The Babylonian Talmud trans. Rodkinson The Babylonian Talmud trans. Rodkinson Support Sat, 01/20/2024 - 11:55 am The Babylonian TalmudTranslated byMICHAEL L. RODKINSONVolumes 1-101918This work is in the Public Domain The Babylonian Talmud Title Page (53 KB) Table of Contents (3.41 KB) Tags Book Public Talmud - 1918 trans. Michael L. Rodkinson Talmud Rodkinson | Book 1 - Seder Moed (Holidays) Rodkinson | Book 1 - Seder Moed (Holidays) Support Tue, 01/23/2024 - 10:47 am The Babylonian Talmud - Book 1 - Volume I - Seder Moed - Tract Sabbath Rodkinson | Sedar Moed | Sabbath | Book I Index (5.41 KB) Public Talmud - 1918 trans. Michael L. Rodkinson Talmud Rodkinson | Volume I - Tract Sabbath Rodkinson | Volume I - Tract Sabbath Support Tue, 01/23/2024 - 03:55 pm The Babylonian Talmud - Book 1 - Volume I - Seder Moed - Tract Sabbath Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Sabbath | Book 1 Volume 1 Title Page (5.13 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Sabbath | Explanatory Remarks (5 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Sabbath | Dedication (5.09 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Sabbath | Contents (8.62 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Sabbath | Preface to the Second Edition (6.87 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Sabbath | Editor's Preface (18.21 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Sabbath | Brief General Introduction to the Babylonian Talmud (13.25 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Sabbath | Introduction to Tract Sabbath (16.41 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Sabbath | Synopsis of Subjects (18.41 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Sabbath | Chapter I: Regulations Regarding Transfer on Sabbath (59.62 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Sabbath | Chapter II: Regulations Concerning The Sabbath and Hanukah Light (62.94 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Sabbath | Chapter III: Regulations Concerning Stoves, Hearths and Ovens (36 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Sabbath | Chapter IV: Regulations Concerning Victuals, Where They May or May Not Be Deposited to Retain (18.16 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Sabbath | Chapter V: Regulations Concerning What May and May Not Be Worn by Animals on the Sabbath (32.42 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Sabbath | Chapter VI: Regulations Concerning What Garments Women May Go Out With On the Sabbath (39.3 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Sabbath | Chapter VII: The General Rule Concerning the Principal Acts of Labor on Sabbath (29.32 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Sabbath | Chapter VIII: Regulations Prescribed Quantities of Victuals and Beverages Which Not Be Carrie (26.34 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Sabbath | Chapter IX: Rabbi Aqiba's Regulations On Different Subjects (36.29 KB) Public Talmud - 1918 trans. Michael L. Rodkinson Talmud Rodkinson | Volume II - Tract Sabbath Rodkinson | Volume II - Tract Sabbath Support Tue, 01/23/2024 - 03:56 pm The Babylonian Talmud - Book 1 - Volume II - Seder Moed - Tract Sabbath Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Sabbath | Book 1 Volume II Title (5.17 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Sabbath | Explanatory Remarks (5.6 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Sabbath | Contents (10.29 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Sabbath | Synopsis of Subjects Volume II - Tract Sabbath (22.21 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Sabbath | Chapter XI: Regulations Concerning Throwing From One Ground Into Another (27.35 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Sabbath | Chapter XII: Regulations Concerning Building, Ploughing, etc., On the Sabbath (18.13 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Sabbath | Chapter XIII: Regulations Concerning Weaving, Tearing, Hunting, etc. on the Sabbath (13.82 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Sabbath | Chapter XIV: Regulations Concerning the Catching of Reptiles, Animals and Birds (20.9 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Sabbath | Chapter XV: Regulations Concerning the Tying and Untying of Knots on the Sabbath (19.1 KB) Rodkinson Seder Moed | Sabbath | Chapter XVI: Regulations Concerning Articles Which May be Saved From a Conflagration on Sabbath (46.43 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Sabbath | Chapter XVII: Regulation Concerning Handling of Utensils and Furniture on the Sabbath (21.71 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Sabbath | Chapter XVIII: Regulaltions re Clearing Off Req Space, Assist Cattle Birth, Women Confined (23.89 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Sabbath | Chapter XIX: Regulations Ordained by R. Eliezer Concerning Circumcision on the Sabbath (37.87 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Sabbath | Chapter XX: Certain Acts of Labor Which Must be Performed Differently on Sabbath and Festival (26.56 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Sabbath | Chapter XXI: Pouring Out Wine From Covered Vessels (Must Not Lift) Clearing Crumbs From Table (13.6 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Sabbath | Chapter XXII: Regulations Concerning Preparation of Food and Beverages (27.35 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Sabbath | Chapter XXIII: Borrowing, Casting Lots, Waiting for Close of Sabbath and Attending a Corpse (39.1 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Sabbath | Chapter XXVI: Man Overtaken by Dusk Eve of Sabbath While Travelling, Concern Feeding Cattle (31.88 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Sabbath | The Prayer at the Conclusion of a Tract (9.81 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Sabbath | Appendix (21.33 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Sabbath | Errata (4.24 KB) Public Talmud - 1918 trans. Michael L. Rodkinson Talmud Rodkinson | Book 2 - Seder Moed (Holidays) Rodkinson | Book 2 - Seder Moed (Holidays) Support Tue, 01/23/2024 - 11:02 am The Babylonian Talmud - Book 2 - Seder Moed (Holidays) Tract Erubin - Tract Shekalim - Tract Rosh Hashana Talmud - 1918 trans. Michael L. Rodkinson Talmud Rodkinson | Volume III - Tract Erubin Rodkinson | Volume III - Tract Erubin Support Tue, 01/23/2024 - 03:57 pm The Babylonian Talmud - Book 2 - Volume 3 - Seder Moed (Holidays) - Tract Erubin Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Book 2 Volume III Title Page (4.85 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Erubin | Explanatory Remarks (5.71 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Erubin | Contents (9.63 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Erubin | Introduction to Erubin (8.96 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Erubin | Synopsis of Erubin (24.17 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Erubin | Chapter I: Size of Erubin (177.17 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Erubin | Chapter II: Use of Wells and Gardens on the Sabbath (64.08 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Erubin | Chapter III: Location of Erubin and Limits on Sabbath Travel (50.25 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Erubin | Chapter IV: Sabbath Travel (44.14 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Erubin | Chapter V: Town Boundaries and Legal Limits (72.64 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Erubin | Chapter VI: Erubin in Courts and Partnerships (55.37 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Erubin | Chapter VII: Erubin in Courts and Alleys (34.12 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Erubin | Chapter VIII: Erubin of Limits, Food Required for Erubin, Erubin of Courts (66.12 KB) Seder Moed | Erubin | Chapter IX: Combining of Roofs on Sabbath (75.26 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Erubin | Chapter X: Sundry Sabbath Regulations (40.79 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Erubin | Errata (3.17 KB) Public Talmud - 1918 trans. Michael L. Rodkinson Talmud Rodkinson | Volume IV - Tract Shekalim Rodkinson | Volume IV - Tract Shekalim Support Tue, 01/23/2024 - 04:01 pm The Babylonian Talmud - Book 2 - Volume 4 - Seder Moed (Holidays) - Tract Shekalim Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Shekalim | Book 2 Volume IV Title Page (4.94 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Shekalim | Explanatory Remarks (5.78 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Shekalim | Contents of Tract Shkalim (10.22 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Shekalim | Preface to Tract Shekalim (7.1 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Shekalim | Tract Shekalim: Synopsis of Subjects (14.6 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Shekalim | Chapter I. (22.19 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Shekalim | Chapter II. (17.58 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Shekalim | Chapter III. (13.2 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Shekalim | Chapter IV. (20.33 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Shekalim | Chapter V. (19.83 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Shekalim | Chapter VI. (17.41 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Shekalim | Chapter VII. (17.4 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Shekalim | Chapter VIII. (14.37 KB) Public Talmud - 1918 trans. Michael L. Rodkinson Talmud Rodkinson | Volume IV - Tract Rosh Hashana Rodkinson | Volume IV - Tract Rosh Hashana Support Tue, 01/23/2024 - 04:02 pm The Babylonian Talmud - Book 2 - Volume 4 - Seder Moed (Holidays) - Rosh Hashana Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Rosh Hashana | Tract Rosh Hashana Contents (7.98 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Rosh Hashana | Introduction to Tract Rsh Hashana (New Year's Day) (11.08 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Rosh Hashana | Synopsis of Subjects of Tract Rosh Hashana (19.82 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Rosh Hashana | Chapter I. (76.89 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Rosh Hashana | Chapter II. (22.44 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Rosh Hashana | Chapter III. (18.8 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Rosh Hashana | Chapter IV. (27.43 KB) Public Talmud - 1918 trans. Michael L. Rodkinson Talmud Rodkinson | Book 3 - Seder Moed (Holidays) Rodkinson | Book 3 - Seder Moed (Holidays) Support Tue, 01/23/2024 - 11:30 am The Babylonian Talmud - Book 3 - Volume V and VI - Seder Moed (Holidays) Tract Pesachim (Passover) - Tract Yomah (Day of Atonement) - Tract Hagiga (Holocaust) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Book 3 Index (6.27 KB) Public Talmud - 1918 trans. Michael L. Rodkinson Talmud Rodkinson | Volume V - Tract Pesachim (Passover) Rodkinson | Volume V - Tract Pesachim (Passover) Support Tue, 01/23/2024 - 04:06 pm The Babylonian Talmud - Book 3 - Volume V - Seder Moed (Holidays) - Tract Pesachim (Passover) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Passover | Book 3 Volume V. Title Page Tract Pesachim (Passover) (4.9 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Passover | Explanatory Remarks (4.75 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Passover | Dedication (4.89 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Passover | Tract Passover Contents (10.23 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Passover | Tract Passover Synopsis of Subjects (17.95 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Passover | Chapter I. Concerning the Removal of Leaven from the House (48.88 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Passover | Chapter II. Time Eating Unleavended Bread, Material Making Unleavened Bread & Bitter Herbs (64.66 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Passover | Chapter III. Articles Which Cause Transgression of Law Prohbiting Leaven to be Seen or Found (31.9 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Passover | Chapter IV. Regulations Concerning Work May and Must not be Performed on the Day Before (40.45 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Passover | Chapter V. Regulations Concerning the Sacrifice of the Paschal Lamb (35.92 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Passover | Chapter VI. Acts Supersede Due Observance Sabbath; Paschal Offering; Sacrifice Confounded (34.07 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Passover | Chapter VII. Roasting Paschal Lamb; If Paschal Lamb Becomes Defiled; Parts of Lamb Eaten (50.27 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Passover | Chapter VIII. Those Obligated Eat Paschal Sacrifice; Where May Be Eaten; Diff Betw 1st & 2nd (32.41 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Passover | Chapter IX. The Second Passover; Passover during Exodus; Mixed Paschal Sacrifices (32.6 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Passover | Chapter X. The Meal on the Eve of Passover and the Four Cups of Wine (77.46 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Passover | Appendix A (10.88 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Passover | Appendix B (4.78 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Passover | Errata (3.16 KB) Public Talmud - 1918 trans. Michael L. Rodkinson Talmud Rodkinson | Volume VI - Tract Yomah (Day of Atonement) Rodkinson | Volume VI - Tract Yomah (Day of Atonement) Support Tue, 01/23/2024 - 04:14 pm The Babylonian Talmud - Book 3 - Volume VI - Seder Moed (Holidays) - Tract Yomah (Day of Atonement) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Yomah | Book 3 Volume VI. Title Page Tract Yomah (Day of Atonement) (4.87 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Yomah | Explanatory Remarks (5.29 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Yomah | Dedications (14.08 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Yomah | Tract Yomah Contents (8.3 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Yomah | Introduction to Tract Yomah (12.16 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Yomah | Synopsis of Subjects, Tract Yomah (15.02 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Yomah | Chapter I: The Preparations of the High Priest (49.54 KB) Rodkinson Seder Moed | Yomah | Chapter II. The Lots Priests Drew, Who Should go to the Altar, How Many Needed for Each Sacrifice (21.31 KB) RodkiSeder Moed | Yomah | Chapter III. Time of Daily Offering; Entry of Layman into Temple Court; Order of High-Priests' Service (31.86 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Yomah | Chapter IV. The Two Goats (20.43 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Yomah | Chapter V. Remaining Services of the High-Priest (31.1 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Yomah | Chapter VI. He-Goats of Day of Atonement and Sending to Desert, Confession Thereat (21.93 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Yomah | Chapter VII. The Passages Read by the High-Priest and his Garments (25.59 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Yomah | Chapter VIII. Fasting on Day of Atonement; What May Be Done Thereon, And What May Not Be Done (52.77 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Yomah | Appendix (11.19 KB) Public Talmud - 1918 trans. Michael L. Rodkinson Talmud Rodkinson | Volume VI - Tract Hagiga (Holocaust) Rodkinson | Volume VI - Tract Hagiga (Holocaust) Support Tue, 01/23/2024 - 04:17 pm The Babylonian Talmud - Book 3 - Volume VI - Seder Moed (Holidays) - Tract Hagig (Holocaust) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Hagiga | Contents Tract Hagiga (Holocaust) (8.36 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Hagiga | Synopsis of Subjects Tract Hagiga (Holocaust) (12.43 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Hagiga | Chapter I. Regulations Concerning the Holocaust, and the Appointed Time for Peace-Offering (39.91 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Hagiga | Chapter II. Regulations Concerning Public Lectures: Which Are and Which Are Not Allowed (42.88 KB) Rodkinson |Seder Moed | Hagiga | Chapter III. In What Cases Sacred Things Are More Rigorous Than Heave-Offerings, And Vice Versa (17.66 KB) Public Talmud - 1918 trans. Michael L. Rodkinson Talmud Rodkinson | Book 4 - Seder Moed (Festivals) Rodkinson | Book 4 - Seder Moed (Festivals) Support Tue, 01/23/2024 - 11:34 am The Babylonian Talmud - Book 3 - Volume VI and VII - Seder Moed (Festivals) Tract Betzah or Yom Tob (Feast Days) - Tract Succah (Booths) - Tract Moed Katan (Minor Festivals)Tract Taanith (Fasting) - Tract Megilla (Book of Esther) - Tract Ebel Rabbathi (Great Mourning) or Sema'hoth (Joys) Public Talmud - 1918 trans. Michael L. Rodkinson Talmud Rodkinson | Volume VII - Tract Betzah or Yom Tob (Feast Days) Rodkinson | Volume VII - Tract Betzah or Yom Tob (Feast Days) Support Tue, 01/23/2024 - 04:33 pm The Babylonian Talmud - Book 4 - Volume VII - Seder Moed (Festivals) - Tract Betzah or Yom Tob (Feast Days) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Betzah | Title Page Tract Betzah or Yom Tob (Feast Days) (5.01 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Betzah | Explanatory Remarks (4.86 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Betzah | Dedication (5.97 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Betzah | To the Reader (6.87 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Betzah | Contents (7.51 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Betzah | Synopsis of Subjects (10.76 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Betzah | Chapter I. (46.65 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Betzah | Chapter II. (34.08 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Betzah | Chapter III. (25.79 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Betzah | Chapter IV. (21.04 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Betzah | Chapter V. (16.02 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Betzah | Errata (2.94 KB) Public Talmud - 1918 trans. Michael L. Rodkinson Talmud Rodkinson | Volume VII - Tract Succah (Booths) Rodkinson | Volume VII - Tract Succah (Booths) Support Tue, 01/23/2024 - 04:34 pm The Babylonian Talmud - Book 4 - Volume VII - Seder Moed (Festivals) - Tract Succah (Booths) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Succah | Contents Tract Succah (Booths) (5.41 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Succah | Dedication (5.72 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Succah | Synopsis of Subjects (16.11 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Succah | Chapter I. (44.18 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Succah | Chapter II. (28.69 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Succah | Chapter III. (39.93 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Succah | Chapter IV. (24.77 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Succah | Chapter V. (34.36 KB) Public Talmud - 1918 trans. Michael L. Rodkinson Talmud Rodkinson | Volume VII - Tract Moed Katan (Minor Festivals) Rodkinson | Volume VII - Tract Moed Katan (Minor Festivals) Support Tue, 01/23/2024 - 04:35 pm The Babylonian Talmud - Book 4 - Volume VII - Seder Moed (Festivals) - Tract Moed Katan (Minor Festivals) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Katan | Contents Tract Moed Katan (Minor Festivals) (7.05 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Katan | Synopsis of Subjects (9.17 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Katan | Chapter I. (33.89 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Katan | Chapter II. (13.2 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Katan | Chapter III. (37.37 KB) Public Talmud - 1918 trans. Michael L. Rodkinson Talmud Rodkinson | Volume VIII - Tract Taanith (Fasting) Rodkinson | Volume VIII - Tract Taanith (Fasting) Support Tue, 01/23/2024 - 04:38 pm The Babylonian Talmud - Book 4 - Volume VIII - Seder Moed (Festivals) - Tract Taanith (Fasting) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Taanith | Title Page Tract Taanith (Fasting) (5.03 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Taanith | Explanatory Remarks (5.89 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Taanith | A Word to the Public (11.29 KB) Seder Moed | Taanith | Contents Tract Taanith (Fasting) (6.97 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Taanith | Synopsis of Subjects (10.27 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Taanith | Chapter I. (61.3 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Taanith | Chapter II. (22.62 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Taanith | Chapter III. (54.25 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Taanith | Chapter IV. (28.08 KB) Public Talmud - 1918 trans. Michael L. Rodkinson Talmud Rodkinson | Volume VIII - Tract Megilla (Book of Esther) Rodkinson | Volume VIII - Tract Megilla (Book of Esther) Support Tue, 01/23/2024 - 04:40 pm The Babylonian Talmud - Book 4 - Volume VIII - Seder Moed (Festivals) - Tract Megilla (Book of Esther) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Megilla | Contents Tract Megilla (Book of Esther) (7.88 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Megilla | Synopsis of Subjects (11.18 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Megilla | Chapter I. (77.36 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Megilla | Chapter II. (23.96 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Megilla | Chapter III. (25.88 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Megilla | Chapter IV. (35.22 KB) Public Talmud - 1918 trans. Michael L. Rodkinson Talmud Rodkinson | Volume VIII - Tract Ebel Rabbathi (Great Mourning), or Sema'hoth (Joys) Rodkinson | Volume VIII - Tract Ebel Rabbathi (Great Mourning), or Sema'hoth (Joys) Support Tue, 01/23/2024 - 04:40 pm The Babylonian Talmud - Book 4 - Volume VIII - Seder Moed (Festivals) - Tract Ebel Rabbathi (Grreat Mourning), or Sema'hoth (Joys) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Ebel Rabbathi | Sema'hoth | Contents Tract Ebel Rabbathi (Great Mourning), or Sema'hoth (Joys) (15.58 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Ebel Rabbathi | Sema'hoth | Chapter I. (18.9 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Ebel Rabbathi | Sema'hoth | Chapter II. (15.26 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Ebel Rabbathi | Sema'hoth | Chapter III. (19.11 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Ebel Rabbathi | Sema'hoth | Chapter IV. (20.84 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Ebel Rabbathi | Sema'hoth | Chapter V. (17.18 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Ebel Rabbathi | Sema'hoth | Chapter VI. (14.55 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Ebel Rabbathi | Sema'hoth | Chapter VII. (13.51 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Ebel Rabbathi | Sema'hoth | Chapter VIII. (18.32 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Ebel Rabbathi | Sema'hoth | Chapter IX. (23.57 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Ebel Rabbathi | Sema'hoth | Chapter X. (13.7 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Ebel Rabbathi | Sema'hoth | Chapter XI. (12.08 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Ebel Rabbathi | Sema'hoth | Chapter XII. (17.43 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Ebel Rabbathi | Sema'hoth | Chapter XIII. (9.1 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Ebel Rabbathi | Sema'hoth | Chapter XIV. (15.04 KB) Public Talmud - 1918 trans. Michael L. Rodkinson Talmud Rodkinson | Book 5 - Seder Nezikin - Jurisprudence (Damages) Rodkinson | Book 5 - Seder Nezikin - Jurisprudence (Damages) Support Tue, 01/23/2024 - 11:36 am The Babylonian Talmud - Book 5 - Volume IX and X - Seder Nezikin Tract Aboth - Tracts Eretz-Rabba and Eretz-Zuta - Tract Baba Kama Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Book 5 (Vols. IX and X) Jurisprudence (Damages) Index (6.34 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Title Page Jurisprudence (Damages) (5.45 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Explanatory Remarks and Copyright (5.39 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Dedication (6.25 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Introduction to Section Jurisprudence (12.52 KB) Talmud - 1918 trans. Michael L. Rodkinson Talmud Rodkinson | Volume IX - Tract Aboth Rodkinson | Volume IX - Tract Aboth Support Tue, 01/23/2024 - 04:44 pm The Babylonian Talmud - Book 5 - Volume IX - Seder Nezikin - Tract Aboth Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Aboth | Synopsis of Tract Aboth (Fathers of the Synagogue) (21.23 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Aboth | Chapter I. (102.4 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Aboth | Chapter II. (23.77 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Aboth | Chapter III. (23.61 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Aboth | Chapter IV. (42.19 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Aboth | Chapter V. (55.13 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Aboth | Chapter VI. (20.65 KB) Public Talmud - 1918 trans. Michael L. Rodkinson Talmud Rodkinson | Volume X - Tract Derech Eretz - Rabba (Worldly Affairs) Rodkinson | Volume X - Tract Derech Eretz - Rabba (Worldly Affairs) Support Tue, 01/23/2024 - 04:51 pm The Babylonian Talmud - Book 5 - Volume IX - Seder Nezikin - Tract Derech Eretz-Rabba (Worldly Affairs) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Derech Eretz-Rabba | Synopsis of Tracts Derech Eretz-Rabba and Derech Eretz-Zuta (13.18 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Derech Eretz-Rabba | Chapter II. (13.45 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Derech Eretz-Rabba | Chapter III. (6.78 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Derech Eretz-Rabba | Chapter IV. (7.44 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Derech Eretz-Rabba | Chapter V. (7.67 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Derech Eretz-Rabba | Chapter VI. (7.64 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Derech Eretz-Rabba | Chapter VII. (6.36 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Derech Eretz-Rabba | Chapter VIII. (6.89 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Derech Eretz-Rabba | Chapter IX. (7.25 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Derech Eretz-Rabba | Chapter X. (8.62 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Derech Eretz-Rabba | Chapter XI. (8.77 KB) Public Talmud - 1918 trans. Michael L. Rodkinson Talmud Rodkinson | Volume X - Tract Derech Eretz-Zuta Rodkinson | Volume X - Tract Derech Eretz-Zuta Support Tue, 01/23/2024 - 04:52 pm The Babylonian Talmud - Book 5 - Volume X - Seder Nezikin - Tract Derech Eretz-Zuta Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Derech Eretz-Zuta | Synopsis of Tracts Derech Eretz-Rabba and Derech Eretz-Zuta (13.18 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Derech Eretz-Zuta | Chapter I. (8.47 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Derech Eretz-Zuta | Chapter II. (10.55 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Derech Eretz-Zuta | Chapter III. (8.73 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Derech Eretz-Zuta | Chapter IV. (7.37 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Derech Eretz-Zuta | Chapter V. (5.51 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Derech Eretz-Zuta | Chapter VI. (5.75 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Derech Eretz-Zuta | Chapter VII. (7.17 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Derech Eretz-Zuta | Chapter IX. (9.14 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Derech Eretz-Zuta | Chapter on Peace (9.17 KB) Public Talmud - 1918 trans. Michael L. Rodkinson Talmud Rodkinson | Volume X - Tract Baba Kama (First Gate, Part I) Rodkinson | Volume X - Tract Baba Kama (First Gate, Part I) Support Tue, 01/23/2024 - 04:53 pm The Babylonian Talmud - Book 5 - Volume X - Seder Nezikin - Tract Baba Kama (First Gate, Part I) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Kama | Title Page Tract Baba Kama (First Gate, Part I) (7.4 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Kama | Contents (10.2 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Kama | Introduction to the Three Gates of Section Jurisprudence (13.33 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Kama | Synosis of Subjects of Tract Baba Kama (The First Gate) (22.44 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Kama | Chapter I. (52.18 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Kama | Chapter II. (46.96 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Kama | Chapter III. (43.45 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Kama | Chapter IV. (43.42 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Kama | Chapter V. (42.62 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Kama | Chapter VI. (32.05 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Kama | Chapter VII. (57.03 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Kama | Chapter VIII. (52.11 KB) Public Talmud - 1918 trans. Michael L. Rodkinson Talmud Rodkinson | Book 6 - Seder Nezikin - Jurisprudence (Damages) Rodkinson | Book 6 - Seder Nezikin - Jurisprudence (Damages) Support Tue, 01/23/2024 - 11:37 am The Babylonian Talmud - Book 6 - Volumes XI and XII - Seder Nezikin Tract Baba Kama (First Gate, Part II) - Tract Baba Metzia (Middle Gate, Part I) - Tract Baba Metzia (Middle Gate, Part II) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Book 6 (Volumes XI. and XII.) Index (4.68 KB) Public Talmud - 1918 trans. Michael L. Rodkinson Talmud Rodkinson | Volume XI - Tract Baba Kama (First Gate, Part II) Rodkinson | Volume XI - Tract Baba Kama (First Gate, Part II) Support Tue, 01/23/2024 - 04:57 pm The Babylonian Talmud - Book 6 - Volumes XI - Seder Nezikin - Tract Baba Kama (First Gate, Part II) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Kama | Title Page Tract Baba Kama (First Gate, Part II) (4.85 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Kama | Explanatory Remarks (6.13 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Kama | Contents Baba Kama (First Gate, Part II) (8.73 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Kama | Synosis of Subjects of Tract Baba Kama (The First Gate) (10.81 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Kama | Chapter IX. (64.56 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Kama | Chapter X. (44.16 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Kama | Errata (4.51 KB) Public Talmud - 1918 trans. Michael L. Rodkinson Talmud Rodkinson | Volume XII - Tract Baba Metzia (Middle Gate, Part I) Rodkinson | Volume XII - Tract Baba Metzia (Middle Gate, Part I) Support Tue, 01/23/2024 - 04:58 pm The Babylonian Talmud - Book 6 - Volume XII - Seder Nezikin - Tract Baba Metzia (Middle Gate, Part I) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Metzia | Contents Tract Baba Metzia (Middle Gate, Part I) (7.23 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Metzia | Synopsis of Subjects (12.71 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Metzia | Chapter I. (71.43 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Metzia | Chapter II. (65.98 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Metzia | Chapter III. (51.84 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Metzia | Chapter IV. (57.2 KB) Public Talmud - 1918 trans. Michael L. Rodkinson Talmud Rodkinson | Volume XII - Tract Baba Metzia (Middle Gate, Part II) Rodkinson | Volume XII - Tract Baba Metzia (Middle Gate, Part II) Support Tue, 01/23/2024 - 04:59 pm The Babylonian Talmud - Book 6 - Volumes XII - Seder Nezikin - Tract Baba Metzia (Middle Gate, Part II) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Metzia | Title Page Tract Baba Metzia (Middle Gate, Part II) (5.24 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Metzia | Explanatory Remarks (5.96 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Metzia | Contents Tract Baba Metzia (Middle Gate, Part II) (9.15 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Metzia | Synopsis of Subjects (20.54 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Metzia | Chapter V. (72.77 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Metzia | Chapter VI. (37.54 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Metzia | Chapter VII. (67.41 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Metzia | Chapter VIII. (41.35 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Metzia | Chapter IX. (58.07 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Metzia | Chapter X. (17.26 KB) Public Talmud - 1918 trans. Michael L. Rodkinson Talmud Rodkinson | Book 7 - Seder Nezikin - Jurisprudence (Damages) Rodkinson | Book 7 - Seder Nezikin - Jurisprudence (Damages) Support Tue, 01/23/2024 - 05:01 pm The Babylonian Talmud - Book 7 - Volumes XIII and XIV - Seder Nezikin Tract Baba Bathra, Part I - Tract Baba Bathra, Part II Public Talmud - 1918 trans. Michael L. Rodkinson Talmud Rodkinson | Volume XIII - Tract Baba Bathra (Last Gate), Part I Rodkinson | Volume XIII - Tract Baba Bathra (Last Gate), Part I Support Tue, 01/23/2024 - 05:01 pm The Babylonian Talmud - Book 7 - Volumes XIII - Seder Nezikin - Tract Baba Bathra (Last Gate), Part I Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Bathra | Title Page Tract Baba Bathra (Last Gate, Part I) (4.94 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Bathra | Explanatory Remarks (4.87 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Bathra | Dedication (4.71 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Bathra | Contents Tract Baba Bathra (Last Gate), Part I (8.91 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Bathra | Synopsis of Subjects of Tract Baba Bathra (Last Gate) (19.2 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Bathra | Chapter I. (89.79 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Bathra | Chapter II. (50.46 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Bathra | Chapter III. (102.45 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Bathra | Chapter IV. (36.91 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Bathra | Chapter V. (82.54 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Bathra | Appendix (7.48 KB) Public Talmud - 1918 trans. Michael L. Rodkinson Talmud Rodkinson | Volume XIV - Tract Baba Bathra (Last Gate), Part II Rodkinson | Volume XIV - Tract Baba Bathra (Last Gate), Part II Support Tue, 01/23/2024 - 05:03 pm The Babylonian Talmud - Book 7 - Volumes XIII - Seder Nezikin - Tract Baba Bathra (Last Gate), Part II Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Bathra | Title Page Tract Baba Bathra (Last Gate, Part II) (4.9 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Bathra | Explanatory Remarks (5.03 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Bathra | Dedication (9.65 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Bathra | Synopsis of Subjects (19.23 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Bathra | Chapter VI. (30.45 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Bathra | Chapter VII. (20.9 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Bathra | Chapter VIII. (110.87 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Bathra | Chapter IX. (70.95 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Bathra | X. (58.09 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Bathra | Errata (5.55 KB) Public Talmud - 1918 trans. Michael L. Rodkinson Talmud Rodkinson | Book 8 - Seder Nezikin - Jurisprudence (Damages) Rodkinson | Book 8 - Seder Nezikin - Jurisprudence (Damages) Support Tue, 01/23/2024 - 05:05 pm The Babylonian Talmud - Book 8 - Volumes XV and XVI - Seder Nezikin - Tract Sanhedrin Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Sanhedron | Index Book 8 Tract Sanhedron (4.5 KB) Public Talmud - 1918 trans. Michael L. Rodkinson Talmud Rodkinson | Volumes VII and VIII (XV and XVI) - Tract Sanhedrin Rodkinson | Volumes VII and VIII (XV and XVI) - Tract Sanhedrin Support Tue, 01/23/2024 - 05:08 pm The Babylonian Talmud - Book 8 - Volumes XV and XVI - Seder Nezikin - Tract Sanhedrin Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Sanhedron | Title Page Book 8 Tract Sanhedron (7.18 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Sanhedron | A Word to the Reader (8.09 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Sanhedron | Contents Tract Sanhedron (9.99 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Sanhedron | Synopsis of Subjects Tract Sanhedron (38.61 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Sanhedron | Chapter I. (70.24 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Sanhedron | Chapter II. (38.54 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Sanhedron | Chapter III. (54.13 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Sanhedron | Chapter IV. (33.77 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Sanhedron | Chapter V. (21.97 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Sanhedron | Chapter VI. (43.19 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Sanhedron | Chapter VII. (84.3 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Sanhedron | Chapter VIII. (38.79 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Sanhedron | Chapter IX. (41.21 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Sanhedron | Chapter X. (33.2 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Sanhedron | Chapter XI. (194.96 KB) Public Talmud - 1918 trans. Michael L. Rodkinson Talmud Rodkinson | Book 9 - Seder Nezikin - Jurisprudence (Damages) Rodkinson | Book 9 - Seder Nezikin - Jurisprudence (Damages) Support Tue, 01/23/2024 - 05:10 pm The Babylonian Talmud - Book 9 - Volumes XIX. (XVII.) and X. (XVIII.) - Seder Nezikin Tract Maccoth - Tract Shebuoth (Oaths) - Tract Eduyoth (Testimonies) - Tract Abuda Zara - Tract Horioth (Decisions) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Index Book 9 (8.07 KB) Public Talmud - 1918 trans. Michael L. Rodkinson Talmud Rodkinson | Volume IX - Tract Maccoth (Stripes) Rodkinson | Volume IX - Tract Maccoth (Stripes) Support Tue, 01/23/2024 - 05:11 pm The Babylonian Talmud - Book 9 - Volumes IX. (XVII.) - Seder Nezikin - Tract Maccoth (Stripes) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Maccoth | Index Tract Maccoth (5.07 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Maccoth | Explanatory Remarks (4.9 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Maccoth | Dedication (6.41 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Maccoth | Concluding Words to The Completion of Sections Festival and Jurisprudence (13.12 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Maccoth | Contents Tract Maccoth (6.26 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Maccoth | Synopsis of Subjects of Tract Maccoth (Stripes) (11.83 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Maccoth | Chapter I. (26.56 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Maccoth | Chapter II. (38.38 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Maccoth | Chapter III. (40.92 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Maccoth | Errata (6.02 KB) Public Talmud - 1918 trans. Michael L. Rodkinson Talmud Rodkinson | Volume IX - Tract Shebuoth (Oaths) Rodkinson | Volume IX - Tract Shebuoth (Oaths) Support Tue, 01/23/2024 - 05:13 pm The Babylonian Talmud - Book 9 - Volumes IX. (XVII.) - Seder Nezikin - Tract Shebuoth (Oaths) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Shebuoth | Contents Shebuoth (Oaths) (9.53 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Shebuoth | Synopsis of Subjects Tract Shebuoth (Oaths) (11.79 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Shebuoth | Chapter I. (26.77 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Shebuoth | Chapter II. (21.77 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Shebuoth | Chapter III. (37.33 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Shebuoth | Chapter IV. (36.87 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Shebuoth | Chapter V. (15.71 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Shebuoth | Chapter VI. (31.93 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Shebuoth | Chapter VII. (23.5 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Shebuoth | Chapter VIII. (7.47 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Shebuoth | Appendix to Page 13 (4.11 KB) Public Talmud - 1918 trans. Michael L. Rodkinson Talmud Rodkinson | Volume IX - Tract Eduyoth (Testimonies) Rodkinson | Volume IX - Tract Eduyoth (Testimonies) Support Tue, 01/23/2024 - 05:14 pm The Babylonian Talmud - Book 9 - Volumes IX. (XVII.) - Seder Nezikin - Tract Eduyoth (Testimonies) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Eduyoth | Introduction (6.75 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Eduyoth | Chapter I. (12.86 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Eduyoth | Chapter II. (8.26 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Eduyoth | Chapter III. (8.45 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Eduyoth | Chapter IV. (8.88 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Eduyoth | Chapter V. (8.44 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Eduyoth | Chapter VI. (7.61 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Eduyoth | Chapter VII. (7.43 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Eduyoth | Chapter VIII. (6.13 KB) Public Talmud - 1918 trans. Michael L. Rodkinson Talmud Rodkinson | Volume X - Tract Abuda Zara (Idolatry) Rodkinson | Volume X - Tract Abuda Zara (Idolatry) Support Tue, 01/23/2024 - 05:15 pm The Babylonian Talmud - Book 9 - Volumes X. (XVIII.) - Seder Nezikin - Tract Abuda Zara (Idolatry) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Abuda Zara | Explanatory Remarks (5.44 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Abuda Zara | Contents Tract Abuda Zara (Idolatry) (8.79 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Abuda Zara | Synopsis of Subjects Tract Abuda Zara (Idolatry) (17.51 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Abuda Zara | Chapter I. (71.01 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Abuda Zara | Chapter II. (69.12 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Abuda Zara | Chapter III. (36.55 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Abuda Zara | Chapter IV. (50.13 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Abuda Zara | Chapter V. (55.49 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Abuda Zara | Appendix to Page 60 (5.71 KB) Public Talmud - 1918 trans. Michael L. Rodkinson Talmud Rodkinson | Volume X - Tract Horioth (Decisions) Rodkinson | Volume X - Tract Horioth (Decisions) Support Tue, 01/23/2024 - 05:16 pm The Babylonian Talmud - Book 9 - Volumes X. (XVIII.) - Seder Nezikin - Tract Horioth (Decisions) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Horioth | Synopsis of Subjects of Tract Horioth (Decisions) (7.33 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Horioth | Chapter I. (18.79 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Horioth | Chapter II. (16.01 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Horioth | Chapter III. (23.52 KB) Public Talmud - 1918 trans. Michael L. Rodkinson Talmud Rodkinson | Book 10 - History and Introduction to Talmud Rodkinson | Book 10 - History and Introduction to Talmud Support Tue, 01/23/2024 - 05:18 pm The Babylonian Talmud - Book 10 - Volumes I and II Volume I: History of the Talmud Volume II: Historical and Literary Introduction to the New Edition of the Talmud Rodkinson | Book 10 Index (6.53 KB) Public Talmud - 1918 trans. Michael L. Rodkinson Talmud Rodkinson | Volume I : History of the Talmud Rodkinson | Volume I : History of the Talmud Support Tue, 01/23/2024 - 05:19 pm Book 10 - Volume I - History of the Talmud Rodkinson | Talmud | History | Title Page Volume I: History of the Talmud (6.34 KB) Rodkinson | Talmud | History | Preface (8.73 KB) Rodkinson | Talmud | History | Contents of Volume I (12.2 KB) Rodkinson | Talmud | History | Introduction (10.52 KB) Rodkinson | Talmud | History | Chapter I: Origin of the Talmud (8.64 KB) Rodkinson | Talmud | History | Chapter II: Development of the Talmud in the First Century (9.31 KB) Rodkinson | Talmud | History | Chapter III: Persecution of the Talmud from the destruction of the Temple to the Third Century (10.4 KB) Rodkinson | Talmud | History | Chapter IV: Development of the Talmud in the Third Century (11.76 KB) Rodkinson | Talmud | History | Chapter V: The Two Talmuds (14.74 KB) Rodkinson | Talmud | History | Chapter VI: The Sixth Century: Persian and Byzantine Persecution of the Talmud (8.36 KB) Rodkinson | Talmud | History | Chapter VII: The Eight Century: the Persecution of the Talmud by the Karaites (17.33 KB) Rodkinson | Talmud | History | Chapter VIII: Islam and Its Influence on the Talmud (9.6 KB) Rodkinson | Talmud | History | Chapter IX: The Period of Greatest DIffusion of Talmudic Study (14.25 KB) Rodkinson | Talmud | History | Chapter X: The Spanish Writers on the Talmud (16.4 KB) Rodkinson | Talmud | History | Chapter XI: Talmudic Scholars of Germany and Northern France (15.31 KB) Rodkinson | Talmud | History | Chapter XII: The Doctors of France; Authors of the Tosphoth (12.72 KB) Rodkinson | Talmud | History | Chapter XIII: Religious Disputes of All Periods (29.06 KB) Rodkinson | Talmud | History | Chapter XIV: The Talmud in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries (38.92 KB) Rodkinson | Talmud | History | Chapter XV: Polemics with Muslims and Frankists (11.21 KB) Rodkinson | Talmud | History | Chapter XVI: Persecution during the Seventeenth Century (9.04 KB) Rodkinson | Talmud | History | Chapter XVII: Attachks on the Talmud in the Nineteenth Century (10.21 KB) Rodkinson | Talmud | History | Chapter XVIII: The Affair of Rohling-Bloch (14.86 KB) Rodkinson | Talmud | History | Chapter XIX: Exilarchs, Talmud at the State and Its Development at the Present Time (11.97 KB) Public Talmud - 1918 trans. Michael L. Rodkinson Talmud Rodkinson | Volume II - Historical and Literary Introduction to the New Edition of the Talmud Rodkinson | Volume II - Historical and Literary Introduction to the New Edition of the Talmud Support Tue, 01/23/2024 - 05:19 pm Book 10 - Volume II - Historical and Literary Introduction to the New Edition of the Talmud Rodkinson | Talmud | History | Contents Volume II: Historical and Literary Introduction to the New Edition of the Talmud (10.79 KB) Rodkinson | Talmud | History | Part I: Chapter I: The Combination of the Gemara, The Sophrim and the Eshcalath (14.82 KB) Rodkinson | Talmud | History | Part I: Chapter II: The Generations of the Tanaim (35.73 KB) Rodkinson | Talmud | History | Part I: Chapter III: The Amoraim or Expounders of the Mishna (35.33 KB) Rodkinson | Talmud | History | Part I: Chapter IV: The Classification of Halakha and Hagada in the Contents of the Gemara (18.54 KB) Rodkinson | Talmud | History | Part I: Chapter V: Apocryphal Appendices to the Talmud and Commentaries (151.62 KB) Rodkinson | Talmud | History | Plate facing page 48: Contents of the Talmud in Hebrew (141.44 KB) Rodkinson | Talmud | History | Part I: Chapter VI: Epitomes, Codifications, Manuscripts and Printed Editions of the Talmud (16.82 KB) Rodkinson | Talmud | History | Part I: Chapter VII: Translations of the Talmud (9.23 KB) Rodkinson | Talmud | History | Part I: Chapter VIII: Bibliography of Modern Works and Monographs on Talmudic Subjects (20.82 KB) Rodkinson | Talmud | History | Part I: Chapter IX: Why Should Christians Feel Interested in the Talmud? (14.82 KB) Rodkinson | Talmud | History | Part I: Chapter X: Opinions on the Value of the Talmud by Gentiles and Modern Jewish Scholars (12.24 KB) Rodkinson | Talmud | History | Part II: Chapter I: Talmudical Ethics (13.07 KB) Rodkinson | Talmud | History | Part II: Chapter II: Ethical Teachings of the Talmud (18.2 KB) Rodkinson | Talmud | History | Part III: Method of Translation (133.72 KB) Rodkinson | Talmud | History | Plate facing page 100: Page of the Talmud in Hebrew (125.38 KB) Rodkinson | Talmud | History | Part IV: Criticism (11.82 KB) Rodkinson | Talmud | History | Appendix to Chapter II. (7.94 KB) Rodkinson | Talmud | History | Part V: The Arrangement of the Six Sections in Their Sixty Tracts (2.82 KB) Public Talmud - 1918 trans. Michael L. Rodkinson Talmud
Rodkinson | Book 1 - Seder Moed (Holidays) Rodkinson | Book 1 - Seder Moed (Holidays) Support Tue, 01/23/2024 - 10:47 am The Babylonian Talmud - Book 1 - Volume I - Seder Moed - Tract Sabbath Rodkinson | Sedar Moed | Sabbath | Book I Index (5.41 KB) Public Talmud - 1918 trans. Michael L. Rodkinson Talmud Rodkinson | Volume I - Tract Sabbath Rodkinson | Volume I - Tract Sabbath Support Tue, 01/23/2024 - 03:55 pm The Babylonian Talmud - Book 1 - Volume I - Seder Moed - Tract Sabbath Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Sabbath | Book 1 Volume 1 Title Page (5.13 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Sabbath | Explanatory Remarks (5 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Sabbath | Dedication (5.09 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Sabbath | Contents (8.62 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Sabbath | Preface to the Second Edition (6.87 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Sabbath | Editor's Preface (18.21 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Sabbath | Brief General Introduction to the Babylonian Talmud (13.25 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Sabbath | Introduction to Tract Sabbath (16.41 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Sabbath | Synopsis of Subjects (18.41 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Sabbath | Chapter I: Regulations Regarding Transfer on Sabbath (59.62 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Sabbath | Chapter II: Regulations Concerning The Sabbath and Hanukah Light (62.94 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Sabbath | Chapter III: Regulations Concerning Stoves, Hearths and Ovens (36 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Sabbath | Chapter IV: Regulations Concerning Victuals, Where They May or May Not Be Deposited to Retain (18.16 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Sabbath | Chapter V: Regulations Concerning What May and May Not Be Worn by Animals on the Sabbath (32.42 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Sabbath | Chapter VI: Regulations Concerning What Garments Women May Go Out With On the Sabbath (39.3 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Sabbath | Chapter VII: The General Rule Concerning the Principal Acts of Labor on Sabbath (29.32 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Sabbath | Chapter VIII: Regulations Prescribed Quantities of Victuals and Beverages Which Not Be Carrie (26.34 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Sabbath | Chapter IX: Rabbi Aqiba's Regulations On Different Subjects (36.29 KB) Public Talmud - 1918 trans. Michael L. Rodkinson Talmud Rodkinson | Volume II - Tract Sabbath Rodkinson | Volume II - Tract Sabbath Support Tue, 01/23/2024 - 03:56 pm The Babylonian Talmud - Book 1 - Volume II - Seder Moed - Tract Sabbath Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Sabbath | Book 1 Volume II Title (5.17 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Sabbath | Explanatory Remarks (5.6 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Sabbath | Contents (10.29 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Sabbath | Synopsis of Subjects Volume II - Tract Sabbath (22.21 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Sabbath | Chapter XI: Regulations Concerning Throwing From One Ground Into Another (27.35 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Sabbath | Chapter XII: Regulations Concerning Building, Ploughing, etc., On the Sabbath (18.13 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Sabbath | Chapter XIII: Regulations Concerning Weaving, Tearing, Hunting, etc. on the Sabbath (13.82 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Sabbath | Chapter XIV: Regulations Concerning the Catching of Reptiles, Animals and Birds (20.9 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Sabbath | Chapter XV: Regulations Concerning the Tying and Untying of Knots on the Sabbath (19.1 KB) Rodkinson Seder Moed | Sabbath | Chapter XVI: Regulations Concerning Articles Which May be Saved From a Conflagration on Sabbath (46.43 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Sabbath | Chapter XVII: Regulation Concerning Handling of Utensils and Furniture on the Sabbath (21.71 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Sabbath | Chapter XVIII: Regulaltions re Clearing Off Req Space, Assist Cattle Birth, Women Confined (23.89 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Sabbath | Chapter XIX: Regulations Ordained by R. Eliezer Concerning Circumcision on the Sabbath (37.87 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Sabbath | Chapter XX: Certain Acts of Labor Which Must be Performed Differently on Sabbath and Festival (26.56 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Sabbath | Chapter XXI: Pouring Out Wine From Covered Vessels (Must Not Lift) Clearing Crumbs From Table (13.6 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Sabbath | Chapter XXII: Regulations Concerning Preparation of Food and Beverages (27.35 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Sabbath | Chapter XXIII: Borrowing, Casting Lots, Waiting for Close of Sabbath and Attending a Corpse (39.1 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Sabbath | Chapter XXVI: Man Overtaken by Dusk Eve of Sabbath While Travelling, Concern Feeding Cattle (31.88 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Sabbath | The Prayer at the Conclusion of a Tract (9.81 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Sabbath | Appendix (21.33 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Sabbath | Errata (4.24 KB) Public Talmud - 1918 trans. Michael L. Rodkinson Talmud
Rodkinson | Volume I - Tract Sabbath Rodkinson | Volume I - Tract Sabbath Support Tue, 01/23/2024 - 03:55 pm The Babylonian Talmud - Book 1 - Volume I - Seder Moed - Tract Sabbath Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Sabbath | Book 1 Volume 1 Title Page (5.13 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Sabbath | Explanatory Remarks (5 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Sabbath | Dedication (5.09 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Sabbath | Contents (8.62 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Sabbath | Preface to the Second Edition (6.87 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Sabbath | Editor's Preface (18.21 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Sabbath | Brief General Introduction to the Babylonian Talmud (13.25 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Sabbath | Introduction to Tract Sabbath (16.41 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Sabbath | Synopsis of Subjects (18.41 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Sabbath | Chapter I: Regulations Regarding Transfer on Sabbath (59.62 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Sabbath | Chapter II: Regulations Concerning The Sabbath and Hanukah Light (62.94 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Sabbath | Chapter III: Regulations Concerning Stoves, Hearths and Ovens (36 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Sabbath | Chapter IV: Regulations Concerning Victuals, Where They May or May Not Be Deposited to Retain (18.16 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Sabbath | Chapter V: Regulations Concerning What May and May Not Be Worn by Animals on the Sabbath (32.42 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Sabbath | Chapter VI: Regulations Concerning What Garments Women May Go Out With On the Sabbath (39.3 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Sabbath | Chapter VII: The General Rule Concerning the Principal Acts of Labor on Sabbath (29.32 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Sabbath | Chapter VIII: Regulations Prescribed Quantities of Victuals and Beverages Which Not Be Carrie (26.34 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Sabbath | Chapter IX: Rabbi Aqiba's Regulations On Different Subjects (36.29 KB) Public Talmud - 1918 trans. Michael L. Rodkinson Talmud
Rodkinson | Volume II - Tract Sabbath Rodkinson | Volume II - Tract Sabbath Support Tue, 01/23/2024 - 03:56 pm The Babylonian Talmud - Book 1 - Volume II - Seder Moed - Tract Sabbath Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Sabbath | Book 1 Volume II Title (5.17 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Sabbath | Explanatory Remarks (5.6 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Sabbath | Contents (10.29 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Sabbath | Synopsis of Subjects Volume II - Tract Sabbath (22.21 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Sabbath | Chapter XI: Regulations Concerning Throwing From One Ground Into Another (27.35 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Sabbath | Chapter XII: Regulations Concerning Building, Ploughing, etc., On the Sabbath (18.13 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Sabbath | Chapter XIII: Regulations Concerning Weaving, Tearing, Hunting, etc. on the Sabbath (13.82 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Sabbath | Chapter XIV: Regulations Concerning the Catching of Reptiles, Animals and Birds (20.9 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Sabbath | Chapter XV: Regulations Concerning the Tying and Untying of Knots on the Sabbath (19.1 KB) Rodkinson Seder Moed | Sabbath | Chapter XVI: Regulations Concerning Articles Which May be Saved From a Conflagration on Sabbath (46.43 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Sabbath | Chapter XVII: Regulation Concerning Handling of Utensils and Furniture on the Sabbath (21.71 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Sabbath | Chapter XVIII: Regulaltions re Clearing Off Req Space, Assist Cattle Birth, Women Confined (23.89 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Sabbath | Chapter XIX: Regulations Ordained by R. Eliezer Concerning Circumcision on the Sabbath (37.87 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Sabbath | Chapter XX: Certain Acts of Labor Which Must be Performed Differently on Sabbath and Festival (26.56 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Sabbath | Chapter XXI: Pouring Out Wine From Covered Vessels (Must Not Lift) Clearing Crumbs From Table (13.6 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Sabbath | Chapter XXII: Regulations Concerning Preparation of Food and Beverages (27.35 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Sabbath | Chapter XXIII: Borrowing, Casting Lots, Waiting for Close of Sabbath and Attending a Corpse (39.1 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Sabbath | Chapter XXVI: Man Overtaken by Dusk Eve of Sabbath While Travelling, Concern Feeding Cattle (31.88 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Sabbath | The Prayer at the Conclusion of a Tract (9.81 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Sabbath | Appendix (21.33 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Sabbath | Errata (4.24 KB) Public Talmud - 1918 trans. Michael L. Rodkinson Talmud
Rodkinson | Book 2 - Seder Moed (Holidays) Rodkinson | Book 2 - Seder Moed (Holidays) Support Tue, 01/23/2024 - 11:02 am The Babylonian Talmud - Book 2 - Seder Moed (Holidays) Tract Erubin - Tract Shekalim - Tract Rosh Hashana Talmud - 1918 trans. Michael L. Rodkinson Talmud Rodkinson | Volume III - Tract Erubin Rodkinson | Volume III - Tract Erubin Support Tue, 01/23/2024 - 03:57 pm The Babylonian Talmud - Book 2 - Volume 3 - Seder Moed (Holidays) - Tract Erubin Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Book 2 Volume III Title Page (4.85 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Erubin | Explanatory Remarks (5.71 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Erubin | Contents (9.63 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Erubin | Introduction to Erubin (8.96 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Erubin | Synopsis of Erubin (24.17 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Erubin | Chapter I: Size of Erubin (177.17 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Erubin | Chapter II: Use of Wells and Gardens on the Sabbath (64.08 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Erubin | Chapter III: Location of Erubin and Limits on Sabbath Travel (50.25 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Erubin | Chapter IV: Sabbath Travel (44.14 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Erubin | Chapter V: Town Boundaries and Legal Limits (72.64 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Erubin | Chapter VI: Erubin in Courts and Partnerships (55.37 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Erubin | Chapter VII: Erubin in Courts and Alleys (34.12 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Erubin | Chapter VIII: Erubin of Limits, Food Required for Erubin, Erubin of Courts (66.12 KB) Seder Moed | Erubin | Chapter IX: Combining of Roofs on Sabbath (75.26 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Erubin | Chapter X: Sundry Sabbath Regulations (40.79 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Erubin | Errata (3.17 KB) Public Talmud - 1918 trans. Michael L. Rodkinson Talmud Rodkinson | Volume IV - Tract Shekalim Rodkinson | Volume IV - Tract Shekalim Support Tue, 01/23/2024 - 04:01 pm The Babylonian Talmud - Book 2 - Volume 4 - Seder Moed (Holidays) - Tract Shekalim Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Shekalim | Book 2 Volume IV Title Page (4.94 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Shekalim | Explanatory Remarks (5.78 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Shekalim | Contents of Tract Shkalim (10.22 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Shekalim | Preface to Tract Shekalim (7.1 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Shekalim | Tract Shekalim: Synopsis of Subjects (14.6 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Shekalim | Chapter I. (22.19 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Shekalim | Chapter II. (17.58 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Shekalim | Chapter III. (13.2 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Shekalim | Chapter IV. (20.33 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Shekalim | Chapter V. (19.83 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Shekalim | Chapter VI. (17.41 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Shekalim | Chapter VII. (17.4 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Shekalim | Chapter VIII. (14.37 KB) Public Talmud - 1918 trans. Michael L. Rodkinson Talmud Rodkinson | Volume IV - Tract Rosh Hashana Rodkinson | Volume IV - Tract Rosh Hashana Support Tue, 01/23/2024 - 04:02 pm The Babylonian Talmud - Book 2 - Volume 4 - Seder Moed (Holidays) - Rosh Hashana Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Rosh Hashana | Tract Rosh Hashana Contents (7.98 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Rosh Hashana | Introduction to Tract Rsh Hashana (New Year's Day) (11.08 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Rosh Hashana | Synopsis of Subjects of Tract Rosh Hashana (19.82 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Rosh Hashana | Chapter I. (76.89 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Rosh Hashana | Chapter II. (22.44 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Rosh Hashana | Chapter III. (18.8 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Rosh Hashana | Chapter IV. (27.43 KB) Public Talmud - 1918 trans. Michael L. Rodkinson Talmud
Rodkinson | Volume III - Tract Erubin Rodkinson | Volume III - Tract Erubin Support Tue, 01/23/2024 - 03:57 pm The Babylonian Talmud - Book 2 - Volume 3 - Seder Moed (Holidays) - Tract Erubin Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Book 2 Volume III Title Page (4.85 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Erubin | Explanatory Remarks (5.71 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Erubin | Contents (9.63 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Erubin | Introduction to Erubin (8.96 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Erubin | Synopsis of Erubin (24.17 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Erubin | Chapter I: Size of Erubin (177.17 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Erubin | Chapter II: Use of Wells and Gardens on the Sabbath (64.08 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Erubin | Chapter III: Location of Erubin and Limits on Sabbath Travel (50.25 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Erubin | Chapter IV: Sabbath Travel (44.14 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Erubin | Chapter V: Town Boundaries and Legal Limits (72.64 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Erubin | Chapter VI: Erubin in Courts and Partnerships (55.37 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Erubin | Chapter VII: Erubin in Courts and Alleys (34.12 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Erubin | Chapter VIII: Erubin of Limits, Food Required for Erubin, Erubin of Courts (66.12 KB) Seder Moed | Erubin | Chapter IX: Combining of Roofs on Sabbath (75.26 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Erubin | Chapter X: Sundry Sabbath Regulations (40.79 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Erubin | Errata (3.17 KB) Public Talmud - 1918 trans. Michael L. Rodkinson Talmud
Rodkinson | Volume IV - Tract Shekalim Rodkinson | Volume IV - Tract Shekalim Support Tue, 01/23/2024 - 04:01 pm The Babylonian Talmud - Book 2 - Volume 4 - Seder Moed (Holidays) - Tract Shekalim Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Shekalim | Book 2 Volume IV Title Page (4.94 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Shekalim | Explanatory Remarks (5.78 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Shekalim | Contents of Tract Shkalim (10.22 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Shekalim | Preface to Tract Shekalim (7.1 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Shekalim | Tract Shekalim: Synopsis of Subjects (14.6 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Shekalim | Chapter I. (22.19 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Shekalim | Chapter II. (17.58 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Shekalim | Chapter III. (13.2 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Shekalim | Chapter IV. (20.33 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Shekalim | Chapter V. (19.83 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Shekalim | Chapter VI. (17.41 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Shekalim | Chapter VII. (17.4 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Shekalim | Chapter VIII. (14.37 KB) Public Talmud - 1918 trans. Michael L. Rodkinson Talmud
Rodkinson | Volume IV - Tract Rosh Hashana Rodkinson | Volume IV - Tract Rosh Hashana Support Tue, 01/23/2024 - 04:02 pm The Babylonian Talmud - Book 2 - Volume 4 - Seder Moed (Holidays) - Rosh Hashana Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Rosh Hashana | Tract Rosh Hashana Contents (7.98 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Rosh Hashana | Introduction to Tract Rsh Hashana (New Year's Day) (11.08 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Rosh Hashana | Synopsis of Subjects of Tract Rosh Hashana (19.82 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Rosh Hashana | Chapter I. (76.89 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Rosh Hashana | Chapter II. (22.44 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Rosh Hashana | Chapter III. (18.8 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Rosh Hashana | Chapter IV. (27.43 KB) Public Talmud - 1918 trans. Michael L. Rodkinson Talmud
Rodkinson | Book 3 - Seder Moed (Holidays) Rodkinson | Book 3 - Seder Moed (Holidays) Support Tue, 01/23/2024 - 11:30 am The Babylonian Talmud - Book 3 - Volume V and VI - Seder Moed (Holidays) Tract Pesachim (Passover) - Tract Yomah (Day of Atonement) - Tract Hagiga (Holocaust) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Book 3 Index (6.27 KB) Public Talmud - 1918 trans. Michael L. Rodkinson Talmud Rodkinson | Volume V - Tract Pesachim (Passover) Rodkinson | Volume V - Tract Pesachim (Passover) Support Tue, 01/23/2024 - 04:06 pm The Babylonian Talmud - Book 3 - Volume V - Seder Moed (Holidays) - Tract Pesachim (Passover) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Passover | Book 3 Volume V. Title Page Tract Pesachim (Passover) (4.9 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Passover | Explanatory Remarks (4.75 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Passover | Dedication (4.89 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Passover | Tract Passover Contents (10.23 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Passover | Tract Passover Synopsis of Subjects (17.95 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Passover | Chapter I. Concerning the Removal of Leaven from the House (48.88 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Passover | Chapter II. Time Eating Unleavended Bread, Material Making Unleavened Bread & Bitter Herbs (64.66 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Passover | Chapter III. Articles Which Cause Transgression of Law Prohbiting Leaven to be Seen or Found (31.9 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Passover | Chapter IV. Regulations Concerning Work May and Must not be Performed on the Day Before (40.45 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Passover | Chapter V. Regulations Concerning the Sacrifice of the Paschal Lamb (35.92 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Passover | Chapter VI. Acts Supersede Due Observance Sabbath; Paschal Offering; Sacrifice Confounded (34.07 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Passover | Chapter VII. Roasting Paschal Lamb; If Paschal Lamb Becomes Defiled; Parts of Lamb Eaten (50.27 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Passover | Chapter VIII. Those Obligated Eat Paschal Sacrifice; Where May Be Eaten; Diff Betw 1st & 2nd (32.41 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Passover | Chapter IX. The Second Passover; Passover during Exodus; Mixed Paschal Sacrifices (32.6 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Passover | Chapter X. The Meal on the Eve of Passover and the Four Cups of Wine (77.46 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Passover | Appendix A (10.88 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Passover | Appendix B (4.78 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Passover | Errata (3.16 KB) Public Talmud - 1918 trans. Michael L. Rodkinson Talmud Rodkinson | Volume VI - Tract Yomah (Day of Atonement) Rodkinson | Volume VI - Tract Yomah (Day of Atonement) Support Tue, 01/23/2024 - 04:14 pm The Babylonian Talmud - Book 3 - Volume VI - Seder Moed (Holidays) - Tract Yomah (Day of Atonement) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Yomah | Book 3 Volume VI. Title Page Tract Yomah (Day of Atonement) (4.87 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Yomah | Explanatory Remarks (5.29 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Yomah | Dedications (14.08 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Yomah | Tract Yomah Contents (8.3 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Yomah | Introduction to Tract Yomah (12.16 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Yomah | Synopsis of Subjects, Tract Yomah (15.02 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Yomah | Chapter I: The Preparations of the High Priest (49.54 KB) Rodkinson Seder Moed | Yomah | Chapter II. The Lots Priests Drew, Who Should go to the Altar, How Many Needed for Each Sacrifice (21.31 KB) RodkiSeder Moed | Yomah | Chapter III. Time of Daily Offering; Entry of Layman into Temple Court; Order of High-Priests' Service (31.86 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Yomah | Chapter IV. The Two Goats (20.43 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Yomah | Chapter V. Remaining Services of the High-Priest (31.1 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Yomah | Chapter VI. He-Goats of Day of Atonement and Sending to Desert, Confession Thereat (21.93 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Yomah | Chapter VII. The Passages Read by the High-Priest and his Garments (25.59 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Yomah | Chapter VIII. Fasting on Day of Atonement; What May Be Done Thereon, And What May Not Be Done (52.77 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Yomah | Appendix (11.19 KB) Public Talmud - 1918 trans. Michael L. Rodkinson Talmud Rodkinson | Volume VI - Tract Hagiga (Holocaust) Rodkinson | Volume VI - Tract Hagiga (Holocaust) Support Tue, 01/23/2024 - 04:17 pm The Babylonian Talmud - Book 3 - Volume VI - Seder Moed (Holidays) - Tract Hagig (Holocaust) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Hagiga | Contents Tract Hagiga (Holocaust) (8.36 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Hagiga | Synopsis of Subjects Tract Hagiga (Holocaust) (12.43 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Hagiga | Chapter I. Regulations Concerning the Holocaust, and the Appointed Time for Peace-Offering (39.91 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Hagiga | Chapter II. Regulations Concerning Public Lectures: Which Are and Which Are Not Allowed (42.88 KB) Rodkinson |Seder Moed | Hagiga | Chapter III. In What Cases Sacred Things Are More Rigorous Than Heave-Offerings, And Vice Versa (17.66 KB) Public Talmud - 1918 trans. Michael L. Rodkinson Talmud
Rodkinson | Volume V - Tract Pesachim (Passover) Rodkinson | Volume V - Tract Pesachim (Passover) Support Tue, 01/23/2024 - 04:06 pm The Babylonian Talmud - Book 3 - Volume V - Seder Moed (Holidays) - Tract Pesachim (Passover) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Passover | Book 3 Volume V. Title Page Tract Pesachim (Passover) (4.9 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Passover | Explanatory Remarks (4.75 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Passover | Dedication (4.89 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Passover | Tract Passover Contents (10.23 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Passover | Tract Passover Synopsis of Subjects (17.95 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Passover | Chapter I. Concerning the Removal of Leaven from the House (48.88 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Passover | Chapter II. Time Eating Unleavended Bread, Material Making Unleavened Bread & Bitter Herbs (64.66 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Passover | Chapter III. Articles Which Cause Transgression of Law Prohbiting Leaven to be Seen or Found (31.9 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Passover | Chapter IV. Regulations Concerning Work May and Must not be Performed on the Day Before (40.45 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Passover | Chapter V. Regulations Concerning the Sacrifice of the Paschal Lamb (35.92 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Passover | Chapter VI. Acts Supersede Due Observance Sabbath; Paschal Offering; Sacrifice Confounded (34.07 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Passover | Chapter VII. Roasting Paschal Lamb; If Paschal Lamb Becomes Defiled; Parts of Lamb Eaten (50.27 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Passover | Chapter VIII. Those Obligated Eat Paschal Sacrifice; Where May Be Eaten; Diff Betw 1st & 2nd (32.41 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Passover | Chapter IX. The Second Passover; Passover during Exodus; Mixed Paschal Sacrifices (32.6 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Passover | Chapter X. The Meal on the Eve of Passover and the Four Cups of Wine (77.46 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Passover | Appendix A (10.88 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Passover | Appendix B (4.78 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Passover | Errata (3.16 KB) Public Talmud - 1918 trans. Michael L. Rodkinson Talmud
Rodkinson | Volume VI - Tract Yomah (Day of Atonement) Rodkinson | Volume VI - Tract Yomah (Day of Atonement) Support Tue, 01/23/2024 - 04:14 pm The Babylonian Talmud - Book 3 - Volume VI - Seder Moed (Holidays) - Tract Yomah (Day of Atonement) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Yomah | Book 3 Volume VI. Title Page Tract Yomah (Day of Atonement) (4.87 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Yomah | Explanatory Remarks (5.29 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Yomah | Dedications (14.08 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Yomah | Tract Yomah Contents (8.3 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Yomah | Introduction to Tract Yomah (12.16 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Yomah | Synopsis of Subjects, Tract Yomah (15.02 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Yomah | Chapter I: The Preparations of the High Priest (49.54 KB) Rodkinson Seder Moed | Yomah | Chapter II. The Lots Priests Drew, Who Should go to the Altar, How Many Needed for Each Sacrifice (21.31 KB) RodkiSeder Moed | Yomah | Chapter III. Time of Daily Offering; Entry of Layman into Temple Court; Order of High-Priests' Service (31.86 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Yomah | Chapter IV. The Two Goats (20.43 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Yomah | Chapter V. Remaining Services of the High-Priest (31.1 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Yomah | Chapter VI. He-Goats of Day of Atonement and Sending to Desert, Confession Thereat (21.93 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Yomah | Chapter VII. The Passages Read by the High-Priest and his Garments (25.59 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Yomah | Chapter VIII. Fasting on Day of Atonement; What May Be Done Thereon, And What May Not Be Done (52.77 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Yomah | Appendix (11.19 KB) Public Talmud - 1918 trans. Michael L. Rodkinson Talmud
Rodkinson | Volume VI - Tract Hagiga (Holocaust) Rodkinson | Volume VI - Tract Hagiga (Holocaust) Support Tue, 01/23/2024 - 04:17 pm The Babylonian Talmud - Book 3 - Volume VI - Seder Moed (Holidays) - Tract Hagig (Holocaust) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Hagiga | Contents Tract Hagiga (Holocaust) (8.36 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Hagiga | Synopsis of Subjects Tract Hagiga (Holocaust) (12.43 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Hagiga | Chapter I. Regulations Concerning the Holocaust, and the Appointed Time for Peace-Offering (39.91 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Hagiga | Chapter II. Regulations Concerning Public Lectures: Which Are and Which Are Not Allowed (42.88 KB) Rodkinson |Seder Moed | Hagiga | Chapter III. In What Cases Sacred Things Are More Rigorous Than Heave-Offerings, And Vice Versa (17.66 KB) Public Talmud - 1918 trans. Michael L. Rodkinson Talmud
Rodkinson | Book 4 - Seder Moed (Festivals) Rodkinson | Book 4 - Seder Moed (Festivals) Support Tue, 01/23/2024 - 11:34 am The Babylonian Talmud - Book 3 - Volume VI and VII - Seder Moed (Festivals) Tract Betzah or Yom Tob (Feast Days) - Tract Succah (Booths) - Tract Moed Katan (Minor Festivals)Tract Taanith (Fasting) - Tract Megilla (Book of Esther) - Tract Ebel Rabbathi (Great Mourning) or Sema'hoth (Joys) Public Talmud - 1918 trans. Michael L. Rodkinson Talmud Rodkinson | Volume VII - Tract Betzah or Yom Tob (Feast Days) Rodkinson | Volume VII - Tract Betzah or Yom Tob (Feast Days) Support Tue, 01/23/2024 - 04:33 pm The Babylonian Talmud - Book 4 - Volume VII - Seder Moed (Festivals) - Tract Betzah or Yom Tob (Feast Days) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Betzah | Title Page Tract Betzah or Yom Tob (Feast Days) (5.01 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Betzah | Explanatory Remarks (4.86 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Betzah | Dedication (5.97 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Betzah | To the Reader (6.87 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Betzah | Contents (7.51 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Betzah | Synopsis of Subjects (10.76 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Betzah | Chapter I. (46.65 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Betzah | Chapter II. (34.08 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Betzah | Chapter III. (25.79 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Betzah | Chapter IV. (21.04 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Betzah | Chapter V. (16.02 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Betzah | Errata (2.94 KB) Public Talmud - 1918 trans. Michael L. Rodkinson Talmud Rodkinson | Volume VII - Tract Succah (Booths) Rodkinson | Volume VII - Tract Succah (Booths) Support Tue, 01/23/2024 - 04:34 pm The Babylonian Talmud - Book 4 - Volume VII - Seder Moed (Festivals) - Tract Succah (Booths) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Succah | Contents Tract Succah (Booths) (5.41 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Succah | Dedication (5.72 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Succah | Synopsis of Subjects (16.11 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Succah | Chapter I. (44.18 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Succah | Chapter II. (28.69 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Succah | Chapter III. (39.93 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Succah | Chapter IV. (24.77 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Succah | Chapter V. (34.36 KB) Public Talmud - 1918 trans. Michael L. Rodkinson Talmud Rodkinson | Volume VII - Tract Moed Katan (Minor Festivals) Rodkinson | Volume VII - Tract Moed Katan (Minor Festivals) Support Tue, 01/23/2024 - 04:35 pm The Babylonian Talmud - Book 4 - Volume VII - Seder Moed (Festivals) - Tract Moed Katan (Minor Festivals) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Katan | Contents Tract Moed Katan (Minor Festivals) (7.05 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Katan | Synopsis of Subjects (9.17 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Katan | Chapter I. (33.89 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Katan | Chapter II. (13.2 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Katan | Chapter III. (37.37 KB) Public Talmud - 1918 trans. Michael L. Rodkinson Talmud Rodkinson | Volume VIII - Tract Taanith (Fasting) Rodkinson | Volume VIII - Tract Taanith (Fasting) Support Tue, 01/23/2024 - 04:38 pm The Babylonian Talmud - Book 4 - Volume VIII - Seder Moed (Festivals) - Tract Taanith (Fasting) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Taanith | Title Page Tract Taanith (Fasting) (5.03 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Taanith | Explanatory Remarks (5.89 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Taanith | A Word to the Public (11.29 KB) Seder Moed | Taanith | Contents Tract Taanith (Fasting) (6.97 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Taanith | Synopsis of Subjects (10.27 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Taanith | Chapter I. (61.3 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Taanith | Chapter II. (22.62 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Taanith | Chapter III. (54.25 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Taanith | Chapter IV. (28.08 KB) Public Talmud - 1918 trans. Michael L. Rodkinson Talmud Rodkinson | Volume VIII - Tract Megilla (Book of Esther) Rodkinson | Volume VIII - Tract Megilla (Book of Esther) Support Tue, 01/23/2024 - 04:40 pm The Babylonian Talmud - Book 4 - Volume VIII - Seder Moed (Festivals) - Tract Megilla (Book of Esther) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Megilla | Contents Tract Megilla (Book of Esther) (7.88 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Megilla | Synopsis of Subjects (11.18 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Megilla | Chapter I. (77.36 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Megilla | Chapter II. (23.96 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Megilla | Chapter III. (25.88 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Megilla | Chapter IV. (35.22 KB) Public Talmud - 1918 trans. Michael L. Rodkinson Talmud Rodkinson | Volume VIII - Tract Ebel Rabbathi (Great Mourning), or Sema'hoth (Joys) Rodkinson | Volume VIII - Tract Ebel Rabbathi (Great Mourning), or Sema'hoth (Joys) Support Tue, 01/23/2024 - 04:40 pm The Babylonian Talmud - Book 4 - Volume VIII - Seder Moed (Festivals) - Tract Ebel Rabbathi (Grreat Mourning), or Sema'hoth (Joys) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Ebel Rabbathi | Sema'hoth | Contents Tract Ebel Rabbathi (Great Mourning), or Sema'hoth (Joys) (15.58 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Ebel Rabbathi | Sema'hoth | Chapter I. (18.9 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Ebel Rabbathi | Sema'hoth | Chapter II. (15.26 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Ebel Rabbathi | Sema'hoth | Chapter III. (19.11 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Ebel Rabbathi | Sema'hoth | Chapter IV. (20.84 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Ebel Rabbathi | Sema'hoth | Chapter V. (17.18 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Ebel Rabbathi | Sema'hoth | Chapter VI. (14.55 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Ebel Rabbathi | Sema'hoth | Chapter VII. (13.51 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Ebel Rabbathi | Sema'hoth | Chapter VIII. (18.32 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Ebel Rabbathi | Sema'hoth | Chapter IX. (23.57 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Ebel Rabbathi | Sema'hoth | Chapter X. (13.7 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Ebel Rabbathi | Sema'hoth | Chapter XI. (12.08 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Ebel Rabbathi | Sema'hoth | Chapter XII. (17.43 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Ebel Rabbathi | Sema'hoth | Chapter XIII. (9.1 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Ebel Rabbathi | Sema'hoth | Chapter XIV. (15.04 KB) Public Talmud - 1918 trans. Michael L. Rodkinson Talmud
Rodkinson | Volume VII - Tract Betzah or Yom Tob (Feast Days) Rodkinson | Volume VII - Tract Betzah or Yom Tob (Feast Days) Support Tue, 01/23/2024 - 04:33 pm The Babylonian Talmud - Book 4 - Volume VII - Seder Moed (Festivals) - Tract Betzah or Yom Tob (Feast Days) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Betzah | Title Page Tract Betzah or Yom Tob (Feast Days) (5.01 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Betzah | Explanatory Remarks (4.86 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Betzah | Dedication (5.97 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Betzah | To the Reader (6.87 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Betzah | Contents (7.51 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Betzah | Synopsis of Subjects (10.76 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Betzah | Chapter I. (46.65 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Betzah | Chapter II. (34.08 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Betzah | Chapter III. (25.79 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Betzah | Chapter IV. (21.04 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Betzah | Chapter V. (16.02 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Betzah | Errata (2.94 KB) Public Talmud - 1918 trans. Michael L. Rodkinson Talmud
Rodkinson | Volume VII - Tract Succah (Booths) Rodkinson | Volume VII - Tract Succah (Booths) Support Tue, 01/23/2024 - 04:34 pm The Babylonian Talmud - Book 4 - Volume VII - Seder Moed (Festivals) - Tract Succah (Booths) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Succah | Contents Tract Succah (Booths) (5.41 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Succah | Dedication (5.72 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Succah | Synopsis of Subjects (16.11 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Succah | Chapter I. (44.18 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Succah | Chapter II. (28.69 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Succah | Chapter III. (39.93 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Succah | Chapter IV. (24.77 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Succah | Chapter V. (34.36 KB) Public Talmud - 1918 trans. Michael L. Rodkinson Talmud
Rodkinson | Volume VII - Tract Moed Katan (Minor Festivals) Rodkinson | Volume VII - Tract Moed Katan (Minor Festivals) Support Tue, 01/23/2024 - 04:35 pm The Babylonian Talmud - Book 4 - Volume VII - Seder Moed (Festivals) - Tract Moed Katan (Minor Festivals) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Katan | Contents Tract Moed Katan (Minor Festivals) (7.05 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Katan | Synopsis of Subjects (9.17 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Katan | Chapter I. (33.89 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Katan | Chapter II. (13.2 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Katan | Chapter III. (37.37 KB) Public Talmud - 1918 trans. Michael L. Rodkinson Talmud
Rodkinson | Volume VIII - Tract Taanith (Fasting) Rodkinson | Volume VIII - Tract Taanith (Fasting) Support Tue, 01/23/2024 - 04:38 pm The Babylonian Talmud - Book 4 - Volume VIII - Seder Moed (Festivals) - Tract Taanith (Fasting) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Taanith | Title Page Tract Taanith (Fasting) (5.03 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Taanith | Explanatory Remarks (5.89 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Taanith | A Word to the Public (11.29 KB) Seder Moed | Taanith | Contents Tract Taanith (Fasting) (6.97 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Taanith | Synopsis of Subjects (10.27 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Taanith | Chapter I. (61.3 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Taanith | Chapter II. (22.62 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Taanith | Chapter III. (54.25 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Taanith | Chapter IV. (28.08 KB) Public Talmud - 1918 trans. Michael L. Rodkinson Talmud
Rodkinson | Volume VIII - Tract Megilla (Book of Esther) Rodkinson | Volume VIII - Tract Megilla (Book of Esther) Support Tue, 01/23/2024 - 04:40 pm The Babylonian Talmud - Book 4 - Volume VIII - Seder Moed (Festivals) - Tract Megilla (Book of Esther) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Megilla | Contents Tract Megilla (Book of Esther) (7.88 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Megilla | Synopsis of Subjects (11.18 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Megilla | Chapter I. (77.36 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Megilla | Chapter II. (23.96 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Megilla | Chapter III. (25.88 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Megilla | Chapter IV. (35.22 KB) Public Talmud - 1918 trans. Michael L. Rodkinson Talmud
Rodkinson | Volume VIII - Tract Ebel Rabbathi (Great Mourning), or Sema'hoth (Joys) Rodkinson | Volume VIII - Tract Ebel Rabbathi (Great Mourning), or Sema'hoth (Joys) Support Tue, 01/23/2024 - 04:40 pm The Babylonian Talmud - Book 4 - Volume VIII - Seder Moed (Festivals) - Tract Ebel Rabbathi (Grreat Mourning), or Sema'hoth (Joys) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Ebel Rabbathi | Sema'hoth | Contents Tract Ebel Rabbathi (Great Mourning), or Sema'hoth (Joys) (15.58 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Ebel Rabbathi | Sema'hoth | Chapter I. (18.9 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Ebel Rabbathi | Sema'hoth | Chapter II. (15.26 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Ebel Rabbathi | Sema'hoth | Chapter III. (19.11 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Ebel Rabbathi | Sema'hoth | Chapter IV. (20.84 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Ebel Rabbathi | Sema'hoth | Chapter V. (17.18 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Ebel Rabbathi | Sema'hoth | Chapter VI. (14.55 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Ebel Rabbathi | Sema'hoth | Chapter VII. (13.51 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Ebel Rabbathi | Sema'hoth | Chapter VIII. (18.32 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Ebel Rabbathi | Sema'hoth | Chapter IX. (23.57 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Ebel Rabbathi | Sema'hoth | Chapter X. (13.7 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Ebel Rabbathi | Sema'hoth | Chapter XI. (12.08 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Ebel Rabbathi | Sema'hoth | Chapter XII. (17.43 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Ebel Rabbathi | Sema'hoth | Chapter XIII. (9.1 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Moed | Ebel Rabbathi | Sema'hoth | Chapter XIV. (15.04 KB) Public Talmud - 1918 trans. Michael L. Rodkinson Talmud
Rodkinson | Book 5 - Seder Nezikin - Jurisprudence (Damages) Rodkinson | Book 5 - Seder Nezikin - Jurisprudence (Damages) Support Tue, 01/23/2024 - 11:36 am The Babylonian Talmud - Book 5 - Volume IX and X - Seder Nezikin Tract Aboth - Tracts Eretz-Rabba and Eretz-Zuta - Tract Baba Kama Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Book 5 (Vols. IX and X) Jurisprudence (Damages) Index (6.34 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Title Page Jurisprudence (Damages) (5.45 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Explanatory Remarks and Copyright (5.39 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Dedication (6.25 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Introduction to Section Jurisprudence (12.52 KB) Talmud - 1918 trans. Michael L. Rodkinson Talmud Rodkinson | Volume IX - Tract Aboth Rodkinson | Volume IX - Tract Aboth Support Tue, 01/23/2024 - 04:44 pm The Babylonian Talmud - Book 5 - Volume IX - Seder Nezikin - Tract Aboth Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Aboth | Synopsis of Tract Aboth (Fathers of the Synagogue) (21.23 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Aboth | Chapter I. (102.4 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Aboth | Chapter II. (23.77 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Aboth | Chapter III. (23.61 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Aboth | Chapter IV. (42.19 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Aboth | Chapter V. (55.13 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Aboth | Chapter VI. (20.65 KB) Public Talmud - 1918 trans. Michael L. Rodkinson Talmud Rodkinson | Volume X - Tract Derech Eretz - Rabba (Worldly Affairs) Rodkinson | Volume X - Tract Derech Eretz - Rabba (Worldly Affairs) Support Tue, 01/23/2024 - 04:51 pm The Babylonian Talmud - Book 5 - Volume IX - Seder Nezikin - Tract Derech Eretz-Rabba (Worldly Affairs) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Derech Eretz-Rabba | Synopsis of Tracts Derech Eretz-Rabba and Derech Eretz-Zuta (13.18 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Derech Eretz-Rabba | Chapter II. (13.45 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Derech Eretz-Rabba | Chapter III. (6.78 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Derech Eretz-Rabba | Chapter IV. (7.44 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Derech Eretz-Rabba | Chapter V. (7.67 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Derech Eretz-Rabba | Chapter VI. (7.64 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Derech Eretz-Rabba | Chapter VII. (6.36 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Derech Eretz-Rabba | Chapter VIII. (6.89 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Derech Eretz-Rabba | Chapter IX. (7.25 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Derech Eretz-Rabba | Chapter X. (8.62 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Derech Eretz-Rabba | Chapter XI. (8.77 KB) Public Talmud - 1918 trans. Michael L. Rodkinson Talmud Rodkinson | Volume X - Tract Derech Eretz-Zuta Rodkinson | Volume X - Tract Derech Eretz-Zuta Support Tue, 01/23/2024 - 04:52 pm The Babylonian Talmud - Book 5 - Volume X - Seder Nezikin - Tract Derech Eretz-Zuta Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Derech Eretz-Zuta | Synopsis of Tracts Derech Eretz-Rabba and Derech Eretz-Zuta (13.18 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Derech Eretz-Zuta | Chapter I. (8.47 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Derech Eretz-Zuta | Chapter II. (10.55 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Derech Eretz-Zuta | Chapter III. (8.73 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Derech Eretz-Zuta | Chapter IV. (7.37 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Derech Eretz-Zuta | Chapter V. (5.51 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Derech Eretz-Zuta | Chapter VI. (5.75 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Derech Eretz-Zuta | Chapter VII. (7.17 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Derech Eretz-Zuta | Chapter IX. (9.14 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Derech Eretz-Zuta | Chapter on Peace (9.17 KB) Public Talmud - 1918 trans. Michael L. Rodkinson Talmud Rodkinson | Volume X - Tract Baba Kama (First Gate, Part I) Rodkinson | Volume X - Tract Baba Kama (First Gate, Part I) Support Tue, 01/23/2024 - 04:53 pm The Babylonian Talmud - Book 5 - Volume X - Seder Nezikin - Tract Baba Kama (First Gate, Part I) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Kama | Title Page Tract Baba Kama (First Gate, Part I) (7.4 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Kama | Contents (10.2 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Kama | Introduction to the Three Gates of Section Jurisprudence (13.33 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Kama | Synosis of Subjects of Tract Baba Kama (The First Gate) (22.44 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Kama | Chapter I. (52.18 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Kama | Chapter II. (46.96 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Kama | Chapter III. (43.45 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Kama | Chapter IV. (43.42 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Kama | Chapter V. (42.62 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Kama | Chapter VI. (32.05 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Kama | Chapter VII. (57.03 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Kama | Chapter VIII. (52.11 KB) Public Talmud - 1918 trans. Michael L. Rodkinson Talmud
Rodkinson | Volume IX - Tract Aboth Rodkinson | Volume IX - Tract Aboth Support Tue, 01/23/2024 - 04:44 pm The Babylonian Talmud - Book 5 - Volume IX - Seder Nezikin - Tract Aboth Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Aboth | Synopsis of Tract Aboth (Fathers of the Synagogue) (21.23 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Aboth | Chapter I. (102.4 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Aboth | Chapter II. (23.77 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Aboth | Chapter III. (23.61 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Aboth | Chapter IV. (42.19 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Aboth | Chapter V. (55.13 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Aboth | Chapter VI. (20.65 KB) Public Talmud - 1918 trans. Michael L. Rodkinson Talmud
Rodkinson | Volume X - Tract Derech Eretz - Rabba (Worldly Affairs) Rodkinson | Volume X - Tract Derech Eretz - Rabba (Worldly Affairs) Support Tue, 01/23/2024 - 04:51 pm The Babylonian Talmud - Book 5 - Volume IX - Seder Nezikin - Tract Derech Eretz-Rabba (Worldly Affairs) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Derech Eretz-Rabba | Synopsis of Tracts Derech Eretz-Rabba and Derech Eretz-Zuta (13.18 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Derech Eretz-Rabba | Chapter II. (13.45 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Derech Eretz-Rabba | Chapter III. (6.78 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Derech Eretz-Rabba | Chapter IV. (7.44 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Derech Eretz-Rabba | Chapter V. (7.67 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Derech Eretz-Rabba | Chapter VI. (7.64 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Derech Eretz-Rabba | Chapter VII. (6.36 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Derech Eretz-Rabba | Chapter VIII. (6.89 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Derech Eretz-Rabba | Chapter IX. (7.25 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Derech Eretz-Rabba | Chapter X. (8.62 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Derech Eretz-Rabba | Chapter XI. (8.77 KB) Public Talmud - 1918 trans. Michael L. Rodkinson Talmud
Rodkinson | Volume X - Tract Derech Eretz-Zuta Rodkinson | Volume X - Tract Derech Eretz-Zuta Support Tue, 01/23/2024 - 04:52 pm The Babylonian Talmud - Book 5 - Volume X - Seder Nezikin - Tract Derech Eretz-Zuta Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Derech Eretz-Zuta | Synopsis of Tracts Derech Eretz-Rabba and Derech Eretz-Zuta (13.18 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Derech Eretz-Zuta | Chapter I. (8.47 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Derech Eretz-Zuta | Chapter II. (10.55 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Derech Eretz-Zuta | Chapter III. (8.73 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Derech Eretz-Zuta | Chapter IV. (7.37 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Derech Eretz-Zuta | Chapter V. (5.51 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Derech Eretz-Zuta | Chapter VI. (5.75 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Derech Eretz-Zuta | Chapter VII. (7.17 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Derech Eretz-Zuta | Chapter IX. (9.14 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Derech Eretz-Zuta | Chapter on Peace (9.17 KB) Public Talmud - 1918 trans. Michael L. Rodkinson Talmud
Rodkinson | Volume X - Tract Baba Kama (First Gate, Part I) Rodkinson | Volume X - Tract Baba Kama (First Gate, Part I) Support Tue, 01/23/2024 - 04:53 pm The Babylonian Talmud - Book 5 - Volume X - Seder Nezikin - Tract Baba Kama (First Gate, Part I) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Kama | Title Page Tract Baba Kama (First Gate, Part I) (7.4 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Kama | Contents (10.2 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Kama | Introduction to the Three Gates of Section Jurisprudence (13.33 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Kama | Synosis of Subjects of Tract Baba Kama (The First Gate) (22.44 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Kama | Chapter I. (52.18 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Kama | Chapter II. (46.96 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Kama | Chapter III. (43.45 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Kama | Chapter IV. (43.42 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Kama | Chapter V. (42.62 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Kama | Chapter VI. (32.05 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Kama | Chapter VII. (57.03 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Kama | Chapter VIII. (52.11 KB) Public Talmud - 1918 trans. Michael L. Rodkinson Talmud
Rodkinson | Book 6 - Seder Nezikin - Jurisprudence (Damages) Rodkinson | Book 6 - Seder Nezikin - Jurisprudence (Damages) Support Tue, 01/23/2024 - 11:37 am The Babylonian Talmud - Book 6 - Volumes XI and XII - Seder Nezikin Tract Baba Kama (First Gate, Part II) - Tract Baba Metzia (Middle Gate, Part I) - Tract Baba Metzia (Middle Gate, Part II) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Book 6 (Volumes XI. and XII.) Index (4.68 KB) Public Talmud - 1918 trans. Michael L. Rodkinson Talmud Rodkinson | Volume XI - Tract Baba Kama (First Gate, Part II) Rodkinson | Volume XI - Tract Baba Kama (First Gate, Part II) Support Tue, 01/23/2024 - 04:57 pm The Babylonian Talmud - Book 6 - Volumes XI - Seder Nezikin - Tract Baba Kama (First Gate, Part II) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Kama | Title Page Tract Baba Kama (First Gate, Part II) (4.85 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Kama | Explanatory Remarks (6.13 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Kama | Contents Baba Kama (First Gate, Part II) (8.73 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Kama | Synosis of Subjects of Tract Baba Kama (The First Gate) (10.81 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Kama | Chapter IX. (64.56 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Kama | Chapter X. (44.16 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Kama | Errata (4.51 KB) Public Talmud - 1918 trans. Michael L. Rodkinson Talmud Rodkinson | Volume XII - Tract Baba Metzia (Middle Gate, Part I) Rodkinson | Volume XII - Tract Baba Metzia (Middle Gate, Part I) Support Tue, 01/23/2024 - 04:58 pm The Babylonian Talmud - Book 6 - Volume XII - Seder Nezikin - Tract Baba Metzia (Middle Gate, Part I) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Metzia | Contents Tract Baba Metzia (Middle Gate, Part I) (7.23 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Metzia | Synopsis of Subjects (12.71 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Metzia | Chapter I. (71.43 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Metzia | Chapter II. (65.98 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Metzia | Chapter III. (51.84 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Metzia | Chapter IV. (57.2 KB) Public Talmud - 1918 trans. Michael L. Rodkinson Talmud Rodkinson | Volume XII - Tract Baba Metzia (Middle Gate, Part II) Rodkinson | Volume XII - Tract Baba Metzia (Middle Gate, Part II) Support Tue, 01/23/2024 - 04:59 pm The Babylonian Talmud - Book 6 - Volumes XII - Seder Nezikin - Tract Baba Metzia (Middle Gate, Part II) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Metzia | Title Page Tract Baba Metzia (Middle Gate, Part II) (5.24 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Metzia | Explanatory Remarks (5.96 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Metzia | Contents Tract Baba Metzia (Middle Gate, Part II) (9.15 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Metzia | Synopsis of Subjects (20.54 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Metzia | Chapter V. (72.77 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Metzia | Chapter VI. (37.54 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Metzia | Chapter VII. (67.41 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Metzia | Chapter VIII. (41.35 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Metzia | Chapter IX. (58.07 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Metzia | Chapter X. (17.26 KB) Public Talmud - 1918 trans. Michael L. Rodkinson Talmud
Rodkinson | Volume XI - Tract Baba Kama (First Gate, Part II) Rodkinson | Volume XI - Tract Baba Kama (First Gate, Part II) Support Tue, 01/23/2024 - 04:57 pm The Babylonian Talmud - Book 6 - Volumes XI - Seder Nezikin - Tract Baba Kama (First Gate, Part II) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Kama | Title Page Tract Baba Kama (First Gate, Part II) (4.85 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Kama | Explanatory Remarks (6.13 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Kama | Contents Baba Kama (First Gate, Part II) (8.73 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Kama | Synosis of Subjects of Tract Baba Kama (The First Gate) (10.81 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Kama | Chapter IX. (64.56 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Kama | Chapter X. (44.16 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Kama | Errata (4.51 KB) Public Talmud - 1918 trans. Michael L. Rodkinson Talmud
Rodkinson | Volume XII - Tract Baba Metzia (Middle Gate, Part I) Rodkinson | Volume XII - Tract Baba Metzia (Middle Gate, Part I) Support Tue, 01/23/2024 - 04:58 pm The Babylonian Talmud - Book 6 - Volume XII - Seder Nezikin - Tract Baba Metzia (Middle Gate, Part I) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Metzia | Contents Tract Baba Metzia (Middle Gate, Part I) (7.23 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Metzia | Synopsis of Subjects (12.71 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Metzia | Chapter I. (71.43 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Metzia | Chapter II. (65.98 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Metzia | Chapter III. (51.84 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Metzia | Chapter IV. (57.2 KB) Public Talmud - 1918 trans. Michael L. Rodkinson Talmud
Rodkinson | Volume XII - Tract Baba Metzia (Middle Gate, Part II) Rodkinson | Volume XII - Tract Baba Metzia (Middle Gate, Part II) Support Tue, 01/23/2024 - 04:59 pm The Babylonian Talmud - Book 6 - Volumes XII - Seder Nezikin - Tract Baba Metzia (Middle Gate, Part II) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Metzia | Title Page Tract Baba Metzia (Middle Gate, Part II) (5.24 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Metzia | Explanatory Remarks (5.96 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Metzia | Contents Tract Baba Metzia (Middle Gate, Part II) (9.15 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Metzia | Synopsis of Subjects (20.54 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Metzia | Chapter V. (72.77 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Metzia | Chapter VI. (37.54 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Metzia | Chapter VII. (67.41 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Metzia | Chapter VIII. (41.35 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Metzia | Chapter IX. (58.07 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Metzia | Chapter X. (17.26 KB) Public Talmud - 1918 trans. Michael L. Rodkinson Talmud
Rodkinson | Book 7 - Seder Nezikin - Jurisprudence (Damages) Rodkinson | Book 7 - Seder Nezikin - Jurisprudence (Damages) Support Tue, 01/23/2024 - 05:01 pm The Babylonian Talmud - Book 7 - Volumes XIII and XIV - Seder Nezikin Tract Baba Bathra, Part I - Tract Baba Bathra, Part II Public Talmud - 1918 trans. Michael L. Rodkinson Talmud Rodkinson | Volume XIII - Tract Baba Bathra (Last Gate), Part I Rodkinson | Volume XIII - Tract Baba Bathra (Last Gate), Part I Support Tue, 01/23/2024 - 05:01 pm The Babylonian Talmud - Book 7 - Volumes XIII - Seder Nezikin - Tract Baba Bathra (Last Gate), Part I Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Bathra | Title Page Tract Baba Bathra (Last Gate, Part I) (4.94 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Bathra | Explanatory Remarks (4.87 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Bathra | Dedication (4.71 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Bathra | Contents Tract Baba Bathra (Last Gate), Part I (8.91 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Bathra | Synopsis of Subjects of Tract Baba Bathra (Last Gate) (19.2 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Bathra | Chapter I. (89.79 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Bathra | Chapter II. (50.46 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Bathra | Chapter III. (102.45 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Bathra | Chapter IV. (36.91 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Bathra | Chapter V. (82.54 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Bathra | Appendix (7.48 KB) Public Talmud - 1918 trans. Michael L. Rodkinson Talmud Rodkinson | Volume XIV - Tract Baba Bathra (Last Gate), Part II Rodkinson | Volume XIV - Tract Baba Bathra (Last Gate), Part II Support Tue, 01/23/2024 - 05:03 pm The Babylonian Talmud - Book 7 - Volumes XIII - Seder Nezikin - Tract Baba Bathra (Last Gate), Part II Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Bathra | Title Page Tract Baba Bathra (Last Gate, Part II) (4.9 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Bathra | Explanatory Remarks (5.03 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Bathra | Dedication (9.65 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Bathra | Synopsis of Subjects (19.23 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Bathra | Chapter VI. (30.45 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Bathra | Chapter VII. (20.9 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Bathra | Chapter VIII. (110.87 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Bathra | Chapter IX. (70.95 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Bathra | X. (58.09 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Bathra | Errata (5.55 KB) Public Talmud - 1918 trans. Michael L. Rodkinson Talmud
Rodkinson | Volume XIII - Tract Baba Bathra (Last Gate), Part I Rodkinson | Volume XIII - Tract Baba Bathra (Last Gate), Part I Support Tue, 01/23/2024 - 05:01 pm The Babylonian Talmud - Book 7 - Volumes XIII - Seder Nezikin - Tract Baba Bathra (Last Gate), Part I Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Bathra | Title Page Tract Baba Bathra (Last Gate, Part I) (4.94 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Bathra | Explanatory Remarks (4.87 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Bathra | Dedication (4.71 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Bathra | Contents Tract Baba Bathra (Last Gate), Part I (8.91 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Bathra | Synopsis of Subjects of Tract Baba Bathra (Last Gate) (19.2 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Bathra | Chapter I. (89.79 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Bathra | Chapter II. (50.46 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Bathra | Chapter III. (102.45 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Bathra | Chapter IV. (36.91 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Bathra | Chapter V. (82.54 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Bathra | Appendix (7.48 KB) Public Talmud - 1918 trans. Michael L. Rodkinson Talmud
Rodkinson | Volume XIV - Tract Baba Bathra (Last Gate), Part II Rodkinson | Volume XIV - Tract Baba Bathra (Last Gate), Part II Support Tue, 01/23/2024 - 05:03 pm The Babylonian Talmud - Book 7 - Volumes XIII - Seder Nezikin - Tract Baba Bathra (Last Gate), Part II Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Bathra | Title Page Tract Baba Bathra (Last Gate, Part II) (4.9 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Bathra | Explanatory Remarks (5.03 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Bathra | Dedication (9.65 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Bathra | Synopsis of Subjects (19.23 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Bathra | Chapter VI. (30.45 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Bathra | Chapter VII. (20.9 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Bathra | Chapter VIII. (110.87 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Bathra | Chapter IX. (70.95 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Bathra | X. (58.09 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Baba Bathra | Errata (5.55 KB) Public Talmud - 1918 trans. Michael L. Rodkinson Talmud
Rodkinson | Book 8 - Seder Nezikin - Jurisprudence (Damages) Rodkinson | Book 8 - Seder Nezikin - Jurisprudence (Damages) Support Tue, 01/23/2024 - 05:05 pm The Babylonian Talmud - Book 8 - Volumes XV and XVI - Seder Nezikin - Tract Sanhedrin Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Sanhedron | Index Book 8 Tract Sanhedron (4.5 KB) Public Talmud - 1918 trans. Michael L. Rodkinson Talmud Rodkinson | Volumes VII and VIII (XV and XVI) - Tract Sanhedrin Rodkinson | Volumes VII and VIII (XV and XVI) - Tract Sanhedrin Support Tue, 01/23/2024 - 05:08 pm The Babylonian Talmud - Book 8 - Volumes XV and XVI - Seder Nezikin - Tract Sanhedrin Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Sanhedron | Title Page Book 8 Tract Sanhedron (7.18 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Sanhedron | A Word to the Reader (8.09 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Sanhedron | Contents Tract Sanhedron (9.99 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Sanhedron | Synopsis of Subjects Tract Sanhedron (38.61 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Sanhedron | Chapter I. (70.24 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Sanhedron | Chapter II. (38.54 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Sanhedron | Chapter III. (54.13 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Sanhedron | Chapter IV. (33.77 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Sanhedron | Chapter V. (21.97 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Sanhedron | Chapter VI. (43.19 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Sanhedron | Chapter VII. (84.3 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Sanhedron | Chapter VIII. (38.79 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Sanhedron | Chapter IX. (41.21 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Sanhedron | Chapter X. (33.2 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Sanhedron | Chapter XI. (194.96 KB) Public Talmud - 1918 trans. Michael L. Rodkinson Talmud
Rodkinson | Volumes VII and VIII (XV and XVI) - Tract Sanhedrin Rodkinson | Volumes VII and VIII (XV and XVI) - Tract Sanhedrin Support Tue, 01/23/2024 - 05:08 pm The Babylonian Talmud - Book 8 - Volumes XV and XVI - Seder Nezikin - Tract Sanhedrin Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Sanhedron | Title Page Book 8 Tract Sanhedron (7.18 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Sanhedron | A Word to the Reader (8.09 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Sanhedron | Contents Tract Sanhedron (9.99 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Sanhedron | Synopsis of Subjects Tract Sanhedron (38.61 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Sanhedron | Chapter I. (70.24 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Sanhedron | Chapter II. (38.54 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Sanhedron | Chapter III. (54.13 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Sanhedron | Chapter IV. (33.77 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Sanhedron | Chapter V. (21.97 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Sanhedron | Chapter VI. (43.19 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Sanhedron | Chapter VII. (84.3 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Sanhedron | Chapter VIII. (38.79 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Sanhedron | Chapter IX. (41.21 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Sanhedron | Chapter X. (33.2 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Sanhedron | Chapter XI. (194.96 KB) Public Talmud - 1918 trans. Michael L. Rodkinson Talmud
Rodkinson | Book 9 - Seder Nezikin - Jurisprudence (Damages) Rodkinson | Book 9 - Seder Nezikin - Jurisprudence (Damages) Support Tue, 01/23/2024 - 05:10 pm The Babylonian Talmud - Book 9 - Volumes XIX. (XVII.) and X. (XVIII.) - Seder Nezikin Tract Maccoth - Tract Shebuoth (Oaths) - Tract Eduyoth (Testimonies) - Tract Abuda Zara - Tract Horioth (Decisions) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Index Book 9 (8.07 KB) Public Talmud - 1918 trans. Michael L. Rodkinson Talmud Rodkinson | Volume IX - Tract Maccoth (Stripes) Rodkinson | Volume IX - Tract Maccoth (Stripes) Support Tue, 01/23/2024 - 05:11 pm The Babylonian Talmud - Book 9 - Volumes IX. (XVII.) - Seder Nezikin - Tract Maccoth (Stripes) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Maccoth | Index Tract Maccoth (5.07 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Maccoth | Explanatory Remarks (4.9 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Maccoth | Dedication (6.41 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Maccoth | Concluding Words to The Completion of Sections Festival and Jurisprudence (13.12 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Maccoth | Contents Tract Maccoth (6.26 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Maccoth | Synopsis of Subjects of Tract Maccoth (Stripes) (11.83 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Maccoth | Chapter I. (26.56 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Maccoth | Chapter II. (38.38 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Maccoth | Chapter III. (40.92 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Maccoth | Errata (6.02 KB) Public Talmud - 1918 trans. Michael L. Rodkinson Talmud Rodkinson | Volume IX - Tract Shebuoth (Oaths) Rodkinson | Volume IX - Tract Shebuoth (Oaths) Support Tue, 01/23/2024 - 05:13 pm The Babylonian Talmud - Book 9 - Volumes IX. (XVII.) - Seder Nezikin - Tract Shebuoth (Oaths) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Shebuoth | Contents Shebuoth (Oaths) (9.53 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Shebuoth | Synopsis of Subjects Tract Shebuoth (Oaths) (11.79 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Shebuoth | Chapter I. (26.77 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Shebuoth | Chapter II. (21.77 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Shebuoth | Chapter III. (37.33 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Shebuoth | Chapter IV. (36.87 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Shebuoth | Chapter V. (15.71 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Shebuoth | Chapter VI. (31.93 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Shebuoth | Chapter VII. (23.5 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Shebuoth | Chapter VIII. (7.47 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Shebuoth | Appendix to Page 13 (4.11 KB) Public Talmud - 1918 trans. Michael L. Rodkinson Talmud Rodkinson | Volume IX - Tract Eduyoth (Testimonies) Rodkinson | Volume IX - Tract Eduyoth (Testimonies) Support Tue, 01/23/2024 - 05:14 pm The Babylonian Talmud - Book 9 - Volumes IX. (XVII.) - Seder Nezikin - Tract Eduyoth (Testimonies) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Eduyoth | Introduction (6.75 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Eduyoth | Chapter I. (12.86 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Eduyoth | Chapter II. (8.26 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Eduyoth | Chapter III. (8.45 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Eduyoth | Chapter IV. (8.88 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Eduyoth | Chapter V. (8.44 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Eduyoth | Chapter VI. (7.61 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Eduyoth | Chapter VII. (7.43 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Eduyoth | Chapter VIII. (6.13 KB) Public Talmud - 1918 trans. Michael L. Rodkinson Talmud Rodkinson | Volume X - Tract Abuda Zara (Idolatry) Rodkinson | Volume X - Tract Abuda Zara (Idolatry) Support Tue, 01/23/2024 - 05:15 pm The Babylonian Talmud - Book 9 - Volumes X. (XVIII.) - Seder Nezikin - Tract Abuda Zara (Idolatry) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Abuda Zara | Explanatory Remarks (5.44 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Abuda Zara | Contents Tract Abuda Zara (Idolatry) (8.79 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Abuda Zara | Synopsis of Subjects Tract Abuda Zara (Idolatry) (17.51 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Abuda Zara | Chapter I. (71.01 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Abuda Zara | Chapter II. (69.12 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Abuda Zara | Chapter III. (36.55 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Abuda Zara | Chapter IV. (50.13 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Abuda Zara | Chapter V. (55.49 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Abuda Zara | Appendix to Page 60 (5.71 KB) Public Talmud - 1918 trans. Michael L. Rodkinson Talmud Rodkinson | Volume X - Tract Horioth (Decisions) Rodkinson | Volume X - Tract Horioth (Decisions) Support Tue, 01/23/2024 - 05:16 pm The Babylonian Talmud - Book 9 - Volumes X. (XVIII.) - Seder Nezikin - Tract Horioth (Decisions) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Horioth | Synopsis of Subjects of Tract Horioth (Decisions) (7.33 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Horioth | Chapter I. (18.79 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Horioth | Chapter II. (16.01 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Horioth | Chapter III. (23.52 KB) Public Talmud - 1918 trans. Michael L. Rodkinson Talmud
Rodkinson | Volume IX - Tract Maccoth (Stripes) Rodkinson | Volume IX - Tract Maccoth (Stripes) Support Tue, 01/23/2024 - 05:11 pm The Babylonian Talmud - Book 9 - Volumes IX. (XVII.) - Seder Nezikin - Tract Maccoth (Stripes) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Maccoth | Index Tract Maccoth (5.07 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Maccoth | Explanatory Remarks (4.9 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Maccoth | Dedication (6.41 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Maccoth | Concluding Words to The Completion of Sections Festival and Jurisprudence (13.12 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Maccoth | Contents Tract Maccoth (6.26 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Maccoth | Synopsis of Subjects of Tract Maccoth (Stripes) (11.83 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Maccoth | Chapter I. (26.56 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Maccoth | Chapter II. (38.38 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Maccoth | Chapter III. (40.92 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Maccoth | Errata (6.02 KB) Public Talmud - 1918 trans. Michael L. Rodkinson Talmud
Rodkinson | Volume IX - Tract Shebuoth (Oaths) Rodkinson | Volume IX - Tract Shebuoth (Oaths) Support Tue, 01/23/2024 - 05:13 pm The Babylonian Talmud - Book 9 - Volumes IX. (XVII.) - Seder Nezikin - Tract Shebuoth (Oaths) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Shebuoth | Contents Shebuoth (Oaths) (9.53 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Shebuoth | Synopsis of Subjects Tract Shebuoth (Oaths) (11.79 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Shebuoth | Chapter I. (26.77 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Shebuoth | Chapter II. (21.77 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Shebuoth | Chapter III. (37.33 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Shebuoth | Chapter IV. (36.87 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Shebuoth | Chapter V. (15.71 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Shebuoth | Chapter VI. (31.93 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Shebuoth | Chapter VII. (23.5 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Shebuoth | Chapter VIII. (7.47 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Shebuoth | Appendix to Page 13 (4.11 KB) Public Talmud - 1918 trans. Michael L. Rodkinson Talmud
Rodkinson | Volume IX - Tract Eduyoth (Testimonies) Rodkinson | Volume IX - Tract Eduyoth (Testimonies) Support Tue, 01/23/2024 - 05:14 pm The Babylonian Talmud - Book 9 - Volumes IX. (XVII.) - Seder Nezikin - Tract Eduyoth (Testimonies) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Eduyoth | Introduction (6.75 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Eduyoth | Chapter I. (12.86 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Eduyoth | Chapter II. (8.26 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Eduyoth | Chapter III. (8.45 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Eduyoth | Chapter IV. (8.88 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Eduyoth | Chapter V. (8.44 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Eduyoth | Chapter VI. (7.61 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Eduyoth | Chapter VII. (7.43 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Eduyoth | Chapter VIII. (6.13 KB) Public Talmud - 1918 trans. Michael L. Rodkinson Talmud
Rodkinson | Volume X - Tract Abuda Zara (Idolatry) Rodkinson | Volume X - Tract Abuda Zara (Idolatry) Support Tue, 01/23/2024 - 05:15 pm The Babylonian Talmud - Book 9 - Volumes X. (XVIII.) - Seder Nezikin - Tract Abuda Zara (Idolatry) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Abuda Zara | Explanatory Remarks (5.44 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Abuda Zara | Contents Tract Abuda Zara (Idolatry) (8.79 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Abuda Zara | Synopsis of Subjects Tract Abuda Zara (Idolatry) (17.51 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Abuda Zara | Chapter I. (71.01 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Abuda Zara | Chapter II. (69.12 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Abuda Zara | Chapter III. (36.55 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Abuda Zara | Chapter IV. (50.13 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Abuda Zara | Chapter V. (55.49 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Abuda Zara | Appendix to Page 60 (5.71 KB) Public Talmud - 1918 trans. Michael L. Rodkinson Talmud
Rodkinson | Volume X - Tract Horioth (Decisions) Rodkinson | Volume X - Tract Horioth (Decisions) Support Tue, 01/23/2024 - 05:16 pm The Babylonian Talmud - Book 9 - Volumes X. (XVIII.) - Seder Nezikin - Tract Horioth (Decisions) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Horioth | Synopsis of Subjects of Tract Horioth (Decisions) (7.33 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Horioth | Chapter I. (18.79 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Horioth | Chapter II. (16.01 KB) Rodkinson | Seder Nezikin | Jurisprudence | Horioth | Chapter III. (23.52 KB) Public Talmud - 1918 trans. Michael L. Rodkinson Talmud
Rodkinson | Book 10 - History and Introduction to Talmud Rodkinson | Book 10 - History and Introduction to Talmud Support Tue, 01/23/2024 - 05:18 pm The Babylonian Talmud - Book 10 - Volumes I and II Volume I: History of the Talmud Volume II: Historical and Literary Introduction to the New Edition of the Talmud Rodkinson | Book 10 Index (6.53 KB) Public Talmud - 1918 trans. Michael L. Rodkinson Talmud Rodkinson | Volume I : History of the Talmud Rodkinson | Volume I : History of the Talmud Support Tue, 01/23/2024 - 05:19 pm Book 10 - Volume I - History of the Talmud Rodkinson | Talmud | History | Title Page Volume I: History of the Talmud (6.34 KB) Rodkinson | Talmud | History | Preface (8.73 KB) Rodkinson | Talmud | History | Contents of Volume I (12.2 KB) Rodkinson | Talmud | History | Introduction (10.52 KB) Rodkinson | Talmud | History | Chapter I: Origin of the Talmud (8.64 KB) Rodkinson | Talmud | History | Chapter II: Development of the Talmud in the First Century (9.31 KB) Rodkinson | Talmud | History | Chapter III: Persecution of the Talmud from the destruction of the Temple to the Third Century (10.4 KB) Rodkinson | Talmud | History | Chapter IV: Development of the Talmud in the Third Century (11.76 KB) Rodkinson | Talmud | History | Chapter V: The Two Talmuds (14.74 KB) Rodkinson | Talmud | History | Chapter VI: The Sixth Century: Persian and Byzantine Persecution of the Talmud (8.36 KB) Rodkinson | Talmud | History | Chapter VII: The Eight Century: the Persecution of the Talmud by the Karaites (17.33 KB) Rodkinson | Talmud | History | Chapter VIII: Islam and Its Influence on the Talmud (9.6 KB) Rodkinson | Talmud | History | Chapter IX: The Period of Greatest DIffusion of Talmudic Study (14.25 KB) Rodkinson | Talmud | History | Chapter X: The Spanish Writers on the Talmud (16.4 KB) Rodkinson | Talmud | History | Chapter XI: Talmudic Scholars of Germany and Northern France (15.31 KB) Rodkinson | Talmud | History | Chapter XII: The Doctors of France; Authors of the Tosphoth (12.72 KB) Rodkinson | Talmud | History | Chapter XIII: Religious Disputes of All Periods (29.06 KB) Rodkinson | Talmud | History | Chapter XIV: The Talmud in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries (38.92 KB) Rodkinson | Talmud | History | Chapter XV: Polemics with Muslims and Frankists (11.21 KB) Rodkinson | Talmud | History | Chapter XVI: Persecution during the Seventeenth Century (9.04 KB) Rodkinson | Talmud | History | Chapter XVII: Attachks on the Talmud in the Nineteenth Century (10.21 KB) Rodkinson | Talmud | History | Chapter XVIII: The Affair of Rohling-Bloch (14.86 KB) Rodkinson | Talmud | History | Chapter XIX: Exilarchs, Talmud at the State and Its Development at the Present Time (11.97 KB) Public Talmud - 1918 trans. Michael L. Rodkinson Talmud Rodkinson | Volume II - Historical and Literary Introduction to the New Edition of the Talmud Rodkinson | Volume II - Historical and Literary Introduction to the New Edition of the Talmud Support Tue, 01/23/2024 - 05:19 pm Book 10 - Volume II - Historical and Literary Introduction to the New Edition of the Talmud Rodkinson | Talmud | History | Contents Volume II: Historical and Literary Introduction to the New Edition of the Talmud (10.79 KB) Rodkinson | Talmud | History | Part I: Chapter I: The Combination of the Gemara, The Sophrim and the Eshcalath (14.82 KB) Rodkinson | Talmud | History | Part I: Chapter II: The Generations of the Tanaim (35.73 KB) Rodkinson | Talmud | History | Part I: Chapter III: The Amoraim or Expounders of the Mishna (35.33 KB) Rodkinson | Talmud | History | Part I: Chapter IV: The Classification of Halakha and Hagada in the Contents of the Gemara (18.54 KB) Rodkinson | Talmud | History | Part I: Chapter V: Apocryphal Appendices to the Talmud and Commentaries (151.62 KB) Rodkinson | Talmud | History | Plate facing page 48: Contents of the Talmud in Hebrew (141.44 KB) Rodkinson | Talmud | History | Part I: Chapter VI: Epitomes, Codifications, Manuscripts and Printed Editions of the Talmud (16.82 KB) Rodkinson | Talmud | History | Part I: Chapter VII: Translations of the Talmud (9.23 KB) Rodkinson | Talmud | History | Part I: Chapter VIII: Bibliography of Modern Works and Monographs on Talmudic Subjects (20.82 KB) Rodkinson | Talmud | History | Part I: Chapter IX: Why Should Christians Feel Interested in the Talmud? (14.82 KB) Rodkinson | Talmud | History | Part I: Chapter X: Opinions on the Value of the Talmud by Gentiles and Modern Jewish Scholars (12.24 KB) Rodkinson | Talmud | History | Part II: Chapter I: Talmudical Ethics (13.07 KB) Rodkinson | Talmud | History | Part II: Chapter II: Ethical Teachings of the Talmud (18.2 KB) Rodkinson | Talmud | History | Part III: Method of Translation (133.72 KB) Rodkinson | Talmud | History | Plate facing page 100: Page of the Talmud in Hebrew (125.38 KB) Rodkinson | Talmud | History | Part IV: Criticism (11.82 KB) Rodkinson | Talmud | History | Appendix to Chapter II. (7.94 KB) Rodkinson | Talmud | History | Part V: The Arrangement of the Six Sections in Their Sixty Tracts (2.82 KB) Public Talmud - 1918 trans. Michael L. Rodkinson Talmud
Rodkinson | Volume I : History of the Talmud Rodkinson | Volume I : History of the Talmud Support Tue, 01/23/2024 - 05:19 pm Book 10 - Volume I - History of the Talmud Rodkinson | Talmud | History | Title Page Volume I: History of the Talmud (6.34 KB) Rodkinson | Talmud | History | Preface (8.73 KB) Rodkinson | Talmud | History | Contents of Volume I (12.2 KB) Rodkinson | Talmud | History | Introduction (10.52 KB) Rodkinson | Talmud | History | Chapter I: Origin of the Talmud (8.64 KB) Rodkinson | Talmud | History | Chapter II: Development of the Talmud in the First Century (9.31 KB) Rodkinson | Talmud | History | Chapter III: Persecution of the Talmud from the destruction of the Temple to the Third Century (10.4 KB) Rodkinson | Talmud | History | Chapter IV: Development of the Talmud in the Third Century (11.76 KB) Rodkinson | Talmud | History | Chapter V: The Two Talmuds (14.74 KB) Rodkinson | Talmud | History | Chapter VI: The Sixth Century: Persian and Byzantine Persecution of the Talmud (8.36 KB) Rodkinson | Talmud | History | Chapter VII: The Eight Century: the Persecution of the Talmud by the Karaites (17.33 KB) Rodkinson | Talmud | History | Chapter VIII: Islam and Its Influence on the Talmud (9.6 KB) Rodkinson | Talmud | History | Chapter IX: The Period of Greatest DIffusion of Talmudic Study (14.25 KB) Rodkinson | Talmud | History | Chapter X: The Spanish Writers on the Talmud (16.4 KB) Rodkinson | Talmud | History | Chapter XI: Talmudic Scholars of Germany and Northern France (15.31 KB) Rodkinson | Talmud | History | Chapter XII: The Doctors of France; Authors of the Tosphoth (12.72 KB) Rodkinson | Talmud | History | Chapter XIII: Religious Disputes of All Periods (29.06 KB) Rodkinson | Talmud | History | Chapter XIV: The Talmud in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries (38.92 KB) Rodkinson | Talmud | History | Chapter XV: Polemics with Muslims and Frankists (11.21 KB) Rodkinson | Talmud | History | Chapter XVI: Persecution during the Seventeenth Century (9.04 KB) Rodkinson | Talmud | History | Chapter XVII: Attachks on the Talmud in the Nineteenth Century (10.21 KB) Rodkinson | Talmud | History | Chapter XVIII: The Affair of Rohling-Bloch (14.86 KB) Rodkinson | Talmud | History | Chapter XIX: Exilarchs, Talmud at the State and Its Development at the Present Time (11.97 KB) Public Talmud - 1918 trans. Michael L. Rodkinson Talmud
Rodkinson | Volume II - Historical and Literary Introduction to the New Edition of the Talmud Rodkinson | Volume II - Historical and Literary Introduction to the New Edition of the Talmud Support Tue, 01/23/2024 - 05:19 pm Book 10 - Volume II - Historical and Literary Introduction to the New Edition of the Talmud Rodkinson | Talmud | History | Contents Volume II: Historical and Literary Introduction to the New Edition of the Talmud (10.79 KB) Rodkinson | Talmud | History | Part I: Chapter I: The Combination of the Gemara, The Sophrim and the Eshcalath (14.82 KB) Rodkinson | Talmud | History | Part I: Chapter II: The Generations of the Tanaim (35.73 KB) Rodkinson | Talmud | History | Part I: Chapter III: The Amoraim or Expounders of the Mishna (35.33 KB) Rodkinson | Talmud | History | Part I: Chapter IV: The Classification of Halakha and Hagada in the Contents of the Gemara (18.54 KB) Rodkinson | Talmud | History | Part I: Chapter V: Apocryphal Appendices to the Talmud and Commentaries (151.62 KB) Rodkinson | Talmud | History | Plate facing page 48: Contents of the Talmud in Hebrew (141.44 KB) Rodkinson | Talmud | History | Part I: Chapter VI: Epitomes, Codifications, Manuscripts and Printed Editions of the Talmud (16.82 KB) Rodkinson | Talmud | History | Part I: Chapter VII: Translations of the Talmud (9.23 KB) Rodkinson | Talmud | History | Part I: Chapter VIII: Bibliography of Modern Works and Monographs on Talmudic Subjects (20.82 KB) Rodkinson | Talmud | History | Part I: Chapter IX: Why Should Christians Feel Interested in the Talmud? (14.82 KB) Rodkinson | Talmud | History | Part I: Chapter X: Opinions on the Value of the Talmud by Gentiles and Modern Jewish Scholars (12.24 KB) Rodkinson | Talmud | History | Part II: Chapter I: Talmudical Ethics (13.07 KB) Rodkinson | Talmud | History | Part II: Chapter II: Ethical Teachings of the Talmud (18.2 KB) Rodkinson | Talmud | History | Part III: Method of Translation (133.72 KB) Rodkinson | Talmud | History | Plate facing page 100: Page of the Talmud in Hebrew (125.38 KB) Rodkinson | Talmud | History | Part IV: Criticism (11.82 KB) Rodkinson | Talmud | History | Appendix to Chapter II. (7.94 KB) Rodkinson | Talmud | History | Part V: The Arrangement of the Six Sections in Their Sixty Tracts (2.82 KB) Public Talmud - 1918 trans. Michael L. Rodkinson Talmud