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a-Kempis, Thomas Public, Theology, Classic Texts The Imitation of Christ
A.W. Tozer Public, A.W. Tozer The Pursuit of God; How to be Filled with the Holy Spirit; The Knowledge of the Holy
Abraham Joshua Heschel Public, Jewish Thought, Theology, Abraham Joshua Heschel Man is Not Alone by Abraham Joshua Heschel; God in Search of Man by Abraham Joshua Heschel; The Sabbath by Abraham Joshua Heschel
Abraham Kuyper Public, Abraham Kuyper PRO REGE PART ONE - THE KINGSHIP OF CHRIST IN HIS HIGHNESS.; To Be Near Unto God; The Practice of Godliness; The Work of the Holy Spirit; Biblical Criticism of the Present Day; Women of the New Testament; Women of the Old Testament
Albertus Magnus, St. Public, Theology, Classic Texts On Cleaving to God
Anselm of Canterbury, St. Public, Theology, Classic Texts Proslogium (Discourse on the existence of God); Monologium (Meditations on the Being of God); Cur Deus Homo?
Aquinas, Thomas, St. Public, Theology, Classic Texts The Summa Theologica; Summa "Contra Gentiles"
Belloc, Hilaire Public, Christian Theology, Theology, Classic Texts The Great Heresies
Bernard of Clairvaux (St. Bernard) Public, Christian Theology, Theology, Classic Texts On Loving God
Bultmann, Rudolf Public, Christian Theology, Theology, Classic Texts Jesus and the Word
C.S. Lewis Public, C.S. Lewis The Problem of Pain; Mere Christianity; The Case for Christianity
Calvin, John Public, Christian Theology, Theology, Classic Texts On the Life of a Christian
Catherine of Siena Public, Christian Theology, Theology, Classic Texts On Discretion; On Divine Providence; On Prayer; On Obedience
Damascene, John Public, Christian Theology, Theology, Classic Texts On the Orthodox Faith (4 books)
de Caussade, Jean Pierre Public, Christian Theology, Theology, Classic Texts Abandonment to Divine Providence
De Sales, Francis, St. Public, Christian Theology, Theology, Classic Texts Treatise on the Love of God; Introduction to the Devout Life
Dorr, Donal Public, Christian Theology, Theology, Classic Texts Divine Energy: God Beyond Us, Within Us, Among Us
Eddy, Mary Baker Public, Christian Theology, Theology, Classic Texts Science and Health
Erasmus, Desiderius Public, Christian Theology, Theology, Classic Texts In Praise of Folly (Moriae Encomium)
Fenelon, Francois Public, Christian Theology, Theology, Classic Texts Ways of Spiritual Progress; Letters of Spiritual Direction
Flavius Josephus Public, Classic Texts Antiquities of the Jews; The Jewish War; Autobiography Flavius Josephus ; On Hades (Flavius Josephus); Against Apion; A Letter from Josephus
Franz Rosenzweig Public, Jewish Thought, Theology The Star of Redemption by Franz Rosenzweig
Freud, Sigmund Public, Christian Theology, Theology, Classic Texts The Interpretation of Dreams
G.K. Chesterton G.K. Chesterton, Public The Everlasting Man; Orthodoxy
Garrigou-Lagrange, R. Public, Christian Theology, Theology, Classic Texts Divine Providence
Ignatius of Loyola, St. Public, Christian Theology, Theology, Classic Texts The Spiritual Exercises
John of the Cross Theology, Classic Texts, Public The Ascent of Mount Carmel
John Wesley John Wesley, Christian Theology, Theology, Public John Wesley Sermons
Julian of Norwich Public, Christian Theology, Theology, Classic Texts Revelations of Divine Love
Lee Vayle Sermons Public, Lee Vayle, Mormon Theology Rapture; Baptism; Miscellaneous Topics; Token Series; The Unveiling of God; Paradox; The Projecting of Love; Faith Series; Faith of Abraham; Election; Attitudes; Priorities; Civil Government; Christ is the Mystery of God Revealed; Doing God A Service; The Message of Grace; The Anointed Ones at the End Time; Perfect Faith; Faith In The Mind; Greatest Battle Ever Fought; Questions and Answers; Fulfillment of God; Future Home; Who Is This Melchisedec; Blood of the Eternal Covenant; Covenants; Trees, Books & Fountains; Shalom; Satan's Eden; The God of this Evil Age; Jezebel Religion; Facts of Our Faith; Easter Seal; Does God Ever Change His Mind; Spoken Word is Original Seed; Restoration of the Bride Tree; Things That Are To Be; Leadership; Seed of Discrepancy; Stewardship; Identification; Godhead
Maimonides, Moses Public, Jewish Thought, Theology, Classic Texts Guide For The Perplexed
Martin Buber Public, Jewish Thought, Theology I and Thou by Martin Buber; The Way of Man by Martin Buber; Between Man and Man by Martin Buber
Martin Luther Public, Classic Texts On the Babylonian Captivity of the Church; The Small Catechism; The 95 Theses on Indulgences (the Efficacy of); Commentary on the Epistle to the Galatians; A Treatise on Good Works
Minchat Kenaot Public, Jewish Thought, Theology, Hebrew Minchat Kenaot, Treatise 09; Minchat Kenaot, Correspondence 81; Minchat Kenaot, Correspondence 82; Minchat Kenaot, Correspondence 83; Minchat Kenaot, Correspondence 84; Minchat Kenaot, Correspondence 85; Minchat Kenaot, Correspondence 86; Minchat Kenaot, Correspondence 87; Minchat Kenaot, Correspondence 88; Minchat Kenaot, Correspondence 89; Minchat Kenaot, Correspondence 90; Minchat Kenaot, Treatise 10; Minchat Kenaot, Correspondence 91; Minchat Kenaot, Correspondence 92; Minchat Kenaot, Correspondence 93; Minchat Kenaot, Correspondence 94; Minchat Kenaot, Correspondence 95; Minchat Kenaot, Correspondence 96; Minchat Kenaot, Correspondence 97; Minchat Kenaot, Correspondence 98; Minchat Kenaot, Correspondence 99; Minchat Kenaot, Correspondence 100; Minchat Kenaot, Treatise 11; Minchat Kenaot, Correspondence 101; Minchat Kenaot, Treatise 12; Minchat Kenaot, Treatise 13; Minchat Kenaot, Treatise 14; Minchat Kenaot, Treatise 15; Minchat Kenaot, Treatise 16; Minchat Kenaot, Treatise 17; Minchat Kenaot, Treatise 18; Minchat Kenaot, Treatise 01; Minchat Kenaot, Correspondence 01; Minchat Kenaot, Correspondence 02; Minchat Kenaot, Correspondence 03; Minchat Kenaot, Correspondence 04; Minchat Kenaot, Correspondence 05; Minchat Kenaot, Correspondence 06; Minchat Kenaot, Correspondence 07; Minchat Kenaot, Correspondence 08; Minchat Kenaot, Correspondence 09; Minchat Kenaot, Correspondence 10; Minchat Kenaot, Treatise 02; Minchat Kenaot, Correspondence 11; Minchat Kenaot, Correspondence 12; Minchat Kenaot, Correspondence 13; Minchat Kenaot, Correspondence 14; Minchat Kenaot, Correspondence 15; Minchat Kenaot, Correspondence 16; Minchat Kenaot, Correspondence 17; Minchat Kenaot, Correspondence 18; Minchat Kenaot, Correspondence 19; Minchat Kenaot, Correspondence 20; Minchat Kenaot, Treatise 03; Minchat Kenaot, Correspondence 21; Minchat Kenaot, Correspondence 22; Minchat Kenaot, Correspondence 23; Minchat Kenaot, Correspondence 24; Minchat Kenaot, Correspondence 25; Minchat Kenaot, Correspondence 26; Minchat Kenaot, Correspondence 27; Minchat Kenaot, Correspondence 28; Minchat Kenaot, Correspondence 29; Minchat Kenaot, Correspondence 30; Minchat Kenaot, Treatise 04; Minchat Kenaot, Correspondence 31; Minchat Kenaot, Correspondence 32; Minchat Kenaot, Correspondence 33; Minchat Kenaot, Correspondence 34; Minchat Kenaot, Correspondence 35; Minchat Kenaot, Correspondence 36; Minchat Kenaot, Correspondence 37; Minchat Kenaot, Correspondence 38; Minchat Kenaot, Correspondence 39; Minchat Kenaot, Correspondence 40; Minchat Kenaot, Treatise 05; Minchat Kenaot, Correspondence 41; Minchat Kenaot, Correspondence 42; Minchat Kenaot, Correspondence 43; Minchat Kenaot, Correspondence 44; Minchat Kenaot, Correspondence 45; Minchat Kenaot, Correspondence 46; Minchat Kenaot, Correspondence 47; Minchat Kenaot, Correspondence 48; Minchat Kenaot, Correspondence 49; Minchat Kenaot, Correspondence 50; Minchat Kenaot, Treatise 06; Minchat Kenaot, Correspondence 51; Minchat Kenaot, Correspondence 52; Minchat Kenaot, Correspondence 53; Minchat Kenaot, Correspondence 54; Minchat Kenaot, Correspondence 55; Minchat Kenaot, Correspondence 56; Minchat Kenaot, Correspondence 57; Minchat Kenaot, Correspondence 58; Minchat Kenaot, Correspondence 59; Minchat Kenaot, Correspondence 60; Minchat Kenaot, Treatise 07; Minchat Kenaot, Correspondence 61; Minchat Kenaot, Correspondence 62; Minchat Kenaot, Correspondence 63; Minchat Kenaot, Correspondence 64; Minchat Kenaot, Correspondence 65; Minchat Kenaot, Correspondence 66; Minchat Kenaot, Correspondence 67; Minchat Kenaot, Correspondence 68; Minchat Kenaot, Correspondence 69; Minchat Kenaot, Correspondence 70; Minchat Kenaot, Treatise 08; Minchat Kenaot, Correspondence 71; Minchat Kenaot, Correspondence 72; Minchat Kenaot, Correspondence 73; Minchat Kenaot, Correspondence 74; Minchat Kenaot, Correspondence 75; Minchat Kenaot, Correspondence 76; Minchat Kenaot, Correspondence 77; Minchat Kenaot, Correspondence 78; Minchat Kenaot, Correspondence 79; Minchat Kenaot, Correspondence 80
Napier, B.D. Public, Christian Theology, Theology, Classic Texts Song of the Vineyard: The Old Testament
Newman, John Henry Public, Christian Theology, Theology, Classic Texts On Consulting the Faithful in Matters of Doctrine (1859); Apologia Pro Vita Sua; Of Scripture & Creed; On the Development of Doctrine in the Patristic Period; The Church of the Fathers; On the Inspiration of Scripture; On The Development of Religious Error (1885)
Rhineland Mystics Public, Christian Theology, Theology, Classic Texts Theologia Germanica
Ruysbroeck, John of Public, Christian Theology, Theology, Classic Texts The Adornment of the Spiritual Marriage; The Book of Supreme Truth
Schaff, Philip Public, Christian Theology, Theology, Classic Texts History of the Christian Church
Strauss, David Friedrich Public, Christian Theology, Theology, Classic Texts The Life of Jesus Critically Examined
Suso, Henry Public, Christian Theology, Theology, Classic Texts A Little Book of Eternal Wisdom
Tauler, John Public, Christian Theology, Theology, Classic Texts The Inner Way
The Ascent of Mount Carmel Theology, Classic Texts, Christian Theology, Public Book 1. The dark night of sense and desire; Book 5. The Dark Night of the Spirit; Book 2. Faith: The means of ascending to union with God: "In darkness and concealment, My house being now at rest."; Characteristics of the Works of St. John of the Cross; Book 3. The purgation of the active night of the memory and will; Book 4.
Tillich, Paul Public, Christian Theology, Theology, Classic Texts The Shaking of the Foundations
William M. Branham Public, William M. Branham William M. Branham Sermons (A - E); William M. Branham Sermons (F - J); William M. Branham Sermons (K - S); William M. Branham Sermons (T - Z)