. All of her family was saved under the token. That only. Remember, God's destroying angel honored that token.
When ... the churches went down, the mayor fell, the city went down, the king went down, the governor, the educated, the pretty women, the handsome men, the important, the all-sufficients, and everything went down that wasn't under that token. Amen! So will it be at the coming of the Son of God. His destroying angel will destroy everything who hasn't got the token of the baptism of the Holy Ghost upon them, to show that you've been identified and died yourself to your sacrifice, and are borned into the Spirit of God, and sealed there by the Holy Ghost.
Only one God, and He's the only one that speaks the right word. And this is it. None other can take anything from it.

Joshua 6:25 And Joshua saved Rahab the harlot alive, and her father's household, and all that she had; and she dwelleth in Israel even unto this day; because she hid the messengers, which Joshua sent to spy out Jericho.

40 Jericho had heard what God was doing. Jericho had heard the words. You remember what the harlot said? "We have heard how God did great things. I fear. Will you just spare me if I'll show kindness to you?"
And Caleb and Joshua had told them what to do, how to apply this scarlet cord, and stay under it. "We're not responsible for one person."
Said, "Can I bring my father in? Can I bring my mother? Can I bring my brothers, my sisters, my neighbors?"
"Bring all that you can get under it."
That's just the same today, brother. It isn't, "Can we bring Methodists, can we bring Baptists, can we bring Pentecostals?" All that's ready to come under it, God will accept you. That, and that alone will only identify you with Him.
Notice. Yes,

Joshua 2:12 Now therefore, I pray you, swear unto me by the LORD, since I have shewed you kindness, that ye will also shew kindness unto my father's house, and give me a true token:

Joshua 2:13 And that ye will save alive my father, and my mother, and my brethren, and my sisters, and all that they have, and deliver our lives from death.

Joshua 2:18 Behold, when we come into the land, thou shalt bind this line of scarlet thread in the window which thou didst let us down by: and thou shalt bring thy father, and thy mother, and thy brethren, and all thy father's household, home unto thee.

Joshua 2:19 And it shall be, that whosoever shall go out of the doors of thy house into the street, his blood shall be upon his head, and we will be guiltless: and whosoever shall be with thee in the house, his blood shall be on our head, if any hand be upon him.

41 these great powers and signs that He had done down there... And if they seen it and knowed, why can't we have women and men today just as honest as that woman was? When we see what God promised to do, and see Him doing it, then next thing comes judgment. They must believe ... they were, they were ... they believed... They must have believed they were safe in that great wall where they were at---their great big family, their great big place.
Many people today, I say this through reverence and respect... Many people today say, "I belong to the biggest church there is in the city. My mother belonged to that church. It's one of the oldest churches." That don't have one thing to do with it. The token has got to be applied! They might have thought that big thing they lived in, that big system, that was going to save them. But we find out everything that didn't show that token perished in the city. So will it be at the coming of the Son of man. He's done said so.

42 There must have been some of them tape boys, or somebody, slipped into the place down there, and played some tapes to them, or something or other, and found the predestinated. She took all of her house and used it for a church, and received the messengers. Then, when they got all in the city that would come under it and believe the token, when she got all of it in there, then the destruction come.
When God's wrath destroyed that big system they had down there, the token sign held her house safe. The token sign, not nothing else.

43 No matter how much societies, and how many good Red Cross things they had (which is all good), how much of this, and how many charity organizations, everything perished that wasn't under that token. Now think of it. Everything perished.
I don't care how big a church they had, how big a denomination they belonged to, if it was the king's palace---everything perished. And so did everything perish in Egypt that wasn't under that token.
Now, God doesn't change His ways. He's got a token today. My brother, sister, you better receive it. You'd better have it. Just remember, it's a warning.

44 Look. The same life that the token dipped in... The same thing that the token did in Egypt---it spared everything that was under it; everything without it perished.
Joshua is a type of Jesus, which Joshua means Jehovah-saviour. So does Jesus mean Jehovah-saviour. Joshua was true to the token sign that his messengers had preached. So will Jesus be true to the token sign that his messengers preach, when He comes. All under it was saved in Egypt. All under it was saved in Jericho. What about today? We find out the lamb's blood was a type of Jesus Christ. All right.

45 In Hebrews 13, we find this: it is called there the everlasting covenant. God had a covenant with them. But the blood now is an everlasting covenant, the blood of Jesus Christ. God's blood-bound promises makes us free from sin and self---makes us free from anything of the world. No matter how much we try to fashion of the world, it's all dead. If we're in God's blood-bound promises, we see nothing but the blood.
How could they look out that door without seeing the blood? How can you look out at anything without seeing first the blood of Jesus Christ, if you're in Christ? Do you see that? To worship Him and to show forth His promises in power... He promised these things to come.
His blood-bound people are in Him, sealed in there by the Holy Spirit, and are looking only at the blood and the promise. They can't look at the world. They're dead to the world, and the world's dead to them.

Hebrews 13:20 Now the God of peace, that brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant,

46 And to see Christians, today, who can do anything that the rest of the world does: act like them, swear like them, drink like them, smoke like them, and root in the pig pens of sin and dance halls, and things like them---and still say they are Christians! You can't do that, friend.
That's the reason people can't believe the power of God. They can't believe the signs and wonders. They done died to those things, and are resurrected over yonder in the world. But those who are dead to the world are raised in Christ, and are looking for His promise.

47 The New Testament means "new covenant." The blood life ... the blood life itself is the token. The life out of the blood is the token. Remember, in the Old Testament the actual blood of the lamb had to be applied. Here it's the token of the blood. It is the life from the blood that's in the person for the token. Oh, my! The new token is the new life, that come through Jesus Christ when His blood was shed to sanctify a church, and fill it with His presence that He might manifest His Word and His promises to the people.

48 God in sundry times and divers manners---Hebrews 1 said He spoke to the fathers through the prophets; but in this last day through His Son, Jesus Christ. What is His Son? The Word. The Word was made flesh and dwelt among us. And this is the revelation, the completeness of Christ. Whoever will add one word to it, or take one from it, the same will be taken (his part) out of the book of life. There is the revelation.
We only need the token with us to make that Word live again. That's what He sent the token for, to give us the statement, give us that statement. And we know it's the truth.

John 1:14 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.

Hebrews 1:1 God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets,

Hebrews 1:2 Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds;

Revelation 22:18 For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book:

Revelation 22:19 And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.

49 The new token shows Jesus has met every requirement for us, and is here. The new token, the token of the Holy Spirit, shows that we know that Jesus died to free us from all the things of the world. And the token that is upon us proves it by vindicating what He said. Now how can a man claim to hold that token in front of him, and deny what this Word says? It isn't so. It can't be so. God can't lie about His own Word.

50 And because He is here, we have the right to all that He purchased for us. Notice. What was the token to do? To purchase. It's the price that's been paid. When you have the token, you have a right then to present that token to anything that He purchased for you. And no one can buy it without it. It only can be purchased by the token.
Remember, if you went out here at the bus line, say, "Here, I tell you ... I got a ... I got a token that says another bus line." That won't work. "I got a token that says it come from Maine, from New Hampshire." It won't work in California. You've got to have the token of that bus line in order to...
Purchase shows that you have purchased that fare on that bus.

51 And when we can display the token of the Holy Spirit, shows that we have been accepted in Christ. And that is our token that all that we have need of is already purchased by Him. We are identified with our token. The token must be ready. The covenant blood is not recognized without the token. The Word assures us of the promise. The token is a sign the purchase has been made for us.
Full obedience to the full Word of God entitles us to the token. No other way is there that you can ever be entitled to the token, until you fully obey the Word---not what somebody's put into it, and added to it, but what God said about it.

52 When He said, "You must be born again," that don't mean jump up-and-down at the altar. That don't mean walk back there, and shake hands with the pastor. That don't mean all this foolishness that we've seen done. It don't mean putting your name on a church book. It means death to your first being, and life to the second being. It means that the blood has been applied, and you're identified by the life of Jesus Christ. And if He be the vine, and we be the branches, the life that's in the branch is in the ... also from the vine. It'll bear the fruit.
If that first branch come forth, that branch out of that vine that wrote a book of Acts behind it... If that (branch) ever puts forth, vine puts forth another branch, they'll write another book of Acts behind it, 'cause it's the same life.
If one of your grape vines out here brings forth blue grapes, if it puts forth another branch it'll bring forth blue grapes.

John 3:7 Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again.

John 15:5 I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.

53 I tell you, today we got so many grafted vines into it, with denominations, and creeds, and things. And yet any citrus fruit grafted in can live---live in that vine---but it's bearing the wrong fruit.
What we need today is another baptism of the Holy Spirit, and have the real power of God that identifies the works that Jesus Christ promised for this day. Not so much that day; this day. The promise that He made here, that's what He promised there: He'd pour out His Spirit. Now He's promised it again in the last days, and what He would do.
Strange that we can always look back. But you never look ahead. That's the way with man. He's always saying ... glorifying God for what He did do, praising Him for what He's going to do, and ignoring what He's doing. That's always the way of man. It's still the same thing.

54 Full obedience to the Word brings God, the Word eternal in you. And that is the token. When the Word is in you, it's Christ in you. Now notice. Then when we pray, if we have the token... And when we pray we have the token, we present our token with our prayer. Now, if you're sick, if you're a sinner, if you're in need, when you have the token you have a right.
If I had the token to a bus line in my hand, they can't keep me off of that bus. They've accepted my money, and I have the token.
In this case I could not pay my price; you could not pay it. But He paid it for us, and give us the token. Amen! I have a right to divine healing. Jesus Christ died that I could have divine healing. I have a right to claim every promise in that book. When will you get it? When you have the token, and can rep ... present the token with your prayer. If you haven't got it, the sign of the full obedience the fare is paid...
Paul tells us the blood speaks.

55 Blood speaks, did we say? Does the blood speak, can it speak? That token speak? Yes, sir. If we'd look in Genesis 4:10, the voice of the blood of Abel cried out against Cain. We find out in Hebrews 12:24 that the blood of Jesus Christ speaks better things. The blood speaks. How can the chemistry speak? It's the life that's in the blood that does the speaking.
The soul that was in Cain that cried out, or in Abel, it was the life that was in Christ that cries out better things than any... It speaks, and it speaks loud. It's the Holy Spirit. It speaks plain. It tells us that the time is here, when we see it. For it said it would say it. And then we see it come back, and identify what it said. There's nothing else left but to believe it (that's right), to receive it.

Genesis 4:10 And he said, What hast thou done? the voice of thy brother's blood crieth unto me from the ground.

Hebrews 12:24 And to Jesus the mediator of the new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling, that speaketh better things than that of Abel.

56 Believe for self, and apply the token also for the family, like they did in Egypt and like they did at Jericho. Acts 16:31, we find out Paul told the Roman to be baptized calling upon the name of the Lord. Him and his house could be saved by doing the same thing. Move out! Some people wants to apply the blood and stay in. You apply the blood, and kick all the trash out of the house, and have a house-cleaning time.
You women take off them shorts; you men throw away them cigarettes; you women, too. Get all this old stuff out of the system, here, that's called the world. "If you love the world or the things of the world, it's because the love of God's not even in you." When you're ready to apply the token, empty up, and get ready for it. You can't serve God and mammon at the same time.
Women come along...

Matthew 6:24 No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.

Luke 16:13 No servant can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.

Acts 16:31 And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.

1 John 2:15 Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.

57 I've passed across this country. I've made remarks about Mrs. Kennedy with her Jezebel haircut, and all like that, and your big water-heads. And these women... I wonder---if Mrs. Kennedy would've heard the messages I preached, she might have let her hair grow out a long time ago.
But I've crossed this country back and forth, showing by the Word that it's wrong, and a condemnation for women to cut their hair. And the Pentecostal women continue to go on the same way. She might rise in the day of judgment not knowing it; but you know better.
It shows the blood hasn't been applied. The token's not there.

1 Corinthians 11:5 But every woman that prayeth or prophesieth with her head uncovered dishonoureth her head: for that is even all one as if she were shaven.

1 Corinthians 11:6 For if the woman be not covered, let her also be shorn: but if it be a shame for a woman to be shorn or shaven, let her be covered.

58 Long hair is a Nazarite vow. It showed that you've cut yourself from the world to obey the Word. Amen. Samson let his hair grow out for a Nazarite vow.
Now we realize these things of women dressing, and acting, and doing... And men permitting them to do it: big bunch of sissies. It seems like there's not even men anymore. You see men wearing pink shoes---and preachers on the pulpit something like that. That's a disgrace! I'd like to see men again, that's absolutely men. Looks like there's a power that drives them to do it. It's the devil, and the pressure of this day. Right. Sometimes a man weighing two-hundred pounds, and muscles like that; not an ounce of man in him. Acts like some big sissy out here. I like ... let men be men; let women be feminish. Let them be ladies. When the token's applied they turn back to that. God made them different, and they are different. Men wants to look like women; women wants to look like men. Goes to show there's a perversion ---a dark spirit hanging over, gross darkness over the people. It's the hour of the calling-out.
There was a darkness over Egypt before the calling out. Then the token was applied. It's time for the church to get the token, or gross darkness is upon the people. Gross darkness.

Numbers 6:5 All the days of the vow of his separation there shall no razor come upon his head: until the days be fulfilled, in the which he separateth himself unto the LORD, he shall be holy, and shall let the locks of the hair of his head grow.

Judges 16:17 That he told her all his heart, and said unto her, There hath not come a razor upon mine head; for I have been a Nazarite unto God from my mother's womb: if I be shaven, then my strength will go from me, and I shall become weak, and be like any other man.

59 Yes. Clean out the cupboard, clean out the house. Oh, we have a good old-fashioned house-cleaning---let the blood be applied. Then the token will come in. Clean it out. Sanctify it. Then apply the token in prayer, with confidence, when you've cleaned yourself up.
You've got away from the things of the world. You've dumped all the unbelief out. "I don't care what the people says. If the Word of God says it and promised it, I believe it. If the Word says it, that settles it. Now, I don't care what anybody else says," see. Then when you got all that done, you've applied the blood, and you believe every word---then take your token in prayer, and be fully convinced.

60 We read in Ephesians, 2nd chapter and 12th verse, about what God said about it when we applied this token. Notice: Serving the living God with living works, and with living signs, with a living token; not dead works, and carnal---not dead works. Hebrews 9:11-14 tells us again the same thing: not dead creeds, but a living token.
Today these creeds deny that there is such a thing as a token. They don't even believe there is such a thing as a token, the baptism of the Holy Ghost. But we who believe the Word know better, know it. And it's His living presence for us in this day. We separated from dead works, and the Holy Ghost comes in to confirm the Word and make it so. Hebrews 13:8 proves that to us, proves that God has raised Him up for us according to His promised Word.
Thousands of years has passed, two thousand years almost has passed. But what is it? The token still holds that God raised Him up on the third day. If you just got the Word, that's all you got. But when the token is applied, then Christ is reality to you. And He does today like He did then. So it throws it right back in their lap again. They can't get around it. God promised it, and here it is. But the token's got to be applied.
You take the token,

Ephesians 2:12 That at that time ye were without Christ, being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope, and without God in the world:

Ephesians 2:13 But now in Christ Jesus ye who sometimes were far off are made nigh by the blood of Christ.

Hebrews 9:14 How much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without spot to God, purge your conscience from dead works to serve the living God?

61 and when we accept His sacrificed blood, then He gives us life---the life of the token---and it is a promised seal. Ephesians 4:30, "Grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby you are sealed unto the day of your redemption." Then being baptized into Him (I Corinthians 12), we become part of His body and in Him is the fullness. In Him is all the sufficiency that we have need of.
He is my pleasure, He is my life, He's my joy, He's my ... He's where... Now I don't have to puff on a cigarette to get some kind of a relief. I take the lily of the valley. He's the opium, He's the thing that makes me walk in the clouds. He's my all-sufficient. He's my hopes, He's my rest, He's my God, He's my Saviour, He's my healer. He's all that I have need of, because I die ... we die in Him, and are baptized in Him, and in Him is all sufficiency.

1 Corinthians 12:13 For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into one Spirit.

Ephesians 4:30 And grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption.

62 Listen close, while I make this closing remark. If Satan tries to hand you some of this stuff like sickness, you know what you do? Just show him the token. "I am a purchased product. My healing has been paid for, I am a product of God, because I have the token of the Holy Ghost. You cannot keep me off of this highway. You cannot keep me from my health. I present the token and show you that by His stripes I was healed. Here's the resurrection of Jesus Christ right in me now, to prove it to you."
Oh, there's the real thing. There's the token. That's the reason people don't believe it. That's the reason it's hard for them to see in... The token has never been applied, see. That's the reason say, "Oh, days of miracles is past." You're doing that for a blind.

63 Jesus said, "Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. He that believeth and is baptized, shall be saved. He that believeth not shall be damned. These signs shall follow them that believe." How far? To all the world, to every creature. "In my name they shall cast out devils. They'll speak with new tongues, take up serpents or drink deadly things, it won't harm them. If they lay their hands on the sick, they shall recover." Apply the token, and then claim your rights. Shake it before Satan.

Mark 16:15 And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.

Mark 16:16 He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.

Mark 16:17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;

Mark 16:18 They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.

64 The bus driver says, "Say..." Airplane man says, "Say, you can't get on this plane."
"There's the token." Amen!
"You're too ragged, you're not... Your rags---you're too poor. We don't take little men; big men."
"But I hold the token. Amen. You can't keep me off of it." Hallelujah! When you give me the token, that settles it. I have a right, as the rest of them have. I have a right, just the same as Paul had. I have a right, the same that any man was ever baptized with the Holy Ghost. I got the same right, because I got the same token to show the same God purchased my same thing for me, on the same day, on the same thing.

65 There you are. The blood. The blood---the token. Not the blood chemistry, but the token---the Holy Ghost, the life out of the blood that comes... What does that life does? Comes and confirms what the token has been purchased for. The token confirms what the blood bought for you. The blood purchased your redemption. The token is an evidence of it. The blood... He was wounded for our transgressions, bruised for our iniquities, chastisement of our peace was upon Him. With His stripes we were healed, see. All blood, blood, blood.
Then when the token come, it shows that you've been identified with that sacrifice. Amen! The devil can't keep you from it.

Isaiah 53:5 But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.

66 That's why I stand at the platform here, to face everything there is, and around the world, and devils... God's Word promised it. As long as I can know that blood has been applied, and holding that Holy Spirit here in my heart, the devil has not one word to say against it. Yes, sir! We'll walk where the apostles have trod (yes, sir) because the token paid the way. The token is the evidence that the way has been paid, and we've accepted it. And to prove it, God gave us the token: the sign that we was received.

67 A minister said to me one time, said, "Brother Branham, Abraham believed God, and it was imputed to him for righteousness."
And I said, "That's true."
Said, "What more can a man do but believe?"
I said, "That's exactly right."
"Then where do you get this Holy Ghost outside of believing?"
I said, "But He give him the seal of circumcision as a confirmation of his faith. Amen. And if He's never give you the baptism of the Holy Ghost yet, then He hasn't confirmed your faith that you say you have."
But the token is a confirmation. I say, "I got the money. I paid it in the office down there." But you've got to show the token. That's right.

Romans 4:3 For what saith the scripture? Abraham believed God, and it was counted unto him for righteousness.

Romans 4:11 And he received the sign of circumcision, a seal of the righteousness of the faith which he had yet being uncircumcised: that he might be the father of all them that believe, though they be not circumcised; that righteousness might be imputed unto them also:

68 When I show the token, I've got a right. And when I can show the token of the Holy Spirit, you've got the right to any purchased thing that Jesus Christ died for. It's the token.
Watch, just a moment, as we close. Hold the token over your unwavering faith in the promised Word. I believe that Jesus said, "Ask the Father anything in my name, I'll do it." Hold your token over that promised Word, and walk right to it.
"I'm the Lord that heals all thy diseases. He was wounded for my transgressions; with His stripes I was healed." Take my token of the Holy Spirit that's in me, hold it over my prayer, and say, "Lord God, you promised it."
"When I see the token I will reward you. I promised to do it." He can't do nothing else. He looked right through the blood of His own Son. There's the token applied. He has to do it, because He promised it.

Exodus 15:26 And said, If thou wilt diligently hearken to the voice of the LORD thy God, and wilt do that which is right in his sight, and wilt give ear to his commandments, and keep all his statutes, I will put none of these diseases upon thee, which I have brought upon the Egyptians: for I am the LORD that healeth thee.

Psalm 103:3 Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases;

Isaiah 53:5 But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.

John 14:13 And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.

John 14:14 If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it.

69 He could not go into a house, the death angel destroyer, and take one out. He couldn't do it, because there was the blood of the lamb---the requirement of Jehovah. And the requirement of Him today is the blood of His own Son, Jesus Christ, and the token of the Holy Ghost.
...we haven't got it...We might be Baptist, Presbyterian, Lutheran, Pentecostals, whatever we might be. We might shout, scream, we might be, oh, so educated. That has not one thing to do with it.
You must present the token. Then you're a subject for the resurrection, because the resurrecting power is already in you. The token is the resurrection power, showing that Jesus raised up from the dead. And you're raised from the dead, the dead things of unbelief, and have been made alive in the Word of Jesus Christ. You believe it, and the Word lives through you.

70 "If ye abide in Me, and my word in you, ask what you will." St. John 14:12: "He that believeth in Me, the works that I do he shall do also. Greater than this shall he do, because I go to the Father. A little while and the world seeth me no more. Yet you shall see Me, because I'll be with you, even in you."
How did He...? Not the body---He's sitting at the right hand of the Majesty---but the token that you have received it and He's give it back to you. Take that token and claim anything you wish to. God promised it.

Matthew 28:20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.

John 14:12 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.

John 14:19 Yet a little while, and the world seeth me no more; but ye see me: because I live, ye shall live also.

John 15:7 If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you.

71 I've always said I met two classes of people---the fundamentals and the Pentecostals. The fundamentals positionally study the scriptures and figure it out. They say, "Well, we're sons of God." They believe that. Yes, sir. But they don't have any faith with it. But the Pentecostals have a lot of faith, and they don't know they're sons of God. Like a man got money in the bank, can't write a check; the other one can write a check, and got no money in the bank. If you could ever just get the thing together, till men and women could realize...
You that's been truly baptized into the Holy Spirit, and you have the token to display, you have a right to every redemptive blessing that God promised. Everything that He promised is yours. Hold your token over your unwavering faith as you pray, and over His Word---faith in His Word.

72 God once gave a token to the people, and that was a rainbow. Looky, listen close. We're closing. God ever remained true to that token. Way back in the days of Noah, destruction of the antediluvian world, God gave this nation or, give the world a rainbow sign for a token. And God ever displays His token. As the thousands of years roll by, He never fails because He watches His tokens.
All these thousands of years, He's displayed it to us, showing us that He never fails to honor the token. He never fails to honor it.

Genesis 9:13 I do set my bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a token of a covenant between me and the earth.

73 He expects us now to display the token over our faith, to Satan's group---the unbelievers, and cults, and so forth---that don't believe in it, that we, believing what He has said of His promises, and that Jesus Christ has raised up from the dead showing Himself alive... And that is the badge, the token of identification, because it's Christ's own life in you identifying the Word. It doesn't need anything else. That's the token. Without the token...
... shows the fare is paid, shows that you're a subject for the resurrection. That God, that same power that raised up Jesus from the grave, you're holding within yourself as a token. The Holy Ghost in you is the token that brings you from the grave, because the token is God, the Holy Spirit, which is eternal life (coming from the Greek word "Zoe," which means God's own life) in you. That's the only thing that pays the price. If that token isn't there, how are you going to raise?

74 Brother, sister, tonight, with all fairness to God and to His Word, and to each other, and to the time that we're now living in, if you're without the token, if you don't have the token... Some of you might not even believe it. But it's here. The token has been here since Christ died. Why don't you identify yourself in death to your own thinking, tonight, and let the thoughts that's in Him be in you. "Let the meditation of my heart be acceptable to Thee, O, Lord. Let thy Word, 'If ye abide in Me and my Word in you [that is Him] then ask what you will, and it'll be given to you.'" Don't you believe that?

Psalm 19:14 Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.

John 15:7 If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you.

75 Let us bow our heads a moment. How many people in here that know that the way you live, that you really haven't got that token applied? You know it isn't there. You believe it. You absolutely believe it; but you haven't got it. You know you haven't. Would you just raise your hand and say, "Pray for me, Brother Branham, [Statement is not clear.]" God bless you.
"I haven't got it. I haven't, Brother Branham. I've tried to accept it. I believe it, but really it hasn't been applied to me yet. I look in the glass. I see I'm not there. I look at the way I feel, what's in my soul. I'm full of temper, anger. I'm jealous. I've got..." Oh, my, that would grieve the Holy Spirit from you right now, see.
"Now, I tell you. I do---I see the Word and see it confirmed; and yet I just got a bunch of people that I go with to my church, or my society, my card parties, something. I just can't give them up." That shows you haven't got the token.
"If you love the world or the things of the world, the love of God's not... Come out from among them," the Bible said. "Touch not their unclean things."
Friends, it can't be made more real that it is now. It can't be. The token is here, if we'll believe it. Do you believe it? Will you accept it?

76 Lord Jesus, they're in your hands now. May the token---the token that Jesus is not dead, the token that Jesus raised up from the dead, and is here tonight... He's the token of His resurrection. He, Himself, is the Word. He is here to confirm everything He said. He's here to confirm every promise that He made. If the people could just only see it once, Lord, that it isn't something that we could guess about. It's something we must know, Lord. There's no "try over." You can't go back and try again. It must be done now.
I pray, God, that every person will receive Him tonight. And may the token of the blood be applied to every heart. And then may there be a revival come through this country, here, that will be great. Father, we commit it into your hands, in Jesus Christ's name. Amen.

77 Now, while we're in prayer and everybody real quiet, don't no one move now. Do you believe this is the truth, that the token's got to be displayed? It had---in every time, every age, it had to be displayed. Now what is... The token is a confirmation of His Word, that shows He is the Word. Now the Word said He raised up from the dead, and He's alive forevermore. He lives in His people, the same yesterday, today, and forever. Do you believe that?
If you believe that, then you have the right---if you have that token, the Holy Spirit in you---you have a right to everything that His death purchased for you. Won't you believe it?

Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

Revelation 1:18 I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death.

78 Now look. So, now tonight, we wasn't going to pray for the sick tonight. We're going to do that tomorrow afternoon. But we're ... tonight, we're just going to make this altar call.
Here, friends. If you ever was healed, if you live long enough you're going to get sick again. If you one time take that token, you've had it forever. "Grieve not the Holy Spirit of God, whereby you are sealed until the day of your redemption." Not till the next revival---you wasn't sealed. You got emotionally worked up. But you are dead, and your life is hid in God, through Christ, and you're sealed by the Holy Ghost.
If you are once baptized into that Holy Spirit ... now, you can backslide, that is true. But you can't get away from that sealing. You're sealed into it. Now, if you haven't got that seal... Let's be real sincere. We got a place fixed here, and for everybody... We can receive the Holy Ghost, and if He heals the sick...
Why did He put that upon my heart, to do this?

Ephesians 4:30 And grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption.

Colossians 3:3 For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God.

79 Now, that same Jesus that was raised up from the dead is right here now. Now, listen. The Word can't say one thing, and me another. He said, "Wherever two or three are gathered in my name, there I am in their midst." Is that right? Now, look up this way.
How many in here is sick? Raise up your hands. Just say, "I'm sick. I'm needy," or... You don't have to be sick, just, "I have a need of God. Brother Branham, I have need of God for something. I believe Jesus is here." Now hold your token right over that desire. Now, let me tell you by His Word (and He cannot go contrary to that Word), He has already purchased your desire, if it's according to His will. And His will is to heal. His will is to give you your desire. He withholds no good thing from them that walk upright before Him, presenting that token.

Matthew 18:20 For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.

80 Now, you're strangers to me. But just a moment, that you might see. Now here's ministers sitting behind me, people all around. There's belief, and unbelief here. It's always that way. You can feel it coming in. But it's anointing of the Holy Spirit, and that Holy Spirit is that token. He is that token. Now, you don't have to do it---everybody wasn't Moses. There's one Moses; but the people follow it. Now you just believe this: that He is a-living today. He's here as a witness. Now each one of you that's got something on your heart, pray.
Now, if He was here you'd say, "Lord Jesus, will you heal me?"
He'd say, "I've already did it." See, He couldn't do it again. He's already done it. But He's just wanting you to believe it.

81 Now, He did promise, in the last days that what God did in human flesh, just before Sodom---the end of the Gentile world---it would be repeated again. He promised that. Now, will He keep that promise? He promised Malachi 4, that He would do this, and manifest His Word to turn the hearts of the children back to the fathers again, back to the original Pentecostal word, the real Bible Word. Not the...
The Pentecostal, they claim (the Pentecostal organization) there is no such thing. Pentecost is an experience; not an organization. They tried to organize it, but you can't, see. It doesn't organize. Pentecost is an experience. It's seal of God, the Holy Spirit that come on the day of Pentecost.

Malachi 4:6 And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse.

82 Now, you believe. Look this way, and believe that I've told you the truth. And if He will manifest Himself---I don't know whether He will or not---but if He will, that'll show that the token that I'm talking about that the blood has been applied, and the token is here to identify that blood is correct, that Jesus Christ has raised from the dead. You believe that? Well, that... What more clear could it be? Just believe it.
Brother, sister, and friends, in the name of Jesus Christ believe it, for the sake of your soul and for the sake of others. You'll never have another opportunity.

83 If God would have spoke to me back before the foundation of the world---when I was a thought in His mind, and so were you---and if He'd said, "What age would you want to live in?", I'd have said, "Right now." This is it---the most glorious time that there is. Believe, won't you?
Now, that you might know that Jesus Christ lives, now just in your heart pray and say, "Lord, you're a high priest that can be touched by the feeling of our infirmities. And I believe that you are the token. Now, speak to me, that I might be healed."
(Somebody can... Go in sections-like---you can see where---so I won't have to be turning back and forth this way.)
You notice at times... See, a vision, when you see a vision, it has to be interpreted also, turned around. So sometimes, we got hundreds a-pulling. You can just ... it just has to single one out.
Now everybody real reverent, for just a few minutes.

Hebrews 4:15 For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin.

84 Then that'll prove... If a man says anything, and God don't back it up---well, then it couldn't be God. But if God backs it up, then you've got Him to talk to. May it happen for the glory of God, as I stand here to represent this Word to be the truth.
There's a man sitting right there. If you ... I just wish that you could see in this dimension, this light. Now right now, see, something happened. You just hold it out, like the human part lays aside---that's a gift. And when it does, then it's another world.

85 There's a man sitting there, and he's praying. And what's the matter with him? He's had an operation for something in the intestines. And it's been some time ago, but it isn't doing right. I hope he doesn't miss it. But God will help me, I'll call His name. Mr. Price, believe. I don't know you, sir. I'm a stranger to you. If that's right stand up on your feet. If that's right ... is that true?
Now, don't you see? What is it? It's the token identifying that Jesus Christ raised from the dead, and is the same yesterday, today, and forever, working through human flesh just like He did there, before Abraham (the elected church) before Sodom. And Jesus said it shall return again in the coming of the Son of man.

Luke 17:28 Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded;

Luke 17:30 Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed.

Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

86 Here. Here's another man sitting here looking right at me, a real contact. The man is suffering with a stomach trouble, and a back trouble. His name is Mr. Flannigan. I don't know you, but that's true. That's your wife sitting there by you. She's suffering, too. Do you believe that God's able to tell me now, in your fine contact of faith? Your wife has a back trouble, and she's got a female trouble. It's in the womb. That's thus saith the Lord.
Now what is it? Who is doing that? The Bible said that He is a high priest that can be touched by the feeling of our infirmities. The Bible said the Word of God is sharper than a two-edged sword in its preaching, cutting to the sunder; and don't pay no attention to celebrity, or denomination, or anything. And then it also identifies itself as a what? A discerner of the thoughts that's in the heart. Is that right? It's exactly right. If you could only believe that. Just believe it with all your heart.

Hebrews 4:12 For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

Hebrews 4:15 For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin.

87 There's a lady sitting right here. She's got tumors. She isn't from here. She's from Sacramento. Her name is Mrs. Bradley. Stand up on your feet if that's right, lady, and we're strangers. Raise your hand, if that's right. Is that right? I truly believe they're gone. Now, that's just a woman sitting there.
Here's a lady sitting way back here. She's got on a hat, kind of a brown-looking hat. It's got feathers. She's putting her glasses on. She's sitting there praying. She was praying for something to happen. What makes that woman do that? That woman has just been healed of a heart trouble. She's praying for her brother, and he has heart trouble. And she's got a brother-in-law that's not saved, and she's praying for him to be saved. That's thus saith the Lord. If that's right, lady, stand up on your feet, so the people can know. She was sitting right there saying that ... praying for them people then. If that's right, wave your hand, lady, back and forth, so they can see.
How could I tell her what she was praying about, from the platform here?

88 Here's a man sitting right here. He's suffering with trouble in his knees. He's praying for a friend that's crippled. He really ... he isn't from here. He's from Santa Maria, a place called Santa Maria. And his name---they call him Tony. Stand up, if that's right. I'm a stranger to you.
Hold your token before your prayer. God ... when that angel of the Lord met me years ago, when I first come in here, I took the people by the hand. I told you that He told me this would come to pass. Now, there's something greater than that, see. It is constantly going. Why? Holding that token before that, see. The Holy Spirit itself, it lives. It's the one that does it. He said...

89 Now, if anybody's in doubt, go around these people and ask them if I ever seen them, knowed them, or anything else. They're here. It's just beginning to happen all over the building, now.
Now here. If God can discern that, let me tell you something. There's scores of you here tonight, that needs the Baptism of the Holy Ghost to hold that token. You're just thinking you've got it, when you haven't. Don't take that chance, friends. Believe me. If you believe me to be God's prophet---or pardon me, I didn't mean to say that. I don't call myself a prophet---God's servant. If you believe I'm God's servant, I'm telling you in the name of the Lord.
While we bow our heads just a moment,

90 this is a great call. I want every person in here that's not a Christian, come up here a minute and let me pray with you, and lay hands upon you, while the Holy Spirit's on me, while the anointing is here. The token is displayed, infallible proofs. We'll keep real quiet. Move out of your seat, and come up now.
If a sister there, or whoever the song leader is, just give us a chord.
Will you come up? And just every person that's not a Christian, come up here and stand here at the altar, just a moment.
Lord bless you, my brother. Lord bless you, sister. Come right up around the altar here. Every person... Come every soul, now, by sin oppressed. There's mercy with the Lord.

91 Now will you do it? That's right. Come right up here, stand here just a moment.
You without Christ---look, the hour is getting late, friends. The death angel might separate between the bride and the church at any time. Won't you?
... every soul of sin oppressed,
There's mercy with the Lord.
Won't you come now, while they're singing?
He will surely give you rest,
By giving you the token, then you're at rest, you see? You have the identification. The Lord sent His message, identified it, by the pillar of fire.
Only trust Him, only.......
Christians, you who have the token, pray. Sinners without Christ, will you come, while He's so clearly identified here as the token? The token---He's not dead. He's raised from the dead. Will you come now?
...will save you,
He will save you now.
Only trust Him...

92 Just trust Him. You say, "Brother Branham, I don't know how to do it." Come up here. Just all you have to do, just raise right up. Listen to the Holy Spirit. That's the way that these things work. Just listen to Him. He promised it. Just as He promised to do these things in the last days, He promised to save the lost.
You say, "Well, I belong to the church, Brother Branham." That isn't what I'm asking you. I'm asking you now, "Are you saved? Are you a Christian?" If not, come up. Come up, I ask you in Christ's name, come ... trust Him only... That's it, come right in. Come right on around the altar now.
He will save you, He will save you,
He will save you now.
What do you have to do? Just ...
Only trust Him, only trust Him,
Only trust Him now:
He will save you, He will save you,
He will save you now.
That's right. Come right on, friends, come right on. Every Christian pray, right now. Remember. People might come ... this might be the last opportunity they'll ever have. People, this might be... If He can discern the thoughts of the heart, He tells me. And it's true. Many in here... Don't let Satan deceive you, sister, brother. Don't let him do it. Please don't. Receive God's token tonight. Will you come now?
Only trust Him, only trust Him,
Only trust Him now:
He will save you, He will save you,
He will save you now.

93 O God, I pray that in Jesus' name that You will look down upon this audience, and will comb it through. I pray that the great Holy Spirit who is here now present, showing Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever...
Lord, there's no chance for Satan to try to rub around it. Here You're identifying Yourself, standing here in human flesh among us, and identifying Yourself by the token that would identify You. The token is to identify Jesus Christ, His resurrection. And here it is now, identifying Him doing the same that He did when He stood here in a corporal body.
O Father God, may the people see and realize how these scriptures and things are perfectly fulfilled. May every soul come now, Lord. Go once more, Father, and speak to the hearts, so I'll be sure, that... I've asked You, and I know You're going to do it. You do always answer our prayers. Speak once more, Lord. I'm sure there was some felt that they should, but they just didn't do it. Grant it, Lord, if they will come now. Through Jesus' name, I ask.

94 With our heads bowed, rise, won't you, and come now while we sing it again now? Come right out, walk out. I just feel down in my heart... That's never wrong, see.
Only trust Him, only trust Him,
Will you raise up, come down here and stand around the altar? Don't... This might be the last opportunity that you ever have. If that little question has been in your mind, don't take no chance. Don't take no chance for any... See, the rains come; and the people didn't know it. The death angel struck; the people didn't think it was so. Moses told them it was going to happen. He was clearly identified by God.

95 You say, "But I'm Presbyterian, I'm Methodist, I'm Baptist, I don't..." That don't have nothing, see. Come. I'm asking you to come now. Come, and really receive Him. Don't...
You'd be real sure if you checked your tires before you drove fast, check your car before you take your vacation. Won't you have the identification of the resurrection within you? Won't you come? God bless you. That's fine. Six, seven, eight more has come since then. I just hate to close it like this. Will you come? God bless you, young fellow. Bless you, lady. Now...
He will save you, He will save you...
God bless you, young man. Do you want to know? You were one of them. That's it.
Only trust Him,..........
Isn't that something? You see, the Holy Spirit is never wrong. It's perfectly right. Now:
He will save you, He will save you,
He will save you now.

96 Are you real sure now (as the music continues on, if you will, slowly?), could you trust Him? Could you just take Him at His word? Say, "Lord, I've always wanted that close fellowship, that real something. I really want it, Lord, but I see so much mockery of it." Why, sure. That's Satan. He does that to throw you off the track.
"I've seen those who claim that." See, it only shows there's a real one somewhere. If you find a bogus dollar, it's just because it's made off of a good one. Won't you come? Really trust Him for the Holy Spirit? When He's so identified here before you, identifying Himself here before about three thousand people?
He did it before about 500,000 in Bombay. He did it before around 150 or 75 thousand in Durban, South Africa, where 30,000 blanket natives come to Christ at one time.
The gospel's about finished in America, friends, just about over. If you believe me to be connected with God, remember that is true. Won't you come now?

97 I'm going to ask our minister brothers, here, if they'll come off the platform and stand around here, with this prayer for the people. The rest of you may bow your heads, unless you want to come while they're just standing around the altar here. I'm going to pray with you.
I want you men to get down there because these people will become members of your churches. They've come, accepting Christ. Now, would you come stand around? Anyone else would like to come at this time? The altar's still open. They might not... It might be too late, after a while.

98 Just think, the great Holy Spirit coming, identifying Jesus Christ alive after two thousand years. See, the very nature of Him doing the same thing as He promised it would be done. That's right.
I'm so grateful for you, friends. You're that eleventh-hour people standing here, just getting in. I'm so glad you've come. Each one of you remember, it was God who told you to come. Humanly, you wouldn't have done it. But God told you to do it.

99 Now, while these brethren here and I'm praying, may the...
If the ministers over here... Sure, any ministering brethren come here. You have churches and things around here, come gather around with this people. These are people that strayed, some of them. Some of them are coming for their first time, and they're standing here now. Walk right up among them, pull right in among them. Just move yourself right in. Tell them "I'm Pastor So-and-so. I'm here to pray with you, brother. I love you. I love you, and I'm here to pray with you."
Some of you come up this way, come up this way. There's room in here. Some of you, up this way. That's it, move right in among the people.
Say, "I'm Pastor So-and-so." Put your hand on somebody's shoulder. Say, "I come to pray with you, dear sister, dear brother. I come to help you to Christ." Move right in here. Say, "I'll be glad to do anything for you I can."
We're going to pray now.

100 I've asked the congregation if they'll bow their heads with us now, while we go to prayer. Each one of you pastors get you a person. Get somebody that you got your hands on. Each pastor get among the people, so you got your hands on somebody. That's it.
Each one of you confess that you've been wrong. And remember that same Jesus, now, is right here. So help me, that light is right here among us: Jesus Christ. Just ask Him to forgive you, and God will cleanse you from every sin. Stay right there now, and the pastor will lead you right to repentance, and right on to the token. And this will settle it.

101 Lord Jesus, we bring to You tonight, Lord, all these people for the glory of God, that You'd heal each and every one of them for your glory. Father, this audience, we see You so clearly identified by your Word, identified as the person of the Lord Jesus here in the form of the Holy Ghost, moving through the people, discerning the thoughts that's in their hearts, healing their sickness and calling them to repentance, the great mighty Son of God.
I give them to You, Father, as tokens of their faith in your predicted word, the word that You said that You would... I trust, Lord, that You'll confirm it to them. They are yours. They're love gifts. I give them to You, Father.
In Jesus Christ's name, save every one of them, Lord. Fill every one of them with the Holy Ghost. Grant it, O eternal God. Let your Spirit and mercy be upon them for your glory.

The Token (1964-03-08) (William M. Branham Sermons)

The Token (1964-03-08) (William M. Branham Sermons) somebody

The Token

1 ... reading of the Word. For the closing service, the reason I asked you to stand: when they play the Star Spangled Banner you stand, don't you? Then why not for the Word of God? That's a respect. Now, over in the book of Exodus, the 12th chapter, beginning with the 12th verse, I wish to read a portion of scripture, 12th and 13th verse.
For I will pass through the land of Egypt this night, and will smite ... the firstborn in the land of Egypt, both man and beast; and ... will execute judgment: I am the Lord.
And the blood shall be unto you for a token upon the house where you are: and when I see the blood, I will pass over you, and the plague shall not be upon you to destroy you, when I smite the land of Egypt.
My subject is "The Token."
Let us bow our heads now. And in this stillness of this sacred moment, before approaching Him in prayer, is there a request that you'd like for God to answer this afternoon? Just lift up your hands if you do, and think down in your heart what you want Him to do. Anywhere in the building, just think what you want Him to do.

Exodus 12:12 For I will pass through the land of Egypt this night, and will smite all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, both man and beast; and against all the gods of Egypt I will execute judgment: I am the LORD.

Exodus 12:13 And the blood shall be to you for a token upon the houses where ye are: and when I see the blood, I will pass over you, and the plague shall not be upon you to destroy you, when I smite the land of Egypt.

2 Our heavenly Father, Thou art the unchangeable God. And we pray that You will answer our prayers this afternoon as we are holding our hands, and Thou dost notice that my hands are up too. And my request---I'll make it known publicly. That is, Lord, that You'll heal every person in here today, save every lost one. Now, You said, "If You ask the Father anything in my name, I'll do it."
Now, Lord, help us together to believe, as a unit of people, of believing children. Speak through thy Word, Lord. Thy Word is truth. Bless our hearts.
We thank You for this meeting. We thank You for Brother Grant, and for all of his workers, and all the churches and people. For all that You've done for us, Lord, we're grateful to You. Father, there may be many of us here we'll never see each other again now, until we see on the other side. This may be the last service that we'll sit together on this earth. May the Holy Spirit come and bless us together. Minister to us our needs. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. You may be seated.

John 14:14 If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it.

John 16:23 And in that day ye shall ask me nothing. Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, he will give it you.

John 17:17 Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.

3 I have a little tablet of paper here. I write out some scriptures and little things. Used to be I could remember it in my mind, but I just passed twenty-five, you know---that is, the second time. And then, I don't remember like I used to, and so many ... wound up in the meetings and things, and so much to do.
Our subject this afternoon is "The Token." Our scene opens in Egypt. It's a great picture here, now. I want you all to see it. And just be as reverent as you can. Egypt is the place of the scene, and the time of the scene is just at the beginning of the exodus.

4 And now it's a type of today shown, as we are also facing another exodus. God bringing Israel out of Egypt to the promised land was a type of Christ, bringing the bride out of the church to the promised land. We are in another exodus. Now, if you'll study the scripture---we just have time to hit the high spots of it---that's true.
We are the... As God brought a nation out of a nation, God will bring the bride out of a church. The bride will be called from all the churches. It will be ... the elected of God will be brought out. And we're on the verge of that exodus right now, for we have every scriptural proof that we're standing there. Now I know that's been said a lot of times. But, my friend, one time it will be said for the last time. Time will fade into eternity then. He's coming to take a bride out of a church.

5 The token was the thing that made the difference between Egypt and Israel, the two nations. They were all human beings, but ... all God-created, all the handiwork of God. But the difference... When the death penalty was passed, the difference between life and death was the token.
And so will it be at the coming of the Son of God when He brings the bride out of the church. The difference will be the token. You listen close this afternoon, and see if that isn't true. The token will be the difference. There's got to be a difference.

6 God is going to judge the world some day. If I asked the Catholic people, who will He judge, what will He judge the world by, they'd say the church. What church? The Catholic church. Which Catholic church? There's several of them. The Methodists will say by the Methodist. The Baptist then is out of it. Then if you judge it by the Baptist church, all the rest of them's out. The Pentecost will say by the Pentecost; then the rest of them's out, see. It would be too (confusion), too much confusion, too confusing to the mind to think of such a thing. But God had a way here that He said He's going to judge the earth. Not by the Catholic church, not by the Protestant church; but He's going to judge the world by Jesus Christ, and Jesus is the Word.
So there it comes back to the Bible again, see. He'll judge the world by the Bible. And the Bible is God's judgment book, which is the complete revelation of Jesus Christ, that nothing else can be added or anything taken from it. The penalty of doing it is your name out of the book of life. Just stay right in the book, and pray God to make us part of that.

7 Now, we find out a token ... what is a token? A token is a sign of a paid price, the token is. Just like our railroads and bus lines. We take our money and go to the station. Now see, the bus line is not allowed---in the places where tokens are used---they're not allowed to take money. They cannot take money; it takes a token.
Say the airplanes, whatever more. You go to a certain place, the purchasing counter, and purchase from your money so many tokens---this certain token. And this token is a sign that your fare has been paid. You have a right aboard the ship, aboard the plane, aboard the bus, or whatever it is, as long as you hold a token to show that your ride has been paid for. Now remember that. Don't forget it.

8 Israel's slain lamb was the ... was God's requirement. Jehovah required a slain lamb, an innocent substitute. As we've been through in the week gone by now, that God, when He makes a decision, He never changes it. And He made a way. His first thing that He did when man had fallen, He had to make a way for him back if He ever wanted to redeem him. And He made a decision that He saved man by the blood of an innocent one, and He's forever done the same thing. He's never changed it.
No place will God ever meet any worshipper, only under the blood. That's his only place. We try to make Him meet under our theology, under our denomination, under our educational programs ... built towers, and some's built cities, Babylon and the tower of Babel, and all different kinds of things. But it still remains---God only meets the true worshipper under the blood. He never changes it.
We can't all be Methodist, we can't all be Pentecostals, we can't all be this, that, or the other---we'll disagree. But when I come to a man, let him be Catholic priest or whatever he is, when he's under that blood we are brothers ... care where he's at, as long as he's under that blood.

9 Now Israel's slain lamb was the requirement of Jehovah, and the blood was the token that the job had been done. God required, for redemption from Egypt to go to the promised land, he required a slain animal. And that animal must have... The blood of the dead animal must be put upon the lintel, and on the door, and that stood for the token that the thing that Jehovah had required had been fulfilled. See, now, not the lamb was the token; the blood was the token.
Now, the life had gone out from the sacrifice, and now the blood was a token his orders had been carried out. The blood stood for the token, the sign that this believer had done exactly what the requirement was. That was the token. All right. Seeing, the believer worship was then identified with his sacrifice. See,

10 here's a house and the worshipper. What was the requirement? Slay a lamb on the fourteenth day after he's put up, a male without blemish. All Israel shall slay it. And the blood shall be taken with hyssop and put upon the lintel of the door.
And, by the way, that hyssop was just common weed. Hyssop means your faith. Somebody tries to have supernatural faith. That's the reason you miss your healing. Faith is just a common thing. You got faith to come to church, you got faith to walk out there, you got faith to start your car, you got faith to eat your dinner. That's the way it is---just common faith.
Now to apply... The blood was applied with hyssop, which is just common weeds that grow anywhere in Palestine, showing that the faith that the blood is to be applied by, is not some super thing you have to have all kind of doctor's degree to do it. It's just common everyday faith to believe God. Apply the blood by faith with the hyssop.

11 Now, the worshipper, then, seen beneath this blood, showed that he had carried out Jehovah's request, and he was identified. The token showed he was identified with the slain lamb that Jehovah had required. The work was done.
What a perfect type today of Christ and the believer. When the token is displayed, to the believer then it shows that it's been accepted, and the work has been done.
Then the blood was a token of identification, the blood itself. That animal bled, died, and his blood was on the wall. Now, animal life that was in the blood... And life is in the blood, we know that. The Bible said so and science proves it. Life is in the blood. So therefore, when the animal was killed, and the life was broken from the animal, the blood had to be the chemistry of the blood to stand for the token; because the life that was in the blood could not come back upon the believer, because it was an animal's life.
And a animal life and a human life is absolutely different. There's no ... nothing in it at all. You take a animal's blood and put in you, you'll die. So you see, we... It's a different life in the animal blood than there is in the human blood, because the human has a soul. The animal has no soul.

12 And now, therefore, the blood itself... Understand now, the red (chemistry) chemicals of the blood had to stand out on the door as a token that the lamb had died, now, because the life of the lamb could not come back on the human worshipper.
But today (it was only a type), today it isn't the chemical blood of the Lord Jesus, our Lamb, but it's the life that was in the blood, which is the Holy Ghost. It comes back and is the token that we have accepted, and did exactly what God told us to do. And then, by having the token, we are identified with our sacrifice. Perfectly. I don't see how anything more could be any plainer, see.

13 Only way anyone could tell that that house belonged to ... under the blood, because the chemistry of the blood was on the doors they passed through. The death angel had to look and see the blood. Now, again, it was a type of the Holy Spirit.
Now see, the literal blood of Jesus could not come upon each one of us, because He just had so much blood in his body. And it's dripped off out of his body into the ground two thousand years ago. But it wasn't to be for a token. The life ... the life that was in the blood was the token. Now, I'll prove it to you just in a minute by the Bible. It is the token that's to come upon each of us to show that we have been identified with our sacrifice, and have carried out Jehovah's request.

14 Peter said on the day of Pentecost, "Repent, every one of you, and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sin, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to them that's far off, as many as the Lord our God shall call." See, not showing it just to them---as many as the Lord will call. There's many think they're called. But all the Lord calls, those who He foreknew, He called. All who He called He justified. All who He justified He has glorified already. The thing is settled.
And then, when you take a person that doesn't believe that the Holy Ghost is for the day, see what they're doing? They're denying the token, which is the very symbol of you being connected with your sacrifice. See what I mean? It's very simple if you just look at it in the way that God has got it wrote out.
Now, the blood carried us and we were ... shows the symbol of the Holy Spirit that is the life.

Acts 2:38 Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.

Romans 8:30 Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called: and whom he called, them he also justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified.

15 Now, the animal life could not come back in the human, because that it wouldn't match. The animal life has no soul in it. The human life has a soul. The animal doesn't know he's naked. He doesn't know right from wrong. He's just ... he has a spirit, but not a soul. Now, remember, now the soul is the nature of the spirit, of course.
Now watch. But then, when the life of our sacrifice, Jesus Christ... When his blood was shed, He was God bottled up in one man. Now, He come down from being Jehovah to identify Himself as a human being, to take upon Himself the form of man to identify us with Him. He was the lamb of God, and on the inside of Him where the blood...

Isaiah 7:14 Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.

16 Now I know, somebody says, "He was of Jewish blood." You hear the Jews say that. He wasn't Jewish blood; and neither was He Gentile blood. He was the blood of God. He had neither Jewish... He was neither Jew nor Gentile. He was God. "A virgin shall conceive."
Now, I know many of you people, and the Protestants, think that the egg was Mary's; and the hemoglobin, which comes... The life comes in the blood cell. Because, a hen can lay an egg without being with a male bird. It won't hatch, because it's not fertile. Life comes from the blood stream, which comes from the male sex. But in this case there was no male sex. So the life in the blood, it had to come from God alone, and He created a blood cell in the womb of Mary. God, Himself, the creator Himself, created a blood cell.
Now look. They say, "Well, it was the body. Mary had the egg." No, sir! She was not no egg. If it was an egg... You cannot get the sperm without a sensation. And if she had a sensation, what do you have God doing? He created both egg and blood. That's exactly what He was.
We handled God, the Bible said. I Timothy 3:16: "Without controversy, great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifested in the flesh." We handled Him with our hands. That body was God. Certainly was! He was God all over, in a form of a human being.

1 Timothy 3:16 And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory.

17 Now, we notice in this, that that blood cell being broken, that released God. God was in Christ, reconciling the world to Himself, where no other one could do it. Nothing else could be done. It taken that holy blood Himself. God had to come down and become man to suffer his own law.
If Jesus was just a prophet, a man separated from God, then God's unjust. If I could say, "Let Brother Grant die for some sin that Billy ought to die for," or something else, some penalty, that would be unjust. If I had my own boy to die for a penalty that I had pronounced, it still isn't just. There's only one justice I can do: that's take his place, if I want to save him. And God had to become flesh in order to take the sinner's place. God---manifested in the flesh---nothing less than God, Himself.
Now here He was, manifested in the flesh to take away the sins of the world. And He identified Himself in us that we might be identified in Him. See the purpose of it?

2 Corinthians 5:19 To wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation.

18 Now, we find out, our identification with our sacrifice, the life of the sacrifice in us, which is the Holy Spirit.
When that cell was broke it released God. Released God, that He had sanctified a people with his own blood, and put God in the man again. God in you---eternal life. And any Greek scholar knows that that word "eternal life" comes from the word "Z-o-e," Zoe, which means God's own life. That's right. The only way that you ever can have life ... there's only one form of eternal life, and that's God's own life in you. See? Then you have eternal life, because He is the only eternal there is.
And we are the attributes of his thoughts before there was even a foundation of the world or anything. All this is just his thinking, and we're the display of his thoughts of what it was.

19 And He had to come down in order to take away sin. No one else could do it. There was no one worthy to do it. No one could do it but Him, and He did it.
And then, when that life was released from that body---man, which was the Son of God... His creative power made a building, like any contractor: built the building that He moved into Himself. God did that. And then when that life was taken, the blood (the chemistry of it), poured out upon the ground, just like just Abel's poured out upon the ground. But from that blood came the Holy Spirit of God. And that was sent to man on the day of Pentecost, to be identified with the sacrifice that died for them. There's no other way in the world we can get it---a positive token.

20 Look, if you was guilty of death and you knowed you was going to the electric chair... And remember, to reject (Dallas, listen!), to reject the blood of Jesus Christ---the token of his blood ---if you see it and reject it, you're going to face the judgment with his blood on your hands. Sinner, church member, remember that.
What if Lee Oswald would have been able, them few days, and that sweating before that Supreme Court that he had to face, and knowed, from killing the President, there wouldn't even be one speck of mercy... How that man must have felt! It must have been a terrific thing. He never got to face it, because the other fellow shot him. But think of sitting there before a angry Supreme Court with the blood of your fellow man on your hand, the President of the United States. That will be a mild thing to you people who pass by the blood of Jesus Christ, when you'll stand in the courts of God; sweat it out when you know... Oswald---could've done no more than depart this life for him; but God departs you eternally from his presence. It will be a terrific thing.

21 If you had to come to the courts, of being guilty, you would seek the best lawyer you could find. Anybody would do it. And every man that's borned in the world, I don't care how good a home he come out of, he's guilty of the blood of Jesus Christ until he accepts the pardon of it. And the only way that you know the pardon is right, when the token puts itself upon you and you have the token.
Notice. You're guilty, and you'd hunt the best attorney that you could find to plead your case. And if I was going to the judgment of God, I don't want no priest, I don't want no man, I want the best attorney I can find to plead my case.
Let me say this to you, my Christian friend. Our attorney is also our judge, and our judge became our attorney. The case is settled when we receive his pardon. The judge Himself came down and became the attorney, and the attorney and judge is the same person. God become man that He might justify man by his own death that he placed upon Him. Hallelujah! (That means "praise our God." He deserves all praises.) Our judge and our attorney is the same person.

22 The Holy Ghost is the token that we have been pardoned. The case is closed---that every man and woman that truly has received the baptism of the Holy Ghost, he's been tried. He's identified with his attorney, with his judge, with his sacrifice. And the token he holds in his possession shows that his trip is paid to glory. Amen. It's all over. He holds that token. It's his---the baptism of the Holy Spirit, which is the witness of the resurrection of Jesus. Amen! Do you believe it? That's your identification. You're holding the token.
Now, if you haven't got that token, you'll not be coming in. You must have the token. That's a required price. "When I see the blood..." The blood is the token. "When I see the blood, I'll pass over you." You must have the token. If you don't, why, you won't go. You've got to have the token.

Exodus 12:13 And the blood shall be to you for a token upon the houses where ye are: and when I see the blood, I will pass over you, and the plague shall not be upon you to destroy you, when I smite the land of Egypt.

23 If the token was not displayed, the token wasn't showed down there, even the covenant wasn't in effect. You say, "Now, Brother Branham, now wait just a minute." That's exactly right.
The token was above the covenant. For Israel had a covenant to be circumcised, and any Jew could go out and show any person... "I can prove to you I am circumcised. I am a Jew. I'm circumcised according to Jehovah's command." But yet, that didn't expel him if the token wasn't there also. He must display the token. You get it? He... The token's got to be there anyhow, and if you are in the covenant...
If any Jew would say, "I ain't putting no blood on my door. I can prove that I'm a covenant Jew," the death angel got him. No matter how loyal he was, how much church member he was, how much tithes he paid, how he said he believed Jehovah---Jehovah required that token!
And He does it today too! It's got to be. It must be, for there's not another way under heaven, not another name given, any way. No matter how good, how loyal---that token's got to be there, and displayed.

Acts 4:12 Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.

24 The blood... You'd say, "Well, I killed the lamb and I put it in a jar, and I set it back there." That's not what He said. It must be on the lintel and on the door place. It's got to be displayed.
And your life has got to display the token is in you. Oh, you Pentecostals, what's wrong with you? Bobbed hair, painted faces; men, dirty jokes and things---where's that display? The blood of my Lord Jesus Christ is the token of the Holy Ghost. You---having a form of godliness, and calling (witchcraft and everything else) the works of God, witchcraft ---how do you display a token? You say, "I'm Pentecost." I don't care what you are.
"I'm Baptist, I'm Pres..." I don't care what you are. That token's got to be there. God requires it, and nothing else but that.

1 Timothy 3:5 (For if a man know not how to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the church of God?)

25 You say, "Oh, I've got a doctor's..." I don't care how many degrees you've got. God requires that token, and that only. It's a sign that your way is paid. He ain't going to take your credentials, or something else; he's got to have that token.
The bus driver say, "Here, wait a minute. That ain't my token."
The airplane man say... We go out there now... A ticket is a token. You go out there and tell the pilot, "Here, I want to get on your plane. How much is it?"
"Go in and get your token."
"Oh, I'll pay you."
"I can't take it. You won't get on my plane until you go pay the price and get the token. I'm looking for the token."
You say, "Well, I went to school. I done this, I done..."
"I don't care what you done. You got to have the token or you don't get on." Amen and amen! Can't you see it?
God requires that token. "When I see the blood, and only, will I pass over you---when I see the token."

Exodus 12:13 And the blood shall be to you for a token upon the houses where ye are: and when I see the blood, I will pass over you, and the plague shall not be upon you to destroy you, when I smite the land of Egypt.

26 It was not displayed, the covenant wasn't even in effect. A Jew could absolutely say and prove himself to be a circumcised Jew. He could take the brethren out and say, "Looky here, I'm circumcised." That didn't mean one thing.
You say, "I'm Methodist."
"I'm Baptist."
"I'm Pentecostal."
"I'm this. I'm that." That don't mean one thing. You've got to have the token.
And when the token comes, it testifies of Christ. He said it would. And Christ is the Word. And how can you deny that the Bible's true, part of it, and still say you have the token, when the token is the testimony of Jesus Christ. There's what I wonder.
Oh, say, "I don't believe ... I believe the days of miracles..." Look out! There's no token there! The token punctuates every word with an "Amen." Everything---'cause it's God itself, see? All right.

27 But if the token was not there, the covenant was not in effect. It was annulled. Same now. No matter how much you say ... how much you say, "I believe every word in the Bible." Say, "Brother Branham, I can quote you half of that Bible, all the Bible, by heart. I believe every bit of it." That's good. Satan does too. It takes the token!
"Well, Brother Branham, I've got my wall full of degrees. I'm a Bachelor of Art, and I have a Doctor's degree, and a LL.D. of Latin. Oh, I've wrote books, I've done this, I done everything, I've done all these things." I don't care. That's all right, but yet you've got to have the token---the token. Still the token is required.
You say, "I'm a Bible student. I'm a good person. I'm this, that." That may be fine. That's all good, but still it's got to have the token.

28 Now, death was ready to strike Egypt at any time, and so is death ready to strike the nation now at any time. Anna Jean, I feel something like your dad said, a remark, one time. I've always liked that. He said, "You know, this nation with the same sins, if God lets America get by with what she's a-doing, He'll be morally obligated to raise Sodom and Gomorrah up and apologize to them for burning them." That's right. Remember Israel paid for every sin she did, and so will we. How loosely are we getting. Tighten up the armor! Come back to God, church! I'm not saying these things to be different. I'm telling you as a warning. You believe.

29 Death was ready to strike. God had showed them his grace and his mercy through powers and signs and wonders. So has He today before taking the church out. Still they desired not to repent and to believe the message. See, there was a message just before the taking out of the church. There always has to be. Same now.
Every spiritual happening is a sign from God. Do you believe that? Like the message---there's a sign and then the message follows the sign. God told Moses, said, "If they won't believe the voice of the first sign, maybe they'll believe the voice of the second sign."

Exodus 4:8 And it shall come to pass, if they will not believe thee, neither hearken to the voice of the first sign, that they will believe the voice of the latter sign.

30 Now when you see signs going on and no message behind it---just the same old school of theology and on down---that wasn't from God. But where there's a sign showed, a message follows it.
Now look. Jesus come on the scene. (Am I deafening you? Or ever who's on this microphone here sounds like it's coming back. Maybe it's a little loud. I want you to get it.)

31 When Jesus came on the scene He never said very much to people. Everybody wanted Him in his church. "Oh, this young prophet, we're just so happy to have Him." He was healing the sick. "Oh, glory to God! God's raised up a great man among us." That was fine. So one day it come to a spot to where...
That was his sign. Isaiah 35 said it would be a sign: the lame would leap like a hart and so forth, the blind would see. It was a sign. He displayed his sign as Messiah, and so forth. And they, many of them, said, "Yes, I could go for that." Well now, if that was a sign, there's got to be a voice of that sign. What was the voice behind it? When He begin to teach his doctrine, and call them a bunch of snakes in the grass, He wasn't popular from then on. See, when the voice came with the sign...
The sign went first.

Isaiah 35:5 Then the eyes of the blind shall be opened, and the ears of the deaf shall be unstopped.

Isaiah 35:6 Then shall the lame man leap as an hart, and the tongue of the dumb sing: for in the wilderness shall waters break out, and streams in the desert.

32 Moses went down in Egypt with a sign, and he threw down his rod ... turned into a serpent. That was sign. But after awhile the voice come with the sign. Then it was different. See, they don't want that. The voice must be ... follow a sign.
And at no other time could it ever have come but that time, because it was time for the scriptures to be fulfilled. Look what He told him in the burning bush. "I have seen the groans, and heard them, of my people, and seen their afflictions by the task masters of Egypt; and I remember my promise that I made Abraham." Four hundred years had expired and He told Abraham they'd be down there. See, no other time could it be. Moses had to come just at that time.

Exodus 6:5 And I have also heard the groaning of the children of Israel, whom the Egyptians keep in bondage; and I have remembered my covenant.

Exodus 7:10 And Moses and Aaron went in unto Pharaoh, and they did so as the LORD had commanded: and Aaron cast down his rod before Pharaoh, and before his servants, and it became a serpent.

33 God's big clock ticks perfect. It won't be one minute fast or one minute behind. It will be just exactly on the time.
Well, so you see, everything was running just right. Could not come in other times; neither could these things come in other times. This could not've come in the days of Luther, it could not've come in the days of Wesley, the days of the Baptists, or Methodists in their day. It couldn't have come.
It has to come now. Israel has to be a nation. The churches have to be like they are now. There had to be a third message, a third church age. There had to be a Laodicea. It could not form until Pentecost come and shot their wad, and went out and organized, and did what they did. Then it has to come. Then comes the Lord, when they put Him out of the church. He is the Word.

Revelation 3:20 Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.

34 They're afraid to challenge that Word anywhere. They keep awful quiet about it, but yet they fuss about it. Chicago, here not long ago, when the Lord gave me a vision... I had three hundred ministers down there. I said, "Now I know what you're ... about serpent's seed and so forth." I said, "One of you take your Bible and come stand by my side and disprove it." The quietest bunch you ever heard! I said, "Then keep off of my back." See, it's out of their school of thinking.
Yet they say, "Brother Branham's a prophet when he was anointed. But when the anointing is off of him, oh, I don't know." What a... If that isn't a mark of a mixed-up theologian! The very ... the word "prophet" means a divine revelator of the Word.
The Word of the Lord come to the prophets. That's how Jesus was identified. They said, after the resurrection, they said, "We know He was a prophet of God. See, no man could do these things 'less God be with him." And they wouldn't accept his message. They wouldn't accept John, and he was a prophet. Wouldn't accept Elijah, none of the rest of them, and they had the divine revelation.

Amos 3:7 Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets.

35 The word, the English word "prophet" (English words can mean anything), it means a preacher. But when you say prophet of the old Bible, meant a seer. And his credentials was that what he told come to pass, and that was the sign that he was a prophet. And he ... also that was the sign that he had the divine revelation of the written Word. And then, God confirming it behind him, proved it. How... Well, it just has to be this way, that's all. There ain't no way of getting around it. God said it'd be that way, and there you are. There it is today, see. That token's got to be there. That identifies that word, and makes it exactly truth.
Then how He promised for ... how He prepared all of his promised-land-people. Now, when He was going to have this exodus, which is a type...

36 (Now, I'm going to try to be out in about another fifteen, twenty, minutes with the message. Notice close now. I want you to get this 'cause I may never see you again, see. Notice.) Now, watch how He prepared his people. How many knows that he never changes his way? He never does. He's... Now, look through the Bible and see if He ever changes. No, sir.
How did He prepare the people? First He sent a prophet with a sign, which was Moses. Is that right? And the sign had a message---a message to get ready. They were going out to the land that was promised. Then He had identification of this prophet, that a light was over the top of him. A pillar of fire followed this prophet, we know that, went through the wilderness with Moses. We realize that. And then He gave them a token for the assurance that they wouldn't have to be scared, all upset and nervous. He said, "When I see that token, I'll pass over you."

Exodus 12:13 And the blood shall be to you for a token upon the houses where ye are: and when I see the blood, I will pass over you, and the plague shall not be upon you to destroy you, when I smite the land of Egypt.

37 Watch how He did now. He prepared first a sign, a messenger, identified message, identification of the messenger, and a token for the assurance that the way was paid---they're headed for the promised land. The same thing He's done today. What did He do? He sent us the Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost is the messenger. And the scriptural identification of Himself identifies Him among us, the same yesterday, today, and forever. And the token is the assurance. What are we scared about? Our fare is already paid and we are identified with our sacrifice. He can't turn you down. He promised that. We're identified.

Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

38 Israel coming out of Egypt, as I said, is like the bride coming out of the church. When Moses began his ministry, Israel all gathered together in Goshen for prayer and worship. Exactly. Come from all parts of the ... Egypt. That's the way the bride'll do. It'll come out of all the oneness, twoness, threeness, and all the other kinds---it'll come out. It's got to. Now we read here in Hebrews... Now, the first thing we must think of ... come from all parts, come out from amongst unbelief. Now the Holy Spirit promised to call that in the last days---come out from among the unbelievers.

Hebrews 3:19 So we see that they could not enter in because of unbelief.

Revelation 18:4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.

39 We find out in Hebrews 10:26, I got wrote down here, it says this: "If we sin willfully after we have received the knowledge of the truth, there's no more sacrifice for sin," see? If you disbelieve willfully... Now if you notice... What may I say here? If you'll spare me a moment, till I make that illustration... I could feel the spirit didn't go over right.
See, notice.

Hebrews 10:26 For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins,

40 Here's Hebrews. They're on the road out. God chose twelve men, or Moses did by the hand of God, to go over and spy out the land and come back---bring back a token of the land. And when they got there, ten of them was scared to death. "Why," they said, "them Amalekites up there---we look like grasshoppers to them."
Joshua and Caleb come back bringing the evidence, "We can do it." You see, that's border-line believers. They come through these different elements, and through church, and joining church, and baptisms and forms. But when it comes right up to crossing over to get the token---the evidence that the land is there, that life... Jesus Christ is not dead. It's another dimension. He lives in it. He's with us. He's now in us. When it comes to that, they couldn't believe that. That was too much, you see. And they come back and they, every one, died in the wilderness. Not one of them went over.
You see, if we disbelieve---we Methodists, Baptists, Presbyterian...

Numbers 13:17 And Moses sent them to spy out the land of Canaan, and said unto them, Get you up this way southward, and go up into the mountain:

Numbers 13:30 And Caleb stilled the people before Moses, and said, Let us go up at once, and possess it; for we are well able to overcome it.

Numbers 13:33 And there we saw the giants, the sons of Anak, which come of the giants: and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight.

Numbers 14:23 Surely they shall not see the land which I sware unto their fathers, neither shall any of them that provoked me see it:

Hebrews 3:17 But with whom was he grieved forty years? was it not with them that had sinned, whose carcases fell in the wilderness?

41 I hope my old teacher sitting here today, Dr. Roy E. Davis... Many of you knows him right here in Fort Worth. He's perhaps sitting in here. I remember we discussed these things many, many years ago. He baptized me in the faith, the Missionary Baptist Church.
Looky, in here now, if we ... if we come up to that borderland, say, "Well, glory to God, I spoke in tongues! Hallelujah!" That's not it. If you can say ... disbelieve any of that Word, there's something wrong with your experience, see. You come right up to the land and see it's there. You see that Jesus has raised. He's among us. You hear the word that follows the message, and still don't believe it. You know what happens? Then they died right in the wilderness. "If we sin willfully after we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sin." That's what the book of Hebrews tells us.

Hebrews 10:26 For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins,

42 And, now watch, as we see the great end-time signs in the earth that He promised, how much more it's warning us that the time is at hand. Quit unbelieving---come together. We should love each other, and believe, and separate ourselves from the world.
Notice, they were not to just come together and talk about the message; they were to get into it, get under the blood. Not come say, "You know, Moses told us [the messenger], he said, he told us that we should have blood. What do you think about it, boys?" That wasn't it! Get the lamb killed and get the blood up there! We can come and sit, and agree with the Word and everything else---but don't have that token, what good does it do us? No good. Get beneath it! He was not responsible for anyone out from under that blood. And He's not responsible for anybody today out from under it---the token.

43 The whole family only safe when they were under the token, and the token was displayed---the entire family. You believe that? Today we ought to remember that, people. Our children, and this teenage of nonsense and rock-and-roll, and things that we're going through and all these here Beatles and bugs...
And do you know that all is represented here in the book of the Bible? It says that in Revelations. Certainly it does. How people, they're ... see, they're not ... they're dead. They can't rise. They were never eternal. They wasn't even in the thinking, so they'll perish; they'll be gone forever, totally annihilated. They'll be punished for eons of time for what they done, but anything that had a beginning has an end. It's that that don't have no beginning has no end. There's only one form of eternal life. One form of eternal life---we strive for that.

44 Joshua, the second chapter of Joshua. The believing Gentile harlot had heard, and her family, and brought them under the scarlet cord which was a token from the messengers of Joshua. God's destroying angel honored that token, and that only, in that city. There was God's requirement by his servant that God required---this token---and that was the only... I don't care if he was the mayor of the town, if he was the holiest man in the town, if they went in the biggest church in the town; everything in the city fell but that house. God alone honored that token.

Joshua 2:18 Behold, when we come into the land, thou shalt bind this line of scarlet thread in the window which thou didst let us down by: and thou shalt bring thy father, and thy mother, and thy brethren, and all thy father's household, home unto thee.

Joshua 2:19 And it shall be, that whosoever shall go out of the doors of thy house into the street, his blood shall be upon his head, and we will be guiltless: and whosoever shall be with thee in the house, his blood shall be on our head, if any hand be upon him.

45 Notice. Jericho had heard that God was doing great things, but they didn't take heed to the warning. So is the people today hearing what God's been doing for the last few years, but they won't take heed to it. This great power of grace and signs like He promised, "As it was in the days of Sodom, so shall it be..." How He promised that thing would be. Watch what taken place at Sodom. Remember, there was the sign of Sodom. But the messenger of Malachi 4 is to get the people's hearts back to the fathers, the Pentecostal fathers, back to the Bible.
There can't be no more Bible, something else. This is the entire revelation of God. And some one said, "Well, I believe this part. I don't know about that." The real messenger of God'll switch you back to the entire thing, see. Notice, that's what the Holy Spirit does---bring you back to every word of God.

Malachi 4:6 And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse.

Luke 17:28 Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded;

46 His grace had been shown; his judgment was next. They must have believed that they were safe in their great big denominational buildings they had there in Jericho. But they find out it didn't work. There must have been some of the ... maybe got in there some way, there's a couple boys got in there, and told to get all that predestinated seed together. And she got ... she used her house for a church and received the messengers, and then got all in her city that would believe under the token. One woman in that whole great economy!

47 One little woman, and her of ill-fame---probably excommunicated from every church in the city. But she believed that messenger, and that messenger left a token, a sign. And God honored the token.
So is it today. Just remember, when God's wrath destroyer that come, that big system fell. The token kept her house safe, not 'cause she was a good woman; because she had faith and applied the token. Now what if she said, "Yeah, them was fine men. I certainly enjoyed the message they gave. But honest, it sounds kind of silly to have that string hanging out my window. I'll just pull it in." It would have fell! It would have fell. God only honored the token, same as life's token is in Egypt.

48 Joshua was a type of Jesus, because Joshua means Jehovah-saviour. He was a type of Jesus---was true to the token sign of his messenger had preached. Joshua stayed true to that token sign. All under it was saved in Egypt; all under it was saved in Jericho. The lamb's blood is a type today of the token, that the Holy Ghost is the token of today. All under it is safe; all out from under it is not safe. In Hebrews 13:10 and 20, He's called the everlasting covenant. The old covenant was one thing; this is the new. This is the everlasting covenant.

Hebrews 13:11 For the bodies of those beasts, whose blood is brought into the sanctuary by the high priest for sin, are burned without the camp.

Hebrews 13:12 Wherefore Jesus also, that he might sanctify the people with his own blood, suffered without the gate.

Hebrews 13:20 Now the God of peace, that brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant,

49 God's blood-bound promises makes us free from sin and shame, and different from the rest of the world. You don't have to dress different. Anybody can dress different. You have to be on the inside different. The life is on the inside, not dressing, wearing... The kingdom of God is not meat and drink or wearing of apparel; but it's the long-suffering, goodness, gentleness, patience in the Holy Ghost.
Now, the promises makes free from sin, shows that God hasn't recognized your sin. David said, "Blessed is the man who God will not impute sin to." And God will never impute sin over that token, because the token is the paid sign that God has already received it, and you've got the token for it. The pri... Your faith has bought it and you have the purchased price of your redemption in your body, to worship Him and show forth his promises and power.

1 Samuel 22:15 Did I then begin to inquire of God for him? be it far from me: let not the king impute any thing unto his servant, nor to all the house of my father: for thy servant knew nothing of all this, less or more.

2 Samuel 19:19 And said unto the king, Let not my lord impute iniquity unto me, neither do thou remember that which thy servant did perversely the day that my lord the king went out of Jerusalem, that the king should take it to his heart.

Romans 4:8 Blessed is the man to whom the Lord will not impute sin.

Romans 14:17 For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.

50 The New Testament means new covenant. The blood means life. The New Testament is the Holy Ghost testament, the Holy Ghost giving testimony of what ... Jesus Christ has raised from the dead. Shows Jesus has met every requirement for us and is alive today. The token proves he is alive to identify Hisself with us according to his promise. Now, how can a man read the Bible and see that He promised, and to see Christ return in these last days, in the form of the Holy Ghost, and identify Himself alive? ... That's the token, that's the sign, that's the price paid.
Don't never rely upon some sensation. "I felt chills run over my back," and "I smelt something, seen some blood in my hands, or some oil," or, "I won my Bachelor's degree," or "I danced in the Spirit, I shouted, I spoke in tongues." Them things might be all right. I've nothing against them, but that's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about the identification of the token, Jesus Christ raised and in us now, identifying Himself to vindicate his promised word of this day. Amen!
Then you and Christ are one, God and Christ are one. "At that day you will know that I am in the Father, the Father in me; I in you, and you in me." There is God made manifest in human flesh, showing Himself alive after two thousand years. That's the token. If you're not in, get in real quick, friends. It might everlast be too late---we don't know.

John 14:20 At that day ye shall know that I am in my Father, and ye in me, and I in you.

51 Show forth his presence, the new testament, the blood, and it is alive now making vindication. And because He is, we have the right of all He purchased for us. A man that's got the baptism of the Holy Ghost, or a woman that's got the baptism of the Holy Ghost, has a right to everything that Jesus purchased for us. For that's the sign that we have. That's the buying power. Say, for instance, you say, "Well Brother Branham, what do you mean?"

52 Here, make it plain now. I want you sick people to get this. Look, if I was starving to death and I know a loaf of bread, say, cost a quarter, and along comes a brother and says, "Here's a quarter, Brother Branham. You're starving. Take this quarter." Now, you know I can be just as happy with that quarter in my hand as I can with the bread in my hand, because I've got the purchase price. I've got the token that gets the bread. And right there's the bread. And the only thing, if I'm holding the token (the quarter that buys the bread), I can be just as happy with the token as I can with the bread.
Now, if you've got the baptism of the Holy Ghost, that is the token that you have every redemptive thing that Jesus died for---belongs to you, it's in your hand. Are you afraid to claim it? If I put it in my pocket and say, "Well, I don't know whether I could buy that bread or not," I'll starve to death.
But remember the merchant says, "I have one requirement, Mr. Branham. One 25 cents---you can have the loaf of bread." I got it! Amen! That settles it. That's the reason we don't see so many things done today. The token isn't displayed, the real token. Oh, we have all kinds of bogus, but I mean a real token.

53 Look, then when we realize and present the token, the life it took for the token, the blood, speaks for us. Remember, the covenant blood was recognized with the token and the Word assures us of the promise. The token is the sign that the purchase is made for us.
Now, if you're not included in that, well, of course, you'll never get nothing. You're just walking through a prayer line, walking back out, walking up to the altar and looking up, walking back out. But, oh, brother, when that token is once placed in your heart, and you know it's the resurrection of Jesus Christ in you---something's happening---there isn't nothing going to turn you. You know where you belong.
Full obedience to the whole Word of God entitles you to the token, and nothing else. "Blessed is he that does all of his commandments ... might have right to the tree of life."
Then when we pray, we must have the token to present with our prayers. Now don't fail to get that. When you pray you must have the token to hold over your prayer. If you're not, keep praying till the token comes. 'Cause you're not promised to receive it, see; you've got to have this token first. That's the paying price, your faith to believe it.

Revelation 22:14 Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.

54 Now, sign of full obedience ---fear is gone.
Paul tells us that the blood speaks better things. You say, "The blood speaks?" Yeah, the blood speaks. In Genesis 4:10 we find out that God said that (Cain or) Abel's blood spoke out from the earth. We find out in Hebrews 12 that the blood of the covenant of Christ speaks better things than that of Abel, see. We find out the blood does speak. It speaks in your behalf. The life that's in you speaks for the shed blood. Amen! Amen! I wish everybody could see that, see. If you could see what it is---it's the life that's in you. See, that blood is identifying you with it. It's the token. What it is, the blood was shed for you, you've accepted, the life has come into you. You have the token---that's the Holy Spirit.

Genesis 4:10 And he said, What hast thou done? the voice of thy brother's blood crieth unto me from the ground.

Hebrews 12:24 And to Jesus the mediator of the new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling, that speaketh better things than that of Abel.

55 Then when we pray we must have the token to present with our prayers, as I said.
And now, believe for ourself and apply the token to the whole family, like in Egypt, Jericho. Or, either in Acts 16:31, we find out that Paul told the Roman centurion, said, "Believe thou, and all thy house shall be saved." Apply it to your family. You got a unsaved child, lay the token right on top of him and say, "Lord God, I claim him." Stay right there. You got a mother or a loved one that's lost, lay that token on them. Say, "Lord God, I claim it."
Move out of all the worldly trash out of your house. Get ready for it. Burn up your shorts. Throw your card tables away. Get rid of your cigarettes. Dump your unbelief and your church papers in the trash can where they belong. Amen. Then you're getting ready. Then what do? Then apply the token in prayer with real evidence, real faith. Apply it. Apply it with confidence.
When you apply the token, know that you're cleaned up. "If our hearts condemn us not, then we have our request." As long as you people are doing them things that's wrong, how are you going to ask God to do anything for you when you know you're wrong? That's the reason we just stagger up, and stagger back.
I'm not saying this to hurt; I'm saying this to straighten out, to get things right. How you going to build it upon the chars of a Sodom and Gomorrah? Come back!

Acts 16:31 And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.

1 John 3:21 Beloved, if our heart condemn us not, then have we confidence toward God.

56 Associations and ministers that let the people do anything and get by, and just put their name on the book and call them this, that, and the other, when it's a disgrace that it's got so that faith is something that's not even, don't even... very seldom ever know what even it is. They got a lot of hope, but no faith.
You've got to get back till everything's combed out and cleaned. Then take your token, that you know that it's Jesus Christ in you, then apply it. If something don't happen there's something wrong. Go back again. You got the wrong thing in your hand. He promised it. He was the one who promised it. Apply it. Read Ephesians 2:12 sometime, if you wish to. You'll find out there.

Ephesians 2:12 That at that time ye were without Christ, being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope, and without God in the world:

57 Notice, in Hebrews 9:11 also, Paul said, "Serving the living God," the living article. Not saying... It's like I go up, like a Hebrew used to. Take his sacrifice, and come down the road with a big, fat bullock; and lay his hands upon it and identify himself, and shed the blood; go back justified. Jehovah required it; he did it. Then the next generation maybe they got a little colder, somebody else got a little colder, the first thing you know it become a family tradition.
That's what Pentecost has become to us---a family tradition. We go down, say, "A-a-ah [Brother Branham imitates yawn]. Wasn't that television show pretty good tonight? Wonder what they did down at church? Lord Jesus, heal..." Oh, mercy! See, it's a family tra... "You know, I spoke in tongues the other day. I belong to this, or that, you know." Oh, it's a family tradition!

Hebrews 9:11 But Christ being come an high priest of good things to come, by a greater and more perfect tabernacle, not made with hands, that is to say, not of this building;

58 You know what God said? God said, "Your fats and rams stink in my nose!" That's right. "Your sacrifices have become a stink." And so has the Pentecostal sacrifices. Know about denominational cut-ups and carry-on, our women and men doing the way they do, a form of godliness, work the music up and somebody jump up and down awhile, and it's all over. Like a bucket of water flowed on to it, if the Word of God hadn't have come forth and saved something. What's the matter? Your sacrifices begin to stink before Jehovah.
And it was at that time that the Isaiah come on the scene, told them all, "I'll give you a everlasting sign, a virgin shall conceive." See? There you are. Not dead forms and creeds, no; but a living article, the living God that's raised from the dead and living among us.

Isaiah 7:14 Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.

Amos 5:21 I hate, I despise your feast days, and I will not smell in your solemn assemblies.

Amos 5:22 Though ye offer me burnt offerings and your meat offerings, I will not accept them: neither will I regard the peace offerings of your fat beasts.

59 Some of them---these churches like that, that believes these things---they deny there's such a thing as the token. A fellow tried to tell me only the twelve apostles received the Holy Ghost---that's all there was.
Oh, but we who believe the Word know different. We know that this is the living presence, for... How do we know it's the living presence of Christ---the Spirit that's among us? It does the same thing He does. That's the evidence of it. A vine is known by the fruit it bears. And then, if that first vine come up and they wrote a book of Acts behind it, and the same thing that Jesus done the apostles done---then when that vine comes up again, it does the same thing, see. Hebrews 13:8 says He's the same. Oh, my!
Proves that God has raised Him up for us according to his promised Word---

Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

60 the seal of promise. Ephesians 4:30 says, "Grieve not the Holy Ghost of God, whereby you are sealed until the day of your redemption." Not to the next revival---until the day of your redemption, being baptized into it according to I Corinthians 12.
And in Him is the fullness, and no sin is recognized in Him. "He that is born of God does not commit sin. The seed of God remains in him and he cannot sin." How can he when the token is there? The token is a sign he's been accepted. It... Well, you say, "I sinned." Well, then you never had the token, see. The token is a barrier, shows that the price is paid.
If Satan tries to hand it to you, just think of this. If Satan tries to hand you some sickness, or tries to hand you something, you know what to do? Show him your token. Sure, sickness strikes a Christian. Show him your token and prove to him that you're a purchased product of God. Resist the devil and he'll flee from you. Hold the token over your unmovable faith in his promised Word.

1 Corinthians 12:13 For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into one Spirit.

Ephesians 4:30 And grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption.

James 4:7 Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

1 John 3:9 Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for his seed remaineth in him: and he cannot sin, because he is born of God.

61 God once gave a rainbow sign for a token. (I'm closing.) Gave a rainbow sign for a token. (I've just got about ten minutes, and then have my prayer line.) He ever remained true to that token. Did He? He does yet. All these thousands of years He has never once one time failed to display it. He was true to that token. Shows us that He ever ... and never will fail to honor his tokens. I don't care if it's... If Jesus don't come for ten thousand years you have the token---He's still got to honor it. No matter how many things changes, and whatevermore, He's got to honor that token. He said He would. All right.
He expects us now to display his token over our God-given faith to every unbelieving cult in the nation and in the world that believes that signs and wonders don't follow the believers; and be true to this token, and shows that the fare has been paid and we've been accepted for the resurrection, having the token-life inside of us.

Genesis 9:13 I do set my bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a token of a covenant between me and the earth.

John 8:32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

62 That's a cutting message, but it's the truth. That's what we need, is truth. God help us to know truth. "You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."
I claim that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. I believe that God gives the Holy Ghost as a token right now, just before the exodus of the bride going out of the church. I believe there's so much tommyrot and people saying they shouted, they spoke in tongues. I believe in those things, but you can't rely on that. How can you rely on that and then deny the Word? See, the token is the Word, identified in you, living itself out. That's God being his own interpreter.
You don't have to say, "Well, now, you interpret my tongue." That ain't it. He interprets your life by the Word. When He takes your word, what you are, and identifies Word through there, you don't need any interpretation---it's already there. God does his own interpretation, and we've had these promises for the day.

Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

63 Oh, Dallas, you lovely bunch of Christians, don't be carried away with this stuff today that you see going around, 'cause it's going to perish. 'Play that token always. Display that token. Read the Bible, come up to everything. And if your spirit in you don't say "Amen" to that, then you better go back, change that you got for the token. You haven't got it. I know that's a whole lot to be saying here in one afternoon, and it's right now 4:30. It's time now that we can get out by five o'clock for the prayer line.

64 Do you believe that Jesus Christ lives and reigns today? Do you believe what I've told you is the truth? It's the token, the requirement. I only can speak what is truth. I only speak what I see, what I hear, what's revealed to me. And when I say this, of the tens of thousands times thousands of times, not one time has it ever failed to be true. Now, that has to be God. That has to be God.
Well, would God give a ministry like that to somebody that didn't know what they was talking about? Would He identify Himself as that seer there, and then turn around and give him a mixed-up word? The guy that denies it is the one that's mixed up. God ain't mixed up; God's his own interpreter.

65 Receive the token. Don't rest upon joining any church, or any forms, or anything. Get the token! Hold it---it's the only thing that God will recognize.
When you come down to that hour when it comes to your death, you better hold that token over yourself, knowing that in the day of his coming---that resurrection---I can present that token. It won't be in this body. It's rottened up. But in this spirit that cannot die---it's eternal life---the token rests there. And He promised, "I'll raise him up again at the last day."

John 6:39 And this is the Father's will which hath sent me, that of all which he hath given me I should lose nothing, but should raise it up again at the last day.

John 6:40 And this is the will of him that sent me, that every one which seeth the Son, and believeth on him, may have everlasting life: and I will raise him up at the last day.

66 That same Jesus Christ is here. He's the messenger. Here is the message, and He is the messenger here to identify his message. I'm not the messenger; He is the messenger. And this is the message. And if you got a spirit that disagrees with that, how can it be the messenger of the message? Only the token will identify. Amen! I feel religious. I really do. I feel like I could fly away right now, for I know who I have believed, and I have seen my life identified with Him in his resurrection.
His presence is here. Accept it, friends, please do, down in your heart.

2 Timothy 1:12 For the which cause I also suffer these things: nevertheless I am not ashamed: for I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day.

67 I know we all come up around the altar and pray. That's an old Methodist idea. They never did do that in the Bible. The Bible said, "As many as believed was baptized." That's right. No such thing as an altar call in the Bible. That's something we added, which is all right. Anything God blesses, it's all right. Like the anointed cloths---there's no such thing in the Bible. They taken from the body of Paul handkerchiefs and aprons. But any way you want to do it, it's all right. In your seat, at the altar wherever it is---the only thing, apply that token to you. Then look yourself over. Look what kind of life, what's going on, see if it's been applied or not. If it hasn't, then lay ever what you got aside and come back, till the token is applied.

Acts 2:41 Then they that gladly received his word were baptized: and the same day there were added unto them about three thousand souls.

Acts 8:12 But when they believed Philip preaching the things concerning the kingdom of God, and the name of Jesus Christ, they were baptized, both men and women.

Acts 19:12 So that from his body were brought unto the sick handkerchiefs or aprons, and the diseases departed from them, and the evil spirits went out of them.

68 Let us pray.
Heavenly Father, maybe I spoke rashly, but Lord, how is a nail going to hold unless you clinch it? I pray, Father, that it will be clinched in the heart of the people, that they will see that it's not no persified. It isn't that I'm trying to identify some organization, some plan, some cult, some person, or myself, or anybody else---it's Jesus Christ.
I throw all those organizations together. There's six of one and half a dozen of the other, according to your Word. Old mother whore of the Bible, Revelation 17, was a mother of every one of the harlots. And they could not be men; they were harlots. They all went into the bed of worldliness. And we see it's done it, Pentecostals and all. Jesus---You still remain Jesus. Let them not listen to a message of a church, but the message of Christ the Word. May You identify Yourself, Lord, today with believers.
Heal all the sick. Forgive our sins, Lord. I pray as a servant of yours, please forgive my sins, and forgive the sins of this people. I trust, Lord, each one of them has, no doubt, helped in offerings to pay for the buildings, and they've spent their money. They ... they've did everything, Lord. O God, I pray that there won't be one of them miss it, Lord. May every one...

Revelation 17:5 And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH.

69 I do that with sincerity, and yet, Lord, you must be stern. We know to correct is love. Love is corrective, and I pray for... That's the reason that you corrected your people, was because you loved them. And every sin has to be answered for. Father, I pray that you'll forgive our sins now as we confess them. We have wandered far away, Lord. I'm identified with these Pentecostal people, Lord. I'm one of them. And I pray, God, that you'll forgive us all.
And take some of these leaders and turn them around, and let them look towards Calvary there once. Then they'll forget about what they have to be---a presbyter or a bishop, or whatever it might be---and know that we're no big ones in this kingdom. We're all children of God. I pray that you'll help us now. Identify yourself among us today. We ask in Jesus Christ's name. Amen.

Hebrews 12:6 For whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth.

Revelation 3:19 As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent.

70 Just before we start the prayer line, might be somebody here's never been here before. I don't know who you are, but God knows you. If I've told the truth, let God identify it whether it's the truth or not. That's the proof of it. If He's raised from the dead, He's the same yesterday and forever. He said in John 14:12, "He that believeth [not he that maketh-believe], he that believeth in Me, the works that I do shall he do also." That right?
Someone said, "Greater shall you do." That's right. Said, "Well, we preach the gospel. That's greater." Just do the things He done---that'll prove it to me, see. Then we'll talk about the greater. I can show you the greater things He's doing now then He did when He was on earth. And that's not just preaching the gospel either; that's in signs and miracles. Not time for it. Just believe. And may the God of heaven, who raised up Jesus Christ from the dead and has presented Him here alive to us after two thousand years, identify this message---that it's correct. The token's got to be applied.

John 14:12 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.

Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

71 Now, you that's got diseases and troubles, pray. Just sincerely say, "Lord, I believe that You're a high priest that can be touched by the feeling of our infirmities. And we're told by this minister here that You are with us, present. Then I want You to be present with us and identify yourself."
Now pray, every one of you. Now it's up to God to say something. What a time! Oh, my, I wish you could just know something---how you feel when that comes. The whole world belongs to you. Amen. No devil's going to do nothing. He's a defeated being. My Lord is present---it's all in our hands. Amen.
Please be real quiet. Don't walk. Sit still.

Hebrews 4:15 For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin.

72 You in the wheelchairs and things, don't think you're helpless. Believe! You've went through prayer lines, and been ... failed, and failed. It wasn't the minister prayed for you failed; it's your faith. And you begin to think you ain't going to do nothing. You believe!
Here. Here's this light---look here---over a little colored lady sitting right here, standing with her hands up like this. Yeah. You was praying. You believe me to be his prophet, or his servant? I mustn't say that 'cause it stumbles people so much. You have a fine... Here's a white man, colored woman, just like it was, our Lord and the woman at the well---two different races. He let them know there's no differences in races. Our colors has nothing to do with it. We're all... We could give each other a blood transfusion. No, God made of one blood all nations.
You're having headaches, tremendous headaches. Then, you got a burden on your heart. That's for that child, and you... It's oppressed. That's exactly. Is that true? That's right. This lady sitting over from you there---she seems to be identified with you---which is your mother. That's right, and she's got something wrong with her. Do you believe me, lady? You do? Your trouble is a hurting in your side. That's right. It's your right side that hurts. Is that right? Raise up your hand if that's right. It ain't going to bother you no more. You believe, if God can tell me who you are? Miss Lowell. Correct. All right, go on your way. The Lord Jesus gives you your request.

73 Right out at the end of there is another little colored lady sitting looking at this---just like to tore her to pieces. She's looking right at me. She believes it. That's... Don't you see that thing right there by her? She's suffering with kidney trouble. That's right. It's all over now. He's healed you. Amen.
Why don't you believe? If thou canst believe, all things are possible. Do you believe that? Here's ... look at the colored people! Where's your faith at, white folks? Here's a colored lady sitting right here, looking right at me---kind of a large lady. She's got trouble with her knee. She's also got trouble ... she's got heart trouble. She's got weakness, flutters, and things like that, especially when you're trying to lay down---smothers. That happened last night. Remember, I'm not reading your mind but I know what you prayed about. You wanted to be called to this today, and He's answered for you. Now you also can't hardly get up, because you got arthritis. That is right. And then another thing, you've got a stomach trouble, which is a growth inside the stomach. That is true. Now do you believe me to be his prophet? (I'll say it anyhow.) Believe Him, and you'll be made well.

Matthew 19:26 But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible.

Mark 9:23 Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth.

Mark 10:27 And Jesus looking upon them saith, With men it is impossible, but not with God: for with God all things are possible.

74 What about your stomach trouble? You believe that God'll heal your stomach trouble, sitting there, too? You believe it? All right, then you have your healing of your stomach. Amen.
You want to quit smoking, there, lady. You believe that God'll make you quit smoking? Been trying for a long time. You got stomach trouble also. Been trying to quit cigarettes---that's what's making your stomach trouble. Will you give them up? I resent them from you in the name of Jesus Christ, because of your faith to touch Him. I challenge you to believe God.

75 Here's a little woman sitting there praying for her loved one, in a hospital dying with cancer. Right. It's a uncle. That's right. You're either a min ... you're a minister's wife. You believe with all your heart, the man'll get well. I challenge you to believe God.
What is that? The identification of Jesus Christ. You say, "What is that?" He's the Word. "In the beginning was the Word, the Word was with God ... and the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us. The Word is sharper than a two-edged sword, a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart." Can't you see the Word has come among us in the last days? It's the Holy Spirit taking the Word of God and identifying Jesus Christ, which is the token. Amen! Do you believe?

John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

John 1:14 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.

Hebrews 4:12 For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

76 How many has got prayer cards? Let all on this side that's got prayer cards stand up in this line, over here. All on that side, just that side, stand out here in the aisle. No, just on the right-hand aisle, please. Right there. Ushers, get to your place. Then when they get through, let the others stand up after they come through; then vice versa at the other side. Now let everybody be reverent.
The Holy Spirit took over the meeting, so there's enough been said and done to prove... How many believes He's here? How many believes that's the token? How many believes it's the Word? Look. How many knows that the book of Hebrews says that the Word of God discerns the thoughts that's in the heart?
How many knows that? How many knows that that's the reason Jesus could discern the thoughts in their heart, because He was the Word? How many believes that? How many believes that that's what was with the prophets? They were who the Word come to. Now if the Word returns to us, won't it do the same? Then how can the Word that identifies the Word be wrong by the Word? Reverent...

Hebrews 4:12 For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

77 Hey, this lady sitting here, she's got something on her heart too, and I just happened to turn around and catch it, Aren't you Mrs. Grant? I never knew that, but you are Mrs. Grant, because I see you with him. You got a nervousness that's bothering you. You got ... your son's got something or another---it's blood-like, dripping. I challenge you to believe it. Amen. He's the master of the situation. He's the master of death. Let's pray.

78 Lord Jesus, while your presence is anointing us here in this building---and we are aware this is the Holy Ghost---I pray, Lord, that you'll heal every person that wears these handkerchiefs. One time, we're taught in the Bible, that your people right in the line of duty was crossing the Red Sea, and the sea got in their way on their road to the promised land. God looked down through that pillar of fire with angry eyes, and the sea got scared and moved back. And Israel went on to the promised land, right in the line of duty.
O Lord God, let your eyes look through the blood of Jesus Christ down into this token here that we are holding over these handkerchiefs today. And may everybody that wears this, may the sickness get scared, may it move back, and let your people cross to the promise of good health. The prayer of faith shall save the sick. In the name of Jesus Christ, may it be so. Amen.

James 5:15 And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him.

79 How many believing Methodist preachers are here, Baptist preachers, Presbyterian preachers, Baptist preachers, Lutheran or Pentecostals? How many of you believe this to be the truth? Come here and stand by me while we pray for the sick then. Come up here, all you preachers that believe. (That's all right, ain't it Brother Grant? That's all right?) Come down here.
Brother Grant has got a ministry of praying for the sick. A gallant man, a good man, a man that God hears and answers prayer for---Brother Grant. I'm happy to put my arm around him today and say that ... My brother. Now, he's going to be down here praying with me.
When you come through this line, just like you was coming beneath the cross. Brethren, make a double line right here. Right here. Make a double line. Some up here, some down there. Brother Roy Borders, where are you at?

80 Brother Roy Borders---I thought he was here.
Looky here at the ministers, would you. Look at there. That makes me feel good, Brother. Ministers of the cross, men who's standing up here to identify themselves with the message. What can happen?

81 Now look, don't lay it on to the ministers now. They've come to identify themselves.
When you pass through here, identify---hold the token before you. "Lord Jesus, I've confessed my sins. In return You have given me the baptism of the Holy Ghost. I am a purchased product. Sin, sickness, or nothing can hold me from here on. I'm moving right." Hold that ... hold it before you, and pass through here, and God will heal you to go out of here rejoicing and happy, be well. Do you believe it?

82 Now, each person in here, let's bow our heads, brethren, while together. We don't know what's going to happen. We just don't know. There is not any reason for any sick person to leave this building this afternoon. Hold that token in your heart, pass right through this prayer line where ministers who's consecrated their lives to the service is going to stand here, laying hands upon you as you pass through.
You say, "What did you do that for, Brother Branham?" I want you, everyone, to know that it's just ... I'm not the healer. These men has just as much right to pray for the sick as anybody else. Frankly, I believe God would answer their prayers before He would mine. I'm tired and wore out, and everything. I believe He'd answer their prayers. And here these stand right in the midst of it to identify themselves, not ashamed to take their place. I appreciate men like that.

83 Now, brethren, I know your feelings. I'm one with you. I'm the one that weaved my net with you out here in Texas, to try to catch every one of them fish that God's ordained to life out there. I'm doing my very best. I'm with you 100%.
Sometimes I scold, and holler about organizations and things. That don't mean I'm against you, my brother. I mean I'm against the system that would separate us from being brothers because of some religious doctrine. We are brothers by the baptism of the Holy Ghost. We hold the same token. We've received the same blood. So let's believe that. We can meet there, can't we, brethren? Every one of us under the blood.

84 Now, I was ordained a Baptist. Maybe you're a Methodist, or Lutheran, or Presbyterian, Pentecostal, oneness, twoness, threeness, or whatever you have, Church of God, whatever you... That don't make any difference. We can't agree upon them little things; let's forget about it then. Something we can agree on: that Jesus Christ, our Saviour, died for our sins, rose again, and give us the token.
We're standing here with our prayers to hold over these sick brothers and sisters that pass through this line. I'm going to believe it with all my heart. I seen something happen right then. Amen! I know you think I'm crazy, but I'm feeling good crazy. I just hope I can stay this way. Yes, sir! I just feel wonderful this way. Let's pray.

85 Lord Jesus, I'm walking off this platform down here to identify myself with these brothers. I am identifying myself with them, as we all are holding our token in our hands and in our hearts, as we obey your command to lay hands upon the sick and they shall recover. May every person passing through here present their token, that they have received the Holy Ghost, that they are a borned-again child of God, that they believe it with all their heart. And as they pass through, may they curse that disease and affliction of their body. And may they go out of here rejoicing, knowing that their faith has made them whole.
And Lord God, as we lay, in the Old Testament, our hands upon the sacrifice to identify ourselves with the sacrifice, we lay our hands upon Jesus and identify ourselves with Him. He laid his hands upon us now in the ministry, identifying Himself with us by signs and wonders. And we are laying our hands upon the sick to identify ourselves with them, with our faith connected with them. Sickness has to go. May it do it in the name of Jesus Christ, as we walk down here to receive it.
Let all the congregation pray.

Mark 16:18 They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.

86 Roy, or somebody, come here to stand by this microphone to keep the lines straight. Look, as you pass through here now, come believing, come praying. We're just going to lay hands on the sick. Come right through. Pray.
When you pass through the line of us ministers, if you're walking on crutches, lay them down and walk away. If you've had cancer, sickness, say, "The doctor's done all that he can do. He's done all he could, and he said I have to die. I'm not going to die. Here's my token, Lord. You promised me three score and ten. I'm going right through here, and doing it." Do that. Will you do it? In Jesus name, may it be so. Amen. All right. Let's go.
[Congregation sings as prayer line proceeds. Tape continues after prayer line.]

87 Do you believe it? Amen. Oh, isn't He wonderful? Some of them was on those cots and stretchers got right up and walked away---just left them laying there and walked away. Oh, if... Every one can be healed now that will believe it. Do you believe it? Let's give us a chord, "I love Him," will you, sister? The old song, "I love Him, I love Him because..." Let's all just raise our voices and our hands, our hearts to God, and sing, "I love Him, I love Him, because He first loved me." Everybody now.
I love Him, I love Him,
Because He first loved me
And purchased my salvation
On Calv.....
A lady up out of the wheel chair walking across here with the support of two men. Let's wave our hands to God. I love Him.
I love Him, I love Him,
Because He first loved me
And purchased my salvation
On Calvary's...
Let's just praise Him now everybody.

88 Glory to God! How we thank you, Lord Jesus, for your goodness, your presence. Oh, we thank You for the token, Lord. We are saved and filled with the Spirit, the Holy Ghost surging our bodies now. How we thank You for this, Father. Oh, in Jesus' name we thank you. Amen. Amen. Everybody shake hands, say "Praise the Lord." Shake one another's hands, say, "Praise the Lord, praise the Lord."
All right, now all together again,
I love Him (hands up, hearts up),
I love ... (Just accept it
from your heart).
Because He first loved me
And purchased my salvation
On Calvary's tree.
Now let's bow our heads real reverently, as I turn the service now to Brother Grant for dismissing, thanking each one of you. First thanking the Lord for his goodness, his mercy, and the assurance that I hope that we've left in your heart, that we're not here alone. Our great chief captain is among us. The shout of the king is in the camp, and we thank the Lord to see his great power and his great mercy. And now let us bow our heads reverently. Brother Grant...