
Zacchaeus somebody

Zacchaeus (1958-05-17 Breakfast) (William M. Branham Sermons)

Zacchaeus (1958-05-17 Breakfast) (William M. Branham Sermons) somebody


1 Thank you very much, Brother Vayle. And I noticed the people are just sometimes a little... You're turned sideways; if you want to turn right around, I would just do that. Move your chairs right around, so we can all look at each other.
As the brother has just said, that I belong to one organization, the Christian Businessmen's organization. I just happened to show him my card of the fellowship, so you know how I think of the Christian Businessmen. It's the only organization that I belong to, because I think they have something that we all have in common: Christ.

2 And I want to greet you fine group of people here this morning. And night before last I was talking to your president, Demos Shakarian, which is a very bosom friend of mine; and he sends special greetings to each and every one of you from the chapters around the world. And he just called me to come as quick as I could, from Africa back to Stuttgart, Germany, where they're holding off now to see if we could be their night speaker. And he sends a special invitation to all you people for the service that's to be held in Philadelphia---beginning the thirtieth, I believe it is, of June, until the fourth of July in Philadelphia. And there, the Lord willing, I'm to speak for them again at this great convention at Philadelphia Hall (I believe it is, I'm not sure). But you're all invited to come.

3 And now, it's such a privilege to stand before such a lovely group of people. And we do not realize what could happen right at a breakfast like this this morning. Around the world, I've spoke for the Christian Businessmen. Los Angeles, sometimes we have about a thousand at the breakfast, which I've had the privilege of speaking many times. I've seen the blind get up with their sight; the cripples walk away; and hundreds of people, businessmen, doctors, attorneys, critics come in, just fall right under the power of God and just a... You've got something, gentlemen.
Now, remember there's one thing: we're all in here of one belief this morning. Here's what we got. We got something in common, but we got to know how to use it, see. It's like a gun's good to hunt with; but you've got to know how to use it. So that's the way the gospel is. So let's use it to the glory of God, to get every soul in the kingdom that we know how to get into the kingdom.

4 And now, may God bless this little group here that gathers. And just keep having these breakfasts; and above everything, keep it spiritual. Never let that spirit die. Sing those old-fashioned songs, clap your hands, praise the Lord. That's the way you've got to keep...
I'm a Southerner. I'm emotional. I can prove to you anything without emotion is dead. If your religion hasn't got any emotion in it, you'd better bury it and get one that has. It's dead. So we got to have emotion. Jesus said, "If they hold their peace, the rocks will immediately cry out."
Something... Life and dead can't exist together. Where Christ comes---He never preached a funeral in all of His life, 'cause death can't stand around where life is. They raised from the dead. When He comes into a group of people, life comes; because He is life. And we love Him this morning, supremely with all of our heart; and we offer Him in these little meetings, the very adoration of our hearts, that we truly love Him. And it's little meetings like this...

Luke 19:40 And he answered and said unto them, I tell you that, if these should hold their peace, the stones would immediately cry out.

5 Excuse me? [An announcement is made concerning a car to be towed away.] That let's me clean. But it could be not in our group here; it could be someone upstairs visiting or anything, just run their car in. So we appreciate the brethren doing this though, so that no one will be inconvenienced when they leave.
This is where I have my joy, just get a group of... You know the old Southern expression, "Birds of a feather flock together?" I'm so glad to have feathers like these birds here this morning. There's just something...
It's not any healing service. The healing service, you're under that strain of, my, the anointing. And when I go in the room in the afternoon ... and there stay alone with God, and come out. Then you have to watch, because Satan is a real enemy. And he's sitting at any time to confuse; and as tired as I am now, it could be easy to get confused. But when He comes this way, you can just feel like you got fifty miles of elbow room. You can just sit around, and have a good time. Look at all your faces, and see the smiles, and the cheer, and the presence of Christ. Well, that's just a real spiritual, gastronomical jubilee to me, just to get together to hear it.

6 And you hear that singing. I love that good old-fashioned singing. If there's anything I love, it's singing; and anything I hate is an over-trained voice: you know, one of them kinds that holds till they gets blue in the face, and see how long you can hold your breath, and come back down. They're not singing to the glory of God, they're seeing how long they can hold their breath.
I think there's nothing more beautiful than good old-fashioned, Pentecostal singing in the Spirit, just singing in the God of glory. That's right. If you couldn't carry a tune in a coal bucket, just sing anyhow. Make a joyful noise to the Lord. There's nothing formal about this, and God is without form. That's what the Bible says. So He doesn't have a formal people; He has an informal people. Everywhere, the Spirit doing anything. Oh, we're so happy for that.

7 And now, in these coming services, I am trusting... I want to say this with all sincerity, 'cause I realize there's people here from different places: but I have never, since I left New York, ever met a night where the first time, the first service, that faith was right there to meet us as I have in this city. Prayer has been made here somewhere. I don't know where it's been, but somebody has been talking to the Lord.
I appreciated the little brother there this morning that led in prayer, that's given a testimony. As soon as the man got up and was speaking to the Lord, I said, "He's talked to Him before." Because he knows who he was talking to. And that's good soul winning, the greatest thing. And brethren, we're at the end time. We're here at the end of the road. You are saved, and I believe you're going to heaven, that's true; but you'll never have an opportunity like you got right now. And the eons that is to come, what if you knew that ... if you had the opportunity to come back as a mortal to do some witnessing, after you had been there before Him and you see how lovely He is. It'll be too late then. Let's do it now, while we have the opportunity. Let's be on, day and night.

8 Some time ago down in the Southland, there was an old Negro. And one night at an old plantation meeting, where they would have had their supper... Now, 'course, I believe it's dinner to you all up here, see.
You have your dinner at night, you have just... I'm at home then. When you talk about that dinner, I feel like I've missed a meal. We have breakfast, dinner, and supper. If I have ... if supper is my dinner, then when do I get my dinner? So I ... and you know, we're right in that, folks. Sure we are. Because it was the Lord's supper, not His dinner, you know; so, we are sure right.
So then, down there they were having a supper on the old plantation, and there was an old Negro who had gave his life to the Lord Jesus.
Afterwards, I tell you, it's wonderful to hear those ... when they sing the old-fashioned songs. And it's such a melody, it's just like:
I will arise, and go to Jesus,
He will embrace me to His heart.
Did you ever hear a melody like that? Well, that's the way they sing it. But, oh my, the Spirit's there. Yes, sir. It's from their heart.

9 And at such a place, this old Negro got saved. And the next morning he was out telling the folks that he was saved and he was free. Now, this was during the slavery. And he said... And it got to the plantation owner's ears. So he went out to him, he said, "Mose, what's this I hear you're saying this morning among the slaves that you're free?"
Said, "Yes, boss." Said, "I'm free this morning."
Said, "Come up to the office, Mose." And he went up to the office. He said, "Sit down." He said, "Mose, what did you say you was?"
He said, "Boss," said, "I'm still your slave, but," said, "I'm free from the law of sin and death. Christ set me free last night at a little old meeting."
And he said, "Mose, do you really mean that?"
Said, "Yes, I do, boss."
He said, "Well, Mose, I'm going down to sign the emancipation this morning, I'll set you free as a slave. Preach the gospel to your brethren." He said, "I'm a Christian, too." Said, "You go among your brethren and preach the gospel."

Romans 8:2 For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death.

10 After years of service, the old Negro come to his death. Many of his white brethren had gathered in to see him and shake his hands for the last time. And he was laying in a coma. And after a while he woke up, looked around, and he said, "Oh, am I back to earth again?"
And they said, "Mose, where were you?"
He said, "Oh, I just got in the door." And said, "I looked, and I saw Him." And he said, "This old darkie's heart was so thrilled, I never wanted to come this way again." And he said, "While I was standing there," said, "there was an angel walked up and said to me, 'Mose, come over here: I want to give you your robe, and your crown.'"
He said, "Don't talk to me about robe and crown. I don't want no robe and crown."
Said, "What do you desire then, Mose, for that long life and the service you give?"
Said, "Just let me look at Him for a thousand years."

11 I think that's the feeling of all of us. It isn't the interest of our money and our businesses, or what we do, or the testimonies you give, sir; just let me look at Him. That's what I expect to do some day: crawl up to His feet, kiss those precious feet that was scarred for me, let me look at Him a little while.
I don't want a mansion; just a corner, somewhere where I can fellowship with you brethren.

12 Sitting here looking this morning, I was looking across to these young people, lovely... I asked about a young couple here that's just been married recently, and Brother Sweet told me they're on fire for God.
I noticed an older man, some of you gray-headed, probably older than I, preaching the gospel when I was a boy. I thought to myself, as I was eating, listening to different ones talk, "Wonder if this is our last time to meet like this on earth." Could be, you know. But it isn't our last time meeting.
I think some of you men was out here on the corner preaching the gospel and beating an old guitar, throwed in jail and run out of the city, for the very cause---paving the road that I'm running smooth on. You're the men should be honored, you're the women that should be honored. It should be you up here, and not me. When I was a sinner boy---out yonder a-straddle of a horse, trying to see who could ride a bucking horse the longest, or roping calves or something---you were on the corner preaching gospel. I was running horse races.

13 You're the men and women that deserves the honor. You should stand here. But you were making a road, that I could come behind on. I'll meet you again, brother and sister. It may not be another breakfast, but there'll be a time when that great wedding supper will be spread out across the sky yonder. And when we get there, we'll be different.
When I look across the table and see you men and women, no doubt the little tear of joy will trickle down our cheeks, as we shake each other's hand. "Yes, Brother Branham, I was at that Bangor meeting that morning."
"Oh, I remember you. Oh, here's So-and-so." And us sitting there weeping, I can just see the King come out in His glory, walk down along the line, wipe all the tears off your eyes, and say, "Don't cry, children, it's all over now. You're home. Enter into the joys of the Lord, which has been prepared for you since the foundation of the world." That's the day I look forward to.
I'm your brother. I'm here to help you, to put my shoulders to the wheel, to push the load that you've got rolling down the road paving the way. God bless you now. Let's bow our heads just a moment now for prayer.

Matthew 25:34 Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world:

Revelation 21:4 And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.

14 Merciful God, it's such a privilege to come to You, to come into this divine presence, where the units, and the gifts, and the movings of God's Holy Spirit is working amongst His dear children. And here we are today, sitting here as maybe strangers to each other, but we're not strangers: we're fellow citizens of the kingdom. We're pilgrims and strangers to the earth, but we're citizens of Thy kingdom.
First time meeting, but beloved in the Lord. We would ask that You would bless us together. Continue this Spirit, Lord. May it never die away from the people. May every minister be blessed, and every worker, every member of the laity; may souls be born. We love You, Father. And our hearts just burn when we hear Your precious name and hear these old songs of the redeemed.
We ask now that You'll bless our little effort in the city. O God, start an old-fashioned revival fire in every church and every heart. Call the elected, Lord, from the pool rooms and the gambling dens and from the places of ill fame and off of the streets into the kingdom. Heal Your poor, suffering children, Lord. Declare Thy presence and love to them.
Bless the words that we shall now read, and may we fellowship around the reading of the Word. For we ask it in the name of the Lord Jesus, our Saviour. Amen.

Ephesians 2:19 Now therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellowcitizens with the saints, and of the household of God;

15 Just for a little text, and I know we can't keep this too long, but I'd like to speak to you just on a little subject, or a little drama (if I could have your attention for a few moments), and it's found in the book of Luke, 19th chapter, the 4th verse:
And he ran before, and climbed up into a sycamore tree to see him: for he was to pass that way.
It must have been a terrible night on the little fellow. He couldn't rest. He would toss from one side to the other side of the bed; because he happened to live in a strange day, very odd, because the church and the message that was going forth was at ends with each other.
You see, he was an orthodox, a Jewish believer. And it came that in that day there had been a rumor of a Nazarene prophet, One called Jesus of Nazareth, which was claimed to be the son of Joseph, a carpenter.

Luke 19:4 And he ran before, and climbed up into a sycamore tree to see him: for he was to pass that way.

16 And it must have been very strange how the people felt in those days, that a man who came along with a supernatural ministry, that was absolutely contrary to the Jewish belief. They didn't believe in such a thing. They thought all the days of these things had passed with Moses many years ago---and not spiritual-minded enough to know that God remains the same, and that they were at a junction of time.
So it must have been very hard on him; because he believed what his priest said, and was forbidden by the church to attend any of such meetings that this Prophet was holding. And there was all kinds of talk about this prophet.

17 And so, he had a restless night; for his wife, Rebekah, she was a believer of this prophet. She attended the meetings, and she had told him many strange things that had happened.
Which he, consulting his priest, said, "Now, that's nonsense. There's just no need of believing nothing like that, Rebekah. We belong to one of the finest churches there is in the country. Our synagogue is the greatest. And here I am, a businessman of this city: my name is Zacchaeus, and I own the greatest restaurant there is in this city. And I have the greatest business, and we're respected people. Therefore, it's not ethical for me to degrade my prestige to dip myself down into a group like some fanatic "prophet," as you would call Him, who is going about, which none of the priests or rabbis will have anything to do with. And in my position as a businessman, it would hurt my business if I become associated with such a thing. And Rebekah, it would be better for you if you just discontinued your following this so-called prophet."

18 This got on Rebekah's heart, so, you see, she began to pray for Zacchaeus. Though him being a businessman, very much in the world and the church league, yet she thought that if this Prophet was what He said He was (the Son of God), that she wanted her husband to believe on Him. That's a real true wife. Every businessman should have that type of wife, that would pray for him. Don't criticize him, just pray for him. That's the best way to get Him to Christ.
And you know there's something about it. When you pray for someone real sincerely, you know, it kind of makes them restless. I don't know whether you ever had an experience of that or not, but God begins to move in answer to prayer. Sometimes a husband becomes more irritable than ever; but just remember, God's answering prayer. He knows how to do it.
A man has to come to the end of his rope, sometimes, before he will recognize... Or maybe God has to lay him on his back, sick, hurt, until he will look up. But God has strange ways of doing things, but His ways are always right.

19 So Rebekah had been praying for her dear little husband, Zacchaeus. And all night long he had tossed and rolled and tumbled. See, God was answering Rebekah's prayer. I wonder if there's any Rebekah's here, that's ever been praying for their businessman husband?
Then come close to morning, Rebekah had kind of dozed off to sleep; but all night long, in her heart, she had been saying, "Thank you, Lord. I know You're working with him. I can just tell he's re...
"What's the matter, Zacchaeus?" she'd say often through the night.
"Oh, I don't know. It must be my business is on my mind." See, He's just trying to find a little escape, that's all. It was God dealing with him.
So as the night passed on, in early morning, Rebekah kind of dozed off to sleep. Early in the morning, she found Zacchaeus up, grooming himself. And he goes to the robe and ... wardrobe rather, and he gets the best robe that he's got, and puts it on. You see, there was a special occasion going to be in the city that day. It had been noised abroad that that prophet was going to visit that city that day, and was going to dine while He was there.

20 And Zacchaeus was all tore up, because He's going over to Mr. Levinski's restaurant. "Well, of course, my restaurant is the best. And if my wife be a follower of such a fellow, why wouldn't He bring that business my way?" You see, he was Jewish, and he wanted the business. And he knew this prophet, so-called, would attract a lot of attention; so there must be ... the business come his way. And he was one of the great businessmen of the city, so why shouldn't this prophet come his way, or pass his way?
So he... That night after a restless night, and many dreams of torment and so forth, the next morning he grooms himself real nice; and Rebekah pulled her head out from under the cover and said, "Zacchaeus dear, where goest thou so early?"

21 "Oh, I thought I'd step out and have a bit of fresh air." You know you can find plenty of excuses, when conviction is on you. We all know that. "I'm just going out for a bit of fresh air." And he puts the perfume on, and fixes his hair down, and, oh, he's just all groomed-up. And out on the street he walks; and Rebekah sits up, and raises up the window shade, and looks out. She sees Zacchaeus all straightened up, you know, like a real typical good businessman; walking down the street with the best of his clothes on, you know.
She gets down on her knees and she says, "Dear God, I thank You, because I believe that You're dealing with my husband today. And now, we know that Your dear Son, although with the bad name that He has among the people as a fanatic and some evil spirit possessing Him, yet I believe Him to be Your dear Son. And I pray Thee, dear God, that somehow You will have my husband in His presence. [That's the way to pray.] And don't let him be critical, but just let Your dear Son do something that'll convince my husband that that is the Messiah." And she thanked God for it, and went about her work.

22 Let's follow Zacchaeus for a few minutes. Walks down the street; it's very early, not many people out. But he said, "You know, if that certain fellow... I'm going to meet Him today, and I'm going to give Him a piece of my mind." You know conviction sometimes works that way.
And he said, "I'll tell Him off. And He's got my wife to leave her church. Why, I'm one of the presbyters. So I tell you, I'm going to tell Him all about it when I see Him. Just wait, I'll tell Him." As he walks down the street, you know, well groomed. "And I hope that when I'm standing around, that many of my business associates are standing there. I would like to have the rabbi standing near, so he could see where I stand. And I want to let them know that I don't believe in no such fanaticism. So I will go down... He surely will enter from the South Gate, because He's been in Galilee, and He'll be coming this way. So I'll go down to the gate and meet Him. Right there when He enters the gate, I'm going to give Him a piece of my mind, when I get there." Not knowing that Rebekah had covered that all over with prayer. You see?

23 So when he gets down, he begins to hear a noise, and he tries to get a little closer. And when he does, he finds all around the gate people are hanging on the fence and on the walls, and, why, he couldn't even get close at all. And then everybody's crowded; and the police, trying to get the people back, "What's the matter here?"
So he said, "Well, I guess maybe I'm not the only one down here. And just look at the kind of people there is who stands here though. These people are the poor people. Of course, you know, I'm just a businessman, so I shouldn't be associating with such; but anyhow, I'll get myself up here to the corner."

24 Well, come to find out, he was little, just a little bitty guy. So there was so many there, he couldn't look over their heads.
And he would arm his way through, and, "Get back out of the way: I'm Zacchaeus!" You know sometime people gets that idea in their head---you're somebody. Who are you anyhow? Six foot of earth. When you die, you got a soul; and that soul's going to take either it's journey upward, or down, one. And it's going to determine by the way you accept Christ. Turn Him down, you go down; receive Him, you go with Him. But you're not very much anyhow, none of us.

25 I was standing at a little museum here not long ago, and looking at two boys who were giving ... looking on a little card there that said the actual weight of a 150-pound man, and the value of that weight."
Do you know how much you're worth, if you weigh 150 pounds (that's the male)? You're worth eighty-four cents. That's right. You got just about enough potash in you to ... and enough calcium, and just enough of it to sprinkle a hen's nest. And eighty-four cents, and then you put a five-hundred-dollar mink coat on it, a hat, a hundred-dollar suit; turn your nose up, if it would rain you'd drown; and then think you're somebody. What are you? You're worth eighty-four cents.

26 And you'll go to a restaurant: and you'd pick up a bowl of soup, and it had a fly in it, you'd turn it down that quick. [Brother Branham snaps his fingers.] " Yes, sir, I won't have nothing to do with that. Well, I'll see that the paper knows it, the Chamber of Commerce. What about the president of the restaurant, the owner, what it is?" See, you watch that eighty-four cents. You won't put nothing poison in that; but let the devil pack anything in that soul that he desires to---and that soul's eternal. That's right.
Just any little creed that you want to say, a few prayers, and run over a few beads, or do a certain thing a certain way, make a certain vow, or... See how it is? Oh, Satan's a better businessman than you'll ever be. That's right.

27 But I want to ask you something. Then when you ... we feel that we're somebody, that's when we're nothing. So, when he stood there, he begin to have that inferiority complex. He said, "I know what I'll do. I know where He's going to pass, because He's going over to Levinski's restaurant, and then has to come down the street Straight after He leaves Hallelujah Avenue here. So I go down to the street called Straight, and there I'll wait for Him, because He's got to pass by that way. And when He passes by, there I'll tell Him."
So down the street went this little strutting fellow, with his face red because he wasn't respected as a businessman. So down the street he went. And he gets down there to Straight Street, and he stands on the corner, well groomed, waiting: "Just wait till He turns the corner of Hallelujah Avenue. I'll tell Him, as He passes by."

28 And he stands there, and he happens to remember, "That same crowd that were meeting at the gate will be double, time it gets here; and I'll be just as little here as I was down there, so I won't be able to see Him. They'll just run over the top of you." See, God has a way of doing things. He made him little for that purpose, see.
But he said, "Well anyhow, you know, I've just got a good idea." And he had to stand and look, and there was a sycamore tree standing there. Now, that's my native tree of Indiana, but in them days it was called, I think, an olive tree or something, was the right name for it.

29 So he said, "You know, the limbs are kind of high, but if I could get up there in that tree, nobody'd step on me up there. And then I'd see when He passes by; and as soon as I lay my eyes on Him, I'll make up my mind right then what He is." See, Rebekah was still praying, see.
So Zacchaeus happened to think, "But I'm too short to get to the first limb. [That's the way a lot of us get.] I'm too short for the first limb." So well...
If you want to see Him, you know, God will make a way for you to see Him. It may be ridiculous, but God will make a way for you to see Him. And you know if ... you might even have to come to a Full Gospel Businessman's meeting some morning---very ridiculous to your prestige. But if you want to see Him, God will make a way for you to see Him.

30 You say, "I hear they're having a meeting down there; and oh, my, they're shouting, they're... You know, I'll just go in, because I don't really believe it. But I'll just go down and see what they do at one of these breakfasts." You see? God will make a way for you to see it all right.
And then little Zacchaeus got an idea. (Excuse me, I'm about to deafen you here. I've been used to preaching out doors in stadiums, and so forth. So I don't mean to be yelling at you, friends.)

31 But Zacchaeus got an idea, that if he could get to that first limb, there was nobody'd be that tall. So when Jesus came down the street he would see what He looked like, and then he'd draw his idea what He was. Then if he didn't like Him, he'd tell Him off, right out of the tree.
So then... How's he going to get up this tree now, is the next thing. So the garbage collector hadn't come by yet, and there was a garbage pail sitting on the corner.
"Well," he thought, "that would be ridiculous, but it's about the best way to hit the first limb." So he looked all around to be sure that nobody's around. He goes down to the garbage pail, and he tries to lift it up. And the collector hadn't been by yet, you know, so it was filled up. But that's the only thing in sight, so he'll have to use it. Well, he's got his best robe on. Now what's he going to do?

32 Well, you know, if God's determined for you to see Him, you'll see Him anyhow---no matter what you have to go through. If there's something there pulling: you might be intellectually over the top thinking one thing, but God's down here working in your heart. Rebekah had been praying. That's what made that faith last night (see?), been praying.
So he thinks, "Well, there's just one thing to do, that's get this garbage can in my arms." And he gets down (businessman), gets a hold of the garbage can, and here he comes. And he looks around, and if there isn't Levinski himself, with more of them, watching him. Just like he went to the breakfast, and he happened to look over, and there's Jones sitting there. My, how God can move on a man when his wife will pray for him, or vice versa. He may be a big shot in the city, but God knows how to make him a little shot. Prayer does it.

33 So he gets the garbage pail, and he looks, and his little face turns red. And he looks this way, here's the shoe man; here's the man that sells the robe, and he... Oh my, he's caught now, so he just might as well go ahead.
So some of them said, "Have you noticed, gentlemen, this morning? There's Zacchaeus at that breakfast ... I mean at the a ... with the garbage can in his hand."
And here he goes. And he gets down to the tree, and his face is red. He's already caught in the act, and so there's no need in getting up and going out now. You're done known; you're here. If you get in a meeting, if you get up, that just---that shows you already been there, so there's something moving.

34 So as he raises the can up, and runs over, and sets it down: and now look at his pretty robe, all full of garbage, the businessman of the city, outstanding businessman. All right, the first thing he does then is climb up on top of them. Levinski and them goes on down the street, saying, "You know, our friend Zacchaeus here, runs the famous restaurant down there at the Grouch Avenue (see?), he also has become the collector. He's the garbage disposal of the city." Oh, his little face was burning; oh, my, his righteous indignation had rose!
"Maybe we should tell the rabbi that he has [the reverend doctor, you know, Ph.D.], that he has ... one of the members of his church has become the collector of garbage [in that great aristocratic church that he goes to]." See?

35 And so, after they had passed, little Zacchaeus gets up on the garbage can, he still can't reach the limb. Now, he's in an awful place, so he just shinnies up the tree. Well, I don't know whether you know what "shinny up the tree" means. That's a southern expression: "higher up; get a hold of it, just pull up."
And so he gets to the first limb, and he looks over here; and there he sits. And if that ain't a good look at a Chris... at a man, businessman of the city: with his robe full of garbage, hands full of splinters, getting in a tree to look at a holy-roller preacher coming by. You can imagine what kind of... Oh yeah, that's what He was considered. Somebody that's called a devil, a Beelzebub, a Galilean which had a bad name to begin with, born an illegitimate child---as they thought. See, the world never knows Him, brethren. They don't know it yet. They think we're crazy. They just haven't met Him yet, that's all.

36 So as he's sitting up there, cross-legged, weaving back and forth on this limb, now, if that isn't a pretty picture. A man of his standing in the city, the garbage can, the flies all around it, now the flies is on Zacchaeus. And here he sits up here, full of garbage and stink, splinters in his hands, all to get to see some fanatic prophet of Galilee---called a prophet, his own church against it. But you see, Rebekah was still praying; that's what does it.
So he thinks, "Now wait. If I sit here, He might see me. And you know what? I'm just remembering that Rebekah told me that that man could discern the thoughts of the mind. You know what, I'll hide from Him." So he goes just a little bit higher in the tree, and he finds where two limbs meet. That makes a good place to sit down. That's a good place for us all to sit down, where two ways meet: yours and God's. There's where the decision has to be made.

37 So he sits down on this limb, and he said, "Now wait a minute. If this Galilean prophet... Now, when I go back home, Rebekah will say, 'Did you see Him like He did to Philip, or He did to Peter, or He did to some of the rest of them, how He could look out into the audience and discern what they were doing or their thoughts?' So sure, me setting right here before Him, He might actually look up. This olive tree is not too tall, and what if He happened to see me sitting up here? Well sure He'd look at me, but... And then again, what if Levinski would happen to see me up here, and then all of them get around the tree and point their finger to me? Now, wouldn't that be something? So the best thing for me to do is to disguise myself."

38 So he gets the limbs, and he pulls them all around him, covers himself up like a good camouflage. No one can see him. And he only leaves one little leaf, so he could raise it up like this, look out. And that little leaf he'd... There's no one can see him: the tree limbs are all pulled around him, and he's a little bitty fellow sitting back up against the trunk of this tree, limbs all around him, the leaves all around him, with the little leaf he could raise up and look. He said, "Now, they'll never know. No one will ever see me here. I'm really hid." Don't you worry, Somebody knows where you are.
And as he sits there a few minutes, meditating, and the flies getting on him again, and he happens to hear a noise. He said, "He must be coming." There's usually a noise where He's around, you know. You always hear.

39 You know, in the old temple, when the priest was anointed and went into the temple, on his (Aaron) on his garment, was a special-made garment, and there was a bell and a pomegranate. And it required a certain type of walk, that when he walked, these garments, the bells and the pomegranate, played "Holy, holy, holy unto the Lord," as he walked. And the only way the audience knew that he was still alive was by this noise. I wonder sometimes.
Bangor ought to know that somebody's alive around here. And it's knowed by the walk you do, too: Holy, holy, holy unto the Lord. The noise gives praise and glory. We're a high priest offering spiritual sacrifice, the fruits of our lips giving praise to His name.
That's what we are, the fruits of our lips giving praise to His name.

Exodus 28:33 And beneath upon the hem of it thou shalt make pomegranates of blue, and of purple, and of scarlet, round about the hem thereof; and bells of gold between them round about:

Exodus 28:34 A golden bell and a pomegranate, a golden bell and a pomegranate, upon the hem of the robe round about.

Exodus 28:35 And it shall be upon Aaron to minister: and his sound shall be heard when he goeth in unto the holy place before the LORD, and when he cometh out, that he die not.

Hebrews 13:15 By him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name.

40 Then when He was coming around the corner, there it was, the great noise. And he raises up his little leaf to see. He said, "No one will never see me here."
So he looks around the corner; and he noticed, pushing around the corner, came a great big man, pushing---"I'm sorry, you'll have to step out of the way."
Two or three men behind him, "I'm sorry. The Master's on His road to His breakfast this morning, and we can't interrupt, sorry. Stand back."
He said, "That must be the description of the fellow called Peter, that man that He told who he was, his father. That must be him that's in the lead there, pressing the people back."

41 And just then little Zacchaeus looks over, and there stood one of his customers. "Why," he said, "they've got that child out here this morning; when I know that the doctors said, two days ago, that child was dying. If they should move that child in this early morning air, it would be death. They cannot do that! How fanatic can people get? And there the father and mother standing with this fevered baby rolled up in a blanket; and the doctors said in my restaurant the other day, when I asked about that baby, that it's dying. And it's seriously with a disease that just a little air exposure would kill it instantly. And here that father and mother has so worked up by this fanatic preacher that they brought that baby, against the doctor's rules, out on the street.
"And now look, they're being pressed back. Those twelve men along with Him must be the ones who protects Him and keeps Him away from the crowds. That's what Rebekah said. Well, I tell you, that man ought to be put in jail for taking that baby out."
All at once the faithful little father takes the baby into his arms; and a lovely little mother runs right on out into the street, and almost falls on her knees.
This great man Peter, gentle, says, "Sister, dear, we are so sorry; our Master can only stand so much."
"But oh, kind sir, my baby is dying! It hasn't got but just a few minutes to live, and I believe that one word from your Master will change the whole course."
Zacchaeus raised the leaf a little higher, said, "What's that?" Just one word, He knows about it. Not even a sparrow can fall in the street---He knows it. He knows your prayers for this meeting. He knows all that's gone on. He's lovely, kind, sweet, and...
And He stopped. Like He did to blind Bartimaeus, just out the gate, a few hours later. He couldn't have heard Bartimaeus's cry; there's too many people screaming, carrying on. His faith touched Him.
He stopped and turned and looked back, and He said, "Daughter, take your baby back home; for your faith has saved the baby."
And I can see Zacchaeus, "Did ever you hear such a fanaticism as that?"
And at that time the father also raised his hands, and he said, "Praise be to the living God! I believe and accept my baby's healing right now." Unwraps the baby, sets her on the street, and a little six- or eight-year-old girl starts down the street skipping the rope. That was Jesus.

Matthew 10:29 Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? and one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father.

Luke 12:6 Are not five sparrows sold for two farthings, and not one of them is forgotten before God?

42 Zacchaeus said, "That's amazing. You know what, I've just decided I'd better keep my big mouth shut. Maybe I've been wrong. I sure don't want Him to see me." So he picks up his little leaf again, saying, "Wonder if He's close." And he looks down. Here He is coming right under the tree. And He stopped. Zacchaeus said, "How glad I am that He can't see me."
And He stopped; He looked up in the tree, said, "Zacchaeus, get out of there and come on down. I'm going home with you today for dinner." Didn't only know he was up there, He knowed who he was.
I guess all the days of his life he was glad that he went to that place where Jesus was to pass that way. He became a member of the Full Gospel Businessmen's Association of Jericho. I'm glad to be a member of the same.
He never was the same after that. Rebekah was rewarded for her prayer. Her husband got saved that day, and Jesus ate dinner at her house. "I must go home with you today," He said.

Luke 19:5 And when Jesus came to the place, he looked up, and saw him, and said unto him, Zacchaeus, make haste, and come down; for to day I must abide at thy house.

43 And friends, He can go home with you too. There may be a Zacchaeus sitting here, I don't know. He does. If you try to hide behind something, to really keep from making your real confession and receiving Christ the Holy Ghost in your heart, He knows right where you are. He speaks to you right now. Let's bow our heads just a moment.
Dear God, something unusual struck me at that time. I felt... I don't have to express it, Lord, not to these people that's here; I'd be a hypocrite. But I didn't finish my story. It seems like this must be the time. Maybe there is a Zacchaeus here: of some man and some woman that You just spoke to their hearts, "I want to go home with you today too."

44 You found them sitting here at the table. They heard that You were to pass this way this morning, and they sit down. O Lord God, may they be like Zacchaeus, climb down out of the tree, and say, "Lord God, if I've did anything wrong, I'll make it right." If they've neglected the church, if they've neglected their prayer, if they've neglected the duty as a Christian or as a believer or a church member, if they've neglected receiving the Holy Spirit, inviting You---You're knocking at their heart this morning.
Grant, Lord, that right now that such a person will move back the little camouflage, and slip right out into the open, say, "Lord, go home with me today, and abide with me. I want to take You now. Maybe my praying wife prayers is being answered, or my praying husband, or mother. The prayers is answered, Lord. You found me right here at this table. I want You to know, Lord, that I recognize it's You. I raise my hand to You, and ask for mercy."

Luke 19:8 And Zacchaeus stood, and said unto the Lord; Behold, Lord, the half of my goods I give to the poor; and if I have taken any thing from any man by false accusation, I restore him fourfold.

45 And while we have our heads bowed, and every person praying; right down in the bottom of your heart I want you to be honest now. If you receive me as your brother, the same Holy Spirit Who knows the thoughts of every heart is here now. He knows your heart. And something stopped me in my message, said, "This is the hour." He spoke to somebody. Don't no one raise your heads here. If we have a little sister to play.
But I want you, if He's dealing in your heart... You here that feel that God has knocked at your heart (consecrate this life, if something, maybe will receive Him as your Saviour), would you just raise your hand? Say, "It's me, Lord." Be honest with God. God bless you. Someone else? The Lord bless you. God bless you. Someone else? While He's knocking.
You want to go home with Him? Want to take Him home with you? Are you still going to... Well, He's found you, but you refuse to come down out of the tree. Would you do that? Don't you want Him to go home with you?

46 You'll want Him to go to your deathbed. You might refuse Him this morning, and He wouldn't be there at the deathbed. You can grieve the Spirit of God. God bless you. Someone else now?
You say, "What does it do, Brother Branham, if I raise up my hand?" Well, it changes death to life. You break every scientific rule when you raise your hand. God bless you, sister.
Science says that your hands must hang down, gravitation holds it down. But there's a Spirit around you, and one in you. The Spirit around you is the Holy Spirit, and He's saying to you, "You're wrong. You're professing to be a Christian, with all this evil in your heart.

47 Like Zacchaeus, he thought he was a believer. You've criticized the meetings. You didn't believe them in the first place. Now, I'm speaking to you. Child, accept Me: and you raise your hands then."
That breaks the laws of gravitation, you raise your hand. The spirit in you has made a decision: "I want Jesus. I don't care what it costs me, if I have to lose my prestige and everything. If I lose myself, I'll find it, Lord, in You. I raise my hand, God, here it is. I profess a Christian, but I have temper and evil and everything in my heart. Take it out, Lord, this morning. You found me here at the table as You did Zacchaeus at the tree." Will you raise your hand?
Four fathers raised their hands, but there is one yet present. God is speaking now.
If you believe me to be His servant? One yet left. God bless you, sister. All right. The decision is yours. Jesus could not have got up in the tree and pushed him out; he had to come out on his own.

48 As we continue to pray: Lord God, the Creator of heavens and earth, the Author of everlasting life, and the Giver of all good gifts, Your Holy Spirit is the gift that Christ sent to us; and we love Him. He is our Shepherd, and we shall not want. And we're so glad that He leads us by the sides of still waters, and restores our souls. He plants us by the rivers of water, and the leaf shall not wither. Even in death shall not wither the leaf. As this earthly tabernacle be dissolved, we have one already waiting. Nothing can wither; we've got eternal life, God's own life dwelling in us by the Holy Spirit, that cannot perish. It must be raised up as Christ promised it.
And I pray now that You'll bless exceedingly abundantly these who've raised their hands, and for those who should have done it and did not. And I pray, God, that this Spirit of love among the brethren and sisters, that it will never die, it'll always be alive among them, Lord; and the differences will all be under the blood, and that fellowship will exist until Jesus comes and we'll be blended together as one great body. Grant it, Father.

Psalm 1:3 And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.

Psalm 23:1 A Psalm of David. The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.

Psalm 23:2 He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.

Psalm 23:3 He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.

2 Corinthians 5:1 For we know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved, we have a building of God, an house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens.

49 Bless those who are here that's sick---as I know now they are---seeking help from You. And let them know that that which is speaking to them is the Holy Spirit: He's the healer of all of our sickness. And we pray that He will now heal every disease that's among us, taking away the weakness, the diseases of the bodies, of those pilgrims and strangers to the world, Your own dear children. Grant it, Father.
May when we go from here this morning, may we go happy, rejoicing, healed and well, renewed in our spirits and hearts. We can go to the different corners and testify at the gas stations, and whatmore: "Jesus remains the same Lord." Grant it, Lord.
Bless the ministers here this morning too, the businessmen. May their business prosper. Let us all know that the most and greatest business that has the need today is the business of our Father, God. May we be about His business as His dear children, conducting ourselves as Christian gentlemen and Christian ladies. Grant it, Father. For we ask it in Jesus' name, Thy Son. Amen.

50 Do you feel real good? Have I got five minutes more? Are you in a real big hurry? I just want to say something to you.
The reason that I am where I am today in these Full Gospel ranks is because I believe in it. I believe that our bodies came from the dust of the earth. We're all aware of that. The Bible says it first; science proves it. We're made of sixteen elements of the earth: petroleum, potash, cosmic light, so forth, atoms. Then if that be so, when this world was nothing but a bleak volcanic, our bodies laid on this earth. Just a little encouragement for you.
People think I'm a mystic and an isolationists, but I'm not. I'm your brother, who loves you. I'd like to go home with you for dinner, really have some real fellowship. There's a little room upstairs waiting for me. I can't be a servant of God, and a servant of man at the same time. I must stay partly to myself, and pray. Just to talk to you a little bit. I believe you can get it. It's later than we think.

51 We must get the seed in the earth. When I left Finland sometime ago, right after the first war, or the last world war, they was out there tying men, women, hooked up in harnesses; little children running before them packing lanterns at night: and they scratched the ground. If they don't break the surface some way, get them seed in there, they'll all starve the next year. They got to get that in before the snow comes. They must get it in. There's no night, they can't stop no time. Lanterns. They couldn't use tractors; they had none. They put their women with harnesses on them to pull the harrow, just to scratch the ground, the men right behind. Got to get the seed in! Or there'll be no crop.
Brethren, sisters, it's later than you think. We've got to scratch the ground some way, there's no stopping day and night! We've got to get the seed, t he Word, in there, in the hearts of the people. If we don't, there'll be no harvest. [Unclear words].