
Testimony somebody

Testimony (1950-08-14) (William M. Branham Sermons)

Testimony (1950-08-14) (William M. Branham Sermons) somebody


1 I'm thankful... Baxter. Good evening, audience. I'm very happy to be here tonight to try to pray for the sick and needy, do all that I can while I'm here to help you.
I wish to read some Scripture where it... I was enjoying very much, and just come up in the... was in the little trailer, hearing Brother Baxter's message tonight. I'm very happy that God anointed him to speak like that tonight, that God would move in our midst.
And I'm very glad to see people tonight that's Christians. I know that--know that one of the great events of this country here is a--is a ball game down here. Someone said, "Just let the ball game start, and you'll be setting in the tent alone." Well, that's--that's different. God's people loves God. You see?

2 All right, I want to read from the Scripture right quickly and go into the prayer line. It's found in John the--the 4th chapter and beginning with the 46th verse.
So Jesus came again into Cana of Galilee, where he made the water wine. And there was a certain nobleman, whose son was sick at Capernaum.
And when he had heard that Jesus was come out of Judaea to Galilee, he went unto him, and besought him that he would come down, and heal his son: for he was at the point of death.
Then Jesus said unto him, Except you see signs and wonders, you will not believe.
The nobleman said unto him, Sir, come down ere my child die.
Jesus said unto him, Go thy way; thy son liveth.
I want you to notice, he would... If it'd been a prayer line, he'd wanted a prayer card. And he wanted Jesus to come down to his house and heal his son. But Jesus did not go to his house. But first he talked real straight to him, said, "Except you see signs, you won't believe."
Said, "Sir, come or my child will die."
Jesus... (Now watch, 50th verse.) Jesus said unto him, Go thy way; thy son liveth. And the man believed the word that Jesus had spoke unto him, and he went his way.
Watch the order of the Scripture. Jesus said something, that his child was going to get well. And the man himself believed what Jesus said. See? Now, all right. Now, 51st:
And as he was now going down, his servant met him, and told him, saying, Thy son liveth. (Something had happened.)
Then inquired he of them the hour that he began to amend... (In other words, when He turned from his worse to his better)... And they said unto him, Yesterday at the seventh hour the fever left him.
So the father knew that it was of--at that same hour, in which Jesus said unto him, Thy son liveth: and... (And is a conjunction)... and himself believed, and his whole house.

3 He--he knew it was the time when Jesus said, "Thy son liveth. Go thy way, thy son liveth." And the man believed what Jesus said was the truth. Now, what if he would said, "Well, I'll go on back down, but I'm disappointed. I wish He'd have come laid His hands on him." The son probably would not have lived. But, the man believed what Jesus said was the truth. And that's why we're here tonight is because we believe what Jesus said is the truth. Now, what the people says is something else. But what Jesus said, we're ready to stand on what He said is the truth. All right. Remember that now.
Now, just before we form the prayer line, I think it would be necessary just for--give a testimony. Now, we're going to try each night to kinda get in the Spirit of the Lord in closer.

4 I've been praying all day, trying to get ready for this meeting. This is going into the second week. This is... Even in this, is the smallest audience we've ever had, as I can remember, this much time, with this much meeting. But I worry over the audience, that... And it--had it any more reverent, and as--with as good a faith, any better faith than what you have right here. That's right. And I just believe that God is going to heal every person. I--I believe that with all my heart. And I...
Now, friends, I have desired one thing in my life, to see one more time. I seen one time that every person in the building was healed at one time. I've seen that once. And there was twice, three times as many cot cases and stretcher cases as is here. And they would pile their cots together and throwed their crutches and so forth away. And people went out of that building walking, praising God, and... Now, I believe if it can happen one time, it can happen again.

5 Now, at the day of Pentecost, they were all in one place and with one accord, believing the promise of God was coming to them. Why can't we believe the promise of God that is coming to us tonight?
Now, for myself I'm doing all... (And God knows with my hand here.) I'm doing all that I know how, everything. I prayed through the day, and I--and at nighttime I come in here and try my best to do everything that I know how to... Not to get it over into a place where people will just think too much on the prayer line, or where they think too much on one thing. But just try to keep it the best that I know how, that the Spirit of God could get in the hearts of the people to heal everybody. See? That's what I try to do, and God knows that.

6 Today, Brother Lindsay and I were talking... Brother Lindsay's a good man. He is, Brother Hall, also. And I... We give out these cards here, and we intend to pray for every person that gets a prayer card. That's right. What I can't get at night, we get at morning at the ten-thirty service. That's Brother Lindsay and Brother Hall has a prayer line here. Great things are being done.
Now, you people, if you see the time getting near and you haven't got in, go down on a Monday, or each morning at ten-thirty. And I've dealt with those men. I've been with them in their life, and I know that they're good God saved men. And signs and wonders will--will... This--this will stimulate faith. And at morning, God will confirm it then. Come into the morning meetings if you don't get in the evening meetings. If you want to be prayed for, come in and God will answer their pray, and great things will be done.

7 We were talking this afternoon. Brother Lindsay looked over to me. We've been together for four years, and I never heard that tone of voice. The Spirit of God must have said it, or I caught it in that way. Said, "Brother Branham," he said, "with a measure of time," said, "I've said for a long time: fifty-three would probably be the--something great." Said, "I believe we've got about one more year to go."
Now, remember friends, we're going to look at the thing right straight in the face. God never sends judgment until first He sends His mercy. But after His mercy, it's bound to be judgment. To reject the mercy is the bringing in of judgment, always. And now, at no...
Through the ages, since the apostolic age in the beginning, there's never been such signs and wonders that God's put before the people. Surely, thousands way off, heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God... See? For Jesus said they would be that way. Like they were in the days of Noah, so will it be in the coming of the Son of man.

8 Now remember, I am an American. Generation after generation, back to the third or fourth generation, been American. Many Branham has planted... And the other day when I was walking through France, many of them are laying there, fell in war. I had four brothers this last war. One of them helped me in the prayer line, where he was four years in the Navy, and give up as a hopeless case.
Hundreds are sent disabled, never to get up out of a chair. Another one's burnt through with a piece of shrapnel. The other one hit something, and it put a pressure on his spine that they said they'd have to tap his spine every so many weeks during his whole life, went into a gully with a--with Patton in his tank.
I wanted to go. If it was again, I'd try to go again. If this country ain't worth fighting for, it ain't worth living in. That's right. I'm an American. But just as sure as I'm the minister standing in this platform, we are heading for judgment. That's...

9 God loved Israel. But when Israel sinned, she reaped what she sowed. And we're in for judgment. Mark that down, and remember I have said it from the platform. When it comes to pass, you remember what I said. All right.
My Christian friends, and sinner friends, whatever you do, if you believe me to be sent from God, you seek the Kingdom of God just quick as you can and get in to it, for that's the only safety we have today. The world's at the end of the age. Only in Christ are you saved.
I'm not saying that to scare you. I'm saying it just as sanely as I know how to stand here in this platform and say it. But my heart's been stirred for a time. And I know that we're ready for something. Now, come in. And you Christians, don't stay in that lukewarm condition any more. Lay aside everything. Just get as close to God as you can. Walk with Him, talk with Him. Let everything else be secondary but your prayer life. Stay right with Him all the time.
Now, I don't know why I stopped in my speech to say that, but I could prove that. I'd be willing to say that that's the Spirit of God there that's speaking right now, a warning to you. That's right. Remember, I'm saying that under the anointing of the Spirit of God. Of course... [Gap in the audio.]

10 All right. We're going to pray for the sick right now. Be reverent. Let's pray now. Heavenly Father, strangely tonight, I see the world giving away in lust, and know that God's judgment follows. Like Sodom and Gomorrah, their sins had come up to the ears of God. And He sent an Angel down, two of them, to call out the righteous, separate them... the Holy Spirit calling to the people to separate themselves from the things of the world, to receive the mark of God, the baptism of the Holy Spirit, before the mark of apostasy is put upon them. Grant it, Lord.
Help us tonight as we're here under this tent, not knowing what time that we shall leave. And let our testimonies ring everywhere, calling to the hedges and highways and byways, calling the unrighteous to repentance, healing the sick and the afflicted. Grant those signs to be here tonight, in the Name of Thy Son, Jesus. Amen.

11 Speaking... I haven't the time to go to... But while you're settling yourselves, and getting ready for... All right.
I remember when this first came to me. If you'll give me just your undivided attention for a moment... It was strange how I was--hated to start forward. And I--I think if you'll learn a little more of this, it'll be easier for you to come and get it--to get into it. And I thought, "How will I do this?" But friends, God has always went out before me and made the way.
I remember I was still in uniform. I was a Indiana State Game Warden. And I came down... My baby, little girl, she's four years old now. I promised God, He'd visited me about two to three weeks before this. I said, "If You just wait till the baby was born, Lord, I will go." He give me that privilege of grace.

12 And I... The baby was just come home, and I went down to get some of them bottle caps, you know, to drink the catnip tea (I think is what they give it), the little fellows. And so, I went to get those bottle caps. And I just went in and cashed my check. I was making thirty dollars a week. And I--I went in to cash my check. And as I went in, someone had stepped off the bus from Louisville, down on the corner of the street. Jeffersonville's a very small city. And I seen him look at me strange. And I went in to Mason's Drug Store there to--to cash my check. When I come back out, I had the bottle caps, and I had them in my pocket.
And somebody laid their hand on my shoulder, said, "Sir?" I turned around. And it was the--this same fellow looks at me so strangely. He said, "I see that you're an officer."
I said, "I work for the conservation of Indiana."
He said, "I'm looking for some--a party. Maybe you could help me. Are you well acquainted?"
I said, "Yes, sir. I'm pretty well acquainted here." And he... I said, "I've lived here practically all my life."

13 And he said, "Well, I will give you my story." Said, "I've been failing in health for about two years." Said, "I'm from Paducah, Kentucky, about two hundred miles down the river." He said, "Last night I had a strange dream." He said, "I dreamed I seen a big bright Angel come down from heaven and told me to come to Jeffersonville, Indiana, and to ask for somebody by the name of Branham to pray for me." Said, "Now, do you know anyone here by the name of Branham?"
I tell you; I thought my heart would break. It was... I said, "My mother runs a boarding house right around the corner. Her name is Branham."
He said, "Oh, she's a Branham?" Said, "Would that be your name?"
I put my arm around him. I said, "Brother, three weeks ago I was standing in my room. A great Light was shining in there, and an Angel told me to go pray for the..." He just broke down.
There we knelt on the street. And I took off my hat, knelt down on the street on the corner. I said, "Father, I don't understand. But You sent this man here to declare what the Angel of the Lord had told me." When I got through praying, I looked and people had their hats off, standing along on the street holding their children back. They ain't no one on the street, just standing. I was just kneeling on the street, public square. God healed him right there, gloriously.

14 A few days after that, or a few weeks, rather, another case just comes on my mind. You remember me telling the other night about that Angel coming into the room where I was at, at--at--at Camden, Arkansas?
And next day after that, I'd went into a little church there, a little church to have a morning service, no prayer for the sick, just to preach. I was pretty well worn. I'd been days and days; I hadn't even laid down no more than just to cross the bed, or set in a chair. They had different places. They just take me from house to house, and place to place all the time. And they went down to a little church; I was going to speak.
And when I started out, they had four police there that was taking me out, stand at the door. And as I started out, the people... Oh, brother, sister, it would break the heart of an iron man. I--I'm human. And I stand here and look at little children, like here, laying along like this. I got children myself. I see sick people and I think, "Oh, God, what can I do?" But I--I can't. I have--can't do no more than what He tells me to do. I can't; it'd be a failure if I did.

15 So I started out. They was trying to touch my clothes, and, you know, and going through the crowd, crying. And I heard somebody hollering, "Mercy, mercy, mercy." And I happened to turn and look, standing off to hisself... In Arkansas, they have what they call the Jim Crow Law: the colored and white can't be together. I'm from the South, but I don't think that's right.
So then, I--I looked over there, and there stood a poor old colored man standing there, aged, a little rim of white hair, and his hair. He had his cap in his hand. His wife was standing by him. And he had his hands up, blind as he could be, saying, "Mercy, mercy." The tears streaming down his cheeks.

16 I thought of old blind Bartimaeus standing at the gates of Jericho. Looked around, started moving on. The Holy Spirit said, "Go over there where he's at." I turned aside.
They said, "Don't go over there, Brother Branham."
I said, "But the Holy Spirit tells me go over there."
And I went over there, and they drawed a ring. I never will forget what his wife said. She said, "The parson man's coming to you, honey."
I walked on over to where he was at. His old feeble hands dropped; said, "I--i--i--is this you, Parson Branham?"
I said, "Yes, sir."
He felt my face, he said, "Oh, you's a young man."
I said, "No, sir, not too young." Said, "I'm thirty-six years old."
And he feeled around on my face like that... Said, "Parson Branham, do you got just a minute to listen to me?"
I said, "Yes, sir."
He said, "My old mammy had 'ligion like you got." ('Ligion.) Said, "She never told me a lie in all her life." Said, "Parson Branham, she's been dead now, many years." Said, "I've been blind, and drawing a blind pension for about ten years." Said, "I lives about two hundred miles from here. I never heard of you in my life. But," said, "This morning, about three o'clock," said, "I woke up in the room. And of course, I can't see," but said, "look like standing before me stood my old mammy. I said, 'Mammy, is that you?' She said, 'Yes, honey.' She said, 'You go down to Camden, Arkansas. Rise and put on your clothes, and ask for somebody by the name of Branham that's praying for the sick. You shall receive your sight.'" Said, "Parson Branham, I put on my clothes, and here I is." Said, "Can you help me?"
Oh, my. I thought, "God, You'll witnessed that these stones will cry out, something has to say it."

17 I just put my hands over on his eyes, and I said, "Father, I do not understand." Said, "You sent the brother here; I ask for his sight."
I took my hands down, seen him smiling, wiping his eyes. Looked around and kind of smiled, said, "I can see, honey."
She said, "You see, honey?"
Said, "Sure." Said, "See them people there, that red car setting behind?" She fell down on her knees and screamed to the top of her voice.
About that time, the people made a break... Next thing I knew, I was in the car.
I thought this, friends, "God knows all about it." He can speak to the people through visions, and dreams, and revelations; He can send them. He's the Lord Jesus tonight.

18 Father, I--I--I ask You to just be in our midst tonight. Heal all the people here that's so needy, Father. Bless them now as I go forward to challenge the enemy, to do these signs and wonders that You told me to do. I know You'll be there, Lord. You won't never fail; neither will You ever forsake Your promise. And I pray now that people may have great faith, Father. This is starting the second week of this revival, long. Believing that before the great judgment shall sweep the city here, that You're calling mercy. Help tonight that something might be done to win souls to You, glorify Thee, for we ask it in the Name of Thy Son, Jesus. Amen.
All right, we will have the... A hundred? How far did you get last night? Up to 40 from 25? So let's start right at 40. [A brother calls for prayer card numbers M-40 to M-55 to form the prayer line]... The piano player will come to the piano, please, and play "Abide With Me."

19 Now, how many did he call, twenty-five? How many did you call tonight? Fifteen. Maybe we can get more than that, or try to get--make another choice, if we can tonight, and fine if we can get more. Then I believe the Lord wants us to maybe to change the program a little tonight.
I seen a pathetic sight a few moments ago, that just tore my heart to pieces, poor little girl setting, holding a blind man's hand up when they sang, "Now I Believe." Oh my. How in the world... Have faith, everybody believe. God knows that I wished I could do something. Oh, if I only could. If I could, I'd do it. I'm just as helpless as the rest. I can only say what He says. I can only do what He says do. I trust that the man knows who I'm speaking of, and the little girl, also. God will bless them. God bless you, brother.

20 Now, everyone be just reverent as--as... If the piano player, if you'll softly play, "Abide With Me." You know? I just love that song, don't you? That's all I want Him to do, "Abide With Me." I--I couldn't live without Him. I wouldn't want to live without Him. He's my life. He's all that I have. And I couldn't live without Him and I know you can't live without Him. And I want Him to abide with me.
(When you're ready for your prayer line.) Now, let's just be real reverent. I know I take a lot of your time, but friends, I--I want to talk to you, and I just... I--I love you, and I--I guess I take--take up too much time then, and maybe not pray for enough sick people. But I'm trying to get you to a place where you'll all at one time... I want to see it before God calls me home again. I--I want to see it again before God calls me, to see it like that.

21 Now, let's be real reverent for awhile, and just take our time with each case. And all of you to look on, believe. Now, on the platform... [Gap in the audio.]... try to catch it, but when it doesn't, I just keep talking; He keep adding more things, more things, more things, until I feel like that there's faith there. But if--if you'd stand there for amount of time, It would reveal everything that you ever done in your life, every sickness and disease that you ever had. It'll do it. I know it. A lot of times at home, when I used to take the cases, I'd set them down in my room, lock the door, no one can come in. I'd set right there with them till it was over. Then when I'm out in these meetings, I can't do that, 'cause I will be nearly dead before I got to the meeting.

22 Now, everyone real reverent; we're just... Don't nobody be in a hurry. And please, don't move around while the--the Spirit of the Lord is at work. While It's moving, just be reverent. Then I will tell you what I will do: if you'll do that for--at each case, I will give you a chance then to show... if we just take our time. Now, will each person be reverent? Just look on, believe with all your heart. And when God's healing the sick here on the platform, He will be healing them out there the same time.
All right, friend. Are you the--the... I see. All right. You look this way, sir, if you would, just a moment. I--I can't seem to pick it up from that one. It may be that... tired. I can feel the anointing of the Spirit. But it just want to say this... Now, you realize, my dear brother, that when you confess your faith in Christ, to believe now with all your heart, do you? You do, with all your heart? And you have no doubt but what this Spirit that is here now, that's even on you now, it's no doubt but what It is the Spirit of God. It could not be any psychological effect. It's just the Spirit of God. You see? Yes. You believe it with all your heart... Well, you live close, do you? In this city here, I would say. I want you just to look.

23 Yes, sir, brother. You have trouble with arthritis, is what bothers you. Isn't that right? I see the way you get around. I want you just to look this way, and be just as sincere as you can... Life hasn't been a flower bed of ease for you, has it, brother? Had lots of sorrow, lots of trouble. You're in trouble right now, brother. Isn't that right?
At one time, you wouldn't have come in this prayer line... you was an unbeliever once, very much critical of religion. Isn't that right? You done a great thing along that time, too, something that hurt you. I believe you--you rebuked God, or cursed with God, or something, or done something wrong, or didn't you do that? How would you think, brother, by the Spirit of God. Is that a tract concerning it? All right.

24 Now, concerning that, it harmed you. Now, being that you had that on tracts, then look this a way. Believe with all your heart. You dearly paid for that, brother. You have lots of troubles now, nervous... You have a lot of home troubles, too, don't you? Domestic troubles with your own home, is that right? Will you believe me as God's servant? It's all right for me to speak what the Lord says? You've had other troubles, too, don't you, sexual troubles. Is that right, sexual troubles? You listen at what I mean. Nobody but God alone knows that better than you. Is that right? You believe with all your heart now, brother? Let me have your hand.
Let's bow our heads. Our heavenly Father, there's nothing but what You know all about it. I'm so thankful that You're here tonight, blessing,... this poor old brother, having run and slip away to get to the service, but loves you in his heart. God, make a way for him. Grant it, Lord. He's in trouble. You said that You would be near those who are in need. God, bless my brother now as I bless him in Thy Name. May all these troubles clear up like a cloud leaving from before the sun; and may he be healed tonight of his arthritis, and all these other troubles, Lord, and be made new and whole again. In the Name of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, I ask it. Amen.

25 Look here, brother. Let me see you... You feel that you're healed, don't you? You are healed, my brother. God bless you, and go on your way rejoicing, and all your troubles are going to clear up now and be all right. God bless you.
(Can I have this? Thank you.) God, Who I stand before now, and got a tract here: "Is there a God? I cursed Him." If God in Heaven, Who I stand before, knows I know nothing about that tract, or anything about it... And being it was, that I thought maybe when they seen the tract, I... The Lord permitted to go right down into the depth of his heart and get something that's really a secret to tell. Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever. There's nothing that can fail before God. The man is going to be all right now. All right.

26 Come... Just be reverent, believe with all your heart. I see you removed your glasses before you come, didn't you? That's the way to have faith. Sure. Let's have your hand. I believe there's more than them glasses. Yes, ma'am, there is. You have several things wrong with you: One of it is you're nervous, extremely nervous. Which, you're--that has a whole lot to do with the astigmatism of your eyes. Then it's in the time of the change of menopause... (Isn't that right?), making you extremely nervous. And there's something... Don't you have something wrong with your limbs? When isn't there a milk leg, or something? Isn't that right? Amen. That's fine. All right. God bless you, sister. Now, your faith is right for healing. Will you accept me as His servant and Him as your Healer?
Let's bow our heads then. Father, all things are possible to them that believe. We thank You for the healing of our sister. Pray, God, that she'll be happy all the days of her life, serving You with all of her heart. We bless her in Thy Name, the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
All right, sister. Your faith will... healed, and you're going to be all right now.

27 All right. Everybody reverent. Which is next then? All right. That man's not... Jumalan rauhaa. That old arthritis... Believe with all your heart. All right, let's bow our heads. It's finished, sister.
Our heavenly Father, coming along down through that Baltic, up along through those hills and seeing those little bitty trains pulling along with those poor Finnish people a few weeks ago, laying burdened, coming walking, packing old bicycles, thousands gathering around... I'm thinking, coming down off of the mountain at Kuopio, seeing that little boy laying on the side of the road, dead, mashed to pieces, helpless, covered his little face over. Looked like life was finished for ever, no breath, no heart. Then remembered the vision of the Lord. Then laying hands upon him and calling in the Name of the Lord, and his life returned, there wasn't a bone broke in his body. How it spared the hearts of those dear people, how they come from the Lapland. Oh, merciful God, You, Who could take a boy that was mashed to pieces, dead, laying on the road... Now, vision couldn't heal him; It was the Spirit of God. You can heal our sister tonight. It's arthritis. Bless her... I now rebuke the arthritis from her body in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Tell her to have no fear... You're healed. It's gone from you. May it heal in... and God be with you... God bless you.

28 Let's say, "Praise be to God." Amen. Oh, my, my, my. How do you do young fellow? Let's see your hand. You believe with all your heart? I can't seem to pick that up, brother. I want you to look at me. Now, you're sick or you wouldn't be up here. 'Course, knowing you're wearing glasses, somehow, it--it--it's not... You ain't what you're here to be prayed for no doubt, or you'd--you'd... It'd been something different from that. I want you to look at me and believe with all your heart. Don't doubt nothing. Now, I'm not saying, brother, that I have anything to do with your healing. I can only do what He told me to do.
Now, you love Him? Like to serve Him, don't you? It's epilepsy. Isn't that right? Seen you falling. That's a powerful thing he put... Remember this, my brother, Jesus Christ heals all kinds of diseases. But it's like a demon power, you don't know when it's coming, strikes and away it goes, don't it? Look, remember one time when a father brought his boy to the Master? Said, "Lord, have mercy on me."
He said, "I can, if you believe." Is that right? Said, "For all things are possible to them that believe."
He said, "He has a devil, ofttime it throws him in the water and in the fire to destroy him. See, he'd just fall anywhere." That's a devil. And when Jesus rebuked the spirit, the boy had the hardest spell he ever had in his whole life. But when it was gone, it was over.

29 Now, if He was standing here now, and tell you about what I have said now, and... the medical doctors, call it epilepsy. He called it a demon that bothers him. And He would say His blessing over you and separate you from that. Don't you believe it? You believe if I will ask to Jesus, that He will separate it anyhow from you? All right. Come here and believe... [Gap in the audio.]
Remember, I will not be responsible for people who hold their head up or irreverent during the time of epilepsy being prayed for. Cause, it goes from one to another. Now look this a-way, and now no matter what takes place, you be reverent. Just look this a way. Now, no matter what takes place... And be reverent. Keep your head bowed till you hear me say, "Raise your head." Now, young man, look this way and believe on the Lord Jesus.

30 Our heavenly Father, realizing the seriousness of this demon power that's bound this young man, I ask the Blood of Thy Son Jesus to stand between all peoples here... Have mercy on Your humble servant standing here, trying to serve others, Lord. Jesus of Nazareth, the Son of God, look not upon us in judgment, but look upon us with Thy mercy. And now, as Your humble servant, unworthy to be so, but asking for mercy, I now ask the spirit of Satan that's bound the boy, leave him, come out of him and go into outer darkness; trouble no one else in the Name of Jesus Christ.
Leave the boy, Satan, thou foul serpent... Christ proves here at Calvary, taking the power away from you, and leave tonight by confession and faith in the finished work of Jesus, the Son of God, at Calvary. As Christian people, we say to you, leave this young man. Come out of him in the Name of Jesus, the Son of God. Amen.

31 All right... Now look, raise your head now. First time in all my life, seeing for a certain, I seen him crawling, a yellow... And it's turned and went away from the boy. Now, brother, I believe with all my heart, Satan, you've had... God bless this boy...
I just want to thank God. Our heavenly Father, we thank Thee for Thy mercy. And bless that young man, Lord, and make his life fruitful, and keep them powers away from him, Lord. May he go into outer darkness, bound in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Never in all my ministry I ever seen that before...

32 [The following thirty-three seconds are of very poor audio quality allowing only a few words to be understood once in a while, the text thereof is not included until it is more clearly understandable.]
You don't sleep too often though... for one thing. Another thing, you've got... cancer. Isn't that right?... now, and believe with all your heart. I have a little girl at home, and I know she is praying the way you are too. I'll do everything I can, ask to ask Him... I believe He...
Our heavenly Father, You see the tear drops coming out of those little pale cheeks, rolling down. What can she do, Lord? She's helpless without You. She'll be a wreck after while. Satan's desired to sift her, but we're praying now. O Father, be merciful to the little lady. Strengthen her faith just now to rule out that demon power. Father, as sure as I'm here and Your servant, I believe You'll heal her now. You can't fail; You're the Lord Jesus.
Satan, leave the girl. In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, come out from her.
You know what's happened... to you, don't you? You're healed sister.

33 Now I'll tell you what I want you to do. Now, if I could tell you what you were doing in school, and in your life at that time; I was going on but it was breaking. You were crying because the Spirit of the Lord was upon you. And It's still on you now, isn't that right? You're a nice little lady. And you want to work for the Lord. You want to do His work. Now--now, you going to believe me? If you take my word now and do as I tell you, God will do just what I say He will do here. I want you to go from the building when you leave tonight, just so happy. I want you to be smiling and go tell everybody, "The Lord healed me." And if you feel just...
Satan say, "No, you're not."
Say, "Now, Satan, you might as well go away, because a man that could tell me what has been in my life has told me that I will be well, and I'm well now. So you get away from me." See? And be just as happy as you can be; forget... And when you go out, you watch the difference in your reading. That's was healed immediately, you see. And--and the nervousness is gone from you. You feel quiet, don't you? No more gloomy feeling. And it's going to stay... If it could make you feel good right here, and bring the Presence of God to you here, just believe that what I told you, and it'll stay with you.

34 Now, the reason I'm doing that, honey, because you're mix up, and you're just at that time of life of a little girl. Is your mother near in the building? I thought so. I could feel her out there. I thought... All right.
Mother, you know what I'm speaking about, don't you? It's just her little age right now is what's doing that.
And don't you, you know, fly right. So just--just start right on, just be happy, and rejoicing, and everything's going to be all right for you. You believe that? Say, "Amen." Amen. God bless you, sister.
All right. Everybody just be reverent, and praise the Lord now.

35 All right. Good evening. Nervous, get real tired, it's a kidney... No, it's in your back, in your spine. Is that right? You believe? As sure, as much as you've prayed, you ask it.
I bless thee, my sister, for thy healing now. In the Name of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, we desire that you may be healed.
Do you believe me? Did you hear my prayer? Then you're healed, sister. There's nothing can keep you from this coming now. Go, rejoicing, be happy. He's... Feel all right now? Go rejoicing and happy, God will take...
All right. Let's say, "Praise the Lord," everybody. Do you love Him with all your heart? Let's...

36 God bless you. Do you believe me with all your heart? It's got to leave you... weak now... old, female trouble is bothering you. You're nervous trouble causing you're... Isn't that right? Do you believe if I'd ask Him, you'll get well? With all your heart? Oh, my, dear old mother.
Bow your heads, everyone. Our heavenly Father, as she stands here, I think of my own mother setting back in the meeting. No doubt that these hands sometime helped others. And I pray, God, that You will help her. Many years ago, maybe some mother rocked her, patted her, and kissed away all the tears that... Now, she's gone. But there's still hands who can pat and kiss away all the tears and cares: Jesus, the Son of God. I bless this, my aged sister, and ask You, Father, to give her many days of health and strength yet, that she can glorify You in Jesus' Name. Amen.
God bless you, mother. Fear not. You go right on. All right, God bless you... keep your hand over it like this...

37 That's why it come. Little nervous aren't you? Your eyes are bad. That's why you have your glasses on. All right. And also, you've had arthritis... It's worse... Isn't that right? 'Course, I don't... There's no way I can know unless He's telling me. Isn't that right? But it's the truth, isn't it? I just wanted to say that so it'd encourage you. Now, I want to ask you something. The diseases and things that I've told you about was in your body, which you know is the truth, but when I spoke of that other, that give you more faith that anything I said, that... Wasn't that right? Because He told me to tell you.
Now, being that you have believed with all your heart, He's healed you, sister... Now, when I was talking to you, it had something to do with it. When I said that, that word, and you believed right, that's when it left. Now look, that you might know... You believe me? All right, put your hands up in the air, both of them way up. Move your feet up-and-down like this. See? See, that has no harm. Your arthritis and everything is just all gone. Just go on your road rejoicing with God's blessing on you.
Let's say, "Praise the Lord," everybody.

38 I see you're one of the workers in the meeting. You like your work, personal work? You do? Well now, you're sick, and you're here to be healed. Thank you for that... Now, one thing... Don't tell me what's wrong. But I want to ask you one thing: is it an organic trouble? Just say "yes" or "no." Organic trouble, inward trouble the...
It's something that was near disease. All right. I want you to look at my hand before I touch anything. See here? See how my hand looks? You're a worker here, and you deserve some... that you might see so you can tell other people. I want you to look at my hand. I don't know what...
God knows I know nothing about you. Now see, I put my hand on there. See there's my hand just--just as normal as any. Now, I want you to... Look, if you'll lay your handkerchief down here, put this hand here on there. All right, no difference, is there? It just looks like the same. But now, I want you to put this hand on there, just the way you did the other. Now look. See it swelling, turning red, dark looking colors? Look setting in right here. Now, watch when I press on this index finger. Watch this. See that run across there? Now, you see that with your eyes, don't you? You know what's wrong with you? Here it is: it's female disorder. Isn't that right? Now, do you believe? Now, you see it with your eyes, don't you? [Gap in the audio.]... this hand... [Gap in the audio.] this hand, just... [Gap in the audio.] Now... [Gap in the audio.]... your right hand. Now, there it is. See it coming in? Course, that don't mean anything to me. It's you looking at it (You see?), telling you what's wrong with you... Now, see the difference? It's still... Ever where you're at, just the same. Looks like little warts, doesn't it, little white things, like bubbles, or whatever it is going across it. Now see, that's when I... I'm going to hold my hand still so you'll notice. You can tell others. Now, watch. Now, that's kind of letting up a little.
You're nervous, sister. Now, you have other little things, also: kidney trouble. That's right, nervousness. Now, watch; here it comes again. See? See them going again? There it is again. Now, you see what... Does anyone here know the lady? See? Well, you know how it is amongst the people. Now, sister, look this way. I want see you... Now, I believe you're a deep sincere woman. And now, you feel the anointing of the Spirit. Isn't that right? Well, that's just is beginning come on you now. Isn't that true? Now, if that's true, raise your hand so the people can see. That's right. Other Spanish brothers... Italian?

39 I want you to watch. Now, I'm going to ask God to heal you. If that hand stays the same way, then there's nothing done. If it leaves, God has healed you. That'll be three witnesses, won't it? All right. Now, you watch yourself, and I will hold my hand just still as possible. Now, remember how the hand looked over here, I want you to watch that the same way.
Now, everyone bow your head and pray except the lady. I want you to be in prayer, but I want you to be watching my hand.
Our heavenly Father, I ask You to be merciful to our sister here, she's come for healing. She's standing at the platform, watching my hand closely. And now, Lord, knowing that the type and the--the nature of our sister, that Thou has said this. And therefore, Father, I pray that You will heal her. You said, "If you get the people to believe you and be sincere, then no disease shall stand." And I ask Thee now to heal our sister.
Thou demon that's tormenting her body, in the Name of Jesus the Son of God, come out from the woman.
Now, sister, there it goes. It's leaving right now. Now, that hand, me holding it perfectly normal. Before I raise my head or open my eyes, it's turning normal. Is that right? Now, it's all left. Is that right? All right, you're healed.

40 Now, audience, raise your head. Now, the lady standing right here, I never moved my hand. Is that right, sister? Right in that place, just as smooth as this hand or any. Is that right? All them warts, and bumps, and things has left it. Is that true? Just as normal as it could be. All right, you're healed now. Go on your road rejoicing and be happy. Look, don't... I see it now. Are you going to let it go? Just...
Now, just something I talked to her about, a worrying she's going on about, which she oughtn't to be.

41 All right. Come lady.
Don't weary any. Did Jesus only said, "Fear not, fear not." Don't let nothing bother you.
Howdy do, sister. Let's have your hand. Look this a way, sister, just a minute. You believe with all your heart? You have several things wrong with you. Blood pressure is a little high; you're a diabetic. Isn't that right? You're... Headaches all... Isn't that right? Nearly... Isn't that true? You believe He's going to heal...
All right, let's pray. Heavenly Father, she's standing here. You know all about her. And I pray that You'll heal her, dear God. Have mercy upon her. Make her well, completely healed. In the Name of Jesus Christ, I ask it. Amen.
God bless you, sister. Go on your road rejoicing, happy, rejoicing, praising God.
All right. Everybody be reverent now.

42 Did you throw your finger up at me, sir? All right. Only just--just be reverent. You're--you're one of the patients to be prayed for? A lot of these cot cases here, it's--it's too bad that the people... I guess they got in... And I see they only just got...
Now, sir. You're here seeking to for mother. God bless you, sister. I--I know what... I can tell you what's wrong with you. Just have faith. I believe God's going to heal you, sister. I really do. Now, brother, just have faith.
Now, I tell you what I want you two cot cases do before I go to the end of the row. I want you to be looking this a way, right to me, and praying that God will be merciful to you and heal you. Will you do it? All right then. Just so I want you to do that. You do that also, sir, for her.

43 Oh, how--how I know, friends. Please believe me: How God wants to break in on this meeting right now. And He--He... How many wanted... to--to answer a prayer for us, everyone, for a great out-pouring. You won't believe I'd tell you anything wrong, do you? It just seems like over this building, just like a gloomy like when I turn around. Now, that anointing is not on me just at now; It's just around near. How many's got one of the pictures to see It? Let's see, you got the pictures? All right. And look at that when you see that picture. That same Thing's right here now. I guess I could call It "Thing." They said, "That holy Thing which is in Mary" was called the Son of God. It was a holy Thing... Just believe, dear brother, sister. Have faith in God.
You the patient? Believe with all your heart, usher? Well, God bless you, brother. Go on home and eat your supper. Your stomach trouble left you and you're all right... God bless you.
All right, have... Is everybody praying? All right. Now, everybody reverent.

44 You, sister, come right ahead. God bless you. Will you obey me as God's servant? Walk down at the end of the platform there. Stomp your feet up-and-down, and your arthritis will be gone. All right, God bless you. Go ahead, sister. How do you feel now? Sister, feel all right now? God bless you. Amen.
All right, who's the... The little laddie? All right, come here, laddie. Look this a way, sonny boy. Do you believe me? As a little lad, that's infant, childlike faith. Do you believe me? Will you obey me as God's prophet and servant, and believe that God sent me here for your healing? The stomach trouble you had has left you. Go on home and eat anything you want to, sonny boy. God bless you too, dad.
Let's say, "Praise God forever." Bring me another patient on.

45 Do you believe with all your heart? You'll do what I tell you to do? All right, sir. When you go down in the aisle, when you get home tonight, I want you to just raise up your hands and scream to the top of your voice, for your arthritis has done left you 'fore you got in... Hallelujah. That's right. Amen.
God can speak... this building... You believe that? All right, everybody reverent.
Oh, just a moment. This woman's for hearing. All right, everybody bow your head. Almighty God, Author of Life and Giver of every good gift, send Thy blessings upon her.
Thou demon that's tormenting her, in the Name of the Lord Jesus come out of her. Leave her. I adjure thee to go in Jesus' Name...
Can you hear me now?... Now it's all over, can you hear me all right? Look here, friends. Can you hear me? say, "Amen." Your arthritis, female disorder, and all that's been wrong... Go on your road now, say, "Amen," real loud. Amen. That's right. Go on your road rejoicing, praise God with all your heart throughout your days.

46 Oh, my. Your sister? You want to be prayed for too. Is that right? All right, stand up on your feet, sister. All right, sir. You don't have to come here. Will you believe me what I tell you? You've been suffering with a mental nervousness. Is that right? Jesus Christ has healed you already. That's right.
You, sir. You want to be healed? The heart trouble that you had left you. Just praise God and be happy.
You, sister, you've been suffering with nervousness, too, haven't you? Isn't that right? Stand up on your feet and say, "Praise the Lord," and be healed. That's right.
Don't have no doubt; believe God. That's right, brother. That's the way to receive your healing.
Sister, you got a paralysis that's been creeping on you for a long time. Isn't that right? I believe God's going to give you a victory tonight. Do you believe that? If I ask Him from this platform, do you believe He will heal you? You do? With all your heart? Believe that you'll be able to go up and go on home. Will you do that?

47 Look this way, sir. You believe me as God's servant? They just pushed you in out there, and I guess in the line out there, but here's what... Sir, I've got to be honest with you, as a minister that's professing. You been told many things. You been told you had stomach trouble. Isn't that right? But you... There's more than that wrong with you, brother. And I'm afraid to tell you right here what's wrong with you from the platform, 'cause it would scare you. But if you'll believe God with all your heart... It's in your bones, brother, that's where it's at. And you... And if you'll just believe God with all your heart, God will heal you. Do you believe that? I believe too, don't you, sister? That you'll be healed?
What about... sister laying there today, do you believe that that cancer will leave you if God will... And the little baby here, what about it, sister? What are you as the... that arthritis and tell it... Don't you believe that God will do that for you?

48 Now, everybody. Here, the blind brother setting here, standing here. Yes, sir. And the--the little lad setting back there with--with crossed-eyes.
Now, don't you believe that God will do it? Huh? All right. Now that... I'm going to ask you something. I'm going to ask you to make a committal right now to God, that God will perform this.
Dad, if you'll believe what I telling you, you could walk back tonight, and... his wife would take you back.
Mister, you can rise and walk too.
Almighty God, Who stands present into this world of all mortals, You're here tonight. God, grant that these people that's here, that's suffering and needy, a poor old mother laying here. Satan's paralyzed her. O Jesus, in the Name of the Son of God, I rebuke that devil that would bind that poor old mother laying there paralyzed. Thou demon, come out from the woman.
God bless that poor man, trying and praying; may he rise in the Name of the Lord Jesus. May the woman come out of the bed and be healed and well. Almighty God, Author of Life, Giver of every good gift, heal this woman here with cancer, dying. The blind man leaning on his cane, the little child. O God, have mercy. Bless these people in Jesus Christ's Name.

49 Come forward, you who wants to stand near to be prayed for. Come up around the platform. That's right. God bless you. Here... brother raised up from his ambulance stretcher. Get around him some of you ushers and give him strength that he might walk. A lady, paralyzed, raising up from the platform. Hallelujah! Rise dear, and believe on the Lord Jesus... [Gap in the audio.] God has healed you.
You there, with the trumpet in your ear: take the thing out of your ear. Christ Jesus has made you well.
And you, standing right there set back over there at the other side of the tent, for a long time you've been... had TB. In a sanatorium. You come here a few days ago because of it. Believe Jesus Christ right now and you can be healed.
And you, my brother. Stand up; the Lord Jesus Christ is here to make the healing power flow to every one of you.
You, lady. Rise and have faith. You brought your...

Testimony (1953-05-10) (William M. Branham Sermons)

Testimony (1953-05-10) (William M. Branham Sermons) somebody


1 Good evening, friends. It's a privilege to be back here tonight. Just a little bit hoarse. I haven't been preaching for a long time. Last three or four nights I've been preaching pretty hard, so it kind of strained my voice a little. Usually in my services, the manager and them does the speaking; I just pray for the sick. So preaching's something new. You could tell it the way I was handling it that it was something new to me. But I love the Lord with all my heart. I trust tonight that He will move in this little group of people, have great blessings for you all. Do you believe He'll do it? Yes, He will.
And now, He knows every one of you. I don't exactly see anybody before me that I do know, unless it's Brother and Sister Glover, and their daughter sitting there, is the only one that I remember by face. But God knows every one of you. He knows you since you were born. All the food you ever eat, air you breathe, God gave it to you; all comes from God.

2 I was going to speak on a certain subject tonight, but tomorrow night, the Lord willing, I want to start back in a series of subjects in Genesis.
And so I thought I'd just give a testimony tonight, and start the prayer line. So we trust that God will bless. I've been much in prayer this afternoon. So I don't want to get that anointing from the sick, away, just now. I want to read some of the Scripture. It's found over in the 4th chapter of Saint John, 46th verse beginning.
So Jesus came again into Cana of Galilee, where he made the water wine. And there was a certain nobleman, whose son was sick at Capernaum.
When he heard that Jesus ... came out of Judea into Galilee, he went unto him, and besought him ... he would come down, and heal his son: for he was at the point of death.
Then said Jesus unto him, Except ye see signs and wonders, ye will not believe.
The nobleman said unto him, Sir, come down ere my child die.
Jesus said unto him, Go thy way; thy son liveth. And the man believed the word that Jesus had said ... or, spoken unto him, and he went his way.
And as he was now going down, his servant met him, and told him, saying, Thy son liveth.
He enquired he of them the hour when he began to amend. He said ... Yesterday at the seventh hour the fever left him.
So the father knew that it was at the same hour, in which he said unto him, Thy son liveth: and himself believed, and his whole house.
This is again the second miracle ... Jesus did, when he ... came out of Judea into Galilee.

John 4:46 So Jesus came again into Cana of Galilee, where he made the water wine. And there was a certain nobleman, whose son was sick at Capernaum.

John 4:47 When he heard that Jesus was come out of Judaea into Galilee, he went unto him, and besought him that he would come down, and heal his son: for he was at the point of death.

John 4:48 Then said Jesus unto him, Except ye see signs and wonders, ye will not believe.

John 4:49 The nobleman saith unto him, Sir, come down ere my child die.

John 4:50 Jesus saith unto him, Go thy way; thy son liveth. And the man believed the word that Jesus had spoken unto him, and he went his way.

John 4:51 And as he was now going down, his servants met him, and told him, saying, Thy son liveth.

John 4:52 Then inquired he of them the hour when he began to amend. And they said unto him, Yesterday at the seventh hour the fever left him.

John 4:53 So the father knew that it was at the same hour, in the which Jesus said unto him, Thy son liveth: and himself believed, and his whole house.

John 4:54 This is again the second miracle that Jesus did, when he was come out of Judaea into Galilee.

3 Can we bow our heads just a moment?
Father, we're happy tonight to be assembled together in Your house. Sitting back in the room there hearing Your servant speak of the wonderful things that You've done, our hearts are more than elated to think of the grace that Thou has bestowed upon us, Thy unprofitable servants; knowing that You give us the privilege to accept eternal life, be forever blessed in the land that's far beyond this that we live in now. And it is written, "Eye has not seen, ear has not heard, neither has it entered the heart of man what God has for them in store that love Him."
We pray tonight You will bless this people. Thy servant being a little hoarse---strain of voice. We pray now that You will bless; maybe this is for the purpose to add the most of it to the healing service. Trusting that You will bless each one here, and may, when we leave here tonight may we be able to say like those who come from Emmaus that day; had walked with Him and talked with Him, yet didn't know it, until He did something that made them recognize it. They said, "Our hearts burn within us, while we heard Him." And may He do something tonight in such a way that everyone will recognize that the resurrected Jesus Christ, here in this spring Yule season, is with us alive today. Out from among the dead, alive forevermore, to live and dwell among men until He manifests Himself in the rapturing day, to take home His church when we take on immortal bodies like His. Grant these blessings we ask in Jesus Christ's name. Amen.
I was just thinking for a moment of this man, the distress. Perhaps, one time, he might have gathered himself with a group that didn't take up with Jesus so much. But there come a time when he had need; he must come. So he came to see Jesus, because his son was laying at the point of death. He had to do something.
Jesus said to him, "Except you see signs, you will not believe."
But the man didn't speak back to Jesus. He said, "Lord, come ere my son die."

Luke 24:32 And they said one to another, Did not our heart burn within us, while he talked with us by the way, and while he opened to us the scriptures?

John 4:48 Then said Jesus unto him, Except ye see signs and wonders, ye will not believe.

John 4:49 The nobleman saith unto him, Sir, come down ere my child die.

1 Corinthians 2:9 But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.

4 Now, the man... I want you to notice something; get this point in mind. The man wanted Jesus to come down to his home and heal his son. But Jesus did not grant his request in the way that he wanted it. Sometimes He doesn't do it for us that way. You might say, "If I can get in the prayer line." "If God will do a certain thing for me."
But Jesus said, "Thy son liveth." And the man believed His Word. Now, what if the man had not believed His Word? It would have been different. The son would have died. Just like today: If you don't believe His Word, you will perish. There is His Word: "Whosoever will, let him come." But if you don't believe it, you'll perish in your sins. If you can't believe it for your healing, you'll probably die sick, perish in your sickness, young age. But if you'll believe the Word that He said, then you shall have whatever things you ask for, and what He has promised.

Mark 11:24 Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.

John 4:50 Jesus saith unto him, Go thy way; thy son liveth. And the man believed the word that Jesus had spoken unto him, and he went his way.

Revelation 22:17 And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely.

5 I was speaking this morning to you people, probably the same group. We asked the people to attend their own churches tonight. I didn't come to take anyone away from their church, expecting them tomorrow night again. We want everybody at their post of duty, at their own church. Brother Reed's intention is not to take somebody from somebody else's church. He only wants the sinners who doesn't go to church to come to his church. Those who already have a home church... I know Brother Reed, knowed him for a long time. I know how his heart stands with God. I've sat across the table from him, I've worked with him side by side, knowing when the anointing of God was on, and knowed I got a true friend in T. Richard Reed. If it wasn't, I would have knowed it. And I appreciate him.

6 And so, this morning I was telling of an event that happened over in Finland. A vision had been given here in America. How many was here this morning? Let's see your hands. You remember it then. Of a vision of a little boy being raised from the dead. How that's on the Finnish government. I have the seals from the Finnish government of a little boy had been dead thirty minutes, run over, mashed up, laying on the road in a horrible condition. God, some two years before that, had showed the vision what was going to happen. The little boy was raised up from the dead.

7 A few days ago, I was sitting with one of the managers, Baron Von Blomberg, a baron of Germany; Saint Petersburg, Florida. He had a little German boy he got out from behind the Russian lines close to the American zone, where it connects with the Russian zone. He had two young sisters. The Russian soldiers run in, was ravishing those girls to the floor. The father run in to take up for them. They shot the father. Taken the girls and the boys up in the camp, put them in a coal mine. Would make the girls push coal out in the daytime, strip off, dance before those soldiers at night, naked. One of them lost their mind; the other one, forgot what happened ... she died. This little boy made an escape one day. Through some way got hid over in some stuff, got near the border, slipped out from under a load of stuff, and got over into the American zone. It has been about eight or ten months ago since he come. He could speak pretty good English.
He said, "Brother Branham, the resurrection of that little boy in Finland sweeps all down through Russia. They all knew about it."

8 The other little lad, as I left off on the story this morning... The car struck one of them, run over him, mashing his body up; he had been laying dead on the road, which was raised from the dead. The other little boy was taken to the hospital. The night following the little girl healed with the braces around her, so forth. The people were very elated to see... I couldn't even speak their language. And the Holy Spirit raised out of the audience, saying, "That person sitting right there, 'Thus saith the Holy Spirit,' it come to pass that they did a certain thing, have a certain disease." The interpreter would have to tell it. That would be just exactly right. It never fails one time, never has, and it won't. It can't. It's God.

9 Then, I remember going home that night. They had tried to get me to go down to this other little baby that wasn't dead yet. It was on the third day. They had never washed it. Car struck it by the chin, crushed it against the side of a tree, mashed its little head, concussion of the brain. You know what happens there. It was in a terrible condition. And in the going of this, the little mother, father, was so tore up till they would lay at the hotel door when it started, and they had to pull me over the top of them. It was campaign rules to don't go to make calls when we're in the campaigns, because you go to one, it'll hurt the other one. Therefore, put everybody on the level: All come to the meeting.

10 So, the next day, this little woman, poor little thing she was out there. And the interpreter, which was a lady, she said, "Brother," she said, "I wish you would at least go down and say a word to that poor little father and mother. Their little boy has never come to himself yet, he's laying down there."
I said, "Bring them up." So they brought them upstairs. So we went out there; of course, they had to talk through an interpreter. And that's the reason I don't have to talk hard meetings.
In Africa we had fifteen different interpreters. I'd say one word like, "Jesus Christ is the Son of God"; I'd go back and sit down, get me a drink of water, and rest a while before it ever got through all the interpreters. One would say ... a noise, make a noise; they'd go, "Blump, blump, blump, blump, blump, blump, blump." That meant "Jesus Christ the Son of God." Another one would go "Muck, muck, muck." That was "Jesus Christ the Son of God." And to another tribe, and to another tribe, and to another tribe, till it got through about fifteen different tribes of them.

11 So, I'd go get a drink of water, and talk to Brother Baxter a while. It was time to say, "And He came to the earth to save sinners." Then I could go back and sit down and talk again, see. So there wasn't much talking to it. Takes a long time to get through it. Any type of a few minutes' message... What I'd say in ten, fifteen minutes here, would take an hour and a half, nearly, to get through it.
So, when we were coming down, this little woman met us out there, her and her husband, and she fell down on the floor. She begin to say something in her Finnish dialect. And Miss Isaacson said, "She's asking you to come and to make her little boy well." Doctors had done said there wasn't an earthly hope for him at all.

12 So I said, "Well, I can't make her little boy well." And so she told her.
And she said, "Well, you raised the other little boy up from the dead. And my little boy is not dead, yet."
Said... That's three times that I've seen the dead pronounced dead by doctors had raised up again.
One of them testified over this pulpit when I was first here ... second time here: Miss Hattie Waldrop. You remember it? Phoenix, Arizona. Died with cancer of the heart and colon. The next was a lady ... or, a man, rather, in my city by the name of Elijah Perry: killed in an accident, taken laid out by the doctor, died.

13 Hattie was raised up from the dead, living today, worked on the Pennsylvania Railroad. And the next was this baby over here. This lady out here from Kennett, Missouri. I know a lot of them thought she was dead; she might have been. The night the little blind colored girl was healed back there behind the place. You remember the case when we was here the last time. Now, she might have been dead, I don't know. I think she was in a coma. She come on down testified, plumb to California about her healing, cancer. Maybe sitting here tonight, for all I know. But I don't know whether she was dead or not; I couldn't say.

14 But anyhow, I know those three doctors' statements that they were dead. Then, this little boy, of course, he wasn't dead yet. But he was unconscious, hadn't gained conscious, this was the third day. So then, they said, "Come down to the hospital."
Well, I said, "It's against the rules for me to leave the place here and go to the hospital. I'm praying for your boy." I said, "By the way, are you all Christians?"
"Why," I said, "look! If the little... If you want a favor out of me, find a favor of me first." I said, "You ought to become Christians. Maybe God would have mercy on your little boy, and would spare his life. But if you become a Christian, you might find favor with God, and even if God takes the little boy. He's just a lad; he's only about six years old." I said, "He'll go to Heaven, and there will be no accidents up there." And I said, "If you die a sinner, you'll never go to Heaven, and you'll never see him no more. But if he dies and God takes him, and you're a Christian, you'll go up to live with Him some day, where there is no accidents. But," I said, "then if you don't, then He might spare his life."
So they seen they couldn't lose in any way. So they wanted to become Christians. We knelt down and had prayer. They give their heart to Christ. Got up. When they got up from there, then the poor little mother (She was about twenty-two years old, I guess, twenty-three.), she said ... she come over, mumbling off something to me, and the interpreter said, "Here's what she said. 'She said, now go heal my boy.'"

15 Well, I said, "That's awful lovely of you, sister, but I couldn't heal the boy." I said, "The Lord Jesus has to give a vision first of what is going to take place, then I will tell you."
She said, "Go see vision."
I said, "That's lovely of you, but I can't do that. God has to give it, Himself."
She said, "Well, you seen vision for other boy."
And I said, "Yes, that's right. But I didn't ask for it. I didn't even know I was coming over here then. God just give it. It was His sovereign will." I said, "Why, I can't do that."
And she said, "Well, come down to the hospital."
I said, "No. That would break the rules. I'll go into the room and pray. God can hear me in here just the same He could at the hospital."

16 So, I went in, started to... She said, "Well, you go into the room, I'll wait till you see vision." That was mighty sweet, but...
I said, "He might not even give me a vision. He might not even speak a thing to me. I can't make Him. It's just if He will."
So Miss Isaacson finally got them to go on to the hospital. So, instead of going to the hospital, they went home. About ten minutes the phone rang. And you ought to see the phones in Finland. It has got a long stick like that; you put it back here, and turn on a crank like this. So they called up, and said, "Has he seen vision yet?"
About ten minutes later, she called again, "Seen vision yet?"

17 Miss Isaacson said, "He might not even see one. You all just go ahead and serve God and be thankful, and believe your little boy is going to get well."
Well, all down, plumb on till church time, she called about every fifteen, twenty minutes, and asked if I had seen a vision, what was going to happen. I said, "He might ... God might tell me, He is going to take him." I said, "If He's going to take him, well, that's all that we can say. Thy will be done."

18 So he said... Well, we went to church. And that was the night the little girl was healed, I told about this morning. On the road home that night, we went up, upstairs. Miss Isaacson went to her room. Brother Jack Moore and Brother Lindsay was in a room together. Brother Baxter and Howard, my brother, was together. I stay in a room to myself on account of visions. So I just walked in. And I hope if I got some Canadian friends here, that you won't think hard of me.
In Canada, Howard had give me some candy that they had up in Canada, and they haven't got much sugar, so oh, it tasted horrible. So he told me, going in that night, said, "Bill, you remember that Canada candy?"
And I said, "Yes."

19 Said, "You ought to taste this from Finland." Two little square pieces of candy; I just put it in my hand. I had it in my Bible, and I went on into my room. This great big marble tables they had there, very old-fashioned. And I laid the Bible down on the table like that, walked out. It was about twelve o'clock at night. It was just dusky. Didn't get dark, it was April, done come in almost day light. They only have one day a year, you see, six months it's dark, six months it's sun. And it's the land of the midnight sun.

20 Thousands of Laplanders come down from the Laplands driving caribou, riding in a little sled of a thing. The caribou, the tongue right down between its legs, and here they come riding right along behind it, like that. So they'd just gathered if from everywhere. Had twenty-five thousand in the Messuhalli. And that evening when I went into the building around three o'clock, there was a line thirty abreast for six city blocks, solid people, beside the Messuhalli filled with twenty-five thousand. They love the Lord. Secondarily Arkansasers, I said, this morning. Love the Lord. Come through anything to serve the Lord.

21 Then, when I got up, I laid the Bible down, walked over to the window, and you could see them coming down through the parks just a talking and a talking about what had taken place. And they were so happy and going on, and talking to one another. And the women with great big boots on, young girls, and all. And they were just great big thick skirts; you have to wear them winter and summer, just the same. Here, they was coming down through there, talking and going on. And after a while, I raised up my hands, I said, "O great Jehovah God, how wonderful! You're so good, Lord! Showing a vision to resurrect that little boy. Tonight healed that little girl, a little bit before that.

22 I never told it this morning, one of the chief persons there of the city, like some officer of some sort, his little girl had been crippled for about ten years from something: a fever drawn her in the back. She walked kind of like this. And right there in the meeting, God made her whole. She walked out perfectly normal. And oh, it had been a marvelous night.
Mr. Manninen and... How many takes The Voice of Healing, seen the picture of the things in there? They had gathered up the crutches and things that they had walked on, in a bundle that big and couldn't hold them, like that, for one night's service. As soon as they would see one thing done in the line of supernatural, they didn't have to pray for them, the only thing they done: just get right up and walk out anyhow. They believed it anyhow. You didn't have to... That's the way it is in any other nation besides America. But we're not that way somehow. It's too bad, but we're not. You know what's the matter? We've had too much doctrine pumped into us. We have to go ask Dr. So-and-so if that's right. He said, "Well, it's theology."
The other one says, "Why, it's mental telepathy."
The other one says, "It's a devil."
Dr. So-and-so says, "It's nonsense."
Another doctor says, "It's of the devil."

23 Oh, my! No wonder you can't believe. No wonder you can't believe. Quit asking Dr. So-and-so. Take what Jesus said. Let that settle it. He's the same yesterday, today, and forever.
That's the way the Pharisees and them, they had to go ask the priest whether it was all right to do this, or do that. That's the reason they failed to see Jesus, and recognize Who He was. Same thing they're failing to see the Holy Ghost today. The same thing, Christian friends. Listen. They got churches, and we got everything, but they're failing to see that grain of life there, the Holy Spirit, working signs and wonders among His people, what He promised to do.
He said He would be with us, even in us, to the end of the world.

Matthew 28:20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.

Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

24 Standing there praising the Lord for His goodness, I was looking out kind of a big window; it was kind of dusky. You could still read a paper in the street. And I was long about eleven-thirty or twelve o'clock. All of them had done got to their rooms. And I was standing there, looking out the window like this, praising God, cross them big cedar mountains there with my hands up, I was praising Him. I felt something strange. Thought it looked kind of light around where I was standing.

25 Looked standing here to my side, here He stood, arms crossed, looking at me, and sitting before me---there wasn't there before---one of those long jars, about that high. And it had two Easter flowers, I call them; I don't know what they call them. Little flowers that come up, that has got a little bell-shaped on them. Yellow and some of them are white, comes up around Easter time. We call them ... I believe they call daffodil is the right name of them, but they don't even grow in that country. But there it was.
In this jar, I thought, Well, what's that? And I noticed that one of them laying towards the north was laying flat on the table, down across the big high jar, laying down like this, and the other one was bent down.

26 And I looked at Him. There He stood just as He always does. He was a tall Man, dark hair to His shoulders, olive completion, barefooted, long white robe on, has His arms fold, weighed about two hundred pounds. He is always right under that light. And He stood there. He was looking at me. And I said ... turned around. I started to kneel down. He said, "What did your brother give you?"
And I said, "Two pieces of candy. And I laid them on the table."
And He said, "Eat them!" Well, I reached over and got those pieces of candy and I put one in my mouth, begin to chew it. I was intending to eat it that night, and I just hadn't done it. Just laid it down, and walked over there to praise the Lord. And I started chewing that piece of candy, tasted good, swallowed it. And when I swallowed it, that Easter flower that was laying flat towards the north, went "Swish-h-h!" Stood right up like that. And I looked at it. I didn't understand it.

27 I looked back at Him. He said, "Eat the other piece!" And I put it in my mouth, and oh, it was horrible. Yet the same kind of candy, like little block of chocolate. And I put it in my mouth. It tasted just like, I imagine starch would taste. Just ... I took it out like that, and I noticed this other Easter flower was hanging about halfway down, it started going down, down, down, down. I took it right on out. He said, "Fail to eat that and the other boy will die too." I put it back in my mouth, and I started chewing real fast. And swallowed it real quick. And when I did, this one leaning towards the south went "Swish-h-h!"

28 Now that's just the way the boys fell when they got hit by the car. The one fell to the north, the other one to the south. And there they both was standing. And I looked at Him; I said, "My Lord, I don't understand. What does this mean?"
He said, "Go, call the woman, and say 'Thus saith the Lord, your son shall live and not die.'"
He left me. I stood there. I was numb all over, as I was this morning, sitting on my bed. I started biting my fingers, feeling my hands. I thought, Oh, if I can just get to talking, if I can get talking. I thought... My lips felt real thick, and I looked at my Bible, and I run out to the hall there, let out a big scream. You all who know Brother Moore and them, you can ask them. I let out a big scream. First thing you know, doors begin to open, people looking out.

29 I said, "Come, Brother Moore, all of you, and Sister Isaacson." All of them come out. I said, "Sister Isaacson, go call that little mother, and tell her, 'Thus saith the Lord, her son will live and not die.'"
So she got down at that little old phone there where the lift was ... or, elevator, what we call it here. They call it lift, thing that takes you up. And she rang this little phone, she rang the home of the mother, and they got news the boy was dying.
So, the mother left the baby sitter with her little tiny baby, and they went up to the hospital. The hospital is just a house up there, just an ordinary house where they had to put the sick in. So she rang the hospital, and they got her to the phone; they said the boy was dying. Got her to the phone; Sister Isaacson said, "Brother Branham has just seen a vision," and said, "to tell you, 'Thus saith the Lord...'" The little mother was screaming. Said, "Don't fear, the boy ain't going to die."

30 When the little mother could get to a place where she could, she said, "How well I know it. We were standing over him just a few minutes ago, and he raised up in the bed. We done washed him, he has got a drink of water, we're going to take him home in the morning."
God had done answered her prayer. Friend, I never touched the boy, neither one of them, never touched any of them. It was God, in answer to their prayer, that had done it. He only showed me, and said, "Go tell this. Go say this." See there? So that don't make me a divine healer. I have nothing at all to do with it.

31 If I tell Brother Reed here, "You go tell a certain man a certain thing," that would be me sending a message. And some of us are born, friends, to be preachers---Brother Reed, many others. Some of us are born to be musicians. I noticed that young lady tonight beating on those things there, xylophone, playing the organ, piano. Why, I don't know nothing about that. Why, I wouldn't know if it was in tune or out of tune. I couldn't tell it. God never sent me to play music. But I was born a seer.
Now, they play the music for the glory of God. That's the way of preaching the Gospel. The man preaches it by the Word. And my way is by vision. Won't you believe all the witnesses that God has sent to you? Can't you know that God is in them songs when you sing? It's something blesses your soul? Is there someone, the preacher's preaching it just confirms everything to you? Isn't that right? Now He has other gifts. There is first apostles, secondarily, prophets, gifts of healing, workings of miracles, teachers, so forth. Is that right? All for the perfecting of the church. Is that true?
Now, don't disbelieve. Have faith in God. God shall bring it to pass. Do you believe it? Let's bow our heads. Sister Reed...

1 Corinthians 12:28 And God hath set some in the church, first apostles, secondarily prophets, thirdly teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, governments, diversities of tongues.

Ephesians 4:11 And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers;

Ephesians 4:12 For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ:

32 I'm thankful there hasn't been a one that has come in in wheelchairs, cots, or stretchers, but what has went out as far as I know. There is one lady sitting here tonight, looks like has a broken limb, something. The Holy Spirit may reveal to her what it's all about. He's the healer of all diseases, afflictions.
O Lord, as my mind drifts back now, down across the time of these few years, hundreds of thousands of people. Well, we're just one day nearer Home now. This day is fixing to turn the page. It'll be another day for history. A day that we'll have to face yonder at the judgment some day. One more part of the service, prayer for the sick, the altar call.

33 Bless Your servants everywhere tonight. The gallant ministers of faith who are standing in the platform proclaiming the Gospel without fear. Bless them around the world Lord, throughout all the nations. Send Jesus Thy Son. This old world's soaked in Christian blood. The altars are bathed with tears crying, "Come, Lord Jesus!"
Some day He shall come. We will see Him.
And now, Father, tonight, as my lot to pray for the sick. As this little group has gathered out through this stormy weather, loving You. They've drove many miles, some of them. No doubt some are sitting here who are very sick. Some are sitting here who are wondering. God, may everybody go home tonight happy, rejoicing, and healed. May the sinners be converted, the backsliders reclaimed. May it be a glorious night. Get glory out of the service.

34 And now, Almighty God who brought again our Lord Jesus Christ from the dead, sent down His Angel to be a ministering spirit to direct Your servant through this life, may He stand by my side tonight here and manifest Jesus Christ to this audience; for I ask it in Jesus Christ's name. Amen.
[Gap in the audio] ... thousand a week, all over the world. The other day I got a letter back from Germany. A lady had been crippled in a chair with arthritis for years. She had read my little book, Man Sent From God; was translated in German, Finnish, Swedish, Afrikaans. Oh, I don't know.
So, she got the little handkerchief, she took the instructions, and pinned it on her underneath garment, put her hand over there. She said, "Now, devil, you get out of here." Jumped right up out the chair and went walking across the house, went on.

35 [Gap in the audio.] And the baby had a sun stroke, I guess, because about eleven in the day, he was out in the harvest field with his daddy; begin to cry, "My head!" They sent him in and he laid on his mothers lap, and died about dinner time.
Elisha had a little room. She had built Elisha a little room on the side when he could pass by. Had a bed in there and a stool, a water pitcher. She took him and put him on the prophet's bed. Good place to put him wasn't it? That's right.
Her husband come. He said, "Saddle a mule. Go forward now. Don't you stop." He said, "Don't go over to Mount Carmel, because it's neither Sabbath nor new moon. The prophet will not be there in the mountain." He had a cave out there he was staying in. Said, "That's all right."

2 Kings 4:18 And when the child was grown, it fell on a day, that he went out to his father to the reapers.

2 Kings 4:19 And he said unto his father, My head, my head. And he said to a lad, Carry him to his mother.

2 Kings 4:20 And when he had taken him, and brought him to his mother, he sat on her knees till noon, and then died.

2 Kings 4:21 And she went up, and laid him on the bed of the man of God, and shut the door upon him, and went out.

2 Kings 4:22 And she called unto her husband, and said, Send me, I pray thee, one of the young men, and one of the asses, that I may run to the man of God, and come again.

2 Kings 4:23 And he said, Wherefore wilt thou go to him to day? it is neither new moon, nor sabbath. And she said, It shall be well.

36 He said, "Saddle this mule and go forward," to the servant, and "don't you stop, 'less I bid you." I like that: "Go forward don't stop." She had an alternative.
So when the prophet came out, seen her coming, he said to Gehazi, his servant, he said, "Here comes that Shunammite." Said, "She is grieved in her heart. I don't know what's wrong with her." Said, "God has never revealed it to me."
See, God don't tell His prophets everything. Said, "God has kept it secret from me." He said, "Is all well with thee? Is all well with thy husband? Is all well with the child?"

2 Kings 4:24 Then she saddled an ass, and said to her servant, Drive, and go forward; slack not thy riding for me, except I bid thee.

2 Kings 4:25 So she went and came unto the man of God to mount Carmel. And it came to pass, when the man of God saw her afar off, that he said to Gehazi his servant, Behold, yonder is that Shunammite:

2 Kings 4:26 Run now, I pray thee, to meet her, and say unto her, Is it well with thee? is it well with thy husband? is it well with the child? And she answered, It is well.

2 Kings 4:27 And when she came to the man of God to the hill, she caught him by the feet: but Gehazi came near to thrust her away. And the man of God said, Let her alone; for her soul is vexed within her: and the LORD hath hid it from me, and hath not told me.

37 She said, "All is well with me. All is well with my husband. And all is well with the child." I love that. Her baby laying a corpse, but "All is well."
She knew that was God's prophet and she knew that that was God's man of the hour. And she knew that God was in His prophet. She knew that. And if she could only get to that prophet, she would find out why God taken her baby.
I like that. I think Martha used the same thing when she met Jesus.
So, the prophet looked at her, and she fell down at his feet. Gehazi jerked her up, around his master like that. Then she begin to reveal to him what had happened.
Now watch. He said, "Gehazi, you take my staff, and go forward. Don't you salute anybody, don't speak to anybody. If anybody speaks to you, don't you even speak to them. And go lay this staff upon the baby."

2 Kings 4:26 Run now, I pray thee, to meet her, and say unto her, Is it well with thee? is it well with thy husband? is it well with the child? And she answered, It is well.

2 Kings 4:27 And when she came to the man of God to the hill, she caught him by the feet: but Gehazi came near to thrust her away. And the man of God said, Let her alone; for her soul is vexed within her: and the LORD hath hid it from me, and hath not told me.

2 Kings 4:28 Then she said, Did I desire a son of my lord? did I not say, Do not deceive me?

2 Kings 4:29 Then he said to Gehazi, Gird up thy loins, and take my staff in thine hand, and go thy way: if thou meet any man, salute him not; and if any salute thee, answer him not again: and lay my staff upon the face of the child.

38 Now, Elisha knew that everything he touched was blessed. But now if he could get the woman to believe it. I think that's where Paul got his handkerchiefs, see. He knowed God was in Him. And Elisha knew what he blessed, what he put his hands on was blessed. That's why we have the order of laying hands on the sick: What you touch is blessed. That's the reason from Paul's body they taken handkerchiefs and aprons. That's the reason the shadow of Peter passed over the public, and they recognized it.
Let's get that Shunammite woman just a little farther; I love that case. Look! But she didn't have no faith in the stick. She said, "As the Lord lives, and your soul lives, I'll not leave you." Determined! I like that; don't you? She said, "I'm going to stay right with you."

2 Kings 4:30 And the mother of the child said, As the LORD liveth, and as thy soul liveth, I will not leave thee. And he arose, and followed her.

Acts 5:15 Insomuch that they brought forth the sick into the streets, and laid them on beds and couches, that at the least the shadow of Peter passing by might overshadow some of them.

Acts 19:12 So that from his body were brought unto the sick handkerchiefs or aprons, and the diseases departed from them, and the evil spirits went out of them.

39 So he girded up his loins and started off. Got over to the home, and everybody weeping and screaming and carrying on. So, Elisha didn't know what to do. Now watch! He went into the room where the dead baby was laying. And Elisha walked up and down the floor, to and fro, to and fro. Not prayer now; walking up and down the floor. Then he went and laid his body on the baby's body; his lips against the baby's lips, his nose against the baby's nose, his head against the baby's head. And he laid there.

2 Kings 4:31 And Gehazi passed on before them, and laid the staff upon the face of the child; but there was neither voice, nor hearing. Wherefore he went again to meet him, and told him, saying, The child is not awaked.

2 Kings 4:32 And when Elisha was come into the house, behold, the child was dead, and laid upon his bed.

2 Kings 4:33 He went in therefore, and shut the door upon them twain, and prayed unto the LORD.

2 Kings 4:34 And he went up, and lay upon the child, and put his mouth upon his mouth, and his eyes upon his eyes, and his hands upon his hands: and he stretched himself upon the child; and the flesh of the child waxed warm.

40 God in him. The baby's flesh got warm. He got up, and walked back and forth, up and down the floor again; come back, laid there across the baby again; his lips against the baby's lips, his nose against the baby's nose, his hands against the baby's hands. And the baby sneezed seven times. Wish I had time to go into that number seven there, but we haven't. Sneezed seven times, and come to life.
God was in that prophet. And that woman knowed if she could ever get that prophet in ... God was in His prophet, and if she would ever get in contact with His prophet, she would find out about her baby, and her baby was restored back to her, alive again; because she respected God in His servant. Is that right?

2 Kings 4:34 And he went up, and lay upon the child, and put his mouth upon his mouth, and his eyes upon his eyes, and his hands upon his hands: and he stretched himself upon the child; and the flesh of the child waxed warm.

2 Kings 4:35 Then he returned, and walked in the house to and fro; and went up, and stretched himself upon him: and the child sneezed seven times, and the child opened his eyes.

41 That's why the people got healed from the handkerchiefs Paul sent: They knowed God was in that apostle. They knowed he was not only an apostle, he was a prophet. And they took from his body handkerchiefs and aprons, and laid onto the sick. And evil spirits went out of them, and they were healed. Is that right?
Let's bow our heads.
Lord Jesus, here lays before me here handkerchiefs. Some dear old, maybe blind daddy sitting out here in a little cabin somewhere behind a cotton patch, behind a little old cooking stove tonight, waiting for this handkerchief to come. Maybe some mother out yonder wondering just when the handkerchief will return, with a little afflicted baby laying on the bed as she's bathing it now, to put it to sleep; waiting for this handkerchief to return. God look down on the scenes.

Acts 19:12 So that from his body were brought unto the sick handkerchiefs or aprons, and the diseases departed from them, and the evil spirits went out of them.

42 We're taught by one of the writers that when Israel come out of Egypt, following the command of God, got up to the Red Sea; the mountains on one side, deserts on the other, Pharaoh's army coming, and the Red Sea had them trapped. Said, "God looked down through that pillar of fire, with angered eyes. And the sea got scared and rolled back, and Israel crossed over."
God, grant tonight, as I lay hands upon these handkerchiefs, when they touch them sick people, may God look down through that pillar of fire again with angered eyes, and may the sickness leave the people, and they cross over into the promised land of good health and strength. Grant it, Lord. I bless these handkerchiefs in the name of Thy Son, Jesus, for that purpose. Amen.

43 [All right, Billy. Where from? Fifty to a hundred? What was that? What shall we call from it? First part of it? One to fifteen? Let's call the second part, last part of that. Let's call that.]
Let's call prayer cards T, they give out this afternoon. Call from eighty-five to a hundred. We usually get about fifteen is about as many as we've been able to get on the platform, and then we get the audience.
Who has got T-85? [85, 90, 95, that's right. All right.] 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, on to a 100, line up first. The rest of you look this way, at me just a minute. How many in here wants to be healed tonight? Raise up your hand say, "I want to be healed, Brother Branham."
How many here say, "I haven't got a prayer card, but I want to be healed anyhow, Brother Branham." Raise up your hand. Just look a solid mass all up and down these lines, everywhere.

44 My Christian friend, surely God has testified enough to you to let you know I'm telling you the truth. If you will look this way and pray, and believe this story that I'm telling you to be the truth, just accept it. Say, "It's the truth." With all... By the merits of the Bible, by the vindication of science, by what you see yourself...
The Bible said, "In the mouth of two or three witnesses let every word be established." Is that right? How many says the Bible says that, say, "Amen."

Deuteronomy 19:15 One witness shall not rise up against a man for any iniquity, or for any sin, in any sin that he sinneth: at the mouth of two witnesses, or at the mouth of three witnesses, shall the matter be established.

Matthew 18:16 But if he will not hear thee, then take with thee one or two more, that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established.

2 Corinthians 13:1 This is the third time I am coming to you. In the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established.

45 The Bible said, "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever." Is that right? He said He didn't do nothing but what the Father showed Him. Is that right? He said, "What I do you shall do also." Is that right? That makes the Bible right.
All right. Here's the scientific proof of it, of this day. Same pillar of fire! Got a right ... you have a perfect right to ask George J. Lacy. You have a perfect right to look into it. I ask you to. Here it is in this book, addresses, everything. Any of those testimonies anything of them things, they're every one bona fide. Ask them and see. Call them up. If you're a little skeptic, I'll pay for the call.
All right. Then, here the Holy Spirit every night is doing the same things that Jesus Christ did when He was here on earth. Is that right? So there's three witnesses. The Bible, science, and the Holy Spirit here present now to do it. Is that right?

John 5:19 Then answered Jesus and said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do: for what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise.

John 14:12 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.

Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

46 It would be a sin for you to disbelieve. Of course, unbelief is sin. It's the only sin there is. See... I don't believe I'll get to that this week, while my boy is lining up the line there. [Some of the ushers want to help him? You got all fifteen of them? All right.] I want to look at cards, so they see somebody might be deaf and couldn't stand up, you see. Somebody is not with them to point them out.
Now, I want you to be in prayer. I want you to believe with all your heart. Here's one thing that kind of makes me wonder, friend. For a minute, let's just think of how... [Is that the first patient? Just bring them here.]
What alarms me is, amongst the Holy Ghost people, who's taught to believe in the supernatural, and then when you see God in His actual power, proved beyond a shadow of doubt, it looks to me like everybody ought to fly home to heaven almost.

47 But you know what? We sit sometimes, "Well, that was very nice. Yes, Lord. We appreciate that, Father." Go home as if it was just one of the regular routines of the day. Why, brother, sister, if it was in Africa, and the Holy Spirit would move out through that audience there, and call somebody and tell them what was wrong with them out there, some sin in their life, or something they done, brother, you would hear screams for four hours; you couldn't quieten them. Everything would fall to their knees and give their hearts to Christ right there. No, not hard to call people to God there; just let them see something in the supernatural, that's all they want to know. They've read it in the Bible, and when they see it, then they believe it. But today we explain it all away, you know, it's something else. That's the reason we're not getting anywhere. That's the reason we haven't got any revival in America.
I heard Billy Graham make that statement a few days ago. Said, "I went all around over the country, everywhere, but we didn't have no revival."

48 I thought, Yes, Billy, that's right. Next time I get to talk to him, I'm going to tell him why. That's right. If he'd have done what George Jeffries told him over there in London, England, "Teach the baptism of the Holy Ghost, and stay put," he'd stay there. That's right.
When he stood by Lewi Pethrus, and sat right by my side, he said, "I'm going down to England and receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost, myself." All right. If he'd get that started before those people freeze him to death out there. I feel sorry for him. That big bunch of ministers try to keep him squeezed down; I believe the boy would really get out, but he's tied down. He knows what's the truth. So far God... Pray for them boys. Pray for all.
There's one of the boys, Hyman Appleman, I want you to be sure to pray for him; I'm to meet him in a few days. God gave me a vision about him. All right, already.

49 All right, lady. I want you to come here, just a minute, my sister.
Now, when you people come, I don't want you to come like you're coming to touch a totem pole or something. That won't work. No. There's nothing here. I'm just your brother. No more in the sight of God than anything, or that microph... Well, I'm more than a microphone, of course, because we're human beings, son and daughter of God. But when you come, I want you to believe that you're coming into His presence. And I want you to come with a reverent true heart, believing with all your heart that God is going to do something for you. Then ask God and you'll receive what you've asked for. Come reverent. Come like Martha did, when she fell before Jesus. She said, "Lord, if You would have been here, my brother would not have died, but even now, whatever you ask God, God will do it." There you are. There's what you are.

John 11:21 Then said Martha unto Jesus, Lord, if thou hadst been here, my brother had not died.

John 11:22 But I know, that even now, whatsoever thou wilt ask of God, God will give it thee.

50 Now, lady. You being the first patient tonight, perhaps let's just take a drama, you and I, and talk a few minutes. If we were living back in Bible times, and now you'd walked down the street, and you'd seen Jesus of Nazareth; He was wearing this suit of clothes, this shirt and tie. You'd walk up to Him, and you'd say, "Lord, have mercy on me."
Now, I don't know what's wrong; there might not be nothing wrong. If there isn't, be assured He will tell you about it. If you're just here to deceive, you'll find out what takes place in a few minutes. All right.

51 So, if you're deeply sincere, which I believe you are, if you'd walk to Him, He would go to talking to you, like I am. He'd say, "Why, woman," something another; He'd carry a little conversation with you, like He did the woman at the well. Then He'd go right straight to where your trouble was and tell you. He'd say, "Well, you're living in sin," or "You've did a certain thing," or "You got tumor," or "You got TB," or whatever it might be. He'd tell you what was wrong with you. Then He'd say...
You'd say, "Lord, wilt Thou help me?"
He'd say, "I can, if you believe."
You'd say, "Lord, I believe."
He'd say, "Now, according to your faith, be it unto you." Is that right? That's the way He done. That's right.

52 So, if He's the same yesterday, today, and forever, He just moves on His servants and does the same thing. It's the same Jesus. [Up just a little bit if you will. Just a little louder on that. That's right.]
There's something about that song that the Angel of the Lord loves. I've looked at the woman three or four times, there's no response, nowhere. So, He just isn't here yet, for the anointing. Now, let's you and I talk just a minute. And then, maybe, He will speak to us.

53 Do you believe that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever? And you believe that God could make me know your life? You believe that? Now, you know I don't know it. Because I don't guess I ever met you in my life. We're strangers to one another. But if God could let me know it, and if He would, would it make you happy? Then would that confirm... If I've told now... Look here. I want the audience to get this. This woman a stranger. I a stranger. Now, if you could just get it, this one woman right here ought to settle it for the whole night, if God will do it. He might not speak to a one. I don't know. That's up to Him. But if this woman... Turn this way. Lady, I don't know nothing about you do I? I'm a perfect stranger to her. And I'm a stranger to you all out there. I don't know nothing about you. But if the Holy Spirit would reveal even one thing, it ought to make this audience say, "Thank You, Lord Jesus; I believe You."

54 Now, the people don't have to be on the platform here. You people out there, you all without prayer cards now, look this way and just believe with all heart. And just start praying and asking God to help you, to give you faith.
The Angel of the Lord will come even before we start at the platform. Friends, I've told you the Bible truth. I know there's faith in the audience. Just have to wait till I see something break forth over the... We're all home folks, because the church is not even filled up tonight, you see; we're just sitting here waiting.

55 I want somebody without a prayer card to pray, so that you'll see that it ain't a prayer card you have to have for the Lord to speak to you.
What do you think about it, lady? You! Do you believe? Well, the lady next to you is praying then. I'll talk to her. You're praying, aren't you, lady? The little lady in the blue dress there. Yes! I was trying to get to this lady there, but... Have you a prayer card? You haven't a prayer card. Do you believe me to be God's prophet? You do! There's really nothing wrong with you, but you're thinking about somebody that's away from here. Is that the truth? Raise your hand. Is it a woman that's got complications, just a whole lot; she's nervous and upset and broke. Is that right? If that's the truth, raise your hand. About a middle-aged woman. All right. Stand up to your feet. If that's the truth, wave your hand to the people. Now you go home and lay that same hand on the woman, and she's going to get well.

56 Now! Do you believe? Now the Holy Spirit is here.
Now look this way, lady. You believe me to be His prophet? Yes. I know now what's wrong with you. You're suffering with cancer. Isn't that right? ["That's right."] That cancer is bad. And that cancer is on the breast. ["That's right."] Is that right? ["That's right."] It's on the right breast. ["Right. That's right."] All right. Go, and be made well in the name of the Lord Jesus. Have faith.
Now the Angel of the Lord is in your presence. Have faith.
How do you do, lady. Do you believe me to be God's prophet? ["Yes."] Do you believe what I told about that Angel is the truth? ["Yes."] You're studying about somebody, too. That's your boy. And your boy is a minister. Is that right? He's in a hospital, or sanitarium. Isn't that right? You're worried about him. God bless you.
Our Heavenly Father, we pray that You will bless the boy. Bring him out. Make him well, Lord. Bless this dear old mother here. [Unclear words].
Have faith in God.

57 All right, lady. Do you believe? ["Yes."] Do you believe in God? ["Yes."] You believe Christ was the Son of God? You believe me to be His prophet? ["Yes."] You have a tumor. ["Yes, sir."] Is that right? ["Yes, sir."] And isn't that tumor located on your ear, behind your left ear. Is that right? It don't show from here, but it's right behind... There you are. All right. Now, go and be made well.
Have faith. Don't doubt. Believe.

58 What do you think about it, sitting there with your sleeves rolled up, sir? Do you believe me to be God's prophet? You're sitting there crying because you're in a bad shape. You got high blood pressure. Is that right? If you don't get healed, you're going to die of a stroke pretty soon. You know that, don't you? Why don't you stand up and accept your healing then? If God's here, pulls you out of the audience to say... Now, God bless you. God be with you.
All right. And you realize that you're near death, too, done you? You're just about as bad as you can get with your disease. You have diabetes in the worst form. Is that right? ["That's right."] Nothing can help you, but God. Will you accept God as your Saviour and healer tonight? I mean your healer, rather; you have accepted Him otherwise. You believe that He will be your healer now? Then in the name of Jesus Christ may you get well.
Don't doubt. Have faith. Now put your faith up there, brother. Straighten yourself up and go acting like you're perfectly normal and well. Hallelujah!

59 Do you believe it? You have a rupture, don't you, sir, sitting there at the end? Don't fear, sister, I seen you praying for him. I don't know you, I never seen you, but that's the truth. That's right.
This little fellow sitting right behind you there has got a lot of fear on him; he don't know ... he's real nervous and upset. He has got prostate trouble. You know that's truth. You want to accept your healing, too? All right, sir, the Lord bless you. God bless you. God bless you.

60 Come, sir. You believe, sir? I believe I find a true heart in you. Do you believe me to be God's prophet? I never seen you or heard of you in my life. But it's not for you, it's for this baby. Is that right? ["Yes."] That baby has been under surgery, operation, for a tumor. It's got another one. And that tumor is inside of its mouth, in its jaw. Is that right? And haven't you been writing or corresponding to somebody about ... ["Yes, sir."] Is that right? ["Dr. Tobin."] That's right. Yes, sir. And you was advised to come here and find out about the operation for the baby. I'm not reading your mind, brother, but God's Spirit is here.
Lord God, Creator of heavens and earth, bless this baby and this man [unclear words] may the surgery be successful; may the baby be normal in Jesus Christ's name. Amen.
Have faith in God. Every one of you ought to believe right now. Have faith in God. Don't doubt.

61 Have faith and come, lady. You want to get over that stomach trouble? Go eat what you want to, then. You believe that? All right, go do it then.
Somewhere right in there, there's a little girl with some... I see ... keep seeing a couple little girls standing before me here, somewhere, that's got something wrong with their throat, like tonsils, or something. It's up here before me, but I can't tell where the children is at. It must be under somebody. There they are. That's right. That's the two children. Go, fear ye not, mother.
The Holy Ghost is here. [Unclear words].
Do you want to be made well? Raise up and accept your healing in the name of Jesus Christ [unclear words]. That's the way. That's old-time Pentecostal meeting.

62 Rise up there, sir, God heals you of that bladder trouble, sitting right back there. You want to get over that bladder trouble, you sitting right back there on the end of the row? If you do, stand up and accept your healing. Jesus Christ make you well.
What about it? How many here wants to be healed now?

Testimony (1953-09-02) (William M. Branham Sermons)

Testimony (1953-09-02) (William M. Branham Sermons) somebody


1 Thank you, Brother Boze. I could just've listened to that a while. That's very fine.
I'm sorry that I was late tonight. The manager called me up and told me to come a little early tonight. And I forgot about it. And I was just going ahead praying and I happened to look up and I think, "Why, here it's..." I looked at my watch and I said, "Well, my! it's quarter after, I got to hurry."
And here they was standing out there to meet me when I come in. So they said they was going to dock me. So I guess that's fine. All right.

2 Well, we're happy to be here tonight. Very happy and sorry that the weather keeps on like this. But we understand that tomorrow or the next day it's going to break, according to the weather man. I hope that he's right. But whatever, the Holy Spirit will meet with us just the same. He never fails us and He'll always be here just the same.
I love Him tonight. And I know you do too, don't you? I'm very happy that everybody's in love with Jesus. And He's in love with every one of us. That's the good part (Isn't it?) that He loved us before we loved Him.
When we were real ugly behaving and contrary to God, yet He loved us. That's sounds bad, doesn't it? To think that ... Brother Ryan, I don't know whether I could suffer that very long or not: Somebody being so ugly and different with me and still I love them.

3 Here one time (hasn't been too long ago) I was having a meeting up in Ohio. And oh, the big arena was packed and we was just... I had to stay way out in the country at a tourist court. And we'd been eating at a little Dunkard restaurant.
Oh, it was the nicest people and the people were so kind, and we appreciated them so much. And then Sunday of course they closed up. We had to go across the street ... or, across the road, to a little place. It was a very worldly little place, had one of them little noisy juke boxes that everybody played.
Brother, the guy that will take them out of the nation, I'll vote for him. I sure will. And all that there crazy music going on. And so, as soon as I walked in over there, the first thing I noticed was a policeman standing with his arm around a young lady, playing a slot machine.

4 And that's illegal in Ohio, to play a slot machine. But the law... Then the next thing I noticed was, looked back there and a young lady very indecently dressed, and sitting on the side of the table about half drunk, and some boys with her.
And looked sitting down to my right, there was an elderly lady about, oh, sixty-five, I guess. And she had a little ... very half-nude clothes on, you know. And her lips was painted with blue-looking paint, and her toe nails the same color. And, oh, my! I thought, That's terrible.
And I begin to think, Is my little Sarah and Rebekah going to have to be raised up such as that? What will be the outcome? I thought, O God how can you stand to look at it? Looks like you'd just turn on and blow the world up.

5 And then while I was standing there looking at that, I was criticizing that woman, I was criticizing the officer---in my heart. But I had never taken a seat yet at the table. And then just seemed like Something said to me, "Step over here to one side. I want to talk to you." That was my Boss.
And when I stood over there, and I begin to think like this. And it just seemed to come to me that ... before me, not a vision; just a mental vision, I'd call it.
Seemed like I could see the world; and around the world was a rainbow. And that rainbow represented the blood of Jesus Christ. And if that blood would ever leave there, God couldn't look at the world a second. He'd destroy it. That blood of Christ is the only thing that keeps the wrath of God off us tonight. Did you know that?
If it wasn't for that, there'd be no more world in five minutes from now. God cannot look in the face of sin. And the reason He can't see the world is because the blood of Jesus Christ is holding it off---the sin.

6 If God can look in and see such a scene as that, it'd be finished. He's too holy, He couldn't stand it. Then... But the blood of Jesus...
Then here's what come to me. I thought to see the blood of Jesus, how it acted as a bumper. Just like to the car. The car instead of, when it strikes, it will hit the bumper, and the bumper will protect the car. I thought, That's what the blood of Jesus is. It's a bumper for our sins; that before it goes before God, He catches it. It's a bumper."
And I thought, Oh my! Here I was criticizing that woman. I may not have did that. I may not have acted like that policeman was acting. But yet, in the sight of God, I was a sinner just as bad as they was. Just as bad as the woman sitting there. Sin is sin. That's all, see.

7 No matter what your immorals are, you're a sinner. You're just a sinner.
And so, I thought, Yes, and God would have destroyed me if it hadn't been for the blood of Jesus Christ, keeping my sins from His presence.
And then Something come to me and said, "Yes, I forgive you, but you want to condemn her."
I thought, God, that's right. That's right.
I seen my sins then, and one day I crawled up to Him, and I seen an old book laying there, it had William Branham at the top and all kinds of sins wrote under it. And I said, "Lord, I'm so sorry that I've caused You all this bleeding." And His face sweating and blood running down.

8 And I said, "I was the one who did that. Would you forgive me?" And He took His hand and dipped it in His side and wrote on that old book "Pardoned," throwed it back behind Him in the Sea of Forgetfulness. Never to remember it against me no more. That's right.
Now He forgave me and I wanted to condemn her. That changed my attitude. I walked down there to the woman. I said, "How do you do?" There was two men with her and they were very, very bad acting. And so they just stepped out. And I walked down and I said, "Would you pardon me?"
And she's drinking. And she said, "Yes, sir."
I said, "I'd like to talk to you." I said, "I'm a minister."
She said, "Yes?"
And I said, "I am." I said, "Wonder if I could ask you a question. Why does this be like this? Are you a mother?"
She said, "Yes sir."
I said, "Why would you be drinking and things? May I ask, if it's not getting too personal with you?"
Well, if you'd have heard the woman's story, it was a heart-broken story. And she said, "I was once a Christian." Said, "If I'm not mistaken, aren't you Rev. Branham that was down there?"
I said, "I am."

9 And I told her what I'd just seen. I said, "I stood here and condemned you, and thought God ought to come in and tear the place up, with such as this going on, but I've changed my mind. God forgave me. And I won't even forgive you." And right there at that seat, I led her to Jesus Christ. Amen.
See, it's your attitude towards things. Don't condemn others. If they do wrong, be good to them anyhow. Just look over those things, because God has had to look over a whole lot for you and I. That's right.
God help us to have that attitude always in our hearts. You pray for me that I'll never look upon people like that no more, no matter what they're doing; that I'll always look up on them that they're creatures of God; that God sent His Son to take their place.
And me as a minister, I'm grateful that He forgive me. And I want Him to forgive them also. That's the way we should do it.

10 In Isaiah the 53rd chapter we read this:
Who hath believed our report? and to whom is the arm of the LORD revealed?
For he shall grow up before him as a tender plant, and as a root out of ... dry ground: he hath no form nor comeliness; and when we shall see him, there is no beauty that we should desire him.
He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrow, ... acquainted with grief: and we hid as it was our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not.
Surely he has borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted.
But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquity: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.
All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the LORD hath laid up on him the iniquity of us all.
He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth: he was brought as lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so he opened not his mouth.
He was taken from prison ... from judgment: and who shall declare his generation? for he was cut off out of the land of the living: and for the transgressions of my people was he stricken.
And he made his grave with the wicked, and with the rich in his death; because he had done no violence, neither was there deceit found in his mouth.
Yet it pleased the LORD to bruise him; he hath put him to grief: when thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin, he shall see his seed, and he shall prolong his days, and the pleasure of the LORD shall prosper in his hand.
May the Lord add His blessings to the reading of His Word.
The prophet Isaiah getting a vision of what Jesus was, who He was, and what He would do; and what a sin offering He was made.

Isaiah 53:1 Who hath believed our report? and to whom is the arm of the LORD revealed?

Isaiah 53:2 For he shall grow up before him as a tender plant, and as a root out of a dry ground: he hath no form nor comeliness; and when we shall see him, there is no beauty that we should desire him.

Isaiah 53:3 He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not.

Isaiah 53:4 Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted.

Isaiah 53:5 But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.

Isaiah 53:6 All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the LORD hath laid on him the iniquity of us all.

Isaiah 53:7 He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth: he is brought as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so he openeth not his mouth.

Isaiah 53:8 He was taken from prison and from judgment: and who shall declare his generation? for he was cut off out of the land of the living: for the transgression of my people was he stricken.

Isaiah 53:9 And he made his grave with the wicked, and with the rich in his death; because he had done no violence, neither was any deceit in his mouth.

Isaiah 53:10 Yet it pleased the LORD to bruise him; he hath put him to grief: when thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin, he shall see his seed, he shall prolong his days, and the pleasure of the LORD shall prosper in his hand.

11 It's awful warm tonight. So I believe instead of preaching as a I said I would... My preaching: I'm not very much of a preacher. I'm just one of these old kind of sassafras (we call it down in Indiana, you know.) So you're too nice of a people to have to push that off on. So I'll just testify, and tell you something maybe that the Lord has did along our journey.
Now, I want to think of some of my early days. When I first started out in the great campaigns, the meetings had a lot of tinsel then. Of course, everybody was running here and there. But now, of course it's different than what it was then.
The pastor, Baxter, my brother and I were talking the other day, thinking, said, "Look at the great things, what's happened, then look how it settles down." God gives a meeting and then He finishes up His things.
We think of Jesus Christ, when He was here on earth. His first years of His ministry, oh, the tinsel was hanging everywhere. The second year of His ministry, they'd begin to accuse Him and call Him "Beelzebub" and so forth. The third year, they killed Him.

Matthew 12:24 But when the Pharisees heard it, they said, This fellow doth not cast out devils, but by Beelzebub the prince of the devils.

Mark 3:22 And the scribes which came down from Jerusalem said, He hath Beelzebub, and by the prince of the devils casteth he out devils.

Luke 11:15 But some of them said, He casteth out devils through Beelzebub the chief of the devils.

12 See, that's the way it goes always. The first years of the Pentecostal church, it was wonderful. Right away there was a persecution come in the second year and scattered them everywhere. The third and fourth year they begin to find people---just a little bitty groups, like there was five men besides four or five women. That was a church.
See how it is? It's always that way. Just God sends out a great gospel net and He throws it... The kingdom of heaven is like unto a man who went to the sea and threw in a net. And when he drew the net in, he had everything that wallowed in the sea---he had it in the net. He had fish, he had turtles, he had water spiders, he had serpents, he had everything.
Now, it's not our business as preachers to say, "This is fish, and this is that." We just pull the gospel net, and then it isn't long (when you see a revival go on) many people get saved and praise the Lord. But see, some of those are fish. And some of them are ... we'd say "turtles." It isn't very long till you'd say, "Well, I didn't believe there was anything to it after all."
And here he goes running right on back into the puddle again.

Matthew 13:47 Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto a net, that was cast into the sea, and gathered of every kind:

13 The old water spider, you know. Plop, plop, plop. "Told you that wasn't right after all." Away he goes back to the water.
And the serpent will start hissing, saying, "I don't like the way they do these things." Sss-Sss. Right on back to the water it goes. But there's some fish in there too. God knows. They're fish by nature, he's a spider by nature, he's a serpent by nature.

14 And God is the one who does the election and the calling. And it's just our business to preach the Gospel. Is that right? God does the calling. One plants, another one waters, and God takes the increase.
Now remember, it was a very hard thing at first when I first started out preaching divine healing. Oh my! I remember what the bishop of the church told me. Why, he said, "Billy you had a nightmare. You never seen no Angel."
I said, "I don't appreciate that, Brother Davis." I said, "No, sir. To me it's sacred and it means a-lots to me."
He said, "You mean you with your grammar school education is going to pray for kings and monarchs?"
I said, "That's what He said. It will be that way."
Said, "Go on, Billy." And so...
I said, "No, I'll just give you my fellowship card while I'm standing here. Because I'm not going to be using it anymore, I'm afraid."
So, he said, "Oh, I wouldn't think that way."
But, I said, "Well, we just might as well." I said, "If God is sending me, there's going to be somebody out there's going to receive it." That's all. God will never work anything here but what He's got something working there. Do you believe that? Absolutely.

15 Today I was thinking. And a man in his heart ... as he thinks in his heart so is he. Then I was thinking of how that the first beginning of the meetings, after I got started out, some of the events that happened, how people would have dreams and come to the meeting; how a great revival was in its making and stirring. And now it's just whirled out, went all around the world and everywhere. And tonight, even many of the Full Gospel churches are condemning divine healing and saying, "There is no such a thing. It's witchcraft and everything."
People who ought to be standing up for the powers of God. But you know what God does? He just sets that organization on the shelf and moves on just the same. Doesn't stop Him a bit. It's always.
All organizations will finally wind up over there in Babylon. Just like the Bible says they will. God out of the whole bunch... The very word church means "called out." "Come out from among them, my people, that you be not partakers of their sins." That's exactly right.

Proverbs 23:7 For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he: Eat and drink, saith he to thee; but his heart is not with thee.

2 Corinthians 6:17 Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you,

Revelation 18:4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.

16 Now, I remember one time in Jonesboro, Arkansas, is one of the thrilling things that just come into my mind now. It happened on a night... I was having services at the auditorium, and there was so many people had gathered out there till the paper said we had twenty-eight thousand.
Well, if the paper said so, they were all there. Every one of them. And so they was for forty miles near Jonesboro. You couldn't even get a farm house. They had tent cities and everything, to take care of the people, for the accommodations.
When they began to see the marvel of God's great power to reveal things... It was all new. They just went right out. But now they seen it so much till, "Well, Lord, if that's all you got, well, I'll wait for something else." Oh, my! That's people, isn't it? That's people.
But I remember I hadn't seen my wife for about two months or three. And I had a little girl, my first little girl, which is... They'll be on the road up here tomorrow. She's seven years old now. She was just a little bitty fellow when I left home.
And when I come back, she didn't even know me. I'd lost most of my hair and I'd fell off a lot of weight, about twenty pounds, and stoop shoulders. And her mother would tell her, say, "That's daddy." My picture on the dresser. Said, "That's daddy."

17 And when I come in one cold day and walked into the place. We lived in a little two rooms. And my wife was in there, and we was talking. And I said, "Where's the baby?" Said, "Asleep in the next room."
So I went in to the little old crib. And I never will forget. I woke her up. And those big blue eyes looked at me, you know, and she was scared of me. That hurt me. And Mother picked her up and handed her over to me. She said, "That's daddy." She got back. That wasn't her daddy. She'd look over at the picture; didn't look like her daddy.
So, well, look, friends, I was preaching the Gospel. I was doing the best that I knowed how; as I'm doing tonight. Some glorious day it will be different over on the other side when we all get home.
And I had broke down. I was staying day and night in the platform. Stayed one time for about four days and nights or more, without even leaving the platform, praying for the sick. And there were more people at the end of the meeting, many times more, than there was when we started. And just no end to it, praying for the sick.

18 And great things were taking place. I remember one night there, there was a lady came up, she had her handkerchief like this. I thought she was crying. It was about three or four o'clock in the morning. And just as soon as I took a hold of her hand and was talking to her... I thought she was weeping.
I said, "Oh, lady, you got cancer---haven't you?---on the nose? And she pulled the handkerchief back, and her whole nose was eaten off. And I said, "Do you believe that Jesus will heal you?"
And she said, "I have just left Memphis." And she said, "The doctors told me over there the other day, there was no hope for me now. It'd done got such a straight ... start, rather, till the radium or nothing would stop it."

19 And oh, I thought, That sure is too bad. And just a little bit after that, why, I prayed for her. And about three or four months from then, I was over at Texarkana, and was in a little meeting there.
And the first thing you know, I seen somebody waving at me back there, and waving at me, and I didn't know who it was. This young fellow jumped up, he was an exterminator there, and he raised up.
He said, "Brother Branham, I just can't hold it any longer."
I said, "What's the matter, son?"
And he said, "This is my mother. Do you recognize her?"
I said, "No, I don't."

20 She said, "I was the woman who didn't have any nose about three months ago." She had another nose. God had healed her. It had growed back. And I have her name and address and her testimony.
And the trouble ... the thing was, she was doctoring, she went back to her doctor. And he said, "Oh, my!"
She said, "What did it look like now?"
Said, "Why, say." Said, "What's happened?"
She said, "I changed doctors."
Said, "Well, who did you go to?"
She said, "I went to Dr. Jesus."
He said, "Dr. Jesus?" Said, "Let's see. Where does He practice at?" Said, "I don't believe..." My! Isn't that something? Oh, my!
But many things happen along. I remember another night there that something taken place. I was at Little Rock and there was in a Rev. Mr. Brown... If you'd like for this testimony, just write Reverend G. H. Brown, 505 Victor Street. V-i-c-t-o-r, Victor Street, in Little Rock, Arkansas.

21 We'd been praying. And, oh, the newspapers had give me the awfullest write-up, saying that I'd blocked... Had the ambulances out there. Said, "A self-style, nattily-dressed Baptist preacher." Oh, you never heard such in your life.
And they had the streetcars blocked off in the streets from the ambulances. And I'd been praying for about two or three hours.
And Rev. Brown come to me (which is one of the sponsors on the meeting), he said, "Brother Branham, when you get finished, down at the bottom of the auditorium," he said, "there's a case like you've never seen before."
I'd been praying for the sick then about three or four months. Seen many things in that much time. And he said, "When you get a chance to take a little breath..." I was going to pray for them all night anyhow. Said, "Come down. I want to show you something like you've never seen before."
I said, "All right." So after awhile I went down to the steps. And now, friends, when I got down...

22 I'm just telling these things for God's glory, you see. For the glory of Jesus Christ, that you might know some of the things that's happened. Oh, millions of things ... oh, I wouldn't say millions, but many thousands of things, anyhow, has happened.
And I went down at the bottom of the steps. And there laid a lady, laying on the floor. She was dressed with like shorts. And she had both hands sticking up like this and her feet sticking right up. Laying on her back. Just laying there like that.
I said... There was a typical old Arkansas brother standing there, and he...
I said, "Is that your wife?"
He said, "It is, Brother Branham."
I said, "Why is her legs bleeding like they are?"
Said, "Well..." Said, "She's from the insane institution." Said, "She was going to the time of menopause. And she had a baby born and it threw her into a premature menopause. And the doctor give her some shots and it went to her head, and so she went wild."
And she'd been in the insane institution two years. And he'd heard about (from over in Mississippi) a soldier's mother that had been healed and taken out of the institution. So, he said, "I brought her."

23 Said, "Brother Branham, I've got four little children at home." And he said, "And we've sold our farm and everything," he said, "to try to get her well. And she's taking treatments."
And said, "Then today," he said, "I sold my mules." He said, "I had to bring her down here." And said, "They let me bring her out, just over the night." And said, "They couldn't get her in an ambulance. And I'd taken some brothers up there. And five of us got her out of the place and put her in a car." And said, "That's where she kicked all the glasses out of the car coming down. Where five men couldn't hold her."
And when they got her in the building there. Brother Brown said she'd just taken the place. She'd just throw men every way. So, when they'd let her down, though, she'd lay on her back and just throw her hands and feet up like that. Her eyes set real glassy. And that's the way she stayed.
Why, I said, "That's too bad." I said, "I'll walk out and take a hold of her hand."
He said, "Oh, Brother Branham, don't you do that." Said, "She'd kill you."
Oh, I said, "I don't think so." And just a boy like on the way. So, not having too much dealing with demonology.
So, he said, "Brother Branham, I warn you. Don't do that."

24 And I said, "Oh, I don't think she'd hurt me, brother." And I walked down a little step like that, walked out on the floor. She was laying there with her hands up. I said, "How do you do, sister?" Took a hold of her hand. And just as I took hold of her hand, she just gripped down like that.
And she gave a pull like that. And she pulled me practically off of my feet. And she would have threw me across the room. Why, she would have weighed about a hundred, oh, I guess seventy or eighty pounds, and that demon power.
Did you ever see a person possessed with demon power? They got four times their strength. Well, if the devil can give you four times strength when possessed with him, what about possessed with the Holy Ghost? How much power could God give you, see?

25 That's the reason you're afraid, you people that's crippled. Don't be afraid! Fling away them crutches, and get up and start off. God's with you. If He's anointed you, He'll give it to you. That's right. Be anointed with the Holy Spirit.
And then, when this woman, she jerked me like that. And I almost come off of my feet. And I threw my foot like that and caught her right across the breast like this. I caught ... and it pulled my hand out of hers.
Well, I ran back towards the steps again. He said, "I told you, Brother Branham." And she started making a real funny noise, going "Hee-hee, hmm-hmm-hmm." And she started crawling like a snake on her back. Just a real... You could hear her dragging, you know. Just drag, drag, like that across the floor, concrete, like that.
And she got against the wall, put her great big strong limbs against the wall, and kicked like that. And when she did, she hit a seat and her head hit like that. There's a seat sitting there where the people had been sitting in before they brought her there.

26 And it broke the seat ... the bench, it was. And the hair and blood come out of her head. She just started making real funny noise. Picked up that thing in her hand like that and threw it at her husband. And just knocked the plaster off the wall where it hit right by the side of where he was at.
Said, "See, Brother Branham?" Said, "Now all hopes is gone." Said, "What can I do?" And the poor old fellow started crying, put his arms up around me like that---old patched overalls on. I felt so sorry for the boy.
And I said, "Well, brother... Look, the only thing I know to tell you, that this Angel that met me told me that if I'd be sincere and get the people to believe, when I prayed, that He'd heal the sick." I said, "Do you believe that?"
The simple faith to believe that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, cast out devils. And He has gone up in to the Father now, and He's here in the form of the Holy Spirit. I said, "I believe He's the same Jesus today that He was then." I said, "I don't have to tell you what's wrong. You know what's wrong."
He said, "That's right."

27 I said, "Do you believe if I'll ask God, God'll do it?"
He said, "I do." And about that time, she turned around on her back.
She said, "William Branham, you haven't got nothing to do with me. I brought her here." Come crawling up towards me.
Why, her husband turned, said, "Well, what's this?" Said, "That woman don't even know her own name." Said, "She hasn't spoke a word in two years."
I said, "That wasn't her. That was that devil. See, that's that devil. He knows that he's going to have to leave the woman if you will only believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, right now."
And he kept calling like that. "You have nothing to do with me. I brought her here."
So, I said, "Now, you agree with me."
He said, "All right."
I said, "Heavenly Father, in the name of Your Son Jesus Christ, make that devil leave the woman."
So, she never talked no more. He said, "What shall I do?"
I said, "Take her on back after service is over. If you believe, it's got to happen."
He said, "All right."

28 So, about three months after that, I was up here at Jonesboro. And I happened to see somebody back there waving. And I didn't know who it was, sitting right out like that. And they was waving at me. And it was the woman sitting there.
She said, "Don't you recognize me, Brother Branham?"
I said, "No, I don't." She had her four little children all sitting around.
She said, "The last time you seen me, they told me that I was bleeding all over and I was out of my head."
And he had took the woman back. Had no trouble taking her back, she sat up. And the second day, when she was in the institution... I said, "Let them dismiss her."
So, the second day, they come to her and she was sitting up. The third day they give her a discharge from the place, sent her home in her right mind, see. That's right. Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today, and forever.
In that night... I have just about time for about another little short testimony.

Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

29 My wife had never seen one of the meetings. And I sent for her to come down. I was so lonesome. And so, she came down. And Brother Reed... This was at Jonesboro. And T. Richard Reed could give you the testimony of this.
The Blessed Old Bible Hour Tabernacle; he's the pastor of it down in Jonesboro, Arkansas, if you'd like to get this testimony.
And then, I remember that night when we started the meeting, for three city blocks standing in the street, you couldn't... The cops was there. Just letting them as they would pile up like that and block off the sides. And keep up.
And my wife said, "Did all these people come to hear you preach, honey?"
I said, "No, honey. They come to see Jesus." And the little fellow stood there. She's very backward, holding my hand, crying. And she sang this song:
Oh, they come from the East and West,
They come from the land afar,
(You've heard it.)
To feast with the King, to dine as His guest.
How happy these pilgrims are!

30 And she was standing there singing that for me. And then the ushers come forth and said, "Brother Branham, they'd been waiting." And so down... I never knowed what become of her.
And they got me into the building. And just as I got in there, I happened to look down. Oh, the ambulance stretchers and everything laying. There's two nurses by a little girl here. She had TB.
And I could just feel that something was going to take place right there. And while I was watching it, there was a man standing over on this side with a blue uniform, kept waving his hat.
I said, "Are you trying to talk to me, sir?"
He said, "Yes, sir."
Said, "I've got a case out here that she's dying. And I think she's already dead." Said, "I can't find a doctor anywhere." And said, "We had a doctor there, just a house doctor." And said, "I think she's already dead." And said, "Would you come to her?"
I said, "Brother, there's probably two thousand people back in there." I said, "I don't believe I could do it."
And four or five ushers stepped down and said, "Well, we'll help you get up there."
We started out. Got out to the ambulance where... Oh, there was about eight or ten ambulances setting in the row. And this is a big ambulance.

31 The man told me said, "There's been a man had been healed that morning, blind---been blind for ten years. And he was prayed for, told him he was going to receive his sight. And on the road home that morning, his eyes come open." He was riding an old Model-T Ford up them rough roads in Arkansas. And he begin to scream. They stopped the car and out and around and around the car he went screaming. He run into the city, Kennett or some little place down in Missouri, that little boot-hill type of Missouri there.
And he run and went into the church, the Catholic church, and begin to testify and they throwed him out. And he had his hat hanging on his black cane like ... or, his white cane, rather, his black hat, going down the street screaming to the top of his voice. Used to be a shoe cobbler there.
And he was going down the street screaming and praising God. He went into the Methodist church. They throwed him out of there. They didn't know... He was taking the city. Now, I tell you, he was... And they had everybody in the hospital wanting to come down and be prayed for.
So, the ambulance said, "I've got to go back." And said, "I've got to..." So we got in there and when...
I said, "Well, now you just open the door." We went in and a very typical old dad there, his old hat sewed with twine, wrapping string, you know, around.

32 Those Arkansas people are poor as they can be. But, brother, under them old blue shirts beats some real good true Holy Ghost-filled hearts. Yes, sir. I'd rather have one of them with me any time, than maybe a slicker with his collar turned around in the back. And I couldn't trust him out of my sight. Yes, indeedy. Yes, indeed.
Just, I tell this old time religion, brother, it straightens you up. That's right. It will make a silk dress and a calico put their arms around one another and call "sister." Is that right? It will make a tuxedo suit and a pair of overalls call each other "brother." That's what it'll do, brother.
It'll clean you up. It'll make no difference in you. It tears down that self, and starch, and pride, that we've got.

33 And, so then I remember getting in there and he had the soles of his shoes was out. He was kneeling down hollering, "O God, give her back to me, God." Poor old fellow. I happened to think of my own old dad when I see him gripping that hat like that.
I said, "What's the matter, dad?"
He said, "Who are you?"
And I said, "I'm Brother Branham."
He said, "Oh, Brother Branham," said, "mother's such a sweet woman." And said, "I've lost her I'm sure."

34 And I said, "Well, what's the matter?" So I took a hold of her hand and her eyes were set now. But I do not think she was dead, see. And her false teeth had been taken out. And laying down. Like muddy-looking water had come down from her eyes. And her eyes were set right back. Real old woman. Not real old, but past the middle age; I'd say sixty-eight, seventy, somewhere along there.
So she was laying like that. And I said... And I felt of her. Her forehead was sticky with perspiration. And he said, "She just quit breathing a while ago, Brother Branham." Said, "Oh, she's a good woman." Said, "She's hired over them old clods and helped to make me a living." Said, "We raised a bunch of children." And said, "She took this cancer." And said, "The doctor has worked faithfully. He's done all he could do." It was in the female glands. And said, "There's nothing more he could do." And said, "We sold her quilts to get the ambulance to bring us down here." The quilts that she had made.

35 I thought, O God. I said, "Well let's pray, brother." And I took a hold of her hand. And I said, "Heavenly Father..." I was going to pray for consolation. I'll confess it. I thought the woman was gone.
And so, while I was praying I felt something grip my hand. The devil said to me said, "That's just the flesh you know. She's dead and that's just the nerves twitching." And I went ahead praying a little bit longer. I felt a twitch again. I looked. I kept praying, but I was looking over at her.
And the old man was down on the floor crying, "God, give me back mother." And I was holding her hands like that. And then I happened to look again. And I seen the skin on her forehead wrinkling.
And she looked up at me. She said, "What's your name?"
And I said, "I'm Brother Branham."
She said, "Well, we come down for you to pray for me."
And I said, "Yes, ma'am."
She said, "I feel so good."
I said, "Would you set up?"
And about that time he looked, the old man looked at me hollered, "Mother, mother, mother!" The tears running down his poor old whiskered cheeks. And he grabbed her like that and they began to hug and kissing one another.
And oh, three or four months later, she was in the meeting down there testifying, just shelling the woods with that testimony.

36 So, I started to go out and the usher said, "Why Brother Branham, you couldn't get out." Said, "There's thousands of people that's banked in here."
And so, I said, "Well, if you'll just act like you're taking off your coat now. They won't notice me and I'll slip out this other side. And you send them ushers around. Nobody knows me back there in that parking lot." Just standing full of people and it raining. Just pouring right on down. They was standing out there anyhow. Holding papers over their children and things like that. Been laying on the streets for five or six days at a time like that. Laying under cotton trucks, anything they get. They love the Lord. They come to church. Brother, they love Him and they believe Him.
And then I went around the back of the place like that. I looked like a hypocrite to do that, but I just couldn't get in to where they was all at. And the poor things just almost stampede you. So, he started taking off his coat like this. And I slipped out the door and went up down through that ambulance row, come around in the back, and started in up there.

37 Big flood lights was back in behind the place. And they had a bunch of chartered buses sitting like that. And I was going along through there, pushing along you know like this. And nobody knew me, nobody had seen me yet, because they couldn't get near the building.
They'd stayed right in that building. What was in there, kept their places. And so, they send someone out to get some sandwiches, or somebody hold their place while they had to got out and come back, you know. They was holding their place.
Then I was thinking as I went along there. Somebody kept saying, "Quit pushing. Quit pushing."
I said, "Excuse me." Just kept on you know pushing along. I pushed up beside of a great big tall fellow standing there whittling with his knife. And I pushed right under him like that.
He said, "Quit pushing."
I did because I was afraid he was going to push. So, I said, "Excuse me, sir."

38 And I stood with my hands down like this. He looked down at me kind of sarcastic like, you know, and kept on whittling. I said, "I'm sorry." He never said a word. Just kept going. I said, "Yes, sir." I watched and I thought, Well, I'll start pushing again in a few minutes when he gets to thinking about something else.
So I looked around. So after a while I heard somebody hollering, "Daddy! Daddy!" I wonder where that was. It sound like a southern voice of the colored people. Usually all the Southerners talk a whole lot alike. And I happened to look and coming out in the midst of people, more than there is sitting here, standing in that back parking lot, was a young colored girl.
Now, down there they have a law of segregation---Jim Crow law. And the white and colored cannot come together. And so... I don't think that's right. But so, that's wrong. I just don't say that for any respects for our colored friends here tonight, but I don't care if there is nobody here. That's wrong. That's right.

39 And I'm a Southerner but that's still wrong. I'm a Abraham Lincoln man. I believe that God made us all the same. That's right.
And I seen the girl coming and I seen her eyes was as white with cataracts as my shirt. Nobody would help her. She was just pushing through the crowd hollering, "Daddy! Daddy!" like that.
And I thought, Poor old thing. And I thought, I believe I will get over to see what she wants. Nobody knows me. And I was watching for those ushers to come around the corner. They was trying to get through the crowd. So I pushed up close to where she was. And when she started this way, I'd get over this way, so I'd get right in front of her. And so that looked like awful to do that.
So she bumped right in to me. She said, "Pardon me."
I said, "Yes, ma'am."
She said, "Pardon me, sir." When she heard my voice of being a man.
And I said, "What's the matter?"
She said, "Sir, I've lost my daddy. I can't find him." Said, "I's blind. And I can't find my daddy."
And I said, "Well, where you from?"
She said, "I'm from Memphis."

40 And I looked over and I seen the chartered bus sitting there from Memphis. I thought, I can get her back there before them ushers... If I can't, I will let one of them get her over there."
She said, "I come over here from Memphis." And said, "I lost my daddy."
I said, "Well, I don't see any more colored people in this crowd of people."
Said, "Oh, will you help me to get to the bus?"
And I said, "What did you come over here for?"
She said, "I come over to see the healer."
I said, "The what?"
She said, "The healer."
And I said, "Do you believe that?" I thought I'd test her faith right good, you know.
I said, "Do you believe that?"
She said, "Yes, sir, I believe it."
And I said... Well, that made me feel little, you know. So I said, "Well, do you believe in the days of all these great fine doctors and hospitals, that God would send an Angel down to earth and would heal people?"
She said, "Yes, sir, I believes it."
I said, "How did you ever hear about it?"

41 She said, "I's hearing this morning on the radio a man up here at Kennett, Missouri, that had been blind ten years and he got his sight." That was him testifying on the radio, see. And she said, "I's come over, we formed a big committee and we come over by the bus." And she said, "They tell me this is the healer's last night here." And said, "I can't even get near the building." And said, "I've lost my father. I's blind. I just don't know what to do."
And I thought, Poor girl. She wasn't... She was in her teens---seventeen, eighteen years old. And I said, "What's wrong?"
She said, "Well, I got cataracts." And she said, "The doctor told me when they were ripe, he would take them off." But said, "Now since they got ripe..." Said, "He says he can't take them off, because they're wrapped around the optical nerve of my eyes. If he'd take it out, he'd have to take the optical nerve with it."
And I said, "And you believe that that healer would heal you?"
She said, "Yes, sir. I believe it."
And I said, "Well look at the doctor."
She said, "They can't help me."
And I thought of that song of old blind Fanny Crosby:
Pass me not, O gentle Saviour,
Hear my humble cry;
While on others thou art calling,
Do not pass me by.
And I thought of it. I said, "Oh, you don't believe that kind of stuff, do you?" I questioned her again.
She said, "Sir," she said, "I perceive that you are a white man. I believe that you're a white man."
I said, "Yes ma'am."

42 She said, "If you'll just help me in to where that man's at that's praying for the sick, I'll be able to find my daddy after that." Oh-h!
That was too much for me. I thought I'd been hypocrite long enough. I said, "Look, lady, now keep... Hold your peace." I said, "Do you believe that guy's the healer?"
She said, "I believe Jesus is the healer."
I said, "That's right." I said, "But I'm Brother Branham."
She said, "Is you the healer?"
And I said... She grabbed me right by the lapels, like that, of the coat.
She said, "Is you the healer?"
I said, "No, you said Jesus was the healer."
She said, "Yes sir, but---but---but---but---but you is the Parson Branham?"
I said, "Yes, ma'am."
And she said, "Oh, have mercy on me, Parson Branham." She said, "Lord, how did this ever happen?"

43 See? Out there, and how did this ever be? God knows how to do it. And I said, "If you'll turn loose of my coat now." I said... And I couldn't pull it. No, sir. She wasn't going to turn me loose. No, sir. She was holding me right tight.
She said, "No, sir." She said, "I might lose you here."
And I said, "No, I will pray for you," see.
And I said, "Let me have your hand just a minute. I want to hold your hand while I pray for you." I said, "You bow your head now." And she did. And I prayed something like this.

44 I said, "O Dear God, some nineteen hundred years ago an old rugged cross come dragging down through Jerusalem, dragging out the bloody footprints of the bearer. On the road up to Calvary, the weight was so heavy, the big old cross on His little weak shoulders, it rubbed it till He fell under the load. Then along come Simon the Cyrene---colored man---picked it up and helped Him bear the cross." I said, "Lord Jesus here's one of his children tonight staggering here in total blackness and darkness. She can't see her hand before her. Lord, You know what it meant for that man to take that load off of Your shoulder that day, and to help You to bear that cross." I said, "God, You bore her sickness at the same time You was bearing that cross up yonder." I said, "I ask Thee now..."
And just about that time something come over me. I knowed it had happened. I knowed it was gone. I waited just a minute.
Now, wonder as Brother Baxter gives you the instructions in the afternoon here. When a demon... See, a growth is a demon. And it's living, building cells. And just the life leaves it, but it will shrink. Then after a while it will swell and get bigger than it ever was. But the life's gone out of it. It'll leave you, see.

Matthew 27:32 And as they came out, they found a man of Cyrene, Simon by name: him they compelled to bear his cross.

45 And if you don't know those things you sure can't... You don't understand divine healing, well, there's no need of trying it, because it's just a try anyhow, see. If you're trying it like that.
But if you know what's going to happen, then your faith is centered. Then you've got to get sick before you get well. Because that growth is in you and your blood stream has to take... Think of a piece of growth that big on the inside of you---well, in plain: rotten. A lump of meat like that laying in you. Sure, you have fevers and sickness and everything. Some people say, "I lost my healing." Well, that's the best sign in the world, you've got it, see.
And so I was waiting for that shrinkage to come on that cataract, so she could see. She had her head down. I said, "Don't raise your head now. And don't make any noise." I said, "If you do, then..." I was watching where my ushers hadn't got there yet.
So I said, "Now, as you raise your head, keep your lids over your eyes till you get just about even with what you think with my face. And I will tell you when to open your eyes."
She said, "All right." That'd give her time, then she raised her head.
I said, "You're just about even now. Now do you believe?"
She said, "Yes, sir." She said, "Something cool went all through me."
I said, "Now you can see just a moment."
And she said, "Oh, Lord." The tears running down her dark cheeks like that.

46 And I said, "Now open your eyes. You've received your sight in the name of Jesus Christ." She opened her eyes. She said ... light. She said, "Is that light?" Said, "What's this?" See, it wasn't too thin yet. She couldn't tell daylight from dark. But it shrank, you see, when the life went out of the cataract.
She said, "Is them spots ... is that people going?"
I said, "That's right." She said, "Oh, Lord, I who was once blind now sees." And she give a big scream and jumped out like that.

47 And about that time the ushers was coming around over at the corner. I started to go back this way to meet him. And there was an old brother standing there. His one leg was setting out like this. He had a big club in his hand. He'd been watching that drama. And he was standing there like that. He said, "Brother Branham, I know who you are." He said, "I've been standing in this rain eight days." He said, "I've got a bunch of little children at home." He said, "Will you ask God to heal me?"
I looked at his leg. I said, "How long has it been that way?" He said, "A wagon run over me when I was a boy." And said, "I've got to work to make my children a living." Said, "I've been standing here eight days in this rain."
I said, "Do you believe with all your heart?"
He said, "With all my heart I believe you're a good boy. And whatever you ask God, God will do it."
I said, "Give me your crutch in the name of Jesus Christ." And as I stand here a living testimony before God, that crooked foot straightened out like that. He leaped out a jump like that, and up in the air he went, screaming to the top of his voice. Yes, sir.
[Break in the tape.]
And as I started up through there... The women to that time... Now my mother's sitting here. My wife will be tomorrow night. She gets after me when I say this.

48 When I was first started out, I didn't even have a suit of clothes to wear. Now that's true. My brother, as a young boy, he'd had a wreck; and he took a suit and it tore; it'd been torn up in a wreck in a car. And he give ... start with. And I had the old coat on and the trousers that was cut in several places.
And Meda and I (that's my wife) we went down to the ten-cent store and got some of them patches, you know, you iron on with a hot iron, you know? And we'd iron some patches on them. And the coat was tore here on the pocket on the right-hand side, tore down that way. And I got me a needle and thread. I'm not very much of a seamstress. So, but I sewed it all up the best I could.

49 And when ministers would come, you know, dressed up nice and everything, and I wanted to meet them. They'd say, "Brother Branham, this is so and so." I was afraid they'd see that old tore pocket. And I'd hold my right arm over it like this, and I'd give them my left hand. I'd say, "Excuse the left hand; it's closer to my heart." Hold my left hand like that. And that old ragged coat.
But as I was going down through there, those poor, with this world's goods... Yes, cotton pickers, so forth, standing there. But I got a glimpse in there and seen how Jesus Christ revealed the secrets of the heart. See how He made... They had faith.

50 And they were pressing and taking their little children, and touching that old ragged coat to get healed. Let me tell you, there wasn't a one that was touching but what was getting healed. Now it wasn't the old ragged coat, brother. It was their faith in Jesus Christ that was making them whole.
That same Lord Jesus that was there that night's right here in Chicago, Illinois tonight, here in Chicago Gospel Tabernacle. And just a touch of His garment, by faith He will make you well of whatever is wrong with you. Do you believe it?
Our Heavenly Father, oh, when I think about those glorious red letter days, how that You were merciful and kind to the people. How they rallied by the thousands. You healed them till they'd take big cattle trucks and pile it full of wheelchairs and stretchers and cots. The people marched through the streets singing: Only Believe.
On the other side of Jordan some of these days when we sit down there, we'll meet many of them, talking about the great things that You did here on earth. And my heart goes back tonight, thinking of that night when that poor colored girl standing there received her sight. Years later, meeting her again there as a waitress, working.
God, how thankful I am in my heart that You are the resurrected Jesus. And tonight this old world shook to pieces, trouble on every hand, the whole world's nervous, atomic, and the bombs, and hydrogen bombs hanging over us. Fearful enemies, Lord, who---it's right in their hands---could destroy the whole nation overnight. The world a tottering.

51 Oh, but, God, look yonder. You've died yonder at Calvary and has redeemed us and got Your blessings with us. And God there couldn't be an atomic bomb fire out here now. In two minutes we'd be in Your presence. Standing yonder, made in His likeness, sons and daughters of His, to live with Him throughout ceaseless ages. Nothing can harm us. And all things work together for good to them that love You.
And Father there's many of Your sick children here tonight. I pray that You will heal every one of them. And as they leave this building tonight, may they go rejoicing and happy and be made well of all their infirmities. And may there not be one feeble person left in our midst. Grant it, Lord.
May something special happen tonight. Just something out there that the Holy Spirit will just fall over the people in such a way till they just can't keep from receiving it hardly, Lord. Grant it. And may they have a deep understanding. Open up their hearts and understanding, Lord, to know that these things are only to the glory of God, and for the edifying of God's church which Jesus Christ purchased with His own blood. For we ask it in His name. Amen.

52 What's your prayer card tonight? B? All right. I didn't get to ask Billy tonight. But he and Brother Baxter both was standing out to pick me up when we come in. I was late. He said he give out prayer cards B.
All right. Let's not line too many at a time. Listen, if one person in this building... The Bible has been preached. That's first and the initial, right here. It's got to be "Thus saith the Lord." And if God said so, that settles it.
Remember, the Word of God will defeat Satan anywhere, anytime. Just say, "It is written. It is written." That settles it. Satan will have to flee. "Resist the devil and he will flee from you."
Now, do you want me to tell you the first thing before we get ... while we're getting the prayer line lined up ready. Do you want me to tell you what I think is the matter with Chicago here, what's the matter with the people? I'll tell you just what I think. I think you're lovely people. This is one of the nicest...

James 4:7 Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

53 When I get started praying for the sick, there seems to be a bank of faith sitting right there, till in so much, that I can hardly pick out just when the Angel of the Lord... I see it like a pillar, a fire-like hangs out over the person. And I'll watch and I'll see what it's going to do. And it'll open up. Then I'll see who it is. Then I'll look down and see what's the matter with them. And then see who the person is, see.
I can't do it myself. It's just who He says. It's not what I say. But you certainly have good wonderful faith. I can feel that. And I believe it. But here's what you're afraid of: You're afraid to turn that faith loose. That's it. You're afraid to act your faith, see. Don't do that. Faith without works is dead.
Just say, "Thank You, Jesus!" That settles it. "I'm going right on now believing You," see. Now these signs...
I know I've been accused of being an astronomer, a soothsayer, or a devil. Oh, my. There's nothing can hardly been in the dictionary but what I've been called.
All right. But that doesn't make any difference. They called the master of the house "Beelzebub," so I can expect that. But, my Christian friends, I have never professed to be anything than a servant of God. I'm just a servant and only that, a sinner saved by grace. That's all, see.

James 2:17 Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone.

James 2:20 But wilt thou know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead?

James 2:26 For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.

54 There's nothing in the world that I could do to help you. Now by preaching I could tell you what the Word says. Brother Baxter does that. And then with a divine gift, if God will permit, it will do the works that Jesus did.
Now, Jesus didn't profess to heal the people. He said He only did what the Father showed him. But He did perceive their thoughts. Is that right?
What if I told you Jesus Christ was a mind reader? How many would believe me? Oh, just a very few. But he was. Oh! Oh! That met some opposition, didn't it?
All right. The Bible, said Jesus, many places, "perceived their thoughts." How many says that's true? Can anybody tell me the difference in perceiving thoughts or reading a mind? If He knows what you're thinking about, what's He doing? Not one of these psychic mind readers the devil's got out here to impersonate. I mean something for the glory of God. Yes, sir.

Luke 5:22 But when Jesus perceived their thoughts, he answering said unto them, What reason ye in your hearts?

Luke 6:8 But he knew their thoughts, and said to the man which had the withered hand, Rise up, and stand forth in the midst. And he arose and stood forth.

John 5:19 Then answered Jesus and said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do: for what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise.

55 The Urim Thummim was something that the lights flashed on a breastplate of Aaron here over the twelve stones as the Urim Thummim was over it. Now, the devil went and got a crystal ball to look into, see. The devil's got a pattern of everything God has got. The Bible says so. Yes, sir.
So, you'd look out there, but "By their fruits, you shall know them." The devil doesn't preach the gospel and get people to be healed, and saved, and accept Jesus Christ, and baptize them. Why, certainly not. If it is, he's in business with God.
Jesus said, "How...? If Satan cast out Satan," said, "then his kingdom's divided." Is that right? "No man can do a miracle in My name, can speak light of Me."
When the disciples said, "We found one casting out devils and he wouldn't follow us."
Jesus said, "Don't forbid him to do it. No man can say ... do a miracle in My name, can speak light of him."

Exodus 28:30 And thou shalt put in the breastplate of judgment the Urim and the Thummim; and they shall be upon Aaron's heart, when he goeth in before the LORD: and Aaron shall bear the judgment of the children of Israel upon his heart before the LORD continually.

Matthew 7:16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?

Matthew 7:20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.

Matthew 12:26 And if Satan cast out Satan, he is divided against himself; how shall then his kingdom stand?

Mark 9:38 And John answered him, saying, Master, we saw one casting out devils in thy name, and he followeth not us: and we forbad him, because he followeth not us.

Mark 9:39 But Jesus said, Forbid him not: for there is no man which shall do a miracle in my name, that can lightly speak evil of me.

Luke 9:49 And John answered and said, Master, we saw one casting out devils in thy name; and we forbad him, because he followeth not with us.

Luke 9:50 And Jesus said unto him, Forbid him not: for he that is not against us is for us.

Luke 11:18 If Satan also be divided against himself, how shall his kingdom stand? because ye say that I cast out devils through Beelzebub.

56 Now, I know He said, "Well how about that day that I said, 'Many will come to me and say, "Lord, Lord, I ... haven't I cast...?"'?"
Yes. They said it. But Jesus said, "If you did, I know nothing about it." That's these pretenders that you find, see. Just pretending to be.
Jesus says, "'Lord, have not I cast out devils and have not I prophesied in Your name,'" preachers and so forth.
He said, "I didn't even know you." Didn't know nothing about it. They just pretended that they did. But this man was getting the job done, that was casting out devils. He was really getting the work done. So Jesus recognized him.

Matthew 7:22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?

Matthew 7:23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

57 These just said, "Oh, I did this, and I did that," but it was wrong. They just said they did. Jesus didn't recognize it. But in the name of Jesus Christ there is power.
All right. Let's call from... Let's take the first twenty-five. Whose got B card 1? 1-B card? Just raise your hand, wherever you are. All right. B-B-1? All right B-2, B-3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, on up to 25. Let's make that... I believe that's where we stood last night.
And now as the meeting goes on, we're going to try more and more, if we possibly can, to get more in the... Now that's B. Did he say B or D? B. Was it B? B, yeah. Excuse me. B-1 to B-25. What you say? All right. All right. Thank you.
All right. Now as they're lining them up... Now look over and then he'll let me know after a while. We'll start the prayer line.
Brother Boze, you bring the lady if you will.
[Break in the tape.]

58 How many believes with all your heart? Lord, I believe; help Thou my unbelief. Merciful Father, manifest Your presence and glory tonight in this building, that the children of men might go away from here saying, "Truly, God has raised up His Son from the dead, and showing signs and wonders in our days to call a Gentile bride out for His name's sake." We ask this blessing through Jesus Christ's name. Amen.

59 [Piano is playing.] It's all right. I like that. How many believes there's power in music? There's some churches don't believe in having music in the church. Well, that's all right. I won't argue with you that.
But look, my dear friend, one time there was some preachers ... or, some kings that went out and made an alliance and went out into the desert and was going to do a great work out there and kill some people, and they never sought God. So, the first thing you know, they went down to Elijah the prophet to find out about it. And the prophet got all angry. He got angry.
Elijah was a man subject to like passions as we are. Is that right? He had his ups-and-downs. He wasn't an angelic being. He was a man. Big old rough-looking fellow, hairy body, and his hair sticking out like one of these fuzzy worms, and his beard out like that, and a piece of leather wrapped around his body. If he come up to your house begging, you'd run away from the door perhaps, see. But beneath that little old brown skin, beat a heart that was true to God. That's right.
And he looked at him. He said, "If it wasn't that I respected the presence of Jehoshaphat," the believer, "I wouldn't even look at you." Is that right? But he said, "Nevertheless, bring me a minstrel."

2 Kings 3:14 And Elisha said, As the LORD of hosts liveth, before whom I stand, surely, were it not that I regard the presence of Jehoshaphat the king of Judah, I would not look toward thee, nor see thee.

2 Kings 3:15 But now bring me a minstrel. And it came to pass, when the minstrel played, that the hand of the LORD came upon him.

60 And when the music begin to play, the Spirit of God come upon the prophet. If it helped bring the Spirit on the prophet then, it'll do the same thing tonight. Don't you think so? That's right.
All right. All right. Now, the Lord bless you now. And everyone be reverent. Sit quiet. Have faith. Don't be disturbed and just look this way. And when God does anything, you believe with all your heart that God is going to do the same thing for you. And if you do that, then God will bless you. Do you believe that?
All right. Now, have faith. Now, I suppose you being the lady first in the line, why God is... Do you believe with all your heart that Jesus Christ, the son of God, has risen from the dead? [The lady says, "Yes."] And you do. And you believe that these things that we're... Is this your first night in the meeting? ["I was here last night."] You was here last night. You seen the way the Holy Spirit revealed things? ["Yes."]
All right. Now, you just come in awhile ago and they give you a prayer card, and happened to be your number is called, and here you are up here on the platform. Is that right? ["Yes, that's it."] God bless you. I believe you have faith.
Now, if Jesus Christ is in the building, then He could... If He was standing here with the coat that I have on, standing here, He would know what was wrong with you. ["Yes."] But now as far as healing you, He'd tell you that He already did that when he died at Calvary. He'd test your faith. Is that right? ["Yes."] He'd test your faith to see... Do you believe that he'd say, "Do you believe that I died for you at Calvary to heal you, or to take away your worries or whatever is wrong with you." See? ["Yes."] But you'd believe he'd tell you that? ["Yes."] Yeah, see? And then if you believe what he said, that would settle it, wouldn't it? Now here's the last words...

2 Kings 3:15 But now bring me a minstrel. And it came to pass, when the minstrel played, that the hand of the LORD came upon him.

61 Do you read the Bible? ["Yes, I do."] What was the last words that Jesus said when He left the world? Here's what He said as He was being taken up: "These signs shall follow them that believe. In My name they shall cast out devils, speak with new tongues, take up serpents or drink deadly things, it shall not harm them. And if they lay their hands on the sick, they shall recover." Is that what He said?
The first commission He give His disciples was to heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils. "Freely as you receive, freely give." Matthew 10. The last commission He give to His disciples was heal the sick also. And He's interested in healing, isn't He? ["Yes."]
Now, after He'd put it in His Word, and you being a Christian ... all things has to work for good then, if you're a Christian. Well, then if you be sick, then it's got to be for some glory. It's got to be for God's glory. It can't be for nothing else, see.

Matthew 10:8 Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give.

Mark 16:17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;

Mark 16:18 They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.

62 And, now maybe it's for a testimony, that you could testify to your people and tell them what great things Jesus is did. ["That's what I desire."] That's what you desire? ["Yes."] God bless your heart.
You're very sick. You've been examined by an examination recently, by a doctor, and it was from your back. It's a ... it's a cancer. And it's on the spine and rectum. Is that right? Yes. My! Sister. Oh, yes, that's your boy sitting there. ["Yes."] He's sick too. He has hemorrhages of the nose. I seen him wiping blood from his nose standing in the yard. You both want to be healed? ["Yes."] You want to be healed, sonny boy? All right, let's bow our heads.
Lord Jesus, Your Word said, "They lay hands on the sick, they shall recover." Now, I rebuke the enemy, the devil, this demon that's killing this woman. Come out of her in the name of Jesus Christ. And may the Holy Spirit heal her little boy. In Jesus Christ's name I ask it. Amen.
Now, when you go down there, lay your hands on your boy and say, "Thank You, Lord."
Let's say, "Praise be to God."
Do you believe with all your heart? Thank you. Amen.
Hallelujah! I believe he will never have another hemorrhage. Finished.

63 This is strange to you, isn't it? And what makes you so upset, you're bothered with nervousness anyhow. That's your trouble. You believe He will take it away from you? ["Yes."] It's your age, and this time there's probably only one remedy for you. That's Christ. That's a horrible thing. It's the worst feeling anyone could have. There's nothing like feeling that distressed, you see. But Jesus Christ can make you well.
And remember, there's not a remedy in a doctor's book for it. Why? It's oppression. Demon oppression, like a dark shadow hangs, it's always causing you to be that way. But He will heal you if you can believe. Will you believe? ["Yes."] Let's bow our heads.

64 Lord Jesus, I pray that You will heal the woman. Let her go from here tonight and be made well. Grant it, everlasting God, in the name of Thy Son Jesus. Amen. God bless you, lady. Now go thanking God being happy and God will grant it.
You having faith? Now remember, friends, it's your faith. There's nothing that a man can do to heal you. A Man has already healed you. You just got to believe what He's done for you, see.
Do you believe, lady? All right. Let's you and I talk just a moment then. If you're a believer, I believe that is truth. You have a wonderful atmosphere. But you're suffering. You have ... you've had... Your trouble is bad enough to you, it's just... You've been to a doctor. And I see him doing something, writing on a... Oh, it's a heart trouble. You have heart trouble, don't you? ["Yes."] And he had something around your arm; it's a blood pressure. ["Yeah, that's right."] And it's very seriously: about three hundred. ["That's right."] Is that right? ["That's right."] I see him shake his head and walk away. He thinks you're going to have a stroke at any time. ["Yes, he does."] That's what he said to you, you see.
Now, who was in the room there to hear him say that and come back and let me see it right here before me now? Jesus Christ. Is that right? ["That's right."] Then He's interested in you, isn't He? ["I know He is."] You believe you'll never have a stroke now, will you? ["No, I don't think so."] God bless her now. May her faith be confirmed in Jesus' name. Amen. Go believing with all your heart. Amen.

65 Let us say, "Thanks be to God." Believe with all your heart, you shall see the... Everybody in here ought to believe right now. Everybody in here ought to accept their healing just at this time. Believe with all your heart.
How do you do, laddie. My, I like boys with hair cuts like that. Do you love the Lord? You do. Well, I think you're a fine boy. And any boy that loves the Lord, and loves his mother and father, I think that's a good boy. I think he can't go wrong doing that.
Now, what if Jesus was here tonight and you was standing before him, as you are Brother Branham? Now, Jesus would know just what was wrong with you. And He'd come over and pick up children, as He did, lay His hands on them and bless them. You'd get well, wouldn't you? [The boy says, "Yes."] That's right. You would get well.

66 But, 'course Jesus has went away and has sent back His gifts into the church. Is that right? Mighty young to have that, son. Have a coughing, asthmatic like in the throat. Isn't that right? Asthmatic cough. Laying down many times, you have to raise, it just coughs you and hurts you so bad. That's a horrible thing. God bless you, little boy. You've got a very tender spirit.
That's your mother sitting right there, isn't it? Do you believe too? That's your little sister sitting right there, also. She's got sinus trouble. Isn't that right, honey? Your mother has hay fever. Isn't that right? She has dropsy, also. God bless this little lad with his tears running down his cheeks. Let the mother stand and the little girl stand. While the Spirit of God is here tenderly, put your hands over on mother, sister, and mother to the girl.
Our Heavenly Father, let Thy mercies come now to these people and may they go from here tonight, and all of them get well. Grant it, Lord. I rebuke the devil that's binding them. May he come out of them in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Look, little lad, catch your breath. See, your asthmatic condition is gone. If all this dust on the floor and things like this, you'd be coughing your head off if you'd catch that. You're healed now. God bless you. Go, and may God be with you.
You believe, sir, if I just ask God and God will heal you. [The man says, "Yes, sir."] In the name of Jesus Christ may the healing power of God strike your body and make you well. Amen. Now, go believe Him with all your heart. Saying, "Thank You, Lord Jesus."

67 All right. Would come, sir? What do you think? Excuse me. Excuse me. Do you believe with all your heart? [The man says, "I do."] Would you like to go home and eat your supper? ["Yes."] All right. Go ahead. Jesus Christ will make you well. God bless you. May God bless you. Now, you're going to serve him? ["Yes indeed."] All your life? ["All my life."] All right. God bless you. All right.
Come, lady. Believe God will heal your eyes and make you well? ["Yes, sir."] You do? Will you accept your healing now from Jesus Christ the Son of God? Lord Jesus, I pray that You will heal her. And may she go from here tonight and receive her sight in the name of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Amen. God bless you now. Go believing with all your heart.
Would you come? If I didn't say one word to you, you believe that you're in His presence now? While you're in this building, you're in His presence. Is that right? And you accept your healing? Then that female trouble has left you. All right. Now you can go, and God's peace be with you.
Let's say, "Praise the Lord."

68 Do you believe sir? [The man says, "Yes sir. I'm a minister and I'm threatened with eye trouble that it'll seriously handicap my ministry."] You're a minister and have eye trouble? ["Yes."] And stomach trouble? ["Yes."] So, just go on off and eat your supper and praise God and preach the Gospel. Amen.
Let's say, "Praise the Lord." Amen. Oh, thanks be to the Lord Jesus. My soul cries out and magnifies Him, who is the Author of my life and your life. He is the Author of everlasting life, the giver of every good gift, and sweet and lovely to those who love Him. No wonder He's so... Oh, I love to pour the adoration of my heart to Him. It's joy unspeakable and full of glory to serve Him. Never do I have a desire for anything else but to serve our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

69 You want to get over that foot trouble, brother? You do? Stop smoking cigarettes then and serve the Lord; you can have it. Will you do it? All right. God bless you. Go on then, get well.
Amen. The blessings of God rest upon you all. Hallelujah! Something strikes my soul and sways me when I know His presence is around. Oh, what a feeling! My clothes fit me right. Everything, when I know that He's near. You may call me a fanatic. That'll be all right. If it takes fanaticism to believe Jesus Christ, then I'm a fanatic. Amen. I love my Lord. And I know His blessings is with us. And we are the sheep of His fold. Let us come into green pastures and eat to our heart's desire. Amen. Praise the Lord.
Would you come, lady? I know. I see what's wrong. Now, you just have faith and just believe there, with all your heart.

70 How do you do, lady? Yes, that's the colored lady I was speaking to. Just have faith there, brother. Jesus Christ is present now to make you well.
Do you believe? All your heart? Had quite a time getting here, didn't you? [The lady says, "Yes, I did."] A lot of traffic on the road, isn't there? When you got behind that bus, that was terrible, wasn't it? You're awfully nervous, aren't you? Got a lot of temper that causes that nervousness. You're trying to get rid of it. You've got a lot of domestic trouble too that's bothering you. Isn't that true. Yes. Your boy back, your daughter---step-daughter---left with him. She's got a foul spirit. She went somewhere with him, to a country where they'll see there's great great trees, big pine trees. It's on a... It's near a lake or a seaside or something another. Say, I'd say Washington or something like that. Along in the state of Washington. Is that right? ["Tacoma."] Tacoma. I thought it looked like along that Puget Sound. Do you believe that she'll be healed? You believe that the boy will return? ["I believe it. I want him back."] Will you accept: Jesus Christ promised that all things work together for good. ["Yes."] And you're ready to quieten yourself down and submit yourself to his will? ["Yes."] Come here. Let's pray together.
Lord Jesus, be merciful to this woman and may Thy Spirit come upon her and may she be made whole, Lord. Give to her the desire of her heart. Grant these kind blessings, our Heavenly Father. In the name of Thy Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Romans 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.

71 Now, go believing. Go rejoicing, being happy. Now look lady, if God Almighty can reveal your life here before this audience. He certainly... If He knows what was, He will know what will be. Is that right? Now, don't worry. Worry hasn't got one bit of value to it at all, see. What would worry do any good? But faith does do good. So, have faith. God bless you.
All right. Come, lady. Do you believe? You want to get over the asthma? [A lady says, "Amen."] All right, just accept Jesus Christ now as your healer? ["Hallelujah! Amen."] With all your heart? ["Amen."] Now what you got on your mind, is he going to lay hands on me? Yes. Come here. All right.
Lord Jesus, You said, "According to your faith." I pray that You'll heal her now, in Jesus Christ's name. Amen. Now, go out thanking God and get over it and don't bother it anymore.

Matthew 9:29 Then touched he their eyes, saying, According to your faith be it unto you.

72 All right. Have faith in God now. Believe with all your heart. And you shall receive all your blessings.
Amen. Now I'm not reading the people's mind, as some of you thinking out there now. That's wrong. Here. This is a man standing here. I've never looked at him. Put your hand on my shoulder, sir. Can God reveal to me what's wrong with you? [The man says, "Yes sir."] Want to get over the asthmatic condition too? You do. All right. I've never looked you in the face. So, I couldn't be reading your mind. You got asthma. You're nervous. Go on off the platform and be well, in Jesus Christ's name, see.

73 It's vision, friend, not reading mind. It's vision. Have faith in God. Believe with all your heart.
All right. Come. So nervous, eye condition bothering you, stigmatism. You want God to make you well? [A lady says, "Yes."] He has done it. You believe it? All right. That settles it. Father, thank You for her faith and may she go from here and not be troubled anymore, in Jesus Christ's name. Amen.
Now, go rejoicing, mother, thanking God and you shall receive just exactly what you've ask for.
Wonderful, wonderful, Jesus is to me,
The Counselor, Prince of Peace, Mighty God is He:
Saving me, keeping me from all sin and shame,
Wonderful is my Redeemer, praise His name!

74 Do you believe? You believe that arthritis is going to leave you now and you're going off the platform well? Just hobble right on off the platform, stomping your feet up and down. Don't give in to it. Go on, that's right. Amen.
You believe Him now with all your heart? All right.
Come. How do you do? You believe? [The lady says, "I certainly do."] I believe that, mother. Your trouble is in your eyes, isn't it? ["Yes."] Cataracts over your eyes. ["Yes."] There's something strange about you. Do you believe me as God's servant? ["I do."] I believe that. You've been a traveler, haven't you? You're a missionary, that's what you are, you've been over many waters. Is that true? ["Yes, around the world three times."] Around the world three times? ["Lived in all the mission fields."] All the mission fields. God be with you. My sympathy goes for you. And my admiration goes for you.

75 You've got some... You're connected with somebody that's an official in a school, or son-in-law or something. It's Asbury College. That's where it's at. You're a Methodist, aren't you? From Wilmore, Kentucky. Is that right? God bless you.
O God, give this woman her sight. I pray that the cataract will die and this woman will be well. God bless this old handmaid of Yours, who has traveled the seas. And may she be healed in Jesus Christ's name. I ask the demon of darkness to never blind these eyes over, that she will see yet to glorify Jesus Christ, in His name we ask it. Amen. God bless you, mother. Go on your road rejoicing now and be well.
Let's say, "Praise be to God."
All right. Come, lady. Hallelujah! What was it? What was hers? What happened if something another? [A man explains what just happened.] Oh!

76 How do you do? Do you want to get over that old nervous condition and go home and get well? Be made whole? You believe God will make you that way? [Lady says, "Yes, I do."] Lord Jesus, may Thy hands of grace and power be laid upon her. May she go from here tonight and be healed sound and well. I pray that her faith will not fail, in Jesus Christ's name. Amen. Now, go rejoicing now and say, "Thank You, Lord Jesus." That's the kind. Amen.
All right. Come, lady. Do you believe Him with all your heart? [Lady says, "Yes."] Believe that God will make you well? ["Yes."] That's the way to believe it.

77 Bless be the Lord Jesus Christ. A vision appeared right here. It's somebody that's sitting right in here somewhere. I couldn't see the face well. That's got something wrong with their hands, kind of a breaking on their hands. Right in here somewhere. I seen somebody had a ... was something on their hands. It's a blood eruption. That's what it is. Blood disease or something that's making it... Sitting right in there. Oh, yes! No wonder I ... that's... God bless you. All right.
Now, do you want to get over the heart trouble? [A lady says, "Yes, I do."] Go rejoicing saying, "Thank You, Lord!" and get well. Amen.
Let's say, "Praise the Lord."

78 Now, how do you do, sir. Do you believe that God will make you well? ["Yes."] Get over the heart trouble? And you also are anemic? Is that right? Will you believe that God will make you well? I heard your doctor what he said to you. Go, accept Jesus Christ as your healer and you shall have it. God bless you, my brother, in Jesus' name.
Let's say, "Praise be to God." Hallelujah! Have faith now. Be reverent. Believe with all your heart.
Bring the man. That's kind of a bad place there, isn't it? It's the rug down there. Yes, sir. All right. We are strangers, sir. We are. I don't believe we ever met in life. But God knows us both, doesn't He? Yes, sir. He does. Now as far as your healing, Jesus Christ has purchased that when He died at Calvary. I'm just His servant, to try to help you to have faith. You understand that, don't you? Yes, sir.

79 You're seriously ill, sir. You have been operated on. You was operated on for a gall bladder condition. Yes, sir. Now that's... Look at there at the shots. My. Let's hold right here to the side of this... Yes, sir. In the operation, they found something else, didn't they? [The man says, "Found a cancer."] Yes, sir. And it was in the intestinal tract. ["That's right."] You believe God will heal you of that? ["Yes, sir."] You do. If I will ask Him and you'll believe Him, then it'll have to happen, won't it?
Now, look, sir. You realize that you just got ... the doctor told you six months. Is that right? ["Six months to a year."] To live. You know that within a few moons, you're going to pass to the other side. You only have one hope, my brother. ["I don't care if I can't get well, I'd wish to go in the morning."] Certainly. ["I'm ready to go."] But, what would you do if He let you live? Testify of Him and glorify Him? [I'll go anywhere He'll send me."] God bless you. That's the way to feel. That's the way. Sir? All right.
Now, let us pray and ask Him. Lord Jesus, the Son of God, as this dying man stands here before me, confessing that he has accepted You as his Saviour. He believes in You. I pray, Father, that You will bless the man and will heal him. And may the doctors be surprised when they look back at him again and saying, "What's happened to you, man?" Then he will give praise and glory to Thee. For we ask it in Jesus Christ's name. Amen. God bless you, my brother. God bless.

80 Say, I want to talk to you just a moment away from the microphone. That's right, see? You going to stop that? Give it up to God? God bless you. See, God had to reveal that. God bless you. Just go rejoicing.
Let's say, "Praise be to God." Amen. Blest be the tie that binds our hearts in Christian love. Do you believe with all your heart? Hallelujah.
The Lord bless you, my sister. Only believe. Have faith in God. Got a back trouble that's hurting you there. You just kept holding on to God. You were crying out to Him or praying, believing that God would make you well. Having faith. Isn't that right?
All right, sir. See, He's heard you. So, don't worry no more now. God's peace be upon you.
Sitting there with a stomach trouble, second one in back there, if you want to be healed too, just believe God. God will make you well. Standing right over you now. And a table setting there where I know you're refusing your food. Yes. You believe that He makes you well? All right, sir.

81 The lady sitting next to you there too? Yes, there. Do you believe that God will make you well? All right. God be with you. That's right.
Sir, you're for a very just cause. You want to quit smoking and go and be made well and healed of God? You're fixing to leave town tonight, aren't you? Fixing to go away. God's here to make you well, and send you away from here rejoicing and happy, if you'll just believe Him with all your heart. Do you accept Him now as your deliverer?
Almighty God, may Your Spirit come upon the man. May he go away from here tonight and praise You the rest of his days. God, grant it in Jesus Christ's name. Amen. Now go rejoicing saying, "Thank You, Lord."
Every person sitting in here tonight should be well right now. Do you believe that, young man sitting there in the wheelchair? You do believe that? Do you believe that, sir, sitting over there in the wheelchair? Anybody can see what's wrong with you. You're crippled. See, it's these people that look well is the things where the mystery comes.

82 Little lady, what do you think about it? You believe that Christ will make you well? How many sick people is in here? Raise your hand. Say, "I believe that Christ will make me well right now."
I want to quote something to you. I want to do it... The anointing's not striking me so hard at this time, because I've skipped a few of them through there without saying nothing to them or watching for vision. So I could do this at the end of the line.
There was in the Bible three lepers sat at the gate one time of the city of Samaria. It was besieged by the Syrians. And they were lepers. In the city, they were killing one another's children and eating the children. They'd eat all the bark off the tree and the grass off the ground.

2 Kings 7:3 And there were four leprous men at the entering in of the gate: and they said one to another, Why sit we here until we die?

83 And these lepers said... Well, the Syrians had them besieged and they was starving them to death. Now they said, "Why sit we here until we die? Now, we got to do something. Now, let's see, there's only two roads." One of them led in the city.
They had three things they could do. They could go into the city when the gates opened again. Or they could sit where they were. Or they could go down to the camp of the Syrians. Well, they said, "If we go into the city, there's no food there, because the people are eating one another's children. So, there's no food there. And if we sit here, we're sure to die. So, we only got one hope, that is, we'll go down to the Syrians. If they kill us, we're going to die anyhow. We're going to die. So, if we go down to the host of the Syrians, if they kill us we die anyhow. But if they save us, then we live." Now, they only had one chance and that was going down to the host of the Syrians.

2 Kings 7:3 And there were four leprous men at the entering in of the gate: and they said one to another, Why sit we here until we die?

2 Kings 7:4 If we say, We will enter into the city, then the famine is in the city, and we shall die there: and if we sit still here, we die also. Now therefore come, and let us fall unto the host of the Syrians: if they save us alive, we shall live; and if they kill us, we shall but die.

84 Now, what a chance that was---to an enemy. And them lepers. So, you're not in that position tonight. But perhaps, you're sitting in these chairs, you've got cancer, you're eat up with cancer, TB, and so forth. There's not a thing on earth that you can do about it. Your doctor has done all he can do. Medical science, everything has done all they can do. And if you're sitting there, you're bound to die in that condition.
So, let's do something about it. We got a chance tonight. And that's not go down to the enemy's camp. But, come to your lovely Heavenly Father who has promised to heal you. You're going to die anyhow. So, let's come and believe His Word.

85 He may save you. Not, He may---He will. He has. He's just only wanting you to believe it and exercise a little faith. Can you do that? Can you believe tonight for anything? Oh, my, brother, sister, if you could only take a hold yonder and say, "Yes, Lord Jesus, I believe it." If you believe it deep enough in your heart, there's not enough devils in this country to keep you from being healed tonight.
"Heavens and earth will pass away, but God's Word shall never pass away." Is that right? Now, He said, "Whatsoever things you desire..."
I have to watch over the audience. People are being healed sitting right along here, now. After I'm gone from here weeks, you'll still be hearing the people being healed, saying, "Well, that just left me, that just left me." It's happening all over the building right now. It does each night. I see it like that.

Matthew 24:35 Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.

Mark 11:24 Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.

Mark 13:31 Heaven and earth shall pass away: but my words shall not pass away.

Luke 21:33 Heaven and earth shall pass away: but my words shall not pass away.

86 If I go to looking close to it, then it's just one vision from another. And then I get so weak I can hardly go through the meeting. But let's you and I tonight rise and say, "Lord Jesus, I've sat here long enough. I'm coming to You tonight believing with all my heart that You're going to do it right now for me." Will you believe it?
Now, I tell you what I want you to do. I want you to bow your head, everywhere. Now, I'm going to pray for you. Now, if you believe the commission of the Angel, He said, "If you'll be sincere, get the people to believe, nothing shall stand before the prayer."

87 Now, look, friends. Think of King George of England, when he was healed with multiple sclerosis; we had prayer for him. Think of Florence Nightingale (her grandmother the founder of the Red Cross), was about sixty pounds of weight laid dying yonder with a cancer on the duodenal of the stomach, laying there dying. A little dove flew into the bush there and the Spirit of God come and said, "'Thus saith the Lord,' she shall live." And she weighs a hundred and fifty-five pounds in perfect health.
Think of Congressman Upshaw, sitting bound in chairs and bed for year after year for sixty-six years. And right in a moment's time raised to his feet, run through the building, touched his toes, was perfectly made normal and well.
Just think of the thousands and thousands of people that's been healed. "Why sit we here until we die?" Let's do something about it.

2 Kings 7:3 And there were four leprous men at the entering in of the gate: and they said one to another, Why sit we here until we die?

88 Now, if God would respect the prayer... I'm asking each one, don't pray for yourself, pray for somebody else. Don't pray for yourself. I'm going to pray for you. You pray for somebody else. And then I'm going to ask the devil with one rebuke to leave every person here. I believe anybody that will believe Jesus Christ and accept Him and His resurrective power, will be healed tonight. Right here. You can accept it and go home and be well.
I want you to bow your heads. Lord Jesus, I have tried with all my heart, Lord, in these past nights to explain, to bring to the people the love of God, that He had for them when He shed abroad the Holy Spirit in their hearts. They're lovely. They've sat in this hot building listening every night.
But, Lord, I realize that there's one thing wrong: that Satan keeps making them wonder, "Well, am I sure it could be?" I pray Thee, Lord, that you will bless them and will heal them. And may Your Spirit be upon everyone, just now. And may the enemy lose his grip. And may women and men and boys and girls, those who are sitting in the building now, with one accord, Lord, look to You as we're praying one for the other.

89 And I pray that You'll break the holds of Satan, that great spirit of unbelief. O God, knowing that he's the one that causes the enemy. He's the one that causes the defects. For all things are possible to them that believe. And when unbelief is existent, then God can't have the right of way. But, Father, may the devil flee tonight. Grant it, Lord.
And now as Your servant, as I stand here in a representative way of Your vicarious suffering and bleeding and dying yonder at Calvary; when He was wounded for our transgressions, and bruised for our iniquity, the chastisement of our peace was upon Him, with His stripes we were healed.

Isaiah 53:5 But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.

Mark 9:23 Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth.

90 Lord God, I believe that, and stand before Your people as Your representative. Hallelujah! As Your ambassador. And I say to Satan tonight, "You have no right to hold these people any longer." They are believing. Their hearts are melding in with God, yielding in with His Spirit. And now I rebuke thee, Satan, you devil that's making these people suffer. Come out of them, in the name of Jesus Christ.
Do you believe that you're healed? If you do, rise up and give God praise and glory. Stand to your feet if you believe you're healed. Clap your hands. Say, "Thank You, Lord Jesus. Thank You, Lord Jesus." All right, Brother Boze. God bless you.

Testimony (1953-11-29 Evening) (William M. Branham Sermons)

Testimony (1953-11-29 Evening) (William M. Branham Sermons) somebody


1 Thank you, Brother Bosworth, and good evening, friends. It's a pleasure to be back here again tonight to serve the Lord, and I'm very happy to see you people gathered out in this time of worship.
I just shook hands with an old friend of mine from down in Miami. Reminds me ... seems like I wouldn't feel like coming to Florida, if I didn't get to see what we call, Brother Jim. So I'm very happy to have him here with us tonight on the platform. Much water has passed down the river since I seen you last, Brother Jim. Been many places around the world. Going again, if God willing, in the near future.
We're very happy that God did what He did for the people this afternoon, blessing them, and I trust now that right quick ... I've been some last two hours or more, constantly praying and I just want to testify a little tonight, and then go right into the service.

2 First I shall read some of His Word and knowing that His Word is perfect and will never fail. It's found in the 4th chapter of Saint John beginning with the 46th verse.
... Jesus came again into Cana, of Galilee, where he made the water wine. And there was a certain nobleman, whose son was sick at Capernaum.
And when he heard that Jesus was coming out of Judea into Galilee, he went unto him, and besought him that he would come down, and heal his son; for he was at the point of death.
Then said Jesus unto him, Except ye see signs and wonders, ye will not believe.
The nobleman said unto him, Sir, come ... ere my child die.
Jesus said unto him, Go thy way; thy son liveth. And the man believed the word that Jesus had spoken unto him, and he went his way.
And as he was now going down, his servant came to him, and told him, saying, Thy son liveth.
And he enquired of them the hour when he began to amend. And they said unto him, Yesterday at the seventh hour the fever left him.
So the father knew that it was the same hour, which Jesus said unto him, Thy son liveth; and ... himself believed, and all of his household.
This is again the second miracle which Jesus did, when he ... came out of Judea into Galilee.

John 4:46 So Jesus came again into Cana of Galilee, where he made the water wine. And there was a certain nobleman, whose son was sick at Capernaum.

John 4:47 When he heard that Jesus was come out of Judaea into Galilee, he went unto him, and besought him that he would come down, and heal his son: for he was at the point of death.

John 4:48 Then said Jesus unto him, Except ye see signs and wonders, ye will not believe.

John 4:49 The nobleman saith unto him, Sir, come down ere my child die.

John 4:50 Jesus saith unto him, Go thy way; thy son liveth. And the man believed the word that Jesus had spoken unto him, and he went his way.

John 4:51 And as he was now going down, his servants met him, and told him, saying, Thy son liveth.

John 4:52 Then inquired he of them the hour when he began to amend. And they said unto him, Yesterday at the seventh hour the fever left him.

John 4:53 So the father knew that it was at the same hour, in the which Jesus said unto him, Thy son liveth: and himself believed, and his whole house.

John 4:54 This is again the second miracle that Jesus did, when he was come out of Judaea into Galilee.

3 Can we bow our heads now while we speak to Him just a moment in prayer.
Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. We will worship Thee, tonight our Father in the name of Thy beloved Son, Jesus Christ, and we love Thee because that Thou hast first loved us, and redeemed us from a life of sin, and has given us a heart of worship. And we will praise Thee and receive tonight, O God, the adoration of our hearts as we pour it out in simplicity to Thee, loving Thee, and knowing this that Thou alone holds our lives, and some day we must meet Thee face to face and give an account for our life here on earth.
What type of people should we be then, Father? We can do nothing except Thou will help us. And tonight while this little group of people gathered together here on the evening of the Sabbath, we thank Thee for this lovely day and for the many sermons, and the ministers across the world who has preached the Gospel, all the souls that has believed on Thee, the great miracles and wonders, no doubt around the world being performed right now. And dear Saviour, don't pass us tonight.

4 We pray that You will come in Your magnificent power and will lay Thy healing wings across this building, and may every sick person in here be filled with healing power. Grant it, Lord. May, as the prophet said, the distilled dewdrops of mercy bathe our souls until we see the purpose of Jesus, our King, to redeem us from sickness and sin and to set us free and to give us a happy life of service winning others for Him. These blessings we ask Thee to grant to us, unworthy ones, in the name of Thy Son, Jesus. Amen.
Just a testimony tonight. Taken so much of your time this afternoon in preaching. My son told me, said, "Dad, you didn't realize you was about an hour and forty-five minutes."

5 Well, I just love to talk about Him so much that I just can't get through talking. I've been twenty-three years now in the ministry and I come in the ministry when I was just a boy and the only regrets that I have if I could spend my life of one thing that I regret more than anything else that I didn't know Jesus when I was just a little bitty boy. I wished I could turn it back. Every hour of my life I would give for His glory.
I remember as a young boy just twenty... Why, the boys used to say, "Billy, you don't get any pleasure out of life. You don't dance. You don't drink. You don't smoke. You don't go to shows or dances. What do you get out of life?"
And one night a young lady asked me that when and I was taking her home. She said, "What do you get out of life?"

6 And the next night I made an altar call in the place where I was preaching, a local Baptist church and down the aisle come thirty or forty people kneeling at the altar. The young lady was sitting there weeping. I said, "Would you stand up, sister?" I said, "You wanted to know where I got my pleasures. This is worth more to me than all the things that the world ever give me--this one thing here."
It gives such a peace and a satisfaction to my soul. I'm so happy tonight that Almighty God in His infinite mercy, and His redeeming grace saw fit one time to save me, and to give me the privilege of speaking to His people. I love people. I love everyone, the world, whether they're sinners or Christians. I feel that in my heart.

7 Every one of us ... Jesus died for all of us. I see the men sometime out on the street drinking and I see them gambling but... And some of them cursing, but that doesn't turn me against the person. It just only makes me know that Satan's doing that. That's my brother and it's such... It just hurts me to see Satan having grip like that. Now if I can say something to him to win him over to our Lord Jesus so he can have eternal life, why he will stop that. He is my brother. He's just fallen, and I love to help him up, see. And that's truly from my heart.
And if I should die tonight, the testimony that I have given which has now went around the world. And if I should die tonight, and this would be my last sermon that I'd ever speak, or last prayer line I'd ever pray for the sick, my testimony is truth. And if I'd meet you at the judgment, you'll find out that I have only testified what is the truth of Jesus Christ and His mercy.

8 Sometime ago, just in this little testimony, I was at Houston, Texas, and I was having a meeting. We were having somewhat, about eight thousand in a coliseum, and Mr. Bosworth and I was together, my brother here. We were having a lovely meeting. Raymond Richey and many of the churches around was sponsoring the meeting and there came a man...
I have plenty of critics. We know that. We're bound too. If Jesus had them, well, I've got to have them too and so have you. We all have them, but there was a man just out of a seminary, and he was a very smart, brilliant man. He was a doctor, had just got his degree and he was a Baptist minister. His name was Doctor Best, and he was a very brilliant young man. He had a nice tabernacle there, and a very fine following, and some of his people was coming over to the meeting, and so he took the side to say that there was no such a thing as divine healing.
Well, Mr. Bosworth, in fixing the itinerary and the advertisement and Mr. Richey and many of the other ministers had hung a sign out in the street said, "Miracles every night."

9 Well, Mr. Best said, "Well, that was ridiculous and there was no such a thing as divine healing," and he put a challenge in the paper instead of coming to us. He put a challenge in the paper and said, "William Branham is a religious impostor and," said, "he should be run out of the city, and I should be the man to do it."
So I didn't think it sounded very Christian in my brother but that was all right and Mr. Bosworth came and he said, "Brother Branham, look at this." And he challenged me to debate the subject of divine healing with him openly before the people. Well, I'm not a debater. I don't believe in fussing. I preach the Gospel. If the people believe it, why, all right. If they don't, it's all I can do about it.

10 And you never make anything by fussing and debating. Don't never do it because you just make enemies. That's all. I've seen so much of it. So Mr. Bosworth, he came and he said, "Brother Branham, look at this."
I said, "Brother Bosworth, just let it alone." I said, "We got thousands of people to be prayed for, and why would we fool with one person who doesn't believe when there's thousands waiting to be prayed for who does believe?" I said, "Why fool with it?"
Well, the next day the minister put in the paper a great headline in Houston Chronicle and he said, "It goes to show what they're made out of. They're ashamed and afraid when the real Gospel is laid out before them, to debate the subject." Says, "It shows what they're made out of."
Well, here come Brother Bosworth to my room again. He said, "Looky here, Brother Branham. Are you going to take that?"

11 And I said, "Why, Brother Bosworth, it won't do any good." I said, "The Holy Spirit is with me. He promised me He would do, and I have the anointing to pray for sick people and I just won't fool with it."
He said, "Let me do it." And said, "Let me... It's a shame." Said, "The public will think that we're just a bunch of people that's just ... just flying about, that there's no Scripture to it or nothing." Said, "We owe it to the public."
I said, "I only owe the public what God told me to do."
And he said, "Well, Brother Branham," he said, "it's not right." Said, "Them men hasn't got..." Said, "I can produce hundreds of Scriptures and they haven't even got ... that man hasn't got one Scripture in the Bible to stand on," and said, "let me prove it."

12 Well, I thought of Caleb, you know, when that old fellow that had the sword and said, "Joshua put this in my hand when I was forty years old and," said, "I'm eighty today. I'm just as good a man today as I was when Joshua give me the sword." Well, I thought that was pretty gallant of him being in his seventies, and Mr. Best in his thirties. I thought just fresh out of the seminary.
I looked at him and I said, "Brother Bosworth, I don't want you to go down there and fuss with that man."
He said, "Brother Branham, I wouldn't fuss with nobody." He said, "I wouldn't do it, but I know one thing I know what the Word of God teaches." He said, "I think you owe it to say something about it."
I said, "All right. You go do it then, but you promise me you won't fuss."
He said, "I promise."

13 Well, like a little child with Christmas anticipations down the steps he went. The reporters were waiting. They wouldn't let them come to the room up there. So I said, "I wouldn't fuss with him."
So Brother Bosworth, he went down and then, of course, you know how the newspaper can write. Great big headlines "Ecclesiastical Fur Will Fly."--and they really decorated it up real good. So the next day... But here's what made me know that someday, the great church of God is coming together just as sure... You're going to forget your differences.
When communism goes to forcing you right hard, don't worry. You'll come together. God has a way of doing things, see. And so when the great press come on, it was strange. We couldn't stay in that coliseum anymore, we couldn't stay in that place we were at. We had to go over and rent the big Sam Houston Coliseum, seats around thirty thousand.

14 And that day they come in by special plane, special trains until that place packed completely full of people. They didn't care whether they was Methodist, Baptist, whether they were Pentecostal Oneness, Twoness, Threeness or church of God, or whether it was riding a one hump camel, two-hump camel, or whatever it was. There was one thing in common, and that was divine healing was at stake, and every man believed in it and here he come to take the part of it. That's what it takes.
Wait till Christianity comes to that spot, and you'll find all the Methodists, and Baptists, and all of them looking just alike then. Everybody coming right together, pressing into the kingdom of God.

15 That settled it with me that day. I looked back there and there was thousands of all different descriptions of people sitting there from all kinds of churches, Catholic and all, everybody placed together.
And so I told Brother Bosworth I wouldn't go down that night". I said, "No, I don't want to hear it." And my brother was with me, and my wife, and little girl.
He said, "Well, you just stay up there at the hotel." I was staying at that time at the Rice Hotel. So I went to the... When it got time to go, I just couldn't hardly stay away. So I got in the cab, and a couple of police come and so they taken me down. I pulled my overcoat up like this, and we went way up in balcony thirty. And I got a seat up there just before all the crowds got packed in.

16 I was sitting there with my coat up, my wife and boy sitting there. Well, when he come up for the discussion, the moderators and so forth come to the platform. Mr. Cy Ramsar, who used to be Paul Rader's song leader was leading songs for us. And he was singing. Very much of a diplomat on the platform, he was leading the singing, and just before he turned the service over to the moderator he said, "I was reading in the paper the other day where that someone said that William Branham ought to be run out of the city, a religious impostor. Said, "If you people of Houston would put more time running bootleggers out of the city than you would do religious men like that," said, "your city would be better off." And a great roar went up all through the place.

17 I thought, "Well." And I looked at Brother Bosworth ... I'm not saying this because he is sitting behind me and I believe his wife, and son, and daughter-in-law and them, sitting present somewhere here tonight. I'm not saying this... But I admired him, and he walked out. And Mr. Best when he come over, he went and hired photographers to come take his picture and he wanted to take his picture.
He said, "I'm going to skin that old man and take the hide off of him, and tack it on my study door for a memorial to divine healing." Quite a statement for a child of God to say, you know but, he said that. And so he wanted to take the picture.
So they hired the Douglas Studios in Houston, Texas, to come take his picture. And so Mr. Bosworth who had never been in a debate before and so he wanted Mr. Bosworth... Mr. Bosworth felt that he would just stand and give Scriptures and discuss them. So Mr. Bosworth had a great load of Scriptures wrote out. He said "Mr. Best, if..."

18 And Mr. Best said, "No, you go up and say what you're going to say in thirty minutes. Then I'll say what I've got to say in thirty minutes."
So well, they agreed on that. Then had a [puddle like] at the last. Well, I was sitting listening wondering what was going to take place. Well, when I seen my Brother Bosworth walk out there coolly, knowed just where he was at, there's no doubt in his mind.
He said, "Dr. Best," he said, "we're sorry that we have to have discussions like this, but" said "you had a statement in the paper that Brother Branham was a religious impostor and there was no such a thing as divine healing. Said, "Now our subject tonight to discuss is not Brother Branham. It's whether divine healing is in the Bible or not. That's what the debate is for. That's what we signed up for--whether divine healing was taught in the Scriptures."

19 He said, "The gifts of God will prove themselves, but this is what we're teaching whether divine healing is in the Bible or not." He said, "Our ... (I forget how many Scriptures there, a hundred or two) he said, "This is Christ present, His attitude, present attitude towards the sick is just the same today as it ever was." So many Scriptures he had. Said, "If you'll take one of those Scriptures and by the Scripture disprove it, then we won't have any discussion. I've lost the debate, and I will sit down. If you can take the Scriptures and prove that Christ's present attitude isn't just exactly the same towards the sick now as it ever was." And he offered him a paper.

20 Mr. Best said, "I'll take care of that when I get up there." Said, "You go ahead with what you're going to say." Said, "I'll take care of that.
And Mr. Bosworth said, "Then Mr. Best, I ask you one question, and if you'll answer me yes or no, I will sit down." He said, "Was the redemptive names of Jehovah applied to Jesus, yes or no?" I never thought of that myself. That settled it. That's all.
He said, "I will answer that."
He said, "I'm asking you to answer me now." Said, "We don't have to discuss it, you say yes or no." Course he couldn't, certainly not. If the redemptive names of Jehovah was not applied to Jesus, He was not the Christ or the Son of God. He wasn't Jehovah-jireh, the Lord's provided sacrifice. And if He was the Lord's provided sacrifice, Jehovah-jireh, He was also Jehovah-rapha, the healer, the same yesterday, today, and forever. That settled it, see.

21 So Mr. Best got up and turned around and kind of shook his fist two or three times and set down. And so Mr. Bosworth stood there and just laid off Scripture. And I never heard it like that in my life, just as coolly, and placed everything to a place where Mr. Best didn't even have one place at all to go to in the Scripture. He just was just tied so perfectly till there was no angle to get out of it. He was just tied down.
Mr. Best got up when his time come and Mr. Bosworth with a very, very polite way, said, "Mr. Best, all right my brother," said, "the platform's yours now." And the moderator give him the platform.

22 Mr. Best got up there and laughed two or three times and preached a very good Campbellite sermon. I'm a Baptist. I know what Baptist doctrine is. So he preached a Campbellite sermon on the resurrection. He didn't even believe in miracles that Jesus Christ did. Lazarus died again. He preached it all in the resurrection when this mortal puts on immortality. Of course, any Christian believes that. That there'll be a resurrection, but if there's no attributes of the resurrection, if there's no earnest of the resurrection then there is no resurrection.
If there is no divine healing, then there is no resurrection. Now, you couldn't disprove that if you could by the Scripture. I'm arguing the points of Christ, see, because we have the earnest of our salvation, which is the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Is that right? That's the down payment, the earnest which holds it secure in Heaven for us. And then if there is no divine healing to make a cancer ridden body come normal and well again, there is no resurrection of the dead. That's right. We have no earnest of it at all. There's no plan made for it. So that settled it. Mr. Best commenced to going on, and the audience actually laughed at him.
And so he said, "Let me see that divine healer come forth and perform." He got real angry and he said, "Let me see that divine healer come forth and perform."

23 Mr. Bosworth said, "The very idea, Mr. Best, you calling Brother Branham a divine healer." He said, "Never, in all of his life, did ever claim to be a divine healer. Very much contrary, he only preaches divine healing through the atonement. Just exactly like what I proved to you. And you've even mentioned one Scripture that I said or come to any of it. You never done nothing but preached on the resurrection of the dead and we all believe that. So there it was. It was up to the audience to make their choice.
He said, "Let me see that divine healer."
He said, "Brother Branham wasn't to be brought in this. The subject is whether divine healing is taught in the Bible and you can't say one word against it, see. Cause if you can, say it now." So there wasn't nothing to be said 'cause there's was no way he could go because it was all covered over with the atonement and everything. So there it was. There wasn't nothing to be said.
He said, "Let me see that divine healer."

24 And Mr. Bosworth said to him said, "Brother Best, do you believe that God saves the soul?"
He said, "Yes."
"You teach that through the atonement?"
Said, "Yes."
Said, "Would you want to be called a divine saviour?" Said, "If Brother Branham, by preaching divine healing, is a divine healer; then if you preach salvation, you're a divine saviour."
Oh, he got really on the air then, and so he begin to rear up and down. He said, "There's nothing in the world decent in a... Decent-thinking people don't believe in such nonsense." He said, "Baptists don't believe in no such a thing."
Said, "Whoa, beg your pardon," Brother Bosworth said. "Brother Branham was rocked in a Baptist cradle." Said, "That's right."
"Oh," said, "he is a backslidden type." Backslidden type. He said, "There's no such..." Said, "Real true honest Baptists don't believe in no such."

25 Brother Bosworth said, "Would you excuse me just a moment?" Said, "How many sitting here in this vast audience that belongs to these fine Baptist churches with all these Baptist ministers sitting along here," said, "how many of you in this audience could prove by a doctor's statement that you've been healed by divine healing--the power of God--in Brother Branham's meetings these last few weeks?" And three hundred stood up. Uh-huh. Said, "What about those?"
Mr. Best hit the pulpit with his fist and said, "People can say anything, but that don't make it right."
But said, "Here's the Word teaches it, and there's the testimony of it. Now, what about it?"
And he said, "Let me see that divine healer."
Then Mr. Richey got up. He said, "Let the moderator speak just a moment." He said, "I know everyone of these Baptist ministers." Said, "Is this the attitude of the Southern Baptist Convention towards divine healing?"--thirty thousand people. "Is this the attitude that the Southern Baptist Convention takes toward divine healing?"

26 Nobody would answer. He said, "I'm asking you, brethren. Did you all send this man here, or did he come on his own?"
They said, "He come on his own."
"I thought so. Baptists believe in divine healing. Certainly they do." And so he said, "He come on his own." So that settled it with the Baptist, Southern Baptist church. It was Mr. Best, his own self.
So then he kept saying, "If I see that miracle worker. Let me see him come down here... Let me see him hypnotize one of these people and let me see him a year from now and see if he's still hypnotized." And all like that, you know, just going on. So he said, "Come up here. I want you to take my picture."
And he stood there one time, he put his finger under that saintly old man's face Said, "Now take it."--with his finger shaking. They took the picture. And he drawed his fist and shook it under his nose, you know. Said, "Now, now, take it."--and they took his picture like that. So they took six, nine by ten glossies of him like that. So he went back. There sat the Look, Life, Time, Collier, and all those, and The Chronicle, and all those magazines and papers sitting there.

27 And then Brother Bosworth said, "Well, now the meeting, as far as I'm concerned, is finished." He said, "Mr. Best cannot answer one question against divine healing besides he has miserably quit. Said, "How many think so? Say, 'Amen.'" And just one great scream went over the building.
And then he got real angry, and walked around, and slapped a minister just about half way across that platform. And then they had to separate him. So then he walked back. Said, "Bring me that divine healer."
Brother Bosworth said, "Now, Brother Branham is sitting in the meeting. I know he is here." Because he seen me up there. He said, "Now if he wants to come and dismiss the audience, all right, but" said "under such a fuss as this, of course no, he couldn't pray for the sick," said, "if you want to see healing come, come over tomorrow night. They'll be going along--all along." And said, "I know he is in the meeting."
Well, I was sitting still. My brother was sitting there. He said, "Now, you sit still. You said you would."
I said, "Well, I'm sitting still."

28 So he said, "And you..." And while I was sitting there like that, I heard something going, "Woooo." I knew He was near; I raised up. My brother said, "Sit down."
My wife said, "No." I looked see, and there it was. So, just then everybody was looking around. They didn't know... No one knew I was up there, and there was just thousands of friends there. And I looked back. People just let out one big scream. Poor, dear, loving people. They'd seen so many things done that week.
So several ushers, hundreds of them, held their arms together like that, and made a line. The people trying to touch your clothes to be healed. Brother, this is not something easy. I'm human. I've got children at home and mothers trying to push their little kids through those ushers arms to touch your clothes when you're passing by. God will reward faith as that. He will. Sure.
And I walked down to the platform. I said, "Brother Best."
He said, "As a man I admire you. In your doctrine you're wrong."
I said, "That's mutually felt." And I said, "I admire you, Brother Best, and you got a right for your ideas." I said, "That's why we're fighting over here in Korea, is the boys is to keep this America, every man to his own opinion."

29 I said, "I don't want any of this people, any of Brother Best's people or any of the Baptist people, anyone to feel bad towards Brother Best." I said, "Don't do that. He is our brother, and he just doesn't see it like that. He just believes it his way and he's got a right to believe it his way." I said, "Remember his mother loves him just the same as my mother loves me, and your mother loves you." I said, "He is somebody's boy and he's got a right to his belief. So don't feel hard at him. It's just... Mr. Bosworth just proved by the Word that the doctrine is sound and in the Bible and Mr. Best could not prove it."
And so Mr. Best just turned around and started off the platform. Then he turned back and looked and sat down. And I said, "Now, I have never said that I was a divine healer." I said, "Never." I said, "My books are published in about seventeen different languages and," I said, "and I guess I'm in contact with several million people, but never have I said a divine healer. I don't heal people."

30 I said, "The only thing I do is preach divine healing by the cross, and by the Bible." And I said, "Now when I was a little boy," I said, "my mother said a light hung over me when I was a baby. My people were Catholic before me and my mother and father went to no church. They were Irish on both sides, emigrated from Ireland." And so, I said, "We were ... and there, they didn't go to church."
"I was born in a little mountain cabin." I said, "When I was just a little bitty boy, it begin to deal with me. Down through life it always spoke and many, many times and thousands of people have seen it. It comes in like a light." I said, "It tells me things. And when He met me, He told me that it was the Spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ that done just exactly the same things that Brother Bosworth and them has said tonight. Jesus didn't claim to do any healing. He said, 'What the Father shows Me I don't do nothing. I can heal nothing but I do just what the Father shows Me by vision, that's what I do.'" And you know that's the truth, isn't it? Every Bible believer scholar knows that's the truth.

31 Said, "He walked through the crowd. He perceived their thoughts. He knowed what they was thinking about. He knowed what was wrong with them. He knowed the woman at the well and He talked to her a little bit where her trouble was. He knowed Nathanael's trouble. And He knowed where a fish had a coin in its mouth, just as God would show Him He would do. Now, He didn't claim to be a healer."
"In the resurrection of Him, He is the same yesterday, today, and forever." And I said, "Now if I testify the truth, God will testify of me. If I do not testify of the truth, God will never have nothing to do with a lie. God will always testify truth though."
I said, "I'm not out here just to be seen. I'm out here, not by choice, by a long ways, I wanted to be a... Well, I was a game warden in the state of Indiana, and I loved my job. I was born for the wilderness and wilds. I certainly... It wasn't my choice to preach the Gospel, but woe unto me if I preach it not. It was God's choice. I run from it and tried to get away from it and everything." I said, "It was Him who brought it." And now, I said, "If I tell the truth, God will testify the truth."

Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

32 And I no more than said it, something went, "Whoosh!" Here He come. Sailing right down where I was, and this photographer run out and took a picture, when he seen me turn white in the face. And he took a picture. I said, "God has spoken, and that's all."
Catholic people and all sitting there saw it, looked at it. Many of them begin to scream and fainting. Come right down, a pillar of fire, moved right down to where I was at and shot the picture.
And the men... One of the men of the studio was a Jew. His name was Ted Kipperman. The other one's name was Mr. Iris. He is a Roman Catholic. And oh, he just wrote a awful thing in the paper about me the other day, the day before that. He said, "I was a hypnotizer," and I don't know what all.
And so, on the road home that night ... taken the negatives--going in to have them developed for Mr. Best. He said, "I might have been wrong." Said, "What do you think about that, Ted?"
Ted said, "Well, I'm Jew. I don't know nothing about it."

33 He said, "Well," he said, "I'm Catholic and," said, "we're taught that those things can happen but it can only happen in a Catholic church."
Now, you're wrong there, see? It can happen wherever God wants it to happen whether it's in Catholic church or anywhere He wants it to happen. He is God. He does the choice. He keeps the books.
And so he went in, and he put the pictures in the dark room to go through the acids to be developed and the next... After a bit, why, Mr. Kipperman, he said, "I'm going up and lie down a little while." So he went upstairs to lie down.
And while he was up there, Mr. Iris smoked a cigarette or two, went in the dark room and said, "I will see." He had to get the picture ready because Mr. Best--Dr. Best, the minister, wanted his pictures the next day so he could show it to the people--him shaking his fist under his nose.

34 So then when he... The next when Mr. Iris went in, which is an arch enemy of mine and Brother Bosworth too. He didn't believe it. He wrote a piece in the paper and said I wasn't nothing but a hypnotizer. A goiter had left a woman's throat. He said, "He hypnotized that off of her throat." Oh, my! That shows mental weakness.
So then when he pulled the first picture out of Mr. Best with Mr. Bosworth, it was negative. God wouldn't permit that taken against that saintly old man. He pulled out the next one--negative. He pulled out all six of them, and every one of them was blank. And when he pulled out the other one, there was the Angel of God on the picture. He had a heart attack.
They sent for me at the Rice Hotel. Of course, there's two men standing at the door in big meetings where they have thousands and thousands of people. There's someone stands at the door. They wouldn't let them in. All right.

35 And then that night at eleven o'clock, that was sent to Washington, DC to be copyrighted. On the following day it was flown back again. And they called in George J. Lacy. He is the head of the FBI in fingerprint and documents. The best there is in the world, the best in the United States. So being American, we'd say he was the best in the world to us.
And so he is the head of the FBI. And they brought him in, and he took it to the Shell Building under examination of ultra-ray lights and so forth, everything he tried. He went out, he measured the distance, and took the camera to see if it was a double exposure, and he done everything that he could do to find out. And on about the fourth day he said they was going to meet in the Shell Building and give the announcement--what it was. So that day he said, "Whose name is Branham?"

36 I said, "Mine." Bunch sitting there--a lot of the newspapers and things. Wanted to see what his report was.
He said, "Stand up." I stood up. He said, "You're going to pass out of this life someday like all mortals, Reverend Branham."
I said, "I'm aware of that, but thank God," I said, "Jesus Christ has saved me from sin."
He said, "I've been one of your critics." And so the man when he brought up there, he said, "Reverend Branham, it's always been said that that was psychology." Said, "I've heard of your meetings and said that it was psychology. Wasn't nothing to it. It was just imagination. When that light would come in, everybody would say, 'There it is. There it is,' and people would say well that's... Everybody just imagined it."
It was took once before by a newspaper, but it wasn't real. They wouldn't let it go because it wasn't by the American Photographer Association. It wasn't a member of it so they wouldn't pass it, but this was strictly the American Photographer Association.

37 And he said, "Reverend Branham, I have said it was psychology, but the mechanical eye of this camera will not take psychology." Said, "The Light struck the lens." Everybody begin crying.
They called me forward to present the picture to me and I said, "Well, it's not mine. It belongs to them."
He said, "Do you know that's worth a hundred thousand doll..."
I said, "Brother, do you mean to tell me just what he got through saying, that the first time in all the world's history that a supernatural Being was ever photographed. And here's what he said. Said, "The old hypocrite, (he meant the unbeliever) the old unbeliever, has always said that there was no scientific way to prove a supernatural Being." Said, "Now, they can't say that no more. Here's absolutely scientific proof that there is a supernatural Being," see. And scientifically proved by this mechanical camera here that took the light of that Angel standing there and said, "It absolutely is the truth."

38 And I said, "Well, if Jesus Christ thought enough of me to come down and have His picture taken by me for the first time in all the world, you think I'm a little enough to commercialize His picture?"
And he said, "No, I wouldn't think that."
I said, "I turned it over to the Douglas Studios."
He said, "Well, there ought to be some kind of agreement."
I said, "Sure. They can sell it." And I said, "They can, as long as they keep it cheap enough that poor people can get it."
He said, "Some day, Reverend Branham, you may be dead and gone, but" said, "it'll be sold in ten-cent stores."
And I said, "Well, for the glory of God that would be fine."

39 So then, tonight the picture's here. George J. Lacy is living today. He still in this work, and the picture lives on. If I would die this night, what I've testified about, the scientific world can't say it isn't so because there's scientific machinery and proof, that I've told the truth. And the church of millions of people that's been preached to in the past few years have seen it and watched it, and you know it yourself, that I've told the truth. And God testified that it is the truth. That's right. So the testimony is absolutely truth.
Now look, Christian friends. You're looking for something way out yonder to come. You're looking for something way back this way. Don't do that. It's right here now--right here now--just as much as you'll ever see. See? Only you might see it in greater quantity, but the Holy Spirit is here now which is the Lord Jesus Christ in His resurrection.

40 It's so marvelous. I remember something else happened there when Brother Bosworth come into the room the next day. And he had the picture of Florence Nightingale. How many ever heard of Florence Nightingale? Sure. She founded the Red Cross.
Her granddaughter from London, England, she was under the British Crown and at Durban, South Africa dying, which she didn't know about, with cancer on the ... duodenal cancer in her bowels. They showed me her picture, and Brother Bosworth, I, and my wife, all wept when we seen it. She was next to the smallest woman I ever seen in my life. Eat up. Her limbs up here around the thigh--wasn't over about that big around.

41 Now, Georgie Carter of Middletown, Indiana which had been laying on her back nine years and eight months was healed of TB by a vision. I didn't even know where the place was and went down there, and there she was just as He said. She's my piano player in the Milltown Baptist Church where I'm still pastor down there--had an associate tonight. She's a piano player there and been on her bed for nine years and eight months, and never moved from the bed. But she only weighed thirty-five pounds approximately, but TB had eat her up. Now that's not my statement. That's doctors' statements and any of these things are absolutely doctors' statements. If they cannot back it up with a doctor they have to be proven and not by ministers, not by... They have to be proven by doctors before we can put them because they have to be that way. And now she was healed.

42 And Florence Nightingale, a very lovely woman, they wanted to send... They had two airplane tickets that had already come in for me to come to Durban, Africa. I laid it on the floor and Brother Bosworth and I prayed. I said, "Lord, if You will heal this woman, I will go to Africa. I can't go now. Looky here." So I just committed it to the Lord, sent a handkerchief back to her and went on.
Not long after that, King George of England ... when a man by the name of, I forget, at Fort Wayne. You remember the meeting in Fort Wayne Gospel Tabernacle, was a businessman of the city. He had multiple sclerosis and had been a bed patient ten years. And a vision come over the man, and he was made perfectly whole. Walked... Leinman was his name. Walked up.

43 And he was a friend to the king's private secretary, and through there, King George of England sent word to me. I have his statements and have his letters with his seals, to come pray for him with multiple sclerosis. And so, I couldn't go up that time. So I just wired back and told the king that I would pray for him here. That God would heal here just the same as He would over there. And so, then another telegram come through and wanted me to come on over immediately.
Later when I went to England, over there, to see him the Lord healed him. He couldn't even stand up over five minutes at a time, and I believe the second day, he played eighteen holes of golf. And never was bothered with it no more until the very day he died. And I was in Africa when he died. They found a little tumor here on his lung. They started to cut it open and air got to it some way, I don't know, and caused a blood clot to go to his brain and killed him instantly. So, a very fine man.

44 But when we landed in England at the international airport, thousands of people, of course, had packed in. And they kept paging him there. And Brother Baxter, one of the managers, went in to find out what they wanted. And it was a man said, "The plane ... Florence Nightingale is laying in a plane dying."
How she knowed I was there, I don't know, but she had come from Africa. Flown in there and was laying, dying out in the next plane. And so the minister wanted to know if I could go to her. Why, they was just packed and jammed in there. Certainly not. Why, I couldn't have got through there if I had to, and I said, "No, I couldn't go right now." I said, "You take her to your house, and I'm going over to Piccadilly Hotel, then down to Buckingham Palace, out to Westminster Abbey, then I will be right back at Piccadilly Hotel and you take her to your parsonage." It was an Anglican minister and I said, "Then I will go over and pray with her."
He said, "Brother Branham, she won't live."
I said, "Well, I can't get to her there, sir. You know what it would be if I get out of this line here--what it would be.
He said, "Well, all right. I will try it." So he said, "They think she's dying. They can't see any life in her now."

45 And so I said, "Well, you take her on then and we will see because I can't get there." But I went on down. The king wasn't in at the time. I come back over to Westminster Abbey, and a great group of ministers, you know, and all that night they never got me back to the hotel till about, oh, two o'clock in the morning.
Then the next morning early... Is anybody here ever in England? It's around in April. It's so foggy. Oh, my. You can hardly see your hand before you. Little bitty car drove up and they come and got me--went down to this minister's to the rectory. And when I went upstairs, some of the managers, Mr. Gordon Lindsay, you know the writer of the Voice of Healing, Mr. Baxter and all, many managers, we went up to the room. And when I went in there, there sat her doctor, two nurses and two or three ministers.

46 We entered the room. And we had a very fine welcome by the people. And so I walked over to see Mrs. Nightingale. Now, if she hadn't eat a bite that would have been, I guess, two months before that or more. Hadn't it, Mr. Bosworth? Now, she hadn't eaten a bite since then, and her limbs then were just about like that. And her legs were all blue where the veins had collapsed. And it was a terrible looking sight.
So, I looked at her and I seen her face--how thin and all eaten away. And I said ... her doctor there. I said, "Any chance for her?"
He said, "Not a chance."
I said, "Oh, my! It's too bad." I walked over. I said, "How do you do, Mrs. Nightingale?"
She couldn't speak. She was moving her lips, but she didn't have strength enough till I could hear her. The nurse got down, and she said, "She wants to shake your hand, Brother Branham."--the nurse said.
Of course, her grandmother being the founder of the Red Cross, you can imagine how she had the best that could be gotten. So when they brought that woman's hand out from under that sheet. It was just like taking a hold of that. I never seen ... I took a hold of her hand and it's just like a skeleton. The bones was already just come the skin tight. Not a bit of flesh you'd know and her face here was just like square, and her jaw way in. You could see her teeth here, the shape of her teeth through her jaw her cheeks here. Her teeth were shaped into her cheeks like that when she'd go to open her mouth.
I never seen anything like it, alive. I said, "How is she living?"

47 They didn't know.
And so she was crying, and the nurse got down again. She said, "They want you to see her body. She wants you to see her body." And I got a mixed audience. Now, I'm your brother, but when they taken the sheet off of her body, it would break the heart of an iron man.
As the lady is, her bosom breast had dropped plumb through her ribs. And in the hip here, the flesh had just about sticking to the [unclear word]. Her legs here, up here, was about that big around. Her stomach part in here was just about like that. How that woman was living, I can't tell you.
She couldn't move, couldn't even move a finger nor nothing. And she was weeping and the nurse got down. She said, "Reverend Branham, she wants you to pray to God, to have God to let her die. She can't die."
I said, "Oh, my!" Brother Lindsay turned away, and many of them started weeping, walking away. They walked over there to where the doctor was standing.

48 I stood there a little bit, and the other nurse said, "Reverend Branham," said, "she sure has had lots of faith in you." Said, "She's read your books, and she said when she was in Africa, if she could ever get where you were that God would heal her." Oh, such faith.
And I said, "Can we pray?" We knelt down. I don't know how you're going to believe this, but God knows what's true. And we're all going to meet at the judgment seat. And I knelt like this, and the ministers, and all of them knelt around, doctor, also and the nurses. And there's a window about this high. And I knelt down by the side of that window, and the window was up.
And I started prayer, "Almighty God, Creator of heavens and earth." I couldn't ask Him to let her die after her having that much faith. I said, "Have mercy upon her, God. I pray that You will."

49 And just as I started saying, "Almighty God, Creator of heavens and earth," down through them bushes come a little dove, and it flew, and sat on this window, not over that far from where I was praying. And it kept looking over at me going, "Coo, coo, coo."
Well, the ministers stopped praying. They started watching the dove, all of the rest of them. Well, I thought it was just a... I had never been in England before. I thought it was a pet or something, so I just kept on praying. And when I said, "Amen," and raised up, the little fellow flew back out to the bushes again. After going on, "coo, coo, coo." Just restless--walking back and forth, up and down the sill. And I raised up and I heard them begin to say, "Did you notice that dove? Did you notice that dove?"
And I started to say, I was going to say, "Yes, I noticed the dove. Was it a pet?" And as I started to say that, something caught me and said, ""Thus saith the Lord," she will live and not die."

50 She weighs about one hundred and fifty pounds now in perfect health, normal and well as she can be, see. What was it? Did I heal the woman? No, no. I had nothing to do with it. God did that.
Amazing grace! How sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me!
I once was lost, but now I'm found,
I was blind, but now I see.
Grace that taught my heart to fear,
It's grace my fears relieved;
How precious did that grace appear
The hour I first believed!

51 I love Him. I declare to you, my little audience, tonight that Jesus Christ has risen from the dead. And it's not as people try to say, that all of His power was taken away from Him and it was just allotted to his disciples. He said, "Go into all the world. I will be with you, even to the end of the world, and these signs shall follow them that believe to the end of the world."
Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever. He is here. His love is for you to save you. His power is here to heal you. The only thing that you have to do is to believe Him. Will you do that tonight while I pray for you people? God bless you while we bow our heads.

Matthew 28:20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.

Mark 16:15 And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.

Mark 16:17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;

Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

52 Loving Father, as I think tonight of a cruel, indifferent world towards Your beloved Son. As I think of how that men spurn His love, just as they did that day, and desired a murderer instead. How can Your grace dip down yet, and save people, beyond anything that we know of?
We're so happy that You do it. We confess our sins and our unworthiness, Lord, to even speak Your Name, Thou wonderful, loving, holy God. And we're so thankful that Jesus came to us. Took a dark hour for us, and has redeemed us now, back to Thee. And now we're Thy sons and daughters.
How the world tonight... How Satan has blinded the eyes of people. How they don't see that. How they don't believe it. How can they reject that, Father? Knowing that You created even the trees, the heavens, the earth, the solar system, the whole heavens and earth You made, and just spoke it into existence. And then to know that that same God has loved us enough to give us birth to become His sons and daughters; and given us equal rights with Jesus Christ, as his brother in glory, joint heirs with Him in the kingdom. How we thank Thee.

53 And now, Father, there's many of Your children out in sin tonight. I pray for each one. Don't let them be lost, Lord. Do something. I think about our lovely, beautiful America here. I think about Florida, oh, so far away from God. Down here in this beautiful country where people have their minds on property and things of this world and pleasures, gone pleasure-mad. Races and drinking, and gambling, and divisive, and they're Your poor children, Father. Satan's did this. Don't hold it against them. I pray You won't, God. I pray that You will do something that will save everyone of them. Grant it, Lord.
Now, tonight this is the little audience that You gave me to preach to, and to pray for, and I'm thankful. And God, I pray that everyone that has come here tonight, not one of them would be lost but everyone will be there at that day.

54 And oh, holy God, divine Father, when I come at that day, may my testimony ring just as true then as it is now. Thy knowest my heart. And I'm so thankful that You've vindicated it to be the truth. Not because Your servant has said it, but because by divine grace You have done it. And I'm so grateful.
And I pray that You will heal every person here that's sick tonight. Every person that's needy of anything, may they go out of here happy and healthy. And on their road home may they say like those who come from Emmaus, "Did not our hearts burn within us," because they had found that Jesus had risen from the dead.
May they find it tonight here, Lord, in West Palm Beach, that Jesus Christ is risen from the dead living in His people doing the same things He did when He was here on earth. And Your great pillar of fire which was Your Spirit that followed Israel, has come to us. We see it. We know it is here. It speaks for itself. And the scientific world has caught a picture of it. We're happy for that.
And now, Lord Jesus, may He confirm His Word tonight in Jesus' name we ask it. Amen.
[Gap in the audio]

Luke 24:49 And, behold, I send the promise of my Father upon you: but tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem, until ye be endued with power from on high.

55 ... divine providence of God you might disagree with me, which I know. I could call you right now--many of you that's doing it--but that don't stop it from being true. I pray that Thou will do something tonight that will make you believe it; that will make you understand it. May the Lord bless you. His presence is here.
What if Jesus has risen from the dead? As Christians we ought to believe that. That's the very basic principle. All of His teaching, all of His works, all of His miracles died with Him if He didn't raise from the dead. But if He is risen from the dead...
Dr. Reedhead... How many ever heard of him? Sure, you have. He's a great man; the President, or something, of the Sudan Missions. He said to me not long ago before he received the Holy Spirit. Said, "Brother Branham... Talking to a staunch Mohammedan, he said, "Why don't you renounce your dead prophet and accept the resurrected Lord?"

56 The Mohammedan said, "Kind sir, what can your resurrected Lord do anymore for me than what my dead prophet can?" Said, "My dead prophet promised life after death, and" said, "so did your Lord." He said, "They both wrote books. We believe them."
Well Dr. Reedhead said, "We have happiness and joy."
Said, "So do we." Any psychologist knows that.
Said, "We have happiness and joy by believing it."
Said, "So do we."
Said, "We have the proof of it."
Said, "How do you prove it any more than we can?"
Said, "Well, it changes us and makes Christians."
Said, "So does it make Mohammedans." He said, "Kind sir, our Mohammed never promised like your Lord did. Our Mohammed is dead and in the grave and we got a white horse stands there year after year. Some day he will rise, but" said, "you claim that your Jesus rose from the dead." And said, "Your Jesus promised you that after He was risen from the dead that He would be with you, and the very things that He did you'd do also."
Said, "Now, let me see you teachers produce that, and we will believe your Lord Jesus raised from the dead." But said, "Let our Mohammed raise from the dead, and the whole world will know it."

57 Dr. Reedhead said he changed the subject. He had to; there was nothing he could do. He was whipped, standing right in the ground. Yes, sir. He said, "Brother Branham, I thought of you." Said, "If I could ever get to where you was." And he come there said, "Has the teachers been wrong?"
I said, "With reverence I say, 'yes,' Brother Reedhead."
He said, "I've seen Pentecostalism. I've seen all the holy-rollers and all that kind of stuff and," said, "I've been taught in degrees and everything else." Said, Brother, Branham, I'm asking you. I know you're a fundamentalist yourself." Said, "I'm asking you, is the baptism of the Holy Ghost truth?"

58 I said, "It is, Dr. Reedhead. God is my judge. The same Holy Ghost that fell on Pentecost is the same Lord Jesus today and in the full, same kind of power."
He said, "Can I receive it?"
I said, "Yes, sir."
Said, "When?"
I said, "Right now."
Said, "How do I get it?"
I said, "By laying on of hands." Prayed for him and laid hands on him, God give him the baptism of the Holy Ghost.
Then come Dr. Lee, come the rest of them, Don Wells, and the archbishop from India. The archbishop come over here, investigating around and has received the baptism of the Holy Ghost, the archbishop of India, Presbyterian archbishop.
Friends, you people will see some day that the very chief cornerstone has been rejected by the builders. That's right.

59 Jesus has risen from the dead and if He is here tonight, He can do just the same. He works through His people. Now, He can't unless you believe. A minister said to me, said, "Brother Branham, I don't care what would take place, I wouldn't believe it."
I said, "It's not for unbelievers. It's for believers." They didn't believe Jesus, and they surely won't believe His servant. I said, "It's just for those..." These signs shall follow them that believe. Not unbelievers, believers. May the Lord bless you.
Did you give out prayer cards this evening? What was the letter? E? This is our third night, is it? Third time. I think the first we called from the first part, second part. Let's begin tonight with E-50. Who has E-50? Raise up your hand. E-50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60. Stay standing, if you'll stand in line over here. Pardon me.

Mark 16:17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;

60 How many is that? That's ten. I've been calling fifteen up till now. All right. 65. From 60 to 65 in E, stand up if you can. If you can't, raise up your hand. If you're crippled and can't stand--got those cards, raise up your hand. Somebody will come help you.
Now, let them and count and see if they're there. If they're not some deaf person... Look on your neighbor's card. They may be deaf and can't hear and see. He won't know his number's called. Would you do it?
Now, I want you to be reverent. Just as reverent as you can be. [Brother Branham speaks aside, "I was looking for one of those pictures. I don't know..."] I was going to show you one of those pictures. They're here, but we do not let them go on Sunday. We don't... We keep God's Sabbath holy in the way of, not buying or selling. I'm not a Sabbatarian, but I just keep that day that way. I've always done it and we buy the pictures ourselves and give them to the people absolutely at cost, what they cost us to get them.

61 We have books, but them's not my books. I buy them books from another man, see. I buy books at forty percent off, pay postage on them, ship them to me, put them in my truck, hire somebody to drive it, and send them to a meeting. How much you make off of them? Every meeting I go in debt with them. If I didn't think they help people, I wouldn't have them here. I think they help because testimonies comes in. And here's our brother has went and got the picture, see if you can get some more [unclear words].
How many believes that it was a pillar of fire that led the children of Israel through wilderness? A pillar of fire? You know what a pillar is? How many believes that that was Jesus Christ? Let's see your hand. Every Bible scholar does. It was the Angel of the covenant. Is He the same yesterday, today, and forever? See?
Now, here's the picture of it here, see. Now, that same Being now, if He will come to us tonight and bless us, you will... That will be Him that talks. It won't be me.

Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

62 Now, you can imagine seeing that. It stands right close here, and you're just not yourself. You just become like... Now, that electric bulb can't say, "Look here. I'm giving light," say to that window. "See, I'm giving light." And tomorrow the window say, "See I'm the one that's giving light." It's neither one of them giving light. This is not the light, God-given light, it's the current in the bulb that's giving light. Is that right? It ain't the window giving light. It's the sun outside giving light. It just reflects the light. Is that true?
Did you ever study Genesis? The beautiful Genesis, how that God, making the heavens and earth, the sun and the moon... And when the sun goes down the moon reflects the light of the sun. Is that right? [Gap in the audio].
It's just exactly like Christ and the church. When Christ has gone away from the earth, He shines back His power on the church which reflects His light, see. That's just like bride and Bridegroom. The whole book of Genesis, the whole Bible types out in a type of Jesus Christ. And in Exodus the 13th chapter, you'll see that that pillar of fire talked to Moses in a burning bush.

63 George J. Lacy... Read his little article on it there. He'll tell you what it is. He said it looked like an amber light through the violet rays, and so forth, like. It was about this wide, about that long rather, and about that wide, and thousands, times thousands, and thousands of Christians have seen it. See?
It come right down before ten thousand people in Jeffersonville when I was baptizing one afternoon and told me. Eleven years before I was sent out on this mission that it would take place this way, and said it would be a forerunning Message. Like John the Baptist went as a forerunner to Jesus Christ, so would this message be the forerunning just before the coming of Jesus Christ.

64 And now, the scientific world knows it. Now, the paper here, if you'd like to write to Mr. Lacy, or the FBI concerning it, or whatever it is, just go ahead. You're at liberty. That's what we want you to do, and find out. We don't try to misstate anything, friends. We only tell that which is truth. And may the Lord bless.
Now, slowly I want to ask this again. I'm going to ask you all to be seated and be quiet, be reverent. Now, if you want to thank the Lord for something that has been done, or praise Him, that's up to you. I want you to do that but when the Spirit is moving...
Now, do you realize... Looky here. How many believes that every person is a spirit? Let's see your hands. Why, sure. You have to. If you wouldn't, you'd be dead, see. Look. There's spirit around there, spirit here, spirit around here, everywhere there's spirits. And here you are standing here talking to an individual. This person's praying, that one praying, this one praying there, you see what I mean.

65 Jesus one time had a congregation like that, took a man by the hand, and led him outside the city. Is that right? He went into another place where they was all crying and weeping and going on. He said, "Give place. The girl is not dead. She's asleep." Well, they laughed at Him, made fun of Him. And He put them everyone out of the house. Then went in and raised the girl. Is that right? Say, "That's psychology." It is?
Look at Peter when Dorcas was raised. They was all weeping and crying, the widows. He put them everyone out of the house, went over and prayed, and then went and laid his hands on Dorcas and she rose up. Is that right? See. It's not psychology, friends, it's the power of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Now, let's just be reverent a few moments, and kind of be in prayer. Would you give us a little chord on the song: Only Believe, if you will sister [unclear word].

Matthew 9:24 He said unto them, Give place: for the maid is not dead, but sleepeth. And they laughed him to scorn.

Matthew 9:25 But when the people were put forth, he went in, and took her by the hand, and the maid arose.

Mark 5:39 And when he was come in, he saith unto them, Why make ye this ado, and weep? the damsel is not dead, but sleepeth.

Mark 5:40 And they laughed him to scorn. But when he had put them all out, he taketh the father and the mother of the damsel, and them that were with him, and entereth in where the damsel was lying.

Luke 8:52 And all wept, and bewailed her: but he said, Weep not; she is not dead, but sleepeth.

Luke 8:53 And they laughed him to scorn, knowing that she was dead.

Luke 8:54 And he put them all out, and took her by the hand, and called, saying, Maid, arise.

Luke 8:55 And her spirit came again, and she arose straightway: and he commanded to give her meat.

Acts 9:36 Now there was at Joppa a certain disciple named Tabitha, which by interpretation is called Dorcas: this woman was full of good works and almsdeeds which she did.

Acts 9:37 And it came to pass in those days, that she was sick, and died: whom when they had washed, they laid her in an upper chamber.

Acts 9:38 And forasmuch as Lydda was nigh to Joppa, and the disciples had heard that Peter was there, they sent unto him two men, desiring him that he would not delay to come to them.

Acts 9:39 Then Peter arose and went with them. When he was come, they brought him into the upper chamber: and all the widows stood by him weeping, and shewing the coats and garments which Dorcas made, while she was with them.

Acts 9:40 But Peter put them all forth, and kneeled down, and prayed; and turning him to the body said, Tabitha, arise. And she opened her eyes: and when she saw Peter, she sat up.

Acts 9:41 And he gave her his hand, and lifted her up, and when he had called the saints and widows, presented her alive.

66 I want everybody to be praying. Now, let me state this again tonight. I will not be responsible for anything that happens to critics, or unbelievers, from this time to the end of the service. How many heard me say that, and I [unclear words]. That's law. I have to say that because it'll go right from one to another.
Men come in the building just perfectly normal and well, and go out with a cancer, see. Unbeliever, see. So, you have to be reverent, see. So, everyone understands. Now, don't get up and move around. You just... And whatever, you people in the prayer line... Now, how many... Here stands about fifteen. Is everybody there? All right.
There's about fifteen, I believe, I called in the prayer line. Wouldn't have to call but two or three. But now, how many out there, anywhere in the audience, anywhere that doesn't have prayer cards and says, "God, I want you to heal me tonight." Raise up your hands say, "I want God to heal me tonight." You don't have prayer cards, but you believe anyhow God is going to heal you. All right.

67 I ask you one thing. I ask you to believe that I've told the truth, and believe first that this is the Word of God, and this is only a confirmation of His Word. Any preaching, any teaching that's done outside this Bible is not the truth.
Paul said, "If an Angel from Heaven would come preach any other thing to you, let him be unto you accursed." Is that right? Well, a visitation of angels, did Paul preach that? Sure he did. He said he had an Angel of authority that stood by him. Said, "The Angel of God whose servant I am stood by me last night," saying, "fear not, Paul." Is that right? So, he saw visions and everything. He was a prophet of God.

Acts 27:23 For there stood by me this night the angel of God, whose I am, and whom I serve,

Acts 27:24 Saying, Fear not, Paul; thou must be brought before Caesar: and, lo, God hath given thee all them that sail with thee.

Galatians 1:8 But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.

68 Now, while we're praying, I believe this is the lady. You come here if you will, lady. Now, the only reason that these people are brought here to the platform, just line up a few at a time, is this: that the Spirit of God can come. And I've been speaking you see, and then the anointing comes and it's another world. God has got a tape recording as it was--a movie of every move that you've made in your entire life. Do you believe that? And He can reveal it just as He will.
Now, this woman here is a total stranger as far as I know. I don't know one person in this building outside of Brother Bosworth, I guess, and my son, standing here, and brother sitting here. That's all I know. I don't know a one of you but God knows everyone of you, doesn't He?

69 Well, if this is the Angel of the Lord, and I've told the truth then God will speak of the truth, and He will testify that that is the truth. Now, any man can come through here and tell you anything he wants to. That just is what the man said. You have a right to doubt that, but when God speaks and says the man's told the truth, then you believe God. Is that right?
Now, I want to talk to the woman just a little bit. Now, what do you think would happen if our Lord Jesus was standing here with this suit, that He gave me, and had this on, and was standing here talking to this woman? What would He do? As far as healing her, no. If she's sick, I don't know if she's sick. But if she is sick, He couldn't heal her. He would say I did that when I died at Calvary. Do you believe it?

70 But now what did He do to the woman at the well? Let's just look at His ministry. He said, "Bring Me a drink." Wonder why?
She said, "It's not customary for you Jews to ask us Samaritans such."
He said, "But if you knew who you were talking to, you'd ask Me for a drink and I'd bring you water, or give you water, you didn't come..." What was He doing? He was trying to contact her spirit. She was a spiritual being, of course, and He was trying to contact her spirit. And as soon as He found her spirit, He went right straight to her trouble and told her what it was. Is that right? Now, isn't He the same Jesus tonight?
Now, I know He is here. The very picture that you seen there, of that supernatural Being isn't standing two feet from where I am right now. Now, that's true. You'll see at judgment.

John 4:7 There cometh a woman of Samaria to draw water: Jesus saith unto her, Give me to drink.

John 4:9 Then saith the woman of Samaria unto him, How is it that thou, being a Jew, askest drink of me, which am a woman of Samaria? for the Jews have no dealings with the Samaritans.

John 4:10 Jesus answered and said unto her, If thou knewest the gift of God, and who it is that saith to thee, Give me to drink; thou wouldest have asked of him, and he would have given thee living water.

71 I want to talk to the woman. Just a little word with you is all I wish to say to you. And it's just... I'm here to help you. And the only way I can help you is point you to Jesus Christ. You're aware that something's going on. It's His presence, that Angel picture that you see. That's exactly what you're aware that's near you now.
Do you believe that God, in this last days is restoring back His church again? Do you believe that? Isn't He wonderful to do it? And aren't we happy to be alive tonight to see it? Our eyes are beholding things that the prophets desired to see just before the second coming of our Lord.

72 Your trouble, of course, I see it. It's on your mouth. That's not a burn or a blister. It's a cancer, and the cancer is eating, cancer going into your lip. There's a hope for you and that's in Jesus Christ. I've been allowed to see that and see it's on your lip. I want you to believe me as God's prophet, because the people out there...
More you talk to anyone, more vision you'll see, of course. You'll see breaking into that dimension that they're in and just God reveal. But I don't try too much on one person because look at them here and around, see.
And every... One vision will do more to you, weakness than preaching for five hours straight. How many knows that's Scripture? Sure it is. Daniel saw one vision was troubled at his head for many days, but being that you could see that on the woman's face there, there may be something else. She may have some other disease. If it is, God can reveal it the same as He could that.

Daniel 7:15 I Daniel was grieved in my spirit in the midst of my body, and the visions of my head troubled me.

73 Now, I want you to look at me and believe just for a few moments, just as your brother. Yes ma'am, you do have other things. You've got a high blood pressure. Isn't that right? And you also have some kind of a coughing. It's a asthmatic condition in your throat. Is that true?
And here's something else. You've got someone that you're deeply interested in, and I believe it's a boy. It's a son and he is a ... I see him in a uniform. He was a soldier or something and he has got mentally tore up. Isn't that right? The army... Something happened in the army. He is mentally ... Is that true, sister? Come here.

74 Merciful God, this poor little, worn mother standing here, O God, be merciful to her. Satan, the enemy, is trying to send her to a premature grave if he could, broken hearted. But Thou, O God, is full of love and compassion, and I pray with the prayer of faith, You said, "Shall save the sick."
And I lay my hands upon her, though they're unworthy, God, for such a task, but I pray that as Your servant as a branch in the vine that the healing power of Almighty God will move into this woman's body and will heal her. And may her desires be granted her tonight. For in the Name of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, I rebuke the enemy that's tormenting her. Amen. God bless you, sister. You believe now? It's going to be just as you have believed. God bless you.

James 5:15 And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him.

75 Now, you may say, "Praise be to God," if you wish to. Now, only our Lord Jesus can heal the sick. God knows all things, and can reveal all things, can do all things. Don't you believe that? All right.
All right, lady. I want you to come. Have faith now. Believe with all your heart that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is here. Are we strangers, my sister? You know me? You just heard of me. I don't even know you. I don't know you. No. You only saw me in pictures. Well, I am happy that you have faith enough in God to come to believe for healing. Do you believe that? And what you've read in the books, and magazines, and things, and Reader's Digest and Colliers. You believe that was the truth? That God has [unclear words]. [ The sister speaks to Brother Branham] I believe that with all my heart. Friends, is you're...? Which I believe that you're telling the truth, because you're a Christian. Then I can be able to help you to receive Jesus Christ. Do you believe that?
[The sister says, "Yes."]

76 You're--you're... First thing you have a female disorder. ["Yes."] Isn't that right? ["Yes."] And then, say ... I see something just happen to you. You had some kind of a attack just some... Like a... Some woman told you that that was a heart attack, and that woman herself suffering with heart trouble. ["Yes."] It wasn't a heart attack. It wasn't. No. It's a nervous condition that you got. That's exactly, and you're going to get over it and be well. God bless you. You may go, sister. Your faith has saved you and made you whole. All right be serving in the Lord. All right.
If you believe, all things are possible to them that believe. Only to believers. Now, look and live. Have faith in God. Now, that might not seem very much to you, but what if that was your sister? What if that was your mother, your wife, your daughter, or what if it was you? It'd certainly mean a lot to you, wouldn't it? Somebody's loved one. Somebody who loves her just like you love yours. Now, you be reverent. Believe with all your heart.

77 Do you believe, sister? Do you believe? Do you realize that you're standing in His presence, not mine. I'm your brother, but His presence. Then if Jesus has risen from the dead, as we believe He has, then His life is reproduced and as He promised, "The things that I do," He said, "you'll do, also." Do you believe that to be the truth? You must to live.
You realize what's wrong with you? In the stomach, cancer. Dropped down into the female organs. Is that right? Malignancy has went down. That's right, to the female glands. Nothing in the world can do you any good outside of God. They couldn't take your whole insides out. It's done too far gone for that, but Jesus Christ will heal you right now if you'll believe it. You want to live, don't you? Just look to Him and live. You believe that God gave me the authority to pray for you and command that to leave you? You believe it would do it? Would you live for God and give God praise if God will spare your life on this. Come here, sister.

John 14:12 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.

78 Our Heavenly Father, in the name of Thy beloved Child, Jesus, I come with sincerity of heart knowing that Satan's exposed. His great crippling, and powers, and his lying wonders, his deceiving is exposed. And he has hid from the doctor but he can't hide from You, God. This woman has come with sincerity. And I ask in the name of Jesus Christ that this demon called cancer leave her body, and goes out of her. And in the name of Jesus Christ may she be healed now and be well. Amen. God bless you, my sister.
Now, look. This is Sunday. You're going to feel good until Wednesday, and Wednesday you're going to get extremely sick. Don't fear. Only believe.
Let's say, "Thanks be to God."

79 How do you do, sister? Do you believe? You're plagued with some sort of a rash. You have to take treatments for it. And it breaks in your arms. If you don't take the treatments it goes all over your body. You believe Jesus will heal you tonight? Come here.
Almighty God, the Creator of heavens and earth, according to Thy Word that says, "They shall lay hands on the sick. They shall recover." And this I do in the Name of Jesus Christ: curse this plague on the woman. May it leave her in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen. God bless you, sister. Go rejoice, and be happy. Don't doubt nothing. Just believe with all your heart.

Mark 16:18 They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.

80 Are you believing out there everywhere? If you have faith, you can have just what you asked for if you believe. All things are possible to them that believe. Just keep praying and believing with all your heart. You'll receive what you've asked for. Any of you at any place can receive your blessing. You don't have to be up here. Just have faith and step. Ask some of them who has been healed. See what happens. God cannot fail. He cannot fail and be God. God makes the sick to be well.
You have something wrong with your back, don't you, sister? Your stomach, your eyes are going bad, but Jesus healed you when you raised your hands a few minutes ago. You are healed now in the Name of the Lord Jesus. The little woman's faith made her completely whole while she was sitting there praying, believing with all of her heart. God healed her. That's the way to do it.
Got a colon trouble, haven't you, lady? Yes. Do you believe God will make you well? I see you stand up. He has made you well. God bless you.

81 Yours sister wasn't exactly a colon trouble. It's in your bowels, and you had bronchitis also bothers you. Isn't that right? You're both healed because God has touched you both then. Just have faith in God.
There's the Holy Spirit moving right over those people right now. I see standing before me a young woman. She's wearing glasses. She's about in her middle age, I guess she'd be. I see she's got something around her arms. A doctor, a middle-aged man, is pumping on something. It's blood pressure. It's low. There sits the woman sitting there with a brown coat on. You that raised your hand, lady, you have low blood pressure, or you did have low blood pressure. Your faith has saved you. God bless you. Go and God's peace be with you.

82 Come, sir. Are you believing with all your heart? Be reverent. God's eternal power and Godhead is moving through this building. I don't know what you're going to think about it, but God knows all things.
Do you believe, young man? All right. I want you to look on me as His servant. Your trouble's in your back. You have back trouble. You have another trouble. That thing that you can't get rid of--something that's taking you to your grave. You're an alcoholic. That's right. You're an alcoholic and you've tried... Say, you've got a mother that's got something wrong with her hip and she's a preacher. And your dad is kind of gray-headed looking man and he has got arthritis. Here they sit right here now. Is that right? Now, wait just a minute. I see a big meeting appearing before me. It's in a panoramic condition. It's some kind of a stadium. And I'm standing on the platform. That was Hammond, Ind... or Connersville, Indiana. Is that right? God bless you.

83 Satan, come out of the boy. I rebuke you in the name of Jesus Christ. Leave him. I adjure thee by the living God to come out of this young man. You can't hold him any longer. May he go and God's peace be upon him. God bless you, boy. Go now and serve the Lord Jesus and be well.
Let's say, "Thanks be to God." Believe with all your heart and you shall see. You shall have just what you've asked for if you'll believe it. All right. Bow your head before this woman comes. She's got a deaf spirit. Bow your head everywhere.

84 O God, Author of life, Giver of every good gift, send Thy blessings upon this one whom I bless in Thy name and are privileged to hear the Gospel. O thou deaf spirit you've desired to do this so you could send her before a moving vehicle and kill her. But I adjure thee, by the living God, and Jesus Christ His Son that you depart and come out of her.
Everyone keep your head bowed, please. It'll go from one to another. You run it back on the woman then. Don't raise your head till you hear my voice. The spirit left the woman, come right back again. Keep your head bowed for if you don't it'll come to you.

85 Almighty God, have mercy upon the woman. Please relieve her of this plague tonight. We know the people do not wish to be ugly. They're only enthused, and I pray you forgive them of their error. And forgive me, Lord. I pray that You will give me power to make this evil one leave our sister, as she might be made well. For Satan has desired to do this, but Thou art God the healer. Come out of her, Satan, thou deaf spirit in the name of Jesus Christ.
Now, keep your head bowed just a minute. Do you believe Him with all your heart? ["What?"] Do you believe Him with all your heart? Believe Him? ["I certainly do."] You're healed too. All right. You may raise your head now. Here's her hearing aid, which was hid. Do you hear me now? ["I do."] You're well. Jesus Christ has healed you. You're all right and God bless you. Go in peace. God bless you.
Let's say, "Thanks be to God."

86 A woman that's ... Aren't you in distress, lady, with the red coat on sitting there? You have... It's strange but I see a hospital or something. It's a--it's a man and the doctors are fixing to operate, for something like adhesions, or something, and that ... It's a brother or something to you and that place is in Alabama. Isn't that right? Is that the truth? Stand up for his healing.
Almighty God, in the Name of Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Ghost I send Your blessings in Jesus' Name to the man. Why would You speak over this woman tonight in her deep sincerity if You wasn't going to let the one get well? I ask for his healing in Jesus Christ's name. May it be so. Amen.
Let's say, "Praise be to God."

87 Come. You believe me? Because that I preached the Word, the truth, you believe it's true? What if I told you something, and if it was the truth, you know that would be the truth? Your trouble is female trouble causing drainage which is ... (You know that's true?), which is an abscess. Your trouble's on your left side which is an abscess on the left ovary. You were healed when you was standing there in the line coming up awhile ago. Go home now. Jesus Christ has made you whole. Have faith. Believe with all your heart.

88 How do you do, sister? You believe me to be His servant? Would you obey me as His prophet? You do. I see you trying to move along somewhere holding your hands. It's arthritis.
Turn her loose, Satan, in the name of Jesus Christ I adjure thee to come out of the woman. Raise up your hand. Stomp your feet up and down like this. Your arthritis is gone and you're well. God bless you. You can go be made well.
Let's say, "Thanks be to God." Do you believe? "Have faith," Jesus said. Have faith in God.
Do you believe what you're praying for will come to pass, lady? Got something wrong with your foot or something, and you have a female trouble, also. Don't you? Inward trouble. Is that right? All right. You can go home and be well then in Jesus' name.

Mark 11:22 And Jesus answering saith unto them, Have faith in God.

89 Do you believe? You believe you're going to get over that asthma sitting back behind that man there with the brown coat on? You believe that God is going to make well, lady? You believe that He will? Here sits another lady setting right there with the same thing. You want to get over yours too, sister? Believe that God will make that sinus trouble to leave you and you will be made well? You wish to get over that low blood pressure sitting back there, sister? Do you believe that God will make well? If you do, you can have what you asked for, if you'll just have faith.
Do you believe? Is this the patient? We are strangers. I don't know you, but my Lord knows you, and it's Him that I'm trusting. I have nothing else I can trust. I'll admit I'm weak. My face feels numb, but I know that He is standing here. And I know that I could not heal you, but your life, you couldn't hide it, because that's a gift. I couldn't do what He has already done. That's heal you, His promise is that, but as His prophet when the anointing is here, every spirit here is subject now to God. Nothing can be hid. Jurisdiction of every spirit is now under control of God. If I be His branch in Him then everything's subject to what I'd say.

90 Satan has lied to you. You've been suffering. You're going through the change of life and that's been on you, the menopause, for about five years. You take every kind of medicine that comes along and ain't none of it does you any good. Isn't that the truth?
And you're also anemic. I see blood dripping between me and you, [unclear word] of life. Anemic. My loving sister, why don't you believe Jesus Christ makes you well? And don't have nothing to do with the devil [unclear words]. Go out of this building and be made well. If God is standing here with the power of His Spirit to let me know your life, can't He make you well? You believe if I curse the thing in Jesus Christ's name it will leave you? That's what you wanted me to do. I wasn't reading your mind, but you wanted me to put my hands on you because that's what you was believing. Is that right? Come here. I will do it.

91 Almighty God, Author of life, seeing that her faith lays in laying on of hands, oh, I pray for mercy. Those dark shadows hanging around the little woman knowing that Satan always along there to catch her in this time of life. But Jesus You're always standing in the shadows watching Your children. Nothing can harm them.
Now you enemy, as God's servant, I take charge over you. In the name of Jesus Christ come out of her. I lay my hands upon her, as God's servant commissioned by an Angel. You know about it. You've seen it happen. You told me if I'd be sincere that nothing would stand before the prayer. And I believe Him, and you're a loser, and I free this woman tonight from all these things in the name of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.

92 All right, lady. Look at here. If God knowed what was in your life, and what has been in your life, He surely would know. Yet, you are healed. You've always been just a little bit nervous. When you was a little girl, one time coming from school, I see you, or something, or other you run up towards a dog or something and you got frightened by it. Way back, had a little checkered plaid dress on. You remember that? It's all over now. You can go and be made well. God bless you. Be healed.
Are you believing? Everybody believes with one accord, one heart, one mind? It's unlimited what Jesus Christ will do. If I have found grace in your sight, and God has given me favor, believe me as His servant. I tell you by the authority of the witness of the Holy Spirit, He is here now, that you couldn't hide your life if you had to and by that same witness and by the Bible that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, has healed everybody in this building.

93 If you're ready to accept it, it was done nineteen hundred years ago at Calvary and it's yours freely as you can receive it tonight. Do you believe it? If you'll notice, not one thing crosses here unless God makes it go from the person while they're standing here; whether it's deaf, blind or whatever it is. If God can do it here at the platform, He can do it out there. If you'll bow your heads and believe, I will ask God to heal every one of you and you believe with all your heart, you'll be healed right now.
Almighty God, I ask You in this late hour of the night, as the people set long listening, I pray Thee, Father, to be merciful to the sick and the needy here.
[Brother Branham's voice becomes difficult too hear.]

Testimony (1959-04-11 Breakfast) (William M. Branham Sermons)

Testimony (1959-04-11 Breakfast) (William M. Branham Sermons) somebody


1 There's something about this kind of worship that just seems to be different. Just the simplicity of just letting your soul be blessed by the presence of the Lord. To me, that's real Christianity in action.
Each morning at the Angelus Temple, at 10 o'clock, I believe it is, Brother duPlessis speaks. Is that right, Brother duPlessis? He's a--one of the few men that I have ever met that really understood my ministry. And if you will come, I'm sure your souls will be blessed by hearing Brother duPlessis.
I just had the privilege of meeting his wife for the first time in my life. Such--she's just a typical Afrikaans woman. She said she was from Texas... You all love me in California? You know, Texas is the second, next to the greatest, state in the Union now? Hmm. Alaska's first, you know. [Brother Branham laughs] Oh, my, that makes Texas think, doesn't it? Well, my mother's from Texas, and I have some things to brag about Texas myself. And many great souls has come from Texas. I'm sure they'll be represented well in heaven when we get there: great revivals and so forth.

2 Now, today, and in this charged room with the Spirit of God, I could just expect anything to happen. It's when the people are assembled in one accord; that's when things take place.
Happy to have this morning, my friend, back here, that was hunting with me. I can't think of his name half the time. Brother Johnny from a--from Van Rooten: Burt Van Rooten. And so, he... We were hunting together up on the River of No Return, by the courtesy, myself, of the Christian Businessmen. We certainly had lots of good fellowship together.

3 And now, I think we don't have time to really take a text to speak to you, but I would just like to leave just this little testimony. And to think... Now, Brother duPlessis asked me to say to the audience that he wasn't walking out rudely, but he's got a service right now he's got to go to, and so... At the Angelus Temple; he's speaking there this morning. And tonight, we expecting another great outpouring of His Spirit at the Temple. Last night we had an unusual night at the Temple.
Now, some of the old timers to the Temple was standing out there in the little alley as I passed through, just weeping, and saying, "This seems like the old times." One fellow that I called "Big Mike," I guess he may be present. He's kind of an usher there, or something. He was just having himself a jubilee.

4 Now, I was speaking last night on the leadings of the Holy Spirit, how God leads. And if we could just think in our minds that all these things come from God.
And about a week ago, I had a--a letter from an incident that taken place about fourteen years ago and of thinking--wanting to question, "Are these healings mental healings or are they physical healings?" And I thought I would just express that this morning, what taken place that happened to a colored girl in Jonesboro, Arkansas, about fourteen years ago at the beginning of my ministry.

5 We had... There was no one on the field then but myself. Brother Roberts and them had not come in yet, and Brother Coe, and many of the great workers in the field today. And I'd been there eight days straight at the platform and had not left: just stayed there day and night. And would take a little nap against the side of the pulpit, and they'd bring me some orange juice; and I was determined to stay till I prayed for everyone. But there was... At the end of the eight days, there were thousands or more than there was at the beginning.
And so, I remember of someone motioning to me with a uniform on. And--and it was a--an ambulance driver. And he said, "I've got a patient out here that's dying. Can you come to her?"

6 Just the night before there had been a man that was a shoe cobbler, up in another city in Arkansas, that had been blind for some twenty years. And when he passed through the line, the Holy Spirit had told him about his conditions and pronounced him healed. Well, when he left the building, he could not see any more than he did when he come in the building, but he knew that I did not know him and there had to be some sort of a supernatural Being to speak it; because he knew I knowed nothing of him. And he accepted that Person, not me, the One that was speaking.
And the story was, as they threw it on the radio the next morning and across the country, that on his road home that night, about two o'clock in the morning, he began to see the lights of the car flickering in front of him. And the next morning he rushed into his own church, the Methodist church and there they were... He caused so much disturbment till he was thrown out. And then down the street he went into one church and then the other to testify. And it caused a commotion.

7 Many of the peoples had come from the hospitals and were wanting to be prayed for. As we went out across, some men helping me to the ambulance, there was a--a typical Arkansas mother, laying there, dying with cancer. And her husband thought that she was dead, for she had just went into an--a coma, frankly. And she was--she was laying quietly and her husband knelt down in the back of the ambulance where the driver put me in. And he said, "Brother Branham, she longed so much for you to pray for her." Said, "She was a good woman." Said, "She helped hire... There was the harrow over these old clods here, and she made me what I am." And said, "She's a mother of five children." And he said, "I sold my farm and I put her in the hospital, and the last thing we sold was our--our team. The doctors has fought faithfully," he said, "to save her life, but she was given up and sent home. And to get the ambulance to bring us down, she sold her blackberries that we canned two years ago, to get the money to come. And now she lays quiet; she's dead."

8 And I took a hold of her hand, and he knelt down in his old patched shirt, faded out... And as I prayed just a little prayer, I thought I seen the wrinkles in her forehead kindly frown. Satan said to me, "Of course, you know that's just the reaction of the muscles. She's dead." But as I continued to pray, her hand gripped mine like that. And Satan said again, "It's just the muscles." But I just kept on praying.
In a few moments she raised up, and she said, "Who are you?" And her old husband, so overcome by the bringing of life again to his sweet wife, he threw his arms around her, begin to scream, "Mother."
I slipped out the door of the ambulance, and I said, "Can you get me back to the platform?"
And the man said, "There's two thousand people between here and the door." He said, "I'll take you around in the back of the parking lot and see if I can make the way in."

9 And just to show that God will respect those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, when we got to where the line of the chartered buses was, I heard a noise. And I looked, and it was a young colored girl, nicely dressed. In Arkansas, in those days had strict segregation. And she was blind, and she was trying to find her way around, calling for her papa. I noticed her because she was kindly tall, and she was saying, "Oh, papa, where are you?" and feeling with her hands, and saying, "Won't somebody help me to find my papa?"
Well, I stood still. No one knew me, 'cause I'd just been in the temple all the time, and they couldn't get near the place. So I just stood there just a moment, and I looked at her. And she said, "Somebody, please help me find my papa." Nobody seemed to pay any attention to her. And I was standing still, watching her. She come moving through the crowd.

10 And I thought of old blind Anna in the temple, that when she had prayed so long, and waited for the consolation of Israel, and when they brought our Lord into the temple to do for Him after the custom of the law, the Holy Spirit led her through that crowd, her being blind, up to where He was. And I stood still. And the young woman come moving on up, and finally she staggered right into me. She said, "Pardon me." And she started again. And I said, "Who are you looking for, young lady?"
She said, "Sir, I'm looking for my papa." She said, "I have... We come over here from Memphis to see the healer." And said, "My papa was trying to find a way for me to get in, and he told me to stand still; but they pushed me out of the place, and I've lost where I was standing; and I'm blind, and I can't find my way back. Would you be so kind," she said, "to help me to the bus where my papa can find me?"

11 Now, this seems like being a hypocrite, but I said, "What did you say you come over here to see?"
She said, "I come over to see the healer." She said, "You see, sir, I've been blind for years." And she said, "I heard on the radio this morning of a man who got his sight." And said, "Papa got the money ready, and we got on the chartered bus, and I come over to see him. And now they say you can't even get near the building."
I said, "You don't believe in such stuff as that, do you?" I said, "In the days when we got such fine doctors..."
She said, "But you see, sir, they can't do me no good."
And I said, "You mean to tell me that you believe that the prayer of that man would do something for me--or for you?"
And she said like this. I never forget it. She said, "I'll tell you what I'll do. If you'll just help me in where that man is, then I'll find my papa." What a rebuke to me.

12 I thought of blind Fanny Crosby. She'd heard of this other man being healed, the other blind person, and I thought of Fanny Crosby when she wrote,
Pass me not, O gentle Saviour,
Hear my humble cry;
While on others Thou are calling,
Do not pass me by.
Thou the Stream of all my comfort,
More than life to me,
Whom have I on earth beside Thee?
Or Whom in heaven but Thee?
And while God is healing in Angelus Temple, He can heal in this upper room. He's the God Who healed that man on that wheelchair last night, brought back with cancer off of the cot to rejoice when he couldn't even move. The One Who healed little Ricky, the One Who sent the message all the way across the sea and spoke to that woman dying with diabetes, and here sets her sister here this morning: called back. He's the same God now.

13 And I looked at her, and I said to her, "I--I... Maybe I'm the one you're supposed to see." See how God locks things just exactly right. Why was I taken to the back? She grabbed me by the lapels of my coat like that, and she said, "Are you the healer?"
And I said, "No, sister, I am not. I'm just your brother."
She said, "I want to see the healer."
And I said, "I hope that you see Him someday, and I believe you will."
She said, "What is your name?"
And I said, "Brother Branham."
She said, "You's the one I want to see."
And I said, "Now, no one knows me. I'll pray for you, but don't let it be known. Take your hand..." And I couldn't pull her hands off of my lapel. She was holding on for dear life. And I said to her, "I can pray if you'll believe."
She said, "That's all I ask you to do." And we bowed our heads, and while we were praying, I heard a scream. And she ran out into the lot, throwing people one way or the other, and she fell on the ground screaming, "I, who was once blind, can now see."
A few weeks ago, I got a letter from her. Oh, her eyes are 20/20. She don't even have to wear glasses or nothing. It's amazing grace of God that does these things. It's something that Jesus Christ gave to His church to enjoy the privileges of good health.

14 I remember that night. As we close, I might say this: when the Lord give the ministry to me to go pray for His children, as you all know I've been brought up in a poor home, and that's the reason I'm uneducated, and can't speak, and so forth; but, I asked the Lord: I don't want to be great. I don't want to be popular, I just want to be honest; that's all I desire, that you can know that I telling the truth because I represent Him.
And when I started on the field to pray for the sick, I--I didn't have a suit to put on. And I never taken a offering yet in my life. And my brother, a sinner boy at that time, had been in an automobile accident and they cut his clothes all up. And he gave me that old suit. And the trousers were torn pretty well. And my wife went down to the ten cent store and got some of them patches you iron on with the iron, you know. And she'd fixed up the trousers pretty well, and the pocket was torn out. And I got me a needle and thread, and kindly whipped the pocket over, you know, patched it up, sewed it. And I'm not very good with a needle.

15 And I remember, when they would introduce me to ministers such as we have here this morning, I was kindly ashamed of the coat. It was on the right side, and that's--I had reach my right hand. So I'd hold my hand, sleeve, down over that torn pocket, and reach out my left hand to shake hands with the ministers, and saying excuse my left hand, but it's closer to my heart. But the thing was that I was ashamed of that old torn pocket.
But when those people saw that young Ethiopian girl with her sight, there stood an old man there with a club and a twisted foot; he said, "I know who you are, Brother Branham. I've been standing here three days in this rain. If you'll just ask God, God will heal my foot." What can be done at that time?
I said to him, "My brother, if you believe that Jesus died and rose again the third day to make all these things possible, hand me your club. And when he handed the club, he wasn't just kidding, he meant it. And I seen with my own two eyes; that twisted club foot come straight; and he jumped into the air and begin to scream.
Four man rushed around me but people, mother's with their little babies trying to get in close enough, just to touch that old ragged coat, and God was healing them. It wasn't the ragged coat, nor it wasn't the one that was wearing it. It was the Lord Jesus that's here this morning, honoring their faith. He leads us in mysterious ways because He loves us. He makes it so simple until it goes over the head of the wise and prudent, as He said it would, and shall reveal Hisself to babes such as will learn.

16 I am sensitive enough of the Holy Spirit to know now that there's many people that are suffering right here in this building. And why not us just settle it now and accept what Jesus did for you all? The same God was out there that night, is the same God that's here right now. And you have the same needs that they had. And He is no respecter of persons. The Scriptures are true. These things are done that it might vindicate that we're living in the last days, in the shadow of the coming of the Lord.
As one speaker just said awhile ago, and being called into the President, to the cabinet, and so forth, to ask the question, "What can be done?"... There's nothing can be done. Just get ready to meet the Lord. We have sinned away our day of grace, and there's only one thing left, and that's the coming of the Lord. And these signs and wonders that you see taking place, are...

Testimony (1963-11-28 Morning) (William M. Branham Sermons)

Testimony (1963-11-28 Morning) (William M. Branham Sermons) somebody


1 Brother Don, thank you. This is kind of a sudden surprise. [Someone says, "A nice one."] Well, it's a... Thank you, ever who said that. Thank you, very much.
I was enjoying those songs. My, I like to hear that! You know, I love good singing, and I hear plenty of it when I come down here. Usually I'm not... When I come down, having healing services or something, I have to kind of stay alone, by myself, and then, the boys get these tapes. And then when I get home, or have some work to do in the office, then I sit down and listen to those tapes, over and over. And I hear everything that's said.

2 And I'm glad to see Brother Gerholtzer here this morning, an old friend of the gospel; of many years ago was out in the same work, praying for the sick, perhaps years before I ever knew about praying for the sick. And so, another man here ... personal friends. I see a great host here last night from the tabernacle up at Jeffersonville. And so, we're very glad.
And I met Brother Young Brown. I said, "Brother Jack said his name was Young, and it fits him." When he told me he was sixty-something years old, I could hardly believe it. He hasn't changed a bit since the first time I was here in Shreveport. That's right, just looks the same.

3 Well, God is good to us. And I like those ... the way them songs this morning was, with a depth to it; something that's real, something that means something. You can drink it in. I could hardly refrain from crying right out loud, when I heard them singing that song, about something about the 23rd Psalm there. And then come over, and this lovely song that they just sang--the trio there. Just to think of the...
There's something in it that you feel on the inside of you, your emotions pulsating knows that the kingdom of God is near at hand. All these things that we've talked about and wondered about, is now fixing to take place. Some of us may fall asleep before that time comes, but that will not prevent our resurrection, because it gives the privilege of coming before those who have changed.

4 "The trumpet of God shall sound; the dead in Christ shall rise first; then we which are alive and remain." Did you notice the order of the resurrection? "... shall be caught up together with them." We meet each other before we meet Him. "... be caught up together to meet them ... with them, to meet the Lord in the air.
See, He's God, and then when He wants to be worshipped, that's what his very nature is, is to be worshipped, because He's God. And He knows if we were there, be looking out of the corner of your eye to see if the other one's there, but ... and then it wouldn't be the complete way of free worship. When we stand there, and we know we've met each other first, and greeted each other, and then to stand by Him who caused it all, and sing the songs of redemption! As Brother Jack has many times made the statement, "When angels will circle the earth, with bowed heads, not knowing what we're talking about." See, because they've never been redeemed. But we had to be redeemed, and how we'll crown Him King of kings, and Lord of lords.

1 Thessalonians 4:16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:

1 Thessalonians 4:17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.

5 I don't know what to say. I didn't think about saying anything; I just come up here. I guess it's testimony time, just to give a testimony. And so, tonight, the Lord willing, I think... I've looked at the little schedule, for the services, and I think I'm to bring my message tonight, on the Easter or, pardon me, Thanksgiving message tonight. And then we want to take then, perhaps the rest of the week, if the Lord willing, in praying for the sick. We want you to gather out, after this little jubilee of Thanksgiving, which is a memorial of a great meeting that was held here one time in Shreveport, a few ... about three years ago, when you had this revelation of coming in. And the Lord did bless so mightily here in that meeting! And I trust that the Lord will continue, and may there be souls saved here, until the last name's on the book in God's great recording station on high, those who've accepted Christ as Saviour, been filled with his Spirit.

6 Now let's just bow our heads a moment. I'm thinking of a scripture here.
Lord Jesus, we are a most grateful people this morning, but yet, we're just limited with expression. If our hearts could give away to what we want to, we don't know how we would behave ourselves. And no wonder You said, there'll not be room enough to contain the blessing that God would pour out upon us. And we're grateful for this. And we just pray, Lord, as we bow our heads in adoration of You, that You will receive our thanksgiving. There's so many things that we have to be thankful for, and we could not express them, but we just say, "Thanks be to God."

Malachi 3:10 Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the LORD of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.

7 And above all things that we're thankful for, is that great gift of God to the world, when God gave His Son, to make a way for our redemption... We're so grateful for that! And we embrace that, and have since...
Lord, I can remember, since a little boy, that's what I've lived for. Now as I'm getting old, know that the sun will just set, not many more times till I'll be summoned, and what I've lived for, I'll go to enjoy. I know, Lord, that there's many fellow citizens, of the same kingdom, that waits likewise, this morning, for that time to come. For, that which we have taken the journey for, to serve Him and to try to direct our fellowman to a life eternal, that great hour is soon approaching. We can just, somehow feel it down in us, that it's nearer than maybe we're able to think.
And we pray that You'll bless us now, and continue with Thy blessings that Thou hast been giving us this morning. And now, as we read a portion of Thy Word, or a verse or two, we pray that the great Holy Spirit will take these verses, and a testimony, to his honor. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.

8 I thought of a place here, I believe its found in Corinthians, II Corinthians 9, the 14th verse, and 15.
... by their prayers for you, which long after you for ... exceeding grace of God in you.
Thanks be to God for his unspeakable gift.
Paul, here speaking of the grace of God that's in you, the unspeakable gift, of the Holy Spirit, that dwells among the people. He was thanking God for what that they had, the Holy Spirit had come upon these people, the unspeakable gift of God, so rich and pure.

2 Corinthians 9:14 And by their prayer for you, which long after you for the exceeding grace of God in you.

2 Corinthians 9:15 Thanks be unto God for his unspeakable gift.

9 Now, I don't have nothing in my mind, exactly, so I thought I'd just kind of give a little testimony of my experience with Christ in the last few days. It's been most glorious!
All my life, you know, you've heard me, many of you. And I thought I would say this for some of the Tabernacle people that's sitting here. My congregation at the Tabernacle is made up from about three nations, of a morning, when we speak; Mexico, Canada, United States. Pretty near every... Here the other day there was twenty-eight different states, for one little Sunday school service, see, twenty-eight different states represented. I want to say this to the glory of God. In traveling, I think that... Through prayer and supplications, being an off-cast as we were, rejected by the church world, so-called today, that Tabernacle has growed into the mightiest headquarters of God's grace, of any place I know in the world. I have never seen such, as the Lord doing there. It's just ... it's unspeakable, how, what He is a-doing there, just in humility, just the people coming in from everywhere. And we're grateful for that little station, of where some of the people around the country gather in to enjoy the grace and spread grace to the others.

2 Corinthians 9:14 And by their prayer for you, which long after you for the exceeding grace of God in you.

2 Corinthians 9:15 Thanks be unto God for his unspeakable gift.

10 Now, all my life, it seemed I wanted to go West. And many of you has read the stories and hear the tapes.
The tape ministry is a worldwide thing, everywhere. I think it's one way God has got scattering the message back into the heathen lands, back in where it has to be translated and in Germany and so forth, they got tapes that go to their congregations of hundreds and hundreds of people; and put little things in their ears, and run it onto a tape. And just as I'm speaking, the minister stands there making the same expressions, and in the other languages, and bringing it out before hundreds. And hundreds are being saved and healed, just through the tapes going out across the world. All in English, but being translated in many, many different language in tribes around the world. We hear from them, back through the mail.

11 And now I'm saying this, it's going to be a personal testimony to the glory of God, that it might be that you would understand in the coming nights, of what I want to say, if the Lord willing. You'll understand. Like I was trying to say last night, the world coming to a place it's falling apart, politically, socially, economically.
You say, Economics? More money!"
Yes, but where is it coming from? We're borrowed on taxes that will be paid forty years from today. She is broke. She is bankrupt, nation; not this nation, but all of them. And there is no way ever getting it back. And it's a trap set exactly to swing this nation into something. And all of you are wise on that. Well, who has got the wealth of the world? Who holds it? [Someone says, "Rome."] Sure, it does. Rome holds it. And whenever we do, when we get broke, instead of these big merchants to back the whiskey, and so forth like, have to get the money. What will they have to do? Either change the currency or borrow the money. And when they do, it's the birthright sold right back, exactly just as perfect, and just what the Scripture says about it.

12 I'd like to get a place sometime, the Lord willing, when a tent comes on the scene. And I believe that's soon now, soon I'm going worldwide. I got a worldwide meetings coming now. And I'd like to get a place where I could set down for about six weeks, and just take those things and go through them, you see, back and forth, through the Scripture.
And it's astounding to see the hour that we're living in! It frightens me. It frightens me, not because... In my heart, the joy bells are ringing, knowing that the coming of the Lord is so close at hand. But, what frightens me, is to know that so many is unprepared for the hour that we are facing. That's the bad part.

13 How many ever heard the story about the squirrels up there that time? Many, oh, of course, I guess, everywhere. A little something like that happened the other day. And I was... You have heard the story about the mountains, coming down, when the Lord wrote those things on the mountains the other day. My, my life...
I'm not a preacher. Anybody know that. I'm not a preacher. But it's made up in a spiritual form, of watching things and seeing things move, and forewarning people of things that's coming to pass. And it's just that's my make-up I can't help that, no more than you can help your make-up. But God has put us, each one, in the Body, to do certain things. And I watch every little move, every objective, every motive, 'cause everything is governed by spirit.

14 This church was put here for a purpose. There is a spirit behind this church. Certainly. Spirit behind your home, behind every building. Behind everything there is a spirit, motive, and objective. This church comes here to greatly exalt some human system or something, then its motives is not right; but if it's put here to try to achieve something for the Kingdom of God, then the motive and objective, both, is right, if the motives is directed that way.

15 Now, I've been thinking. Since the ministry, and the first, second, and third phase of the ministry. When I first come to Shreveport, I told you people that the Lord ... you would lay your hands up, like upon my hand, and it would signify the same. And the Holy Spirit never failed one time, but what told you exactly what was wrong with you. I told you then, that. He told me that day, that, "There would be a time that when you know the very secret of the heart," not knowing that the Word says that will be. I didn't know that. But the Word does say that, "The Word of God is a discerner of the thoughts and the intents of the heart," Hebrews, the 4th chapter.

16 Now, that Word, you see, you must never leave that Word. You must stay exactly with that Word, the way it's written. Don't put no private interpretation to it. Just say it just the way it's written. That is God's Word, and that is God. God and His Word is the same, just the same.
And as I said last night, there is a portion of Word laid for every age. And there is some anointing comes down, that projects that portion of Word for that age. And you see where we're at today. Read what we're supposed to be doing, then you'll know how far we are. I only see one thing left, the coming of the Lord Jesus, at any time, a rapture for the church, and we're to meet Him in the air. Now these things has got to come to pass in this day, just as He promised they would do it.

17 And now about five years ago, after that had served its time. Each one of those phases had served its time. And He give visions, and many of you tape listeners, and so forth, know that there was coming one more phase, and He simply drawed that out so perfect. There is men sitting right here now, I'm looking at, was right there and seen it take place as perfect as I ever seen in my life. And even took pictures of it of what the Lord God said would take place. And we went right there, and there it was, just exactly like He said. Just about...

18 Like the March 17th, the March issue of the Life magazine, you seen that circle of light in the skies, thirty miles high, twenty-seven miles across. Why, moisture is only about nine miles high, and they can't even make up what it was.
And right standing beneath that, a man that is sitting right present now, was right standing there by me, when seven angels come down from God, visibly standing right there, and told me about the end-time, and these revelations and things of the book of revelation, the seven seals, and said, "Return home, and one by one will bring the message." That's right. And it went right up, and begin to turn white as it went up; on up, and a blast that shook the mountains, till rocks, size of a bucket, fell out of the mountains, like that.

19 And nothing was around. Even the newspaper said they checked to see if there was a sound breaker, or plane, or something. There was nothing, no planes up, nor nothing. Besides, a plane breaker could not do that.
And then it was foretold it would be that way, six months before it happened, six months. And there it was. And the science searching it today, right there in Tucson and different places, they can't understand what was that up there. And then if you'll get the magazine and look, you can even see the shapes of their wings is still in there as they're going up, the seven angels. And we know that these things are correct, friends. Oh, if there ever was a time that the church ought to be in deep sincerity, it should be right now. Now!

20 Just, it's done something to me, in myself. For five years now, I've wondered what was wrong. I felt in my heart like I was all crushed down with something, and I couldn't make out what it was. During the time of this great crushing, and so forth, I've just plastered around and around, across the country.
And the government had me under an investigation because, when we have the meetings, somebody write a check "William Branham" and I'd just sign it and hand it back. And then we got a package of all of our meetings, and when they looked through there and found out that it went in to pay the campaign. Yet, as I signed my name to it, I identified the check to myself, and they had me I owed the government 300,000 dollars. And they wouldn't let me leave, and I had to stay here, and so forth, for a great time to search through all of this. And I'm not, everything went ... they said, "Yes, it went into the campaign, but the people made the check to you. And, when you endorsed it, you identified yourself with the check, and you owe taxes on it. If you never even held it a second in your hand, it's still yours because you endorsed it."

21 I didn't know it. I don't know all the mechanics of this laws and things. I was supposed to have a stamp to stamp it, instead of sign it. When I signed it, it means it's mine. And then they cut right into the package and find, there, it was placed right into the fund and spent out like that. I draw a salary from my church, of a hundred dollars a week. There sits a trustee, sitting right there, that knows that's right. And that's all I get from that. And, otherwise, it goes right into the campaign.

22 Now, I felt like I was crushed, for the last four or five years. Well, I'd went up into Canada, just recently, on a little trip of going hunting. And when I did, the Lord helped me up there to lead a whole tribe of Indians to the Lord Jesus. And I have to go back when the creeks thaw up, up there, and things, to baptize the whole tribe, in the name of the Lord Jesus; because the healing of an Indian woman dying in a heart attack, that the priest wouldn't come to, way back in the jungles where I had to ride for hours, horseback. There are those sitting here now, who was present when it happened.

23 And now, then, coming down, I had to stop over in Colorado, to visit some of my friends there, some ministers. I'm a guide in Colorado, and I was taking them on a hunting trip. Two or three of those men, three or four, five of them are sitting right present now to know this. And it's been awful dry in Colorado this year, as it has been across the nation. And fires were very ... going to be very bad, so they delayed the hunting season a while.
But while we were up there, there come forth an issue that there was coming a blizzard. And it's dangerous to be in the mountains at that time, 'cause sometimes I've seen you couldn't even see your hand before you, for hours after hours and thirty foot of snow dumped right out in one time, just in a few hours, right on top of you, you perish. So I told my brethren, that morning when we was leaving out, I said, "Now the blizzard..."

24 Practically a hundred men, or more, had been back in behind us. And here come jeeps, trucks, and everything going right on out, because they knowed what was going to happen. No one left back, but the cowhand himself back there, which he winters back there.
And we were the only truck, that stayed in. And I asked the brethren. They said, "We're going to stay." So then, "All right," I said, "now be ready." And we went out and got ... a Methodist minister and I went and got some more bread and stuff, so we could find it; it was about thirty miles in and back. So we come back, Brother John and them sitting here, they heard that and away they went; they got out at the time, so the blizzard struck. But we was going to stay over, and I was going to Tucson for a meeting, and I called my wife and told her that we'd ... if I didn't get there, to let somebody else substitute in my place.

25 And the next morning we started out. I said, "Now, the first time," it was real cloudy, "you hear the rain fall, or anything, get back to that camp as quick as you can, 'cause within ten, fifteen minutes, you'll never see your way back again." And so I had the men placed out, and went up over the top of the ridge, walking up, trying to run deer down on them.
And I'd ... a few days before that, shooting my rifle in, down in Tucson; coming back up there had throwed it out a little bit to the right. I shot a big buck that I had been looking for, for many years, and it hit him too high, and he had died down there and I couldn't find him, the weather was getting bad.

26 I thought, "I'd run up and take a look." And when I got up on top of the mountain, I noticed the rain started, the sleet falling, and the big drops of snow, the size of a silver dollar, just plastering everywhere, and the winds twisting. I knew everyone was on the run, back to the camp then. Well, I waited a few moments, and I thought, "I'll never be able to find this deer at this time, under this storm."
So on we went, started down the mountain, just could see about ten feet in front of me. And about... I was about four miles or more, to get in to the place. Knowing, I come down the mountain, knowing the country so well, 'cause I've herded cattle there for years and years. Coming down the mountain, I got about a half a mile from the saddle, to where ... crossing like this, across the range to where I was at and there was...

27 I had been feeling that horrible burden. "I've cried. I've prayed. I've confessed. What can I do? What is it that I've done?" Like you had done something real evil; like you had hurt somebody, and you know you ought to make it right. What was I condemned about? I knew not. I said, "Lord, if You'll only reveal it to me, I'll make it right. But what have I done but stand and preach, and do all that I knowed to do? And I've tried to live clean, clear and just according to Your Word. But what have I done?" And still that burden would not let up, year after year. I thought about it on the mountain, that morning, and I started down.

28 The day before was my anniversary to my wife and I were married twenty years before that. And I have never been home on our anniversary. And I always go up to the mountain, a little place where there is some quaking asp. The first year we were married, I didn't have enough money to take a honeymoon, for a little trip, and then take a hunting trip too, so I took my wife on a hunting trip for the honeymoon. So that looked like, kind of getting it, got both at the same time.
And I remember, the little fellow, I'd pick her up and lift her over logs, and things. And we got up to a little place, and took her picture, and it's always kind of fair. I think of that, and thing of her black hair and how pretty she was; and now gray and just a few years has done to her.
I thought, "I believe I'll go up there, but it's too hard." The snow was too hard then.
I knowed I had to get in, because they had broadcast a severe blizzard on the road. They had broadcast it across the nation. I don't know whether Tom Simpson is sitting here this morning, or not. Coming down from Canada, he was told by radio, not to even go through that country at all. Everybody said, "Don't go through there. Go the other way, 'cause a horrible blizzard is sweeping across."

29 And I started down the mountain, thinking about that, and about ten o'clock in the morning. And all of a sudden, just as plain as you hear my voice, the voice said, "Stop, and turn around and go back."
Now I couldn't tell this amongst people that's unbelievers. You only have to tell it to believers, and then, because the unbelievers will never understand it. You got to have a spiritual mind to understand spiritual things. The Word is spiritual. It's interpreted spiritual. And it's God's Word. And I stopped, and I thought, "If I go back up there, another half a mile back up, the storm raging like it is..."

30 And David Wood had made me a sandwich, and, it was! I think he was getting even with me for making his father one, one time. We didn't have nothing but some onions and honey and bread, and, I put it all together, we made us a sandwich. And he could hardly eat his. And I think he was trying to get even with me for that, so he put... I don't know what all kind he... And going up the mountain, the rain falling so fast, it got it wet, and it was just in one big wad. I thought, "Well, I'll eat that and wait."
While I was standing there, thought, "That wasn't nothing. I just imagined it was a wind, probably, the way it's blowing, twisting through these trees." And I started to walk on. I just could not walk. And I thought, "Well, I believe I'll go back."
And I heard it again. "Go back where you come from." It said that. I started up the mountain, stopped. And I thought, "Maybe I..." I was getting scared to go back to where I was at, because the winds were so terrific.
Sometimes God makes us do things that seems very dangerous and out of line. How about Moses with that stick, going down to take over Egypt? And everything we find like that, that God asks the impossible, see, so that He does the impossible, that men will know that it isn't him; it's God that's doing it.

31 I went back up to the top of the mountain again, finding my way through the blowing, twisting trees. And I sat down and took my gun, and keep the scope from getting ... up like that, bear run in that kind of time, and so I put my scope back under my shirt like this, and sat down a moment. I thought, "What am I doing, sitting here?"
But God works in mysterious ways, His wonders to perform. They're past find out, to the carnal mind. They'll never catch a glimpse of it. And as I walked back up and sat down, sitting there thinking on God. "Wonder why I come back." I thought, "My, time I get to the bottom of the hill, that storm getting more terrific all the time, closing in, you couldn't see very far ahead of you." And now...

32 You don't have to believe this, but this is true. A voice spoke to me, and said, "I am the Lord God. I've created the heavens and the earth. Nature obeys me."
And then I sat there a little bit, jerked off my hat. And that voice, somewhere, I couldn't see it. Only thing, I could hear it. It was around there in them trees, somewhere--I thought. Usually you see that light that all of you know about, usually it's there, but I looked everywhere and I couldn't see the light. I said, "Where are You, O God, my creator?" I looked around. I couldn't hear it no more, hear His voice. I waited a few minutes.
He said, "I am the Lord God that had you to speak those squirrels into existence." And all of you know about that. And so help me, with this Bible before me, on this Thanksgiving morning, if that isn't true, God may strike me dead at the platform now. See, it's true. He is still just as much Creator, a God that could provide a ram for Abraham, can provide. He is still Jehovah-jireh. The Lord can provide!

33 Where did Abraham get that ram? Look, a three-days' journey from civilization, up on top of the mountain, where there is no water or nothing. And he had need of a ram, and there was a ram hooked in the wilderness, by its horns. And Abraham had went around and picked up rock, all around there to make this altar; but God still remains Jehovah-jireh, the Lord will provide for Himself.
Whatever He has promised, that He is able to do! That's that Word in Matthew there, I think, Mark 11:22, "If you say to this mountain." I never could understand that. You know the story about that.
And, so help me, that's true. He said, "I am the one that provided that, them squirrels," He said. Now when... I listened again, to see what He would say. Nothing stopped; wind just howling, going on. I have to bite myself, 'cause...

Genesis 22:4 Then on the third day Abraham lifted up his eyes, and saw the place afar off.

Genesis 22:13 And Abraham lifted up his eyes, and looked, and behold behind him a ram caught in a thicket by his horns: and Abraham went and took the ram, and offered him up for a burnt offering in the stead of his son.

Matthew 21:21 Jesus answered and said unto them, Verily I say unto you, If ye have faith, and doubt not, ye shall not only do this which is done to the fig tree, but also if ye shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; it shall be done.

Mark 11:23 For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith.

34 Let me tell you something. Real spiritual minds is one step from insanity. Did you know that? A scientific research will tell you that. Here you are down here slow and slumpy; and then you come up a little more spiritual, then you're about like this; then you go to like a dull axe; and then to a honed razor. Now which side you would fall on there. If a man tries to lift hisself up there, he is sure to go on the wrong side. If God lifts him up there, he is far above the average person. There is where visions and things break through. There is where the kingdom of God is. Poets, prophets, and all were considered neurotics.

35 Jesus, Himself, was called a crazy man. Said, "We know You're mad and got a devil." Mad means "crazy." Look at all the poets and prophets through the ages, has been considered that, that extremely try ... if you try to pull yourself up there, you're gone, you'll never make it. It takes a hand reaching down from glory, to hold you on that edge there, between the right and wrong things. And standing on them edges is where you look across into Beulah land.
Then on that very hour, it spoke again, or that very same time, sitting up there. He said, "I am the one that stood on the ship that night, and made the winds and the waves to cease." Said, "Rise up on your feet and rebuke this storm, and it will obey exactly what you say." That's been that third stage of the ministry coming. It's been moving up for years. Look like there is something that keeps ... worried, I think, "Oh, don't..." But that's exactly what He done. And this is Him again, it's just exactly His Spirit again, just exactly.

John 10:20 And many of them said, He hath a devil, and is mad; why hear ye him?

36 But I've had so many carnal impersonations upon the other, it makes me scared to even think about it. 'Cause, you'll have that, just as sure as the world. There is always the mixed multitudes. And that carnal impersonation has to follow it. It did in His days; it did in Moses' days; it'll do it in every day. It'll do it in this day when the Holy Spirit is trying to do the work. But still, if a person is spiritual, the carnal impersonation only magnifies the right one, the real article of God.

37 And standing there, at that time, I raised up and I said, "Lord, God, great creator of nature, I believe that that's You speaking. Not one time have You ever showed me anything that was wrong, and not one time have You let me say anything but what come to pass."
I said, "Therefore, I say to this storm that's a-raging, 'Go to your places. Go back, leave this alone. And I command that the sun will shine for the next four days, till these men can get their trophies, and I can help them get them, and get out of these mountains.' "
And the Lord God, who is my solemn judge this morning; that rain and things twisting, within a moment's time there wasn't a bit of it. I looked, and there was a wind come from the other way, across the top of the mountain, and lifted up those clouds like that. Within just a matter of a few minutes, the sun was broke up, right through the top, and shining right down, just as pretty as it could be.

38 Just the same way it did in Germany. You remember the story in Germany. When, them witches, fifteen on one side, cut ... took a scissor and cut a feather, pointed it back this way, and stood there going through their enchantments, and said they would blow the tent away, of thirty thousand people. And Brother Arganbright was standing there. And here come the storm, and cloud coming right up. I stood there by Brother Lowster. Many of you know him, the American-born German here that's my interpreter there. He stood right there. I said, "Don't interpret this." But I said, "Lord God, You give me a vision and sent me to Germany. These witches has brought up this storm. You're the God of creation, let it be known that You are God!" No one but what could understand English, and that wasn't a dozen there that knew what I was speaking about.
Just then the tent raising up like this, with thirty thousand people beneath it, jumping up-and-down like that, settled down, and the clouds and thunders roared away. In less than five minutes, the sun was shining right down through, when about fifteen thousand Germans came to the Lord Jesus Christ. He is still God. He is just as God as much as He ever was.

39 Well, as I stood there on that hill... Coming out about four days later, anyone here knows the truth, not one cloud was in the sky, from that hour, for four days.
When I come down and go out, went to buy gasoline when we come out of the mountains, I said, "We've been pretty dry."
Said, "Yes, it's been dry." Said ... he said, "We was looking for a storm the other day. It come up, but we don't know, the thing stopped," see.
I went on down to the other side of Colorado, stopped to get some gas. Billy Paul, my son back there, we were together. I said, "Let's just see if it stopped down here."
And I drove in. I said, "Good morning," so we started talking to the man.
He said, "Good morning."
I said, "Sure a beautiful day."
He said, "Yes, the old sun's coming out--hot again." Said, "She sure burned us up this summer."
I said, "Yeah." I said, "Well, that's all across the nation."
He said, "Yeah, I understand."
And I said, "It's getting almost time for your storms."
He said, "You know what?" Said, "All the papers, radio, and everything else, give the storm coming the other day. And the clouds come, and the storm started. And all at once, we don't know what happened to it, it all went away."

40 He is still God, just as much God as He ever was. But how can a man say those things unless God tells him first to say it? See, not under impression; but you know what you're saying, then do it. But wait, don't try to say, "Oh, that's the way! Many people, I think, and gifts of God... Wait till you know it's God. See, wait till the voice comes, and you hear it, and know it, see it, then you can say it's "Thus saith the Lord." If it isn't "Thus saith the Lord," then it's your impression, it's what somebody else thinks. People request people, "Say this for me. Do this for me." How can you do it, if you're honest with God, until God first tells you? How can I tell you, "Thus saith Jack Moore," and Jack Moore hasn't said nothing to me? See? It's got to come first from God, not impressed. It's got to be God, and then it will happen, for it is then "Thus saith the Lord."

41 Now, everybody won't have that. No, sir. It won't be that way. It never was that way. It never will be that way. God deals with an individual. He did in the days of Noah. He did in the days of Joshua. He did in the days of Moses. He has always. He has never made a system. It's been an individual, 'cause two men ain't alike, no time. See, He never did do no more. But everybody didn't have to be Moses. They didn't understand it; they just followed. And the Holy Spirit, if a man is anointed of God, will direct you to follow the Holy Spirit and the Bible, for He is the one who does these things, Jesus Christ in the form of the Holy Ghost working in the people.

42 Standing there, I started to walk back down. I stood there. I cried. I couldn't help it, to see what had happened right there in a moment.
And the brethren up there, now how many was ... is there somebody here? I know Fred Sothmann and them is here, was up there; no, Fred was with me at the other place. Is there any here now that was up there? Is Brother Banks Wood and them in here yet? Is there anybody here besides Billy Paul that was up there? These boys had just left, yeah, and Brother Wood, and Brother Taylor, or, I forget the other brother's name, four or five of them were standing there. These brethren here, Brother Martin had just left the day before, on account of the storm coming. You all remember the storm, the broadcast, they said it was coming. [A brother says, "We met it."] Now, what say? You met it. You met it.

43 And now, notice. Standing there, I thought, "Well, I guess I'll go down the hill."
And I made a vow to God, a few years ago, going out with the Full Gospel Businessmen, that I wouldn't shoot game for somebody else, unless it was an emergency. I just wouldn't do it.
And, is Brother Jack Palmer, is he here? Brother Jack, he was from Georgia, he usually comes up here. He was standing there. And the night before, he said, "Brother Branham, get me a deer."

44 And, my, I just shook, because I know I had vowed I wouldn't do that, four or five years ago, 'cause that year I killed nineteen head of elk, alone. Just for them businessmen who sit around and talk their business. I'd have to go out and kill their game. And that just didn't seem ... like put me in a murder class, but I wouldn't do it. I'll take them to where it's at, but I won't shoot it. So I promised God I wouldn't do that.
So then I had got ... left the place, going back, started back down the hill, and a voice spoke to me, said, "Why not walk with me?"
And I said, "Lord God, if that's You, I know that only the hand of God could part those clouds and do what You've done here." And the warm sun shining down, drying my shirt out, and steam coming up from it. And I said... A great cathedral, virgin forest, you know. And I said, "I believe I'll walk up this way then, Lord, if You have no certain direction. I want to go up there and stand just in a few moments for a little memorial to my wife, of our first and only honeymoon, you know, that we ever had a chance to go. And I took her on a hunting trip, and here I am up here this year again, hunting with these brethren; and her down in Tucson, trying to keep things going."

45 And I started walking down through there, and I got to thinking. Now this is going to sound very funny. And I'll hurry, 'cause I know your service starts in about ten minutes. And so I was walking down along through there, and I was thinking, "Oh, wonder why that she never has said a word to me about going anywhere?" And this morning I want to tell you what happened, in a few minutes. I...
Every man ought to think this. I think there is not a woman in the world like my wife. She is just a wonderful person, a little pious, stay at home. She has always had my clothes ready. And I'd be out, gone on the trips, everything; come in, say, tease her a little bit, say, "I'm your husband. Are you my wife?" And like that, and kiss the children, kneel down and have prayer; and put on my clothes, to keep from having to lose my mind, nearly, from the crowds and things, take off and go up fishing or hunting, away from her. She has had to bear it all alone, herself.

46 Then I got to thinking, "Well, maybe when I'm home, the only thing I'm always ... the only thing I know is God and His Word. And I'm constantly talking on it." And I was going along there, and a thought presented to me, said, "Well, maybe she just let you go because it keeps the people away, and so forth like that. And she can be a little more peaceful when you're away." And I begin to accompany that thought. I went, "Ahem," like that, and when I did, I seen the whiskers on my face, from about a week old, and they were better than half gray. I thought, "Bill, you're just ... you know where you're headed. You're headed right on out now, see, you're getting old. You already crossed that fifty mark." So I was just thinking that, going along with my rifle hanging on my shoulder, walking along like that.

47 And all of a sudden, something happened. It seemed like, in every principle, I was a boy again. I don't know what mentally taken place, or what it was. And I looked, standing in front of her, and there in front of me, and there she stood just the way she was when I married her. I set my gun down. I rubbed my eyes. I looked at her and she held out her arms like this, looked at me. I bowed my head down.
'Cause, I was going right up there for a little memorial for our anniversary; standing by those trees, a bunch of little trees up there, quaking asps, just like there was up in the north woods when we went up in Adirondack. And I always go up there, each 23rd day of October, when I'm up there.

48 And there she was. And I done set my rifle down, looked there. I stopped a minute, and I bowed my head. I looked back, and she was still standing there with her arms out. And I thought, "I haven't surely lost my mind." I looked again. I thought, "Why would this be?" Here I was, a young fellow. I looked at my hands, and I said I... Lord, my responsibility in the world, to bring Your message, surely this is something happened to me." And I looked again, and then it just faded away.
And I picked up my rifle, put it on my shoulder. And I said "Maybe that's You letting me know the reason, it does break her heart when I have ... when I come in, and go out hunting, and things like that."

49 But as I started walking on, I took off my hat again. I said, "God, I know that You are here. There is no doubt in my mind but what You're here. And I believe You, every Word. You make that sun shine down on my back. You're the one who does these things. You're a creator. I've been so dilatory, it looks like I'm afraid to take a hold. I'm afraid I'll do something wrong." I said, "There is one thing I will ask You to do. Lift the burden from my heart. There is no need of me trying to confess anymore, because for five years I've constantly cried out to You. What have I done? Tell me what it is."

50 And I was walking up the little hill then, right close to where I was going to stand for a few minutes, just to thank the Lord for my wife and for a successful marriage that God had give us, and the love we'd had for each other, these years, and our children. I do that every 23rd day of October. And there was a little quaking asp, about, oh, ten inches thick, had come up about like this, and went out, kind of an L, and went up. And just as I was walking up the hill, I got real weak, and I just leaned over against that tree, like that.
And I could hear something patting on the leaves just a minute. Now, the leaves had done dried, time I'd walked there, about three hundred or four hundred yards. And I looked, and it was water coming from my own eyes, dropping off, through the gray beard, down onto the ground. I said, "O God, what a failure I am." And standing there in that condition. I said, "I trust that You will be merciful to her." I said, "I ain't worthy to ask for mercy." I said, "Some day, I know I'm getting gray, and I got to go, Lord."

51 And I guess people think it's crazy, but I find God out in them places. That's where it's real to me. It's just as real as it is right here; and, frankly, a little more so, 'cause, see, all of you, a part. There, it looks like I'm just standing with Him alone, talking to nobody but Him.
And as I stood there, I heard the brush break, and I kind of raised my head up; with a red shirt on now, and a red band around my hat, red handkerchief wrapped around one of those western hats. And I looked, and here stood two, three deer standing right by me, just walked up there; me in that red. All that shooting over there, a hundred men, they had been shot at forty times, I guess; why, sure, they'd have scattered right now. But they didn't. They just stood and looked at me.

52 And fine meat, two full-grown fawns and a big doe. And something said to me, "There is a deer for Brother Evans, one for Brother Welch, and one for the Methodist preacher. There is exactly what the Lord God has given to you now. They can't get away. There is no way for them to." I had a rifle hanging on my shoulder right here. And before they could even got turned around, I'd've killed all three of them, see, like that, before they could even move. They was right in my hand. And I thought, "There they are, just the three. Easy to roll them right down the hill here, and then tote them right on out." And I thought, "That would be very easy. There is the three, then we could go home from there, take out and get out of the mountains." And as I looked at them there, they was standing, looking at me, just as quietly, about fifteen yards, twenty. Well, I just stood still.

53 And I don't know whether you fellows hunt deer, or not, but they're odd, when they... They don't ... are not certain, they'll fix their feet like this, go ... [Brother Branham demonstrates the deer's stance.]
And then they watched me. I thought, "Well, there it is. Only thing, just throw my rifle over and they are gone."
And then I remembered I promised God that I wouldn't do it. And I remember that." I thought, "No, I can't do it. That isn't right. I promised God that I wouldn't do it." And when you make a promise, you stay with it. God expects you to. And there I thought, "Well, just perfectly in my hands, but yet I promised Him I wouldn't do it."

54 I said, "Go on, mother, take your babies and go on into the woods, enjoy yourself. I love this, too. You're in my hands, but I ain't going to kill you." And they come a little closer. Oh, how unusual that is for deer. And they would look at me, you know, and turn their head. And me standing there, dressed in red, with a rifle standing in my hand. And they walked real close till they could almost... I could feed them out of my hand. And they just nosed around there, a few moments, turned around, walked on back a little piece. They stopped, come back again.
Something kept saying, "They're right in your hands. They're right in your hands. The Lord has put them in your hands.
I said, "But I promised, I promised that I wouldn't do it."

55 Since then, I've thought, "You know, one time, David was led right to the very side where Joab was laying ... or where King Saul was laying. And Joab said to him, said, 'The Lord has delivered him into your hands.' But he said, 'God forbid that I would touch His anointed,'" see. See, you must watch when you make a promise.
And then I said, "I promised God that I wouldn't do it, so I won't."
I said, "Mother, take your children and go on out in the woods. I'm not going to bother you. You're in my hands, you couldn't get away if you had to. But I'm not going to hurt you. Go on to the woods." And they come right back again, right around me. And I stood there. And I thought, "What is this? A strange thing."

56 I'm a nature person. I watch God in nature, the sunset and rise; it's a death, the life, the burial; the death, the resurrection again, everything. Like the trees, how Job said about hiding in the grave, "He'd keep me in a sacred place." And see the sap leave the trees, and go down into the grave of the roots, and come back up in the spring, the resurrection. Everything speaking of life and resurrection.

1 Samuel 24:4 And the men of David said unto him, Behold the day of which the LORD said unto thee, Behold, I will deliver thine enemy into thine hand, that thou mayest do to him as it shall seem good unto thee. Then David arose, and cut off the skirt of Saul's robe privily.

1 Samuel 24:6 And he said unto his men, The LORD forbid that I should do this thing unto my master, the LORD'S anointed, to stretch forth mine hand against him, seeing he is the anointed of the LORD.

Job 14:13 O that thou wouldest hide me in the grave, that thou wouldest keep me secret, until thy wrath be past, that thou wouldest appoint me a set time, and remember me!

57 And as I stood there watching them, they got closer, closer. Then they turned and walked on out in the woods. And I just stood there, just dumfounded, like.
And when they went away, that voice spoke down again, that sun shining on my back, said, "You remembered your promise, didn't you?"
I said, "Yes, Lord, I remembered my promise. I know that's You. I can't see You, Lord, but You're here somewhere." I said, "I don't see You, but I hear Your voice. I know You're here."
Said, "You kept your promise, you remembered your promise. I'll remember mine, too. I'll never leave you nor forsake you."
Oh, my, I haven't felt the same since! I come off the mountain. All the afternoon, vision after vision happened, taking place. I come on down. It seems like everything has been different since then. A burden has gone.

Hebrews 13:5 Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.

58 About when the ministry first come to me, with feeling the person's hands, what it was, was a life in them, and we know how it went.
One night, in California, I was sitting with the Malicki family, Brother Moore remembers Brother Brown, the Malicki family. And the little lady was going to take milk leg, from childbirth. And I had her put her hand out, I said, "There it is, you see the vibration of it. See?" And I said, "You're going to take milk leg." I said, "It's already working in you." And she did, almost lost her life.

59 And Brother Malicki said to me, said, "Brother Branham, how do you do that?"
I said, "I don't know. I can't tell you how it is. It's God."
And so I held my hand out like that. I said, "Here is my wife, I know there is nothing wrong with her. Lay your hands upon mine, honey." And she did, and there a tumor vibrated, from female. And I said, "Sweetheart, you have a tumor, honey, in the female glands."
And she said, "I feel no effects."
I said, "Sweetheart, here it is on my hand. Raise your hand up." She raised up, then lay it back down. "See it?"
Well, when we come home, we got a very fine doctor friend; I went to school with him. We took her down, an examination. Said, "Billy, there is nothing wrong with her." Said, "She is all right. No tumor there."
I said, "Sam, I don't want to doubt your word, see, because you examined her, but there is tumor there."

60 Everybody, over three or four years, when I go to get my physical, when I go overseas, she goes with me for a physical. And when it was, never seen it.
And about two years ago, I come in one day, now I must tell all truth. See, you don't want to just bypass anything, you must tell all truth. And I've expressed to you, my love for my wife. But yet we have to watch in them things. I'm telling you the truth. The heavenly Father, who is my witness right here now, knows it's true. Oh, at the house, how it is, just this, that, and everything! The poor little thing is going through the change of life at this time, menopause.
And for the last couple years, about two years ago, when we had a physical, then the doctor found a tumor on the left ovary. It had growed to about the size of a walnut. He said, "Let me examine that again, Brother Branham." Said, "About three months, if that goes to growing, it has to come out." Well, then we...

61 But just before that, I got something to tell you. I forgot that. One day I come in, from the house, and I was come in to do something, and I turned around and went out. And I said, ... She said, "Can you go down town with me, Bill?"
And I said, "Not right now, honey."
And she said, "What are we going to do about Becky, a certain-certain?"
I said, "Well, honey, I don't know just what to do."

62 And there was something come up, and she was so nervous she could hardly hold herself together. People at the house, all night long. Like night before last, even at one o'clock in the morning, here were people in, around the house, around the windows and every... So then she was real nervous, and she said something to me, snappy, that she oughtn't to have said it, see. She said, "Then, Bill, you're always gone, and I have to take care of these children myself." She said, "You're never here. We can't make our decisions together. You're either out, gone," and she started crying, went in and shut the door.
Right then I said, "Oh, poor little fellow!" I said, "My, I ought..." And I started out.
And it said, "Read II Chronicles 22." It was when Miriam rebuked Moses for marrying an Ethiopian girl; it would be better that her father had spit in her face, than to do this.

Numbers 12:1 And Miriam and Aaron spake against Moses because of the Ethiopian woman whom he had married: for he had married an Ethiopian woman.

Numbers 12:14 And the LORD said unto Moses, If her father had but spit in her face, should she not be ashamed seven days? let her be shut out from the camp seven days, and after that let her be received in again.

63 And I went back in, I said, "Sweetheart, you said the wrong thing." And she was crying. I said, "You said the wrong thing, honey. God is going to make you pay for that. You shouldn't have done that. I'm all tore up, myself. You shouldn't have said that."
And she said, "Well, Bill, I get so tore up." And I just turned and walked back, 'cause I knowed she wasn't in any mood to receive it, so I went back out.
And the next examination, about a month after that, showed the tumor.
Last year, here it come again. When she tried it again, now it was up to the size of an orange. The doctor said, "Don't put it off any longer. You must operate that." Said, "A fast growing tumor, is malignant. If it gets off that ovary, and gets hooked into the side, what are you going to do?"
I said, "Doctor, we have faith in God."
I never said to the church, or nothing, I just let it go. We started praying. And I said, "Lord God, help us, please. I pray You would help us," and on like that. The tumor growed on and on.

64 Then when we left to go to Tucson, our doctor at home sent word to a doctor friend of his there, said, "You must take this tumor from Mrs. Branham, at once." Said, "If you don't, it's going to turn malignant." Told him, said, "The tumor has already growed, within a year, from the size of a walnut until the size of about a grapefruit," it had gotten so big. There it was, pushed out on her side, like that. And the other day...
She had put it off, going; I said, "Try..." We prayed. We cried. We begged, everything, nothing would take place. Then she was going, had to go last ... let's see, yesterday. Yeah, yesterday she went to the doctor for the final. I said, "Well, I hate to do it, but we'll probably have to give in. And then, honey, you'll just have to give in, to have the ... have it taken out, 'cause it's getting so big, our faith is not sufficient."

65 So, day before yesterday, before I left, knowing, she said, "She don't call me till after you have Brother Jack's service that night, then tell me what kind of a meeting you had, and how the people are down in Shreveport. Then," said, "I'll give you what the doctor said."
I said, "All right, honey." And I hung up.
Yesterday ... day before yesterday, when I started to leave there in the house, I went in and... Always when we leave, all the kiddies and all of us get together and kneel around there in the room, and pray. And the Lord, we tell the Lord... When I'm going overseas, I say, "Lord Jesus, take care of my family." And they pray for me, that God will help me, that we can meet together again. Then all the kids start crying and things, you know, 'cause, you know how it is.

66 Talk about President Kennedy being shot? I've had to be guarded many times from being shot with an infrared scope, and maybe at three or four hundred yards away, at nighttime. They can see just the same as they can in the daytime, through that spotter scope at night. And I've been in Catholic countries where radicals and everything, down in Mexico there where they send back there, and send word, telegrams messages wrote by everything, "We'll get you tonight," and so forth like that, going in and out, and looking for me. And perhaps I will get it sometime. That's all right. But I got something that will take care of me when that time comes, see.

67 And then when I started to leave again, just by myself, the other day, I knelt down, day before yesterday, and I knelt down in the room. I looked around, I had been there a couple days, lonesome, nobody there at the house. I said, "Heavenly Father, I pray You'll be merciful now, and help me. I'm going down to Shreveport to do everything I can to help Your kingdom." I said, "How many times has my wife and I knelt here in the room like this! We pray. And today I'm so lonesome for her." I said, "Tomorrow she goes in, and perhaps I'll not be able to finish my meetings, because she'll perhaps be taken to the hospital, for this great tumor that we've asked You to take away. It's growed and growed, till now it must be taken away." And I said, "I've begged to You."

68 And I said, "Lord, if she said something wrong, when she ... when there, I was torn up. If she said something wrong," I said, "Lord, just think, she has never one time, not one time has she ever said one thing to me going in Your meetings." I said, "She has always had my clothes clean and ready; and hold me by the hand, and cry and pray, and say, 'If I could just do something to help the Lord!'" And I said, "Look at her condition, Lord, don't do... Don't please don't, Lord." And I said, "God, help her, I pray that You will be merciful to her. And if she has to go through that operation, help her through, Lord. If I'd lose her now, I don't know what I'd do. I'm an old man. And them little kids to be raised, and what could I do? Be merciful to her, Lord. You know how I love her." And I said, "I just pray that You'll help her."

69 And as I was praying, I heard something say, "Stand up on your feet." And I just went ahead, praying, 'cause I just thought maybe I imagined that. And as I prayed on, something said, "Stand up on your feet." And I stopped praying, and looked up. And the picture of Christ, the one that...
I never did care for Sallman's picture. I like Hofmann's picture, "The Head At Thirty-three," you know. And I've got a big picture of it, 'cause, when I seen Him in the vision that time, that's just the way He looked. And there it was, I got it fixed so that He would be looking right at me when I was praying, in this picture.
And I looked up there, and I looked at the picture. And I looked all around. I thought, "What was that, 'Stand up on your feet'?" I thought, "Well, I'll stand up on my feet." And I got up on my feet.

70 Just that same voice that spoke up there on the hill that night, same one that always comes. I said, "Lord, God, was that You speaking to Your servant?"
He said, "Just say the word, and there will be no more tumor."
I stood there a little bit, to get to myself right. Many of you knows, in here, the people in the Tabernacle knows what was ... that she had it. I said, "Then I say, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, that that tumor shall leave her." Been bothering her so bad, she had been in bed for three or four days, with it. I said, "They will never even find a trace of it. For, the Lord my God, who is creator, who can stop winds and storms, and can rebuke the seas, and bring forth all that, He is the creator of heavens and earth. And I love Him and I believe Him, and believe that this time is now nearing when these things are to be. And You, who could create a squirrel and put it into existence, can take an enemy out of existence." I said, "When the devil wrapped hisself in the storm... The winds is God's creation. The water is God's creation. But the devil got into it, that's what did it, and put a spasm in the sea, like that." I said, "You could calm it. And You that could calm that, can take away the tumor from my wife. And I say that it is done right now, never shall it be found anymore. It's finished."

71 I went out of there with the assurance, told my son and daughter-in-law. We come on down, and last night I run in here real quick to have the meeting; and went back, called her. And she knowed nothing about it yet. I didn't tell her.
And when she called, she was just all happy. She said, "Billy, I got something to tell you, honey." She said, "There isn't one sign of tumor left nowhere. The doctor said he couldn't find a thing." She said, "I was so happy! Mrs. Norman and many of the sisters here, two or three of them, was with us here in the room." She said, "The doctor said, 'And you mean to say! I can't understand. A month ago, was a tumor there the size of a grapefruit.' And said, 'Mrs. Branham, rest assured, there is not one sign of a tumor.'" Her doctor would know where ...

Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

72 It's the Lord our God! A thanksgiving day? Oh, thank God for the gift of Jesus Christ, that supreme gift that is the same yesterday, today, and forever! That is true.
I don't believe in taking oaths by the heavens above, or the earth, or nothing else. But with the Bible over my heart, and God whom I love, knows that every word of that is solemnly the truth. Thanksgiving day! When I thought tomorrow I'd have, or the next few days, I might have to even leave the meeting, to go. Couldn't even promise the people that I would be back at Christmas time, at home, for my children, to bring them back home again for Christmas; knowing, quivering down in my heart, that an operation waited my wife, with a tumor the size of a grapefruit. And there it was.

73 And the very Word of God, that said, "Say what you will, and it will be that way."
And I said, "The tumor is gone. They will never find it no more."
And it's gone, today. And the best surgeon and best doctors there was on this staff at Tucson, Arizona; when, a few days ago, there was a great big tumor like that. And the same doctor could find no trace of it at all, and wrote out a free statement like this, that, "Mrs. Branham has no sign of tumor, nowhere at all."
Oh, thanksgivings to God! This is a day of thanksgiving, to me. To know, above that, that someday that little face that I married there, glory to God, some day these old-age marks of death will fade away, and we'll be there in the likeness of youth, and never no more to get old. And the gift of God, through Jesus Christ, of the Holy Ghost that we have received now, is what gives us this--this anchor.

74 And look at it today, friends. You talk about a thankful people, we ought to be the most thankful people of everybody in the world! Besides the healing, besides these things that's taking place, what is it? It's the absolute assurance that the same God, by the same nature, the same pillar of fire, the same angel of God, the same Jesus yesterday, today, and forever, has done the same things, by the same power, do the same thing. What an anchor of the soul, steadfast and sure! May the Lord God of heaven richly bless you, every one. Let us bow our heads.

Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

75 Lord, I am so grateful, Lord. I don't know what to say. I just can't express it. When that hymn was sang awhile ago, and them people singing that song, my heart just jumped for joy. And the testimony come upon my heart. Now, heavenly Father, Thou knowest these things are true. Thou knowest from the depths of my heart that ... and that it is the truth. I have no reason, Lord, to tell nothing but that which is right. And I pray, God, that today, how it made my heart feel to see all these Christian brothers and sisters here, who are my brothers and sisters in the bonds of Christ, rejoice with me, with thanksgiving, for my little companion [tape skips] has spared. [Tape skips] ... the earth praise God. Let nature praise God! Let all that's got breath praise God, and be thankful for this great time we have.

76 Dear heavenly Father, there I see there is a little boy sitting here in a wheel chair. There are others in here who are sick and needy. And just as You're the God of salvation for our souls, You're the God that heals all of our diseases and our afflictions. And You're still ... with these testimonies, just one or two, when they rank into the thousands, that your humble servant has seen You perform and do, without one blemish in it, anywhere. And we know that You are still Jehovah-jireh, and You have already provided the sacrifice for the healing. The very God that removed that tumor out of my wife's side, You're just as much God right here at Shreveport as You are in Tucson; and yet I was miles ... two thousand miles from her at the time. I pray, God, that Your holy presence will fill this tabernacle today, with healing power, that will heal every sick person that's here, that these thanksgiving blessings might continue to ring out, back and forth, across the country, Lord, that You're the same yesterday, today, and forever. Grant it, eternal God.

Exodus 15:26 And said, If thou wilt diligently hearken to the voice of the LORD thy God, and wilt do that which is right in his sight, and wilt give ear to his commandments, and keep all his statutes, I will put none of these diseases upon thee, which I have brought upon the Egyptians: for I am the LORD that healeth thee.

Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

77 Now as you people are sitting here, put your hands over on one another and pray. Connect yourselves together by unity of faith in the presence of God, and remember that each one of you are privileged. God will judge me, whether I've told you the truth or not. Has it ever failed, have I ever told you anything but what happened?
As Samuel said that time, as when they was going to make a king, Saul. He said, "Have I ever told you anything in the name of the Lord, but what come to pass? Have I ever begged you for your money, for my food?" "No, Samuel, but we still want the king. We still want our own earthly king." And Samuel knowed that God was their King.

1 Samuel 12:3 Behold, here I am: witness against me before the LORD, and before his anointed: whose ox have I taken? or whose ass have I taken? or whom have I defrauded? whom have I oppressed? or of whose hand have I received any bribe to blind mine eyes therewith? and I will restore it you.

Psalm 103:3 Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases;

78 I tell you, this morning, folks, I bring you to record, have you ever seen the gift of God fail one time, that we read about this morning? No, sir. It's Jesus Christ, it can't fail. Science has proved it. The church knows it. And He is here right now, right at this minute. He is here. And the only thing it lacks is for your faith to pick up that Word and anoint it to yourself, and He'll heal you.
And with your hands on one another, cry out to God with all your heart. Say, "Lord God, creator of heavens and earth, You who can stop the storm two thousand years ago, You did it and you do it again right now. And You stop my sickness. You make me well. I'm grateful in my heart for You, the Almighty God." Amen.